#it looks much better on desktop btw but I tried my best
jisungshotfirst · 2 years
made a carrd 😎 pls enjoy going thru it I put in so many secret links<3
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chikkou · 7 months
ok i was waiting until my laptop got here to finally tell all the bullshit thats happened in the last like. 5 months lol. cause its a lot to type
im gonna put it all under the cut so no one has to read if they dont want. its a LONG fucking story.
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ok so for basic background, for the last two years or so, i was living with a roommate in connecticut. the roommate was my (now former) best friend since middle school. in july of this year his behavior totally shifted, and he started picking fights with me out of nowhere, told our high school friends a bunch of straight up lies abt me to make me look like a horrible roommate & person, and just generally became a two-faced dickhead. in the end, it turned out to all be excuses to justify his decision to move out (unofficially, name was still on the lease) so that he could live with his boyfriends and not pay any bills. at the time i was really devastated by this bc i felt totally betrayed by this person i had been close to since i was 12/13, but frankly after everything else that happened i barely fucking think about it now LMAO. this is set dressing more than anything else
so anyway, i had been living alone since about august, that was the last time i saw him in person. i wasnt handling the situation well because i had spoken to my high school friend and found out the extent to which hed tried to paint me as a slovenly, horrible roommate, to the point of telling actual lies about really dumb stuff (which didnt work btw - my friends, god bless them, were more concerned about my mental health than anything and thought i was going down a depression spiral, which my former friend told them he was helping me through. they believed me right away once we finally did talk). all that is to say, i was going kind of crazy lol, and i decided to go back home in october just for a short while, to recharge my batteries and all.
i was gone for a couple of weeks, not very long. i felt MUCH better after being with my family & friends in person, as i felt pretty isolated from everyone (my hometown is in new york, i was only 2 hours away by train but scheduling times to visit was sort of a hassle, so i only did it once every couple months). my grandfather and mom dropped me off at my apartment in early november, we were very lighthearted and discussing my next steps, since my shithead friend had been behind on rent more than 5 times (i always paid my half on time) and i was facing eviction because of it. we get to my apartment, i go to open the door, and it wont open. not that its locked, it just straight up WONT open. my grandpa tried to ram the door with his shoulder, and nothing. hes a strong ass dude, and this door wouldnt budge for anything.
my mom managed to get the kitchen window open and climb in that way, and it took both her and my grandpa pulling/pushing at the same time to force the door open. i wont even dress this up: there was mold. fucking. everywhere. on the floor, on the walls, all over everything i owned. i have pictures (had to take them for insurance) and im not even going to show them because they are beyond fucking disgusting. everything i owned was soaked in water and mold, and i do literally mean EVERYTHING. it was very warm in there too, like the temperature of a swamp. i was in a haze after that. i just remember sobbing, like genuinely heartbroken sobbing, as i wandered around looking at everything that was ruined. my mom & grandpa had to go and get maintenance because i was just utterly useless, and they were equally horrified & said they'd never seen anything like it.
i managed to save some items that were irreplaceable (journals, notebooks, etc) and whatever clothes werent utterly soaked in mold. all of my cookware, my books, my laptop & desktop (i cried the hardest when i saw the desktop) - it was all ruined. we found out later that the water boiler in my apartment had a catastrophic failure while i was gone, which caused it to constantly send water back through the pipes, empty, and refill itself. my bedroom was directly above the boiler downstairs, so it got the most significant amount of damage. all told, i lost like 95% of the things i owned. it is possible that i could have saved more, but the amount of mold in that apartment made it a genuine safety hazard for me to even be in there, so i had very limited time to grab what i could. the cruelest irony of all that? my shithead ex-friend's room, which was on the other side of the hallway, was pretty much untouched. he lost absolutely nothing lol.
so immediately, i had to leave the state. i moved back to ny with my family. my mother - who had a stroke last year following a diagnosis of an exceedingly rare neurological disorder, AND had two separate brain surgeries to improve her quality of life - was in the process of getting evicted. the landlord didnt give a fuck about any of my moms situation, not her being disabled, not her being widowed, not her having 3 kids under the age of 18 to care for - he just wanted her out so he could increase the cost of rent on our house. at the same time as all this was going on, i got saddled with a $600 electric bill (likely caused by the water heater's malfunction), which neither insurance nor the apartment would pay, so it came out of my pocket. in addition, i found out in december that i was also getting laid off.
we had nowhere to go and couldnt afford to live anywhere in the tri-state area. we had no choice but to move somewhere much cheaper, and since my mom already had a friend living in a mid-atlantic state, we chose to move there. the eviction went through in january and we had less than 2 weeks to pack all our shit, find a place to live, and get the fuck out. needless to say, we were not successful lol.
we stayed in my grandparents 1 bedroom apartment for about a week, then all of us drove down together to stay with my moms friend in her 3 bedroom apartment (she has 5 kids, 3 of whom live in the apartment). my moms apartment, which was supposed to have been ready by january 31st, still had people actively living there. the property manager kept promising us it would be next week for the entire month of february, to the point that my mom got fed up and chose to rent a small house instead. the reality of being essentially homeless for that time was beyond horrifying, and having anywhere between 8-10 people in that house (my cousin also moved with us, but he stayed in a hotel for the first week) was more taxing than i can express.
but things have gotten a lot better since then. i also found a cute little house to rent just up the road from my moms, and its very cheap for its size. i still havent found a job yet, but thanks to what was essentially the liquidation of everything i owned, ill be ok for a couple months more. im slowly but surely repurchasing all the things i lost and trying to acclimate to the new environment. things are still not totally stable right now, but they are slowing down, and at this point thats all i can really ask for lol.
so yeah. if u were wondering why i suddenly stopped posting after literal years of posting every day, thats why LMAO
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nerdyfangirl67 · 4 years
Rare Jewel - NCIS Reader Insert
Pairing: Gibbs x plus-size reader
Warning: language
Word count: 1673
Requested by: @soggy-enchilada​
“Can I please request a Gibbs x plus size reader? Maybe they have to go undercover to a gala or smth together and the reader walks out in this figure hugging dress feeling and looking FLY AS FUCK and Gibbs is like hot damn. You get where I’m going?”
A/N: Alright, trustno1 is the reader’s chat URL, just for clarification (its a nod at something, send me an ask if you can figure it out! ;) ). I made up the gala name for this fic, at least to my knowledge, too. I sincerely hope this is what you were looking for @soggy-enchilada​. I haven’t ever written a plus-size reader POV, and I truly hope this is what you wanted. I loved this idea BTW!!  Anyways, here it is!
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You had been staring at Gibbs, who unaware, had been conversing with Director Vance in the hallway of the upper level of the NCIS offices for the last fifteen minutes. The conversation wasn’t what had caught your attention. Rather it was the tall, silver-haired fox of a man that you had been watching. And this intense staring hadn’t gone unnoticed by your team members, or at least by DiNozzo.
He creeps up to your desk the first chance he has, an all-knowing “I know what you’re doing” falling from his lips. You, of course, vehemently deny anything, a little too quickly with an “I don’t know what you are talking about DiNozzo.” This causes him to let out a bark of a laugh. “Sure you don’t sweetcheeks. And I bet that Director Vance will love to know that you’ve been staring at him for the last fifteen minutes. In fact, why don’t I go tell him for you now.” He turns from your desk, heading towards the steps to the second floor.
You let out a frustrated hiss, which momentarily drew the attention of McGee. “DiNozzo, get back here.” He laughs loudly, grabbing McGee’s attention once more, as he turns and saunters back to your desk. “You’ve got it bad. And good ole Jethro doesn’t even know.” Despite your current situation, you had to let out a small laugh at his use of Gibbs’ first name. You know he would never call Gibbs that to his face.
Gibbs was still completely in the dark about the way you felt about him, which wasn’t like him. Gibbs, usually, was rather intuitive, yet despite the many obvious tells you had revealed in the past two years, some accidentally and some on purpose, he still thought you felt no more for him than a coworker.
“At least I know what I want.” You say in response, giving his a teasing reminder that he still hadn’t found ‘the one’, or at least focused on one woman in a long time. He waves a hand at you as if to distract you from the topic. “Okay, yeah. But at least I’m not drooling over our boss.” You make a face in response. “You’re wrong.” It’s the best you can come up with, and you know DiNozzo is going make fun of you for it.
“You’re wrong? Is that all you’ve got? You’re worse than Probie. At least he can come up with comebacks better than that.” He responds in jest, opening his mouth to say more but a voice stops him.
“DiNozzo, knock that shit off and get back to work.” Gibbs’ voice is as cold and unyielding as steel as he makes his way back to the bullpen. His voice startles you, making you hope he didn’t hear any of what the two of you were talking about. DiNozzo made a face at you as he backs away from your desk.
“The Military Officers Hall of Fame and Awards Gala is this Friday night and Director Vance has agreed on an undercover operation. Y/L/N and I will be attending as a couple, while DiNozzo will be going as a member of the waitstaff and McGee will be running interference in one of the surveillance vans.” He says, his voice leaving no room for argument. You nodded, nervousness already consuming you at the thought of having to find a dress that fits you comfortably. DiNozzo surprisingly doesn’t say anything except a quick “Alright” and McGee answers with a number of questions regarding the statistics of the undercover mission, which Gibbs gruffly answers with as little syllables as possible.
A ding sounding from your desktop computer, grabbing your attention. A notification blinks on your chat app, letting you know you have a new message. You open the app and see it’s from DiNozzo. You roll your eyes dramatically, knowing he is watching you from his desk before opening it.
DiNozzotheGFather68: ooooh, a whole night pretending to be a couple with Gibbs? 😉😉
trustno1: go find yourself a tray DiNozzo! i know you are gonna have to practice to make it believable
DiNozzotheGFather68: oh, bite me! no, actually, why don’t you go bite Gibbs 😉😏😗
trustno1: eww DiNozzo, stop being gross
You shut the chat app after that, not ready to deal with another round of DiNozzo’s relentless teasing. You decide to try and get some of the paperwork finished from the ever-growing stack on your desk to distract you from the growing anxiety filling your chest.  
---- The rest of the day passes uneventfully and soon, you are leaving to go home, dreading the fact that you will have to scrounge through your closet to find something that would be dressy enough for the gala. You highly doubt that you’ll find a dress, which means you’ll have to go shopping, which is something else that you dread.
The ride home is short, shorter than you would have liked today, and before you know it, you are changed into your lounging clothes and staring at your closet, your favorite snack in hand, paired with a much-needed glass of your favorite drink. Opening your closet doors, you heave out a sigh at the task ahead of you. You could already see two potential dresses but you knew that when you pull them off the rack, you’ll change your mind.
After downing your drink, you pull out the first one off and immediately throw it onto your bed. That one would be one of the last ones you would wear. You would sooner go in your rattiest pajamas, in front of Gibbs, than wear that one. The second one wasn’t much better in your opinion but you tried it on anyway, not really wanting to go dress shopping tomorrow. This dress was a black mermaid style dress, with a large taffeta bottom and lace sleeves. The tag was still on it and you couldn’t even recall where you had gotten it from in the first place.
Upon first glance you feel rather confident in the dress, but the more you stare at your reflection, all you can see are the flaws in the dress. It was a bit tight across the chest and the mermaid style made it almost impossible to move, not to mention that you had no spot to put your standard issue handgun. It didn’t take you long to shed the dress and turn to the second one, a deep red velvet bodycon style dress with spaghetti straps and a flare along the bottom.
You reluctantly pull it off the hanger, and wiggle into it. Dread settles on your shoulders as you turn to look in the body length mirror. That dread quickly flies from your shoulders though, replaced with a feeling of astonishment and surprise. Not only did the dress fit, you hadn’t thought it would since it had been sitting in your closet for months, but it fit well. It hugged your thick curves and made your chest, and your butt as well, look far more pronounced, which you liked.
“Damn”, you murmur as you continue to look at your reflection. “I look like a badass bitch in this dress.” You were starting to feel excited about the prospect of spending the evening being Gibbs’ date, especially now that you looked so good.
Two days later, and you find yourself getting ready for the prestigious gala. You had your hair up in a fancy updo, the loose tendrils hanging around your face were casually curled. You had on your favorite diamond pendant and were wearing your sexiest black heels. You had just finished touching up your makeup when you saw the time.
“Shit.” You exclaim, grabbing your gun and shoving it into your thigh holster, which you barely managed to cover with the edge of your dress, and your shiny, almost maroon colored, clutch. You quickly, or as quickly as you can dressed as you are, get into your crappy little car and floored it to the event’s location. The engine sputters a few times in protest at the speed along the way, but you make it to the large establishment only five minutes later than when you were supposed to be.
You enter the nearly empty lobby, scanning it for the tall, muscled figure of Gibbs. You don’t see him and decide, after sucking in a deep, fortifying breath, you pull open the ballroom doors. His eyes found yours immediately, widening at the sight of you. You maintain eye contact with him as you make your way through the crowded room, past dancing couples and stately individuals.
When you reach him, he lets out a slow uncharacteristic whistle. He smiles at you, offering you a hand. You take it and he suavely spins you before pulling you close. “You, agent Y/L/N, look beautiful. Absolutely breathtaking.” He places a hand on your lower back, leading you to the dance floor. A slow, classic number starts just as the two of you reach the dance floor. He pulls you into an embrace, moving you into a slow two-step.
You rest your head on his shoulder, caught up in the act of pretending to be a couple with Gibbs. I like him, a lot. “Who?” Gibbs' voice startled you out of your daydreaming. “Hmm?”
“You said you like him? Who?” You quickly realize upon hearing his words that you had said those four words out loud.
“Him, you.” You say before you even know what you’re saying. “I like you. A lot.” He slowly breaks out in a smile. “Took you long enough.” He says simply.
“Wait what?” You ask quietly. “You knew?”
“I’ve known for a while. I just wanted to hear you say it.” He said, brushing a tendril of your hair away from your face. “And I like you too.”
Your heart thumps widely in your chest. All you could think about was what life would be like if the man holding you was yours . What a truly wonderful life it would be and you felt that you were finally on the way to this life.
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xeunoais · 5 years
You’re All I Need
(A/N: i know i haven’t been active for a while, i had a lot of stuff going on at the time but i think i’m officially back now. and i’ve had this in my drafts for the longest time and i finally got some inspiration to finish it, so here it is! enjoy!)
Summary: You have a really bad day and then Shawn comes home from the studio and make you feel better.
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You sat there completely blank. Fingers resting on the keyboard and eyes staring at what was supposed to be a word document showing hours of work, instead, it was your desktop wallpaper.
You shut your eyes, swallowing the golf ball-sized lump in your throat and counted to three. When every breath didn't feel like a heavy truck pushing down onto your chest, you set aside all the work littered across the kitchen counter and shifted focus to stop yourself from screaming out of frustration. And the perfect way to do just that - cleaning.
Cleaning always made stressful moments feel less of a weight. When you were young, probably in like middle school, your mother found you in the middle of a full clean mode of your room.
Back then it was all because of Toby, your first-ever crush, who broke your heart by declaring his own crush to your best friend. And ever since then, cleaning was your go to for diffusing pressure building moments from life's road bumps.
After the first three plates, two bowls and several cutlery pieces, the urge to scream had subsided. Rinsing off the soapy water from the last remaining glass you went to put it on the drying rack when it slipped from your grasp smashing to several pieces; big and small, all over the kitchen floor.
Clutching the counter, you counted to three once again before carefully grabbing the pieces and throwing them in the trash. But, of course, nothing had been going right today. So when the corner of the glass cut your index finger, the desire to scream or even cry became completely non-existent. Instead, all that was left was a sense of numbness.
You weren't sure how long you had been sitting on the floor staring at your bloody finger, but you gathered it was a while given that Shawn had gotten home from the studio. He called out your name, stopping in his tracks as he saw you in the kitchen on the floor.
"Baby, what happened?” He asked, rushing over.
You didn't answer. He asked again, this time in a more calmer tone. But still, no response. He rushed out of the kitchen down the hallway.
And in the blink of an eye Shawn returned with the first-aid kit. He silently took care of the cut, but you could see in his eyes he was struggling with not pushing for answers. The only thing he knew was his girlfriend of two years was on the floor nursing a medium-sized cut on her finger, all while looking like she was about to break down at any second. You couldn't imagine how many thoughts he had running through his mind.
As Shawn left to put away the kit, you slowly brought yourself to your knees, recollecting what little composure you could after a miserable day. However, when your eyes glanced toward the right kitchen cabinet it blew up the last piece of composure left to collect.
"Honey, what are you doing?" Shawn asked, his voice sounding like an echo from miles away, even though he was standing right beside you. "I'm cleaning. I accidentally got blood on your cabinets.”
Shawn knelt down, "I can do it".
He tried taking away the wet towel dipped in cleaning product from your hands, but you clutched it tighter, scrubbing even harder against the door until your knuckles turned white.
"It's okay. I'll clean it later. Let's just go sit down on the couch, yeah.” He softly said, offering his hand to help you up.
The lump in your throat had doubled in size; feeling now more like a basketball, by the time you made it to the couch. Shawn sat opposite on the coffee table looking more worried than ever as you avoided his gaze and placed your head in your hands.
"Hey, look at me. Tell me what happened".
Shaking your head, Shawn reached for your hand and you could feel your lip tremble once contact was made. Looking up as your eyes met his own, your eyes glistened with tears. It was at that moment when you finally broke. You couldn’t hold back your tears anymore.
"It's just been a really shitty day. I lost all my work, hours of research gone. The heel on my favourite black heels broke as I was getting out of the car. I had the worst cup of coffee in my life. And before I broke a glass and cut my finger I got a notification reminding me it's our anniversary today which I completely forgot about, and I didn't even get you anything and now I feel like the worst girlfriend ever.”
Shawn pulled you into a hug, holding you close as you cried.
"You're far from a terrible girlfriend, and if it makes you feel any better I forgot a gift too.”
You looked up at him, completely falling in love with him all over again as he tried to make you feel better.
"Listen, we've still got a few hours left to turn this day around. So how about you go and take a nice, long hot bath. Then after changing into something more comfortable meet me back in the living room.”
You nodded, slowly making your way to the bathroom for a bath that helped soothe aching muscles and hopefully silencing a few more tears.
Venturing back into the living room, Shawn had moved the coffee table to the side, creating more space for a mountain of blankets and pillows which all pointed towards the TV.
"I see I won't be getting that back anytime soon.” Shawn smiled, taking in how his YOUTH hoodie shallowed you in the cutest way.
"It's my favorite, plus you did say to change into something more comfortable.”
"That I did.” He kissed your forehead, whispering.
"It looks better on you, anyway.” His voice along with the combination of bare skin and cool air sent a sonic wave of shivers throughout your body, which you choose to ignore, for now at least.
"What's all this?" You said, pointing to the scene in front.
He grinned, gently clapping his hands and leading you to the blanket and pillow sanctuary.
"I thought we could just relax and turn a bad day into something good. We can put your favorite movie on. And I ordered some takeout with a side of your favourite dessert, which should be here any minute".
"Shawn, you didn't-".
"Yes, I did. I know you've been stretching yourself thin lately, and I can tell you still feel guilty about forgetting our anniversary. But the only thing I need is you,” He moved a piece of hair from your eyes.
"Nothing else matters.”
"So you're not mad at me?” He smiled, thumb caressing your cheek.
"I have nothing to be mad about, so I want you to stop worrying. Because tonight is all about relaxing, junk food and lots of cuddles from your very handsome boyfriend".
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pulled him closer. The kiss, like always, sparked a rainbow of fireworks. And there was nothing better than the way Shawn tasted or leaving each other breathless. Leaning your head against his chest, you exhaled, taking in the peace of having him hold you close.
The end
(A/N: I hope you enjoy this. feedback is highly appreciated! and btw i know its not much but i think its cute lol and i am currently working on something else at the moment, but i needed to get this out of the way first!)
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rosalie-starfall · 4 years
I’m bored so I’ll just answer all of these
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? Coffee Mugs
2. chocolate bars or lollipops? Chocolate 
3. bubblegum or cotton candy? Neither
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you? literally a conversation I had with my 2nd Grade Teacher 
Teacher “Kayla, you talk back to much”
Kayla “I do not Talk Back!”
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? Soda Bottles 
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? Tomboy Preppy Boho Goth?
7. earbuds or headphones? Earbuds
8. movies or tv shows? Both
9. favorite smell in the summer?
10. game you were best at in p.e.? Dance
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day? Coffee and cereal or a granola bar or toast
12. name of your favorite playlist? The Witching Hour, or my Island Life Playlist
13. lanyard or key ring? Lanyard
14. favorite non-chocolate candy? Twizzles or Red Vines
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment? Of Mice and Men
16. most comfortable position to sit in? With my legs to the side or crossed under me
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes? My sketchers
18. ideal weather? Overcast but warm with no wind or snow maybe a tiny bit of rain and some fog!
19. sleeping position? on my stomach
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? PC
21. obsession from childhood? I Dream of Jeannie and The Nanny
22. role model? Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Maya Rudolph, Julia Louis Dreyfus, Carol Burnett, Carrie Fisher, 
23. strange habits? None that I can think of.
24. favorite crystal? Rose Quartz and Onyx 
25. first song you remember hearing? Walkin on Broken Glass
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather? Drink at a patio bar
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather? Drink by a fire
28. five songs to describe you? Different Drum by the stone ponies 
29. best way to bond with you? Over Middle Aged Actresses and Fictional Characters
30. places that you find sacred? My Grandma’s Rose Garden Growing up, Disneyland
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? Dock Martins, Dark Blue Jeans, Black Off the Shoulder loose fit Tee
32. top five favorite vines? Red?
33. most used phrase in your phone? IDK literally 
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? Thankfully I don’t have any
35. average time you fall asleep? Around Midnight
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing? I honestly have no clue. Maybe the Star trek Engage photo?
37. suitcase or duffel bag? Suitcase (But it really depends on the trip)
38. lemonade or tea? Both Arnold Palmer!!!
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie? Lemon Cake
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? It was so long ago I really can’t remember anything weird happening to me
41. last person you texted? My Dad
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets? Pant Pockets
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? Fake Leather Jacket
44. favorite scent for soap? Pumpkin
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero? If It’s Comedic I’ll Love whatever
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? Birthday suit
47. favorite type of cheese? Colby Jack?
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? I have no Idea but Apples are my favorite so I’ll go with that
49. what saying or quote do you live by? If you don’t like something do something about it
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? My mom’s Flip Flop breaking at the movie theater and her trying to get out to the car. OMG even just that little summer I’m crying from laughing at the memory 
51. current stresses? Money, Covid, Politics, the world, anything and everything
52. favorite font? Open Dyslexic
53. what is the current state of your hands? Sad, dry, Scratched 
54. what did you learn from your first job? you might get free food sometimes
55. favorite fairy tale? 
56. favorite tradition? watching shows with my family on Wednesdays 
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? I don’t think I’ve overcome anything
58. four talents you’re proud of having? I’m really good at cutting men’s hair, I think I’m quite good at making gifs, I think I’m pretty good at writing (it’s something I’m working on) I can Quote Both Addams Family movies in their entirety just from hearing the musical score
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? Tits
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? Like Sailor Moon?
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.? “Ain’t no bitches gonna hunt no ghosts”
62. seven characters you relate to? Liz Lemon, Elaine Benes, Lavinia Dickinson, Zelda Spellman, Barbara Minerva, Shirley Feeney, Jillian Holtzmann
63. five songs that would play in your club? My heart will go on (Remix by the Math Club), Dreams by deep Dish Feat Stevie Nicks, Doin it right by Daft Punk, Shake Senora Feat T-Pain & Sean Paul, April Showers By Proleter
64. favorite website from your childhood? Pixie Hollow (online game) BTW “Website from my childhood” Is very limited we didn’t have internet until I was like 10ish
65. any permanent scars? I have a scar under my right eyebrow from Chicken Pox
66. favorite flower(s)? Poppies and Roses
67. good luck charms? I don’t have any
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? I hate fish but also just meat in general 
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? Carley Simon had terrible stage fright and couldn’t preform in front of audiences. I’m pretty sure that’s a true statement. 
70. left or right handed? Right
71. least favorite pattern? Abuse?
72. worst subject? Men and Hetero Shit
73. favorite weird flavor combo? I’m not one for weird Flavor Combos 
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen? 2... I don’t fuck around. I try and get ahead of the pain
75. when did you lose your first tooth? I have no Idea
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? Fries, Skillet, and Whorehouse
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill? succulent? 
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? Coffee from the Gas station 
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? School ID
80. earth tones or jewel tones? Earth Tones
81. fireflies or lightning bugs? Lightning Bugs
82. pc or console? PC
83. writing or drawing? Writing 
84. podcasts or talk radio? Podcasts
84. barbie or polly pocket? Polly Pocket
85. fairy tales or mythology? Mythology
86. cookies or cupcakes? Cookies 
87. your greatest fear? Caves, Mines, and the Ocean
88. your greatest wish? To be a writer
89. who would you put before everyone else? My siblings
90. luckiest mistake? Quitting Homeadvisor
91. boxes or bags? Boxes
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? Fairy Lights
93. nicknames? Punkin, Kayla Bean, KP, Pain
94. favorite season? Autumn 
95. favorite app on your phone? Tumblr and Instagram
96. desktop background? 
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97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized? 2 (My mom’s and my dad’s)
98. favorite historical era? 1930s and 1940s
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angelanimedesaray · 5 years
Through The Looking Glass Chapter 2: Like Smoke
AN:  Ahhh, yes, I get to continue this one--I keep getting distracted...by the planning for this series.  I’ve got pages and pages of notes for this series now, It’s getting to be quite the ambitious project.  OH and I have a playlist for the series, too, on YouTube.  There’s a link for it on the Masterlist.  BTW I’m tagging all of the things that have to do with this (Chapters, Masterlist, and Playlist) #TTLG and all my fanfics have my penname AngelDesaray in the tags (Unless for some reason I forgot)
P.S. to find my masterlists, I link the masterlists for series in every chapter (As well as previous or next chapters).  Links to stories and series masterlists can also be found in my Author Masterlists, which can be found as a separate page on my blog under the Masterlist tab on desktop (Only shows published pieces), or as a link in my blog bio for mobile users (Also has upcoming pieces listed).
Characters:  Levi, Reader, Reader’s Mom, Kenny (Mentioned)
Pairing:  (Eventual) Levi x Reader
Warnings:  I mean, there’s fluff...and there’s some sad stuff near the end...
Word Count:  5004
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(Gif From Your Lie In April, found on Your-Lie-In-April on Deviant Art)
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*Levi’s POV*
The sound of a distant woman calling a familiar name roused Levi from what may have been one of the best rests he’d had so far in his very young life, eyes fluttering open slowly as he tried to remember where he was.  Everything was so soft, and he just wanted to drift back to sleep, curl up in the fluffy warmth around him and…
The woman’s voice came again, a little closer this time, and there came a sudden burst of movement next to him, Levi’s eyes flying open as the little body of Y/N flailed to untangle themselves from the mess of blankets around both of them.  She struggled to her feet with a squeak and fumbled for the door that she toppled ungracefully out of, crawling on hands and knees out the door and kicking it shut.  Levi was left dazed, halfway risen out of the blankets, and wondering what had just happened, but now also laden down with the weight of several more blankets since she had thrown blankets and pillows onto him in her mad dash to get out the door.  He pushed a few blankets off, crawling over to one of the tiny windows to catch a glimpse of the girl reaching the door to the back of the house, where the woman who had been calling her name was standing in the doorway.  He could only hear fragments of the conversation if he listened hard enough.
“...sleep in...all night?”
“...forgot...check...almost couldn’t sleep....”
“...school...thirty minutes...late…”
Levi shook his head, dropping back down into the mess of blankets with a muffled yawn as he glanced around trying to find the water bottles in the now tumultuous mass of blankets and pillows.  Once he found them buried in one of the corners he finished off the one bottle he’d started on the day before he laid back down, contemplating going back to sleep despite the light filtering into the little house.  He was so comfortable, and if something happened and he had to go back, then he wanted to enjoy it while he could.
The door was thrown open, startling Levi with the suddenness of it all as he saw Y/N stick her head inside, huffing like she was out of breath and hadn’t stopped running since she scrambled out of the tiny house.  After her head poked in and she saw where Levi was, she tossed a sac of some sheer, opaque material inside, its contents rolling around.  She spoke quickly in the brief flash that he saw her, the last part tacked on as she shut the door and hurried away.
“I gotta go, I’m late for school!  Here’s food, see you later!”
Her mother shouted from the house for Y/N to hurry, even though she was already scrambling back.  Afraid that if he tried to fall asleep again she’d simply re-appear and scare him awake, Levi resigned himself to getting up for the day, reaching for the bag she’d tossed inside and poking through its contents.  There were two more rolls inside, no longer fresh and warm like they’d been yesterday, but still good.  There was also a green apple, something hard wrapped in some kind of thin, shiny, silvery covering, a spoon, and two white and red containers a little bigger than his hands that were cool to the touch and had a similar silvery covering over the top.
Deciding to investigate the stranger things later, he munched on the bread and the apple first, gazing out the window thoughtfully.
When all that was left of the start of his breakfast was half the apple, he grabbed the bag and one of the water bottles and decided to venture back outside, a little more used to the light this time since he’d woken up to it.  His legs were stronger than yesterday, steps surer as he tentatively ventured out of the little house, staying close to the walls of the little house and his head turned towards the house to keep an eye on it as he shuffled closer to the trees behind the house.  He wanted a closer look at the trees--wanted to sit quietly outside in the warm sun, breathing in the fresh air while he ate and explore the surface while he was up here.  If Y/N was going to be gone for a while, then that was what he wanted to spend the day doing.
The shade was much kinder to him than the direct sunlight, easier on his eyes that were used to the dark and not as hot.  It was comfortable and cool in the shade, and he stopped when he saw another large house starting to appear through the trees, doubling back a bit and finding a nice dry patch of grass in the shade to sit down in, curling up comfortably on the ground and squinting up at the sunlight flickering down on him through the leaves.  He was close enough to a tree he could put his hand gently against its trunk, feeling the grooves of the bark beneath his fingers and watching the rather large black ants travelling up its trunk while carrying tiny crumbs of food.
Speaking of, he still had the stranger things in the sack she had thrown him to eat.
Resting his back against the tree trunk with his knees pulled halfway up to his chest, Levi set about investigating the stranger, silvery wrapped things in the bag, finding a soothing solace in the quiet and the green all around him.
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*Reader’s POV*
School couldn’t go by fast enough.  Sure, you were in trouble with your mother for messing around outside looking for a stuffed animal instead of getting ready for school.  It was better than her finding out you’d hid a boy in your playhouse all night, though, right?
Of course, with how antsy you were to get back home and see him when you had school to distract you, he must be bored out of his mind alone in that playhouse!  And he wasn’t going to get lunch until you got home, either!
With all these thoughts, you were bouncing in your seat on the bus, then racing home on foot once you finally reached your stop.  Your backpack lay abandoned at the front door, causing your mother to yell at you to pick up after yourself as you skidded into the kitchen.  Your tongue poked out as you hurried to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich before your mother came in and tried to stop you from having a pb&j for a ‘light snack’.  Once that was finished, you grabbed two Capri Suns your mother probably thought she’d hidden, grabbed a family sized bag of chips, and dashed outside towards the playhouse.
“I’m back!  I brought...some…”
You paused, head craning and foot poking at the mess of blankets in case he was simply buried under all the fluffy things.  Still, you didn’t find Levi in the playhouse, and you stepped back outside with a frown, wondering where the little boy had disappeared to.  Your mother would have instantly pulled you aside to talk about Levi if he’d gone inside the house and been seen.  Maybe he’d wandered into the brush behind your house?
Changing directions, you started picking your way through the trees and bushes, looking for the skinny boy you’d been smuggling quite a bit of food to by now.
“Levi?  Levi!” you called as you came closer and closer to the backyard of the people who lived behind your family.
You squeaked in surprise as his head suddenly peaked out from behind one of the thicker trees, disheveled strands of black hair falling into eyes that were slightly brighter than they had been yesterday.  It seemed he was sitting with his back against the tree, legs curled up towards him, and the plastic bag of food you’d given him earlier now holding his trash at his side.  You gave him a bright smile, sitting down next to him and offering the pb&j to him.
“I brought lunch,” you said cheerfully, opening the bag of chips that made Levi jump from the loud pop sound before you placed the bag between the two of you, working on punching the yellow straws into the Capri Suns.
The silence lasted perhaps only a few seconds as Levi tore into the sandwich before it rapidly devolved into almost frantic smacking noises from Levi.  Maybe you’d put too much peanut butter on it?
You giggled as you watched him continue to make those smacking noises, struggling with the amount of sticky peanut butter with an amusing look of bemusement on his face.  When he looked at you accusingly for laughing at him, you offered him one of the Capri Suns with that bright smile still on your face.  He took it carefully from you, eyeing you more than it as you sucked happily on your own Capri Sun.  When he finally started drinking the juice, he seemed to relax, the juice soothing his peanut butter problem.
“You must have been bored, out here so long,” you said once your Capri Sun was finished.  Levi shrugged, taking smaller bites of the pb&j now.
“I like it out here,” he said simply, and now that you looked, his eyes did seem to constantly drink in the greenery around the two of you.
“There’s a...a con...conservation place a little ways away,” you said slowly, making sure the bigger word came out right.  “Mom lets me go play there--we could too.  There’s long grass, and trees, and berries, and a pond with fish and frogs and rabbits--we can play there.”
Levi was silent, chewing on the last of his pb&j thoughtfully.  “How far is it?” he asked slowly.  You suddenly remembered how he’d had a hard time moving around yesterday.
“A few streets over…” you admitted sheepishly.  “But I could carry you!”
Levi made a face, but you were already on your feet and exuding raw unbridled, positive energy.  “No, really, I’m pretty strong, I can pick up my friend at school, and you’re tinier than them.  I could give you a piggyback ride there!”
You started putting your trash in the plastic bag, rolling up the so-far untouched bag of chips.  “We can take the chips with us--I’ll throw this away, tell Mom where I’m going, and come get you!” you said cheerfully, already making your way back through the brush towards the house before Levi had the chance to agree or disagree.
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*Levi’s POV*
She hadn’t been lying when she said she could carry him.  It was embarrassing, but no one seemed to be looking as the two children made their way down the sidewalks.  Levi’s legs were wrapped around her waist, her hands tucked under his knees to support him as she leaned forward slightly, Levi leaning against her back with his arms wrapped around her shoulders and across her chest for extra security.  His head peeked around hers to look around him as she carried him down a few streets paved with some kind of seamless black stone down the middle and raised brown stone on the sides.  Every now and then he saw some sort of strange horseless carriage like objects sitting unmoving along the edge of the black street or still on the wider brown-stone pathways leading up to homes.  He didn’t ask what they were, figuring it was something only surface people got to have, and Y/N was pretty much ignoring them, so he figured it was a normal sight for her, even if he found it strange.
As they went up a hill, Y/N started to pant underneath him, her hands starting to feel sweaty on his legs and her movements a little slower.
“I can walk,” Levi murmured as she continued to struggle.  He wasn’t entirely sure he’d be able to make it if he tried, honestly, but the girl shook her head.
“No, it’s...just on the other side.  I can carry you...the rest of the way,” she said between huffed breaths, shifting her grip on his legs and picking up her speed slightly as she powered stubbornly forward.  Levi clung tightly to her, turning his head and resting it on her neck as his eyes looked up at the light blue sky, gaze tracing the outlines of the soft white clouds that drifted lazily by and watching the leaves of the trees in various yards sway high above him in the breeze.  If he hadn’t been so transfixed by the sight of the surface world, he could have easily fallen asleep against her back, the secure comfort she was giving him making him feel drowsy in contrast with the energy that raced through his system with the excitement of everything around him.  Her breathing underneath him was heavy, and he could feel her quickened heartbeat against his ear, but she kept climbing with Levi on her back without a word of complaint.
When she crested the hill, the street dipped low just briefly before stretching out in one straight road, trees framing both sides for several paces before the trees on the right gave way to a meadow of long grass, just like she said.  Levi stretched forward over her shoulder to see it, eyes widening as more and more of it came into view.
Y/N only carried him until the edge of the meadow, setting him down in the soft grass with a relieved sigh.  Levi pressed some of the longer grass down as they walked forward, the meadow opening up and dipping into a lower basin where a fairly large body of water rippled and sparkled in the sunlight.  On the other side of the meadow was a thick collection of trees and bushes, and if he looked hard enough, he could see spots of dark red or blue on some of the bushes.  But that was for later--right now, he wanted to get closer to that giant pond in the middle of the meadow.
The grass tickled his arms and legs, causing him to scratch here and there as he stumbled his way down the uneven slope on shaky legs, Y/N close by the entire time with her head tilted up to the sky and the warm sun with a smile on her face.  She was so...so...happy.  She probably didn’t have to worry about anything, didn’t have to be afraid of anything.  She could only be this happy because she lived on the surface, and the things that lurked in the dark underground weren’t lurking above it.  Her life seemed...easy, perfect, and he envied her for it.  But he couldn’t envy her for it for long, because she was still sharing it with a dirty Underground dweller like him, even if he couldn’t fathom why.
“Can you swim?” she asked him as they finally reached the bank, already taking off her shoes and socks as she spoke, sitting on her rear with her feet kicking in the air in the process.  Levi shook his head, and she gave him a sheepish smile.  “I’m not a good swimmer, yet, I just bob.  We can just stick our feet in, cause it gets a little deep.”
She sat down on the edge and dipped her feet in with a little giggle, smoothing down a patch of the long grass around her and looking at him expectantly.  Levi still approached the water slowly despite the fact he was already imagining how refreshing it was going to feel, not wanting to get too eager and accidentally fall in after she said it was deep.  He settled down next to her, feet stretching out experimentally towards the water and tentatively dipping his rather dirty feet below the surface.  It was cool--not cold thanks to the sun shining down on it, but not warm either.  Pleasant in contrast to the warm air with the sun beaming down on him when there was no shade to protect him.  Levi leaned down, letting his hand dip into the water as well, swirling the waters around between his fingers.
While he was doing that, a thought occurred to him, and he dunked both hands below the water, taking the time to scrub at the dirt on his hands, arms, legs, and feet before he cupped his hands and scooped up water to splash on his face, rubbing at the dirt there, as well.  It felt so good to be clean, to see and feel the dirt giving way against the crystalline water and see the water droplets against his skin shimmer clearly under the sunlight.
Now he wouldn’t get any more dirt on all those comfy blankets and pillows in the small house he was sleeping in.
There was a sudden splash, and water spattered across his face, followed by the sounds of giggles beside him.  He was taken aback at first, looking over at Y/N just in time to see her splash the water towards him again with a huge grin on her face.  She laughed more audibly this time, with Levi trying to duck to avoid getting splashed in the face again before he returned the splashes with some of his own.  It quickly escalated, water sloshing violently between them and getting them both soaked, Y/N’s gleeful shrieks filling the air and a wide smile working its  way across Levi’s face.  He felt lighter than he’d felt in some time, like he would float away up into that blue sky any moment.
“Okay, okay!  Uncle!  Uncle!  I give up!” she eventually laughed, the splashing finally calming down and the waters returning to its calm state around their feet.  They were soaked now, and Levi shivered, but the sun was still warm against his skin, and he felt like he’d dry out in no time.  Y/N pulled her feet out of the water, trying to wring the water out of her hair as she stretched, eyes on the bushes on the other side of the pond.  “Do you want some berries?”
He watched her head over to the bushes he’d been eyeing earlier, brushing hair out of his face and watching as she picked berries off the bushes and used her shirt as a makeshift basket to collect them in.  The only sound was the occasional drip of disturbed water or the rustle of leaves, and he laid down, some of the grass curling back up around him and towards the sky.  A soft breeze wafted the grass above him, the thin blades waving in and out of his immediate field of vision.
Please...let me stay...
A few minutes later, Y/N had reappeared, standing over him with her shirt basket heavy with berries as she kneeled down next to him.  He sat up on his elbows as she showed him her collection of small red cup-shaped berries and round blue berries, her free hand already digging into her collection to grab a few of the red berries.
“Raspberries are my favorite,” she explained with a small giggle, offering the berries to him after she’d grabbed what she wanted.  Levi got a handful for himself, a lot less hesitant in trying the foods this time since almost everything she’d given him so far had been delicious.
He didn’t care much for those chalky rectangular things in the silver wrapping this morning, though.
Something caught Y/Ns attention, her head turned to the side as she went still, nose wrinkling as she suddenly became far more concentrated than Levi had seen her so far.
“Hold these,” she said quietly, dumping the rest of the berries on him so suddenly that Levi had to scramble to snatch them up before they all tumbled to the ground.  She wasn’t even paying attention anymore, crouching low in the grass and creeping slowly towards the pond like a kitten stalking a mouse.  He watched her, confused, wondering for a few moments if she’d seen a fish in the pond or a bird or something.
Suddenly, her hands shot out, cupped around something as she let out a loud squeal and leapt to her feet.
“I got it, I got it!” she crowed, prancing back over to where Levi was sitting, getting really close on her knees with her cupped hands between them.  She held it up close to his face, but craned her head awkwardly so she could see as well, forehead knocking against his.  “I don’t want it...to get away…”
Slowly, she bent her thumbs, a small crack appearing in her cupped hands that she gradually widened further and further.  At first, Levi didn’t see anything, but then, slowly, two glimmering, tiny, beady black eyes caught some of the sun, and Levi realized there was some kind of tiny creature trapped in her hands.  He got closer, trying to see what it was, faintly making out a fat but tiny body, spindly limbs, and--
Y/N suddenly shrieked, hands opening reflexively.  “AH!  It peed on me!”
All Levi registered was peed and the fact that suddenly a tiny little brown and spotted body was flying out of her hands, through the air, and directly towards him.  His own vocal reaction was lost in her continued shrieks of disgust as he tried to get out of the way, a tiny, bumpy, sort of slimy body landing on his arm.  Afraid the thing was going to pee on him, too, his arm jerked upwards in response, and it flew off of him and disappeared back into the tall grass.
Y/N had abandoned him to the little menace already, her hands plunged into the pond as she scrubbed valiantly at her hands, muttering ew over and over before she pulled them back out and tried to shake the water off her hands.  Levi was still wide eyed and trying to figure out what just happened.
That grin was back on her face as she turned towards him again.  “I think I want to try and catch another one!”
“So I know I can really catch a frog; I wasn’t just lucky that time!”
Levi scowled, looking down at all the berries that had been scattered everywhere while he’d flailed around trying to get away from the stupid, tiny frog.  She only laughed at his reaction, coming over and grabbing his arm to pull him up onto his feet, dragging him with her towards the trees.
“Okay, okay, we can play hide and seek instead.  There’s plenty of places to hide in the woods.  C’mon, c’mon!”
And just like that, the little hellion frog was forgotten as she urged him on towards the next experience, sweeping him away into more discoveries and experiences before he had the chance to dwell too long on whatever bad tried to poke through.  Even though his legs were shaky, she volunteered to be ‘it’ over and over so he could rest in his hiding spots while she tried to find him, stopping every now and then to look at a bug they’d found, to pick a few berries from the bushes in the area, and at one point, to stare in wonder at a small nest of baby bunnies hidden in a hollow at the base of a tree.  They looked but didn’t touch, watching the two tiny rabbits squinting back at them with their little noses twitching furiously, the two rabbits curled close together much like Levi and Y/N had curled up under the blankets last night.
And when the sky started to turn to a rusted orange, she carried him on her back without complaint once again as they headed towards her house once more.  Levi could hardly stand after all the running around they’d done, but he didn’t regret it.  In fact, he was perfectly content, even with the burn in his legs and ache in his arms.  He was already dozing off as he tucked his head against her back once again, the exhaustion mixed with the relief from her carrying him back instead of him having to walk back, mixed in with the warm air and the dim light from the sun making it easy to simply...drift…
He woke up long enough to realize when he was being set down in front of the little house, weaving on his feet as Y/N helped him back inside and he curled up in the cloud of blankets and pillows with a softly sighed good-night, his hand groping about to find Tuff before he slipped into a blissful sleep.
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When Levi opened his eyes again, it wasn’t to the bright light filtering into the tiny house as he curled up in a nest of blankets.  It was dark, and the smell of sweat and dirt and decay assaulted him much more viscerally after the contrast of the clean, fresh air.  He wasn’t even curled up on his side like he’d been when he’d fallen asleep, but still sitting with his knees pulled up to his chest, back against the wall, arms wrapped around his legs.
Directly across from him was the bed that still had his mother’s dead body.
It was...a dream?
Blinking slowly, it seemed he hadn’t moved an inch, and he was covered in dirt and grime once more, not a hint of a clean patch of skin after scrubbing clean by that pond.
Or was I...seeing things?
It didn’t matter...it wasn’t real.  Levi’s heart plummeted, and he ducked his head into his arms, surprised that his eyes actually stung with tears when he’d thought he was too dehydrated to cry anymore.  None of it was real.  The surface, the sun, the air, all the green, the nest of blankets, the food, the girl...it wasn’t real.  He was still wasting away, forgotten where no one cared about him anymore, waiting to finally die.  If he was seeing things, maybe he was finally close.
And yet…
The door to the room opened, a pale yellow light cutting across the room and over the bed, drawing Levi’s attention towards the man who stood just inside the doorway.  The sudden appearance made him forget--for the time being--that he wasn’t hungry anymore.
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*Reader’s POV*
“Where do you think you’re going with that bowl, young lady?”
You froze by the back door, a bowl of cereal you were hoping to bring out to Levi before you had to go to school in hand, suddenly feeling cold at your mother’s scolding tone.  This was it, you’d been caught, you couldn’t think of an excuse fast enough and your mother was already closing in, probably to take the bowl from you, but Levi needed to eat before you left.
Looks like you couldn’t hide the boy in your playhouse much longer.  Why did you feel like telling your mom about him was going to get you in trouble.
“I...I need to...Levi needs breakfast,” you said in a small voice, feeling like you were about to get yelled at any moment.
“Levi?” your mother asked, pausing just by the door.  “Who’s Levi?”
“T...The boy in the playhouse.”
Her expression went blank, and then for some reason, worried.  “There’s a boy in the playhouse?”
You nodded very slowly.  “He-he’s been there since the other day.  He needs to eat before I go to school, or he’ll have to wait till I’m home.”
Your mother’s expression was unreadable as she stared at you and the bowl in your hand for several long moments, then carefully said in an even tone, “Can I see Levi?”
She wasn’t yelling, so you didn’t think she was angry.  Maybe this was good--if your mom knew about Levi, she could make sure he was taken care of while you were at school--he could have real food and eat dinner inside with you, sleep in a bed--or on the couch at least--and probably get a change of clothes.
After you nodded, your mom took the bowl out of your hands and followed you outside towards the playhouse.  You hoped he was already awake--he probably was, since he’d fallen asleep so early yesterday.
“Levi?” You called softly, opening the door to see...a mass of blankets and pillows, like yesterday.  Again, you pushed around a few of the blankets but couldn’t find him.  Your mom was standing outside the house with the bowl still and you shook your head as you immediately went to look in the brush again.  “He was back here when I came outside yesterday, he’s probably there, now.”
“Y/N…” your mother was starting to say tiredly, but you were already picking through the trees looking for Levi again, ignoring her as you tried to find your new friend.
“Levi?  Levi?  Levi!” you called, hoping his head would peek around one of the trees again.  But he didn’t show up--you couldn’t find a trace of him.  Did he leave?  Did he leave in the middle of the night or before you woke up?  He’d seemed happy yesterday, so why would he leave?  Didn’t he like you, didn’t he like sleeping in the blanket nest?
“Y/N, its okay to have imaginary friends, but you can’t waste food on them, they don’t eat like you and mommy and daddy--” your mother was saying carefully behind you.  Hearing her suggest Levi wasn’t real made you suddenly angry and frustrated as well as hurt at the thought that Levi had simply left.
“He wasn’t imaginary, he was real!  A real boy that was really here!”  Your eyes burned and a few angry, hurt tears slipped past your eyes, the words starting to stick in your throat as you felt yourself starting to cry.  “His name was Levi...and he didn’t even say bye.”
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Next Chapter--->
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seoultraveller · 4 years
Ahh I’m finally responding hehe
But yesss !! Hala Hala is so powerful and great and it really conveys their abilities and talent🥳 Omg yes poor horse in To the Beat LOLLL!! Exactly! It must’ve been such a good things to be able to collaborate with an asmr creator since he likes this so much🥺 I haven’t watched the video yet, only some scenes, and it seems like he was really into it and trying to do his best💕 Though who decided that Wooyoung would also be there??😂 I feel like asmr isn’t Wooyoung’s thing and he can’t really stay quiet lol🤣 (Seonghwa really is great at what he does~)
Exactly😂😂 Hongjoong knew it was the end when he had to compete against Yunho😅 It was funny how the rest of them tried cheering on Hongjoong when the match had begun, and then boom, Yunho smacked poor Hongjoong🤣 Mhm it really is a special video for me🥺 my friend who was already stanning was watching the video and I happened to glance over to the phone and I laid my eyes on the Kim Hongjoong and immediately liked him😌 He was so gorgeous with that hair and the white blouse with the hearts on~ in that moment I was already biasing him even if I had no idea who he was😂 Ans then I immediately asked my friend to show me their songs and content!! Ahhh I see okay! I remember that we talked about that we both stanned them around the same time🥰 The logbooks were the first videos I went through if I remember correctly🤔 And yeah too funny how they’re trying to figure everything out in the part switch videos! And thank so do you!!🥰
Soooo true he has no mercy for this comeback😔
Thank you so much, I need it😭 The one I had was like type of an essay, or like a reflective text to talk about the things we’ve worked in my Swedish class🥱 Ahh yeah some people are just not supposed to be with each other :( and because of that it can’t be so nice having your parents wanting to make you and your brother close :((
Agh I really wanna see a stage performance of The Leaders !! It would be sooooo cool🤩 But, the b-sides I like the most are like never performed😂
I mean, yes, but it’s not that big of a struggle it if I compare with people with muuchhhh curlier hair hehe
Thank you!! Good luck on catching up with content :)) Btw! Do you have any favorite I’m the One stage or I’m the One stage outfit?👀
Awh it’s okay<3 I did the same though. I read your responds immediately after you posted but I’m writing my response like two days later😅
(I am typing this on a desktop, so the lack of emojis will be very noticeable.)
Don’t worry. It has taken me far too long to get back to you and I am sorry for that. Time sprung forward on Sunday. I woke up really early to catch a game and did not realize that time moved forward an hour so, on Monday and Tuesday. I suffered. HARD. Today (Wednesday) was not too bad, but I think that’s because I work from home today.
LOL! Yeah~ I am really happy for Seonghwa in that respect. I know! Putting Wooyoung in there was such a random placement. Maybe to get the audience to laugh. I’m not sure if ASMR content is supposed to make you laugh though. Yeosang or San could have been a better choice.
HAHAHA~!!! Yunho was like, “lemme end this real quick.” x_x He didn’t have to do it like that though! Aw~ that’s such a sweet story :) I wasn’t a big fan of his hair at the start of that period, but looking back, the style really suited him, I think. He could pull off so many looks though, anyway. Oh that’s true! We did talk about it around what time we came to ATEEZ. I remember. 
Those were my least favorite in school. Just give me a multiple choice test and let’s call it a day. So... excuse my ignorance, but your Swedish class is a language class, or it is like a cultural/history class? The dynamic that I have with my brother is just one that I don’t really vibe with. My mom just has to be okay with that. We’re not trying to k*ll each other at every family meeting and they have to be fine with that. I have a feeling my brother’s wife probably felt as if I was giving them the cold shoulder but I just had other priorities.
Ohhh~ no! :( I hope that, once the pandemic is over or somewhat manageable, they can have a concert (under safe condition). At that concert, they’ll perform all of your favorite b-sides. To The Beat and The Leaders are surely to be performed ;). THEY’RE FAN FAVORITES!!! ESPECIALLY ABROAD!!! 
I understand what you mean, but your struggle is still your struggle. However, it is good if we all learn to work with what we have and get better at it, and improve ourselves.
My favorite stage performance and stage performance outfits are the ones from March 9th. They look like they’re coming to a post-apocalyptic world. I don’t know... they just look kind of badass. AAAANNNNNNDDDDDD~ the performance where they wear red! THAT WAS SOOOOO~ HOT!! Which was/were your favorite(s) so far?
Ah~ our two minds hahaha~
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arsenicpanda · 4 years
favorite gif set or gif you have made?
Ooh, so this is a complicated one, and I’m going to split hairs on it because there are different things I’m proud of.  So buckle up, it’s time for a long list, long enough that it’s read more time, baby, and hopefully it works.
My favorite high-effort gif set is either the Two Truths and a Lie set because I love the concept and it took so goddamn long, but I think it was really worth it or the “Riverdale: It’s sort of a roller coaster ride where you’re always going down” set because I love have a compilation of Riverdale’s wildest moments from seasons 1 to 3.
My favorite comedy/crossover gif set is probably Riverdale + Unraveled because I think it’s just a really good fit, and it cracks me up every time.
My favorite single character gif set is a tie between the Jughead + Born Depressed set and the Jughead + alternate definition of “Bad Boy” that he actually fits set (the latter of which doesn’t look that good on mobile because it fucks up the red font for some reason) that I liked the idea of so much that I fucking remade it after I got better at making gifs.  I think they both really fit his character, albeit in different way.  Bonus points for “Born Depressed” because Jughead having a youtube channel ala Jim Sterling (who uses the song as his theme) is 100% believable, and bonus points for “actual Bad Boys” because it includes the “cares about his community” angle that is so vital to Serpent!Jughead but that most people forget when approaching Serpent!Jughead.  Like, if a take on Serpent!Jughead isn’t heavily advocating for, caring about, supporting, and prioritizing his community, what is even the point?
My favorite bughead gif set is either the flavors of bughead set or the Nat King Cole’s “L-O-V-E” set (which also doesn’t look good on mobile because I didn’t think to check it first and the font is too thin and the red fucks it up again orz, but I really like how it looks on desktop).  I loved singling out the flavors of bughead (especially “fucking insufferable,” they’re so that) and finding fonts that best fit the concepts (something a friend of mine suggested I do when I asked for her opinion on the original set, which only mentioned the flavors angle in the caption).  And I’m a huge fan of Nat King Cole’s “L-O-V-E”, it’s a.) absolutely gorgeous in lyrics and voice (god, Nat King Cole had the most amazing voice) and b.) the ultimate shipping song, and I think I nailed fitting the lyrics to the scenes.
My favorite parallels gif set is either the Jughead v Penny + Gladys v Penny set that is so spot on because that parallel was the very first thing I saw when I saw Gladys interrogating Penny; you really see that Jughead is his mother’s son there.  And it has a synchronized movement between Jughead and Gladys that I really like (and that movement is the main reason I haven’t tried to remake it with different coloring so the lighting is brighter, although I do like the coloring on the Gladys scene).  Alternately, it’s the “the Jones parents getting what (they know) they deserve” set because it really illustrates the way the Jones parents know they suck and is another one I remade, this time because I had used “grab every other frame” when making it, which made the gifs look choppy, and that bugged the shit out of me, especially because it’s my most popular gif set.
My favorite coloring is definitely the Jughead borrowed Sweet Pea’s brass knuckles to beat up Bret set because, god, it was so fucking hard to color.  I know they look like normal scenes and not, y’know, artsy, clever coloring (something I really don’t know how to do) so they don’t look hard, but, let me tell you, they were a struggle.  I had to fight a scene full of blue/cyan for the Sweet Pea gif (and I won btw) and removing the overlay of blue/cyan and making Sweet Pea’s skin look like a human skin color and not fucking grey was a nightmare, and the Jughead scene had this ugly, ugly green color to it that was a bitch and a half to fix.  I’ve had to reuse both scenes in later gif sets, and I just reused the PSDs each time because I’m not getting those to look better than I did.
And, finally, my favorite “thoughts on” gif set is definitely the one based on my dad’s shipping bughead right after episode one, which was, I think, the first one I made in photoshop, and is so old that I didn’t even know the right tags to use for gif sets or the right dimensions to use for gifs, and it’s the other set I liked the concept of so much that I remade it so it looked better.  It’s just such a charming and hilarious reaction to the first episode of Riverdale.  Because he didn’t care about the corpse of Jason Blossom that was just found, no, his first question was about Jughead’s love life, which I think is fucking hilarious.
Oh, and my favorite non-Riverdale set is probably the SNL parody of “Roxie” with Kelly Anne Conway set because I so, so love that parody and wanted it in gif form.
tl;dr I have different favorites for different types of gif sets and also I’m super indecisive.
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cillianmurphy · 5 years
ocean eyes
I wrote this small story a few weeks ago and the response @robertdowneys​ gave me made me cry so I am putting it here under cut. It is, obviously, based on Billie’s ‘Ocean Eyes’ (bold are song lyrics) and is my first piece of creative writing after 2.5 years, so if u have feedback pls let me know. It’s gender neutral btw <3 I am very nervous to put my writing out here and I can only hope whoever reads it, likes it <3
warning: extreme fluff, sad ending (death tw)
best read on desktop bc of post formatting!
I've been watching you  For some time
It was as if time stood still. Under the dazzling lights on the ceiling, also named the starry sky, you slowly moved throughout the crowd. With every step, people moved aside to let you pass through them. Seconds seemed like hours as you approached the person who had caught your eyes years before.  
Four years.
It had been four long years since your now betrothed caught your attention. You don’t know when your feelings for them had surfaced, but you did know they had your heart from the day you met them. For years you wished they would return the feelings you held for them. It was a drunkenness of the soul. You swore nothing came close to the feeling of being in love with the one person who would hold the key to your soul for the rest of eternity. An addiction was nothing compared to the feeling of being in love; it was intoxication.  
Can't stop staring At those oceans eyes
You don’t know why you fell in love with them. Maybe it was because of their courage, their loving heart or maybe that smile. That damned smile. Love works in mysterious ways and you don’t think you would ever know what exactly made you fall helplessly for your other half. They turned your dreams into reality; made your heart feel things you could not begin to comprehend. Your souls were tied to one another with a fierce grip, incapable of letting go of each other for even a second.  
As you approached your lover, you took a moment to take in their beauty. They were smiling gently, a smile reserved for you and you only. The tiny dimples at the edge of their lips, luscious and full. The lights of the ballroom glistened in their eyes; pinpricks of the gold above dancing in an orderly fashion.  
Those eyes.
They were beautiful beyond belief. The way the world reflected in them; you swore it made your knees weak. The colours of the iris mixed in the most exquisite way possible, caught your attention and pulled you in whenever you sneaked a glance towards your lover. It should be a criminal offence to have such mesmerising eyes, you thought. They held you captive and even if you were able to pull away, you didn’t want to. You wanted to get lost in them for hours on end.
And now, maybe now you knew why you fell in love with them in the first place. Their eyes were the windows to their soul, and they captivated you from the first glance, holding you hostage. They were the last thing you saw when you slept and the first when you woke up. When you looked in them, you saw forever. You sought comfort, love, peace in their dazzling eyes. They soothed you, words were rarely necessary.  
It was their eyes you fell in love with. And then the rest of them followed.
Burning cities And napalm skies
They held out their hand, waiting for yours. Slowly, you lifted your hand up to meet theirs and a shock of electricity went through your body. It was if your entire life with your fiancé flashed past your eyes. The good, the bad. Everything you had experienced with them, came back to you in the most intoxicating fashion. You remembered the moments where you woke up next to them, the peaceful mornings. How they dragged you off on adventures you could not begin to imagine before they took place. How you forced them to see the lighter side of life and stuck by them through the bad times, as they did for you.
Alas, life isn’t just full of good times. Like any relationship, bad times had fallen on you as well. Life isn’t always exquisite roses, sometimes it is thorns as well. Unfortunately, all love and hope could be ripped apart when you experienced just one inconvenience. It pained you to even admit it but you two had come so close to losing one another due to general stubbornness. It scared you, losing them. They were your better half, the person who had your heart and would own it for the rest of eternity. And you were theirs. You could not afford to lose one another, because once you did, there would be a gaping void in your soul, unable to be filled by even the most priceless of treasures.
Because they were your most priceless treasure, as you were theirs.  
Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes Your ocean eyes
‘Y’know … all these people are staring at us and we both know we can’t dance.’
You scoffed at their words, but they were true. Weeks of dance practice had gone by, yet it was as if you forgot all you had been taught. In your defence it wasn’t your fault, you were just reeling at the feeling of your lover’s touch on your skin. The feather light touch of their fingers gently held your waist in place whilst their arm was snaked around you. The other hand stroked your cheek with the utmost care, as if you were a porcelain doll that could break at the slightest touch. Their touch made every rational thought within you bubble away and all you could possibly focus on was them.
Only them.
Nothing else was needed. Even in the crowded ballroom, it was just you and them against the world. Whisking you through the room, they twirled you away from them, yet you were still so close. All that time, their eyes on yours. Nothing else mattered. It was just the two of you, and that’s the way it was meant to be. 
No fair You really know how to make me cry When you gimme those ocean eyes
This was supposed to be a happy day. A happy day, without any feelings of sadness. But if it was so happy, why were you crying, your lover thought. Did they do something wrong? Did they accidentally step on your feet whilst dancing? Damn it, they knew they should’ve gotten the shoes that didn’t have a sturdy heel. Another tear slipped from your eye and they wiped it away with their sleeve, looking into your eyes and voicing the concerns they had, without words.
‘I’m fine, I just,’
An unsteady gasp crossed your lips as your chest shook. You were unable to keep your tears from falling. You felt yourself stop moving and warm hands placed themselves on your cheeks, their nose rubbing yours. You felt them wipe your tears away as they held you close. More sobs wracked your body and you shuddered in their touch. They were so warm, so why on earth did you feel so cold? Their eyes, those eyes, looked down at you in worry and you felt so selfish. They thought they had done something wrong when it was the complete opposite.
They could do no wrong. They were your angel, sent down from the heavens. Well, a faulty angel, but an angel, nonetheless.  
‘I never thought I would have this moment. And feel so loved.’ you stated, looking up at them. And it was true. You never thought you were capable of being loved in the way you were now. The insecurities piled up over several years and though you tried to convince yourself you weren’t what others deemed you, you couldn’t help it.
Unlovable, ugly, not suitable.
They had taken their toll on you and you believed everything they said about you were true, until you met the person who convinced you that you were not. The person who currently held your hand with their larger one, kissing your knuckles lightly, their eyes not leaving yours. Their eyes brimmed with tears, as they knew what you were talking about in great detail. They knew every insecurity; every worry, and they’d be damned before they ever let you think about yourself in such a degrading way again.  
Grabbing your sides gently, they whisked you away again. The two of you danced for what felt like an eternity, until you stopped. They pulled you closer to them and tried to show all their love for you through their eyes. And you��d be a liar if you said they didn’t succeed.  
I'm scared I've never fallen from quite this high Falling into your ocean eyes Those ocean eyes
Everything would be alright. The rest of the night was spent in a blur, dancing to the gentle beat of the music, and most of it you spent staring into their eyes. They soothed you, made you calm down and made you feel so loved. Who needed ‘I love you’s’ in words when the same message could be conveyed through eyes? Eyes were the windows to the soul, and you saw your lover’s soul glistening through their eyes, and it was blinding; intoxicating. Those eyes told you that, yes, hard times would come and go, but good times would outnumber them. They comforted you and made you forget your insecurities and doubts. They made you feel whole; complete in unimaginable ways. A cluster of a thousand stars wouldn’t be able to generate the light and warmth that coursed through your body when you looked at their eyes.
Their ocean eyes.  
I've been walking through A world gone blind Can't stop thinking of your diamond mind
Good times don’t last. Surely everyone knew that? Life is unpredictable and so unfair. There were a multitude of awful people the world who could’ve been taken away. People who were a disgrace to humanity. People who did not deserve to walk the earth.
So why them?
Why the one person who had so much love to give and asked for nothing in return? Why the one person who made you feel loved and whole? Why them? Why?
The day your lover died in a car crash, your world died with it. There was no reason to live anymore. You always selfishly hoped that you would be the one to die first. That way you would not have to feel the pain of your soulmate dying.
And what a pain it was.
You had heard childbirth was the worst pain on earth. Every mother you met confirmed this. But this? Losing your loved one; your other half to such a cruel fate, was it really less of a pain than pushing a kid out?
It wasn’t, you concluded.  
Because that pain would ease and slowly become nothing. Not having the person you were dependant on, to love you anymore, to help you out of the dark void, it was a pain that tore at your soul, ripping it apart into hundreds of fragments, unable to be repaired.  
Careful creature Made friends with time He left her lonely with a diamond mind And those ocean eyes
‘You know I’ll never leave you sweetheart.’ They once said, after you voiced your concerns. Your initial fears, that you were unlovable, had risen again and you had been harbouring those feelings for so long. At one point you were scared that they would see you for the broken person you were and realise they were wrong in loving you.
‘Promise?’ You sniffled, extending your pinky finger towards them. They laughed, what a beautiful laugh and nodded, wrapping their finger around yours and what they said next made you laugh at their fandom references, which were in abundance.  
‘Pinky promise meleth nin.’  
They lied, you sobbed. They lied. They promised they wouldn’t leave you but here you were, gaping hole in your heart. Nothing would ever soothe the pain you felt, for only they could, but they left. They broke their promise. Why was life so cruel? It was a curse to be left on this cold earth, so empty of love after their departure. Your soul broke in two every day and you tried, oh you tried to soothe yourself by thinking of the one thing that soothed you all those years before.
Their ocean eyes.
Note: meleth nin means ‘my love’ in elvish (hobbit reference)
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lunawings · 5 years
King of Prism SSS episode 8 commentary (Yu)
So, in my opinion, I think the episodes we’ve seen up until now could be more or less enjoyed to the fullest by newcomers and/or people who haven’t seen Rainbow Live. 
But from here on out, there is a notable change. And I really mean from here on out: Episodes 8 - 12 basically require having seen Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Live to be fully understood I think. 
So if you watched this episode and thought wait.... why did they just skip over Yu’s backstory like that!?!
Two words: Rainbow Live. 
Anyway let’s get started.
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I’m surprised the subber knew the correct spelling to ViviC Heart Session. That takes.... research!? ....Wait, it’s in the credits. Still, that’s some non-linear translation. 
Also I kinda wonder when and where ViviC Heart Session came from in canon. Yeah it’s the Pride the Hero ending, but there is a whole story on how they made and performed Dramatic Love for the Christmas concert, but nothing on ViviC Heart Session as far as I know. 
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If you’re wondering why they’re all acting so weird, there have already been not one but TWO different story arcs in the Prism Rush Main Story about Yu ambitiously deciding to write songs and biting off way more than he could chew ahah.... 
They know. 
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So this kinda dates this episode? Sort of? Despite the way it seems in episode 1, clearly the Prism One doesn’t take place right after it was announced ahah. 
The way Yu says this line makes me think it’s probably been a month or so already. 
So maybe it was announced in July-August (episode 1 takes place in “summer”), and happened in September-October, something like that?
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So like literally JUST as I was thinking to myself “wow the subs have really gotten better in this episode....” THIS had to happen... How dare you translate Taiga’s “IT’S A FESTIVAL” as “party time”................
Oh well. Honestly though, aside from this, this episode has the best subs so far, BY FAR. 
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Been wondering for months how they would sub MUGEN HABUUUUUU because I had no idea how I would do it myself ahah.
Although they don’t state it explicitly, it’s pretty clear this episode takes place in Okinawa. Among many other things, I think it’s the only place in Japan with habu. 
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I may or may not have thought way too hard for too long about how Taiga and Kakeru ended up in this boat together. 
I mean I would like to think Taiga chose Kakeru as his partner in good faith that they could work well together. 
I suppose it could have been random pairs, but Shin and Leo also ended up together and that seems not random ahah. Speaking of which...
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When I saw this episode for the first time I saw it as a 3-pack with Leo’s episode coming right before (the theatrical Part 3). So I had just gone though Leo’s episode for the first time and all the baggage that came with it less than 10 minutes earlier. 
So during this scene I was like like
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It actually took me until at least my second or third viewing to catch Kakeru trying to take a selfie with Taiga in the background there and I lost my shit. 
BTW I just want to mention that ViviC Heart Session was made for this episode. Well yes I know it wasn’t literally made for this episode, but it’s always sounded tropical for me and it just could not be more perfect.
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I have been wondering for months what Taiga says here and I’m still not sure. (Not that I think this subtitle is wrong, but I mean I can’t make out the Japanese he uses. I just know folks in the theater laugh about it. Or they could just be laughing at Taiga’s method of escaping from Yu.)
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Me at cheering: “IT’S SHIN. PICK UP.”
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I wonder if like, they all got together and tried to figure out who Yu was least likely to hang up on.
But seriously though
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I said once that Jin was the best voicework in SSS, but Taiga man I dunno. Taiga is up there too. This scream is just so..... BRILLIANT..........
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My reaction here changes from “OMG TAIGA ARE YOU OK” to just laughing hysterically. Sometimes in the same showing. Taiga I’m sorry. 
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My new desktop background.
Seriously this episode is just SO BEAUTIFUL. 
Such a simple plot, but such amazing atmosphere and visuals that really take it SO MUCH FURTHER.
If I stopped to take screenshots of everything I thought looked amazing this post would never end. So just know I’m definitely thinking it. Just goddamn. 
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For a long time I wondered how and why Minato found about about this.
But then I realized it actually makes a lot of sense.
So remember in my last post when I talked about my theory that Minato and Yu probably joined Edel Rose at the same time? Well, when Yu met Leo, basically the first thing he did was brag about knowing Over the Rainbow. So he probably did the same to Minato, and/or Minato just noticed him being way too friendly with Kouji. 
Considering Minato entered Edel Rose FOR KOUJI there is no way he wouldn’t notice that and wonder about it. 
So one day he probably worked up the courage to ask Kouji about it, and.....
Oh boy. 
BTW if you’re thinking huh? Yu’s family was separated? What? 
See: The Ito/Kouji plot in Rainbow Live. (And bring tissues.)
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Just the comparison of how fast he picks up here. Even though the first thing he does is complain to her it’s like.... HALF A SECOND from when he sees it’s Ito to when he answers omg..... 
So I kinda questioned this subtitle here. Because the literal Japanese is just him saying “IT’S LATE!” 
So I always thought he meant it like “Do you know what time it is!?”
But then I thought about it some more. And I remembered the Rose Party 2018 event, where the voice actors played a game where they all decided new aspects of the characters. And one of the things that were tasked with deciding (at the afternoon performance I believe) was what Yu does every night before he goes to bed. And one of the answers was “discusses life problems with Ito”. 
So, maybe Ito does call Yu every night so he had been waiting on a call from her for a while.... 
And if so, in that context this subtitle is spot on. 
You win, Crunchyroll. 
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Cheering audience: “THAT WAY”
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Yu was so impressive Kakeru stopped taking pictures of Taiga for a full minute. 
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But so like. As soon as they started heading up the hill. Like practically from when they called his name, I was like..... Yu’s gonna cry. 
So then it was many long, long seconds of anticipation.....
until finally this.....
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And I was not disappointed. 
Of all the beautiful things in this episode, I think the most beautiful thing may just be Yu’s crying animation here. He’s such a beautiful crier. 
I love this scene so much. It brings me so much joy. Because he’s not crying because he’s hurt or sad. 
He’s crying because he realized he has friends. 
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You know, I didn’t even realize Taiga was hiding behind Kakeru until someone in the stream pointed it out.
Am I an asshole because this is Yu’s episode but most of my favorite moments involve Taiga/Kakeru. 
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OH MY GAWD I have NEVER so desperately wanted to reach through the screen and hug an anime character
Also Leo always cries when anyone else is crying. 
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I spent so much time looking at Kakeru and Minato that I didn’t even realize Taiga too..... They’re BOTH sleeping on top of Minato omg.....
Also I can’t help but laugh that Leo is the big spoon on Shin. But it doesn’t surprise me. If you read Prism Rush stuff, Leo aggressively cuddling Shin in his sleep is nothing new.
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Damn but. Okay so like, another way in which seeing this episode right after Leo’s influenced me is, during Leo’s episode I kept thinking about what PriPara coords were closest to the outfits that the boys were wearing and how I was totally gonna record arcade videos with them. 
And then we get to this and I was like OH MAN I can’t wait until that outfit comes out so I can put it on my character.... then I was like.... WAIT.....
And I realized this is basically the only idol anime I watch currently where I can’t have the clothes and I was like......... ahhhh.... not fair..........
Seriously though it is kind of odd. For me anyhow.
But also because they don’t have to worry about an arcade game for King of Prism, they have a lot more freedom. Like in a show like this, usually all the important coords that season will all uniformly have wings or holograms or otherwise follow some kind of a theme.
But with this it’s like... WHATEVER. Give Yu a huge floaty cross?? SURE WHY NOT!!!! ahah......
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Okay so I know this animation is straight from Rainbow Live. 
But this lightning guitar here, it’s a recolor of Sara’s guitar from PriChan isn’t it?
And if it is, this’s the first/only specifically PriChan (not PriPara) reference I know of in SSS.
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So I guess the Prism System doesn’t score Prism Lives for boys yet, huh....?
So one Prism Live + one jump = this. 
But I suppose you could also argue that although Yu’s show was super personal and meaningful to him, he really didn’t do much for the audience did he? (The in-universe audience I mean, as it did plenty for me haha.) It was a rather street-style show in that aspect when you think about it. 
Oh well, I guess no matter what someone has to be last................................
Ah man anyway this episode.
So when I saw it for the first time, it actually didn’t leave that much of an impression on me. But that’s because it was a bit overshadowed by how EXTREMELY EMOTIONALLY DISTRAUGHT I was from Leo’s episode, and then I ended up leaving the theater thinking about the um, surprise that’s gonna happen next week in Alexander’s episode. So this episode kinda fell by the wayside. 
I was actually kinda jealous of how much you guys in the stream were freaking out about it. It really made me wish I had the chance to see it independently without the influence of Leo and Alexander. There are definitely advantages to watching these week-to-week instead of in odd bunches. 
Because the more I watched it, the more I really REALLY liked it, and now I think it’s probably my third favorite character episode after Taiga’s and Leo’s. (Or maybe even second. I keep flip-flopping.)
I was also a bit blindsided by how this episode didn’t really follow the normal formula. Since they skipped over Yu’s backstory, they had time for other things. They had time for, dare I say it... “filler”? By that I mean, time to focus on just the boys being boys. Although it’s something we get a lot of on Prism Rush, I realized it’s something we have been severely lacking in the movies and anime. Another big difference between this series and typical Pretty Series/Aikatsu-type anime (other than not being able to have the coords......) is the lack of filler, and I realized how truly valuable it can be. This episode is just such a jewel. 
So in between last week and this week I picked up a magazine (spoon 2Di vol. 50) with director commentary, and this was the last episode he commented on. 
He said this episode is about Yu going through his “rebellious phase”, which he never had the chance to have when he was younger since his family split up during such an important part of his childhood and he felt he had to be strong for his mom and all that. 
So instead he goes through it with his Edel Rose family.
Probably my favorite thing about Yu is how we’re able to see him gradually grow and change more than any other character I think. 
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Who would have though that little boy we met in Hokkaido would get this far......
So next up is Alexander’s episode and um....
You may have noticed me talking significantly less about that episode that I have about others. And there’s a reason for that. And it’s not because I have nothing to say about it......
The events in Alexander’s episode basically set off a continuity train until the end of the series. IMHO it doesn’t matter what order you watch episodes 2-8 in, but from here on out it’s definitely all connected. 
So basically what I’m trying to get at is.... um.... g..... get emotionally ready for some future cliffhangers. I’m sorry. 
Also, your last chance to properly prepare by watching Rainbow Live.... you won’t be disappointed, I promise....... 
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Survey #233
lalala song lyrics i’m about to go home so copy/pasting time.
What subject do you seem to struggle with the most? Various forms of mathematics. Have you ever solved a Rubik’s Cube? Noooo. I don't have that dedication. What’s the worst feeling in the world? Specifically? Giving someone everything you have physically and emotionally with full force and finding out you weren't enough. Who do you think is the easiest to talk to? Sara, probably. What is your favorite genre of movie? Horror, probably. What’s the best thing that happened to you today? Being told I don't have strep throat. Do you have a favorite metal band or do you not like metal? Metal is my favorite genre. I claim a lot as "favorites," but the reigning king will always be Ozzy Osbourne. What’s your favorite kind of science? Genetics. What’s your homeroom? We don't have those in college. If you had to move, where would you move to? Well, my only choice would be to move in with my dad, his wife, and her son. I'm not financially independent. Who did you last go to the movies with? Dad. I think. Have you ever read anything written by Shakespeare? I'm not going to include things assigned in schools because everyone had to read like, Beowulf or something similar at some point. I once started to read the full Macbeth (we read a condensed version in school) during a hospital stay, but I didn't finish it. Who’s the cutest person you know? Have you fuckin SEEN Sara when she's excited because- How about the funniest? Girt's funny as fuck. What is your current desktop picture? An adorable meerkat pup looking at the camera al;sdjfal;kjwerads If you could be reincarnated into anything you wanted, what would it be? I don't know if I'd even want that, but let's just say I was. Maybe... I was gonna say a lioness, because they're high on the food chain, beautiful, and social animals, but yeah I'd prefer to not be poached. Perhaps a house cat. What talent would you like to have? I wish I could draw hyperrealistically. What New Year’s resolutions did you make? I don't make those. What are three songs that mean the most to you? "Pretty Woman" by Van Halen, "The Only Exception" by Paramore, and probably "It's Alright" by Mother Mother. What do you think of your parents? I love them. What is one thing you would do to make the world better? I wish with a snap of my fingers I could just make all litter disappear or something like that. If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do? ... Wow. I actually thought about it, and the first thing my mind drifted to was "go to Jason's just to see he's okay," and I don't like that. We pass his house every day to go to school and come back, and I think it's only natural that I get curious, particularly when his car is there, but I don't want to care. How much cash do you have on you right now? Just a few dollars from Mom to get something from the snack or drink machine from school if I need to. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do in your life? Move on. Let go of people. Forgive. How do you measure intelligence? I dunno, how do you? Define the *type* of intelligence. What cartoons do you watch? None actively. Have you ever used drugs? Not illicit ones. Are you into tattoos? *blinks* Do you like photography? I fucking read this as "pornography" first aslkjweoaider. But yeah, I love love love photography. What’s the biggest celebrity you’ve ever seen in real life? The only celebrity I think I've ever seen is Alice Cooper, and it was at a concert. What person in history do you admire most? I don't know enough about any historical figure to really answer this with passion. What is the most daring thing that you have done in public? I don't know considering I'm not that daring. Probably a kiss momentarily going too far or something. Are you afraid of anything that most people are not afraid of? Whale sharks lmao. But pregnancy is the biggie. Well, maybe most are to a mild degree at least, idk. Have you ever watched someone struggle with addiction? Yeah. Who do you look up to for your style? I don't look up to a certain person. If you were to invent something, what would it be? I don't know off the top of my head and I don't feel like sitting here- OH NO WAIT! Remember that one year deviantART's April Fools prank was that it produced some sort of technology where you could visualize a drawing, and by scanning your finger or some weird shit while you envisioned it, it could produce it on the screen? Yeah, something like that. I'd pay big bucks for something that could put my ideas on paper. Who would you like to get to know better? One of my RP partners that I've known since childhood. She's just extremely private online. What’s your favorite thing to order at a Chinese food restaurant? Pork fried rice is my jam. In your opinion, what is the greatest challenge the world faces today? Greed, probably. What have you achieved that you once thought was impossible? Getting over Jason. What have you tried to quit, but weren’t able to? Meat. Not for lack of motivation, but health needs. What was the last rumor that you heard? I don't know. What country star would you most like to meet and why? I'm not interested in meeting any. Have you ever been in a car accident? Yeah. What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done? Overdose. What is the meaning of life? I don't pretend to know anymore. I think everyone gives their life its own meaning based on values, goals, beliefs, etc. Do you prefer cupcakes or muffins? That's hard, man. Depends on the kind, I guess. What is the funniest movie you’ve seen in your whole entire lifetime? White Chicks never fails to get me. What’s the worst nightmare you’ve ever had? My dad about to molest me. What’s your favorite amusement park ride? Merry-go-rounds lmao. Who are your musical influences? This seems like a question for an aspiring musician, which I'm not. What’s the best pick-up line that’s ever been tried on you? I don't know if anyone's ever tried one on me. How many drinks can you handle? I wouldn't really know as I've never reached the point of being drunk, but seemingly quite a few. Weak ones, anyway. If it has a high alcohol concentration, I'm not drinking that shit. What was the longest phone conversation you’ve ever had? Idk, most of the afternoon or evening. I think one occasion with an old best friend went past five hours. Do you know where you want to go to college? I'm happy at my current college. They care a lot about their students. Are you satisfied with the picture on your ID card? Permit, fuck no. School ID, it's alright. What fruit did you last eat? An apple. Aside from yourself, who was the last person to see you naked? My mom. How many classes are you taking? Four, currently. Jumping up to six next semester... though not really by choice. My adviser wants me to have like a safety net by having two classes I CAN drop if I need to, but she's realistic in pointing out that the school path I visualize doable for me will be a VERY slow one and ultimately cost so, so much more money, so she wants to nudge me along as best she can while keeping my limitations in mind. I'm definitely going to try the best I can to do this in four years, but yeah... unlikely. But that's okay to me, so long I get there in not TOO long of a time. Have you ever lost anything down a toilet? I don't think so... but I do recall when my older sister was tiny she flushed a little toy truck down the toilet. We had to get a plumber to save it lmao. I think my mom has kept the truck. Are you someone’s best friend? One of hers. Do you have any goldfishes? No. Have you ever had a pet that you disliked? I absolutely hate my sister's dog that for whatever fucking reason lives with Mom and me. Why we keep a dog that does nothing but annoy us and piss us off is a subject of more than frequent arguing. When was the last time you saw hail? I don't know, a long time ago. What color eyes do you prefer: Green or Brown? Green. Have you ever given a nickname to your pet(s)? Oh yeah. Of my living ones, I call Venus "Miss Venus" and "pretty girl" a whole lot, while Teddy has a whole lot, but mostly "booga," "bub(by)," "boogie," and "Teddy-boo." I just call Roman "butt" a lot, lmao. I don't really have a common one for Mitsu, but I sometimes use "baby girl," I think. Ever been on a boat before? Like, fishing boats. Which is better: Skiing or Snowboarding? I wouldn't know, never tried either. Can you change the oil on a car? I have no clue how. Ever ran out of gas? Not while I myself was driving. I don't even know if I've ever been in the car while that's happened. Favorite kind of sandwich? Most of the time just an 'ole pb&j. Best thing to eat for breakfast? mmmmmmm cinnamon rolls are the GOOD SHIT. Are you horny? Nah. Do you have any magazine subscriptions? Nope. Which are better legos or lincoln logs? Lincoln logs or GET OUT. Are you stubborn? Yeah, most of the time. Are you afraid of heights? YEAH. Ever used a gun? Nooooo and I don't want to. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? Idk if the guy who did my school ID card was an actual photographer? I dunno? Ever eat a pierogi? I hate those goddamn pockets of disgust. Favorite type of fruit pie? I dun like pie. I used to be okay with apple, though. Do you believe in ghosts? 110%. Ever have a deja-vu feeling? Yes because our world is just a simulation and it's a glitch- (I'm only semi-kidding btw idk I kinda believe it) Why do you think others get deja-vu? Because our world is just a simulation and it's a glitch- Take a vitamin daily? No. I need to, though. Wear a bath robe? No, I get dressed right after the shower. What do you wear to bed? Pajama pants and a tank top. First concert? Alice Cooper. Outside. During a thunderstorm. Shit was badass. Peanuts or sunflower seeds? Both are ew. I can handle a little bit of peanut better, though. Ever take dance lessons? I grew up taking a lot through middle school and some of high school. I tooook... clogging (I was embarrassingly good at that omg), jazz, modern (my fave), lyrical very briefly 'cuz I am NOT graceful, and hip hop. I always hated the music, but the dancing itself is fun. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? No. They can do whatever they aspire to. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Yeah. Own any record albums? Not anymore, Mom sold them. I wish I had them now, ahhhh. I love 'em. Own a record player? No. Who would you like to see in concert? I am seeing Ozzy next year or I will fucking riot, Metallica, and Rammstein. Many others would be cool, but those are the biggies. I'd love to see Manson and Otep, but their shows are... yeah. They do gross and/or really disrespectful shit. Hot tea or cold tea? THERE ARE SO MANY TEA OR COFFEE QUESTIONS IN SURVEYS but they tend to be different so I just keep them in alsdjf;awe. The usual: I hate tea. Can you swim well? I guess I swim fine? DJ or band, at a wedding? DJ. I want a variety of music. Ever won a contest? A few, don't feel like trying to remember 'em. Ever have plastic surgery? No. Which are better black or green olives? Olives are fucking gross. Best room for a fireplace? Living room. Who was your high school crush? My first was either Sebastian or Kyle. Or Girt. Then Juan, though that crush was questionable if it was serious or not. He really flattered me a lot, but I've told the story before plenty. Idk if the emotion was romantically reciprocated, though honestly I think it was mostly because of his reputation? I only knew him as extremely sweet. BUT ANYWAY, after that, do I even need to say "Jason?" When he came along, whether or not I really liked Juan was totally forgotten. What do you believe happens to us after death? Hell if I know. Have you ever cheated on someone? No. Does the thought of growing old frighten you? More like the thought of my body deteriorating does. Have you ever hurt someone for your own entertainment? um the fuck. I've done it out of heartbreak and pain, but never for my entertainment. What is your favorite song of all time? Of all time, probably "False Flags" by Massive Attack. Has anyone you’ve known died on a holiday? Possibly, idk. If you could write a book, what would it be about? Sometimes I wish I could make a series out of the meerkat RP I engage in, but I don't have the motivation or dedication for that. And I wouldn't be comfortable revising our "tribute" characters for the sake of legality and just respect in general. What are some lyrics that speak to your soul? "For such a little thing, you sure are in your own way" from a Mother Mother song. I'm not exactly small for a human ha ha, but in the scope of the universe perspective, we're all less than microscopic. Have you ever been in love with more than one person at the same time? Not in love, not. Attracted to, yeah. What is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to you? I remember, though it's a tad blurry, the occasion I was having a serious "grieving session" for Jason at Colleen's house, and her sister was there alone with me. She was talking me through it and grabbed my shoulders at one point, looked me dead in the eye, and told me so firmly yet gently how beautiful a person I was and that I deserved the world and more. I won't forget that, like ever. Do you have any taboo fetishes or preferences? No. What is the thing you are most ashamed of? I've talked about this enough. Well, that or just being a general "this is all your goddamn fault and I am the only victim here" cunt to Jason following the breakup. Actually, yeah, I'm probably more ashamed of that. What is the emotion you seem to feel most strongly? Hm. Embarrassment? Heartbreak? Love? Idk. Do you think of yourself as a unique person? Yeah, honestly. I mean not incredibly, but unique, yeah. What is a movie from childhood that you loved? I've talked about TLK and Finding Nemo and that kinda stuff a lot, so here's a STUPIDLY underrated one: Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron. That movie is fuckin beautiful wtf. Are you afraid of death? Aren't we all at least to a small degree? What are your top three biggest fears, actually? Losing my mom, being raped, and all those I love just abandoning me. Do you have an accent of any kind? You can detect a Southern one sometimes. What do you want to be remembered for? Sending a message of love, especially to animals. Are you currently sad about anything? I am literally permanently sad about my weight, though it's not like, an *active* sadness at this very moment? Have you ever changed your spiritual beliefs? Three times now. Catholic to Christian to theist. What is your favorite alcoholic drink? MARGARITAS gotDAMN Do you ever talk to yourself? Sure. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep in your adult life? Oh yeah. What do you think is the meanest thing you’ve ever said to someone? "Thanks for sending me to the ER again." Fucking bitch. Do you have a favorite book? If so, how many times have you read it? Johnny Got His Gun and The Outsiders. Only read both once. I almost never read a book more than that. Have you ever wished you were from another country? Half the time, especially as an adult, I wish I lived in Canada. What are you thinking about currently? My throat is absolutely killing me and I'm ready to leave school. What is a subject that makes you uncomfortable to speak about? I'm more uncomfortable talking about sex than I used to think. Do you have anything you are extremely particular about? When I'm in the passenger seat controlling the music? Oh my god, Mom, DON'T turn the volume down manually. I can do that on my iPod myself, but can only turn it back UP but so loud as it gets lower by the car itself. She knows I turn it down when we're talking, she is, or we slow down, but she does it anyway sometimes and I get unreasonably annoyed by it. Have you ever seen the ocean? Only the Atlantic. What is your most fond memory of your current S.O, if applicable? THE FIRST KISS Y'ALL it was fuckin CHEESY but I LOVE IT Do you find yourself confused often? Oh hell yeah. What was the best time of your life? It's so funny to me how I can answer "2017," the very same year I OD'd. That's rapid growth, my friend. Have you ever been on a cruise? No. Do you miss any of your exes? I only miss the memories of him. Are you religious? I mean I believe in some ultimate creator, but I don't really like calling myself "religious" anymore. I don't worship it, I don't pray to it. I'm thankful to exist, but that's. It, I guess. ANY entity I would respect wouldn't demand me to kiss its feet. Do you think you are attractive? HELL NO. How many people have you slept with? Do you mean like, as in having sex? One. Slightly fooled around with, two, including the previously-mentioned guy. Do you consider yourself a catch? Besides my looks, I do think I'm a good girlfriend. What kind of sauce do you eat your chicken nuggets with? Honey mustard, actual mustard... that kinda stuff. What do you think you could do to improve your life? Get a goddamn job, I'm just really not capable right now. What song is playing right now? "Hag" by Otep. What is your LJ name? I don't have a LiveJournal. I don't even want to EXIST on the same site with a particular fat-headed, bigoted fuck of a bitch. Holy shit I've nearly made an account multiple times JUST to talk that cunt back to Earth. What was the most recent movie you watched? UHHHHHHHH I don't remember actually. How many times have you got stitches? UHHHH twice or thrice? What are your pets’ species and names? I'm excluding the dog I hate because he's not even "mine." Teddy is a beagle/cocker spaniel/probably something else mix. Roman is a cat mix; he seems to have Siamese or something similar in 'im. Mitsu is a fancy rat. Venus is a champagne ball python. What is your most recent musical crush? Mark is a fucking singer, DON'T EVEN @ ME ABOUT IT. Which is better; immense heat or extreme coldness? God, the latter. I literally can't handle like anything above 70 for even like 10 minutes. It's not just that I find heat uncomfortable, but I sweat to a disgusting degree and get extremely weak, dizzy, and sometimes nauseous. Do you have a disease? Just mental ones. I have at least one physical disorder, but not a disease. Do you like gore? BITCH yes. Especially in art. It's the smell irl I can't really handle, as well as seeing like, human gore, but also exclusively in the real world. It feels too personal and close to home, y'know? Do you stutter? YEP. Name a cool person you have lost touch with? Megan, particularly. Who was the friendliest person you have met on the internet? MAN, I don't know if I could pick!! Maybe uhhhh... Megan again? She was nice to like... everyone. Or Connie for the same reason, and she's also chill as hell. I really don't know, I've met a load of great people. Name a song that is overplayed. I don't listen to the radio, so. What websites do you visit frequently? Kalahari Manor, deviantART, YouTube, Facebook, the Silent Hill wiki to make sure it's not exploding from mental cases again to not make it to fucking video game and horror sites/blogs again, and especially lately, Tumblr. There's more, but those are the regularly frequent ones. Does counting sheep help you fall asleep? Never tried. What is the biggest mystery? Where the universe came from and why.
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sevngmin · 7 years
family doctor!seungmin
a/n:  it was hard to find pictures of clinics;-; so i tried to go according to colour scheme! this fic is also dedicated to the 2 seungmin stans, annie and jupiter,, i hope yall like it^^// request
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seungmin... graduated at the top of his class for family medicine
cute looks+good grades?? destined to do well fam
eventually he became a doctor in seoul national univ. hospital, one of the top hospitals in seoul
his niche wasnt really paediatrics but he enjoyed the company of children that the ceo gave him the offer in the department
seungmin declined, choosing to stay in family medicine
however patients who are fairly young are always numbered to his room so its all good
sometimes he’s on ER(emergency room) duty and 80% of female patients develop an instant crush on him
its funny cause when he measures their heart rate it spikes abnormally high and he gets flustered, “why is your heart rate so high?”
and doesnt notice the growing blush in their cheeks
anyhow, that was on rare occasions when he needs to cover duties for his colleague and close friend, jeongin
seungmin always wears this white coat with pororo stickers decorated on his name tag
coat pockets filled with candy and stickers to reward the children for behaving well
really hates to administer injections as he really doesnt want to hurt the children
but for the sake of their health he had to
and shower them with loads of candies and stickers after that
sometimes he’s also a FPC(first patient clinic) doctor
fpc: a doctor assigned to a particular patient with complicated problems, to avoid confusion, these patients go to the same doctor consequently for their diagnosis and reports
and when he sees familiar faces his eyes light up 10 times more, eyes crinkling into crescents
he’s just so friendly, children dont even hate going to the doctor’s because of him
while checking their lungs seungmin would squat down to their eye-level to talk to them, to distract them
children willingly open their mouths to let him check their tonsils too
children rarely cry during his consulations, because seungmin is that good with children
and they go out happy
which makes you wonder what kind of spell seungmin casts on the kids to make them happy
you, a permanent in the ER, deal with all sorts of people everyday
frantically rushing in every minute, life and death right at its doorstep
sometimes you see seungmin in the ER for cover duty, and he was definitely a sight for sore eyes
but you never approached him, not wanting him to see you in messy hair and makeup almost all gone
you always see him cooped up in his room during lunch break, and you also didnt have the courage to ask him out for lunch, since the both of you werent close either
in reality, seungmin always cooks his own lunch and saves them in a bento to eat during lunch break
its much more economical and healthy, the only times he eats from outside are company gatherings or jeongin forcing him to come along which he would immediately agree imo
seungmin’s cooking is actually one of the best out of all of the doctors, since he lives alone and living on ramen wasnt exactly the healthiest
which lowkey explains why he’s so damn smart, both booksmart and streetsmart
strangely, he hasnt have much experiences with girls
all of his knowledge are from romcom kdramas btw
but he does know how to be a gentleman around girls,, a huge plus point
aNYWHO the gods decided to shine on you and seungmin was in ER duty for this whole month
because jeongin was down with pneumonia, and was unfit for duty
definitely not missing out naggings from seungmin saying he should stop eating churros
you knew jeongin fairly well, as your same-shift colleague in the ER with a very cute friend
and when he was down with pneumonia you didnt know whether to thank him or kill him
because, seungmin would take over jeongin, which meant he would be on the same shift as you
you got to see him, but also you didnt want him to see you
what will he think of you? will he hate you? many questions filled your mind
all of them were forgotten the moment seungmin approached you to say hi
“hi, im seungmin! im from the family doctors’ side, but im here to cover jeongin for the month. and ive seen you around, but i didnt really catch your name.”
“i-i’m y/n! im a permanent here. jeongin’s friend too.” you stuttered, which made seungmin giggle
you stared at him weirdly, which made him clear his throat, “im sorry i mustve offended you.”
“no... its fine. i understand that ER duty isnt the best and we’re on night duty too.”
seungmin looked slightly offended at your rebuttal, but still regained his composure
usually, there werent many patients at night but there was this one little boy who couldnt stop crying because of a high fever
you were flustered, as jeongin was the one who always tended to younger patients
just then, a knight in white armour(quite literally) came rushing by your side to placate the crying child
the child stopped crying as soon and seungmin tended to him, and the whole consultation was just a breeze
the poor child had suffered from chicken pox, and he had to be isolated in a different room in the hospital
both you and seungmin were sad, the child would be both lonely and in pain(?)
since the child brought down the mood for the both of you, you decided to get 2 cups of hot cocoa to cheer him and yourself up
“don’t worry. the child will get better.” you patted his arm(which was your boldest move of the day), handing him the hot cocoa
he looked at you with puppy eyes, the brightening up slightly, “i hope he will.”
“he will, with your expertise, im sure he will soon.” you comforted, unaware that seungmin’s heart was beating wildly at your comment.
seungmin was practically skipping back home when his shift ended
now night shifts wasnt as suckish anymore with you around seungmin
the both of you would always joke around with each other, you “accidentally” squirting saline solution onto seungmin and he’d be like
“hEy y/n this would be a good time to express my affection for you!!”
you’d be like nell ho bc 1. you didnt want to get soaked and 2. too close for your heart to function properly
mostly 2.
but the both of you stop your playful banter until chan came along to tell the both of you off to “stop acting like a love-struck couple”
even after his duty in the ER, seungmin would approach you for lunch break, to jeongin’s surprise
hes like, “hyung, you never ever ask me to go for lunch”
“im sick of my food anyway”
“sStop LyING i know you like y/n”
“i suddenly love jjangmyeon lets order some and share with her”
sometimes seungmin would cook you a bento too, knowing youre too busy
tbh you were starting to catch on a lil but you didnt want to give yourself false hope
until one day jeongin steps in to play cupid
sOoooo jeongin tells you that seungmin needs help with some wound dressing thingy
which you nearly wanted to question him but went with it anyway
and when youre in seungmin’s room there was no patient, only seungmin attentively typing away on his desktop
and he was wearing black-rimmed round glasses with slightly curled hair
a whole boyfriend look ngl
but you shook that off, asking seungmin if he needed help with anything
seungmin tilted his head in confusion, “no..?”
just then, the lock of the door went click, signalling that it was locked
“jeongin.” the both of you sighed in unison, shaking your heads
you were unsure of what to do, so you just released your ponytail and sat on the examination bed
“rough day?” seungmin speaks up, gulping slightly
“yeah, there were so many patients today.” you sighed, “even the nurses werent enough to help.”
“stop talking and confess already!” you hear jeongin’s voice at the other side of the door, as the both of you widened your eyes
“confess... what?” seungmin laughed awkwardly
“yeah... what?” you smiled awkwardly, avoiding seungmin’s eyes
seungmin decided that he needed to man up and say something about it, so he just got up from his seat and brisk-walked towards you
and he cups your face ever so gently and says,
“can i kiss you?”
you were flustered, and nodded meekly
and yes that was you and seungmin’s first kiss and love
young love
when will i ever
anyhow!! seungmin would always pick you up from home to the hospital and vice versa
sometimes he stays over at your place,, your mom doesnt mind
because!whatta sweet man bringing my daughter home!!so that she saves on train fares
seungmin shocks you everytime you find out something new about him
just like at a company gathering, all of the doctors gathered at a karaoke and seungmin went up first with a day6 song
and his vocals?? sWOON
and next he sang stitches and had hes eyes on you all the time
but heres the thing... the both of you cant let the entire hospital find out about your relationship if you wanna live in peace
so the both of you are like business terms until you step out of the hospital lol
would make you food! Everyday!
and also eat with you during lunch
wouldnt mind ER duties bc ur there
highkey wants to send a complaint to make you work at paediatrics so yall can see each other more often
backhugs! are! a! thing!
be it seungmin hugging you or you hugging him... the both of you live for hugs
likes to link pinkies
star watching at the rooftop... peaceful
with hot chocolate in hands too
there was once you got really sick and had to stay home
seungmin was dead worried he even took days off to take care of you
doctor kim doesnt only take care of kids
his masters aint for nothing
people started to wonder why the both of you were off work at the same time lol but they just shrugged it off
except jeongin
jeongin wants the both of you to get married
and the both of you do
the whole hospital didnt know of your relationship until you started to send out wedding invitations
“youre getting married to dr kim?? seungmin?? from our hospital??” was prolly the most asked question after “congrats! when are yall having kids??”
you were lucky it was a secret till you marriage lol
fast forward to when you gIve birth wOOSH
isnt this bonus too much of one
seungmin didnt want to faint so he was just by your side helping you keep c a l m
you had much more strength than he thought you would so he smiled:)thru:)the:)pain:)
you were in more pain so he understood that
you gave birth to a lil bby girl aww
your husband couldnt be more happy
finally someone made use of his medical knowledge to take care of his daughter
subconciously mumbles medical terms to his daughter in attempts to make her fall asleep
“seungmin... if you continue doing this... our daughter will graduate med school at 5.”
it does work better than classical music tho ngl
your daughter indeed took after her dad.. learning how to walk at 8 months and talk at 10 months
you would sometimes bring her to work and people always tell you that shes a carbon copy of seungmin
big eyes, milky white skin... yeah
has a pic of the three of you on his desk its just so endearing
“is that your child?”
“yes its my daughter and beautiful wife!!!”
and you actually brought your daughter into seungmin’s clinic... he turned into a puddle of goo
such a fool for his daughter smh
and a fool for you too
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franklinclarkj · 3 years
ELECOM Wireless Finger-operated Trackball Mouse
It's a trackball. There is a reason that the discontinued trackballs by Microsoft Logitech and others fetch a pretty penny at action and secondary markets!
While the Elecom product is not an "exact" replica of the Microsoft Trackball, it is functionally equivalent. I have been using the Elecom mouse for several weeks and it is both easy to use and comfortable. It is well designed and a joy to use. It pops out quite easily if you have grip strength. If not you can poke a pen from the back and it will pop right out. 
I swapped the ball from my other trackball that was blue and not black and it works better now. If you turn it upside down or shake it, the ball will not fall out. However for cleaning there's a hole on the bottom side which you can poke a finger through to conveniently force the ball out of its socket. The ELECOM M-DT1DRBK & M-DT2DRBK run on AA batteries, not AAA, btw.
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I bought my first one model M-DT2DRBK ELECOM Wireless Finger-operated Trackball Mouse  ​on July 16th, 2016. Been using that one at work, 5 days a week 8-9 hours a day. I have replaced the batteries 3 times since then. So my desktop one seems to be lasting me 2.5ish months. I bought a second one model M-DT1DRBK on July 24th, 2016 and kept it in my EDC bag along with my Acer 2-in-1 for use almost exclusively with Photoshop & Lightroom. I keep that one powered off when not in active use and I've had the batteries replaced just once.
Get review:
This review is coming from a 16 year Microsoft Trackball Explorer user... I never thought that I would be able to find a replacement for my beloved old trackball. I took a chance on this Elecom unit and I am plesently surprised! The ball spins much more smoothly than my MTE, almost too smooth. I thought that I'd have issues with the right click button being in a different spot than what I'm used to and to be honest, it's not bad at all. 
I can see myself adjusting to it easily. If I could find a fault, the body is a bit too small. It doesn't impact normal usage that badly but when it comes time to hit one of those small buttons with accuracy, the smallness gets felt for sure. If you are looking for a similar product to Microsoft's trackball, try this one out. It is the closest thing to what many feel is the holy grail of trackballs.
I got this to reduce strain on my shoulder now that I'm sitting at a computer 8 hours a day for work and then later at home for my own enjoyment (games).The comfort is amazing, like it was actually designed for human hands. It looks weird but fits my smaller hands perfectly. Your thumb naturally rests on the left click, your middle on the right click, and ring+ pinky set perfect in the indentations for them. 
Pointer rests gently on the ball and is great for zipping around quickly. Despite being optical/laser I can't feel much of any curve smoothing or acceleration curves, it seems to be one to one. ( Ms accuracy turned off, 6/10 tracking speed, everything to make it as linear as possible)The ball on my example was not rolling smooth, but seemed to be due to a film on the ball itself probably from manufacturing. 
A little windex and buffing with a microfiber and it rolls effortlessly with little or no drag. I like that it's all hard plastic. No rubber coating to break down and get goey. My only complaint is the ball is very light. It has almost no momentum like older larger finger trackballs have, and I wish it had a metal core to make it a little heavier. It's neither here nor there, just preference.
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No issues with flick shots in csgo or doom eternal on the low dpi settings. High dpi switch is in a great location and easy to flick on to check your six super fast. Software is easy to find on elecoms site, and simplistic + easy to use. If you want a finger trackball, and are cheap, this seems to be the way to go. I give ELECOM Wireless Finger-operated Trackball Mouse 5 stars based on 2 things: ergonomics and flawless basic operation.
I use index finger trackballs with every computer I have. This is the best one I've ever found. The ball moves effortlessly and is as precise as an=y other I've used. The left click is perfectly positioned, and the right click is easy to get used to. The scroll wheel is absolutely awesome, just great movement and textured so you never slip. The back and forward buttons work well. It's wireless and it's not too big and the beauty of trackball is that you can put it wherever it's most comfortable.
Product model:
Style:    Wireless.
Color:    Black.
About ELECOM Wireless Finger-operated Trackball Mouse  item:
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COMFORTABLE DESIGN:  The mouse design is based on 6 different muscle and skeletal structures of the hands giving special emphasis to the folding actions of the hands to provide a new level of hand comfort.
OPTICAL TRACKING TECHNOLOGY The ELEOM "EX-G:  series" trackball provides precise cursor movement for superior accuracy so you can get where you want on the screen quickly with less hand movement, improving productivity and efficiency. It is very easy to move in any direction.
FUNCTIONAL 8 BUTTONS:  You can assign favorite function to each button by using "ELECOM Mouse Assistant" ELECOM Mouse Assistant Software will be available to download from ELECOM NET website.
DPI CURSOR Designed:  with a high-performance gaming optics system sensor and lens. The DPI button can easily change between 750(LOW) and 1500(HIGH) DPI, making the movements of your cursor faster or slower. The ball is held in place by the ball bearings, but can easily be popped out of the device, by pushing it through the hole in the bottom and it can be easily cleaned.
PRODUCT DETAILS: System requirements: Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows RT8.1, Windows 10 or later (Horizontal scrolling function is not working in Windows RT8.1), macOS 10.10 or later, Size: W3.7"(94.7mm) X L4.9"(124.4mm) X H1.9"(47.9mm), Weight: 4oz(without battery), DPI: 750/1500 count (switchable), Connectivity: wireless, 1 X AA battery(Included)- Battery Remaining Light Lamp equipped.
I love this puppy! I think it is the best trackball mouse I've ever had and I've been using Trackballs for more than 20 years. Actually you shouldn't want the wheel to be very loose. If the wheel is too loose it may become too hard to control. Have you tried pushing in on the wheel as you maneuver it? Give yourself a while to get used to it. Any new equipment will feel strange until you get adjusted to it. Good Luck. 
If you want to know about this product, please click here...
0 notes
miss-musings · 7 years
The Similarities between TBL’s Red and Mr. Rochester, a.k.a. A Classic Byronic Hero
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Several in the Blacklist fandom, myself included, have compared our protagonist “Raymond (Red) Reddington” (James Spader’s character) to the likes of Edmond Dantes and Mr. Rochester.
The reasoning behind this, other than sharing some parallel plot points (such as being a sailor, being labeled a criminal by his government, going into exile, wanting revenge and/or relief, etc.) … Red shares a lot of the traits of a Byronic hero.
According to the Wikipedia entry for the Byronic hero, various iterations of the character-type are described as:
“a man proud, moody, cynical, with defiance on his brow, and misery in his heart, a scorner of his kind, implacable in revenge, yet capable of deep and strong affection …a solitary figure, resigned to suffering … the “fallen angel” … [with a] violent temper and [capable of] seduction … [has] occasional outbreaks of remorse [that] reveal a tortured character, echoing a Byronic remorse … a remarkable blend of both villain and hero, and exploration of both sides of the Byronic character.”
Here are some other slides I found that give descriptions and examples of Byronic heroes. I take no credit for any of these slides:
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Now, obviously, the Byronic hero is a bit fluid, meaning that not every single example of one fits every single characteristic in each description. But, I truly see Red as a Byronic hero. (I bolded all the traits in the description that I think fit him.) The Byronic hero is sometimes seen as the predecessor or primogenitor or at least the “cousin” of the modern-day anti-hero, which Red DEFINITELY falls into. He’s by all accounts a “bad guy” and yet we love him and we want him to win.
But in a recent post, I used the similarities between Red and a very early example of a Byronic hero, Mr. Rochester of “Jane Eyre,” as evidence for why I think Red is the romantic lead in our story, and why he and Liz getting together in some form or fashion (a.k.a. Lizzington) is the endgame.
Looking at it more closely, if we assume that Liz is Red’s love interest, as Jane is Rochester’s, more similarities and parallels become evident:
His love interest works for him in some regard
He is about twice her age
He sees her as his “second chance,” etc. (we’ll dive into that more in a second)
In comparison to the female protagonist and the other characters, he is considered to be very worldly and well-traveled
He travels, in part, to escape both his inner and outer demons
He was previously married and had several trysts and relationships with various women until meeting the protagonist
(Seemingly) flirts with his female acquaintances to make the protagonist jealous
Once meeting her, he becomes completely devoted to the protagonist, and has eyes for no other woman
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One thing that has always struck me about Red on TBL is that, while we do get references to him being in relationships and having sex with women in the past, we REALLY don’t see Red engaging in relationships or trysts since meeting Liz in the pilot. Maybe he does it off-screen, and there is that shot of Luli in 1x05 where she walks through the room in one of Red’s shirts… but, other than that, NOTHING! Yes, he flirts. Yes, he makes sexy comments and allusions. Yes, he dances with Madeline seductively and closely in 1x14. But, for a man who admits that he views sex as a drug, and his FAVORITE AND GO-TO DRUG at that, he has been relatively chaste on-screen.
The show clearly has no problem showing couples hooking up so long as its “family-friendly”. They showed Ressler and Samar getting together. They’ve shown Liz and Tom having sexy times on several occasions. They insinuated sexual activity between Aram and his shitty girlfriend. …So, why have James Spader, who once played a character that said “Everything is sex,” be relatively celibate and not get in on the action???
If the show wanted to quell the whole “Lizzington” uproar, all the showrunners would have to do is have Red tell Liz he’s her dad or relative or father-figure or whatever, and then give him a nice, steady, likable love interest. Piece of cake.
Anyway, back to the Byronic hero.
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While their backstories differ greatly, Red FEELS and SOUNDS a lot like Mr. Rochester, or other Byronic heroes in general. Like Dantes, he seems to have some kind of elaborate “long-game” of revenge that targets the people who did him wrong but who are also legitimately evil and are doing the world harm; while at the same time, he’s intent on protecting the lives of the innocent. Like Dantes, maybe Red has or soon will become too wrapped up in his mission of revenge and will need others to show him the light.
But, as for his similarities to Mr. Rochester, as I pointed out in the other post, Red has these long, grand monologues about what he has become, who he used to be, and who he wants (Liz to help him) to be again.
(EDIT: I previously had tried to embed videos before, but they didn’t come up on either mobile or desktop, so I’ve just added links to the YouTube videos instead.)
Examples include:
The Ugly Fish monologue in 2x09
The North Star monologue in 3x02
He also tends to wax philosophical about the guilt he feels, and how he is making or has tried to make amends, and how the life he leads has caused him to feel less-than-human, etc.
Examples include:
The “…just a nice gesture” monologue in 2x16
The “I’m a violent man” monologue in 3x12
And because of all this, he feels very much like a wandering, tortured soul… as we learn very vividly from the infamous “Parable of the Farmer” in 1x04.
All of these is, of course, very much like Mr. Rochester from “Jane Eyre.”
Here are some passages from “Jane Eyre” where Mr. Rochester is talking about the woman he loves. At the time, Jane is in love with him, but she believes he is in love with someone else (Blanche Ingram). In reality, though, Mr. Rochester has been in love with Jane since he first met her, and decided that jealousy would be the best way to 1) see whether Jane loved him, and 2) if she did, to make that love grow and become more apparent.
(BTW, just gonna put these two completely random pictures here:)
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Here’s the first one, in which Rochester is talking to Jane after she saved him from a fire in his bedroom.
(BTW, the narration is written from Jane’s first-person perspective.)
[Rochester:] “But not without taking leave; not without a word or two of acknowledgment and good-will: not, in short, in that brief, dry fashion. Why, you have saved my life!—snatched me from a horrible and excruciating death! and you walk past me as if we were mutual strangers! At least shake hands.”
He held out his hand; I gave him mine: he took it first in one, them in both his own.
“You have saved my life: I have a pleasure in owing you so immense a debt. I cannot say more. Nothing else that has being would have been tolerable to me in the character of creditor for such an obligation: but you: it is different;—I feel your benefits no burden, Jane.”
He paused; gazed at me: words almost visible trembled on his lips,—but his voice was checked.
“Good-night again, sir. There is no debt, benefit, burden, obligation, in the case.”
“I knew,” he continued, “you would do me good in some way, at some time;—I saw it in your eyes when I first beheld you: their expression and smile did not”—(again he stopped)—“did not” (he proceeded hastily) “strike delight to my very inmost heart so for nothing. People talk of natural sympathies; I have heard of good genii: there are grains of truth in the wildest fable. My cherished preserver, goodnight!”
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And, now, in this second passage … this is after Rochester has been (sort of) “courting” Blanche in front of Jane, and Jane and he are sharing a quiet, peaceful moment together after a very strange and stressful night.
Here, Rochester starts talking VERY VAGUELY about the shitty things that have happened to him, how he’s tried to find solace in worldy things and ultimately, only now, has he found happiness and peace with the woman he loves. Jane ~assumes~ he’s talking about Blanche, when in reality he’s talking about Jane:
“Well then, Jane, call to aid your fancy:—suppose you were no longer a girl well reared and disciplined, but a wild boy indulged from childhood upwards; imagine yourself in a remote foreign land; conceive that you there commit a capital error, no matter of what nature or from what motives, but one whose consequences must follow you through life and taint all your existence. Mind, I don’t say a crime; I am not speaking of shedding of blood or any other guilty act, which might make the perpetrator amenable to the law: my word is error. The results of what you have done become in time to you utterly insupportable; you take measures to obtain relief: unusual measures, but neither unlawful nor culpable. Still you are miserable; for hope has quitted you on the very confines of life: your sun at noon darkens in an eclipse, which you feel will not leave it till the time of setting. Bitter and base associations have become the sole food of your memory: you wander here and there, seeking rest in exile: happiness in pleasure—I mean in heartless, sensual pleasure—such as dulls intellect and blights feeling. Heart-weary and soul-withered, you come home after years of voluntary banishment: you make a new acquaintance—how or where no matter: you find in this stranger much of the good and bright qualities which you have sought for twenty years, and never before encountered; and they are all fresh, healthy, without soil and without taint. Such society revives, regenerates: you feel better days come back—higher wishes, purer feelings; you desire to recommence your life, and to spend what remains to you of days in a way more worthy of an immortal being. To attain this end, are you justified in overleaping an obstacle of custom—a mere conventional impediment which neither your conscience sanctifies nor your judgment approves?…
“Is the wandering and sinful, but now rest-seeking and repentant, man justified in daring the world’s opinion, in order to attach to him for ever this gentle, gracious, genial stranger, thereby securing his own peace of mind and regeneration of life?”
“Sir,” I answered, “a wanderer’s repose or a sinner’s reformation should never depend on a fellow-creature. Men and women die; philosophers falter in wisdom, and Christians in goodness: if any one you know has suffered and erred, let him look higher than his equals for strength to amend and solace to heal.”
“But the instrument—the instrument!  God, who does the work, ordains the instrument. I have myself—I tell it you without parable—been a worldly, dissipated, restless man; and I believe I have found the instrument for my cure in—”
He paused: the birds went on carolling, the leaves lightly rustling.  I almost wondered they did not check their songs and whispers to catch the suspended revelation; but they would have had to wait many minutes—so long was the silence protracted.  At last I looked up at the tardy speaker: he was looking eagerly at me.
“Little friend,” said he, in quite a changed tone—while his face changed too, losing all its softness and gravity, and becoming harsh and sarcastic—“you have noticed my tender penchant for Miss Ingram: don’t you think if I married her she would regenerate me with a vengeance?”
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What Rochester is ACTUALLY talking about, in reference to what he experienced as a young man, was – about 20 years before the events of the novel – he traveled from England to the West Indies and was convinced by his family and others into marrying a woman whom he later discovered was clinically insane. He tried to live with her initially, but later brought her back to England and paid a servant to watch her and not tell anyone about it, never told any of his friends or other servants he was married, and then runs off and roams about the world for 20-ish years having trysts and trying to find solace where he could. And then – after he meets Jane – he tries to marry her without informing her that he’s already married.
So, after Jane finds out during the ceremony – through the providence of someone outing Rochester for his treachery – the two have a discussion about where their relationship will go from here. Rochester wants to “marry” her or at least have her live with him, away from people; but, she’s not down for it. This is what he says as part of his long-ass explanation as to why he did what he did:
“Then you are mistaken, and you know nothing about me, and nothing about the sort of love of which I am capable. … After a youth and manhood passed half in unutterable misery and half in dreary solitude, I have for the first time found what I can truly love—I have found you. You are my sympathy—my better self—my good angel. I am bound to you with a strong attachment. I think you good, gifted, lovely: a fervent, a solemn passion is conceived in my heart; it leans to you, draws you to my centre and spring of life, wraps my existence about you, and, kindling in pure, powerful flame, fuses you and me in one.”
Just in these four phrases I bolded from Rochester’s monologue to Jane about what he did, I saw parallels to four very notable Red quotes: (in order) when he tells Fitch “you cannot possibly fathom how deep that well of my truly goes” in reference to his desire to protect the things and people he loves in 1x20; the “I have you” in 1x03; his description of Liz to Sam in 1x08; and the “love is having no control” moment in 2x08.
(End of Spoiler Warning)
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This is all a very long way of saying that I have no idea whether the writers intended for Red to have parallels to the Byronic hero or to Mr. Rochester specifically.
But, he does.
Red is clearly keeping secrets from Liz the way Rochester kept them from Jane. We’re not yet sure what these secrets are (many, including myself, believe it’s that he stole the identity of Raymond Reddington, who is Liz’s biological father).
And, despite a very large age gap, these two have been set-up as the romantic couple of our show, as Rochester and Jane were. Right now (in S5a), Liz believes Red to be her dad; and, in Jane Eyre, Rochester remarks to Jane how he’s old enough to be her father. (He’s like 40 and she’s around 18-20.)
And, just as with Rochester, Red is hoping to find some kind of re-humanization with Liz... that she will restore him to what he once was. People don’t say things like that to friends or family members, so it becomes very strong evidence that Red and Liz are meant to be our end-game.
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Another quick thing I’d like to point out is that, in the novel, Jane has very few friends, and as of S5a, the only friends Liz has ever had on the show… consistently … are people from work. (And I guess you could count Tom.) She’s an orphan, like Jane. She doesn’t really have anyone to call “family” or “home.” (Other than Tom, but he’s dead now.) In S1 through S2a, we saw how alone and isolated and tricked and manipulated she felt, just as Jane does throughout various points in the novel.
Now, obviously, there are PLENTY of differences. This is a crime-drama procedural after all. Liz is a full-grown woman with a child of her own. She’s not an 18-20 year old governess who has never gone beyond her schoolhouse and childhood home. She’s not completely naive; she’s not completely without family and friends. When compared to Jane, she’s seen and done plenty.
But the fact that Red and Liz have these strong individual parallels to Rochester and Jane, respectively, and the fact that there are so many parallels between them as couples – ie, he’s keeping secrets from her; he’s besotted with her and sees her as his redemption, etc. – makes me wonder whether this WAS intentional to some degree.
Even while many TBL fans have been watching and screaming at the screen, “JUST SAY HE’S HER DAD ALREADY!” and then breathed a long sigh of exasperation and annoyance when the question was finally answered in 4x22... I’ve been sitting over here with these weirdly intertwined images stuck in my head:
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drdanwrites · 7 years
Magical Office Episode 9: Last Christmas PART 1
PART 1 OF THE “Season” Finale.... oh...and btw... Sorry...NOT sorry! ;) 
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(Milton enters the office, his briefcase floating behind him. There are papers overflowing from the case. Milton walks up to his office door and tries to open it. The knob is locked and he moans in annoyance while he takes out his wand. He mutters alohomora and opens the door. There are bags under Milton’s eyes as he walks into the room. The walls are filled with pictures of Grindelwald, news paper clippings and maps. All connected by red string. He finally makes it to his desk and his briefcase falls to the desktop. He sits in his chair for a moment before noticing a red and green wrapped box. There is a perfect silver bow on the top of it. Milton’s face seems to lift as he brings the box closer to him, knocking papers off the desk in the process. He lifts the tag hanging off the bow closer. The camera zooms in to show that the tag reads: DO NOT OPEN BEFORE CHRISTMAS.)
Newt: Milton has been swamped lately with the Grindelwald cases that have been plaguing the ministry for a couple of days. It was his own fault really. When Parkinson told the aurors that they would have to be working overtime to try and capture Grindelwald, Milton begged the Minister to let him do the work at no extra pay.
(Side scene were Minister Parkinson is in a meeting with all the Auror’s and assistants. Inaudibly Minister Parkinson is telling the aurors about the overtime and Milton stands up explaining to the Minister that he would take on the burden. The Minister then shrugs at Milton in agreement. Milton suddenly starts crying, grateful for the opportunity. He then tries to hug the Minister, who quickly tries to pull him off.)
Newt: In the spirit of the Christmas season, I decided to leave a little package for Milton. Although Y/N has asked me to take it easy on Milton this holiday season, I’ve decided to do a little bit of naughty and a little bit of nice. Hopefully Milton is a good boy and follows the instructions, or he might not like his gift too much.
(Newt turns around in his chair and stares out the window of the conference room. The camera focuses on Milton’s office door. There is silence followed by a loud growl and a sudden scream as Milton suddenly bursts through his office door, wrestling with a murtlap that has obviously bit him once or twice. The murtlap is then tossed to the ground and quickly scurries off. Newt laughs to himself, mischievously. He turns back to the camera. His face changes from entertained to reassurance.)
Newt: Not to worry. He’ll be fine. It’s not like flames are flying out of his anus or anything.
(The camera goes back to focusing on Milton, who rubs his neck yelling for Newt. Suddenly he grabs his stomach and looks extremely uncomfortable. A large thick flame of fire, erupts out of Milton’s butt. Newt looks back in horrific shock. Biggles, who had just nearly missed being burned alive by Milton fart flamethrower, holds the murtlap in his arms. The murtlap purrs and snuggles tenderly into Biggles embrace.) 
Newt: Oh...oh… dear excuse me. (He quickly gets up from his seat and runs out to assist with Milton, who continues to fart more flames. Newt quickly retrieves the antidote from his pocket and administers it to Milton. After hearing the commotion you come out of your office with Bridget. You both jump back as flames pass in front of you.) 
Milton: SCAMANDER!!! (The after effects of the murtlap bite have calmed down and the flames have subsided. Milton lays on the floor trying to recoup from being a human torch. Newt looks to you, you display a very displeased face and Newt knows he is in trouble, but hopefully not for long. He looks down at Milton and shrugs.) 
Newt: Happy Christmas? Better luck next year…
(Biggles sits in the conference room. He wears a ugly christmas sweater that reads “Kiss me I’m a Grandma”. He is also covered from head to toe in christmas ornaments. Different coloured bobbles are pinned all over him and he has christmas tree lights wrapped around his entire body. They glimmer and are almost blinding as he fidgets in his chair, acting like a child waiting to open presents on Christmas day.)
Biggles: IT’S CHRISTMAS!!!!! (He throws his arms into the air and splashes his fingers out, going into a jazz hands position.) I am a HUGE fan of muggle Christmas. As you can see I’m decorated in the traditional muggle christmas attire. Muggles decorate themselves with shiny ornaments and other trinkets. Of course I’ve saved the best of last. (He bends down and retrieves from the floor a headband that has a giant bobbling star. He puts in on his head.) TA-DA!
Director: (From behind the camera) Are you sure you’re not supposed to put that stuff on the tree?
(Biggles laughs and looks down at himself and moves around some of his decorations)
Biggles: Don’t be silly. My tree has a red and white suit on.
(The next scene sees Newt and you in your office. You sit at your desk, writing up more reports that Newt needs done. He is mixing potions together on a desk in the back of his office. Periodically he scribbles down several things and go back to mixing and pouring. You cautiously look back at him and wonder what he is mixing up. You look at the camera, giving a weak smile.)
Y/N: Ever since I had that conversation with Rodger back on Halloween, I’ve had this thought about Newt giving me a love potion stuck in my mind. I mean he is constantly mixing up stuff and I don’t know what is in my drinks. He gives me a tea every single day. How do I know there isn’t something in there? (You pause as you chew on your thumb nail nervously) Damn it Rodger for putting this thought in my brain, but isn’t it crazy how fast we seem to be moving? (You ask but not to anyone in particular. You look back at Newt’s office door.) I just love that man so much….I’m just worried it’s not real.
(Newt walks over to your desk as you look up at him. He places a cup of tea on the end of your desk. You feel a cool sweat immediately rush over you as you nervously look between him and the cup. Newt looks at you confused.)
Newt: It’s just tea. Thought you could use it as you’ve let the other 4 cups I’ve given you this week go cold.
Y/N: Yeah… thanks sweetie… I’m not… I’m just not into tea right now.
Newt: (Newt looks taken aback) Oh...since when?
Y/N: Just felt like shaking it up I guess.
(Newt laughs and kisses the top of your head. You smile brightly at the physical affirmation of love. He kneels down next you and you turn to face him. He smiles meaningfully as he takes your hand.)
Newt: You are truly going to love your Christmas present.
(You laugh and run a hand through his hair.)
Y/N: Is that so? Well how do you know that my present isn’t the best you’ll receive?
(Newt kisses your hand and holds your hand there for sometime. It melts your worries as the love potion notion leaves your mind.)
Newt: I don’t think you could give me anything better than your love.
(You lean down and give Newt a meaningful kiss, thanking him for his unconditional love. He reciprocates the kiss, placing his hands on either side of your face, running his thumbs slowly up and down your cheeks.)
Newt: (He comes out of the kiss.) I love you Y/N.  
(You smile still hazy from the kiss, not sure if you should answer.)
Y/N: I-I love you too, Newt.
(You sit in the conference room chair, your eyes stare at the ground as you smile widely. After a time of daydreaming, you look back at the camera).
Y/N: I’m being crazy. That kiss… (You trace your lips lightly with your fingertips.) Well, that was definitely real.
(Newt walks back over to his desk. He pulls out a drawer and looks back and you. When he sees you have gone back to work, he takes out the black ring box he had been looking forward to giving to you. He looks up at the camera and grins.)
Newt: Normally I wouldn’t share my intimate thoughts with any of you, but I just can’t seem to contain myself…. (He smiles wildly and looks excitedly around as he thinks of the best way to say what he is going to say. When words fail him, he bites the corner of his lip and looks back up into the camera). I’m going to propose to Y/N during the Ministry Christmas party. (He holds his palms up to stop anyone in the room from saying anything.) I know what you might think. It may seem too soon… but… but not for us. Everything is just perfect and this is going to make the perfect start to the new year. When she says yes… that...that right there will be the best Christmas present she could ever give me.
(Claire stands outside of Bridget’s office. She is holding two tea cups with saucers. A bottle of fire whiskey floats in front of her. It starts to pour it’s contents into the two cups. Once the liquid stops flowing, two spoons begin to stir their assigned cups. As the spoons continue to mix the liquids together, Claire opens the door to expose the camera to the depressed mess inside. Bridget sits at her desk, crumbled into a sobbing heap, used tissues almost bury her. The echoes of her hysterical cries fills the room. Her shrine to Minister Parkinson is torn to shreds and only pieces remain clinging to the walls. Claire places one of the fire whiskey teas on Bridget’s desk and looks up at the drink. Her face is red and swollen. Her eyes are pink and her eye makeup has run all over her face. Bridget grabs a tissue and blows her nose loudly and sniffs her airway clear. As she grabs the drink, a hiccup escapes her lips and she downs the drink in mere seconds.)
Claire: (Stands in the corner still stirring her tea) Don’t worry ma’dear. It’ll get easier. Minister is a tosser.
Bridget: (Begins to sob uncontrollably again.) NO HE’S NOT. HE’S BEE--BEE--BEAUTIFUL!!!! (She drunkenly bumps her head on the desk and begins her cries all over again.)
(Claire casually sips on her tea and looks into the camera.)
Claire: (Whispers to the camera) That’s her 9th glass. I’m gonna start charging her soon.
(A knock on the door makes both women look up to see a secretly timid Minister. He looks around the room, making himself feel even worse for what he’s about to say.)
Minister Parkinson: Umm… hello there…
Minister Parkinson: Christmas time is a big deal around the Ministry. Our Party Planners spend all year getting our Ministry Christmas Gala in order and making sure everything is perfect. Of course everything must be signed off by yours truly. Anyway, every Ministry worker is invited and therefore.. I must… (He blows out air, feeling uncomfortable with his situation) make sure certain individuals who have recently experienced heartache by my hand behave themselves… not causing a scene in front of… other such ministry workers… such as….such as my wife.
(Bridget and Minister Parkinson stare at each other and then both look back at Claire, who is still looking down at her tea and not getting the hint that was placed before her. Suddenly feeling all eyes on her she looks up.)
Minister Parkinson: I do apologise if I’m interrupting something, but I was hoping to speak to Bridget alone.
(Claire still stares at the Minister blankly. Bridget drunkenly stands up, knocking used tissues everywhere.)
Bridget: GET OUT! (Claire quickly get the hint and quickly dashes from the room. Closing the door behind her. Bridget awkwardly tries to stand and leans sexily on her desk, but ends up slipping on a tissue and lands flat on her desktop.) What..wh.a...what can I do for you Mrs….Mister… married person Parkinson.
(Minister Parkinson slams a palm to his face as he walks over to Bridget.)
Minister Parkinson: Now Bridget... I understand you are hurt… and… I’m terribly sorry if you didn’t understand our… arrangement… however, tonight, I would like your word that you will… sorry Bridget what are you doing?
(Bridget is crawling on the table over to the Minister, who is standing in front of her desk. She quickly fumbles over the edge of the desk and falls to the floor. Minister Parkinson bends down to helps her off the ground. He holds her in his arms for a moment. Bridget sobers up a little and looks pitifully into his eyes.)
Bridget: I miss you. (She brings a hand up to his cheek. The Minister leans into the touch for a moment, but upon realising it he quickly moves his head away and captures her wrist and brings it down.)
Minister Parkinson: Bridge… please. We can’t. I can’t. I shouldn’t have even started… this. I just need you to forget about this and not make a scene. I’m married and..and...and...
(Bridget edges her face closer and closer to Parkinson’s lips. Suddenly the two of them begin feverishly kissing each other. They move over to the desk and with one sweep of his arm the Minister clears the desk the two continue to kiss as they clamber onto the desktop. The camera fades out.)
(Milton looks around. He still looks completely exhausted, but is dressed formally for the gala. He walks across the room to Rodger and Claire’s office. He knocks but there are no answer, he doesn’t look up from the papers in his hands as he opens the door and walks in. Claire is asleep in the corner snoring loudly. Milton rolls his eyes and walks over to Rodger’s desk. The top of it is covered in various papers and folders. Milton walks around and sits in Rodger’s chair looking through the various piles for the forms he needs from Rodger. He shifts through until he finds a bottle hidden among the mess. He lifts the bottle up in the air and peers closely at it. The camera zooms in on the label. The words RESTRICTED is written across it. Milton instantly realises what this means and turns to open the different drawers in the desk. He opens one and pulls out another bottle, RESTRICTED is also printed around it.)
Milton: Ahhhh…. Rodger… what a tangled web you weave…
(The knob turns and Milton quickly looks up to see the office door opening. In a flash, he places the two bottles in his pocket and collects his papers. Rodger enters with his formal wear hanging off his arm. As he takes sight of Milton, he jumps back.)
Rodger: Milton! (He takes a closer look at the scene and looks suspiciously at Milton.) Can I help you with something?
(Milton returns the suspicious stare, not sure he can trust his coworker.)
Milton: Why yes...yes you can, Rodger. I’m in need of the warrant paperwork for Grindelwald.
(Rodger walks over past Milton and begins to shift through the same piles as Milton. In a moment, he finds what he is looking for and with a flick, hands it off to Milton. The two stare at each other, with an unspoken questionable glare, their eyes narrow as the paper gets passed from one hand to another. Milton shuffles the loose paper with the others in his hand. They continue to stand in front of each other.)
Milton: They are still looking for Grindelwald, but they think they have an idea where he has gone. There is talk he could have gone to New York.
Rodger: Interesting.
Milton: Yes… but I think what’s more interesting is that we still have yet to catch the person who broke into the restricted potions lab.
(Milton looks for any sign of a guilty conscious in Rodger’s stare.)
Rodger: Well I’m sure they will catch the culprit soon, especially with you on the case.
(When no guilt flashes on his face, Milton nods carefully.)
Milton: Yes….well...I suppose I’ll see you down at the gala. (Rodger nods and Milton walks carefully backwards out of the room. He continues to lock eyes with Rodger. Eventually, Milton reaches the door and his hand begins to pat down the door, looking for the knob. Rodger gives him an odd look, questioning why he won’t just turn around. Milton’s hand lands on the knob and he gives it an awkward turn as he scoots around the doors edge and slowly disappears from sight. Claire still snoring loudly in the corner.)
(Newt paces in the break room in front of the women’s bathroom. He is already dressed in his formal clothes, his hands are buried deep in his pocket and his hand fidgets as it holds the ring box inside. It twists and turns, it feels heavy and he can’t wait to give it to you this evening. The men’s room bathroom opens and Rodger walks out, adjusting his cufflinks. His eyes peer over at Newt and gives him a smirk.)
Rodger: Looking good, Newty.
Newt: You too, Rodger. Listen,  (He manages to take his hands out of his pocket and holds it out to Rodger.) No hard feelings, I’m aware of your feelings for Y/N and I just hope we can move past this.
(Rodger continues to adjust is other cuff link as he looks down at Newt’s hand. A disgusted smirk erases his amused one and he faintly laughs at Newt’s peace treaty. Putting his wrist down finally satisfied with his appearance he pats his chest, to indicate something is in his chest pocket. He stumbles backwards a few steps.)
Rodger: Better luck next time, Salamander.
(Newt looks at him awkwardly as he continues to walk out the door of the break room. Newt turns around, now trying to figure out what Rodger could have meant and what was in his breast pocket. High heels bring him back and he turns to see you in your red dress.)
Y/N: How do I look? (You give him a quick turn, your heels clicking on the floor as they assist you in your twirl.)
(Newt stares at you. He is unable to move. His eyes just take you all in, every inch and every curve. You can’t help but laugh at how baffled he seems to be.)
Y/N: Newt? Are you in there? (You wave your hand to interrupt his trance.)
(Newt blinks twice and runs up to your immediately, he takes you in his arms and with one arm bracing your back, he takes his other hand and places it on your cheek, positioning you perfectly for a passionately intense kiss. In this kiss he hopes to make you feel everything you’ve made him feel in the past couple months. Sadness, happiness, annoyance, absolute peace and lust. You come out of the kiss and look into each other’s eyes.)
Newt: I want to exchange gifts now.
Y/N: Now? (You giggle.) But what about the gala? It’ll be starting now.
Newt: I don’t care. It can wait.
Y/N: Mine is in the office, come on.
(Your office is dimly lit with a mere desk lamp as your only source of light. Opening your desk drawer, you retrieve the your gift, wrapped in a bow. Newt walks up to your desk, a hand still in his pocket. You hand the package over to Newt. He carefully removes his hand from his pocket and takes the parcel. The wrapping comes off quickly and opens the box. A black circular disk, almost resembling a hockey puck emerges. Newt looks at your questioningly. You take out your wand.)
Y/N: Memoria (You say the incantation and a hologram like image appears over the black circle. There flashes scenes of Newt and you laughing together, kissing each other and goofing off. The last image to flicker is one of you saying ‘I love you’ and flashing a quick kiss. When it finishes playing, Newt’s face alights with appreciation.)
Newt: It’s absolutely perfect.
(You jump up on your desk and swing your legs as you lean forward, bracing yourself on your arms. Newt takes the black circle and puts it in his coat pocket.)
Y/N: Merry Christmas
Newt: Thank you, love.
(You both give each other a quick peck.)
Y/N: Okay. I'm ready. (You shuffle back and forth preparing yourself for Newt's gift. He smiles and blows out all the air from his lungs.)
Newt: Okay, well you know I am usually not one for words. Quite frankly long speeches never seem to come from the heart, so I’ll get to the point. I love you. There isn’t anything else I can say. All my life I never needed anyone, but now, if I didn’t have you in my life… I’m not quite sure how I could go on. I’d do anything to keep you as happy as you are tonight. (Newt slowly takes the source of his distraction out of his pocket and purposefully gets down on one knee.) I promise to live my life with you as the priority….my job and creatures a very close second. (He opens the black ring box to reveal a ring in the shape of a long slender dragon. The dragon’s head and tail are wrapped around a subtle diamond. You gasp audibly, your hands clasped around your mouth to hold back any other sounds.) 
Will you marry me, Y/N?
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Seduce Wife | How He Triggers Sexual Arousal In Women
https://www.reviewape.com/?p=19428 Seduce Wife | How He Triggers Sexual Arousal In Women - Product Name: Seduce Wife | How He Triggers Sexual Arousal In Women Click here to get Seduce Wife | How He Triggers Sexual Arousal In Women at discounted price while it’s still available… All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. Seduce Wife | How He Triggers Sexual Arousal In Women is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked. (function ($) { var $self = $('.adace-loader-5c370a953a9c0'); var $wrapper = $self.closest('.adace-slot-wrapper'); "use strict"; var adace_load_5c370a953a9c0 = function(){ var viewport = $(window).width(); var tabletStart = 601; var landscapeStart = 801; var tabletEnd = 961; var content = ''; var unpack = true; if(viewport=tabletStart && viewport=landscapeStart && viewport=tabletStart && viewport=tabletEnd){ if ($wrapper.hasClass('.adace-hide-on-desktop')){ $wrapper.remove(); } } if(unpack) { $self.replaceWith(decodeURIComponent(content)); } } if($wrapper.css('visibility') === 'visible' ) { adace_load_5c370a953a9c0(); } else { //fire when visible. var refreshIntervalId = setInterval(function(){ if($wrapper.css('visibility') === 'visible' ) { adace_load_5c370a953a9c0(); clearInterval(refreshIntervalId); } }, 999); } })(jQuery); Description: “Another Way To Get More Sex” CR James | April 21, 2018 | Copyright 2018 I’m not a marriage counselor. I’m actually a former electrical engineer with a fascination with how the brain works. First of all, I don’t believe that nonsense that you have to be a jerk to get women in the mood. And at the same time, I don’t think being a “romantic nice guy” works, too. As a matter of fact, my wife used to tell me, “I’m sorry Baby…I’m not in the mood…. maybe if you were more romantic, I would want it more…. blah blah blah”. Long story short, I put it to the test and it didn’t work. On some level, it made her feel loved, so I’m not complaining. However, making a woman feel loved is not the same as getting her to want sex. You see, if you didn’t know how to drive a car, showing the car love is not the same as learning how to make it go from Point A to Point B. It wouldn’t matter if you kissed the car every morning and washed it with a big smile on your face. Those “acts of love” are not reasonable ways for learning how to drive the car. If you want to go from Point A to Point B, you need to understand how the car operates. And the same rules apply to women. I will tell you the “one thing” that you need to do to get more sex. Why should you listen to me? Reason 1 – I have taught my method (for getting wives to crave sex) to thousands of men all over the world. Reason 2 – Everything I teach is based on what I’ve done. If you were trying to become rich, wouldn’t you rather learn from someone who was once poor and then became rich – compared to – someone who was born rich. In my case, my wife actually had a super low libido. I actually know what it feels like to get constantly getting rejected. In fact, I used to think: “Does she have a bad sexual past?” “Does she even care about my needs?” “Is she too conservative?” “Was her ex better in bed?” “Is she secretly a lesbian?” My mind was all over the place. Here’s the true story of how I discovered this “simple trick” for getting more sex. Things were miserable. I enjoy sex. You only live once. But I don’t believe in cheating. Even though the sex life was horrible, there was a particular night when she wanted it like crazy. She was all over me! She even had that naughty look in her eye. She didn’t take a libido pill that day. I didn’t clean the house that day. I didn’t buy her flowers. We made love and it was incredible! Then it dawned on me!! This simple idea hit me like a load of bricks! She got very aroused because of a few things I said that day – that lead to her thinking a “Certain Way”. Isn’t it crazy how you can say certain words and then suddenly your lady ends up having a certain emotional response. After I realized that “our conversation” got her extremely horny, I did something I never did before. And that is – after we were done having sex, I took notes. In other words, I was basically like a “bad stand-up comedian” who told a “very rare” funny joke – where the audience is laughing their butts off… Except this time, I made the “obvious connection” and started to “figure out” why THAT JOKE was soooooo funny… Make sense? Do you know what I learned? I learned that “sexual desire” DOES NOT happen randomly. That’s why my plan for helping guys get more sex is as simple as 3 steps. It’s a 3-step blueprint that will always benefit you. I knew I was on to something but then I took it up a notch by creating… Let me put it very clearly… When a woman isn’t turned on, she WILL say stuff like: “Sex isn’t a big deal to me.” “I don’t need sex that much.” “Sex isn’t that important.” Does that sound familiar? Ask me how I know. BUT… When she’s turned on, she’s living by different rules! It’s like she’s a different person. BTW…. when I created this “Secret Diary” (back in 2002-ish), I was basically writing down notes EVERY SINGLE TIME my wife ended getting “extra horny”… And pretty soon I saw “patterns”. These were “patterns” that I never heard any expert talk about. These were “patterns” that I assumed worked only on my wife. You might be wondering: “Was it worth all of the hard work and endless writing?” It Was The Greatest Decision I Ever Made! In other words, some sex experts will brag about how many books they sold or how they’ve been a professional counselor for 20 years blah blah blah…. But they rarely talk about people they’ve actually helped. I tell people (up front) what my system is all about – and they never have to buy anything from me! It goes like this: Step 1: Create a “secret horny diary” (i.e. a journal of notes based on when your wife ends up getting very aroused.) Step 2: After you have several entries, look for patterns. (Note: You WILL see patterns.) In other words, you may notice that EVERY TIME you “say a certain thing to her”, she always blushes and then hints at wanted to get naked. (That’s a pattern.) Step 3: Create a checklist. It’s simple. Once you have figured out “several patterns” (i.e. the “things” that get her turned on), you can use them to create a checklist. Here’s the best part – Over time (let’s say 6 months from now) your checklist will be EVEN more powerful. As a matter of fact, the course that I offer on this page is based on discoveries (“patterns”) I’ve made over the past 15 years! I never expected them to work on other women. I discovered that years later. That’s why there simply isn’t another course like this on the planet. No other man has analyzed his wife’s sexual arousal patterns for over 15 years. You see – when I first started doing this, I never thought I would tell anyone about: My Secret Sexual Experiments In fact – I assumed that this “checklist” and “patterns” were things that would only work on my wife. After all, I was only studying her. However, I ended up being completely wrong about that. In fact, guys all over the world are using my “unusual discoveries” to get their wives in the mood more often. Guys from London, Japan, Mexico, Germany, China, Singapore, India, Kenya, Ireland, Brazil – just to name a few. Here’s the deal – I enjoy sharing my tips because I worked so hard to learn them. The course is 15 years in the making because I’m sharing 15+ years of experiences, observations and secrets. Oh yeah – I’ve even tried to make this course a fun read with a few jokes (but beware – most of the jokes are corny. Lol) With that I said, I love to read emails from happy customers telling me that my course is “not like anything they’ve ever read.” I enjoy it more when a guy emails me and says something like: “I applied Tip #12 and it brought out my wife’s inner nympho.” OR. “I applied Tip #34 and my wife wanted to do it 2 times in one day.” With that said, let’s read some REAL feedback from former students of my course. Read These Emails From A Few of My Students… (They are 100% real. In fact, it’s against the law to create fake testimonials.) From: [SJ] To: crjames100 @ gmail.com Thanks for getting back with me. I understand that you must get hundreds of emails from men and women just like me who are turning their relationships around. There are a few things I’ve been wanting to write about. I am a high school teacher so I know that if you are able to change lives (even 1 life) for the positive that the gratification you receive from knowing what you’ve done is immeasurable . So, I feel obligated to write you. After 2 days of pulling my hair out and trying to figure out why she was an emotional wreck, she admitted to me that she realized our sexual problems we had been facing were because she loved me but wasn’t physically attracted to me. I’ve never been hit with anything so hard in my life! That brought me to you. Failure in our marriage was no option . Your website was the first that appeared and was like an oasis. I have read through your book several times and I can tell you that it became my “bible” if you will on correcting my marriage. I have realized that everything you talked about is/was brilliant. … Things are better sexually than ever before and neither of us continue to be frustrated with this matter. I feel like a big percent of husbands go through this problem. Do you think this is a safe assumption? Looking back, I know that we were on the road to catastrophe if this wouldn’t have happened. It now seems that it is that best thing that could happen to us. I will also tell you that I am a religious man who believes that this all happened for a reason. … I want to THANK YOU with the utmost sincerity and tell you that I don’t want to think about where I (and my marriage) would be without your knowledge and taking the time to write it down. Sincerely, SJ ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Note: All testimonials are 100% real and unsolicited. Note: Getting results is the only thing that matters. “I think it is one of the best books on seduction I’ve yet come across…” “Dear Mr. James. My name is [J Carty], I am one of your customers who bought your [ebook] yesterday. I think it is one of the best books on seduction I’ve yet come across, because it takes it to an advanced level!” J Carty Great Britain ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Note: All testimonials are 100% real and unsolicited. Note: Getting results is the only thing that matters. “…she is wetter than any time I can remember, she is sooo Hot that I can’t believe it…” Hey CR, Just wanted to say that I bought your e-book and couldn’t wait to get through it, I am not sure that I have read everything but, that is ok I have the time to go over all of the downloads. I am in the second reading of [the SSP course], I was looking for references to “that little arcade sound she will make” I believe that you mentioned it three times, I haven’t completed the reread. By the third day I can feel her tension, [a step by step process], she does initiate the action and when its time for me to roll her over and give her some relief, I hear “this little arcade sound” and she has this enormous orgasm just as I am “about to” enter, she is wetter than any time I can remember, she is sooo Hot that I can’t believe it, I deliver the “goods” and she is Cumming again and again, and I had figured that (erroneously) that she wasn’t multi orgasmic, (30 years too late). CR, what is the “little arcade sound”? I am trying to recreate our most recent round of action with something even hotter, I am working on the different levels of communication, who knows what I will find, thanks. Max – Ohio, USA ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Note: All testimonials are 100% real and unsolicited. Note: Getting results is the only thing that matters. “We had hours of mind blowing sex for the first time in years” “I realized after purchasing and reading your work that I was literally creating an atmosphere that was driving my mate away from me. I figured that since we’ve been together for 18 years, I don’t have to do anything special, she’ll always be mine. I realize now, after reading your works, that I have to create the atmosphere for better relations and sex. And boy do your techniques work! It’s beginning to feel like the first few months and years we were together. In only (1) Week. It’s very hard as a man to admit that your thinking is flawed, that your doing everything wrong. Your work is really better than therapy or many of the books out there that I’ve read. This past week, I created enough sexual tension that ultimately lead to a sexual explosion ! We had hours of mind blowing sex for the first time in years this past weekend , and it’s all because of your approach and techniques I used. Your philosophy behind your work is much deeper than just sex. It’s a way of life. You really have to work to have a great relationship. Even if the other mate isn’t aware what your doing or isn’t actively participating, the changes you incorporate naturally rub off, and without them actually knowing it, the relationship begins to improve almost immediately !!! Awesome !!!!!!!!! Thank you much. CS ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Note: All testimonials are 100% real and unsolicited. Note: Getting results is the only thing that matters. You’re Going To Wish You Learned This Stuff Years Ago! “I’ve Tried Just A Bit Here And There In The Last Few Days And The Results Are Incredible!” From: [email protected] To: cr @ xxxxxxx YOU SIR…ARE A GENIUS. YOUR ABILITY TO PICK IT ALL APART THEN PUT IT BACK TOGETHER SO IT CAN WORK FOR A MAN IS UNMATCHED. I’VE GAINED SO MUCH INSIGHT INTO THE FEMALE MIND SINCE DOWNLOADING YOUR MATERIAL, I’M ALMOST OVERWHELMED. I’VE TRIED JUST A BIT HERE AND THERE IN THE LAST FEW DAYS AND THE RESULTS ARE INCREDIBLE! I’VE BEEN LOOKING FOR INFORMATION LIKE THIS ALL MY LIFE , WHAT YOU HAVE HERE IS A TRUE TREASURE OF KNOWLEDGE, IT’S WHAT EVERY YOUNG MAN WISHES HE HAD BEEN TOLD BY HIS DAD AND MORE. THIS IS TRULY CHANGING MY LIFE EVEN AS I WRITE THIS , I COULD NEVER THANK YOU ENOUGH. AS YOU CAN SEE, I’M ONE HAPPY CUSTOMER. GOD, I WISH I KNEW THIS STUFF YEARS AGO. THANK YOU SO MUCH, YOUR THE REAL DEAL, A REAL, TRUE GENIUS SINCERELY, RON ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Note: All testimonials are 100% real and unsolicited. Note: Getting results is the only thing that matters. You’re Going To Wish You Learned This Stuff Years Ago! Here’s a “single” guy who used my “get wife aroused” tactics in the dating environment From: JULIAN ****** To: crjames100 @ gmail.com Subject: RE: ****** – I made a terrible mistake Hi CR James, I have to admit the transformation in me was almost instant after reading some of your e-books, especially [SSP]. It was like a revelation. I wish I got all this info 20 years ago. It’s funny, I went on a date with very attractive girl before I read your book and when I called her back next day she said to me that I am a very nice guy but we can be only friends. Next day, I bought your e-books and read some of them thoroughly in two days. After that I invited her on a date again and applied all this stuff I learned from your book. She became drawn to me, dropped her boyfriend and now I am her new boyfriend. It was magic. By the way, I live in US but I am originally from russia and for years had this stupid idea to attract american girls which has never worked. I was intentionally ignoring russian girls that live in US. I wasted so much time on this stupid idea that I finally became total sissy after hundreds of rejections. Your book completely snaped me out of “tranced” condition and I am back to the younger confident myself. Now I have a policy though: no more american girls and I will be dating only russian girls. Thank you man! Julian ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Note: All testimonials are 100% real and unsolicited. Note: Getting results is the only thing that matters. Make average decisions = average results. Make better decisions = better results. And on top of that… When you’re getting “lots of great sex” on a regular basis… Here’s what you’re about to learn… You’ll learn the 19 attraction triggers Page 14 You’ll learn the 15 silent “creepy traits” that turn women off. Most guys are creeping women out without realizing it. Page 15 You’ll learn the S-Combo Strategy which makes you 3x more attractive to women instantly. No one else is teaching this. If You Want More “Passionate Sex”You Have Two Options Option #1: Try to figure it out on your own. Option #2: Find someone who has figured it out. I will say…if you “try out my system today”, then understand that I’m a real guy who cares about your success. Order online without a worry in the world Your order (check or credit) will be processed using Clickbank as a third party processor. This means I, nor any of my affiliates, will ever see your credit card information. Unlike some internet companies, Clickbank does not store the credit card info on its servers. You can order with confidence and security. Note: Your credit card bill will show a charge by CLICKBANK/KEYNETICS. No reference to Super Sex Power will be on your bill. Super Sex Power: The 18 Laws of Triggering Sexual Arousal In Your Wife The Super Sex Power (ebook). One Time Payment | Lifetime Membership * Limited time Memorial Day Sale (2018) Warmly, Instructor CR James, Author: Super Sex Power [email protected] P.S. You have nothing to lose. If you don’t like the course for any reason, you can get an instant refund. In fact, we use Clickbank to process all orders. So you can just click a button inside of your email receipt to trigger an instant refund and I couldn’t stop the refund if I wanted to. How’s that for confidence that this is a “unique system” that actually works. P.P.S. Here’s a recap of some of what you’ll learn: You’ll learn the 19 attraction triggers Page 14 You’ll learn the 15 silent “creepy traits” that turn women off. Most guys are creeping women out without realizing it. Page 15 You’ll learn the S-Combo Strategy which makes you 3x more attractive to women instantly. No one else is teaching this. One Time Payment | Lifetime Membership Here Are Some **MORE** Emails From Happy Customers… His Three Day Seduction Diary Here’s my story for those who don’t believe this works. I never wrote a testimonial till now! I’m single and was looking at seduction methods hoping to improve my chances of meeting more women as well as getting more sex. When you are 39 it doesn’t happen often. I decided to try your methods on my next date. I only read the course once and was really HALF ASS applying your methods. Date 1: I laid some easy ground work. Date 2: She’s more than interested she wants some but I decided to build more points just a little more to see what happens, well by…. Date 3: I was EMBARRASSED as we were in public. She was all over me! …so much so that we had to leave 20 minutes into the date back to my place of course… once in the door she’s on the couch NAKED! …and well you can guess the rest. If I had video of this hot blonde basically trying to have sex in a public place …you would swear it was staged… That’s how crazy she was for me. I just wanted to say thank you CR James as it’s been a long time since any woman has wanted me that bad… and getting her so hot that she initiated everything was great for the both of us. I’m gonna reread the course and study it more this time. It’s almost scary but in a good way. BEST MONEY I EVER SPENT !!!! Thank you, Jay thanks for the kind words [Keith]! i have to give you a testimonial “you are the man!” and I say that seriously because not every guy takes action like you did… “She is actually starting to get aggressive with me sexually in bed at night!” Thank you very much CR James! Who would have ever figured out all the things I was doing wrong in my relationship with my wife! I had become the ultimate “man of desperation”! I had actually lost a part of my own identity trying to constantly please my wife! The first time I finally [did something simple and powerful] she sat up and looked at me as if I was crazy for having said it! Now she is starting to take notice of me… Now she is constantly holding onto my arm or holding hands with me when walking out in public! You have to understand, we were destined for divorce within another six months until I started practicing your techniques. What a turn around my wife has done! She is actually starting to get aggressive with me sexually in bed at night! She will strip down and then demand I come to bed naked too! Then she starts to rub her naked body all over me, kissing me and telling me how much she loves me! I know I have a lot to learn still and I have to make sure I don’t fall into any pitfalls, but if this is any indication of where we are going… …then I had better hang on tight! Thank you once again CR James without your techniques I doubt I would ever have enjoyed what my wife is giving me now! The proof is in the pudding! The attachment is just a little taste of my wife’s dessert! R.D. Note: All testimonials are 100% real and unsolicited. Note: Getting results is the only thing that matters.Interesting Fact: This student actually sent me a 5.7 MB VIDEO attachment of his ‘very aroused’ wife performing [a certain sexual act] on him. Let’s just say that caught me off guard. A note to “class of 2018” students: If you get your lady in a VERY affectionate mood…and she’s being WILD and FUN in the secret bedroom… I do NOT need to see the “video proof”….a simple ‘thanks’ is all that’s needed. 🙂 Hey man seriously you are an outstanding individual… I’m not an ass kisser or anything but you are the coolest buisness man I’ve ever dealt with. You answer quickly and really know what your talking about I’m actually trying to pursure a career in the internet field and I truly look up to you and how you conduct your buisness. I’ve never met any so called guru of anything that has responded so quickly to a customer, it’s unbelivevable.. You are a good guy and I hope to do buisness with you in the near future and I will get every product you come out with as long as I have money! I thank you for all your help I honestly didn’t expect nothing from you and you showed how much you are dedicated to helping others and that’s more than I can say about any other guru. Thanks!!! Well Sincerely GB Purchase The Book | FREE CR James Newsletter | The Simple Formula Copyright © 2018 All Rights Reserved Instructor CR James Any Questions? Email: [email protected] Click here to get Seduce Wife | How He Triggers Sexual Arousal In Women at discounted price while it’s still available… All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. Seduce Wife | How He Triggers Sexual Arousal In Women is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked. - ReviewApe - https://www.reviewape.com/?p=19428
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