#it will be really hard to establish a new connection but idk. i think worth trying. i dont want any diagnosis i want someone to listen
juleteinthrum · 1 year
I need a therapist
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headcanonthings · 6 months
As someone still fairly new to the Terror AMC fandom this idea I’m about to outline might have already been written and if so please send it to me
But if not hear me out……….A Black Butler-esque AU
As someone who has fallen in love with Jopson I’ve seen a couple fics that point out or emphasize how good of a steward he is
And the source material already establishes that there are some kind of supernatural entities out there so this doesn’t feel like a big stretch to kind of connect the two
So here’s what I’m seeing:
Crozier runs into some trouble during the Antarctic trip with Ross
like SEVERE LIFE THREATENING kind of trouble
To save his men (especially his best friend and maybe crush Ross) Crozier makes a demon deal
Maybe he doesn’t really understand at first, maybe he thinks the conversation is some kind of dream/hallucination or maybe he believes right away and just weighs the lives of everyone else as worth more than his soul
But he does it and now he’s got a faithful and hellishly good steward in the form of demon!Jopson
Using his demon powers Jopson gets them out of trouble, saves everyone he can, and the expedition is completed and considered a major success
Crozier doesn’t regret the deal but he’s wary of asking demon!Jopson for more things + his own stubborn pride keeps him from asking for more personal things
He wants to earn promotions and higher social standing on his own merits, he wants Sophia Cracroft to love him on her own not because demon!Jopson has done something
So in the 10 years between the Antarctic Expedition and the Arctic Expedition demon!Jopson continues to fill in the steward/servant role (or maybe he just fucks off for a bit, hangs out in hell, makes other deals and just checks on with crozier like yearly idk how close you want to stick with the source materials)
But then we get to the Franklin Expedition
Things play out as expected and even through Crozier is frustrated with Sir John he won’t ask demon!Jopson to intervene
Then the Tunbac appears
We lose Lt. Gore and the others including Sir John
Maybe demon!Jopson knows what’s going on maybe he doesn’t - depends how much you want to play around with the theologies
But I’m imagining we still stick pretty close to the events of the show, lots of misunderstandings and denial of what’s going on
Then we get to the confrontation between Crozier and Fitzjames over the rum
I’m imagining Crozier has rationalized his drinking a lot here because he’s already sold his soul so what does it matter
But after the confrontation he realizes he needs to sober up
Demon!Jopson offers to cure him or at least ease the way but Crozier declines just like he did earlier because it matters to him that he does this the hard way
I think once we hit Carnival is when we can really start diverging from the main plot
Stanley still lights it up but since Crozier will always do his best for the men he finally ask demon!Jopson for help so more men make it out including Macdonald because Goodsir deserves the support for all the medical things
Maybe Hickey still stabs him in his one good deed but demon!Jopson is able to save him and seeing the doctor walking around fine alerts Hickey that there’s something else going on than just the Tunbac
They start the long walk but Crozier asks demon!Jopson for help to save everyone so demon!Jopson ensure that they are rescued (either by Ross or by the Inuits)
That’s the basics at least but here are a couple extra thoughts that may or may not fit together
During their time interrogating Silna about the Tunbac or maybe during an additional scene, Silna reveals she knows Jopson is a demon and in turn this reveals it to some of the other command crew members
Crozier still field promotes Jopson and the demon has no idea why or what to do because he’s not actually a part of the Navy but it still means so much to him
Jopson was originally human and saw his mother through her own addiction, she nearly died when she tried to get sober and Jopson sold his soul to ensure her survival (this happened a century or more ago so he’s had time to work his way up to being a moderately powerful demon in his own right); he still tells this story to Crozier
Demon!Jopson immediately knows something is up with Hickey because he can sense how dark his soul is, he keeps an eye out from afar but doesn’t interfere because he figures it’s not really his business unless Crozier says something or if Hickey comes at Crozier
Maybe he senses Hickeys intentions or gets some kind of spiritual heads up, but Jopson follows the hunting party and keeps Hickey from killing Lt Irving (imagine Irving having to come to terms with the fact that a demon saved his life)
For big things like a rescue Jopson can’t make them happen instantly so he uses up a lot of his own power to keep the men healthy enough to keep going so he looks just as affected by scurvy and starvation as the rest of them (is he taking on the symptoms, does his deterioration just coincidently look similar, or do the men just assume he’s suffering the same illnesses as them because they don’t know differently)
And that’s really all it got for this idea!
Again if it already exists send me the link please
If you are inspired in anyway by this please feel free to write or draw or do whatever with it and then send me the links
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thewolfisawake · 1 year
Honestly? Eriskyne. Pretty? Troubled? 'I can thaw their heart'? 👌 I might go for Altyn's too out of sheer curiosity for what would go on /there/.
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I think the hardest hurdle is the beginning with them. Like you basically have to prove that you're worth their time to begin with. They're very busy and have no time for frivolities. They're not easy but not impossible any means. I see it a bit like Seven where there are just segments that seem innocuous but can tank your connection based on how you answer. But their route is a lot of cloak and dagger within the Court and likely with either you as an accomplice or a sort of blackmailer against them. Which is garnering an initially begrudging respect for you that eventually becomes something else.
I can't see the route ending super far into actual established relation since there is just so much to unpack before they're ready to be in a relationship. Daddy issues alone is gonna be a while. And even after, they're a cat that's new a household. It's gonna take some time. But unfortunately, while I would say the biggest hurdle is the beginning, Eriskyne still isn't an easy route either. Fall victim to the whims of the fae, either them or someone else, Eriskyne is not likely to help you and lead to a bad end.
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Idk why you'd do that to yourself. Altyn is super easy to net points with but super hard to get more favorable endings. All this mainly because...she doesn't really care about most coming at her for anything resembling courting. At lot of it is stringing you along because she finds it amusing and wants to see your reactions. And she doesn't feel it is on her if you caught feelings.
Her route actually would predate her scheme with Zhifeng with you being either contact or sort of 'third' to their plans. You are not a deity like them but you have some resource or need that they use. So Altyn acts a lot like herself around you. She casually flirts and teases without meaning, as far as you know. It is also dealing with her capricious nature. Zhifeng likely questions the nature of your relationship every so often and kind of serves of a gauge for you to know where you are since she can be so fickle.
While a lot of route ends are usually in failure and betrayal, I will say how you get good endings is in theory really simple. You value Altyn for being Altyn. Who Altyn is, well, that's the question of the route. Although it is also, does it matter? It's like the 'state of you' answer. But nowhere near that poetic although there IS an option for that that won't affect your score but she will laugh at you for it. But you can tell she finds it nice either way.
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imgoodloveenjoy · 4 years
What down, joe?
So I finally got around to watching the episode of ChicagoMed that we all missed due to those idiots at the Capitol. SMH but here we go into the MESS & my feelings lol
What does April want? That’s the name of her arc cause she needs to figure it out. I do feel her on wanting to stay in the COVID ward because it gives her a sense of purpose but her acting as though Ethan “took” that from her is ridiculous: 1. She never let Ethan know that she felt that way, maybe that would’ve swayed his decision a bit and 2. She’s been a nurse for what I’m assuming is years, she knows that nurses rotate positions in hospitals so her being rotated out to the ED shouldn’t have been such a blow- its almost like she expected special treatment & took it personally that she didn’t get that and was expected to rotate out like all the other nurses. In and regards to Ethan, she needs to figure out what she wants from him; it feels like she’s on the fence about resuming a romantic relationship, and that’s fine, but she also acts as though he should be doing things for her because of implied lingering romantic feelings- feels like she’s using him a bit and he’s being a doormat about it.
I’ve noticed that she’s moving as though Ethan should be a mind reader and know what she’s thinking and feeling for a while. When she discovered that she was having fertility issues, she lashed out at him without telling him about it so then he was stuck on stupid thinking they were still on the same page about having a baby. When she was feeling like there wasn’t any romance in their relationship since starting IVF, she took that out on him without telling him how she felt. When she felt like she found her purpose in the COVID ward, she didn’t say anything to Ethan, just gave him attitude. Girl, he’s not a psychic, tell him what you’re feeling! I do feel like the storyline of her getting involved in the Will’s new crusade with the trail medicine is a way for them both to undermine Ethan, his new elevated position and the new hierarchy in the ED – neither of them respects him as a peer or senior at this point.
I would love for April to have something else to focus on. I know that the writers have talked about her re-assessing how she’s maneuvering as a caregiver & I think that’s great! I feel like she can receive more responsibility, like a sort of promotion (idk what that means to nurses), and has to work through the struggle of those new responsibilities (without Ethan trying to save her) and become a more confident & capable nurse. I do think eventually she has to sit with herself and assess her personal life: does she still want Ethan? If not, she has to sit down and discuss that with him, set some boundaries; I think she needs better communication with him in general but this would be a good place to start.
Us: “April, tell us what you want. Make a choice.”
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Will absolutely demonstrated why he isn’t the Chief ED in this episode but one thing that really irks me about this character is that he does thing so totally left field and reckless, but the writers always manage to redeem him in the end, and it moves along as though he was always right. I’m waiting for the day the writers let Will really feel the consequences of his actions; he really needs to sit and think about why he rushes into situations the way he does. And why the hell did Maggie apologize to him? She should’ve questioned Will about how she felt he was being blind to his crusade; his patient’s daughter specifically told hm what type of treatment she wanted for her father and he ignored that…GIRL! Let that have been Ethan or Natalie LOL. And every time he does something like this he comes out smelling like roses…I’m tired of it.
I also feel like Will is acting more impulsive because he still is upset about the Chief position and doesn’t want to accept Ethan and the new hierarchy of the ED. Its like him being a part of this clinical trail give him the authority position that he wanted in the ED but didn’t get, not really about him being really interested in the trails. It’s giving me “I don’t respect Ethan” vibes & I would appreciate it if he just said that.
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Ok so I feel like with this episode, Ethan did really leave April alone except for things that were related to work and that’s what I want for him moving forward until she figures out what she wants: keep it professional. But I don’t like how he’s handling April with kid gloves; I get that he still loves her, it’s evident, but he needs to show her that he won’t be a push over for her, that she can’t use their connection to get her way & then give him attitude when he does his job as Chief of ED.
There is such a wedge in Chexton that it doesn’t even seem worth it anymore and the writers said that Noah is going to cause even more problems, at this point, but my ship in the harbor and let us disembark. I love Chexton but this is ridiculous, they have these characters walking around not communicating with each other like children even though I’m sure these characters are pushing 40!
I would like for Ethan to continue his mentor-mentee relationship with Charles; I feel like that will help Ethan determine the type of Chief he wants to be and how he wants to run his ED. He also needs to make it clear that no one will be getting special treatment (April and Noah) and try to establish communication, trust, collaboration, and accountability (Will) in the ED. For Ethan, getting used to this new role is his drama, he doesn’t need the extra mess with his love life at the moment; it would be good to see him grow in a way that sticks from being Chief of ED. Also free Ethan from the shackles of April, please LOL.
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I’m kinda on this ship LOL. IDK what it is about these two but I kinda like it…I think it’s the fact that Marcel can be vulnerable to Natalie and she gives him the space to do so without judgment. Natalie confronting Marcel about his one-night stands and then just leaning herself onto his back, then his face being so content just made me swoon a bit, I can totally understand Natalie’s attraction to him with this new attitude. I know that his ex-wife will be making an appearance that will surely shake things up with them but it can be a moment for Marcel to determine if he wants to pursue a relationship with Nat or continue being a committed bachelor. The direction the writers are taking with Mancel is the only good thing they’re doing IMO; it’s giving me an insight to Marcel’s pathology – he feels like a person who runs when the going gets tough cause he doesn’t want to be vulnerable but his attraction to Nat and the type of person she is will make him want to stay and work through the hard stuff.
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The Writers
I am TIRED of y’all. TIRED. I’m so done with the way the writers make characters regress to build up other characters/relationships. They had Manstead going but then as Chexton took off, Manstead crashed and burned. Chexton was cruising along, now they’re floundering as Mancel is taking off. What is going on? Can no one focus on more than one relationship at a time? And why are the characters going through the same development that they went through in past seasons (Ethan, Will). Like they went through that, their characters were better then all of a sudden, its back to square one and then on top of that, no one is communicating with each other, just getting upset in their feelings. You know y’all don’t have to do that, right? There are ways of challenging characters beyond regressing them and focusing on their love life screw ups. Do y’all need a more diverse writing room? Some new people to bring in fresh ideas? What is it? What do y’all need to keep this show from being too predictable and unnecessarily messy? It’s like they don’t realize that the characters and viewers of the show aren’t teenagers, we’re grown ass adults so petty relationship drama isn’t going to satisfy us. I would give them more free game but they’re gonna have to pay me LOL.
Me to the writers:
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So i guess that’s all until next episode of ChicagoWhatTheFuckAreTheyDoingOverThereMed Z.
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painted-crow · 4 years
Submission Time #12
Another submission from me! I’d meant to put in answers from the quiz… or really, my perpetual arguments with the quiz. But then I got distracted by writing out my thoughts and forgot to do that.
Oof, I’m afraid I don’t know who you are just from this–you sent it in with anonymous on! Hopefully that’s okay.
I get different answers from the quiz at different times. Last time I took it in earnest, stoned out of my mind, I came up Snake/Snake. This time I intentionally hatstalled to get as many questions as I could.
If this is too many words on top of too many words… I am sorry.
I see that lol! I appreciate that there is no lack of information here 😉
However, this post as it came in was VERY long, even by my standards, and for the sake of readability I've done 2 things:
1) Switched to desktop long enough to put in a cut. It broke the blue color I usually put over my replies in order to make these easier to skim, but I'm not putting it back because it's kind of a huge pain to redo.
2) Trimmed out some of the question/answer pairs. You have plenty, so although I read them all, I just kept those I deemed most relevant. I also skipped a few where my responses would have been repetitive. Just an editing decision I hope you'll be okay with.
That said, let's get on with the Sorting.
• If people in your family or community disagree with you, is it hard to act against their wishes?
I’m not sure that I have a community, but yeah, if my SOs think something is a bad idea, I’ll listen and consider. I’m more likely to be the person disagreeing with and trying to convince someone else, though. Also, sometimes it’s plain easier to go along with things to keep life smooth. But if it was something important… I think I’d have to go with what I think is right, regardless of disagreement. I’ll listen to others, maybe I’ll change my mind, but I won’t not do a thing JUST because of the disapproval of my family.
Suggests internal primary, Lion or Snake.
• What’s your top priority?
I kind of hate this one because I want to answer all three. I want to make the world a better place for the sake of me and mine, and that’s one of my goals. Not one I imagine I can accomplish, but it’s something that matters. My kid will probably see a pretty rough world in the future and I wish I could do something to alter that, beyond trying to be an ethical consumer as much as I can.
This answer feels very grounded and practical. I want to say it feels Liony, partly out of process of elimination but mostly because it just does.
• When you’re making a decision and you’re stuck, what should you do?
Idk, panic? No, not really. I seek advice if relevant, don’t if not, seek out any information I can, think about it… make a decision… and proceed to worry about that decision for the next millenia because what if it wasn’t the right one? I usually go with my my gut choice but 1) sometimes I have to go hunting for that, and by sometimes I mean a lot, and 2) I still research the hell out of it.
The way you’ve answered this says more about your secondary than your primary, imo. You might be a Bird secondary.
• Do you listen to your intuition?
I’d like to, but I don’t trust it. I’m too afraid of everything.
Ooh, interesting. It’s worth noting, people who write to me are often Burned at least somewhat, because Burned Houses are always harder to sort; everyone reacts differently to trauma and comes up with different coping mechanisms. Wonder if you’re an at least somewhat Burned Lion who’s pivoted into Snake, perhaps because it fit with your old value set.
• Someone points out a flaw in your logic. Their argument makes sense, but there’s something about it that just bothers you. Do you change your ways because of what they said?
This one always bothers me. It’s not a thing that happens to me often, but I can’t understand not changing your mind in this situation. If someone points out that you’re wrong… well… you’d better go look into that, hadn’t you? Maybe because I’m constantly seeking to understand myself, and I don’t and that frustrates me, but… I don’t know. I agree with and disagree with all the answers.
This seems Bird at first glance, but it seems you’re too conflicted about it to be straight up unburned Bird (and Burned Birds are usually easier to spot because they tend to be wrapped up in the problem/s they’re struggling with). You might have a model or performance, too early to say.
That line about being frustrated that you don’t understand yourself is also a good hint toward an Idealist primary.
• Does disagreeing with your closest friends about something important to you make you love them less?
No, but I might think less of them, and I will probably argue my points at them in the future. Sometimes I change their mind, sometimes they change mine. I turned my SO into a social liberal, he caused me to adjust my stance on gun control. There’s always give and take.
Sounds healthy. That model’s sounding a bit more likely here. I’d be very curious if you turned out to be a burned Lion who actually had a healthy Bird model–that would be rare o.o
• What if everyone you loved left you? They betrayed you, abandoned you, or died, and you’re hurting. What keeps you moving forward?
This question makes me want to tear my hair out, because those are all different things.
If everyone I loved died, I would probably have a massive breakdown, spend a year laying in bed, and then use whatever money I inherited or insurance payouts I got to go try and live the life I’ve always vaguely wanted, traveling. I wouldn’t seek out relationships but I imagine I would, eventually, form new connections. It would hurt, but I would rebuild.
If they abandoned me, or betrayed me, which is… kind of the same, I guess, because abandoning me without cause is a betrayal… well, I would probably be confused, and angry, and curl into a ball and want to die, and then turn into a lifelong curmudgeon the likes of which I swore I’d never be. It would hurt, and I would probably be loathe to trust again.
This doesn’t feel Loyalist, at least.
• What if you realized that absolutely everything you thought was true was wrong? The authorities you’d trusted, the beliefs you’d held, the wrongs you’d fought against?
Another that trips me up. I doubt someone is ever going to convince me that punching down, bullying, or causing unwarranted harm is good. I don’t trust any authority without cause anyway, and I trust no authority to be right on every topic. I trust NASA about space but I’d be more interested in what the forestry service has to say about ecology, in a silly example. I’m not religious so I don’t have any authorities there. My parents were authorities once but it turns out they’re human and sometimes wrong, so…. I feel like I don’t know how to answer this question, because I can’t fathom what someone could tell or convince me of that would be that kind of a gut punch?
So, you don’t really have a system per se, but you do have a set of core ideals. You could call this a Bird model (and… a really healthy one if it is?) or you could call it partially unburned Lion.
• You can’t help everyone in the world who needs it, but you wish you could.
Nah, it would be nice to help everyone and I’m down to eat the rich and redistribute wealth and I firmly believe the point and purpose of society is to care for its populace, so definitely the world should be designed better to make sure everyone has a fair chance at what they want…but it’s not my responsibility to fix it for everybody, nor am I capable of it. I can do a small part, and I try to, but I’m not the savior of humanity.
I think we’ve established you’re not a Badger, although Badgers don’t always fall into this trap.
• You’ve changed your mind about an old belief or moral stricture that you used to value. You got new information and you’ve tried to update your way of thinking, and you think (hope?) you’re a better person for it. Do you feel guilty about the old belief you’ve abandoned?
Do I feel guilty for abandoning it? Not if I realized it was wrong! Do I feel guilty for having had the belief? Sometimes. I was raised in an unthinkingly classist household, and I still feel bad about my instinctive assumptions about people. I’ve worked on it a lot and unpacked a lot of shit, but I was definitely an ass and I regret that.
You have a lot of healthy Bird happening. I’m starting to wonder if your Lion is the model.
If you are a Bird primary, you’re one who builds your system much more than one who adopts it. You also seem very confident in your own perceptions, not unwilling to change but not impressionable.
When it comes to less major parts of your ideals, such as the gun control thing you adjusted your stance on, do you feel satisfied after puzzling things like that out? Or do you kind of hate that you need to?
• The next one is “If I’ve decided to stand by the people I love, it’s a choice. I could make a different decision.” Vs “At the end of the day, some things are right and some things are wrong. You don’t turn your back on the people you love.”
And my problem with that is… both. It is a choice, I could, theoretically, make a different one. But I don’t think it would be right to do so. I think that I would have to have an overwhelming reason to turn my back on my people. Someone cheating one me, or coming to hold beliefs antithetical to me (like if one of my SOs suddenly went TERFy or something), yeah, I would probably turn away, but it would hurt. But it’s still a choice I’ve made, either way.
I don’t think you’re a Snake.
• When you sit down and consider the terrifying lack of objective truth in our reality, how do you feel?
But what is truth? Does this mean truths about the universe, reality, physics, etc? I surely believe there is objective truth and structure there, though I doubt if humanity can discover it all. We are clever little apes, but its a big, weird universe.
Does it mean moral, philosophical truths? Moral relativism all the way babe! I mean, I’m an atheist, and I dont believe there’s one objective truth out there laid down by something supernatural, and I think it has to be something everybody comes to on their own as an accumulation of life experiences. I’ve got a few core things I think are important and the rest just… flows. I went with “the model in our heads is good enough,” because we’ve all got to settle for that in the end, I suppose.
It’s an interesting question and none of the answers quite fit for me. I think part of my trouble with the quiz is how abstract the questions are. “Do you like shortcuts?” Well, I dont know, quiz, what on earth is the CONTEXT? I understand why it’s written that way, but I do wish it was a bit more choose-your-own-adventure, handing me scenarios instead of philosophical abstraction.
You could be a Bird primary.
• When you’re not sure what’s the right thing to do, what do you turn to?
Research, and talking to my people, and then I think about it a bit. Or I just go with my gut and try to figure it out later. Either way I will spend a lot of time thinking about it, either trying to choose or trying to parse the choice I made.
Yeah, you might have to puzzle out which of these is the model yourself. This is a pretty subtle distinction. @wisteria-lodge and I both have posts about this. The appropriate tags on my blog are #ravenclaw primary and #gryffindor primary –if you can get Tumblr to function as intended (mobile search is very very flaky), those should get you the info you want, along with lots of accounts from other people Sorting themselves.
I’m starting to lean towards Bird for you, actually. But again, this is one pair that can be hard to tell apart, and sometimes it gets harder the closer you look at it. Maddening.
• Would you feel worse abandoning a stranger in need or turning your back on your closest friend?
Another one where I want context. If we’re talking identical scenarios – say, they’re drowning – I’d save my friend over someone else, except for maybe a small child… maybe? Honestly I’d probably try to save both and end up dying. But I do prioritize and I’d help my friend over a stranger, sans specific extenuating circumstances on the part of said stranger.
Once again, I don’t think you’re a Snake. I think you’re a Lion with loyalty baked into your intuition, or a Bird who’s picked up some Snakey philosophy.
• After spending some time trying to decide between two options, you are convinced that A is the right thing to do. The people around you, though, are just as convinced that it’s B. How do you feel?
Like I haven’t explained well enough, because they’re not getting why my opinion is the best one. Seriously though, it would make me wonder if I missed something, and I’d probably spend more time talking and researching to compensate. On the other hand… context… am I choosing colleges here (yes, folks, give me your input!) or whether or not to get an abortion (where I would value the input of those directly connected to me, but in the end it’s 100% my choice and those who disagree can eff off.)
When you’re choosing a college, you’re making a tactical decision, not a moral one. Gathering information from others is a Bird secondary thing: you’re doing research.
When you’re making a moral decision, that’s where your primary is involved, and here your answer is strongly Lion.
[I’m skipping a few of the next questions because they don’t give strong information for you specifically. Mostly what they get at is, you’re not a Badger, especially not an unhealthy Badger.]
• Does your internal moral compass know something you don’t?
Well… maybe? I feed a lot of stuff into my brain, and I don’t always know what I think until the words have fallen out of my mouth.
I gotta say, I’m a Bird primary and this sounds terrifying to me. Sometimes I need to write about something before my opinion fully forms, but I write and think so much because I don’t trust myself to talk about it until I’ve poked the issue a bunch on my own.
The only exception is that there are a few people who will take me at my word if I say I haven’t made up my mind about an issue yet, and will listen to me debate it with myself, without judging me for not immediately agreeing with the stance they’ve already taken.
Not everyone is the same, of course, but this answer is a very Lion one.
• If you get a chance to make the world a better place, you have to pursue it– even at the expense of your happiness and personal relationships. Do you think this is a true statement?
If I could throw myself into a volcano to fix everything that is wrong with the world, I would cry and hug everybody I love and regret the hell out of what I was about to do to them and then chuck myself in the damn volcano. I think not doing so would be more selfish.
That is... a totally different thing than this question asked! 😂
However, you've established in previous questions (some of which were cut for length) that you don't feel responsible for fixing/changing the world as a moral imperative, so your answer to this is actually more interesting, lol.
I don't know what it actually says about your Sorting, but I'm leaving it in because it made me laugh.
• Do you think you’re a good person?
Another easy one. Define good! I try to be, within my own belief systems. But I know a lot of people who would not think I’m a good person, because in their belief systems I’m not. I think some of those people are good people, I think some are bad people. Life is complex. I do my best.
This is a pretty Birdy answer. You keep going back and forth! :p I'm probably going to end up leaving you with an ambiguous answer, huh?
If you're a burned Lion, you sound awfully chill about it and you use your ridiculously strong Bird model in an unusually healthy way, for a Lion. Lots of Lions with Bird models really struggle to reconcile the different priorities.
If you're a Bird, you have a ridiculously strong Lion model that seems to actually override your Bird sometimes--but Bird systems are complex and can include weird recursive rules like "in this situation, this other Primary is more right so we use that." Also, your understanding of your system seems more hands-off than a lot of Birds.
• It’s important to do the right thing, even when it feels wrong.
…yeeeeeees…. but. Why does it feel wrong? I would want to investigate that before doing the thing, because if it feels wrong, maybe I’m missing something that my subconscious caught. If I investigate that and am sure about the right, I think… I don’t know. I’m not sure I could do something I felt super icky about even if it was quote-unquote right?
Oh hey, that's my approach to Lion primary too. One point for Bird + loud Lion model?
By now I bet you either have a strong feeling about which of the options I've narrowed down is you, or you'll think about it and go back and pore over the archives here and on the other Sorting blogs. And then you'll think about which approach you took and what kind of a hint that is, which is basically meta-meta-analysis. Except now I've written this and you've read it, so you'll be wondering how reading this will affect your judgment, so it's meta-meta-meta-analysis now.
...I'll stop. 😉
Future Paint here. Tumblr discarded the ENTIRE second half of my response to this post, because I saved it and then hit post without refreshing the page, so it posted the old version, because of course it did.
The tl;dr is that I believe anon to be a rapid-fire Bird secondary with a Lion model.
Brb while I reconstruct this post.
• Do you like going into situations with a plan?
• When you spot a metaphorical obstacle in your path, what do you do?
I would love to, and some situations I do– job interviews, for example – but sticking to a plan is not my strong suit. I can follow a schedule, to some degree, and I can kind of make plans… but then I trip up because how can I account for all contingencies? So I usually end up chucking the plan and YOLOing my way through something on a wave of accumulated knowledge and practice experience.
Not all Birds are big planners. The defining thing is preparation, and that can mean hoarding skills, knowledge, tools and contacts, not just making plans and decisions in advance. A Bird might, for example, decide not to schedule their vacation, and instead read a couple travel guides before they go but wing it when they're there.
This question is one of those where I’d love a less abstract scenario. Because… it depends. In a video game I’ll usually go around. In real life I’ll stop and panic for a minute or a day, then get up and deal with whatever needs dealing with. Unless its a super immediate issue, and then I’m in the middle of it already and have to put off my existential crisis until later (see prior example of “breaking up a dogfight by sticking my arm betwixt them,” see also “i spent much of my teens rolling out of bed at 3am and getting dressed to go help with a foal delivery and I didn’t really start thinking until like twenty minutes after we arrive and start dealing with shit.” Like, I was making decisions and thinking about things, but… its different. They’re not reasoned choices, they’re “this has to be dealt with NOW so do what you can and sort it out later.”)
• Do you like to gather all possible information before making a decision?
I guess I land on needing to understand your problems. You can’t put them off forever, but if you’ve got the time to do some research and contemplation aforehand, that seems like the better choice.
I need you all to know that I didn't cut this dogfight story--I'm not depriving you of whatever wild ride anon had, it's just as much of a Noodle Incident to me as it is to you. However. I don't think I need to argue *too* much that anon has a Lion model.
• Is knowing things or knowing people more useful when solving problems?
Another tricky one, because I think all the answers are correct. I do like to know what’s going on, but at a certain point that IS just stalling. But! It’s true that making decisions without understanding the full picture CAN really mess you up! But it’s ALSO true that, in many situations, I can change my mind if I learn more. I think I lean towards doing All the Research before making a choice, but I’m pretty sure that’s largely a procrastination tactic.
Both. Ideally, one would know a range of People who know/have many Things. I’m a big fan of bartering my own skills and knowledge in return for those of other people – for example I am the go-to research person, because I’m pretty good at sourcing info and condensing it into “here’s what you ought to know, here are your options, and here’s where you can go for more information,” a thing which I do freely for my family. In return they do things I can’t or don’t want to, like my taxes or getting things off high shelves or making travel plans or whatnot.
• When your plan fails, what do you do?
I’m better at accumulating knowledge than connections, but I think the right connections are more often useful than said knowledge.
As @wisteria-lodge has said before, some Birds accumulate contacts the same way they gather other tools. They like the be the person to say, "I know a guy."
You're VERY clearly not a Badger. I've cut all the questions that were like "do you do [Badger Thing]" and you were like "NO" so. I don't think you'll need convincing on this point lol
See above… panic then act, unless I don’t have time, in which case act and then panic. Solve the immediate problems, clear some space to breathe, then deal with the rest.
• Do you collect things? Facts, objects, hobbies?
……. do links full of interesting things I fully intend to get around to reading and understanding someday count?
…yeah, this is where I take a look around at my books, games, Interesting Facts, various half-compentent hobby activities, and enduring rage that I cannot possibly know All The Things because I am a mortal subject to the finite bounds of my life and acknowledge that yes. I hoard the SHIT out of both physical and intellectual stuff.
• Do you ever study or plan excessively for things that aren’t useful? Just for fun?
I’m torn between yes, and yes but they have a purpose. I do enjoy learning, i was always good in school, when I could be bothered to care. There are a few topics I enjoy for their own sake – language and history and anything world-building, really, anything to do with who we are and how we got there. But I won’t usually go in depth; most things I skim enough to understand the basic concept and move on, leaving those things as cocktail facts. “Oh, you’re an astronomer focusing on the moons of Jupiter? I read $JupiterFact a while back, what are your thoughts?”
• Do you act differently in different groups? Does it bother you, if you do?
Like, I dont care about the moons of Jupiter unless Titan or Europa or whichever turns out to have life, but space is neat and I’d be excited by that conversation and I’m intrigued by the concepts even if i don’t have the inclination to deep-dive the topic.
These 3 question/answer pairs explain pretty clearly why I think anon is a Bird secondary...
Not very often, and not much. I absolutely utilize code-switching, but I’ve felt bad about not opening my mouth at times when I worked at a place that assumed I was a good little Christian white girl… I’m usually too afraid of repercussions to say anything, but I remember my supervisor saying an atheist billboard was “too much” and I just said “no, of course it isnt” and we gave each other a look like “… well this isn’t good…”
• When solving problems, is your first reaction seeing what “tools” you have in your pockets?
In general though, I’ll use a mask when I need to but I’m just kinda… me.
...and this was what cleared up the Lion secondary model for me.
• When you are deciding how to react to a situation, are your choices most affected by internal (how you feel, what you think, what you want) or external inputs (what’s happening around you)?
…I’m really not sure. I don’t think i actively assess the tools, physical or mental, that I have to hand? I generally know if I DON’T have the resources to deal with something, but if i do have them, I just do the thing and don’t think about it.
That's normal. You just know your toolset well enough that you don't have to think about it. Some Birds don't, or their toolset is eclectic enough (or even granular enough; try remembering all the books you've read that are relevant to a given research paper topic) that they forget what they have.
I think if I knew what I felt, I’d be happy deciding based on internal things, but I don’t know that I trust myself enough.
This answer seems more relevant to your primary. Might be Burned Lion primary peeking through.
And that puts me at a hatstall again.
Sorry for the bombardment, but it seemed like this would be relevant. I know I prefer more info to less, when I’m trying to help someone figure things out, so… words. Many, many words. Thrown at you. Mea culpa.
Hope you don't mind my cherrypicking! This must have been a ton of work for you to write, and I threw a bunch of it away 😭
(Only sort of, I did read it all first.)
In conclusion
Primary: either burned Lion + healthy Bird model, or Bird + loud loud Lion model.
Secondary: rapid-fire Bird with Lion model.
Hope that helps!
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purplerose244 · 4 years
Thoughts journal Ninjago season 13!! 🖤🖤 (4/4)
Here we are, at the end of just another season of Ninjago! And I've gotta say, until now it has been very good, I think I'm liking this season better than Prime Empire and Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu. I liked them too, but this one feels more complete and deep, also LILLY GOT A BACKSTORY HECK YEAH 😍😍
Prime Empire had one really great ending, so I'm very curious how this season will conclude! Spinjitzu burst? Some last minute plot twist? Cole and Vania confirmed...? 🙄
Here we go!!
So I'm guessing the guys aren't doing too good at the moment 😅
I know this is kind of a tense situation, but honestly Kai looking so confused at having to lead cracks me up 😂 "Do I have to say it? Is that what being in charge means?"
Lloyd: YOU
Kai: NOT
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I have no words, that was such an obvious reference in full Zane style so in character, I have tears. Beautiful 🤣🤣
Also they all look SO COOL 💚💙❤🤍
My ninja babies fighting together screaming NINJA-GOO!! Really this season feels like we're back in the old days, so cool! And they are so in sync, Kai lifting Lloyd up and Zane pushing others away and I LOVE THE FIGHTING ANIMATIONS 🤩
Poor Skull dude, he's trying to do his big bad guy monologue and he keeps getting interrupted 😂
It was cute that both tribes immediately refused to surrender, not sure if it was for pride or they actually care about their new ninja friends, but it was nice
Aahh, near death life experiences, the best way to elicit teamwork 👍 Nice scene, nice cute scene
Nnnnnyyyggg, Lloyd, that's the sacrifice look right there 😱 At least they just turned themselves in peacefully after reuniting the tribes... aaand of course he was lying, I hate that Skull dude 👿👿
Back to team Cole! Back to the Upply! 🖤 Quick guys, we're only three episodes left!! NEED TO GO BIG!!
Heeeeeyy, Wu back in business! I kinda missed him a bit taking control of the situation, it used to be him because he was the master. It really is a jump into the past this season! 🤩🤩
Sure let's go with the explosive cart, not like Cole and the other ninja haven't been piloting a falling apart rocket back to Earth before 🤷‍♀️
A Mech on rolleskates, why not? Does Cole even know how to go on those though? He was already out of the Tournament of Elements during Chen's Thunder Blade so I don't really know...
Lolz the monster was actually waiting staring at the wall, guess you don't get much fun in this mine 😅
And a poor old couple of civilians traumatized. They need to be trained by the people of Ninjago City on how to deal with weird appearances 💪
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I guess we're doing this 😅 Gonna be honest, this is the first very evident sweet look I see from these two. I like Vania, a lot, but another classic love interest? Uuuuhhh, Idk, Imma see the rest of the season and see what happens 🤷‍♀️
A baby dragon on a giant spider, one of my favorite things ever on one thing I fear... I'll let it pass just because Adam is a good boy 🕷🕷🕷
I really like these DnD guys, they've grown on me, let's see what they have in store! 😁
Munce and Geckles under chains, ninja in a cage, the Skull dude has the control, we're back when we started... sucks to be a ninja sometimes 😅
Omg I'm loving that this dude is trying so hard to be menacing and he keeps getting ignored 😂😂 Aww cute, you think you're the first that wants to destroy the ninja? Such a special little snowflake 😘 Evil monologue, we've been going for 13 seasons now with various specials and a movie, we heard it already 🤷‍♀️
Also the reveal, and he's all "Your friend Cole is dead" and Lloyd "That's what they all say, buddy" 👌👌
Poor Cole just wants justice for his mom HELP EMOTIONAL AGAIN
I'm all for Cole's personal team, they should do missions together, like Jay's team in Skybound!... that technically never happened, BUT STILL COOL 🖤💙🖤💙
Oh boy oh boy oh boy got the swords, confrontation ready, BRING IT!! Ninja team is all in for this!! ❤💚💙🤍🌊
Swords aren't usually Cole's weapon of choice... BUT DANG IT HE CAN SWING THEM, HOLY GARMADON!!! THIS IS THE FIGHTING SCENES I WANT!!! 😍😍
How is this the episode prior the finale? It already feels like the finale! What else is going to happen?
Oh with a title like this, it's a given that I will not survive. Oh boy, here goes, the FINALE!
Chaos, chaos, beautiful dragon of death and distraction, also gently reminder that Mino is also a very good boy 💕 Are the skeletons connected to the skull? Are they gonna stop reform when Cole defeats the Skull Sorcerer?
The swords are not actually magical? Huh, first weapon in this show that turns out to be a fluke, apart maybe the Dragon Armor of the Firstborne... that one stayed intact at least 😅
HERE COMES THE VALKIRIES!!! *classic related music plays*
THIS. FIGHTING. SCENES. ARE. SO. FREAKING. GOOD 😍 Also wow sensei, full kamikaze with a dragon? I guess the sacrifice gene really runs into that family 😅
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A bit red, could mistake it for Kai's, but it's an orange earth lava burst so I understand
Cole: okay guys, done my part
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Cole: wake me up when next season is out
Okay, since there weren't evident references to Nexo Knights this season, can I pretend Fungus shooting fireworks is one? Merlok used to do that almost at every season finale... IMMA PRETEND 🙃
She is so adorable, I really love her. Wished we've seen more of her bond with her father, it felt a little easy her giving up on him. Idk, Sky and Chen didn't have that much of a bond but she struggled a lot! But she is super cool and cute, I ADORE her 💕
This sounds like a pretty good experience for Lloyd who FINALLY spent a season without being scarred for life!!! He even met a princess who didn't plan his death!!! Montgomery things are getting better 💚
Well, that surprised me, I guess Cole and Vania like each other but not heavily? Just a very light mood, like they care a lot but no other step further. I'm very happy about this choice, you can see it as a couple if you want, but you can also say they are just good friends. Nice 👍
Oh no, Wu got his midlife crisis, SOMEBODY STOPS HIM 😱
Wherever the wind will take them okay, wherever the producers will decide to torture them 😗
Overall, great finale! 😁
I think I enjoyed Prime Empire's finale more than this one, but this season with all of its episodes was absolutely AMAZING 🖤
The Skull Sorcerer wasn't necessarily a bad villain, but the story kinda went into another direction in my opinion so his part wasn't fundamental. Which isn't a bad thing for me, it's actually new and exciting see the attention to the story instead of the villain, and I did enjoy how they made fun of how cliche he was being 😂
Vania was GREAT. Wished we had more time with her father to really establish what kind of bond they had, but overall I loved her, new best girl acquired 💛💛💛
FREAKING ROCK MOM!! FREAKING LILLY!! I'm so emotional just thinking about this family, omg, THIS is the content I want for Ninjago! Impactful, that makes sense, connected to the heart that makes you so much closer to a character! Finally the Rock family is getting more complex 🖤
I think this season really gave Cole justice, we got her mom's story, we've got him leading a team again, we've got him with a cool new power! 😍😍
For the other ninja it was okay, I really liked the shenanigans with the tribes and the cultures were really fun to explore. Was kinda like a side quest and for me didn't bring that much to the main story, but it was fun and it's fair, Cole had all the attention he deserved 👌
Beautiful designs for the characters, in particular the Shintaro citizens, and also wonderful backgrounds and sceneries, that I thought were starting to lack but here seems much nicer to look at 🤩
What can I say? Ninjago still knows how to mess with my heart, and I'm so very happy about it. I think the so wanted Cole season was definitely worth it 🖤🖤🖤
Now, I heard voices about a possible Nya season... ABSOLUTELY YES, YES TO EVERYTHING, QUEEN GETTING HER OWN SEASON YES YES YES!!! 😍😍😍🌊🌊🌊 Besides that apparently Maya will come back, which is a dream coming true, if they give Nya the same attention they gave to Cole this season, I will be happy 😊
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cosmictulips · 4 years
hi i’m BM💗 (19) and i’m a sagittarius whose favorite color is pink, and likes to eat hot cheetos! i’m inquiring about NP🧜🏾‍♀️ (19) whose a pisces. so NP and I met at work where we instantly became best friends. i ended up liking NP and I told her after it became really bad for my health. we established that she didn’t feel the same and we remained friends. She ended up going to the Navy but we kept in contact, sending letters back and forth and then ft calls when she was able to. i made her do majority of the reaching out at this point because i used to always be the first and i couldn’t read her to know if she would do the same for me. in August of last year i got tired of feeling like i was the one doing the labor for the friendship and after the smallest disagreement i told her to have a good life without me. i reaches back out in september to rekindle because i missed her and i told her so, but after a failed plan of going out i decided that i felt i was forcing her to care and love me, when it was known on my part. i stopped communicating with her first and she reached out again on my birthday but kept it short and almost rude. i told her happy new year and even wished her a good deployment. i still think about her quite often, because this person was my best friend and is someone i can’t choose to love, i just do. i honestly just want to know if the love is reciprocated and if we have a chance of reuniting once she’s back from deployment? my favorite animals are dolphins 🐬 and cats 🐈. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND ENERGY❗️(i left a tip but idk if i properly put my name and initials)
HELLOOOOOOO your daily dose of tarot -and an essay lol-  has arrived =D Before we get into it, I would like to preface this with any wondering eyes that this is actually a very good example of my readings lol.   Anyway,  a disclaimer:  the future is always changing, nothing is ever set in stone. I give you one possiblitiy of countless others.  I try to pick up as many as I can but ultimately since this does deal with other people,  I can only give to you what the cards want me to see. if some of this seems open ended it is because the other person, or people involved have not decided fully what they want to do.  If you do not like what the cards say you literally can and should change the outcome. With that being said, lets get to it ;)  if you have any other questions for me -especially regarding pendulum- please feel free to let me know.  You did tip as well so if there’s any other forms of uh divination you would like me to use please let me know.  Otherwise I have stuck to the big three ;) Pendulum, Tarot, Oracle.  okay, let’s get into it lol  oh, also, if you want an actual pdf of this, I will gladly give it to you lol
I got your tip and don't worry about tipping more lol. I do not do this for the tips,  but merely to help =)  I only started the tipping thing because in depth readings take a lot out of me and so yea, that's why it's only like three dollars lol also before we get really into it some notes:  I noticed this reading has a lot of love energy in it.  whether it is self love, platonic love, or romantic love, it does not matter to me.  I am a firm believer love conquers all things and I truly believe that with a bit of it, you two can get back to being friends again or move on to something better.  a LOT of your oracles mention love.  take how it resonates to you,  but I firmly believe a lot of it is platonic and self love.  there’s also a huge theme of something ending.  it could be the relationship with her and you two departing but I’m feeling it’s the relationship as you know it.  I think you two will become stronger together and fight through this. 
The Energy between the two of you: three and ten of wands, six of swords, Eight of wands, High Priestess with the Tower as the overall energy. (also King of pentacles, 6 of pentacles, hanged man, chariot, queen of wands, ace of pentacles, 2 of cups)
Ace of cups, seven of pentacles, Judgement, the Hermit, three of pentacles, Queen of Cups also flew out. 
So let's begin with the wands.  We have Three, Eight and Ten of Wands.   The wands tell a story about hard work and perseverance.  here with the three of wands and eight of wands,  it tells me that your pisces here is probably under a lot of stress.  and ... I think this goes for you as well.  I feel it definitely around the work and home life here.  NP is very focused on their goals,  and with the ten of wands,  they are carrying a lot of responsibility on their shoulders.  they see this as a good thing though.  something they want.  they had to work hard to get where they are and they love having it.  but much like burdens it's tiresome and I'm sure they're just stressed out and want a break.
We should then go over to the swords here.  because we have the six of swords.  the six of swords is probably the biggest indicator of how they're feeling about everything in regards to what you have told me.  this is the card of moving on.  I see that they are trying to push what has happened past them.  and I see with the Ace of Cups that there is going to be something new for the both of you coming down the road. we  We can also see this with the Seven of Pentacles.  the seven of pentacles is all about working and putting effort into things.  in this case, relationships.  there's going to be a change in the relationship. this can mean one of two things though.  One, you both go your separate ways and you both work on yourselves,  or two,  you both come back to each other and work in a new, healed relationship.
so then, we have a ton of Major Arcana lol.  We have the Hermit, Judgement and the High Priestess.  we also have the queen of cups so don't let me forget about that.
so here's what I'm thinking lol. I think you two are going to end up reflecting each other.  I have some other cards, and if you notice, there's also the queen of wands.  I think NP  is going to form into this queen of wands, and you are going to step into the queen of cups here. because I see this journey.  this could also be reversed because you're a fire sign and she's water but like roll with me here.  one of you is going to become more introspective.  the Hermit is all about searching for inner truth and guidance.  Judgement and the High Priestess is all about awakenings and trusting the inner guidance that you have.  someone, is going to be stepping into their power and presenting themselves as the queen of cups. and I think that's going to help your situation a lot.
So then we have the overall energy.   We have the Tower.  this tells me that you two are probably going to come to a head when you two finally get to sit down and talk about this.  if both sides are willing.  I don't know why but Im hearing that maybe a third party is going to be involved with you hashing it out.  and they could represent the tower energy but I think they're going to embody the King of Pentacles.  this could also be the situation you two come together.  something logical with both of yalls heads on straight.
we have the 6 of pentacles here too with the ace of pentacles so something new is coming for the both of you.  one that is both generous and one that brings you both in a union that you two can work together -see the 2 of cups there as well ;) -  with the hanged man and the chariot with the queen of wands, I'm thinking this is going to get a little... spicy lol
Like, I think you two are going to be a little rough around the edges at first.  which is fair I mean, you both were kind of on different wave lengths and shit happened ya know? it's okay to be riled up and hurt over the past.  but luckily this isn't going to be ending in a way that you both are hurt and sore about.  this is going to be a mutual ending.  something you both can agree on.
so now, I'm going to get into more of the oracle stuff and pendulums.  I have a few questions set up but if you have any that you would like answered, feel free to let me know =)
Is there a chance that you two will come back together?
yes -oh okay so I saw the wheel of fortune when I got this answer. this tells me that you two will be able to end the cycle of this situation and be able to move on into something more beautiful.
Will there be a third person involved to help?
Is it someone you both know?
Is there a chance for building a stronger connection?
yes. and a key message I got for this is to have patience, take some time to rest and “is it worth the fighting?’  which Im assuming is going to be when you two try to sort it out lol
Will the Pisces reach out first?
Is it wise to make the first move now?
no.  considering the top one here is a yes, I think it’s best to sit back and let this happen. 
Oracle Advice
Your feelings are real and are worth exploring
Trust--- this situation is requiring to have faith.
transformation occurs through acceptance.  Once you accept the current situation, it will automatically transform
Getting to know each other.  Reveal yourselves to each other, it helps to deepen the bond. 
Transformation:  your relationship with one another is about to deepen. love conquers and transforms all things.
Power--- You instinctively know what is right for you and you have the power to say no or to walk away at any time
someone has deeper feelings for you than they are letting on.
Friendship--- nurture the bonds of friendship within your relationship and your love life will dramatically improve.
The most unlikely friendships can form; like variegated lichens on hard rock, they create a tight bond. 
Don’t make decisions based on guilt or what you think you should do, for it is only in being true to yourself that you can be true to others. 
Breathe -- break from beneath the waters surface and soar up beyond the turquoise sea
Meditate- make some quiet time in the still air Travel -- seeing the surface of the ocean is not the same as driving deep to see the coral
Voyage --- set sail on a new course
Resilient --- stay as strong as evergreen trees
Let Go -- enjoy the pulsing light of the firefly but don’t hold on too tight
Idyll Hours ---  take some time out to lie on the emerald grass. 
Growth -- the tallest oak tree once started as a seedling. don’t be afraid to start something new. 
Prosperity lies ahead 
getting clear on what you value most will help you find peace
Don’t let your past hold you back
release the past
just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should
Step out of your comfort zone
time to stop obsessing over someone or something. 
stand on your own two feet
balance spirituality and practicality
follow your intuition, it won’t let you down
The end of a tough cycle approaches
stop fearing the worst
A firey climax approaches
being assertive is good-- just don’t push it on to anyone. 
I hope this helps if you need anything, like I said let me know. if you have any follow up questions I will be happppyyy to answer them. =)
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studylustre · 4 years
hi carol!! I hope u've been well! and I hope work has been going smoothly! I remember u saying u were feeling a lil sick for a while so I hope ur feeling better!! it's a bit silly, but recently I've been getting bothered by not having very many friends. I've felt like since I was in high school I've had a hard time getting close to people for some reason and it's been even harder now with quarantine and everything. idk why, bit since I was a kid I've associated having a lot of friends w/ part of my personal worth?? even tho logically I know that's not at all true. my bf is pretty much the opposite of me and has so many close friends which on the one hand makes me v happy for him, but I find it hard not to compare myself to him when it comes to that. I feel like I need to talk about it bc it has been affecting my mental health, but I don't have anyone to share to that could relate, hence me being here😅 anyway, sorry for ranting, but tysm for ur blog and for being such a kind light on here! u've rlly been helping me stay determined with classes lately ✨💖
hi hi!! i hope ur doing well too and life is treating u kindly 🤍 ik why u might be feeling a type of way about it but i really do feel like it’s quality > quantity. not that u can’t have a lot of close friends, bc u can ofc, but i really do feel like it’s better to have a few v v close friends who u feel comfortable with and add a lot to ur life vs a big circle of acquaintances. 
ur not alone in feeling this way though, i think a lot of us go through phases where we feel like we’re missing out bc we don’t have what other people have and that can lead to a lot of self doubt, so it’s important to step back to take a moment to truly analyse the root of that feeling. why are u feeling this way? do u genuinely want to cultivate more, deep connections with new people? or are u just feeling this way bc u feel like u should have more friends bc ur seeing what other people have and ur worried ur not living up to some kind of societal standard? if it’s the former, then great, take the opportunity to start talking to new people! if it’s the latter, then it might be a good moment to just take a moment to step back, re-assess and re-direct ur energy to things u actually want for urself.
making new friends is definitely more difficult now in covid-19 times than previously, but it’s not impossible still! if ur keen to try and establish some new connections, it might help for u to join some meetup groups. a lot of meetups have moved from irl meetings to virtual ones, so u can join group chats and participate in their weekly virtual hangouts!! another thing that might help is bumble bff. bumble is a pretty popular dating app but they also have a friend mode where u can try and match up with potential friends near u!! i’ve used bumble in the past and befriended a handful of rly cool, interesting girls so i recommend it - as long as ur being safe (as with any kind of meetup type app). additionally, it might also be a good opportunity to try and further explore the existing relationships u have with people in ur circle! now that we’re all homebound, it’s a good opportunity to make use of the time we have by reaching out more to people who we may have dropped off the radar with a little bit to try and re-connect, or to just get to know the people ur loosely acquainted with a bit better. it could help to improve ur relationships!!
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masterhandss · 4 years
I wanna know more about the guys. Don't get me wrong I like that the anime focuses a lot on the girls. But the guys who are ironically te main LI's in game are just kinda dragged around for harem purposes. We don't know anything about things that are actually unique to them their hobbies,interests(save for Alan and his music but that's about it,it seems) We know that Mary has her gardening, Sophia loves literature and romance novels, Maria has baking,Katarina agriculture and a vegetable garden
Hahaha yeah, I kinda get how that feels. When it comes to personal hobbies and interests (likes and dislikes), I guess Alan really takes the cake here on the boys’ side because he has an interest outside of Katarina (Geordo has “interesting things” listed as something he likes, but that just leads us back to Katarina so it doesn’t really count). Though now that you point it out, it is interesting to know that the girls all have interests that are linked to them, but the boys don’t really have any?? kinda??
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Alan has his music, but the other three boys are kind of just presented with things related to Katarina (Geordo with his magic and snacks for Katarina, Nicol with the Devilish Count attire and the veggie bundle that Katarina gives him, and Keith with his Earth Dolls, Maria’s handkerchief (which idk why that’s even there) and keys??). I can’t be bothered to find any other merchandise that is presented this way but for all the girls and Alan, it’s pretty consistent.
I don’t really play any otome games (I’d love to though) so I’m not sure how far they go when it comes to developing the love interests, but since hamefura is about Sorcie being beyond an otome game, it does feel rather lacking that we don’t have much about the boys. The focus is put so much into the boy’s interest in Katarina that they don’t have too much outside of their backstory, personality and magic type.
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Volume 5 does inform us that Keith likes studying magic and Nicol likes relaxing times, but to some extent you can still trace that back to Katarina (Relaxing times, since Nicol is most relaxed around people that he doesn’t need to please and aren’t interacting with him with ulterior motives; and Studying magic so he can control it and not hurt anyone). Geordo doesn’t even really gain anything new from this information. I feel like Alan was spared of this treatment just because having something that makes him unique compared to his twin brother is important to his character. I don’t want to take away the author’s efforts on providing interests for the boys in this volume, but I do feel bad for people like anon over here who might be looking for things that can relate them to the boys. I guess it’d be hard to connect with the boys if all they care about is Katarina.
Maybe it’s some sort of meta commentary about how the author wants to avoid having us find things that will endear us personally to the boys (aka their interests, personal goals, tastes, etc) by only giving aspects of themselves that can be traced back to Katarina? Because they literally only have eyes for her? I mean the description above does apply to the hamefura boys, not the Fortune Lover boys so hahaha idk. I feel like i’m trying to find an excuse for that mistake/laziness. I doubt my own assumption though, since something like that might ruin the boys’ marketability (or not? I don’t know hahaha)
As much as I’m happy that each girl has an interest that helps define them, the fact that they never get developed beyond that does seem like a bummer. It's hard to praise the girls for their originality when they only have singular interests that differentiates them from the treatment of the boys. 
Like Mary, we know she likes gardening flowers, but we don't what kinds she prefers to plant or if she'll plant anything that's available like how Katarina is to her vegetables, or random details like that. We know that Mary’s interests (or likes) are gardening, flowers and romance novels (and Katarina), and her hobby is gardening, but those interests are linked to her hobby (except for books, but we don’t know the extent to which she likes them in the first place), so there’s only so much praise that I can give. She basically doesn’t have much interests outside of her established hobby (it doesnt help when her only labeled dislikes is her sisters).
To be fair, with how the hamefura novels is written, it’s constantly moving forward in some way or another, and there aren’t really many scenes where facts like that can be implied or mentioned. Their feelings for Katarina and for each other are given the biggest priority, rather than how they act and what happens around them (that isn’t magic, politics, or Katarina related). Katarina’s pov just gives us the bare minimum facts about her friends, and she doesn’t seem like she’d narrate anything post-timeskip because she already knows what they like and don’t like by growing up with them, so we don’t get to learn anything unless we’re absorbing it for the first time as she is (she could mention stuff, but there’s also the fact that the light novels seems to be taking the screen time of the original harem bit by bit from each passing volume, according to spoilers i’ve seen, so situations where those can be mentioned as diminishing each volume.)
In some way, I guess the author is giving the fans a chance to interpret his characters through headcanons? I mean it sucks that we aren’t being given anything official, and I wish they could have at least hinted at things through dialogue or observations. 
Interpreting things is hard because you can never tell the line between noticing something small or seeing something that isn’t there.
An observation/interpretation, for example: like maybe while Mary likes to read romance novels with Katarina and Sophia, she’s actually not too into them but considers them worth the read-through and mostly reads them in order to relate with her friends, but wont obsessively scream and fangirl about them like her two friends; and Nicol might not like romance books at all and only read them in his childhood when Sophia had no one to talk to about it, and finally got to stop when Katarina came in.
I’m not really the type to think things through when I read/watch things like this so I personally would prefer if they would just tell me these facts. That could just be me though.
The english light novels is only up till Volume 5, with Volume 6 just about to come out in two weeks, so maybe japanese LN readers might know things that I don’t! I’m sorry if my answer is all over the place, I’m not really the most analytical person to ask  when it comes to things that might be hidden between lines of text since I usually take things at face value. Thank you for the ask!! :DD
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feyjisung · 4 years
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HELLO FEYLINES !!! i come with a new muse, moon jisung, an omega lone werewolf. he’s a bit cold and detached himself from his emotions but he’s not that hard to approach, i think. if you see dm history with this account it’s because i was here before, as feyjinyoung. happy to be back!
anyway, you can find jisung’s profile here, his background here (heed the warnings), and under the cut i’ll be listing possible connections plus a rundown of who jisung is as a person!
as always, LIKE THIS POST if i can slide into your ims for plotting. you can also find me on twitter (@wowyoungie) and discord (ask for the id). thank you for reading!
the tldr
he’s a 01′ liner and he should graduate next year. he doesnt really know what to do afterwards
he has been experiencing auditory hallucinations from a very young age, traditional medicines doesn’t help much and the hallucinations grew stronger ever since he became a werewolf
had violent reactions to said hallucinations which scared his family and that made them distance themselves from him so he kinda learned to just stop emoting as a whole, but his family never came around
music helps him ground himself in reality, so you’d see him with earphones in his ears almost all the time. he started to compose his own songs because it’s the only way he knows how to properly emote
he started a punk rock band called devil’s asphalt (thank you carly)! you can read about it here. please join his band. jaeyong is in it. they aren’t good friends
he was turned into a werewolf! his entire family are humans except him, he somehow can keep that a secret because he isn’t home very often
he honestly knows little to nothing about the supernatural and he doesn’t try to learn. he isn’t looking for packs either so his strength isn’t great at all
always tired. there’s always prominent bags under his eyes. the voices keep him awake at night
prone to blank staring. may stop in the middle of a sentence or trail off and just stare
bad at talking but he’s trying to fix this
detached himself from his emotions because it doesn’t feel worth it at this point
he writes too many emo songs
he honestly wouldn’t mind a hunter taking his life at this point tbh
possible connections
join his band. the spots listed as npcs in here are all free or we can change a few things idm. it’s flexible. you don’t have to be from the same school as him. it’s free real estate
someone who can teach him??? about life as a werewolf??? because he doesn’t know what he’s doing and he just hides out in the heart of the forest until the full moon passes or smth
just more supernatural friends/acquaintances he’s a bit new to this world
hunters who just came across him and realise hes a werewolf and hes just like “oh are you going to kill me now go ahead” which leads to. things
he’s also looking for remedies to his hallucinations in the witching world so maybe witches who can aid him in that. idk. he’s pretty desperate
you see him just staring at you and it makes you feel antsy or like he’s trying to pick a fight with you but no that’s. just how he is
fans??? of his songs??? of his band??? he thinks people just come to their shows to watch jaeyong so he’d be (pleasantly) surprised lol
if you own/work in some sort of establishment like bars or clubs maybe his band performs in them at times or something. maybe you wonder why he never drinks. turns out he’s still 18 and also hates alcohol anyway
school friends??? people in university who can help tutor??? he has trouble paying attention in classes so he needs help catching up
anyone who would take him under his wing tbh, doesn’t have to be in that supernatural-y way. he doesn’t really have anyone so he’d appreciate a good friend or older sibling figure
you spot a black book on the ground and you open it and see that it’s just pages and pages of depressing lyrics and you wonder Who Wrote This and then in comes jisung desperately looking for his lyric book
childhood friends... people who knew him back then and saw him transform into This and wonder how did that happen
pls give me anything and everything i promise i would love whatever you have in mind
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First, glad youre back! Sorry for the long post, its the effect of the insights you bring. “She’ll be a tabloid staple forever, thanks to the brf connection and the baby(ies)”/ “One reason why Meghan had so much trouble establishing herself as a royal girlfriend is that no one could believe it because it was such a contrast to Harry’s image.” In your absence, each new Harkle stunt, it came to my mind when you said something like ‘why the BRF didnt let DM finish her off in 2016?’ She would be one more forgotten in the wannabe category, all this could be avoided. I kind of gave up to have expectations from the divorce bc the most its gonna happen is Harry finding someone else (I dont care), W&K be spared to be next her and we to see her face in the BRF images. The smear campaing since 2016 shows she wont let the Windsors breathe and now she can bragg to have inside info, even if its to tell lies. I learnt about PR thanks to you and in this period could see it cleary, while many still look for 'organic’ reasons in her actions (BTW, some sugars/K haters are now copying your PR explanations to sound reasonable). I also used to think she would fade quickly, but with Elton Jonh & Co 'leave M alone’ movement, I realised how far she can go to keep her new fame status (BTW2, to think Pink bullied W for hunting…). IDK if it was you who said the 2016 statement was also to show she really was H gf bc ppl were not buying. IMO it was also due to them not appearing together and doing the same stuff others gfs did, it seemed she was all by herself, maybe she was back then, and the unimaginable possibility of the BRF accepting her - at least, it was that for me. The fact is no one was taking her existence seriously anyway. She did shut up the press and now is mad for receiving a scrutiny similar to the others gfs, but another thing that must have left her fuming was that even after the statement, she didnt generate the interest the others did, then came the alleged “fan” blogs, 'Harry is discretion master’ BS to justify the lack of PDA and press/pics and VF. How desperate she was to demeaning herself in 'wild about Harry’ LOL. And I think she still needed to rush the engagement. So, to conclude, I changed my mind from 'she’ll fade quickly’ to 'we’ll never get rid of her’ bc she “worked” so hard to force herself in, she wont let it go, the divorce will be just another step. She doesnt accept her fate and take the 'follow your dreams’ motto to a dark extreme, plus US seems pretty open to any trash celeb. If Sarah is still on the scene and undoubtly M is willing to go deeper than her - she was pursuing to become a WAG, for G sake -, she’ll always find a way.
Thanks for sending this in! I don’t think she’s going away. Now I understand why I get so much pushback from people because she is such a mediocre celebrity without the royal connection. However, I think the skeptics underestimate how much the royal connection is worth in the US, even after a divorce. Fergie legitimately had a career in the States as an ex-duchess and it only went downhill after the sheik sting scandal hits. Her lawsuit against the reporter who executed the sting claims it cost her 40 million pounds in lost contracts. That’s probably an exaggeration, but she was still making millions in the US with public appearances, a WW contract, a porcelain line, etc..
And Meghan would have a much bigger profile that Fergie after her divorce with tons of press about how she was victimized by the British press, abandoned by the brf, betrayed by her family, etc.. She would also have the first American royal baby (maybe even two), a “best selling” cookbook, a “best selling” fashion collection, and a “best selling” children’s book and tons of celebrity “friends” ready to get some press in exchange for their “support” and a pile of brands that owe her because she wore them during her royal sojourn. Here “Brave American Duchess Finding Her Own Voice” brand will be worth millions. Certainly more than the me Royal Sussex branding she has right now.
That’s why I think she’ll leave soon. She’s now famous enough that she can have her celebrity life without all the royal restrictions, and she has a perfect “victimized by the press” narrative. She just needs a couple of months to unwind her love story  and then she can flee.
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sometimesrosy · 5 years
you think there is a huge probability or chance that we see bellarke first kiss and declaration of love this season? and if season seven is really gonna be the last one jason can put them in a established relationship and being endgame without erasing that.
yeah that’s what i think.
i know i said s5, but after the season I did some re-evaluation of my s5 theories and noted that they weren’t actually debunked. they followed my speculations for bellarke development but much, much more slowly. And when I looked at the various character arcs, i realized that only some of them had been completed, while others had been left open and hanging and still others had not even started, which led me to the conclusion that they slowed down narrative that dealt with interpersonal relationships and split it into (at least) 2 seasons. 
Putting them in cryo made no time pass, even though 125 years passed, and they were clear about how when they woke up all the betrayals and relationships and repercussions would still in play. And you can SEE it already, in the trailer. 
I have always had a hard time finding the timing of the character arcs, because they don’t follow the season long narrative arcs. Because it is not a traditional tv show structure. It’s long form storytelling and I was not sure how long his vision went. 
BUT because we’ve started some stories, finished some, and not started others, I can see the pacing that he’s working on for these ACTIVE narrative arcs.
Bellarke romantic storyline started, explicitly, in season 5, and was left hanging with one secret revealed (2199 calls) and one secret still unrevealed (octavia poisoned for clarke.) The love triangle is CANON and unresolved. Echo’s character arc has not yet begun. Bellamy’s hero’s journey has been met. Clarke’s has not. Clarke’s reunion with Murphy and Raven has not happened yet. Memori has wrapped up more or less, Marper is fulfilled happy ending, Kabby is paused in the middle, the Blakes are a BIG story stopped in the middle and may take three seasons to resolve.
Bellarke romance? I see it as 2 or 3 seasons depending on your definition. The first season (5) was Bellarke reunion, Clarke back from the dead, her fantasy boyfriend who ended up being real and too much for her to handle, and breaking her heart, and so she betrayed him, then repented and let him go so he could live and be victorious. Bellamy discovering Clarke was alive, dealing with his panic/trauma from losing Clarke again and again (particularly with leaving Raven behind and sending Echo off and poisoning Octavia to save her,) confronting his romantic feelings for Clarke in the face of Echo and also Clarke’s abandonment (again) of him. And his discovery of the 2199 calls which told him that Clarke did indeed care for him and changed everything about how he dealt with her. Bellarke are REUNITED, once again TOGETHER, soulmates where they are supposed to be. They are each in love with the other but withholding their feelings for the other because they are not sure and also b/e is an obstacle. s5 was their reunion and facing the effects of 6 years apart. And the reunion was resolved, but it opened the door into the next phase of Bellarke which is:
Bellarke romantic feelings and expression thereof. We KNOW already that they are going to address the 2199 calls. We know already that B/E exists still in ep1. I expect feelings to be revealed and to change how they behave with each other. How that will affect b/e or c/b/e is still to be seen, but according to the character of Clarke, Bellamy and Echo separately, it will not be ignored and B/E will end. As early as ep3 (that’s a guess and a possibility not an absolute. just a feeling. beginning of the end for b/e.) I think we’ll start getting that romantic tension AND sexual tension. They are back together, but they CAN’T be TOGETHER TOGETHER, so that means the feelings and desires must be held back. I don’t know at what point the kisses, confessions and sex will happen, but I expect them to come in stages, just the way the reunion did. With some backsliding to make them uncertain and put the end in doubt (conflict adds to tension.) I expect that there will be a bellarke separation and Bellamy, in particular, won’t have faith in her feelings for him, because he’s never believed in that. I expect that we’ll see a parallel to “it’s worth the risk,” when she sent him into the mountain and he thought it was because she didn’t care for him after all, but it was actually canon confirmation that she thought her feelings for him (love) were a weakness. “I was being weak.” Love is a weakness. It occurs to me that that is the scene where the Bellarke romance was broken. Just like all the traumas, we’re revisiting them to resolve and fix them. And create a better world. Clarke did not choose Bellamy in the “it’s worth the risk,” scene, walking away from Camp Jaha, In Polis with Lxa AND Hakeldama. I expect to see Clarke CHOOSING Bellamy in ep11 I think. Where she makes clear to him that he is her choice, and they resolve all those abandonment issues, which leaves them TOGETHER, in all ways, including romantic and probably sexual, and possibly newly established and public as a relationship, so that they can face their final battle together, strong.
Last season I couldn’t place the romantic development with the story lines of other characters or other narrative threads, this season, I can see the storylines coming up because they are either unfinished from last season, or there are CLEAR parallels to previous traumas, like MW=Sanctum. Or princess mechanic=c/f/r=c/b/e.  The more separate storylines that can connect back to the romance, the more likely it is that the romance is going full main plot. And canon. There are A LOT of narrative threads connecting back to bellarke this upcoming season. It is not just about their feelings anymore. 
As for s7? Yeah there’s no room for established Bellarke in season 6. But established Bellarke in season 7 would allow for a culmination of the post apocalyptic REBIRTH of the world. Clarke and Bellamy are the mother and father. In canon. Mama Bear and Captain Daddy. space daddy. best daddy in the universe whatever. Y’all know it’s Captain Daddy. In trigedasleng, that has a phrase. Nomon and Nontu. Mother and father, number one and number two, a mated leadership pair in charge of a village. That’s bellarke. There is no reason for that phrase to be in the lexicon because it has NEVER been used in canon, but it’s been there since season 3 when I was looking for a trigedasleng name to call Bellarke in one of my fics, and I found that one and I was like, well heck, that sounds like it was made for them. And here they are now, named mom and dad and heading into marriage/paired leadership. AS we also head into the resolution for s1 declarations of purpose like “life should be about more than just survival,” and “i’m trying to make sure humanity deserves to survive.” AKA Monty’s charge to Bellarke. Be the good guys. Live a good life. 
The story sounds like it’s wrapping up and part of the wrap up is to bring Bellarke together as a mated pair so they can help create a new society and usher in the rebirth of humanity. Bellarke established couple. Because that will reach the culmination of what Bellarke has been heading for, every season getting deeper.
s5: Bellarke reunion.
s6: Bellarke romance.
s7: Bellarke marriage. (whether that means an actual marriage or symbolic idk.)
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lesbianarcana · 5 years
could you just... like... answer all of those questions at once? I can't pick one but I wanna know all the things
Oh God okay
1. When did you start playing?
Oh a long time ago...over a  year ago I’d say? The main 3 were only up to uhhhh the Hermit book I think. I remember I stopped playing after that gross fetishy Asra CG came out.
2. What got you into the game?
The beautiful art and the tarot theme. This was before I knew what I know fdjhksd
3. Who was your first route?
4. Who is your favourite route?
Honestly Muriel is shaping up to be my favourite so far. Before that, I loved Asra’s route.
5. Who is your least favourite?
So far, Portia’s. Don’t get me wrong - it’s nothing to do with Portia herself. It just feels a little stagnant and flat.
(I bet you expected me to say Lucio, didn’t you? Well, you’re wrong).
6. Who do you play in Heart Hunter?
Chibi Chandra!
7. Who is your favourite to chase in Heart Hunter?
Portia or Muriel!
8. Who of the not playable LIs do you wish you could romance?
The baker. Selasi route when?
9. Opinion on Asra?
Asra is often mischaracterised imo and held to an unfair standard that a lot of the other characters aren’t. I’ve seen many of these arguments and I’m tired.
Asra is not jealous, possessive, creepy, manipulative or shady. Not once does he act possessive towards the MC in any of the routes including his own (a possible exception could be made for the Reversed Ending, but what do you expect? That’s after the MC literally enables that behaviour).
Being sad or cautioning the MC against Julian is not being jealous or possessive. The way he talks about Julian it’s pretty obvious he felt more for the man than he realises, even if he doesn’t understand that himself.
Asra keeps secrets from the MC because canonically trying to remember too much too fast harms the MC. This has been established. In his route, he literally tells you that he hates keeping secrets from you. He takes you into his own personal gateway - an expression of trust and a willingness to open up to you. Does he do these things in the other routes? No, but that’s because you’re not spending that time with him.
I also see people angsting about how sad Asra is going to be when you tell him about Lucio in his route. Lucio harmed his parents and has been cruel to Asra so like idk what you expect. The MC doesn’t know this of course, but you do!
I think we also forget that Asra took a considerable amount of time and effort to rehabilitate the MC, care for them and reteach them basic tasks as well as magic.
Is Asra a perfect person? Of course not. He’s probably overly cautious, he can be a little distant and he reacts badly when in a crisis (see the deal he made with the Devil). He’s not always brave and not always strong, but why should we expect him to be? He’s a human being and he’s bound to have faults, but he has a generous nature and is remarkably well-adjusted considering the trauma of his childhood (don’t tell me that suddenly losing your parents is not traumatic).
10. Opinion on Julian?
I once said that Julian is likely hypersexual and I still maintain that. (For those of you who don’t know, being hypersexual is like..a tendency to engage in compulsive or self-harming sexual behaviour, sometimes as a result of trauma). I think Julian craves affection and associates sexual interest or sexual contact with his worth as a person. I don’t think he does it deliberately or to be manipulative, but because he has a definite self-esteem problem. I honestly see him as bipolar like me.
I think the way the fandom treats him as this dumbass uwu subby boy is kind of annoying. A lot of people I feel erase his bisexuality either by just ignoring it or by making homophobic jokes where the punchline is ‘ha ha he likes dick like you do!!!!’ like no shit, he’s BISEXUAL. But he’s also hard-working, brave, clever, pleasant and good-natured, and once he starts to really come into his own, he’s cheerful and optimistic. He has so many more good qualities than just ‘submissive and kinky’.
11. Opinion on Lucio?
This may surprise y’all but I actually don’t hate Lucio that much. I love to hate him as a villain.
I think he, like all of us, is a product of his environment. He grew up in a clan with a strong martial culture; his clan were warlike and frequently made war on his neighbours. We’re all influenced by our upbringing and I don’t think he’s an exception. I draw the line at saying he ‘just didn’t know right from wrong’ though. He’s not a baby.
But the differences between Lucio and the other LIs like Portia, Asra, Muriel etc is that Lucio’s life and his fate and the hardships he’s faced are almost entirely due to his own choices. It was he who decided on the eve of his eighteenth birthday to kill his parents. He sought out Vlagnagog with the intention of making a deal. He chose to continue to make deals. He knew he carried the plague and he chose to carry it across the continent including into Vesuvia, causing the deaths of thousands. He murdered and blackmailed his way across the continent. He wouldn’t have even needed to bargain for a new body if he hadn’t caught the plague that he brought into Vesuvia himself after making a deal etc.
Do I think he is a sort of cackling, villainous cliche or unrepentantly evil? No. I think he’s a person who has made deliberate choices that he is facing the consequences for and IMO it’s important that he face those consequences. I do think his main issue is entitlement and a profound lack of self-esteem (I don’t think he really believes any of the stuff he actually says about himself or other people; even Lucio’s not delusional).
I mean that’s about as generous and objective a take on Lucio as I can give you. I’ve made my feelings clear on him, but I don’t want to give the impression that I don’t actually understand him as a character, hopefully the above will prove I do haha.
12. Opinion on Muriel?
Out of all the LIs I think I relate most strongly to Muriel because of a few reasons: trauma, touch-starved, lonely and wants to connect but afraid of getting hurt (physically or emotionally).
Now that I’ve gotten personal, I really hate the way Muriel is treated by the fandom. He’s either called bland or boring, or he’s treated like he’s an animal, called feral and animalistic. He’s none of those things.
Muriel has a big complex about being alone. He was literally given away by his parents and left in Vesuvia on his own, to fend for himself on the streets. Being abandoned by his parents and not knowing why, not remembering is traumatic enough, but because of his size he’s often characterised as aggressive and strong when he’s always been gentle. Later in his life, Muriel was forced to fight and kill people against his will. I don’t think a lot of people get just how traumatic that is; not only being forced into doing Lucio’s bidding, but being forced to violently take someone’s life. I don’t blame him for leaving to live at his hut and resist connecting to anyone. It’s common for traumatized people to withdraw and isolate themselves, because the thought of getting hurt again is more frightening than being alone. But everyone needs human contact, and I think Muriel struggles a lot between wanting connection and contact (physical or emotional), between not wanting to get hurt again, to not feeling like he’s worth the effort. That struggle is something very close to my heart and that’s why I’m attached to him.
13. Opinion on Nadia?
Nadia has the biggest youngest sister complex and it’s almost amusing because I, too, have the same complex (even though I’m actually the older sibling!). Nadia, like me, feels like she’s always been compared unfavourably to her older sisters, and has felt like she has to work harder to prove she’s their equal.
It’s probably because she’s a Cancer like me. We have dual natures sometimes; the caretaker and the ringleader, who feel like we have to take it all on ourselves to get the job properly done, but who have moments where our self-doubt takes over.
I do find some aspects of Nadia’s route to be sort of odd, where it’s mentioned that the people of Vesuvia find her to be a tyrant. There’s literally no evidence to suggest that, so the only reasoning I can find next is she’s a woc. But race doesn’t matter in Vesuvia apparently so...what else could be the reason? Not to mention she’s been asleep for the past three years, so the people haven’t even seen the Countess in that time.
I feel like we didn’t really get to understand a lot about Nadia even from her route-why did she fall asleep? What on Earth did she see in Lucio? Why did she let him do all those bad things in Vesuvia before he died? (My initial thought was Cancers can be sloth-like and passive, so that could be why).
14. Opinion on Portia?
Of all the LIs I feel like it’s Portia I know the least about despite having probably the most appearances. Sure, she’s quirky and fun and cheerful, and that’s cute, but...what does she want? What does she fear? How does she feel about her brother being on trial?
I’m hoping we get to expand more of her personality in her route. I know her patron Arcana is the Star, so her route will likely be about learning to have faith in other people, but who knows.
15. What is your favourite Arcana card?
Justice. The Empress is a close runner-up.
16. Have you bought any of the official merch?
No, I refuse to give a single cent to Nix Hydra. (I really want those Tarot cards though hhh)
17. What is your favourite CG?
The one where Asra is sitting in the gondola. Squishy cheeks :3c
18. How many Arcana themed blogs do you have?
Three! This one, then I run an Ask Muriel blog at @ask-muriel-inanna and an Ask Asra blog at @ask-asra-and-faust
19. Do you draw any Arcana art? What is your favourite image you have drawn?
The cover I just did for my Arcana comic! I cant link but it's in #arcana comic and #my art
20. Self insert or apprentice insert?
Both are valid, but I have an apprentice OC.
21. Do you have an apprentice?
Yes I do! Their name is Daya
22. If there is one thing that could be made with the Arcana theme on it, what would it be and why?
Idk what this means I big dumb
23. What is your favourite ship?
Outside of the LI x MC ships I really do like Asriel and Portia/Nadia (but only if Portia isn’t her servant anymore).
24. What is your least favourite ship?
Muriel x Lucio, Asra x Lucio or Julian x Lucio. None of them would even consider ever touching Lucio with a ten foot pole and y’all know this.
25. On your first play through, what direction was your ending for the LIs?
Upright babey!!!!!
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icharchivist · 5 years
Thanks! Yeah I think it's not just Allen being beloved by Innocence so much that gives him a free pass. I do believe if every Exorcist had the desire for truth and selfless love for others that Allen had. They wouldn't be chained to the Order w/fear of falling. I think everyone has been conditioned to believe the Order/Vatican/Central is the only big good to obey they end up ignoring cases like Cross and Allen. Independant accomodators who make choices contrary to the Order. The Order does -
2 have some good parts. But overall it's so corrupted they might as well stop pretending they're even a accurate representation of what's opposite of the Noah Family. I mean I'd respect them more for being honest at any rate. =\ We don't truly know the origins of the Order. For all we know it had nefarious agendas/foundations from the start. They just promoted saving the world to attract more people or justify atrocities. Innocence doesn't care about the Order. The Order seems to not like,-
3 Innocence ether (or at at least fear it. Renee and Lveille know about Apocryphos and look terrified). The Order may not be worth saving in the end. It may cone to a point where the Exorcists have to decide serving it or following Allen's path. Lenalee and Komui could decide they not only can leave their prison. But if they want to (for all it's abuse, they made the Order their world. That's hard to separate from). The Order represents cycles of godless inhuman behaviour. Allen showed they can-
4 can leave. But only if they show the humanity to do so. If they are willing to fight and protect it for real. A way to end the war. Lenalee promise to fight if she could stay w/Komui. Kanda promised to fight to save Allen. Krory promised to fight to protect his friends (Allen and Lavi in particular). None of these tied to the Order. It's not just Exorcists. Johnny showed disgust and unwillingness to participate in the Orders crimes even before Allen left. Johnny choose humanity and choice.
I agree on how the Order mostly seem to behave in general.
I think the thing is also that I strongly believe Innocence is sentient - so while some innocence like Allen or Cross might give them a free pass, some others innocences may not be so kind. The risk of being a fallen so far seems to be only for exorcists in direct contact with their innocences (parasyte/crystal) and we have seen that despite Kanda’s will being mostly good, his innocence is still... threatening him. So I do think that the threat is well deserved because not all the innocence would be as kind as Crown Clown for instance. I personally don’t trust Lenalee’s for instance which puts her in a very difficult situation being a crystal type. 
The Order is... rotten and i do believe that the best thing would be for it to be over, but so must be the war because there would be chaos would the force of the innocence be unorganized. The problem with the Order is that they should have just helped organize how to help the soliders and where to send them (what Komui did mostly) instead of “what to do to win the war” that Lveille and Renee ecouraged. 
Ad there is something concerning tbh with the fact innocence let most of this slide without proper backlash. Tbh this is also one of my strong point for sentientness because Mugen in Kanda’s memories seem... so wary? of Kanda. Like... idk i see it as a stray cat for exemple which had lost its owner years ago, and had been beaten down and forced into things that didn’t want it, and now so wary about eventually coming back to its owner. There is this... sort of dicotomy where it is still possible for the Order to experience on the innocence itself and of innocence not doing anything to fight against it, whenever it can or not, if it is because it truly believe in the war or want to act for others. Miranda’s innocence’s actions were all about helping Miranda herself with no real idea of a bigger purpose, for the most part for exemple. While Lenalee’s, which Lenalee had always been clear she never wanted, ended up refusing to cooperate back with Lenalee until Lenalee proved to go further into her devotion for it. 
What I’m trying to say is that for the Innocence itself the Order might be the only organization they might trust for now, and as it is now, they have shown so much sentientness it is difficult to really narrow down how much the innocence would be willing to trust its accomodator instead of the rules set in place. Even if this “trust” is just into giving them a free pass as long as their motivations are pure.
When it goes for Lenalee specifically for instance, I feel like her insistance of her being “selfish only for the people she loves” (which comes from years of abuse from the Order after all), might have her running away send a very bad message to her innocence, specifically knowing that said innocence had been.... unaccomodating and sometimes harsh with Lenalee herself. There is no way to trust her innocence would be kind to her the way Mugen, an innocence who had followed Kanda since a past life, which had seen Kanda’s tortures and have an actual bound with him*, is with him. And it’s still taking into account Kanda’s had been threatening to fall him. (*one thing i noticed upon my reread is that Kanda is one of the few if not the only one I can think of who actually talked to his innocence in some random time. In Mattell before a fight he pulled his sword and said “let’s go, Mugen.” before actually entering a fight. To me it shows a connection and companionship Kanda acknowledges. And yet this very innocence still threaten to make him fall. So what about an innocence that had had less kinship with its owner, right?)
And in a way the thing is that, all the Exorcists leaving the Order is an impossible feat as far as it goes: the Order’s army are far greater than anticipated for instances, from finders to crows and we know the Vatican keeps a close eye on them. Would they all decide to run away to pursue their duty, they would always be in danger.Komui perhaps joined the Order for Lenalee but he ended up empathizing for everyone and I doubt he would let anyone go without being able to protect them. Even know everything he does is to try to protect the exorcists. And besides, would they actually all run away and fuckoff, I feel like the Order would still try to make new soldiers. New experiments. Komui, who remembers every name of every people who died in the experiments of the Order even well past before he arrived, would never be the kind of person to leave when he knows he can make a difference, even a slim one.
It is a bit harder to establish for others innocences and accomodators, but in a way i feel like everyone is a bit trapped for different reasons and the fact Allen and Kanda even managed to break away is huge. And the innocence had given more freedom to Allen, I believe also because Allen had proven himself already without needed to be tied to the Order. others innocences might not be that wise. 
I do believe the Order doesn’t like the innocence all that much - too hard to control, and such an unfair weapon, “pushing them to such extreme to attempt to win the war”. But how the innocence feel about it would be something for each individual innocence imo so this makes it far harder to actually encourage anyone to leave the Order if they don’t actually have a profound connection enough ith their innocence for their innocence to understand the goods the Exorcists would attempt to do on the way out. 
I do want the Order to be run into the ground because the Organization itself is rotten to its core, to its fundations, and there’s very little redeeming it without basically just throwing away all of its history and starting anew. But there are legit concerns about how there is no telling how each individual innocences would react, nor if the Vatican wouldn’t just start another project for the sake of it. 
Ultimately, the realization that they should be fighting for the sake of humanity rather than for the sake of ending the war would be the best end, and admirable, but if anything, the innocence hadn’t specifically been completely  encouraging of that. Plenty of exorcists don’t care much for the akuma they destroy for exemple, but this is something the innocence has to content with. (and I do believe this might adds kudos to Allen on how he himself see his innocence as a weapon that can save instead of a weapon that can destroy). Obviously the innocence cannot afford to be picky either, but it makes the “all in good faith” motivation to disemble an organization that has a huge tie with how the innocence behaved for centuries quite dangerous without understanding each personal innocence well. 
But yeah sorry i went on ramble on that dkjfhd but i do think the innocence matter makes it a lot more complicated to actually run away from how abusive the order is, because it’s.. basically still leaving with a timebomb and you don’t know when it would go off once you do leave, and the knowledge that this systematic abuse will still repeat itself. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”   If the Order is a cycle of abuse and everything awful about humanity, it has to be broken in some way, but it has to be done carefully knowing that the system runs deep and that people who have been involved in it can suffer backlash they may not be ready for.
Allen grew up with his innocence away from the Order and we don’t know the origins of his innocence, so his innocence could have reason to not care about the Order and care about what’s in Allen’s heart. Innocences that stayed longer in the Order like Kanda’s or Lenalee’s might far more trust in the Order than their accomodators’s, especially if those, like Lenalee, had been rejecting them to some point.
So it is a very complicated situation and it really does put the Order to shame that it is them misusing their ressources that push people to such extreme instead of accomodating them. And it does feel awful in comparaison to the Noah clan. I kinda am still haunted by the fact the Earl planned the Alma’s incident specifically because “the Order isn’t playing by the rules by using the Noah’s weapons”. In a way it shows how much the Order is all “end justifies the means” despite the fact that their means are horrifying and against everything they had been fighting for. And lbr, the Noah destroying everything, disregarding human lives and creating chaos, while their ultimate goal is to destroy all of humanity? It makes sense. It’s coerent. The Order, disregarding human lives, creating chaos, and creating a cycle of abuse, while their ultimate goal is to save all of humanity? Gives a bad taste on what is “worth saving”. It creates an horrible dicotomy where the Noah appears more honorable because they at least act coerent within themselves, while the Order is ready to believe they are all clean while committing horrors, because it’s the sort of sacrifice that are worth it. But like Allen said, basing a war on sacrifice is worthless. (i’m not saying the Noah are right either just to be sure, just that this leaves a bad taste that the people who will destroy all of humanity are more honorable. It’s not about “geez perhaps they’re right” it’s about “oh humanity look at how low you fell that our enemies are more honorable than you”)
I reaaally dislike the Order and i honestly sideeye the innocence a lot (but again, individual sentientness, so i guess it would be a case-by-case reasoning for most of them). It just... feels so complicated to me to properly leave it. Unless we destroy the Order for good, the others options are healing it from the inside or leaving it to rot and affect everyone involved. 
Bah I guess I just overthink everything. I just... think it’s a mess orz
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toshiro-46 · 6 years
Breakdown of why Elderburn is a chill ship
Elderburn is my second favorite Yang ship and my favorite Winter ship, and recently I was asked to "sell" it to someone. This post is the result of that.
Now as a disclaimer, this obviously is a straight up crack ship, at least until they meet.
And even then, there's other qualifiers.
Yang has to be into girls... which is actually really likely tbh, but that's because she almost definitely has feelings for Blake. Which kinda complicates things, because the only way Nuclear Winter is even a remote possibility is if she has feelings for Blake but she gets turned down because Blake is straight or w/e, which I have a hard time seeing happening. But if it does happen...
Winter has to be into girls, which is actually totally doable - in a pre-V3 facebook QnA, MK mention a character that would be seen soon who Monty was very adamant about the sexuality of (as in, the character being introduced is LGBT). There's a good chance they were referring to Winter. It would obviously be Scarlet, but Scarlet was actually already seen in V2 so I'm not sure how applicable that makes him to the quote. And Winter is really the only other significant character introduced in V3 so it's maybe her? Also she's possibly based on Elsa from Frozen and there's legit talks about Elsa having a girlfriend in Frozen 2, so that kinda works. Anyway, regardless of all of these maybes, it's certainly a possibility that she's into women so let's roll with that.
Now okay the way I see it, if Yang is turned down by Blake, she's probably gonna end up with another girl by the end of the series cause otherwise why introduce her sexuality? And the thing is that besides Blake, there's just not a lot of options among the current cast of females for her to end up with. There's basically just Weiss, Ilia, and Winter, unless they actually want to make some random character like Neon relevant. They could also introduce a whole new character but eh.
Ilia's probably the likeliest person she ends up with if Blake doesn't work out, but idk I think Weiss/Ilia would be more interesting and I'd really have to see Yang and Ilia's interactions before I'm sold on it because I just have no idea how they'd work. Ilia hasn't really had the chance to show us how she'd be outside of her identity as a Faunus freedom fighter, after all. Which is why Weiss/Ilia makes more sense than Yang/Ilia atm to me because they'd have an established dynamic from the get go.
Weiss is like... alright this might just be me but FB just makes no sense on on the level of... Yang dating Ruby's best friend is weird af and it kind of like makes all of RWBY a family except for Blake, like she's highkey just left out lol (unless they go for the HUGE BRAIN play of Ladybug). Also they got a super emotional talk in Volume 5... but it was all about Yang's feelings about Blake lol. I guess it could happen still though so it's probably still more likely than Elderburn.
It's worth noting that this ship actually took a hit after V5. Previously, neither Weiss nor Ilia were really options for Yang in the romantic department, which meant - if Yang was into girls - her options were pretty much Blake, someone new, no one, Winter, or Neon. But V5 revealed Ilia's sexuality and actually gave Weiss/Yang interactions so.
But let's get to why it's a cool ship.
We have three things to connect them:
They're both big sisters: And not only that, they were basically the sole parental figures for Weiss and Ruby, because their parents all fucked off. In fact I'd go so far as to say they're both similarly mature due to this experience, despite their difference in age. It's pretty prime material for developing a dynamic.
Ironwood: Yang earned the respect of Ironwood through her actions during the Battle of Beacon to the point where he gave her a prosthetic, and Winter clearly looks up to him immensely. There's potential for something there at the very least.
Qrow - they both get pretty pissed at Qrow's antics, I guess? Difference of course being that Yang clearly respects and trusts him, which Winter does not.
As I mentioned before, I think they're both similarly mature. Both have become accustomed to putting on a facade, though the nature of their facades differ quite a bit. Winter puts on a cold exterior but really loves her sister, while Yang is a lot more serious and thoughtful than she lets on. And Winter is actually just as - if not more - hotheaded than Yang, judging by how easily Qrow baits her.
Basically I think they're actually pretty similar, enough to find common ground, but different enough to keep things interesting.
And for me, they're my two favorite characters so...
Also besides all of this, they just look good together, they have fairly complementary designs, given the fire and ice motifs. So like... why not?
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mustloveallura · 6 years
i get rly grumpy about keith here, so i’ll put it behind a cut.
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crush. For one, culture and similarities is something that people will connect to. Loto/r was half altean and also had knowledge and abilities similar to her. She wasn't alone in her journey since he helped her gain access to that part of her people that had been lost. Everyone but Lance and Coran liked/trusted Loto/r (and Keith obviously wasn't concerned enough to come back). Allura didn't trust Loto/r right away. He had to prove himself. Which he did for a time. It's not hard to believe -
that Allura would be attracted to Loto/r. At that point she had shared big moments with both Loto/r and Lance. Loto/r was new and had a less defined dynamic w/her. Unlike Lance who had been just a friend/like family. Often times it's easier to forge a dynamic from scratch then re define a already existing one you've been comfortable with. It was all very new. I dont think she was in love with Loto/r. Rather she was reaching the point where she could have (then we find out Loto/r screwed up). -
It's not like someone can't be attracted to only just one person ever. A first love isn't always the lasting one. It's just life. And like life things change and move on. Allura's moved on from Loto/r and her and Lance are becoming even closer. Allura does possibly seem more confident with the idea of possibly re defining her relationship w/Lance. We just have to see how that goes.
they were all stressed as fuck, but keith’s reaction was really ugly and difficult to sympathize with. 
lance’s cruel remarks revealed how hurt he was by keith’s departure. this frustrating situation simply gave him the nerve to vocalize how he felt in a way that minimized his own vulnerability. lance was saying how much he cared about keith leaving while trying to pretend that he didn’t care at all. he even called him “mr. lone wolf”, highlighting that it was keith’s distance from them, rather than keith himself, that was so upsetting. he only even brought up the subject because keith was being an asshole anyway. 
what did keith’s cruel remarks, which he initiated, reveal? alfor, allura, and hunk--none of them had done anything to warrant him lashing out at them. in fact, he should have been grateful towards allura, considering she had recently revived his brother (which, btw, neither he nor shiro thanked her for).
idk, he just. he really disappointed me this season. i had really hoped that i’d like him more after he matured, but apparently not.
lance knew better than to blame allura for trusting loto/r--and he was there the whole time. keith had been away with the blades and his mother. what did he know about the situation? he hadn’t seen the lengths to which loto/r went to convince everyone, not just allura, that he was trustworthy and good. like you said, if keith was so concerned/suspicious, he could have, y’know, stopped by for a visit to check out loto/r himself, but apparently it wasn’t worth his time. 
i agree about allura and loto/r too--she had a crush, which had potential to develop into something more meaningful (if they ever talked about anything that wasn’t related to loto/r’s agenda, lol), and it was easier to act on because it was a fresh relationship. she didn’t really need to define it because loto/r had already established that serious possibility before she even trusted him (the proposal). 
i really don’t understand why people are so bothered by the idea of allura moving on from some handsome manipulative prince whom she kissed one (1) time. especially when the person whom she’d be moving on to is her best friend whom she openly cherishes and prioritizes, and had been approaching romance with before loto/r entered the picture and continued to get closer to even after she started crushing on loto/r. like??????????? 
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