#but meeee he gave me full marks!!!
evansbby · 1 year
I’m gonna say it in the tags cos it’s less embarrassing ajdjsjsjka
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ecccentrick · 4 years
Jaskier Should Really Listen To Geralt pt. 2
Pt.1 || Pt. 3 || Ao3
This is my last writing post here, since I now have a writing blog @eccentrick-ramblings. Prompts and requests are open.  
Jaskier had many talents. He could sing, write, dance, play multiple instruments, and was something of a scholar, if did say so himself. But one talent that was known but was hardly spoken of in polite company was the one that was going to get him out of this situation alive. 
He was going to slut it up.
Making himself relax back into the bed, he slid one of his hands through the monster’s thick hair, humming as though content with the current state of things. The creature’s hand of steel relaxed minutely against Jaskier’s stomach and he forced himself not to take a shuddering breath, instead breathing from his diaphragm. 
“So you’re one of those, huh?” Jaskier asked, letting his voice go slightly rough. 
The monster stiffened. 
“Of what?”
Jaskier widened his legs. The beast nestled deeper between them, his whole upper body splaying across Jaskier’s. He tried not to take that as the threat it surely was. 
Turning his head so that his lips brushed against the monster’s ear at every syllable, he said, “Hm, one of those men who enjoys roleplay of the, uh, should I say, unconventional sort? Can’t say I’ve come across too many, but I’m always willing to give things a try.”
The beast pulled back from Jaskier’s neck to stare into his eyes, like he was going to ask if Jaskier was truly that dumb and horny. And Jaskier could hear Geralt’s reply in his mind, yes. 
Wait. Geralt.
Okay, so Jaskier had a new idea. He wouldn’t just deescalate the situation like previously planned, stall until Geralt came back empty handed and frustrated. Jaskier would actually have to save himself this time. And, now that he thought about it, the rest of the residents of the inn. 
He was beginning to realize why Geralt was so crotchety all the damn time.
Something in the monster’s eyes changed, a dawning understanding and anticipation. It was feral and raw and Jaskier met it with one of his own, shifting his hips up. He almost had it. 
With one hand still in its hair, he trailed the other up its torso, gently touching its sides, before getting to its shoulder blades, fingertips clenching the muscle and bone there, digging his fingernails in hard enough that if it were a human, there would surely be marks left behind. 
“What is it you have in mind?” The beast slurred his words, despite having only one watered down ale that evening. 
The hand holding Jaskier down raised up, higher and higher, until it came around his neck, a soft shackle. His heart beat double time, and he sucked in a breath that he could still blessedly take, for now. 
His mind blanked for a few seconds, because, to be completely honest, this beast was hitting all of Jaskier’s buttons. If this man were a human, they would surely get up to some great fun. Jaskier couldn’t stop himself from thinking about Geralt. Geralt leaning over him, Geralt holding him down, Geralt’s calloused and scarred hand around his neck, holding him in place, stealing his breath. 
Without having the feign a moan, Jaskier said, “Well, why don’t you chase me?” he dug his nails in deeper. “Capture me. Hunt me down.”
The beast sucked in a harsh breath and Jaskier knew he had him, once and for all. Better or for worse. 
“Perhaps I should give you a head start?” the monster asked. “But you’d have to be quiet, not wake anyone up. Wouldn’t want anyone to be in the crosshairs of a hunt, now would you?”
The creaking of the stairs almost did him in. 
The innkeeper had muted the lights in the dining area, leaving them only bright enough to cast shadows and create a sense of unease. Or perhaps that was because he had a beast after him, coming for his blood. Literally. 
He tried to move quietly. The steps creaked. That small sound, so inconsequential, made him realize all that was at stake. The innkeeper, who now most likely slept in the kitchen so her guests could have the rooms, the father and child that were staying in the room next to his, and the orange cat that liked to slink around guests' ankles...their lives were all in jeopardy, and only Jaskier being a good little lamb to slaughter might save them.
What the beast didn’t know was that the lamb intended to lead it to its end. 
He opened the door slowly, silently. Fresh air filled his lungs, crisp and cool. The moon was high in the sky, lighting the way for Jaskier, his socked feet kicking up dust as he went from a slow creep to a desperate sprint in a span of seconds. 
The village was close to a forest, and knowing it was the best place for cover, Jaskier ran for it. Once treetops came overhead, he stopped for a quick breather and to orient himself. 
Geralt always told Jaskier what direction he’d be going in on any hunt. It wasn’t always that way; the bard searching and finding an overdosed witcher next to a dead leshen after he failed to arrive back at the tavern set that to rights. Luckily Jaskier had memorized Geralt’s potions long ago, or he’d be dead and buried. 
Geralt had told him he was heading southwest, which was. . .which way was it? He was fucked, wasn’t he? And not even by a deathless death like all scandalous bards want to go out. 
“Okay, let’s see. Eeny, meene, miny. . .moe! This way then.” 
He dashed in that direction, heading deeper into the woods. He ran until his legs burned, until the wagon roads gave way to deer tracks, until there was nothing but trees, brush and silence. Not even an owl dared to hoot. The monster was here coming for him. 
Jaskier took a deep breath, filling his lungs to their capacity. And then, in that creepy quiet, he screamed. 
Waiting only a beat, Jaskier continued his flight. There was no sign of the grumpy witcher, and he just gave away his ruse. Perhaps the fear had addled his mind. He should’ve been sneakier, hid in a hollow tree stump, or something. Taken his perfume bottle with him and doused a trail of potent fragrance behind each step. But, then, the monster could follow that too. Hell, even a particularly observant human would’ve been able to trace him; he always bought the strong stuff. 
He was soon lost, hopelessly and completely. The lights from the village had long since dimmed and he didn’t know which way was the way back. At least if the monster got to him, the others might be spared until Geralt could find it and kill it. His death wouldn’t be in vain. Perhaps he’d even become a local hero. 
A branch to his left cracked. A rustling, then a growl. Footsteps, and then the monster revealed himself, moving from shadows and into the moonlight. It was a great entrance, the bard had to give him that. Points for the dramatics. At the very least, Jaskier wouldn’t die a boring death. 
“It’s as I thought. You were running to your witcher. I’d be angry, but that’ll make this more interesting.”
Jaskier grit his teeth. “You’re awfully arrogant for a monster in the sights of a witcher. The White Wolf. You’ll be dead by morning and Geralt and I will be walking the Path again.”
The beast came closer, his steps measured and sure. Suddenly, he was at Jaskier’s side, a hand at his delicate neck and another on his right shoulder. Back, back, back the monster pushed him, until he hit the nearest tree, bark digging into his exposed neck. He squeezed Jaskier’s neck, bringing a wheeze from the bard’s lips.
“Why. . .” the hand tightened and the longing to cough almost made him gag, “Why me?” 
“Because of your blood, it smells so rare, so fine. None of these backwater hicks taste of anything but the dirt under my boots. But you. . .such fresh nectar.”
“Th-That’s a little insulting,” he took a harsh gulp of air, and it whistled in his throat. “That you- only - wanted me - my blood - not my - da-dashing good-”
“Enough, Jaskier. Save your breath.”
His back, once against rough bark, was now against a hard chest. And there was that band of steel around his neck. Air fought to get into his lungs, and his voice demanded to be heard but he couldn’t talk, couldn’t make the words form on his lips. Eyes bulged and the skin of his face heated. He was being strangled, and instead of a thoughtless tumor it was at the will of someone who chose to steal his breath until he had none left. 
Soft hands tore against steel. Feet dug into earth, kicked and scrambled, never meeting anything solid besides the ground. Reason fled his mind, and he was just a vessel. A vessel that wanted free. 
“Jaskier, stay calm!” Geralt’s voice reached his ears, echoing. Oh, there was still some hope. He might survive. 
“So I see that you’re a coward,” Geralt said. 
Jaskier was about to be offended until the beast spoke. 
“You’re trying to appeal to my ego. You do care for this bard, then?” 
Geralt was all wobbly and misty, like he was made of liquid bones. His eyes were black, veins a dark gray. Jaskier tried to squint, rapidly blink, but he wouldn’t stay put, wouldn’t go back to normal. 
His throat ached. 
“Let the bard go. He played his part of the bait, now let him go and we can end this. You...you hunt and kill the weak and expect not to be confronted? Take a hostage, a meat shield. Pathetic and cowardly.” 
“I don’t think I’m going to do that. I’m probably all of those things, now that I think about it, and I don’t rightly care. Now, can’t you see I’m celebrating a holiday? The moon is full.”
“Higher vampire. Shit.”
The vampire laughed and that’s when things got fuzzy for Jaskier. He wanted to come out of his skin, wanted to be able to see clearly. His heart felt like it wanted to gallop out of his chest and race Roach. 
“You know what? I’ll just save this for later.”
A prickling sensation started at his side and spread, tendrils of numbness. It quickly became a burning feeling and with it came air, blessed air. The ground met his body. The steel band was gone.
He took a few moments to catch his breath. Each gulp of air felt like swallowing hot coals, his lungs screaming. Once clarity disrupted the fog over Jaskier’s mind he trailed a shaking hand to his side. It came back sticky with blood. He glanced up and saw the vampire lick long, protruding claw-like nails.
In the wise words of Geralt of Rivia, fuck. 
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no-heart-no-soul-t · 4 years
BeachBoy JaeHyun imagine
had soft beachy hours
pairing: NCT beachboy!JaeHyun x Reader
genre: fluff, small angst
warnings: some language, inappropiate behaviour to the girl (JaeHyun is angel DW! :3)
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You looked at Mark Lee, your roommate, your bitch, your BFF, as if he just told you he was getting married with his ex, who cheated on him with his enemy, Yuta. “You did what?,” your voice filled with confusion and anger. “I might have signed us to work at a beach bar?,” he answered, backing away from you, scared of his own life. “But why meeee? You know I hate these places!,” you cried out, your introvert self panicking. “It’s not that bad… you will only give out drinks and food,” he shrugged, side hugging you. “But, I have TO TALK TO PEOPLE!,” you shrieked.  “Hey, it’s really gonna be okay. The pay is really good and maybe you will finally find someone who will take your virginity,” he said chuckling. “You. Have exactly three seconds to run away.” When he didn’t move and just smiled at you, you started to slowly counting down while walking over to him. “Three,” you said and started chasing him around apartment, telling him he will die when you catch him.
It was only 8AM the next day, and you were already standing in front of the manager of the bar. “Can you two start tonight 8PM sharp? Our two other employees can’t make it today and we don’t have anyone else to put on shift,” the manager looked up at you two full of hope. “Yeah sure, me and Y/N will be here 7:50 for sure,” Mark said and you looked at him shocked. Sure he was laid back about this, because he was always at some clubs partying and sometimes helped behind bar. But you never went to a club let alone worked at bar. He just gave you reassuring smile and took you out of the office. “Mark, I know, you know how to work at this type of place, BUT I DON’T!,” he just massaged his temples and dragged you home. At home he showed you how to make basic drinks and how to talk with customers.
It was already 5PM and Mark already got out of shower, ushering you to take yours and start getting ready. While you were taking shower Mark went to your room to pick an outfit for you. “Jesus, she really only has hoodies and jeans,” he mumbled while going deeper in to your closet. After another five minutes he found nice white crop top with flowy long sleeves and baby pink high waisted shorts, “These will do,” he said when he heard you exiting bathroom. “Hey, Y/N, wear these, you can pair them with sneakers,” he handled you your clothes and you looked at him shocked, for the millionth time this day. “Ya, I don’t I will good in this.. Mark really…,” you looked at the clothes nervous, not confident at all. “You will pull this up, just let your hair down and put soft makeup on, don’t worry,” he smiled reassuringly, going to the living room to wait for you. You did as he said, puting some soft brown smokey eyes and soft pink lip gloss.
It was 10PM, working for over two hours and you found yourself enjoying this job. It wasn’t anything what you expected, actually. So far no rude customers, no drunkyards. Everyone was even understanding to you, that this was your first time working at a bar. You were going to the table to give customer a drink but you accidentally slammed in to someone. It was a tall, buff man, maybe in his forties, “Oh, I am so sorry I didn’t mean to..,” you said nervously. And he went off, “How fucking dare you? You don’t have eyes? This is Gucci!,” he started screaming at you. Your eyes were stinging with tears. He raised his hand, getting more angrier, and was going to slap you. But the impact never came. When you lifted your head you were expecting Mark to stop the man, but this guy wasn't Mark. He was much taller and had some elegance to him. “Now, don’t yell and hit our employees, especially women,” the mysterious guy said with deep, warning voice. “And who you think you are, kiddo?,” said the angry man, his arm still held by the tall handsome guy. “Huh, I am the son of the owner of this place, Jung Jaehyun, it’s nice to meet you. And now. Leave,” Jaehyun said looking straight in to rude man’s eyes. “Sure you are, kiddo. Call the manager, y’all pay for this shit, it’s limited,” rude man demanded, looking up to Jaehyun’s eyes, not backing away. Jaehyun just took out his phone and called someone, “Hey, it’s me can you come to the bar on the beach?.. Yeah someone wants to talk to you, dad.” The man just laughed, “I should believe you after this? Mr. Jung’s son is in New York.” Jaehyun just smiled at him and stood still between you and the man.  After few minutes of the man yelling at Jaehyun for lying and at you for paying for his ruined clothes, tall, handsome man in expensive suit came. He looked like an older version of Jaehyun for sure, and the man looked at him, all smiles, “Mr. Jung! It’s nice to see you again!,” and he shook Mr. Jung’s hand. “So, Jae you called me because Mr. Smith wanted to see me? I thought it was something more important,” Mr. Jung shook Mr. Smith’s hand and looked at Jaehyun. “Yes, father, first he yelled at our new employee and almost hit her, and second, he said I am still in New York, when I am already back in California for three months. You didn’t tell anyone I was back?,” Jaehyun said, standing next to his father. “Wait? He tried what? So what did the employee? Where are they?,” Mr. Jung asked looking around. Mark already next to you, pushed you their direction softly. He looked at you, seeing that you were crying before he came. “Now tell me, miss, what happened?,” he asked calmly as if talking to small child. Well, he ain’t wrong, you felt like a child at that exact moment. So you told him that you accidentally spilled the drink you were bringing to another table on Mr. Smith. And Jaehyun added the other details of Mr. Smith yelling and trying to hit you. “Mr. Smith, I didn’t think you were that type of man to yell and hit women. Could you please leave my bar and never show up here again?,” Mr. Jung said calmly, but it scared you and Mr. Smith too. He just apologized and left as quickly as possible, without looking back. Mark came and hugged you to his side, “We are sorry for causing trouble. It will never happen, I promise,” and you nodded your head, saying small sorry and sniffling. Jaehyun and his dad just looked at you two bowing your heads and said it was nothing, “I hate him anyways, so it’s really not a big deal,” Mr. Jung joked and waved, going inside saying he want to talk with managers. 
You looked up at Jaehyun and went to him slowly, “Thank you, Mr. Jung,” you said quietly, scratching your neck. He chuckled, “Please, call me Jaehyun. I am maybe two years older than you. And it’s nothing. That man doesn’t have any manners,” he continued, smiling down at you. “R-right.. J-jaehyun… can I make you a drink as a thanks?,” “Sure.” He was sitting in front of you on a bar stool, watching you mix his drink, which you didn’t tell him what was, “So, you won’t like poison me or something right?,” he joked and you looked at him shocked he would assume something like that about you. “No, no. It’s a drink that Mark always makes for me. It’s called ‘Cherry Bomb’. It’s really good… I promise no poison, no drugs,” you softly smiled, adding ice to the shaker. After few shakes you poured liquid in tall glass with more ice and cherries. Jaehyun took a sip while looking at you. When he saw that you are looking back he smirked against the straw and winked at you. You looked away, hoping he didn’t see your face go cherry red. “Hmmm, it’s really good, you weren’t lying. I will come here more often from now on,” he said with husky voice. You just nodded head and went to take care of other customers while leaving Jaehyun alone. Sometimes when you looked his way, you saw him staring at you, with these eyes that held something you didn’t understand. You went to one of the tables, to give them their orders, and Mark stood in front of Jaehyun, who was looking at your ass, “You know, she isn’t type of girl just casually sleeping around. She is still a virgin,” Mark said to Jaehyun who turned around looking at him with his ears going red, “Sorry, couldn’t help myself. She looks good. So you are Mark huh?,” Jaehyun took a sip looking at Mark. “Yeah, we are best friends and roommates. So I am making sure no one will play with her,” he warned Jaehyun and looked at you coming back from table. “I am not that type of man, don’t worry,” Jaehyun answered while also looking at your smiley face. “I hope so, if you toy with her, you are dead.” 
It was 2AM when you were leaving with Mark, bar slowly closing down. When you were already in front of the bar, going to Mark’s car you heard your name getting called. You looked behind you to find Jaehyun running your way, “Hey, Y/N. Can I get your number? I want to talk to you more and send some memes,” he said all smiles. You looked at Mark not understanding this situation and he just shrugged, going inside car. “Eh, yeah.. sure..” and you put your number with your name in his phone. “Thanks, lovely. See you guys around and goodnight,” he said while opening the door to the car for you and waving at Mark. “Huh weird don’t you think so?,” you asked Mark who was focusing on the road. “No, I don’t think so. You charmed him with your fine ass,” he joked and you wanted to smack him, but refined from doing so, because he was driving.
Three weeks passed by like nothing. You were texting with Jaehyun back and forth, meeting at the bar when you had a shift. You two became a really good friends. Mark also became friends with Jaehyun and his friend, Johnny. You four were always loud at the bar, getting an earful from managers all the time. You and Mark would instantly stop, loving your jobs, but Jaehyun and Johnny would make more noise, trying you two to make laugh. When you laughed Jae and John would get literally kicked out of the bar, making you laugh harder. “So, what you doin tonight?,” Jaehyun asked while sipping on your new drink called ‘Rainbow Punch’. “Working, duh,” you answered rolling your eyes and giving customer who was sitting next to Jaehyun her drink, she laughed, finding this amusing. “Geez, you know what I mean, lovely,” he said while pouting your way. To say that didn’t move your heart would be a lie. Knowing each other only for three weeks and catching feeling this quickly scared you. But you eventually didn’t mind. Knowing this won’t last long. “Ok, ok drama queen… what do you want to do after I finish work,” you asked while mixing another drink for two customers in front of you. “Hm, let’s take a stroll on the beach, just the two of us,” he said casually. “Sure,” you said simply doing your work. You went to the tables, serving them, when you felt someone grabbing your ass. “Could you, please, take your hand of my butt?,” you kindly asked the male. “No. You look too good to not get touched,” he said smirking that sick smirk. You just rolled your eyes, trying to walk away, but he held your hand so strongly, you thought it might break. “HEY! Leave me!,” you screamed not fazing him. He leaned closer, trying to kiss you but you felt yourself getting pulled away in to a strong chest. “Don’t touch my girl,” Jaehyun said, with deep voice and anger present. You looked at him shocked that he called you his girl. After that he dragged you away, to the beach. 
“Jae! I didn’t finish my shift!,” you called after him but he didn’t budge. When you were already on a beach, you realized it was that part where no one came to. Only you four, finding it relaxing. “Jae, what are we doing here?,” you asked looking around and then at him. He came closer, taking your face in to his hands softly, “You okay? Did he hurt you?” “No… but he might have if you didn’t come.. so thank you,” you said looking down. “Come here, lovely,” he hugged you tightly, whispering sweet nothings. You pulled away, wanting to say something, but… he suddenly kissed you. It was a sweet kiss, full of promises. Full of love. You felt at peace, but you didn’t know if it was because of surroundings or because of Jaehyun. The kiss eventually became deeper, hungrier. He lifted you up, carrying you over to the rock, sitting you there. “I wanted to do this the first time I laid my eyes on you,” he confessed making you blush. “I know, Y/N, we know each other really shortly, but I fell in love with you. And I am not saying this for fun.. I mean it, angel,” he looked deep in to your eyes, his voice becoming softer and quieter. You didn’t know what to say or do.. so you just kissed him softly on lips, and he kissed you back instantly. After few minutes of making out he pulled away, breathless and smirked, “Well, you made me hard, love. And you are gonna take care of it, in my bed,” you looked at him nervously, “But… I have… never done this..,” embarrassment present all over your being. “Don’t worry,” he stroked your cheek lovingly, “I will be soft and gentle. I promise.” If someone asked you, what was your best night ever. It would be this night.
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cosmic-goddess-leo · 5 years
First Love / Late Spring Pt. 1
Kuroo Tetsuro x Reader
Series Summary: Reader was once a nationally recognized volleyball player until an injury she suffered her last year of high school. She and Kuroo knew each other vaguely through a mutual friend but lost contact after her injury. Now they attend the same University in Tokyo and are beginning to reconnect.
Chapter Summary: Kuroo and Reader have their first meeting in high school then reconnect a year later. This chapter takes place before and after the Land Vs. Sky OVA.
Word Count: 3527... really did not mean for this to be so long lmao
Author’s Note: Yes, this is named after a Mitski song lmao. This is my first time writing Kuroo and my first crack at fanfiction in a while, so let me know what ya’ll think!
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This time of the year was typically the calm before the storm.
Some would say that statement was a load of crap, given the amount of practices and training camps the Nekoma volleyball team had to attend, but for Kuroo it was relaxing.
It was a routine he would settle into and find comfort in while on the road to nationals, though he couldn’t say the same for his team. 
He glanced over his shoulder, looking at the rest of the team piled into the bus bound for Fukurodani Academy.
The travel distance wasn’t ideal, and typically Nekoma hosted these sorts of practices before nationals.
But, Nekoma’s coach had made up his mind about the team attending a practice match at Fukurodani. And so began the herding of the cats.
Luckily they would be in good company; The teams were on fairly good terms with one another, so the day wouldn’t be full of fake pleasantries and awkward silences.
A monotone chirping noise followed by a mumbled curse pulled Kuroo from his thoughts and back to his seat.
He looked down at Kenma, who was now starting a new game on the handheld electronic he had brought along on the trip.
“If you start a new game you’ll just have to quit in the next 5 minutes,” Kuroo warned. He was beginning to recognize the buildings around them, meaning they would be arriving at Fukurodani soon.
“I can get through a quick round before we get there,” was Kenma’s quick reply.
Kuroo sighed dramatically before leaning on Kenma, causing him to misstep in his game and almost fall off a ledge.
“What’s the point of sitting beside you if you’re not going to talk to meeee?” he whined.
Kenma huffed, readjusting himself, “It’s better than sitting next to Lev and his snoring, isn’t it?”
Kuroo chuckled again, shaking his head slightly before relaxing into his seat.
The academy soon came into view; the sleeping teammates were woken up and multiple sighs of relief could be heard as their long journey would soon be over.
As promised, Kenma rushed through his current round on his game before turning off the handheld device and stuffing it in his jacket pocket.
The team exited the bus, hauling their gym bags over their shoulders and began making their way to the academy’s gym.
That booming voice could only belong to one person on this campus, Kuroo thought to himself.
He greeted Bokuto with a big smile as the other captain approached him, leaving his team and coach behind at the entrance of the gym.
The two shook hands before exchanging a quick hug.
“Is there a reason you guys aren’t inside the gym waiting to get your asses kicked?” Kuroo smirked, pulling back and glancing at the Fukurodani team.
Bokuto turned to the team, offering a small awkward smile as he rubbed at the back of his neck. “Well... there was kind of a mix-up with the girl’s team... we might be sharing the gym today.”
Kuroo then noticed the team’s coach talking on his cellphone rather hastily, only to hang up with a defeated look on his face.
The old man turned to Nekoma’s coach and apologized for the change in plans.
Certain members of the team, Kuroo included, looked ecstatic at the change.
Fukurodani’ girl team was the stuff of legend. Two-time national champions in the women’s division with some of the fastest, most badass players Kuroo had seen. And they were going to get to share a gym with them?
“Their practice starts in about an hour, so we have the gym to ourselves until then.” Bokuto piped up, smiling as his coach began to unlock the gym.
The two coaches agreed to just do warmups until the other team arrived, that way once the practice match had started the girl’s team wouldn’t be interrupting the game.
Kuroo was in the middle of hitting a spike when the gym doors opened, revealing the girl’s team on the other side.
The Nekoma team paused what they were doing, observing the new faces as they entered the gym.
Then she entered. The team captain. Number 8.
She looked around the gym, face emotionless until her eyes seemed to settle on Kuroo, and she smiled.
Kuroo, for a moment, felt his heart skip a beat. He wondered why she wou-
“Gawking at my apprentice, huh?” Bokuto laughed, smacking Kuroo on his back and interrupting his train of thought.
“Apprentice?” Kuroo asked, glancing from her to Bokuto as she approached.
“Yeaaahhh, taught her everything I know. She would be hopeless without me.” He bragged, placing more emphasis on the word ‘hopeless’ than what was needed.
“Whatever helps you spike harder.” She said, placing her hands on her hips as she stood in front of the other team captains. “But I shouldn’t even give you that, since you guys stole our gym.”
“Hey hey, this is our gym too!” Bokuto objected, “We can’t let you girls hog the spotlight at nationals!”
She smirked, “Well let’s see which is more important and deserves more gym time, the boy’s team, or the two time national champions?”
Bokuto went red before she laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck in a bearhug. It left Kuroo feeling slightly awkward as the two embraced.
“You know I’m only joking.” She giggled, struggling to stay on her tip toes as Bokuto returned the hug and lifted her slightly.
The two lingered, only for a moment, before Bokuto coughed and let her go. “You don’t have to be so rude about it...”
“Talk about rude,” she huffed, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear, “You haven’t even introduced me to your friend here.”
“Oh! Kuroo, this is (Y/n). (Y/n), Kuroo is the team captain of the Nekoma team!” Bokuto smiled, wrapping an arm around Kuroo.
(Y/n) smiled as Kuroo slightly shoved Bokuto before bowing.
“I know who you are, you’re kind of a legend,” Kuroo said, keeping his head bowed.
“H-hey, you don’t have to do that, “(Y/n) said, waiving for him to stand up straight.
“Riiight, (Y/n) here is from the west! The bowing makes her feel kind of awkward.” Bokuto explained, watching her bow slightly in return.
“Been here five years and still can’t really get used to it, no matter what my dad says.” She smiled awkwardly, relaxing slightly as Kuroo returned the smile.
The three were interrupted by (Y/n)’s coach calling for her to start her warmups with the team.
“Maybe we can play some matches whenever you guys are done... if the coaches are cool with it?” (Y/n) offered.
Kuroo’s heart skipped another beat. He’d have to offer the suggestion to his coach, playing a team like hers would be the practice they’d need before nationals.
Before he could respond (Y/n) was already jogging to her team and starting their warm-ups.
“She is... so much cooler in person...” Kuroo breathed, watching (Y/n) toss a couple of volleyballs to her teammates.
“Isn’t her accent funny?” Bokuto snickered, crossing his arms and nudging Kuroo.
Before either of them could continue fawning over her, they were called to begin the practice match.
Kuroo was never one to show off, at least that’s what he liked to tell himself right before he showed off, but he could tell he was spiking harder and diving faster in the practice match than he usually would.
Once Nekoma won their first set and switched sides of the court, he noticed how every now and then (Y/n) would stop to watch him play. Maybe that showing off was worth it. Just as he thought that, a ball landed right at his feet.
‘Well that was lame.’
“You can’t impress her if you don’t focus.” Kenma chastised him, his lips turned up ever so slightly into a smirk.
Kuroo sighed. “Could you say that any louder?”
“You’re the one being obvious about it.” Kenma shrugged, turning back to the other team as they began their serve.
Nekoma managed to win the match 2-1, much to Kuroo’s relief. Fukurodani was good, it was a close game.
Once the match had ended, he and Bokuto shook hands, only for (Y/n) to toss a volleyball their way.
Kuroo luckily caught it at the last second.
“Not bad,” (Y/n) smiled, almost being thrown off her balance as Bokuto went to her side and hugged her. “But let’s see how you do against their better half.”
“The coaches okayed it?” Kuroo smiled, passing the ball between his hands.
(Y/n) nodded, “On the condition that you let some of the Fukurodani boys mix in with your team. It would be unfair if poor Bokuto had to watch from the sidelines instead of get his practice time in.”
Bokuto laughed and quickly took the ball from Kuroo. “You’re on, captain!”
As Bokuto made his way to the two boys’ teams and gave them the news, Kuroo turned towards (Y/n) and crossed his arms.
“You sure you can handle us?” he smirked. “I saw you watching us play, you looked almost intimidated.”
“Like I said, you’re good.” She shrugged.
Kuroo’s smirk widened before (Y/n) leaned closer to him, rising on her tip toes so she could whisper in his ear.
“But I’m better.”
She suddenly moved away, whistling at her team and catching their attention.
Despite the brief alliance between Bokuto’s and Kuroo’s best players, they still lost to (Y/n)’s team. It was close, but a loss is still a loss.
The teams thanked each other for the games and began lunch. The coaches agreed lunch would mark the end of the day for the teams, meaning Kuroo only had a small amount of time to continue socializing with (Y/n).
Once he had the lunch he packed in hand, he began scanning the gym for (Y/n), only to find she had disappeared.
Rather than put off his lunch, he opted to eat with his team and try to find her before they left. Halfway through his meal, Kenma revealed that he had seen (Y/n) and Bokuto go to eat their lunch outside. Once he saw Kuroo look around the gym for the 5th time that meal, he decided to put him out of his misery.
Kuroo finished his meal and tried to casually make his way outside in the direction Kenma had pointed.
Once he opened the door, he saw the two sitting right at the steps of the gym, having not noticed him.
He was prepared to make a grand entrance into their conversation but froze once he saw how (Y/n)’s shoulder’s sagged and her head hung low.
“You can’t keep working yourself like this, I always tell you to just take your time and-”
“You’re one of the most recognized aces in the nation, it’s so easy for you to say that. But you don’t really mean it.” (Y/n) interrupted Bokuto, her voice wavering slightly.
Bokuto sighed deeply, luckily not seeing Kuroo at the gym doors as he looked at (Y/n).
“So you’re really going to work your team to the bone? All cuz of a feeling you have?” he asked.
(Y/n) nodded. “If there’s anything I can do to keep us from losing this, I’m going to do it... I can’t lose this for us my last year here.”
The two went silent. Bokuto slowly brushed his hand over (Y/n)’s, prompting her to take his hand and lace her fingers with his.
Kuroo swallowed before loudly opening the door, hoping it would give the impression he had just gotten there.
The two quickly turned to him, smiles on their faces as they released each other’s hands.
“We’re getting ready to leave,” Kuroo smiled, “just wanted to thank you for the games.”
“Thanks for being such a good sport about losing to a bunch of girls.”(Y/n) teased, standing up and making her way to Kuroo. The two shook hands, sending a small jolt of electricity through Kuroo’s fingers.
“You’re not just a bunch of girls, you’re one of the top teams in the nation. Don’t sell yourself short like that.” Kuroo chuckled.
“We should get inside and say bye to their team properly.” Bokuto interrupted, causing the two to end their slightly-too-long handshake.
The teams bowed and said their goodbyes, knowing they would most likely see each other at nationals.
Fukurodani would be advancing to the Spring High Tournament, there was no doubt about it. Nekoma was exhausted, the loss hit harder than the fatigue itself.
Though Kuroo had been invited to catch the rest of the match for (Y/n)’s team, he declined Bokuto’s invitation. He decided he’d rather prepare to go home than rush to the other side of the building to watch girls’ tournament with the other team.
“We obviously still need to practice,” Kuroo began, “But we played well.”
He earned no response from his teammates. He looked up at the team, all scattered throughout the locker room and staring at the television mounted on the wall behind Kuroo.
“What’s so interesting that you can’t pay attention to my post-defeat speech?” he huffed, turning to look at the tv.
The match with Fukurodani’s female team was being broadcasted on the screen, but the game was at a standstill.
Cameramen rushed to a player’s side as she cradled her ankle and sobbed shakily. The ankle was twisted and curved in an unnatural direction, the result of some probable freak accident that happened on the court.
Kuroo saw the number on her jersey before he saw her face.
Number 8.
(Y/n) squealed and sobbed, staring down at her ankle in horror as her coach tried calming her down.
The team watched as she was hoisted up onto her good foot by her coach and ushered off the court to get medical attention.
“Do you think... they’re gonna be able to do it?” Lev spoke up.
“If they do, it will have to be without their captain.” Kuroo said. He bit his lip as the camera focused on (Y/n)’s retreating figure cut to the team’s assistant coach who had stayed behind.
It had been a little over a year since (Y/n)’s injury. Her team had ended up losing their match and didn’t make it to nationals.
Part of Kuroo felt guilty for not going to the match. If he had gone, he would have been able to see (Y/n) in the infirmary and see if she was alright.
All he had to go off of was the sporadic text messages he received from Bokuto afterwards. 
Even then, he felt awkward constantly asking about (Y/n). It was clear she and Bokuto were close, and Kuroo didn’t want to give the wrong idea.
Kuroo had only known (Y/n) not even a full day but couldn’t deny the small attraction he felt for her.
It was kind of hot knowing there was someone who could beat him in volleyball... someone he found attractive at least.
This is what his mind was wondering to his first day of University. When the gen-ed professors rattled off about the syllabus and class guidelines, he thought of the practice match against (Y/n).
Though he was no longer on a team, he knew if he joined a club at his university he would have to think of strategies and plays to make him stand out.
Just as he thought about a particular back row attack (Y/n) had executed, the door of the lecture hall he was in swung open.
The professor sent a glare in the direction of the student who had just entered but softened her gaze once the student began to apologize profusely.
The voice was familiar, and the accent stuck out more than anything.
Kuroo quickly turned to the student, his jaw almost dropping once he saw (Y/n) desperately looking around the room for an open seat.
She had been drenched by the pouring rain; she most likely had begun to walk to class unaware of the weather forecast for the day.
Her eyes settled on Kuroo, then on the empty seat beside him.
He gave her a small smile and an awkward wave.
She returned both.
“If you could please take your seat, you can look over your classmate’s syllabus. I will give you yours after class.” The professor spoke, raising an eyebrow at (Y/n).
(Y/n) took a step towards Kuroo, froze, bowed at the professor, then rushed to the seat beside him.
Kuroo couldn’t help but snicker as some rainwater dripped off (Y/n)’s hair and onto his jacket.
She whispered an apology to him, trying to maintain some distance so she wouldn’t brush off any more water on him.
He placed the syllabus to the middle of the desk, took his pen, and wrote in the white space on the paper.
-Didn’t know it was going to rain today?
(Y/n) read the small note and playfully glared at him before taking her own pen and writing back.
-Nope. Had a party last night, woke up too late to check the weather.
-Already throwing ragers?
(Y/n) couldn’t help but snort as she wrote out her reply.
-It was an apartment-warming party, jerk.
-Well now that you know we’re classmates do I get an invitation to the next party?
(Y/n) glanced up from the paper, smiling softly as Kuroo raised an eyebrow at her expectantly.
-Maybe... you were so worried about my condition, it would be rude not to.
Kuroo’s eyes went wide for a moment. Of course Bokuto would blab to her about those texts. He hadn’t even asked about her often, but it must have been enough to warrant a report from Bokuto.
Rather than bring up the game or her injury, he instead opted to make her an offer she couldn’t refuse.
-How about I walk you to your next class with my trusty umbrella?
(Y/n) smiled softly and drew a small thumbs up under his message.
“So, where we headed?” Kuroo asked, sitting on the corner of the desk as (Y/n) packed her things.
“You know you really don’t have to walk me.” She smiled, keeping her eyes on her things. “I wouldn’t want to make you late to your next class.”
Kuroo shrugged, “My next class isn’t until 11. I have plenty of time.”
“Plus,” he stood up, grabbing his umbrella and following (Y/n) out of the building, “I am dying to receive an invitation to one of your parties.”
(Y/n) smiled and stopped at the main building doors, waiting for Kuroo to open the umbrella.
The two stepped out into the rain, (Y/n) pressed close to Kuroo’s side. He never said it was a big umbrella, but it got the job done.
“Well, if you can handle a drunk Bokuto then you can definitely come.” she chuckled.
Kuroo felt a small pain in his stomach. “Bokuto’s coming here to?”
“He didn’t tell you?” (Y/n) asked, allowing Kuroo to pull her closer as a crowd of students moved past the two.
“We haven't really talked since nationals...” Kuroo trailed off. He felt (Y/n)’s smaller hand grip his jacket slightly.
“Well...” she bit her lip, “he lives about 10 minutes away from campus, 5 minutes from my building. So you two will be able to reconnect.”
Kuroo stopped suddenly, earning a look of confusion from (Y/n).
“This is the campus café...” she pointed out.
“Well you never said where your building was... plus you’re shivering! I’ll buy you a coco.” Kuroo said, adding an extra sprinkle of pep to his tone. He would have liked to tell her he’d rather reconnect with her, but it was their first time seeing each other after, well, the first time they ever met.
“I really don’t have time, I’m in building C and I heard my professor is kind of a freak about people being on time.” (Y/n) sighed.
Kuroo reluctantly turned from the café and continued on with (Y/n), trying to fill the void with small talk about class and the university. Once they arrived at Building C, (Y/n) was about to walk in when a heavy weight was placed on her shoulders.
She looked from the thick jacket to Kuroo, who smiled and shrugged at her. “Since you didn’t accept my coco, take me jacket to warm up. If you get sick you can’t host any parties.”
(Y/n) tried to refuse, only for Kuroo to start walking away.
“Nope, not taking it back!”
“I need your phone number!”
Kuroo quickly turned around and jogged back to her. Rather than handing him her phone, she gently took his hand and began writing her number on his palm with a sharpie she pulled from her bag.
Kuroo wouldn’t help but smile softly to himself at the sight of his larger hand in hers. God, he was never this soft or this sappy, what was she doing to him.
“I’ll talk to you later... you can buy me a hot chocolate next time it rains.” She said. Without another word she turned towards the building and ran inside.
Kuroo looked back and forth between her retreating form and the number on his hand. 
He really should have gotten that number a year ago, but better late than never.
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subtleshenanigans · 4 years
Just something I wrote - probably won’t do anything further with these characters.
In Bloom
Birch Brickpaw, mother of the dibbuns of Redwall. Brickpaw for her speedy cuff and sizable paws.
Badgers don’t name in clans like otters, not in a traditional sense. They like codes and riddles and secrets to share. It’s about fitting a long name, a meaning, into something simple. Like Hares, but not broadcasted.
Birch had grown up in the plains, in a humble home. Her mother grew flowers and herbs, her father farmed. It was a simple life.
“My little garden,” her mother would say. “See the flowers? They bloom in their own time. But the week you were born, my oh my! It made no sense. Borage, Iris, Rosemary, Catnip, Hyssop - they all bloomed with one another, so I named you for them.”
“I thought daddy said I was named after a tree,” Birch had asked in puzzlement. They looked over to where her father was splitting logs.
Her mother had winked. “Well, that’s what he thinks.”
It was happy, and simple. Her father called her ‘little sapling’ and marked as she grew. Nights were warm in summer, they holed up in winter at Redwall Abbey, came back for spring and sent gifts from autumn harvest.
Until one day they went to Redwall in late summer, and her father and mother kissed her brow, worry etched on their features.
The Abbot held her paw as they watched them leave, with the Skipper of otters and his entire crew.
And the door shut behind them.
And her parents didn’t come back.
She would always be thankful for the otters, who under a new skipper, had tried their best. They hadn’t hid what had happened to them, and she was thankful for that as well.
Abbot Verum wasn’t that old, even as she was full-grown now. He had raised her, and trained her, and though she still held a temper after losing her parents, she was a kind, loving creature.
It was customary to have a Badger Mother at Redwall, and while Abbot Verum assured her that she need not take the position, she found caring for the little ones soothed the hurt in her heart. Even with the add-on of Brickpaw, she was gentle, and kind, and never raised a paw in anger. Discipline, don’t punish, and only if truly needed was her motto.
Many dibbuns were under her care throughout the seasons; the mischievous and the shy and the clever and the kind. She took in orphans and helped raise those who had parents. Life was beautiful, even if the hurt never truly left.
So when Skipper Wagrudder and his crew came one somber day, five rescued oarslaves and an orphaned babe, who was she to say no?
Until she found out it was a rat babe.
“No, Verum.” She growled. That thing needs to be taken out of the abbey, immediately.
It was the first time Abbot Verum had ever been mad at her.
“That thing, as you put it, is a babe, with no family, and no home. He will be staying at Redwall Abbey, regardless whether you take him on or not.” He folded his paws into his habit sleeves, and his gaze softened. “I know you’re angry, and you have every right to be. But my child, don’t blame him for what happened.”
She watched him leave, the hurt aching.
He’s a rat! Vermin, he’ll grow up one day and murder us left and right.
. . . but he’s also just a little baby. Will he really?
All vermin are the same!
. . .but, art they?
She remembered something her dad said once.
“Well, sapling, vermin are vermin, it’s true. But I knew a weasel once, and he wasn’t so bad. He made tools for cooking - I can tell you he shocked me right out of my fur when he first pointed that knife at me! But he wanted me to try it out. Gave me some of our nice spoons and ladles too. Said if I cooked him something and he liked it, I could keep the tools. Odd weasel, just liked making useful things I suppose.”
The babe is wrapped in a shawl, chewing on the fabric and making it wet. It’s fur is gray with a blueish tinge. It doesn’t look too different from a mousebabe.
“They called him Houndstongue, according to Skipper,” Sister Fallow says, rocking the babe. The Abbot sits in the great armchair. Cavern Hole is empty this late at night, except for them, and Mother Birch, who watches from afar.
“Hmm, well we should change that. A new name for a new start,” the Abbot looks right over his glasses at Birch. “Any ideas?”
He reminds her of a periwinkle. “Pervenche.”
She doesn’t realize it was even her who said that, until she flees, his voice echoing up the stairs.
“A lovely name, I think.”
By time he’s toddling around, which isn’t too far off, her fears come back tenfold, as does her doubts.
It will kill everyone I care about-
But he cries, the first time he sees a fire lit, and crawls to hide behind the Abbot. He’s scared to take food without asking, and even then is scared to ask.
And he plays, tentatively at first, but then joins in more. Skipping and twirling and giggling with the other dibbuns, who look at him no different from themselves.
He holds his tail in his left paw, when he’s nervous, and chews on his right. He wants to learn to spell, doesn’t want to learn to swim, and likes cloudgazing with the others.
And Birch grumbles to herself, berates herself, because her she was, judging a child. A child who will grow and learn, and who better than her to teach him.
“Everyone is able to love, as much as they are to hate,” Sister Fallow mused, that night he was named. Before Birch fled. She hoops his nose, and he sneezes. “And this little fellow needs a lot of love, I think.”
Seasons pass, and he is walking instead of toddling. He’s wary of Birch, but knows the other dibbuns trust her.
“Ma Birch! Lookit meeee!”
It’s Ringul the squirrelmaid, hanging from a branch by her tail. Birch gently plucks her off. “Naughty little Ringul, you’ll fall on your head.”
She sets her down. “Now go off and play.”
“Butter kite stuckina tree!” Edin the otterbabe huffs. Thankfully, Birch is used to hearing baby speech run together.
Sighing, she crouches down, “Well master Edin, I’ll have to go get Addle, but for now-“
There’s a tug on her dress. “Mama, I’ll get it.”
And before she can respond - it’s the first she��s heard his voice - he’s scrabbling up as well as any squirrel, and back down, slipping a bit but using his tail to wrap around limbs and branches.
She wonders, then, is it really only because they corsairs rats are good at climbing?
Pervenche still calls her Mama instead of Mother Birch or Ma, and she, in bewilderment, allows it.
Pervenche is still scared of fire, too, so he turns his back to it to enjoy its warmth. He wakes in his sleep with silent cries, and Birch only knows because she checks on the dibbuns every night.
But as he grows, he learns. He gains good friends, finds a skill in penmanship; Brother Mells teaches him how to plant crops.
“All the dibbuns are shaping up to be fine abbeybeasts, aren’t they?” Abbot Verum comments, one evening. Most of the young ones are helping set up for a late summer supper; Ringul and Pervenche helping with the lanterns.
And Birch thinks about the hurt that has steadily begun to leave; about small, tentative smiles and how he snuggles in her arms as she brings him up to sleep.
He’s no longer a little babe, but the worries she had had long since faded.
He sees her and the abbot staring, waves a paw after elbowing Ringul so that she’ll join in too.
“Yes,” she says at last, “they really are.”
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koreaboosworld69 · 5 years
Forever Yours - Chapter 1
Authors Notes:
Hi!! This is my first time publishing something on Tumblr (like my fanfiction) so I'm not really sure how all of it works just now but I'm sure I'll figure it out, so if I get anything wrong tell me.
The fandom for this story is NCT.
The main ship for this story is JohnTen.
A basic summary of this story would be: Ten and Johnny broke 2 years ago but neither of them felt the relationship never quite finished. Given the chance, would they do it all again?
''Will you let me hold you? Will you let me keep you?''
This was the question Ten asked his boyfriend Johnny as they were curled up together in bed enjoying their shared smiles, touches and company.
Today marked the day of their 3rd year anniversary since they started dating and Johnny had decided to surprise Ten on this special night by taking him to all the sights they had went to on their first date.
Everything was the same. The beach they had went to with its golden sand and glittering waves. The bench at the park they sat on together where they watched the sun go down and the sky turn from a soft yellow, to a hot pink, to a dark shade of red. The same bench where Johnny had plucked up enough courage to hold Ten's hand and smile at him 3 years ago, their first true connection in this relationship. The restaurant they had went to at the end of the day, where there were no awkward silences as they had filled every gap with anything and everything they could talk about and where it first clicked for them both 3 years ago that maybe... just maybe they're falling head over heels in love for each other.
Johnny snuggled into Ten's arms.
''Of course I will. I'm forever yours, remember?''
Ten kissed Johnny's forehead.
''I love you, Johnny Seo.''
Johnny stared at his boyfriend.
''I'd go to the end of the world for you, you know that?''
I love you too and I'd never leave you. You're everything to me Ten, everything.''
Tears, ones of happiness, rolled down Ten's cheeks at his boyfriend's words but he wasn't given an opportunity to clean them up as Johnny had latched his lips onto Ten's at that moment. The two shared a passionate, intimate kiss, full of love.'
Ten sighed and looked down with a forlorn expression on his face, if only that promise was true.
'I'm forever yours, remember?'
'Bullshit', Ten thought as he mopped up the coffee shop floor.
It had been 2 years since that promise was broken, since Johnny had broken up with Ten.
At first, Ten was heartbroken and couldn't move, couldn't be bothered to go anywhere. All that consumed his thoughts were 'what ifs'. What if Ten hadn't been so angry when he saw Johnny with another guy that day, what if Ten hadn't ignored Johnny out of anger for finding out that Johnny had mixed his coloured and white clothes that day, what if Ten had cooked a different meal for Johnny at dinner that day.
He flickered through his mind's archive of the 3 year relationship in great detail, analysing every moment the two of them spent together, every interaction, every movement, every touch. Any irregularity in Johnny's behaviour where he didn't seem to smile as much or be as loving to him Ten blamed on himself and blamed it for making the relationship grow apart. It didn't matter whether the reason for Johnny's mood change was him or not, in Ten's mind it contributed to the breakup.
Majority of the time it wasn't Ten that cause Johnny to come home angry, it was work related, especially his boss.
Ten didn't care though, at that point he'd give anything to turn back the clock and make everything better. To always have Johnny smiling and happy. To make sure there was never a day when Johnny was feeling down. To have every day where they both just loved each other to their fullest extent, physically and emotionally, and have the perfect relationship.
Then, they wouldn't have broken up...they'd still be together in each other's arms where they belonged.
At least, that's what Ten wanted to believe.
As time passed on Ten's dream of his fantasy slowly extinguished, like a sparkler burning out in his heart.
Eventually he gave up on his fantasy coming true altogether slowly started to realise that no matter what he did, he couldn't salvage the relationship. That flame of love could be rebirthed no more.
The entire relationship had already gone beyond the breaking point, what Johnny did to him was the final straw.
Ten forced himself not to think of his boyfriend's horrendous actions which ultimately caused to two to fall apart and decided to use that energy into cleaning up the shop.
All those events lead up to the present day.
Ten now worked in a coffee shop at the corner of the road of where he lived. He made enough to get by and managed to make some really good friends over there.
Ten and Johnny's relationship had developed at Ten's home town and the two used to own a flat together. The flat was legally owned and signed  in Johnny's name however so when the two decided to split up Johnny took the flat's lease with him and Ten was forced to look for another flat (he didn't want to go back to living with his parents, not right now).
It wasn't as spacious as the one he used to live in but it was big enough, close enough to home and work and he made enough money to keep himself.
Sometimes Ten would drive up to the park or the beach and just sit there. Breathing in and out, just reminiscing about the times he had with Johnny in those places. Those places that held so much memories but it all felt like a lifetime away.
After Ten found out Johnny moved, he contemplated moving too but in the end he couldn't. It was home to him, the place where he'd grown up and he wasn't like Johnny, he couldn't move away from meaningful places so easily. He actually cared for his memories and kept them alive and wouldn't spontaneously leave without saying a word to anyone.
Today Ten was cleaning the shop with the first friend he'd ever made at his workplace, Yuta.
Yuta was very straight-forward, sassy and often liked to cut to the chase yet in times of need he surprisingly gave the best advice.
Yuta had been friends with Ten for a year and a half now, since the very first day Ten worked here. The two had gotten on extremely well together but they knew they'd never go past being friends, there was nothing else there in their relationship.
Yuta had known about the breakup for a few months and now Yuta saw that look on Ten's face, that look where his eyes are looking at you but there's no glimmer in them. They're lifeless, too focused on something else deep inside of him and many lines get etched onto Ten's face as the further he stays into that state the more his face scrunches up with emotions.
This was the look Ten got when he thought about his ex boyfriend.
Yuta sighed internally and looked at his friend, worried. He knew it had been 2 years since Ten's breakup with this boyfriend of his but Yuta didn't even know the name of the man who made Ten feel this way. Who made the whole world disappear for Ten and be the cause for all of his sadness, all his rage...but most of his happiness? Who was this man?
The most he managed to weasel out of Ten was that he was tall, dark skinned and had these milky brown eyes. 'yeah, like that really narrows it down.' Yuta thought.
Ten said that it was because he was irrelevant that he didn't bother telling Yuta his name or anything more about his appearance yet Yuta knew that was false.
He knew that deep down a part of Ten lingered for this boyfriend, wanted to spend a moment more with him, wanted to love him for longer.
Was Yuta going to say anything though?
No, no he wasn't.
Sure he was brash but that didn't mean he didn't know the difference of when and when not to say certain things to people.
''Ten?'' Yuta waded into conversation carefully like as if he was face to face with a giant creature that would bite his face off if he made any wrong moves.
''You alright?''
''Yeah, I'm fine.'' Ten responded back with a smile.
They both knew it was forced.
''Oh good.'' Yuta said.
''It's just that you've been cleaning that same spot for 5 minutes now so...''
''Oh.'' Ten hadn't even noticed, he'd been too busy thinking about... him.
Ten quickly shook his head side to side and tried to empty all thoughts about Johnny and focus back on his job.
He muttered a quick 'sorry thanks' to his friend before returning his attention fully back to cleaning once again.
''Well, I have something that'll take your mind off that boyfriend of yours.'' Yuta smiled, and started walking towards Ten.
''What?!'' Ten yelled.
''I swear I'm not thinking about my ex boyfriend i broke up with two years ago. I thought we already established I hated him. Also honestly it's fine Yuta I don't need your hel-'' Ten started, speaking fast, not taking any breaths between his sentences.
Yuta put a finger on Ten's lips to shush him.
''Save me the drabble, we both know when you have 'the look' on your face you're thinking about him.'' Yuta said.
''Anyways, what I wanted to tell you was that I've set you up on a surprise date on Saturday to that fancy restaurant a couple blocks away. Dress nice and don't be late, mystery is in the air after all." Yuta said with a wink.
''W-Who's the person I'm going with?''
''At least tell me that Yuta, c'mon you're my friend.''
''For meeee.'' Ten said with puppy dog eyes, if it would take any means necessary to coax a name out of his friend, Ten was prepared.
Yuta mimicked the action of zipping up his lips and throwing away the key.
''Nope. You're getting nothing from me.
You'll just have to find out yourself on Saturday.''
With that, Yuta skipped away with a happy smile on his face, proud of his accomplishment whilst Ten looked like he'd received word he was dying.
Which, in a metaphorical sense, he was.
'Oh god a blind date organised by Yuta.' Ten thought.
'This should be fun.'
Authors Notes:
Ooh who's the mystery date~
I hope you all enjoyed reading this and even if you didn't tell me! Criticism really helps me as a beginner writer and hopefully there are a few people out there who liked it ^-^
The next chapter should be coming shortly and I apologise for any grammatical errors and stuff, ya boi decided to post this late at night but hopefully its still good sksks
Thanks for reading!
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winsister91 · 6 years
Make Amends
Part Ten - Betsy and the King
This series is a sequel to Breaking A Promise.
Summary: Y/N and the boys set out to investigate the bar and find Crowley, but the King is also looking for them.
Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam, Charlie, Crowley and....Betsy. 
Warnings: Language, flangst, canon-typical violence
Word Count: 2300~
A/N: We got some Crowley pov going on here! I don’t know if that’s a good or a bad thing....thanks to my wifey @sofreddie for being a wonderfully supportive beta <3
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You’d took the rear seat of the Impala, stretching your legs out across the bench - shoes off of course - Dean demanded it. You rest your head back on the window, cold and slightly steamed up on the inside whilst a flurry of rain gusts outside. You stare at your phone, furiously tapping on the messenger app on-screen whilst the heavy guitars of Motorhead blast through the headphones you’re wearing.
C’moooon, answer me woman.
You click again, sending another “wave” trying to get the recipient’s attention. You must have been in double figures now.
Charlie_Queen_B: Heeey! Calm down over there!
Y/N-AssKicker: Finally! Sup bitch ;)
Charlie_Queen_B: Sup ;) Now what are you blowing my phone up for?
Y/N-AssKicker: I need you to check into something for me
Charlie_Queen_B: Go on
Y/N-AssKicker: Long story short, it’s about The Mark of Cain. Found this link about something called the “Book of the Damned”
Charlie_Queen_B: That sounds pleasant :/
Y/N-AssKicker: I know right? It’s apparently full of ridiculously old magic, but that’s about as far as I got with it. Long story short, something’s come up and I’d feel a lot better if someone awesome was following up on it for meeee? :) :)
Charlie_Queen_B: You don’t need to creep to me, of course I will! Is everything OK though? Don’t be leaving me in the dark here.
You look up briefly from your phone to glance at the brothers in the front seats. You can see them talking, but are unable to hear what about because of Lady GaGa now booming in your eardrums. They were smiling, laughing and joking about something. Just seeing them made you smile too. It almost felt normal, and you felt confident. No need to worry Charlie.
Y/N-AssKicker: Nothing we can’t handle :) I’ll fill you in when it’s all over. Am I good to send you the link?
Charlie_Queen_B: Good to know :) and yeah, hit me!
Y/N-AssKicker: You’re amazing (as ever). Ty.
Charlie_Queen_B: Anytime!
You smile gratefully, copying and pasting the link to her. You felt a bit cheeky, but you promised Dean your one-hundred-percent focus on this. You weren’t lying when you said it’d make you feel better knowing someone was still looking into it, and you trusted Charlie to the ends of the Earth.
Suddenly, you feel your headphones yanked away from your ears.
“Hey!” you squeak in surprise.
“Welcome back to Earth,” Sam teases, “What’s with the headphones?”
“Oh…” you laugh nervously, “I’ve found they...help blot out the angel radio crap.”
A slight awkward silence follows, so Sam chipped in to try and break it quickly, “I was just wondering…”
You spot that he’s holding the spellbook Harper wrote, it’s laid open on his lap on the final pages.
“Hey!” you squeal, jolting up into a sitting position, “Who said you could look at that!”
“I was just curious!” Sam held his hands up in protest, “It's...interesting trying to work out all the different languages that are in it…”
“You are such a nerd, you know that right?” Dean scoffs, shaking his head.
“Look I was just wondering,” Sam ignores his brother, eyes still fixed on you, “What this in the back is?”
Sam holds the book up and there are words scrawled on the back of the book’s cover. Two sets of handwriting, one of them being yours.
“It looks like a half finished spell?” Sam questions, “Something about...creating a livable dimension in someone’s mind?”
“Yeah,” your eyes break a little upon seeing the spell, “It was something me and Jenny worked on.”
“Jenny?” Dean asks curiously, “Harper’s sister?”
“Yup,” you lean forward and take the book from Sam’s grasp, tracing your finger over Jenny’s handwriting, “She used to come down and hang with me some nights in the coven, this was just a silly side project we started.”
“What does the spell actually do?” Sam questions further.
“In layman's terms,” you sigh, “It was to allow the spell caster to transfer their conscience into their own personal fantasy world in their head.”
“That’s…” Dean mutters, “different.”
“So effectively the user would go into a dream-like, almost trance state,” you elaborate, “Completely free to do what they want in that world in their mind.”
“Escape into it…” Sam narrows his eyes, “It was so you could escape into there wasn’t it?”
“Bingo,” you answer with a sigh, “She was trying to help me make things… more bearable I guess… we abandoned it eventually though as we couldn’t find out a way to give it...an off switch so to say.”
“Meaning?” Sam raises an eyebrow.
“Meaning there’s a risk that if someone cast that spell, they would probably never wake up,” you fold your arms and answer bluntly, “I was fine with that at the time but Jenny was stubborn.”
You look again at her perfectly neat penmanship, smiling to yourself briefly. Back then she was the only shining light in your life.
“But anyways,” you snap the book closed and toss it onto the seat next to you. You sense a thick tension has grown in the air, a common occurence whenever times from the coven entered conversation. You felt some childish behaviour would cut right through that, “Are we there yet?”
“About thirty minutes out,” Sam rolls his eyes at you.
“Yesssss!” you hiss in excitement, “There are no words for how much demon ass I could kick right now.”
“That’s if we even find any,” Sam shrugs, “Hopefully someone at the bar saw something that’ll help.”
“Nah,” you sit up and lean forward so your head is directly between the Winchester brothers, “I got a good feeling about this, and we’ll kick ‘em in the ass like always.”
“Listen, Love,” Crowley rolls his eyes as he speaks into the phone’s receiver, “Just shut up and let me handle the Winchesters and their precious princess.”
“I’ve been holding my tongue for a long time now,” the woman on the other side sneers impatiently, “And so far your supposed efforts are yielding me miniscule results.”
“Who got you your last batch of feathery grace goodness?” the King of Hell asks threateningly, “Wouldn’t get very far without that now would we?”
“A mere convenience,” the woman scoffs, “We could easily get a hold of as much grace as we need. Just using you so we can focus on our research and conduct further experimentation.”
“S’not getting you far is it?” Crowley chuckles, “Still in the dark aren’t we, Love?”
“You said you would bring us the girl. Without her all we can achieve are more failures.”
“Do you know who you’re talking to?” Crowley stands as he projects his voice, “I’m the bloody King of Hell, bitch!”
He receives no response from the other end but the line doesn’t drop. He breathes in deeply, “And you wouldn’t even be able to do what you’re doing without me, remember that.”
“I will hand her over to you,” he continues with a devious smirk, “And I’ll even do one better. Because I think I have a theory on your little problem.”
“Is that so?” The voice finally replies.
“Oh, found our tongue have we?” Crowley huffs, “Yes, I just need to confirm what I think. So you’ll just have to sit back, relax, and find some fucking patience!”
“Good, and you’ll do well to remember your side of the deal.”
The line drops and Crowley slips the phone back into his pocket.
“No manners some people,” he mutters.
He sits back down, alone in his self-proclaimed throne room. Things were moving slowly, and he understood the Witches’ impatience. He scowls as he ponders. He did promise them Y/N afterall. Since the conversation on the phone, she and the boys had evidently stayed cooped up in that bunker.
Bastards. They even stepped up the warding to stop me getting in.
He rubs his temple, thinking back to that call and what he said to Y/N. He fears he may have let his mouth run off a bit too much. He can’t resist most of the time though. But he’d told them she was the only one to have survived the effects of this potion. He gave away that they need her and that she’s unique.
It’s why she’s unique that’s the question. No human can survive that much angel grace in their system, that was clear with the amount of failures they’d had. There was nothing different about her, she’s a regular human being. Crowley smirks as his latest revelation comes back to him.
But Dean Winchester isn’t.
He couldn’t drop the thought once it first hit him. The Mark brought Dean back from death, albeit as a demon. Crowley knew that Y/N should have died in that explosion back at the Red Dragon Inn, just like all the others who go into meltdown like that. But Dean, in his full blown demon attire, was in there with her when it started to go down.
Something happened. Squirrel is the key. I know it.
The King of Hell kicks himself, he knew he shouldn’t have bailed out on the situation so quickly last year.
“Crowley!” the door bursts open and one of Crowley’s lackeys enters, “We’ve spotted the Winchesters, we believe they’re headed for the bar.”
“Excellent,” Crowley smiles gleefully, “Isn’t the internet a marvellous thing? Viral videos and all that nonsense. I knew it would get their attention eventually, they can’t resist.”
“Sir...um…” the messenger demon shuffles on the spot awkwardly, “The guys out there have reported that...there’s something odd about the girl.”
“Well there’s bound to be,” Crowley shrugs without a care, “If my suspicions are correct she’s got angel grace growing inside her because of that potion. She’ll no doubt be feeling the effects of such.”
"A-are we to proceed?”
“Scared?” Crowley chuckles patronisingly, “No need to be, Uncle Crowley’s joining in for this one!”
He laughs to himself, drawing his phone back out and swiftly redials.
“You’ll have Y/N tonight.”
The bar was now a boarded up shell of a building. Crowley had made it so, all the more to catch the Winchester’s curiosity. They were never ones to turn down snooping in an abandoned building.
Just as the King of Hell’s patience grew thin, the trio made their usual grand entrance as he watched in the shadows up in the rafters. The whole place was in darkness, empty, echoey, accentuating the rumbles of thunder that came from the now raging storm outside.
“You ever taking those damn headphones off?” Dean barks at you once you felt you were alone.
“It’s like being in a movie!” you shout back too loudly, “My own personal soundtrack!”
“Why would the place shut down?” Sam ponders aloud,“You’d have thought it’d get more business after being in a viral video.”
“Bars go out of business all the time Sammy, lighten up,” Dean yanks the headphones out of your ears and scolds you with a look.
“Party pooper,” you pout, gazing around the abandoned bar “D’ya think we’ll find anything in here?”
“Some leftover beers hopefully,” Dean smirks.
They all grab flashlights and branch out. The Scooby Gang splitting up in search of clues… minus their talking dog. You wander out of sight, Dean makes a beeline for the bar and Sam scopes out the sitting area.
Lets have some fun.
With a mere blink, Crowley vanishes and reappears in the rafters of the next room. A large empty space with a built-in stage at the front for live bands. You stroll in, yawning to yourself and flashing the light around.
Stroke of luck we’ve got her alone. She’s the one to be wary of.
Crowley executes a silent whistle. A summon for one of his favorite pets. Specially trained not to kill, but maul deliciously violently.
C’mon Betsy my darling, do your thing.
For a hulking beast of a Hellhound, Betsy is very light on her feet. She knows not to disturb the environment around her too much to avoid detection. Crowley grins maniacally as he watches his pet slink silently through a set of swing doors behind you, as you absentmindedly twirled on your heels while looking around.
Easy. One down.
Your eyeline moves over where Betsy prowled. This was no problem to the beast with them being invisible...
...to humans… bugger.
“Dean!” you cry in horror, disgusted at the sight of the vile creature before you, “Sam!”
The Winchesters charge to her aid, but not quick enough compared to Betsy’s attack. The Hellhound pounces, narrowly missing you as you promptly roll away. Hastily, you withdraw an angel blade from your belt, holding it up defensively whilst sporting wide, terrified eyes.
“Hellhound!” you shriek as the boys finally enter, the blood instantly draining from their faces.
“It’s coming to your left!” you wail again, prompting them of Betsy’s attack.
They both dive away in your direction. Once reaching you, they form a defensive back-to-back position.
How adorable.
“You can see it?” Dean gasps at you in shock.
“Yeah well I think that plays to our advantage right now don’t you?” you snap at him.
“Do you know where it is now?” Sam asks nervously.
“Pacing around over there,” you point to the rear of the room, “I think it’s deciding when to pounce again.”
She’s scared...bloody thing hasn’t fought anything that can SEE her before.
The Hellhound picks its moment, charging along the edge of the room, choosing a random moment to lunge in and attack again.
You circle with Betsy, keeping yourself the centre of the hound’s radar.
“Oh shit!” you yell when Betsy jumps. You throw your hand up and expose your palm. A blue ball of light blasts from it, colliding face first with the beast. It yelps and hurdles back, crashing devastatingly into the wall behind.
“Hadouken!” you gasp, a broad grin of surprise spreading on your face, “That was awesome!”
“Holy crap…” Dean murmurs. He couldn’t see the hound, but he could see the blatant crater that had suddenly formed in the wall.
“Bloody hell…” Crowley mumbles to himself, slightly taken aback at the scene.
This is NOT what was supposed to happen!
“Get in here you idiots!” Crowley bellows and you are suddenly surrounded by a group of demons, plus a seriously pissed off Betsy.
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Forever Posse:
Dean Darlings:
Make Amends Squad
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curtashiism · 6 years
Free Fall- chapter 1
Summary: When Cruella inflicts a horrifying punishment on Carlos, Mal and Evie struggle to solve a mystery. Jay, meanwhile, must find the line between lashing out at the ones responsible, and being the rock Carlos needs.
A/N: Recently, through my Lefou RP blog, I've found my way into the Descendants fandom. Following my tradition of putting my favorite character(s) in any given fandom through unimaginable suffering, we have... this. Hope you enjoy it despite my clear lack of conscience, haha. Reviews are much appreciated.
The sunlight seeping in through the window wakes Jay from a deep sleep, and he groans in frustration. Pulling his pillow over his head, he grumbles, “Carlos, close the curtains, will you? ’s too early.”
“It’s noon,” Carlos retorts from their desks.
Jay is certain he’s already starting their weekend homework. On a Saturday, who the hell does that?
“Like I said. Too early,” Jay half-whines into his bed. “Come on, Carlos, it’s like the law you can’t do anything on a Saturday. Lemme sleep.”
“We have an extra practice at one, remember?” Carlos reminds him. “And you promised to come walk Dude with me before it starts. You have to get up, Jay.” Pouting, he says, “I’ve barely gotten any real time with you since midterms started!”
“I’ll get up at noon-thirty,” Jay says, whining again and rolling over. “Dude doesn’t need two of us to walk him.”
Carlos sighs in defeat, the disappointment clear in his voice. “Fine. I’ll bring Dude and then come back,” he says. Jay can practically hear his eyes rolling. “If you don’t get up then, I’m telling Coach exactly why you didn’t bother showing up for scrimmage.”
“Fine,” Jay says, far too grumpy to play along. “Just close the damn curtains!”
Carlos huffs, slamming the curtains closed- at least, as much as one can slam curtains. Jay wouldn’t be surprised if Carlos figures out the secret one day.
As the door closes, Jay yawns and stretches lazily, closing his eyes. He enjoys tourney, and is excited to practice, he truly is. He just can’t function before noon on weekends. He figures it’s a more than reasonable rule considering how hard he works the rest of the time. School is hard work, especially for people lacking Carlos’s brain.
A half hour more, and he’ll be ready to face the day, he decides, closing his eyes.
Some time later Jay wakes up to the sound of fists rapidly, frantically banging on his door. Immediately his heart starts pounding, remembering Jafar and his rude awakenings. He’s already halfway out of bed, about to apologize desperately to Jafar for not having gotten any scores yet, when he looks around and registers his surroundings.
“Come in, Carlos, I’m decent,” he calls, groaning in frustration. He’d been sleeping so well and now he’s wound up, anxious, instead of feeling peacefully rested.
The voice that replies isn’t Carlos’s, it’s Ben’s, and he sounds terrified as he demands, “Jay, you have to come with me right now!”
Jay’s heart immediately starts pounding again. “I’m coming!” He doesn’t even bother changing out of his pajamas or brushing his hair, just sliding on his shoes and throwing the door open. “What happened? Is Carlos- is he?-“
Ben is already running down the hall. “He’s not hurt, but- you need to hurry,” he calls over his shoulder.
Jay isn’t sure whether that makes him feel better, or worse. It somehow manages to be both at once. The what-ifs running through his mind make him freeze until Ben is already halfway down the hall, at which point Jay snaps back to his senses and charges after him, making up the lost ground right away.
The dread he feels makes his stomach cramp with terror. If Carlos isn’t hurt, what could be causing the pure panic in Ben’s eyes and voice? What else could possibly be this bad? His mind conjures a million scenarios that cause his body to soak itself with sweat. Could Carlos have had some kind of mental breakdown? Is he trying to return to the evil ways they’d sworn off? Is he sick? Sick, after all, isn’t the same as hurt.
Ben leads them past the tourney field, to the woods, and Jay swears his heart stops when a wail pierces his ears.
He’s not hurt, Ben had said, but what else could be causing the agony in Carlos’s voice? Jay has only hear a noise like that once in his life- when he was five, and Jafar had discovered Jay’s mother’s lifeless body in their bedroom. Oh no…
Suddenly it clicks into place, and time seems to slow even as Jay’s body speeds up. Carlos’s voice sounds miles away, and Jay feels as though he’ll never reach Carlos. The selfish part of him almost doesn’t want to, because for all he’d experienced on the Isle, he knows none of it will compare to the agony of his lover screaming with a pain that can rent apart without leaving a mark.
Already he begins pleading with whatever entity may exist. Hurt me instead, he begs, don’t make him go through this.
But there’s no undoing what’s just happened, and Jay knows it. He has no choice but to face the horrible reality.
Still in slow-motion, he hurries to Carlos’s voice, blood rushing to his ears, heart racing so fast his chest aches like a bruise.
“CARLOS!” he roars, charging into a clearing and finally finding Carlos in his line of sight. “CARLOS! I’M HERE!”
“J-Jay?” Carlos’s voice is so broken already, so hoarse and pained, like his very soul has been tortured. Like all the good has been torn out of his world.
God, how Jay wishes there were a physical wound instead. It wouldn’t hurt half as badly as looking at Carlos’s stricken expression.
“Carlos. What happened?” Finally, at last, he’s beside Carlos, and he wants to cry at the sight: Carlos’s eyes already bloodshot, tears streaming down his cheeks. Carlos is shuddering with every whimpering breath, cradling a tiny, bloody, forlorn figure to his chest.
Jay’s heart breaks, no, shatters.
“Carlos,” he whispers, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. “Carlos…” He can’t seem to say anything but the boy’s name.
Carlos lets out an utterly broken sob, burying his face in Jay’s chest. “H-He- h-he’s g-g-gone…“ The sobs get somehow still harder, Carlos gasping for breath and shaking violently. “H-He’s g-gone…”
“What happened?” Jay asks, trying to make his voice comforting instead of demanding; he isn’t sure if he succeeds.
“T-There was… s-something…” Carlos whimpers. “S-some kind of b-beast… it charged at us…” He lets out another gasp, and starts to gag, getting sick from the exertion of crying so violently. “D-Dude p-protected m-m-me!”
Carlos cries still harder, and clearly can’t continue, but Jay doesn’t need him to. He already has the picture in his mind, one he doesn’t want at all. But if Carlos has to have it in his head, then so should Jay. After all, his mind is already growling that it’s all his fault for not going on that walk.
“I’m so sorry…” Jay whispers, his voice softer and more full of sympathy than it’s ever been before. “Oh, Carlos, come here…” He sits on the ground, uncaring of the dirt, and pulls Carlos into his lap. Carlos gasps and bawls against Jay’s chest, fists balling up his shirt, and it’s all Jay can do to not to start crying himself. “Shh… shh…”
God, he wishes he knew what the hell he was supposed to do. He grew up on the Isle, for heaven’s sake; he knows nothing about comforting, not even his boyfriend. Surely he’s failing every which way. Why had Fairy Godmother never covered this in her stupid Remedial Goodness class?
Jay hopelessly looks to the sky, and sees that Ben is in the distance, watching them. After a moment Coach arrives behind him, face full of worry.
“Son, let’s get you back on school grounds,” Coach says softly, stepping towards them, but Carlos just whimpers and pulls closer to Jay.
“S-She d-d-did t-th-this,” Carlos manages through his tears.
Ben and Coach look at Jay in utter confusion, but Jay knows precisely what Carlos means, and immediately clarifies.
“Cruella,” Jay says, voice turning dark. “She did this to punish him for making friends with a dog and embarrassing her on family day.” He looks down at the boy in his arms. “She did something. I don’t know how, but she did.”
“You don’t know that,” Ben tries to reason, but Jay cuts him off with a glare.
“You’re telling me you just have wild animals roving around here ready to attack anyone who wanders off campus?” he spits with far more venom than he would if anyone else had been the injured party instead. He likes Ben, considers him a friend. But Carlos always comes first, and he can’t bring himself to care who else’s feelings get hurt if he’s protecting the smaller boy. All his life, Jay had been the only one Carlos could count on for protection, and Jay isn’t about to let him down for the second time in one day.
“No,” Ben says slowly, shifting his weight uncomfortably from one foot to the other. “We haven’t had a bear or wolf sighting in at least ten years.” He looks to Coach for affirmation, and receives a silent nod.
Jay’s eyes darken dangerously. “It was her. Maleficent too, probably.” He looks down at Carlos and can’t help but whisper, too quietly for the others to hear, “why him?”
Carlos’s tears finally take their toll on him, and his slight gagging and coughing turns into vomiting. Jay winces and rubs his back through the fit, soothing words escaping him.
Carlos falls back against Jay when he’s finally done, panting weakly, and Jay steadies him with his strong arms. “Carlos,” he murmurs into his boyfriend’s ear, tenderly brushing Carlos’s hair out of his face. “We need to get back to our room so you can rest. Can I carry you?”
Shakily Carlos nods, wrapping one arm around Jay’s neck, the other still firmly clutching Dude’s body. Coach steps forward, ready to take it from Carlos’s arms, but Carlos lets out a faint cry of protest and wraps his arms tighter around his best friend’s lifeless form.
“I c-c-can’t l-l-l-eave h-h-hiiim,” the boy bawls, hiding his face. “H-He g-gave his l-l-l-l-life for meeee!…” As the last word escapes him Carlos lets out an agonized wail, once again letting his tears fall onto Jay’s shirt.
“O-Okay,” Jay says helplessly. What is he supposed to do, let Carlos carry Dude’s body around all day? “Okay. You don’t have to yet.” He looks sadly at the empty shell that had just an hour ago been so full of life and energy, that had given so much joy to Carlos. Tears finally forming in his own eyes, Jay reaches a hand out to pet Dude’s blood-soaked fur, confused when he feels that it’s still warm. Aren’t dead things supposed to be cold? That’s what he’s always heard.
Swallowing thickly, Jay forces himself to withdraw his hand, and looks down at Carlos. Again he wishes that the problem was anything else. He can fix anything else- sometimes it just takes a new gadget, or a stupid joke, or a kiss, or a plate of cookies. Other times it takes a reminder that he’ll never let Cruella near him again (which, of course, isn’t a promise he can keep anymore) or talking him through a panic attack. He can provide those things. But this… there’s nothing he can do.
He’s utterly helpless, and Jay hadn’t spent his entire life working to be the strongest so he could be helpless to protect Carlos when he needed Jay most.
Gritting his teeth, Jay decides to do the only thing he can for now. And so he stands with Carlos still in his arms, softly saying, “come on.”
“W-Where are we g-going?” Carlos asks, hiccuping as the tears finally start to slow.
Jay starts to reply with the obvious- back to campus- before realizing Carlos wants a more specific answer. “Our room. I’ll have the girls come meet us, okay?” He glances at Ben, who understands the unspoken command and races off.
“Okay,” Carlos whispers, before breaking into a fresh round of tears when he sees the puddle of blood on the ground. “I-I w-want Dude back! I-I didn’t- I- I tried to-”
“I know.” It’s all Jay can say. There are no words of comfort, no reassurances he can give.
“It was my fault! It should have been me!” Carlos wails into Jay’s shoulder, grip tightening on the broken bundle in his arms. “I was the one Cruella was mad at! Dude never did anything wrong!”
Jay bites his lip, vision starting to get blurry from his own tears of mingled sorrow and fury. They slide down his face, landing on Carlos’s hair, matching the tears Carlos has shed on his shirt.
Guilt starts to eat at Jay like an acid. It’s his fault, not Carlos’s, because Jay should have been there. Carlos could never have fought off a beast, but Jay could have. He could have ordered Carlos to carry Dude to safety while he headed the threat off.
But instead, he’d decided his sleep was more important than spending time with his boyfriend, and now Carlos and Dude have paid the price.
Because of him, Carlos’s best friend is dead. He’s caused Carlos more hurt than Cruella ever did.
No more coherent words are spoken on the trek to the dorms. Carlos is too distraught to say anything more, and Jay forces himself to be silent. He knows if he opens his mouth, he’ll spill all his guilty thoughts, and then Carlos will be more focused on assuaging Jay’s guilt than his own grief. Jay’s selfishness has already cost Carlos too damn much; the least he can do is not add to Carlos’s troubles.
The only small blessing is that Carlos stops protesting when Coach tries to take Dude from him. He lets Coach take the pathetic ball from his arms, and then tightens his grip on Jay, the tears coming as hard and fast as ever.
Mal and Evie are waiting in their room when Jay swings the door open. He meets the girls’ horrified eyes, his own expression dull and blank, while Carlos doesn’t seem to register them at all.
“Carlos,” Evie whispers, rushing over to them and cupping his face, looking into his eyes. “Oh my god Carlos, I’m so so sorry!”
Carlos lets out a tiny half-sob and presses still closer to Jay, and Jay looks between the girls and Carlos before making his way to Carlos’s bed and lying them both down, covering his boyfriend with the blanket.
He knows when he feels ill, nothing feels better than the soft warmth of a blanket- a warmth he only knows in the first place because Carlos had stolen one from Cruella long ago and given it to him- and though Carlos isn’t sick exactly, grief and shock may as well be the same thing. They’re both exhausting and fill a person up with emptiness and cold and misery.
A warm blanket is the best cure for both, in Jay’s opinion. So he spoons up behind Carlos, arms wrapped warmly and securely around him. “I’m not going anywhere,” he promises as the girls settle in front of Carlos, Evie openly weeping and Mal pretending not to care, but with clear cracks in her facade. The girls rub their friend’s shoulders, Evie whispering soft words of comfort that Jay knows Carlos won’t listen to.
Mal makes her way to Jay’s side of the bed, leaning forward to whisper in his ear urgently. “What happened?”
“Later,” Jay whispers. “I wanna get him calm.”
Mal nods her acceptance and goes back to Evie, and Jay returns to the task of calming Carlos down. Jay secretly tries to lull him to sleep, stroking his forehead the way he knows Carlos can barely resist, whispering soft nothings, and letting Carlos exhaust himself with tears. Even as Carlos fights it, Jay can see him sinking deeper, and he redoubles his efforts. He settles Carlos to lie half on top of him, head on Jay’s chest so Carlos can hear his fast but strong and steady heartbeat.
Carlos half-laughs as he says, “Oh, now you’re playing dirty…”
Jay too lets out a mirthless laugh, smiling without it reaching his eyes. “Do I play any other way? Now get some rest before I have Mal spray her sleeping potion on you.”
Carlos lets out a sound that’s more a sob than a chuckle, and falls asleep in Jay’s arms.
Then Jay looks up at the girls, and says lowly, “we have a problem. I don’t know how, but… Maleficent and Cruella are behind this. There hadn’t been a creature to attack anyone for ten years before this… and then it just happens to attack Carlos and Dude. It’s not a coincidence.”
Evie’s eyes widen, while Mal’s glow green, and Jay feels his stomach drop as he realizes this will only be the beginning for Carlos. His poor boyfriend will hardly be allowed a chance to grieve his friend, as instead they will have to find and fight this returning threat.
The very thought makes Jay’s arms tighten protectively around Carlos, and he gives a silent vow, on everything he holds important, that this time he will be there. It may be too late to save Dude, but he can help Carlos.
Jay watches Evie pull out her magic mirror and Mal pull out her spellbook. Mal’s jaw is set as she starts planning aloud, thinking of ways to find and chase leads.
He’ll make Cruella pay for hurting Carlos. For hurting him before they arrived in Auradon, and for coming back just when Carlos has finally started to recover from her abuse. She’ll regret all of it by the time Jay is done.
He’ll avenge both Carlos and Dude.
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sambashua · 7 years
8 questions~
Tagged by my fave homie and the beautiful @s-lay-ing​ whom i adore a whole bunch~ (yo i’m finally doing it look at meeee)
So i gotta answer these questions claudia made and then come up with my own questions but i’m boring (pt. 82740) sOOO HERE WE GOOOOO
Have you ever seen a ghost or something weird? okay so i don’t rlly believe in paranormal stuff which starts this tag off rlly boring i’m so sorry
Do you know any more languages? which ones and how did you learned them? i’ve been taking spanish for five years and i really love it! i started freshman year of high school after taking a rlly rlly basic semester in sixth grade lol but after that i really wanted to learn a lot of languages so hopefully i have time to learn more! i also want to minor in spanish!!
Would you binge travel? YESSSS it would be such a dream to backpack through a country or just hop from country to country and just talk to locals and meet people and experience the true culture!!
Are you the kind of person who barely remembers their former classmates and the stuff they did on the classroom or you’re the kind who remembers at least most of them and some of the stuff they did? okay so i’m p good w names (at least i used to be lol) bc i’ve always been that Quiet Kid™ so i always observed others and remember random details. But for actual events i don’t remember much ha~~ from 4-6th grade i legit remember nothing oops
If someone gave you one billion dollars with the condition of spending it in a week, do you honestly thing you’d do it? HONESTLYYYYYYYYY if i could donate it to charity maybe?? that’s so much money tho woah… if not i honestly could not even come close lol i wouldn’t even know what to buy
What’s the major event/concert/sports event/other you’ve ever been to? i went to one direction once lol also i saw taylor swift when i was a lot younger it was her great era
Is there a kpop group/artist everyone insists you should stan yet you just can’t because it doesn’t ring your bell/it’s not your cup of tea? (no need to name it if you don’t want to I don’t want to cause ww3) ummmmmm i’m generally p open w stanning groups but i’ve never been interested in stanning b*g b*ng and ik*n just bc i’ve heard some not so great stuff abt them… but i like b*g b*ng’s music (i don’t rlly listen to much ik*n) but none that anyone insists i stan!
If you could create your own sm station and make a group with five members from any kpop group that exists (girls, boys or even mixed), who would you pick and what would be the concept of the group? (bitch I need a sm station with yixing, jackson, china line and winwin ;-;)  YO CHINA LINE STATION WOULD BE SO LIT but i would maybe do a liner station? i’m always such a ho for same age ships so a same age station would be a dreammmm. i’m kinda a ho for 96 & 97 line but i feel like everyone only ever talks abt 97 line so i would maybe do 99 line? bc all my babies!! like mark nd rocky nd chan AND THEY’RE ALL DANCY RAPPERS OKAY I WAS GONNA WRITE MORE 99 LINERS BUT THIS WOULD BE PERFECT OKAY HOW LIT THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN NOW PLZ ***edit: ALSO MY BOY HWIYOUNG HOW DID I FORGET HIM RIP HE IS ALSO A DANCEY RAPPY 99 LINER
What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream? (shoutout to sicheng ma boy)
If you could achieve one thing without working for it what would it be?
A picture that describes your aesthetic?
What’s a song that’s always stuck in your head?
Do you have a video you always find yourself watching? Which one?
What’s one thing you love about yourself? (and don’t say nothing bc imma hunt you down bc you gotta love yourself okay bc ily)
If you could live anywhere in the world where would you live? Why?
If you could spend a full day with your bias what would you do? Where would you got? What would you talk about?
YAYY that was really fun!! i’ll tag @atshinee (oops i’m tagging you in so much don’t yell at me for staying up so late) @hypekyun @pinkwinwin @jungnoir @squishywonu @squishyshua @suneokmin @hobikwan @bubkwan and @99taeil
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omegaverse-seeker · 8 years
Title: My Sweets Word Count: 1262 Chapter: One (Technically) Pairing: Orignial characters, M/M. Tags: Omegaverse, Mpreg, and fluff.  A/N: So this is a fic that I based on a prompt that based on an angsty prompt that I would always use on Omegle. I also posted this on DeviantArt. If you find this ficlet up there, it’s from meeee. Let’s just consider this a first chapter. I have more to this story, but once I see that people really like this story I will post those parts up too. I really hope you guys like this fic, please tell me if you do or if I can do better. I really hope you do like it. <3
The Omega stirred in the plush and warm sheets, thanks to the sun seeping through the blinds on to his eyelids. Bailey tutted and rested his small hands on his massive belly, rubbing the warm orb through his thin sleep shirt. Although Dominic would argue that the college tee was actually his, but he rather not argue with his mate. Plus, he loved it when his Omega wore his clothing. Especially now that his pupped filled belly stretched the fabric, riding up a bit because of it's size, making the Alpha preen with pride.
Bailey blinked opened his lovely blue eyes, and immediately closed them with a groan at the sudden massive intake of sunlight. He turned onto his side and snuggled into his Alpha, purring at his warmth and rugged scent. Sleep began creeping back onto him, and Bailey welcomed it graciously. That is until the three pups currently harboring his womb began squirming and kicking about, earning a exacerbated whine from the cherry redheaded Omega.
"What's wrong?" The jet black haired Alpha said, drowsily as he shot his head up to look over at his Omega.
“Pups woke up,” he grumbled as he rubbed his hands against his heavily rounded out middle.
Dominic set his head back down on the pillow and let out a huff of breath, "You scared the shit out of me."
The Alpha took a moment to wake full, then turned onto his side and scooted down to be face to face with the round middle. He bunched the shirt up and revealed his mate's stomach, scenting it a bit. Which earned happy and content purrs from the Omega. Dom pressed his lips to the skin and gave it a loving kiss.
"You three are making your Momma very uncomfortable," the Alpha rumbled, getting the pups to still for a moment before they moved gently.
Bailey smiled down at him and threaded his fingers into the soft messy curls, that were his husband's, and purred at the affection to his belly.
"Thank you," he said since the pups were calmed.
Dominic kissed the belly once more and scooted up once again to kiss his husband on his cute button nose. He murmured as he pressed his nose into the Omega’s neck scent gland, "You are welcome, baby."
The Omega tilted his head to catch his Alpha's lips and hummed happily. Dominic pulled away and looked into Bailey's soft blue eyes with his lovely hazel green eyes. He absolutely adored them, ever since he saw them tearing up at that pointless keg party.
"Goodmorning," Bailey murmured as he stretched his stiffened pregnant body. Flinching here and there when he heard a few pops of his joints.
Dominic frowned with the popping sounds and wrapped his arms around the Omega's body. It was almost funny how much bigger the Alpha was compared to his Omega. Bailey was always short and skinny, a typical Omega really. In college, Dominic played football, gaining muscle that his body didn't seem to want to let go even with having an office job, but even before then he was still overall huge.
"Morning sweetheart," he yawned before kissing the younger sweetly, "How you feeling?"
"Fat and pregnant."
The Alpha sucked his teeth and buried his nose in the Omega's auburn hair, "Oh come on baby. You're just pregnant. Not fat."
"Sure, dear."
"Captain Obvious."
The Alpha scoffed and laughed at his Omega, going ahead and kissing his nose again. “I love you,” he cooed sweetly.
“I love you too,” Bailey leaned into kissing his love happily, “You big ole’ softy.”
Dominic growled playfully and nipped his jaw, "No. I'm your big scary Alpha."
"With marshmallow filling."
"With tough guy filling."
Bailey perked up when hearing their two year old son calling out for Dominic. He teased, "Hey tough guy, get our son up here so we can cuddle him already."
"You don't have to tell me twice," Dom laughed softly and went to pick up the boy.
Riley, was his father spitting imagine, it was almost terrifying. He had his dark hair, curls, and hazel eyes. Not to forget all of his sharp facial features, which were softened by his baby fat and young age. He had the millions of beauty marks that Bailey had. Their "constellations" Dominic liked to call them.
Dominic held their toddler up over himself and Riley was just giggling away, like little happy boy he was. "You silly little boy," the Alpha laughed and settled the boy in between them.
Bailey practically began glowing with their son’s acknowledgement, and Dominic preened like any Alpha would. "Goodmorning my sweet boy," he cooed and leaned over to litter kisses and his scent on the boy's cute face.
Riley squealed and giggled with the kisses, "Momma, morning!"
The Alpha smiled brightly and wrapped his arms around his two loves, well, his five loves. Deep in his large chest, he purred fondly for all them. The two purred in response, well Riley more cooed. Since he didn't know just quite how to purr yet or presented, but they were both sure he’d be an Alpha.
"Riley, do you want pancakes? With chocolate chips?" Bailey asked against the boy's temple, scenting his hairline with a hum.
"Yea, Momma! Chips."
"Good. Now, can Daddy help Mommy up? Seeing as he has a beach ball attached to his front."
The Alpha growled tiredly, hearing that he had to get up from the warm sheets to help his mate. Though Dominic would gladly help do so.
“Alright love,” he said with a half grumble, “I will help you up.”
“Thank you my beloved,” he said with a deep hum, then let go of Riley with a soft kiss to his curls.
Bailey held Dominic by his forearms, and the Alpha counted down for him. Pulling him up on the count of three, earning a soft groan of discomfort from the heavily pregnant Omega. The taller leaned down and scented his mate heavily, trying to ebb the pain he must have been feeling. He pulled away and scanned his Omega’s face, waiting for a sign that he was truly okay.
Once Bailey nodded and caressed his cheek, Dominic pulled him to stand up. His large hands quickly going to the large belly, helping the smaller one regain his balance as he swayed for a moment.
“Yeah,” he murmured once he got his balance, “I‘m okay babe.”
“Good,” he murmured as he kissed the Omega’s forehead, and looked at their son, “Riley, head downstairs, okay? I have to help Momma get to the kitchen.”  
“Okay Daddy,” the boy said carefully climbing off their bed and stuck his thumb in his mouth.
Bailey watch their son fondly as he exited the room and looked down to his belly as Dominic’s hand rested on top of it. His thumb rubbed against one of the pups’ protruding foot, making the redhead purr contently at the affection.
“Hm, my love,” said Bailey as his eyes closed slowly.
“My love,” Dominic murmured, pressing another kiss to his Omega’s forehead. “Let’s go and start breakfast, yeah? I’ll help you. Wouldn’t want you to strain yourself so close to your due date,” he scented him with a deep possessive purr.
“I’m not as fragile as you think I am,” he said with a gentle chuckle.
Dominic nipped playfully at Bailey’s nose, “Oh hush, call it doting instead. Now come on, we have a family to feed.”
The Omega nodded and they both made their way down to the kitchen.
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