#it’s all stuff we’ve seen before but when it’s here and there it’s so easy to downplay
box-of-roses · 7 months
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ Letter ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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Characters: Seijoh 4, Y/N, Oikawa’s Fangirls
Synopsis: After spending the entire night trying to make the perfect confession letter you get to the end of the day. In your anxious state you find unlikely help.
Warnings: Confessions
Words: 1353
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February 14th. Today. The thought of what you’re going to do makes you cringe. You had spent the whole night trying to write a confession letter. After much editing and rewriting you finally settled on one. You placed it in a carefully picked out envelope and sealed it with your new wax.
You didn't know what to expect from the object of your affections. You feared the worst of course, I mean you’ve barely had three conversations with the man. Despite that though he listened intently each time. He made it at least seem like he cared. Today you were going to find out just how much.
Sluggishly making it through your first classes, letter weighing heavily in your bag. You resisted the temptation to reach down and fiddle with the edges. You didn’t want to give a damaged confession letter when you spent so much time trying to perfect it. This day was going to take so long. Your anxiety weighed on you through the day, your bag feeling heavier and heavier with each minute. Your friends of course noticed and asked if you were okay. You told them of your plan and giggles went around the table.
They weren’t making fun of you. They just thought it was adorable. They were trying to be supportive but you really just wanted the day to be done. Your eyes were growing tired of seeing similar versions of the same chocolates, bears, and flowers. The confession you planned dulled in comparison and you grew more worried it wasn’t enough or right to get your feelings across. One of your friends reassured you that the confession was perfect because it would be from you.
It made you smile how they tried to cheer you up. As the final bell of the day rang you quickly packed your stuff up. You made your way to the gym before stopping. This was supposed to be the easy part, just have to give it to him. Unfortunately you were already stopped. You turn to see a group of Oikawa’s fangirl.
“Are you here to confess?”
“Yeah! To who?” They didn’t seem mean which surprised you. You would’ve though that they would be very mean towards you possibly thinking that you were trying to confess to Oikawa.
“Matsukawa.” You admitted with a cough as you looked away, cheeks heating up. The girls let out an aww.
“Okay! Since we can see you’re nervous we can help. We’ve gone through this plenty of times. Come sit with us during practice so we can help.” The lead girl smiled and took your arm to lead you to the bleachers. Once you all settled into your seats you showed them your letter.
The lead girl, Haru, looked the letter over a calm smile on her face. “This is adorable. I think he’s going to really like it.”
Because they were so caught up helping you they didn’t notice Oikawa come in. Confused, he looked up to see them surrounding one girl. He was a little concerned but when he looked a bit closer he saw a letter in your hand and smiled on everyone’s faces. He smiled mischievously and made his way over to Iwaizumi. “Seems like someone’s getting
confession letter.”
Iwaizumi sighed not wanting to deal with his antics. “No one cares that you’re getting another confession letter Shittykawa.” Oikawa pointed to where his fangirls were sitting closely inspecting a letter.
“I’ve never seen them act like this. It’s most likely not for me.” Little did he know someone was already looking at you. Much to the dismay of Makki.
“Are you going to look at them all practice?” He knew about Matsukawa’s little crush. I mean it was pretty easy to tell: the smiles, the glances, his very red face when he did get to talk to you. Now Matsukawa wasn’t generally a jealous guy but seeing you with a confession letter did something.
The entire practice he thought about who on the team it might be for. He settled on Oikawa. I mean, you were sitting with his fangirls. He didn’t know why they were being so sweet to you though.
After the girls were finished giving you tips on how to confess you all watched the game. They went back to their usual and cheering for Oikawa. They gave you reassuring smiled and thumbs up often though. You started to feel less nervous about what was going to happen in 15 minutes.
You smiled as you watched them all play to their heart's content. It made you happy seeing them happy while they were playing. That seems silly but seeing people really enjoy what they’re doing is the best thing. 13 minutes.
The closer it got the more you looked at Mattsun. You saw him joke around with Makki, saw how he teased Oikawa. Which caused you to laugh as you heard the joke. You muffled it by placing a hand over your mouth though. 10 minutes.
Mattsun looked at you the closer it got to the end of practice too. He cracked more jokes than usual. Hoping you would find him funny. When he saw you laugh he hoped it was because of him and not something Oikawa had somehow done. Makki noticed and patted him on the back. “Simp.” Mattsun rolled his eyes and pushed him a little bit. 9 minutes.
As the minutes counted down the girls returned their attention towards you. “We can come with you if you want. Emotional support and all. Make sure you’re actually able to give it to him.” You smiled. They were being so nice. It was a pleasant surprise when you arrived earlier and they greeted you. You were very thankful for them. 7 minutes.
“I’m still a little nervous but having you guys will help. Thank you.” They nodded and smiled. One girl pulled tape out of her bag and helped close the letter. Another helped you decorate it to keep your mind off of confessing.
“It’s a very sweet confession letter. You’ve got this.” 3 minutes.
Once practice was finally over the boys headed to the locker room to take their showers and change. Mattsun felt more nervous as he was finishing. What if it really was for Oikawa. Makki noticed his nerves and gave him a little smile. “Don’t think too much about it.” He tried. He took a breath through his nose and out his mouth. It helped a little bit.
The girls walked with you to the entrance of the gym and kept you company until they saw him walk out. They turned you around and gave you a gentle push towards him. Your face heated up and you took in a sharp breath. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. You looked at them again to see they were all smiling and giving you a thumbs up. Haru mouthed ‘You got this!’
They disappeared around the corner. You made your way up to Matsukawa. “Hi Matsukawa…can I speak to you for a minute alone?” His face heated up and he felt dazed. Were you trying to confess to him? Surely not? He agreed and you gently held onto his sleeve and pulled him off to an empty corner.
You tried to smile and gave him your letter. “This is for you.” You looked away and scratched your head. Mattsun stared gaping at the letter. It was really for him. He smiled and opened it appreciating the drawing over the surface.
You couldn’t look at him while he read it and were worried. Because you weren’t looking at him though you didn’t see how much he was smiling and the blush covering his face. When he finished he tapped you on the shoulder. “Y/N. Can you look at me?”
You hesitated but eventually met his eyes. He was smiling at you like you hung the stars into the sky. “Can I kiss you?” You were taken aback but nodded with a similar smile on your own face. He leaned in and cupped your face. He placed a gentle kiss on your lips.
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Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed!!! If you liked this you can find my other works here! Happy Valentine’s Day!!!!
Likes, Reblogs, and Comments are always appreciated
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jeridandridge · 6 months
Hardest of Hearts
Melissa helps you handle a life changing event. CW: talk of Abortion
A/N: This is a different angle on a trope we’ve seen many times. I decided to explore the other side of a very real situation.
On a Friday afternoon you sit at your usual table with Melissa and Barbara tapping away on your phone lost in your own thoughts. The senseless chatter from Janine and Jacob going on behind you doesn’t even register as you look at the test results on your phone screen.
“Hey you okay, hon?” Melissa sits looking at you concerned.
You can’t do anything but nod and give her a tight smile as your heart beats fast against your ribcage.
“Sweetheart, you look like you’ve seen a ghost. What’s wrong?” Barbara asks in the most comforting way only Barbara knows how.
Letting out a sigh you lock your phone and reach out for your water bottle instead. “I’m okay, really.” It was a lie, but none of your co workers needed to know your personal business. Especially Barbara and Melissa.
The redhead looks at you with something in her eyes that you cant place and you feel like you could cry right there. Being in love with the woman didn’t help your current situation. Getting up abruptly you give the group a tight smile as you gather your things. “I have some stuff to catch up on, you guys have a good weekend.”
As you walk out of the lounge you try to keep it together long enough to get up to your classroom. Looking at the clock you take a shaky breath realizing you have two hours left. It would be an easy rest of the day, you’d been letting the kids work on their own on a project anyway. You could make it.
As soon as your kids are gone you grab your bag and keys slipping out to your car before you can see any of your co workers in the hallway. On your drive away from Abbott you replay that day in your head. Melissa being mad at Gary all day. You planning on asking Melissa to dinner. Gary showing up at the last possible minute for a Valentine’s Day surprise. You meeting your friends at the bar. You going home with one of them. Now here you are pregnant according to your blood tests.
“Stupid.” You huff under your breath. You were always careful. Never hooking up with strangers, always using condoms. Now on your way home you come to the firm decision that you’re not ready to be a mother. You couldn’t even keep a plant alive. You had no right bringing a child into the world when you were still figuring your life out and living in a shoebox of an apartment.
Parking and going inside you lock yourself in for the weekend planning on trying to relax before making an appointment at the clinic for as soon as possible. That’s when you decide you’ll tell Melissa what’s going on. You might not have gotten the girl, but you did trust her with your life.
As the evening goes by, you receive a few texts from Melissa asking how you are and what’s going on but you leave your phone alone. Sitting with a book in your lap you try to escape reality for just a moment, only to be brought out of the story by a consistent knock on the door.
“I’m coming!” You call out getting off the couch. Looking through the peep hole you sigh when you see the redhead standing there with her hair up, hoodie on, and a bag in hand. Opening the door you keep your hand on the knob opening it just enough.
“Melissa, what are you doing here?”
“You’ve been acting weird and weren’t answering my texts so I thought I’d come by.” She shrugs holding up the bag from the store. “I brought treats and I miss you.”
Sucking in a breath you nod opening the door for her to come in. “I’ve been around,” you say softly.
“Yeah hon but something’s goin on. Can we talk about it?” She asks as you lock the door once more.
“There’s not much to talk about, Mel. Honest.”
Not believing a word you say yourself, it doesn’t shock you when the redhead looks at you with an unamused expression.
“Hon,” she sighs, “I don’t know what I did, but you’ve been kinda avoiding me all week, what’s goin on?”
Plopping down on the couch you bring your knees up to your chest, the redhead sitting across from you. God she was pretty.
“It’s not you, Mel. I swear. It’s a me thing and hopefully soon I won’t have to worry about it.”
Melissa reaches out gently cupping your cheek. For just a moment your eyes flutter shut as you enjoy the contact.
“You don’t have to lie to me. You’re talkin to the queen of hiding emotions.” She teases you with a small smile.
Taking a breath you gently reach for her hand removing it from your cheek so you can hold it, a gentle squeeze from the older woman grounding you.
“I’m only going to tell you this because we’re friends and I trust you with my life.” You start, your hands shaking as a cold sweat hits you.
“About a month ago, I went out and did something stupid. Now I’m pregnant.”
Melissa gently squeezes your hands.
“And I can’t keep it.” You let out as the tears start to burn your eyes.
“Oh hon,” she moves forward to hug you, but before she can you reach out resting a hand on her shoulder. The smell of her perfume hits your nose and that only adds to your
“If you hug me right now I think I’ll fall apart.” You all but plead with her.
The redhead nods putting her hands in her lap as you sit in front of her practically shaking.
“What can I do?” Is all she asks. And that’s when the dam breaks.
Tears fall down your cheeks in anger and sadness, undoubtedly making you look psychotic. You wished you could tell her everything, but you can’t. Not now.
“Take me to the clinic?”
The redhead looks at you with watery eyes nodding. “I got you.” She hums gently offering you her hand.
Reaching out you open your arms, finally ready for a hug as you calm your breathing. you hold onto Melissa like she’s your lifeline, a raft keeping you afloat in dangerous waters. She holds you as if you’re going to disappear into thin air.
From that moment on the weekend turns into a blur. That night you climb into bed with Melissa beside you, her hand rubbing soothing circles against your back through your shirt. You want to turn over and wrap around her but think better of it. You’re close enough, you won’t ruin it.
The next morning you wake up with Melissa’s arm wrapped around you and her front pressed to your back in a warm embrace beneath the blankets. When you shift you realize she’s already awake, moving back a bit to let you move.
“I’m sorry I’m ruining your weekend.” You hum moving to face her.
Jade eyes meet yours and soft pink lips curl into a small smile. “Don’t be sorry, hon. My weekend was gonna be crappy reality tv and grocery shopping.”
“Not doing anything with Gary?” You ask with a quirked brow.
“Oh that,” she hums. “Yeah that’s over.”
She says it so nonchalantly, you can’t tell if it’s a good thing or not for her.
“Oh.” Is all you say and that’s where that conversation ends despite you wanting to know more.
As the weekend goes on you’re pampered by Melissa. She makes sure you eat and stay hydrated, and is right by your side when the clinic calls you back in the afternoon.
“The earliest appointment possible would be great.” You hum into the phone as the redhead gently rubs your back. “Yes, thank you.”
Hanging up you set the phone down and tip your head back letting out a sigh of relief. “I’ll have to call in on Monday.”
“Don’t worry about it, let me handle it.” She says moving for her phone.
“What are you gonna say? It’s a little strange for both of us to need the morning off isn’t it?” You worry, hoping Ava doesn’t ask her too many questions.
“Let me handle Ava, hon. I won’t tell her anything personal.”
“I know you won’t.” You nod. “I just- yeah.” You lean against the counter bringing your hand to your forehead. Your mind was spiraling and you didn’t know how to stop it. Watching Melissa tap on her phone you look down at the floor zoning out.
“All set, hon.” She assures you with a warm smile. “Now what’s goin on over there?” She asks coming up to your side again.
“Nothing, just- thank you.” You tell her sincerely, hoping that’s enough for now.
As the clock ticks you toss and turn on Sunday night unable to calm down. Laying in the dark you sigh under the sheets. Melissa wraps her arm around you once more, brining you closer to her.
“Everything’s gonna be fine.” She gently squeezes you.
You don’t know when, but you manage to fall asleep even if it’s just for a couple hours. Waking up to the sound of your alarm going off you let out a huff staying in the warm bubble you and Melissa were in.
“Hon, you awake?” She hums reaching over for your phone turning the alarm off.
“I’m up.” You whisper not bothering to move from the tangle of legs and the arms you’re being held in. “Thank you, for all of this, Mel.” She can think you just mean being there or taking you for your procedure, but this very moment is enough.
“I’m honored you trust me, hon.” She hums kissing your temple. “We should get moving.”
Knowing she’s right you yawn, sitting up and stretching out as you both get up for the day ahead. Brushing your teeth and washing your face you and Melissa move around your tiny bathroom comfortably as if you do this all the time.
“Did they tell you what to do for aftercare or anything?” She asks brushing out her curls.
“Basically no strenuous activity, I’m gonna have a little bit of bleeding and discomfort.” You shrug trying to play it off. Deep down you were scared of what to expect after, but you knew this was the right decision. Having Melissa at your side even if you haven’t told her your feelings is enough.
“When we get back you’re not doing a damn thing.” She tells you in a voice that tells you not to argue. “Take a nap and let me cook.”
“Well I can’t tell a Schemmenti to stay out of a kitchen now can I?” You joke through a nervous laugh.
“Especially after something like this.” She nods moving through the room to get her boots on.
Watching her from the bathroom you take everything in. The lamp in the room is dim, and her hair cascades down her back in red waves. With everything she’s done for you, you’re not sure how long you can keep your feelings to yourself.
“Mel, can I tell you something?” You asks keeping your eyes on the doorframe.
“Hon, at this point you can tell me anything.” She chuckles tying her laces.
“I’ll understand if you change your mind about taking me this morning. But I need to get this out before I go in there.” You let out in a shaky breath.
Melissa stands back up coming over to you gently taking your hands in hers. “You can tell me whatever you need to tell me. I ain’t goin anywhere.” She promises.
Looking at your fingers laced with hers, you take a deep breath before you meet those gorgeous green eyes again.
“I- this is horrible timing.” You laugh sadly shaking your head.
Melissa lets go of one hand reaching up to gently tip your chin up. “Are you gonna tell me or should we get ready, go, and talk about us when you’re feeling better?” She asks you as if she already knows. The way she looks at you tells you she knows.
Swallowing hard you nod, keeping your hand in hers.
Something shifts. The fear you had starts to lift as you walk out to her car a little while later. In your sweatpants and hoodie you sink into the passenger seat with your bag and water bottle taking deep breaths.
Watching the redhead get in the car she settles herself and starts it up, pulling out of your apartment complex. Going through the streets it’s relatively quiet in the city, some people are just going home and some are getting ready for a long day. As you get closer to the clinic you feel Melissa’s hand on yours stilling your shaking you hadn’t realized was happening.
“Is Barb gonna hate me?” You ask quietly, thinking of how you dragged her best friend into this mess. She was a Christian woman after all.
“Barb doesn’t need to know your business,” Melissa shakes her head. “But if you do tell her, she’s Barb, hon. She’s not gonna hate you ever. Especially when you’re with me.” She squeezes your hand with a soft smile.
The rest of the drive goes fine after that. You do your breathing and hold Melissa’s hand, only looking up as you pull into the lot where you were instructed to go to. Parking, Melissa gets out with you giving you a sense of relief. “I told ya I’m not goin anywhere.”
And sure enough she doesn’t. Through the paperwork and exam process, Melissa is by your side holding your hand. When you wake up from the procedure she’s there in the waiting room as you’re pushed out in the wheel chair. The kind nurse that was there from the start takes you out to the car making sure you get in safely with Melissa’s help.
Sitting groggy and sore you look at Melissa through the window with hooded eyes as she speaks to the woman, realizing you fell for her for all the right reasons. The drive home is a slow one. Melissa takes her time making sure to avoid as many potholes as possible, driving cautiously enough to have people honking at her.
“Yeah yeah go around me.” She rolls her eyes.
“Don’t use the car bat.” You mumble the joke out, eyes still closed in the passenger seat. When you wake up to Melissa carefully opening the car door you feel her hand stroking your cheek.
“Hon, cmon let’s get you inside.”
Sitting up you blink a couple times, swinging your legs out of the car you wince as you get up.
“Nice and easy.” She encourages wrapping her arm around your waist.
Leaning into her you walk slower than usual into the building. You were happy you had an elevator. Up to your apartment Melissa keeps you close, keeping her arm around you as you unlock the door.
“Let’s get you to bed, hon.”
“Come with me?” You ask quietly, as if she hadn’t already told you she knows how you feel about her. She was so understanding of everything and on top of that you were so tired you could cry.
The redhead nods, gently rubbing your back as you go back to where you started your day just a couple hours ago. Getting your shoes off Melissa helps you lift your legs onto the bed, putting the blanket over you. Laying there in your still dark room you wait for the redhead to join you, her arms immediately going around you as she lays down.
When you feel her lips meet your temple in a soft kiss you let out a content sigh, drifting off to sleep with your hand over hers.
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rickgrimeswifey · 2 years
Overheard gossip pt.2 - Spencer Reid
Category: Smut with plot
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Season: 3 ish
Warnings: Unprotected p in v sex, cursing, tension all over the place, sub!virgin!Spencer
Word count: 2.6k
The same night as the incident the team flew back to the headquarters. Y/n knew they’d arrive late so when her shift was over she hurried home. She couldn’t face Spencer, she didn’t dare too. She knew he’d never confront her or tell anyone else what she said because he was too shy and embarrassed about it. But that didn’t change the fact that Y/n was dying from the embarrassment she was feeling.
The week after that day went by fast. Y/n succeeded in avoiding Spencer at work, every time she saw him she’d simply take a different direction in where she was going. Sure, she might’ve been late to some meetings because of it but that was a price she could pay.
It all went well until there was another case about a week and a half later after the incident. Hotch wanted Y/n to come along for this one as she was feeling better now. They were all called to their meeting room where JJ was going to present the case for them. Y/n walked in and took a seat being the first one to arrive along with JJ. Spencer wasn’t anywhere to be seen meaning he was late. The rest of the team took their seats and left the one in front of Y/n empty. If something that's karma for avoiding him.
“Sorry I’m late!” Spencer's stressed and soft voice was heard as he entered the room.
“It’s fine. Just don’t let it happen again.” Hotch warned, not looking up from the file he was reading.
He took the seat in front of Y/n and sat down. Swallowing thickly when they made eye contact, he was nervous. Of course he was, Y/n didn’t think of just how innocent he was. She had ruined this man with her simple words. When she saw Spencer blush she couldn’t help but to blush herself, she knew this meant that they’d have to talk about it sometime. Once JJ was done presenting the case and the team was about to board the jet, Y/n hurried out of the room to grab her bag that was packed and ready to go.
The ride over to Springfield, Missouri was fine. The team went over the information they already had and yet sat in her seat against the wall with Derek beside her. His body shielding off the view of Reid. Before they landed Hotch spoke up;
“So we’re probably going to stay over here a night or two as you all know, catching a serial killer like this isn’t easy with the little information we’ve got to go off. I’ve already made roommates for the hotel rooms. Morgan you’re with Prentiss. JJ you’re on your own. I’m with Rossi and L/n you’re with Reid.”
Y/n’s eyes widened, what did he just say? Now all she could do was pray they solved this case today so that she didn’t need to be alone in a room with Spencer. Y/n couldn’t switch rooms either because Hotch wouldn’t allow it and it would be mean to Spencer. She thought about this room situation until the jet landed becoming more and more anxious about it.
The day went by fast at the police station they set up their clues and got to work at. They had found out some minor stuff but not a name or anything that could tell a location. They’d run down a deadend and it was time to wrap up for today.
Once the team got to the hotel they all split separate ways to go to their rooms. Y/n and Spencer got into an elevator that no one else seemed to be coming into. She cursed to herself mentally, why did the universe want to punish her this much? The ride up to their floor was awkward, she could feel Spencer's breath on her since the elevator was insanely small, only making her stress more and more. They got out of the elevator and went to their room, both of them equally stressed about this situation. Both of them had their key card in their hand more than ready to get into the room and go to bed. Once they reached the door both of the two reached out their hands at the same time to look up the door, only making their hands collide. With her hand over his she began blushing even more. Being the first one to remove her hand after some time before she apologized quickly;
They entered the room and Y/n thanked god for the separate single beds. Y/n opened her bag to reach for her stuff for the bathroom.
“Is it okay with you if I use the bathroom first?” She asked, turning to look at him.
All she saw when she turned around was Spencer sitting awkwardly on his bed with his cheeks flushed pink. She had broken this man, he would never be able to speak properly to her ever again. That theory was confirmed when he nodded before turning his attention away quickly to something else.
Y/n took a quick shower, brushed her teeth and then changed before going out into the room again. Spencer was sitting on his bed reading some book she’d probably never heard of before.
“Bathroom’s free” Y/n informed quickly before she went back to her bag so that she could put away her stuff once again.
She heard Spencer walk away to the bathroom and close the door softly behind him, gosh she had really screwed this one up for herself. After a couple of minutes Spencer came out of the bathroom, she noticed he’d change into what she assumed he’d be sleeping in. Y/n got under the covers and texted Penelope about the situation before turning off her phone and getting to bed. She didn’t pay much mind to Spencer as she turned off her bedside table light and snuggled up in the plush hotel bed.
“Don’t you think it’s weird?” She heard Spencer ask.
“What?” Y/n mumbled, too tired to turn around and turn her light on again.
“That we have found next to zero clues on this unsub, it’s almost like this person has been planning the murders they’re committing their entire life…” he explained.
“There’s a theory… Maybe it’s true, but there wasn't anything we could find since the unsubs childhood. I have no clue how they’d be able to hide that too.”
“Maybe we’re missing something…” Spencer speculated, wondering what it was they’d missed.
“I don’t know Spencer. Just turn off your light and go to bed.” Y/n debated with him.
Not a protest was heard coming from his side before Y/n heard the click of the lamp. Next morning Spencer had already occupied the bathroom before his colleague had the chance to wake up. All she could think about was their chat from last night, maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all. Y/n sat up in the bed and slid the covers off her body. She stretched before standing up and collecting the clothes she was going to wear today. Spencer came out of the shower with his hair semi-wet. The way it laid on his head and over his face made him look like a wet dog. He clearly hadn’t touched it since he got out of the shower. Without thinking Y/n placed her clothes on the bed and walked up to him.
“Let me help you…” she mumbled, face to face with Spencer while reaching up to his hair.
Spencer stood still as Y/n began running her fingers through his towel dried hair, she separated it and placed it into the way it usually lays on him. When she was done she looked into his eyes and smiled.
“Much better.”
Spencer nodded at her shyly before Y/n went into the bathroom with her clothes in her arms. The day at work went by fast, the team found out some stuff about the killer that could help them catch him. The killer was an organized, very smart, narcissist individual. They had gotten a name but it was a dead-end which meant that they’d have to stay over another night. Once they got back to the hotel room Y/n threw herself down onto her bed, frustrated that they couldn’t catch this guy. Spencer just kinda stood awkwardly in front of her, watching as she groaned loudly out of frustration. With her head laid against the pillow she looked at Spencer, wanting his opinion she asked;
“Do you think we’ll catch him? Or is he too smart for us?”
He raised an eyebrow at Y/n, not liking her statement. She saw and caught on to what he meant.
“I’m sorry, you’re obviously smarter than him... I just meant that he just planned all of this so well that we can’t find anything. It’s so annoying.” She sighed heavily.
“You need to think about something else to get your mind off this, you’re driving yourself crazy Y/n.” Spencer explained, now starting to not be able to stand still.
She watched him move his body back and forth. Swaying up and down with his feet. He was obviously also thinking of something that bothered him, you could tell by his body language that he was nervous.
“What’s on your mind?” Y/n rolled onto her side and looked at him quizzically.
Spencer looked straight into her eyes, now being completely still as she’d caught him. He vaguely shook his head meaning that it’s nothing.
“Don’t do that. Tell me, come sit here.” She told him, patting on the bed in front of her legs.
He hesitated before slowly making his way over to her. Spencer sat down in front of her knees, looking over at her nervously.
“What’s going on Spencer?”
“Did you … said … Garcia…” he mumbled inaudible.
“What? I can’t hear you.” She said, wanting him to speak up.
He blushed at her words and Y/n felt bad for him. He is so innocent, she thought to herself.
“What you said to Garcia…” He said loud enough for her to hear. Spencer noticed that she did by the look of embarrassment on her face. “Did… did you mean it?”
Y/n looked at him bashfully. Since she didn’t know what he wanted her to say, she decided to just tell him the truth.
“Yes, I did.”
Spencer swallowed thickly and looked around the room, Y/n wanted nothing else but to ease his nervousness.
“What is making you so nervous?” She asked, she didn’t mean to but it kind of just slipped out.
He put his hand on his lap, sitting as tense as ever in front of her. “Uh- That subject… I don’t know. I- I just… I don’t know…” Spencer stammered.
“You’re inexperienced are you?” Y/n asked, finally getting the hang of his nervousness.
Spencer looked her way and nodded slowly. Of course she’d heard Derek tease Spencer but she didn’t think too much into it.
“Do you want me to make you less nervous?” She asked, raising an eyebrow at him while smirking.
He turned to her and asked;
“What do you mean?”
Y/n sat up and leaned in so that her lips were just hovering over his.
“You want me to show you that this is nothing to be nervous about?” She took his hand up to his cheek and caressed it with the softest touch possible.
The only thing heard from Spencer was a little whimper.
“Tell me Spencer…” she whispered, sliding her hand from his cheek to his neck.
“Yes, I really do Y/n.”
And with that she closed the gap in between them and kissed him softly. Spencer was the first one to deepen the kiss. Y/n guided his hand to her waist where it rested while she kissed him a little harder. After a minute Spencer was the first one to pull away, he needed air. Y/n looked at him, his lips were red and swollen. She lowered him onto the bed so that he was laying on it before she swung her leg over his body and sat on his hips. She leant down and pecked him on the lips before she whispered in his ear;
“Is this okay?”
Spencer whimpered as she moved down to kiss his neck before he managed to get out a small “yes”. Y/n began grinding on his growing bulge which made both of their breathing heavier.
“Are you sure you want this?” She asked caressing his chest while sitting on him.
He groaned beneath her as she began grinding a little faster. “Yes, I’m sure.” He whined.
Y/n leaned down and kissed his swollen lips once again. This time the kiss was more heated and sloppier as she continued grinding harshly against his hard dick. Spencer tried to keep the little moan he was going to let out in by biting on his lower lip, but Y/n stopped him immediately.
“I wanna hear you, don’t do that.”
She continued kissing his lips, jaw and neck while she unbuckled his belt. Y/n easily slid the belt off and then she removed her dress shirt. She continued undressing both her and Spencer until they were completely naked. He gawked at her tits as she hovered over his dick.
“This might feel a little weird at first. Okay Spencer?”
He nodded and soon let out a moan as she slid down his length. Which she by the way was right about. His dick was big, nothing you’d expect on his tall skinny body. Y/n groaned as she began slowly bouncing up and down on Spencer's dick. The guy beneath her was a whimpering and moaning mess. His hands began roaming her body as he was unable to lay still from the intense feeling. Y/n had her hands on his chest for steadiness as his hands found her boobs. She gasped when Spencer’s hand flicked over her nipple.
“Shit, do that again.” She breathed out while speeding up her pace on his dick.
Spencer was coming close, his ability to speak was long gone. He had his hands on her breasts and he kind of just massaged them as Y/n continued bouncing up and down, now far more aggressive than before. He was just coming closer and closer even though they had barely even started. Y/n realized that virgins didn’t last long, she saw in Spencer's eyes that he had no idea what was happening.
“Don’t worry- oh fuck… it’s supposed to feel that way…” she moaned out feeling his dick hitting the right spot on and on again.
Y/n sped up the pace, chasing her own release. Spencer squeezed her tits harshly as his cum shot up into her. She moaned loudly, feeling the warmth in her stomach. Spencer’s hands slid down from her boobs to her legs where they rested as he was exhausted. She knew she couldn’t keep fucking him for too long because he’d be overstimulated. Therefore Y/n’s fingers desperately found her clit and began rubbing harsh circles on it. Moaning even louder now until finally after a couple of minutes her thrusts against Spencer became sloppier before she finally came. Her moans were so loud that SPencer actually became concerned for her, it sounded like she almost was in pain. But when he saw her face he knew she was feeling what he had just felt. She collapsed beside him once he softened and slipped out of her.
“How was it?” She asked out of breath.
Spencer looked her way and met her eyes. “It was really good…” he admitted quietly, as if he was still nervous.
Maybe she’d have to show him again that there wasn’t anything to be nervous about…
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fr33time · 13 days
thank you for taking my request about subaru, it was so cute and subaru is literally my favorite character, he deserves the world 💕
i hope you don’t mind for another request about him 😂
i was wondering how he would react for a s/o who always teases him and stuff?
i feel like he would be flustered all the time 😂
thank you and rest well 🙏
A/N: I love doing requests for Subaru, he is so adorable. Hopefully next episode we see him more, it feels like its been a while since we’ve seen him, phew. I tried to think of as much as I could so enjoy them, I hope it’s up to standards! Tried to get one more submission done before tomorrow! I get really tired after work and I’m very bad at making myself do something, because I want to put my passion into it. Thank you anon for sending this in, have a nice day!
♥︎ Subaru Kagami with an S/O that teases him ♥︎
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divider credits: @xiaonyc
Genre: Fluff, Headcanons
Find my requesting rules here!
♥︎ Subaru is already shy during a relationship, but he has an even harder time when you tease him all the time. Sure he gets embarrassed but he finds that it’s a cute trait on you. He never really knows when to expect it, he tells himself that he can handle it next time you make a comment but ultimately fails in the end.
♥︎ When you first started to tease him, he wouldn’t respond for a few good seconds because of how surprised he was. He doesn’t really have many people around him that aren’t serious with him since he’s a ghoul and also the captain of Hotarubi. Plus Subaru just has a quiet look to himself in general! He finds it a breath of fresh air that you can have that kind of relationship with him.
…that being said, it’s not like he can tease you back cause he gets relatively silent. It’s not as if he doesn’t like it, he just hasn’t encountered a situation like this before. He gets little blushes on his face that can make you want to squish his face. Your best bet to easily flustering him is through physical affection or little comments that come out of nowhere, it catches him off guard so bad.
♥︎ Once he starts getting used to it, he starts to tease you back a bit more. Only in private though, he wants to maintain a slightly professional demeanour about himself… and honestly, he just gets really anxious thinking about teasing you in public. He’s very hesitant about it though, he’s worried that he’ll accidentally hurt you with what he says so he makes sure to choose his words carefully. He definitely says sorry after he makes a remark to you…
♥︎ He’ll bring it up to you if he doesn’t like something, in a worst case scenario where you may tease him too much in a less friendly way, he wonders if somethings wrong. But with reassurance he’s fine! He just worries a bit too much, and tries to communicate his concerns to you so that he can keep the relationship stable, you mean a lot to him and he doesn’t wanna lose you because of his tendency to bottle up feelings!
♥︎ The most he can do is give you little compliments that make you feel a bit embarrassed. He just does not have the heart to poke fun at you, sometimes he can play along if you’re having fun but not on his own, no way. He makes it so easy to tease him though, he will absolutely crack under pressure.
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therainscene · 2 years
Much of the supernatural horror that Will has to contend with works extremely well as a metaphor for his issues -- the Upside Down is the closet, the monsters represent homophobia, his powers are as repressed as he is, yadda yadda -- and in my opinion, this makes him a relatively easy character to analyze. Being able to draw on the supernatural stuff just gives you a lot more material to work with.
Mike, though? A goddamn enigma. He’s often present when supernatural stuff is happening, but he doesn’t interact with it to anywhere near the degree that Will does, and it’s much harder to fold him into the allegory being told here without reducing him to “Will’s love interest”.
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And that’s interesting, don’t you think?
That the “stereotypical” gay boy who attracts homophobes like moths to a flame has had his issues laid out in code since the beginning? Whereas the straight-passing one, who’s so deep in the closet he’s probably not even out to himself yet, is so hard to read that most of the GA assume his bizarre personality change in S3 was a symptom of bad writing?
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Figuring yourself out as a queer is a challenge even today, and part of the reason it’s so challenging is because heteronormativity steamrolls right over our right to know that being queer is a valid option.
The closet isn’t a queer space -- it’s a queer-shaped void within a heteronormative space.
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Stranger Things is full of examples of this:
Will isn’t shy about expressing his disgust at the thought of dating girls, but he’s dealing with a lot of childhood trauma so he’s just a late bloomer, right?
Will is jealous and upset about his new step-sister’s relationship with the boy he’s been attached to at the hip since he was five, but it must be because he’s in love with her or otherwise misses his platonic buddy, right?
El’s character arc is about freeing herself from toxic relationships with men, but her infatuation with the boy who puts her on a pedestal is the one exception to that, right?
Robin shows zero romantic interest in men before coming out, but she and Steve just vibe so well it’s reasonable to assume they’re love interests, right?
Vickie paused Fast Times at fifty-three minutes five seconds, but she has a boyfriend so she must be straight, right?
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Over and over, the show presents us with an ambiguously queer situation and dares us to assume it’ll end heteronormatively.
If this were any other show I’d call it queerbaiting... but these situations just keep ending in a non-heteronormative way, all while symbolically dancing around Mike.
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Granted, “non-heteronormative” doesn’t necessarily equal gay -- El’s arc is more about independence and forging healthy platonic relationships than about replacing men with women -- but she’s still on the path to breaking out of comphet, which is rather a queer act regardless of whether she's literally queer herself.
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But I’m digressing.
We’ve seen how Will is visibly queer and struggles with the trauma of being abused for it, and how his closet is symbolized by the existence of a literal alternate dimension full of monsters.
But Mike is invisible, so his closet isn’t represented by a metaphor at all, but by something more meta than that -- it’s etched out in the negative space formed by the narrative itself. Only the audience can see it, and then only if we’re paying attention, tracing the edges of the story and feeling out the shape it results in.
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These two different approaches in depicting the struggle of being closeted remind me of drowning.
In films, drowning is a noisy and dramatic affair, easy to identify.
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But in real life, drowning doesn’t look like what we think it does -- it’s silent and resembles calm water play. All too often, drowning victims will quietly slip under and succumb helplessly to the depths...
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...right under everyone’s noses.
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mushroomflood · 25 days
Can I ask how you’re feeling about the new trailer? :)
Ok, buckle up, you’ve opened the floodgates :). I am so glad that the trailer has finally been released. I followed a “days until sonic movie 3” page (that has now been deleted 😞) back when there was ~600 days left. There is now 114!! Thats practically right around the corner, I am salivating at the mouth for this.
They have been giving us nothing of this movie so far. Like small scraps of “this is Maria’s actress!” here and “Keanu might be voicing Shadow” there. Finally we’ve gotten something, and I think Shadow looks amazing. I love him riding his motorbike, doing the little drift, beating everyone up, and just being cool in general. Im so ready for him to wreak havoc and I can tell there’s gonna be a lot of Shadow and Sonic rivalry (to friends arc) going on. Also, Maria!! I cant wait for her demise (sorry Shadow). I just wanna see where they go with his backstory, and cute little snippets of him before he hated everyone.
The movie models are just so well rendered, so I am looking forward to seeing new scenes of all my boys (no girls it looks like). While a lot of people are really disappointed that it seems like Amy,Rouge, etc. won’t be in the movie, I never really thought they would be, and don’t necessarily want them to be either. I think the movie would be better focusing on Shadow and Sonic(+Knuckles+Tails).
I am a bit worried about critics, as the Knuckles Series got a lot of hate when it really wasn’t bad. Like, it had some childish and/or unfunny parts, and it did focus more on Wade than I would have preferred. But at the end of the day it was centered around my absolute fav character, and any new Knuckles content I will eat up. We would never have seen him in his silly little hat if it wasn’t for the series, so who cares if it wasn’t the best. It gave us hours of new Knuckles scenes to talk about, and I think a lot of it treated him pretty well.
But, if people start hating on the new movie like that, it will really sap the joy out of it. So I hope everyone will try to find stuff to enjoy, instead of stuff to nitpick. …That being said, I really hope they don’t treat Knuckles like a joke. He gets put into ‘comedic relief’ way too often, and even though Boom!Knuckles holds a special place in my heart, I would rather Knuckles’ character be treated seriously. He has so much potential, and I don’t want him to slowly slide back into the meathead character bc he’s way more than that.
The trailer didn’t exactly do him justice, but all of the boys got beaten real easy, so I’m holding out hope that he won’t continue to blunder. Since the movie is gonna be focused on Shadow and Sonic, I don’t think Knuckles (and even Tails) will get as much screen time. And while that does suck, it’s not horrible. If we get some family bonding and brotherly interactions, I’ll be happy. I just hope that they do Knuckles right for the time he is there. Please treat him carefully sonic movie universe, I beg you. He is my baby.
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milkyplier · 1 year
Have some fluff ✨
The sun took it’s time in rising, and now seems to hang motionless in the middle of the sky, baking the earth—and nine certain Heroes of Hyrule—relentlessly.
“Goddesses, it’s hot,” Legend complains for the seven hundredth time in thirty minutes.
“Vet,” the Captain says from where he lays on the ground nearby. “I swear to Hylia I’d strangle you if it didn’t take so much effort.”
“Guys, please. Argue literally any other time.” Sky sighs, exasperated.
“No, let ‘em duke it out. I could use a distraction from the pain,” Wind says blearily, looking up from where he’s sprawled. “Fight, fight, fight.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be pumping your fist?” Hryrule asks. Wind shakes his head.
“Too hot to do both at once.”
“Ah. I’ll pump my fist and you can chant.”
“Good idea.”
Legend glares at the two as they begin their chanting, and then turns to Wars.
“As much as I’d love to fight someone right now, and as easy as it would be to beat up the Captain, it’s not going to be worth it.”
Warriors scoffs, but evidently can’t find in within him to really argue.
Hyrule and Wind’s efforts are quickly aborted, and the group falls into silence once more.
“We’re back!” Wild’s voice, way too cheerful considering the dire heat, announces his and Time’s return from the town. “And we brought a surprise.”
This piques everyone’s interest.
“Please say it’s hydromelons,” Winds sighs.
“Even better,” Wild says. He picks up the Sheikah slate off his belt. Everyone waits in suspense as Wild taps the screen, until he eventually extracts—
“Ice cream!” Legend, Warriors, Four, and Hyrule all shout, accompanied by visible confusion from Sky, Wind, and Twilight.
“What’s ice cream?” Wind asks, blinking blearily as the white substance in wooden bowls that Wild begins to hand out.
“Frozen milk, flour, and sugar.“ Wild supplies, giving him a bowl. “You’ve really never heard of it?”
“No.” Wind says curiously.
“I haven’t either,” Sky says. Twilight nods.
“I’ve heard of it, but I’ve never had it,” Hyrules says excitedly, eyes glittering as he is bestowed a bowl of the creamy treat. “I never had enough time or money to stop for some.”
Legend is halfway through his bowl before he speaks. “Haven’t had any of this stuff in years,” he mumbles.
“It makes sense you wouldn’t have any,” Wild says as he gives the final bowl to Twilight. “It’s made in Hateno because they can use snow right off Lanayru Mountain, but I mean…the Sailor lives on an Island, Skyloft…I have no idea if ice cream has even been invented on Skyloft. And from what we’ve seen of Ordon, you aren’t close enough to…anything cold, really.”
Twilight sniffs his, clearly growing more comfortable with this concept. He takes a bite, savoring the taste. He is the slowest to eat, his smile growing with every bite.
“That was amazing!” Wind declares, and those who look over find his bowl to be licked clean. “I want more!”
No one seems very willing to give up their portions. Most of them are well on their way to finishing theirs. Wind turns back to his bowl, once again licking the bottom for traces of the sweet flavor before Time takes pity on him.
“Alright, you can have the rest of mine,” the Old Man chuckles. It turns into a deep laugh when Wind pounces on the bowl hungrily.
There’s another minutes of silence as everyone finishes off the ice cream, and another moment of quiet afterwards as they all seemed to mourn the loss of the sweet distraction from the unbearable heat.
“Perhaps we can make more?” Time suggests. Everyone looks at him.
“We don’t know how to make ice cream.” Wind says. “Also, maybe I’m crazy, but the last time I checked, we don’t have snow. Or ice. Or anything cold.”
“Sure we do,” Warriors says. “The Veteran’s right here.”
“Ha ha,” Legend says. “Very funny.”
Warriors looks at him. “No, seriously. You have the ice rod.”
Everyone is silent. Legend scowls.
“The heat makes me slow, okay?”
“I’ll allow it. Now, Champion, let’s see if we have the ingredients…”
The following endeavors include an extra trip to town, which yields yet ore milk, sugar, and tabantha wheat, as well as several somewhat failed (but no less delicious) attempts at making ice cream. Reasonably distracted, no one notices the sun seems to have resumed it’s journey across the sky, until the heat begins to dissipate. Of course, by that time, most everyone is occupied by stomachaches of varying degrees. But if you were to ask any of them, no one would have any regrets.
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fncreature · 3 months
Comprehensive theory post
So, now that the main stuff from the April Fool’s collab is out (as far as we know), I want to get all my thoughts and theories out into one main post. All the videos are linked in my timeline playlist here, and this will summarize my comprehensive theory with everything we’ve discovered so far, but I’ll link back to other posts as necessary.
For simplicity’s sake, this is my list of characters (and what I’m calling them):
Kenadian - No explanation needed
Wato - Wato, in her normal skin (suit with the pink flowers and ears)
Wifies - The clone of Wifies from the main two videos
Evilfies - Evil Wifies, from the main two videos
Maskfies - Also known as Masked Wato, or Omz Mask Wifies - Wato’s face in Wifies’ clothes (with and without the mask)
Voidfies - The entirely black character with the Mask (Void Wifies, I called him the Omz Entity in one post)
Omz - No explanation needed (hopefully. Go watch the first two videos in the playlist if you need context)
So, let’s start at the beginning. And I mean the very beginning. 
Kenadian begins to debunk Omz. The events of the debunks don’t need much explanation until you get to the finale and the hopper prison. After killing Omz in the Hopper Prison, Kenadian gets the mask. It’s easy to piece together what comes next from his flashbacks- he goes on a hopper rampage, ruining a city. But, when he wakes up in a cell, the mask is gone, and after a brief stint in a city cell, he’s being put on a train for transport.  
As we can see in the final battle between Omz and Wifies in the finale and from Kenadian’s flashbacks, we can see that the mask holds immense power. It messes with their memories. And it can twist someone’s mind- Kenadian would never go on a hopper rampage- he hates hoppers. His method of choice could have been much more sophisticated, for an escapist like him. But it’s hoppers. Why? I propose that the mask not only makes a person more violent, it strips them of their good decision making skills, and gives them the memories or characteristics of the previous wearer, as I mentioned in this post. Kenadian wouldn’t go on a hopper rampage, but Omz- Hoppers are the source of his power, we see him go on a hopper rampage. Omz would. 
But, couldn’t it just be a hopper thing? No. See, we know that Kenadian gets the mask by killing Omz, and when Kenadian comes to in Death is the Cure, he’s not wearing the mask. And while we can’t tell who the guards are in that video, we can see the ones in the next, and one of them, is Wato. Now, how far-fetched would it be to assume that, as Kenadian caused havoc across the city, a talented guard- Wato- killed him, and helped transport him, unknowingly getting the mask in the process?
Now, I will admit, Wato doesn’t wear the mask in the Train Escape. I personally believe this to be an oversight, as I highly doubt that they even imagined the lore to go this far, but feel free to disagree. 
Now, Wato doesn’t go on a hopper rampage. Wato lies in wait, making escape rooms, playing the long game. Why? Because that’s what Kenadian would do. She’d plan her scheme out, and wait for her opportunity to strike. 
And, while Wato is planning and waiting, he and Evilfies meet, and strike some sort of agreement, so Wato makes escape rooms for him, likely in exchange for Evilfies’ support or power. This deal goes on fine for a while- Until Evilfies discovers how to make clones, and he gets a bit too power hungry. He wants the Mask’s power for himself- but he’s seen Wato, and all the harms that come with wearing the mask. This all occurs during the construction of the escape room used in the main map, a bit before the prologue. So, he meets with Wato, whose decision-making skills are lackluster due to the mask, and strikes some sort of agreement. He and Wato combine their power to make a clone with the mask.
And the first one turns out wrong. The first one, is Voidfies.
Something in the code, something with the cloning process, whatever it may be, it goes horribly wrong. It almost worked, it got so, so close- it has Wifies’ textures, but not Wato’s ears- But the mask lingers on them. We don’t know how Voidfies escapes or leaves, what their motives are, we barely know a thing about them. But no matter what, they want revenge on their creators, or they want revenge on Wato- we don’t have enough evidence to make a solid conclusion. 
But the second one turns out fine. Wato is rid of the mask, and Maskfies is created, completely under Evilfies’ thumb. Maskfies finishes the rest of the escape room. Wato, now, is free. 
Well- Almost.
Wato tries to move on with her life. He teaches others to make escape rooms. But their creation comes to hurt them. When Wato falls into the bedrock in the prologue, Voidfies is waiting. They’ve placed a trap, and they want to hurt Wato. 
The powdered snow is nothing more than to give them a technical advantage- blind her, slow her down, maybe cause her to loose a couple hearts in the process. Likely, Wato is killed in this room, leaving blood splattered on the floor. Where they respawn, where they go after this- we don’t know. Voidfies, likely, leaves through the door, to a place we don’t know of yet.
Now, the main two videos happen- Kenadian plans to debunk Wifies, he joins his sever- you know how this goes.
After Evilfies’ death in trivia, he sends Maskfies into the escape room. And they escape. (Now, @enlighten3d pointed out that you can see Wato’s normal skin on Maskfies on the Dynamic camera angle. While I do really like their explanation for it here, I do personally believe it to be a replay mod glitch or oversight.). They make their way back to the factory, because it’s their home- it’s where their creator lives, it’s all they know- escape rooms, and the factory. Maskfies is in denial. They’ve been a puppet their entire existence, and their puppeteer is dead. Their strings are cut. They sit in Evilfies chair, as if that can somehow but his world back together, before they decide to run.
Now, after the trivia, unaware of Maskfies existence, Wifies and Wato interrogate Wato about anything she knows. And the mask has ruined his memories of that period- she can’t remember a thing. But, outside the window, Voidfies is watching them. Watching him. (Thank you to @crowskulls for pointing this out, by the way.)
After this, before but there was more, Maskfies is killed- by who, we can’t be sure- but he doesn’t have the mask on in but there was more. Voidfies, maybe. Evilfies, to take control of the mask in a last ditch effort for power- hell, it could have been Kenadian- we see him at the last place we see Maskfies.
But after interrogating Wato, Kenadian goes out exploring. And he finds a labyrinth of escape rooms. At some point after his death, Maskfies finds it too- looking over it, unmasked for the first time in his entire life. Likely, he or Wato created it. They might’ve done it together- we don’t know. 
And then Wato goes back to the mansion- he cleans it up, he makes it his home. 
This is all we know for now.
This is the simplified timeline:
Kenadian kills Omz for the mask
Kenadian goes on a hopper rampage and is killed by Wato, who obtains the mask
Wato and Evilfies start working together
During the creation of the escape map used in the main two videos, while trying to make a clone with the mask, Voidfies is created
Maskfies is created as the clone that actually works
The short happens, Voidfies traps Wato and kills him in the white blob room
The main two videos happen
Maskfies is sent into and escapes the escape room, heading back to the factory one last time before jumping out of the window, and is killed at some point afterwards
Wato is interrogated by Wifies and Kenadian, Voidfies watches
(Likely) independent of each other, Kenadian and Maskfies discover the large escape room in the void.
Wato goes back to the mansion.
Now, what this doesn’t answer: Why Wato mentions remembering the sunrise, how the clones are created, what Voidfies wants, who kills Maskfies, where the door in the white blob room goes. (And probably more, that I can’t remember)
This is all probably insane speculation, and most of this will likely be disproven in the future! But it’s all fun and games. I’m still very confused, but this is what I’ve managed to piece together so far.
Credit is more than due to everyone who made any sort of discovery in this, and to everyone in the discord groupchat!
Oh, and Hi Wato!
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tea-plantz · 1 year
hey there! could i request lumity x fem reader with something like general relationship headcannons or what its like to date luz and amity?
Hello!! Thank you very much for requesting! I’m honestly so obsessed with The Owl House right now, so in honor of the show’s finale, here’s the hcs! Enjoy!
She/her for all
!tw! Spoilers ⬇️
<3Lumity x fem!reader relationship headcannons<3
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In the begging, everything was a little bit awkward. Sweet, but awkward. Of course, that is to be expected when someone first starts dating, and three people at that! But alas, you all worked through all of the nervousness and became even closer than before!
Sometimes, being in a relationship with three people can be a bit chaotic, but luckily, you’re all masters of talking things out. Trust is one of the most important things in a relationship you know!
Luz and Amity has sort of a “sun and moon” thing going on, with you being their eclipse to balance it all out. Perfect relationship in every way!
When it comes to comfort, these girls are the best! First of all, they are both such good listeners and they give the best advice when you need it. Although, sometimes people don’t really want advice or logic when their feeling blue, and in that case, you’re girlfriends are ready with as much cuddles and words of affirmation as you need! Supportive gfs <3
Speaking of cuddles, Luz and Amity both give such good hugs, their heavenly fr. Even though Amity can sometimes be a bit awkward about it (her body just goes stiff as a board), it’s always so wholesome and sweet. Usually, Luz is the big spoon with either you or Amity in the middle, or you guys are all just huddled up in one big messy pile. Eda and King always finds it so adorable whenever you guys fall asleep together on the couch, and you can trust that they take a bunch of pictures too.
Amity often gets really flustered around you and Luz, which usually results in a lot of teasing. Her tomato face can just be too cute sometimes, and trust me, you get to se it A LOT!
Luz however doesn’t get flustered as much as Amity, but it’s still easy to get a stunned expression and red tinted cheeks out of her. You just gotta know what to say.
You all literally scream relationship goals fr.
Now, when it comes to the rest of the gang, they all support you guys so much! They think it’s so cool that you guys have a relationship, and even though they tease you about it from time to time (especially Eda, while Hunter mostly gets annoyed from all your lovey dovey stuff), they truly think that what you guys have is the sweetest thing ever. Oh and Hooty is your biggest fangirl, I’m not even joking.
Luz and Amity can be protective AF! Don’t get me wrong, they don’t really go around and get jealous of everything and stuff, but if anyone, witch or human, says anything to upset their girl, they’re really gonna get it.
Kisses with these two are usually fast and sweet.
Luz normally just goes in for a quick peck before turning away with pink tinted cheeks and a small smile, acting like nothing happened.
Amity on the other hand looks at you a bit before slowly leaning in. Afterward, she quickly retrieves, face completely burning up and her eyes as wide as plates. (Sort of like when she kissed Luz’s cheek in that one episode)
These girls are absolute suckers for hugs n’ kisses, and especially when they’re from you~
You guys are the most dorky couple EVER! Your all so silly, it’s adorable honestly.
Luz definitely loves picking her two girls up. She might say she has weak nerd arms, but we’ve all seen that that’s not true. There has been moments when she just comes up behind you, and with a little “aaand scoop!” she simply swipes you off of the ground while giggling.
I feel like you all give off kinda like a summerly girl in red vibe.
You and your girlfriends DEFINITELY have sleepovers and Azura movie nights! (I also said this in my Amity fic, haha)
Praise is one of the main factors of your relationship. These girl got TRAUMA and since you probably also got some as well (taken in perspective that the whole cast of this show have and does go through a lot), praise and words of affirmation/encouragement is super important to them.
When you got sent to the human realm, it was a hard time for everyone, but with the love and support from each other, you all managed to make the best of it and have a wonderful time together.
Camilla absolutely loves you and Amity so much, she is such a sweetheart!!
After some quality time spent in the human realm, you and the others, along with Camilla, finally managed to return to the Boiling Isles. And as we all know, even more challenges were lying ahead.
When things seemed dark, you, Luz and Amity always stuck together, and supported each other the whole way, never ever letting you or each other feel like they were alone in this.
In the end, you all helped each other so much with developing as a person! With all of the love and encouragement, everything turned out just fine, and these girls couldn’t be happier! Ever since this whole crazy adventure started, you’ve all gotten so much closer together, and really formed a special bond. To be able to be in a relationship with you like this is the best things to have happened to either Luz or Amity, and they never want to let that go in the hopes to someday be able to put a ring on it.
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Anyways, thank you so much for reading, and feel free to send in more toh requests<33
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 1 year
Buddy Daddies - Episode 12 - SPOILERS! - Rei’s Injury and His Hobbies - A Deeper Look
I was thinking last night about Rei and his arm, about hobbies, and also about accessibility, and how those tend to overlap in regards to the stereotypically gendered spaces of said hobbies.
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Specifically, Rei’s gaming hobby vs. Kazuki’s cooking hobby. Gaming has tons of people of all ages, genders, and sexes that play them. But the sphere itself is still largely male first and male dominated. There is also a lot of focus placed on skill level, and there are plenty of “gamers” out there that look down on people who play games on easy level or who struggle with certain aspects of games, saying stuff like “get gud!” or whatever. 
I love games! I enjoy playing them, but I am definitely more of a casual gamer and I enjoy playing games solo (Rei seemed to as well, or playing with Miri, he never seemed to engage in online game play - that was likely too risky).
My mother enjoyed playing games ever now and again too. She was a very casual gamer, basically just liking classic stuff like Mario and Donkey Kong or even arcade games like Pac-Man, etc. She didn’t play much as new gaming systems came out like Playstation and N64, but she did used to have the option to play a game if she wanted to. Until about 10 years ago.
She had a stroke (due to medication for her heart condition), and lost movement on the left side of her body. She has practically all of her face movement back and her left leg works well enough, but her left arm and hand has very little to no movement. The option and ability to play video games became extremely limited, basically just to the Mario Jump game or whatever on mobile. 
The gaming industry has an inaccessibility problem. There are some customized controllers out there for single hand game play usage, but the quality of them vary a lot and they don’t seem to be all that good. Many games are crafted with single hand game play in mind (or even as an available option either).
Of course, Rei was younger than my mom when he self-inflicted that injury on himself, and he was trained in a lot of areas and skills that might make it easier for him to recover a bit more arm movement and adapt more to being able to play some games with only one hand (I know there are some gamers out there who have learned how to do this!). But, generally speaking, the gaming hobby is a seemingly male dominated hobby space that lacks a lot in accessibility options.
Games being more of an actual hobby, as in for entertainment purposes solely, rather than a mixture of hobby and survival skill like cooking (Kazuki’s hobby) is, also likely plays an aspect in the difference between ease of entry, use, and accessibility that you find within the cooking hobby sphere.
Don’t get me wrong, there is elitism here in the sense of people looking down on others who use pre-made food or who do this or that, but there are a lot of gadgets and tools that can help with cooking. My mom can’t really play video games anymore, but she can still cook.
Cooking, while on a professional and culinary level has a lot of connection to famous male cooks, is still seen as a hobby and overall seemingly female dominated space. But it is also a space more welcoming to accessibility. Using guides, like recipes, are common and accepted instead of looked down upon (like in gaming), and so on and so forth.
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In the 10 year time skip, we see that Rei is cooking. How much he cooks and if he really cooks anything outside of his signature dish is unknown to us. Does he still play games at all on any level? We don’t know and can’t really say. Not with the info we’ve seen and what has been given to us.
The fact that his amount of game play in the day was already being limited before the incident with his arm (1 hour per day) makes me think it was likely a hobby that he likely wasn’t engaging in with as much as he started learning and obtaining new skills (like cleaning and cooking).
There may be other hobbies that he picked up over the years as well too, but really does make sense to me that he would start engaging more with cooking as well. Since it is a hobby and skill that is more accommodating to him now.
Also, I’m only speaking from second-hand experience (my mother’s experiences with things like video games and cooking and the like), if you have your own experiences with something like this are okay with sharing or talking about it - please feel free to!
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heyidkyay · 2 years
Who can say no to bridezilla? |
Because I couldn't not give them a proper ending.
Summary: With no date to your sister's wedding, what are you to do? No worries though, she's already got it covered, well, sort of...
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“Now, we’ve all seen it. We’re all talking about it! So, why don’t we just clear the air, hey?”
Matty raised a brow at the interviewer.
Immediately he knew where this question was ultimately headed, but instead of making things easier for all parties involved, he went with the clueless route. Because that was always more fun, wasn’t it? And also, if he lived for anything, then it was annoying the fuck out of the nosy godawful pricks who were constantly so engrossed in his private life. 
“Sorry, mate. Gonna have to be a bit more specific here.”
The interviewer, Josh or something of the like, blinked at him before he casted a glance at the camera and laughed him off awkwardly. 
In all truth, Matty wasn’t the type to bite his tongue (not for a lack of trying, of course, he’d just always had zero filter- something which he liked to blame his mother for) and so it was probably quite easy to tell just how much he didn’t want to be here, in this fucking sauna of a room. 
Christ, was he sweating already? 
With a sigh, he scratched at the side of his cheek in attempt to hide the yawn he’d been fighting off since this shit-show had begun, and waited for the bloke sat opposite to continue on with this tireless charade they all seemed to adopt sooner or later. All, as in, every journalist ever.
It had all grown so tiring, so trivial, by this point in their career. They all just seemed to ask the same thing in one term or another, over and over. What’s your favourite colour? Who’s your celebrity crush? How’s it staying sober? Who’re you currently shagging? 
That last one was something of a hot topic at the minute. For him at least. 
Always him, it seemed. 
See, it’d all started a few months back when the lot of them had taken a good few weeks off so that Hann could have the ‘wedding of his dreams’. Or at least that was how Matty had taken it, having been on something of a roll with the last album and tour, he’d wanted to get a head start on the next now that he was properly off of all the hard stuff. 
But Jamie, their band’s manager, had taken use of his authority and all but demanded the break. 
Put his foot down. Quite literally, in fact- through a glass table of all things during a celebratory night out after the Brits. 
Matty had been rather delighted with the scene, of course, and thus had given Jamie a whistling round of applause, which had died down shortly after only Ross had joined him. Still, it had been a night worthwhile.
Anyway… stories always seemed to get away from him. He sort of had a knack for it, he guessed, going round and round the point. Or maybe he was just showing his age. But yeah, it had all basically begun way back when Hann had finally declared the date of his wedding.
Matty, honestly hadn’t been dreading it- no, not at all. Losing one of his best mates, forever, to a girl of all things. No, he’d been completely fine. Excited for them even!
Alright, so he might’ve used every possible opportunity he’d had to avoid the topic at all costs, but previously mentioned girl was also relatively chill, and someone Matty had grown quite fond of in recent years. So he hadn’t been too vocal about his many irrational dwellings and constantly rising panic. Up until that very moment at least.
And Hann… he hadn’t been too happy a chap.
But with the wedding still happening- with or without his blessing, he’d like to iterate- Matty had used up the time and space he’d been ‘gifted’ to work on himself a bit. So he’d fucked off dating and alcohol (the hard stuff at least), took up jiu-jitsu, and decided to slack off social media too for a while. 
Just wanted to keep his circle small in truth. He drunk a bit of wine here and there, and smoked when and where he pleased. 
Because since rehab, he’d actually become something short of a chimney, which was honestly saying something if you’d known him at all before. A cigarette after the most mundane tasks had quickly become an adopted habit of his, alongside the weed which he didn’t have the heart to give up. Because, who the fuck else did it harm in the grand scheme of things?
And that had been that. Up until the point when Ross, the ginormous tosser he was, had gone and cucked up his pretty little bubble of peace by asking who he’d intended to bring along to Hann’s wedding.
Matty had sort of lost it then. Because he’d had. No. Fucking. Clue.
Not after having been out of the game for so long, and having avoided almost every ounce of social interaction that had been tossed his way. 
Plus, there'd been absolutely no way that he was bringing some randomer along to his best mate’s big day. He just wasn’t down with that. And so, like that fucking loser he was, he’d declared that he’d be going stag.
But, Y/s/n, the formidable angel she was (as well as the poor woman of Hann’s decrepit dreams, poor sod), had simply laughed her arse off at him when he’d mentioned it, and point blank told him no. 
Actually, the words she’d used were, ‘There’s no way in fuck-off hell that you, of all people, are turning up stag to my wedding, Matty. I’ll sort it.’
And did she fuck.
Because not too soon after that whole commotion did you fall into the mix. 
Now, Matty had heard tidbits about this faceless girl here and there- you were Y/s/n’s older sister for one, and was almost always busy doing something of the sorts. But you had quickly become a strange puzzle in his incredibly hectic life, someone he knew bits and pieces about but could never quite imagine complete.
Truthfully, the whole thing had honestly been a favour to the both of you at first. You had been in need of someone to throw in front of your mum for a bit (something Matty could relate to- intrusive mother’s were now something of a pastime to him), and he’d just been desperate enough for any kind of date that he’d so happened to agree. Figured it’d be fun, a distraction to take his mind off of losing one of his very best mates. 
Dramatic, he knows, but who cared.
So Hann had sent him your number and it had all sort of spiralled from there. He’d messaged you on a whim, having decided to just get it over and done with, but then you had texted back. And Matty had grown enthralled.
You’d spent that entire first night messaging back and forth. And then the night after that, and the one after that, and so on. 
Days had rapidly turned to weeks, and weeks into months. And before either of you had even realised it, the big day had finally arrived.
And honestly? Matty had been fucking bricking himself.
That morning especially, but also the entire week prior, too.
Just ask Ross and George- he’d been an utter mess. 
Such a fucking nutcase in fact that George had actually blocked his number and flat out refused to answer his front door. 
Ross had been a true friend in his time of need though, but mainly because he’d just been pleased to have someone to shit all over and rip to bits. He was a vindictive little fucker at the best of times, and supposedly found immense pleasure in Matty’s obvious suffering.
So yeah, he’d been anxious about it alright, more than just that to be honest, but surprisingly he hadn’t been able find an actual word to describe what he’d truly been feeling.
Even thinking back to it now had his stomach all tied up in knots.
It was almost a little dizzying to see the complete turn around he’d made of it since then, even with everything that had occurred that evening. Because it was him we were talking about here, and so of course he’d been the first to cock things up.
Still, it had all worked out in the end. Hadn’t it? 
And here he now was, sat on this arse-aching chair, being asked a question all about you.
“The pictures, Matty! We’re all dying to know more. Twitter is, quite literally, imploding!”
Ah, the pictures…
Pap shots, more like. Fucking pricks the lot of them.
But they were all out there now. For everyone to see. And they’d only doubled in recent weeks after the news of baby Hann had broken and that dildo had gone into hiding. They all wanted to know about her, about the girl who’d been a complete constant in his life. The girl he’d been orbiting like the fucking sun.
And perhaps if it hadn’t been him they were all gossiping about, he might’ve wanted to know a bit more about it all too, because it was just human nature, he figured. To want- even after the most insignificant things. It was just something everybody appeared to find oddly intriguing.
So he could understand it, see?
At least from a fan’s perspective he could- the media too, if he was being technical. But it honestly had begun to grate on him a little. He hadn’t wanted to hide you away from this part of his life, it wasn’t like that at all in actuality. He’d just wanted you to himself for a little bit longer. To ignore the rest of the world so that he could learn everything there was to know about you.
But shit happened and life never gave you exactly what you were after, did it? Not in the ways you expected, at least.
“Come on, you can tell us…” James then goaded- or had it been Jack? Matty frowned. Either way, he wasn’t too attached.
“Yeah, I could, mate. But question is, do I really want to?” Matty countered, forefinger pressed against the corner of his mouth whilst he smirked unashamedly at the reporter.
The guy, bless him, really did seem to be trying. He wanted his big break, Matty could tell, and a story like this could probably get him just that. 
Matty was an insufferable twat at the best of times, and he wasn’t one to turn down a game of fun. Especially not after the rollercoaster of a day he’d had.
“I think it’d be good, for you, for your fans, to let everyone in on the big secret, don't you?” Jim- yeah, that’s what he was going with- encouraged him, and Matty had to struggle not to roll his eyes. “So who is she? This girl you’ve been spotted with.”
“Don’t know about you, but I talk to a lot of women on the daily. Get pictured with a fair few too, hard to keep track, you know?”
Jim’s smile tightened and Matty felt his own fall into something a bit more genuine. Ah, he was going to enjoy this.
“Come on, Matty.” And fuck did he hate the way Jim said his name. There were two fucking t’s in there, for Christ’s sake. But this tit of a saucepan kept making it sound as though it had been shortened from Madeleine or some sort. 
‘Maddy. Maddy.’ What was he, an eighty year old woman?
“We’re all friends here! Your fanbase have been making a few fair assumptions, some even recognising her.”
Matty’s brow quirked at that. “Oh, yeah? Fill me in then, Jimbo.”
The interviewer’s forehead wrinkled in slight confusion at the name he'd been dubbed, before he hastily continued on, believing himself to be finally getting somewhere.
“Well, she just keeps popping up everywhere! We’ve seen her out with you, in London, and New York, here in LA. People are beginning to suspect that she’s the one we’ve all been hearing in the background of your Instagram stories, and on your lives.” Jim explained, and he was a very gesticulative man, Matty noted. 
He was almost a little fearful that he was about to get slapped in the face by one of his wayward hands.
“And most of all, I’ve discovered that quite a lot of your band’s fans make quite the detectives. They’ve all rallied and decided that you met this mystery girl at Adam, the bands guitarist’s wedding earlier this year.”
“How’ve they deducted this then?” Matty found himself asking, a tad invested now.
Jim seemed to beam at him then and Matty found himself regretting this whole thing. Fuck Jamie, and fuck the guys. Why was it always him doing these shitty fucking interviews whilst everyone else got to sit at home on their arses?
He had a thousand other things he could’ve been doing in that very moment- most of them included you.
“I’m actually glad you asked.” Jim barrelled on, and Matty had almost forgotten he was there, too caught up in his own head. “On one of the announcement posts referring to your band’s newest edition, expected early next year, there was a user who had commented.”
Ah. How sagacious.
Matty was almost a little disappointed with that final deduction though- he’d expected more. Like a super secret stakeout. Or one of their fans behind bars after having hacked into the Secret Intelligence database, or fuck knows, Scotland Yard even. But nah, you’d only just gone and left a sodding comment on your sister’s baby post.
“Reckon there was a half a million comments there, mate.” Matty drawled, clucking his tongue ever so slightly. “Like, I was honestly hoping to get some lawyers involved here, break someone out of prison, or at the very least hear a more promising tale. I mean, a comment. Really?”
Good old Jim just seemed to find his reply hilarious though, and appeared rather thrilled that he’d finally managed to wrangle more than a few syllables out of him.
“I’m sure you have more than enough excitement going on in your life!” Jim conducted, chuckling away to himself. Matty forced a sarky sort of smile. “So can you either confirm, or deny, that the woman you’ve been spotted with, as of recent, is a bandmate’s sister?”
Matty stopped short, then gave a boisterous laugh. One knee jilting up off the floor slightly as he threw his head back against the back of the chair to just cackle at the bloke. He had to shake his head at it all, in disbelief. “Fuck man, how have you bolloxed that up so bad?”
Interviewer Jim just seemed to frown at him though, torn between obvious confusion and some of the amusement he still felt. He did his best to regroup though.
“What? Are you claiming the rumours to be false then?”
“Oh, I think the boys who have siblings would know better than to let me near any of them.” Matty retorted, still grinning away. “But I’ll leave it up to everyone else, and their incredible skills of deduction, to work it all out.”
Matty glanced away then pointed towards the small crew that had gathered and the camera that’d been set up.
“Suppose we're all done here then?”
Jim blinked at him, jaw swinging.
“Um.” He tried, but Matty was already up, out of his seat and throwing on his jacket. 
He stuck a hand out towards the man as he slipped a pair of dark shades over his eyes, because he could play at being polite. “Cheers for this, mate. Hope everything goes well.”
And then he was gone, having weaved his way through the building's hallways and slipped out through the first side door he'd found. His phone was already in hand by the time he felt the sun beaming down on him and he started smirking to himself as he typed out a text. 
Today 11:59
World thinks I’m shagging your sister, mate.
Matty couldn’t help his grin, and was quick to drop out of his messages so that he could do exactly what he’d been hoping to do ever since his morning had begun.
His smile was a whole lot more fond when your face popped onto the screen, rubbing at your eyes with a pillowy pout.
Matty snorted out an unjustly laugh at the love-filled greeting he'd received whilst he shook his head at you, mindful of the busy street he was crossing.
“What do you mean, what? Why are you asleep, it’s like 8pm your time.”
His chest fucking warmed at the sight of you wrinkling your nose unhappily at him, obviously not too pleased with having been awoken.
“Your point?” You fired back, sighing as you reluctantly sat up in bed, all the way back home in dreary London.
“Sweetheart, you’re gonna kick yourself later when you can’t sleep tonight.” Matty mentioned, pausing on a street corner just outside of a trendy little cafe so that he could light a fag. Not caring about the few upturned noses he received in response from passersby and the avant-garde try hards settled on tables outside. LA, man.
“Then that’s my business, isn’t it?” You piped up, drawing his attention back down to his phone.
You’d since tied your hair up into a messy style of bun he typically loved to play with when you were cuddled up together, and sort of let the duvet pool around your hips.
“Besides, it was just a nap- you know how sleepy I get when I have to deal with Y/s/n all day. She’s been on a rampage this week, I swear, so just be happy you’ve not had to deal with any of it. I mean, really, there’s no fucking difference between Fine Dream and Frosted Cream! It’s all just paint to me!”
Matty couldn’t hide his lopsided smile as he listened to you continue your ramble. It had quickly become the most favoured part of his day, whether you were wrapped around one another back at his, or a couple hundred miles apart.
The couple hundred miles though, they had started to grow harder and harder, seeing as he was currently out in LA, whilst you were busy with life and things at home.
Still, he’d be back with you this time tomorrow morning- unbeknownst to you of course. Because he’d planned it to be something of a surprise. He’d been gone three long weeks and knew that the separation had been difficult on you both, seeing as the pair of you had spent practically every day since Hann’s wedding under one another’s feet.
“Anyway,” You sighed, regaining his attention, and Matty watched as you puttered about the kitchen, more than likely preparing yourself a cup of tea. “How did the interview go? Was it that radio thing you were excited for, or was that something else?”
Matty shook his head at the screen, stumping out his cigarette on the brick wall beside him. 
“That’s next week. All of us will be doing it though, so I’m looking forward to it.” He informed you, blowing out the last remaining tendrils of smoke. “But God, you wouldn’t believe this bloke I just met, reckon he could’ve bored me to death with his questions. Same fucking thing, over and over again, I swear. LA used to be so thrilling, but now, it’s all gotten so- I don’t know… Just feels really superficial. Want to be back home.”
“Missing this English weather, are you?”
And he could see the small smile pulling at your lips. Apparently, it had snowed in the time he’d been gone, and because the world just loved to spite him, that meant he’d missed seeing you in it. But he’d witnessed your reaction at the very least, and it had been incredibly endearing to watch you get all excited, even over a Facetime call. Because you’re face had honestly said it all, eyes wide and so fucking alive. It definitely could’ve rivalled any little kid’s.
“Hm,” Matty hummed, tilting his phone so that the Californian sun didn’t cause a glare. “Reckon it might have more to do with me missing a certain someone, to be fair.”
“That so?” You quipped, looking right at him, “Has Ross finally caved and messaged you then? Needy, that one- I'd be careful. You’ve only been apart a couple days. But me? I’ve not had you in three weeks.”
“And it’s been a terrible loss, we’ll have to remedy it once I’m home." Matty said with an assured nod, "Figure I’ll have you in the hallway first.”
Your loud laughter bubbled up through the phone’s speaker and Matty let his eyes slip close in turn, revelling in the sound for a brief second.
“Careful there, Matthew. Never know who could be listening.” You replied with a smirk of your own whilst you stirred milk into a large mug- one Matty immediately recognised as one of his own. The thief. “Besides, I’ll be picking you up from the airport so you’ll have to make do with the backseat of my car.”
He grinned full out upon hearing that, chuckling to himself as he shook his head, deciding to carry on the teasing. “Christ, if anyone's needy, it's you. But I reckon I can deal with that. Just as long as you don’t give yourself a concussion this time ‘round.”
You gasped, shocked. “It wasn’t a concussion, you twat! And you’re the one with the fucking jackrabbit hips! If anyone was at fault, it’s you.”
“Oh, come off it. You love being on top.”
With a roll of your eyes, you sipped carefully at your steaming drink then pointedly shrugged. “Still carried on though, didn’t I? Without any complaints, I might add.”
Matty snorted lightly. “Indeed you did, baby.”
The ring of a doorbell sounded then and he watched as your head turned in its direction, only to then huff.
“That’ll be Jamie. Forgot he was coming over after work tonight.” You told him as you put the mug down and picked up your phone to putter over towards the door.
Matty heard it being opened, as well as the usual greetings often shared between your cousin and you, before a pair of great big eyes were suddenly boring into the screen, startling him slightly, only to then be followed by a matching grin and loud laugh.
“Alright, Healy, the Yanks treating you alright?” Jamie acosted, clearly having stolen your phone from you whilst your defences had been down. He could just make out you rolling your eyes in the background whilst your cousin made himself comfortable in your flat. “Enjoying the sun, eh?”
Either he’d been in LA too long, or he just hadn’t heard Jamie speak in a while, his northern accent sounded so prominent down the phone.
“Always do, Jim.” Matty said, smiling at the bloke who’d splayed himself out across your living room sofa. He withheld the humour he found in his inner musings when he recalled the earlier Jim, to ask after Jamie’s missus, Kate.
Jamie told him that she was doing good, busy with work, but enjoying it all the same. He also mentioned that they were actually thinking about moving in together too, which Matty found surprising but was all for, having been witness to the couple and their love for one another over the last couple of months. They were proper great together, anyone could see it.
And since his and Jamie's big bust up- something Matty had deemed it, even though it had been anything but- during your sister and Hann’s wedding, the two of them had sort of bonded. 
Don’t get him wrong, it had been tense and they’d started out on an awkward-footing, seeing as Jamie was practically more your brother than cousin, as well as the defensive type, but they’d gotten there in the end.
Matty had quickly learned that if he wanted to be with you, then he’d have to get used to Jamie always hanging about too. The pair of you were somewhat of an odd duo. But he found you both entertaining all the same.
“Alright, can I have my boyfriend back now?” Echoed your voice from somewhere off to the side, and then there was a bit of a scuffle before your accomplished grin flashed across his screen. “Hi.” You greeted, somewhat out of breath. Matty merely quirked a brow.
“You alright there, darling?”
“Oh, yeah. Brilliant, thanks.” You panted faintly, waving him off casually before you moved to raise the phone above your head. 
Matty full out cackled then at the sight you’d gifted him, because of course you’d be the one to somehow manage to get the upper hand over your giant of a cousin, only to then sit proudly on his back whilst his face pressed into the cold wooden floor. 
“Fucking class!” Matty laughed and he could actually feel the skin around his eyes tightening at just how hard he was smiling. “Comfy there, Jim?” He couldn’t help but taunt, smiling as the man's reddened face came into view.
“Grand, mate. Cheers.” Jamie huffed in retort, lifting an arm vaguely in the direction of the camera to give him a thumbs up. 
Matty shook his head as the duo continued to bicker, comforted by the fact that it was only hours before he got to see you again, properly this time. 
Taglist: @real-actual-human-person @wurldisavampire @partoftheairforce @kurdtbean @indierockgirrl
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eddiegettingshot · 4 months
different newer anon that mentioned theyre on season 5 here!! im a writer (author aspirations, but still) and i took tv analysis classes in college. im on s6 now but ive watched season 7 in its entirety already so i feel compelled to say that i think buddie will be endgame. season 7 especially has been insane in regards to that especially in terms of the deliberate choices they’re making. scene blocking, framing, wardrobe choices,
the scenes with maddie and eddie in 705 sealed it for me. you dont write “if you have something you need to tell eddie you will when you’re ready” or “this doesnt change anything between us” unless you’re planning for that. otherwise that’s actually just really terrible writing and considering some of the absolutely wonderful work we’ve seen here (im side eyeing the current eddie arc dw) i find that hard to believe to be the case. everything is so deliberate and goes into telling the overall story. it also just feels like the natural place the narrative is going anyway
its a possibility though dont get me wrong! but from my short time here is clear that tim minear knows that the audience would pitch a FIT if they got baited based on the karaoke stuff and has said before he doesn’t want to bait the audience.
its also clear to me that they were trying to go there in s4-5 at some point and knowing fox didn’t let them makes so much sense. considering abc allowed it within 4 episodes on their new network im thinking we might see something come season 8 (i do think we may see a moment or two in the final episodes of the season but considering its shorter who knows)
honestly the part i can’t stop thinking about is the terrible writing… because like i truly genuinely will not be able to actually believe buddie is happening until i see it confirmed in the text, so when i watch the show i’m not necessarily like this supposed to be a Hint, i’m fully willing to believe i’m just being baited. and my thing is that, IF it’s not leading anywhere, then it seems like excessively bad storytelling to write a relationship where there’s so much ambiguity that literally EVERYTHING about the couple is up for debate - because narratively, it is! the bcktommy relationship is being written like they’re laying down buddie threads that can be picked up later, which is objectively doing THEIR STORY a disservice! it literally boggles my mind that people spend so much time getting angry at other people for being Delusional and talking around eddie’s existence when instead they should be like why tf is so much of this being written so that it can be interpreted that way? it’s a relationship! it’s very easy actually to write two people as being unequivocally interested in one another! i literally dislike these two characters together (BECAUSE of some of the narrative choices obviously) and i’m sitting here like, if it’s not to make buddie happen, then what the hell is this storytelling? like even just thinking about 7x04, maybe WE know that tim said oh buck was into tommy all along because we read interviews, but if you JUST watch the show and only consider the text, it’s unclear all the way to the kiss - BUCK LITERALLY SAYS “YEAH I GUESS”??? not even a solid yes? it’s just so crazy to me like if i were actually into this ship i’d be throwing a fit and complaining incessantly about one half of it getting the love interest treatment lol
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izumi-fanclub · 11 months
A3! Event Story Translation “Ah, My Dearly Beloved” [ Chapter 2 ]
After reading a stimulating book, Azami goes to room 103 for consultance.
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…Alright, get to reading already.
“What a woman——!”
“Lady Fujitsubo, won’t you reciprocate my love?”
“Oh, but I mustn't…”
T-t-this is too inappropriate!!!!!
I can’t believe I’m reading such a shameless book! This HAS to all be exaggeration, just for the fun of it…!
Sigh… guess I’ll just have to read the original…
*Knocks and enters*
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This would mark the second time I’ve seen that face.
Didn’t think you’d be here…
Senpai, doesn’t he look like he hates you more than usual? Did you do something?
Oh, but I haven’t a clue.
Yeah, that face is giving you away.
…Itaru-san, are you free right now? There’s just this small assignment I’m struggling on…
You’re better off asking Tsumugi with old Japanese literature.
Aight, but won’t Tsumugi-san be a little late today——.
Wait, how the hell did you know it was about Japanese lit!?
When I caught a glimpse of you at the bookstore, I saw you holding a book with a cover that looked like a historical one.
Besides, you reacted when “The Tale of Genji” was brought up, so I figured…
What’s with my luck today…
That’s the part where you should be praising my amazing deduction skills.
You just get more unbearable by the second.
Let’s see, you have an assignment on “The Tale of Genji” and you want me to bless you with my guidance, right?
Not sure ‘bout that last part, but you pretty much got it.
I got told in class to read the first part by the end of the month, we have to submit a written report by then.
I can’t handle romance stories so I thought I’d cheat a little and know the context by reading a manga.
The story… was a bit…
Gotcha. Must’ve been overstimulating for you.
Well, pictures would leave more of an impact since they’re easy to understand.
I don’t mind, but there’s a lotta kanji in “The Tale of Genji” that I don’t recognize, I’m not good at that wordy stuff…
I’m more of a STEM kinda guy.
Tsumugi’s good at HUMSS subjects, but he’s preoccupied with his side gig for a while…
S’that so…
Too bad, classics aren’t my strong suit.
Even if it was, I’d eat my fist before I ask you.
I mean, I’ve read through it before, I can teach you some of it.
I just finished this event, how does right now sound?
Sorry for the bother, and thanks.
*Knocking is heard from the door*
Didn’t know it’d be crowded during visiting hours today.
You’re invited for a drink after all, you would have known about the visit.
We’ve got some VIPs coming, so you should say hello too, Azami.
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best-titan-7274 · 1 year
I had this silly thought about what if, even after ending up a hero, Cooper still needs to go through some tests/training to get his official "Pilot license" (lol), and Sarah may think that'd be a good way for him to wind down after such an intense mission + he could socialise with other new pilots, and pilots in general. So Cooper ends up in a rookie squad for his final tests, and I'd love to see everyone's reaction.
Bonus points for BT being there too, somehow, and maybe interacting with the new(-ish???) titans, teaching them stuff. (Come to think of it, do titans interact among themselves? Do they form social bonds? They must be, right?.. thinkingFace.emoji)
I've actually got something vaguely similar to this going in the longfic!
“What do you mean I have to do basic training?” Jack asks. “Me and BT, we’ve already been in combat, isn’t training a little late?”
“It’s a requirement for everything to be official. Don’t worry about it, Cooper, you guys will breeze through.”
If it’s going to be so easy, he doesn’t see why he has to do it, and he was kind of hoping that Lastimosa’s and Briggs’ approval would be enough to keep him out of it. But fine, if he has to. He should probably make friends with some of the other Pilots anyway.
They’re going to be fighting side by side at some point, and it would be nice to know them before they’re in danger. Platoon bonds, or something like that. There was really no way to escape being friends with at least some of the people in his squad when he was a rifleman, because they did everything together, but he’s not really sure how Pilots worked. Lastimosa was never the most social guy, and Jack had never been too close with any other Pilots, except now Briggs.
“Is this the part where I get thrown out the window if I keep complaining?” he teases.
“Only if you don’t get to the door first,” Briggs says, and fortunately turns her attention back to her paperwork instead of trying to hunt him for sport.
Good for him! Now he just has to go and tell BT that they have rookie training in the morning. They can probably sit back through a lot of it. They’ve already nailed everything that other people will be trying for the first or second time.
“This is illogical,” is all BT has to say about the news.
Better than him whining about it, although now that Jack thinks about it, he’s never heard BT whining about anything. Is that just his personality, or his programming? People who aren’t Pilots underestimate how individual they can be. He’s seen other Titans around the hangar, interacting with their Pilots, and it’s honestly not much different from watching a bunch of humans interact.
At least Jack’s on the same page as his Titan this time, because sometimes when they argue, BT just picks him up and carries him around until he gives in, and he really doesn’t want to be dangled around in front of the rookies. Not the best first impression.
Okay, so he’s not sure what kind of impression he does want to make, but he’ll figure it out. After saving an entire planet and having his Titan come back from the dead, how hard can it be?
He’s the only one not embarked when he gets to the training grounds, so he might not be getting off on the best foot already. Oops? At least the instructor is on the ground, but it doesn’t look like their Titan is here at all.
“Morning,” he says, because that’s a pretty tried-and-true greeting.
“Good morning, Pilot Cooper,” the instructor says. “Please embark.”
He gives her a thumbs up and turns, hopping up with his jump kit to land on BT’s knee for just a second before pulling himself into the cockpit by the bar across the top of the door. Even as he settles into the seat, he has one hand on the controls, the other reaching up to flip a switch. He’s done it so many times that it’s second nature, but at least the instructor looks impressed.
The training itself is easy. Switching weapons, wallrunning, holding shields against projectiles, disembarking while the Titan’s still moving. All things he’s done before, just like he told Briggs, so it’s not too bad. Actually, if he’s being honest… it’s kind of calming. Like running the gauntlet when he was training with Lastimosa.
It’s a little less calming when he realises the other Pilots are all staring at him, at least the ones he can see. Looks like a lot of them have a habit of hanging out with their cockpit doors open, chit-chatting when it’s not their turn to do something.
Is that… how all Pilots do things? He’s only been around Pilots who were preparing for combat or actually in the middle of it. No time to socialise then. Or maybe they all trained together to get to this point and they’re all friends.
“Hey, Cooper,” one calls, and he opens the cockpit door.
“What’s up?”
“So are you the Pilot Cooper?” asks a younger guy, leaning forward with his arms folded across his knees. “The one from Typhon?”
“That’s me,” Jack says, hoping he’s not suddenly about to get a bunch of groupies. He’s not the kind of guy that looks for people to follow him around, thinking he’s some kind of hero. Being a Pilot – being with BT – is his highest ambition.
“That’s pretty cool, man.”
There’s a few murmurs of agreement, and then a different Pilot asks, “So is that BT? Like, the BT?”
“Yeah,” Jack says, unable to help a grin. “He’s pretty cool.”
“Incorrect, Pilot Cooper,” BT rumbles. “My internal temperature is seven degrees higher than a human’s.”
So much for seeming cool in front of the new Pilots.
“Thanks, BT.”
A third Pilot laughs, one of her feet braced against the frame of her cockpit door, relaxed in her seat, hands linked behind her head.
“So yours is really literal, too? My guy TL is the same way. I say anything fancy and he always gets confused.”
“I am not always confused,” her Titan corrects her.
She raises an eyebrow, as if to say, See what I’m talking about?
“Do yours learn from you?” Jack asks. “BT learned how to do a thumbs up.”
“Taught IJ to swear,” says the first guy. “Got in some trouble for it with our first CO.”
There’s a scattering of laughs, and a different girl pops in with her own story about getting in trouble with their former commander, followed by an only slightly exaggerated account of the first time Jack got yelled at by Lastimosa.
“Pilots!” the instructor bellows, and they all startle, even Jack. “If you’re done gossiping like a flock of hens… Moore and Harris have finished the course. You’re free to go.”
Maybe Jack should have been paying a little bit more attention to the course, but hey, at least he survived training. Moore looks absolutely exhausted, and Jack wonders if maybe he should offer his help at a second try at the course, to help build a little more confidence.
TL’s Pilot disembarks, almost as naturally as Jack does. The others are behind her, in pairs and trios, until they’re all ringed loosely, talking about the course and their experiences on it.
Jack’s not sure he’s welcome, at least until the Pilot who first addressed him looks up and over, and asks, “You coming or what, Cooper?”
“You gonna make some friends too, BT?” Jack asks as he picks up his helmet and checks his jump kit. Can’t fling yourself out of a Titan without a plan to get to the ground with all your bones intact.
“Statistically likely.”
Pretty much the kind of answer Jack expected.
“Have fun, bud,” he says, and hops down to join the other Pilots.
“Pilot Zhao,” introduces the guy who called him over, and offers him a stick of strawberry chewing gum. “Bet IJ teaches your Titan something new.”
“Bet BT could teach them something, too,” Jack says, taking the gum. “We’ve gotten pretty good at embarking from weird angles. Honestly, I don’t know how he manages to catch me every time, I’ve come at him from some pretty crazy places.”
“So you got any advice for us?” asks TL’s Pilot. “Since you’re technically already a Pilot and you’ve actually been in combat.”
He glances over his shoulder, and sees BT doing a thumbs-up, his actions studied carefully by NK. Whether the other Titan will learn anything, Jack’s not sure… but he’s pretty sure he also shouldn’t teach the newbies about the fastball. Which means he will, of course, but first there’s something else to say.
“Always trust your Titan. They’ve got your back, no matter what, and there’s nothing they wouldn’t do to protect you.” He smiles faintly. “That big hunk of metal is going to be your best friend and protector for the rest of your life. Not a lot of people get to have a relationship like that.”
“You don’t have to tell us they’re special,” Zhao says, looking at his own Titan. “I’ve never met anything or anyone like him.”
“Are they all different?” Jack can’t help asking, and it’s easier than he thought it would be, to become part of the team.
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Realistically do you still think Milvn will breakup in the first couple of episodes? I feel like the fabdom is focusing on fanon so much at this point that they are missing canon and actual narrative on the show. It seems very unlikely to me for Mvln's breakup taking place in first couple of episodes. But the fandom are still stuk in their previous thoughts and cannot seem to think differently at all and never even consider the possibility of mlvn breakup happening way later on in the next season. Most of the Byler's analyses about El's character has turned out to be wrong. El doesnt seem to be done with the relationship. She still loves Mike (or thinks she does) and she drew strength from his monologue. A mildvn breakup right into S5 does not make any sense canon narrative wise. We can argue that the show was different that the script, while i agree with it to an extent i reaaaly think people are trying way too hard to discredit the writers intention and the script here. El was not angry at Mike. She was sad about Max and Hawkins' situation. 🤷‍♀️
What i am saying is that i feel like most Bylers are misinterpetating what is happening with the narrative here and it leads to unrealistic and baseless expectations for the characters and S5 regarding how Mlvn vs Byler will take place. And i am greatly sorry but i dont think Mike lied in his monologue, like at all. And the situation reads like "Mike loved el romantically but they wont be together bc of incompitability". El is not even still over Mike. And people expect her to be like "i breakup with you bye" right into S5. Mike still has underlining feelings for El. Like... all i am saying is people shouldnt base their expectations on headcanons and fanon misinterpretations.
Lastly, while i really would like a more detailed gay coming of age and sexuality storyline for Mike, realistically going by canon i dont think its happening. Sorry. They will mostly focus on Will's sexuality and coming of age it seems like and Mike will mostly have a "realization" arc where he realizes El and him are not fit for each other and then he decides to be with Will.
Based on the show’s trend of doing break-ups (or at least implied break-ups) early in the season, yes I do think it’s likely that the audience will at least have the impression that Mike and El are broken up early in s5.
That’s based on a technique they have done repeatedly, whereas the assumption that they will break-up midseason is based on what exactly? The Duffers saying that s5 is jumping right back into the action?
I mean, if anything shouldn’t that be an indication that the arcs heavily built up in s4, that were left deliberately unresolved, are going to be dealt with in a timely manner, as opposed to being put on pause and then squished into mid s5, when we’re arguably going to have even more stuff the characters are dealing with? Like, them literally fighting for their lives?
When it comes to Mike’s monologue giving El strength according to the script, this is actually really easy to explain and so I will! 
For starters, they did not disclose El's feelings about the monologue in the Piggyback script, bc they released it knowing it would go public, at least two years before s5 is set to actually come out. They would not just throw in a huge spoiler like that, seeing as it was intentionally left unaddressed in s4, with the intention to be addressed in early s5. That’s the whole thing about s4 kind of leaving things so shaky and uncertain, with s5 jumping us right back into that, bc there was just so much set up for all of those dominos to inevitably fall.
To understand Mike’s monologue and its impact on El better, it might help to recall the memory of El’s birth and how her mother’s love is what gave her the strength to defeat Henry the first time in 79’.
I mean look at the lighting of that scene, it’s probably the brightest fucking lighting we’ve ever seen in the entire series (you know what light means... pure, genuine, true love…). And it’s because strength from love is much more powerful than strength from anger. That’s something she is literally throwing back in Henry’s face that day of the massacre, going against what he told her to do and instead using the memory of her mother’s love to beat him. 
During Mike’s monologue, we see El using anger to give her strength to finally break free and stop Vecna, all orchestrated by events that Henry has had a role in impacting, meaning he was actively going up against her this second time, all while knowing that in order to actually beat her, she needed to be vulnerable and unable to use love as strength, with her only option being anger. And so what we see is anger about Mike still woefully misunderstanding what she had tried to explain to him earlier in the season, along with watching her best friend be murdered in front of her. And look at the lighting of that scene, she's literally seeing red. The atmosphere is eerily uncertain at best.
This monologue was SOOO necessary for the narrative in order to keep the public away from considering Byler. Because they already don’t want to consider it as it is, and that monologue gives them an excuse not to. You saw how they reacted to the piggyback script? Like it was this huge sigh of relief for them? Meaning that they were having doubts…
The thing is, I have considered the possibility of a mid-season Milkvan break-up. I’ve talked about how waiting until mid-season, something that would be unprecedented bc they’ve never done it before, would be odd considering we will be dealing with vastly different concerns and conflicts by that point. 
For them to hold off settling a break-up, that was built up all of s4 (arguably since s3), until mid-s5, would fall flat. If anything jumping right into the action means all the major stuff built-up, but left unaddressed in s4, is what we’re jumping back into.
They need to address those things so that they can move on to the aftermath of all of that and then beyond that. 5 episodes of ignoring that, and then 4 episodes of it happening and processing all of it AND dealing with endgame right as the finale is coming to a close, would be hard to juggle and make satisfying.
The reason they like this approach so much, is because it allows the audience to root for the other option in the love triangle. And with Will getting home-wrecker allegations as it is, a milkvan break-up is extremely necessary this time around as well, especially with byler being endgame and them really wanting us to root for them finally. 
How can we do that if the Duffer’s break their own trend of early break-ups and in turn make it difficult for us to root for byler, all while leading on milkvan’s unnecessarily even longer (with no intention of going that route), making it even more unlikely for viewers to accept Byler endgame?
They’ve been building up to this inevitable break-up since s3, with s4 ending in a way that made it sort of obvious El is not happy with Mike and with Mike clearly struggling with something.
Are we just going ignore the implications of the inevitable painting reveal or the fact that Mike called El ‘his’ superhero (the most insulting thing he could do honestly, least of all during a love confession) at the end of s4, and have that confrontation be stretched out? For what? El hasn’t even responded to it or told us her side at all? She told Mike she missed him and that’s it… That’s all we’ve got. Like, let her speak and actually say how she feels about their fight in her room and the events at Surfer Boy and everything leading up to this inevitable moment for them.
While Mike and El didn’t outright break up in s4, there was heavy implications of it, and that was for a reason. They wanted us to watch those Will and Mike scenes throughout the season and see something more. Even though it didn’t end with a kiss between them, nor them officially getting together, they still did it because they wanted us to interpret those scenes as romantic comfortably. That's also why they kept Mike and El seperate at the end of s4, because they wanted us to look at Mike and Will in a way that made us go 🫣🫣🫣 at the very least.
Now, if s5 is leading to Byler endgame, just imagine how much more important it is to make it really clear that Mike and El aren’t happening?
Another even more important reason to have break-ups early in a season in general, is to allow the overall season to have a vibe that is cohesive as it’s own entity. Major stuff happens at the beginning and major stuff happens at the end, with the middle making up the overall vibe and feeling they want us to subscribe to the whole time, with certain pairings being constant that time more than the end/beginning. It makes more sense for us to root for byler most of the season, the whole middle, and for the first time at the end now as well, while letting go of El and Mike early on, even if it’s ambiguous like it was in the previous season. Personally I think the prospects of a dump your ass parallel are high… (can we do something interesting and fun like speculate how the break up would go down? Will it be angsty? Will it be lighthearted? Like I want to see all of those hot takes bc that's actually something that is more fun to think about than the 'when').
I know some people are here because they love romances or love queer romances and just enjoy shipping in general, but I’m genuinely here bc Byler makes sense based on all that stuff you would probably consider to be reaching. That stuff is the best part to me. So, if you don’t like others doing that, then consider muting those that you deem as people ‘misinterpreting the narrative’, again, according to you. 
At the end of the day you can believe whatever you want to believe. 
This idea that it’s okay to tell other people they are wrong and have baseless claims, all while ignoring the actual evidence they are presenting… Like I mean this just comes off like Milkvan’s telling Bylers they’re delusional for considering Mike and Will as being a possibility at all. If you have to constantly use, it’s not that deep as your core argument after being presented with evidence, while only yourself giving maybe one or two reasons at most for why your interpretation makes the most sense, then you’re probably not actually open to considering things based on evidence. You want to believe what you want to believe and you're projecting onto others for not following along with it.
Especially when it comes to the whole Mike having a coming of age story or whatever, where some fans have tried to make the argument that there is nothing to support that, when that actually couldn’t be further from the truth. Bylers have provided heaps of evidence. If all of that is not enough for you, that’s something that you have to contend with at this time. Just like us believing what we believe based on evidence we’ve gathered is our concern and something we have to deal with, not you. No need to apologize! Just try to worry about your own interpretation of things and feeling confident in that, but without having to tear down others' because they don’t subscribe to yours interpretation of things.
Because I feel like it would honestly be a lot more humiliating to insist other peoples theories are wrong and they’re only going to embarrass themselves in the end, only for that person saying that to end up being wrong… Everyone is making theories and everyone is bound to be wrong about some or even most. That's okay. That's natural. That's sort of an unwritten part in the agreement we all agree to by participating in this theorizing in fandom experience.
When it comes to Mike again and his arc, I always say this, but it really comes down to this more than anything.
Finn is 2nd top billed among the kids. He used to be THE top billed among the kids for s1-3, but then he got bumped down behind Millie in s4. There is a major possibility, that Noah is going to be ranked up, with him going from being paired up with Sadie, under Gaten and Caleb, to be bumped up under Finn with them sharing a title card. Though it’s unlikely they would rank Finn down under Noah, who was not even in the opening credits of s1, while he was the first name that season and the following two, meaning Finn's character Mike needs to live up to that top billed spot right behind Millie. He needs to have an arc on his own that is equally as substantial as Will and El's arcs, and separate from them just like theirs will have aspects that are separate from Mike as well.
Because Mike was the protagonist of the first season, he HAS to be important again in a similar vein in the end for the show to work as an overall five part story. When people go back to rewatch after s5, they are going to be met with Mike front and center. That will only be satisfying if we get genuine insight into his character in the final season, beyond the surface level.
Quite honestly, ALL of the kids deserve something deeper than what you are implying for Mike, and so applying that to him, the og protagonist, is just so absurd to me. If anyone is going to come out with a surprising arc we’re not expecting, it’s Mike. The audience is already not expecting Will to actually get the boy, that's the aspect that they aren't prepared for for Will, and so what about Mike's unexpected reveal?
Literally most of the audience doesn’t even think there is the slightest possibility Mike could be queer. You don’t think that warrants some addressing and unpacking…? You know… because he never really unpacked…?
I feel like people hear me say Mike is going to be important in s5 and go oh so you don’t think Will is the main character?? And it’s like?? Honestly my answer is yes and no. I think Will is literally the spine, the heart, or whatever you want to call it. In Finn's own words, he is the reason that everything happens and he is the most important character arguably, because of how important he is in terms of all of these events taking place throughout the series.
However, Mike is at the forefront from the very beginning and we arguably see everything from his eyes in s1 and 2 more than anyone else. But that goes away in s3-4. And that felt extremely intentional based on what is about to go down (byler endgame). You can tell that by doing this, they are trying to lead up to a reveal that brings him back to his original place in the story for the audience to see him as his most authentic self again, and with answers for why we lost that insight in between.
I could count up at least 20 Easter eggs hinting at Mike being in danger/targeted, which goes all the way back to the first episode of the series. 
This isn't even considering, that another trend they’re likely to bring back in s5, bc if they don’t they’d be breaking a series long trend, is Mike being late. He starts every season late. And so, what is Mike going to be late for this time? Could it have something to do with all of the unknowns about him that are yet to be addressed?
I think that sometimes we say that something isn’t going to happen because we don’t want it to. A lot of this stuff I’m saying happening isn’t based on feelings, it’s based on actual evidence.
If you don’t want certain things to happen because of x, y, z, you can just say that is the case instead of making arguments that there is nothing supporting it, when that’s not actually true?
Like nothing? Nothing at all? Baseless? Like, be serious rn.
ST5 is very likely going to give off s1-2 vibes. While Mike is going to be less in the background compared to s3-4, Will AND El are still going to have equal, if not more attention than him, bc I do believe that their bond is what is going to also be a part of saving Hawkins.
The ending is going to be surprising bc those primary color-coded bitches are the answer to it all. If me saying that upsets anyone because it goes against their interpretation of things, I'm sorry too I guess!
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I’ve been thinking a lot about Ted going home and about how he was in the last episode and really trying to understand it. And I think I do now. (Not trying to upset anyone here, sorry if it does, this has just been my processing journey.)
I think it does come back to that idea of him being at peace for me. When I really look back at this season I think, yeah, okay, he’s not been happy, he’s not been himself, he has felt lost. There was that whole scene about the North star early on, I have to accept that Henry, of course, is Ted’s North star.
I’ve also been thinking a lot about my feelings that Ted is going backwards or that he wouldn’t be happy back home but have come to different conclusions now. Firstly, I don’t think he would get back with Michelle, so I’m feeling happier about that.
Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, Ted may be going backwards in terms of location, but he is absolutely not the same person he was when he left Kansas. The show was always about bad fathers right - I know that’s not all it was about - but Ted being a father is such a huge part of who he is and his purpose and meaning and happiness in life. The journey he has been on will allow him to be the father he wants to be which is what will make him happy. I think we’ve been saying the phrase ‘I know he wants to be with his Son but’ a lot, well, I think Ted is one of those people (I hear they actually exist) that considers his child to be his world. To Ted, Henry is not just part of his life, he is his life. I think bearing all of that in mind, it makes absolute sense for him to go home and that he’d be at peace with the decision. I���m not saying Ted isn’t a person outside of Fatherhood, I just think for him this makes sense.
But I’ve also been thinking a lot about the idea that Ted wouldn’t be happy back home and I know this is one I felt strongly about before. But actually, Ted’s healing and growth will allow him to have a healthy relationship with Michelle and be able to co-parent Henry the way he would like. I do think with Dr Jacob out of the picture their relationship could be positive and healthy again (absolutely in a non romantic way!)
I also think it’s easy to tell ourselves Ted wasn’t happy in Kansas but…we don’t actually know that. His marriage was breaking down yes, and obviously his relationship with his Mum is difficult, but he has done so much healing around both of those things and has faced demons and struggles that were internal, regardless of where he was living. He has grown so much.
Outside of that, we don’t know much about his life in Kansas. We don’t know how happy he was there, what his friends and community were like, that stuff may all be amazing and stuff he’s missed. We know how much he’s missed home, we were repeatedly shown this, and not just Henry, his home. Kansas. Remember, Ted left to give Michelle space (and I would say also out of fear around getting close to Henry and all of those things he was running/hiding from) but he probably hadn’t planned to leave before he got that job offer. I’m not sure he wanted to leave. That job offer turned out to be what he needed at the time, but perhaps not what he wanted (to link it back to the song.)
Before I kept thinking about Richmond as the right home for Ted and where he belongs. But when I really think about and look deeper, was it? It was a form of home for him, yes. But did he ever truly settle? I think his accommodation would suggest not.
I’ve also been thinking about the stuff we wouldn’t have seen, the stuff offscreen. How many nights did Ted have dinner alone when Beard was with Jane? How many times did Ted feel lost and out of place when he wasn’t busy working?
I was thinking about the 12 texts and 3 un haha’d gifs whilst feeling annoyed about Tedbecca. But coupling it with her being with Dutch guy (still not okay with this but it’s the choice they made) I wonder if the unanswered texts were designed to show that Ted was feeling a bit left behind and that everyone else was moving on. Think about that night in Amsterdam, he ended up alone because everyone else was busy with their lives and he was drawn to and sought comfort in things that reminded him of home.
I also think there’s a lot to be said for the idea of Ted being needed. He is one of those people that needs to be needed. I guess the Mary Poppins line makes sense to me in this respect, when her work is done and when she isn’t needed any longer, even though people may want her to stay, it’s time to move on.
Ted did all he could for Richmond. He helped those people become the best versions of themselves. They were able to and will still be able to live by the Lasso/Richmond way whether he’s there or not. And I think this is one of the reasons he took a backseat role this season.
I keep thinking, if Ted stayed, but Tedbecca didn’t happen - which clearly the writers never wanted it to - how would his life look? Sure he’d hang out with people and have good times, but they’d all have their own lives and he wouldn’t feel like they really needed him. He would probably still feel alone a lot of the time.
So is that any different to Kansas? He probably has a community and friends there we don’t know about. And sure, he’d feel lonely at times, but perhaps no more than in Richmond, and in Kansas he would be needed by Henry and being able to be the Dad he wants to be. It makes so much sense to me now.
Ignoring Rebecca and soulmates for a second, in terms of everyone else in Richmond, I think it’s easy for us to think Richmond is the first time and place Ted has made these kind of connections with people. But again, like Mary Poppins, we don’t get to see the lives Ted has already touched and will continue to touch. He’s Ted Lasso, I have no doubt he has countless people that he has connected with back home and anywhere he has been for that matter.
In terms of Beard, Brendan Hunt said on the reddit Q&A that Beard and Ted would have had stages of being in and out of each other’s lives. I always assumed Beard had always been around before they came to Richmond, but maybe he wasn’t a regular part of Ted’s life in Kansas so Ted wouldn’t feel bereft of that when he leaves. That’s what I took from that so in that respect, I’m okay.
And obviously, all of this would be different if Tedbecca had happened. That’s a whole other kettle of fish. Obviously I still wish that had happened and believe it should have. But if the writers were never gonna do that, then it would have been sad for Ted to stay. Yes, they would still have been platonic soulmates, but that wouldn’t have been enough for either of them to be personally fulfilled.
Plus, even with Ted gone, people connected like that, soulmates, they will always be in each other’s lives. It’ll just look different now, but I don’t for a second believe Rebecca won’t see Ted again. They’ll probably still talk regularly and visit one another, even if we never see that! He’s not actually Mary Poppins, gone forever!
I still wish he and Rebecca had had a better goodbye and more screen time, but I do think when it comes to that scene in the stands, Ted knew that Rebecca doesn’t actually need him to be okay and to be a boss ass bitch, even though she felt like she did. And he knew she’d come to understand that, so he didn’t need to say anything. I still would have liked more to be said between them but hey.
So yeah, in terms of Ted leaving (some unfulfilled goodbyes aside) I feel at peace. And I think his behaviour in that finale was because he finally felt at peace too.
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