#it’s a great opportunity!! But I’m here so I can get my degree and some experience then pivot to public health
alatariel-galadriel · 5 months
writing a last-minute statement of goals for grad school and uh. I have to send it to my boss so she can write me a letter of rec. the problem is that my honest statement of goals is just GET ME OUT OF MY CURRENT JOB PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE so. You know. That’s going well
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chrisevansonly · 11 months
𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝 | 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐬
ʚ lando norris x female reader (best friends to lovers!!)
ʚ you’ve always been in the background, never experiencing the love everyone’s talking too, except you’ve been watching lando experience that feeling your yearning for…are you really meant to be alone? or have feelings been kept hidden for too long…?
ʚ a bit of angst, slight arguments, miscommunication but super fluffy and cute too (i hate angsty endings, you all know this already)
ʚ hehe the fic is finally here! thank you to everyone who voted and helped me choose someone to write this for! i hope this is okay! where it says ‘best friends found a new guy, imagine it saying girl’
ʚ word count 2k+
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Moved put to a new city, June is dawning down on me, and all that I can find….
You’d moved to Monaco to pursue a sports journaling degree when you’d turned nineteen, leaving the hustle and bustle of London to come to the glitz and glamour that Monte Carlo held.  The one thing that was nice is you’d been staying with your childhood best friend Lando ever since you moved to the city, more than happy to be back with a familiar face, not to mention being able to attend many events and grand prix’s to gain a more hands on experience with your degree. 
“Okay, are you all settled in?” he’d asked coming to his guest room to check on you
“Yeah, just a few more things to unpack, thank you for letting me stay with you”
He smiled 
“Of course, I love you, you know I do, wouldn’t want you to stay anywhere else!”
There is was, the constant three words that brought butterflies to your stomach whenever Lando said them to you. The two of you had always been affectionate with one another, but you couldn’t help but wish he meant it deeper than he did. 
“I’ll let you finish and then we’ll go get some lunch?”
“Sounds good! I shouldn’t be long!”
Nodding he looked around once more before leaving you to your thoughts once again, what a lovesick teenage girl you were. 
A sickly romance in the air, lovers stroll without a care in sight, oh this can’t be right…
If there was anything you adored more in life it was love, you’d always been a romantic at heart, but as you began to reach your twenties, never experiencing love romantically or ever really having your opportunity to be loved on that level, seeing the romance within the city streets had begun to bring a sudden dark cloud with it.
It wasn’t that you hated love, no far from, it was more a longing for that feeling of warmth and comfort that only a partner could bring, and wondering when it would finally be your time.
Snapping yourself out of your daze, your eyes focused back on Lando who sat across from you at the café the two of you had been frequenting, his silly little nickname he had for you slipping out 
“Hmm? Sorry I didn’t hear you”
“I was asking if you wanted to come to the grand prix this weekend, I’ll get it organized with my team if yes”
You were quick to smile, nodding your head 
“Yes please, that would be great, I’ve got a paper to write so maybe I’ll find inspiration there!”
Lando nodded, the brit matching your smile, an unreadable emotion flashing across his eyes, but it was gone before you could figure it out
“Sounds good”
Cause the sun’s engaged to the sky, my best friends found a new guy, I’m only getting older, I’ve never had a shoulder to cry on, someone to call mine…
The paddock of the Hungarian grand prix was where you met Lando’s girlfriend for the first time, something you were not expecting to happen, and in all honesty, you’d wished you stayed home now. 
“Perfect, you’re here, Ella this is Y/N my best friend, and of course Y/N, this is Ella my girlfriend” 
You smiled holding your hand out to shake which she took gently 
“Nice to meet you! I didn’t know you were coming, if I did I would have stayed home, I don’t mean to intrude” 
Ella smiled sweetly 
“Oh no, I don’t mind having a buddy to walk around with, Lando’s told me lot’s about you, you’ve been friends since you were kids?”
And there was the word that soured in your mouth, friends, yeah you and Lando had been friends for years, and yet for some reason you hated that word with a passion, you’ve never had before 
“Yeah since we were kids!”
Elbowing Lando slightly he laughed, only when you joined him, it didn’t feel right and your smile didn’t reach your eyes. 
Why did you come this weekend. 
Everybody’s falling in love and I’m falling behind. 
Now almost 4 years later you were twenty three and finally finished your degree, working at a small publishing firm in Monaco, only you’d long moved out of Lando’s apartment and settled into your own little studio. You often looked back on how the weekend ended all those four years ago, Ella was great, she and Lando seemed perfect for one another, but you hadn’t expected it to be a huge problem. 
“Are you okay?” Lando asked, his hand touching your shoulder gently
“I’m fine, just super tired”
“I don’t believe you, I know you better.”
Taking a deep breath you continued to pack your things, getting ready for the flight home 
“Where’s Ella, shouldn’t you be with her?” you chirped back, trying not to give away your bad mood
“She’s packing and I wanted to check on you, what’s going on pipsqueak?”
“Well I’m fine, and stop calling me that.” 
Lando couldn’t get anything else in before you were snapping your suitcase shut and wheeling it out the hotel room door, confusion all he felt watching you walk away, he was determined to find out what was wrong.
Touched the ocean, fell right in, stepped outside and burned my skin, my life won’t go my way..
You had been falling for Lando ever since you were teenagers, his eyes trapped you into him, his words filling your heart with a warmth and love only he could provide, except he was never yours, and never would be. Life had a funny way of working you thought, it was almost too good to be true to imagine yourself and Lando getting together, despite the same idea from both of your parents. 
The more you saw Lando and Ella on social media together, the more you pulled away, a constant discomfort in your chest as you watched her have what you yearned for, holding his hand the way you wished you could, kissing his lips like you dreamed you could. 
She had everything and right now you had nothing. 
Bossa nova in my room, hope that I’ll find someone too to love…because the sun’s engaged to the sky my best friends found a new guy, I’m only getting older, I’ve never had a shoulder to cry on, someone to call mine. Everybody’s falling in love and I’m falling behind.
There had never been an argument so huge between you and Lando before today, it had been weeks of you avoiding his texts, calls, and missing out on weekly friend dates that he had finally shown up at your apartment, anger in his eyes. 
“I told you I’ve been busy Lando, can’t you accept that?”
“No! Because ever since Hungary four years ago you haven’t been yourself, ever since you met Ella something changed.”
You rolled your eyes at her name
“That’s such bullshit, I’ve just been doing my own thing and getting used to working, besides my degree was kicking my ass back then.”
Lando didn’t believe a single word you were saying, he could see it in your eyes you were lying 
“Stop lying to me, we used to be close and now you’re a stranger, I don’t even know who you are anymore!” his patience wearing thin and you could tell by the way his hands were clenching 
“Lando just leave!”
“Not until you tell me what’s wrong!”
“Go away!” you yelled back only causing the driver to yell louder 
“I LOVE YOU OKAY?! It’s too painful to be your friend, my chest constanly hurts, I see everyone else have you all to themselves, watch you love someone else, hold someone else and I’m in the background, wondering when it will be my turn-”
You paused taking a deep breath as your eyes began to well up with tears 
“When it will be my turn to be loved, to love..to experience what it’s like to be happy with you, and I’ll never have that Lando, so just go!” 
Lando remained frozen, nothing coming out of his mouth which was enough for you to go upstairs and close yourself off in your room, figuring he would let himself out of your apartment and go home. Minutes later after hearing the door slam, you let yourself break apart, not caring if your neighbours heard the sound of your sobs.
Losing Lando for good, seemed better than settling for anything else. 
Everybody’s falling in love, everybody’s falling in love, oh..everybody’s falling in love but me…
Two months had passed since you’d had that argument, yet no matter what you did the ache never left, the hole remained where you once had him, only now it hurt more than before. What could be so wrong with someone that they’d never been given a chance at love, to feel that euphoric feeling lovers talked about. Truth be told it seemed like some sick joke to you, it wasn’t fair, even if you were being slightly dramatic, never having that kind of love began to affect someone as time went on. Leaving you feeling more insecure and even hesitant to imagine yourself with someone romantically, but let’s face it…you still weren’t over Lando in the slightest. 
It wasn’t until Friday night rolled along that you were making your way to the door of your home, fervent knocking could be heard on your door
“I’m coming, I’m coming!”
When you twisted the knob opening the oak door, you froze seeing Lando on the otherside, his cheeks a rosy pink as if he’d sprinted over, his eyes filled once again with the same emotion you couldn’t read the day you’d moved in with him, all those four years ago
“Lan what are you doing-”
“I love you too.”
His words flew out frantically, his hands wringing together
“Funny joke, see you later.”
“NO! Please…I-I just please let me in baby…”
Curse your heart for speeding up at the pet name, something that felt so familiar yet foreign to you. Despite the logical side of your brain telling you to close the door, you found yourself letting him inside, closing it behind him.
“Why are you here…”
Lando didn’t waste any time as he took your hands, holding them softly in his 
“I’m an idiot, and I only hope I’m not too late because I love you, so much and not in the way we used to say it as kids, god I love you with everything in me and all these years I’ve been so unfair to you, missing the signs, I should have known”
“What if it is too late?”
Hearing you speak up you watched his shoulders drop, maybe it was a bit mean to lie to him, but part of you wanted him to feel just a sliver of what you’ve been feeling for years
“Oh-um then just pretend I wasn’t here”
You tightened your grip on his hands when he went to pull away
“It’s not to late..”
Nothing was said between the two of you after you said this, your eyes meeting as you watched a certain light come back to his, knowing he hadn’t totally lost you. In this moment he did the one logical thing he thought of, pulling you to him and leaning down to kiss you, his hands moving to hold your face, like he was afraid you’d turn into dust and slip away from him. When you pulled away he kept your face in his hands, a little smile on your face 
“I love you Lan..”
He smiled leaning down to kiss you once more 
“I love you too baby…always will”
As you moved to rest your head on his chest you couldn’t help but feel your entire world shift, had this been the feeling you’d been searching for all your life? The love and the warmth you’d been deprived of for so long? Nowhere would feel like home more than Lando would now that you were in his arms, this was home.
He hummed hearing your voice mumbled into his sweater, realizing this was where he was meant to be his whole life, and now that he had you, he would never let go, because a life without you, would be a life he would never, ever want to live again.
A pause fell over the two of you before you hugged him just a bit tighter,
“Thank you for choosing me…”
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meanbossart · 14 days
Hi RJ! I hope you are having a great time with your partner! Sorry if this has been asked before, but I was curious what DU Drow’s thoughts are to Astarion marking him like he did to himself. I know you’ve mentioned that Drow did a lot of the scarification as a teen to cope with things, and in your Bhaalist AU Drow has Astarion do some of the face marks. But I saw the art with Astarion’s bite marks on Drow’s ass and I doubt Drow was unhappy about that lol. Does he like having permanent marks from his partner? Do they ever bring any sort of blood/knifeplay into their relationship? I’d be super interested to hear Drow’s thoughts about it! And alternatively what you think Astarion would feel about it.
Your art is absolutely gorgeous and you are easily one of my favorite artists of all time. Your mastery of body shape, facial expressions, telling a story through character design, everything makes me swoon at your art. I’m so invested in your freaky man, RJ, I love him and as someone with a master’s degree in clinical psychology I want to dissect his brain and study him under a microscope
Thank you so much for your kind words!!! Happy to have a specialist in the field here watching this trainwreck LOL
And that's a very interesting question! Besides for his forearm scars (which were a weird show of dominance in his bhaalspawn days) DU drow's facial and chest scarification were actually done by Orin, and as you can guess he is very into the idea of being permanently marked by his partner - definitely the kind of guy to get your name tattooed on him six months into the relationship.
He does have an inkling of good sense and propriety, though. It's kind of a pillar of the character that he knows how to operate in society in favor of coming across as pleasant and only an acceptable level of eccentric, which is to say that he has the vaguest idea that requesting that Astarion mutilate him for his own pleasure might not bode well. This, as it is the case for everything else, is my own take on the character, but Astarion does not strike my as someone who would want to permanently harm their partner once he's made a genuine emotional bond with them. DU drow realizes this, plus there's the whole treating-him-with-kid's-gloves complex which leads him to believe this would be a sensitive topic, given Astarion's own background.
But DU drow often fantasizes about the scenario, specially during sex or moments where he is emotionally overwhelmed with his love for him. It takes him some time to make the connection between his own scars and what they mean about past relationships, but perhaps at some point an opportunity would arise where he makes such request - and he would do it because it's important, and because he has to for once in his life trust Astarion to either A) participate enthusiastically or B) Allow him to choose to take on the discomfort of his own free-will, and see it as a sign of love and compromise rather than the helplessness he imposes upon him.
And I think that depending on how it was presented, Astarion would do it. He wouldn't do it on a whim, or just to get DU drow's rocks off, but he would do it if he saw that it was something that he really needed, and for good reason. He wouldn't like the process, but he would appreciate having that trust put on him and to have the chance to care for his partner, to have him ask him for help, as weird as the request might be.
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raayllum · 8 days
Transcript of Aaron Ehasz Interview (Sept 2024)
Podcast link here. Transcript down below with bulk under a read more.
R: Alright so welcome back to the Wordswithdragons podcast, and today I’m joined by a very special guest, the co-creator of The Dragon Prince, Aaron Ehasz. 
A: Hello, thank you for having me today. Glad to be here.
R: Thank you so much for being here. Um, yeah, so, as we semi touched on, it is the 6 year anniversary of The Dragon Prince this September 14th.
A: Yeah.
R: Do you have any thoughts, reflections, feelings about the show having gone on for this long and being such a big part of people’s lives?
A: I mean for starters, it’s really hard to believe it’s been on for six years. Like that seems insane to me. Cause it seemed like we had — Justin and I had been working on it for so long before it finally came out because we had worked on the story and then gotten feedback, and help in improving that pitch and bringing it out and we had it set up at Netflix, and we had to — we wrote the pilot obviously, and we didn’t know where we were gonna produce it, and found Bardel. So there was so much time between even just starting to think about it and when it came out.
R: Yeah, cause that was like 2015, right?
A: Yeah, I guess we started the journey in 2015 and we got with Bardel by the end of 2016, and it got released evidently in 2018, so... Yeah, yeah, cause I remember even we were writing kind of the end of season 3 when we had that panel with Marco and named the character after Marco.
R: Oh yeah.
A: The character [chuckles] from the first episode, we only had an opportunity for him to say his name out loud in that last episode because we were writing the ending while we were showing the episodes for first time, so. Anyway, that’s my reflection, it’s great it’s been six years.
R: Yeah. I know The Dragon Prince has been a really like — both life changing and I think, like, life affirming experience for a lot of people, myself included. So we just really appreciate everybody’s hard work on the show and are very excited for season 7 and hopefully beyond as well. As well for any future projects that Wonderstorm comes out with, like Bonders sounds amazing.
A: I feel — well first of all, thank you for saying that it’s life affirming, that’s such a nice thing to hear about something you’ve worked on, but I also agree that Justin and I feel a ton of gratitude for the whole team and the work and heart that everyone put into making this. I think people wanted it to be meaningful and special and that takes a certain kind of energy and vulnerability to build something like that, that you share, and our whole team really did give that in building the show.
R: Yeah. I think for sure. I think that’s like, um, I was even — I was rewatching some of the show earlier for — for a parallel, and it was the scene between Avizandum and Zubeia when she goes to him in like her kind of corruption dream semi-nightmare, and obviously that’s such a heartfelt, touching scene, and it’s always so strange. Because on the one hand, you should hate Avizandum, he killed Sarai and Rex Igneous has rightful criticism of him, but then you watch that scene of him and he really did love his family, so I think the show being able to draw out those strong, conflicting emotions for so many of the characters is one of the reasons why it connects with people to the degree that it does.
A: And that’s one of the themes you probably see in the show — just gonna make a quick —
R: Yeah, yeah for sure. 
A: Avizandum, which is that being a good dad can make up for awful lot of [R laughs] monstrosities, as long as you’re doing it in the name of being a good dad. I’m joking, uh. Of course, yeah, Avizandum was always meant to be a complicated figure like many of our characters. 
R: You mentioned that you guys have been working on — I think season three during this panel with Marco, or Marcos, and I remember, I think you’ve said before that the seasons get worked on concurrently, that there’s a decent amount of overlap.
A: Yeah.
R: I’ve always wondered, because we know — obviously, I’m a big Rayllum fan — but I’ve always wondered, cause I know they weren’t originally planned, and then you guys were boarding season two when you were like, “Hey, maybe this should be a thing,” and then probably like shifted and tweaked things or changed things to write more towards that in the future... Um, I’ve always wondered, if there was time, like at that time, to go back and change anything in season one for them, or the season one that we see was just like that?
A: I don’t recall there was time to change season 1 — that does happen because we are working on things in parallel because we are working on something in the script and then some time later we are working on the later stage of production, like an animatic, and we’ll be able to kind of give notes or even make changes with the knowledge of what’s coming, so that has happened. But in the case of Rayllum, I don’t think so. I mean, I think — again, I remember...
R: It was a while ago, yeah.
A: We were rekindling, or when we were realizing that something was being kindled between them, it was watching an animatic so that shouldn’t have informed our writing of season one, but our later stage stuff. But we weren’t trying to force anything so it got in there naturally and I don’t think we went back and changed anything.
R: Yeah, that’s what I’ve always — they had those kind of vibes to me from like episode two and three, obviously season two brought a lot more people on board, but I was always curious. Cause in season one, like, I think, it feels so natural, it feels so organic, and like I’ve shown — one of the things I love about Dragon Prince is it’s a great way to connect with friends and family and you kind of catch up with each other like through the show, of “oh have you seen the new season yet?” and that sort of stuff. And so when I’ve shown the show to like my brother-in-law, who is not plugged in at all, he also kind of picked up on it in season one, so I’ve always been curious. 
A: You know, what else, I’ll even say, I think we initially, intentionally planned they weren’t going to be a couple. We were like “Oh yeah, no, they’re—”
R: Friends, yeah.
A: Friends, with different views of the world and they journey together, and we don’t want them to be a couple. We’re not — we’re definitely not targeting it. I think we were intentionally not targeting it, and then it was “too bad creators! [R laughs] We’re going to fall in love despite everything you’re planning.”
R: Well, that very much I think even fits what they represent to each other, of like you don’t have to do this path that you think you have to do...
A: Yeah.
R: You can be something new. I always kind of felt like Ezran and Zym were — felt very kind of like designed as foils, as like a pair, of like through Zym, Ezran learns more so like how to grow up, and they’re both like the princes who will be king, and then Callum and Rayla also kind of felt sort of like developed as a pair, in terms of like — he needs to gain more confidence, she’s pretty confident on the surface.
A: Yeah.
R: She needs to learn how to open up, he’s really good at being open especially in the beginning.
A: Right. 
R: So I was always like...
A: He needs to be murdered, she needs to learn how to murder someone.
R: Yeah! They complete each other, yeah. Uh... Some other questions that I had [rapid typing]. So I guess, maybe, I have some questions that are more season specific, in respect to time, but I also had like more general questions. 
A: Okay.
R: So, one of the things I’ve always love in general and really love about The Dragon Prince is its like use of philosophy and like its deeply interested in ethical and moral questions, and presenting some answers for some of them, but like are those the right answers? We don’t know. 
A: Right.
R: So I know King Harrow’s choosing of Lady Justice’s blindfold is a pretty apt comparison to John Rawls’ Veil of Ignorance—
A: Yes.
R: Of, you know, you strip away everything that you could have, like advantages, disadvantages, and think, would the system work for me? Which has been useful when I’ve like, had to tutor students in philosophy actually, but I was curious, were there any like philosophical concepts or ideas that people really, or you really, wanted to work into the series? ‘Cause we have a lot of trolley problems.
A: Right. Um, probably. I mean like, I should say, I was a philosophy concentrator in college so I absorbed a lot. Things like  Rawls, I had a class with John Rawls, and thought that was a really interesting concept and I liked including it, and I thought we can include it in a fun way, the idea of justice. So other philosophy probably makes its way in, it can makes its way in accidentally or subconsciously, so nothing specific right now comes to mind. I will say, as with kind of Avatar before this, I don’t like to have — I’m not trying to have a right answer, ever. I’m trying to have the characters have a deeper understanding of what they’re struggling with, and y’know, move in a direction of deeper understanding, so if anything, it’s more interesting to me to see conflicts between maybe philosophical approaches that are different and see how — Oh well, this has these kinds of results, and positives and negatives, and this has... so that the audience can have a chance to say, “Oh well okay, I have some thoughts on that,” or “here’s what I feel,” and that’s why sometimes I think we see the fandom actually kind of go back and forth—
R: Yeah.
A: On — around characters and people’s choices, and things like dark magic or Viren, which are controversial, are things where like, I do not have a strong point of view on... the kind of binary right or wrong of... Viren in the long term. He’s made a lot of wrong choices and he’s made a lot of choices for good. 
R: Yeah.
A: He is an arrogant and power hungry person and he’s also a caring and loving father and someone who wants to have a positive impact on the world, right, like?
R: Yeah.
A: So those conflicts play out in him. But similarly, I think with maybe most of the philosophical ideas I can think of, I’d rather get to like a place where everyone just has a chance to entertain those thoughts and ideas and struggle with them, or hold them in an authentic way, and then can come to their own conclusions and feelings. I mean, I have some deep feelings about like, the world, and how can people be optimistic or not pessimistic or—y’know, what it means to hold onto hope or what it means to try to move past conflict, and I have beliefs that there are conflicts that get so you know, kind of sewn in, that they feel they are impossible to untangle, and especially if the game you’re playing is who started it, or who did the worst thing, where you can’t just ever untangle it. You can’t ever find a right or wrong, so how do you get past that? That’s one of the questions I was hoping Rayla, Callum, and Ezran would try to—
R: Figure it out.
A: Struggle with. Anyway, I’m giving a very long winded answer—
R: No, no.
A: That’s the philosophy that comes to mind. If something comes to mind for you, you can bring it up and I can go, “Oh yeah, that was probably influenced by so-and-so.” [R laughs] Or maybe not.
R: Well, one of the things I loved about season six was kind of — you see, even... One of the things I thought was really interesting was we see, not quite like that return to trolley problems, but we see Aaravos at the end of season 5 is telling Viren you have to make the sacrifice so that you can live, and then we see Rayla tell Callum, “Hey, if the choice ever happens, you also have to sacrifice me,” for — so Callum can live, but also for like the greater good and that sort of stuff. And then you have Kpp’Ar, who — I love Kpp’Ar, I think he’s terrible and interesting and I love him.
A: Awesome. He is — we’ll learn a little more about him in the future, but yes.
R: And obviously when Viren’s like, “A child will die,” and this is a kid that Kpp’Ar would’ve known, and we see in The Puzzle House that he loved these kids, and whatever is up with the Staff is bad enough that Kpp’Ar’s like, “Okay. I’ll make that sacrifice.” Which feels very much in a way like he’s given up on dark magic, and to a certain degree he’s both given up on the mindset of dark magic, and maybe also hasn’t given it up in the same way. Like I love that — Claudia, you know, obviously, puts Viren above all else, is she always right to do so? Maybe not, but we get why she’s doing it, that’s a hard thing to say. And then we have Callum, who also seems inclined to put Rayla above all else, and because we like Rayla more, we’re like “Yeah, he can do that, it’s okay for him to do dark magic for her, that’s fine,” even if there’s also like, consequences. Cause most characters in the show, like you said, everybody kind of wants the same thing, they wanna have a positive impact on the world, they want to protect their loved ones, but what constitutes that world, what they think is a positive impact, or who they want — how they protect those people, that’s all very malleable and can fluctuate. Viren says “Claudia, you’re on the wrong path,” and we’re like yeah, he’s right, and Karim says the same thing about Janai, like the exact same thing, and we’re like, well he’s wrong.
A: Yeah. I mean a lot of things come to mind when you’re talking through that, but one is there’s often a conflict between rigidity and rules and some kind of compassion, or emotional decision, and those decisions are hard, right? Like I dunno, maybe Kpp’Ar should’ve said, “Okay just this once, it’s Soren,” or not, I don’t know. I mean obviously Kpp’Ar had taken himself to some deep horrible place and he really had, actually. And was like, “Okay, dark magic is just corruption when you start and keep going down this path, but this Viren’s kid so I don’t know.” One of the things here, I think there’s a relationship between — you know, sacrifice plays a role here. Sacrifice and thinking about generations and generational conflict and thinking you know maybe in a way I think is interesting. I think about the beginning of season 6 when Claudia has done all of this and sacrificed another life but also sacrifices some of her soul or whatever to save her dad and he’s like “No no! This is not the way! A parent is supposed to do this for a child but never the other way around,” right? And there’s something to that I find interesting which is — it’s almost the inverse of children having the opportunity to start anew and break cycles, parents potentially have the opportunity to make sacrifices that don’t pass by burdens onto their kids, but sort of like that’s the mirror I see a little bit, in terms of how do you have generational change and evolution? It’s somewhere in younger generations being able to not get stuck on conflicts and burdens, but also the older generations recognizing that they may have to be the one to take the — and this is I think a natural... I dunno, it’s something I think about a little bit and came to mind when you were talking. So we’ll see more about what is the meaning of sacrifice and when — when do you... trade? Yeah.
R: Yeah.
A: Side note on sacrifice. You’re familiar with Game of Thrones? You’ve watched all of Game of Thrones?
R: I’m decently familiar, yeah.
A: Okay.
R: And if not, I can have Kuno explain it to me later, so.
A: One of the things I love about the sacrifice Ned made, that we didn’t realize he’d made until I think the very end of the series, we realize — a sacrifice to his kind of reputation, right? And I’m talking about him representing Jon Snow as his bastard to protect him, right? Think about that, that’s a sacrifice, he had to go through the anger — he didn’t tell his wife the truth, he didn’t tell anyone, because it was the only way to protect the child, and as a result he lived with — even though the truth is that he was a really honest, good, or evidently he didn’t go cheat on his wife, he sacrificed that part of his reputation to protect Jon, at least how I see it. I think things like that are kind of interesting. I dunno.
R: Yeah. Yeah, I think it speaks to that idea of — one of the things I love about Dragon Prince is it’s so much about choices.
A: Yeah.
R: Like one of the things I really really liked about season 6 was that, you know, Callum is like, “Okay, I’m going to get myself purified, healed of dark magic,” and Rayla was his light, which was very validating, cause I had noticed in season two there was like some framing so I was like well “Maybe, maybe” you know? And then slowburn buildup but it was — I think that was a great moment that really paid off. And he’s told “if you ever do this again, it’ll corrupt you completely.” And whether he will or won’t — I personally think that he will, but spoilers, you know — but whether he will or won’t, I think it’s really nice because now whatever choice he makes, he’s making with the full context, of what this would do to him.
A: Yeah.
R: Whereas in season two, yes he was making his choice to do dark magic then, and I don’t necessarily think he would make a fundamentally different one if he had known what it would lead to, but there’s a different kind of awareness. Like I always of it would’ve been so easy to have Harrow not know that Viren was going to kill Zym, cause that’s such an easy way to kind of let Harrow off the hook of well Viren went off and did this on his own, and Harrow had no idea, and blah blah blah, right? Cause we like Harrow, he’s a — again, he’s a good dad, we’ll forgive a lot. And instead, it’s not his idea but he’s fully aware, he signs off on it. And I think constantly pushing characters to make hard choices — kind of like what Ezran says, “these aren’t dreams, these are choices.”
A: Yeah.
R: You can choose love, you can choose to make... It’s something that makes all the characters feel so fully developed and interesting, so I always appreciate that you guys push them to make the hard choice. 
A: Yeah. Cool. Thank you.
R: One question I did have is, uh, Karim is one of my favourite characters.
A: Okay. Unusual person. A lot of people hate — or love to hate...? I love him too. 
R: I also love Kasef, so I think I just kind of love everyone, because I’m like well, they’re really interesting. I feel like [Karim’s] arc was one of the things I loved most about season 4 because you can see him really wrestling with his choices and I love watching him fail, cause that’s kind of all he does, so that’s always fun. But I am really curious obviously now he’s been betrayed by Sol Regem, Katolis is in ashes and maybe they’ll blame Karim for that cause Sol Regem is like — dead, and now, presumably his only hope is going to be that his sister doesn’t execute him on the spot? 
A: Yeah.
R: So is there anything you can tease about Karim’s arc in season 7?
A: Yeah, so — so it’s not just Karim, there’s an army of people who betrayed Janai, and — and...
R: What do we do?
A: Yeah, what do we do? That will be something we’ll have to see them grapple with pretty much right away in the season. Especially cause [Karim’s army] showed up for this battle where they were never even — they were just planning to sweep up the ashes afterwards, so when they didn’t get the dragon support they needed, I suspect they lost really quickly. 
R: Yes, yeah.
A: So uh... Yeah, but basically as of the start of season 7 — all of them are prisoners of Queen Janai and the question is — what do you do with that? What do you do when you have an entire army and your own brother who betrayed you? And so that’s — we’ll find out.
R: Yeah. [Laughs] 
A: But yeah.
R: Yeah. Another question I had going forward was Terry and Claudia obviously I thought had a really beautiful relationship arc, particularly in season 6, and we saw in season 4 the lengths he’s willing to go to for her, and how Terry, I think, is a great example of how there’s a lot of character traits where we think “oh, if you’re a selfless, helpful, accepting person, you’re a good person,” and I feel like Dragon Prince does a really good job of how, Rayla’s selflessness can be great but it can also be kinda bad, or, um, Terry can be super accepting, maybe a little too—
A: Yeah.
R: —accepting sometimes, right? So I feel like at the end of season 6, it will presumably be him, Claudia, and Aaravos for a little bit now that he’s out of the prison. And it feels like maybe Terry might hit a breaking point?
A: Here’s what I will say — Terry is a really special character and if you watched him, he’s so good, and what we’ll find out is, he is — there is an episode called TRUE HEART and he is someone who has a true heart.
R: Oh that’s so sweet.
A: It’s very impossibly rare and special — but also we all understand what a true heart is in some way and we’ll learn a little more about that. But yeah, the question of what will Terry do, what can he do, is difficult because he has a very strong sense of right and wrong, but he has a very deep capacity for love and he loves Claudia with all of his heart. Where does that present an impossible conflict, it may... we’ll see a challenge.
R: Yeah. Yeah, for sure.
A: I’ll also throw in like I sometimes see some parallels between Terry and Uncle Iroh—
R: Yes.
A: Though Uncle Iroh I think has a very different journey. Iroh is kind of a recovered problematic person who now has some wisdom and enlightenment, so in terms of the difference between the purity of a true heart versus where Iroh is more of a later stage enlightenment, the love that they have for the kind of complicated person that they are with is similar to me. And the way that they both sometimes have to, or don’t have to but...
R: Choose to?
A: You have to give that person the space — you can’t force them to choose right or wrong, you can be there with them, you can try to guide them, you can — but ultimately you have to give them the space to fail, and eventually, you may have to turn your back on them. 
R: Yeah.
A: At some point. I don’t know. But um yeah — I still see them as connected characters in my mind. 
R: I think I can even see some of that with even the way Callum is with Rayla, like season five onwards, of like “I’ve hit my turning point, I’m not mad at you anymore, and you can steal my key, you can lie to me, and I’m not going to have you open up to me out of guilt or obligation, I want you to tell me what’s going on when you want to tell me what’s going on, and I’m going to give you the space for that.” So I think it speaks to that unconditional love that I think—
A: Yeah.
R: —a lot of the characters are blessed to have. But I do see the Terry Iroh connection. So another thing that I thought was really interesting was — obviously next season is dark magic, and I’m very hopeful that maybe we’ll learn more about the origins of dark magic or Elarion, even. 
A: Great.
R: Because I know when I was watching Sol Regem burn down Katolis, it made me think of what might’ve either happened or almost happened to Elarion in the past, you know? 
A: Yeah.
R: Even down to Ziard and Viren both die, kind of deflecting and trying to save people, with the same staff, you know, and how the cycle continues to just always repeat itself over and over again. And if there was like — yeah, cause burning down Katolis was a massive shakeup, you know?
A: Yup.
R: And what maybe the process was there, with the — Aaravos seems like he’s trying to repeat the cycle of like “Oh I’m going to take down the dragon monarchy or I’m gonna use that vacancy to my advantage, and mess with the Sunfire elves.”
A: He has a specific vendetta against Sol Regem, obviously, but it’s one where he has played it out in... What’s certainly meant to be implied, even though we’ll find out more later, is that one of the great mysteries of Sol Regem’s life is that his mate disappeared and he never found her. He’s the freaking Dragon King, and she disappeared. And though we don’t know how or what happened, while she was buried alive. He killed her. He didn’t even realize it, somehow. Somehow, Aaravos manipulated him into killing her, and he doesn’t — I dunno, I assume Sol Regem does understand when it must have happened, but that moment, it’s like an impossible — it’s meant to be just...
R: Awful.
A: He’s tortured him for 1000 years or whatever, without him knowing he was being tortured by Aaravos, and now he’s given him the mercy/cruelty of knowing the resolution to the mystery was that he killed her. And one of the things that worked well with that was that, we had sort of said Sol Regem can smell the truth from a lie, so he has the horrible curse of being able to know this is the deep dark truth. So I dunno, I think um, are we going to find out more about that? So, if we can eventually get the Book Three novel out [R laughs], we will find out more about that.
R: I did wonder, I was like “Maybe this is something that was gonna be in the book three novelization.”
A: Yes, we will find out more in the book three novel, it may be a year or so before unfortunately. And then I don’t think we’re gonna get too deep into that in season seven, that’s part of — it is involved in what we’re thinking about as the third arc, understanding and resolving the third arc, is gonna go a little deeper into...
R: Some of the history, yeah.
A: Some of the stuff that happened with Sol Regem. But yeah, no, I — it’s enjoyable to have these figures like Aaravos and Sol Regem who are ancient and operate over the course of centuries and are incredibly powerful, yet they can’t — or at least Aaravos,  they can’t conflict directly as easily, and so Aaravos has played this really complicated game. Anyway, but yes Sol Regem is part of that, but there’s — there’s more, there’s more people who — beings that took from him. He feels that Leola was unfairly punished and that that was — you know, he sees a future and he has something... All this time, a burning — it’s the twisted form of his love, in which he’s full of hate right now to the beings who brought this about. Obviously, Sol Regem played a role because he’s a rules dragon.
R: Yeah, yeah.
A: He is the one who betrayed her to the Cosmic Council ultimately — but how do you punish the Cosmic Council? That’s a bit more complicated.
R: Yeah. No, I remember finishing season six and just being so impressed with the story. Like, taking that direction, and almost doing a lot of recontextualization, because it’s one thing to have like your worldbuilding where “magic in the story works like this” and it’s just very kind of like hand of God, you know? Like oh — cause the magic system has always been unfair, that’s why we have Callum, you know? It’s another thing to say we’re going to have characters in the story who are responsible for it being unfair. And now we’re just going to have that in terms of conflict and themes of destiny. We have about seven, ten-ish minutes left I think.
A: Probably seven, if that’s okay?
R: Yeah. Of course. 
A: I’ll throw one other thing in there, which is that — cause characters experience things that change them: has Aaravos experienced — I’ll phrase it as a question, even though probably the answer is here, has Aaravos experienced much that has changed him in the last — since the death of Leola? I mean certainly some things, and is what’s happening now changing him in any way? Is it satisfaction, is it the relationship with Claudia, and what does that mean to someone? That’s a question that I think we’ll have to watch play out a little bit.
R: [Intrigued] Okay. Yeah. One thing that I really liked about Leola’s character was I felt like she had pieces of each of the main trio in her? Of this very helpful innocent well meaning child, kind of like Ezran — and I have also always seen Ezran as autistic as well cause I know that Leola canonically is — and then you also kind of have the whole oh she gave  / helped humans have primal magic, which obviously Callum has. And even just being this young elven girl punished for her compassion and mercy, that felt a lot like Rayla. And when making the choice for Leola to be Leola, was that something intentional or like the choice for it to be a child rather than another loved one?
A: It was very intentional that it was a child... And we talked through other versions of Leola that could’ve been, in other ages, genders, relationships with Aaravos that an important person was lost. Some of the things I liked about the way, Leola both as a child, children are the cycle breakers.
R: Yes, yeah. I think it was the strongest choice.
A: And in particular also, the idea of coding her autistic was a little bit like not as cued to kind of accept the social order and the order of things, but actually more open in a way to in what some people see as like — something that’s broken which is not taking those cues, something else about that — not being bound by it that allowed her to have compassion that crossed the line in terms of the perceptions of what the Cosmic Order needed to be in it — but it made her more, both as a child and an autistic person, to make that choice and do what she did that changed everything.
R: Makes a lot of sense.
A: [Her being a child] also frames it with some innocence obviously right? It’s not calculated, it’s kind. 
R: Yeah.
A: So I dunno.
R: Yeah. Yeah, I’ve been curious about how Ezran might be challenged now that Runaan is back in the picture.
A: That’s a great question. That’s a great question. I mean, it’s so weird, it’s like no one even asks that, it’s like “Cool,” Rayla’s like “I’m gonna go get him. Awesome! Runaan’s back.”
R: Yeah I’m like either — either Callum is like “Ezran will be totally fine with it,” and Ezran  is probably not going to be fine with it, or maybe Callum knew that maybe it wouldn’t be great, and kept it under wraps. Yeah, I’m so excited for that like trio, potential broyals conflict, so...
A: Well, I mean, Ezran is a very special kid and he’s very positive and kind and forgiving and all of this. But we’re talking about, Runaan is back.
R: Castle’s destroyed.
A: Katolis is rubble. Where does that leave him?
R: Yeah.
A: You know? I mean — so I’m excited about that part of Ezran.
R: I know the fandom is really, really excited for Ezran to get to be — not that he hasn’t always been complex, but to get to be like messier, of letting his emotions maybe get the better of him and that sort of thing. So people are definitely hype for that, for — cause I feel like season six really brought home a lot of things for Soren, and it seems like season seven is going to do a similar thing for Ezran, so that’s — that’s really exciting. Um, with our final couple minutes, I wanted to see — do you have any questions that you want fans to ponder or to be thinking about?
A: Um... Gosh. I don’t think I have anything specific that we haven’t talked about, but you know. On some level, like, you know how do you take the tragedies and conflicts that we all inevitably face repetitively and relentlessly and kind of learn to move forward in hope and optimism? I think that’s more of a question of like how do you personally learn to process — all the kind of bullshit in the world, and process it, and still move forward as a kind, connected—
R: Measured person.
A: —hopeful person? That’s a challenge we all face in our lives, so that’s like...
R: Yeah. Well, I think the show does a good — really good job at asking and challenging that — that question. Uh, yeah, I think — I think that’s our time for today, uh. Thank you so much, this was... 
A: It was my pleasure. 
R: This was a lot of fun.
A: It’s always my pleasure reading your theories and your—
R: [Gasps] Oh my gosh.
A: Honestly, I came on today and to tell the truth [R laughs] a little bit intimidated.
R: Oh my God. 
A: You’re so—
R: I also felt intimidated [laughing] so don’t worry.
A: You’re so insightful and articulate, that I almost am like [R laughs] what if they catch me that there’s something not as smart in the show as I thought it was?
R: Oh my gosh, no, you’re fine.
A: [Overlapping] So anyway, I really enjoy what you write—
R: [Overlapping] I’m also a writer so I know what it’s like to be like “I did this subconsciously,” it’s — yeah.
A: I love what you instigate in the fandom and the kind of conversations you support and engage in. I’m a huge fan of yours, so.
R: Oh! Thank you so much, that’s so sweet. Um. And I am a huge fan of yours.
A: Yay. That’s a great way to end a podcast.
R: That is a great way. Okay. Alright, well thank you so much, hope you have a great day, great week, uh, and — yeah. Okay.
A: Alright, and I’ll see you soon, we’ll do this again sometime, I hope. 
R: Yes! Yeah. Okay.
A: Alright. Thanks again. Alright, bye.
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multifandomlover01 · 5 months
Not Some Innocent Kid
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Based on @reidswhore post about “innocent” Spencer vs. not so innocent Spencer and fic semi-requested by @reiderrambles
Warnings: 18+ MDNI fairly neutral dynamic but sub!reader and soft!dom Spencer if you wanted to label it, Derek talking about his “conquests”, teasing Spencer about being inexperienced, loss of virginity mention, mention of reader “not being a screamer”, orgasm denial mentioned, overstimulating mentioned, neck nibbling/kissing, orgasm denial depicted, reader screaming, condom mentioned, no birth control mentioned, affectionate sex, lots of terms of endearment used, slightly insecure Spencer, praise kink, slightly OOC Derek, slightly OOC Spencer
Summary: While Derek is talking about a woman he recently slept with, he makes a comment about her and then about Spencer (and his inexperience with women and pleasure), causing Spencer to get lost in a daydream that directly contradicted what Derek just said (Spencer is very capable of bringing a woman pleasure)
WC: ~1.2k
Disclaimer: not the most polished or finished it could be but…here we are lol screw dialogue tags…who needs them? (Me…I need them)
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Gif not necessarily indicative of timeline placement…but it’s an estimate
Shut up. Shut up. Shut the fuck up, Derek.
Spencer thought this but couldn’t quite bring himself to say it. Derek was going on and on about how great he was in bed and took every opportunity to tease Spencer about how virginal he seemed. But Spencer was far from a virgin. Not long after he’d turned 24, he’d lost his virginity to his equally as quiet and reserved team member. No one would have suspected, least of all the two of them, that the dam would break that night for them and they’d be insatiable for each other.
They couldn’t stop. Every private moment was spent together mostly naked with their hands and lips all over each other.
“Yeah, I had her screaming my name. Bet you don’t know what that’s like, do you, kid? Well…your time will come.” Derek teased him.
Spencer suppressed a smirk as he thought of the most recent intimate encounter with his friend with benefits…or lover…or partner (he wasn’t quite sure what they were if he was being honest).
“You like that, baby? You like it when I don’t show you mercy? When I use you like a little toy?” Spencer husked into your ear as his hips snapped into you from behind as he had you on your hands and knees on the bed while he supported you with an arm around your middle and his hand on your hip. He had found sexual encounters with you to be rather liberating. You trusted him completely and he cared about you a lot. He’d never hurt you. But this dynamic really allowed him to exercise a degree of control over and with another person that he didn’t really have anywhere else in his life. The degree of control he had over his mother was not voluntary although he took that just as seriously as he took this.
“Y-yes.” You whimpered.
“Say my name, sweetheart. I wanna hear you say it.” The hand on your hip snaked around to rub at your already sensitive clit.
“S-Spencer.” You say breathily.
He gives your clit a little slap.
“Louder, hon. Let me get my first noise complaint from old Mrs. Davis across the hall. She’s always going on about how respectful and quiet I am. Just like Derek goes on about how much of a kid I still am. I’m sick of it. Aren’t I good enough, darling? Can’t I make you scream and cum for me?”
He rubs your clit faster as he snaps his hips faster.
“I dunno…I’m not-”
“A screamer. I know, angel. But maybe we can change that, huh? I’ve made you cum before. I’ll do it again. I’ll do it better. I’ll make you feel so good.” Despite him being slightly dominant right now, he was almost pleading with you to meet him half way.
“I-I’ll try.”
“I know you will, sweetie, I know you will. You’re so good for me.” He buries his face in your neck to press kisses to it, hoping to add to the sensations you were feeling.
He picks up the pace of his hips and his fingers, rubbing your clit in circles.
“I wanna try something, honey. Will you let me try something?” He murmurs against your ear, having kissed his way up to it..
“Y-yeah…what do you wanna try?”
“Can I deny you your orgasm? Can you be my good girl and cum when I tell you to? Not before? Maybe that’ll make it feel better. I know it’s different for every woman but I’ve read that it can make it feel better.” He says, again seeming a bit desperate now, willing to do anything to enhance this experience for himself and for his partner.
“I…I can try. You can try to overstimulate me if you’d like.” You offered, also trying to pitch ideas that could help the experience.
“One thing at a time, love. One thing at a time.”
“Ok…One thing…orgasm denial.”
“One thing…orgasm denial.” He agrees. “If that doesn’t work…then we can try overstimulation.”
“Ok…that sounds good.”
“Yeah? Good.”
Once you two were in agreement, effort was put back into achieving pleasure. Spencer continued to snap his hips against yours (for a skinny guy who didn’t work out, he sure had a good amount of stamina). His fingers continued to work at your clit. Your warm and soft walls suck his cock in like it’s afraid to let it leave the sanctuary.
“Remember, love, you’re not allowed to cum until I say you can. Can you do that for me, sweetheart?” He rasps in your ear.
“Y-yeah…I can do that. I can try.”
“Good girl. Tell me when you’re close so I can delay it just a bit. It won’t be long, I promise.”
With the way his cock is hitting just the right spot inside you, the way his fingers are working your clit, and the way he’s nibbling your neck lightly all combine to help you get close to the edge.
“Spence…I-I’m close, baby.” You pant lightly.
“Hmm…yeah? Don’t cum yet, ok?” He murmurs in your ear.
“Ok…I won’t. I won’t until you tell me to.”
“That’s my good girl. It won’t be too torturous, I promise.” He increases the pace of his fingers on your clit and his thrusts are deep and calculated but not feral. They are a nice even pace that’s not too overwhelmingly fast.
Your whines and whimpers increase as your legs shake. “S-Spencer…I…I can’t…”
“You can. You will, love. You can do it. I believe in you. Just a little longer, ok? Not too much longer.” He lovingly rubs his nose against your neck as he picks up his thrust pace just a bit, going just as deep as he continues to rub your clit at an increased pace.
“Spence…please.” Your voice raises in pitch.
“Few more seconds, hon. Just a few more seconds.”
You could almost cry with how much pleasure you’re feeling.
“Sp-“ you go to say again, your voice slightly increasing in volume.
“Now.” He commands.
Your body obeys him without you having to do anything. It just…lets go.
“Oh my god, Spencer, fuck!” You shout, a lot louder than intended. You cling to him as you shake.
“That’s what I’m doing, sweetness.” You can’t see his smirk but you can feel it against your neck as he continues to work you through your orgasm. It doesn’t take long before he’s emptying his load into the condom. He pants against your neck as he peppers it with kisses.
“Do you know…what you…just did for me, darling?” He slowly pulls out of you.
“Screamed louder than I should’ve?” You chuckle softly.
“Besides that.”
“Besides that?”
“Mhm…besides that.”
“Look at the condom, hon.”
“‘M too…tired.”
He chuckles. “It’s soaked, love. I think you squirted over it a bit.”
“Wha-? Really?”
“Mhm. You did such a great job for me, love.”
“Kid…hey, Reid!” Derek waves in front of Spencer’s face.
“You still with us? You looked a little spaced out.” JJ states, chuckling slightly.
“I’m fine. I just zoned out after Morgan related his fifth conquest in a week to us.”
“Do you have something you’d like to talk about, then?” Derek scoffs.
“No.” Spencer says simply, shaking his head.
“You will one day, kid. You will one day.”
“‘M not a kid.” Spencer mutters. You and he share a quick glance and a small smirk.
“Oh? You’re not? You got any spicy stories to tell?”
“Maybe one day…when I think you can handle it.”
“Ooh…ok, ok.”
239 notes · View notes
somanyratsinthewalls · 7 months
Your robin and franky fic was chefs kiss but would you be willing to write some solo franky?? Im really into water 7 franky and would love to see what you’d come up with !!
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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING FOR THIS! YALL I promise you any time anyone requests a Franky fic I WILL BE WRITING THAT SHIT. This is my dream man and no one gives me enough opportunities to write for him! So, I'm sorry I turned this into a smutty nightmare if you wanted fluff... I just need to service the Fellow Franky Fuckers out there.
Pairing: (pre timeskip) Cyborg Franky x Fem!Reader
WC: 2800
Taglist: @generaldaij0bu you might need to see this
Summary: The Sunny malfunctioning is driving you up a wall. You make a request for repairs and end up getting way more than you bargained for in the workshop.
TWs: ROBO-BONING, BABES! P in V sex, unprotected sex (pls don't) sex toy use, forced orgasm, safe words, light bdsm, communication is key and Franky respects it so hard and he's so hot for it, very much dirty talk...
Too Hot (+18)
— — 
It was hot. 
The sun beat down on the Sunny all day and the unwavering heat was barely dispelled after sunset due to the humidity. You lay sprawled on the deck next to Usopp and Chopper, groaning in the unbearable heat. 
“I think I’ll die here…” Chopper groans with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. 
“I can’t believe I’m going to burn to death after all the horrible monster’s I’ve fought… it’s not fair!” Usopp moans and wipes his brow. 
“Just throw me overboard at this point.” You sigh. 
“But don’t you have devil fruit-“
“I DON’T CARE THROW ME OVER!” You screech at Usopp. 
Before you could murder the cowardly sniped in a fit of heat-induced rage, Sanji steps through the door to the deck from the galley. 
“Okay everyone, dinner’s on. Air con works fine in here.” Sanji calls from the doorway. 
You push Usopp and Chopper behind you as you spring to your feet and sprint towards the galley. 
After entering the swinging door, the cool air hits you like stepping through a cascading waterfall. You sigh in relief. Your bliss was furthered when you see bowls of cool gazpacho at each place setting on the dining room table. 
“Thank gods…” You grumble as you hop onto the bench and start eating. The cold soup alleviated your discomfort from the inside out and you couldn’t help but groan in content. 
“Relax, it’s just soup.” Zoro puts his bowl down next to you and gives you a concerned look. 
“Oh I’m sorry swords-for-brains, did you not notice it’s a billion and five degrees outside?” You scowl at the swordsman seated next to you at the table. 
“Who cares?! This soup is great!” Luffy chimes in and extends his rubbery arms to grab every bowl that wasn’t licked clean and shovels them down his gullet. 
You sigh. 
“Nami please tell me this heat wave will be over soon. I’m getting crows feet ON my crows feet from this sun.” You turn towards your friend and navigator. 
“I wish I had better news but it’ll be at least a few more days before there’s any relief in temperature. We’re just going to have to stay in the shade and inside where the air is working. You’re tough, y/n, you can handle it.” Nami states as she sips from her bowl of cold soup. 
You roll your eyes. 
The dishes were promptly slurped clean by your captain and Sanji cleared the table. The blaring rays of the sun had exhausted so you so you decided to take a shower and head to bed. 
After taking a cool shower, you throw on a t shirt and shorts over your panties and sports bra and lay on top of the covers of your bed. 
“Gods it’s almost like it’s hotter in here than it is out there!” You say to yourself as you lay in bed, sweat soaking through your pillow. You decide to hop up and check if the air conditioning was working. You walk over to the vent in the corner of your room and press your hands against it. HOT air was spewing out from the grate in your room. You walk backwards and fall back onto the bed. 
“Fuck.” You throw your shirt over your head and slip your shorts off and flop back onto the bed. Sweat drips from your chin down your neck to your chest. 
Hot air was being pushed out harsher and faster through the grate in the corner of your room. The temperature continued to rise and your sweat soaked through your top sheet. 
“I’m not living like this!” You shout in frustration as you push your way out of your room, without bothering to throw your clothes back on. You head down into the belly of the ship in your underwear. Upon reaching the door you were looking for, you slam it open without knocking.
“FRANKY!!!!!” You yell angrily. 
“Jeez, y/n where’s the fire? I could have been naked in here!” Franky pushes his sunglasses back on his head as he turns towards you from his work bench. 
“You’re always naked!!! Also, more importantly, why is the HEAT ON in my bedroom?! Are you trying to cook me like a rotisserie chicken?!” You pant out, still very sweaty. 
“Oh that’s no good… I’ll have to go check the generators.” Franky rises to his feet, towering over you. “Sorry you were so uncomfortable, little lady. I’ll get this sorted out super quickly. Why don’t you get some shut eye in my bed for awhile? It’s still nice and cool down here.” He gestures to his bed in the corner of the room while he grabs his toolbox. 
You sigh. 
“Honestly that would be great, I feel like I’ve been in an oven all day.” You walk over to Franky’s bed and flop down on your back. Being this deep in the ship, there were no windows on the walls, but you were so sweaty and tired you didn’t care. 
“Alright well I’m gonna go fix this for ya, try and get some rest. Your room will be back to super condition in no time!” Franky leaves and you settle into the pillows and close your eyes. The sweat covering your body began to dry and you were finally comfortable again. You find yourself relaxing into Franky’s bed, smelling slightly of cola and motor oil, and drifting off into a light sleep. 
You wake up to the door of the bedroom closing and you snap your head up.��
“Woah, what do we have here?” You hear Franky’s booming voice as you rub the brief sleep from your eyes. It must have still been late at night. 
“Some dream ya must have been having, huh?” Franky stands above the bed and nods towards your spread thighs. You look down at where he was gesturing and notice a huge soaked patch in your pink panties. It was at this moment you notice the wanton ache in your core and abdomen… you must have been having a very wet dream and were awoken before you got to the good part. You instinctively slam your thighs shut in embarrassment and cover your face with your hands. 
“Look at you, so shy but dripping all over my sheets?” Franky continues with a smile, noticing your bashfulness. 
“I-I’m sorry I-“ You stutter and try to explain yourself. 
“It’s okay sweet thing! It’s totally normal. Looks like you’re pretty pent up, huh? I can fix that for ya, if you’re interested.” 
“I.. I mean that would be nice I guess…” You pull your hands away from your face hesitantly. 
“Aaaoooww!! That’s what I wanted to hear! Let’s get started then!” Franky grins and leans down to grab something from underneath his bed. He retrieves a large metal box and pops open the lid. 
“Hmmm let’s see… Some of these… definitely this…” Your robot whispers to himself as he roots around in the large chest. He rises and brings a pile of items out and flops them onto the bed. These were things you’ve never seen before, so your eyes were darting from chain to leather to silicone you had no idea what to focus on. 
“Take that bra off for me baby, I wanna ask ya some things before we get started.” Franky grabs the hem of your panties and gently tugs them down your legs.
You did as you were told and unclasped your bra, tossing it to the side and leaning back again. Franky softly sets your panties down on his bedside table and remarks, 
“I’m keepin’ these.” 
Your body shudders when you hear the sinister tone in his voice.
“Ok doll, now tell me…” Franky traces his hands up and down your thighs, parting them in the process. “How do you like it? I can edge you for an hour or so… or you could cum until you cry… any preference?” Frankly asks casually as he organizes the objects he had turned over onto the bed. 
“I, um…” You were young, not a virgin but not very experienced. This man was almost 10 years older than you, how were you supposed to know what you wanted from him?
“I… I wanna cum… I think…” You eventually squeak out. 
“Ok babydoll, good choice. Can ya promise me you’ll say ‘red’ if you want to stop?” Franky cups your jaw and makes sure you’re looking into his eyes above you. You nod. “No no, tell me you will.”
“I will say it, I’ll say red. I can do it.” You breath out, so ready for him to please you already. You rub your thighs together. 
“And you’ll tell me if there’s anything ya don’t like, hm?”
“Yes of course I promise!” You groan out, impatient to feel Franky’s touch on your skin. 
“Super! I’m going to put you in a spreader bar now, sweet cheeks, so you can’t close your legs on me. It’ll just go around your legs like this…” Franky explains to you methodically as he straps your legs into the homemade device. You tentatively try to close your thighs to see how effective the bar was… and it certainly did its job. 
“OK and these are gonna squeeze your nipples, just like this…” Franky gently attaches the nipple clamps onto your sensitive buds. 
“Oh!!” You cry out as he tightens the screws on them. Franky pulls back and admires his handiwork. You were laid out on his bed, metal clasps squeezing your nipples, causing you to writhe against the spreader bar forcefully separating your legs. 
“Fucking perfect. If you want I can gag you, too…” Franky approaches you with a ball gag in hand. 
“Wait, no. I don’t want that.” You state clearly, even through your lust filled haze. Franky grins down at you. 
“Gods, you’re so fucking hot when you tell me what you want baby. Good idea sweetie, that way everyone can hear how good I’m gonna make you feel.” Franky squeezes your breast, eliciting a whine from your lips. He moves to grab something from the foot of the bed. It a large long, black, wand like device. 
“Spread them for me, I wanna see that cute little pussy.” Franky grabbed one of your knees and pushed it open. 
“I didn’t shave…” You try to cover your face with your arm so you didn’t have to see Franky’s eyes on your most intimate bits. 
“Good! Smells much better like this…” He takes a deep inhale. 
“Fuck,” You sigh out. “You really are a fucking pervert- OH!” The device Franky was pressing against your sex suddenly sprung to life and vibrated against your clit. It’s like nothing you’ve ever experienced in your life and your stomach tenses immediately. 
“Wait- fuck, Franky! Wait holy shit, wait- ah!” You scream as your orgasm sneaks up on you and takes you out like an assassin. You legs give out and flop against the bed. Franky removes the toy and cups your sex with his free hand. He feels your hole still gently pulsing against his palm.
“Oh poor baby, ya really are wound tight…” Franky coos down at you from your side. “We’re gonna need a lot more of those before you’re ready for me..” He removes his hand and returns the vibrator to your sex. You cry out as he drags it through your wet folds at the lowest intensity. He eventually keeps it at your clit and increases the vibrations. 
You squirm and moan. 
“Hey,” Franky scolds as he pulls on the chain between your nipple clamps, causing you to moan louder. “Don’t fight it, doll face… just cum, I know you’re there again…” He presses the device harder into your flesh and you crash over the edge again. This time it was even more intense, spasms continuing long after the euphoria ended. 
“Franky… It’s so much…” You whine as he leaves the vibrator pressed against your sex even after you’ve cum for a second time. 
“You can take it. I know you can. You know what to say to get me to stop…” Franky meets your gaze and raises an eyebrow. 
You pull your thighs closed to escape the sensation but the bar prevents you from doing so. 
“Come on baby, one more like this, I know you can…” Franky increases the speed of the vibrator. 
“Shit! I can’t!” You arch your back away from the stimulation. 
“Then say it, sweetheart.” Franky increases the speed again. 
“Fuck! I’m- I’m cumming!” You cry out and violently lurch forward on the bed. You grab Franky’s forearm and sob in pleasure. You hear the buzzing of the machine stop and your spasms start to slow down. 
“Think you can take me now, sweet thing?” You are broken from your post orgasm trance by your cyborg lover slipping off the only piece of clothing he had on, his red swim briefs. 
“Mmmhmmm….” You seductively whisper as you roll onto your stomach and push you ass backwards with your knees, exposing your puffy, red wet hole to him. 
“So ready for me, what a good girl.” Franky coos as he strokes down your back bone. “I’m gonna fuck you now, take a deep breath…” 
“SHIT!” You cry out as Franky’s enormous cockhead breaches your hole. You were wildly wet and open after 3 orgasms, but his sheer size was causing your insides to stretch beyond compare. 
“Its- ah” *sniff* *hiccup* “It’s so big, Frank! Ah!” *sniff* 
“I know sweetheart, it’s a lot at first, but you gotta relax and let me fuck you. You gotta open up more baby..” Franky leans forward and places kisses on your shoulder blades. He feels you lessen your grip around him and he pushes in further. “Gooood girl… stretching so nice for me…” He finally pulls back out and shoves himself into you again. 
“Oh!” You cry out in surprise. You continue to yelp helplessly as your powerful cyborg lover drilled into you from behind. 
“Yes there it is mama, cum on this dick. Feels good, huh?” Franky has the audacity to laugh as he hammers into your G-spot. 
You were involuntarily pushed over the edge and sent screaming into yet another orgasm. You sob and Franky uses his massive strength to flip you over onto your back. He enters you again and you moan out in overstimulation. 
“Come on, one more doll, bet you can squirt on me…” Franky thrusts into you from above, holding your hips into his at the perfect angle to hit your spot. 
“No, I- I can’t” You pant out breathlessly, knowing this is something you aren’t capable of. 
“Yes you can baby, come on just try it for me.” Franky pulls back and places one hand on your stomach and the other on your clit. He begins to rub circles into your sensitive nub and applies deep pressure to your lower abdomen, all while thrusting deeply into you with his cock. You snap for the nth time that evening and tears spill from your lash line as your hips spasm in pleasure. You feel different, like some sort of physical release in your bottom half deeper than the normal climax. You look up after catching your breath and see that your fluids had soaked both the bed and your lover’s abdomen and thighs. 
“Hnnnnhhhh” You whine and weep in overestimation. “It’s too much, Frank, please!” You cry out and claw at your cyborg’s back. 
“Almost there mama, take it for me…” Franky rasps into your ear as he reaches his own climax, huge cock buried deep against your cervix. The loudest moan you’ve ever heard reaches your ears and you toss your head back into the pillows. The both of your whine as Franky carefully removes himself from your body. 
You lay there in a daze and didn’t even notice that your lover had left until he returned with a warm towel to dab at your swollen, messy sex. You twitch involuntarily as he cleans your sensitive bits. He unlocks your legs from their hold in the bar and gently pulls the clamps off your nipples, soothing them with the wet cloth.
“You room should be cooled off by now, glad I could occupy your time until the repairs kicked in.” Franky helps you snap your bra back on behind your back. 
“Thanks for the help, and thanks for the distraction.” You reach up and grip Franky’s jaw to kiss it. You slide off the bed bend down to grab something. You hold the worn red pair of swim briefs up to your face. 
“I’m keepin’ these.” You giggle and bolt out of the room with Franky’s bikini. 
“HEY! Those are my only red ones! This is not very super of you!”
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percervall · 9 months
Mamma mia, here I go again {pt5}
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Summary: A summer of poor decisions leads you to having to face the consequences of your actions —and the men involved. Pairing: Kevin Magnussen x fem!reader, Lewis Hamilton x fem!reader, Mark Webber x fem!reader Warnings: talk of pregnancy, mentions of a past relationship, Mark being a dick Word count: 2.5k Taglist: @ashy-kit @averagef1fansblog @barcelonaloverf1life @bradfordbantams @dannyramirezwife-simpaccount @doofenshmirtzevil-inc @exotic-iris13 @goldsainz @iloveneteyam @jaypreshpresh @laura-naruto-fan1998 @monzamash @norrisleclercf1 @opheliaas-stuff @roseseraj @szobosz @vellicora
Part 5 of the Mamma Mia series
Despite the fact that you had just had the summer break, not having a race weekend after Monza comes as a welcome breather. It allows you to catch up on tasks you had been neglecting. You finally managed to clean your flat and had just finished the last load of laundry that morning. It also allowed you time to finally schedule an appointment with a clinic to get a scan done. It had felt surreal, getting the black and white confirmation of the pregnancy. You’re still not sure if having a baby is the smartest move right now, but the relief you felt when you saw that the pregnancy was where it’s supposed to be and the heartbeat left you feeling even more confused about the whole situation. Trying your hardest to push all of that to the side, you change into your workout clothes and roll out your yoga mat. At this point you just need 15 minutes of not thinking about anything and you had found yoga to be a great help. As you centre yourself, focussing on your body and breathing through the poses, you begin to feel calmer. Taking another deep breath, you move into the next pose. The calm energy is rudely interrupted by your phone ringing. For a second you consider just letting it go to voicemail but the sound of the phone buzzing on the table is too much of a distraction to ignore. Huffing in annoyance, you get up from the floor.
“Hello to you too, sweetheart. Am I interrupting something?” 
“Yes, my workout,” you retort, rolling your eyes at Mark’s tone.
“Mm, if you need a hand let me know,” he says and you can just picture the look on his face. Smug son of a bitch.
“For fuck’s sake..” you mutter, “Get to the point or I’m hanging up.” 
“Oh sweetheart, I’m only teasing.” 
“Mark, I’m not doing this. Again, get to the point or I will hang up,” you reply.
“RIght, yes. I’m in your neck of the woods this week for some meetings and I was wondering whether you’d like to come over for dinner on Thursday? I know typically you’d take a girl out on a date, but I think there’s a few things that have gone left unsaid for far too long.” 
“I-.. I’d like that very much, Mark.” Despite his constant flirting, you’re grateful that he offers the both of you an opportunity to talk.
“I can pick you up if you want or you can drive so you have an out if you need it. I don’t-.. I wouldn’t want to make you uncomfortable.” You can hear the sincerity in his voice and it breaks your heart a little bit that this is what is left of the relationship you once had with him. 
“Thanks Mark, I don’t mind driving. Not because of the reasons you named, but I don’t want to inconvenience you by having to drive this way twice. Just text me the address and a time and I’ll be there.” Your phone buzzes against your face, indicating you have received a new message.
“You should have it now. Okay, I’ll let you get back to your workout.” You both say your goodbyes before hanging up. You put the phone down on the table and stare out of the windows in your living room, lost in memories. 
Mark and you met in 2012, while he still drove in Formula 1. You had just graduated university with a degree in Mathematics and Engineering, and your thesis had somehow made its way to the desk of Christian Horner. And so, there you were: 23 years old and bright eyed, using the tool you had developed for your thesis to analyse simulator data and translating that into adjustments needed to the set up of the car to extract its maximum potential. While you mainly worked on Sebastian’s side of the garage, you often bumped into Mark during race weekends, always ready with a comment that should’ve gotten him written up. Mark was everything you needed in a man at that point in your life and it felt so good to feel wanted, to feel desired. And then 2013 happened. 
You have to physically shake your head to stop going down that rabbit hole, only now noticing how hard you’re gripping the back of a chair. Exhaling deeply, you let go, flexing your fingers to get rid of the tension. Despite knowing you need to have this conversation before either of you can even think about second chances, you’re not looking forward to reliving how it all fell apart. 
Thursday approaches a lot faster than you had anticipated, work keeping you busy even if there wasn’t a race. Having already showered, you’re now standing in front of your wardrobe trying to decide on what to wear. The old you would have gone for something frilly and short. Mark loved seeing you in these tiny summer dresses, and you loved how his hand felt on your bare thigh, allowing him to easily slide up under your dress while you were out for team dinners and tease you mercilessly. Chewing your bottom lip, you peruse your options. Despite it being September, it’s still a balmy 22 ℃ although it will probably cool off during the course of the evening. Feeling the need to reclaim a part of you that Mark stole from you, you decide to go for a dress. Even if you no longer wear those short, cutesy dresses, you still love how dresses make you feel. There’s a femininity that you sometimes feel out of sync with because of your job. It feels empowering, dressing up in a world built for men. Your eyes fall on a recent purchase –a flowy midi length dress in a gorgeous burnt orange. Slipping it on, you brush your fingers over the soft linen fabric, admiring the way the gold buttons catch the sunlight. It’s casual enough for tonight, but it gives you that little boost of confidence that you know you will need to make it through Mark’s relentless flirting. Closing the door of your wardrobe, you slip on a pair of sandals and grab your purse before heading out. 
It turns out that Mark lives a lot closer to you than you had expected when you first looked at the address he sent you. You park the car on the paved driveway in front of the detached house in the outskirts of Oxford, taking in its grandeur. You remember Mark telling you about how his family would come over for the holidays sometimes and so the extra bedrooms make sense. As you slam your door shut, you spot Mark in the door opening.
“Hey sweetheart,” he greets you and you let him pull you into a hug.
“Hey,” you reply softly, following him inside. Mark leads you to a large open kitchen-dining space before offering you something to drink. 
“Wasn’t sure whether you’d want to eat outside or not,” Mark says as he hands you a glass.
“Might as well make the most of this warm weather,” you reply with a smile. Mark returns your smile and takes you outside through the large French doors in the kitchen. 
“Dinner’s almost ready. Please, sit. Make yourself comfortable and I’ll join you in a moment.” 
You do as he asks, taking in the landscaping from your spot on the patio. It doesn’t take long for Mark to start bringing out the dishes, refusing your help. 
“I might’ve gone a little overboard,” he admits sheepishly as he brings out the final dish. The grilled asparagus should’ve been a giveaway, but you can’t help but feel touched when Mark places a lamb roast on the table.
“I can’t believe you remembered,” you say, throat closing with tears.
“How could I forget? It’s not every day you find a pretty girl crying quietly in the corner of the garage after a race –which we won by the way– because she missed her nan’s Sunday roast. She always made lamb, right?” Mark says. You nod and try to swallow back tears.
“Thanks Mark, this-.. This means a lot to me,” you whisper. Mark smiles softly and gives your hand a squeeze. 
During dinner, the conversation mainly revolves around catching up. Mark tells you all about managing McLaren’s rookie driver and how he’s finding it to work at Channel 4 with David. You update him on your appointment, showing the little sonogram picture. 
“So everything’s okay with the baby?” he asks, an anxious look in his eyes.
“Uhu, so far so good. They estimated that I’m about 7 weeks along now.” Mark looks back down at the picture on your phone, a large finger tracing it gently as he smiles. Seeing him so enamoured by the tiny blob on the sonogram brings up a mix of emotions for you; it warms your heart to see him like this, but it also terrifies you that those feelings for him never went away and how easy it is to fall back in step with him. 
“You’d look so hot in those maternity dresses,” Mark comments, his tone flirtatious, “You always look hot in a dress. I still dream about that pink one with the hearts you wore to dinner after Silverstone. You looked so innocent in that dress, but we both knew you were anything but.” 
And then he goes and says shit like that, and it all comes tumbling down like a house of cards. 
“I no longer dress for you, Mark. You lost that privilege a long time ago,” you retort, voice even but there’s an edge to it. You remember the dress he is talking about, remember what he is referring to. Before your food even arrived at the table, Mark had dragged you into the bathroom. He had made some comment about how pretty you looked but how you’d look even prettier on your knees with your mouth wrapped around his cock, and so that’s what you did. That was how your relationship worked: Mark would make a suggestive comment and you would obey without a second thought. Of course he always made sure he took care of you; he was the one who helped you discover you could experience multiple orgasms, would always clean you up afterwards and run you a bath. But despite all this, he always took what he wanted from you first. You wish you could have protected your younger self against the heartbreak that was headed your way, against the feeling of being lost at sea after Mark left you alone in that hotel room with nothing more than the remnants of his fingerprints on your skin. After the dust had settled, you had promised yourself never again; you would never allow yourself to be in that position again. 
“I’m sorry,” Mark says, breaking you from your spiralling thoughts, “for- I’m sorry for how it all went down, how I treated you. You deserved so much better than that,” he adds, referring to the note he left you after that final race in Brazil. 
“Why did you leave me?” you ask, voice barely above a whisper. 
“Because I couldn’t drag you into my mess. You had your entire career still ahead of you while I needed to get out. That last season was a shitshow, despite the fact that Seb won the Driver’s and RedBull the Constructor’s. I was sick and tired of how the team favoured Seb. I had nothing left to give..” 
“You shut me out, I thought we were in it together.. Or was I just a means to get back at Sebastian?” It’s impossible to not sound bitter, hurt evident in your tone.
“No, Jesus, no sweetheart. You know it started out as a way to annoy him, but my feelings for you were genuine; I loved you, and in many ways still do.” Regret is written all over his face when your eyes meet his. You know your relationship back then was complicated. Of course there was the age gap –Mark is a good 13 years older than you– which somehow trickled into the bedroom where he showed you things that made your previous boyfriends look like clueless little boys by comparison. And as every naive 20-something-year-old with daddy issues would have done, you fell head over heels in love with him, giving him your heart and your body. 
“You broke a piece of me that day that I might not ever get back,” you whisper.
“And I will spend the rest of my life regretting the way I handled things. You’re right, I should’ve been open and honest with you instead of walking out on us,” Mark says, taking your hand in his.
“I’ve spent ten years avoiding you. The ghost of you haunted me in that garage and so when Mercedes called, I took it with both hands. I was a mess those first years, somehow still hoping you’d come back for me. And then it became painfully clear you weren’t and I mourned the loss of you all over again. I hated you for what you did to me, hated myself even more for ever allowing you to get close enough to hurt me, for still being in love with you despite it all. The last ten years I’ve spent building up walls so I wouldn’t have to feel like that version of me again, and look where that’s gotten me.” You laugh humorlessly, biting your lip to stop the tears from falling. “I have become the very definition of a cliche, entangled in a love square and too scared to let any of them in.” 
Before you really know what’s happening, Mark pulls you out of your seat and into his lap. Your legs dangle over the arm of the chair and you bury your face in the crook of his neck. 
“I need you to listen carefully, okay sweetheart? If anyone deserves to take the blame for what happened, it’s me. And if you’ll let me, I will spend the rest of my life showing you just how worthy of love you are. I know all three of us will. You might have a hard time letting us in right now, but baby you need to know that we’re all in if you are. You are worth waiting for.” You take a deep breath, inhaling his cologne. The scent of it helps to calm you down, it reminding you of the lazy mornings spent in bed cuddling. 
“You’re the second person to tell me that,” you mumble as you look up at him. Mark smiles, brushing away your tears with his thumb and cradles your cheek in his palm.
“Then it must be true.” 
You smile back at him, albeit timidly and snuggle into him once more. Alice’s words from a week prior echo in your head. “Keeping your heart shut like this, it’s safe but also lonely.” You’re beginning to wonder whether the cost has been far greater than the benefits of keeping romance at bay. Doing so hurt a good man; had you been able to allow Kevin in completely, you know he would have made you feel safe and loved. You also know Kevin deserves better –hell, you deserve better, but knowing and doing are two very different things, and right now you’re not sure if you’ll ever be ready for this level of love –from any of them.  
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Welp, there you have it. Date no.2 🙊
Again, a massive thank you to @curiousthyme and @szobosz for being my beta readers for this chapter, and a shoutout to @monzamash for helping me with figuring out the details for this date
Please feel free to let let me know what you think; your comments, tags and likes mean the absolute world to me 💜
I'm gonna take the holidays off from posting this fic to just relax (and maybe get some more writing done, who knows?), so the last date will be posted in the new year on the 6th. Wishing you all a merry Christmas and all the best for the new year!
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s1llysmut · 3 months
Hazbin Hotel Men as Dads
A/N: This isn’t smut also I’ve been super busy sorry guys. Anyways here’s some of my headcanons of how they’d be as dads. In honour of Father’s Day.
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I’m assuming this is if he had another child after Charlie. For starters, he is AMAZING with babies. Now with Lilith outta the way he can make the nursery duck themed!!!! He gets them baby duck clothes and duck stuffies and of course rubber ducks! If his kid ever gets hurt (a small injury of course) he totally panics like running around frantically. He has you nearby him 24/7. If his kid gives him any sort of gift he will cry. He absolutely adores his children.
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Yikes okay so he’s definitely no good with babies. But he’s great with older kids and teenagers! He absolutely spoils his kid. Not to mention he’s extremely protective. His kid is practically attached to his hip 24/7. His child never has and never will watch television. Rosie definitely babysits a lot. Alastor would see his child a bit like an opportunity to lead on his legacy if he ever dies. He loves his kid in his own way I guess.
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He’s pretty good with babies. Very good at getting them to sleep. Crying makes him panic a bit though. A toddler would make him constantly on edge. There’s just so much trouble and danger they could get into when he’s not looking. He keeps his kid away from Alastor as much as he can. If his kid is with him while he’s bartending he’ll give them a juice or a soda while they colour or read or something. He’s overall a really good dad.
Sir Pentious
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He’s absolutely amazing with babies. Toddlers make him worry for the same reason as Husk. However, he’s a little less worried since if he doesn’t have his eyes on his kid, his eggs do. He loves playing literally any games with them. If his child is sad he tries to cheer them up rather than comfort them. If his kid gets hurt he also panics like Lucifer. He loves matching his outfits with his kid. He’s a great dad.
Angel Dust
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He’s honestly great with a kid of any age. He can handle the responsibilities of a baby, the chaos of a toddler, the hyperactivity of a kid, and the mood swings of a teenager. He keeps his kid a secret from Valentino out of fear for his kid. He also loves matching outfits. He’s definitely a chill fun dad.
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Yikes. He’s not necessarily bad with babies but he’s not great either. He’s great with toddlers and kids though. He will not censor himself around his kid and he’ll find it adorable and hilarious if his kid swears too. He spoils his child to a degree. Lute gets stuck babysitting a lot. He’s not great with comforting his kid. He’ll give them a pat on the back and that’s kinda it. He’s a fun dad but not a great one.
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shiftinglea · 5 months
I would like to share some personal things that I would like to create/manifest during this lifetime.
Aside from enjoying abundance in the world, traveling, shifting, and doing all these great things for my enjoyment, there are other things that I’m planning that (hopefully) will contribute to our society.
I have always been drawn to helping others, and I would love to make my work global and help people remember that we are all one and infinite power beings.
When I look at the world we live in, I see that we as human beings have made great technological advancements, but as spiritual beings, most people are still very primitive. And unless humanity starts to awaken, this world will be doomed. The number of people dying of starvation, lacking proper shelter, people killing each other, and exploiting the planet’s resources only grows each year, so obviously, the way we are doing things is not working. This world needs to change. And it starts with you, me, all of us.
So here are my current ideas on how I could help change the world:
1. I want to create public schools that will teach the new ways so that kids don’t grow up with limitations in their minds. The current educational system teaches facts (mostly filtered and changed to fit the government’s agenda), and they want kids to think as they (adults) think. I envision a school where critical thinking is encouraged, where it’s not about memorizing facts but analyzing how people’s behavior, thought process, and emotions play a part in creating their own reality. Where the principles of quantum mechanics are taught so that they understand on a scientific level how they create their own realities. The connection between body, mind, and soul and how to use them to create the lives they want. It would also teach how to be loving, compassionate, and see each other as one. How to embrace our similarities and differences, and many other things.
2. I would love to create hospices. (A hospice is a place of care focused on providing support for dying people). In my hospice, people would be taught more about death, that it’s a joyous and wonderful process. That it’s not death at all, that it’s merely a changing of form and entering a new stage of life. To instill joy and happiness in people before their last breath, to not be fearful of it. Such hospice would also provide care and help to family members of a dying person. To help them go through the grieving process and also remind them that death is just a new stage of life. To guide them through their feelings and help them to see the beauty in the passing of their loved ones.
These are my current ideas. I would also probably create some spiritual retreats with the same concepts. But yeah, such opportunities make me excited. I know it won’t be easy, that I’ll have to get a second degree in order to do that, but I’m here for it. I know I can manifest it being easy, but I don’t mind a challenge
Do you have any ideas that excite you?
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97keanu · 10 months
hi dearest, i loved your gorgeous response to my ask about getting high with keanuverse characters!
i’m stoned again, watching bill and ted and feeling creative…. the song “two heads are better than one” from the movie rlly has me lost in thought about just how great a bill and ted threesome would be
anyways, much love 😚
- 🍃anon
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*˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳Ofc! As one crusty stoner to another, I love getting your asks hehe, and this one was actually the one that helped get my out of my writers block! <3 decided to add some holiday spice after finding out that San Dimas actually has had freak snow storms in the 90s.
Tags/CW: drugs/getting high obvi, stoner/skater!reader(they met b&t at the skate park hehe), threesome, oral (m/f receiving), p in v, p in a, double penetration, spitroast, soft doms!Bill + Ted, claiming, semi bimbo-fied, reader ends up feeling a bit dumb from how much c*ck she's taking, service top!Bill, commanding!Ted, primal-ish!ted, ted treats you like he owns you, objectification, you're basically a f*ck doll for bill and ted tonight, c*ckwarming.
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The night's have grown long, and despite San Dimas usually keeping up the heat in the winter, today had dipped well into freezing degrees. The forecast, to everyone's dismay, predicted the snow storm of the century, and what better an opportunity than to bunker down and party with your boyfriend and his best friend..
Bill and Ted had already stocked their tiny apartment with snacks, VHS comedies they has rented, and enough weed to supply you all into next week. After your shift at the mall, you hurry to beat the snow that threatens to come down. You watch as a few straggling customers try to find something to do in the mall, but one after another, the lights of each store grows dim, until it's just you and other managers locking up. You head to your car as the wind picks up, prickling your nose with its cold hand. You arrived at Bill and Ted's place just as the flurries started to tumble, catching in your hair and melting as you come inside their cozy abode...
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Ted is the first to greet you, taking the large pack of soda and groceries you brought from your hands with ease and smile. His warm lips kiss your chilly cheek and you feel the heat rising even more there. He takes your groceries to the kitchen to unload, and you follow, finding Bill sitting on the counter, a bag of potato chips already being devoured. His pale eyes are rimmed with red, making them seem so much bluer.
"Alright! Now we can finally party!" Bill cheers with a smile and offers you a high five.
You gladly accept, hoping get on his level soon yourself. Ted can sense this, and when he's done tossing the food into the fridge, he comes over and puts his arm around you.
"I held out until you got here, but Bill couldn't wait." He laughs, taking a lighter and joint from his orange coat pocket.
"We can share this one," he continues, and holds it out to your lips, placing it there when you're ready and lighting it for you.
You love when he takes care of you like that, treating you like his little princess and doing it all for you. It's what drew you in to him, the way he knew instinctively when to be there for you. Ever since he patched your knee up at the skatepark without hesitating, you've been head over heels.
What makes it better is, Ted has always known when to let you do it yourself as well. He's there to treat you right when you want it, but he doesn't think you need his help all the time. It's what made you two work so well.
You inhale your first hit, the smoke filling your lungs, expanding as you hold it. You pull Ted in, bringing his tall frame down to your level, and letting the smoke in your mouth find its way into his. He happily accpects, shotgunning the smoke while letting his lips finish with a well placed kiss at the end. You look into those deep chocolate eyes of his and can feel the smile that's forming on your lips.
Soon enough, you find yourself starting to feel the buzz, the joint getting smaller and smaller as the three of you make your way into the living room, plopping on the couch together. You somehow end up between Bill and Ted.
"We should like, totally put some flicks on, dude!" Ted says to Bill with a goofy grin.
"Right on! Let's watch Dazed and Confused!" Bill's eyes are droopy and his laugh happy.
You find yourself left next to him as Ted goes to pop the movie in. Your mind grows fuzzier and as you sit and giggle with Bill on the couch about dumb jokes, you find that funny feeling that's been finding its way in your stomach since you met the two stoners. You know you and Ted are dating, but when it started out, you weren't sure who you were more attracted to. You wonder if Bill still has residual feelings for you the way you do for him as his hand brushes yours on the couch.
Ted can see you two interacting from the kitchen, and to his own surprise, he smiles about it. He knows that when Bill and him first met you, that both of them liked you. He knows Bill was a good sport about it all, losing a rock, paper, scissors battle with Ted and backing off so that he could date you. Still, Ted wonders if it was ever possible that he could share you.
You however, have no idea that Ted has fantasized about letting Bill in on the relationship, so you pull your hand back from Bill's after a lingering pause. Ted rounds the corner of the couch and sits back down next to you, relighting up the end of the joint and sharing it with you once more.
You know if you get much higher you'll begin to feel it in your body, when it hits just right and every moment feels so much better than before. It's dangerous because of how horny that makes you. You know Bill and Ted share a room here, so it would be hard to find alone time with just Ted. As you inhale a particularly long puff, you begin to think it won't matter in the end, especially with the way Bill and Ted are looking at you now.
You place your hand on Ted's neck, softly beginning to pull him in to exchange the smoke in your lungs once more, but Ted moves. He takes his own hands to your cheeks, steadying you and pointing you into Bill's direction. Bill leans in, okay with the offer as long as Ted is, and you find yourself lost in those droopy, icy blue eyes once again.
His lips part, pressing against yours ever so softly. You're reminded once more that Bill has the face of an angel, and as you exhale into his mouth, it's as if he's stolen all the breath in your lungs. A tingle runs from your lips gently on his, and smoke swirls up into the air as it escapes the gaps between you two. You feel Ted's hands on your neck and waist, guiding you. Before you can think about what you're doing, your lips move against Bill's and suddenly all you can do is what feels good right now. You don't think too hard on the implications.
As your kiss deepens with Bill, you feel Ted on your neck, kissing and sucking there, his hands wandering your body. He pulls on your shirt a bit, and whispers in your ear, deep and husky, full of want.
"I want to show you off.."
You oblige, Bill breaking the kiss and watching as Ted helps to take your top off, undressing you slow. Even the way the fabric on your skin feels right now is making you horny. When it's gone, goosebumps form on your bare skin as the cold of the night rushes in to feast on it. The snow outside falls gently, with big lazy flakes layering on the ground.
Bill can't hide his smile, even if he tries. He loves the way your body looks, and the two men exchange glances over it, and you feel a bit like an object to be shown and played with for a moment. That makes the wetness that was budding between your thighs bloom even more, you start to love the idea of Bill and Ted taking their time with you, using you up like the toy you are. It's not even in a cruel objectification way. No, they're just two curious stoners who have needs that want to get out with your body, and you know if you asked them to stop they wouldn't hesitate. That trust between you three makes this all the better.
You let Bill part your legs, his hand running up your thigh and going so deep between them. A tingle rockets through your body at the touch, and Ted works on getting your bra off. Once it is, your nipples harden in the chilly air, and you look up with a smile, biting your lip and laughing as Ted eyes you hungrily. You've never seen him want you so bad.
Ted's warm mouth engulfs one of your nipples, while his hands move to tease the other. The sensation is almost overwhelming alone, but you're practically soaking from how Bill's hands move against your cunt, not yet finding their way around your panties. Bill keeps his hand there, playing with you beneath your skirt until you're moaning out. You gasp when he parts your legs further, getting on his knees between them and bringing your legs up to rest on his shoulders. You look down at those brilliant blue eyes and that smile of his, watching with suspense as he slowly pushes your panties to the side, letting your damp cunt get a taste of that cool air.
You practically writhe against them both just from that. Your moans increase as Bill dips his head deeper, his mouth warmly blowing against your exposed pussy. You cry out as his tongue laps up the whole of your cunt, making sure to wet all of you even more, being sure to taste you completely. Ted continues at your breasts, and the combination of the two already has you practically cumming. Being this high makes it so easy, makes every movement feel so much more extreme. You feel the heat of your high radiating off your body, particularly your cunt right now.
Bill continues, bringing his attention to your clit, circling slowly, then faster. He uses a flat tongue between to really give all of it attention at once, then drives you made when he sucks softly. Your hand finds his mess of blond curls and tangles in it, trying to keep him on your clit when he's sucking hardest, before being overstimulated and having to take a breath. The two men laugh a few times from how much you're enjoying this, and you feel like you're under such a microscope for them right now. Like something for them both to play with together.
"I want you to moan his name..." You hear Ted's voice whisper to you, and you glance into his eyes.
He wants this. He wants to see you submit to his friend the way you have to him. You bite your lip, trying to really feel ready for that, and as Bill's mouth sucks once more, you do, calling out his name.
"Bill...! Please, god...it feels so good...!" You cry out, cunt aching for more.
"You'll have to ask him to let you cum. Maybe even beg..." Ted continues to instruct, and you nod like the good little slut you are, brain empty of everything except pleasure and pleasing right now.
Your legs shake as you begin to come closer, your pussy bucking into Bill's mouth for any friction it can get. Your nipples are so sensitive, and Ted takes his time making sure each are sufficiently attended to, his hands sometimes roaming else where to squeeze and hold. You feel your pleasure rising, and you don't know how much more you can take.
"Please, Bill! I need to cum so badly..." You whimper out, and see him looking up at you, his hand moving to take over on your clit so he can speak.
"That's right, I want you to cum for me. I want you to be a good little toy and cum while moaning out my name for me." Bill commands, and you don't even try to deny him.
He puts his mouth back to your pussy, taking all of it once more, sucking and licking, a few small nibbles with well placed teeth sending you over the edge, driving you absolutely mad. You clutch his hair, clutch onto Ted who's begun to twist and bite your nipples the way you like, and waves of pleasure pass over your body as your legs shake and practically clamp down on Bill's head. Both men hold you fast, keeping you still, keeping your legs open as your ride out wave after wave of pleasure. You feel completely gone, your body stimulated beyond what you thought possible, and your orgasm goes on for far past what you thought it would. Bill and Ted are not ones to quit, however, and their tongues and hands keep you going until you're completely satisfied.
When your muscles finally give up, legs parting and falling to your sides, they both take a breather. Ted rests his head on your chest, that rises and falls quickly, tiredly. Bill rests his head on your inner thigh, eyes barely open, looking at you with a satisfied smile. The three of you take all the time you need to recover, simply enjoying laying there together. It's not like there's anywhere to go in the morning, the snow has piled up way past what they thought it would. You guys have all the time in the world to explore each other.
Bill is the first to move, reaching over and taking a deep hit of the joint once more. He passes it to Ted, who passes it to your lips once more. You wearily take another hit, unsure if you could even get much higher, but there's no way you're about to let them both out smoke you after that. Ted finishes his hit and puts the joint on an ashtray on the coffee table.
Ted helps move you, pulling you up til you're on your hands and knees on the couch. Every move you make sends shock waves of residual pleasure through your legs and stomach, and you have to bite your lip to keep from moaning from just that. Your cunt wants so much more now, aching to be filled and throbbing from what Bill's already done to you. You, almost helplessly, as Bill gets on the couch in front of you, his cock flopping out of his sweatpants as he pulls them down.
Ted moves behind you, and you can't see what he's up to, but in a moment, you feel the heat of the tip of his cock against your ass. You shiver as all of it flops against your ass, glancing back and seeing Ted measuring his cock there, seeing how it will fit so nicely and deeply inside of you. You turn back to Bill, and without having to be told, take his cock in your hand, stroking it and admiring how much girth he had.
You open your mouth, sticking your tongue out like the dumb little fuck doll that you are, and Bill takes advantage of that, slipping his cock in as deeply as possible. You want to cry out but it comes out choked from how deep Bill is in your mouth, still in utter pleasure from how Ted slips his cock against your soaked cunt. Soon enough, Ted dips into your pussy, finding his way in slowly, but not stopping until he's gone as deep as he can. You're aching and stretched out by the time he gets to the hilt of his cock, and all you can do is look up at Ted who's slowly fucking your mouth the same way.
The two men keep taking what they want from your slutty little holes, and you find yourself closing your eyes and losing yourself to the sensation of being used so freely. You can't believe you've let both of them take you like this, trapped between the two of them so you couldn't get away if you tried, mouth and cunt filled to the brim with cock.
You feel Ted's hand reach up and grab your hair, pull it so that you can look back and see him. He keeps pulling you up until Bill's cock falls out of your mouth, and Ted's mouth is at your neck. You watch like a limp doll, unable to fight back, as Bill comes closer, taking your breaths in his hands, squeezing them together and lapping them up.
"You're pussy is mine, you got that?" You hear Ted grumble in your ear as he claims that part of you with his cock, his hand still pulling your hair.
You nod, unable to even speak at this point, letting and wanting them to do whatever to you, feeling so easily overpowered.
"Bill's allowed to have fun with your other two holes as much as he pleases, however..." Ted continues as Bill feasts on your breasts and let's a hand snake to your clit.
You squirm as he plays with you there, the cock that's filling you so deeply combined with that stimulation bringing you to your next orgasm. You spasm, your body unable to stop itself for cumming. Bill continues to work his hands on you as you work through yourself round of pleasure for the night. When you're finished, Ted's cock stalls for a moment, and you whine out.
"Tell him thank you for letting you cum." Ted instructs, face next to your neck, watching as Bill rises from your tits.
"T-thank you, Bill..." You stammer out, and Bill smiles, bringing your head towards him and kissing you deeply once more.
You happily kiss back, letting Bill explore your mouth with his tongue and yours doing the same. You can't believe how commanding your usually sweet, goofy boyfriend is. How how badly his best friend wants you. You also don't care for the implications, all you need right now is both of these men fucking your brains out until you're a mess that can barely walk. You let Ted slide of you, and with Bill's help flip you around so you're facing Ted once more. They both help to pick your weight up, and you easily slide back onto Ted's cock with your wet pussy. Bill reaches down, sliding some of your wetness to your ass.
"Is it okay if I try this?" You hear Bill ask, obviously wanting to try out your ass. You can tell he's half asking you, but who he's really asking is Ted. You nod, but Ted speaks up.
"As long as it's not her cunt, bro. I don't want anyone else accidently getting her pregnant, that's my job..." The way he talks about you like your his property has you wanting more, you feel so bare and ready to be used right now.
Bill nods, and slowly rubs his cock against your asshole, making slow movement, ready to stop if you were to protest. But you don't. You want both of them to fill you up down there, to feel completely full by both of their cocks was becoming more and more important as the time went by. You moan out as the tip of his cock begins to softly and slowly glide into your ass. Bill here's you groan in slight discomfort as it goes deeper, and he softly kisses your neck, assuring you. Ted doesn't move his cock inside you, not while you're so carefully starting to take Bill's. Instead, his hand goes to your clit, rubbing soft circles and easing tension from having Bill slowly go deeper inside you.
You welcome the pain and the pleasure of both, both men's mouths somewhere on your skin and kissing the pain away. Soon, Bill's entire cock has found it's way snuggly in your ass. You moan from how much it is, and for a few moments any slight movement from either of their cocks is driving you wild. Ted keeps his hand busy on your clit, kissing you deeply and sucking on your tongue as both of them slowly begin pumping in and out of you.
Your leg's can hardly hold themselves up, and you're lucky that both men can keep you suspended over their cocks so easily. You take Ted's cock in your pussy with ease, and slowly begin to take Bill's in your ass as well. You feel a heat like never before back there, and every time Bill plunges deeper, it's as if he's hitting a spot that you've never even tried before. You're a dumb mess between the two men, sloppily kissing both of them and changing when the other guides you to another. You feel pure bliss and ecstasy from how much pleasure is being taken from your sensitive cunt and asshole. Ted even makes sure to give your breasts the attention they need, before trading off to Bill who cups them from behind.
You feel both men's cocks rubbing harder and faster inside of you, feeling only a thin barrier between the two of them. You're stretched and full to the max, moans and words a jumble of pleasure, eyes fluttering shut from how badly you need to cum a third time. For a moment, the high makes you wonder if you haven't already, that's how good it feels to be sandwiched in between your boyfriend and his best friend. You don't even care if they use you as their fuck doll for the rest of the weekend. Part of you wishes the snow never let's up.
You feel Ted's cock begin to get harder first. Then Bill's follows, taking deeper and faster blows at your hole. You don't know how much more you can take, and you're babbling about how good it feels, while both men laugh at what a mess you are, enjoying the pleasure of taking so much of your body.
"God, babe, I can't believe how much of a slut you've been tonight. If I knew you were such a naughty girl, I would have shared you with Bill ages ago..." Ted groans out as he gets closer, looking you in the eyes, watching how hard it is for you to keep them open. You nod along like the dumb little whore you are.
"Yeah, I could have gotten a turn at taking such a tight asshole then." Bill whispers into your ear, biting and sucking your neck when he's done.
You feel completely taken by both of them. Completely owned. Completely devoured.
Your body relaxes into the pounding of your two holes and you let your trembling pussy cum for the third time tonight, taking all the pleasure it can get and then some. The unintended clenching and tightening of your holes sends both men over the edge. Ted first, who's faster cock slows and pounds cum as deep inside of your cunt as possible. Then Bill, who can barely slow down enough to finish, sealing his cock into your ass with a final stroke and letting his hot, sticky cum fill there.
Your body can barely keep itself up, and you whine when Bill and Ted take their cocks out of you slowly.
"Aw, does our princess miss being so full?" Ted asks as he pulls you onto his lap, both of your skins sweaty and glistening from the workout.
"Mhm..." You murmur, and to your surprise, and excitement, Ted lifts you up gently and let's you slide your pussy back onto his cock.
"There." He whispers in your ear, playing with your hair. "Now you can keep it warm for me..."
You giggle a little and snuggle into his neck, and you see Bill stand up, likely going to clean up.
"Thanks, dude, I knew your babe would be a totally good fuck." Bill says over his shoulder lazily, but satisfied.
"Anytime, dude, use her holes whenever you want..." Ted says with a smile, eyes looking into yours, waiting for you to say no the way he has been all night.
With the way you've just been fucked by them, you wouldn't even dare to deny him. You hope that this isn't the last time this weekend, even. You snuggle back into Ted's neck, and he talks softly to you, praising you.
"You were so good tonight," his dominating voice gone, now ready to give you the care you need. "You just tell me anytime you don't want to, we'll stop right away."
"No, I..." You breathe into his neck. "I like how you two used me up...I think I needed this..."
You feel his arms wrap around you, almost like a protective barrier between you and the world, and you sink happily into him, your cunt still warming his cock perfectly.
"I'm glad, you were such a good girl for us, I'm happy you had fun too..." His voice seems sleepier by the minute.
You hum a positive reply, and he keeps praising you, drawing little circles on your back until you fall asleep right there.
You're thankful for a snow storm in San Dimas.
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allbluedepths · 10 months
Thought I absolutely have to get out of my head before I can sleep:
Shanks canonically has issues controlling his conqueror’s haki, sometimes. Combine that with one of my favorite magic tropes, where excess amounts of magic can be physically and/or mentally draining to contain for extended periods of time. (Now that certainly isn’t canon, but it is a headcanon I love, haha.)
There aren’t a lot of people around that can withstand the force of Shanks’ haki uncontrolled. The best good example who’s around would be Beckman, but if Shanks is dealing with handling his haki, Beckman would be handling the crew, so he’s out.
The other option? Mihawk. Earlier on in their duels, Mihawk finds out about Shanks’ conundrum; he was spending so much energy keeping it in check that he was an absolutely shit fighter that day, and Mihawk pressed the issue long enough until Shanks spilled the details.
Mihawk’s proposed solution: use their duels, when safe/out of range of the crew, as a way to release some of that pressure valve for his haki. Gets Shanks under control, and Mihawk has a decent level of resistance to it. As time goes on, Shanks is comfortable letting more and more of it go after Mihawk proves it won’t absolutely knock him out, which does wonders for his wellbeing. (Mihawk gets hit with how beautifully terrifying Shanks can be, and then chooses to not process that for a good long while.)
An additional option that pops up later down the road: sometimes, the above happens but without a duel, if things are really bad. Beckman takes over for an afternoon, and Shanks and Mihawk take Hitsugibune out to a nearby deserted island so Shanks can absolutely let go. At that level, it’s not a great idea to involve dueling or weapons. Shanks also isn’t a fan of the crew seeing him lose that degree of control; Mihawk realizes how big of a sign that is for Shanks’ trust in him. Often ends in Shanks falling asleep on or near Mihawk with his haki still active. (It’s like a very strong mental weighted blanket, albeit Mihawk will never say that out loud.)
Additional third option: there’s very fun possibilities here for when they actually get into a relationship, but that’s its own post, haha.
(This is missing a lot of detail because I’m about to sleep, but I might expand this one into a fic soon! Out of control magic just has too many good hurt/comfort opportunities.)
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chaotic-super · 1 year
For Her Sake - Chapter 17
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Read For Her Sake on AO3 here!
Kara is a little overwhelmed with the speed at which she’s being thrown into her new job but overall, she’s fairly certain that she’s coping to a decent degree which means she’s not going to be fired after only one shift.
She’s being shown around the place and given the chance to try every part of the job as the chance arises so she can get a true feel for what it’s going to be like but even so, she’s spending a lot of her time behind the bar where she’s the most comfortable and the most experienced. There are no complaints though, it’s all coming back to her even after spending a few years behind a desk and running around after a needy billionaire.
Kara looks up when she hears her name called, finishing drying the glass she’s working on before sliding it on the shelf, her head turned towards the person grabbing her attention. “Yeah?”
“How is everything going?” Sam checks in on her, her hand resting on her back momentarily.
“Good, good. Just getting into the groove of things back here.” Kara shrugs with a smile. “It’s like riding a bike.”
Sam smiles back at her. “I’m glad to hear that but would you be awfully upset if I made you come and help out in the kitchen? We’re going to get even busier soon and the other guys have the bar covered.”
“Not at all, lead the way.”
Sam takes Kara into the kitchen where half a dozen people are already working their asses off cooking all different kinds of foods and the smell of it makes Kara’s mouth water. It all smells really good.
“Oh golly, it smells amazing back here.” Kara murmurs, taking a nice deep inhale as Sam grabs herself and Kara aprons and hats.
“I know right? Now, I’m not going to throw you in right in the deep end because that would just be cruel so how about we leave anything that takes fire or heat and show you how to prepare some desserts?”
That makes Kara smile bigger than she has all day. She gets to learn something new, be trusted in the kitchen and handle her favourite thing in the world, dessert. “That sounds great.”
“Awesome.” Sam grins back at her. “I take it you don’t mind handling ice cream?”
“The only downside is that all of it won’t be in my mouth.”
“Well, I can’t expect you to be able to know how to make any desserts you haven’t had the opportunity to try yourself, could I? How else are you meant to know how they are supposed to look and taste?”
Kara’s eyes go wide and her voice dreamy. “I think I might be in love with you.”
“Save those words for Lena, we’ve got work to do,” Sam says and promptly strides off to get the ingredients she needs to show Kara what to do and leaves Kara stuttering and blushing behind her, something she takes note of and inwardly cackles to herself.
Sam takes Kara out for lunch halfway through the day by cooking them both the most delicious pasta dish Kara’s ever had the luxury of tasting and then directing her out of the door so they can go and find a bench in the park not far from Reign.
“Seriously Kara, it’s fine. I’m the boss and if I say you get to take an extra few minutes to have lunch with me, then it’s fine.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want the others to think I’m getting special treatment and hate me for it, I want my time at Reign to be good not filled with drama and pettiness.”
“I’m sure, besides, I take every new starter out for lunch. Or rather, usually, it’s just lunch in my office while we talk shop but I think this is close enough to pass. Nobody will question anything and if you’re so worried about having a long break, you can work over for fifteen minutes to help clean up.”
“You’ve got yourself a deal.” Kara offers out a hand for Sam to shake and her chin practically brushes the floor when it gets slapped out of the air.
“Don’t be weird. Sit down and eat.” Sam hands her a box and a fork. Kara opens her mouth to argue but Sam holds up a finger when it looks like she’s about to and cuts her off. “Babababa, no words, just eat.”
“But— “
“Babababa, no words.”
Kara is smart enough to shut her mouth after that and start digging into her food, immediately silenced by the incredible taste. Sam let her try a spoonful when she was making it so she’s already aware of how good it is but somehow the knowledge that she’s got a whole container of it to herself just makes it all that much greater. “Oh my god, this is so good.”
Sam nods her agreement. “It is. When I first opened Reign, I had this great chef working for me, his name was John and he was the greatest chef I’ve ever met. He made a bunch of recipes that I have to say do compete with my own. He retired last year but insisted we keep the recipes anyway despite the fact he made a lot of them up and some were his family recipes. We still keep in touch and he still comes into the restaurant every few months to supposedly make sure we’re putting his recipes to good use but I think he just misses me really.”
Kara raises her eyebrows at her, her face disbelieving.
“What, you don’t think someone could miss me?”
“No, I think you’re plenty missable. I’d just say that he probably only shows up every few months because that’s all he can handle.”
“You little bitch.” Sam gasps, her face morphed into one of pure shock. “I definitely regret hiring you, you’re going to give me as much trouble as Lena does. Speaking of the other little bitch, she’s been texting me all morning to ask me if it would be weird to text you and ask how it’s going so I’d appreciate it if you would text her first and end the suffering of the poor soul.”
Kara snorts. “Sure. I promised I’d keep her updated anyway, she’s such a sweetheart for caring.”
This time Sam snorts. “Yeah, she’s definitely a sweetheart alright. She’s got some major heart eyes going on.” Kara misses the joke completely, now focused on moving her thumbs as quickly as she can across her screen so she can get back to her food because her tastebuds are already missing it and her heart is crying out for more and weeping in despair every time the wind blows and cools it a little more so it’s no longer piping hot.
“Did she tell you she took care of Lori for me the other day? She’s so amazing.” Kara gushes around a mouthful as soon as she finishes up her text. “I think it’s cute she gets worried about something simple like texting, I always welcome texts from her.”
Sam’s eyebrows almost merge in with her hairline. “She looked after Lori?”
“Yeah. My sister and I are moving at the minute so when we had to look for a new apartment and then go and view a place, Lena offered to look after Lori for us so we could do so easier. She took her to the park and fed the ducks peas. Lori hasn’t stopped talking about it since.”
 “She never mentioned that,” Sam says, her voice soft. “She used to look after Ruby for me when she had to but it always made her a nervous wreck so I tried not to ask her if I could find someone else to do it.”
Kara’s eyes widen. “Oh no. I shouldn’t have accepted her offer.” Her hands fly up to her face. “She must have just offered to be nice and I took advantage of that. I need to apologize to her. I bet that’s why she got me the books and flowers; she was going to tell me and that was to sweeten me up but she backed out because she’s such a good person she didn’t want to upset me. Sam, I think I’m an awful person.”
By the time Kara has gotten through her mini-rant that borders on a panic-induced breakdown, she looks up to see Sam sitting next to her giggling.
“What’s so funny?”
“You and Lena.” She answers simply.
Kara frowns. “I don’t understand.”
Sam sighs. “Kara, with all due respect, you’re as big of an idiot as Lena is. She doesn’t do anything she doesn’t want to do so if she offered to take care of Lori, she wanted to and if she got you flowers, she wanted to. People that get other people flowers are usually trying to send a message. As Lena’s best friend, I can’t tell you exactly what that means but you’re a smart girl.”
Kara is confused for a minute and isn’t sure how to respond to Sam but after the brief silence that follows Sam’s explanation, it finally clicks. “Oh. Oh.”
“I should call her later, huh?”
“That would be beneficial for my text inbox. I never get a break anymore, she’s very good at overthinking things so just a heads up, you’ve got to be able to look after her just as much as she’s willing to look after you.”
Kara taps Sam on the shoulder lightly. “What makes you think that I share those feelings.”
“I can see it written across your face.”
“It’s really that obvious?” Kara asks, her voice shaky with nerves. She thought she was doing pretty well at hiding it.
A nod confirms her fears. “Yes but if it makes you feel better, the only reason it’s obvious to me is because I know about Lena’s feelings because she’s my best friend and I can read her so I had to scope you out to see if you feel the same. It’s easy to find something you’re looking for, you know?”
“Maybe. I guess so.” Kara says, fiddling with the edge of the container, now completely empty, something that upsets Kara greatly.
“What’s wrong? Why are you so sad to find out the woman you like actually likes you back?”
Kara looks down, finding her words in a momentary deep breath as she closes her eyes. “I’m happy she likes me back but my life is crazy right now and while I do really like her, reallylike her I mean, I have to prioritize my daughter. I’m starting a new job; Alex is just settling into hers and we’re moving apartments. It’s a lot of change in schedules and routines and that’s tough for a four-year-old to deal with. She’s my world and I’m not at a point where I can risk disrupting anything else in her life. If it was just me, I’d happily take the leap but she’s my daughter, I just…can’t.”
Sam’s hand lands on Kara’s knee. “I hear you. You’re not at a point where a relationship is good for you or your family. That’s ok. You don’t have to be in a relationship you don’t want to be in.”
“It’s not that I don’t want to be in a relationship with her.”
“You just want to do what’s right for your daughter. That’s perfectly fine and Lena will understand that. I just think it would do both of you well to have this conversation between the two of you. She’s not going to hold anything against you, it’s not her style and I think you’ll find that she appreciated the honesty.”
Kara’s lips twist. “I don’t want to upset her.”
“The only way you’ll truly upset her is by allowing her to continue essentially dating you without dating you and leading her on. You guys are having dinner and sleepovers. You can still do all of that but until you state that you’re doing those things as friends, she’s going to have hope there’s something more and that’s just as unhealthy as getting into a relationship when you’re not ready to be in one.”
“I hear you.” Kara looks her dead in the eyes to convey just how sincere she is. “’ll talk to her the next time I see her in person. I think that’s a conversation to be had face to face.”
Sam squeezes her knee. “Good call. Thank you.”
“No, thank you. I think I needed to have this talk with someone. I just wasn’t expecting it to be with my new boss in the middle of a workday.”
Sam stands up, offering a hand to help Kara up too. “Yeah, well, I wasn’t expecting it either but Lena’s my family and I have to look out for her. Usually, I’d just threaten you but unfortunately, I kind of like you so that’s not happening. It’s a shame really, I’d love to scare you a little bit but you’re too nice and you kind of have a good head on your shoulders.”
Kara has to disagree with the last part of that because she did not have a good head on her shoulders when she did what she did that led to her meeting Lena but she’s not about to expose herself to Sam like that. That would end with Sam dragging her to the lake on the other side of the park and holding her under until the bubbles stop.
“Alright, let’s get back before people start questioning whether or not you got the job by canoodling with the boss.”
Blue eyes roll without her even thinking about it and it earns Kara a little shove.
“I’m going to teach you how to use the oven when we get back.”
“You better make sure there’s a first aid kit lying around then.”
“There is and I’ve made sure there’s a fresh page waiting in the accident logbook too just in case. You did great this morning and there’s no reason for us to drag our feet on getting you thrown into the mux in the kitchen. You’re better than you think.”
Kara smiles, her head ducking. “I think I’ll keep this job; it’s going to give my ego a good boost.”
“I can always make you mop the floors for eight hours straight.”
“After working for Cat Grant, that sounds like a joy.”
“Fuck, breaking you is going to be hard.”
Kara laughs and it makes Sam break out into a chuckle too. She’s going to really like this job, she can tell.
Kara grabs her bag as soon as she’s finished cleaning up. Sam did try to tell her that she didn’t really have to stay the extra few minutes but she’s not one to go back on her word and since she and Sam did take a long lunch, it’s only fair. She’s a team player and she’s not one to leave the team picking up the slack so she can goof off.
She’s gotten along with everyone so far and it turns out that the potty-mouthed chefs in the kitchen loved her attempts at swearing because having a small child has definitely changed her. She used to swear a little but never excessively but once Lori was born, every swear got adapted and it’s quite funny watching a woman drop ice cream down herself with a cry of “Barnacles!”.
It turns out that the accident book only got one new addition too so Kara’s taking that as a win. She’s only got a minor burn on her pinky where she accidentally set a towel on fire moving a pan but she’s not going to do it again because she’s already been made fun of for it enough that she’s never going to forget it again. None of it felt malicious though and that’s all that matters. One day down and she’s already in a better environment than before.
She’s all prepared to get the bus home but when she steps out of Reign, she sees Winn waiting there with his hands in his pockets. “Hey, Danvers!”
Her eyes light up and her hands fly up in a double wave. “Schott, Schott, Schott!”
He pulls her into a tight embrace and sways her slightly. “In my quest for knowledge of your first day at your new job, I came to the understanding that it is easier to extract information when in a private vehicle rather than a land submarine.”
“You’re nosy so you came to pick me up.” Kara shakes her head. “Also, I told you to stop calling buses land submarines, it’s weird and unnecessary.”
“No can do, buckaroo. I parked up the street, come hither and tell me all about your first day, I want all the deets.”
“You’re so annoying. I have half a mind to just leave you here and get the bus home anyway.”
Winn pouts. “I waited fifteen extra minutes for you because you were late out and you want to leave me here? The tragedy.”
“I hate you.”
“Love you too, now spill.”
Kara gives in and starts walking him through her day, purposefully not adding any details about what she and Sam talked about. The next person she talks to about that is Lena and Lena alone.
The week flies by faster than Kara could ever have expected it and with each day that passes, she finds that she loves her new job and is improving more and more every day. There’s only been one day this week she hasn’t spent at least six of the eight hours of her shift in the kitchen and that’s because two of the bartenders were sick so she had to focus on helping out there rather than the kitchen.
She doesn’t mind a bit though because everyone has been so nice to her, all of her new coworkers have been great to her and she’s loving every minute of it, even the dullest of jobs and nastiest of customers don’t hold a candle to some of the things she put up with over the years when working at CatCo and not all of it was Cat’s fault, even though a lot of it was.
The place was rife with self-absorbed assholes willing to hurt whoever it takes to get their name on a byline and earn the most money so being somewhere where none of that is evident is like a breath of fresh air.
She’s just finished her last shift of the week and she’s got a couple of days off now to hang out with Lori, something she’s thrilled about because while the job is great, her feet are killing her from being standing up all day so at night the most she’s doing is chilling with Lori on the couch playing games, reading or watching movies and that’s all well and good but her daughter loves to run around and play and she’d like to be able to do that with her.
Alex has been nothing but supportive and has been asking her to tell her all about her day every night over dinner and it’s been nothing short of lovely being able to talk about her work without it becoming a bitchfest and having to listen to Alex telling her she deserves better.
People always say that kids are smarter than we give them credit for and Kara has never been surer that it’s true. Lori can tell she’s already happier and where she would give her lots and lots of cuddles before to “make Mama feel better” she’s now giving them to her to “feel as happy as Mama.” It’s delightful and it makes her heart ache at the same time knowing that Lori knew she was miserable before.
She’s also been messaging Lena throughout the week too and it’s been a bittersweet experience. Now that she’s got it confirmed that Lena likes her too, she’s thrilled because who wouldn’t be excited when finding out their crush is also crushing on them? The bitter part comes from having the knowledge that they both like each other but they can’t do anything about it in the way she wants.
She’s got plans for a game night tomorrow though and while it’s technically Winn’s turn to host, Kara invited Sam to come and she’s bringing her daughter too so Lena suggested her place because there’s more room for everyone and there’s no way they would all fit into Winn’s tiny apartment.
They aren’t heading over to her place until six though so they have the full day to do whatever they want to do as a family before they hang out as a group.
Lori is already asleep and Alex is dozing on the couch beside her as she reads one of the books Lena bought her and with every page turn, she feels her gratitude amplifying. Lena has gifted her an escape she’s been craving for a long time but barely even had the time to process her need for. Reading has always been a key part of her life and yet she can count the number of books she’s read in the last year on one hand so having this opportunity to relax and let herself get swept away in someone else’s life and leave her worries behind for a couple of hours is everything she’s needed and more.
She’s so enthralled by the book that she gets through the majority of it in one sitting and she’s only stirred out of her own little bubble by Alex stretching, her legs making their way into her lap as she turns over. Kara adjusts herself and Alex’s legs a little so she’s more comfortable but settles back into her book because while it’s late, the soft comfort of the quiet and the physical grounding provided by her sister is everything she needs to round out a good week. The first of what she hopes to be many.
Kara ends up waking up to the smell of the fabulous new book smell she wants to make a candle out of. Her book is on her face, her nose making a very good bookmark, and Alex’s legs are no longer across her body.
She must have either fallen to one side in the night or Alex lay her down as much as she could because her legs are propped up on the couch beside her and she’s at a bit of a strange angle, her back pressed into the corner of the couch and her neck stretched back into an awkward position, the weight of the book not helping her avoid neck pain in the slightest.
Her neck cracks as she lifts her head up, her thumbs tucking into the pages of the book so she doesn’t lose her page though she’ll probably have to skip back a couple of pages when she goes to carry on reading because there’s not a chance in hell she’ll actually remember what she was reading last night right before she fell asleep.
Slipping a receipt into the book as her bookmark, she looks over at the kitchen and sees Alex filling up two mugs with coffee and a cup with milk for Lori.
“G’mornin’,” She mumbles, her brain still trying to fight its way into the waking world. “Coffee?”
“Good morning, sunshine.” Alex brings her the mug of coffee she just poured her. “The coffee is nice and hot, feel free to have another ten minutes to sleep if you want to while it cools down.”
“Why? What have you done?” Kara questions, clarity finding her as she shakes away the last clutches of sleep.
Alex shoves the mug into her hands, “Why don’t you believe that sometimes I want to do nice things for my baby sister without it being because I’ve done something?”
“Because never once have you done something nice for me without it being because you’ve either done something wrong or you want something so, which is it?” Kara is happy to have the coffee but Alex is definitely freaking her out.
“That’s so not true.”
“Yes, it is.”
Alex shakes her head again. “I completely disagree, anyway, you’re eating into your sleep time, I’m going to go and check on Lori now, she was just stirring when I just started the coffee so you know we don’t have long now before we’ve got to entertain her. “
“I’m good. I’m just gonna sit here and drink my coffee while Auntie Alex does the work because she’s done something wrong.”
Alex folds her arms and clicks her tongue. “Not true but since I’m a good sister I’m going to go and do it anyway. Chillax, sis.”
She strolls away confidently while Kara stares at her back and mouths in confusion, “Chillax?”
They decide to take Lori down to the pier for the day and then she’ll undoubtedly be tired by the time they get to game night and will hopefully fall asleep early. Fingers crossed anyway. Kara and Alex take it in turns showering before they head out and Kara gives Lori a bath but other than that, Alex handles all Lori’s care and it takes a while for Kara to get it out of her what she’s done but she does learn that Alex’s ironing skills leave a lot to be desired and she now has one less shirt.
She isn’t really mad about it though, Alex isn’t usually the one to do the laundry because she’s so bad at it but since she started her new job, Alex wanted to do something nice for her and it didn’t pan out. She’ll let this one slide.
They take the bus to the pier, two actually, but it’s not a painful ride with books to read to pass the time. Kara keeps an eye on Alex as they walk to the bus stop and then again when they get off the bus at the pier and they start to walk. She’s not had the opportunity to check in with Alex fully about her recovery in a while other than the generic questions which get brushed off with moderate ease and she’s not had much of a chance to watch her closely as she walks either so today is her chance to assess for herself how Alex’s recovery is going.
Kara makes a point to let Alex walk ahead of her and simply meanders on behind her and Lori, who is holding her aunt’s hand and bouncing around excitedly as they walk along the wooden planks towards the end of the pier where they can look out over the glossy waves of the sea.
There are a few things she’s noticing, the most important being that she’s walking much better than she was before. She really worried her before and yet here she is walking again and doing a great job of it.
Her gait is a little stilted, one leg straightening more than the other when she steps forward and she favours one leg over the other but she’s not panting or getting out of breath and she’s not so much as glancing at any of the benches they pass because she’s not feeling the need to sit down and have a rest.
Alex must be taking her doctor’s advice seriously and resting as much as possible and sitting down at work wherever she can but Lena is, no doubt, a large part of that because she’s very obviously a big fan of looking out for the people she cares about.
Ugh, Lena. Kara still has to talk to her and she’s not certain she’s going to have adequate time alone with her to talk today and even If she does find the time, she doesn’t want her to be left alone after being rejected but she also doesn’t want her to have to pretend she’s ok if she’s not. Maybe she should work out a time with Sam so she can be there for her afterwards.
That makes her feel big-headed though, like she’s expecting Lena to be heartbroken over her. No, that’s not possible, Lena will be fine. She’ll find time today and if she can’t she’ll ask her to meet for lunch sometime in the week.
Alex looks back and cocks an eyebrow at her. “Did I pass your test, Doctor Danvers?”
“What? I have no idea what you mean.” Kara lies, upping her pace so they can walk side by side, each of them taking one of Lori’s hands and periodically swinging her and making her fall into fits of giggles that definitely add a few years onto their lives.
“I have no idea what you mean.” Alex mocks her, her voice going all high and squeaky before she goes back to her normal tone. “Such a liar. You were watching me.”
“I know, I just wanted to make sure you’re really getting better. I know I haven’t really had as much time to check on you but I should have made time, I’m sorry. I let myself get caught up in everything and I’ve not been here for you as much as I should have been.”
Alex waves her off. “You’ve been thinking about this a lot more than I have because I never once felt like you’ve been absent in any way, Kara. You’ve been here for us both as much as you can and I’ve got no complaints other than the creepy way you just watched me walk. I’d prefer if you didn’t do that, it’s weird.”
“How else am I supposed to check your progress?”
“Ugh, I don’t know…ask?”
“You always lie and say you’re fine.”
“I usually am.”
Kara points at her. She’s got her ‘a-ha’ moment. “Usually.”
Alex pays her no mind. “I stand by what I said and while it is usually alright, the times it’s not, are times when I get to prove to myself that I’m still strong.”
“The strongest.” Kara mumbles. “I’m sorry, I know I’m interfering when you don’t need me to, I’m just worried about you.”
Alex’s head tilts to one side. “Why now? Why are you worried now?”
“I don’t know, I might know when we can afford therapy but until then you just get to deal with my weird mood swings and overwhelming need to check on the people I love.“
Alex snorts. “It doesn’t take a therapist to know that you have attachment and abandonment issues, sis. Want to use Google to fix them?”
“Sure but if it tries to tell me I have cancer, I’m giving up.”
“Deal, now look at the ocean, maybe run Lori up this pier to get her energy out and if that doesn’t work then you can play fetch with her.”
“She’s not a dog.”
“I never said she would be the one fetching anything.” 
“Have I ever told you just how much I dislike you at times?”
A hand on her shoulder sends her almost toppling right over as she is on the receiving end of a harsh shove and then Alex is running with Lori in tow, the pair laughing hysterically. Kara’s heart is fuller than it has been since before the accident. There’s a lot of room to grow but for now, this works.
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raayllum · 1 year
some of the questions & answers i was most interested / validated by from this interview between The Reel James and Aaron Ehasz
INTERVIEWER: He used dark magic again, there’s no ifs, ands, or buts about it?
AARON: Yeah he did. He did what he had to do, and he saved her. Like I don’t know what would’ve happened if he hadn’t made that decision when he did. 
INTERVIEWER: Another wonderful moment in S5, well actually several moments, something that I and so many of the fans are asking for, which was just having more Rayllum this season. And Aaron, you delivered, sir, because I can tell you - I was putting together a compilation video and they are like five, six, seven genuine Rayllum moments. Was that something intentional? Did you always kinda knew you were gonna do that in S5?
AARON: I thought people were gonna hate us. I-I’m glad people feel that way, cause we - we were very distinctly decided let’s focus on rebuilding their actual relationship as friends and as trusting people who care about each other and not build the romantic part. So I thought people were gonna be like “No kiss, what?!” and it turns out people actually respond to the genuine connection and reconnection that happened between Callum and Rayla this season, and that makes me really happy. 
INTERVIEWER: Yeah, I think we all got a little bit of closure too, with that scene with Amaya and Rayla in the Great Bookery. They’re having that conversation and it sounded like Amaya was gonna tear her head off, and then she ends up saying she sees “a lot of me in you” and I think that’s such a mature moment. I was wondering if you could kinda talk through that cause that ended up being one of my favourite scenes of the entire series, because it was just so much more mature than I ever expected it to be.
AARON: Yeah, I mean, it’s something we knew we were gonna have to grapple with from more than one side [...] Amaya’s also this super protective aunt who saw what happened and saw how hurt her nephew was, so it’s just great material and also they’re both such strong characters, so seeing them kind of go at it a little bit, but also each show some vulnerability was just really delightful, and it was a great opportunity. Sometimes you find those scenes that are almost [...] but yes the time between Rayla and Amaya, it was just a joy finding the drama and the humour in their conversation.
INTERVIEWER: [Rayla and Callum] have their Han Solo - Princess Leia moment where Callum looks over to Rayla and says, “Rayla, I just want to tell you--” she says “I know.” And I’m like whoa! Hold on. So I’m guessing he wanted to tell Rayla that he loves her, or he forgives her?
AARON: Some combination, but I think he’s seeing in that moment - you know, you have those moments where you’re hurt by someone and they come back, and they wanna be welcomed back or treated warmly or something, and we all understand this, and instead of... Part of you wants to be warm and normal again, but you’re a little cold, cause you’re waiting for them to do whatever they need to do to process the wrongs that you perceive that they did to you. Like we have those moments in our relationships all the time and they’re hard not to do. Part of it is you’re standing up for yourself and all this stuff it gets complicated. And I think to some degree in that moment, Callum recognizes, like, he’s kept these walls up and maybe he’s hoping she’d do the work to get through them, and in this moment he’s regretting that the walls were up, maybe. And trying to tell her, you know, that - cause he, he thinks that’s it. Like they won’t have time to process, and maybe he... So, I dunno, I agree it’s a sad, beautiful, lovely moment. 
INTERVIEWER: Do you see a world where they actually have that ‘sit down and have a conversation’ about “here’s how I felt, Rayla, when you left for two years” and “here’s how I felt when you came back” and “you gave me the cold shoulder” or do you think that was enough closure? They can move forward from now?  
AARON: Um, what do you think, do they have more to talk about? 
INTERVIEWER: Yeah, I think they do.
AARON: Yeah, I agree. They have a lot more.
AARON: [About the “I hope you know--” “I know”.] He’s regretting that he’s held the walls up to protect himself and not given her a chance to make things up to him more easily, and not express to her that he missed her, that he still... 
INTERVIEWER: Was Callum using dark magic in a way to darken and make it easy to be controlled by Aaravos next time? Or was it just a convenient way for Callum to get free and safe his friends on Finnegrin’s boat?
AARON: Yeah I don’t think so. I think, Callum recognizes correctly that using dark magic somehow is creating some vulnerability in him that allows Aaravos kinda more access in a way to controlling him or be inside him in some horrible way. The fact he recognized the risk and vulnerability of using it- that it poses to himself but he took that on anyway because he felt like he had to to save Rayla.
AARON: The wait for S6 will be similar to the last gap [between S4 and S5], slightly less or slightly more. We’re concurrently working on S6 and S7 right now. 
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toomuchracket · 1 year
he would want to rent a cottage/cabin or something like that (cotswolds/Joshua tree/nice/Yosemite) and play house with you when you’re not already living together. just cooking, exploring, fucking, sleeping and talking alllll day
combining with I feel like the vibe would be to get out of the city and just have some decompression time in the countryside. Regardless of AU, girly is working in a major city, Matty is jet-setting and both are likely city fatigued and need to spend some alone time with a beautiful view and about that holiday thing… i’ve had a really fluffy & romantic brainrot about driving to the english countryside with matty :’) not thinking about that one video OR maybe ireland?? i think it would be the cutest either during summer of autumn. don’t really have anything too specific in mind. (except they’d obviously have a lot of sex lol and if they’re staying at a cute b&b place they’d have to try and be pretty quiet because the walls are sooooo thin) just super cute, domestic cottage core/english murder mystery vibes and That’s so funny you should say that abt going away bc i’m on my way home from a weekend up at my family’s cottage up north and i would have loved to bring him along like a little lapdog in a purse 😭 like lazing around riverbanks, cuddling up and sharing a joint by the bonfire, finding cute little trails and having impromptu picnics sksndkdnfb
this to me feels quite birthday party coded, quite early in the relationship before you move in together, and before both of you busy little bees have properly developed the rhythms of being together and working and whatnot! anyway, it comes about because both you and matty are finding london exhausting, and you have the same week in late june free, so matty's like "fuck it. let's just go away for a few days, just us and mayhem and nothing and nobody else. i'll drive, we'll get a cottage somewhere nice and we'll just... relax", and you're like "that sounds dreamy let's do it". and in my head you literally stay in kate winslet's house from The Holiday (despite the fact it is not real), that cosy little cottage in the middle of a literal field - as soon as the door is opened, mayhem bolts in and settles himself somewhere unknown, which makes you both laugh (you find him later on a chaise longue in a spare bedroom snoring his sweet head off), and matty takes the opportunity to be like "i'm being so gratuitous here but just let me have a moment" before he scoops you up bridal style and carries you in, kissing you as he sets you down on the kitchen counter. you're like "we've been here five seconds and you're already acting like some austenian romantic hero. this is amazing. hitting several of my fantasies if i'm honest", and matty giggles like "give me five minutes to bring the bags in and then i'll carry you to bed and hit some more of them, if you want" - you're like "ok but if you take your shirt off while you bring in the bags you'll have hit another one already", and matty rolls his eyes but does it anyway because tbh his one goal in life is to turn you on (and oh, watching his biceps flex and back muscles ripple does it to an insane degree). so yeah, that's the first of many sex sessions in the cottage, after which you get cleaned up and redressed and walk hand-in-hand into the little village nearby to get some shopping; fancy wine, cheese, bread, fruit, all that good stuff, and ingredients for a proper cooked breakfast for the next morning, before heading back to just sit in the garden and watch the sunset together with your little cheeseboard dinner and a bottle of wine and honestly a joint too. matty abandons his "i am not letting you fuck up your lungs" bit so you can get high with him, and you sit giggling and kissing until you're sleepy and the two of you decide to go to bed - you fall asleep almost instantly, because of the wine and the weed and the fresh air.
the next morning, a lie-in after a great long sleep - more sex, then a shower, then matty cooking breakfast while you sit on the sofa with mayhem and coo at him (which makes matty go all gooey lol). it's not too hot or sunny, so you decide to spend the day taking mayhem for a loooooooooong walk along the river; he goes in for a swim and its the happiest you've ever seen him. naturally, matty considers moving out of the city then and there lmao. the three of you end up in a pub beer garden for dinner, you and matty chatting nonsense over your pints, before heading back "home" and having a bubble bath together with some wine, which inevitably leads to yet more sex. it's a perfect few days, which is something matty addresses when you're cuddled into his chest, listening to the birds and watching the sunlight stream through the curtains, on your final morning in the cottage - he's like "this has been perfect, waking up and spending my days with you. don't wanna go home", and you're like "neither do i. want to just be with you all the time". and then matty has an absolute eureka moment and says quietly "will you move in with me, please? really don't think i can go back to living alone and making breakfast by myself. s'a lot better when you've got your arms wrapped around me lol", and you kiss him softly and say "yes, i will", and you do!! i also think you write a little free-form essay about the trip when you get back to london, with an epigraph from another of your fav classic romantic female authors that perfectly describes how you feel about your own love interest: "whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same" <3
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transboysokka · 8 days
pls allow me to make a long life update ramble here bc im sick of irl people not understanding at all
I feel like I have a feel disconnected points to make
People like me aren’t meant to get bachelor’a degrees and we’re DAMN SURE not meant to get master’s
I’m 1000% just in survival mode right now and there’s theoretically a month left to go but idek if I’ll make it that long tbh
It has taken me YEARS to figure out a healthy/sustainable work-life balance that goes with my executive dysfunction but that’s NOT POSSIBLE working full time AND doing a degree
I’ve been feeling guilty for resting at all lately (and probably should) but yet if I don’t my health suffers majorly
It has always been hard for me to get simple things done, but now I can’t even THINK about simple necessary errands like walking to the supermarket or going to get a cell phone number or updating shit at the bank because ALL my energy goes to keeping me and my dog alive, keeping a job, and trying to stay in this program
I have delayed my transition by YEARS to pay for all this which was definitely the wrong call ughhhhh
I worked SO hard all of K-12 to get into a good university, when it came down to it didn’t even want to go, was too depressed to apply to hardly any, chose my best option still not knowing what I wanted to do but forced into it and forced to take out all of these loans when I didn’t even know what they meant.
Ended up never dealing with audhd shit, trauma shit, didn’t know what I was doing with my life, tried to get jobs to pay for school but couldn’t handle class and jobs at the same time so got more depressed until I stopped going to classes altogether and got kicked out
That would have been great for me tbh but I still didn’t know what else to do so I begged them to let me back in which they did and I ended up barely graduating with some pointless major I just chose to get me a degree. And also $80k of student debt I had no way to even comprehend knowing how to use
Didn’t know what to do after that either so I ended up in retail for a couple years before I got a random rare opportunity to get me out of there and doing what I always wanted
Well. I felt like I needed to make up for lost time degree-wise and ended up basically begging myself into this half-shitty program that culminates in this masters. I applied maybe five years ago, waited a little over two to start until I had money to pay for it (this is after fleeing the US and the 80k lmao) and somehow killed the first year of it.
I took another year and a half off trying to figure out the rest of the money which I eventually did and that’s how we end up here. I will hopefully have the degree in October but will still be paying for it the rest of the school year rip
So financially this sacrifice is obviously huge and on one hand I never thought I’d be able to do it so yay me and on the other hand I have NOT been able to pursue v v important trans stuff which I notice and deal with eVERY GODDAmn day thanks AND I will also probably not be able to make my every-18-month visit home next summer with my family which also gODDAMN SUCKS because family was EVERYTHING to me growing up and they’ve all forgotten it and probably think I have too but I miss those mfers so much and they would never buy a flight to come see me so.
ANYWAY yeah in undergrad I could NOT do a job and school at the same time so I’ve been proud of being able to handle it this time around but the last fourish months of this program are so intense and I am NOT handling it
Like I have done SO WELL up to now so I feel like I just GOTTA keep going but it’s SO HARD and I’m TOO STUPID and I’ve been told my whole life I’m not meant for higher education and now BOY DO I KNOW IT
I’m just trying to keep going. I order food and groceries to my house. I’m putting off super important errands and appointments as long as I can because I JUST CANT GET THERE I CANNOT WASTE SPOONS ON CELL PHONE PLANS RIGHT NOW I’m just trying to stay alive holy shit
I hate feeling so incompetent in my personal life especially because I’ve always put my professional life first out of like. Fear of losing it. and I KNOW this “laziness” is justified bc I’m spread so thin AND have executive dysfunction and a chronic illness but holy shit it still feels bad scoob. So fucking bad.
I think what I need to do is arrange time off work just to get this all sorted and finished but I’ve literally never taken a day off in my life so I’d feel bad and have MORE anxiety figuring out how to do it lololol ahhhhhhhh
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I don’t even know what to say about this except… sorry? Here you are, part 11! How did we get to all this? Check it out in part 1 here.
Pairings: Jake Kiszka x fem OC, Sam Kiszka x Danny Wagner *slash per the usual
Warnings and tags: please only 18+, absolutely no minors this is not for you!, lots of sexual content, m/f sex including some cock warming and unprotected sex (please be safe out there guys), m/m sex including fingering and rimming (yep!), slight infidelity, smoking and drinking, talking of sensitive material such as death, jealousy, love triangles, restaurant AU, third person POV Sam, Jake, Danny, and some Kim, if I missed anything, I’m sorry, please lmk!
Word count: 7.3k
Danny and Sam were a giggling mess when they came barreling back into the Kiszka house, Sam dramatically retelling a story about the time when they stole all of Jake’s underwear, got them wet, and stood them up outside in the snow. It was a tradition for Sam and Danny to get up to no good the night before Christmas, playing pranks on the twins that only got more elaborate over the years especially with the added fuel of alcohol when they got older. This year they’d decided it would be fun to pick on Josh since he didn’t get enough hell from them all the way up in New York.
Before they could sneak off again Danny’s name was called. “There you are, I want you to meet someone” Danny’s dad intercepted them in the hallway and pulled him off into the dining room. Sam followed, thinking they would only be stalled for a moment then they could continue planning their big move.
“Thomas, this is my boy” Danny’s dad wrapped his arm proudly around his shoulders as he introduced him to someone Sam had never seen before. Their parents were making acquaintances with people all the time, so it was never a surprise to him to see a dozen new faces at the Christmas party every year.
“This is the man I was telling you about” his Dad continued, talking to Danny about a conversation they must have already had. “His company is building a new office over in Bay City. Supposed to be a bunch of new jobs, pays well, benefits, paid time off, the works”.
“Nice to meet you” Danny shook hands with him and Sam pretended to be interested in straightening a few pictures on the wall while he eavesdropped on them talking about what classes he’d been taking and how his degree could be applied in the workforce once he graduated in the spring.
“Well I’ll certainly keep all of that in mind. Thank you so much for the opportunity. I’ll let you get back to enjoying the party now”.
Sam could tell Danny didn’t sound too interested in the job he was being offered, but he was still overly nice and respectful when he spoke to the man, trying to please his Dad as well for getting him the set up. He couldn’t help but feel a little twinge of irritation though. Danny hadn’t mentioned a job opportunity after graduation, and by the sounds of it he all but had it in the bag as long as he agreed to move back up to Michigan when their office opened in June. The same month Sam’s internship started in LA.
“Sorry, you want to go upstairs now?” Danny asked Sam after he snuck away. He seemed tense now, like he hadn’t expected to be caught discussing jobs and moving before he had a chance to talk to Sam about it first. Too late for that now.
“Actually, I want another drink” Sam replied, pushing past Danny and making his way into the kitchen for a new cup filled with more cocktail. He was glad Josh offered to make one great big bowl to serve drinks from, so he could get a break from pouring glasses for once and just enjoy the drinking.
Danny followed Sam this time, and they found that Jake, Josh, and Kim had all congratulated into the kitchen as well.
“You see love, I can act just as well as my counterpart here. Only he can’t cook a meal to save a life” Jake spoke to Kim in a terrible faux British accent, Josh trying to interject any chance he got but continually being cut off and ignored.
“And where have you two been?” Josh finally noticed their arrival, leaving Jake and Kim with a huff who were too busy giggling and flirting with each other over their drinks.
“Around” Sam replied, sounding anything but innocent in his quick response.
Josh shared looks between the both of them, suspicious but with good reason considering their track record on this night.
“Well before you two disappear again, want to head to the garage for a bit?”
They all knew what that meant, Kim and Jake also peaking up at the offer.
The five of them trailed off through the backyard and into the garage, more folding chairs being pulled out to accommodate everyone as Josh lit up the first roll.
“So what’s new?” Jake ditched the accent in favor for his normal conversation voice. Though it was twinged with a little more midwestern than usual since he was sufficiently tipsy enough for it to come out.
Josh was the first to jump at the question, rambling on about the big city and how much he was loving his job as they passed along the piece.
“Well, sounds to me like Daniel is going to be moving back up here pretty soon” Sam spoke up once he got the chance. “Got himself an office job in Bay City”.
“Wow, never pegged you as an office kind of guy” Josh replied, handing off to Danny next.
Danny took a hit before replying “I’m not” with his exhale, quickly passing back off to Kim. Though getting pretty messed up sounded appealing right now, something told him he needed to be somewhat coherent for this conversation. “My dad told me last night he’d made friends with this big corporate guy at the golf course. Said he talked about me a lot and the guy mentioned a new branch with a bunch of openings for high positions as long as you had any kind of college degree”.
“Well what did you say? Did you tell him you don’t want to work in an office? That you want to actually do something with your degree? Not just use it as a fancy piece of paper?” Sam pushed, a little bit of hostility in his tone which had Jake and Josh adjusting in their seats. Clearly this wasn’t a conversation Sam wanted them to be getting in between.
“No” Danny sighed knowing what he was about to say next was not going to be what Sam wanted to hear. “I told him I’d think about it. Finding a good job right after college is difficult. Besides I still don’t even know what I want to do after graduation”.
“Yeah, this is a good opportunity for you. Take some time to figure out what you want. I’m sure your parents will be thrilled to have you back home for a while”. Jake ended up butting in anyways. He knew Danny had some apprehension about his life after school, they’d talked about it on more than one occasion, and it was pissing him off a bit that Sam wasn’t being supportive of his boyfriend.
Had he even told Danny about his plans yet?
Jake decided to bring it up and see. Either Danny knew and it would be out in the open amongst all of them now, or Sam would have to come clean. Which in Jake’s mind he should have a long time ago. Either way, Jake was too drunk and faded to care anymore.
“I mean it’s either that or move to LA with Sam”.
“Woah woah woah, LA?!” Josh piped up, shooting Jake a look for not sharing this information with him sooner. He expected as much from Sam, but Jake usually turned around and clued him in on everything.
Sam kicked Jake in the shin. He’d promised he wouldn’t tell Danny, but Sam had taken too long with trying to sort out in his mind how he was going to bring it up. So now here it was.
Danny looked over at Sam, nothing in his expression yet a silent ask for him to explain.
“I’m still sorting some things out which is why I haven’t told you yet, but I got accepted into a paid summer internship with a record label in LA” Sam finally revealed to everyone. He knew they should have been excited for him, just like he should have been excited for Danny’s job offer, but there was an overlaying tension in the air as they waited with bated breath for Danny’s response.
“So when exactly were you planning on telling me?” Danny questioned, but Sam started to shy away, looking down at his hands wrapped around the cup in his lap.
Danny nodded at his silence, breathing in a shaky breath to try and fight off the rampaging sea of emotions he’d spent the entire evening trying to put at bay. They were all flooding back to him now, threatening to explode in some way that Danny couldn’t anticipate yet if it would be with tears, more fear, or finally anger. “Were you even going to ask me to move with you?”
“Of course I was!” Sam answered quickly this time to defend himself, though immediately returned back to the cup in his lap. “Sounds to me like you want to move back here though” he countered, trying to remind him that they had started the conversation there.
“Yeah I want to move back home. I never wanted to leave in the first place, but I did, for you”.
He just had to bring that up again, Sam thought to himself. He was so tired of being reminded by both Jake and Danny that everything Danny had done up until now had all been because of Sam. Because he was in love with him.
He understood the grand gesture of it all, but it was starting to feel like they were using it as a means to control him now. Like he owed Danny something for all he’d done when in truth, Sam had never asked Danny to come to Nashville in the first place. He was glad he did. Sam didn’t know where he’d be in this life without his best friend with him every step of the way, but he was starting to wish that things could just go back to the way they were before.
Danny could see the distance in Sam’s eyes, see him retreating into his head away from all the progress they’d made tonight. In turn, he started to lose his own sense of control. “What else have you not told me?”
Jake and Josh shared a look then turned their attention back to the youngest, hoping Sam hadn't done something they needed to scold him for later.
Kim started to feel a little sick. She knew that Danny was insinuating Sam was keeping another secret, and she hoped that he didn’t mention that she was the reason Danny knew what Sam had to hide.
Josh seemed to pick up on her discomfort, sighing as he leaned over to put the little remaining end of their joint out on the concrete then stood from his chair to offer her his hand. “Come on mama, let’s go back inside and let the children fight this one out hmm?”
Once she took his hand he stood her up and threw his arm around her shoulder, walking her out the garage as he leaned in to ask her “have you tried any of my secret Christmas punch yet?”.
Jake was thankful Josh was here to whisk Kim away, because he didn’t think he could tear himself from this conversation right now. He felt defensive, partly because Sam was his little brother and he’d always felt a sense of responsibility for him even in the stupidest mistakes he’d made. The other part was because he knew there was still a piece of himself that cared deeply for Danny and wanted to make sure he was okay. Because no one, even his own brother, was allowed to hurt Danny.
“Come on Sam, out with it” Jake demanded once he was sure Kim was safe inside with Josh.
“I don’t know what you’re trying to get out of me” Sam replied even more defensively. This was the exact situation he didn’t want to find himself in. Stuck in an interrogation between his brother and his best friend. “I’m sorry, I know I should have said something sooner about LA, but I’ve just had a lot going on right now and I needed a minute to soak it all in. Figure some things out, make sure I’ve been making the right decisions for me”.
Danny couldn’t help but feel like Sam wasn't just talking about accepting the internship, but that Sam was also still trying to figure out whether deciding to be with him was the right decision. Maybe that’s what he’d been doing with Savanna at the party? Trying to check if he’d picked the right one.
“Kim told me she saw you and Savanna kissing” Danny finally spilled it out, and felt immediately relieved when he did so. He wasn’t sure why he’d kept it in for so long now, other than he was afraid of hearing what Sam had to say about it.
“Wait! No! She kissed me!” Sam was caught off guard. He’d had no idea anyone had seen the brief exchange between them, and Danny heard about it… why didn’t he say anything?
“Please Daniel, you have to believe me. When she kissed me I stopped her and I told her that we’re together”.
Jake scoffed, if Sam had just told the whole truth originally then he wouldn’t have been in this mess in the first place.
“What the fuck do you think you have to say about this Jake? You’re not the one dating him, so you don’t have a say in how we deal with what’s going on in our relationship” Sam spat out, irritated that Jake had chosen to stay when Josh and Kim had read the room and already left.
“What do I have to say Sam?” Jake raised his voice to match the level Sam was already at, making Danny’s ears thump as their words bounced off the thick walls of the garage and hit him dead on. “Only that you’ve been fucking this up from the get go”.
“Is that what you told him?” Sam turned his venom back towards Danny, worried now that he’d been going behind his back to complain to Jake about their torpid relationship when it had been Danny who wanted to take things slow to begin with.
“I didn’t say anything to Jake. I didn’t say anything to anyone because I didn’t know how I should react to that information” Danny replied. He was worked up as well, but still the calmest remaining. “I know you’re not over her Sam”.
“How could you even come to that conclusion? There was no time to get over her. I went straight from one person to another” Sam sighed, already exhausted from the amount of effort this was taking so he took it down a notch as he continued . “It was me and Savanna, and you, my best friend. Then all of a sudden it was us together, and it’s great. At least I thought it was but now I’m starting to second guess things”.
Danny felt like all his fears were coming true. That Sam had only agreed to date him because he felt like he had no other choice. “Why second guess things now? I don’t want you to feel trapped in this with me just because it’s me”.
Sam’s heart dropped, because that’s exactly the opposite of how he felt. He didn’t feel trapped by Danny, only pressured to act like this all wasn’t very overwhelming for him at some times.
When it was just the two of them he felt comfortable, valued, loved. When others, like Jake, got involved though feelings he had as a child started to rear up again like possessiveness, jealousy, and envy.
Savanna too, he wasn’t exactly sure how he felt about her anymore. Maybe Danny was right, maybe he wasn’t over her. That didn’t mean he would ever go behind Danny’s back and get with her again, or whatever it was Danny thought he was doing with her. Now that Sam was thinking about it, he wondered if any of the emotion he felt towards Savanna had bled into the beginnings of his and Danny’s relationship.
“I just wish we would have talked about this sooner”. They clearly had a lot to work out, and he thought deep down they both knew that and just chose to ignore it. Neither one of them were at fault more or less than the other, and he could admit that while still being upset. “I wish you would have said something to me about Savanna if you were concerned about her. So I could have tried to give you some kind of assurance. Especially before we up and left to have sex earlier”.
Jake cleared his throat and Danny’s face started to burn bright red. Sure he didn’t mind Jake sticking around when he was in his corner, but now he was embarrassed to be called out like that. Because looking at it this way, he had used the appeal of sex to attempt to fill in the cracks that were slowly starting to form in the foundation he had tried so hard to lay down easily.
“You’re right” Danny sighed after they all took a moment to gather themselves. He reached over from where he sat on one end of the couch, an empty spot between him and Jake where Kim was before, and hesitantly took one of Sam’s hands. “Let's try not to keep things like this from each other anymore okay? I want you to be able to come to me with anything. Savanna included”.
“I’m sorry Dan” Sam sniffled a little bit, not even realizing he’d worked himself up to the point of near tears, but squeezed his hand in response.
“I’m sorry too” Jake stood up, deciding it was officially appropriate for him to give them some alone time. He scratched the back of his head, thinking he actually had stayed a little too long and heard some things he wished he didn’t. “I don’t mean to get in the middle of things, I just care about you both you know”.
“I understand Jake,” Danny gave him a small glance before fixing his gaze back on Sam, “we care about you too, right?”
“Yeah” Sam croaked out, barely raising a brow towards his brother's direction.
Though the tide seemed to recede for now, Sam still had his doubts and reservations.
When the party finally died down and the last of the guests made their way out the door, Danny and his parents being the only ones left behind until they too retreated back to their home, everyone filed away one by one off to sleep the evening's festivities away. Jake laid in his bed, staring up at the ceiling waiting impatiently for sleep to come when it was clear it wasn’t. A soft knock at his door caused him to sit up, watching as the door creaked open and a fluffy head stuck inside.
“Nightcap brother?”
“Of course” Jake sighed in relief and tossed the blanket off, scooting over to make room in his bed next to him for his twin who carried in two mugs.
Jake took a drink and nearly choked when the hot liquid hit his tongue. “Is this hot chocolate and whiskey?”
“Close” Josh replied with a faltering grin when he took his first sip as well. “I could only find one pack of hot chocolate mix. So it’s half a cup of hot chocolate and about two and a half shots of warm whiskey. That’s all the liquor we had left… aaand a dash of cinnamon!”.
“Yeah, that’s what I said” Jake rolled his eyes and they both laughed for a minute as they continued to drink what was sure to have them drooling on their pillows for the rest of the night.
“So what was all that about earlier?” Josh asked, referring to the argument in the garage. Though he’d left he was still concerned with what had been said, especially because Sam and Jake had seemed to distance themselves from each other for the rest of the night.
“It’s a long story” Jake sighed wondering now why he hadn’t been talking to Josh about any of this up until now. He guessed he just felt like once Josh was gone, he needed to learn to start dealing with things on his own. Getting to spend this time with him and everyone else for Christmas was reminding him though that no matter what they each had going on in their lives, or the distance between them for the time being, they would always be there for each other specifically.
Josh waited for Jake to sort out his thoughts and begin telling him what happened. Although Josh was a talkative person, he always knew when it was the right time to sit quietly and just listen in return.
“You know Sam and Danny have been going out for a while now?”
Josh nodded, “yeah, Sam called me and told me a little over a month ago. Seems he knows how a phone works better than you do”.
“Shut up, I know” Jake knocked his shoulder with his own then took a steadying breath as he began again, “well, shortly before that Danny and I were kind of… messing around”.
He waited for Josh to say something. Scold him for being an idiot for getting involved with Danny when they both knew Danny had his thing for Sam for years. Instead Josh just placed a hand on his shoulder and held it there for a moment, giving a silent acknowledgement for what Jake must have gone through.
“It was never anything serious. Just a couple of friends getting together every now and then, you know, helping each other out”.
“Suuure” Josh quipped, “you’ve never been the friends with benefits type Jake. Never can keep your feelings out of it. And that’s not a bad thing, you're an emotional guy and there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s good even, hope that there’s still room for young men to return to their former glory”.
“Alright, alright” Jake cut him off. Looks like Josh’s silence was short lived, but that wasn’t anything surprising considering they were both pretty fucking drunk. “Anyways, Sam kind of saw us at work, and that’s what started the whole thing. Danny confessed to Sam, Sam broke up with Savanna, they started dating.”
“You started dating a girl that absolutely adores you” Josh stepped in again, “She’s a sweet girl, and I can tell you like her, but do you think you love her?”
Love her? He hadn’t even begun to think that far ahead yet. “I don’t know, it’s only been a few weeks, a month maybe, you can’t tell if you love someone in that amount of time”.
“Yet here she is,” Josh replied, using his little mind tricks he knew always worked on Jake to get him to see things his way and realize what he was trying to deny, “and you do know”.
Jake set his cup down on his old nightstand and slid back down until his head was resting against his pillow and he was back to staring at the ceiling. Maybe he did know, but he wasn’t quite ready to come to grips with that yet.
Shortly after Josh gave him one last good night and left for his own room. The house was quiet after the tiny sound of his door closing from across the hall, but Jake still couldn’t sleep.
Though dreamland beckoned him with tiredness in his eyes and mind, the abundance of alcohol still coursing through his veins raised a stronger problem. He was entirely too horny for sleep right now. Horny enough that he didn’t think a simple handy would do the trick.
He checked the time on his phone, one in the morning, a good hour plus some since they’d all gone off to bed.
Jake took the chance and snuck into the basement in nothing but his boxers, hoping that Kim wasn’t already asleep, or if she was that he wouldn’t be bothering her too much when waking her with his drunken need.
The blackness of the room took him by surprise until his eyes adjusted in the dark and found the curvy form rising from underneath the covers on the bed like tiny islands in a deep sea.
He slipped his boxers off, tossing them to some blank corner of the bed, then lifted the edge of the blanket and slid underneath until his legs came first into contact with a pair of smooth thighs. His hands snaked across the warm mattress, finding hips next that he gripped onto and pulled until her body was flush against his.
She stirred slowly having fallen asleep a while ago, falling into the bed after doing nothing but stripping off her pants. When she opened her mouth to ask what Jake was doing she got her question preemptively answered with a feverish kiss.
She sighed into his mouth, letting her lips fall open and welcome him inside with a flick of his talented tongue. Without wasting a beat one of his hands left her hips and slipped underneath the waistband of her panties, immediately finding its way to her sweet spot.
He groaned at the warmth and how her body immediately started to react to his touch, pooling with wetness at just a few targeted swirls of his fingers.
Kim returned the gesture by bringing a hand between their bodies and wrapping it around Jake, who she quickly realized had crawled into the bed naked. She didn’t mind one bit, in fact she found it rather hot that Jake had needed it bad enough that he’d come down in the middle of the night to find her and take it. Only as she palmed him she noticed there seemed to be one slight problem.
“Jake, is everything ok?” Kim whispered, trying hard to make out any of the facial features that were right in front of her in the darkness.
He moved his kisses to her neck, in a trance and completely unphased by her question.
She tried to ignore it, hoping that if she gave a few more concentrated tugs it would resolve itself, but when it didn’t she stopped and spoke up again. “Are you sure? It’s just you’re not hard”.
Jake paused for a moment, only just realizing himself what she pointed out. Jake played it off as the liquor, trying to lighten the mood a little bit by pulling out the British accent again. “Thas no worry love, jus need a little warm up is’all”.
He tugged her panties down until she was kicking them off the rest of the way then lifted her leg, hoisting it around his hip and nudging up against her core. “You wan’ta warm me up baby?”
Kim pulled Jake back down into a kiss, using her leg around him as leverage she angled her hips upwards to allow him to slip inside. Even soft he felt amazing, and he moaned into her mouth as he felt her clenching around him, begging for more.
After holding each other and kissing again for a bit his voice returned to normal again, only this time even more muddled with lust than before. “Can I fuck you from behind?”
“Sure” she smiled against his lips, waiting for him to slide back out before rolling over and pulling up onto her hands and knees.
She pulled a pillow underneath her chest and rested on it as she arched her back. Jake situated himself between her legs and plunged back inside, this time finally at his full potential.
Kim bit into the pillow, trying to stifle her whiny moans. Though the sounds of his hips snapping against her ass weren't much better.
Whether it was the alcohol, or the lingering high, or the fact that he was hornier than ever for no apparent reason, his mind wandered in the void that had consumed this basement. His hands gripped into the flesh below him, guiding that ass where he wanted it as he plowed his way towards his release, and the first thing that came to mind was picturing it was Danny’s.
His hips staggered when he shook his head, trying to get the image out of his mind. Thanks to the darkness of the room though, when he opened his eyes he could nearly see Danny’s form. A small waist, broad shoulders, and tuffs of curly raven hair. His face squished against the mattress as he pleaded for Jake to go easy on him… it was all too much and before he could reel himself back Jake was finishing without warning.
“I’m so sorry” he huffed, feeling a sickening wave of guilt wash over him as soon as he came down from his orgasm.
“It’s alright, I’ve got an IUD” Kim replied, thinking him finishing inside was what he was apologizing for and not the fact that he’d just cum at the idea of fucking someone else entirely. “Just don’t think we should make it a habit”.
“Yeah, no you’re right” he raked his fingers through his hair, realizing that this was the first time they’d ever been active without protection before. Drunk or not he knew better, but he just was not in his right mind.
“I wish you could stay. I don’t want to sleep alone tonight”. She rolled back onto her back, trying to keep from making too much a mess on the sheets.
Jake found his discarded boxers and used them to wipe the inside of her legs before tossing them onto the floor and lowering himself next to her.
She lifted her head and he slipped his arm underneath while she curled into his side. He grabbed the blanket and situated it back over their tangled bodies, not wanting to leave either. He was afraid of sleeping alone tonight, afraid of what or who he’d be dreaming about if he did.
“I’ll stay” he whispered into her hair, “I’ll leave early in the morning before anyone gets up. No one will know I was ever down here”.
Christmas morning Kim woke up with the sound of breakfast being made again upstairs. She rolled over and found that Jake had stayed true to his word. He’d left sometime ago, probably already dressed and waiting for her to make her way up to join them.
While eating the best stack of homemade waffles she thought she’d ever had, Kim watched in amusement as a few thoughtful gifts were exchanged. She’d been given gifts from her extended family a few Christmas before. The most she’d ever gotten was the first Christmas since her mothers passing, but they were nothing like this. Though the gifts weren’t extravagant or in abundance, she could tell they came from the heart by the looks on their smiling faces and the hugs that were exchanged afterwards. Even if she didn’t have a box to unwrap, just getting to be witness to a loving family Christmas was a gift in and of itself for her.
“Thank you so much for letting me stay” Kim hugged Jake’s mom one last time as he loaded the rest of their things into his car.
Sam had already said his goodbyes. He and Danny were driving back in his new car, so it was just going to be the two of them on the way back.
“Sweetheart, you are welcome back anytime!” She got one last squeeze in before turning to Jake, “and you! Call your mother more often”. She kissed him on the cheek and squeezed him even harder.
“I’ll make sure he does” Kim promised her after they hugged and Jake walked around to say his goodbyes to Josh who had a flight early the next morning.
“You take care of him, he may be a man now but he will always be one of my boys”.
Kim blushed, thinking if she’d gotten the approval of his mom then things might just continue to go well for them.
Jake was quiet a lot of the way home, lost in thought, though not too unusual for himself. Kim figured he was just already missing his family. She offered to drive some, which he agreed and swapped out with her after getting a good long chunk of it out of the way.
“So,” she began, finally breaking down and needing to talk a little to keep focused, “Sam and Danny huh? They’ve been friends for a long time right?”
“Since elementary school” Jake replied flatly. Sam and Danny were the last thing he wanted to be talking about right now, but she hadn’t had a chance to ask him about any of it since learning about their relationship. Surely he didn’t have a problem with them right?
“Can you tell me something?” She asked, remembering a comment Savanna had made when she told her the news. Jake looked over at her, sitting up straight in the passenger's seat like he was nervous about what she wanted to know.
“Did they get together before or after he broke up with Savanna?”
“After” Jake assured her without wasting a beat. “There’s always been something there for Danny, but they got together after. Or well the breakup was because…” he started to fumble a bit, trying to keep out his involvement in his retelling this time.
“It’s ok” she saved him from having to continue, “I get it. Must be pretty complicated for them right now”.
He thought back on the conversation between Sam and Danny in the garage. If he learned anything from that, it was that keeping secrets obviously didn’t fare well for those in a relationship.
It’s not like Jake knew much of Kim’s dating history before him either. That conversation had yet to come up between them. He supposed if she asked then he would tell her, and if she didn’t then he’d just keep it to himself.
Definitely though he’d have to keep that night to himself. While trying to rationalize it the next morning he chalked it up to his drunk mind being influenced by learning Sam and Danny were officially taking the next step into starting to have sex. He knew it would happen, he just didn’t expect to know when it happened.
“Yeah, it is pretty complicated”.
In the week since Sam and Danny arrived back at their apartment in Nashville things went relatively back to normal for the two of them. Well, with the welcome addition of being more physically intimate now.
It seemed like Sam couldn’t fall asleep in Danny’s bed anymore without at least being jerked off first. Danny was happy to oblige him, liking nothing more than the warmth against his palm, the sweet and saltiness underneath his lips as he kissed and licked and sucked on the small patch of skin on Sam’s neck he’d found was a pleasure point for him. Right above his collar and next to his Adam's apple.
Most nights ended with the both of them rutting into each other's fists. They’d already gone at least a quarter of the way through the brand new bottle of lube Danny had bought from the drug store their first day back.
Tonight though, with it being their first days off together since being back, and no class in the morning, Danny had other ideas in mind. Starting with a shower.
Danny’s hands trailed across the ridges of Sam’s shoulders like a waterfall of fingers. One by one taking the plunge over the edge as gently as the drops that rolled down his skin from the spray of the shower head. He lathered Sam’s back and chest up from behind, always insisting on being the one to clean his body in the few times they got to take a shower together.
Usually Sam whined about being doted on so much, but tonight after the few shots of tequila they’d randomly decided to bring out with dinner, Sam was loose and carefree. His head fell to the side as Danny moved his hair over with his suds free hand to keep it from getting in the soap since it wasn’t the night to wash it. Of course that barred his irresistible neck again and Danny immediately latched on, sucking over a bruise he’d only caused the night before.
Sam hissed at the slight pain, though his dick twitched at the same time. “You really like leaving hickies don’t you?” He asked rhetorically, reaching his hand through the stream and digging his fingers into Danny’s scalp to hold him there for a bit longer, surely turning the fading bruise into a fresh blazing pink and purple badge of affection.
“I can’t help myself, your skin is so inviting and silky, and it colors so beautifully” Danny replied letting his hands trail down Sam’s chest now to his stomach, though not as low as he wanted.
“Danny” Sam groaned, wiggling his hips impatiently, wanting his hands on him already.
Though Danny had given into him easily all week, tonight he wanted to take his time. Show him a thing or two.
He pulled back from the warmth of the water and the body in front of him. Wanting to make sure Sam knew he was in good careful hands before things got a little too far. “Sam, you know I want to make you feel good right?”
“Yes?” Sam looked over his shoulder, smirking a little at the glimpse of Danny’s already hardened length from just the brief touching and kissing they’d been doing. “Why do you ask?”
Danny admired the person before him, from his dripping wet locks that trailed down his back like velvety curtains, to the plunge of his waist, and then the roundness of that Kiszka ass. Everything about him was appealing, even when he didn’t even try. Some days it was annoying, and some days, more and more recently, it drove Danny absolutely mad with desire.
He reached out to touch again, this time taking a handful of Sam’s ass and squeezing tightly. “So you trust me right?”
Sam bit his lip and arched his back. He knew Danny liked admiring him from behind, he just never knew he’d like the feeling it gave him just as much. “I do. Just, be easy with me?”
“Always loverboy” Danny cooed, returning his lips to trailing along Sam’s shoulder and running through each scenario he had in his mind trying to decide on the perfect one.
Danny’s eyes flicked forward, noticing the unique tile pattern on the walls of the shower. They were mostly white with a border of larger tiles in a pattern of black and white.
“You see those black tiles in front of you?” Sam raised his head, careful not to let the water spray into his eyes and nodded his head. “Place your hands on them”.
Danny waited for Sam to obey, which he did, doing just as Danny had said by placing his left palm flat against the cold wet stone, then the right almost a shoulder's width apart.
“Good boy” Danny praised him, then grabbed his waist and gently yanked it backwards causing Sam to catch himself by shifting his weight onto his arms to hold himself up. “Now, don’t move them”.
Sam inhaled a shaky breath, closing his eyes and tilting his head back to let the water run down his neck and chest, actually shuddering at the way the warmth felt trailing down to his groin.
Sam felt all his nerve endings on fire, catching his breath when Danny’s hand slipped unceremoniously between his cheeks and pressed a slightly soapy finger to his entrance.
“Don’t hold your breath” Danny told him, but Sam was too wound up to notice he’d said anything at all. Instead his focus was on the odd feeling of having a finger petting him where he never had before. At least until Danny paused his circular movements. “Do you want me to stop?”
Sam shook his head. Though he was tense he wasn’t scared. Actually, he was a bit intrigued by this point about what Danny had in store for him. He exhaled finally, unable to hold his breath any longer and Danny pressed inside. With a groan he let his head fall forward, the shower head spraying his crown making his hair fall over his shoulders and blocking out the rest of the world.
“Do you feel okay?” Danny asked, checking in with him before he tried to move anymore. Sam nodded, but Danny could barely tell. “Use your words”.
“Yes! Yes, I’m okay” he spoke up, pressing his fingers into the black tiles to try and focus his mind on something else. Once he grounded himself he lifted his head again and rocked his hips back, inviting Danny to keep going.
“You’re doing a good job” Danny praised again, sending Sam’s mind swirling through the steam.
“Are you going to fuck me tonight?” Sam questioned out of the blue once he started to get more used to the feeling of a finger inside of him.
Danny chuckled, which caught Sam off guard. “No baby, not tonight”.
“Not tonight you say, with a whole finger in my ass” Sam scoffed, groaning again when Danny retreated. He grabbed him by the waist and turned him around, pinning him against the tile then smashing their lips together.
“Yes, not tonight” Danny repeated between toothy kisses, “but that doesn’t mean you have to be bratty about it”.
Sam wrapped his arms tightly around Danny’s shoulders and kissed him back just as hungrily. “You act like you want to fuck me, but what if I want to be the one fucking you Daniel?”
Danny reached over and shut the water off, Sam clinging onto him like a hot noodle. “I want that too” he replied with a mischievous smirk, “I just wanted you to say you wanted it first”.
“Who knew you were such a tease?” Sam pouted, but let Danny gather his hair into a loose makeshift ponytail with his hands and gently wring some of the water out.
“Only because you make it too easy”.
He helped Sam out of the shower and they walked together the short distance down the hallway and into his bedroom. Danny pushed Sam down onto the bed without a bit of concern about getting his sheets wet. “On your knees, hips in the air”.
“How am I supposed to-”
Danny cut him off, “I’m not done having my fun yet, you keep doing as you're told and I’ll give you what you want”.
Sam smirked and turned over, feeling a bit exposed in this position, though he figured that was the point. He braced himself for the return of Danny’s fingers again, but gasped loudly when he felt instead teeth sinking into the plushness of his right cheek.
“No biting!” Sam yelped, pulling away with a surprised chuckle.
“Okay, okay” Danny grabbed his hips and pulled him back, placing an apologetic kiss to the tiny teeth marks. “I won’t bite, but I will use my mouth. I know how much you like that Sammy”.
With that declaration he pulled his cheeks apart and dove right in sending a shiver up Sam’s entire spine.
Being eaten out was another first for him. By now he was sure after the end of the week he wouldn’t win a game of ‘Never Have I Ever’ again. Not that he’d played that game since he was eighteen and a freshman in college.
“Dan-Danny” Sam called out. Just when he was starting to think of asking for more, maybe a finger again, he was interrupted by the ring of a phone.
Danny recognized the ringtone as his own, pulling back to find the cellphone still sitting on his desk where he’d left it to charge before the shower.
It wasn’t the phone ringing that had shattered the mood, but the name on the screen that took him by surprise.
@alwaysonthemend @twistedmelodies @psychedelicstardust-gvf @heckingfrick
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