#it was the only film i was allowed to watch on saturdays
fire-lord-katara · 1 year
I rewatched The Prince of Egypt (again) yesterday and omg that movie is a fucking MASTERPIECE it never gets old
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notafunkiller · 1 year
sparks fly
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Summary: While you are looking for Rebecca, you unexpectedly meet her brother, Bucky Barnes, your new gorgeous neighbor.
Pairing: neighbor!Bucky Barnes x female reader
Warnings: fluff, age gap (the reader is 25, Bucky is 33), teasing, no mention of y/n
Word Count: <1K
story masterlist
Bucky Barnes masterlist
A/N: An extra thank you to @marvelouslizzie and @lavenderhaze967​ for being my beta readers and for the endless support.
Please, do not repost or translate without my permission!
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It started in the most random way. One morning, you want to announce Rebecca and your other neighbor, Elena, there might be some noise next week cause you need to call someone to fix your leaking faucet, but you are shocked to see a strange man when the door opens.
You and Rebecca don't know each other well since she didn’t seem much around and you moved there just 2 months ago.
You are embarrassed and surprised, especially since you are still wearing your pajamas. Bucky is trying not to stare at your legs or chest and be respectful meanwhile you are ogling him. From his bare feet and his pink shorts to the white tank top that you’ve never expected to look so good on anyone and his perfect man bun, you find him really attractive. He’s a tall, big man -huge-, with the bluest eyes ever.
And he’s so nice and friendly. You run into each other a few times before you invite him over for dinner. Since you are going to live across each other, you want to know a little more about him.
Bucky has been staying in Rebecca's apartment since she got married, so just a couple of days. He returned to New York after being abroad for a year. The fact that he owns an advertising agency doesn’t surprise you since he is a creative person and a known photographer apparently (you googled him), but he’s surprised when he finds out you’re a copywriter.
You slowly create a routine and spend every Saturday evening eating and watching films together while discussing work and random things.
"I would love to have a cat one day," you say with a smile.
"You can, Tisha loves animals."
Your landlord is a nice person indeed.
"Only if you get one with me." You’re not serious, though. You wouldn't "blackmail" him like that. You haven’t gotten a cat until now because your previous landlords made it clear that it’s not allowed.
"Let's go."
You laugh, shocked by his serious tone. Is he messing with you? "Are you serious?"
Bucky gives you a confused look as he finishes his last bite and drops the fork on his plate. "Why would I joke about it?"
"So you are a cat guy!" You jump excitedly from the chair. You knew it!
"Is this a thing?"
You snort, mimicking his tone "Is this a thing? Of course it is, silly. You passed my test.”
The look on his face is priceless, but you can’t judge him.
"I am confused."
"If you hated cats, then you’d be a red flag."
"You kids and your slangs." He shakes his head amused.
"Do you need an extra explanation? You roll your eyes, but, truth be told, you like it when he plays the old man card. He is not old after all. 33 is definitely not old. "People, men especially, who hate cats are absolutely the worst."
"Not animals in general?"
"Nope." You shake your head. "It's a different thing."
"Oh, please go ahead." He gestures with his right hand for you to continue.
"Cats people love all animals usually. Many puppy lovers, unfortunately, especially men as I said, hate cats. As in... when you ask people what animals they like the most or you talk about cats, they are offended and say they are dog people in that awful way, you know? They shit on cats and mention how dogs are better, despite it not being a competition, because they always wait for you and love you unconditionally. How cats are these horrible little creatures because they can’t be tamed."
"Ohhhh." His lips form an "O" as he finally starts to understand. "Because cats are independent and they hate that, don't they?"
"Finally, grandpa!" You high-five him.
And in less than an hour, you two get home with the two female cats that chose you instantly when you got there by licking and crying after you. They slept in your lap the whole ride home, even when Bucky stopped to buy them some food, and the next day, as two proud and happy parents, you made sure Alpine and Miss Bubbles are vaccinated and trimmed.
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bcacstuff · 3 months
Applying logic. How do you explain all this? Sam is single, free and heterosexual. Sam travels to GC with Sarah, staying on Airbnb together alone from Sunday to Thursday. They separate because they have separate jobs. Sam returned from Australia. First visit Hyrox to encourage Sarah and participate. This weekend they both disappeared. They have appeared at the same time. I don't believe in Mull, it seems like P's crazy idea. But Sam and Sarah living so close. They could have spent Saturday together. In Glasgow, in Stirling. Why not? At Sam's house for example. Where they have privacy. Eat, drink, sun, casual sex. I don't believe in a marriage commitment. They like each other, sexual chemistry and that's it. Sam is always busy and so is Sarah. It is a practical and comfortable relationship for both. Sam has to stay in Scotland for months now. Sarah has the characteristics that Sam is looking for. She is young, blonde, athletic, sporty. Busy with a son. This point allows Sam free time for himself as well. Sarah looks a lot like Georgia. Then why not? Why does this seem like a crazy idea to you? Convince me logically. Your blog always makes sense. I don't understand your resistance to such a simple relationship between a man and a woman.
Anon, I'm feeling a bit tired to explain over and over again the logic I use. I did in a few posts already and for what it is worth everything I wrote has been confirmed.
I told already when I posted about the villa in GC how they only share a mutual interest, working out, training for Hyrox. And so it isn't such a surprise he showed up at Hyrox in Glasgow, his home town, where he sucscribed to compete as well, and where many friends of him participated in the race as well, including Sarah.
Saying, he is single, a free heterosexual and staying at the same airbnb is not logic, but is confirmation bias. Just the fact someone is single sharing an airbnb isn't any proof or evidence he's dating or more than friends. It's as much as saying any guy wearing a pink shirt must be homosexual. It's stereotyping, it's implying that a person who is single can not share a hotel room or whatever place to sleep and stay with another person depending on their sexual preferences, without bedding them. I know I did many times, I know a lot have said here they're single and did so. It's not odd, it's just a place to crash and stay while in a place with a mutual interest, in this case working out, training for the Hyrox program. It doesn't mean automatically having casual sex as well. That's just a fable made up by people who are narrow minded. It's not logic.
You saying he has to stay in Scotland for months due to filming OL, well we've seen him many times go off for a week or a few days, even to NYC while filming S7. On top of that, as stated many times and not only by me, he doesn't want them close by. During Covid he had to, but that didn't end so well either.
Sarah looking a lot like Georgia??? Well I guess we have different views on that. And why bring up Georgia? Because he went to see her compete last year in a game in Germany? Well, and that's all there was to it, might as well compare that to watching Sarah at Hyrox.
I'm not here to convince you Anon. You gotta do that yourself. But what you are doing is not applying logic, it's applying confirmation bias. You're in a tunnel vision, put there by a blogger who's only 'proof' is filling voids with rumors. You seeing sexual chemistry is solely a result of that tunnel vision, seeing things that are not really there at all. How can you speak of chemistry when you do not even see one picture or these people together? Now use your logic, and ask yourself how much you search and put explantations on things that only confirms what you want to see. On things you think you see because you're in a tunnel vision. Convince yourself how biased that is, did you even consider other explanations? Did you even try to list some things that makes it less credible? It seems you only list the things that add up to your story. How would you know the characteristics he is looking for? Because he sometimes say some things at a talkshow? Where he says the things he knows what people want to hear? Why do you mention Saturday? Because this certain blogger claims he wasn't online? Well that's not true, he liked a lot and even left comments on posts. Why does this blogger not notice how he was much more off social media while he was in London? Where there was no Sarah!! You could easily see when he went to London, when his sm times shifted and were just very briefly, not a scroll before he went to sleep, hardly any likes! How about that? And that's just a few things this blogger leaves out, as it doesn't fit the narative.
We all could have, and did, already predict how this blogger was going to use every little straw she could come up with to spin her story around Sarah from the moment she learned they stayed in GC at the same airbnb. And let me remind you, it wasn't her who found that out, nor her team. It was because I was far ahead and already following things and worked out the villa, before the other blogger even knew her name. If it wasn't for a tweet on Monday 15 January nobody had known he went to GC at all! The said blogger even had to copy images from my blog as she didn't had any stories of Sarah from before. Also not Sunday but Monday he flew to GC and flew early on Friday to Kitzbuhel, not for work or any job but simply by choice. And from there to Munich which wasn't work either, and on to Oostende, work related for one day and from there to LA. How easy would it have been to catch up in Glasgow in between? And why not???
On top of that, and that's what you can't apply to your logic, I heard and saw a few other things, involving women. Not the women you expect, not the characteristics you listed. I haven't posted about that and I wont elaborate on it as well. But for what it is worth, the things I heard and saw doesn't leave much doubt. If I would do the same as this other blogger, I had a lot more proof and coincidences to show you than in Sarah's case. One of the stories I'm told and saw enough evidence of leaves hardly any room for doubts. But I'm not ready to share these information. As what I was told and shown is in confidence not to be shared, people coming to me as they learned they can trust me, as I don't throw any women under the bus and I'm so glad their names didn't turn up in any of my anon messages or anywhere else. I have my integrity and I'm sure I wouldn't have any triumphant feelings about it if I out these things. On the contrary.
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sargeantposting · 3 months
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A little earlier in the F2 season, we caught up with Williams Racing Academy Driver Logan Sargeant.
Wanting to get to know him just a little bit better, and with a big date in Austin now on the horizon, we tasked him with answering 22 questions about racing and life in general.
Here’s what he had to say…
What race day rituals do you have?
If weekends are going well, I tend to stick with the same underwear for each day. Before you worry, they’re different pairs! I have a Friday, Saturday, Sunday set. But if it’s not going well, I have to make a change!
What's your go-to coffee order?
Latte, but it's a double espresso before quali.
What's the inspiration behind your racing number?
This year it’s six because I can’t choose in F2, but when I am allowed to pick, it would be No3. Three for Dale Earnhardt, an all-out American hero.
Your favourite drink?
I’ve only just turned 21… but it’s water, of course.
If you had to cook one main course to impress a loved one, what would it be?
Oooo… I’m not much of a cook, but I can tell you what I would order in! I love a good prime rib.
What’s your favourite film?
Love the Jump Streets, but I’ve got a lot of time for Step Brothers. But if I had to choose out of the two, I’d go Jump Streets. I suppose I have to choose which one?! But 21 and 22 are both pretty good. Ah, I can’t decide.
Who is the toughest rival you've come up against so far?
It’s got to be the battle in Formula 3 between myself and Oscar Piastri.
Your favourite cheat meal?
Fortunately I have a quick metabolism, so they come relatively often… my American roots mean it would have to be a nice, juicy burger.
How many attempts did it take to pass your driving test?
Just one, which is apparently pretty rare for racing drivers! That’s including the practical and the theory.
Which track are you most looking forward to in 2022?
It’s got to be Monaco, but I’m looking forward to seeing the F1 team in Miami.
You can choose one song only to listen to before a race, what is it?
Lose Yourself - Eminem.
Is there one circuit not on your calendar that you'd love to race at?
Obviously it’s either Miami or Austin; to have a home race would be amazing. That said, I’d love to race at Suzuka some day.
Who is your favourite sports team outside of F1?
Anything Miami! We’re talking Heat, Dolphins, Marlins, Inter Miami… they’ve all got my support.
Least favourite exercise your trainer set for you in the offseason?
I’d say it’s got to be all the extra cardio I had to do to get ready for F2.
What's a better feeling, nailing a quali lap or executing a late overtake?
I saw what Nicky and Alex said to this answer and I have to agree. Nailing a quali lap all day long. It’s my favourite part of a weekend, I love putting it all on the line.
Is there anyone you idolised when growing up?
In racing, my first hero when I was a kid was, funnily enough, Jeff Gordon. I just loved watching him and the way he fought on track.
Favourite sport that's not F1?
At the moment, I’d have to say NFL. But it switches between that and the NBA.
If you could invite anyone in the world to a dinner party, which three people would you choose and why?
I would invite Leo DiCaprio, I feel he’s kind of cool. Then let’s also invite Margot Robbie and Brad Pitt. Let’s make it an A-List movie night!
What is your favourite Grand Prix?
Well, I could be biased and say Austin. I mean, how can you argue against 450,000 fans across the three days last year? That was pretty awesome. But I’ve got to say I love Silverstone as well.
What's been your favourite moment of your career so far?
My rookie race in Macau where I finished third. Definitely, 100%, hands down my favourite track in the world.
One word to describe how you're feeling about the 2022 season?
One word that best describes Williams Racing to you?
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mlmxreader · 10 months
Not Alone, Never Alone | Eddie Brock/Venom x gn!reader
Anonymous asked: Eddie Brock: Hello!!! May I please ask for a work using the following prompts for Eddie Brock X non-binary, male, or gn!Reader: "I don't wanna be alone" Thank you 🖤🖤! 🐍anon
summary: Eddie's not exactly best pleased to be answering the door in the middle of the night, but when he sees who it is, he can forgive the interruption to his peace.
tws: swearing
support your fanfic writers by reblogging what you read & enjoy
It was so late, the skies were a bleak bleached grey and the stars were nowhere to be seen, the constant whooshing rush of traffic swept by the window and the soft pitter patter of rain hit the panes between each car.
Eddie wasn’t expecting a visitor so late at night, but something about the doorbell ringing told him that it couldn’t have been good; Venom noticed it too, the rise in Eddie’s heartbeat, the valves slowly opening to allow adrenaline to begin pumping through his veins. Eddie was on edge, extremely so, unsettled and almost panicked as he grasped the door handle and slowly turned it, the wood creaking with each millimetre.
Eddie looked around when he could, and all adrenaline and panic and edge dropped from his shoulders the second his eyes met yours, a sigh of relief leaving his open mouth. He stepped aside, automatically welcoming you in and gently closing the door and locking it behind you.
“Everything okay?”
You shrugged, sitting on his sofa and shaking your head. “No.”
Furrowing his brows, Eddie put his hands against the inside of his upper arms as he frowned, swallowing thickly. “You wanna talk?”
“I don’t wanna be alone anymore,” you said quietly, shaking your head again, wringing your hands between your knees as you sniffled. “And I’m sick and tired of coming home to a man who only thinks of me as his own personal- forget it, I shouldn’t have come.”
“Stay,” he said softly, crossing the room and sitting down beside you, his arm outstretched across the back of the sofa as he dared to offer a soft and broken smile. “Please? It’s late, I don’t wanna think what’d happen if you walked home.”
“I walked all the way here without issue,” you pointed out.
“Just stay,” Eddie whispered, shaking his head. “We’ll make sure you’re never alone.”
You shot him a look, and then dared to scoff as you caved in, leaning over and resting your head against his shoulder. “Promise?”
“We promise,” he nodded.
“We can take turns,” Venom grumbled from inside his head. “I want Saturdays, though. Saturday is takeaway day.”
Eddie wanted to scoff and roll his eyes and tell the symbiote that it was a little more than about takeaway, but he couldn’t bring himself to as he cleared his throat. “Venom says we’ll take turns. But he wants Saturdays.”
“I was kinda hoping you’d have Saturdays,” you dared to laugh weakly. “I miss when we used to have takeaways every week and watch a shit film… remember? We’d end up tangled in bed after gorging ourselves on pizza and other shit, watch something so bad it was hardly watchable… I miss that.”
He nodded, not wanting to admit it but knowing that he did, too; Venom was confused, though. There was something wrong with Eddie, but he couldn’t pinpoint what.
His host’s heartbeat was elevated, skipping a beat once, he was producing sweat on his palms and his stomach was in knots; it was like he was nervous, but in a nice way. Like he was excited yet anxious for something. Venom couldn’t understand, although he was trying to.
Something was going on with Eddie, but Venom had no fucking clue what; he wasn’t sick, he wasn’t hurt, he wasn’t panicking. It was something to do with you, but it wasn’t something bad. It was like… it was like Eddie had a crush on you.
“Maybe I can work something out with Venom,” Eddie said, his voice only slightly shaking. “And we can have our Saturdays back.”
You nodded, taking Eddie’s hand in your own and mapping out the scars and calluses and little marks with the tip of your finger, making him smile and relax as he watched you.
“I’m sorry I woke you up so late,” you murmured. “I didn’t mean to, I just… I didn’t know where the fuck else I was meant to go.”
He nodded, swallowing thickly as he let out an only slightly shaky breath. “I get it, don’t worry… does he know you’re here?”
“I wouldn’t chance it,” you told him. “He’s got Micro, who can hack into pretty much fucking everything. I wiped everything of my fingerprints, scrubbed every hard drive so he wouldn’t even think I’m here.”
“Frank wouldn’t hurt you,” Eddie murmured. “Would he?”
“Me? No,” you shook your head. “But you? I don’t wanna take that risk. You saw what he did to Marc when I decided to go on holiday with him for a few days after his dad died… he gets on my nerves. One minute, he’s this really hot, possessive, type who can’t leave me alone. The next thing, I’m coming back to a flat and it’s like he’s never even stepped foot in there before - all his shit gone, his smell scrubbed from the furniture, he’ll be gone for fucking days and… and even when he’s not, even when he’s with me, I still feel so fucking alone, Ed.”
“Do you feel alone now?”
“No,” you licked your lips, biting down on your bottom lip like you were trying to hold back tears. “And that’s the sad part - when I’m with you, I don’t feel alone at all. I know I shouldn’t, I told Frank I’d always be loyal but…”
You pulled away, kneeling on the sofa and looking at his lips for a moment; you couldn’t stop yourself, leaning in and capturing him in a kiss. Eddie didn’t even hesitate, kissing you back as he cupped your jaw with one hand, even daring to smile a little. You smiled back before you broke the kiss and pulled away.
“Then don’t be loyal to Frank,” Eddie told you with a shake of his head.
You looked at his lips again, clearing your throat as you nodded. “Fuck Frank.”
“Fuck, Ed,” you breathed out. “What am I gonna do?”
“Whatever you want,” he said gently. “If you want, I can get us a takeaway, and we can sit on the bed and watch a shit film.”
“Yeah,” you sighed. “I’d, uh, I’d like that.”
“Wait here,” he told you, kissing your forehead before he wandered into his bedroom. You presumed he was grabbing his phone, until you heard a high pitched squeal of, “I fucking did it! I kissed them!”
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hannahssimblr · 4 months
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Agnieszka is available, actually, likely because our family pays her more than most people pay babysitters. I don’t think they’re being deliberately generous to her or anything, it’s more likely that they don’t really have a concept of how little babysitting teenagers earn. Recently Ivy asked my father what minimum wage was after hearing it discussed on the morning radio and he suggested that it was very little money. Something like thirty euros an hour, probably. 
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She arrives in her usual furry coat and uncomfortable looking high heeled boots with the chill from outside clinging to her, and I invite her. I give her the awkward spiel about being allowed to watch any of the channels on TV and take what she likes from the fridge as though I am a fully grown adult, not a school boy two whole years younger than she is and then finally, forty five minutes later than I had planned, I leave the house. 
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It’s Jen who answers the door when I knock, and she has an amused look on her face, “I thought you’d chickened out.”
“No,” I shiver as I step into the warmth of the hallway, kicking off my shoes and shrugging out of my coat and bag “It was my mom. She decided she had plans and left it to me to sort out a babysitter at the last minute.”
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“Colette had plans?” 
“Yeah, that’s what I thought, she doesn’t have any friends, I don’t know what the hell she was doing.”
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Jen leads me into the kitchen where she fills a glass of water for me, “Is it a work thing?”
“On Saturday?”
She shrugs, “Maybe she’s having an affair.”
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I take the water and chug it, parched after my sprint down the seafront, “Yeah. maybe.”
“Good for her.”
I snort.
“There’s potential in this, I think we could run with this theory.”
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“I love how much you love theorising about my parents. But they’re just not interesting enough to do any of the crazy things you like to think they do.”
“So you don’t think your dad is fucking the babysitter?”
I pull a face, “No. Why would she fuck him?”
“Uh! Because he’s a stone cold fox.”
“When you remove his odd personality from the equation, like, yeah, he’s objectively hot. Michelle and I had a conversation about this a while ago, and of all the parents we know, your dad is the most physically attractive.”
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“God!” I let a full bodied shudder rip through me at the thought of anyone having ogled my father when he ventured downstairs to frown at us when we made too much noise at home.
“Oh don’t be so disgusted, take it as a compliment. You’re all him. You’re just like a mini Christopher.”
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I’m aware of this, of course I am, but still, hearing this fact aloud makes me queasy. All I’ve ever wanted for myself was to be so supremely unlike Christopher that similarities were nowhere to be found, for people to say ‘No way. You’re related to that guy?’ But looks, my colouring, my height, my bone structure and that slight romanesque curve of my nose give it all away, these things I cannot easily change. I’ll always be recognisably Dr. Christopher Turner’s son, and every teenager in Clontarf is going to think so when they're lying in his chair watching him tighten their braces.
I shake the thoughts away, “Have you started the movie yet?”
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“Started it? We’re like halfway through now.”
“I didn’t expect you to be so punctual.” 
“Half seven means half seven.” She points out, “You snooze, you lose. But still, come into the living room and watch the end of it. You might be lost but that’s not my fault.”
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We creep into the darkened room together, where the only light is from the glow of the TV. It’s a particularly quiet scene in the film, and all of the emos snap their necks around to glare at me as I create noises of disturbance with my entrance. 
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I whisper that I am sorry and find a place to sit on the floor near that girl with the pink hair. I touch her accidentally with my elbow and she flinches away like I am an escapee of Leper Island so I shift a good metre to the left in case I inflict myself upon her again. 
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Wow. I think to myself after five minutes of concentrated silence. They’re really, actually watching the movie. Whenever I hang out with my other friends we just blab our way through it, making stupid jokes and saying ‘that’s you’ whenever someone ugly comes on screen. I don’t know what this movie is but at some point a zombie with bits of rotten flesh hanging off his face claws his way through the earth to stagger toward an oblivious canoodling couple, and I bite my lip to try and stop myself from saying it to Jen. I know it would be so funny but she would be the only one to think so. 
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It’s a long film and I never fully understand what is happening, so I’m glad when the credits roll and I can get up to stretch my legs. The lights come on then and I get to see them all in their outfits, and me in the middle of them all in mine: tracksuit bottoms and a football t-shirt. The fact is that when we’re in our uniforms it’s way easier to ignore the contrasting details about us, but now as I look at them and they all stare back at me I wonder if there is true merit to this deep seated feeling I keep getting that I naturally belong in that reeking changing room, discussing the Premier League and the merits of Kid Cudi's Day 'n' Nite music video with the rugby boys instead. 
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“Are we out of snacks?” Jen says as she peers into empty bowls dotted around the floor, “Damn, okay, I’ll run down to the shop for more before we start the next film, I suppose.”
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“I’ll come too,” Michelle raises herself up from the couch, all legs in her fishnet tights, and then Evan does too, and I know I’ll have to go with them in case the rest of the room starts feasting on my innocent flesh while I’m left alone and vulnerable with them. It works out well this way, because there was something I was planning to talk to Evan about. 
Beginning // Prev // Next
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denimbex1986 · 29 days
'In a world of locked rooms, the man with the key is King and honey, you should see me in a crown.'
"...I loved, loved, loved working with Benedict on that, and you know, the, the first series of that show went down so well - I only had a little bit to do in the first, first series, so I was excited to be focused on Moriarty in one of the episodes particularly because people loved the show almost immediately, and that line is an amazing line that - for an actor to say..."
'I'm in Wales, and I don't have to pretend to be something that I'm not.'
"...I always recommend Pride because I think it's just a beautiful film about how we're just so much more similar to each other than we think we are. And what was brilliant about that character, the character, was that he was one of I think 15 gay characters who are the lead characters, and it so it means you weren't just playing like a token gay because everybody was completely distinct from each other, even though they were all sort of relatively similar sexualities. He just shows that, you know, there's as much diversity within, within a sex - sexuality as there is for straight people too."
'I can't get used to calling myself queer, it was always such an insult.'
"...So much of it was, was personal, even though it was very different to me. I suppose it explored the idea of losing your parents, which at the time I hadn't - I lost my mother since - but I think that's the, the power of the sort of empathetic nature of art; that it allows us to explore things that otherwise we might be too frightened to explore. That film has helped me in a way because, since the film ended, I, I feel like there's stuff in it that I feel like I was able to exorcise in some ways..."
'Yeah, that's right, Dickie Greenleaf. It's nice to meet you too.'
"...He's a really solitary figure, and to be able to just work out what's going on inside his head, and whether he's sort of capable of love or whether, whether he isn't - I kind of believe that all human beings are in need of love in some way, but it was quite difficult in that sense to sort of access within, within him, because he was so solitary. So yeah, that's why I think he continues to fascinate people, Tom Ripley."
'You've always been against going to America.'
"Korea? Is it? That's my first film...I was 17 - first ever job; first ever film. It was lovely and there was a - an actor in it who played my father called Donald Donnelly, and he was an enormous influence on me. He was very well-known, but he was incredibly kind to everybody on the set, and I've always just - you know, you learn how to be by looking at your, you know, elders, and he was just lovely to everybody.
I remember very clearly on a Saturday afternoon watching like old MGM movies. You know, like those big things where there's, you know, lots of people doing synchronised swimming in a big pool from like, I mean like, old school, like, you know, choreography of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. And there's something about that that I just absolutely adored, and I knew immediately - I knew, I really; I remember when I was about seven saying that I want - that's something that I wanted to do, which is weird when I think about it. I was very shy, and so that helped me kind of come out of my shell so - I was very nurtured by, by, uh, my mum in that sense; she, she pushed me in the right direction. That's what I remember um, uh, inspiring me, yeah."
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koheletgirl · 6 months
You talked a little in your post about how you became anti-zionist about the israeli left's aversion to religion, and I've noticed it aswell but could never fully manage to connect these dots. Do you mind sharing a bit more about it?
let me preface this by saying everything i say here is based on my own experience and observations. what i'm going to say here will be oversimplified and i apologize for that, however i am in no headspace to get into the full nuance of this right now and i do want to talk about this.
so the influence orthodox judaism has on israeli politics is a major, major topic that i am going to address a few aspects of here. the first one (which is the least interesting one to me) is the idf. military service in israel is mandatory for every citizen over 18, but haredim are exempt from it. quoting wikipedia here (sorry), "haredi jews maintain that the practice of studying the torah (or reciting) [...] is crucial in defending the israeli people from threats, similar to an additional 'praying division' of the military". to non-religious zionist jews, this is seen as a betrayal. this, combined with laws that allow yeshiva students to live on government allowances rather than working, makes a lot of israelis feel like they're being taken advantage of by the haredim. it's not uncommon to hear people say haredim are "living off of" them.
another aspect of this, which genuinely causes me (and a lot of other people, obviously) pain, is the way jewish law is incorporated into israeli law. you may have heard last year about how abortion is allowed in judaism under certain conditions; this is true, but if i wanted to get an abortion i would have to go in front of a committee to determine whether i meet these conditions. orthodox judaism doesn't allow driving on shabbat, so there is no public transportation on shabbat in israel (shabbat being friday afternoon - saturday evening). if i want to get on a train or a bus on a weekend, i can't. a christian or a muslim living in israel can't either. there is no legal way to get married as a jew in israel without involving the rabbinate, which means that gay marriage is illegal, interfaith marriage is illegal, and so forth (if your last name is cohen, you're not legally allowed to marry a divorced woman, for instance). and worse, if you are jewish and considered married in israel (even if you didn't get married in israel), you can only get divorced through the rabbinate. which means the woman has pretty much no say in this, and there is a phenomenon in israel of women who are married against their will (i recommend watching gett: the trial of viviane amsalem, because it's informative but mostly because it's an incredible film).
these are just a few examples of this. to summarize, the influences jewish law has on israeli law are prevalent as it is, and a lot of the current israeli leadership is seeking to make them even more so. and this reality is very scary to a lot of israeli citizens, jewish or not, myself included.
now, here is where it gets unpleasant. the israeli left is mostly hiloni, non-religious, and heavily opposes all of this. for good reason! but what i have noticed, is that it creates a general aversion within the left to judaism in particular and religion as a whole. it creates a hostility. my relationship with judaism is incredibly complicated, and most of it stems from the fact that i live here. i have friends who feel a genuine disdain for judaism, because of the way it's manifested in israel. and there's a very real fear that one day soon we will become the minority, and find ourselves in an ultra-jewish theocracy. it scares me, genuinely, as a woman and as a part of the queer community. it scares a lot of people.
and this is where it ties to the left's fear of a one secular state solution and the right of return. this very real fear of living in a jewish theocracy, manifests itself in the much less realistic fear of living in a muslim theocracy. i always get to this point when talking to my parents. they ask me if i actually believe that this won't happen if jews are no longer the majority here. and an argument that is always present in conversations about the fear of secular jews becoming the minority is that "they (haredim and other religious jewish groups) reproduce a lot faster than us". sounds awful, doesn't it? but statistically speaking, the more religious you are, the more children you have. and they use this same argument when talking about palestinians.
israelis talk about palestinians as if they're all hyper-religious muslims. we've seen this recently, in israel's attempts at pinkwahing. and they teach us about islam in school, with every islamophobic stereotype you can think of. they showed us "not without my daughter" in arabic class. so islamophobia is rampant in israel, obviously. and what i have noticed with the israeli left, is that even the most progressives of them are still terrified of the prospect of becoming a religious minority, because it's a fear they deal with daily in the face of the current israeli government. that is not to say they're not also islamophobic, many (most) of them are. but personally i think it's fascinating to see how this ties into how oppressed they feel by a religion that they're a part of. how scared they are of religion as a concept. how very concrete fears of where this country is currently headed tie into fears of where a hypothetical multi-ethnic secular state would go.
again, this in no way encapsulates the full situation or even just this issue. it's just something i've been thinking about a lot lately.
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hooked-on-elvis · 7 months
Saturday, August 18, 1956: Elvis at the Knickerbocker Hotel in Hollywood, by photographer Ed Braslaff
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The "Rooftop Glamour" photo shoot 🥹
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MARTY LACKER "On those first two movies, Elvis stayed at the Hollywood Knickerbocker, on Ivar Avenue. His parents went, too. Elvis rented the whole eleventh floor. He'd sit up there and write his name in lighter fluid on the glass-top coffee table, and then set it on fire, watch it blaze. Girls remember stuff like that. Then, for "Loving You", he moved to the Beverly Wilshire. That was his home in Hollywood until he started renting houses in the sixties." — As told on "Elvis Aaron Presley: Revelations from the Memphis Mafia" by Alanna Nash
Principal filming on "The Reno Brothers" (original title for "Love Me Tender" movie) began August 22, in Hollywood, and finished up on September 21, 1956. This photo shoot happened on the weekend right before the first week of filming Elvis' first movie could begin. Imagine how he was feeling! Yet, he looked so natural in all pictures. Not a sign on anxiety can be seen through his pictures.
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Once the filming of "Love Me Tender" had begun, Reporter Patricia Vernon (from The New York Herald Tribune) was sent to interview Elvis on the set.
Patricia asked Elvis if he thought he was a Sex Symbol to kids, as some psychiatrist said at the time.
Elvis: "Someone should put those psychos on a long couch and tell them a thing or two," he said. "They all think Ah'm a sex maniac. they're just frustrated old types, anyway. Ah'm just natural."
On the interview moment, Patricia shared:
He gave me the heavy-lidded look again. "You don't love me," he said accusingly. I told him I didn't love anyone on such short notice. "Ah bet you'd like me if Ah tried," he said. "Ah'm just teasin' now, but Ah'd be sweet and you'd like me because Ah was sweet, wouldn't you?" (If I was her: 🫠) He was teasing, but underneath I sensed the desire of a small boy seeking approval. Then he went out to meet two young fans who wanted their picture taken with him. He told me to stay where I was, that he'd be right back. "I RAN FOR MY LIFE." Excerpt from the 1956 All Elvis Magazine "HERO or HEEL"
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That photo shoot is beyond amazing. Elvis was so natural in front of a camera right from the very start of his career, it's incredible. He totally was born to be an public figure. There's a few more wonderful pictures on this day, but only 30 is allowed here (what a shame). Side note: The last photo is merely for historical purposes. 🫠
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elisysd · 11 months
Till Forever Falls Apart - Ashe, Finneas
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Masterlist - Previously - Next Chapter
And if the sky falls from Heaven above Oh, I know, I had the best time falling into love
Lyanna spent her Saturday in front of her computer screen and frequently checked her phone. Today was the first race weekend of the season. She hadn't had Charles the day before, too busy with filming, but she was happy to have the weekend off. Qualifying was about to start and she was as stressed as if she were the one in the Ferrari. Add to that the fact that she hadn't really spoken to Charles for a few days, both of them far too busy and the time difference not helping, and she was really far too anxious.
Q1 went extremely well for Charles and Lyanna soon realised that the qualifying session was going to be between her boyfriend and Max. They kept on trading times. When it wasn't Max setting the fastest lap, it was Charles and vice versa. Then came Q2, which saw the elimination of Carlos just a tenth behind Pierre. Lyanna was very happy for the Frenchman and promised to send a message to Pierre as soon as the session was over, as he had put in a very fine performance. Then came Q3. Much to Lyanna's dismay, Charles just missed out on pole position, which went to Max. Even though she was very proud of him and thought he was incredible. She knew he would be disappointed when she spoke to him on the phone later. 
“I made a mistake in my trajectory. And that cost me the pole. How stupid can I be?” he told her as soon as she picked up the phone.
“You’re not stupid. Mistakes happen, Charles. And you’re P2! That’s so cool!”
“Yeah… good feelings with the car as well. It’s reassuring for tomorrow. As long as I don’t mess up, maybe there is a slight possibility for a podium.”
“I’m sure you’ll be fine.”
“You call me tomorrow, before the race, right?” he asked her.
“Of course, I will.”
And she kept her promise. The next day, the first thing Lyanna did when she got up in the morning was to rummage through Charles's drawers for a Ferrari T-shirt so she could put it on and send Charles a photo. She didn't have to wait long before her phone rang and Charles' name came up.
“How is my number one supporter doing?”
“Excited to see you race, actually. What are you up to?”
“I just arrived in the paddock and I was heading to a team meeting before seeing your text. I just wanted to call you before. I’m not sure that I will have the time to do so later.”
“I know your busy. And I know you are going to be even busier when you’ll step on that podium so it’s just nice to hear you, even if it’s only for a few minutes.”
“I… I got to go. I’m sorry, I wish I had more time with you.”
“I understand. If I don’t hear from you before the race just remember, be fast, come back to me and I love you.”
“I love you too, my Lya.”
And indeed, Lyanna had no news of Charles before the race. With a cup of tea in her hand, she made herself comfortable on the sofa and prepared to watch the start. She held her breath as the lights went out and Charles set off to overtake Max at the first corner. The Dutchman had anticipated Charles' move and blocked him, allowing Lewis to pass Charles. The next 15 laps saw a merciless battle between Hamilton's Mercedes and Charles' Ferrari. The red car finally got away and then abandoned the seven-time world champion to chase down Max, who was 8 seconds ahead. As the laps went by, it became clear that Charles had more pace than the Red Bull. He eventually caught up with him and then tried to overtake him again, with 10 laps to go.
Lyanna held her breath until Charles managed to overtake Max. He did so without difficulty and Max put up no resistance. He let Charles go. With three laps to go, Lyanna picked up her phone and dialled Pascale's number to follow the end of the race with Charles's mother. When Charles crossed the chequered flag, both women were in tears. For Lyanna, it was a mixture of pride, joy, and bitterness at not being close to him to experience this. She knew that this victory would be good for Charles's morale, especially as he had left Max 12 seconds behind him, which was rare enough to be worth mentioning.
“He did it Pascale! He did it!” exclaimed Lyanna as she could hear Charles’ mom sobbing from the other end of the line.
“I’ll call him tomorrow, I’m sure he wants to have you as soon as possible. Tell him that I’m proud of him.”
On the podium, Lyanna could see Charles' emotion as the Monaco anthem was played. He looked around for the camera and when he found it, he gave it a big smile and a wink, and Lyanna knew it was meant for her and his family.
As soon as the podium was over, Lyanna sent Charles a message to congratulate him and to ask him to let her know when she could call him. She didn't want to disturb him and the simplest thing was for him to tell her when he was available. She waited and waited, but no message was received.
When she woke up the next morning, her first instinct was to check her phone. A text message from Charles was waiting for her. But instead of reassuring her, the text worried her.
Heyy baby sorry for not calling I went out to celebrate
Charles never began his texts with a hey, even less a hey baby. It’s always a hi Lya. From as long as she knew him it had always been that way, hence her concern. She tried calling him, not really caring what time it was in Bahrain or even if he was still there. No answer.
And that's when she had the very bad idea of going online and looking up Charles's name. And she quickly came across videos of her boyfriend in a nightclub with certain members of the team she could recognise. Charles seemed to be having a great time laughing and drinking. This hurt her more than anything. Not that Charles was out, he could do what he wanted, she trusted him. But she would have preferred to be warned rather than wait for a message that would never come. She would have understood.
And the day didn't get any better. When she arrived on location, the production assistant came to tell her that an electrical problem had occurred during the night and that the day's shooting had been cancelled. So she went home emotionally exhausted, with only the urge to curl up in bed. So she did what she usually did when she was feeling blue, she called her mum.
“Lyanna? I wasn’t expecting to hear from you…”
That was all it took for Lyanna to start sniffling and sobbing.
“Oh my darling… what’s wrong?
“I’m so tired mom… so tired.”
“Tell me. What happened?”
“It’s just… shitty day at work. And I feel under pressure lately. The shooting is tough and I don’t want anyone to worry but I lost weight because of the stress. I don’t have fun with this movie. I mean, I learn a lot but it’s really demanding in terms of energy. I know that I’ll be proud at the end but right now? It’s just too much. And then, Charles really chose the right time to ignore me and…”
“To what? He does what, Lya?”
“I mean… he doesn’t ignore me on purpose. I guess he is also really busy… He won, mom. And I’m so happy for him but I still did not have the occasion to tell him because he went partying with his friends and team, which is fine, he deserves it. And maybe Ferrari didn’t want him to use his phone to avoid bad press in case he would do something stupid, like posting an insta story that he shouldn’t post. There can be so many reasons, but…”
“Lya, he is not held hostage. If he wants to call you, he will. Don’t try to find him excuses.”
“I’m not… maybe it’s me, as well. We spent so much time glued together that now that I’m alone I really miss him… It’s stupid. We were like two peas in a pod and now…”
“You always knew that it would be hard when he would go back to the tracks.”
“Yeah, but there is a difference between knowing it and actually living it. I know that it’s hard for him as well. Even if today it doesn’t feel like it…” she mumbled.
“You both have very busy careers and demanding ones. It’s normal that it takes a little time to adjust.”
“That’s what I’m telling myself… I know I’m going to sound sappy but I love him, mom… I’m so pathetic. I missed him so much that I found a bottle of his perfume in a drawer and started to spray it on the sheets…”
“It’s not pathetic darling, even if I have to admit that I never thought I would see the day of you acting this way.”
“You and me both…”
Lyanna spent over an hour on the phone with her mother before hanging up. She was just about to prepare a snack when her phone rang again and she saw the name of her dear boyfriend appear on the screen. She sighed, on the verge of rejecting the call. Who did he think he was, ignoring her and then coming back as if nothing had happened? But her heart was stronger than her reason and she finally picked up the phone.
“So you've finished sobering up?” was the first thing she said.
“No, Charles. I don’t want to hear your excuses. I’m not mad that you went out partying to celebrate your win. I just wish you told me before leaving me hanging… I thought that you would at least text me after the podium…”
“I intended to. But then Pierre came up with Lando and George and next thing I knew I was out clubbing and drinking.”
“So you just totally forgot me.”
“Lya, love, I could never forget you. You know how important you are to me.”
“Don’t try to sweet talk your way out of this, Leclerc.”
There was a little silence.
“Are you really mad at me?” asked Charles while looking at her with puppy eyes through the camera and making Lya rolled her eyes in answer.
“I’m fuming.”
“You’re not really. I bet I’m going to make you smile, in three…two…one… there you go. Beautiful and adorable smile that I love so much.”
“I hate you, sometimes. I really want to be mad at you. You didn’t text me! I didn’t have the chance to celebrate your first win since Monza and right after your crash? Charles, it’s unbelievable.”
“I’m sorry… I know I should have at least told you I would be out. I got to go, love… They are calling us to board. I’ll call you as soon as I land in Saudi Arabia, I promise you.”
“You better. Have a safe flight.”
“Hey, Lya? We’re good, right? You still love me?”
“We’re good. You’re a dickhead but I love you.”  
Saudi Arabia saw another podium finish from Charles, this time in third place behind Checo and Max. But it didn't matter, whether he was first or last Lyanna supported him in the same way. Charles smiled when she told him this before gently correcting her, explaining that he wasn't racing to be last and that even if he brought home another trophy, he was still disappointed. Then came Australia, where Charles again crossed the chequered flag in first place, completing the grand slam with pole position, fastest lap and victory. This time he didn't forget to call Lyanna on Facetime and celebrate his victory with her in the comfort of his hotel room. But as they chatted and laughed, he noticed the actress' smile fade and her eyes darken.
“Lya? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing… just people being stupid and making a big fuss out of nothing.” She mumbled.
He looked at her silently but intensely until she finally said more.
“For a few days now I've been seeing rumours that we might be split up because I wasn't there during the Grand Prix. People are questioning. And that was fine, but now it's becoming more and more widespread... I tried to ignore them but it’s exhausting.”
“I’m sorry… I don’t know what to say…”
“Do you mind if I post something on Instagram?”
This took Charles by surprise, as he had not expected such a reply from Lyanna, nor such confidence.
“Well... No, I guess? I mean, you do what you want, love, I follow you.”
The conversation did not drag on, Charles feeling that Lyanna's mind was elsewhere. A few hours later, just as he was about to fall asleep, he received an Instagram notification telling him that he had been mentioned in Lyanna's story. He wasted no time in reposting the story, adding three hearts, and fell asleep with a smile on his face and a happy heart.
@lyannamicheloff added to her story
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author's note: Well I was not expecting to post it today but it's ready, so I thought why not? And I was kinda excited for you to read it! You dont even imagine how therapeutic it feels to write Charles winning, yes, but also Max losing (no shade towards him, he deserves every bit of success he gets) As usual, let me know your thoughts through the comments or ask box if your too shy. And don't forget to leave a like or reblog the story. It helps. And it lets me know that you like the story.
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black-arcana · 2 months
Watch: LACUNA COIL Joined By NEW YEARS DAY's ASH COSTELLO For 'In The Mean Time' Performance In Reading
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Italian goth metal veterans LACUNA COIL were joined by Ash Costello (NEW YEARS DAY) for their performance of their new single, "In The Mean Time", last night (Saturday, May 4) at Reverb in Reading, Pennsylvania. Fan-filmed video of her appearance can be seen below.
The studio version of "In The Mean Time", featuring Costello, was made available on April 19. The song's title is a reference to the mean times the world is living in, as well as a reference to the state the band itself is in, between cycles.
LACUNA COIL stated: "'In The Mean Time' is a reflection on how much our society has generally 'lost the plot'. We are living in really mean times filled with unhappy people: lonely, anxious, depressed, destructive. The pressure that crushes from the outside doesn't allow us to see things with the right clarity.
"This song is like group therapy: not a lamentation, but acceptance that once broken, it's hard to put oneself back together again.
"We need to take our minds off all the inescapable toxicity and find that there's so much more to this life… and know that in the meantime, everything cannot be aligned.
"We invited Ash Costello from NEW YEARS DAY to feature on the track and we're thrilled she came on board adding exactly what we needed for this song with her warm voice and charisma."
Costello said: "I am deeply honored to join LACUNA COIL on tour for the first time, to have the incredible opportunity to lend my guest vocals to a new track and appear in the music video. Working alongside the powerhouse vocalist Cristina has been a privilege, and I may be biased in saying that 'In The Mean Time' has quickly become my favorite by LACUNA COIL. Its message about embracing individuality and not conforming deeply resonates with me."
Earlier this month, LACUNA COIL embarked on the "Ignite The Fire" U.S. tour with support from NEW YEARS DAY and OCEANS OF SLUMBER.
Last July, LACUNA COIL released the official lyric video for the band's single "Never Dawn". For the track, LACUNA COIL partnered with CMON, the renowned board game publisher behind the popular game "Zombicide".
LACUNA COIL has spent some of the last couple of years promoting "Comalies XX", the "deconstructed" and "transported" version of the band's third album, "Comalies".
"Comalies XX" was made available on October 14, 2022 via Century Media Records.
LACUNA COIL celebrated the 20th anniversary of "Comalies", by performing it in its entirety at a one-night-only concert on October 15, 2022 at Fabrique in Milano.
"Comalies" was originally released on October 29, 2002 through Century Media Records. The LP, which featured the band's breakthrough single "Heaven's A Lie", has reportedly gone on to sell over 300,000 copies in the United States alone.
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faeleur · 1 year
long awaited, finally here. thanks for your patience and hope you all enjoy :) part iii coming soon!
part i. part iii. part iv. masterlist
leviathan x idol!reader: part ii
it had been a few months since that afternoon, and it was safe to say you and levi were now best friends :)
you two had a routine — once you were done studying for the day, you’d sit in his room and debrief, talking about everything that you didn’t cover over text, and on friday evenings you watched a new episode of the latest anime together, analyzing and theorizing its contents afterwards.
the two of you were inseparable, and while you were close with (almost) all of the boys, your connection with levi was different.
your time together was filled with fun, laughter, inside jokes, and friendly competition, and levi couldn’t be more grateful for your companionship. but…
no, there was no but, levi had tried convincing himself over and over again. everything was just fine as is. there was nothing else he needed or desired. but there was.
he just didn’t want to admit it to himself, or anyone else.
however, as the days went by, it grew harder and harder to deny it, and every morning and evening when he saw you, it grew harder and harder to keep the words buried.
one day, maybe, but not now… or maybe ever. just this was enough.
except it wasn’t. despite his best attempts, he was the avatar of envy, and every day he craved more and more of your time, of your attention.
and for the most part, he had it. as your best friend, you spent every day together… except for one.
there was one (1) day where you were completely unreachable. (☹️)
saturdays, unfortunately (and inconveniently, because literally everything fun in the devildom happened on saturdays), were declared “you days” by lucifer himself. they had been yours since the day you arrived in the devildom, and would continue to be so until you left.
the other brothers were instructed to leave you be and to not seek you out on saturdays, as, per lucifer, “everyone needed time to themselves,” and this was the one day of the week you could have that. however, you weren’t using them in the way they would’ve expected.
when you first arrived, you deemed lucifer a trustworthy source and told him about your idol status and career back on earth. seeing your predicament, he gave you saturdays to visit earth and practice or perform with the rest of your group, and arranged for one of the empty rooms in the house to be converted into your own private studio for the rest of the week.
he somehow also managed to ensure you received a lighter homework load over the weekend, which you had thanked him endlessly for (and to which he beamed proudly in response, saying it was the least he could do).
this arrangement seemed to work well enough, and allowed for your group to still remain active, even if it wasn’t ideal — it severely hindered your group’s schedule, as you could only promote and perform as a group one day a week, but as far as individual tasks go, you were able to complete most of your own work in the devildom and send it over to your manager back on the surface.
because of this, it became customary for your group to film and prepare content in advance so that when you arrived, you could fill in your parts and get it over to the editing team as quickly as possible.
and of course, it only became natural for you and levi to consume the content together as soon as it dropped on sunday evenings. he’d have everything set up in advance, auto-refreshing his page, and the minute a new stage performance, talk show appearance, miniseries episode, vlog, or live dropped, you were at his door no less than 20 seconds after he pinged you with you guys’ favorite snacks in tow ^^
you both fangirled over everything, levi more than you — especially over vega (you !! unfortunately you weren’t about to out yourself so you had to hide most of your reactions, no matter how flustered you got) — and every so often you’d lean over and whisper a piece of trivia in his ear that even he didn’t know, which was practically impossible because he knew (almost) everything there was to know about galaxea, of course… but you got a pass 😌
and at the end of the night, when he could tell you were sleepy and dozing off on his shoulder, the voice in his head screamed, practically begged him to wrap his arm around you and pull you closer to his side.
he couldn’t help the blush that crept onto his face at the thought, but every time he nudged you awake, murmuring softly in your ear that you both had class the next morning and should head to bed… properly. and every time, you nodded and smiled at him sleepily, raised yourself off his floor and walked to his bedroom door, waving and slurring that you’d see him in the morning. and every time, as soon as you were gone, he sighed and stared at where you once stood, the words he left unsaid stuck in his throat.
and every time… henry looked at him with what appeared to be amusement.
“like you’d know what i’m struggling with,” levi scoffed as he rolled his eyes, shutting off his computer in the process.
“they’re just a friend, is all,” he rationalized, nodding to himself.
“right? we’re friends. that’s it.”
but when he turned to henry, he saw how pathetic he looked as his reflection stared back at him. the glimmer of hope in his eyes was unmistakable even in the dim lighting of his room.
dejected, levi would end the conversation, and his night, by throwing himself into his bathtub, pulling his ruri-chan body pillow close, connecting his headphones, and shuffling his galaxea playlist, huffing in annoyance as he closed his eyes.
and every time, he’d replay his evening with you in his imagination, focusing on every detail of you, the rest of the world fading into the background… just like it did the day he met you.
the way your nose scrunched when you laughed, the contagiousness of your smile, how your eyes sparkled, the way you mouthed along to your favorite lines, your glossy lips, the signature scent of your perfume… all of it had been committed to levi’s memory, and it was those thoughts of you that kept him company during his sleepless nights.
and the next morning, after class, he’d join you in your dance studio, learning galaxea’s newest choreo alongside you or helping you create your own, burying his thoughts from the night before deep in his mind.
for months, this was how you spent your days — until possibly the biggest pop-culture news to have ever dropped shook all of the three realms, and caused levi to start his morning practically screaming in excitement.
did you know? you had to know, of course you did. but what if you didn’t? he had to tell you !!!
and so, the rest of the house of lamentation was awoken to levi yelling your name at the top of his lungs as he practically flew down the hallway on all fours, racing to your bedroom.
he could care less about the yells of annoyance and curses directed at him from his brothers as he made haste, skidding to a stop in front of your door.
he knocked with so much force he almost broke it, wincing at the splinters sticking out of his knuckles, but this was more important.
“y/n! y/n !!! y/n, come on, it’s urgent!”
he took a step back as you slowly opened your door, yawning as you rubbed your eyes, your bed head evident.
“levi, my alarm doesn’t go off for another half hour, couldn’t it have waited—“
you blinked at him, your mouth slightly agape as he rapidly listed off the tour dates and when the ticket pre-sale would begin, but you couldn’t stop the smile that spread across your face, or the way your heart beamed at his excitement.
he looked so happy, and as he grasped your hands in his to jump up and down giddily, the reality of the situation hit you.
your band, galaxea, the biggest in all of the realms, was going on tour. how were you going to attend the concert with levi while performing on stage as vega, his bias?
even with all the magic at your disposal, there’s no way you could do both. you were going to have to make a choice, and your decision would permanently alter the course of your life.
were you going to attend with levi and disappoint millions of your fans, potentially harming your career? or disappoint levi by abandoning him and performing on stage?
and when levi looked at you with nothing but joy, his big eyes brimming with anticipation, your decision was made.
you were a terrible friend. but he would understand one day… right?
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abcdegcf · 2 years
Small Crime
You find out that your boyfriend of seven years has been cheating on you. Instead of leaving your shared apartment, you end up wrapped around his arms. Or wherein a tumultuous relationship is separated into four theatre acts.
Word count? 3.6K
Genre? Angst, smut, established toxic relationship (Fem. Reader x Jungkook)
Contents and/or warnings? Infidelity, explicit language, unprotected sex, vaginal fingering, oral (f. receiving), degradation, Jungkook's an indecisive jerk and a walking red flag
Author's note? The plot of this fic is highly inspired by the song 9 Crimes by Damien Rice, I listened to it a lot while writing this short fic for the most part. A specific part of this story though is based on a scene from a film called Closer (2004) starring Julia Roberts — which is one of my favourite films and is originally a dramatic play. Please take note that I do not condone nor support any forms of cheating. As always, please let me know what you think of this one by sending an ask — I'd appreciate it a lot. (P.S. This was posted in my previous account for a different idol, so this may seem familiar)
It would have been a normal Saturday night for Jeon Jungkook. He could imagine himself munching on burgers while watching a lame series on Netflix with you. You'd probably be curled up in a blanket against him with his arm wrapped around you as he traced random figures on your back with his fingertips. He could picture the both of you stealing glances of each other then laughing because that's what you used to do back in college — when everything still felt perfect. He could've been spending the night with you if he didn't fuck up.
But he did.
"It's okay, she won't ever find out."
What a stupid statement. At the end of the day, he knows you'll find out about this cursed affair.
Instead of messing around the kitchen to tease you while you're cooking for dinner, he's pacing around his mistress' apartment. He's never felt this anxious before. When the affair first started, there was no trace of guilt that he’s feeling right now. He thought he loved the woman and appreciated her company at times when you’re not around. But he can’t help but look back at the many instances where he thought of you when he was fucking her. Maybe, he thinks to himself. Maybe it has always been you.
He hasn’t seen you nor heard from you for days — only because he decided to stay away in order to fix himself. Well, that's what he told you but it's far from the truth. Because if that was the case, he would've never answered any of her calls offering him some sort of comfort. He wouldn't even be here waiting for her in this damn apartment in the first place.
"You can stay here as long as you want... with me," was what she said. He still remembers the satisfied smile on her lips, probably assuming that he's decided to end things with you. How can he allow someone to falsely believe that he's choosing them?
Jungkook tugs on his hair, kneeling on the floor out of frustration. He wants to scream and shout at himself for starting something he knew he would have trouble ending. For starting something that will hurt the both of you.
And her, of course.
But especially you.
He's an indecisive jerk. An asshole for thinking about you in his mistress' apartment. A piece of shit who belongs in the trash for cheating on you. Words aren't even enough to describe what kind of person he is right now. No amount of insult can cover up the fact that he was fucking someone behind your back and didn't feel any sort of guilt while doing those forbidden acts. He can call himself the worst person but he knows damn well it won't change a thing — he fucked everything up.
Jungkook stands up from the floor before grabbing his phone out of his pocket. He goes straight to his inbox to read every message you've sent. The messages he hasn't read for weeks. The messages he could've and should've answered. He did everything to ignore you and everyone close to you. He hasn't even talked to his close friend Kim Taehyung because he knew his friend would've told him the harsh truths. He's only been relying on his mistress — who probably thinks he's choosing her. But is he really?
"Jungkook, I’m worried about you." One of your messages read.
Jungkook gently slams his forehead repeatedly against the wall. The sight of you anxiously waiting for him in the living room flashes in his mind. It happened so much that he's memorized that image. You've always been patient with him — only giving him an understanding smile whenever he shrugs off the simple questions that would leave your lips such as "why were you late?" and "how was your day?"
"Can you at least send an emoji? I don't know where you are and I'm really worried." Another one read. Why should you feel worried? Shouldn’t you feel mad at him instead?
But of course you’re not. Yet.
"Jungkook, I miss you. Just please come back."
You’re clueless — having no idea that he has been fucking someone behind your back, oblivious to the fact that he's been foolishly thinking he's in love with someone that isn't you and unaware that somebody else is kissing his lips that's supposed to be only yours. That he promised only belongs to you. You're so naïve to think he wasn't coming home to anyone else but you.
Your friends are right — you're too kind and trusting for your own good.
"Just come back home. I already have five bags of ramen ready for you and guess what? Hugs."
The thought of being back in your arms comes into Jungkook's mind. He misses your touch. Your kisses, even. Yours are soft and slow compared to his mistress' quick and harsh ones. He's never longed for you like this. Fuck, it didn't even cross his mind that this day would come. The day where he needs to choose between someone he thinks he truly loves and someone who satisfied him at times when he wasn't.
He was a jerk who thought he could have both.
Scrolling to the last message you sent to him, he can't help but laugh. Not because he finds this whole situation funny but because he doesn't know what to do anymore. He doesn't realize that while those laughs are coming out of his mouth, tears are already streaming down his face. He wants you back. He needs you more than before. But does he even deserve you in the first place? Hell no.
"Do you still love me?" your message read.
He's close in pressing the call button, wanting to hear your voice again. Just one hello from you is all he needs right now. But he's soon reminded by the reality when he hears his mistress call out his name.
It’s not your fault but why do you feel like it is? It’s not you who cheated but why does it feel like you did something wrong? Why does it feel like you committed a crime? You can’t help but wonder — if you did better, would he still cheat? If you had known from the start, would he stop? If you weren’t so clueless, would it had been less painful?
Your name falls from Jungkook's lips but you don’t dare look at him. If you do, you might have to commit an actual crime. Be it an aggravated assault or murder.
Looking at each other used to be comforting but that’s not the case anymore. Looking at you reminds him of how both of you used to be so good together and looking at him reminds you of what he did. It makes you feel sick. You can’t even handle looking at him, let alone feel his presence.
"Can you at least talk to me?"
Jungkook stops himself from reaching out to you. As much as he wants to hold you in his arms and kiss you, he knows damn well not to. You'd hate him more for it.
You gather the courage to give him the coldest look you’ve never given him before. He’s never given you the reason to and you can’t help but wish it stayed that way.
"At least talk to you? Can you even hear yourself?" you cross your arms, taking a few steps closer to Jungkook. But not close enough for him to lay a finger on you. You swear to yourself that you won’t let him. No matter how much you miss his warmth.
"Well Jungkook, can you at least explain to me why?"
You expect him to say something — explain himself, give a reason even though you know damn well there isn’t any and there shouldn’t be, but he stays quiet. He tears his eyes away from you. He’s told himself he’ll be brave enough to face you but he can’t. Not when you’re staring right into his soul.
The intense silence is killing the both of you and you want it to end, so you come up with the worst question you could’ve ever asked.
"Did you fuck her good?"
You already know the answer but you want to hear it straight out of his mouth.
Jungkook's lips parted but no sound came out of it for a moment.
"Tell me," you demand. "Did you fuck her good?"
"How many times?"
"I don’t—
"How many—
"Fucking hell, Y/N! Too many times, okay?"
Just hearing it is enough to break you down. Tears are already streaming down your face but you don’t dare make a sound. Not in front of someone who’s unworthy. Not in front of him.
You swallow what seems like a lump in your throat.
"Did you fuck her on my birthday?"
You hear your name come out of Jungkook's lips. "What do you— why are you even—
"Goddamn it, Jungkook. Just tell me the truth," you snap. "It’s not like it will make the situation less worse if you tell me."
"Yes!" he admits. "Yes, I fucked her on your birthday. We fucked all night while you’re here waiting for me. We did it on the couch, in the shower, on her bed, everywhere. Are you fucking happy to know?"
Jungkook immediately regrets saying that. You can’t even blame him anymore. You demanded an answer and he gave it. Before you can even realize it, you start sobbing. Keeping your head down, you cover your face with both hands. You don’t want him to see you like this — tired and absolutely broken.
Maybe even beyond that.
You’re fucked up.
Jungkook calls out your name.
He can’t handle seeing you like this. If only he had thought about it before cheating on you.
He takes a few steps closer and pulls you into a hug. You can’t even push him away because fuck, you miss him. You feel pathetic but you have to admit it to yourself that as much as you hate him, you still long for him. You still want to be in his arms. You still want to feel him.
A few moments have passed and you’ve finally calmed yourself down. You wipe your tears off of your cheeks with the back of your hands. Jungkook even has the courtesy to help you out with your snot by wiping them away with his shirt.
You look up at him, still in his arms. "I want you to fuck me."
Before the man towering over you can even process what you said in his head, you have already captured his lips with yours. This isn’t right, you both thought to yourselves but none of you can even stop.
You both want each other. The way your hands tug his hair and the way he hold you tightly against his chest is enough to prove that.
You break the kiss to unbuckle his belt, slipping your fingers into his waistband. "I want you to fuck me like how you fucked her that night. You better not hold yourself back, you bastard."
Just one more taste, you tell yourself. One more taste and you’re done.
This isn’t what you expected. Far from what you expected. What’s happening now was never part of your plan nor how you thought this night would end — discarded clothes, just two people who stupidly can’t get enough of each other exchanging saliva.
You’ve almost forgotten how addictive Jungkook's kisses are. It used to be a running joke between the two of you that once you start kissing him, you’ll always end up sitting on his lap and begging for more.
"You’re going to regret this," he reminds you in between kisses. "You’ll hate me for this."
"I already hate you enough to even think about this," you say with so much haste before diving in for another kiss.
Your wandering hands find their way on his hair, tugging on it as you deepen the kiss by sliding your tongue in. He tastes like cherry, you think to yourself. Is that what his other woman tastes like? You can’t help but wonder if he ever did something with her before coming in here. That thought alone makes your blood boil.
You continue to kiss Jungkook with so much frustration but ever slowly, to which he responds with muffled moans. His hands move to your hips as he starts giving sloppy kisses to your neck. You bite your lower lip to suppress a moan as he kneels down before you.
He starts planting light feathered kisses on your thighs, purposely avoiding contact where you need him the most. One of your hands grab a fistful of his hair, the other covering your mouth to stop yourself from making a sound.
You look down and almost immediately, you’re reminded that you had just found out he had been cheating on you. "I hate you so much."
"Do you really, Y/N?" Jungkook scoffs, looking at you in amusement. "You say that but here you are ready for my cock."
It’s true though. You are indeed ready for Jungkook. It’s been months since you two ever had sex, no thanks to the girl he’s fucking behind your back. You were deprived of intercourse and intimacy. Of love. You'd like to believe you deserve some action—rightfully so. And besides, giving your boyfriend a parting gift that'll make him regret what he did won't hurt you. Hopefully.
Jungkook stands up, towering over you as he slips one of his hands inside his boxer. You lay down on the bed, never taking your eyes off of him. You slip off of your underwear without a struggle as he starts stroking his quickly hardening cock.
You slip a finger on your already wet pussy, a moan coming out of your lips. "Fuck."
Jungkook is aware that you haven’t touched yourself for quite some time. He hasn’t either. Why would he when the woman’s hands were better? He mentally slaps himself for even thinking about another person. He distracts himself by watching you touch yourself. He can’t help but imagine how tight you are right now, how amazing it would be to feel your wet pussy around his cock.
You were about to insert a second finger when Jungkook pushes your hands away. Before you can even complain, he already has his head in between your legs. You bite your finger when you feel him breathing against your pussy.
"So fucking wet for me already, baby?" he purrs, the tips of his fingers running along your slit. He pulls the digits away, putting them inside his mouth instead to have a taste.
You watch him as he sucks the wetness from his fingers, cleaning them off. He slides one of his fingers without notice, rubbing circles into your clit before sliding in another one. He can’t help but admire the way your pussy swallows his fingers. This is far better than what he imagined.
"Fuck, I missed your pussy."
"Oh really? If you did, you wouldn't have fucked that bitch—
You had to stop midway when Jungkook starts pressing kisses — above your clit, to the side and then to the other. With each press of his lips, your hips twitch and squirm.
Your lips part in a gasp when you feel the tip of his tongue dipping down to your core. "Shit."
He flattens his tongue against your clit, lapping slowly over it. Your hand lay themselves on the back of his head, fingers lacing through his hair as you desperately whine for more. His hands hold both of your legs in place, his fingers digging into your thigh.
Jungkook traces the inside of your pussy with his tongue, thrusting inside. You let out a yelp as he lifts your leg over his shoulder.
"Jungkook," you call out his name.
He looks up at you, pulling his mouth away. One of your hands reach out to his as he starts thrusting faster. Fast enough to have your hips bucking against his fingers to match his pace. "Oh my god."
You want more and it seems like he won’t be stopping anytime soon so you yank his hair hard. "Just please fuck me."
He doesn’t need to be told twice, especially after everything’s that happened, the least he can do is let you be in control. He steps out of his boxers before lowering himself on the bed to hover his body over yours.
"I love you," Jungkook whispers, leaning his forehead against yours. "Fuck, I really do."
A part of you wants to believe that he means it. That even after all what happened, everything would be okay in the morning. That you’d forget about it. They’re all just false hopes, the other part of you reminds.
Jungkook's thumb brushes against the curve of your breast as his lips press a wet trail of kisses on your collarbone then onto your ear. He cups your breast, his fingers pinching your nipple. You hear yourself let out a series of quiet whimpers as soon as he wraps his soft lips around your nipple.
You arch your back. "Oh my— fuck, Jungkook."
"Do you want this?"
You nod, squeezing your eyes shut. "Just— just fuck me already."
He doesn’t waste time. He spits on his hand before wrapping them around his cock, carefully stroking it. Adjusting himself above you, you feel the ridge of his length brush against your clit. You hold onto his shoulders, trying to stop yourself from making any more sound.
"I need you," you moan, squirming underneath him. "I need your cock."
Jungkook guides his cock to your entrance, finally plunging himself into you. He watches you as your face twists after every added inch. With his cock finally buried inside you, he lets out a grunt as you pair it with a cry. He feels your nails digging into his shoulders, adding more pleasure.
He pulls himself back before snapping his hips forward again. You bring your legs up, wrapping them around his waist. Shaky breaths fall from your lips as he continues thrusting into you. Each thrust becoming more forceful and faster, your body sliding up and down the mattress.
One of his hands grab yours, slamming them down on the mattress above your head. With your nose touching, you stop yourself from kissing him. Everything’s becoming too intimate and you don’t like it. Not because you don’t want it. You’re just scared that you might find it hard to leave the moment this night ends.
"My baby feels so good," he whines, your name along with a few curses falling from his lips over and over. "You’re doing so well for me."
Jungkook grits his teeth, fucking you harder. You can tell he’s more desperate than before and so are you. With one of his hands holding your leg, you feel his fingers dipping into your skin. He looks down to where his cock is fucking into your pussy, admiring the view.
You feel the swell inside your pussy as your walls tighten around his cock.
"I’m gonna— holy shit, you’re gonna make me come," he whispers into your ear before he tips his head back, eyes shut as his deep grunts turn into frantic high pitched moans. "Y/N, you're gonna make me come."
You push some of his hair out of his face as you feel your orgasm finally hitting you.
"You’re gonna come for me, yeah?"
You can’t utter a word, humming in response instead.
His hips continue to move, his pace less consistent compared before.
As your slippery cunt sucks him right back in for the final thrust, he spills deep inside of you. He trembles, capturing your mouth with his. He cups your cheek with his hand that was previously holding your leg and gives your forehead a gentle kiss.
"Just so you know, I didn’t fuck her like this," Jungkook says, laying his head on your chest. "Never like this."
And he means it.
But you sure as hell don’t believe it.
Jungkook quietly admires you as his fingers intertwine with yours. In his mind, everything’s fine — he has stopped the affair and he’s now back in your arms. To him, you have already accepted him back to your life the moment you pulled him in for a kiss last night. And he's ready to leave all of that past shit behind.
You force a smile as you watch him gently plant a kiss on each of your fingertips before pulling you closer to him.
"I love you. Always remember that, okay?" he gives you a warm smile, not knowing that you'll be leaving him in the morning.
"I love you too," you tell him, cupping his cheek.
He deserves at least one photo. One photo that will remind him of something or someone he lost and will never get back. For you, that's the perfect revenge. You'll leave the rest of the work for karma to do.
Maybe you can pretend he never cheated. Maybe it’s easier to move on that you thought it would be. Maybe he’s never really stopped loving you at all. Those are just some of the things that kept you up all night but are not enough to stop you from leaving. You’ve had your taste and now’s the time to go.
When Jungkook was asleep, you took the opportunity to take everything that will remind him of you. Your clothes, the photo albums that both of you treasured for years and even the anniversary presents you once thought were special. You almost wanted to bring this framed photo of you and him smiling at the beach but you decided against it.
Jungkook should’ve never felt relieved that night. He regrets falling for his false hopes that what happened last night was enough to make you stay. Because the moment he opens his eyes with his arm searching for your absent body in the morning, you’re gone.
Just gone.
Every trace of you is gone as if you never existed at all. It almost made him question if what happened last night was ever real at all.
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tiktokitssinoclock · 2 years
Falling Asleep Scenarios - The Valorant Guys (p.I)
SFW // Minors and ageless blogs, DNI // You will be blocked
You two just so happened to be sitting next to each other for that Saturday's movie marathon. The common area was dark, the huge screen in front of the agents accounting for the sporadic flashes of light and color lighting up the room. Jett, Pheonix, and Killjoy were lounging on their stomachs watching the film, Jett's chin perched precariously on her fist as her eyes seemed to droop more and more. Sova chuckled to himself when her head finally fell, her cheek now smooshed against her forearm as she drifted off.
He nudged you softly.
"Y/N, do you see Jett-"
The whisper died on his lips as he looked down. You'd long since snuggled into his side a bit- platonic cuddling was never unwelcome- but he'd failed to realize how still you'd become. Your breathing was slow and soft, your lips slightly parted. He watched a strand of your hair fall loose and tickle your nose, causing you to scrunch it up in your sleep. Without a second thought, he moved the arm he had draped on the back of the couch so he could tuck it behind your ear.
He ignored the warmth spreading across his cheeks before returning his attention to the screen, making a point to move as little as possible so he wouldn't wake you.
Yoru didn't think it had ever taken this long to get home from a mission, but then again, he'd never been as eager to get back. He could feel you trembling beside him, the poison gas from Viper still working its way out of your system. Thanks to your abilities you were going to be okay, but he still wanted to get you to Sage as quick as possible. Had anyone else stayed in the cloud as long as you had, they undoubtedly would've died. That thought wasn't settling well with him.
"You gonna be okay?"
You didn't respond, sending a spike of adrenaline through his veins. His head snapped to you and he let out an audible sigh of relief, seeing that you'd only fallen asleep. Still, even in sleep, you didn't look comfortable. Your neck was craned in an awkward position and your eyes were pinched shut, sweat beading across your brow.
His thin patience finally wore through there. He couldn't stand it. Against his better judgment, he shifted you so that your head was leaning against his shoulder. His arm wrapped around your waist to support you against him, the only thing helping him keep his cool being the feeling of your steady breath against his neck the rest of the way back.
Never had Chamber been so appreciative of a late pick-up. The two of you were huddled together on the floor of the pick-up zone, waiting for the rest of your teammates to return with your ride back to headquarters. While Chamber was completely fine with the wait, he knew you were not; given that the mission took place in an area you'd unaffectionately dubbed 'Icebox', it was plain to see why. When chamber opened his long winter coat and gestured for you to join him with a wink, you begrudgingly accepted.
"Oh knock it off, it's not like that," you'd spat.
"Apologies. It's just of all the people in HQ, I would expect you to be the last to willingly press your body against mine-"
"I'm cold, you bastard!"
Fast forward two hours, though, and you were fast asleep in his grasp. Your cheeks were tinted pink from the cold breeze and your fingers were pressed firmly into his shirt, almost in a weak attempt at holding him to you. He ran his thumb gently across the top of your cheek, allowing his usual smirk to drop into a small smile. He was almost disappointed when he heard the telltale signs of an approaching helicopter.
Cypher wasn't great at comforting people past the awkward head pat or strained "There there", but when you knocked on his door with that hollow look in your eyes, he knew this wasn't a matter for Skye or Astra to handle. He ushered you in sleepily before softly closing the door to his room, turning to face you mid-yawn.
"Listen. I don't want to talk it out," you deadpanned before he could say anything, clearly exhausted.
"I just want to sleep. That's why I came to you. Is it okay if I crash in here?"
Too tired to argue, he simply nodded before crawling back into bed. He opened his arms blindly, his eyes already closed, until he felt you curl up against his chest. You were out within a matter of minutes but he found himself still awake, hands tracing small patterns on your back as he let out a soft sigh. He stayed awake for a while after, whispering soothing words to you when you started to twitch or whimper. Although you hated talking about them, he steeled his resolve to finally address the nightmares with you in the morning.
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The Breakfast Club
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Finished Watching: 01/22/24
Language: English
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Rating: 🌟🌟/5 (2/5)
Expectations: I've heard a lot about The Breakfast Club, so I really did expect more out of it. It's considered a cult classic, and frankly, I can see why people like it. There are simple characters, easy to grasp at first, and slowly reveal their complexities. I expected something a little more plot-wise but was a bit disappointed.
Not a Favorite
Summary: Five high school students from different walks of life endure a Saturday detention under a power-hungry principal. The group includes John (the criminal), Claire (the princess), Allison (the basket case), Brain (the brain), and Andrew (the athlete). Each gets a chance to tell their story and make the others see them differently. When the day ends, they learn they are more similar to each other than they first thought.
Thoughts (*SPOILERS*):
I thought the movie was going to be much better than it actually was, I won't lie. I've never seen the breakfast club before, and maybe if I were a high schooler (currently in college), I would have had a deeper connection to it. It's an ok coming of age film at worst, but a good one at best. The characters were archetypal at first, but that was to be expected. When it came down to it, I really liked certain characters, and others fell flat to me. But what felt flatter was probably the plot.
To begin, let's discuss the plot. Boring. Bland. Bleh. Teens get a detention and get to know each other. Now an overdone trope. With it being released in the 80s, I will give it some credit. I can see why people latched on: they saw themselves in these characters. They remembered themselves, or saw themselves, as these teens who felt lost and scared and wished they had a group of misfit friends to talk to about it. But most of it felt like a new plot point came out of nowhere. For example, the smoking scene. A classic, but for me, someone who's never seen it before, it was almost annoying. I don't know how else to describe it other than didn't like it.
Now the characters. John Bender is everyone's favorite bad boy. Felt too much like a perv and a douche. "Aww, but he had a hard home life." That's true, and I appreciate that part of his backstory. He is an asshole and only is probably because that's all he's ever seen. But, when he talks about sex way too much and forces everyone else to talk about it too it's uncomfortable. However, I do feel for him, especially when the principal (teacher?? Idk what Mr.Vernon was) locks him in the storage cabinet. You want to like him, especially when he's not making others feel uncomfortable. Also, 100% called that he would be a sort of hypocrite, scorning Claire and Andrew for social cliques, but also upholding the ideas himself. Oh, and of course he ended up with Claire.
Next, Claire Standish. Boring rich girl. Yes her parents argue and use her as a pawn in their arguments. Another stereotypical background just like John's. I was actually really hoping that she would prove somehow, other than just shouting from time to time, that she was sick of the perfect life. We know she skipped class to go shopping, and that's why she got detention. However, I was hoping to see a bit more. When they brought up the earrings, I was hoping that she would reveal that she stole them. Not because she had to, but because she wanted to.
By far, the most devastating character development to me was Allison Reynold's. Allison is weird, not really talking for most of the movie, only being a basket case. But I liked that. She was weird and exciting. I loved that her symbolism of growing closer to the others is actually physical as well. She starts off far, and as time goes on, she's allowing herself to stand next to them. Sit with them. Her being neglected was something I expected, but I love how she was a compulsive liar and it actually tied to her story. I hate how she got a makeover and that got her the guy? NO! Andrew liked her already, but he's just not used to it! Come on now!
Now, I have to talk about Andrew, but really, I didn't like him all that much. Just another jock character who acts like a douche sometimes cause of daddy issues. Ya' know, I would not be shocked if every single teen character made after this movie was loosely based on any of these characters, and Andrew furthers that point. He's alright, and I like how he's protective of the girls, but other than that, he's got nothing else.
Finally, Brian. Brian's a good character, but I wanted to know more about him. With Allison, the best part of her character is that you don't know what's going on in her head. For Brian, a character named after the fact that he's literally the BRAIN (I'm guessing), the opposite approach needed to happen. I wanted to know more about the pressure he felt. Yes, he felt intimidated when around the other characters, but he did open up. If he brought up his family dynamics a bit more, I think I would have appreciated his character even just a bit more.
Overall, the movie was actually good, but expectations and the things I hoped for made me a bit disappointed after I finished watching.
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edensbuttercups · 2 years
Hello hello hello beloved, could I request #28 "I'm just getting comfortable" (I hope?) with one of my main men, Mickey Garcia?
Thank you already and also, ily and congratulations 🫀
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A/N: my dear, first of all sorry for taking so long, I really wanted to write something good for you and I hope it worked out 💕 Secondly, I really love your man Mickey, I hope I did him justice, and ily too so so much, thank you for requesting this ♡
Words: 3.2k
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Saturdays with Mickey were always easy to love. The lazy mornings in bed, the simple chatter shared over a warm cup of coffee, dancing in the kitchen together while you both prepared breakfast, his arms wrapping around your waist as he pulled you along with him, moving from side to side and singing to whatever was playing, a childlike grin on his face. Some mornings had been spent walking around the city, if the weather allowed, bathing in the sun in the summer and jumping into a pile of leaves in the autumn, his hand always finding yours to hold onto it as you walked, the simple touches never failing to make you smile.
Which made Saturdays without him all the more empty.
Friday finally came, leaving you waiting patiently at the airport for him to get back, going to pick him up once he landed, watching as one by one everyone made their way to whoever was there to pick them up, waving at who you recognized, Coyote and Hangman the first ones to make their ways towards the exit, sending them a warm smile. It wasn’t long before you saw your boyfriend rush off the plane, concentratedly looking around until he spotted you, his grin visible from where you were standing, the way he broke into a jog to reach you not going unnoticed. “Home.” He hummed, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you up, closing his eyes tightly as he beamed, finally truly being back.
It had been a joke, initially, calling you home. Somehow, it had almost become your callsign at this point. Payback had been the first one to bring it up, seeing the way Fanboy was practically sitting on the edge of his seat on the last day before heading home, that having been the first time he had left for deployment since the start of your relationship, and he hadn’t expected for you to be waiting for his return.
He didn’t think he’d score a date, let alone a kiss, let alone a relationship, not with his ways, often considered too goofy and childish for his age, not with his job. And yet you had welcomed him into your life with a smile on your face and sweet laughter at his jokes, finding it easy to spend time with you just as much as you did with him.
“Happy to go home?” Payback had asked him, patting him on the back when he saw him smiling at his phone on their way to the gate, texting you that he’d be out soon, just having to walk the last bit. “Yep.” He answered, not paying much attention to what the question had been, grinning when you told him you were waiting for him just outside the glass doors. Which is why, when Payback saw Fanboy bolt towards them, hesitating for only a moment before rushing into your arms, he jokingly muttered a “Home, huh?”, seeing then what the reason for his happiness had been.
The second time had been when the squad was catching up on a video call, an organized mess that happened too often to always go so badly, a jumble of voices and laughter echoing through each speaker and periodically overlapping, a routine that had now settled in their lives whenever they were apart from each other. “How’s home?” Hangman asked to no one in particular, waiting for everyone to answer, still grinning after sharing his own adventures with his ma and pa, always happy to go back home. Everyone answered, “Great!” and “Good to be home.” being thrown around, until Fanboy looked to his side, mumbling a “she’s good”. He hadn’t even noticed that anyone heard him, his eyes focused on you and the way your eyebrows were scrunched together as you followed the film you were watching with attention, headphones set on your head making you oblivious to the sweetness of his voice when he uttered those words. Oftentimes you said hi at the beginning of the call, leaving them to catch up with their gossip, knowing you’d catch up to whatever was juicy enough once the call ended. And that’s when Payback decided to give you your new call-sign. Home.
“You’re back.” You said as you held onto Mickey, hands gripping the material of his jacket, one of them reaching to the nape of his neck, the mess of curls you had grown accustomed to gone and shaved into a buzzcut. And annoyingly, he still looked great. “I am, baby. Not leaving for a while, promise.” He hummed, placing a kiss on your forehead, smiling as he slipped his hand into yours. “How was the mission?” You asked, squeezing his hand gently as you took the first step towards the exit, waving back when you spotted Phoenix and Rooster side by side, smiling at you and Fanboy with a toothy grin. “Tiring, but it was a fairly quick mission, which I appreciate.” He said with a shrug and a laugh, glad to be back.
He loved his job, loved the squad, didn’t love the distance between you and him when he was away, even if it made coming home all the sweeter, but he also genuinely appreciated the feeling that came once a mission had been completed, a deep satisfaction, even once the adrenaline had left.
Even after having left for a little over two months, it was easy to slip back into the routine you had grown accustomed to before he left, afternoons of coffee runs or walks around town or simply chilling at home, evenings of cuddles and dinners on the couch, watching a cheesy show or a movie and snuggling together, and conversations shared as easily as quiet moments together were.
This morning, however, instead of your usual routine, he had to leave early, being called at the last moment to talk about some issues with the paperwork, something that they had assured him “would take no longer than an hour”, yet by the look on Mickey’s face he hadn’t been truly convinced by their words, nodding with a soft frown. Unsurprisingly, that turned out to be the correct deduction, considering that lunch time had now passed, his Saturday morning errand running over its scheduled time by yet another hour, leaving you with an empty house, something you had grown accustomed to and truly didn’t mind, even if having him by your side was always preferred, and an empty plate of pasta by your side.
Glancing at your phone again, you smiled when opening his chat you saw that he was typing, waiting for him to be finished so that you could figure out when he’d be home. Just out now, cielo. Will be back in 20mins! 🌹 You texted him back, asking him if he needed you to warm up lunch for him, the extra serving of pasta still in the pan in the kitchen, standing up when he agreed on it, walking to the kitchen to slowly get to work, even if there wasn’t much to be done.
Pasta slowly warming up over low fire, you made your way back to the sofa, plopping down onto it and grabbing a book you had recently bought, resting your head on the back of the couch and flicking through the first pages, skipping through the synopsis of the author, settling on reading it later, and reaching the first chapter, eyes skimming through the first words. Barely getting through the first page, you smiled when you heard the door open, then quietly close, and the pitter patter of his feet behind you as he made his way over, placing a gentle kiss on your head. “Finally back.” He hummed, walking to the kitchen with a small bouquet of flowers, playfully hiding them behind his back while he reached for something to put them in, filling the container with water and setting them down somewhere where you could easily see them, their colors bright and immediately bringing more life to the room, just like he had when he walked in. “Thank you.” You commented, raising your eyes from the book to look at him, tilting your head to take in the sight of the man you fell for, the one that was simultaneously one of the best Wizzos around, while also being an incredible ray of sunshine, full of passion and enthusiasm and love. “Reminded me of you.” He muttered, caressing one of the petals and smiling softly, sitting by your side before you could stand up, placing a hand on your thigh to hold you in place, resting his head on your shoulder for a moment. “Lunch is waiting.” You reminded him, nudging him gently as you placed the book back down to your side. “Did you eat?” He asked, sitting back up and looking at you, relaxing back against you when you nodded. “Then I can wait. Just one moment.”
You wrapped an arm around his shoulder, smirking at the need of affection, his eyes fluttering closed and a pleased sigh escaping his lips, his breathing slowly growing more rhythmic and relaxed. “You’re going to fall asleep.” You added quietly after a few minutes, trying not to laugh when he opened only one eye to spy up at you, frowning softly but nodding, sitting back up. “I simply know you won’t get up again if not.” You said knowingly, that scenario having already happened more than once, his eyes following you as you made your way to the kitchen, plating his pasta and grabbing a fork, handing it to him before getting a drink for both of you too, walking back to the couch and setting everything down at the foot of it, crossing your legs as you listened to him talk. “Very true. But it’s good to be back, and I hadn’t planned on having to head out again so soon after arriving.” “You were only out for a few hours.” You pointed out with a laugh, loving the way his eyes crinkled, eyebrows raising as he lifted his finger, stopping you from adding any more while he eats a bite. “I’ve been away for months, that’s already more than enough.” His words were light, stifling a chuckle as he went back to eating, swaying his body slightly to the music that was faintly playing. “The last day before coming back, I was talking to Rooster,” Mickey said, gesturing while he ate, eyes bright as he recounted his days, “and we were maybe thinking of organizing something all together? If you’d like to join?” He asked, stabbing the last bit of pasta and eating it, before setting the plate down and resting his hands in his lap, smiling at you. You knew there was no pressure, never had been, but you had been curious to meet his friends and get to know them a little better than the simple conversations shared through video calls or rushed airport goodbyes allowed. “I’d love that.” You said honestly, nodding at him and leaning back against the couch, stretching. “Good. Good, we’ll organize it then.” he stated with a toothy grin, looking forward to it.
He loved spending time with the dagger squad, and while he always got teased about his love for you, the endless comments making him blush and smile at the same time as he thought of you, he truly didn’t mind. Hangman had even suggested that his call sign had to shift in meaning, no longer marking him as a Star Trek fan but as a you fan, with how much he tried to add a little mention of you or your passions when he talked.
“I’ll finally get properly introduced to everyone.” You jokingly said, slapping his knee and standing, grabbing his plate to leave it in the kitchen, sure that one of the two would otherwise knock it over. “Yeah, yeah, there’s time.” He raised his hands in defense, chuckling, “Plus, it’s easier to warm up to them slowly, not all of them are as easy to be around as me.” He added, standing up and walking over, his hands wrapping around your waist as his lips settled on your neck, kissing your skin as he spoke. You hummed in reply, tilting your head as your hands found his, too distracted by his kisses to come up with a reply, tilting your head as your hands found his, too distracted by his kisses to come up with a reply, simply leaning into his touch as your eyes fluttered closed, sighing at the attention. Spinning you around in his grasp, he looked into your eyes, resting his forehead against yours. “I am going to suggest more cuddling.” Mickey added after a few moments of taking you in, his hands no longer around your waist but now one resting on the small of your back, while the other found a home on the swell of your butt, much to your delight. You wrapped your arms around him tighter, head falling to rest on his shoulder with a sigh. “That sounds absolutely terrible.” You mocked him, looking at him with a playful glint, not even pretending to hate the idea. You went without him for two months, after all, and all you wanted now was to lay in his arms and kiss him, touch him, love him. “Doctor’s orders.” He joked, grinning, “But I have to shower first.” He laughed, pulling away and peeling his shirt off, putting on a show as he took a step back, shimmying his shoulders before turning, making his way to the bathroom with his shirt in his hand and a tune on his lips.
You heard him sing along to his favorite playlist in the shower, putting on his best performance and earning a laugh from you a few times, especially when he belted out a particularly high note, then quietly cursed when it didn’t sound as good as he had planned it to, knowing you were probably listening. By the time you had finished reading the second chapter, he’d wrapped a towel low around his waist, perfectly aware of how much he was showing, his tan skin on display along with his muscles, sending you a wink as he made his way to the bedroom to pick a clean change of clothes, emerging with a simple black t-shirt and some shorts and taking quiet steps towards you, peaking over your shoulder as you read, trying his best not to disturb you. He waited, following your eyes as they read, taking a step towards you only when you sighed, content with how the chapter ended. You watched as he plucked the bookmark from the back and placed it between the pages you had been reading, closing the book with a smirk on his face and setting it down on the shelf with a little pat on it, walking back towards you and moving your legs to one side so that he could lie in the place they were occupying. “Mickey?” You interrupted his actions, hands still raised from how they had been holding the book, looking at him with furrowed eyebrows. “Hmm?” You both knew what he was doing. Mickey loved attention. Not always, and he always picked the moment, but he could be clingy and was unapologetically so, especially when he didn’t get to spend the time he wanted with you because of boring paperwork or unimportant meetings. “What are you doing?” You asked, letting your hands find a place on his shoulder as he laid on your lap, looking up to you with a boyish grin. “I’m just getting comfortable.” “On my lap?” “That book looked awfully comfortable, and it got its time, now it’s mine.” He explained with a slight pout, giving you his best puppy dog eyes, before leaning into your touch, relaxing immediately into it. “But I could read the book. I’ll get bored if I just have to look at you.” You teased, both of you knowing that that truly wasn’t the case, never tiring of looking at his face. “Oh, what a terrible destiny that would be.” he joked right back, closing his eyes at the feeling of your hand on his head. “I miss your hair.” You say softly, no real meaning to your words.
While you did love his luscious locks, he also looked great with his buzzed look, fingers trading down along his neck, up along his jaw, bopping him gently on the nose. He smiled, and you sent him one back, always loving the way he looked when he did so, short hair or long, his energy bright and warm. “I still look great though.” He grinned. “Always.” You agreed, rolling his eyes. “I’m still mad I had to leave this morning.” He groaned, stretching and wrapping his arms around you as best as he could, pulling you closer. “We have all of tomorrow, you know, right?” “Yeah, but I like Saturdays with you.” “Hope you like Sundays, too.” You answered, smiling at the way his words always made you feel. Mickey had never been shy, since day one, to show his love. On your first date, he couldn’t help but keep a smile on his face, or reach for your hand when you were walking home, or pull you into a hug before saying goodbye to you, not wanting to seem too forward. He texted you when he got home, a simple “Thank you for the evening, I really enjoyed it and would love to see you again soon?” And when you started dating, he showed just how much he appreciated spending time together, whether it be by walking around town, eating out or cooking at home, lounging on the couch or going out for drinks, he loved every moment. Post-Its with little messages were often hidden around the place for you to find while he was away, and his face lit up when you sent him a message or called him, and it was just so painfully obvious how much he enjoyed sharing his days with you. “I like every day with you.” he muttered. His hand rose to find your cheek, pulling you down to press his lips to yours, the position awkward but sweet, both of you moving to get more comfortable, him no longer in your lap but now you on his, legs resting by his as his hands found purchase on your hips, deepening the kiss as he did so. “I am going to suggest moving this to the bedroom.” He mutters after pulling away, biting his bottom lip as his eyes rake over your features, his cheeks slightly tinted. “You’re doing an awful lot of suggesting today.” You teased, slipping out of his grasp as he shifted below you, finding his footing as he stood and connecting your lips and his again, dragging you towards the bedroom. It was hard to navigate, he couldn’t lie, closed eyes and the added distraction of your lips and hands and soft sounds, but he did his best and finally pushed you back when he felt the edge of the bed against his legs, smirking as you fell back with a silent yelp. “Oops” he whispered, following you and placing a rushed kiss on your lips, trailing lower and lower until he was hovering over your hips, teasingly biting the small bit of skin that got exposed as you fell, the fabric of your shirt shifting upwards as you laid beneath him. “Mickey?” You said once again, following his movements with your eyes, feeling your cheeks burn at the attention as he looked up to you, smirking before kissing the tender skin better. “I’m just getting comfortable.” He said for the second time today. And for the second time today, you smiled at his words, your gaze holding love and adoration, nodding as he grabbed a better hold of your thighs, humming as he kissed your skin softly, gently, again and again.
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