#it might not be clear but that's definitely who's in the little boat coming up to give the bard a wallop
benevolenterrancy · 2 years
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I know it's not brought up often in the comics, but Cacofonix singing so badly he makes it rain is a joke that i still think is hilarious and adorable
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princessbrunette · 7 months
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
woke up thinking about big brother rafe, toddler!wheezie, and babysitter!reader again …
rafe getting jealous when he finds out you babysit other kids. he follows you about the kitchen at tannyhill as you prepare the toddlers lunch, smiling to yourself at his clear jealousy over something so trivial.
“so that’s why you can’t watch wheezie on sunday? who— who’s kid is it? like, who’s the parent?”
“thats confidential information rafe, i’m here every other day this week why does it matter?” you giggle, slicing up baby carrots to fit a toddler sized mouth.
he leans against the countertop, pressing his lips together and lets a silence fall over you for not even a minute. “wheeze is your favourite though right?”
you turn around with an amused smile, holding back your laugh at his pettiness. “what?”
“shes your favourite, right?” he stares at you, dead serious and you lean on one hip.
“of course she is. i’m here the most, aren’t i?”
“right, right… this kid you’re babysitting on sunday, they got any older brothers?”
“rafe, c’mon.” you giggle, a little flustered but you turn back to the counter to continue preparing the food to hide this.
“look, i— i’m just lookin’ out for you, alright? what if you go over there n’there’s some creep waiting for you?” he stresses and you shake your head, warmth blossoming in your chest.
later that day — the three of you head out on rafes boat, and for a little while, out on the open water, rafe drops the big bad bully act and lets his guard down. you watch as he holds his little sister on his hip, steering the boat with the other hand. you can’t hear what he’s saying, but the two of them are giggling. it’s the first time you really see rafe fill the ‘dad’ shoes, and it makes you wonder what it would be like to have your own baby with him. the idea makes your stomach warm and heart flutter.
within the next week or so, you end up at the same party as rafe on one of your free days. it’s the first time you’ve really hung out in a social setting appropriate for people your age, and it feels almost a little weird and awkward at first. as the night goes on and the drinks flow, things get more flirty. he had a super bad day, but with you here — things felt a little better.
rafe steps away to speak to topper for a few minutes, and in that time a total creep comes out of seemingly nowhere and begins to bother you. he talks too close to your face, starts to grab at you, doesn’t take no for an answer— you’re starting to think that you can’t actually escape this, until of course, rafe comes swinging out of nowhere.
but it’s not just a one punch and he’s done, no — rafe beats him bloody, the anger issues and coke and bad day piling up on him as he continuously beats on this guy. maybe he deserves it, sure — but when the guy stops responding and rafe continues to punch and yell, panic settles in your stomach. this guy might just die.
the crowd do nothing to discourage him, drunk and cheering him on as they circle round to watch, one hundred witnesses from every angle. you call his name, but you get ignored. he grips the guys collar, malicious open mouthed grin on his face as he holds him for a moment, looking at his masterpiece.
“rafe you’re gonna kill him!” you shout, trying to be heard over the cheering. he definitely hears, because he glances up at you— the look on his face reading that he just didn’t care. “its not worth it you’ll go to jail!” you feel tears in your eyes at the thought of him not being in the house with you and wheezie anymore. wheezie.
he lifts his fist to strike a final blow, and you holler out once more. “think of wheezie!”
it’s then he freezes, blinks a couple of times — and then just like that he looks around at the scene he’s caused and shoves off onto his feet, walking away. he walks away from the party, infact — he walks all the way home.
maybe he should keep his relationship with you professional, he could have been locked up for life that night. love makes you do crazy things.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
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hbyrde36 · 11 months
STWG Daily Drabble 11/7/2023
Prompt: Unexpected conversation
Eddie didn’t know what to think when Max approached him out in the field just as everyone was wrapping up their preparations for going after Vecna. Dustin had just gone off to talk to Steve about something when the, frankly intimidating, redhead made a beeline for him. 
“Hey Munson, we need to talk.” She said. 
He was taken aback. Sure they were neighbor’s and all but they didn’t really know each other that well, and she was surrounded by friends here. He couldn’t imagine what she would need him for, but who was he to deny the girl who’d been cursed by Vecna himself. 
“Sure, Red. What’s, uh... what’s up?”
She crossed her arms over her chest and gave him an honest-to-god once over. Suddenly he felt like he was being picked apart by an adversary and being studied for weaknesses. Which was weird considering they were on the same side here. He was so confused. 
She cleared her throat and held piercing eye contact as she hit him with her question. “What’s going on with you and Steve? I mean, what are your intentions?”
Eddie couldn’t help but burst out laughing. There was no way she could possibly know he was gay, and obviously Steve wasn’t. So it had to be some kind of joke.
One look at Max’s face silenced him abruptly. 
For some reason, she looked pissed. “Well that’s about as clear an answer as I could have asked for. Is this a fucking joke to you?”
Eddie glanced around, hoping someone, anyone, would come and rescue him from the scary teenager, but everyone was busy with their own taks. 
“Wait, what do you mean? Are you serious?” He said finally.
“As a heart attack, dickhead. I know I don't always show it, but Steve means a lot to me, okay? I don’t want to see him get hurt again.” She looked off briefly in the direction she’d come from. Where Nancy was still working on her sawed off shotgun and making sure she had enough ammunition. 
“I don't understand.”
He really didn’t.
Eddie got the Nancy thing. He’d had a nearly front row seat to the show the night their relationship had imploded in the bathroom of Tina’s Halloween party. He'd been dealing just across the hall and couldn’t help but overhear, but he didn’t know what he had to do with any of that. 
“The boys might all be blind but I'm not,” Max began. “I was watching you guys on the boat through the binoculars.”
Eddie raised an eyebrow. 
“Okay fine, I was watching Steve take his shirt off through the binoculars. Sue me, have you seen him? Whatever, I saw the way you were looking at him and-”
Eddie cut her off. “Max… that’s… you can’t just say that shit, alright?”
She rolled her eyes. “I’m not trying to out you, Munson. Trust me, I don’t care if you’re gay. I’m not gonna, like, tell anybody.”
Good to know. 
“Okay fine, good, I guess. Thanks. But, what’s all this shit about me and Steve?”
She furrowed her brows for a moment and then something seemed to click in her head. “Oh. So you are as stupid as you look.”
“Just calling ‘em how I see ‘em.” She shrugged.
“Jesus christ, all you kids and you’re fucking tones I swear to god.” He muttered.
“Look, I'm just gonna say it. Usually I wouldn't get involved, but since no one can blame the dying girl for meddling, I- ”
Eddie softened. “Max...”
He knew she didn't like sympathy, she's made that abundantly clear, but he coudn't help it. She shut it down immedietely though.
“I’m fine, just listen. Steve clearly likes you.”
“I mean, we did have a little talk in the weird freaky woods, and we definitely don’t hate each other anymore, but I…”
Max snorted. “See? Stupid.”
Eddie gaped at her. “Dude, what did I ever do to you?”
She pointedly ignored his outburst. 
“Like I said. I saw the way you looked at him on the boat and then I saw the way he looked at you when you got back. Then there was that whole thing in the RV." She shuddered. "I don’t know what happened in between, and I don't want to, I just want to make sure you know that if you hurt him we will all collectively kick your ass. You might be one of us now, but Steve's been there from the beginning. He’s saved all of our lives, more than once. He deserves to be happy.”
Eddie took a deep breath. He could appreciate what she was saying, and yeah maybe he had started to develop a small crush on the guy. Anyone would after seeing him rip that demobat apart with his bare hands… and mouth. 
Jesus Christ, Eddie stop thinking about his mouth!
“Listen, Red. I think it’s sweet, what you're trying to do here, but I cannot stress to you how unnecessary this is. Nothing is going on between Steve and I. Even if I wanted that– and I'm not saying I do!” He was quick to add. “He is literally the straightest guy I've ever seen.”
“Did he tell you that?”
“He didn't have to.”
“There you go again, putting people in boxes!” Max scrunched her nose in disgust. “Isn’t that against your whole thing?” She asked, gesturing at the general, everything, about him.
“Technically, yes. But…”
“But nothing! You shouldn’t assume things about people. You should talk to him.”
“There is no way in hell I'm asking Steve Harrington if he’s gay!”
“Not that dip shit. Just, i don't know, tell him you like him!”
“Why do I have to put myself out there?!” Eddie shouted, a touch too loud. He wasn’t sure why he hadn’t just denied it.
Max sighed deeply. “Because Steve won’t. He’s probably scared and he’ll just keep flirting with you until you get the hint and I gotta be honest, I don't have a lot of faith in you on that front after this conversation. So I'm gonna need you to bite the bullet on this one.”
Eddie chewed his lip. He couldn't believe this girl actually had him considering this. 
Was it worth the risk if she was wrong? 
What did he have to lose it anyway if it went badly?
“Okay. Fine. If we all survive this I promise I'll talk to him. Happy?”
And then Eddie wasn’t an idiot and he didn’t go after the demobats alone and he didn’t die. Steve however did wind up in the hopistal, because how could he fucking not have gotten an infection with that many open wounds running around in a fucking hell dimension. Eddie sat by his bedside and one night confessed his crush. And then they kissed and lived happily ever after. The end.
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qiupachups · 10 months
hobie brown
.。.+*☆ headcannons 🎸💭
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contents: general hcs, london based hobes bc i live there
a/n: my wife! the picture above is ‘stay close to me— omega sessions’ by bad brains (super cute song and so hobie)
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When he’s not playing shows, antagonising fascists, or staging unpermitted political action slash performance art pieces— Hobie takes care of his garden. There’s just about anything growing on his canal boat that can survive London.
It’s fun just like him! He can repurpose whatever he finds into a planter, which includes old Henry Hoovers.
Most things we take for granted are ridiculously scarce in his world, like running hot water. Not wanting to waste this luxury, Hobie developed the skill of taking extremely fast showers.
Sometimes it feels like he steps in and comes straight out. It’s a little unnerving.
Once a month, Hobie does a super deep clean of his canal boat. He finds all sorts of inter-dimensional trash he’s collected over the weeks. After heaving it off the deck, you swear the boat groaned in relief.
Where does it all go? Miguel’s dimension, of course. The man didn’t have to guess the mystery fly-tipper when he saw the bags flickering through the colour spectrum. In Hobie’s defence, the waste disposal system is better in Earth-98.
If you hadn’t realised yet, Hobie is a methodical and thoughtful spidey. He plans for the best times to grow his produce and harvests them at the perfect time (not always since he’s usually… busy).
After freezing or preserving the amount he needs, he gives the rest to his community. So, expect some strawberry jam materialising at your doorstep.
For as longer as he remembers, Hobie could always cook. There was never a time he didn’t help feed his community or volunteer at F.E.A.S.T— even with his responsibilities post spider-bite.
In Hobie’s eyes, there’s nothing better than a good home-cooked meal. He can make something (amazing) from nothing so you can trust him even when it feels like there’s just dust left in the cupboard.
Multiple spideys can agree that Hobie’s singing isn’t the best. When Gwendy gave him a very forced smile, it only broke his heart a little. The face of Hobie’s idol basically admitting his singing sucks isn’t a big deal. Duh. He’s a big girl— he can handle that…
Thankfully, playing his MaryJane (guitar) more than makes up for it. If he’s not using it to torment police, he’ll make the best damn art that’s gonna stick in your head rent free.
With at least eleven piercings and counting, the dos and don’ts of them are like second nature to Hobie. That’s only eleven we can see— who knows how many more he has hidden? Without a doubt, there’ll be more to come.
Instead of getting blood poisoning from Claires or judged by a pretentious tattoo artist, go to Hobie. He’ll refuse payment but he wouldn’t turn down a drink.
Hobie isn’t called the Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man for nothing. His genuine (almost violent) care for his community has earned him the respect of basically everyone, despite their initial concerns.
“A dependable young man.” That’s how the elderly women tend to describe Hobie. They’re his biggest allies since he’d drop almost anything to help them cross a road or carry groceries.
Gwendy’s chucks aren’t the first and certainly won’t be the last thing he’ll steal. (You seriously think Hobie just happened to have shoes in her size and colour?)
He’ll definitely nick something of something of yours when you’re not looking. Once you realise, he’ll hold it high above your head and force you to jump for it. Why? Because he can.
Like every other British teen, Hobie’s dabbled in some underage drinking. It’s not illegal if you don’t get caught! When he’s drunk, he’ll be obnoxiously sweet and yell stuff like “You’re gorgeous, luv!” because he truly means it.
In addition to Hobie’s strange array of skills, being good at pub games is another. Beer pong, darts, etc… you name it: he’ll clear it. Hell, he might start organising them if he’s drunk enough.
In his personal humble opinion, roses are way too cliche for a romantic gift. It’s overdone, boring and stupidly difficult to obtain in his universe. So instead, Hobie rips off that patch you’ve been eyeing and gifts that to you.
As much as he’d like to, Hobie couldn’t rip off every patch for you. Instead, he makes a matching set and he’s cheesy enough to sew his one over his heart.
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tag: @vhstown thanks for bean card xx
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 8 months
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"Are we going to talk about it?" Steve asked as he walked into the RV after Eddie.
They were in the middle of a clearing, preparing their gear and preparing for war. Hopefully, this was the last time they had to do all of this shit but they didn't have that kind of luck. So, if Steve was going to talk to him, it had to be now. He quickly locked the RV door behind him, ignoring Eddie's raised eyebrow.
"Talk about what?" Eddie asked.
"You calling me big boy," Steve said.
"I wasn't calling you fat if that's what you were wondering," Eddie said.
"I know. You were flirting with me," Steve said.
"What? No, I wasn't!" Eddie squeaked.
"It's okay, man, I like men too," Steve said. "I actually kind of liked it. I didn't really expect to like that nickname but coming out of your mouth. . . Yeah, I definitely like it. I didn't think you'd ever catch on to the fact that I was flirting with you."
"You were flirting with me?" Eddie asked.
"Of course, I know who Ozzy Osborne is. Everyone heard about the bat thing, man. I just said I didn't to drive you crazy," Steve said.
"Hm," Eddie snorted and muttered, "Well, it worked. When did you realize that you were gay?"
"Oh. Yeah, no, not gay. Bisexual," Steve replied.
"Oh, shit, like Bowie," Eddie said with wide eyes.
"And it wasn't until someone walked into Family Video a few months ago that I realized that appreciating a man's ass isn't exactly straight," Steve blushed.
"Was that me?" Eddie asked hopefully.
"Yeah, cutest little ass that ever walked into the store," Steve said, and Eddie blushed as he played with the zipper on his jacket. "So, when did you realize?"
"You aren't going to believe me!" Eddie exclaimed.
"Come on, try me," Steve said, giving him a crooked smile.
"Now," Eddie stuttered. "I just realized that now I like men and women!"
"Now?!" Steve asked.
"Yeah, you told me that I was flirting with you. I didn't know that I was! Completely unaware! I was totally checking you out on the boat and when you were flirting with Nancy! I'm totally jealous, man, so I threw my jacket at you, hoping to stop you. Of course, it just made you look so much hotter, but I figured that having a sexuality crisis in the middle of the end of the world was a bad idea, so I pushed it down and panicked. Starting going off about you and Nancy, pretending like I didn't want it to be me that you looked at. . . That you flirted with. I like men! I want Steve Harrington, I want you!" Eddir said as he waved his arms around. "And I know how crazy I sound, but I want you."
Steve smiled and stepped forward, cupping his face. He grinned when he felt Eddie relax beneath his touch.
"You've got me," Steve said.
"I do?" Eddie asked.
Eddie gripped the back of Steve’s jacket and crashed his lips to Steve’s. Surprised, Steve steadied himself by wrapping his arms around Eddie's neck. Eddie moved his hands to his hips, moaning as Steve deepened the kiss. Eddie pushed against the wall and groaned when Steve broke the kiss.
"You really like pushing me up against walls, huh?" Steve asked.
"I know what I like now. . .big boy," Eddie smirked before attaching his lips to Steve’s neck.
Suddenly, there came a loud banging on the door, causing them to jump apart.
"Uh, just so you know the walls are very thin, and everyone pretty much heard what Eddie said," Robin said.
"THIS IS SO COOL!" Dustin exclaimed.
"I think they might be okay with it, but then again, Dustin does get excited about radios," Robin said.
"Well, what kid doesn't like it when their parents get together?" Max asked.
"They're not my dads!" Dustin exclaimed.
"Oh, yeah, how come you called Steve 'dad' the other day? Yeah, I heard about it," Max said.
"It was an accident!" Dustin exclaimed.
"Or a Freudian slip," Max teased.
"Robin! Make her stop!"
"Okay! It's time for you two to stop having mommy and daddy time because Aunt Robin needs a drink!" Robin exclaimed.
"Maybe if we pretend like we didn't hear her," Eddie whispered.
"Come get your kids, asshole!" Robin yelled.
Eddie pulled away from Steve with a sigh. He took Steve’s hand in his.
"Come on, Mama, let's go face the music," Eddie said, grinning at the blush on Steve’s face. "Another nickname that you like?"
"Fuck you."
"Oh, man, I hope so," Eddie said.
It was a week later, after Steve had gotten him safely to the hospital and the gates were closed for good, that Eddie woke up. He wondered if it had all been a dream, but then he saw Steve standing over him, looking at him like he did in the RV. Eddie could still taste his lips on his. Not seeing that everyone was in the room, he smiled only at Steve.
"Hey, Mama."
"Uh, does Eddie think that Steve is his mom?" Mike asked.
Wayne looked at Steve, who was blushing.
"No, son, I don't think that's it," Wayne said.
And then Eddie realized something that he hadn't really even fully comprehended in the RV. It was who he was. Still quite high on pain medication, Eddie continued to not see that there were other people in the room.
"Holy shit, I'm bisexual!" Eddie exclaimed, and then he blinked rapidly. "Hey! What are you all doing inside my head?"
"Well, we just thought we would pop in for a visit. See what it's like in here," Robin said. "It's kind of a mess."
"Oh. That's fine. Just don't knock anything over and ignore the dirty Steve images. They're mostly just his ass. Well, his face too, but mostly his ass," Eddie said, and then he fell back asleep.
Everyone slowly turned to look at Steve who shrugged.
"I'm not ashamed of anything. My ass and face are fantastic. He didn't say anything about my hair, though," Steve frowned, and he looked at everyone who was still looking at him. "Do you have a problem with me and Eddie?"
"NO!" Everyone said at the same time.
"We love you, Steve, and we would never - " Nancy started to say.
"Back off, Fancy Hair, he's mine," Eddie snorted and then went silent again.
"Oh, I guess he likes your hair," Steve muttered with a scowl.
"What Nancy is trying to say is that we love you, and we would never judge you for who you like. . . Man, or woman," Joyce said. "From what Will's told me, he's a good guy."
Steve’s scowled softened as he gazed at Eddie, and he took his hand.
"He is, he really is," Steve said.
"Big boy," Eddie muttered in his sleep.
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enlitment · 4 months
Too 5 Lucile Moments?
Thanks for the ask! It won't be easy to narrow it down to five, seeing how Lucile is my favourite frev lady.
First things first - my eternal thanks to @anotherhumaninthisworld for compiling so many amazing resources on Lucile! Also, be warned, this will get sad.
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1. Lucile trying to appeal to Robespierre after her husband's arrest
I'm specifically talking about the letter in which she tries to appeal to Robespierre after her husband's arrest. You can tell she does not hold back, desperately trying to appeal to her husband's former friend's emotions ("Do you believe that the people will bless one who cares neither for the tears of the widow nor for the death of the orphan?") and even tries to use Saint-Just as a sort of rhetorical device to further her argument. But alas, it does not work.
Then there's of course the whole supposed Luxembourg Plot, which I still need to read more on so I can get a sense of what might or might not have happened. But one thing is clear to me: she did not sit idly after The Indulgents arrest.
2. Lucile becoming friends with Françoise Hébert before their execution
Apparently, the two struck an unlikely friendship while awaiting the guillotine. They are even reported to have hugged before the execution. (Sorry, I told you, this will get sad!)
(Read more about it here!)
3. Lucile standing up for Camille and his work
There's an anecdote that Brune, one of Camille's old college friends, warned him (quite reasonably honestly) about the risks he's likely to run into if he continues to write so openly in his newspaper.
To this, Lucile is said to have replied: “Let him do it, Brune, let him do it, he must save his country; let him fulfill his mission.” (& then poured them some chocolate).
(Read more about it here, including the assessment of the sources!)
4. Lucile's super secret teenage diary
The whole thing honestly! Lucile's angst, her questioning her role in the world, thinking about what it means to be a woman, a human being -- definitely worth a read. Again, thanks so much to @anotherhumaninthisworld for taking her time to translate it.
Some of my favourite parts include:
Her suffering from writer's block: I want to finish my story, I cannot finish it! I take up the pen, I want to write, but nothing comes…
Her writing down her strange dreams (this will most likely be relatable for anyone who's ever kept a diary)
Her philosophical musings: See, my mind is wandering. Do I know what I am?… My God, I don’t know myself. What spring makes me act? 
Her being worried that her mum will find (and read) her diary, which most likely already included some mentions of her fascination with Camille: Maman made me tremble last night: she came to fetch the inkwell, I was in bed, she opened my drawer to take a pen, I was afraid she would take my notebook…
Her secretly carving out Camille's name into a tree
5. Lucile and Camille briefly leaving Paris and enjoying some rest in the countryside
In 1793, the couple briefly visited Essonne and spent some time there. Some of the activities apparently included driving a boat (with Lucile noting her husband's less-than-perfect boating skills) and riding donkeys.
Taken from & more details included here!
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(-> according to Google, you can picture the landscape looking a little something like this)
Bonus: Camille falling asleep on Lucile's shoulder during the night some time during the August 1792 Insurrection
Again, from Lucile's diary, as she was waiting for her husband to return from the fighting in the streets of Paris:
Alone, bathed in tears, on my knees by the window, hidden in my handkerchief, I listened to the sound of that fatal bell. In vain they came to console me, this fatal night seemed to me to be the last! 
and then:
C(amille) came back at 1 o’clock, he fell asleep on my shoulder. 
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dr-futbol-blog · 4 months
Hide and Seek
Finally, we get to Sheppard and McKay.
Lead characters, it is natural for them to be in scenes together. Their initial meeting is at the chair platform in the Antarctic base. The one notable aspect of this is that while McKay's jealousy of Beckett and his ATA gene was laid out real thick just moments ago, he displays only excitement watching the platform come to life at Sheppard's touch. He admires this man from the start.
The next time we see them together, it's in Atlantis. And for some reason, McKay seems to follow Sheppard where ever he goes. The major is walking around the gate room turning on lights around him and McKay is right on his heel. From the moment he steps out of the gate, he is following this man that is a stranger to him. They seem to keep winding up in the same places.
Rodney is also doing the looking but trying not to look thing. Looking everywhere else but where he clearly wants to be looking.
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Make note that during this scene there was a clear focal point in the room in the bottle of champagne that had just rolled through the gate. Everyone else in the room was looking at Elizabeth holding up the bottle.
Their first proper exchange is the one where Sheppard reveals his math skills to McKay, which has been analyzed to death. Sheppard is cool and calculated, uses his charm to get his way. Rodney is only too quick to acquiesce. Unlike Col. Sumner and Dr. Weir, he is completely defenseless against it. Intuitively, Sheppard also knows what strings to pull. Weir is charmed through candor, Sumner (who does seem to warm up to him eventually) is charmed through the display of guile. Rodney McKay is charmed through intellect, so that's what Sheppard uses to manipulate him.
We get much more interaction between them in the next episode, Hide and Seek (S01E03).
The throwing off the balcony, shot him in the leg scene is familiar to everyone. There's certainly bonding going on, people seeking companionship marooned in another galaxy. McKay displays his admiration of Sheppard in multiple ways, the least of which is not volunteering for experimental and potentially dangerous gene therapy for the hope that he might become just a little bit more like the major.
(And note that while Sheppard and McKay are playing with each other, there are people still without living quarters because "the major seems to be taking his time" making sure they're safe. Priorities.)
There's a big lampshade moment in the scene where the two of them walk into the closet together, and then come out of the closet together. A closet is, in fact, explicitly referenced:
McKay: Someone thought it would make a nice closet. Sheppard: This is definitely not a closet.
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This episode also marks the beginning of Rodney being oblivious to Sheppard finding double entendres and innuendo in something he says innocuously in a tense, potentially life-threatening situation.
Sheppard: Think we're going to need a bigger boat. McKay: Size doesn't matter. Sheppard: That's a myth!
My guy, is this really the time for this?
In fact, Sheppard never misses an opportunity to turn something McKay says into a sexual reference (and this is far from the only instance that reveals he is a total and utter size queen; what is he saying here? He's saying that a big dick is better, that's what he's saying here. He's saying that he prefers a big dick). It's pathological. It's Freudian. It's witness to Sheppard constantly having sex on the brain when it comes to this one man, and only this one man, as we never see him do it with anyone else.
All of this is really cute and fun, but what I actually want to highlight is Rodney's Big Damn Hero moment toward the end of the episode.
You see, John Sheppard is presented as the All-American Action Hero. We, as the audience, are supposed to see him like this and the people in-universe are supposed to think of him like this. Rodney McKay certainly sees him as the hero, idolizing him to the point of constructing an image of Sheppard that barely corresponds with reality. He is the protagonist.
Only, for John Sheppard, it is Rodney McKay that is the Hero.
This is lampshaded in the episodes Sateda (S03E04) and Tao of Rodney (S03E14). Rodney often surreptitiously volunteers information, masked in the guise of humour, that he means about Sheppard but would never confess out loud. In the former, he tells us (through describing to Beckett his relationship with Ronan): "We have an unspoken bond. I mean, there are things that go deeper than words, my friend. Deeper than words. But you wouldn't know anything about that, because you never look past the surface of anyone, do you?"
It is humorous when he says it about Ronan. It is absolutely true of his relationship with Sheppard.
Similarly, in Tao of Rodney he describes his relationship with Zelenka to Ronon: "He tries to hide it, but deep down, I'm the wind beneath his wings."
It is humorous when he says it about Zelenka. It is absolutely true of his relationship with Sheppard.
He is the wind beneath the wings of the flyboy, the pilot, the airforce major/colonel, the guy who thinks that people who don't want to fly are crazy. The guy with the wings. Rodney McKay has been the wind beneath them from the moment onward that happens at the climax of Hide and Seek that changes everything for Sheppard.
The lyrics of the song from Bette Midler, arguably the world's best known gay icon, tell us how Sheppard views McKay:
It must have been cold there in my shadow To never have sunlight on your face You were content to let me shine, that's your way You always walked a step behind
So I was the one with all the glory While you were the one with all the strength
Did I ever tell you you're my hero? You're everything, everything I wish I could be Oh, and I, I could fly higher than an eagle For you are the wind beneath my wings
It is obvious that Rodney thinks of Sheppard as his hero. Because we frequently see Rodney fear for his life, avoid conflict, think his way out of situations, his heroism is more difficult to recognize. But the thing is, Rodney feels the fear and does it anyway. He is not afraid to show that he is afraid.
John, on the other hand, is so full of fear every moment of his life that if he were to acknowledge it even for one moment, it would paralyze him. He cannot afford to entertain fear, let alone show it to anyone else, friend or foe. And it is not merely losing the people he cares about that he fears, he also fears showing other people who he is where Rodney is always unabashedly himself. John thinks that Rodney doesn't care whether people like him or not, which makes him free.
Conversely, John has consciously constructed himself into someone that people will like, he reflexively uses his charm as a weapon, as self-defense. He has spent his entire life pretending to be someone he is not, even going so far as to marry the woman his father liked, as a survival mechanism. In the episode, we learn that Sheppard thinks scary things (the masks of hockey goalies are scary while football "is a real man's sport") are unmanly. Fear is unmanly. Showing fear is the unmanliest thing there is.
For John Sheppard, Rodney McKay is a Hero.
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We are shown this explicitly in Harmony (S04E14). Oh, we're meant to snicker at this. This is so counter to reality, is it not? This is not how the world sees it. This is not how Rodney McKay sees it, even though in the episode he jibes that this is how he remembers the events. But this is 100% exactly, entirely and fully the way John Sheppard views the two of them, and has done so since the end of Hide and Seek.
This is in contrast to Beckett and Peter making fun of McKay at the beginning of the episode by inventing hero names for him: Mister Invincible, Captain Untouchable. While everyone recognizes Rodney's intellect, no one else thinks of him in this way. The thread running through the episode is McKay conquering his fear which is highlighted by the ancient mcguffin that he is initially unable to turn off because his fear is too great to relinquish the protective barrier.
For John Sheppard, because of who he is and how he has lived his life, Rodney McKay is a Big Damn Hero. Rodney McKay is brave enough to not only feel the fear but to let his fear show, and go for the Hail Mary anyway.
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At the beginning of the episode, John was mostly amused by Rodney and his antics; amused enough to want to spend time with him, invite him to share something very personal to him (the football game that was one of the few possessions he had brought with him), to repeatedly tease him knowing what buttons to push, to talk about him even when he wasn't there ("Don't tell McKay what I said about hockey not being a real man's sport ‘cause it's a Canadian thing; a little touchy about it."). Also, look at him smiling as he's thinking about McKay here! All of these classic signs of attraction, by the by.
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And yet by the end of the episode it's transmorphed into something more, something genuine.
Where previously he mocked McKay for his fear ("He... fainted"; "That's okay, you might faint again"), he now reinforces Rodney's self-ascription ("Thank you for not saying the other thing"), displaying his respect and admiration for Rodney's willingness to and capacity for self-sacrifice even in the face of paralyzing fear. Sheppard recognizes that although he might undertake one suicide mission after another, Rodney is able to do something that he does not believe he ever could.
This is where it begins. This is why he falls so hard.
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Yuma Dark [09]
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ー The scene starts in the hallway at school
Yui: ...Yuma-kun.
Yuma: ...I thought I told ya to leave me the fuck alone?
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On certain CGs, little black roses will appear on the screen. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“I wonder if there’s somethin’ special ‘bout ya...Which is why I can show ya my tears.”
“Ya know, there’s times where I feel like you’re a hella lot stronger than I am...Thanks.”
Yuma: I can’t believe ya saw me like this...My masculinity’s takin’ huge blow right now...
Yui: ...That’s not true.
( He’s usually so strong, so Shuu-san’s words must have truly hurt for him to cry. )
Yuma: Damnit...I don’t want to cry over this bullshit. But I can’t stop the tears...
Yui: Don’t hold it back. You can cry all you want. ...I’m the only one watching.
Yuma: But you’re the one person I definitely don’t want seein’ me like this. ...It’s hella lame.
Yui: It’s not lame. Besides, I’m happy.
I love how strong you usually are but...I want you to show me your moments of weakness as well.
Yuma: ...Idiot.
Men want to show off to the chicks. Especially when it’s the girl they love.
...But I feel a little better after hearin’ ya say that.
I’m sure...it’s all clear to ya. Why I’m cryin’, as well as how I feel.
Yui: Yeah...You must feel frustrated. 
Because Shuu-san has what you failed to obtain...yet he’s willing to give it away so easily. 
Yuma: ...Yeah.
I would have loved to tell him that I’d gladly take those powers then. 
But...I can’t say that.
It’s not just me either. Ruki, Kou and Azusa are in the same boat.
They wanted to succeed Karlheinz-sama just as much. But we simply can’t.
So...I figured the least I could do was leave them in the hands of the person chosen by that man himself.
Yui: Yeah...I understand.
( It might be selfish of me to want him to understand their pain but...I can’t help it. )
( I wish that Shuu-san could try and sympathize with them at least a little bit. )
ー Shuu approaches them
Shuu: ...You two are still here?
Yui: Shuu-san...
Shuu: ...? Are you crying?
Yuma: Shuddup...If ya can walk, then go home already. I have no business with ya, mate.
Shuu: Haah...I don’t understand. Why are you two here crying together in the first place? 
→ Make up an excuse
Yui: It’s...nothing. Please don’t mind us.
Shuu: I don’t really care but why not tell me if you’ve got something to share?
( ...I do but Yuma-kun might not want me to say this. Still... )
→ Tell him the truth (❦)
Yui: ...Shuu-san. I’d like you to listen to me.
Yuma: Yui...?
Yui: ( Perhaps I’m stepping out of line here but...I want him to understand after all. About how Yuma-kun feels. )
I won’t deny that you never asked for those powers.
However...I wish you wouldn’t forget that there are people who would love to have them, but are unable to.
Shuu: ...
Yui: Yuma-kun...as well as his brothers, they truly look up to Karlheinz-san.
Therefore, they would loved to be able to inherit his powers and will.
But they’re well aware that they are not qualified to do so, which is why...They decided to leave them in your care instead.
Yet...For them to hear you completely disregard such valuable powers, it’s just sad.
Shuu: ...
Yuma: ...Yui, drop it. No point in tryin’ to convince him at this point.
Yui: But...!
Yuma: Come on, let’s go.
ー Yui and Yuma walk away
Shuu: ...
ー The scene shifts to the outside of the school
Yuma: Anyway, let’s just return to the manor for tonight. I’m kinda exhausted, so I’ll let Ruki know that we’ll head back tomorrow morning.
Yui: ...I’m sorry, Yuma-kun.
Yuma: Ah? Why are ya sayin’ sorry?
Yui: I mean, I kind of stepped out of line just now...
Yuma: I’m not mad or anythin’, so don’t sweat it.
Anyway, let’s go grocery shopping. We haven’t eaten at all since we got here so can I ask ya to make us somethin’ tonight?
Yui: Sure...
( ...It’s true that it’s very tricky to get him to understand and it’s frustrating knowing the message doesn’t get across. )
( Even I feel this way, so it must be incredibly hard on Yuma-kun. )
( I want to make sure I’m always there to symapthize with him... )
ー The scene shifts to the kitchen of the Mukami manor
Yui: ...Yeah, it’s delicious!
( He went through a lot today, so I’m sure Yuma-kun must be tired. The least I can do is try to cheer him up with a delicious meal. )
( This is about the only thing I can do. )
ー Yuma embraces her from behind
Yui: Eh!?
Yuma: What did ya make?
Yui: Hamburger steak...I-I can’t cook while you’re hugging me, you know?
Yuma: You’re already done, aren’t ya? So what’s the issue?
I won’t say no to a meal, but right now I want this instead. ...Nn.
Yui: ...
Yuma: Does it tickle?
Yui: Y-Yeah. Hey, Yuma-kun. ...Are you going to suck my blood, perhaps? 
Yuma: Hah? What? Did ya want me to?
Yui: T-That’s not it! I just thought that’s why you kissed my neck...
Yuma: Hehe, I didn’t.
Yuma: I just wanted...to hold ya in my arms like this, that’s all.
...Thanks for earlier. For voicin’ my feelings in my place.
I’d never get myself to be so open about them, but now that you said those words, I feel like a weigh has been lifted off me as well.
Yui: ...I’m glad. I thought I stepped out of line. 
Yuma: I mean, I guess you’re kind of sticking yer nose in my business. Ya do that all the time tho.
Yui: Uu...
Yuma: But you’re doin’ it all for my sake, right? In that case, I’m honestly happy about it. 
Ya cry or get mad for me. Honestly, I’m fine as long as you’re there to understand me.
Yui: ...You’re not going to try and talk to Shuu-san again?
Yuma: Yeah, I realize now. I don’t think we’ll ever be on the same page.
The environments we grew up with and everythin’ we’ve had since birth is just so vastly different. It’d honestly be strange if we could relate to one another.
Yui: Butーー!
Yuma: Enough of that.
ー He steps back
Yuma: Let’s eat. I’ll go set the table, so I’m leavin’ the rest up to ya.
ー He walks away
While I won’t deny,
that it might be difficult to understand one another (分かり合う)
when you have nearly nothing in common (共通点) in terms of background.
However, if you’re going to make that argument,
then Yuma-kun and I are no different. 
One human and one Vampire,
born in completely different times and places. 
Yet we are currently in a relationship. 
Perhaps that is why to this very moment,
I simply cannot give up hope. 
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mariana-oconnor · 1 year
The Final Problem pt 2
Last time, Holmes turned up at Watson's home having survived three attempts on his life and a mysterious meeting with ex-Professor Moriarty, and invited Watson on an impromptu trip abroad. Watson, of course, said yes. I am absolutely sure that nothing bad is going to happen to either them. Definitely not in Switzerland. Maybe they'll see a nice waterfall, though. I've heard Switzerland is beautiful this time of year.
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Watson does very well at remembering Holmes' instructions. I would not be able to do that.
I spent a few minutes in assisting a venerable Italian priest, who was endeavouring to make a porter understand, in his broken English, that his luggage was to be booked through to Paris.
Is Holmes pretending to be an Italian priest? I feel like Watson should be more aware of the possibility of a disguise.
Also, the fact it turns out that Watson's Italian is terrible. Holmes totally chose that disguise to troll the fuck out of him. A+ friendship move, even when running for his life.
"My dear Watson," said a voice, "you have not even condescended to say good-morning."
Yeah, so rude. How dare you not say hello to your friend who is clearly sitting right there and not at all an Italian priest.
"They set fire to our rooms last night. No great harm was done."
First: how dare! Baker Street, my beloved! Second: despite the fact that it has been clearly established in part 1 that Watson is very married and very living with his wife rn, Holmes still refers to them as 'our rooms'.
"It was my brother Mycroft. It is an advantage to get about in such a case without taking a mercenary into your confidence."
OK, so he did appear in this story... actually doing something for once. This is a clear sign that things must be dire if Mycroft has pried his seal-like form from his well worn chair in the Diogenes Club to drive a carriage through the streets of London. Honestly, I feel like there should be a system of measurement for direness that is purely how much Mycroft is willing to move to deal with it.
"As this is an express, and as the boat runs in connection with it, I should think we have shaken him off very effectively."
Because this goes directly to one place and then that goes directly to another place, both of which are official and easily discovered by looking at a timetable, clearly we have escaped the people pursuing us. They will never catch us now!
Watson? I get what you're saying. But please think through the logic a little bit more.
"In the meantime we shall treat ourselves to a couple of carpet-bags, encourage the manufactures of the countries through which we travel, and make our way at our leisure into Switzerland, via Luxembourg and Basle."
Nothing bad ever happens in Switzerland.
"There are limits, you see, to our friend's intelligence. It would have been a coup-de-matre had he deduced what I would deduce and acted accordingly."
We're only playing 3 dimensional chess today, not 4 dimensional. I did wonder.
"I might have known it!" he groaned. "He has escaped!"
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He did know you were coming for him. And when... Like. If I knew I was going to be arrested for a certain thing at a certain time, I'd make sure to be somewhere else, too, and I don't claim to be a criminal mastermind. Honestly, this seems inevitable.
"I should certainly recommend you to return to your practice."
Does Watson still have a practice? At what point does it become his neighbour's practice? Will his patients even recognise him?
For a charming week we wandered up the Valley of the Rhone, and then, branching off at Leuk, we made our way over the Gemmi Pass, still deep in snow, and so, by way of Interlaken, to Meiringen.
This is the literary equivalent of elevator music.
Doo do doo do dooo dodoododoo doo do doo do dooo dodoododoo
In an instant Holmes had raced up on to the ridge, and, standing upon a lofty pinnacle, craned his neck in every direction.
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We had strict injunctions, however, on no account to pass the falls of Reichenbach, which are about half-way up the hill, without making a small detour to see them.
They sound lovely. Excellent place for a picnic lunch. Clearly nothing bad could happen there.
Although little sus whoever told them that they absolutely had to go see them. Hm?
It is indeed, a fearful place. The torrent, swollen by the melting snow, plunges into a tremendous abyss, from which the spray rolls up like the smoke from a burning house. The shaft into which the river hurls itself is an immense chasm, lined by glistening coal-black rock, and narrowing into a creaming, boiling pit of incalculable depth, which brims over and shoots the stream onward over its jagged lip.
Delightful. 10/10 would visit again. Love how it's described as being 'half-way up the hill', then 'TREMENDOUS ABYSS'. I know this is Watson's PTSD speaking, but the tonal whiplash is getting me, ngl.
We had turned to do so, when we saw a Swiss lad come running along it with a letter in his hand. It bore the mark of the hotel which we had just left, and was addressed to me by the landlord.
...the die is cast, the scene is set...
The appeal was one which could not be ignored. It was impossible to refuse the request of a fellow-countrywoman dying in a strange land.
Almost like it was... designed...
Along this a man was, I remember, walking very rapidly.
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There was Holmes's Alpine-stock still leaning against the rock by which I had left him. But there was no sign of him, and it was in vain that I shouted. My only answer was my own voice reverberating in a rolling echo from the cliffs around me.
Well, I certainly didn't see that one coming.
Seriously, though. This is pretty heart-rending to actually think about. Watson just alone on the cliff side, screaming his friend's name into the tremendous abyss.
Then trying to apply Holmes' methods (because that's always gone so well before). Then finding the letter.
Strangely nice of Moriarty to let Holmes write the letter, but I suppose he thought that when he'd tossed Sherlock over the cliff he could just destroy it anyway.
An examination by experts leaves little doubt that a personal contest between the two men ended, as it could hardly fail to end in such a situation, in their reeling over, locked in each other's arms.
The inherent eroticism of plunging to your death with your nemesis, locked in each other's arms.
...him whom I shall ever regard as the best and the wisest man whom I have ever known.
Fs in the notes.
So... I guess that's the last one, then. No more Sherlock Holmes stories after that. Nope. Well, that was fun. Thanks Watson, sorry about your friend.
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kazscrows · 1 year
Crooked Kingdom Reread
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Chapter 6: Nina
Nina couldn’t stop staring at Colm Fahey…
Nina describes Colm as having “salt-white skin”
Just how pale is this man??
Also I forgot he’s covered in freckles, but duh?? He’s a pale red head of course he has freckles
Side note: You know who else probably gets freckles? A certain pasty bastard of the Barrel—
…though his eyes were the same clear gray as Jesper’s, they had a seriousness to them, a kind of sure warmth that differed from Jesper’s crackling energy.
It wasn’t only the pleasure of trying to find Jesper in his father’s features that kept Nina’s attention focused on the farmer. There was just something so strange about seeing a person that wholesome standing in the stone hull of an empty mausoleum surrounded by Ketterdam’s worst—herself among them.
Colm Fahey too pure for this world Ketterdam
Also Nina is using a horse blanket to stay warm?? Kinda odd
Come on Kaz steal better blankets- I know you can
Reading about Nina’s battle with jurda parem withdrawals is just really heart wrenching
It messes with her mind. She has thoughts she’d never have. Does things she wouldn’t normally do
She knows Matthias either has the parem or got rid of it and the thought literally makes her violently ill and then she “wept in jags of unsteady tears”
“You’re all a bunch of useless skivs,” she’d said to the silent graves. They didn’t seem to care. And yet somehow the stillness of Black Veil comforted her, quieted her. She couldn’t explain why. The places of the dead had never held solace for her before.
Ohh?? Foreshadowing to her powers changing!!
This is what’s fun about rereads
You notice those details you didn’t the first time
It was the first time she’d tried to use her power since her recovery. She’d broken into a sweat from the effort, and as soon as the bruised color faded, the hunger for parem hit, a swift, hard kick to her chest. She’d bent double, clutching the sink, her mind filled with breakneck thoughts of how she could get away, who might have a supply, what she could trade. She’d forced herself to think of the shame on the boat, the future she might be able to make with Matthias, but the thought that had brought her back to sanity was Inej. She owed Inej her life, and there was no way she was leaving her stranded with Van Eck.
There’s something so beautiful about how every single crow cares for Inej so deeply
They’d all do anything for her
Inej is definitely the glue of their crew and I know she cares for them all equally in return
After the Smeet job Nina searches Matthias for the parem…
I remember my heart squeezing when I read this my first time
Fatigue came on suddenly, a yoke at her neck, the exhaustion at least tempering her frantic need. She rested her forehead against Matthias chest. “I hate this,” she said. “I hate you a little, drüskelle.”
“I’m used to it. Come here.” He’d wrapped his arms around her and gotten her talking about Ravka, about Inej. He’d distracted her with stories, named the winds that blew across Fjerda, told her of his first meal in the drüskelle hall…
I love how Matthias is there for her though
He’s not abandoning her in this struggle even when she gets ugly with him
He knows it’s not really her and he’s going to fight this with her
Back to the present though and that means Colm Fahey
Kaz simply leaned on his cane and said, “Were you followed?”
“No,” Jesper replied with a decisive shake of his head.
Colm bristled. “You doubt my son’s word?”
Colm is still standing up for Jesper even after everything that’s happened 🥹
Like he’s still mad at Jesper and rightly so
But the theme of this chapter seems to be not abandoning those you love and I love that
He turned to his son. “I wrote to you, Jes.” His voice was confused, not accusing.
“I … I haven’t been able to collect mail.” After Jesper had stopped attending university, had he still managed to receive letters there?
Nina wondered how he’d maintained this ruse for so long. It would have been made easier by the fact that Colm was an ocean away—and by his desire to believe in his son. An easy mark, Nina thought sadly. No matter his reasons, Jesper had been conning his own father.
I’m right there with Nina on this one
It is sad…
Colm threw down the lump of felt that had been his hat. “I don’t understand any of this. Why would you bring me to this horrible place? Why were we shot at? What has become of your studies? What has become of you?”
Jesper opened his mouth, closed it. “Da, I … I—”
“It was my fault,” Wylan blurted. Every eye turned to him. “He uh … he was concerned about the bank loan, so he put his studies on hold to work with a…”
“Local gunsmith,” Nina offered.
“Nina,” Matthias rumbled warningly.
“He needs our help,” she whispered.
“To lie to his father?”
“It’s a fib. Totally different.”
Wylan and Nina are so quick to jump in and try to help Jesper
Boy are they struggling though
But this is what gets me every time:
“They were swindled,” Kaz said. His voice was as cold and steady as ever, but he held himself stiffly, as if walking over uncertain ground. “They were offered a business opportunity that seemed too good to be true.”
Colm slumped into a chair. “If it seems that way, then—”
“It probably is,” said Kaz. Nina had the strangest sense that for once he was being sincere.
He’s talking about Jordie right here
Him and Jordie
He is being completely sincere
This is his genuine story and he’s laying it out for all to see for Jesper
He doesn’t actually say a lot and no one knows that he’s speaking from real experience but…
From Kaz this feels so... raw-
This shows me his love for Jesper, his closest friend… his brother—
“You barely look old enough to graduate.”
“Ketterdam was my education. And I can tell you this: Jesper never would have turned to me for help if he’d had anywhere else to go.”
“You can’t be so bad, boy,” said Colm gruffly. “You haven’t been alive long enough to rack up your share of sin.”
“I’m a quick study.”
Oh poor Mr. Fahey he has no idea
“Can I trust you?”
Colm took up his crumpled hat again. “Can I trust you to help Jesper through this?”
Kaz cares Kaz cares Kaz cares Kaz ca—
Colm sighed. He looked around at all of them. Nina found herself standing up straighter. “You lot make me feel very old.”
“Spend a little more time in Ketterdam,” said Kaz. “You’ll feel ancient.” Then he tilted his head to one side and Nina saw that distant, considering look cross his features. “You have an honest face, Mister Fahey.”
Colm shot Jesper a puzzled glance. “Well. I should hope so, and thank you for marking it.”
“It’s not a compliment,” said Jesper. “And I know that look, Kaz. Don’t you dare start those wheels spinning.”
Kaz’s only response was a slow blink. Whatever scheme had been set in motion in his diabolical brain, it was too late to stop it now.
Scheming Face™️
A dangerous thing to be on the wrong end of 🤣
The urge to comment on every single line—
But then these posts would be a mile long!
“Mister Fahey,” Kaz said quietly. “You know what they say about walking in a cow pasture?”
Jesper’s brows shot up, and Nina had to stifle a nervous laugh. What did the bastard of the Barrel know about cow pastures?
Oh a whole lot more than you would think
Nina felt a sudden lump in her throat. Matthias had lost his family to war. Nina had been taken from her family to train when she was just a little girl. Wylan had been as good as evicted from his father’s house. Kuwei had lost his father and his country. And Kaz? She didn’t want to know what dark alley Kaz had crawled out of. But Jesper had somewhere to go, someone to take care of him, somebody to say, It’s going to be all right…
…She wished Jesper’s father could take them all with him. She’d never been to Novyi Zem, but the longing for those golden fields felt just like homesickness. Silly, she told herself, childish. Kaz was right—if they wanted justice, they would have to take it for themselves.
These poor kids…
He reached inside one of the niches in the wall.
“My revolvers!” Jesper exclaimed, clutching them to his chest. “Oh, hello, you gorgeous things.” His grin was dazzling. “You got them back!”
“The safe at the Cumulus is an easy crack.”
“Thank you, Kaz. Thank you.”
Any hint of the warmth Kaz had shown Jesper’s father was gone, as fleeting as the dream of those golden fields. “What good is a shooter without his guns?” Kaz asked, seemingly oblivious to the way Jesper’s smile collapsed. “You’ve been in the red too long. We all have. This is the night we start paying our debts.”
Ouch ouch ouch
She couldn’t make a mistake, not when Inej’s life depended on it. Nina knew that if she’d been on Vellgeluk, the battle would have gone differently. Inej never would have been taken if Nina had been strong enough to face Van Eck’s henchmen.
And if she’d had parem? No one could have stood against her.
Nina that was not your fault-
You saved everyone in the first book!
Okay okay she does acknowledge that if she’d taken more parem she’d be practically dead
That other sense inside her, the gift that had been there for as long as she could remember, the heart of the power that had been her constant companion since she was a child, had simply ceased to beat.
I imagine this would feel like suddenly losing a limb
Nina felt a strange crawling sensation all over her body, but the need for parem wasn’t screaming through her any longer. I didn’t mean to kill him. It didn’t matter. It couldn’t right now. The guards were down and the plan was in motion.
“Come on,” she said. “Let’s go get our girl.”
Our first glimpse at Nina using her new abilities!
I’m trying to remember my original thoughts on this… but I can’t
Maybe my theory was just that parem made you a different order of grisha?
But now I know that’s not what’s going on here
Also- Nina calles Inej “our girl” 🥹
She loves her so much!
All the crows love her so much 💕
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toomuchracket · 1 year
How did the conversation play out when the girl decided to join us?
ok so! it was definitively NOT matty who asked her. idk who it was - maybe she knows jordan or someone, idk, and it was them that asked her. the boat trip is maybe like day 3 of her hanging around; she came for a drink on night 1 after she ran into you all (which you were fine with, mostly, despite being like "oh jesus fucking christ look at her. stunning. shit" like you're an adult. and also you thought that... that would be the extent of it), night 2 is dinner and drinks, because everyone had so much fun on night 1 🙄 (at this point you were a bit like "does she... not have any pals with her? what's the script here. why is she with us all the time". for context, she's here with work), and at said dinner jordan or whoever was like "we're going on a boat trip tomorrow you should come". and she was like "omg that sounds fun! matty remember when we went on that boat trip a few years back, just the two of us, that was so much fun 🤭", and matty's like "oh right yeah so we did haha that actually was quite good"; she's then like "although i don't think we got much sightseeing done, if memory serves..." and he laughs, and you're like wtf she is BRAZEN. but also you can't be rude and bitchy and be like "well actually i'd rather she wasn't there", so you shut up and drink. you're so wired in total anger that ross actually has to peel your fingers off your wine glass before you shatter it (either from holding too tight or over her fucking head, honestly) - he's funny though, because he accidentally on purpose kicks matty's shin to distract him from this other girl like "oh soz mate" lol. but yeah, the next morning you make up some excuse about having agreed to go with the girls on the boat, because other girl has made it clear she'll be on the same boat as matty and frankly you're worried you'll be compelled to shove her overboard if you're with her; while matty's like "oh... i think they're going on the first boat, i was going to go on the second. i thought we might be together, have a cute little moment" and you think he'll try to convince you to stick with him, he continues like " i suppose it doesn't matter who we all go with. we'll all end up in the same spot anyway" and your day is immediately ruined lol. and we know how it all progresses <3
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solarapplejuice · 1 year
su thoughts: diamond redemption
i'm with most people that the progression of the diamonds throughout SU is sticky and worth being questioned due to how quickly they were redeemed in the narrative for the things they've done. though i've always felt that people - and especially people who haven't seen SU - get the sense that this redemption is 100% a clean one that washes their hands free of guilt and future hardships. SU has made it clear that their redemption is messy, rough, *incomplete.*
like in SU future the first thing that the diamonds are found doing is p much trying too hard to be good. Yellow is physically repairing all of the shattered/executed gems which is a net good to give all credit, but she's also manually editing them based on individual "defects" or desirable traits. it's clear she still has a close-tracked mind when it comes to her current work, and sounds a little exasperated with Steven when he realizes that she isn't helping. this is a common thread with the others, as Blue is in a similar boat of using her emotional powers to pretty much get high with other gems in her hotub. cool ahh hell, hot ahh hell, and it does absolutely work for some gems like Spinel, but it's clearly not working for Steven who needs to go somewhere else. only White seems to have the least intrusive work that is a lot closer to therapeutic, and even then that doesn't help when her perspective on her mind control is to just flip it on herself instead of seriously investigate the impact and severity of this power and what it could do by someone bad. it's clear that she didn't seem to make this connection after not straight up possessing people anymore, and doesn't consciously register why this could be dangerous until *she* herself is put in direct danger by Steven.
the diamonds are, through and through, shown to always be walking that tightrope of "maybe getting better a little" to "back to their own ways," and you're left wondering if they're changing of their own will and of their people's will, or because of Steven's will. sure, they might not have been prosecuted or punished or given proper retribution for their actions, and yeah the show's theme of nonviolence and anti-revenge isn't super convincing in letting this happen knowing what the diamonds have done, but also, despite all of this it's clear that the show knows that these are in fact big dictators who have been tyrants for thousands of years - definitely longer - and only for the past 2-3 have been trying to be different, and don't really know what it means to be better nor how to get there on their own.
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ejzah · 1 year
An Error in Judgment, Part 6
When they arrived back at the boat shed, Callen, Kensi, and Rountree were grouped around the main table, on a call with Eric. Rountree caught Sam’s eye as they walked in, and held up a finger, brows furrowed as Eric rattled off some information.
Deeks instantly felt his spirits lift at the sight of Kensi. She smiled back, walking over as the phone call finished up.
“Hey, how’s it been with Rountree?” Deeks asked, tone lowered.
“He talks less than you, but has worse taste in music, so it’s kind of a trade off,” she teased.
“And I’m loving the lack of candy wrappers and partially eaten sandwiches of questionable age.”
“Jerk.” The word was filled with so much fondness that he knew Kensi had missed him as much as he did her.
“So, did you find out anything from your interviews?”
“Yeah. Sergeant Wiles’ wife said her husband had been helping out a friend of his who was having trouble with a bad loan. She couldn’t give us a name, but she did say they talked the day Wiles went missing before. The last time she saw him, Wiles told her he was going to take care of things.”
“That definitely fits with everything his former commander said about him,” Deeks mused. “I’m assuming Callen hasn’t gotten anything out of Tom Nelson yet.”
“Nope. Eric’s going through Wiles’ recent contacts now. Hopefully we’ll figure out who he was meeting with,” Kensi explained. She glanced back at the others, Sam had joined Callen and Rountree, giving them the illusion of privacy.
“Callen mentioned you guys had to swap out because you were hurt. What happened?” Her eyes roved over him in an automatic assessment.
“Eh, I tore my burns open when we were taking Nelson in,” Deeks told her, brushing off her concern. There was no reason to distract over something so stupid.
“Oh my god!” Kensi touched his shoulder, seeming to forget their current hands off at work policy.
“Don’t worry, Sam was a perfect nurse and took care of all my wounds,” Deeks said, winking at him playfully. Sam shook his head, but didn’t intrude on the conversation.
“Well, I’m not sure how I feel about Sam getting all touchy-feely, but I’m glad he was there.” Kensi smoothed her hand down his arm once. She heaved a sigh, then released him, pulling on her agent face. “Can’t leave you out of my sight for two seconds,” she sighed.
Deeks smiled, shrugging off the shiver that worked its way up his spin. Which of course twinged one of his burns, making him wince reflexively.
“Babe, you ok?” Kensi asked, lightly touching his chest, concern in her voice.
“Yeah, I just, uh—”
He was saved from having to come up with a response.
“Hey, love birds, Eric got us a lead!” Sam called out. “Get your butts over here.”
Kensi pulled her hand back and cleared her throat sheepishly. “We’ll finish discussing this at home,” she murmured.
“On the day he died, Wiles spoke with a Richard Bamboat for 20 minutes. He also called or texted that number several times over the last month,” Callen explained as they joined the rest of the team.
“Wiles also transferred several hundred dollars to Bamboat’s account over that time in varying amounts,” Rountree added.
“So, you think Bamboat might have something to do with Wiles’ death?” Kensi asked.
“It’s a possibility.”
“Could be he didn’t have any idea what Wiles had planned. Or, he’s too afraid to come forward even if he suspects something,” Deeks said.
“Either way, Kensi and Rountree, go talk to him,” Callen decided. “Deeks, you wanna join me for the rest of Tom Nelson’s interrogation? I think you deserve it after tearing your back open.”
“I would love to,” Deeks agreed. He flashed Kensi a parting smile, following after Callen, ignoring how uncomfortably warm he suddenly felt.
A/N: Hm, maybe Deeks should have those burns looked at by a professional. Thanks for continuing to read this little story!
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the-teapot-hatter · 2 years
Off Script || A Not-So-Clear-Purpose || Deuce Spade X Reader
Context: This is kinda like a part two to the Jack X Reader request, where Deuce find's the MC's fishing equipment.
(Y/n) had thought there wouldn't be any issues with Deuce walking around the depleted mansion, since they had already put any incriminating things away.
What they failed to consider, however, is that Grimm is a troublemaker constantly making messes. And Deuce, being the sweetheart that he is, went to find to clean up said messes, only to come across the very thing that (Y/n) had been attempting to hide from him in particular.
"Hey (Y/n), what's this?" Deuce called out, holding up a Giant Lily Pad and a Sharp Stick. (Y/n)'s eyes went wide, a cold sweat taking over their body. One of the last people they wanted to find their fishing supplies was the young guardsmen, seeing as it was most definitely something considered illegal in the Valley. It was bad enough that the young Navy officer had caught them, they didn't need the young guardsmen for the Rosehearts Dukedom knowing.
Though, it was strange that Howl had yet to report them. But they had also seen Howl doing a number of strange things before. Things they really should have reported him for, but they haven't. So, they suppose, it's fair in a weird twisted since.
However, there was a problem. (Y/n) had never actually seen Deuce do anything but be the straight-laced guardsmen. Sure, sometimes he seemed a touch more aggressive than he needed to be. Sure, sometimes he said things that were a little to strange. Sure, he avoided speaking of his past as much as possible, but it wasn't any of (Y/n)'s business. (They wouldn't have cared if Deuce actually had done something illegal, as long as he didn't drag them into it.)
But that wasn't the point. The point was, Deuce found something he shouldn't have. And (Y/n) was now wondering if they should accept the fact that they were going to go to prison, or ask the ghosts where to hide a body.
"It's just something I keep in storage." Was (Y/n)'s flat reply, the same tone they spoke in when answering any question. Only, this tone had a tad bit more of an edge to it. Something Deuce himself had failed to notice.
Deuce supposes (Y/n)'s answer wasn't all that strange. They kept a number of odd things, but typically that was kept in a separate storage from what Deuce could remember. Maybe the lily pad and stick were just an exception to the rule?
"Oh! That's what (Y/n) uses to get fish sometimes!" Grimm exclaimed, elaborating. Simultaneously, both Deuce and (Y/n) froze. (Y/n), turning to look at Grimm with a seething glare, and Deuce who stared blankly at the rolled up lily pad and stick in his hands.
Now, (Y/n) didn't want to kill Deuce. He was a dear friend of theirs, but if it was either his life or their and Grimm's freedom, they knew what their answer would be. And just when Deuce had seemed ready to drop it!
Deuce, on the other hand, was attempting to figure out exactly what Grimm meant. How could a lily pad and a stick help with getting fish? It wasn't any type of currency, unless (Y/n) had found a really strange fisherman that wanted odd forms of currency. Which, wasn't entirely unbelievable, but it was in storage and both items seemed a little worse for ware, meaning it had been used multiple times.
Did…. did (Y/n) kill someone for fish? Inspecting the stick a little more closely, there were splotches of red on it. Did (Y/n) use the lily pad to suffocate someone or blind them? And then use the stick to land the final blow? But surely, Deuce would have heard about a series of attacks? Or a series of murders? But, what if it was being covered up? The Queen wouldn't want anyone to worry, after all.
Briefly, Deuce had considered that (Y/n) might be fishing for fish themselves, but surely, no one would be stupid enough to use a lily pad as a boat. Especially since Deuce knew (Y/n) couldn't swim. That theory just didn't make any sense. And, well, (Y/n) had always acted a little more feral than what would be considered normal.
Perhaps…. it would be better if Deuce got (Y/n) fish from now on. Or asked the Young Heir Rosehearts if he would be so kind as to do so. Deuce managed to turn his life around, he was sure that (Y/n) could do the same! He just had to make sure there wasn't any evidence of their crimes.
"It's alright (Y/n)! I understand, I won't tell anyone about this… but maybe it would be better if I got you fish from now on?" Deuce suggested with a kind smile. (Y/n) blinked at Deuce in shock, surprised that the young guardsmen would be so generous.
"Really!? That means you won't have to be away so long getting fish, Henchmen!!" Grimm cheered, excited at the prospect, further confirming the very wrong idea that Deuce had in his head.
"That's very kind of you, Deuce." (Y/n) let a hesitant smile form across their lips, touched that their friend wouldn't mention their crime of fishing.
If (Y/n) knew that Deuce was willing to cover up murder for them, they would have whacked him across the head. If Deuce had learned that (Y/n) was actually fishing with the materials, he would have a meltdown in worry, and reconsider the intelligence level of his beloved friend.
However, neither would come to learn of the misunderstanding. Well, not until one wolf beastmen sat down and had a talk with one Deuce Spade.
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i used to be a crew member on a ship. i still miss it. i met amazing people, had lots of fun, and felt a part of something important.
over the past year the ship sailed through a ton of rocky waters, with some vicious sea monsters popping up in the storm. and though i was scared, i knew we could make it through. i trusted my crew, and i trusted my captain.
throughout it all we left the monsters alone, the sharks and the giant squid, and focused on keeping the boat afloat, moving forward on our journey.
one crew member said how we needed to fight the monsters attacking us. he was worried we would be broken by them. the captain stood firm. and so the crew member took some weapons, and left the crew to fight on his own. the passengers watched in shock.
the captain was furious. the fight might anger the monsters more. the crew were all mixed on the idea of fighting the monsters, and tensions became as high as the waters were rocky. we still all tried to stick together.
arguments broke out. the captain has a temper, we know that, we’ve seen it. we understand what stress does to him, and we’ve all had a rocky year. we begged him to take a break from captaining.
instead, he completely disappeared. we searched the ship, all the nooks and crannies but could not find him anywhere. we were worried for his life.
the next day he was there again. we were so relieved he was ok. he said he wanted to be captain again. we thought it wasn’t a good idea. the stress of it was getting to him. he said he was fine now, that the first mate could help him command the boat and passengers and take over when he could not control himself. we still did not think it was a good idea. another crew member jumped ship in response.
nevertheless, i am a hopeful person when it comes to those i love. and so if i saw it, i said i would believe it. the captain, first mate, and another crew member had a meeting about how to fight the sea monsters, and how to address the first crew member leaving.
i listened outside the door. i did not hear everything, but i heard the captain scream, and refuse to listen to the first mate, and then the crew member stormed out. the first mate told them to come back. they said they could not, and jumped ship.
the captain couldn’t control himself, or listen to the first mate. that was clear. he still refused to recognize his own faults - his temper, his response to those who left, the private things he was told that he made public to the crew. i knew he could be better, and maybe return to captain or crew some day, but he definitely needed time away from the stress, perhaps to be just a passenger. and yet, he stayed captain.
i didn’t know what to do. i loved him. i loved all of them. my crew was my family. and yet the ship no longer felt safe. i wrote the captain a letter and jumped ship, into the cold waters. i bid the passengers farewell, but i did not tell them why.
soon after, two other crew members jumped ship. they told me how the letter had angered the captain in a way that made them realize they could not stay either.
there is one other crew member. she does not know what to do, but she stays, for the ship. i still talk to her. the first mate may be upset with the captain’s actions, but is still loyal to him, and so they are leading the ship. i no longer talk to the captain, though i miss him and still love him through all the heartbreak.
he pretends everything is fine now. he does not understand we left not because of the stress, but his reaction to it and refusal to step down. the passengers get to hear his side of the story.
and i do not viciously attack him; i do not want to become a giant sea monster. but i wish the passengers could see us, the ex-crew, all of us, here in our little boat. i wish they would question what happened, and if there is more than one side to the story he weaves.
i love the crew, and i love the passengers. i wish the cracks in our team could be repaired, but i know some never will. i still hold out small hope, that one day the captain will realize his wrongs, do the work to be better, and apologize to all he hurt. but i cannot sit around waiting for a day that may or may not come.
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lucalicatteart · 2 years
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Poll adventure (paventure? lol) Day 7: read the small story tidbit below the poll for more details, OR just vote based on initial impression
(✦ see past poll results + further information HERE (link) ✦)
The winning option of yesterday's poll was that the adventurer should go on a 5 day journey to find the Innkeeper's weird brother who studies animals, and show him the Suspicious Egg….
The next morning he wakes early, buzzing with renewed purpose, and also minor back pain from sleeping on old potato sacks.. After a meager breakfast of more free leftover scraps, the Innkeeper stops him before he leaves, giving him a few extra supplies for the long journey, as she can tell he doesn't have much. He packs up and sets out onto the road once again, crumpled sketchy map in hand...
He has a fairly uneventful journey for the first day - waving at the occasional other travelers as they pass, cleaning his boots in a nearby pond, stopping to eat some dumplings whilst watching the sunset, and finally setting up a small tent a short ways off the main path, resting with his cat by a dim campfire until they both fall asleep......
The second day, however, does not start as smoothly.. Only a few hours further down the road, he's met with a large barricade, guarded by a group of what seems like elven soldiers from one of the larger surrounding cities of the area. Practicing his confidence, he puts on his best "brave face" (which to others, appears more as some sort of pained wince, like he might have something in his eye), shakily striding right up to the authority figures he is definitely not afraid of.
"Halt, traveler! You cannot pass."
He sways slightly, struggling to keep his wobbly legs under control, "OH, y-yEAH, ssorry, I was-, hh, I was just walking, ~o-out for a stroooll~, haha, so I .. uh.. o-okay. That's.. okay. But, uh.. could, can.. euh.. C-can I ask why? like... why the, uh... blocking off.. of ... the um.. the-"
"Unfortunately, we are not at liberty to disclose any information on the nature of this current road closure. Our sole duty is to maintain security of the barrier."
"hhHeh, ye.. eAh, for sure, I-I get that.. Duty is.. really so... important in ... today's world.. gotta, um.. do the duties.. or, uh.. .. yeah, but.. so, uhhh... wh-Do you know.. maybe, uh... H-how long you'll, like... be here? guarding... and such...??"
"We'll be here as long as we need to be here."
"...O-okay.. but, like.. uh... any,,.... time estimate? hahahehhh?? like, uh.. a day, or... two, or um...??"
"This matter does not concern you, traveler. Move along."
"Aoh, yeahgh, I.. totally.. totally.. it, uh.. Well.. but it kind of does though,, right? B-because I do, in fact, actually have to go down that road at some p-point sssoo, um,... uh.. I-"
"I said move along."
The guard abruptly takes a step forward, causing The Adventurer to yelp as if he'd been hit, tripping over his own feet and scrambling off on hands and knees, lunging into bushes near the rocky roadside.. After exchanging a confused glance, the guards both shrug, resuming their stoic positions at the barrier.
The Adventurer watches from the uncomfortable safety of some berry brambles, surveying the area at a distance and desperately trying to work out how he can still get where he's trying to go. The map given to him by the Innkeeper is pretty straightforward, not showing alternate paths. Based on his primary map, he could maybe think of a few detours, but he's anxiously unfamiliar with the area... How should he proceed?
Additional Details - (I decided whenever he gets new items or goals or something, I'll list them at the end just to keep track)
items + to inventory (from the Innkeeper): 2 lunchboxes of vegetable dumplings, 2 canteens of water, a box of tea, one rope, 1 pouch of dried meat, 4 candles, a hand-drawn map
main goal: get to the abandoned castle ruins to see the rare animal specialist about the egg
#paventure posting#polls#choose your own adventure#SORRY this took so long. I still want to do this daily or every other day lol. I just had a lot going on the past few days#the story tidbit of this one is slightly longer again because you need spaces to break up dialogue and etc. but much shorter#than the other one still and pretty concise. I tried to leave out a lot of detail and just give the bare minimum again lol#Hopefully his speaking style isn't too grating also ghbjhb.. I'm more familiar with writing dialogue for like.. people to say out loud so#to me I'm always trying to hear it in my head and write eveything exactly how it would be spoken. and to me it sounds fine#if you act it in the exact voice I'm envisioning and have a distinct speaking style where you pause or drag#out words in a specific way - like with particualr cadence and comedic timing - it sounds fine#I'm just not sure if that translates to text as well lol#But he doesn't actually talk often. the past two times have been exceptions since he keeps running into people#And he'll have to talk if he ever actally makes it to the Innkeeper's brother. But most obstacles on the road#are probably prettyy easily dialogue free#ANYWAY...#Love his dramatics.. Imagine if you just take one step towards someone and they scream and throw themselves#onto the ground and run away gjhhjbj#the cat just leisurely trotting over to catch up with him because they're not actually scared#anyway.. ! day 7.. that's like a whole week! except it's been over a week since sometimes it takes me like 2 days lol
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