#it’s canon now 🤣
keri-mcberry · 5 months
Natty: Have you seen Lyla? I’m worried about her, especially after what happened to Professor Fig.
Poppy: She’s painting rocks in our common room again…
Natty: …Oh no.
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Lyla had a rough year. There may or may not have been an intervention in the Hufflepuff common room 😭
This is in reference to this ask I got about otters collecting “special rocks” LOL
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v88sy · 29 days
Them: harassing crew members on their social media who are just trying to do their jobs and who have zero control over the fictional story being told.
Us: Shipping fire trucks and engines.
We are not the same. 🙃
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hopecomesbacktolife · 9 months
I was doing my periodic rewatch of the TiK ToK Star Trek music video (as one does) seen here
and I saw a comment I hadn’t seen before that I had to share because. omggg
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bugeyedfreaks · 6 months
I enjoy seeing PPG fan interpretations of the characters online, and I think it's very interesting to explore the varied ways that people interpret them. The diversity of ideas and different perspectives are really cool! It's just that every time I see a fan interpretation of a “future” Mojo Jojo (“future” meaning 10-15 years from the original timeline) portrayed as some doddering old wrinkly elderly dude with grey fur riding a robot wheelchair, I just can't help but be like... huh?
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Why would you so drastically age up this super smart actual baby?
It's weird because, yeah, if you stop and think about it… he's technically around the same age as the PPG (perhaps even younger because they were born at five years old... this is a weird show, what can I say), so despite his hilariously deep voice or love of the more mature, finer things in life (which I just view as him trying to be more refined since, you know, he now has like all the intelligence ever)... I just don't feel in my heart of hearts that he would be drinking prune juice and watching The Price Is Right if the girls were teens/adults. He'd probably be more or less the same as he is canonically since he’d still retain his super intelligence (maybe he’d be a little taller as a treat, or at the very least he’d just whine even more than usual… maybe even more jaded, we just don't know).
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sneezypeasy · 2 years
New Zutara fanfic trope: Zuko is so worried about how deeply Katara sleeps that he starts constantly preparing for the worst.
- He stays up/wakes up a lot in the night to check on her and/or their surroundings.
- If there's Only One Bed? Zuko insists he'll sleep on the floor between her and the door. Katara thinks he's offering her privacy but in reality Zuko is just terrified that Katara will sleep through an ambush/robbery and he needs to be ready to defend her 🤣
- Katara is staying/going somewhere alone overnight? Zuko panics and insists on providing her a guard. (Bonus points if the guard falls asleep too and Zuko loses his shit at the guard, and then guards her himself 🤣)
- Zuko (trying to be) super quiet - maybe something has made him upset and he is crying softly to himself. Katara wakes up from the other side of the room and asks him what's wrong. Zuko is torn between feeling touched and feeling flabbergasted - "What do you mean you heard me?? Where was this "hearing" of yours when Azula exploded the temple you were sleeping in!??!?!"
Bla bla bla, you get the gist. Go on grab some tropes don't be shy, it's free real estate let's gooo
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acourtofquestions · 2 months
Possibly dumb fandom question of random nonsense: is Rowan vegetarian?
— If he isn’t… does that mean he eats all meat… including bird? … or is that cannibalism?😅😂
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
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911 lone star fashion -> every paul outfit
↳ 3.09
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marunalu · 1 year
Aaaaaannnnnndddddd the coping of pissed off bkdk shippers on twitter has begun!!!!
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lunarlegend · 18 days
it felt so good to put my worries on hold and go full Special Interest Mode for a little while last night ._. <333
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selinascatnip · 2 years
I mean if I had a penny for every time I shipped a couple made by an orphan adopted by a rich man turned masked vigilant and an alien princess who met their future daughter before they even made her I'd have two pennies which isn't much but it's funny it happened twice
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i-hear-a-sound · 1 year
drakengard 2 is good. eat my shorts
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meganechan05 · 1 year
Judge and Bailiff - Chapter 4
Because AO3 is down, imma have to post this brand new chapter here so ENJOY! ( ̄▽ ̄;)
Edit: it's back up lmao
Don't worry. It's fluffy and cute and very much RitaMoru being an old married couple.
Rita groggily woke up, only to find themself in their bedroom. They tried to push themself up, feeling their arms grow weaker with each movement as their vision was still blurry from suddenly collapsing outside the courtroom. A pair of hands quickly grabbed their shoulders, making them turn to find Morfonia.
"Morfonia...?" They began to cough, their voice hoarse and their throat extremely parched.
"Don't push yourself. The physician said you have a high fever." She helped her King sit against the backrest. She then handed Rita a mug of warm tea. "Here."
They took careful sips, allowing the warm tea to soothe the pain. They let out a small sigh, only to shiver when the warmth quickly faded. Morfonia quickly moved to put the mug back onto the nightstand so she can tuck Rita in, only for the Judge to fight it.
"I'm fine."
"You're not. You have a dangerously high fever, passed out in the middle of the castle, and can barely keep yourself up. Even Himeno said to keep you in bed when she called."
"She called?"
"Something about patents and using Gokkan's tunnels to Bugnarok to make deliveries. I already handled it." She waved her hand as if to wave it off as something they shouldn't worry about.
Rita looked at their retainer, perplexed and also surprised to hear her taking action. Morfonia noticed and looked away.
"She said it was urgent and you're in no shape to do anything so I used my right as your successor to take charge. Nothing wrong with that, right? You always told me to in case anything happened."
The Judge could only look towards the ceiling at this, knowing she's right. They did always have backup plans written out in case of emergencies. Moreso after the first Bugnarok attack as they weren't sure what could happen when the Kings were fighting. They were just taken aback since Morfonia had a tendency to avoid work as much as possible.
"The trials?"
"You already finished investigations and wrote down your verdict so it's more of confirming it in court. Why? You wanna postpone?"
"Postponements would only keep those possibly innocent in prison longer than they should." They began to get up again. "I'll just give my ruling and-" They were pushed back into bed by their retainer.
"I'll handle it. And if you keep moving around trying to work while resting, it will only keep you sick longer which means more work for me to do. So stay in bed."
"It's fine-"
"It is not. Don't make me cuff you to your bed, Rita."
Rita glared at their retainer, only to lay down with a small huff. If there was anything on the list of pros for Morfonia, it would be that she tends to keep her word. But sometimes it could be a con in Rita's book for situations like this.
Morfonia pulled the blanket up to cover her King. "Just rest. The more you rest, the faster you can get back to work." She grabbed Rita's Caliber and Hotline before leaving, knowing the Judge would grab them at any moment.
Curse her.
"Hm? Rita-san's out sick?" Gira asked as he was reading over paperwork.
"According to Morfonia-sama, they've caught a cold so she will be taking care of everything."
"Do all attendants do that?"
"It often depends per country. Had you not become a traitor against your brother, you would have been his temporary replacement should he have fallen ill since you were next in line for the throne. Not only is she Rita-sama's retainer, Morfonia-sama is also the successor to Gokkan's throne."
"I didn't know that. Then I guess I shouldn't cause problems for them. Knowing Rita-san, they're probably stressed from not being able to work."
"A decision to strengthen relationship between Shugoddom and Gokkan?"
"Something like that. I do owe them for when everyone faked my death." He checked off the list in front of him before signing papers. "I just hope Morfonia-san will be okay with that."
Morfonia stretched after leaving the courtroom, having finished all of the trials for the day. "Mou... I don't know how Rita can handle rowdy prisoners like that..." she whined, recoiling from the nasty comments thrown from guilty prisoners.
Not her fault they've committed crimes with evidence to prove it. Rita already had the paperwork documenting everything as well as audio recordings when investigating. No one could really fault her for her King's decisions.
"Sounds like you have it rough."
She turned to find Himeno. "Ah. What brings you here?"
"To check on Rita, of course. While your physicians are adequate, the least I could do is do a check, myself, to make sure a fellow King is okay."
Morfonia backed away, glaring at the Queen in suspicion. "Nothing else?"
"Why would there be anything else?" Himeno fluttered her lashes in innocence.
"Knowing you, there could always be something."
Himeno furrowed her brows at the accusation. "If you're referring to my selfishness, you do know it goes both ways, right? If Rita's healthy, they're the only one I can trust to give fair rulings to people. A change in power is too tedious even with Gokkan's Neutrality. So. Where are they?"
Morfonia eyed the woman before sighing. "If they get angry, that's on you."
She led her to Rita's quarters where the Judge was still asleep, a plush Moffun wearing a face mask in their arms. Himeno then noticed what looked like a handcuff connected to the bed post at the footrest.
She turned to Morfonia. "And that?"
"Ah. I caught them trying to get out of bed between trials. I did warn Rita I'd cuff them to bed if they tried to get out and work."
Himeno tried to hold back a laugh at this. Of course they would. She took off her backpack holding her medical supplies before going to work. Checking Rita's temperature and breathing pattern.
"Rare to have them fall sick."
"Scared the Shugods out of everyone," Morfonia said, folding her arms. "Injuries from battles or tough cases, we can expect, but not a cold."
"Even more surprising since they can walk outside in those clothes. Don't they know it's freezing out?" She put away her equipment. "Have they've taken any medication yet?"
Morfonia hesitated. "They didn't want to."
Himeno rolled her eyes at this. "This stubborn idiot." She shuffled through her bag, taking out a box and what looked like jelly packets. She handed them to Morfonia. "Good thing I packed these if they're going to be stubborn. Just give them one packet of the medicine. If they get fussy about it, bribe them with the jelly."
Morfonia looked at the packets. "These are safe for them to eat while sick?"
"Common practice in Ishabana when a child refuses to take their medicine. Guessing since Rita rarely gets sick, no one would figure out the Chief Justice hates medicine."
"Just don't tell the other Kings," Morfonia said with a pout. "Imagine how angry they'd get if they found out you know about that."
"Whatever you say. But it looks like you have everything handled. Just keep me updated as they get more rest, okay?"
The Queen of Ishabana took her leave, only for Morfonia to sigh. "To think the others would be that worried." She couldn't help but to smile as she set everything onto the nightstand. "But it means Rita's being friendly with them."
"I'm not."
She nearly jumped out of her chair when she heard Rita's voice, turning to her King to find them awake. "R-Rita?! How long were you awake?!" She exclaimed as the judge sat up.
"Somewhere along the lines of being called stubborn." This only made them cough, their voice still hoarse.
Morfonia gave them their cup of water. "Then you heard everything about the medicine?"
Rita quickly turned away at the question, not wanting to look at Morfonia in the eye.
"Rita. It would be a pain if you don't take it. And no screaming or it'll make your throat worse." She heard Rita click their tongue in annoyance. "At least take it so Himeno's visit wouldn't be for nothing. Even bringing you a jelly drink since you're so picky." She waited until Rita held out their free hand, allowing her to place the packet onto their palm.
She watched as Rita slowly opened up one end before staring at the packet. Shugods, she wanted to record this moment to laugh at later.
Imagine the Immovable King being afraid of taking their medicine.
Rita quickly poured the contents into the mouth before drinking the water, their face scrunched up. They heard Morfonia hold back a laugh which prompted them to glare at her. But the two knew each other long enough that said glares don't really mean anything.
"Good judge~ You took your medicine~" Morfonia teased, handing their King the opened jelly packet.
"Speak none of this to anyone," they mustered out before taking a sip.
"Whatever you say~"
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crabbng · 6 months
I have some questions!
1 How do you draw things that are usually labeled "i've never drawn it before or i don't know how to draw it?" like do you look at a reference of it (i mean, how else are you gonna draw it) but like im talking complex things cause i was trying to draw like market stalls and i just had no clue how to draw it while looking at, it doesn't have to be perfect i just couldn't do it so i gave it up. And when you draw it do you usually have an idea in your head how it's gonna be facing which direction or do you just draw the characters then the item they are interacting with or the item/object first?
2 Second question, when do you think a outfit or hair change should happen? i think hair changes are gonna happen with the outfit sometimes but i really love outfit changes and you do those i was wondering what you think is best time? cause i've seen you have outfit changes in a day pass in the story and new outfit but i've also seen you change outfits when new arks happen so i was wondering when do you think are the best times for that?
last question
3 In one of your old my hero comics you left it without finishing it and Kirishima and Bakugo were fighting/arguing, and you said "call me when they interact meaningfully in canon again and i’ll draw another comic where they make up lmao" did you mean that? cause if they interact meaningfully and it's even the slightest bit gay material im jumping at the chance to tell you if you meant that im partly joking but if you had a way for them to make up can you just tell me so i wont be stuck wondering? this comic was 3 years ago i feel old but i was just wondering
1 How do you draw things that are usually labeled "i've never drawn it before or i don't know how to draw it?"
i draw it badly 🤣 but really, the answer is just practice. if it looks weird, draw it again. look at it and think 'well why is this going wrong, what looks weird' and then grab a new piece of paper and start completely over. try it from another point of view.
if it's a market stall that isn't integral to the story, just a background piece, i'm not going to care much about it, because the reader probably won't either. as long as its not bad enough to actually draw the eye there, i call it good. done is better than perfect, as they say.
2nd part of that question: i do have an idea in my head of how i want the panels to look. if that's not working though, i change it.
i usually place my characters first. unless its an establishing shot where the background is the most important thing, or far away shot, then characters may go in afterwards. i guess if the panel is mostly background, background first. if the panel is mostly character, character first. that's how i generally do it. just try and do it in the way that makes it easiest. if it's not working out one way, try the other.
2 Second question, when do you think a outfit or hair change should happen?
depends on the situation the character is in. chaar wears her uniform most of the time, so she doesn't get many changes. most everyone else would have access to other clothing, so it feels weird for me to not have them change. when hana and bon are on the run, they don't have extra clothes, so they don't change (except when bon gets hana a new outfit). tera wouldn't have wanted to be nude in the forest, so she just stays in her outfit, and kiigari doesn't care.
so my answer is, if they would have access to clothing and a reason to change (i.e. new day), there's no reason for me not to change their outfit. BUT! that's just me. it's also completely valid to just never change your characters clothes so they have a distinct Look.
last question
3 In one of your old my hero comics you left it without finishing it and Kirishima and Bakugo were fighting/arguing, and you said "call me when they interact meaningfully in canon again and i’ll draw another comic where they make up lmao" did you mean that?
no :) i mostly said that because i doubted it would happen (i still do). you can tell me if they ever reunite, but no, i don't plan to make any more krbk comics. i don't know how they make up, i would have to see how the story pans out.
hope that answers your questions! i rarely think too hard about my actual process, but i hope you can get something out of what i could sort out.
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shmothman · 2 years
Damn. Keep thotting it up in heaven king.
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4giorno · 1 year
underappreciated thing from the stuffpack reveal: they only said they were incorporating "nordic" design. they didnt say scandinavian 💖
#you KNOW its only bc there are finnish ppl in the team lmaoooooo#i dont trust americans NOR swedes and norwegians to not use nordic and scandinavian interchangably#hjffjdjdjf trying everything to ignore how sad it makes me that im not looking forward to todays gi livestream or the next version#like do you know how soul crushing it is to not be excited abt the game you love the most and dedicate everything into lol#also if one more person tries to put colorblind wrio on my screen i will throw my phone down the stairwell LMAO#you are literally just as annoying as the fans who say blind ppl cant look in the direction of a person sitting next to them 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣#at least the ppl who dont see him as blind (which like congrats canon is with you) dont make weird mental gymnastics hcs#bc they dont want to ignore the teaser weirdness but also dont want it to be too inconvenient for their yaois#.................... ANYWAY that got out of hand bye now#actually kidding people also need to fucking stop calling arle a mama(bear) like why are yall so weird#we know she uses masculine titles like father and king#rlly disappointed to see this behavior even from a great youtuber with smart videos#and the quotation marks are literally just for us the audience for our clarity (even tho i think its dumb)#for example the term king is not in quotations bc we already have the clarifying quotations for father#the characters dont say it any differently or bend the sentences in stupid ways#so you should stop being weird too :)
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atombonniebaby · 1 year
It's Can-on now...(He's surprisingly flexible! 😜)
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Progression complete! I have enjoyed this project. Thanks to everyone who encouraged the silliness!
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My gaming has been complete trash lately...ba-dum-tss
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In my head, they just throw shade and prank each other...and they would totally disguise themselves like this...Metal Gear Style 🤣
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