#it totally makes my day every time my phone lights up telling me that someone liked or reblogged my posts
oiblackestsheep · 4 months
Letters to MBTI: ESFJ
Dear ESFJs,
My opposite! You and I... we don't tend to run in the same social circles, most of the time lmao. But you know what, that's okay! I recognize that just because we aren't incredibly close, doesn't mean I don't see you and appreciate everything you do.
Our cognitive functions appear in reverse order and nothing reminds me of that better than getting to spend time with one of you. You find ways to be pragmatic, punctual, and inclusive of everybody in ways that I can't even manage to do in my dreams.
And when I say inclusive of everybody, usually, that extra effort goes towards making sure that people like me are included and welcomed to the group/community activities, and I really can't express how grateful I am for that. Or rather, usually, I couldn't express that because it's hard to do that verbally when you feel socially awkward, but here, I'm gonna let it rip.
So let's get into it!
I've found myself in enough social situations where I felt a bit like an outcast wallflower (which can earn you points on the internet, but not so much irl lmao), and it's the healthy ESFJ who recognizes this and decides to make the concentrated effort to help break the ice when I'm not quite sure how.
You never run out questions to ask to keep the conversation going and you always find a way to make me (and probably the other introverts) feel like we have a voice and a place at the table in any social setting. Especially when everyone else present knows each other and I'm the new person. This is such an important skill you have and I don't think you hear enough thanks from the people you help, most likely because we don't always know how best to say it.
Not to mention that you are likely the one who organized whatever event is happening, which most people take for granted. It's not easy being the one to accommodate everyone's schedules and coordinate all of the necessary components for social gatherings.
Or business gatherings! It's not all just birthday parties and baby showers with you guys; you've got serious business to get through, and all the while have to remember things like dietary restrictions, seating arrangements, appropriate time slots for all facets of the gathering. You're the one who has planned out the whole day from start to finish, hearding everyone else around, and everyone else has the luxury of going along with all of it without even noticing.
An introverted perceiver like me doesn't know the half of the hard work it takes to make these things happen!
I hope that it is as helpful to you to have me brainstorming new, potential solutions to your technical problems as it is to me when you make sure that everything is going according to plan and everyone gets the chance to comfortably and genuinely participate in all of our collaborative events.
You really do examplify everything I'd like to be better at. Maybe we should hang out more! We may not always have the most in common with our interests, but I think we could learn a lot from each other. Keep doing what you're doing ESFJs. You really are the glue that holds us all together and makes everyone feel safe!
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octuscle · 5 months
Every Friday Night
What do you give someone who actually has everything? My friend Daniel is celebrating his 40th birthday next Saturday. We've been inseparable since high school. By his own admission, he's had a good life: he's a fairly successful doctor, most people appreciate his pleasant if somewhat reserved nature, and time has only given him the occasional gray hair, a slight tummy and shallow laugh lines on his gentle face.
Although he has had to make some sacrifices over the years to achieve his professional and social status, he admits that it has all been worth it. Until now, I always believed that too. What reason did I have not to? Until we had perhaps one or two too many glasses of wine yesterday. The wine loosened his tongue. And Daniel said wistfully that he regretted not having a more rebellious youth.
Shit, I've had a bit too much wine myself… I'm afraid I've been up to some shenanigans. At least I have a Chronivac app on my phone and I get text messages that my subscription is activated. And there's a countdown. Shit, I have a bad headache. And no idea what's going on.
Daniel calls me and asks me what the calendar entry is for Friday evening. It says "Gym" in the calendar. Yeah, right. Gym. Friday night. Isn't that what we always do? I'm a bit confused. Daniel too. "Yes, of course!" he says. Gym on Friday. As always. Will I pick him up? For some reason, I tell him to meet me at the bus stop. Sure, says Daniel. We haven't taken the bus since school days.
Friday evening. It feels normal to meet Daniel at the bus stop. We're both still wearing our casual business outfits from the office. And a sports bag with us. When was the last time I went to the gym? Shit, last Friday of course. We go every Friday. At least. Daniel greets me with a fist bump and offers me a cigarette. Neither of us smoke.
When the bus arrives, Daniel goes straight through to the back. He sits down in the last row with his legs apart and starts rolling a fag. I sit down next to him. Damn, he smells of sweat and tobacco. i start playing with my cell phone. since when do i have a tiktok account? A guy gives me tips on taking Trenbolone. Daniel looks at my screen, grabs my cock and says that the stuff makes me a muscle whore and shrinks my balls. i ask him why that's a problem. We laugh. The people around us roll their eyes. The bus arrives at our station. As we walk to the exit, Dan lights his cigarette. Before we're even off the bus, I take it out of his mouth and take a deep drag. Fuck the smoking ban!
I think the gym sucks, but Dan really wanted to train here. The other guys are pumping iron in our neighborhood. It's closer and you can go straight to the pub with the lads afterwards. But Dan is obsessed with the big boys. He really wants to become a freak. And shit, we're bros. I have to go with him. And to be honest, I totally dig his gym acne. I bet he's going to be a freak.
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Training was like, totally lit, dude! The big boys have our backs all the way, major props. That's so dope. But Dan, he's such a poser, always flexing with pics and posts. And TikTok, non-stop! But man, he's already got a squad of followers. Now we're heading to the pub to meet up with the boys, but we're stuck on this darn bus for another freakin' half hour. The shower situation is a total bummer anyways. A quick spray of Axe under the pits, a dab of wax in the hair – good to go! Hey, Dan nailed it with the fresh cut, maybe I should chop mine off too.
Saturday morning. I feel a bit like I've been run over by a bus. In general… Buses. Shit, what have I been dreaming about buses? Tonight is Daniel's birthday party. He's celebrating at the Savoy. Cocktails at the bar, dinner at the grill… I still have to get my tuxedo from the cleaners. And I still need a present… Stop, wait… Didn't I already give him a present?
The birthday party was nice. A bit stiff. At around 02:00, we sit at the bar for one last drink. And Daniel asks me if I can remember last night. Funny, I have no idea what I did. Neither does he.
Thursday evening I receive a message via WhatsApp. Unknown number. We are supposed to pick up our stuff tomorrow at 16:00. Same place as usual. I have no idea what it's about. Daniel calls me to say that someone has told him that we still owe him 100 pounds for some stuff and that we should fucking bring it tomorrow. We both have no idea what it's about…
I get another message at midday on Friday. I ask if we can bring the appointment forward to 5pm. It's not my new iPhone. It's an old scratched device with a cracked display. I reply: "I'm sorry, but we're still at the gym until 18:00. Unfortunately, I can't make it any earlier." My fingers are moving as if remote-controlled. And now I have to go. The disco-poser biceps don't pump up by themselves.
Yo, so check it out, Dan's out here thinking he's this mega athlete, but homeboy be puffin' on them cancer sticks like there's no tomorrow, I'm talkin' 'bout 10 to 15 smokes a day? Psshh, child's play! Dan be double dosin' that, like he's tryna set the world record for most Marlboros inhaled in 24 hours or somethin'. And then, to top it off, dude's pullin' shady moves like stealin' cash from his pops just to fund his steroid stash! Man, I'm grindin' my butt off every night at the slaughterhouse just to keep up with them gym beasts, and this dude be relyin' on his daddy's wallet? Nah man, he gotta get a real job! Then, as if things couldn't get any wilder, my boy Liam starts talkin' 'bout Tren, that hardcore juice that supposedly turns you into a freakin' beast. I've heard stories, man, dudes growin' extra body parts and all! But me and Dan, we playin' it safe, stickin' to our old school supps for now. Ain't nobody tryna grow a third nipple just yet, you feel me?
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I swear, Dan is like a walking perfume factory of pure musk. If he just lifts his arm, he's got every dude and babe in the gym drooling over him. Meanwhile, I'm just here, living my best life at all times. And now, the tattoo sesh with the artist is a no-go. Total bummer. I was so stoked to get my full-on sleeve inked up tomorrow evening. It's just way cooler to flex those guns in a tank at the club, you know? I love flaunting my hard-earned biceps. Gotta keep grinding, you feel me?
I slept naked tonight. And as rumpled as my bed is, I had wild dreams. I've got a movie tear again. My last memory was of strange messages I received on someone else's cell phone. When I walk into the bathroom, my heart almost stops. I have a bloody tattoo on my forearm! I raise my arm to see if there are any more. Dude! Eileen usually epilates my armpits every two weeks. Where did the bush under my arms come from? And why does it smell like I haven't showered for three weeks? I really need to take a shower. Although I have an urgent urge to go to the gym again straight away. That rarely happens. My inner bastard usually wins out at the weekend. And if I'm motivated, I should take advantage of it. I could ask Daniel if he fancies a game of squash at the club, I think to myself as I soap up. When I get out of the shower, I get a message from Daniel. He asks me if I have any idea where his tattoo came from. And whether I fancy a game of squash at the club.
I have no idea what's happening to us. On the one hand, I feel much fitter than I did a few weeks ago. On the other hand, Daniel and I have both started smoking. And we got tattoos. Obviously in a drunken stupor. At the age of 40! Who does that? I mean, Daniel seems so much more relaxed. At work, in his private life. And that pays off. He's never received so much positive feedback… And it's hardly any different for me. I feel so much more agile. And shit, I think about sex all the time. And mostly sex with Daniel.
On Thursdays I somehow always start to get restless. I used to primarily look forward to the week being over. But now I'm looking forward to the weekend starting. Kind of like it used to be. At school or university. And Saturdays and Sundays aren't much different than they were a month or two ago. And I can't remember the last few Fridays for the life of me. And the funny thing is that Daniel obviously feels the same way. It's almost Friday morning when I get a new message from the same number as last week. "Ive got a hell of a lot of m1y on u. Dont let meh down. And if u W, ill owe u 1". I really have no idea what that means. For some reason I save the number under "Liam".
Normally "casual friday" for me means wearing chinos with a blazer. Sometimes with just a white t-shirt underneath. But usually with a button-down shirt. Today I'm wearing a sweat suit with a hoodie top under a down vest. The neckline of the tank top underneath is so low that you can see the gap between my pecs. I actually didn't think about it. It just felt right. And no one in the office questioned it. On the contrary, I get a lot of compliments. My boss personally praises my tight ass. At 3:00 pm I get a message from Daniel: "Dude, were r u? fite starts @ 20:00. Didnt we want 2 trin beforehand? n da photo shoot is b4 tht 2!" I call him and ask him what that shit means. He can't remember any message he's supposed to have sent me. But the fact is that I have to go now, even if I still have no idea where I'm going or why.
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Oh my god, this night is straight up LIT AF! Had a sick sesh at training with my ride-or-die homie. Then my first presser, ya boy's the ultimate underdog for this brawl. Cameras flashing like crazy. And then the showdown. Damn, your boy's killin' it. But KO in round two? No one saw that coming. Except Liam, he had faith. Dan's hating, thinking it's all fake. He's just salty. Bros gonna hate, but we're tight. Now we're popping bottles for the win. Liam's shouting that tonight's on him. We ain't gotta be told twice, let's partyyyy!
I could swear my nose looks like it's been broken in more than one fight. Somehow I remember boxing matches from the past. But when? At university? I was more of a debating and astronomy club kind of guy. Shit, Daniel and I need a new sports club. This stuffy country club is for wimps. Yes, we're 40 years old. But fit as fuck. There may be customers and colleagues who turn up their noses at us because of our tattoos. But hey, we weren't born with a silver spoon in our mouths. We've fought for everything we've achieved. And Dan and I agree that we've been really successful.
Yes, we like our jobs. And we're both good at it. But real life starts on Friday afternoon. Damn, you can bet your life on it!
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penelopepine · 13 days
‘Mini Me’ was the CUTEST thing ever!!! I’m also here to beg for more Graves x Reader content 🙏. Could you write about Graves saving Reader from a home invasion?
THANK YOU! I'm so glad you liked it, and I hope you like this. I had a blast writing it so thank you for the ask!!
Intruder Alert!
Phillip Graves x Fem Reader
Content: Home invasion, light angst, fluff, guns Word Count: 1930
It’s become something of a habit for you both to call each other whenever possible at this time. You’re already laying down in bed, your favorite show is on and a book lays in your lap, when Phillip calls you right on the dot as usual. 
You turn off the TV and answer before the first ring is even finished as you happily exclaim into the phone, “Phillip!” 
“Evening sweetheart, you doing ok?” He asked; his voice low but comforting. “You better be in bed at this hour.” 
With a slight huff you reply, “I am, I am don’t worry. Just reading the book you got me. You didn’t have to do that you know.” It had been a total surprise for you when you came home one day to a package on your doorstep knowing full well that you hadn’t ordered anything recently. Even more of a surprise when it had been the final book of a series you had been raving about to Phillip just a few days ago. You had also mentioned how the last book had just come out as well.
“Nonsense, I gotta spoil my girl even when I’m not there.” 
“You’re too good to me, baby. Thank you. I love it so much; I’ll have to show you some appreciation whenever you come home.” 
You hear through the phone Phillip take a sharp breath when he hears your words before chuckling to himself as he growls out, “is that so? What sort of … appreciation do you have in mind?”
“Oh, I wouldn’t want to give anything anyway.” 
“Sweetheart, it’s not nice to-.” 
That was the sounds of glass shattering downstairs, but that's not all though - you can hear someone cursing and the sound of footsteps under glass. You're suddenly regretting having those big bag windows installed.
It takes you a few seconds to realize that Phillip is calling your name; there's actually a lot of noise coming from his side of the phone now.
"Philip, I think someone's in the house." 
"Sweetheart," his voice firm, but filled with concern, "You need to do exactly as I say; do you understand?"
"I- I understand." 
"Good good, everything is going to be alright. I'm on my way to you now." You can hear the sound of a car door slamming as he says that. It's a half an hour drive from the base to here; you've seen him make it in twenty though. "Get up - slowly, and lock the bedroom door." 
Shakily you do as he says; trying to calm your thundering heart as if whoever is here can hear it and will come barging into the room. The tiny click of the door lock sounds out like a church bell on Sunday.
"It's locked." You're honestly not even sure you spoke with how softly you whispered those words, but you must have because Phillip is giving you his next command as soon as you're finished speaking them. 
“Now in my night stand - bottom drawer, is a case grab it. Go to the bathroom and lock that door as well before doing anything else with it.” 
“Isn’t that your-?” 
“Yes. Grab it.” 
It was Phillip’s gun case. He’s shown you how to use the gun inside of it about every month. For emergencies he had always said; you’ve never thought about having to actually use it on another person though. 
Pushing that thought down though you quickly get yourself settled in the now locked bathroom. “I have it; the door is locked.” 
“You know what I’m going to ask next, sweetheart. Just … just keep it close and ready. I’m almost there.” You could tell that Phillip was trying to calm for your sake right now. This was something you two had talked about though being a possibility. It’s so different being in the real situation though. 
Sitting down on the cold floor you open the case, and pull out the gun. It feels so much heavier than it ever has in your hands. 
It was in that moment that you heard the unmistakable creak of third from the top step on the stairs - it was the only one that ever made any noise. Whoever was here was now on the second floor, and only a few steps away from you. 
Quickly you pull the phone away from your ear to check how long it’s been. Everything feels as if it’s been going a mile a minute surely Phillip is almost here - six minutes. It’s only been six minutes. It could easily take another twenty for your husband to get here. 
The intruder must be at your door now because the next thing you hear is the rattle of the locked bedroom door. It wouldn’t be something you would normally hear, but in the dead quiet it's the only thing you can hear. That and the sound of Phillip’s car speeding his way towards you over the phone. 
All you can do now is wait and hope that this is just some thief who is there to steal whatever they find valuable, and not for anything related to Phillip because if they are, you know a locked door is not going to stop them from getting to you. 
It’s silent for a few minutes after that, and you really think that the locked door has deterred whoever it is that entering is not worth the hassle. That is of course not true because the next thing you know is that the bedroom door is being kicked open with a loud bang as the door and wall collide with one another. 
You can’t help but gasp as you hear it, as you do Phillip is worryingly calling your name. When you don’t immediately reply he continues, “I’m almost there; hang in for a few more minutes for me. I’m-” 
Phillip’s voice suddenly cuts off from whatever he was going to say. Pulling your phone away from your ear again you see that your phone has died. Oh.
Meanwhile in the bedroom you can hear the person shuffling around; drawers being opened and closed with no consideration for noise. You pull the gun up and steady your aim to the door. It’s only a matter of time before they try and knock this door down as well after all. 
You know you're only going to have one real shot though. Whoever is on the other side is definitely more prepared for a confrontation than you are - probably a lot stronger than you are too. 
Looking to your side you debate going out the window. You’re on the second floor, but as long as you do a somewhat decent landing you’re not in any danger of dying from the fall. It’s the fear of breaking something though that stops you from just making a run for it. Breaking a wrist or arm would hurt like a bitch, but it’d be doable. A leg though would probably put you in a worse situation then the one you’re currently in. 
With minutes that feel like hours you wait for the inevitable to happen. Only that’s not what happens because all of a sudden you hear a loud pained grunt and what sounds like two people fighting. 
It has to be him. You don’t think anyone else would be inside fighting the intruder. 
You don’t open the door though. During your talks about this kind of situation Phillip always told you to wait for him - he’d be the one to give you the signal that it was safe to leave whatever hiding space you managed to find. 
Just as quickly as it started though it’s over. You can’t hear anything anymore. That is until four knocks on the bathroom door sound out - the signal. 
Immediately you're running to unlock the door. When throw open the door Phillip pulls you into his arms, and guides you back into the bathroom. “Thank fuck you’re alright, sweetheart.” 
“I’m alright,” You’re more concerned about him right now though, “What about you though? Are you hurt anywhere?” 
Try as you might to pull away and check him over his grip on you does not loosen. “I’m fine. Just let me hold you right now.” 
You don’t know how long the two of you stand there just embracing one another, and frankly you don’t care to know. It would have been longer if not for Phillip’s phone suddenly ringing out. It’s obvious that he doesn’t want to let go quite yet with how he gives you one more hard squeeze before letting go, and grabbing his phone. 
“Graves speaking … good, come inside and handle the trash. I’m heading back to base.” It’s fairly obvious who he was talking to, but you still have to ask.
“Are the shadows here? How are they here already?” 
“I called Erikson to get his ass here with a few boys after our call was cut out.” Phillip releases a deep breath and rests his forehead on yours, “You had me cursing up a storm when that happened, sweetheart. What have I told you about keeping your phone charged?” 
Of course he knew it was because your phone died. “I don’t think I’m going to be able to let it get below 50% after this.” 
“Probably for the best.” You watch as Phillip now pulls away fully and grabs the gun from where you had left it; hostlering it to his side. “Now let’s get out of here. You’re staying on base until I get a new security system installed.” 
He is then pressing you into his side as his hand comes up to cover your eyes. “Phillip?” 
“Don’t want you seeing anything, sweetheart. Let me guide you out of here for now.” 
You don’t put up anymore of a fuss at that, and you also don’t really want to see whatever lies in the bedroom right now. With that he’s quick to get you out of the bedroom, and out into the hallway. There he does finally let you see again as he continues to pull you down the stairs. 
As you get to the bottom a small group of shadows are entering the house. They give Phillip a nod before hurriedly passing him as they make their way up the stairs now. 
“Wait, I should pack something before we leave.” You say remembering how he had said that you’d be staying at the base. 
“Well come by in the morning, sweetheart. After the boys get things cleaned up.” He reassures you as he practically carries you out of the house to his car. The ride for the most part is silent besides the low singing from the radio. Philip also doesn’t let go of your hand once during the whole ride as if he let go you’d disappear. 
Once back at base the first thing he does is get you settled in his room and bed. He lays down next to you, having you flush against his chest. “I love you so much, sweetheart. I don’t know what I would do without you.” 
“I love you too; I’m here - I’m not going anywhere.” 
“Damn right you’re not.” You feel Phillip relax for the first time tonight as he gives your neck a small kiss. 
You can’t help but think how everything, despite what happened just about an hour ago, right now feels perfect. Being in Phillip’s arms will never not fix everything for you. With that thought you drift off into sleep knowing that everything tomorrow will be alright as long as you have him with you. 
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erwinsvow · 8 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝
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series summary: like a satellite in orbit, you always make your way back to jj. ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
the one where... you and jj meet for the first time
now spinning: how to disappear by lana del rey
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It starts off totally and completely unexpected.
Your friends buy tiny, overpriced baggies of weed from him, and they make jokes about the pretty girl discount he’s so prone to giving.
You don’t even smoke, never tried it and always felt like you never would, but one day they’re running late and your phone lights up with a text, asking you to go buy it for them.
You’re a mess, nervous and maybe a little bit too tipsy, but that’s how you even work up the courage to go buy drugs for the first time in your young life, and he definitely notices.
Pretty, he thinks, wondering how he’s missed you all these months. He used to think all the pretty Kook girls blend together, but that’s until he sees you for the first time that night.
Skirt a little too short, shirt a little too tight. You’re tripping over your own feet, even though you’re in sneakers and he wonders where the hell your friends are and why the hell they’re even letting you do this all alone.
But it’s your face that he really remembers, the way your eyes are wide and blinking fast, walking up to him and then going silent while you think of what to say.
“Hey, pretty girl,” he starts, if not a little lamely. It works on all the other Kook girls, but he feels stupid the second it comes out of his mouth. Until he sees your reaction, that is, face heating up and looking at him like you’re not sure if he was even addressing you. “What can I get for ya?” 
“I, um-” you sound like you’re about to bolt away, like you don’t know how to ask for what you want. “My friends wanted to buy, um, weed,” you finish quietly, looking around.
“Are you tryna hide from someone?” he asks back, in a whisper, matching your tone. For a second, he worries you are. Then, he thinks it’ll be fine, because he can protect you. 
“No, I just, I don’t wanna get caught. By the police.” He holds back a laugh.
“Are you buying enough to start your own drug business?”
“No, no,” you shake your head quickly. It’s cute, he thinks, a laugh escaping anyways. “Just a tiny bag. There’s only three of them.”
“Them? Not you?” You shake your head again. “You’re telling me, they’re making you buy this shit, and you’re not even gonna get to enjoy it?”
“Well, I don’t really do drugs.”
“Yeah, I can tell.” He thinks he overstepped for a second, that you might get watery eyes and recoil, and he thinks he really fucked up for a second. But you just look up at him, eyes a little harder, arms crossing over your already too-tight shirt.
“You don’t know me,” you say, and it has a little bite to it. “I could be the biggest drug addict on this island. I could be sober after beating my addiction.”
“I don’t think sober people trip over their own feet walking from the fire to here, so-”
“Are you gonna sell to me or not? I have things to do.”
“Yeah, like who?” You look back at him with that hardened gaze. He sees right through it though, you’re all soft underneath, he can tell.
“Y’know, I can go find someone else if you’re gonna be difficult-”
“Yeah, yeah, sure you can, pretty girl. That’ll be fifteen dollars-” “Thank you,” you say sweetly.
“And one date.” 
You look up from your wallet, confused, pretty eyes soft again. All your snark’s melted away. 
“With me?”
“No, with your mother. Yes, with you. That’s my price, princess, so you gonna pay up or what?”
You think for a second, trying hard to use your brain and not your heart. He’s cute. He’s really cute. He’s funny. He might ask every girl who buys from him this same question. He might call them pretty girls too. Your chest feels disgustingly tight at the very thought.
“Well, I-” you start, and then stop. JJ Maybank is looking at you with a crooked smile and really, really pretty eyes that are melting your resistance with every passing second. “They’ll be mad if I don’t buy it.”
“So… I’m saying yes.” You must have a strange look on your face because he’s staring at you still. You’ve even surprised yourself just now. "Because I don't have a choice, okay?" He laughs.
"Sure, whatever ya say."
You hear shouting, followed by your name, which can only be your friends waiting for you. You offer up the crumpled cash in your palm to him.
“Nah,” he says, pushing your palm down and placing the baggie into your other hand. “This one’s on the house.”
“I thought it was a pretty girl discount. Discount doesn’t mean free. You need a dictionary.” You try to laugh through it, because your heart is thudding so fast in your chest you can’t hear anything else.
“Nah,” he repeats. “This is my prettiest girl discount. Ding, ding, ding. You’re the lucky customer.” 
You don’t say anything back. You don’t have to, he gets his answer from the flush on your face. When you walk away to your friends, who yell out your name again, he calls after you, just for good measure.
“I’ll be seeing you for that date, pretty girl.”
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its-time-to-write · 11 months
hi my lovely !!
i’m such a big fan of your jamie work and was wondering if you would consider writing about jamie using bantr ??
like she works at richmond and jamie had like a massive light bulb moment when he realised who he’s chatting to but also that he may be are falling in love
totally get if not on your radar !! x
Here you go!! I haven’t written a fic with Bantr yet, so this was fun!!
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not saying you’re in love with me 
Dating apps aren’t really your thing. But to be honest, are they anyone’s thing? Or are they like resumes, where everyone just pretends they’re easy and lies about their qualifications?
It doesn’t matter, because you’re on one anyway. 
Keeley Jones (damn her) had hunted you down and practically begged you to sign up for Bantr. 
“Look, you’re young, sweet, and mad fit. Can’t have a bunch of hot footballers in the app and no ladies!”
You had groaned as you put the chicken for today’s lunch in the oven. It’s not easy being Nelson Road’s on-campus chef. There are diet plans to follow, and a million hungry boys all the time. 
It also means you can’t escape Keeley when you’re in the middle of prepping lunch. As soon as it’s served and cleaned up, you can go home. But for now, you’re at her mercy. 
“Keeley, just because I’m the only twenty-something girl on staff here doesn’t mean that I want to date a footballer. Go bother Samantha. She’s what, thirty and goes on dates every weekend? She’s a perfect candidate.”
Keeley pouts. “I’ll set up your whole profile for you. You don’t even have to tell me if you’re talking to someone, just if you like it, yeah? I’ll help you with meals for a week.”
You point your tongs at her. “You will not even think about touching my food for the rest of eternity,” you warn. 
“So you’ll do it, then?” Keeley asks, giving you the full puppy dog expression. 
You consider for a moment. You’re single at the moment, and have been for a good long while. It wouldn’t hurt to be on Bantr and anyway, it’s not like anyone will know who you are. 
“You’re sure it’s anonymous, then?” you ask. 
Keeley jumps up and claps her hands with a squeal. “Totally! Oh my god, I’m so excited for you. I’ll set it up right now. Give me your phone.”
You point to your bag. “It’s in there. Passcode is-”
“Already know it,” Keeley interrupts. You’re not going to question how or why, you just nod and throw your gloves in the trash. 
“Hairnet looks great on you, Keels,” you say conversationally. 
“Fuck you,” she replies, not looking up from your phone. “And- done! You’re ready to start bantering. Ooh, there are a LOT of men nearby! Wonder how many of them are part of AFC Richmond?”
You shoot her a glare, but she just grins. “Put my phone away,” you tell her. 
She slides it back into your bag. “Just promise me you’ll tell me if you like it. I’ll never ask for anything ever again,” she promises. 
You roll your eyes with a laugh. “Sure thing.”
STRIKE09 has sent you a message
You grab your phone as soon as it lights up. Keeley’s going to be fucking thrilled that you’re enjoying Bantr this much, and that you’ve been chatting with someone for a week. 
You open your phone to your chat. 
STRIKE09: finally off work
STRIKE09: how’s ur day
STRIKE09: burn anything?
BAKERGURL22: that was a one time thing!!
BAKERGURL22: work was fine. got off early so I could try a new recipe at home
STRIKE09: not bad. lads stole all my lynx so im going to boots to get more
BAKERGURL22: u really know how to romance a girl
STRIKE09: ah shit yea should probably try harder to impress u
You chuckle. Whoever STRIKE09 is, he’s been impressing you from the first day. Always asking questions about you, but never too invasive. Flirty, but not over the top. You’d set your age range in 20s-30s, so you were relatively confident this wasn’t some old creep. 
Your phone buzzes so you look down again.
STRIKE09: what did u make today?
BAKERGURL22: lemon cupcakes. not very healthy but super delicious
BAKERGURL22: I have to cook all this healthy stuff at work and sometimes I want to unwind and bake something with too much sugar ya know?
STRIKE09: bet theyre mint
BAKERGURL22: no they’re lemon
STRIKE09: oi, we got a comedian
BAKERGURL22: look, I had to make plain chicken and a salad with fucking olive oil as a dressing today
BAKERGURL22: it was so gross. I apologized 2 the staff but like, it’s what they all requested
BAKERGURL22: worried im gonna be banned from cooking ever again
Across Richmond, Jamie Tartt nearly drops his phone in Boots. He knows exactly who the girl on the other end of this conversation is. The question is, do you know who he is?
He’d assume no, based on the way you’ve been cagey about work. Not private enough though, because he remembers you making a face earlier that afternoon as you said, “Sorry this lunch is such shit, but I guess you all probably don’t care. I swear I’m a better cook than this.”
Jamie had smiled and kept moving, but he’d been thinking about your scrunched nose all day and the sweet way you said sorry.
What are the odds that he matched with someone who worked in the same building as him?
Apparently pretty high.
Jamie’s not really present the entire time it takes him to check out. He’s grateful that the combination of his hoodie plus the tired teen checking him out means he doesn’t have to talk to anyone. 
He kicks off his shoes and flops onto the couch as soon as he gets home, trying to figure out what to say. Should he say anything? What if he does and you decide you don’t like him?
He shrugs it off and puts his phone away for the night.
You frown at your phone for the hundredth time this morning.
“What’s got your knickers in a twist?” Keeley asks from her position at the coffee pot.
“Haven’t heard back from my Bantr match. It’s really strange. We were talking last night and then he just stopped responding. He at least sends me a good morning message, but I haven’t even gotten that.”
Keeley gives you a sympathetic look. “I’m sorry, babes. Ghosting is an epidemic. Have you looked at any of your other matches?”
You shake your head and say, “Nah, I wasn’t really interested in them. I really fucking liked this guy. He was sweet, funny, and so good at flirting. I dunno, maybe it’s easier to be like that because it’s all through a screen, but it felt like we had an actual connection.”
“Well, you don’t have to message anyone else if you don’t want to. You can delete the app altogether.”
You say, “Thanks, Keels,” then go back to chopping vegetables. One bright spot of the day is that lunch will be less shitty than yesterday.
You slide the vegetables in the salad just in time. You hear the familiar rumble of AFC Richmond coming in from the field so you plaster a smile on your face and get ready to pass them their lunch.
The rest of the afternoon slides by in a haze. You put an earbud in as you wash the dishes, say goodbye to the office staff, then head out the front door to your car. Someone calls your name and you jump. “Jesus, Jamie.” You turn around to see him push himself off the wall by the door. It looks like he’s been waiting there.
“Sorry,” he says sheepishly. “You headin’ home?”
You say, “Yeah, I only work for part of the day. What are you doing out here?”
Jamie wraps his hands in the front of his shirt and considers what he’s going to say. He’s been thinking about it all morning, and he’s still not sure what the right approach is.
“Look,” he begins hesitantly, “y’know how Keeley’s promoting Bantr?”
“Yeah,” you say.
“I been chatting up this girl, like, and she- I dunno, I really like her. I was thinking we could meet in person but I don’t know if she’ll… fucking… want to.”
Christ, he’s stumbling over his words like a goddamn fool.
You raise an eyebrow and say, “Okay..? Are you looking for advice?”
You’re beyond confused right now. This is the longest Jamie has ever talked to you, and certainly the most awkward he’s ever been. Usually he takes his food with a wink and a “Thank, love.” Sometimes he’ll even through in a compliment.
Jamie untucks his hands just to shove them in his pockets. Fuck it.
“I know it’s you,” he says bluntly. You open your mouth to say something, but he keeps talking. “Figured it out last night when we were talking. You made lemon cupcakes yesterday, yeah? You hated lunch yesterday and said sorry for it like a million fucking times. My username is fucking stupid, just my position and number.”
He stops, unsure where to go from here. Meanwhile, your brain is whirring a mile a minute. 
“You’re Strike09,” you say slowly. Jamie nods and you slap your forehead. “Oh god, I was flirting with you! Shit, this is so fucking awkward. I’m so sorry. I wouldn’t have done it if I knew who you were.”
“No, that’s the thing.” Jamie takes a few steps, closing the distance between you. “Don’t think we would’ve done it if we fuckin’ knew each other. But we did. And we like each other.”
Your head is still in your hand. This is too much. You’re conscious of the fact that you’re still in your hairnet.
You look at him just long enough to ask, “So what’s your point?”
“We should give it a go.”
You snort. “Yeah, right. What’s your actual point?”
Jamie looks at you incredulously as he says, “That is my actual fucking point! I like talking to you! I think you’re fit! I know I’m fit and you like talking to me. I sneaked out of training to talk to you. Told Roy I weren’t feeling well, and he’s gonna send someone to check on me soon so if you have a real reason why we can’t try dating, I want to hear it.”
“I don’t,” you admit. “It’s just a lot to process.”
Jamie nods. “Yeah, alright, yeah, sure. Let me know. Um, I have to get back before someone finds me. I’ll see you around.”
“See ya,” you halfheartedly reply. 
You think about Jamie the entire way home. You head straight to the kitchen and mechanically begin pulling out baking supplies. Cooking is fun, but it’s also your job. Baking is how you unwind. You’re halfway through an orange tart when you realize what you’re making. 
“Damn it!” you cry. Fucking Jamie. You smack down your spatula and grab your phone to text Keeley with a request. She responds almost instantly with Jamie’s phone number. 
He picks up on the second ring. 
“You rejecting me over the phone now?” he quips. 
“How’d you know it was me?” you ask. 
“Keeley,” he replies, and you can’t stop a smile from spreading across your face. 
“Same,” you say. “I wanted to tell you that I thought about it, and I want to go out with you. I don’t know when you’re free, but I’m around after 3pm pretty much every night. God, that sounds super lame.”
Jamie laughs. “So if you sent me your address, I could be at yours in…”
“Fifteen minutes,” you supply. 
“Set a timer, babe,” Jamie says. “Bet I can make it in ten.” 
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hummusxx · 1 year
Gorgeous (next part) Description: Y/n is a famous fashion designer that has been invited to the LV show and meets Jude Jude x Reader
“Y/n look over here.”
 “Y/n who- “
“Y/n you look stunning.”
I zip my head back and forth, trying to keep up with the flashes. I am attending my first fashion show back after a long break from Fashion. I couldn’t be more nervous.
 “Y/n walk this way” my assistant directs me to a spot on the carpet where I will be getting interviewed.
“So, Y/n, how does it feel to be only freshly 20 years old and such a huge part of the fashion industry.” The reporter asks me. I don’t bother to learn any reporters’ names. All they do is spread lies and feed off what I say.
“It is such an amazing opportunity. If you would have told me I would have this much on an impact 2 years ago, I would have thought you were crazy.” I fake laugh. Every interview they ask the same questions and I give the same answers.
“Well with your 10-month break, do you ave anything planed that is happening soon?” the reporter asks, trying to get info out of me.
“Nope. I have been trying to focus on myself and well-being” I say sincerely. This break has been heaven for me. I have finally got a full night sleep for the first time in 2 years. Being in the industry too young can really drain a person.
“Well, any new boo to talk about. I have heard you and Mason Mount have been getting close.” The reporter pushes as she tries to get her next biggest headline out of me.
“No.” I laugh. “No new ‘boo’ to talk about. I am strictly single and have been for a long time. Mason and I are strictly friends and have been for the past year.” I say as I try to leave.
“It was so nice talking to you” I say as I turn around and leave. I don’t care if that was rude.
My assistant leads to me where I would be sitting. I sit down in my seat; she hands me my phone so I can kill time. I’m not a big social person, I have maybe a couple of friends and my family. That’s all I need in life.
In the corner I see two people walking up to me. When I think they are about to start talking to me they sit down and get situated in their seats. I Look to my left and see this gorgeous man sitting next to me.
He is wearing a LV matching outfit with no shirt underneath and a strange looking bandana with it. It doesn’t match that well, but I don’t have the heart to tell him.
He must have felt me staring at him, so he turned to look in my direction.
“Hello, I’m Jude and this is my brother Jobe.” He says while pointing to his brother and waving. Who I assume to be Jobe waves his hand.
“Nice to meet you” he says.
“Likewise,” I say while returning to my phone. I just blew my opportunity at meeting new people. Great. They problem think I’m super rude.
As I am looking at my phone, I feel someone tap my head. I look up and see one of my friends, Lewis.
Lewis and I became friends during the Monaco grand prix last year’s right before I took a break.
“Lewis” I get up to hug him. He hugs back.
“Y/n, I missed you girl” he says “How have you been” he rubs my shoulders.
“Good- Just trying to survive” I tell him while laughing.
He looks to my left and his eyes light up.
“Oh my days, It’s Jude Bellingham” he says while going for a bro hug.
 “Lewis Hamilton, so nice to meet you finally.” Jude says while receiving the hug.
“You know him” I say to Lewis. Not trying to be rude.
“Duh, he’s England’s golden boy of course I know him” Lewis says to me as I just look in shock. I totally thought he was just some random person.
“Sorry for being rude earlier, I’m not good in social situations” I say sincerely.
“It’s alright love, I understand” Jude says, making me swoon. No one has ever called me Love Like that. I don’t know how to feel.
We chat together for a while before Lewis must leave to get back to his seat. The show starts and I am admiring and taking notes in my head.
The show ends and we all give a standing ovation.
“I forgot to tell you “Jude leans down to my ear.
“You look gorgeous love” Jude says while smiling at me.
“And you look very handsome” I say while looking up at him. Even in heels he still towers over me.
“Could I get your number” he asks while pulling out his phone to hand it to me.
I put my number in and gave it back to him.
“I’ll text you when I get back to my hotel” he says while going for a kiss on my cheek.
I lean into the kiss and give him a hug. Not caring about the mass amount of cameras that are capturing this moment.
“I’ll be waiting.”
Hummusxx’ Corner
As soon as i saw this picture i ran to my computer. Oh my lord . Something just happened to me and my body. 😍😍 Their might be lots of mistakes because i wrote this maybe like in 20 minutes which is so fast for me 💀💀 I hoped y’all enjoyed this though 🤭
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toasty-melons · 1 year
Thinking about Coworker!Abby so hard rn that it’s making my brain hurt.
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Coworker!Abby who’s so sweet to you that it takes everyone else by surprise because of her usual stoic nature.
Coworker!Abby who flirts with you so hard that you start smiling before she can even start talking now.
Coworker!Abby who protects you against mean customers because she knows you’ll cry if someone yells at you.
Coworker!Abby who doesn’t let you carry anything even remotely heavy. (Her big strong arms flexing when she lifts the box of supplies off the ground.)
Coworker!Abby who asks for your number for “work purposes” but always texts you throughout the day, especially if it’s yours or her day off.
Your face is dimly lit by your phone in the dark supply closet, which you’re totally not hiding in right now to avoid work. The grin on your face widens as your phone buzzes with a new message from your blonde headed coworker Abby.
‘get your ass out here’ you can’t help the giggle that spews out of your mouth as you open the message so that it’ll show as read. You expect her to text again with a ‘answer me dammit’ but instead your met with the closet door swinging open. Her large frame blocking most of the light, but some still peers through around her, lighting up the room. Your grin only grows as you throw your hands up, feigning innocent.
“Don’t laugh, you’re in some serious trouble pretty girl.” Pretty girl. Every time she calls you that your stomach always erupts with butterflies. Her voice is hushed as if she doesn’t want anyone to hear her or catch you.
“Don’t be such a goody-goody and come join me. We’re slow anyways it’s not like anyone will care.” She hesitates at your words. She clearly wants to join you but she’s torn between you and her work.
You know that you won when she rolls her eyes and closes the door behind her, shutting out all the light and the room going dark again. She takes a few steps over to you and sits down beside you on the makeshift seat of boxes. The room is small so her side is pressed up against yours, and it makes your heart speed up. She’s so close you can smell her cologne, it’s strong in way that it’s all you can notice but it’s not overbearing.
“So what do you do in here?” Her voice is quiet, clearly she’s still a bit apprehensive about hiding during her shift. So you unlock your phone, the screen now lighting up both your faces as you open Tik Tok. You hear her groan and mumble ‘oh my god,’ under her breath.
“What?” You look over at her wide eyed and slightly offended.
“This is what you do in here? This is so boring.” You scoff at her and pout.
“Well what do YOU want to do then?” You watch as her mouth open and then closes. She shifts slightly and leans over, her elbows resting on her knees. Looking away while shrugging.
“I don’t know.. we could.. talk?” She picks at her finger nails as her voice gets smaller. A little smile and a blush creep onto your face, thankfully hidden by the dark room.
“Okay.” Your voice is quiet like hers, somehow making the room feel even smaller than before. She peers over at you through her eyelashes and it makes your heart skip a beat at how pretty she looks. You tear your eyes away first, too flustered to maintain eye contact.
“Did you know that when you do your hair like that it makes you look really pretty.” You’re caught off guard at this. This isn’t something unusual for her to say but maybe because of the small room and how close she is, it feels more intimate than usual. You feel your whole body flush and heat up, looking over at her you’re met with Abby’s face so close to yours. Your breath hitches and she grins. She leans in ever so slightly, your lips almost touching.
“Tell me to stop and I will.” You feel her breath against your lips and it makes your heart skip a beat. It takes a moment before you can respond to her.
“Don’t. Please.” She grins even wider and you can’t help the little smile making its way onto your face again.
“Well.. since you asked so nicely.” Her lips are on yours not even a second after the words leave her mouth. Her hands find their way to your body, one cupping your neck and the other rubbing slow, soothing circles against your side.
The kiss is sweet and gentle at first, but when you breath into her mouth shakily she can’t help but deepen the kiss. She licks your bottom lip and you’re more than willing to let her in. Her tongue pressed against yours makes you whine slightly, your hands coming up and cupping her face, pulling her away from you.
Her eyes are heavy and you’re trying to catch your breath. You stroke the apple of her cheeks your thumbs and giggle. She smiles as you place a sweet peck against her cheek.
“As much as I would like this to be considered talking, we’re still on the clock.” She nods and swallows thickly, her hands and yours slowly removing themselves from each other.
“I’m sorry..” Your eyes widen at her sudden apology and your hands fly up and wave widely in front of you with concern.
“No no no, that’s not what I meant, I liked the kiss, I mean I like you. I-.. i’m just not really a.. kiss before dating kind of girl. But.. I really do like you Abby.” For a moment you’re met with silence, causing a split second of regret to slip into your bones.
“So.. can I take you on a date? Because I really like you too.” She has a slight grin on her face, one that oozes confidence but her voice says otherwise, a slight shyness to it.
“Yeah.. yeah I would really like that.”
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vhagarlovebot · 2 years
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♡. ── gif credit. ; ( aemond targaryen masterlist. )
pairing: modern!aemond x fem!reader and a little bit of cregan stark x fem!reader.
summary: after you agreed to go on the date, aemond realizes what a big mistake he has made.
warnings: pining, aemond regretting all of his life decisions basically and getting what he deserves, and angsty shit bc you know i love to make you all suffer.
note: hi besties! i didn’t wanna do a part two of this one shot but since a lot of you were asking me, i heard you and here you have. and i’m already thinking about writing a part 3? or maybe a mini series? even tho i said i don’t like it. i need help!! btw if there are any mistakes i apologize, but as some of you may know english is not my first language. hope you enjoy! reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated.
read part one here.
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YOU REALLY DIDN’T WANT to go on that date but, as always, you couldn’t say no to aemond.
and it turns out, you had fun.
aemond’s girlfriend —or date, or girl friend? you don’t really know— is actually nice and you hate yourself for not being able to dislike her, she’s so freaking sweet that it makes you want to throw up. and as nice as she is, her friend is also very nice and a total gentleman. and also the quarterback of the college footfall team.
cregan stark made you forget all about aemond targaryen in just a couple of minutes with him. he knows how attractive he his and also how to use his charm with girls, because he had you flustered all night. he didn’t do anything more than just smile at you, pay for the dinner and drinks and walk you back to your dorm, kissing you goodnight. on the cheek. and just a couple of minutes after leaving, your phone buzzed with a new message asking for a second date.
but as much as you enjoyed the date, once you were alone with your thoughts your mind wandered back to the last person you wanted to think about.
you knew he was on a date too, he told you it was that day. you didn’t want to know but he told you anyways because you’re his best friend, he wants to share that kind of things with you. but you wish he wouldn’t, that way your heart wouldn’t break every time he opens his mouth.
and as you thought about aemond kissing another girl, you typed your answer to cregan.
when the next day came, you didn’t feel any better.
and it only got worse the second you bumped into aemond outside the coffee shop you were supposed to meet cregan.
“there you are! i’ve been looking for you everywhere.” he says, kissing you on the forehead.
not everywhere because you were in your dorm all day and he never, not once, came looking for you. weird it wasn’t his first option.
“here i am.” you try to sound nonchalant, your lips barely curling upwards.
“aren’t you going to ask me how it went?” aemond looks excited to tell you all about his date and you feel guilty for not wanting to know at all.
“i really want to know,” what a fucking liar you are. “but i can’t right now. maybe tomorrow?” you try convince him with that smile that says ‘pleaaaaaseeeee’ but aemond, for the first time in forever, it’s not convinced. even his smile instantly disappears.
but you don’t have time to give him an answer because the answer walks out of the shop, two coffee in each hand and a big and radiant smile that only grows the second you make eye contact. and it’s strange, because your face lights up just by seeing someone that was a total stranger less than 24 hours ago.
“i was starting to think you stood me up.” cregan says, not acknowledging aemond at all, and leans to kiss you on the cheek just to hand you one coffee. “to show you i was paying attention last night.” just by the smell you know he got your coffee order right.
aemond clear his throat and you both turn to face him. your cheeks are impossibly red and you avoid his eyes, choosing to look at your shoes instead.
“oh sorry,” cregan chuckles, and gives aemond a pat on the shoulder. “i’m going to steal her for a while, you okay with that?” you didn’t know you could be any more embarrassed, but it is possible. and you hate it.
aemond nods, looking at you one final time before turning around and walking away, leaving you with a strange and awful feeling in your heart.
but cregan soon makes you forget about almost everything. and it keeps happening for the next couple of weeks. but even him and his friends can’t make you forget about him.
you have barely seen aemond since that day in the coffee shop. you tried to call him the next day to apologize but he only texted you that now he was busy and he would give you a call when he could; but that never happened and since that day your friendship has been reduced to short and cold text messages. and it hurts. but you’re decided to not let another day pass without talking to him. or just seeing him. you miss him and you wonder if he misses you too.
but after trying to communicate with aemond all day, calling him and messaging him over and over again, you give up. he clearly doesn’t want to talk to you and as much as it hurts, it angers you too.
“i’m sure he’s just busy and will call you as soon as he can.” cregan tries to calm you as he walks by your side, his thumb brushing a strand of hair out of your face.
you only nod as an answer, looking at your phone hoping to see a text from aemond.
“hey, look at me.” he stops walking, his hands cupping your face, softly forcing you to look at him. “forget about him and enjoy the party, okay?”
it’s very sweet how he’s always making sure you are fine and listening to you talk about your best friend, not once telling you that he actually doesn’t like the guy.
you thank him by standing on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek, making him chuckle and hold your hand resuming your walk.
the first thing you notice when entering the living room are cregan’s friends drinking and chatting, but what draws your attention the most is aemond. sitting on a couch in a corner, cigarette between his lips as he looks annoyed at you two.
you fight the urge to walk to him. you miss him so much but it looks like he doesn’t miss you at all. he probably hasn’t even think about you. and that’s why you accept the drink cregan hands you, sitting by his side and trying to ignore the pair of blue eyes on you.
unbeknownst to you, aemond hasn’t stopped thinking about you since the day you accepted that date. he really thought you were going to say no and he still doesn’t know why he asked you to do it, but he regrets it so much.
but he also knows how selfish and childish he’s being.
he can't keep his eyes away from you as you laugh about something that has everyone laughing too. but he only can hear your laugh, loud and clear, and it's like a knife cutting through his chest. he wants to talk to you so badly, he has missed you like crazy, but doesn't know how to do it, what to say. he's pretty sure you're going to snap at him.
however, that doesn't stop him from following you when he sees you standing and walking away.
you're pouring some vodka in a cup when he enters the kitchen. his hands are sweating and he feels so nervous it's pathetic.
"so," he says, but you don't look at him, you just keep doing what you are doing. and that makes him even more nervous. "enjoying the party?"
there's a lot of noise, between the loud music and people talking, but the silence coming from you is louder than that.
"i was thinking," aemond says again, trying to make you talk or at least react. "maybe tomorrow we can go watch that movie you told me about."
you laugh and aemond smiles, feeling relief. but then you turn to face him and all that disappears.
"are you serious?" you ask him, but you don't give him time to answer. "that was months ago, i stopped asking you to go with me because you always had an excuse." you shake your head, looking at the liquid in your cup, not wanting to look him in the eyes; it's easier this way. "and when you did say yes, you never showed up."
it's his time to avoid your eyes, looking down embarrassed.
"i don't have time for this, aemond. you wanted me to meet new people? i'm doing exactly that, i don't know what's your problem."
"you don't have time for me." he whispers but you hear it, and your blood boils.
"it doesn't feel nice, does it?" you try not to cry in front of him but the more he stands there, looking lost and sad, the harder it is. there is something about finally giving you your place that makes you say the thing you never thought you were going to say out loud. at least not to him. "i'm in love with you, aemond, but loving you is hurting me. and i know it's my fault for never telling you and i'm not asking you to say or do anything... i just wanted you to know now that i feel things between us can never go back to the way they were."
aemond takes a step towards you, hands itching to touch you, but at the same time you take one step away from him. you know that if he touches you, the little wall you've created will come crashing down.
when you finally make eye contact, you can see the fight inside his head. you don't hate him, you hate yourself for not telling him sooner, for letting things go this far.
you smile softly at him before turning on your heels and walking back to the living room, swallowing all the tears.
cregan knows something happened the minute you sit and he doesn't hesitate to wrap his arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his side, placing a kiss to your temple.
aemond watches everything frozen in place, your words replaying in his head over and over again.
maybe he did know you were in love with him and that's why he did what he did. the real question is, is he in love with you? aemond realizes that doesn't matter anymore as he watches you and cregan together, and how comfortable you are around your new friends.
he's got a lot to blame for too.
the question now is; is he really willing to lose you?
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calliecwrites · 1 month
Shifter HRT, part 6 – The Other City (7 Months)
Of course I’d heard of Hyper City. It’s where almost everyone gets their species HRT. The clinic there has versions for almost every species (though not for shifters). But I’d always assumed Hyper City was a codename, to hide the real location of the clinic, for security or something. And the things people say about it are pretty unbelievable. If you know about the city and want to find it, you will – go twenty minutes outside town, wherever you are in the world, and it’ll be there. That sounds like magic – or a convoluted way of saying ‘if you know, you know – and if you don’t, tough’.
Except everyone talks about it like it’s real. Enough people are on species HRT that someone would leak the real location if it was just a codename. People report following the weird instructions, like it’s the most normal thing in the world. Though when changing species is a thing I’m actually doing, who am I to say this is any less believable?
Well, it turns out it is real. I’ve been there now.
* * *
I find a bus stop the right distance out of town, and go for a ride. I hold my intention in mind the whole way. Then there I am, in some faded little village I’ve only ever known as a name on a map. I wander around, and sure enough, there’s a path between two houses that doesn’t fit in. It’s paved and clean, while everything else here is dusty and overgrown. And it’s somehow hard to look at, like my fixed intent is the only thing letting me see it at all.
I’m used to being in a mind-responsive world in my dreams. Intent is one of the tools in a lucid dreamer’s toolkit – expecting things to change, knowing they’ll change, making them change. But it isn’t something I ever expected to use in the real world. I do a quick reality check – try to push my finger through my palm, and can’t – and that, along with everything else, tells me I’m awake. I don’t think I could be wrong about that when I’m paying this much attention. I shake my head. This is weird.
On the path I catch glimpses of buildings in the distance, where there shouldn’t be any – skyscrapers glinting in the sun. They come and go, like something keeps passing between them and me – like I’m seeing them through swaying trees – but there’s nothing there. Not even heat haze – it’s a cool day. And my own city has a grand total of one skyscraper, so it definitely isn’t that I’m seeing.
Eventually I pass under an arch, and I’m there. Welcome to Hyper City, the arch says. There’s a sign listing the local laws – and one catches my eye: shapeshifters have to be registered. That’s… surprising. I’d heard this place was much more accepting than back home. It’s better than being banned, but… Well, it’s not my problem. I still can’t shapeshift at all – which is exactly why I’m here – so I decide I can ignore it.
I wander the streets. This place – it’s normal – and that’s strange. Where am I? The map on my phone works, as long as I stay zoomed in. If I zoom out, it loses track completely. Is the light here the same? Is the sky the same? Am I in another country – or another world? What would other people see, if they watched me step onto the path that led me here? Where would I end up, if I left the city by another arch, or just walked out the edge?
I stop at wondering how they get internet in a city that exists outside normal space – and possibly also outside normal time. Because, yeah, that would be what I’m thinking about, when I’ve just stepped through a possibly-literally-magic portal to a place that shouldn’t exist. But those are questions for another day. That’s not why I’m here. One impossible thing at a time, please. And today’s is me, mid-transition, and anyone else like me I can find.
My whole body aches – but still doesn’t do anything. I’m taking in so much detail, and can’t use any of it. Phantom limbs come and go all the time, at the slightest thought. Dysphoria is getting worse – it’s the worst it’s ever been. Every time I move, the solidity of my limbs, and how constrained they are, clashes in my head – then for a moment my arms are (mentally) twice as long, and I’ve got three legs and can’t tell how many I’m supposed to have, and I’m stumbling. My mind is so ready for this, but my body is still taking its own sweet time. Surely this can’t get worse. I have to be near the tipping point.
I came here because – I need to know this is real. That it isn’t just me, it isn’t just… delusions. I need to know I’m not losing it. Is that weird? I can feel the changes inside me, I know they’re happening. But I’ve been doing so much of this alone, I need something outside myself, something physical, to connect it back to reality. I need to talk to other people like me – not just online, but in person, where I can see them, see the changes. There is no one like me back home. Even just seeing them might be enough, to know I’m not the only one.
And – there they are, just walking down the street, minding their own business. Even here there aren’t many – but they exist. There’s someone partly-transformed into a bird. Across the street there’s a slime – and my heart sings at this one; surely they’re one of the shifters’ closest relatives. Around a corner, and there’s someone with blue skin and four arms. I’m smiling. I can’t help it. And every time I see someone nonhuman, the phantom limbs come on in a flash, how it might feel to be in that form.
Further into the city, and I’m standing outside the famous clinic, where all of this started. I catch a glimpse of the infamous doctor – lab coat, glasses, balding grey hair. There are more nonhumans here, more of us, than anywhere else – us! I’m trying not to stare, and suppress a wild grin.
Except – I realise – I still look completely human. And, suddenly, I feel like an idiot. The others can’t even tell what I am. I’m just another human to them. My mood plummets. The smile vanishes. A pit opens inside me.
What was I thinking, coming here? Did I really think this would help? Instead, here I am, on the outside looking in, as always. The perpetual outsider, even among my own. I’m used to that. It always hurts, but it’s not surprising, not anymore. Why did I think this would be any different?
Standing here, I’d give anything to have some visible change, something other people could see, instead of it all being on the inside. Any sign at all of what I am. I could have worn my ‘be goo, do crimes’ shirt – that so far I haven’t dared wear outside the house – since that, at least, would have been something. Instead, I’ve got nothing.
The phantom sensations are so strong. I can almost feel them – and I try, desperately, to make them real, by will alone, like I would in a dream. The fluid in me strains – but nothing happens. At last the changed patches on my skin bulge slightly. It’s the most I’ve ever managed to do, and at any other time I’d be delighted, but here, now, it feels so underwhelming. Is this all I’ve got to show for all these months? No one even looks my way.
I want to say something to them – anything – but I freeze. Will I ever have the confidence they have, wearing my inhumanity openly? Will there ever be anything there to see? What kind of fool am I? I take the safe way out – I walk away.
I sit down in a cafe – and instantly regret it. A dragon and a mermaid are arguing at another table, and I try not to stare. Just seeing them, the phantom limbs are back in full force, and I’m almost overwhelmed by the phantom claws and wings and tails flicking in and out of my awareness. If I move now, I think I’ll fall.
In the end I can’t eat anything. I blurt out an apology and a thank you to the staff, and almost run for it. The familiar sensations are there already: clenched eyebrows and jaw, shoulders wanting to hunch over, and the bottomless pit in my stomach – loneliness that would devour everything. Except now, with my sense of form, I’m so much more aware of it than usual. I know exactly which muscles and nerves are involved, and for once, I wish I didn’t.
I stumble back the way I came. I barely notice where I am. There’s the arch – Thank you for visiting Hyper City, it says on this side – and then I’m on the same path, to the same dusty village. At the bus stop, I look back, and there’s no sign now of the city, or the path. The bus comes.
I’m holding back tears all the way home, but manage not to break down till I’m in the door. Then the tears come – and I can feel exactly how my body does it – and for a while I can’t do anything. Eventually I drag myself into the kitchen. I reach for biscuits, tea, anything that might help – and realise, too late, that was a phantom limb, not a physical one, and now I’ve knocked things everywhere, and it’s all too much.
I lie on the sofa and curl up.
And I’m back, here. I’ve been here before. I’ll be here again. Loneliness is the flavour of my life, after all. And what’s the point in doing anything, if, at the end of the day, I’m still always lonely? All connection is ephemeral and fragile – always having to hold back, in case I overstay my welcome – never knowing if I’m too much, or not enough. I always end up here, time after time – desperate, and alone.
I don’t think about it – if I did, I’d stop – I just do it, in the pain of the moment: I call my friend. The one I think is most likely to understand. I tell them everything. What I am, what I’ve been doing, what happened today. I’ve put this off far too long. Our last few calls, it’s been so hard to talk, it’s felt like we’ve been drifting apart, because I couldn’t tell them anything. Not this time. I break into tears again as I pour it all out. They listen. Afterwards, they say, in something like wonder, that there was always so much they didn’t understand about me, about why I did and didn’t do the things I did, and now it all makes sense. I say, deadpan, that there was method in my madness – and then all the tension is gone, and we’re crying and laughing together.
I feel a weight lifting.
Eventually I fall asleep on the sofa. Later in the night, when I realise I’m dreaming, my dream guide is there, waiting. She hugs me. She doesn’t often turn up on her own, but when I need her most, she’s there. She says a few words of reassurance. Would you regret it if you weren’t? And she’s right. She always gets to the heart of it. I’m doing the right thing. She, at least, understands. We both want the best for me – she’s part of me, after all – and though I already know what she’s telling me, sometimes hearing it from another perspective makes all the difference.
I’m crying again, in the dream. I wake up with the tears spilling over into my physical eyes – but the worst is already past. The rest of my dreams are better, the most relaxed they’ve been in weeks. In the morning, I feel almost OK.
I’ll go back to Hyper City. Not right away, but I’ll go back. And next time will be better.
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I won't be posting for a few weeks, but I'll be back at some point with Part 7 – Tipping Point.
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WRAPPED UP TIGHT (Dom!Levi x Sub!Fem!Reader 18+ One Shot)
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"Santa left me a little present this year."
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: In which you surprise Levi with a special present under the tree for his birthday and Christmas: you, naked, wrapped up in Christmas lights.
Warnings: Smutty Smut; 18+ (MINORS GTFO); Dom!Levi; sub!Reader; Reader is Fem; Race of Reader Not Specified; Mild BDSM; Role Play; Rope Play/Bondage; Dirty Talk; Ownership; Mutual Oral; Fingering; Edge Play; Face Fucking; Spanking; Doggystyle; Unprotected PIV Sex; Creampie; Levi Calling You "Baby" and "Mama"; Aftercare
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer’s Note: A very unhinged & drunk one shot for Levi’s birthday AND Christmas. Happy birthday, boo! ❤️
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Levi is totally into role-play.
You would introduce it to him first and initially, he wasn't sure about the whole thing. Him? Acting as a hard-handed teacher or a Daddy Dom? Though the idea of seeing you play as someone else enticed him, he is usually so cool and collected, so the idea of letting himself become completely immersed in a "role" confused him.
But when you did it for the first time, he fell completely in love with it. Now almost every night, he is demanding you throw on your slutty nurse outfit or your cat ears and tail. He loves it when you're the rebellious student in her mini school skirt that barely covers her ass and the horny housewife cheating on her husband with him.
But the role he adores most when you "play" is when you're his perfect, slutty little sub. In IRL, you're mostly defiant and levelheaded. You always tell him how you feel and tend to argue with him (which is one of the sexiest things about you to him).
But behind closed doors, and within the walls of your confined sanctuary you call your bedroom, you are obedient. You are subservient. You are completely under his control. You do as he says without question; only a "Yes, sir" and "No, sir" (unless he's feeling like he wants to be called "Daddy").
You suck his cock the way he wants you to. You cum when he wants you to. You're ready for multiple rounds if he wants that too.
It is just what he needs after a long day of work and dealing with his dumb ass students...just like tonight. When he comes home at midnight on December 25th, his birthday and Christmas Day, you are waiting for him under the glittering Christmas tree just as he told you to be.
As soon as he sees you, he drops his bag and phone. You sit under the tree on your knees, your ass hiked up and head down against a plush pillow. You're dressed up in red lingerie that includes nylon stockings and a gathered belt, but the panties are crotchless. This means your ass and pussy, currently sobbing wet, are on full display for him. But what gets him more are the Christmas lights tied around your wrists, ankles, and body.
You get him hard almost immediately. His pants become tighter and he doesn't hesitate to unbutton his coat, leaving it on the floor at his feet. When he walks further into the room, he relishes the way you flinch at the sound of his boots thudding across the floor. "Well, well, well," he hums. "Look at what we have here." He dips into his Dom role immediately, kneeling down beside you on one knee. "Santa left me a little present this year."
He takes a hand and gently runs it down your spine, making you shiver. "A very sexy, slutty little present," he softly growls as his hand pauses on one of your naked asscheeks. "Do you know why you're here tonight, baby?"
You shake your head, not saying anything, just as he instructed of you (not without your eager agreement, of course, because you're freaky). Because you're more than just his perfect little sub tonight. You're his doll. You don't speak without his permission. You don't move without his permission. You are controlled by him like a puppet on a string. You are owned by him and him alone.
"Santa told me all about what a naughty girl you've been this year," Levi tuts, giving your ass a squeeze. You softly whimper at the feeling. "He left you here with me because he knew I would teach you a lesson about being a good girl. About being an obedient girl."
Spank! His hand connects with your ass, the sound of his palm coming down against your skin echoing throughout the decorated living room. You gasp at the burning sensation and quickly bite your lip, but that doesn't hide your pussy from gushing at the sensation. "See?" Levi sighs disappointed. "You're getting wet off of one little spank. Guess I'll have to move on to more drastic measures."
So what does he do? He settles himself behind you and licks his fingers, ready to plunge them inside of you. "You gonna be a good girl for me tonight?" he huskily asks. "You gonna cum when I tell you to and gush all over my fingers and cock only when I say?" Again, you nod, but he doesn't want silence right now. "Speak," he demands in a low voice.
You gulp and answer, "Yes, sir, I promise I'll be good. Please don't let Santa put coal in my stocking tonight." Levi resists the urge to break into laughter. "We'll see," he replies, "but at this rate, baby, you'll be gettin' more than just coal in your stocking tonight."
And so he first glides his fingers, thick and long, up against your wet slit and clit, emitting the prettiest sounds from you that you can't keep hidden. "That feel good?" he murmurs and you nod, your body trembling oh-so sweetly from his touch. He then finally sinks his fingers inside of you, only two, and groans at how tight and wet you are. "You've been playin' with yourself, haven't you?" he asks. "That's why you're so fuckin' soaked. Speak."
"Y-Yes," you whimper pitifully, your sounds mingling with your pussy sounding like macaroni and cheese in a pot as his fingers swirl inside it. "I'm sorry, sir! I just couldn't help it. I m-missed you so much!" Levi can't deny the way his cock stirs at the thought of you missing him so much that you've been playing with that pussy all day to the point where you're soaked and pleading for a cock inside you now.
He had the same trouble. He took any chance to be alone––bathroom breaks; lunch breaks after lunch; 15-minute breaks in his office––to fuck his fist at the thought of you at home, waiting for him to surprise him on his birthday. Now that he's here, he is wasting no time wasting time. He's going to enjoy all of you tonight.
So as he plunges his fingers in and out of your wet cunt, he presses his lips to your needy clit and gently sucks on it. You try to stifle your whines and moans, but cannot, earning yourself a spank on the ass or pussy for any noise you make. "Quiet," he growls into your pussy. "Good girls don't make noise when they're not told to." But as his tongue lashes against your pussy, he relishes the fact that it's impossible for you to keep quiet.
'Needy little slut,' he thinks as his tongue swirls around your slit and inside of you, over and over again, as his fingers fuck you slowly. 'Can't even shut up enough to hear me. So desperate to cum for me.' He's desperate for it too. His cock can barely take it as it chubs against his slacks, uncomfortably so.
He continues to work your pussy with his mouth and fingers, fucking you senseless, but faster than before. He works his jaw until it aches and curls his fingers inside of you, causing you to curl your toes and your body to shake uncontrollably. He eats your pussy like he's starved, loving how your juices dripping down his chin and your ass, so soft and plushy, nearly suffocates him as he grips it with one hand and stuffs his face deep in it. He even caresses your asshole, knowing how much that makes you squirm.
And it does. You're unable to stop yourself from winding your hips into his face, earning a hard smack to the backside. "Did I say you could move?" he asks, low and cold, pausing from eating you out to glare daggers at you.
"N-No, sir," you pant. "I'm sorry! But it just feels so good! You're gonna make me cum!" Levi thoughtfully strokes your ass, pretending to give this some thought. "Usually, I'd at least edge you," he sighs, "but I suppose you've waited long enough." He presses his tongue back against your clit and finger-fucks you until you're clenching around him. "Cum," he demands. "Cum and give me that voice. I give you permission. Cum for me, mama."
Like air finally being let out of a bottle, you let your voice out and it bounces off of the walls as your orgasm washes over you. "Fuck, Levi!" you sob. "Fuck, your mouth feels so good! Shit, I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna...fuck, fuck, fuck!" A long, loud moan leaves your lips as you finally gush around his mouth, all over his tongue and fingers. You clench and squeeze his digits, emitting groans from him as he eagerly laps at your quivering cunt until every drip of your juices is replaced with his saliva.
Once your moans are replaced with soft sighs of satisfaction, he barely lets you recover any further. He can't. He's too worked up for you. So he strips his clothes off as fast as he can, getting harder with how needy you get when each article of clothing hits the floor. He can tell from the way your back rises and falls in time with your heavy breathing that you need this too.
Once naked, his muscles on full display under the glittering Christmas lights, he kneels behind you and wraps a hand around his thick, hard, veiny cock dripping pre-cum for you. "Take my cock," he orders, "and don't you dare try to run...oh, that's right: you can't." A wicked chuckle leaves his lips as he presses his head against your slit. "You wanna be a good girl?" he teasingly asks. "You wanna be my good little birthday gift, don't you? Speak."
"Yes," you whisper, doing your absolute damnest to not toss your ass back into him to put him inside yourself. "Yes, I wanna be your good girl, sir! I wanna be your birthday gift, your Christmas present, your everything!" You look back at him then, eyes gleaming and makeup slightly askew. "Please," you whisper. "Please fuck me, Daddy."
Levi is damn near feral when he grabs your hips and pushes himself home inside of your pussy, finally. Finally after so long. A desperate groan leaves your lips in unison as he begins to roll his hips, unable to control himself. Your pussy is just too tight. Too wet. Too close to heaven for him to go slow.
He fucks you as fast and as hard as he wants, knowing you can take it. You don't protest or deny his cock bullying your insides, making you take every inch of him. You just moan and whine like a good girl, opening up to him with every thrust. He can't get enough. You're just such a good girl for him! And he makes sure you know it too. "You're such a good girl for me," he growls into your ear. "Such a good little present just for me. No one else can have you like this. Only me, understand?"
He takes a fistful of your hair and yanks it back, emitting a gasp from your mouth. "Yes!" you nearly shout. "I'm only yours, Daddy! Only yours!" Levi nods, becoming fully immersed in his role now. He makes sure you understand what "being his" means by smacking your ass, damn near leaving handprints and nipping at your neck to leave hickeys.
He fucks you into a lewd, wet rhythm that echoes in the room along with the sounds of your moans, grunts, and gasps of pleasure. His heavy balls slap against your clit, bringing you to yet another orgasm very quickly. But Levi slows down and pulls out of you, chuckling at your whine of protest. "What, you thought you'd get to cum again?" he asks. "Uh-uh, mama. Not yet. You've still got some more to do before that."
So while your pussy quivers and shivers in protest, Levi kneels in front of your mouth, his thick cock in your face. He takes a handful of your hair and yanks your face back while your chin rests on the pillow beneath you. "Open your mouth," he demands and you do so despite your position. His cock then sinks inside of your pussy, stretching your jaw and making you gag as he hits the back of your throat. He groans, immediately fucking your mouth like it's your pussy, loving how tight and wet and sloppy your throat is.
"So fuckin' good for me," he grunts, staring down at your body, the curve of your ass, and the pretty lights wrapped tight around your wrists and ankles. "You're the best gift ever, you know that? I'd want nothing else for my birthday or Christmas but you, baby. I wanna give you all my cum, y'know that, right?"
You say nothing, but you don't have to. The eagerness of your moans vibrating against his dick and how you open your throat for his entire length are all the yesses you need. His eyes roll to the back of his head and he lets his hips do all the work, grinding and thrusting inside of your welcoming mouth as spit drips down your chin.
When he feels himself about to cum is when he stops. Though the idea of cumming deep down your throat entices him, he wants to cum deep inside of your cunt first. So he pulls out of your mouth and gently smacks his cock against your wet lips. "Enough," he growls. "I need that pussy again, and this time, I'm gonna cum deep inside of you." He lifts your chin with his thumb, coaxing your eyes to gaze up at him. "And I want you to cum too. Is that understood?"
"Yes, Daddy," you obediently reply. "Please cum inside of me. Make me cum all over that cock."
He has never moved so quick in his life until now, swiftly moving himself behind you and sinking balls deep inside of you again. This time, he doesn't stop. He pummels himself inside of your sobbing, wet cunt, digging his fingers into your ass, hips, and stomach. Sweat gathers onto his skin and his legs ache from how fast he fucks you, but he doesn't care. He wants you to cum. He won't stop until you do.
It doesn't take long. Not for you. With the way he's fucking you so good and turning your pussy into mush, it's impossible for that cunt to not clench around him. "Daddy," you moan in a warning. "I'm gonna cum! I can't hold on!"
"Me too," Levi pants, feeling his first orgasm of the night approaching. It only intensifies the more he sees your ass bounce against his cock and your pretty tits sway below you as he fucks you senselessly, causing the Christmas tree to shake from the force. "Beg," he demands. "Beg me to cum. Beg me to fill you up. Do it now, little girl."
Smack! His hand comes down to slap your ass, drawing a yelp out of you. "Please make me cum!" you whine. "Please, Levi, let me cum all over that dick! I need you so much! Need to be yours!" That's all it takes for Levi. He leans over you and turns your face to look at him. "Kiss me," he demands before your lips are on his, tongues swirling and lips smashing passionately against one another.
When you cum, you do it together. He cums with a muffled groan, filling your pussy to the brim with his cum, while you let out a high-pitched moan of his name against his lips as you gush all around his cock. Your cum mingles with one another, dripping down his balls and on the floor. Tingles run through his body, spreading throughout his fingertips and toes. He grips you against him, making you take every ounce of his cum deep inside of you.
When everything is said and done, the room is silent except for your soft pants and sighs of satisfaction and exhaustion. Outside, all is quiet and white as the snow falls, delivering a perfect night to do this again and again and again.
Levi pulls out of you finally, drawing a soft groan from both of you. Cum drips out of your pussy and down your juicy thighs, a sight most pleasurable to him. But the most beautiful sight is when you look behind to gaze at him, eyes glazed over, hair a mess, and mascara ruined from fucking your pretty face. You look absolutely fucked out of your mind and he wishes you knew just how pretty you are like this.
"Happy birthday, baby," you purr, a soft, loving smile adoring your lips, messy with spit and your ruined lip gloss. "And Merry Christmas. Have I been a good girl this year now?"
Levi chuckles, a gentle hand stroking your ass. "Maybe," he replies. "After a few more rounds. It'll be my birthday until midnight tomorrow, so you may wanna brace yourself, mama." His cock twitches at the sharp, anticipated intake of breath you give him at the idea of taking his cock and his cum all night until dawn.
"But first things first..." He pauses to untie the lights from your wrists and ankles, gently massaging the kinks and aches of them, before moving to get something out of his bag. There, he retrieves a mistletoe and smiles at the way you sweetly giggle as he hangs it over your heads.
"Come here and kiss me."
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sillyvampireboi · 2 months
Why are you tormenting my kitchen??
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Summary: Armand is fascinated by blenders. Who knew that there were many different types with different functions? Do they only blend liquid or flesh too? He must experiment.. to Daniel’s demise.
Contents: pov Armand, romantic, fluff, attempt at humour, armandaniel, Armand being Armand, blood, gore, not beta read, description of cutting someone up ^^’ 
a/n: I feel like Armand is like a little child, regarding discovering new technologies and finding joy in trying them out. | I wrote it totally self-indulgently. I have that urge in me to see Armand destroy Daniel’s (blender at first) kitchen 👁️v👁️
tagging: @okaytosave
~ English is my second language ~
“So Daniel, you grew up and lived in this era, which one is the best?”
“How the fuck am I supposed to know?” 
“Well, I suppose you used these machines before.” 
“Sure, but that doesn’t mean I compared all brands in the world. “ — chuckled my fascinating boy. — “But buy that one. It’s the most expensive.” 
We were standing in the Aisle of Blenders in Media Markt. Recently, I became spellbinded by this store. It showcasted the best and most popular technology on the market during those years. My love laughed at me many times, when waking at night and not finding me at our home, discovered me studying iPads in that store for hours to no end. How fastly changeable technology became! It felt like there were new updates to my iPad every month, new features were added which became more colourful, more easy to use and were more apps to choose from. Sims and Minecraft became my favorites to spend my time on. I created our own avatars, mine and Daniel’s, in Sims where we lived happily as a married couple. I even found a kitten, when I told Daniel about it, he simply asked me to make him a successful writer and ‘WooHoo’ him every night. He didn’t tell me what that meant. I need to check its meaning in the near future. 
However, back to me and Daniel looking at blenders: When I got used to the innovations phones and tablets offered, I found my new interest stirred in kitchen items. I have to admit, I abandoned my interest in kitchen utensils. They remained more or less similar for hundreds upon hundreds of years, so I let my curiosity wander to other directions. Then sweet Daniel stepped into the timeless night of my life, introducing me to feelings I’ve been absent from, besides human contraptions I didn’t pay attention to. Such innovation was this engaging appliance called Blender. 
As far as I understand, it can mix liquids and soft objects such as fruits and vegetables together. Mortals use these devices to create ‘smoothes’ and other drinks Daniel told me about. Sadly, they can’t break bones or other hard surfaces into tiny pieces. Believe me I tried, that was the reason me and Daniel were shopping for a new one.
“Are you still angry at me, love?” — I temporarily turned from the shelf to look at Daniel. He sighed deep, feeling frustration omitting from him rather than anger. 
“No. But I’m getting a little vexed since you keep tormenting my kitchen.”
“I’m only experimenting my beloved.” 
“Yeah, right” — The innocent voice I used had a nearly immediate effect on him. His eyes softened, and the aurora around him became a lovely pink coloured mess.  — “Just buy more, so we don’t have to come here every night, hm?” 
“Everything for you dear!” 
“Sure, don’t have to be in my ass. Just choose 3 and let us go already.” 
The night was hot and breathless, attacking our senses constantly with the noise of the beeping city. The streets were nearly as light as during the day in this new century, illuminated by hundreds of lamps, advertisements and closed shop windows. 
As I was walking beside Daniel, carrying my “newly doomed Blenders” - as he tells me - in their boxes, I thought back on the previous night. 
I was in the kitchen, while my beloved was still in our bedchamber. The sun just started leisurely sinking lower and lower on the darkening sky, painting it with pink and purple and then blue at last. While the shadows began climbing along the lengthy sides of buildings, I set up the kitchen. 
My love already had a Blender in his home, which I borrowed for my investigation. I prepared a victim for the night: a young, muscular boy. Barely scraping the threshold of twenty, full of life and strength, his young face shining with his youthful years I’ll be draining out of him. 
My voice covered him gently from his curly head, till his long legs. He truly was a beautiful boy, one I’ve seen centuries ago in the palace of my Master. His muscles and mind relaxed, regardless of his integral struggle for life, while I opened up his wrist and let his warm blood fill several cups, I organised in the kitchen. I let his blood flow until his heart began to slow, losing his hopeless battle against his fate, until it fully stopped. 
First, I poured one cup of his blood into the Blender, and turned on the machine. It began to buzz and whirl. It moved the blood around in circles, creating light bubbles in contrast to the shadowless. 
It passed the first test. After emptying its container I added another cup of blood into it, then turned back to the body of the boy. With a knife in my hand, I let my gaze travel over his lifeless shell. His pink flesh lost colour and turned to gray, and his eyes which were filled with fearful tears a few minutes ago, now stared blankly at the ceiling. I let him free of his thin shirt, and opened up his delicate skin. 
I put slim pieces of his muscles in the blood at first, then steadily increased the amount. The Blender succeeded these challenges, cutting the meat into smaller and smaller parts, until it became a bloody meat ‘smoothie’. I poured it into a new cup and started again. 
At this time, I used his heart, lungs and a part of his brain in one session, mixing it with more blood. The machine seemingly struggled quite a bit, but mixed them nonetheless. It wasn’t as perfect as the previous one, but still liquid-y. 
I continued experimenting with his other organs, the Blender struggling more and more, until it reached its breaking point. 
It was bones that broke this interesting innovation.
I began with his blood again, and continued with adding tiny parts from his limb bones - which I smashed with my hands -, until I carried on with bigger bones: fingers, toes, and collar bones. However, as I added a forearm, it couldn’t pierce through the stone-hard surface of the white parts and its scales stopped while the motor still ran. I watched with wild wonder, while the buzzing got pregnant with panic, until it stopped with a sudden bang. The remains of the meat, blood and bones flew up in the air, and blanketed me and the kitchen furniture with a nasty, sloppy sound. 
Oh no - I thought - I broke Daniel’s Blender, there is still time to buy him a new one. He isn’t using it anymore, so he won’t notice and then I clean— 
“What the fuck has happened here?” — My beloved was standing at the door of our bedroom, arms crossed in front of his chest, sleep still heavy in his eyes. His gaze naturally traveled to me first, next on the body of the cut up form of my victim, until at last, traveled over the rain of dark red, thick wetness on the walls and ceiling. 
“Daniel, I can expl—“
“What is this? Why are you tormenting my kitchen?!” 
“I merely wanted to experiment dear. You showed me a lot about new technologies and the one that interested me the most was this apparatus called Blender! It moves and has knife-like edges inside and mixes substances! My beloved, you must understand I had to try! And what fascinating discoveries I made.” 
Daniel stood there completely spellbounded, staring at me in the grotesque scene I created. For a long time he said nothing, until I saw the slight smile in the light of his eyes, which meant he wasn’t angry at all even though he tried to appear to be. A deep sigh which he didn’t need anymore, escaped his lungs while he roamed his gaze over me and our kitchen again. 
“Alright, this is what we are going to do. First you clean this whole mess and then YOU buy a new blender. And I’m going to ask for a fucking expensive one, you can be sure of that.” 
I couldn’t help, but giggle at his mocked fury, that imitation of frustration he forced on his lovely face. 
The moment we arrived home, I organised our new Blenders in the cabinets, taking out plates and glasses, just to put them back and find a new place for them. Daniel was enjoying my structuring skills with an open delight, from the dining table. 
After I was done, I walked to him, sly as a cat, sitting on his lap and putting my arms around his neck.
“Will you show me how to order from Amazon?” 
“Why? “ — he eyed me with suspicion. 
“I want to order a robotic eater!” 
“Robotic eater? You mean a robot vacuum?” 
“Yes! Please Daniel, I have to see if it really eats everything and moves around furniture.” 
“God. What did I sign up for?” 
My soft laugh disguised us from the outside world, leaving us in a light pink bubble. 
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
could you write something for eddievr?? If not it’s totally ok, have a good day!!!
yeah sure! I went with this prompt I found from someone I follow so hopefully this is good lol ; thanks for requesting! hope you enjoy 🫶 ; I'm ab to be so honest I have no idea what this is.... don't expect anything good cause I wrote it at peak sleep deprived mess I'm so sorry (I literallt dk what to do w this i???)
EDDIEVR ; why are you here?
summary ; Eddie drops by to try and back your mind out of leaving for work, you leave anyways, and have to go running back to him
warnings ; language, platonic
word count ; 869
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"Why are you here?" You ask bluntly, arms crossed as you stand in your doorway.
Eddie stands in front of you, a desperate look in his eyes, "To save you from a mistake, Y/n!"
You roll your eyes with a light sigh. "Eddie, I'm moving, and you can't change that! I don't know why you're so obsessed with trying to hold me down here. I'm going places with my life. You need to move on!"
He opens his mouth to speak, but you cut him off.
"For Christ's sake, you're married! Go home to Gabby, please. I'm leaving tomorrow." You step out of his way to showcase the bins and boxes lining your walls.
"It's not about that!" He exclaims. "You're making a mistake, it's gonna be good for a while, but it's gonna come crashing down"
"And you know this how?" You squint, raising an eyebrow. "What, are you a psychic or something?"
He sighs, "I just don't wanna lose you, okay?"
"Holy shit. You came all the way here for that?"
He's silent.
"Y/n, please. I have a bad feeling-"
"Nope, goodbye" You move out of the way to slam the door closed, not wanting to hear another word.
Truth is, you'd gotten in a fight, a random one at that, when you told him you were moving. He was lying about his fear to lose you or whatever he meant by that, you talked online with him and his friends 24/7, it wouldn't be any different if you were a few hundred miles away. You talked more online than in person already. Nothing would've really changed.
But, apparently to him, it would've meant the end of the world.
He was hiding something, you didn't know what. He didn't want you to leave, you didn't know whether to find it sweet or creepy at first.
You decide to call Gabby, considering that's his wife, and you didn't want him around your home anymore. Plus, you had to question her about this.
The first time you dial her number, you're sent to voicemail. Out of your persistence, you call again, to actually be met by her voice.
"Oh my God, hi Y/n! Sorry, I've been baking, had to wash my hands and I couldn't get to the phone" She awkwardly chuckles, "What's up? You alright?"
"Uh, yeah..." You shrug, "Uhm, what's up with Eddie. He's so persistent about trying to get me to not move, but he won't tell me why"
You hear her sigh on the other end of the phone.
"He's worried about the company you work for, they're known for shady things, he's worried that after you make this move, that they're gonna start the shady shit now that you're closer to home base" She explains, "He's embarrassed that he did research on it, I guess. He's been looking for any and every reason for you to stay"
You sigh and nod, remembering she can't see you as you look back down at your phone. "Thanks, Gabby"
"Yeah. Let me know if you need anything, okay?"
You hang up after giving her a proper goodbye and then flop down on your couch. You look around at all the boxes stacked along your walls, looking like a maze around the place.
You still didn't understand why he was acting this way, as it was just... childish? Maybe it was his way of showing concern for a friend, but it just felt weird.
"Eddie, you're a confusing man"
You sigh as you reach for your TV remote, turning the television on to watch more of a show you've been hooked on.
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Surprisingly, Gabby wasn't lying about the shady shit your company was up to. They left you without a job in the middle of a big city and rent due in a few days. Awesome.
You were already on the verge of being evicted because you missed rent last month. The only friends you had anywhere close were Eddie and Gabby.
You decide to give Gabby a ring, hoping to ask if you could crash with them for a while. The stress was eating you inside out and you couldn't handle it, why not flee while you could?
"Hey Gabby!-"
"Y/n?" Eddie asks through the other side of the line, having picked up the phone for his wife, "What's up?"
"I'm getting evicted and I don't know what to do"
"Hm... I think I told you about that, pal"
"Actually, you didn't! Because you made a million excuses not to tell me for some reason"
"Yeah, true. Sorry"
"Anyways, do you at least have room for my cat? I'm not giving them up, they're my cat. I just need somewhere safe for them to be right now"
"Yknow you can stay with us too, right? We have a spare bedroom"
"I don't have money to pay you rent-"
Gabby quickly grabs the phone from Eddie, "You're welcome to stay with us anytime, Y/n. Please, come. I'm bored here without you"
"Hey!" Eddie exclaims jokingly.
"Alright, I'll be there in... five minutes!" You joke, "Okay, bye, thank you, love you, need to go, bye!"
"What the fuck is happening right now"
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sadisticsanji · 2 years
stupid girl
Eijirou Kirishima + Reader
word count: 5.4k
tw: voyeurism, hidden cameras, slight somnophilia, jealousy, dumbification, rough sex, cream pies, breeding kink, panty stealing, sick sex, medication, drowsy sex, dubious consent
whenever kirishima takes care of his sick best friend
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Eijirou Kirishima isn’t sure if it’s because he hasn’t been able to cum (or see y/f/n) in four days but his cock was making a mess in his pants as he looks through his best friend’s window when she would least expect it. He can’t help himself. He missed her so much and her being sick and away made him yearn for her attention and presence. She's in a Dynamight t-shirt and white panties, covering her face into a tissue as she sneezes in doubles. Dumb little girl. Why would you leave your blinds wide open like this?
He tugs out his cell, watching his phone light up and cause a blue hue against the black night. Turning his brightness down quickly, he’s making sure that his cover isn’t blown. The girl is heading towards her desk, pouring herself cough syrup and not even paying attention to her window with the open blinds. She’s wincing at the putrid taste and Kirishima has a toothy grin on his face at the view.
From: Eijirou Kirishima
To: y/n
hey! how are you feeling? still sick?
Her head turns towards her buzzing phone and he can notice the grin that presents itself on her face. She texts him back before sitting her phone back down and tucking her hair behind her ears. He can see a flustered blush sprinkled across her cheeks and he cant help but think of covering them in his seed. His thoughts are interrupted by his phone vibrating in his hands.
From: y/n
To: Eijirou Kirishima
hiii kiri!!!!! i have a doc appt 2mrw at 9am so im gonna get me the good drugz! feel sicky still :,<
He’s upset that she’s still sick. Now that they were graduated, it wasn’t a guarantee that they were to see each other everyday anymore but he wasn’t willing to find a way.
From: Eijirou Kirishima
To: y/n
poor girl. need me to take you to the doctor tomorrow? i miss you!
He tries his hardest to sound platonic but it’s hard whenever one of his hands are pumping his cock over his jeans while he watched the woman. She’s quick to respond, cell already in her small palms.
From: y/n
To: Eijirou Kirishima
katsuki is taking me!! dont wanna get u sick kiri!!!!! ur my favlrite
He can tell that she’s tired by how she’s can’t stop yawning, kitten resemblances coming from her form. That doesn’t stop how he’s literally growling at the thought of someone else taking care of her. How dare they, Kirishima thinks. He doesn’t even respond, leaving her on read. His face is red, scoffing before he’s slowly turning on his feet and heading back towards his own home across the street. By the time he’s walking through the door a minute or two later, the girl is asleep (with her blinds still open). Stupid girl.
In Kirishima’s mind, he’s cursing his little bunny out for being so stupid. Why would such a pretty girl keep not only her blinds open constantly but, keep her window unlocked too? Like, you’re just asking to be fucking assaulted. He’s genuinely pissed off. She’s so smart and to do such an idiotic thing? But he had no room to be upset. He was the big bad wolf that she needed to watch out for in the first place.
Because of the fear he had obtained of his girl being hurt by someone that wasn’t him, he roamed her home while she was gone. Kirishima had been there enough to know where everything was at, so he knew exactly where his destinations were.
There are a total of twelve cameras that the red-haired man has connected and hid inside of y/n’s home. Four were in her bedroom, hidden in various places facing the bed, closet, door, and desk. Four were split up between the living room and kitchen, and the last handful were in the hallway and bathroom, filming the inside of her shower and the sink, where Kirishima can view her sudsy body and toothpaste-filled mouth every day without even needing to get out of bed. He’d had so many wet dreams about his best friend and at this point, he was willing to do anything to see her. He knew he was selfish and he didn’t give a fuck. Checking the time, he’s grinning widely. 9:04. It’d only took him about ten minutes to set the cameras up and her appointment had just started.
From: Eijirou Kirishima
To: y/n
good morning! how are you feeling? let me know when your appointment is over and how it goes! love you
He assumes she’s with the doctor now because she’s not responding quickly like she usually does. That is until his phone is buzzing and he can tell that it’s not his pretty girl.
From: y/n
To: Eijirou Kirishima
She’s busy.
His eyebrows are furrowed as he nearly shatters his phone by how hard he squeezes it. Fucking Bakugo, I swear to God. How dare he invade her privacy like this? He thinks, as if he wasn’t making Y/n’s entire life his business now. Laying on the bed, his dick swells immediately at the thoughts of what she’s done in this very spot when he wasn’t looking. Her light blue sheets would look so pretty covered in her slick and drool and he pounded the snot out of his tiny little princess. Her scent fills his nose and its an instinctual action to shove his face into her pillow and take his strained cock out of his tight pants.
“F Fuuuck~” He’s hissing as soon as his hand is wrapping itself around his prick. Although his hands are enormous, his fingers barely touch as he strokes himself off to the vivid imagination of his best friend’s tight cunt gushing around him, his dick being too big, even for him. His hips buck, chasing the pleasure.
Eijirou has his shirt pulled up with the end of it held tightly between his teeth as his pre-cum slicks himself flawlessly. He couldn’t help his perverted mind whenever he’s reaching over to y/n’s dirty laundry hamper and picking up the white panties that he’d seen snug tightly around her pussy and curvature the previous night. Holding the small piece of fabric in his fist and bringing them to his face, a load of his cum is shooting onto his stomach and chest at the smell of her fragrant heat and he’s groaning wildly.
If he hadn’t been so good at sneaking around, he wouldn’t have heard his phone buzz. It was from his doll.
From: y/n
To: Eijirou Kirishimai
m omw home with drugz!!!! i’ve got a cold n the sniffles but im not contagious!
His heart (and dick) leap with joy. He’s wiping the slick off of his abs with tissues before burying her panties in his pocket and heading out the way he came in; through the unlocked bedroom window.
Whenever Kirishima hears Bakugo’s car pulling into y/n's driveway, he’s almost immediately pissed off. Getting out of the car is his unwell best friend. He really missed her. She’s waving goodbye to her old classmate (and favorite pro hero) before heading to her front door. Eijirou starts up his laptop so that he can see what his girl is up to.
Unlocking the door and walking in to the place that she had come to know as her home throughout her life, something felt different. Maybe it was the shot she’d already been given at the doctor’s office or perhaps it was because of sleep deprivation due to constant coughing, but y/n felt uneasy.
Heading to the bathroom, she’s starting up a shower with her favorite smelling soaps. Strawberry and cream suds is being scrubbed into her tangled hair and Kirishima has never thought she looked so beautiful as he stares at her through his camera’s point of view. It’s from overhead, close to where the shower faucet comes out of the wall. Her nose is pink and flushed, rubbed raw from the snot that would come out of it from the previous nights. Her eyes were a bit puffy, making her orbs look as if she was squinting a tad. And even though she goes through constant heat flashes and her sinuses are swollen so its hard for her to breathe, she can’t stop thinking about Eijirou either.
As soon as she’s stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around her frame, she’s checking her phone as it buzzes, perfectly on time.
From: Eijirou Kirishima
To: y/n
let me come over and nurse you back to health?
From: y/n
To: Eijirou Kirishima
yes doctor kiri!
She’s rushing to get dried off and dressed and he knows it. That’s why he’s practically sprinting to her door with a backpack halfway slung on his back, hoping to catch her while she’s still naked and dripping in warm water. When he walks in the door, she’s tugging her socks on and he curses himself for not being quick enough.
“You showed up quick.” Her voice sounds weaker and more delicate than it usually did, her throat coarse and sensitive. He’s walking towards her and he realizes why so many people have asked y/n if she was okay while with the man on the street. With the small girl only growing to his chest, Kirishima towers over her as he pushes close to seven feet tall and his broad shoulders are hard to get through most doorways. He wraps his thick arms around her head, holding her face close to his chest.
“Duh. Told you I missed you.” He’s blushing and is glad that she can’t see his cheeks and giggle at it like shes done thousands of times before. She smells so fresh and feminine, he’s practically purring against her, “I brought some things for you.” She gasps, excited.
“Really? Like, a surprise?!” Y/n's third favorite thing (behind baby animals and Pro hero, Dynamight, was surprises). He smiles, a sharp grin glinting.
“Yes, a surprise. Sit down.” She was excited, plopping down on the sofa, where Kirishima and his backpack sat. She’s bouncing excitedly and he must be the most sex-obsessed man on earth because he’s getting hard at the motions already and is shoving the backpack on top of his lap to cover his growing erection.
“Um,” He clears his throat and pulls out a hoodie, “Here’s a hoodie in case you get cold.” He’s handing her a folded up hooded sweatshirt with the bold “RED RIOT” in the middle. She’s grinning widely and taking it. He refuses to acknowledge how many times he’s thought of fucking his pretty little neighbor while she wears his clothes that are three sizes too big.
“‘S soft, Eiji! Thank you!” He hopes it will replace her Dynamight merchandise because seeing his old friend (and y/n's potential future-lover) on her shirt made him physically sick to his stomach.
The second thing that Kirishima is digging out of his backpack is a couple grocery bags that he sits on the coffee table, “Was gonna make us some tomato soup and grilled cheese.” He has no idea but Y/n is swooning and the way he’s acting so endearing is making her heart thump out of her chest.
“Also grabbed you up some candy. They came out with a limited edition flavor and I thought you’d wanna try when you can taste again.” Y/n was a touchy girl, so whenever her head is resting on his shoulder and shes thanking him for all of his gifts, he doesn’t see anything out of the ordinary.
“You take your medicine yet?” He knows that she hasn’t, he’s been watching her since Bakugo’s car pulled into her driveway. She shakes her head no.
“They gave me a shot earlier, ‘Ts supposed to make me sleepy. The other stuff tastes too ick.” Her tongue sticks out of her mouth to prove her disgusted reaction.
“You’ve still gotta take it, bunny. How ‘bout I make us some lunch and then you can take your medicine?” Her big eyes stare at his as her pupils are blown wide and she’s nodding her head.
“‘Mkay. Will you stay the day with me?” He nods his head, “I’ll even stay the night if you want me to.” He’s so sweet, like always, Y/n thought. Meanwhile, Kirishima thinks of different places to fuck his pretty pet while she looks him in the eye. “Really? I can’t wait!” They hadn’t had a sleepover in what seemed like years.
Even after Kirishima had made the classic tomato soup and grilled cheese lunch, Y/n’s throat still burned. The girl would not stop whining and Kirishima could tell that something was going on. She was acting like a cranky toddler. She whines, clearing her throat for the nth time. Kirishima takes a breath.
“What’s the matter? You need anything?” They both sat on her bed, eyes glued to the television as one of their favorite anime play. Little does she know, she’s sitting where Kirishima had just came hours ago.
“Don’t feel good. M’ throat hurts.” Her small hand grabs her neck and she looks up at Kiri, “Is it swollen?” Opening her swollen lips and sticking her tongue out, she waits for an answer but he cant stop face fucking her in his mind to even form a coherent sentence, “Eiji?”
“Y yeah, it’s swollen.” Now he’s the one to clear his throat, “W Will the medicine you were prescribed help with it?”
“No,” She frowns, “Medicine’s only good for my cough but it won’t help the itchy feeling.”
“Wan’ me to help? I got some cough drops earlier. Could help you scratch that lil itch.” He’s unwrapping the candy and placing it on her tongue. It’s not even a minute before she’s whining again.
“S’ too much. Need something else.” She’s whining and it’s making his dick twitch, but he refuses to fuck the pretty girl without having her beg.
“Open up, bunny.” He warily places two of his fingers on her tongue. Watching as she opens her mouth wider and sucks his index and middle finger deeper, he loses his breath. First, she was sitting on the bed and letting it happen but by the time her cunt had realized what was happening and started leaking (literally within the first minute), she was slipping to her knees and towards the in between of his legs.
“What you think you’re doing down there?” Her eyes were half-closed as her tongue ran laps along his thick fingers and he can tell the medicine is kicking in. She’s delirious. Her hand touches his thigh and he’s looking down at her, one eyebrow up. Giving her a second to breathe, his fingers leave her throat with a muffled moan and pop escaping after it.
“M’ wanna taste you.” He’s smirking, “I think it’ll help.” She’s wiping her mouth with the back of her hand and he can’t fucking stand how she looks right now. So sick and desperate.
“You are tasting me.” She knows he’s playing stupid, “My fingers are in your mouth right now and you’re practically crying over it. Little crybaby.” She whimpers at the nickname she was too used to hearing by Bakugo and all of her other peers. Her eyes water.
“Need your cock in my mouth, Eiji.” Her small hand rubs at the obvious bulge that’s straining against his pants. He’d never heard her say something so vulgar and nearly growling at the feeling, head thrown back at the touch he thought he’d never feel in a thousand years from the girl he yearned for the most.
“Aw, you need it? Well, that’s too bad because i’m not giving you it with your pretty throat so swollen,” Her brows are furrowing and she’s upset and cranky. All because she was tired, didn’t feel 100% and wanted a dick in her. Trying to tug his pants down anyways, she’s yelping underneath him as he’s grabbing her hair roughly and bringing her face inches away from his. “Don’t be such a greedy fucking baby and i’ll put my cock somewhere better, ‘kay?” Letting go of her hair, her pupils are still blown wide and she seems fucked out of her mind, “Be a good girl and watch your show.” She can’t stop making a mess in her pink panties and she crawls back up to the bed to sit on his large lap. She’s sat on his lap dozens and dozens of times before but this time it felt different. Maybe it was because she was rocking her clothed pussy against him.
“What’re you doing?” He asks, hissing.
“Watching my show.” She says innocently and he wanted to make her fucking cry around him. He felt the need to be so mean to her that she’s begging him to stop. Kirishima was right. The medicine was kicking in at an unbelievable pace and before either of them knew it, the brat was asleep on Eijirou’s lap. His dick still leaked underneath of her and it didn’t help that the restless sleeper couldn’t go two minutes without bucking her hips or shuttering in his ear. Two hours in and he felt as if he was going to cum just at the breathless pants that the woman would let out. Stroking her skin, he hopes it wakes her up and after another couple of hours, it does.
“Well, g’morning, sleeping beauty.” It’s six in the afternoon, the sun was already threatening to set.
“Mmm, goo’ mornin’.” She rubs her eyes with the backs of her hands and sniffles a few times, “Did you sleep?” He lies and nods his head.
“Yeah, I did for a little bit.” Translation: No, I was too busy rutting against your sleeping body and edging myself, trying not to wake you up. He would be surprised she didn’t if he hadn’t slept over with her before. Once Y/n was out, she was out for good and he knew that.
“Good.” She’s trying to crawl out of his lap and although she could feel his hard prick pressing against her since she woke up (and went to sleep), she didn’t pay any attention towards it. Payback was a bitch.
“Wanna watch another movie with me?” She acts as if she’s not literally changing into pajamas in front of him. Her front is facing a corner as she takes off her shirt and is left in only panties and Kirishima feels as if she’s doing it on purpose (it definitely was) but the angel on his shoulder tells him that this is an often thing that occurs and to calm down.
He can’t seem to look away from the patch of dark pink in between Ino’s legs and wants to devour her completely. By the time she turns around, there’s practically drool hanging from the pervert’s lips and he doesn’t try that hard to hide his attraction.
“You okay, Ei?” She knows exactly what she’s doing, wearing the prettiest panties with his merchandise.
“Y yeah.” He can see the faint smirk on her lips before she’s turning on her heels and heading towards the living room.
You dirty bitch. You’re fucking doing this on purpose.
He’s walking towards the living room, not even saying anything. He pours her another dose of her medicine before handing it to her, “Oh yeah. Thanks.” She’s got her back facing him as she reads through the movies in her bookshelf. As she takes the medication, his sweatshirt is riding up on her and the bottom of her asscheeks can be seen.
Do something. She’s fucking begging for it, Kirishima’s thinking but his good morals and the way his parents raised him brought the man against it. Rather than shoving her chest against the bookshelf and shoving his entire cock into her at once like he’d yearned to do, he swallows his words and backs away from his actions. She hands him the empty medication cup before putting the DVD into the player and flopping onto the couch, sweatshirt flinging up to expose her stomach and cunt as well. Her frame is so small compared to his, well, everything.
He’s pulled away from his own thoughts. “I put in the new All Might documentary. Katsuki is in it!” He cannot fucking believe her but she’s bouncing around and looks so excited.
“Sure,” He says through his clenched teeth. She presses play and sometimes he wishes that she wasn’t so stupid whenever it came to people’s emotions and true meaning. He felt as if he could catch on fire at any moment but she acted as if nothing had even happened.
He’s blocking the entire film out, staring at her plush thighs and trying his hardest to calm down. It works for the most part, his anger fading when he makes a point to focus on the way her heart beats as her back eventually leans against his chest.
That is until there’s an obvious different reaction coming from his best friend and he’s filling with fury again.
“Look at him, Ei! Doesn’t he look so cool?!” Her eyes are glistening, a reflection of the tv shining back as they’re open wide with pure adoration. He wishes that she acted that way towards him. He doesn’t answer and rather than being smart and stopping at that, the Dynamight fan could not stop. Every single frame the man was on, she seemed to giggle with excitement and kick her feet.
“Why do you even like him so much? He’s such a dick.” Kirishima’s getting grumpy now. He couldn’t stand how she fonds for a man that in his opinion, is worse than she deserves. Kirishima is what she deserved. She’s turning, shocked.
“How could you say that?! He’s so cool and is such a good hero!” She’s grinning, cheeks glowing a little red and for a second, she reminds Kirishima of Deku, “Not to mention how handsome he is.”
Eiji is upset, pouting and groaning. It’s quite obvious with how a sharp attitude laced his words. “I don’t see you wearing your little Bakugo sweatshirt with soaked panties right now. How come Red Riot’s not your favorite?” Her eyebrows scrunch at his jealous words. She crosses her arms over her Red Riot merchandise and looks away.
“Don’t be mean, Kiri.” She’s blushing, embarrassed. He doesn’t stop.
“No. Really. Tell me why i’m not your favorite. I could feel you leaking on me through your entire fucking nap. Doubt you’re doing that to your beloved Dynamight.” She’s getting pissed off at how he’s treating her, like she was at fault for sharing her interests.
“You think i’m only like this for you? You’re dumber than I thought. Why do you think my throat is so swollen? Because my beloved Dynamight wouldn’t let me up off of his cock for thirty minutes.” Y/n is standing up off of the couch, she’s red in the face and dizzy from the cough syrup and the adrenaline from arguing with her best friend over something so stupid. Kirishima was bubbling with anger and doesn’t dare let her get away.
“Get your little ass over here.” He’s grabbing her wrist.
“Let go. I’m mad at you right now.” She’s pouting, bottom lip puckered out and all. He wanted to fill her with his generation.
“Why? Because I called you out for being a slut?” His hard-on is pressed snug against her back and she shutters at the feeling of its size, “Or is it because you’ll get in trouble if Katsuki finds out? Don’t worry, bunny. I won’t tell a soul.” He’s lying through his fucking teeth and plans on marking her pretty skin and emptying himself into her cervix so the entire world will know. Y/n doesn’t try to get away for too long, knowing he’d always win in their fights. He was way too huge to stand a chance against.
Whenever Kirishima is rubbing fingers between her legs, feeling at the slick that slipped through her panties, he’s smirking, “Look at all that. You don’t look very mad at me,” He’s gently leading her back towards the couch, his hand barely touching her. Still being annoyed with his jealousy, she tries pushing against him but doesn’t stand a chance against his strength or size. At first he’s gentle but soon after, she’s being pushed against the couch, ass and pussy in the air, “You’ve made such a mess. We’ll need to get these in the wash right away.” She would have thought he was being somewhat helpful but his quirk makes his fingers sharp, slicing the fabric right off of her skin.
“Shut up. Your throat is swollen.” He’s snappy and his breath makes her twitch as he talks so close to her twitching cunny. His tongue slurps at the pearlescent juices that spill from her core. She’s whimpering under his mouth.
“P please, s’ too much.” Her face is red hot, eyes squeezed shut as she becomes so embarrassed under his gaze and touch.
His large hand slaps a print onto the curve of her asscheek. “What did I fucking say?” His demeanor made her twitch around nothing and shes covering her mouth with her own small hands as her chest presses against the sofa.
Her back is arching and legs are spread as her face is being pushed further into the couch cushions. His tongue sucked and flicked at her sensitive nub until her legs were literally giving out. Large hands finally coming up towards her needy hole, he’s slipping two fingers into her cunt and its squelching immediately. Her whines get louder, “Please, I’ll do anything!” She’s begging, trying to move her hips closer towards Kirishima so he’ll go even deeper.
“No,” Tears start to fall past her waterline, “I’m not putting my dick in your slutty little pussy unless you tell me how much of a better hero I am compared to your shitty Dynamight.” She doesn’t even have to think, already fucked out on two of his fingers that literally feel like the size of Bakugo’s entire shaft.
“F- feel like I’m gonna die without your cock, Eiji. N- need you!! Need my favorite pro’s hero so I won’t die. Save me, please!” He can hardly help himself before he’s shoving his pants down, thick cock springing out.
“Such a good fuckin’ girl for me, yeah?” His cock is barely slipping in and Kichona is moaning loud enough for the neighbors to hear.
“Shhh, baby. It’s okay, you’re okay.” Gripping her plush hips and shoving his entire cock in to the hilt, she’s clenching around him hard.
“E Eiji, m’ gonna cum!” Her eyes are screwed shut, jaw slack as pants and moans fall from between her lips. He doesn’t slow his pace, keeping the same rhythm as she’s twitching and leaving a creamy ring around his dick.
“Already? Such a sensitive girl.” He wasn’t going to stop. Not anytime soon, at least. He had been dreaming and fucking his fist to this thought for years at this point and he wasn’t just going to rush and get it done.
“N’nnng hhh~” He’s laughing and it’s making her clench even harder around him.
“You tryna’ tell me something? Or are ya’ too stupid?” Her eyes are barely open but they’re staring back at Kirishima and small tears are leaving trails down her pretty cheeks.
His large hand rubs her spine all the way down to her hips and she feels so in love with him, “L’ love you s’much.” He has to hold on tighter to her skin than he has for the entire day this far due to her confession (that he was sure to her being fucked out but didn’t care).
“You love me? Is that right?” She’s nodding her head, drooling and leaving a puddle of her own saliva on the sofa. Leaning towards her ear, his abdomen is pressing snug against her back and the angle is entirely different. She’s practically purring underneath him, “Love me s’ much, you gonna let me stuff my babies in you?” At this point, Y/n’s hips were meeting Kiri’s thrusts perfectly in time as his dick head abuses her cervix.
“Y Yes! Wan’ be your lil’ wifey,” She’s rambling on and he can barely understand what she’s saying. He’s getting off on the idea and the thought of coming home to Y/n in an apron and making dinner for him and the kids make his load sneak up on him and he was cumming in her quick.
Pulling out of her, Eijirou doesn’t plan on staying out long, “Let’s turn you over, lil’ housewife. Needa’ see your pretty face.” Her chin is glistening, covered in drool and her lips are puffy from how much she’s been biting them. He can’t help himself, his dick slowly entering back into her as his lips come towards hers and end the distance between them. She’s kissing back sloppily, her coordination off because of the cough medication. One of his large hands are grabbing at her tit and her back is arching off of the couch.
“What is it, baby?” She’s so fucked out and in a head space, her hands gently rub at his biceps as she stares up at him with doey eyes. She’s not even able to answer him but he’s not upset over it, he was too busy staring at her and taking in her soft figure from underneath him. Her eyes are barely able to keep open but her pupils are still blown wide. Frail arms coming up to try and wrap around his neck, he leans down to help her out. She’s so soft compared to his scarred up chest from working so hard as a Pro and he can’t help but think of nipping up her precious skin.
“Wan’ you.” Wet lashes graze his chest as she’s so close to him and he can’t help but want to be closer to her than ever before. Arms wrapping around her figure, hands squeezing at soft love handles, he leans back on the couch and takes in the sight of her sitting on his cock, thighs on either side of his torso.
Teeth tugging on the skin under her jaw and leaving bite marks along the nape of her neck and collar, Y/n’s become practically numb at the overload of senses. Tears roll down her cheeks as she’s quivering under the pressure of his cock nudging against her cervix.
“A ahhhh, K Kiri,” They’re so close together, the two are nearly one being. The sensuality of it all had made the slightest touch feel like a firework of lust. She looks up at him with tired eyes as he slowly but deeply rocks inside of her.
“There’s no fuckin’ way i’m letting you go.” She didn’t find anything wrong with the statement Kirishima had just come out with. In her opinion, this is where he belonged. Nine inches deep inside of his best friend.
Lifting the girl for the last time that night, he’s holding her tightly and refuses to leave the warmth of her cunt as he’s putting her back against a wall and fucking her as thoroughly as he could. An entirely new noise leaves Y/n’s throat; a squeak, high and desperate. With the newfound angle, her legs began to go numb and a tingling sensation spread across the tips of her toes all the way to her tits that bounced with each thrust.
“L Love you s so much. Wan’ marry you, Eiji. Wan’ have your b babies.” She’s so fucked out and babbling every thought that goes through her head out loud. Kirishima is so overwhelmed with his senses that he barely hears her pleads. All he can pay attention to is the feeling of him repeatedly fucking his load back into her and how it dripped down her quivering thighs as well as the sound of skin slapping skin.
Lips finally locking together, Y/n feels close on the edge of finishing on her best friend for the nth time. Wrapping her legs around his hips as she’s clenching and dripping around his cock, he’s speeding up his pace and becoming more desperate as his end comes near. He doesn’t dare pull out. Why would he? His entire goal was to be part of her life forever.
Thrusting his load into her cunt a few more times, he’s slowly pulling out and laying Y/n against the couch gently. He can peek the cum dribbling out from between her legs and snickers at her body twitching at the overstimulation.
“How’s that for some good medicine?”
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angelst4re · 2 years
King of My Heart- Jace Wayland/ Herondale/ Lightwood x Reader
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summary: jace had always had a crush on you, yet you would always reject him out of fear of losing your best friend, but when a new girl arrives at the institute you find yourself feeling jealous.
warnings: NSFW!! light smut :)
note: yes the title is another taylor swift reference... i've spent the last five days reading city of fallen angels and city of lost souls... i've just started heavenly fire today :) all i can say is malec <3 magnus is definitely one of my favourite characters right now!!
For as long as you could remember, Jace had always had an interest in you. When you arrived at the Institute at 12 years old, he had been the one you had first trusted. You were a scared, worried child who had just lost both of her parents, and he was always there for you no matter what. On a chilly February night, you had woken up from a terrible nightmare, and found yourself at Jace’s bedroom door. He had welcomed you into his room, wrapped you in a blanket and let you open up to him about your family and your past. You had fallen asleep by his side that night, after he had read you a story. 
As the two of you grew up, it was obvious he had a crush on you. He would constantly ask you out and every time you would reject him he would only ask you again. Of course you liked him back, but the two of you were very… different. Jace was fearless, he acted from his heart and not his brain, he didn’t have a care in the world about what anyone thought of him. You, on the other hand, were wiser, thought logically and never took risks. 
Jace loved to tease you, to watch you blush as he would compliment you, when his hands would be placed on your waist as he moved around you, when he would clean up your injuries from a battle. His favourite way of teasing you, however, was asking you out. He would catch a small smile beginning to form on your lips before you would shake your head, ‘no, Jace!’. 
6 years passed and it was clear to you- and everyone for that matter- that he wouldn’t settle for anyone except you, and everyone believed that one day you would give in. But everything changed when a new girl arrived at the institute. Clary Fray. 
It wouldn’t have bothered you, but Jace seemed to spend a lot of time with her. You found yourself feeling slightly jealous. 
Jace stopped visiting your room at night to read together, instead you could hear him laughing with Clary in his room. Alec had also become aware of this new bond, and he didn’t really approve either, he wasn’t sure if they could trust her, yet Jace insisted they could. 
Stupidly, you and Isabelle had gotten drunk one night at one of Magnus’ parties, and you had told her about your feelings for Jace. 
“Really?” Her jaw dropped, “so you’re telling me you’ve been rejecting him all these years when in fact you actually liked him back?” 
“Stupid, I know.” You sighed, nodding your head, “and now he’s found someone else, my chance has gone! Ugh, I knew I should have said something sooner.” 
“But you didn’t want to ruin your friendship! It’s totally understandable, and I’m sure if Jace really loves you like we all think he does, he would want you to tell him.” 
Something clicked in your brain and you scrambled to get up from the floor of the spare bedroom. You reached in your pocket for your phone and pulled it out, finding Jace’s contact in a heartbeat and pressing the call button, rushing out of Magnus’ apartment. 
“Y/n?” Jace answered in a matter of seconds. 
“Jace… hi! I’m coming back from M-Magnus’ party… I need to tell you something…” You slurred, stepping down the stairs one at a time to make sure you didn’t trip. 
“Are you with someone?” 
“Wait outside, I’m on my way. I’m not letting you walk home by yourself.” He said before hanging up. 
You wanted to argue back, telling him you’re a shadowhunter, you can walk home by yourself! 
But it only took a matter of minutes for him to arrive. 
“Oh my- y/n, how much have you had to drink?” He sighed, watching you stumble as you walked towards him. 
“...I don’t know. Ask Izzy.” Your voice slurs as you trip on the side of the road, yet Jace is there to catch you. 
“Trust me, I will.” 
Jace had walked you home, asking you about your evening. You had told him how Magnus’ cat was the cutest thing you have ever seen and how a vampire had tried to get your phone number. 
“But I didn’t tell him, Jace.” You whisper as he helps you to take off your boots, sitting you down on your bed, “because I love you.”
Jace’s face went blank for roughly two seconds, trying to process what you had just said. 
“You’re drunk. You don’t know what you’re saying. Get some rest, okay?” Jace smiled softly, helping you get tucked into bed. 
“I mean it, Jace.” You tell him, “I think I’ve always loved you, but I’ve been afraid… afraid we’ll lose our f-friendship.”
“Let’s talk about this when you’re sober, okay?” Jace’s tone had a hint of seriousness to it. "It's not that I don't trust you or believe you, but you're drunk."
“Okay… thank you, Jace.”
“No worries. Sweet dreams, love.”
* * *
“She’s alive!” Jace laughed, imitating a zombie’s voice as you sat down for breakfast. 
“Oh, shut up,” you chuckle, “I’m never drinking again.” 
“You’ve been saying that for the last… year.” Alec says, taking a bite out of his pancake. 
“I know, but I mean it this time. Where’s Iz?” 
“I think she slept at Magnus’.” Said Jace
“Yeah, he called me to let me know she’s there and that she’s safe. She fell asleep in one of his spare bedrooms.” 
“Typical Izzy,” Jace scoffed, “I’m surprised you didn’t stay.” He said to Alec, who explained they had gotten into an argument. 
Jace placed a plate in front of you, he had made pancakes for everyone. Everyone including,
“Hi guys!” 
Jace sent her a smile, passing her a plate too. You watched her with evil eyes as she tried to involve herself in the conversation- but failed terribly. It was very clear Alec didn’t like her much, either. 
“Jace,” you began after finishing your pancakes, standing up, “I think we need to have that talk, don’t we?” 
Jace’s eyes lit up and Clary sent him a glance of confusion. He didn’t say anything, instead he led you to his room. Shutting the door behind him as you sat on his bed. 
“I don’t like her much.” You say with a sigh, looking down at the bag of her things at the bottom of Jace’s bed. 
“I got that impression,” Jace smirked, “why’s that?” 
“I dunno. I feel like ever since she got here we’ve… drifted.” 
“Drifted? Us?” Jace waved his hand as if to dismiss what you had said, “nobody will come between us, okay? She’s just having a tough time right now, she needs somewhere to stay and-”
“So you let her stay in your room? Jace, there’s hundreds of bedrooms here,” that was a bit of an exaggeration, “surely she’d rather have her own space.” 
“Is someone jealous?” He raised an eyebrow, smirk plastered on his face, “it’s okay, we can create a router, you can stay on Mondays and-”
“Jace!” You interrupted, “you just don’t get it, do you?” 
He crouched down in front of you so he was at your level. 
“I thought, because this is how you treated me that maybe I was… I don’t know, special? God that sounds stupid.” You shake your head, resting it in your hands before Jace takes your wrists, forcing you to look at him. 
“You are special to me, y/n. Like I said, Clary is only here temporarily, okay? If you’re upset that I’m not spending as much time with you-”
“It’s not that, Jace!” You huff, “the way you treat her, it’s just like how you treated me. You then tell me you love me- for years! And as soon as I realise I’ve maybe possibly felt the same way all this time, you’ve already moved on. I feel terrible, Jace. I feel like I’ve-” 
He shut you up, placing a hand on the side of your face and pulling you into a kiss. His lips were soft against yours, and felt much nicer than the back of your hand. Your right hand came to the back of his head, pulling him closer. 
“You don’t know how long I’ve waited for that.” Jace said as he pulled away for air. “Do you remember what you told me last night?” 
“Oh, I know what I said. And yes, Jace, I meant it.” You say before pulling him back in, his lips on yours felt like heaven. 
His hand came down to your waist, helping you move further up the bed as he leaned over you, setting his body between your legs without your lips parting for the slightest moment. 
“Can I?” His hand was on your bare stomach underneath your jumper, wishing to move higher, but he needed your permission. 
“Please.” You panted, your back arching involuntarily against his touch. 
His hand snaked up and rested on your breasts, squeezing them through the fabric of your bra as his kisses moved down towards your neck. You were glad you still wore your strapless bra from last night as Jace reached behind you and took it off with ease, throwing it to the floor before tugging on one of your nipples, causing a gasp to leave your lips.
“Jace…” You moaned, your fingers tangling into your hair. 
“Hmm.” He hummed against your skin. 
“I need… I want more. Please.” 
He began to nibble on the delicate skin on your neck, sure to leave some marks, as his hand slid down, his fingers resting under the waistband of your jeans. 
“You sure?” He asked, pulling back so he could scan your face for any signs of hesitation. 
“Yes… I’ve never been more sure.” 
He smiled gently, retracting his hand so he could unbutton and unzip your jeans, pulling them down to where your knees were hanging off the mattress. 
His hand cupped your clothed heat as you gasped against his mouth. Two of his fingers began rubbing over your clothed clit, causing you to grip onto his shoulders. He slipped his fingers under your panties and groaned at the feeling of your arousal. 
You let out a small moan followed by his name as he prodded a finger into your hole, his thumb playing with your clit when suddenly, 
“Jace! Can I come in!” Clary knocked on the door. 
Your eyes widened as Jace slipped his finger inside you and curled upwards, the pace of his thumb increasing as he kissed your neck. Not caring that Clary was at the door and that it was unlocked. 
“Not right now, Clary. Why?” Bastard, you thought as Jace replied, wishing he would have just sent her away. 
You felt a pressure building in your lower belly as Jace slipped a second finger into your pulsing cunt. You let out another small moan, your grip on his shoulders tightening as his hand clasped over your mouth. 
“Oh I just wanted to get my pencils… Is someone in there with you?” She asked innocently. 
The pressure continued to build and soon you came undone on Jace’s fingers. He worked you though your high, until your hand came down to grab his wrist. As he pulled his slick covered fingers from you, he slipped one into his mouth, moaning at the taste before leaning down to press a kiss against your lips. 
“That’s okay, you can come in now.” Jace grinned at you as he helped you button your jeans back up. You moved and sat beside Jace, your thighs still slightly trembling from your orgasm as Clary opened the door slowly. 
Jace placed his hand on your thigh and sent Clary an innocent smile as she rummaged through her bag. 
“Found your pencils?” He asked, watching as her face screwed up.
“Yes… but this isn’t my bra?”
taglist! @missyviolet123 @lov3rsl4ke @batmvx @papivolturi @munsonsquinn @boweryara @sea040561
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thatone-brightstar · 1 year
The Bear & The Fox (Carmy Berzatto x Fem!Reader)
Chapter 10: Bared teeth and knuckles red
Words: 4.8 k
Summary: You finally decide to tell Carmy the truth.
a/n: Please read! Same as last time, don't wanna trigger anyone so, trigger warning: mention of suicide attempt in flashbacks. That is all.
Also, only three more chapters left and all I can say is thank you for enjoying this as much as I loved making it. I had never published anything I had written and you have all been so wonderfully nice that it really has boosted my confidence in writing.
Anywaaay, this one's gonna hurt so I apologize in advance and you can totally yell at me in the comments, but just a head's up I WILL CRY IF YOU DO.
Commenting is always appreciated!!
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Your toes had grown red and numb as they dangled yards away from the freezing water. Soft sniffs ached in your chest and your grip on the metal grew unsteady with every gentle cry. The dots of the bright city lights blurred together in your watery eyes, but there was nothing but an unknown serenity lapping at your insides. Like the feeling you get from watching bio luminescent tides illuminate a dark beach with every sway. The night was still, only the light patter of a pair of footsteps that you confused with your heartbeat.
“You don’t want to do that.” A deep voice called from your far right and your body jerked towards the noise.
You scoffed at the tall man, too calm for someone who had stumbled into that uncommon situation. “I don’t even fuckin’ know you, dude.” You rolled your eyes and faced the water again.
“True..” He said, placing a cig between his lips and lighting the end. “but I do know that if you jump from this height, you’ll just end up crippled.”
“Well I don’t know how to swim, so I’ll probably just drown.” You answered with the same bitterness.
“Hardcore” He whispered, then slowly walked to rest his elbows a few feet away from you. 
The man took a long drag, the ember showering his strong features in an orange hue. Your eyes flickered from the burning tip to his face, only looking away when he turned towards you.
“You smoke?” He asked and you shrugged lightly. He pulled the beaten packet from inside his jean jacket with measured movements and slowly offered it to you. “How ‘bout one for the road, kid?”
You doubted for a second, then uncurled your frozen fingers from the bar and stretched out your arm to the man. In a flash, one of his hands gripped your wrist while the other circled your waist and hoisted you up and away from the edge. The world swiveled for a short second as you both fell safely against the snow covered path. You thrashed around in his grip, legs and arms swaying violently as a thousand screams were ripped from the deepest parts of your chest. But no matter your attempts, the man maintained a calm composure.
It was only when your screams died down to soft whimpers and your surroundings flashed with red and blue, that the numbness abandoned your body and you finally felt the cold seep through your clothes as you sat alone in the middle of the bridge. It was then that you heard his gentle words echo for hours in your head.
“You’ll thank me one day, kid. I promise.”
“Is it too much purple, Ms. F?” Kenny asked from his end of the small semi circle, pulling you away from the thick waves of your mind.
“Hmm? N-no no, that looks really good, Ken. Great job…” 
Your phone vibrated softly from one of the pockets of your apron, creasing your brow when Syd’s name flashed on the screen. A few indications were given to the kids before excusing yourself a few yards away to answer the call.
“Hey, everything ok-”
“I stabbed Richie.” Syd’s shaky voice interrupted.
“Y-You what?”
“And I walked out. I stabbed Richie and then walked out. I-In that order.”
You were silent for a few seconds, not knowing how to answer accordingly, because what does one say when someone’s confessed to stabbing someone, albeit a shitty someone, but still a someone. 
“H-how… did that happen?” You asked instead.
“Cause your stupid asshole boyfriend went bat shit crazy when I fucked up the to-go’s!” She began rambling about some software update in the system and how she had forgotten to block out the schedule, so by the time they were ready to open, they were already behind on hundreds of orders they hadn’t prepped for.
“Jesus, Syd! And you left them alone with that mess?!” You angrily whispered at your phone.
“You think I don’t know that?! I know I screwed up, okay? But when I tried to figure it out, Carmen got all up in my face and wouldn’t listen! He started fucking yelling at everyone and I was so pissed, and Richie- God Richie- h-he basically stepped into my knife. I know it wasn’t that bad, but I didn’t stay around to check.” She finished.
You heard her shallow breaths on the other end and waited for her to calm down. 
“D’you think I should go back?” She asked, when her voice had stopped shaking.
“Yes… but it’s too late now, it’ll probably piss him off more. Go home, sleep it off and try to solve it with a clear head in the morning.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” She heaved in a heavy sigh that ended with a groan. “You-erh- you gonna tell ‘em… today?”
“I mean, I want to do it less now but… what’s one more bad news to throw into the dumpster fire that is today, right?”
Syd snorted ironically into the mic, her shaky breathes had slowly started to regulate.
“Alright, well call me if you need anything.”
“Yeah, you too.”
You hung up and saved your phone back into your apron. The void in your chest happily feeding itself with the bad news, only growing stronger and wrapping its roots around your ribs. Checking the time made you realize there were still a couple hours left until your shift was up, but it didn’t feel nearly as long as you needed to grow a pair and tell Carmy. 
Usually, you were great at keeping secrets. It came with the territory of being the eldest daughter and having an overprotective single mother. There were so many midnight escapades where you’d go smoke weed with your friends at the park that you’d take to the grave. Or the insignificant containers of lipgloss you'd steal as a teen just for the thrill of it, that now lived untouched at the bottom of your drawer. You always joked that, apart from your family and closest friends, you didn’t really have a conscience to listen to, or anything that could make you feel guilty over most things. Which is why the void that had been living in your stomach for the past weeks felt foreign and uncomfortable with every passing day that you did nothing about it. 
You hadn’t been sleeping either. The moment you felt your body drift away, your mind was clouded by the mirage of tired baggy eyes and a large grizzly bear on the snow padded bridge. The thunderous growl always jerked you awake and with sore lungs and dew over your brow, you’d move from the restraining covers into the small sanctuary in the living room.  The tiredness displayed itself proudly over your face, sitting heavy in the bags it had nursed under your dull eyes, for everyone to see.
It was one of the reasons you had been avoiding Carmy for weeks. No amount of concealer would cover them up and you knew that the moment he spotted your slouched shoulders, he’d know something was wrong. He probably already did. The time between your texts had grown larger, always hiding behind a ‘sorry, been busy’ or ‘fell asleep’. All because you couldn’t bare to tell your boyfriend the truth. You knew you’d have to eventually, the longer it took, the worse his reaction would be once you decided to finally tell him.
‘Today.’ You mumbled to yourself while getting ready, ’I’m gonna do it today.’ But as the day grew older, so did the regret of having to follow through with your own self imposed promise.
The blank canvas sitting expectant in front of you worked perfectly to help you dissociate since the moment you sat down. The blue paint you had been chipping from your nails was long gone, but the repetitive action continued, leaving small streaks of red stinging by the time you washed your hands to leave. You expected to at least have half an explanation by the time you made the short walk to the restaurant, however, your brain seemed to have forgotten any trace of the English dictionary in your vocabulary. Only the simplest words remained and that was not nearly enough to explain the strange situation you found yourself in. 
The lights inside The Beef glowed a menacing white and the silence was so intense, you could even hear the electricity flowing through the fluorescents.
“Yo! We’re closed!” Yelled Richie’s voice from the side room once he heard the bell by the glass door ding, then you saw him slowly move towards you, with a rather noticeable limp. “Short stack! Nice of you to show up after we got our asses beat.”
“Yeah, heard you got it stabbed too…”
He threw a middle finger in your direction and limped past the counter and to the empty back where everyone seemed to have fled after the rough day.
“Mind if I take a look?” You asked him, dropping your bag on one of the tables.
“What, you ain’t gonna take me to dinner first?” Despite the tiredness behind his voice, he still managed to be just as annoying.
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms. “Chill, alright? My mom’s a nurse, she taught me a couple stuff.”
“ ‘M fine, Ebra already patched me up, so no need to go all fuckin’ Doogie Howser on me, okay?”
You didn’t have the energy to protest or to even make fun of his old ass reference, so you just raised your hands and mumbled an irritated ‘Fine, I don’t fucking care anyway’ and walked past him to the office.
You saw Carmy hunched over the piles of invoices scattered around his desk, arms tensely resting on the firm wood and wisps of smoke floating in the thin air. You could guess how bad the day had been by the multiple stains on his regularly white shirt and by the strained muscles locked sturdily under the material. You stood frozen by the door, a sudden wave of fear washing over you at the idea that there was no way that this would not end terribly.
You swallowed the dryness that had accumulated in your throat and reached up a shaky hand to knock at the door. His eyes were dark and intense when he turned to you and a heavy breath filled his lungs as he observed you up and down. 
“Hey…” He greeted with a nod, then turned back to the mess of papers.
“I’d -uh- I’d ask how your day’s been but…” You said, pushing yourself deeper in the room and shoving your hands in your back pockets.
Carmy nodded slowly, letting his forehead fall over yours when you reached his side and taking in another deep sigh. “Sydney tell you?”
“Briefly, but yeah…”
“Marcus walked out too.” He said dryly, pulling away and raking his hand through his matted hair.
“What happened?”
“I dunno. I thought everything was finally going better a-and then it’s one thing after the next and I just… I snapped.” He confessed.
Your brows screwed in confusion, “But you’re used to yelling in the kitchen-”
“Yes, but this was different. I don’t know what took over me. I-It was like my mouth and my brain had no filter and all the words just came spewing out. Like I wanted them to feel like shit, like I needed them to feel what I feel every-fuckin’-day here.” He threw himself on the office chair and rested his heated face on his hands.
“Did you mean it?” You asked after a few moments. “What you said to them, did you mean it?”
Carmy dragged his hands down to his mouth, tired eyes fixed on yours, then shook his head ‘no’ slowly.
“Then maybe you can tell them that… Once you’ve all cooled down, of course.”
He was silent, brows knitted together in contemplation. “Ye-yeah no, I know-I will.” He finally said, rubbing his thumb to the inside of his palm and staring at you again. “Hey, uh… C-can I ask you somethin’?” 
Fuck. You didn’t trust your voice to answer, so you just nodded, hands curling tightly around the edge of the desk that hit your back.
“Are we… good? Cause you kinda went all cold turkey on me…” He said with a humorless breath that made the knot in your throat double in size.
“I was kinda hopin’ you didn’t notice that…” You whispered and he slowly stood from his chair to reach out for your hand.
“‘Course I would notice.” He shrugged and took a step closer to you, tilting his head to see your eyes fixated on the file cabinet behind him. “Is everything alright?”
You swallowed hard, it felt like razor blades going down your throat as you tried to figure out what to say or how to start. His thumb grazed softly at your chin, pulling your face up and forcing your worried stare to meet his. Despite the generous bags that decorated his eyes, the look he gave you was swarmed with devotion. As if there were something more weighted behind it that his body couldn’t hold and it was filtering through the cracks. His stare made the guilt inside you grow even larger, roots now too deep to be pulled out. 
In a few seconds of selfishness, you pushed yourself off the desk and closed the little distance between your faces, carefully wrapping your lips around his. He answered back instantly, circling his hard arm around you and pulling you closer to him. You kissed him hard and you kissed him long, because the pessimist in you insisted that it’d be the last time you’d be able to after tonight. It was selfish, yes, but at least you would have a sweet trace of his lips to remember before everything went to shit. 
His grip on you tightened, teeth pulling at your bottom lip with contained insistence. He needed the kiss too. After weeks of not seeing you and the worry that he might have done something wrong to scare you away, having you back in his arms was a surprise ending he did not expect for a hellish day.
But you pulled away too quickly and the way your eyes had begun to water at the corners constricted his chest. He didn’t say anything, instead rubbed his calloused thumb in circles over your tender cheek.
“There’s something I need you to know,” You whispered with a soft sniff that pulled the threatening tears back down. “A-and I’m not sure how you’ll feel about… us, after.”
His frown deepened, pulling away only slightly but it felt like a crater had opened up between you.
“O-kay… What, d’you cheat on me or somethin’?” He joked lightly, trying to lighten the somber mood.
“No, no of course not!” Your answer was rushed. “It’s more complicated than that…”
You took his hand and led him to his chair, then sat cross-legged on one of the short file cabinets that faced him. With a few deep breaths and your heartbeat heavy in your throat, you began.
“Fuck, okay. So before I started working here, I used to work privately.”
“Rich folks in Lincoln, I remember.” He added.
“Yeah, e-except I didn’t really tell you the whole truth…” You gripped your hands together to stop the light trembling and took another hefty breath.
“I was fresh out of culinary school when I got the job. Joyce’s fiancé actually got it for me, one of his co workers had recently widowed and he needed help with the meals for him and his daughter. They’re lawyers, so the  pay was really good. My grandma was a bit sick at the time and we needed the money for her treatments. So I took the job.” Your breath seemed to thin out as the images formed in your head once again.
“Everything was fine for the first few months, y’know I just went in a couple days a week, meal prepped, left dinner then went home. I was the ghost that fed them.” You sneered, eyes fixed on your locked hands and only his bouncing thigh in your view. 
“Then uh, the guy -Isaac– started showing up earlier. He would.. ask about my day and how my grandma was doing while I made dinner for him and his six year old. He even drove me home sometimes, when it was too late or too rainy to take the train. There was a hail storm, around June last year, that closed off everything and I couldn’t go home so he let me stay in the spare room. We got to talking and…” Your eyes wandered over his face for a fraction of a second, but it was enough to see how his jaw had locked tight and he held an inexpressive façade.
“Long story short, he was nice and I was young and stupidly naive, so we started dating. Everything was good for a couple months until… Turns out his wife wasn’t really dead - just… abroad.”  
You finally had the courage to look up at him, slight surprise evident in his raised brows and he leaned back. then took one of his hands to rub around his mouth and chin.
“Shit…” He whispered.
“...Yeah. I, um, I was making dinner one night, some sort of celebration -I can’t really remember for what-, I wasn’t even supposed to be there, but I wanted to surprise him… and they just walked in, like nothing.” The image of your fingers began to blur together under the sheer coat of water covering your eyes. “Isaac told her I was just some girl he tried to help out, but that I became obsessed with him a-and that he had tried to fire me.”
The silence in the small room was deafening. Just your ragged breaths and his barely controlled ones.
“She slapped me. Called me a homewrecker and a whore. And threatened to call the cops on me if I didn’t leave immediately, so… I did.”
Carmy stayed silent, waiting for you to continue, but you needed to take a couple calming breaths before doing so. You hadn’t spoken about this with anyone outside your therapist and it was proving to be harder than you expected.
“He tried calling me weeks after. trying to apologize but I blocked his number and every other number he’s been using to call me since.”
Your shuddering breaths permeated in the small room, as you let him take in the information you had spilled all over the floor. Carmy’s eyes were on you, but looking through you, lost in thought. 
“Is that why you reacted that way when Richie lied about Sugar?” You nodded slowly and something seemed to finally click behind his eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me before?” His voice was hoarse and barely controlled.
“I dunno…” You confessed in a breath. “I guess I was scared. I didn’t want you to think the worst of me. I think I’ve just grown so used to dealing with everything on my own that I didn’t want to be a burden to you…”
Carmy stood from his chair and crouched down beside you, hands holding both sides of your face and eyes glazed.
“Look at me-” He whispered and you did. “Please don’t do that shit, okay? Don’t hide from me and close yourself off- I hate that shit. You’ll never be a burden to me, alright? Not now, not ever.”
The guilt in your chest pulled once more and you felt your ribs concave with the pressure and force, a new batch of tears flooded your eyes that distorted the painful image of his saddened face.
“Is that why you’ve been acting so weird lately?” He asked.
You shook your head and bit your bottom lip with force.
“A month after that, my grandma got worse and I couldn’t find another job in the area. She- his wife- told all her friends that I tried to take her husband -which was complete bullshit- so no one would hire me. I was really depressed and it felt like everything was falling apart. I-”
Your chest shook again at the feeling of his thumb rubbing circles on your skin. 
“Hey, it’s okay. You don’t have to-“
“No, I do.” You argued, sniffing hard. “I-I used to drive Joshua’s car before. I… guess it was my car back then. One night, they called from the hospital to let us know she had passed. -I don’t know what happened- I just got so overwhelmed that I took the keys and ran out the house. I didn’t even bother to take my shoes…” You stuttered, rubbing the sweat from your hands on your jeans. “So I-I was driving barefoot and in shock and it had just snowed so the roads were slippery a-and I’ve never been the best driver-.” You were rambling, too scared to reach the part of your story that really mattered to him.
“I don’t really remember much of that, just… the loud crash and how my vision spotted for a few seconds.” Your brows were furrowed deep in a scowl, eyes fixed on the tattoo on his left bicep but not really there. 
Carmy’s breath had caught in his throat as he hung on your every word.
“I c-crash… on one of the pillars of the state street bridge. But I wasn’t hurt, o-or at least I don’t remember feeling it. I just remember this… pain in my chest -like I had been stabbed- and the snow nipping at my feet when I got out the car.” You bit your tongue as you tried to continue. Like your body was stopping itself from speaking aloud. 
You cleared your throat from the salty taste of iron. “I um… I remember standing in the middle of the bridge. For what felt like hours. Then the idea just popped into my head and it seemed like the most logical thing…” You whispered. “Like it would silence all my thoughts so I just… Fuck, I-I… climbed over the railings and almost threw myself into the water.” You struggled to say, no longer holding back the fresh batch that spilled from your eyes.
“That night on the bridge…um-” You couldn’t think of the right words to use, if there even were any to deliver such shattering information. “There was a man…” His eyes caught on yours and something inside them understood where you were headed, because his hands loosened their grip by your sides.
You shut  your eyes hard, you couldn’t do it with his painful stare burning into you. 
“I-It was Mikey, Carmy… who pulled me from the ledge. Before I could jump.” 
Your cheeks felt cold as he pulled himself away. You opened your eyes to find his hardened gaze frozen on you and he shook his head slowly.
“W-what? No, no he-”
“I’m sorry Bear I-”
“You’re fuckin screwin’ with me, aren’t you?”
He stood to his full height and raked both his hands through his hair. You stayed seated, something about the situation made you feel like a scolded child.
“No! I swear I didn’t know it was him-” You rambled, unlocking yourself from your seated position and taking a step towards him.
“Bullshit!” He shouted, turning to you.
“It’s true!” You shouted back, your voice broke at the end from the force. “I found out from the pictures at your sister’s…”
His jaw was tense as he continued to shake his head. “No-no, that doesn’t make sense… Why would he save you then sho-” He stopped himself before the words even formed in his mouth.
“You think I would know?! It’s been eating me alive for weeks!”
His stare was hard and intense, it made you squirm under it for the longest minute, until he decided to speak.
“January…” Your voice was barely a whisper.
“Did he… did he say somethin’ to you?” 
“I cant-”
“What did he say?” He asked again with bared teeth.
“He said ‘You don’t want to do that’.” You answered defeated.
“What else?”
“T-that’s it…”
“Bullshit! What else?!”
“I’m telling you the truth!” You snapped. Angry tears rolled down your cheeks, but he didn’t seem to care.
“So, what?!You came lookin’ for me cause you owe him some kinda favor?! Are you just tryna pay it forward or some shit!?”
You stared at him bewildered, your chest ached from the lack of air and your ribs seemed to crack with his every word.
“What the hell would make you think that?!” You sneered back.
“Or did he tell you to come lookin’ for me?! Didn’t trust his stupid little brother to survive out in the world alone?!”  His expression had grown somber towards you, the eyes you had grown to love now looked at you with nothing but uncontained rage. 
 “Carmy, I’ve been nothing but honest-”
“Oh that’s a load of crap and you know it!” Carmy mocked. “Were you planning on telling me? If it hadn’t been Mikey -if it was someone else who saw you that night- were you gonna tell me?”
Your eyes darted around the room, his gaze too intense to hold. You heard his kitchen shoes squeak as he took a step towards you and the dance felt all too familiar inside your mind.
He whispered your name, painful and slow. “Answer me, please.” He begged and you dragged your tear stained eyes to his bloodshot ones.
You shook your head slowly. He rubbed his hand over his mouth painfully hard and turned his back to you, sniffing loudly into the ceiling.
“Remember what you said to me, the first night you stayed over?” He asked, turning to you. “You said ‘you know I really care about you’ right? And you said that if whatever this was, was gonna work out, then we should  tell each other this kinda stuff, even the ugly. You said that, okay? You.” He took a second to breathe, turning away from you again and taking his hand in his hair. “A-and now you’re telling me all this shit that you had to tell me only cause my brother’s the one that stopped you from-” Carmy stopped himself with a sharp intake. 
“Go ahead.” You sneered. “Finish it.”
“Guess you were right. “ he said instead, Avoiding your eyes. “It only works out when we tell each other this kind of stuff.” You heard a crack deep inside your chest. “And we didn’t so…”
“Carmy, your not being fair-“ 
“No- you don’t get to say that, alright?!” He shouted, “Not when you ask me to be honest with you, but you can’t do the same with me!” Carmy took another step towards you and your reflexes made you take one back.
His shoulders fell slightly and his hardened eyes flickered around you for a few seconds before turning to the desk.
“I don’t have time for this crap…” He whispered with his attention heavy on the pile of unpaid accounts resting tauntingly.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You asked, though the answer you already knew.
“It means-” He sighed shakily. “God, y’know I…” His mouth pressed into a thin line while he argued with himself over what he could admit.  “-I really fuckin’ love you.” Your brows raised in surprise and the words knocked out any trace of oxygen in your cells. “But I have too much on my back already to deal with this shit right now…”
You scanned the blurry floor, then the desk and even the ceiling, anything that could take your attention from the stabbing sensation that you knew too well in your chest. “Okay.” Is all you whispered.
“Everything’s shit and-”
“It’s fine.” You answered a bit more harshly than you intended. “I get it.”
You wrapped your arms around yourself, doing your best to hold in all the pieces together, then walked past his defeated frame - avoiding any sort of contact. Before turning the corner, you stopped yourself, knowing the simple words would eat you from the inside if you didn’t let them out..
“If it's worth anything… I love you too.” You whispered and the tenseness of his back proved he heard you. “Just so you know…”
Your legs numbly carried you to your bag, then out the front door and with the last ounce of energy in you, you dialed the one person you trusted the most.
He picked up at the second ring. “What do you want?”
“Joshua, I’m at the restaurant. Can you please pick me up?” You whispered between tears.
“Shit-” You heard shuffling, the sound of keys then the slam of a door. “Y-yeah, yeah sure. You okay?”
“Fuck, okay. I’ll be there in ten.” Your brother answered in a rush. “And Fox?”
“...Don’t do anything stupid, okay?”
A humorless laugh fell from your throat. “Okay.” 
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Chapter 11.
Taglist: @pearlstiare @teteminne, @beebslebobs, @harrysmatcha, @yum-yahgurt, @pussy-f41ry and that’s it lmao
232 notes · View notes
jazziejax · 3 months
𝐀𝐛𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐭 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐲
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Pairings- Black!OC x Abbott Elementary Cast, later Black!OC x Manny (Can be read as x Reader though!)
Summary- S1E1-Light Bulb with Naoya Lovel
Warnings- Swearing, kids, mixed race reader( those aren't warnings really, just what to expect)
Jazzie'sNotes!- let me know what you guys think!! I've been really obsessed with Abbott Elementary recently and I'm contemplating if I want to write S1&S2 just to get to the Manny season. I want to get there fast but I know what won't be possible with two seasons worth of writing. Let me know what you guys think I should do.
Word Count- 5,680
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“Ten seconds!” Jacob yelled over his shoulder at the people in the room. Melissa and Barbra rushed over to the sitting area in front of the television that played the action news. Naoya sitting the opposite of them on the small couch.
“Oh, we love Action News! Get in early just to watch it.” Melissa said to the cameras. “It just really calms you down after wanting to take a wrench to someone's side mirror in traffic.” She beamed as if what she said was totally normal.
“But the Philadelphia region continues to suffer, temperature in the mid-90s with a heat index approaching 100…” The television said as they all sat and watched.
“Now I’m a proud married Christian woman and I love my husband. But there’s something about that Jim Gardner.” Barba gushed to the cameras. “That non-regional diction.” The woman was practically blushing just at the thought of the man.
“It is so important to support and acknowledge local journalism, okay?” Jacob started. “There’s no agenda here. This is—This is one going, in the streets, powerful stuff.” He explained seriously.
“I get in early just to see my aunt Magnolia on the screen. She’s a news anchor and I like telling her what I like and dislike about her outfits every morning.” Naoya nodded nonchalantly.
“Wouldn’t want to see that dog in traffic.” Jim Fardner said as they all laughed while watching a little Pomeranian dog drive a toy car.
“Yes, Jim.” Barbra agreed, not seeing the confused look Noaya gave her from the side.
“I like the news because that’s when I can say whatever I want and nobody asks any questions.” Mr.Johnson told the cameras with a smirk.
“I’m taking a personal day.” The old man said as he entered the room, looking at the backs of everyone’s heads as they continued to watch the morning news. “Going fishing with my friends. Anyways, toilet papers in the closet.” He said before walking out.
“I hear him.” Naoya nodded, giving the people behind the camera a small smile. “I hear everything. Plus he is a hilarious old man and I wanna know all his secrets. I am this close to cracking him.” She said with an evil smirk making its way into her face as she lined her fingers together to indicate a small amount.
“I saw Jim Gardner once. At the Chipotle.” Barbra smiled bashfully, not taking her eyes away from the television. “Ooh, he orders a bowl so handsomely.” She gushed. Naoya gave the older woman another look, this time more concern than confusion.
It was only a moment later that Jacob was going through the break room fridge, poking around for something. “Who’s branzino is this?” He asked, holding the fish dish in his hands. “This is a very powerfully smelling fish to put in a shared fridge.” The boy complained as politely as he could, closing the ice box with a disgusted look on his face.
“Don’t touch it,” Melissa said looking up from her phone. “I’m making it right at my cousin Annette’s.” She made her way over to have a seat in her usual spot next to Barb. “She thinks she’s the best cook in the family. I’m gonna show her in a non-threatening way. Imma look cuter than her too.” She smirked.
“I have a distant cousin named Annette,” Naoya said, finishing up the delicious breakfast sandwich that she had every morning. “She was psychotic though, used to put poison in the condiments at restaurants.” The younger woman stated, looking off in thought as the rest stared at her in disbelief. “I haven’t seen her in ages. Don’t want to either, she was butt ugly.” She then took a sip of her orange juice.
Just as she finished, Janine walked into the room, putting her bag down on the table in front of Melissa and Barbra. “Guys, the lights in the back hallways have been out for weeks.”
“Thank you for the update,” Melissa said as she applied more makeup.
“What are you wearing?” Barbra asked, looking her up and down.
“And we need to do something about it. Okay?” The short woman tried to sound demanding but it didn’t come off that way. “Uh, Melina, from your class.” She started, pointing at Melissa. “Yeah, she was afraid to come to school this morning. Said it looked like “The Shining.” And I don’t even get how she knows that reference.”
“She loves “The Shining,” Melissa stated.
“It’s a classic movie.” Jacob chimed in.
The camera panes Naoya’s way, who looks at them at their movements. ‘Never seen it.’ She mouthed with a shrug of her shoulders.
“This isn’t okay, alright?” Janine stressed. “And I already talked to Mr.Johnson and he said that there isn’t anything he can do.
“What do you want us to do about it?” Barbra asked the girl tiredly.
“I mean, it can’t be hard. It’s just screwing in a few new bulbs.” The small woman stated.
“Janine, just worry about what can be controlled.” Barbra cut her off.
“Exactly.” Melissa agreed. “All we can do on a hot day like this is our own jobs, anyway.”
“I know what’s right,” Ava said as she barged into the room and made her way over to the coffee machine. “Why is it February and hotter than the devil’s booty hole outside?” She asked.
“Climate Change.” Jacob and Naoya said at the same time, causing them to point at one another in recognition while Ava shot both of them a tired look. “We are living in the middle of its disastrous effects. The permafrost in Russia—” He was about to rant before Ava cut him off.
“Nerd.” The woman said between coughs, which sounded more like a laugh. Naoya rolled her eyes while Jacob just turned back to what he was doing.
“Ava.” Janine started, walking up to the woman who was still laughing from her childish joke. “Can someone from the city come and check on the back hallway lights?”
“Girl, no.” The woman answered, her usual judgmental look on her face. “Do I look like the Kool-Aid man?” She asked, halving around the room. Her eyes stopped on Naoya, who raised her eyebrows in question. “Don’t answer that.” She pointed at the woman, who just shrugged it off. “I don’t have enough juice to manipulate the inner workings of city hall.” The principal continued, looking back at Janine and scoffing before making her way out. “They’ll probably come in the summer.” She said as the bell rang.
“I’m the summer?” Janine asked after doing a double take at her words. But the woman was long gone and the others were making their way out of the room to their classes.
“Tough break. Want some egg white bites?” Jacob asked, easing closer to Janine and holding out a plate. The solemn woman looked up at him with a new determination. “No. I don’t have time to eat.” She said before walking out. Jacob was mid-bite when he turned and faced Naoya, who was putting her bag over her shoulder. And before the man could even speak, the woman stopped him. “No, I don’t want your peasant food, Jacob. It’s insulting that you would ask someone as cultured as myself such a question.” She started before strutting out of the break room. Jacob stood there in disbelief.
“It’s just egg white bites, you put them in the microwave.”
“Janine, what on earth are you doing on that thing?” Naoya asked as she rushed down the hall to the smaller woman who stood on a ladder. She had just come from using the restroom and leaving a class of a bunch of nine to ten-year-olds unattended for even a few seconds could lead to chaos. She didn’t know that chaos would be the grown woman who was the height of a nine to ten-year-old.
“I’m going to fix this broken light.” The woman said determinedly, only a step above the floor in the heightening tool. Naoya made it next to her, seeing the woman wasn’t doing much movement. She placed her hands on her hips, a smug look on her face. “Janine, you are not meant to go to those heights. God gave you your stature for a reason. Plus you’re terrified.”
“I am not terrified.” The woman said, shooting a glance at her. At that, Naoya gave her a knowing look before ushering the woman to go ahead. Janine nodded and looked back at the matter, fear gripping her. She gulped looking back at Naoya. “Okay, I am terrified but I’m gonna do it because I’m on a mission.” She said before carefully making her way up the ladder.
“If this backfires, you buy my dinner,” Naoya asked, after checking in on her classroom through the glass door, seeing them still doing their reading time. At that, Janine gave a confused look to the air, since she was too scared to look down. “Uh, no. This bet is not in my face, at all.”
“Well, at least have some faith in yourself, goodness gracious.”
At that, Janine continued, taking the cover off the lights and continuing to tweak at the wires. “See, look at this. It was just a loose wire.” The woman said, briefly glancing down at the people below her. She then connected the wire with another one, watching as the light stopped flickering. But it didn’t stop for long, the bulbs brightening before bursting in her face.
“Oh!” The woman screamed as she ducked:
“Janine!” Naoya yelled from below her, hosing her arms out in case the woman fell. Instantly, all the rooms were filled with the sounds of confusion and discomfort. The doors opened as the teachers exited.
“Oh, God! Can someone please help me down?” Janine asked, her voice shaking from the fear of the height she was at and the bulb exploding before her.
“And why would we do that since you caused this situation?” Melissa asked as she propped her door open.
“Okay, I didn’t know doing this would cause all the power to go out.” Janie tried to justify, still clutching onto the ladder.
“Well, the power is not all out,” Barbra stated. “It’s on in some places and off in others.”
“It’s off in my room,” Gregory said.
“On in the gym.” The coach said tiredly, slugging up to the group.
“Yeah, it’s off in my room,” Melissa spoke back up. “Thank God we got the A/C or we’d all be meltin’ already.”
“Okay, well before anyone freaks out, the best thing to do in these situations is just stay calm and—” Naoya started as she looked around the group but was silenced by the frantic voice of their terrible and terrified principal.
“Okay! This is it, y'all! The End Times!” The woman said as she rounded the corner in a hurry, a light strapped to her head. “It’s three months early, but it’s happening!” She said, as she closed in on them, giving the closest thing to her a tousle, which happened to be the very thing that was holding Janine up.
“Aah, don’t shake the ladder.” The smaller woman yelled from up top.
“Gregory is the only person that can stay in my bunker, so stop asking.” The crazed principal continued. Naoya’s head jerked back at her words, shocked at the woman’s blatant advancements that were harassment at this point.
“Ava,” Barbra started, holding her arms out in a non-offensive manner to calm the woman. “It is just a partial power outage. Alright, listen up everyone—.”
“Listen to Barbra, y'all!” The doomsday woman yelled, still latched into the latter out of fear.
“Are you kidding me?” Janie asked, clasping at the top of the ladder for support as it shook again.
“This is what we’re gonna do.” Barbra started again. “Everybody without power, please, head to the gym.”
“Head!” Ava chimed in again.
“We will conduct classes there until this is all fixed. It is not ideal—.” She stressed, looking up at the culprit on the ladder. “But it will work.”
“You hear her. Let’s go!” Ava demanded with a nod.
“Guys!” Janie called from the top of the ladder, causing them all to look up at her. “I-I just wanna I-I’m sorry, everybody.” The woman said nervously. “I just thought if I could get up here and get this done then we wouldn’t have to wait and..”
“And look where it landed us, baby girl.” Barbra cut in. “Everybody please head to the gym. We’ve got bigger fish to fry now.”
“Oh, Jesus! My branzino! Everybody out of the way. Out of the way!” Melissa yelled as she sprinted down the hall filled with children.
“Well, if someone can please help me! I feel like I’m one wobble away from death!” Janie begged from where she fluted the top of the ladder. At that, Naoya walked closer, raising her hand to help guide the woman down but was intercepted by Gregory's large arms. The two people glanced at each other, unexpected by the other one's move. Naoya waved her hand, signaling him to help instead. “Thank you,” Jannie said, too spooked to even pay attention to the odd interaction before her. “Okay, give me your hand. Take your time.” Gregory soothed, his large hand latched onto Janine’s. When he was turned away from her, she gave the camera an odd look, scratching the back of her ear. “Whenever you're ready.”
“Okay.” Janine sighed. There was a moment of silence between them all as they waited. “Am I doing it?” Janie asked, just standing there.
“No, honey,” Naoya spoke up, raising an eyebrow at such an odd question.
“Okay, let’s do a count of three.” Janine reiterated, adjusting herself to prepare.
“Okay,” Gregory started. “One, two…three.” He finished and the woman still wasn’t moving. “One more time.” He said.
“This is all my fault,” Janie said as she looked around the gymnasium at all the students. The shock clock then went off, the constant noise startling Gregory, who paused his class to speak to the woman. “Yeah, you probably shouldn’t have tried to do the job of a newly graduated DeVry student, but this is okay.” The man sassed, with an awkward smile as she gestured around the room. Melissa was teaching her kids the best she should with something in flashcards, while Barbra was teaching her students to tell time.
Naoya was on the other side of the room, all her students sitting in rows with their eyes closed and taking deep breaths, with her in the front as a group meditation process. She chose this alternative instead of their gym scheduled gym activities, so the kids weren’t accidentally hitting four-year-olds in the head with basketballs.
Janine sighed, going to pick up her phone that pinged. She read the messages she got from Tariq, and that pissed her off even more. Well, it wasn’t helping her attitude for today.
“I made this mess, and I need to fix this.” She said again, looking around at the distressed room of teachers.
“Okay, but fix this how? Gregory asked her. “It seems very outside of your skill set. You should probably just wait for somebody to get to it—.” He tried to reiterate what Barbra had been saying all along and Janine was not having it.
“I don’t want to wait for someone to get to it!” Janine hissed. “You know, our children have needs that deserve to be met. And I’m going to fix this. Nothing is going to get in my way.” She said determined.
“What if you have to climb another ladder?” Gregory finally asked. “Those seem very tricky for you.”
“No.” That was all Janie gave him. “Not today.
Sometime later, the bell rang, signaling to everyone that it was much time.
“Aren’t you going to lunch, Janine?” Melissa asked as she, Barbra, Gregory, and Naoya made their way to the gymnasium doors.
“Uh, no, I’m actually gonna stay and help the lunch ladies with lunch.” The shorter woman tried to find a reasonable excuse.
“The lunch ladies don’t like you, Janine. They never say hello back.” Naoya said, crossing her arms as she looked at the woman across from her. “So, is that what you’re really doing?”
“Yes!” She answered. “And maybe trying to get the lights back on.” She rushed out at the end, hoping no one heard. At that, the two older women groaned.
“Would you give that a rest?” Melissa started. What do you want? To make the whole school blow up?”
“No!” The woman said as she folded her arms. “Plus, I can’t. Luckily the school was built as a bomb shelter in WWII, so…”
“Let it go.” Barbra practically begged the girl before her before she and the rest of the teachers started walking away.
“Okay, I will.” The woman told them, watching them exit. She and Gregory held long eye contact, both knowing the truth deep down. After they were gone, Janine looked back down at her phone, not paying attention to her friends next to her.
“You’re not gonna let it go, are you?” Jacob spoke up.
“No, I’m not gonna let it go, Jacob, okay?” She said, giving the two of them a look. “I need to right my wrongs.”
“Okay, we’ll count me out.” He said, waving her off.
“I never counted you in,” Janine said to him, confused about where he got that from.
“Well, then count me in.” He restated. “Because I don’t have any lunch plans.”
“Okay.” She sighed. She then looked at the woman next to him, her purse on her shoulder. “Weren’t you going to lunch?” She asked.
“You owe me lunch, remember? Your plan backfired.” She reminded the woman from earlier with a shrug. Janine sighed, turning away from them and walking, knowing they would follow. “That’s not how bets work, Naoya. Both people have to agree.”
“That’s how my bets work and you owe me food, woman!”
“This is just like the one in my apartment, this is going to be easy,” Janine stated as the three of them made their way to the breaker box that was in the custodian closet. “Me and Tariq have to go in that thing like three times a month.” She said them behind her, Jacob holding the flashlight above her head.
“Maybe you should move.” The man suggested.
“Yeah. Tariq says he is “practicing” his credit score.” Janine struggled out and she pushed to get the metal box open. “Apparently 380 isn’t a good—.” She continued to struggle, her words getting lost in her. “Let me try,” Naoya said as she softly nudged the smaller woman out of the way. She gave the box a pull and the thing popped open. She turned and smiled at the two. “I loosened it,” Jannie said, trying to save face.
“Sure, Jan,” Naoya said, going back to looking in the box. “Oh..” she said, looking at the jumbled mess of wires and switches.
“Oh, no,” Janie said, looking at the same thing. “Don’t touch. Not even a little bit.” She read out loud, giving the camera a certain look. “Uh, okay. What’s that say?”
“End of the Road? It’s so hard to say goodbye?” Naoya read out loud, looking at the labels next to some of the switches. “What? Motownphil—These are Boyz II Men songs.” She deadpanned, turning to the rest of them.
“Why?” Jannie asked, moving to stand in front of the box herself.
Jacob chuckled. “It’s ironic ‘cause I’m on Bended Knee.” He joked, giving the camera a brief look. Naoya genuinely snickered while Janie just laughed awkwardly. “Heh. Okay.” She said before going back to the wires. “Oh God, why is that one hot?” Offering them a glance of concern. “Let me try this one.” She said and just a flip of a switch caused a giant spark to erupt, the trio screamed and jumped back to dodge the sparks as best as they could.
“What in the world.”
“What going on?”
Melissa and Barba exclaimed as she entered the hot and dark school building with children running around. “It’s so hot I’m gonna frizz.” Just then, Janie and Jacob came out of the appliance closet, their hair a mess from the static they endured. The three teachers who left for lunch automatically knew who the culprit for everything was.
“Janine! What did you do?!” Barbra asked, quite fed up with the younger woman. “Looking like ‘who shot John.’”
“Barbra, look, I know you told me to let it go, but I couldn’t. Jacob and Naoya—.” At that, she looked back to see where the woman was but she was nowhere to be found. “Jacob helped me open the breaker.” She was quick to accuse.
“I ran away as soon as the sparks started flying. I was looking out for myself.” The woman shrugged as she leaned against the wall next to her. “Plus, I wasn’t about to get yelled at by Barb for this whole mess.”
“It was a chance to support a strong Black woman.” The man next to her breathed out, in a state of shock, quite literally.
“The breaker?!” Melissa asked. “Janine! You can’t do this stuff! What had you come to work today and lose your mind?”
“Look, I—.” She tried to find something to say. “I just have—she gulped—I feel lightheaded.” She said as she swayed.
“Ohh, okay,” Barbra said worriedly as they all closed in on the smaller girl.
“Did you eat today, because I know you didn’t have lunch,” Melissa asked the girl worriedly.
“And you didn’t have any breakfast,” Jacob stated, his tone showing his concern for the woman’s wellbeing. Janine couldn’t even say anything, her balance was off and her mind was delirious.
“Okay, we’re losing her,” Melissa yelled, easing up on the girl. “Do I have your consent to slap you?” At that, Janine fell backward into Gregory’s arms just as Ava and Naoya rounded the corner. “There she goes,” Melissa said over the shocked screams of her colleagues. “She’s out.”
“Yall feel this heat?” Ava asked, just now seeing the sight of the woman on the floor before her. “Oh my God! She’s pale like a zombie! You know, they eat the hottest people first, let me back my tasty ass up.” Ava said, going back to where she came from down the hall. At her stupid words, Naoya was tempted to follow her but snapped out of it when she saw Janine on the floor.
“Uh, okay! I’m gonna go see if I can get some water out of the fridge. Hopefully, it’s still cold.” Naoya said before running off.
“Oh my God, my branzino!” Melissa yelled, moving to push Barb back.” “Excuse me, Barb. She’ll be okay!” She yelled as she pushed the older woman out of her way and jumped over the unconscious woman.
Once Janine woke up from her little coma, the coach told her that all the kids and teachers were outside. She walked out to see all of them playing in the water that was sprouting from the fire hydrants while the teachers lunged in chairs. “Oh, look who’s back in the land of the living,” Melissa said once she saw the small woman exit the school.
“Who opens the fire hydrant?” Janine asked
“Well, as Melissa would say, snitches get stitches,” Barbra said.
“It was Naoya,” Jacob whispered to his shorter friend, pointing over at said woman who was playing in the water with the children. She had her bat at her side, leaning her weight on it as she splashed the kids who came near her to throw water her way.
“That is correct.” Melissa started again. “But I am not talking to you on account of you killing my branzino.” She said, before leaning back in her seat. Barbra gave her a look and cleared her throat. Melissa looked at the woman from under her shades and sighed a little before sitting back up. Barbra then got up from her seat, allowing Janine to take it.
“So that’s it, huh?” Janine asked, looking around at the kids. “I , uh, gave it my all, passed out, and ruined the school day?”
“Oh, you tanked,” Melissa told her. “You tanked Janine. You took the whole school down with you. It was impressive.” She pressed, knowing she was pushing the woman’s buttons.
“Look, I know. I should’ve stopped. I’m sorry.” Janine sighed. “I just felt so bad when I saw that look on Melina’s face this morning.”
“You don’t think it kills us to see those faces in the morning?” Melissa asked her. “What, are we made of stone? You’re not the first person to feel things, kid. We care.”
It was silent for a moment as Janine thought over the woman’s words. “How do you and Barbra stop yourselves from caring too much if that’s a thing.”
“Because it’s the opposite.” Melissa smiled at the girl as she took off her shades. “We care so much we refuse to burn out. If we burn out, who’s here for these kids? That’s who you gotta take care of yourself.”
“Yeah, what’s with you today Nini?” Both women jumped at the sound of Naoya’s voice, while the woman just stood behind them with her bat. “You’re normally bananas, but…” She trailed off, waving at the girl's aura.
“Uh, I don’t know. Just some stuff at home, I think.” Janine shrugged with an answer.
“Oh, okay,” Melissa said with a nod. “See, that’s the other thing me and Barbra learned. All that at-home stuff—you gotta leave it at the door. Otherwise, you open up a whole nother Panera’s box of problems.”
“I think you mean Pandora’s box,” Naoya told the woman sitting in front of her.
“Nah, I’m pretty sure it’s Panera’s box.” She nodded, while Janine and Naoya both gave the camera a look.
Later on that day, Naoya was in her room in the process of changing the clothes she had on into some that she kept in her closet. She enjoyed playing in the water with the kids but she was not going to go home wet. As she was in the process of changing, she got a phone call. Looking down at her phone, she saw the contact and quickly answered the phone.
“Hello, Adona.” The girl sighed into the phone as she pulled a new shirt over her head.
“Oh, well don’t sound so pleased.” The feminine voice over the phone said to her. Naoya rolled her eyes, as she opened the drawer of her desk and pulled out a plastic store bag. She offered the camera a glance, knowing they were probably thinking as to why she kept so many plastic bags in her drawer. But all she could offer them now was a shrug as the voice over the phone continued.
“Anyways, how are you?”
“What do you want, Adona?” Naoya spat, stuffing her semi-wet clothes into the plastic bag.
“What? I can’t see how my own sister is doing?” The woman said over the phone, the hurt in their voice obviously sarcastic.
“No, but I know you. And I know that you only call when you need money. Money for something other than your child.” The younger girl snapped over the phone. All she got in response was a sigh and some shuffling from the other end.
“You know, you don't have to rub it in.” Adona started, and Naoya rolled her eyes at the woman’s words, knowing this conversation was about to go to the argument they always had. “This all would have been so much easier if the rest of us weren’t left out of her will.”
“That’s not my fucking fault, Adona. I tell you that every time you call. Do you think I want the burden of you and the others calling me every month for some fucking bill for me to pay? Not to ask how I’m doing?” Naoya spat at her sister over the phone. She could feel her eyes start to sting, she was never the best at arguing when it came to her family. She’d been called sensitive all her life and it rang true every time she talked to her siblings.
“ “The others”? That’s what you call us? You’re family?” That was all Adona could say back. Naoya rolled her eyes and let out a scoff, pulling the phone away from her face as she sniffed and held her head back, trying to stop her tear flow. After only a few quick seconds, she brought the phone back to her face. “Uh, I can already see where this is going, so I’m gonna end it here. Just send the amount and I’ll talk to you some other time. Take care.” She said before pressing the red button on her screen to end the call.
She placed her phone in her back pocket and moved around her room to gather her things, trying her best to occupy her mind from what just ensued. She was so in her head that she forgot the cameras were there. And she didn’t hear the voice of Gregory at her door.
“Naoya?” He called out to her.
She looked up at the sound of his voice as she placed her things into her bag. “Oh, Hello Gregory.” She smiled, her face showing none of the emotions she was feeling.
“You’ve eaten?” He asked, just standing in the doorway of her classroom.
“Uh, no, actually. Janine was supposed to buy me lunch because I bet that her plan would backfire.” The woman said as she placed her things in her arms. At that, Gregory gave her a questioning look. Naoya raised her hands in surrender. “I know, I sound like a terrible friend. But it’s not that I don’t believe in Janine, I just know how to black a bet. Get it from my father.” The girl shrugged. She and Gregory both laughed lightly. And when it died down, they just started at one another, the air between them oddly peaceful.
“But, uh, are you offering?” She asked, looking at the man before her.
“Uh, yeah. I was going to ask Janine too.” He said, pointing his thumb in the direction of the said woman’s room.
“Cool! Let’s go.” She said with a genuine smile, causing the man to smile at her as well. They walked out and over to Janine’s room, where it looked like the woman was doing something on her phone. Gregory knocked on her door to get her attention. “Hey.” He said.
“Hey,” Jaimie said, looking at the two.
“Have you eaten?” He asked.
“Oh. No. The um, lunch lady gave me that can of peaches but no can opener, so, no.” She chuckled, pointing at the can on her desk.
“What? No fair! You’re so lucky. Well, besides the whole can opener situation. ” Naoya said jokingly.
“Alright, we’ll, you wanna go get something to eat? With me?” Gregory said before Naoya lightly cleared her throat. “With us?” Gregory was quick to reiterate. Naoya nodded, offering the slightly flustered older man a brief look.
“Oh,” Janine said, looking between the two. “I was gonna wait for my boyfriend to finish his show to eat…” She said. Naoya nodded at her words, understanding where she was coming from. Well, understanding as best as she could because she’d never wait to eat for a man. But maybe that was love. She caught the way Gregory’s posture changed at Janin’s words out of the corner of her eye. She didn’t say anything but she did give me a crazy side-eye, hoping he noticed.
“But…no.” The shorter woman started back up with a laugh. “I’m hungry now, so I should eat now, right?”
“That’s typically how hunger works, yeah.” Gregory played along.
“Right! Normal people eat at normal times, like…4:00.” She said, pointing over at the clock on her wall.
“Yeah. All true.” Gregory said with a nod before smiling. “So, let’s go eat.”
“Let’s. Okay.” Janine said with an equally large smile before moving to grab her things. At that, Naoya turned around to head out the door, not wanting to be in the middle of an obvious love fest. She gave the cameras outside a knowing look, a large smirk on her face.
Seconds later, the two of them walked out of the room, Naoya joining them to go down the hall. On their way, they ended up meeting Jacob.
“Oh, hey guys, what up?” The man said.
“We’re just headed to get something to eat,” Gregory answered.
“Oh, great, I’ll join.” The man just inserted himself, not catching the looks thrown his way by the three. “After school crew.” He continued.
“Ooh, “After School Crew.” I like that.” Janine smiled. They all ended up stopping at the lights coming on within the school. They looked over to see Mr.Johnson in the supply closet, standing next to the breaker machine in his fishing gear.
“You touch the lights, didn’t you, Janine?” He asked, shooting an accusatory look the woman’s way.
“Yes,” Janine answered with a defeated look.
“Good thing I got me a system.” The man told her, flicking the breaker box closed. “I’ll make love to you. Like you want me to.” He continued to sing. This caused them to all sigh and continue walking. Naoya stayed behind, a fond smile on her lips as she watched the old man. When he caught the sight of the woman still there, he paused and looked at her.
“You have a good fishing trip?” She asked the man, crossing her arms over another. The man looked at the girl kind of shocked that she asked and that she knew.
“Yeah. Yeah, I actually did.” He said, offering her a smile of his own. Naoya nodded at his words before walking away, following the crew that left her. Mr.Johnson looked at the spot she left, a fond smile on his face as she continued to sing the song.
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