#it’s not even that i know a lot about cars or whatever it’s just that women aren’t fucking morons. if you’re a fucking moron and you’re
martiansodas-blog · 2 days
Hi! I was just reading your art donaldson head cannons and when I read this part specifically:
♡ wouldn’t mind having a slightly younger partner. he’d like teaching them things and it’d boost his ego a little bit. you two would tease each other about your age all the time.
I immediately new I had to request a one shot ( I think thats what they’re re called ) of them actually teasing each other maybe a bit nswf but yeah so if you could make one 🙏🥹
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“you keep me young.”
“and you gave me my first gray hair, can we go now??”
art liked to imagine you old with all gray hair and fine lines. him standing right by your side.
but he’s getting ahead of himself.
“ya know speaking of hair, you should let me use my curly products on you!”
“you don’t think i’ve outgrown that?”
“are you kidding? it would look so good on you now! i’ve only seen pictures of you with a mop on your head i want to experience it first hand.”
he rolled his eyes but the crinkles around them brought by your cheekiness was prevalent. he can’t hide anything around you.
“alright. you’ve convinced me.”
the two of you were chatting in a local coffee shop. there are a dozen cafes closer but you love this one. and art loves whatever you love. it has personality. they make their syrups from scratch and have a little patio for when it’s sunny.
the man was already convinced you were an angel, but the sun behind you giving you a halo was icing on top.
art drowned in your beauty.
the kind of beauty that made everyone else in the room look bad.
the kind that made you create a whole album in your phones photo app.
he made sure you knew just how stunning you were.
but your beauty was also the least interesting thing about you.
“thanks for taking me here.”
“of course. we really don’t come here as often as we should.”
“it’s out of the way. i’d feel bad if you had to fill up your car AND pay for my meal.”
you said it jokingly but it’s easy to feel guilty that about art spoiling you to the extent that he does. you didn’t have much to give in return.
art takes your smaller hand in his and plays with your fingers. the next time he speaks it’s quieter, and with fervor.
“you are a gift, my gift. you were sent to me.”
he looks into your eyes.
“everything i get to do for you is a joy, ok?”
art wasn’t raised religious, frankly he thinks most of them are bullshit. he never thought about believed in fate.
until you.
it took some getting used to- being appreciated on this level.
boys your age could never worship you the way art does.
you were younger than art, yes. but he wasn’t attracted to you because you were mailable. he was attracted to you because you were brilliant. you were passionate, funny, and if you disagreed with someone you stood your ground. you brought a fresher perspective to his life.
with that being said, he still wants to protect you from the big bad world.
you can defend yourself in every sense of the word, but why would you need to when you have a rich experienced man by your side? there’s a lot of people out there who don’t have the best intentions. especially with a girl in her twenties. that’s where art comes in.
he decides that you still need some convincing even after today's date, so he keeps you in his master bedroom for a few hours.
he wants to rewire your brain and ruin anyone else for you.
“you don't get it, do you? when i said i liked you, it wasn't just skin deep. ive got some bad intentions. i wanna take every inch of you and make it mine; i want you to breathe for me, eat for me, i want all of your orgasms to be because of me.”
the only heaven i’ll be sent to is when i’m alone with you
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Welcome to Amsterdam | Part one: Festival
Paring: Joost Kline x female!reader 
Description: Performing at a festival with your friend and meeting a blond man who was also performing at the festival.
Warnings: None really, mostly background. 
Word count: 2,5K+
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You are packing for a trip to the Netherlands, having been invited by a friend to join her on stage. You've been making music for about three years, but this will be your first festival in another country. The plan is to stay at your friend's house in Amsterdam, close to the festival venue. Excitement and nervousness blend as you double-check your equipment and personal items, ensuring you haven't forgotten anything important.
As you finish packing for the week, you hear a notification on your phone. It's a message from your friend.
Sara: How's everything going and don't forget to bring your laptop so we can make some music.
You: Thanks, I almost forgot. I'm going to the airport soon. I will update you before I fly off. 
Nice, see you soon then! <3
After packing your laptop Sara reminded you of, you then scanned the apartment to make sure you didn't miss anything else. Once satisfied, you dragged your suitcases to the elevator and ordered an Uber to take you to the airport. You couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement and anticipation for the adventure ahead.
Upon arrival at the airport, you quickly grabbed a cart to help with your luggage and headed to the check-in counter. Despite having a lot of luggage ,clothes for the week, a stage outfit, some clubbing outfits, and swimwear, everything went smoothly. You felt prepared for anything the week might throw at you. The buzz of the airport and the chatter of travelers around you only heightened your excitement.
After passing through security, you found a bar and sat down to enjoy a much-needed airport beer, savoring the moment and the anticipation of the journey ahead. As you sipped your drink, you checked your phone to confirm your gate and departure time, knowing your plane would be leaving in 30 minutes. You felt a mixture of excitement and calm, ready to take on whatever this trip had in store.
I'm at the airport now. Everything went smoothly and it looks like the plane is leaving as planned. 
Great. Meet you there. 
You finished your beer and headed to the gate as boarding began. Finding your seat, you settled in, ready for the flight to Amsterdam. The anticipation of the upcoming festival kept your spirits high.
The trip was quick, but you managed to squeeze in a short nap, feeling refreshed as you neared your destination.
As you exited the airport, you saw Sara waiting for you with a big smile and a welcoming hug. The excitement of seeing her and starting this adventure together made you feel even more energized for the week ahead.
"Hiiii Y/N! So nice to see you irl” 
“Hello Sara! Nice to finally meet you too.”
You both hugged before she helped you load all the luggage into her car.
The festival was three days long, and you were scheduled to play on the second day, Friday. Today was Wednesday, and you and Sara decided to take it easy, resting from your flight and gearing up for the first day of the festival. You spent the day indoors, working on a new song together. Having collaborated over the phone before, it felt natural to create music side by side. 
By the time you decided to call it quits for the day, it was close to midnight. You had completed a chorus, rough lyrics, and a basic beat. Though it wasn’t a finished song, you were both surprised and pleased with how quickly you managed to put it together.
After saying goodnight, you went to bed, excited for the first day of the festival.
Sara burst into your room, yelling, "Are you ready to rumble?" She jumped on top of you, playfully hitting you with a pillow, laughter echoing through the room.
Despite only knowing each other online until now, you and Sara had developed a strong bond, feeling more like lifelong friends than just virtual ones.
You both got dressed, looking forward to a day packed with activities. You opted for a see-through top over a black bikini, paired with a long jean skirt. Meanwhile, Sara dressed in a black bikini and oversized basketball shorts. 
You wrap yourself in the flag of your country and head out the door, ready to represent your nation proudly at the festival. The vibrant colors of the flag flutter in the breeze, catching the attention of passersby as you make your way towards the festival. 
Arriving at the festival grounds, Sara handed you two wristbands—one for guests and another for your performance tomorrow. You quickly put them on, feeling the excitement build as you headed inside. Despite the early hour, the atmosphere was already alive with bustling crowds and vibrant music echoing through the air. The anticipation of what the day held in store added an electric buzz to the scene.
You began the day by heading to the food carts with Sara to grab something to eat, both realizing in your excitement that breakfast had been forgotten. The enticing aroma of freshly cooked food and the wide variety of options made choosing difficult, but eventually, you both settled on delicious fresh sandwiches.
Walking around with your newly acquired food, you headed towards one of the stages to enjoy the music.
As the day flew by, both of you grew increasingly exhausted. Opting to head home early, you agreed not to expend all your energy, knowing you had a performance scheduled for tomorrow.
When you arrived home, both of you changed into more comfortable clothes and snuggled up on the couch. With a movie playing in the background, you resumed working on the song you started the previous day. The day filled with music had left you both inspired, eager to continue creating together. 
It was well past midnight when you finally finished the song. Though it wasn't quite ready for release, both of you agreed to play it at your set tomorrow. After practicing it once more, you headed back to bed, both of you in need of some sleep.
This day, you woke up to Sara playing one of your songs at full volume as she marched through your room, singing along enthusiastically.
"Todays the day," Sara declared as she plopped down next to you in bed, creating a dip from the new weight. 
She was always so joyful, her energy filling the room and rousing you from sleep, even though you were tired from the previous day. 
Today, you chose a laid-back ensemble: a pink hoodie adorned with your stage name, paired with shorts concealed beneath. Sara sported a similar outfit as the day before, switching her black bikini for a pink one to complement your attire. 
With your stage outfit packed in a bag, you headed back to the festival, entering through a special artist entrance. Finding Sara's trailer, you unloaded all your belongings before venturing out into the festival area.
You watched several performances before making your way back to the trailer to prepare for your own stage appearance. On the way, you and Sara sang along to songs you'd heard earlier, dancing with excitement coursing through your veins. Caught up in the moment, you spun around and accidentally bumped into someone.
"OMG, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you," you apologized, turning to face a tall, blond man with piercing blue eyes, dressed in a white tank top and black baggy jeans.
Noticing how close you were, you quickly backed up, apologizing once more.
The man chuckled. "It's fine. You seemed lost in another world."
He extended his hand towards you. "I'm Joost. And you are Y/S/N?"
You shook his hand. "That's my stage name. My real name is Y/N."
You found yourself lost in a trance staring into his eyes, until Sara stretched out her hand to greet Joost, breaking the spell.
"Hi, I'm Sara. Nice to meet you, Joost," she said with a friendly smile, shaking his hand. "But we have to get going; we're on stage in an hour." She glanced at you, her eyes full of excitement and determination for the performance ahead. She grabbed your hand and swiftly pulled you away from Joost, eager to focus on the upcoming performance. You exchanged a quick glance with Sara. 
"He was so hot," you exclaimed as soon as you stepped into the trailer, flopping down on the couch beside Sara, who chuckled knowingly. "You know, you stared into his eyes for like a whole minute," she added, making you feel a mix of embarrassment and amusement. Sara grinned mischievously, clearly enjoying your reaction. 
You got ready, changing into your stage outfit: a fluffy pink tank top paired with a matching bucket hat and a short jean skirt featuring your stage name on the back. Sara opted for the same bucket hat and a pink jersey dress adorned with her name. After doing your makeup, you both took a shot to calm your nerves before making your way to the stage.
Ten minutes before you were set to go on stage, you peeked out from behind the stage curtain at the already large crowd that had gathered, feeling a rush of excitement and nervous anticipation. The energy of the audience was palpable, adding to your eagerness to perform but also to your nerves.
One of Sara's songs began playing, and she stepped out onto the stage to cheers from the crowd. It was a song you had collaborated on with her, and as your part approached, you dashed onto the stage, eliciting an ecstatic response from the audience. Performing outside your own country, you weren't sure how the crowd would react, but their enthusiastic response fueled your excitement and calmed your nerves.
As you finished the first song, Sara screamed into the mic, "Helloooo, Netherlands! I'm Sara, and this is my amazing friend, Y/S/N!" The crowd erupted into cheers once again. "Do you guys wanna hear a new unreleased song?" Sara continued, prompting another wave of screams from the crowd. "I hope you like it!" she added before the beat kicked in.
You both ran around, energetically jumping on the stage while singing along to the new unreleased song, the crowd joining in on the chorus as it repeated. As the song reached its finale, you both sat down at the edge of the stage, singing the last part while gazing out over the crowd. While scanning the audience, you noticed Joost standing in the VIP section, attentively watching your performance. A rush of adrenaline mixed with a sense of accomplishment swept over you as you locked eyes with him, adding an unexpected thrill to the moment.
The next song was one of yours, featuring more introspective lyrics and a mellower beat. You and Sara swayed along with the music, seated at the edge of the stage, singing in harmony. The crowd joined in, swaying and singing along throughout the entire song. Throughout the song, you kept glancing over at Joost, who was also swaying and singing along with the music.  
As you finished the song, you blew a kiss into the crowd. Rising from your seats, you and Sara prepared for the next song, its upbeat tempo filling the air once more. The rest of the set proceeded smoothly, and every now and then, you stole glances to see if Joost was still watching. 
As the set drew to a close, you and Sara thanked everyone for joining, blowing kisses and waving to the cheering crowd before stepping off stage, feeling a mix of exhilaration and gratitude for the unforgettable experience. 
Heading back to your trailer, you spotted Joost in the distance, slowly making his way towards you. A smile spread across your face as you anticipated what he might say about the performance.
"You guys were amazing!" he exclaimed as he reached where you were standing next to your trailer.
"Thank you," you and Sara said in unison, smiling gratefully at Joost's compliment.
"I'm going to perform on the big stage in like an hour if you wanna watch," he said before heading into his trailer. 
You and Sara headed into your trailer, quickly chugging some water and sitting down to catch your breath. You relaxed in the trailer until Joost's set was about to begin in five minutes. Both of you jumped up and hurried to the big stage and into the VIP section still in your stage clothes.
The crowd was double the size of yours, and the atmosphere buzzed with excitement as people chanted Joost's name in anticipation of his imminent appearance on stage. You and Sara found yourselves caught up in the electric energy pulsating through the air.
Joost burst onto the stage, running and jumping as the beat of one of his songs filled the air. He greeted the crowd with infectious enthusiasm before diving into his set. His energy was palpable as he danced and jumped to the rhythm, and the crowd mirrored his excitement. You and Sara joined in, singing along and dancing to his music, thoroughly enjoying the experience. His stage presence was mesmerizing, drawing everyone into his performance.
As his set ended, the crowd erupted into cheers as Joost exited the stage. Once he had left, you and Sara hurried out from the VIP section, eager to catch Joost and express how much you enjoyed his performance.
Unable to find him amidst the crowd, you and Sara decided to head back to your trailer to freshen up. Squeezing onto the couch together, you snuggled close while watching some TikTok's from the festival on your phone.
You heard a knock on the door, and Sara yelled, "It's open!" not wanting to get up. The door creaked open slowly, and Joost walked into the trailer, finding you and Sara cuddled up together.
"How cute," he remarked as he squeezed onto the edge of the couch. "I saw you during my set. What did you guys think?"
"It was amazing, the crowd loved you," you said, sitting up to make space for Joost on the couch. Sara joined in, "Yeah, you were incredible," as she also shifted to a sitting position. The three of you settled comfortably, the trailer now buzzing with a relaxed yet excited energy as you recounted your favorite moments from his set. Joost's smile widened with each compliment, and he shared some behind-the-scenes stories that had you and Sara laughing.
"I'm going to an after-party with some other performers. Do you guys want to join?" he asked casually, placing his hand on your thigh, making your body shiver.
"Yes, sounds so fun," Sara answered quickly, and you nodded along, feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation.
Joost gave your thigh a gentle squeeze before standing up and handing you a piece of paper with an address and time on it. "Great, see you guys soon," he said with a smile as he headed out the door.
Once he was gone, Sara turned to you with a wide grin. "This is going to be epic," she said, her excitement palpable. You couldn't help but agree, your mind already racing with the possibilities of the night ahead.
Packing up everything and throwing on your hoodie over your stage outfit, you and Sara exited the trailer and headed home to get ready for the after-party.
Once you arrived home, you jumped into the shower to freshen up. Back in your room, you rummaged through your suitcases to find your prettiest pair of underwear, hoping you might get lucky. Sitting down on your bed, you pondered over what to wear, excitement bubbling up inside you.
You decided to stick with the same skirt from the stage since it made you feel empowered and pretty, pairing it with a pink top that showed off plenty of cleavage. You walked out to the living room where Sara sat on her phone, wearing a loose black dress. She turned around and whistled. "Damn, somebody's getting laid tonight!" You laughed, and the both of you headed out, excited for the night ahead.
To be continued…. 
Part two
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spaceradars · 16 hours
forever thinking about ray kowalski's "you ever feel like you don't know who you are? like if you weren't around somebody or somebody wasn't around you, that, uh, you wouldn't be you? or at least not the- the you that you think you are? you know you ever... you ever feel like that? me neither"
#i love how ever since pretty much the first few episodes of s3 (particularly since 3x02) we can tell how sensitive he is and how. like.#idk if sensitive is the word actually but whatever.#y'know he's a bit cocky a bit moody so cool and always has an answer or a sneaky remark for everything#but in reality he's just afraid and insecure and also sensitive.#and all of those things can coexist of course. but it's like. idk how to properly put it in words but it's like. during s3#(partcularly during the last 2 episodes) there's this clash with fraser because of how different their styles (lets call it that) are#and we start with this kowalski who's apparently so cool and sure of himself and blah blah. that's how we meet him! but THEN#there's the verge of the divorce during 3x12/3x13 and then s4 arrives and they don't forget those last s3 episodes. on the contrary!#you can tell how much impact they've had on both fraser and kowalski. but i think that particularly on kowalski.#i've made a post about it before but whatever there's a change! and it's telling! kowalski's calmer and more communicative and less moodier#he's still insecure and troubled. but he talks to fraser about it. he opens up! so it's all balanced. UNTIL cotw.#it's like. i dont mean to say there's a setback because it's not that. but he's got this moment of honesty in the car with thatcher#(and not that he never had those moments of honesty before -but they've all been with fraser.)#and now it's *about* fraser. who has become (technically bc of this job) a pivotal part of his life.#and (he feels like) he's about to lose it all (let's not forget the context of all this even if it's not where i'm going to with this)#so in a way during cotw there are a lot of old insecurities coming back to kowalski. and i dont think they'd ever left it was more like.#they weren't really present bc he was comfortable with fraser and his relationship with him. like those insecurities weren't about fraser!#but now they've come back and they are about fraser! like kowalski's afraid of being left behind by fraser.#and it's heartbreaking in a way but also hopeful bc of how it all turns out. and. yeah.#idk this all makes sense in my head i just don't know if i can properly explain it here but. yeah. i'm always thinking about this scene#due south
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shiftermeance · 1 day
Y/n was tired. Sitting in a meeting room all morning was not how she preferred to spend her summer but she had decided to sign the contract, but that didn’t mean she knew she would be sitting in a room listening to people go over rules and legality technicalities, whatever you wanted to call them.
If she wanted a law lesson she would have sat in on a class, but nonetheless she was a big girl and so she put on her big girl pants and sucked it up. Even if she’d preferred to be in her big girl pajamas, on her couch, binge watching whatever show she was pushing off with a coffee or tea in hand.
The real issue? She had to sit through these meetings alone, she had to read through the contract, agree to it, and then sit through enough presentations and sign enough things for her hand to have a blister. Alone. Because Max Verstappen was too busy to come himself, something about training they couldn’t push off. So his manager and lawyers were there, Max having already signed everything with his conditions written down apparently.
Now him not being there wasn’t a huge reason for her to be mad, no scratch that, she wasn’t mad, she was just annoyed and tired. This was not what she signed up for but Michael said it would be rude if she put her head down and took a nap in the middle of a presentation. She almost leaped with joy when they announced they were done and everything they could think of was signed and discussed, until she was handed a paper by his manager, Raymond, before she could bolt.
“This is Max’s number, figured with him not being here, messaging him to discuss press things would be nice before the media catches on” He said and even though she was annoyed and ready to go home, this guy was an old guy, basically her grandfather’s age and so she couldn’t snap or be mean and so she smiled
“Thanks, i’ll do that once I get home” she said with a nod as she took the paper and put it in her purse as she smiled at him before waving and walking towards Michael, her smile and overall face dropping as they walked to the car.
“You did good, Y/N” Michael said as he opened the door for her and she slid in, placing her purse in the middle seat and putting her seatbelt on as she glanced at Michael getting in as well. The driver started the car once they heard the click of his seatbelt.
“Did they have to drag it on that much? I feel like I just sat in a criminal law class” she said as she rubbed her forehead before leaning against the door
“They were just cautious..there’s a lot to this, a rather iceberg topic that could ruin both your career and his if found out” he said and she sighed
“I know, I just feel all of that could have been put on a little packet saying the “dos and don’ts” and it would have been easier to understand and faster. I thought we would have just read the contract, make me sign the necessary things and then we leave, not a whole lecture” she said before she looked out the window, “plus Max was able to skip out of everything by just signing the contract”
“Yes well, it was Raymond and his team who drew up the contract, I’m sure they explained everything to Max prior” Michael said before they pulled into her driveway, “And please don’t forget to text Max, we would like for the two of you to have pictures to post before we leak the photos to the press”
“Alright..yeah, I’ll text him” *she said as she looked at him before she got out of the car and walked up to her front door before closing it behind her as she watched the car drive off.
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liked by max_verstappan1, bsf1, bsf2 and others
y/nofficial just a little break from the ice, will be back to our regular programming soon <3
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username4 🚨‼️MAN ALERT ‼️🚨 MAN ALERT‼️🚨
username12 ..is mother..in her soft launch era?? 😭😭
bsf1 um…rue…when was this? 😦☹️
⤷y/nofficial you know I never meant to hurt you ☹️😔 (high school musical marathon?)
⤷bsf1 duh 🙄
⤷bsf2 call us cheater
username2 I waited three and half years…white man did it one week
⤷username6 white man did it in one week ☹️😔
username5 if you look closely in the first picture you can see me hanging from a branch after viewing the second photo
⤷y/nofficial why would you wanna ruin my first picture? ☹️
username8 okay yall we get the man jumpscare but I fear everyone is glossing over the fact that MAX VERSTAPPEN is in the likes 😦😦
⤷username11 THANK YOU BECAUSE I WAS LIKE “max verstappen? Ariana what are you doing here??”
⤷username22 and if I said the white guy is max then what…? 😶
⤷username11 friend….😐
⤷username8 now you know damn well our queen would never fall for Sid from ice age 🤨😒
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liked by charles_leclerc, lando_norris, y/nofficial and others
max_verstappen1 a little beach time yes?
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username1 um sir?? if that’s you on the left…then who’s on the right??
⤷username2 right? Because if two plus two is four, and humans have two legs…then what the fuck is this?
lando_norris you can read??
⤷max_verstappen1 yes I read 😒can you win a race?
⤷lando_norris HAHA YES I CAN, 5/5/24 BITCH
charles_leclerc wearing sunscreen?
⤷max_verstappen1 wouldn’t want to cosplay a lobster next race 🫡
⤷username7 and yet you two still won’t follow each other??
⤷charles_leclerc no
⤷max_verstappen1 would rather die tbh
username3 okay yes we’re all shocked but Y/N HIDING IN THE LIKES?? YOUR NOT SLICK YOUNG LADY
⤷username6 THATS QUEEN Y/N TO YOU!
y/nofficial is the water warm?
⤷username4 now girl….
⤷username8 Ms.y/n… STAND UP 😭😭
⤷username9 look at her…knowing damn well she don’t give a fuck about the water besides being thirsty 😒
⤷username11 she saw the comment saying she was hiding and said “hiding where?” 🤣
⤷username15 and instead made a damn fool of herself and us 😭sick
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liked by bsf1, bsf2 and charles_leclerc, lando_norris, lewishamilton, and multiple others
tagged: y/nofficial & max_verstappen1
Insider source reveals current formula one world champion, Max Verstappen, and current olympic champion figure skater, Y/N L/N, have been spotted together on numerous dates the past two weeks. The relationship has yet to be confirmed but we here believe that the pictures are more than enough confirmation.
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username22 I FUCKING KNEW IT!!
username3 what does that dutch man know about our ice queen?
⤷ username2 right???
⤷ username4 GIRL…STAND UP
username9 is it just me or is anyone else kind of weirded out? like..he just broke up with Kelly a month ago
⤷ username31 yeah i thought about that too but again you know how these men move, it could be just a fling 🤷
⤷ username9 yeah you right, i guess we’ll see
username14 stop 🛑 who is she?
⤷username89 That’s Y/N L/N she’s a two time olympic champion for figure skating
⤷username70 did you not read the caption?
⤷username14 nope, saw the photos and went right to the comments but cool, she’s american, logan won’t have to be lonely anymore as our token american
username44 ma’am???
username12 i knew we were cooked when she flirted under his comment section 😔
username77 guys false alarm, that’s actually me- haha
⤷username45 I’m coming to you as a woman….
username66 it’s the fact that it’s basically the whole grid in the likes 😭
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→ y/n did in fact forget to text Max once she got inside, Michael had to remind her two days later
→ the day she posted, y/n and her best friends remained on call for 5 hrs with y/n just straight up violating Max (quotes in text messages) and then watching high school musical (1-3)
→ y/n did come up with her “flirty” comment but spent about five minutes gagging before she pressed post
→ yes you are buttercup in the group chat (I know it’s sugar, spice, and everything nice and then compound x but yeah um bsf2 is unhinged and so compound x is them) (your spice)
Author’s note!
→ Heyyy, random drop at 2 in the morning but that’s what happens when your work shift ends at 11pm :) Hope you enjoy chapter two! I started it and then took a break for like a day before suddenly getting an idea for how I wanted this chapter to go! I have no idea how Chapter Three will look like but expect it sometime this weekend possibly! Also no beta read, we die like bitches here (this chapter was 10 pages long)
Taglist: @boiohboii @ale-522 @ietss @theseerbetweenus @jaxx-7 @sainzluvrr @the-untamed-soul @ashy-kit @hc-dutch @nichmeddar @delululeclerc
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⤷ Following the messy breakup between Max Verstappen and Kelly Piquet, Max’s manager comes up with a solution to divert the attention – a fake relationship. His new girlfriend? Two time olympic gold medalist figure skater, y/n for the USA team. Easy? Well…
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 day
Ghost Part 5 (NSFW)
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AN: It's been a while, but we're back 🤭🤭
Synopsis: Jack comforts you when he finds out that you're going through a difficult time and you got a lot more than you bargained for. Now you have to make a decision regarding the future between you and him
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Do not engage if underage
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Walking into work on Monday morning, you were extremely nervous. It did take some convincing on Jack’s part, but you did in fact delete your Only Fans account by the end of that very same night. Now all you had to do was hope and pray no one saw it that was associated with your job.
Once you dropped Ace off at daycare, you made your way down the long hallway in order to get to your classroom and was in for a surprise once you did.
Sitting near your desk was Alicia Hamilton who was the principal of the school. The interactions that you had with her in the past were always pleasant and she always made it a point to ask about Ace and ask about how you were seeing as she was also a single mother and knew how hard it could be at times.
“Alicia, to what do I owe the pleasure?” You asked as you smiled at her, a smile that she in fact did not return. Instead it was a look of seriousness.
“Y/N, it was brought to my attention that you have an Only Fans account that involves explicit material.”
And there it was.
“What exactly does that have to do with my job? I do that outside of here and shouldn't get penalized for it.” You answered as you stood your ground.
“Trust me, Y/N I get it. However I have had numerous complaints and my phone has been ringing nonstop since this past weekend.”
“Alicia, you of all people know how hard it is to live on a teachers salary and be a single mom. I had to do something to make sure that Ace could eat. And I was in college when I did that.” You told her as you tried to plead your case.
“Y/N, I adore you and you are an amazing teacher, but my hands are tied. We could lose funding over this. If there was a way that I could fix this and make it all better, I would but as of right now I can't. I have to let you go. Ace can still come to daycare and get a discount. I just can't allow you to teach here anymore.”
“I have a substitute coming for you all this week and you’ll be able to pack up your classroom after school lets out.”
“Just keep everything. I clearly don't have a use for it anymore.”
Without another word, you grabbed your purse and made your way back down the long hallway. You decided to let Ace stay the rest of the day while you had absolutely no idea what you were going to do.
As you settled into your car, the waterworks started and you didn't even stop them from rolling down your face. You knew deep down that this was eventually going to happen and you had no clue what to do in order to move forward. In no way, shape, or form did you blame Jack for posting your picture because there were only good intentions behind it. But now, it was probably going to be ten times harder for you to find another job.
Moving back home didn't sound like a bad idea at the moment, but you couldn't do that to Jack after all the progress he's made with Ace.
You simply sent Jack a text because you needed a few days for yourself and to think this through and you needed to have a clear head.
You- Hey, can you take Ace for a few days?
Jack- Yes, is everything okay?
You- It's fine, I just need some time to figure some things out
Jack- Are you sure that you're okay? Just let me know if you need anything from me.
You- I promise I'm fine, if you could pick him up today from daycare that would be perfect
Jack- Whatever you need
Jack told you that Ace was excited to spend a few days with him, but he was also concerned about you. He felt as if there was something that you were keeping from him and he made it his mission to facetime you after he put Ace to sleep.
Currently you were stuffing your face with some stuffed pasta shells that you had made earlier when your phone rang. You glanced to see that it was Jack and sighed. You didn't want to talk to anyone, but had to make sure that it didn't have anything to do with Ace.
“Hey.” You softly said as you propped your phone up so that you could continue eating and Jack could immediately tell that something was wrong.
“Y/N, something is wrong and don't lie to me and say that it's nothing.”
“It's nothing for you to worry about. I can deal with it.”
“I went to pick up Ace and when he took me to see you in your classroom, you were nowhere to be found.”
“I guess not because I don't work there anymore.”
Jack's eyes went wide.
“Fuck. It's because of me, isn't it?”
“I don't blame you for it happening if that's what you're thinking.”
“But it's my fault.”
“It was going to happen eventually. I figured that it would only be a matter of time. Where's my baby?” You responded while trying to shrug it off.
“Our baby is sleeping.”
You glanced at the time on the clock that was hanging on the wall in your kitchen and saw that it was a little past 8 at night. You were happy to see that Jack was keeping him on his normal schedule.
“His bedtime is 7:30 so the same thing goes when he comes over here. But we aren't done talking about your job so stop trying to change the subject.”
“There’s nothing left to say. It's just going to be ten times harder for me to find another job teaching.”
“Just take a break and relax for a while.”
“Jack, bills do not stop and I don't have the luxury of doing that.”
“You have me and I'm going to take care of it. Y/N, you aren't in this by yourself anymore.”
“No. I'm not a golddigger and we aren't even together so that doesn't sit right with me.”
“Don't you think I know that by now? Just let me help you. How does it look if I let the mother of my child struggle when she doesn't have to.”
All you did was shake your head and Jack looked at you confused.
“What's that face for? Just let me do this to help you.”
"Why, Jackman? Why now? Where was all of this compassion you had for me when I was pregnant with your child and scared shitless because I literally had NO ONE.” You asked him as you threw your fork down.
“Because we're moving towards a better future, that's why. I know that you have a right to be pissed at me for a million lifetimes all because I was too scared to step up and take care of my responsibilities. But I promise that will never happen again. My parents and Clay would kill me if it did.”
“You've made promises to me in the past and they proved to be empty.”
“This time it won't be.” Jack replied as you took a deep breath.
“Please don't make me regret this.”
You noticed that Jack wasn't looking directly at you and figured that he was doing something on his phone.
“Send me all your expenses for the month so I can add it to my bank account to come out automatically. And I also just put 5,000 in your account and I don't want to hear a word out of you. I'm doing this.”
“Matter of fact since I know you'll be free for a little while, pack a bag with a few outfits and you can come over tonight or tomorrow. I think tonight would be better since you won't have to get up so early.”
“Wait, what? For what?”
“I have a few interviews and appearances to do so I'm bringing you and Ace with me. I already posted about having a son so it's not a secret. That way we can really spend time together like an actual family. I know Ace will be excited about that.”
Well, he didn't say anything that was wrong and you had absolutely nothing to lose.
“Fine, give me an hour.”
“Okay, let me get the guest room ready for you. And pick between lavender or vanilla.”
“Oh, you do this for all the girls that stay at your house? And what am I picking this for?”
“No, only for the special girls and you happen to be the first one. I also want you to be the last one if you’ll let me but we'll address that later. Now pick one.”
“I… lavender.”
“Okay your bath will be ready when you get here too.”
“See you soon, babe.”
It was around 10 at night when you finally reached his house and knocked on the door. Once he opened it, he was all smiles and took your bag from you and moved to the side so you could pass the threshold.
“I have everything set up for you, come on and follow me.”
Climbing the stairs of his house, you took in your surroundings because you literally hadn't been in it for more than five minutes. You saw multiple awards decorating the walls along with a few pictures of him and Ace, Clay, and his parents. Jack led you into what you assumed was his bedroom and he set your things in his closet.
“I have a little more room in here than the guest room closet does so I put your things in there and my bathroom is bigger so I have everything set up for you in there.”
“You definitely didn't have to do this.” You replied walking into the bathroom and you were in awe. The smell of lavender hit your nose upon entering and were surprised to see that multiple candles were lit. Jack came up behind you to throw in a lavender bath bomb as you were taking it all in. You couldn't even remember the last time someone did something like this for you.
“So that's why you asked me if I wanted lavender or vanilla?” You said and he simply nodded.
“Water is warm and I want you to take all the time you need. Your towel is here along with your robe….”
“What? My own robe?” You asked, cutting Jack off.
“Yes, I got it earlier today. I knew that something had happened and I picked up some things in order to help you hopefully feel better.”
“Well I appreciate you doing this for me. Can't remember the last time that someone was this nice to me.” You said and you caught Jack off guard as you went to hug him. After the initial shock, he hugged you back. This was as close as you two had been since Ace was conceived. Because the two of you were usually arguing.
“Of course, now come on before the water gets cold. I’ll crack the door so if you need me just call out.”
You stayed in the bathroom for close to an hour before getting out and drying off. After blowing out the candles and brushing your teeth with the toothbrush that Jack had bought you along with giving a quick rinse to your face, you walked out to see him reading with the tv on a low volume. He heard your footsteps and looked up and smiled at you.
“Feel better?”
“I do, surprisingly.”
“I got the guest room ready for you and it's right next to Ace’s.” He told you as he put his book down and hopped up from the bed.
“Oh wait, you need something to sleep in. Did you want to grab it out of your bag? If not, I can give you one of my shirts.”
“Your shirt is fine.”
Jack handed you one of his many Louisville Cardinals shirts and you held onto it and planned on changing into it once you reached the guest room.
“And make sure you don't steal this one.” Jack playfully told you as he remembered the many shirts that you stole from him during the very short time that you two were together.
“Hmm, no promises. I still have all the other ones and this will just be another one I add to my growing collection.” You answered as you thought about all the shirts that you had of his in your closet.
“Soon, I won't have any.”
“Stop being so dramatic.”
After Jack was back in his bedroom, it gave him time to think as he threw the comforter over himself and got comfortable.
He knew that this didn't fix the amount of pain that he put you through, but was thinking that it was a good enough start. He wanted to really prove to you that he was all in when it came to you and Ace. His end goal was having the three of you under the same roof and truly being a family. He knew it was a longshot, but he at least had to try. Progress was made when you gave him a hug catching him off guard and he felt that it was a huge step in the right direction. You had been doing everything by yourself for too long and it was time for that to change.
It was around 10 in the morning when all of you were on a plane headed to Boston. You and Ace were sitting next to each other and you were doing your best to entertain him while Jack was in front of the both of you when Urban came and sat next to him.
“Hmm so I see you two are talking?” Urban asked, gesturing towards you.
“Yeah, I'm just happy she's giving me a chance to get this right or at least try to.”
“Your ass finally grew up and it was about damn time.” Clay commented as he passed the both of them and went to pick up Ace.
“I'm also hoping that she'll be in a relationship with me again.” Jack quietly said in the hopes that you wouldn't hear and Urban just stared at him.
“You're my best friend and I have to be honest. I want you to be happy, but that sounds damn near impossible.”
“I know it sounds crazy, but I want us all under one roof. So much has happened and I have to make it right.”
“You can make it right by being a good father to Ace. Making it right doesn't necessarily mean that you two need to be together.”
“But I want to be, that's the thing. Truth be told, I see how amazing Ace is and I want more but I only want them with her.”
“You have done some serious soul searching because that sounds weird to hear you say.”
“Only thing is, I don't know if she'll go for it.”
“I mean, do you blame her? Look at how much shit you put her through.”
“But she hugged me last night. I called to check on her and I told her to come over because I knew she was upset. I bought her a whole bunch of things and ran a bath for her. I'm honestly surprised she said yes, but then again I wouldn't take no for an answer.”
“And yall didn't fuck? That was the perfect setup.”
“No! I need to take this slow and do it right.”
“Well…I… I just want you happy and if this will make you happy then okay.”
“What's the pushback for?” Jack questioned Urban as he saw him sigh.
“Look, this seems to be going a little too well and Y/N might pull something because of all the shit you've done to her.”
“Urb, she's not like that.”
“And how do you know? You were in a relationship with her for six months at most. You don't even know her if we're being honest.”
“I know enough to know that she wouldn’t do that, because she would have done it already with as much shit that has happened.”
“Well whatever happens, I'm here for you.”
“I appreciate that.”
It was the last day that you were all spending in Boston and you were currently helping Ace get ready because Jack surprised him and told him that he was taking him to a Celtics’ game. Knowing that Jayson Tatum was Ace’s favorite player, he got him a jersey in his size and he was wearing jean shorts with the New Balances that Jack designed. He also gifted you a pair that you planned on wearing with your olive green pants and white cropped hoodie.
When you were finished helping Ace tie his shoes, Jack walked in and smiled at the scene in front of him.
“Daddy, I’m ready!” Ace exclaimed as he ran over to Jack and he immediately picked him up.
“So that means we should get going. I have a feeling that you’re going to like where we’re sitting.” Jack had mentioned to you that you all would be sitting courtside and you didn’t tell him this, but you immediately got nervous. If you were sitting anywhere near him, you knew for a fact that cameras were going to be on the two of you which also meant that they would be on Ace.
Before Jack told Ace about his surprise, he consulted you first simply because this would be Jack’s first public appearance with him having Ace with him. He made sure that you were on board and assured you that he made a few calls to have an increase in security since the two of you would be with him.
Jack then looked over at you and smirked.
“Not you stealing my outfit.”
You looked at him confused before you looked down to see that the two of you were indeed matching. All you did was laugh to yourself and shake your head.
“I got dressed first so you in fact stole my outfit, not the other way around.” You replied back as you made your way over to the two of them.
“Hmm, I admit you do look good in it.” Jack replied and you tried to stop the smile from appearing on your face, but you failed miserably. It also didn’t help with the series of butterflies erupting in your stomach at this very moment.
“Daddy, can I get a hot dog?!” Ace asked as he looked at him hoping that he would say yes.
“Whatever you want, bubs.”
The three of you were currently outside of the arena and had just gotten out of the car when Jack could sense your nervousness and made a point to ask you if you were okay.
“What’s going on over there in that head of yours?” He asked as he whispered in your ear as the three of you were being led inside by security through the back entrance in the hopes of avoiding too many fans. Last thing that Jack would want to happen is them bombarding him when you and Ace were with him.
“Just nervous, I guess. I’m not used to being around big crowds of people.”
Jack was holding Ace as he quickly went to grab your hand and held onto it tightly as he squeezed it.
“It's going to be fine, you’re with me. Just let me know if you ever feel overwhelmed and need a minute.”
You nodded your head towards him and Jack gave you a small smile in return. Soon after, you three were led to your seats and Ace couldn’t contain his excitement.
“Ace? What do you think of this view, bubs? You like it?” Jack asked and Ace immediately nodded his head as he spotted Jayson who was coming out to warm up.
“Daddy! Look!” Ace replied as he pointed in Jayson’s direction.
“Do you want to meet him?” Jack had sent Jayson a text the night before telling him that he was going to be at the game and that he was bringing Ace and how he was his favorite player. Jayson responded and told him that he would definitely make it a point to say hi to Ace during the night.
Suddenly Ace’s eyes went wide and he proceeded to turn around and hide in Jack’s chest. He would get like this often when he was meeting new people, but once he warmed up to them he was fine. He finally peeked up at Jack and gave him a slow nod which led to Jack smiling at him.
Once Jayson spotted Jack, he jogged his way over to all three of you and immediately greeted you and Jack before turning his attention to Ace.
“This must be the famous Ace that I heard so much about.” Jayson said as he squatted down to his height.
“That's me! How did you know my name?” Ace asked while looking at him confused.
“I know your dad and he told me all about you. I also heard that this is your first game?”
“Yes! My daddy got your jersey for me. Oh I forgot to say thank you. Thank you daddy.” He answered as he looked down at his outfit.
“You're welcome bubs.”
“Ace, I'll make a deal with you. If we win, I'll give you the ball.”
“Really?” He asked as his eyes went wide.
“As long as you're good for mom and dad the entire game, you can have it.”
It was safe to say that the Celtics won and Jayson even signed the ball before handing it to Ace who couldn't contain his excitement.
By the time that you all got back to the hotel and put Ace to sleep, your back was on fire. Your plan was to take ibuprofen and lay down as soon as possible.
Jack noticed you wincing as you came to steal his charger since yours was on its last leg and would charge when it wanted to. He quickly grabbed your hand to question you about it.
“What's hurting? You're wincing.”
“My back, but I'll just take something and go to sleep. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does I can barely move for like two days.”
“Umm, I can help you if you want.” Jack replied and you looked at him confused.
“Help me how?”
“I can give you a massage to help get the kinks out. It’ll probably make it feel better.”
“Seriously? Is this your plan to try and seduce me?” You questioned him while laughing.
“No funny business I swear.” He said as he held his hands up in defense.
“Well, I guess it couldn’t hurt.”
“Just let me check on Ace and make sure he's asleep. You can stay in here and take off your clothes so you’ll be ready for me.”
“It sounds weird when you say it like that.” You replied as you plugged in your phone and waited for an indication to see that it was indeed charging.
“I did want to be a massage therapist at one point and I’ve been told that my hands work magic.”
“Hmm, I bet all the girls tell you that, don’t they?”
“Well now these hands are only reserved for you so you’ll have to tell me when I’m finished.” Jack winked at you before going to Ace’s room in the suite that was across the hall. You listened to instructions as you got somewhat undressed and wrapped yourself in a towel and simply sat on the bed and waited for Jack.
Once he returned, he locked the door behind him and told you to lay on your stomach with your chin resting on your arms. Jack undid your towel and moved it so that it was sitting right at your waist when you heard his voice.
“Um, Y/N, you have to take your bra off too.”
“Hmm, close your eyes and don't look.”
“Promise even though I've seen them plenty of times and even had them in my mouth.”
Rolling your eyes, you ignored his last comment as you slid the bra off your shoulders and placed it next to you on the bed. Next thing you knew you felt warm liquid on your back and Jack’s hands rubbing it in.
“What the? Where did you get the oil from?!”
“Shh, don’t worry about it. Just relax so I can make your back feel better.”
You weren’t sure how much time had passed, but your back definitely felt better and you were glad that you agreed to let Jack do this for you. As you were about to move a little to the side to get more comfortable, you felt Jack hands on the outside of your back and they got higher until they became dangerously close to your boobs before making their way back down. He had done it a few more times before you decided to adjust again as his fingers lightly brushed against your nipples.
As his hands started to move back down, you quickly caught one of them and moved it so that it was right on the outside of your breast. Meanwhile, Jack is starting to get nervous because he wasn’t quite sure what to make of your sudden movement, but him asking a simple question was all the confirmation he needed.
“Y/N, you want me to do the front of your body too?”
As you flipped over, your breasts were on full display for him and you laid your head back down as he grabbed more oil to place it on the front of your arms and chest. He massaged the oil into your arms first before gliding it over your chest and moving his way down to your stomach. Once he reached the lower part of your body, he wanted to move the towel to the side, but asked for your permission first.
“Is it okay, if I move this?”
You nodded your head and that was all the confirmation he needed. Moving the towel away from the bed, you were fully naked in front of him and he started to massage your thighs as he was trying to do his best to focus, he noticed that his pants were getting tighter and tighter begging for some type of release.
He had made his way down your entire body and quickly grabbed your hand to help you sit up indicating that he was finished. Once you did, you noticed the bulge that was evident in his pants. No words were exchanged as you immediately undid them and heard a quiet hiss escape from his mouth as you pulled them down to have them pool at his feet. His dick sprung to life and without another word being spoken, you took him in your mouth.
“Oh shit.” Was all he could moan out as he focused on you pleasuring him.
He made a makeshift ponytail of your curly hair so that it could be out the way, but knew because all of this built up sexual tension that he had every time that he was around you that he probably wasn’t going to last long.
As you released him, a river of saliva made its way out of your mouth quickly landing on Jack’s dick as you slowly put your mouth back on him.
“Y/N… fuck!”
You held eye contact with him as you moved him in and out of your mouth as he held your head in place. Your jaw was getting somewhat tired because of how big he was, but knew that he was close once you felt him twitch in your mouth.
Catching him off guard, you released him from your mouth again and he looked at you confused before you began jerking him off and sucking his balls at the same time. That was your go to move to get him to cum when you two were together and by his reaction, it still was.
“Yes, babe. Keep going, keep fucking going. I’m almost there.”
Within thirty seconds he was coming undone in front of you and you made it a point to take him back in your mouth as he was coming down from his high as you milked him dry.
When his breathing returned to normal, you simply looked up at him to see him now peeling off his shirt and removing his pants and boxer briefs from his ankles.
“You missed me sucking your dick, huh? Because I could definitely tell.” You told him as you wiped his cum from the corner of your mouth and quickly sucked it, tasting the last of it.
“I missed so much more than that, but you’re right.” Jack said as he brought his hand up to stroke your face and then leaned down to kiss you.
As hard as it was to admit, that was a feeling that you had missed.
“I figured I would return the favor for you giving me a massage, but you missed one spot.” You said as you took him in your hands again.
“Where’s that?” Jack asked and his voice suddenly got deeper making you become even wetter. Jack knew exactly where you were talking about but he wanted to hear you say it.
“You didn’t massage my pussy and I’m going to need for you to do something about that before I do it myself.” You answered as your fingers went to massage your clit, but Jack caught your hand.
“No need to do it yourself, because I’m here. Spread those legs for me.”
Smirking, you laid back as you spread your legs and soon felt Jack in between them. You felt him kiss it before he gave you one long lick making you moan and he immediately stopped.
“Be quiet babe. Don’t want you waking up Ace.”
You nodded your head and he continued to pleasure you as he slipped two fingers into you and made a note how wet you were for him.
Your hands found their way into his curly hair as you spread your legs even wider so that he could have better access to you. Catching you off guard, Jack stopped leaving you confused as he laid down on the bed next to you but not before throwing your bra that you had placed there clear across the room.
“Get up here and sit on my face.” He told you as he tapped your leg and you swung it over so that you were positioned perfectly with the help of Jack.
He had a tight hold on your legs and you knew for a fact that trying to get away from him would be damn near impossible.
As his mouth began to run over your folds, you placed your hand over your mouth in order to help you keep quiet.
Jack wasn't making it easy for you as he began to give his undivided attention to your clit. He quickly noticed how you began squirming and squeezed your legs even tighter anticipating that you would try to move away from him.
“What did I use to tell you about running from me?” Jack asked as he came up for air and was waiting for a response from you.
“That you wouldn't let me cum.”
“Good. Now stay still.”
In order to give yourself some leverage, you rested your arms on the headboard as you felt that familiar feeling in your stomach become more pronounced.
“Oh shit.” You couldn't help but to moan out.
Hearing your soft moans and whimpers was music to Jack’s ears as he could tell you were close.
Squirting all over his face, he continued to lick your folds as you did your best to stay quiet in the hopes of not waking Ace up.
When he was finished, he placed multiple kisses along your thighs as you rested against the headboard. When you felt as if you could function again, you moved yourself away from his face and scooted down until you were hovering over him leaning down to give him several kisses as you went which he eagerly returned.
“Give me another one. I miss kissing you.” You heard him say as he guided you back down to meet his lips with yours.
In between kisses, you slowly smiled because you felt the same way.
Not knowing how long he had you there for, you slowly felt him lift his hips up to enter you and you met him halfway as a moan escaped both of you.
To make yourself more steady, your hands rested on his stomach while his hands went to your hips to help guide you.
“You're riding me so good, baby.”
Using him saying that was your motivation, you began to go faster as his arms had now wrapped around your waist fully and sat up to suck on your breasts making a loud moan escape from you.
As he continued to kiss all over your chest, without warning, he flipped the two of you over so that he was now hovering above you and placed your legs back as far as they would go as he entered you again, bottoming out and began to move in and out of you slowly.
“Oh fuck, Jack go faster.” You breathed out and no words were spoken as he listened to what you wanted for him to do.
Within two minutes your orgasm hit you like a ton of bricks and Jack slowly moved out of you as he came all over your chest and stomach.
The only thing that could be heard was both of your erratic breathing as you were trying to steady it. Once Jack had done so, he went into the bathroom before he made his way back over to you, gliding the warm cloth all along your body. When he was finished, he laid down next to you and immediately turned your body towards him once more so he could kiss you.
When the two of you finally broke apart, Jack still had his arm wrapped around you as you cuddled into his chest.
Waiting until Jack fell asleep and you helped move the process along by playing in his hair which you always did when you two were together, you gathered your clothes and made your way back to your room and took a quick shower before laying down and pulling the comforter over your body.
You were wide awake and your mind was racing thinking about what had just happened between you and Jack.
Regret didn't come across your mind at all, but now you didn't know where the two of you stood. Jack had been hinting on wanting to be in a relationship with you again, but at this moment in time you just weren't sure. He has definitely stepped up and been the father that Ace deserves but could he be the person that you needed when it came to a relationship?
Grabbing your phone, you opened the group chat and sent a text to Nadia, Blaire, and Liv.
You- I just did a thing….
Liv- Explain the thing!
Nadia- Wait, why are we all up? Where's Blaire?
Blaire- Present!
You- I just had sex with Jack
Liv- Oh
Blaire- 😀😀😀😀😀😀
Nadia- Okay, what's the problem? You got dicked down!
You- I think that I'm leaning towards giving him a second chance
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ssahotchnerr · 2 days
beach days with the family 🥹🥹💕💕💕 I just KNOW aaron would be stressing about Ellie swimming but seeing Jack being such a good but brother and helping her ☹️☹️💝 it literally melts my heart
- 🏎️
aaron would be stressing about everything omg 😭 you'd have to remind him to calm down and enjoy himself LOL
but sooo much goes into a beach trip, aaron can't help it 😭 first it's packing all the necessities - beach toys, towels, chairs, SUNSCREEN, an umbrella, snacks, drinks in a cooler, etc.. then loading it all up into the car. a lot of the prep happens the night before - beach bags are packed, you lay out all the swimsuits; jack and aaron have matching swim shorts, ellie has the cutest little swimsuit 😭😭😭 so in the morning, you're getting jack and ellie ready as aaron gets the car ready. he plans to leave decently early in the morning too; to get to the beach at a reasonable time, to beat traffic and the crowd (the day you planned to go is a scorcher), to get a good spot.
that's the first order of business - getting that spot. it's close enough to the water that you can easily watch jack, and it's not a long walk if ellie were to fill up a bucket of water for a sandcastle. once the umbrella is up, chairs underneath and towels are laid out, aaron's making sure everyone is lathered generously in sunscreen. jack even has a baseball cap on, ellie has an adorable bucket hat, for that extra layer of protection - no one is getting burnt on aaron's watch, and he makes sure to reapply sunscreen multiple times 😭 the same goes for you!!!! once jack and ellie are protected from the sun, aaron's putting plenty of sunscreen on you himself 😭🥰 in addition!! breaks from the sun are frequent - aaron drags the two of them under the umbrella, making sure they hydrate as well.
jack's just the best big brother 🥹 he teaches ellie how to make a sandcastle, how to jump over waves, how to hunt for shells 🥹 the two of them keep each other busy, which is extremely helpful because then you and aaron can enjoy the sun and do your own thing - reading, sunbathing, whatever. hehe you keep the bau ladies groupchat busy, by sending pics of your beach day 🥹<333 jack and ellie cheesing in front of their sandcastle, ellie wearing aaron's sunglasses which are muchhh too big for her, aaron standing there all 🤨 with his arms crossed, as he watches jack and ellie play in the shallow water 🥰
jack holding ellie's hand as they wade into the water 😭🥺 keeping her close, and so the waves don't knock her over 😭 they're in the water just enough for the little currents to hit their feet, which causes ellie to shriek in excitement every time 😭🥺 and if the waves start to pick up, aaron's joining them immediately (ellie also has a lifejacket/floaties on her arms in she's in the water)
and if ellie wants to go in further, aaron or you are accompanying her🥰 while keeping that watchful eye on jack too. he's bolder when it comes to playing in the ocean, ellie on the other hand, is a bit hesitant. at first even, she has a minor meltdown when she feels the hot sand under her feet, the texture of it different and she has major difficultly walking in it, and absolutely detests the taste of the salt water when it splashes her and gets into her mouth - but she gets used to it rather quickly.
but, just the visual of ellie is hoisted on aaron's side - clinging onto him for dear life - as the waves crash against the two of them 😭😭💓💕💓💕 sobbing. while she's always on the clingier side, it heightens a ton when something's new or she's nervous 🥺<3
aaron's least favorite part of going to the beach though - sand. he just hates that it clings onto everything, there's always more of it to be found. so when it's time to leave, he's profusely shaking the towels, rinsing off the toys in the ocean, getting as much of it off jack and ellie as he possibly can 😭 it's inevitable, he knows, but some gets onto the floor of the car, gets stuck in ellie's car seat, and he gets so troubled by it LOL 😭 that night when you're home, he's in the garage vacuuming it all up right away LOL
but it's worth it 🥹<3 the fun the kids had, spending time together as a family, he'd do it all over again in a heartbeat 💓🥰
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liaslullaby · 3 days
Jealousy is an ugly color | Yaku Morisuke
You've been talking to Kuroo more than usual and your boyfriend Yaku gets jealous so you two have been fighting over and over again about this.
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Contents: afab!reader, choking, consensual, hand job, clothed sex, fingering, penetration, unprotected sex.
Word count: 2.7K
+18 MDNI—Explicit content
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You snorted sick of your argument with Yaku, so you decided to ignore him while you finished getting ready, if he wanted to continue fighting he could do it with himself because you had enough of that.
"Are you listening to me?" he asked behind you as you put on your favorite earrings, ignoring everything that came out of his mouth. "Are you seriously going to apply the stupid law of ice to me, how old are you?"
You quickly turned around to stick your tongue out at him and he imitated your action because even though you were both adults, mentally you were five years old.
You messed up your hair a bit, to give it the right touch you were looking for, the benefits of short hair is that you didn't need a lot of time to fix it. You applied some lipstick before winking at yourself to turn around facing an angry Yaku.
"Ready to see your boyfriend Kuroo?" He asked crossing his arms causing you to roll your eyes tired that he still had that stupid idea in his head.
The last few days you were talking to the black-haired man more than usual, which made Yaku's jealousy rise to stratospheric levels, so he hadn't stopped turning every opportunity he had into a fight even thouhg you told him he has nothing to worry about.
"Last time I check my boyfriend wasn't a light pole with a rooster hairstyle" you mentioned hoping to make him laugh but there was no reaction from him other than the vein on his forehead jumping.
After yelling at each other for a few more minutes, you both finally left your apartment to go to the place where you would have dinner with Kenma and Kuroo. The road in the car passed in complete silence since neither of you wanted to continue and take your problems to the dinner or some public place where you could easily become news for the press especially since that was the last thing your relationship needed, which the rest of the world would find out that you two were not getting along at all. The consequences of being the girlfriend of a famous professional Volleyball player is that the two of you always have to be on guard because for annoying press.
You entered the building where the restaurant reservation was located, Yaku always put an arm around your waist when you walk together, however this time he refused to go next to you and instead came a few steps back with one hand on his pocket and his phone in the other looking at anything in particular. At the end of the lobby you entered the elevator and held the door to wait for your boyfriend.
"You had to bring that damn dress and those heels, right?" he hissed, clenching his jaw as the elevator began to move.
"You bought it for me, asshole. What the hell is the deal with the dress and heels now?" You yelled turning to him, luckily there was no one else with you in there.
"Do you want to know what the damn problem is?" He turned to you and in a quick movement cornered you placing both arms on each side of your body preventing you from escaping. "All the idiots out there couldn't take their eyes off you beacuse you are wearing that damn dress and those heels".
"So you're saying that's my fault?"
"Yeah, because you have to look amazing in whatever you wear and I hate that" Yaku's eyes locked on yours, you were ready to yell back but his gaze moved away from yours and he slowly scanned your body. "I hate that others think they can wish what's mine"
He and you are exactly the same height most of the time, except when you're wearing your heels. People might think that he would be annoyed if you wear them but it was totally the opposite, Yaku loves to see you in heels mainly because then he can have your neck and chest just where he likes it.
"I already told you that your jealousy is stupid" you sighed trying to relax before the elevator reached the top floor where you had to get off.
"It's too easy for you to just say that shit, like it's useful" Yaku's hand immediately traveled to your neck and you widened your eyes at his action, startled for a moment since he had never done that before. "You always say I don't have to worry but then you go and laugh with him about me, don't you?"
With each word Yaku's hand closed a little more around your neck, cutting second by second the passage of air through your throat. His other hand began to caress your thigh while he raised your dress, when he got high enough he brought his lips closer to yours and kissed you pressing hard against you. You tried to separate to answer him but every time you tried to move away he got closer to you or squeezed your neck with more force.
The hand that he kept on your thigh kept going up looking to find your panties but when he reached your hip he noticed there was nothing to find.
"If we only came to dinner with those two, why the hell aren't you wearing underwear?" He yelled, moving away from you. Your cheeks blushed, embarrassed that he found out before time, the truth is that you expected him to notice in the middle of the dinner, you wanted to make him feel better letting him masturbate you under the table but now it seemed that he was only going to get even more upset.
"For you, fool. Not for Kuroo, everything I do is for you but if that's so hard to understand you can go fuck yourself, I'm sick of this" you fixed your dress and turned your back on him. You didn't even feel like going to dinner anymore, so you decided to wait until you got to the restaurant to apologize to your friends and then call a taxi to go back to your apartment alone, he could do whatever he wanted as long as he left you alone for the rest of the night, you really had enough.
The elevator stopped suddenly and you turned around ready to go down but the doors didn't open, all you saw was Yaku taking his hand away from the button that stopped the elevator in emergencies.
"Prove it," he said, crossing his arms.
"Show me you're telling the truth" he explain.
"Why would I show an idiot that I'm telling the truth?" You crossed your arms in imitation of his action. Whatever game he wanted to play you didn't feel like playing it.
Yaku's hands went down to his belt, undoing it, removing it easily to let it fall to the side of him and the next thing he did was undo the button on his pants with a commanding look in his eyes that refused to leave yours, like if you were simply challenging each other with that and neither was willing to lose.
He lowered his pants and boxers enough to be able to take out his cock, it wasn't the biggest of all but it was a good size, the most important thing is that it's always been just what you need. He clicked his tongue at you and move his head telling you to do what he wanted, which was not going to happen so easy.
"Suck it" he demanded in a deep voice. His words and the way he was behaving really make you wet but he couldn't know that, his jealousy had you too tired to just give in that easily, even if you wanted to.
"and why should i do that?" Yaku rolled his eyes upon hearing you and let out a grunt, then without giving you time to process what was happening, he brought his hand to your neck and slammed you against the wall of the elevator, taking your breath away for a second.
"You said you like to do things for me, right? So do it for me" he whispered in your ear and then kissed you again the same as before, invading your mouth without problems.
His hand left your neck only to move to your shoulder and push you down, you struggled a bit but finally ended up on your knees in front of him. You looked up, even if you had him in front of you, it didn't mean that you were going to give him the pleasure of submitting to him. Yaku noticed it and then decided to take what he could of your hair in one of his hands to get you closer to his dick.
"You are an idiot, have anyone told you before?"
"It's the fourth time you've said that today honey" he answers smiling cynically. "Now stop wasting time, you're making our friends wait"
"I'm not going to do anything unless you beg for it" if there was a way to anger him it was that, to challenge him, force him to leave his pride to get what he wants.
He pulled you by the hair to make you stand up and he slammed you against the elevator wall again scaring you for a moment, your palms traveled up to his chest to keep him at bay, so he let go your hair to raise your dress again and use one of his knees to spread your legs then he take one of his hands to your pussy making you sigh, you looked away before his smug smile appeared.
He decided to keep his comments about how wet you were and instead began to make small circles on your clit, sending the first wave of pleasure through your body that made you relax a bit, your hands stopped pressing on Yaku's chest so he take the opportunity to get closer and kiss your neck while his free hand caressed your hip. You pressed your lips against each other hard, stopping yourself from moaning, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of knowing how good he was making you feel.
"You prepare to beg" he murmured against your neck just before leaving your clit alone to introduce the first digit into your entrance. You closed your eyes for a moment when you felt it and your legs tried to close instinctively but the knee between them didn't let you. Even if you refused to moan, your wetness gave you away, besides that you inadvertently squeeze around his finger making him smile.
Yaku knew your body better than anyone and he knows just where to touch to make you feel good, from the first time you two were together he discovered your weak points, information that was now clearly exploiting in his favor.
You could feel his member rubbing against your leg as he inserted a second finger into you, now going deeper than before, meeting your G-spot and making you let out a very slight squeal. Using his teeth, he lowered the straps of your dress so it fell enough to reveal your breasts and now he had a free way to take one of them into his mouth, beginning to surround your nipple with his tongue making small circles without stopping to give it attention also to your entrance.
Although the pleasure was becoming almost impossible to handle, you managed to bite your lower lip, still holding back from moaning, while one of your hands reached down to take Yaku's member, wrapping it completely. You started with soft and somewhat clumsy movements because your head began to cloud over what he was doing to you, however, as soon as his lips desperately joined yours it was easier for you.
Unlike the previous time, now he kissed you with more need than before, as if his lips were simply attracted to yours by a greater force that he was not able to control. Your lips parted giving him access to your mouth and allowing your tongue and his to begin a battle for dominance. You increased the rhythm of your hand and felt how he began to squeeze your hip with more force controlling himself as necessary to not hurt you.
"Can I fuck you already?" He asked leaving aside his pride to look at you pleading with his eyes.
For a moment you thought about telling him how needy he had sounded but the reality is that at that point you were almost the same or worse than him, so you simply nodded, took off your heels so that you two were at the same height and it would be easier for both of you.
Yaku took one of your legs and surrounded his waist with it because he knew that he could go deeper if he wanted to, with his other hand he took his member to direct it to your entrance. Your arms went around his neck and when you felt the tip of him enter you, you kissed him again.
Once he was fully inside, he tightened his grip on the hand that was on your leg and drove the other to your waist before pulling out and slamming in again making you moan against his lips. His thrusts were strong and deep, as if he was taking out all the hatred that jealousy had generated on him before. You were almost certain that had never felt so good.
What you did not know is that his jealousy had really gone after you confessed that you did everything for him, after that he had only decided to continue because knowing that you were not wearing underwear had really turned him on and the result had been better than what he expected.
His pace increased and so did your moans, you rested your head on his neck and closed your eyes feeling the usual knot on your stomach begin to form, you could felt Yaku hitting over and over in the right place. His breath was heavier than before since he was fully concentrated on you.
"I wann-a hear it a-again" he say keeping his merciless thrusts. For you his voice sounds so far away, your mind was too cloudy, you can barely think and process what's going on other than Yaku's cock invading your insides.
"The t-thing that you s-say before, about me" after his words he let out a moan and threw his head back, he was almost as close as you.
"E-everything I do is f-for you baby" you kissed his neck and immediately your orgasm was present, so you tightened around him making him not able to bear any more.
You both moaned at the same time, he tightened his grip on your leg and waist with all his might to hold you in place as he filled you completely, fortunately you were on birth control. Yaku released your leg to cup your face with both hands and kiss your forehead.
You took the opportunity to rest your head on his neck again as soon as he surrounded you with his arms, both of you remained silent for a minute, recovering your breath until you decided to break that silence.
"No one could never be like you"
"Don't encourage me or you'll make me hard again"
Kuroo and Kenma exchanged glances as they saw how restless you were since your boyfriend hadn't arrived at the restaurant yet, after fixing your clothes the two of you decided to separate because you wanted to go to the bathroom to clean yourself first, he should have gone straight to meeting with his friends, however he was not there when you arrived so it was up to you to invent the excuse why you had been late. Luckily they bought into your lie about being stuck in traffic without asking too many questions at least until now.
"Where did you say Yaku went?" asked the black-haired man and you felt your palms start to sweat.
"Are you so desperate to see me?" Yaku's voice behind you made you sigh in relief as soon as you heard it.
He approached the table first stopping to put a usb in your hand and then approaching his former teammates to greet them. Once he sat next to you, he approached your ear and whispered some words that made your blood run cold.
"It is the recording of the security cameras of the elevator, it was difficult but I got it" he mentioned before winking at you.
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elisysd · 3 days
16. I want you to see, how you look to me
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Masterlist - Previously - Next
Chapter soundtrack : BIRDS OF A FEATHER - Billie Eillish
He was furious. He had pictured Zandvoort and the second part of the season as some sort of resurgence. A fresh start. A new beginning. In his mind it was supposed to be different. He was feeling happy in his private life, why his professional one couldn’t follow the same path? The worst thing was that he wasn’t furious against his team, no, it was mostly against himself. He just needed some peace and quiet to focus on himself before going to media duties, which he dreaded. He wanted to hide in his driver room, he wanted to brood, just a while. He passed his door right as he felt an anxiety attack coming for him. His throat tightened, making it hard for him to breathe. He tried to cough, thinking it would make everything better when it just managed to make it worse. His vision started to blur right as two arms circled his waist and he felt a head pressed on his back as the sweet perfume of vanilla mixed with lavender hit his nostrils. 
“It’s okay, Charles. You’re okay,” you whispered, scared a sound too loud would scare him or make him spiral. As though he was about to break.  “I’m here for you. Whatever you need, I’ll try to get it.”
“Can you give me a better car?”he asked, a nervous chuckle escaping his lips. 
“That might be out of my hands… sorry,” you pouted, trying to make him laugh for real. “But seriously, I’m here for you. You’ve been there for me when I needed you most, so it’s natural to show up when you’re feeling down.”
“This is the worst weekend of the season. I know I say this every Sunday but this is how I feel. But somehow, you’re making it a whole lot bearable,” he mumbled, burying his head in your neck. “I don’t want to go to the interviews.”
“Do you want to have an interview simulation with me?”
“As long as you don’t hold back.”
“When have I ever held back with you, Leclerc?” you teased him, bumping his shoulders with yours.
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Coming back to the hotel with you, he was in a happier mood. Your help before the interviews had been much more useful than Silvia’s briefing and Pierre, his best friend, had earned his very first podium with Alpine after a complicated beginning of the season. In the end, the weekend was not that bad. His first move when crossing the door of his hotel room was going for a shower while he saw you throwing yourself on the bed, exhausted. He felt stupid for not checking up more on how you felt. He knew it had been a complicated day for you as well. He briefly hesitated joining you but he was feeling sweaty and in his own head. He didn’t want to drop his bad mood on you, even unconsciously. 
When he came back, you were sitting cross-legged on the edge of the bed, scrolling on your phone and not caring about his presence. He was sure you hadn’t even noticed him. He slowly approached you, carefully sitting next to you to see a picture of both of you arriving together, hand in hand, in the paddock. 
“They are blaming me,” you said, matter of factly, without an ounce of anger or sadness in your voice. “Because of your DNF.”
“It’s stupid.”
“It is. I don’t understand how some people can be so… violent. I’ve done nothing but walk next to you and hold your hand. And here they are calling me nasty names, saying that I only bring you bad luck. As if you had been exceptionally lucky this season… Sorry. How can all of this be my fault?”
Charles saw a tear forming on the corner of your eye and he quickly caught it before pulling you against his side. 
“I was stupid to think we would go unnoticed, that we would manage to stay out of people’s radar. It was naive.”
“If it is too much for you…”
“Don’t you dare finish this sentence. It’s not too much, you’re not too much. Your life is not easy to handle, sure. But I love you. What I feel for you is worth going through that. I just need to get used to it. I knew it was a risk, that being insulted was part of the game even if I don’t understand it. It hurts, I won’t deny it. But I love you. That outdoes the bad sides.” you reassured him, putting a hand on his cheek. 
“If you don’t want to attend Monza, I would understand.”
“I’m going to Monza. It’s your second home race, there is no chance I will miss it.”
“Then, I promise you, you won’t be alone. My mom will come and I’ll make sure you stay by her side.”
“I… I think I would like that.”
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Monza was everything you were expecting and more. Sea of red and yellow flags were displayed everywhere. Fans chanted Charles’ name wherever he was going. Autographs and pictures taken every minute of every day. It was exhausting and you were not the one having all these duties. But Charles didn’t seem to look tired, quite the opposite. The more he was seeing people, the more he was excited and the more he couldn't wait to go on track. His goals were clear and he would do anything in his power to get them. That’s why he was absolutely crushed after the qualifying. He wanted to be the one on pole and no matter how much he was happy that a Ferrari would start P1, he would have rathered it be him. 
“You can still aim for the podium, Charles,” you tried to reassure him at the table of the restaurant the team had booked.
“No matter what, I’m proud of you Charlie,” Pascale said, stroking his back as Charles was sighing, defeated. 
“Negotiations for my contract renewal are on pause. Fred wants us to focus on the remainder of the season, he told me it was not his priority. Bu it’s mine. I need to deliver. I need to show Ferrari that I’m still their biggest chance to come back on top. And it means that I have to outperform Carlos. And being P4 while he starts on pole, is not showing that.”
“They know how valuable you are for the team, Charles,” Lorenzo intervened. 
“Do they? Because I’m not sure of that myself.”
You glanced at Pascale who shook her head, clearly disagreeing with Charles’mood. You bit your lips, trying to find the right words. 
“If you are not sure, please look at the crowd. They love you. They trust you. They don’t care which positions you are starting tomorrow, they have your back. Always have and always will. Look at them. Look at us. We love you. We are proud of you. We are with you. It doesn’t matter if there are bumps on the road, we are sticking by your side. And not only us but your dad too, Jules, Anthoine… my brother. We are all here for you. You won’t let us down. I don’t think you could ever let us down, if I’m being honest.”
Charles turned his head in your direction. You could feel how emotional you were. Since the beginning of the weekend, Luc had been on every corner of your mind. You couldn’t help but think of how much he would have loved to be there so you had tried your best to keep engraved in your memory each details you had come across. Your phone was full of pictures of the track, cars, little italian streets, crowds and flags. Charles. Charles in his suit, Charles in his team merch, Charles, half asleep on the hotel bed, Charles and you taking stupid selfie mirrors. You were a lovesick mess, you knew it and you couldn’t imagine what Luc would say about that. You knew he would feel excited and would tease you endlessly. You would have been annoyed, sure, but you couldn’t help to miss it. Missing something that would never happen was a strange feeling, but one you had regularly. 
“I love you,” he simply replied, kissing the side of your head. 
The race went by like a blur. Your eyes, Pascale and Lorenzo’s were glued to the screen as you watched Charles and Carlos battling in a not so clean way. You feared that one of the cars, if not both, were going to get taken out and you knew it would be a disaster. It was the very last thing Ferrari needed for their home race. Thankfully, Charles brought the car home safe but, you knew, deep down, that he would be disappointed and angry. And from what you could read on Pascale’s face, she was thinking the same as you were. 
It took a whale before Charles finally appeared and contrary to what you expected, he was smiling and laughing. You didn’t have time to react when he took you in his arms, spinning you around and burying his head in your neck, inhaling your scent. 
“I’m so happy,” he mumbled against your skin as you ran a hand in his hair. 
“It’s been a long time since I felt so alive walking out of that car. This battle reminded me why I love racing so much. The thrill, the danger, pushing the limits… I missed that.”
“So… you’re not disappointed of not being on the podium?” you asked, trying to get a confirmation out of him. 
“Would I have loved winning against Carlos? Of course. But this is what racing is about, you can’t always win. But one thing is for sure, it fueled me with a new desire to be the best for the next races.”
He took you hand in his, kissed his mother’s cheek, promising her to visit her soon and left. The Tifosi were still there, waiting for him and as he looked at you, silently asking for your approval to go and see them, you nodded. 
“Join me.”
It wasn’t a question, it was a need. You followed him as the screams were getting more and more intense and soon, he was totally swamped with pictures, autographs on t-shirts and caps, and gifts handed to him. In front of such euphoria, you came to his rescue, helping fans getting their merch signed, collecting the little books and letters for Charles’ to read later. You could see in their eyes how grateful they were and you tried your best to reciprocate the feeling. When they finally went out of the paddock, you were both tired, but happy. Charles swung his arms around your frame and leaned into you. Once in the comfort of the crowd, he faced you, suddenly serious. 
Here you were, a Ferrari’s cap on your head, eyes shimmering with pride and happiness, rosy cheeks and a smile that hadn’t left since he had come back. It hit him. You belonged with him. You belonged in his life, around his friends and his family, in the garage, in his car, in his apartment. You belonged everwhere he was. 
“I love you,” he blurted out. 
“I love you too,” you replied, your fingers tracing his jaw. 
“No, I don’t think you understand. I’m in love with you. I’m in awe of what you are and I don’t believe that you are mine. There is not one fiber in my body that has fully proceeded that you chose me. But, I swear, If I have to spend the rest of my life trying to be worthy of you, then it is something that I’ll do gladly. I’ll do whatever it takes to make you happy.”
“I know. And I can promise you that I’ll do the same. I intend to make this, us, work. Because I truly believe you’re the love of my life, Leclerc.”
That night, as the moonlight was reflecting on your face, Charles couldn’t help a feeling of guilt to snake around his guts. You hadn’t complained about following him around, he knew you were happy with it, but he also couldn’t miss how you had, countless times, glanced at the media section of the paddock and he swore he had caught a look of longing in your eyes. You wouldn’t say it but he knew how you missed your job. And despite saying that you could find something else, that it was all okay, he knew you would never be as happy as you were in a F1 paddock, a media pass hanging around your neck. He was deadly serious when he had told you he would do anything for you. And anything started with talking to your old boss. 
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Author's note: And I'm back! It feels good to be there and to finally uplaod. I feel like I haven't done that in ages. I still don't know how regular I'll be so bear with me.
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elyntiasblog · 1 day
A dingus in love P1
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Summary: It might be hard to discern feelings in between the ties of friendship but who if not Henderson and the gang know how to help Steve get the girl of his dreams? Not without embarrassment, of course.
Warnings: fluff, humour, a bit of swearing, typos, Billy’s alive but still a jerk
You nod with a light grin seeing his face come into view as the front door of the Harrington household opens. A flicker of surprise flitted his face before he shook his head lightly and gestured at you, his perfect hair slightly fluttering yet not much. Sprayed and set, as always.
“Something happened?ˮ
“The gangʼs going to watch a movie today, decided to invite you, too.ˮ
He huffed a light snort rolling his eyes.“Those rascals donʼt ever sit at home, do they? Whatʼs the movie?ˮ
“The Goonies.ˮ
“Ugh,ˮ he groans. “Compared to our fights with the abnormal, itʼs a comedy show for five-year-olds.ˮ He glanced at you swiftly before opening the door wider and stepping inside the house. “And, of course, Iʼm coming along. Make yourself at home, Iʼll grab the wallet.ˮ
You chuckle and follow him inside knowing that his pockets would take a strain if the kids will ask for snacks and double portions of popcorn.. which they definitely will.
Your footsteps are soft as you look around the hall before prodding into the main area. The furniture screams opulence unknown to most residents of the town. Then, you gaze settles on the framed pictures hanging on the wall. The matches, games and trips out of town, all of it mostly including Steve in the centre of the attention.
“Theyʼre just fo the show,ˮ Steve mutters behind you with a bit of bitterness covered by nonchalance. “To seem the picture perfect family weʼve never been.ˮ
It makes you grow quiet for a moment before pointing at one of the pictures with a light grin.
“You were a cute chubby kid.ˮ It makes him huff a chuckle as he approaches you standing by the wall, even if the compliment doesnʼt fail to stir something in him.
“I used to be a cute and gorgeous kid, now Iʼm just gorgeous.ˮ
You roll your eyes snorting, “and pretty modest for a mother hen.ˮ
“Excuse me, Iʼm not a mum and trust me, I was nothing but forced into babysitting.ˮ
“Whatever helps you sleep at night..ˮ Y/n chirps as they exit the house and he locks the front door; by the time he approaches his car parked on the driveway he catches her mischievous expression aimed at him, her frame leaning against the hood. “Let me drive your car. I just got my license, need a little practice.ˮ
“With the car that costs more than your house? You wish.ˮ He huffs shaking his head and moving to open the door to the driverʼs seat.
“Comʼon, I wonʼt crash on the road.ˮ
“Of course not, youʼll wreck it on a neighbourhood tree first.ˮ
“Y/n.ˮ He looked up at her as they still stood by the car and shook his head muttering, “No, donʼt think about it. No, no, no—ˮ and finally a glance in your direction with a begrudged huff. “Fine.ˮ
Y/n squeals and jumps into the driverʼs seat before revving up the engine, “Youʼre my favourite person, have I mentioned?ˮ
“Yes and every single time youʼre buttering me up,ˮ he sighs getting in the front passenger seat. “Goddamn, I turned into a babysitter and a do-gooder.ˮ
“Youʼd prefer the idiot jock Steve?ˮ
“Ouch.. and no, that Steve was a dingus.ˮ
“Moron, more like it.ˮ
“I swear to God, Y/n—!ˮ
* * *
The gang or more accurately a bunch of schoolers along with Robin stood by the ticket booth waiting for Steve and Y/n, buzzing about something excitedly before Steveʼs car halted in the parking lot.
Steve grew weirdly suspicious when all of them not so successfully cut off their talking at the sight of them approaching, his eyes instantaneously fixing on Henderson who tried to hold in his smile from widening almost too much.
He nodded in greeting and so did Camille as everyone replied back but suspicion didnʼt leave him entirely only intensifying as he was about to move to the ticket booth as Dustin spoke up chuckling in a way a disney villain would.
“Oh, we already got the tickets for everyone.ˮ
It made Steve quirk a brow and cross his arms incredulously, “Since when youʼre not abusing my money and buy things for me?ˮ
Little rascal simply shrugged grinning and showing off his pearls as Robin chimed in.
“Letʼs say he had a prick of conscience. You canʼt pay for everything, right? Guys, right?ˮ
Lucas, Mike and Will froze for a moment before Dustin stepped on Lucasʼs foot nodding gravely.
“Precisely, itʼs time we repayed you, man.ˮ
Lucas hissed clutching his foot but soon lowered it, Max and El didnʼt even notice the whole thing having been speaking to Y/n the whole time.
Steve grimaced in a bewildered frown gesturing at the boys and Robin. “Youʼre a bunch of weirdos. Today youʼre even weirder. Spill the beans, whatʼs going on?ˮ
“Cut it off, Mr. Monroe hair.ˮ Henderson rolled his eyes huffing unimpressed before unceremoniously walking inside the cinema theatre leaving others to trail after him.
Steve shook his head following. Theyʼd saved the world like —three times now and still acted like brats. Sometimes he wondered how in hell heʼd end up babysitting them and not being the perfect son his father so desperately wanted to see in college and with a proper job.. His chocolate eyes drifted over the group of laughing teens and no, he woudnʼt have ever changed this for—
“Row 9 seats 6 and 7.ˮ
Henderson nearly hammered those tickets into his chest before moving further, he hastily took them with a mutter, “Jesus, man.ˮ
And only after having taken the seat he stopped to think for a sec, his gaze drifting to the rows below that had a few other kids in anticipation and then up to the higher rows above him... Dustin, Robin and Lucas were sitting with cheshire-like cats on their faces, Mike arguing about something with Max as El and Will were sitting quietly glancing around the dark hall. Damn, why the hell did they buy him a separate ticke—?
He jumped slightly and shot a look to his right as Y/n flopped in her seat softly with a small nervous grin. Oh. Oh. Steveʼs eyes widened as his head snapped back to the higher rows — the kids made everything to ignore his glare busy with exploring the worn-down fabric of the seats and caramel popcorn theyʼd bought before coming in.
“Uh, I hope you donʼt mind that Iʼm sitting here?ˮ
Mind? Noooo, Steve was appalled. The little shits set him up like a schoolboy playing one hell of matchmakers.
He gulped trying not to get nervous even if his hands started to sweat. “No, no- of course not.ˮ
He sent her a forced tight-lipped smile before turning to the screen with bewildered eyes.
* * *
“Dingus. Heʼs such a dingus.ˮ Robin mutters as they trail behind Steve and Y/n after the cinema.
“Heʼs a dumb bastard! This was no silver plate, this was the whole damn spoon-feeding and he did nothing!ˮ Dustin raved in whispered yells. Harsh it may be, it was true as they had to observe the pair for the whole damn movie only to get.. nothing. No interaction, no hugging, no kissing, goddamit.
“Told you a moronic movie wouldnʼt set the mood.ˮ Max crooned huffing at their idiocy of choosing the Goonies. Really now, the Goonies for a romantic ambience? She didnʼt know who was dumber.
They shut up as the group stopped in the hall, Robin and Y/n going to the restroom, the rest of them waiting for them. The moment they vanished behind the door Steve turned to the boys.
“What on Earth—?!ˮ
“A brick,ˮ Dustin interrupted condescendingly. “A goddamn brick has more seductive potential than you.ˮ
It made Steve falter blinking a few times and grow embarrassed. “My seduction skills are pretty fine, thank you very much.ˮ
Lucas and Mike huffed beside him before the former spoke up. “Dude, Iʼd already get her head over heels in your place.ˮ
“You? Oh really now, Sinclair?ˮ Harrington folded his arms pursing his lips in annoyance.
Dustin spoke up again. “Dude, weʼve practically got you that chick—ˮ
“Sheʼs not a chick,ˮ Steve muttered tiredly.
“—the hell youʼre not doing shit?ˮ
“I—,ˮ Steve opened his mouth only to close it and bit his lip.
Elʼs tentative voice reached their ears as she looked up at him and glanced at the door of the restroom. “You donʼt like Y/n?ˮ
“What? I—..ˮ He faltered before sighing deeply and running a hand through his hair. “I-I do, of course I do.ˮ It made Max and El grin warmly as boys faked gagging sounds, Dustinʼs face just as excited. “But what if she doesnʼt want me? Ever thought of that, dumbasses? I donʼt want to ruin our friendship because of your braindead predicament if she doesnʼt feel the same.ˮ
Dustin patted his back nodding gravelly, “Man, you have all the chances. Youʼre not so hard on the eye.. not as handsome as me but definitely not ugly.ˮ
Steve quirked a brow as if saying ‘man, are you damn serious?ʼ
Lucas clapped his hands chiming in, “Yeah, dude. I mean youʼre hella rich. The dealʼs in the bag.ˮ
Mike crossed his arms with a frown. “It didnʼt stop Nance from dumping his ass.ˮ
Dustin groaned before speaking up more cheerfully.
“Yes, Nance dumped you for... Jonathan but hey, no broken hearts, remember? You got it, man. I mean, you must be her ideal type. She doesnʼt hang out with anyone but you out of guys.ˮ
Steve nodded slowly and totally uncertain, “Yeah, maybe you’re right..ˮ
“Actually,ˮ Will cleared his throat speaking up as rarely as always. “I saw her talk to Billy in the mall a few days ago.ˮ
Everyone froze staring at him for a long moment as Max rolled her eyes, “and what that moron forgot with her?ˮ
Steve shook his haid before uttering slowly as his panic rose, “Wait, kid. You saw Y/n and Billy together in the mall the other day?ˮ
“Uh, yeah..ˮ Byers muttered already regretting saying it as Steve groaned before throwing hands.
“Damn Hargrove.. I have to compete with that piece of shi—?ˮ
Max cut him off abruptly. “Hey, Iʼd know if they were a thing, pull yourself together. Weʼve still got another phase of the plan.ˮ
“...what phase?ˮ Steve furrowed his brows in confusion just right before Y/n and Robin joined them again.
Soon to be continued..
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sodasletter · 1 day
some Darry (x reader) headcanons because i’ve seen so many good ones but there’s SO much i have to say about them.
these work for book/movie!Darry and musical!Darry because my god i love them both and musical!Darry deserves so much love
cw: none, just not proofread!
some people might hc that darry doesn’t say i love you a lot but he absolutely does. at least once a day. he will not leave the house without saying it.
after losing his parents, and especially after the situation with pony running away, he would never take the risk of not telling his loved ones that he loves them. especially his partner.
sure, he might not get sappy with the guys much because he wants to act all tough and stern, but with you he always says ‘i love you’ before he leaves for work and before bed.
i’d like to imagine that, because of that, it slowly over time becomes more habit for him to say it to the boys too.
it slips out at first. he’s running late for work, after giving you a quick peck and brief ‘love you’ while rushing out the door. without even thinking, without looking back, he tosses out a quick ‘love you boys’ as he sprints out the door.
the boys pause, because of course they’ve heard it before from him, but not so casually tossed out. ponyboy gives a small, almost embarrassed, but content smile then returns to what he’s doing.
i like to think from there it becomes more and more common for you all to remind that you love each other. because they all absolutely deserve the reminders and that house deserves to be filled to brink with love.
next, FLOWERS.
darry grew up watching his parents in love over the years. i love to imagine they’re the true definition of soulmates, high school sweethearts, etc. so his father absolutely showed up with flowers for no particular occasion, and often.
so darry grew up knowing how to treat his significant other well. he KNOWS how to be a gentleman for sure.
now, of course, he doesn’t have the money to splurge on actual bouquets all the time. he’ll set the money aside when he can to splurge for the special occasions, of course. but, he also doesn’t value materialistic things as much either. it’s the thought and effort behind it that counts for him. so spending the money on an actual bouquet every week is just, logically, a waste.
BUT he still wants to spoil you.
so, whenever he’s driving home from work, or to pick up the boys, or run errands, he keeps his eyes peeled. every couple weeks, as he drives past the park, or even just growing off the side of the road, he’ll spot the perfect bunch of flowers. there’s not a lot, just four or five, but it’s still perfect. something simple, just for you. he’ll park his truck and hop out, pick them, and toss them in the passenger side.
he tries to hide his small smile as hops back in the car. he tries to hide that he prides himself in the ones he picked for you, tries to ignore the skip of his heart thinking about the reaction on your face when he pulls them out from behind his back.
he brushes it off and pretends to ignore it but secretly he loves the way it makes him feel childish again, like a high schooler with a crush. it makes him feel like a kid, and honestly, he would kill anyone who even remotely jeopardizes the few times he can indulge in something that makes him feel like he doesn’t have to be grown up for just a few minutes.
he spoils you in whatever ways he can, but like i noted earlier, it’s the thought and effort more than the actual items itself. a lot of it is domestic and a lot of it is acts of service, because, really, that’s all his life has been for the past while. it’s the best way he knows how to show he cares.
he aspires to take you on big dates one day, because he feels you deserve only the best treatment. but for now, you and him are more than content to enjoy the occasional night alone when the boys are coincidentally not home for a bit. that’s as simple as making a nice meal for yourselves, playing a record while you dance around the living room.
even if the boys are home, if you finally have free time together he will absolutely make sure to make the most of it.
if darry isn’t exhausted from work (and sometimes still when he is, because he’s a self sacrificing jerk) he loves to take you on a walk during sunset. each time, he promises that one day you’ll be strolling along the beach together, or down the street in some big fancy city. each time, you promise that this is more than enough.
if he is really feeling it from work, but you both want some time together, he’ll make the two of you a cup of tea and you’ll sit on the front porch together.
soda and pony will tease you that you look like an old married couple - but they still do their best to stay out of trouble in that time. they make sure that you get whatever quality time you can get together, even just twenty minutes on the porch, because “goddammit look how happy darry is, i ain’t seen him smile like that since mom and dad was around”
(they also realize darry is a bit less hard on them for the night when he gets to relax with you, and he’s not checking on them to do chores or homework during that time so it’s a win-win for them)
darry pretends he’s sitting on the porch with you or going for walks because it’s what you want to do, and you let him play it like that. but secretly, this is the part of the domestic life that he does actually love.
he tells you all about his day, and listens to you talk about yours. he keeps one arm wrapped around your shoulders as you watch the sunset together.
i have this idea (it’s a fact idc) that secretly, darry loves to sit and watch the sunset. he would never admit it to the gang but it’s the only constant in his life that never changes, the only thing there every day that brought him peace - until you came along. he finds it almost as beautiful as you.
(bonus; you know ponyboy loves the sunset too, and you’re working on getting darry to admit this to him so they might finally understand that they’re the same. it’ll take time, but, you’ve slowly broken down their walls because they’re your boys and you’d do anything for them.)
i’m not sure how this is cause i’ve never posted outsiders stuff before but i’ve wanted to for YEARS and quite honestly the fandom needs more love for darry i love him so much.
let me know if anyone wants a part 2?? i have so many more thoughts to share !! i also accept requests!
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mako-doodles101 · 12 hours
Yo got any of your own bootheng/henghill hcs to share with the class? 👀
(these headcanons are all purely platonic cause I genuinely prefer to think of them like that ngl :))
Yes I know I made a whole art about how boothill carries dh whenever he could but like lemme emphasize that this is only a Boothill Privilege™
Dh showing him something in his book: "so you see bla bla bla-"
Boothill who couldn't be bothered to kneel to Dan Heng's level: *scoops him up*
Dan heng:....
Dan Heng: you know you could hold the book if you want
Boothill: nah
Dan Heng: ...fine
On the other hand Dan Heng would absolutely deck any other person who tries to carry him in anyway shape or form (caelus he is looking at you)
Alright listen Boothill used to be a dad and Dan Heng grew up in the shackling prison with no contact whatsoever so what I am saying is boothill found out Dan Heng likes dad jokes and uses that knowledge WHENEVER
*boothill and Dan Heng investigating something and boothill sees stairs*
Boothill: Ya know.... I never trust stairs....
Dan Heng: ....what?
Boothill: ....cause they're always up to something
Dan Heng:
Dan Heng: *snort*-
It makes boothill always proud whenever he can pull one if these
Boothill actually knows a lot about machines and stuff (cause... Y'know) and sometimes yaps about them to Dan Heng
Dan Heng actually took interest in this sunject and records whatever boothil says if it wasn't already recorded in the data bank
(Dan Heng fell asleep once hile boothill was talking about them but only because he was too sleep deprived and hasn't slept in days and boothill is nice company)
(boothill wasn't mad, in fact he was quite pleased the guy finally slept he looked dead on his feet)
After boothill leaves Dan Heng sometimes even goes to welt to ask him about stuff he doesn't understand concerning machines and welt happily explains them which causes some bonding moments cause found family stuff is my JAM u-u
Boothill knows how to play a lot of instruments (guitar/ harmonica/ ukulele/ etc-) (i don't know most instruments forgive me 😔)
He taught Dan Heng how to play ukulele at some point
Whenever boothill visits he just grabs Dan Heng and leaves and no one is phased at this point
*boothill visiting the express and tb greets him*
Tb: are you gonna stay here for a while?
Boothill: I'd love yo, mate but I gotta get something real quick from the express and then maybe I'll stay for a whole
Boothill: *gets into the parlor car*
Boothill: *gets into the archives and rumages a bit*
Boothill: *gets out of the archives with Dan Heng on his shoulders like a sack of potatoes* Well, I'll be right back!
Tb, hemiko and welt who got used to this: sure!
Pompom, also used to this: BRING HIM BEFORE DINNER!
March, who still DIDN'T get used to this: .....
March doesn't get payed enough for this
Dan Heng actually doesn't KNOW a lot of swear words (he knows the basics lol) so sometimes boothill says a swear that doesn't fit into what Dan heng knows so he goes the data bank to look up for what boothill meant
Hemiko found out about this one day and she gave boothill A Discussion™ about how to not use so much colorful language around the others
Boothill shudders everytime he remembers said Discussion™
Aight I think that's actually all I have for now teehee~
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witherwallflower · 2 days
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warnings: angst , alc & weed , lots of miscommunication , chris is dumb, not proof readdd
situationship!chris x oc : ciara loveland
a/n ; yes this story is connected to fishes n polaroids and this isn’t that great to the song but bare w me
“miscommunications lead to fallout”
“the story of us seems like a tragedy now”
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
chris and ciara have a complicated relationship. ciara was basically down bad for chris, she would tell herself and friends that they were “in love”, how they’d get to tell people when they’re older about their easy love story.
but then for chris it was supposedly the opposite, on his view he told his brothers and friends that “it’s just a talking stage” and in the next year or so she won’t matter to him.
chris wanted to focus on his youtube career while ciara just wanted a future with the one and only chris sturniolo.
flashback (2 months ago)
ciaras pov
recently chris has been very distant. yeah sometimes he needs days to himself but it was different this time. one word responses, always finding a way to cancel plans or ignore them and so much more.
i’ve decided to go over to the sturniolos today. not just for chris but i was invited by nick to come over.
once i reached the house, i knocked a few times. no answer. the door was unlocked so i just invited myself in, “they won’t mind” i thought to myself.
i was about to enter nicks room until i heard chris’ voice, “i know im leading her on guys but she should know im not a relationship type of person!”
i felt as if my heart dropped. me and chris are just talking but leading me on? tears took up my vision and it was like i couldn’t move my own feet.
“it’s not right either way. you got to tell her it’s been like 6 months of you guys talking or whatever you have.” nick told the younger triplet while matt hummed in agreement.
they’ve all knew this entire time and never bothered to tell me. after nick said that, i just walked out the house. my heart has never felt so heavy until now. my bottled up emotions came out the second i got in my car.
crying on the way home i called my sister aubree, “hey, can i sleepover? i think im finally done with chris.”
flashback ended
after the hard 2 months ciara pained through, she’s still trying to pick herself back up, yes it was just a situationship thing but chris took up 6 months of her time for nothing.
she hasn’t spoken to either 3 of the triplets. she knows she shouldn’t do that to nick and matt but having the thought that they knew she was being led on and not speaking up about it hurts her.
she’s only ever seen matt a couple of times because he’s dating her sister but they’ve only said hi and bye to each other. ciara knows damn well that matt wants to ask why she ghosted them because aubree refuses to tell him and the other 2 the reasoning of ciaras ‘disappearance’.
what also damaged ciara was that chris never even tried texting or calling her again. after she went ghost, he never texted first.
she saw him living his life on his social medias, he would go to parties, events and looking like he was living his life on the youtube account. while ciara would stay at home crying or even stay at her sisters house for some type of comfort.
but today, aubree made it her life goal to get ciara out of the house. “pleaseeee just come to this party with me! you don’t even have to drink or smoke or dance, get out the house for once.” the older sister begged.
“aubree you know how i’ve been doing these past months.” ciara frowned at her sister still glued to the couch. “babe, i know how you feel but it pains me too much seeing you this hurt. i don’t want you to isolate yourself forever.” she said softly, seeming genuinely upset. “fine.”
and now she regrets that. here she is standing in the corner of the room watching everyone dance and have fun while she’s sulking.
the smell of alcohol, weed, sweat and overall stench is taking up the room. ciara found herself thirsty and went to find something to drink. she didn’t want to get completely shit faced so she took 2 shots of who knows what and grabbed a can of dr pepper.
having fixing her thirst, she sat down on a couch that had an amazing view of where everyone was dancing. seeing people grind on each other, make out, or just have the time of their lives. ciara wishes that could be her.
she shook her head and looked to the right side of the room where everybody was standing and just talking. a certain group of people caught her eye. the triplets and some other random people. but she was mostly focused on someone.
chris sturniolo.
midway of him talking to nick, he turned his head feeling eyes burning through his side profile. and there sat ciara. he was completely speechless.
nick and matt had noticed this action and questioned what he was looking at and even turned their own heads in curiosity.
the triplets were all staring at ciara but her eyes were stuck on chris. she got up in disbelief and walked away.
“is he even has hurt as i am right now.” she thought to herself. ciara tried escaping by sitting in the bathroom alone until aubree wanted to leave. “did aubree even know they were going to be here?” thoughts scattered her mind until she reached the bathroom. but of course it was occupied.
ciara tried knocking many times but to no surprise she heard 2 voices. and it was just moaning. she rolled her eyes knowing that those people were going to take a while. she put her back against the wall beside the door waiting.
while her thoughts were going 100 miles per hour, she saw someone walk up towards her. it was chris. ciara was in absolute shock. why would he even try talking to her after all that’s happened.
having enough she pulled herself up and walked towards the doors. she didn’t even care is aubree was her ride, ciara was certain to walking home.
after squeezing herself by many and many people she finally made it out, breathing in the fresh air. but it was interrupted by chris.
“ciara please wait up” he tried begging the girl, but she just kept walking. “im not going to stop following you until you talk to me!” he yelled out.
she turned around and viewed the boy. only the street light giving them a way to see each other. “what do you want christopher.” she said sternly.
she’s never called him his first name which brought chris a slap of regret. “why haven’t you talked to me in months?” he said seemingly upset.
“you’ve got to be joking me right?” ciara said laughing as a way of sarcasm. chris just nodded at her because he was confused.
“you aren’t a relationship person remember? you led me on chris,” she paused, “i heard you that one day i came over. you never cared for me.”
chris felt as he stopped breathing. he knows exactly what she’s talking about. “ciara, i did care for you. im so sorry.” he tried telling her and taking steps closer to her.
ciara was not buying anything he was telling her. “no you didn’t. im not believing anything you’re saying. i want to believe you chris, i really do. but after everything you put me through?” she told him feeling herself start to cry.
chris had no idea what to say or do. he just stood there and took what she told him. he looked to his feet knowing the pain he caused to poor ciara.
she was done. finally using her feet and walking away.
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mahli talks!! holy moly. this was so fun to write mwahahah anyways pt 2 will either come out tonight or tomorrow don’t know but do know it will have a happy ending cuz i love happy endings sue me 😝
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vinylfoxbooks · 2 days
June 18 - Date | @jegulus-microfic | wc: 870
Early on in their relationship, Regulus had started forcing James to read books that he enjoyed to ‘culture’ him. They both discovered that James prefers to read the romances that Regulus has him read to any of the other genres that Regulus likes. Partly because of the romance -- James is a hopeless romantic through and through -- but it’s also because Regulus annotates his books.
Well, he annotates all of them, but his regular annotations are more… official. They’re more investigative and questioning but in his romance books? He likes to let loose and write small notes more like ‘me,’ ‘cute,’ ‘i wish,’ etc. He also tends to underline the cute, romantic scenes or any and all interaction between the main character and their love interest. And it gives James some… ideas.
Every time that James is reading one of those books in private, he takes a picture of whatever sort of date or cute interaction that Regulus underlines or highlights or writes something along the lines of ‘I would kill for this’ in the margins. And it’s why, when he asked Regulus out on a date for the weekend, he started going through the album in his phone where he stored all of his pictures of Regulus’ annotations, trying to find a good date for him to take Regulus on. 
And eventually, he finds one. 
The set up begins immediately and James is buzzing with excitement when the day comes. He tells Regulus to wear something comfortable and picks him up just before sunset, making sure that he’s got everything in the trunk of his car before he leaves his house. 
“Are you going to tell me where we’re going?” Regulus asks once he’s comfortable in the car. 
James shakes his head, “You’ll just have to see. It’s a bit of a drive but… Just trust me.”
“Okay.” Regulus nods and James starts driving. James drives them for about 30 minutes before he pulls off to a parking lot and gets out, prompting James to do the same. He grabs one of the backpacks he has sitting in the back of his car and gives the other to Regulus, “Put this on.”
“James I swear to God if we’re going hiking, especially right before it gets dark.”
James shakes his head, “We’re not going hiking. It’s a bit of a walk but it’s totally worth it and it’s not a hard walk, just along a flat trail.” 
“I know you said to trust you but that trust is wavering.” 
James laughs and grabs Regulus’ hand, “I promise it will be worth it. Just… work with me.” And with that, James takes off into the woods. 
It’s sparse woods, with only a few trees and a thin canopy above them so it’s not hard to see, even with the dying light. Eventually, they come up to a building. It’s maybe four stories and has a flat roof, abandoned but not necessarily decrepit. 
“What is this, James?” Regulus says as they walk towards the door, “I hope you know how sketchy this seems.”
“I know that it seems weird, but, please.” James pleads, “I promise, the building is completely safe to be in. I’ve been here plenty of times. 
“You and the weird, sketchy shit that you do in your day to day.” Regulus shakes his head.
James laughs but continues to pull Regulus into the building. They climb up the stairs until they’re on the roof of the building, having a beautiful overview of the woods and parts of the city that they just left. James instructs James to Regulus to put his backpack down and he starts to unpack them. Blankets are set out, one on top of a mattress sitting by one of the edges of the roof and another on the actual blacktop of the roof. There are fairy lights strung around and James makes quick work of pulling out food, treats, and drinks from the backpack that he had. 
“This is our date.” James smiles, “We can stay here as long as we want. I know the woods really well and I packed flashlights as well. For now, let’s watch the sunset and eat.”
Regulus nods, though he doesn’t say anything, instead looking around at what James has just set up in front of him in wonder. James sits down on the mattress and gestures for Regulus to sit next to him, “The mattress is clean. My dad took it up here with me when I was younger and I keep it inside when I’m not here. I pulled it out this morning.” Regulus sits down with him, still not saying much and instead just staring out at the sky. 
James doesn’t push him to say anything, just grabbing some of the food that he brought and starting to eat, watching the sunset. 
Eventually, Regulus reaches out and grabs some food for himself as well, though it seems like his gaze doesn’t want to leave the sunset they’re watching, “Thank you, James. This is…”
“You’re welcome. I know you’ve wanted a date like this.”
“How did you know that?” Regulus asks, furrowing his brows.
James shakes his head, just offering him a small smile, “That’s my secret.”
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dawei-s · 21 days
Close to my grandma's age when she had my dad literally wtf
#*p#She gave him up for adoption good for her#Side note she is my favorite grandparent#Been thinking abt it a little more recently as I'm staying with her rn#Also rlly been thinking about how my grandma is losing her memory and whatnot but she is still just as kind and enjoyable as before#But when this happened to my (non biological) grandfather he was so fucking nasty. Hmm okay rant incoming once again just need somewhere to#Is been resting inside me for years and I think maybe I should just get it out finally so like don't read. I mean you can if you want but..#recently I realized that he hit my dad when he was a kid and so now I hate him hate him#My mom's always hated him too because of the way he treated my dad's sister versus him#She's so spoiled god#Once my mom told me how they both came to the airport and when my dad arrived he didn't even get up but when she arrived he got up#Before she even was there and greeted her with open arms like hmm okay#And the his computer screen savers was just a sideshow and ofc most if not all of them were her and not one was my dad#Back to the she's so spoiled comment she literally just took whatever she wanted when she came to my grandparents house#I'm not even kidding it was even their cars#Oh she took all of my dad's legos without a word to him. He wanted to give them to my sister so he went to find them and they just weren't#Like you couldnt have even asked ??Think she took his chess set too maybe. Yk lots of things like that#And this is kind of why I was born now that I think about it#My mom felt that my dad didn't have anything of his own so she wanted him to have a kid. Like she wouldn't have had a child if she didn't#Think that#Why did she tell me this anyway#I dint mind but I think lots of parents would not tell their kids that#But yk there are some things she could keep to herself. Like did I need to know where and after what meal I was conceived. No not really.#Wait no I'm literally in the exact room right now aren't I....#How did I get here in my rambling damn it I did not need to think about that
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starlooove · 2 months
Read one or two fics where they give Duke a personality treat Damian like a human being and stop sucking Tim’s dick for 5 seconds and everything else feels like forcing urself to eat normal food after tasting the fruits of the fae
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evansbby · 1 year
I’m gonna say it in the tags cos it’s less embarrassing ajdjsjsjka
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