#it just did not click with me lol
misc-obeyme · 3 months
How are you doing? I hope everything is fine and without troubles .D
Also, DID YOU SEEN EMPTY SPACES FOR OUR NEW TRIO??? At least I hope it's for them, and already ready to set up 13 on my screen lolol
And maybe season three will be really soon >_<
/also, I'm fell in love with Arsenios and I don't regret it/🤲😩
Hey there friend! I'm doing all right, I hope everything is well with you!
Okay okay I am a little slow on the uptake and didn't even realize that by adding the "newspaper" to Majolish, they effectively left space for the three new characters. But now that I understand, I'm anticipating it's going to be a thing for season 3! That could explain why it's taking a little longer for season 3 to start. Compared to season 2 happening quite quickly, I mean! But listen, if they're finally gonna give us the three newbies as dateables then I am willing to wait!!!
I just wanna kiss Thirteen so so bad.
I will probably have her on my screen for a day or so before I start to miss Barb and put him back lol. That's what usually happens with me. I get an outfit for someone else that I like, so I want to have them on the home screen. But it never lasts, I always go back to Barb pretty quickly lol.
Ahhhh omg thank you, I'm so glad you like Arsenios!!! I'm rather fond of him myself tee hee~ And while I'm trying not to make his story so long, it seems to keep growing and growing...
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saeiken · 7 months
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various op sketches :P
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foolsocracy · 2 months
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thinking about pete's exact age again and whats implied by these panels
Frankenstein was released November 21, 1931. The first noir volume takes place January 1933. It's been a generous 14 months since he's seen this movie but with how its written here it sounds like he's talking about an instance when he was a kid. or at least... younger than however old he was just over a year ago.
Either Pete is on the younger side of his teenage years or he's very sensitive to 'horror'/disturbing scenes, or both. I'd get it if he's sensitive to that stuff cause who knows what heinous shit he's seen but damn does that make me feel really awful for him. Peter The Horrors Parker, known for being subjected to The Horrors,.. it just makes me sad
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skitskatdacat63 · 2 months
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For @sansebastinae and @boisinnot, my fellow saint seb truthers :)
+ the usual
Yayyyy finished a drawing! Haha only took me...2 weeks. I kept going back and forth on whether I could finish it tonight, and I really wasn't going to. But then I looked at the unfinished version on a different screen and was like oh? Not too bad actually?? So I finished it :) First of all, ofc, here is the process. Kinda weird seeing it for smth like this, it makes me feel like I'm the painter in rennaisance au, not Mark dhjfkf
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Ah I was gonna draw a silly renaissance au comic to accompany this(read: lighten the mood), but it's 5 am and I've still not really drafted it well, so! I'd like to finish it at some point bcs I wanna draw more chibi comics, but when I finish smth, I can't help but immediately want to post it, so part 2 will have to wait. I'll show you the outline though so you can at least imagine 😭
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^ So many renaissance and beyond paintings of Saint Sebastian are always the most horny thing ever. Like pre/early rennaisance, yeah he was naked and all that, but they were pretty chaste, and uhhhhh suffering?? Well the newer paintings are suffering, but in a different way, if you know what I mean.
So I feel like Mark's the type to be overly pedantic about it, and refuses to make borderline porn of a saint, I mean, god forbid, Seb!!! But then he just. Does anyways. Because he can't control his lust for Seb even when drawing him half dead. I just imagine him holding the paintbrush in a death grip like "must not be horny. Must not draw him sexy. Must make him chaste." And then he ends up with the one seen above. Seb is all smug about it. "Wow you'd wanna fuck me even while I'm all bloody and dying? 🥺"
Mark: "oh I'll make you bloody, alright."
But god so funny to imagine Seb doing all these different slutty poses, like arching his back as much as possible, the cloth nearly falling off at all times, etc etc. And Mark finally lands on this pose bcs he hopes the suffering will outweigh the horny. It doesn't. Also Seb is genuinely serious once he actually gets into the pose, focus mode on. And honestly that's even worse for Mark, bcs it's so much more arousing to see Seb in his element, focused. Tbf I think Seb could be drinking water, and Mark would still find some way to sexualize it. Don't look at his sketches!! They're just filled with Seb doing all kinds of random activities.
Also! Here is the painting I referenced this off of, must give credit where credit is due ofc
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The Dying St. Sebastian by François Fabre
Also this isn't really relevant in the context of this drawing specifically. But I looked thru a bunch of Saint Sebastian paintings while trying to find one I could reference, and I came across this middle ages one that actually looks so much like boy king seb 😭 I guess it really is meant to be!
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St Sebastian between St Roch and St Peter by Pietro Perugino
Lmao but do you see the difference between early rennaisance and later work???
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lokh · 6 months
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my first attempt at krita and. it turns out i cant draw felines from memory
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opens-up-4-nobody · 5 months
I just need to know if people love or hate him and if they think he's good at being so bad. I want to know what the people think of him as a character. Pls. Pls. Tell me what u think of him in ur tags.
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skyburger · 1 month
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venn diagram of these guys
#oh this is not the point but im realizing i accidentally picked pictures where theyre all facing one wat except dio. FUCK!!!#jjba#professor layton#dmc#mgs#<- im sorry for putting tags on btw its mostly for the filtering purposes#muffin mumbles#anyway im not saying theyre all the exact same because they're absolutely not. Ohhh they are NOT the same#but their similarities and differences are so fun to compare and contrast u know#like. do you get it. descole is like dio and dio is like liquid and liquid is liks vergil and vergil is like descole#but also they havs common threads between all of them i think#Off topic but it does bother me that they all have really light hair except for descole. however i couldnt change any of their hair colors#that would be fucked up and evil. can you imaging brunette vergil. blonde descole. Exactly#anyway sorry for getting pictures i actually like of the first three and then just cropping snavid out of the shit twins image#for the last one LOL#maybe i will make a venn diagram of these guys one day. we will see...#i mesn i Would do it. ive tried. but the hardest part to me is formatting the fucking circles bro#i use a site to generate it and it looks like shit. i do it by hand and it looks like shit. i edit it from a template... u get the idea#but like i need you to listen to me i am speaking directly into your ear. i need you to think about v & desmond sycamore. pls do this for me#ok thats it i think im outta stuff to say rn amen 🙏🙏🙏#edit literally 20 hours later: my stupid ass trying to put a 172x172 image next to the three other 500x500 ones and not realizing#its ok though i just fixed it#ifyou want the old version (?) its in the reblogs twice; i rbed it just now saying id fix it + someone else rbed it#which is why i clicked on it cause i saw it in my notifs#thank u to themrmoki you did me a solid <3
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thedeafprophet · 8 months
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Also looks like they updated that description text, don't think it was there at the launch
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museenkuss · 9 days
I'm a horror enthusiast and horror films as such don't really scare me for the most part, but I just watched a 40 second clip on youtube done by an amateur animator that's not that crazy in essence but that has scared me so, SO deeply. It's pressed all my buttons, I feel faint rn.
I have an extreme fear of water and underwater and underwater water and creatures that live underwater and the sheer size... I can't. I had to stop after it got to the point that's hinted at the thumbnail and just got back to it and went "okay, it's basically over, let me just finished it" and now I'm a mess, it's so bad, it's so bad. Pictures of park benches submerged in water make me nervous, I don't know why I thought watching this would be a fun idea.
(Funnily enough, I don't mind things like submarines. It's like - water where there should be no water. also the suggestion that something is IN the water. Which I can trace back to a scene in a dinotopia film I watched as a little girl where there is a bridge over a lake and the bridge is like...on the water, and in the murky depths there are some dino creatures. even thinking about it has me nervous.)
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crewofthegoldrush · 8 months
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get early access or leave a tip!
its over for you bitches
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gwydionae · 28 days
King's Quest Fan Remakes
After talking about them a bit recently, I felt compelled to play through the old KQ fan remakes (1-3 from AGDI and 3 from IA), and I wanted to share my more in depth thoughts for anyone interested in these love letters to the original games.
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King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown Remake from AGD Interactive
A lovely update to the original! While clearly the least polished of AGDI's offerings, it's nice to be able to play KQ1 with KQ5-style graphics and voice acting (the original voice of Graham, Josh Mandel, voices him in all four of the games in this post, ftr). There is an option to turn off any chance of softlocking yourself before you even start the game, which is a welcome feature. Puzzle-wise, this one stays the most faithful to the original out of the three from AGDI with a few updates here and there (like that stupid name puzzle! lol). The vocal performances and sound effects can be a bit fuzzy, but I found them enjoyable nonetheless.
Overall a solid fan remake with limited extra bells and whistles!
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King's Quest II: Romancing the Stones from AGDI
Easily the most ambitious of the three from AGDI. Pretty much all of the core elements from KQ1 are further polished here - artwork, acting, music, and sound effects. The story and puzzles, however, have been changed enough that the end product is sizably different from the original. In some cases, this is fun and interesting (more lore and character interactions! new and unique puzzles!), but not everyone will enjoy all the changes. I, for example, find the underwater section kind of fun, but the new content around the count... not so much (for reasons I'll avoid due to spoilers, but know they're more mechanical than anything). There's less freedom in when you can do things, the added story making the game far more linear than it originally was. But then I'm sure many would agree that if any KQ game could do with extra content, it'd be 2, so I can't fault them swinging for the fences, even if not every hit was a home run.
All in all, this version of KQ2 doesn't really work if you're simply looking to experience the original game with updated graphics, but it's a fun playthrough nonetheless, and newcomers might enjoy the added lore/story bits. Just be aware that I could probably sum up the original game's story in about two sentences while this one would take far longer. XD
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King's Quest III: To Heir is Human Redux from AGDI
If KQ1 wasn't fully polished and KQ2 was a little overworked, then KQ3 is juuuuuust right! (For anyone who knows the game, yes, this is a purposeful pun. XD) The graphics, sounds, music, vocal performances - all are the best yet (though still with some minor hiccups as any fan game is wont to have - the music was sadly cutting out during the climactic sequence for me). It even has a neat little feature where the timer changes color depending on how close you are to being zapped into oblivion that is not only useful but adds a sense of urgency in it's own way (especially if you forgot the item that makes travel a lot easier for like 2 meals I mean what lol). While it does carry over some of the story threads from AGDI's second entry, this game still works well enough on it's own, with the majority of the new content being added in naturally rather than supplanting whole sections of the original. In fact, personally speaking, I think the added content only enhances the game, your encounters with Medusa and the yeti especially getting a nice boost. And the extra lore only helps you feel for the protagonists plight all the more. The ending is a bit drawn out, perhaps, and I may not agree with the order you're supposed to choose the four items in to get the treasure (insert rant here XD), but those are minor nitpicks at best.
This is easily the best of the three, AGDI having perfected their KQ formula at this point. It works as a remake of the original while still adding in a bit of new content that doesn't feel unwelcome. I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in giving the King's Quest series a try.
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King's Quest III: To Heir is Human Remake from Infamous Adventures
Look. I know that it's not as impressive as AGDI's version. The time limit is laughably long, the spells are impossible to mess up, and some of the clickable areas can be a bit wonky. But I really like this version, ok?? I like the design and voice of Gwydion, I like the storybook quality that the cutscene art has, I like that it feels lonely when it should. And as much as some of the changes in AGDI's version were really nice, I like that it's basically just the original game without extra stuff added in.
This is like AGDI's KQ1 - a really solid remake of a game that gives you the feel of the original but with an updated interface and graphics. It's not as impressive as the one above, but it doesn't have to be. The original KQ3 is an awesome game, so an update of just that can't be bad. It can easily be played as a standalone game, and I will continue recommending this version 'til I die, lol.
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sysig · 7 months
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Ellen McLain’s commentary from my trivia playthrough
#She's so cute <3#WPP#Portal#Ellen McLain#If you haven't played through the audio commentary I would Absolutely recommend it it is So fun#I clicked out of curiosity - kind of just expecting like a movie's audio commentary y'know? Like a video that highlighted specific scenes#No it's just the whole game again but with trivia pop-ups! I love that!!#It reminded me so much of like trivia track or the pop up fun facts from special editions of movies I would watch as a kid#But you can play through them!! You have to click on them and they spin! I love that!!!#I always love hearing the design and development process - fascinating how the playtesters reacted to this new game!#We take it for granted now but yeah I imagine it would've been very confusing at the time#And I was like ''Well it was such a small team and Ms. McLain was such a large part of it - surely she'll have a few bubbles?''#She does lol - as soon as I got to her first one (it was a slow burn! They buried the lead with her lol I'm already invested!) I had to go#I saved-quit the game out of sheer excitement and giddiness lol I had to sleep on it before I was ready to come back#It is so cool to hear her natural voice ah <3 And the kinds of direction she was given! Other bubbles also talk about her vocal direction :)#Very cool! I wonder what TTS they used for reference :0#But to hear her real laugh without the audio processing over and and she still sounds like GLaDOS! I mean of course she does but just jfdksl#That's /her/ laugh! They share a laugh! It's a very similar laugh!!#Not to mention her talking about wanting to play and just fdskalfd they clearly did such a good job with her performance and ahhh#It's too cute it's all too cute sharing a room with GLaDOS while her voice actor talks about making a cake to share with her friends stopppp#I am so enamoured <3#I also took a bunch of screenshots of GLaDOS still shit-talking while she was being destroyed lol#Actually beat the ending in one try this time :P I ran out of time the last time pfft#But now I've beaten it twice in as many days :D Although I did start it the first time several days ago - but I beat it again quickly!#Has me all the more itching to replay 2 ♪#WPVG
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thecoolertails · 1 year
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ZOINKS! a ghost!!!
(redraw of this concept art:)
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lonelysheepling · 2 months
Procreate is one of those drawing applications where I’ll have been using it for 6 years and then watch a video called like “Top 10 things you didn’t know you could do in procreate!” with the expectation that it’ll just talk about like creating a color palette out of a photo or something else I’m already aware of only for the person to detach the color wheel and drag it around the screen while drawing
[ID: Screen recording demonstrating the example above. The person recording detaches the procreate color menu, drags it around the screen, and then uses it to quickly switch between colors before closing it. End ID]
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syncopatedid · 10 months
That feeling that you can't even write fan fiction for Link Click until the finale of the 10th season because canon will threaten to unravel every headcanon you wrote by the next episode.
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sskk-manifesto · 3 months
#MITCHELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#///AND/// AKUTAGAWA EPISODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Yosano and Kenji spotlight too. Episode written precisely for my personal liking#Too bad no Atsushi then it would have been perfect (╥﹏╥) At least we got his voice in the episdoe preview#Alright I **LOVE** Mitchell. This is not the space to talk about it properly but I just really like how flawed she is‚#but also in a way that results funny and endearing. And I love love love how much she cares about her family and is loyal to it!!!#It makes her so noble and virtuous. I know she has so little screentime but really the way she's so harsh and in apparence self-absorbed–#But in reality so kind and altruistic... The way her hearsh ways are implied to be only a consequence of a life of struggles and her will–#to save her family's name through a noble behavior and appearance too... It makes her so complex and multilayered imo#AND just how her innate tendency to defend people spans out of her family too!!!!#In my interpretation she did NOT care for Hawthorne or like him. But she still gave her life for him because she just instinctively–#protects the people around her. I don't have any strong feelings for haw/mitch but like how to blame Hawthorne I would have–#fallen for her right that istant too.#Now to Akutagawa. I'm really endeared by this episode because I'm pretty sure that's when I started sympathizing with / liking him :')#Like that's the moment when the things Dark Era showed us and the canon Akutagawa behavior click together and the watcher goes “Oh. OH.”#At least I'm pretty sure it was for me. It's bittersweet but especially sweet.#One more thing is... Wow bsd really has been like *that* since the beginning hasn't it. It's kinda silly to think back to all the criticism#the latest arc got now.#The criticism regarding how the ridiculously high stakes have been solved seemingly effortlessly in a way that resulted very anticlimatic??#That's ALWAYS been there. “Oh no the ada is done for if they found out our base!!” *holds literally ZERO consequences*#“Oh no the Guild is done for if they destruct Zelda!!” *holds literally ZERO consequences*#“Oh no the Guild knows were our clerk is!!” *holds near to ZERO consequences*#And#“Oh no Akutagawa died!” “Oh no half world population was tuned in vampires!” “Oh no Fukuchi obtained One Order!”#“Oh no Chuuya is a vampire siding against Dazai!”#It's really the same‚ isn't it?#But like‚ we're still glad all of it happened right? Because it makes the experience enjoyable lol.#It's really about enjoying the ride I suppose.#I have more to ramble about but I've ran out of tags so I'll be doing it on my main blog reblog later#random rambles
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