#it’s like they don’t exist at all
stuckinapril · 3 months
I love Tumblr because nothing matters here truly. There are no influencers. Having followers doesn’t mean anything. It’s just a site where people post their sporadic thoughts and rb pretty pictures. Anyone who thinks any of this matters is woefully missing the point
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transmascissues · 4 months
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at this point i don’t even have any commentary to add to this. i’m just tired.
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aftgscenes · 3 months
Everyday I thank god (Nora) that aftg is set in college and not high school
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“how would it work if Cybertronians had disabilities” “What if there were disabled Cybertronians”
loosing my mind at how some things that are So good can be So niche why can’t we just be a hivemind
Just one example, my favorite example, is:
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Shattered Glass Soundwave!!!
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He’s gone through Multiple reformats varying between with his consent and,,, not. The latest of which took place when they didn’t have many materials
So they used half earth metals half Cybertronian ones
As it turns out? Those two things don’t mix very well. His joints are Horrible. They lock up randomly, the worst of which being the door to his tape deck.
He physically isn’t able to dock his cassettes reliably because they might get stuck in there.
What does he do to fix this? So glad you asked!! He has his own assistive aids, in this case: a portable external carrying case
It was made and personalized to work specifically for him and his situation
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I love him
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defsiarte · 5 months
I think it’s weird how hostile the art community, on Twitter especially, has become towards children as of late? Like artists that i follow one or two people in common with, I’ll go to their bio and there’ll be something saying “minors fuck off” (or something more violent like kys) and like… dude did the 🔞 emoji not suffice? I completely get not wanting to engage with children (I’m gradually reaching a point where someone follows me and I see they’re 15 or so and get Stressed™️), but that’s still a human person. Grown ass adults will have some weird hatred of kids online for the crime of being children. Something they can’t change.
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the sandra lynn / fig conversation is driving me Insane. fig saying that sometimes she doesn’t wanna exist as herself at all…not wanting to ask her friends how they see her (because she’s afraid to hear their response) saying that to someone she is a monster and she Cannot stop thinking about it. sandra lynn starting the conversation saying she needs to step up but is also simultaneously taken aback about what fig expresses and doesn’t know how to responds to it and suggests getting ice cream. sandra lynn saying “convincing people they deserve good things is really tough” talking about herself but how it also reflects fig. insane!!
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blue-mood-blue · 6 months
I can pinpoint the moment that destroyed my life today:
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It’s been a handful of weeks since Murderbot came within inches of having a new, organic governor module implanted in its head via infection - do you think, maybe, that’s also been hiding behind the redacted? Not the way everything else is, just as a deep-seated reminder of what it can’t afford to lose?
What a way to be told “I love you” - to be told “I will not lose you, I will not let go, I will do the hard part of holding on even if you don’t want me to”
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femmeconomics · 1 year
legitimately i think men underestimate how boring misogyny is in media. like yes it can be gross or uncomfortable or upsetting or whatever else but for the most part it’s just boring. like we know this stuff. it’s not sooo controversial and revolutionary and new to the scene and edgy. it’s violent sex and women not being treated as people. like we know. we’re already living in it babes. the fastest way to make a piece of media boring is to make it misogynistic. and this especially applies to fantasy for me, because you’re over here getting immersed in a different world with different types of people and places and societies and then it’s just oh, the author didn’t actually make anything new. they took what they know about the real world some hundred years ago and added magic powers. or this was all just a really long intro to a dnd themed porno. the male characters sacrifice complexity because their motivations are just.. misogyny. which is at its core very simple and unimaginative. rape or violence or degradation or abuse aren’t really all that shocking or complex to see on screen. they’re in loads of movies with varying levels of quality in handling and i’m not particularly upset by them. they’re in some of my favorite movies. this isn’t an issue of sensibilities or fear. it’s just so boring.
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bloobydabloob · 1 month
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Lil Hal design ideas that kept glitching and posting weird. Let’s give this one last shot.
Dirk and Hal ramblings under cut if you want to give them a read.
Screenshots this time because I am not formatting this text for the fifth time. Good lord.
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+ An extra doodle for your troubles. Thanks if you read any of that
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ricky-mortis · 2 months
I was inspired by @tapestryoftrauma ‘s wonderful writing, so here’s a drawing of Mark Chasity from his fic called Sink Into Me
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heydragonfly · 1 month
alright i know lots of folks don’t love the chaos redesign and some folks are saying they look like meg which like i get, esp with the singular wing but to me? they look like Nyx. they look like they molded their new appearance in the image of their daughter, who they’ve recently reconnected with after aeons of separation. like they have not just emotionally become more the parent of Nyx, but physically mirrored this parenthood, this embodied connection, by choice
(this relationship which they’ve now lost, leaving them alone, again)
(until a certain princess of the dead arrives)
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owl-bones · 2 months
What is the dust who is a assassin for Heilos like?
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cynical but much mellower than you’d expect, since Helios keeps him levelled out with positivity. when his LV does become too much to handle anyway, he’s sent out on missions to get rid of dissidents. he doesn’t like being ordered around and finds Helios incredibly grating and hates all the admiration he gets… but also Dust sticks around with his head down for the free food, shelter, and the secret hope that making AUs positive by Helios’ orders will repent for all the bad he’s done. he’s only good for killing, right? so he may as well use that for the “greater good”. but if you ask he’d definitely imply it’s just for the LV.
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minty364 · 2 months
DPXDC Prompt #58 Part 2
It started on a Friday, Danny finished adjusting his uniform as he peered into the mirror in the bathroom his family shared.  Mr. Wayne had been very generous to offer Danny a scholarship to Gotham Academy. He was determined to do his best but, part of him wondered if he was only offered it so Damian would have a friend that attended the same school as him.
 Putting the finishing touches on his uniform and trying to calm down his unruly hair, Danny walked out of the bathroom to hear chatter coming from the kitchen. This caused him to hesitate, Jazz and he decided not to ask Damian or Tim over yet. The state of the house was a bit messy considering it was left to two teenagers to pick up after the four of them. They just didn’t have the time, the both of them were focusing on their own fields of study and avoiding their parents by spending time at Wayne manor. 
So the fact that there was chatter meant one thing, his parents were up from the basement. He didn’t dislike interacting with them but… somehow every conversation with them ended up with an hour-long lecture about how dangerous ghosts were and how Danny and Jazz were to call them immediately if they ever spotted one, as if they’d actually pick up the phone. Danny was starting to believe that ghosts didn’t exist at all. 
He took a deep breath after grabbing his messenger bag from his room and entered the kitchen.
Just as he thought his parents were up from the lab and astonishingly they sat at the table. They were eating breakfast together with Jazz almost like they were a normal family. The sight unnerved Danny but he took his spot at the table, pouring himself a bowl of cereal as Jazz had done. Neither of them trusted anything that their parents would have cooked, most of it ended up with Danny and Jazz having stained or torn uniforms. 
They hated asking Mr. Wayne for anything, and even though he left a credit card for either Danny or Jazz to use, neither of them did. Jazz managed their finances, Mom was too busy to cook or go to the store most times so Jazz handled it and Danny made sure at least the bathroom and kitchen were cleaned up enough. It probably shouldn’t have worked, especially leaving two teenagers to look after the finances, but it did.
“Danno, my boy!!” The loud boisterous voice of his Dad startled him out of that train of thought, “we’ve got a surprise for the two of you!”
Jazz and Danny shared a look, nothing good ever came from one of their parents ‘surprises’.
“Your Father and I completed our-“ before Mom could finish, Dad interrupted loudly.
“THE PORTAL!!” he smiled like he was a toddler in a candy store for the first time.
Jazz and Danny shared a look again, sure they were happy for their parents, but they were also worried about the possible hazards.
Their Mom cleared her throat before continuing, “I get you kids have school, just hurry straight home when you’re off! We’ll turn it on when you’re both home.” She finished her explanation with a big smile.
Danny could hardly believe it, they had been working on it for years. He was a little scared what exactly it meant if it worked but that didn’t matter at the moment. He continued eating and Jazz spoke up, “t-that’s great Mom, Dad,” she spared a glance at Danny but continued when he didn’t speak up but ate another mouthful of cereal, “Uh, well, our ride should be here soon, I’ll meet you outside little brother.” She quickly put her dishes in the dishwasher and headed outside after grabbing her coat and backpack. 
Danny quickly followed after their parents went downstairs probably to tinker with another project after the portal.
Jazz was waiting on the porch after putting on her coat, they both knew how prompt Mr. Pennyworth was and that it wouldn’t take long for him to arrive. It didn’t take long for them to pile in after he arrived. The trip to the school was short, Jazz and Tim were caught up in a conversion about some essay, Danny tried to pay attention to the conversion but his mind kept wandering to the portal and what it meant for his family now that it’s done. 
Damian seemed to notice his fidgeting, “Danny? What troubles you? Is it Dash again?” Damian cracked his knuckles as he seethed the bully’s name. Danny was often bullied by Dash for being in his words ‘a charity case’ since Mr. Wayne paid his tuition, and he recently started bullying Danny for what his parents did since word somehow got out after neither of his parents showed up for parent teacher conferences.
Danny shook his head, “no, sorry, I’m just a little worried about a few things going on at home,” Jazz looked up at this and the two shared a look. Neither of them discussed what they’d tell the brothers about the portal. Jazz eventually nodded subtly and Danny took that as the go ahead to continue. He nervously licked his lips before speaking again, “well… our parents finally finished the portal.”
Damian and Tim shared a look at this, “have they attempted to turn it on yet?” Damian asked after a moment.
“Uh, no actually, they wanted to wait until we got home from school,” Danny shrugged.
“Would you like Damian and I to stay out in the car and wait for it all to be over so we can go back to being normal back at the mansion.” Tim suggested with a light chuckle, none of them thought that it’d actually work.
Having an easy escape route after whatever craziness the portal was bound to cause sounded comforting. Danny nodded a little, “I’d like that, how about you Jazz?”
“Your not leaving me alone with them!” She cried and the two giggled.
Soon though they pulled up to the school and Danny sighed, he had a day to get through.
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cliopadra · 8 months
Oh my god, I forgot tumblr had an inbox.
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erynalasse · 4 months
I wonder when the Noldor looked around at their dwindling numbers and realized that they were dying faster than they could ever keep up with.
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catdoingblep · 9 months
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