#it wont even mean the same thing to everyone like whats the goal here
ofcowardiceandkings · 8 months
when your clickbait title is something as boring basic as "cosy games suck" im not even gonna acknowledge with a rage-watch, youre just being embarrassing
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keline11 · 5 months
Chayanne's recap.
Chay: "It's a long story"
Missa: "well, we better get a good chair because I want to hear it"
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Chay: "some men arrive in a boat"
Missa: "oh? I saw a crashed plane a moment ago... in a boat?"
Chay: "among them the naked man who wants to woo dad phil"
M: *laughs* "no no no no no, I am going to look for him and tell him 'no. philza was taken before you came here to the island'"
Chay: "then another egg arrived, his name is richarlyson"
M: "richarlyson~ :D"
Chay: "some eggs died"
M: "WHAT??... it can't be, what do you mean?"
Chay: "they only lost lifes"
M: "but- look, I'm sure that if you weren't here on the island, they wouldn't have any more, it would be the end, WE raised a warrior"
Chay: "even dad philza, tallulah and me had a nightmare"
M: "what? a nightmare?"
Chay: "it wasn't nice, everyone/we died"
M: "what?- what happened? for how long did I leave?"
M: "but it was only a dream, because, chayanne, you are the strongest warrior of the island"
Chay: "then a plane arrive with more people and another egg"
M: "oh I did see the plane"
Chay: "the egg is called pomme"
M: "pomme~ :D"
Chay: "and bobby died :("
M: "wha-? bobby died? roier and jaiden's son? what? but forever? did he lost his lifes?...no"
Chay: "yes... bobby chingon died... :("
M: "noo... and how is roier and jaiden?-"
Chay: "and I couldn't help him... those were hard weeks"
M: "oh god, but I wont leave anymore, I'll be here until the end, I returned, i returned and we won't let any other egg die"
Chay: "yesterday I went fishing with aunt jaiden, she looked better but... sad"
M: "nooo... do you know where she lives? let's go see her"
Chay: "Let's go! I haven't gone out in a long time, since I broke"
M: "Did you- did you broke?"
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M: "OH!! what- what happened to you? how did this happened??"
M: "It was someone? it was someone, I'll kill them, I will kill them"
Chay: "one day while sleeping we were kidnapped"
M: "wh-what?... megan... I mean quackity..."
Chay: "when I noticed I was broken, we were all broken"
M: "no... so, the same thing happened to all the eggs?"
Chay: "since then dad philza doesn't let me go out often"
M: *laughs* "so now you escaped, you are out without permission... like the old times, adventurers"
Chay: "he is really careful, doesn't want anything to happen to us"
M: "understandable, totally understandable"
Chay: "sometimes I go out to cultivate potatoes"
M: "carefully, I imagine"
Chay: "can it be our secret?" (pipipipi<tres)
M: "sure, son. while I am here you can be out, because I'll be with you to protect you, we'll be careful, because that crack makes me nervous"
Chay: "yesyes I am always careful"
M: "don't worry, I undestand that the potatoes are a new hobby of yours, and boy, you've done quite well. So I can't deprive you of it.
Chay: "My goal is 500,000 potatoes"
M: "you can do it, I am sure you can."
Then chayanne trow potato crates to him.
End <tres
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I know Geto is like a big sore spote in the whole fandom and i might be a bit insane, but i do love his story specifically because i dont think there is a way to fix it
We are being shown that well, he got really depressed and went into self isolation. In most cases, the best course of action would be to remove him from distress and have time to heal. The issue is that Geto couldnt just leave — he believes he needs to kill curses, and to become stronger he needs to eat them which distresses him further, and if he leaves people will die, and he cant ignore that just to keep himself sane. For a man like him if he head a specific goal to become strong for, i dont think the eating process would have been such a big issue, but we have to have a big distinction that jujutsu sorcerer is, at the end of the day, a profession. You’re not a chosen superhero to save the world. Those growing up in clans may have a worse childhood, but growing up with understanding that yes curses exist its part of nature does make it easier to bear. Which is one of reason why Gojo, even while having all the trauma, didnt have such gripes with reasons or goals — this is a life he was born into.
Thinking of sorcery as more than a job makes you perceive yourself as more of a hero, and heroes are good and just and get recognition. Non sorcerers dont know about them. Geto fell into a trap of doing something for others and despairing. Its easier not to think about that shit when you’re naturally good at it, and you have fun — which is why Amanai situation and Gojo becoming stronger was so bad. Now he went on missions alone, which meant no company to distract him, and now it was no longer all fun shits and giggles, its a job full of tragedies. Considering Gojo was targeted since birth, we can assume he killed people before Toji, death is, unfortunately, familiar to him. Not for Geto — not seeing someone you care about die right before you, and certainly not being that close to death himself. He’s not longer the best at it, and its no longer fun, and he gets no recognition. Tobe precise, those are not bad thinks to want — we all want them. But if you dont get them here he would have been better to ya know. Find another job probably
Like the worst part about this whole thing is that some shit like that would have happened eventually one way or another, they’re not invincible. Childhood would eventually end, and in a way Geto spiraling is inevitable. The system is inherently flawed, and the issue they deal with is cruel. Some jobs are much more dangerous and have a detrimental effect on your mental health — its just that no one thought to give jujustu sorcerers some help, which is another problem. Adding the fact that he’s neither a saviour being thanked by everyone, or a strongest, yeah, he can’t figure out how to do this shit.
In AUs, I do think there are ways he could have handled it. Like if Gojo wasn’tin school, maybe he took his whole education with the clan? Or my au where he’s in a prison realm for centuries? Like yeah, sure, if Geto was the strongest, the only person here, i do think he would have probably felt invaluable. Youre great for your profession, you were born for it, why would you leave?
This may be projecting, but i do think his way of thinking about it is inherently flawed, a very slippery slope. People need a goal, a meaning, but looking for it outward is a sure way to get yourself into a slump, I went through this shit in a nasty manner when everything i did revolved around other people. Basing your decisions on what others would think is an easy way to pretend like its not your responsibility. This is why Gojo tells Megumi to be selfish and this is why during the entrance exams Yaga says that others wont appreciate your actions and you cant base your motivations off others.
Thats the ultimate tragedy, the fact that thinking like Geto did is ridiculously easy. You go into uni on the same course as your friend just to be with them and when something goes wrong your first thought would be that you did that for them, even thought its your life choices and decision. Yeah.
I have no conclusions for you, just some ramblings. I like my Geto mean and fucked up and insecure, makes him so real and relatable as a person.
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enden-k · 6 months
Can I ask what makes Arlecchino evil? I'm v much a villain enjoyer and like some morally greyness, but I genuinely didn't pick up on a lot of bad stuff with Arlecchino. She was super helpful during Fontaine and seemed to be the only powerful person who cared about helping the common folk when the water levels were rising.
I'm not here to start an argument, just wanna expand my view 🙏
dw didnt think u want to argue! i will also use this to say i wont tolerate arguments, this goes for everyone here
i will talk about sensitive themes under the cut (mentions of when i was groomed/emotionally abused by my adoptive father/mentions of abuse/grooming in general) so if someones not good with this, be warned please and dont click for your emotional comfort.
i really love arlecchino (theres also difficult, personal reasons ig) and id rather wait for her to arrive to get more information than we have so far through other characters/side quests/main quest but well.
her goals aligned with ours in the fontaine quest which is why we have the impression shes a good/nice person, especially considering our other meetings with the harbingers we met so far (signora, childe, scara, dottore) and the situations. shes very calm and diplomatic (lets see how it changes in the next update when we fight her)
but we shouldnt forget how the travellers on their toes the entire time/everytime they come in contact with arle. its because shes a harbinger after all. shes a danger. her graceful politeness and calmness is supposed to have you on guard, make your hairs rise. shes mentioned to be manipulative and shes manipulating others to achieve what she wants by being nice and calm. she has ulterior motives. we should be careful. this is my impression based on my own gaming experience and idk if it was the same w others, but bc of us being on guard around her i was always prepared for her to turn on us until the end of the main quest.
anw, arle is supposed to be intimidating and have you wary. even tho she comes off as nice and polite, having done good and helped in the main story. its bc thats what she wanted and you happened to have the same goal. also lets not forget scaras and childes thoughts about her which already tells a lot
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she has two sides. the one we saw in the quest, the graceful, calm, polite face to get what she wants. and the other, the one scara and childe talk about here, the one they call "crazy"
not to mention her codename, "the knave". what does it mean? servant. what else does it mean? "dishonest/deceitful man". basically, swindler. isnt it perfect?
shes manipulative and whatever her "true" nature is, we dont know (yet). she may have "good intentions" here or there but will achieve them no matter what it takes.
as for the thing you can consider as bad; the house of the hearth is an orphanage that raises children into fatui agents. only those who have potential join the ranks while the others are kept close (its not known whats done with them afaik). theyre basically grooming/raising child soldiers/spies.
before the sensitive stuff comes up, for the ppl who dont want to proceed, arlecchino fools/manipulates you into thinking shes a nice person/good parent. its amazing and so in character for her. its also scary how some ppl cant see the abuse/manipulation unless you went through this too or well. just actually read and realize it.
arlecchino is an emotionally manipulative parental figure. now, this is coming from someone who went through heavy abuse/was groomed by their adoptive father who was extremely manipulative and i spot so many things very well known to me. others who went through the same get this feeling. these signs you immediately recognize.
you get punished for the tiniest mistakes and when you get loved, it makes you forget all that was done to you, just for that tiny bit of affection you crave. you try to do your best, to do everything asked and expected of you, not to disappoint the only parent you have and youre dependent on, to be a good kid deserving of love and when you slip up youre in shambles. there was a time i did a tiny mistake by accident and my father said to me in the coldest voice "you broke my trust" and i remember so vividly how it broke me, how i cried until i got sick. i was physically abused before and none of it hurt me more than this. it still gets to me after all those years. emotional manipulation is cruel
what im trying to say is, she came in a time of need. taken as a savior while it just is one abuser swapped out with another. like my adoptive father having me dependent, giving me love i never received and being everything i wanted, making me believe hes everything i need, a common thing abusers do. wanting to do everything youre asked of and do it good, the fear of disappointing and being punished, believing you deserved it bc its your fault and treating your abuser like a savior, being conditioned. this is whats happening.
now, arle genuinely loves and protects her children; its very clear that the life of the children matter to her the most (look at childes line and freminet/lynette etc) - she was one of them too after all. so, its possible to love and still do these. moral greyness etcetc
anyway idk if its understandable or if i can explain it in proper words while maintaining a good distance so ill add the voicelines of the siblings heavily implying this, and also a tweet adressing this that brings it to proper words, better than i can say
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tweet here bc tmblr doesnt insert the link properly
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sageistri · 3 months
what else did the jk stan say? i'm not mad about it, i'm just curious to know what else they said because even i have noticed that pjms are too hard on jimin, the way they talk about him sometimes, you wont be able to tell the difference between them and his antis. i think i am the same too sometimes. i can't help it, i hold him to impossible standards and i always have to talk some sense into myself.
it's interesting when another stan notices something like this. i do think that there exist jjks who can be mature and logical
They didn't say anything more, they were arguing with a pjm and made that statement and it was interesting because they were being adamant about it and i disagreed at the time and actually wanted to make a post about it but I forgot. But now in light of everything, I can't help thinking they have a point. Their statement wasn't actually the basis of my post, it was just something I remembered when I was typing.
No other stan complains about their fave and his decisions as much as pjms do. And that is the edge they have over pjms. You will never see a jk Stan making any complaints about him and they seem to embrace those parts of him that we see as horrible. E.g the whole bullying thing.
I mean It's a good thing, constructive criticism and all but honestly sometimes it's exhausting to even try and criticise jimin in anyway as a fan because the moment you say something like "oh i don't really like this, it's not for me" here people go talking about
"yeah me too, i hate that he does this, i'm so tired of everything. It's so hard to stan him. This is so boring and tacky. It's horrible. This era is going to be a flop. This is such a downgrade from this concept or song he released years ago. I wish he would do this instead"
so I understand why some pjms would prefer everyone swallowed their complaints but like I said before, that shouldn't be encouraged. It would be better if everyone would learn to give their opinions without going off the rails but they can't.
It's always one or the other. It's either they don't want you to say anything bad at all and would prefer it if you swallowed everything without a single complaint regardless of your feelings or you have those who already started to resent him over certain things and are just waiting for you to give them an opportunity to shit on him.
And yes you stan someone because you like them (duh!) but not really "like" them because you don't respect them. Over the years they stopped being someone you got into because you connected with them and have now turned into a client of some sort and your only goal is to see them succeed commercially. If they don't, you resent them because you think all your effort was for naught or you could come to see them as an unwanted child that you've been saddled with, you don't actually love them anymore but you think you have to support them because it's your responsibility and you are still attached and you lash out when they don't give you the results you want or act the way you'd prefer. You like them we know, but you wouldn't if you could help it because according to some of you " the bad is starting to outweigh the good".
You can love and support someone but deep down still see it as a chore because of a lot of reasons but you can't stop because you can't help yourself.
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kzele · 2 years
The Man Behind The Spider 5(?)
@hermesserpent-stuff and I did a back and forth convo. I was Peter and they were Tombstone. This is legit copy-pasted from our chat with their permission.
Tombstone: how much does the spider pay u?
Peter: What? That's. . .Look, it's really not about the money, alright?The Bugle pays me for Spider-man photos. That's it.
Peter: *not liking the sound of that* You have something to say? Not everyone is in it for the money, you know.
Tombstone: then why cover for him? Why do you make his gear, take his photos, and presumably do other things for a person who seems more of an endangerment to you and yours than any sort of benefit?
Peter: Because he's also saved me and mine a lot. Before either of us had anything to do with the Bugle, he saved Mr. Osborn from dying and Harry got to still have two parents. If I can help make sure that no one else has to get hurt, I will. Money or no money.
Tombstone: ah I see.
Peter: *raises a disbelieving eyebrow* You do?
Tombstone: somewhat. Blood loyalties are the hardest to break. Especially among good men. And I think you are a good man at heart Peter.
Peter: *flushes* I, uh, thank you? But I think just about anyone could do the same.
Tombstone: *shaking his head slowly* I can count on my hand the men who would rather fight and die for loyalty. The number that would turn against their own brother or anyone who's saved their sorry skin is akin to the number of stars in the sky.
Peter: You're getting pretty philosophical. Maybe you don't see many of them with your lifestyle, but they are there. It sucks you haven't been able find them around you, though.
Tombstone: Im not sure if your optimism is born of youth, foolishness, or is some inherit personal trait. And perhaps your right. But I've lived many lives with many faces. Trust that I might have picked up some wisdom along the way.
Peter: Don't see what's foolish about finding a reason to get out of bed in the morning. My aunt and uncle are *pause* and were good at finding a way of looking up, so it's definitely not an age thing. And besides, isn't the whole point of wisdom knowing you haven't experienced everything yet?
tombstone: *there is a note of delight in his smile* it seems you have had some very valuable teachers. And youre not incorrect. Wisdom relies on learned experience and seeing that you have not experienced all there is to learn. Though patterns tend to speak for themselves. as they say: history does not repeat itself. but it often rhymes.
Peter: *relaxes and smiles back a little* The best teachers. Makes learning from experience much more fun. Glad we're on the same page with something, then.
Tombstone: *immensely pleased* Indeed.
Peter: Sooo, where do we go from here? How are you going plan around me now? Since you decided not to threaten me and stuff.
Tombstone: *he lets out a hum of consideration* I think it would be unwise to tell you. You have the ear of my enemy after all. But rest assured, my network wont bother you. Unless strictly necessary.
Peter: *rolls eyes* That's all I wanted to know. I'm not dumb enough to think you'll just let me in on your detailed plans. But what exactly do you mean by *air quotes* strictly necessary?
Tombstone: I dont think Ill elaborate. I do believe you would find reason to be irritated with the guidelines I have in mind
Peter:. . .How do I know if I crossed a line then? *frowns* Also, how did you come across me at all today? I would have thought I was too far beneath you for you to notice me.
Tombstone: *sidestepping the first question* I make it a goal of mine to keep a thumb on the pulse of the underground. and you have entered one of her main arteries. Working for spiderman will gain you many eyes. Including mine
Peter: *narrow eyes* That's not an exact answer for my second question and you didn't even answer my first. Did you talk to someone I know about me and they told you where to find me?
Tombstone: So you wont turn on spider-man but you expect me to turn on my source of information? *teasing* For shame.
Peter: *crosses arms* When it concerns people I know, yes. It's not like I'm asking you for a list of underworld informants. Was it Jonah? I know he donates to your charities. Or what about Mr. Osborn? You two run into each other from time to time and catch up on rich people things?
Tombstone: What benefit does it give me to tell you who my informant is?
Peter: . . .Are you actually saying you want something in return for that info? You're the one who cornered me using someone I know as an informant.
Tombstone: *shaking hsi head slightly* no. I did not mean to imply that. Rather, that would end in a burnt bridge where i get no more information from that source for other things. Though the bridge may be burned anyways, given that we have spoken, despite their... reservations
Peter: *thinking it over* Not Jonah, then. He's totally bought into your public persona. Same with May. I can't see Captain Stacy being happy about giving you info but I can't see that being called a burnt bridge either, since you two don't hang. I'm not in contact with the Connors now since I was let go. Burnt bridge crosses out anyone my age, which leaves Mr. O?
Tombstone: *smiles with a little more teeth, definitely pleased* Oh, you are quite quick on your feet. Im not going to confirm or deny. But your logic is sound.
Peter: *sighs* I'm quick enough to know that's as close as I'm going to get to a yes.
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simonxriley · 2 years
OCs As Literary Archetypes!
I was tagged by the wonderful @corvosattano and @nightbloodraelle to do this uquiz. Thank you! 💜
Tagging @playstationmademe @nightwingshero @sstewyhosseini @baldurrs @jinfromyarikawa @leviiackrman @chuckhansen @chazz-anova @phillipsgraves @kittiofdoom @detectivelokis and anyone else that want's to do it!!
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The Creator
you're scared that you'll die and your entire life will just disappear into the void of history. you want to leave your mark, even if it's just a small sign that you were here. that you were alive. oh but you probably want it to be original to you, you're not interested in what has already been done. you want to create something new, and you wont truly rest until it comes to fruition.
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The Magician
well, arent you detached from reality. i dont mean in a delusional sense, i mean you purposefully distance yourself from everything and everyone. you have people you're close to, of course, but they're always kept at arms length. you're incredibly driven though, achieving your goals is extremely important to you. you feel trapped in the life you have now, it's not enough for you. you need more, always more. you are so hungry, and if you’re not careful, you’ll only end up consuming yourself.
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The Ruler
you probably grew up in an environment where everything was policed, you had almost no control over your own life. now, you need to be in constant control, lest those feelings of helplessness return. however, the ruler is the most easily corrupted of the archetypes, remember that. you might find yourself not only wanting control over your own life, but the lives of others. that in itself is not a bad thing, so long as you’re benevolent and kind, but it’s easy to be tipped a bit too far into your desires. in the same vein, don’t shoulder all of your responsibility alone. while it is ultimately their decision to make, a ruler also has a circle of advisors around them.
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The Caregiver
you've spent so long taking care of others, you don't know what to do with yourself if you aren't. you probably suck at taking care of yourself though, maybe you feel like you aren't worthy or deserving. but deep down, i know you wish to be cared for too. you want someone to show you that you are worth even just half the effort you put into caring for other people. dont neglect yourself.
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The Siren
this archetype is one of the most misunderstood and misrepresented in my opinion, which i assume fits with you nicely. people see you as some cold and awful person, seducing others only to discard them when you get bored. in reality, you probably didn’t have a lot of control over your life before, did you? this is the same case as the ruler, both lacking in power and autonomy. the difference between you and the ruler, however, is that you only care about reclaiming that power for yourself. you also seek the feeling of being wanted, truly and wholly, and this quest seems never ending. try your best to avoid putting yourself into horrible situations just for a brief moment of respite from the loneliness.
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sparring-spirals · 2 years
It’s about the
We deserve a soft ending my love
We’re good people and we’ve suffered enough
I mean what a fucking end it would be huh
But also I don’t want them to die so close to their goal so I 100% get your point
They didn’t research in all-nighters and worked so hard for it to End Like That.
Well, what I've learned from this ask is that I apparently have an unspoken, maybe unearned confidence that Matt wasn't going to put any of the prior PC-now-NPC's into a significant amount of danger? Or not the same level of danger as the PC's. Like- they're all hanging out trying to prevent the world ending, so there's a kind of inherent level of danger there. But there are ways to handle that that don't involve, like, rolling con saves and attack throws and stealth and death saving throws for each of them for the whole thing. (As cool as that COULD be).
(Also: Failure by no means equates to death! In most cases it probably wont! Im almost certain that, worst case, if the world ends here it will do so in a way that neccessitates folks go save it.)
That said! I could be wrong. So. Exploring that option. Hmm.
(bear with me, this gets a little off topic)
I think there's a kind of love that comes from a PC turning into an NPC, specifically after a whole campaign has concluded, with a happy epilogue. You're right- they deserve a happy ending, a soft epilogue. And the funny thing is- they got one! Technically! They got their flashforwards and the cast painting lovely pictures, and they did their whole. World ending and we saved it and most importantly saved ourselves and each other and augh okay no getting distracted with c2 campaign ending feels.
But technically, they got one, they finished their stories and did their growth and got their soft conclusions. Beau returns to Yasha after hard days and Caleb grows green beans and shares fond stories with Essek when he drops by, and dinners with Veth and Yeza and his tower with all of the Mighty Nein. They got it! They are currently in it.
Matt has now, risen them back as NPC's, and that's both very different and its own form of love, too. Their story ended, but this way, we get this reminder that the characters didn't. My favorite aspect of the epilogues was that they all left room for the characters to keep going. Keep growing, keep fucking up- irrevocably changed by the journey, new paths opened up, better for it. But not crystallized. Their story, the campaign, ended, but they didn't.
and so having them as NPC's is kind of the epitome of that, right? In the same way that my idle headcanon about Beau going with Fjord and Jester and Kingsley on trips under the guise of Cobalt Soul work, serving as first mate, could potentially mean everyone getting snapped up by some fuck all huge sea leviathan. Its nice to think of these characters going on and doing things in the background, things they want to do, and are free to do, even if the things make me go "God DAMMIT what are you doing here i thought you guys were SAFE AT HOME where i wouldnt need to WORRY ABOUT YOU ANYMORE".
You're right- it would be a fucking shame, so close to the end, after all that work and all those all-nighters. But there's something vaguely comforting about knowing that Beau and Caleb chose to do this, that they've had years now, of being happier and free and content and choosing to chase down these assholes and stop them from hurting others and ruin their plans. And that if things go sour- they chose it, they were happier for it, they knew what they were getting into and, backing each other up, walked into it with their eyes open.
But yeah, they better not fucking die.
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piqued-curiosity · 2 years
#misogyny isn’t okay just because you don’t like somebody
but you have shielded the people that was about repeatedly.
Just soon back you were reblogging black pills and telling us, oh stupid bi women, stop getting "hung up on" being called dick worshipers, say you're identical to tims, and having your abuses discredited. Ohh fine you say, maybe she should use nicer words to say same things, but she is very right, listen to the things of real importance not your stupid little rape statistics or whatever. Of course she is not a misogynist no no, she is insightful and it is based that everyone reblogs those things. So you get annoyed at bis because they wont ignore misogyny and biphobia, you don't get annoyed at misogyny or your friends reblogging it. wau!
Then just now you get so angry bisexuals dare say we should not feel shame for any aspect of bisexuality. You pretend that post said "het relationships are oppressed by gay people" so you can move the straw man into the goal posts, but what it actually said was that bisexual people are degraded and internalize shame about OSA, even in het relationships. You ignore how first post was bisexuals telling other bisexuals, and literal example in next post was bi woman saying about herself. Yet you pretend its bisexuals forcing gay people to worship us. Reach.
Could not be that its about how people call us dick worshipers, degenerates, sex beasts without love, kink freaks without boundaries, that is bi womens fault if they get raped for being sluts, and even worse things? all that affects us, gets in our heads? But no of course saying those things is fine against a dick worshiper. Well for us is not fine, we feel pain that our fellow bisexuals internalize those things deep in their hearts and it makes them alone and afraid, only you can think that is evil and homophobic somehow. Hetero relationships are celebrated but that does not mean bisexuals or bisexuality are celebrated by heteros, the statistics on the abuse and everything prove that very much. But no of course you ignore any of that to tell us to go "touch grass" as if hetero world is peace for us. Then when the reality reveals itself and the heteros are - the gasping here! - homophobic, you are first in line to coddle the people that tell us we are playing victim and our rape and other abuse is not real compared to what homosexuals feel.
I do not think you are against misogyny, misogyny is fine against bisexuals you by how treat it. You are not getting angry at misogyny you are getting more angry at bisexuals for not putting up with it. What you are against is seeming of misogyny and only just barely.
Oh my fucking god here we go again.
I apologised. I admitted I was wrong. I meant it. And yet you still come at me like this. Honestly you’re just making it clear that I’ll never be good enough for you. If you have such an issue with me and with accepting that I’m both a human and a learning feminist meaning I will make mistakes, just block me.
This whole time I’ve disagreed with language like “dick worshippers”. I’ve made that clear and I don’t know how many times I have to do so for you to stop pretending I haven’t. And even if I was once out there yelling misogynistic language at bi women (which I was not), me reblogging the post speaking against it should make you think “good, she’s changed”, not “ooo let me tell her off for reblogging a post about the issue I want her to address”???? Talk about not leaving room for growth.
The post you’re referring to…I EXPLICITLY STATED I DISAGREED WITH WHAT YOU ARE MENTIONING. Because I am able to read a text critically, I took the good bits which were the criticism of lesbophobia from bi women (and tbh I think you probably take issue with this too, because how dare we talk about anything other than uwu wlw solidarity), and acknowledged it wasn’t perfect. One of the first things I pointed out in my reblog was that I disagreed with saying bi women and TIMs were the same, so you acting like I agree with that is either you ignoring what I said, or being intentionally obtuse.
I agree bisexuals shouldn’t feel any shame for being bisexual. I also agree that a lot of bisexuals get hilariously pissy when gay people don’t give a shit about their OSA and opposite sex relationships. Tbh I’m actually not sure what specific post you’re talking about here because just tonight I’ve seen so many posts where OSA people cry about their het relationships not being seen as “queer” or “gay enough” or some shit. But look, I don’t believe anyone can truly feel shame regarding OSA, because the whole fucking world celebrates and encourages OSA. And I don’t think any homosexual needs to give even an ounce of compassion to OSA people crying to us about how much they don’t like being OSA, because we’re too busy focusing on the victims of homophobia (before you get angrier with me, I’m talking about both gay and bi victims of homophobia).
If you want to talk about the negative stereotypes about bisexuals, or the degrading language used to discuss specifically bisexual women, then talk about that! I’ll support you! But you can do that without making it about how it’s so so hard to be OSA. Idk maybe you’re talking about some post I’ve forgotten about that I misinterpreted and it really is talking about everything you’re saying and isn’t pulling the “gay people make it so hard to be OSA” card, because I’ve seen a bunch of those posts on my dash recently so they’re fresh in my mind and are what I’m thinking of while responding to this. So just know if that’s the case idk what post you’re talking about, and I’m strictly talking about the kweers who cry about people thinking their m/f relationships are straight, and being upset that gay people don’t want to hear about their OSA.
I know in my heart that I’m against misogyny, you can think what you want of me. But in my humble opinion, I think you have a very black and white perception of me that doesn’t allow for realising mistakes and growing from them.
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dating-psychology-101 · 6 months
"Do women simp over extremely good-looking men?
Have men given up on women?
Why are some men simping for women and have no standards when it comes to dating?
There is another side to this. It doesn’t simply happen in a vacuum. You see, women are also exhibiting equally dysfunctional behavior. And social media is a key component to it.
The men are simping out of desperation, it’s extremely difficult for many of them to get a woman, as such they’ve sunk to new lows trying to attract one. Or just given up entirely and going for the nearest semblance of it. The other side of this is that the women are all now promiscuous and chasing only the absolute top of all men, they all will only date a 10, and think if they sling enough sex at them they’ll snag th
Society brainwashes men to be in this simp culture. Being the male provider, paying the whole date, buying her gifts, paying all of her bills, giving the girl money, being a “gentleman” that runs to open the car door(when she can easily don't it herself), walking on the outside of the side walk to sheild a women from passing car so the man can get dirty instead are all apart of simp culture. If you have dignity, self respect and arent a coward you wont Simp/Grovel/ put women on a pedestal.
Maybe if we men stopped simping for women so much, we could finally get girlfriends. Right now the female ego has been inflated to an unjustifiably high level. Do you agree with me?
Yes stop simping. She Will never suck your dick.
Like everyone says it's desperation created by feminism. It's years in the making. Feminism is essentially the female nature at work. Low, sneaky, petty and conniving. But feminism blinded us with their flaws and red flags that are right in front of us. They basically have no shame in the game as long as they get the attention they want. At the end of it all just like in a movie the plot twist is that woman are the biggest failures not men. Sorry to be mean and frank but it's been a long time coming and many men have struggled because of this issue.
Because many of them are midgets. They can’t get women any other way but to beta bux and be a cuck
How do people avoid/stop becoming a simp?
Start by respecting YOURSELF.
No matter how attractive a person may LOOK, if they are asking you do act in ways that violate your own respect, your own rights, and your own values, WALK AWAY.
How do I avoid ‘nice guy syndrome’ in a relationship?
Be honest. Be honest about who you are, what you want, and how you want to live your life.
Want to date someone? Stop putting friendship tokens into your lady friends and ask them out.
Want sex? Ask for it.
Not interested in a long term relationship? Say it and own it.
Want a commitment? Ask for it. If you don’t get it, move onto someone who wants the same things you want.
Understand yourself. Know what you want. Go after your goals. Live your life. Nothing is sexier than confidence.
What are some things men get wrong about women?
I’m a guy, so maybe I’m not the best qualified, but recently I had an experience that pointed out a bit of a misconception men have.
I was at a speech festival yesterday. Basically, speech is a competitive performance event where you go compete in public-speaking, acting, improvisational acting, etc. This festival was a workshop for those skills.
Now, I’m an extrovert. A massive extrovert. When I’m around new people I get a tremendous amount of energy and I am extremely outgoing. So throughout the day, I talked and interacted with lots of random people just for fun.
During the lunch, I even went
What do most men get wrong in approaching women?
Hi. First…I don’t ever want to over-generalize, as there are very few things that “most men do” in approaching women. They are certainly all individuals. Also, older men are often much better at approaching us because they’ve learned what gets them shot down.
Here are things that don’t work:
Trying to be something you’re not. I kid you not, once I was in a bar with a friend when I was in my 20’s, and these two dudes, around our ages at the time, came up and started talking to us. We were all like, OK…they’re kind of cute and all…until one of them tried to tell us, in a very serious, conspiratorial tone, that they were “secret agents.” My response? “Well, you’re not very good at it, are you?”
Listening to those booger-eating-level-stupid “pick up artists.” OK, look, you don’t need a damn “strategy.” Be kind, be polite, be interesting, be clean, be well-dressed. Tell us about your life in short doses (save how your ex broke your heart for the 5th date, of course, but you know…). Even if what you’re looking for is a one night romp in a hotel room, you still don’t need a strategy. You need an eye for picking up on the vibe of a woman who would be open to it.
Not knowing what you want. I’m not talking physical characteristics, here. I’m talking about having a clear understanding of what you seek. Like above, if you want a one night stand, then don’t waste your time trying to talk a girl or woman into doing that who just simply doesn’t want to do it, just because you think she’s hot. Learn to read people. If you’re looking for a girlfriend, maybe just decide that all you want that night is a foot in the door. Invite “her and her girlfriends” to “a party my buddies and I are having this weekend.” Then, when they show up to your party (“Dude…I need to use your pool on Saturday. I know, but I asked a bunch of girls to come to a party and now they’re coming and I live in a studio. Do me a solid, OK?”), be nice to ALL OF THEM, EVEN THE UGLY ONES. Hellz, ESPECIALLY THE UGLY ONES. Women watch how you treat women with whom you don’t want to have sex, and if you knew the numbers on the amount of times a man was gonna get some from me before he treated my overweight friend like shit, you’d need a drink.
Not being realistic. No, that daughter aged girl doesn’t want you. She wants your son. OK? Sure, some girls like older. Older is like 10 to 15 years. Not 30 years.
Assuming that she’s too pretty for you. I had a friend in college who was so stunningly beautiful that most girls didn’t want to be her friend and men either practically pissed themselves in her presence or treated her like a piece of meat. She was so lonely and had horrible self-esteem because women actively hated her (I was her only friend, seriously) and had literally never had love. All she wanted was a boyfriend who would be nice to her.
Wrong time/wrong place. Know where you’ll find women for no strings sex? On vacation. If that’s what you want, put yourself where it’s more likely that you’ll get it. Other good ones…conventions. Don’t go looking for a one night stand at a church social. Learn to improve your odds by thinking a little. See, THAT’S the kind of “strategy” you need. Not the kind that tells you to say this or that.
Approaching us to tell us how much you like how we look. This happens when young men have alcohol. “Hey…your body’s amazing. I like you. Wanna dance?” Not anymore I don’t. We know if we’re pretty or not. We know if we have big boobs. Don’t tell us about it. Tell us about you"
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princessflorida · 1 year
well, it's been a long time since i've done a personal post. just feel like i need to announce this somewhere other than inside my own fucking head. things are changing, i've changed. and i think a lot of people wont agree with me and that's just too bad for them. its my life.
I'm never telling anyone my future plans ever again. i have a few options for plans and i'm still considering them.
i have decided I'm choosing my own happiness and now will base literally every decision on whether it feels right and my intuition likes it.
i have gone through so many ego deaths and awakenings i can't relate to anyone i know anymore. i'm pretty sure most of the people in my life can't be trusted and i know they can't be confided in. i'm trusting myself from here on out.
what some may think of as "delusional" i see as driven. i'm going to start cutting heads off one by one (not literally i mean out of my life) for anyone i know doesn't support my goals and achievements. and best believe i have a backup plan for everything but that's cute and all because the main plan is truly the only option that comes to fruition.
i don't care if i have to lose everything and everyone to achieve my goals because i really don't have much to lose. i doubt that would happen but i'm willing to risk anything. i don't care what anyone thinks of me and the only reason i keep my plans private is not for fear of judgements but because i believe peoples thoughts and energies (including mine) affect the unfolding of reality. feelings and thoughts become hardened into actions and events, how could anyone say they don't change the world? it's preposterous.
anything that doesn't align with what i desire simply just doesn't exist to me. if i don't like it or find it unhelpful it simply just isn't real and won't be in my life. i have exactly what i want and i will use it to my advantage. everything i deliberately think and speak becomes my reality and it took me far too long to realize that. it doesn't matter "how" or "how long" it takes because time is an illusion that only seems to be linear when you inhabit a flesh body. everything is already happened and happening right now. people have much more control over things than they think they do. like toddlers wielding flame throwers and wondering why their house is on fire. i wont participate in such lack of awareness.
i see through people so easily now it's often horrifying and disheartening. even people who seem to have good intentions for you are still usually limited to what their ideas of "good" are and if you want or think or do something outside of that they treat you like youre crazy. even if it's something not harmful to you or anyone else they act like it's bonkers.
i'm tired of people, even people i don't even know, referring to the things that i go through as a mental health issue or "spiritual psychosis". there is literally no balance and its divided into 2 extremes: the religious fanatic who hates science or the science minded who degrade everything spiritual into an "illness". both lines of thinking come from western imperialist and colonial degradation and destruction of nonchristian beliefs and cultures from all over the world. they either want to put you down with a textbook or put you down with a Bible. even when science is starting to prove the theories I've had for years about quantum mechanics, antimatter etc. they will go back to science from 10 plus years ago to solidify how crazy they think you are.
how is it crazy if it always comes true? how is it crazy for me to see a very specific object in a very specific place in a dream then be able to go and find that object the next day. same with events and people. it takes years of studying and training to be able to develop this level of pattern recognition and skill of discernment and frankly I'm tired of not giving myself credit for it. it pisses me off.
how are people going to do things like beg me for tarot readings and spells then get surprised when it comes true. i'm not a beginner witch throwing lemons and rosemary into jars because i saw it on tiktok. i have spent years studying so many different practices my head spins trying to remember them all. i have done extremely serious and intensely precise ceremonial rituals that most people, even witches, simply don't have the patience or the gall for. i don't even really like to use the word spiritual bc of what all the new age starseed racist nutcases have done with it but idk what other word to use. you may say it's hypocritical for me to call them nutcases but i really dont feel bad for anyone who's in the alt right pipeline. it didn't take me very long to stop studying things rooted in n4zism because i have Google and a conscience and i know those mfs have Google...
i have seen so much, but i will never say it was too much. the only time i ever felt like it was too much was because i wished to be blind and stupid again like those i saw often around me. i probably seem angry and pretentious in this and the truth is i am angry. I'm tired of acting like i haven't done or learned much and I'm tooting my own horn because i deserve to. i hate living a life where i feel like i'm surrounded by npc's where some are just more advanced than others. I'm angry because they're real people with real souls and seem to be happy living like npcs. I'm not angry they choose to live that way because ignorance is bliss has a of truth to it, i'm angry because they want me to participate in their nonsense.
i feel like whenever people talk about those dreams they have where they say don't tell the people in your dream that you know it's a dream or they gang up on you or notice you don't belong there etc except in real life. ive literally never had that problem in dreams only awake. it's funny how so many people do truly hold beliefs like time is an illusion, death is not the end, i am not my body etc etc but still continue to live in contradiction to all their beliefs. not including what we have to do to survive under capitalism. ive noticed atleast in my experience that most peoples beliefs do not affect the way they choose to live their lives at all and they don't even care. why hold such beliefs if they mean literal dog shit to you?
i'm not doing spells or rituals for anyone else besides me and 1 other person ever again. i also most likely will not read tarot or do any other divination for anyone else either besides those i have already promised. the only way i can see myself doing that is if I'm getting paid a lot to do it. i've had my gifts exploited and taken advantage of too many times and it's all fun and games when premonitions i have that they enjoy come true but when it's about something for me suddenly it's delusional to them.
i'm going to be more isolated and private than ever and i dont regret it. i have no desire to make any new friends nor to make effort to keep most of the ones i have. i don't trust anyone not to see me through their own lense that doesnt understand me. i don't trust anyone not to disappoint me or let me down. i don't trust anyone to believe anything I'm going through. i don't trust people not to do a modern day actual witch hunt on me (not like on some Trump rapist whiny bs like bc I'm actually a witch) and try to get me committed.
my family has had these powers for years and anyone can have them if they actually just try and learn it. just like some people are naturally talented at sports, art, music etc so are we and anyone can get good at those things too with dedication. it's the same. even within my family its fucked up because all our interfaith has been lost and its all Christianity now and they externalize it and say it's powers from god. they are always correct and always come true, every last one of us that had the sight. we knew to be careful who to tell bc of people thinking we were crazy. but when you live in the Bible belt and say its bc of god most people don't doubt u.
im going to continue to follow my sight, my own power. i can make anything i want happen in one way or another and that scares and confuses people. this is my life's work and I'm done having anyone in my life that doesn't believe me or support me. i won't be involved with people who have fallen for the idea that anything not atheistic or external is mental illness. even when it is external and you have proof they try to explain it away or you just get 8 "damn that's crazy"s and then they don't give a shit anymore and want to go back to something mind numbing and soul crushing.
i hereby discard and leave behind anything that does not serve my interests and desires including feeling bad about doing so. i'd rather have no friends and have made my dreams come true than to have a bunch of friends who CONSTANTLY try to get me to think like them and be like them when it fucking disgusts me the way they see themselves and other people. that is all.
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queenharumiura · 2 years
[ Dream + that scene of tsuna vs byakuran at the very end of future arc. i am so curious ]
Taken from meme: [x] ||Accepting|| ((OOC: //loud groaning noise of ‘ohhh—this is gonna SUCK- forgive me, I’m absolutely cutting some corners here bc otherwise RIP fingers.’ A rare POV because I felt like it.)) @parallelroutes
Word count: 2,026 (yes, even with me cutting corners)
“… no other choice than to defeat Byakuran.” Maybe if we were a bit faster, we would’ve heard everything that Reborn-chan said in that moment. I know what happens next. A lil snort of a laugh, really.
Tensions are high and I can feel my heartbeat racing in my ear drums. This was a dre-no, a nightmare that was very familiar to me. Though- it was a bit different this time around.
“Hahaha! What a surprise! Your last resort at a time like this is to try and slap some fighting spirit into him!?”
Reborn-chan, ever the calm one: “This is my method. Listen Tsuna. You’re not the only one who’s fighting a battle of dying will. Uni’s sacrificing her life in order to return you all to a peaceful past!”
The way my heart drops to the pit of my stomach is something I don’t think I’ll ever forget. I know what happens, I was there for it, and yet, the sheer panic and grief remains, like a perfect echo of what I felt in that moment. In the back of my mind, I know there isn’t much for me to worry about, but that’s the fun thing about nightmares, your emotions aren’t so easy to control.
“Eh? Is that so?”
How he could still smile in a situation like that, it was beyond me.
“Uncle… why do you know…?” I remember this being such a huge shock. This girl, near my age, had to accept the fact that she was going to die. It’s easy enough to say that she knew it was for the better good, but no one can really know what that feels like until they’re put in the same spot.
It wasn’t just shock on her face, then. You could see the bit of fear, the sadness, and many other complex emotions.
“Of course, I know. I guessed as much. You and your grandmother Luce are two peas in a pod.”
Perhaps, Luce-san had done something similar, sacrificing herself for others. If Uni-chan is really that much like her grandmother, then Luce-san must’ve been a wonderful person.
“Hm then I must stop you form doing such a foolish thing. After all, Uni-chan’s life exists for my sake?”
The absolute nerve. A real piece of work, this one is. Uni-chan’s life exists for herself and those that she cares for. Her life cannot and will not ever exist just for one singular person. That’s how life is, you build relationships, and you exist for a multitude of reasons, and not simply for some grandiose, misguided goal of some punk of a world-dominator.
As expected, Tsuna-san couldn’t hear such a thing laying down (ignoring the fact that he was in fact laying down in that time, you know what I mean). He starts struggling to get up. Everyone starts calling for him.
A truly emotional scene. Even if things looked bad, I remember having faith in Tsuna-san. No matter what, he’d always end up pulling through for everyone and save the day. That was something I really admired about him, the fact that though he had his many faults, he had a good sense of timing. He knew what was important and when to really exert all your effort—sorry, dying will, for something.
“Haha, I can’t believe Tsuanyoshi-kun really woke up form your reproachful encouragement, Reborn-kun. You two really make an astounding team.”
“I wont… hand Uni… over to you…” Tsuna-san seems to have finally come to, regaining his ability to start speaking.
Kyoko and I didn’t see what happened as we were still far away, so we don’t know what led up to the point of Tsuna-san laying on the ground like that. Quite frankly, we were focused on Uni-chan who was floating away towards the danger-zone. Whatever it was, hopefully it wasn’t anything too bad? I don’t understand why everyone else was outside of the mysterious sphere either.
It was something I still haven’t gotten any answers to, and it was hard to bring it up.
Time, is linear, but it isn’t quite so in dreams. Sometimes, it’s for the better, and other times—it’s not.
Like clock-work, as I always feel relieved that his injuries must not have been so bad if he were able to get up, the scene flashes ahead.
It… it really is something of nightmares.
The scene of a miniature white dragon piercing through Tsuna-san’s chest, supposedly through his heart is something I can’t ever forget. This scene alone has made so many cameo appearances in my dreams that I can’t help but feel afraid when Tsuna-san and the others go on dangerous missions.
I see this overlapping the other’s at times and I wake up in a cold sweat, not quite able to fall back asleep as I glare at my phone, as if I’m warning it to not ring and be the bearer of bad news.
Again, even if my memories of the event would allow me to know that a ring had saved his life, I can’t calm the torrential wave of emotions coursing through my veins. Death is a scary concept for most, but witnessing it is another level.
It was an infinite time worse when it involved someone you love. Now, it’s paste tense, but at the time, you know?
The dissonance if quite funny, actually. In this nightmare, I’m not watching like I’m some third party observer, but I’m back in that moment. The emotions are raw and real, but at the same time, they rage and despair. Sometimes, they’re calm and relaxed in times of high tension.
I really disliked having this nightmare because it drove my emotions every which way. Now, there was an extra bit of—awkwardness? That seemed right to say.
I can’t help but wonder in the deep recesses of my mind that I’m having this nightmare not because someone’s going on a dangerous mission, but because I started hanging out with Byakuran-san recently. There is a big disconnect between the one I see in this nightmare and the one I sometimes talk to on occasion in recent events.
Now, I have the added feeling of feeling confused and unfamiliarity.
Normally, I’d continue to see the series of events leading up to Uni-chan sacrificing her life. I’d have to watch as she dies alongside Gamma-san again, but I don’t this time around.
Time skips ahead again.
“The arcobaleno aren’t reviving!”
“No, the flames should have been properly absorbed. It’ll take a little more time.”
Ah—this time.
I want to look away. I want to shut my eyes, but the me of that time didn’t. I hear some people can perfectly control their actions in dreams, but maybe it’s because this is a memory that I can’t have that liberty. I’m forced to look on as I did back then.
I have to watch as Byakuran-san snaps upon Uni-chan’s death.
He’s really unrecognizable compared to the person he is today in present day. My mind can’t help but conjure up some kind of mental overlay of the two, and it’s… scary. It was amazing to see just how starkly different they were from each other.
Yes, I acknowledge that they’re different people, but at the same time, they’re not. It’s probably more accurate to say that this is one outcome of who he could be if circumstances led up to that.
I try to move back, to turn away from what I know is to come next, but. I. Just. Won’t. Budge! It’s so surreal to be stuck in your own body and not be able to move as you’d like. To feel emotions that you know don’t make sense—or to think things that are out of place.
It’s possible this is just a smidge of how he feels to be stuck with this history permanently etched over you like a looming cloud, even if you yourself know you are different. If so, it’s incredibly stifling. It’s frustrating. It’s SO unfair. Try as I might, I can’t move nor look away.
Emotions that were felt in that moment are felt in tandem with the panic and dread that the me of today feels. It’s a new kind of torment, I’m coming to find out. The betrayal and hatred that overcomes you as you feel ashamed of feeling what you did in the past, though you know in that moment- it was acceptable.
Who wouldn’t feel relief in the wake of a horrible person dying?
Yet- as I’m trying to get him to open up to me and help him walk on an unsteady path, I feel ashamed for how I’m feeling. The anticipation, of what was to happen. It’s deplorable, but I can’t fault myself for it either.
How was I to know at the time that a younger Byakuran-san isn’t so… well… that? In retrospect, she wasn’t in the wrong, but I feel she is.
“Who do you think it was that killed Uni?”
No. Stop it.
“Because you made this world the way it is…”
Please, I don’t want to see it.
I’m stuck in his hell trap (otherwise known as my own body) unable to break free. The absolutely ironic thing is that the me of that time was crying as I can feel myself mentally doing—but the feelings behind it are different.
The Haru of that time cried from grief over having watched Uni sacrifice herself for everyone. My mentality is different, I’m beyond frustrated. I want out of here. I don’t want to see another person die in front of me. I felt so guilty. It felt wrong. I shouldn’t be here.
I don’t want to be here.
“Died!! I won’t forgive you, Byakuran!”
I can’t really explain it, but it’s like I’m conscious of there being two of me. The me of that time, and the me of today who is like some parasite observer who can witness this scene by possessing another. I’m aware of my own feelings and the movements I wish to make, but I’m also hyper-aware of what the ‘host’ is doing and feeling.
I’m aware of two existences, in essence. The inner turmoil I’m going through as I’m desperately trying to not have to see what comes next has me crying- even though I’m not—actually crying. Soul or mental images of yourself can’t really cry, but I feel as if I am.
You know? True betrayal is in the form of my brain going, ‘you keep thinking about this scene a lot. You must really want to see it. I’ll skip forward for you.’
If I had a habit of cussing, I would. I could promise you that, but alas, I’m a lady.
Despite it being against my wishes, I watch that Byakuran’s final moments. Engulfed in flames. The sound is nonpleasant. The me of the time felt part relieved to know it was all over, but she still felt sorrowful at the fact someone else had died. She’d witnessed two deaths in the span of what…30 minutes?
Tink! That was the sound of a ring falling.
The me of now? What is it that I feel? It’s so much. Sadness? Guilt? Embarrassment? Fear, anger, disappointment, and so much more. So… so much more.
Maybe so much that it was enough that I jolt awake. Sitting up in my bed, covered in cold sweat. Ah- also tears.
Curling my knees into my chest, my forehead rests against my knees as I heave a heavy sigh. “Do I have the right to support him, or try to help?”
There’s a chance that my presence would ultimately be a hindrance to him.
Maybe because I’d known about him and witnessed his death, there was some wariness and uncomfortable feelings that only cause bad memories or feelings to surface, setting him back.
There’s that frustrated feeling again.
“Hah… I’m not going to get much sleep tonight, am I?” I quietly climb out of bed, wiping the tears out of the corners of my eyes to sit on the ground and start stretching, relieving some of the tension in my body.
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tartglias · 4 years
General relationship headcanons with genshin boys
“Since it's open, what about general headcanons for the boys? ;0 like what's it like to be with them for a headstart :D”
i was originally going to make six characters, then five, but then i accidentally deleted th draft and had to start all over again. i already feel bad for posting late so i’m sorry it’s just four and not five :( i’ll probably make a part 2 of these soon!!
characters: diluc, kaeya, scaramouche and xiao
The beginning of the relationship was slow, painfully slow. So slow that a certain bard and the one and only Cavalry Captain had to step up, since neither of you would make the first step. Both of you were too scared of rejection, so you decided to swallow your feelings and “face” reality.
A few pick up lines over here, a jealousy scene over there, and the result was a very angry and flustered Diluc taking your hand and leading you upstairs for some privacy. It was then and there when he confessed his feelings for you, a sigh of relief leaving him when you reciprocated.
Both of you are private people, so you decided that keeping the relationship away from the public eye would be the best option. Sure, affection was reduced to an extent but that doesn’t mean that the relationship lacks love!
Affection in public meant exchanging soft glances and shy smiles from across the room, interlocking of pinkies and stealing kisses when nobody was looking. Very rarely, when he was feeling wild and desperate, he would drag you to somewhere secluded and push you (gently) to the nearest wall, caging you in between his arms as you wrapped your hands around his waist. Then, he kissed you slow and passionately.
Behind closed doors, the story was different. There wasn’t a single moment in which his hands weren’t touching your skin, or your hands weren’t playing with his hair as you kissed him passionately to compensate for the lost time. A kiss here, a kiss there. Again and again. A kiss for every hour you couldn’t spend together.
You found out about Diluc’s nightly activities rather quickly. It happened on a night in which he came back home slightly injured and breathless. When you questioned him, he simply said that some treasure hoarders ambushed him, but you knew he was lying. You could tell. Diluc soon realized there was no point in lying to you, so he told you his identity as the Darknight Hero.
Overall, your relationship may have started in a messy way, Diluc sometimes wishes he could have confessed in a different and more appropiate way. Your relationship may also be quiet, but quiet doesn’t mean that it lacks love. You both spend late nights and mornings in each others arms whispering sweet nothings. And your relationship may be scary at times, you often feared that he wont come back home one day. But you also know he always does, and you trust him every moment of the day. And he feels the same way. He doesn’t trust people easily, he rarely lets people in. But you are different, you make him feel different. He trusts you more than anything in the world.
It was no secret that Kaeya was a flirt. A few compliments over here, a charming smile over there and that was basically the formula to have most people in Mondstadt wrapped around his finger. Most people... except you. With a shy smile and an evident blush on your cheeks you were always fast to dismiss it and laugh it off. “You shouldn’t go saying those things” you used to say.
It started with a desire to make you swoon, it was like a goal for him. But eventually, he caught feelings and you were the one who made him swoon. So one day, he had enough. He wanted to confess and tell you how he actually feels.
And so he did, yet somehow you still thought it was a joke. “Kaeya you can’t say those things as a joke... someone will actually fall for it” you said, looking down at your feet as your heart started beating faster and faster by second. “I’m not joking, y/n. That’s how I truly and deeply feel about you” he said, taking your hand and placing it on his chest so you could feel how fast his heart was beating as well.
The closest word to describe your relationship with Kaeya would be that it was like an adventure, interesting and fun. You’re bored? He would take you to explore interesting (and safe) places he encountered while on his commissions. You’re sad? Nothing like him dragging you to the very top of the Cathedral and hugging you close to him as you both watch the sunset wouldn’t solve.
Kaeya’s kisses can be either quick or desperate and hungry, yet passionate. The first case usually happened whenever you two were in public, though he doesn’t have a problem with PDA. If it were up to him, he would spend every second of the day kissing you. But you’re both busy people so most times one of you is in a hurry. The second case happens when either one of you come home after a long day. It starts slow, maybe a few pecks here and there, but soon enough he picks up the pace. One hand around your waist, keeping you close to his body, and his other hand on your face, deepening the kiss. It always leaves you breathless, and he takes those few seconds you take to catch air to kiss your jaw and neck. He loves you and your body, he could spend a lifetime worshipping it.
Insecurity was somewhat a problem in the relationship, from both sides. On his side, he sometimes worried that you would get tired of him and slip away, just like most people in his life. And on your side, you feared that he would find someone who was braver, prettier and more skilled than you. But at the end of the day, even if there were times in which you argued over this problem, you both would always come home to each other. Nights would be spent in each other’s arms, constantly reassuring each other that you’re both here to stay.
Overall, dating Kaeya isn’t easy. You knew this the moment you both confessed. But it is worth it, no one makes you feel like he does, no one makes you swoon and laugh like him. And no one, and I mean, not a single person in Teyvat, could make Kaeya happier.
Scaramouche was angry, to say the least. How dare you, a fellow Fatui Harbinger who he had to see almost daily, make his heart beat fast and legs shake? Why was he feeling like this? So stupid?
He thought your confession was part of a game, a dare. He saw you laughing with Childe a few moments before, and not that he would ever admit it, in fact he would rather lose his Vision and die than admit it, but he was a little bit jealous of the scene. He wanted to make you laugh like that, he wanted to make you blush and he wanted to have your heart. The moment you confessed, he was angry. He was sure it was a dare and Childe’s plan to make fun of him, but he quickly regretted it once he saw your sad face. “No, leave” he had said. Your shy smile dropped instantly and you slowly nodded, turning around and starting to walk away. His mouth opened before he could actually stop and think of what to do. “Do you mean it?” he asked. “Do you actually like me? It’s not a dare?” “Why would it be a dare? Scaramouche, I’ve liked you for a while now, everyone knows but you” you said, facing him once again only to find him trying to hide away the strong blush on his face. “Then... I think I like you too” he said, not daring to look at you.
Scaramouche was a harsh and jealous lover, he wanted you for himself. Fights were normal in your relationship, words without real meaning would be thrown at each other all the time. Yet, neither of you walked away. Neither of you verbally apologized for the harsh words either, but instead, you would let your actions apologize for you. Normal fights would be due to his jealousy, you spending a little too much time with Childe or other Harbingers for his liking. Yes, he knows you love him and yes, he knows that he is better than everyone else there. But he also knows he’s not the most liked person among the Fatui, and often worried that you would soon agree with people who said that. After taking a deep breath of air, you would drag him to bed and hold him close to you. His arms around your waist as he snuggled closer to you and buried his face on your neck. You hold him for a few hours while whispering soft promises of love and endless praise, reassuring him that you are not going anywhere anytime soon. “Don’t worry, you’ll have to put up with me for a long, long while” you whispered as you kissed his forehead. “I wouldn’t have it any other way” he whispered back.
Contrary to popular belief and also to his personality, his kisses are soft and unsure. He doesn’t have a lot of experience in this area, so his kisses tend to be short yet soft. Mostly in private as well, since he would rather die than let his underlings see this side of him. He would wrap his arms around your waist, probably as he makes a teasing comment about how desperate you are or how much you probably missed him, and then kissed your lips. He is fascinated by the way your lips feel against his, he gets drunk by the feeling.
Overall, your relationship with Scaramouche is wild, to say the least. One moment you’re yelling at each other, ready to fight and the next one you’re holding him close as he whispered protection promises and kissed your neck. But despite all the problems you both encountered, you’re always there for each other. You rely on him and he relies on you, and that’s enough.
“What’s this?” He asked you as you slowly pulled away from him. “A kiss” “Disgusting. Do it again” He said, pulling you back to him with one hand as the other rested on your waist. You smiled through the kiss, and he felt like all his pain and karma vanished. After a while, you pulled away. “Again” he said, chasing your lips before crashing them with his in another soft yet desperate kiss. You giggled and pulled away. “I need to breathe” you said, chuckling at sight of his lips pouting. “Why”
The first time you met, he saved you from treasure hoarders. But before you could thank him, he disappeared. You didn’t know who your savior was, so you tried your best to remember the mask that was on his face. You didn’t see him again, until you found yourself in Wantshu Inn after a long day of commissions far away from your home in Liyue Harbor. You needed rest, but the clear night and stars were calling for you, and before you noticed you were at the top floor of the inn. That’s where you saw him, and for reasons he doesn’t understand, he didn’t leave. He remained sat on the floor, looking at the sky as his legs were hanging from the edge. “Isn’t it pretty? I barely see stars as clear as these back home” you said to the stranger from a close yet appropriate distance. He didn’t reply, he didn’t look at you, but he knew who you were. He remembered you from the time he saved you. Next thing you noticed was the mask that was on the floor next to him. Your eyes widened and your mouth dropped. “You’re... the one who saved me” you said, shock flooding your face. He rolled his eyes in response, can’t he be left alone? “I never got to thank you so... thank you” you simply said, a soft expression replacing your shocked one.
You started dropping by Wangshu Inn a bit more often, whenever your time and commissions allowed you too. And every time you brought different kinds of foods to offer to Xiao, no one ever telling you that his favorite was Almond Tofu. He found it annoying at first, but soon enough got used to it. The day you brought Almond Tofu though, he almost smiled. Almost. His expressions as he ate the offering didn’t go unnoticed by you, and quickly learnt that it was his favorite.
After a while he started looking forward to your visits, but if someone ever asked him about it, he would just say it wasn’t because of you, it was for the almond tofu offering. You started spending more time with him, even though he barely opened his mouth and you did all the talking. He found you amusing, truly. Something about you, made him feel funny inside. And that scared him.
Your relationship started with a kiss. “Again” he would say. “Again” he would repeat whenever you broke away to breathe. This was new to him, and he knew it was wrong since he is who he is and could harm you at any second, but he was addicted. He was addicted to your kisses, to your touches. He got drunk by the feeling you gave him, not wanting to ever let go. “Let go, let go of them. You’ll only harm them” he kept repeating to himself in his mind, but his body moved by itself, pulling you closer to him. He was addicted, and he knew it was bad.
There weren’t many arguments in your relationship, maybe a few over you taking dangerous commissions, but other than that it was full of affection. Affection used to be a strange concept for Xiao, who once was determined that it’s better for everyone if he stayed away. But then you appeared, and no one ever made him feel the way you did. He started yearning for your touches and he looked forward to you coming back to him so he could kiss you. You were better than any medicine Zonghli could ever give him, you made his pain ease. And as you were wrapped in his arms watching the stars at the top floor of the Inn, he made a promise. A promise of protection and love, he would never let anyone or anything harm you, and even if you die of old age he would still love you for centuries to come, and he will find you again in your next life.
Overall, your relationship with Xiao started slowly, but soon grew more and more with each passing day. He trusts you almost as much as he trusts Rex Lapis, and he would always watch you closely whenever you go out on a commissions. How did you get so lucky?
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eclairslein · 4 years
Why Technoblade is an unreliable narrator
I’ve seen a lot of viewers idolizing c!Technoblade and saying it didn’t make sense that Tommy left him in the end. I watch Technoblade’s streams, but also everyone else’s. I think there’s a lot of overlap in viewers who idolize him and those who don’t have any context other than what comes from his character’s POV. As someone who has watched all POV’s here is why I disagree that “Technoblade has done no wrong” “Techno helps everyone and just gets betrayed” and “Tommy backstabbed Techno!”
I disagree with all of these statements and I don’t think c!Technoblade is a victim despite his personal monologue insinuating that. Let’s start at the beginning.
Technoblade joined to help Wilbur and Tommy with the intention of taking down Shlatt. He preached for anarchy and chaos. Although he was clear about the from the beginning, the people he was allied with didn’t agree with that. Wilbur was driven to that point AFTER Technoblade had already been allied with them. Tommy NEVER wanted to “destroy all government” his goal was always just to take down Shlatt and return to his home. Technoblade ignored the wishes of his only two allies and continued to entertain the idea in his own head of completely destroying L’Manberg. That was never an agreement, he made that decision on his own AGAINST the will of his only friends, Tommy and Wilbur.
Technoblade, on the other hand, was keeping secrets from them. He had withers prepared before they even put Tubbo in charge. Behind all of their backs he conspired with Wilbur and DREAM to destroy L’Manberg just as soon as they’d won it back. That is betrayal. No one betrayed Technoblade because they never promised him anarchy in the first place.
This is where his narration becomes unreliable. In his speech he brings up making all the gear for his new allies and then them betraying him when they used that gear to take back L’Manberg. He called that a betrayal even though it was CLEAR FROM THE BEGINNING WHAT THEIR INTENTIONS WERE ( the beginning being when Quackity and the others joined Pogtopia to help Tommy and the intentions being stopping L’Manberg’s destruction by Wilbur and ending Schlatt’s administration ). Technoblade calling this a betrayal is delusional.
The second thing his character is unreliable about is his “retirement.” When Technoblade set withers upon L’Manberg he caused pain and destruction, but also ultimately committed crimes against L’Manberg. He also vowed to them before disappearing into the wilderness that he would continue to destroy the government. When the Butcher Army arrived at his doorstep asking to answer for his crimes he claimed to be in retirement. Fleeing from a crime scene and then not committing crimes for awhile doesn’t excuse you from the original crime. Butcher Army coming for Technoblade was not entirely unreasonable the way c!Technoblade paints it to be. Technoblade was a war criminal and a threat and it made perfect sense for them to pursue him. Putting Phil under house arrest crossed a line, but going after Technoblade was not unreasonable for L’Manberg to do.
As for Technoblade’s relationship with Tommy in particular this is something that c!Technoblade is completely deluded about. Pogtopia days, Tommy did consider Technoblade a friend. The one thing that changed that was when Technoblade worked with Wilbur and Dream to BLOW UP LMANBERG. The ONE THING Tommy fought for, at least at the time. Technoblade dropped Tommy as soon as he realized that working with Wilbur and Dream (behind the backs of Tommy and everyone else) would get him his personal goal of anarchy. He betrayed Tommy first when he made that decision.
When Tommy holed up in Technoblade’s basement, Tommy stayed because Techno told him that he’d help him get the discs back. But Tommy was clear with Techno the whole time that he didn’t want to do anything to hurt Tubbo. Tommy always said no to plans that would hurt Tubbo, Technoblade would brush him off constantly and say things along the lines of “we’ll work out the details later.” Tommy never budged on not wanting to hurt Tubbo, despite Technoblade’s constantly insisting that Tubbo is bad and didn’t care about Tommy.
Technoblade was breeding anger and feelings of betrayal in Tommy in trying to convince him his best friend didn’t care about him, the same thing Dream was doing the weeks before while Tommy was in Logstedshire. Convincing Tommy that he didn’t really belong in L’Manberg was the only way to make him pliable and useful to both Technoblade and Dream. By pushing on Tommy that he should leave his friends (L’Manberg) behind, they were turning him into a bad guy. A person only motivated my personal gain (the discs) and that cares for no one.
After threatening Fundy, Technoblade told Tommy that he finally had respect for him. Finally believing that Tommy didn’t care about his old friends in L’Manberg anymore and was solely motivated by the discs, he revealed his plans to destroy L’Manberg. Tommy never agreed to this and was frankly horrified that what happened between him and Wilbur was happening again. He had no where to go and stayed with Technoblade but expressed clear discomfort in Techno’s plans to destroy L’Manberg.
Now for what Techno calls “Tommy’s final betrayal.” When Tommy stands by Tubbo at the community house and leaves Technoblade. To show why this was completely justified on Tommy’s part I’m going to draw comparisons to one of my favorite works of fiction: Avatar The Last Airbender. At the end of Book 2: Earth Zuko betrays Iroh and returns with Azula to the Fire Nation. Zuko’s time there makes him realize that he cares more about doing the right thing and being the PERSON HE WANTS TO BE than staying with his family and hurting people. Tommy leaves Technoblade for the same reason Zuko leaves Azula. Tommy does not want to be the type of person that would stay with Techno.
Tommy and Tubbo were in a screaming match. After Tommy regurgitated line after line that Dream and Techno had been feeding him. “You left me to die!” and all that jazz about choosing L’Manberg over him. The thing that stopped it was Tommy saying “ Those discs were worth more than you ever were!” Everyone went silent. Tommy stopped everything and realized that he had become a deplorable person and he was saying things he didn’t really mean. Caring more about discs than his friendship w Tubbo was Dreams plan all along and exactly what Technoblade had been feeding him. Tommy dropped everything to stand by Tubbo because he was mature enough to realize that he was the farthest he had ever been from the person the wanted to be, and the closest to being the villains he had been fighting his whole life. Whether it was intentional or not, Technoblade was the person who drove him to become that person. Dream started it, but Technoblade finished the job.
Technoblade felt betrayed, Tommy left him. But it was the only thing Tommy could do and still hold on to the person he wanted to be. Tommy cares about his friends, Tommy has been with L’Manberg since the beginning and has always done what he could to save those he cared about even if it meant personal sacrifice. That’s who Tommy is. The Tommy that Technoblade wanted to be allies with was a person who would help hurt and destroy L’Manberg. Someone who cared more about discs than his lifelong friends. That Tommy never really existed, he was always uncomfortable with Technoblade’s revenge plans. If Technoblade really listened to Tommy, and cared about what he thought, he would know that Tommy could never be the cold heartless person that Technoblade could use to achieve his personal revenge on L’Manberg.
Ultimately, the Tommy that Technoblade needed to help him and/ or stand by and watch him destroy L’Manberg doesn’t exist. It goes against everything that has been established about who Tommy is and what motivates him. To stay true to himself, Tommy could not possible stay with Technoblade and become a stubborn, cold hearted, vengeful person.
That “betrayal” was the most mature decision Tommy has ever made in canon and I WONT STAND BY AND LET YALL SAY IT WAS UNJUSTIFIED JUST BECAUSE IT WASNT WAHT TECHNOBLADE WANTED.
Technoblade is a villain, just because he has a reason for wanting to blow up and destroy everything doesn’t make him a better person for it. He is not moral and never has been. His goal from the beginning has been taking something so many people cared about, L’Manberg, and destroying it because he, personally, is an anarchist. That is an ideology, but it is not the only one. Technoblade wanting to destroy L’Manberg is pushing his values onto others through force and makes him more of a tyrant than every leader of L’Manberg combined. He is flawed just like every other character. The difference that I see is that his character never reflects and admits any wrongdoing on his own part, only blaming others for not agreeing with him and ultimately leaving him.
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catboyantichrist · 3 years
Hi there! Can you please do relationship headcanons of a gender neutral MC with autism and ADHD dating the seven brothers? I’d love to see more positive writing of a neurodivergent MC and how each of the brothers would love and respect them regardless of their disabilities. Feel free to do this if you want to. If not, that’s ok! Have a great day! 😁👍🌷🌹🌺🌸🌼🌻🌷🌹🌻🌼🌸🌺
This ask literally made me squeal- my neurodivergent ass is gonna have way too much fun with this- LMAO Just a warning, I'm basing this mainly off of my personal experiences (I have ADHD and am possibly getting tested for atypical autism in the future.). Ill try to be as broad as possible but I'd just like to give a heads up.
Just know that if you don't relate to this post or something in it, that doesn't mean you aren't valid! Everyone experiences neurodivergencey differently ^^
☆The Brothers Dating A GN!MC With Autism & ADHD☆
Day-to-day life has always been a struggle. As it feels like no human truly understands why you function the way you do. From bosses, to teachers, to neurotypical friends. Life can feel draining and like a chore when you're living in a world that doesn't function the way you do.
Then your world literally changes. You're in the devildom now. Most people would be terrified that they're living in a house full of demons. But you weren't. You felt like you finally belonged, and eventually you finally found love. Something that people assumed you'd never be able to find. Well jokes on them because your lover treats you with so much respect and kindness, and of course you do the same. This is some of what your lover does that just makes your heart spin:
-Much to your dismay, before Lucifer started to get to know you he was similar to the humans you've encountered in the past. This doesn't last long though as one of the brothers (most likely Leviathan or Mammon) try to explain. He begins to go a bit easier on you, and also falls for you.
-When you guys start dating, he makes it his goal to help make your day-to-day life easier. Dare I say, he takes pride in it. (Hahahah aren't I funny?)
-He notices how you need a schedule to function, but how much you hate schedules. So with your permission, he makes a loose schedule and follows it WITH you. It simultaneously helps you function more than usual, and it helps Lucifer take breaks when he needs to.
-You two begin to do everything together, as doing stuff together and holding each other accountable is a lot easier than doing it alone
-If someone ever dares to make a rude comment about you Lucifer will um... "take care of them".
-If you ever get overstimulated from the environment you're in, Lucifer keeps his office wide open as a quiet place for you. He keeps a weighted blanket, some headphones and any stim toys you usually use in a corner of his office. If you're not comfortable with them out in the open he'll keep them in a special box somewhere in his office that others can't get into.
-Executive Dysfunction gang! The both of you are relieved that you understand each other and some dumbass wont just go "jUsT gEt Up aNd dO iT!"
-If you guys are struggling with it at different times, you'll try to help each other do small tasks that require very limited effort so that one of you don't get overwhelmed and stressed out. If its a particularly difficult day, you'll just stay there to support the other if they want that.
-If both of you are struggling that day, you do nothing ✨together✨ and just vibe with each others company.
-This man brings you shiny things. They don't even have to be worth anything, they're just shiny. You proceed to do the same. You two now have a designated spot for shiny things you bring each other. If you have an interest in art, you and him will probably end up using the shiny objects as art projects.
-A LOT of impulse shopping. You guys enable each other. Although you quickly realize that you impulse shop for each other. Every second day you end up bringing each other gifts and laughing about it after.
-Y'know that arm thing two neurodivergent people do when they find out that the other person is neurodivergent? Yeah you two did that. And still continue to do that. It's your greeting now.
-You two spend tons of time either cuddling and talking about your special interests together, or both of you are pacing around Levi's room talking about your special interests together.
-And if you end up having the same special interest?? Oh man the serotonin you two both get just being AROUND each other.
-If you have a hard time around tons of people (in general or just at certain times) he's more than willing to share his room with you and for you two to do online school together. I mean hey, doing school by yourself online is difficult. (Even if it's more comfortable for you both)
-Will he get you a matching pair of noise cancelling headphones if you have auditory sensory issues, or if you just like the pressure on your head. (I don't know if that's a neurodivergent thing but I will wear my headphones just so that I feel some sort of pressure on my head)
-You both communicate what you need, and whether you need alone time or not. Making sure not to trigger any form of rejection sensitivity dysphoria for eachother.
-If you were one of those neurodivergent kids that spent all of their time in the library, going through books like wildfire in middle school, get ready for that to be reignited.
-You two will read together all the time, and if you're having a day where you're more fidgety and don't wanna stay still, Satan is more than happy reading to you while you pace around.
-Satan has a natural curiosity, and loves to learn about anything that he doesn't already know about. So if you have a special interest about your own neurodivergency, he is more than happy to listen to you ramble about your life experiences and symptoms.
-Honestly, it doesn't even have to be about neurodivergency, Satan is happy to listen and learn about anything you're interested currently.
-If you aren't big on physical affection from humans or, well... humanoid people, that's perfectly fine! That's what animals are for! He'll take you to a cat cafe and will enjoy spending time with the animals with you.
-Similar to Lucifer, if anyone makes a comment about the way you act, they wont live to see another day. Unlike Lucifer, the demons who say these comments don't even finish their sentence. They're dead before MC blinks.
-When Asmodeus finds out that you have sensory issues that affect what you wear, he decides to hand-make clothes with fabrics of your choice. He has no issue with you prioritizing comfort over appearance, but if you want to put effort into your appearance and texture is stopping you, he's more than happy to design some stuff for you.
-Asmodeus has always been a touchy person, but if you aren't comfortable with that he'd never force you to cuddle. If you are interested in physical affection one of his favourite things to do is put makeup on your face, or just touch your face.
-Speaking of which, if you ever impulsively cut your hair whether it be from breakdown, normal impulsivity, or sensory issues with your hair being longer. He'll always help you cut your hair. He wants to make sure that once you cut it, you wont regret it the next day.
-Depending on whether you like going outside or not (or if its depending on the day) he's more than happy to take you to the fall! He'll make sure you're always comfortable and if you need the attention diverted from you if you need a break!
-If you don't like going outside, Asmo will dedicate certain nights for just you two to hang out. He can always energy match you. Hyperactive? Oh he's right there with you bouncing of the walls. Calmer? He doesn't mind just vibing with you. Comfort? Oh you've come to the right guy.
-Asmodeus is very emotionally intelligent, it may have originally been for the wrong purposes (charming others) but now he can use it to help you work through issues with socializing with others, past traumas from other people, he'll always do his best to support you as long as you'd do the same for him!
-Beel is always well meaning, but whether you're neurodivergent or neurotypical, communication is key with him. So, if you're unintentionally blunt to neurotypical people, that's exactly what Beel needs and wants. He knows you don't mean it out of harm, you're just trying to state your boundaries.
-Do you need a weighted blanket? This man will become the weighted blanket. He wants to make sure you're comfortable at all times!
-If you have trouble eating, Beel is here to help. If you take meds for ADHD and they make you lose your appetite, or just general forgetfulness, he'll remind you to have at least some sort of small snack throughout the day. Nothing too filling, just enough so that you aren't running on zero food throughout the day.
-All the go-to and comfort foods that you had in the human world? Beel would make it his MISSION to get them, and TONS of it too. It's the only food in the house he wont eat because he knows how important it is to you. He will tear up a bit if you offer to share though.
-If you're in a hyperactive mood, or anxious, Beel will convince you to do some light exercise with him to help calm you down
-If you have trouble sleeping, Belphie will definitely try and help. Ranging from cuddling, aroma therapy, getting Beel to do exercise with you. To more magical means (if you're comfortable with it) like sleeping powder.
-If you just have a different internal clock than the average person, that's fine too! It may be permanent but that's okay- Belphie will sleep at any time with you.
-Isn't generally a social person so if you're not that big of a fan of social interaction you don't have to worry. Belphie would even do online school with you!
-He would let you use his pillows and blankets to stim if that's something you're interested in. He'd also listen to you ramble about your interests while doing so! As long as you don't mind him talking about the stars afterwards.
-Definitely the most blunt out of his brothers, so communication wouldn't be an issue between you two. If his bluntness is a bit too harsh for you he'll try to tone it down a bit, but it would probably just end up as him trying to explain the reasoning behind the bluntness and how it's not out of harm.
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beomglocks · 4 years
what yeonjun is like as a boyfriend
Tumblr media
warnings & other: no warnings except for falling in love with yeonjun, but is that so bad?, side note: no body asked for this but between college stress aka finals and daily life struggles this is the only thing i could manage to come up with so plz enjoy.
w/c: 2 more words and its 1K
jesus take the wheel
when you first meet him he’s flirting
biting his lips and licking them
raising his eyebrows and all like
calm down i don’t even know your name yet
very bold
so shameless when you first meet him
“you look like someone”
“oh really who?”
“my future partner ;)”
ngl you would be so put off by his confidence
but he knows when to tone it down and you’re like
“oh you’re actually tolerable!”
if youre shy then rip you
always trying to get you out of your comfort zone
probably does extra shit in public and you just have to laugh along nervously
then when yall are alone you scold him for embarrasing you and he’s like
“ok ok im sorry” *hug*
if youre confident like him youre both annoying
just kidding but thats real couple goals
everyone is jealous of yall
he’s so cocky
always showing you off
“hi everyone this is my partner!”
“yeonjun...we know...we’ve known ever since you introduced them 5 months ago”
thinks you’re the most beautiful human to ever grace the earth and it’s not even close
“seriously how did i end up with someone like you”
seems like the type of boyfriend to kiss the ground you walk on
*not to be confused with a simp*
yeonjun does not simp
he has morals
so you know how he tends to say “baby” a lot
thats his fav nickname for you and vise versa
omg he loves that nickname forreal
like i know i said beomgyu and skinship was a huge thing
but my god
yeonjun is on a whole other level
just comes up to you and annoys you with wanting to be close
hes so clingy
but will probrably pout and whine when youre clingy with him
“ahhh y/n you like me sooo much look at you clinging to me like this, leave me aloooooone”
obviously he doesnt mean it like cmon youre each others batteries
kissing you in public
im talking full on makeout sessions
“we’re in public...”
“ok and?”
literally just always all up on you
if youre someone who needs their space yall will CLASH
might even get into arguments because of this
serious arguments where you call him annoying
i feel like he will take it to heart if you call him that
nobody likes being called annoying :(
wont touch or talk to you for days
thats dog years in your relationship
you have to apologize and really mean it
he’ll accept it if you kiss him
omg he’s so jealous
doesn’t want people looking at you too long
dont try to make him jealous he will fight the other person
ok maybe just giving them the stank eye then he’ll pull up like
“hey im standing right here have some damn respect”
you guys definitely fight
sometimes over petty shit but sometimes it gets serious
always threatning to break up but never doing it 
you both know you’re bluffing but it still hurts everytime
but your relationship is strong
i feel like yeonjun wouldnt get into a relationship if he knew he wouldnt have a strong connection with the person
he values communication
tell him how you feel
he’ll always listen
if he’s feeling down you better buy him his favorite foods and run your hands through his hair ok!
speaking of food
best food runs
like will just randomly be like 
“hey wanna go to this one place with me?”
and it’s like 2am 
but he insists the food is worth it
best dates too
either a restaurant date
(doesnt have to be expensive, just gotta have good food)
or he cooks for the both of you
he cooks surprisingly good????
you’re like there’s no way you made this
he’s like damn you hate me that much
but no like actually can cook but he’s clumsy you know
you gotta be monitering him
which he doesnt mind, he likes having your presence in the kitchen with him
PLEASE i feel like he doesn’t like being alone when he’s doing everyday tasks idk
like if he’s brushing his teeth or if you’re brushing your teeth
he’s right there back hugging you ugh
the type to walk on the side of the sidewalk where cars are closer to <3
if you’re younger than him he kinda has a superiority complex
not in a condescending way
he just tends to baby you more
if you’re older he still tries to act older in some ways
“yeonjun im going to the grocery store!”
“actually i made that exact same grocery list and went 3 days ago”
“the only thing on the list was rice?”
but he likes being babied
coo at him and he’ll get shy and tell you to stop
meeting the other members isn’t too bad
“this is my significant other! arent they just so etheral?”
everyone nods because if they dont yeonjun will probably give them some choice words later
you gotta compliment him a lot
he thrives off compliments honestly
you: “you looked good in that one scene”
him: “yeah but i looked good in all the scenes though right?”
you CANNOT C A N N O T compliment anyone else
you: “soobi-”
him: glaring at you “what about him?”
just to mess with him youre like “soobin killed this scene too”
pouts and whines
“nooooo what do you mean he killed this scene?? i’m the scene too pay attention to me!”
studio sessions with him are a vibe
he likes rnb so yall would just be chilling on days where he doesnt have schedules. 
plays his rnb playlist and yall just vibe out 
youre both laying down on the studio couch with his head in your neck and he’s dozing off *broken heart emoji”
wait ok i know i’ve said this before but
he’s the type to tease you during arguments
“you wanna kiss me so bad”
and when you do he’s all smug about it
“my baby just can’t stay mad at me for long huh”
your friends think he’s hot
they probably think he’s way too good looking to be dating you
so you doubt yourself
but he’s like nah our looks are on par that’s why we’re perfect together fuck them
always wants you to watch him dance
during practice or not, he wants you there
after hours at the practice room is just him playing some random song and freestyling
but you love it because he looks so happy and free
probably does some cheesy shit like ask you to dance with him
or if you’re sitting down on your phone he’ll come up to you dancing just to bother you then just laugh
he’s the best boyfriend
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