#it turns would be allies into enemies using shame and fear
cryptidghostgirl · 4 months
What Can I Do For You? (Alastor x Reader)
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Prompt: what if the deal restricting Alastor's powers is with you? haha, unless....
Warnings: THIS IS NOT SMUT. However, there will be some abusive/unhealthy relationship things obvi. One (1) bad word (I think).
Word count: 1,855
Master lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List
A/N this is just a reminder that I do accept requests if anyone is interested!
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She was waiting there for him when he got back. Of course she was. Sitting in the chair of his recording studio, leaned back and casual. She acted like she owned the place.
It had been a few weeks since she'd sent him to the Hazbin Hotel. Alastor still didn't know the reasons but, him confirming the success of his appointment of the place had been the last time they'd spoken, it had been the last time he had seen her.
Quietly, Alastor pulled himself from the door way, his heart pounding frantically, halfway between anger and something akin to joy. He walked up to her, his hands placidly clasped behind his back. Stopping a few feet away, she turned to face him.
There it was, that sickly smile. Part of what had gotten him into this mess in the first place. There was a reason Alastor had avoided intimacy, love, complex feelings like that for so long and it was because he knew they made him weak. If he cared, he always thought, his enemies could use the object of his care against him. Simple as that.
Never in his wildest dreams did he think that it was the hypothetical person he might care for who would use his affections to their advantage. He had been naïve. He had been a fool.
The red light from the night sky crashed against her face, throwing her features into sharp contrast. She crossed her legs, the length of her skirt revealing her thighs just the slightest bit above her laced combat boots. She tilted her head slightly to the side. She was beautiful, just as beautiful as the day he'd met her.
That had all been part of the act as well, being small and afraid under the grips of that man. Alastor had heard her scream and found them in the ally. He had killed the man, reaching a hand out to the trembling demon. Hesitantly, she had taken it.
"I've been waiting." she hummed, her voice warm and inviting but with a cold sharp under-layer.
It was the voice someone had when they held a knife behind their back, knew they had the trump card, knew they couldn't loose. When he had first met the woman twelve years before, it had pulled him in. There was a curious depth to it he just couldn't help but want to uncover, need to uncover.
"My apologies." he softly replied, "If I had known, I would have come sooner."
Her smile widened, matching his own in its wildness. Sharp teeth, sharp eyes, sharp heart. Every fiber of his being told him to pick an option, fight or flight. He kept it all at bay, there was no other option. Not any more.
"I know." she hummed, taunting him, "You're quiet domesticated now."
There had been a time when her saying something like that might have made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. There had been a time where the word, domesticated, would have meant in love and together, not bound to her side for all eternity.
Now it just made Alastor feel sick to his stomach. Shame rose within him, making his cheeks glow pink. She chuckled at the sight.
"Now that's a sight that never gets old."
"The feared Radio Demon, one of the most powerful overlords in all of Hell -- ashamed."
Alastor didn't reply. After a moment, she sighed, pulling herself to her feet. She circled him like a mad dog, like she was stalking prey. He didn't watch her, but his ears twitched, following the sound of her footsteps. She came to a stop behind him.
"What can I do for you?" he asked, clearing his throat.
She reached up, grabbing his shoulders gently in her hands. Even after all this time, all these years, all that had happened, he melted at her touch. That's what five years of building trust, forging love, did. Even if the seven after were hell, even if she had tricked him, betrayed him, time and time again, Alastor couldn't help it. He was weak and pliant beneath her skilled touch.
"What, I can't just check in on my favorite pet?" she asked innocently, rubbing his shoulders gently.
"Y/n..." Alastor sighed, letting his hands fall to his sides, "please, just tell me what you want."
She abruptly stopped in her movements at the sound of her name. It was a rare gift to hear it from someone's lips other than her own. Hell's Hunter Demon didn't share her true name, didn't reveal her face to anyone. It had been part of the trust building, the day she had finally given both to him.
When he had first met her, he had recognized her immediately from the stories. Alastor was on the verge of killing her, adding her voice to the broadcast to prove his power but, seeing the way she shook stopped him. He had smiled to himself, he had thought he had learned a secret about one of the most feared overlords in Hell besides himself. He had thought he had the upper hand.
"Say it again."
She had been so sweet at first, so docile. He was set on getting her soul, making her subservient. The longer he had lain in wait to enact his little plan, the more he had gotten to know her. Y/n had a sharp wit and an even sharper tongue, she was clever and had a kind side to her that she hid well. It hadn't taken much for him to realize he was falling in love.
That had been terrifying, the first truly scary thing the Radio Demon had encountered since arriving in Hell. It had tortured him for months and he'd consulted every one he knew and trusted on the matter. Finally, Rosie was the one who had convinced him to just tell her, had told him she might feel the same way too. As much as he wanted to blame Rosie for that, Alastor couldn't bring himself to. She hadn't known, they'd both been in the dark, captivated by her sweet austere brilliance.
They had gotten a few happy moments together, a few blissful years. There had been time before she had revealed her true colors and what a lovely time it had been.
A shiver trickled down both their spines in the silence, the sound of his tongue forming the syllables of her name bringing back memories of brighter times. She took her hands from his shoulders, coming to stand before him once again.
Y/n was a book in a language he didn't know, an undeciphered code. Mouth drawn into a thin line, hands daintily placed on her hips, he watched her as she watched him. Unbidden thoughts, unbidden memories, the same ones as always, filtered into his mind. He couldn't help but wonder now, as he had a hundred times before, if it had all truly been a lie. If it had all been some ruse to get what she wanted.
Alastor had to admit, she had gotten him fair and square. Y/n had had him so absolutely wrapped-around-her-pinky-finger in love that she hadn't even been the one to bring up the deal. He had thought he was being sweet, romantic even. It was unfamiliar territory for the man and it had been important. He had fretted over the right way to ask her for weeks.
When he finally had, she was ecstatic at the idea of them joining souls, of giving themselves so fully and completely over to one another. A contract for each of them, an equal exchange.
As a sign of good faith, a mistake he would never be making again, Alastor had offered to go first. When the green smoke had lifted from their clasped hands and he had first caught sight of her face, of her wicked grin, he knew he had fucked up.
Y/n stepped up to him. With a gentle hand, she wiped a stray tear from the corner of his eye. Alastor hadn't even realized it had been there, so preoccupied with his own pity. He held his smile strong as she examined the little drop of salt water on her finger, smiling ruefully.
"What do I want from you." she mused softly to herself, "Well, I think I already have everything, wouldn't you agree?"
A green chain materialized in her hand as she spoke, the tear hitting it, melding with the metal as it became solid and she grasped it firmly. With a tug, she sent Alastor to the floor. He fell to his knees harshly, the impact reverberating through his bones.
He had loved her once. Now, looking up at her, he loved her still. He was a fool, through and through. Not because of his persisting love but because of his persisting hope, the fact that he had trusted her. The fact that he still trusted her. The fact that after everything, it somehow still made him the slightest bit joyful to see Y/n smiling and know he was the cause.
More than anything, he wanted to ask her if she regretted what had happened, what she had done. Alastor held his tongue. Even if she was, it was too late. There was no point in asking.
"I can't keep doing this." was what he chose to say instead, his voice was barley more than a whisper.
Y/n's smile fell, her eye brows raised as she crouched down in front of him, pulling the chain tight between them. She delicately placed a finger beneath his chin, forcing his eyes to meet hers.
"It doesn't matter. You will."
He knew she was right. Curse or no curse, he would come when she called.
"What can I do for you?" he asked again, his tone resolute.
"You can burn."
And burn he did.
There was a reason Alastor had avoided intimacy, it was because he had been afraid of it. A secret part of him had always yearned, a secret part that even now still felt fulfilled at her gentle touch. All along, he had been right that love would destroy him. Never in his wildest dreams did he think that it would have happened in this way or, that after everything, he would still care for the woman in question, his captor.
"Ask me again." she commanded.
"What can I do for you?"
He had been naïve, a fool.
"You can rot for all I care. Ask me again."
He was a fool still. A fool in love, a fool destroyed.
"What can I do for you?"
His breaths were labored, his heart open and bloodied. Y/n held it in the palms of her hands, given willingly. She radiated power crouched before him, holding his head close to hers with the chain.
"You can obey. Will you?"
The metal, cold and heavy, tugged against his neck, bruising the bone of his spine.
"For how long?"
There was no hesitation in his voice. A smile split her face in two, wicked and hungry.
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grazieschillivera · 2 years
Proofing her wrong
Summary: Obi Wan is your former master. After Order 66 and while your master had joined the dark side you fleet away. Since then Obi Wan tries to find you, to finally have you all for himself.
Warnings: Smut; semi-forced relationship (?), kidnapping
Author’s note: not edited/English is not my first language; not fully satisfied with the text but had the urge to still post it
 The warm metal of your cuffs started to cut in your hands when you tried your next attempt to leave those dark rooms. Even though you found yourself now on a capital ship, filled with enemies and you were all alone. And for too long, or started to lose your hope. All your friends and allies were gone. You had no idea how to flee but the fear within you fought your uprising hopelessness, only until your heard footsteps along the corridors before the heavy doors opened itself and you got company.
If you weren’t bound to a chair, you would have just run away now, just like the last time when you met your master. He has changed. Only one thing had remained over the last months and that was his love for you, but that was something you couldn’t know yet.
Even though you knew you had the most generous and warmhearted master back then you were afraid when he approached your bound figure. He has turned to the dark side after all and helped Anakin kill all Jedi. You still remember how you had waited in your hideout inside the temple and watched their betrayal in horror before you tried to run away only to get caught by Obi Wan. Out of nowhere he had reached for your little and scared frame and pressed you to himself as if he wanted to comfort you, as if he hadn’t decided to change the sides. And even though his grip on you remained soft and his words were as sweet as before his cruel acts you had to fight back. That’s what you did,so you could flee. But now he had you again.
Obi Wan observed your shaking figure before his gloved hand reached out for your face to cup it gently. His thumb brushed carefully around the wounded skin around your eye.
,,I’m proud of you Y/N. I knew I wouldn’t get you without a proper fight. I hope they weren’t too harsh on you since you seem a bit tired after all, but you will rest soon.’’ Obi Wan said while he pressed your cheek softly. He could feel the uprising fear within you and hushed you, when your stern gaze teared up.
,,There there. You don’t think I brought you here to kill you don’t you? No I want you to join me.’’ Your master said but you turned your head out of his grip.
,,Never. That’s not right, you killed all of us. Our friends. You’re not the master I knew back then.’’ you said tearing up, when your words left your mouth, but Obi Wan stopped your crying. He got down on his knees for you and guided your face back to him again, now more forcefully when you fought against his will.
All those touches felt so forbidden, when you were his padawan he would always keep his professional distance to you. And now he manhandled you just how he wanted, his thumb traced around your lips and he looked at you as if you were a fruit he was about to try. But then he focused again.
,,I fear you’re wrong there, that’s me without any strings attached anymore. Don’t think ill of me please. I sacrificed all of those people that could forbid our love. Don’t you think I haven’t noticed your feelings towards me? I can still feel them now after all this time and it makes me the luckiest man knowing some things haven’t changed between us.’’ Obi Wan said, both of his hands caressed your face like he finally held a trophy in his hands. He savored every second where he could finally touch you. His smiling face left your eyes and wandered over your entire frame for a brief moment.
So all this time he loved you just as you loved him and you were the reason he had turned to the dark side. This was too much for you, your cried out in disbelieve, full of shame.
,,My sweet Y/N don’t cry please I-‘’ said Obi Wand but you couldn’t take it.
,,No! I don’t want to hear it. I will never join you. Not like this.’’ Your voice was strict but your last words felt bittersweet to yourself.
,,My my,I have to say I’m impressed. Holding onto your believes just like we had thought you back then. But you were also so good at following my orders, always so keen on pleasing me, why you have to fight back? Now where there is nothing between us finally. Let go Y/N, you did such a good job.’’ Said your master and you did as you were told. His sweet voice and his demanding grip on you made you weak, only the shame within you held you back. ,,Just give it a taste.’’ Said Obi Wan, almost rather to himself.
His lips pressed softly against yours testing the waters while finally taking control of you. Obi Wans heart raced with pride when he could feel eventually how your lips eagerly followed his movements, making your lips crash together again and again, slowly making you follow his path. He knew how innocent and pure you were but he also knew how he could bend you to his will and now was finally the time. Soft whimpers escaped your mouth when your master became more eager with you. His tongue explored your mouth, savoring your taste and humming approvingly while urging you to become just as curious about your new freedom. With an easy gesture he opened up your handcuffs before his hands roamed around your thighs. You could even feel how you almost instinctively drew closer to him, his hands dragging you carefully towards his lap. But even though this new closeness did things to you, you were still conflicted. Your moans became whimpers again, that Obi Wan tried to hush with wet kisses and soft words regaining your attention. ,,It’s alright Y/N. Just let go for me. Just focus on me.’’
The conflict within you wasn’t solved with Obi Wan’s kisses, quite the opposite.
,,I- I can’t.’’ you managed to say between heavy breathing when you pulled you upper body away from him but without much success. His lips pressed hungry kisses down your jaw and neck while you tried to convince him to stop, not paying attention to you.
,,Still acting so innocent as if you’re not taking part in this. I think you know how much you have me under control as well. And I think you just need some last convictions.’’ Said Obi Wan.
With that he bound your hands behind your back again as you could feel when you wanted to reach out to stop him from tearing your legs apart while he tore of your clothes off. With no further hesitation his lips crashed on your sensitive skin between your thighs. You wanted to scream but you couldn’t breathe properly. Those new feelings and those dirty sounds that came from your master made your cheeks turn hot.
,,Don’t tell me you’re not enjoying this. You might hold onto those foolish Jedi believes but your body tells me otherwise.’’ said Obi Wan before diving back in. His arms were tightly wraped around your legs while his tongue licked your clit forcefully and slowly enough to watch you while doing it, he wanted to force you into your pleasure. He was your master after all and wanted just the best for you. And he could get lost in your sweet taste and your even sweeter noises. The vibration of his deep moans made your eyes roll back. But this situation wasnt just for your pleasure. Obi Wan had dreamed of this for so long now. He could feel your will started to break.
He could feel you were close. Searching for more friction your legs trashed around in your masters grip where he pressed them reassuringly,your release would come, if you would give in.
,,Just let go for me Y/N. I just need you as you need me. Let me be your master again, your lover, your husband either way I just need to be with you.’’ Obi Wan said, open mouth kisses were trailed along your inner thighs. The mixed wetness felt cold against your skin. Your former master proved his point when he shoved a finger inside you, having you desperately clench around him. Your eyes were zoned out from the overstimulating feelings. Your mouth hanging wide open but no words left you this time. He had you right were he needed you, no thinking anymore just feeling.
,,Come on my sweet just give in to me. Show me you allow me to take care of you.’’ His words and skilled fingers were too much.
First it was just a weak nod, but Obi Wan wanted to hear it from you. And he waited patiently, observing your inner fight with amusment and pity that he was about to win. He understood your dilema,you have always been loyal to the Jedi codex. But you would soon remember who your real master is and learn to follow him again.At last when you said that you were his he finally gave you your release.
With a smug grin Obi Wan looked at your broken figure that belong to him now. You looked so adorable when you were worn out by him, waking the urge in him to comfort you.
He scooped you up into his arms before he straightened himself up. Searching for more closeness you twisted your hands in his dark robes, leaning your head against his chest, finally having his familiar scent in your nose. It reawakened old good memories, reminding you why you fell in love with him.
,,The Empire is still hunting all of you. Why do you think I was so eager to find you first? No one touches you my love. Not while you are with me.’’ he said while carrying you to his bed and laid you down on it. You had no idea if Obi Wan wanted you to become a Sith as well or if he just wanted you to stay in his chambers, you were just to tired to think this through. Right now you needed some rest and comfort.
To your surprise you could once again feel how your hands were bound together when Obi Wan positioned you on his sheets, still standing behind you, eyeing you up with pure obsession. His gloves traced along your neck and back before he got a harsh grip around your hips.
,,But first I think I’m the one now who needs some last convictions.’’ He hummed to himself.
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lightandfellowship · 1 year
(Major KHDR spoilers)
I was thinking to myself that the only real shame of replacing Organization XIII with the KHDR cast is how much more functional and tame they'd be in comparison to the original. A big part of the original Organization's appeal (at least for me anyway) is how messy it is: how it's comprised of friends, enemies, frienemies, backstabbers, cliques, large and loud personalities, general chaos and friction...meanwhile the KHDR cast is fairly normal, friendly, and down-to-earth.
But then I thought, well what if after they lose their hearts their personalities and dynamics change somewhat? (I mean, that's basically what happened to the original Organization too, right?) Characteristics become lessened or amplified, relationships shift, etc? So, some thoughts on that, using blazernot's numbering as a base (under the read more because it got a little long):
Xehanort: Honestly I just imagine him acting like time traveler YMX, smug monotone POS who always sounds like he's judging you or making fun of you, but in a backhanded way where there's plausible deniability. Generally disliked by the Organization unless you're really close to him or was his classmate in the past. Not that anyone would express their displeasure to his face since he's feared by many.
Bragi: It's just Luxu, he acts exactly the same, pretty much. His relationship with Xehanort is similar to Xigbar's relationship with Xemnas, but a bit more personable and trusting since they were classmates.
Vali: No one really knows what he's thinking due to how little he speaks, which makes people keep their distance and treat him like he's weird. Close to Vidar and Vala, who are the only ones who truly understand him. Is often overlooked by the rest because of his quiet presence, which along with his ninja abilities makes him the perfect candidate for eavesdropping on other members. Rumors about him listening in on conversations and following people around haven't helped with his reputation, making people keep their distance even more. He's supposedly doing all this on Xehanort's behalf, but it seems like his loyalty lies elsewhere...
Urd: After losing her heart her cool-headed nature turns into just straight-up coldness. Only her old classmates understand that it's nothing personal, leading to her sticking close to her friends but not really interacting with anybody else. If you put in the effort to get to know her though, she's actually a pretty good ally all things considered, even if she doesn't openly express affection anymore. It seems like her losing her heart was very hard on her, as someone who used to be very loving and desired close friendships, and she copes with the loss of her compassion by not even trying to pretend that she has it anymore. Pretending only made the loss sting even more. Is excellent on recon missions due to her desire to learn about the outside worlds.
Helgi: Well-liked by the more care-free and rambunctious members for being a party guy who loves to demonstrate his skills through entertaining feats of strength. Often breaks things on accident (and on purpose), making him a bit of a thorn in the side of the higher-ups who have to pay big bucks to the Moogles to replace whatever he breaks. Despite his tendency to try and solve most problems with pure strength, he has a pretty good intuition and keen observational skills, which leads to people vastly underestimating him on missions that don't require brawn. Had a very firm set of personal morals when he was alive, but doesn't really care about that sort of thing anymore, making him capable of great evil on a whim. Believes in "might is right", and if he wants something, he'll take it regardless of who he may hurt in the process. Is secretly dissatisfied with Xehanort's leadership and is planning a takeover with Sigrun.
Hermod: Is way too concerned about following the rules. It's basically all he cares about now, since losing his heart made it even more difficult to make accurate judgements on his own; rules are a crutch to him that tell him what the right thing to do is in any given situation. Gains a reputation for being a tattletale and no fun, leading to him only being tolerated by the higher-ups and the more serious members. Other members often take advantage of how gullible he is and pull pranks on him. Hermod usually reacts to these pranks with explosive anger out of reflex, which only serves to entertain and encourage the pranksters. Regardless, he's equal parts strategist and fighter, making him invaluable on missions.
Vidar: Cold, single-minded, and some members would claim subtly manipulative. Despite this he has good leadership skills and a fair eye, making him the perfect candidate for managing everybody else. People are intimidated by him because he expects model behavior and results, but they generally approve of his position since he's undeniably good at his job. Is fixated on Kingdom Hearts moreso than the rest, for reasons unknown. Secretly planning something with Vali and Vala, who would follow him to the ends of the earth if asked.
Vor: Excitable, easily distracted, quick to anger, reluctant to battle if it's not necessary, and a bit of a flake who can't make decisions. To some members, she's A Lot to handle, and a little annoying because of it. Despite this, in general people respect how strong she secretly is. Everyone knows not to get on her bad side (and those who don't know soon learn the hard way) even if they don't really want to get paired with her for missions, since that means having to "babysit" her (she's perfectly capable of taking care of herself, but often walks off to do her own thing rather than focus on the mission she was given). Vor is well aware that other members still treat her like a kid, and she definitely isn't happy about it.
Eraqus: Good friends with Vor, but much more of a slacker than she is. Never gets paired with her for missions because together they are utterly incapable of getting anything done. His reputation in the Organization is basically the complete opposite of Hermod's, except for the fact that he's the punchline of many jokes. Good guy to have at parties, but isn't really relied on by anybody, since everybody treats him like he's brainless/useless. Has slowly drifted from Xehanort over time due to Xehanort's leadership role making him too busy to hang out and play chess, resulting in their friendship becoming strained. Has some friction with Vidar, who disapproves of Eraqus' lack of discipline and claims that Eraqus' potential is being wasted. Is even more quick to anger than Vor is, leading to many unnecessary brawls with other members. Without a heart, Eraqus has a greater capacity to unapologetically hurt others when blinded by rage, making him a loose canon on missions.
Heimdall: Is friends with Helgi and Sigrun, but is a bit more responsible and clear-headed. Hosts and organizes many parties and game nights, making him beloved by the more fun-seeking members, but "beloved" in a sort of impersonal way of providing a service rather than being loved just for the merits of his own personality (kinda sad). Formed a friendship with Eraqus when he replaced Xehanort for games. Isn't a stranger to the chaos that Helgi and Sigrun cause, and in fact gets directly involved in it sometimes himself. If push comes to shove though, he's very adept at wrangling them. It is unknown why Helgi and Sigrun didn't include him in their plans.
Sigrun: Liked just as much as Helgi for her relaxed attitude and sunny disposition. Unsurprisingly Helgi is her closest friend, and they often get into mischief together. Arguably the least offensive and most pleasant member to be around, almost nobody has anything bad to say about her, other than the trouble she sometimes causes with Helgi. A favorite of the Moogles, too, since she's nice to them and buys from them often. Despite being friendly with pretty much everybody, her sweetness hides her true intentions: to take over the Organization with Helgi.
Vala: Not overly concerned with following the rules like Hermod (in fact she often breaks them) but people consider her a bit of a know-it-all who always acts like she can easily predict the events of the future through simple analysis. You don't know true annoyance until you're sitting in the Organization lounge minding your own business and then Vala talks your ear off for 15 minutes trying to predict what you'll be eating for lunch. Most of the time her predictions are wrong, but every once in a while she'll correctly predict something with startling accuracy, making her effectiveness on missions high-risk, high-reward. Often seen talking to Vidar in hushed tones.
I'll be honest I'm not entirely sure how to incorporate Baldr and Hoder into an Organization setting (and Tumblr is telling me that I can't add any more text to this numbered "text block")...so I think I'll let other people ruminate on that if they so desire.
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bubbleteycosplay · 7 months
What if Sigyn's stories
Part 26
So many different universes, so many different possibilities. And in some loves Sigyn and their different stories. Pictures and brief information have been written about some of these possibilities.But what is her full story, we don't know. But we can spin them further in our thoughts ^^
The whole project here serves to show the possibilities and potential that Sigyn would have had within the Marvel Universe. How she could have been reintroduced, her story made new and more exciting. #JusticeForSigyn stands for creating Sigyn content because Marvel doesn't give us any.
Inspired by @fauna-and-mythos @dailylogyn @dank-art @jonquilclegane @sigynthevictorious @thewitchysystem @shenanigans-and-imagines @sigynoffidelity @timeladyjamie @therese-lokidottir @puckwritesstuff @sigynappreciation @sigyn-obsessed @ellecaterina @roruna @sigyndottir @marvelentertainment @mistress-of-words
My Queen
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Treason. Destruction. Truth.
He says you can only get up when you've reached the bottom.
Only when you are completely broken can you rise again.
I don't know if there's anything left that can be broken.
I'm running out of time. The enemies are getting closer and closer to me from all directions.
But this time I won't be alone.
A brother swore to protect me. The other person emphasized how much he hates me.
And yet they both want me.
But something dark is unfolding inside me.
A horrific event forces its way into my consciousness.
And even if the situation between us changes, it is these memories that could doom us all.
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What if... Loki had a wife? This is the story of the only woman who ever loved the God of Mischief.
Lady Sigyn arrives in Asgard as the betrothed to the Crown Prince, Thor Odinson. But there is another who seeks her out. Loki, the God of Mischief and Thor's brother, means to use Sigyn in his scheme to shame Thor before all the Nine Realms. But something unexpected happens - Loki finds himself falling in love with his brother's fiancée and sets all in motion to be with her, even going against the King and Allfather himself.
But others fear the immensely destructive force that resides within Sigyn, as well as Loki's influence on her. As she struggles to keep hatred and desire for vengeance out of her heart, the all-consuming fire within her slumbers beneath the surface, waiting for that one fateful day to sprout forth and eradicate the universe... or save it from another certain titanic event.
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But the dreams and wishes from childhood are over now!
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Chaos lies throughout Asgard. Power struggles and intrigues decide the fate of the Aesir. A true master of manipulation ascends to the throne of Asgard - allying herself with the supernatural powers of the Raven. Above all, the words of a woman cursed to death: "You should never have loved me, Loki."
Gender fluid Sigyn
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In the remote village on Midgard near the Veiled Mountains, life is peaceful and uneventful. Although one hears rumors of a war in the West, one pays little attention to them. Only the young farmer's son Sigyn wants to find out more about his world. He is fascinated by the old stories about the Dark One, who wanted to bring eternal night to the world.
He soon learns in a terrible way how much truth there is in these legends: bloodthirsty Trollocs, the elves of darkness, attack the village and burn down Sigyn's family farm. The magician Loki saves the boy at the last minute and travels with him to Asgard. There, Sigyn learns more about the legendary Dragon Reborn and understands how closely his own fate is linked to that of his world...
Verity Willis is Sigyn
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Verity Willis would have expected everything, but not that she is a reincarnation: She learns from Lorelei that not only does an ancient magic slumber in her, but that it is also Sigyn's reincarnation - and in order to train it, she is supposed to go to Lorelei accompany. Between witch spells, mystical legends and legendary beings, Verity must now find her way in this new world. In doing so, she repeatedly finds herself in a conflict of interest because she has no memories of her past life. But unfortunately that's not all... Everything that was clear, their fixed goal in mind, is totally turned upside down. Because Verity gets on the track of a dark conspiracy that not only puts her life in danger. Revealing the truth about her identity through Lorelei's actions will reignite an old hatred.
Amora my Love
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When Sigyn's parents suddenly die, she is left penniless and alone on the streets of Asgard.
And what makes her already difficult situation even worse: she is half dwarf, i.e. a member of the people who enslaved the Aesir centuries ago.
Outcast and hunted, all she has left is a special coin as a glimmer of hope, which can gain her entry into the famous Magic Academy, the recognized center of magical and martial training in the Asgard.
But her joy is short-lived when she learns that the magicians refuse to teach her. And so their desperate eyes wander down to the ruins at the foot of the Storm Rocks, hoping to find something there and thus a future for themselves...
Caught in her own darkness, she meets a young sorceress who takes care of her. With all the time that passes and stones in their path, they get closer and their adventure and love story together begins.
They lost 3 years by @jonquilclegane
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They lost three years
After the battle of Ragnarok, Loki and Sigyn had agreed. No more crowns, or thrones, or Tessaract. Who cared about birthrights, when it was destroying their family and tearing them apart?
So once everyone was safe, they ran away, very, very far. Thor knew, of course, and had given them his blessing. Though they had not needed it, they had appreciated it.
They found refuge on a little watery planet, with lots of sunny islands and beautiful waterfalls, that reminded Sigyn of Vanaheim. What a lovely place to start their lives and raise their children!
But alas, it did not last long. One day, while they were having dinner, Loki felt suddenly sick. Sigyn rushed to his side, asking him what was wrong with him, but he could not answer. Instead, he turned into dust in front of her helpless eyes.
She screamed, cried, begged for him to come back, but it was in vain.
Loki was gone.
She contacted Thor and he explained that Thanos had won and that there was nothing they could do.
Sigyn refused.
She would get him back.
By any means. Had she to force the Norns to change their fates, she would.
Had she to sell her soul to all the demons of Muspell to bring him back, she would.
During three years, she looked for Karmilla, their Queen, but she seemed to have disappeared. All the Norns seemed to have died, vanished into thin air, and she wondered if it was also the design of the Purple monster, or some other dark, unknown threat.
Finally, she arrived at the roots of Yggdrassil and admired its beauty for a long time, before she heard a very familiar voice.
“Oh, what do we have here? Hello little one”
That’s when she saw him.
Loki was inside of the tree!
What in Helheim was he doing there?
“My love!”, she called, but he stopped her.
“Not your love, I’m afraid, dear”, he corrected her, “Only one of their variants”
“Variants?”, she asked, confused at the whole situation.
“Your husband will come back in two more years”, he said, “But I can bring him back now, if you’d prefer”
Sigyn let a little cry escape her lips, and she breathe again for the first time in three years.
“Yes, please, my Lord”, she wailed, “I beg you, bring him back to me”
And so the God of stories did.
Loki and Sigyn woke up, in their little house, on the planet they called home, in the arms of each other. Loki did not remember what had happened, but was relieved he was back with his wife, once again. They might have lost three years, but they had the rest of eternity to enjoy their happy ending.
At the end of time
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Loki hadn't noticed Sigyn running after him and through the protective door. When he turned around and saw her, he pushed her against the nearest wall with the help of his magic. "I have to do this alone," he said and looked over at Loki and Sylvie, who were standing behind the protective door and giving him worried looks.
Loki opened the floodgate "Finally knows what kind of god I must be, for you" he said and smiled at her and went outside.
While he was still grasping all the threads of fate, a hand fell into his. It was Sigyn who picked herself up shortly after Loki magically threw her against the wall and went after him. He starts it.
"I told you that I would stay with you until the end and if I followed you to the end of all things. "I will stay by your side no matter what happens," she said with a determination and love in her voice that made Loki, who was already very close to tears, now stream down his face. How much he loved the woman, how much he always surprised him and how much he sometimes just drove her stubborn head crazy.
"I'm right behind you," and released Loki's hand and summoned her magical bowl. And they both walked towards the throne where Loki sat down and wove destinies with one another, becoming the god of history. His wife at his side who, with the help of her bowl, let healing and help run through all the threads. United together for all eternity and never alone.
Part 27 is in progress ^^
Here you can find the last part
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aikoiya · 10 months
And why it’s a better story about forgiveness, morality, and peace between humans then UT…
1. The Characters and their tragic Backstories…
*In Gargoyles’ Backstory, Goliath’s Clan became the protectors of a group of humans in a tiny castle, but almost all the humans hated/feared the gargoyles and the Princess was pretty ungrateful about their protection (thankfully a few humans liked the gargoyles, including a little boy).
Demona can’t stand how racist and ungrateful the humans are, and wanted to get rid of them all by listening to the Captain’s plan (who ironically, is a human).
But Demona’s attempt to rid of the group of humans by turning them over to their enemies, ended up with the enemy side nearly wiping out her whole clan (except for Goliath, the Main Gargoyles Characters, the eggs and herself).
Demona flew away in shame, after seeing what had happened.
Then Goliath and the other Gargoyles (who thought Demona was dead; they didn’t know about her plan) went after their enemies to avenge their clan and save their kidnapped human allies.
The Princess was taken by the Enemy’s Leader and the Traitorous Captain, Goliath chases after them, while the rest of his Team attack all the kidnappers.
Her Royal Wizard either thinks the Leader killed her and blames the gargoyles for her death or that the Gargoyles had killed her themselves, casting a spell which turns them all into stone permanently (although there is a weird cure for the curse).
Goliath saves the Princess’ life and brings her back to her people.
When the Wizard sees that the Princess is alive, the irrational anger he felt, quickly turns into horror and guilt over what he had done to the beasts that had saved them all.
The Princess, the Wizard, and their tiny kingdom had finally realized how wrong they were about the gargoyles and how unfairly they treated them.
And all it took was for all the gargoyles, but one, to be wiped out.
However, despite their flaws and previous mistakes, both the Princess and Wizard truly deeply regret everything that has happened.
They tell Goliath that they would do anything to try making up for what they had done, and to also repay all the times that the gargoyles had helped them.
Goliath tells them that they can do this, by taking care of the gargoyle eggs.
The Princess promises her people will raise them, as if they were their very own.
Then Goliath tells the Wizard to cast his spell on him, so he can be with his clan.
Demona later returns to see the statues of her lover and what’s left of her clan, blaming the humans for everything (ignoring the fact that what happened was mostly her own fault).
After that night, Demona’s hatred of humanity had only increased (despite making human allies sometimes, like Macbeth).
Centuries later, Goliath and his clan’s spell was broken by the main Villain, Xanatos.
Then they meet their true human ally, Elisa, and the rest is history.
*In UT’s Backstory, both monsters and humans lived on the surface together.
Then a monster absorbs 7 human souls and becomes all powerful.
The humans become quite terrified that monsters can absorb their souls and thus starts a war with the monster kingdom.
When humanity wins, instead of wiping out Asgore’s Kingdom, they sealed them inside of a mountain.
The only way to break the barrier was to use the power of 7 human souls (but they never said the souls had to come from dead humans).
King Asgore and Queen Toriel would have a son named Asriel, then later adopted a human child that fell into their Kingdom named Chara.
Chara later poisoned themselves, so Asriel could take their soul’s power, use it to absorb 6 other souls and free their Kingdom.
But Asriel couldn’t do it, and died as a result.
With both of his precious children dead, an enraged Asgore vowed to start another war with humanity, to make them go extinct.
He tells his people that any humans that fall into the Kingdom must be captured, executed and their souls harvested for him to break the barrier and also ‘become god-like’.
As a result, almost the whole kingdom became blood-thirsty, revenge-crazy, and racist.
And Frisk basically has to act like a completely forgiving and perfect person, in order for the monsters to change their ways.
*In my opinion, the Gargoyles had it a bit worse then Asgore’s Kingdom, yet they still chose to help humanity, instead of getting revenge like Demona.
Because the gargoyles might not be perfect, but they know it wouldn’t be fair to get revenge on the innocent descendants of the ancestors who wronged them.
While their original human allies (before Elisa) were racists and kinda crappy people at first, they feel super guilty over their own mistakes and spend the rest of their lives making up for it.
Almost all of Asgore’s Kingdom don’t truly see how wrong it is to have a war or destroy innocent people (especially children) over what some long dead villagers have done.
And those that do see how wrong it is, don’t do much about it. (Not even Toriel, despite her disgust and her claims to be against the war.)
They basically have a ‘never-my-fault’ kinda attitude.
What makes this even more messed up is that the Kingdom knows that Asgore used to have an adopted human child, yet nobody questions anything about this and everyone is 100% with letting this war happen anyway, despite one of their princes being the same species that they wanna wipe out.
The only few that actually try to HELP Frisk, are an Armless Lizard Kid and ironically the main villain of the story, Flowey/Asriel.
2. The Friendship with the Gargoyles’ Human Ally feels legit…
*When Goliath and the other gargoyles first meet Elisa, her relationship with them is a little bit rocky at first, with Goliath understandingly having some trust issues.
But when Elisa proved to them how loyal and kind she truly is, when she risked her life to protect Goliath, the gargoyles consider her one of them.
Goliath’s and Elisa’s friendship and later romance wasn’t perfect, but it was quite beautiful and healthy.
Elisa always risks her life to help the gargoyles and they risk their lives for her in return.
Elisa is sometimes the voice of reason and they actually listen to her.
Elisa also can sometimes make mistakes as well, but she’s willing to fix them and improve herself through character development.
The gargoyles also make friends with humans besides Elisa.
However the first time Lexington tried to befriend a group of humans called ‘The Pack’, he was betrayed, but he doesn’t ever give up trying.
When Brooklyn was briefly tricked by Demona into thinking humanity is horrible (except for Elisa), he regrets ever listening to her, when she uses a mind control spell on Goliath and Brooklyn helps get his leader back to normal.
When Broadway accidentally shot Elisa by playing with her gun (after he watched a movie), he takes her to the hospital and apologizes… then he tries to get rid of all the new sci-fi guns in New York City… and eventually tells Goliath the truth about who shot Elisa, when Goliath was about to kill the episode’s villain (who had nothing to do with it)…
Fortunately, both Elisa and Goliath forgive Broadway…
And Hudson later makes friends with a blind person.
*Frisk is only able to befriend everyone by acting like a perfect and forgiving little angel; as a result, their friendships with the main characters don’t feel genuine.
They feel fake.
They only like what Frisk pretends to be, not who they truly are.
Papyrus only befriends Frisk despite Frisk being the enemy because he’s desperate for friendship (and popularity).
He’s even willing to befriend Frisk when they’re genocidal, he’s THAT desperate.
But Papyrus is an angel, compared to the other Main Characters, especially his own brother Sans…
I actually liked Sans at first, he probably would’ve been my favorite character.
But then the things he said at MTT Resort happened.
He made a promise to Toriel to watch and protect, but since everything he does is a half-baked effort, he only watches over us, he doesn’t protect… Then to rub salt on the wound, he says that he wanted to kill us on the spot, which he plays off as a joke… He then smugly asks if he did a great job protecting us and says that we haven’t died at all (which usually isn’t true) and CHUCKLES at the idea of Frisk dying!
He doesn’t even do anything to protect Papyrus from Frisk’s genocide, other then another death threat (Papyrus deserves a better brother)!
It unbelievable that there’s no option to tell Toriel the truth, so we can give Sans some kind of karma!
But at least the MTT Resort dinner with him is optional, unlike a befriending session with a certain Fishface…
Undyne is the biggest and most violent racist of the entire kingdom.
She was ungrateful that Frisk saved her life as well as the life of the Armless Lizard Kid, because they’re human.
She also had insulted Frisk, then made fun of Frisk for being a compassionate human child and enjoyed attacking Frisk (considering that she had a big smile during the battle).
She’s only willing to befriend Frisk when Papyrus wounds her pride with Reverse Physiology, and she acts like how she treated Frisk was no big deal after Frisk befriends her.
I honestly thought she was a stoic badass who was only trying to do her job professionally when she was all silent and cold, but during the final battle with her, her personality does a total 180 and she lost me.
But at least she’s honest about NOT being your friend at the start, unlike Lizard Breathe…
Alphys is a stereotypical science nerd character, but with a tragic backstory.
A science experiment to help the kingdom and her people had gone wrong, which creates the Amalgamates and ruins her self-confidence.
So she tricks Frisk into thinking that she’s a hero, with Mettaton’s help.
And of course this plan backfired as well, when Mettaton betrays her, so he can become famous on the surface world with Frisk’s soul.
I’m surprised that nobody saw Alphys as a traitor for ‘helping the human’ or Mettaton as a traitor for ‘trying to escape with the final soul,’ since they’re both stupid enough to act out their plans on live TV.
Alphys is one of the few that actually feels guilty for hurting Frisk and she does apologize, but she doesn’t do anything to TRULY make up for how she treated Frisk and even puts Frisk in danger again by leaving the kid alone with the Amalgamates.
Also much like Papyrus, she’s a bit of an enabler, especially with Mettaton and Undyne.
And Mettaton only feels guilty about almost leaving his fans, instead of hurting a child, but at least he isn’t racist and briefly calls out Alphys on her load of baloney.
Speaking of a load of baloney…
Asgore is kinda similar to Alphys, in that he feels guilty about the terrible things that he’s done.
However, he does terrible things for less selfish reasons then Alphys.
At first it was revenge, but now it’s to keep his kingdom and people hopeful, so they don’t enter a despair coma.
However, he should've stopped at child murder.
It honestly makes him no better then the humans that ended Asriel (cause they thought Asriel killed Chara) even if Asgore feels guilty, cause he probably destroyed families when he killed those kids, like his own family had gotten destroyed.
He also stopped feeling guilty pretty quickly during the Pacifist Ending, even with his wife’s glare…
Toriel acts like she’s different from the rest of the monsters, but she does have one thing in common with them.
She thinks that she truly has done nothing wrong.
But that’s the point, she did nothing to help those other kids (including Frisk), once they left the ruins.
Instead, she made a random stranger (Sans) that shared her sense of humor promise to protect Frisk for her (which he doesn’t).
When she left and betrayed her people, she couldn’t even betray them right.
And yet they all welcome her back with open arms.
All the monsters also don’t even bother to ask for Frisk’s name and simply call them the Human/Child/Kid ect… which honestly kinda shows how self-centered and dim-witted some of the monsters can be.
Ironically, only the main villain (Flowey/Asriel) was respectful enough to ask for Frisk’s true name (once he realizes that Frisk isn’t Chara).
Then there’s the whole thing with Frisk (a child) flirting with the monsters and sometimes going on dates with them… nothing gross happens, but it still makes me pretty uncomfortable.
Asriel was probably the ONLY one that both properly apologized to Frisk, sacrificed something important to them (the souls and the ability to love) and tries to make up for hurting them (by breaking the barrier), yet he’s also the only one that stays behind in the mountain and the only one where it’s optional NOT to forgive him!
You know when a video game’s story is messed up, when forgiving a violent, racist, grown-ass adult like Undyne or a smug, selfish, lazy jerk like Sans is mandatory to get the ‘Best Ending’, but forgiving and comforting a small child that lost everything (their life, their family, their soul) is completely optional!
The Creator of UT must secretly hate kids, I guess…
But the absolute worst part is that neither King Asgore nor any of the Monsters come clean to Humanity over what happened inside the mountains… they don’t even give the 6 dead humans a proper funeral… I know they probably kept the truth hidden so the humans don’t seal them in the mountain again or they don’t want Asgore to end up in prison, but eventually the truth is gonna revealed itself and it will bite all of them right in the behind once that happens!
3. The messages of Pacifism and Peace handled better…
*Goliath always tried his best to be the bigger person, even when his past allies were being ungrateful jerks.
He had made occasional slip-ups, but his Team and Elisa always put him back on track.
Unlike Demona, he knows how wrong it is to hurt and destroy someone innocent over what their ancestors did.
He knows that ending humanity won’t bring his clan back.
He and the others have made peace with their pasts.
Because of this, they have a family with each other.
Demona on the other hand, has not made peace with her past.
I get why she did all those horrible things, she had an unfair life and everything was stolen from her.
But that’s still no excuse for everything that she’s done, especially to Macbeth, who had been nothing but loyal and kind to her.
Her character is literally an example of what happens when you hold onto old grudges, become obsessed with revenge and don’t take responsibility for your own actions.
All that gave her was an immortal life of hatred and loneliness.
Her rage is so strong and stubborn, that not even her husband or daughter want anything to do with her… and her husband ends up falling in love with one of the creatures that she hates the most.
If that isn’t irony, I don’t know what is!
*When Prince Asriel was killed by humans, King Asgore declared a second war, which I understand.
Queen Toriel left because she didn’t want anything to do with the war, which I also can understand.
The Monster Kingdom hates humanity for imprisoning them and killing their prince, which I also can understand.
The Kingdom is a lot like Demona (especially Undyne), but the difference is that while Demona is called out for her mistakes and flaws, everyone acts like the Monster Kingdom did nothing wrong.
I get that forgiveness is UT’s Main Theme, but there should be limits on who you forgive, because if you’re not careful you could forgive the wrong people that will take advantage of your kindness and generosity.
(Like Demona had eventually done with Macbeth.)
It feels like the Monster Kingdom are ‘Karma Houdinis’ and even get rewarded, despite their racist, selfish, and hypocritical actions.
There is a difference between being a pacifist and being a total pushover.
I feel like if Demona existed in the UT World, her horrible actions would probably not only get treated like it’s no deal, but she’d also get rewarded as well.
In the words of Todd from ‘Bojack’:
“You can't keep doing this! You can't keep doing crappy things and then feel bad about yourself as if that makes it okay! You need to be better!" 
Aikoiya: This is all so great, but I do have one thing to say. I actually think Asgore is somewhat better than Alphys. For one, from the moment you meet him, he very obviously doesn't want to do what he very much believes he has to. Which, if nothing else, I can respect a king who's willing to sacrifice his own personal morals for the sake of his people as it was implied that they were running out of space & it's even possible that they could've eventually run out of food. Which, as king, he'd be privy to that kind of information.
And for another, if you end up killing Flowey in a Neutral Run, then come back & defeat Asgore again, he offers up his own soul & tells Frisk to use it to leave the Underground.
This tells me that his regret is not only genuine, but deep-seated. It's still wrong on multiple levels & he's still a kid killer & needs to attone for his crimes, but if nothing else, I feel like he CAN be rehabilitated.
In this way, he strikes me as the sort who, if he ever learned about the human laws that protect children & how deeply the common man absolutely despises child abusers, he'd willingly give himself up to the authorities & admit to his crimes, knowing that what he did was wrong.
And, I can respect that. Again, still a monstrous & downright evil thing he did. I can't even fathom being okay with exploiting something as truly & intimately vital & personal as someone's soul. Let alone that of a child. But to be fair, he didn't think that there was any other way. And if he did ever learn that the souls didn't have to be dead for them to break the Barrier, I can guarantee that he would've opted for the less violent option in a heartbeat.
Which, I cannot say for Undyne or the rest of the monsters who were chanting "kill all humans."
In the end, this is why I'm pro-Goat Dad for the most part & not nearly as pro-Goat Mom. Because, Asgore is a very active individual who is willing to do what is necessary, but is also willing to admit when he is wrong & take responsibility for the wrongs that he's committed.
Then again, maybe I have too high standards for what a monarch should be?
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Hello, sweet Ally ❤️
For your celebration, could we get a little drabble of stollen fluffy kisses between Steve and reader from Little SpiderBro?! 🥺❤️
If this is a spoiler, please ignore this ask 😘
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Carly thank you so so much for this request! Lady Whistleblower and Steve are my favorites, I love writing them. This was so much fun and your prompt actually inspired something more. I had the beginning of an idea for another Little Spiderbro part and this request only got me to pursue it. Safe to say, there will be a full-fledged part for the series following what happens next in the conference. With another - very surprising - kiss!
For now enjoy the little things I quickly whipped up for your request 💚💚
(dividers by firefly-graphics)
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“Arrival in T minus 5 minutes.” Hawkeye's voice droned over the rumbling of the quinjets engine as they were speeding through the skies. The entire world around the quinjet was engulfed in fluffy clouds and the golden light of the setting sun. The last breath of the day was draining as they neared the mission side.
Conditions weren’t ideal, they knew it. The fading light would make it harder to see their surroundings and the hostiles they were set to go against in just a short amount of time. But they couldn’t wait for the break of a new day. There were lives at stake, hostages who were fearing for their life. Any passing minute could be their last. 
Tension was high on the aircraft. Everyone was stealing themselves, mentally preparing and getting into a mindset. The briefing for the mission had just ended. Both Steve and Tony had given them the run-over, emphasizing that getting the hostages out was their priority. 
They all knew getting hurt was a possibility. Today more than ever with the parameters for the mission unfavorable.
Y/N was in one corner of the plane, sitting on one of the chairs, her eyes lighting up as she used Tony’s database and the connection F.R.I.D.A.Y had made with their enemy's electronics to assess the status. Their enemies knew they were coming. Something that she didn’t like at all. 
Using the surprise of the moment and stealth was their best way. It was her way. Still, the spy she was trained to be from a young age on Y/N liked to use the shadows. Barging in, head first through a thick wall wasn’t her way. 
Natasha and she had trained a lot together, sharpening her combat skills. She had even gotten some lessons from Bucky and Steve. Still, she felt somewhat uneasy.
Two feet entered her vision, followed by a clearing of one's throat. The blue glow of her eyes slowly died out as she came back to the jet and her boyfriend in front of her. She stood up to reduce the height difference between them. Steve was still taller than her.
“You ready?”, he asked her seriously. He was the Captain now through and through.
“Yeah. As ready as I can be.”, she answered and turned to fix the weapons strapped to her body at various places.
“Hey,” Steve’s voice was much softer now, as his fingers went to her chin. He made her look back at him. Gone was the hard outer shell of the Captain and back the soft core that she had known to love. “You’ll be alright.”
Her smile was minuscule before it became bigger, even if it wasn’t entirely genuine anymore. “You’ll be there to save my ass if need be?”, she asked him, almost jokingly. It made Steve chuckle as well before he nodded.
“Always,” he told her and leaned in closer. “Would be a shame otherwise, you have such a cute butt.”
Biting her bottom lip she glanced up at him. He had leaned one arm above her on the wall, slowly coming closer and caging her in. Closer and closer they got, Y/N bridged the last centimeters and sealed her lips with his.
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Steve’s knee was slightly bouncing up and down as he sat in the armchair in a neat blue shirt and black trousers combo. He looked pristine and proper, just the tidy Captain he was. The rest of his fellow Avengers were dressed similarly. All very formal and proper, which for some was very unlikely considering what they wore on a day-to-day basis.
But it all had its reason. Said reason taking place in a short moment only around twenty floors further down in a conference room the Tower specifically had for such an occasion. Press conferences, official statements, and interviews were a part of the job of the Avengers. One none of them seemed to particularly enjoy. They weren’t press people, that’s what the PR team was for, not for them. They were there to fight aliens and everything else that endangered earth and humanity's safety. Sometimes they still couldn’t get away from these official events and functions.
Y/N had been observing her boyfriend for a while now from her seat across from him on one of the couches. The blue shirt was straining against the impressive curves of his muscles, there was not a single hair out of place. He wasn’t nervous, she knew that. Something like a press conference wouldn’t scare Steve, he had faced much more frightening things in his life. Still, his leg continued to bounce up and down. 
Or maybe he was nervous after all this wasn’t a normal press conference. The crowd wouldn’t consist of reporters, it was teenagers. The young impressive generation that would follow in the footsteps of the current one. They were doing something of an educational thing. The Avengers, up close and casual, answering questions the youth burned to know and that were normally not answered or even asked. Steve Rogers, Captain America, could handle every reckless and snarky reporter, he could handle Hydra and Aliens but could he handle the generation of tomorrow asking him about today's culture or technology?
Y/N also had a feeling that some of his nerves weren’t coming from the upcoming event but from the fact that they had started discussing revealing their relationship. Going public was a serious thing and something they wouldn’t do on a whim. Yet rumors persisted, the gossip magazines hadn’t stopped speculation about a fling between them since the first picture of them surfaced out, in the streets of New York. And they had only become more reckless since then. The hiding and not being able to go out as themselves was getting tiring. It wasn’t like it would put more of a target on her either. As a fellow Avenger Y/N had a target on her back as much as Steve had, already. Maybe, even more, considering her life and ‘job’ before she had joined the Avengers. The bane of every government and shady organization, Lady Whistleblower who revealed any dirt someone she could dig up.
Then it was time. F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s voice announced that everything was ready. Slowly the team took the elevators down in smaller groups. Until it was only Y/N and Steve left in the lounge. When the elevator doors opened again revealing the empty chamber they filed into it.
Taking a deep breath Y/N rolled her shoulders back, her eyes focused on the sleek metal of the wall. She wasn’t particularly tense or nervous about the following hour they would be in the spotlight, however, she also didn’t feel entirely at ease.
The number displaying the current floor level kept going down, now they were only a couple of floors above their designated one when Steve stepped over to her. His hands landed on her hips as he slowly pressed himself into her space. When she looked up at him he was already looking down at her.
She was a little surprised, it was unusual for him to be so clingy and touchy feely moments before an important event. Mostly again because they were keeping their relationship a closely guarded secret. It was important to him to keep it safe, to protect what they had as it was very dear to him. She could understand it. Every aspect of his life had been looked at from under a microscope. He had no break and no leniency. He wanted to be selfish and private in at least one aspect of his life.
His smile was beautiful as he continued to look down on her, he looked almost boyish at that moment. The kiss he indulged her in afterward was breathtaking. It was soft and slow, long and sensually as their lips glided across each other. Both of them grinning into the shared embrace, her fingers found their way to his sides, softly gripping the smooth fabric of his shirt.
The kiss ended yet they couldn’t - wouldn’t - part already. Both a little breathless and staring lovingly in the other's eyes they nearly got themselves lost. That was the Steve she knew and loved. The soft and gentle man, not the serious and tightly coiled Captain he had to be for the world.
Slowly they parted again, adjusting their clothes and turning back towards the elevator door. Just in time for them to open. When they left the elevator they were serious and composed again.
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feelgoodbridgerton · 10 months
Chapter 3: A broken toy, a ruined flower, a lost cause
Ingrid felt a chill in her spine, as she heard his words. She wondered what he wanted to say to her, what he wanted to do to her.
She looked at Anthony, who was staring at her with a cold and stern expression. He looked like he was angry and disappointed, like he was ready to scold her and punish her.
She felt a surge of fear and resentment, as she met his gaze. She felt like he was judging her and blaming her, like he was holding her responsible for what had happened.
She looked away from him and glanced at the others. She saw Daphne, Eloise, Colin, and Penelope looking at her with concern and curiosity. They looked like they were worried and surprised, like they didn’t know what was going on.
She felt a wave of relief and gratitude, as she saw their faces. She felt like they were on her side, like they cared about her and understood her.
She wanted to talk to them and learn from them, but she didn’t have the time.She looked back at Anthony and nodded politely. She said nothing to him, and hoped he would say nothing to her.
But he did.
He took her by the arm and led her away from the others. He walked with her to a secluded corner of the ballroom, where no one could see or hear them.
He stopped and faced her, his eyes piercing into hers. He spoke in a low and harsh voice, his words cutting into her like a knife.
“Miss Whittington,” he said. “I don’t know what you’re doing here, or what you’re hoping to achieve. But I’m here to tell you that you’re wasting your time. You have no place in this society, no future in this world. You have been disgraced and dishonored by your former fiancé, who happens to be my best friend. You have brought shame and scandal to your family, who happens to be my friend’s family. You have no friends or allies here, only enemies and rivals. You have no chance of finding happiness or love here, only misery and sorrow.”
He paused and took a breath, his face contorted with anger and disgust.“I’m here to tell you that you should leave this ball, leave this town, leave this country. You should go somewhere far away, where no one knows you or cares about you. You should forget about your past, forget about your dreams, forget about your life. You should never come back here again, never show your face here again, never bother us again.”
He paused again and looked at her with contempt and pity.
“I’m here to tell you that you’re nothing but a broken toy, a ruined flower, a lost cause.”
He finished his speech and let go of her arm. He turned around and walked away from her, leaving her alone in the corner.
Ingrid felt a shock of pain and humiliation, as she heard his words. She felt like he had stabbed her in the heart, crushed her soul, shattered her hope.
She felt tears streaming down her face, as she watched him leave. She felt numb and empty, as she stood there. She felt nothing but despair, as she realized that he was right.
But then, she felt something else.
She felt a surge of anger and defiance, as she remembered what had happened. She remembered how Lord Stirling had proposed to her with a stunning sapphire ring, how he had promised to love her and cherish her, how he had kissed her and held her. She remembered how happy and excited she had been, how she had planned their wedding and their future, how she had dreamed of their life together. She remembered how she had walked down the aisle in her white gown, how she had smiled at him and said “I do”, how he had smiled back at her and said “I don’t”. She remembered how he had run away from the church, leaving her alone and humiliated, breaking her heart and ruining her reputation. She remembered how he had returned with his new wife, Rosalind Montgomery, who was heavily pregnant. She remembered how his father had invited her and her father over to apologize, how he had tried to explain and justify his son’s actions, how he had offered them money and favors to keep quiet. She remembered how Lord Stirling and his wife had looked at her with pity and contempt, how they had acted like they were sorry and regretful, how they had lied to her and mocked her.
She remembered how she had felt.
She felt betrayed and hurt by Lord Stirling, who had been the love of her life. She felt disgusted and insulted by Rosalind Montgomery, who had been the cause of her misery. She felt outraged and offended by Lord Stirling’s father, who had been the source of her trouble. She felt judged and blamed by Anthony Bridgerton, who had been the witness of her downfall.
She felt like she had been wronged by them all. She felt like she deserved justice.
She felt like she needed to fight back.
She wiped away her tears and lifted her chin. She clenched her fists and gritted her teeth. She gathered her courage and strength.
She decided to speak up.
She called out to Anthony, who was walking away from her. She raised her voice and said:
“Anthony Bridgerton!”
Anthony stopped and turned around. He looked at her with surprise and annoyance. He said:
“What is it now, Miss Whittington? Have you not said enough?” “No, I have not said enough. You have said enough. You have said too much. You have no right to speak to me like that, to treat me like that. You have no idea what I’ve been through, what I’m going through. You have no clue what it’s like to be me.”
Anthony snorted and said:
“Oh, please. Spare me your sob story. I know exactly what you’ve been through, what you’re going through. I know exactly what it’s like to be you.”
Ingrid frowned and said:
“How do you know? How can you know? You’re not me.”
Anthony smirked and said:
“No, I’m not you. But I’m close enough.” Ingrid gasped and said:
“What do you mean?”
Anthony leaned in closer to her and whispered in her ear:
“I mean that I know your secret.”He decides to reveal the secret, to expose the truth, to end the lie.
He whispers in Ingrid’s ear:
“I know that you’re pregnant with Lord Stirling’s child.”
Ingrid smiles politely at Anthony, and nods at him and says "I am not and never have been pregnant with Mr. Stirling's child."
Ingrid was innocent and honest, who didn’t do anything wrong except maybe for loving the wrong man. She loved Mr. Stirling and trusted him, and he betrayed her and left her. She suffered and struggled, but she didn’t give up or lose hope. She tried to move on and find happiness, but she faced many obstacles and challenges. She was a strong and resilient woman, who deserved better than Mr. Stirling.
Anthony was confused and conflicted, who didn’t know what to do or say. He was Mr. Stirling’s best friend and confidant, and he felt loyal and responsible for him. He was also Ingrid’s friend and protector, and he felt guilty and sorry for her. He wanted to help them both, but he didn’t know how. He believed Mr. Stirling’s lie, but he also doubted it. He revealed the secret, but he also regretted it. He was a proud and honorable man, who made a mistake.
However, Anthony would not believe her or trust her. He would insist that he was telling the truth, and that he had heard it from Mr. Stirling himself. He would accuse Ingrid of being dishonest and unfaithful, and of trying to trap Mr. Stirling into marriage with a false pregnancy. He would tell Ingrid that she had no proof or evidence to support her claims, and that no one would believe her or listen to her.
“Don’t lie to me, Ingrid. Don’t insult my intelligence. I know the truth. I heard it from Lord Stirling himself, before he left the church. He told me that you were pregnant with his child, and that he couldn’t marry you because he loved someone else.”
“He told you that? How could he? How dare he? He’s the one who loved someone else, not me. He’s the one who betrayed me, not me. He’s the one who left me at the altar, not me.”
“Stop playing the victim, Ingrid. Stop pretending that you’re innocent and honest. You’re not. You’re dishonest and unfaithful. You tried to trap Lord Stirling into marriage with a false pregnancy. You tried to ruin his life and his happiness.”
“That’s not true, Anthony. That’s not true at all. I loved Lord Stirling with all my heart. I trusted him with all my soul. I didn’t try to trap him or ruin him. I wanted to marry him and be with him.”
“Then why did you come here tonight? Why did you show up at this ball? What are you hoping to achieve? Do you think you can win him back? Do you think you can make him love you again?”
“No, Anthony, no. I don’t want him back. I don’t love him anymore. I came here tonight to move on, to find happiness, to forget.”
“Forget? Forget what? Forget that you’re pregnant with his child? Forget that you’re carrying his bastard?”
“How dare you say that, Anthony You have no right to say that, no right at all because I am not pregnant!"
“I have every right to say that, Ingrid. I have every right to say anything I want. You are lying! and you have no friends or allies here, only enemies and rivals. You have no place in this society, no future in this world.”
“That’s not true, Anthony. That’s not true at all. I have friends here, I have allies here. I have a place here, I have a future here.”
“Oh, really? Who are your friends? Who are your allies? Who will stand by you? Who will help you?” “They will.”
Ingrid pointed at the group of people standing near the fireplace, who had been watching their argument with concern and curiosity.
She pointed at Daphne, Eloise, Colin, and Penelope.
She pointed at Benedict.
Benedict stepped forward and walked towards them.
He looked at Ingrid with sympathy and kindness.
He looked at Anthony with disappointment and regret.
“Anthony, stop this nonsense. Stop hurting Ingrid. Stop hurting yourself.”
Anthony looked at Benedict with surprise and annoyance.
“Benedict, what are you doing here? What are you saying?”
“I’m here to help Ingrid. I’m here to help you.”
“Help us? Help us how?”
“By telling you the truth.”
She looked at Benedict with gratitude and admiration.
"Thank you Benedict for being on my side but I think its been a long night and I should head home."
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thissmallplace · 1 year
Thunder In The Land Of The Sun
Chapter 3
Thor flew closer to the stranger, stretched his arms, showed his palms in a placating gesture with Mjölnir dangling from his wrist.
"Greetings, majestic stranger! I am Thor of Asgard, god of thunder, son of Odin, the Allfather, and Frigga goddess of the sky, home and wisdom." Thor introduced himself loudly as he hovered near the stranger. He had a better view of him from there.
The stranger looked up at Thor and he studied the blond god from behind his helmet. His deep, hematite eyes were hidden behind a fearsome greenish-blue helmet with round goggles, fangs, and long feathers decorating the top and back of it as if they were a lions mane.
"I hope you forgive me for..." Thor was about to apologise for somehow alerting or angering the stranger when he was quickly interrupted by a thunderbolt that hit him right on the chest and made him slightly lose his balance. All of the electical power was absorbed by Thor's body and the stranger looked confused for a second and then he angrily stomped.
"You, Thor of Asgard, go back to your realm! Go back there and never again try to make it rain in my land, in my dominions!" The stranger shouted in Allspeak.
Thor frowned. "You didn't even let me explain my presence here! Last time I came here I was received with regal hospitality! You are putting your elders, those welcoming and friendly gods I met then, to shame! Your rudeness mars their memory!" He replied.
Thor received more blasts of thunderbolts as a response and his body absorbed all their power to the stranger's frustation.
"Why? How dare you use your alien trickery instead of fighting honorably as you should? Everytime you do that..." the stranger made a gesture as if he were gathering something to his core, meaning how Thor's body absorbed the blasts of thunderbolts he had attacked him with." You disrespect me when you do that! You dare defy me, Tláloc, god of earthly fertility and water, giver of life and sustenance, feared for my power over hail, thunder, and lightning."
"You're like me!" Thor exclaimed and grinned." You are a god and...a king of your realm?" He asked.
"Not a king. A prince...but not anymore. I am a god. And I am not like you, yellow-haired fool!" Tlaloc said angrily.
"I meant...our power is similar. I bet if I fired lightning at you, you would be unharmed, just like I. Forgive me for this. I have to show you." Thor said and without a second thought he shot lighting at Tláloc.
Just like Thor's, Tlaloc's body absorbed the energy and the dark-haired god gasped. He was about to charge towards Thor who had landed near him when a jade green blur moved quickly to appear between them.
" Why do you always have to be so defensive, darling?" Thor saw the one who had come between him and Tlalóc and couldn't help but notice the beauty of her face and her flowy, jade green dress.
" Chalchiuhtlicue! This corn-haired intruder was bringing the storm with him! He was making it rain! It's my storm. This is my realm!" Tlaloc acused Thor, he took off his helmet and Thor could finally see his sad, large hematite eyes and his handsome features.
"Corn-haired." Thor repeated under his breath as he lightly touched a lock of his hair.
" I heard it all. You left me there waiting for you! I heard the son of Odin introducing himself. And I heard you acting so unlike you. We are hospitable, darling!" She said and walked closer to Thor after taking her husband by the hand.
"Chal!" Tlaloc said through clenched teeth, but he let her lead him and even held her hand a little tighter.
"Thor Odinson, son of Asgard, protector of Earth, if you come as a visitor, an ally to our people, and a friend, you are welcome to the land of the sun and the navel of the moon. But if you come to try to invade us and disrespect us, you'll see us turn into warrior gods and most formidable enemies." She said while looking at Thor with intense, focused, piercing, black eyes.
"My goddess, and my lady, I would never invade or disrespect you, your people, and your realm. I feel nothing but respect and true affection for Midgard, for Midgardians. I know this realm has its own deities I am eager to meet and, if that is their will, befriend." Thor replied and bowed gracefully to the Aztec gods before him.
"Why were you trying to bring the storm upon my realm?" Tlaloc asked looking at Thor through narrowed eyes.
Thor looked down and he tried to hide his pained expression."I'm mourning, my friend. Sometimes lately, without me wanting it, my restless heart influences the weather around me. I must ask you to forgive me. I can control it. It's just that...it happens sometimes." He admitted.
Tlaloc held his helmet in one hand and stepped closer. Chal was looking at Thor's apologetic expression, at the wetness in his eyes.
"Who have you lost?" She straightforwardly asked.
Tlaloc squeezed her hand and shook his head." He doesn't need to tell us. It's understood. We need no details. Men don't like to talk about such things." He whispered.
"He's no man. You are no man. We are gods, not human." She replied.
"It's fine. I wish I didn't have to say these painful things, but they happened, they are true. I lost my brother and my mother recently." Thor replied and looked at Tlaloc with tears in his eyes he couldn't hide.
Tlaloc nodded and took a deep breath. He didn't say anything but his eyes reflected Thor's sadness.
"Our beloved are the ones who can really ruin us. Those we love are the source of our greatest joy and also our greatest sorrow." Tlaloc finally said.
"What brings you here, son of Odin?" Chalchiuhtlicue asked.
" I've been here before, my lady. I visited here with my family when I was a child. I find some solace in the places where I once was happy with them, with my mother and my brother." Thor said and he looked beseechingly at Chalchiuhtlicue and Tlaloc.
"Weren't you fighting some miscreants in the north?" Tlaloc asked.
"As an Avenger, yes, my friend." Thor said quickly.
"You might be wondering why I'm not helping my people the way you do. But I help them... It is different for me. We lost of our eternal realm. I bring them rain, I make their crops grow." Tlaloc was speaking fast, nervously, defensively.
Chal looked down sadly and passed her beautiful arm around her husband's waist." It's all right, my love." She whispered.
"Come with us, we'll show you our home from where we watch over our people." Chalchiuhtlicue invited Thor. Tlaloc was upset but quiet. He just nodded as Thor followed them.
They stood at the peak of the greatest volcano in the country and Thor admired the green forests and valleys below it.
"Midgard is full of such beauty." Thor said." But it's not always our completely our home."
"We used to rule from our eternal realm, it was home for us. Now we have made Earth our dwelling." Tlaloc explained.
"This is the new Tlalocan." Chalchiuhtlicue said and showed Thor the hidden palace in the forest where they lived.
"Do Midgardians see you here? Do they come here to seek your advice, protection and help?" Thor asked.
"Only a few of them who still believe in us. We don't reveal ourselves to most of them like you. They don't even think we're real." Tlaloc explained.
Thor nodded. Other gods did the same as Tlaloc and Chalchiuhtlicue, he understood them, but he thought and felt differently.
"And my brothers...they just mix among mortals pretending to be some of them. We are estranged." Tlaloc admitted.
"I didn't meet any of you when I came here. I met your parents, I think. I might be remembering things wrongly because I was almost a baby when we met them." Thor said.
" I think we are only a little younger than you, Thor. But we know of the gods of Asgard because our ancestors wrote about your visit." Chalchiuhtlicue explained.
"May I enquire where the others are?" Thor asked them.
"Tezcatlipoca dwells in Mexico City. Quetzalcoatl lives nearby in the valleys and mountain range south of the city. Huitzilopochtli sometimes dwells with them, but he travels constantly. Only Ehecatl remained loyal to me and the old ways and stays here in new Tlalocan by my side. He is a good brother." Tlaloc replied.
Thor couldn't help it, he immediately thought of Loki and Frigga and his heart ached. He also thought of his other brothers, his dear cousins and, inevitably, of his father.
"I hope you can reconcile with your estranged siblings soon." Thor's voice was deep and softly sad.
"That's my wish, prince of Asgard, but I don't think it will be granted any time soon." Tlaloc said and put his hand on Thor's shoulder." Feel welcome, our new friend. You can stay in Tlalocan for as long as you want as our honoured guest."
Thor's smile grew wider and warmer. He bowed gratefully at his hosts with a fist to his chest. He accepted their hospitality for a couple of days. He would travel south in search of Tlaloc's siblings. He wanted to understand why their realm had perished. He wanted to know if there was something Asgard could do to help them recover their eternal realm.
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im-flashtoo · 2 years
things I like about Pathfinder: the Skelm is a monster that exists - excerpts from Archives of Nethys:
"these antlered monsters crave fearful respect and brutally punish any who dare disagree with their lofty opinions, even in the slightest degree. Although quite dangerous on their own, skelms are at their deadliest when leading an angry mob"
"Skelms heap enraging humiliation on potential new brothers as a form of indoctrination, convincing these recruits that some other person or group is responsible for their misery"
"they're more common among cultures with deeply entrenched gender roles, unjust hierarchies, and those that don't offer healthy ways to experience and process anger"
"skelms are cruelly manipulative shapeshifters, but all male"
"all skelms have branching antlers resembling those of a stag. Skelms with smaller antlers shame and bully skelms with larger antlers, although they always use some other excuse. However, skelms pretend they don't have antlers at all when dealing with non-skelms, regardless of evidence or argument. Skelms will even gore enemies with their antlers in combat, even if afterwards they deny the action they obviously just took"
they took toxic masculinity and oppressive patriarchy and turned it into something you can kick in the nuts.
we all have encountered a would-be skelm in real life, either personally or tangentially, as with the Street Skelm, the lowest of them:
"Street skelms abuse the deference given to elders and the well-to-do in public spaces, appearing as such so they can verbally or physically punish those who dare defy their cruel sensibilities. To excuse his actions or gather allies, a street skelm might rant about a target, building a pretense of some vague threat the target poses to the community's social order. These rantings can rally a mob to carry out the skelm's violence against his target, some of whom even act out of fear against becoming the skelm's next target.
Street skelms abuse the deference given to elders and the well-to-do in public spaces, appearing as such so they can verbally or physically punish those who dare defy their cruel sensibilities. To excuse his actions or gather allies, a street skelm might rant about a target, building a pretense of some vague threat the target poses to the community's social order. These rantings can rally a mob to carry out the skelm's violence against his target, some of whom even act out of fear against becoming the skelm's next target."
Yeah, I think I know that guy.
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0 notes
Draw your swords, pt. 3
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Summary: While his bride is exacting her plans from the very first day in Little Palace, the Darkling finds he has a soft spot for the enemy.
Warnings: sexual references, swearing, angst
Part one // Part two
The last thing Y/N expected upon waking up was to wake up alone. Spreading out in the bed, she huffed a loose strand of her hair off her face. Narrowing her eyes, she stared up at the canopy with her wicked husband on her mind.
After the way he had acted the night before, she found herself wondering what game he’s playing. They were meant to be married in paper only, yet he seems to have a possessive streak that extends to her as well. A part of her wasn’t sure if he truly had a shred of decency within considering he didn’t take advantage of their marital status, but the other part of her wasn’t easily swayed. That part of her remained defiant as it was forged in a fire the Darkling set. Intentionally or not, his actions have damaged her before they ever even met and she wasn’t very forgiving.
Opening the door, unannounced, strolled in the most beautiful woman Y/N had ever seen. Her long, auburn hair was perfectly styled and framed her face without obscuring an inch of her stunning beauty.
Genya, she realized. Even on the other side of the fold, Y/N knew of the empresses’ tailor.
Large, amber eyes fix on Y/N who slowly sat up. She stared at Genya without shame, admiring her appearance.
“Well, from what the general told me, I expected I’d have more work on my hands.” Genya huffs, her hands on her hips as her lips form a thin line.
“I have nothing wrong with me”, Y/N defends, graciously getting out of the bed that was far too comfy considering who she shared it with. “And where is the general?” Raising her eyebrow, Y/N folded her arms. No matter where he disappeared to, she couldn’t let him wander too far in case he tries to break their agreement and attend a meeting alone.
Humming, Genya didn’t try to hide her curiosity as she looked Y/N up and down. “Are you sure you don’t need my services?”
Glancing at the door, Y/N saw the servants waiting in front for a command. “Leave us”, Y/N waves them off, swiftly closing the door behind them. Her eyes settle on a seemingly startled Genya who cocks her head to the side.
“Interesting. So you do need me?”
Inhaling deeply, Y/N nods. Coming closer, her eyes remain on Genya’s whose gaze drifts at first. Once Y/N stopped before her, their eyes met.
“I need you, but not as a tailor.”
Furrowing her eyebrows, Genya steps back. “What is that supposed to mean?”
Swallowing thickly, Y/N licked her lips. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but you hate the emperor and you’d do anything to make sure he never lays a hand on you?”
Genya’s nostrils flare, her lips drawing back between her pearly whites. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m loyal to my emperor.”
“I know”, Y/N reaches for her hand, “I’m saying if your loyalties shifted, I’d make sure that fat fuck died in agonizing pain.”
Yanking her hand out of Y/N’s reach, Genya stepped back with wide eyes.
Gnawing on the inside of her bottom lip, Y/N wished she was more tactful. Hearing of Genya and her fate, she assumed she’d gladly ally with her in this fight. Not only does she need Genya on her side to fight against Kirigan, but the emperor as well. Genya would have been an ideal ally if only she was willing to hear her out. But she should have waited, befriended the Grisha. She should have been more tactful.
“Does the general know of the treasonous plans you speak of?”
Chuckling in disbelief, Y/N shakes her head, “Do you truly believe I’d be breathing if he did?”
Pursing her lips, Genya turned her back on Y/N, contemplating all the possibilities that could stem from her decision.
“It’s a lot, I know, but I am here with a few secrets of my own.” Y/N takes a step closer, her hand clasping Genya’s shoulder as a show of support. “I realize you barely know me, but we can change that now.”
“How?” Genya whispers, more to herself than Y/N who released a shaky sigh.
“By revealing a secret that would be lethal for me if you shared it with anyone.”
Glancing over her shoulder, Genya’s eyes narrowed at Y/N who felt genuine, more than anyone had been since the day she arrived in the Palace. Despite the initial mistrust, Genya nods.
The guards stationed outside of Y/N’s room only heard a loud gasp behind closed doors, unaware that very gasp was a start of a friendship that would define Ravka’s future.
Meanwhile, the Darkling had spent the morning out in the fields. Riding his favorite horse usually served as a way to distract his mind from ongoing worries, but it had no such effect today. No amount of speed or distance could possibly erase the feeling of Y/N’s hand on his body, much less of her body pressing against him.
He behaved as a pious man, an honorable gentleman with self-restrain of a saint. If he could, he’d have taken her without regrets, but he never crossed that line and doing so with a woman meant to be his wife would set him on a path of no return – of true evil.
The Darkling may have done some heinous things, but they were never without reason. If he had done anything against her wishes, he’d be beyond redemption and he couldn’t help but grit his teeth every time he imagined himself losing his mind around her long enough for her to turn him into the villain she sees him as.
Another thing he’s decided to do is break the rule he knew she expected him to uphold – sleeping in separate chambers was the worst thing for them now. He had to be in her bed every night, regardless if she wanted to let him between her legs or not. He wouldn’t force her, that much would be true, but he wouldn’t sleep in his own room anymore. The room they were given last night would be the one he goes to, stumbles to, crawls to, in order to fall asleep beside her. And though it’s a risk as he could easily find himself with his throat cut, he refused to back down.
Dismounting, he headed to the map room where his subordinates waited for further instructions regarding the war.  
“Shall we start?” The Darkling tossed his riding gloves on the desk as he looked at his people. A new face caught his attention, making him do a double take until his dark skies narrowed at her.
“Now that you’ve arrived”, Y/N stands, smiling sweetly. “I believe we can present to you what we’ve discussed while you were off on a joy ride.”
There’s nothing sweet about her, Darkling realizes. Even her smile is coated in honey but laced with poison.
 He licked his lips, “Well, if you want my opinion-“
“I don’t”, she stood her ground, “I have my own.”
Chuckling darkly, he leans forth on the table. His nostrils are flared, his hands gripping the edges until his knuckles turn white. “And what exactly is that?”
“We agreed on having the First army general having a vote in the decision making process as you all do, and since I’m his proxy, I’ve decided you will no longer use humans as canon meat.”
Gliding the tip of his tongue over the inner side of his teeth, he stared at Y/N as if she were made of glass he had every intention on shattering. That would be a mistake – glass is only brittle until it breaks, the shards can cause more damage.
“We will train Grisha to protect humans and humans will use their weapons to protect the Grisha in a more effective manner with the emperor’s gold.”
“Gold?” Kirigan says through gritted teeth as she approaches him, her hands behind her back and he has no doubts she’s stashed a weapon in them and the blue kefta she wore. He’d tell her to take it off and never wear one since she’s but a human, yet as his wife, she was entitled to a kefta. Besides, she looked like a dream in one.
“The emperor agreed to fund the First army’s armory during breakfast”, she smirks, lifting her head up to maintain eye contact.
“Get out”, he grumbles.
Raising her eyebrow, she giggles, “Are you that incapable of admitting I may have opinions and capabilities with potential to do better than the ones you brought before the emperor?” Hardening her gaze, she cups his cheek so tenderly he felt a shiver run down his back. “Did I hurt your feelings?”
“GET OUT!” He turns to the others, watching them scramble to leave before he unleashes the darkness everyone feared. Once the last one left, the door slamming behind them, Kirigan locked his eyes on hers.
“Don’t ever try to get inside my head”, he snarled, slamming her against the door. As his heartbeat echoed in his ears, they stayed there with his grip crushing her wrists, keeping them pinned to the wall.
She didn’t breathe, trying to guess his next move. There was a risk she’d push him over the edge and she quite liked herself in one piece, so she waited – waited for him to move first despite the aching pain in her wrists. Releasing a shuddered breath, her chest deflates.
Finally, his eyes soften as he realizes he might have scared her and while he’d usually triumph, he found no satisfaction in being rough with her. He imagined himself releasing her from his grip, cupping her cheeks and asking for forgiveness, but the way she refused to blink made him unsteady. Yet he whispered still, “It’s too dark for you.”
Squinting, Y/N pressed her lips into a thin line. She easily breaks out of his grasp, shoving him against the wall with her forearm on his chest. Trailing her hand lazily towards his neck, she tightens her grip, lightly choking him. Pulling him down, she stands on her tiptoes as well. Leaning in, her lips brush against his ear; whispering, "Darling, you may wield darkness but you don't know the meaning of dark."
Stepping away, she raised her chin defiantly and he wished he could grasp it and pull her lips to his until her jaw relented and her mouth opened for his. And that’s when he realized – why would he hold back?
Her eyes drifted up to his and she knew his resolve was gone. His lips captured hers in a hard kiss, driving them apart with the force of it. There was something gentle about it, regardless of the brute strength he used to push her into the door. She felt the door rattle against her back as he shifted, pressing her into it, taking her face between his hands.
When he kissed her, she felt as if she were losing his mind. She couldn’t comprehend why her hand wasn’t holding her dagger at his neck, or why she allowed herself to moan into the kiss as if he had brought her pleasure.
Every thought she once had evaporated as the darkness of lust drew her in, bending all her rules, stealing the last trembling bit of restraint. She tries to pull away, to stand firm and turn away his affection if she could call it that.
“No”, he whispers, bringing her lips back to his.
And when he kissed her again, she wasn’t sure she wanted her sanity back. She slid her hands under his kefta, wrapping arms around him to press him closer. The low groan at the back of his throat, a small, pleading noise set every inch of her skin on fire.
Opening her eyes, they widen as she notes his are closed as he lost himself in their passionate exchange. A single intelligent thought formed inside her mind, sparking others to appear as well. Playing with fire is her favorite hobby, but this wasn’t a game – not when she was losing.
Pushing against him with all her might, Y/N gasped for breath as he stumbled back. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, she narrowed her eyes at him. Lifting her chin, Y/N met his gaze decidedly. After all, she couldn’t avoid her marital duty if she allowed him to kiss her like that. He may not be an old, unattractive, undeveloped man she had imagined in her mind, but Y/N still wasn’t quite keen on giving herself to him. She had kept her maidenhood all those years only to lose it to a man who shall never be more to her than a husband in name only. She’d never love him…she promised herself that. She never broke a promise before and he would not be the one who changes that.
“Don’t touch me”, she spoke through clenched teeth.
He looked at her in surprise. There was hatred in her enchantingly cold eyes, her cheeks flushed red. If possible, her anger made her even more beautiful. Never had he felt such a raging desire.
His hand went around her neck, his thumb digging into the soft flesh. “You are my wife,” he said in a low voice. “You are mine!”
“I believe we have already covered that. I’m not yours and I never will be.” Y/N told him with such spite, such determination that he let her go immediately.
“You’re untouched, aren’t you?” Darkling’s voice softened, his eyes holding more understanding than she liked. Had he acted unreasonably and taken her against her will the night before or now, she’d at least be right about his horrid heart and vile mind…but he didn’t. Instead of being a savage she imaged him to be, he offered her gentle understanding.
“I’m sorry I was rough. I’ll try and be gentler. If you don’t want to go through with this, I won’t force you.” Running a hand across his face, he leaned back on the table. “I want you…really fucking bad, but I won’t take you against your will.” The Darkling sighed as she stared at him with her doe eyes, seeing confusion pass her features.
“Good to know where you draw your line. Murder – good, rape – bad.”
Rolling his eyes, he squinted as he looked at her again, “We can’t sacrifice Grisha for your men.”
Knitting her eyebrows, Y/N could hardly believe he just forgot the kiss they shared. In seconds, he crossed his arms and the lustful look was gone. The man before her was a general once more, and though he tried to hide it, he was still a man who had a hard-on despite the subject change. She wished she could ignore the evidence his blood is still boiling for a touch, more so because he was fucking right – he wasn’t small at all.
“If you keep wasting human lives, we will stop defending yours entirely.”
Raising an eyebrow, his face hardened, “We’ll kill you.”
Scoffing, she raises her eyebrow to mimic him. “It’s you or Volcra or the Druskelle and Fjerdans or Shu. We end up dying either way.” Stepping closer, she folded her hands behind her back. “We can work together and lessen our losses or you can do it your way and have a massacre instead.”
In less than a minute, her eyes turned from ice to flame and he found himself captivated by the change.
“I’ll agree on one condition.”
His gaze roamed over her as if he is unable to fully comprehend her beauty. Only when he looked back at her eyes did he see she was troubled. Was that expression fear? The possibility struck him as so humorous he nearly laughed out loud.
“State your terms”, she snapped, refusing to concede when she’s close enough to do something she’s wanted for years – to protect the soldiers used as a shield for those who are perfectly capable of protecting themselves.
“I plan on getting to know you better”, he leaned in closer. He raised his hand, cupping her cheek just as he imagined – tenderly, enough to show dominance but not quite capable of harming her. “If you let me.”
Heart fluttering inside her chest had made her doubt herself. She stared at him, stubborn and unrelenting. “I’m still not sleeping with you.”
Chuckling, Kirigan drops his hand, noticing her relax as he steps back. With a tightness in his chest, he looked back at his wife, so small, so alone and still so fierce. He would never admit it, but he had already a sliver of love for her and knowing she did not had hurt him.
His smile falls and he nods. Clearing his throat, “How about we go for a ride in a few days?” He took her hand in his and gave her a gentle squeeze, looking up at her weary eyes.
“Does that mean I have the bed all to myself?” Raising her eyebrows expectantly, she squeezed his hands right back, as bold as ever. Genya seemed to trust him, yet Y/N couldn’t understand why. He’s too charming to be trustworthy.
Using his grip on her hand as an advantage, he tugged her closer to him and she found herself between his legs as he remained, leaning against the table behind him. His eyes flicker to her lips, “Better find more pillows, my wife. We wouldn’t want you to be the big spoon again, would we?”
With that, he turned them so swiftly, she had barely blinked as he pulled her up on the table and she gasped in surprise. Heart beating fast, she nearly gripped his kefta and claimed his lips, but he leaned in on his own accord and she had no need for brutish behavior.
The tip of his nose brushes hers and just as she begins to lean in, he takes a step back. Winking, he takes another step back.
“If you want a taste, you’ll have to ask.”
Watching his retreating figure in shock, she remained perched on the table with her mouth open and her eyes wide.
Covering her mouth, Y/N shakes her head. Her mind was right, the heart cannot be trusted.
Tags: @bruxa0007 @rangotangomango @kaitlyn2907 @thestoryofmylife9​ @shelivesindaydreamswme @hxrgreeves @safetyhtom @kaqua @savannah-elliott @all-art-is-quite-useless  @azure23x​ 
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bloodycassian · 3 years
Reader x Rhys - Traitor.
  hi! i was thinking a bat boi x reader where the reader ”betrays” them but the reader is doing it to save the night court (they don’t know that until later tho) and the reader is exiled from the night court before the inner circle realises the reader did it to save them <3 (you can pick the bat boi :) Reader is a double agent - originally from Autumn court. The reader has allied themselves with the Night court after Autumn and Hybern began working together. Reader still poses as an Autumn court informant to Beron.
  This was a challenge for me, thank you for that!
They would be their own downfall. You knew they would do absolutely anything to protect Velaris and its citizens. Amren was the only one who seemed to be on your side regarding the risky method. Rhys outright refused. Which was why you had to pave the way to allow Beron's army in. Or, at least make them all think that was what you'd done. You spent weeks forging your plan, heart sinking with every tough decision to be made. Which buildings would be sacrificed, how to get the people of the city out without giving yourself away. Beron would be pissed off, but he wouldn't dare to actually march his army into Velaris. You had fed him enough information to make him hesitate at that idea. Plus, they were busy ruining the Summer court. But you doubted that the King of Hybern knew that. Beron liked to keep his soldiers tame and under his rule by allowing them free reign after battles. So you waited on your informants to get back to you to confirm. Like a spider waiting for it's trap to be set. If the king thought his own ally in the Autumn court had already sacked Velaris, he wouldn't make the stop there. He didn't want to ruin his own pride, wasting his first grand attack on a measly city that was already losing their battle. He would continue for the next city down the line that hadn't been trifled with yet. It was a risk and you knew it - playing the king's arrogance. So you covered all your bases, and you set fires. Got yourself the biggest Illusion spell you could find. A massive one that had cost you half your bank account for all the materials you needed to create it. Your lips trembled as you said the enchantment over the potion. You told yourself it would work. It had to. You packed your bag and tightened it on your back before you set off. Hurting Rhys would be the hardest part. You debated the plan all together because of the fracture it would cause. But you knew it was the only way to keep him safe from his need to protect his home. The city he built from the ground up. You tried to push those thoughts away until the day of your heist. Which seemed to come around much too soon. You led Rhys and Azriel far out of Velaris the hour before the potion was to be set off. You spun them a story of scouts watching from the south. You weren't even halfway to your destination when the screams started, a loud cracking sound ringing out over the land. The potions had worked. Your face went pale at Rhy's rage filled gaze. The hurt and devastation there. You didn't doubt the scene in the city looked much worse than you knew it to be. Rhys grabbed you by the wing and tugged you down forcefully. It was not what you were expecting, you thought his first move would be to use his power to make you paralyzed. You felt those claws lurking, but they seemed to hesitate. You spun, and were able to kick his hand off of you before you hit the ground with him. Azriel held him back, not understanding fully what you'd done. Az removed his hand once Rhys had filled him in, mentally speaking to his brother. A flash of shock and hurt lingered there even after Rhys told him. Shame built in your gut. You knew you weren't betraying them. You kept your shields up though, they had to think you would do such a thing. It would make the fight more believable to the king. It would force him away from Velaris. "Get out of this territory. Now. Do not come back." Rhys growled, watching the fake army invade his home. His chest heaved, those claws digging lightly at your shields. Perhaps he was afraid to go against someone he trained in the Daemati ways. You dared not open your mind to him. "Rhys I-" You began, stopping when he gave you the iciest glare you'd ever seen. His eyes were alight with rage. The trees seemed to quiver from the dark power that rushed to him. He pointed a finger at you, a curse. "Leave. Now." The command made your knees shake. Azriel looked away in shame. "There will be no second chances." He ground out. You could nearly hear his teeth clamping together. Holding himself back. You could hear Cassian calling orders far in the distance. Good, the scramble and panic would make the show more believable. The ships would be visible any second if your inside information was to be believed. Happiness for the safety of the city was your first reason for tears, the next was Fear. Fear settled in your gut, not moving no matter how much you re assured yourself. Not fear for Velaris, but for own alliances with any court. There would be a hit out for you, betraying Beron and the King and potentially Rhys depending how angry he would be about your Illusion spell. Those ships would surely be paying a visit to Beron after seeing his forces attacking without the order to do so. You backed away from Rhys slowly, like he was a wild animal. "Rhys, come on. We need to help." Azriel placed a hand on his shoulder to break him out of the rage filled trance. Rhy's last glance to you was something like death itself. You shuddered, and bit the inside of your cheek to keep from telling him the truth. The fact he would believe that you would double cross him stung a bit. But you knew enough of the bad blood between Night and Autumn that you weren't incredibly offended. He shook his head ever so slightly. Disgust, before turning away. They took off together, quickly flying back to Velaris while the king's dark sails fired a few cannon shots into the docks, but kept sailing. Your hope soared at the sight of their departure. Watching those sails turn direction, then keep going. You could have cheered. Your plan wasn't done yet. You took off to Day court. The potions in your bag secure and ready. + When Rhys landed in his city the ground beneath him cracked.  The Autumn court soldiers kept marching around him. Cassian joined him, assessing the threat that did not attack. Rhys reached out a mental hand to the area and found there was nothing to latch on to. Nothing to torment for information. Cassian was at a loss as well, and reached out a hand to a solider. Only for it to break and slide through his fingers like water. His blood ran cold. "Fuck." Rhys breathed, utterly still. They looked to each other, then Rhys blanched in horror - "I promised them death." He whispered, voice hoarse. Cassian's eyes went wide, and they shot into the air at the same time. + Overlooking Day court, you heard Rhys approaching before you saw him. "They're all going to die." You said, voice trembling. You watched the scene below as it unfolded. The ships docked one after another, terrible dark forces lurched into the city. Overwhelming the guards and front linemen. "I'm sorry." He said. "We can help. I can help. I'm sorry." He said again, shame washing over his face. "I owe you everything." Your heart soared at the words, despite the destruction below. "Can you get the Illyrians here to help?" You nodded toward the front that pushed through. The streets already stained with blood and littered with bodies from both sides. Rhys nodded, and nodded to Azriel behind him. The spy curled his shadows around himself and winnowed away, off to summon the Illyrians. Cassian had a wide grin on his face, and stretched his wings, ready to take flight down to the city and help. His siphons thrummed with anticipation. Rhys gave him a nod as well, and he took off. The screams and clash of steel below quieted, then roared back to life with another wave of Summer court forces hitting the enemy lines. Rhys sighed, his dark power curling around the hillside. "I am beyond words with you. I'm pissed, but I'm... awestruck." He took your hand without looking, running a thumb over apologetically. As if he was asking permission. You squeezed back, then gave him a soft smile. "Let's get to work." You dropped your bag to the ground and pulled out two more potions. You handed them to him, then pulled your blade from its sheathe. Rhys hummed in approval at the sight of your handiwork. He held up the dark liquid and admired it. "Remind me to give you a raise." He said, shaking the glass. You held his hand in place before he could shake it again. The sparkles from the enchanted sand inside swirled. "You're going to get me a new house. And a raise." You took the bottle from him, and winked. You leapt down the slope and into the air, flying faster when you heard his laugh gaining on you. A promise of violence against the King's army was laced with that laugh. An underlying darkness. You smiled wickedly and tossed your concoction to the ground far below. Setting your spellbound illusions free.
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minniepetals · 3 years
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❥⋆。˚ anon said:  [ scream ] for a muse to hear another scream and run to them a mafia au
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[ scream ] for a muse to hear another scream and run to them
genre: mafia!au
pairing: bts x reader
word count: 1.7k
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“If you do not agree to our terms then I can assure you that you will be at a disadvantage.”
Studying the man before him who sits in a relaxed position without any worries and a sly grin curled along the corner of his lips, Namjoon can’t believe he has the audacity to act in such a manner during a time of negotiation.
Crossing a leg on over towards the other one, he keeps his face as cool and as expressionless as ever. “You’re the one who wishes to ally yourself with our gang, what makes you think I will simply yield to you and let you do whatever you want?”
Despite the challenging brow Namjoon has raised his way, the man doesn’t look fazed one bit. Suspicious at the confident and cocky attitude, Jungkook who stood beside Namjoon on the right, discreetly steals a glance at Hoseok’s way. Surely being this confident must mean there’s something he isn’t telling them, right?
The eyes Hoseok returns him lets him know that he knows something is going on as well.
“Only a fool would think to keep his silence when Kim Namjoon questions them,” Yoongi speaks in a low tone, already bored of all this and wants to leave at this second. “Spit it out,” he demands.
“Well.” He sits back casually in his seat and turns his head to the side, watching the people on the first floor from the balcony seat with eyes that are quick to capture the one thing he had hoped to see. “You have quite the lovely little rose with you, don’t you? With the softest petals and the most beautiful blush of pink.”
They look out the balcony, studying the room and wondering what he means by that.
“It’s quite a shame it has lost all its thorns to protect it from the greedy human hands.”
The moment Namjoon catches sight of you walking away from the crowd with no guard by your side, he’s quick to turn. “Taehyung.”
In a split second, the younger man is out the door while Namjoon kicks back his chair and guns from both gangs are pointing at each other. Namjoon keeps his gaze on the man which turns into a piercing glare that can kill if possible.
He’s beyond angry now but he also knows that he has to make calculated moves without risking anything that can potentially hurt you.
Taehyung just has to get to you on time.
“Ah-!” In that split second you let out a scream of fear seeing a gun pointed your way and the man ready to pull the trigger, someone grabs ahold of you and you’re wrapped in their protective arms as they quickly turn you about, allowing your face to hide right into their chest.
You flinch at a sting that touches your upper arm and hold yourself close to those familiar protective arms.
Taehyung keeps you against him with one arm, pushing you off to the side, while his other hand is already pulling the trigger aimed at the man that dared to point a gun your way.
The bullet shoots and he falls to the floor in an instant without a miss.
You look up upon his call, breath cut short and fast as your eyes shake with fear and his grip tightens on you. “Ah!” You hiss slightly and he holds himself back, eyes quick to search for the place where he had touched you.
At the sight of the grazed cut on your arm, Taehyung’s eyes darkens. If he had been one second too late, that man could have actually seriously injured you.
“I-I’m okay,” he hears you say, causing you to grab his attention again. “It’s just a small graze, Taehyung. I’m not hurt.” You look at him with eyes that show bravery in the way that he knows best. Because although those eyes are filled with fear, you’re trying your best not to show it so that he wouldn’t worry too much.
But Taehyung knows.
He knows in the way your hands are gripping onto his blazer so tightly your knuckles have turned white and in the way your legs are shaky and barely holding on.
So without a word, he lifts you up right into his arms while the world before him falls into chaos.
“Tae…?” You call his name questioningly with a gaze so innocent and pure he wishes he can take all your pains away. “What...what’s going on?”
“Namjoon will take care of it,” Taehyung simply states. “Just close your eyes for now, alright?”
Touching the back of your head, he brings your face to bury into his neck to hide your eyes from the dark world and you follow his words obediently, arms wrapping themselves around his neck and holding on tightly as he begins walking you away from the scene.
Meanwhile Namjoon stands tall before the man who’s now on the floor, his men already gone and dead, ready to die along with them.
“You need me,” he tries to convince. “I have information you want and if I’m gone, who’ll give it to you?”
“I would be a fool to keep someone who was hoping to hurt my precious flower by my side.”
Laughing nervously to try and keep his fears at bay, the man lets out a scoff as his eyes shakily scans the room for anything that would help his escape. “S-so what then? You’ll just kill me off?” He eyes a gun on the floor closest to him and quickly reaches for it, only to have Seokjin kick it away and stomp his foot right atop his hand, causing the man to scream out in agony.
“That would be the right idea, wouldn’t it?” Walking forward to forcefully place his foot on the man’s chest, Namjoon’s gaze does not leave his weak figure. “But I’m not going to do anything to you until I know exactly how my little flower is doing. The more shaken up she is, the harsher your death will be and, if you managed to hurt her even the slightest bit, you’re going to wish you never lived on this planet.”
Catching the trembling fear in his eyes, Namjoon lets out a single scoff at how pathetic he is before turning his head towards Jimin.
“She’s taken to safety,” the younger male answers before the question is even asked.
A few minutes later after the man is taken on his way back to their headquarters in order to be personally dealt with, they walk outside to meet both you and Taehyung.
“Namjoon!” He hears your voice before even seeing you and there you are, in your pretty dress with Taehyung’s black blazer over your shoulders as you run to him with open arms and falling right into him.
“Princess,” the boss sighs as he holds you protectively and leans in to breathe in your familiar sweet scent to calm himself down. “Thank goodness you’re alright.” He leans back just enough to take a look at you with a gentle hand caressing your cheek. “You must’ve been scared, huh? I’m sorry I couldn’t come to your rescue.”
“It’s okay, Taehyung came in time. I’m-”
With cold hands, Jungkook slides the blazer off your shoulders just enough to find your upper arm wrapped in white bandage. “What the hell is this?”
It’s new.
It’s definitely new.
“I-I,” you stutter as the group before you falls silent while their eyes say all the things that you need to know. “I’m fine, I-” You quickly turn to Namjoon, knowing he’ll be the most angry of them all and grab onto his arm while you see that his eyes are focused on the bandage Taehyung had wrapped you in a few minutes before. “Namjoon, I’m okay. It was just a small graze, it doesn’t even hurt that much. Please don’t be angry. I’m so sorry.”
He closes his eyes for a moment to take in a deep breath before opening them again and looking at you calmly in the eyes. “What are you apologizing for?”
Looking down at the floor upon their gaze, your face contours with worry. “I don’t want you to be angry.”
“You’re in a position where you could have gotten seriously hurt and you’re worrying about silly little things like that?”
“I’m sorry—”
“Don’t.” Grabbing ahold of your wrist, he holds your hand in front of him with a serious gaze to prove a point. “Look at this,” Namjoon says at the way you’re still shaking. “No matter how much you try to brave it, you can’t hide anything from us.”
“I...I know.”
And they know that part of the reason why you’re trying to hide it in the first place is because you know you play a role with how the enemies are dealt with. You don't like being responsible for someone else’s pain but how can they help it when they’re the ones that had planned to hurt you in the first place? Using such tactics wasn't ever going to go well with your boys.
“Princess,” fixing the blazer on you to keep you warm against the night breeze, Jimin calls your name softly and presses a kiss to your temple. “At times like this you should be worrying about yourself, not us.”
“We’ll take care of everything, okay?” Hoseok says. “So just focus on you for now.”
They watch you as you hesitate to say something but remain patient to hear your words. Your head turns to where Jimin has his hand on your shoulder before it turns back to the hand that still holds your wrist. Carefully, you reach up to take the grip away in order to take his hand and give it a gentle squeeze before looking up at him.
“Can you stay with me then?” You ask the boss as you nuzzle your cheek against the other hand that still remains on your shoulder.
It wasn’t often you spoke a selfish wish and with eyes like that, how can they ever refuse?
“Just let us take care of a few things first, alright?” Namjoon says, speaking in a gentler manner. “Until then, we’ll be all yours.”
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umiarumi · 3 years
fucking three houses | lorenz hellman gloucester
the whole reason i wrote this collection was because of an inside joke. "wouldnt slut shaming lorenz be funny?"
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The resounding tune of the clock striking noon echoed around the monastery, prompting you to perk up from your studies. Usually, you studied in solitude. As outgoing as your allies made you, you always held onto that ease and pleasure being alone supplied you. With how lust-induced your recent activities had been, a little peace and quiet would do you some well-deserved good.
You shut the book regarding tactics your professor had recommended you. The soft shuffles of former students leaving the library and hushed chatter reverberated around the room and halls. Of course, you were at war but there's always time to get better at what you do. You chuckled at the thought of some grizzled lady wielding a sword studying. Well, that is you after all!
Sliding the book back in its respective shelf, you hummed as you remembered Tomas. From what you gathered, the Tomas that the faculty knew was replaced. Unfortunate, but unsurprising knowing the enemies working behind the scenes.
You shifted your thoughts to your upcoming mission. Some scouting mission from the empire detected commotion in Garreg Mach. You huffed at the thought. Of course, you'd expect Edelgard to retaliate but damn, that was quick.
You shook your head, well, it was tea time! Noon meant the yard would be filled with people gossiping and sipping alike, the hobby so ingrained in them that they retained it through the war.
You walked past Seteth, nodding to him. He nodded back, cracking a soft smile. You'd rarely see that emotion! You giddily laughed as he turned the corner, pleased to see he was loosening up.
Walking down the stairs, you passed a rushing Lysithea who didn't even recognise you. You grinned, shaking your head. Always in a rush, that girl! Or, well, woman. She'd like that better.
Sauntering, you caught a glimpse of a certain purple and ginger-headed duo bickering. "Lee! Lorenz! Whatever is wrong, my dear friends?" You cheered, slinging your arms around the two. Leonie raised a brow at you, grinning, seemingly relieved at your arrival. Lorenz, on the other hand, froze up. "Although you may have connections to House Riegan, (Y/N)..." He grumbled, sighing.
"Oh chill, Lorenz!" You guffawed, shaking your head. He'd become considerably more agreeable, but God, he'll hold onto that 'treating commoners with his version of respect' ideal forever.
Leonie nodded with you. "Yeah, buddy." She pointedly looked at Lorenz, crossing her arms. "Well, apparently (Y/N), Lorenz thinks that he can't take me to tea because I'm 'unpleasant'". Hands now on her hips, she turned back to you.
You smirked. "Lovers quarrel?" You asked, shifting your weight.
"NO, DUMBASS!" "Absolutely not!"
You cackled at the yells, waving your hands in front of your face dismissively. They really did act like it!
"My bad, my bad... now, Leonie is a great dining partner! But... I doubt tea is even your thing." You offered, mockingly putting on a wise tone. She slowly nodded, realising you're right.
"Yeah! A good meal is better than tea. Thanks for seeing my point, (Y/N)." She slapped your back before, turning away. "I'll spend this time on training, can never get enough!" She waved goodbye to the two of you, although you supposed it was more to you.
Lorenz sighed, brushing his, admittedly less foul, hair out of his face. "I fail to see why you defend her." He muttered, looking to you. You raised a brow, tilting your head for that added 'what do you mean?' effect.
"Simply put, she wouldn't make a fair tea partner. She accused me of the reason being that she was a commoner, but it truly was not! I explained to her, but she seemed to have not appreciated my honesty, either." He pondered, lips pursing.
"Well, Lorenz! I think you need a lesson in manners." You bluntly asserted, placing your hands on your sides.
"Why I never-"
"Not that you don't have wonderful manners! However, your honesty can be jarring... you come off rude, man." You explained, patting his shoulder.
"So I am to lie?"
"Gah! No! Look, how about we discuss it over tea?" You suggested, exasperated. As intelligent as the dude is, his social cues with... commoners and the rest of us normal people are is abysmal!
He nodded. "A splendid notion! Shall we take this to my dorm? I feel as though the tea court will be filled by now. I also have some delectable flavours and tea sets!" He smiled, leading you away.
You yelped, catching up to him. What was the deal with guys walking briskly away from you?
"Please, take a seat." He offered, pulling out a chair for you. You mumbled thanks, sitting down.
Crossing your legs, you hummed. Was this a curse? Was this going to end up in you fucking the most pretentious man? Well, the omniscient presence watching your every move knows the answers.
As he poured the tea into your embellished cup, you admired the colour. "How pretty! And the teacup compliments it!" You whispered in awe, looking back up to Lorenz. He smiled sweetly at you, almost in the way one would at a kitten or puppy.
"I'm glad you have a knack for spotting artistic factors in the simplest things." He said, sitting down opposite you.
"However, on our way here, I thought about something."
You gulped. How was your impending lecturing being turned on you?!
"Y-yes?" You stuttered, bringing the teacup to your mouth, sipping nervously on the steaming liquid.
He eyed you, before humming.
"I doubt you're the most qualified person to teach me about manners." He said, gauging your reaction. You halted sipping on your tea.
Collecting yourself, you placed your teacup back down. "Oh? Why would that be?" You questioned, fiddling with the tablecloth.
"Well, you seem to have time engaging in certain... promiscuous activities, that isn't exactly too innocent or polite." He murmured, sipping on his tea.
Your eyes bulged, hands antsy as they moved to your face to hide your shock.
"For someone so carefree to participate in such... activities in public, you sure do seem to hold a facade of modesty." He replied, watching you sternly.
"Yeah, imagine how it feels having someone know of this!" You gritted your teeth, clenching your arms.
He raised a brow, smiling crookedly. "Certainly you wouldn't mind. Considering you would do so on holy grounds. You and Claude seemed to have not cared. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole monastery heard you."
You gasped, moving to get out of your chair. You didn't need a lecture from Lorenz.
He stood up with you, challenging your gaze.
"When I told Leonie she wasn't well-kempt enough... I suppose you aren't any better." He smirked, watching you bite your lip anxiously.
"Damnit, what do you want!? Don't tell anyone, I'll do anything!" You pleaded, taking a step forward. Lorenz grinned at this, raising a brow. He walked around the table, coming to face you directly. You looked down, refusing to meet his gaze.
"Since you're so eager to offer. Perhaps I could partake in those services Claude recommended to you?" He whispered, hand coming to tilt your chin upwards. Your face erupted in a dark heat, your heart thumping.
Don't fuck Lorenz. Don't fuck Lorenz. Don't fuck Lorenz. Don't fuck Lorenz.
You collected yourself, giving him a sly grin as your hands found themselves around his neck. "Well, if you're interested in a free trial..." You hinted, swaying your hips.
Don't fuck Lorenz. Don't fuck Lorenz. Don't fuck Lorenz. Don't fuck Lorenz.
He gulped, smiling crookedly. "You strike a hard bargain, my fair lady. I suppose I'd have to indulge." He murmured, grabbing underneath your knee and pulling your leg up to his waist.
Don't fuck Lorenz. Don't fuck Lorenz. Don't fuck Lorenz. Fuck Lorenz.
"Then, please, take whatever you'd like."
Fuck Lorenz. Fuck Lorenz. Fuck Lorenz. Fuck Lorenz. Fuck Lorenz. Fuck-
Your lips were captured by his own, as you soon felt your weight shift as your body was lifted from the ground. You wrapped your legs around him fully as you were set down on his plush bed
The kiss heated up passionately, feeling Lorenz palm you through your normal uniform. Being a Sunday, no war business was discussed and no armour was worn. He cupped your breasts.
"You're hardly pleasant, ever so brash and callous. But not to fear, I'll mould you into a fair woman. However, I'd say I prefer your unabashed promiscuousness." He hissed, stripping you of your uniform. Soon, your bra and underwear followed.
He shed his own casual uniform, for once in his life, not caring. That was proved as much as he dropped his uniform onto the mahogany floors.
You were pushed down onto the bed as you felt Lorenz slide on top of you, his already hard dick grinding against your slick cunt. You sighed, capturing his lips in a kiss once more.
His hands moved to your breasts, removing his mouth from your own only to kiss up the skin. Poking, squeezing, kissing, licking. He left no stone unturned, or in this case, no skin untouched. His apparent fixation on your breasts soon shifted to your darkened face. He simpered at his work.
"You will be good practice for the future. I suppose a whore such as yourself wouldn't oppose being treated with such behaviour." He proposed, his hands stroking up and down your sides.
"I... I'm not a whore!" You defended weakly. Yet any argument was soon washed away as he began to rub his dick up and down against your vagina.
"Oh? Ah, I see. So making love... no, I should say, carelessly fucking your former classmates one after another was just a hallucination?" He asked, the tip of his dick sliding into your walls for a split second before retreating.
"N-no, that's not what I meant!" You cried out, frustrated at the lack of stimulation.
"Ah, straight to denial, I see! You have skipped explaining and gone straight to denying your needy, sluttish behaviour." He groaned as he felt you pull him closer.
You cried out in frustration before looking away.
" F-fine! You're right that I'm a whore! I'm a whore who loves her classmate's dicks! Now please fuck me!" You moaned, exasperated.
"That's wonderful to hear."
And no sooner than he spoke did he thrust his dick right into your pussy, a silent moan escaping your open lips. He leant over you, feeling your tits press against him. Your legs rose and wrapped around his pistoning hips.
You struggled to get a full breath at the pace he was thrusting at, it sent your head spinning. You couldn't think, you could only feel as you were fucked silly by the one guy you could never like.
Yet, that distaste furthered your arousal.
"You are far from suitable for me. You.." He heaved as you clenched around him. "Naughty. You're brash, loud, unladylike... but you make a wonderful cocksleeve." He groaned into your ear, letting out soft moans.
You felt the coil in your stomach tighten at his words.
"Then... you're just like me! Sinking down... to my level just for some pussy?" You teased, slurring.
He smirked annoyedly. "Tch, I wouldn't say that in your position." He grunted out, holding you tighter as he pistoned harder.
"O-oh! I... you!" You moaned, speech cutting off as you couldn't talk. It was so fast, so hard, so good!
The two of you continued to moan and grunt, accompanied only by the sound of skin slapping. The erotic groans of the man you held such distaste for was sending you over the edge. You hated it so much that you loved it.
To the means of an end, you felt the coil snap as he groaned once more in your ear, the spasming of your walls soon causing him to cum. You felt your ravaged pussy shudder as ropes of hot cum seared your insides. As he slid out, it trailed out.
Lorenz looked down on you, smiling coyly at the sight. "Speechless and fucked silly, that's a perfect look for you."
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nejibaby · 3 years
Pairing: Neji x Fem!Uchiha Reader
Summary: There are a lot of terrible things that have happened to you as an Uchiha that you wanted to forget. But with Neji’s help, you’re able to move on and move along. Things have started getting better for you, however, once the Fourth Shinobi War was declared, time seemed to start running out.
Word Count: 2.1k
Memories - Part 1 | Deja Vu - Part 2
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A/N: I didn’t exactly follow the plot and somehow it turned so angsty 🙈 Please let me know your thoughts~
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There are memories you hold so dear that you refuse to have them tainted no matter what. Most of those memories are of the times you spent playing or training with your brother Shishui, his best friend Itachi, and Itachi’s brother Sasuke. Those times were the golden days for you; the best of the best, if you may.
Conversely, there are also memories that you just wish would disappear. They’re the memories of incidents you wish didn’t happen at all. They’re the type of memories that you push at the back of your mind, because you believe that if you think about it or even spare a single second for it, then it’ll be more real. Because you’re in denial. You’re in denial not only about the death of Shisui, but also of the Uchiha clan.
But then there’s a single memory you have that always stands out. It’s a memory that you both want to forget and remember.
The tragedy of the Uchiha clan had changed the only survivors — you and Sasuke. You had already started changing a little because you had to deal with your brother’s death, but seeing the horrible scene in the clan’s district had been the icing on top.
Your drastic change had been evident on the day you came back to the Academy after you were discharged at the hospital. What once was a girl full of life had become an empty shell.
The moment you sat down entered the room, people had started talking. Mostly it’s just about asking someone else if you were an Uchiha or if they know about the clan’s misfortune. They were meaningless chatters so you easily drowned them out.
But there was a comment that had reached your ears. “Why is it such a big deal? People die anyway, it just so happened her clan died on the same day.”
The comment kept ringing inside your head but then someone beside you spoke up, “Don’t you have anything else better to do than talk about someone else’s life?”
He was met with silence so he continued saying, “People die everyday, it’s a fact. Some die because of illnesses, some because of old age, some because of poverty, accidents, or murder. As shinobi, we can die in the line of duty. But that doesn’t make death any less painful to the one left behind.
“If your family is alive, then good, but maybe use that brain of yours because logic says not everyone gets to be as lucky as you.”
Naturally, you want to forget about the unsolicited comment of your classmate, but you want to remember that among the students inside the room, one boy had stood up for you. Quite frankly, you needed his saving that day. Otherwise, you would’ve beaten yourself up for mourning too long.
And when you realized who that boy was, his words weighed even more. Because Hyuga Neji was a boy notoriously known for thinking that everyone’s fate is predetermined from birth and that luck plays absolutely no part in it.
“Not everyone gets to be as lucky as you.”
And for a hot minute he had abandoned his belief as he stood up for you.
It sounds hypocritical if you think about it.
But maybe just as he had saved you, you had opened his eyes just a little bit and helped him see that his beliefs were skewed too. In a way, you had helped each other, at least you hoped.
It’s because of that day, that memory, that you find yourself gravitating towards Neji.
It isn’t attraction at all at first, more like genuine curiosity about him and his life. But you didn’t get to know him further until the Chunin exams where he had disclosed the way of their clan. It’s at that time where you understood why he acts the way he acts.
You can’t help but wonder about how two clans with almost similar circumstances— both with kekkei genkai, both living in Konoha, both considered to be one of the strongest clans in the shinobi world— could have completely different ways of living. One clan is almost completely annihilated, while the other has slaves of their own blood. And if you’re being completely honest, you aren’t exactly sure which is better.
You have gotten the urge to talk to him after hearing his story, although you really didn’t know what to say. But then the chance never came up because of the chaos orchestrated by Orochimaru.
After the Chunin exams and the attack of Orochimaru, you hadn’t heard of Neji for a while since you’ve been tasked to help with the repairs of the village. And when you did hear about him, it was terrible, terrible news.
Sasuke left the village to seek power from the very person who just wrecked havoc in Konoha. His leaving alone left you in despair. What Itachi was to Shisui is exactly what Sasuke means to you, and him doing such a thing without even letting you know makes you feel like a failure both as a friend and as a family.
The news didn’t end there, however. Apparently the squad that Shikamaru had led to retrieve Sasuke had been severely injured and were on the brink of death — one of them being Neji.
You remember feeling guilt and regret burning your skin. You remember the shame of not being able to save Sasuke from the darkness and not being able to help the retrieval squad in any way. You blame yourself for the horrible things that happened.
Since then, you have made it a point to visit the squad in the hospital every day, making sure you apologize and thank them for their service. But admittedly, it’s Neji that you always stay with longer.
It’s not that you aren’t comfortable with the others, they’re really nice and easy to get along with. But they always have other visitors with them, mostly their team members and relatives. Neji, on the other hand, didn’t get as many visits since his other teammate, Rock Lee, was also injured because of his fight with Gaara. So Tenten and Guy sensei would switch visits between the two every other day.
Besides that, his clan members rarely ever visited. And you didn’t want him to be alone in such trying moments, especially when you didn’t get to do anything to prevent this from happening.
As closed off as Neji is, because of your constant visits, you have found a way to worm yourself into the walls he put up. And by the time he’s discharged from the hospital, you somehow became close friends.
From that moment on, you find yourself coming to Neji on times that you’re in despair and in doubt. You trust him enough to tell him your stories, worries, and fears because he doesn’t judge you. And he does the same with you.
Neji listens when you want him to listen, and talks when you need him to talk. He’s quite level headed and very much rational, and because of that he gives the best advice.
With him, you find yourself healing and growing. With you, he finds himself learning to forgive.
Neji easily makes you see things in a different way; a different light; a different perspective, and helps you become a better shinobi and a better person in general.
For you, Neji has such a comforting aura. While he’s sometimes cold and stoic around others, with you, he softens up. With you, he’s gentle; careful even. And it’s because of this that you find yourself admiring him more and more.
But before anything could happen — before you could even confess — the Fourth Shinobi War was declared.
Just like that, time seemed to start running out. And you have lost all hopes of being together with Neji as a lover rather than a friend.
The war is awful. Quite frankly, it overwhelmed you too much, too easily. The bodies lying on the floor with dried out blood reminded you of the massacre of the Uchiha clan. But the only person who’s able to calm you down and help you move along is Neji.
The both of you fight side by side, always nearby Hinata in case she would need help. When the night comes and the enemies cease their attack, it’s your turn to talk Neji into relaxing a bit because he’s started straining his eyes from too much use. And because it’s you who asked and it’s you who’s there with him, he knows he and the rest of the Allied Forces are safe, so he rests.
But somehow chaos ensues and in the middle of it, you both get separated. You’re worried deeply, but you trust his skills and his strength, and you know you’ll be reuniting with him again.
And reunited with him you did. But when you have found him once again, he’s blocking out the Ten Tails’ attack with... his body.
With desperation, you transported to his side as quickly as you can. Summoning your last bits of chakra, you use Susanoo to protect him, Hinata, and Naruto. The last thing you remember is the look of relief on Neji’s face, but before it could morph into worry, you have already blacked out.
By the time you have woken up, you’re in Konoha’s hospital. The first thing you see is Neji resting his head on the side of your bed, peacefully sleeping, looking as angelic as ever.
Your body aches with every breath you take, even more so with little movement. But you didn’t let that deter you from weaving your fingers along the Hyuga’s hair. He stirs almost immediately and then he opens his pretty eyes. He sits up upon seeing you.
“I’m sorry, did I wake you up?” You softly ask.
He doesn’t respond to your question. “You’re awake,” he sighs in relief. “You’re finally awake. Let me go call Lady Tsunade and Sakura.” He stands up.
But before he can even take a step, you grab his wrist. “Stay,” you mumble.
Neji looks at you, reading your face. But then he nods and sits.
“Is it over?” You ask.
“Yes, the war’s over.”
“What happened after?”
“It’s a long story… but tell me, how are you feeling?”
“I’m feeling fine. My body aches, but it’s not a big deal.”
“What do you mean it’s not a big deal?!” Neji looks upset that it takes you by surprise. “Do you remember what happened? Didn’t you know you almost died?! You almost used up all your chakra to use Susanoo! That’s so stupid and reckless!”
His aggressive tone effectively gets you angry. “I did it for you!” You snap. “Of course I remember what happened! Even if I want to forget, the memory is branded in my mind! You fucking wanted to use your body to shield Naruto from that attack, didn’t you? How is that not stupid and reckless? Huh?”
Neji’s chakra flares up as he clenches his jaw. Yet, he doesn’t speak.
You breathe out, trying to calm down. You rarely ever fought with Neji and he’s never really raised his voice to you. With your body still tired and aching from the war, you didn’t want this conversation to escalate further so you try to diffuse the situation before it blows even more out of proportion.
In a low voice, you speak, “I was so scared, Neji. I didn’t want to lose you. I’ve lost everyone I’ve ever loved.”
A tear falls down from your eye and Neji’s heart breaks at your forlorn state. “I don’t want to lose you too. I can’t…” you squeak. “I love you so much, I can’t lose you.”
Neji’s breath hitches at your declaration. He could hear his heart drumming against his chest.
You love him?
He doesn’t know if he heard you right or if his mind is just playing tricks on him. It happened before. He’s loved you for so long… and there have been plenty of days he dreamt of hearing you say you love him too. And right now he isn’t sure if this is the reality or just another one of his dreams.
As if you’ve read his mind — like you always seem to be able to do — you repeat your words. “I love you, Neji.”
It’s the confirmation that he needs. And hearing your words knocked the wind out of him. “I… I…” he starts saying.
But you’ve taken his stuttering and his pale, panic-stricken face as a sign of an incoming rejection, so you look down instantly and say, “It’s fine if you don’t like me the same way. I just hope we can still be friends after—”
“No, I… I love you too,” he breathlessly confesses before you even finish your rambling.
Your head whips up after the words left his lips. You stare at him, unbelieving.
And just as you did a while ago, he repeats his words with conviction, “I love you too.”
A smile makes its way to your face, and when he smiles back, you immediately know this is a memory you won’t ever forget.
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autumnslance · 3 years
Empathy Narratives
Someone in one of my Discord servers is starting up the ARR Sahagin Beast Tribe quests, which got me to thinking how much I love WoL’s unexpected Fish Dad, Clutchfather Novv. And then it suddenly hit me about his horrible, villainous history which is a focal point for the Sahagin quests, and how Novv is seen and treated by the story, characters, and players, compared to other characters with unsavory or villainous pasts. Spoilers for various side and main story quests and characters.
We’re meant to like and sympathize with Novv, whose first action in game is to save a hyur child and return him to his mother after the clutch helps a foundering ship. We know Novv just wants a peaceful place to raise his clutch, and see that all his children are under the age of 15. We know he clashes with the current leader of the local Sahagin, who is a war leader coordinating raiding parties and causing trouble for the Maelstrom. Later, after Novv scares the scales off some of those younger enemy Sahagin, we get the full story: he was a feared reaver in his youth known as the Scarlet Sea Devil, leader of the Coral Tridents, a holy terror against Limsa and any other shorewalkers unfortunate enough to get near him.
“Pillage, slaughter, kidnapping─there was no foul deed I did not commit.”
Until the day the Limsans found his clutch and destroyed it, killing most of his children in retaliation for his actions. The children he cares for now are the few survivors and a handful of younger sons born since. The enemy war leader is a surviving elder son who can’t understand why Novv turned his back on his violent past, especially after what happened to their family.
Novv as we meet him in the present day is a good man wanting a peaceful and safe life for his family, to stop his son and show him a better path, and who genuinely comes to care about the WoL and claims them as a clutchmember, calling the WoL his child. The ARR Allied tribes even start with the villain injuring Novv and him begging WoL to “save your brother” in another sympathetic measure. We’re meant to care about what happens to Novv (also cheering when he does break out the badass fighting skills, like at the climax of the Allied quests)--regardless of the heinous actions of his past.
There’s a contrast here to characters like Captain Jifuya from the Stormblood patch MSQ. Jifuya is a respected captain of the Doman Liberation Front, though we don’t meet or see him until he’s relevant to the story (another error, I think, in how this story is presented). As we bring in the amnesiac Yotsuyu, Jifuya suddenly vanishes. Chasing him down, he reveals he rabbited out of panic and shame—he had been Yotsuyu’s pimp, the man Asahi sold her to once her husband died. Jifuya is an unknown to us as players; many are immediately revolted in learning he was one of the abusers responsible for shaping Yotsuyu into a monster, one of the abusers who treated her like property and not a person. He controlled her life and sold her body for others’ pleasure.
Yet Hien calls him “a man of courage.” A good soldier, respected, fighting to free his country. He reassigns the captain elsewhere. We have no basis for who this guy is except for Hien’s word. All we know is Jifuya did some terrible things in his past, things he apparently gave no consideration to now—until suddenly confronted by the reality of it, and it made him run rather than face it, but it’s OK because our friend says Jifuya’s a good guy now.
If we’re meant to sympathize with Jifuya, it’s handled poorly in my opinion. If he had been a character met in 4.0, a leader of the local troops we interacted with as we tried to free Doma, how would the reaction have gone? Would we agree with Hien that Jifuya is a changed man and deserves a chance to make things right, that we “can’t judge him” for those past wrongs? Would we then be allowed to point out that if the captain can change than so can Yotsuyu, given this new chance to be shown a kinder way of life?
The clumsiness of the courtesan story aside, it rubs me the wrong way that both Yotsuyu and the elezen scientist who created Black Rose are without memory of their actions, mentally incapable of comprehension anymore, yet still treated as reviled monsters deserving punishment. Meanwhile others like Jifuya, who took no responsibility for his sins until forced to, are given passes by the narrative. Many players, however, don’t give Jifuya that same pass, as we’re not given reason enough by the story to care about who he is now versus who he was then. We don’t interact with Jifuya as a villain (the way we do with Yotsuyu’s parents and brother), but he exists in a similar narrative space as Novv in regards to his history versus present, how it shaped him, and how it affects him now. But we don’t know Jifuya, so he doesn’t get the sympathy and care Novv developed before we learned of the hellion he had been and that the Sahagin storyline was itself a result of his own past, the way Yotsuyu is a result (in part) of Jifuya’s past actions.
Which then brings us to characters like Gaius, a character who was an active enemy in 1.0 and 2.0, whose actions are seen and felt by Ala Mhigans throughout ARR and Stormblood especially who dealt with the abuse of his soldiers. Who took Ala Mhigan children like Fordola and shaped them into soldiers for the Empire, raising them up on propaganda. Who took in Werlyt children orphaned by plague and war and raised them into Good Imperial Soldiers, too. Whatever the heck was going on with Livia. How he treated Nero and Cid. And on and on.
We’re meant to hate 1.0/ARR Gaius as a villain for all these reasons (and a few more I’ve not even gotten to). As an antagonist, he’s an objectively terrible person promoting a fascist colonist agenda he firmly believes is for the best to bring order and prosperity to the world.
Then the Praetorium happens. He realizes he’s been suckered. He crawls out, meets non-imperials and starts seeing how other people live. Learns the truth (somehow) about his beloved Emperor Solus and the origins of the empire he fought and gave so much for, believed in so strongly.
The Gaius the WoL meets in the Burn is not the same man fought in the Praetorium. Confronted with how thoroughly he had been duped by a lifetime of lies and propaganda himself, he works to make amends. He knows he committed a lot of sins, knows he spilled a lot of blood, and is committed to cleaning up his messes. He sometimes feels like the only person in the Werlyt story who remembers his own sins, with the occasional bone thrown by folks like M’naago and Valens, but Gaius also isn’t looking for forgiveness so much as just…changing who he was, and what he does going forward with his new understanding of the world.
Not unlike Novv.
Yet there are those who refuse to see Gaius as anything other than an enemy, because we’ve actively dealt with him as an enemy. We’ve seen the results of his rule over Ala Mhigo and those wounds are fresher, not in the past, not told to us through a narrative that immediately set him up to be sympathetic, as Novv’s did. If we had only met Gaius in Werlyt, had only been told of his past and only seen a man looking to correct the errors of his history and prevent repetition of those horrors and mistakes—would we feel differently about him? More like Fish Dad?
(And this is setting aside colorism issues where many of Gaius’ fans from his fascist villain days went silent when he was reintroduced, or those players now who perform all sorts of contortion to justify accepting and enjoying other active villains, like the Galvus family or many of the Ascians, while continuing to condemn Gaius for his past actions)
Anyway. How the narrative presents these characters, and many others in between who have been villains/antagonists in their past or during the game and perhaps have changed or been introduced in a specific way really affects player perception and reaction, and is something to be mindful of when talking about characters we love and why and how, and who is “deserving” of redemption or not, and their roles in the story and what they can teach not only our characters but us as players.
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daitranscripts · 2 years
Leliana Conversation: In Hushed Whispers/Champions of the Just
Things Worth Dying For
Leliana Masterpost Related Quest: In Hushed Whispers Related Quest: Champions of the Just
The PC approaches Leliana before deciding between mages and templars.
Leliana: Reports of Fade rifts and demons keep coming. The people are terrified, and it’s only getting worse. The only thing that will calm their fears now is the hope that someone out there will save them. You have to be that someone. No one else has any power over rifts. Seal them, your legend will spread, and Thedas will learn to trust the Inquisition.
Dialogue options:
Investigate: Why do you care about mages?
Investigate: Why do you care about mages? PC: Why do you want me to seek out the rebel mages? Why do you care? Leliana (recruited in Origins… maybe? Not sure the trigger for this): I’ve known mages. Some of them were better people than me. And yet, I’m free, and they’re not. It’s not right. Leliana (not recruited in Origins ???): No man should be caged for what he could become. It’s not right. Treat a man like an animal, and he will become one.
The PC speaks to Leliana again after choosing a side. 
Choice dependent dialogue:
Sided with templars [1]
Conscripted mages [2]
Allied mages [3]
1 - Sided with templars:
Leliana: The templars will be an asset to this Inquisition. It’s a shame we couldn’t also get the mages to our side.
Scene ends.
2 - Conscripted mages:
Leliana: I hear the mages will now answer to the Inquisition? And when you no longer need them? Will they be locked up and forgotten again? Most would treat their dogs with more kindness.
Dialogue options:
General: The mages will not be harmed. [4]
General: You don’t approve. [5]
General: It had to be done. [6]
4 - General: The mages will not be harmed. PC: I’ll make sure they’re protected. Leliana: That’s what the Chantry used to say: “It is a mercy. They are protected.” Oh, how well they were protected. [10]
5 - General: You don’t approve. PC: You don’t support my decision. Leliana: The Circles don’t work. We’ve seen it. I wanted the Inquisition to find a better way. [10]
6 - General: It had to be done. PC: It was necessary to keep Thedas safe. Leliana: Just as the Circles kept them safe? The Chantry sees controlling the mages as the only solution. I hoped the Inquisition would be less… narrow-minded. [10]
3 - Allied mages:
Leliana: Your open support for the mages likely earned you enemies. Our agents will monitor the situation. If the most opposed can be identified, we may still turn this to our advantage.
Dialogue options:
General: No killing. [7]
General: Always looking to gain. [8]
General: I’m not afraid. [9]
7 - General: No killing. PC: You’re not planning assassinations, are you? Leliana: I was planning to unleash Josephine on them. She kills with kindness. Regardless, I applaud you for the courage to stand up for the mages. [10]
8 - General: Always looking to gain. PC: You’re always looking for some way to benefit, aren’t you? Leliana: It’s what I’m here for. Regardless, I applaud you for the courage to stand up for the mages. [10]
9 - General: I’m not afraid. PC: People can hate me if they wish. Leliana: That gets us nowhere. The Inquisition is young. We need to build our support. Regardless, I applaud you for the courage to stand up for the mages. [10]
10 - Scene continues.
Dialogue options:
Special: I watched you die for me.
Special: I watched you die for me. PC: In Redcliffe, you sacrificed yourself so that I could return here. Leliana: Of course I did. One small life in exchange for a second chance at history? I always loved a bargain.
Dialogue options:
General: It was still noble. [11]
General: That life was a lot worse. [12]
General: I just care that it worked. [13]
11 - General: It was still noble. PC: It was still a sacrifice and still noble. Leliana (Warden poisoned ashes in DA:O ???): There are things worth dying for. I learned that a long time ago. Leliana (Warden left ashes alone in DA:O ???): And I would do it again. [14]
12 - General: That life was a lot worse. PC: You were condemned to a lightness dungeon. Not much of a life to sacrifice. Leliana (HoF poisoned ashes ???): There are things worth dying for. I learned that a long time ago. Leliana (HoF left ashes alone ???): And I would do it again. [14]
13 - General: I just care that it worked. PC: Well it worked. Leliana: If only everything were that simple. [14]
14 - Scene ends.
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