#it would actually be 14/03/2024 here
steakout-05 · 7 months
very long post about how i as an Australian think the American date structure is silly and confusing under the cut
as an Australian i already think America is pretty funny, like the imperial system is both confusing and incredibly funny to me, but what i really don't get is the way dates are written in America
like.... for context, in Australia, we write days like day/month/year. and i like this because the most important information is the thing you read first. you want to know what day it is, you just look at the first two digits you see and you're done!! in some other counties like Japan and South Korea, they write it like year/month/day, which i also think is ok because it's still in a cohesive and easy to read order. you just go to the end of the date to see what day it is and it's simple!! it's all good! it's easy to read! this is nice!
but for some reason, the dates in America are written like month/day/year and i'm just..... i'm so confused!?!??!? why would you jump to the MIDDLE of the date to see what day it is???? it's so cluttered and jumpy and trying to read it in order is just... kinda irritating. the most important and immediately needed information is shifted to the middle of the date ans then you gotta go back and then jump forward again if you wanna read the whole thing and i'm just. actually bamboozled at that. who did that. who is responsible for that blunder at the workplace. i will find them and i will break their kneecaps and i-
ALSO you have no idea how many times this date format has absolutely screwed up schedules and post dates for me. imagine that there's like an online event or something coming up and they have a schedule for what day they're holding it, but it's just written like 05/03/2024. my Australian ass is going to read that as the 5th of March 2024, but someone in America is gonna read that is the 3rd of May 2024. do you see how confusing this can become. there is zero distinction between the two dates because they're written in the exact same way but have a different structure. this is fine for dates that go over the number 12 or are the same number, but it's still confusing and frustrating, especially when the website doesn't say what timezone setting you're on or won't let you change it (which some of them don't). it's quite a specific issue but it's still an issue and i hate it i don't like it i want it fixed please patch
maybe i just have a more logical way of thinking and i like having things be in order, but goddamn just write your dates properly i can't take it anymore /nsrs
#america is so silly sometimes#not that australia is any better lol but y'know#this post isn't really that serious i just find the month/day/year format to be weird#like why is it so jumpy???? america explain#i never saw how this is convenient or easy to read in any way it's structured so oddly and i just#it's a really america-specific way of writing dates and literally everyone else (except for a couple other countries) will be confused by i#america always has a really specific way of doing things....#like the imperial system for example. i don't think there's many other countries that use that system and yet#like idk wtf a yard is!!! what is that!!!! what is a yard!!!!#one thing i don't get is miles. why is it a little more than a kilometre. why is it used as a synonym for kilometre. just use kilometre#i'm like that meme that goes ''WTF IS A KILOMETRE!!'' except i'm yelling ''WTF IS A MILE!!!'' in a thick aussie accent#miles are really kinda confusing though... why are you using a measurement that's a kilometre plus 600 metres?#why not just use kilometres? it's more structured and doesn't muddle everything up by adding an extra 600 metres-#-to every kilometre you travel#maybe i just don't understand math very well (which i don't) (to the point where i might actually have dyscalculia)#but i feel like using a measurement that just adds a decimal of like 600 metres gets really confusing to read and figure out#decimals are just confusing in general#they're like in-between numbers sometimes but also not?? i don't get em#speaking of decimals and dates again the pi day thing doesn't really work over here in australia#it would actually be 14/03/2024 here#lots of date jokes don't work here and i'm slightly angry at that#america is weird#america is silly
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unclewarwick · 2 months
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i am making this an art blog now, so i thought i should actually start posting my art here. i finished this drawing today and the rest of the art in this post is from newest to oldest. this post is most of my batman-related art since the last time i posted a big amount of batman art (which was december 2022).
i have a heavy preference for drawing batjokes but am trying to draw more and more of the rogues gallery. i have my own vague storyline ideas that include both batman and the joker being trans men, but in my story he is called bruceman/bat wayne.
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2024-07-10 -- i do an annual redraw of this meme. this was the fifth version. the first time i drew it (in 2021) was the first time i had tried to properly draw either of them, despite having a deep batman interest for a long long time, and drawing for even longer.
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2024-06-28 -- i spent 41 and a half hours on this one. my first big attempt at pixel art. it was from a bad chronic illness week so it was meant as a purposely ugly and simple drawing but it spiralled out of control.
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2024-07-05 and 2024-05-11 -- my concept art for the scarecrow.
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2024-04-22 and 2024-03-21 and 2024-02-11 -- the joker taunting bat wayne, an argument with alfred, a community meme redraw that i didn't like the end result of but was unwell while drawing so i give myself a break.
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2024-02-08 and 2024-02-06 -- the riddler being desperate for attention on social media, my two-face concept art
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2024-01-27 -- my take on the oft-parodied the amazing spider-man #601 cover art.
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2024-01-18 -- joker thinks he's being sneaky but doesn't know he's with the same person twice.
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2024-01-11 and 2024-01-10 -- catwoman being fun and sillie (from before i redesigned her weird mask and goggles that i originally tried to give her)
art from 1 and 8 december of 2023 that i posted on here
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both from 2023-09-10 -- a couple of quick low effort drawings from when i was feeling funky
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2023-08-06 and 2023-08-13 and 2023-08-18 -- mini comic where you can see the comic formatting skill developing in each part.. just a small story idea i had revolving around a double joke about bat wayne's Identity. and still figuring out how to draw the riddler.
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2023-08-02 -- my first depiction of riddler & first drawing of har-lee (my name for harley quinn) out of costume.
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2023-06-18 and 2023-06-15 -- my first drawings ever of har-lee; i did not stick with this costume design for her because i fixed it and made it actually look good and make sense at all a whole year later (character design is my weakness), and also just a simple meme.
2023-06-15 -- i don't have an animation program, so making this was a real struggle.
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2023-04-28 and 2023-04-23 -- bruceman picking up tampons in the middle of a fight, bruceman and joker "fighting".
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2023-04-04 and 2023-03-21 -- Earring Magic J, joker being the autistic, gay, trans dad of autistic, gay, trans pee-wee herman (including muffin the cat from batman: legends of the dark knight #50)
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all from 2022-11-14 -- a comic Not about being trans, no, not at all...
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2022-11-27 -- a fully rendered version of the last panel.
there's more that's not included here because of the 30 image limitation, but those are mostly further concept drawings of har-lee that i didn't like, and lower quality joke drawings. one bigger thing i've left out are stills from an animatic/animation project i started quite a while back (it's not even my only WIP of that kind) and haven't continued progress on for a while. i would prefer to share that all at once whenever it's finished.
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black-rose-events · 8 months
Villaintine's Day 2024: Evil Schemes Masterlist
(Total: 25)
Evil Scheme 01
Sidekick is the mastermind who’s been foiling Hero/Villain’s attempts, not Villain/Hero
Evil Scheme 02
Investigative Reporter is close to unraveling the plot of the century and Detective isn’t ready for their cover to be blown (either corrupt or secretly Hero/Villain!Detective)
Evil Scheme 03
Detective who has to investigate a string of crimes and ends up discovering more about Villain than they ever thought they would (could be an identity reveal or a bigger plot or a “the Villain is actually the good guy and X is actually the antagonist)
Evil Scheme 04
Wants-to-do-Good Mayor x Jaded!Hero who just wants to go home (bonus points if you pit Jaded!Hero x Committed-to-Evil!Villain against each other too)
Evil Scheme 05
Corrupt!Mayor x Usurping!Villain (villain could be good, villain could be evil and just want power for themselves, it’s up to you!)
Evil Scheme 06
Hero/Villain who barely escapes/defeats Hero/Villain and knows it’s hopeless in the long run but keeps trying - lose the battle, win the war type thing
Evil Scheme 07
Responses to “I love you”:
“Oh, you poor, poor thing.” *laughs hysterically.*
“Oh you lovesick kitten, you fell in love with the wrong person.”
*Laughs hysterically.* “Hilarious, impeccable timing.”
“I hadn’t pegged you for the type to fall in love. I was thinking of angles, researching, trying to figure your actions out. But we both lost. You fell in love and I didn’t even think of that being your reason.”
“I don’t understand.” // “Of course you don’t. Your brain’s all drowned in red roses right now.”
“Yes, yes, we get the joke.” // “No, I’m not joking.” // “Well then, you’re an idiot. Or mistaken. Or under a spell.” // “No, I’m not!” // “Yes, you are.” // “If I was, then I wouldn’t still be here arguing after you laughed in my face and just called me an idiot.” // “Exactly, if you weren’t, then I wouldn’t have called you an idiot. You’re not in love with me, you just think you are.” // “Excuse me?” // “You heard me, you’re mistaken, darling.”
“Hehe, thanks. Soo, anyway—” // “Wait, what’s your reply?” // “Huh?” // “I said I love you” // “Oh, yeah, I said thank you. Thanks. Have a good day.” *Turns to leave*
“Aww, sweetheart, no.”
“Aww, sweetheart…no.”
“Aww, sweetheart. No.”
“Cool. Be cooler if someone loved you too.”
“If only there was someone out there who loved you.”
“Aww, I love me too.” *Goes about their day.*
“No, you don’t.” // “What, of course I do.”
“Um. No. You don’t. You’re in love with the idea of me. Pretty normal, don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll find someone. Good luck.”
[Bonus] “No, but I really do.”
[Bonus] *Tears in their eyes* “But…”
Evil Scheme 08
Responses to “I’d die for you”:
“Then perish.”
“Then perish.” They said it with steely blank eyes. No emotion on their face.
“Then die."
"Then die.” And they punched them in the face and walked over their body.
“Then go ahead,” they said, waving their hand dismissively, “You have my permission.”
"…Cool.“ They gave a big smile and walked away.
"You will.” and pushed them off.
Evil Scheme 09
Civilian!Kid keeps showing up to Hero’s and Villain’s fights, heckling Hero/Villain and ends up becoming a thorn in both their sides
Evil Scheme 10
Retired Hero x Retired Villain but the grudge is still going strong…just in retirement so it’s over things like shuffleboard or the local baking competition or something
Evil Scheme 11
Investigative Reporter keeps getting in the way of Detective’s investigation (for a romantic twist: and keeps putting themself in danger)
Evil Scheme 12
Hero and Villain know each others’ identities and try to inconvenience each other as civilians as much as possible
Evil Scheme 13
Klutzy!Villain x Unlucky!Hero
Evil Scheme 14
Mad Scientist x Magic!Hero/Villain
Evil Scheme 15
Mad Scientist x Mad Magician
Evil Scheme 16
Mysterious!Villain x Hero Who Can See Emotions
Evil Scheme 17
Abstract: Hate potions
Scheme Ideas:
Maybe Whumper (Villian/Hero/Civilian/Mayor/Sidekick/Henchman/etc) gives Caretaker a hate potion so they don’t like whumpee anymore. Maybe Whumper gives a hate potion to whumpee. Or (!) Caretaker mistakenly drinks a hate potion and becomes a whumper👀 There are options😈
Evil Scheme 18
Gentle Supervillain x Investigative Reporter
Evil Scheme 19
Sassy!Villain x Adorable!Henchperson
Evil Scheme 20
By-the-Book Detective x Chaotic!Hero
Evil Scheme 21
Vigilante x Pesky!Reporter
Evil Scheme 22
Chosen-One-Hero-Turned-Villain x the powers that chose them
Evil Scheme 23
Evil Scheme 24
Hero knows Villain’s identity. Villain doesn’t know Hero knows.
Villain knows Hero’s identity. Hero doesn’t know Villain knows.
Hero’s and Villain’s civilian personas are lovers…but Hero and Villain are nemeses
Evil Scheme 25
Injured hero/villain/sidekick/henchman shows up on Civilian's doorstep...but their whumper isn't far behind them.
(Please see the rules and guidelines for more about whump do’s and don'ts for our event😊)
Villaintine’s Day 2024 Ways to Participate
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ggukkiedae · 6 months
BTS MIYA Kicks Off Her Solo Comeback With Exciting News
7:30PM || March 21, 2024
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MIYA talks about her future plans during her comeback showcase!
MIYA dropped the album's pre-release single 'SHHH!' on February 14 as a sample for 'REPPIN'". Since then, ARMYs have excitedly waited for the album's release.
'REPPIN'" is an album that MIYA describes to be one that boosts the feeling of self-confidence while taking inspiration from people she sees as 'girl bosses'. Her examples include Beyonce, Marvel's Natasha Romanoff, Ocean's 8 Debby Ocean, Hotel Del Luna's Jang Man Wol, and Little Mix among many others.
The full-length album came out 6PM today, but Bangtan's Princess held a showcase for the press and a number of ARMYs at 1PM where she performed her title track 'DRAMA' and two b-sides as well ('bloodline' and 'whistle') as talked about her tracks, as we'll write at the end of the article.
Alongside her album release, MIYA released news of a tour this year, starting off in June. She noted that the tour "was actually supposed to be announced tomorrow, but I'm already here. I'll leave the details for the poster, but I'll be going on my first solo tour later this year, and I'm definitely going to focus on performing more recent songs! See you all in June!"
ARMYs flooded to the internet with the news, both excited over the new music as well as the possibility of seeing MIYA perform old songs again as well as other songs she had never performed before.
Are you excited for MIYA's tour? Read below to get a glimpse of what to expect from it from MIYA herself:
MY HOUSE (only until 2:03): "I wanted to open the album with something empowering that boosts that feeling of self-confidence and independence, you know? Also something that feels like pride for representing you and what's yours."
DRAMA: "This is the album's title track and one out of the four songs in Korean on the album. I'd like to say, like its title, it gives off a dramatic vibe in a way that practically screams 'main character energy'."
bloodline: "Writing 'bloodline', i tried to tap into the mindset of a girl breaking free from a toxic relationship. Of course, it isn't something I personally experienced in terms of romance because we all know how sweet and amazing my boyfriend is, but I pulled this a bit from when I got emancipated from my biological birthgivers. Only a little bit. Just the resentment."
egotistic: "I'd say that 'egotistic' falls along similar lines to 'bloodline' in terms of freeing and self/confidence. It has a more Latin pop vibe that I definitely have been dabbling in alongside other genres over my hiatus."
bet u wanna: "If there were one song on this album that would make you more confident when talking to a guy you like, I would think 'bet u wanna' is that song. Enough said, I think that pretty much speaks for itself."
got her own (with TXT Seri): "Seri was with me almost the whole time I worked on 'got her own'! She was really excited to work on something that celebrates female independene and just overall self-sufficiency, and I'd like to think we made a good anthem just for that."
grl gvng: "This is like a song I made with a bunch of my closest friends in the industry. I think namely NCT's Hannah unnie, TXT's Seri, Enhypen's Ari, Aespa's Ningning, Red Velvet's Yeri unnie, and Le Sserafim's Yunjin. These girls are some of the strongest I know."
shhh!: "You guys already know 'shhh!'. You wouldn't expect the album from the pre-release single, would you? Yes, I absolutely enjoyed the more mature concepts I did recently, so I carried it over with this in a more playful manner that shows certainty in one's own desires."
princess diana (with NCT Hannah): "Princess Diana was an icon in her time, and obviously Hannah unnie and I both grew up in England for a time hearing stories of her. This song was kind of us channeling her iconicness in a... not as elegant manner."
b.i.t.c.h.: "I know it's still a shock for many to see me include curses in my music, but I don't care. That's this song, you know? Taking the reigns of my own life because people will always talk, so I don't need to waste time trying to appease everyone at the cost of losing myself. It was a lesson hard learned."
whistle: "This is the last of the Korean songs on this album. Like the others, it's very self-confidence based with the more alluring calmer vibes. It's a song I particularly enjoy performing just because the choreography feels playful and upbeat."
7 rings: "The album closes with '7 rings'. We can't have a woman empowerment album without at least one manifesting song, right? This is the trap song to play when you're getting ready for a girl's night in the bathroom to hype yourself up."
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taglist: @sunflower-0180 @seaoffangirling @yourwonderbelle @1-800-enhypennabi @kamiiyou @strwberrydinosaur @uraveragefangirlsposts @caratinylyfe @1-800-minji @one16core @kimhyejin3108 @chansols @akshverse @toriluvsfics @billboard-singer @stopeatread @allthings-fandoms @jammingjaem
drop an ask or a dm if you wanna be added or taken out of the taglist 🥰 requests are also open!
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ms-m-astrologer · 7 months
The Week Ahead: March 11-17, 2024
A couple of caveats before I get going: one, stupid fucking Daylight Savings Time begins in the US at 2 am local time on Sunday morning - the clocks all go from “01:59” to “03:00;” two, we all enter the “Shadow of the Eclipse” on Friday, March 15. (The Ides of March! Splendid!! /snark)
Lunar Phases
Thursday, March 13, 14:32 UT - Crescent Moon, 8°30’ Taurus
The key phrase for the Crescent lunar phase is “gather and mobilize resources.” We’re practical about it, and can accept good advice, too. We may go a bit overboard as far as quantity goes, looking for several months’ worth of supplies rather than a few weeks.
Sunday, March 17, 04:11 UT - First Quarter Moon, 27°04’ Gemini
The key phrases for the First Quarter lunar phase are “take action,” and “build new structures to support our intentions.” It would be better to wait a few hours, until the Moon enters Cancer at 09:40 UT - before then we can’t see clearly and may think we have more options than actually exist.
Void of Course Moon
Tuesday, March 12, 11:08 UT (Aries) - Wednesday, March 13, 00:28 UT (Taurus)
Thursday, March 14, 22:29 UT (Taurus) - Friday, March 15, 03:16 UT (Gemini)
Sunday, March 17, 04:43 UT (Gemini) - 09:40 UT (Cancer)
Pre-retrograde shadow: Ceres/Capricorn, Pallas Athene/Sagittarius
Retrograde: Juno/Virgo
Post-retrograde shadow: Vesta/Gemini, Jupiter/Pisces
Monday, March 11, 21:50 UT - transiting Venus enters Pisces
Venus likes to be here. It’s the sign of her “exaltation” - Pisces brings out her best, provided we keep away from self-pity and dissolute behavior, and manage some healthy boundaries.
Et Cetera
There are two Opportunity Periods this week:
Monday, March 11, 03:15 UT - Tuesday, March 12, 11:08 UT. “Channel your energy and enthusiasm into your new ventures under this positive New Moon.”
Thursday, March 14, 17:57 UT - Friday, March 15, 03:16 UT. “An excellent OP for the arts, romance, or even earthy, practical matters.”
Next week is intense. In order:
Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow;
Aries Equinox;
Mars enters Pisces;
Jupiter exits its post-retrograde shadow; and
Saturn enters its pre-retrograde shadow.
Therefore, this week, I think we should focus on building up our strength! That first Opportunity Period is especially conducive for doing that.
The “shadow of the eclipse” is a period of time lasting ten days before the first eclipse, to three days after the last one. It’s supposed to be a time of waiting and watching for any disruptions the eclipses bring. It isn’t advisable to start anything important during this time, unless we don’t care if it splits off into unforeseen tangents. (And hey, sometimes we are up for that, right?)
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saintmeghanmarkle · 6 months
In the Room Where It Happened by u/lastlemming-pip
In the Room Where It Happened Someone threw it out there as a probability & the more I’ve thought about it, the more I’m convinced it’s true. Because these guys are insane. Because these guys couldn’t read a room (where it happened) if their life depended on it. They actually thought they could bulldoze Charles into this because Charles was nice enough to call Harry & give him a personal heads up about his cancer diagnosis. That was all it took. That was the beginnings of a thaw, no? Détente, yes? Of course, Harry would have to fly out & make the ask in person. Couldn’t let Wet Blanket Willy or the Suits get in the way of Family Unity, Right? But in order for this to make sense, let’s go back a bit.On January 29, 2024, Charles left London Clinic after a 3 day stay for a prostate procedure. Following this, on February 5, it was announced that he was suffering from cancer, type & prognosis unspecified. His sons had already been advised of this personally by Charles & his partially estranged son, Harry, living in Santa Barbara, California, takes it upon himself to fly fourteen hours to London for what has variously been described as a 14 minute or a 30 minute visit before immediately returning home to Santa Barbara. What was that visit about? We don’t really know except, supposedly “cancer.” Rumor has it that he offered to put Megs on the phone to speak with his father & that his father advised him that that wouldn’t be necessary. Speak about what? “Cancer?” That’s all? I, for one, doubt it.I suspect that phone call from Charles caused Harry to believe that relations between Harry & his wife & Charles were back on the mend. Unlike Big Willie, Charles wasn’t holding a grudge. And what better time, thought Harry (& Megs) to push for rapprochement than when the Family was overworked, understaffed, stretched to the limit. So few players. Plenty of room.And this year especially Will & Kate couldn’t provide the usually glamor so Harry & Meghan would! Imagine the headlines! The Fab Four are back, well the Fab Two any way. The breach was healed! So Megs cooked up the plan to send Harry to his Dad for the big ask. He had to ask in person because if any sane person (ie William) heard about it, they would stop in it’s tracks. But it the King somehow got it in his head & decided his darling boy….So King Charles would decide Harry & Meghan would present at the BAFTA’s. William wouldn’t even have to go! He could stay home w/ Kate! “Think of the publicity! Think of how much stress it would remove from the family! Here, just call M! She’ll explain it all to you. She even has the dress. I don’t even have to go home. I can fly to Balmoral w/ you. She can meet us there.”But it didn’t work. Charles, after a shocked silence, “Darling boy. That won’t be necessary.”I really think it happened this way. He didn’t fly out just for “support.” He flew out to ask if they could preside at the BAFTAs. post link: https://ift.tt/KIXVzF7 author: lastlemming-pip submitted: April 07, 2024 at 03:34PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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usafphantom2 · 7 months
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Close to 500 jets ordered, Dassault decides to increase Rafale's production rate
With 211 Rafale jets still needing to be delivered and more potential orders, Dassault wants to increase the rate to be able to fulfill its deliveries.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 10/03/2024 - 18:40in Military
With Rafale's sales increasing, Dassault now needs to increase the production rate, as the deliveries of the French fighter were below the planned for 2023. And that's what the French manufacturer announced for this year.
The French manufacturer received 60 new orders for its fighter only last year, with 42 of them for the French Air Force, with deliveries ?? between 2027 and 2032. Another 18 jets came from an order from Indonesia this year, as a final part of a contract signed in 2022 for a total of 42 Rafales.
With these orders, the total number of Rafale orders is approaching the 500 mark. In 2022 alone, Dassault won 92 orders.
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Even with the number of orders increasing, the number of deliveries is currently short of these market successes. Dassault wanted to deliver 15 Rafales to customers in 2023, but only 13 were delivered. According to the head of the company, Eric Trappier, this will change soon. “We are working for Phase 2,” the managing director of Dassault said on March 6 at the annual press conference. This means production should increase to almost two jets per month, with an initial goal of 20 deliveries for 2024.
In the medium term, according to Trappier, the annual production rate is expected to continue to increase and stabilize by at least 23 copies from 2025. However, the "challenges" in the supply chain must first be overcome, the head of Dassault emphasized in his statement. It's "a bit like the egg and the chicken," says Trappier: "If you had told me five years ago that we were moving on to the next phase, I would have said that we couldn't predict this, we should sell first. Therefore, there is a limit to increasing the production chains, but we actually need some time." However, the final assembly in Mérignac offers enough space for new advances.
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Rafale from the Indian Air Force.
"We are making the transition to the production of 3 aircraft per month, from a rate that was lower in units in 2020, when production was stagnant," explained Eric Trappier.
Of a total of 495 Rafales ordered - 234 for France and 261 for export, not including used jets ?? - 211 would still need to be produced at the end of 2023, 141 for exports and 70 for France. On the one hand, this delay guarantees the future of the program for at least ten years, but on the other hand, Dassault is still committed to making customers more enthusiastic about Rafale.
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Rafale from the Hellenic Air Force.
According to Trappier, discussions continue with Saudi Arabia, which may order 54 Rafales. However, here you are competing with the Eurofighter and the Boeing F-15EX.
The French Air and Space Force is currently preparing for the planned Rafale F5 standard. Dassault expects to receive its first French order later this year.
Tags: Armée de l'air - French Air Force/French Air ForceMilitary AviationDassault AviationDassault Rafale
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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chrysochroma · 7 months
Neon green and scarlet red
@febuwhump 2024: Day 14: blood stained tiles
@badthingshappenbingo : self-loathing (card is at the end)
Rating: Teen And Up
Words: 857
Fandom: Danny Phantom
Warnings: Dissection/vivisection/surgery, self loathing, bad parenting, blood
- not phantom planet compliant
- for clarification, his heart doesn’t beat in ghost mode (he doesn’t breathe either)
read on Ao3
Danny’s eyes flickered open, and he was met with the sight of familiar ceiling tiles. He was in the Fenton Works lab, in the basement of his house, for some reason. He wasn’t quite sure how he got there, but he decided that figuring that out could wait.
He moved to sit up, then immediately realized that he couldn’t. Thick metal straps crossed over his collarbones and thighs, and around his wrists and ankles, strapping him down to what he now realized was an operating table. A twinge of fear sparked in Danny’s heart, but he managed to supress it long enough to evaluate the situation he found himself in. Somehow, someone had kidnapped him and broken into his parent’s basement, then left him here. As far as he could tell, there was no one else in the lab with him, and he wasn’t sure where his presumed kidnapper had gone. Who would do this, though? This wasn’t something that any of the usual ghosts would do. Another possibility crossed his mind, but he dismissed it just as fast. It could be Vlad, Danny supposed. Or someone new.
“Hey, anyone there?” He called out.
“Lovely, you’re awake.” The response came from some corner that was too far away for Danny to see, but their voice dug a pit in Danny’s heart.
“Who are you?” He demanded.
“You should know who I am, Phantom.”
“No, I don’t.” At leat that’s what Danny was trying to tell himself.
“Well, I suppose it doesn’t matter anyway,” Maddie Fenton said as she stepped into view.
Danny said nothing as he tried to keep his mind from spiraling further into fear.
Maddie continued. “There won’t be much left of you in a bit.”
“No, wait, hey-“
There was a click of some kind of recoding device. “10:59 PM. The Phantom has just woken up. I will begin dissection shortly.”
Danny’s heart beat once, then stopped again. “Hey, first of all, it’s vivisection, because I’m alive.”
“No you’re not. There are no signs of life anywhere on you. Your heart doesn’t beat, your lungs don’t breathe. The only evidence that you’re telling the truth is your brain activity. Other than that, you might as well be a corpse.”
“Yeah, alright.” Danny clenched his fists, then braced himself.
Nothing happened.
Maddie smiled. “Subject has appempted to turn intangible, but couldn’t, due to our patent-pending GhostTrap technology.”
Danny was there when his parents were testing out designs for it. He remembered coming up with a few, himself. He knew that trying to break out of them was pointless. So, he fell back on plan B, although somewhat reluctantly.
Rings of glowing green light formed around Danny as as he slipped out of his ghostly form, the color returning to his skin and hair. “Mom, it’s me. Please, don’t-“
Maddie paused. “It appears that Phantom either has the ability to shapeshift, and is trying to bait me into letting him go, or he has actually been my son the whole time.”
“Yes! Mom, just let me go, it’s me, Danny!”
“Either way, the operation will proceed as planned.”
The recorder clicked off. “If you aren’t my son, that changes nothing. If you are, it still changes nothing.” Maddie stepped closer, right next to the table, and looked down at Danny. “If you are, you should know how irresponsible you’ve been. The Phantom has causing chaos all over town for months now, when you knew that the right thing to do was turn yourself in. If you were really Danny, you would’ve made the correct choice and come to us, so we could’ve disposed of you earlier, before you could’ve harmed anyone.” The recorder clicked back on, and Maddie stepped back to the table holding an assortment of surgical equipment. “11:03 PM. Operation begins.”
Danny heard the sound of latex gloves snapping around her wrists, then scraping metal as she picked a scalpel off the tray. She walked back to the table, then positioned it over Danny’s chest, ignoring his shouts of protest.
The blade ripped through Danny’s flesh like it did his mind, screaming at the absence of anesthesia. A few seconds into the cut, Danny flickered back into a ghost, in some effort of defense. His blood flashed into neon green, lighting up the room. Maddie ignored it and carefully cut more and more of his skin away, exposing his abdominal cavity to the open air.
All the while, Danny was screaming at himself. Maybe his mom was right. He had hurt a lot of people as the Phantom. And if he hadn’t messed with the portal, it never would’ve broken, and there wouldn’t have been ghosts coming through. There wouldn’t need to be a Phantom. Heck, they had Valerie now. And those stupid Masters’ Blasters, however reluctantly Danny liked to admit it. Amity Park didn’t need him.
His blood glitched between neon green and scarlet red as it dripped onto the tile below, forming a puddle.
“Operation complete.” The recorder clicked off, and the door to the basement swung shut, leaving Danny in complete darkness, except for the light from his blood.
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saberghatz · 8 months
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? YES PRETTY GOOD!!
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to? My friends :')
03: Do you regret anything? Like a billion things that I won't get into here >:)
04: Are you insecure? Only on Fridays
05: What is your relationship status? SINGLE YEAAA BOIEEIEEEE
06: How do you want to die? In my sleep would be the most ideal tbh I'm down for that
07: What did you last eat? Ritz crackers and peanut butter;;.....
08: Played any sports? IN MY LIFE? YEA!! RECENTLY? UHHHHHHhhhhhhhhh
I hate playing on teams so I usually just fuck about on my own or with friends, you'll never catch me joining like actual sports teams again
09: Do you bite your nails? Surprisingly no o-o
10: When was your last physical fight? Too long ago. I'm really itching. SOMEONE PLEASE SPAR WITH ME
11: Do you like someone? I WISH I DID. FUCK.
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? HEEELL NAW I'M LIKE A GRANDMA WHEN IT COMES TO GOING TO BED EARLY (against my will, i am simply a tired bitch)
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment? Everyone except the people I don't hate
14: Do you miss someone? Deeply :D
15: Have any pets? I don't have any personally, but my mom has two kitties named Nikki and Tessie. When I go visit her, I get to see them too. She had them since before I moved away, so I still consider them kind of my cats :')
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment? Lonely enough to do this, but also happy enough to do this
17: Ever made out in the bathroom? I thought this said 'have you ever made it out of the bathroom' and I'm like honestly no my ibs could never
On that note, no but call me
18: Are you scared of spiders? No :(
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? I'd go back to a time before I was born, definitely the 70s or 80s just to experience it for awhile.
But if I was limited to only going back in time during the years I was alive, no I would never go back. I feel like I've learned a lot over the years and I don't want to lose that progress
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone? Probably the airport
21: What are your plans for this weekend? MY ROOMMATE BLAIR HAS A CHOW CHOW PUPPY AND WE'RE TAKING HER TO A DOGGIE SOCIAL ON SATURDAY. Also maybe going to an art show/mall on Sunday.
22: Do you want to have kids? How many? Zero, have you seen the state of the world??
23: Do you have piercings? How many? I have ear piercings, but I think they closed up :// I REGRET LETTING THEM CLOSE
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)? Like in school? That's a lifetime ago oh god Science
25: Do you miss anyone from your past? Yes almost everybody I've ever known, whether it ended on good or bad terms. I am simply a sentimental soul with a horrible memory
26: What are you craving right now? Making out with a stranger that I know
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? @_@;;;.... yea
28: Have you ever been cheated on? No
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? PROBABLY, I'M SORRY IF SO
30: What’s irritating you right now? Social media is grating on my fucking nerves, so much so that I'm weening off insta and twitter and I've ended up back here. Right here.
31: Does somebody love you? If so lemme know
32: What is your favourite color? Pink, white, gold
33: Do you have trust issues? Fortunately not
34: Who/what was your last dream about? I think I dreamed I was Percy Jackson and I was befriending some monsters instead of killing them.
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of? My roommate like literally yesterday :D
36: Do you give out second chances too easily? I'd give anyone a second chance, but I don't think I'd give a third chance.
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget? I forgive because I don't hold grudges and then my memory is so rotten that I forget why I was mad in the first place
38: Is this year the best year of your life? ITS BARELY 2024 SO I CAN'T ANSWER YET
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss? 16 I think. Shout out to Solangelo
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked? No but this made me realize I never have, and now I want to
51: Favourite food? I can't think of anything, so like I do at restaurant menus I'll default to chicken strips :)
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? Yes 100%
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? shower, work on writing my fics, jerk off, draw, you decide what order
54: Is cheating ever okay? Never, unless your partner knows but then its not chEATING IS IT
55: Are you mean? Honestly maybe
56: How many people have you fist fought? Not enough (none. please. please spar with me I need to train)
57: Do you believe in true love? I believe some people believe in it and can find that for themselves. I hope I become one of them
58: Favourite weather? If I can't wear a bikini, I'm sad. But crisp Autumn mornings also hit like no other..
59: Do you like the snow? I love visiting the snow, I wouldn't want to live in the snow
60: Do you wanna get married? I haven't really thought about it lately. So currently, I guess not xD
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? Hell yea, but turn up the heat
62: What makes you happy? @hyenahijinks @yuuidflourite @comets-nix and drawing
63: Would you change your name? Some people call me Grace which I like a lot, it's my middle name tho
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? I'd totally do it, but I'd probably get that fist fight I've been begging for instead
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? Been there done that, we over it and stronger than ever >:)
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? @hyenahijinks ILY bitch
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? @hyenahijinks
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? LOL MY MOM TODAY ACTUALLY
69: Do you believe in soulmates? ARE TRUE LOVE AND SOULMATES NOT THE SAME THING
70: Is there anyone you would die for? My friends and parents 100% but I'm also not like super attached to breathing to begin with so the decision would be very easy
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deadcactuswalking · 6 months
REVIEWING THE CHARTS: 23/03/2024 (V of BTS and... Mark Knopfler?)
It’s a short week, largely to prepare for what chaos should be coming the next, but right at the top, Benson Boone clenches his first ever #1 with “Beautiful Things”. I know pretty much no-one who cares about pop music on a deeper level likes this song, but hey, if I’m the only person happy about this other than Booner Boy himself, I’ll take it. Welcome back to REVIEWING THE CHARTS!
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Given our few new songs, we also only have a handful of notable dropouts to start with, so we’ll bid adieu to the small but decent selection of “Could You be Loved” by Bob Marley & The Wailers, “Angel Numbers / Ten Toes” by Chris Brown, “My Love Mine All Mine” by Mitski and finally, “Disconnect” by Becky Hill and Chase & Status.
As for what’s back, we see returns for “Asking” by Sonny Fodera and MK featuring Clementine Douglas at #73 and, sigh, “Someone You Loved” by Lewis Capaldi at #68, and then a spattering of gains. Our most notable boosts are for “if u think i’m pretty” by Artemas at #59, “Wasted Youth” by goddard. and Cat Burns at #58, “We Ain’t Here for Long” by Nathan Dawe at #55, “Happier” by The Blessed Madonna featuring Clementine Douglas at #54, “Thank You (Not So Bad)” by a bestiary of enemies to good taste at #50, “Green & Gold” by Rudimental and Skepsis featuring Charlotte Plank and Riko Dan at #43, “Birds in the Sky” by NewEra at #34, “Never Lose Me” by Flo Milli surging high and fast up to #23 thanks to her releasing an album that includes a pretty great remix of the song featuring Cardi B and SZA, and then “Austin” by Dasha at #15, “Lovers in a Past Life” by Calvin Harris and Rag’n’Bone Man at #14 and finally, making his way into the top 10 for the first time, “Scared to Start” by Michael Marcagi at #10.
Our top five this week consists of “End of Beginning” by Djo at #5, “Lose Control” by Teddy Swims at #4, “TEXAS HOLD ‘EM” by Beyoncé at #3, “we can’t be friends (wait for your love)” by Ariana Grande at a new peak of #2 off of the debut, that could grab a week at the top soon, and of course, Benny Boone at #1. Now for our four new songs, which feel like names picked out of a hat and placed onto the chart.
New Entries
#60 - “Been Like This” - Meghan Trainor and T-Pain
Produced by Gian Stone and Grant Boutin
This is a joke, right? Or a soundtrack to a reality television competition, or daytime talk show? T-Pain has grown into his role as wholesome cuddly media figure surprisingly well and a collaboration with Meghan Trainor, whilst demonic, seems to be the best way to seal that position, with this being the lead single for her next album… Timeless. Well, that’s one thing to call your music. Mean jokes aside, hey, T-Pain is here so at least there’ll be some genuine, not as obnoxious charisma? Well, first of all, it’s electro swing, so my first instinct is to step away from my laptop, keel over and die, especially when Meghan starts to singing about how she keeps it juicy and then eventually that she’s “still that bitch”, as if she was ever that bitch to begin with. There’s something so cynical about Trainor’s vocals that I didn’t notice just the true extent of until T-Pain came in with an infectious call-and-response and weirdly-mixed but fun-extruding harmonies that almost would convince me on the entire song if he didn’t have to play to Meghan’s lack of personality, especially when placed against each other in the bridge. T-Pain can sell this as some goofy cartoon clown, but it probably wouldn’t charted without Ms. Trainor, who brings pretty much nothing to the song other than taking it a tad too seriously, despite the fact that there’s no reason, lyrically, for this to even be a duet. Also, Meghan, I’m not sure you can even sing the line about GRAMMYs in T-Pain’s verse on the account of you only have one.
#52 - “Never be Lonely” - Jax Jones and Zoe Wees
Produced by Jax Jones, Mark Ralph, Neave Applebaum and Tom Demac
I actually really like Jax Jones’ producer tag, it’s cute and rhythmic, has a little stutter to it. It’s nice. I have to say more than that, don’t I? I have to acknowledge Zoe Wees’ voice being misued and manipulated to just sounding characterless, I have to acknowledge how this heavily interpolates the drop from “Rhythm is a Dancer” by Snap!, one of the best Eurodance songs ever despite some… regrettable lines. It spent six weeks at #1 in 1992, blocking off Jimmy Nails, Freddie Mercury, Luther Vandross, Janet Jackson and of course, “Ebenezer Goode” by the Shamen from the top spot, before reappearing in remixed form in 2003 and 2008, reaching the top 40 again both times. “Never be Lonely” doesn’t work as an update of the song because of completely different lyrical content that I actually hate, asking someone to tell her how it feels that she’ll always be there for them, it’s really patronising and weird. It doesn’t work as a reimagining or reinterpretation because it goes for the same tone, and doesn’t adopt or adapt any of the original lyrical conceits. The one thing it does have is a Cascada remix. Yes, that Cascada. I have no idea why, but it exists.
#18 - “Going Home” (Theme from Local Hero) - Mark Knopfler’s Guitar Heroes
Produced by Guy Fletcher
Oh, so I guess this episode really will get as serious as cancer. This one might take a while to explain. So in 1983, Bill Forsyth wrote and directed Local Hero, a highly-acclaimed comedy drama that is actually former US Vice President Al Gore’s favourite film. Its soundtrack features a five-minute instrumental piece known as the “Theme of the Local Hero”. I’ve never seen the film so I don’t know how exactly it appears or makes sense within its narrative but I do know it has far transcended its origin. “Going Home” was the first single in Mark Knopfler’s solo career and has become a staple in both his and his band’s live performances, as well as becoming another theme, now for Knopfler’s home football team, Newcastle United. It’s probably the most lukewarm take of all time to say that “Going Home” is a beautiful piece, it honestly gives me goosebumps from its transcendent new-age introduction and excellently distant sax from Michael Brecker, that eventually transform into a very 80s-sounding but still profoundly triumphant jam that emulates the feeling of a journey in the UK pretty well. Maybe that’s what the film’s about, I don’t know. It peaked at #56 in 1983, whilst Bonnie Tyler’s “Total Eclipse of the Heart” was #1 - good week for rock epics, I guess.
If you know Knopfler from anything, it’s likely his band Dire Straits, one of the few important British rock bands that hit #1 in the States and never back over here on the islands - their #1 is of course “Money for Nothing”. The legacy of Dire Straits is not something tangible for me or that I’ve ever really understood, their sound was varied and evolved through what was ultimately a very short career. They’re not a legendary act but are still big names and incredibly well-connected, especially Knopfler, who has played and produced extensively for many artists and soundtracks. In January, Knopfler sold over 100 of his guitar and amp equipment at auction and in March, he’s compiled a charity ensemble to cover “Going Home” in support of cancer awareness.
Its status as a charity single is the only possible explanation for why this nearly 10 minute instrumental piece even touched the charts let alone the top 20, but it is stuffed with big names, from rock icons like Brian May, RIngo Starr and Joan Jett and newer cats like Sam Fender and Orianthi to genuine oddballs like Keiji Haino and head-scratching inclusions like, uh, Brad Paisley, who I will only ever remember for “Accidental Racist”. There are over 60 musicians on this record and damn near all of them contributed through their guitar playing, other than Ringo on drums, The Who’s Roger Daltrey on my favourite, the harmonica (that you can barely hear at times - Daltrey’s harmonica should be put to better use), and a few others. You can tell that Fletcher and Knopfler did their best job to try and collate recordings that were clearly from different times, places, equipment set-ups and audio qualities, but this is still basically a meandering pile of guitar overdubs that lasts longer than some full EPs and doesn’t really let you register any single guitarist as them playing. The collectiveness of it may just be the point, to show a united front against cancer or what have you, and there’s definitely a lot to appreciate if you’re an in-depth fan of guitar playing or a guitarist yourself, of which I’m not. I will admit, this is genuinely impressively easy to sit through for how lengthy it is, largely because of the dexterity on display, the fact that the melody of the original “Going Home”, even when developed on in the many ways it is within this piece, is still so infectious, and also because it comes out of not just cynical philanthropy but a genuine passion for the guitar as an instrument. The cover art is a Sgt. Peppers parody of the musicians standing in front of a famous guitar shop in London, and the wide array of musicians from a lot of different genres, eras and even techniques shows how wide and universal this feels an appreciation of the guitar… but I’ll say what my dad always said about Dire Straits (because, really, dads are the only people with viable Dire Straits opinions): “it all becomes much of a muchness.” My favourite of theirs is “Walk of Life” by the way, it’s so goofy. Love it.
#14 - “FRI(END)S” - V
Produced by Connor McDonough and Riley McDonough
V is the latest of the BTS boys to release a solo English single, seemingly leading towards a solo career like Jung Kook, with credits stacked full of Anglophone pop songwriters and production from the McDonough brothers that results in a very serviceable pop song that I’m not sure would get much attention outside of the fact that it’s a BTS member, hence why sales jacked this one’s chart position up so high. It’s not a bad little song at all, in fact I like the distorted guitar lick and the amount of emotion V shows in his vocals despite all the effects, he has a real unique texture against the slodgier indie drums and the infectious bed of harmonies in the pre-chorus. The one way I could see this getting big organically would be that fun albeit gimmicky chorus that makes this an anti-climactic friend zone anthem, though the gimmick wears off after the second time and doesn’t really develop into anything new in the second chorus other than some pretty gross, reverb-drenched spectacle. I usually wouldn’t give this manufactured bedroom pop much more of the time of day but there’s not much in the way of obnoxious performance or toxic lyrics here, it’s just that it really could be any other vaguely bitter male singer’s song. The first most obvious comparison is Joji due to their vocal textures, but Charlie Puth or Lauv could have easily made this work too, though probably not as well as V does here, especially not Puth. God, that would be horrible. Thank God for BTS that this song was never offered to Puth (not that he’d accept a song he didn’t spend 20 hours writing and producing himself, of course). Ugh, enough Puth talk, let’s end the episode.
God, this was not a great week, huh? Even if I’m not fussed about the new version, the composition of “Going Home” makes Mark Knopfler and friends get a lock for Honourable Mention, and it really does end up as the song with the most - if not the only - human passion in this selection. Worst of the Week goes to Meghan Trainor, surprise, surprise, for “Been Like This” with T-Pain, and that’s all. Future, Shakira, O-Rod, Tyla, Hozier, Headie One, Artemas, Cardi B, Lil Nas X, Bryson Tiller, they could all hypothetically show up next week and it would be a big one, so prepare for that and who knows what else? It’s 2024, anything can chart. As for now, thank you for reading, rest in peace to Cola Boyy but we go on and I’ll see you next week!
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Dear Reader,
I'm struggling and that's okay... at least that's what people keep telling me. I'm 22, in my final semester at university and for some fucked up reason I'm unable to get on the train without having a panic attack. So here I am, writing to the void as I starve off a panic attack on my way to class for the second time this year. Yes, it may be week 8 into the semester and yes, it may seem completely redundant at this point. BUT all that stands in my way of graduating is 2 assignments, a dissertation and 12,000 words, and I'll be absolutely damned if I give up now.
If you couldn't tell, I'm pretty sure my therapist took this idea from 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower' by Stephen Chbosky. If for some unknown reason, you don't know this book then I highly recommend it!
I am not an English Literature or Language student so forgive me for any mistakes I make. I actually study Criminology and Criminal Justice, which is interesting, to say the least. Y'know I actually had no idea what I wanted to study at university. 6 year old me had dreams of being a marine biologist because I adore sea animals. 10 year old me just wanted to own a library and 14 year old me didn't think I would make it this far.
I feel like by this time, you have all these expectations right and you're supposed to know what it is you want to do and adulting is hard. I'm sitting in my lecture for today learning about older prisoners and I want nothing more than to sit and just stare at the wall, doing nothing.
The day had a drastic turn! I went to a mental health group thing and met some people and ended up joining the D&D Discord so like that's wild. Apart from my flatmate making snide comments about my mental health, the day ended good!
I'm now just existing and watching legally blonde so I'm gonna end this here.
Love, A x
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irregulardiaryposts · 7 months
20:40 07/03/2024
okay wow well its been well over two years since i updated this 'diary' blog lol
so weird seeing all those old posts about being a teenager with existential thoughts lol i dont really think like that anymore, at least not so much. i guess an update is in order then lmao okay so im in my 3rd year of uni now and im doing my year abroad! doing it in a small city in spain and i really quite like my job, ive only got 14hrs, i have a 3 day weekend, the city is small so i can walk everywhere and this job really gives me a sense of purpose that ive been missing in my life. makes me really realise that university is NOT for me lmfao i was so depressed during my second year i probs went to like 20% of my classes loool. im pretty sure i mightve almost failed aswell but since the professors were doing a marking boycott they released grades without marking the final exam and so since i was already doing well enough in all my classes i passed! quite lucky i think cos i wouldve been so entirely embarrassed and ashamed if i had to repeat a year cos of mental health. i think things are better here tho my issues havent disappeard completely like eg i have these evening classes 6-7.40pm tuesdays and thursdays and for the past like month i havent attended :/ at first it was cos i was sick (i think it was covid lol either from glasgow or on the plane back idk) and then i just didnt go back to class. i think my main excuse is that that is dinner time for me and i dont wanna move dinner time lol. but also i think the class itself is just not for me i dont feel like i learn a whoooole lot while im there and learning on apps is easier for me? but i always felt better for going to the classes cos i was like ha! im not depressed would a depressed person do this!? but of course depression doesnt work like that and i think i need medicated ! but that seems too scary to say. but at least i found someone to do a language exchange with! ive only had one hour with her in spanish, which was yesterday, but i already feel like ive improved lmaooo like i literally dreamt last night in a mix of spanish and english ahahahah cos when i think about it i literally have not ever regularly spoken spanish, ive only really spoken for activies in class or speaking exams so no wonder i have 0000 confidence in my speaking abilities but im hopeful that this will really improve my speaking :) about my job i guess- i work in a high school and i really enjoy interacting with the kids they really do make every day different and more interesting so i am grateful for them but sometimes damnnn sometimes i wanna jump out the window especially with this third year class they are the class KNOWN for being a bitof a pain lol and sometimes i have to lead the class by myself lmaooo mid u ik im 20 but i dont look it and they certainly dont treat me like an adult or a teacher and ngl they are a bit disrespectful at times but also what are u gonna do they are 14 and i have no proper teaching experience to help them by myself i can only hope that im actuallt helping them learn english lol. it is quite difficult tho with my scottish accent to try and sound as clear as possible because i pronounce almost 100% of the vowel sounds differently than rp english which is what i think they are used to so i have to realllyyyy annunciate all my words and man is it tiring lol.
what else. im going to madrid this weekend with bestie and im really looking forward to having a relaxing and fun time but i still havent packed my bags looooooool i alwyas do this tho and its fine not a big deal at all but i def need to do it tonight cos im leaving tomorrow immediately after work so ill have to have an actual breakfast and take snacks with me. im really enjoying my time in spain or at least im trying to but i feel like i have pushed myself enough out my comfort zone to be able to look back on this and say yeah i really took advantage of that. like i think i need to be more personable (is that a word yes it is i used it right) in teaching and be more interactive with them and stuff also i feel like i shoulve arranged a language exchange sooner cos i think this will really help, and i need to interact more with the other assistant but the thing is is im just not a sociable personnnnnnn aghgh. any way cutting this short cos i need to pack my bags for my trupppppp
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garudabluffs · 8 months
Feb 3, 2024 MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas and Talking Feds host Harry Litman report on how Donald Trump’s uncontrollable courtroom and deposition conduct has now compounded the pain he will feel in various cases.
would lay my $1 bet on whether they will
7:38 take this up for review or not I will
7:40 tell you they shouldn't because there is
7:43 no law there is no precedent and there
7:45 is no constitutional support for the
7:48 notion that a president has absolute
7:50 immunity so they should absolutely
7:52 refuse to take the case because there's
7:54 nothing to be decided however you know
7:57 the Supreme Court likes to think of
7:59 themselves as you know the biggest
8:01 baddest court in the land they're
8:03 certainly the highest court in the land
8:05 they may want to accept review of the
8:07 case if only to definitively announce
8:11 that a president can't commit crimes in
8:14 violation of our nation's laws a
8:16 president can't commit crimes against
8:18 the American people a president can't
8:20 commit crimes to unlawfully retain the
8:22 power of the presidency because if he
8:25 does he can be prosecuted there's
8:28 actually a strong institutional interest
8:32 in having a unanimous Supreme Court
8:35 announc that that is the law of the land
8:38 I'm not saying that's the way it's going
8:39 to play out but I do think that may be a
8:43 motivator in the Supreme Court Justice's
8:46 uh decision to accept review of the case
8:49 only to say a president is not King and
8:53 guess what a president is not above the
8:56 authority of the Supreme Court which he
8:58 would be if he was absolutely immune
9:02 from
9:03 prosecution right Glenn on on the
9:05 appeals court question I'm obviously
9:07 feeling like like this is taking longer
9:09 than usual but uh you know I'm a I'm a
9:12 10 on the anxiety scale anyway that that
9:14 that's my Baseline but you you've worked
9:16 in the justice system do you feel like
9:18 this is taking an extraordinarily long
9:19 amount of time you know Brian as a
9:21 career Federal prosecutor I've argued
9:23 Criminal Appeals in front of this very
9:25 Court the DC federal circuit court of
9:27 appeals and I can tell you from
9:29 firsthand experience written opinions
9:31 ordinarily take a very long time
9:35 sometimes several months sometimes up to
9:37 a year so yes I know we're only a few
9:40 weeks out from the oral argument and it
9:42 feels like you know we need this thing
9:44 resolved yesterday if our democracy is
9:47 to thrive indeed survive but it's not
9:51 that unusual to have a delay of several
9:54 weeks remember they put this the appell
9:56 court put this on a very expedited track
9:59 just to get the briefs filed and to get
10:01 the oral arguments held so I don't think
10:04 they're going to linger much longer but
10:07 let me tell you sort of as a general
10:09 proposition waiting for three or four
10:11 weeks for an appell at court decision is
10:14 still considered light speed okay all
10:17 right well obviously we'll stay on top
10:19 of this and as soon as we get any update
10:21 from this uh DC court of appeals on the
10:24 question of immunity we'll bring it to
10:25 you so for those watching right now if
10:26 you want to follow along make sure to
10:28 subscribe the links to both of our
10:29 channels are right here on the screen
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lacharcutiere · 3 years
chest is going numb [sawamura daichi]
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part seven of i'm gone i'm gone i'm gone miniseries. the wait feels long while it's happening, but if you look back on it, it only lasted a second.
JST: japanese standard time (GMT +9). EST: eastern standard time (GMT -5). EDT: eastern daylight time (GMT -4).
tings // fluff, angst // i swear this søng is abøut eating øut my best friend's pussy - cøzybøy // dm, ask or comment to be added to taglist ! minors dni.
— 30 JULY 2023. 16:05 EDT, 05:05 JST.
it's a sobering realization that despite having spent two years now in new york, two years wandering the columbia university campus, two years being a regular at the same dunkin' donuts and two years of staying late nights in the library, it's never for a second felt like home.
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and more than it ever has before, two years seems like a hell of a long time.
even four months is a hell of a long time. you still see tōru occasionally, but even that's a rare occurrence now. once a month at most, probably not even.
your solace is the weekly facetimes you and daichi have promised to keep up with now, because after a month of texting him that you miss him in the middle of the night, drunk, sober, whenever, you've decided that it is going to be the two of you anyway; might as well not try so hard to push back.
you can't decide how you feel now, whether you're sad or numb or just miss him. the one thing neither of you ever say, though—at least, not verbally—is that you can't take it anymore.
right now, at least, you can feel that you're in control. you're afraid that if you allow yourself to be lost, what's here now will burn out before you can make it real.
from daichi (written 10th december, received 18th december. opened as soon as you get back from the post office, 10:03 eastern standard time.)
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you call immediately after reading it, almost forgetting how to breathe when he answers the call only for you to see him lying in bed on his stomach in a hoodie, the hood pulled over his head with bits of hair still damp from his shower peeking out from under it.
he smiles. "hm?"
"you can't just say shit like that."
he looks so innocent, so childlike; god, you miss him so much. "like what?"
"i wish you were here to warm me up? really?"
"but it's true!"
"do i not look cold to you?"
"you're going to be the death of me."
"i'd hope not."
"your card came early this year."
"mhm, to make up for last year's lack of card."
"you know what would make up for it even more?"
even though he tries to hide his smirk, resting his chin on his hand and covering his mouth, you can tell. "what?"
"if you were here. and—" you pause, for emphasis, looking pointedly into the camera. "you wouldn't be as cold. because the heat in my room actually works."
"then i'll keep that in mind."
from you (written 14th december, received 20th december. opened as soon as it arrives, 17:11 japan standard time.)
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asahi and kōshi take him out for dinner, conversation almost inevitably leading to jokes about birthday sex and discussions of the impending new year (and thus, new year's kisses).
obviously, that makes him think of you, and he can't take his mind off of what he'd give to have you with him right now.
— 10:11 EST, 23:11 JST.
you call him as soon as you wake up.
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the call lasts until his speech becomes more slurred, his interjections delayed and far-between, until his end is completely silent except for breathing and the camera is turned to the ceiling, his room dim—until he's in another year and you're left behind in the last. he's asleep. and what wouldn’t you give to be next to him? you can’t think of a single thing.
you spend it out with friends from school, see tōru a couple times more. no matter where you are or what time it is, you're constantly checking your phone for new messages or missed calls or instagram stories or whatever from daichi. you wonder if he's doing the same.
on the last day of break, you text him, see you in a month and a half.
— DEPARTURE: 17 MAY 2024. 01:02 EDT, 14:02 JST.
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about fifteen hours later, you're woken up by the crackle of the intercom: attention all passengers—this is your pilot speaking. please fasten your seatbelts, stow your tray tables, and return your seats to the upright position as we will be beginning our descent shortly. the local time is five thirty-six a.m. and the air temperature is currently at twenty six degrees celsius. thank you for flying with al nippon airways, and we hope to see you again soon.
you're on the ground before you know it.
and just like always, daichi's waiting to pick you up, right there as you exit baggage claim. just like always, you're in his arms before you even say anything.
in a year, you think as you re-commit the smell of his cologne to memory, it will all be different. in a year you can be back for good. in a year you can have him.
taglist: @sakruisin-thru @softetsurou @oligbia
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The Legislation For Daylight Savings Time
By Jonathan Cheng, Rice University Class of 2024
February 19, 2021
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If you felt irritated at losing an hour of sleep with the Daylight Saving Time (DST) switch last Sunday, you’re not alone. Across the US, bleary-eyed Americans were forced to stumble out of bed a bit earlier than they are used to, as the clocks jumped forward an hour in the middle of the night. Despite the fervent partisanship currently gripping the Senate, both Republicans and Democrats were able to unite and propose bipartisan legislation that would make DST permanent.
Currently, DST is observed by all states except Hawaii and Arizona. It begins on the second Sunday of March and ends on the first Sunday of October. It is not unique to the US; most industrialized nations use daylight saving to some degree, with the exception of Japan, India, and China (NBC). The original impetus for DST was to reduce electricity consumption by extending the hours of daylight. Essentially, by artificially making the sunset later during the summer months, we can make better use of daylight and reduce the need for indoor electrical lighting (CNN). If this sounds antiquated, that’s because it is. Ancient civilizations are thought to have engaged in similar practices thousands of years ago. Ben Franklin is credited with first suggesting the idea in a letter in 1784. The policy was first nationally introduced by the Germans during WWI, who needed to conserve fuel and electricity for the war effort, and it was later adopted by the US in 1918 (TimeandDate). But in the modern era, when electrical consumption is widespread and not limited to just lighting, the entire idea can seem outdated. Conserving an hour’s worth of electricity in lights sounds good on paper, but becomes irrelevant when you consider the amount of electricity that Americans spend on things like AC, cooking, TVs, and especially personal smartphones. In fact, recent studies have concluded that Americans consume more residential energy as a result of DST, not less (Livescience). This amount of electrical consumption was not a consideration for Congress when it originally implemented DST in the early 20th century.
While the impact of clocks changing by one hour twice a year may sound innocuous, there are actually several potentially dangerous consequences to this policy. This sudden adjustment, even by just an hour, has the potential to have significant effects on the human body caused by a disruption to the sleep cycle, and can manifest in a variety of ways. Research has shown an increase in car accidents and negative health effects in the days following the spring DST switch. Heart attacks in particular were found to increase by as much as 24 percent (BMJ). The sudden onset of darkness and early sunsets caused by the DST switch in the fall has been linked with a drop in mental health and depressive episodes among Americans (Journalist’s Resource). DST has clear negative health repercussions for Americans that go far beyond an hour of wasted sunlight.
Legislative action is currently being undertaken to address this problem. It may seem that DST is some traditional, generational policy that cannot be easily changed, but that is not the case. The last federal adjustment to DST occurred in 2005 with the Energy Policy Act, which among other things extended DST by four weeks (EPA). Indiana actually didn’t even begin observing DST until 2006 (TimeandDate). Legislators are currently working on a solution Republican Senator Marco Rubio has proposed the “Sunshine Protection Act”, which would aim to make DST permanent (NPR). While this may seem counterintuitive given all the aforementioned problems of DST, it is important to remember that most of those problems are a result of the one hour switch that occurs twice a year, not the policy of DST itself. Having one uniform time throughout the year will address these issues, whether that time is Standard Time or DST. Sixteen states and Washington DC have already passed similar legislation at the state level, but they need the support of a federal bill to put it into action (CNN).
DST is a relic of a bygone era where saving an hour of daylight could make a substantive difference in national energy consumption. Nowadays, with the amount of electronics usage in the lives of everyday Americans, that just isn’t the case. DST also poses clear and present danger in the days directly following each hour switch, when tired and stressed Americans are more at risk for car accidents and heart problems. Legislators are united across the aisle in seeking a solution to this problem, and are doing their best to protect our sunshine.
CNN, Analysis by Harry Enten. “Americans Don’t like Changing the Clocks, but Can’t Agree on a Solution.” CNN, https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/14/politics/daylight-saving-time-analysis/index.html. Accessed 14 Mar. 2021.
CNN, Shirin Ali. “Senators Once Again Introduce a Bill to Make Daylight Saving Time Permanent.” CNN, https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/10/us/senators-bill-daylight-saving-time-permanent-trnd/index.html. Accessed 14 Mar. 2021.
Does Daylight Saving Time Really Save Energy? | Live Science. https://www.livescience.com/56725-does-daylight-saving-time-save-energy.html. Accessed 14 Mar. 2021.
Feminism", Mikki KendallMikki Kendall is the author of "Hood, et al. “Opinion | Why We Should Make Daylight Saving Time Permanent.” NBC News, https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/daylight-saving-time-could-be-our-permanent-time-there-are-ncna1261032. Accessed 14 Mar. 2021.
Full Text - Benjamin Franklin - The Journal of Paris, 1784. http://www.webexhibits.org/daylightsaving/franklin3.html. Accessed 14 Mar. 2021.
LastWeekTonight. Daylight Saving Time - How Is This Still A Thing?: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO). 2015. YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=br0NW9ufUUw.
October 30, MaxPublished: and 2019. “Daylight Savings on Sunday - Here’s Why It’s Useless.” 97.5 NOW FM, https://975now.com/daylight-savings-on-sunday-heres-why-its-useless/. Accessed 14 Mar. 2021.
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/karmic-tools-weekly-forecast-march-22-28-2020/
Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast: March 22 – 28, 2020
Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast: March 22 – 28, 2020
By Kelly M. Beard
The video version of this forecast, as read by Kelly, is available here.
The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity. Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto). And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path. It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story. Below, you will find out how these energies tend to manifest, as well as guidance and direction. 
*NOTE*  There are some days when there are NO CONTACTS (besides the Moon), please note that there are no missing entries, we just list the actual Activations of each week + the day they happen.
Weekly Forecast: March 22 – 28, 2020
3/22 ~ Mercury (acumen) ~sextile~ Uranus (the Awakener): (3 of 3: 2/5 ~ 2/28 ~ 3/22)
This energy says, it’s time to go with the flow – “new and different” being the flow. It wants to shake it up a bit – in a good way. However, if you feel like new and different is more like chaos and disruption, then you may need to reflect and see if you aren’t being too rigid. Unwillingness to go with the (new) flow will make this energy harder to handle. This is also a good time to try to resolve any old issues or challenges – they are not going away without resolution and conscious release. Perhaps you’ve been trying the same thing over and over and it’s time to try something NEW – now is the time new ideas can/will come to you. Pay attention! Try to be open and receptive to unusual things, events or ideas and allow room for spontaneity. You may think you are doing one thing and look up and being doing something completely different – be open to exploring the new path!
3/22 ~ Venus (essence & natural beauty) ~sextile~ Neptune (consciousness & vision):
This energy connects your true values & priorities to the planet of dreams, mysticism & other dimensions (Neptune). You have an opportunity to gain some traction on making your vision tangible just by connecting to the essence you want to experience. Feel the feeling and that will lead to the physical manifestation. This energy helps you believe in what is possible and supports any artistic expression or active practice, such as vision boards, affirmations etc, that which helps you hone the actual vision. Steps & strategies are for other planets, Venus only cares about the essence of nature & love and Neptune is definitely not who you’d work with for ‘steps/strategies’ ; -) Tune in to the natural beauty around you and suspend any usual inner dialogue for a day or two (as soon as you can) so you can connect to some inspiration that is guided by your own Heart & Soul (from the inside-out).
3/23 ~ Mars (desires) ~conjunct~ Pluto (transformation):
This is an extremely powerful combination of energy. If it is properly channeled, magical results are possible. If your ego is engaged, tragic results are possible. This is ‘lower will’ versus ‘higher will’ together, increasing each other’s strength and potency. So if you know who you are and what you want, then this energy can catapult you to the next level, giving you endless energy, power and drive to accomplish your goals. Restriction of any kind will make you angry & frustrated, so anticipate as much as you can and get creative. You may have to work within certain limitations, but don’t let your ego (or wanting your way) block the blessing of this transit. Any time Pluto is involved, complete transformation is at work, so go with it. Be clear about your desires, commit to release any/all blockages and own your power in a positive way, no victim consciousness lest you attract a victim circumstance.
| DEC 28, 2008 ~ 1* Capricorn | DEC 14, 2010 ~ 4* Capricorn | NOV 27, 2012 ~ 8* Capricorn | NOV 10, 2014 ~ 11* Capricorn | OCT 19, 2016 ~ 15* Capricorn | APR 26, 2018 ~ 21* Capricorn | MAR 23, 2020 ~ 24* Capricorn | MAR 03, 2022 ~ 27* Capricorn | FEB 14, 2024 ~ 00* Aquarius
I would like to say that Mars has a 2-year cycle, so every 2-years since 2008, when Pluto entered Capricorn, we have all been going through this repeated cleansing & renewing of the Sacred Masculine within. With a total of 8-Initiations in Capricorn, you can look for the first one in Aquarius on Valentine’s Day 2024, when hopefully we will renew our Love for HUMANITY and being the communal creatures that we are. It is toxic, patriarchal conditioning that tells you to ‘go it alone’. So we’ve been learning to be responsible for ourselves, our own thoughts, feelings & actions. Now we are going to see, more glaringly than ever, how we truly affect each other even when we are far apart because we are one species, sharing one water, one air, one Earth. All Life is connected and if we are the “intelligent” species we think we are, then it’s time for the Modern Steward of the Earth to be born.
3/24 ~ ARIES New Moon:
This is an annual Initiation of the New You, the New Year and a brand New Beginning that is available for those who choose the New, leave the Old/Past behind, and bravely stepping into the unknown. This is an annual opportunity to release imbalances within ourselves and our relationships or environment, anything that is preventing the Aries/New Beginning from unfolding naturally. The Sagittarius Last Qtr Moon (3/16) illuminated what is no longer true for you, personally. You are on completely new ground now and the Aries New Moon launches us all to the next level. Consider how much has been cleared and released just in the last year alone. This first *Seed Point* is vital to the next 6-12 months of growth and expansion. It is truly time to close out and release anything no longer essential to your reality or evolution. The message is: Don’t Rush and Neither Postpone. This is the week to dedicate your Self to taking responsibility for whatever you have chosen to create, then consciously prepare to go for it in the very near future! Any residual imbalances can be released with the upcoming Libra Super/Full Moon (4/7) which will likely reveal where more *Internal Balance* is required for you to truly anchor this emerging Identity. It may also reveal where more *External Balance* is required for you to maintain relationships or agreements with others (or not). Most likely, some of both will manifest. This month’s lunation sets us up for some very new territory, stay alert and present, especially when navigating with others, in relationship or community.
3/27 ~ Venus (socialize) ~trine~ Jupiter (optimism & travel):
This is usually a pleasant energy, although short lived. This is a good time to enjoy some kind of social activity. No pressure – just easy, laid-back fun. It can make you prone to laziness or excess, but only if you’re already prone to that. Otherwise, if you are typically busy and constantly on the go, this energy gives you permission to kick back a little and release the usual pressures to produce. Take some time out to “smell the roses” or at least reflect on all that you have accomplished and give your Self due credit for coming this far. This is a good time to travel, go on a vacation or take a short trip. This energy tends to bring forth earned blessings. Take a moment to give thanks to the powers that be which brought you to this point!
3/28 ~ Venus (values, relationships & resources) ~trine~ Pluto (purification & transformation):
Anytime Pluto’s involved the intensity levels go up and you are able to hear, feel or sense your SoulSelf more clearly than usual. Venus brings up that which is most important to you personally, your individual values & priorities, where your relationships & resources are concerned. This is an easy angle, making purification & transformation smoother than usual too. So, what are you ready to change? How have your values & priorities changed completely in the last year or so? Use this activation to deepen your connection with those you love most and allow or encourage the relationship to evolve to a totally new level. If you’re working on your relationship with money or self-worth specifically, then this activation is a good time for prayer or ritual that supports positive change & your vision for the future. Pour any intense emotions or revelations into art of any medium or do a vision board, but give expression to the depths you are recognizing as they are coming to the surface of your conscious awareness. This energy tends to “intensify” relationships and/or emotions. You may feel extremely drawn to someone, emotionally as well as physically. You may feel the intense need to express your love, mentally, emotionally or physically. This energy is great for bringing deeper insights to the surface, which ultimately should strengthen any relationship. A new relationship started under this influence will usually have an intensity about it, as will any form of creative expression, artistic or otherwise.
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