#it may be 5:30 am and I have my other thing to draw BUT HELLO HERE I'M INSANE ABOUT THE BLORBOS FROM MY FUCKIN DND CAMPAIGN
landfilloftrash · 5 months
Some years before the High Seas campaign…
It was bright. It was relatively early. And Enososin had barely just woken up before she was surrounded, as per usual, by the chatter of her siblings uncaring about her wanting to continue sleeping, and the quieter sounds of her mom and her mama cooking and herding her siblings.
Man. Can’t she sleep for a few minutes more?
Apparently not!
Because as she sleepily pouted and pondered about it— She squawked loudly as her twin [for lack of better terminology, since she and Ahkrin were the closest in hatching age compared to the other five] stepped on her back— right below the base of where her wings were growing steadily— knocking the air and sleepiness out of her and started a tousle between the two for the rude awakening.
(She ignored the fact she was already awake, it was the principle of the thing, y’know?)
She grabbed his leg and pulled him backwards to make him either trip on his face or be forced to come back and fight her. It was a mix of both as he fell but fell backwards onto her in anticipation of the fight to be. There was grabbing clawfuls of each other’s feather and pulling as they rolled onto the floor and mutual squawked out attack cries and triumphant little calls of victory when they perceived the upper hand— and especially pushing each other’s faces until it was facing the ceiling or the floor, respectively, and out of eyesight range so neither could really see what they were hitting at. Eno herself got in a good whack with her wings at some point during a changing of positions, but Ahkrin was faster with his claws and got a good scratch on her arm past her downy feathers.
But her world of winning a wrestling cage match was quickly interrupted by Kinzon, as he was the one who pulled them apart and snapped at them with his beak, the tufts starting to grow in flicking in what everyone else called ‘eldest child annoyance’ [Kinzon looked closer to mama, a ‘great horned owl’, rather than their mom’s pure white and snowy pallet] and both her and Ahkrin met each other’s eyes in a small consideration of teaming up on their older brother. But before they could fully decide on whether or not to turn their tiny fury onto their rapidly growing brother, the chatter and hoots of the household’s own version of common eased out as their parents called them over to the table to start eating breakfast.
Eno was the youngest, so she got served first, bread and some bacon, and always finished first.
Which meant…
Being the youngest of seven owlin children, ranging from looking like pure great horned owls, pure snowy owls, or caught somewhere in between, her mama and mom couldn’t always entertain each and everyone of them; they tried, but it was simply easier to give them all a time to come back to the house at and let them roam free. Trouble was most definitely included; the main rule amongst the seven was “don’t get caught”.
And being the smallest, that was nothing short of easy.
The days of play consisted of three main things; hiding, pranking, and wrestling with the other kids who roamed the streets. Most of the time, this didn’t include her siblings for some reason. 
“Don’t like the cut of their jib, y’know?” Zofaas, the third eldest, once answered to her questioning chirps. “And it helps that they don’t like most of us. But they like you, and Odus, so don’t worry too much about it. Go on and play, Eno.”
Odus said she was playing with Ahkrin, Frul, Riik, and Zofaas— probably— today, anyways. So she was off to the streets of all the districts.
Zofaas tended to waffle between staying with Kinzon at home with their parents or playing with the rest of them. You’d think that being only a month or so apart in age from the eldest of them to the youngest would make them see eye to eye, but to Eno, that was an eternity, and she could not stand staying still.
Hunting down the other kids itself was a game; they did not like being found, and she stuck out with her downy grey feathers and bright yellow eyes. So she had to chase them first before she could join in; once she did, they’d laugh and welcome her back before resuming their games, as to which she either picked the rules up as she went, or remembered from whenever they last played, and tried to trip up the older kids.
This time, they really did not want to be found; this she quickly learned was because they had already started hide-and-seek.
One of the Dragonborn kids— someone she found easier to hang around rather than the more humanoid races— shushed at her when she called out a delighted “Rovena!”
“Shhh, Eno!” already starting to move towards her and extend a hand from the rafters of a building’s ramshackle roof, “I’ll get caught if you do that!”
“I didn’t see any’ne else!” She chirped quietly— she couldn’t quite fly yet, but she had enough power in her tiny little wings to help her jump pretty high, and grab Rovena’s already very strong hand. “Only you!”
“How?” She hissed, putting Eno behind her dark blue scales, “I’m in the shadow!” 
Eno pointed at her own eyes in demonstration, extending the pupils to completely cover the color of her iris, “You’ve got bright bright eyes!”
The only reason the owlin knew she was blue was due to everyone’s descriptions of her; but she knew light when she saw it, and Rovena’s eyes were always bright. Rovena’s eyelids shuddered and soon the bright eye lights were dimmed considerably. “That better?”
She gave a thumbs up in delight. When they got caught, she hoped they’d be one of the last ones.
Alas, it was not to be.
A half-wood elven kid Eno could never quite get the hang of’s name, affectionately nicknamed ‘Bell’, was the one to find them; they were about midway through finding everyone, and had to deal with a grumbling owlin about it. 
Hiding was for games, whether or not they included the shiny guards was up to the day’s pleasures. Today it was simply hiding from each other; the entire city was their playground and it took until the late morning before everyone had been found and all the street kids of their sector pondered on what games they should play next.
“Nah, we broke a few windows last time; I’d rather not run away from the shinies on an empty stomach, y’know?”
“Did you bring yer freakin’ marbles? Say ‘aye’ if ya did, ‘nay’ if ya frickin’ didn’t.”
A chorus of ‘nay’s and ‘nah’s rippled through the lot of them. Eno didn’t have marbles so she ‘abstained’. That’s what mama called it when the rest of them tried to get her to do something mom didn’t want them to do, at least.
“Hungry snake?”
“Ooo. That’d be fun.”
“Yeah but that needs a rope— do we have a rope?”
“No- I had to give it back to the sailors.”
“Damn it!”
That was a swear. She wasn’t allowed to use those. But it was funny seeing her elder peer do it with no consequences.
“How about a ‘Scavenger hunt’?”
“What did Lily just say about running away from the shinies??”
“Oh, right sorry. I mean some of us could scavenger hunt—?”
“It’s not as fun without everyone doing it— makes the shinies have to scatter pretty thin to actually find any of us.”
Eno wasn’t sure why they called it a scavenger hunt, because they never really returned their hunted items, but it was really fun! She wished everyone had been up to playing that one.
“Too close to hide and seek.”
“But it’s easier!”
“Shelve it in case we can’t decide?”
“How about kick the can?”
“Again. Really close to hide-and-seek. And besides, that’s such a lame game, though.”
“You take that back.”
“No— because it is!”
“I’ll frickin’ skin you.”
“Guys, stop using frick, just say f—”
There was a chorus of shushes and hissing from the various beast-and-non-beast children. Eno swiveled her head around at the snakes that decided to become her surroundings. Why’d they do that? 
She thought she saw Bell pointing at her, specifically, but she wasn’t sure, because as soon as she looked over, Bell wasn’t even looking in her direction. 
“Well, we could always just play another round of hide and seek, I guess.”
The chatter got loud at that suggestion. “Dude that would take soooo long.” 
“Yeah, it took hours alone to find everyone this round.”
“I’d rather sardines if that’s what we’re doing.”
A small chorus of ‘yeah’s rang through the rest.
The ringleader of their little band sighed and pinched at their eyes; if Eno remembered correctly, they were fifteen. Eldest friend they had aside from their parents. “Alright then,” asked the Yuan-ti, “who’s gonna be the first fish?”
Eno raised her hand in excitement along with a few others. Pleeeaaase I’m really good at hiding! She mentally pleaded.
There was a moment as the troupe leader started muttering under their breath, eyes flicking between all of them with their hands up multiple times, and then landed on Eno.
“Alright, brat, you’re up. You’ve got a 3 minutes head start before we start comin’ after you. No Diamond District this time; we almost got caught during the earlier hide and seek segment getting a few of the others.”
She nodded in earnest listening. That she could do! She stuck out too much in the Diamond district anyway with her raggedy hand-me-downs and too bright an eye for the shinier things.
Bolting down a few alleyways and scrambling over a couple of rooftops, she made it as far as her little claws could carry her over the top of the buildings before she had to duck back down to the streets. She forgot to start counting, but there were enough nimble-footed and winged kids amongst them that staying on the roofs for too long was a bad idea.
Eno ended up much closer to the docks than she was expecting. She debated briefly of hiding on a ship, but the idea of suddenly setting sail and having no way to get off frightened her too much to put much true considerment into. 
Ducking more towards the shadier side of things she found a tight little hole in a wall; after checking to make sure no rats would jump her (she was big enough to kill them, but she got scared usually first and let out a really high pitched scream if unprepared. She didn’t want to get found that easily.) she dropped down to her hands and crawled into the space. It led to the back room of some building filled with barrels and crates and she grinned like she’d struck gold.
There she found the darkest corner she could, and settled in.
Again, she wasn’t counting, but it was awhile of sitting in one place (enough so that she got pretty fidgety) before a head poked through the crawl space and coughed at the dust.
Surprisingly, it was the yuanti! Or maybe it was unsurprisingly… she wasn’t quite sure.
Eno was careful not to make a sound, or exude fear (or excitement for that matter), but it didn’t matter in the end, because they started sniffing, and spun their head towards her hiding place.
“There you are, brat.”
“Tracking me wi’h your nose is no fair,” she whispered, as snake eyes settled into her corner along with her, “the others can’t do that.”
“Well that’s their problem, eh? Let’s see how long we last before the name of the game really starts impacting us.”
Eno found out she’d been hiding for around an hour before they found her, and slowly the minutes ticked by. At around an hour and a half, Rovena came in, followed closely by Bell and a dwarven kid a few short minutes later. 
They had started chattering about nothing in particular or listening to stories from each other at about two hours in before five more in quick succession joined them. It was starting to get quite cramped in the small corner, and Eno made a point to comment on that, being dog piled as she was. They all just snickered and hushed each other. No one really knew what this building was but they weren’t inclined to get kicked out of their hiding place.
A few more kids filed in at around the third, third and a half hour, citing exhaustion from searching everywhere for them, and how it was almost lunch time.
Lily was the last one to find them at nearly four hours.
“Guys, you suck,” the human girl hissed, crawling through and space and immediately clocking them, “You all suck diseased moose wang.”
“Lily!” Rovena hissed as everyone started chuckling and crawling out of the space.
“What?” Lily groaned, “She doesn’t know what that even is! Let me use it.”
Who didn’t know what was? It might be her. She didn’t know what ‘wang’ was. It might be a swear by the indignation from Rovena. Rovena probably used worse than this new word when she thought Eno wasn’t listening though, so the little owlin thought it was a little weird to bash someone for that when you did it too.
From the looks she was given while looking around to see if anyone would tell her if she was correct in her guesses, she was correct on both accounts.
“Well, you’re the new first fish Lily.”
“Can we do that after we eat or something?”
“Thought you didn’t want to scavenger hunt?” Bell asked.
“I don’t care at this point. I’m tired, you were hard to find, and I’m hungry. So after we eat, I’ll be the sardine; happy?”
Eno was also hungry. She debated on heading back to her house to get some food, but she weighed that with having to find everyone again, and decided she’d hang out with everyone else to get food. Dinner time was the time that was ‘mandatory’ or ‘must do’ as it’d been explained to her. She didn’t mind that, gave her a vague idea of when to start getting nervous about getting back, but she’ll skip out on being heckled by her siblings for this lunch time.
She grappled for purchase on Rovena’s back— to a familiar growly, grumble of surprise— before settling on the dragonborn’s shoulders. Rovena could move a lot faster with her longer legs, and she didn’t want to be left behind on this one. Scavenger hunts were fast, and involved a lot of running and hiding. Rovena was usually the one to keep an eye on Eno anyways, and often used the small owlin in pranking and hunting schemes. It was fun! 
And besides, the Dragonborn never left her out to dry like a couple in this small gang she could name (her gaze involuntarily flickered to the yuanti).
This particular hunt was faster than usual— all of them saying a lot of words Eno didn’t understand; not because she didn’t know them! She knew common! But this wasn’t common. So she just hung onto Rovena’s horns and watched the older kids plotting. But the ringleader nodded after a point, and they all scattered to the winds. Some quite literally, like Rovena, who spread out her wings and started flying high into the sky towards wherever she thought she’d find the item assigned.
“What’re we lookin’ for?” she called into the wind.
“Fruit— nothin’ hard this time!”
“Oo! D’ya think we could get some of those— uhm, little oranges like last time?”
“They’re out of season- I think. I haven’t seen them in the shops.”
“How about we snag some pomegranates?”
“Pom—” she broke off at the new word. Full of new words today. What in the world was that? “Pom???”
Rovena laughed a nasty laugh; it wasn’t mean, it just didn’t sound nice, but it made Eno smile because it meant her friend was happy.
“Oh, well now we gotta snag ‘em. Let’s so, birdy!”
It was a few more minutes before Rovena started to do a dive, and the reason Eno knew she was going to do that was because she pulled the maneuver that Eno loved— the small owlin felt the sensations of being pushed off the Dragonborn’s shoulders and being dropped from the safe spot between Rovena’s shoulder blades as she briefly free falls. Eno twists her whole head around backwards to see as the other girl repositions, causing Eno to position herself in response, both of them becoming smaller very fast, and then just as quickly, Rovena catches her quickly in a hug as she starts to dive like the peregrine falcons Eno sometimes sees with her family.
The whole time, she’s giggling in delight.
Rovena huffs as she catches her and grumbles familiar draconic words— Enososin may not know the language, but she’d heard this kind of tone from adults before to know she was muttering kinda mean things about how reckless Eno was, and how she played with fire too much.
But they’re once more diving Eno once again twists her head in a way to be able to see where they’re going, and sees the Diamond district’s market stalls approaching rapidly.
“They said no Diamond district!” She called— curious at the rule break; Rovena tended to follow very closely to what the yuan-ti laid down as rules, even if Eno tended to. Y'know. Not.
“This is the only place we’re gonna be getting pomegranates from,” Rovena crowed back, “and besides; they’re definitely not following that rule.”
At that, she pointed off to some other alley way as they flew, and she saw a familiar scaled form as they whooshed by.
Huh. Well then.
Landing on a roof before scrambling into an alley by the small market was easy, finding the stall that they wanted? Not so easy.
It took them a few minutes of quiet debate as they ducked and weaved to keep out of as much view as possible before Rovena made a noise that sounded like rocks grinding against each other, and pulled Eno close to a wall with her. 
“There— y’see?”
Enososin looked where she was pointing and saw— finally, dang it— the fruit stall. There were tons of different varieties of fruits there, most of which Eno had absolutely no idea what they were. But Rovena kept turning Eno’s head towards a round fruit with a weird little pointy top. She looked up at Rovena. “The weird apple one?”
“Yea— those are pomegranates; think you can grab some?”
Eno looked around assessingly. “Too many people,” she mumbled, “need you to do a dance.”
“The stage is set, the dancer about to take position; get to work little side character!”
Eno nodded and casually headed closer to the fruit stall, like she was meant to be here, and watched out of the corner of her eye what Rovena was doing.
The dark blue dragonborn headed out from their spot, walking a little bit out of the way of it, and then sprinting towards a booth, slamming her body into it like her life depended on it and looking like she had tried to skid to a stop before hand.
Well. Eno blinked. That. That was a distraction for sure. Eno was distracted. 
But so were the rest of the adults at the commotion; she may be pretty young, but she noticed that adults loved distractions just as much as, if not more than, her.
Making sure the fruit stall tiefling was distracted by whatever the meats stall seller was snapping at her friend, she slid behind them all and started reaching for the targeted food.
This part always felt a little strange to her. She wasn’t quite comfortable with taking things that definitely weren’t hers. Her siblings did it to her sometimes, but they always gave it back after a time; that was never the case with scavenger hunts. But they were fun, so Eno didn’t complain too much. Out loud, of course. And she thought nasty thoughts when she complained so mind readers wouldn’t like her.
She grabbed a few of the round, magenta fruits and stuffed them into the small sack as Rovena distracted people, and when she saw people starting to turn away, she sprinted back to where she and the dragonborn had landed to make their escape. This place always felt like eyes watched her, and she wanted out anyways.
Rovena did a cursory apology as she started hustling away— to the sound of the angry market stall keeper— towards Eno, who hopped from foot to foot with anxiety.
“C'mon c'mon c'mon!” She chirped to the dragonborn who decided instead of letting Eno try running with their haul, picked up her charge and set off at a dead sprint before springing into the air and zooming off to the woods.
Rovena landed them both near the woods with praises for her speed and amused chirping back.
“You did good kid— how many did you grab?”
“Not too many; I feel like it’s cheating to grab too many and not give them back.”
“Meh,” Rovena dismissed, “they can afford to import this stuff, they can afford to lose some of this stuff.” 
Eno had absolutely no idea what ‘import’ was but it sounded close enough to simply ‘getting’. Strange, but alright. “Well, I got.. uhm.” she counted under her breath. “Seven!”
“Nice!” The dragonborn grinned, “but knowing this lot they’re not gonna let you have one, so let’s have you and me crack one open before heading back, yeah?”
“Do we tell them we had one?”
Rovena looked at her strangely, but shrugged “If you want to, sure, why not. I’m not gonna. But what are they gonna do? Take it from your stomach? Nuh uh. Worst they’ll do is not share some stuff for awhile.”
At that declaration, Eno shrugged and eyed the fruit in question. Wasn't really made for a beak, but that had never stopped her before; she started digging into it a little bit with her beak when she heard a rushed, but laughing cry for her to stop.
“Nonono-!” Rovena laughed, “you don’t bite the outside! I did that too the first time; the outside isn’t tasty.”
Eno frowned. “Then what do you eat?”
Rovena reached out for the pomegranate as Eno handed it over. The girl bared her teeth and bit quite gently into it with the side of her mouth— ripping a small chunk of the shell off and spitting it off to the side. Then using her claws, she cracked it open like an egg, and showed the inside treasures to Eno standing on her tip toes.
It was— weird looking inside. The shapes of the encasement resembling cobblestones pressed not tight enough together, but the little round things that shined in the sunlight and looked like jewels embedded in a rock? Well, and delighted her to no end.
“You eat the seeds.”
Taking half of the pomegranate from Rovena, Eno sat down and used her tunic to help her catch the pieces that fell as she bit into tiny juicy seeds and pried open the inedible shell surrounding it. Rovena joined her and ate the seeds by taking the chunks out of the main shell, and simply eating them with the thin wrapping around them. Eno tried it once after watching her, but quickly decided that, no, she’d rather just eat the seeds by themselves, as the bitterness of the shell ruined the taste.
It was a very messy time spot of the day, laughing as they munched on a pomegranate together. After that though, they made their way back close to the docks on clawed feet, sticking close to the shadows so they wouldn’t get the shinies on their tails. Er— tail in Rovena’s case; tail feathers in her own.
Eno was the first to spot their crew, and tugged lightly on Rovena’s elbow as they walked— Rovena then changed course as they both headed over to a few others with a vast arrangement of goods.
“So,” called a few of the human, and half human, kids “how’d it go?”
“We got some pomegranates,” Rovena preened, as Eno lifted the bag with their find in delight. 
“Sheesh!” Lily called, smiling, “Hope I get one!”
“There’s only six,” said the dwarf, “so unless you’re sharing half or a quarter with someone so the whole crew can have some, it’s gonna be a free-for-all.”
“Toss me one then— I don’t wanna share.”
The kid shrugged and tossed her a pomegranate. “Five remaining.”
That’s why Rovena worried Eno wouldn’t get one. Huh. People were weird.
It took only a short while before the rest filed back; sprinting or sneaking, they all shared their food with each other and shared how they got it. Eno’s personal bias had her preferring Rovena and her own story, but everyone else’s was just as entertaining.
After the scavenger hunt, it was mostly doing simple games. Someone had found a rope so they did hungry snake, and one of the human kids who’d suggested marbles had brought a big enough bag for the rest of them to start a mini-tournament where some adults even came over and gave their best attempts. Some of them made it pretty far before getting their behinds handed to them by either Bell or the human kid in question. 
She lost track of time as the sun lowered in the sky and she simply had fun with her friends. That was until the dwarven kid— their name was Soir, or something close to that, but her pronunciation was never right, so she usually spelled it instead so she didn’t misname her poor friend— nudged her and looked at the sun with a pointed glance. She looked up in response and realized; oh it was late. 
Dinner time would be soon. Uh oh. She didn’t want to get yelled at.
Scrambling her marbles together and handing them back to the human kid, she waved frantically as she started hustling away. “I gotta go!!”
“Ah— dinner time?” Bell asked.
“Yeah—” she nodded rapidly, “see you guys later?”
There was a call from a shadow; “That’s if you can find us again, brat!”
She giggled as she ran away to the chorus of kids laughing with her. They always said that, and she always did. 
Her clawed feet clacked against the cobbles as she raced down districts to where she lived, and crawled through small spaces to get to the stairs, hidden away behind a usually locked door. She did some small hop-flying as she jumped up the stairs and ran towards her home.
Eno grabbed the door handle with a small jump and leaned her momentum into opening it and stumbled in— “Not late!” she called, heaving for breath as she started closing the door behind her, when she finally looked up and paused.
The room was empty.
She trilled in confusion as she closed the door. That’s.. that’s not right. 
Doing a quick sweep through the rooms, checking the nooks and crannies and under things (despite the small space), before standing in between the ‘living room’ and ‘dining room/kitchenette’, puzzled.
She wasn’t very good at puzzles. 
Eno was here, but her family was not? She spun around in place as if that would summon them; it didn’t, to her disappointment.
She huffed an unamused trilling hoot and went over and sat on the large comfy seat they all shared. Well. She would wait then! Show them that she could be patient as the rest of them were late.
As she sat, she thought about today with a smile. Ooo she couldn’t wait to shove the fact she’d tried pomegranates today in Kinzon and Ahkrin’s beaks— it’d be so funny. She’d bet they didn’t even know what those were! She sure hadn’t, so it must be the same, otherwise they’dve gloated about it too. 
Frul and Odus wouldn’t care— they didn’t really care about what food they got, only so much as they could eat it. The weirdos. She was always horrified when they started eating things with those horribly mushy textures. She hated those the most— how did they do that??
Zofaas would be the only one she wouldn’t boast to; they liked learning, the big ol’ nerd. She’d tell them every little thing about the weird fruit and watch them sit and listen to her every word. It was nice having their sibling’s attention like that, because she’d let them talk too and let them have the same attention.
Her stomach growled and she startled from her daydreams. She peeked outside and frowned at the darkness surrounding the streets. She’d come when the sun was nearly set, and now the sun was gone.
She was hungry.
Well— that wasn’t completely the truth; she was always kinda hungry. Her older siblings said that was normal, though. They lied to her though. Was this a lie? No, because she was always hungry; it was a truth. 
Speaking of truth, she continued picking at her feathers as she tried to remember if her parents had said something about leaving? Maybe? She didn’t pay attention like she should to them sometimes when she wanted to play, and this could be one of those times… Something at breakfast maybe? Did any of them mention leaving?? No because when she dashed for the door, someone would have stopped her to remind her— they knew how her head worked. She was five! They kinda had to at this point.
But it was really hard to ignore the fear making her belly flip flop like she was getting in trouble. She hadn’t done anything this time! She came back on time even! She was the only one here on time! 
She kicked at the ground. This was stupid. Stupid and dumb. She was smart! At least her mom always said so— even if it was with a weird expression on her face. So! She had to prove her right! She was Enososin Folook! Of course she could manage something as stupid as dinner! She’d seen her parents do it plenty.
Standing up determinedly, she marched over to the kitchenette and assessed the situation.
She was gonna need the chair.
After some near mishaps that were common for her, and some maneuvering to find the things she saw her parents use for food, she looked at them critically. Didn’t they have a cookbook? Another 30 minutes of attempting to find that, quick flipping through to find something that had the meat she had at hand (it smelled like turkey, so she was gonna hazard a guess and say it was that), and a meal name she actually recognized. She stumbled across “turkey pie”. She remembered there being pastry dough left over from bread making yesterday in a jar— would that work? She only needed to make one for herself; so she’d try this one. There was a very long hour of sounding out words and trying to find them on the little bottles and attempting to understand the instructions of what to do with the knife and stove.
One near burning of the house down later, she had a meal. It was very dark out now, but she didn’t really need the sun to work to be able to see— but  now to see if she could actually eat it.
It didn’t taste too good, the texture of the dough being off and a little too gooey, but it was food, and she devoured the whole thing.
Her parents would’ve made her go to bed by now, no matter what kind of prank they’d be playing. She wondered if she should stay up longer and see if they’d show up, but to be truly honest, she was super duper tired, and she’d squeaked her honest to freaking stones frustration with everything on more than one instance as she attempted to cook. Bedtime.
Hopping off the chair, she looked at the door. Lock it? Yeah. Lock it. Mom usually did that before she and her siblings went to bed. 
Scrambling with the door, she fiddled with the locks before stumbling back down and crawling into her nest of blankets. Usually she’d be surrounded by her noisy siblings. She waffled between feeling so deeply sad at them not being here and an amusement that she was going to finally sleep as long as she wanted. 
She landed on the former option and curled up on her stomach as she fell asleep.
Her anxiety had calmed after the first night because it wasn’t the first time she’d forgotten something— maybe they were on a short trip! She hoped they were having fun, the forgetful dumbies, they had left her behind! 
So she stayed at the house most of the first day, searching for clues in her house as to where they’d went. It couldn’t be too hard— there weren’t many places to look!
Scattered clothes, that was normal, nothing out of the ordinary there; no new claw marks so a scuffle hadn’t made them have to go to the hospice— they’dve been back by now anyways if that were the case. Everything looked like it had been left in the middle of things being done. Did they all up and vanish? She knew magic people could do that, but was it to play a prank on her? If so, it wasn’t funny! And she said so, into the empty air. Nothing responded, and it left her feeling so very alone.
She knew she was small, it helped with games where she needed to hide, but she also knew when everyone was home, it was cramped. She was small enough to duck through legs and wings and the cacophony they made in their house but not everyone was so lucky to have her dexterity and ability to squeeze past everyone. 
But nothing— she even hyped herself up to duck into her parents’ room (very not allowed) to see if she could find anything that could help her there. Zilch. 
That night she was once again careful with the food she made. She really only knew how to make breakfast, and so that’s what she made that night. She ate it by the window in hopes of seeing something out there. The stars were her only companions.
The second day, she went out and about; confused and the fear coming back. Surely they’d come back once they realized they’d forgotten her? But they knew she was smart— so maybe they trusted her? But mama always said she was too young or small for some things. Her mom usually echoed those sentiments. Her siblings were less. Nice. About it. Runt was the word they liked tossing around. And annoyingly energetic. Also brat. Brat was common for her. One letter away from rat was what Kinzon said once. But runt just meant she had some wiggle room, which she was very clever with!
So she tried to be clever. She was careful through the days like how her mom and mama were with the food. She wasn’t sure why but they were: so would she! She asked the other packs of kids who played in the streets with her if they knew; most shrugged, some frowned and said they’d look into it— those were the older kids who only sometimes played her, like her siblings. The yuanti ‘tsk’ed at her. Rovena, Bell, and the dwarven kid banded together with some others to try and find information. The next few days were filled with shrugs, more ardent declarations of trying to find them, and looks that looked close to sad for her. She didn’t like that expression. It made her belly flip flop.
She still played everyday, sunrise to sundown, but it wasn’t enough to distract her anymore.
It was at the end of the 10th day that there was no more things in the cupboards anymore, nothing she recognized as edible by itself at least, and her family still weren’t back. 
She couldn’t deny it anymore. She was scared. She was beyond anything she’d felt in her life. She’d once thought that having to face mom after accidentally snapping her grandfather’s timepiece was the scariest thing she’d ever have to do. She was so, so very wrong.
She stayed in the house, most of the time, too scared to go out. Rovena had figured out where she lived some time ago, and came by every so often with a few others to keep her company and bring food. They offered to bring her with them so she wasn’t alone. She refused. ‘Politely’ she thought, but she wasn’t really in the mood to try and ‘do what other people wanted to hear from her’. 
She just wanted her family back.
It had been just a little over two weeks since her family had simply fallen off the face of the earth and she felt like she’d aged a lifetime. 
After the fifteenth day she finally regathered her faltering courage and went outside to try again. 
She asked sailors, they cited a bunch of kids had been asking similar questions; they hadn’t seen anyone fitting the descriptions given. She asked some of the homeless that hung around her area if they remembered anything. Most shook their heads. Some claimed a large ruckus happened that day, but aside from that, they didn’t really remember it.  She even snuck into the Diamond district to ask the desk lady in the shinies’ place the same question. The desk lady had shaken her head and asked Eno to “wait right there”. 
This little owlin didn’t trust like that.
She ran.
But the thing is, when you have nowhere to run and hide, where do you go?
She wandered through the district and ended up in the woods. She liked the woods. The trees were big and nice to hide in. 
Sometimes she and her siblings went deep enough that they came out the other side, but that was only if they started really really early. And Mama and Mom had to come, they didn’t let the seven of them do that alone, to the consternation of the rest of them.
Now she would give her shiniest trinket for that opportunity again.
She gently clawed at her leg with her foot as she antsed around— a bit of a dance like hopscotch, but more anxiety filled, and went up to a tree and started climbing, grabbing branches and vines when available, and using her little claws to dig into the surface level bark when necessary. She liked the trees. She didn’t wanna hurt them.
Climbing as far as she could, she started hopping from branch to branch, tree to tree, each level she tried to get high enough to get above the canopy of leaves, taking the low road only when there was no other option. 
Eno finally popped her head out of the leaves and peered around at the town partially below and the sea out past that. She wondered if she’d have to sail to find them. That would be a cool adventure to tell them all, that she, the youngest of them, hunted them down across the many seas and lands she’d never seen. 
She sat there above the canopy, watching the day pass; tiny ants of people moving around the town and the leaves rustling pleasantly as she stared unblinkingly. 
The sun was finally beginning to set when Eno ducked her head below the canopy once more, and clambered a few layers down, once more going deeper into the forest as she leapt.
And then she heard noises that were not from her, nor any animal she recognized.
It was humming.
She blinked as she held onto a trunk of a tree she was about to leap from and peered around to see where it was coming from.
It didn’t take too long for her to spot the perpatrator; because they were coming from the brush like a statue from the castle come to life to roam the earth.
That was her first thought on seeing the figure and she immediately puffed up upon seeing them.
Huge person. Bigger than her mom, and mom was giant. But instead of feathers and wings making up their body, they had the familiar grey skin every humanoid had and bright red hair in a very, very long braid. She didn’t think she’d actually seen anyone with that long of hair. And the only reason she could tell it was red was because she’d once seen a book with the same shade of grey, and people said it was ‘red’. Their back was to her, so she couldn’t really see their face, but she was almost sure that there had been bright red lines disappearing under their clothes. They looked super strong, and they were carrying a weird shining stick to walk— Eno fluffed up even more as she realized her mistake— giant glowing hammer. 
She watched them intently. Why had she never seen this person before? Did they not come into town? They couldn’t do it regularly if so, because Eno would definitely remember this person. Her memory wasn’t very good, except for shiny things, food, and games. This person had a big shiny object— she’dve recognized them.
Eno realized she must have been staring a bit too much, making the big statue to have the thing that happens when you feel someone staring at you too much happen, because they’ve stopped walking, and tilted their head very very slightly behind them before fully turning their head around. She watches as their eyes are glancing around before— Oops. They spotted her. The big grey person started blinked rapidly a few times. And looked around like he was looking for something attached to her. 
They seemed.. confused? She wasn’t good with the nose people expressions yet. Their postures were all wrong for her to completely get what they were doing. But he was doing that almost scrunchy move with the eyebrows and mouth, so she was deeming it ‘confused’ until proved otherwise!
“Hello, little one...”
Whoa. Big voice. She clutched instinctively at the tree tighter. It made sense— of course!— big big adult means big big voice ! Even if the big man seemed to be trying to… not. Do that. 
It shook her. She valiantly attempted to stomp on her fear. That didn’t stop it from making her feathers fluff up in response. 
Watching them carefully, they seemed to watch her back. She had absolutely no idea what to make of this person and that unsettled her. She didn’t like being unsettled. Her wings tended to fluff up even more when that happened and flutter in distress. She couldn’t 100% control that movement yet, and it always gave her away when she said she ‘wasn’t scared’ when one of their parents told a scary story.
This seemed to make the big person start moving towards her, an expression she couldn’t really understand on their face as they came closer– what–?
Then she realized she was suddenly being grabbed oh no oh no— she squeaked out a jumbled call of “back up” and “I’m fine”. She continued to get pulled from her perch— the big man was saying something as he started pulling her down but all she could think was “let go” and nothing coherently came out in common.
Starting to panic, she squirmed and let instincts take the reins. She felt something warm and smelled weirdly similar to how she imagined a wet copper piece to taste like in her mouth all of a sudden and a sharp inhale and slight shake from the big man; it took a moment for her to realize her beak was embedded in something. That’s a very large finger. She had bit him. 
Uh oh. 
She was about to get yelled at or he was gonna take her to the cops or maybe hurt her or— in Oh no oh no she was so dead she was so dead why did she do that?!? She knew biting wasn’t allowed why did she bite?! She was so dead this big man was gonna kill her and she’d never be able to say sorry to her parents for forgetting—
She had started squeaking in fear while her brain raced like a horse— and she felt the world kinda rush down in a way that made her already twisted tummy start sitting in her throat as the big man bent down and gently put her down, releasing her but keeping his hands close.
“Hey, hey,” said the big voice again, actually making sense to her this time, gentle and a little rushed, “you’re ok, you’re ok, sh-sh-sh-sh— I’m sorry, I thought you were stuck, that was my fault, you’re ok, you’re ok, I promise. I’m so sorry, little owlette, that was my fault.”
It took her longer than the pride every five year old carried like a trophy would ever allow her to admit for her to calm down from squeaking noises only her missing family would recognize and physically crying in the middle of the forest. The whispered apologies and reassurances helped, but everytime she thought a little bit about the fact the big man didn’t know what she had been calling out in her panic and that made her start crying all over again. 
At some point during her meltdown, the big man had stopped crouching and instead was sitting crossed-legged, and very, very gently petting her head, humming some sort of tune instead of words. She noted he had a very warm hand. 
Once she stopped shaking so hard she felt that warm hand move away and she felt a loss. She missed her mom. She wanted her mama. She wanted to hug her siblings even if they made her angry. She didn’t know how to convey all that to this weird big man she had bitten. She just looked up at him miserably waiting for the chiding to start. 
But it didn’t. He just looked back down at her in concern, and she noted idly as she sniffled that the big man had eyes the same shade of grey as the leaves in the trees. Was he a tree spirit? A protector of the trees? The hammer would make sense if so.
“Child, are you alright?”
She always heard people say ‘yeah’ or ‘I’m fine’ to this question, but she really did not feel alright. “No.”
The man tilted his head at her in assessing concern. “Are you hurt on your body?”
She shook her head. She didn’t think that the heavy weight in her chest was real otherwise the big man might’ve had a bit more trouble picking her up.
“You feel bad?” He asked.
She nodded miserably.
He ‘hmm’ed in sympathy at her nod. “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know where my family went,” she squeaked out— her voice was quivering so bad and she wanted to kick herself for it, but just like that she was on the verge of tears again, “they just went poof like a magic show and they’ve been gone for— for two weeks. ’M good at — at finding things but I don’t where to look anymore. They lef’ me behind.”
The man’s eyebrows had risen, eyes widening a small a bit at the start of her reason and had shot to his hairline by the end of it. She didn’t know what she did that was so bad she’d been left behind and she stubbornly refused to cry again. 
It was really hard not to.
“Dear child— what’s your name?”
Mom always told her telling her name to someone was dangerous, especially if you didn’t know what they could do with it, but she didn’t really understand what that meant. She closed her eyes really tightly for a moment so she didn’t cry. “Enososin.” She replied, blinking her eyes open again and remembering to add— “Folook.”
“I am Saint Rollo,” he introduced, bowing his head in a nod, and now that he mentioned it, she spots the symbol on the weird pointed cloth thing that priests wear with the symbol of what mom called ‘the blood clerics’. Oh. She knew that was important, but she didn’t know why. “And if you don’t mind me asking, would you like some food? A place to stay while we look for your family?”
“I have a house..” she mumbled. She felt bad— what if they came back when she wasn’t there? 
“Forgive me, as I’m sure you’re extremely good at taking care of yourself, if you have for this long, but it’d ease my heart if you were somewhere with people who will support you.”
“Th.. the older kids help.”
Something seemed to occur to the ‘Saint’ and he murmured something about something explaining a few things. She was tired, so she didn’t really feel up to asking what he meant. She’d ask later if she remembered.
“Here— I’m sure, your friends help enormously, but perhaps some adults who have more reach in concerns of missing people?”
“No cops,” she immediately squeaked. “I don’t wanna go to jail.”
The Saint laughed, baring his teeth gently at her. A big smile. “No no, definitely not. I won’t let you go to jail. I was referring to the church.” He pointed off towards the towering… tower. She didn’t know what else to call it. It was a really big tower that peeked through the leaves. Her parents didn’t go to church, said it wasn’t really their ‘thing’ whatever that means. “We’d only need to go to the church down that way, and get you some clothes, some food, and maybe some sleep?”
She thought about how tired she was. “Yeah. Sleep sounds nice.”
He nodded at her assessment gently, and seemed to be pondering something. She looked up at him as he blinked back at her. She always won staring contests with other people.
“If I may— may I carry you over there?”
She blinked. Immediately the fluttery heavy feeling in her stomach was back. “I’m sorry—”
He raised up a hand— not the one she had bitten, that one was still bleeding through some cloth he’d at some point wrapped around his hand— and shook his head. “Don’t apologize. I was in the wrong. You reacted correctly in that situation. But the question stands; may I carry you, or would you prefer to walk?”
Eno shuffled her claws as she thought. Her legs ached and her wings couldn’t really carry her anywhere. Yeah. Ok. She nodded after a moment and raised her arms expectantly.
There was a brief look that flashed on the giant’s face before it was replaced by the content expression he’d been wearing before he’d spotted her. She was once again lifted into the air and placed in the crook of his right arm, as the bandaged hand picked up the hammer, and they started towards the church.
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avrorasage · 1 year
I wrote and drew this late at night half asleep, so don't judge me too hard
This is a Detroit thing that I thought about a lot and decided to draw. All translations are done by Google and there may be errors. My English is still bad, but I try to translate my inept creativity to you
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"Mr. Tweek, your treatment has certainly progressed."
- Really
"You are our most promising patient, but nevertheless, as your treating psychiatrist, I am still concerned that you are still ignoring your main problem"
- Doc, you again...
"Social phobia hits you hard and if it continues like this, it may even roll back all your progress to the very beginning"
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"You've been through a lot for a very young age"
- You repeat this already 30 times
"But the shadow of the past should not prevent you from living here and now"
- Stop...
"Androids in medical practice have not been an innovation for a long time. According to the statistics of the last 5 years, they are even more successful in building relationships with patients"
-Why don't you just admit that I...
"Everything, of course, under the supervision of a specialist"
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"Cyberlife donated a batch of the latest medical androids to our mental hospital"
"They are programmed to be personal assistants, you can even say companions for our patients"
"More patient than any ordinary person or caregiver. Swift and quick in emergencies when the patient needs help."
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"Your personal assistant - KT-500, is ready to start his duties"
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- Tweek Tweak, hello, I'm Craig, android model KT-500.
I am here to help your therapy progress.
- Yeah...
- Your pulse jumped up unexpectedly quickly, but I don’t register any signs of a panic attack or other abnormalities in you. Are you feeling unwell?
- NO!
- That is, no, I'm fine, in full
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darkshrimpemotions · 1 year
Hello! I've been following your blog ever since the finale of The Winchesters and really love all of the metas you've done, they're all very well made.
I have a question about your thoughts on The Leak. I saw that you had made 2 vague posts about it and how the SPN side of tumblr has been treating it, namely poorly (to speak in delicate terms). I'm currently writing a piece about why potentially this attitude is going on, and why it is so pervasive. I'm asking you since you have obviously been in this fandom far longer than I have, and would like to get a second opinion from someone who may potentially have a more comprehensive view on this issue.
However, I completely understand if you don't respond to this as this is an issue that deals heavily with spoilers. I just thought you're 2 posts about it were interesting and would've liked to hear more from you about it as someone who is a diehard heller yet doesn't agree with what's been going on.
Hi hello. I am finally answering this since Good Omens 2 is now out. I didn't want to draw yet more attention to the leak ahead of time, but the time is come so here I go.
There are a lot of overlapping things factoring into some Hellers' overall reaction to the Good Omens leak and Good Omens 2 in general, but I do not have the bandwidth nor the desire to give anyone a crash course in Heller History & Psychology. It mainly comes down to the fact that Hellers, especially those who've been with the show and ship for years, are wounded more than most of us would like to admit by years of queerbaiting, and a bit defensive as a result.
Many of us are in our late 20s, early 30s, or older and grew up without ANY positive representation at all. What little visibility queer people in media were allowed to have was steeped in themes of deviance and tragedy. And the few truly joyful depictions of us that did exist were not accessible to many of us in our communities, especially before the advent of widespread internet access. As a personal example, I only saw the film Big Eden (2000) in the last five years. I didn't know it existed before then!
Queer representation only became more normalized on television once I was well into my 20s. And even then, it was only normalized within very specific limitations. A character could be introduced as queer or have a Queer Life Script type of story. But the majority of these characters were still steeped in negative stereotypes, and it was basically unheard of for a show that didn't set out to be inclusive to suddenly make one of its main characters queer in canon.
(Tangent: I still remember the first time I saw an unexpected queerness reveal on television. Two men were staring intensely at each other in the midst of an argument and I jokingly said "now kiss" at my television screen. And then they did. And after about 5 seconds of wondering if I had magical powers, my entire brain was rewired forever (it was an episode of Cold Case).)
The point is, it was really easy for a long time for general audience members and fans who didn't like Destiel as a ship to tell us we were stupid and crazy for shipping it, because they had the entire history of film and television in North America backing them up. Not to mention the cherry-picked comments of certain actors over the years, and the behavior of moderators at conventions. And many anti-hellers took full advantage of all that, and still do, and don't acknowledge at all the role that real homophobia plays in supporting their stupid little one-sided ship wars.
All of this to say, Destiel fans have every reason to be defensive and prickly.
That being said, I think malicious spreading of the GO2 leak untagged and unwarned-for was extremely shitty. Ruining something important for someone else because we couldn't have the thing we wanted is childish and self-absorbed beyond belief. Shitting on actual, canonical queer representation because it isn't the ship and show you wanted it from is just shitty, full stop.
And for what? It's not like Warner Brothers is going to wake up one morning and say "wow those Hellers really shit on every other queer rep on offer, guess that means it would be lucrative and smart from a business standpoint to resurrect a cancelled show just to give them canon Destiel after all these years!" But then let's be honest, there's no logic behind this kind of behavior. It's just meanness, bitterness, and spite. And while I sympathize with the bitterness, the meanness and spite are inexcusable.
Finally, the veiled-to-explicit accusations that Good Omens was trying to somehow supplant or copy Destiel are unspeakably stupid.
For one thing, I can think of few things further from "trying to be like Destiel" than taking a queer interpretation of a work that was not really intended by its authors and running with it full speed ahead. Supernatural is an example of how homophobia makes a story worse by flattening its characters and wasting its potential. Good Omens the show is an example of how a willingness to embrace queer interpretations of a story can give it new life and dimension.
So if anything, that's an inversion of what happened with Destiel! Supernatural is a straight man's straightwashed fanfic of a censored version of a queer story. It was forced into the closet at every turn by a homophobic network despite the efforts of queer and queer-friendly writers to course-correct throughout its 15-year run. The sheer number of bisexuals SPN took inspiration from only to straight-wash and queerbait for as long as it did is almost as ridiculous as claiming that a show that did the opposite of that was trying to emulate it.
I also find it stupid because Good Omens the book was published fifteen years before the fifteen-year hate crime that is Supernatural ever aired a single episode. The elements of queerness that the show teased out and expanded upon existed back when Eric Kripke was still what I can only imagine was an insufferable teen proto-filmbro making some poor underpaid high school English professor take up drinking to cope with his hypermasc Americana edgelord bullshit in every essay.
Much like when SPN fans started yelling that Matt Ryan's Constantine was a ripoff of Supernatural and Castiel, this is just embarrassing. If anything, the inspiration for Destiel came from Good Omens, not the other way around.
As for any worries fans express (in their adamant denials) about the Ineffable Lovers "replacing" Destiel, I have to ask...for who? Pretty sure no diehard Heller is going to burn their Castiel handprint patch from Stands as a sacrifice to the gomens gods to prove their loyalty. And anyway, nothing is ever going to approach being the "new Destiel" without at least a dozen years of will-they/won't-they slow burn angst and enemies to allies to enemies to friends to coparents to lovers shenanigans. It's just implausible! We can't even get a show to have five whole seasons anymore nowadays.
I know Destiel is important to Hellers. I'm a Heller. It's important to ME. But we aren't doing ourselves or anyone else any favors by acting like every star-crossed queer love story that comes along is somehow copying or devaluing Destiel. That is just laughably untrue. The Ineffable Lovers will never be Destiel, sure. But who ever said they were trying to be? I thought the whole explicit canonicity bit made it pretty clear that wasn't the case.
TL;DR: Hellers including me all have terminal brainworms from being gaslit since we were impressionable teenagers by Eric Kripke and all his successors, but that's no excuse to intentionally spoil big moments or be shitty about other shows giving their audience canonical queer rep. From the bottom of my Heller heart, grow the fuck up besties.
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jojofox · 1 year
Need a good post to keep pinned, so this will do.
Hello! Welcome to my slice of the internet. You're probably here because you like my art, or something funny I said, or I just reblog a buncha stuff you like. Either way, ya found me, and now I can see your name pop up on my activity tab :)
Some things to know about me:
-I am working on multiple stories at the time, which means that you'll be seeing random oc and worldbuilding stuff from me on your dash. One of them has its own page on my blog, and two of them have a whole seperate blog, one Minecraft, and the other an Undertale au
-I am neurodivergent. With what, I'm not 100% sure. I know I have depression, and I'm pretty sure I'm autistic, but that's only a self-diagnoses. It could possibly be OCD or smth
-I am queer! Exactly how is right here! (<---saw a mutual make one of these :))
-Minecraft, FNaF, and UTDR enjoyer :)
-If you like my art that much, I can take commissions! So far, I can only draw people well, so if you have an animal character, please know that it may not look as good anatomy-wise.
For busts, I can do $5 for a sketch, $10 for lineart, $15 for color, and $20 for full shading
For full body, I can do $10 for a sketch, $20 for lineart, $30 for color, and $40 for full shading
+$5 for backgrounds, and for extra characters, it would be +half of what it would be for a single character per extra character. So, if you wanted full body lineart for 2 characters, it would be $30. Or, if you wanted the same thing but for 4 characters, it would be $50.
Cashapp: $Jojofoxdoesart
think that's it for now. Stay determined <3
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luupetitek · 2 years
I'm still alive! Aka BIG UPDATE on my life
Hello everyone! Hello to my old and my new followers! And thank you so much for staying with me, even though I’ve disappeared quite abruptly. It’s been a looooong time since we last “saw” each other x’) I’m sorry for being so inactive through the last… how long… 2 years?? Wow... so yeah. It’s been a while x’V
And a lot of it was caused because of my work and lack of motivation to draw anything not job oriented, or be active on any social media, just hidden inside my comfort bubble with my closest friends. But as the time passed I started to grow more and more into showing up and at least giving you some update on what’s going on. Though, since there’s A LOT of things that happened through those years, I’ve decided to group it into some smaller sections, to make it more ordered and readable x’) And for those who don’t feel like reading EVERYTHING, I’ve prepared some TL;DR at the bottom too :v so don’t worry seeing this WALL of text. (Btw, this journal doesn't contain spoilers. Alerts are just announcements)
Let’s get started!
1. Job
You may remember from my last post that I’m currently working for an animation studio, creating a new Netflix cartoon - "Kajko and Kokosz”, which, to this day, is true. I’ve had some other additional jobs here and there in the meantime, but this one didn’t change, and what’s more, I’ve even got a promotion! I’m no longer working just on the backgrounds. I’m also a layout creator and an animator!!! :D And what’s even more, recently I’ve become an animation lead assistant too! You have no idea how HAPPY I am, as it was always my dream to work as an animator for some bigger production! That’s why with the future releases of new seasons, you’ll not only see illustrations done by me, but also CHARACTERS ANIMATED by me! ٩(>∀<)۶
And who knows, maybe one day, as I’ll progress more, I’ll get a chance to be a lead animator in some future productions as well! Sooo happy to finally be able to move further with my career ♥
2. My life and debt
Along with promotion, a rise came as well, which made me less stressed in the money field, as for now I’m finally able to fully support my family and not overwork myself. Although less stressed doesn’t mean completely stress free, as the problems with my parents' debts and the issues connected to it are still following us and I’m still struggling to break free from them. Not to mention the latest problems with inflation in my country, which also made my rent go up by 30%. That’s why I still feel under pressure and that also makes me unmotivated for many things, as I still need to focus on getting out of this situation rather than on making my life happy. And I can see how much the last years have changed me into a stressed, very insecure, workaholic scrooge, that’s jealous of those who can spend their money as they please, on some entertainment and not just to live and not be homeless. Who feels like time not spent on working and earning money is wasted, the same with money spent on things that aren’t truly a super necessity. Which resulted in my health getting worse, as I felt like spending money on doctors is a waste as well, as I’m still walking and breathing and only my looks and mental health suffer because of it. Which, at that time, didn’t feel like a big sacrifice, since working as a freelancer and living with my mom, who’s responsible for groceries, I’m very rarely going out anyway, becoming sort of a hikikomori. Though now, feeling a bit of a relief with my more stable incomes, and finally health insurance, I’m trying to fight these beliefs, even if it’s not easy and will probably take some time to fix. Still my situation is getting better and now I’m trying to respect my free time and really do something I enjoy, starting to care for myself too. For the first time in those 5/6 years even taking some days off to go on vacation! Trying to grab some of my youth, before it will be gone forever and the only thing I will be able to recall will be staring at my monitor, working. I already feel very bad with all those lost years that have passed on just working and saving what’s yet to save and I can’t not feel bitter about it. But the only thing I can change now is my future, hoping it will become a bit brighter and not throw any more big problems my way. Which I wish for all of you as well! I know the world struggles with its own problems everywhere. Wars, where the recent one affects even my country, as a close neighbour to the victims; escalating prices, global warming, cataclysms… but hopefully there are going to be some good changes to get uplifting news as well. It may take time, but let’s wait.
3. My RPG
In those last two years I’ve started writing a new RPG with my friends. You may remember me mentioning it, as I’ve posted a sketch of one of my characters from it, Bear. It’s the very same one, based on the Zero Escape series, but since then we’ve moved from the first chapter, went through VLR, wrote some additional stories, like childhoods or things in between the events and now are starting to write the last (sadly) ZTD chapter. So no spoilers please! As I’m still in the unknown, while my friend, who already knows the plot, is walking us through it as a DM, revealing new information bit by bit 👀 And what can I say other than… OH MY GOOOD THIS GAME IS AMAAAZING! IT’S ONE OF THE BEST RPGS I'VE EVER BEEN INTO AND I'M SUPER HYPED AND I LOVE THIS GAME!!11!!1 Yes, it's exactly the same as I wrote before, but what can I say! It’s really a very goood story and I can’t wait to learn the big reveal! And I ttly love the characters we’ve created and I can’t have enough playing as them ♥ Yes, they’re based on the ones from the original game, but other than some basic things that were needed for the plot, I’d say they’re far from being the same (especially as I couldn’t really meet the true 999 characters as it would result in spoilers x’) ). They’re ones of my most thought-through and deeply planned characters that are just a pleasure to play. The more I’m sad there are no more chapters to play and soon I will have to say goodbye to all those characters that I grew to love through all those years. But once we’ll go through the whole series, I’ll stop being forbidden to play the original and I’d really like to give it a try, to see the differences. Though I might already be biased with our own version x’V Still, even though I can’t say much, based on what I know already, I truly recommend the game! I’ve heard the second chapter is the worst one, and I can see why, but the first one and last one are worth it, I promise! So better start playing, before I’ll upload some spoilers! ;P Which takes us to…
4. My art (SPOILERS coming soon!) and commissions
My lack of submitting anything new was connected to my lack of time, just as well as my lack of motivation. As I mentioned in a previous post, I was just so drained from creative energy, I just didn’t want to look at my tablet any more, as just a thought of having to start a drawing, making a sketch, linearting it and then even coloring was too big of a struggle (and “waste of time” in my workaholic eyes). That’s why most of my drawings ended up in a rough sketch stage, never to be opened again. Right now I’m still struggling with coming back to drawing anything not job oriented, but I’m slowly starting to discover this “phenomenon” anew.
And to answer some of your questions: No, unfortunately, I’m not opening my commissions again. With my current responsibilities, I just don’t have much time for it. Not to mention that I’m trying to cool down with my work time and find some for myself. That’s why I also don’t know when I’d be able to open them once more. But with that gained time I’m trying to come back to my own art, so you can expect some new drawings! I already have some works prepared, that just waited for me to upload and as mentioned above, I still have some unfinished sketches and not started ideas that I’d like to take care of. Though even if I’m probably not gonna come back to my previous rate, I’ll try to upload here more often… like… something. Hoping you’ll like the new content as well! Which, btw, will be highly connected to my new RPG, so ZERO ESCAPE SPOILERS ALERT. Even though the characters are not exactly the same, the plot and many things connected to their stories are, as it was the base that couldn’t be changed. So if you’re planning to play the games, be aware of it while looking at my upcoming works and reading the descriptions. But don’t worry, Zero Escape things won’t be the only ones I’m about to post ;) As there’s also something new, I’m very passionate about lately~
5. New, old hobby - SPACE!
I’ve always been a big space fan. Even at school, if there were some science contests, I couldn’t ignore the astronomy ones. Unfortunately physics, which should also contain astronomy, usually had a very small portion of it, focusing on other branches, mostly classical physics, that were less interesting to me. So the maximum amount of knowledge I got were some basics like how many of the planets in the solar system there are or the most known astronauts and that’s quite it. That made the school subject not very interesting to me and lessened my interest in astronomy and physics as well, as I wasn’t getting anything to fuel my curiosity, having to focus on the things I’d actually have at my exams. But now, after playing the new RPG, that contained a big portion of quantum physics and astronomy knowledge, kind of forcing me to learn things about it to understand it better, it reminded me of my early childhood affection and my love blossomed again, strong as never before ✨ Since that I spend most of my free time learning new things about astronomy and some quantum physics, trying to make up for all those “lost years” and be up to date with news about space, learning about constellations and astrophotography as well. I don’t have the best equipment for that, nor money to buy some better lenses or cameras x’) Though it’s still cool to experiment and to actually see more of the stars and night sky after exposing it. Or the Andromeda galaxy! Maybe just as a blurry dot, but the fact is exciting nevertheless. Here are some examples of my best photos I’ve taken so far (in a big city, so guess they’re not the worst :P ). Featuring Mars with Pleiades on a first one and Saturn and Jupiter on the bottom.
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As for the upcoming events, I can’t wait for Jupiter’s great opposition on September 26th, which will make the closest approach to Earth since 1963! Very good opportunity to observe it even without a telescope and it’s so beautifully bright on the sky ♥
The other one would be more local, as it’s gonna be a partial solar eclipse on October 25th, but maybe some of you will got a chance to see a total one~ jealous.
Anyway, don’t be surprised to see some more signs of me being a space freak as I’m preparing some new series about the topic :D
6. My hair
At first I wasn’t going to add an update to this one, thinking no one would probably remember about my goal to reach Vasdorl’s hair length, but I’ve been proven wrong as some people asked me about it, to know how is it going. So! Here is the photo from this year’s spring, showing the maximal length I’ve managed to grew my hair :D From which I’m quite proud, as it’s also the longest hair I’ve had in my life, and I was trying to grow my hair before too.
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Though it unfortunately didn’t change the fact it wasn't in the best shape. I was both super proud of it and super self-conscious, as together with my problems with excessive hair loss and my depression, made caring for them way harder and turned them more into uneven, broken shreds of my dream. That’s why this summer I decided to close this chapter and cut it short.
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I’ve been wanting this type of hairstyle for some time already, but I still wasn’t sure if I should scrap so many years of dedication. But as my long hair was gradually making me more unhappy than anything, there was no going back. And I have to say I’m not regretting it at all! I also realized that as much as I still adore long hair and people who can do wonders with it, it’s not something for me and I feel much more comfortable with a so called “men’s haircut”, giving me that more agender look that I’m aspiring to. That’s why I’m not bothered by it that much and I like the change
7. My cats
Fortunately, nothing changed here, in a positive way. I’m still an owner of two cute fluffy siblings <3 Kajtek ♂ and Sasza ⧬
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Lately Kajtek’s been a bit ill (bladder infection), but it’s nothing very serious and since he’s getting his medications, he’s getting better, so nothing to be worried about! And as always, he can keep bothering helping me at work.
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-TL;DR summary-
I still work at the same place and on the same series, but I’ve got a promotion to an animation lead assistant! With a more stable paycheck and with a health insurance. Now working not only on background illustrations, but also layouts and animations which was always my dream ♥
Still struggling with my parent’s debts and some problems associated with it, but it’s better than it used to be and now I’m able to fully support my family and not overwork myself. Though it’s still serious enough to keep me stressed and make me unable to close that chapter, to take a big relieved breath. Still I’m trying to fight my demons and focus not just on work, but myself too, to not only live, but also enjoy my life.
PLAYING THE BEST RPG I'VE EVER BEEN INTO AND I'M SUPER HYPED AND I LOVE THIS GAME! It’s based on a Zero Escape series, but I’ve never played it before so everything that’s happening is a surprise for me. If you’ve never played it, go do it! ;D Currently starting to play the last, ZTD chapter.
I’m not opening my commissions and since I’m not very productive lately, there’s not gonna be tons of new artworks showing up, but you still can expect new works soon. Mostly connected to my new RPG, that’s why… ZERO ESCAPE SPOILERS ALERT! Even though the characters are not exactly the same, the plot and many things connected to their stories are, as it’s just the base that couldn’t be changed. So if you’re planning to play the games, be aware of it while looking at my upcoming works and reading the descriptions. But don’t worry, Zero Escape things won’t be the only ones I’m about to post ;)
I’M A SPACE FREAK NOW! 🪐💫✨ Hope you like the photos and look out for the great Jupiter opposition and eclipse!
I’ve grown my hair, but due to some health problems, I’ve cut them short and I’m happy with my decision (*¯︶¯*)
My cats are still cute and fluffy ଲ(=①ω①=)And Kajtek still likes to bother help me at work.
Well, that’s everything I can think of right now and I think it sums those last two years quite nicely. If you’d have any more questions about any of the topics, feel free to ask. And also hope you’ve been doing fine! Or at least better too …and that this place is not dead yet x’) I’d gladly see who’s still here and meet new people. Not sure if artists have already found the perfect site to be active on? Still not moving from here, but I’ve heard about the big migration to Instagram, but I’ve never liked it and since it’s starting to change into another TikTok lately, focusing and promoting mostly reels, I’m not sure if it’s gonna stay the same, as it’s already been quite hard to be noticed there, without being popular already on some other sites and with the algorithm hiding your posts even from your own followers. Please, let me know what you think!
By that time, happy to be here again! And thanks for your support. Stay safe (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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lovelykiri · 3 years
Yes, doctor
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You go to a doctor’s office nearby every year for your annual appointment. Every time a nurse comes out into that familiar waiting room you get a little nervous. You had never liked doctor visits. This time your usual doctor was out, and there was a fill in you hadn’t met before. When the doctor enters your examination room, you were pleasantly surprised. Denki Kaminari, the boy you had been fawning for all throughout high school, would be your doctor today.
female reader
both are adults, around 20-25 years old
h/n = hero name
content warning
medicalplay, bondage, slapping your pussy, degradation, punishment/reward, desperation, edgeplay/orgasm denial, dumbification, breeding, sex toys, thigh riding, y/n pees herself
full fic by spice🥧
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After checking in with the receptionist, you sat down in one of the plush chairs in the waiting room. You were a pro hero, and a pretty recent graduate from UA high, having graduated 5 or 6 years ago. This doctor's office was specifically for heroes, so it was pretty fancy to say the least. The reason it was only for heroes was so they could have specialized doctors and nurses fit to deal with quirks, and they were hand selected by the Hero Organization to handle confidential quirk information if needed.
You picked up one of the magazines from the table across from you and flipped through it, eyeing various support item ads and making mental notes of them to show to your costume designer.
"Y/n?" a voice called.
You looked up, and a friendly looking nurse greeted you with a warm smile.
"Hello." you said quietly, getting up to follow her into the hallway.
"It's an honor to meet you, H/n!" she said excitedly, as she led you to a small room to take your height and weight.
"Thanks! Thank you for taking such good care of us heroes."
"Only the best for the people who protect us from villains!" she said cheerfully.
After taking your measurements, she led you to another room.
"Here, change into this, and your doctor will be in shortly!"
She handed you a paper gown.
"Thank you!" you said.
After she left, you put the gown on and sat on the bed. You waited nervously, trying to remember if you were due for any shots, when you heard a knock.
"Are you dressed? May I come in?" a familiar sounding voice called.
"Sure." you said.
The door opened and you knew who it was the second you saw a flash of that familiar bright yellow hair.
You couldn't believe your eyes.
"Please! Call me Denki. We were friends in high school, weren't we?" he said with a bright smile.
"Y-Yeah.. you didn't become a hero?"
"Nope. Everyone at UA and in the pro hero world looked down on me. Well, except you, Deku, and Red Riot, that is. So I became a doctor to prove people like Dynamight wrong. Do you still talk to anyone from our class?" He asked, taking a seat at his computer and typing in his password.
"Yeah, Deku and I patrol together sometimes and Mina is still my best friend."
"Oh, Mina! I forgot about her. She was nice. Anyway, how have you been? Feel sick lately? Cough? Sore throat? Fever?"
"Nope, I'm all good." you said, trying to avoid his gaze.
"Are you okay? You seem.. nervous." he lowered his voice.
"I-I'm fine. Sorry."
"Okay. Well, I'm gonna ask you a few questions, and then we can get started."
He began to ask questions, your cheeks heating up more and more with every embarrassing question about your sex life, menstrual cycle, bowel movements, and so on and so forth.
Denki laughed suddenly.
"Look how red you are- calm down it's just me!"
You laughed quietly.
"Alright, well, I'm just gonna make sure everything's okay, and then you can be on your way!"
"Sounds good." you said, relieved that he wasn't asking any further questions.
He had stopped asking questions, yet that warmth in your cheeks stayed there as you watched him wash his hands and put gloves on.
He started by checking your reflexes. After you almost kicking him, he moved on to check your eyes and ears.
He pulled out his stethoscope.
"I'm gonna listen to your heartbeat really quick okay? Tell me if I'm making you uncomfortable! Sorry, it's gonna be cold."
Shit. He's gonna be able to tell how nervous I am..
You tried to steady your breathing, but it just came out ragged, embarrassing you further.
He moved the stethoscope with a confused look on his face, before taking it off and putting it back around his neck.
"Are you okay? Your heart is beating really fast. Should I refer you to someone or are you just nervous?" he asked, scribbling something down on a clipboard.
"N-Nervous, sorry."
"Oh yeah! You had a crush on me in high school, didn't you?" That explains it!"
"H-How did you know?"
"Mina told me. After we graduated, though. I never got to reach out to you about it, but I liked you too."
"Y-You did?!" you breathed.
"Mmhm. Now try to calm down a little so I can get some accurate measurements."
"Okay, sorry."
You took a deep breath, and he continued trying to get an accurate reading, but god.. he was just so hot, so concentrated, and he smelled so good..
"Hey. Y/n. Earth to Y/n." he said, looking up.
"Sorry!" you said again.
"It's not a problem," he smirked. "Come here."
And with that, he pulled you in for a kiss.
You gasped against his mouth, before melting into it, your hands finding their way around his neck, clasping in the back. You felt one of his hands wrap around you waist, the other still holding the stethoscope in place.
You broke the kiss.
"You gonna move this?" you asked, touching the hand holding the stethoscope.
"Why? You wanna take this further or something?" he asked.
You cast your gaze downwards as he pressed it harder onto your chest to the point where it started to hurt.
"Use your words, princess. What do you want from me?" he said, laughing. He could hear your heartbeat steadily climb, he loved the look of nervousness covering your face, you desperately trying to form words.
"I-I want you."
"Hm?" he said, pressing harder. The loudness was starting to hurt his ears, but it was so worth it to see you flustered.
"P-Please! I want you!"
"Good girl." he said with a smile, removing the stethoscope and placing it on the table.
He sat in his desk chair, facing you with crossed arms.
"Undress please, I need to make sure everything looks okay."
"That's 'Yes Doctor' to you."
"Yes doctor."
You took off the gown and tossed it aside, facing Denki, who was smirking at the sight of your naked body.
He stood up and took off his shirt, followed by his pants, leaving him in only his boxers, his erection poking through with a bit of precum already showing. He then wrapped you in a kiss again, his hands finding your breasts and kneading them until your nipples were hard.
You let out a soft moan as you caressed his face.
He pulled away.
"Look at you, making a mess on my table." he gestured to the wet puddle that was forming between your legs. "I'll have to punish you for that.
He pulled a roll of bandages from the cabinet and smirked. He bandaged your hands on either side of you stuck down onto the table, making sure you couldn't move them. Then, he bandaged your feet down onto the table, again, making sure you couldn't move them.
Your dripping cunt was exposed to him, and you could barely move.
"Dripping for me like a bitch in heat, I've barely touched you, princess."
"D-Doctor- please-"
You were cut off by two fingers lightly grazing your wet pussy, gathering your juices on them. He then stuck them in your mouth, causing you to gag.
You did as told and sucked your wetness of his fingers, your face a shade of red from embarrassment.
"Such a good girl, following the doctor's orders. Now let's see. I have to examine other patients too, so if you'll excuse me." he started to put his clothes back on, smiling while you looked at him shocked.
"Oh don't be scared. I'll be back for you soon. And I have something to keep you company while I'm gone."
He pulled out a small pink vibrator with a tiny remote from his desk drawer.
"When I found out you were my patient, I had a feeling things would go this way. I came prepared."
He attached the vibrator to your clit, drawing a gasp from you.
"No cumming until I allow it okay? See you soon, princess. Oh- and I almost forgot."
He grabbed the bandages again, and put them over your mouth.
"Can't let anyone hear you!" and with that, he left the room and locked the door.
You sat there, stunned, legs open, dripping wet, with a vibrator attached to you. It wasn't on yet, either. It was just sitting there. You tried to shake it off of you, or at least break the bandages, to try and get some relief, but they wouldn't budge.
And then it happened. The vibrator started at a very low shake, making you gasp once more, trying to close your legs to relieve the pressure.
Your head was spinning when it went up to the next level again. You were squirming, bucking your hips, anything for it to stop. But alas, it went up to the highest level.
You nearly screamed, but managed to stifle your moan. And then, it stopped.
This cycle went on for an hour, the vibrator randomly turning on super low, jumping to high, staying off for a bit, it was pure torture, and it wasn't enough to make you cum, either, so you just had to bear it.
About 30 minutes into this torture, you realized something even worse. You had to pee.
You were sweating, shaking, panting, face bright red, trying not to piss yourself, when the vibrator stopped and the door jiggled. Your heart nearly stopped, afraid it was some poor doctor who would have to see it.
But you were relieved to see your doctor slip into the room.
"My my- you're quite a mess!"
"MmhmmmhmmhhMMM!" you tried yelling at him through the bandage on your mouth.
"Princess, use your words! Oh wait- you cant!"
He detached the vibrator from your clit, and removed the bandage on your mouth.
"I'm gonna examine your pussy, okay?"
"Y-yes doctor."
You gasped at the feeling of his freezing cold hands touching your pussy lightly.
“Are you sensitive here…?" he touched your clit, smirking as you squirmed.
"Or.. here, perhaps?" he lightly circled your entrance with his fingers.
"Y-Yes doctor! I'm so- I'm so sensitive- please- give me an examination or a checkup please- I need to- I need-"
You were babbling, forgetting how to talk.
Suddenly, a hand came down, smacking your pussy. You moaned loudly, looking up at him with tears gathering in your eyes.
"Princess, doctor can't understand you. What do you want?"
"Doc-Doctor I- I need bathroom... please let me go to the bathroom.. th-then we continue."
"Ah, I don't think that's necessary. You may hold it."
"Doctor! Please!"
"No can do, princess. Doctor says no. Do I need to dumb it down more for you? Is doctor speaking too many big words for you to understand?"
"W-Why can't I go pee..?" you said in a small voice.
"Because! You follow doctor's orders, not your own. Doctor says no, you only listen to doctor."
"Y-Yes doctor."
"That's a good girl. Now let's start your examination."
He came over and took both of your breasts in his hands. He rolled your nipples in his fingers and kneaded your breasts until you were whining, face red from embarrassment.
"Is my princess embarrassed? Let your doctor take care of you. He knows what's best. Don't be embarrassed."
He stopped playing with your breasts and moved down to your pussy. Without warning, he dipped his fingers in and curled them painfully slow.
You obeyed, stifling your moans as he brought you closer and closer to an orgasm with every slow curl of his fingers.
"Do-Doctor- I'm gonna- p-pee..."
"Okay. Go then."
"B-But Doctor-"
"I said, go princess."
"Yes doctor..." you said, ashamed, as piss pooled out of your pussy, dripping onto the floor.
He continued to finger you slowly as you peed.
You hid your face with your arm.
"Don't be embarrassed princess, I already told you."
"G-Gonna c-cum."
"No. You're not."
He removed his fingers with a sinister grin.
He then slipped his shirt off, followed by his pants, again, leaving him in just his boxers and the gloves he had on.
He peeled your restraints off slowly, looking you in the eye. You looked back at him nervously, trying not to shake.
He then picked you up, surprising you.
"You can wrap your legs around me, it's okay."
He was holding you like a child, but it didn't last long. He put his knee against the wall and let you down so you were sitting on his thigh. He then pressed another kiss onto your mouth.
"Ride." he commanded.
You began to grind onto his thigh, your moans coming out breathy and short.
He reached down to your clit and circled it, and sent a tiny jolt of electricity through his fingers.
"Shh princess. Breathe with me okay? In, out. Just like that."
As he led you through breathing, he was sending more electricity to your already abused pussy, making it near impossible not to cum.
"Doct-Doctor ple-please, m'cumming! Let me cum, please!"
You could barely form coherent sentences, you were so focused on trying not to cum.
He placed his hands under your armpits and lifted you up again, holding you once again, like a child. He placed you onto the table again, the wetness from your legs audible.
"I think it's time for Doctor's cock. Are you ready for doctor's cock?"
"Yes doctor! Pl-please! I n-need y-your cock! Please! Breed- breed me!"
"Of course princess."
He finally removed his boxers and gloves, climbing onto the table with you. He put your legs up into the mating press position, and shoved his full length in.
"Aah! D-Doctor- feels so- so good! Please!"
"You said you were a virgin, right?" he asked as he snapped his length into you again.
"Y-Yes doctor."
You could feel every vane, the slight curve, every twitch of his cock as it hit your walls.
"Y-You've never had anyone hit your g-spot then?"
"N-No doctor! I-It's only for you- only you!"
"If you cum without permission, I'm gonna make you cum again. Got it?" he asked with a grunt, as he tried to find your spot.
"Y-Yes doctor!
He began to rub your clit, sending more bliss falling over you. You had been trying not to cum for around two hours now, and it was at this point, slightly painful. You were overstimulated and you hadn't even gotten to cum yet.
His eyes rolled back as he hit that spongy spot- and you almost screamed. You moaned loudly, fingers gripping into his back, toes curling. All you could see was white, and you heard a loud squelch.
"Pr-Princess! You squirted.. what a b-bad girl... c'mon, I know you've got another one in there for me! This time cum WITH permission though."
"Y-Yes doctor!"
He continued to snap his hips into yours. You gasped when he bottomed out, hitting against your cervix. He rubbed your clit harder and continued to pump into you, hitting your g-spot and cervix with every thrust.
"M'gonna cum s-straight into y-your pretty little w-womb. I'll fill you u-up with my kids! You'll be s-swollen and pregnant- you'll be m-my princess f-forever! D-Do you like the s-sound of that?"
"Yes doctor!" you cried out blissfully.
"G-Good girl! C-Cum wi-with me!"
His pace stuttered and his cock twitched hard as hot white cum filled your womb. You couldn't hold back your second orgasm as you came around his cock again, pussy fluttering wildly.
He pulled out slowly, and wiped his now soft cock off with a tissue.
"Princess. You're leaking."
He gathered the cum that was dripping out and pushed it back in.
He got dressed, but when you tried he stopped you and told you to sit back on the table.
"I see you're on birth control on my charts, by the way. Let's take you off of that. And since your heartbeat was a little fast, I'll schedule you back about a week out, how does that sound?"
"G-Good. T-Thank you."
"No problem! Oh- you're leaking again, here."
He pulled out a small plug from his drawer, gathered his cum on his fingers once again, pushed it back inside, and inserted the plug into your cunt.
"Take this out when you know you won't leak my cum anymore."
"Y-Yes doctor. Thank you."
"Oh- and take these every day until next week when you come back for me, okay?"
He handed you a small bottle with tiny pink pills in it. You read the label out loud.
Stimulation In A Bottle for low sex drives
"Low sex drive?"
"Yeah. Coming off your birth control might mess you up a little, it could mean a lower sex drive, or double the sex drive. Best not to risk it, princess."
"I need to hear a "yes doctor" from you, please."
"Yes doctor."
"Good, now get dressed, I'll see you next week. Oh- and the janitor will clean the pee up. I'll just say it was a child."
"Yes doctor."
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streetlight11 · 3 years
Birthday Gift
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Summary: If you told your younger self 4 years ago that you would be in a happy, long distance relationship with someone who lives miles away from you up till today, your younger self would have laughed at you. But here you are, 4 years later, happy and totally in love with the boy you met online after he randomly followed you on social media. But you've never once met him in person. On your 24th birthday, you were getting a birthday gift that you never thought you would receive so soon.
Theme: long distance relationship au, strangers to lovers
Genre: super fluffy
WC: 2k
Pairing: Bae Jacob x Fem!Reader
a/n: Hello! This has been in my drafts for quite a bit so here it is. This fic is too too fluffy, even for me who wrote this. Cobie is such a sweetheart, I can't-... Anyways, I hope you like this as much as I enjoy writing it! :)
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Being in a long distance relationship is difficult as it needs to have a huge amount of trust, understanding, discipline and a lot of reassurance. However, despite all the fights you may have due to miscommunications and most of the time just lack of physical affection, you still cherish and love your boyfriend very much. You met your boyfriend online as he added you on social media a few years back. You clicked on his profile only to see that he lived in South Korea.
He looks to be a professional dancer and also a full time student in one of the colleges there. Not to mention, super good looking too. However, you weren’t really expecting anything at that point of time only because you don’t really believe in long distance relationships. You’ve always thought it might be hard and that it will never last.
So you just accepted his request and followed him back. The next day, you were in class when you got a DM from someone. And since you rarely got a DM from any guys, you were surprised to see his username pop up.
You clicked the message after about 10 minutes or so to see what he texted you, thinking he was just another weirdo who wants to scam you.
His message said;
“Hello! I saw your account and I really love your content. I’m sorry if this is too weird. I understand if you don’t wish to reply.”
With that, you couldn’t help but stifle a laugh as you didn’t know why but you began to type your reply, “Haha thank you! That’s so nice of you to say that.” You hit the send button and a few minutes later, he replied. That’s when you began to chat with him for quite a while before he asked.
“I’m so sorry, where have my manners gone? I’m Bae Joon Young but you can just call me Jacob. And you are?”
You replied to him with a smile as your fingers tapped against your smartphone, “I’m Y/F/N but you can call me Y/N.”
Ever since then, you have been chatting with him over DMs for quite a while, just to see if you can sort of trust and be comfortable with him or not. It took you almost 5 months to finally add him in your kakao talk.
Both of you have already done both voice and video call which means you already knew how each other looked and you seemed to have grown your trust in him. Jacob seemed like a genuine guy as you found out that he was your age internationally. Months became years and both of you have already introduced your partners to your parents.
However, at first, your parents weren’t too sure about this whole long distance relationship thing. But they didn’t want to disappoint you so instead of asking you to break up and find a local guy, they let you carry on with this relationship if you believe that it would work. Surprisingly, it took your parents less than a month to get warm with Jacob as they finally got comfortable every time he video calls you.
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It has been 4 years since you two agreed to pursue this long distance relationship as it marks your 4th anniversary today. You were just lounging in your room when Jacob decided to skype call you through his desktop.
You accepted the call as he smiled adorably into the camera and waved to you, making you giggle as you waved back. “Happy anniversary baby.” Jacob said.
“Happy anniversary my love. Where are you?” You asked.
“I’m in my dorm. Younghoon’s out with our friends.”
“Why aren’t you with them?” You pout.
“I wanted to celebrate our anniversary.”
“Baby, you didn’t have to, you could have called me after.”
“Don’t you want to see me?” He asked sadly.
“Of course I do. It’s just… I feel like I might be the reason why you may not hang out with your friends as often as you do.”
“Baby, listen to me. I’m so lucky to have you as my girlfriend, dang am I lucky to have you reply to my message 4 years ago. I never thought that we could actually last this long but hey, look at us now.” You smiled as you looked down at your hands, only to look back up and see him pout.
“I love you so much, you know that right? And I can never ask for someone to replace you.” He said, making you sigh.
“What did I ever do to deserve you?” You asked softly, making him chuckle.
“How I wish I could enter my computer screen and just hug you and kiss you.” He whispered, making you smile sadly, knowing that could never happen, or at least it wouldn’t happen any time soon. You continue talking to him until you fall asleep, making him chuckle softly at your figure. Looking at you through his monitor screen endearingly.
“Goodnight my sweetheart.” He said those last words softly before he ended the call.
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Days slowly became weeks and it was the same routine again and again but neither of you were getting bored or tired from it. He would always reassure you that he still loves you and that he would never hurt your feelings in any possible way. It was your birthday that day and your parents had booked a restaurant for you to celebrate and have your birthday dinner with your family, like how it has always been for the past few years.
It would be you, both your parents, your elder sister and her husband along with your 5 years old niece.
You chose to wear a white floral blouse with a pair of denim jeans as you paired it with your heeled sandals. You were in the car with your parents, on your way to the restaurant when Jacob voice called you.
“Hello?” He said.
“Hi Love.”
“What are you doing?”
“I’m heading to a restaurant with my family for my birthday dinner. What about you?”
“Oh wow. Where to, this time? I’m just out with the boys.”
“I honestly don’t know. They didn’t tell me.” You laughed as your mother then smiled and spoke up from the front passenger seat.
“Hello dear. How are you sweetie?”
With that, you scooted to the centre of the back seat and put your call on speaker mode. Just then, you heard Jacob respond. “Hello Ma’am, I’m doing well. I wish I could be there to celebrate with all of you.” Jacob said, making you smile sadly as your parents let out a soft chuckle.
“It’s okay son, one of these days, you’ll get to meet our daughter and us.” Your dad said as you could already hear a smile etching on Jacob’s lips.
“Yes sir. I hope so.” Your boyfriend said before you giggled as you turned the speaker mode back off before bringing your phone to your ears. “Hmm, babe I think we’re here. I’ll call you again after dinner okay?” You said into the line.
“It’s okay baby. Don’t worry. Have fun tonight. I love you.”
“I love you too…” You paused for a moment as he waited for you to continue.
“I miss you Jacob.” You couldn’t help but whisper as a tear rolled down your cheek, making him frown.
“Baby please don’t cry. Promise me you won’t cry.” He said, making you nod as you sniffled your cries.
“I’ll try.” You said as you then bid him goodbye before ending the call.
Your sister had already arrived as you and your parents went to the front entrance where a waiter was waiting. Your dad told him that they’ve already made a reservation under your dad’s name as the waiter checked his list and soon smiled at the three of you. “Right this way.” The waiter said as he soon guided you towards the back of the restaurant where there were private rooms with opaque curtains to block the view of those sitting inside.
You were walking last as you texted your boyfriend in the process.
Once you were at the booth, your dad asked you to enter first, in which you got confused but nonetheless did as you were told. However, the minute you pushed the curtains open, your eyes immediately landed on the one person sitting at the very end of the table nearest to the entrance.
You felt your whole body freeze as you couldn’t find the right words. He was there, right in front of you, in one piece. It was him. It was your boyfriend. He was really there physically. You couldn’t believe this.
“Wha- I- When… Omg… Omg…” You whispered as everyone laughed, only for Jacob to chuckle as he got up, making you feel so flustered.
“Happy Birthday my love.” He said, as he walked up to you but you were still frozen in shock.
“Surprise!” Your family said in unison happily.
You locked eyes with Jacob as he engulfed you in a hug. That’s when you began to bawl your eyes out against his shoulder as you could finally feel his arms around your body, holding you tight as though he was afraid of losing you. Jacob laughed softly as he let you cry into his shoulder, while he gently rubs soothing circles in your back to calm you down.
You had your arms wrapped around his waist securely, afraid that if you let go, he would disappear. “Shh, don’t cry baby. Don’t cry.” He whispered in your ear, only for you to cry harder. He laughed even more as your mother and sister were already tearing up at the side.
You pull away from him as he gently wipes your tears with his thumbs. “You’re here… You’re actually here…” You whispered, your breath shaky as he nodded, cupping your face softly in his hands. “Yes love. I’m here. I’m really here.” Jacob said, making you pout. Still unable to believe this was real.
Jacob smiled widely as he pulled you into a hug again, only for you to bury your face in his chest, feeling him draw lazy patterns into your waist. After nearly 30 minutes of you holding onto him and being in your own little bubble, the 7 of you finally settled down to celebrate your birthday dinner. After dinner was over, your parents offered Jacob to stay over at your family home for the next two weeks that he is staying here in your country before he flies back to Korea.
Jacob thanked your parents for letting him stay over as you couldn’t stop holding his hand. The way his hands fit in yours so perfectly as he showered you with so much love and warmth, just like how he did through all the video calls and texts.
That night when everyone had gone home, your parents knew that you probably wanted to spend time with him so they let him sleep in your room.
After both of you had already changed and were getting ready for bed, he pulled you onto his side as you rested your head on his chest. Jacob hugs you close as you tighten your grasp on his shirt. “What’s wrong?” He asked as he glanced down a little.
“I’m just so happy you’re here. I still need time to process this information.” You confessed.
Jacob chuckled softly as he whispered, “I’m really happy to be able to finally see you in person. This means so much to me.”
“Me too.”
Just then, the room fell quiet as you just looked into each other’s eyes, seeing the sparkles coating both your pupils as he gently caressed your cheek. Right at that moment, Jacob seemed to read your mind as he gently pulled you up a little. Without much words, Jacob decides to ask the one question that both of you had in mind.
“Can I kiss you?”
With that, you smiled shyly as you nodded. Jacob smiles in victory as he leans down softly to finally feel your soft lips on his and it has never felt so magical. Both of you took in this new feeling as he kissed you sweetly.
You spent the next two weeks with him, just making the most of your time. A month after he went back to Korea, it was your turn to give him a surprise visit as you managed to book a flight to Korea, asking for Jacob’s help to fetch you at the airport and bring you over to his apartment.
You stayed with Jacob for two days before surprising Jacob for his birthday party. Jacob did such a good job at taking care of you and making sure that you weren’t lost in Korea.
Despite the long distance, it definitely made you two grow stronger and gain even more trust in one another. It was a blessing in disguise that you accepted his request 4 years ago.
And you regretted none of it.
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asexualdrago · 3 years
20 Questions
b@babycakes1983 shoutout to them for the FNAF prompts
Glamrock Freddy laid flat with his back against a wall in a sitting position as Gregory was nestled in his lap.His breathing was slow and his heartbeat was calm. No wrinkle of worry or fear on the boy’s face. He had to admit that Roxanne and Glamrock Chica were right. He was adorable when he slept. How they knew this, no idea. Maybe he had taken naps in their green rooms and he didn’t notice. He didn’t mind it all that much. At least he can admire these peaceful moments after a long day of work. No Glitchtrap, no Vanny and no worries.
Gregory shifted in his lap and rested his head against Glamrock Freddy’s chest where the empty compartment sat. A low, rhythmic ticking echoed in the boy’s ears. He slowly opened his brown eyes and yawned. Glamrock Freddy felt his circuits stop flowing suddenly seeing his boy wake up. “Hello Gregory, sleep well?” He asked in amusement as the boy looked a bit dazed from waking up. Looking up he saw Freddy’s kind, glowing blue eyes. 
Nearly blushing he said “I-uh. Yeah I slept well.” He smiled at the animatronic as Glamrock Freddy maneuvered his jaw to smile down at the boy. “Um Freddy, how long was I asleep?” “2 hours and 30 minutes. If you are wondering how you got here, Vanessa told us that your mother dropped you off with her and she brought you here as she had work to do and trusted me to watch you.” Glamrock Freddy explained. Gregory’s blush deepened and laughed awkwardly. “Oh, um sorry about that Freddy.”  Said animatronic laughed and ruffled the child’s hair making him giggle and try to push it away. “Hey! C-cut it out! Freddy’s response was to jab his metallic fingers into the boy’s sides and making him squeak adorably. “Stop it!” He continued to squeak. Glamrock Freddy loved it when his boy laughed. It made him feel alive and he was certain it made him feel better too. To laugh and have joy surge in him. Glamrock Freddy noticed he doesn’t laugh as much as most children he would meet on the daily. He guessed he was terribly shy. To be honest, he didn’t react like most kids, he felt that Gregory was lonely. Just meeting him made Gregory feel better and he was still shy but he made more of an effort to socialize with others thanks to the gang’s encouragement. 
He continued to jab him as gently as possible as he didn’t want to hurt him. He stopped after a few minutes and ruffled Gregory’s hair again. “Y-you’re mean” He pants. “I am not mean Gregory. Its not in my programming, I am playful and energetic.” “Not energetic enough to catch Roxy when she’s running.” The boy then stuck out his tongue at him. Glamrock Freddy playfully rolled his eyes and picked Gregory up in his arms. 
“Hey Freddy, where are the others?” “Working on their performances for the talent show after closing hours.” Gregory looked at him dumbfounded. “You guys have talent shows?” Freddy nodded. “Yes, what do you think we do after hours? Scare the night guards?” ;) “I am pretty sure Vanessa would hate that.” Glamrock Freddy chuckled. “Yes, yes she would.” Glamrock Freddy walked towards the green rooms. Specifically his, passing both the sun and moon animatronic jumping along beams and pipes. “Freddy, w-what are t-they d-doing? Noting his slight stutter he rubbed the boy’s back to calm him. “Its ok. They are not going to harm you. I would take a guess and say they are playing. Better than Moondrop pranking us constantly till 6 am.” He sighed. “Figured the sun animatronic would be asleep right now.” “Asleep? Oh, powered down correct?” Glamrock Freddy nodded. Ruffling his hair again, another thing he noticed. Gregory didn’t react to affection very well and was confused by it. Just when Glamrock Freddy showed him these acts of affection he slowly became more comfortable to his touch and didn’t flinch when he came too close. 
“Why don’t we play a game? To pass the time.” He suggested. Partially to get his thoughts at ease. His metal feet clanking against the tiles of the pizzeria museum. Gregory nodded and thought of the 20 question game.”20 questions hmm? I’ve never played it before. I guess we can try. Do we just ask each other questions till we reach 20?” Gregory looked up at him with bright brown eyes. “I guess so. Should I start or you?” His metal jaw maneuvered into a smile and said he’ll start. 1. what’s your favorite color?” “Yellow. 2. What’s your favorite music?” “Hmm. I’d say 80′s rock.” Gregory laughed. “Don’t you guys play 80′s rock? There has to be something else.” Gregory laughed. “To be honest, I am not certain but I do have an assortment of songs. 3. what’s your favorite past time?” “I’d say coloring or drawing. 4. Who’s your favorite Glamrock member?” Freddy shook his head. “I don’t have a favorite , they are all family to me. That also includes you and sadly Vanessa.” He leaned his head down to nuzzle him. Gregory leaned his head towards the nuzzling with a small smile on his face, 
Just to think, a few weeks ago he was afraid of him doing that thinking he was going to hurt him. Which brought back the thoughts he had about his family. Gregory felt like his child. In other words, his cub. The others would mention or joke how he and Gregory have gotten closer and Vanessa mentioning that she had a feeling the reason was because he didn’t have a father or the relationship wasn’t as great as it was supposed to. “I been at their house, I didn’t see a picture of the father. Just Gregory and his mother. Makes me wonder though.” It wouldn’t hurt to ask, right? “5. What is your family like?” Gregory’s cheerful smile slowly faded. He looked nervous and didn’t know what to say. “Why do you want to know about that?” He asks. His voice becoming shy and soft. “Well, I have been thinking over it lately. And wondered what families are like, outside the complex.” Gregory looked down and seemed to think it over before sighing. “You already seen my mom. Right?” “I have, and Vanessa told us that she met her and they usually get smoothies together.” “Well, my mom is around but since she works at the diner and she isn’t home a lot. But she tries her best to raise me. Making sure everything is ok and that I am doing well.” 
Glamrock Freddy’s metallic ears twitched. “Are you usually alone?” “Sometimes, but she’ll have me stay with the neighbor or have a family member watch me if they have time and if they don’t mind.” Gregory took on a saddened look that Glamrock Freddy didn’t like seeing. As much as he wanted to do something but he let him continue. “She cares a lot about me. She doesn’t want me to be alone but she doesn’t have much of a choice. She’s a good person Freddy. She just has it hard.” “What about your father? What does he do?” “He....he is....not around anymore Freddy. I don’t know my dad....all that well....” Glamrock Freddy titled his head in confusion. “What do you mean? Did he pass away or...?” Gregory shrugged. “Mom doesn’t like talking about it. No less mentioning him. Sometimes I feel like when she does or someone mentions him, she gets visibly upset. So I never ask her. I doubt I want to know when she gets upset.” Gregory looked down and looked as if about to cry. “Is that why you don’t react well to affection? They don’t show much of it?” Gregory shrugged. “I-I don’t know Freddy.” Noting the boy was becoming more upset. He held him close and started consoling him. 
“Mom sometimes mentions I look just like him.” He sobs slightly. “Almost like she hates and loves the idea of me looking like him. Sometimes I feel like she hates me for it but doesn’t want to show it.” Glamrock Freddy felt rage surge in him. It wasn’t his cub’s fault that he has some resemblance to his father that he had no knowledge about. “It’s not your fault Gregory. Never was, you hear. You are special. Special to me. Your mother is strong, but even us adults can have our moments of self anger. You may not know him but its not your fault. I am so sorry you had to go through that.” Gregory hugged him and snuggled against his chest. He felt Glamrock Freddy nuzzle him again and stroking his back and hair. Luckily these actions helped him calm down. “I wasn’t joking when I said that you are part of our family. We love you Gregory. I love you my little cub.” Gregory couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Every word coming from his mouth more genuine than the next. He cried out of happiness and said softy. “I love you too. And I hope you don’t mind me seeing you as a father to me.” “I don’t mind my cub. I don’t mind at all.”
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ilovefandoms102 · 4 years
Oh Boy....
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Reader
Summary: In which you are John B’s sister and developing feelings for JJ 
Note: I am planning on making this a series. Let me know any ideas and feedback! I am mixing my story with the show! 
Part 2 
edited by author
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I was startled awake by the sound of my alarm.
5:30 am
I debated sleeping in a little bit, but knew Kie’s dad would for sure fire me for being late one more time this week. I drug myself out of bed looking over at the sleeping boy next to me.
JJ Maybank has been a constant in my life since I can remember. He’s my best friend. What he didn’t know is that I have been in love with him for almost as long as I have known him.
Despite his issues and faults, he was a good person. Everyone thought we were together by the way we flirted and basically acted like a couple, but JJ was always the first to deny anything going on. 
“Babe will you turn that thing off. Fuck.” muttered JJ.
I quickly turned my alarm off. Forgetting about it going off while I was so deep in thought. 
“Sorry J,” I mumbled while walking to the bathroom. 
I got to work on time, thanking my lucky stars Kie worked the same shift with me and drove us there. It was always busy at The Wreck no matter the time of day. Which is what kept me from thinking about anything and everything…especially my missing Father.
It’s been such a struggle for my brother and I to make it without him. I have had to pull multiple double shifts from Mr.C so that I could continue to pay our bills and keep us fed. Luckily, I was the favorite of Mr.C’s out of our friend group so he had no issue with me staying over after my shift was over. 
It was around noon when I heard a voice that sounded a lot like my brother’s come in The Wreck. I looked around the corner and saw my brother John B, JJ, and Pope come in. They spotted me and waved me over.
“Hey guys, didn’t expect y’all until later. What’s up?” I asked.
“We need to tell you something you probably aren’t going to like” said Pope. The poor boy looked so scared I knew this had to be something serious.
“What did you do?” I asked giving my brother and JJ an accusatory look.
“Why you lookin’ at me?” JJ asked, cracking a smile making my heart stop.
“Because it’s usually you that talks poor Pope into doing something dumb Maybank” I said, rolling my eyes.
JJ just smiled at me , winking. This made my heart stop again, but I covered it by giving him what the group calls my ‘mom’ look.
“We may or may not have accidentally on purpose drowned Topper’s boat” Pope said with panic in his eyes.
I felt my own widen and my jaw dropping to the floor.
“YOU DID WHAT?!” I screamed, my brother clamped a hand over my mouth and dragged me with them near the bathrooms.
“What in the literal fuck is wrong with you all?! Are you wishing us dead? Because that is what we are going to be if he finds out!” I silently yelled, trying to not draw attention.
“In our defense, Topper and Rafe jumped Pope and we were on a bit of revenge high…we wanted to tell you if they come in to deny we had anything to do with it.” JJ said. 
“Baby, it’s going to be fine, there’s no way they will find out we did it.” he continued while putting a comforting arm around me. 
I looked at them, then stopped at my brother.
“Birdie, I can’t bail you out again. We don’t have the money.” I said, tears starting to well in my eyes.
I was worried about them getting caught because even if they hadn’t done it, the Kooks would still try to find a way to blame it on the Pogues. These boys meant the world to me and I hated when they got into it with Topper and Rafe. 
“You won’t have to sis, I promise everything will be ok.” my brother said taking you into a hug.
“You say that, but we know Topper is going to assume it was us.” I muttered.
I checked the clock, cursing under my breath.
“Look, I have to get back to work, just don’t forget to pick me up please. I don’t want to walk home I’m not in the mood to fight a Kook tonight.” I sighed, my eyes moving back to the hell that awaited.
The rest of my shift was fairly painless, the highlight being that an elderly couple gave me a very generous tip that was going straight to my bill money to pay off some overdue bills. I waited outside for the guys to pick me up and saw none other than Rafe with his crew of Kooks outside.
“This is not happening,” I muttered to myself. 
“Hello little Pogue. Where’s your brother and your other worthless friends?” Rafe asked, his menacing smile giving me the creeps.
“You know what Rafe? How about you take you and your prissy school girl clique back to Figure 8.” I said sweetly.
My blood started boiling and I could feel my heart beating from anger and nerves. Rafe Cameron is a piece of work and has no respect for anyone but himself.
“Ouch, you wound me little Pogue,” Rafe laughed.
“Fuck off Rafe seriously. I don’t know where he is. Unlike you, I have to work for a living and I have not seen him or the others all day, so whatever it is you think you can get from me, it’s nonexistent.” I said, hoping this would deter them. But I knew better than to get my hopes up when it comes to the Kooks leaving a Pogue be.
“Grab her.” said Rafe.
He and his friends lunged for me. I went to run back into the building, but Kelce caught me by the waist. I kicked, scratched, punched, and did everything to try and get out of his hold. Rafe came to the other side of me to hold me with Kelce so Topper stood in front of me. I looked at him with pure hatred in my eyes.
“We know it was you filthy pogues that sunk my boat.” Topper sneered, getting up in my face trying to intimidate me.
“I don’t know anything about thatTopper! Let me the fuck go assholes” I screamed, trying my best to pull away from Kelce and Rafe.
“HEY!” someone shouted. We all turned to see JJ, Pope, Kie, and my brother running towards us.
“Get your fucking hands off her!” JJ yelled.
In the next instant, I was being pulled away by Kie while watching the boys break out into a brawl. I wanted to throw a few punches myself, but Kie holding on to me was the only thing keeping me back from jumping in with the guys.
“ Are you ok?” Kie asked me.
“Yeah I’m good, just a few scrapes” I said looking back towards the boys.
We shouted for them to stop for what felt like hours. When Rafe got JJ in a choke hold is when I lost it. I jerked myself from Kie and jumped on Rafe’s back. 
“Let go of him asshole!” I yelled. Kelce came and pulled me off of him, jerking out of his hold I ran around Rafe and stood in front of JJ.
“Stop it now Rafe!” I demanded, my finger poking his chest.
I could feel JJ’s hand curl around my waist, ready to pull me back if something happened. Rafe looked at me then to JJ and the rest of the group and told Kelce and Topper to get back on their bikes.
“This isn’t over Pogues’” Rafe scoffed before they all sped off.
Until next time! Let me know what you guys think!
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Welcome My Dear Friend
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Warning: N/a
A/n: You know me, I got to write a novel before you can get to the great stuff. I think I keep getting the movie and books mixed up. If I did, sorry. But just enjoy it lol, that's all that matters, right?
Tags: @pillowjj @summeerrr
Y/n POV:
I'm walking through the streets of Ontario, Vanity on one side and her "boyfriend" of the month on the other. Ever since the loss of Leo, she's been happily carrying out her dream of living her college experience that she never got to act out. Comes to find out, Leo wasn't her mate; he was her stalker from when they were human. Long story short, they went to college together in the '70s, and he was obsessed with her. One night, lurking outside of her dorm, he was attacked by, you guessed it, a vampire. So, like the trifling ass he was, he attacked her and basically held her hostage all this time. Abusive and manipulative—she wanted a way out. She wasn't expecting wolves to be real, but if she could thank them without getting killed, she would.
Anyway, it has been a little over six months or so since that faithful night in La Push, where I was never seen again. I never got to say goodbye to my family and friends, and when I found out that there was a search for me going on, it was hard to watch. My family and friends posting photos on social media, talking to the police, and holding a conference, all of it broke my heart.  We head back to our hotel room thanks to David—wait, was it David? Yeah, I'm going to say David—who graciously paid for two. Unfortunately, no matter how far apart our rooms are, I can still hear them. Fucking vampire hearing. Oh, if you hadn't figured it out, Vanity changed me. I honestly don't really know if I am mad or not. On the one hand, I am pissed; I'd rather be dead than be the walking dead, feeding off people—I prefer the criminals if I'm honest. But I'd rather not have my body lost in a ditch somewhere or parts of it in a shark's mouth.
Regardless, I really want to go back home, but I don't want to leave Vanity. If I had to describe her, I'd say she is like Harley Quinn. Rambunctious, emotional, kind of stupid but smart, party animal, and promiscuous. All of which attracts her victims. Whereas, there's me, the complete opposite of her—I ground her and keep her from being irrational, and she makes sure I "live a little" since I try not to go on a killing spree and I'd prefer to not have my first time with some random guy who I might accidentally kill. Again, I'd prefer to go after the major criminals, male or female, and not the innocent bystanders. I may or may not do active searching in the area for criminal records. I leave the petty crime alone; it's the others with no sense of morality that I play with.  A few hours later, Vanity knocks on my door and tells me that we're heading out.
"Where’s David?” I said, swinging my bag over my shoulder and looking around. She gave me a look and rolled her eyes but smiles.
“His name is Kyle. I assume my next victim will be named David?” She looks up at me and smiles. I shake my head and shrug my shoulders. I have this weird ability to know things. I don’t know how I know it, but I just know it, you know? Almost like an enhanced intuition. Not like a psychic, but I just…know what’s next. Harley Quinn Jr. over here is basically a succubus—natural raw talent to draw men in. I mean, yes, vampires can do that naturally, but she could wear a mask, and her voice calls them in.
“I guess we’ll see in the next coming days. Or weeks,” I say, looking ahead leaving the hotel. “So, I can assume that we’re leaving Kyle back at the hotel and heading somewhere? Outside of Canada?”
“Yes, my dear, you are absolutely correct. How about South America? I’ve never been outside of the U.S. That bastard never wanted to. It was ‘unnecessary’ and ‘we have everything we need here,’ pathetic ass.” she says, rolling her eyes at the thought of him. I laugh and change our course location.
“How about Italy instead?” I say, getting a better feeling. She stops and looks at me and smiles.
“Oh! Even better! But we need to be careful.” She said in seriousness.
“What do you mean? What’s wrong with Italy?”
“Well, the Volturi is there. Remember how I was telling you about these vampire police/mafia? Well, that’s them. They live in Volterra. I think we can visit, but staying there longer than a week, well really 3 days, may raise a red flag.” Vanity said.
“So, visiting the castle/church is basically out of the question?”
“Yes. They stay there, and the better we lay low, the more fun we can have. Why did you say Italy anyway?” she looked up at me with curiosity. We step up to an ATM machine and take out enough money from Dav-Kyles card and then discard it somewhere where it won’t be found.
“Do we really need to know that answer?” I said, looking at her with a smile. She shakes her head and laughs as we continue onward towards the bus station.
“You need to eat before we stay near anyone.” She tells me. I nod my head and search out for my next meal. I listen to my intuition and walk ahead of us. Weaving around people, turning down different streets until I come upon a high-class looking neighborhood. I calmly walk down the street listening for my next direction.
“Take a left on 5th, then right on the first alleyway. They’ll come,” my inner self said. I follow as instructed and wait. Vanity stopped questioning the things I know and follows along with it. It never led us in a bad situation, and she learned I wouldn’t put us in one. Believe it or not, she’s not evil, misguided maybe, but not bad. Speaking of being evil or not. Here comes our meal.
It was a man, a woman, and a child around six. I looked at Vanity, and she looked back at me. We nodded our heads and waited for the perfect moment. The man, “5’8” dirty blond hair, lanky, with tattoos across his body, was walking in front of the woman and child. The woman—who was “5’3”, long brunette hair with pale skin—was walking together with a little boy with black curly hair, big wide eyes, and dimples. They didn’t see us in the corner of the alley watching them. The man turned around, and before he could do anything, Vanity was behind him. The look on the woman’s face was in a state of shock. Vanity grabbed him by his collar and tossed him near the garbage bin. I looked at the woman, then at the boy, and walked towards her while Vanity was having her meal. I could hear a struggle, and I blocked the little boy's sight.
“Let’s go for a walk, shall we?” I smiled. We walked back in the direction they came from, finding a frantic mother looking for him. We retrieved the little boy to her and walked back to where her lover (I assume) would be dead at. As we rounded the corner to the alley, I shoved her and made sure she saw my face before I ended her life. Like the life she and her trash partner in crime almost took. Discarding the body and gaining enough fill to complete the bus ride, we head back and proceed to Italy.
“Remind me to never get on a plane again,” I told Vanity as she skips through the terminal.
“Oh, come on! It wasn’t that bad.” She said sarcastically.
“I’m going to ignore that comment. Now that we’re here, you can lead the way.” She smiles and proceeds to give me the rundown of what we need to do and where we need to go. It didn’t take long to find willing victims to help us. After going to the bathroom to switch out our contacts, we sat at the airport's bar and waited. It wasn’t long afterward that two men walk up to us and proceed to have a conversation.
“My friend and I are stuck here until we can get a hotel room. Somehow, our reservation didn’t go through, and so now we’re stuck. You wouldn’t by happen to know any hotels nearby that aren’t too expensive, would you?” Vanity said, laying it hard on Thing 1 while I played the shy and sad yet worried friend to Thing 2.
“Of course, we do. How about you guys come back to ours, and we can help you get settled in. We’re here on business, and we could use some company while here.” Thing 1 said. We smiled as if we were so grateful and played the willing idiots they thought we were. We left the bar and headed towards their car and to the hotel. We checked in and proceeded to the room. Vanity and I shared a look at one another and smiled. We weren’t going to kill them; we just needed to use them. Then what Vanity does next is entirely up to her. Over the next couple of days, we convinced Thing 1 and Thing 2 to buy us separate rooms but proceeded to see them. It was currently eleven at night, and Vanity and I decided to head towards Volterra. We checked out and went on foot, going unnoticed to others around. Once we hit some wooded areas, we set sail. About an hour later, I was given instructions.
“Turn left, go up a hill, sharp right, then wait.” I do as instructed, and Vanity follows. She asked what I was doing, and I just pointed to my head. After coming to the location, we wait.
“I know there’s a reason, but is there a reason as to why we’re here?” I look at her and shrug my shoulders. Not long afterward, we hear footsteps running towards us.
“Don’t be afraid.” I hear, and Vanity’s face pops in my head. I grab her hand and give her a smile to ease her worry. I let go of her hand as we come upon four figures. Not even 30 seconds later, I hear
“Hot damn.” I look at Vanity and watch her look at the bigger guy of the group. He smiles, and she smiles back at him. I hid my smile behind my hand and try not to laugh out loud. The big boy goes around the blonde little girl in front of him and steps up to her.
“Hello there, I’m Felix. What might your name be mia bella” he says, looking down at her. ‘Ol boy is huge, and I mean Vanity has to lift her head all the way up to look at him. She smiles at him and raises her hand towards him to shake.
“The names Vanity handsome.” She says, giving her signature smile that brings men weak to the knees. They smile at one another, and the little blonde girl announces herself.
“Felix, let's go. Aro will be expecting us.” And they runoff. Felix rolls his eyes and puts out an arm for Vanity to grab and acknowledges me to follow. We make it to the castle, and we are directed to the three kings Vanity has told me about. And dear God, are they some ugly ass people. Aren't Vampires supposed to be pretty?
Long story short, Vanity found her mate and is basically forced to stay here. I, on the other hand, have no need or want to stay here. Aro can read people's minds by touching them (ew) and picking up on my wanting to leave. No amount of coercing will get me to stay. Vanity understood, but I did promise to stay for a while. Just long enough to know that If I leave, I know Vanity would be safe. But by the time I chose to leave, I was instructed not to.
“You’re staying!” she said/asked me, jumping on my couch while Felix stood in the doorway. I smiled and shook my head.
“No, but I will stay for a little while longer,” I said, tapping on my timple. She nodded her head and hugged me. “Plus, I’m still iffy about Felix here. How do I know you won't hurt her?” I said, half-joking half-serious. But with a smile. He smiled back, understanding the underline warning in my tone.
“I promise you, I would kill myself before I hurt a hair on her head.” I nodded my head.
“Remember, I’ll know if something is wrong...” I said, looking at him.
“And that’s why I love you!” Vanity said, hugging my neck. “Did I ever thank you for choosing Italy as our destination?” I laughed and nodded my head.
“Only about a thousand times.” We continued to talk until Demitri came to let us know it was almost mealtime. We left and went to the main room. Felix and Vanity joined them as I spoke to the receptionist. All of a sudden, I notice three people leaving. A human girl and two vampires I recognized from Forks.
“Bella?” they stopped and looked at me. Her eyes widen as she recognized who I was.
“Y/n?! Wha-what, what happened to you?!” before I could respond, Vanity and Felix come back out, hearing the conversation.
“Well, I changed.” I shrug my shoulders. Alice and Edward are just as surprised, and Vanity breaks the awkwardness.
“Hi! I’m Vanity. Who are you guys?” she asked sweetly. I respond to her.
“This is Alice and Edward Cullen, and the human girl is Bella. We all lived in the same area as each other.” She nodded her head. She looked back at me and gave me a sad smile. We realized this is why I didn't leave when I necessarily wanted to.
“Come on. You can tell us everything on the way.” Alice said sweetly. I hugged the shit out of Vanity, and she gave them a warning as I gave Felix earlier. We grabbed some robes and headed back towards Forks. I have a lot of explaining to do.
Once we landed, I texted Vanity and talked to Alice, Bella, and Edward. I told them I will explain everything when we get to their house. Within an hour of talking to them, I figured Edward and Alice out quickly.
“Be careful of your thoughts and actions...” was the first thought. “He’s a Mindreader” was the second. And “She’s a Psychic” was the third. Edward was slightly standoffish from me knowing, but Alice was ecstatic. It was amusing. She and Vanity would be great friends, trouble makers, but best friends. When we pull up to their house, I notice the rest of the family waiting outside. To say that they were shocked, seeing me is a stretch. The same questions Bella had in Volterra was written on all of their faces. So we proceeded inside to where I explained what happened after my disappearance a few months ago.
“So, I guess I should start from the beginning...” and I proceeded to tell them what happened that night with Vanity, Leo, and the three wolves that came after us. How Vanity decided to throw me into the water and swim off with me. How I basically drowned, and she changed me while underwater. Biting every central artery area and swimming off with me. Now, how did I survive? No idea. It was painful. The transformation and the added pain of not breathing were so frightening that I passed out. We made it to land not too far from the cliff, and she ran towards Canada, unknowing to the wolves. There is where we stayed for the next few months, back and forth from Canada to Alaska and back. I explained what happened and why we were in Italy and how I made a full circle in under a year. Before anyone could ask a question, Edward called out,
“Jakes here.” I looked at him in shock. “You have to hide,” Edward said to me. I looked at him as if he lost his mind.
“What? Why? I won't hurt him. Jakes, my friend.” I said defensively. Believe it or not, I gained significant control over my thirst thanks to my ability. Learning to listen to it helped me better than expected. It took a while to trust it completely, but I’ve learned to do so.
“Y/n. Jake isn't the same Jake as before. He’s...changed.” Bella said. Oh no... the last time I heard that I lost my best friend. I shook my head.
“No...don't say that. Jake wouldn't know as long as I have my contacts in.” Before anyone could say anything, there was Jake, outside looking nothing how the Jake I knew before looked. He was outside asking for Bella to make sure she isn't a “leech.” What the fuck? I went outside to see what the hell was going on, and that’s when Jake saw me. I looked at him and saw why they said he was different. He changed, just like Jared did.
“Y/n! Is that...is that you!?” Jake yelled/whispered, looking at me. I smiled a wave awkwardly.
“Hey, Jake.” He looked in disbelief.
“Hey, Jake? Hey Jake?! You disappear for six months and come back as, as, THIS! And all you can say is HEY!!!” I flinch, taking a step back. “Did that girl do this to you?” I looked at him, confused.
“How did you know about that?” I asked. He shook his head and backed away. A few seconds later, he shifted...into a fucking wolf. Now it clicked together with why Jared went from friendly to hostile. Jake ran off into the woods and howled.
“Jake is going to tell Sam. Prepare to meet up with them,” Edward said. Which Rosalie responded with an eye roll and a sarcastic “Great.” Something tells me that things are about to get real interesting.
 Part 1: Hello My Dear Friend
Part 2: Goodbye My Dear Friend
Part 3: Welcome My Dear Friend
Part 4: Why My Dear Friend
Part 5: End My Dear Friend
Request Open! (Go to the description bar on my page to put one in)
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fathermarty · 4 years
Introducing Father Marty
Hello <3 
First off, I am Father Marty or just Marty. I am a female who uses she/her. The name Father Marty is a play off my absent father growing up (lmao), I use to always make jokes about it so my friends started calling me father! Then nickname Marty came from when I was younger and O B S E S S E D with the Madagascar movies. So boom that is how Father Marty came into play, literally couldn’t have a cooler online alias. I am going to just put some random things about myself so you guys can get to know me. <3
Sadly I am not as obsessed with Madagascar as I use to be, however they are still phenomenal movies! I am; however, obsessed with Harry Potter and Criminal Minds!
I specifically love the Marauders Era, there is not much to be known about their reign at Hogwarts. I like this because my imagination can run wild which is fun.
With that being said, I am in love with James Potter. I am not sure why, probably because I act a lot like him. I also tend to project myself on Sirius because we both have shitty luck when it comes to family.
My Hogwarts house is Slytherin :D
Derek Morgan is my king, Spencer Reid is my fav, Garcia is my baby girl, and JJ is my wife (along with Emily). 
My favorite color is green, if you can’t tell by my theme. My phone is green, so is its case, and all of my devices wallpapers are green aesthetic. I like green because it is just so happy and to me resembles a new beginning. My favorite memory is when I was walking through a thickly wooded area after a huge tornado ripped through my hometown and the wet leaves and green shining in the light from the moody sky was sooooo beautiful. Okay anyway...
I am 19, I will be 20 in May. I was a college student but sadly I had to take a break. I moved across the country to transfer colleges only to have said college change their mind on my academic scholarship making it impossible for me to go. My intended major is Criminology and Political science double major with a minor in communications. (I am a huge geek.) I plan on going back in the fall, for right now I am making money. 
Because I am not at school I am working. This entails working at Starbucks from 5:30 am to mid afternoon then I waitress from mid afternoon until 8-9 then I proceed to also close out the diner I work for. I also, on the side, tutor kids in math! I love math so much. 
I am an older sister to a twelve year old and nine almost ten year old mini me’s. We will call them Sister Marty and Brother Marty. They are literally the reason that I keep going. I want to set a good example so they do not fall into the paths of the people around us. I should also say I am adopted so I have a little bit of a different background than them. Nonetheless, they are my babies and I love them whole heartedly even when they piss me off because they have my attitude and outlook on everything.
If anyone ever needs older sister advice I am here. There are no dumb questions and I will always truthfully answer to the best of my abilities. I will also just be someone in your life to encourage you if need be. :) you guys can be my babies too <3
side note; I am also the mom friend, I don’t think I need to explain that.
I also love to bullet journal. Not much to say on this, if you have any kickass ideas for drawings though let me know!
Now here is the important part, I want everyone who is reading this right now to know that you are NEVER alone. I personally have struggled with my mental health for a long time but now I am in a position to help others. There is nothing you cannot get through, I promise. Take me as living truth. You can ALWAYS message me ALWAYS! I will try to help the best I can and give you tips on how to ground yourself. You are so important and so loved.
One thing that is important really important to understand about someone who is struggling that I have learned is to listen and try to imagine what they are feeling. You will never truly understand how another person is feeling because you have never specifically been in that situation. 
Also another thing to note is DO NOT COMPARE OR BELITTLE SOMEONE WHEN THEY ARE TALKING TO YOU. Nothing will shut a person down and make them close up more than when you try to make the conversation. about yourself. You may not intentionally be doing that but to a person who is in distress, that is how they will interpret it.
I will also say that no one knows what the lowest point in your life is like, so don’t them down play how you are feeling. I don’t know what its like in your lowest just like you don’t know what it is like in mine.
Many times others mental health is belittled by people who surround them so keep that in mind if someone tries to talk to you about what is going on in their life.
Okay well now you know about me and the inter-workings of my life, introduce yourself! I love to make friends and I am super outgoing. My inbox is always open. I hope you guys have a good time scrolling thats for reading <3
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mcustorm · 4 years
45 M/M Gay Movies, Ranked
The other day I bit the bullet and decided to watch Brokeback Mountain for the first time. All I knew about that movie was that it was basically the CMBYN of yesteryear and somebody got killed with a tire iron. Anyways, so I finish the movie and realize that I’ve seen a *lot* of gay movies, especially in the last couple of years. So here are my rankings according to nothing but my personal preference. I won’t write about all of them, but you can ask about something if I leave it out.
I wish I could give you a rubric for this. The reality is, there are some radically different movies on this list with different tones and intentions. There’s buddy comedies, tearjerkers, small indie features, big theater releases. So trying to rank them all is TUFF.
The Way He Looks - Such a beautiful coming-of-age movie. Maybe the 2nd one I saw on this list? Perfect length, perfect characterization, simple yet compelling, clever. And nothing feels better than reaching a happy ending (for once, because some of these movies’ endings-- SHEESH) that’s been earned. It just hasn’t been topped.
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2. God’s Own Country
3. Pride
4. Kanarie - Yea, we don’t talk about this movie enough. It’s one of the most recent that I’ve seen. Beautiful. The way that it references apartheid and the war to reflect the protagonist’s feelings? Flawless.
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5. Jongens - The first movie that I saw on this list, gets many a bonus point for that.
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6. Moonlight - Yes, I am black. Yes, I understand this movie may be too low. Moonlight kind of scares me. In general, there’s not nearly enough discourse surrounding this one for me. But while it’s not exactly a popcorn-muncher, to me it’s the most personal movie on the list. When I look at Chiron and all that he’s been through, I can’t help but draw parallels to my own story up to this point. It holds a mirror up to me in a way that no other movie on this list does. That makes me uncomfortable.
But it is so poetic. Have you guys seen the script for this? The directing, the SOUNDTRACK, the acting. Phenomenal. 
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7. Weekend
8. Call Me By Your Name - Yes, I am aware of people’s beef with this one. Yes, I understand a lot of people may feel this one is overrated. While I do think this one gets worse on rewatch, the truth is, it’s not really *that* overrated because hot take: most (meaning over half) of the movies on this list range somewhere from “just okay” to “painstakingly bad”.
It’s the score, the cinematography, the subtext in most all of the dialogue, the acting, the way that you can smell the apricots through the fucking screen. People who say this movie is a vacation ad are fucking CORRECT. One of my biggest gripes however is that it’s too fucking long. And uh, that age difference...
And Armie Hammer’s a weirdo...
9. Dating Amber* - Dating Amber has one of those “Duh” premises that sounds like it could’ve been done like 30 times before yet I can’t think of any other examples of it. So what you’d think would be a wacky premise actually turns out to be a frankly poignant movie with an emotional story arc for the main two characters.
10. Hello Stranger: The Movie* - This movie, which is the first sequel (sorta) on the list, frankly had no business being as good as it was. Even though the web series is required viewing, I felt the movie fixed like all of the series’ issues: pacing, lack of compelling drama, the awkward quarantine format. The drama and stakes are there without us having to visit Angst City. And the theme and the ending reprise is HEAT.
11. Uncle Frank* -  Uncle Frank is like The Help of gay movies. Like The Help, it’s *overall* a short, sweet and fluffy movie set decades ago. Like The Help, you’ll still come out of it feeling pretty good even though it has some dark moments. Also like The Help, you’ll wonder after the fact if the central white girl absolutely needed to be so...well, central for this story to be told. Bonus points for Paul Bettany and Character Actress Margo Martindale.
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12. Brokeback Mountain - Tragic.
13. Moffie - Set during the South African border war, same as Kanarie. You even hear the word “moffie” throughout Kanarie. Anyways, this is a war movie for the gays, and a very intense watch. I liked that it was a much more realistic view of what a soldier endured during that period, and of course on the flip side I thought it was more thorough in its depiction of the rampant racism. I gotta find a good book on this era.
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14. A Moment In the Reeds
15. Get Real - Maybe the most out of place movie on the list. I need to rewatch it. I do recall absolutely loving the score, however. Like, I fucks with this:
16. Freier Fall - When I finished Brokeback I was like, “Wait, wasn’t that just Free Fall with extra steps?” And yea, it kinda is. But even discount Brokeback is still pretty good.
17. Beautiful Thing - There are few things to like about this one, the relationship between the two guys, the mother’s love for her son even though it’s not all rainbows, that nice little final scene. I did not care for the dark-skinned woman being portrayed as, you know, the drug abusing, school dropout, gossipy, butt of jokes neighbor. But that guy really looks like Tom Holland tho.
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18. Love, Simon - It’s at this point that I move from “Yea, that movie is good, you should watch it!” to “Look, you may like it, you may not.”
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19. The 10 Year Plan - This movie is so fucking cheesy that there was cheddar coming though my speakers. But when I think of “Hallmark/Lifetime, but for the gays” this is the crown jewel. There’s some other movies on this list that could’ve taken some notes.
20. The Christmas Setup* - The trend of fluffy-white-gay-cable-network-movie continues and in good form. It’s not deep. It’s not really thought provoking. It’s cute. Fran Drescher is there. You should watch it.
21. Giant Little Ones
22. Hidden Kisses
23. Alex Strangelove - In a unique twist, the emotional core of this one is arguably between Alex and his girlfriend. All that ends up happening, however, is we the viewer keep wanting more Alex/Elliott scenes; those are the most electric in the whole movie. The end result is a hot yet endearing mess.
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24. Fair Haven
25. The Thing About Harry - Freeform’s attempt at making a cheesy rom-com for the gays. It’s...okay. I personally feel like the main character’s friend is highkey trifling but it’s whatever.
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26. Your Name Engraved Herein* - So I guess I’ve decided I officially hate angst. I mean, I get how it’s often necessary to tell an effective story, but I’m just not here for 2 hour indie angst fests that get passed off as “high art” anymore. I cannot do it. Somehow this is Brokeback’s fault...there just has to be a better way to tell gay stories in the 2020′s. Anyways, the last song was fuego.
27. The Perfect Wedding - Easily the most bizarre movie on this list. It’s so bad, I liked it a lot.
28. Naz and Maalik - The first half of the movie with the two leads just riffing is some pretty great stuff. The back half starts throwing plot developments that are just less than interesting.
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29. My Best Friend
30. The Curiosity of Chance
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31. Being 17 - Boring. Angsty.
32. And Then We Danced
33. Center of My World - Has some of the most trifling characters EVER. I was so angry. This movie for me has *0* rewatchability.
34. Just Friends
35. 4th Man Out - This movie was basically “a bro/Hangover-style movie, but for the gays.” I absolutely love the intention, but the execution was a little shoddy. One day we’re gonna get a flawless movie that nails what this movie was going for. I hope we remember this movie whenever that day comes.
36. Latter Days - So fucking preachy. 
37. GBF - Another bizarre one, but at least this movie gets how wacky it is.
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38. Beach Rats
39. Shelter - I’ve noticed a lot of people like this one. To that I say...yikes. Remember that scene from Family Guy where Peter says he doesn’t care for The Godfather? I did not care for Shelter. It insists upon itself (not really, but still).
40. Handsome Devil
41. Esteros - It’s at this point of the list that we shift from “Movies that are the definition of ‘ight’ “ to “These movies are bad. Bad. BAAAAAD.”
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42. Monster Pies
43. Were the World Mine - I couldn’t even finish it. Wanna watch a better musical? Go watch Kanarie. Wanna watch a better Shakespeare adaptation? The Lion King is the movie for you, or even fucking She’s the Man.
44. North Sea Texas - So boring. I actually think this one may need a rewatch, because I swear it shouldn’t have been as terrible as it was.
45. Salvation Army - I have no idea what this movie was going for. I understand that it is autobiographical, however...it simultaneously barely has any plot or character developments. This one has shades of Beach Rats, but it’s significantly worse, and I didn’t even like Beach Rats that much.
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So that’s it, thanks if you made it down this far. I guess I’ll update the list as I inevitably watch more of these. I would love movie recommendations! 
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gluku-pikron · 4 years
i’m going to take advantage of the “if you want to do this just say i tagged you” loophole for once and just do this because i like to ramble
i cannot draw a fun and fresh self-portrait because my art skills started and stopped at age 14 when i drew exclusively sparkledogs but please imagine a round faced little gremlin with a widows peak and you won’t be far off from what i look like
Questions to get to know you a little better:
1. What do you prefer to be called name wise? just call me “gluku” or “g” or something.  as i am “transing” my “gender” i am still trying to work out the whole name thing.
2. When is your birthday? feb 15
3. Where do you live? up in the cool, damp forests of the pacific northwest.
4. Three things I am doing right now? putting the finishing touches on this fic, watching my dog watching squirrels out the window, rubbing lotion on my hands in a vain attempt to combat my dry, desiccated skin
5. Four fandoms that have piqued my interest: metalocalypse, hades (even though i haven’t gotten anywhere near even the halfway point), red dead redemption 2, and “the non-existent fandom of ‘finished a book that i really loved and headed to ao3 to see if anyone wrote fic for it but found none’”
6. How has the pandemic been treating you? instead of going out to visit friends i now lock myself in my room with an ereader and try to maintain my already-limited social skills by vicariously experiencing them through fictional characters.
7. Song(s) I can’t stop listening to: LOONA’s Voice which is a pretty sweet, floaty bit of 80s-inspired pop but with a stand-out earworm of an instrumental bridge.
8. Recommend a movie: the last movies that i watched and really enjoyed were There Will Be Blood and And Then We Danced.
9. How old are you? 30. i didn’t used to think that was such a big deal, but everything everyone’s ever told me about your body starting to fall apart at 30 is coming true.
10. School, university, or occupation? i quit my job as an inventory manager right before we moved because i couldn’t very well do my tasks from a thousand miles away, so... unemployed for now.  looking into becoming a legal transcriptionist which could be very fun and sexy if it pans out and the pay is okay.
11. Do you prefer heat or cold? COLD. if i had my way i’d live somewhere  where summer didn’t exist
12. Name one fact others may not know about you? i played violin & viola for over a decade but have fallen dreadfully out of practice. i’d like to pick up one or both again sometime, but i have a hideous and worsening tremor in my left hand that makes me worry that regaining competency at either instrument would be a futile task.
13. Are you shy? i talk a lot to cover up the fact that i am dreadfully shy and insecure. as soon as i say something i am probably second-guessing it, even if it’s something as benign as “hello” (maybe they didn’t want you to say hi to them, maybe they’re busy and you’re interrupting, maybe your voice sounded weird and now they think you’re weird) it’s a miracle i managed to talk to m agaricales long enough to convince them to marry me
14. Preferred pronouns.  they/them please
15. Biggest pet peeves: people who push up against other people’s comfort zones.  if i tell someone ‘no’ or ‘that makes me uncomfortable’ and they persist they are immediately on my personal shit list forever.  i have firm personal boundaries and i only relax them for people i like lol
16. What is your favorite “dere” type? when pickles sees charles and says “hey dere chief.” (you’re not sucking me back into anime hell i crawled out of that pit years ago)
17. Rate your life 1-10? unquantifiable but really quite lovely since i met m agaricales.
18. What is your main blog? this one
19. List all your side blogs and what they’re for: i just have @glukupikron without the dash which is my aesthetics/quotes/gotta feel sad blog
20. Is there anything people should know before becoming friends with you? i ramble a lot when given free-range to write long-ish paragraphs but when it comes to one-on-one conversation i am much more of a listener than a talker.  i communicate better through text than speaking.  i assume there’s some funky brain disconnect going on there, but i could never be as eloquent in real life as i try to be on here (”try” being the operative term, of course). i will probably send you lots of pictures of my dog.
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wakraya · 4 years
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Hello everyone! With some people having been showing interest in my art lately, I thought I’d get my stuff straight with Art Commissions and Pricing! I have a variety of styles, so bear with me.
I’m open to draw a variety of topics, not just Homestuck, and like designing characters and OCs, but I do reserve the right to turn a Commission if the topic makes me uncomfortable. 
You can find examples of my art Here, Here and Here, in This Imgur Album, as well as below the Read Me!
If you’re interested, you can contact me here on Tumblr, or at Wakraya#4164 on Discord.
Commission Slots Filled: 1/4
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The MSPA Style is pixel-based, reminiscent of the style used for Homestuck. It’s simple and generally line-less. The usual size for these is a 500x500px canvas, but depending on the complexity, they can easily go bigger.
- Partial Shots (Bust, from the Waist-Up...) come up to 10-15$ per character, depending on complexity of the pose, while Full Body Shots would be 15-20$, again, depending on the complexity of the pose.
- More Complex composite shots, positions, backgrounds, etc., will be priced on a case by case basis- That is to say, tell me what exactly you want and I will see what I can do.
- The Basic Background for this style is simply a solid grey or a few tones of grey to represent the background. Room furniture, outdoors detail, etc, all count as more complex Backgrounds. (See above)
- I can do some Basic Animation in this Style! Snappy sprite movement, tail wagging or ear twitching. Once more, entirely dependent on complexity, parting from the Basic Prices listed above.
- Once the base is done, Extra Edits can be done to the pictures, such as, using the same base but giving the character different clothes, or changing the position of the limbs/facial expression. Very minor edits like, a version with a White Sprite and another with a Skin tone, are free. Basic Edits are 5$ each, and more Complex ones will be once more a case by case basis.
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The Standard Style is just my normal drawing style. The canvas are generally 1000px or higher in size, which makes it more elaborate and slow.
- Rough Sketches are usually what I do first to get a clear idea of how the overall piece is going to look like once inked, but more elaborate Rough Sketches can look quite good as well. A Rough Bust would come up to 10$ per Character, 15 around Waist, and 20$ for a Full Body Rough Sketch.
- Inked Sketches are more refined, and ready for coloring if needed, but obviously need more time. An Inked Bust would come up to 20$ per Character, 35 around the waist, and 50$ for a Full Body Inked Sketch.
- Basic Coloring depends on the size of the piece, but will usually come up to about 5-15$ per Character, depending on the amount of detail.
- Other details like the Complexity of the Piece itself, or Background Detail, may add to the final price, but will be calculated on a case by case basis when discussing the full piece/s.
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Chibi little dolls/charms that look really cute! This is a relatively recent style, and the Chibis themselves are about 400x250px.
- A Sketched Chibi Doll with no Color will come up to 15$, 20 if their pose is particularly complex, or they’d have some detail with them like some item or weapon.
- Adding Basic Color to them will be an extra 5$, or 10 for particularly complex ones, although considering the Chibi Style, I struggle to think what would qualify as ‘Complex Coloring’.
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Pixel Sprites! These are good for character reference, like a D&D Sheet. These sprites are proportional- 5′6″ being equivalent to around 150px tall, and may range from fairy-sized to 8+ feet tall. Even if you don’t care about the proportional size, have it in mind to request a Bigger or Smaller Sprite for pricing purposes!
- Standard Pose Sprites are the cheapest, a standard base in a neutral stance. These are 20$ for the Average-Height Sprites (And for the Tiny Sizes that require a Zoom), but may range from 16 to 24 for smaller and larger sizes and depending on complexity.
- Basic Pose Sprites are slightly more expensive, but can give the sprite more personality than the neutral stance. These are 30$ for the Average-Height Sprites and Tiny Sizes, but may range from 25 to 35 for smaller and larger sizes and depending on complexity.
- Complex Pose Sprites are much more dynamic and unique, but require a lot more time to deal with. These are 40$ for the Average-Height Sprites and Tiny Sizes, but may range from 32 to 48 for smaller sizes and depending on complexity.
- Objects like Weapons, or Non-Human Anatomy may come with extras. Things like, Ears or Tails shouldn’t be much of an issue, but Wings or a Digitigrade Pose will require time and work. These extras will be a case by case thing, depending on the specifics of the Sprite.
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I do Other Stuff, too, which ranges from the experimental to the silly. I don’t have set prices for anything like this, but hey, if you’re interested, I am capable of doing the following:
- Iconography & Symbology, stuff like this. I even did a Tattoo for myself once.
- Landscapes. Very out of practice with these, and I’m not even that particularly good, but I know I can draw general scenarios with nice vibes.
- Maps. Note, I haven’t drawn any in a while, but I have done some stuff in the past.
- Dumb Memes and Emotes. I doubt anyone would be interested in something like this, but hey, if I’m exposing all of my work, I may as well showcase the sillier of the bunch as well.
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Hello! I am opening commissions!
I am fairly new to this, so apologies if i am unclear in any way! Feel free to message my with any questions! Also message me for a commission!
I will do my best to respond and finish quickly, but the more expensive the piece, the longer it will take, so please be patient with me.
All of my commissions will be digital (or a picture of a traditional art), as I do not have the means to ship an artwork!
I will accept Venmo and PayPal! And I am not sure how these kinds of things work internationally, but I use and accept American dollars.
Tips are welcome, but please do not feel obligated to do so!
Full-Colour Pieces 
Bust/Waist-up - (digital) 25$   (traditional) 20$
Full Body - (digital) 30$  (traditional) 25$
Environment - 30$ (digital and traditional)
Flat colour backgrounds or gradients are free! I will also do pride flags!
-please note that due to limited ink supply, traditional art will most likely have a white background! But you can talk to me about watercolour, I can see what I can do there!
character example (digital) (may or may not have a cartoonish appearance, depending on request):
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character example (traditional) (these will have a more cartoonish appearance):
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environment example (though I am still practicing, so I will do my best to try to improve the quality!):
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Bust/Waist-up - 5$ (digital and traditional)
Full Body - 10$ (digital and traditional)
Environment - 15$ (digital and traditional)
character example: 
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(I don’t have an environment sketch on hand, apologies!)
Smaller-scale requests (e.g. a headshot) will have a reduced price. 
I reserve the right to deny or cancel any commission, but I will do my best not to do the latter! Only pay me once I message you saying that the commission is finished, and once you have done so, I will send you the artwork.
Will do:
-existing humans (e.g. a family member)
-reference sheets
-mild and moderate gore
-ship art
-lgbt+ things! 
-mildly suggestive content
Will not do:
-overtly suggestive content/NSFW
-full nudity
-extreme gore
-content that I deem offensive to the rights of others
-more than 10 characters (note that the price may change in accordance with the amount of characters)
Feel free to message me about things not on this list! Message me about anything really! I will do my very best to keep in touch with you, making sure that the drawing is going just as you like it! I will make changes as you see fit, but please be respectful. 
Please only commission me if you are financially able and willing to do so! There are more important things to spend money on, especially during times such as these. Stay safe, and have a lovely day or night! Don’t die today!
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our-time-is-now · 4 years
May 29-30, 2019: Beautifully cheesy
(previous play)
You can find more information about the authors, translators, content warning and additional information about the plays in the pinned post on our blog.
Wednesday, 10:17 pm:
Matteo: *Hans and Linn had suggested Lasagna as a flatshare-dinner and have relatively quickly taken over the reins* *Mia and Matteo mostly sat at the kitchen table and tasted the wine that Hans had bought* *there has been a lot of laughter, a lot has been eaten and even more has been drank* *in between he thought that it's strange that the mix of 4 so different people somehow does fit together really well* *after dinner Hans got out some liquor that apparently is totally in at the moment and which unfortunately was also pretty tasty* *now, at almost half past 10 everyone is more or less sprawled out on the sofas in the living room* *Matteo is pretty drunk and really laughs about every stupid joke Hans is telling* *hears him say: "... and then I told him sorry, but you can't tell anyone that you're an artist, even I could draw that better"!* *Mia laughs and Matteo jolts* Shit! *he gets up but staggers so much that he has to sit back down* David! I have to get to David! *all three of them laugh and Hans shakes his head: "Sorry, sweetheart, but we won't let you into the Berlin night-traffic this drunk".* *Matteo shakes his head and tries to get up again* But I told him that I would come... to him... tonight... *Mia pulls him back gently but determinedly: "I'm sure he understands, just text him"!* *Matteo grumbles but takes out his phone* *types on it, grumbles, types some more and gets annoyed* Doesn't work... *Hans gets up and holds out his hand: "Give it to me, I'll do it"!* *it says a lot about Matteo's level of drunkenness that he really gives him the phone* *Hans deletes Matteo's jumble of letters and then types a message to David* WhatsApp Matteo/David: Matteo: Hello David, this is Hans, Matteo is so drunk that we would rather not let him leave tonight... *he stops when Matteo wildly waves his hands in front of his face* Tell him that I'm soooooo sorry! *everyone laughs and Hans continues typing* He says he's sooooooo sorry, but I think when he's sober tomorrow I'm sure he'll call you. :-) Good night, butterfly-boyfriend <3 *Hans sends the message and hands Matteo's phone back* And now we'll watch an episode of Ru Paul and then we'll all go to bed!
David: *has really spent his evening doing research on surgeons and mastectomy online and has written down three doctors that he wants to contact on Friday* *at some point didn't feel like researching anymore and instead has sketched a little to get his head free* *lost track of time and at some point flinches when his phone vibrates* *looks at the time and realizes that it's pretty late* *immediately thinks of Matteo and wonders when he'll be here while he opens the message and reads it* *hesitates for a moment but then answers* WhatsApp Matteo/David: David: Hello Hans, thanks for the information. I hope you had a nice evening. Good Night! *puts the phone aside and leans back* *thinks it's nice that Hans has told him and really thinks that it's more responsible for Matteo to spend the night at the flatshare instead of walking to him drunk, but is still a little sad that he won't see him tonight* *at the same time he thinks it's ridiculous and has to grin because for one, they have only said goodbye to each other 5 hours ago and they'd also see each other tomorrow anyways - he'll certainly manage one night without Matteo* *sketches some more and turns on music and around half past eleven he gets ready for bed* *when he lies in bed he realizes that apparently he has gotten so used to Matteo's clinginess and cuddling that he can't really make use of the space in his bed and the freedom of moving his arms freely* *tosses around a few times and tries to find a more comfortable position* *while he tosses he wonders whether Matteo's already asleep and takes his phone twice to text him, but then doesn't because if Matteo was really so drunk that he wasn't able to text him himself, then he either wouldn't be any less sober or would already be fast asleep sleeping it off* *misses him and feels weird because Matteo isn't that far away and it's only one night where they aren't together* *at some point does fall asleep, but it's restless and he dreams wild things and constantly wakes up because he thinks his phone vibrated or someone rang the doorbell* *every time it takes some time for him to fall back asleep*
Matteo: *thanks to the alcohol did fall asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow* *wakes up during the night and automatically feels around for David* *grumbles slightly when he touches nothing but the mattress* *pulls the second pillow closer, but that isn't a replacement either* *grabs his phone to check the time* *sees that it's 3:22 am and that he maybe shouldn't text David, after all* *briefly considers getting up and going over to David's* *shakes his head at himself* *wonders if he really is one of THOSE people who can't even spend one night without their boyfriend* *tries to fall back asleep but it's difficult* *only manages to fall asleep for a moment and wakes up two more times* *one time goes to get something to drink and one time goes to the bathroom* *tries to talk himself into thinking that he didn't wake up because he missed David* *shortly after 8 gives up trying to fall asleep and gets up to shuffle into the kitchen and make some coffee* *sends David a text knowing that it will reveal his dependence, but doesn't care right now* WhatsApp Matteo/David: Matteo: Okay, we tried the whole sleeping alone thing, I'd say we won't do that again... what do you think?
David: *wakes up again shortly after 8 because he had the feeling that his phone vibrated* *feels like he barely slept when he reads the message* *has to read it twice to understand it in his overtired state and has to smile automatically* *writes back* We tried, but I, for one, failed miserably. I miss you! When are you coming? *feels somehow calmer now that he has heard from Matteo but is still bone-tired* *has to laugh quietly because apparently it was the same for Matteo and he wonders what it says about him and their relationship but comes to the conclusion that they seem to be wired very similar*
Matteo: *immediately smiles when his phone beeps* *reads the message and smiles even wider* *answers* WhatsApp Matteo/David: Matteo: In one cup of coffee and one shower... so half an hour? ;) *thinks that all of his friends would probably make fun of him for being so addicted to David* *right now, doesn't care about that at all*
David: *feels the phone vibrate in his hand and only realizes then that his eyes have fallen closed again* *reads Matteo’s message and looks at the time* *writes back with a smile* WhatsApp Matteo/David: David: Hurry up! Maybe you’ll even manage in 28 minutes! *stretches and throws back the blanket* *thinks that he could go shower and make some coffee because if he stays in bed, he might fall asleep again and might not hear the doorbell, after all* *hopes that he’ll be able to have a little afternoon nap with Matteo* *so puts on some coffee, gets some clean but comfy clothes and goes to the bathroom to shower*
Matteo: *grins broadly when he reads the message and quickly answers* WhatsApp Matteo/David: Matteo: I’ll try my best! *pours himself some coffee and pours the rest in a thermos and puts it on the kitchen table* *puts a post-it on it that says “fresh coffee, I’m at David’s, enjoy :) M.”* *slurps his coffee, showers hastily and gets ready just as quickly* *throws some clean clothes in a bag because he brought back dirty laundry from David’s yesterday and then leaves* *manages to get there in 25 minutes and rings the doorbell*
David: *has finished showering and just taken his first sip of coffee when the doorbell rings* *checks the time and grins because it really took Matteo less than half an hour* *puts his mug down and shuffles to the door to buzz him in* *leans against the doorframe to wait for Matteo and smiles when he finally sees him coming up the stairs*
Matteo: *beams when he sees him and might go upstairs a little faster* *greets him even before he arrives upstairs* Hey… *kisses David when he arrives and wraps his arms around him* *drops his head on David’s shoulder* Missed you…
David: *returns Matteo’s greeting with a smile* Na? *starts to spread his arms a little even before Matteo is completely up the stairs, returns his kiss and then presses Matteo to him* *grumbles because he feels so good and has to smile into the hug at Matteo’s words* Me too… I’m so pitiful I couldn’t sleep half the night… *closes his eyes, breathes in the typical Matteo-smell and realizes again how tired he still is* *pulls Matteo into the apartment while still hugging him and releases the hug only a little once they are inside* I only had one sip of coffee, I really need more to not fall asleep again immediately… *grins slightly and asks* Kitchen or my room?
Matteo: *nods slightly* Likewise… *gets pulled into the apartment* *drops his bag on the floor and takes off his jacket while David closes the door* Then kitchen and coffee, otherwise we’ll fall asleep again… or no coffee, and we go have a nap?
David: *grins slightly at Matteo’s suggestion and longingly looks into the direction of the bed* *laughs quietly* Okay, you won. We’ll go back to bed… but I’ll put the thermos in my room for later… *pulls Matteo toward him again and kisses him* *murmurs into the kiss* I have catching-up to do… *lets go after all and quickly goes into the kitchen* *takes another sip from his mug, grabs another mug and the thermos and puts it on his nightstand before he drops down on the bed and reaches his arms out for Matteo* *is glad that he didn’t put on his binder in the first place to be more comfortable*
Matteo: *laughs with him and nods* Good… *kisses him back* Me, too… *grabs his bag and goes to David’s room and drops the bag on the floor* *kicks his shoes off and then crawls onto the bed and into David’s arms* *kisses him again before he lies down next to him and basically fully attaches himself to his side* *after some time quietly says* Do you think that we’re very pathetic for not being able to spend one night apart?
David: *quickly pulls the blanket over them before wrapping his arms around Matteo* *feels how he relaxes immediately, closes his eyes and simply enjoys having Matteo with him again* *has to grin slightly at his question and starts to run a hand through his hair* Hmmm… I felt pretty pathetic last night. But I feel better now that I know that you felt the same way… *runs his lips over Matteo’s forehead and kisses him slightly* *at some point quietly says* So we either have to do the whole sleeping apart thing more often to get used to it again… or we… simply are one of those awfully cheesy clingy couples that really aren’t able to spend one night apart…
Matteo: *hums slightly when David runs his hand through his hair and closes his eyes* *slightly nods in agreement at David’s words* *opens his eyes again and looks at him* *shakes his head* Sleep apart voluntarily? Noo! *has to think about Jonas asking if they’ll turn into one of those couples and has to laugh slightly* I’d say we are one of those awfully cheesy couples… *puts a hand on his cheek and kisses him slightly* Somehow I don’t really care what others think… as long as you are there…
David: *grins slightly when Matteo is so vehemently against sleeping apart* *nods in agreement and murmurs* I agree! *adds* … but we’ll scratch the “awful”! We are one of those incredibly beautifully cheesy couples… *gets kissed and then notices once again how his heart starts to beat a little faster out of love at Matteo’s words* *murmurs agreeingly* As long as we’re together! *briefly hugs him closer and both are quiet for a moment* *at some point quietly says* It hasn’t even been three weeks, but I feel like you’ve been there a lot longer… so… familiar and good and much and… *grinningly grumbles and hides his face in Matteo’s shoulder* Argh… I’m getting cheesy… maybe we really should sleep some more…
Matteo: *nods with a grin* Okay, beautifully cheesy… *wraps his arm around him* *hears his words and has to swallow slightly* *kisses his hair when he hides his face* I think so, too… and we just agreed that we are cheesy… *kisses him again and cuddles into him* … so we can enjoy that now… I think it feels wonderfully right… and I never had that… so… *shrugs one shoulder and then kisses David’s shoulder on which he lies* … okay, let’s sleep some more…
David: *nods slightly when Matteo says that it feels wonderfully right and murmurs quietly at his next sentence* Me neither… *smiles when Matteo agrees to sleeping some more, takes his face off his shoulder so that he can breathe better and pushes one of his legs between Matteo’s to be a little closer to him* *opens his eyes again for a moment to be able to look at him and smiles when he realizes how comfortable he feels having Matteo so close to him* *leans forward again to kiss his lips and murmurs* Sleep tight, Florenzi… *closes his eyes and falls asleep within minutes*
(next play)
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