#it would be silly to have a big moment about ochako's love for izuku here in her fight with toga.
wonhaebunny · 4 years
📂 I'VE NEVER SEEN YOU WRITE TODOBAKU BEFORE i think so tdbk please:( i wanna see your take on it
i think the main reason katsuki and shouto get along (?? questionable phrasing but i’ll run with it) so well is because they are both completely socially inept; katsuki deliberately so, while shouto just doesn’t know any better. they get close very very quickly because katsuki has absolutely no patience for small talk and niceties, and shouto isn’t socially aware enough to care for such things. in this way, the two of them understand each other on a fundamental level. 
so the two of them kind of... skip over a lot of things that normal friends would do. shouto is stupidly stubborn and intrusive in a way that would be considered rude for most people, and katsuki doesn’t mention it because he secretly prefers it this way.
the class is completely unaware of how close they are, as they’re both pretty private by principle. so the first time shouto off-handedly mentions katsuki’s house while sitting with the dekusquad in class, their jaws all drop simultaneously.
“it’s a little silly,” shouto is saying obliviously, “but somehow all his walls are pristine despite his quirk.”
“wait.” ochako cuts in. “you’ve been to bakugou’s house?”
she doesn’t, thankfully, mention the fact that shouto seems to be on first name basis with katsuki. she’s not sure whether her heart could handle an answer to that.
her words draw the attention of denki and hanta, who are sitting on a nearby cluster of tables. the two tune in almost instantly, with an urgency that only makes itself present whenever there’s potential blackmail material on katsuki available.
“yes?” shouto replies, a tad bemused. “that’s what i was just saying.”
“dude,” denki breathes, leaning over. “no way! he let you come over? the guy doesn’t even let us look at his dorm room!”
shouto blinks.
“i go there quite often. it’s not like he could stop me.” he says, like it’s the most normal thing in the world.
“c-can’t stop you?” ochako echoes. “todoroki, he would murder you.”
to his credit, shouto just blinks again. “well,” he says simply. “he hasn’t. he lets me pet his cat, and he feeds me whenever i come over, so i don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.”
his words are met with utter silence.
“his cat?” hanta repeats slowly.
“feeds you?” tenya adds on, incredulous.
“yes,” shouto says, to both.
“are you playing a prank on us?” izuku asks, looking a little terrified. “it’s not that i doubt your word, todoroki-kun, but kacchan would literally rather die than let anyone come to his house. i’ve only ever been there because his parents invited me.”
shouto gives him a somewhat impatient look. 
“he doesn’t let me.” he says, wearily. “but he’s not going to turn me away if i turn up. the reason you all haven’t been is because you make a big deal of it.”
it makes sense, when he says it like that, like it’s easy.
“you’re telling us he feeds you?” hanta presses on, more than a little skeptical.
at this, a fond, almost soft look comes over shouto’s face.
“yes, he’s oddly courteous like that.” he says, lips curling upward ever-so-slightly in a rare smile. “he’ll curse and bluster but once i’m there he’ll still serve me tea and food no matter what. his discipline trumps his pride, it seems.”
he says the words with an air of familiarity, and the others are left wondering when exactly shouto and katsuki grew so close.
“wait,” denki says, looking extremely frazzled. “not that this isn’t scintillating and all, but can we go back to bakugou having a cat?”
“yes. her name is hime.” shouto says happily.
there’s an almost audible record scratch.
the students all pause, making eye contact with each other over shouto’s head for a long moment.
“and katsuki let his family name her that?” hanta says weakly.
“oh, no,” shouto responds, eyes bright seemingly with the opportunity to talk about the elusive cat. “katsuki is the one that named her.”
hanta and denki look like christmas has come early. ochako and tenya look vaguely disturbed. izuku, on the other hand, looks downright terrified.
“wait,” denki says, suddenly very invested. “tell me more about his cat. no, tell me about his bedroom. is there anything embarrassing? have you found his por-”
he’s cut off by the slamming of the classroom door. in the doorway stands katsuki, as if he’s somehow sensed that he is the subject of conversation. but to their relief, he simply frowns and stalks to his desk, pulling out a folder and rifling through it.
“hime is a rescue kitten,” shouto says, completely unbothered by katsuki’s entrance. the others are gesturing to him frantically, signalling to cut off the conversation lest katsuki blow up at them, but he ignores them blissfully. “she’s lovely. i’m trying to get her to like me more than she likes katsuki but it’s proving very difficult.”
“that’s because she has fucking standards, dipshit!” katsuki barks over his shoulder, not looking up from his folder.
shouto pouts.
“she’s illusioned,” he sniffs. “i’ll bring her to my side soon enough.”
katsuki’s eyes narrow, and he fixes shouto with a severe glare over the tops of the group’s heads, like they’re not even there.
“you keep your filthy hands off my child.” he says venomously.
hanta falls off his seat, and denki chokes on his own spit.
“she’s basically ours at this point,” shouto says conversationally, absolutely fearless in the face of katsuki’s ire.
to everyone’s utter shock, katsuki doesn’t erupt at the declaration.
“as if,” he simply huffs. “you haven’t even seen her in a week and you think you can call yourself a decent parent.”
then, under his breath, “fuckin’ half-assed trash.”
shouto puffs his cheeks out, looking a tad guilty.
“tell her i’m sorry, i’ll come over tonight,” he says imploringly. katsuki simply harrumphs, finally pulling a paper from the file and shoving the rest back under his desk, turning to stomp out of the classroom.
“will you make yakisoba today?” shouto calls at his retreating back.
“go fuck yourself!” katsuki spits, not turning back to spare him a glance.
“that’s a yes,” shouto informs the rest of them matter-of-factly, looking very pleased with himself.
the others stare at him, wide-eyed and completely speechless.
“you-” ochako begins, a little faintly. after a moment’s deliberation, she shuts her mouth again. 
she doesn’t want to know.
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tainted-wine · 5 years
Let Loose (IzuOcha)
Rating: Explicit Midoriya can become a beast when he gets into sexy times without even realizing it. Uraraka decides to exploit this, but his wild side is a double-edged sword.
Izuku Midoriya has long since accepted that he is ‘vanilla’. The other boys say it like it was something to be ashamed of.
“I bet it’s soft, slow missionary every night, isn’t it?” Kaminari said, a smug grin on his face.
Midoriya shouldn’t have bothered gracing him with an answer; it was none of the pervert’s concern, yet he couldn’t help feeling so defensive. “A-and so what if it is?” Dammit, he didn’t mean to stutter. His eyes stared straight ahead at nothing as he tried to ignore the heat gathering in his face.
His electric classmate simply chuckled and turned his attention back to Sero and Kirishima, both of them giving Midoriya a look of reassurance.
“He’s just telling you to switch it up every now and then,” Sero beamed. “The bedroom’s got endless possibilities, dude. You’re missing out.”
Why is that silly little conversation still lingering in his head? ‘I’m not missing out on anything as long as Uraraka is there. Being with her is all I want.’ That’s what he wanted to respond with at the time, but he was certain that would have resulted in more teasing. What’s wrong with keeping things simple? He was no stranger to the more…lewd parts of the internet. He didn’t need to do things like that to be happy with his girl. She never complained, so everything was fine, right?
He pushed the concern to the back of his mind as he climbed the steps to the fourth floor of the dorms—Uraraka’s floor.
Their sex life didn’t need any ‘switching up.’
“Izuku…oh god…Izuku I’m so close.”
Uraraka’s hot breaths brushed past his ear as Midoriya leaned in closer without losing his rhythm, letting her wrap her arms around his neck as he continues his deep thrusts. A layer of sweat coats his body as he tries to hang on just a little longer, but she was making it really difficult with her moans growing in volume, her legs wrapping around his waist, pulling him deeper…
He released his own string of moans as his hips moved more frantically, faint sounds of their skin slapping as they both raced to their peak. His thrusts became more powerful as her walls squeeze him without mercy.
“Ah! Izuku!”
Midoriya wasn’t aware of his increasingly violent pace as the pressure within him released with a burst of pleasure, jerking his hips with each spurt from his dick. Uraraka held onto him tightly as her own orgasm overtook her, her spasms around his hypersensitive member causing him to whimper weakly.
With a short and sweet kiss, he rolled over to rest beside her. The only noise at the moment were the two students trying to steady their breathing.
“You get pretty rough, you know?”
Midoriya shook out of his state of euphoria and turned to his partner. “Hmm?”
Uraraka stared up at the ceiling as she explained, her face and neck still flushed red. “When you’re about to cum, you kind of…lose control. It catches me off guard every time.”
Lose control…?
Panic fills him as he pushes himself up, looking Uraraka’s body up and down. “Are you alright? I’m so sorry!” His words are shaky and fast, confusing the girl as he inspects her lower body. “I really don’t mean to! Oh god, I’d never try to hurt-“
“Deku,” her firm voice grounds him before his anxiety gets the best of him. She sits up and cradles his face in her hands, a pair of auburn eyes looking deeply into emerald ones. “I’m not saying you hurt me, sweetie,” she gives an awkward laugh for what she says next, “I’m saying it was kinda hot.”
Midoriya’s expression doesn’t change as he tries to process what she said. At the very least, he manages to somewhat form a word. “Wha…?”
“It was really hot, actually.” Uraraka’s body began to heat up again, though he couldn’t tell if it was more from arousal or embarrassment. “You’re always trying so hard to be careful all the time-” Midoriya was about to respond, but she quickly places a hand over his mouth. “-which I appreciate! That’s what I love about you; always thinking about me and making sure I’m comfortable. But having you just…go at me at like that, that was pretty awesome.”
Relief washes over him as he releases a breath he didn’t realize he had been holding. “That’s…uh…good,” he said awkwardly. “I’m glad it feels good for you.”
“I thought the noises I was making were enough to clue you in on that.” Uraraka joked before giving him a quick kiss. Midoriya laughed before leaning in for another one, and another.
A minute or two was spent locking lips before Uraraka spoke again. “I wouldn’t mind if you did it more.”
Midoriya quirked an eyebrow. “Kissing?”
“No, dummy,” she playfully smacked his chest. “Being rougher.”
His breath hitched. "You want me to...go harder? You'd really like that?"
"Yeah, I mean..." Uraraka twirled her hair while searching for the right words. "Don't you ever think about it? Guys like going faster, right?"
'No point in lying,' Midoriya thought. "Y-yeah, I think about it, but I never imagined the girl actually liked being treated like that."
"Izuku," her voice sounded...disappointed? "I can handle being tossed around. You've seen it happen to me plenty of times when I'm being a hero. I'm not any different in bed."
That made him feel a little ashamed. "Of course, I didn't mean...ugh, I'm sorry." He never wants Uraraka to think that he sees her as something fragile. She's strong; she's persistent. She has proven it time and time again.
'Then I shouldn't be worried about hurting her during a little rough sex, right?'
"No, you shouldn't." Uraraka's voice interrupted his thoughts. She was wearing a look of pure amusement.
He was going to question when she learned how to read minds, then smacked his palm into his face. "I said all of that out loud, didn't I?" He groaned into his hand.
"You did, you muttering mess," she pulled his hand away so she could lay a peck on his nose. "It's fine, Izuku. I can get why that would sound weird to you. Next time, I'll show you just how much I love it when you let loose, alright?"
"Alright," he whispered.
They spent the rest of the night enjoying each other's warmth. Time always went by too quickly when they were together.
Most of their sexual meetups took place in Uraraka's room. They've tried Midoriya's, but making love while All Might watched from every direction was just too uncomfortable of a situation for her.
So here she was, kneeling at her bed and sucking off her boyfriend. He got so flustered every time she offered. “You really don't have to” or something similar was his typical response, but a hand on his swollen member was all it took to silence him.
Her tongue traced the vein that ran along his length. Once she reached the tip, she engulfed him in the warmth of her mouth. The loud shaky moan that escaped Midoriya made her own sex throb, but she remained focused on her partner, one hand stroking at the thick flesh that her throat couldn’t reach while the other fondled his balls.
‘He’s close.’ Uraraka could feel the tremble in his thighs and the hand on her head beginning to grip tightly onto her hair. She didn’t let up on her ministrations, still eagerly sucking at him as he began to weakly thrust in her mouth.
But he suddenly pulled her back, and she looked up at his flustered face, wondering if he was trying to ignore the string of saliva that connected from her lip to his dick.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to keep going if I cum already.” Midoriya said between deep breaths.
Uraraka nodded understandably, wiping her mouth before climbing onto the bed. She remained on all fours, facing away from the still-recovering boy.
“Um, Ochako, what are you doing?” Midoriya asked, who couldn’t tear his eyes away from the round ass presented before him.
She looked over her shoulder with a smile that was way too innocent for her current position. “I want you to take me like this, Deku,” she sweetly said. Truthfully, she wanted to cover her face and fade out of existence at the moment, but they couldn’t both be shy about this, or else progress would never be made.
She watched his expression change into one of understanding, “Oh, that’s right. You want me to…yeah,” he mumbled.
Was he still feeling uneasy about this? The uncertainty was making her confidence wane. “You don’t have to, Izuku. If you’re not comfortable-”
“No,” His voice was firm and determined. “I want to do this. You’ll let me know if it’s too much, right? Since I…apparently don’t even realize when I’m getting rougher.”
Ah, so that’s the part he’s worried about. She wanted to laugh about how worried he was about wrecking her during sex, but it was clear he took this pretty seriously. It shouldn’t be surprising for someone with such a deadly strength quirk to be afraid of badly injuring someone they care about.
“I promise. If it’s more than I can handle, I’ll tell you,” she said. “I trust you, Izuku. You trust me too, right?”
“Of course. More than anyone, Ochako,” God, he says her name with so much love that it fills her with a fuzzy warmth every time.
She wiggles her hips at him playfully. “Then let’s get started, big boy.”
He huffed at the pet name, but finally placed his hands on her, admiring her plump cheeks before moving lower to spread her glistening folds. She shivered at the fingers slowly tracing over her wetness before one of them dipped inside with a squelch, her walls hungrily clenching around it.
“Just checking to see how wet you are. Doesn’t look like you need much prepping,” She heard him say, his digit still probing her walls and already stirring up a hot pressure inside her. A pair of lips suddenly pressed against her feminine ones for a sloppy kiss; she couldn’t hold back a surprised squeak. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.” She can hear the smile in his voice. He really did know how to be cheeky sometimes.
“Just hurry up and start plowing me,” she ordered impatiently. Shuffling was heard behind her as Midoriya aligned his hips with hers. A strong rough hand held her steady while he pushed into her welcoming warmth. Uraraka’s teeth sunk into her bottom lip, relishing the pleasant burn that she still wasn’t quite used to. He pulled almost all the way out before plunging back in, setting an even pace.
He takes her nice and deep like he always does, the occasional roll of his hips making her see stars. She honestly wouldn’t mind if he decided to remain at his usual pace, but her excitement blossomed when she felt his thrusts quicken just a little. “That’s right, Izuku,” she breathed out words of encouragement as she rocked against him. “Just let yourself go. It feels amazing. Go harder.”
His response was a tighter grip on her hips, keeping her still as his hips smacked into hers. It was a familiar sensation, the kind she felt when he was close to cumming, when he sacrificed his self-control for his selfish and feral desire to pound her pussy until he found his release. He was reaching that same aggressive state, but wasn’t quite there yet. She looks back and is met with a pair of glazed eyes.
“Harder, baby,” she practically moaned. “I know you want to.”
She swore there were tears gathering in his eyes as he whimpered something that sounded like “So good. You feel so good.” His strength was shown in his hips, rocking her body forward with each thrust. His balls slapped right onto her clit, and it felt way too good for her to bother feeling embarrassed by something so vulgar. The smacks made it impossible to hold back her moans with each push of his hips.
“O-Ochako…oh shit…” Midoriya’s voice sounded caught in his throat, his speed and force increasing even more. Uraraka was nearly knocked off balance by both his power and the growing pleasure that was filling the corners of her vision with white flashes. Her loins were beginning to heat up and tighten.
“More, Izuku! I’m so close!”
This was usually when Midoriya rubbed her clit to assist in reaching her orgasm, but he was currently lost in his own world of pleasure, his moans reaching a volume she’s never heard from him. One thrust was angled just right to hit a spot that triggered a full-body shudder, making Midoriya gasp loudly as her walls clenched around him.
“Right there! Do it again!” Uraraka practically shouted. Goodness, they were both awfully loud but too deep in their hot bliss to bother controlling their voices. Midoriya slows down just long enough to adjust his hips and ensure that he’d hit that special spot and—
Oh Holy SHIT.
Uraraka was being fucked perfectly at a speed that was inhuman. It’s like her walls were being stimulated faster than she could process, the sensation overpowered her. He was pounding into her so rapidly yet so deeply. Her arms were shaking, doing their best to hold her up and raising her index fingers to ensure she didn’t float the bed. Her ass was feeling sore from how hard and fast his pelvis slammed into it. The merciless treatment of her g-spot set off an explosion of blinding pleasure, consuming her entire being. She didn’t believe ahegao faces were possible to pull off in real life, but she’s certain that was exactly the face she was making at the moment.
But Midoriya wasn’t letting up, pumping through her orgasm with vigor, his more erratic movements revealing that he was approaching his own climax. Uraraka’s senses were overwhelmed; she had no complaints if she were to die at this very moment. The brutal pummeling against her hypersensitive pussy was bringing her to tears. She swore she even saw lightning zipping about in her peripheral vision. Green electricity, the same as Midoriya’s quirk, was surging around them.
Wait a minute…
Her voice was ripped from her when something violently slammed into her rear. She was certain she screamed before being launched forward, slamming her face into the headboard. Hard.
Her abused womanhood still throbbed as the darkness took her.
Cum was still leaking from Midoriya’s tip when he realized what he did.
No no no no she trusted him. She trusted that he wouldn’t hurt her, but he got caught up in so many wonderful sensations…was he even conscious during it all? It all seemed so blurry to him the moment Uraraka gave him permission. He cursed himself several times over. All of this time, all of this effort spent training to control his quirk, yet he accidentally activates it during some mind-blowing sex…
And propels his goddamn girlfriend into a wall.
“Ochako!” he cried out. There was no response. “Ochako! Are you alright?” He crawled to her unmoving form, ignoring how wobbly his legs were. Good god, the headboard and the wall behind it was actually chipped and damaged. She made quite an impact. ‘I really hope this didn’t disturb the girls above and below us.’ He prayed to whatever higher being that was listening that Momo or Jirou wouldn’t show up at their door, wondering what all the racket was about. He gently moved her just enough to see the bloody scrape over her eyebrow. Shit, and she was knocked out as well.
What if she had a concussion? He needed to get her to some medical attention. He had no idea how he was going to explain such an injury; he sure didn’t want to tell the truth, but Uraraka’s wellbeing was more important than his pride right now.
He swiftly got dressed and wrapped a blanket around Uraraka’s form. Scooping her up, he sent another prayer that no one would catch him heading towards the medical office with an unconscious girl in his arms.
Uraraka woke up feeling extra sluggish. When did she decide to take a nap? And since when did she sleep nude?
“Ah, you’re awake!”
The voice startled her out of what she realized wasn’t her own bed, keeping the blanket wrapped around her as she quickly scanned her surroundings. Health posters, the potent smell of medicines and alcohol, the small figure before her…
“Recovery Girl?” she asked, scratching her head, only to notice a large patch taped just above her eye. When did this happen?
Then it all came rushing back. The sex, the intense, animalistic sex with Midoriya. And then she collided with the headboard…
Oh god, did he do that?
Chiyo watched Uraraka’s expressions with slight amusement. “Well, it looks like you have some idea of what happened. Midoriya over there came in telling me you were injured in a training exercise,” she gestured over to Midoriya, who turned out be waiting patiently in a chair and was now on his feet, ready to check on his partner. “A training exercise that apparently required being naked and resulting in bruises all over your lower body. Is that what the kids are calling it nowadays?”
Pure horror engulfed her. She really had to be taken to the nurse because of a sex-related injury. Oh, how she just wanted to sink into the floor and disappear. She took a glance at Midoriya, who was looking down in shame.
“Now, you’re far from the first students who have come to me after an accident in the bedroom, and you sadly won’t be the last.” The elderly nurse’s voice sounded tired, but something about it also screamed ‘I deserve a raise.’ “I’m not saying you shouldn’t feel embarrassed, but know that you’re not a special case. You were concussed, but I took take care of that. I have a gown that you can wear on your way back, darling.”
“T-thank you,” Uraraka was still abashed and didn’t have the mental strength to say anything more.
After a stern reminder that if teens can’t remain abstinent then they should at least learn to be less reckless when fooling around, Uraraka and Midoriya left Chiyo’s office with a handful of fruity gummies.
The gravity hero wasn’t nearly as sore as she expected to be after getting what she assumed to be the dicking of the century. Chiyo’s kiss must have saved her from any real pain, thank goodness. She idly fiddled with her gown as she walked beside Midoriya in silence. He was still avoiding her gaze.
“Izuku?” she spoke softly.
Their eyes finally met. The amount of sorrow in them caught Uraraka off-guard.
“I’m sorry,” he finally said.
She popped the last candy into her mouth and gave a reassuring smile. “It’s alright. We’ll be more careful next time.”
Midoriya almost stumbled over his own feet. “Next time?!” he said a little too loudly. They were still trying not to catch anyone’s attention. “Ochako, I just knocked you out cold during sex! And the bruises…” he gestured to the lower half of her body. “I didn’t know I was handling you so roughly.”
Uraraka gave him a playful nudge with her elbow. “I know, I know, but besides the whole head bashing part, that was absolutely amazing. Like, I didn’t know it was possible to feel that good.”
The shy hero scratched at the back of his head and mumbled something.
“What was that?” she asked.
He spoke up just a little. “Me neither.”
She wrapped an arm around his more toned one and leaned into him. “Well, since we both enjoyed ourselves, what is there to be sorry about? I’ve got no regrets.” She gave him a naughty grin and giggled at his red face. How was he able to be so embarrassed after the way he thoroughly destroyed her?
“This just feels like a dangerous game for you, Ochako.” He freed his arm from her gasp so that he could properly swing it over her shoulders and pull her even closer.
“Maybe I like a little danger. I’ll promise not to egg you on too much until we’re sure that quirk slip-up won’t happen again.” She’s never felt so confident talking about their intimate affairs, but she was determined to make sure this happens again. “Plus Ultra, even in bed, right?”
Midoriya sighed and placed a chaste kiss on the unharmed side of her forehead.
“Plus Ultra.”
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Out of Sync (Part 1 of 2)
Deku and Ochako have been married for the past 8 years and have two wonderful kids. Too bad marriage isn't easy. Ever since Deku lost his quirk two years ago, he's been in a slump. He's now a stay at home dad while Ochacko is a very popular pro-hero. The downside? Her agency works her so hard that she's barely home. Basically, Deku and Ochako realize it takes more than love to make a relationship and family work. “Deku-chan! Ahh, I’m so sorry for coming in late again, my agency has been running me wild.” Ochako looked guiltily at the floor. This was the third family dinner she missed in the last week and even though she knew her husband understood she still felt bad about it.
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“That’s fine,” Deku pressed his lip together into a small smile. “I know you're busy. Plus the kids and I watched you on T.V today. Toshi was very excited that his mama was so cool. Izuku turned his attention away from his wife and towards the dishes.
Ochako felt uneasy. Was something wrong? Did she do something? She had been getting more popular lately and was away from home more often than not. “Hey is everything okay?” she asked cautiously.
“Everything’s good.” Izuku continued to focus on the dishes. Ochako knew something was wrong, but she was too tired from a long day of hero work to do anything about it right now.
“Okay then. Let me know if you need me then.” she lingered for a moment, hoping Deku would speak up. He used to be an open book. She remembered back when they first started dating there were no secrets between them. It made her feel good knowing she could hold his heart in her hands. She missed that, things weren’t the same lately.
“I’m fine Ochako, you have an early day tomorrow and should probably turn it. Don’t worry I can handle the fort here, you worry about all the citizens that need you.” She opened her mouth to protest, to say something, but the words didn’t come to her. She didn’t know what to say to him anymore. The last two years had been the hardest of their marriage and she sometimes wished she could take a time machine back to when they were in sync. For now, all she could do is get some rest and do it all another day.
Ochako woke up to find her husband still asleep next to her. She loved seeing him like this. He looked at peace. Ever since his fight with All for One two years ago, he had been tense. She knew why. It’s not easy losing your quirk and your dream, but she wondered how much longer it would take for things to get back to normal. The man she married was bright-eyed and determined. That’s what she admired about him, the light in his eyes inspired her to work hard and become a great hero. She missed that man.
Deku woke up to a cold bed like every morning. He missed having Ochako beside him when he woke up. He would trace circles on her stomach and she would giggle and tell him to stop because it tickled. Back when he was at his agency they would wake up at the same time and race to see who could get into the shower first. Sometimes they got in together and took a little too long to get ready. He missed those times.
“Daddy! Daddy!” he heard his son bang on the door to his bedroom.  “Hey, pal? You’re up early today.” he opened the door which caused his five-year-old to race past him and start jumping on his bed. 
“Daddy look I can float just like Mommy!” he closed his eyes and touched his fingers together hoping something would happen, but nothing did. Izuku hoped that his kids would get Ochako’s quirk. He knew how hard it was to be quirkless and hoped his children wouldn’t inherit the same fate.
“It’s okay buddy, you’ll quirk will come in soon.” he smiled at his son. He hoped his words would ring true. He took Toshi off the bed and went downstairs to start making breakfast. Pancakes because his kids both had a sweet tooth and today was Sunday. It was a shame his wife had to work this Sunday as well, he never got to see her anymore. He finished making pancakes and went up to wake up his toddler.
“Hikari sweetie? Time to wake up.” His two-year-old daughter protested a bit, but with some encouragement got out of bed. Hikari was just a newborn when the incident occurred. He felt bad thinking about how much Ochako had to deal with back then. She had to not only take care of the baby but him as well. He was a mess after that fight. All for One’s dying face was ingrained within his mind. Losing One for All was the hardest on him though. He wished he was able to handle it better like Mirio when he lost his quirk, but he just wasn’t strong enough. One for All wasn’t just his quirk, it was his last connection to All Might and now that was gone too.
“Papa!” Hikari stretched her arms up indicating she wanted to be picked up. He picked her up and carried her downstairs to eat with her brother. Taking care of these two was the light of his day and he loved discovering pieces of his wife in them. He still missed Ochako, she was there, but she also wasn’t. Of course, she was a big hero, but he wanted to hold his wife. He couldn’t tell her that though, she needed to focus on saving people. 
Work was particularly difficult for Uravity today. It was only noon and there had already been a villain attack and rescue mission. She was looking forward to eating lunch alone and video calling her kids. Izuku made it a point to pack her lunch for the last few months and looking at his note in her bento was always a highlight of her day. She still wished Izuku would take some time to talk to her, but for now, she'd settle for his little notes. Today’s note was a hand-drawn picture of Toshi and Hikari making a heart with their hands with the words miss you inside. She missed them too. Pro-hero work had been demanding the last few months and she barely had time to spend with her kids. Hikari didn’t even call her Mama, just Uravity because that’s what she saw on T.V. Izuku has been working on it with her, but no luck. Today was Sunday and she wanted to hug her kids more than anything, but for now, she would have to settle for a video call. Lately, she's had to settle on a lot of things.
“Uravity? You’re supposed to be at the agency briefing!” one of her colleagues called out to her from across the break room.
“Briefing? I’m on lunch break and I was about to call my ki-” she tried to protest, but before she knew it she was being dragged out by the will of her colleagues' quirk.
Izuku sat with his kids in front of the T.V which was showing footage of Uravity’s recent save.
“Look, baby, it’s Mama,” he pointed at Ochako hoping Hikari would take notice.
“Uravity!” she giggled enthusiastically. 
“Yes Uravity is Mama’s hero name, but you have to call her Mama okay?” They had this conversation about 1000 times already, but she didn’t budge. It didn’t help that Ochako’s agency barely gave her time off to spend with her kids or him. He missed her so goddamn much. He didn't tell her that though, she was busy being a great hero and he was busy feeling sorry for himself.
“Mama is so cool, she’s the best hero. She gets to help save people every day. I want to be just like her!” cheered Toshi causing Izuku to smile. He loved that his son was an Uravity superfan, it reminded him of how he was with All Might back in the day.
“Work hard and you will be a great hero just like Mama.” he patted his son's head, but for some reason, the boy looked dismayed. “What's wrong?” he got on his knees to meet his son’s eye level.
“Nothing. Mama and Shou-chan said I’m not allowed to say.” admitted the boys who focused his attention on the ground. This caused Izuku to let out a deep sigh. People had been very cautious around him since the incident.
“First of all can’t you call him Oji-san and second of all what are you not allowed to say.” the little boy contemplated what to do, but ultimately gave in. Toshi was awful at lying to him.
“Well, I don’t have my quirk yet and I know you don’t have a quirk Papa so I asked Shou-chan if I wouldn’t get one.” Toshi bit his lip and looked down at the ground guiltily. Deku had been thinking the same thing recently, but he had no idea his friend had warned his son about it. Both Ochacko and Shouto knew about One for All and even before he lost his quirk, there was a chance that Toshi wouldn’t get a quirk based on genetics.
“What did he tell you?” Izuku smiled softly at him which prompted the boy to keep going.
“Well, he said there was a chance that I wouldn’t, but he had a feeling I would have a quirk. He also told me not to bring it up in front of you because you’d get sad. I asked Mama and she agreed.” there it was, his wife and best friend thought they were protecting him. He appreciated how much they cared, but hated that even Toshi was walking on eggshells around him. 
“Well you’re only five and most quirks come in between 4-6 so let’s see what happens. Don’t worry about me. I'm not going to feel sad if you talk about quirks. Papa wants to know what’s on your mind okay? Besides, even without a quirk, there are plenty of jobs that can help make a difference.” He patted his son on the head once more to comfort him.
“But Papa? Why don’t you have a job then?” and there it was, the question that plagued him at night. It had been two years since the incident and he still wasn’t able to get past his dreams. He knew it was time to move on, but he just couldn’t. It felt like all his time spent at UA and with All Might had been for nothing. Recently he had been hiding pamphlets for different police academies from Ochako. He wanted to do it, but he was scared to enroll. It would be saying goodbye to a chapter in his life and talking to Ochako about it would make it suddenly feel too real.
“Well then I couldn’t see you all the time then silly,”  he started tickling Toshi in his attempt to avoid giving a real answer. He loves his kids and staying home with them, but he wanted more.
“Welcome Uravity,” greeted Ochako's supervisor as she sat down in the meeting room. Her agency was a big one and managed quite a few pro heroes, but this room only had about 7 of them. She scanned the room to see if she knew anyone and found Shinsou looking at her. He had some of the best saves of their agency, but he had to keep out of the public eye due to the nature of his quirk.
“Sorry I’m late, I didn’t realize we had a briefing today.” she apologized and took a seat. She felt her phone buzz a couple of times but did her best to ignore it.
“It’s fine, you are our star after all. Rumor has it you might make top ten at Japan’s next hero ranking. We need to make sure you get as many saves as possible before then. You’ll have to log more hours from now on.” the older lady smiled at her.
“But those rankings aren’t for another 3 months and I already have such a long work week.” protested Ochako. She had to work 12 hours a day already, she didn’t want to have to be away from her kids anymore. She felt her phone buzz a few more times and was almost certain it was Deku. 
“It takes sacrifice to become a top hero Uravity and you’re so close. What are another three months?”
“I know and I’m thankful for everyone’s support, it’s just that I have kids and I can’t-”
“Don’t you have a jobless husband that takes care of them?” her supervisor said so bluntly that it made Ochako angry. She looked over at Shinsou who also seemed to wince at the comment. She hated the hate her husband got after the incident. Many of his “fans” called him weak or made fun of his quirkless status. Sometimes she hated how public heroes had to be.
“Please, my husband does a lot for our kids as it is, but I still want to be there for them. I am their mother after all,” Ochako explained as her phone continued to buzz. She wished Deku understood that she wasn’t picking up because she was busy. After continued buzzing, her supervisor’s attention was directed towards her pocket where her phone was.
“Need to take that? Sounds important.” the older woman was annoyed and she knew it, but she stepped out to take the call. 
“God Izuku this better be important! I’m really busy right now,” she grunted in frustration at the loading video screen. Only when the video screen loaded it was Toshi on the other end.
“Sorry Mama, I didn’t mean to bother you.” Toshi looked terrified when he saw her. 
“Oh no baby, I’m not mad at you. Where’s Papa?” she hated that she just yelled at her son for trying to talk to her. She hated this entire situation.
“He’s giving Hikari a bath. I’m sorry Mama, I just wanted to call you so I took Papa’s phone.” 
She breathed a deep sigh. “That’s okay Toshi, I’m really busy right now, but we can play hero when I get home okay?” she smiled at her son through the phone. More than anything she wanted to hold him.
“Will you be home for dinner today Mama?” he looked hopeful and she wished she could say yes, but she knew better than to get his hopes up.
“Toshi what are you doing?” she heard Deku say off-screen which caused Toshi to end the call immediately. Part of her was relieved because she had to go to work, but a part of her was angry with him for taking her son away from her. It was moments like this that made her jealous. He got to be there for them every moment of the day. Hikari was such a Daddy’s girl and would get fussy anytime Deku wasn’t in the room. Even Toshi who seemed to worship Uravity still didn’t come to her when he was having nightmares or wanted to build legos. Lately, she didn’t feel like a mother and she hated it.
  Izuku knew Toshi missed his mother and he couldn’t blame him. Still, Ochako and he had an unwritten agreement that they had to wait for her call. Too many times did Deku call her during inopportune times. Now, unless it was an emergency he waited for her to call. 
“Sorry Papa,” Toshi said, giving him his phone back. Deku thought about scolding him for taking his phone, but looking at his solemn expression he knew better.
“What’s wrong pal?”
“I miss Mama, she’s never home anymore.” his son began to tear up. He pulled Toshi in for a hug, but Deku knew nothing he could say would change that fact.
“I know Toshi, I miss her too.” Izuku knew that the kids needed some more time with Ochako, but her work schedule was so crazy. She was saving lives and he needed to support her. She had to get out there and defend Japan against some crazy villains and disasters. Not only that but as a popular hero, she had multiple press and publicity events she had to attend to as well. She crossed paths with many of their classmates from UA at them. Izuku couldn’t help but be jealous sometimes. He loved spending time with his kids, but he missed the social events and camaraderie of being a UA alum. He also wanted to get out there and do something important like Ochako, but lately, it felt like he had to hide from the public. He also wondered if Ochako was embarrassed to be with him sometimes. He knew this was not the marriage she signed up for. It was time he got out of his bubble and put himself out there again. The only question was 'how?'.
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rex101111 · 5 years
💖 or 🎀 for izuocha!!
Ochako was sure she looked more than a little silly, standing awkwardly without a twitch as she just...stared at Izuku, stared at him and his polished dress shoes, surprisingly handsome dark green suit (complete with actually well made tie-miracles never cease), and freshly brushed hair.
She fidgeted with the present she held behind her back, feeling like she was taking too much a liberty with how much she was, well, checking him out.
To be fair, he wasn’t doing much better, getting his own eyeful of her in her own fancy outfit. She actually borrowed the dress from her mother, Momo did her hair and let her take a pair of modest high-heels, Mina and Toru helped with the make up, and Jirou did her nails. Much as she said that she loved what her friends did for her, and she meant it, she couldn’t help but feel like a patchwork doll, standing next to him looking so put together.
...or at least, that’s how he seemed, until something occurred to her. “Hey, when did you learn how to tie a tie?”
He rubbed the back of his head, “heh, I didn’t actually, Todoroki-kun helped with it actually.” He pulled at his shirt cuff, “this suit is actually one of my dad’s hand-me-downs, and Iida nearly brushed the hair off my head to wrangle it to this-” Almost on cue, the brushed, straight hair bounced back into it’s usual fluffy, bush like shape from Izuku’s fidgeting, “...so much for that.”
Ochako couldn’t keep it in, she burst out laughing, cackling loudly as she held her stomach, accidentally activating her quirk and floating in the air, still doubled over laughing as Izuku grabbed her hands to keep her from flying off.
He was laughing too, either at himself or the both of them she wasn’t sure, all she knew was that the sound of him chuckling and snorting was making her heart pound very pleasantly.
They should probably get going to the Valentines day party the school had organized, but she was happy where she was, and she wanted to give him this gift where no one could make a big deal of it.
This moment was just for them, just the two of them, she wanted to make it last just a little bit longer.  
“Sorry!” She said eventually, laughter petering out and smiling down at him with both of her hands in his, “I bet I look like a mess huh?”
“No,” he mumbles calmly, smiling up at her with so much warmth it seemed to shine off of him, “no, you look beautiful, Uraraka-san.”  
She grinned down at him, feeling her heart soar at the look he was giving her, she couldn’t wait to see his face when she gave him her-wait, where was the-
“THE PRESENT!” She yelled in a sudden panic, surprising Izuku when she looked over her shoulder to see the gift she had saved up for floating up in the sky above her head, shaking herself from his grip to launch herself up to catch up to it.
With a whoop of victory she managed to grab it...only for that victory to wilt when she noticed how high up she was in the sky. In a dress. With high-heels.
Oh dear.
“Deku!” She yelled down, catching his attention and breaking him from the odd look of awe on his face, “c-can you catch me?”
Deku gaped for a moment before he nodded, yelling back, “of course! Count on me Uraraka-san!”
She smiled, took a breath, and put her fingers together, releasing her quirk’s hold on her and feeling herself enter free fall. She didn’t worry though, closing her eyes and utterly at ease, and a few seconds later, she heard the tell-tale sound of rushing lightning that signaled Deku’s quirk activating.
Soon after that, she felt a rush of air and hands holding her up, one palm between her shoulder and the other in the crook of her knees. Not long after that, they were back on the ground...where she noticed that Izuku had caught her in a bridal carry.
She could feel her blood quickly rush to her glowing face, Izuku’s face not too far behind and she knew if she didn’t get it over with quickly they would both be too flustered to even speak to each other for the rest of the evening, she needed to act fast.
Jumping out of his grip, she turned around presented him with her gift, a simple, small red box with a blue ribbon, “here! I got you something for Valentines day! It isn’t chocolate but I think you might like it anyway!”
Taking the box with a shaky grip and smile, Izuku nodded, “T-thank you, Uraraka-san.” He deftly but gently removed the ribbon and started lifting the lid off the box, “you r-really didn’t...need to...”
His thanks drifted off on the breeze as he reached in the box to bring her gift out into the light. It took her a long while to make, not to mention saving up on supplies and asking Mei for advice, but the look on his face made it worth it.
He held the small doll charm in his hand with a awed expression, the doll was modeled after his hero costume, and not his current one either, but his original one, from his first week and first year at school.
Those big bunny ears, that mask made to imitate a wide grin, those goofy red boots. 
“Brings back memories, doesn’t it?”
He looked up, a feather soft smile on his face, “yeah, the first time we fought together, as a team...you were the reason we won that day.”
Ochako’s face fell for a moment before she sighed fondly, “maybe, but more than that we won because we worked together, because the two of us believed in each other.” She reached into a pocket, that she had Momo knit into the dress because apparently it was considering un-fancy for a dress to have pockets by default, and pulled out a familiar looking All Might key charm, memories of laughter and snow popping up with it, “this is me paying you back for this, this little guy helped me focus when I really needed it, helped me push past some difficult barriers these past couple years.”
Ochako’s heart was beating frantically, a train rushing down a track at break neck speed, and it was only getting faster as Izuku’s expression grew softer and softer as she spoke, but she was almost done, just a bit more.
“I made you this guy so you never forget how far you’ve come...” She took another breath, bracing herself, “and...that you never forget that I always believed in you, even when you started out.” She grinned, using her momentum to get everything off her chest before it became too heavy to move, “you saved me the first day we met, and then I saved you, I never doubted you.”
“Uraraka-san...” He mumbled, “I-...thank you, thank you so much.” He looked down at the doll, laughing and chuckling before he looked back up at her, “I don’t know what to say.”
“How about...” Ochako started, feeling her blush burn her cheeks more brightly, “h-how about...you say...” She gulped and looked away, twiddling her thumbs, suddenly feeling bashful, “you say that...that you’ll be my...valentine?” She took a sharp breath for one last burst of courage, and took a leap, “andmaybegoonadatewithme!?”
She was breathing heavily, eyes closed shut, not knowing how he would react. Years of pushing her feelings back, she decided to take this one chance, take the risk, and hope for the best.
After a second of silence that lasted an eternity or ten, she felt Izuku’s hands on her shoulders, “Uraraka-san...” He started slowly, waiting for her to open her eyes and look at him to see him lock his gaze with her and his cheeks burn as brightly as hers, “would...would you be my valentine?”
Ochako could feel her chest burst, a huge smile spreading her cheeks apart as she felt her moment of courage rewarded, allowing herself to indulge in this feeling by wrapping him up in a tight hug, which he returned after a moment of shock.
But he wasn’t done, “and...maybe tomorrow after school...” He gulped himself, gathering his own reserve of bravery, “wouldyouliketogotoseeamovie!?”
Blinking up at him, feeling her face grow impossibly hotter, she felt another laugh bubble up her throat, bursting out in a flood of giggles before she cut it off short with a quick, clumsy peck of her lips on his, “I would very much like that.” 
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Ok picture this. Thief!Uraraka x Rich!Reader. And it's as angsty as possible? Like Uraraka really out here just looking for that coin, ya know? She didn't come to play!
Warning: Cursing, smut~ish, major angst, thoughts of suicide, kissing, gayness, cuteness overload
Uraraka sat in the kitchen, eating the last Christmas cookie in the entire building. “Ugh, I don’t see why you don’t want to go to your parents for the Holidays! I love your mom! We’ve gone to my family’s house for the past three years.” Kirishima argued as he and Bakugo carried their suitcases down the stairs. “No! You’re mom makes the best food for Christmas, and we get the pool house all to ourselves! Do you realize how much fucking we can do?!” Bakugo slapped Kirishima’s ass, unaware that Ochako was in the room. 
“Plus, we agreed that your mom does Thanksgiving and Christmas with the cooking. My mom does Halloween and the fourth of July with the decorations and explosions.” Bakugo kissed Kirishima before they walked back upstairs to get more of the luggage.
“Todoroki! Say hi to my mom!” Izuku yelled, running up to him with a phone in his hand as Todoroki walked down the other hallway. “Hi Inko!” Todoroki smiled as Uraraka saw Izuku’s mom on the screen. “Oh Todo, Bora Bora is lovely! Make sure to thank your sister for allowing me to use the family vacation house!” Inko exclaimed as the two boys nodded, smiled, and then hung up the phone. “Now, Touya is going to be here soon so let’s move!” 
Todoroki grinned, taking all the luggage in his hands as they walked, not letting Deku carry any of it.
Uraraka smiled, happy for her friends who were doing things over their holiday break. Her on the other hand... would be at the dorms alone. She was the only one in 1-A who didn’t want to go home. Her parents would be working their tail off, and she would just be forced to lug around heavy boxes, sweep, and do their office management for two weeks straight like she did every year. She would never tell anyone that though... how embarrassing.
“Ochako!” She heard behind her, turning around to look at you. “You were on the phone with your parents while holding your LV purse. Your Gucci slides shined on your feet, and the diamond earrings you had been given by Todoroki glimmered in the light. You were everything Ochako wished she could be.
You were an icon for a boss bitch, a model, powerful, brilliant, gorgeous... and as rich as someone could get. Sure Uraraka had the biggest crush, but more than not she wanted to be you. The luckiest human alive.
Your father, Endeavor Todoroki, and Tensei Iida been rivals growing up, eventually becoming pro heroes and starting their own agencies. Of all of them, your father had grown to become a millionaire by going to America instead of Tokyo, and starting his agency there where the competition was pitiful.
That had led to your family becoming one of the most wealthiest in all of Tokyo, above the Yaoyorozus and Iidas. In fact, you, Iida, and Momo had been close friends since toddler age.
“Yes Y/n?” Ochako responded, coming out of her trance. “My mom says I should invite a friend to our beach house. I know you said you didn’t want to go anywhere for the Holidays, but would you? My modeling agency is sponsoring our trip so we can get massages, go snorkeling, you know. All that fun stuff.” Ochako perked up more as you explained. “W-where is it?” She asked excitingly. “Ever heard of Hawaii? My dad’s main office is there.” Ochako hopped off the barstool and smiled brightly. 
“Sure! I’d love to go!” She hugged you before running to go pack her things. “Wait, I don’t have any bathing suits!” She yelled back as you just rolled your eyes, still on the phone with your parents. “Yes Daddy, email them about my plus one. Just borrow mine, I have a few you can use. No Daddy, it’s not a boy, it’s Ururaka.” You winked at her as she ran upstairs, hurrying as fast as she could as if you would leave her.
Once her bags with packed, Ochako came back to the room to see you on the phone still. She sat down, choosing to watch you adoringly and letting you finish your call. “Yes Claire, I’m having a couples massage with my bestie on the third, and snorkeling on the thirtieth. Now don’t get that screwed up with my photoshoot the sixth, and the fireworks for New Years. Yes, the maid went to the house earlier.” 
As you continued, she stared at you. Wow, she’s so... impressive. If only I could have a sliver of that... power. Or you. Honestly, you seemed to get more attractive as Ochako stared at you. ‘If only I could use this to help my family... I’m so god damn scared of what’s going to happen. Mom isn’t working, and Dad might have cancer. What can I do? I’m a student taking classes at UA full time. There’s no time to work!’ Ochako thought deeply, stressing out.
“Phew, I’m glad that’s over! Just called my manager to schedule our break.” You grabbed her bags happily, carrying them to the car outside. “Wonderful! My sister is waiting at the airport with our jet! Then we can zip over the Hawaii and get this party started!” Ochako found herself shaking as you two entered the large black car.
Walking out of the airport, Ochako found herself woozy. That’s what sleeping for 15 hours straight did to you after all. Of course... you looked beautiful. You had been drinking hot water with lemon the entire time, had moisturized every half hour, and had taken only four naps, being half an hour long each.
 You were literally the perfect human being, while Ochako had helped herself to your plane’s supply of cake and soda while watching videos on her phone.
“Look! There he is!” You pointed to the boy wearing only rainbow swim trunks and sunglasses standing on top of the blue Jeep. “Andrew! Babe!” You ran and hugged him. “Chance, this is my friend Uraraka. Ochako, this is Chance, one of the models I’m working with for the company’s LGBT campaign!” Ochako perked up, staring at you. You... liked girls??? She... had a chance?
“You bet it! Hop in ladies!” With ease, you lifted Ochako into the Jeep and followed her in. While you were driving, Ochako couldn’t help but relax greatly. The sea breeze and smell of the ocean salt consumed her, almost making her forget all her problems. But she couldn’t forget all her problems... she had promised her mom that she would fix everything by the new year. 
And here she was... going to party while she ignored her family.
“Here we are!” As you pulled in, Ochako almost passed out. “You like it? Daddy got it remodeled it last Spring. It has two pools, a hot tub, an amazing view, and of course... the beach is only a few steps away!” You exclaimed, taking your bags in and upstairs to your room. Ochako had her breath taken away completely. 
“You... live here? Like... you own this place?” Ochako found herself dying over the marble everything, the flowers everywhere, the splashes of color from the expensive art, and the views outside. “Don’t be silly. This is only our vacation home! Daddy lives here sometimes while he’s recovering from injuries since he stays in America, but Mom and I stay in Japan. I obviously live at UA.” You smiled, walking out to the balcony from your bedroom. “Oh, I almost forgot! Here, you can choose whatever you want!”
You opened the closet to reveal a room the size of Ochako’s bedroom. Filled to the brim with clothes, shoes, jewelry, mirrors, and led lights. “Over the years of modeling I get a bunch of cute clothes! You should only imagine how much I have from when I did child modeling. Oh, and here! Pick out some jewelry for tonight. We can totally play dress up while we’re on vacay. We have to look famous, right?” You laughed, hugging Ochako while walking out of the closet. 
“Oh, and the purse rack is to your left! We can use that when we go shopping or out to eat! I have a bunch of LV so you can use one! I never use them anymore!” You giggled, smiling as you looked back at the view. “Pick out what you want to wear tonight, and a bathing suit for night swimming at the pool! I’ll go downstairs and give the chef recommendations! Any ideas?” You asked, sticking your head in the doorway. “N-n-nope!” Ochako called out as you ran downstairs.
Ochako’s eyes led to the big case of jewelry. It had so many gold chains, so many rings. Dozens and dozens of real pearl earrings. “I can’t... no. I have to.” She grabbed two pairs of pearl earrings, a gold chain, two rings that both had diamonds, and then a pair of heels. You were a size 8, but these were a size four. They were Ochako’s mom’s size. 
Without thinking, Ochako shoved them into her bag and zipped it back up. In the heat of the moment, Ochako looked around, desperate for more. She had found her solution! Steal from the rich and give to the poor! She easily had just taken over 5k from you, and you probably wouldn’t even blink. You would never suspect her, right? Of course you wouldn’t. You two had been flirting with each other since you met. You trusted her.
Ochako stopped herself, slapping herself in the face. “W-what are you doing? She trusts you! You fricking like her you dumb idiot!” She yelled at herself, looking around. No, she had to help her family, even a little bit. Just little things you wouldn’t even bat an eye at.
She took a ten dollar bill under your desk, stuffed the pencil pouch you had gotten from Italy, and easily slipped a Gucci perfume bottle into her bag. “Hey, Ochako!” Uraraka turned around to see you smiling ear-to-ear. “Happy early Christmas!” You held out your hand, revealing a tiny box. “H-huh?” She exclaimed, slowly taking it from you and gasping. Inside was a simple silver ring, polished and perfectly fitting for her small finger. “It’s a promise ring.” You walked closer to her. 
“As to promise that once we become heroes, we will remain friends.” Ochako stepped closer to you, staring at your lips. “And... maybe...” Ochako couldn’t finish her sentence as you two slammed your lips into each other. The kiss was hot and passionate, as if it was releasing all the thoughts you two had had for four years straight of having to resist. “God, once I found out you were gay.” You kissed Ochako’s neck as she tried to talk, moaning in between words. “Once he said LGBT, I knew I had to...” She moaned again, turning you on. You bent her on the bed, running kisses up and down her neck. 
As Ochako was about to remove her shirt, you stopped her. “Let’s save that for after dinner.” You winked, leaving her feeling teased. “So, what are we Y/n?” She asked, blushing from what you had just said. “Well it depends. I’ll be whatever you want me to be. Just say the word.” You moved closer as she sat on your bed, getting closer and closer. “Be my girlfriend Y/n.” She whispered as you smiled, slowly kissing her lips. 
“Well then I guess that ring is more than a friendship ring. What do you think it means?” You asked, kissing her neck tenderly again. “I... don’t know. Once we have so many responsibilities next year, let’s stay together. Promise to make time for each other... and one day, settle down.” You sucked her neck extra hard as she said that. “We’re getting out of UA soon Y/n. Maybe we can move in together to... try things out.” She talked as you continued to kiss her neck.
 She had to admit you turned her on like nobody else could. “Awesome. Well, dinner is about ready. How about we go down and... introduce you to my family. I’m sure they’d love to meet my new... girlfriend. First, let’s get changed.” You walked over to your closet and pulled out an outfit you had prepared beforehand. A white t-shirt and black jeans, cute and tomboyish. 
“Oh, and I promise not to peek.” You winked, before facing away with your back to Uraraka. Ochako picked out a pink sweater and black skirt, thinking as she put it on. Is this wrong? Of course it is. But wouldn’t it be worse to deny this love for her and steal from her? At least she’s happy, look at her. The poor thing will never know, and eventually... you’ll forget all about it. Just... no more stealing.
But as time went on, Ochako found herself being the happiest she had ever been. She woke up to you two full-on making out in bed for at least half an hour, then would spend the entire day watching you model, then you two would eat, swim, walk around, and vacation. Of course... the days started to end even better. Nighttime was when you two couldn’t contain yourselves. There was a hot tub on the balcony right outside of your room, so you two couldn’t help yourself. Surely, you two had found yourselves naked while kissing once or twice. Sure you two were going fast, but Hawaii set the mood so much, and you two were so excited to release all the sexual tension from the past four years
Of course, Ochako also found herself getting more greedy as she adapted to the rich lifestyle. She slipped one of the nice soap dispensers, took one of you dad’s pairs of expensive sunglasses, stole another ten dollar bill she found under your bed, and had somehow managed to slip a Gucci robe from when you were six into her bag. It was stuffed to the brim, but she needed more. Her family would die if she didn’t.
Then, things turned for the worst that one night. “Ochako, let’s go night swimming!” You called out, reaching for her hand. “But I’m not wearing a bathing suit!” She yelled out instantly, still looking at herself in the mirror. You had straighten her hair, and she liked it. “Exactly.” You whispered into her ear as she grinded into you. “Okay then.” She responded, smiling as you two began to walk to the hot tub as you removed your shirt slowly, Ochako watching your every move. That was until you tripped over Ochako’s bag, falling to the ground. Along the way, a shatter could be heard from inside the bag. 
“Ochakie, I’m so sorry. What did I break?” Ochako blushed at the nickname you had given her, before realizing what you were doing. As you opened the bag, your eyes widened. Inside was your old Gucci robe, your new perfume, your soap dispenser, your dad’s sunglasses, and your old shoes along with a bunch of jewelry. 
Immediately your face turned bright red, looking up at her. “You...” You murmured angrily, standing up as she started crying. “I fucking trust you with everything and you stole from me!?” You yelled, not feeling bad at all. “You don’t understand! My family needs the money! They’re going to die if I don’t do something!” Ochako yelled, trying to defend herself. In an instant, you took out your wallet, slipping out five hundred-dollar bills and throwing them in her face. “Here’s your money Uraraka! Now where’s my trust! I was so ready to give you my virginity, give you my life! I wanted a life with you Ochako!” You began crying as she turned silent. “So that’s why you came? I wanted you, you wanted my money? Is that why you came? Is that why you kissed me?” You asked as she stared at you, trying to find words. 
“My dad has cancer! My mom is dying! I’m terrified Y/n! Please don’t be too mad at me! I needed all the money I could get quickly!” She yelled at you, still crying as you stopped. “Ochako, I could write you a check for a fucking hundred grand as we speak! You think that I would poor out my soul to you, but not help your fucking family?! Ochako, I gave you my trust and love! Do you know how hard that was?! But no, everyone just wants me for my money! Everyone! Even you!” Ochako tried to spill out words. 
She tried to tell you that she did love you, more than anything. She tried to tell you that she was obsessed with you, and that she wanted nothing more than to have you in her life. That the past few days had been the best in her entire life because of you. 
But no, all she could do was cry. 
All it took was one look in your eyes, your heartbroken eyes, for her to run out of the house. Out of the house, down the small path, and to the beach. The sunset was shining brightly, shimmering against Ochako’s tears. She was so mad at herself, and the fact that she had messed up the one amazing thing she had with you. Sure, money was great, but ever heard of love? Ochako had felt it only with you, and she had ruined it. Why hadn’t she thought of asking for your help? You were a hero god dammit, one of the most generous and giving jobs in the world. 
“God dammit! God Dammit! God dammit!” She kicked the sand, yelling as she stomped angrily. God... she should just throw herself into the ocean. After awhile of standing there, Ochako heard a noise behind her. “Oh dear, it’s just me. Tom and I are going to the country club’s cocktail party! We will be back around midnight sweetie. Y/n said to tell you to come inside, she’s getting worried. You crazy kids have fun!” Your mom called out as Ochako smiled before running inside and up to your room where you waited on your bed, a stuffed monkey in your life. 
“You know what I love about the Indian monkeys? They’re called gibbons. Funny name right?” You asked, looking up at Ochako as she nodded. She could see the mascara streaks running down your face, and she hated herself for causing that. “See, they’re cool though. Because, even if one of the monkeys makes a mistake like getting lost or eating too much of the food, they’re with their partners for life because they trust each other.” Ochako smiled sadly, understanding what you were saying. 
“When I went to India, I saw how they wouldn’t let you get close to their partners because they were protective, but if their partners walked up to you, they would allow that. It’s because they trust each other with their lives.” You got off your bed, setting the stuffed toy behind you as you walked towards your girlfriend. 
“I need to be able to trust you Uraraka. When- I mean... if we get married, all of this is going to be yours. There’s no need to steal it, you’re welcome to anything. Shoes, you bet. Want to use my perfume, go ahead. Wear my clothes, eat my food, live in my house. It’s all yours because I trust you. Right now, I need you in my life. I need to be able to trust you.” Ochako buried her face into your chest. 
“I’m so sorry Baby! It was the worst decision I could ever make! I got desperate and I did the worst thing imaginable! I’m so sorry!” She cried as you pulled her away. “In other news, both your parents are on my dad’s insurance and are going to start receiving medication right away. Don’t worry, my mom said they won’t have to pay a thing. 
She also said they can stay in our lake house if they want, it’s only a half hour away from UA.” In an instant, Uraraka started balling, pulling you into a tight hug. “Oh my god. Oh my god.” She freaked out, holding you as tight as she could. “I owe you so much! Let me do something for you! Anything!” She begged, desperate to do something nice for you like you had done for her.
“Get on the bed Baby.”
I felt extra gay while writing this but that’s not a bad thing sooooo. Honestly I’ve never found Ochaco cute until now so dangggg, thx bby. I always love your requests they make me so happy when I get one @drbumpkin
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singingcookie · 4 years
👀👀👀👀 Yes. It certainly was a thing wasn’t it?  👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 In all seriousness this chapter was really difficult for me to bring myself to work on. And it was mostly because (compared to most of my other chapters) this one was really lacking detail. I had a few moments that stood out but figuring out how to smush them together in a cohesive way was hard. With that said, I’m gonna do something I haven’t done much til now. I’m gonna share my original outline for this chapter under the read more.
I might throw in comments between sections/thoughts. I normally post my outline at the bottom of my chapter documents and gradually get rid of bullet points as I get through them. This’ll be the first time I’ve looked at the outline since I completed, so I apologize for the length this might take on lol. That said....
Deku’s pov this chapter.
Skip ahead to them at the thing. They’re in Tarasanudo in Kanagawa. Somewhere close to the Tokyo Bay. Last train will leave a bit after 9pm.
I like to preface my outlines with a pov if there’s a change from the previous chapter. Any ones that are continuations (so with chapters 9 & 10 for Deku, and chapters 11-15 for Ochako) don’t really get labelled like this but since it was Ochako for 19 I had to. I knew right away this had to be Izuku that we were hearing from because his thoughts--his perception of Uraraka in the story thus far--have been pretty close to nonexistent. I figured it was about time (especially put into this position) for us to glean an idea of what exactly is going on under that curly hair of his.
The second bullet point is just a point of reference for me so I don’t forget anything 😅 I’ll probably carry it on through my next few chapters too. Again, just so I don’t forget as I go since the setting will be relevant until the festival ends.
We get festival shenanigans maybe just them looking around at things at first. He keeps getting wrapped up in Uraraka. Lingering on whatever she does. Her excitement at the foods, the decorations. The way she sways to the music from each and every stall. Obviously this should be at least a few paragraphs. If not a page.
HAHAHAHA, oh man. So much for that. Deku really went damn wild at the start of this chapter. The whole introduction (before Ochako says the FIRST LINE OF DIALOGUE FOR THE CHAPTER WTF) was 2 pages long on my chapter document. And I remember being shook about it. “This much Deku??? You have this much to say?” It probably would have been less if he didn’t want to retell the whole dang story with the netsuke BUT HE DID WHAT HE DOES I GUESS!!
I also added the okonomiyaki scene pretty sporadically, I didn’t have it in my oultine at all. But I needed an introductory scene into them at the festival before Bakugou and Kirishima showed up. I think it turned out pretty well? I got a lot of questions about my research on that one cause it was so specific! 😅 Truth is I just look up those kinda details as I get to them mid-writing. Makes it take longer but the learning part is really interesting and fun for me!
And then there’s also the hints of them being followed by at least  two of their classmates, working up Uraraka and stemming Deku’s fear. Also added because I needed to segue naturally between the okonomiyaki and cork gun scenes.
Uraraka points to a cork gun stall nearby and says that she wants to play. They don’t fully approach the stand though, Uraraka standing back to look over the prizes to see what she wants to play for. He wonders why she doesn’t just play and figure it out later. She says that she’ll play better if she has something in mind already “don’t question my methods” she hums for a moment and he kinda playfully regards her. Maybe a mild stirring of something.
She surges forward, reaching for one of the cork guns while she holds the yen out for the vendor. “Hey, take the next one over.” Oh god Kacchan’s grabbed the same cork gun and now him and Uraraka are glaring at each other. Kirishima apologizes for the interruption, telling Kacchan that he can just take the next one over. He greets Deku who replies while still watching as Uraraka and Kacchan glare even while he complies to their classmate’s request. Both of them slam their money on the counter. Aaaaand they’re making it a competition. Great.
Thiiiiiiis turned out more of less the same, clearly. 😂 I had a different concept in my head originally of how these games worked there. Ended up digging hard for videos and photos to find out properly. Ended up altering my image to match but it still managed to work out on that front, regardless.
I knew I wanted Kirishima and Bakugou here with them (not only because I love the ship) but it gave them a chance to unwind and relax. Kind of ease off on the tension of them being stuck alone together. Not to mention that I felt it would be really good for cementing the idea of a “something more” kind of pondering in Deku.
Kirishima and Deku talk about what they’ve been up to since getting to the festival. Maybe Deku wonders about the snack that Kirishima has. It looks delicious. Some kinda meat thing. “Where’s the stall?” Kirishima tries to explain but Deku just looks lost. “How ‘bout me and--Bakugou just show you where once they’re finished?”
“That sounds--” Deku’s cut off by a whoop and when he looks back to the stand, they’re both setting the cork guns back down. Uraraka’s reveling in her victory and Kacchan tells her she only got one more point, so she shouldn’t be so excited. She says he’d be just as excited if the scores were reversed. The vendor has to remind them they have prizes to pick.
Kirishima and Deku kind of just ^^; about it. They get whatever the prizes are. Ochako maybe picked something with the idea of giving it to Inko. Kirishima says to Bakugou that he told Deku they’d show him to the stand with the meat skewers.
This got altered a LOT WOW. I think the reason this section changed so much was because I was trying to find a way to make the chapter flow. I left a lot of details out and mostly went big picture because I knew this part of the festival would involve a lot of tiny things that would be a pain to plan out. Lots of minor minutiae that I knew I’d get annoyed if I had to change a lot.
I knew I had to keep Kirishima with MEAT because he’s Kiri (hello it’s listed as one of his fav things even!) and I knew I wanted to have him almost tripped up and saying “Katsuki” just to hammer home where exactly they’re at rn in their interactions.
I extended their interactions together because saying “hey let’s walk around” only to separate them with narry another conversation felt pointless and stilted. That’s why I added the extended convo about the game (I didn’t have it in the outline that she cheated but when I thought about the game and her quirk, it was too fitting to not include!) and also the thing about their internships and things being “too calm” again. Was really trying to hammer home one last “YOU SHOULDN’T FEEL COMFORTABLE” for all you readers lol
They might get stuck together for a bit maybe up through the fireworks. They only realize after the fireworks are through. Uraraka wonders about if maybe there’s something that Deku wants to do now, especially since Bakugou and Kirishima p much vanished.
Deku says something offhandedly. He hadn’t really been pulled toward anything in particular. Maybe they could just walk around, see if they find some of the others. Maybe some kinda casual conversation. Ochako has them stop because she sees a yo-yo fishing game and she really wants a water yo-yo.
As you can see, the fireworks scene (which apparently everyone adores?) was very much not planned LOL. Nor was Bakugou clearly and purposefully ditching them. I don’t really have much in the way of explanations other than it’s what felt right. I considered including a time skip or two during this chapter...but then I realized how silly that would be over such a short time period. So I ended up including the ditching (including Bakugou literally yelled that “Nope!” and it was like “oh okay that’s what we’re doing cool thanks for the memo?”) and then the fireworks was a clear “time is passing while he’s wistful” kind of moment. I think it went over well and segued pretty naturally into this.
Deku just watches, musing to himself over how nice this has been...how nice she looks...she said something about wanting to give the stuffed animal in his grasp to his mom. As a thank you for the yukata. He still can’t believe that Inko never said anything to him about it. But honestly...what would he have said. What would he have done? He’s seen her in it for a while now and he still hasn’t commented about it to her…yeah, okay, he did try twice. Once at school and once with Eri but since then he hasn’t bothered to try again.
Maybe it’s pointless. Maybe the fact that he did try twice was the universe saying that it was dumb and he definitely shouldn’t. That he would make her uncomfortable so don’t bother.
Or maybe it wasn’t about her. Maybe it was the universe scolding him from trying to say it around other people… Embarrassing her around her friends and their former teacher...yeah. Yeah, no. It was definitely that. He needed to say something. She deserved to hear it. He couldn’t tell her about her kimono during that New Years celebration. Shouldn’t he tell her now? Respect both her and his mother’s efforts? Yes. He should definitely say something now.
As you can see....pretty much nothing here changed LOL. I knew this was exactly right but some stuff got clarified and extended, I feel. Made it feel a lot more stream of conscious like as a result of that.
Side note Deku has a big tendency to repeat himself mentally when I write him....idk why this happens but it does lmao.
Uraraka comes back over with her water yo-yo. She says something idk what. But Deku starts to try to say something about her thing. Bringing it up very slowly and awkwardly but before he can explain properly she interrupts him. “Deku-kun, do you hear that?” He goes quiet as he listens. Then……screaming. 
Then they hear someone exclaim that it looks like the bonfire is out of control. They look and...that’s not a normal bonfire. Those are blue flames.
LOL “She says something idk what” is such a staple of my outlines I cry. 😂 That and “Idk something else needs to go here figure it out later”
Anyway though another case of extension here. I knew I was gonna have to with “bringing it up slowly and very awkwardly” that’s vague and I had to show that happening so it was bound to be. I actually struggled on whether or not to let him say it. But ultimately it felt dissatisfying to let him say it and not give Uraraka or the readers the chance to dwell on it. It needs a moment to itself. It needs to be a heavy, impactful moment--but the problem is the League reveal was heavier so it would have knocked it away just as much as him not saying it at all.
Obviously my reveal (the last bullet point) changed a lot with how I conveyed it...also Uraraka’s line. But when I was writing it I realized that Uraraka would be more horrified than my outline which, as you can see, is really calm in comparison. But I knew the only way to reveal it all was Dabi blue flames. A staple of the League... But having Deku’s last line was a better ending line.
ANYWAY, sorry that took so long but. There you have it. Deeper thoughts and perspective from the planning of the chapter. I hope this was interesting seeing the difference between my outline, but I apologize if my commentary was at all boring lol
Thanks Kat!! Always happy to talk!!! 💖💖💖💖
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tokoyami-squad · 4 years
The Evil Warlock
“Father,when can I go outdoors? I know you say the outside world is dangerous,but-but maybe I can prove you wrong!” Ochako pleaded.
Her father knotted her eyebrows and knelt down on the floor to be the same height as his daughter.
“My dear Uraraka,when your mum and I were young,we went out for a walk and a bad guy called the Evil Warlock killed your poor mother. The Evil Warlock has a potion that persuades people to join forces with him. And,there’s a lot of chance that you will touch the potion. I don’t want you to be evil,my dear. I told you this sad story many times,did I? Now go to take a nap,”
Ochako nodded and headed to her room. She has to go out of the world at least one day.
That afternoon nap,she can’t sleep. She tossed and turned on her bed,thinking of the outside world. She really wanted to go outside and explore.
The door opened. Ochako sat up quickly,her heart beating.
“Would it be the Evil Warlock?” She thought.
She opened the door ajar and peeked her head out. She saw a shadow on the floor and didn’t dare to look up and see who caused the shadow. The person chuckled slyly and said,”Today,Ochako will join my evil forces! Daughter and father! How amazingly fun. Got my potion ready! I can’t wait. The Evil Warlock is getting more helpers!”
The poor teenager gasped quietly. It was her dad. Her dad was the Evil Warlock. But the worst thing is,her dad killed her beloved mother. Ochako burst into tears and ran towards the window,floating,and crying.
She was in the outside world.
It was a bright,beautiful place. Just like a legend. It was not like home, dark, gloomy and boring.
She smiled,full of delight. She escaped her house,she escaped her dad.
Her dad. Her dad’s the Evil Warlock.
“Where’s Ochako?” The Evil Warlock asked himself. He looked closely and saw glass on her bed and a broken window.
“Urgh!” He shouted,”I forgot about her silly quirk!”
But little does Ochako know,the Evil Warlock still has many evil plans in mind...
Uraraka ran as fast as her legs could take her,holding back tears. When she was tired,she sat down on the floor and breathed hardly,drinking the water she grabbed when she escaped.
The people walking on the street glared at her,seeing a strange girl sitting on the floor alone with wet cheeks.
Uraraka suddenly heard laughters at the other side of the street. There was about ten people.
A boy,just the same age of Ochako with sea green hair took notice of her. He tapped a person with a bird head and the bird head person also looked at her.
The poor girl stood up,ready to run.
“Wait!” A really tall man stopped her with his six long arms.
Ochako turned,and saw the boy with green hair who noticed her,a person with a raven head,a boy with spikey red hair,a blond boy with a grumpy face,a cute girl with pink skin,pink hair and with little horns on her head,a man who wears a blue mask with six long arms and mouths and eyes on them,a boy who looks like he was born in China with black,sharp hair,a girl with long,green hair tied up like a bow with a super long tongue,a boy who has sticks on his legs and with glasses and a short kid with purple balls on his head.
“Hi,do I know you?” Ochako asked. Definitely not.
“Of course we don’t know each other,DUMBASS!” The blond guy yelled rudely and continued watching a YouTube video on his phone.
Uraraka was shocked and stepped back a little.
“I’m sorry,don’t mind him,he’s...you know,a little bit rude to strangers. We just saw you lost and scared,and maybe we could take you home?” The green hair boy said nicely that calmed Ochako down.
“NO!” Uraraka screamed.
“Oh,I’m so,so,so sorry...” Uraraka smiled awkwardly.
She then explained everything that happened.
“The Evil Warlock?! It’s the villain all the heroes are inspecting about!” say the red haired boy.
Uraraka shifted uncomfortably and nodded like she was forced to.
“Oh sorry,we forgot to tell you our names,” the bird head said and sent a glare to the rest of them.
“Tokoyami Fumikage,” said bird head.
“Izuku Midoriya,” said green hair.
“Shoji Mezo,” said six arms.
“Tsuyu Asui,” said the frog tongue.
“Hinata Sero,” said China boy.
“Katsuki Bakugou,” scoffed blond boy.
“Hi! I’m Mina Ashido!” Pink girl with horns said excitedly.
“Mineta Minoru,and I would like to touch your breasts,” the kid stretched his hands out.
The glasses boy slapped the kid.
“Sorry,he’s a bit of a...a...pervert. I’m Iida Tenya,” the glasses boy saluted.
“Kirishima Ojiro,” red hair raised his hand,”And...you?”
“Ochako Uraraka,” she whispered.
Izuku looked hopefully to his friends. They immediately know what he wanted.
“Not in my dorm,she’ll be scared of the dark,” Tokoyami protested.
“DON’T LOOK AT ME,YOU STUPID,DAMN NERD!” Bakugou shouted and put on his earphones.
Ochako sat back down on the same spot on the floor.
“Tell Mr. Aizawa. Aizawa is our teacher,” Iida offered and advice.
“Yes,great idea. YOU THINK HE WILL ACCEPT THIS?!” Kirishima crossed his arms.
“It’s ok,if he doesn’t agree,he can stay with my mum and All Might,” Izuku beamed.
“Seriously,you live with All Might?” Shoji scoffed.
Midoriya shook uncomfortably.
“No-no! He visits everyday,you know...uh...we’re close!”
Everyone rolled their eyes and quickly turned back to Ochako.
“Come on then,follow me,we’re about to go to our dorm and get ready to have dinner anyways,” Asui held her hand out and Uraraka took it shyly.
They walked for ten minutes,also knowing more about Ochako on the way.
When they stopped in front of the school,Ochako exclaimed,”You go to UA? It’s my dream school! But...my dad doesn’t let me go to the entrance exam...”
“Mr. Aizawa,we have someone we want you to meet,” Sero said anxiously,already knowing the he will refuse the condition.
“Yes,Sero’s right,it’s a really cute girl named Ochako Uraraka! She’s nice by the way,just a little bit shy,” Mina took Ochako’s hand and moved her closer the Aizawa.
Aizawa turned and examined the girl,and frowned.
“We will not accept intruders! Take her out and tell her to go home!” Aizawa said blankly and turned away after.
Ochako turned away sadly and headed towards the exit.
“MR. AIZAWA! SHE’S THE EVIL WARLOCK’S DAUGHTER! SHE ESCAPED HOME USING HER QUIRK!!!” Izuku shouted,thinking of the aftermath if Ochako was not safe.
Aizawa’s eyes shone with light. “Come back,Uraraka!”
Uraraka stopped walking and turned around with a hopeful look in her eyes.
“You can stay if only you tell facts about your deadly father.”
She nodded.
“Very well. Now go take a shower in the right wing where the girls dorm room are when I tell Principal Nezu. Later I will show you to your room and protect you from the Evil Warlock. Then later dinner will be served. Oh,and I’m sure the bathroom with have some extra clothes. You can wear them if you want. Now go,” Aizawa said and crawled inside his sleeping bag.
“Don’t think he’s gonna tell Nezu,he’s gonna sleep,” Ochako heard Tokoyami whisper to Shoji.
But she didn’t care,as long as there’s somewhere safe for her — especially UA,it’s fine and she’s very graceful for it.
After taking a nice bath and changed her clothes,Aizawa showed her to her room.
Moments later it was 6:30. Dinner time.
Everyone gathered around the dining hall and got their dinner. The ten students that saved Ochako sat together and chatted non-stop (except Tokoyami,he was just sitting there eating his burger while listening to other people chat).
“Wait,I’ll be right back,” Izuku told his friends and slipped away.
There was someone knocking Ochako’s room. She opened her door and Izuku was standing there.
“Hi...um,you can come in if you want,” Uraraka told him,cause she couldn’t find any better idea than that.
Izuku handed her a tray with food on it.
“Here,I figured you don’t know where the dining hall is. So I got some food for you,it’s burger and fries,hope you like it. And also,the dining hall is downstairs. Just take the lift,you’ll find it at the end of the girls dorm area.”
Uraraka smiled at the kind boy.
“Thanks,Izuku,you’re so thoughtful.”
“I’ll always be here,” Izuku replied and got up,”You can eat,I-I’ll give you some privacy. See you soon.”
Ochako blushed and Izuku slammed their door.
Everyday,Ochako will nap,take a walk in the dorm gardens,check her phone,watch YouTube,and sometimes Koda’s rabbit will come stratch her door and she will play with that little guy. Izuku visits her everyday was normal and fun.
Days pasts by,Ochako and Izuku knew each other more and they got closer. And yesterday was Friday,and Izuku wants her to meet her mother,Inko Midoriya. Ochako was very excited about this.
Inko thought she was a nice,beloved girl and treated her well as a guest. She also let her sleep at the Midoriya house every weekend because the dorms won’t be open.
“Come on! I’ll show you to my room!” Izuku cried and led her way to his room.
It has light blue wallpaper but it was full of All Might posters and pictures and two All Might figures.
“You love All Might? I love him too! Sacrificed a lot,did he. But now he isn’t the No.1 hero...that’s sad. My favourite hero is No.13. I guess yours are All Might!” Ochako said and threw her hands up high in the air.
Izuku chuckled.
“Oh yes,I’m a big fan of All Might! Bakugou loves him too. He’s really cool,don’t you think?”
Ochako nodded and sat on Izuku’s bed. His bed is really soft,and it reminds her about her mother always tucking her into bed when she was a little tiny kiddo. But thinking of his mother,she remembered her father.
“But what about my father?!” She cried suddenly.
Izuku sat on his bed with Uraraka.
“Don’t worry,UA is safe,I heard that the pro heroes are after him,” Izuku said,comforting his friends.
“Thanks for everything.”
Midoriya beamed.
Ochako shifted closer to Izuku and put her head on his shoulder. Izuku held her face up and their lips smacked together. They both touched each other’s soft lips and till Ochako pushed him away playfully.
“I guess we can share the same bed today,” Izuku joked and they continued to kiss passionately.
“You and your father has Instagram,right? We are doing a search of your father and we need his location,” Aizawa asked Ochako.
“Oh yes,he does. I pulled a prank on him making an account. Thank goodness I did that,” she replied and handed him her phone.
“Oh god,he’s in Tokyo! We need to get there!”
Ochako really wants to stop her dad and she got an idea.
“Mr. Aizawa,let me go to defeat my father. I may know his plans and skills and help you defeat him. Please let me go,I could be useful!”
Aizawa shook his head and left.
Ochako explained everything to her boyfriend. After listening,Izuku kissed her on the cheek.
“Ochako,I’ll think about it and tell you if I’ll go with you tomorrow. Now go to sleep,I’ll wake you up tomorrow.”
Ochako sighed and kissed him on the lips to say goodnight.
The next morning,Izuku decided to go with Ochako to secretly go to Tokyo and defeat the Evil Warlock.
“Ring! Ring!”
Ochako picked up her phone.
“It’s Aizawa.”
At first Ochako didn’t know what he’s up to but she soon realised.
And he hung up.
She called Izuku.
“Zuku,they’re going now! Quick,meet me in the gardens!”
The couple quickly dressed and followed the heroes secretly to defeat the Evil Warlock.
The fight has only just begun...
Aizawa tied the Evil Warlock with his ropes on his neck and the warlock turned around.
“Oh,you found me. What smart little babies. These ropes tied to me are just a little silly trick for a villain. Don’t you know...?”
The warlock stared at the ropes and they immediately broke.
“Well,well,well...now WHO wants to fight...?” The villain asked and chuckled slyly,”I have many tricks up my sleeve...if your wondering. Prepare to die today.”
Izuku and Ochako arrived at the venue. Ochako’s eyes lit up.
“I have an idea.”
They ran the building next to where they are fighting and tried to budge open the door.
“It’s locked,” Ochako said,looking at Izuku.
“Oh no! So what do we do?”
“Smash it open.”
There’s a loud bang and the people who were fighting turned around but the two moved quickly and disappeared in the building. Ochako touched the walls and it parted from the building and floated.
“Izuku,hide and I’ll run to the other building and make the wall float. Here,take this AirPod and had in my pocket somehow,probably it was there when I escaped,and I’ll give you a signal to smash the rock open,right on father’s head. Remember,Aizawa is the closest to father,don’t kill him. Try your best.”
Ochako kissed him and left.
She ran as fast as her legs could take her and made the wall float.
“Got it.”
Izuku jumped and aimed at the middle. Ochako made the wall fall just in time and Izuku smashed both of the walls with his legs and it all collapsed on the villain.
The pro heroes looked up and saw two kids on top of the building and cheered.
It was always a happy ending. Or so they thought.
The next morning,they arrived back in the Class 1-A dorm.
But suddenly,Aizawa budge opened the doors and Izuku’s room,where Ochako and Izuku were talking about that fight.
“Did you know you two can get into big trouble?! That was a REAL VILLAIN! What can I tell Nezu?”
Izuku shrugged. Aizawa sighed and left the room. Ochako smiled at her boyfriend and kissed him fiercely and roughly.
But they didn’t know that something dangerous was coming in their way.
That night,Ochako was sleeping in her room,snoring softly. Suddenly,a cold,chilly breeze opened Ochako’s window. A man wearing a cloak and a mask stepped in and gently tied ropes around the girl,not waking her up.
“Let’s see how you escape me today,shall we...?” He let out a cunning,deadly smile and disappeared through the window along with Ochako.
“Uraraka! Wake up! You’re so late for breakfast!” Sero rushed into Ochako’s room and looked around. He lifted up the covers but there was no one.
“Ochako?” Sero called. There was no response.
“Hey,Yaomomo,check the bathroom and see if she’s there or she’ll miss breakfast!” Sero yelled as loud as he could.
Momo ran up the stairs and panted,”Roger that!”
She ran the the girls’ bathroom and called,”Uraraka-san! Are you here? Breakfast’s almost over,wanna come together?”
There was no response too.
She ran down to the dining hall.
“Izuku! Your girlfriend’s missing!” Yaomomo told Midoriya.
He jumped up from the chair and searched the whole dorm with Yaomomo and Sero. There was no one.
Izuku gulped loudly that everyone heard.
“There’s only ONE reason left...her father didn’t die.”
“No,do not go,” Aizawa put on his goggles and said firmly.
“I fought Overhaul! We won! I fought ten thousand villains! I don’t know if it’s that much...but still! Let me go save Ochako! Please!!!” Izuku pleaded.
Aizawa sighed.
“Fine,but now you go change,take Ochako’s phone downstairs and tell your dear friend Shinso to go with us. He might be useful.”
Izuku saluted.
The Evil Warlock took off Ochako’s blindfold. Ochako scanned the area and made a confused face.
“Where am I?”
She quickly caught a glimpse of her father and gasped.
“You! You...you! Didn’t you die?”
“I am not stupid,my beloved daughter. I saw the walls about to collapse on me and quickly moved away,” the warlock chuckled and took a bottle out of his belt.
“The potion!” Ochako let out a squeak,”I’m not joining forces with you!”
The warlock opened the cap bottle using his eyes.
“The thing is...you are. I made this potion for years,and I’m not gonna just put it aside and let it sit. Don’t worry my dear. No one’s going to save you...this MY secret lair!” The warlock raised the bottle and suddenly...
“YOU CAN’T BEAT US,WARLOCK!” Izuku shouted.
The gang glared at him.
“What are you doing?” Aizawa hissed,”I told you to FOLLOW my plan!”
Izuku apologised. “Sorry,I forgot!”
The villain clapped his hands and a dozen of wolves came out of nowhere. Ochako locked eyes with Shinso and got an idea.
“Father,I know I can’t escape this,so I have to join your forces,unfortunately. But before that,can I ask you a question?”
“Did you love me in the past when I don’t know you were a villain?”
“Of course I do. Why ask?”
“Cause I love you too. So farewell.”
The warlock gave a confused face to everybody. Ochako nodded to Shinso and mouthed,”Get ready.”
“I’m not going to die.”
The wolves growled fiercely and slowly stepped closer,snapping their mouths and saliva dripping.
Suddenly,the villain’s eyes went white.
“Walk forward to me,” Shinso ordered.
The villain walked to him.
The gang of heroes looked at each other and then ran to the villain and punched him till he fainted.
At the police station,Aizawa erased his quirk for a few seconds and the police handled him.
But at the dorm,a couple was on the bed,kissing till the moon goes down and the sun goes up.
Hi Tumblr friends! It’s been a long time since I posted a fanfic. This fic is bad and I think I kinda wrote something wrong in there. But I think I improved a little bit. I hope you enjoy and like this post. Have a great day and stay safe. Or you can go to Archive of our own too,  make sure to give kudos! Ps. My username is CrazyBookworm
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thatbirdrestaurant · 5 years
married in borrowed clothes {kachako}
"I can't say I approve," Ochako's Mother said, face scrunched up in disgust at the handcrafted wedding ring, "he is rather . . . loud for a man of his status." Ochako sighed. She pulled her hand off of the wooden table. That seemed to be all her family cared about recently, status. Ochako wasn't marrying Katsuki for his status, though, she was marrying for their love. "Ochako, maybe you should consider looking in other men. That friend of yours, Izuku Midoriya, a fine young man, and he has recently been deemed the heir to the Toshinori business. He would make a fine husband."
Izuku was a good friend of Ochako. They had known one another since they were young teenagers, but their feelings would remain platonic. Izuku was a happily married man, though the public was unaware of it. His marriage to his lover, Shouto, was a small event only with close friends. Ochako found the ceremony lovely, but she wanted her wedding to be large with her family and friends. She wouldn't get that if her parents didn't approve of the marriage, though.
Katsuki was gentleman under his tough exterior. Ochako was one of few who was able to see that. She was one of few who was able to see his red cheeks when he arrived to take her out for the night. She was one of few to feel the warmth of his soft hugs, take in his caramel scent from his dangerous work with nitroglycerin in the mines. She was the only one to feel his tender kisses, the only one to know his passion, the only one to know just how far Katsuki Bakugou could love. It pained Ochako to know that her parents couldn't see that.
"I will not allow it," Ochako's Father said. He shook his head as he stared at the golden ring around Ochako's finger. "That boy will not be coming here anymore. He was playing a dangerous game by thinking he could even call you a lover, but to propose that you would spend your life with him -" Ochako's parents made faces of insult, "- it's just silly." Ochako's Father held his hand out.
"What -"
"The ring, Ochako. I will dispose of it immediately." Ochako held her hand closer to her heart. "Ochako, the ring." Her Father said stronger. He was halfway out of his seat at this point, ready to force the ring off fo Ochako's delicate finger.
Ochako shook her head. She stood up, backing away from the kitchen table where she had planned to gush about her wedding with her parents. Dinner remained abandoned on the kitchen counter, the steam once coming off of the food now gone. It would have been a wonderful night. A wonderful dinner full or tears and love. Ochako planned on having Katsuki over the very next day to listen to her parents gush about the wedding and the dress and the location.
"Ochako!" Ochako's Father yelled, finally to his feet. Fear took over Ochako's body. She grabbed the old army coat her Grandfather prided himself on from the rack, throwing it over her body. She hastily pulled her shoes on, the sounds of her Father getting closer. Ochako tumbled out of the small house she shared with her parents. Once down the porch steps, Ochako took off into a sprint, her Father calling for her to come back.
The warm summer breeze pressed down on Ochako as she ran up the long pathway to the larger, extravagant houses. While she was sure her Father didn't follow her, Ochako didn't want to take the slightest chance that someone, or many people, were searching for her. To take her back home. For her to be forced to throw away the beautiful ring Katsuki had handcrafted for her. A small dent was in the ring, but the golden glow of the ring overshadowed it.
Ochako slowed her run when she reached the familiar Bakugou mansion. She had visited many times, her first visits being due to partner projects she and Katsuki were assigned to, and knew exactly what window belonged to Katsuki's room. Ockahko grabbed a small pebble from the beautiful garden. She tossed the pebble, her breathing strained due to the long run. Her throw was weaker than usual, but only a few more tossed pebbles got the attention of Katsuki.
He opened his window, his blonde hair practically gold in the sunset. He looked around before his attention went down, where Ochako was waving her arms for him. Katsuki opened his mouth but closed it when he saw the streams of tears rolling down Ochako's round cheeks. He closed his window and in only a few seconds, was in the gardens with Ochako, his arms wrapped around her.
Ochako sobbed quietly in Katsuki's chest, his rough hands stroking her messy brown tangles. No words had to be exchanged between the two for Katsuki to understand what had happened. He was well aware that Ochako had planned to tell her parents of their engagement. Katsuki's parents were all for the engagement, as they were the ones to encourage Katsuki even getting down on one knee, but the real challenge rested with Ochako's parents.
They had never liked Katsuki, even Ochako knew that before she showed them the ring. When she was younger, her parents were bright and happy people who always encouraged Ochako to marry for love. Over time, however, as their business grew pooer and their status fell, her parents became bitter, wanting their daughter to marry into a family of high class. Katsuki seemed like everything they wanted. He was rich and had a promising future, but he also treated Ochako like a Queen. He loved her and wanted to spend his life with her. Ochako's parents couldn't see past his tough guy act, though.
Ochako wiped the tears from her face. "Maybe this was a mistake. Maybe we shouldn't get married."
Katsuki pressed his forehead deeper into Ochako's neck. "Please," he whispered, barely audible for Ochako to hear, "please don't say that. I want to marry you, I want to be your husband. Please," Ochako stiffened as she felt warm tears roll down her neck, "just please." Ochako grabbed one of Katsuki's hands with her left. He ran one of his fingers over the ring and his body seemed to shake more the longer he traced his finger around the circle.
"I'm sorry. I want to marry you, too, but . . . we can't. Not with my parents. How would I even get a dress? I wanted to wear my Mother's. It so beautiful, and your parents aren't in any place to help." It was true. The Bakugou family, while rich, was going through a rough financial struggle at that moment. They probably couldn't even buy some decorations without risking a dip in their finances. "What do we do Katsuki?"
There was a brief silence. Katsuki lifted his head, his tears gone but the stains clear on his white skin. Ochako cupped his face as they stared deep into each other's eyes. "I might have an idea."
"You . . . want to borrow my wedding dress?" Ashido asked with her newborn baby sleeping soundly in her arms. In the background, Ejirou was on the floor, reading a book to his eldest child of five years old. Ochako and Katsuki nodded their head as they stood on the rickety wooden steps leading into the Kirishima household. "Ochako," Ashido glanced between the two, "are you sure you want to get married in a borrowed dress?"
"Ashido," Ochako bowed her head, "please."
"We need Kirishima's suit, too," Katsuki said. He folded his arms over his chest and avoided the stares of Ashido. "Are you gonna let us use your shitty wedding clothes or not?"
"I'm not . . . " Ashido trailed off when her husband held her shoulders.
"Come on, honey, after everything they've done for us. Ochako would look amazing in your dress, and if it needs some touch ups, Momo would do an amazing job, don't you think?" Ejirou smiled to the couple standing in his doorway. "We are invited to the wedding, aren't we?"
"Of course!" Ochako and Katsuki shouted at the same time as if offended that Ejirou would even ask that kind of question. Ochako held Ashido's free hand. "You're our closest friends. We wouldn't even consider marriage if you two weren't there to see it."
Ashido smiled, placing her head on Ejirou's chest. "If you feel that way, then I would be honored to see you in my dress, Ochako." Tears filled Ochako's eyes. She wrapped her arms around the married couple and their baby. Katsuki rubbed her back, his other hand placed neatly on Ejirou's shoulder. "Ah, you big softie."
The crowd of men dressed in suits and women dressed in gowns cheered as Katsuki spun Ochako, the golden stitches added to the pearl white dress shining in the Summer sunrise. Once regaining her balance, Ochako held Katsuki's arms. The two swayed to the music, Kyoka playing the romantic tune on the piano with Tooru singing the soothing melodies of the song.
Katsuki smiled softly at his new wife. Ochako rested her ear onto Katsuki's chest, allowing his heartbeat to soothe her as she felt the loving eyes of her friends encourage her to stay in that moment. To stay in the sun-kissed dance floor surrounded by the beautiful oak trees, the glorious lake where she and Katsuki had their first date shimmering in the light of the brilliant sunrise. The warmth of the sun kissed her bare back and the cool breeze swayed her hair to the side.
It was like a moment out of a fairy tale for Ochako. To be dancing to beautiful music with her Prince charming, a crowd watching in awe and compassion as they swayed together dressed in clothing that glowed in the light. The added gold brought a new taste to the borrowed clothes and Ochako could only see Katsuki's golden wedding ring when he lifted his hand from Ochako's waist to hold her hand. Her silver ring placed above the handcrafted engagement ring classed like a storm and wind with the brilliant gold.
"I love you, Katsuki," Ochako whispered. She smiled as Katsuki's heartbeat slowly increased.
"I love you, too, Ochako."
Story based on Ed Sheeran's Nancy Mulligan
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Jealousy was a very familiar emotion for Izuku Midoriya, even when he technically knew that he was not the only quirkless individual of the world growing up. As a kid his world was only as big as the rest of the school, so to him he may as well be the one person without a power to call his own, he learned to accept and live with it.
After witnessing something that awakens those old feelings anew, Deku find him self rethinking just what Ochako Uraraka means to him.
Jealousy was a very familiar emotion for Izuku Midoriya, even when he technically knew that he was not the only quirkless individual of the world growing up. As a kid his world was only as big as the rest of the school, so to him he may as well be the one person without a power to call his own, he learned to accept and live with it.
Having inherited the quirk his personal hero and becoming an alumni on one of most prestigious schools for heroes and gaining a number of friends made it so those old feelings started to become nothing more than a memory.
Running a little late for the morning classe he walked as fast a he could to reach the classroom before Aizawa, now that they were on their second year the classroom was on a higher floor than the previous one and the last time that someone was late their teacher had made them stay after class and go up and down the stairs as “training to not forget that difference”.
Checking the time he reached the door just in time, hearing the chatter from his friends confirmed that the class had not started yet.
Opening the door he found his sight drawn to Uraraka Ochako, she was wearing her usual sunny smile that any other day would light up his day, but this time it was different. Because this time she was smiling while handing a small heart with an orange bow to one Bakugo Katsuki.
Suddenly his chest felt really heavy and his legs felt like rubber. Those old feelings of jealousy came back with a vengeance. Oblivious to the turmoil inside his green haired friend, Kirshima waved enthusiastically to him.
“Good morning”, his response came out more like he was choking than words and grabbed the attention of his classmates, Bakugou seemed to mutter something under his breath and pointedly not look his way, but worst of all was that Ochako was coming his way with a concerned look “Deku, is something wrong?”
He was saved from having to explain just what exactly was “wrong” by a extra tired looking Aizawa loudly opening the door and marching into the classroom, dragging a cocoon with him that from the size and shape could not be other than Minoru Mineta.
“Everyone sit down, the class is staring!”
While Uraka was distracted he quickly side stepped his friend he sat on his desk, avoiding her stare once she realized that he was no longer in front of her.
Completely unlike himself in any other day he was having trouble keeping his attention focused on the lecture, it was not like he found the subject boring or anything like that. The lesson could have been about how All Might had made a miraculous recovery and was coming back to heroics but his mind was lost somewhere else.
Finally the bell indicated that it was time for lunch and he wordlessly headed to the door keenly aware of the worried gazes of his friends following him and ignoring them calling him to join them for lunch. He needed to get away from here, from her.
He found himself sitting on the roof of one of the many gyms of UA thanks to a quick full cowl powered jump, quirk usage of this kind was frowned upon on the campus but he felt that he could no really care on this moment.
His mind filled with questions, and while his muttering was going on overdrive, he found that he didn’t particularly care at the time. “How? Why? Since when?” questions that he was not sure he wanted answered, and finally coming into the question that gave him pause “Why not me?”
All this was forcing to start thinking about a subject that he always considered beyond his reach. Making him realize that his feelings for his supposed best friend where not as platonic as he pretended, in reality he was always aware that the felt different about her, ever since meeting her that fateful day of the entrance test and then when she took the name that symbolized all his weaknesses and insecurities and transformed it into something he could be proud of, his very own hero name. It was different, he never dwelled on those feelings, his focus was constantly on becoming a hero worthy of All Might legacy. Besides he never considered himself as any kind of boyfriend material, he was still surprised that he had managed to make such a close bond of friendship with people like Iida, Todoroki, Aoyama and Uraraka… He may have to rethink just what that last one bond really meant for him
“Found you, Deku” the voice coming from above him stopped his thoughts and he turned to see the object of his affection gently landing on the roof, her control of her quirk had improved greatly from their first year. In hindsight climbing a building to hide from the girl that can float at will had not one of his greatest plans.
While she quietly sat down next to him he tried to act like nothing happened.
“Ahk! Uraraka, what are you doing here?!”
“Looking for you silly, you have been acting weird all class”
“Oh, you know me always acting weird, haha” His friend though was not buying, she knew him to well for that.
“Don’t think I didn’t realize that you were not paying attention to the lecture, Aizawa is probably going to scold you, again”
He simply put his knees on his chest with only a small nod as acknowledgement.
He could hear her rummaging through her bag but he still keep his sight on the horizon for fear that his feeling would be easily read from his face.
“This is not much but here this one, is for you” she brought his attention to the small heart that she was presenting him.
Suddenly he could only focus on that small package, it was identical to the one she gave Bakugo, except this one had a green ribbon instead.
“W... What?!” his voice failed him for a second time on the day and came out more accusatory than he meant.
“Ah, you weren't there last night where you?” she was clearly taken back by his reaction.
Not trusting his mouth to work as intended he simply shook his head no.
“It was Mina’s idea, all the girls are giving candy to the boys and next month come White Day you all have to buy us something”
Wordlessly he grabbed the small heart and looked at it like it was the most precious thing in the world. He could feel that awful weight on his chest lifting as if it was never there, as if it was removed by the touch of her quirk.
“At least you are smiling now. But Deku, it’s just some old heart shaped candy so it’s not really that much”
He simply took one small candy, they were small and the messages that were stamped on them were beginning to fade. To him they tested like the best candy in the world.
“They are really good, here try one” he could not prevent a fond smile to form on his face.
He didn’t fail to notice the small blush that came over her cheeks, did she always do that?
Silence fell between them once again while Ochako tasted the offered treat, shaking her head as if to clean her thoughts she fixed him with a determined glare, the same that she had when facing a difficult challenge. The revelations he came upon recently allowing him to finally identify just what that look did to him every time he saw her.
“Deku… I don’t know what happened, but if you ever want to talk to someone about it...”
She searched his eyes, maybe looking for the answer that he was not sure if he could share yet. He quickly turned his head to hide from her gaze in shame.
Of what?
He was not sure.
A quiet sigh escaped her lips and she made to stand up again but without a conscious thought his hand reached for her arm and she sat down once again and looked at him expectantly.
He was battling with himself, quickly all the possible bad scenarios of his possible confession came to the mind, her slapping and calling him disgusting. But just as quickly he vanished those thoughts. He knew her, the Ochako Uraraka that he fell in love with would never do something like that. Bigger than his fear of rejection, was his fear of not doing anything, of that feeling of jealousy that the felt that morning to come back and not by some misunderstanding but by Ochako finding some else.
“You know what? I do want to talk”
His mind was made. Finally turning back to look at her he realized that he never released his grip on her arm, also her blush was back, stronger than before and that was something that he was oddly happy about, that it was a sing that maybe she was as aware of him as he was now of her. Letting go and taking a deep breath he began, this was it.
“When I saw you giving Kacchan his candy heart I thought you were confessing that you had feelings for him.”
“What!?, no Deku I...”
He continued over her response, if he stopped now he could lose his determination and go back on it.
“I was incredibly jealous”
Falling silent Ochako only stared at him, he returned the stare with one of his own, willing her to understand the feelings he was trying to convey.
“I know it was a misunderstanding now, but for a moment it felt real and it made me realize that this feelings I have for you go beyond our friendship, that I want to be more”
“That I like you way beyond friendship Uraraka”
His answer was silence. As time moved forward and Uraraka didn’t look like she was responding his mind started to doubt, maybe he read everything wrong? Maybe her blushing was because he embarrassed her and not an indication of any special fondness for him? Maybe she really was in love with Kacchan and he was just assuming that the heart that she gave to him was different than the other one? His hand tangle on the mess that was his hair he looked down from her and desperately tried to salvage their friendship.
“It’s okay, Uraraka… If you don’t feel the same” He was crying now, damit. “I’m sorry for making everything so awkward, I… I just hope we can go on being f… friends as before? Please...?”
Before he could continue with his plea Ochako threw herself at him with such force that he ended on his back on the ground with with her on his chest he could feel that she was crying to and he was sure that his heart was breaking all over again in this short amount of time.
After a few seconds complete silence  that felt like an eternity, only interrupted by their sniffling she seemed to regain enough composure and mumbled quietly in his chest without lifting her head “I like you too...”
Finally rising her head she gave him the brightest smile he had ever seen, and despite the tears still lingering in her eyes, despite her hair having become a mess to rival his own she was the most beautiful person in the world to him in that moment. If there was any doubt left in his heart this cleared it, he was completely in love with Uraraka Ochako.
“You like me?”
“I like you way beyond friendship Deku”
After just smiling contently to each other the finally realized just in what position they were, Ochako quickly removed herself and both were once again sitting but now facing each other.
The usual awkward atmosphere that came on this kind of situations lessened by their knowledge that their feelings where reciprocated.
“So…? You like me” Came the statement simultaneously from both
“And you like me to”
“That means we like each other!”
Impressed by their amazing reasoning power both ended up laughing as if this was just a elaborate joke.
Coughing in his fist to try to regain his composure he decided that he was feeling lucky today.
“Uraraka, would you like to go on a date?”
“Yes, of course i would like to go on a date with you” her answer came out stilted as if she was having trouble believing that this was happening, he didn’t blame her as he was having the same problem himself.
“Today afternoon classes were canceled since it’s Valentine's Day as requested by the director, so a was thinking if we could do it today?”
“Sure, sure then I would better go get changed, right?”
“Yeah me to”
While their conversation was still quite awkward he found that he didn’t care about that. Using their quirks they were quickly back on the ground and heading to the dorms in silence, once they were in sight of the dorms building Ochako turned to him.
“NOQUIRKRACETOTHEENTRANCE!” and quickly took off running. It took him a second to parse just what she said and then he started running after her. The look on his face would be later dubbed by Kacchan as “Lovestruck idiot face”
Quickly reaching the main door they found the lower area empty, most of the class was probably still in the cafeteria or training so after agreeing to meet in one hour they each headed to their respective rooms to change.
Once inside it finally registered in his mind just what had happened on that roof, trying to calm his mind he immediately proceeded to the shower. It didn’t quite work, the whole time his mind keep jumping from a thought to the next
“I’m going on a DATE, a date with Uraraka, should I call her Ochako now? It’s to soon? Definitely to soon. Are we a couple? I mean we like each other and are going on a date right?...”
Before he realized he had already, as if on auto pilot finished his shower in record time. Now he found himself in a new problem, just what should he wear? He had never really owned any “going out” clothes, there had never been a need for him since before coming to UA his circle of friend was not exactly big, and even after he made all his friends here he never found any reason to buy nice clothes. They were living together and under a strict curfew for security reasons so theirs hang outs were limited to inside the campus. Outside of stuff like shopping trips, which he was not fond off after the incident during first year.
Giving up on magically finding something special he went with the best he could, a new green shirt that his mother recently bought him that he had never used before, a pair of jeans and finally his normal red shoes.
Grabbing his phone and trying to find just where they should go he made his way down to the common area. Ochako was still not there but some of his other classmates where.
“It’s not fair” whined Ashido while dramatically flopping on a couch “My favorite café is having a especial menu just for today, but it’s couples only, what about the rest of us? I want to give them my patronage here! But they won’t let me!”
As if noticing his interest on their conversation Tsuyu mentioned to him “Midoriya, do you need something?”
“Yeah, was just wondering what was that café you were talking about”
Quickly whirling around to stare at him Ashido regarded him as if sizing him out just as he was starting to feel awkward under her gaze she predatorily smiled at him.
“Why Midori… do you want to take me there?”
Flailing his arms he tried to explain that he had not intended to sound like that. “ No! Ah you see...”
“Relax Midori, I’m just messing with you”
“Even so is good to see you are back to normal Midoriya, after this morning you had us worried” Tsuyu was as blunt as always.
“Hey Midori are you going somewhere?” Ashido was not looking at him though, following her line of sight he saw that Ochako was descending the stairs giving the group a look of apprehension.
“Uh, Yeah”
“The café is named Magic Cup, it’s down the street heading to the University”
Nodding and mumbling a thanks he made his way to the end of the stairs, he thinks he saw Tsuyu signaled something to Ochako but he didn’t make out just what.
“Ashido was saying something about a café that was having a couples special. Do you want to go there?” Belatedly he realized that he had basically declared them a couple by asking that.
“Sure, let’s go” Once again her smile blew all his insecurities away.
Once they were finally outside and just as they closed the door they could hear some kind of commotion back on the common room, neither really care to find out what happened at that moment, after all they had something more important to do.
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lioninjwarloc · 6 years
Every Second With You is a Blessing (IzuOcha Week Day one)
Everything was going perfectly for Ochako: her dress was absolutely stunning, the wedding ceremony was going off without a hitch, and she was about to kiss the messy haired man of her dreams. They even wrote their own vowes crying as the other began to spill the extent they loved each other. Right as their lips were about to join and seal the deal, the scenery changed. no longer was she in a chapel with Deku and her friends by her side now she was in her pajamas starting at the ceiling of her room within the dorms.
“Third time this week,” she whispered tears starting to form in her eyes. Not wanting to be in her current environment any longer, she jumped out of her bed and started to make her way outside. Once outside she started to run as fast as she could only stopping when she found a tree far enough away where no one would be able to see her cry. And so she sat, softly crying, the cool breeze stinging her face as the tears rolled down her eyes, the cloud’s hiding her puffy eyes. Ochako knew that there was no use crying over something that she knew she could never have, but after several days in a row of seemingly getting what she wanted then having it be nothing but an illusion was too much to bear. Time seemed to pass incredibly slowly, to her it seemed that she had been sitting at this tree for hours, yet she felt no desire to move as the silence was calming. That would not last as she heard someone call out to her, but she wouldn't look up or even move until the voice calling out her name was right next to her and began to shake her shoulder. To her complete dismay, it was the subject of her sadness.
“De...Deku” she squeaked out tears coming out at full force now.
“Uraraka, what's wrong you are out here all alone while it's cold and dark out,” responded a cleary tired Deku, with baggy bloodshot eyes. Ochako managed to get a small chuckle out of that, noticing that he’s clearly in bad shape too yet is still putting other peoples problems before his own.
“Its nothing I just came out here for some fresh air it was getting really stuffy in my room,” sniffled Ochako. She hated having to lie to her best friend, rationalizing that it would probably be better for her to spread this small lie than to come forth with the truth and be utterly rejected. Deku, however, was not buying it the slightest.
“You don't have to lie to me ya know,” Deku said moving to sit down next to Ochako, who went back to hiding her face in her arms. “And if you are going to lie you might want to try a little harder,” he added with a smile and a small laugh. Ochako nodded but refusing to move from her current position. The two sat in silence for a bit until Ochako raised her head and began to speak.
“I keep having this dream, where I'm getting exactly what I wanted, with the people I wanted. But right at the moment is about to get to the best part I wake up, I realize that it was all a dream. Then the crushing reality that, that hasn't happened, that I can't get want I want and I should. I just love him so much and want to be with him,” after letting that last part slip out and realizing what she had just said she began to start bawling and rested her head on Deku’s shoulder. Deku, now having a crying girl on his shoulder, moved his arm around her instinctively in order to try and comfort her.
“Uraraka it might only be a dream, but that doesn't mean that you can't make it real,” Deku softly told her, with Ochako raising her head to look at him. “You are easily one of the strongest people I know, you want something done you make it happen. That's the attitude that can get someone anywhere, I know that you will make this dream come true, you'll get the person you want to be with and you'll be happy, you will get everything you want Uraraka I know this, and I’ll be with you every step of the way,” he added. Ochako wasn't expected to feel this comforted by the person who, albeit indirectly, caused her this much pain in the first place, but she was and slowly began to stop crying and re-rested her head on Deku’s Shoulder, Deku having never move his arm from around her. After savouring this comfort something clicked in Ochako’s head and remembered that Deku looks just as bad she did when he had arrived.
“Deku?” she asked
“I was so busy being sad that I didn't get a chance to ask, Why are you out here and why do you look like you haven't slept at all. What's wrong”
“Heh, I guess you did see that huh. The truth is: I haven't been sleeping at all. I keep gettings nightmares and I figured at some point that it would be better to just not sleep”
“Well talk to me about them.”
Deku began to hesitate, moving away from Uraraka,  scratching the back of his head trying to find the words to say. Finally finding what he wanted to say he began to spill his thoughts. “I've been having the same nightmare for the last couple of days. I'm older and an established pro hero, then I'm set to stop a villain attack nearby. And when I get there it's a complete disaster, people are dying, the town is completely decimated.” Izuku pauses and stares forward, and Ochako looks up at him but Izuku continues without looking at her. “I get to where the villain and you and another hero I cant recognize are fighting her, the hero next to you is struck down. So I run up to help you, and so we start fighting her together. We are trading blows etcetera when suddenly she gets a strong blow right to your head and now you are down too.” Izuku begins to choke up and stops talking for a moment, in response Ochako grabs his hand and squeezes it calming Izuku down to the point where he continues. “After seeing you go down, I kinda went into some sort of overdrive, I managed to throw a punch so hard it instantly knocked this villain 30ft from me and left them unconscious. I even managed to break my arm, even though I haven't done that in years. When I managed to get to you, it was the worst outcome, that last blow was enough to kill you, and the last thing I can remember is just getting into my knees and just crying, and then I would wake up with tears in my eyes.” Deku paused for a moment staring up into the sky, tears starting to come from his eyes, before continuing again. “I know its kinda silly because it's just a dream but I just felt so powerless. I couldn't save the civilians, I couldn't save the town, I couldn't save that other pro, and I couldn't save…….you. The most important thing to me and I couldn't do anything to stop you from dying.”
At this point, Izuku is flowing with tears and lightly punches the tree the two are leaning on, Ochako just moves to sit on Izuku’s lap and wraps him in the tightest embrace she could manage. Taken aback at first Izuku sat there frozen for a second before returning the hug with a similar fervor. Nothing happens for a solid minute in a half as the pair are completely focused on the hug before Izuku snaps out of it and begins to speak. “Sor..” he began before Ochako started to shake her head into his chest, successfully getting the message across that she wouldn't accept Izuku trying to apologize. While this is happening the clouds have dissipated almost entirely, letting the light of the full moon illuminate the teens while also revealing a full array of stars in the sky. Noticing this change in atmosphere Izuku fell to the ground, dragging an unexpecting Ochako with him. While the two are cuddling on the ground Izuku spoke up.
“You know whenever I would get nightmares as a kid my mom would come into the room with me and talk about the stars, heh it's kinda why I came out here in the first place. She would point out the well-known constellations, like the big and little dipper, the ursas, ya know. But she would also just point out random groups of stars and just make up a story about them, she would instruct me to do the same, so we would just sit there for however long it took just telling stories. I know that might not help you in the same way as me but we could do that together if you’d like”
Ochako, completely delighted by how caring he was toward her, simply said: “That would be nice Deku.” And then snuggled into Deku’s chest, with Deku once again moving his arm around her.
“Why don't you take the first one.”  
“Hmm ok,” looking up from Izuku into the night sky, Ochako scanned for a group of stars that could in anyway be used to tell a story, until she found a perfect one pointing at a group she began. “Oooooh, I think I found one, ok so there's this guy who is walking in a hurry when suddenly it seems that he trips over but luckily right behind him is this girl who manages to rush over and catch him. The two of them hit it off really quickly, becoming best friends they were completely inseparable. Until one day the girl realized that she was falling in love with him, and began to worry about their friendship, what if the boy didn't like her back. Doing everything in her power to hold her feelings back she continued on, the feelings continued to grow and grow Then one day the boy expressed that he was in love with her, to the complete and utter shock of the girl not that she was going to complain or anything. That was the best of her life, and the boy would spend the rest of his days with the girl all while happily in love.” Realizing that she had used: both her and Izuku’s backstory and adding what she wanted from the friendship, Ochako blushed and buried her head back into Izuku’s chest and hoped that he wouldn't notice.
“That was a really cute story Uraraka,” said Izuku clearly not noticing. “Ok, I guess it's my turn then.” Looking and finding something story worthy Izuku began to tell his tale, this one being less about friends to lovers and more of a story about a hero and his journey to save the realm he was apart of. The two would alternate telling stories, with each progressing one getting quieter and quieter as exhaustion had begun to overtake both Izuku and Ochako.
Then after Izuku’s turn, he waited for Ochako to go, but she didn't, focusing his attention on her he noticed that she had fallen asleep. So he just sat there for a bit just watching her, feeling the rhythm of her breathing, seeing the complete change in demeanor from just a short while ago. She wasn't the crying, sad person he had found. Instead, she seemed relaxed, and happy even. Izuku noticed that he himself was in better shape after talking to and sharing the night with Ochako. He started to think about how much she meant to him, how he might not be who he was without her. Izuku knew that he had a crush on her, she was super cute and close to him after all, but thinking about tonight he began to wonder if it was something more than a crush. Feeling her rise and fall against his chest, he made one thing crystal clear to himself: he was completely and totally in love with Ochako Uraraka and started to plot when and how he was going to confess. Incredibly tired himself Izuku closed his eyes and whispered “Goodnight Ochako,” and let sleep overtake them. And so the two laid together, their body heat keeping each other warm on this cool night, both with a huge smile on their faces and neither one of them experienced a bad dream that night.
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stardustizuku · 7 years
Charms and Feathers
Mirror, mirror on the wall, please protect those who I love.
or, the witch! Izuku au i can't get out of my head.
“You should really cut your hair,” his mother said, stepping into the shop. Her furrowed eyes stared at the dyed purple tips of his hair. “It’s not safe.”
The sun in the sky, filtered by the big wide windows made the air shine with particles of powder. The air smelt like lavender and rosemary, as the song ‘Marzipan’ played in the background. Izuku felt his mother’s presence before he heard her voice. It was warm, with the color of the summer morning shining brightly in hues of greens and yellows.
Relief washed over him with her by his side. His mother had that kind of effect.
“I’ll be careful,” he answered instead, his eyes not leaving the notebook on the counter. Spread wide open, the ink still fresh against the pages. It was a cheap scented gel pen with glitter on its ink. After Ochako had gifted him a set of 32 different colors, he had grown a habit of using them. They were pretty.  
“Izuku,” she said again, her tone stern, almost scolding. “I still don’t think you should-”
“Mom, I’ll be fine,” he said yet again. His tone was desperate, but a smile crept across his lips. “You kept your hair long and nothing happened.”
“Well, I wasn’t one to use my powers so freely either,” Inko retorted. Izuku let out a laugh instead of an answer, which didn’t help to ease his other’s worries.
Inko took the loose strands of hair that hid her son’s piercings in her hands and stared at it. The purple and green mixed in her fingertips like the sky and the earth. Her touch was delicate as if scared that it would vanish from her hands if she held it too tightly. Eyebrows furrowed, worry in her face, she said, “I’m serious.”
“Mom,” Izuku’s voice was warm and tranquil. It helped ease worries if he used it right. He took her mother’s fingers in his hand and gave her a small smile with a look full of conviction. “So am I. I know how to take care of myself.
Inko knew. She sighed.
“Come down here,” she tried to sound commanding, but the tiredness of her voice was more like a plead. Izuku followed it without hesitating.
The stool in which Izuku sat was too high for her to reach his hair. But even if he stood up, he was taller than her, so he kneeled.
Inko took out from her pocket a feather ornament. Izuku followed her hand with his eyes.
“Feathers of a wren,” his mother said, taking the strands of hair and braiding them. “Of amethyst create. A string that’s dyed in red. Woven together in the sun of May.”
The voice of his mother was even more soothing than anything he could ever do. It made everything all right, especially when she began charm.
Her fingers ran through his hair with care.
“I call for the sky the earth and fate, to lend me their powers to watch and protect. Still young, not yet safe, please keep my child from the evil that stays.”
Izuku tried his best to stay awake. It was hard to. His mother was powerful, and a protection spell was meant to lull you to sleep. Her words spilled from lips like warm chocolate in a winter night, or even chicken soup when you were sick.
“Done,” she said after a moment.
Izuku jerked awake, making his mother laugh ever so slightly. With a stretch and a yawn, Izuku turned to see his mother that looked proudly at her handy work.
“Perfect,” she said, with a satisfied smile.
“The protection spell wasn’t necessary,” Izuku said, his fingers tracing the braid his mother had made in his hair. It was so well made he doubted he could take it off in the next few days, much less today.
“It’s either that or I cut your hair,” his mother threatened. Izuku gave her an awkward smile. “I’m not risking it.”
Izuku didn’t argue with his mom. He continued to write in his notebook as his mother reached for her own grimoire.
“What’s that you’re writing so frantically in your grimoire either way?” his mother asked, turning the pages in her own, searching for a spell.
“My spell broke,” he said, frowning as he tapped the glitter pen in the pages. He bit his lip in frustration, trying to decipher what had gone wrong.
The sound of her mother dropping the thick book on the floor startled him to look up. She had wide eyes, looking pale.
“Your what broke?!” she yelped, hurrying to pick her grimoire up.
“My Guardian spell,” he said but quickly added. “I wasn’t the one wearing it.”
Which probably wasn’t the best option.
“What do you mean you weren’t the one using it?” his mother asked, and Izuku turned away in shame. “What did I tell you about giving random people your charms!”
“I swear I only gave it to him!” Izuku defended himself, biting his lip in guilt.
“Tell me please it wasn’t one of your crazy spells…” Inko begged, letting her hand rest on her forehead.
“It was the Guardian spell,” he reassured her. Inko sighed in relief. Then quickly opened her eyes.
“How did they break that spell!?” she asked again.
“It was a work in progress,” Izuku said, turning the pages of his notebook. It was full of stickers- thanks to Ochako- and doodles all over. It looked more like a child’s superhero story than a witch’s grimoire.
“I’m still wearing mine,” Inko said, showing off her bracelet. It looked just like the summer. “Your charms are powerful, Izuku.”
“I…” he started, eyes wandering to the bookshelves where he had given the boy his charm. “…don’t think magic broke it.”
“Don’t be silly Izuku,” his mother replied, holding her grimoire close to her chest. “A witch’s magic can’t be broken by humans-”
“Unless,” he interrupted, holding the pen tighter in his hand. “Unless…”
Inko didn’t answer. There was a moment of silence before she spoke again.
“I’ll bake a pie,” she said, turning to the stairs that lead to their apartment. “If he comes by today…he can have some.”
“Thanks, mom,” he said with a smile. He continued to scribble on his notebook.
‘Human cannot break this magic spell,’ he wrote next to his Guardian Spell. ‘Unless malicious intents exceed those of a witch.’
He knew.
From the moment that the boy had walked in with a confused expression, Izuku knew there was something weird. The boy had such a magnificent blue aura. Full of innocence, full of dreams, and full of kindness. It was so beautiful he could barely keep his eyes on him for half a minute without blushing. And despite that-
There was this weird feeling around him. Like a thick scented dark mush that floated around him in a grim like manner. It wasn’t part of him, Izuku could feel it.
It was haunting him.
The charm was an experiment, but it was one he knew it would work. Something to protect the boy from whatever was haunting him, even if not for long, until he found something better.
He knew his spells weren’t that strong, but it was should have been enough to guard him for a month.
Less than a week later the boy was back, holding the charm in his hands.
Izuku almost got paralyzed by the sight. Todoroki was obviously shaken, holding to the charm full of guilt.
“Sorry,” he had said. Izuku couldn’t find in his words how to tell Todoroki that there was nothing to be sorry for.
Out of worry, he had made tea. It was green tea with a spoonful of honey. Warm to the touch, boiling down the throat.
‘Drink,’ he had said, holding out the cup, sprinkled with rosemary and charmed with kindness. Todoroki had looked at him weirdly, but Izuku just smiled. ‘It’ll make you feel better. I promise.’
So he did.
‘It’s good,’ was all he said, but the sparkles in his eyes as the liquid touched his lips was undeniable. Izuku felt bubbles up his throat and smiled.
He was glad he could be of help.
The sound of chiming bells rang in the air, making Izuku look up from his notebook.
“Todoroki-kun!” he exclaimed, jumping out if the chair. Izuku felt like a thousand fireworks exploded inside of his chest as he met Todoroki’s eyes. “Good morning-!”
His feet stumbled as he tried to move out of the counter, and he felt the hit before he reacted.
Todoroki was right by his side as soon as he opened his eyes.
“Are you okay?” he asked, his face scrunched up in worry, making the bubbles inside of Izuku fizzle up like coke. He offered him his hand, and Izuku took it without hesitating.
“Don’t worry, it happens all the time,” Izuku confessed, as he tried to laugh away the pain.
Todoroki helped him up and Izuku dusted off the dirt in his clothes. He hummed a bit and turned to see Todoroki who was staring at him with wide eyes.
“Todoroki-kun, are you okay?” Izuku asked, waving his hands in front of his eyes. Startled, Todoroki turned his gaze away from Izuku.
“Your hair,” he pointed towards Izuku’s charms. Todoroki was beet red, making Izuku worry if he was ill. “You have…-”
“Oh, it’s a charm!” Izuku replied in a heartbeat. At the mention of his mother’s charm, he couldn’t help adding. “Mom made me wear it since it’s not really safe to have my hair this long. You know, since if someone took my hair it could be used to harm me. It’s not really something that happens often, but mom thinks it does- she’s always been a bit nervous about this kind of stuff- so this serves as a protection charm. It’s actually kind of strong but it takes a lot of-”
He stopped midsentence and winced. He had done it again. Slowly, he looked up to see Todoroki, scared he might have scared off the guy. But to his surprise, Todoroki was staring at him wide-eyed, almost impressed.
“Sorry,” Izuku said, his hands falling to the side, heat spreading through his cheeks. Why was he always like this? “I kind of talked your ear off…”
Todoroki simply let shook his head and said, “Don’t worry. I actually like listening to you.”
Bursting bubbles exploding in colors bloomed in Izuku’s chest.
“Really?” he dared to ask.
“Yeah,” Todoroki answered.
Todoroki had no idea what Izuku was talking about.
He really, really tried to understand but it was kind of hard when. One: before he entered this place, he had no idea that witchcraft existed, much less how it worked. And two: he always got distracted when Izuku talked. He was more than a little embarrassed about the later.
It’s not like he was trying to be distracted. There was nothing that Todoroki wanted more than to listen whatever Izuku was saying, but…
The way the light hit the feathers and vibrant stones decorating Izuku’s hair, made everything around him mute. Izuku’s hair looked so soft and fluffy with the pretty way it was adorned. Todoroki couldn’t stop staring, even when the logical part of him was screaming in a really Momo voice to pay attention to what Izuku was saying.
Forcing himself to tear his eyes away from the charm, Todoroki landed his eyes on Izuku’s face- and god this was probably a bigger mistake.
If Todoroki thought the amethyst was shining, that’s because he hadn’t seen the way Izuku’s eyes as he talked about a spell he was trying to perfect.
“-but really, despite whatever Ochako said, red candles work as well as white candles when it comes to protection spells. I don’t know why she insisted that-” Izuku said, his hands going up to play with the purple tinted tips of his hair, on the base of his neck. Shouto swallowed hard, trying to stop his eyes from lingering too long. “-it didn’t. Still, you have to admire her effort in trying to understand. Not many actually want, much less try, to comprehend magic…”
After all the staring that Todoroki did, it was hard to miss the way Izuku’s mood dropped at the last sentence.
“I think,” Todoroki tried to say. His words tripping in his own mouth, as he was unsure of what to say to cheer him up. Izuku’s eyes were staring deeply at him, and suddenly all Shouto could think was Green. “What you do is pretty cool.”
Perfect. Nailed it.
He could almost hear Yaomomo laughing in the background at how lame that had sounded.
Izuku was staring and Todoroki felt the heat rise up to his face.
“I mean,” he continued, trying to save whatever he could from the conversation. It wasn’t easy with wide green eyes like jade staring at him, while jewels refracted the light to make it seem as if everything surrounding them where sparkles. “I don’t fully understand, but from what I see…You do amazing things. You protect people and help them... That’s kind of-of, what a, ah…a hero would do.”
A hero?
As soon as Izuku started laughing, Todoroki was ready to run to the exist, his face a giant camelia.
“A hero?” Izuku asked. His smile was wide, the colors blooming in his face, as he stared at Todoroki wide-eyed. The look on his face was soft, caring, grateful. “That’s a first…I like how it sounds, ‘Hero Witch Izuku’. Protecting people from evil villains that want to hurt cute guys.”
A quick image to his brain of Izuku wearing leggings was enough to make Todoroki short circuit.
“Cute guys?” was all he managed to say.
“Ah!” Izuku exclaimed. The red in his cheeks covered the freckles that had adorned his face. “I meant! Cool guys! You’re totally cool, not cute, I’m sorry!”
“It’s alright,” Todoroki said, mustering all his strength, so his voice came out normal. This made Izuku calm down but the red in his cheeks was still there. Todoroki liked how the color looked on him. “I like your offer, but I don’t think you can save me from my villain.”
Izuku’s eyes went wide for half a second, quickly furrowing his eyebrows in worry.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“My asshole of a dad,” Todoroki said casually, fixing the messenger back he had. He felt his own voice grow harsher and his tone dropping. “The villain of my story.”
“Todoroki…” Izuku said, gripping the end of his notebook with great strength. “Wait here.”
“Midoriya?” Todoroki asked, but before his words could reach Izuku, he was gone.
Izuku rushed to get the boxes that were stored in the back of the store. He knew he had placed those purple candles somewhere…
“Found it!” Izuku said, turning back to Todoroki and opening his grimoire.
“What are you doing?” Todoroki asked, a bit curious as Izuk arranged the things on the top of the counter.
Izuku was entranced by his own work, as he seemed to completely ignore whatever Todoroki had told him. His eyes were completely focused on the wide open notebook that read some kind of spell inside.
“I’m not a fairy godmother,” Izuku said, almost as if it were a confession. His cheeks red, looking down to his hands, moving to arrange things. “I can’t wave a wand and give you a happy ending, but-”
Izuku smiled. A warm smile that seemed to shine like the bright candle burning in front of him. Todoroki could only stare as his heart beat louder than words could.
“-I can try,” Izuku said, his breath a bit hard, as he focused his magic on the mirror he was holding. “…I can try to help you. Achieve your happy ending.”
Todoroki stared at Izuku’s extended hand, the one not holding the mirror. It was covered in rings and bracelet, and purple polish dusted his nails.
“I don’t bite,” Izuku joked a bit, making Todoroki look up. His eyes meeting Izuku’s. They were clear enough to pierce as if looking through Shouto were no difficult task.
Slowly, Todoroki gave Izuku his hand. Electricity ran up his spine at the single touch, making him wince.
“Oh, my,” Izuku said. He furrowed his eyebrows, rubbing small circles on Shouto’s hand. “Hmm…this energy is definitely not yours…It’s too clouded with greed to be yours…”
As Izuku began examining his hand, Shouto could only focus on the way his hand felt. Izuku’s hand was warm, just like everything in the guy seemed to be. A bit calloused on the edges but so small in comparison to Shouto’s on. It fit perfectly inside of his that it could be so easy to wrap Izuku’s hand completely on his and-
‘Breathe, oh my god,’ he thought, as tried to look away. Unfortunately, the thing he looked then was Izuku’s charm on his hair and it just made him melt. ‘Breathe!’
The scent of rosemary hit him as he breathed in.
“I’ll get rid of all these bad energies, don’t worry,” Izuku said, looking at Shouto with innocence. As if he were not the cause Shouto almost died from a heart attack. “Now…Think about this person who has harmed you.”
The atmosphere quickly shifted.
“Oh,” Izuku managed to say, blinking slowly. “This is not good…”
“Am I doing something wrong?” Todoroki asked.
“Ah, no, don’t worry, you’re doing fine,” Izuku said, a small smile on his face. “It’s just…A bit overwhelming…Now, keep picturing this person’s face, okay? Close your eyes.I’ll start doing this.”
Todoroki did as he was told focusing to keep his breathing even. As soon as he heard Izuku mutter the steps, he felt the shivers run stronger in his back. It wasn’t necessarily something bad…It just felt weird. Surreal. Almost like-…
“Mirror of reflection, mirror of protection,” Izuku said, startling Todoroki. His voice felt different from a second to the other. It like heaven and sounded safe. In a minute, Todoroki felt his arms relax and his mind clear. “I call for your help, in this endeavor. A soul that has been wrongly harmed, I ask for your help to light the path…” Izuku began breathing harshly. “…and sent this energy back to the start!”
The pitch on Izuku’s voice raised ever so slightly by the end. It brought pain to Todoroki’s chest. Slowly, he tried to mimic the same movements Izuku had done in his hand moments before. The tension in his hand visibly lessened.
It took a bit more of time for it to finish, but after it was done Izuku told him to open his eyes.
“Oh, it broke,” Izuku said sadly as he reached for the messy part of his hair where the charm had stood.
“I’m sorry,” Todoroki said, looking down at his feet. “Is it my fault?”
“Not yours directly,” Izuku reassured. “I was kind of…dealing with energy bigger than I had planned…That person sure holds a lot of negativity in their life!”
“Tell me about it,” Todoorki let out a small chuckle from his lips. Izuku smiled at this.
“I’m still learning spells,” Izuku confessed and moved forward to start cleaning up. “But, if I can help you feel better, even if just a little…Then you’re more than welcomed to come hand out here.”
“Thanks,” Todoroki answered, a genuine smile on his lips.
Izuku felt his heart trying to jump out through his throat at this. Shouto was too handsome for his own good, and Izuku was only human.
“Would you like a cup of tea while we’re at it?” Izuku asked. Bright smile covering the corner of his face.
“That would be nice,” Shouto said sincerely.
With a beam, Izuku rushed to the back of the store where he had the tea in. Two cups would be enough, so he reached forward to grab the tea leaves, along with the honey.
“Mom is going to be so worried about this…” Izuku said to himself, sighing at the way his hair was now completely messed up. Then his eyes fell to the tea in his hand. A guilty smile tugged his heart. “I mean…if she doesn’t find out…it won’t hurt anyone…”
The mixed leaves smelt amazing, and as Izuku heated up the water, he gave small prayer to help Todoroki relax.
The memory of the unabashed cruelty of the energy surrounding him as he tried to cast a spell will forever haunt him. It was too much. Too dark, too big.
Whoever could create so much negative energy must be a person with nothing more than pain and greed being carried on his shoulder.
Izuku shuddered, spilling a bit of his own magic into Shouto’s tea.
‘Please be safe,’ he thought as he did so. His mouth went dry.
He tried as hard as he could to keep his own head from going dizzy. But it kept swimming in black goo. His legs trembling, his hands shaking, his eyes burning. A loud cough broke through his throat, and painful streaks painted the back of his eyes.
“It hurts…” he managed to mutter, barely holding on to the counter, hands sweaty and numb.. He breathed out loudly, keeping the pain from reaching him completely.
“Izuku?” Shouto called from the front of the store. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” he managed to say, but he was unsure if it was as cheerful as he intended. “I’m searching for the tea leaves!”
After a few seconds, Izuku felt slightly better. Enough to, at least, get up and reach for the cups.
“I really overdid it this time,” he sighed to himself.
Yet, when he saw how eager Shouto looked in front of the counter, for a simple cup of tea…
He wondered who could ever harm such a beautiful soul. And the need to protect this moment, full peace, in a small cottage, only grew.
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rex101111 · 7 years
Eri does her own mumble storm.
The members of UA Heroics class 1-A are, all in all, a pretty unique bunch of kids.
Each of them with their own little twist of personality shinning through on a daily and mundane basis. From Tooru’s unshakable enthusiasm to Teny’s po-faced seriousness, their classes and time spent with each other was always filled with some sort of well known oddity or habit from one of them shaking things up to keep the day-to-day grind of school from becoming too much.
As time wore on, each of the kids learned and adapted to their fellow classmate’s mannerisms, to varying degrees, and from that familiarity came the one thing one can never avoid when spending a significant amount of time in the presence of others, in-jokes.
The most prevalent of these in-jokes, was the habit of one Midoriya Izuku to go into what most of his friends have dubbed, “The Mumble Storm.”
Whenever Deku’s thought process got to involved, and he began to spiral into what at times felt like an endless stream of contemplation, one of his classmates would inevitably have to drag him out it, before one of the teachers decides to do it themselves…and pair it with a detention for disrupting class.
At first this habit of his creeped out a good number of the class, but since time had worn away the shock, the only real reaction they seem to have for it now is shouting out, “Whose turn is it to snap him out of it?” 
And when Kaminari started hearing the beginnings of a particularly involved mumble storm while studying in the common room and not wanting to lose whatever little concentration he’s managed to obtain, he was about to say just that, when he stopped himself.
Since when was Midoriya’s voice that soft pitched?
Looking up from his study book he looked across the room at the couch in front of the TV, where he saw the usual trio of Eri and her “Mama and Papa” sitting when he came in an hour ago, and from his position near the kitchen corner he could see the green and brunette heads of the two “parents” looking back and forth between each other and the little white lump of hair sitting between them on the couch.
Curiosity peaked, he walked towards the couch, leaning over the back rest and what he saw awed him down to the very core of his soul.
Eri was hunching forward, pulling at her lower lip, one foot tapping insistently, and was muttering a seemingly endless stream of thoughts, the intensity of her thought process and the sheer thickness of her verbosity almost weighing down the air around her, almost making it seem like her rumination were floating in mid air above all their heads, spiraling out of her mind with no restraint.
To his eternal shock, Eri was having her very own “Mumble Storm.”
He had to tell everybody.
Izuku and Ochako were in a very odd predicament, one moment they were talking to Eri about what they had planned for the day, and the next they were drowning in the little girl’s mumbling.
“-there’s that new ramen stand a few blocks away that Uncle Kami kept talking about, but uncle Tenya said it’s full of bad stuff that would cause “cardicat arrest” so maybe-”
All they did was ask her where she wanted to go to lunch, and once she started deliberating on where to go they couldn’t stop her, her speech becoming more muddled and rapid as she went on.
“-Of course there’s that Chinese place that Big bro Sero keeps bringing take out from, but Big bro Shoji is allergic to most of it and Auntie Mina says it makes you fat so we can-”
Deku had the distinct impression that he’s viewing something very familiar, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it.
“-and the place Uncle Kaka always goes too is too spicy for everyone else, and the places Big bro Shouto and Big sis Momo take me are too expensive, and everyone gave Big Bro Mineta a weird look when he said he went to a “cat maid cafe” but that sounds really cute-
Ochako, on the other hand, knew exactly what the little girl was doing, and the resemblance to when Deku did it was utterly incredible, but right now, the initial shock of seeing Eri do it knocked all the knowledge she had acquired about stopping “mumble storms” out of her head, and all she could do was stare in awe and hold on for dear life alongside Deku as it ran its course.
Just when she was about to try and find a way to stop it, she felt the weight of the couch shift slightly starting at the head of the back rest, causing her and Izuku to lift there eyes to find the rest of the class watching.
Mina and Tooru had their phones out, obviously recording every lovely minute, the pink heroine looking about ready to burst with joy, eyes shining and grin stretching all the way across her face as she whispered in awe, “This is the most amazing thing I have ever seen.” 
The invisible girl was shaking, well, her cloths and phone were shaking, obviously indicating she and Mina were on the same page, though all she seemed able to say was, “Oh my God.”
“See?” Came Kaminari’s voice from further right, his own grin rivaling Mina’s, “She really is her Papa’s daughter!” He was just putting back his own phone in his pocket, seeing Mina has reconnaissance covered, “I am never letting this go.”
“Wasn’t one of you enough?” Sero rubbed his head, looking more annoyed then amazed, addressing Deku and the unresponsive Eri in equal measure, though a corner of his mouth was twitching up every so often, “Mumble duty was enough of a pain as it is…”
Deku shook his head, finally managing to get some focus back, though only just enough to stare at Sero in confusion, “Mumble duty? What are you talking about?”
“It’s how we decide who needs to bring you back to reality when you start another Mumble Storm,” Kirishima laughed, his eyes on Eri and his mouth pulled to the side in a smirk, “And it looks like it just doubled…”
Izuku gaped at his classmates, “You have a name for it?” He shook his head, “Never mind, just…how do you get me out of it? Eri-chan’s been going at this for a few minutes now!”
“Oh my God.”
Satou shrugged, “We each have our own way, though I don’t think most of those ways would work here…” He scratched his chin, “Maybe if a bake a quick little something for her and put it under her nose like smelling salts…”
Ochako was torn between laughing herself silly and feeling sorry for Izuku, the former feeling only just barely winning out when a snort escaped her.
Tokoyami side eyed him, “I am fairly certain that’s not how smelling salts work…besides,” He looked directly at Eri, the girl now muttering to herself about the pros and cons of Sushi versus Yakiniku, “I don’t think giving her more food to think about would be of much use here…”
“Oh my God.”
“I usually drop a bit of ice down the back of Midoriya’s shirt.” Todoroki pointed out, the boy in question giving him a flat look to convey as well as he could how he felt about that particular method, “…Though doing it to her seems a bit…cruel…”
Momo tapped her fingers on her forearm, forehead scrunched up, “We should have made precautions,” She shook her head with a frustrated sigh, “It was inevitable that this would happen…” Izuku opened him mouth to question why exactly it was inevitable, when Tooru spoke up one more time.
“Oh my God.”
Katsuki, who had been quietly glaring at them all until now, growled in anger, “Oh just zip it See-through!” He turned to the three on the couch with his signature toothy scowl, “Look, I’ll just flick her on the ear, that always works on Deku so no reason…it…shouldn’t…” He trailed off as he noticed Ochako and Izuku straight up glaring at him, and a minor twitch of his eye to his right reveled the rest of the class doing much the same,”…work on her.” He sighed, “Fine, but what are we supposed to do? Just wait until she’s-”
“Got it!” Eri suddenly exclaimed, snapping out of her mumbles in a single leap seemingly unaware that she was doing it at all as she turned to Izuku with a grin, “Papa! I want to-” Noticing the dip in the couch, she looked up to see the rest of the class looking at her, half with shock and half with unabashed grins, and waved at them, “Oh! Hey everyone!” They all waved back, Mina looked like she was holding back tears as she smiled, and went back to Izuku, “Papa, can we go to McDonald’s?”
Izuku, still reeling from this whole ordeal, could only smile and nod, “S-sure Eri-chan, go get dressed and we’ll get going.”
“Okay!” She got up from the couch and rushed out of the door, waving to the rest of the class as she went.
Mina sniffed, her lips wobbling and black eyes shimmering with tears, “That girl is a blessing.”
Aoyama patted her shoulder with a mild smile and a nod, “Of course she is, plus,” He turned towards Izuku and Ochako, who were just finished letting out sighs of relief when they heard him and saw him stare at them, “It seems that she’s finally put a long unanswered question to rest.”
Ochako raised an eyebrow at the flashy blond, suspicion gnawing at the small of her back, “What question?”
“A question regarding your mumbling habit mon ami,” He grinned, “And now we’ve got  the definitive answer, that its hereditary.”
Izuku stared at him blankly, “What?”
“Well, if it was infectious we’d all be doing it, but instead the only other one we’ve seen doing it is our precious petite licrone,” Something glinted in his eye, “And why wouldn’t she? Her Papa does it all the time!”
Izuku stared at him more, his eyes widening with comprehension before his face flushed a bit, he excused himself and got up from the couch to get ready for lunch, though as he past Aoyama the flashy student couldn’t help but notice how the corner of his mouth twitched up ever so slightly.
Mina laughed a little next to him, sniffing one last time before turning to him and saying, loud enough for both Izuku and the rest of the room to hear, “Lets hope she doesn’t inherent Ochako-chan’s competitiveness, that would be weird to see!”
The girl in question bolted up from the couch, hot on Izuku’s trail, only sparing her pink friend a brief withering glare before she left.
Shoji sighed, “One of these days you two are going to push them too far.”
Aoyama laughed, “Well of course, that goes with out saying.”
Mina giggled, “But they just make it too easy!”
(The class ended up inviting themselves to join the trio for McDonald's, even managing to drag Katsuki into the mess, the employees somehow managed to keep their heads cool as 21 kids piled up next to the cash register, though they were baffled that a bunch of teenagers didn’t even complain once as the little girl took her sweet time in deciding what to order.
Eri ended up insisting that she and Deku share a kids meal, which he relented to once she promised him they would share the toy All Might figure too.)  
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