#it was like an assisted suicide he was a vampire and he wanted to die so she killed him
wihltedarchive · 1 year
an earlier version of serena had a husband who died like in rp lore and im considering bringing that fact back
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rapha-reads · 2 months
IWTV rewatch
(this show and these books are insane and inspiring - spoilers for both seasons)
Season 1 episode 5 [A Vile Hunger For Your Hammering Heart] - part 1/2
- Previously... Trouble in the Unholy Family.
- Hey, did y'all notice that the intro card, the red sky with the skyline, actually changes? I was rewatching some parts of s2 and noticed that the skyline is different cities, but some buildings disappear from one episode to another.
- *wheezes* What the hell is this opening. Loumand indulging in some exhibitionism for Daniel while Daniel's going through Claudia's exploits. Hilarious. This show is a comedy, I swear. Holy shit, look at Armand's face, he's having the time of his life. And Louis doesn't give a shit, man wants his blood and that's it. Freaks. I love them.
[Daniel] "I'm trying to think of something more fucked up than this." - I don't know, what's going on in front of you maybe? *dies of laughter*
- [Rashid/Armand] "'And how is your work any different? Well, what do you think will happen to Mr du Lac when you publish this book, when the other vampires of the world get their hands on it?' [Daniel] 'As long as they pay full freight.' [Rashid/Armand] 'They will make their way to Dubai. They will scale the sides of this building, force their way inside, and paint the walls with his blood. You are chronicling a suicide. Do not look down on Claudia. Look in the mirror.'"
... Hey, Armand? Pot meets kettle. Don't pretend you care about Claudia. You could stop this any time you want. You're enjoying this, you're enjoying Louis' pain, you're thinking that the book will never see the light of day, that you're in control of the entire narrative, that you can stop this any time you want, that nothing will come out of this enterprise. You're thinking that if, if it comes to this, you'll get to play hero and "save" Louis' life again, and thus tie him even more to yourself. You're assisting that suicide, Armand. You just think that you're in control of the dosage. Look in the mirror.
- [Louis] "Honey and pineapple. He stuffs himself with both for days before he offers himself to me." - Lou baby I love you but you are insane. And also there are things you'd do better to keep in your head, actually. This whole roleplay thing is crazy. I'm imagining Daniel thinking back on these moments after he's turned and just going "what in the seven hells was that".
- [Rashid/Armand] "I care for him more than I care for himself." - oooh, did you guys notice that quick side glance Louis throws at Armand there? That line is Armand being genuine and Louis going "hey dear that's not in the script, what are you saying". Louis is done with both Armand and Daniel, he's being very bitchy and mean.
- What'd that bird do to you, Louis? Leave the poor birdy alone.
Aw, how the tableturns have turned, or however that expression goes. Now you're trying to get her to feed when you made Lestat's life hell refusing to eat yourself...
- Lestat reading and mocking Claudia's diary = Damon Salvatore reading and mocking Stefan and Elena's diaries (my first vampire show was Vampire Diaries, sorry, can't escape your past and all that).
- Oof, Claudia shattering the mirror and Louis being the cautious, angry one for once. Family's in trouble. And then the river of corpses... Oh, trouble, trouble all around.
- Ugh. Tom fucking Anderson is back. When does he die again because he's ugh.
- [Anderson] "Every single one of those corpses had some soft part of it lopped off. Finger here, a foot there... a toe." - yeah, I'm good with blood, but body parts? Claudia's trophies? That is actually stomach turning.
- [Lestat] "One each" - power couuuuuple. Look at them go! Unstoppable when they finally work together, and so in synch. That's what we like to see! Also let's just get rid of Anderson now, thanks.
- Oh, man, Claudia being drunk when the cops are searching the house, half comedy, half horror show. And then the real horror starts as she gathers her trophies. Ah, fuck, I had forgotten about the half dead guy in the closet. She craaaazy.
- [Lestat] "You wanted her, you fix her!" - when one of your parent tells the other "that's your child" when you do or behave in a way they hate. Classic parent stuff.
[Louis] "'We're doing this together.' [Lestat] 'Do you remember our life, how happy we were before her?' [Louis] 'Happy? We were not happy!' [Lestat] 'An anvil, tied around our ankles, pulling us towards the pitch-black ocean floor.'"
Ouch. You ever hear your parents fighting because of you, blaming you for their issues? Yeah... Can't say I blame Claudia for going off the rails.
- [Claudia] "Who am I supposed to love? You two have each other. Who's my Lestat? Who's my Louis? I'm not human. What human would want me? Perverts? Like the uncle at the rooming house who used to watch me pee? Or little boys? And 40 years from now... still little boys? How are you gonna fix it, huh? Which one of you gonna fuck me?!"
Hey, more of Claudia's fucked up backstory. 'You broke it, you fix it', except they can't even begin to understand what's broken, because she's right, they've got each other, even when they fight, that's Louis-and-Lestat, Lestat-and-Louis, they can't even understand why she's so mad and so sad and so angry. Kinda like when allosexual alloromantic people tell you, an aro ace person "but you don't love?" - bitch, I do love, I just don't wanna date anybody, thanks. L&L to Claudia: "but we're a family, we're rich and we're powerful, why are you not happy". Claudia: "bitch, maybe because I'm stuck as a kid for the rest of eternity while my mind and spirit age and I gotta see you two romance each other every fucking night while knowing that nobody will ever want to romance me?".
- [Claudia] "'I'm gonna go out there and find other vampires.' [Lestat] 'If you could find them, which you won't, they would shred you to strips, because you are build like a bird, because you are a mistake.'"
Bedside manners, Lestat. You know the worst thing, Lestat does warn here that she'd be in danger, but he does it in such a mocking, cruel manner that obviously she doesn't believe him and doesn't even take him seriously.
- Louis' dejected scoff when Lestat tells him he's killing Antoinette soon. These madmen are so bad at communicating.
- [Louis] "We made her out of remorse, out of selfishness." - ah, the self-awareness brought by a century of reflecting on your past. But what's that "we", Louis? You wanted her out of remorse, as your penance, your redemption for your sins and mistakes. Lestat made her out of love and pity for you.
- [Daniel] "'Poor dear. She wasn't held enough in between ritualistic murders.' [Louis] 'She spent every night for half a decade with no friends, locked in the emotional storm of puberty.' [Daniel] 'Look, Charlie Manson wrote a couple of beautiful songs. Still, he was Charlie Manson.' [Louis] 'Is that all you think of her?' [Daniel] 'Mostly. I also think she makes you and Frenchy look like a couple of whiny, existential queens. Probably why she's a fucking goldmine. The girl who moves a million books.' [Louis] 'I won't have her exploited.' [Daniel] 'Won't matter what your intentions are. It's the world out there now. She's the - the... single-shooter, Xbox, mouth-breather shit they crave.'"
Daniel's right. Look at us, we fucking love Claudia. She's a psycho, she's murderous, she's cold-blooded... She's our babygirl. She's our bicon. She's the moment. We love her because she's unhinged and feral and unapologetic about her pain and anger.
I love this writing, how it totally recontextualizes the whole story in the 21st century. Book!Claudia is disturbing, little blond angel with blood on her teeth, the eternal child with the wisdom and anger of a grown woman. Show!Claudia is pure attraction and mass adoration, the symbol of teenage angst with all of a lifetime of anger and rebellion. We relate to her, we the generations that have had to grow up so fast while simultaneously stunted, can't find jobs but expected to be way more qualified than our parents, can't buy a house but gotta be way more independent and resourceful and crafty than our elders. The whole world at our fingertips but completely unable to reach it, stuck in an eternal loop of doom and gloom as we watch the world burn without having the slightest power to stop it.
And of course Daddy Lou still wants to protect her from that, even in death, still sees her as his precious little daughter/sister who needs sheltering and safeguarding, even after she tells him she's not that kid anymore.
Well, that was heavy. Doom and gloom indeed. Don't think part 2 will get any better.
episode 1 | episode 2 | episode 3 | episode 4 | part 2 | episode 6 | episode 7
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Why doesn't the Volturi have a mercy killing service? Like they refused to kill Edward, which drove him to try and break the law. But if they just... killed him, then it wouldn't have gone that far.
Look, I know this is dark, but vampires live for so goddamn long that there's gotta be hundreds of them who are ready to move on. This is is necessary service that I think the Volturi should provide.
Why Should They?
Most people aren't Edward. If you're a vampire, and you want someone to kill you, there are a lot of ways to make that happen that aren't going to Volterra and confessing you broke the law (which might have gotten Edward's entire family murdered, actually).
Edward could have gone down to the newborn war area and picked a fight.
Edward's problem, is that he wanted a very romantic death. He liked the idea of the Volturi being the ones to do it (as opposed to completely uncultured vampire swine). Edward never counted on them saying no (the way he had his family and friends) and so doubled down to force their hand. Even after they had refused, there were other means at his disposal.
Means that would not, say, have put his family at risk had the Volturi thought they enabled Edward to break said law.
Most vampires don't have Edward's problems.
The Volturi Don't Want Vampires Lining Up in Volterra Waiting to Die
That's not the kind of reputation they seem to want to cultivate.
They enforce the law, that's it. The law is just letting humans in on the secret, that's it.
Had Edward broken the law just to spite them... a bit ridiculous of an act but then they could point to his death as 'he broke the law'.
If they just kill him then it leads to people potentially accusing them of taking advantage of the likes of Edward (e.g. suicidal), making up Edward's suicidal thoughts per their own convenience to get rid of a gifted rival vampire, and of course being the executioners who will also assist your suicde.
That's not who the Volturi seem to want to be so... Edward can kill himself any other way.
Not to mention assisted suicide is a highly controversial/generally condemned topic that the Volturi may not adhere to.
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maybe a volturi insert that lookes like sixteen or fifteen but she can see someone's future by choice (kinda like Alice) but the longer and more she does it, the more her blood lust rises so she has to feed more frequently because she can become weak. so like one day when Aro asks her to do it and she does it for a long time, she becomes a bit weak (she's still a vampire) and Demetri has to assist her (they're good friends cause she's been alive for like a hundo years) and when eddie and bella come to volterra and stuff they're not surprised because the insert saw them coming. and edward is super respectful to her and everything and carlisle and insert had a mentor/student relationship and insert has LOTS of respect for carlisle. but alive and her are kinda stand-offish. insert sees bella's future on Aro's request and she gets a little blood lust and has to restrain herself from basically chomping bella
Blood-Thirst - Vampire! reader x Volturi
Warnings: mentions of un-aliving
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Volterra was the last place she wanted to be at. She didn't think that stopping Edward from committing vampire suicide was something that she had to do during her immortality, but the Cullens were her dearest friends and she was going to save Edward from making the dumbest decision he's has made in a long time. Standing before the Volturi took a whole other level of courage.
Aro, an annoyed arrogant vampire who looked like he was friends with Lestat De Lioncourt. Jane, a ruthless masochist. Caius, who had no special powers but he was just as masochistic as Jane. Marcus, he looked like he was in actual pain all of the time and everyone was pretty sure that he hated being immortal. Demitri, a tracker, a friend to her. He was the only one who she wasn't metaphorically sweating bullets for.
"Why dus you decide to come here?" Asked Jane. Her eyes were already filled with a hunger to cause somebody excruciating pain. "I want to die." Edward said with a deadpan expression that it almost made the Volturi laugh. Jane couldn't hide the small menacing smile that etched across her lips. "He thinks the mortal he's in love with is dead. She's alive!" She explained. She was growing frustrated as only she knew that and Edward refused to believe her. "I saw her in the future and she's coming here." Edward dull eyes still wouldn't brighten up at the thought of seeing the girl he loved standing right beside him.
"May I?" Aro asked, lifting his hand for her to take. She gulped nervously and with shaking knees she walked towards him gently grabbing his pale hand for him to see into her mind. She had used her powers earlier in the day to see Edward and Bella visiting Volterra so she knew that she wouldn't be able to handle this. He was shown a bare-foot, golden eyes Bella running in the woods holding hands with Edward. Aros eyes gleamed with excitement. "Incredbile." He said in Italian with a sigh of amazement. She looked at him with a deadpan expression. "It's amazing how much this young immortal is willing to go to save you. It takes great courage to stand before us." Marcus said in his exhausted voice.
As she released her hand from his, she began to feel weak as her knees buckled and she stumbled back. Dimitri quickly assisted her before she could fall to the cold floor. "You okay?" She nodded as a way to tell him that she was fine. Dimitri looked up at Aro and spoke. "She gets weak if she uses her gift for too long, Aro." Ar let out a giggle as be realized that she was I'm need of sustenance. "Are you alright?" Edward asked with his usual kind demeanor. She wondered about how he was so calm about this. He looked broken and depressed from the pain that he had caused Bella. "Are you alright?" She asked back with a hint of sarcasm lacing her voice. "You know, she's fine." She reassured him once more but he was in too much denial to believe her words. Aro looked at Edward and saw that he was just too special to die. "Dear, Edward. I feel like you would be throwing away your very special gift. You're too valuable for us to kill you." Aro explained.
Edward snickered as he lowered his head as if he just had a very strange thought. "What are you planning?" She whispered to him. "I can't live without her." She had never seen a vampire hold such emotion— especially for a human. "I told you, she's fine." Her black blood-thirsty eyes pleaded, trying to get him to understand. Edward walked out of the room passing by the secretary who was willing to die to become what they were. She followed him, holding her nose from the human. He slowly started to unbutton his shirt in the sunlight surrounded by people in red rejoining in harmony. The sun was cascading on his pale skin. She saw him beginning to gleam like he was made out of crystals, and she began to panic. "Edward! No!" A familiar voice coming from far away called out. She realized who it was and shook Edward "It's Bella! Edward Stop doing this!" She said with frustration. She saw her, Carlisle and Alice running as fast as they could to get to him before it was too late. "It can't be." His empty eyes turned to longing as he tried to remove his shirt. Suddenly, he was wrapped by loving and familiar arms. "My Bella." He said breathlessly as she began to guide him inside of the building that was behind them.
"Aro would like to speak with you?" The eager secretary interjected. She held the heavy door for them and walked in with reluctance. "Ciao Bella." Aro said with a wide creepy smile. "Ah, Alice. Ira Ira nice to see you." Alice nodded. "You too, Aro." She said with slight bitterness ess. "There has been great talk of you here, Bella. The future immortal is finally within our midst." He giggled. Edward tensed ho at his choice of words. "You showed him?" Alice asked her in qn annoyed tone. "You know what would happen if they found out." She stated. Alice rolled her eyes, and turned to Bella who seemed very anxious to get out of the room filled with vampires. Her body was shivering with the coldness of the room. "May I ask you to use your gift once more?" Aro asked. "I'm not sure that's a good idea." She replied. "Per favore, cara mia?" He asked softly bit his crimson eyes looked threatening. Dimitri and Carlsile looked over at her with concern as they both knew of what was coming. She once again walked over to Aro looking anywhere but at him and grabbed his hand. Once again the golden eyed Bella flashed across her mind running with Edward with their hands intertwined.
She let go of his with a jerk as she was overcome with need. A desperate need for blood. Carlisle was quick to notice the shift in her stance and hunger, but she almost couldn't control herself. Her body lunged at Bella with an animalistic sense of instict. Edward acted quickly by jumping in front of Bella in a protective stance to keep her from getting bit. Alice was holding her back, trying to buy them time. "Get Bella out of her." She grunted with gritted teeth trying to stop the urge from consuming her completely. "Hey, hey. It's okay. You're okay." Alice tried to calm her down as if she was a frightened animal, she used the same tone she used to talk to Jasper. "Her blood is very attractive isn't it?" Aro laughed. Alice glared at him, throwing daggers at him in her head. "Would you like the first pick of the humans?" Jane said humorously while also being completely serious. "I can handle myself. She grunted again. "I'm not weak." She continued. That earned her a scowl from Aro. "Let's get you home okay." Alide said, grabbing her by the arm to support the hungry vampire. As they were leaving she muttered "hunt." Alice smiled and nodded and closed the door behind them.
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kaoharu · 1 year
rose is my fave beta kid!! shes super silly but in a shes so unnecessarily serious way like She always talks with proper grammar, like this. She loves to use big words to confuse people, but she's also a fucking poser. She probably straight up reads a thesaurus for fun and enrichment. and her ectodad (uh i can explain but thatll take like a whole fucking hour) dirk is like if she wasnt a poser and its so funny he'll say the most insane shit and its just completely natural and rose will pull out a whole script trying to do the same. they love to have philosophical debates but dirk just watches a lot of ikuhara (revolutionary girl utena) and rose just reads a lot of freud. but yeah also rose is a lesbian and is married to a vampire troll who glows and is also the mother mary. rose takes one look at the land that she gets in the game (they all get put on like a planet and are given a quest and shit) and decides Yeah, no. I'm going to destroy it. AND SHE DOES while also mind games flirting with said vampire troll. her name is kanaya. at one point she was gonna go on a suicide mission to like blow up the sun but her brother dave caught wind of it and decided to go with her so she wouldnt be alone needless to say i cried like a baby. but theyre ok their god tier sacrificial slabs (you have to die on either a sacrificial slab or a quest bed to ascend to god tier) were in the moon so they turned into gods instead. the green sun thing makes me extra emotional bc of doomed rose tho. basically dave has the time aspect and in a doomed timeline he and rose were the only people left alive so they constructed a plan to send dave back in time so that he could assist their past selves as a sprite (like the tutorial character theres a thing you can put objects in that makes them he just jumps into it) but this plan leaves rose alone in the future in the doomed timeline so just ahh she makes me cry so thats why the green sun bit makes me so sad dave doesnt leave her alone........ god. aughgnnvjdn. yeah im normal can you tell
THATS SO INTERESTING ??? she sounds fun actually i think i wld want to talk to her . . . also lesbianism real 💯🔥 ALSO THATS SO SAD . . . so does the doomed rose just. stay alone forever :[ ?
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spookymultimedia · 2 years
Letting in the Darkness
AU where the entire main cast of WWDITS are transgender. This is the story of how Nadja and Laszlo first met reimagined in that context.
CW: severe gender dysphoria, suicidal idealation, suicide attempt and assisted suicide attempt
         To whom it may concern, when you read this letter I will be deceased. The days have become long and tiresome and the nights sleepless and weary. I know in my soul therein lies a man who I am forced to hide. I am smothered every day by the feminine perception I bear. The cost of living my truth is great and I fear I will only be greeted with more grievances if I were to embrace it.  I am withheld from my birthright to be so I am left with no choice. In the morning you will find me a dead man.
       He set down the letter on his bed and stood at the large open window. The cold wind brushed against his long nightgown. His long silky hair blew behind him. A rush of peace ran down his spine. Soon it'll be over. No more parties. No more with the threat of having to bear children. No more grief. He would soon be embraced by the tender cold arms of death. It was true, the boy was fated to die that very night but not quite the way he expected. 
           He turned around and stood at the window's ledge.  He closed his eyes and sighed a breath of relief. Just as he was about to release his hands he heard a small yet sharp unfamiliar voice.
         His eyes fluttered open to see before him a beautiful woman. She had hair that was black as the stormy night sky, lips as pink as a rose, wide broad shoulders and eyes that pierced his heart. Her eyes were wide with sympathy, her mouth was agape. A hot chill ran down his spine. 
           "What are you doing?" She crept towards her. He hardly noticed the blood that tipped her dress.
                         "Stay back!" He yelled. "I am ending my life!"
              "Oh. .carry on then." She sat at his bed.  
           "Pardon?" He did a double take.
"Go on." She gestured to him calmly.
             "You aren't going to stop me?"
"If it is your wish then who am I to stop you."
             He stared at her a moment before closing his eyes to fall but his arms and legs were frozen now. His confidence had left him.
            "Perhaps it is not what you want." She walked over to him and looked outside.
      "I do wish to die! You are a distraction!!" He stepped off from the window sill and paced the room. She stepped to the window and looked out, "You wouldn't die from a fall like this. You need to get higher. At this hight you will surely break your neck and suffer hours before someone were to end your suffering, or worse, prolong it. It is not what you want." 
        He threw himself into bed and wept. She sat next to him and petted his face. He flinched at her cold hands. 
                      "Shh, do not cry young lady." 
"I'm not a bloody lady! I'm a grown man!"
                      Her eyes widened, "Oh. Does your situation make you so ill, good sir?"
          He didn't answer. He didn't need to. It was clear that he was ill from such dysphoria.
"Is death what you truly crave?"
                   "I don't see any reason to live." He muttered, tired tears tipped his eyes.
   "I can help you die. But only if it's what you truly desire."
           "You can?" He looked up at her. She bared her fangs at him.
  "I'm a vampire. I've killed half your family. I was planning on killing you regardless."
He looked at her in awe. 
             "I can pierce into your flesh and drain you of your blood completely. You'll die slowly but it will be calm. Much more effective than risking a broken neck. You will sleep before you die. But, if you change your mind I can turn you into a creature of the night. You will die for a moment but you will resurrect and I'll be there waiting."
                      "It's a trap!" He said horrified.
 "Do you trust me?"
             He thought for a moment. "I don't have anything to lose. . . .I suppose I trust you." 
       She reached out to him before he stopped him, "Wait, who are you?" What is your name?"
                  "Nadja. Nadja of Antipaxos"
His eyes glittered with wet tears,
"Nadja. . .you're beautiful." 
       She smiled warmly and cradled his wrist.
"Take me Nadja of Antipaxos. Sweet angel of death."
       She gave him a grim look, "If you change your mind I can transform you instead. You only need to say the word."
              He nodded. She hugged his waist and held him close. He leaned back into her chest in submission. She pierced his wrist and began to suck out his blood. He broke out into a sweat and shivered against her. 
        "Shhh." She rain a hand through his hair. 
     He closed his eyes and tried to allow death to embrace him but his eyes shot back open. A pang of fear coursed through his veins. Death was permanent. He had no idea what was beyond the veil or if there was just infinite nothingness. He felt like he falling. He didn't want to die! He needed to stop this. This was not what he desired.
          "No, I don't want to die! Stop! Please!" She took out her fangs and ripped at her own arm, "Drink my blood! Quickly!" She ordered him. She cradled his weak body in her arms. He drank the best he could; he coughed and gagged but still he drank. He felt sick. He was trembling with hot and cold chills. Blood splattered onto his suicide note. 
       "Shh. Rest, I'll be waiting for you my darling." She laid him into bed and petted his face. 
          It was dark when he opened his eyes once more. He was still in his room. Dried blood coated his dress but there were no wounds. He felt colder than usual. 
        "Nadja?" He stood up and tied his hair back with a ribbon on his nightstand. 
     "Nadja?" He walked around the barren mansion. All the windows had been shut with curtains. He called out for his angel of death once more before he found her in the dining hall. There were dead bodies of aristocrats that he knew of. They looked fresh. 
           "Oh you're awake! Come now, you must feed!"
He stepped slowly to her. "Am- am I dead?"
      "Yes and no, please eat." She shoved a woman's wrist at him. He took the arm and bit into it. He choked out a cough as he tried to swallow the blood. 
         "No no no no dearest you suck with your fangs, see?"
      She grinned wide, showing her fangs, before lunging into the flesh once more. It took the man a few tries before he was able to properly do it. He was quite a mess. Blood stuck to the ends of his hair, his breasts and his hands. 
        "It gets easier." She smiled. She had only known this man for a brief time but she was growing fond of him. He had thick black hair and big brown eyes that hid behind it. He seemed a little pathetic looking at the moment but she believed that all he needed was some care and good company. 
      "I should really wash up." He mumbled, "Excuse me." He walked from the dining hall and washed his face and hair. He took off his dress and crept naked into his estranged husband's room and dressed as a man. The clothes didn't fit him perfectly but it would do. He returned and found her still eating. He smiled at her for the first time, it was beautiful. She smiled back.
         "I must repay you in some way." He took her hand.
      "That won't be necessary." She said bashfully.
      "But you've restored me. I've been resurrected! Nadja I've been reborn because of you. You've let in the darkness and freed me." He held her hands." Wait, I know just the thing. Follow me." He let her go. She followed him back into his room and watched him open a large closet of fancy dresses. "Any dress you want you may keep. It's yours. I have no use for them any more." 
    She looked at them in awe, she picked out one to wear and he helped her into it. It took quite a bit of adjustment to fit her body right but soon enough she was spinning around in her dress. "I've never worn such a beautiful dress before!" She cried out and hugged him. He hugged his beloved friend back.
    "You look radiant Nadja!"
All throughout the night Nadja tried on many dresses. As the day came they locked themselves in the cellar and slept in darkness. It was a long day for the both, he could hardly sleep due to night terrors. He was able to get some sleep but it wasn't much. 
         When dust fell they stirred once again. It was while he was looking through his books for a name to call himself when Nadja walked up to him. "What are you doing?" She hugged his shoulders from behind.
       "I must find a name for myself. I think my surname should be Cravensworth."
               "That's a lovely name." 
"I can decide on a first name however."
             She picked up a book and searched though. After a few moments she looked up. 
      "Laszlo. Laszlo is a beautiful name. Laszlo is noble. A name of royalty."
         He smiled bashfully, "I'm no prince."
"You could be. I think so." She looked up from the floor where she was by a pile of books and rested on his thigh.
     "Then Laszlo I shall be." He petted her hair. He began to read her stories and told her all about his life and his woes. 
      "Laszlo, run away with me." She kneeled in front of him, looking up at him and placed her hands on his. "I know witches who can help you with your desire to be a man."
         "Witches?" He asked in a hushed tone.
"Yes. They helped me with my body and I believe they can help you too. I'm sure there's something they could do to help you. Laszlo, please, I want to spend eternity with you." 
     "I would be delighted to." He fell into her arms and kissed her cheek. She brushed his lips and they shared a kiss.
        "And well, the rest is history. That was how I began to live as a male. I think transsexual is what it's called nowadays." Laszlo put extravagant emphasis on the word transsexual. He sat by the bed of Guillermo de la Cruz, who was recovering from his top surgery. "Wow. That's quite a story." The familiar smiled up at Laszlo from his pillows and sipped from a small box of Yahoo.
        "Memo I need your assistance!" Nandor bellowed through the house.
    "SHUT YOUR BLOODY MOUTH. Gilbert is recovering and won't be in commission for weeks!!! We've told you this!!" Nadja screeched. Guillermo cringed at the noise but appreciated her. 
         "Laszlo darling I believe the proper term is transvestite." 
           "No no it's transsexual."
"Well technically you're both right. The politically correct word is transgender now though."
     Nadja shrugged, "Transvestite is better I think."  She leaned against her husband and kissed his cheek. He smiled down at her. "My darling transvestite." He kissed her in front of Guillermo before helping Guillermo change his drains for the billionth time that day.
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therealvinelle · 4 years
Hi, love your metas and your fic. I think you mentioned somwhere that at the end of BD Aro was trying to prevent the fight. What were his motives? According to Edward, the Volturi are cowards, but I didn't get this feeling. Caius was begging for a battle, the guard vocally proclaimed willingness to die for the cause... hell, Jane had to be restrained from running to Bella and punching her in the throat. And I find it unlikely that their leader is less brave than them. Explain Aro's brain pls
Thank you so much! That’s really nice of you to say. And sorry for the late answer.
And explain Aro’s brain, whew. That is a very big question with a very long answer and this post will be a manifesto by the time I’m done. But you wanted Aro’s brain explained so manifesto it is.
So, before we go anywhere I have to make the distinction between Aro of the books and Aro of the movies. Those two are different people.
Starting with appearance, because casting does a lot for me and if a big deviation is made it better be like Ruth Wilson as Marisa Coulter, which is to say it better fit the character. Also, disclaimer, I think most of Twilight was miscast, and especially the Volturi. I’m forever dying at Caius looking like Lucius Malfoy. However, this is an Aro post, so we’re highlighting Aro.
Aro of the books is a twenty-something Greek with skin that has petrified and eyes covered in a milky sort of film, which totals to him looking perfect, as all vampires do, yet frail. When he walks it looks like he’s gliding. This is an otherworldly, ancient, inhuman being. He’s energetic and excitable, yes, but if anything that should add to how very other he is. Casting Michael Sheen is a clear signal that the movies were going in a completely different direction with Aro. Sheen is a great actor who played what he was given perfectly, but what he was given was a very different character.
In New Moon the book, Aro first rejects Edward request because this is Carlisle’s gifted son, and more, this is not what the Volturi do. They are not hitmen. It’s just a big no all around.
Bella enters, and the Aro she meets is a very polite and gracious man who’s delighted to see the human still alive, and pleased Carlisle’s son won’t be suicidal anymore. However, Edward fully intended to step into the sunlight in the middle of Volterra, specifically to provoke the Volturi, and he has broken the law with Bella. Further, Edward makes it clear that he fully intends to walk out of Volterra with his human still human, and that she’ll die of old age if he gets his way. Edward’s contempt of the law could not be more clear. However, Alice shows Aro that Bella’s fate is sealed, she turns or she dies. The law will be upheld. Aro is glad to hear it, and lets the Cullens all go home.
All in all, it’s a very tense occasion where Edward has put Aro in a difficult position, because he’s trying to force him to kill his best friend’s son, and Aro goes “YES THANK GOD” when Alice finally gives him an out.
New Moon of the movies was not this. Starting with the flashback (because I’m being thorough), Aro executes a lowly criminal himself.  I object to that, I think that’s a menial task and Aro doing it himself made the Volturi look less regal, not more. Cut to the present day, Aro rejects Edward’s request because he doesn’t want to waste his gift. We get the whole meeting with Bella, and Aro… well I don’t know why he does any of the things he does. This guy never mentions his friendship to Carlisle, tries to kill our plucky heroes three times in the space of one minute (one, gives Felix the order to kill Bella, stopped by Edward. Two, moves to decapitate Edward, stopped by Bella. Three, he’s about to eat Bella, stopped by Alice), and when he lets them go it feels terribly convenient.
This was a guy written to be the villain of the series, and it showed.
Cut to Breaking Dawn part I’s ending scene, and while I love the song choice for the scene, and fully agree that Aro considers misspelling Carlisle’s name to be a capital offense, the scene itself… we are presented with a villainous, power-hungry megalomaniac who’s just waiting to strike against the Cullens.
We then get Breaking Dawn part II, and I haven’t seen that movie in years but I remember the fight scene well enough. Aro kills Carlisle with the biggest grin on his face, and gives the go-ahead to his Volturi to kill the surviving Cullens and their witnesses.
Contrast that with canon, where Aro’s first words to Carlisle are «Nothing would make me happier than preserving your life today». Now, he’s making it very clear that this meeting will most likely end with Carlisle’s death, but he’s not happy about it. He’s certainly not going to kill him with a smile on his face and laughter in his heart.
The movies needed a hammy villain, and that’s what Michael Sheen played. It is not who Aro is, at all. And he’s not the only character this happened to, but again, this is an Aro post so I’m not going to start raging like Don Corleone about what they did to my boys.
So, with the movies firmly expelled from the post, let’s look at the Twilight series from Aro’s point of view.
Or, rather, we’ll have to start earlier because Aro’s decisions throughout the series are pretty clearly motivated by Carlisle. And that means considering, “why is Carlisle so important, anyway?”
Consider these things: one, Aro is gifted with the power of knowing every single thought a person has ever had. He knows your soul. Two, Aro is the leader of the supernatural world, he has been for over a thousand years.
How many friends does a person with that power and in that position have?
Three, who does Aro even come into contact with?
Starting with number three, for Aro it’s going to be 1) criminals, 2) Volturi guard hopefuls, 3) Weirdos like Laurent who are wasting Aro’s time.
(“But what about the guard!” Well, while we observe close interpersonal relationships between Aro and Jane, and Aro and Renata, and one can assume Corin to be close to the wives, the distinction between Volturi coven and Volturi guard remains. The guards are servants, in some cases beloved servants, but servants nonetheless. It would be inappropriate and weird for Aro to start slumming it with Demetri and Felix)
So, Aro doesn’t get out much, which brings us to point two. The people he does meet, and who are willing to entertain a friendship with the Volturi leader, are going to be people who want something. And that might work for some rulers, Louis XIV built Versailles specifically to make his subjects do this for him, but he had something to gain politically from that. Aro does not, his power is supreme without a need to tolerate brown nosers. More, with his own and Marcus’ gifts, he’ll know right away that he’s being used for power. He would get nothing out of it.
Finally point one, Aro’s gift. Say that we have a vampire who’s not a weirdo and who thinks Aro’s a cool dude. Well, the question now is, who would ever want a person in their life who knows all there is to know about them? I wouldn't want anybody to know every thought I've ever had, I certainly would never seek out a person to know me that deeply when I could just go find normal people to be friends with instead. Not to mention how incredibly unequal such a friendship would be.
In short, I don’t think Aro has any friends.
Enter Carlisle a very amiable person who cherishes Aro for his personality, and doesn’t mind having his mind read. Aro just found a unicorn. Carlisle on his end likes Aro so much that he lives with him for decades. Even if you want to read their relationship as platonic, that’s still a very strong friendship.
Point being that Carlisle is unbelievably precious to Aro, and so very unique. Aro has lived for over three millennia, and never met anyone like this before. There won’t be another Carlisle.
This in turn makes him willing to stretch as far as he can to preserve that friendship and, as the plot thickens, keep Carlisle alive.
Fast forwards to 2006, and Aro is sitting in Volterra minding his own business when Carlisle’s son walks into town demanding his own execution. He has not committed any crimes. Not only is assisted suicide not something the Volturi even do, but this would ruin Aro’s friendship with Carlisle. Even if Carlisle was miraculously understanding of Aro killing his son (which I can’t imagine he would be), this would never leave the air between them. Carlisle could never be around him again after something like that.
So, Aro turns down Edward’s request. “Stupid Volturi man ruining my dramatic suicide, I’ll show him who’s boss!” Edward replies, and runs shirtless into the sunlight. I’m sure Aro was just dying, you had “The Sound of Silence” playing as he stared into nothingness because how is this happening to him. A whiplash of an hour later, Bella is alive again, Aro is happy, we can be done with this now, right? Right?!
No, Edward says, we cannot be done with this. He’s still refusing to turn Bella.
And so we get that whole New Moon exchange where Aro very tellingly shoves the part where Edward WALKED INTO THE SUNLIGHT IN VOLTERRA under the carpet and out of the conversation (for comparison: Irina is executed for false testimony and Bree for breaking a law she didn’t know existed), and he even allows Bella to leave human when he could easily have bitten her himself to keep the Cullens honest. This guy went out of his way to be lenient and show the Cullens good faith.
And then a few months later Irina walks into Volterra, bearing memories of what is unmistakably a Cullen immortal child.
Aro may care for Carlisle, but this is the guy who killed his baby sister so he’d still have Marcus’ gift. He will bend far, very far, for those he cares about, but he will not break. It’s duty above love, Volturi above Aro’s personal preferences. An immortal child is not an offense that can be tolerated, and so it’ll be Didyme 2: Aro Kills Someone He Loves Boogaloo.
By now I think it should be quite clear why I think Aro was trying to prevent the fight. Battle would have meant Carlisle’s certain death.
(And that’s even assuming the Volturi won the fight. With Bella there, there was a chance the Volturi wouldn’t prevail. But even before Bella started showing off, Aro was very much hoping this wouldn’t be another Didyme situation.)
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broqkenhearted · 3 years
𝕸𝖞 𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊
𝕸𝖞 𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊: Chapter 3
𝕹𝖊𝖝𝖙: Chapter 4
𝕻𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖎𝖔𝖚𝖘: Chapter 2
𝕿𝖆𝖌 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙: Look at Bottom of Chapter (you can comment or message if you want to be in my tag list) 
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𝔖𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶: An innocent school girl is new to SOPA. She becomes friends with the President of the school and his group. Y/N sees this one group of boys and one of them intrigues her. These boys are the “badasses” of the school and act all cold. But there is more to this boy than what is seen on the outside. This boy is no other than a vampire who is in the gang named Ateez, and finds his mate, who is none other than the innocent school girl. What love will blossom between these two?
𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: bits of fluff, smut, angst, highschool au, vampire au
𝕻𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌: vampire!san x reader
𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙: 4,515
𝖂𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘: blood, swearing, mature content (warnings beforehand)
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Yunho POV
I could feel Y/N relax behind me as she snuggled herself into my back. I couldn't help but smile. She really was something else.
"Cute," I mumbled.
I hope she'll except us for who we are...
The motorcycle ride ended a lot faster than I had expected. It was quite relaxing actually. I could ride all day if I could.
I hopped off the bike and took the helmet off. When I took it off, I swung my hair around in an effort to get it less tangled. I could see San staring at me as I did so. I looked over to him and it looked like his eyes just flashed purple??? I'm prolly losing my mind, so I just brushed it off. The boys invited inside their house, and may I tell you, they own a mansion. A big ass mansion to be in fact.
I was gawking at it, until I heard some of the boys chuckle.
"Holy shit, how rich are y'all?" I asked.
"A lot richer than you think," Seonghwa said cockily.
"Oh well no shit Sherlock," I responded rolling my eyes.
When we all entered the front door, the rain began to pour buckets over the city.
The house gave me an awfully sketchy vibe,  it was really dark and gloomy. "They have all this money, and they choose to live in this dark ass mansion," I thought.
"I guess I should thank y'all for making sure I don't drown in the rain," I said giggling.
"It's not a problem! In all honesty, we're surprised you walked away from Twice like that," Hongjoong responded.
"Why? They're the average obsessed bitches. Always trying to grab the popular boys' attention," I said rolling my eyes.
"Well yeah, but they won't hesitate to make your life total hell," Wooyoung sighed.
"If they seriously think I'm going to let them walk over me, they're wrong. If someone ends up dead, don't be surprised," I growled.
The guys looked at me surprised.
I sighed. "Yeah I know, I don't seem to be the person who would act like that, right? Well I'm super stiff around new people. That's why I act shy. But when people get on my nerves, shit goes down. So I'm telling y'all this now.....don't fuck with me."
"And what if we do?" Seonghwa said, smirking.
"Is that a challenge, Seonghwa?"
Immediately, I shot a serious stare at him. At first, I decided to play a stare off with him at first. I slowly walked towards him, then pounced. I tackled him to the ground and and put him in a headlock. I was in a position where I could pin his arms and legs down so he couldn't fight back.
"I told you, don't fuck with me."
At that moment, Seonghwa's eyes turned red like how San's changed earlier. I pushed him off of me and got up. I looked from Seonghwa to San in confusion.
My confused face made everyone else just as confused.
"What's wrong?" Mingi asked.
"Your eyes," I responded blandly.
At that moment all the guys except San showed faces of panic.
"Why did they turn red?"
"I think you're seeing things, Y/N."
"How could I be seeing things when it happened to San and Seonghwa?"
Yunho glared at San. San shrugged.
"Explain. I'm not stupid. You know your eyes did that. And, why the hell are you wearing clothes like that?"
"Before we say anything, please don't be scared and run off," Wooyoung sighed.
"Talk," was all I said.
The guys looked at each other as if they were trying to decide who would speak.
"Fine, I'll say it because y'all are being to big of pussies to talk," San growled. "We're vampires."
I began to laugh my ass off.
"V-Vampires?" I said between laughs. "Great joke guys."
I was suddenly pinned against a wall.
"This isn't a damn joke," San said.
His eyes were turning a dark crimson this time. I could see his fangs start to come out.
I was trying to process what was happening when San let me go.
"And before you ask, no, we aren't going to drink your blood and kill you," Jongho said.
"I should go home," I mumbled.
"You aren't going anywhere," San retorted.
"And why the hell do YOU care?" I spat.
"Are you ok?" Yunho asked.
"No, I'm not ok!" I yelled. "I fucking knew you guys were familiar. I should've known better than this."
"What do you mean?" Wooyoung replied sadly.
"What do I mean? WHAT DO I MEAN!? YOU ASSHOLES KILLED HER!" I was crying at this point.
I looked back at the guys to see their eyes change to blue. I walked over to San and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.
"You fucking murdered my best friend," I said as I threw San to the ground.
The guys were shocked. No one has ever treated San like that. San's eyes turned black. I was a bit startled to see his eyes change to that color, but I shook the feeling off.
"You asked for it bitch!" San screamed.
The guys rushed to hold him back but I stopped them.
"Don't. I'm not scared of him or what he can do. If he's going to kill me, let him. At least she won't be alone up there anymore."
Third Person POV
Y/N collapsed on the ground in tears. The boys were heartbroken. San even felt his heart hurt a little bit. The guys looked at the poor girl unsure of what to do.
"Where's the bathroom?" Y/N asked quietly.
"Down the hallway, first door to the right," Hongjoong responded.
Y/N got up and followed his directions to be lead to a large bathroom. Y/N locked the door and slid down against it sobbing. Little did Y/N know, the guys could hear and see her thoughts. Soon they could smell her blood.
"Guys, is that her blood!?" Yeosang asked frantically.
Yeosang decided that he wouldn't wait for their answer and just booked it to the bathroom.
"Y/N, please open the door!"
There was no response. Not even the sound of her crying could be heard. Yeosang teleported into the bathroom to see a horrific sight. Yeosang called for the guys to come, and they all teleported in to see an unconscious Y/N in Yeosangs's arms with blood pooling out of her wrists and neck. Seonghwa, being the healer of the group dashed towards a crying Yeosang. He lifted Y/N into his arms and booked it into his room to help her. The guys turned back towards Yeosang. They have rarely seen him cry before, and the fact that he was crying over a girl he met in one day was shocking.
"I-I can't believe I'm s-saying t-this, but W-Wooyoung's right. She's d-different," Yeosang barely spoke. "She c-can't die!"
The rest of Ateez felt the same way. She was different, special even. All they knew was that they were going to protect her.
Meanwhile, Seonghwa was frantically working to stop the bleeding and stitch her up. He managed to successfully do so, and he soon found himself looking at the poor girl. He walked out of his room to meet with the very worried guys.
"I think she'll be ok," Seonghwa said.
"I can't believe she actually tried to kill herself," Wooyoung said. "How are we even going to talk to her? She said we killed her best friend, she hates us!"
The guys groaned and sighed in agreement with Wooyoung.
2 Hours Later
"Urrggh," Y/N said as she woke up.
She looked around to realize that her wrists and neck are bandaged up and that she's in an unfamiliar room. Y/N arose from the bed she was laying in and proceeded to walk out. The room was attached to the hallway, so Y/N easily found her way to the living room. She could hear the sound of male voices, so Y/N assumed it was the guys. Y/N had to use the assistance of the walls to walk, so when Y/N got to the end of the hallway, she stood there leaning against the cool wall. The boys could hear movement behind them, and when they turned around they saw you there leaning against the door frame with glossy eyes. Y/N resumed her efforts of walking but San was the first person to teleport to her. He could see the pure emptiness and sadness in her eyes and it broke him apart. Before she could reject, San picked Y/N up and carried her over to the couch. She was placed between San and Seonghwa.
"How are you feeling?" Seonghwa asked.
"I've been a lot better," Y/N said with a small smile.
The guys realized that no matter what the situation is, Y/N manages to make the situation a lot lighter and brighter.
"Y/N, we are so sorry," Hongjoong started.
Y/N sighed, "I appreciate your apology, but you should know that I probably won't forgive you for it. She was the only person who made my life have light, so not having her here is really difficult."
"You look really tired, Y/N," Yeosang said.
"I just have to move around to get my blood flow back up that's all," She said.
Y/N looked back at Yeosang to his the fear in his eyes.
"You were the person who walked in, weren't you?" Y/N asked Yeosang.
Yeosang couldn't answer her. He could only let out a quiet tear.
"Come here," she said.
Yeosang hesitantly went in her direction, and stood before her. Y/N signaled for San to get up, and San followed. She patted the now open seat next to her, and Yeosang took the spot. What Y/N did next shocked everyone in the room. She hugged Yeosang and snuggled into him.
"I'm so sorry you had to walk in to find me like that," was all she said.
Yeosang couldn't help but hug her back and cuddle with her. San was looking at the two people feeling anger and jealousy boil through his veins.
"Just because I'm not a vampire doesn't mean I can't sense your guys's jealousy. So if you want a hug you gotta fight for a spot next to me," Y/N smiled.
Y/N let go of Yeosang and sat up. Seonghwa engulfed her into a large hug. She returned the hug and rubbed his back. Soon, the rest of the boys hugged her and inhaled her addictive scent. San was the only member left. This time, Seonghwa got up and let San fill his spot. He looked at her with grey eyes and then gently hugged the girl. To San, Y/N felt so small and fragile. She fit into his arms perfectly. He never wanted to let her go. She snuggled into him closer and San looked up to the guys. He gave them a look that showed how much he cared for her. There was a peaceful silence until Yunho broke it.
"Has anyone ever told you how good you smell?"
"No, what do I smell like?"
"You smell like vanilla and roses!" Yunho exclaimed happily.
"I don't use anything that has that smell though?" Y/N announced.
"Wait that means that's your natural scent! I have never met a human that smells as good as you do," Wooyoung stated.
Y/N giggled at the compliment and her laugh made the guys' hearts melt.
"I take it you wore those outfits to hide from the sun?" Y/N asked referring to the dark outfits the guys were wearing.
"Sorta. They also hide our identities from other people. There are some people who know us for what we are we hide ourselves using these clothes," San responded.
Y/N looked at her phone to check the time, and she saw that it was about 7:30 at night. The rain has stopped awhile ago, so Y/N could go home now.
"I guess I should head out so I'm not a bigger burden than I already am," Y/N said looking at the guys.
"In the condition you're in, you're not going anywhere. If you run into other vampires, they will not hesitate to drain you," Jongho said.
Y/N nodded her head in understanding what Jongho said.
"You can sleep in my room tonight, I'll sleep on the couch," San told Y/N.
"I'm not about to let you sleep on the couch in your own home," Y/N fought back.
"Y/N you need to sleep on a bed. Especially with your injuries," Seonghwa said.
"But I feel bad!"
"It's either you sleep in his bed, or he sleeps in it with you," Mingi said.
Y/N displayed a light blush on her face and looked down.
"Where is the bedroom?" Y/N asked nervously.
"It's down the hallway, last door on the left," San chuckled.
"Oh! Before you go, here are some clothes!" Wooyoung said handing her a hoodie and boxers. "If you want to take a shower, you may."
"Thanks Wooyoung!" Y/N said giving him a hug. "I'm going to take a shower then go to bed. Night guys!"
"Night Y/N!" all the guys said together.
Y/N headed towards the bathroom she was in earlier to see a light red stain on the tile floor.
"Yikes! How could I be stupid enough to think that BLOOD wouldn't stain the tile?" Y/N said to herself aloud.
Y/N undressed herself and took the bandages Seonghwa wrapped around her off. She examined the wounds on her body then felt warm liquid run down her neck. In a split second, Y/N could hear a fist banging on the door and San's voice.
"Hey! It's ok! I just took my bandages off, and my stitches started to bleed a little bit. I'm fine!"
"Can I see them?" San asked.
"Hold on! I don't have any clothes on at the moment!"
When San heard those words leave Y/N's mouth, his heart rate involuntarily increased. He shook off the images running through his mind when Y/N opened the bathroom door. San walked in and shut the door behind him so the smell of her blood doesn't radiate through the house. San hurried into the bathroom so he couldn't see what Y/N was wearing. When he turned around he saw Y/N only wearing her undergarments. Without realizing, San was staring at the girl in front of him admiring her figure.
"I'm sorry about what I'm wearing. It was the only thing I could wear for you to be able to see them clearly," Y/N said with a blush.
"It's ok! I was just surprised you let me see you like this," San said.
"For some reason, my heart trusts you. Even though my head doesn't because of what happened. But I trust my heart more than my mind. The only reason why I did what I did was because my head got the best of me," Y/N confessed.
A genuine smile crept up to San's face, and his eyes turned yellow.
"Do they hurt?" San asked referring to the stitches.
"It just feels like a bruised sort of pain, but it's nothing too bad," Y/N said looking at her sliced wrists.
Blood began to run down her right wrist after she touched it.
"Ouch! That hurt a bit!" Y/N said looking at her bleeding wrist laughing.
Y/N could hear small grunts and growls coming from San and that's when she remembered he's a vampire. "Well shit. How could I possibly forget that he drinks blood?" Y/N thought to herself, giving a herself a mental facepalm as well. She headed towards the sink to wash it off, but San stopped her.
"Please don't wash it off yet," he grunted.
"Why? You can barely contain yourself at the moment."
"It smells really good and I want it to last longer," San said as he stared at the burgundy liquid.
"You want some of it, don't you?" Y/N sighed.
"Of course I do, but I couldn't do that to you."
"I appreciate that, but what would happen if I let you?"
San glanced up at Y/N's face, slightly taken aback with what she just said.
"Are you trying to hint something, Y/N?"
"I mean, it's not like you're going to bite me. It came out naturally! Besides, you look the same way as you did when you did you know what. That can only lead me to believe you haven't had any in quite awhile."
"How are you so damn smart?"
"You might be good at lying San, but you can't hide everything," Y/N said with a giggle.
"I swear to god, you're too cute. But would you actually let me have some?" San looked at Y/N seriously.
"I told you, I trust my heart more than my head."
Y/N raised her wrist once she saw the blood was about to drop onto the tile again.
"There is no way in hell I'm about to stain the tile AGAIN. So, the only way to clean it is to wash it off or you have it," Y/N said looking at her bloody wrist then to the blood thirsty vampire in front of her. "No biting, ok?"
San looked at Y/N with excitement.
"I bet you taste better than you smell!"
Y/N laughed at his statement and headed over to the sink where she could sit and make sure none of her blood can stain the dAMN TILE-
Once she was situated, Y/N signaled San to get closer to her and he followed her commands. He was now standing between her thighs looking at her eyes with his golden ones.
"Ok, your eyes keep changing color, and I have no idea what it means. Could you explain the colors to me before you start?" Y/N questioned.
"Well, my eyes should be gold at the moment which means I'm seriously holding back from getting your blood. Typically when I get a serious blood lust they turn gold. Red is anger, blue is sadness, grey is regret, purple is sexual lust, green is ecstasy, and orange is possessiveness or the feeling of wanting to protect something," San explained.
"I don't think I'll remember all of that, but I'll try my best!"
The two people laughed until Y/N realized her hand was starting to pool with blood.
"Bruh, why the hell am I bleeding so much? You stitches are seriously doing a shitty job."
Y/N raised the hand filled with blood and moved it in front of San. San looked at Y/N one last time searching for a final look of assurance, and Y/N responded with a nod.
San began by drinking what was in Y/N's hand. Her hand became a cup to encapsulate it all. The first taste for San sent him into space. The fact that he hasn't fed in awhile adds to the pleasure, but her taste was the best he's ever had. As he finished what was in her hand, he looked up at her. Y/N could see his fangs and her blood all over his chin. His eyes were a vibrant gold.
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"Looks like I was right. You're the best I've ever had."
"Yeah ok," Y/N said.
"Y/N if you were to leave in this state you would be dead by now. Or you would be kidnapped and used as a living blood bag. You're blood is unique. It is so much sweeter than what most humans have."
"Well lucky for you, San, my hand, neck, and wrist is covered in it. Now you can't complain from withdraws."
"I'm not complaining about it either!" San exclaimed.
"Remember San, I need to take a shower. We have classes tomorrow."
San growled.
"Can't we just skip tomorrow?" San whined.
"And do what?"
"Let you heal, Ateez aren't the only vampires at school, and I sure as hell ain't letting anyone else have you if you bleed."
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San's eyes flashed orange in a sign of possessiveness.
"Fine, I'll skip. You are acting like a over protective human boyfriend," Y/N chuckled.
"Well the fact that I am drinking your blood connects me to you. I can sense your change in emotions now. The guys can because of what we are, but me doing that makes me the closest out of all of them."
San returned to cleaning you up, and now he moved onto her neck.
She tilted her head to give him more access. He leaned towards her and could see her vein protrude slightly.
"Tell me if this hurts ok? I'm going to go over the stitches."
Y/N nodded her head and he began to lick the blood running down her throat. She couldn't help but let out a soft moan.
"San," she whispered.
San stopped what he was doing and looked at the girl in front of him. His eyes changed to a beautiful shade of purple.
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"What are you doing to me, Y/N?"
"What do you mean?"
"You know how I am. I'm really cold to people. But when you came along both me and the guys couldn't help but feel attracted to you. And now here I am. Drinking the best blood I've ever had, from the girl I'm interested in."
Y/N jumped off of the counter and looked in the mirror to see no blood left.
"Damn could you enjoy it any more?" Y/N said with sarcasm.
"I definitely could, babe."
Y/N blushed at the nickname. She's never been called that before. She could easily get used to it though.
"I need to take a shower now, San."
"Can I take it with you?"
"You heard me. I want to take a shower with you."
"I don't know. This whole blood drinking thing just makes me want to be around you 24/7."
"Wait really?"
"Yeah sure. But...if this leads to you wanting to get closer to me just to use me for sex I will not hesitate to beat the living shit out of you."
"Oh believe me, if I wanted to play you you'd be out of my house right now."
The two chuckled and Y/N walked to turn the shower on. Once it was warm enough for her liking, she looked back at San.
"Is this too hot, San?"
San walked over to feel the water.
"Nope. It's almost as perfect as you."
"I did not expect you to be such a flirt."
"People aren't always who they seem they are Y/N."
"Yeah, I'm quite aware of that."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"I mean, it's not like I'm going to be able to hide it from you forever, so I might as well get it over with."
San looked at her with a hint of worry in his eyes.
"It's my birth parents."
San looked at Y/N with interest.
"How about I tell you once we're in the shower, ok?"
San agreed and Y/N took her undergarments off. San couldn't take his eyes off of her. She was absolutely stunning to him.
"Hey! I can't be the only person naked! That's not fair!"
In the blink of an eye, San was undressed and standing in front of Y/N. He took her hand and pulled her into the shower with him. San watched as the water droplets ran down her delicate body. The way her long hair covered her exposed breasts.
"Ok, we're in the shower. Continue please," San said impatiently.
"Oh right. THEM." Y/N said with disgust in her voice. "I was not planed to be here. I'm only alive because my birth parents were retarded enough to not use protection. So when I was born, they decided they weren't ready to raise a child so they gave me to my aunt. I was a much different person back then than I am now. I used to be so caring of others and so welcoming. Now I've become more broken off and closed off. One day, they decided to show up to my house in America. They had the audacity to ask me to go back to them. They even thought that I would be willing to go with them. Ever since then, I have hated people. The fact that my best friend was murdered made it worse," San looked at Y/N with his grey eyes, "I know, vampires depend on blood to stay alive, but I was just so upset that it had to be her. I was pissed at myself for not stopping you guys. But as I thought about it, I realized neither of us would of made it out alive if I was to try and stop you. I lost trust in all people after that. I haven't made any friends for I live with the fear that they will leave me just as she did. I was still new here when she died so I had to take a lot of time to get used to my surroundings here. So here I am, a girl who lives alone and in a country that she still isn't that familiar to her yet."
Y/N was crying at this point from remembering the trauma she suffered. Without a second thought, San pinned Y/N against the shower wall and lifting her chin up with his index finger. Without a second thought he leaned in and kissed her. It was a kiss that expressed how bad he felt for doing what he did to her best friend. Y/N kissed back, enjoying the sensation of his lips against hers.
They both parted from the kiss to regain their breath when San spoke...
"I'm so sorry, Y/N. If I knew my actions would lead to me hurting you like this, I would have never done that. I was just so desperate that if I didn't feed, I would go on a murder spree. But now I promise to never hurt you like that. I promise to protect you from everything you fear the most. I understand if you don't feel the same way, but I love you so much. I never want to let you go.
𝕿𝖆𝖌 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙: @soyeonrai 
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Hi again! I come to you today with a question that may simply be a continuity error, but I'm still interested in your thoughts! In the main story, le Comte *knows* it was MC that came through the door behind him. Yet in Comte's "One Night, Beneath the Crescent Moon" POV story, he said he "...had no idea of what would happen next... That she would end up using the same door and end up stuck on the other side." What's your take on it? Thanks in advance! 💛
Hiya! First off I wanna apologize for how long it took to reply oTL I had originally drafted a response and then lost it when I accidentally closed the tab, and whenever that happens I always have to like sufficiently mourn the words I lost 😂😂😂
But to answer your question! If I’m entirely honest, I can’t remember what it was Comte said exactly in the Main Story in regards to her entering the door. There could be a lot of explanations for him saying he “knew”: continuity error, him wanting to put her at ease by seeming “in control” of the situation (while he’s screaming internally), or maybe even him wanting to cast some doubt as to whether or not he’s a person that can be trusted (aka the whole like “MC nooooooo don’t trust me I’m a vampire very bad very scary run away” kind of like Leonardo). 
All that being said, given the evidence we have and the stories I’ve read from his POV--esp that Crescent Moon one you referenced--I’m most inclined to believe that he had no idea she would follow him that day at the Louvre. If anything I really don’t think he ever anticipated any human person could follow him through the door? Because remember Sebastian (and the suitors for that matter) only manage because Comte is their escort. Sure their will to live on was strong enough that he could hear them, but they had no capacity to approach or find a door on their own as far as we currently know. The door was closed when MC found it; this suggests that Comte fully closed off that avenue to make sure nobody wayward stepped in by accident. He did the responsible thing and he left long before he could ascertain her safe journey through time, but she still managed to make it across somehow.
That’s why I think MC’s mere existence is earth-shattering to Comte. I mean we have all the good basics: a lovely lady, sweet and hard-working, means well and does her best. And these attributes all do matter, for sure. But the door is perhaps a greater catalyst in their romance than we might have first anticipated.
There will be some semi-hefty JPN rt spoilers below the cut for Dazai and Comte, so I’m just going to keep it under wraps just in case there are people who want to remained 100% unspoiled:
TW: Mentions of suicide in Dazai’s rt
The reason I say this is twofold, based on information provided by Dazai and Comte’s Main Story route. In Dazai’s route, remember that the focal point of the story is that Dazai wants to go back in time to kill himself as a baby so that he can never grow up to write his books or cause anyone pain in the near future--essentially, suicidal ideation to a frightening extreme. One of the main reasons that he fails (though MC plays a significant role in stopping him, too) is that Dazai’s will to kill himself is too weak. In simpler terms, this means that--no matter how much he insisted he wanted to die, the truth of his heart was revealed in his constant hesitating and difficulty going through with it. This is very often a reaction from people who need sizable psychological assistance to overcome trauma; they don’t usually want to die, it’s more that the pain of surviving their experiences is outweighing any possible joy they can find in living. 
But back to the most important part in bold. When Dazai asks about being able to use the door to travel through time, Charles confirms that it’s possible to travel without a pureblood escort. HOWEVER. This type of travel is very, very difficult unless you have an intense sense of willpower. I imagine the implication here is that you have to have an overwhelming desire and firmly believe it’s where you want to be in order for the travel attempt to succeed at all. (I don’t think the tethering point necessarily matters, but there is a suggestion that strong bonds between people--whether platonic or romantic--can serve as powerful guideposts when the door is distorted.) In other words, the reason Dazai relies on Charles’ moral bankruptcy is because Dazai knows he doesn’t feel strongly enough to go through with the suicide. He needs someone else who has the sheer determination and unbending will to see it through when the door opens. 
This is why Dazai is forced to ask Charles to accompany him, even though Charles doesn’t necessarily want to kill him. For Charles, this is less about a desperation to kill Dazai and more about his intense obsession-love for MC, and his willingness to do anything to receive her love/attention in return. In Charles’ view, since MC is ostensibly in love with Dazai, removing Dazai from the picture permanently is ideal. While Charles’ judgement is clouded and a little horrific, he is nonetheless rock steady in comparison to Dazai’s nonstop wavering. Dazai knows that he’s fickle on a personal level; one moment he wants to die, another he’s too afraid to let go of what he does care about or upset anyone. He’s at a point where he doesn’t know what’s right or true anymore and he’s floundering, which is honestly fairly common among those who share his lamentable condition. (Most people don’t have a death wish--it’s more a combination of circumstantial problems and healing that has remained in stasis that constitutes the extremity of that behavior.)
Moving right along, Comte’s route also features a similar testament to willpower, believe it or not. This happens in the last few chapters of the main story. Basically, Shakespeare dumps MC on Vlad’s doorstep and she’s more or less suffering the latter’s monologuing for a good while. Not long after that Comte appears and nearly shoots Vlad in the head, the bullet just grazing his cheek. Comte demands that he let MC go, and Vlad--in a classic sadistic act of compliance--wrenches open the door and just tosses MC into the freefall of distorted spacetime.
Now this is dangerous to MC’s life in and of itself, but there’s a key element there: distorted spacetime. In this main story the door never returns to its normal state after that first month period. Rather, the expanse of the door is too dangerous to be traveled even by a pureblood, let alone a human being. The chances MC will ever be able to escape in order to survive are closer to zero than any other number. Remember that Comte is immortal. If he gets stuck on his own, he can’t die and the damage to his body is always more than able to heal when he’s back to safety. (He even warns Leonardo in Leo’s MS that the danger of getting stuck in some kind of pocket in spacetime is still too significant to be ignored, though I can’t be sure if that’s due to Leonardo’s inexperience with time travel/requirement for an escort, or just an inevitable risk you juggle anytime you travel through the door.)
Of course Comte leaps in after her to try to save her, but presumably their entry point is long gone now (Vlad shut the door), so they’re just kind of floating in amorphous time. They do and don’t exist. Comte is understandably distraught because MC’s life hangs in the balance; if they don’t find a way out, she is almost certainly going to die. Comte admits that--while he hates the fact that his very existence is a danger to her, he still doesn’t regret finding her by any extension. MC protests, naturally, that there’s nothing to regret. Circumstances be what they may, she loves him. 
Now, here is the key. While Comte is trying to think of a way out, MC is thinking hard about wanting to return to the mansion. Her mind reflects an acute, intense desire to return home to the place where they both belong. And wouldn’t you know it? They both suddenly tumble out of the door in the mansion and onto the carpeted floor, whole and alive, sputtering in disbelief. Comte is baffled at first but it can only give way to immense relief that she’s safe, and he just immediately breaks down.
The only reason the two make it out unscathed is because of--I can only assume--MC’s overwhelming will to live on with Comte and return to the mansion. While it would have been natural for her to be overcome by fear to the point where she could make no productive decision, or even humor the concept of focusing on their home, she does it all the same with immediate success. That’s also part of why I think Comte just 100% caves into both of their feelings in the next chapter. He saw firsthand that, not only does MC keep a level head under duress, but she also has the overpowering will necessary to survive amongst vampires. And it was perhaps this unshakeable will in the first place that landed her in the late 19th century all those weeks ago.
It’s interesting because, honestly? Her entry through the door is more or less a hinge point for their romance. While it obviously isn’t the only reason he cares about her, it definitely is one of the bigger reasons he even feels safe enough to court her in earnest in the aftermath. It is literally only after this event that he confesses everything. Why he created the mansion and the men. How he’s really felt about her and himself all this time. What Vlad showed her and the implications of Vlad’s existence. And finally the truth about what he wants. He wants a relationship with her, but he keeps being held back by the fear that he’s too much. That the demand of being by his side will outweigh any happiness she might find choosing him. (Granted MC and I find that preposterous given how attentive and considerate he is, but you know). But after seeing her pull off surviving Vlad and traveling through the door by her own willpower again? I think it sufficiently lessens his doubts as to whether she could handle a future with him. It gives him the courage to just ask her: Do you want a future with me? Can you handle the demands of a vampire that cannot accept a mere human lifetime to be in love? 
And so this is why I have unceasing Comte brainworms ladies and gentlethem. I need to go lie down before I start crying again, I love him oTL
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msotherworldly · 3 years
A Vampire’s Code
Title: A Vampire’s Code
Fiction Type: Original Fiction
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of death
Prompt: “You have no proof.”
“You have no proof.” I trembled as they surrounded me, pale faces pressing in like dead masks. Their red cloaks rippled, and several hands reached for me. “I’m young, right? Nobody taught me the rules. That has to count for something!”
“That is true.” A woman stepped forward. She had a round face; she lifted a pudgy, icy hand to brush aside a strand of blonde hair. She resembled one of those Victorian paintings, but for the crimson eyes. “Nevertheless, you have committed a crime. You have killed an innocent.”
“But what does that mean? Aren’t we supposed to eat? I barely know what I am!”
“You know what you are.” She held up a hand. The others stopped their advance.
“Yeah, I’m a Vampire.” I shrugged. “But what does that mean? Will holy water burn me? Will I burst into flame if I enter a church? Is the sun deadly? Is garlic?”
“Who changed you?”
“I thought he was a mugger. I was walking home from my friend’s. We’d been jamming in his garage.”
A man at the woman’s shoulder frowned. Like paper, his face seemed to crumple in on itself. “What is this ‘jamming’ you refer to? Do you mean canning jam?”
The corners of the woman’s red lips twitched. “No, he’s in a band.”
“That’s an overstatement.” I laughed. “We’re not very good. But he launched himself at me, this guy, and then he bit me. Took all my cash too, so I figured it was a robbery. I thought he was crazy.”
The woman nodded.
“I didn’t even make it home. I ran into the park, and just...I fell down the side. Into the ravine. I don’t know how long I lied there. But when I came to, it was night. And when I saw Mrs. Lowe, it was automatic. I didn’t even realize what I was doing until she was limp in my arms.”
“She is an innocent.” The man trembled. “He has had a taste-”
“He’s had no teacher. No guidance. No chance.”
“I’m sensing a ‘but’.” I looked between them. “I am sorry I killed her. She was always kind to me. When I was a kid, that is.”
“There will be a penalty for your actions.” The woman sighed. She placed a hand on my shoulder. “But we will not destroy you.”
“But he-”
The woman shook her head. “This will appease them.”
I studied her. My brows knitted. “You mean...you don’t think I should be punished? It’s for show?”
“We have to set a certain standard, or there will be chaos. But yes, that is correct. It’s a formality. And when I explain the mitigating circumstances, many will see reason.”
A chill shot up my spine. Who knew Vampires could be cold. I scanned the stony faces. “Many...but not all.”
“There will be those who want to kill you.” She pulled her hood up. “The Vampires of this city are different. There are rules. One can’t kill as they please. In other towns, it’s the same as it’s always been—like animals, they feast on people with no discernment, no respect for human life, no empathy for their former selves.
    “When a Vampire acquires a taste for freedom, for killing, we encourage him to leave. You can be a savage in other cities, but not here. Many laugh at our ways, but it’s a way of life which appeals to many of the brood. And one, I believe, which is worth preserving.”
I nodded. “I can understand that. My girlfriend...she would still be human. Even though there are Vampires here, she would be safe?”
The man’s face darkened. “No one is ever safe when there are Vampires around. Accidents happen. Rules are broken. And then we’re called in.”
I looked around. I hadn’t given much thought to my surroundings...but then, there was little to look at. A single light shone on me, and the walls and floors were concrete. If I scanned the corners of the ceiling, I could make out a cobweb and the spider which nested in it’s centre.
“Will somebody teach me? I mean, what things are actually...dangerous? What are all the rules? Can I...still see my friends? Can I see Emma?”
“If you continue to see Emma, she will learn the truth.” The woman grimaced. “And if she learns the truth, you will have two choices.”
I’d read enough horror novels to guess what came next: “I’ll have to kill her or change her. And option number three is-”
“To never see her again.” She nodded. “That is how it must be. I’m sure you can understand. You’ll be permitted to keep a job, to see your friends as often as is necessary to maintain the facade. But you’ll have to find a night shift. I don’t know about holy water, but the sun will kill you.”
“Will I get resistance to the sun with time?”
“No, that’s a myth. One which became popular after Anne Rice started writing, I think. It will always be your enemy.”
“I guess...I’ll go home then.”
“One minute.” The woman whispered to the others. They argued under their breath. The man pointed at me twice. Then he scowled, and bowed. The rest nodded. They shuffled from the room, flicking up their large hoods. They pooled out of the door like a river of-
My hand flew to my throat. I swallowed, and it ached. My tongue salivated, as dry as paper.
The woman shut the door. “We have to discuss your punishment. It’s lucky you didn’t attack a child. Many Vampires are forgiven for killing the elderly. That is, they are punished but not destroyed. It is my understanding that Mrs. Lowe had cancer, and that she was in considerable pain. Of course, you didn’t know this, but certain negotiations can be made.”
“Are you going to teach me?”
She smiled. “No, but I can share some of the...nuances with you. If a human voices aloud the desire to die, it becomes the right of the Vampire to take that person’s life. However, the desire has to be both in earnest and justified. Teens with depression, or who are blowing off steam, are off limits. I learned too late that our wording of that law was too loose.”
“I’d never kill a kid! Not intentionally.”
“I believe you.” She folded her hands. “But if you meet someone with a terrible disease, whether it be an incurable tumour or Lou Gerig’s, and you can prove they wished to die...we consider it merciful, a form of assisted suicide. Death by Vampire is not painful. Victims sink into a blissful sleep before they die. Some survivors of attacks have even claimed it feels good.”
“But what is my punishment?”
“It won’t be easy. There is a girl of seventeen who has come to our attention. Claire Goodall.”
“Hey, I know her. She’s just a couple years younger. She was in the school band. Really big into...Vampires and stuff.”
“She suspects our existence. She’s put an ad out for a Vampire to change her.”
“And you want me to persuade her not to, right? Because I’m the only one who can?”
“No.” Her eyes iced over. Her voice was hard. “You must change her. Even if she doesn’t really want to join the brood. I don’t condone the deaths of the young, but she will be executed if she is not brought over. She knows too much.”
“Couldn’t we give her another year or two? Seventeen is young. And becoming a Vampire is a bit more permanent than marriage.”
“It’s less permanent than death.” She turned away. “We have no other option. Many will kill her. Others will just bite her. But you’re her age. You can do it delicately.”
I nodded. “I guess.”
“She invited this on herself. You aren’t wrong to pity her. But she is responsible for her own fate. And when she is a Vampire, she will need a tutor.”
“Not me? I know jack shit.”
“You will be her friend. A mentor will be sent to you. Invite the girl to live with you, if you can, that you might ease the transition for one another.”
Emma will love that.
“I’ll try.”
What do I even tell Emma? What if she doesn’t want to be a Vampire? How do I know to tell her or not?
But if I don’t-
“You must go now. The others are growing agitated.” She led me outside. They lined the hallways, forming rows on each side. Their faces were expressionless, nearly identically beautiful, as I passed. When we emerged into a parking lot, I turned to thank the woman.
She was gone. I tugged on the door; it was locked. I pelted away, planning how I might change Claire’s existence irreparably, but gently.
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Chasing Providence {Dimitrescu/OC} Pt 1
Fandom: Resident Evil: Village Pairings: TBA, at minimum platonic House Dimitrescu/OC, with some wlw side characters (also original, but not the focus of the story) Rating: T for mild violence and possibly triggering content Warnings: A character briefly threatens suicide as a means of prolonging a conversation (i.e. saying "if you don't listen, I'll ___") Additionally, this contains spoilers for Resident Evil 8. Summary: Months after being infected with a mysterious virus, investigative journalist Avaskian Caldwell is left with no choice: Xe has to get help, one way or another, from whatever remains of the Umbrella Corporation could be trusted. Or, perhaps, from the very person who started it all... Along the way xe'll have to get along with vampires, fight off would be hunters, befriend a hoard of cultists, all while performing the duties of an everyday servant. There's nothing xe won't try as xe's forced to chase providence. Notes: While this chapter features a somewhat talkative Ava, xe's normally selectively mute, and will be for the entire rest of the story.
1: Blood Runs Thick
“This can’t be it. No fucking way, bruv, are you sure you got the address right?” The journalist asked, eyes narrowed as xe stared out into the distant hills. One hand held a phone, currently without any signal, while the other kept a tentative grip on the van’s door handle. To their side was the driver, a middle-aged man with relatively little patience. When he replied, it was in a language the journalist didn’t speak, but could clearly understand as a swirl of profanity. “Alright, alright, I get it. Not like I could afford to pay you to take me back, anyway… I’ll just, uh, be going then. Try to have a nice day, eh, you old chap?” With that said xe opened the door, hopping out rather eagerly. After tucking xer phone into xer pocket, xe quickly gathered xer bags from the trunk, half expecting the man to drive off before xe had a chance.
Surprisingly, he stayed all the way until the journalist gave two hard pats to the van’s side. Then he practically slammed the gas pedal, speeding off in a whirling cloud of dust and kicked up rocks, promptly sending xer into a coughing fit. Curse these feeble lungs, xe thought, scowling. Absent-mindedly xe put a hand to xer throat, silently checking if xer, ahem, ‘wounds’ were still covered. Once satisfied, xe turned to the long, winding path into the village. Was this truly where the ever-elusive “Miranda” could be found? What in the blazes of hell was a scientist like herself doing here, in a mostly empty stretch of Romania? The thought sent a rush of anxiety to the journalist’s chest, as xe wondered if this “Miranda” would even consider helping xer. Xe hoped that, at the least, xer unique case would get her attention.
In the end, it took xer twice as long as expected to reach the village proper. There were no signs along the path, nor signs of life, other than countless dead birds, hung like falling leaves from every tree. Once, a display this gnarly would have made bile rise up in xer throat. But these days? After everything xe had researched? This was no hell, not when compared to the bombed ruin that was Raccoon City. Yet xe still cut xer hand when hopping the barbed wire fence, as if once again a rookie, too desperate for the truth to see the proper world. Fresh blood dropped onto the snow, but xe allowed xerself no wince nor complaint, instead focused on the figures moving in the distance. Strangers. Nay, sources. Someone would know something about the mysterious Miranda, even if they didn’t realize it.
So the journalist made haste, approaching as casually as xe could, considering the heavy traveler’s bag on xer shoulders, and the sturdy cane xe walked with. It was the latter that caught people’s attention first, as it click click clicked against the stone path. Before long there were several pairs of eyes on the journalist, some of them bearing thinly veiled hostility, others filled with nervousness.
“Who are you?” A man growls, stepping in front of a woman (his daughter, based on similar features, age difference) as he does. One of his fingers jabs into xer chest, daring them to take another move, carrying an unspoken threat within it. For a few seconds xe simply smiles at the man. Somewhat amused, xe hoped that xer natural charm would win the day, despite a quick glance telling them that most of these strangers were armed.
“I’m a journalist-” xe started to say, until the others moved their hands towards their holsters- “or at least I was, once. But I come asking for assistance, kindness from my fellow humans,” xe said, gesturing widely with xer arms. This made the others present pause, though the journalist wasn’t immediately sure that xe hadn’t just misspoken. Romanian was not xer first language. Or xer second, come to think of it. Oddly enough, however, it had clicked rather quickly in xer brain, as if xe had always been meant to speak it. “You may call me Avaskian Caldwell. Or just Ava, or just Kian, or just Vas, depending on your mood. Ah, but that hardly matters. I am here… to find a woman. Someone I have heard much about, a, how do you say… ‘marvel’ of science? They tell me she is called ‘Miranda’. Have I come to the-” xe do not get to finish that sentence. Before xe can understand what’s happening, someone has grabbed xer by the throat, attempting to life xer into the air.
For once in xer life, xe’s glad for the ‘extra insulation’.
“Fuck you, outsider, you don’t deserve to taint her name with your foul tongue!” The man shouts, squeezing xer throat, urged on by the jeering crowd. A smarter person would have been rather concerned at that point. But the journalist- Ava, as xe said- was not known for xer cleverness. That did not, however, stop xer from exhibiting cleverness. Taking advantage of xer ridiculous arm joints (which may or may not be doubled, possibly merely weird as fuck), xe reached into xer bag, ignoring the crowd’s scared reaction, retrieving an evidence bag. Inside of it: several broken vials, each marked with a symbol of terror. This is not a place of honor the symbol screamed. To the villagers, it meant something else, something older. To Ava? It meant the prophet of death, it meant Umbrella.
“I come bearing the sign of your village. I come bearing the scars of your Goddess,” Ava proclaims, raising the bag into the air. As soon as xe does, xe is released, the man scrambling backwards. Others turn away, some leaving, a handful gathering to pray. ‘Twas an odd display, but one that Ava preferred over a public execution. Only one person dares to approach: A woman, likely mid thirties, with dark eyes and darker hair. There’s a clear caution in her movements, as if it was taking all of her courage to not flee. “Do you perhaps know how I may reach Miranda? I am in dire need of her knowledge.” At this, the woman flinches, though her gaze lingers on Ava’s throat. It’s then that the journalist realizes xer collar was undone, exposing xer strange, ever-bleeding wound. The stranger does not speak until xe has covered the deformity.
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“One does not simply reach Mother Miranda. But there are ways to get her attention, to ask for a, hmm, blessing,” she explains. With a sigh of relief, Ava starts to celebrate, eager to find a cure for what ailed xer. But the woman wasn’t done speaking, and her next words cut a thick line through xer hope. “It may take a few weeks, maybe less, but we can ensure your prayers are heard. Mother Miranda always rewards the faithful. Even those who start out as outsiders. In the end, all are welcome here, if they keep the faith in our Mother.”
“No, no, that won’t do!” Ava snaps, far harsher than intended. The woman flinches again, and xe starts to pace back and forth, trying to release xer pent up energy. “There has to be another way. Faster, more direct. I don’t-... I might not have time to wait. Please, please, anything you can do to help, even if it’s just pointing me in the right direction…” A gulp, eyes shining with unshed tears, a quiver of the lower lip. Falsehoods alike, directed for an honest purpose. Miranda was xer only hope for information- and, perhaps, for salvation. But the latter had never been Ava’s true priority.
“There might be one way, but it is dangerous. You’d be more likely to die on the path than reach your goal, if I am honest. Yet… if there is anyone in all the village who can grant you the audience you seek, it would be one of the four lords. If you are certain-” the woman could only watch as Ava nodded furiously, silently begging- “so be it. Follow me, but do not say I did not warn you. I do not want your spirit coming to haunt me for my act of pity.”
“An unexpected guest? How… delightful. Do tell me why you even bothered to drag this miscreant before me, Cynthia?” Lady Alcina Dimitrescu asked, with a scowl, staring down at the fragile human in question. Of all the things she had expected to find, once her head servant called her, this was not one of them. An intruder would have been more likely. Perhaps even more fun, if Alcina felt like letting her daughters join in the resulting feast. But this ‘thing’ was hardly worth her time. They were short, although admittedly somewhat plump, with a scent that implied illness. For once, she could not pinpoint the exact disease by smell alone. Not that she cared, really. ‘Twas simply… interesting.
“Please, allow me to introduce myself. You may call me Avaskian Caldwell, and I come with an… offer. With mutual benefits, I assure you, Lady Dimitrescu,” the journalist answered, giving a deep bow. Despite xer manners, Alcina seemed unimpressed, even irritated by the display. Still, she gestured with her right hand, encouraging xer to get on with it. “I am in need of a meeting, specifically one with the much beloved, dearly respected Mother Miranda. In exchange, I offer two things: The sweat of my brow, and the blood in my veins.” Much to xer displeasure, Alcina replied with loud laughter before fixing xer with a hard stare.
“Pray tell, little thing, what makes you think I won’t simply take your blood now, hmm?” She muses, cackling again, ignoring the way her servant flinched at the sound. But Ava did not waiver, instead simply reaching into xer sleeve. Slowly xe pulled out something metallic, speaking firmly as xe did.
“For one, Mother Miranda would certainly dislike losing out on this opportunity,” xe started to say, unable to stop xerself from smirking. Then the knife fully exited xer sleeve, dancing in the light, before pressing against xer own throat. It was certainly a unique threat. Instantly Alcina rises to her feet, only pausing when she realizes that she wasn’t the one in danger. “Secondly, my blood is worth more if I am alive. You see, I have a wretched ‘condition’, which does a handful of lovely, lovely, life-threatening things to this poor vessel of mine. But someone as intelligent as yourself could find plenty of use for my so-called ‘illness’. If you give me a chance to explain, that is.” Though she does not sit back down, or even nod, it quickly becomes clear that Alcina did not intend to interrupt. Yet. “Grand, grand! I do appreciate it, my Lady. Now, let me just grab the research I brought with me…”
Never once lowering the knife from xer throat, Ava digs into xer bag, forced to briefly clip xer cane to xer belt. Then xe retrieves a closed manilla folder, carefully handing it to the giantess in front of xer. Wordlessly Alcina accepts the item, opening it to peruse its contents, only pausing to put on a pair of reading glasses. A minute of quiet passes before Ava continues xer explanation.
“I heal faster than anyone else on your staff, guaranteed. Hell, I cut my hand down in the village, on some damned wire, and the wound has already closed back up, good as new. That means, of course, that if someone were to let’s say… remove some of my blood, well, it wouldn’t take too long for me to get more, now would it? Obviously there has to be some biological counter, some form of payment for my ability. The rule of equivalent exchange, and all that, yes? As it stands… I eat an extra slice of bread a day. That’s it. Nothing bad enough to cancel out the boon of my blood. My… extensive reservoir of blood. Interesting, yes?” Ava says, still as charming as ever, despite the indescribable terror in xer chest. If there was one thing that xe had learned as a journalist, it was how to hide xer fear. Which was plenty useful, in the current situation, especially when Alcina flips a page to reveal the one downside to xer condition.
“Don’t tell me you came all this way to try and deceive me. Here I was, beginning to think something of you, and you hand me a sheet that says it clear as candlelight: Your blood is dirty. Infected. I won’t be drinking it anytime soon, nor would I even consider allowing it to be used for my family’s wine!” Alcina is essentially yelling at this point. But Ava only takes a step forward, smile present but trembling, and gestures for her to turn the page. With narrowed eyes she does, quickly reading through the notes. Once, then a pause, then once more. Finally she closes the folder, setting it down upon her desk. “Fascinating. You are indeed a… unique case. I cannot guarantee you a meeting with Mother Miranda, and even if I do, it will be because of your condition. She will use you, as is her divine right to do, likely without ever once considering attempting to cure you. But if you are determined to meet her, well,” Alcina leans in with her own grin, sending chills down Ava’s spine, “I will not stop you. Here’s hoping you manage to give me plenty of blood before you ‘expire’. Cynthia, show her to the servants’ quarters. I expect her to be working by tomorrow morning. Dismissed.”
Although Ava could not help but twitch at the Lady’s choice of pronouns, xe had expected this. Eventually xe would explain the indefinite nature of xer gender. Or perhaps xe was doomed to die a horrific, tragic death long before xe ever had the opportunity. Either way, xe could not help but feel a small sense of elation, pleased to have made some progress towards xer goal. Three steps forward and two steps back was still, cumulatively, a step forward. In time, xe would likely come to regret this series of choices. But who among us could say they held no regrets at all? And if, in the end, this storyteller came away with one hell of a story… wouldn’t that outweigh the regret? Even if Ava did not know it, xe would one day learn a valuable lesson from the strange family xe now worked for: Blood of the covenant is thicker than water of the womb. Oh, and what a lovely covenant it would be.
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bunnylouisegrimes · 3 years
It’s A Wonderful Afterlife (NOS4A2 Fanfic)
A/N: I’ve had this story idea in my head for awhile, but I got to writing it yesterday and the day before yesterday. Basically, this one is the story of Rose’s transformation into a vampire. It’s gonna cover some heavy topics such as nearing the end of your life and terminal illness, so be warned, but there’s a lot of happiness in the middle and near the end. Hope you all enjoy!
It’s A Wonderful Afterlife
A NOS4A2 Fanfic
By: Bunny Louise Grimes
As the years went by for Rose, very little had changed in terms of her personality. She had remained shy and introverted (unless in the company of those she deeply trusted), she had remained both gothy and girly, and she had remained nerdy. Her love for her toys, her games, her writing, her art, her vampire husband, and her children had never waned. Fifty years of marriage and a set of dhampir twins later, and from the inside, she was as young as she had been on her wedding day.
Physically, she had her differences.
By the time she reached 57, grey hairs were starting to show in ways they hadn’t before. She had never been the type to dye her hair, but in order to preserve its beauty that she so cherished, from then on out, she dyed her long hair the closest shade of matching brunette she could.
Her height was as short as before, her weight was roughly around the same spot thanks to her vigorously making sure she never went past 200 pounds, and her eyes were as hazel as before, with the exception of holding an aged look. Her face and skin had shown the obvious signs of age, but such a thing was inevitable. It was nothing a little makeup couldn’t help make look better.
Charlie still found his June Rose to be as beautiful as he always found her. He had asked her on and off since their consummation on their wedding night, where he took her virginity and kept it within him to turn her into a vampire just like him one day, if she was willing to grow an older human. She always told him she did; she wanted to see how long this “human” thing would go. She wanted to experience humanity till the end, when the next chapter in her life would have to begin and vampirism would take the lead.
But by the age of 75, when she looked as though she was older than Charlie (when he wasn’t in desperate need of souls), and looked to be a grandmother to the children of Christmasland rather than mother, and her parents and brother had moved on to the other side from their own respective health issues, things were beginning to be odd. It was a whole seven months after her 75th birthday when something wasn’t right.
The first sign was the weight loss. Rose had always been a bit plump, but both she and Charlie noticed her normally soft potbelly was slimmer and smaller. They also noticed her thighs and arms were slimmer. This confused them, and they kept it in mind, but they figured it could be the result of age rather than a sickness.
The second sign was the pain in her abdomen and middle back. Within a few weeks of noticing her fat going down, she had pains in these areas on and off, and they would pick up in intensity and frequency some days.
The third sign was the general sickness she felt. One moment, she would be playing with the children, the next, she would be feeling extremely nauseous and fatigued. She would have to throw up in the bathroom and it would take a few minutes for her to recover. Charlie and her both knew that this went beyond weariness from play due to elder age. This was an apparent illness, and something was physically wrong.
However, Rose was also unusual not just in her gastrointestinal area, but her mind as well.
Forgetfulness and misplacing something was nothing noticeable, as she did it all the time. But she suspected something wasn’t right when within those same few weeks, she was slowly starting to forget things that just happened. Both her and Charlie would be watching an episode of one of their shows, and by the time commercials ended, she was struggling to remember quite a few details of what happened before them. It took her a moment to connect the events together. The same happened when she would read, and every once in a while, she would have to slowly read the same paragraph three times.
The turning point came when she and Charlie were discussing things in bed, and she was struggling to remember certain conversations they had and she had with the children only a month ago that she remembered a week before. A few details Rose brought up were nonexistent, and Charlie had to correct her. That night, she decided that between these small forgetful spells and these stomach issues, it was clear she needed to go to a doctor as soon as possible. He agreed and promised to take her in the morning.
The next day, they left Christmasland for the appointment Charlie made for her the moment he woke up. They explained to the doctor all of Rose’s physical and mental symptoms. The doctor nodded; how he nodded made her nervous. When she was younger, she was a nurse, and through her medical knowledge, she could guess what these symptoms meant, but she wanted to trust another medical professional’s judgement, as these things could be nothing rather than something, but as obvious as it sounded, it was always better to be safe than sorry. She had seen that nod before when in the presence of both patients who were relieved to find their serious symptoms were nothing and those who were about to have the news of terminal illness broken to them. Like a coin flip, it would be heads or tails: heads would be another day to live, tails would be a death sentence.
A series of nerve wracking scans and tests with Charlie by her side later, and the diagnosis was clear. The moment the doctor came back to their room, Rose, like a bloodhound, smelled the sullen seriousness in his face and tone of voice. She recognized that face and voice from her nurse days; the coin was tails. He was about to give her the date and method of her execution before slamming his gravel down.
Rose had always imagined that she would go out thanks to her heart or some sort of diabetes related sickness, given bad hearts and diabetes ran in her mom’s side of the family, and her obesity she tried to control would certainly be a contributing factor. Genetics were a hell of a double edged sword: they could give you the most beautiful set of eyes and hair with skin to match, but they could also give you the worst odds of illness you could think of.
This time, it was not Rose’s heart that would fail her, or the development of diabetes. It was two things that were just as genetic, but aruguably worse. She recalled her mother telling her that Rose’s great aunt had died of pancreatic cancer, and it was a miserable way to go. She also remembered her mother telling her that Rose’s great grandmother was suspected of suffering from Alzheimer’s before succumbing to death.
Well, it was no surprise to Rose when she learned that these two things were her method of execution. Not only because she suspected they could be possibilities, but because the facts were simple: if she was somehow strong enough to survive the painful destruction her body would suffer from the cancer, the synapses in her brain would be eaten away, just as if she was bitten by a zombie from one of her stories, and much like a zombie, not much would remain of her but a dead shell. She would be a burden to her husband and children, and they would have to watch her go from being a loving, wonder filled woman to a sickly, miserable, pain filled stranger who wouldn’t even be able to remember herself, her lover, or her children.
Both her and Charlie took this news with with equal sadness. The future was bleak, and they knew that. Not even chemotherapy treatment was worth it.
“My grandfather suffered from esophageal cancer, and he did not fare well with chemo thanks to his genetics,” she explained to the doctor. “Given that I am half my mother, and she is half of him, my odds are not good, are they?”
“Well, you certainly have a better chance than your mother, but yes, he is a direct blood relative, so the odds are there. If you wish to go through chemo, we can get you started on it, but if you don’t want to risk it or have any treatment, you’ll have roughly a year left to live. Since cancer and dimentia do have a connection, as it spreads throughout your stomach and body, your mental decline will come rapidly. I estimate that you will go through the final stages of both illnesses simultaneously, and it will, to put it lightly, be painful for all parties involved.”
Rose nodded. “I don’t think I want to risk it. I don’t think there’s much of a point to go through all of that, only for my mind to fail me. Not to mention, wouldn’t chemo worsen it?”
“It can, yes,” the doctor continued. “Since the state of Colorado offers the End of Life Options Act, we can administer physician assisted suicide, if that is what you would prefer, but there will be a few things you’ll need to do.”
Had Charlie not been in her life, Rose would’ve agreed to do such a thing in these circumstances, although, if she hasn’t met him, she most likely wouldn’t have been in the state of Colorado and instead stuck back home in Ohio, where no such laws would exist. She knew that with the choice of transforming into a vampire, suicide wasn’t needed.
“I’ll need to think on that,” Rose lied.
“I understand, as this is a lot to take in. Please contact me as soon as possible when you have come to your decisions.”
Father and Mother Christmas departed the hospital and stepped inside the Wraith. The drive back to Gunbarrel was at first silent, but Charlie needed to pull over to a secluded area. Rose could see the tears in his brown eyes.
“My beloved...” He hushed, his deep voice breaking. “You’re so sick...”
“I know,” she said softly. “I wanted to give my humanity the best run I could, and I did. But I’m not going through this shit. I’m going out on my own terms, only I won’t have to die. I’m becoming a vampire, and going into the next chapter of my life.” She turned to Charlie. “You don’t need to cry, baby. You have the power to prevent my departure from this world. I already talked to each of my family before they went, and they knew I was going to be immortal as long as I could be, but I could still contact them through my new psychic powers. If you and the kids are more sensitive to spirits, that must mean I will be too. Hell, we’ll make it look like I chose to die without treatment or assisted suicide to the doctors. I’ll be alright. Everything will be alright.”
“Yes, I know,” he sobbed, wiping his eyes. “It’s just... the idea of you dying... the fact is, you had been dying, and you are dying. I know that’s humanity, but when you have something like this... you are not only dying in the human sense, but the clinical as well.”
The gravity of Charlie’s words slapped Rose in the face, just as the news of her diagnosis in the first place had moments ago. Even though she had another chance, unlike so many others in her place, there was still a sadness to be had. This chapter in her life was done, and she could either do one of two endings: continue down a horrible road until salvation was given to her and everyone was left scarred from their experiences, or embrace salvation now. Rose knew that she was going to avoid that horrible road and jump straight to the awe inspiring transformation that would mark the next chapter, but it was a shame her human form had to suffer like this, and that it was even an issue. In addition, 75 was decently young for elderly death. If she were in her 80’s, or especially her 90’s, this was expectant, but 75... it seemed a bit too soon.
She began to cough, and Charlie handed her his white handkerchief. Her eyes widened when she saw blood splatter, and that’s when her own tears poured from her eyes. She gave it back to Charlie and buried herself in his chest. The two held onto each other and wept for a good twenty minutes before deciding they needed to head back home.
Before they exited the car to greet their children, Rose suddenly smiled as she held Charlie’s hand. “Tomorrow,” she said. “I think tomorrow is a good day to celebrate my last day of humanity, and then I’d like to transform. If that’s okay with you.”
A smile formed on his own face. “Whatever day you are ready, my love. I will fuse your innocence back inside of you whenever you desire.”
They broke the news to the children, but they handled it well. They understood the severity of the situation regarding their mother’s health, but were excited and viewed the positive side, that their mother was to be an immortal vampire much like them and their father. When their mother told them she would like to celebrate the last day of her humanity tomorrow and transform into a vampire tomorrow night, they knew that much was to be anticipated for. Their father assured them that tomorrow would be a day to never forget.
While the other children ran upstairs to go to bed, excited for what tomorrow would hold, Millie, Lorrie, Nicholas, and Holly stayed behind. They ran over to their mother and hugged her.
“Even though you’re not gonna be a human anymore,” Lorrie began, “it doesn’t change a thing.”
“We always knew you’d be a vampire like us one day,” Millie added. “We hope you’ll be healthy and happy again real soon.”
“I will, babies,” Rose reassured them. “I will.”
“If we’re half human...” Nicholas spoke up.
“...That means we’re the last pieces of your humanity, right?” Holly finished.
“Yes, it does, babies,” Rose smiled wider. “I suppose it does.”
The twins beamed at each other in pride.
“But just because I’ll become a vampire doesn’t mean I still won’t be myself,” she clarified. “We’ll all still be just as we were, just with me having some physical improvements. It’ll be just as if I will always human.”
They nodded and knew it was time to get ready for bed with the others. They raced each other up the stairs, their parents tagging behind. When everyone was ready, Charlie and Rose bid the little ones good night before snuggling close to each other in their own bed.
Sleep could not come quick or easy for Rose, as her worries and anxieties mixed with her excitement kept her awake, but somehow, she found herself asleep. While Charlie slept, he dreamt of how the party would look for his beloved: the balloons, the streamers, the cake, the lights, the roses everywhere, the unicorns, the glitter... everything to honor his lover’s life and everything that represented what she was and would always be to their family.
When he awoke the next morning, Rose was still asleep. Letting her get her much needed rest, he snuck downstairs. The children had all woke up at the same time he had. They all snuck down the steps and they paused, amazed at the sight that awaited them downstairs...
When Rose opened her eyes and rubbed them, she turned next to her to find Charlie missing. She went to the bathroom and left her bedroom to check on the children. They were not in their very large and ever expanding bed. She noticed that the living room was dark, but all sorts of odd shadows filled it. She went down the steps and turned the lights on.
“Surprise!” Everyone cheered.
Rose gasped. Her eyes were filled with wonder as she saw what her living room had become.
Rainbow lights and glittery streamers filled the ceiling. Colorful balloons and roses of all colors were everywhere. In the center of the coffee table was a cake with candles that became aglow once she turned the lights on. A wonderfully designed unicorn figurine with roses in its mane and tail set on the cake.
“Oh... oh, it’s beautiful!” Rose cried, tears of joy filling her eyes. “Oh, I’ve never seen anything like it before!”
Charlie beamed and pulled a pink dress over her nightgown. She hugged him and kissed him on the lips, cheeks, nose, and forehead.
“How did you all do this?” She asked.
“I dreamed it, like I do everything... well, not everything, as you are far too beautiful to be dreamed from me.”
She blushed and hugged him even tighter. “You are the sweetest man I’ve ever known. I am so happy to know you, be with you and have all these little ones to raise with you.”
The children rushed to her and she gave them as many hugs and kisses as she could give.
“Look outside, and you’ll see the party goes beyond this room,” Charlie said.
Rose opened the front door and was taken aback. Christmasland was covered in more roses, balloons, glitter, and rainbow lights. Amongst it all, the rainbow unicorns from Charlie’s zoo played in the snow together, free to roam from their usual enclosure.
“It’s all in your honor, my dear.” Charlie laid a kiss on her head.
She could speak no words, just gaze in amazement as the children ran outside to play. Charlie and Rose did the same, and for the rest of the day, they played and occasionally stopped to eat. Rose did her best to keep it together, but surprisingly, no ill feelings or forgetful spells came to her. Perhaps because her body knew that it was only one last day until her body would be immune to all ailments, so it needed to use the last of its strength. Or because happiness was her best medicine in the moment. She couldn’t tell which.
By the end of the day, they had gathered back inside, she blew the candles on the cake, and they began to eat some of it. The time had come where they needed to go to bed so that their mother’s transformation could occur. She read them her favorite bedtime stories before they all got too tired to stay awake. She and Charlie kissed them all good night and closed the door, knowing that would be the last time they’d ever see her in her old form.
When they entered the room, the couple closed their door and the fireplace kicked on thanks to Charlie’s abilities. Rose laid on the bed and sighed.
“Today is one of the best days of my entire life,” she said. “I have you and the babies to thank for that. You have made my human days very special, and you will make my vampire ones the same.”
Charlie laid next to her. “You have made my days very special, and you have made the babies’ days very special. We have you to thank for that.”
They exchanged a kiss before Rose sat up. “Well now... are we ready?”
“Are you ready is the more important question.”
“I think I am,” she said. “Words cannot describe how wonderful this day has been from start to finish. It is a day I will cherish forever. And before my sicknesses get to me... I shall end my humanity and ring in my new vampirism on the happiest note possible.”
She looked at herself in a mirror nearby as she slipped her dress off. “Oh, my dear human body. You have seen so much since the moment I was born. And yet, here we are. You won’t be the same ever again, and you will be improved in ways unimaginably amazing, but I hope you know how much I appreciate you. Even when I’ve experienced self hatred, I was always thankful for you. I hope you love this new form.”
She turned back to Charlie and laid back down. “I guess this means I’ll get to eat people with you guys. The right ones, of course. And fangs, nails, a new body temperature... That should all be an interesting experience. And I can’t wait to see what using similar if not exact abilities like you will be like... this will not only be the next chapter in my life, but will be a bonding experience that will bring us all closer together, I think.”
“I agree, my love,” he said. “I agree.”
The two snuggled close together.
“Thank you for doing this, sugar pop,” she sighed. “What would I do without you?”
“What would I do without you is the bigger question,” he chuckled. “I will always love you.”
“I’ll always love you too.”
He leaned into her ear. “Are you ready at this moment?”
“Yes.” Her voice had some nervousness in it, but the confidence outweighed it in ways immeasurable.
“Lift up your chin so I may see your neck.”
She did as she was told. Charlie gazed upon it and his fangs came jutting out, an energy boiling within him.
“Good bye, old life,” Rose whispered with peace. “May our memories live on for all of immortal eternity.”
“Welcome to your new summer to blossom, my June Rose.”
Charlie slammed his fangs down upon her neck, an energy force emitting from the two bite marks. She gasped and her eyes widened. A foreign, but comfortable and oddly familiar sensation came over her. She clutched onto his back as blood dripped down from the bite marks. They glowed a white-blue color.
As the sensation consumed her, she felt as if she was traveling back in time. Every few seconds was another year she felt healthier and younger. It took her a moment to register that’s what that was, but when she saw her face in Charlie’s eyes... she could confirm her wrinkles were fading.
She looked at the arm she could see most clearly. Her wrinkles had dissipated and the fat had returned. She was sure her other arm looked the same. When she looked at her hand, she saw her nails gaining a yellow tint. She felt them increasing in length. Once they reached the same length as Charlie’s, they stopped. She couldn’t see her feet or legs, but she could feel the same effect happening to them. Her legs and feet (and especially her thighs) gained back the weight they had lost. She noted that her pallor was now matching Charlie’s, based on how her arm and hand looked.
Her breasts, always large, plumped back to their youthful size. Her stomach had also returned to the cushiony potbelly Charlie always loved to rest his head on. As embarrassing as it sounded, she felt her privates tingle and somewhere above them, a burning sensation occurred. She thought about it, but considered that her fertility must’ve been returning. She was miserable on and off when experiencing menopause, but she supposed as a vampire, she’d be able to withstand any pains she might experience if she had periods again. In addition, she was sure Charlie would still find her menstrual blood as delicious as he did before when she was human.
Through the reflection in Charlie’s eyes, Rose could see her wrinkles had completely faded. The aged look her hazel eyes held flooded with a new look of old youth meeting for an eternal kiss after years of departure. Her face returned to how she looked on their wedding night, only a bit more pale. She grunted as her white teeth gained their own yellow tint and increased in sharpness. A group of fangs came out from behind these new teeth. Once this occurred, blood filled her mouth and trickled down her throat while ice cold breath emitted from her nose and mouth like a rabid animal. A warmth in her stomach made her feel as if she had drunk the finest coffee or hot chocolate rather than blood.
My God... this is why vampires crave this stuff... it’s got flavors in it that we can’t taste.
The dye in her hair had faded, exposing the natural grey. But it quickly disappeared as her natural brunette took over. At long last, she felt she could embrace her natural hair again. Even its volume, thickness, and waviness returned.
Rose had to fall back further at the sheer force from her insides. The blood that fell from her neck returned to the permanent bite marks and absorbed back inside of her. Cold chills consumed her. Her eyes, nose, ears, tongue, and touch nerves sharpened. The cancer cells in her body exploded like little stars until they were gone entirely. Every healthy cell underwent a metamorphosis that strengthened them and kept them permanently superhuman. Because of this, her immune system had reached powers impossible for the human body, destroying anything abnormal. Any sickness would be identified and wiped out instantly thanks to her new antibodies. Even her asthma had been erased from her lungs. From within her brain, the synapses snapped back together like a puzzle, and her memory was the clearest it had ever been.
I’m healthy again... Thank God, I’m heathy again...
Once her body was complete, a new sensation took over her back. She tried to jolt forward, but Charlie was still on top of her. He stepped back, as every ounce of innocence was back inside of her now. She lurched forward and leaned down. She could see her new legs and feet and her other arm, just as the other one.
Her back felt heavy. Something was weighing her down... something was coming out of it... something...
Unable to control the scream that came from her, two large masses of bone, muscle, and skin came from her back, perfectly ripping her nightgown, and extended to reveal... bat wings. Through the light in the room, the veins had looked like their own art piece to Charlie.
As quickly as the pain came, it left Rose and she laid back down, gasping and skiddishly feeling the new wings. Just like one’s arms or legs, she found she could move them like any other appendage. She flapped them, noticing they were larger than her. A small gust of wind filled the room.
“They’re... beautiful...” Charlie marveled.
Unable to speak, Rose stood up and stumbled. She found that her wings and heavier weight added some balance issues, but within thirty seconds, she had adjusted. She walked over to the mirror to look at herself more closely. Her toenails clacked against the wood, just as Charlie’s did. She looked just as she did when she was young; this time, she was pale, colder, had sharper senses, had vampire teeth and nails, a vampire bite mark on her neck, and very large bat wings on her back. She curled them up and extended them out comfortably. She flapped them a few times, and she found herself being lifted up into the air through the force of such gusts.
“Woah!” She cried. She let her wings die down and she landed as gently as she could on the floor.
She turned to Charlie, who stared at her with twinkling eyes.
“I guess I’m gonna need to make holes for these bad boys in all my clothes, huh?” She laughed. Her voice had largely remained the same, but this time, there was a youthful strength to it.
Charlie chuckled and beaconed her back to bed. “I suppose we shall. You look absolutely stunning, just as you always have. Only this time, your inner beauty is emanating from you. We shall see all of your abilities in the morning, especially since I’m sure the children would love to see you and your new talents as well. I’m quite surprised that scream didn’t stir them. But I believe your body needs a rest after the amount of change it had to go through.”
She nodded and crawled back into bed, right next to Charlie. They cuddled up next to each other. Her wings curled back up in a way that was comfortable. He rested his chin on her head and she nuzzled her face in his chest. Their combined warmth made sure they wouldn’t feel cold while sleeping. Rest had come easy for the both of them, and they found themselves sharing a pleasant dream.
Tomorrow would be the day the children would awake to be gifted with their healthy vampire mother, but even so, she would still always be the mother they knew and loved. For Charlie, she would always be the wife he knew and loved. For Rose, her new chapter had begun, and the dawn of a new era was ready to last for the rest of their eternity.
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sarcasticfina · 3 years
Fic Writer Tag Game
How many works do you have on AO3? 263
What’s your total AO3 word count? 4,901,188
How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they? including the fandoms on FFnet, that haven't yet been moved over to ao3, that'd be a total of 37. separating the larger fandoms (marvel, dcu) into their individual parts: Thor; Arrow; Smallville; The Vampire Diaries; Glee; Captain America; Supernatural; Teen Wolf; Iron Man; Life with Derek; Firefly; Friday Night Lights; X-Men; Fantastic Four; Harry Potter; Sons of Anarchy; Girl Meets World; Batman; Daredevil; From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series; Transformers; Lost Girl; Game of Thrones; Banshee; High School Musical; The OC; One Tree Hill; CSI: New York; Degrassi; Gossip Girl; NCIS; The Unusuals; Criminal Minds; iCarly; Secret Life of the American Teenager; Twilight; and The Listener
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. and I wonder (if everything could ever feel this real forever) - darcy/bucky - Steve tells him that Darcy's harmless. Bucky imagines, on paper, Darcy is harmless. HYDRA wouldn't give her a second glance. But he does. He can barely keep his eyes off her. He's not sure he wants to. | Kudos: 5576
2. I Climbed The Tree To See The World (When The Gusts Came Around To Blow Me Down, I Held On As Tightly As You Held On To Me) - darcy centric | darcy/steve - The path to self-discovery, including becoming Coulson's assistant-slash-liaison-slash-bff, Captain America's lady love, and rating fourth on the SHIELD BAMF scale, was like the yellow brick road; it was chaos and confusion around every bend. | Kudos: 3973
3. Take a little piece of my heart (and keep it for yourself) - oliver/felicity - A collection of Olicity prompts on Tumblr posted here for easier access/reading. | Kudos: 3498
4. You put your arms around me (and I'm home) - darcy/bucky - A collection of Darcy/Bucky oneshots, drabbles, and prompt fills. | Kudos: 3293
5. you (anchor me back down) - darcy/bucky - "I'll be right back." Famous last words. | Kudos: 2747
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? not all of them. i do try to keep up on them, especially on longer stories when there's been significant wait times in between chapters, or when a reader is asking a question or is unclear on something. and especially when someone writes a really indepth comment/review, i like to respond to those and talk about motivations and character growth.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? I've written a number of fics that either had suicide or major character death, so i'm not sure if one outranks the other in terms of most angsty... hmm... i remember "be still and know that I'm with you (be still and know that I am here)" and "light a match, burn the world to ash (I will watch it die, and hold your hand as I fly)" both got some pretty intense reactions when they were posted. And "It's Your Song That Sets Me Free (I Sing It While I Feel I Can't Go On)" was basically just angst from beginning to end. buuuuut, i think i'll say "so you think you can tell (heaven from hell" was, only because there's a build up of everything going so right, only to pivot at the end, so it feels very bittersweet.
Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one you’ve written? i loooooove crossovers. i find writing in the marvel fandom makes things quite easy, but also smallville. as long as i can find a common thread, i enjoy finding a way to overlap two shows. i'll say the hardest one to write was "ruby red slippers (unavailable in her size)." I'm not sure why, but i found writing each personality together just felt strange. i liked the idea behind the story, but i definitely remember feeling like i was really forcing myself to keep going, like something just didn't fit right.
Have you ever received hate on a fic? oh, definitely. you cannot please everyone, it's impossible. for the most part, hate comes and i either argue back, take the criticism for what it's worth, or just ignore it when it's baseless. i think the hate that bothered me the most was a homophobic PM someone sent me re: "you know I will adore you ('til eternity)," on FFnet. i actually went and searched it up. they've since blocked me so i can't read our whole thread back and forth. but i did put part of it on tumblr so i could rant on it a bit, so you can see that here.
Do you write smut? If so what kind? ha. yes. depending on the story, it can be really detailed or really flowery. it depends on the ship, the plot, and how graphic i feel like being. i've definitely become more comfortable over the years with my writing. that said, i think everybody likes something different. i once had a reviewer tell me a sex scene was too much, just too intense. it was a stefan/caroline story and to be fair, that entire oneshot was just them fucking, lol, but it is what it is. to each their own.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Multiple times.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! for the record, i am always happy to have my stories translated and shared. i just like having a link sent to me and to be credited.
What’s your all time favorite ship? i have a list of OTPs, because interests change and as shows come and go, my love for a ship can be shelved for a while before it pops back up at random. currently, i can't get enough of buck/eddie from 9-1-1. and, historically, chloe/oliver (smallville) and felicity/oliver (arrow) have been two of my top OTPs. but i think i'd have to go with bonnie/damon. they had all the potential and the show dropped the ball by not exploring it. at the same time, that's kind of a blessing, because i don't trust those writers to properly explore what they had without eventually destroying it for the likes of de/ena. it means a treasure trove for writing where it could have gone and all the what if's.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will? the intention is always to finish. but given how i feel about allison mack and how that impacts my feelings re: chloe sullivan, pretty much anything with her as a main character is not something i see myself returning to.
What are your writing strengths? What are your writing weaknesses? i'm putting these together because my strength is my weakness. i love to write. when i get an idea, i go all in and i will skip eating and sleeping to just write write write. but i also eventually hit a wall and i get so many ideas that i hyperfocus on one until the steam is gone and then i hyperfocus on the next one to maintain that need to keep writing, accidentally leaving the last story in the dust for entirely too long. i also have clinical depression that comes and goes, which hasn't been super great mixed with covid and isolation, so more often recently, i find myself overly exhausted and despite wanting to write, can rarely get motivated to do so. so, pre-covid, wrote so much i left entirely too many stories dangling. during covid, i've just been reading and struggling to get myself focused enough to do what i love.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? i appreciate the authenticity when possible, but i've recently been reading more about how native speakers of other languages feel when a) their language is butchered by google translate, or b) it's just not genuine in terms of how bilingual speakers act or speak.
What was the first fandom you’ve written for? it was smallville, but i remember adopting it out to someone else because i wasn't going to finish it. so if you look at my ffnet, the first fandom i wrote for appears to be x-men: the movie, but i remember writing a chloe/oliver story prior to that.
What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written? i have a lot. i mean, on ffnet, i have 576 stories, many of which were transferred over to ao3, with a lot of oneshots and drabbles getting joined together into collections. so there's a ton to pick from that span a 14-ish year timeline.
"you know I will adore you ('til eternity)" and "let me break (the walls that surround me)" hold a special place in my heart.
honestly, each story is important in its own way. there are bits and pieces of each that i love. every time i write something new it feels like my favorite. my best. and then a new idea comes along. there are scenes i've written that i loved more than the whole of what they became. lines that stand out that are almost too good to be a part of the larger picture.
one of my all time favorite passages i've written was bonnie's thoughts on damon and herself in 'if you love me (let me go)":
He is far from perfect. He is a novel of red, corrective ink. He is frayed pages and torn binding. His life, his choices, his mistakes leave lasting effects on everyone he meets.
She is a lifeboat with a hole in it. An anchor that drowns in the sea while everyone else remains steady above. She is both the calm and the storm, and while she screams that she will not be tamed, she cries. Bittersweet tears that go unnoticed and uncared about.
there are other stories, other pieces of dialogue, that i've been proud of. that make me laugh when i re-read them. that make me cry. and i love them. there are others that make me wilt and cringe and regret. it's a process. love and pride and growth, all bound together.
Tagging: @absentlyabbie, @anonymous033, and anyone else who'd like to fill this all out, haha
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What if, during the New Moon break, Bella took a trip to Ireland and met Maggie and blocked her, all thanks to Siobhan's gift, and was turned into a vampire?
I mean, there is already this AU.
But during New Moon?
Well, she was in school for one thing, and Charlie was out of his mind. That said, the power of Siobhan is on this AU's side, and if Siobhan decided "You know what, I want another gifted vampire", the universe will provide.
Liam can't even, he just got used to Maggie.
But alright, during Christmas break somehow, somebody, has enough money to send Bella to Ireland in the desperate hopes that a trip abroad will knock the depression right out of her. Bella's too much of a zombie to find this strange.
Maggie somehow comes across her, Bella smells delicious, but Maggie actually cannot tell if Bella is lying or not. It's the weirdest thing.
Siobhan gets dollar bill signs for eyes and turns Bella right then and there.
After Bella's been turned and welcomed to her new, Irish, family they discover that they actually have a shared acquaintance: Carlisle Cullen.
Now, Siobhan loves Carlisle dearly, but he's a fucking crazy person. He has convinced five other people to eat cardboard and Siobhan just doesn't get it. Dearest man in the world, utter lunatic.
They'll have to call him up when Bella's ready to travel (Bella's terrified of this) but in the mean time, oh, oh no, oh honey, you're not doing the Carlisle diet.
Not in Siobhan's house.
Bella puts up a very impressive resistance, Liam, Maggie, and Siobhan are all as amazed as the Cullens were. However, the Cullens actively wanted Bella to eat deer. Siobhan slaughters a hiker right in front of them to help Bella along. I imagine Bella lasts a week.
And, given her depression (which she's still in the midst of), given the complete lack of consequences for her eating people, and given that these cool people who have now adopted her are fully supportive of her being on this diet...
I give her a week.
Bella ends up deciding: you know what, I'm a vampire, this is what vampires do, and people are great and all but I did not sign up to literally be in pain for all eternity. People die, it happens, and becomes comfortable eating people fairly swiftly.
Siobhan writes Carlisle a letter, his eyes nearly fall out, because guess what she found. Carlisle probably curses the universe and tries to think of how to break the news to Edward.
"Edward, you remember my dear friend Siobhan? Well, within three months of your leaving Bella in a desperate bid to keep her human Siobhan has turned Bella and she is completely off the diet: never was on it in the first place."
Carlisle can't tell him, he just can't, Edward can never know. He convinces Alice to help him keep the secret: this will destroy Edward.
(This is great as Bella's terrified of the prospect of ever seeing Edward again.)
Because he's Edward, he actually never finds out. Unfortunately, because he's Edward, he breaks on that whole "I'm going to nobly leave Bella plan". He goes back to Forks to see her at a distance and... She's not there.
Worse, her father, the entire town, are acting as if she died abroad.
He goes to Jacksonville in a panic: she's not there either.
He looks in the paper: Bella has an obituary. In Forks, she has a grave. Charlie leaves flowers there every summer.
Bella didn't live six months past his noble departure.
He heads to Volterra, and because Bella is a) a vampire b) in Ireland c) knows nothing of this, Edward succeeds in goading the Volturi to assist his suicide. Alice likely desperately tries to think of a way to save him, but Bella showing up as a vampire might still convince him to do it... and perhaps to take her with him.
There is no way Alice can save Edward, she has to let him go.
The next time Carlisle runs into Siobhan he pretends Edward went to live on a farm. Bella doesn't believe this, but she does believe Edward would want to avoid her at all costs, so she thinks this is a sad excuse. She gives Carlisle a pass.
Carlisle's sweating bullets.
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jenonctcity · 5 years
Charia Kingdom - Masterlist
An NCT Dream Fantasy Series.
Charia Kingdom - A place that has equal amounts of sunshine and rain, hot and cold, rich and poor, and, humans and creatures that couldn’t be identified as that of human status. Ruled by the Lee family with a king whose cutthroat and unforgiving nature is feared by many. The poor not cared for by people who have everything, where disease takes the lives of those unfortunate enough to not have the funds to purchase medicine. A place where humans live among  creatures many would find terrifying. It’s no secret that Vampires, Werewolves, Wizards, etc live amongst them like normal people. Unless you murder someone, you’re considered normal. Everyone lives their own lives, whether it be a happy life, or a sorrowful life...
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Mark Lee - Born into a family of renowned witches and wizards, there came a time for Mark to fly the nest. The nest being their comfortable home in the middle of the bustling kingdom. After the death of the castle’s witch, 17 year old Mark was brought in to take her place. He lives up to his family’s name and has impressed the royal family with his natural talents. Now 20 years old with the trust of the royal family and kingdom, shy, quiet Mark is given a new obstacle when a new maid is brought to work alongside him in the castle. Granted she’s mostly there to clean up his mess, but he finds she plays a much bigger role in his life than just that. With the new light in his life, Mark faces a new task at hand. Keeping her safe from the horrors of the castle. 
Perils Brewing - [S], [A], [F]
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Huang Renjun - Being chased from the royal family’s castle at the age of 16 was never something Renjun hoped for when he was growing up. Having lived in the castle since his birth, his mother, the castles witch, raised him alone. After finding out a huge secret and confronting the king, the king has Renjun’s mother killed, leading Renjun to use the dark powers he never knew he had to curse the Prince of the kingdom. After a bounty is put on his head for his crimes, he lives his life on the run, burrowing away in a cabin far out in the depths of the dangerous forest. A place where many lethal creatures live. Now 19, Renjun has lived in solitude for 3 years, and never expected a girl to break into his home in the dead of night. The girl he encounters is on the run herself, but refuses to tell him why. The stubborn, mentally strong, and brave girl persaudes him to let her stay with him. Can he live alongside another being when he’s still got dark magic flowing through his veins and a huge secret heavy in his heart?
Running From The Dark - [S], [A], [F]
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Lee Jeno - Being the crown prince of Charia Kingdom was never something that worried Jeno. He was raised by his mother to smile when talked to, and to have a kind heart so that he would rule the kingdom differently to how his father had. At 16, he’s unexpectedly hit by a powerful curse after hearing a ruckus going on in the echoing halls of the castle. It flips his life around, his new status as a werewolf being a challenge he hates with all his heart. It turned the kingdoms sweetheart into an angry, brooding boy. Now 19, Jeno has learned how to control when he phases with the help of the remedies Mark brews for him. The only thing he can’t control is bursting into a gigantic wolf every time a negative emotion takes over his mind. No one apart from the workers of the castle know that he’s a wolf, it being kept a secret from the public. He runs in the forest in his wolf form calm him down, until he comes face to face with a rogue wolf who threatens his life with her piercing glare. After imprinting on each other, Jeno has to learn how to balance his new love, his duties as prince, his burning rage, and a secret that is revealed to him that changes his life once again. 
Stepping Into The Moonlight - [S], [A], [F]
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Lee Donghyuck - Donghyuck the cheeky, charismatic boy who wasn't born a demon. As a human Donghyuck was known for his greed and crimes. So when he died at the age of 19, Satan offered him an eternal life in exchange for completing tasks. At the age of 79 he was banished from hell for failing to take the life of someone he decided upon himself didn't deserve to die. For his sin, as punishment he was sent to live on earth forever. Being immortal and watching people you make connections with die from illness, old age, or suicide was a far bigger punishment than dying. Currently 128 years old, he’s seen many of his peers around him die in many ways, and every time it happens it chips away at his sanity and positive attitude. He swore never to fall in love, but upon meeting the princess of Charia, he can’t keep away from her. After falling in love with her, it’s becoming more likely that she will be ripped away from him sooner rather than later. With his emotions flipping completely, can he manage to stop himself from sinning to save the woman he loves?
Coming Soon...
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Na Jaemin - At the age of 19, Jaemin was brutally beaten by a knight of the royal family and left for dead. He was found by a creature of the night and turned into a blood craving vampire. Many years later, he’s now 210 years old and lives life one day at a time. He’s rather peaceful for a murderous creature, only being considered dangerous when he’s starved of the only thing he needs; blood. Before his death, he was an orphan, abandoned with only a pile of letters telling him of his true heritage. Something that’s always planted in the back of his mind. After hunting one night, he hears screams coming from the kingdoms small hospital. There he finds a nurse being attacked by a patient. After defusing the attack, he has no other choice but to help the wounded nurse, not being able to leave her there half dead as he was once before. The addicting scent of her makes him keep her around despite the danger that he poses to her by having her in his home. He finds himself doing something he never would have dreamed of doing to keep her around. After finding out about his true heritage, she changes, for the good or bad? Will this be a love story, or a tragedy?
Coming Soon...
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Zhong Chenle - Born as an angel in heaven, Chenle had always been obsessed over how humans lived on earth. But forbidden to step foot on earth he had to always watch from above. Turning 18 he decided to take a risk. A risk that lead him to be ripped from his family, forced to live his life on earth like a mortal human. He has his halo taken from him, but is plagued by the wings that have a heavier feeling on his back than what they used to in heaven. Living the life he always wanted, he’s a happy soul, rarely being sad even if he can’t leave the house as much as he would like. His wings are hard to conceal, and with fallen angel’s being a more than rare thing, he’s scared he will be killed for his wings. You’d think if he was killed he would go to back heaven right? Wrong. After being thrown to earth, he had no means of survival other than stealing to stay alive. One night he meets the hyperactive, bubbly girl who works in the local bookstore. A friendship immediately occurs between the two. He soon finds himself falling for the girl and has hopes of living the normal life he always wanted. As he gets used to living as a human does, will life pan out the way sweet Chenle wants?
Coming Soon...
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Park Jisung - In human form, Jisung looks like the worlds softest boy. His shy, slightly awkward persona often tricks people into thinking that he couldn’t even fight off a new-born baby. So why has the royal family put this lanky, slender 17 year old boy in front of the castles main gate as its protector when the rumours are that a terrifying dragon is the guarder of the castle. Well, something not many people know about the boy is that he’s a dragon hybrid. And can turn into an overwhelmingly huge dragon that has even the bravest of knights quivering in their chain mail. So far no one has ever gotten past the boy, and he intends on keeping it that way. So when a girl who looks around the same age as him slips past him and is found stealing from the castle, he’s not too impressed. She’s locked away in the dungeon, and the curious boy has to meet the only person to ever get past him. She’s sentenced to death but after pleading with his friend Prince Jeno, her crimes are pardoned, but only if Jisung keeps her with him as his assistant. He encourages her to change her thieving ways, but will he ever be able to change the hard-headed girl he argues with daily? What if you add strange feelings of love into the mix and a promise that one of them doesn't intend on keeping?
Coming Soon...
(A/N: Hi! I’m so excited to for this series I hope you enjoyed the teasers! whose are you most looking forward to? I worked really, really hard on these so please let me know your thoughts and give it loads of love! Also as all of this series hasn't been written yet, things may change in the plots and summaries but it shouldn't be anything too drastic. Also this series will contain smut, angst and fluff. Obviously no smut for Chenle and Jisung, and each story will get warnings and categories marked on them when they’re published.)
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gwen-tolios · 3 years
Deeper Underground
Even before his fifteenth summer, Daniel knew he wasn't a city boy.  But now, smack dab in New York City he was face-to-face with the one place he didn't want to be.
The city reeked. Homeless people, methane, trash. It also was deafening. Horns, shouting, radios.
His first night, he thought he was going to go crazy from sensory overload and the depression that followed.  If he couldn't get revenge for Lacy, then he might as well try to find a coven or nest that would put him out of his mystery. His breed, they bred for life. He only had so long to live before he knew the loneliness would get to him. He had planned on assisted suicide to begin with, but had hoped to make a kill or two first.
But it was impossible to follow the scent. 
Daniel didn't have anything specific to go on, the only blood in the forest had been of Lacy and the other couple they had formed a pack with, Steve and Natalie. There had been the scent of gun powder and a tang in the air that spoke of silver. But he hadn't seen the bullets. Silver was expensive; the humans had dung it out of the bodies of his family to be reused and in the process had skinned them. Daniel had returned from hunting to find the three of them with muscles showing, flies already starting to gather. Without their fur, it was only the scent of their blood that identified what body was who.
The only helpful scent had been that of oil from a car, and he traced that scent through the woods until he came to the city that never slept. It was an awful place, where the stars were barely visible and he couldn't make out the surface of the moon. He still felt the lunar pull and connection, but he missed being bathed in moonlight. The street lights were too bright to allow for that.
There was no direction for him to follow and everything was so strange. Daniel wondered around aimlessly, stumbling through alleys and tunnels and digging through the trash.
But last night...
Daniel's nose was always sharper as the full moon approached, even in human form. He had scented that oil, a large amount, and followed it. It wasn't the first time, but he followed any large saturation of it.  Like last night, it usually let to an auto repair shop.  But this one, this one was different. There was another scent, fainter, that came from a corner in the back where there was a table covered with parts.  There was the scent of oil, and then soap, and fainter still, of blood and fur. Both of which he intimately knew.
Lacy. Steve. Natalie.
And others, the smells so faint they had blended together with age and he couldn't make out individuals. But Daniel knew his pack wasn't the first to have their wolf skins laid across this table.
Wolves were smart animals, using tactics to fight as a team and bring in a kill. But they were also wild animals, who didn't have sophisticated emotions or morals. As a result, since his fifteenth summer Daniel only felt the basics, one emotion at a time, and they were all consuming.
It wasn't the full moon, but he could still call up a partial shift.
Daniel's knees switched direction, his thighs bulking up while his calves slimmed. His hips and chest expanded, the muscles growing as coarse, copper fur sprouted over his skin. The shirt he wore was tight, itchy. It ripped with his expanding chest and he tore off the rest of it with his muzzle.
He was still humanoid, standing on two legs. His face had a wolf's snout, but his eyes and ears were more human than wolf.   So he wasn't the large wolf creature that hunted in the woods, but he still had teeth and claws and lost himself to violence.
Daniel read in the paper the next morning about what he'd done. The garage was ripped apart, the family living above it killed. He noted that the article used words like 'creature' and 'monster', making statements to paw prints and claws. Everyone knew about his kind, but it was an unspoken rule to not mention them. Saying the name of any supernatural creature was supposed to bring bad luck, and death on its heels.
He expected the nests in the area, maybe some of the covens as well, had known he arrived in the city, but this public attention no doubt concerned them. It explained the silver-wearing girl under a parasol at the end of the alley.  The man who had been following him since lunch who flashed a pointy smile when ever Daniel looked over his shoulder.
New York City's others lived alongside humans because of their ability to hide and keep the living arrangement they had with the city out of public awareness. Daniel had destroyed that. Now they were either going to kill him or toss him out of the city.
The full moon was coming. He would be at his strongest, as could the covens, but the nests would be weak. Even so, one werewolf couldn't stand for long.
The warning displays would be enough to send any one else off, but Daniel couldn't leave. He may not remember killing that family, but the rage over his pack's death hadn't disappeared. He hadn't killed the right people.  Maybe the vampires and witches had known about the poaching, maybe not, but they certainly weren't interested in helping him.
Right now, the city was panicked. The humans knew he was in the area, and thus hyperaware. While those fanged smiles were for him, he wasn't the only one seeing them. The panic was good, he hoped it would flush out the butchers, but it wouldn't do to have this other attention on him. He needed to go to ground, some place close to the garage to watch who came and went, and come the full moon he would hunt.
Then, and only then, would he allow himself to be caught. To die.
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