#it’s just happening somewhere else than here
the-tarot-witch22 · 3 days
Where and How you will meet your future spouse? - Pick a pile.
Pile 1/Pile2
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Pile 3
Hello everyone ! This is my very first pick a pile or pac reading so please be kind and leave comment or reblog, and let me know if it resonated with you!
Note : This is a general reading or collective reading. It may or may not resonate with you. Please take what resonates and leave what doesn't. And it's totally okay if our energies aren't aligned!
How to pick : Take a deep breath and choose a pile which you feel most connected to!
Pile 1:
The cards I got for you guys are (5 of wands, death, the emperor, and 6 of swords)
Troubled, that's what I feel and hear when I pulled out your cards, you might be going through rough time and rough patch in you life, might be some transformations, or some of you could be going through a hard breakup whether it can be friends or boyfriend/girlfriend, i strongly feel you will be troubling to move forward in your life you won't understand why is this happening, like i said very rough patch some of you fight in families, or friends or even in job for your own value and you will stand on your own ground, But slowly you will understand what needs to be done and you will start taking this all as a lesson to be better in your career and start focusing on yourself, and that's when some of you will cross paths with your future spouse, For some of you you could be meeting at work or your future spouse can be your superior, or boss, like forbidden type romance type of things, secrecy, but your future spouse will let everyone know yes you're taken and not by anyone but by them, For some of you it could be unusual place, or a place total out of comfort zone. You might also meet your future spouse while you are travelling somewhere or moving away from your home might be like holiday romance type of thing and your future spouse might have that boy next door kind of energy, Like you are sitting on airport or your seat and that's when your future spouse will strike a conversation which will be very flowy between you both and you end up exchanging numbers or socials. I also feel water might be surrounded in that area or around it. Or your future spouse could be from the area where is water, Meeting online is also in cards for you but very rare guys. I feel some of you might have piercing or tattoos not your fs but you.
Pile 2:
The cards I got (Temperance, two of wands, ten of cups, knight of wands and Strength)
A spiritual or religious place like you will be with your family especially mother and that's when you cross paths with them, I also feel that time you will be in self growth era, like you will be focused on yourself not anything else, determined to make yourself a better person and that's when you meet your future spouse, for some of you it can be in big city or around buildings as well, foreigner vibes or at least they are from different culture than you not from where you are, they might be traditional or religious too, I also feel it could be in garden where there are lots of trees or just an area with lots of greenery, while running, hiking, again! what did i say might be when you are self focused and decide to go with the flow, not very stiff energy, because some of you might be here be afraid what might happen in future, I also feel some of you could meet at big family gathering or reunion, or you might through some mutuals, They will discover you first and know at first glance that it's you they want to be with, I also feel children's or animals might be there for some reason? Your future spouse wont wait , they will know and vice versa and you will be both be eager to talk to each other, i also feel it could be some place of celebration or party where you might meet, I feel some of you might have trust issues or you are just skeptical of people's intention so you will doubt your fs, well that's okay though lol. But they will show you they are different. i strongly feel "Jump at the opportunity" might be a message for you from them or vice versa.
Pile 3:
The cards I got (7 of cups, Knight of pentacles, The magician, The Hermit, and 2 of cups)
It will be a slow burn type of romance, Slow moving you might meet your future spouse at the later period of your life, like when you have achieved things for yourself personally and professionally and you're content with yourself, and you know your worth, some of you might meet at someone's wedding might be your close friends, or someone you know, Your future spouse might be quite mature or like to take things at a slow pace, Some of you might be travelling solo, or into their self love journey, It might be cosmic reunion for some of you it might be past lover or past life lover, like past life lover is very strong here, i strongly feel some you might be improving your professional skills or manifesting them, they will be your total type on paper, they might be from your same city or at least somewhere close, some of you might have cross their paths with them without knowing, like they were there and we never noticed that type of thing. Some of you might meet on colder days or autumn weather, i strongly getting a message here "When i see you, it feels like world has stopped" so freaking sweet, some of you might meet at some sort of educational place or it has computer or books there, or when you meet them it's around you, and the sky will be very beautiful that day or clear, it might be divine interference and that's why its taking so much time for you to meet them, universe has heard your manifestations and what you need and they will give it to you! just be patient.
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Thank you for stopping by! Take care and remember you are loved <3
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moonit3 · 2 days
Yandere Leonard x male employee.
I imagine that the reader is a restaurant worker, actually a waiter, who attracted Leonard's attention and he decides to harass you.
You refuse his advances and he gets angry, grabs you and you slap him in the face.
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⟡ cw: male yandere, amab/male! reader, toxic behavior as usual, unwanted flirting from yan!, attempted sexual harassment from yan towards reader but nothing happens (i swear), violence, the yan! gets slapped by reader, insomnia from readers part, toxic environment at work, bad people as coworkers.
⟡ word count: 2.8 k
⟡ yandere! male ceo x amab/male! reader
⟡ notes: ah yes, leonard is getting popular and i am happily to announce another fanfic with him today. and i am here to tell why i am not uploading fanfics as usual, the main reason is that i am both busy with college (nothing surprising) and that my family decided to bring me to a surprise vacation with them, my brother and his significant other (everything is going great btw). so yeah, posts might get even slower than the usual, but don’t abandon me, specially the male readers as there will be plenty of content for you guys.
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the small bakery of downtown buzzed with the common saturday’s chatter as you, a young waiter, weaved through the many clients with ease. balancing the tray full of streaming coffee and pastries was a common chore, yet for this evening, things were slightly different as unfamiliar face is sitting at the best table of the place, at the balcony. he is there by himself, unlike other customers, and you approached the table with a smile on the face.
“here’s your cappuccino and macaroons,” you placed the items in front of him, happy to see a new face around the cozy spot. it isn’t always that a new customer manages to get this place, one that has to be reserved weeks in advance. “enjoy the pastry, sir.“
“thank you, mr. [name].” the man replied, his eyes lingering on you for a bit too longer to check the name tag at your name tag. “i have the feeling that you are an attentive waiter, aren’t you? i feel special to have someone like you serving this delicious meal to me.”
you cleared your throat. maintaining your professional demeanor isn’t the easy when a handsome man like this one flirts with you, but you need to keep calm and keep this job. “i-it’s part of the job, sir.” the tiny blush on your cheek is noticeable by the man’s eyes, but he decided to stay quiet about it. “is there anything else you would like to order…?”
he pouted slightly, but quickly a smile made to his face. “i’m sure that you always get compliments from everyone by your appearance and sweet demeanor, am i right?” a finger of his traces the edge of the cup of coffee, it’s almost hypnotic to see his long fingers doing a act so simple, yet to interesting that makes you forget about working. “or could it be that i am the first one to say that?”
another word from this man and you could fainted from embarrassment. it’s quite common when clients flirt with you for all short of excuses such as your personality, appearance, voice and even saying that a young man like you should be pampered by someone older! those people are nuts by telling those things, don’t they know to keep by themselves? you already told him you aren’t interested, but he doesn’t seem to get the hint…
“ahh…” great. now you got nothing to say to him and seeing the smile on the man’s lips, he is probably thinking you are into it and is going to keep bothering you for as long he is here. isn’t life fascinating? well, not for an underpaid employee of this fancy bakery.
his chin rest on the gloved hand, trying a new way to keep looking smooth as you just want to be somewhere else, but here. “well, the answer doesn’t really matter when i am the one who will be the owner of your heart, right?”
you stared at the man in disbelief. not in millions of years, you thought that someone would be so shameless flirting with you like he is, it’s almost like this is a game he has to win. and of course, you are the prize for him. but how far he is willing to go to gain you?
it’s one hundred percent confirmed that rich people are weird and don’t know when to stop talking.
“sorry, sir.” luckily, this time you managed to speak up for yourself. “but like i said, i have no interest in dating. i am happily with my work. sorry for that.”
wait. why are you apologizing? it’s not your fault for making this situation uncomfortable and awkward for both parties, the one who has to be guilt for it is the man! he is supposed to be the one apologizing for making you feel bad for rejecting him. yet he is the one with the money, he is the one who can easily get you fired for the smallest reasons, so you have to act like a good and humble waiter.
the man’s smile disappears when you take a few steps backwards, away from the table and him. he doesn’t look so happy now and he doesn’t bother to hide it, you feel like he is going to explode anytime soon.
“are you sure of it?” he asked, trying to remain his patience in check, but it’s getting hard when you nodded. “if you say so, then i will be taking my leave.”
he gets up from his seat, revealing that he is way taller than you’ve expected and the long coat covering his body makes him twice as intimidating to you. with a final glance at you, the man leave a two hundred bill at the table, way too much compared to his original expenses.
you stood still for about a minute or so after he left, just to make sure he wasn’t coming back to taunt you again. when you felt to go back to work, things got colder and slightly agonizing within the bakery.
the other workers at the bakery began staring at you with jealousy after learning about the man who you served earlier, the one who left an extra tip of one hundred dollars to you. they never liked you, they always felt jealous and envy of the customer who always preferred to be served by you. and the couple who owns the bakery had the brilliant idea of making you the responsible for closing the shop today. according to their words, it is because everyone else has worked so hard and that you look so relaxed that could do just an extra task.
it’s easy to say that you hate everyone at this stupid job and if you could, you would fire yourself to find somewhere else. but things aren’t always so easy and simple like that, also this is the closest place from the apartment complex you currently live.
“idiots…” the heavy trash bags are going to kill your back one day and when that day comes, you will sue everyone here. “fucking idiots who think they are better than me!”
with enough force and courage, you thrown the garbage right into the trash bin. it’s almost pitiful that you feel exhausted for doing a simple task, damn it, you need to work out at the gym if you manage to get back to the morning shift. after throwing the last one out, a tiny piece of happiness reached for your chest, you could finally leave and go back home! after all, you deserve to rest after a long night of working hard and being throwing around by your own coworkers.
you made your way inside the bakery once again through the back doors, then after minutes of checking if everything was in place and changing clothes, you were ready to leave for tonight. you deserve a good rest after everything you went through.
a yawn came from your lips when you began walking away from the bakery, the cold weather of the night always welcomed you during the path back home and it’s nice to have the opportunity to admire the many starts upon the sky. it’s one of the few things you enjoy from working at the afternoon/night shift. looking at the sky never fails to amaze you after working on that stupid place.
becoming so bewildered by the stars always leaves you oblivious to your surroundings. and that makes it twice as easy to someone to just grab and steal you away from the world, am i right? you must be quite stupid to think that you are safe from the consequences of waking home in the middle of the night. don’t you know there will always someone who will try to hurt you? and you are, unfortunately, in this situation.
a pair of hands dragged you to the nearest alley, leaving no time to scream for help nor fight them as the attacker is way stronger than you. you put up a fight despite the little chances of escaping them as they pressed face against the concrete wall, making you unable to catch a glimpse of their face.
“w-what are you doing?”it’s a terrible decision to be talk the person who will probably kill you, but what option do you have? “leave me alone! i won’t tell anyone about this!”
then you hear *him* laughing and the familiar tone rang inside your head, it’s *the man*. the one who couldn’t respect your boundaries back when you were serving and the very same one who will be the reason of your death. your body tense up when his hands go through under your black shirt, trying to stay calm and to avoid any extra trouble from him.
you can feel the man breathing behind your back, getting too comfortable for your own good with his hands exploring the fabrics covering your body. if you don’t attack him now, then you won’t have another chance before things gets worse. before doing anything that could end with your life, you take a deep breath and let your instincts take the control of your body.
between the hands going through your clothing, ready to unzip the jacket away from your body, a small loophole in the man’s oversized confidence let you struggle against his arms and to finally get away from him, then slapping him on the face without hesitation. the loud bang from your action echoed through the alley, shattering the silence for a split second. then, before you could fully comprehend had happened, your body began moving on its own.
you didn’t stop running, not until you were blocks away from that alley, far from the dangerous man you hoped was still there. deep inside, you know he isn’t there anymore, that he is probably chasing you down and that is why you feel so helpless to go back home.
the tiredness is begging you to go back to the small apartment you live and share with the stray cat that comes around, but that would be the stupidest decision to do. the man is out there, ready to attack you at any moment and since he attacked in your way home, then he must know where you live.
it’s horrible that you can’t go back to your safe space to pretend that nothing happened and even more terrifying is that you realize that you aren’t in the streets anymore, rather you find yourself in front of a receptionist who handles a key to the room you’ve just rented for the night. her voice is almost unheard by you, but seeing how expression of worryingly on her face and her lips moved, she had asked if you are alright as you are standing in front of the balcony for more than you should.
“just tired, nothing special.” you managed to reply, gathering yourself to walk deep inside the hotel to find the room for tonight. “goodnight.”
stepping away from the balcony, you heard the receptionist telling you to rest well for the night which makes you feel a bit better than before, isn’t always that a stranger shows to care about an individual she knows nothing nor will ever see again. who couldn’t think that a simple interaction like this could make you feel more relaxed?
once you entered the room for the night, you locked the door and the windows, double checking to make sure that every way of entering is blocked from inside. even placing one of the chairs at the entrance to prevent anyone who has the key to enter, the chances of the man stealing the master key is low, but not zero.
after checking the windows and door is closed for tonight, you took off your shoes and layer down the bed and stared at the ceiling. the boring bulb up there is quickly turned off when you feel like you’re ready to sleep. with tiredness taking over, you fall asleep.
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you left the hotel in early morning. before the breakfast was served to the guests, but not earlier enough to avoid the receptionist who smiled and told you to visit always, even offering discounts if you stayed more than two days. a lovely lady, but you don’t wish to see her face anymore.
walking around the city to distract yourself, you decided to call work and asked if you could take a day or a week off to resolve ‘personal issues’ with family. as much you need to work to pay for the rent and basic things, you need to stay away from the bakery to make the man gives up on you or at least to give yourself a break from everything.
“sorry, mr. [l.name].” the voice on the phone sounded apathetic, but you had hope for a better ending. “but we can’t give you advanced vacation as some of the waiters were diagnosed with common cold in the last few weeks, so you have to come in the morning shift as well. but we can give you a rise on your salary though!”
damn it.
why is everything going against you? you were almost sexually assaulted yesterday night and you don’t have any option than going back to work at the place where you met him. things are getting worse by every second goes by, you desperately need to fix your life. but with little money in your pocket and no one to support your mental state, you have to go work.
to a bright side, there was no sign of the man inside the bakery nor has anyone dared to bother you during the morning shift. possible due to the lack of that usual smile on your face, instead a tired and anxious appearance takes over you, forcing you to wear a mask to continue to serve the clients. the excuse being that you are recovering from a common cold.
after long hours of working and trying to remain positive that nothing would go wrong, you are finally ready to leave. well, you were, until a last minute customer came in and asked to be served by you, specifically. you are exhausted, but you attempt to keep a pride appearance to serve that customer. even though, you secretly wish that a lightning would strike on him for being so stupid to come over when the bakery is almost closing for he night.
slowly, you approach the table. “good night. what can i do for you tonight?” if any of your coworkers heard you speak like this, they would definitely snitch to the owners about your ‘lacking professionalism’. “there is promotion if you order a slice of cake with any of the drinks of the menu. it would be only cost twelve bucks.”
the menu hid the face of the individual who remained in silence, not bothering to answer your questions. instead, they held the piece of paper closer to their face, one hand signaling for you to come closer. being a little bit curious, you moved closer to them, wanting to know more.
step by step, you approach the mysterious customer to find someone familiar smiling at you. it’s the man. this time his face carries an eyepatch on the left eye with a small cut under his lips, the result from the past encounter between you and him.
your heart almost stop beating when he grabs your hand, preventing you from stepping away from him. with the tiredness controlling your body, there is no chance that you can escape him nor you dare do with the few coworkers still around the bakery, you won’t want to make a scene to everyone to see.
“well, i think you should serve me with that promotion of yours.” he caresses your hand, not bothering if that makes you uncomfortable. “and your bosses told me that since i am an extremely value customer, they let me order for anything this place can offer. include you, [name].”
hearing him saying your name is horrible, it reminds you of a snake killing a prey after spending so long tormenting the animal. and as you know, you are the prey in the situation, incapable of doing anything than submitting to your fate.
the man gestures you to sit down next to him and you obey his commands, not bothering when he removes the mask from your face. the dark bags growing on your eyes and lack of energy is noticeable by him, yet he still admires that you are finally under his control as he always wanted.
“good boy.” he said. “i can already imagine the many things we need to do together after tonight. but first, let’s enjoy our time together in this beautiful bakery as you won’t need to return to work anymore.”
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@moonit3 . don’t repost it, don’t modify it, don’t plagiarize, translate it without my permission.
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illusivelle · 1 day
chicken scratch
pairing: carmen 'carmy' berzatto x reader rating: t (for now) length: 1,028 words content: mild cursing summary: you've never met your neighbour, but you've received plenty of their mail and now, a large package. of all the stories you made up in your head about who this 'carmen berzatto' could be, the real thing might just be your new favourite. a/n: brain rot means a middle of the night word dump. will likely be the first of many little stories about your next door neighbour, carmen, because that dynamic lives in my mind rent free. fluff for now, but we all know what that means (it means it'll definitely become nsfw later, sooner probably). read part two link to ao3 here!
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The first letter was a mistake, the second one was a coincidence. The third one was not a big deal and the fourth was only a little more than a nuisance. But when a much larger package thudded against your front door at the ass crack of dawn, the recipient clearly written across the top of the cardboard box as your neighbour… well, that was just flat out annoying at this point. You hadn't even known deliveries made their rounds so early in the day and as big as the box was, when you lifted it to carry next door, it weighed lighter than a feather.
The pile of letters that accidentally found their way to your apartment were usually slipped through the small mailbox of your neighbour's, sometimes under the door. You'd thought about dropping the package and simply going about your day, but curiosity got the better of you as your knuckles rapped against the door and waited instead.
What could a Carmen Berzatto have possibly required to be delivered at this time?
In the time you've lived in the building, there'd been very few run-ins with other tenants. Not that you'd ever complain, perfectly content with your own company. You made friends with one elderly lady who always offered you some of her freshly baked bread, and in return you picked her up flowers and some extra produce on your farmer's market runs. The landlord wasn't your friend, but he wasn't your enemy either, and somehow you'd convinced him to let you paint your bathroom your favourite colour with little to no resistance. But your next door neighbour remained a mystery, one you've conjured up about a dozen different backstories and personalities for.
Carmen Berzatto, notorious criminal, hiding out in a tiny Chicago apartment. Carmen Berzatto, hundred-year-old vampire, who might either burn in the sun or look like they'd walked through a glitter bomb. Carmen Berzatto, part time Chicagoan, who actually doesn't live here anymore and maybe there's a squatter inside instead. Carmen Berzatto, the tax evader, because why else would they have so much goddamn mail being sent to them?
You'd been lost in the web of made-up histories for your neighbour when the door swung open to reveal said neighbour, and it slowly dawned on you that there wasn't a single story where you imagined Carmen Berzatto to look like that.
Piercing, wide blue eyes and a head of shaggy brown tufts that made you want to tangle your fingers through them, especially that small curl dangling just above his forehead.
"Hi." His greeting was laced with mild confusion that seemed immediately alleviated when his attention dropped to the box in your hands. "Oh."
"Hi," you blurted out, lifting the package, "got another one for you."
"I—I'm sorry about— about, uh, about all of that. It won't happen again."
"Won't it?" You were mostly teasing now. Although you were jolted awake by the sound of it thrashing against your door, and although you were rather peeved about getting up before you wanted to, you couldn't find it in yourself to be irritated anymore.
Carmen reached out to take the box from you, giving it a small shake with what you thought was a ghost of a smile before he set it down to the side somewhere you couldn't see. "It won't. I'm sorry." The flirt of his tongue along his lips brought your gaze toward it before you met his eyes again.
Those stunning icy blues.
"It's okay, nothing to be sorry for."
"I must've really fucked up on the— the uh, apartment number."
"The apartment number."
"Yeah," you looked at him a bit dumbfounded, gaze darting to the door where the number and letter were, "what about it?"
"You don't know your apartment number?"
"My writing's shit."
Both of you seemed to blink in unison, another lick of Carmen's lips which you mirrored before a stupid smile curled your lips. "Oh."
"Not a good excuse, I know." He nodded, jaw working as he turned his head to the metal on the door, a short and deep chuckle sounding from him. "Again, I—"
"Not sorry," you shook your head, "just chicken scratch."
For a moment, Carmen stared at you, and if it wasn't bad enough to have those too-blue eyes simply looking at you, to find them nearly boring holes as they danced between your eyes and across your face made you want to evaporate. Made you wish the ground would open up and swallow you hole. Made you want to drown in the depths of the ocean blues that were his irises.
"Just chicken scratch," he murmured after a beat of silence and what was once a ghost of a smile was definitely something now, the corner of his mouth lifting enough to wrinkle the corner of his eye. Enough to show you the dimple in his cheek. "Thanks for— for bringing the package."
"Yeah." And the smile unfurling on your lips was nothing short of genuine. "You're welcome, Carmen."
"Just, uh, just Carm is good. Carmy."
Another beat passed where you thought you might have been rendered frozen by one of your favourite shades of blue, glued to the floor through hypnosis, until a sound down the hall caught your ear and you nodded at Carmen. Turning on your heel, you took the first step back to your apartment, then another, and another.
And it wasn't until you had your hand stretched out to grab for your doorknob when you heard his voice echo from where you'd came. "See you around?"
The moment hung in the air on a thin thread, the both of you sharing furtive and hidden smiles before his door closed and yours opened.
Carmen Berzatto, not a notorious criminal (to your knowledge) or a hundred-year-old vampire (yet). Nor was he a part-time Chicagoan (not with that accent) or a tax evader (maybe). None of the ideas you had floating in your mind about your neighbour even came close to the real thing.
Carmen Berzatto, curly-haired blue-eyed boy-next-door with chicken scratch for writing and a fleeting dimple you wanted to see again.
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sturnthepot · 1 day
after hours - chris sturniolo
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𑇍 Paring :: rough!dom!chris x fem!sub!poc!reader
𑇍 in which :: you’re at tara’s party with chris who wonders off for a moment when a creepy guy approaches you and offers to buy you a drink, suddenly you feel a pair of arms snake around your waist
𑇍 warnings! :: smut,drink spiking, oral;fem!receiving,car sex, p in v, unprotected sex (wrap your silly willy), violence
𑇍 requested? :: yes!
You are out with your boyfriend chris at one of tara’s party’s, all dressed up for it, you have on a black diesel crop top paired with a black leather skirt, white boots and a matching bag, you didn’t do your makeup over the top with graphic liner this time, opting for someone simpler than you usual makeup
chris wasn’t as dressed up as you, wearing his iconic pirate girl tank top paired with a belt and black pants, wearing his white air forces to match your boots
you’ve been clinging to chris this whole party, it’s not like you don’t like going to parties, actually you love going to them but today you didnt feel like drinking that much, you still have had a few shots throughout the night though but now you had just went to the bathroom going back to look for chris when you see him at the photo booth with tara and nick, deciding to let him have some fun you go to get another drink
you had decided to get something a little more fruity rather than a shot or beer, you were waiting for you drink when a older man came up to you, most likely in his 30’s
“what’s a pretty girl like you doing here alone?”
the man asks making you uncomfortable
“i’m not alone i have a boyfriend he’s just not with me right now”
you state clearly uncomfortable when the bartender hands you your drink, quickly you thank him before the older man speaks again
“honey, i don’t see your boyfriend right here so why don’t i buy you another drink when you finish that one?”
your heart skips a beat, you’re becoming very nervous and uncomfortable, your heart racing faster and faster when he gets up from his seat and walks next to you
“no thank you, like i said i have a boyfriend”
you state once again hoping he will back off, but he doesn’t
“is that him over there?”
the man asks pointing towards somewhere, you turn your head when he slips something into your drink, thankfully the bartender sees this and quickly takes your drink away and pours it out “you need to go” the bartender says sternly
“oh come on i’m just having a bit of fun” the man complains “she probably doesn’t even have a boyfriend” he states now hovering over you, your heart racing more and more you breath hitching when you feel a pair of arms slide around your waist
“who the fuck are you buddy?” chris asks enraged at the man
“i’m just a man trying to hit on a girl calm down buddy” the man shrugs making chris even more angry
“i’m her boyfriend so you might want to leave” chris states clearly amused at this man’s audacity but also extremely mad at it
“i don’t see a ring on her finger” is the last thing the man says before chris lets go of you and.. thud! chris punched the man, quickly grabbing you by the waist and slinging you over his shoulder “chris!” you squeal out but nothing happens, he takes you to the parking lot and puts you in the passenger seat before shutting the door and going to the drivers side (pretend he can drive in this)
your sniffling in the car as chris pulls over to a gas station, nobody else is there other than the worker of course
“babydoll don’t cry” chris says looking over at you before thinking for a second “would some snacks make you feel better, hm?” he asks unbuckling his seatbelt, the second he mentions this your face lights up and you nod multiple times making chris chuckle “okay”
he walks out of the store getting back in the car to find you laying down in the backseat, he climbs back there with you leaving the snacks up front before sitting down “c’mere” he mumbles out before you crawl over to him and straddle his lap pulling him into a hug
“sweetheart don’t do that to me” chris groans out before you look up at him confused and oblivious to your position, he looks down to his lap and you look down with him turning a light shade of red when you see the obvious tent growing in his pants
you think for a moment before grinding onto his hips making him groan “not here baby” he barks out making you whine “please, i need you” you beg out grinding onto his lap again letting out a quiet soft moan at the fabric rubbing my against your clothed clit
i’m a blink of the eye chris gets you of his lap having you sitting down on the seat while he’s on his knees at the floor of the car
chris is toying at the buttons of your skirt, you whine “chris, please” “be patient my love” chris mutters out before finally unbuttoning your skirt pulling to to your ankles, quickly discarding it and can’t help but take notice at your orange lace thong with bows on the side “you planned this out didn’t you doll?” chris chuckles from below you “sorta, this wasn’t the way i planned for it to happen but-“ you were cut off by chris licking a stripe across your clothed cunt making you whimper
“fuck, no teasing please baby” you whisper out, your hands finding their way to his soft brown locks “mhm” chris mutters out, moving your panties to the side running a finger through your soaked slick, making u let out a soft moan “already so wet for me baby” “fuck chris” you whimper out when he slowly inserts one of his long slender fingers into you pumping it slowly “you think you can take two princess?” chris breathes out, you nod multiple times “words ma, i need you to say it” chris says looking up at you with his piercing blue eyes never stopping pumping his finger in and out of you “fuck yes chris, please” you whimper out “good girl”
chris slowly inserts a second finger stretching you out for him before slowly pumping and curling his fingers at the slightest “shit baby” you moan out making chris pump his fingers faster and curling them reaching places your fingers couldn’t even brush
within minutes your clenching against his finger squirming, chris placed his free hand on your thigh holding you down “holy shit!” you squeal out as chris adds a third finger “m’ gonna cum!” “m’ cumming!” “fuck!” you ramble out, the knot in your stomach finally snapping, gushing all over his fingers
slowly chris pulling his fingers out causing you to wince and the loss of contact before bringing his fingers to his mouth tasting you, chris brings his fingers to your mouth “taste yourself baby” chris tells you, you suck on his fingers moaning at the taste of yourself
chris sits on the seat with you grabbing you by your waist and pulling you onto his lap “lift your hips f’me” he mumbles out, you do so as chris pulls your panties off, chris toys at the hem of your shirt looking up at you for permission, you nod as he quickly pulls it off and unclasps your bra, your tits spilling you leaving you completely naked exposed in front of him “take your clothes off to” you mumble, chris quickly taking his shirt off lifting his hips to fumble his pants down to his ankles kicking them off leaving him just in his boxers and you in nothing
you start grinding your hips onto him whimpering at his bulge grinding against your slick cunt
chris pulling his boxers down just enough for his painfully hard cock to spring up lightly tapping on his stomach, no matter how many times you’ve had sex with him you’d never get used to his size, he was big
chris grabs you by your hips, you hovering over him, slowly he lowers you down onto him, you whimpering at the stretching sensation “fuck chris you’re to big” you moan out “shh, you can take it, i know you can” you whimper once more as he bottoms you out “doing s’good for me angel” chris praises and you get adjusted to him
after a few minutes you give him the green light to move, him slowly thrusting into you as you bounce on-top of him becoming a moaning mess and grunts and groans leave chris’s mouth
out of nowhere chris begins thrusting into you at a ungodly place, hitting your g-stop everything “shit!” you moan out wrapping your arms around his neck and burying your face into the crook of his kissing and sucking on it while whimpering
“you close baby? squeezing the life outta me like a vice” chris groans out as you nod vigorously “i’m so close, fuck!” you moan loudly “m’ cumming fuck!” you whimpers the knot in your stomach snapping for the second time tonight
chris thrusts into you a few more times before the knot in his lower stomach soon collapses to, shooting his warm load into you groaning throwing his head back “fuckkk” chris whimpers before lifting you up slowly “cmon sweetheart we need to get home” he mutters out but you just whimper and moan out
chris looks down at you seeing you thrusting your fingers in and out of you once again
“well shit.”
authors note:
second fic how we feeling? we like it or no?
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fariesoiree · 2 days
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miffy’s note this is something i wrote for kuna a while back and discovered i actually struggle to write him rn so this never got finished but im posting it as is bc this concept will probably never get finished pfft. enjoy her as is c: nothing really happens but mdni as always
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nighttime in the summer is a little sweeter than the rest of the year. the stars glimmer brighter, the air feels more crisp, even the moon is illuminated with such a shine you kept help but admire her from miles below.
nighttime in the summer is meant times like these, providing you a sense of safety while you enjoy your youthfulness while you can.
you lean against the silver porsche cayman, sitting idle in the mall parking lot. the owner, pink-haired and bubbly, stands in eyesight, sparking up a conversation excitedly with his friend — a brooding dark haired man you’ve come to learn is megumi.
you can only hear bits and pieces of their conversation over the engines revving around you but nevertheless, their friendship is the same, with yuji excitedly waving his hands to display his thrill and megumi casting him sideways glances. despite the annoyed disposition he gives off, everyone knows he doesn’t really mind. if anything, megumi just considers most people a general inconvenience.
“has anyone ever told you you talk too much?” megumi asks with an unconvincing roll of his eyes. the slight lift of the corners of his mouth give him away as he begins to walk towards you, hands tucked in the pockets of his black shorts, soft and cottony.
it does nothing to deter yuji who just grins, trailing behind him. glint brown eyes glimmer with joy, no matter that he’s being chastised by his own friend. “just you, all the time. you’re such a good friend, megumi. i value our friendship so much.”
megumi pauses midstep to turn and face the other. his eyes are narrowed into slits and he just stands there as the seconds pass, glaring silently. he considered slapping his hand against yuji’s chest but he doesn’t. he simply clicks his tongue and makes his way towards you, grumbling under his breath.
“i’m getting bored,” you say with a huff. your arms are crossed tightly across your chest as a symbol of your protests. “you guys told me it would be fun and i believed you because you never agree on anything.”
“it will be fun. it’s fun right now but you’re standing here guarding my car instead of doing anything else.” yuji positions himself beside you. he gets a view of the parking lot, full of modded cars blowing hazy exhaust smoke into the night sky.
it was his idea to attend a local car meet and him who first sent the invitation your way. you were only enticed to attend when the rest of your friends agreed to join, as well. frankly, it’s not really your thing to leave the comfort of your home and watch cars do donuts, screeching and leaving skid marks all over the road.
it may be entertaining but it’s not your thing.
“what if your car gets stolen? you’re gonna wish i was here guarding it.”
“no one wants his shitbox. i can promise you that,” the black-haired man snickers. he eyes the cayman with faux disdain.
“don’t be upset my car is better than yours, megs. not everyone can be as good as me.” yuji clamps his hand down on megumi’s shoulder, patting the lean muscles sympathetically.
you think their friendship is strange, often flip-flopping between enemies to acquaintances to besties. if you didn’t know any better, the thought of them being related could have crossed your mind. you know better, though, having already met his brother before. “where’s sukuna?”
yuji shrugs, glancing around the strangers that mill between cars. “i dunno. he’s somewhere. he rode his bike here so he’s probably riding around somewhere.”
“and nobara?”
this time, you both turn to megumi — the one who was in charge of bringing her here as yuji has done for you.
“i’m not her babysitter. i don’t fuckin’ know. maybe she found some guy to french kiss or something. that’s not my business.” megumi gives a small shake of his head. he’s not open to having this conversation; there’s no point. what she does in her free time has nothing to do with him.
this time, you find yourself giggle lightly. it’s drowned out by the growing vibrato of an engine rolling up to approach the three of you. it brings a breeze with it, sparking goosebumps to rise across your skin.
with the season heightening the nighttime temperature, it’s warm enough that you’re able to wear a sleek, athletic skirt. it’s dark gray material is smooth against the tops of your thighs and is accompanied with a tiny pair of shorts attached to the inside, necessary when you consider the short length. you paired it with a thick-strapped camisole, scented with a flowery perfume the wafts through the air when you walk by. you have yet to get hit with a sudden chill since you’ve stepped out of yuji’s car. after all, he enjoys blasting the ac in tandem with the volume of the radio, blasting j. cole through the speakers connected to his phone through airplay.
“i drove around for ten minutes looking for you brats.” a motorcycle comes to a smooth stop a few feet away, humming its gas away. the driver, decked out in gear, wraps a gloved hand around the helmet and tugs it off. his voice is muffled behind the layers of plastic and kevlar.
still, its familiar and your suspicions are confirmed when you spot the same pink hair of the younger itadori, the one who’s standing by your side now. you still remember the day sukuna and yuji dyed their hair after a drunken promise they were forced to uphold at the threat of being called a pussy for months to come. it was recent, merely a few weeks ago.
sukuna has his own genetic differences, though. while the two could be a splitting image, there’s little things that set them apart. yuji, having only recently turned twenty, looks more boyish with rounder eyes and a perma-smile. on the otherhand, sukuna has a much sharper jawline.
the angles of his face are more prominent, giving him a stronger bone structure. his eyes are slimmer and sometimes glint with a color so brown, they almost appear red. when he smiles, it appears like a smirk, with white incisors poking over the bottom of his pillow soft, pink lips.
your stomach twists and turns under the surface.
“have you seen nobara?” yuji tilts his head with his question. his hair, grown out from his last haircut, flops over the tops of his scalp until its waving on the opposite side. “we were just talking about how we don’t know where she is.”
sukuna furrows a brow. he breaks his eye contact temporarily to push the kickstand down and turn his bike off. “no . . .? i’m not looking for that girl.” he swings his leg over the seat of his bike. a thick, black boot makes contact with the asphalt with a weighty thump.
“her lo’ says she’s here.” megumi jumps into the conversation, flashing the bright screen of his phone to display the “find my” app. surely enough, nobara’s silly sleeping face — eyes closed and mouth hanging wide open — is hovering over the same lot you three stand in now.
“then she’s here.” sukuna barks out, that smile-smirk gracing his lips. “fuck are we waiting for?” his eyes find their way to yours and you’re convinced they taunt you, a breath hitching in your throat. every time sukuna comes around, it always gets harder for you breathe.
you’ve known sukuna for a few years now — yuji, megumi, and nobara too. you’ve even come to meet the itadori siblings half brother, choso, who really only
comes around on big holidays due to strain between their parents, to which of neither of their faults.
five years ago, when you first moved to the rolling hills of the suburbs, nobara was the friend you made but not the first person you met. megumi was the first person you met in your accelerated history class but he didn’t come off that welcoming. it wasn’t until nobara introduced you into the long-standing friend group that he even became open to the idea of accepting you into his general circle.
somewhere along the line, after months of establishing a friendship with yuji and spending time after school at his house, you met sukuna, the slightly older brother who could be described as a bit rude and blunt, slightly abrasive. sukuna never had a filter and he speaks as he sees it, through his world view. you suppose it’s that harsh demeanor that draws you to him out of curiosity.
“ ☆ said she’s bored so we were going to race. cops are about to be called anyway; we’re making so much noise.” yuji pulls his car keys out of his pocket and click the little unlock button. behind you, the cylindrical latch jumps up with a shick!
“we are?” megumi reels his head back in confusion but his question falls on deaf ears because you’re asking a question too, with more purpose, whipping your head to stare at yuji.
you look suddenly frightened, eyes widens dan mouth hanging open, gobsmacked. there’s a small twinge of fear that sparks in the base of your warm tummy. “who is about to be called?” you stand on your feet, solid in the fresh white new balances.
you can’t afford that, the three of them know that. your future holds too much to risk, with another year wt your prestigious college approaching at the summer months dwindle away. you’ve never had so much of a blemish on your file in school. you’d never be open to committing a crime in public and sending an infraction to be documented in a report.
you’re convinced your internship would be flushed down the drain if you get even a minor infraction, not to mention the pushback from your parents. though you, yourself, are twenty years old and only return home for the summer, you can only imagine what they’d have to say.
sukuna clicks his tongue with a roll of his eyes. he’s always been a little sassy like that, angling his head in the direction of his yamaha. “relax, princess. if you’re so worried ‘bout your daddy finding out, ride with me. no chance they’re catching me and i don’t have any tags.”
you’re unconvinced, squinting your eyes at the two seater. your attention bounces between the bike and sukuna, wrapped safely in the safety of stiff fabrics to protect him from any possible accidents, breathable enough for him to move comfortably. “i don’t have a helmet, sukuna.”
“i do,” yuji shifts his car keys in his hand until his thumb skims across the smooth depiction of the trunk of his car. the keys jingle around the ring, once silver and tarnished after months of use.
he pops his trunk open and round the back until he’s standing at the tail of the silver caymen, peering into the squared space. yuji plants his hands on his hips and scans the mess, glancing over discarded papers, shoes he’s been meaning to take out for months, and other junk that’s been collected from friends throughout the weeks. “there should be one in here. i keep a spare on me.”
“it might be too big, though. your head is like . . . huge. i don’t know how you’re still so stupid with a bobble head on your shoulders.” megumi chortles. a tanned nike makes contact with a pebble and it goes skittering along a thick white line and disappears beneath yuji’s two-seater.
“it’s sukuna’s, you goof.” yuji’s voice maintains that lightness he always has, reaching into the upper layer of his trunk to dig around. he pulls down a few jackets, nobara’s blanket, and a purple hair tie.
underneath the layers and layers of multicolored fabric lays another helmet, white in color and just as shiny as the one sukuna sports now. it’s a bit more dinged up, covered in scratches and scuffs from being tossed around.
“oh, you got nothing to say because it’s mine now, right?” sukuna raises an amused brow. these days, he’s taken a bit of a liking to megumi, having grown some version of twisted brotherly love that makes him push and push at his buttons, knowing megumi wouldn’t fight back. he couldn’t, it wouldn’t be fair. anyone fighting sukuna is predestined to a losing battle.
megumi knows this, lifting and dropping his shoulders in a careless shrug. “whatever. i’m going to go look for nobara since obviously, no one else cares.”
you can’t help but snort. “don’t pussy out, megu. you were the one who said you’re not her babysitter and now you wanna look for her.”
he casts you a glare on his way out, prolonging his gaze over his shoulder as he turns, digging the heel of his shoe into the black asphalt. “piss off,” he spits out before wandering away with purpose.
small giggles escape the plump gates of your lips as the man’s shadow disappears into the crowd, hazy and cheering as cars race by, occasionally accompanied by a motorcycle or two. it all reminds you of your original conquest, turning your attention to yuji, and just in time too, because he’s tossing the white helmet in your direction without warning.
“yuji, what the fuck?” you’re lucky that you acted fast, even if your fingers fumble clumsily to maintain a firm grip. “you could have said something. were you just going to let it hit me?”
yuji raises his hands apologetically. under the streetlights, his cheeks brighten with a subtle rosy glow. his wordless apology isn’t enough, though, and you’re prepared to scold him some more but sukuna beats you to it, sighing obnoxiously.
“quit your fussing, put the damn thing on, and let’s go. i don’t have all night and i haven’t done shit since i got here.” he takes the initiative to walk up to you and pull it over your head himself. he doesn’t have time to hear you wail and cry about how you don’t know how to do it, how you don’t appreciate how he’s talking to you, or whatever else your princess brain could come up with.
he supposes that’s the side effect that comes with growing up upper middle class, being so accustomed to living the plush and comfortable life that you feel every little thing is an injustice to you. after all, your mom works as a dentist and your dad a physical therapist.
for as long as you can remember, every wish and whim of yours has been granted. your parents went as far as enrolling you in the expensive, competitive dance classes. you spent many weekends at friend’s houses, sleeping over and riding with them to and from competitions when your parents weren’t able to take you themselves. on top of that, you’ve always attended the best private schools your parents could afford, leading you to a gateway of open doors and opportunities you would have otherwise missed out on. you’re a spoiled little thing; sukuna supposes that’s what draws him into you, a sort of fascination, a morbid curiosity.
your grumbles become muffled behind the thick layer of polycarbonate and sukuna smiles. finally, peace. “hey brat,” he turns to his brother — who’s playfully shaking his head, slamming the hood of his trunk shut — “stick with fushiguro. he ain’t smart, either. last thing we need is the both of ‘em locked up overnight. i don’t have the funds to get ‘em out.”
the younger itadori, much better at complying with directions, shakes the mop of hair on his head and tucks his hands in his pockets. “okay fine, i guess. i’ll text you later if something happens and meet you somewhere, i guess.” nevertheless and despite his slight complaint, yuji gets settled into his car and rolls away, headlights illuminating thin clouds of smoke.
all that’s left is you and sukuna, standing in front of each other. for a moment, you consider this could be a sweet sentiment. that is until he knocks the palm of his hand against your helmet, sending your head off balance and derailing what coordination you did have.
“sukuna.” you grit your teeth and deliver a similar blow to his helmet. it lacks the similar strength and yet, his eyes flash with annoyance.
“hit me again and i’ll kill you. do you want a lose helmet or do you want to keep your head.”
you scowl, invisible behind the dark tint. you say nothing in return, partly because your voice is exhausted from having to yell just to be heard. the other part is because arguing with him is pointless. so you just huff, brush past him, and stand by his bike until he’s ready, signifying you’re going to drop the conversation and move on to more important things. what a dick, he is.
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you aren’t entirely sure how it happened. one moment you’re sitting on the back of sukuna’s bike, arms wrapped around his waist and pressing your chest against his back. he drives around at much slower speeds than he usually would, for your sake. he takes a few laps around the crowd and occasionally kicks you off to showcase his skills, throwing his weight to the edge of his seat and lifting the front wheel of his bike. this particular part trick gets cheers from the crowd that only encourages his behavior and sends pleasant adrenaline coursing through his vein.
ten minutes later, you’re still off sukuna’s bike but hidden within the empty courtyard of the mall. you’re still under the moonlight, yet no one has bothered to come this far, not interested in the empty marble fountain or the metal seating, all placed strategically on the pavement. your butt is firmly planted on the metal table. the black paint still stands strong against the forces of nature.
your legs are pulled apart to make room for the figure in between you and then some, with calloused hands gently circling around your joints. it’s surprising when you think about the contrast in the way he kisses you, hard and with a fervent hunger. he doesn’t even have to hold your head against his because you’re doing the work for him, looping your arms around sukuna’s neck.
it was inevitable that you’d both end up thisp way, after all the tension was palpable between you. once everyone else left you in the company of each other, your fates were set in stone. plus, there is always something so intoxicating about being with each other this way, bantering or barely talking in front of the group but sneaking off to have secret escapades, much like this one.
you couldn’t count on both hands the amount of times you’ve locked lips with sukuna when no one else was around and if you were lucky, it would venture into something more. now though, you’re outside so the only thing you really can do is kiss each other, connected by strings of saliva.
it started off plain and simple but that didn’t last very long. it only takes a few seconds for the need to take over and sukuna ends up sucking your bottom lip into his mouth. he nibbles on the skin, pulling it back and releasing it. it bounces back into place with a soft juggle, interrupted by the onslaught press sukuna’s lips against yours again.
you’re a whining mess, the heated region between your thighs craving more, wanting his touch. yet, you can’t have it and you know it. there’s too much that could go wrong and if sukuna was going to touch you, then he was going to fuck. it would have an ending, an orgasm from at least one of you that isn’t promised in such an unstable and risqué situation.
“ ‘kuna,” you keen against the soft pads of his pink lips. your eyes flutter in tandem with you cunt, gaping for any friction available.
it’s so funny to him how that switch flips somewhere in your brain that makes you so pliant and only with him. you look at him to make all your decisions, handing over your autonomy and placing it in his hands. when you want something, he can tell. you look at him with a certain glint in your blown out, brown eyes. your mouthiness suddenly halts and you plead in that tone.
“don’t start,” he shushes you by sticking his tongue down your throat, swirling the wet muscle around the cavern of your mouth. your spit combines in a sloppy mess that just barely gathers in the corners of your mouth. “i don’t wanna hear it. don’t ask me shit.”
you frown but it doesn’t last very long, not when sukuna takes your chin between his fingers and lifts your head. his lips make contact with your neck, sinking his teeth into the skin there, too. it makes you gasp with a twitch and sukuna offers his apologies by lapping at the faint marks left in his wake. “and fix your face, spoiled. got you dickmatized so bad you just don’t know what to do, huh?”
you turn your fingers towards the nape of sukuna’s neck, brushing the silky brown undercut. “s - shut up,” you mumble. a small flame of humiliation sparks to life inside you. your senses are slow the wake with sukuna’s light degradation. maybe you only feel that way because it’s true and almost out of character for you.
however, you’re thrown right back into that state of submission when sukuna lifts his head. “and just who are you talking to? you want to try that again?” his eyes have hardened over with a firmness yet he seems entertained by your weak bite back.
you feel a bit stuck as different variants of responses flash through your head at rapid speed. you could apologize, you could double down, you could even dismiss it. no matter what decision you make, there still isn’t much that he could do. you’re in public and that is you’re one solace.
you’re interrupted before you can get a single word you. sukuna’s phone buzzes on the table beside you, lighting up due to the quick text yuji sent from wherever he was. the man standing comfortably between your limbs leans in the direction of his phone, staring at the screen until the text is readable and unlocked.
yuji : bibs here. leave rn
“lucky girl,” he says, red eyes skimming the four words before patting your leg and taking a step back. “yu saved your ass. guess you owe him somethin’.” sukuna reaches for his helmet and pulls it over his head once more. he waits for you to get the clue to do the same but in the meantime, he’s already gone to start his bike and roll it up beside you. “gotta get you outta here. i’ll take you home. get on.”
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Random Merlin Rewatch: Where a random number generator gives me a season and an episode from BBC Merlin; and then I comment on it as I go.
Today's episode: Season 3 Episode 9 - Love in the Time of Dragons
Before I start, very excited for season 3! Especially this episode! I don't remember all of it, but we're sure gonna get a TON of Gaius on this one. Love ittttt.
And we're back to young boyyy
Alice (?) has such a kind little face.
What the fuck is that thing. What the fuck is that. Ew. Hello???
Damn intro music came in early. Not complaining, LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
I love how, even though magic is being used for good, for performing miracle cures on people who would've otherwise fucking die or something, Uther HAS to see a problem with it. Like. Hello?? I'm very curious to see how Arthur is throughout this episode, seeing that magic here is doing something obviously good.
Merlin judging Uther so hard (as he should).
"I'm not the king, after all." I wonder if Camelot citizens are not as hateful of magic as Uther; fearful of course, and that's valid in my opinion, but the fact that Gaius said that and that's all it took for somebody to basically admit to treason?? Interesting dynamic this kingdom has. An obvious divide I think between the lower classes and the royal one.
Is Gaius smiling?? He's smiling so wide as he's walking out of the inn.
HAHAHAHHAH Gaius lying so clearly to the king and Merlin is the only one who knows, his face!!!! Like, that powder was bright blue and glittery, obvious magic, no denying it.
GAIUS GASLIGHTING MERLIN?? HELLO? This is hilarious, our poor boy is so confused.
Not Gaius taking away Merlin's meal like. LET MY BOY EAT!!
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BABYYYYYYY. Also love that he's reading in bed, in fact fell asleep on it. It's probably a magic book, but it could be literally anything else!! Maybe a book on medicine and stuff, Merlin is Gaius' apprentice.
Merlin looks so handsome in just his sleep shirt, so cute.
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BED HAIR!!!!!!!!!
Oh my god, Gaius and Alice are so sweet :(
MERLIN'S FACEEEEEEEEE he's so curious!! But like a happy curious!!!
"You've lost none of your charm." Gaius was a charmer when he was younger, confirmed. Womanizer.
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Merlin trying to find out about the tea. Also love this role reversal, where the child is the one asking the parent where did they go last night. So fucking silly, love it.
Merlin acting like Gaius is a silly teenager with a silly little crush is so amusing, I'm in love with this episode (let's ignore the weird creature part for now).
Just when Gaius find a job as the king's physician, she finds Alice. We know from a previous episode that Gaius got this job just when Arthur was born, right? I'm pretty sure. So they met for a little time, before the purge happened. I'm assuming the writers fucked up a bit on the timeline and Gaius was employed before Arthur's birth, which makes more sense to me.
I'm assuming Alice lived in Camelot for longer than Gaius, before he came to Camelot. I think Gaius might have learned his skills as a physician somewhere that's not Ealdor, but I'm assuming he was born there as Hunith is there, etc.
Merlin's like "Fuck yeah. Romance. Go get her, uncle."
Merlin is just straight up getting his shit rocked.
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Oh my god, I would KILL Gaius if he just gave my room to somebody else's just right there on the spot. Merlin is better than me, for sure.
Not Merlin sleeping on the fucking floor, jesus christ.
Oh I wonder how it was like before magic was banned. How people lived and learned all about it.
Ohhh how interesting, the way Gaius is not as scandalized by dark magic as maybe one would normally be. I wonder if it's not as bonkers unless it's taken to an extreme degree. I also wonder how "normalized" it was before the purge. Like how did sorcerers react to it then, and also now.
Of course Gaius doesn't want to admit Alice might be doing something evil, not just because this is their second chance and they haven't seen each other in so long, but also because she's obviously not the kind of person to do so.
Oh wow, we've never seen Gaius so blatantly angry with Merlin before. He's really hurt by Merlin's accusation of Alice.
Who the fuck screams "MORNING." in the library, Merlin. Also, it's just shock-full of cobwebs, someone PLEASE clean this place up, what the fuck.
Okay, so Merlin's still struggling with being a physician. I bet he's learned it since he's technically there to be Gaius' apprentice, but he doesn't like it much. He can take care of some stuff, but he won't like it that's for sure.
So interesting that Geoffery didn't react at all badly at Merlin asking about a magical creature. He even joked about Merlin seeing it or not. I bet he was just happy that somebody was using the fucking books and shit.
Merlin is just such a clumsy little shit, oh my god. Jesus fuck.
Love the face journey that Merlin just did where he landed on "Oh I'm gonna use magic in a silly way."
I don't think we fully appreciate how well Merlin is able to research things. Sure, it might be a little luck, but he's just elbows deep in a bunch of books, some opened, just researching for whatever he's trying to find. There's skill in research, y'all!
Seeing Alice just live so naturally in Gaius' chambers really makes me yearn for an AU where Alice stayed with Gaius somehow and Merlin got to be raised by the two of them in Camelot. That would be so sweet :,))
Love how whenever Merlin is obviously upset about something, no matter how "annoyed" Arthur might act, he always asks what's wrong. It's so cute.
Arthur's strategy whenever he fights with his father is to just wait for him to get to his senses?? Arthur, babe, do you know who your father is?
AWWW ARTHUR TRYING TO CHEER MERLIN UP. Too back he's not a jock.
OOP!!! WE GOT A GAIUS AGE!!! A book Alice gifted him on his 50th birthday!! He got it a bit confused with when he became court physician, so maybe he was around that age when he got the job!! That would make him around 70 years old in present canon, which isn't too far fetched in my opinion. He looks older, but honestly being in the medical field, and also having to watch all your friends die right in front of your eyes, probably ages you a tad bit.
Oh the guilt is EATING HER UP inside. Oh Alice. Oh darling.
This is so interesting, it's the second episode where Arthur has found his father, at bed time, in his chambers in some way sick, meaning Arthur must check on Uther every other night? Every night? For what? It's probably matters of state or something, but don't they have all the time during the day to do that? In the start of the episode they're literally sitting side by side looking at documents. I wonder if Arthur just checks on Uther just because. I bet Uther's been the occasional assassination target during the purge. Maybe it's Arthur being paranoid (for good reason, I guess).
Oh Gaius is so deep in denial about Alice, this is just sad.
Wait, all of Uther's food is brought by armed guard up to his chambers? What about those family meal scenes we have. I'm assuming they must not happen every time, maybe. When the king is not too busy, the royal family eats together and any other time his food is brought to his chambers. And all of the food and drinks are tested for poison, of course.
Well. Arthur proving once again that he is smart. Sad it happens selectively. Also, he'd be a great detective.
Gaius implying that he might have taken the blame of Alice's actions, knowing the truth. This is just sad, bro.
I wonder if Merlin's magic truly isn't strong enough to kill a creature of the Old Religion. Sounds plausible, for sure, but I bet he can come VERY close.
Some very stressful few seconds, I must say.
Gaius getting an adrenaline kick of what is just basically a normal Tuesday for Merlin.
It's so sweet that a lot of the characters do try and have open communication. It's very refreshing to see. They admit their fears and insecurities and they talk. It's so nice.
The fact that Merlin jokes about the dungeons being "so secure". 'Cause we all know they suck ass bro.
Why are they eating raw meat?? Y'all gotta cook it babes, what the fuck.
And that is it!!!! What a fun episode. No Gwen or Morgana though, sad :(.
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sparkles-oflight · 2 days
Umazane Misli
"Sanje so tvojega okusa Jutro po tebi mi diši Kompas več me ne posluša Moja izgubljena duša Išče le v smeri kjer si ti"
Synopsis: Jure helps Kris moving into Bojan's apartment and he finally asks the question that has been on his mind for a while....
Thank you @illbringyousolace for the proofreading on this one!
Disclaimer: Please think of these as characters and not the actual people. I don’t encourage anyone to send this to any of the actual JO members nor do I encourage people to force any type of relationship between anyone.
After the Stožice concert, their vacation, and the first leg of the winter tour, everything seemed to be about London. The band was going to live there for a couple of months in Žare's apartment to get some inspiration for the new album.
There's one thing Jure has noticed ever since Stožice: Bojan and Kris have been closer than ever. So, it was no surprise to the band when they announced they'd start living together to avoid paying more rent - Martin wasn't at his and Bojan's flat most of the time and Nace was no longer living near Kris either. What did surprise Jure when helping out Kris moving in with the singer was the occasional glances between the two, the small and not-so-small touches they'd exchange, the words of affection and small teases said out loud and the ones left unspoken. He hadn't noticed it until then, but they seemed to act like two high school sweethearts.
- Thanks, Jure! - Bojan hugged him - Princess over here would have taken so much longer without your help!
Kris rolled his eyes and then winked at Bojan.
- That's because you didn't get your ass up to help. - Kris riposted as he sat down on the sofa.
- I'd rather see your ass going up and down the stairs, your majesty. - the smaller one replied, earning a kiss blown at him by Kris.
- But thank you, Maček. - Kris turned his attention back to Jure - How can we pay you? Do you want to stay for dinner?
- No, no, I'm good. Also, I have plans for tonight.
Kris nodded, waiting to hear more from the drummer, but he didn't want to elaborate more. Usually, his plans meant hooking up with a girl, so it’s not like there was much to elaborate on.
- Can I just ask one question? - Jure asked.
- Sure. - the singer sat down next to the guitarist who put his arm on top of him.
They both watched as Jure walked around and tried to come up with the right words to say. Eventually, he decided to sit down in front of the two.
- What happened? - he said.
- What? - Kris' face contorted at the question, not quite sure what to make of it.
- I mean... - Jure sighed - After Stožice things have felt... Different. What I mean is... What's up with the two of you? Or, between you.
None of them said a word, they only glanced at each other as two children who got caught stealing cookies from the sewing kit.
- Kris, in Thailand you were always texting Bojan even though you said you were going to enjoy being far away from him for a couple of weeks. You even went as far as leaving us to go to your room and talk to Bojan on the phone.
Once again, more guilty looks and a slight blush crept into Kris' checks.
- Th-that's... - he tried to defend himself, but his voice came out slightly higher pitch than he expected so he left the words unspoken.
- Bojan, ever since we returned to touring you are all hands at Kris and even asking him to sit on you when he has plenty of room to sit somewhere else.
- Well, maybe I just like Kris' ass on my thighs. - he smirked.
- BOJAN! - the younger one tried to scold him, but the other couldn't help but laugh.
- Sorry, sorry, but come on, they'd know sooner or later.
Jure's eyes opened wide open, and Kris started fidgeting with his sweater's sleeves and whispering something.
- I was hoping it'd be later...
- When? When we marry and have kids?
- Oh, shut up!
- So, it's true? - Jure interrupted the love birds.
- Yeah, Kris and I are together. - Bojan replied to the curious kitty - Since October.
- Figured.
Jure sighed. Now he knows.
His face quickly shifted from relieved to sad and that got an eyebrow raise from Kris.
- I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner. I mean... We didn't tell anyone.
- Oh, I did. My parents are already waiting for me to marry you.
- Oh god, Bojan, stop telling people we are together. It has only been one month!
- For them, it has been almost 9 years. Also, don't lie to me because Maks told me you told everyone at dinner about us before going to Thailand.
- Guys, it's okay. I assume neither Jan nor Nace knows about it? - Jure imposed the question.
- No, they don't, though I guess we can tell them now.
With no hesitation, Bojan took his phone out, and suddenly, both Jure and Kris' pockets made a sound. Jure picked up his phone.
Cvjet: Me and Kris have been fucking
- What the fuck, Bojan. - Jure laughed.
- We are not just fucking. – Kris pulled him by his ear.
Another sound came in.
Jonh: Yeah, we know
And one last sound.
Nacko: We heard you...
Jure was ready to set his phone aside, but as Kris read the messages, he began typing:
Krisko: when? Jonh: bus Nacko: Also, in Thailand, I tried to check on you when you left suddenly once Nacko: I never did it again Jonh: oh yeah, that too Jonh: the phone sex was good, uh
Jure glanced over at Kris and saw him with his hands on his head, clearly losing his sanity. Bojan was amused. The guitarist groaned out words of frustration and the singer called him all sorts of pet names as he rubbed his hands on his back.
- Well, I should get going... - Jure announced as he got up -, You guys have to... Not even talk, just have fun and stay safe, I guess.
- MAČEK! – Kris yelled in a last effort to control the situation, but it was too late because the blond cat had already left the apartment.
- I mean... we could have fun. – Bojan whispered to Kris after the door shut.
- I’m way too tired, Cvjetićanin.
They decided that they’d just sleep next to each other to commemorate Kris’ arrival.
When Bojan woke up, he took advantage of the fact that the window shutter didn’t close completely to gaze at Kris’ hair illuminated by small squares of light coming through it. His lover shined like a golden mosaic, and he wanted to melt at the sight of it.
He stroked his hair and while he ran his fingers through the small forming curls, he got closer. Bojan tilted his head to the side a little, feeling the other’s breath into his nose through his own. He looked up to see Kris, who opened his eyes slowly, and the blue ocean that he saw in him was telling him to proceed. Bojan smiled and kissed him.
Sometimes, Bojan would do that. Sometimes Bojan would kiss that gently after asking for his permission first. It was intimate, but it was their own way of telling each other “I love you” without using the words.
- The morning smells like you. – Bojan told Kris before the taller one grabbed him closer and pulled him onto his chest, giving him all the kisses he could before fully waking up.
Now I have to finish writting the story that ties in all my short stories... dear lord. Wish me luck
MASTER POST | Recommended next: Vse Kar Vem
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erytherion · 4 months
I knew watching it again would probably result in some different perspectives from when I watched as a kid, but I remembered the film really well already and wasn’t expecting anything particularly ORV-related to suddenly hit me out of the blue, but like. Right at the end. RIGHT at the end.
Sing-Shong (or Han Sooyoung and KimCom, if you’d rather - or maybe both!) really did put so much thought into everything that got included, didn’t they?
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You could say that ORV itself is exactly the same to them as this story was to the Rose who shared her story - Jack’s story.
I guess the idea is that, without ORV, we would never have known about Kim Dokja at all, because nobody would have remembered him. Maybe without those specific people surviving, there would not be any other record of him at all. Maybe that is part of the change between what may have ‘actually’ happened and what we read. Maybe he really, truly is ‘just some guy’ trying to survive like Jack Dawson, but nobody even knew he was a part of their story in the first place? What we read is a story saying ‘he was there, here is evidence of him being there’, but maybe he was just like Jack, there unplanned and undocumented, even in the <Star Stream> itself.
And they are still there, telling every world line outside of their own: He was here too. We want to find him. As the only ones who know he was there - maybe without any statue, any documented heroism. Just like everyone in the background of the film, saving each other, dying together, trying to survive.
And a promise, of course, to never let go. Not of a hand, but of a promise: A promise to survive, to live to an old age, and die in a warm bed.
I think a young Kim Dokja would appreciate the kind of message that provided, even in film form. Or at least, it’s one Han Sooyoung (or Sing-Shong, if you’d rather) would consider would want to convey to her readers.
Maybe they don’t even have a picture of him either. Maybe the only record of him exists within their memories. And that was the only source they had with which to try and recreate the ‘him’ that they knew, whilst knowing that, as with the film Titanic, the story would out of necessity become somewhat dramatised to sell the story as plausible or to make it popular enough to reach him.
Anyways, this quote (from the movie transcript - couldn’t find screenshots to do it justice) was what really hit me the most as being relevant to his story, too. Since they were there too, in the theatre dungeon, on the Titanic. It being a fictional rendition of a historical event makes it even more relevant too, and even as a kid I wondered - how can everyone be so okay watching these people die so horribly? But it’s because it’s fiction, it’s fiction. But, in this case, was it? How much of it?
Interpretations of fiction could still be close to reality, in universes where these things did happen, in their reality. As history. So are the things we read, watch, play all the same, in the end? Artists’ renditions, dramatised documentaries, or similar? Fiction, yet also reality.
Like ORV. Fiction, yet reality. Always both and the same.
And they always say ‘it feels like a dream’, too. What do dreams count as? Fiction, or reality? The memories stay in your head from them too. Does that mean they are or are not real?
Just some guy dreaming of the helping his friends through the apocalypse, who came out of nowhere just like Jack Dawson on that ship, walking the fine line between fiction and reality that never had any distinction to him in the first place. It’s always been both, for him, with his story.
Anyways I am crying right now so feel free to cry with me! We have many tears with all these stories and histories, I think.
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bunnihearted · 2 months
#ugh im so anxious and like i think i have more pains bc of it#i overslept bc ever since i got a new phone my alarm is so quiet i never wake up?? this is the third time this happens for this class#but i cant miss more bc if i have more than three weeks absence they'll fail me :< so i hurried and walked to school#i wish i had a bus pass T-T since they introduced civilian clothed controllants i havent dared taking the bus at all i dont wanna get a fine#so yes anyway. on top of that im pretty sure my sister stole my keys. bc they were in my jacket pocket yesterday and today they werent there#and she left somewhere earlier this morning. so now im anxious abt not knowing where they are + will i get inside?? my mom wakes up late af#ummm what else???? idk im just so stressed. i got to class and have been here for 40min now and the teacher left for lunch#i'll leave now bc i cant focus enough to sit here more. my tooth aches too :((#i just wanna cry tbh#the entire way here i was like i wanna die i wanna die i wanna die#i feel so awful.. and stupd and worthless. why am i incapable of getting a job? or even studying at university? im so bad at everything#im like an anxious wreck who can barely function. everything hurts both physically and emotionally#i dont even wanna walk home im just sitting in my empty classroom bc i dont wanna kove#move*#what's wrong with me? how did i turn into this? i miss school. like i miss being able to actually do my work and talk to the teachers etc#im only a shell of what i used to be. and im scared i'll never be anything other than this :((((#well i gotta move ig bc the sooner i do the sooner i can get home and lie in my bed & cry over how useless i am :3
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gentlethorns · 2 months
okay i'm struggling again
#she bork#tbd#idk i'll be fine life is just very mean and unfair and worst of all ordinary and dull. i go to work i come home i do nothing worthwhile.#weekends are never long enough and i never get to cram enough into them to enjoy myself. if life was mean but also generous and glamorous i#could maybe put up w it bc for every low there would be a high but it's not. it's just mean and you hit that low and then instead of it#being followed by a high you just end up on a plateau and eventually you hit another low. god i just don't think i was supposed to live in#this ordinary boring tedious life like i'm not made for it. not in a pretentious arrogant way but in a way that's like i'm going fucking#crazy like i have cabin fever but w my life rather than my environment (which tbh maybe they come down to one and the same). idk sometimes i#want to just blow up my life and go somewhere else and do something else and have fun and not feel so weighted down by responsibilities and#bills and worry about money specifically. like i was miserable in high school but now i think i look back on it fondly bc 1. no true#responsibilities or high stakes and/but 2. the stakes always FELT high like i was CONSTANTLY up and down and euphoric and depressed. not#healthy at all but it always felt like something was HAPPENING and now it just doesn't. i have always though that bored was the worst thing#to be and now here i am all the time it feels like. bored.#and again at the root of everything is that life is mean. mean mean mean. sometimes shit just HAPPENS that's bad and fucks you over and#there's nothing you can do about it. and again if there was something guaranteed to make up for it that would be fine but there's not. you#just have to recover and let it go and move on. and i'm not good at that
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skrunksthatwunk · 2 months
found out that rascal's owner took him again while i was out, and he's probably not gonna be back since the semester's almost over. i don't even know if his owner's coming back next semester, if i'll ever see him again. if he'll ever see me again. why do they wait until im not around to do this? why do they never let me say goodbye to him?
#i didnt really get to process it bc i found out when i was hanging w a friend but. im processing it now#sigh.. i dont know. i dont know.#at the end of the day he is and has always been someone else's cat. i can't control what she does with him#no matter what i think of it. she can always take him away. but every time it happens im just. im tired yknow?#it's worth it to me to have him around. i love him dearly and i want him to be in a home where he's actually cared for (which i have done my#best to provide) but he's just. not mine. and every time it happens i back up and think man. im such a sucker.#i don't think people manipulate me often. not in an ongoing way i mean. i don't think ppl see me as valuable enough to most of the time.#but damn. she really found my weak spots didn't she. free petcare courtesy of one chump who can't live without animals around. sigh#he deserves stability but he deserves love more. this weird shared custody thing is better for him i think. and frankly i also love him.#im not the priority here but my feelings are like. there. him being taken away without even telling me first hurts. i'd like to be able to#say goodbye to him. im not saying he has to stay or this has to go on but couldn't they just.. consider my feelings a bit more?#just bc you're fine with dropping your cat off somewhere for weeks not knowing when you'll see him again and not visiting doesn't mean i am#and i kind of feel like my roommate is part of this. after all it's not like his owner can just break into our room and take him#and if im always out when they do it there's a chance roomie's just shipping him off whenever she gets sick of him.#she's done it before. even after she agreed so vehemently with me about never wanting him to go back to such treatment and stuff early on.#she's been spraying him for little reason lately too. and i mean i get being a little more cautious with some things bc her neck's broken#but she's really fixated on how much he smells and bites and stuff and talks about how if i wasn't around she'd consider eating him#and then other times she's like that's my pookie. i don't get it. like yeah i tell rascal to fuck off sometimes bc he hurts me but it's not#like a hateful thing. i dont resent him for it i'm just annoyed sometimes bc he's maiming me a little. he's my baby. how could i loathe him?#so it makes me think that roomie might be blaming his transfers on his owner bc she doesn't want me to judge her#and like. this is her room too. it's not her fault she's more bothered by the smell than me. if she doesn't want to be bitten and clawed all#the time i can sympathize. i don't wanna force her to house him. but i wish she'd just be honest with me i guess#like. what if his owner decides to give him away without telling me? i'd take him in in a heartbeat. even though i know it's a bad idea.#but i'm worried he'll fall out of my reach completely. and at the very least I'd like to be able to say goodbye first. that's all.
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thebleedingeffect · 2 months
#okay I'm talking in the tags of this post cause shit is happening in my life and I gotta talk about it somewhere#one part of it is my step brother crashing and burning before my very eyes and there's nothing I can do to stop his own destructive actions#so it's just me watching this poor kid ruin his relationships and blame everything and everyone around him as he does so#despite the fact that he's undeniably been treated horribly at times- he's just turned that anger back onto others and himself#and I have no idea what to feel as I watch him get arrested. have drug problems. because I'm just waiting for the inevitable spiral#it doesn't help that my mom has been comparing us and saying that I'm the much better child and she wishes he was like me#not understanding that I could’ve been him if I was just more angry at the world at that age instead of being so sad and scared#and that leads me to my fucking mom cause like- I love her. we've been through alot of bad shit with her#I've almost done some really bad shit for her and I know that she loves me more than anything else#but it feels like its been getting more and more suffocating cause I'm not sure she's able to start seeing me as an adult#and start loosening her grip around me and let me breathe. to have my own experiences without her by my side#to be able to go places and imagine a future without her constantly by my side#she talks and it's like she doesn't even think to wonder that perhaps I want to form my own experiences#and experience the world on my own terms because I feel like I've spent my whole life having so little damn control#religious family. shit and neglectful father who turned into the exact opposite and nearly killed me. family who refuses to listen and talk#having to move and run immediately. put survival above all else. go to school. get out. and god I just wanna breathe#she loves me so much and I love her too. but I feel like I'll be sooner crushed if I stick here for long enough#I'm just mad that my life has been nothing but absolutely no love. sudden waves of intense love. absolutely nothing. sudden spike#and I feel like I'm just finally starting to form good. healthy relationships on my own terms and actually make friends#because I had no idea what I was doing when I was a kid cause I was so fucking lonely and hurting#now I just. gotta figure out how to tell my mom that I can't carry this expectation that I'll continue to stay forever by her side#it just feels like I'm her child first and a person second. and it sucks. it really sucks.#ough. spins and spins and spins and spins-
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feyarcher · 11 months
I think my new personal youtube rule is going to be that I unfollow and stop watching anyone who says 'corn' instead of 'porn' or says 'shit' and then censors the back half of the word. I understand that this comes from tiktok and has been imported into youtube not wanting to promote/ put pricey ads on videos deemed "mature", but I'm a full grown adult and I feel like I'm losing my mind from this trash. And I just have to tap out of it at this point.
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ilguna · 11 months
me when i’m in an unknown place and my two friends are at a reservation that was supposed to end 25 minutes ago and one of them has their phone on silent and the other isn’t responding and i’m 30 minutes away from home sitting at a QT because that’s the only place i felt safe enough to park: 💃
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trollbreak · 1 year
None of my silverfin folks are Good, per se- they kill and maim and indulge killing and hurting and a number of them eat that which remains, in the right context. But also they’re friends, u see, and they can be so kind in spite of that. Given the right circumstances.
#lays here and thinks about marrow holding dexter so close and hesitating to let anyone but peipre close#thinks about how peipre does her best to sit and comfort someone that’s too distressed in the area- a casino can be overwhelming after all.#thinks about how phenga holds peipre and yarrow in her arms like she can smooth away the harsh edges of the world. even for just a moment#phenga going to Orion as he gets off work. taking his arm in her own and guiding xem in the late hours of the morning to eat and then to a#room. he doesn’t know her name but that’s the game of it. but somewhere along the line it became more than just a game. she’s so so very in#love with that teal and anybody that sees them at dinner can see it#silverfin putting new rules into place the instant they hear about how marrow almost got killed. it takes a while to work out the kinks in#the new routine but they saw the lines under phenga’s eyes in the nights after and they saw how peipre’s hands shook and they may not be#able to do much but they have to do something to try and keep it from happening again.#yarrow pulling silverfin aside to tell them that she saw their descendant. that she didn’t meet him very well but he exists. that she met#his captain and he’s okay. that silverfin didn’t condemn some poor grub by being in love#peipre leaning to just rest her arm agains marrow’s when he starts getting a bit too tense. a small reminder that she’s here- that if#everything goes wrong he doesn’t have to take it on alone. and sometimes that light contact is enough.#peipre giving dexter a hug and squeezing him tight for a moment. because as much as she tries to prepare there are some things she’s not#sure quite how to say. and maybe if she tries hard enough she can show him anyhow.#yarrow pulling peipre away from work when things start to get to her too much. making her take a moment to just let herself breathe. often#yarrow matches her breathing until she’s calmed down because peipre pats more attention to someone else than herself in times like that#lays facedown on the floor thinking abt these bitches being nice#silverfin casino#peipre#peipre charme#gotta go add that to all her posts sometime#marrow dahlia#khalia yarrow#dibsym argent#silverfin#miss#phenga arionn#Orion pulsar
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arthur-r · 1 year
i went to sleep an hour ago but i can’t actually fall asleep for some terrible mixture of anxiety and caffeine and being scheduled wrong from all of the winter break sleeping incorrectly compared to school. anyway i have a stomachache (anxiety variety) scary high heart rate (anxiety variety? caffeine variety? just my heart being stupid as usual? probably all of the above) and also terrified of living with my dad for the next week. and i was drinking a caffeinated beverage past 5 pm today because. i was really stupid and let that happen without thinking about it. so there are so many things getting in between me and a good nights sleep to get to school in the morning. doesn’t help that i’m stressed about school itself too or that my irl friends are constantly hanging out like literally all of them i try not to be offended if like tara and elanor hang out together without me cause everybody is allowed to have smaller on their own engagements but it’s like literally every friend i have!! like i have maybe fifteen friends total in my school and there was like ten of them were all ice skating together on new years and went to a play together and did all of these things that i wish i were invited for. and so i’m stressed about a lot of things at once and it’s no good
#anyway in other news i’m making a bigger endeavor drawing than i’ve done in a long time and it’s not very well shaped but im really proud of#the details and like the way that im doing it even if it doesn’t look good altogether im proud of the textures and everything#i haven’t done anything that wasn’t just a sketch in a long time so i never just work on textures and im proud of myself so far#however it was supposed to be a four part thing that im supposed to finish in four days. while also doing homework. so#i don’t think it’s going to be possible to do all that with such a detail oriented approach shdhdf#i’ll try my best though!! and if i’m late i’m late. nobody really expects anything out of me in an art front which is pretty nice i guess#but it’s mostly because i’m not very good and don’t practice enough. shdhdhdf#but like i said i am actually proud of this picture!! i’m just scared that it’s secretly terrible. classic way to feel really#but anyway i hyperfocused on that for two hours which is like. haven’t done that since like before school started#and so now i’m in a really weird headspace. and yeah. waking up in seven hours#this is so stupid i really wish i could just be asleep right now regular but it’s not happening#and i have a terrible stomachache that i don’t think is going to go away until it’s my mom’s turn to raise us again#and like. i don’t even like getting parented by my mom!! she’s made me cry multiple times per day all week actually!!#but at least i don’t think she’s going to get drunk and throw things or hurt my little sister or break something important to me#and that’s kind of what i’m constantly living in fear of currently. my dad is physically scarier and more dangerous. so i’m anxious. a lot#anyway i keep having nightmares and i hate it i wish anything would just go right for once. i should probably try to sleep again it’s just#it’s not working and i just wish i could fix it but i can’t. i really would like a hug and to be somewhere else#anyway i’m going to try again i guess probably. but i’m just so frustrated and i wish anything could be different offline#like i’m so lucky to have the friends i do in wext and my mutuals here but. if i can’t see you in real life my life is still kind of#objectively bad. like i cant really figure anything out that i have going for me irl. band?? i don’t even know. so yeah. it’s just not great#and i would like to feel better but i don’t. sorry for venting. goodnight!!#me. my post. mine.#vent cw#abuse cw#alcohol cw#ask to tag!!#delete later
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