#it’s almost certainly gonna end up happening and I’ll be happy but like. not my best plan
Trying and absolutely failing to convince myself I don’t need the gilear plushie and the bad kids dice
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serenefreakgeekao3 · 8 months
Ambivalent Days
Jim Halpert x Trans Man Reader (PART TWO) Can be read alone, but I do reference part one, so read that HERE if you want to be caught up!
Summary: You’ve finally come out as trans to the entire office. It’s gone a lot better than expected. But now you’re faced with a serious problem- or rather, a serious crush. On none other than Jim Halpert, leading supporter of your transitions and quickly becoming your best friend in the office. But are you willing to risk that friendship just for some silly little feelings?
Tags: FtM!reader, Gay!Jim (for narrative reasons, I think i wanted him to be bi in the first part but switched it around, whatever), implied gay!reader (all i said was ‘not straight’), trans supporter Dwight, peacekeeper!Pam, supportive!Kelly Kapoor, bisexual!Kelly, drinking in moderation, happy ending Warnings: Michael being absolutely ridiculous and attention-hungry to the point that he does bad things (so, like, normal episode?), some general swearing
A/N: This has been requested so many times, both in asks and requests. I’ll try my best to tag everyone who asked for this, sorry if i forgot any! I was excited to write this because I loved the first part, but figuring out where to start was the trickiest part. I hope you all enjoy!  (this entire fic ended up just writing itself once i got going. I had no clue what i was gonna do until it happened so… enjoy lol)
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Life was great, working as a Customer Service representative for Dunder Mifflin paper company. Wow, you never thought you’d say such a thing, but it really has become something appealing, something that had you smiling and willing to come to work every single day. Of course, it had its own ups and downs, times when you felt overwhelmed or frustrated at certain people. You still ended up enjoying the majority of the day, and sometimes the rough days turned out to end up better than the rest.
It had absolutely, wholeheartedly nothing to do with James Duncan Halpert, otherwise known to his work colleagues as ‘Jim.’ You continued to lie to yourself, nodding along to this thought process on your drive to work. It was rainy, just like most days, and you were bored out of your mind waiting in the traffic. You just enjoyed going to work, because… Because of all of your friends, that’s why! Sure, that might include Jim, but that also included Pam, and Oscar, and god forbid, even Dwight. He’s certainly grown on you over time, having completely accepted your identity, even defending you against anyone who said anything. You couldn’t be sure, but you suspected that Dwight had even lost a customer through those actions- but when Mr Dellicker had called for customer support and you had answered the phone, saying his name out loud, Kelly had rushed around the divider and ripped the phone from your hand, immediately transferring it to her own phone. You tried to listen in, curious why this was so important to her, but you kept hearing her say the same thing over and over.
“Thank you for your consideration, but we no longer want your business with us. I completely understand that you think so, but we no longer want your business with us. While that may or may not be true, this whole conversation is futile considering we no longer want your business with us.”
Mr Dellicker had become a hushed topic around you, but you had managed to catch a private whisper among your friends one day when he was brought up again. They’d ask Kelly if he had called yet, and she assured the situation was handled. Pam had whispered, “I can’t believe some people’s views on trans people. It makes no sense.” So, while it wasn’t likely due to you specifically, you were almost sure that you were the only trans person they knew. If they were defending trans people, they were defending you alongside it all.
You pulled into the parking lot finally, shaking your head to rid yourself of those thoughts. Mr Dellicker’s whole deal had been a problem a month ago and was no longer an issue. You shouldn’t dwell on those thoughts, you weren’t likely to ever have to worry about it again. You managed to snag a semi-decent parking space. It was only the second from the front, but it happened to be right next to Michael’s own car, and as you placed your car into park, you glanced over to notice he was still sitting there. You tilted your head in confusion, watching for a moment.
You couldn’t tell if he was psyching himself up, or singing along to one of his weird songs. He seemed ready to open the door, then leaned back once more without actually doing it. He lowered the visor on his car, flipping open the little door to reveal his mirror and looking at himself in it. He continued, probably, speaking to himself, and you just shook your head and decided to leave it be. You reached for your suitcase and umbrella, then began making your way inside.
You were stuffing your umbrella into the little holder by the door after you entered the office, taking off your long overcoat and hanging it on the coat rack by Pam’s desk. She smiled, asking about what you did over the weekend, and you answered that you didn’t really do much besides binge the next season of your current obsession. You agreed to tell her about it later, moving toward the break room for your normal cup of tea. You pat Jim on the shoulder on the way, and he reaches up quickly to touch your hand before you slip by. It causes a smile to cross your face as you continue on your path, a happy feeling welling up inside.
“I. Am a girl.” You spin around quickly, eyes widening in fright. There stood Michael Scott, wearing a short, pleated pink skirt with his normal yellow button-down dress shirt, as well as a crooked ginger wig that he had most definitely not been wearing in his car. The room falls completely quiet, and you hear two people put their calls on hold. Jim stands, and you can’t see his face from this perspective, but you hear a hardness in his voice.
“Michael, this is not a funny joke-”
“It’s not a joke!” Michael yells out, crossing his arms. He purses his lips before speaking again in a higher tone. “I’m a girl, and so I decided to say it. That I am.” He looked around the room as if expecting something, but no one moved a muscle. Pam broke the silence, clearing her throat and talking in a tone that was both cautious and unbelieving.
“Alright, so what would you like us to call you, then?” Michael sputtered at the question, throwing his hands outward and looking around the room again. His eyes settle on me, and Jim sidesteps to block off his vision. You can no longer see Michael, but the image of him has burned into your mind anyway. You could feel yourself panicking, your heart trying to beat its way out of your chest. This had to be a prank right? He was making fun of you? Now? After all this time?
“What do you mean- Y/N didn’t change his name when he came out!”
“This has nothing to do with Y/N,” Jim quickly tries to interrupt him after hearing your name, but you heard his sentence all the same. Jim walked closer to Michael, leaning down to whisper, but even you could still hear his words in the silence your boss caused. “How about we talk this out privately and continue this announcement later?”
“I think that’s a fantastic idea, Jim,” Pam calls out quickly, circling her desk and corralling Michael into his office. He was putting up a fight, but not much of one. Jim followed closely behind, closing the door behind him. You could see multiple faces turn to look at you- as their current entertainment had been dragged away- out of the corner of your eye, but you were still there, shell-shocked. Before you realized what you were doing, you were standing directly outside Michael’s office door, peeking around the side to look in through the window. You could hear them talking still, considering the rest of the office was waiting to see what you would do.
“No, no, no!” Michael yelled out, plopping down into his seat. “I’m serious about this you guys!”
“Alright, let’s assume you are,” Pam begins, but Jim looks at her with an aggravated look.
“Let’s assume you are,” Pam repeats, pushing Jim away and leaning closer to Michael. “How did you come to this decision?”
“I-” Michael hesitates, looking at his computer, then back to Pam. “Well, I really like girls a lot.”
“Sure, sure, but sexuality and gender are different.”
“I know that, Pam! God!” Michael starts flipping random pens on his desk, trying to distract himself. “I just like their clothes a lot.”
“You like to wear the clothes, or see them on women?”
“See them-” He stops, looking up to her. “I mean, wear them! Yeah, that’s what it is!” His stuttering and determination caused Jim to huff in a humourless laugh, no longer just standing by.
“What’s really going on here Michael?”
“And,” Michael begins, ignoring Jim’s question, “What was that question about what I wanted to be called? Y/N didn’t change his name when he came out?”
“Sure,” Pam agrees, trying to maintain the peace, “But Michael isn’t a very feminine name. Doesn’t that make you feel a little, I don’t know, dysphoric?”
“What does that word mean?” Michael asks, causing Jim to huff again, moving forward to slam his hands onto the table.
“What is really going on here, Michael?”
“Fine!” Michael yelled out, throwing up his hands, his fake hair swinging around wildly. “I don’t think I’m a girl! I don’t like wearing dresses or skirts or-” He spits, swatting away the fake hair that had managed to catch itself in his mouth, “And I’m so uncomfortable in this,” He pulls the wig off finally, throwing it onto the ground. He stands next, reaching for the skirt he was wearing, “Or this-”
“No, no, no!” Pam calls out quickly, keeping him from ripping the skirt off in front of them. “I’ll fetch you your spare pair of pants here soon, it’s at the desk. Just,” She sighs, shaking her head, “What could’ve possibly made you think this was a good idea, Michael?”
“Well!” Michael huffs, pouting as he sits back down. “Y/N got all sorts of attention when he came out. He became cool, and popular, and now I’m not even allowed to make jokes about him! Everyone hates me now, he took my thunder!”
“You can still make jokes about him,” Pam continues cautiously, raising her hands up in a plea to calm him down. “Just, not about the fact that he’s trans.”
“My thunder Pam!”
“This is fucking ridiculous,” Jim begins, reaching forward and grabbing hold of Michael’s shirt. “That stunt you pulled was mean-spirited and heinous. Do you have any idea how you could’ve made Y/N feel? How hard it was for him, not only to accept himself for who he is but to become confident enough in himself to come out to the entire office? Do you realize how much you probably just put him back?” Michael’s face was terrified, and Pam was too stunned at this action to do anything at first. By the time Jim was done talking, she reached forward quickly and pulled him back.
“Jim, that’s unnecessary.”
“I feel it was completely necessary, Pam.”
“He doesn’t realize what he’s doing, he just wants attention.”
“He gets attention every single day Pam! He demands it, hell, he goes out into the office and-”
“Jim,” Pam interrupts, nodding toward Michael. You watch Michael visibly sniff, raising a hand to rub at his nose.
“No, no, he’s right. I’m a nuisance, everyone hates me.”
“No one hates you, Michael,” Pam starts, and Jim scoffs.
“You’re babying him.” She shoots him a threatening look, and he just shakes his head and crosses his arms. Pam moves closer to the desk, looking down at Michael.
“Hey,” When Michael looks up, his eyes are red and glossy. “What you did just now, was that a good idea?”
“No,” He whines out, drawing out the vowel.
“Good, that’s the correct answer. And why was it a bad idea, Michael?” He huffs again, moving to play with a different toy on his desk and avoiding her eyes.
“Because I lied for attention.”
“Because I probably made Y/N feel bad. And Jim.”
“So what are you going to do?” Pam asks, and you can’t see her expression but Michael finally meets her eyes and breathes in a deep breath.
“I’m going to tell everyone that it was a horrible prank and that I’m sorry.”
Even Jim startles at this, both Pam and Jim- even you, yourself- having never actually heard Michael apologize for one of his many failed pranks or skits. Pam straightens up, glancing quickly at Jim before looking back. Her voice was full of surprise as she nods, “That’s right. That’s completely right, actually. Good job Michael.” You could see him smile before looking down at his lap, then back up at Pam.
“Can I do it after I change?”
“Of course,” Pam moves quickly to the door, and you don’t think fast enough to move out of the way. The door swings open wide and you are revealed to be standing there, right outside of it. All three occupants turn to look at you with varying expressions, but they all share a similar surprise. You swallow hard, locking your eyes with Michael. You are about to speak but can feel eyes digging into your back, so you take a few steps into the office, past your two friends.
“What you did just now,” You begin, sucking in another deep breath, “Was horrifying- for everyone involved. I’m sure we want to see you in a skirt just as much as you want to be in one.” You lean forward onto the desk, watching Michael shrink away from you. “But let me ask you, how does it feel to wear that skirt?”
“What?” He looks startled at the question, looking to Jim and Pam for help. None arrived for him.
“How does it feel, wearing that skirt? Why aren’t you wearing a blouse with it? Couldn’t find one that fit, or did it feel too uncomfortable? What about the hair?” You nod down to wear the wig laid on the ground. “Was it annoying? Kept getting caught in your mouth, right? Drooped in front of your face, obscuring your vision?” You leaned forward, your breath coming out harsher. “Imagine you had breasts attached to you- and push past your sexuality. Imagine you had them and they couldn’t be removed.” You whisper this last part, your own eyes tearing up. “How would you feel?’
You hear Jim say your name softly behind you, realizing what you were referencing. Michael shook his head for a few seconds before he stopped, widening his eyes. You nod, continuing your speech. “Yeah, exactly.” You lean back, picking your hands off of his desk to rest by your side. “That’s how I feel every single day. Or, did. Until I came out.” You take a deep breath, steadying yourself. “I became confident because I was finally comfortable with who I was. I’m sorry if you can’t find that confidence in yourself. But don’t try to steal mine. Don’t make a mockery of my struggles.” You turn, heading toward the door, toward your desk- to anywhere but here. But Michael’s voice stops you before you’re able to leave.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” You turn, looking into his eyes. He seemed genuine, but you knew he didn’t really understand.
“Think about why you are. Then get back to me.”
You pushed your way past Pam, who stood in the doorway with shock and pain written across her face, and ignored Jim’s call of your name as you kept going. You wanted away from these stares, this was not what you meant by loving this damned office. You continued past the breakroom, ignoring your daily cup of tea. You enter into your side of the annexe, seeing Kelly on the phone and hearing a whispered but high-pitched, “What? No! He didn’t?” Before she suddenly looks up, widens her eyes, and quickly says, “Gotta go,” Before slamming the phone down. You sigh and walk around the divider, taking your seat.
Kelly has more social sense than most people in the office, you’ve come to realize. It was why she had applied for customer service- unlike you, who had just taken up an ad from the newspaper. So, she knew better than to try to ask you what happened. She remained quiet on her side of the partition, something that was extremely odd, and it almost felt like you were in your own little world, in your tiny corner. Your desk was pressed against two walls, and the partition blocked the other two sides except for the small gap for your entrance. The partition walls weren’t very high, but sitting down they reached above your head. You felt isolated- something you first loved, then hated, and now feel grateful for once again. It gives you time and privacy to calm down.
After some time, you hear a throat clear nearby, and Kelly’s chair roll as she likely stands to leave. You look up at the top of your divider, waiting for a face to come into view. Luckily, it’s Jim’s face. He smiles softly at you, and you can tell he’s trying to keep the pity from his face, but it's not working very well.
“You didn’t make your tea?” He raises a cup- your favourite cup, no less, that no one else has used since your incident with Dwight- and offers it to you. “I figured I’d make you some. Can’t go a day without your tea, right?” You can tell he was trying, and it warmed something inside of you. Trying for a smile, you reach out to take the cup, taking a sip. It was made perfectly.
“I’m sorry about that,” You begin, sighing and placing the cup aside. “I kinda went a little overboard, didn’t I?”
“Not at all,” Jim rushes to comfort you, circling the divider completely to be inside your little cube. He rests himself against your desk, looking down at you with earnest eyes. “If anyone was overboard, it was Michael.” You just shrug, looking away.
“I mean, what did I expect, really? Everyone in the office has been so good about the whole thing. Ever since I’ve come out, it's been nothing but positivity.” You bite your lip, shrugging. “This office isn’t exactly a positivity-friendly environment.”
“You being trans should have no bearing on your workplace,” Jim insists, leaning forward toward you. “I know the world is fucked, but I want to make sure that at least your world isn’t.” You huff a laugh, shaking your head.
“Oh, c’mon Jim. Don’t be too hard on yourself.” You look up, meeting his eyes with a self-deprecating smile. “It’s not like it's because of you that all of this ended up so easy until now.” Jim’s eyes widen slightly, then wander away as he wiggles his head and bites his lip. You wait for him to agree, then narrow your eyes. “You… Didn’t tell everyone to be nice to me, did you?”
“Well,” He begins, drawing out the word and wincing. “I didn’t quite do that. But I did explain that they shouldn’t act any different, what jokes they shouldn’t make about it, and to look something up before asking any questions. If they couldn’t find the answer online, then they could ask me, and then I would allow them to ask you.” You blink a few times, tilting your head.
“But no one ever asked me anything?” He nodded along, sucking his lips inside his mouth before popping them, sighing.
“Did they have questions?”
“Oh,” Jim scoffs, laughing. “So many.” He places his hands between his knees, palms together. You couldn’t help but laugh with him.
“Like what?” You feel curious but also dread at the prospect.
“Oh, y’know,” Jim shrugs, moving to mess with some pens on your desk idly, not meeting your eyes. “Just the usual dumbest shit on the planet. I told them all they were absolutely not allowed to ask you, of course, and had to explain why sometimes.” You nodded along, huffing out another laugh.
“I suddenly don’t want to know.”
“Oh, no, you really don’t.” You laugh softly along with him, feeling your chest bloom open, your crush developing further. For the second time today, you were moving before realizing you decided to. You stood, then reached forward and pulled Jim into a hug. He had straightened when he noticed you standing, then stood stiff as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. You hesitated, about to pull away when Jim moved quickly, wrapping you in his arms and pulling you in tighter. You relaxed once more, laying your head against his chest and closing your eyes.
“Thank you, Jim,” You whisper, turning your nose to brush against his dress shirt. He smelled clean, with a hint of cologne that you couldn’t place. His arms were warm and strong- comforting in a way that you hadn’t felt in so long. He moved one of them up, cupping the back of your head as he straightened up more, pulling you in closer.
“It’s nothing,” Jim stutters out, and you can hear his heart beating under your ear. “Someone’s gotta make sure these folks don’t chase you away.” You laugh, leaning back to look him in the eye. He seems sincere, solemn, as he adds, “I think I would be devastated if you quit.” You chuckle once more, shaking your head as you pull away.
“Oh, I’m sure.”
“No,” Jim lowers his head, trying to catch your eye once again. “I’m completely serious. You are probably the only reason I still show up.” He laughs, shaking his head. “I mean, I’m this old and stuck in this job?” You laugh along, shaking your head.
“You make good money here, Halpert, don’t deny it.” You feel slightly upset you had pulled away from the hug so soon, but you had to look at him after he said that. You had to see if he was serious- Jim is hardly ever serious, always joking around. It was part of the reason your crush developed so fast, and also why it’d always remain a secret. He was so funny, making you laugh constantly. But he was also a bit of a jokester, and you didn’t know if he had a serious bone in his body. Today was showing he certainly did.
You weren’t sure if you’d be able to handle it.
You both spend some more time chatting, and his presence is a balm that soothes your panicked heart. He tries his best to make you laugh- which you do, often- and you finish your morning cup of tea in the meantime. You were sure you could’ve talked to him forever if only your phone hadn’t rung. You shrug with helplessness, reminded that you’re technically at work and still have a job to do. You reach to pick up your phone, apologizing to Jim who waves you off. You watch him walk away as you answer the phone, “Dunder Mifflin paper company, customer service representative speaking.”
It ended up being a quick call, with someone complaining that their shipment was late. You only had to find their account to let them know that the delivery was scheduled for today and the time. Once you placed the phone back in its slot, you raised your cup to your mouth before remembering it was empty. ‘Eh, might as well,’ You think to yourself, pushing to stand and make your way to the breakroom. Kelly is back at her desk as you circle around, and you make sure to say a soft greeting to her to make up for your earlier rudeness. She says a polite and short greeting back with a gentle face, still conscious of your rough morning.
You’re about to pull the door to the breakroom open when you notice the back of Jim standing at the counter. He was hefting a freshly brewed pot of coffee, and you couldn’t help but stand there and watch his arm flex as he hefted it with no problem. You didn’t see the other door open, but suddenly Kevin was walking directly into Jim’s space.
“I have another question.” Jim sighs visibly, shaking his head.
“Haven’t I told you enough-”
“No, this is a different question, Jim!” Kevin seems adamant, and after Jim puts the coffee pot away he takes a side step to regain some personal space. “And you said yesterday there’s a limit of stupid questions I’m allowed to ask a day so I couldn’t ask yesterday!”
“You have until I finish making my coffee.” You’ve never seen Jim quite so indifferent and snappy before, raising your curiosity. For some reason, you still stood there, barely peeking through the window of the door, still holding your empty cup.
“Ok, so if he still wanted breasts-”
“Nope.” Jim was already shaking his head, stirring sugar into his coffee.
“Alright fine, but also. Can he sow a penis-”
“Nope.” Kevin huffs in frustration, flapping his arms for a split second.
“Why do you keep saying no to all of my questions?” Jim finishes stirring his coffee, placing the spoon in the sink and turning to look directly at Kevin finally.
“Because all of these questions are way too personal.”
“How are they personal?” You tilt your head, furrowing your brow. How would they not be personal? Jim seems frustrated, running his free hand through his hair.
“You can’t just ask someone about their breasts or genitals, Kevin. You wouldn’t want anyone asking about your dick.”
“Actually, it’s kinda itchy-”
“Nope!” Jim pushes away from the bar, leaving immediately. You’re stuck between sympathy for both of them. You don’t think Kevin actually knows any better at this point, but you also just felt too awkward to even try to come up with an answer to those questions. However, were these the types of things that Jim had to put up with daily just to vet the office for you? Why would he put himself through all of that?
“He’s really trying, you know?” You startle from your thoughts, turning to look at Kelly still sitting in her rolling chair. You tilt your head in confusion, but also shifted on your feet, hoping to play off the fact that you’d been standing there this whole time.
“Who?” Kelly just gives you a look you can’t quite decipher, continuing.
“Jim, obviously.” She sighs, pushing herself away from her desk and standing. “He’s even asked me for help on occasion. Little things here and there, but he recruits the allies where he can find them.” You purse your lips, leaning back against the wall next to the door, crossing your arms while holding your cup upright still.
“Asked you for help? Doing what? Who else has he asked?”
“I knew you’d figure it out at some point, I just didn’t think it’d be when someone slipped through his fingers. Though, Michael is pretty unpredictable like that.” She shrugs with a smile like she’s trying to hold back a laugh. “His main ask for me was just to intercept anyone trying to bother you- most likely to ask the dumb questions. I just had to send them right back through the breakroom over to Jim’s desk.”
“Did that happen often?” She shrugs again, wiggling her head.
“Not often, but a few times. Mainly Kevin, he has a lot of questions.” You nod, glancing briefly toward the breakroom’s door before resting your eyes on her once more. You study her posture, then try to make a guess.
“The other was Mr Dellicker, wasn’t it?” She winces but nods nonetheless.
“He was a real ass.” She sighs dramatically, moving to lean against the wall next to you and bunching up one of the random, typical office posters that hang around throughout the floor. “He was Dwight’s client, actually. The moment Dwight heard him be even a small bit transphobic, he hung up the phone. This, of course, caught Jim’s attention. I mean, have you ever known Dwight to drop a client? Like, ever?” You shake your head in agreement, and she nods with you. “Yeah, right? Anyway, Jim asks, Dwight answered. To Dwight, that was the end of the entire thing. To Jim, however,” Her smile begins growing as she leans closer to you, “Well, he knew that Mr Dellicker would call back to complain. And who would be picking up the phone?”
“Customer service,” You mumble, absorbed into her story.
“Exactly!” She giggles now, unable to hold it back. “It was adorable, really, the way he begged me to make sure I took his call. He actually asked me to call the man first, but I told Jim I wouldn’t go out of my way just to aggravate someone who, as far as we knew, wouldn’t be calling back after such a rude hang-up. But he wouldn’t let up, so I agreed to keep an ear out.” She huffs now, widening her eyes with a far-off look. “Good thing I did, too. He was such an ass.”
“Thank you,” You say softly, bringing her back to the present. She tries to brush it off but you just shake your head, placing a hand on her arm. “No, not just for Mr Dellicker. For agreeing to help out at any point, just for me. For not making a big deal about my whole coming out, for never treating me any different or- just-” You hesitate, shaking your head. “Just everything, Kelly. You’re an amazing coworker.” You watch her eyes begin to water, and she lets out a wet laugh.
“Wow,” She raises her hands, wiping the corners of her eyes. “You’re going to make my makeup run.” She pushes up from the wall, circling you and entering into the breakroom, heading straight for the girls’ bathroom. You widen your eyes at this reaction, unsure, but take a deep breath and enter into the breakroom yourself. You still had some tea to brew.
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You didn’t mean to idle, standing near the exit of the breakroom toward the annexe, but stuck in place watching Jim lean against Pam’s desk through the door’s window on the other side of the room. They were talking back and forth- a lot of laughing involved- and you couldn’t quite place the feelings whirling in your chest. It felt similar to jealousy, but you knew that wasn’t it. Envy? That perhaps she was his type, and not you after your transition? Insecurity?
You startle as Jim suddenly meets your eyes, watching him straighten up quickly. You try to act nonchalant, moving out of his line of sight to grab your lunch from the fridge, and sitting at the break room table. You’d finished your second cup of tea hours ago, and you were a tad overdue for your lunch break considering you had a whole host of emails that you usually respond to in the morning, but had to answer during your second cup of tea since you’d been just a tad distracted that morning. You bite your lip as the events from that morning fly through your mind, a whole host of emotions attached to them.
The door across the room opens, stopping your train of thought in its tracks. Jim walks in with a smile, moving toward the fridge. “Hey,” He greets you, scanning you with his eyes while you just sat there, slowly removing your lunch from its brown paper bag. “Was starting to worry you’d forgo lunch.” You laugh, then proceed to explain your lateness. As he sets his own lunch on the table, you begin to wonder if he waited for you. Then your eyes flicker back toward the door you’d been staring at him through.
“So, how’s Pam?” Jim seems a bit taken off guard at the question, turning to look at the door himself before looking back to you. He shrugs, taking his own lunch out of his lunch box.
“Uh, good, I guess?” He raises his sandwich, ready to take a bite before hesitating and adding on, “She’s excited to hear about that one show you mentioned this morning.” You nod along, watching as he begins to eat his sandwich. You take your own small bite, looking toward the door again.
“She’s cute, isn’t she?” Jim’s eyebrows furrow immediately, and you watch him swallow. He seems to be planning his actions in his head before he performs them, placing his sandwich down.
“What?” He looks around the room aimlessly, wiggling his head. “I mean, yeah of course. She’s cute.”
“You two get along really well.” At this he chuckles, shrugging.
“We’ve worked together for a long time.” You both fall silent, taking more bites of your food. Jim breaks the silence with a resounding, “I’d probably have developed a crush on her by now if I wasn’t gay.”
You end up lightly choking on your bite from surprise, playing it off with a cough and a sip of your water bottle. You can see Jim staring down at his sandwich at the table, taking a deep breath. “So, I can see why someone would develop a crush on her. If he was straight.” He glances briefly up at you, then back down to his sandwich. You tried your damndest to keep the look of shock from your face, that it takes an extra minute before you understand what he’s not saying. Did he think you were asking because you had a crush on Pam? You take another sip of water, letting your eyes wander away from him.
“Yeah, same.” Out of the corner of your eye, Jim glances up at you quickly, a look of concentration on his face that indicates his thoughts roaming a million miles an hour. You shrug for show, moving your own food closer so you can take a bite once you finish speaking. “I’d probably have developed a crush as well if I was straight.”
You only recognized the signs of Jim choking since you’d just gone through the same thing, as the man turns to cough into his arm as if to play it off. At least the poor man hadn’t been chewing food like you were. By the time Jim finished drinking from his own bottle, and moved to lean forward and say something, he was interrupted by the door opening and someone entering inside. He leans back, looking self-conscious, and you feel such a deep curiosity about what he was going to say that it burns in your chest. You don’t even register who walked in until she was taking a seat right next to you.
“I don’t know how you can stand it, Jim,” Kelly begins softly, and you look at her with confusion. Kelly never talks softly? “Working right next to the receptionist's desk all day. How do you get any work done?” Jim’s eyes flicker between you and Kelly, clearing his throat.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, she’s so hot!” You and Jim meet eyes suddenly, listening to her continue to talk in a soft voice. No wonder, considering she was essentially coming out to the both of you. “When I first started and had to work over in that area, I was getting nothing done. Toby had to ask me what was wrong, and I sorta kinda told the truth that I was extremely distracted. He moved me to the annexe-” She pauses here, resting a hand on your arm with a sympathetic expression, “Sorry, Y/N, that’s why you’re confined back here as well.” You shake your head quickly, rushing in.
“No, it’s fine. I like it back here.”
“You do?” Jim asks with a smirk, and you give him a look essentially saying ‘Shut the fuck up Halpert I’m trying to console her.’ He just laughs noiselessly, his chest shaking as he moves to take another gigantic bite of his sandwich.
“Anyway, it’s so distracting. I had to go get something copied and I stood there an extra five minutes trying not to stare too directly at her. Oscar literally had to nudge me and remind me what I was doing!” She groans, letting her head fall onto the table. “So embarrassing.”
“Oscar knows?” You ask gently, unsure whether she actually realized she told you both. She lifts her head with a sigh, seemingly unfazed.
“Well, yeah. Oscar knows about everyone.” You hear Jim scoff softly, mumbling quietly under his breath.
“Not everyone.” This only causes Kelly to raise an eyebrow at Jim, smirking with humour.
“Oh, he knows about everyone, Jim.” His head was quick as it whipped toward Kelly, leaning in.
“Wait, what?”
“I mean,” She shrugs, glancing toward you briefly before meeting his eyes again. “You’re kinda obvious, Jim.” You can see his eyes widen, but you only feel confusion.
“Wait, how many people are gay in this office?” Kelly only shrugs, refusing to meet your eyes.
“Not my place to say.” You nodded along, obviously that being true. You meet Jim’s eyes once again, and you can see red peppering his cheeks.
“I’m sure it’s fine, Jim.” He nods as if agreeing, flicking his eyes between you and the rest of his sandwich throughout the rest of lunch. Kelly takes the initiative in the ensuing silence, talking about everything yet nothing at the same time. Just as you and Jim are both cleaning up to get back to work, Kelly sighs loudly with an eyeroll before looking toward you and plastering on a smile. The look only made you feel wary.
“So, Y/N, what are your plans for after work?” You swallow roughly, glancing at a wide-eyed Jim, then back to her.
“Uh, nothing really?”
“Oh,” She draws out, reaching forward and placing a flirty hand on your arm. “So you’re free tonight? Want to go out for drinks?” You stutter, pulling away from her arm, your head already shaking as you try to come up with an excuse. ‘Didn’t she just say that she found Pam attractive? What the hell is going on?’
“Uh, Kelly-” Jim tries to intercept, but she pulls away as if nothing happened, shrugging.
“I just meant with the lot of us. Jim will be there too, won’t you Jim?” She looks directly at him, raising her eyebrows as if she was expecting something from him. You look between the two as an awkward silence settles before Jim startles, trying (and failing) for a normal smile.
“Oh! Those drinks!” Jim laughs awkwardly, looking back and meeting your eyes. “Yeah, we’re all going out for happy hour at Poor Richard’s Pub, you should join us!” You relax slightly as Jim was the one offering, no matter how weird this entire interaction ended up being.
“Oh, uh,” You hesitate, still slightly wary. There’s obviously something you’re missing here. “I mean, sure. I have nothing else to do. Who all will be there?”
“Just a couple people from the office,” Kelly quickly answers, standing and moving to throw her own trash away. She turns to look at both you and Jim, still sitting in your chairs. “Well, c’mon! We have work to do, people!”
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“I know why I’m sorry now.” You startle at your desk, turning to look directly at Michael Scott with wide eyes. You hadn’t even heard him approach. He circles around your desk, motioning for you to stop your work as he leans against your desk- an unknowing imitation of Jim that morning. “If you’re willing to listen?”
You can feel yourself swallow roughly, the beginnings of a familiar panic starting in your chest. You’re unsure what to say, so you just nod. He nods as well, taking a deep breath before continuing. “At first, I had no clue what you meant. I knew I was sorry, and I knew it was because I had hurt you.” He looks into your eyes, regret deep within his own. “But that wasn’t enough for you. So I started thinking.” He chuckles softly, leaning back on his hands and letting his own gaze roam the walls behind your desk. “And when that didn’t work, I remembered something Pam said when she tried to play along with my- well, yeah. A certain word I didn’t recognize. Dysphoric.”
You feel yourself tense, suddenly remembering the tightness around your chest where the binder lays under your clothes. You can feel the tie around your neck like it was trying to choke you. Michael, unaware of your inner struggles, continues on. “That search was enlightening- it was like everything you had expressed to me. And everything I had felt, trying on those clothes.” He hunches inward, his expression becoming stormy. “I felt so wrong wearing that skirt. And you were right- I had tried a blouse on. I bought one at the store that fit and even brought it home, but it just felt so weird when I tried to walk out of the door with it on. So I switched to my normal shirt.
“Then I was sitting in the parking lot, and I knew that the moment I placed my foot out of my car, everyone would see the skirt. I was-” He laughs humourlessly, shaking his head. “I was terrified. I tried to ignore it- like it was just stage fright, something I had to talk myself into.” You began to nod, intrigued by his story. “I don’t know how I convinced myself to get out of the car- I guess something along the lines of, ‘Well, I’m the boss. The ship will sink without me in there.’” He takes a deep breath, patting his legs loudly. “Anyway, I was jealous.” He shrugs, looking at you with wet eyes. Was he really getting emotional over this? “I mean, you did kinda steal my birthday away from me.”
Memories of that night flash quickly through your head. You’d come out during a party- a party you didn’t know the purpose of. That pink quinceañera cake… You didn’t get to taste it, but they could’ve gotten it because it was his favourite flavour? You hadn’t even seen Michael there. Was he trying for a grand entrance? Memories from this morning flash through your mind’s eye, Michael yelling at Pam, ‘He stole my thunder! My thunder, Pam!’
“It wasn’t planned, Michael,” You try to assuage, wincing despite yourself. “I’m sorry, though.” Your apology causes Michael to blow a sigh out roughly, then laugh and slap his thighs again.
“Wow! I didn’t know how much I needed to hear that.” You’re both silent- you studying Michael’s face, and Michael looking anywhere but at you. Then you start laughing.
“Michael,” You try to talk through your laughter, but you just shake your head and try to get it under control. You wouldn’t want him to think you were making fun of him- you only found him ridiculous- so you try your best to calm down. “Michael. You were upset that I ‘stole your thunder’ on your birthday, so your response was to… Pretend to be a girl? Instead of, oh I don’t know,” You try to hold back your laughter again, choking lightly on your words, “Throwing another party?” Michael seems to take a moment to absorb this- then begins to laugh alongside you.
“Well, that would’ve only been easy, Y/N. When have you known me to do things the easy way?” You both laughed again, and you began to shake your head.
“Never.” When your laughter finally dies down, you meet his eyes once again. Staring at each other, it's like you both finally understood. You thought he was just ignorant, but you had been missing out on important information as well. He began to nod, glancing over his shoulder toward the nearby wall clock.
“Well, looks like I kept you long enough. Time to clock on out!” He jumps up, shooting finger guns before backing up. He trips over the edge of the divider, tries to play it off, and then groans loudly when he sees Toby walking by. “God, every time!”
You chuckle to yourself, then begin the process of shutting down your computer and packing up. Kelly skirts around the divider quickly once the door closes behind Michael, leaning into your space. “Let me drive you.” You hesitate, widening your eyes.
“I’m sorry?”
“To the pub! Let me drive you!” You laugh nervously, beginning to shake your head.
“Oh, uh, no. I have my own car, but thank you-”
“If you drink, you won’t be able to drive home.” She counters, raising her eyebrows at you. You laugh again, shaking your head.
“Well, if we’re all drinking, wouldn’t you drink too?” She shakes her head immediately, crossing her arms.
“I don’t drink at all.” You still feel hesitant, and it must show on your face as she sighs and then leans in. “I’ll tell you Jim’s whole deal.” This catches you, looking back at her to study her.
“What do you mean…?”
“I’ll tell you if you let me drive you!” You huff a laugh, smiling despite yourself. “Yeah, alright. But if I don’t drink, you gotta’ take me back here so I can drive myself home.”
“Deal! And if you do, then I’ll drive you home and pick you up for work tomorrow morning!” You laugh again, shaking your head as you pick your briefcase up, finished with closing down your desk for the day.
“You seem excited about this.”
“Absolutely! I’ve been waiting forever!”
You were still unsure what she meant but followed along with the hyperactive girl as she burst through both of the doors to the breakroom. You watch Jim straighten where he had been leaning against Pam’s receptionist's desk, and smile toward you as you made your way to the exit.
“You know,” Jim starts, huffing a soft laugh and smiling in a way that took your breath away, “I was thinking.”
“Oh,” You draw out, smiling despite yourself, “Dangerous territory there, Halpert.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Jim begins, laughing again. He takes a discreet look around before reaching forward to almost take your hand, his fingers tangling with your own but not quite grasping. “I was hoping that maybe I could drive you down to the pub? I know you have your own car and all, but I just want to make sure you’re safe with getting home, y’know?” Your face falls just as you hear Kelly’s voice behind you.
“Oh, don’t worry Jim! He has a ride already.” Jim looks toward Kelly over your shoulder, then back to you with wide eyes, pulling his hand away.
“Already?” Jim looks back to Kelly, confusion clear across his face.
“Oh, don’t get your panties in a twist, Jim!” You feel her small hand wrap around your bicep, pulling you toward the door. “We’ll meet you there!”
You take one last look at Jim through the glass doors as Kelly drags you along to the elevator. You hesitate, mind trying to catch up, before you finally clear your throat and look at her. “No offence here, Kelly, but I honestly think I would’ve preferred riding with Jim?”
“You’ll have the rest of your life to ride with Jim. Just let me tell you what I need to tell you without the risk of Jim hearing us.” You both step onto the elevator, as Kelly begins mashing the button for the lobby.
“Uh,” Your mind is stuck, repeating ‘rest of your life’ and ‘Jim’ over and over. “This feels… Is this nefarious?”
“‘Nefarious,’” Kelly mocks, pulling you once the doors open again. “You say the oddest things sometimes.” You didn’t know which car was hers, but considering she was dragging you along, you didn’t have to guess. She pulls your briefcase from your hands, finally letting go of you, and you just stand in place. She throws your suitcase and her purse into the backseat, then opens the driver's door with a look up at you. “Well, get in!”
It was quiet for a long portion of the drive. You didn’t know what to ask, or how to even broach the subject. Did it seem too eager, to ride along with her just because she promised to tell you about Jim? And what was she even talking about- how would Kelly know more about Jim than you? True, you both hadn’t been friends for very long just yet, but you didn’t know Kelly and Jim were friends?
“So, it started when you started transitioning,” Kelly said, bursting you from your whirlwind of questions. “We all got pretty curious. I was the one who had the theory you were trans first.” She winces, looking over to you. “Sorry. I didn’t know at the time how true I was. I honestly didn’t even know if you knew about it, but- well, obviously you did.” You tilt your head, brow furrowing.
“You all were talking about me before we were friends?”
“Well, you know how the office is. You were changing, and people were noticing. Especially Pam and Jim. Pam, who is such a sweetheart and just wants everyone to be comfortable. She had a feeling you were never quite comfortable at the office but didn’t know how to help. Jim found you hot, which was throwing him for a loop considering he is gay, and normally not attracted to-” She hesitates, tilting her head. “Well, we did think you were a girl at the time.”
You nod along, unoffended. “Right, but-” You scoff, shaking your head, “I don’t know if I believe this story now. I mean, Jim? Finding me-” You almost say the word, then scoff softly and look down to your lap. “Attractive?”
“Well, you are hot,” Kelly confirms, and you look up quickly at her. You aren’t sure what expression is on your face, but Kelly just laughs. “What? Don’t look at me like that! You were hot when we all thought that you were a girl, and you’re even hotter now that we know you’re a boy!” You laugh in disbelief, shaking your head. Kelly continues on, pushing through your awkwardness. “I mean, c’mon! Confidence is sexy as hell.”
You look away, feeling a blush rise to your cheeks as you remember Jim saying something similar. “Sure, but-” Kelly interrupts you, continuing with her story.
“So once you finally came out, Jim had his own little freak-out because it wasn’t just a theory anymore. It is true, you are a dude, and Jim didn’t know if he could handle you getting hotter and hotter every day.” You flashback to another scene in your head, Jim saying something similar to Pam and you laughing, accusing him of finding Dwight attractive. Was he talking about you at that time? Kelly’s voice brings you back.
“Anyway, I finally told him that he needed to get his act together and ask you out already, or I’d do it first. Either ask you out for myself or for him, but either way. I don’t know if I could stand any more of him spewing about you, I mean- all I heard was Y/N this, or Y/N that, or ‘Wow he’s wearing the tie I gifted him!’ I mean, that man can talk.” You hold back a laugh, shaking your head. The one and only Kelly Kapoor, complaining about someone talking too much. That’d be hilarious to tell Jim- if you ever got the nerve together to tell him about this little conversation.
“Ok,” You huff out, shaking your head, “You’re asking me to believe that Jim not only finds me attractive but wants to date me?”
“Well, that’s where we’re going now! So you better believe it.”
“Going now- but you’re here? The office will be there, how would it be a date?”
“It’s going to be a date,” Kelly starts slowly, looking at you with a grin, “Because it’s not an office hangout. I’m going to drop you off and leave, and then Jim can take you home. I only did this to get you both together outside of work, you’ll be all alone with him.” She huffs, squeezing the steering wheel around her hands. “And I’m telling you all of this before the date because I don’t trust Jim to admit anything to you without pushing him for it. If I’m not there to pressure him, then-”
“Woah woah woah,” You interrupt, shaking your head quickly. “I’m not about to pressure my best friend for- for some wild hope that he might feel the same. And I-” You can feel the panic again, pulling at the seatbelt around your torso. “I don’t know if I can do this, I didn’t know it would be just us, I mean-”
“Calm down, it’ll be fine. It’s just Jim, remember?” ‘It’s just Jim,’ You repeat to yourself as Kelly turns the car into the pub’s parking lot. You take a few deep breaths, nodding your head. ‘Yeah, I can do this. It’s just Jim, just normal ole Jim.’ Kelly backs her car into a space, waiting for Jim’s to arrive. It doesn’t take long to notice Jim’s car pulling in, parking in one of the front parking spaces, directly in your line of sight. You take another deep breath, nodding.
“I can do this,” You whisper, and Kelly reaches over to squeeze your arm. That’s when you watch two of the car doors open, Jim and Pam stepping out to take a look around. You hear a squeak beside you, Kelly’s hand tightening on your arm. You look over with concern, watching panic written across her face.
“Oh, Jim, you bitch,” Kelly whispers, shaking her head.
“This wasn’t part of the plan, was it?”
“Absolutely not,” Kelly whispers, then moves to get out of the car alongside you. You both approach the other two, smiles on your faces. They finally notice you, and it’s almost like you and Jim have locked eyes and thrown away the key. You’re unsure what’s really happening between the two girls, not registering the words exchanged. You walk a little closer to Jim, smiling up at him.
“Hey,” You whisper, and his smile widens, reaching his hand out in an imitation of earlier, tangling your fingers together.
“Hey.” He glances over to the other two girls, wincing and looking back to you. “I wasn’t sure- is it okay that I brought Pam?”
“Apparently,” You whisper, leaning closer and glancing briefly at Kelly to make sure she’s sufficiently distracted, “That wasn’t part of the plan. She told me she was throwing me out of the car and driving off.” You note the blush lighting up Kelly’s cheeks as she talks with Pam, before turning your attention back to Jim. You hadn’t realized you leaned in this close- or did he lean in as well? His face was next to yours, close enough to share a kiss.
“Shall we head inside? Guys?” You both jump apart, and you look guiltily over to Pam, who spoke. She only smiled in response, throwing a thumb over her shoulder. “We could grab a booth?”
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The night was going well. It didn’t really feel like a date like Kelly had hoped it to be, but instead a nice get-together of a couple friends. You all laughed constantly, telling stories and jokes from the office, while also sharing your own life’s stories. No one really talked about their own life outside of the office while they were working, so it was a refreshing twist on things. You felt drawn even closer to the lot of them- Jim, especially, as he couldn’t seem to drag his eyes away from you for too long. You weren’t sure, but you thought it was Jim’s leg under the table pressing against your own. You hoped so, anyway.
“But, yeah, Toby is so weird! You guys don’t get that vibe?” Pam continues, giggling as she sips her mixed drink. Jim and Kelly were the only two keeping away from the alcohol, but you had ordered your favourite mixed drink and had slowly been sipping on it. You knew you weren’t drunk yet, but you were pleasantly tipsy.
“No?” You hesitated, trying to think back over the times you’ve interacted with him. It was more often than most since you worked in the annexe, but he always seemed like a nice, if tired, man.
“It’s cause he has a crush on you,” Kelly nods, laughing alongside Jim. Pam blushes, shaking her head quickly.
“Oh, no, of course not.”
“Well, Kelly would know,” Jim points out with a grin, raising his glass to his mouth and taking a large gulp. You watch confusion rush across Pam’s face, while Kelly’s turns a bright shade of red. She mouthed his name behind her cup, giving him a stern look.
“What does he mean by that?” She asks, looking between you and Kelly, then back at Jim. “What do you mean?”
“Oh,” You begin, laughing under your breath. “Just that Kelly has a lot of experience talking with Toby. He was the one who moved her into the annexe, after all. It almost seems like they have a lot in common?” You end it with a question, trying your best to be vague. Jim almost spits out his drink with his laugh, turning to cough into the crook of his arm.
You hear Pam question, “Yeah, why were you moved into the annexe?” Right as Kelly mumbled from beside you, “Not that much in common. Like one thing.” You and Jim meet eyes, trying to keep the humour from your faces.
The rest of the night passed in much the same way. You still were unsure about the whole ‘Jim liking you’ bit but found yourself pleasantly hopeful. And it seemed like- if that was true- maybe Jim was trying to get back at Kelly by teasing her about liking Pam. You began to wonder if that was his plan all along, showing up with Pam randomly. Honestly, whether this was a double date or just a hang-out with friends, you found yourself enjoying the time immensely. But the night was wearing thin, and all four of you had work in the morning.
As you and Pam were helping each other out of the booths, making sure she hadn’t forgotten her purse, Jim and Kelly had run off to pay the bill. You glanced over at Jim- probably with a longing look since you can’t exactly help it, being slightly inebriated- and watched him lean in close to Kelly as they began whispering back and forth.
“He’s a good guy, y’know.” You look back over to Pam, eyes widening. “I don’t know you well enough yet to know your thoughts on him, but he is a good guy. And he deserves the world.” You chuckle softly, nodding.
“Yeah,” You say breathlessly, looking back over to him. He glanced up at the same time, and you can’t help the smile crossing your face. “I think so too.”
“Then tell him,” Pam insists, and you look back down to her. “He deserves to know that. He thinks he’s not worth your time, apparently.”
“That’s ridiculous-”
“What’s ridiculous?” Jim asks as the other two rejoin you and Pam. Pam smiles brightly leaning over to take Kelly’s arm.
“That you have to drive all the way across town just to drop me off, Jim!”
“Actually, we were just talking about that,” Kelly mumbles, and you smile watching her attempt to hold eye contact with Pam unsuccessfully. “If it’s okay with you, then maybe I could take you home? And Jim can take Y/N.”
“Yes!” Pam practically yells out, and you chuckle softly. You look over toward Jim, seeing him already looking your way.
“If that’s alright with you?” He whispers, and you nod immediately.
“Of course it is, Jim.”
“Good,” Jim says, releasing a breath as if with relief.
“Good,” You parrot, reaching forward boldly to take his hand. “Lead on, then.”
Once you and Jim make it to his car, you both wait before getting in to make sure Pam and Kelly are in their car safe and buckled. Once Kelly begins pulling out, Jim turns to you and leans in closer. “I had a fantastic time today.” You laugh, nodding along, leaning against his car and gravitating toward him.
“I did too. ‘Was surprised that Pam showed up, though.”
“Well, Kelly did say it was ‘the office’ going out for drinks. I thought it’d be fine.”
“Well, she didn’t actually mean the office, apparently. She was just trying to get us alone.” You shrug, smirking up at him. His deer-in-headlights look was gone now, for some reason. He seemed bold, leaning closer and taking your hand.
“And if it was? Would that have been fine?” You laugh again, nodding slowly.
“That would’ve been perfect.” His face slowly loses his teasing look, turning serious- but soft.
“Y/N,” Your name is husky in his mouth as he begins leaning closer, and you can smell his cologne in the air. Everything was so much, his smell, his body heat, his honey-brown eyes as he took up your entire vision. “Can I kiss you?”
“Please,” You whisper in return and meet him halfway as your lips crush together. He pulls the hand not holding yours to your face, lightly caressing your cheek throughout the heated kiss, and you grab hold of his hip with your own free hand, pulling him closer. You can feel him moan through the kiss, turning his head to deepen it. This was nothing like you’ve dreamed of- but oh, so much better.
When you two finally part, breathing heavily, he’s pressing you against his car with the length of his body. You both pant as you stare into each other’s eyes, and your grip slowly loosens on his hip. Eventually, he pulls away, clearing his throat with a blush. “Wow,” He whispers, a smile growing as he looks at you bashfully.
“Yeah,” You agree just as quietly, and Jim moves to open the passenger door for you. “Oh, right. Thank you.”
As you sat down in Jim’s car, ready to be driven home, you can’t help but think: ‘Man, I love working for Dunder Mifflin. Even the bad days can turn into the best ones.’
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Tag List: @ltnoscara @zombieboyevan @cursedashes
76 notes · View notes
hotgirlgraps · 1 year
Synopsis: Hook’s homesick & you feel just like home
Best friends to almost lovers
Warnings: just some cursing
A/N: this is sweet but also pretty sad towards the end. Not gonna spoil anything, enjoy babes!
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Hook rarely finds himself questioning his life’s choices. He’s always been passionate about being a professional wrestler, and when he’s not going through a tough time, he knows that he’s living the dream he’s had since he was old enough to walk, but sometimes he can’t help but reminisce on the life he had back home, and the one he misses the most while he’s constantly on the road.
He forgets all about time zone differences as he shoots you a text from the other side of the country, and he stares at the little black words beneath the blue bubble that say delivered as he waits for you to read it.
Like most nights, he falls asleep waiting.
Little did he know, after venting to his dad about everything that’s been weighing on him, Taz took it upon himself to contact you and fly you out for a few days to surprise Hook. He knew that you were his best friend and the entire time Hook was confiding in his dad, he kept diverting any topic of the conversation back to you. How he wondered what you were doing and how you two don’t talk as much as you used to. How he wonders if you tune in to Dynamite or Rampage sometimes and if you still have that dog you found on the street a year ago.
Taz realized pretty quickly that Hook was homesick, but not just for home. For the one who feels like it the most. So, after all of the things Hook told him, he headed back to his hotel room for the night and Taz was quick to whip out his phone and give you a call. Seeing Mr. Senerchia’s number pop up on your screen scared you immediately.
“Hello?” You quickly spat through the line. Your very first thought was that something must have happened to Tyler, because his dad never calls unless it’s your birthday.
“Y/N?” His deep voice bellowed through the phone.
“Yes sir?” You grew anxious already, needing to get to the point of this phone call. “Is everything okay?” You blurted, the tone of your voice certainly showed the worry you felt, and Taz could tell.
“Oh yeah, everything’s fine, it’s just, well my son misses you a lot.” He cuts straight to the point, and you immediately felt the relief wash through you. “We’re out here in California right now and he’s a little homesick. Not acting like himself. If it’s not too inconvenient I was thinking I fly you out here to surprise him. The kid needs a familiar face, you know?”
It really didn’t take much for you to agree. You were going to have to request time off work but you never took time off, so you were sure it wouldn’t be an issue at all. Hearing that Tyler had been missing you was all you needed to know. You were going to give your best friend the best surprise with the help of his dad and you were already buzzing with excitement.
“I would be more than happy to fly out and surprise him! Just let me know when and I’ll be there.”
“Great!” Taz belted out. “I can get you booked for a flight in a couple hours if you think that can work.”
Well, it wasn’t the most convenient and definitely would leave you on rocky terms with your boss for the last minute use of emergency time off, but you weren’t going to pass up on this. You missed Tyler more than you usually admit to anybody unless you’re wasted, so you agreed, Taz went on his phone as soon as he hung up and booked your flight for four a.m. and when you received a text from Tyler that read, “Can we FaceTime?” You were already flying over the states on your way to him, so you had to ignore that message.
Taz had arranged for a cab to pick you up from the airport when you landed and bring you to the arena where he and Tyler already were. You felt like you were severely jet lagged but you weren’t going to show it. Your heart was hammering against your chest the closer you got to the arena and when you spotted Taz waiting outside the back entrance doors you had to remind yourself to breathe.
You slid out the back of the cab with a suitcase that Taz grabbed from you before he pulled you into a tight hug. Back in high school, when you and Tyler were nearly inseparable, Mr. and Mrs. Senerchia were practically like your second parents. They were always inviting you over for family dinners and pool days during the summers. They always teased you and Tyler about how you were going to get married and have tons of babies, which always made you roll your eyes and Tyler blush.
Things changed when Tyler left for AEW. You knew it was coming but the two of you always swore you’d stay just as close as you’d ever been. Of course, distance is like a deadly disease. Different time zones, both having busy schedules. The nightly FaceTime calls turned into regular phone calls every few days, then into texts here and there until the only source of communication you two really had was a message every so often. It was bound to happen but you both hated it. You never wanted to bother him, assuming he was always really busy and he kind of assumed that since you stopped calling and texting every night before you went to sleep that you forgot about him all together.
That’s why it came as a surprise to you when he texted you asking to FaceTime. It made sense, considering what Taz told you and you wanted to so bad, but surprising him in person was going to be so much better than seeing him on the screen.
You slid out of the back of the cab and were greeted with a warm smile from Mr. Senerchia. He pulled you into a hug before he grabbed your suitcase from your hands and waved the cab away.
“It’s good to see you, kid. Tyler is gonna lose his mind when he sees you.” Taz chuckled as he started walking and you followed. You felt overwhelmingly nervous the more the two of you walked through the building. You weren’t sure why there was a knot in your stomach but you chalked it up to the fact that it was the end of June and you hadn’t seen Tyler since the day after Christmas.
“You’re staying until Friday right?” Taz asked as you tried to keep up with his strides down the hall.
“Yes sir.” You nodded.
“Good. Tyler is off tomorrow so that works out well. I can’t wait to see the look on this kid’s face.” Taz claps his hands and rubs them together as you round a corner and stop in front of a door with a sign that reads, HOOK.
Right when Taz goes to knock, you tell him to wait. You were so nervous that your hands were suddenly trembling. “I’m scared.” You half-joked with a weak laugh.
Taz chuckles back at you. “Nothing to be scared of. He’s still the same ole Tyler. Just don’t bring the Hook out in him and you’ll be alright.” He teased before he knocked on the door and your heart quite literally stopped for a second of two when you heard Tyler’s voice from the other side calling out, “Who is it?”
“It’s your father.” Taz shouts back.
“Come in.”
Taz opens the door and stands there. Tyler’s back is turned as he rummages through his bookbag, until Taz clears his throat in a rather dramatic way.
Tyler turns around and his eyes instantly widen when he sees you standing there next to his dad. He had the look of pure shock on his face and you weren’t sure if he was happy or not. You gave him a small wave and softly cheered, “Surprise.”
A split second later Tyler somewhat regained himself and managed to speak. “Y/N?!” The tone of his voice was one clearly filled with confusion and excitement and it made you instantly relax a bit.
“Well? What are you waiting for? Give this girl a hug son, she flew all this way just for you.” Taz steps out from between the two of you and Tyler takes two slow steps foward, opening his arms to you. It was suddenly the easiest thing in the world for you to wrap your arms around him and be enveloped by his embrace. His hold was strong and the tight squeeze he gave you before he unwrapped his arms made you miss the hug as soon as you separated.
Looking up at him you could see now that the initial shock was wearing off and the happiness was settling in instead. His dimples on his cheeks were proudly on display as he smiled down at you.
“Alright, I gotta get to work. You kids have fun, and remember son, you need to be Hook in about twenty-five minutes so don’t get carried away back here.” Taz points at Tyler and Tyler nods back before the door is shut and the two of you are left alone.
A low chuckle slips past Tyler’s lips as he shakes his head. “I can’t believe this”. He says as he grabs your suitcase from where Taz left it by the door and slides it next to his in the corner of the room. “How long are you staying?”
“I’m leaving Friday night. My flight’s at eight.”
That was music to Tyler’s ears. He was originally going to just chill at the hotel or the gym on his off day but now he was already planning all kinds of stuff to do in his head.
You glanced around the room and took sight of the white shorts laying on top of the counter with blood stains all over them. “Damn.” You remark as you run your fingers over the dried blood. “This must be from when you knocked Preston Vance upside the head with that chain.”
Tyler’s eyes lit up. “You watch me?” He asked, not even trying to hide the smile that spread across his face.
“I do sometimes.” You admit. “I’m pretty sure you are the hometown hero at this point. Everyone watches you. Dynamite and Rampage are always on at the bars”
“That’s sick.” He beams, obviously feeling proud to know that. Then there’s a small moment of silence and his smile fades to a frown before he mutters, “I miss home.”
“Home misses you.” You softly smile.
Tyler watches as you run your fingers over his ring gear. Then your eyes find his from the reflection of the mirror and you feel something spark inside that you weren’t sure you ever felt before. Something that made you feel both giddy and anxious. Full of joy and full of despair.
Tyler dropped his head and cleared his throat before he glanced at his watch wrapped around his wrist and realizes he needs to get his gear on for his upcoming match.
He grabbed the forest green pair of shorts from where they laid on the back of the only sofa in the room and said, “I’m gonna go change real quick.” Before he headed out the door. You took that small window of time as your opportunity to look around that room. There wasn’t much to it but it smelled like Tyler’s bedroom back home. Aftershave, cologne and some other scent intermingled that you could only describe as Tyler.
You looked around at his items laying around the room. The white bookbag laying over the back of the sofa was left open and you were so tempted to peek inside since there was so much curiosity around what is actually in that bag, but you fought that urge and took a seat on the sofa instead.
Tyler came back in and tossed the sweats and hoodie he was previously wearing on the sofa next to you. This is when you noticed all the little changes. New tattoos, more chest hair than he probably ever has had, much longer, messier hair but somehow he still looked like that same boy you grew up with your whole life.
“I want to stay in here with you but I have a match in about five minutes. Do you wanna sit and wait for me in here or do you wanna maybe watch my match from the viewing room?”
It seemed to you like he wanted you to watch his match, so you nodded at that and the way a slight smile spread across his lips let you know what he did in fact want you watching him. He ignored all the questionable glances from his coworkers all around as the two of you headed to the viewing room. You were relieved to find it empty.
“Make yourself comfortable while I go beat some ass.” He chuckles. “I’ll be back after.”
Just having you there and knowing you were watching was the whole entire reason why Hook was out to play for the show. He had a burst of confidence that felt like power surging through him just from having your support.
He secured the win proudly and was overly excited to get back to you. It was hard for him to stay in character and to keep that scowl on his face when he knew who was waiting for him in the back.
He sent his dad a text that said he was leaving for the night and usually Taz would tell him he shouldn’t leave until everyone else does, but this one time, Taz didn’t object.
Tyler didn’t want to waste a single second of this time with you.
“Still never been to LA?” He asked, and you shook your head as you looked around his hotel room. He dropped your suitcase next to the bed along with his and smiled. “There’s a lot to do here. Name something and we’ll go tonight. Anything you want.”
“Anything?” You quipped. “Okay.” You thought to yourself for a minute, but truthfully you didn’t even know what there was to do. And all you really cared about was being with him. It really didn’t matter what the two of you did.
“Honestly, it doesn’t matter to me. I don’t know what’s really out here. You pick something.”
Tyler didn’t know either. He couldn’t think of something good enough for your first time in Los Angeles.
“There’s a boardwalk not far from here with a bunch of rides and stuff.” He suggested. “There’s also a bunch of clubs. We can either be kids or adults tonight. Whatever we want.” He shrugged, leaving the choice to you.
You found yourselves on the top of a Ferris wheel, overlooking the beautiful starry sky that reflected like diamonds in the ocean below. You were in awe of the view but Tyler was in awe of you and it was making this time with you the best and the worst, because he knew it wasn’t going to last long enough.
“It’s so beautiful.” You sigh as you snap a picture of the view. It was a little grainy. It didn’t do the view justice.
“Let me see.” Tyler says, and you hand him your phone. He holds it up and leans back enough to get you in the shot, admiring the moon, the stars, the carnival lights and all. He nudges your arm to pass your phone back. “That picture is ten times better.”
You felt a blush creep up to your cheeks unsure what to say next. The feelings rushing through you were nothing new, but that was your secret. You knew you had feelings for him before but the distance between the two of you made it easier to deal with after a while. You thought you were over it but the way your heart just fluttered when he smiled told you that you weren’t.
Tyler was on the same page as you but he was just too good at keeping it under wraps. He wanted so badly to have something real, something that kept him going, something that sparked a fire within him. That something was undoubtedly you, and had always been you since the very beginning.
If he wasn’t traveling all over the country. If he wasn’t living the chaotic life he lives now, he’d without a doubt be settled down with you by now. Maybe you’d have a few kids in the near future. He could always picture it, but this life he lives won’t allow it that easily.
You and him both knew that if you ever admitted your true feelings and tried to have something more than what you have now, time and distance was going to destroy it. It wasn’t worth it to either of you. Tyler had hope that maybe one day life would slow down enough to let him settle down and if you’re not married by then he’s sure that he will do whatever it takes to put a ring on your finger but for right now it’s not fair to you to wait for him and he knows it.
There’s a moment of silence before the Ferris wheel starts again and the two of you are lowered around the wheel. Tyler and you both have confessions on the tips of your tongues but hold back completely out of the fear that the business will tear you both apart forever.
It hurts him to bottle everything up and it hurts you when he slings his arm around your shoulders and you rest your head against his chest, because you both know that it’s uncertain what the future will hold but what is unfortunately set in stone is that this is all you have to hold onto and time is harshly limited.
Still, you both do your best to force those thoughts away and enjoy the time you have together. As much as you wish it could last forever you are grateful for the moments you have right now.
“I’ve been so homesick lately.” Tyler confesses, his thumb stroking your shoulder. “Thought I needed to take some time off of work and go back home for a while.” He adds on. “But it turns out that I wasn’t really missing it as much as I have been missing you.”
You felt your heart flutter and a little bit of a tear sting the corner of your eye that you were quick to blink away. Tyler’s arm tightened around you as he rested his cheek on the top of your head.
“Please keep visiting me like this if you can. I need you to be with me more often.”
You nodded, glancing up at the relaxed features of his face and the way his eyes sparkled in the carnival lighting.
“I will Tyler.” You saw his lips pull upwards in a small smile. “I’ll miss you too much not to.”
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Hello :) please could I request a fic of giyu tomioka x hashira reader where they share their first kiss together accidentally and he walks away in shock from it and she thinks she’s done something wrong. He later approaches her and tells her he thinks it’s better that they stay friends, even though he secretly loves her and wants to protect her 💙💙
this is such a good idea but I’m making a happy ending bc I hate angst
Also just so y’all know I’m prolly not gonna write a whole fic unless it’s an event or something cuz I’m always busy but I’ll make sure yall get ur cute drabbles dw
Warnings: nothing just fluff cuz giyuu deserves fluff
How could I love on you? | Tomioka Giyuu
You’ve always been right by his side, proving to him that you truly cared. When he felt he had no one, you always appeared out of the dark. It’s like you really enjoyed being around him. He found it hard to believe that anyone could deal with his presence. But you, you liked being around him?
You certainly proved your feelings for him, catching him off guard by the touch of your lips. The two of you had only been stargazing when you brought your face closer to his.
He felt a fire light inside of him, warming his body and widening his eyes. It felt like eternity he had waited for this exact moment, the soft skin of your lips gracing his own. Almost a second after the initial contact, you had pulled away. He must have seemed shocked, or disgusted or something. You quickly began to scramble away, seeming ashamed by the act you just committed.
Tomioka was quick to basically tackle you to the ground, encasing you in the warmth of his arms. You both collapsed with a thud, his hold effectively shielding you.
“Why are you leaving?” He whispered, gripping you tighter.
Tears threatened to fall from your eyes. “I’m sorry” you muttered into the ground, fist balled up in the grass. Giyuu raised a brow, slowly lifting himself off of you.
You stayed face down in the ground, rethinking every decision up to this point. How could you have been so careless? So stupid? So driven by emotion? You felt stupid, you looked stupid, and you thought stupid. Your inner insults ran laps around your mind. That was until a strong pair of arms lifted you from your dirt sniffing position, placing you into a familiar lap.
Tomioka laid your head to rest on him, combing his fingers through your hair. His eyes seemed, awake. Not far off and distant like usual.
“Why apologize?” He asked, pupils staring into yours.
“I should’ve-“ You stammered, trying to avoid eye contact. “I should’ve asked.”
He shrugged, still running his fingers through your hair. “Yes, a heads up would’ve been preferred” he replied.
“But I did not dislike it..” he added, watching your eyes widen. “However, due to the current state of my work, I highly doubt we can pursue this right now.”
It was true, Giyu had a job to do. It wasn’t easy being a hashira, it would be even harder to balance work life and love life. Each mission he would disappear for days or weeks on end, never knowing if he would return alive. Your eyes soften a bit, content with his feelings but struggling with the reality.
“I promise” he suddenly spoke, his calm demeanor never faltering. “After this all ends, I will properly love you. Until that happens, I will protect you with my life.”
His words melted into your senses like butter, tingles prickling up your spine and stopping at your racing heart. You fought back the tears again, happy and sad tears. One day, he will come home to you. He seems sure of it, so you believe him. There’s nothing else to do but believe after all.
This was short and sweet, dawg needed a good-ish ending fr.
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cxbin-pxrsephone · 1 year
As someone who isn’t really in the Star Wars fandom anymore but still likes Star Wars content (and was a hugeeee rebels fan in its hay day), here’s some of my hopes, headcanons and Thoughts for Ahsoka. These mainly have to do with Jacen tbh
- Jacen’s hair is dyed, I’m not sure how genetics work, like at all, but I feel like he would naturally have brown hair like Kanan and maybe that’s the reason he had brown hair in the Lego set, I would think Sabine dies it for him so he can look more like his mom, I think the only trait we see from Hera is more so the green tips of his ears which haven’t been shown yet in live action. Honestly I don’t really mind if it’s not, I mainly just think having Sabine mention dying his hair would be adorable.
- I’d like to think Ezra maybe didn’t know about Jacen or that Hera was pregnant, it would just be interesting to see him be just as surprised about his existence as the rest of the rebels fandom when the finale first aired (because I literally fell of the couch when I saw him, nothing could’ve prepared me for that) it would be super emotional regardless of if he knew about him or not because either way they’ve still never met, and I’m sure Jacen has heard lots about Ezra and would love to meet him irl for the first time
- Zeb and Kallus. That’s it that’s all I need. Like I would love to see Kallus in live action and it would be great to see Zeb again, hopefully with him. I need to know how their honeymoon went on Lira San.
- A kanan reference. A direct Kanan reference. Please. I beg. It’s only been three episodes so there’s certainly still more time and I can understand why he hasn’t been brought up yet, but I’m sure he will at least once
- more disaster lineage from Sabine, obviously her and Ashoka’s relationship is developing and getting better but Anakin/ Ashoka never stopped causing chaos with their masters regardless of how they’d grown, so why should Sabine?
- I need Ashoka’s happiness, please. Her being more stoic and closed off makes a lot of sense given what’s she’s been through, I don’t really see it as ‘out of character’ because like. She’s seen a lot, she’s been through a lot, she’s dealt with a lot, and she’s just not a teenager/young adult anymore, I can see why she is the way she is now, plus there’s over half a decade we didn’t see of her life (that I know of), there’s a lot we don’t know that I hope is explored but even so, It would be nice to see her be happier again even if it’s over something small, we’ll probably get it when her and Sabine find Ezra.
- a Rex appearance! I’ll even take a reference, since it said in the rebel’s epilogue that he survived it would be great to see him as well or at the very least have him mentioned
- I really hope that Ezra doesn’t just show up at the very end, that he’s at least in one full episode. It’s been five years since the Finale and there’s been like, almost no sign as to where he’s been or how he’s been doing since the finale until now so it would be even more painful to have him only show up at the very end and then have to wait even longer for more on him besides the fact that he’d be alive.
- The wren family, correct me if I’m wrong but they weren’t in The Mandalorian? I think? Again I could be wrong I don’t pay that much attention, but if they weren’t in it I wonder where they could be, and if something did happen to them and if so maybe Sabine would mention it or they could have an appearance at some point too, although I really doubt it tbh, it would just be a nice addition also I just wanna see Tristan in live action
( edit, spoiler for episode 4: well. Probably not gonna have that last one 😭😭😭)
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Hello good folks. A (lengthy) update from me:
It does not take a genius to recognize that I have not been super active on this website. Almost no original posts, and mainly reblogs from my girl @wilsonbrothersupdates (love u bestie I log on just to chat with you)
I’ll be transparent. The Owen phase is dwindling. Not sure if the Loki show is gonna revive that, I will be watching for him and for him only (I am done with the MCU if I’m honest. That’s a discussion for another day but I’m here for Owen and Owen alone).
I am not deleting this blog. Like with many things, the phase may return full force, it may not. But I have so many positive memories associated with this community, this blog, and the people within it that I can’t get rid of it. But I think it’s fair for me to acknowledge that I’m distancing away from it.
I feel like I knew the end was coming, but it came without me noticing, and I’ve embraced that. Things happen. I watched my beloved Deadly Seven Owen Mutuals change their themes and their blogs to better represent their current interests. I could never do the same because this blog is solely for Owen, but it definitely reflects on my main account.
I will still forever be a fan of Owen. I’ll forever be a fan of Luke. I’ll forever cherish the crazy shit this blog brought me, from misinformation campaigns to inside jokes about the damn hole (seriously, what even was that? Makes me laugh even now)
If anything, I leave this blog up as an archive. Notoriously I am bad at tagging, but certain things on here can be found under tags like “hall of fame” and “thanks for sending!” as well as the usual thirst.
I’m not fully abandoning it. But I am acknowledging that I have pretty much closed up this chapter of my life. I’ll continue to reblog and post if something truly amazing happens, maybe the crew all comes together for inevitable Lokius (I am delusional. I still believe there is a chance.). I will also return if Hiddlewow reunites post strike. (Please give actors your support! Support SAG-AFTRA!!!)
I am not the same person I was when I started this blog over two years ago (Yes, it’s been that long). I’ve found joy in other aspects of my life, and I realize that there’s more to my own happiness than a 53 year old man with a funky nose.
This will forever be a part of me, for better or for worse, and I’m not forgetting the fun things that happened during the peak of this era. It’s tough for me to write this, to acknowledge that I haven’t been a very good leader of the Owen Wilson Appreciation Club. And while I refuse to give up that title, I will admit it’s been slow on my end.
I hope you all continue to watch Owen’s work, to support him in whatever fashion. I know I certainly will be. And while we won’t be as insane as before, there will always be that little part that keeps me here.
So yeah. If I stop posting, if I stop reblogging, know I’m okay. Know I’m happy and have found peace somewhere else. Know I love you all so much, and appreciate all the joy I’ve gotten over the years. The support has been immense, the interactions hilarious and memorable. I’ve met some incredible people on here (my discord people, you have my heart forever) I’ll leave the ask box open. I don’t expect anything to come in, but it’s there if you ever need to talk. Same with my DM’s.
I may come back full force someday. I hope to see you there. If not, take care. Thanks for everything.
All my love,
Sarah ❤️ (Forever your leader of the Owen Wilson Appreciation Club)
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rpf-bat · 1 year
samy/niko and no. 9 please 🙏🏻💜
and happy pride! 🏳️‍🌈✨️
Happy Pride, Alex! 🌈 I almost didn't recognize you, with your new url and pfp :0
I feel like something....bad… must've happened while I was away? But at this point, I'm kind of afraid to ask 😅
Anyway! Here's 740 words worth of Samy pining.
9. “Fine, you can use me as a pillow.”
Samy stood in the middle of Helsinki Central Station, trying to look nonchalant. He definitely hadn’t spent twenty minutes debating which earrings he should wear today, and he certainly hadn’t splashed on more cologne than normal. Because this was not a date. He was just accompanying his bro to the tattoo parlor. 
“Hey!” called out a familiar voice, and he turned towards the sound. 
“Were you waiting long?” Niko grinned. 
“Nah,” Samy shrugged. He absolutely had not arrived half an hour early, with butterflies in his stomach. 
“Oh, here’s the train,” Niko noticed. “Perfect timing.”
He boarded the train car, and Samy quickly followed him. They sat down beside each other. 
There weren’t a lot of passengers onboard. It was only eight o’clock. 
“….Nice glasses,” Samy said awkwardly, after a moment. 
“Oh, thank you,” Niko smiled. “I normally just use my contacts, but lately I’ve been wearing these more.” 
“It, uh, it suits you,” Samy nodded. He wasn’t sure what his deal was today. Normally, he was anything but shy. 
Chill out, he warned himself. 
“So,” he asked, finally finding his words. “What are you getting done today?”
“It’s going to be a big sleeve this time, on my right arm,” Niko explained. 
“Oh, wow!” Samy’s eyes widened. “Nice. It’s about time you filled up your right side. It was looking so blank and sad compared to your left.” 
“Hey, not everyone gets new tattoos as often as you,” Niko laughed. “Do you even have any room left on your body for more?” 
“Yeah, I’ve still got some space on my legs,” Samy replied. “I was thinking of getting a little something on my knee, while you’re doing yours.” 
“What kind of design?” Niko asked curiously. 
“Not sure yet,” Samy confessed. “I think their new apprentice has a flash sheet on the wall. I’ll have to take a look at it. What about you?” 
“So, I’m going to get an astronaut,” Niko revealed. “But, he’s going to be like, swimming in the sea. And there’s going to be a space whale behind him.”
“A space whale?” Samy repeated, giggling. 
“Don’t knock it until you see it!” Niko insisted, turning red. “I swear, the sketch the artist did looks cool as fuck.” 
“Well, in that case,” Samy smiled, “I can’t wait to see it.” 
“I just wish I hadn’t scheduled the appointment, so fucking early in the morning,” Niko yawned. “I was up late as hell last night.” 
“Oh really?” Samy blinked. “Doing what?” 
“I was in the studio with the guys,” Niko explained. 
“Oh, you too, huh?” Samy raised an eyebrow. “You guys are working on what - your fifth album?”
“That’s right,” Niko nodded. 
It didn’t seem like all that long ago, that Samy (and the rest of his band) had been touring with Niko, promoting the fourth Blind Channel album. But, when he thought about it, he realized that it had already been a year. 
“..And you guys are working on your seventh album, right?” Niko asked, pulling Samy out of his reminiscing. 
“Yeah, we are,” Samy mumbled. He still wished they’d been able to find an artist in Poland, to give them matching end-of-tour tattoos. 
“Fuck,” Niko swore. “I’m worried I’m gonna fall asleep in the middle of my appointment. I could really use a nap.”
“Fine,” Samy suggested, with a sly smile. “You can use me as a pillow.” 
“…You sure?” Niko hesitated. 
“Totally!” Samy said brightly. 
He’d expected that Niko would just lean his head against his shoulder. Instead, his cheeks grew hot, when Niko laid down across his lap. 
The cheeky little shortstack fell asleep almost immediately. Dammit…The back of Niko’s neck was so warm against his thighs. 
Samy glanced around, suddenly feeling self conscious. They were in public, after all. 
But, when he looked down at Niko’s peacefully sleeping face, he simply couldn’t help himself. He ran his tattooed fingers through the shorter man’s long, brown hair. 
“….Is that your boyfriend?”
“…Huh?!” Samy snatched his hand back, when he realized the old woman sitting across from them had asked him a question. 
She stared at him, waiting for an answer. 
“…Yeah,” Samy replied. He wasn’t sure why he had chosen to lie. Maybe because it was weird as fuck to stroke an unconscious person’s hair, if you were just friends? 
“That’s nice,” the woman smiled, surprisingly open-minded. 
Fuck, Samy thought with a frown. I really wish I was telling her the truth. 
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quil12 · 2 years
Betrayal, cover-up? :)
Here's the angst that you ordered.
(The thing that instantly came to my mind with that was the accomplice ending)
Yosuke took a deep breath, knocking on the door to the Dojima residence. 
Yu was leaving in the morning and he wanted to say one last goodbye to him before he left for the city. He had been acting weird the last couple of months, but, even so, he desperately wanted to say goodbye without any of the rest of their friends there. He wanted to be alone with him. 
It only took a few seconds before the door opened.
“Oh, Hanamura,” Dojima said, “Are you here to see Yu?”
Yosuke nodded, “Yeah.”
“He’s just up in his room.” He stepped aside from the door, letting Yosuke in.
He walked into the all-too-familiar house and took his shoes off, heading toward the stairs. It was so quiet there without Nanako around. She was still in the hospital, but they were hoping that she’d be able to be discharged soon. That wouldn’t be until after Yu left though.
He walked up the stairs, hesitating briefly before knocking on the door, “Hey, Partner. It’s me.”
It was quiet for a few seconds before there was a reply, “Come in.” His voice sounded strained.
Yosuke took a deep breath before pushing the door open. His room was very different than he was used to as well. Everything had been packed up except for the essentials that he needed, leaving the whole place looking barren and almost unlived in.
Yu was sitting on the couch. His phone was clutched tightly in his hand, but it didn’t look like he had been doing anything else. What was that about?
“Is everything okay?”
Yu put his phone into his pocket, “It’s fine. Did you need something?”
It certainly didn’t seem fine, but he wasn’t about to let the last day that they had together be about pushing him and asking uncomfortable questions.
“I just wanted to come say goodbye. I’m really gonna miss you, you know.”
Yu’s breath hitched, “Yeah, I’ll miss you too.”
Yosuke bit his lip, going and sitting beside him on the couch. He laid his hand onto his thigh. As soon as he did that though, Yu tensed, his gaze snapping to his hand, staring at it like he had just burned him or something. 
He didn’t know what to do. He had always been one to touch him and he had never once complained about it. What had happened to where it was different now?
He wanted things to go back to the way they had been before.
Back before November and December. Back to that fateful summer afternoon where he come over and timidly declared to him that he had a crush on him. Back to when he had smiled so warmly at him. Back to when he had so gingerly pressed their lips together. Back to when it felt like he could do anything as long as they were together. 
He wanted things to go back to the way they had been before they had been forced to give up on the case. Before they had come to the conclusion that they really had no idea who the culprit could be if it wasn’t Namatame. 
That had been right when Yu had started acting different. He had wanted to chalk it up to the fact that he was disappointed about the case, but there had always been a part of him that had wondered if he knew something that he wasn’t saying. But, he wanted to trust him. There was no way that Yu would ever hide something like that from him.
Yosuke pulled his hand away, not wanting to make him uncomfortable.
He wasn’t sure what to say. Everything that he had wanted to tell him was just out of reach. He wanted to tell him that he loved him. He wanted to tell him that he was so happy to have met him. He wanted to tell him that he was grateful for everything that he had done for him. 
For some reason though, he couldn’t quite get any of those words out. 
They spent a while just sitting there, an uncomfortable silence filling the room until, finally, Yu took a deep breath. 
“Yosuke… I…” He shook his head, falling silent once more.
“You what?”
He just bit his lip, looking away. 
He was so close to telling him what was going on. So close to telling him why he was acting the way he was. 
Yosuke placed his hand on the side of his cheek, guiding his face until he was looking at him. 
“Yu, I love you. Please just tell me what’s going on. I-”
“I can’t.”
Yosuke took a deep breath before nodding, tears in his eyes, “All right. I… I should probably be going soon anyway. I just…”
Yu closed his eyes, his voice strained, “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”
He swallowed hard. He wanted to kiss him one last time, although, he wasn’t sure if he would want that. Even so, he wanted to try.
He leaned a little bit further. Their lips brushed, but Yu turned his head at the last second. 
Yosuke pulled away. His chest hurt. He didn’t want to cry in front of him.
“Right. I, uh, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He stood up, heading toward the door. He stopped and looked back. Yu was still sitting on the couch, his head in his hands. He wanted to go sit next to him. He wanted to make him tell him what had happened.
Then again, he wasn’t sure that he wanted to know what had happened. He was scared that it would warp his perception of him. To change the memories that he had with him into something darker and filled with pain. 
So, he turned the handle on the door, stepping out into the hallway. 
He made his way out of the house and started the familiar walk home, his mind and body numb.
As soon as he got home, he ran up to his room, closing the door, and sliding down against it, letting the tears he had been fighting out. 
There was only one thing that he could think of that made all of his actions make sense. Only one thing that he wouldn’t be able to tell him about. 
Yu knew.
Yu knew who the killer was.
Yu knew who had killed Mayumi Yamano and Saki-senpai.
Yu knew and he hadn’t told anyone.
Why would he not tell anyone?
Through all of the confusing and horrible feelings churning through his body, there was only one thing that he was sure of. 
Even if he knew and wasn’t saying who it was.
Even if he was letting the person who had murdered Saki-senpai get away with it.
Even if there were more things that he was hiding.
He was still the person who had stood by him through everything. He was still the person who had been there to accept him when no one else was. He was still the person who always had his back.
He was still the person that he loved.
Maybe it would be best to just push this revelation far away and never think about it again. Maybe he should just let him stay as the person he knew and admired in his mind. 
That was right. He loved him. There was no way that he would purposefully do something to hurt him. He loved him. He loved him.
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separatist-apologist · 5 months
Okay your post about people hating female main characters made me think about this… but before I dive in please know that I am NOT trying to start drama, this is purely friendly debate, and please don’t feel the need to answer if you think it’s gonna start shit.
Now to my question.. what is it that you hate about Aelin, then?
I will say that I understand your hatred for Bryce. I think she and Aelin have a lot of similar characteristics, but I hate Bryce so much meanwhile Aelin is like the loml.
Reflecting on it, I think it’s because those characteristics don’t make sense for Bryce. Her being all secretive and not looping her friends in doesn’t make sense based on her backstory.
Meanwhile, while I understand that those parts of Aelin annoy people, I think they make so much sense for her. She was orphaned at a young age, groomed to become an assassin, finally let someone in to her plans (Sam) only to have him die immediately. Then she also trusted Nehemiah who also then died. I think it makes total sense that she would keep everything to herself moving forward out of fear that her loved ones could be hurt, or that she’ll let them down. Kind of like Rhys and the pregnancy plot. Was it the right choice? No probably not, but it makes sense based on what we know of that characters trauma.
Also I think a lot of people get annoyed that Aelin thinks she’s hot shit, but I’ll say personally I found it kind of nice to have a fmc who was confident and girly. I feel like so often they start out thinking they’re ugly and like no one could ever be into them. And idk I thought it was nice to see someone who knew she was hot. And also like a girl who can rough it but also enjoys the finer things in life and likes dressing up and shopping but like will also murder you, ya know?
Anyway there’s my defense of Aelin. Again, only sending this for funzies not to start fights or anything. You don’t have to agree with me! That’s the fun of fandom, we can all have different opinions and enjoy talking to eachother about this (side eyeing other people in your askbox). I come in peace!
Anyway ily hope you’re having a lovely weekend ❤️
So in the interest of this debate that you brought to me, I guess I'd start by asking where I ever said I hated Aelin and then turned around and lamented not getting a FMC who had all her same traits or stanning a MMC who had all her traits while lambasting her for all those same things? Because you can hate a FMC for not being the vibe- I never argued that people shouldn't hate women simply because they're women.
I kind of resent this ask under the assumption that I'd like Aelin if she was a man, which, again, was the whole crux of my argument assuming you're coming from the post that reads, "Its so funny to me when people will decide they don't like a character, commonly a female main character, then start giving their 'preferred' character all of that MC's traits & symbolism like babe...the call is coming from inside the house."
I would, I guess, invite you to point to where I've done that with Aelin? I don't like almost any of the TOG characters minus Chaol and occasionally Dorian pre whatever book has them on the boat. And I've certainly never assigned all Aelin's symbolism and traits to Chaol. I was really enjoying TOG until, what Queen of Shadows? When all the character development regressed backward to make room for a plot I am convinced was never the original intention of the books and cheapened everything that happened to Caelana, Dorian, and Chaol while living under Evil Dorian Sr whatever his name was.
Anyway, I'm happy to have a conversation about what I do/don't like about the entirety of the TOG series, because it's not just Aelin I don't like. I don't like the series past Queen of Storms (I think, whatever book that ends with spoiler Dorians dad dying). I've never finished it, I just skimmed the last book to see how it ends and I think reading all 800 pages of "and then this secret army we never heard about arrived!) I'd lose my mind.
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perpetual-fool · 2 years
Musings 2
(01/11/23,1k) Thoughts I've had about some personal things. (tired, feelings, mistakes, talking, childhood)
I am so tired: I'm doing better, but 'better' is not 'good'. There is so much to do and I have almost no energy to do it with. There's such a tremendous mess. Obviously, the world is fucked, society is a façade, and people are evil. But I don't have enough will to worry about those things yet. (Not that that that stops me if something brings it up.) I really can't keep up with just the cooking and cleaning and exercise I need just to live; I'm not sure what I should even do for all those things. I have so much fucking stuff acquired in the pursuit of any little thing that might make me happy, and if nothing else that needs to be organized and stored. And I can't even begin to deal with money, legal, or medical stuff. But I'm gonna have to, 'cause my heart problem came back. I'm almost certainly going to have to have surgery again to get it fixed. I really don't want have to see the inside of a hospital again for another decade. And I just have little aches, pains, weird little sensations so often now. I'm sure my reactions are overblown to an extent. After what I was(n't) told about my heart problem the first time, I'm conditioned to feel like any little thing might kill me. Like, "a little sore spot in your leg? feel slightly dizzy? headache? better pack your hospital bag." But this stuff didn't used to happen. And I need maintenance I've never had to worry about before. It's like my body just broke in 2019. I don't have the energy for this. I've never had the energy for this. Maybe things would be easier if I had anything to look forward to. I'm just blindly searching at this point, I have no reason to think anything is going to go anywhere. Although Cat is talking to me again, for now. That's the one good thing I have. Though she may decide she doesn't want to bother.
Tainted feelings: I'm having an ongoing problem, any time I think of something that might be fun or interesting, I reflexively feel bad about it. I'll see a well made drawing or something, and just as I'm about to feel some way about it, I'm reminded of a bad experience I've had related to drawing, and feel bad. Reasoning at it doesn't seem to do anything; logic doesn't seem to apply. I think I just have to decide to feel good instead of bad? Maybe when I start thinking "you're a piece of shit" about some idea, I need to go back and say "no, that idea is good actually". For just a moment, a day or so, I had hope and clarity. That has happened before. I think maybe I was so exhausted I wasn't processing anything past the change itself. So for a moment it seemed like things were going to get better, not seeing the challenges that would entail.
Mistakes are good?: I've felt bad any time I couldn't achieve, essentially, perfection. Any little mistake, any sub-optimal choice, any experimental dead end was not acceptable. I'm not sure where I learned it, but it doesn't make any sense. Even assuming perfection is the goal, you don't get there by just being perfect. You get there by study, experimentation, and practice. You get there by making mistakes. So, I should feel good about failure? each one being a step towards being better. How do I feel good about things?
Talking with Cat: Cat is talking to me again. She seems to be okay with the kind of stuff I want to talk about, and she seems to be able/willing to explain things in a way I can actually understand. Although that turned out to be harder than I thought. Problem being, it's not just the one idea I need explained, but all the prerequisites too. But it seems to be going well I feel as strongly as I ever did. Maybe more now that I'm not 'muted'. I have neither the context to understand what's happening nor to know what others would call it. It feels sort of warm? and there's this 'pulling' sensation in my chest. I'm thinking about her more often than not. I really want to try and say affectionate things, but she's not comfortable with that at the moment. Waiting is hard; she doesn't have a lot of time to spare these days. Also I feel kind of sad, but that's because I'm afraid of losing her, which would be devastating. She apparently has mixed feelings. She said she still has some positive feelings about me, though I don't know why anyone would. And she feels resentment about some things, but we haven't had time to get into it. I don't know if it's resolvable. I guess if my presence is going to make her unhappy then I don't want to bother her. Aside: if this doesn't work, there's not going to be anyone else. I know not to try and connect anymore.
What is a childhood supposed to be?: I was wondering, what is growing up supposed to be like? There's definitely a prescribed series of events that society expects should happen, as with school being mandatory. Other people my age might kids or a doctorate at this point, but I'm just starting to figure out how to live, from scratch. If nothing else, certainly that's something that's something that's supposed to have been taught by now. Although judging by the handful of people I've dealt with, no one has any fucking idea what they're doing. It's just another façade I guess. Maybe you're not supposed to be a person, maybe you're supposed to be a worker, a worshiper, or a subject. Almost never have I heard people express motivations in terms of what they want, it's almost always been a variant of "(in this circumstance) you're supposed to _". Are there people in there at all?
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One Piece Chapters 58-66
Okay, I know I said two days ago that there would be two One Piece posts yesterday, instead of zero posts at all. Here’s what happened instead: I stayed up really late writing something else which I won’t be posting publicly. Then when I woke up, there were children in my house for some reason, so I just went back to bed. Now it’s two days from then. But here’s the thing: One day I will become superhuman and not have to worry about that kind of thing. On that day, it will be December. December will be the month of daily posting every day.
Chapter 58 - Crap-Geezer
That’s certainly a chapter title.
Baby Sanji wants to abandon the chef to die if at all possible. He also separates his “five days of food” into 20 mini-servings, so that he can live 20 days and then promptly die. 25 days later, Sanji eats mold. He remembers his refusal to eat bones. He cries. Then he loses his mold in a hilarious “mold-dropping incident”. He ends up living way longer than 20 days despite his lack of food.
The chef has a big bag of food, so Sanji cuts it open. The bag turns out to actually be full of money, not food. And the chef was actually eating his own foot, not money. This arc is kinda intense man. I already knew that would happen based off of the end of Chapter 57 though.
Fill fulcrums irrelevant the reason the chef gave Sanji literally all of the food was because he was trying to be nice, since Sanji wanted to go to Every District Simultaneously, just like him. The chef then lays down and starts dying, mentioning as he does so that he really wants to found a restaurant that’s also a boat. Sanji says that that’s a good idea and he’ll help if the chef doesn’t die. I see now why Sanji wouldn’t want to just run off with Lufpy for no good reason. His status as a Zoro has been thoroughly earned.
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wtf asshole??? Can the random sailor who decided to ignore a child’s cries for help be the next One Piece villain so they can get killed by a Zoro ex Machina? That’d be... pretty cool.
Chapter 59 - Sanji’s Debt
Okay I almost just wrote “Zoro ex Machina” as the chapter title. I think the day I encounter a chapter with the title “Zoro ex Machina” is the day I’ll be able to die happy. Or I guess any day where I got happy about something could be that day, if I got stabbed at around the same time.
Oh, I just realized why Sanji is going to join Lufpy. The chef is going to tell him that if he joins Lufpy, he’ll be able to accomplish his dream of going to the Every Simultaneous District, but if he doesn’t, then he won’t. That’s what the chef is going to say.
Lufpy does a super-special kick attack against the ship. Lufpy has decided that his enemy is actually the ship, not the terrifying master. Everyone disliked that.
The formerly-hungry guy defeats the Shield Hero. Has he turned traitor? No, he’s gonna kill Sanji. Because of his desire to kill Sanji, he’s decided not to let shielded characters who have outstayed their relevance fight Sanji anymore. That’s fair.
Chapter 60 - Resolution
The enemies get mad that Lufpy called them wimps, so the terrifying master has to step in explain that true non-wimps don’t get upset about being called wimps, and they should prove they’re not wimps by winning. This is kind of a weird turn from the guy who was shooting all his subordinates. Like, you of all people should know they’re wimps, because of how weak they are against your bullets.
The terrifying master uses a poison cannonball, so Lufpy kicks it, but it’s actually a shuriken cannonball, so he hurts his foot. The terrifying master clearly wants Lufpy to say “you’re better than me”, but why would Lufpy say that? So the terrifying master gets mad and declares that he’ll kill Lufpy while the formerly-hungry guy kills Sanji. Terrifying master, no...! By dividing the fights up into 1v1s, you’ll only be doing Lufpy a favor! This isn’t the right way to be mean to Lufpy at all!
Chapter 61 - The Demon
Well, the formerly-hungry guy seems to have defeated Sanji. Except that’s not what happens at all. Sanji spits a cigarette at him and turns the tables on him.
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That’s an interesting term of endearment.
Sanji says that the formerly-hungry demon man is lame enough to be indicative of a truly high overall lameness stat for the terrifying master’s underlings. The formerly-hungry demon man drinks some blood. I guess despite no longer being hungry, he’s thirsty.
Lufpy tries to win his fight, but it doesn’t really work out. He gets staked in the leg. Is this the most injured Lufpy has gotten during a fight so far...? I don’t really remember. Either way, why didn’t the terrifying master win against Hawkeye if he had access to stakes?! Isn’t Hawkeye a vampire?!
The terrifying master says it doesn’t matter if he wants to fight or not, because as long as he has weapons, he can win fights, even if he’s unwilling to do so. That’s... hmm... sad... I think? Lufpy sticks his (Lufpy’s) fingers in his (Lufpy’s) mouth.
The terrifying master tells Lufpy to look at Sanji and the formerly-hungry demon man’s fight instead of them continuing their own fight? I think? I think that’s why he said “look”??? Is the terrifying master in charge of the narrative focus?
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Proof of what? What just got proven?
Sanji is in such agony from the pain of attacking the formerly-hungry demon man that he grinds his teeth. Meanwhile, Lufpy still has his fingers in his mouth, so his teeth are also exposed. Is this symbolic of something...?
Either way, the formerly-hungry demon man begins wailing and weeping. Sufficiency shafts insignificant he actually DOESN’T want to kill Sanji after all! So much for him not being traitorous.
Chapter 62 - MH5
The formerly-hungry demon man insists that he’s not actually a traitor, and that he simply thinks the terrifying master shouldn’t bother with making Sanji be dead. Apparently this time around, the terrifying master’s poison cannonball won’t be a bluff.
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“Die. Now. On that note, you are no longer under any obligation to obey me.”
Plenty injustice scanty Lufpy opposes the usage of weapons of mass destruction. Lufpy does a cool move where he inches along the bottom of a pole while clinging to its underside. However, the terrifying master destroys the pole, so Lufpy can’t reach him. Is Lufpy gonna be restricted to only using long-ranged attacks...? ...Actually, aren’t all Lufpy’s attacks long-ranged? So that’s not so bad.
The formerly-hungry demon man decides he actually WILL obey the terrifying master’s order to die, because he simply loves the terrifying master that much. The terrifying master launches his poison cannonball of mass destruction. Lufpy steals two gas masks from two random guys to give to Sanji and the formerly-hungry demon man.
Callously and nonchalantly taking actions that will cause random people to die because he feels like those are the best actions to take is the funniest joke in Lufpy’s arsenal, and given that Zoro is the one whose gimmick is building up an arsenal of jokes, Zoro could learn a thing or two from Lufpy
Lufpy couldn’t have stolen a third gas mask??? For, y’know, himself?
Well, I guess Lufpy only has two hands, not three. Second point redacted. Wait, he has stretching powers like Elastigirl from The Incredibles or Reed Richards from Fantastic Four, he could have used his foot. By balancing on one foot, perhaps making that foot bigger to make doing so easier, and then using his other foot as a makeshift hand, he could have easily reached towards a third person’s face. Second point UNREDACTED. Although I guess it’s pointless for me to spend this much time talking about this, because a conveniently-placed gas mask is sitting right next to Lufpy anyway.
Of course, as I half-suspected, the gas mask that was right next to Lufpy was the one Lufpy offered to the formerly-hungry demon man. The formerly-hungry demon man really wanted to die REALLY badly, I guess. You’ll notice I deliberately called it a “conveniently-placed” gas mask and not a “third” gas mask. I get to say “called it” if I want to.
Chapter 63 - I Won’t Die
Lufpy is fucking furious at the terrifying master. Meanwhile, Sanji is desperate to save his new friend, the formerly-hungry demon man, so the chef is going to help him with that.
Lufpy is charging straight at the terrifying master across uneasy footing despite the fact that he’s getting stabbed, and then punches a bunch of spikes simply because the terrifying master is behind them. That’s badass. Next, Lufpy says a cool one-liner.
The chef says that people with the determination to fight that hard without fearing death are really cool. I hope Sanji doesn’t take that to heart so much he adopts Zoro’s deathwish. As “Character” “Development” or whatever. I’m starting to get used to not hating Sanji, I’d hate to have to retract that non-hatred.
Next, the terrifying master says, um... the cool one-liner Lufpy already said... To be crystal-clear, Lufpy’s cool one-liner was “no you”, so the fact that the terrifying master is repeating Lufpy’s cool one-liner back to him is quickly going to turn this battle dialog into a “no-you-off”. Quick, there’s still time for a Zoro ex Machina to happen where Zoro can introduce a new joke into this situation!
...oh, nope, instead of that happening, Lufpy says “no you” and then the chapter ends...
Chapter 64 - The Mighty Battle Spear
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That’s... not an answer...
Bro, this fight is baller. This is the first One Piece fight that’s made me feel this way. The glasses idiot using Lufpy’s arm as a Mario platform was cool and all, but the fact that it was the glasses idiot who was doing it negated all its coolness.
Chapter 65 - Prepared
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Um, Lufpy, that’s still really scary...
Woah, Lufpy is attacking the terrifying master using an entire freaking... uh... *uses Google* spar... apparently...
Unfortunately, the terrifying master burns it to a crisp, so Lufpy has to use lots of punches.
Bro... now the terrifying master is bragging through laughter even as he goes flying off of a high place... bro... bro... One Piece is COOL...
Oh, Lufpy destroyed the terrifying master’s armor. Does that mean he wins, or...?
Chapter 66 - The Chewed-up Spear
Well, Lufpy gets put in a net. But that’s fine, because he can simply reach out of the net to do attacks.
The terrifying master orders his subordinates to kill Lufpy. Now this fight isn’t a 1v1 anymore... now that IS mean to Lufpy.
Oh, I spoke too soon. Sanji is enforcing Lufpy’s rule that all fights must be 1v1s, even though Sanji barely knows Lufpy. Huh.
Lufpy wins the 1v1, and smirks as he falls into the ocean. Epic...
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wait can people swim from within nets? am i the one who’s stupid?
Sanji is flashing back to Zoro’s deathwish and Lufpy’s general epicness and regretting his words to Zoro. Sanji... please don’t adopt Zoro’s deathwish...
Anyway, the formerly-hungry demon man punches the terrifying master and... carries him away? Wait, am I interpreting this right? The formerly-hungry demon man is going to remain loyal to the terrifying master? And his takeaway here is that maybe he and the terrifying master will “get ‘em next time, slugger”? As it were?
Bro, the formerly-hungry demon man is like, simply going to be executed. This will be his final on-panel appearance in all of One Piece.
Anyway, since this arc seems to be wrapping up, a couple “closing thoughts” on it, since I have those:
Man, I went into this arc with a clear Nami > Usopp > Lufpy > Zoro crew ranking, and upon Sanji’s introduction I was perfectly willing to write him off as kind of the victim of a “Zoro > Sanji” type situation... but now... I dunno, man... I can’t choose anymore... all I know is Zoro is the worst member of Lufpy’s crew... and Nami is better than Usopp. Lufpy and Sanji... are way better characters than I thought...
So, maybe I’m picking up on writing nuance that isn’t there, but I feel like each “arc villain” is meant to represent a “Trait That Bad Pirates Have Which Lufpy Will Learn Not To Have”. The mountain people had the bad trait of not being ocean people, the axe hand guy had the bad trait of being a cop, Nose [...] had the bad trait of not liking Lufpy’s mentor, the glasses idiot, fucking buffoon that he was, had the bad trait of wearing a suit, and now the terrifying master’s bad trait was refusing to tolerate disloyalty. So, I’m hoping for lots of disloyalty tolerance out of Lufpy from here on out.
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traveler-at-heart · 3 years
The Grinch Plus Her Two
Summary: Natasha isn’t a fan of Christmas and you’re determined to change her mind. Pure fluff. 
A/N: Happy Holidays to everyone! Wherever you are and whoever you’re with, I hope it’s a delightful evening! 
It certainly wasn’t the most wonderful time of year. Being dragged to a crowded mall first thing in the morning was not Natasha’s idea of a relaxing day.
“Are we done yet?” she asked you for the tenth time.
“We just need a present for Vision and Bucky”
“A hat to cover his robot head and magnets to decorate Barnes’ metal arm. Boom, done”
“Nu-uh, Miss Grinch” you looped her arm with yours. “Come on, what better way to deal with seasonal depression than with beautiful lights and Christmas songs?”
“What about seasonal agression?” Natasha growled as an elf began to dance around both of you, throwing glitter in the air.
For the man’s own safety, you dragged your wife away, trying to hide your smirk at her angry expression. You continued window shopping, trying to think of a great present for Bucky. Vision was impossible to shop for, you had made your peace with that ever since Tony gave him a rubber duck and he’d carried it everywhere for a week. Baffling, to be honest.
“You’re gonna hate your present. I just know it” she mumbled.
“What?” you almost didn’t hear her. Nat pretended to be busy looking at a Bed, Bath and Beyond special sale.
“I suck at gift giving and you’re so good at it”
“Well, baby, that’s only because I’m kind of addicted to shopping and a people pleaser. It’s a killer combo for Christmas gifts”
In spite of her sour mood she smiled and you moved closer to her, standing on the tip of your toes to kiss her. The redhead sighed against your mouth and you ran your tongue across her bottom lip.
“You see? You do know what I like” you said and she smiled too. You caressed her cheek and grabbed her chin between your fingers, forcing her to look down at the right angle. Natasha’s eyes widened as she caught a glimpse of the red lace bra you were wearing. “I also happen to know what you like”
“Detka” she chased you around, pulling you against her by the waist. “Get those morons a scented candle, I wanna go home and unwrap my present”
Any other day you’d go crazy with the mess; but Christmas chaos simply hit different. Every time one of your friends walked through the door, your heart felt full and happy.
“Why can’t we make everyone bring something?” Natasha said as you gave her instructions on how to set up the appetizers.
“Because last time we did that we ended up with frozen lasagna, a pizza and four different cakes” Wanda reminded her, checking the oven.
“So, we” you motioned with the wooden spoon between Wanda and yourself, “A.K.A the only adults that can cook, will take care of this, thank you very much”
“Aunt Natty, can I help with the table?” Morgan said and Natasha’s demeanor instantly changed.
“Of course, sweetheart” she took the little girl by the hand and they walked out of the kitchen together.
You looked at them with a smile on your face.
“She’s gonna be a great mom” Wanda commented nonchalantly and you tilted your head, a silly grin still on your face.
“Yeah… wait, how?”
Wanda giggled and pulled the tray out of the oven.
“Your thougts were very loud when Natasha offered you a glass of wine”
“Oh, damn. Sorry. I was planning on telling her tomorrow morning. It’s silly but I know she struggles with the holidays and I want to change that”
“I got your back. If someone pours you wine I’ll turn it into water”
“You can do that?!”
“Do what?” Natasha walked in looking distraught while carrying a tray of maccaroni.
“Hiii” Yelena said behind her, smiling like a little child. Unlike her sister, she loved the holiday season. “I brought my Christmas macaroni”
“How is it Christmas macaroni?” Natasha frowned at the plate.
“The tray is shaped like a Christmas tree. Leave it there, help me find little Stark; I have a present for her”
“I’m your sister, where’s my present?”
“I’m here and that is a gift to you, sestra”
The two women bickered their way out of the kitchen and you went back to preparing every plate. A couple of minutes went by without any interruptions; the only sound was the conversation that came from the dining room.
“Absolutely not!” Tony yelled as you were walking in with the food.
“Come on, metal man!” Yelena said going after him.
“You absolutely cannot give my daughter a possessed doll!” he said, lifting something that looked like a goat from hell.
“It’s Krampus, he’s really popular in Eastern Europe, right Natasha? Tell him!”
“She’ll have nightmares”
In that precise moment, Morgan came barreling against Yelena, holding on to her knees.
“I love it so much, thank you!!”
“Ha!” the blonde said to Tony and then ducked to meet Morgan’s eyes. “You are very welcome, little Stark”
“Momma, look!” Morgan showed Pepper the doll and she screeched, a hand going to her chest.
“Oh, God… that’s a really original gift, sweetheart”
“Alright, everyone settle down. Time to eat” Wanda commanded. After setting everything up, you took your place between Natasha and Yelena to make sure they wouldn’t start a food fight.
“This looks great, thank you” Natasha whispered and kissed your cheek. You smiled shyly and were about to answer when you felt Yelena’s lips on your other cheek.
“Delicious indeed, sister”
“Hey, why are you kissing my wife?”
“Oh, I thought it was tradition to do it to say thanks for the food” Yelena stuffed her mouth with mashed potatoes while Natasha glared at her.
“Eat, everyone!” you interrupted, trying not to laugh. Natasha cussed in Russian under her breath and you heard Yelena chuckle. “Children”
“Tired?” Natasha said against your neck, peppering your skin with kisses as you laid in bed.
“Very” you confirmed, but kept your hand on the back of her head, guiding her movements.
“So I won’t get to open my present tonight?”
“Maybe if you stop complaining and use your mouth for other stuff…”
Natasha gasped and you took the opportunity to deepen the kiss, pulling her closer to you.
“Wow, I love this wrapping” she commented once you stripped, only leaving your lace underwear.
“Come on, open it up”
She chuckled deeply and buried her face on your chest.
“Something’s buzzing” you commented when you felt a vibration against your back.
“Damn right, baby”
“No, Nat. I’m serious” you pushed her off and searched behind you, handing over her phone.
“It’s Mama Melina”
“Answer her”
As soon as she pressed the botton, half of Melina’s face was all over the screen, zoomed in on her eye.
“Oh” you both said. “Take the phone back a little. There ya go”
“Hi girls, how is Christmas going? I see you are having fun” the older woman said with a cheeky grin.
“Oh, God” you disappeared from the screen to find your robe.
“There is no shame here. You know studies show that sexual activity has a positive impact on…”
“Mom!” Natasha cut her off. They bickered in Russian back and forth and then settled on speaking about Yelena.
You smiled and walked out to get a glass of water. Everyone but Yelena had gone home a bit before midnight and thankfully, Wanda cleaned everything with a movement of her hand. It was a Christmas miracle for sure.
After drinking some water and filling the glass again for Natasha, you were on your way to the room when you heard someone squealing.
“I’m gonna be an auntie?!” she said excitedly, holding a t-shirt with the words World’s Best Aunt.
“Shhhhh!” you frantically ran to the tree where Yelena was slicing the wrapping paper with a knife. “God damn it, Yelena. You weren’t supposed to open it until tomorrow morning!”
“I do this every year”
“You WHAT?”
“Damn, Natasha was right, you do get crazy during Christmas”
“Newsflash, now that I’m pregnant I get to be crazy whenever I want”
Yelena approached you carefully and gave you a warm hug.
“Congratulations” she said against your shoulder, her voice shaking with emotion and you teared up as well.
“My plan was to tell your sister this morning and then you’d open the present but seeing as you can’t behave…”
“I’m sorry, I’ll put it back”
“Fine. Good night, auntie Yelena”
You heard her squeal once more as you left the room and smiled. Except now you had to move forward and tell Natasha before her sister slipped up.
It was silly to be nervous; you’d been trying for so long to start a family. Of course Natasha would be happy. But telling her would make it all real; the beauty of having a child, but the responsibility of raising someone as well.
With a deep breath, you went inside your bedroom. The redhead was saying goodbye to Melina just as you were opening the drawer on your night stand and pulling out a small gift.
“Did you catch Yelena opening the presents?”
“This whole time, you knew?” you said, throwing the present at her head. It annoyed you how easily she caught it.
“No…” she approached you and slid her hands around your waist while you glared at her. “Is this for me?”
“Yes” you admitted. You chewed on your finger nervously as she tore apart the paper, eyeing the little box curiously.
“What is i…?”
Natasha gasped as she examined the pregnancy test.
“You… we are…?”
“We are” you said, tears clouding your vision. The redhead picked you up, hugging you tightly and crying against your hair.
“Oh my God. I can’t believe you managed to make pee on a stick the best present I’ve ever gotten”
“Lovely, Natalia”
“We’re having a baby”, she chuckled and you felt ten times lighter. “We’re having a baby” she repeated in a very different tone, looking at you intently and you stared at her, worried.
“You’re pregnant and yet you were exhausting yourself cooking dinner for everyone?”
“Nat” you warned.
“You are resting and taking vitamins and we are going to the doctor tomorrow. And I need to start baby proofing the entire house and baby proof Yelena as well because I don’t want our child to have a Krampus themed room…”
She was interrupted by your lips, kissing away the stress and worry in a slow motion.
“We’re gonna be fine” you assured her, placing her hand on your stomach. “Ok?”
“Yes” she nodded. “Let’s get some sleep” the redhead searched for comfortable clothes, removing your bra with less urgency than before. Once you were wearing pyjamas, she pulled you to bed, your back against her front and her hand on your stomach.
“This is the best Christmas ever” she mumbled against your neck.
“And then the true meaning of Christmas came through, and the Grinch found the strength of ten Grinches plus two” you recited with a smile.
“We’re not naming our baby Cindy Lou, by the way”
“We’ll see”
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daenqyu · 4 years
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— they accidentally confess to their crush
includes: shinsou, bakugou, midoriya, todoroki and hawks
warnings: swearing
a/n: thank you for requesting <3 i love this idea! it’s so cute🥺 also, hawks’ may be a little longer than the others because it’s my first time writing for him and i got a bit excited👉🏼��🏼 
ps: i don’t mind writing for hawks if it’s a headcannon and/or texts! so feel free to request him :D and yes, this is a repoost because the algorithm hates me.
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( gif isn’t mine !! credits go to @tetsuruo )
shinsou hitoshi:
it would happen so randomly and out of the blue
as i said before, i think shinsou is a really reserved and quiet type of guy
but that seems to vanish whenever he’s around you
he’s more talkative and constantly goes out with you so you guys can have some quality time together
you also make him really nervous 
he’s pretty chill with everyone and seems to not give a fuck about most things
but with you?
that’s a whole different story 
whenever you keep your gaze stuck on him when he’s talking and his eyes meet yours, his heart never fails to do backflips because fuck you’re so cute
(oh to have shinsou think i’m cute D:)
ok back to the actual hc,,, 
you two were hanging out in your room, listening to music and just talking 
even tho your best friends, shinsou never really tells you much about his personal life
of course you know the basics like his hobbies and all his favorite things
but he never talks to you about...crushes or anything 
and you don’t like that because :( friends are supposed to tell each other this stuff, right? 
it’s fun and makes the bond even stronger
so you decide to ask him because why not?
“hey shinsou?” 
he’s sitting down next to you on your bed, your legs draped over his
which makes him feel all warm inside
it’s stupid and definitely not a big deal, 
but it’s little things like this that make him fall more and more for you
“do you have a crush?” you wiggle your eyebrows at him in a teasing way, although he’s not even looking your way
a part of you is nervous to hear his response 
because unbeknownst to shinsou, you reallyyy like him
and have been crushing on him for quite some time now, but since you’re so sure the feelings are one sided, you don’t tell him
he’s too invested on the game he’s playing on your switch, eyebrows slightly furrowed as he concentrates
so he almost misses your question
and when he does answer, he’s not even paying attention to the words that leave his mouth
“apart from you? no”
it takes him a good minute to process what he said
meanwhile you’re sitting there like :o
you certainly weren’t expecting THAT
like it’s a good thing!!!! but you’re kinda flustered 
especially when shinsou finally looks up at you, eyes widened in surprise at his own bluntness as he opens and closes his mouth a few times, not knowing what to say now
“wait! i didn’t mean it like that!”
“you didn’t?”
he notices the slight pain in your voice and the way you move away from him slowly and he’s quick to apologize 
“shit, okay...yes i like you but i didn’t say anything because i don’t want to make things weird between us or ruin what we have right now”
he’s looking everywhere but you
because he doesn’t exactly want to face you when you reject him
but you don’t ???
instead you giggle and before he can ask you what’s so funny, you climb on his lap to hug him, causing him to blush furiously 
“i like you too, toshi”
the nickname makes him hug you even tighter while he hides his face on your neck 
it was such a cute confession and even when you two start going out, you never stop bringing it up
which makes shinsou extremely embarrassed 
“hey remember when you confessed and-”
“y/n, we’ve talked about this”
“oh come on! you were so adorable”
he pouts at you 
people think he looks so scary but he’s actually a whole ass baby
you roll your eyes before leaning down to give him a sweet kiss, 
“you’re such a baby”
“hm, your baby”
“oh my god you did not”
yeah no, he’s in love with you👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
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( gif isn’t mine !! credits go to @bakugousmyboy )
bakugou katsuki:
i feel like it would be pretty difficult to have bakugou accidentally confess directly to you
he knows how to control himself and his emotions so i doubt he’d actually ever do something like this
he’s not that good at hiding his crush on you and mostly everyone on class 1A knows the boy is an absolute sucker for you
except you because apparently you think he’s just being nice
and everyone else is like wtf???? 
like he’s ALWAYS screaming at everyone 
but when it’s you he doesn’t 
in fact, sometimes he even lowers his voice so it won’t bother you 
so that behavior is the one that caused him to be stuck in the situation he is right now
he sat in the common room with kirishima and kaminari, trying to eat his food in peace but the two idiots, as he likes to call them, wouldn’t shut up
he had completely blocked out both of their voices, focusing on finishing his meal and getting the hell away from them
until he heard your name being mentioned 
“dude when are you gonna ask y/n out? everyone knows how much you like her  so might as well you know,” kirishima bumps his shoulder against the blonde, only to receive a glare. “get some action”
“yeah bakubro, she’s super cute too” kaminari buts in and bakugou is about to punch them both in the face
“shut the fuck up. i don’t like her” bakugou scoffs
“but you’re such a softie for her”
“huh?! i treat her the same as i treat all of you extras!” oh but he knows he’s lying, you can’t even compare to any of your annoying classmates 
kirishima smirks, “i’m pretty sure you’ve never once, raised your voice at her”
“so? that doesn’t mean shit”
kaminari looks at kirishima and the redhead nods at him, giving him the green light
“well since you don’t like her, you wouldn’t mind if i ask her out? because i’ve been wanting to-” kaminari can’t even finish his sentence before bakugou grabs him by the collar of his shirt
kaminari yelps, looking over at his other friend for help but he moves his head quickly, knowing better than to get involved 
“you try and make a move on her and i swear to God i’ll blast you all the way across japan, dunce face”
bakugou’s voice is threatening and low, and kaminari knows he means every word so he quickly raises his arms in defeat and nods his head
“okay, okay! i swear i won’t”
little do they know that you’ve been standing behind them for a while now
you’re happy to know your feelings are reciprocated 
but of course you want to tease bakugou about it
“hm did my ears deceive me or does boom boom boy have a crush on me?” 
kirishima and kaminari take that as their cue to run away to their rooms, leaving you two alone
“tch, how long have you been standing there?” even as he glares you down, he can’t hide the blush on his cheeks 
he didn’t want you to find out this way
or at all tbh
you walk over to him, a wide smile on your lips
“long enough”
afterwards you ask him if he wants to go watch a movie with you the next day and he’s lowkey mad because he wanted to ask you on a date first, but he doesn’t say no
you end up having way more fun than expected and you actually confirmed that bakugou was a softie for you 
(turns out you were the last one to find out because literally everyone else knew)
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( gif isn’t mine !! credits go to its rightful owner )
midoriya izuku:
he can barely function around girls in general so like, what does that tell you?
he likes you so much but he’s so scared 
but he’s also so sweet to you even before you start dating oml
midoriya is a sweetheart, we all know this
and he pays so much attention to you
like if you are the mall one day and you see something you really like but can’t buy it for whatever reason well…
a few days later he gets it for you
he would say something along the lines of, “you seemed to really like it so i got it for you”
“you didn’t have to, izuku!”
“but i wanted to”
you’ll try to pay him back in some sort of way but he absolutely refuses
he loves pampering you
yet whenever you try to do the same he doesn’t let you and it’s: ✨annoying✨
you were supposed to go to the movies
but midoriya had forgotten he had some homework to do, which was due the next day
“i’m so sorry y/n! i completely forgot, but i promise i’ll finish quickly” he tried to reassure you and you chuckle at the boy, so cute
“it’s okay, izuku. i don’t mind waiting”
you lay down on his bed, trying your best to keep your eyes open 
but as much as you tried, you eventually fell asleep against the soft sheets, your best friend’s bed being just too comfortable 
midoriya sat on his desk chair, writing down the answers as fast as he could so you guys could go watch the movie you were so excited about
he let out a sigh of relief when he finished, before taking his phone out to check the time
6:37PM, the movie starts at 7PM so we still have time
he stood up to tell you he had finished, but was met with your sleeping figure
your eyes were closed and soft snores left your slightly parted lips, hands gripping his sheets to your chest
the curly haired boy almost combusted at the sight
you looked so peaceful, so pretty
a smile grazed his lips as he made his way over to the bed
he sat down beside you, quietly admiring your features 
feeling the mattress dip thanks to his weight, you began to wake up, but quickly shut your eyes when you noticed midoriya was looking at you
truth be told, you just wanted to scare him by suddenly jumping
but his next words made your breath hitch
one of his hands moved up to your face, resting it gently against your cheek as his thumb massaged the skin
your heartbeat was out of control and you forced yourself to calm your breathing so he wouldn’t notice you were awake 
his touch was so gentle and sweet, you couldn’t bring yourself to push him away
“i wish i could tell you how beautiful you are” he whispered and if you hadn’t been so close to him, you probably wouldn’t have heard him
after hearing him say that you couldn’t stay still
you opened your eyes, a smile quickly spreading across your features as you turned around to face the green haired boy
midoriya almost had a heart attack when you moved, hoping you hadn’t heard him
but based on the mischievous grin you wore, he knew you had
“well you just did”
“y-you were awake?!”
“yup, i’m glad i was tho”
your gaze is flirtatious and you’re still grinning and he’s just >_<
“now let’s go or we’ll be late!” 
midoriya can only nod before following you outside
once you’re on your way to the movie theater, you notice midoriya fidgeting with his fingers, his eyes glued to his shoes
you smile as you suddenly take his hand in yours, interlacing your fingers together 
midoriya looks at you with a nervous expression, what is she doing?
“you know, you��re beautiful too”
you were looking at him with nothing but love in your eyes and he felt so embarrassed yet excited at the same time
because holy fuck you just called him beautiful AND held his hand???
he thinks it can’t get any better than this
and then it does when you kiss him a few weeks later😳🤚🏼
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( gif isn’t mine !! credits go to @ambershaydeoffical )
todoroki shouto:
like bakugou, i don’t really think he’d be clumsy enough to accidentally confess
however, he does like to speak his mind and isn’t afraid to do so
he’s just really honest and blunt
way too honest 
which gets him in trouble sometimes but oh well, that’s just the way he is and everyone is pretty used to his personality by now
though, after figuring out he liked you as more than a friend, he started to think more before talking
sometimes you liked to get his opinion on your outfits and/or hairstyles
so you’d drag him to you room and force him to be honest and tell you which one he liked most
it doesn’t matter what you wear, you always look beautiful 
he wants to say that, but instead he goes:
“they all look good, i think the purple shirt really fits you tho”
“i was thinking the same thing!”
he doesn’t want to scare you off or make things weird
so he forces himself to hold back on his bluntness 
at least when he’s with you
but one day he just can’t help himself 
you were on your way back to the dorms after a tiring day at school
todoroki walked next to you, eyes glancing over to you from time to time so you knew he was listening\
you were currently rambling about how shitty your love life was
claiming that there must be something wrong with you since no one seemed to pay attention to you- at least romantically 
“i mean seriously, am i doing something wrong or is everyone i’ve met just not for me??” 
you had your cheeks puffed out, a pout on your lips as you kicked the small rocks on the floor
todoroki smiled softly at your complaints, thinking irony could be quite funny sometimes 
until you spoke up again,
“maybe i’m just too ugly or boring, that’d make more sense”
todoroki almost stops dead in his tracks to see if you have a fever 
how could you say that????
you’re so gorgeous to todoroki, and interesting 
you’re probably the first girl he’s ever liked this much in his life
and you have the audacity to doubt your worth just because other people can’t seem to appreciate you??
uh uh, he’s not having it
and so, the words come out before he can even register them properly
“if you were as ugly as you say are then, i don’t think i’d like you as much as i do”
your eyes widened and you stopped walking, wondering if you had heard him right
todoroki stops walking too, and once he realizes what happened, he’s looking away, trying to come up with a valid excuse as to why he said that
you, however, can’t stop staring at him
finding the way he glares at the ground adorable
a sense of happiness takes over your whole body when he doesn’t say anything to deny his sudden confession 
because he cannot lie to you
you walk towards todoroki until you’re standing right in front of him and before he can even question what you’re doing, you plant a sweet kiss against his cheek
“good thing the feeling is mutual”
your words make him smile and he looks so happy
probably the happiest he’s ever been
and you feel proud of being the one responsible for that pretty smile of his
neither of you really rush into making things official 
but the way todoroki lets you cuddle on his left side whenever you’re cold or how he waits for you every morning so you can walk together to class makes it more than clear that he really likes you
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( gif isn’t mine !! credits go to its rightful owner )
takami keigo (hawks)
he’d be the type to not give a fuck about it
like he already confessed so what can he do?
nothing. exactly
he’s so cocky and flirty the whole time oml
he’d be shocked for a few seconds, but after seeing you were way more flustered than him, he’d just start teasing you
in a loving way of course
he’s also surprised you hadn’t noticed earlier on, considered how much he flirts with you, but then again, that’s part of his personality so
kinda makes sense you didn’t suspect anything
but he’s so cute and soft for you 🥺
okok so it happened the same day you got your results for your midterms
(you’re a college student here lol)
you had studied your ass off for this tests
staying up until 4AM and having to ditch your friends when they invited you to go out
so you were really positive
you squealed when your teacher hands you back the papers and you see the grade on the right corner
you felt happy to know that all your hard work wasn't in vain
the nerves you had been feeling since the day you took the midterms quickly vanished and were replaced with the feeling of pride
as you walked out of the building, you dialed the person who you wanted to share the news most with
he picked up after the second ring
“what’s up?” his voice was raspy and you ignored the butterflies that appeared in your stomach at the sound
“hey, i have great news!”
“care to elaborate?”
“you’ll find out when i get to your house”
“oh? and who said you could come over?” his tone is teasing and you can practically hear the smirk on his face, which makes you roll your eyes
“i did, now bye. i’ll be there in five minutes and order some pizza to celebrate” you don’t even get hear his complaints because you’ve already hung up
anyone who saw the way you two acted with each other would automatically think you guys were a couple
you were rather affectionate with each other; occasionally holding hands while you walked down the streets and even calling each other by your first names
that was just the bond you two had, and you loved it
he brought you so much comfort
it was almost ridiculous the way he was able to make you smile by simply calling or texting you
you had grown quite attached to the number 2 hero, but you constantly told yourself you needed to snap out of it
because you were friends
nothing more and nothing less
oh but how you wished there was more to your relationship than just that
you shook your head, as if that could help you get rid of the thoughts
true to your word, you soon found yourself outside of keigo’s house
the college you went to wasn’t that far away from there so
you pushed the doorbell and waited around two minutes before a sleepy looking keigo opened the door
his hair was messy and the way he rubbed his eyes and kept yawning let you know he probably had been taking a nap
you scoff, “were you sleeping?” you ask him as you walk into his home, smiling at the familiar scent
he chuckles from behind you, following you into his living room, “maybe, but you woke me up”
“can’t believe your lazy ass earned the number two spot”
“what can i say? it’s a talent,” he shrugs before sitting down next to you on the couch, resting his face on his hand. “so, what’s the good news?”
“so you know i took my midterms last friday, right?” keigo nods. “well, i got my results today” he raises his eyebrows in surprise and waits as you look for the papers inside your bag
once you get them out, you place them in front of your face so he can see for himself
keigo smiles proudly and it only widens when you look up at him expectantly, biting your lower lip
“holy fuck, that’s amazing! you did so good dove”
the nickname makes you weak on the knees but you’re quick to brush it off
you should be used to it, since keigo has been calling you that for quite some time now, yet it never fails to make your heart beat insanely fast
you nod excitedly and put the papers down before you start talking about your experience
keigo can’t help but admire you
you look so happy and cute
it makes him want to kiss you
he wants to shut you up by kissing you, and it sound mean and disrespectful but you just look so gorgeous 😡
and instead of randomly kissing you, he blurts out a confession
“math was probably the hardest but i managed to pass it too, surprisingly, so i-”
he doesn’t even know what you’re talking about anymore, too focused on your smile
“God i like you so much”
you shut up instantly
did you hear that right?
or was your mind playing tricks on you?
keigo looks away momentarily, before locking eyes with you and tilting his head to the side, waiting for a reaction
which he gets soon after because you can’t handle the way he’s looking at you
you look away, hiding your face the best you can
“w-what did you say?”
he smirks after hearing the stutter in your voice
he gets closer to you, until he’s right in front of your face, before saying:
“i like you, y/n”
you don’t know what to say
what are you even supposed to do???
keigo just confessed
your best friend and crush just confessed to you
that’s not something that happens everyday
“i um, like you too” you don’t look at him and he almost chuckles at your shy expression, but decides not to embarrass you any further
“happy to hear that”
he doesn’t say anything for a while and you wonder what the hell is going through his head right
he’s probably just messing with me. oh my God he probably is and i just said i liked him too so what-
your train of thought is cut off when you feel the blonde ruffle your hair while looking at you lovingly
you slowly look up to him
“i’m proud of you, dove”
“now, i think this is something worth celebrating and i’m not talking about pizza. so let me take you out”
“it’s fine, keigo. you don’t need to-”
“can’t hear you, give me about fifteen minutes and then we’ll get going”
you try to tell him no, that it’s fine and you can just eat pizza but he ignores you and still takes you out to eat
i’ll say it again: he’s so sweet :(((
he pays for the food and gives you his jacket when you get cold
he even treats you to some dessert !!
he also kisses you good night when he drops you off at your house <3
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novorehere · 2 years
Been thinking a lot about what everyone has said on that one post about sameness in the vore community. I’ve always known the vore community tends to “recycle” concepts and tropes. (Trust me, I’ve been here for a WHILE I’ve seen it all.) Mainly, the prevalence of tooth-rotting comfort vore fluff. I certainly do not deny that I am a perpetrator of fixating on said content. It’s easy to write. Self insert first person character is sad, you project yourself onto them, they get eaten and praised, you feel better about yourself. And thus the cycle continues. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with this. Stories like these get my heart all giddy every time without fail, and I’m not gonna pretend they don’t.
But I do agree that the vore narrative has SO much more potential than just this. Horror. Suspense. Angst. Characters developing as people and growing closer to one another through unconventional means. I always adore when people come up with more unique vore stories, with entire fleshed out worlds and characters with their own backstories and personalities. Stories where it’s not really a vore story, it’s just a Thing that Happens to the already existing characters, and focuses on how they react to the strangeness and how they grow because of it. It’s a shame this sort of content isn’t as prevalent, but I completely understand why. Writing complex characters is hard. Writing conflict is hard. And it doesn’t help that content like this tends not to get as many hits as the more simple, easy to digest (heh) comfort stuff we see all the time around here.
As for me, I am one of the odd one’s out in the community in that I really don’t have any of my own characters. Sure I have a “persona” of sorts, but that’s a relatively new thing that isn’t even MY character but a generic self-insert thing from an already existing franchise. Almost all of my writing has been in the first person style, where the reader/author can imagine themselves in the story. I’ve now come to realize this is probably the main reason I’m stuck writing fluff, to be honest. I feel more comfortable inserting myself in vore situations where it’s nice and everything has a happy ending. Stories where the reader isn’t involved at all are a lot easier for me to include more developed emotions and conflict.
To tell you the truth, I’ve wanted to try my hand at making OCs for quite a while now. I actually have quite a few fleshed out character ideas that have been in stored away in my head for quite some time. Perhaps now that I’m drawing more, I could try my hand at it. Maybe. It’s kind of a long shot. In the meantime, I’ll certainly keep what everyone has said in mind as I write in the future. Thank you all again for giving the community your thought and feelings, and for being so civil and friendly to eachother :)
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salemwritesxx · 3 years
𝓲𝓷𝓮𝔁𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓭. | 𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓽𝔀𝓸
𝔹 𝔸 𝕂 𝕌 𝔾 𝕆 𝕌  𝕂 𝔸 𝕋 𝕊 𝕌 𝕂 𝕀
     ⇴ male reader [22, virgin]      ⇴ all characters are depicted as [18]+
↣ rating: explicit, 18+ ↣ warnings: over 5k words long, smut, Age Gap (12 years), older Bakugou (34), shy virgin reader, fluffy smut
“Mhmhm… Mh… Wait, Katsuki…san…”, you barely managed to mumble before breaking the kisses, both of you panting lightly.
“Huh?! I’ve waited too fucking long, [Your.name]!”, Bakugou growled while trying to pull you back down.
Though you managed to push him back a little before your boyfriend could aggressively kiss you once more.
“I know, just… let me take a shower first! I just came home from my 10 hour shift, threw my hero costume into the hallway and rushed over here.”
“Ughg, fine.”, Katsuki grumbled lightly, his hand that had held on to your shirt desperately, loosening.
A small smile flitted across your lips before you quickly smooched him.
“Thank you. Oh and- here.”, you pulled the two tickets you had talked about before out of your back pocket.
“Oh… right… You said you had tickets, hm?”
“Yup, a friend of mine works behind the scenes for the comedian we both really like. Remember? We talked about it?”, tilting your head lightly, your cute smile and shimmering eyes reminded Katsuki of an adorable little dog. The thought alone made him also smile a little – so innocent and cute.
“Yeah… On our first date. I can’t believe you remembered.”
“Of course! So, I used my connections to get us two tickets.”, you excitedly declared. It helped with the urge of not staring at your boyfriend who was still standing naked in front of you.
“So when are we going?”, Bakugou casually asked, looking at the two tickets to find a date.
“April next year! I am so exited already though.”, you giggled.
Meanwhile Bakugou’s heart was doing a flip in his chest. Next year in April meant that you were believing you and him would still be together by that time. Making plans so far ahead, how was he supposed not to get emotional and happy?
“Katsuki-sa- hm!”
Pulling you down again, he surprised you with yet another intimate kiss. Once again not knowing where to really put your hands, you awkwardly placed them on his lower back. Though feeling the bare skin under your fingertips was enough to send a strong jolt down south. Damn it, how were you going to survive actual sex?
“Go take a shower. And don’t let me wait too long.”, Bakugou finally said when he pulled back with a smirk on his lips that made your cheeks warm.
“Uh-huh!”, was your only dreamily sighed answer as you watched him for a moment, completely dazed. There he was, walking up the stairs so casually – butt-naked and making your dick hurt inside your jeans.
Thus, you literally sprinted into the bathroom to take the quickest shower while scrubbing yourself the cleanest you’ve ever been.
  Bakugou on the other hand couldn’t contain his grin when he stared at the tickets in his hands. He didn’t even know if you had realized the meaning behind those. Or maybe he was just overreacting seeing you plan ahead so much. It probably would have made him uncomfortable a few months ago, when he was freshly dating you, but now? Katsuki couldn’t stop his heart from beating so violently in his chest.
Walking over to the drawer, he prepared some things, like throwing the tube of lube onto the bed and rummaging through all the condoms that he hoarded. Without realizing it, his mind started wandering on its own. Not that anyone could really blame him. Bakugou had the desire to have sex with you for quite some time, so of course he had let his imagination take over. Wondering what you would look like without anything on. Since, to this day, you had been too shy to even undress in front of him.
Now that he thought about it, he hadn’t had any intimate contact with anyone ever since his last relationship ended four years ago. And suddenly, Bakugou’s heart hammered quickly for a different reason. It definitely had been a while since he had sex with anyone.
When Katsuki heard someone rushing up the stairs though, he quickly shook his head a bit, trying to get those thoughts out of his head.
“What am I fucking thinking? It’s just sex. No need to overthink this so much. God, I’m getting old.”
And then, you already came inside, a towel around your hips.
“Ah, good timing. So, do you think we need Large or Extra Large?”, Bakugou teased you, holding up two condoms. However, his teasing certainly flew over your head when your face displayed pure shock.
Only for you to turn around, wanting to flee again. Thankfully though, Bakugou reacted swiftly, grabbing your arm and turning you back around, just for your hands to cover your face.
“I will disappoint you, Katsuki-san!”
“Hey, that was just a joke, come on. You’re so fucking easy to scare.”, he chuckled and playfully rolled his eyes.
“Sorry…”, you mumbled shyly.
“Come here. Don’t think about it too hard. I ain’t grading you or anything, yeah? Just relax.”, and with that, he pulled you down for a kiss. His other hand sneaking to your hips and pulling on the towel. This time, you thankfully stayed calm as you let him push you back and onto the bed.
His muscular, broad body crawling on top of yours almost made you explode. This was really happening. How often had you imagined and dreamt about it? And now it was really going to happen.
“It’s just…”, you broke the kisses, your eyes already gleaming with lust, “I feel like I’m gonna explode any second, Katsuki-san. Just seeing you naked is enough to make me go crazy. To be honest… just thinking about you is enough to give me a boner. I feel so stupid!”
Bakugou was blushing a little, yet he was flattered. With his mind sometimes playing tricks on him and him fearing he was too old for you, knowing he had such an effect on you… was nice.
“That’s not stupid… You’re so cute.”, he whispered before leaning down again to kiss you.
“Touch me… You want to… no?”
“HMH!”, was the only thing you whimpered so desperately as Katsuki already grabbed your hand to place them onto his small, yet unbelievably strong body.
All it took was for Bakugou to scooch closer and lower his ass onto your hips for your cock to bounce and drops of precum to drip down. Your body visibly shuddering was honestly the best feeling, because your reactions were so cute and honest. Still so innocent to the touches. Katsuki loved that. He really felt incredibly desirable and wanted.
Your trembling hands were roaming his body, not sure what to do but you also didn’t want to stop. His muscles felt so nice underneath your palm. His skin was smooth and yet rough in some areas. Bakugou’s body was showing scars from previous battles, though it only made him so sexy and handsome it was almost too much for you.
At the end, you stopped when you grabbed his luscious thighs the moment he started to grind his cock against your own. An unstoppable moan escaped your throat instantly as you dug your nails into his skin whilst another violent jolt made your cock visibly throb.
Breaking away from your mouth eventually, Bakugou couldn’t help but smirk when he saw how red your lips already were from so much kissing. Leaning in, his swollen lips met your neck, softly nibbling and making you shudder once more. His smirk so prominent you could feel it on your skin.
“How do you feel, [Your.name]?”, Katsuki whispered in your ear, enjoying the soft moan and twitching of your body against his.
“Hot… It’s unfair you’re so… fucking sexy, Katsuki-san…”, you barely managed to choke out.
It only elicit a small chuckle from your boyfriend when he sat back up, his cheeks however having a small pink tint to them. You watched attentively as he reached to the side to grab the lube. Though before he could open the bottle, you stopped him.
“Wait, Katsuki-san, can… can I do it…?”, which definitely made your poor, shy heart beat ten times as fast as it was healthy.
“Haa… you sure?”, he reluctantly asked, one brow raised.
But you nodded and sat back up to wrap your arms around his hips while your noses almost touched.
“Mh. I want to make you feel good… and learn what you like…”, you sheepishly mumbled and then softly placed a kiss on the tip of his nose.
“Oh…”, Bakugou smirked before wrapping his arms around your neck to kiss you, then whisper against your lips, “Then don’t hold back… I’ll serve as your guinea pig.”
Smirking yourself, you returned the kisses a little deeper, trying to get out the last bit of confidence you had in yourself as you mumbled back, “Then I will put in all my effort so you just need to come back for another round of experimenting.”
And Katsuki certainly liked that you slowly seemed to warm up and not be as nervous as before. His responds a mere chuckle only to capture your lips again for a passionate kiss.
Meanwhile, with your heavily thumping heart, you clumsily opened the lube bottle to squirt some of the liquid onto your fingers before throwing it back onto the bed after closing. Pulling back from your boyfriend’s mouth, you just looked at him for a few seconds to try and get the courage to touch him… Something you had never done before. Touching someone in such an intimate place.
Though before you could chicken out again, you finally reached down and dipped your fingers between his cheeks, the little shudder from Bakugou immediately spurring you on. Hence why you gave yourself the push to play with his ass; circling his twitching hole and rubbing the lube around, just to see him shiver a little.
“Oi… don’t tease…”, Katsuki could also just choke out, before softly moaning a little when you worked your finger inside.
Just the feeling of his warm insides around your finger alone made your cock twitch, the urge to just plunge into him was almost unbearable. Your own breathing quickened as you pushed another finger in before starting to move them. His muscular body was now pressed against your own, your free hand groping his ass to spread him even more.
“Haha- Ah- I guess… you’re a natural…?”, Bakugou chuckled, trying to sound cool and seductive as he wanted to keep the mask of the older and more experienced one. However, when you pushed deeper and found that little spot that made him whine, it was all over for him.
While you had to seriously fight back the urge to just cum all over him because he was just way too fucking sexy and made you completely insane with how erotic he was, Bakugou just let loose and moaned freely.
“D-Do that… ah- gain…”
You truthfully couldn’t believe that was actually happening. Your head was spinning as you moved your fingers like before, rubbing against his sweet spot, trying to memorize what made him feel good.
“I-Is that okay… Katsuki-san?”, you were lightly gasping. He was truly taking your breath away – you didn’t even want to know what would happen if you would actually have sex, your dick was probably going to explode the second you would enter with how on edge you already were.
“Hmh- keep… going, okay?”, Katsuki was merely whining.
God, he sounded so differently, and it was so erotic and sexy. And it certainly didn’t help when he scooched even closer, his throbbing cock rubbing up against your own was almost enough for you.
“K-Katsuki-san, ahn don’t… do that…”, you helplessly moaned and buried your face in the nook of his neck, making him just chuckle.
“I don’t know what you- fuck-! even.. mea- NGH!”, clawing at your shoulder, he deliberately started moving his hips a little. Thrusting his throbbing dick against your own, smearing precum around while you kept fucking him with your fingers.
“K-Katsuki-san!”, all you could do was moan out his name, being the sensitive virgin you were, this was almost too much for you.
His nails were clawing at your shoulder while his hips were moving erratically, making it harder for you to thrust against his sweet spot, but Katsuki didn’t care. He was consumed by the pleasure as he rubbed his cock against yours.
“Oh- fuck- GOD- I’m.. ah clos- Katsu…san….”, you could barely choke out, being interrupted by your gasps and moans, but that certainly didn’t stop your lover from moving even more vigorously. Though reaching down was the straw that broke the camel’s back as feeling his hand engulfing your cocks and stroking them was the last touch you needed before cumming all over him and yourself.
With your free hand you clawed at his back as you moaned into the crook of his neck. Your erotic noises sending multiple chills down Bakugou’s spine as he held onto you as tightly as you held on to him; letting your hips ride out that orgasm.
When you finally raised your head, you were still gasping and your [eye.color] eyes still gleaming with lust (though also a little bit of embarrassment that you orgasmed so soon and couldn’t hold back). Bakugou, however, simply leaned in for another few kisses that you certainly appreciated.
“Mmm- sorry… Katsuki-san…”
“Oh shut up.”, he chuckled in between little gasps.
With cum dripping from his hand he then reached back to the night stand to grab the box of tissues, cleaning his hand as well as your own that you had pulled back from his ass. All while smirking a little since you looked so dazed from that orgasm and what had just happened.
Before he could say anything though, you had already wrapped your arms around him tightly, pressing his naked, warm body against your own. Bakugou’s own arms sneaking around your torso as well after he had thrown the tissue in the trash. For a few seconds, it was rather quiet, just the beating of your hearts audible, until you finally dropped the bomb.
“I love you, Katsuki-san.”, you whispered into the nook of his neck.
For a few moments he was just flabbergasted. While his mouth needed a few moments to speak his feelings out loud, his heart was already beating 10 miles per hour. It had been so long since someone had whispered those words to him. Someone who wasn’t just a big fan of him screaming whenever he was outside as a pro-hero, or his family. No… that was certainly a different love.
Leaning back a bit, he ‘forced’ you to look at him, even though he fully understood how embarrassed you were and also how on edge that he was just silent. Bakugou could almost see all the thoughts rushing through your pretty little head, but with just his rare, little smile, you were put at ease.
“I love you, too.”
And before you could react, he had already cupped your face and pulled you in for a kiss. A kiss that made your heart thump so much you thought you might die. You had never felt that happy before. Graduating from U.A.? Amazing accomplishment. Meeting Katsuki and being able to date him? A dream come true, indeed. But hearing your lover say those three words back to you for the first time was just… indescribable happiness rushing through your veins.
With a little bit of force, Bakugou managed to push you back onto the bed, both of you giggling while kissing. He was happy. You were happy. If time could just stop now.
But, it didn’t. Time went on and thus, you whispered in between kisses, “Just… give me 10 minutes… ‘nd I’m…. ready…mmkay?”
Breaking away fully, he leaned on his elbow as he looked at you, his ruby eyes gleaming with lust and a smirk on his lips.
“10 minutes, huh? You really are young.”
“Oh shut up.”, you giggled yourself, when just a second later realization sank in.
“No, wait! I didn’t mean it, I’m sorry!”, your cheeks were basically on fire. Being so rude to someone older was just… you had never done that.
Bakugou on the other hand though just stared at you for a few seconds, before leaning in once more for a kiss, surprising you. However, easing into the kiss quite quickly, your eyes fluttered open again when he sat back up a little. Just far away enough for just the tip of your noses to touch anymore.
“Don’t apologize… Fuck honorifics, okay? Fuck speaking keigo, just… talk to me normally.”
“A-are you sure, Katsuki-san? I mean… our age gap…….”, you gulped at the end, feeling uneasy.
“So? Zero fucks given. I hate honorifics. If you use keigo with me I feel so old…” he avoided eye contact for a moment, before looking back and tilting his head lightly.
“I just want to feel like your boyfriend, not your fucking boss or something…”
“Katsuki-sa- nh- I’ll try! I promise. It’s just really hard to let go, but… I… I want to call you nicknames, too!”, now you had to turn your head away because you were too embarrassed, “B-but maybe that’s a little inappropriate…”
“No…”, a small smile flitted across his lips, “I’d like that.”
And those simple words made your heart skip a beat.
Leaning in the last few inches, Bakugou kissed you on the mouth once more; the tip of his tongue gracing along your bottom lip until you opened them, allowing him inside. A sloppy, intimate kiss igniting again as he slightly changed positions so he was on top of you like before.
Feeling more confident though, you let your hands travel down his spine to his ass. Grabbing the firm skin and spreading his cheeks, you earned his little moan that made your heart jump in excitement. However, it only took a second before you also softly groaned into his mouth when he started grinding again.
With that, even though you had just orgasmed, it was certainly easy to rile you up again. Having the man of your dreams basically humping you was very effective indeed. And Bakugou seemed to notice how easily agitated you were, the smirk on his lips when he broke away was very prominent.
“Should I take it as a compliment that you’re already hard as a rock after just 5 minutes?”, Katsuki teased you, before lowering his head to pepper kisses onto your neck.
You just whimpered a little “Katsuki…” in embarrassment, only to thrust your hips against his as well. Taking him a little off-guard, his surprised grunt made you also grin a little.
“I-It’s not my fault… it’s just you… you’re so… incredible. I… I can’t help it…”, you had a hard time talking properly as Katsuki wasn’t stopping his movements, both of you desperately grinding against each other.
“Haha, I like that.”, Bakugou chuckled, his deep voice sending a chill down his spine.
Though, in the end, he decided to stop (hearing your little whine when he did that was very cute) and sit back up. Both of your cocks back to leaking and throbbing and this time, he stood up fully. Your glazed eyes following him when he walked over to the drawer from before to grab a condom, before bouncing back on top of you.
“You ready?”, he just whispered with that grin on his lips again that made your loins hurt with how erotic he was.
So all you could do was nod very enthusiastically that made Bakugou laugh a little.
With that, you watched attentively once more as he opened the condom; however a blissful hiss escaped your throat when he wrapped his hand around your dick to give it a few strokes. Hence why your head fell back into the pillow for a moment as you had to concentrate really hard to control yourself and not embarrass yourself by cumming again so soon. (Which was very hard because being a virgin and having this sexy man touch you was very effective in making you lose control very fast)
“[Your.name]…”, Katsuki had your full attention once more when he whispered your name like that, though when you looked up… Your cock visibly bounced in his hand as he was hovering right above it with his ass.
“Oh God…”, you grabbed his thighs as your breath hitched in your throat, watching as he lowered himself on top of you.
Clenching your teeth, the feeling of Bakugou’s ass spreading and engulfing your cockhead was almost too much. But it only intensified when his moaning self pushed down even further.
“K-Katsuki!”, was the only thing you could whimper as his hot, sticky insides swallowed more and more of your throbbing cock, almost pushing you over the edge with how tight he was.
Bakugou was just trying to control his moans as it had been so long since he last felt such a nice, thick dick inside his ass. His body trembled due to the full feeling as well as his insides fluttered excitingly; the urge to move overwhelming him.
Without really thinking about how close you possibly were, Katsuki started swaying his hips. First only lightly, but it only took a few moments before he started properly riding you. The moans that left your lips only spurring him on, especially when you locked eyes with him. Just the way you were melting and clawing at his thigh, while looking at him so intensely, it made Bakugou burn up even more.
“Ahnh. God- Katsuk- ah you’re so… amazing- I can’t-“, you chocked out in between heavy gasps and moans.
Katsuki really couldn’t comprehend how cute and innocent you were, being so completely mind-blown by him riding you hard. It made gross little butterflies fly uncontrollably inside his tummy – how he missed that feeling. As someone who never had a casual hook-up, finally being able to have sex again with someone he trusted and loved felt indescribable.
When he deliberately started tightening around you, the whiny moan that escaped your throat sent a chill up his spine.
“I’m gonna- if you… do that… agai-“, you so desperately choked out, being completely overwhelmed. And your boyfriend just chuckled and continued to tease you. Fuck. You had never felt so good. Your dick was throbbing and so rock-hard, you were barely able to hold yourself back from cumming again – and that in the first few minutes of Bakugou doing his magic.
Leaning down, Katsuki pressed his palms into the pillow beside your head while he pressed his lips on yours. Igniting a sloppy kiss, you both couldn’t control your lustful moans and grunts. Bakugou just knew what he was doing, how he had to angle himself so your cock penetrated his prostate and made him see little stars.
You were close. So unbeliavabel close. It was almost painful how hard you were and how much you needed the release. Thus, without thinking much about anything anymore (as he had officially blown your mind today and you weren’t able to think straight anymore) you just reached down to his own bouncing cock; wrapping your fingers around it, the throaty moan that left his lips only riling you up more. It also made you more confident in your action, thus you proceeded to also pump his cock while he was moving so passionately.
Spurred on by your own actions, Katsuki only teased you more. His insides fluttering around you and tightening, just to listen to your desperate moans. Feeling your nails drag across his back as he pushed you over the edge with his skillful moves. Your moans deep and so erotic that it made Bakugou shiver, though nothing compared to your spasming, trembling body underneath him.
You were both gasping for air and sweating. Though before you could even remotely start to calm down, Katsuki had already started swaying his hips lightly, making you jerk and moan in surprise.
“K-Katsuki-“, you choked out his name, [eye.color] eyes wide open.
But the way he looked at you, glistening lips slightly opened, his ruby eyes barely closed and drops of sweat running down his temple – so sexy.
“Just a little… Think you can… handle it?”, he crookedly grinned.
All you could do was nod and pull him down.
Lips colliding and tongues entwining, he openly moaned into your mouth when you started thrusting your hips. Using the last bit of your hard cock before going limp to make him get off while also stroking his dick.
Even though the friction was so overwhelming and your cock was so overstimulated by that point it almost made you lose your mind, you didn’t want to stop. And Bakugou didn’t want to either. His hips relentlessly grinding, your cock shoved in balls-deep and your hand stroking him was almost pushing him over the edge.
The good thing was, Katsuki was already so sensitive and riled up because it had been so long since he last had sex. He couldn’t even think about his own insecurities, like being too old or knowing you could see his wrinkles and scarred skin from work as a pro-hero; you made him feel safe and loved. Yet, Bakugou was so turned on. Even if you had been clumsy or shy, he was dripping precum all over the place. He was so wet. And the feeling of his ass being stuffed was just so nice.
“NGH- [Your.name]-!”, breaking the sloppy kisses, he threw his head to the side, gasping heavily.
You seriously couldn’t stop staring at him. Especially when it all broke down and he started moaning so lewdly. His cock started twitching in your hand before he came all over your hand and belly. His body was trembling, thighs shaking and you could watch and stroke him through the orgasm, earning his whiny groans.
After a few moments, Bakugou opened his ruby eyes once more, before leaning in and pecking your lips, whispering a soft, “I love you.” Which made your heart jump and your lips curve into a big smile as you smooched him over and over again, mumbling an “I love you, too.” back.
As you were laying there for a few minutes, you just shared little kisses, as if both of your lips weren’t already swollen and red from all the kissing prior, but you just couldn’t stop. He was so cute and sexy. Just- how was he seriously your boyfriend?
Though in the end, Katsuki did sit back up again.
“Shall we go clean this off, huh?”, he… almost bashfully, smirked and nodded to your hand. Hence you just chuckled and agreed.
And so, rather quickly, Bakugou got off of you, disposed of the condom and in the end, you rushed into the bathroom for a quick wash; nothing too long, really, because both of you wanted to get back into bed fairly swiftly again. Hence, it only took a few minutes before you and your boyfriend were in the sheets once more, cuddling this time.
“So… how did you feel…?”, you asked after a few moments. Rather quietly though and carefully, not knowing how to really initiate the conversation about ‘giving feedback’.
“It felt fucking nice.”, then he cuddled closer and turned your head towards him so you had to look at him, “You did good for your first time.”
Of course he had to tease you about it.
“Katsuki!”, you playfully kicked him.
“I mean it… I… want to make you feel good. Is there something you want me to do next time?”
When Bakugou realized you were so serious about it, he couldn’t help but smile a little.
“I mean it, too, ya know? I felt very good. And I, too, only want you to feel good when we do it. So we can both feel the fucking best!”, Bakugou then grinned, which thankfully made you giggle as well when you leaned in for another swift smooch.
“Also… don’t think about it too much, okay? This was your first time. You only get to be the best when you practice a lot.”, smirking seductively, he slipped his leg between your own and scooched as closely as he could against your body, “And I promise you I have never skipped practice once in my life. So I hope you’re fucking prepared for what’s to come.”
As you had to search for your heart that had dropped far beyond your stomach due to Katsuki’s advances, you could just gulp and nod. However, you also didn’t shy away anymore when you grab onto him as well. Which pleasantly surprised Bakugou, hence leaning in the last few inches for a smooch.
“Thank you…”, was the last thing you thought you would hear him mumble all of a sudden.
Bakugou realized your slightly confused look on your face, thus clarifying.
“Four years ago, my ex broke me so much I thought he had made me unable to like, let alone love anyone ever again.”
“Oh… I’m sorry about that, Katsuki.”, you whispered empathetically and your hand reaching out to softly caress his back. Which instantly made him smile a little, even though those were such painful memories.
“You know. I was done. I didn’t care about having a relationship anymore and so also basically giving up sex completely since I don’t wanna just randomly fuck with anyone. All the paparazzi just waiting for this moment? And the fear of meeting random strangers who then potentially blackmail me, it was just all too fucking risky. So four years ago it all just… broke apart. Everything. He betrayed me and hurt me so much.”
Katsuki then, however, sat back up a little so he could look at you, propping himself up on his elbow.
“So.. what I just want to say is. Thank you. For making me feel something again and… I ain’t used to this cheesy shit, but… For making me fall in love again. If you would have not been so persistent, I would have been still hurting and hating everyone and everything and just be a miserable ass, ya know?”, he said at last with a small smile on his lips as he reached for your hand to lace your fingers together.
“I am glad.”, smilling brightly, you leaned in for a kiss until you pushed him back into the pillow, making him chuckle.
After bottling up everything for the past weeks, he was relieved you both finally took the next step in your relationship. And hopefully, from now on, everything was going uphill. Though, to be honest, with him and you finally having started with having sex and generally experimenting sexually, Bakugou couldn’t wait for the next few weeks.
Because if he had learned anything in the past 15 years of dating, it was that, when you start to have sex, you will do it anywhere and anytime, all the time  – and he was ready, oh so ready for that stage of your relationship. Plus, judging by how you were already slightly grinding against him again, you probably were as excited as him for what’s to come.  
@salemwritesxx || do not repost, edit, modify or translate my works
⇻ salem.talks: I tried really hard to have this ready for my birthday yesterday but this is one beast of a fucking second part I just couldn’t finish it in time. so… here is a treat for you and myself
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enchantestuff · 3 years
hatred - Charles Leclerc
I think I might make this into a mini series with an enemies to civil with each other to friends to lovers kind of vibe but I'm still not sure, anyways here's Charles x reader wanting to rip each others throats but instead end up ripping each others clothes off
gonna dedicate this to the lovely @yungbludz​ happy birthday <33
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warnings; smut as per usual, Charles being very egotistical, choking, language, enjoy <3
2k words 
part two
It was safe to say you and Charles hated each other. You knew hate was a strong word, but you also knew that you felt nothing but hatred for the man. You hated his cocky smile and the fact that everyone seemed to be obsessed with him. You also hated the fact that you had to spend the whole weekend with him.
You worked for Ferrari, meaning that, unfortunately, you had to spend a lot of time with Charles. You were actually excited when you first got the job of being Charles Leclerc's PR manager. You had admired the driver and couldn’t wait to work alongside him, but that all changed once you actually met him and realised what an ass he really was. Everyone else loved him, of course, because he seemed to be nice to every single person on the planet except you.
You and a select number of the Ferrari team had been invited to a special charity event taking place in the ballroom of a luxurious hotel. You had all decided to check into the hotel the day before the event, in order to save time and familiarise yourself with the venue. Of course, according to your job description, you also had to run through the possible questions Charles could be asked with him.
Although Charles loathed you, he had to admit you were good at your job and managed to prepare him for every possible scenario, which is why he hadn’t begged Mattia to fire you, at least not yet.
You sighed as you reached the check in desk, all you wanted to do was flop onto the hotel bed and sleep until the morning. You gave the lady behind the desk your name and watched as she quickly typed on the computer in front of her. “Ah yes, Y/N and Charles, room 506”
Your eyes widened at her words as you shook your head. “No no, that can’t be right” you pleaded as you leaned your arms against the counter.
“Im sorry ma'am, but the booking is for the both of you” she explained with apologetic eyes as she handed you the room key.
“Take your time, Y/N. Not like we aren’t all exhausted from our long trip” you heard Charles scold from behind you. You quickly turned around and shoved the room key into his chest.
“Politetly, go fuck yourself, Leclerc” you muttered as you shouldered past him and walked straight to Mattia on the other side of reception. Mattia sighed once you walked over and gestured for you to begin arguing with him, he knew it was going to happen.
“Why? Why would you stick me in a room with that-that imbecile!” you snapped.
“Listen, Y/N, i know how much you dislike him and vice versa, but everyone had to be paired with someone and I thought this was the best option for you both” he explained with a soothing voice.
“Why do I have to be with her?” you heard Charles ask from behind you. You felt small standing in front of him, his broad frame practically trapping you between him and Mattia.
“Y/N is your PR manager, it's her job to prepare you for this event” Mattia once again calmly explained
“And she couldn’t do that over breakfast?” Charles inquired, you could feel his tense gaze on the back of your head and you whipped around scoffing at him as you placed your hands on his hips.
“Don’t act like this was my idea! Not everyone wants to share a room with you Charles, get your head out of your ass”
Charles opened his mouth to throw a rude remark your way but Mattia stopped him before he got the chance. “The both of you are sharing this room, whether you like it or not. I think everyone would prefer if you took this time to sort out your problems instead of bickering like children. I’ll see you both at breakfast. Goodnight,” he scolded as he walked off with his luggage in tow.
You felt your cheeks redden as embarrassment creeped up your shoulders. “Are you trying to get me fired?” you accused Charles as you grabbed your own luggage and made way for the elevator.
He shrugged in response, “Wouldn’t be the worst thing” he muttered, stepping inside with you. You pressed your floor number and sighed in frustration. “Can you stop breathing so loud?” he groaned, rolling his eyes.
“It was a sigh, dipshit.”
“Trust me, i don't want to be near you as much as you don't want to be near me”
“Glad we're on the same page” you replied, stepping out of the elevator and storming to your room, which in hindsight was a foolish idea as Charles had the key and you had to wait for him as he took his sweet time walking up the hallway.
He unlocked the door with a smug look on his face and stepped in before you, dropping his luggage on the floor as he surveyed the room. “You have got to be kidding me” he complained once he saw the double bed in the middle of the room.
“Oh what is it now, Charles?” you asked as you shut the door behind you “is the carpet not to your liking? Is it too bright? Are there no chocolates on the pillow” you continued and slipped off your shoes, “do you want me to - oh shit” you cursed as you saw the predicament you both were in. “Looks like you're sleeping on the floor” you shrugged whilst walking towards the bed.
“I am NOT sleeping on the floor,” Charles complained.
“What? And you think I am?” you argued, once again placing your hands on your hips.
“I don’t see why not,” he commented, crossing his arms across his chest.
“I am not sharing a bed with you, Leclerc! So you,” you jabbed a finger at his chest, “are going to have to step off your mighty throne and take the gentleman approach and sleep,” jab “on,” jab “the floor,” you snapped.
Charles raised his eyebrow as he stared at you. You could cut the tension between the two of you with a knife, it was almost unbearable. You had never fought this long, somebody had always interrupted you both before you got the chance to really push each other's buttons. “I'm going to say this nice and slow, sweetheart,” Charles growled, taking a step forward, you in turn took a step back as you removed your finger from his chest, “I’ll take the high road, we can share the bed just this once, as long as you stop acting like the spoiled princess that you will never be” he continued to walk towards you as he spoke and you were eventually trapped against the wall.
Charles moved his hand to lie on the wall next to your head, the distance between the two of you becoming smaller and smaller by the second. “I might be ready to step off my throne but are you ready to be a good girl and step off yours too?” he concluded. 
“Bite me, Charles” you retorted and something in the both of you snapped as you grabbed his face in your hands and he roughly grabbed your waist. Your lips violently pressed against his as your tongues practically fought against each other. You almost moaned at the force of his kiss, but refused to give him the satisfaction.
Charles pulled away, giving your mouth a final short kiss before he moved to mark your neck. “Come on, princess. Stop being stubborn for once in your life and let me hear the noises that you can make''
You however kept your mouth shut, Charles smirked and shrugged his shoulders. “If that's how you want to play it,” he smirked before gently grabbing your breast and slipping his hands into the waistband of your leggings. He rubbed circles on your clit as he pinched your nipples. “I want to hear you, sweetheart,” he grunted.
You rolled your eyes back in pleasure and involuntarily let out a moan. Charles felt his dick twitch in his pants and cockily grinned as he kissed right under your nose. “Good girl,” he whispered. It wasn't long before his trousers were discarded as well as your own leggings. You hadn’t moved however and were still pressed up against the wall. “Are you sure you want this?” he asked and although you felt your heart skip a beat you rolled your eyes at him and nodded.
“Yes, please just - just hurry up” you squirmed against the wall. That seemed to be all the validation he needed. He slowly put a condom on before easing into you. You scrunched your eyes at the uncomfortable feeling and tapped him to move. Your lips parting on their own accord as the feeling was replaced with pure pleasure. Charles forcefully grabbed your legs and wrapped them around his waist, providing him with a better angle for both himself and you.
“O-oh shit” you moaned as you scraped your nails down his shoulders to his arms, which left harsh red marks in their wake. Charles moaned at the feeling and you were almost aroused by the sound. Almost.
One of Charles hands were digging into the soft flesh of your thigh while the other moved to wrap itself around your neck, his signature pinky ring digging into the flesh of your skin causing you to mimic his actions and let out a moan at the pain.
“You like that?” he grunted as he continued to thrust into you, lightly placing some pressure on your throat, not enough to suffocate you, he didn't hate you that much, but enough for you to enter a state of pure bliss.
“I hate you, Leclerc” you found yourself muttering but you certainly did not hate him at that very moment.
“Feelings mutual, love”
You continued to scrape your nails across his back, desperate to pull more moans out of him. Charles however, didn't like being the only vulnerable one and removed his hands from your throat, he grabbed both of your hands in his own and shoved them upwards, beginning his assault on your chest.
Your toes curled as he hit all the right spaces, you knew you were close but you really didn’t want to be the first one to let go. Charles could feel the clenching of your walls and smirked into your chest. “Are you close, princess?” he asked, bringing his mouth to your lips and for some reason you found yourself kissing him back.
“No” you blatantly lied.
You moved your head closer to him when he pulled away but he refused to connect your lips once more and you found yourself pouting at the lack of attention. God, how pathetic had you become.
“Now, i knew you were a spoiled brat but i didn't take you for a liar as well”
“Glad to know your ego has no off moments, Charles” you scoffed and were about to start an argument before he began slowly pounding into you, his precise thrusts made it extremely difficult to formulate a sentence let alone hold onto the knot in your stomach. So, against your brain telling you not to, you let go.
You would have fallen onto the ground if it wasn’t for Charles' strong grip trapping you against the wall and his own body. The noises that he made as he reached his own high caused your heart to flutter in your chest and you began to wonder if having sex with him was a bad idea.
“Are you okay?” he asked after he had pulled away from you. You nodded your head as you furrowed your eyebrows
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” you asked.
You were surprised the both of you were capable of having a normal conversation, but you supposed nothing could be normal between you after that.
Charles gently ran a finger across your neck and by the look on his face you knew you looked worse for wear. “I kind of lost myself in the moment, I’m sorry if I hurt you. Really I am” he clarified.
“Its okay” you sighed as you rubbed your neck, “lets just go to sleep”
“I’m still not sleeping on the floor”
“Just stay on your side of the bed, Leclerc”
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