#it might not be abnormal
dracolizardlars · 2 years
hm ok I finally made the effort to actually record how much water I drank in a day and it's around 10 glasses' worth today. and this was with me being out of the house for a few hours and thus being kept thirsty against my will (I would have drank more if I could). that probably isn't normal!
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everchased · 11 months
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hahahahaaaa get safe and cared for, idiot
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kumeramen · 8 months
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They're having book discussion~
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celestialrealms · 2 months
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hoofpeet · 8 months
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Vague concept doodles I was playing w/ for the idea of what spider syndrome might look like in satyrs . Kinda couldn't really make these look right though, just like the actual guy's design
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hawkinasock · 2 days
haiii pls spill abt ur chimera yq ideas... i have my own (https://www.tumblr.com/waterfrontcomplex/758520749229277184/dunmeshi-chapter-37ep-17-spoilers-look?source=share)
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i also drew my own idea of him (swallow + abundant deer)
Yes ofc!! I'm so happy that someone else has had this idea too, it has so much potential. I want to see all the chimera Yanqings.
Mine looks like this. I actually didn't have a design drawn out for him initially, so I had to whip something up quickly. That's why it took me so long to answer </3
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Originally, he had a more swallow-based design.
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I still really like it, but I changed the lore a lot, so I made the new one, the current au, which goes something like this:
(CW for blatant body horror, descriptions of digestion, as well as brief details regarding real world animal death)
Here's my idea. Like most aeons, Lan The Hunt has emanators that carry out their will. One of these emanator's is currently unnamed and without a solid design yet. It has an animalistic appearance in my head. Imagine Feixiao's inner beast, or the Mourning Aix from WuWa. That'll give you the best reference.
It travels the cosmos, tracking down and eliminating the Abundance. it does this with the use of extremely powerful olfactory cells. Even with galaxies separating them, the emanator can detect abominations through smell alone, and when it finds one, it will consume it to ensure it cannot possibly regenerate.
Suffice to say, it's very good at its job, and Yanqing, unfortunately, is not an exception to their heightened senses. Surprisingly to no one, Abundance Yanqing coexists with this au, and he is immediately recognized as an abomination when the emanator is in proximity of the Luofu. Yanqing is unaware of his status as an spawn of Yaoshi, so when the devourer of monsters (working title) visits the Luofu, he never would have expected it to turn its eyes onto him.
To say the Luofu is thrown into chaos when one of Lan's emanator's eats a Liuetenant of The Hunt is an understatement. The emanator insists no mistake has been made and it is justified through Lan's divine will. It actually shifts the blame onto Jing Yuan for assigning an abomination as his Lieutenant in the first place, citing incompetence on his part. Kind of a shitty thing to do after eating the man's son but okay...
Not long after, the emanator starts to... change. It begins experiencing sudden and visible signs of mara: bouts of aggression, delirium, and eventually flora and fungus sprouting from its flesh. It's incorrectly concluded that Yanqing's death was a result of early unset mara in the emanator, and Jing Yuan decides the emanator has to be killed via decapitation, such is their duty as followers of The Hunt.
You can probably guess where this is going.
So, you know how bones are capable of fusing together or into other objects during the healing process? Like that deer that was shot by an arrow and the ribcage actually fused itself with the arrow? That's essentially how chimera Yanqing is born.
As an abomination, Yanqing is capable of postmortem regeneration, and as an abomination that is particularly favored by Yaoshi (in my delusional mind) his regeneration capabilities far exceed that of the average denizen, and one this emanator's digestive system was not capable of overriding.
Much like how that deer bone fused with the arrow, Yanqing's body begins the process of fusing back together after partial consumption, and during that process, he inadvertently fuses with the emanator's body, which triggered those mara symptoms. Additionally, because there had also been remains of other denizens in the emanator's stomach, they were unintentionally included in the revitalization process. This, in the end, gave the chimera's body the claws of a Borisin, the wings of a Wingweaver, and the head of a human (his body structure is also the same as the Houyhnhnm, but that's obviously a coincidence on my part lol).
The flowers and mushrooms don't really serve any other purpose besides looking pretty and emphasizing his connection to the abundance - his power is so palpable that life is literally sprouting through his skin. I just think it's kinda neat.
Anyways, in terms of psychological aftereffects, Yanqing himself is still there. However, his sense of self is muddied and most of his memories suppressed. Because he's at the head, he's in control of his own movements and actions. Usually, he's completely docile, but in the face of people currently trying to kill him, he becomes confused and scared, and fights back in self-defense. He's also experiencing prolonged dysmorphia from his new form, which causes him greater confusion and even pain.
For Jing Yuan? I think everyone would agree he wouldn't want to kill Yanqing. He believes there's still a way to reverse Yanqing's affliction, even if the Ten Lords insist otherwise.
Currently I don't have an detailed outline of what happens next. My current ideas are similar to yours actually, where the disciples take an interest in Yanqing for whatever reason, be it desperation to stop the Luofu from killing him and seeing him as blessed by Yaoshi, what have you. It could honestly go a similar route as Dvalin's manipulation by the hands of the Abyss. If I were to give this au a happy ending, I could incorporate the Viscorpus' ability to shapeshift and have Yanqing hone that ability, allowing him to regain his human form.
That's all I have for what was meant to be a short, detailed summary </3 All these asks always end with me yapping, forgive me. I've had this au cooking in my head for so long now, and I'm glad I have an excuse to spurge about it now.
(p.s. pls make more of your chimera au, I would eat it up)
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maskerat · 5 months
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oh yeah I think I should show my Der Freischütz plush I've made some time ago. his cloak isn't indigo because I didn't have such fabric and I didn't want to buy more when I had so much of purple lmao.
he's like, one of the best plushies I've sewn so far. he's quite dear to me.
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thankstothe · 1 year
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gossippool · 23 days
i know poolverine is all the rage now but goddamn if it didn't HURT that when wade thought he was going to die in the time ripper it flashed back to that moment in ajax's laboratory when he and cunningham were coming up with a bucket list of things they want to do most. "i want to see vanessa" like fuck he did not stop thinking of her for a single second of all three movies. EVERY single thing he did was for her and when she died he tried over and over to kill himself because she WAS his purpose. wade loves so hard it's actually devastating
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bisexual-cowboye · 1 year
I am going to be completely normal about this scene !! Alex grabbing Henry’s hips, his little laugh, Henry getting nervous. All things I will act extremely regular about !!!
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toriyaki · 2 months
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My Limbus OC, Darwin. A member of the LCCB whose life's dream is to write her own book on all the monsters and beasties she's encountered while on the job.
Unfortunately, due to lack of funding, Darwin's journal entries are done with a Company Issued Ballpoint Pen™ inside a Company Issued Composition Notebook™.
Darwin's abno entries will be tagged "Darwin's Notes" on my blog :3c (Keep in mind, I originally made these notes and guides for my friends who recently got into Limbus. They are by no means a meta guide, and are only based off my own personal experiences with these abnos as well as the tactics I personally found to be effective when dealing with them. Don't cancel me for any mistakes I made pls thanks ;w;)
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Man. The Phillies are fucking KILLING the Dodgers right now… Need a good video to eat my pizza to… Wait just a second…
For those that have no context, this sentence means nothing to you. And yet, it has all the meaning to me. Dogs in Love is a series, now officially a trilogy, on the JelloApocalypse channel. If you know him, cool! If you don’t know him, he’s a variety YouTuber best characterized by the art and opinions in his videos, although this doesn’t describe all of his videos. His best known series are probably his Welcome to, So This Is Basically, and Marathon Reviews series. He’ll at the same time also play various video games, drink a lot of lemonade, and play an eBay edition of The Price Is Right with his friends. He even has like a little show on his YouTube channel called Epithet Erased! I need to actually watch that sometime… Oh, and yeah, he does good voice acting work!
So, what is Dogs in Love? Basically, they are edited highlight videos with a lot of drawings of Jello and his friends taking the lore of Pokémon Colloseum and Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness and throwing it out of the window during playthroughs for those games, with the group instead deciding to take the characters (Both the Pokémon and the humans) and playing with them like Barbie dolls and action figures.
The original Dogs in Love video focuses on Pokémon Coliseum, following the player trainer and his terrorist Pokémon, with the main focus around a edgy Umbreon who actually turns out to be a dumbo softboy and his partner Espeon who is smart and stressed out of his mind and needs more coffee. As you can guess, they are the dogs in love. In Dogs in Love 2 and 3, both of them focus on Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, with the logical tie in between the two games being that the Jolteon the player trainer has is the sweet and kind demonic child of the two dads of Umbreon and Espeon. Yeah. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.
I cannot fully explain the humor of it for myself. The voice acting as well as the improv comedy done by Jello and his friends makes the whole experience dumb, weird, and hilarious in a brilliant way. The dynamics and relationships of all of the characters are comedically sound, and yet, I feel genuine emotion for all of them. It knows exactly where to scratch my back when I have an itch. And, the thing is, the waits between each of these videos was about a year! Sure, the full streams are right there, but it’s hard because the videos are so good. (I rewatched both videos at my older sister’s wedding!) However, it’s worth the wait, and the videos show that the excellence needed time to cook. Dogs in Love has meant so much to me, but with the trilogy now completed, I look back at these three videos in marvel and with love.
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ashleyloob · 1 year
weaponizing my autism to get fit
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mariyuuhh · 1 year
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"Sora! Riku!"
kairiposting all day every day
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indecisive-v · 11 months
greetings lovebrush tumblr (i say as if half my recent posts haven't been under the lovebrush chronicles tag)
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jasperscringepit · 2 months
Yeah…..,, yeahhhhhhhhh. I am so abnormal about him holy shit.
I have no completed drawings of him yet (was too sad at the time but soon,,,) so have a little WooWoo from memory.
Also I have no idea who made the meme but just know that you are the funniest person and I use it frequently. thank u for ur service.
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