#it starts with a distance and then a realization of the distance
unabashegirl · 2 days
Fragments — one shot
Harry runs into Y/N in Japan. She is his ex and she is seeking closure.
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Author's note: Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing well. Here is this week's one shot! I hope you enjoy it. LOTS OF ANGST! The second part will get posted tomorrow.
check out my patreon (starting at $2) and get full access to all chapters, various one shots and much more :)
Please note that everything that is both underlined and italicized is from the past—they are flashbacks!
word count 3.9K
As the sun began its descent in the late afternoon sky, Shiba Park in Tokyo was bathed in a gentle, golden light. The cherry blossoms, just beginning to bloom, added a delicate touch of pink to the scene, signaling the early days of spring. The air was crisp but not cold, filled with the subtle fragrance of blooming flowers and fresh grass.
Harry Styles, hoping to escape the relentless pace of his life, walked through the park with a coffee in hand. Dressed casually, he blended in with the locals, his trademark curls tucked under a beanie and his eyes hidden behind sunglasses. The sounds of children playing, birds chirping, and the distant hum of the city created a peaceful backdrop.
As Harry roamed along the winding paths, taking in the serene beauty of the park, his attention was drawn to a familiar figure sitting on the grass. It was Y/N, his ex-girlfriend, enjoying a solitary picnic. A blanket was spread out before her, adorned with an assortment of snacks and a book lying open beside her. She seemed lost in her own world, her face relaxed and serene.
Two years had passed since their breakup, a period marked by unresolved tensions and painful memories. Seeing Y/N unexpectedly stirred a mix of emotions within Harry. He paused, torn between the urge to approach and the instinct to keep his distance. The years apart had softened some of the bitterness, but the wounds were still there, just beneath the surface.
Y/N, sensing someone's gaze, looked up and their eyes met. For a moment, time stood still. The park faded away, and all that existed was the shared history and unspoken words between them. Harry's heart raced, and he wondered if the universe was giving them a chance to get some closure or if it was sick joke.
Harry's breath hitched slightly as he stood there, unsure of what to do next. His mind raced with memories of their past together—the good times, the laughter, the fights, and ultimately, the heartbreak. He took a tentative step forward, then stopped. Y/N, on the other hand, seemed to be caught in a similar turmoil. Her eyes, which had initially shown surprise, softened as she looked at him, but there was also a hint of uncertainty.
The sounds of the park seemed to fade into the background as they continued to hold each other’s gaze. Finally, Harry took another step forward and then another until he was standing a few feet away from her. He hesitated, then managed a small, tentative smile.
“I thought Japan was my territory and off limits for you” he said, his voice gentle, almost hesitant.
“Didn’t realize that we still had divided territories. Weren’t you in Italy a few weeks ago?” she replied, a playful tone in her voice, but her expression a mix of surprise and amusement. She shifted slightly on the blanket, making room as if inviting him to sit.
He took the invitation, lowering himself onto the grass beside her. For a few moments, they sat in silence, the only sounds being the rustling of leaves and distant laughter from other park visitors. Harry took a sip of his coffee, searching for the right words.
"Point taken," he said with a knowing smile, aware that Italy held a special place in her heart. Perhaps that's why he found himself spending most of his free time there—chasing her and the memories they had once shared. Italy had become one of refuge, a place where he could feel closer to her, even if she was no longer by his side.
"I didn’t expect to see you here," he finally said, glancing at her.
"I didn’t expect to see you either," she replied, a faint smile touching her lips. "How have you been?"
He nodded, looking down at his coffee cup. "I've been... busy. Touring, recording, the usual. What about you?"
“Good. Nothing unusual” she said, her gaze drifting to the cherry blossoms. "Life's been quiet, but good.”
"How long are you staying?"
"A month."
"You finally took those vacations," he smiled warmly, fully aware of how much she had dreamed of this much-needed break. The thought of her taking time for herself brought a sense of relief—he had always wanted her to prioritize her well-being, even if their paths had diverged.
Y/N nodded, a grateful expression softening her features. "Yes, finally," she replied, a hint of exhaustion tinged with excitement in her voice. "I needed this more than I realized."
Harry looked at her, noticing the subtle signs of weariness that hinted at the weight she had been carrying. "I'm glad you're giving yourself this time," he said sincerely. "You deserve it."
As they sat on the grass, Y/N suddenly glanced at her watch and then back at Harry, her expression shifting. "I need to get going," she said softly, her voice tinged with reluctance.
Harry looked at her, concern etching his features. "Is everything okay?"
She nodded, forcing a small smile. "Yeah, everything's fine. I just... I have stuff to do."
Harry felt a pang of disappointment but tried to hide it. "I get it," he said quietly, his voice filled with sincerity. “Let me walk you out?”
Y/N hesitated for a moment, then nodded. “Yeah. Sure”.
They stood up together, brushing off their clothes. As they walked side by side through the park, the late afternoon sun cast long shadows across their path. The silence between them was comfortable, though charged with unspoken words and hidden feelings.
Y/N looked at him momentarily and she felt like she was in the dream. Like in one of the numerous dreams that she had when they had just broken up.
As they neared the exit, Harry felt a growing sense of urgency. He wasn’t ready to let her go just yet. The thought of not seeing her again gnawed at him, so he took a deep breath and asked, "What are you doing tomorrow?"
Y/N glanced at him, sensing the hesitation in his voice. "I’m not sure yet."
Harry's heart raced as he quickly blurted out, "I’m taking a course on making sushi in the afternoon, and in the evening, I was invited to an art exhibition. Would you like to come with me?"
He winced slightly, realizing how rushed and jumbled his words had sounded. But to his relief, Y/N seemed to understand him perfectly. She hesitated, clearly taken aback by the suddenness of the invitation. Her mind raced with conflicting emotions. Part of her wanted to decline, to remind herself of the pain that still lingered from their past. Yet another part of her, the part that still held onto the connection they once shared, was tempted to say yes.
She looked at him, trying to gauge his intentions. It wasn’t lost on her how much effort he was putting into this, how much he seemed to want to bridge the gap between them. But she also knew that accepting would mean opening old wounds, and she wasn’t sure she was ready for that.
Deep down, she felt a strong need for closure. She deserved at least that from him—an explanation for everything that had happened in those last few months. The questions that had haunted her, the confusion that lingered, all demanded answers. And as much as she wanted to protect herself from further pain, she knew that without closure, she would never truly be able to move on.
She took a deep breath, her mind racing as she weighed her options. Harry’s invitation felt like an opportunity—a chance to finally confront the unresolved issues between them, to hear his side of the story, and maybe even to find some peace.
“Okay,” she said quietly, meeting his gaze. “I’ll go”.
Harry’s eyes lit up with a mix of surprise and relief. “Really?”
She nodded, a hint of a smile tugging at her lips. “Yeah”. she agreed, feeling a mixture of apprehension and anticipation. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”
Harry nodded, his smile growing. “I’ll pick you up”.
“Sounds good” She gave him a small nod.
As Y/N walked away, a surprising sense of calm washed over her. She returned to the charming Airbnb she had rented, a place that had captivated her with its traditional decor and tranquil Japanese garden. This trip had been a rare indulgence—she never took vacations, so she had splurged on a stay that offered peace and serenity. Running into Harry had been the last thing she expected, a twist she hadn’t anticipated.
Once back, Y/N found herself reaching for the bottle of wine she had been saving for her last night in Japan. She poured herself a generous glass, savoring the rich aroma, and then slid open one of the doors that led to the garden. Sitting on the edge, she let her gaze drift over the carefully tended landscape, the soft rustle of leaves in the evening breeze soothing her nerves.
As she sipped her wine, memories flooded back—how it all began with Harry, how blissfully happy they had been during those first two years. The laughter, the shared dreams, the moments that had once made her heart soar.
Y/N rushed through the crowded streets, her phone cradle between her ear and shoulder as she fumbled with bags. She was late, as usual, and in the midst of her hurried pace, she decided to call her coworker to confirm a meeting time.
Without looking too closely, she scrolled through her contacts and dialed the number of her coworker. The phone rang twice before a voice answered on the other end.
“Hello?” a deep, distinctly British voice said.
“Hey, I’m running a bit late,” Y/N said not bothering with pleasantries. “But I’m almost there, so don’t leave without me, okay?”
There was a brief pause on the other end. “Um, I think you might have the wrong number, love,” the voice replied, amusement clear in the tone.
Y/N stopped dead in her tracks, her heart skipping a beat. That wasn’t her coworker’s voice. Realization hit her like a freight train.
“Oh my God,” she blurted out, her face flushing with embarrassment. “I’m so sorry, I thought I was calling someone else!”
The man on the other end chuckled, a warm, easy sound that somehow made her feel even more flustered. “It’s not every day I get a call like this. I’m amused”
Y/N squeezed her eyes shut, wishing she could disappear into thin air. “I’m so sorry,” she repeated, feeling like a complete idiot. “I didn’t mean to bother you.”
“You’re not bothering me at all. Don’t hang up just yet” He assured her, his voice still light with humor. “I’m a bit curious now. Who were you trying to call?”
“My coworker,” she replied, still mortified. “We were supposed to meet for a presentation, and I’m runnin —”
Suddenly, the call cut off, the connection lost as she moved through a spotty area of service. She stared at her phone in disbelief, her face heating up with a mix of mortification and frustration.
She hesitated, her finger hovering over the screen, but she couldn’t bring herself to redial. It had been a mistake, after all. He probably didn’t think twice about it, she told herself, brushing off the encounter as nothing more than a fleeting moment of awkwardness.
Little did she know, the brief exchange would leave a lasting impression on him. The first track on his next album would be inspired by that stranger’s call, and it would become a hit record.
The next day, as they strolled through the bustling streets of Japan, Harry noticed the silence that had settled between them. The vibrant surroundings seemed to contrast with the quiet tension that hung in the air. He glanced over at Y/N, who was lost in thought, her expression distant.
“You’re quieter than usual,” Harry remarked gently, breaking the silence. His tone was soft, tinged with concern as he searched her face for any sign of what might be on her mind.
Y/N looked up, startled out of her thoughts. She offered him a small, almost apologetic smile. “Just taking it all in,” she replied, her voice quieter than usual too, as if she were trying to keep something at bay.
Harry nodded, but he could tell there was more to it. There was a weight in her eyes that hadn’t been there before, a heaviness that seemed to grow with each step they took closer to the restaurant he had reserved for their private cooking lesson.
“I don’t want this to be awkward,” Harry said, sensing the tension that lingered between them. He wanted to clear the air, to ease the unease that seemed to hang over them, but he knew that doing so would mean opening Pandora’s box—revealing a lot of things he wasn’t ready to confront just yet.
Harry’s words hung in the air, and for a moment, Y/N hesitated. She didn’t want to make things more difficult, but the weight of unspoken questions pressed down on her, demanding to be acknowledged.
“Harry,” she began, her voice trembling slightly as she forced herself to continue, “what went wrong?”.
The question hung there, raw and exposed, cutting through the fragile peace they had tried to maintain. Harry’s steps faltered, his breath catching as he turned to face her, the streets of Japan fading into the background.
“Y/N…” he started, but his voice trailed off, as if he couldn’t find the right words. Or maybe he was afraid of them.
She looked into his eyes, searching for something—an answer, an apology, anything that could make sense of the pain that had consumed her in the months after their breakup. “We used to be happy until those last few months,” she continued, her voice barely above a whisper.
Harry’s chest tightened as memories of their past came rushing back. He could see it all so clearly—the late-night conversations that stretched into the early morning, the spontaneous trips, the way she used to look at him with so much love in her eyes. It was all there, and it hurt to think about how they had lost it.
Y/N stood outside the studio, her heart pounding in her chest as she leaned against the wall, trying to stay out of sight. She had only been dating Harry for a few weeks, and everything still felt so new, so fragile. She hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, but when she’d arrived at the studio, the sound of his voice singing had stopped her in her tracks.
She could hear him inside, his voice smooth and captivating as he worked through a melody with a small group of people. Y/N knew she should knock, let him know she was there, but something held her back. She was still shy around him, nervous about stepping into his world, a world she felt she was only just beginning to understand.
The music flowed through the walls, wrapping around her like a comforting embrace. She could hear the passion in Harry’s voice, the way he poured himself into every note. It was mesmerizing, and she found herself leaning closer to the door, not wanting to miss a single word.
She bit her lip, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth as she listened. This was Harry in his element, doing what he loved, and she didn’t want to interrupt that. But as much as she loved hearing him sing, she couldn’t shake the feeling of being out of place, like she was intruding on something private.
Just as she was about to quietly slip away, the door to the studio creaked open. One of the musicians stepped out, giving Y/N a polite nod as he passed by. She froze, hoping he hadn’t noticed her lingering there like some awkward fan. But as the door swung wider, Y/N realized with a jolt that Harry was looking directly at her.
He paused mid-sentence, his eyes lighting up with surprise and something else—something warmer. A smile spread across his face, and he excused himself from the group, his gaze never leaving hers as he stepped toward the doorway.
“Hey darlin’” Harry said softly, his voice carrying a mix of amusement and affection. “How long have you been out here?”
Y/N blushed, feeling caught. “Not long,” she lied, glancing down at her shoes. “I didn’t want to interrupt… You sounded amazing, by the way.”
Harry chuckled, the sound rich and warm. “You could’ve come in, you know. I don’t bite,” he teased, but his eyes were gentle, understanding her hesitation.
“I didn’t want to disturb you,” she admitted, still feeling a bit shy under his gaze.
“Come here. You can never distract me” Harry said, his tone sincere. He reached out, taking her into a tight hug. Harry pulled Y/N into a warm embrace, his arms wrapping around her as if he were trying to shield her from the world. She melted into him, her head resting against his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. The warmth of his body seeped into hers, and for a moment, everything else faded away.
Harry held her close, his hand gently stroking her back in slow, soothing circles. The tension she had felt earlier began to dissolve in the comfort of his embrace, replaced by a sense of peace that only he could bring her. He smelled like a mix of his cologne and something uniquely him, a scent that was both familiar and calming.
He pulled back just enough to look down at her, his eyes soft with affection.
“You are staring” She murmured, her voice low and tender. Before she could add anything else, Harry leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips, his lips lingering there for a moment as if to seal his words with reassurance.
The kiss was sweet, filled with a quiet promise that made Y/N’s heart flutter. When he pulled back, he gave her a soft smile, his eyes filled with warmth. Without letting go of her, Harry reached down and took her hand in his, intertwining their fingers. His grip was firm, yet gentle.
“You tell me,” Harry said, his voice suddenly sharp, cutting through the tension between them. “You were the one who left.” The bitterness in his tone was undeniable, the memory of that night still raw and vivid in his mind.
Y/N flinched at the harshness in his words, the pain of that night rushing back to her as well. “You still don’t get it? “How hard is to accept the fact that I left you because you didn’t deserve me?”. She shot back, her voice trembling with emotion. “You shut me out. You pushed me away until I couldn’t take it”.
Harry’s jaw tightened, the frustration and hurt that had been simmering inside him now boiling over. “I didn’t know how to talk to you,” he admitted, the vulnerability in his voice catching her off guard. “I still don’t know how to talk to you”.
Y/N’s eyes filled with tears, her heart breaking all over again. “You made me feel like I wasn’t enough,” she whispered, the words spilling out before she could stop them. “Like I couldn’t do anything right, and that no matter how hard I tried, I was always going to lose you.”
Harry’s expression softened, the anger in his eyes giving way to regret. “It’s here” He said, his voice barely above a whisper as they arrived at the restaurant.
As they arrive at the restaurant, the atmosphere feels almost serene, a stark contrast to the tension that still lingers between them. The restaurant is tucked away in a quiet corner of the city, its traditional wooden façade illuminated by soft, warm lights. The sliding door opens as they approach, and they are greeted by the chef, a kind-looking man dressed in traditional Japanese clothing. His warm smile crinkles the corners of his eyes, and he bows slightly as he welcomes them.
"Welcome," the chef says in a gentle voice, his English tinged with a thick accent. "It is an honor to have you here today."
Harry returns the bow, his hand still lightly resting on Y/N’s back as they step inside. “Thank you for having us,” he replies, his tone respectful.
The chef guides them down a narrow hallway, leading them into a cozy kitchen space at the back of the restaurant. The kitchen is immaculate, with gleaming countertops and neatly arranged utensils. Fresh ingredients are laid out in beautiful wooden bowls, each one perfectly prepared for the lesson ahead. The smell of fresh fish, rice, and various seasonings fills the air, making Y/N’s stomach rumble slightly in anticipation.
The chef turns to them with another smile. “Today, we will be learning the art of sushi,” he says, gesturing to the ingredients. “Please, take an apron.”
Y/N reaches for one of the aprons hanging on a nearby hook, the fabric soft and clean in her hands. She fumbles slightly with the ties, her fingers a bit clumsy as she tries to secure it around her waist. Before she can figure it out, Harry steps forward, his hands gentle as he takes the ties from her.
“Here, let me help,” he says softly, his voice filled with a quiet warmth that makes her heart skip a beat.
Y/N turns slightly, allowing him to stand behind her. She feels the warmth of his breath on the back of her neck as he carefully ties the apron around her, his fingers brushing against her back in a way that sends shivers down her spine. There’s a tenderness in the way he handles the simple task, a care that speaks volumes, even without words.
“All set,” Harry murmurs, his voice close to her ear. He gives the ties a gentle tug to make sure they’re secure before stepping back, a small, almost shy smile playing on his lips.
Y/N glances over her shoulder at him, her heart fluttering at the look in his eyes. “Thanks,” she whispers, her voice soft as she tries to ignore the way her emotions are threatening to bubble up to the surface.
The chef, oblivious to the silent exchange between them, claps his hands together, drawing their attention back to the task at hand. “Let us begin,” he says with enthusiasm. “I will show you how to prepare the rice, and then we will move on to cutting the fish.”
Y/N takes a deep breath, trying to refocus her mind on the lesson ahead. But even as the chef begins to explain the process, she can’t shake the feeling of Harry’s hands on her, the lingering warmth of his touch a constant reminder of the connection that still exists between them, despite everything that has happened.
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mssalo · 2 days
safety - Part: Il
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Summary: After years of isolation, Joel Miller's life revolves around control and keeping danger at bay, his past as a soldier leaving him constantly on edge. But when a sweet, soft-spoken young woman starts working at the supply store, her innocence stirs something inside him. Despite his efforts to remain detached, Joel becomes obsessed with keeping her safe from the dangers he’s certain are lurking everywhere.
As his protective instincts morph into darker desires, the lines between safeguarding her and possessing her begin to blur.
Warnings will vary by chapter depending on the content.
Warnings: Dark!Joel, 18+ MDNI, Obsession themes, Stalking, Breaking and entering, Scent kink, Voyeurism, Joel has major Trauma/PTSD, Mentions of military past, Manipulation, Power dynamics, Male masturbation, Joel, still, needs a hug and therapy. As per usual.
9k. enjoy.
Part I Part III
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Joel found out she was working at the supply store by accident.
He hadn’t planned on seeing her again. After that first encounter, he convinced himself he’d walk away.
She wasn’t his problem.
He couldn’t get wrapped up in someone like her—someone who had no idea how dangerous the world really was.
But then, on one of his routine stops for supplies, he spotted her behind the counter.
She hadn’t seen him
At first, he’d assumed she was just a customer again, passing through, but when she’d ducked behind the register, pulling out receipts, it hit him.
She worked there now.
She hadn’t told him that before, hadn’t mentioned anything about it, and yet here she was, talking to customers, rearranging gear, moving around the store like it was something she’d been doing forever.
And for some reason, that made something inside him tighten.
She was here all the time. Regular hours, regular shifts.
Easy to find.
That should’ve made him feel nothing. But it didn’t.
That’s so fuckin’ dangerous.
From that point on, whenever he stopped by the store, he made sure to keep his distance.
He’d walk in, grab what he needed, and leave before she noticed him.
There was something about seeing her there—watching her smile and chat with customers—that unnerved him in a way he couldn’t explain.
She didn’t fit in with the world he knew.
She was too soft, too bright. She belonged somewhere safe, not in a place like this.
Yet, he found himself coming back.
Over and over.
Each time, he told himself it was the last time.
That he’d stop, that he didn’t need to see her again.
But every time he came back, she was there—talking to someone, laughing at some joke, her voice floating through the air like a song he couldn’t get out of his head.
Joel tried to ignore it.
Tried to ignore her.
But she was like a goddamn magnet, pulling him back in without even realizing it.
And then, one day, she spotted him.
“Joel!” she called, her voice bright and cheerful, as if they were old friends.
He froze, his hand tightening around the bag of supplies he’d grabbed.
He’d been so close to slipping out unnoticed, but now she was looking at him, smiling that same smile that made his chest tighten.
“Hey,” he muttered, forcing himself to turn and meet her gaze.
She was standing behind the counter, hands resting on the edge, her eyes lighting up as she looked at him.
These damn pretty eyes.
“I didn’t know you came here so often,” she said, her tone playful.
“What’s bringing you back this time?”
Joel grunted, trying to come up with a quick excuse. “Needed more supplies. That’s all.”
She didn’t seem to notice the coldness in his voice, just kept smiling at him like he hadn’t been avoiding her for days.
“You always seem so prepared,” she said with a small laugh. “I bet you could survive out there for weeks with all the stuff you buy.”
Joel’s jaw tightened. Survive? 
She had no idea what that meant.
“Yeah, maybe.”
Her smile faltered for just a second, her eyes flicking to the side as if she wasn’t sure what to say next.
But then she turned back to him, her expression softening again.
“You know, I’ve been learning more about the gear here,” she said, leaning forward a bit. “I could help you with recommendations if you ever need it.”
Joel stared at her, trying to figure out what the hell was going on.
Why was she still talking to him? Why was she being so damn nice?
“I’m good,” he said, his voice gruff.
But she didn’t stop.
She tilted her head slightly, her eyes bright with curiosity. “You sure? I’ve been reading up on it a lot. Could probably surprise you with what I know.”
You shouldn’t trust me, Joel thought, his mind racing. 
Why are you still smiling at me?
He grunted again, shifting on his feet, his gaze flicking to the door.
He needed to leave. Now.
“Well,” she said, that same smile tugging at her lips, “if you ever need anything, just let me know. I’m here most days now.”
Too much information. 
Joel’s gut clenched. She shouldn’t be telling him this—telling anyone this. Didn’t she know how dangerous it was to be so open, so trusting?
“You shouldn’t tell people that,” Joel muttered, his voice harsher than he meant. “Not safe.”
Her brows furrowed, her smile slipping for the first time. “What do you mean?”
Joel felt the weight of her confusion settle on him, but he couldn’t stop himself from speaking. “Tellin’ strangers where you work. When you work. Ain’t smart.”
She blinked, taken aback. “Oh... I guess I didn’t think of it that way.”
Of course, you didn’t. 
Joel’s mind reeled, his frustration bubbling just below the surface.
You don’t know how to think like that. You don’t know what the world can do to people like you.
But before he could say anything else, she smiled again, though this time it was smaller, a bit softer.
“Thanks for looking out for me,” she said, her voice quieter. “I didn’t mean to—well, I guess I’m just not used to thinking like that.”
Yeah. I can tell.
But instead of saying that, Joel just nodded, his jaw still tight. He needed to leave, needed to stop this before he got in too deep.
Here’s a darker, more intense version of that passage:
“See you around,” she called after him as he turned to leave.
He didn’t reply. He couldn’t.
His throat was tight, his chest heavy. But as he pushed open the door and stepped outside into the cool air, something made him look back.
She was still watching him. Smiling. Soft. So damn innocent.
That look in her eyes—so full of trust—twisted something deep inside him.
She doesn’t know better.
His boots hit the pavement harder than necessary as he made his way to the truck.
Every step felt heavy, like the weight of his thoughts was dragging him down. His hand found the door handle, but he couldn’t make himself move.
Couldn’t shake the way her scent still clung to him, sweet and soft, like she was still standing right next to him.
Joel gritted his teeth, staring down at the truck door, but all he could see was her face.
Her wide, bright eyes, that shy smile, the way she just… trusted.
Trusted him. She shouldn’t.
His body felt hot, the tension coiling low in his gut, his muscles tight.
Too tight.
And then he felt it again—his cock, straining against his jeans, hard and throbbing, a deep, almost painful ache that made his breath catch in his throat.
It hit him like a freight train, sudden and unwanted. His mind raced, trying to push the thought of her away, but the harder he tried, the worse it got.
His pulse pounded in his ears, the heat in his body rising as the memory of her soft voice echoed in his mind.
That innocent, clumsy laugh. The way she fumbled with the gear. The blush on her cheeks.
Joel’s grip tightened on the door handle, his knuckles turning white.
What the hell is wrong with you?
He hadn’t felt this in years. This need. This raw, primal hunger gnawing at him.
His body betrayed him, his cock throbbing harder, almost painfully, as if it knew something he didn’t.
But it was because of her.
The realization, again, made his chest tighten, his breath coming in rough, uneven bursts.
He slammed the door shut, leaning his forehead against the cool metal, trying to calm the storm raging inside him.
No. Not her.
He squeezed his eyes shut, but her image was burned into his mind—her body, her smell, the softness in her eyes.
His cock twitched again, the pressure building, his jeans too tight, the pulse unbearable.
She was so sweet. So oblivious.
And here he was, standing in the parking lot like a goddamn animal, throbbing with need for something he knew he shouldn’t want.
But the thought of her lingered. The way she looked up at him like he was something to be trusted. Something safe.
Joel forced himself into the truck, gripping the wheel so tight he thought it might break.
His heart pounded in his chest, the tension making every breath feel like fire.
He needed to forget her. Get her out of his head.
But his body told him otherwise.
The throbbing between his legs refused to be ignored. His jaw clenched, muscles tight with frustration as the thoughts swirled, dark and unwanted.
He hadn’t felt like this in years. Not since before everything went to hell.
And now? Now this girl—this soft, sweet girl—had him unraveling.
Joel’s head thudded against the back of the seat, his pulse still racing. This wasn’t going to end well.
Not for him.
And definitely not for her.
· · ────
The following days were a blur of uncomfortable tension.
Joel tried to stay away.
He told himself not to go back to the store, not to linger around her.
He even went out on longer drives, tried to immerse himself in the things that usually kept his mind quiet.
But it didn’t work. Not anymore.
She was lodged in his thoughts, a constant, nagging presence that he couldn’t shake.
No matter how hard he tried to forget her, she always managed to crawl back in.
Her face, her voice, the way she smiled up at him like he wasn’t something to fear.
It gnawed at him, a reminder of everything he’d left behind.
A week passed before Joel saw her again.
This time, it was different. He wasn’t just there for supplies or to catch a glimpse of her. No, this time, he watched her more carefully.
He kept his distance at first, lingering near the back of the store, eyes flicking toward her every few minutes as she worked.
She hummed to herself again, that same soft tune he’d heard the first time they met.
It wasn’t loud, barely audible under the sound of the store, but he caught it.
And it made something tighten inside him.
For a man who lived in shadows, always on alert, this brightness—this innocence—felt foreign. Her having no need to be quiet so she won’t be seen.
And yet, he couldn’t stop watching her.
She smiled as she spoke to a customer, her eyes lighting up as she handed them their change.
She was so goddamn open, so trusting. And that terrified him.
He told himself it was because she didn’t know better. She didn’t know what kind of world she lived in.
She hadn’t seen the things he’d seen, hadn’t done the things he’d done.
That was why he watched her so closely now.
He was protecting her. Keeping her safe.
At least, that’s what he told himself.
But it was more than that, wasn’t it?
The next day, she found him again, her voice soft but cheerful as she spoke up. “You’re back! Need anything else?”
Joel stared at her for a moment, his chest tightening at how easily she smiled at him. “Just… lookin’.”
She laughed, the sound light and melodic. “Well, if you ever need recommendations, I’m your girl.”
He tried to brush it off, tried to keep his voice steady, his eyes focused anywhere but on her.
But when she started talking about her weekend plans, everything shifted.
“I’m actually heading out for a solo trip this weekend,” she said, her voice filled with excitement.
“Found this beautiful spot just outside of town. Gonna do some camping, get away from everything for a bit.”
Joel’s blood ran cold.
Camping? Alone?
His jaw clenched as he stared at her, trying to process what she’d just said.
A girl like her? Out in the wilderness by herself?
The world wasn’t safe, and she was too naive to see that. She didn’t understand the dangers lurking just beyond the treeline.
“Where?” His voice was rough, demanding.
The softness from earlier was gone, replaced by the cold, hard edge that usually kept people at a distance.
She blinked, caught off guard by his tone. “Uh… it’s just a little spot out past the ridge. Really pretty.”
Joel felt his chest tighten.
“You shouldn’t go alone,” he said, his voice dark, laced with warning. “It’s not safe.”
She blinked, clearly confused by his sudden shift. “I’ll be fine,” she insisted, though there was a hint of uncertainty in her voice now. “I’ve done this before.”
“No, you won’t,” Joel growled, stepping closer, his presence suddenly overwhelming. “You have no idea what’s out there.”
She looked up at him, eyes wide, brows furrowed. “I—”
“You’ll get yourself killed,” he interrupted, his voice dropping lower, more threatening.
His paranoia was slipping through now, his need to protect her—to control the situation—overwhelming him. “You’re not prepared for what’s out there.”
There was a long pause, the tension thick between them. She opened her mouth to speak, but Joel wasn’t done.
“If you’re set on goin’,” he said, his tone calmer now, but still dark, “I know a better place. Secluded. Safe.”
His mind was spinning with the need to protect her, to make sure she was under his watch. “It’s past the ridge. You won’t find it on a map, but it’s perfect for campin’.”
That was his land. His very own property, tucked away from prying eyes, isolated and quiet. His land. Where he could keep an eye on her.
Her eyes brightened again, the tension between them easing just slightly. “Really? That sounds amazing! I’d love to check it out.”
Trusting so easily.
Joel nodded slowly, watching her carefully.
“I’ll give you the coordinates,” he said, his voice rough, his gaze still locked on hers. “Just… be careful.”
She smiled again, oblivious to the darkness brewing behind his eyes. “Thank you, Joel. I appreciate it.”
There's that damn blush again.
Joel nodded again, but his mind was already elsewhere.
She didn’t belong out there alone. And now, after hearing her plans, Joel knew what he had to do.
She wouldn’t be alone.
If she wouldn’t protect herself, then he would
· · ────
It happened by accident, really.
Joel had been driving through town, running his usual errands—another routine day where he tried to keep his mind occupied with anything but her.
It was something he’d been forcing himself to do for the past few days, convincing himself that the tension in his chest would ease if he just avoided her, if he didn’t let himself linger in her orbit for too long.
But fate had other plans.
As he turned down a quiet street on the edge of town, his eyes caught movement.
A figure stepped out of a small, unassuming house, barely noticeable in the corner of his eye.
Joel wasn’t even sure why he slowed down at first. He told himself it was out of habit, that old soldier instinct to assess everything in his surroundings. But the moment he saw her, all rational thought slipped away.
It was her.
She stood there, fumbling with her keys and a couple of grocery bags, her hair falling loose around her shoulders in soft waves.
Joel’s foot hovered over the brake for just a second too long as he watched her struggle to balance the bags and unlock the door.
Her face was flushed, lips moving as she muttered something to herself—a frustrated little quirk of her mouth that made his chest tighten.
There was something different about seeing her like this.
Here, in her space.
Not at the store, not somewhere public. But here—outside her home.
He felt a knot of something unfamiliar, something deep and possessive curl in his stomach.
She didn’t notice him at all. She was too busy juggling her things, her focus entirely on the door in front of her.
Joel’s gaze swept over her as he slowly rolled by, his truck moving at a crawl now.
He couldn’t tear his eyes away, even though a part of him knew he should’ve kept driving.
But the pull was too strong.
There was a softness about her here that felt even more pronounced.
Her home, small and tucked away from the busier streets, suited her in a way that he hadn’t expected. It was unassuming, private, but open in a way that made Joel feel… unsettled.
Like she was too exposed, too vulnerable, and too easy to find. Too easy for someone to hurt.
His grip on the steering wheel tightened as the thought crossed his mind.
She had no idea how dangerous the world really was. How quickly things could go wrong.
He drove past, the truck moving with painful slowness, his eyes flicking from the road to her again and again.
She didn’t see him. Not once. And for some reason, that bothered him more than it should have.
She hadn’t locked the door when she finally went inside.
Of course, she hadn’t.
Joel’s chest tightened with frustration, his jaw clenching as he drove farther down the road, turning the corner and pulling to a stop just out of sight.
Now that he knew where she lived, something shifted. He couldn’t just drive away and forget about it. No, she was here, alone, with no sense of the dangers that could easily find her.
He shouldn’t care. It wasn’t his problem. She wasn’t his problem.
But that’s not how it felt anymore.
· · ────
It wasn’t until later that night, as he lay in bed, that the dream came.
It wasn’t like the usual ones—flashes of war, the men he’d fought alongside, the sounds of gunfire and the stink of blood.
This one was different and it hit harder than anything he’d experienced in years.
He dreamt of her.
Of her in that house. And something, someone, breaking in.
It was chaos.
She was screaming, fighting to get free, and all he could do was watch, powerless, as she disappeared into the shadows.
He woke up drenched in sweat, his heart pounding like a drum in his chest, the adrenaline surging through his veins.
For a moment, Joel couldn’t shake the feeling that it had been real—that she was in danger and he hadn’t been there to stop it.
His hand instinctively reached for the knife he kept near the bed, fingers gripping the handle like it was his lifeline.
His breath came in heavy bursts, his body rigid with the need to protect, to act.
He could still hear her screams, still see her face twisted in fear.
She wasn’t safe.
And it wasn’t just a dream. Joel knew then, in that moment, that he couldn’t let this go.
He couldn’t just stand by and hope for the best.
It was only a matter of time, before something bad would happen to her.
He had to make sure she was okay, had to make sure nothing like that ever happened to her.
And if that meant going out of his way to keep an eye on her, then so be it.
· · ────
The next day, he drove by her house again.
And the day after that.
Each time, he told himself it was just a precaution, just a way to make sure she wasn’t in any real danger.
He didn’t get too close, didn’t let himself be seen.
But every time he saw her, the tension in his chest loosened just a little, knowing she was still there, still safe.
He found out more about her routines—when she left for work, when she came back.
He watched as she went about her day, completely unaware of the eyes that followed her every move.
She wasn’t like the rest of the world—hardened and scarred by violence.
She was soft, untouched by the darkness that clung to everything Joel had known.
And that’s why she needed him.
· · ────
The more he watched her, the more he realized how easy it would be for something to go wrong.
A stranger could approach her on her walks, someone could break into her house, anything could happen.
And if he wasn’t there to stop it… she would be defenseless.
That feeling from the dream—the panic, the helplessness—still clung to him, gnawing at his gut like a festering wound.
He couldn’t shake it, couldn’t convince himself to turn around and go home.
That’s why he had started breaking into her house.
At first, it was just to make sure everything was secure.
He would check the locks, make sure the windows were latched, make sure there were no signs of forced entry.
But the more he let himself in, the more his reasons shifted.
He started checking her camping gear, making sure everything was in place.
Joel crouched down, fingers brushing over the rough material as he unzipped the bag.
His hands moved through her belongings with the same careful touch, checking each item she’d packed.
He frowned when he noticed some of the essentials missing.
No proper emergency gear. Not enough food. Definitely not enough water.
She wasn’t ready.
His chest tightened with a mix of frustration and concern.
She had no idea what she was walking into.
The wild didn’t care how innocent or sweet you were—it tore people apart.
And she was so damn trusting, so clueless about the danger that lurked everywhere.
Joel zipped the bag back up and stood, a plan already forming in his mind.
She couldn’t go out there alone, not without the proper gear. Not without protection.
He’d make sure she had what she needed.
He’d leave it for her—quietly, subtly.
She didn’t need to know he was the one watching over her.
She didn’t need to know just how deep his involvement went.
His feet led him down the hall, toward the room at the end—the door slightly ajar, a soft, warm glow spilling from inside.
Joel’s breath hitched as he stepped further inside, his boots nearly silent on the hardwood floor.
It was small, simple, but unmistakably hers.
A bed with a soft quilted cover, a small nightstand with a book left open, and clothes folded neatly on a chair in the corner.
Joel swallowed hard, his throat dry as his eyes roamed over the space.
He moved slowly, carefully, his eyes scanning the room like he was surveying a battlefield.
Everything was neat, untouched, just as he’d expected.
But as he stood there, something twisted in his chest. He wasn’t just here to check on her safety.
Something else caught his attention.
Her underwear.
At first, it was an accident. He wasn’t looking for it, but when he stumbled upon it—soft, lacy, and used—he couldn’t stop himself.
His hands reached for it before he even realized what he was doing, his fingers brushing against the delicate fabric.
His breath caught in his throat, his pulse quickening.
He shouldn’t be doing this. He knew that.
But the scent—her scent—was intoxicating, wrapping around him like a drug. His mind flashed with images of her wearing it, of her undressing, her skin soft and bare beneath his touch.
Joel’s grip tightened on the fabric, his body reacting in ways he hadn’t felt in years. His jeans grew uncomfortably tight, the throbbing between his legs impossible to ignore. He was so hard.
This wasn’t just about keeping her safe anymore. It was about something deeper, something darker.
He brought the fabric to his face, inhaling deeply, letting the scent of her wash over him.
His eyes fluttered shut, his mind filling with thoughts he had no right to think.
He hadn’t let himself feel something like this —this raw, uncontrollable hunger—but now, standing in her bedroom, holding something so private, so close to her, it hit him like a wave.
Joel inhaled deeply, the scent wrapping around him like a haze, flooding his senses. It was overwhelming, intoxicating.
His eyes fluttered shut, his breathing deepened, and the scent clung to him, almost suffocating him in the best way possible.
The sweetness, mixed with something so personal, made his heart pound harder in his chest, heat rising in his body.
She had no idea.
No idea what she did to him.
How that softness, that scent, chipped away at the walls he build.
His fingers tightened around the fabric as he held it closer, the warmth of her scent flooding his senses.
His mind was clouded with images—images of her.
She shouldn’t be this trusting.
He imagined her standing there, blushing, lips parting slightly, her soft voice spilling from them, completely unaware of the thoughts racing through his mind.
She was just too easy to picture—too easy to want.
too sweet.
Too soft. Too innocent for someone like him.
Joel’s grip tightened as he let his mind spiral deeper into the images of her—blushing, trembling, staring up at him with those wide, innocent eyes that would soon be filled with something else.
His fingers tightened around the fabric, his body responding in ways he couldn’t deny any longer.
He fought to steady his breathing, to push the dark thoughts from his mind, but they were there, lurking just beneath the surface, no matter how hard he tried.
He shouldn’t want this. Shouldn’t want her. 
He wasn’t just imagining her anymore—he was feeling her, smelling her, letting her invade his mind and body in ways he hadn’t thought possible.
Joel’s jaw clenched, his breathing rough as he tried to regain control.
But the more he let the fabric linger in his hands, the more he realized—he didn’t want to stop. He didn’t want to let go.
Joel stayed like that, frozen in the moment, inhaling deeply, the used fabric of her underwear still clutched in his hands as he lost himself in the dark, possessive thoughts swirling in his mind.
He knew it wouldn’t be the last time. He couldn’t stop now.
The pull was too strong, too overwhelming.
Without even thinking, he raised the fabric closer, his lips hovering just above it.
His heart pounded in his chest, a heavy, aching rhythm, the temptation crawling under his skin.
He hesitated for just a moment, knowing how wrong this was, how far he was crossing a line.
But it wasn’t enough to stop him.
Nothing could stop him now.
Joel’s breath hitched, and his lips brushed against the soft material, barely making contact at first.
He could feel the warmth, the faint trace of her cunt, lingering on the fabric, and it sent a wave of heat rushing through him.
His grip tightened.
The softness pressed against his mouth, and for a split second, he let his tongue flicker out, tasting her sweet pussy, just barely.
It was subtle, a hint of something forbidden, but it sent a jolt straight through him.
He felt himself tense, his body reacting in ways he could no longer control, the line between protection and obsession blurring even more.
He wanted more.
Before he could let his tongue get another lick, Joel heard the unmistakable sound of the front door opening.
That did certainly stop him.
His body stiffened, and in a heartbeat, all the dark, twisted satisfaction evaporated, replaced by a surge of adrenaline.
His mind raced, his fingers trembling as he fumbled to put everything back exactly where it had been.
Not now. Not like this.
He moved swiftly but silently, making sure every trace of him disappeared. Every drawer closed, every fabric in place. He couldn’t leave any sign that he had been there.
His heart pounded against his ribcage as he slipped out of the bedroom, his movements precise, calculated.
Years of training kept his body moving even when his mind teetered on panic.
The soft sound of her footsteps reached his ears as she moved further into the house.
She was talking to herself again, that light, carefree tune that only made him more desperate to get out unnoticed.
She had no idea.
No idea that he had been so close, no idea of the thoughts that ran through his head while he held her soaked panties in his hands.
Joel paused at the back door, his body pressed against the frame as he caught a glimpse of her through the crack in the doorway.
She was still oblivious, setting her bag down, humming softly to herself. She hadn’t noticed anything. Not the disturbance in the air, not the faint scent of him that still lingered in the room.
So innocent. So trusting.
Must be nice.
He watched her for a moment, his eyes darkening as he observed her, standing there in the home she thought was safe.
He could still smell her on him, the faint scent clinging to his mustache, the lingering effect making his pulse quicken once more.
But he couldn’t stay.
Not now.
With one last glance, Joel slipped out of the house, his movements quick and silent.
He disappeared into the shadows just as she turned toward the hallway, completely unaware of how close he had been—how close he still was.
· · ────
Joel slipped into his truck with the stealth of a man used to evading detection, his heart still hammering in his chest as he turned the key in the ignition.
The engine rumbled to life, but his mind was elsewhere. 
The drive home felt longer than usual, each passing second a blur of adrenaline and frustration.
His fingers tightened around the steering wheel, knuckles white, his breathing uneven.
He could still smell her, the faint scent lingering on his clothes, on his skin. It was maddening.
He tried to shake it off, tried to ignore the throbbing ache that had been building since he smelled her sweet little cunt, but it wouldn’t go away.
When he finally pulled up to his house, Joel barely remembered the drive at all.
He parked the truck haphazardly, the door slamming shut behind him as he made his way inside.
His boots hit the wooden floor with heavy thuds, and before he knew it, he was leaning back against the wall in his living room, his breath still coming in shallow bursts.
His breath was ragged, the ache in his body refusing to subside.
The scent of her cunt—still clinging to his beard, his hands—seeped into his skin, a constant reminder of what she had stirred deep inside him.
He hadn’t felt like this in years, hadn’t allowed himself to. But now, there was no going back.
His cock throbbed painfully, straining against his jeans, and for the first time in so long, he couldn’t ignore it.
The need was unbearable, clawing at him, demanding release. He leaned back against the wall, chest heaving, every breath filled with the sweetness of her scent.
It was still there, on him, as if she hadn’t left.
His hand hovered over the bulge in his jeans, fingers twitching, as if fighting the urge to touch.
But the memory of her—the feel of her, the scent of her—was overwhelming.
He couldn’t stop now. He didn’t want to.
With a low growl, he gave in, his hand pressing against his cock, the pressure sending a shiver up his spine.
His jaw clenched as he slowly dragged his palm over the length, the throbbing only growing more intense. The sensation was too much, too sharp after years of nothing.
He hadn’t touched himself like this in so long, and the intensity of it almost knocked the breath out of him.
His cock twitched, hard and aching in his hand, the weight of it heavy as he gripped it tighter.
His breath hitched as he finally pulled it free, the cool air hitting his skin, but it did nothing to cool the heat that was coursing through his veins. fuck.
He stroked himself slowly at first, his rough palm sliding over the swollen, leaking head, the friction making him groan.
He thought he’d never feel this was again.
His mind was a haze of her—her softness, her innocence, the way she had smiled at him, so trusting, so sweet.
She didn’t know what she was doing to him. She couldn’t know.
But he did.
His pace quickened, each stroke more desperate, more insistent. The scent of her was driving him insane.
Sweet like her.
He licked his lips, trying to get some of that sweet, sweet taste back he had earlier.
His cock throbbed in his hand, hard and slick as he pumped it, his breath coming in sharp, uneven gasps.
Her face flashed in his mind again—those wide, innocent eyes, the way she had blushed when she looked at him.
She had no idea.
No idea how badly he wanted her, how much he needed her.
Joel’s grip tightened, his strokes rougher now, his hips jerking up into his hand as he chased that release, the pressure building fast.
His cock was pulsing in his hand, slick and hard, aching with the need for something he couldn’t name.
Something only she could give him.
His breath came in ragged bursts, his chest heaving as he pumped his cock faster, harder.
The tension coiled tight in his gut, every muscle in his body straining as the need for release consumed him.
He could almost taste her, the memory of her scent still filling his lungs, making his head swim.
With a rough, guttural growl, Joel’s body tensed, his vision going white as the tension finally snapped.
His cock jerked in his hand, the release hitting him like a storm, fierce and unforgiving.
He groaned low in his throat, his hips bucking as he spilled over his hand, the warmth spreading through him like fire. He hadn’t cum that much in years.
It wouldn’t stop coming out of him.
…well, this was new.
For a long moment, he stayed there, his breath coming in ragged, heavy gasps, his hand still wrapped around his now-softening cock.
The pleasure ebbed slowly, leaving behind a dark satisfaction that settled deep in his bones.
But it wasn’t enough.
It would never be enough.
Because her scent was still there.
Her softness still lingered in his mind, wrapped around him like a shroud, and Joel knew—this wasn’t over.
Not even close.
Joel’s mind flickered back to the map, to the spot he’d given her—the spot on his land.
He could see it clear as day, tucked away, isolated, surrounded by woods.
Tomorrow, she’d be out there, alone, completely unaware of what could happen.
His jaw clenched at the thought.
The world was dangerous, filled with things she couldn’t even begin to understand.
But he did.
His pulse quickened, that dark, familiar feeling tightening around his chest.
He’d keep her safe. He’d make sure nothing happened to her—not on his watch.
No one else knew the dangers lurking in the shadows like he did. She had no idea, no clue what she was walking into.
But he’d be there.
And if anything—or anyone—tried to hurt her, they’d have to go through him first.
Joel swallowed hard, his fingers twitching at his sides. He’d seen too much, lost too much.
But not her. Not this time.
Tomorrow, he’d make sure she was safe… even if she didn’t know it.
· · ───────────𖥸──────────· ··
well… somebody needs therapy (me and him both)
I have no tag list for this (I’m old and will probably fail starting one) but if you comment on here I’ll remind you if there’s a new chapter!!
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dcxdpdabbles · 3 days
Hi! I want to start off by saying that I absolutely ADORE your stories!! ❤️💖💖😁😁😁😁💖💖❤️ And I also really hope you make a series out of the de-aged Captain Marvel au! The potential cuteness and absolute chaos is great!
Tim Drake no longer owned Drake Manor.
When his mother died, it had fallen out of his family's assets as his father had been less than prepared to run the company. When he woke that was.
At the time, Tim had been struggling with the loss and the craziness life had become. Moving to the penthouse was a necessary evil because otherwise, Bruce would have noticed that his "uncle" wasn't around as much. He hadn't really missed the manor, but it was a comfrot to see it there, unchaning since his family fell apart.
He always told himself he would repurchase it, making a mental note whenever he was at Wayne Manor, but he never did for one reason or another. The building remained on the market, but it was considered bad luck among the elites to purchase ancestral homes and the regular populance could never afford it.
Tim would sometimes glance at the manor while driving his motorbike to visit the Waynes. Occasionally, he would stop at the gate, staring at the building and reminiscing.
It would help clear his head on some dark nights. He silently promised himself that when he retired from the field, he would come back home and maybe raise his own family here. It was likely a lie because he couldn't imagine a life without being a vigilante, but it was a nice thought anyway.
He did that today, going for a drive to clear his head and aiming to stop in front of his old home to climb over the fence and sit under the same tree when he realized with a start that the yard had been cleaned up and a group of people were moving items into the building. Yanking out his phone, Tim did a quick search, feeling all the blood drain from his face when the listing now read: SOLD
An overwhelming sense of numbness erupted from his chest as he looked back up, watching the moving crew go to and fro with the belonging of the new owners.
Someone had bought his childhood home. Tim had allowed it to slip through his fingers.
He doesn't have time to process that before a child's laughter has him swinging his head to the top of the gate pillars. There, a boy with bright blue eyes is watching him, eating a giant swirl lollipop.
Tim's heart launches when he realizes how close the child is to tilting over as he yells "Hi mister!"
"Hey there." Tim says as calmly as he can speak."Are you okay up there? You can fall."
"I'm fine. It's really easy to climb up here."
Tim knows. He used the same method to follow Bruce and Jason as a kid. Still, it doesn't make it safe so he steps closer, just incase he needs to catch the kid. It helps, having this distraction from the ache of his mistake in not rebuying Drake Manor.
He ignores the empty sign that the child is leaning against, the faded outline of his family name showing where they removed the metal shapes. He can't handle that right now.
"If you're sure. My name is Tim by the way. What's yours?"
"I'm Billy! I'm five years old! " the boy answers, holding up his hand with a cheer. He gives his lollipop two licks before he gestures at Tim with it."Why are you standing in front of my house?"
"I just.....got curious. You have a pretty house." Tim says as evenly as he can.
"It's super pretty inside, too! My Dad bought it for my Mom and Papa," the boy cheerfully tells him. We move next to my uncle because my Dad says we have to stay close to family."
"Bruce Wayne is your uncle?" Tim asks, and the boy nods rapidly. He even points down the street to where Wayne Manor can be viewed from a far distance- neighbors, they may be- the two properties were very vast. "He lives over there with my cousins."
"Oh" Tim hears himself say "That would be me."
Billy eyes sparkle "You're a Wayne?"
"Yes, Tim Drake-Wayne."
"I'm Billy Phantom! Heir to throne!" Billy shouts leaping off the pillar cuasing Tim to launch forward with his arms streach out ready to catch. He hits the ground with a oof but a lack of weight in his hands says he failed to caught Billy.
Not that it mattered as Billy floated in the air harmlessly. Tim glances at the workers to see if anyone has noticed that the boy is apparently a meta, but they don't even look over. Maybe the information was disclosed upon hiring?
"Are you Robin?" Billy says in his face, flouting upside down and staring into Tim's round eyes. He still lays in a heap on the floor, position for a catch and it must make quite a sight to any onlooker. "You look to big to be that one."
Before Tim could even think of an excuse, multicolored rose petals started to fall around them in a dazzling down. It appeared like foral confiti falling from the heavens. Billy flips around to see a pale, beautiful woman dressed in a gothic attire walking toward them.
Behind her, plant life blossoms into a wonderful sight. "Mom!"
"Billy, what did we say about Uncle Bruce's secret?" The lady says, voice musical to the ear.
"But Mom! Only the ghosts are around!" Billy whines, pointing at the moving crew further down the driveway, who have yet to pay attention to them. They didn't care that a goth version of Posion Ivy had strutted by.
"That's no excuse. What would your auntie Jazz say?"
"She says I was not being trustworthy with secrets and other peoples' feelings. I'm sorry." Billy slumps, flouting down to pout on the ground.
"Exactly. Hello Timothy," the woman continues, turning her purple eyes towards the down boy.It's lovely to have family over. "I'm Sam, goddess of the Green. Bruce recommended this place to us. We are excited for the next ten year vacation"
Bruce has a lot to tell him, more then just selling his family house without letting Tim know.
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Chapter Two
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Chapter Two of Man of Honor
Series Masterlist ❖ Main Masterlist ❖ House Of The Dragon Masterlist
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 2k+ 
Summary: Cregan finally manages to speak to you, but it doesn’t go the way he thought it would.
Warnings: Angst angst angst, language, fluff, slow burn, pining
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Much to Cregan’s chagrin, you were still skillfully avoiding him, but he had managed to convince Sara to aid him on his endeavor to get you to speak, or even just acknowledge him. Sara had of course rebuffed him at first, but after several days of his nagging, she gave in. She told him that the only place where you would surely be alone was the godswood, and that she would inform him the next time you were there, but the rest was up to him after that.
Cregan expressed his gratitude and the wait began. Two days passed before Sara informed Cregan that you were making your way to the godswood, and his throat grew tight with anxiety.
What am I even going to say?
He waited a while before making his way to the godswood, careful to avoid catching anyone’s attention lest he be pulled into other matters. He needed to patch things up with you as best as he could. The snow quietly crunched beneath his feet as he walked through the godswood, an eerie silence filling the air as he neared the heart tree. As he grew closer, he could make out your silhouette sitting on a rock at the foot of the heart tree, head bowed in silent prayer. As he took a step forward, a twig snapped, and he winced as the sound echoed through the trees.
Cregan’s breath caught in his throat as you whipped your head around at the noise and met his eye. Despite the day already beginning to grow dark, he could see how beautiful you looked. You sat frozen, heart pounding in your chest at the sight of him standing there, staring at you with an unreadable expression on his face. After a moment, you stood, silently dusting the snow off your cloak, and acted as if he wasn’t mere feet away. Realizing what you were about to do, Cregan closed the distance between you with a few short strides, catching your arm as you turned to walk away.
“Wait,” he managed to choke out. “Please.”
You turned and narrowed your eyes at him as you freed your arm from his grasp.
“What do you want?” You spat; voice laced with venom as you addressed him for the first time in months. Cregan cringed at your tone, having never been on the receiving end of your anger, and the usually composed and strong man suddenly felt like a child. He took a deep breath to steady his thoughts, silently praying to the old gods for strength.
“I - I wanted to apologize,” he began. “I’ve been horrible to you as of late.” You scoffed at his words.
“Oh, you’ve realized that now, have you?” You shot back, crossing your arms with a glare. “What? Did you fall off your horse?” Cregan looked at you in confusion.
“Did you hit your head? Have a little too much ale or something? Because why else would you suddenly remember that I existed?” He flinched at your response, not knowing how to reply.
Seven hells, this is off to a great start.
“No -,” he started.
“No? So, what is it then? Why are you here?”
“I’m trying to say that I’m sorry,” he answered, head bowing with remorse. Cregan felt so small in your presence, with your wrath directed at him, that he wanted to curl into a ball and hide from your fury.
“You’re sorry?” You retorted. “After months of ignoring me, all you have to say is ‘sorry’?”
“You’ve also been avoiding me!” He replied. “You’ve come up with an excuse at every turn just to keep your distance, and you never told me why.”
“Oh, so it’s all my fault now, is it?” You sneered, your anger rising with each passing moment.
“No, that’s not what I’m saying.”
“Well, it certainly sounds like it. Do you even know why? Why I avoid being near you?”
Cregan opened his mouth to speak but you cut him off.
“I avoid being near you because I couldn’t stand to look at you. I couldn’t stand to be in your presence, listening to you talk about Arra and how great she is. How perfect she is. How I could never compare to her.”
“I’m -.”
“And that’s not even the half of it,” you continued, ignoring his attempt to speak. “You can’t possibly imagine how it feels to be replaced. To have your best friend ignore you and spend his time with someone else, doing things that you used to do together, and then come back and talk about how great of a time he had. Do you even remember? Do you remember the words you spoke to me right here where we presently stand?”
“Yes,” he managed to say, “I remember.”
“What were the words then? What was it that you said?”
“I told you that we’d marry, and I’d make you the Lady of Winterfell.”
“You promised. You swore it,” you said softly. “You swore it by the old gods and the new.”
“I know.”
“And yet you betroth yourself to Arra.”
“I - I know that I’ve wronged you, but it was never my intention.”
“Oh? What was your intention then?”
“I - you - it,” Cregan stumbled over his words as you looked at him in rage. “It’s what’s best for the North. It’s my duty.”
“What’s best for the North? Your duty?” You snapped, hands now shaking with rage. “Is that your excuse?”
“No, but -,”
“You are an arrogant fool,” you seethed. “You think yourself so honorable, but you are far from it. You are a disgrace to your house and bring shame to the Stark name. You swear an oath, but then proceed to break it. You are nothing but a coward and don’t deserve to be a Stark.”
“We - we were children,” he defended, and the moment the words left his lips he knew he’d made a grave mistake.
“We were children,” you slowly repeated. “We. Were. Children…. So that’s it? It was just a game to you then.”
“No - it,” Cregan tried to backtrack, but you held your hand up to stop him.
“I’ve heard enough,” you said, and you straightened your back and looked him in the eye. “It may have been nothing but a game to you, but it wasn’t a game to me, Cregan Stark.” With that, you pushed past him and marched out of the godswood, not sparing the dejected man another glance.
Once you were out of sight, Cregan’s knees buckled, and he fell to the ground despair. He let out a growl as he hit the snow in frustration. He should have told you how he felt, told you how he had been blind to his own feelings. But instead, he’d completely mucked things up and made the rift between the two of you even bigger. 
You were right, he was nothing but a coward.
But he also had a duty to uphold.
A duty to the North.
A duty to his people.
And duty is sacrifice.
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Tears silently streamed down your face as you solemnly walked to the Great Keep, skillfully keeping yourself hidden in the shadows and away from prying eyes. The cold unforgivingly nipped at your wet cheeks, making your tears feel like ice against your skin, but you paid it no mind, too distraught from Cregan’s words to feel the frosty bite of the North. You were angry that he had managed to corner you in the godswood. You were angry at him for breaking your heart more than he already had. But mostly, you were angry at yourself for hoping that he would say something different than what he had.
How could I have been so stupid?
So blind?
Your mind raced with so many thoughts as you finally arrived at your chambers and sat on your bed. You slid off your shoes and stripped off your cloak before lying down and staring at the ceiling. You weren’t sure what to do anymore. On one hand, you wanted to leave Winterfell so you wouldn’t have to see Cregan anymore. On the other, you wanted to stay because you loved him and couldn’t bear the thought of never seeing him again. Your heart ached at both options because no matter what, you’d still be losing and knew you wouldn’t be happy no matter which choice you made.
If only I could turn back time and she never came to Winterfell.
Maybe even farther back so Cregan never made his promise.
Your heart clenched as you remembered his words, the phrase tauntingly echoing in your ears.
We were children.
We were children.
We were children.
He had said those words so easily, as if he’d practiced saying it. As if it was acceptable to make such promises as children and they weren’t to be taken seriously.
Oaths of marriage shouldn’t be taken lightly, but I guess they don’t matter if we made it when we were children.
I really thought it meant something to him.
You let out a huff as you sat up, running a hand through your hair. You needed to move on. You needed to do something other than pine for someone who clearly didn’t care about your feelings. Who would rather break his word and toss you aside as if you had not been by his side your whole lives. As if you hadn’t made sacrifices of your own.
You had turned down numerous suitors over the years because of your feelings for Cregan and hopes of marrying him, but now you knew that you should have done what was best for you. If Cregan had really meant his words that day in the godswood, he would have told his advisors and made it known. Instead, he kept it a secret and put it out of his mind because you were both children and he thought of it as another one of your childish antics.
He never had the intention of actually marrying me.
He was just a stupid boy making stupid promises to a stupid girl.
A stupid girl who was stupid enough to listen to his stupid words.
That night you cried yourself to sleep, unaware of the man who stood just outside your door, listening to your sobs of pain, and knowing he was the cause of such sorrow.
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After you had left Cregan in the godswood, he had stayed beneath the heart tree praying to the old gods. Praying for guidance and for help to make the right choice. He was torn. He knew his feelings for you. He knew that they had always been there, but he was too blind to see it until now. But he had also made an oath to Arra and her parents. He had made an oath to his people, to the North. He simply could not forsake his word for his own selfish desires, but he had also given his word to you all those years ago, and the pain that he was causing you was eating him up inside.
Some time had passed and by the time Cregan returned to the Great Keep it was nearly the hour of the bat. As he walked through the quiet halls to his chambers, he decided he wanted to try and speak with you again, in hopes of somehow repairing the damage he had done. Once he arrived at your door, he took a deep breath and was about to knock when he heard it.
You were crying.
Cregan’s heart dropped to his stomach.
He had caused this.
He was the reason why you were currently bawling your eyes out alone. It felt like a lifetime ago that he was the one comforting you when you were upset, but now he was the cause of your misery. Cregan stood there, forehead resting against the wooden door, unsure of what to do. Should he go in and comfort you? Should he leave?
You’d probably yell at him and throw him out if he came in, especially after the earlier interaction, but he wanted nothing more than to pull you into his arms and tell you everything was going to be fine and that he was sorry. He knew he should probably leave, but his feet refused to move, and guilt consumed him as your weeping continued.
If only he’d had the courage to tell you his feelings, you wouldn’t be going through this.
If only he had remembered the oath he’d made, you wouldn’t be so broken.
If only he wasn’t bound by duty as the Warden of the North.
It felt like hours, when it was really minutes, before your whimpers eventually stopped and Cregan knew you’d fallen asleep. He turned as if to walk away but paused. You were always a heavy sleeper, especially after crying, but there was still a slight chance that you would wake up, but Cregan was willing to risk it. He took deep breath and quietly opened your door, and the sight that greeted him made his breath hitch. There you were, hair splayed out around you, the dim light from the moon illuminating your delicate features.
He took the chance to admire you, noting the way your lips were parted just a bit, and a quiet snore coming from your mouth. He smiled at how peaceful you looked, free of the despair he had caused. As he trailed his eyes over your body, the evening breeze graced the room and made you shiver in your sleep. You had been so distraught that you hadn’t even sought comfort in the warm furs adorning your bed. Cregan tip-toed to your side and slid his arms under your small frame, careful to not rouse you from your slumber, as he shifted you just enough to cover you with a blanket.
As he pulled the cover up to your chin, he caught sight of your tear-stained cheeks. As he wiped them way with the pad of his thumb, you turned your face and nuzzled into his palm, letting out a small sigh at the contact. Cregan froze, worried that he’d woken you up, but breathed a sigh of relief when you made no other movements. He tried to draw his hand away slowly, afraid that you would somehow wake up, but was stopped when you abruptly grabbed his arm and rolled over, unexpectedly pulling him into the bed.
He quickly caught himself before he landed on you and held his breath as he gradually lowered his body to lay next to you, praying that you wouldn’t choose that moment to wake up. He thanked the gods when he managed to settle himself behind you, arm slung over your body, trapped in your grip. Cregan steadily shifted until he was right up against you, nothing but the thick material of the wool and furs separating your bodies and closed his eyes.
He smiled as he recalled how the two of you would often fall asleep like this as children. How you two would somehow always manage to wake up in each other’s arms, your head resting on his chest, his arm tightly curled around you. He had never given it much thought back then since you’d been children, but then chastised himself since that kind of thinking was what got him into this mess to begin with.
He tried to think of the last time you’d fallen asleep in his arms and realized that the last time was shortly after your sixteenth name day, several months after his father had passed. Your septa had admonished you the next morning when she’d found you in his arms, saying that it was not appropriate to sleep beside a man that was not your husband, especially when the man was the young Lord of Winterfell, and she had not hesitated to give him the same scolding. The two of you never slept beside each other after that.
Cregan was saddened at the memory, having never recognized the obvious affection between you two. He closed his eyes, listening to your breathing and occasional snores, and breathed in your scent. The smell of pine with a pleasant undertone of smoke invaded his nostrils, and he draw soft circles over your hand as he felt how your body perfectly fit against his. He committed it all to his memory and wanted to savor this moment for as long as he could, knowing that he would probably never get another chance at this with you.
Cregan laid awake behind you for several hours, and as the hour of the owl approached, he reluctantly released you from his embrace and stood. He couldn’t help himself as he leaned down and placed a kiss on your cheek and forehead before exiting your chambers, giving you one last look before he shut the door silently behind him.
Unbeknownst to him, you had opened your eyes just seconds after the door had shut.
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suhkusa · 17 hours
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Osamu feels the text before he actually gets the chance to read it.
“What the fuck—” there’s a sudden hand on his shoulder.
“‘Samu, what the fuck did you do?”
Osamu is taken aback, but retorts. If anyone asks, Atsumu started it. 
“What the fuck do you mean?” One of Osamu’s hands grabs his brother's wrist, trying to pull his grip off.
Atsumu’s eyes are glaring into his own, “You know what you did,”
“If this is about Y/N, you had your chance and you fucked it up,”
Atsumu is pushing his twin into a nearby wall when he says, “That tweet was a lie, I was planning on fixing things with her. Why did you get in the way?”
“I got in the way? It wasn’t just the tweet, Atsumu. You know damn well. You started this with your stupid— truce,” Osamu’s pushing back. But his brother has always been the more athletic one.
“What truce?” a voice cuts through, and it’s yours.
The two of them freeze, still in their awkward position.
You’re stepping closer before you’re nudging Atsumu off Osamu. Osamu looked at his twin, and his facial expression definitely changed.
Atsumu really hasn’t seen you in a while, huh?
“What truce?” you repeat, but you sound more desperate, more demanding.
“It- It’s-” Atsumu begins to try to explain it, but it’s like the words don’t want to come out.
“Seriously? Am I just like a game to the two of you?” your voice is getting loud, but it’s straining. Like you’re hurt?
“I’m tired of this whiplash that both of you give me. You want me and then you don’t. You’re my friend and then you’re not. Can the two of you make up your mind?”
Osamu’s heart is shattering in his own chest. He never realized the weight of his actions until now. And as he glances at Atsumu beside him, he can tell he’s going through the same epiphany.
“I’ve tried, I really tried. You guys distanced yourselves from me after high school and for what? Some quick fucks and attention from girls?”
“You don’t know shit, Y/N,” Atsumu is the first one out of the two to finally speak. 
“What? What could I possibly not know?”
“That we both fucking like you!”
Osamu feels his own eyes widen along with yours. The shocked reaction doesn’t stop his brother.
“We’ve both liked you for god who knows how long, and we forced ourselves to try and stop,” he looks to Osamu, “but we both know how that went,”
“Stop criticizing me— and ‘Samu, for that matter, when you don’t know how it feels to give up someone you love for someone else that you love,” 
Osamu is still silent. He feels like he should say something, but he doesn’t. He can’t. His twin brother has said enough.
And in the end, Osamu still never got to confess.
Everything is silent. Atsumu is angry, you’re sad. Osamu doesn’t know what he is. Maybe conflicted?
It feels like everything just got way more complicated than it needed to be. Atsumu’s face drops before he runs a hand over his face and through his hair. He sighs before walking off. Osamu doesn’t know where Atsumu’s going. He doesn’t really care either.
His eyes then meet yours. Yours are glossed over. Like you want to cry, but you hold it back. He wants to reach out to you. 
But Osamu Miya is a coward. And he doesn’t say a word as you stalk off in the opposite direction.
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surprise!!! you get to choose your twin lol
congrats on finishing main story!
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© all writings belongs to suhkusa 2024. do not repost or change.
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ssentimentals · 1 day
seventeen members as love tropes: xu minghao
enemies to lovers
'you're not mine but wouldn't you want to be?'
minghao tries is hardest to stay calm but all these higher ups are making it really hard. he turns to look at you and the sight of your hunched back and bitten raw lips makes him boil. are you two friends? no, far from it. minghao is very aware of the whole 'enemies' agenda that is happening between you both, but does he want to see you like this? nervous, agitated, scared? no. fucking hell, no. he wants to see you burning with passion, wants to see that fire in your eyes whenever you two argue - minghao feels like he's been punched in the chest when he realizes that he's ready to kill just for you to not look this scared.
'can we wrap this up?' he voices out loud, not bothering to hide his annoyance. 'i don't see any point in this.'
'it'd be wise for you to be more polite and remember who you are talking to, xu minghao.'
he sees how you cringe at this, how your hands ball up into fists at the way that man spoke to him. understanding that you are angered on his behalf warms minghao up; it feels incredibly nice to know that you care. he keeps his mouth shut, lets managers drag on about the issue and takes two step in your direction, stopping when your shoulders brush. you tense up at first, sending him a questioning glance but he only stays put to which you reply with a rejected sigh. they lecture him and then start lecturing you and minghao can't just stand still when you're obviously fuming. they are being rude to you and the words are out of his mouth before he can think them through: 'don't talk to her like that.' your sharp intake of breath kind of wakes him up and he stares ahead at all the managers, who all look shell shocked.
'you have no right to talk to her like that.' minghao pushes in a clipped tone. 'she did her best and so did i, our timing got fucked up but it's not our fault. don't speak to her in that tone.'
shortly after you get pulled away by other people and minghao is in for another 30 minutes of lecturing. by the time he finally gets out of that stuffy room, he feels like he wasted ten years of his life on nothing. he sighs, stretches and is about to turn when soft steps stop him. he knows it's you even before you call out his name.
'why did you do that?' you ask, squinting at him. 'why the sudden hero act?'
'it wasn't an act,' he says, rolling his eyes. god, he's so tired. 'but you're welcome.'
'i haven't asked for it,' you spit out, obviously angered. 'i don't need your pity.'
minghao turns around, raising his eyebrow. 'i have never pitied you,' he says strongly, feeling himself getting worked up again as some stupid side effect on you being close. 'can't you just say 'thank you' and move on?'
'i don't need your help!' you hiss. 'i haven't asked for it!'
and - only you can make minghao want to both bang his head on the wall from frustration and laugh like a maniac. he sometimes wants to step closer, pull you into his arms and... he doesn't know. part of him wants to strangle you for being so damn difficult all the fucking time, but another part wants to smash your mouths together so you can finally shut up. minghao is aware of how unhealthy it is just as he is aware of how often your gaze falls on his lips or his biceps. it's good to know he's not the only one who's gone mad. they say it's a fine line between hatred and love and for minghao right now this line is so thin that he barely see it anymore. is it the same for you? he wants to ask, but instead he says: 'why you didn't stop me then? you always could just interrupt me over there but you didn't say a thing. if you don't need my help why i was the one who you turned to when authorities came? you didn't say anything but you searched for me with your eyes, don't even try to deny it.'
five steps. that's the distance that separates you two and minghao thinks it's fitting. he can take two and then you can take two and then maybe you'll play game of chicken on that last step. but you surprise him with taking all those five steps yourself, storming onto him with fire in your eyes that he loves so much. 'you're not the one to talk, minghao. you think i don't know that it was you who asked everyone to wait up for me? who brought medicine to my team when i fell sick?' you try to push him on his chest but minghao easily catches you wrist in his, not letting you move. 'let me go.'
'that's not what you want.' he says in a calm tone that doesn't show all the hurricane which's happening inside of him.
reality of how close you two are standing dawns on you. jerkily, you try to step back but his hold on you is too strong. 'let me go,' you whisper, voice wavering. 'hao, let me go.'
hao. 'that's not what you want,' minghao whispers and lets his other hand wrap around your waist, pulling you even closer to his chest. 'tell me what you really want, angel.' he sees how you shudder at the petname and smiles, leaning in. he lets go of your wrist, locking his arms around you instead. 'you can go if you want.' he leans in, brushing your noses together. 'or you can stay. and i can never, ever let you go. which i think is what you actually want.'
it's brave. it's bold, it's brazen and - it works. your body sags in his arms and you hide your face in his neck, hugging him back. 'prick,' you mutter into his neck, raising goosebumps where your lips touch his skin. 'self absorbed asshole.'
'yeah,' minghao easily agrees, hugging you tighter. 'prick, self absorbed asshole that i will never, ever let you go.'
a/n: this one is a bit vague but i couldn't figure out how to write this for the live of me. i hope this was okay? let me know! - nini
my seventeen works are here
my formula 1 works are here
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cece693 · 2 days
Touch Starved (Edward Cullen x M! Vamp Reader)
Summary: You were touch starved and didn't mind it. However, not everybody was fine with it. Your mate found it frustrating, especially when this distance caused rumors to swirl.
tags: reader doesn't care about touch, Edward does, rumors, students creating drama, needy Edward
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Touch had never been a necessity for you. Even before you were turned, physical closeness felt redundant. You didn’t need to be held or touched to know you were cared for. Love, to you, was a state of being, a quiet understanding, not something proven through gestures or physical contact. The presence of someone you loved—just standing with them in comfortable silence—was enough.
When you became a vampire, this aspect of you didn’t just remain—it intensified. Your heightened senses transformed every little detail into something overwhelming. The smell of a distant forest, the vibrations of life beneath the ground, the heartbeat of a creature miles away, all became vivid. But touch? Touch became unnecessary, intrusive even. Feeling every texture, every pore, every slight imperfection was a reminder of how alien you’d become. Instead of comfort, it brought only awareness of your distance from the human experience.
For a long time, it didn’t matter. When you joined the Cullen family, they learned quickly that casual touch wasn’t your thing. You preferred your own space, your hands often resting quietly in your pockets or folded loosely in front of you. They respected that. Alice, of course, was the exception. Her constant, affectionate touches were something you tolerated, knowing it was how she expressed herself. You didn’t need it, but you didn’t mind it, either. It was Alice. That was different.
But Edward was different too.
Edward was tactile, always reaching out to touch you, needing that physical connection to feel reassured. For him, it wasn’t just affection—it was an anchor, a way to feel grounded in your relationship. He needed the brush of your fingers, the warmth of your hand, the brief press of your shoulder against his. It was how he knew you still loved him, still wanted him. You understood that about Edward, and for the most part, you tried to accommodate him. Even if it didn’t come naturally to you, you wanted him to feel secure.
But over time, your calm detachment, your natural tendency to pull away from physical intimacy, began to stir whispers at school. You had always been composed, quiet, and serene—never one to make a fuss or draw attention to yourself. To the students, your cool distance with Edward was misread as disinterest, something they couldn’t help but gossip about.
"He doesn’t even look at Edward anymore."
"They’re never together—he’s always with Alice. Have you noticed that?"
"I don’t think he’s into him anymore. Relationships fall apart, you know?"
And those whispers, those rumors, fed into something larger. It didn’t take long for people to start trying to test the waters to see if maybe there was truth to the rumors. Jessica Stanley was the first.
"Hey," she had said one afternoon, leaning against your locker, flashing you an overly friendly smile. "If you ever need someone new to talk to, I’m always here."
Her words didn’t register much with you; you'd barely glanced at her. You weren’t irritated or amused—just indifferent. Jessica, like the others, was human. Temporary. It was a passing moment, one that would dissolve as quickly as it came. You saw no need to correct her or give her a second thought. You knew the truth, and that was enough.
But Edward, standing across the hallway, heard everything. He heard the thoughts that accompanied Jessica’s smile, her hopes that maybe, just maybe, she could wedge herself between the two of you. He heard the other students, too—the boys who lingered near you, the girls who whispered when you walked past. It weighed on him more than you realized.
He never let it show but you could feel it. Even if you weren’t one for touch, you could sense the quiet tension building in Edward. He wasn’t just hearing the rumors; he was internalizing them, letting them feed into his own insecurities. His need for physical closeness became a silent plea, something you recognized but didn’t fully understand until much later.
That night, Edward finally spoke.
"Doesn’t it bother you?" he asked, his voice calm, but edged with frustration. You were in your shared room, the darkness outside framing him as he stood by the window, his hands fidgeting with the fabric of his shirt.
You looked up from your book, your expression placid, as always. "What do you mean?"
"The students," Edward continued, pacing slowly. "The rumors. They think we’re falling apart, that you don’t care about me anymore."
You tilted your head. "They’re just rumors. Why do they matter?"
Edward’s golden eyes flashed with a frustration you weren’t used to seeing in him. "It’s not about them. It’s about us. They think I’m losing you. That I’m not enough. And then, when I see them trying to—”
"You know that’s not true," you interrupted, your voice soft. "You know how I feel."
"I do," Edward murmured, running a hand through his hair, his movements sharp with tension. "But hearing it—hearing them think about taking you, seeing how you pull away when I reach out—it’s like I’m losing you. Like you don’t need me."
You exhaled slowly, realizing how deeply this had been bothering him. You loved Edward deeply, more than anyone else, and you believed that your bond would be enough. Hell, he could read your thoughts—how they never strayed far from him—and yet, even that wasn’t enough. He needed to feel it, to experience it in a way you had always found unnecessary.
"I don’t need touch to feel close to you," you said gently. "But I understand that you do. And that matters to me."
Edward’s shoulders loosened slightly, but you could see the residual tension in his posture. "It’s just…I need to know that you still want me. That I’m still important to you."
"I’ve never stopped wanting you," you replied, stepping closer, your calm, steady presence meeting Edward’s anxious energy. You slowly reached out, brushing your fingers along his arm, letting the touch linger, even though it wasn’t something you needed. But you knew Edward did. His eyes closed for a brief moment, and you could see him relax under your touch.
"I’ll try," you said softly. "I’ll try for you."
The next day, at school, you made an effort. You didn’t flinch or pull away when Edward’s hand brushed yours in the hallway. At lunch, when your shoulders touched, you didn’t lean away. It wasn’t dramatic, just subtle adjustments. But Edward noticed, and so did the students. Jessica’s glances faded, and the other boys who had started to hover around you backed off.
For you, the need for touch would always be secondary. It wasn’t how you measured your love, and it never would be. But for Edward, it was everything. And for that reason alone, you would keep trying.
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steddieasitgoes · 2 days
Fogging up the Glass
written for @steddiemicrofic September prompt "Shower" wc: 399 | rating: t | cw: none | tags: pre-steddie, post-season 4, everyone lives, Artist!Eddie, suggestive ending
Eddie stands in the Harringtons’ shower, letting the scalding hot water surround him. He's been here long enough that the glass shower door is covered in a thick layer of fog, and yet he's not ready to leave. Instead, he stretches, letting the warm water work the knots on his neck as his fingers graze the door, wiping a portion of the contestation away. 
It gives him an idea. 
He drags a finger across the door, leaving a line behind. He draws a parallel one next, following it up with a pair of half circles. He steps back, appraising his work. 
“Shower dick!” 
Giggling to himself, he starts doodling lewd stick figures. When the Kama Sutra positions are as good as they can get, given his makeshift canvas, he starts to make them more life-like. He doesn’t overthink it, letting his fingers and imagination take control. It’s only when he steps back into the still-warm water that he realizes who the drawings look like. 
Long, curly hair on the one being bent over. 
Shortish, perfectly styled hair on the other, standing confidently. 
“Eddie?” Steve calls, rapping his knuckles on the door. “You okay in there?” 
Double shit. 
“Yeah, man, all good!” Eddie shouts as he frantically drags his hand through the drawings, erasing the evidence.
Once he’s certain he’s in the clear, he shuts the water off and emerges from the bathroom to find Steve waiting on the edge of the bed, shirtless, with a towel draped over his shoulder. Jesus H. Christ.
“All yours, man,” Eddie says, earning a nod from Steve as they switch places. 
Eddie has barely managed to get his breathing under control when the bathroom door opens. Steve appears in an instant, a hint of steam festering behind him like he’s some horny hunk in a cheap porno. His lips are quirked upwards in a half smirk, half smile, and his arms are crossed lazily over his bare chest. 
“I had no idea Dick-asso has been crashing in my parents’ bedroom for two weeks.”
Before Eddie has time to question, Steve nudges the door wide open. There, in all their glory, on the freshly fogged-up glass of the shower door are Eddie’s lewd stick figures. 
“I can explain.” 
Steve hums and moves to close the distance between them. “I think the drawings are explanation enough. Maybe we could make them a reality instead?”  
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pandapetals · 3 days
That Boy Is Mine
logan howlett x afab!reader - angst, logan liking jean, happy ending, feelings hurt, no y/n used, no reader description
Logan sleeps in your bed most nights but ignores you in the daytime. You grow tired of it and make him realize Jean will never want him back.
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Logan slept in your bed most nights, his body warm against yours in the quiet hours of the dark, but come daylight, it was like you didn’t exist. He’d slip out before you woke up, his presence gone as if he was never there. He spent his days avoiding you, acting like the time spent tangled together under the sheets meant nothing once the sun came up.
At first, you didn’t care. It was just casual—no strings, no expectations. You’d agreed to it, after all. It was better than being alone, and Logan... well, he was impossible to ignore. Strong, confident, untouchable in that rugged way that drew you in before you even realized what was happening. So, when he came to you those nights, needing a release from whatever demons haunted him, you let him in, telling yourself it was just physical. Nothing more.
Lately, it had started to feel different. He’d slip into bed, press his lips to your skin, and you’d catch yourself wanting to stay wrapped up in that moment, to pretend like you weren’t just another temporary escape for him. He’d hold you tight while you both drifted off, his breath steady in the silence and for a few fleeting hours, it felt like you were more than just someone to pass the time with.
Then came the mornings. The cold, indifferent distance. His eyes couldn’t quite meet yours when you passed in the hallway, or worse—when they did, and they held nothing. Like you were invisible.
What made it harder to swallow was the way his gaze always found her.
You could see it, even when he thought no one was looking. The way Logan’s face softened whenever Jean entered the room, the small, hopeful smile that tugged at his lips despite the way she politely brushed him off every time. His eyes lingered on her as if she were some unreachable star, glowing far out of his reach, but still drawing him in like gravity itself.
It stung more than you wanted to admit.
You’d see him light up around her, his posture just a bit more relaxed, his smile a little warmer. It was undeniable—the longing in his eyes, the way he tracked her movements with a kind of silent reverence. Jean... well, Jean was Jean. Perfect, composed, the object of every man’s desire at the mansion but she was also devoted to Scott. Everyone knew that. Everyone except Logan, apparently.
The worst part was that Jean didn’t want him. Not in the way he wanted her. Sure, she smiled back, but it was always the smile of a friend, nothing more. It was clear she wasn’t interested, but Logan, in his stubborn, headstrong way, couldn’t—or wouldn’t—see that.
And you? You were just there, stuck in the middle, letting yourself be used as a distraction, knowing that when it came to daylight, his mind wasn’t on you. It was on her.
At first, you told yourself it didn’t matter. What you had with Logan wasn’t supposed to be serious. Just something to fill the emptiness. After months of it—months of him sneaking into your bed when the nights grew too quiet, only to vanish come morning, months of watching him chase after Jean with that hopeful look in his eyes—you realized you were tired.
Tired of being the backup. Tired of pretending it didn’t hurt.
You were tired of being used.
One evening, you found yourself in the kitchen, absently stirring a cup of tea while your mind churned with thoughts of Logan. You hadn’t seen him since the night before, when he’d slipped into your bed after a long mission, his touch gentle but distant, as if his mind was already elsewhere.
The door swung open, and your heart instinctively skipped a beat, your fingers tightening around the mug when you saw Logan walk in. He wasn’t alone.
Jean was with him.
Your stomach twisted, and before you could turn away, Logan’s gaze met yours for the briefest moment. Instead of the usual emptiness, there was something else in his eyes—a flicker of acknowledgment. Maybe even guilt. He quickly turned his attention back to Jean, cracking some joke that you couldn’t quite make out over the rushing sound in your ears.
You clenched your jaw, forcing yourself to look away as they spoke in hushed tones, their laughter a quiet undercurrent that felt sharper than any rejection you’d ever known. Jean smiled at something he said, that effortless, friendly smile that she gave to everyone, and Logan, as always, lit up in response.
It was infuriating.
You had to bite your lip to stop the words from spilling out, but your emotions were already bubbling dangerously close to the surface.
You set your mug down a little harder than you intended, the ceramic clinking sharply against the counter. Logan’s head snapped up, his attention finally breaking from Jean as his eyes found yours again. This time, you didn’t look away.
He knew. He could see it in your face, in the way you stood just a little too rigid, the frustration practically radiating off you. He could feel the tension in the air, thick and heavy between the three of you.
Without thinking, you took a step forward, your voice low but firm, unable to hold it in any longer. “Logan, we need to talk.”
Jean glanced between the two of you, sensing the change in the atmosphere. “I’ll... leave you to it,” she said softly, clearly not wanting to get caught in whatever was brewing. With a polite nod, she excused herself, leaving you and Logan standing alone in the suddenly too-quiet kitchen.
Logan looked at you, his brow furrowed, a hint of confusion in his eyes. “What’s this about?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest as if bracing for whatever you were about to say.
You took a deep breath, trying to keep your voice steady. “I’m tired, Logan.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Yeah? Tired of what?”
Your jaw clenched, and before you could stop yourself, the words tumbled out. “Tired of being your backup plan.”
That seemed to hit him. His arms dropped to his sides, and for the first time in months, he looked genuinely taken aback. “What the hell are you talkin’ about?”
You let out a bitter laugh, shaking your head. “You know exactly what I’m talking about, Logan. You come to me when you need something—when you need me—but the rest of the time, you act like I don’t exist. You think I don’t see the way you look at Jean?”
Logan’s face darkened at that, but you pressed on.
“I’m tired of pretending it doesn’t matter, tired of acting like I’m okay with just being your side option while you chase after someone who doesn’t even want you.”
“I—” he started, but you held up a hand to stop him.
“Don’t,” you said sharply, your voice shaking slightly now, your emotions finally breaking free. “You don’t get to stand there and act like it’s nothing. Because maybe it was nothing at first, but now? It’s not. Not for me.”
Logan stared at you, his expression unreadable for a moment, and you couldn’t tell if he was angry, guilty, or something in between. His jaw clenched, and for the first time, you saw the cracks in his usually impenetrable armor.
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly, his voice rough, “I didn’t... I didn’t mean for it to be like this.”
You crossed your arms, feeling the weight of his words settling heavily on your shoulders. “Then what was it, Logan? What did you mean for it to be?”
He let out a slow breath, running a hand through his messy hair, clearly struggling to find the right words. “I don’t know,” he admitted finally, his voice low. “It’s not that simple.”
You scoffed, the frustration bubbling up again. “It’s not that complicated either. Either I matter, or I don’t.”
Logan’s eyes met yours, and for a long moment, neither of you spoke. There was something raw in his gaze, something that told you he wasn’t as unaffected as he pretended to be. But still, there was a distance—like part of him was still holding on to something, to her.
“Jean doesn’t want you,” you said softly, the words cutting through the silence like a blade. “She never did. You know that, don’t you?”
Logan flinched, his jaw tightening again, but he didn’t deny it.
You took a shaky breath, your voice barely above a whisper now. “You could have something real, Logan. Something that isn’t just a distraction or a replacement. But you need to figure out what you want.”
The weight of your words hung in the air between you, heavy with the unspoken question: Was this ever more than just convenience?
Logan’s eyes searched yours, and for the first time, you saw it—the uncertainty, the conflict. The walls he’d built around himself were crumbling, piece by piece.
Whether he’d let them fall was a choice only he could make.
The silence between you and Logan stretched on, thick with tension. His eyes were stormy now, locked on yours, but you couldn't tell if he was angry or just conflicted. Maybe both. The quiet was suffocating, and you had to break it before it swallowed you whole.
“Well?” you pressed, unable to keep the sharpness out of your voice. “Do I even matter to you, Logan, or am I just someone to fill the space when you can’t have Jean?”
His expression darkened at that, and you knew you’d hit a nerve. “It’s not like that,” he muttered, voice low, but there was a tremor of frustration in it.
“Then tell me what it is like,” you demanded, stepping closer, your anger bubbling over. “Because it sure as hell feels like I’m just a substitute. And I’m done being second place.”
Logan’s fists clenched at his sides, his jaw flexing as he ground his teeth together. For a moment, you thought he might explode, that his anger would boil over into a full-blown fight. But instead, he exhaled sharply, his voice strained but quieter. “You think I don’t care about you?”
The question caught you off guard, your breath hitching in your throat. You opened your mouth to answer, but the words got stuck, tangled up in the confusion and frustration swirling inside you.
Logan took a step closer, his presence towering, his eyes hard but filled with something more than just anger now. “You think I don’t care about you?” he repeated, his voice rough, a bit desperate now. “I come to you because I know you’ll take me as I am. I come to you because you’re—” He broke off, running a hand through his hair in frustration as if he couldn’t find the right words. “You’re the only one who sees me.”
You blinked, the sting of his words hitting deeper than expected. “Then why do you look at her like she’s the one who matters?”
Logan’s face twisted in frustration, his fists tightening again, his knuckles white. “Because I thought... I thought maybe she could make me feel like I used to, before all this shit—before everything went to hell.” He shook his head, his voice dropping. “But she can’t. I know that now.”
Your heart raced as you processed what he was saying. It was raw and unfiltered, and it made you realize that Logan was more conflicted than you ever gave him credit for. That didn’t change the fact that you had been left in the middle of it all—waiting for him to figure it out while you got used along the way.
“Logan,” you whispered, your voice trembling, “I’m not asking you to choose between us. There’s nothing to choose. She’s never been yours to have.”
He let out a breath like it was the hardest thing he’d had to hear, but he didn’t argue. His eyes flickered with something you hadn’t seen before—regret, maybe, or the realization that he’d been holding onto a fantasy that wasn’t real.
You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself. “You have to stop looking at her like she’s the answer to whatever you’re searching for. Because she isn’t. She never was.”
Logan’s shoulders sagged slightly, the weight of your words sinking in. He turned his gaze away from you, staring at the floor for a long, tense moment as if the cracks in his armor were starting to show.
And then, suddenly, he spoke again, his voice low and almost vulnerable. “I didn’t know I was hurting you. I thought...” He paused, his brows furrowing. “I thought we had an understanding.”
You bit your lip, feeling the tension in your chest grow tighter. “We did. At first. But I can’t keep doing this, Logan. I can’t keep pretending that this is enough when you’re still hung up on someone who doesn’t want you.”
He flinched at that, his jaw working as if he was trying to swallow his pride, but the flicker of pain in his eyes told you he knew you were right.
“I don’t want to be your distraction,” you said softly, your voice finally breaking as the emotions you’d kept bottled up spilled out. “I want to matter.”
The room fell silent again, the weight of your words sinking in. You weren’t sure what to expect—if he’d walk away if he’d try to argue again, if he’d shut down completely. But instead, Logan stepped closer, his hand hovering near your arm like he wasn’t sure whether or not you’d let him touch you.
“You do matter,” he said, his voice low, rough around the edges. “You matter more than you think.”
For a second, you couldn’t breathe. You searched his face, trying to find any hint that he wasn’t being honest, but there was nothing but sincerity in his eyes.
“I’ve screwed this up,” Logan continued, his hand finally resting on your arm, the warmth of his touch steady but tentative. “I know I have. And I don’t blame you if you’re done with me. But... if you give me a chance—if you give us a chance—I’ll make it right.”
You blinked, not expecting the sudden shift, not expecting the raw vulnerability that was written across his face. Logan, the man who never apologized, the man who never seemed to care what anyone thought, was standing in front of you, admitting he’d screwed up and asking for another chance.
You wanted to stay angry. You wanted to hold onto the hurt and the frustration that had built up over the months but as you stood there, staring into his eyes, you realized that somewhere along the way, you’d started caring about him more than you’d wanted to admit. Maybe you always had.
There was a long pause, and the tension between you was still heavy but different now. Softer. Uncertain.
Finally, you let out a breath, your anger starting to unravel just a bit. “Logan,” you said, your voice quieter now, “I don’t want to be your backup plan. I don’t want to be your second choice.”
His hand tightened gently on your arm, his eyes locking onto yours. “You’re not. Not anymore.”
The words were simple, but they hit deep, and for the first time in what felt like forever, you believed him.
You looked at him for a moment longer, then slowly, carefully, you reached up and rested your hand on top of his, feeling the roughness of his skin against yours. “Alright,” you said softly, almost like a whisper. “But you need to show me, Logan. Words aren’t enough.”
Logan’s lips twitched into a small, almost shy smile—something you weren’t used to seeing on his face. “I will.”
The tension between you seemed to dissolve then, replaced by something warmer, something real. You weren’t entirely sure what the future held, but for the first time, it felt like there was a possibility of something more—something honest, something that didn’t leave you feeling like you were second best.
Logan pulled you into his arms, holding you close, and you let him. His embrace was firm and steady, but there was a gentleness in the way he held you, as if he was afraid you might slip away if he wasn’t careful.
“You’re not getting rid of me that easily, you know,” he murmured against your hair, his voice soft but teasing.
You smiled into his chest, letting the warmth of the moment wash over you. “I’m not trying to,” you replied, your voice matching his light tone.
For the first time in months, you felt the weight of everything lift, replaced by something softer—something you hadn’t allowed yourself to feel with Logan until now.
Maybe this could work. Maybe you could be more than just someone he turned to in the middle of the night.
As Logan held you close, his hand gently running up and down your back, you allowed yourself to hope that, for once, things might finally fall into place.
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JJK Characters Realizing They Start Falling for You [Pt.2]
Bonus: manga character in the end!
Being one of the Death Paintings, he never experienced such feelings before. At first, he tries identifying it but fails. It’s more than friendship and more than simple protectiveness. After some time, he goes to Yuji and reluctantly asks for advice.
Grumpy and aloof by nature, Choso starts with tiny steps: sitting a bit closer to you than usually, talking to you more often or even doing small acts of service like holding the door for you.
He actually has lots of passion, emotions and affection inside and with you around, he feels more in touch with these emotions than ever.
Is very sweet and once opening up, will blow you away with his wit and humor.
Will surely take some time to mentally prepare for asking you out since a) he doesn't believe he has a chance and b) has super low self esteem in terms of being a romantic partner.
Takes you to a quiet place where he can gather his thoughts. Is surprisingly straightforward though and just admits he likes you and would like to get to know you more.
Cups your face and stares in your eyes with a huge goofy smile, not quite comprehending what just happened.
Since he had a history with Rika, at first he brushes off any thoughts of potential love interests.
However, you make it hard for him not to pay attention to the way you laugh, carry yourself, or spar.
Opens up with you more, replacing his shy facade with his true, ingenious and passionate self.
He finds it fascinating how easy it is to talk to you and just be around you, with no need to pretend or stay alert.
Is actually a very protective type and it will show almost instantly. He will always make sure you are safe and comfortable but he won't be obtrusive at all.
One day just asks you to join him and spend some time in an amusement park. While walking, will casually drop the "I quite like you" line and will smile softly, talking your hand.
From the start, he never doubted in your answer and now smiles in quiet confidence.
Needless to say, the man is super reserved so at first, he will just act as his usual self: keeping the distance and occasionally glancing at your side with a frown.
Is annoyed at himself because he never thought he’d be interested in another person again. Apparently, you found your way under his skin.
Toji knows how to be a husband but has forgotten how to be a boyfriend so he’ll have hard time figuring out where to start.
Are flowers okay? What do people even do these days? Should he take you out somewhere?
His rage surprisingly dissolves in your presence and he cherishes this feeling though never admits it out loud.
Will take you to a secluded and quiet restaurant and will simply state that yes, he’d love to… try this whole…relationship thing with you.
Usually has no trouble asking someone out or simply flirting but finds himself at loss of words in your presence.
It’s weird and he both likes it and feels a bit embarrassed.
Is a type to observe you from the distance and make mental notes on your behavior and habits. He doesn’t stalk though: he is just hesitant to approach you yet.
Is amused by the way you laugh or fix your hair and smiles softly and admires you quietly
Loves to touch you, be it holding your hand occasionally or brushing a strand of hair from your face.
Will probably ask you out while you two share a quiet and cozy evening. Something like stargazing together sounds like a perfect start for your blooming relationship.
“I’m not used to needing someone as much as I need you, but I’ll be honored if you decide to give it a try and become my partner”
Not really a romance type of guy and has never been pursuing a relationship, prioritising work.
Is caught off guard by the sight of you. His eyes open widely and his whole expression changes as if the veil, that’s been hiding his features, was finally lifted.
Tries to rationalise his feelings and emotions. Like, he should control them, right? Logic should be above it all?
In your presence, acts in a rather sharp manner, trying to hide nervousness.
Old-school romance is his style. One day, he will just show up with a huge bouquet of flowers, assembled specifically to your liking.
Will be brutally honest like “I don’t know why I’m feeling this way but I’d rather spend evening with you than by myself”
Will actually open up and as it turns out, has a wonderful sense of humor and lots of witty stories that he will gladly share.
Note though that he is a perfect listener. This man is genuinely interested in your day, your mood and your thoughts.
He wants to become part of your life and is willing to work on any complexities that might arise.
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paddockletters · 3 days
chihiro | trent alexander-arnold
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request:Can you please write something for Trent inspired by chihiro something angst when Trent becomes distant toward the reader (gf or wife ) and less attentive . But she still gives him all of her but soon realizes that it breaks her, and it breaks her more because he hasn't realized pairing: trent alexander-arnold x reader summary: You find yourself in a heart-wrenching struggle as Trent pulls away, leaving you to question your worth. Despite your devotion, his distance shatters your spirit. As you confront the painful truth, a life-changing decision awaits, forcing you to choose between love and self-preservation. warnings: angst, gaslighting author's note: i really enjoyed writing this and i hope you liked it, ... Well, as I always say... english is not my first language so sorry me if there are mistakes —feel free to tell me— and my requests are open!👀
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I’ve been feeling it for a while now—the distance, the way Trent pulls away without even realizing it. At first, I thought it was just me being too sensitive, that maybe I was expecting too much. But as the days went on, I couldn’t ignore it anymore. He was no longer the person who used to look at me like I was his entire world. Now, it felt like I was just... there.
I remember the early days, the way he used to hold me so tight, like he was afraid I’d disappear. I’d catch him staring at me with that boyish smile of his, and he’d say, "What? Can’t I look at my girl?" I’d laugh and tell him he was ridiculous, but I loved it. I loved the way he made me feel seen, loved, important. That version of Trent feels like a distant memory now.
Now? Now he barely looks at me.
The other night, I tried to talk to him—really talk. I had been holding it in for too long, trying to give him space, hoping he’d notice on his own that something was wrong. But he didn’t. So, I brought it up, carefully, not wanting to start a fight.
"Trent," I said, sitting on the couch while he scrolled through his phone, "I feel like we’re not… us anymore."
He glanced up, brow furrowing for a moment before looking back at his screen. "What do you mean?"
I swallowed the lump in my throat, trying to keep my voice steady. "I just… I miss you. I miss how we used to be. Lately, it feels like you’re a million miles away, even when you’re sitting right next to me."
He sighed, rubbing his eyes. "I’ve been busy. You know that."
"I know, but…" I hesitated. "It’s more than that, Trent. I feel like I’m losing you, and I don’t know how to fix it."
His response was so simple, so dismissive. "You’re overthinking it."
Overthinking it. That’s what he said. And maybe I was, but it didn’t change the fact that I felt like I was pouring everything I had into this relationship while he was barely giving me scraps in return.
I gave him a small, sad smile, hoping it would break through his detachment. "I’m not trying to push you away, I just want… I just want us to be close again."
Trent shifted uncomfortably, clearly not in the mood for a deep conversation. "We’re fine. I don’t know why you’re making a big deal out of this."
The silence that followed his words was suffocating. I remember how my chest tightened, and I had to fight back the tears threatening to spill over. Why couldn’t he see it? Why couldn’t he see that I was breaking right in front of him?
There was a time he would come home, exhausted from training, and still find the energy to cuddle up with me on the couch, kissing my forehead, telling me about his day. I remember one evening after a tough match, he had pulled me into his lap, wrapping his arms around me, and whispered, "You’re the best part of my day, you know that?"
But those days feel like they belong to a different lifetime now.
Another night, I cooked his favorite meal, hoping it would spark something between us—bring him back to me. He came home late, as usual, tired and distracted. He barely glanced at the dinner I’d spent hours preparing.
"Thanks," he muttered, barely looking at the table. He grabbed a plate and sat down, eyes glued to the TV, like I wasn’t even there.
I sat across from him, pushing my food around my plate, trying to find the courage to say something, but the words died in my throat. It wasn’t just that he was distant; it was like I had become invisible to him.
When did it get this bad? I wondered, feeling a heaviness in my chest. The love I had for him was still there, burning painfully bright, but it was slowly killing me to keep holding on when he wasn’t holding on to me.
And then came the night it all fell apart.
I couldn’t sleep. I had spent hours lying next to him, staring at the ceiling, my heart aching with the weight of everything left unsaid. I needed to say something, to make him understand, but I didn’t know how.
I slipped out of bed and went to the living room, sitting in the dark, hugging my knees to my chest. I must have been there for a while because, at some point, Trent came out, rubbing his eyes.
"Why are you out here?" His voice was groggy, but there was no concern in it. Just exhaustion.
I looked up at him, tears already spilling down my cheeks. "I can’t do this anymore, Trent."
He frowned, confused. "Do what?"
"This." I gestured between us. "Us. Whatever this has become. I can’t keep pretending that I’m okay when I’m not. I’m breaking, Trent, and you don’t even see it."
He ran a hand through his hair, clearly frustrated. "What do you want me to say? I’m doing the best I can."
"But your best isn’t enough anymore," I whispered, my voice trembling. "I’ve given you everything—my love, my time, my heart—and I’m still left feeling like I’m not enough. Like I’m the only one fighting for us."
He sat down across from me, sighing heavily. "I don’t know what you want from me."
"I want you to care," I said, my voice breaking. "I want you to look at me the way you used to. I want to feel like I matter to you again."
There was a long silence. I stared at him, hoping—praying—that he would say something, anything, to make me feel like I hadn’t lost him completely. But all he did was look away, rubbing his face in frustration.
And that was it. That was the moment I knew. He didn’t have it in him anymore, and I couldn’t keep pouring my love into someone who wasn’t willing to do the same.
"I love you," I said, my voice barely a whisper. "But I can’t keep hurting like this."
He looked at me, his eyes finally softening, but it was too late. "I don’t want to lose you."
I smiled sadly through my tears. "You already have."
That night, after Trent and I sat in silence, I knew it wasn’t just a phase. It wasn’t going to change overnight or even at all. The weight of it all was too much, and I didn’t know how to carry it anymore. My hands were shaking as I reached for my phone, scrolling through my contacts. I needed to talk to someone—someone who might understand.
My thumb hovered over my best friend's name, Jess. I hadn’t told her much about what had been going on, mainly because I didn’t want to admit how bad things were. But now, it was like the dam had broken, and I needed to get it all out.
I hit call.
She picked up after a couple of rings, her voice groggy. "Hey, what’s up? It’s late, everything okay?"
I swallowed the lump in my throat, trying to steady my voice. "Not really."
Her tone shifted instantly, becoming more alert. "What happened? Is it Trent?"
I nodded, even though she couldn’t see me. "Yeah. I just… I don’t know what to do anymore, Jess. It’s like I don’t exist to him. I love him so much, but I feel like I’m losing myself in the process of holding on to him."
There was a pause on the other end. Jess wasn’t one to sugarcoat things, but she also wasn’t the type to push unless I was ready.
"Has he said anything about how he feels? Have you guys talked?" she asked cautiously.
"We tried. Well, I tried. It’s like he doesn’t even see the problem. He keeps saying I’m overthinking it, that I’m making a big deal out of nothing. But it’s not nothing, Jess. It’s killing me."
There was another silence, and then she let out a deep sigh. "Babe, you deserve someone who sees you, who cares enough to put in the effort. I know you love him, but if he’s not giving you anything to hold on to, what are you supposed to do?"
I leaned back against the couch, staring up at the ceiling. "I don’t know. I don’t know if I can keep doing this. I want to believe things will get better, but he’s so... distant. Like he’s already gone, and I’m the only one holding on."
Jess’s voice softened. "Have you thought about what would happen if you walked away?"
My breath caught in my throat. I had thought about it—many times. But actually doing it? The idea felt like ripping my own heart out. "Yeah. I’ve thought about it. But I don’t know if I’m strong enough to let him go."
“You are. You’re stronger than you think,” she said firmly. “But don’t make any decisions until you’re sure. Give it some time, see if he changes. But if he doesn’t... you deserve better, and you know that.”
The next day, I found myself dialing a number I hadn’t used in a while—Trent’s mom. She and I had always gotten along, and part of me wondered if she could help, if maybe she’d seen this side of him before.
"Hello?" Her warm, familiar voice answered, and for a moment, I felt a little less alone.
"Hey, it’s me," I said quietly.
"Oh, sweetheart, it’s so good to hear from you! How are you?"
I hesitated, my voice catching in my throat. "Not great, to be honest."
She paused, clearly sensing the heaviness in my tone. "Is everything okay with you and Trent?"
I let out a shaky breath, the tears I’d been holding back finally spilling over. "I don’t know. I feel like I’ve lost him. He’s been so distant, and I don’t know how to reach him. I don’t know what to do anymore."
She was silent for a moment, and then she sighed. "I’m so sorry, love. I’ve noticed he’s been a bit off lately, but I didn’t want to interfere. You know how he is—sometimes he gets so wrapped up in his own world that he doesn’t realize how it affects the people around him."
"Yeah," I whispered, wiping my eyes. "But I feel like I’m breaking, and he doesn’t even see it."
“Have you told him this? Really told him?” she asked gently.
"I tried. I told him how I felt, but he just brushes it off, like I’m overreacting."
There was a long pause before she spoke again, her voice soft. "I know he loves you. He may not show it the way you need right now, but I know he does. But if he’s not making you feel loved, if he’s not making you feel like you matter, you have to think about what’s best for you. You can’t keep giving and giving until there’s nothing left of yourself."
Her words hit me like a punch to the chest because they were the truth I hadn’t wanted to face. I couldn’t keep pouring everything I had into Trent if he wasn’t willing to meet me halfway.
"I don’t know what to do," I admitted, my voice breaking. "I don’t want to lose him, but I can’t keep living like this."
"No one can tell you what to do, love. Only you know what’s right for you. But whatever you decide, you deserve to be happy. Don’t settle for less than that."
That night, after talking to Trent’s mom, I lay in bed next to him, staring at the ceiling, feeling the weight of everything pressing down on my chest. The silence between us was louder than ever, and for the first time, I wondered if this was how it was always going to be. If I was going to spend the rest of my life feeling like a ghost in my own relationship.
I thought back to the last time we’d had a real conversation—weeks ago, maybe more. I had asked for space, told him I needed some time to clear my head, to figure things out for myself. I had been so overwhelmed by everything then, but I thought that maybe stepping away, even for a little while, would make me feel better.
"I need to be alone for a bit," I had said quietly, standing in the doorway of our bedroom, my hand still gripping the edge of the doorframe.
He’d looked at me, his face unreadable, but nodded. "Take your time."
It had been a relief at first. I had gone for a long walk, let my thoughts run wild as I tried to make sense of what had been happening between us. I’d told myself that once I came back, we could figure things out, rebuild what had been crumbling.
But when I returned that night, the house had felt different. Colder. Like something essential had disappeared. And Trent… he wasn’t there in the way I needed him to be. Physically, yes, he was there. But emotionally, mentally? It was like he had already checked out. I had walked back into the same room, into the same life, but somehow, I was the one who felt lost.
Now, as I lay beside him, I could still feel that same emptiness between us. I rolled over, my back to him, blinking back tears as I whispered, "I miss you."
He didn’t respond. I don’t even think he heard me.
And that’s when I knew—I had taken a break, hoping to come back to something familiar, something that we could still fix. But instead, I had returned to someone who was already gone.
Weeks passed after that night. The silence between us only grew, consuming every corner of our relationship. I kept hoping—foolishly—that maybe something would change, that Trent would look at me the way he used to, or that he would finally notice the cracks that had been widening for months. But nothing came. No words, no apologies, no acknowledgment of the distance that had turned us from lovers into strangers.
One morning, I woke up and knew. It was like the weight of everything had finally sunk deep enough for me to let go. I couldn’t do it anymore. I couldn’t keep waiting for him to realize how much this was breaking me. So, I packed my things in silence. The room felt eerily calm, like it knew what was coming before I did.
Trent was at training, and for the first time, I was glad he wasn’t there. I didn’t have the strength to explain myself again, to beg for him to see me, to see us—the version of us that once existed. I left him a note on the bed, my hand trembling as I wrote the words that had been festering inside me for weeks.
"I can’t do this anymore. I gave you everything I had, but somewhere along the way, you stopped giving me anything back. I love you, Trent, but I love myself too much to keep breaking for someone who doesn’t even realize I’m shattered. Take care of yourself. Goodbye."
I walked out the door, my chest tight with pain, but for the first time in months, there was also a small sense of relief. I hadn’t felt this light in ages, even if it was paired with heartbreak. The hardest part was over. I was leaving.
"I guess this is it," I had said, my voice barely a whisper.
Now, weeks later, I sat in my new apartment, staring out the window as the city buzzed below. For the first time in a long time, I felt like I could breathe. The space around me was mine, filled with my own choices, my own life. But the ache in my chest was still there, lingering like a bruise that hadn’t quite healed.
It took time—too much time—but I finally realized something that had been staring me in the face all along. I had been waiting for him to notice me, to care enough to fight for us, but Trent had already made his choice. He’d been gone long before I ever walked out that door.
And now, after everything, I was the one who was finally gone. And for the first time in weeks, I realized… I wasn’t going to come back.
Then, one evening, while scrolling through my phone, I saw a text from a number I almost didn’t recognize anymore. It was Trent.
"I didn’t realize until now. You were gone, and I didn’t even notice. I’m sorry… for everything."
I stared at the message for a long time, feeling the tears pool in my eyes, but I didn’t reply. Because now, it was too late.
He had finally realized. But I was already gone.
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starryevermore · 2 days
dumb love, i love being stupid ✧ ruhn danaan 
angst city™ library |send in a request (consultrequest faqs first)
pairing: ruhn danaan x fem!reader 
summary: you thought you had found your forever, but he wanted to keep it casual. 
word count: 2,346
warnings?: angst city™ bitch, not proofread
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“So how’s it going with that one girl? Been seeing her a lot lately.”
“Eh, we’re just keeping things casual,” Ruhn said, eyeing a pretty faun from across the bar. 
You watched as his friend—Declan, you realize—arched a brow, took a long sip of his drink. Ruhn couldn’t stop himself from rolling his eyes as Declan said, “That why you keep bringing her around so much?”
“We both know what this is. I like her company, so I invite her out sometimes. That a crime?” Ruhn didn’t wait for an answer. He set his drink down on the bar and began to make his way to the pretty faun. 
“Guess not.” Declan looked away from his friend, eyes somehow finding yours. Despite the distance and lighting, you couldn’t miss the flash of pity. 
Before he could say anything to you, you turned on your heel, ready to leave the White Raven with whatever scraps of your dignity you had intact. You pushed through the throngs of people, ignoring the annoyed voices of those who you accidentally elbowed in the process. You just needed to get out of there. 
A hand caught your arm just as the exit was finally in sight, pulling you to a stop. “Hey! Where are you going? The fun’s just about to start!” Bryce cheered. Behind her stood Hunt, who offered you a smile and a soft “hey.”
Wriggling lose of Bryce’s hold, trying to maintain an air of playfulness, you managed a laugh. “Some of us have early mornings and can’t party til dawn.”
Bryce rolled her eyes. “Don’t be a buzzkill. Do I need to drag Ruhn out of whatever corner he’s hiding in and convince you to stay?”
Your heart skipped a beat, and you prayed neither Bryce nor Hunt could hear it. “Didn’t realize he was here. Saw Declan for, like, half a second.”
She wiggled her eyebrows at you. “So that’s a yes? Getting your boy toy will get you to stay?”
“He’s not my boy toy,” you said, “and it makes me feel icky for you to call your brother that.”
“You’re no fun!” Bryce whined. 
Hunt, either because he believed your story about an early morning or because he could sense your unease, took Bryce by the waist and slowly began to urge her away. “C’mon, this is a losing battle.”
“Fine, but you’re coming to the party this weekend, right?”
You probably weren’t, but if agreeing was what it took to get out of the White Raven without crying in front of Ruhn’s friends, then that’s what you’d do. “Duh, you think I’d miss it?”
Bryce grinned, and Hunt finally successfully urged her into the crowd to find the rest of their friends. You loosed a breath, rolled your shoulders, and made your escape. No one stopped you again, or even spared you a glance. For that, you were grateful. You weren’t sure how much more people-ing you could handle. 
Unfortunately, you did plan on making one more stop before you went home. 
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Ruhn really needed a better hiding spot for his spare key. Was there anything more obvious than a potted plant by the door? It would have been laughable if you weren’t effectively breaking into his home. (Is it really breaking in if you found the key? And when the owner of said key told you where it was hidden?) 
You didn’t bother being quiet, figured that all of the home’s residents were out at the White Raven. Yet, when you shut the door, a voice had you jumping out of your skin. 
“Ruhn come back with you?” Flynn asked, leaning against the entry to the kitchen. 
You tried to steady your breathing and racing heart. “Nah. Think he’s at the White Raven with Declan. I was just swinging by to grab a couple things I left behind.” You held up the spare key for him to see. “Y’all need a better place for this than the only potted plant on the property. You’re practically asking someone to steal all your shit.”
Flynn nodded. “Cool, cool. Shout if you need anything, and try not to rob us blind, yeah?”
“Eh, I’ll leave your shit alone, but can’t say the same for Ruhn and Declan,” you joked despite yourself. 
He snorted out a laugh. “You’re funny. Shame Ruhn got to you first.”
You shrugged. “I’ll only be a few minutes.”
As you walked up to Ruhn’s room, Flynn disappeared into the kitchen. He’d probably leave you alone. As long as you don’t take a long time, probably. You didn’t plan on sticking around, though. You just wanted to grab your things and get out before Ruhn returned with that faun he was eyeing. If he thought this was casual, the last thing he would want is for you to be hanging around while he was trying to get lucky. 
Thankfully, you knew where most of your things were. A couple of shirts thrown in his closet, a jacket strewn over a chair. Some miscellaneous socks mixed in with his laundry. You grabbed your lipgloss you thought you lost from the bathroom, and the pretty hand towel you brought because there was no way in hell you were using the scratchy ones they bought in bulk. Your favorite bras, buried in the top dresser drawer. 
Once you were satisfied you got everything you cared about, you made your way out of the home, praying that you wouldn’t run into Flynn again. 
He was on the couch when you came out. He eyed the bundle of clothes in your arms. “Moving out?” he teased. 
“Getting this stuff out before he thinks I’m trying to move in.”
“You and I both know Ruhn wouldn’t mind if you did. Honestly, he’d probably be more offended you were sneaking all that shit out.”
Liar. “Eh, I need to wash all this and I don’t trust you idiots to not fuck all my nice stuff up.”
Flynn laughed, throwing his head back. “You make us sound like beasts!”
“Excuse you, I was here when your sheets were stained pink after a sock made its way into the machine, and when half of Ruhn’s clothes got bleach stains after one of you forgot to rinse out the drum,” you giggled.
Fuck, you wished you had fallen for Flynn instead. Or even Declan. They were easy to talk to, and wouldn’t make you feel like an idiot for thinking that something more than casual was going on. That was more your fault than anything, you supposed. You knew who Ruhn was when he approached you at the White Raven all those months ago. He never tried to hide who he was. You were the idiot who thought he might settle down.
“Fair enough,” Flynn laughed. “Hey, you be careful alright? Ruhn’d kill me if you got hurt after leaving here.”
You were already hurt, but Flynn didn’t know that. Didn’t need to know that. “Yeah, yeah, whatever, you mother hen.”
Flynn flipped you off as you left, still laughing. The bitter part of you thought he was laughing at you, knowing how big of an idiot you were. The more rational part knew he was just having a nice time joking around with you. Whatever. You probably weren’t going to be seeing him around much either way. 
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Loud knocking on the door woke you up. When you glanced at your phone for the time, it was barely one in the morning. Several more hours until you would need to start the day, and way too late for anyone to be bothering you right. With a groan, you got out of bed, wrapped yourself up with a robe, and went to the door, fully prepared to chew out whoever was interrupting your beauty sleep. 
You yanked open the door. Ruhn stood on the other side. Whatever steam you had rising up inside you dissipated when you saw him. 
Pulling the robe closer around you, you asked, “What are you doing here?” More questions stayed locked in your mind—Why aren’t you home? Why aren’t you with that pretty faun? 
“Flynn said you stopped by to get some of your things,” Ruhn said. “Looked like you took more than a few. Just wanted to see if you were alright.”
You opened the door wider so he could see into your small apartment. You gestured to the couch, where your laundry basket sat, topped off with the clothes you took back from his place. “Was needing to do laundry,” you lied. “Wanted to make sure all my stuff got washed.”
He pouted—actually pouted. “I could’ve done that for you.”
“It’s no big deal—”
“Or you could’ve done it at my place. Throw in a couple of my things if you didn’t have enough for a load,” he continued. Ruhn took a step into your apartment. You took a step back. “I like having your stuff around.”
“It’ll all probably end up there again anyways,” you shrugged. You doubted it. Ruhn might have wanted to keep this casual, but you weren’t that sort of person. You craved intimacy, the closeness of a relationship. If Ruhn wouldn’t offer that, you didn’t see the point in sticking around. 
Ruhn’s violet eyes searched yours. You weren’t sure what he was looking for. It would probably be easier to walk into your mind than try to pick it up with context clues, but you also didn’t want him anywhere near your head. You didn’t want to hear any excuses he had. Anyways, Ruhn was good about staying out of your mind. He said he didn’t want to violate your trust. What a joke. “Why didn’t you talk to me tonight?”
“Dec said he saw you, and Bryce said you two talked. I was there, too. I know we didn’t plan on doing anything tonight, but I would’ve liked for you to say something.”
You crossed your arms over your chest. “Why are you really here, Ruhn? I know it’s not because I got my things or didn’t talk to you tonight.”
“Are we good?”
The scoff fell from your mouth before you could stop it. Seriously? Why did he even care? If this was casual, why did he care about your feelings? “You don’t have to pretend, Ruhn. I know you want to keep this casual.”
Ruhn blinked, slowly working his jaw. “What are you talking about?”
“If you want this to be casual, that’s fine. I mean, you wish you had told me that, but I can’t change the past. If you want, you know, company or whatever, that’s okay. But I’m not that sort of person. Let’s not let feelings get any more involved than they already are.”
Realization dawned in his eyes. It took him long enough. Ruhn was far from stupid. It didn’t make sense for it to take this long for it to all click. “You heard me and Dec.”
“And saw you with the pretty faun.”
Ruhn looked away. His jaw clenched and unclenched. “I didn’t realize you were there.”
“Does it matter that I was? I mean, if this is casual, you can flirt with anyone you want. You can fuck anyone you want.”
“Stop saying that,” he near-growled. You raised your brows. What right did he have to get upset? At you no less? Fuck, you needed to put an end to all of this. Tonight. Now. 
You couldn’t hide your own ire as you said, “Why? Only you get to call it casual? I get to sit around thinking that maybe you actually give a shit about me, that you want to stick around for the long term, but you get to sleep with half of the city. Do I have that right?”
“No, I think I do,” you said. You reached out, started to push him toward the door. Ruhn snatched your hand and tugged you against him. “Ruhn, let me go.”
“Let me go and get the fuck out of here.”
“No,” he insisted. It was hard to ignore the desperation in his voice, but you weren’t going to fall for any of his tricks. You fell for enough of him already. 
Tears pricked at your eyes. Godsdammit, you weren’t going to cry in front of him. He didn’t deserve to see you so vulnerable. Not anymore, at least. “I am not going to be the idiot in love with you,” you said, your voice thick, “not when you don’t give a shit about me.”
Ruhn’s eyes flashed. With what, you weren’t certain. “I fucking care about you!” he shouted. Oh, what you would’ve given to hear that just hours ago. Now, it meant nothing. 
“No. You either lied to Declan about this being casual, or you lied to me about wanting something with me. Either way, you lied. You do not lie to the people you care about.” You wrenched yourself away from Ruhn, grabbed the door, and pointed out to the hall. “Go. I won’t ask again.”
“I want to talk about this.”
You gestured into the hallway again. “I have nothing left to say. I’ve got neighbors, Ruhn, and you’re probably waking up the whole building.”
He said your name, so softly your resolve nearly crumbled. But you looked away, steeled yourself. You weren’t going to let yourself be treated like shit just for a fae who would never respect you. 
“Lose my number.”
Ruhn stepped toward you. He stopped right in front of you, brushed away a strand of hair that fell in your face. His eyes scanned over you, as if memorizing you. But you wouldn’t look at him. Couldn’t. Then he stepped through the threshold of the door, and you shut the door before he could say anything else, twisted the locks before he could try to open it.
You pressed your back against the door and sank down to the door. Face pressed against your knees, you began to cry, and you pretended you couldn’t hear Ruhn still standing on the other side. 
It was better off this way. 
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Gavin x Reader Part 6!
Morning nuzzles before breakfast…
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I had a request to post an update and I had only a bit of editing left so here we go, I hope this brightens your day!
co-written with CheshireCatSmile
@kus-babygirl @shirley-girly @jynx15 @everchar-of-the-shire @scraftsku35
@vavafaure1994 @deathlesun @sickforbillybutcher @butchers-girl @hippo2211
karl urban masterlist
direct link to part 1
part 5
warning: very brief mention of past bad relationship
Gavin shifts to start unzipping his sleeping bag. You move a little so he can take yours too and zip them together, shivering again, but this time because of the cooling air. “And you’re sure you don’t mind I come with a whole truck load of baggage?” you ask. It wasn’t your plan to get involved with anyone but it feels so good to have someone actually seem to care about you. But you don’t think you can handle being hurt again.
"I have baggage myself. I usually rush headlong into everything, but...this…I want to build something special. If you do, too.”
You nod and bite your lip. You know there’s so much more to him than what he thinks and you’ve always admired his determination and strength, even if he made mistakes in the past. Some never do anything for themselves and only tear others down and in your opinion that’s far worse than his faults. The rain is still tapping on the tent and nothing sounds better than curling up with him. When the sleeping bags are joined, you slip in and stretch out, watching him, and not minding the glimpse of his strong masculine legs as he moves around.
He slides into the sleeping bag beside you zipping it up so you're both inside tucked away cozy and warm. He has an innate heat coming from him and you can't help but be drawn to it. When he gathers you into his arms you can't help just melting against his body. 
"I can't believe how perfectly you fit against me,” he murmurs low and soft.
You bury your face against the soft henley covering his broad chest, making a quiet little sound. He’s right. Nothing has ever felt like this before. You want to say something back but you’re already drifting off and within a few moments you’ve fallen asleep. At first you’re not sure what disturbs you, but then you realize a low roll of thunder from off in the distance sparked a nightmare that woke you and for a second you can’t remember where you are as your body jerks awake.
Gavin’s arms tighten around you and he murmurs, his voice gruff with sleep. "It's alright sweetheart; you're safe. Just a bad dream. I've gotcha."
You blink rapidly in the dark, but Gavin’s low voice makes you remember immediately where you are. You take a breath. Safe, in his arms. And he feels so good. You close your eyes but your heart is still beating fast and you know it’s going to take a minute before it starts to slow.
"That thunder's just gettin’ to you, that's all." Soon the rain starts a steady drumming on the tent's thick canvas roof.  His large warm hand begins rubbing your back soothingly.  "I can still feel your heart pounding sweetheart. You don't need to worry. I'll keep you safe.” You can feel his breath warm and ruffling your hair lightly.
His hand on your back feels so good. You feel like you already know him so well and know you’re safe with him. After awhile you fall asleep easily again and sleep better than you have in years. When you wake, your face is buried against the curve of his neck and before you realize what you’re doing in your half asleep state, you nuzzle there softly against his skin.
A low hum comes from deep in his throat and he tightens his hold on you again, dragging you close to his body.  "Mmm...that feels good. darlin’. A sweet thing to wake up to." He rubs at your back again then rests his hand on your hip, squeezing softly, steady and warm.
You freeze for a moment as you wake fully and realize what you’re doing. Slow. Slow, you tell yourself again. With 5 more days of this trip left alone with him though you have a feeling that is not going to happen. Every part of him feels so good and you feel like if that big, strong hand started sliding under your shirt right now you would be nothing but exuberant. 
Carefully you shift back a little so you’re not completely on top of him and take a breath of the crisp morning air trying not to think about the two of you naked in this sleeping bag. But suddenly you remember what had happened during the night. Your cheeks heat as you think about how silly it was to have nightmares and be scared of thunder. “Sorry about last night,” you murmur softly. “My ex broke in once, before I moved…so sometimes I’m a little on edge at night, I guess.”
He's quiet for a long moment. "That's awful. I didn't realize how much you'd been through. No woman should have to live with that kind of fear. You certainly don't need to apologize." He presses his lips against your forehead in a tender kiss.
Your eyes sting with his kindness, it’s overwhelming to you and you don’t really know why you told him that, suddenly feeling very vulnerable. You nod mutely and take a breath then slip away from him to stretch tight muscles. “I suppose we should get going.”
He catches your eyes with his own as you look up at him. There's still a myriad of emotions there but something you recognize as…respect? "I can't believe what it must have taken to pull yourself together and pick up to start a new life someplace completely different. That's incredibly brave."
You shrug a little but a small smile tugs at your lips. “I didn’t really have a choice. So I just kept going. But thank you.” His hazel eyes swirl with color and you could get lost there forever if you let yourself.
“You're among friends now. And we don't take kindly to anyone trying to hurt one of our own."  He glances up at the top of the tent. I suppose you're right...we should get going while we have a break in the weather." He looks back at you and smiles softly then tucks your hair behind your ear gently.
For a moment all you can think about is pulling him back into bed on top of you, but instead you turn your head to kiss his palm. “What’s for breakfast?”
He chuckles as he shifts to unzip the sleeping bags.  "A girl who keeps sight of the important things in life." He gets up from the warm fabric and quickly pulls his jeans on. "I'll go get coffee started."
In a short time, as you're pulling yourself together for the day, you smell the heavenly scent of coffee wafting into the tent.  "Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes, " he calls into the tent.
You pull your sweatshirt on and shift to climb out of the tent. Sitting in the open doorway, you pull your boots on and look up to find Gavin crouched by the fire, his jeans molded around his ass and you end up staring as you tie your laces until suddenly your stomach grumbles.
He looks over his shoulder grinning at you. "Sounds like last nights dreams worked up an appetite." He beckons you over to the fire and hands you a plate with pancakes and bacon and you wonder how the heck he managed that and coffee too so quickly.
“Oh my gosh,” you smile. “How did you do all this?” He pours some syrup over your pancake and you take a big bite, humming appreciatively. It’s really good. “It’s amazing Gavin, you’re going to spoil me…”
He smiles at you. "Maybe it's time you had some of that in your life." He sits down beside you and takes a bite of his own pancake. Even the campfire coffee is good. His leg is just barely brushing yours as you sit beside each other.
“Mmmm I love bacon…” you murmur, and he’s cooked it perfectly, crisp and hot. Then you pick up your camp mug and sip the dark coffee slowly, savoring then flavor on your tongue. “You better be careful or I might just show up at your house every morning,” you joke.
"Now that's a pleasant thought," he chuckles and winks at you. He's quiet then for a moment. He looks at the fire and says softly, "Though it was nice having you in my arms when I woke up this morning." The way his voice drops low makes you want him with every fiber of your being.
“It was very nice,” you agree, a little breathless. “Except for the thunder I don’t remember the last time I slept that well.” Your mind drifts back to the night before, him pulling you close and kissing you like he couldn’t get enough. You wonder if you can get a replay of it tonight.
Breaking your thoughts, he leans toward you and steals a quick, soft kiss before getting up to quickly take care of the breakfast dishes. He pours the last of the coffee into your mug and smiles at you then continues with his task, drying everything and putting it away in his pack. “I'm going to take the tent down, you just enjoy your coffee."
“Gavin, really, you should have at least let me clean the dishes,” you sigh softly knowing that’s going to be an argument you’re going to lose. But you figure you might as well accept it for now and settle back to enjoy watching him. “I owe you one.”
"I'll keep that in mind," he says with a charming grin that causes his dimple to show. He's so efficient tearing down the tent and packing everything away in his pack. You at least rinse your cup and dry it off to hand to him before gathering up the few things you still have to pack.
It’s not long before you are all packed up and you head out a bit further to survey more of the land that will be part of the cut and then off to the west so you can document the saplings from 3 years ago. It was late midday when the clouds started to roll in again. “Maybe we should have headed to our next camping spot sooner,” you comment, but you really wanted to get all that work done.
"Yeah...there was another area a little farther in I wanted to take a look at too. If you don't mind spending a little extra time...I know you probably have work piling up. But if it’s okay with you?"  He studies you a moment then walks over and adjusts your pack on you so the weight is more even.
“Oh, I don’t mind at all. We have our raincoats after all. I should be able to get a cell signal at the cabin to answer a few emails, but I won’t have any trouble catching up on work when we get back. I know you wanted to make some repairs at the cabin as well and I can work on the reports.”
"Okay, that sounds great. Ready?" He caresses your cheek softly before turning to start up the trail. After hiking steadily for about half an hour he stops and pulls an old map out of a pocket and studies it a moment. "I think it's this way," he catches you when you start off too quick and stumble over an old root system from the ancient adjoining trees. He holds onto you a little longer than absolutely necessary then makes sure you have your footing and starts off again.
This time he takes your hand in his, warm and strong and steady and you almost melt. You walk for a little bit longer until he finds the spot but you realize you are near a ridge and you go over to find an amazing view over a valley of evergreens below.
"It's beautiful isn't it? Now...I think there's a meadow...oh, right here! It should be right...oh my God, it's real!"  
Next up: a little bit of magic enhances the romantic atmosphere ❤️ Let me know what you think!
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inkandtension · 2 days
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Artist! Hyunjin x Writer! Reader
Theme: sad, drifting away from each other, hope towards end
You sat by the window, your laptop open, fingers tapping idly against the keyboard. Outside, the sky was bleeding into sunset—the colors fierce and bold, blending like they couldn't decide whether to end the day or prolong the inevitable.
It made you think of the words in Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar:
"I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery—air, mountains, trees, people. I thought, 'This is what it is to be happy.' But happiness, too, can feel like suffocation."
You often found yourself writing through that lens. Capturing moments that stood still, forever on the brink of something profound. But today, your mind was blank, heart weighed down by an inexplicable heaviness. It was like you had too many words, too many emotions, and no way to release them.
“I don’t want a box of fancy chocolates, I want you, sitting next to me”
The words were those that you said, yesterday was your 4th year anniversary, and he wasn’t home.
Or rather a house, because it refused to be your home, not anymore.
He thought you were overthinking, He said many anniversaries like this would come, that you both could spend them in amazing ways when things weren’t so busy. But that’s when it hit you—he actually believed you’d be together for a long time. That there were countless tomorrows waiting for the two of you.
He didn’t understand.
It wasn’t about the day. It was about him. About how he was drifting further away from you with every passing second, and he didn’t even realize it. People change; so did he.
He used to be your best friend, your confidant, the one who understood every silence, every glance. He could finish your thoughts before you even had to speak them. Now, the silence between you is heavy, tense, and unbearable. You’ve started to feel like strangers who share the same space but live in entirely different worlds. You’re still here, still trying, but him? He’s somewhere else.
You feel like strangers, when you meet a stranger, you smile, not out of undying love, out of compulsion.
He thinks it’s about the missed anniversary. But it’s not. It’s about all the moments that have passed with him not truly seeing you. You’re right there in front of him, but it’s like he’s looking past you, through you, at something else—something you can’t reach.
The problem is, he doesn’t notice. He doesn’t see how his distance is tearing you apart. How your conversations have become shallow, how the meaningful exchanges you used to have are now just brief, distracted words before he retreats into his world. You wonder if he even remembers what it used to be like, back when the two of you would sit in silence, and it would still feel full, still feel like everything was right in the world.
Now, the silence feels empty, a void between you that grows wider each day.
He spends more time with his art, disappearing into it. And maybe, that’s where he’s been hiding all along. You think of how he once told you that art was about capturing a moment, freezing it in time so it could live forever. But you don’t want to live in frozen moments. You want him here, now, fully present. You want him to realize that the distance between you isn’t something that can be brushed aside with promises of a future. It’s something that needs to be addressed now.
He’s always that you tend to dwell too much on feelings, on little things that don’t matter. But this isn’t little. This is everything.
You miss the way he used to look at you, the way his presence alone could make you feel whole. Now, even when he’s there, it’s like he’s somewhere else. You see it in the way his eyes glaze over when you talk, how his focus always seems to drift. You’ve started to wonder if he even cares anymore, if he even realizes that his absence—though physical—has become emotional too.
The truth is, you don’t care about fancy chocolates or grand gestures. You never did. You just want him. You want the man who used to make you feel like the only person in the room, the man who used to understand you without needing to ask. You don’t need extravagant gifts. You need his time, his attention, his love—the way it used to be.
But he doesn’t see that. He thinks there’s always time. That you can make it up later. But what he doesn’t realize is that every day he pulls away, a little more of you pulls back too. The cracks in your relationship are growing, and the longer they’re ignored, the harder they’ll be to repair. He thinks you’re just upset because of the anniversary. But this has been building for months, maybe even longer. And now, it feels like you’re both on the verge of breaking.
You wish you could find the right words to make him understand, to make him see what’s happening between you. But every time you try, you stop yourself. Because deep down, you know that he’s not ready to hear it. Or worse, he doesn’t want to.
People change. You’ve changed too, but you’ve grown in ways that are trying to hold onto him, while he’s slipping away into someone you barely recognize. And the hardest part is knowing that he thinks everything is fine. That you have time. That you’ll figure it out later.
But you don’t want to live in the future. You want the present. You want him next to you, really next to you, not just physically, but emotionally, mentally, in every way that matters.
Because you’re tired of waiting. You’re tired of hoping that things will get better on their own, that the distance between you will magically close. You know now that it won’t—not unless something changes. Not unless he changes.
Hyunjin must have noticed the stillness, as he quietly approached.
He stood behind you, his fingers brushing against your shoulder, warm and grounding. you tilted your head back to meet his gaze, but his eyes were somewhere else—far off in a world you couldn't reach.
"Writer's block?" he asked softly, his voice like the brush of a fine-tipped pen over canvas.
You shrugged, looking out at the twilight, thinking of how words could so easily fail when you needed them most.
It wasn't that, and the fact that he failed to recognise that was proof, that he indeed is drifting.
"Something like that."
He knelt beside you, his head resting against your knee.
Hyunjin had never needed words in the way you did. His language came in strokes, colors, textures—the way paint blended into something more than itself, how the space between two figures could tell a thousand stories without saying a word.
He pulled out a sketchbook, his charcoal pencil already dancing over the page. He didn’t need to speak; his art was the dialogue. The curves and edges of the lines formed into abstract shapes, slowly coming into focus.
You watched as he sketched two figures—"us" he said. But something was different.
"You’ve drawn us before," you said, your voice softer now. "Why does this feel different?"
Hyunjin paused, looking at the sketch. "It’s not about us. It’s about the distance between us."
you stared at the unfinished drawing, your breath catching in your throat. "Distance?"
His hand traced the space between the two figures he’d drawn. "We’re close, but not touching. Like we’re in different worlds... I don’t know how to explain it with words, but sometimes, I feel like we’re speaking different languages."
So he did feel it.
It made you think of Picasso, how his blue period captured his own internal isolation—despair hidden in soft hues, sadness under every stroke.
Hyunjin smiled, though his eyes remained serious. "I think silence is a language all on its own. Just like your pauses when you write, they say just as much as the words."
The silence stretched between you both then, a moment so textured with meaning that words would have felt intrusive. You turned away from the window and faced him, the intensity of his gaze making you feel as though you were a character in one of his pieces—forever captured on canvas, never truly understood.
"Do you ever feel like we’re stuck in our own worlds?" you asked, voice barely above a whisper. "You, with your art. Me, with my writing. Sometimes I wonder if we’re talking past each other."
He frowned, his fingers pausing over the sketchbook. "Sometimes, yes. But I don’t think that’s a bad thing. I think we’re just... translating differently."
You suddenly remembered a quote from
Murakami's Norwegian Wood:
"What happens when people open their hearts?" I asked. "They get better," she said.
You wanted to believe that. That even in the silence between you both, even in the spaces, that you were opening your hearts in the only ways you knew how.
"I write because I want to make sense of things," You said quietly. "But you—" You hesitated, unsure if you were getting it right. "You create to express what can’t be made sense of, don’t you?"
He smiled, his eyes softening. "Exactly."
For Hyunjin, art was never about answers. It was about capturing moments that words could never fully express. He often spoke of how Van Gogh’s Starry Night wasn’t about the sky or the stars—it was about feeling the vastness of everything and knowing you were a part of it, yet so far away from touching it all.
He slid the sketchbook toward you, and you stared at the drawing again. The figures—"us"—still remained apart. But this time, you noticed something you hadn’t before. The way his hand had darkened the space between 'us', as if to suggest that the distance wasn’t empty, but full of unsaid things.
"This is how I feel when you’re lost in your stories," Hyunjin said. "Like you’re right next to me, but your mind is miles away. I don’t know if you’re with me or somewhere else."
you ran my fingers over the page, over the shadowed space. "Maybe that’s just how we’re meant to be. Maybe that space is what gives us room to grow."
He watched me for a moment, his lips parting as if to say something, but then he paused. Instead, he reached for his paintbrush, dipped it in blue, and ran it over the page. The blue spilled between the figures, a vibrant, living thing, connecting us in a way the lines alone couldn’t.
"It’s not about closing the distance," he murmured. "It’s about filling it with something meaningful."
You sat with that for a moment, letting it sink in. How you had both been trying to make sense of the space between yourselves in your own ways—you with your words, him with his art. But maybe Hyunjin was right. Maybe the space wasn’t something to fear or fill, but to cherish. A space where your worlds could coexist without fully merging.
"Virginia Woolf once wrote," You began, " ‘I am rooted, but I flow.’ I think that’s us. We’re both rooted in who we are—me as a writer, you as an artist—but we flow through each other’s worlds. We don’t need to be the same to be together."
He reached across the table then, his fingers brushing yours, and for the first time in what felt like forever, the silence between you both wasn’t heavy. It was light. Full.
Hyunjin smiled, his eyes softening as he closed the sketchbook. "We don’t need words or paintings for everything. Sometimes, just being here is enough."
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sugar-crash · 3 days
🏎️Turbo (Wreck-It Ralph) x (gn) Reader🏁
(Confession Edition!)
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(Heyyy!! This will be the Pre-RoadBlasters section, I will make a second one for Post-RoadBlasters aka King Candy.)
- Turbo… Where do we start with him?? Oh yeah, he’s obnoxiously overzealous and thinks he has the arcade’s popularity at the palm of his hand when his game was just sooo popular with gamers.
- Which…. True yeah he does for those 5 years, and in between those five years, I don’t think he had a problem with getting what he wanted or at least that’s what he thought.
- I think if he were to ever get feelings for someone besides his lust for being the center of attention, it would frustrate him to no end… Like what do you mean some other game character has gotten his attention so intimately??
- Every win would be noticeably dampened when you weren’t there at the sidelines, and if you had a game of your own meant every day… It aggravates him to no end!
- He’s quick to blame you rather than himself, it can’t possibly be from him— YOU must be doing something, or at least you must know how he feels.
- If you guys are friends already (which… Jesus Christ good on you for being able to withstand his gloating to a degree he deems you as one of his friends) he tries to distance himself from you… The keyword is tries.
- But he’s hook line and sinker at that point and can’t help but go to you and sit next to you, pouting and not explaining himself to you whatsoever.
- I believe after maybe a year or two of this nonsense you or he finally has enough of this and make an uncoordinated move to do something with this feeling towards each other—
- Yelling and flushed faces are involved in the process, mostly on Turbo’s part, and eventually ends with him frantically fleeing the scene after the beans were spilled.
- Tensions are high before and after the obvious is revealed, we do not know much about the twin racers from Turbo Time but we can ascertain that Turbo almost constantly annoyed them by being… Himself.
- When he gets upset everyone gets upset. He makes sure of that.
- They’re constantly sick of his shit. And they don’t need another reason to add to that almost endless list, so, naturally— They forcibly get him to face you again after secretly yet not so secretly moping to himself.
- Bit by bit progress is made… With the racer fighting every second before eventually admitting defeat.
- Though this self-perceived defeat is met with a reward, you, or well rejection if you get fed up enough.
- I think it takes a while for him to admit his feelings verbally once more, far too stubborn for that but it’d take a real brickhead like Ralph (nothing against him, I love that dummy dearly) to not realize there was something there.
- It takes a whole lot of vulnerability and reassurance for Turbo to do it, and when he does he’s quick to say you guys were a thing afterward when you agree (credits to you).
- When it comes to romance, he has his… Moments. Smug that out of everyone else you chose him— “A real winner at life” as he likes to put it.
- To say he’s possessive would be a half-truth, while yeah he does get that twinge of jealousy whenever he sees someone with you, but he knows that your his— Why meddle with your life when he already has such a hold on it?
- Throughout the movie, we see that he has a kind of silent manipulation aspect, which I like to think formulated itself when he went into hiding after the whole RoadBlasters, however you see it earlier on in his Turbo Time days— Though he’s far more impulsive.
- He’s more reckless, unwilling to see that he has things to lose, like his game, his life, and you. He realizes that when it is far too late.
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(Tvyl lultplz aohu myplukz
Dpss ol lcly ohcl h tlhuz av hu luk?)
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yanderes-galore · 1 day
Hey! requesting some HCs for Ranni (Elden Ring). Thank you!
I watched her cutscenes, I watched her lore, and I'm still not entirely sure what's going on but that's normal for this kind of game. Pardon me if there's something wrong in this concept... I am trying. ALSO, the term "Elden Lord" is used, but it's gender neutral just like in the game.
Sorry if it isn't intense... I will appreciate feedback from the Elden Ring fans.
Yandere! Ranni the Witch Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Possessive behavior, Violence, Isolation, Stalking, Dubious relationship.
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I imagine Ranni's darling is the one who helps her achieve her Age of Stars.
You are her Tarnished who came to her at her call.
She needs someone to help her achieve her fate and destiny.
For most of her obsession, you may actually be a willing participant.
Right up until the end when you begin to realize something may be off.
Like most of Elden Ring's yanderes I feel, Ranni isn't all that intense.
She'd mostly watch her obsession through their journey to aid her.
She watches you closely, even if you may not know it.
She sees how you interact with her cohorts and how you fight in battle.
You are a promising Tarnished in her eyes... She can tell through the way you speak and fight.
Sooner or later, she'll deem you the perfect Elden Lord for her new age.
To Ranni, meeting her obsession was yet another destiny she was meant to meet.
To her, you two were always meant to be.
Her chosen Elden Lord.
Her obsession would span throughout her side quest to get the Age of Stars ending.
Since in that ending... Ranni and The Tarnished (you) marry as God and Elden Lord.
That would be the general story idea... Ranni obsessing over her most devoted helper.
At the beginning, she tries not to show much of her favoritism.
Although, by the time you defeat Radahn and unfreeze the stars, she shows her fondness more.
In terms of her overall behavior, I imagine she's mostly the observing type, watching you from a distance and praising your efforts when you meet her.
Ranni prefers to meet you as her larger life-sized doll form.
However, when you pick up her smaller form, she doesn't mind the idea of being held by you while you share a conversation.
Her obsession is unintentional.
She originally doesn't think you'll survive her requests.
Yet when you prove yourself by meeting her again... she thinks you'll prove to be useful to her for her plans.
Then from there... the moon witch begins to grow fond of you.
She's a subtle manipulation yandere, instructing her beloved to follow her every word like a divine command.
She watches over them through her dolls, often wondering when their next meeting will be.
Her obsession starts as curiosity.
As if she's wondering if you'll really be someone she can trust.
However, once you retrieve the lost treasure of Nokron...
She knows you're hers.
Before you even find the Dark Moon ring, Ranni has claimed you as her Tarnished.
You are not loyal to any other covenant, just hers.
Which must mean she has your heart, body, and soul as hers.
In a way, like other yandere covenant/religion leaders or deities, your loyalty makes her feel she has a claim over you.
To differ from canon a bit, maybe Ranni instructs you to find the Dark Moon ring.
She doesn't tell you for what, a subtle trick.
She just gives you small lies, deceiving you by saying it was a gift from her mother that she wants back.
Then she instructs you through her smaller doll to find her location.
Unlike in the game, where she's surprised you are choosing to be her Elden Lord...
She would deceive you into being hers once you slip the ring on one of her fingers.
This is a yandere story, after all, a dark romance.
Her deceiving her Tarnished, her obsession, into being hers in her new age would be something she'd do.
You aren't quite sure what you've done until Ranni appears, claiming you to be her Elden Lord.
There's a ghost of a smile on her face while she watches your shocked expression.
As if challenging you to rebel against her now that such a ritual has been done.
She doesn't think you'll refuse if you've gone this far to listen to her.
As her new consort, you are given the task of removing her old cohorts and defeating her Shadow, Blaidd.
Then after that, she oversees you defeating Queen Marika... Radagon... her traitorous parent of a dreaded Golden Order.
By the end of it, Ranni appears to greet you and the shattered corpse of Marika.
You can't help but feel a chill run down your spine.
Ranni merely greets you with a smile yet again, thanking you for helping her achieve her Age of Stars.
Unfortunately... You cannot part from her now.
Every God requires their Elden Lord.
Their consort.
It doesn't matter if you try to back out now or agree.
Your fate and destiny are sealed.
She may have tricked you, yes...
But she assures you she does it out of love, she only feels love for her beloved consort.
She takes your hand... and you just feel cold.
She grins teasingly, leaning closer as she congratulates you...
A cold kiss cooling your warm lips.
You two are meant to be together now... forever in her new age...
You'll be hers forever...
Just the two of you, overseeing the people in the Age of Stars... Together forever... Just as destiny told her.
You can't fight your destiny... no matter how hard you try... she'll always just tug you back with a kiss... She's as cold as the Dark Moon itself.
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