#it tickles my fancy in an angsty way
impossible-rat-babies · 11 months
I just. love the funny intersection eyrie has between DRK and WAR it just tickles my fancy
#it tickles my fancy in an angsty way#it’s like. there was plenty of grief there after haurchefant in HW until their head started getting ideas about deeper pains#old grief with bandages merely pilled up over festering wounds#and they couldn’t deal with it. they weren’t ready to face it#they would have nightmares about the daughter they lost and her asking them these difficult question#and they had no answers. no way of making it make sense. it tormented them#and it all just turned to anger and frustration. what could they do to satisfy their guilt? their grief?#they had no words. it was just rage rage rage#rage enough to drown out fray. rage enough to hopefully drown out the ghost of their daughter#rage enough to drown out the guilt of losing papalymo and the knotted tangle surrounding Ilberd#it’s so much of a shift that embodies denial but also embodies coping#they deny fray. they deny this part of themselves that seeks catharsis and care#it’s denying any softness for a path of destruction and frustration#the denial of softness being one of self harm. a self flagellation to make the pain mean something#there has to be a reason or a justification in general. a way to make it make sense#it goes hand in hand with their complex surrounding blame and taking responsibility when it’s not theirs to take#still puzzling out how it resolves itself in the end#it’s funny in StB how zenos recognizes the way they act but doesn’t truly grasp the motivation#oc: eyrie kisne#ANYWAY GOODNIGHT
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leggerefiore · 6 months
Of Wishes and the Sun
cw: Volo is being a homewrecker and manipulative, long, established relationship with Cyrus, a little angsty at points, endings are WIP,
pairings: Cyrus/Reader, Volo/Reader
summary: You meet a strange man who claims that you look like someone he knows. His words strike too close to home after a conversation. Madness follows this meeting.
You felt lost in thought as you entered the temporary Galactic hideout on Pasio. That was a strange fellow that you had encountered… A claim that you looked like someone he knew remained in your mind. His words were spoken with confidence and clear knowledge. It was almost a bit too loud, as well, but he was certainly a character. The way his hand rested a hand on your shoulder and the expression in his eyes when he thought that you were not looking simply baffled you. You almost swore that he seemed infatuated.
But, what had stricken you to your core was his words…
“And what tickled my curiosity more strongly than anything were the mysteries to be found in legends, in history, in ruins. You see, I fancied that by unravelling these mysteries, I could find out how the world itself came to be… and with that knowledge, maybe even forge a new, better world!”
He smiled when he said those words, but when paired with his mentions of facing things unfair or painful. You felt a strange sense of familiarity with the language in your heart. Not one paired with a smile. One paired with adoring people in uniforms watching a single man give an emboldened speech.
“Because we are all so lacking, we fight, we maim… It is ugly. I hate the incompleteness. That we are all incomplete, I hate it with my entire body and being. The world should be complete. The world must change.”
You entered the deepest part of the hideout to see a familiar face. The blue-haired man typed away on his computer with little thought, likely thinking of ways to either accomplish his original goals or alternatives that would give the same result. Completeness. What did that even mean? You had tried to understand his ramblings many times, but you failed to grasp the concept entirely. Your understanding was his hatred of pain and dislike of aggression. He wanted to create a world where such things could not exist, but his blame laid solely upon spirit. Emotions were the issue to him. That blond man's scapegoat had yet to be understood by you.
Cyrus gazed up when you came to stand by his side. His expression clearly spoke the words he would have said. “… Can we talk?” You managed to get out finally. Nervousness had suddenly consumed your mind at the thought of telling him about that merchant. You needed to, however. Something in your mind told you that it was far from the last time you would see him. Cyrus wordlessly closed out of whatever he had been doing and nodded. You let out a shaky breath. Where to start with this?
You unconsciously reached out to grab one of his hands and squeeze it in your own. It was warm. Soft. Alive. “… A guy said I looked like someone he knew and then started a long conversation with me today,” you began, trying to think of how to lead into his words. The Galactic Boss's hand tightened its grip on your own. His expression shifted slightly.
“Are you attempting to make me 'jealous'?” he questioned, clearly unsure as to why you were telling him this. You shook your head. No, and that felt almost impossible at the best of times. Clearing your head, you debated how best to explain the odd feeling that the man had given you to Cyrus. There was a genuine worry in your mind that he may simply dismiss them as nothing more than pointless conjecture.
“No, nothing like that,” you pulled your hand away from his and took in a breath, “He just said something that made me think of you…” His expression shifted from the usual sternness it held. Perhaps he would be more inclined to hear you out now. “Something he said… Learning through history to create a new world…” You mumbled as you struggled to recall his exact wording. The rambling conversation felt mildly out of place. A heavy familiarity came from him. It was as if he knew you, despite it seeming impossible. The only person you thought even partially came to mind when you considered his appearance was Cynthia.
“… Did he, now?” Cyrus's gaze met your own with an oddly harsh look, “And he approached you specifically, stating that you were familiar?” A nod was your reply to the question. Something sceptical came across his face as his eyes closed. “He could be attempting to gain Palkia for his goals then, should that be his intention…” his hand fell onto a Master Ball on his desk. “You are likely somehow a part of his plan, whatever that may be. Please be on more alert.” His eyes closed. You wanted to be upset by his accusation, but that did seem logical. A plan to make a new world… That was also Cyrus's own, was it not? Who better to understand that mentality than him?
Though… You still were not convinced that was it. Something about Volo was different from Cyrus. Besides, why would he tell you about his plans when you so easily could tell people? No… You doubted that his intentions included taking Palkia. Swallowing, you felt something twist in your stomach. All of this felt much larger than you. It was almost the exact same feeling as when you had learnt of Cyrus's plans. Your hand clenched. There was not a chance that you were going to let that happen again.
“… Are you still focusing on completing spirit?” you decided to check something before you fully dedicated yourself to it. He nodded before finally returning to whatever he had been doing before you came in. You gave a quiet parting and headed back out of the hideout.
For a moment, you swore Cyrus seemed to wear a concerned gaze.
It had been harder to encounter Volo than you had originally thought. Pasio was large. Forests, mountains, deserts, caves — You swore that you had wandered through nearly every sight the island had to offer before you finally ended up in the ruins after a few days of fruitless searching. Sitting down on some debris, you began to debate why you were doing all this. It was a one-off comment by a complete stranger. Why did it make you more stressed than when your boyfriend had done the same thing and kept it from you? Maybe it was because Cyrus said things that simply did not align with your memories. His inability to recall the Distortion World was the oddest of them all. It had been the last place you had seen him until recently, after all.
It almost seemed as if he came from right before his actions on Spear Pillar. Hoopa did pull people from all over, but none of them had stricken you as stranger than him. Still, he recognised you. His words to you were the same as they had always been, while he clearly knew you as a lover. It hurt sometimes. The pain you felt after he refused to leave that impossible dimension. How he tossed away everything for a horrible solution to his problems. You sniffled a bit as tears burned your eyes. There was not a chance that you would allow something similar to happen again.
“My, don't you look glum?” a familiar voice called out to you, disrupting your train of thoughts. Volo appeared to have come right out of nowhere as he stood before you. A small, friendly smile was on his face. “Did something happen? Relationship troubles?” His questions were much too accurate. Not exactly troubles in the fighting sense, but something more complicated. Something that you were not entirely sure that you were ready to confront. You shook your head. It seemed that he remembered your reply about being in a relationship from your first meeting, however.
“… I was thinking about some things,” you simply told him, “I was looking for you, actually.” The blond appeared to perk up at your words. His smile grew wider, and his eyes closed. Seeing him again, his odd similarities to Cynthia only appeared more obvious. Was he a relative? It did not seem out of the realm of possibility. You offered a seat on the pillar under you. His heavy backpack was slipped off his shoulders as he joined you.
“Me?” he asked, “Ah, did you need to buy something?” You shook your head. There were more than enough stores on Pasio if you truly desired anything. “Then, how may I be at your service?” His grey eye met yours carefully. Something seemed to be brewing behind them. You wished that you could have a peek into his mind.
“… What did you mean by a new world?” pleasantries could be skipped, as you needed answers to calm your distraught mind. Volo was taken aback by your bold question. He blinked once or twice as he clearly debated it in his own head. You wondered if he was going to answer your question, truly.
“I meant a new world that is better than this one,” he replied, voice lower than before — quieter in volume. Your stomach twisted at his words. “… You seem distressed. Why is that?” His hand came to rest on his chin. You bit your tongue. How did you respond to that? A new, better world… Cyrus thought he was doing the same, but even Saturn was disillusioned with Cyrus's plans after learning what this supposed world would entail. You feared what Volo's ideals would be. Could it truly be any worse than a world without spirit?
“How would it be better?” you replied slowly, afraid to make him run off. Volo hummed to himself. His smile felt different when it spread across his face.
“Before I answer,” his hand grasped your shoulder firmly, “May I ask for why you seem so intrigued?” You froze. Replying truthfully to that would certainly make him leave. There was no way he would stay if you stated your intentions to sway him from that path. You averted your gaze to the dirt. Volo took note. “… You truly did not change,” his hand suddenly cupped your face as he seemed to force your attention back onto him, “Do you want the truth about your lover?”
You froze. He gave a chuckle. How could he have possibly known that? You had not mentioned anything about Cyrus to him outside of claiming to be in a relationship. His name had not even been said in that conversation, yet… His confidence in his words was undeniable. “… You suspect the truth already, do you not? That he is not the same man you loved.” You moved away from him in a panic. Shaking your head, you attempted to deny his words. That was impossible. Cyrus's oddities had to hold some other reason. Maybe he hit his in the Distortion World before Hoopa pulled him here, and that was why he was missing a gap in his memories.
“Ah, see?” Volo's tone became sympathetic, “This world is cruel.”
“You… You can't be sure!” you tried to argue back, terrified at how much sense his explanation made. Cyrus truly did seem frozen right as he summoned the legendary pokemon of Sinnoh... But, you wanted so desperately to believe that it was something else. You loved him all the same. It had to be him. Volo's expression became something soft.
“I am certain,” he sighed, “I would not lie to you. That 'Hoopa' has pulled quite a few people here from other worlds. It is simply unfortunate that Cyrus was one of them.” You felt completely tormented. Volo had so easily pressed your buttons. “… If it is any comfort, I am not of the time period, myself,” he offered. You took another look at him. Well, that should have been more obvious to you. Especially when he tried to offer you a pokeball made of an apricorn. “Will you be alright?”
You nodded as you forced your racing thoughts down. Okay. Fine. The Cyrus here on Pasio was not the same one as the one that you knew. But, it seemed that everyone else, including his own commanders, had accepted him just the same. He had never rejected you, either. Even if he was aware that he was in an alternate world, it seemed that his feelings for you remained no matter what. You could accept that. If anything, seeing how this one could have his perspective shifted from his decision to make a new world to completing spirit reinvigorated you. Your Cyrus could still be saved. You believed that truly.
“What time period are you from then?” you decided to ask. Anything to steer the topic away from something so sensitive. Volo thought on it for a moment.
“The… industrial period, I suppose, is what you modernly call it,” he responded, “Well, industrialisation had barely come to Hisui, but it was happening elsewhere.” You blinked. Hisui? That was… before it had even been given its modern name of Sinnoh. It was a bit startling how well he was able to conceal something like that. Suddenly, it was more obvious that Volo was capable of keeping many things close to his chest. Cyrus's warning to be more on alert likely should have been heeded. You decided to keep going, however.
After all, Volo seemed more than happy to answer any questions related to his time period.
The trek back to the hideout after your second conversation with Volo felt much less urgent. You had learnt many common historical information. Well, at least in relation to the Galaxy Team. The emblem for the organisation had been a bit startling, but you did recall that Cyrus's family had connections leading back to the original founding of Jubilife. Everything else about the Diamond Clan and Pearl Clan was interesting, but not exactly the most relevant. When asking about where Volo himself originated from, he simply said that he had always been in Hisui. You debated asking Cynthia about her family's origin the next time you saw her.
The mood was oddly tense as you entered the Galactic hideout. Grunts seemed to try to avoid you while Mars shot you a glare when you had passed her. It was far too easy to just assume that something had happened with an experiment and move along to Cyrus's office area. The boss himself was waiting for you as you opened the door. His arms here crossed, and he glared harshly. You shut the door.
“Where have you been?” he questioned with a serious tone. You were taken aback for a moment, not used to this sort of behaviour from Cyrus. Especially in relation to where you had gone out to. Usually, he preferred if you left since he often said that you distracted him unintentionally.
“I was exploring Pasio,” you replied, “I wanted to see more of the island.” His remarks about it being astonishing that the region was man-made… You hoped that it would sway whatever bad mood he was into something more manageable. Truthfully, you were not too attuned to handling his anger, but rather, his sadness. He seemed unmoved, however.
“I am aware that you were,” he replied, “… But for what reason? I asked you to be more careful.” Annoyance pounded at your brain. Why was he suddenly pretending to be so worried about you when he had rarely cared previously? “… You met with that man again,” he suddenly said, “I had a grunt trail you as a precautionary measure. The idea of you being used against me was one I would rather not face.”
First, offence ate at your heart that he had someone following you around Pasio, but you supposed it was not that irrational if he thought you were actually in danger. Though, you much would have preferred that he simply speak with you normally, but Cyrus was himself even if it was not your Cyrus. You sighed. Should you really even bother with any of this? The man you loved was still away in that far-off dimension and clearly did not care enough about you to return. The one in front of you would probably do the same thing eventually. What was the point of all this? It all felt useless. Completely useless.
“… Would you really care that much?” the words left you with little thought about the effect they might have. Cyrus tensed up. His eyes narrowed on you. “You are not the Cyrus of this world. You know that, right?” He went quiet and still. Tension was almost palpable in the air as you two sat in a wordless staring contest, wondering who would break it first. He seemed genuinely frozen by your words.
Cyrus walked around the desk to sit down in his chair. His elbows rested on the metallic surface as he seemed to let out something inside him. “Correct,” eventually, he broke the silence, “I am not. I was forced here by that Hoopa pokemon for some unknown reason.” You felt mortified that he had been aware this whole time. Something inside you wanted to curl up and die. Why had he not said anything prior? You felt hurt that it took an outsider to you both finally to force this conversation. Silence permeated again as you debated what to say. Words felt pointless at this point.
You sat in one of the chairs in the room and found yourself lost in thought. Your relationship with Cyrus was deeply important to you. There was not anything that you would not have done to get him back. Yet, when you finally did, it was not exactly him. When you left Pasio, he would likely not follow. It was a matter of how long until he was returned back to the world that he was pulled from. Placing your face in your hands, you could only debate the situation more and more. It felt like a cruel and twisted form of torture.
“… Beloved,” the endearment felt strange to hear after having gone so long without it, “I may not be the Cyrus of this world, but I do genuinely care for you.” He had moved over to you while you were lost in your own head. A hand moved to brush a few stray strands of hair out of your face. “This Volo... I have struggled to find information on him. The only remarkable thing about his is his resemblance to the Sinnohan champion…” his thumb stroked your cheek, “His intentions are unknown. Please, be careful.”
You nodded. His words… You desperately wanted to find comfort in them, but it felt as if you only would have him for so long. The idea of losing him for a second time felt like you had been burned by a Houndoom.
The following days were a mess.
Time moved slowly and quickly. Nothing seemed to make sense. Cyrus went back to his work but was making a noticeable effort to spend more time with you. It was nice; something that you had wanted, but… You felt terrified to get too close to him again. So, you took to trying to find a certain champion and speak to about your feelings. She had, after all, been there for you after everything. It was her kindness that gave you some small comfort in this mad world. The task should have been easy, yet it somehow proved impossible. With so many trainers around, you expected to hear something about her location. There had been nothing.
You sat at a café's veranda while thinking more. No one else was bothered by Cyrus being of an alternate world. Cynthia had been trying to aid him as if he were the one of your world all the same. Dawn and Lucas followed behind just the same. The Galactic commanders were unbothered, too. Why could you not be the same? He loved you. The words would rarely leave his mouth, but his ability to tolerate you being around during his vulnerable states remained all the same. But… Losing him. It would happen eventually. Lear would order the legendary to return those displaced, certainly. You hated the idea of that time coming.
The sound of a chair being pulled back took you out of your thoughts. A familiar face had taken a seat across from you. It was not the blonde that you had been looking for, certainly. Volo smiled at you playfully. His Togepi was out, too, sitting in his lap happily. Her gentle expression almost soothed your stressed mind. You sighed. Where had he come from this time?
“Stressed again?” he asked, “Let me help you! Togepi is great at calming people.” For some reason, you felt that there was more than just that to his actions. Still, you did feel a bit better. Apparently, the pokedex entries about it having a calming effect were true.
“So… If you're from the past,” you decided to ask something, “And you claimed that I looked like someone you knew… Was that my ancestor?” It made the most logical sense, you supposed. Who really knew? It could have been a completely disconnected person who just so happened to look like you. Volo shook his head.
“Ah… Not at all,” he explained with no details. It was frustrating. Had he used that simply as an opener to speak with you? Volo did not appear to be the flirty type, so you felt unsure. The words almost felt purposeful. Those two clan leaders had mistaken the Galactic commanders for people of the past, too, but you felt more inclined to believe that they had been ancestors. Volo himself was likely Cynthia's own… Which was an odd thought. Though, in the case he was… Perhaps he could help you with your complicated feelings.
“Hey, Volo,” you called out to him. His attention shifted entirely onto you from the nearby walking street. Passers-by were all over. Pasio was truly full of people. “… Can I ask you about something?” His expression was nothing but genuine cheerfulness. You did feel a bit more at ease. Any concerns that you might have had otherwise about the blond seemed to vanish. “I… I don't know how to feel about Cyrus any more,” you plainly spoke, “He's not the one I knew… And I'm scared that I'll lose him again at any point.”
“Ah…” Volo appeared to think on it for a moment, grabbing his chin. It was quite an odd thing to say to someone who was still an acquaintance at best and concerning at worst. “Well, that is a very real concern, I think,” he nodded, “What do you want to do about it?” That question was the exact one you did not want to face. Your heart raced. What did you want to do? Leave Cyrus? What options were there? Your mood shift was noticeable to Volo, who reached a hand out to hold your own resting on the table. His hand was much larger than your own and covered with callouses. “… You must truly care for him.” There was something lurking just beneath those words that you just missed in your distress.
You nodded. Volo's hand tightened around your own. It brought you back to reality. “Why not spend awhile away from him? It might allow you to make your decision easier,” he offered. You felt a bit uncertain of doing that. Sure, you had your own hotel room on Pasio from when you had originally come here, but you had been staying in the Galactic hideout with Cyrus for a while. Your eyes went to his hand. But… You definitely needed to clear your head.
“Maybe, I'll give that a try,” you replied, “Thank you for listening, Volo.”
He only smiled again.
The smell of the ocean was both a nostalgic and haunting scent to the blue-haired man. Waves lapped against the artificial shores of Pasio. He stood watching them. Everything had been oddly chaotic in his personal life lately. Did it truly matter that his origin was not in this world? You had apparently thought so. It was beyond his understanding. Even if he could acknowledge that you were not the same version of yourself from his world, you were clearly still something similar enough. When or if he would even be able to return to his own was impossible to ascertain. Besides, his bond with you was more than enough.
Even during the events with Darkrai, his foolish feelings led to him keeping you by his side. An isolated world of darkness with you in his arms simply felt close enough to his idea of perfection that he was happy to remain like that. Your sudden avoidance of him had brought out more unwanted feelings. Had he upset you in some way? Nothing came to his mind when he forced himself to consider his actions. You had come suddenly a few days ago and packed your things. The only words you had said to him were something about needing a break. He attempted to speak, but you had gone before the chance had been given.
A sigh left him as he took a step closer to the ocean. The port city he had grown up in… How many times had he stood on a beach like this? It was difficult to recall alongside many things during that period of his life. His hand clenched. He would speak to you soon. It was desperately needed. Things simply could not carry on as they were. Working had become impossible as the days grew larger in number.
“Oh? You seem lost in thought,” a voice called out to him. He turned his head to see a blond man with a familiar style to someone else that he knew. Cyrus stiffened. This appeared to be the 'Volo' that he had heard so much about. Someone who shared his intentions of making a new world. Could he have finally come to try to claim Palkia as he had expected. His hand went for Darkrai's pokeball, fully aware that he should not take this strange man lightly. “… I was going to say that you looked lonely,” his tone turned to something mocking.
“And?” Cyrus replied, voice suppressing whatever feelings wish to reveal themselves, “Is that truly any of your business?” There was little interest in dealing with him for any longer than necessary. He had only stepped out to get some fresh air and clear his mind. It was now having the complete opposite effect on him.
“They are quite lovely, are they not?” Volo suddenly said, gazing out at the moon, “You certainly left them in a state, though. How cruel of you.” Cyrus's eyes grew wide. “They were effortless to win over to me,” his hands readjusted the heavy pack on his back, “Just as they are now, too. They will be perfect at my side in a perfect world.”
Stepping away from him, Cyrus felt his stomach twist. What had this man done? Did he cause you to end up in the state that you were? He swallowed. Something told him that engaging him here would end badly. Turning his head, he let out a shaky breath. The beach was abandoned as he began his walk back to the hideout. A message was quickly sent to Saturn to order grunts to keep an eye on the blond. Cyrus felt as if he had a true rival for once in his life.
Volo stood on the beach in silence. Cyrus… Well, he certainly had his ancestor's expression down. The Captain of the Survey Corps would surely be happy to see her bloodline was going well. The waves washed around his boots as he stared at the night sky in wonder. So much could change in the world, yet the sky remained exactly the same. He felt oddly smug. How easy it was to place a wedge in what was an otherwise normal relationship. The merchant usually would not bother interfering in such a way.
But… It was you. Well, a version of yourself that had yet to end up in Hisui, but you nonetheless. You were so easy to approach. Volo had been genuinely surprised when you had mentioned a boyfriend, however. In Hisui, you had said he simply had abandoned you, yet here he was on Pasio. A different version of himself. Just like you were a different version of the you that he knew. But, in the end, you were still the same. He had lost you in Hisui after you learnt of his goals and what happened with Rei. Here, however, you had no clue of anything. It was so easy to just speak with you. When you asked about his time period, it delighted him to explain it to you.
It felt far too easy to use the certainty and fear related to the apparent temporary nature of Pasio to cause conflict with you and Cyrus. You had listened to him, too. Volo wanted to sigh. Soon, he would force Arceus out and subjugate it. Then, you both could be together in his new world. Just as you should be.
Volo felt disgusted at the thought of Cyrus holding you as he did. The more intimate the mental images became; the more upset Volo grew. He truly loved you. That was why he had helped you in Hisui. You had been just like him. Rejected by all the groups around the region. All alone and left to the mercy of nature. How could he not want to show you kindness and help you? Your company made things more pleasant as he investigated ruins and artefacts.
Why had you been so upset when he explained his plans to you? That question had haunted him ever since you had run from in Hisui. Now, of course, he understood. Cyrus. He had attempted something similar, yet more foolishly. Only using Dialga and Palkia to remake the world… Arceus simply would not allow that. Volo knew better.
He turned away from the beach.
Well, it was time to go see you again.
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cha-lii · 1 month
Ah for the Bad Things happen bingo apologies as I am always in a Sanji mood, but to maybe request Leave me Alone and/or Traumatic Touch Aversion for Sanji. Something that always gets me is when he needs comfort but pushes people who want to comfort him away and I would love to see your take. Or tortured for information? Sanji not selling out the Straw Hats or even Germa. If any of those tickle your fancy
And if you're not feeling those, perhpss Sanji cauterizing a wound on Zoro? Some good trusting nakama after bad stuff.
Thank you if you do and no worries if not!
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(blue prompts are taken, yellow completed – the rest are free)
Hellooo @finalgale, my love I did not ignore you, I am just a Tragically Slow Writer – please enjoy this angsty word vomit that I mostly wrote tonight in a frenzy of inspiration that will likely not strike again for many moons!
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52234756/chapters/148709830#workskin
and over i go
Chapter 2
Dinner that night was tense. Sanji could tell that everyone wanted to talk about what had happened, but no one seemed to know what to say. Instead they sat in near silence at the galley table, watching Sanji bustle around the kitchen as he hastened to add the finishing touches to the myriad dishes he had prepared for them in the short time since they’d left that place behind them. The food he’d prepared for them was just as extravagant as always, and as he laid the dishes out on the table he made sure to present them with the same flourishes and smiles that he normally would, but any attempt at taking a conversation with him further than polite chatter was swiftly and smoothly shut down.
He doubted he would be able to carry a normal conversation anyway. Not with how his mind was still buzzing from his earlier meltdown. He kept getting flashes of hostile faces and scared shouts; spittle on his face and a hand on his arm, pulling him – and then, not far behind, chasing his every thought like a pack of hungry dogs, his brothers’ faces would come to mind. Twisted, mocking, cruel – Sanji shook his head sharply, and served his nakama dinner.
Most of them seemed willing to let the matter drop in favour of digging into the feast in front of them, but Sanji quickly noticed Luffy watching him closely in between bites. He knew that his captain didn’t believe any of his nonchalance for even a second; knew he could see the lingering redness around his eyes, and the tousled hair he’d forgotten to flatten after he’d pulled at it, and the way he just couldn’t seem to get his hands to stop shaking. When he caught glimpses of the others’ faces, he could tell that they weren’t buying into it either.
He kept trying anyway.
Bringing out the last dish, Sanji realised he now had no other option but to join the rest of the crew at the table. Idiot. He swallowed back a sigh, and sat in his chair with tired resignation. Luffy was following his movements, watching and waiting for any sign of upset, and Sanji had no choice but to fill his plate and eat the food, even though it was tasteless in his mouth and swallowing each bite took a ridiculous amount of effort.
Even though he could hear Yonji’s voice in his head telling him it was shit, he was shit, and everyone could tell, that’s why they were all staring at him and whispering about him and hating him–
Sanji ate, and hoped it would be enough to ward off his captain’s concern. But when all the food was eaten, one look at Luffy’s face told Sanji there was no avoiding the elephant in the room. Sure enough, the moment Luffy clocked that there was nothing left for him to gorge himself on, he sat back and fixed his gaze solidly on Sanji’s across the table.
“Sanji,” his voice wasn’t loud, not really, but it cut through the small conversations that had managed to find their footing around the table like a hot knife through butter. Sanji swallowed down the anxiety bubbling at the back of his throat, and tried to silence the voices in his head, and wished he could bring himself to look away from those warm, steely eyes. “I’m sorry.” He blinked.
“You’re – what?”
“I’m sorry,” his captain repeated, and Sanji began to understand that the hardness in Luffy’s gaze had nothing to do with rage or resentment or disappointment, but rather regret. He shook his head, but Luffy continued on, “I didn’t listen to you when you said you wanted to leave. And now you’re hurt. I’m sorry.”
“Luffy, no,” Sanji’s words were strained, and he could feel his panic rising again. See? It whispered to him in his brother’s voice, see what you do? “It wasn’t your fault – you know that. I told you that.”
“It wasn’t yours either,” Robin said, watching Sanji closely with a horrible sort of empathy in her deep eyes. “You understand that, don’t you, Sanji?” He tried to nod, wanted to nod, but he couldn’t. It felt like too much of a lie.
“It was just–” he tried, struggling through the tumult in his brain to find the words needed to end this conversation as quickly as possible. “It was just – unfortunate.” He cringed at the words even as he said them, and cringed again at the answering scoffs from Nami and Zoro. “I mean – it was just shitty timing, that’s all. Maybe if we’d gotten there a few weeks from now, or even months… maybe then it would have been easier for me to – to avoid it. For those people to… tolerate me.” Several of his friends bristled at his choice of words, and he quickly continued before any of them could voice their protestations. “But – I don’t know. It’s fine, though. I’m fine.” Nami scoffed again, her concern a thing with sharp edges.
“Yeah, sure,” she said, and from the way her voice seemed tight and just a little bit higher than was normal, he could tell she was barely holding back tears. “You’re ‘fine’. You spent, like, an hour having a panic attack before making us dinner, because a bunch of strangers took one look at you and wanted you dead. And you can barely even look any of us in the eyes – but yeah – ‘fine’.”
A few of the others shuffled uncomfortably in their seats, and none of them seemed quite so willing anymore to try staring him down. Sanji was aware of Luffy saying Nami’s name in that same quiet voice, but he couldn’t quite hear it over the blood rushing in his ears. Weakling. He clenched his hands under the table, wishing that he could steady them enough to start clearing away dishes, just to give himself something to do. Anything to get away from that table, and those eyes. Anything to distract himself from those voices whispering away in his head.
“I’m fine,” he said again, when he was sure his voice wasn’t going to betray him. “Maybe I was a bit upset before, but I’m fine now. You think what happened back there is enough to rattle me, Nami-san? I’ve heard far worse. So, yes. I am fine.” His voice was harder than he’d intended, and he’d perhaps said more than he’d meant to, but Nami didn’t say anything else, and he could only feel disgustingly relieved at her silence. Sanji cut a quick glance around the table, found everyone’s expressions suddenly unbearable, and stood to begin clearing away the dishes regardless of the fact he was still shaking.
He carried the tall stack of plates to the sink, and was glad when the rush of the tap drowned out the whispers behind him. He sighed, and ignored the familiar feeling of dread pooling in his stomach, and tried to breathe around the weight on his chest.
They regret saving you, Ichiji was telling him. They’re realising what a stain you are on their reputations, and they regret even meeting you in the first place.
“Sanji,” Luffy said, suddenly standing right behind him. He was still so quiet, like he was trying to soothe a cornered animal. “Talk to us.” He wants rid of you, idiot.
“I’ve already said my piece, Luffy.”
“You lied, though,” Sanji couldn’t help but flinch at the accusation, opening his mouth instinctively to argue back, but his captain wasn’t finished. “I know when you’re lying, Sanji. I could tell then, and I can tell now. Stop being stupid, you know better by now.” He’s wrong, it was Niji now, his voice carrying that same humiliating laughter that haunted Sanji’s entire childhood. You’re too stupid to know better – too much of a failure to learn from your mistakes. Same as ever– Sanji snorted, the anxiety inside him bubbling over.
“You are the absolute last person who has any right to call me ‘stupid’, Luffy,” he said tightly, hating himself more and more even as the words came tumbling out. He was suddenly desperate for a cigarette, but realised with a pang that his pack was in the pocket of his jacket, currently slung over his chair at the table. The table where everyone was still sitting, watching their interaction attentively. Listening to Sanji venting his frustrations on their captain.
Cigarettes weren’t an option, then. He settled for biting his lip, swallowing down any more biting remarks before he said something else he regretted.
“Stop deflecting, cook,” As though sensing his tenuous hold on his temper and wanting nothing more than to break it, Zoro spoke up. “We can all tell you’re not fine, you’re wound up even tighter than usual.”
“Fuck off, marimo,” Sanji bit out around his lip. He remembered the swordsman’s hand on his shoulder, his worried eyes, and the feeling of cloth against his face as Nami used his bandana to clean away the spit on his cheek. Even the mosshead pities you, Niji whispered gleefully. Even he can see it.
Sanji couldn’t catch his breath anymore, and he was shaking so much that the plate in his hand rattled as he put it in the drying rack. He was biting down so hard on his bottom lip he could taste blood, only that was all in his head because his skin was too hard for him to even bite through anymore, because he was a monster now  –  he was falling apart. He knew he was falling apart, and he knew that the others could see it clear as day, which only made him feel even more vulnerable and exposed.
He also knew that they were just trying to help. They always were. But they didn’t seem to understand – he just needed some room to fucking breathe.
“Sanji-kun,” and now Nami was starting again, her voice softer than before. Now she sounded cautious, like if she said the wrong thing he was going to lash out at her. Just like I did, right? Niji hissed at him. She’s scared that you’re going to hurt her, just like I hurt your little chef. Sanji bit down harder on his lip, and grabbed another plate from the stack. Nami didn’t even know about what happened to poor Cosette, he reminded himself. Nami was just concerned about him – she would never be scared of him – her face flashed before his eyes: tearful, screaming – terrified. Begging him to stopstopSTOP hitting their captain–
The water was too hot – he could tell because there was steam billowing into his face, and his skin was red – but he could barely even feel it. He tried to pretend it was because his anxiety was making the very tips of his fingers numb, and not because he was becoming so fucking inhuman that he couldn’t even feel pain anymore. Nami was still talking behind him, “– and you know we only want to help. We care about you – we love you. Just talk to us, please–”
“Sanji?” Sanji’s shoulders were heaving with every difficult breath he managed to take, and he had such a tight grip on the plate he was holding he was scared it might shatter, and Luffy’s voice behind him sounded confused now, even more worried than before–
Careful, Sanji, Ichiji whispered to him, you’re being pathetic again, they’ll see–
Ha, Sanji’s crying again, look at him–
Stupid, worthless–
There was a hand on the small of his back, and another on his shoulder, and something – something landed on his head, falling low, covering his eyes – and there was absolutely nothing that Sanji could do to stop himself from crying out, or to brace himself when he flinched so hard that the plate he still held went crashing to the floor.
Some vague part of his mind was aware of the sudden commotion behind him, and of the shell shocked look on his captain’s face – but the other part of his mind, the part that had been spewing poison all evening, that part was screaming at him to get it off. He tore at whatever had been secured around his head, but only managed to yank it forward a few scant inches before he met resistance at the back of his neck – it was stuck – and he could barely breathe already but now he really couldn’t breathe–
Another pair of hands – warm, calloused but soft, firm but gentle, and nothing at all like what his brain wanted him to expect – took hold of his and guided him until he managed to free himself from whatever the fuck was–
“Your hat,” he whispered hoarsely, blinking at Luffy. His captain, his friend, his saviour. Standing before him looking scared. “It’s – your hat.” Luffy searched his face, still holding Sanji’s shaking hands securely between his own. He nodded.
“Yeah, Sanji,” he said, his voice still carrying that faint tone of confusion, now undercut with something deeper, intenser. Something that Sanji has seen him topple governments over. “It’s just – it was just my hat. What else would it have been?” Sanji shook his head.
“S-Sanji,” and that was Chopper’s voice, timid and frightened and tearful. Sanji’s head jerked toward the sound, and he saw them all where they’d leapt up from their seats, confused and alarmed but ready for action, ready to fight whatever they needed to fight to stop their cook from looking like that.
Or maybe they wanted a better look at the crybaby, huh? Sanji flinched, and Luffy’s grip on his hands tightened in response.
“Sanji,” he said again, “what else would it have been?”
“I-I–” Sanji couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t breathe, and they were all watching him, waiting for an answer, for an explanation, for a reason, as if Sanji hadn’t been searching for that his entire fucking life–
“Sanji, breathe,” Usopp was rounding the galley island to stand by his side, hesitating only slightly before resting one hand on his shoulder and splaying the other flat on his chest. Luffy didn’t let go of his hands. “Just breathe. C’mon, we’ve – you’ve been through this with me before. Just breathe.” Sanji tried to meet Usopp’s gaze, then realised he was scared of what he’d find in it and decided to just close his eyes instead. “That’s fine – just breathe with me. It’s – you’re okay. It’s okay. It’s okay, right?”
“Of course it’s okay,” Luffy’s voice rang out, louder now than it had been. He was clearly affronted by this whole situation. “You’re with us. And you’re on Sunny – everything is okay, Sanji. Sanji!” He shook their joined hands until Sanji opened his eyes to look at him. “You’re – what else would it have been?” Usopp shushed him, but Luffy ignored it. He seemed genuinely confused. He looked guilty, and Sanji hated that he looked guilty. Hated that he’d made his captain feel guilty over something that Sanji had thought he’d gotten over, something that had nothing at all to do with his captain, with any of them–
Poor Sanji, still hung up on his helmet, Yonji was mocking him.
Poor Sanji, still nothing more than a worthless little crybaby, Niji was joining in.
Poor, useless Sanji – he’ll never really escape, Ichiji was hissing at him.
Poor, poor Sanji–
“Th-the helmet,” he gasped out, breathless and hoarse. “I th-thought it was the h-helmet.” Luffy blinked at him. He looked to Usopp, who shook his head, also at a loss. He looked to the rest of the crew, and didn’t find answers there either. Sanji closed his eyes again, trying to focus on the hands holding him together.
“What – Sanji, I don’t know what you mean,” Luffy said, and Sanji almost laughed, because of course Luffy didn’t. Even at his most exposed, Sanji had never told Luffy or Nami or any of them about the helmet. Or the cell. Or those endless, endless days when he’d been convinced that he was going to die down there, alone and unloved and unwanted. Or the endless, endless nights when he’d wanted to. He had planned on taking those secrets to the grave – but, of course, he was too weak to even manage that much. “Sanji,” Luffy shook him again, a sort of urgency bleeding into his tone, “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Was it–” Nami’s voice broke, and she took a breath before trying again. “Was it – Judge. Was it the V– was it them?” She sounded close to tears. She also sounded like she already knew the answer. From the way his captain’s grip became bruising – silly Sanji, monsters like us don’t bruise – Sanji could tell Luffy had come to the same realisation as his navigator.
“Was it?” Luffy sounded angry now. “Was it them? Did they do something to you?” Sanji shook his head again, and tried to breathe. He finally managed to get some air back into his lungs, and if he tried hard enough he could focus on the feeling of Luffy’s hands holding his; of Usopp’s hand still pressed securely against his heaving chest; of the rough texture of his captain’s treasure still clutched in his own trembling grip. If he tried hard enough he could focus on all of these things, and pretend that they were enough to drown out his brothers.
“It was – a long time ago,” he managed, opening his eyes.
He looked at Luffy, at the way his jaw clenched and lip curled furiously. He looked at Usopp, at the hard line of his furrowed brow as he tried to make sense of what Sanji was saying. He looked at his nakama, still standing around the table. Nami’s face was red, a mixture of sorrow and anger. And Chopper was in Brook’s arms, and he and Franky were crying. Jinbei looked angry, and Robin and Zoro looked murderous. And Sanji didn’t know what he’d done to deserve them–
“What was a long time ago?”
You’ve done nothing to deserve them.
You don’t deserve them.
“Sanji! What was a long time ago?” Luffy was getting louder with every word. Sanji swallowed thickly, and licked his lips, and tried for the first time in his life to find words to describe the abuse that had scarred him worse than any words or beatings or starvation ever could.
“The – the helmet. He – they made me wear a – a helmet. He did – Judge did. He made me wear it. He made me. He–”
“Because I was dead,” Sanji whispered, the words cutting through the heavy silence in the room with the force of a bullet. “I was dead – and he didn’t want anyone to see me. I was dead. But he couldn’t – he couldn’t actually kill me. So he – he – he made me wear the – and he locked me down there. He–”
Sanji couldn’t breathe again, and Luffy’s grip was too tight, and he could feel Usopp shaking. He heard Chopper crying, and Nami’s wounded noise. He heard Zoro’s low, “And why exactly aren’t they fucking dead right now?” and he heard Robin and Brook’s noises of assent. He wanted to turn to them, to explain to them that it was behind him, had been behind him for years – but he couldn’t fucking breathe anymore, and his vision was going black around the edges.
His hands were released, and warm arms wrapped around his shoulders. His head was pushed into the crook of Luffy’s neck, and firmly held there. Usopp’s hand was still on his chest, crushed between them, but the sharpshooter made absolutely no move to free it, instead slinging his other arm around Sanji’s shoulders. A weight settled against his legs, and Sanji almost startled before he realised it was only Chopper. The little reindeer pressed himself against Sanji’s calves, rubbing his face against his slacks.
“They were wrong,” Luffy whispered to him, and Sanji shook his head, forehead rubbing against his shoulder.
“Please don’t, Luffy. Please don’t.”
“They were so wrong,” his captain continued, ignoring his pleas and whimpers. “They were wrong about you, Sanji. You’re better than them. You’re so good, Sanji. You’re so good.” The noises coming out of Sanji’s mouth were almost foreign to him; noises he hadn’t made since he was eight years old. Noises he hadn’t thought himself capable of anymore.
They were always in there, silly little Sanji.
“You’re so kind, Sanji.”
You’ve always been a scared little boy.
“You’re so much stronger than you realise. So much stronger than them.”
You’ll never be anything more than a scared little boy.
“You’re amazing, Sanji. Sanji.”
Luffy squeezed the back of his head, holding onto him tightly even though Sanji was getting tears and snot all over his t-shirt. Even though the precious straw-hat was pressed tightly between them. Even though he could see him for all that he was. “Sanji, you’re my nakama. I love you, okay? I love you so much, Sanji. Okay? Okay, Sanji?”
You’re worthless.
“Okay, Luffy,” he whispered, and wished his captain would never let him go.
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sadhours · 2 years
This will probably be an odd ask/idea
But I've had a thought. Imagine billy x fem reader who has a seriously religious mother and billy accidentally gets reader pregnant. They aren't in a relationship or anything, just a one night stand.
So readers mom finds out and she drags reader all the way to Billy's house and demands to talk to Neil. At this point billy doesn't know, you just found out you were pregnant. And he's watching your mom scream and yell and demand billy marries you because she doesn't want her daughter to be a wh*re.
Anyways imagine if billy didn't care, not one bit. He thinks you're really pretty anyways and figures he would've likely never settled down (he probably has serious anxiety that nobody will like who he truly is, feels like they would've abandoned him like his mom)
And he's forced to get an apartment with you, so now you're both married with a baby on the way and your own apartment (thankfully your family has money to spare and your dad isn't as serious as your mom is, he's probably sending you a little extra each month) Billy's sleeping on the couch every night, you two haven't taken your so called marriage seriously.
And its still like that when the baby is born (its a girl!) And you've decided to name her Jude because reader had the Beatles song stuck in her head her entire pregnancy.
And you're laying there in the hospital bed alone, your baby is in the nursery with all the other newborns, and you feel billy slide in behind you. He's cuddling you from behind (imagine the ending scene of Juno when she had her baby) and you both fall asleep feeling perfectly content with your life. Even though you never intended to get pregnant or marry billy, you can't help but feel complete
(Sorry this is long)
So angsty but sweet! I hope this tickles your fancy!!
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The collage of crosses on the wall remind you of what a charlatan you are. Your vision blurs the longer you look at them, listening to your mother screaming about how you’re going to hell for having premarital sex and with the Hargrove boy no less.
It was a simple checkup, you hadn’t been feeling well and it was supposed to be an easy checkup but your mom insists they test you every time you go to the doctor. She’s been doing it since you got your period. You didn’t expect it to come back positive but then again, when you’d hooked up with Billy, he was so pretty and charming you couldn’t bring yourself to insist he use protection.
He never called and you stopped showing up at the pool. A night to be forgotten about. Unfortunately, God apparently decided to punish you. Your mother tells you as much on the drive over to Billy’s house. When she bangs on the door, you’re standing meekly behind her, unable to meet the blonde’s eyes as he opens up.
“You,” your mother seethes when she sees him. “I need to talk to your father. Now.”
He obeys and your mother drags you inside without an invite, already screaming. Billy stands with his arms crossed with his dad, the both of them equally looking confused as your mom babbles on about angry she is. Then she motions to Billy, “He’s knocked up my daughter! He’s ruined her for any good man.”
Billy’s face drops, finding out the news like this probably not the best way. You tear your eyes away from his, staring down at a stain in the carpet, wondering what caused it.
Neil’s now screaming at Billy and two domineering voices echoing throughout the house is unfortunately a sound you’re used to. And it seems as if Billy is too, but when he’s forced to apologize to your mother you find it odd, eyes darting back up to him.
“They have to get married. She’s not going to be an unwed mother. She’s not going to be a whore,” your mom insists and you’re genuinely shocked when Billy doesn’t protest.
Sharing an apartment with your “husband” is awkward at best. He doesn’t sleep in the bed. You wonder if maybe this was just an easy escape from his apparent shitty home life. It was for you. There’s no yelling anymore. It just feels empty. The bed is empty. Just you, and you know your husband should be in here with you. It hurts that he’s not. You don’t know Billy but you do like him. You like looking at him, you like the polite conversations you have when you have dinner or watch TV together, and you want so desperately for him to come crawl into bed with you and suddenly confess he’s madly in love with you and he’s so happy to be the father of your baby and your husband. But he won’t and he doesn’t.
The ring on your finger doesn’t make you feel married but you are. You have been for almost nine months now. You’re so pregnant you look like you might pop.
As you attempt to sleep, like clockwork, Hey Jude gets stuck in your head. It does almost every night. It is a song that brings you joy so perhaps that’s why. A little lullaby to lull you to sleep. You sing it out to yourself, quietly. Over and over until sleep comes.
Remember to let her into your heart, then you can start to make it better
Labor is a long twelve hours and Billy isn’t in the room. Your mother complains profusely about it but you’re not surprised. You didn’t even call him at work when your water broke, but when your mother found out he didn’t know, she called him.
Still, he doesn’t come.
The nurse hands a clean newborn girl to you and your heart melts at the sight of her. Curly blonde hair, blue eyes and a button nose like daddy. Some of you is in there too, not as clearly but it’s there. She looks up at you with big eyes and a wrinkly face and you kiss her forehead.
“Hey, Jude,” you sing to her, naming her after the song that cradled you to sleep every night.
She’s so beautiful and pure.
It’s not until everyone’s left and they’ve tucked Jude away in the newborns room that Billy opens the door. You sigh, turning over and closing your eyes.
Then warmth. He’s getting in the hospital bed with you, chest pressed tightly against your back and an arm wrapping around your waist. It’s the closest you two have been in these long nine months and you don’t realize just how deeply you wanted it.
When he presses a kiss to the back of your neck, you feel hot tears staining your cheeks and everything feels wonderful all of sudden. It feels whole. Complete.
You fall asleep cuddled up like that. Billy clinging onto you and you know he’ll feel the same way when he sees Jude.
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lesbianspeedy · 1 year
Sorry if this is a bad question or more likely just hopeless. I’ve been trying to find a good Connor Hawke comic to read (first found out about him in Damian’s Robin solo and he and Rose were the only two things I liked besides the Robin chase but I’m a bat brat) and I’ve only read the Silver Monkey story and as I’m not a fan of Oliver Green at all (my exposure to him has in no way been positive) and I HATE Dixon and I know he’s the main writer for Connor, but I had to drop the Tim solo because of his obvious, I guess bigotry would be the right word to use here, but he is one of the three writers I refuse to let myself read anymore to try and keep my blood pressure low. Are there any Connor stories or series that exist outside of those parameters to read because I’m having 0 luck. I’m also not sure if you’re a fan of Mia or Emilio or have any go-to stories for them, but I know nothing about them and I’d like to change that if at all possible.
i understand, i do i do. while i think dixon is capable of good character writing, and he did manage to do it in connor's run, i also understand his very very obvious politics shine through all the time and it gets tiresome (at one point in his ga run he manages to write OLIVER QUEEN "both sides"ing literal nazis that he and hal fought in GL/GA). here's the best i can do for recs outside of dixon (though few and far between)
Before i start, i do wanna clarify that his character in robin is. well. pretty different from his actual pre-established character. I'm not saying you won't like him, and im genuinely begging you to give him a shot, but if youre looking for the snarky brawler type, you might be a lil thrown by the polite buddhist monk you're gonna get.
you are in luck, as his first few appearances were by kelley puckett, so if you havent already read GA vol. 2 #0, do that first! #91 and #92 are also by puckett until dixon takes over for #93, so read those if you dont mind just stopping in the middle of an arc, otherwise avoid.
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now this next rec IS 1/3 written by dixon but if you can get through it, the crossover connor has with wally and kyle is enjoyable, thats Green Lantern Vol. 3 #96, GA Vol. 2 #130, and The Flash Vol. 2 #135
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Connor's JLA run! JLA Vol. 1 #8-#15, #8 and #9 are specifically about connor saving and joining the league, the rest of the issues just feature him in a team setting, as, well, its the league.
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if you want to read mia as well, read Green Arrow: Quiver (GA Vol. 3 #1-#10), Connor plays an important role but its almost entirely in the very last issue, and it's more about Ollie's role dynamic with him than anything else, so just read that if it tickles your fancy.
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I wish i could recommend more of GA Vol. 3 for connor, unfortunately he's pretty fucking sidelined, and for every good moment theres 2 bad ones. (immediately after quiver he is shot and put in a coma for an arc, somehow this isnt the last time this happens.) Though i do recommend #11, and i think #21 is a good issue to read for ollie and him, but it also includes a pretty huge retcon to Connor and Ollie's past
Other than those, he has One-shots in Green Arrow 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular: "One", DC Pride 2022: "Think Of Me", and DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration: "Hawke & Kong"
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to answer your second question, my URL aint lesbianspeedy for nothin! Mia is what i breathe and bleed, my recs for her are here!
as for Emi, your best bets are Green Arrow Vol. 5 #18-#20, #22, #28-#34 for her origin (though read N52 green arrow at your own risk, even i havent properly read these), Green Arrow Vol. 6 #1-#7 (this may feel like a completely new character, i'm sorry, dc has a angsty characterisation problem, if you enjoy either of these characterisations, i'd recommend you keep reading said runs past my specific recs for more issues with her!) and Stargirl Spring Break Special + Stargirl: The Lost Children #1-#6
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spnfanficpond · 7 months
New Member Spotlight - February 2024
The Pond is always growing and we want to make our new members feel welcome! Here’s a list of recent additions to our fishy family, along with a little info about them!
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Guppies, Jellies, and Mutuals, oh, my!
enteselene (twitter) - This new member is cool and mysterious, but probably does not have a son named Fergus. Probably.
@disenchantedhalo -
Other SM names? - ghoulsnhalos (Discord), morgawse_hp (Twitter), GhoulsnHalos (AO3)
OTP? - Destiel
Other fandoms? - Bandom
Looking for in the Pond? - Have a space to share ideas on fics, writing, editing. Help me make better use of social media to promote fics etc.
Pairings you read? - novel-length Destiel
Genres you read? - Pretty much anything except sports AUs and crack. Tropes: Enemies to Lovers; Two-person love triangle
Favorite writer(s)? - JuniperJones (AO3)
What do you like to write? - Mostly explicit alternate universe with a happy ending. Range of lengths. These days I pretty much stick to writing for Bangs.
Most underappreciated fic? - Take Me Down
.@charliethealpaccaso -
Other SM names? - Same name on Discord
OTP? - Not sure as I tend to hop around.
Other fandoms? - Furry Transformation
Looking for in the Pond? - Looking for new transformation fics and meet some new friends
Something to signal boost? - Mellowfello on furaffinity.net
Pairings you read? - Now I think about it I hop around to more ship tags
Genres you read? - Fluff, Crack, and a small bit of Angst
@ryladante -
Other SM names? - Same name on Discord, Twitter, and AO3
OTP? - Destiel
Looking for in the Pond? - Help to get my writing back on track, some ideas to get me writing again.
Pairings you read? - Destiel ftw, lol.
Genres you read? - Angst, Smut. Even if it has a sad ending, I'll read it. I like pain in my stories. Tropes? Enemies to lovers, roommates who fall in love
What do you like to write? - Angsty, dark and suspenseful. I like pain and drama in my stories.
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - I've never written Omega/Alpha stories. The idea intrigues me, but I wouldn't know where to start.
@dustlines - This new member is cool and mysterious and definitely was not seen breaking a seal to bring on the Apocalypse.
@deeranger -
Other SM names? - Deerangerfanart (Twitter), deerange (LJ), deeranger (Pillowfort)
OTP? - Sam/Dean and Wincest all the way
Looking for in the Pond? - Find new and interesting ppl and creations that tickle my fancy (I like dark and dead dove primarily) and I also hope to maybe find resources for my writing, maybe ppl to talk to and bounce ideas off of.
Something to signal boost? - My (often NSFW) fanart is scattered all over, primarily it's on my Twitter though at @DeerangerFanart. Also, I have my carrd where you can find all my social media accounts.
Pairings you read? - Wincest or anything bottom!Sam, really. I have a weakness for noncon Samifer. 3rd person pov is my preferred pov and I mostly read m/m but f/m is okay too. And hey, so are tentacles! 😂
Genres you read? - Noncon, angst, dead dove, smut, pwp, dark and smutty stuff in general. I like "problematic" stuff.
Favorite writer(s)? - BlindSwandive, AnOddSock, hunter_king, CleverUsernameHere, TammyRenH
What do you like to write? - Dark and angsty ones, mostly noncon bottom!Sam... Usually my fics are pretty dead dove.
Most underappreciated fic? - "Nothing Hurts Like the Truth", a Jess/Sam dubcon fic
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - I've never written a long fic. I'm currently trying though (at 74k as we speak) and I'd love some support and such on it and maybe advice if needed. I've never had the guts to try and write such a long fic. But now is the time! Also, I'd just like to get better at plotting out fics and such and get better at writing in general. That's my goal. Inspiration and practice!
@zepskies -
Other SM names? - Zepskies (Discord), Zeppelin_skies (AO3)
OTP? - Dean Winchester x Lisa Braeden
Other fandoms? - Actively writing for: The Boys, Big Sky, 10 Inch Hero, Smallville, Dark Angel
Looking for in the Pond? - A community of fellow writers/fandom enthusiasts. I like talking and sharing about the writing craft, mutual encouragement of ideas, just basically continuing what I've been doing on Tumblr.
Pairings you read? - Reader inserts, OC pairings
Genres you read? - Romance, smut, fluff, hurt/comfort, comedy, drama. Favorite tropes: Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Meet Cute
Favorite writer(s)? - Ooh this is tough. I have many, but on Tumblr there's @waynes-multiverse, @deanwritings, @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior, @deanwinchesterswitch -- and many others that I follow and love their work.
What do you like to write? - Genre wise? Romance, fluff, smut, angst and hurt/comfort, soulmate AU and other AUs. I've also dabbled in A/B/O.
Masterlist! (AO3 Works list)
Most underappreciated fic? - Damned If I Do and Chico Malo
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - Well, while I'm primarily a Dean girl, I've toyed with the idea of a Sam Winchester soulmate AU, or a Sam Winchester series (which I sort of have outlined). Maybe for the soulmate AU, some brainstorming prompts would be fun and helpful! <3
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That's all for this month, folks! (If we're missing anyone, let us know and we'll add them to next month's list!) Make sure to say hi to the newbies and make them feel welcome! Thanks to all from @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, @spencereliotwinchester and @heavenssexiestangel!
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eyesoffthemaud · 2 years
12 Days of DadMight: A December Event!
An Event is HERE! Here's the TL:DR.
What's the Event Called?: 12 Days of Dadmight
When does the event take place?: December 14th - December 25th
When are the Angst Days: December 14th - December 19th
When are the Fluff Days: December 20th - December 25th
Want to know more? GOOD! There is.
How would I describe the Event?
“12 Days of Dadmight” is a Christmas Event for the enjoyers of the relationship between Toshinori and Izuku (aka Dadmight). It’s one of my personal favorite relationships in MHA, so I decided for Christmas to turn it into an event for others like me!
While everyone knows the typically “12 Days of Christmas” song, this event comes with a twist. My personal favorite fic tag, is Hurt/Comfort- and the event reflects this!
Fluff is fun, however, I wanted to give our angst-lovers a treat as well! So, the first 6 days of the event are for our angst creators. Post an angsty dadmight fanfic or artwork if that’s what tickles your fancy! I want to cry myself to sleep.
That’s not to say I don’t love fluff! What is angst without fluff??? The last 6 days of the event are for the fluff creators. Post a fluffy fic or artwork! Make my cheeks hurt from smiling so hard!
Submission Rules:
Must be following my tumblr at @eyesoffthemaud
Produced pieces must include DadMight; particularly Izuku and Toshinori Yagi - other characters definitely may be included, but the main focus would be the relationship between both Izuku and Toshinori.
There is no limit on entries for this event. By submitting any piece(s) for the event, you are eligible for the prize. However, this does not mean that participating in all 12 days guarantees a win for the event.
Minimum word count for fics: 1000 words
When submitting your writing, submit it to the collection (LINKED HERE) if your work isn’t in the collection. I haven't seen it.
Please add the tag, 12DaysofDadmightAngst or 12DaysofDadmightFluff to your piece as an indicator of what category you’re submitting your piece to.
Art must be fully colored, simple sketches would be loved dearly but would not qualify for prize runnings.
When submitting your art, tag me @eyesoffthemaud. If your art has been reblogged then I have most definitely seen it. If I haven’t interacted with it in some way- I cannot guarantee that I have seen it.
Please add the tag, 12DaysofDadmightAngst or 12DaysofDadmightFluff to your piece as an indicator of what category you’re submitting your piece to.
Submission Timeframe:
All Submissions must be posted between December 14th through December 25th.
Late submissions are welcomed, but not encouraged.
There will be an official announcement when the event submission period has closed for judging. After that, any submissions after that announcement will not be considered for the prize.
Have Fun and Enjoy the Dadmight! Seriously.
Fics and Artwork should definitely not contain anything NSFW.
Heavy Gore is personally welcomed by me. However, I heavily discourage the showing, referencing, description, and/or usage of needles of any sort. This is an extreme phobia of mine, and as the event runner, it’s something I personally cannot handle. Please keep this in mind when writing/drawing- I wouldn't make this a rule if it truly didn't trigger my phobia.
This is not a Dekumight event. I swear. If you submit a Dekumight work to this event, I'm not only blocking you but blacklisting you from literally any and all events I ever choose to run in the future.
There are total 4 “winners” for the event 
2 writers, 1 from the fluff submissions and 1 from the angst submissions received
2 artists, 1 from the fluff submissions and 1 from the angst submissions received
The prize that each winner will receive is 1 Full Body/Full Render commission from my wonderful spouse @mcfanely! Each winner gets 1 art piece just for them!
(The rules of McFanely’s commission sheet still apply when describing what you’d like done)
Additional Information
Feel free to submit pieces for both the designated “Angst” and “Fluff” submission periods. Please know that you can only “win” for 1 category. In other words, one person cannot win in multiple categories.
More Questions?
Any more questions about the event can be directed to me via by Tumblr Askbox, or in my discord server.
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kingdaddydaichi · 2 years
random hcs: k. akaashi (birthday) edition
mostly sfw. teensy weensy bit of nsfw utc (mdni!). even though i'm dedicating the whole month of december to my beloved daichi, i made sure to carve out some time for my kin and dec. 5th birthday boy, keiji akaashi.
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Night Owl™️
Has anxiety and is lowkey depressed, but both are well-managed.
The sarcasm is strong with this one.
More of a reader, but fancies himself a writer from time to time (and he’s good at it).
Has written 2 or 3 long ass smut with angsty plot fics on AO3; angst/comfort and mutual pining are his most-used tags.
Writes poetry, but has never told anyone.
Narrows his eyes at you sometimes when you're talking, which makes you think he’s suspicious of you or that he doesn’t like you, but in reality he’s intrigued and fascinated by you. That’s why he keeps asking you hard questions.
Doesn’t use emojis.
Shamelessly pedantic; says "well actually" a lot.
Stares out of windows at rain; looks like he's daydreaming but is actually having hypothetical philosophical debates in his head or world-building an entire novel he'll probably never write.
A regular at Onigiri Miya (may or may not have a crush on Osamu 👀).
Listens to classical music while reading/editing; it helps him focus.
Took piano lessons as a kid but says he's horrible at it now (he really is); still, he can't help but tickle a few ivories every time he gets near a piano; likes the way the keys feel under his graceful fingers.
Hooks you the fuck up with manga. You know about shit that happens before it's even published. And you're sworn to secrecy, which you honor. It's way more fun to see people's reactions after keeping spoilers to yourself for weeks or longer.
Drinks his body weight in coffee every week an inordinate amount of coffee.
Owns an old ass typewriter and a floral silk writing robe.
HATES Grammarly; thinks people should just learn proper grammar, damn it.
Falls asleep with his glasses on sometimes. Lying together, you notice his breathing has evened out. His heart rate steadies you. And you look up at him to find his chin resting above your head with a book lying beneath his limp hand on his chest, rising and falling with grace.
Speaking of, something about him glows when he sleeps? like he has this angelic aura about him, i feel like? Idk. Subtle and so finely tuned that you can’t quite put your finger on it. It’s like an exquisite detail. Understated. Graceful, even, in that whatever it is doesn’t jump out at you; without moving, he holds sway without you knowing it. And you can’t quite figure out why you can’t seem to stay away from him for very long.
He is hard to describe. What you see is not what you get with keiji. There are worlds - universes even - inside of him that no one else will ever see or comprehend, but you will feel them. They’ll have you falling, rapt by his gravity. And, like gravity, he silently holds things together, pulling you in with his emerald eyes every time he narrows them.
You smile lovingly and reach for his readers, easing them off the tip of his nose where they’ve fallen in his sleep. He’d probably blush if he knew how かわいすぎ (super cute) he looks with his black, rectangle frames lying nearly sideways on his pretty face. But you don’t tell him about it. It’s a secret about him that even he doesn’t know that you keep all to yourself. He’d probably stop falling asleep with his glasses on if he knew and, well, you want him to fall asleep with his glasses on just so you can carefully pull them away from his face. You fold them and place them neatly on your nightstand because you don’t want to risk waking him up by climbing over him to set them on his side.
He, on the other hand, will gladly lean over you to reach for his glasses, put them on, then kiss you on your cheek before burying his nose against your neck and breathing you in. He’ll shamelessly snake an arm around you, his nimble fingers brushing your bare nipple. He knows what he’s doing. His hands are grifters. Copping feels and ghosting over you while his gravelly, naked chuckle vibrates against your bare back when you squirm and moan. Your body resonates, your skin sings with the touch of his fingertips like a tightly wound and pitch-perfect string.
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abyssal-ali · 23 days
Hii, so I just found the kdrama rec list that you made in like 2023, and I'm in ✨desperate✨ need of a calm, comforting rom com drama, like Hidden Love or Falling into your smile. (Especially the latter, I'm in love)
I've been really into the soft love stories lol and I'm busy watching Tale of the Nine Tailed, on the second last episode and I am definetly going to need something lighthearted after this. I've already watched Business Proposal and Love 020, so I think I'm still relatively new.
Please do ignore this if you don't have any new ones!! 😇
Hi! I'm so glad you've enjoyed my recs 😊
I have watched several more dramas since I made that list (okay like 40) I just haven't updated this since 😂 I actually made a side blog just for more in-depth recs that I can DM you if you'd like 🤗
Looking for soft, fluffy romcom recs? Look no further!
C | Exclusive Fairytale | Romance, Youth, Family | 2023 | This is a super cute, fluffy, lowstakes childhood friends to lovers story that progresses from high school days to college and beyond. Plus, it has Jun from Seventeen | 10/10
K | Welcome to Samdalri | Comedy, Drama, Life, Romance | 2023 | Similar to Hometown Cha Cha Cha, this is a slow, small town lowstakes drama where a girl comes from a big city and falls in love with a green flag boy (played by Ji Chang Wook, of course) The side stories are adorable as well as the main leads'. | 8/10
K | King the Land | Comedy, Romance, Workplace | 2023 | An absolutely lovely green flag couple and their chaotic, fun friend group who all work for a chaebol hospitality group (which the ML is heir to). Just recalling it makes me want to rewatch it, honestly. | 9/10
K | Doctor Slump | Life, Romance | 2024 | A supportive family, realistic depiction of depression, a cute, mature, green flag couple, and lowstakes but interesting plot make for a very comforting drama. | 9/10
C | Love Between Fairy and Devil | Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Wuxia | 2022 | This drama is e v e r y t h i n g. E2L leads, all the tropes, great side characters, plot, set/wardrobe/etc, with a happy ending but makes you go through all the feels. 1000% planning on rewatching. here begins my obsession with Wang Hedi (CW: a lil darker, more plot-heavy and angstier than the previous recs on here but still hilarious and cute!)| 30/10
K | Lovely Runner | Comedy, Fantasy, Music, Romance | 2024 | This drama had a hilarious, adorable lead couple, a hooking plot, a long happy ending, and great acting; what more could you want? The drama accurately depicts fangirl life in a respectful way, has what I've heard from disabled fans is pretty good disability rep, and handles darker themes decently but still keeps the drama light overall. | 9.5/10
K | My Demon | Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance | 2023 | This is funny, fluffy, and a bit angsty (don't worry it's still HEA!) Forced proximity x supernatural x star-crossed lovers x arranged relationship x...well, it's got a ton of my favourite tropes + one of the best theme songs and opening credits scenes. | 10/10
Hope one of these tickles your fancy and you enjoy it♡
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acerathia · 3 months
twenty questions for fic writers 💖
thank u for the dag erika @kedsandtubesocks !! and!! open tag for everyone who wants to!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
as of now, 10! i'd like to think im pretty consistent with posting on there fjsdlkf
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
88,099 words lolol
3. What fandoms do you write for?
honestly, anything that tickles my fancy. a lot of bnha, some jjk, naruto ofc, and honestly, even genshin, hsr, lds, undertale, orv. i even had a phase where i was writing marvel fics hahaha
4. Top five fics by kudos
let's see
drowning in you (Rafayel x reader)
The Apple of my Eye (Izuku x reader)
equilibrium (Aventurine x reader)
Grave Robbery (Katsuki x reader)
two birds: a tragedy in five acts (Obito x reader)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I honestly get so excited over every comment i get, i cant help but immediately respond 😔
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
idk if it's considered a fic, but that short dabi piece, i cant find the link o7 but it was pretty angsty but in terms of an actual fic, i would consider the ending of 'two birds' as the angstiest ending? maybe
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i would say that on terms of happiness, most of them are equal, bc i tend to end fics on the same place during the momentum hahaha
8. Do you get hate on fics?
this question assumes that people outside of my mutuals read my fics hahaha, no, not really o7
9. Do you write smut?
i've never written explicit smut, just alluding to it or using metaphors. i dont feel comfy writing smut (yet) hahaha
10. Craziest crossover?
never done a crossover o7
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
again, no hahaha
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
boring answer, again no
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes,,, i did write a fics with my bsf in middle school. but also, kinda during my wattpad days... dont ask hahaha
14. All time favorite ship?
my mutualy x happiness <3
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
my marvel fics honestly had pretty cool ideas, but i'm just not into it anymore lolol. but also, one huge fic ive written in ms for mm, but bc it was on paper, i lost everything o7 i'd like to think that even if i take breaks, that i pull through most of the time, unless i completely lose interest
16. What are your writing strengths?
good question, uhm, i think my writing style is nice? idk
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I often cant pull through if the plot is supposed to be longer, as it feels like i lose momentum, also, i often get distracted in the middle of writing and lose my thoughts hahah
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
It depends imo, whole dialogue in another language can rip one out of the vibe, but bits and pieces if done correctly can hint at the personality of the character. esp if one considers how people do that too (i loveee using random english words while speaking other languages)
19. First fandom you wrote in?
naruto o7 ive got a track record worth years atp
20. Favorite fic you've written?
in terms of the overall writing, i like 'two birds' a lot bc the foreshadowing was real hahaha, but also the way i used rhetorical figures and stuff plotwise i like drowning in you, bc it was so self-indulgend and very soft
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vidyadawn · 6 months
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#VIDYADAWN. Welcome to my roleplaying blog for Honkai: Star Rail's Dan Heng. This blog is independent, selective and multi-verse. Established in March 2024 and written by Min. Please read the rules below before following :)
This blog primarily features Dan Heng. That said, Imbibitor Lunae might make an appearance when the opportunity arises, because I'd love to write threads set in the past with him.
I'm not up to date with the storyline / recent update on H:SR yet but I don't mind spoilers!
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ABOUT ME. My name is Min, I'm over 30 years of age and I've been rping in various fandoms for over 15 years. I work during the week so replies are slow, but I'm usually online and available through DMs or discord (for mutuals only).
REQUIREMENTS. If you are interested in roleplaying with me, you must be at least 18 years of age, ideally over 21. I make no exceptions for minors, regardless of thread content. I will gravitate towards H:SR canon muses, but I am open to OCs if the character appeals to me and crossovers if I can see a way to merge our worlds together.
WRITING. I prefer plotted threads and longer replies (on average I'll write 3-6 paragraphs), but I don't expect you to match length. What matters to me is the content of our posts and our ability to progress in the story we want to tell. I don't really do short convos anymore (unless it's dash crack) and I don't write unplotted starters because they often lead nowhere. If you have ideas for our muses, just message me and if you don't have ideas yet but would like to write, let's plot together :)
MEMES. Best way to get something started with me is through memes. Any memes in my meme tag are available without time limit for all mutuals, so no need to ask first, just send in whatever tickles your fancy! Heads up: it might take me forever and three days to respond, but I will get there eventually. Feel free to reblog any meme posts directly from my blog, I don't mind that at all.
SHIPPING. I am open to shipping and I would love to develop something more profound and long-lasting for Dan Heng. He is not an easy muse to ship with and I don't insta-ship, but I very much enjoy writing ships. If I write multiple ships, they are automatically in separate verses unless discussed otherwise. As an example, I'd be happy to explore Dan Feng/Yingxing in past threads and its repercussions on the present, but I'm also perfectly fine writing them without any romantic context. I have a soft spot for Jing Yuan / Dan Heng, particularly if Jing Yuan had feelings for Dan Feng in the past, because I think that would make for a beautiful angsty love story in the present :) But here as well, I just love the dynamic and I'm happy to write then as platonic dynamic, as long as we can agree that they have a complex connection. Please note that I do not ship Dan Heng/March 7th romantically and I am torn on shipping him with the Trailblazer (that one's debatable), but I'll happily write them as a platonic dynamic. If you're interested in writing a ship with me, best come discuss it with me directly.
SOCIAL POLITICS. I am against callout and cancel culture and do not engage in it. Callouts will not be reblogged - I curate my dashboard my own way and I have no interest in being dragged into other people's fights. I don't respect publicly hating on fictional ships, characters or portrayals. I will never harass anyone or shame them for the fictional things they choose to write, I simply avoid, blacklist or block what I don't want to see. I believe the RPC would be a better place if people tried to be more tolerant, respectful and kind to one another.
Graphic credit (for my Dan Feng banners)
Rules are subject to change. Thank you for reading this far! :)
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reneercpps · 2 years
hey, hi, hello — the name's jordan (thirty, they/them) and i'm looking for some discord writing partners (21+). i have been roleplaying for way too long, aka over 10 years. because of my ever-crippling mental health, discord roleplay is the best way for me to get my fix. i'm ONLY interested in playing f/f, f/nb & nb/nb. if that's not your thing, cool. but it's mine & that's what i prefer to play. i'm interested in slice of life, supernatural, angsty & pretty much anything. i love smut, but if you don't, we can fade to black. i'm very laid back and tend to just go with the flow. things i am absolutely 100% okay with: taking as long as you need to reply, taking breaks for your mental health, headcanoning instead of writing if you're exhausted or don't want to write, doubling up muses, etc. let's just chill and write.
if all of these things tickle your fancy, either give this a ♥ or slide in the DMs.
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cheeeryos · 2 years
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“Have you ever thought about growing your hair out?” Adam asked Ronan as he plugged in his electric razor. Adam was sitting on the bathroom counter next to the sink, waiting for Ronan to shave his head so they could go down to breakfast.
Ronan looked over at him. “In this heat? Fuck off.”
“Hair is literally designed to protect your head from the sun,” Adam said.
“Okay, science guy.”
“I’m just saying. It’s insulating. Might actually make you cooler.”
Ronan looked at himself, and then his eyes found Adam’s again.
“You trying to tell me something?”
“Oh. No, I didn’t mean I don’t like you like this,” Adam said quickly. Ronan didn’t think he was lying. “I don’t give a shit what you do. I was just wondering what you’d look like.”
Ronan hadn’t had long hair since he was a teenager. He wasn’t necessarily tied to the aesthetic anymore; he’d outgrown his rebellious angsty teen phase. He was, however, worried that he’d end up looking like Declan.
Adam jumped down from the sink to stand slightly behind Ronan, to look at him the way he was looking at himself.
“Nice, thick head of hair,” Adam continued in a low voice. “Fancy suit and tie. I dunno, I think it’d be kind of devastating.”
“You sure you don’t want to date my brother?”
Adam’s eyes caught Ronan’s through the mirror. Tension crackled.
“Definitely not.”
Adam’s fingers crawled up Ronan’s neck and smoothed over his scalp. It tickled, a little, and it sent shivers down to the base of his spine.
“I was also thinking about what it’d feel like,” Adam said, voice a low murmur over his shoulder. “Might be easier to hold you in place, exactly where I want you.”
Ronan swallowed. The corners of Adam’s lips curled. “Anyways. It was just a thought. You’re hot like this. See you downstairs?”
He stepped back and walked away. Ronan looked back at himself in the mirror, and then he set the razor down.
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2hotwing · 2 years
*asks about dabi*
Are there any lyrics or quotes or perhaps other fictional characters, be it anime or literature that you would link him to?
This question is just for fun after one of your recent posts, absolutely no pressure to reply if the question doesn't tickle your fancy. Have a lovely day!
*cracks knuckles* WELL WELL WELL…
For song lyrics there’s.. a bit IANDIAJD all the ones mentioned are on a dabi playlist I’ve made.
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This one was instant to me bc I feel like it just fits him!! His whole character isn’t actually necessarily about Stain or anything related to vigilante justice if you really look at him, it’s about his want for his Dad’s approval. I think when it comes to love in any form he gets obsessive and Passionate (he’s very intense) and the lyrics fit whatever relationship he could have with near anyone :3
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Typical angsty song but this is fr just him looking at his past self or his family.
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Burn if you’re a star really gets me because he’s so self destructive and like obscenely suicidal that he’s going through everything he does because after he gets his approval he doesn’t see anything else.
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This is entirely self indulgent and him x my self insert LMFAO it’s both of them at each other but he’s the type of love interest that’s turbulent for obvious reasons and he straight up doesn’t know feelings or how to express them.
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THIS SONG is so HIM and idc, the Father is literal in this sense but it’s him asking Enji why he made him the way he is, why he did everything he did to him, why he didn’t love his mom, why he had kids he “didn’t need” and all that angsty good stuff.
For literature and stuff he has reminded me of the Monster from Frankenstein!! Because of the fire like literally and symbolically, but also the whole being scorned by the one who created you, only being valued till they realize you’re “wrong.”
I have a lot more thoughts on him but they aren’t directly connected to media or anything! He’s.. a comfort character so I spend a lot of my free time thinking about him JSNFBBAJD
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punkscowardschampions · 8 months
Jali Pt.2
Ali: [accidentally on purpose dropping down as if he tickled you that hard you couldn’t possibly help it, now SO in his face as you’re hissing air through your teeth, LOOKING at him, like you’re all excuse me and don’t just want to/need to ‘wouldn’t that be easy’ because true, if you just hated him you could have moved on with your life better than you have]
Johnny: [LOOKING back at her from their new proximity again, biting his lip at the exact same moment as she’s doing her hiss so it looks like a synchronised move but really he just couldn’t help it any more than she could, a shrug that he really does the most with in terms of moving and getting more in her grill if possible ‘easy’s not for us’ like yeah maybe but I can’t relate and in this moment at least can’t be mad about it] 
Ali: [back to being so close as to really need to close your eyes and just makeout but holding back just enough that you are not, even as you’re moving to ride him, still not quite reaching ‘I’m for you’ in the tiniest voice because you used to say things like that all the time but you haven’t yet tonight in the here and now but you want to]
Johnny: [‘yeah you are’ like it’s that simple and can be because we want it to be and in the here and now it is, no notes]
Ali: [kissing him like you aren’t also smiling so big at the same time, we care not, gotta do both immediately, also getting more uncontrolled with how you’re grinding against him]
Johnny: [gonna say there’s a scar or a stretch mark or something to that effect which she didn’t have when they were together that he’s touching while they kiss for a nice full circle moment to the angst of his scar drama before because this isn’t angsty it’s nice and they deserve to have recognitions of time passing that don’t make them feel super sad, like, he didn’t notice it he just happens to be touching where it is but then he notices and does his own smile and kisses wherever this scar/mark is in a way that’s saying all of her is for him and he wants all of her without him saying it]
Ali: [my boo says I’m bringing it back around and she’s so real for that, not that she has anything to be insecure about and isn’t, it would be kind of nerve-wracking to do this, for so many reasons but also what if he straight up just didn’t fancy you anymore lmao, too awkward, so this confirmation would be very nice]
Johnny: [we’ve said it before and we’ll say it again thank god they are both still hot (not that he is to me but you know what I mean), even though it means y’all are still here hooking up when he has a home to go to, no regrets, he will stay as long as he wants and Sophie Turner will have to deal lol, he’s far too busy kissing her everywhere he can reach now, don’t mind him]
Ali: [we know you’re not allowed to mither him ever, soz not soz, perhaps you should know/care family drama has gone down, what about that miss ma’am lol but anyhow, here not thinking about anyone’s schedule, including our own, far too busy having a marvellous time, wrapping the duvet around our shoulders like a cape before we’re pushing it to the end of the bed because we wanna see and touch and kiss more of him too, just exploring, nbd]
Johnny: [Johnny’s sisters better keep their mouths closed, if one of y’all is close to your cousin and spill this fam tea before he gets a chance to I will be so mad, said like we’re not the ones in control of this haha, anyway, I love that, both of you should take this time to have an explore because she wasn’t old enough to have tats or anything back then so the possibilities are endless there and he was far too distracted earlier to give every inch of her body the full attention it deserves, the way his face would be so intense and serious as he’s taking all of it in is frankly adorable as well btw]
Ali: [my boo says you hush, like they are fully real ladies with the ability to be running their mouths hehe, you love to see it truly; like she loves his concentration face, always has always will, getting distracted from your own exploration by how cute he looks, hiding your head in your pillow dramatically like nah I can’t actually cope]
Johnny: [the way he’ll be pulling her up from this pillow by her hair gently but insistently will be a different kind of distracting tbh, holding her face in both of his hands when its level with his again and just LOOKING at her because yet another moment where he can’t believe he’s here and this is happening, hence we can’t even talk about how the hookup has the same soft but insistent energy rn like he needs to get and keep her attention that way too, his teeth lightly grazing her cheek like they did her nip earlier, the same one of hers that she dug her nails into on him, obvs]
Ali: [attention has never been more directed firmly in one place, again it’s as if no one else in the world exists and that feeling has been missing from our life so hard, hence we’re pushing our cheek at him more insistently like go on ‘fair is fair’ like scratch marks are a bit easier to explain that teeth marks but love the enthusiasm girl]
Johnny: [having enough self control, barely, to fully bite her shoulder instead because that’s coverable, but doing it SO dramatically as if to make up for the fact it’s not her face, highkey headbutting her in said shoulder with his !! because he has all the enthusiasm too]
Ali: [when it hurts but also you’ve never been happier, the mix of that coming out in UNHINGED noise because of course, headbutting his opposite shoulder as a reflex as well an accident as you’re pushing against him more frantically about it]
Johnny: [doing his own noise about how unhinged hers was and the fact she also headbutted him, picking her up by the throat in such a !! way about it, making sure to really press into those lovebites he did earlier as well as ofc squeezing as he’s basically throwing her around this bed because the hook up has become feral again and he’s really going at it, pressing her face back into the pillow the way she hid before except not at all]
Ali: [when your eyes naturally go to roll to the back of your head but you NEED to maintain eye contact with him whilst his hand is around your throat so you are fighting it like you’re not at all fighting anything he wants to do to you in this moment, not you dropping the d name into this pillow as if it’s so muffled he’s not gonna know]
Johnny: [‘rewarding’ her by fucking her even harder than he already was when she’s fighting to maintain that eye contact as well as kissing and licking and sucking on the bite mark on her shoulder indecently, obvs he will hear the d word and correct her with whatever the word is in gypsy secret lingo how they used to, but as a full MOAN because duh, could not be more into it]
Ali: [repeating the word over and over as quickly as it’ll come out of your mouth between your gasping for air as you push your face harder into this pillow to push back onto him even moreso, so blatantly DYING that you get to say this again]
Johnny: [likewise DYING about this because you know his missus isn’t calling him that so the last time would have been the last time y’all did before now and he would’ve thought never again, thank god they’ve moved to her room because the UNHINGED noises coming out of this man rn don’t need to be overheard and the feral positions he’s contorting them into whilst keeping her head where it is on that pillow deffo don’t need to be witnessed by any of her children]
Ali: [you’re all very welcome this has taken a private turn because there is no stopping this train y’all are on and we don’t need any victims to your feralness today thank you, got far too much time to make up and we are going for it right here right now]
Johnny: [mhmm, a marvellous time with no added trauma for anyone thank you, just do the absolute most until you inevitably both die which won’t take long now with the way y’all are behaving, me like please don’t say anything too extra sir and keep it to noise, you can be extra by continuing to fuck your cum into her once you have, I’ll take that over saying ILY or something else you should not on this day]
Ali: [we all know you are but you better not drop that now lads, however unhinged you feel and how unreal this all still is, it is in fact real and you know that he’ll have to leave soon and you’re not gonna have that be because he’s running away, not if you can help it, pulling him down onto this pillow with you as if he was headed to the door and isn’t still inside you]
Johnny: [the temptation to have him stay all night and have to sneak out before he has work/her children are back/up to do the absolute most possible, whether that’s because y’all have fallen asleep or because you’re literally up all night doing these kind of antics remains to be seen, anyway, going with her not because he’s too dead to fight it, though he is, but because he is very much still inside her rn and wants to stay there, oh the cuddling that’s therefore happening, we love to see it, could not be holding her tighter even though she can’t and isn’t going anywhere either]
Ali: [just never letting you pull out casually, doing such a sleepy contented smile because you’re likewise so dead, and there’s no way she’d send you home tonight because literally had the biggest shock and you came here like might kill myself, might kill my dad so in no way are we insisting going home is the best thing for you, soz not soz, kissing the tip of his nose and stroking his hair out of his face, saying some of the other secret lingo you remember that is appropriate]
Johnny: [he’s just never going to haha, which does mean she’ll have to come with him when he reaches for the duvet to once again wrap her up in like a lil burrito, likewise calling her all the secret lingo pet names that are appropriate for how sleepy and dead and cute she is, some she’ll remember from back in the day but some I’m sure he never used then so are new now, just cos we can, making her so comfy and doing the kind of comforting sounds she was doing in the angsty times reclaimed for this nice soft time, doing the lil soft scratches over her back again and BIG hair strokes]
Ali: [shaking your head, not quite to dramatic iconic levels but enough to tickle him with your hair now you’re in this burrito together and still very literally entangled ‘I shan’t go to bed’ because being the most comforting daddy energy but we can’t miss you like that, mirroring the scratching he’s doing on your back on his forearm absentmindedly]
Johnny: [‘you’re to do as you’re told’ for the daddy energy but crucially not telling her if that’s go to sleep or stay up with him forever, though we know what the answer is lol, because can’t be like yeah stay up with me forever when she’s being such an adorable sleepy baby rn]
Ali: [raising your brows like oh really, doing a little lol and nudging his shoulder with your head like no, no but also reminder from when you headbutted it earlier ‘you don’t have someone over after [time] and fall asleep on ‘em’]
Johnny: [doing his own eyebrow raise ‘someone, is it?’ because said as if he’s just a random person of the many she has over lol but his face is amused, that said, not so amused he doesn’t touch the shoulder bite he gave her earlier, softly but with intent of all the reminders of who he is to her actually]
Ali: [‘this could only happen to us’ because can’t even play that this happens all the time and is a regular occurrence for us when we all know how entirely untrue that is, shifting slightly with the reminder, only closer, of course]
Johnny: [‘true enough’ because where’s the lie, we really did something here with this, they aren’t circumstances likely to occur again, fully nuzzling into her shoulder and then her neck and then cheek to cheek nbd]
Ali: [it’s so hard not to say ily sometimes lol, just do a happy little hum and bask in your closeness without saying a word, thank you]
Johnny: [likewise stfu and just hold her for a while until I’m gonna say you fall asleep because what a day you’ve had even before these antics, still inside her I might add, but you can probably wake up the same what a day and all the emotions reasons, doing the thing of not knowing where you are for a sec, but letting out the biggest breath when you realise, pulling her even closer to you because you’re so glad it’s her]
Ali: [how lowkey disorientating for that first moment always, wondering if you’ve just had some absolutely insane dream but then he’s pulling you into him and you know it’s real, kissing him with a fever like you’ve been snoozing for years because you did not intend to fall asleep and how could you leave him, covering him in kisses right down to his collarbone, looking up at him to check he’s okay]
Johnny: [dragging her head into his chest so her ear is against his heartbeat because don’t know where to begin with her asking if he’s okay but this is kind of an answer, rocking her as if he’s like shh shh go back to sleep but every movement is deliberately hitting her in a spot that’ll make her feel the opposite of sleepy cos he’s inside her still, pick a letter of the many there are depending on angles but I feel like it’s not a standard one lol just to make her feel an extra type of way, he’s also touching her indecently, again as if with the kind of strokes you’d do to someone’s back or head to get them back to sleep, except not at all, truly doing the most]
Ali: [OVERWHELMED entirely and immediately, pressing your face into his chest like you can burrow inside casually and you gotta, doing the most insane but tiny noises against his skin, licking out the same letter with her tongue, dragging your teeth over it lightly for the emphasis too ‘you didn’t leave’ as you’re making use of how literally he did not move an inch, so FINE about it, LOOKING up at him and wiping sleep, real or imagined, from his eyes ‘good morning’ even though it’s clearly not, just to say it to him before you’re launching a soft but !! makeout about it]
Johnny: [putting everything about why he obviously did and could not leave into this soft but intense makeout because he isn’t fine about it either, no notes, continuing this rocking move like it’s casual though when it absolutely is not, doing his own tiny noises into her mouth about it all]
Ali: [when you are basically crying again but for a much better reason of being entirely overstimulated and feeling like you could cum already because you’ve been moving in your sleep obviously and kept at that level of turned on the entire time, just collecting those tears on your fingertips to put into his open mouth, nbd, of course not stopping your makeout because why would you]
Johnny: [I love how feral y’all are even in soft moments because of course there’s no hesitation from him remotely, in fact he’ll be going one better eventually and just kissing and licking her tears right off her face as well, the only acceptable reason to pause the makeout truly]
Ali: [we love it, y’all love it because the heart eyes he’s getting are so real, even through the tears, licking his face back, even though you have no reason but wanting to, doing a big grin about it]
Johnny: [mhmm, he’s giving the biggest heart eyes and doing the hottest lol, just here having the best time, as they should]
Ali: [‘I remember being with you being like this’ because was never not turned on and on the edge but also just the fun and feral vibes, we mean it all, here touching the tender spots where he gave you lovebites and pressing in those same spots on him with your other hand, not actually going hard enough to bruise him but pretending as if we are]
Johnny: [‘don’t you go forgetting’ because so easy to just remember the bad stuff all these years later but they actually were good together or y’all wouldn’t be here now doing it again, so sincerely like PLEASE DON’T EVER because he never has clearly]
Ali: [shaking your head, not even dramatically because being the most sincere because we won’t and we haven’t ‘I can’t’ not said like you wish you could because not at all in this moment]
Johnny: [his own sincere af nod because hard same ‘I can’t either, never could nor did’ again obvious with you literally naming a child after her but gotta say it nevertheless]
Ali: [my boo says let’s have THAT conversation and imagine lmao, not right now thank you, just hugging him the tightest you are capable of, your happy noise becoming a blatant moan because still here going at it like it’s at all casual ‘Jesus, Johnny’]
Johnny: [me like if you want a sign from god sir it’s that the child who you named after Alison is the spitting image of her mother as is the child you had in retaliation of Ronan and Ali getting together, I said what I said, but ANYWAY, in the here and now, moan her name for her again in response to her saying yours]
Ali: [gotta change the missus not the kids honey lol, cocooning this duvet around both of you more, having surely shifted out of it somewhat as you slept, because nothing and no one can get to y’all right now and we’re determined about that ‘I missed you’ already said it and it’s also obvious but if there’s anything that bears repeating right now]
Johnny: [you should likewise repeat that she’s for you even though she said it the first time so you’re technically not, gotta let that come out of your own mouth, however indecently as you once again hold her like y’all can’t get close enough because it feels like you cannot]
Ali: [‘you’re mine’ with the impatient whine, like he was your man first, not sorry Sophie Turner, I’m afraid, under other circumstances, would and should be but we’re not lol]
Johnny: [saying ‘be mine’ with the exact same energy of when he said be my girl at halloween which she will ofc remember because it was right at the end of their reconciliation hookup so how could she forget, not soz at all]
Ali: [using your enthusiastic nod to really do the most here, holding his shoulders just fully with your fingernails because you are holding onto not being killed here again so barely, which also shows in the utterly indecent way your voice sounds to say ‘I’m yours’ as if there were any doubts]
Johnny: [you gotta just kiss her dramatically because I don’t trust you not to drop an ILY rn so you gotta shh and focus on killing her again please and thanks]
Ali: [y’all deserve to kill each other so less talking more doing lads, keep going with the most desperate and feral making out so you don’t have to use your words]
Johnny: [mhmm, if y’all behave we’ll let you die at the same time for the peak romance]
Ali: [can’t have it all out on your reconciliation, there’s too much to cover right now so don’t lol, live your best lives until you’re once again dead and laying here giving him the BIGGEST eyes about it]
Johnny: [you have the rest of your lives to address the many elephants in the many rooms tbf, just hold onto her and return those heart eyes as you attempt to recover slightly]
Ali: [not that you technically know that yet, we don’t want to attempt it and fuck everything and I can’t blame you there, stroking his hair and doing your thing of then messing it up to fix again ‘are you thirsty?’ said with the vagueness of having truly no idea what time it is and when he got here and how long it has been]
Johnny: [a smile at her hair antics, because always love it, a nod because I’m 100 sure you are with all the crying you did before you got here and then also when you got here and you’d be hoarse too from y’all’s antics ‘what’s the time?’ in the same kind of idk manner not like I gotta leave rn immediately]
Ali: [not to mention the way y’all have sweated it out, y’all will be dehydrated lol, cupping his face ‘cos ‘I don���t think we can get to the kitchen like this’ and you’re finally going to have to untangle yourselves and we’re sad about it but also needs must and it’s better it’s for this than him leaving]
Johnny: [not you taking it as a challenge, saying ‘can we not?’ playfully and with the most mischievous concentration face, trying to get there while not at all untangling themselves which is giving when they were literally trying to fuck their way to his caravan next door to theirs which will be a comparison yet again not lost on her, I gotta]
Ali: [the excitement on your own mischievous face letting him know how well you remember before any of your reactions to this movement can even, kissing both his cheeks like this is peak romance and would not be an absolutely feral scene for anyone to happen upon lol]
Johnny: [we’re gonna have to be very kind in not letting anyone witness this because it is gonna take y’all an age to get to the kitchen even if he was trying his best to hurry which we all know he absolutely is not, the chaos, try not to destroy the gaff on route please because no fucks are given to anything but staying as deep inside her as he possibly can whilst still moving to the kitchen, I just know in my WHOLE heart that at some point y’all will get totally derailed because you’ll be crawling on all fours there with him fucking her like that, jc would be very proud, we all remember when they had that moment when they were supposed to be leaving the jj gaff, I like to think you’d almost made it to the kitchen by that point too, it’s in sight if you’re not literally in the doorway even, god bless]
Ali: [iconic vibes, soz not soz household, it’s clearly a time when you’re all asleep and thank the lord for that because there is no attempt at consideration, y’all are doing the absolute most and are SO happy for it, literally wanna do this forever so he can never leave, all time has gone out the window and we do not care, even if we’ve got to saucily remind you what you’re here for ‘drink’ like he isn’t the most distracted he’s ever]
Johnny: [not him answering that with the word ‘spit’ telling her to like he can drink that from wherever it lands, which is giving when she literally licked his jizz off mcvickers’ stairs, lest any of us ever forget, me like, sir she is as dehydrated as you she can’t]
Ali: [the way she’d be trying her hardest to produce enough spit for this to be the moment it deserves to be, like my boo said you’re both dehydrated but we still gotta, only appropriate whilst you’re in this position, like]
Johnny: [we all know he will be licking it up from wherever it landed, disgusting frankly but y’all are being feral teens again rn and can’t be tamed, including her body if any of it did there, even if he has to pause for a sec/manoeuvre them into a new position to do so, but there isn’t much so adding ‘you’ll have to bleed then’ like soz I’m still thirsty, obvs bringing the all fours position back and SLAMMING into her again like he did during the stairs hookup, fully biting her on the arse where his initials used to be as hard if not harder than he bit her shoulder earlier, which would hurt so much ouch, and drinking her blood nbd]
Ali: [not you loudly moaning WATCHING him do that disgusting act, leaning forwards like you’re going to join in but just want to be closer to him doing it, SO into it before he’s even manhandling you which is basically your favourite thing ever, along with bleeding so you’re in heaven, even if that definitely kills and you’ll be crying out in pain about it low-key ‘I'm not going to be able to sit down’ said like it’s the BEST thing ever, pushing back on him as hard as you can, just feral and frantic]
Johnny: [not him doing his own loud moan about her crying out in pain because y’all are feral and it’s one of his fave things ever too ‘not without thoughts of us’ also said like it’s the BEST thing ever because it is, hence he’s holding onto her, deliberately pressing his fingers into that bite mark and then putting said fingers into her mouth, SO forcefully like we’ve gotta lowkey choke her with them while she sucks her own blood off each of them]
Ali: [making the most unhinged happy noise you have ever because of course you want every reminder of him when he inevitably has to leave here, so LOOKING at him in a way he’ll never forget whilst you are here almost puking with how hard you’re going, your moans vibrating around his fingers in your throat, how you’re actually choking on him making more drool too]
Johnny: [me like please don’t throw up practically in the kitchen in the dead of night lol, but y’all couldn’t be more about it, the way he’s lapping up both her spit and her blood is frankly disgusting and I don’t wanna talk about it, the scenes are unhinged and unnecessary]
Ali: [my boo says decorum please, think of the beautiful kitchen lmao, I’ll be kind and say that you don’t by the grace of god because you’re both doing enough as it is, making out with him over your shoulder how you gotta in the grossest way you can, cannot be overstated, have lost our mind]
Johnny: [honestly stop it you heathens I’m about to eat, thankfully when you work yourselves up like this you’ll have to then die and if you ever recover you can get the water you genuinely need and came in here for because ew]
Ali: [just drinking it out of the sink like a cat/little kid from the hose because you’re genuinely so shaky/dead that there is no hosting going on, we don’t have the space in our blissed out head right now, just grinning at him as you lean back up and gesture like go ahead as if you’re being that hostess with the mostess really]
Johnny: [you’d likewise not be opposed drinking whatever straight out of the tap we know you’re that boy and you would’ve genuinely drank from a hose when you were fixing cars and bikes, but before you do, holding her hair back for her while she is, obvs, because it’s daddy vibes and always a hot move as well as being helpful with all the hair she genuinely has]
Ali: [unthinkingly pushing yourself up onto your counter to watch him happily and wincing about the still very fresh bitemark on your booty, then blushing/smiling to yourself about it immediately, getting up onto your knees to kneel on said counter instead like that’s better, doing a big breath out how you do when you’re knackered but satisfied, rudely not holding his hair back for him ‘cos you want it to get wet a lil shamelessly]
Johnny: [he will be grinning about her wincing and having to change how she was gonna be on the counter cos couldn’t be prouder of himself about it, always has and always will lose all control around this girl and loves it, I’m sure you’re lowkey having a bit of a halfhearted wash under this tap sir as well as a drink because the state of y’all with all that blood and spit and everything, just enough so that you aren’t gonna trash the house by being in it or her bed if you go back to it, so cue a lil water fight both by him flicking his hair at her and splashing her when he rinses his hands and spitting water at her, all the things, because y’all are continuing to act like teens] 
Ali: [literally going to splash you as you’re grinning, as if we’re in any way mad and aren’t grinning back, just having the best time here on this day in a way that would make you sad if you stopped to think about all the days like this you’ve missed but we’re not going to whilst you’re still here and we can enjoy the now ‘be nice to me’ as you’re flinging your arms around his neck to be as close to him as you can be again]
Johnny: [shamelessly pulling her off this counter and holding her so they can be closer despite how wet he is from his lil wash because did not care to dry off remotely there, soz not soz, wrapping his arms around her so dramatically as if they haven’t touched for a thousand years because what could be nicer than this much contact]
Ali: [the sigh we do into this hug letting you know we feel exactly the same, however soaked or bloody and messy or whatever you may be, forever jumping into his arms, no matter how exhausted he also is, thank god you’re little lol]
Johnny: [have this lil kitchen hug for ages before he eventually piggybacks her to her bedroom rather than carrying her purely because he did that to her room after they’d been feral on mcvickers’ stairs and we need the throwback ofc, and you can throw her on the bed for the more immediate throwback to when you first came in here too]
Ali: [patting the bed beside you like come here please and thanks, no notes]
Johnny: [do and have yet another makeout sesh even though I’ve literally lost count of how many there have been because y’all are in love and the limit does not exist]
Ali: [you simply gotta, here acting like he’s been here all along and this isn’t his literal first time in your house never mind your bed, so natural, it’s FINE ‘I want you to stay’ when you finally break apart, said with the quiet sad knowledge that he can’t, of course]
Johnny: [a lil nod because that’s what he wants too even though he cannot, before he has to set his jaw and remind himself he cannot by saying ‘I can’t’ out loud as much for his own benefit, if not more, than hers, when it reminds you of all the other times back in the day you said that though and you hate it because some of those things you know now you absolutely could have done ‘but I’ll come back’ as something you can add to make yourself feel better]
Ali: [obviously having the same thoughts ‘I know’ said as an it’s okay more than a confirmation because of course you do, what is unsure is how you’re going to navigate this and you want to let him know you’re not going to make it any more difficult, that’s not your intention, anyway ‘you can come back’ like there’s your invite lol as if you’d be like um no]
Johnny: [a lil lol at the invite back like oh thanks because yeah we all know she wasn’t gonna be like um no and so it’s amusing, doing the sort of playful nudge like oh you, we all see you still focusing on that aspect and not the serious or difficult ones ‘when?’ said in the same playful manner like he’s gonna tickle her or something if she doesn’t say tomorrow but we all know it’s a genuine question]
Ali: [nudging him back with a smirk and a shake of your head ‘don’t be cocky now, where’d you get the idea I liked you from?’ looking down at the state you are in like lol it’s literally written all over me, touching a particular lovebite that has caught your eye, doing a mini shrug into him ‘I might have you back tomorrow’]
Johnny: [likewise following her gaze down with a continuous LOOK all over her body at all the carnage he has caused because first time you’ve really had a chance to take it all in when you’re not carried away af in the moment, doing the sort of whistle intake of breath through his teeth because she really is covered, but once again we all know he’s proud of it, touching a different lovebite that has caught his eye ‘might you now?’ as he’s PRESSING it, like oh I see, that’s interesting]
Ali: [watching him LOOK at you, being just as intense about it, nodding like yeah, you did that, starting to say ‘if I’ve recovered’ because no joke how battered and bruised you are even if the joke is you caring one bit about it to stop you incurring more but your voice is going up a few decibels and octaves on the last word when he PRESSES on this particular injury]
Johnny: [he will be here kissing every mark on her body better when she says that, not very gently even if we start out that way and with every intention of being because !! but v thoroughly to the point of being indecent and feeling like he’s spending hours doing this]
Ali: [just here casually writhing into his touch every which way you need to, closing your eyes and parting your lips to do a little moan you’ve been holding back as his kisses build into something more indecent ‘okay, faster than tomorrow, whenever you want’]
Johnny: [the absolutely insane heart eyes he’s giving her when her eyes are closed like he’s literally screaming ILY via a look because he really do but I’m not letting him say so ‘you’ve a key going spare for me?’ when you’re not being serious you’re saying this more so the key mems come flooding back because y’all really did the most with that while you had it, but under that we also know you’re being SO serious because always]
Ali: [your eyes flying open as fast as you are scrambling to get up like hold on, good thing you are in the middle of nowhere because the way I know this spare key you’re running to get is under a plant pot or something by the door outside, no fucks to being seen or weather or anything else, as per, simply must get him this key right now, obvs]
Johnny: [the wait KILLING him even though she blatantly ran to get that and then back, watching the door for her return SO intently he probably has not blinked the entire time, hence having to get up because he has no chill to lie here and wait so he’s in the bedroom doorway when she returns and grabs her exactly like she’s being kidnapped like he did when she came onto site that time, manhandling her back to this bed with the most !! ever]
Ali: [literally so focused on getting back to him that fast that you truly do not see nor expect this ambush so it actually makes you do a YELP, covering your mouth with the back of the hand this key is in, LOOKING at him beyond !!]
Johnny: [LOOKING down at her from where he has once again thrown her on this bed and is looming over her with all the !! in the world, breathing insanely as if she struggled and put up a massive fight then which she absolutely did not he’s just overwhelmed by the idea of this key actually being given to him, holding out his hand for it without breaking the intense af EYE CONTACT]
Ali: [when you can trust your fear response has dissipated, and you’ve got your own breathing matching his own unhinged inability, moving your hand to drop this key in his outstretched palm, closing his fingers around it dramatically because you must]
Johnny: [it goes without saying that he won’t be letting go of this now until he leaves and has to put it in his pocket or wherever, holding it as tight as they always did with the caravan one back in the day so it looks and feels as though it’ll merge into his palm, kissing her so dramatically that she’s narrowly avoiding another injury because he’s doing a forehead touch with it that’s too !!]
Ali: [simply gotta be done, hence not letting go of his clasped hand for way too long, pressing it shut in a way that is lowkey more painful as you deepen this kiss, pulling his weight into you like you want to be crushed because do]
Johnny: [we love when y’all match each other’s energy in impeccable ways, hence this man doing a NOISE about it all because who has ever understood y’all the way that you do each other, will be here pinning her under us with our full weight not at all casually while another makeout sesh ensues]
Ali: [so fated in all the ways, never more obvious than when you are alone together, forever making it harder to breathe when you already can’t, here feeling such a type of way about this key nbd]
Johnny: [mhmm, just know that the fist he has this key in will be resting against her chest for the entirety of said makeout so the key is close to her heart (and his because you know they are that close) because simply must, it’s so sad he cannot put it on a chain like she did hers but if he did I’d want it to be one of hers because she wore his and I doubt Sophie Turner is turning a blind eye that hard]
Ali: [my boo says how dare you cockblock us ma’am, also so sad about the lack of marks on him, which we’re remedying (but not really because you can’t to the extent you want to) by digging our nails into his biceps]
Johnny: [bane of my life this woman and we’ve only just begun so imagine how much she’s gonna annoy me when y’all get even more serious and have a child, you’re gonna have to take out that mutual frustration about what she can’t do by doing the most to give this girl even more marks, do a lovebite right where her heart is, very dramatically]
Ali: [by the double life stage, you’re just choosing to ignore things or plain dumb fr, I refuse to believe otherwise, everyone gonna know whose child this is ma’am, including you but anyway, you are not our problem right now, I just love that she’s decided scratches are acceptable behaviour, like yeah it could come from other things unlike teeth marks but come on now, iconic tbh]
Johnny: [mhmm, it’s willful ignorance because you don’t wanna have to leave him/address it ma’am which we get because culturally that would be super embarrassing for you but it’s gonna be anyway because Maggie looks like him and she literally takes his name so have fun with that, it’s an open secret as we’ve said before, but that’s the future and rn he’s busy pulling her hair to pull her back into another kiss immediately after doing that lovebite despite his breathing still being as cray]
Ali: [like I would say this is infinitely more embarrassing but maybe all you truly care about it being kept and he does that so, idk, could never be me but clearly you have different priorities or you would have waited for a love match and not just married who you were told to but anyway, stop coming for your life never sis, would you like to skip this to when he has to leave because we’ve established the vibes well I feel?]
Johnny: [clearly that is all she does care about, could never be me either sis but maybe you wanted some stability cos your father is a wrong’un and your fam is obviously chaotic, it won’t stop me dragging you to within an inch of your life ever, but ANYWAY, yeah I agree we can because we all know he’ll have to leave early because at work early and that until then y’all will be mostly hooking up and barely sleeping, the vibe has been set very well, meaning he can’t even really sneak off without saying anything while she is asleep because they haven’t much]
Ali: [as much as it’d be a kindness to you both in a way, yeah, I just do not think she’s going to sleep through you leaving this time, hun, there’s too many feelings here on this day, even if we want to act as nonchalant as we are capable of being, which by most people’s standards is not very but we’re not trying to make it about us, is the vibe, do have to ask ‘what are you going to do if you’re working with your da today?’ because a valid question, frankly]
Johnny: [thank god the earliness of the o’clock means he’ll be gone before Ali’s kids are awake and so will the clothes he just left on the stairs shamelessly because that’s a kindness to you all at least ‘busy myself with what work needs doing’ like it’s casual and that easy because who is he if not that bitch who will try and force it to be, this boy can compartmentalise like it’s his job, oh the stress you’ve been under all your life sir actually makes me emosh]
Ali: [‘might he not want to talk to you?’ because clearly the conversation was not/is not over but equally his dad could be just like him and not want any more said and we’d hardly be surprised by that so it is a genuine question]
Johnny: [‘he’d be left to want’ like if he does we’re not gonna make it easy for him to for all the reasons, including work not being the time or the place for said convo to continue even if we were interested in doing that which we’re obvs not atm]
Ali: [nodding because fair enough, we can’t argue with any of that, nor do we want to position ourselves as a devil’s advocate this AM, doing a big stretch and searching the room only with your eyes right now for some clothes to throw on yourself, not actually moving yet though, your eyes darting back to him naturally and doing a half smile]
Johnny: [not you leaning over to give her a cheek kiss how you used to do, like y’all are married, love to see it and remember how much indecent it always was and still is than a married couple style kiss, doing the most this AM because we don’t want to leave]
Ali: [letting your hands fall onto his shoulders, your fingers lacing into his hair to keep his head next to yours for a beat longer than this kiss takes, brushing down his arms to hold his hand and SQUEEZE it, leaving the meaning unsaid because too much you do want to say to him]
Johnny: [doing such a BIG stroke of her hair with his free hand that isn’t still clutching this key because I said he wouldn’t let go of it and I meant that before holding her face for a beat of his own before letting go so that his hand is free to hold when she’s doing that, SQUEEZING hers back and opening his other palm to show her the key as a way of promising that he will be back, if not literally tonight then as soon as he can]
Ali: [using this handhold to pull yourself up and into a hug that is even tighter of a SQUEEZE because big emotions about him having to go and deal with this even if that is by not dealing for right now and then you see the key and you really could cry if you don’t let/make him hold you together here ‘I’ll be thinking of you’ because is so true in every way and nothing else works]
Johnny: [hugging her back as hard because it’s as needed, the key accidentally digging into her/getting pressed against her body as well as his palm because of said hug being so dramatic and obviously 2 handed but when he realises that making a more deliberate point to really press it into her skin too because hard same despite how much else he has to think about]
Ali: [she’s the distraction you’ve always needed and we know that, life ain’t getting any easier so you gotta stick together, kids; when leaning up to kiss his cheek only pushes this key into you harder but you simply must because it does and because you have to copy his move, to prolong the goodbye as much as you can without taking the piss]
Johnny: [mhmm, we all see him kissing her on the mouth immediately after because she is the distraction he has always needed and he’s likewise gotta prolong this goodbye for as long as he can, literally picking her up off the bed as he gets up from it as if he’s gonna carry her with him all day long truly because we wish we could, the way that key would be DIGGING into her when he does that as well, very important and necessary]
Ali: [making the noise that is somewhere between pleasure and pain into this kiss which feels very appropriate given the situation ‘I’ll take the day off, yeah’ saying it like it’s full bants and you wouldn’t if y’all could]
Johnny: [‘sure, there’s none from being a mammy’ like ma’am your children but we all know he just wanted to call her one because they’re both into it, always have been always will be, clue in how he said it and the way he’s still holding her so this key does the most]
Ali: [‘you don’t know that’s what school is for?’ grinning like that’s where all my children will be, apart from the ones old enough to be out and looking after themselves which is really just Django if any at this point lowkey so, shamelessly into it though so we’ve got to nuzzle our warm cheeks into his neck and ‘hide’ about it]
Johnny: [‘I know none of yours are after bothering themselves with school’ playfully because she never went even though some of y’all are too young to be skiving like that, again it’s only for the mems really ‘only went when I took you’ didn’t need to add that when y’all were already thinking and remembering but did because we feel how warm those cheeks are]
Ali: [making a noise like well how rude but you’re doing a little lol too because not at all the type to get offended and we know skiving is absolutely happening, it’s a rite of passage, here making a noise that is so much more !! not to mention quiet as you are here getting even hotter thinking about those mems ‘you know how helpful I can be’ like you’re convincing him to really take you with him like how about you remember all those times, boy]
Johnny: [‘maybe I’ll let you’ because this boy loves a maybe that’s loaded with meaning or !! and rn this one is because y’all are working yourselves up despite the fact (and because of, we know) he has to leave, said so indecently as if he’s suggesting she helps him with something as indecent, no notes]
Ali: [‘maybe you should’ said like you absolutely should, coming out from the crook of his neck to LOOK at him and lower yourself down, kissing whatever skin is still exposed to you, not getting low enough to be indecent, stopping when you’re chest high, the … is REAL]
Johnny: [absolutely shouldn’t be allowing this because you should be getting ready to leave clearly but he absolutely is, holding her chin as he LOOKS back at her for a beat and then tilting it so she’s LOOKING down at him and however obvious it is how turned on he is with however many clothes he’s wearing atm because who can say how far you’d got with that before our skip and the convo started]
Ali: [doing a GULP and not purely for the benefit of how it’ll feel for him holding your chin like that but because you GOTTA ‘you can’t be going anywhere like that’ shaking your head dramatically like this is so serious and you really care about decency, suddenly ‘think how much work you’ll get done when you’re not distracted’ like this is going to stop him being, we all know that’s just not true but of course we’re going to go at this like we are doing everything in our power to make it so]
Johnny: [he defs couldn’t help but clench his fingers a lil bit whilst holding her chin when she gulped like that and as per we love to see it, a tiny loss of control but a loss of one nevertheless, doing his own sound like a tut in agreement like absolutely not I’d be a disgrace which we all know is really just holding in a noise you wanna do in anticipation of everything you know she’s about to, finally doing a nod as if she was waiting on him to give permission that wasn’t already blatant but again, this is just an excuse to give her another LINGERING look up and down before she does start]
Ali: [making an absolute show out of kneeling down in front of him, no need to be so slow but that LINGERING look which means there is every need, nuzzling your face into him here like you did on his neck except this is way more indecent, of course, just being absolutely adorably unhinged with your appreciation here]
Johnny: [likewise making an absolute show out of watching her when all he is doing is staring intensely at her getting into position and it really shouldn’t be as extra as it is lol, when you can’t help but cradle her head when she nuzzles into you because it adorably unhinged but then you’ve gotta let it go with a very daddy style kiss on the top of her head because you aren’t about controlling what she does in indecent moments like this, you just like to let her do her own thing]
Ali: [moaning the secret lingo word for daddy directly onto the most sensitive area, grazing your teeth really lightly as you open your mouth, making sure you look up and give him EYE CONTACT as you kiss it better so carefully even though that definitely did not hurt]
Johnny: [that EYE CONTACT doing the screaming he is not for ALL of her antics because so easily could but we’re not trying to wake the house up now that this man is vaguely conscious of the o clock and the real world because of the mentions of work (despite all desire to go and all other actual thoughts of it leaving his head long before any of this began) but the indecency with which he tells her what a good mammy she is as if she’s proving it after his earlier mockery with how well she’s looking after him rn tells everyone everything they need to know, it’s giving good girl x 10000]
Ali: [forever moaning into the sex act you’re giving your all to, though it’s clearly giving gagging with the way you would’ve slammed him to the back of your throat at this encouragement, still LOOKING at him so the !! is felt with every sense]
Johnny: [her massive eyes getting to him as much as anything else, we know, having to force his to stay open to keep LOOKING at her even though he’d wanna squeeze them shut immediately at how that felt, moaning her name and swear words with as much !!]
Ali: [getting up on your tip-toes so you can find even more space for him somehow, not satisfied until your nose is pressed into his stomach hard, using all the spit this is obviously creating to play with his balls too, massaging them and seeing if you can fit them in your mouth at the same time, your moans just vibration at this point]
Johnny: [putting his arms around her as if to support her so she doesn’t fall over whilst doing the absolute most, which he is, but he also just needed to give her a SQUEEZE because dying about all this obvs, leaving yet more bruises I’m sure and yet again digging this key into her not even deliberately, but accidentally drawing blood that she’ll definitely feel wherever it’s getting her]
Ali: [putting your arms under and around him in return, like it’s more safety but you are shamelessly fucking him in and out of your mouth harder with it, his name being audible on an out when you’re bleeding again, panting it against his skin]
Johnny: [just constant unhinged noises about those antics even before he hears his name like that and literally feels it against his skin, once again gripping hers so hard that he feels the blood he’s caused and now that he’s aware of it, using the edge of this key like a fingertip to write his name across her back in the blood, literally dipping it into the wound like a quill so he doesn’t run out mid way cos writing it so big]
Ali: [the way we’ve only stopped the unholy eye contact because our eyes are literally rolling into our head at him writing his name on us that big, forever obsessed with it and showing him how his we are by getting back on our knees and putting our hands together like we are literally praying, of course not stopping a single second, going harder still]
Johnny: [equally losing it so 1000% digging this key in at different points when he’s meant to just be lightly using it to write, not fully going in carving the full letters into her back but I imagine like the curve of the J or the o there’s enough pressure to be marks there then, you know the vibes, only not dropping this key entirely because of how tightly he’s holding it counteracting the slippiness of her blood and his sweat]
Ali: [oh you two, never change, at least this is going to lead to you killing him/lowkey yourself because there’s no way you’re not now rubbing yourself against the ball of your heel to touch yourself without having to sacrifice any of the attention you’re giving him]
Johnny: [meant to be getting yourself into a fit state to go to work and are doing the absolute opposite with the mess you’re causing as per sir, you’ll be getting her blood on your white top definitely, which you’d love as an all day long reminder but your dad and whoever you’re working for on this day will not, soz not soz everyone, at least you can pretend you had a fight or something, that’s basically encouraged, because god bless, don’t know or care in this moment]
Ali: [it’s okay, you’re not about to head to an office, we can make it work, there was just no way we were letting you leave for what it going to be an awkwardly shit day whatever happens without cheering you the best way we know how currently]
Johnny: [no regrets here, absolutely none at all, hence having another hug here in the aftermath even though he’s so dead about it that he can hardly put the !! he needs into it]
Ali: [using this hug to push him into the door but not ferally, softly, as you want to drop him back into your bed and tuck him in but you can’t, so settling for this and acting as if this door is as soft as your pillows and mattress, fixing his hair properly for once]
Johnny: [tie his hair up for him girl what could be more loving or intimate of a gesture, meanwhile catch him trying to fix his clothes and get re-dressed and everything fully without letting her go, as if he can do it all with her still holding onto him as if she’s so small she’s a lil bub]
Ali: [absolutely, also not at all attempting to move and fully embracing being that bub attached to his hip because it can all only last so long ‘you’ll talk to me? Let me know, I mean’ let you know what exactly is not being said because you just want him to talk to you about everything, obviously]
Johnny: [‘Talk of?’ purely because he wants to make her spell it out because they are both as extra as each other and he wants to hear that she’s as deep in this as he is always ‘What am I to let you know about?’]
Ali: [‘everything’ with a shrug that is so inappropriate for how entirely uncasual and borderline indecently that was said, the urgency and want of it being betrayed in the tone and how quickly the answer came to you and out your mouth]
Johnny: [such a genuine smile because that’s the right answer and we’re so happy about it ‘you’re a good girl’ not even meant in a daddy way just an irish one lol meaning that she is seriously one of the good ones as sincerely as that smile is]
Ali: [smiling back at him hugely, nuzzling into him one more time, really taking your time to memorize how his skin feels against yours, what he smells like and finally giving him a kiss so you can remember how he tastes too, trying your hardest to make it a goodbye one, it’s still clearly much more but closer to what would be expected with the phrase, putting your hand on the door handle and pulling it down but not pulling the door towards you quite yet]
Johnny: [‘that time, is it?’ like oh excuse you as if she’s literally pushing him out of the door lol but he’s amused, if a lil sad also that it basically really is time for him to stop these shenanigans, giving 🥺 almost with his massive heart eyes because don’t wanna, pulling her closer to him with the hand that he’s gripping this key tighter than ever in so that she’s holding it too]
Ali: [nodding so sadly, the pout for the comedic effect you want this moment to have but we all know it’s honestly lacking, so hugging him as tightly as he’s gripping this key, pressing it into his hand again, however entirely unnecessary]
Johnny: [nuzzle into the lovebite you gave her where her heart is, no notes cos you’re gonna have to actually make a move then or you never will hun and being late for work is something you’d never do however !!]
Ali: [let the boy go, we all know how under duress it is for the both of you, you can only long it out for so long before you have to bite the bullet and just do it, follow him to the front door like that kind of wife, even though it’d be easier to dramatically wallow in bed about it, have to wave him off]
Johnny: [it’s the dramatic look back at her for me because he doesn’t have the self control to leave without looking back, thank god I’ll be kind and let you use that key to let yourself back in very soon because y’all would not survive if I was being evil]
Ali: [my boo says you are welcome slags, shall I post this bit because she’ll definitely message him but if he’s not gonna reply I could do it now?]
Johnny: [let’s post this bit and then we can carry on however we see fit because it’s page 29 and a good stopping point, whereas if y’all waffle on or don’t, who knows, cos no telling if he’d reply after work or not really, you are gonna have to go home and tell Sophie Turner the tea about her mother in law so that might put you in a bad mood seeing as she doesn’t care enough/how you do]
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stardewsnail · 1 year
Hello! If you are currently taking any requests still I have one I'd like to send your way!
Well, two actually, but the choice is yours to decide which tickles your fancy more 😅
Anywhoo, the first thought I wanted to request is a liiittle angsty.
Harvey is definitely used to his farmer going into the mines and coming back out with more than a few scratches and bruises despite his pleading they be more careful. He knew they were going to the mines. However, the farmer neglected to say which mines. The farmer ventured to the skull caverns and ended up seriously wounded. It was very late by the time Harvey even figured it out. Worse part? They were too wounded and hurt for him to even do anything, which resulted in the farmer having to be taken all the way to Zuzu city to get proper treatment. Harvey is definitely a mess, but stays by their side the entire time as they recover.
-- Request 2
Also a bit angsty, with some hurt/ comfort /implied drug use/minor addiction (totally understand if you aren't comfy with this!) But maybe the farmer is struggling a bit and they originally moved to the valley in hopes to get better and recover but sometimes the stress and farm work, and trying to be there for everyone and just doing their job being part of the community can get overwhelming and hard to deal with. And they go back to their old ways of coping to deal with it. Any bachelor for this one honestly, they would all help the farmer in their own ways and react differently. The choice(s) is yours! 😊
Hey friend! Unfortunately, my requests were closed when this was submitted--but during May I'm planning an angst week sooooo....👀 you may want to check back in then
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