#it’s not fully fleshed out yet so if you have ideas i’d be more than happy to hear them 👀
shrimper · 3 months
so briefly to discuss the main roles. chilchuck is yomiel, izutsumi is sissel, laois is lynne, falin is the equivalent of kamilla and marcille takes on the role of missile ! (thus, marcille is also ray, && i’ll elaborate on this later)
the plot is similar to ghost trick!! (…kinda) (not really)
brief plot overview!! it happens in a similar enough universe to ghost trick, but the races from dungeon meshi pass over . i don’t think there will be a dungeon but don’t quote me on that one
but Anyway um. yeah chilchuck got divorced by his wife and it was BAD his wife took the house took the kids he was SO fucked. he dropped out of his job (which was…ummm. engineering maybe, if not rogue ?) and entered a spiral of depression > drink to feel better > hangover > depression. he was quickly gaining an addiction . LUCKILY FOR HIM he had a bit more sense than his dunmeshi counterpart — enough to recognise that his reliance on alcohol was a Bad Thing — so, in order to Recover (or at least replace it with something) he adopted a cat ‼️ he named her izutsumi and they became best friends, especially since it was likely chilchuck wasn’t going to live much longer after she died (half foot lifespans)
a few months into this he was falsely accused of armed robbery . he already had a pretty bad reputation around the area for being somewhat of a lousy guy, so he was taken into questioning and then. yeah whatever happened with yomiel 👍 temsik meteor, holding lynne (or in this case laios) hostage, etc etc
you know how this goes . chilchuck got revenge on the officers who cornered him && now senshi is in prsion . yeag . he (senshi) had two wards under his care, who were laios and falin. they all also shared an apartment with falins VERY close friend marcille who was very intelligent but not wise at all !
the first loop happens, and marcille got stuck there but sticks with it in the hopes of saving falin (…why? what happened to falin. can anyone hear me the number of plot holes in my own au are astounding). she eventually took the form of a log with a small sprout at the end of it (a reference to her staff) . she calls herself ‘bud’ !
you know the rest. izutsumi wakes up, sees chilchucks body & assumes it is hers and continues on without knowing how to read. etc etc .
“what about the characters you haven’t mentioned?” i’m working on it 😭!! i’m thinking senshi is jowd, Maybe (if not obvious by the story overview). kiki is inspector cabanela, maybe, and namari and kaka are her Right Hand Detectives(TM) with varying amounts of respect for her (playful sibling rivalry vs. kikimari perhaps?), but that does leave the issue of ‘why does senshi know kiki???? hwhuh’. shirou is the justice minister, maybe??? inutade is also here in the form of a dobermann i think. somewhere . inutade izutsumi best friends every universe
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glittter-skeleton · 4 months
I haven’t seen anyone talk about Alastor’s cannibalism in relation to his relationship with Vox
So with most cannibalistic serial killers the reason they are people wasn’t because they liked the taste. It’s about full control and psycho-sexual desire as consumption.
The want of control is obvious all though Alastor’s character over himself and others. From the way he clearly gets joy out of ordering Husk around and literally owning his soul to his own ever-present smile (if we assume he’s not forsed into it as has not yet been confirmed) as a means of controlling his own character at all times. But with cannibalism it’s more than that, it’s control over your victim ever after they died, the power to not only control their souls but their body
And that’s where the psycho-sexual part of it comes in. In resent years movies like “raw” and “bones and all” we see what has always been a part of cannibalism: desire. Because it’s not only the power, it’s also the feeling of consumption, of becoming one with your victim. I’m a way, that’s not too different from sex in it’s most pure and carnal. In real killers most of the cases of cannibalism are sexual, with sex crimes accompanying. We can assume Alastor wasn’t like that, but the element or the carnal desire that plays such a big part in cannibalism still follows his character.
All of that to say that the desire that Alastor can feel in his own twisted way towards other demons is… impossible with Vox. He’s not made of flesh and bone (most probably) and we don’t know if he ever was. There is nothing for Alastor to feel attracted towards, not even his body (in the most literal way). We can also play with the idea that Vox is a sort of Ship of Theseus-type cyborg replacing parts of himself with machine one by one until there is none left as we do not know of any other demons in hell who are anywhere like him. So even if Alastor could feel that sort of way towards Vox, it is no more. And on the other side, if Vox was literally re-born as machine (maybe as ironic punishment for trying to be like one on earth like cutting off his emotions, etc) than that Alastor finds most desirable in a person was never there in Vox to begin with.
This parts a bit of stretch but even without the cannibalism Alastor thrives in watching people who are hopeful, souls who try and fail over and over again. Which maybe, as a machine, Vox originally wasn’t. Maybe at the start of their relationship he was calculating and unemotional which pairs well with Alastor’s own mask of detachment and indifference but also makes him completely uninteresting to Alastor as a subject of desire. But on the other hand Vox isn’t just machine, he’s a TV and his character reflects the media’s reactionary and emotional judgment. I just don’t know how Alastor ever worked with Vox if he’s always had the mindset we see in the show. But if that’s the case Alastor does feed on Vox’s desperation but never fully, never truly desiring him the consuming, power-play way that he feels most strongly (aka the want to eat him). I present you with both readings of Vox’s past emotional state as we do not as of now know what their relationship has been before
TLDR: Vox is the pinnacle of un-fuckable to Alastor, as even though he does not feel sexual desire the cannibalistic part of him can feel the psycho-sexual want to consume a body. Which he can’t with Vox who is machine.
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I’d love to hear what other have to say about a machine loving a cannibal so please feel free to share your readings in the tags
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rinnelovebot · 1 year
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A/N: I KNOW THE BANNER LOOKS FUCKED UP but it’s bc I don’t have access to the full cg yet.. anyway I had to get it out of my system. I’m so fucking in love with him
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*ೃ༄ dressing room angel
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“I quite like it; it suits me, I think.”
You’d been staring at Hiiro’s new personalized outfit within one of the various ES dressing rooms for at least an hour now — fiddling with the beads adorning his neck, the earrings that complimented his eyes almost devilishly well — just about everything, and you still wouldn’t say you were even close to being done yet. Hiiro wore a relaxed grin on his face, as if proud, but still waiting on your fully fleshed out input.
“It does,” you added, “It really, really does. It’s different from your first personalized outfit, but that’s the best part.”
The redheads grin grew wider at your words, sighing contently as one of your hands wandered up from his chest to his cheek, stroking soft skin with a gentle palm. “Ah, I’m happy to hear that… Anzu-san did an amazing job encapsulating my ideas, better than I ever could’ve.”
She did do an amazing job. You’d say that Hiiro’s always been a handsome young man, but this outfit in particular accentuated all of his finest qualities and amplified them to the point where you didn’t think you’d be able to look him in the eye for longer than five seconds without melting into a pathetic pile of goop.
Knowing that your initial inspection had passed, he stepped forward, allowing his hands to rest on your hips. Perhaps reflexively, yours wrapped around his shoulders in turn; In attempts to avoid growing too flustered at the closeness — and the overall sight of him — you filled the silence. “What do your friends think? Your brother?”
Hiiro chuckled under his breath. “Well, Mayoi-senpai and Aira reacted with a series of excited squeals, which I’d hope to be positive.” The way his lips grew closer wasn’t lost on you. “Tatsumi-senpai and Nii-san had more coherent things to say, though. I was relieved to hear that they liked it as much as I do.”
Yeah, that sounded accurate enough. You had no doubts that his colleagues would be just as insane about this as you had been. “Ah, also, the garters were Aira’s idea. He thought they’d bring an ‘air of hotness’ to my otherwise ‘handsome and pure’ image.” The amused lilt in his voice suggested that he noticed your affliction, but he didn’t want to tease you about it. He’d always been too kind for that.
You’d have to thank his little blonde peer later. “I see…” you whispered, feeling his breath upon your lips as the two of you gently swayed, gazing at one another intently.
The vast blue ocean of his eyes always seemed to draw you in, almost hypnotically so — no matter how great your efforts to avoid them. No one could ever look at you as fondly as Hiiro.
“Did it work?”
And just as he dipped down to finally give you what you wanted, you offered him a response. “You know it did.”
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Gojo/Reader Sick Day NSFW
 So this is a one-shot rn but i’m thinking of making it maybe an interconnected series of them? I toyed w/ the idea of a fully fleshed out story for it but idk. I don’t really have a good idea of the reader’s character to get heavy into a plot like that. One shots where i don’t have to develop a background and distinct character motivations tho? I can do that. Maybe something will come to me and i’ll circle back around to it idk. I’m also working on a geto/reader (honestly haven’t truly decided on the pairing yet - toss up between nanami & geto) that i’m actually really excited about so i feel like i’d be spreading myself a bit thin. If you want a good gojo/reader fic go check out mushmoon12’s - the girls are being fed w/ it omg. 
I’ve had the outline of this ready to go since November and have just been sitting on it.
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You can’t hold back the mumbled curses as you shift around. Your body unable to get comfortable no matter which way you twist and turn under the mountain of blankets you had  piled on top of yourself before falling asleep. 
Everything is much too warm and your body aches as you move. Your fever has not gone down it seems. 
You had woken earlier that day with a kick drum pounding behind your eyes, your throat scratchy and your skin searing hot to the touch. You weren’t used to feeling anything other than ‘normal’ so the cold you’d developed had you convinced you were at death’s door. Calling in sick from classes left a bad taste in your mouth but the thought of pushing your aching body to get dressed and walk all the way across campus was less and less appealing by the second.
You’re not sure if the text you’d sent to Yaga had been coherent - your mind was much too foggy to concern itself with such details - but after sending it you had promptly rolled back over and cocooned yourself into your bed, hoping to sleep off whatever it was that had you feeling so miserable. 
It hadn’t worked, of course, you realize as your mind becomes more and more present. With an irritated huff you work on untangling yourself, the process taking longer as your limbs feel like dead weight as you try to coordinate yourself. 
You finally manage to get your head out from beneath the covers, your eyes squinting at the harsh light you don’t recall turning on, and you let out a soft gasp of surprise when the first thing you see after returning to the world of the living is deep cerulean. 
“Mornin’”, Satoru’s smile is all teeth and he’s certainly made himself comfortable on your bed as his larger body has somehow taken up most of the space. He’s laid out like he owns the place. You’re not all that sure of when he got there. Or how. You’re certain your door had been locked before you went to bed last night. 
You raise a questioning brow to him, “How long have you been here?”
“Long enough to see how pathetic you are when you’re sick,” he brings one of his hands to your forehead, feeling the fever on your skin and clicks his tongue, “I didn’t believe Yaga at first but you really are in a bad way, huh? Poor thing.” 
You’d roll your eyes at his teasing if you could find the energy for it. 
"Fuck off,” is all you can manage to mumble before attempting to shift away from him. Entertaining him when you feel as if you’d been hit with a semi isn’t sounding all that appealing. 
"Hey, hey," his hands make quick work of stopping you from moving away from him, "Don't be like that. How are you even more cranky than usual? You must be feeling better.” He pulls your face back to him and his eyes examine you under those long white lashes. He takes in the rosy hue of your cheeks and the glazed over look in your eyes. It’s all looking very familiar to him even if he’d never seen you sick before. You recognize the look in his eyes too. 
You blame the sudden dizzy feeling overtaking your brain on the fever. 
"I know!” he suddenly releases your face and claps his hands as he arrives at a thought, not paying attention to how the sharp noise causes you to wince slightly "let's play doctor. I'll take real good care of you.” 
"Please, I'm surprised you manage to keep yourself alive day to day.”
"Come on,” he insists as his hands begin uncovering the rest of your body from the blankets, ignoring your protests, “It'll be fun. Let me take care of you.”
“I don’t need a babysitter,” you practically hiss as you put up a weak resistance against his wandering hands. 
“Not really what I had in mind,” the octave his voice takes causes you to still in your movements. He smiles down at you with that shit eating grin. The one that promises that he’s up to no good. You’ve seen it a million times - usually it’s reserved for when he’s about to do something to annoy Yaga that you and Geto try to talk him out of. More recently, though, he’s been using it when it’s just you two. 
A trill goes down your spine, heating your body further at the thought of the good trouble he’s been the cause of recently. 
You nearly hiss when he finally manages to uncover the rest of your body. The cool air hitting your overheated skin brings some relief but it’s short lived as his hands begin to travel to where your sleeping top has ridden up, his fingers ghosting along the skin as he toys with the hem. 
His eyes drink in the sight of you in that way that makes your stomach do flips before he startings leaning down towards you again, bringing his face closer and closer to your own. 
Gojo let's out a soft questioning hum when his lips meet your cheek instead of the intended target. You can see the pout already forming on his lips, upset that you had turned your head from him and denied him. He always pouted when he didn’t get his way. Spoiled brat. 
"I could get you sick,” you explain as you bring your hands to the ones that are still playing with the fabric of your top. Tempting as he was, one of you had to be sensible and you knew it was never going to be him. 
His pout quickly morphs into another shit eating grin at your explanation. “Oh, you really do care about me. Don’t you?” 
You barely get a mumbled ‘shut up’ out before he silences you with a kiss. His lips quickly molding against yours and silencing whatever harsh words you had for him. You can’t help the small moan as his tongue slips against yours. 
He shifts above you, caging you in-between his body and the mattress as he moves to pepper sloppy kisses and bites down your neck and collarbone, tasting the slight salty sheen of sweat that coats your skin. Your breath shudders at the feeling of his teeth as he marks you. He’s always eager to leave marks on your skin - you want to hate him for it. You’ve told him so many times to be mindful of where he leaves them, not wanting to suffer the awkward glances that others might send your way should they see them. You’re certain the idea of others seeing evidence of the time the two of you spend together only encourages him to do it more. Bastard. 
It’s hard to stay mad at him though. At least when his mouth is moving against your skin like this. 
He pulls back from his work for a moment, surely admiring it you think in irritation, before his eyes raise and meet yours. When you offer no further protest he rewards you with a kiss as his hands begin removing what little clothing you had on. His eagerness making quick work of the process. His hands and mouth travel across the expanse of newly exposed skin. His fingers dip between your folds and you feel him smile against your skin. You’re already soaking wet. 
"You're not being a very good doctor, you know,” your breath is airy, the feeling of his fingers against you sends a buzz of pleasure throughout your body. Your mind too muddled with desire to think as his other hand moves your thighs further apart to make room for him. Anticipation coiling the spring further and you nearly forget how to breathe properly, "More like a pervert taking advantage.” 
"Semantics,” his breath ghosts along your skin as he moves further down your body. 
Your hands rush forward to grab his head, stopping him. He stares at you, the question evident on his face and you can’t help but look away in embarrassment. 
 "I feel gross" and you do. The sweat from your fever doesn’t exactly feel sexy in the moment. 
"I'm gunna make a mess of you either way" he says, continuing his descent as his fingers resume their exploration of you. You can’t stop the gasp as he pushes one inside of you, it glides in easily to the first knuckle. Your soft flesh warming him to the bone, "does it really matter?" The feeling of his breath on your clit as his finger slowly begins to pump in a steady rhythm nearly makes you forget every thought you’ve ever had. 
"I guess not" 
He wastes little time pressing his tongue against you, your eyes nearly rolling back into your head at the overwhelming sensation as he slips another finger into you, stretching you out further. You’re mesmerized by the sight he makes between your thighs, gripping his white hair tightly as you groan at the heat building inside of you. The feeling of your nails raking through his hair against his scalp is enough to have him choking out his own moan. The sound vibrating against your core and sending another wave of pleasure through you.
You can’t help the incoherent babbling of praise and encouragement that falls from your lips when his fingers increase in tempo and his lips lock around your clit.  It has you squirming in his hold, trying to meet each thrust of his fingers. 
Your desire builds, steadily climbing but your hazy mind recognizes that it’s not enough. You need more. 
He lets you pull his head up to yours. You nearly whine as you feel his fingers slip out of you, your heat cleaning around the new emptiness as you bring his lips to yours again. You taste yourself on his lips as your tongue explores his mouth, your legs wrapping around his waist to pull his body closer to yours. You feel his length straining against his pants as your grind your hips against his, the friction sending small electric currents of pleasure throughout your body but still not enough. 
You force your aching muscles to move and soon enough you find yourself on top of him. In the back of your mind you want to think that you surprised him with the movement but you know that he’s only under you because he allowed it. 
He’s smiling up at you, his eyes heavy lidded with desire as his hands come to rest on your hips. He looks nearly delirious and you’re sure he could say the same for you. 
“Eager, are you?” his teasing is cut short with a groan as you grind down on him again. The fabric between you doing little to mask the feeling of him against you. 
You bite your tongue to prevent your own reply to his stupid remark, opting instead to pull on his waistband and release his dick from the restraint of his pants. You nearly smirk as he lets out a soft hiss at the feeling of your hand wrapping around him, he’s always been so sensitive that even the slightest touch from you can draw noises from him. 
Your other hand goes to balance yourself on his chest as you raise your hips. You can’t stop your own noises from spilling from your lips as you lower yourself onto him. His nails sink into your flesh deeper as you take him inside of you inch by inch. He doesn’t bother to quiet the loud moan when you finally have his dick fully inside of you. He never bothers to be quiet. 
Your pace starts off steady as you move against him. Your teeth catch your bottom lip as you fight off your own moans at the look of him beneath you. His pale skin is flushed, pupils blown wide and mouth hanging open. You raise your hips higher, his length nearly slipping out of your completely before you’re slamming yourself back down onto him. The action drawing noises from both of you, his dick buried so deep inside of you with each movement that it leaves you seeing stars. His fingers digging into your hips leave small indentations as his grip tightens, small curses leaving his lips as he watches you move on him. 
"You're supposed to be the one taking care of me and here I am doin all the work," you moan, digging your own nails into the skin of his chest as punishment, "fucking spoiled brat." 
"You wanna be spoiled too baby?" He grabs your hips suddenly, taking control as he thrusts up into you. He angles himself just right to hit that sweet spot again and again. The one that makes you sing for him. "Cmon, is this what you wanted? Gotta use your words" he teases, knowing that he's fucking any sense right out of you. 
Your grasp of how to coherently string together a sentence in any human language is lost to you. Instead, you find yourself whimpering and throwing any arrangements of syllables together that would get him to just keep doing that. The tips of your ears begin to burn as you feel yourself reaching your peak. His thrusts become harder and deeper as he feels you beginning to clench around him, knowing the signs that you’re close has him chasing his own release. 
Gojo’s always been such a visual creature. The sight of you fucking yourself onto him, his length entering your wet heat, your whole body being rocked by his thrusts is nearly enough for him finish right then and there. It isn’t until he feels you spasming over him and his name tumbling out of your mouth like a prayer that the pressure becomes too much. His thrusts become erratic as pulls your body down against his, drawing out your orgasm with each movement. The pressure snaps with one final thrust into you, his warmth filling you to the brim as he releases a strangled cry of your name. He pumps into you a few more times, riding out his wave until there’s nothing left. You can feel his heart hammering away in his chest as you both take a moment to catch your breath. 
When you look up at him you find his eyes already trained on you. His pupils are still so blown out that they nearly overtake the entirety of the blue you’ve grown so attached to. His smile isn’t the cocky self-assured one or the shit eating grin that you’ve grown to associate him with. It’s a soft thing that is so unlike him you almost think you’re seeing things. His hand rises to your cheeks and the kiss is soft too. Tender, even, as he holds you against him. He pulls back from you with a content sigh. 
“That was really dumb.” you can’t help but say, “you’re going to be really annoying in the next few days when you start to come down with whatever I have.”
He scoffs. 
“Please, as if I’d get sick,” he says as if the idea is entirely ludacris. Maybe it is. With a power like his, who knows. 
You turn your head down hiding your own soft smile as you bury your face in his neck, breathing in his scent. 
It’s followed by a sharp yelp of pain from his as you bite down against the skin. 
Just enough to hurt. 
Just enough to remind him he’s human too.
He does get sick and like predicted is very fucking needy about it and whines to you to take care of him
"You have to take responsibility! You did this to me" "Dumbass I told you you'd get sick! This isn't my responsibility!" "How was I supposed to know this would happen? You should've been smarter and stopped me" "You had your tongue down my throat! Of course this would happen"
you do end up playing nurse. He's so demanding and childish but it's also...kinda cute.
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nickfowlerrr · 2 years
i can see it now
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pairing: sebastian x curvy!reader
warnings: 18+ only. unprotected sex. fluff. these two wanna have a baby lol.
words: 1.1k
notes: what is this, you ask? who knows. i woke up at 2 something am (so like two hours ago) and ended up being sick - i’m not saying it’s bc i ate raw cookie dough earlier but if i had to guess 🥴 - anyway i was lying down trying to comfort myself and i wrote this little thing. admittedly i didn’t read through it and it’s not edited so i’m sure there’s some errors. i’ve never written for rp before (& i don’t think i will again 😬) and it’s very likely i’ll end up deleting this bc it’s really just self indulgent comfort smut but i thought i’d share it for now. good night. or morning. or whatever lol. 😚
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“What do you think our kids will look like?” he asked as he pulled you closer into him, the comforter laid on top of your intertwined bodies.
“Hm,” you thought for a second. This was never a topic you had fully broached before yet he spoke with such certainty that it would happen. And as you thought, you realized how much you liked the idea of having kids with him. It felt right. You leaned your head up and with one hand tilted his down to you as you kissed his cheek. “Just as pretty as you,” you answered as you nuzzled into the crook of his neck.
Sebastian smiled as he stared down at you adoringly. “That was gonna be my answer,” he playfully chided as he squeezed you tighter.
“You wanna have kids with me?” he asked a little more seriousness in his voice now.
You didn’t need much of any time to think about it before you nodded against his chest. Pulling your head back to look at him while you answered, a soft “yeah” slipping past your lips.
His lips soon met yours in a gentle kiss as your hands wandering soothingly along each other’s bodies. The gentleness soon gave way to neediness and before you knew it you were slipping out of your pajamas and wrapping your legs around him while he moved to get on top of you.
“You’re gonna make me a daddy,” he whispered against your cheek as he laid atop you, slowly entering you with ease. Your hands were clutching his back as your eyes shut in pleasure, your back arching as your walls welcomed him.
You nodded fervently before his name started falling from your lips.
“Sebastian,” you moaned as he got a little faster, hands at your wide, fleshy hips holding you in place while he thrusted into you.
Somehow it was still gentle as he rocked his cock inside of you, stimulating your clit with his every move.
You felt yourself coming undone so much sooner than you normally did, your walls constricting around him as he leaned more of his weight into you, chasing his own end. You were panting and mewling beneath him as he took you apart so expertly.
“I love you, baby,” he panted in your ear. “So fucking much.”
You felt like crying as his thumb found your sensitive clit and began rubbing in tight circles, sending you head first into your orgasm while cries of his name and whimpers of “I love you”s came tumbling past your lips.
Sebastian was right behind you, ghosting the skin of your neck with his kisses and nipping your sensitive flesh every so often until his kisses became more bruising and he began rutting into you with little restraint.
“I’m gonna come,” he groaned as his grip on your hips tightened. “I’m gonna come inside you,” he moaned.
“Please,” you begged softly as your hands ran up and down his strong arms while he continued to keep his hold on you. “Sebastian, please,” you moaned out, the heels of your feet digging into his ass as you urged him closer, refusing to let him pull out - as if he was going to anyway.
“Oh, fuck,” he moaned as your walls tightened around him again, causing him to lose his rhythm completely as he spilled inside of you as deep as he could, filling you up while he emptied himself in your tight hole. When he was thoroughly satisfied, he slowly pulled out of you, placing kisses all over your face before he collapsed on top of you, his head on your chest as both of you were still regaining your breath.
Your fingers were playing in his hair, nails raking gently along his scalp while he hugged you and nuzzled further into the warmth of your chest, placing soft kisses along your skin every so often.
“You’re amazing,” he mumbled against you. “I love you so goddamn much,” he continued.
You couldn’t fight the smile that took over your face at his words.
“I love you, too,” you whispered, content to have him fall asleep atop you while you lulled him to sleep. His body weight a comfort you enjoyed having on top of you.
“You’re gonna be a great mom,” he spoke, his face nuzzling into your warm breast while he sighed in comfort. Your eyes threatened to water at his words as he cuddled you tighter for a moment.
“Yeah?” you asked.
“Mhm,” he nodded against you. “You’re gonna be amazing.”
“I’m not pregnant yet,” you breathed a smile.
“Says who?” he challenged.
You laughed softly at him, your hands now rubbing up and down his back slowly and soothingly.
“Whenever it is we get pregnant,” you began, “You’re gonna be amazing, too. I can already see you now,” you smiled as you felt him do the same against your skin.
“We’re gonna have the cutest kids ever,” he said confidently.
“Oh, without a doubt,” you agreed.
“And so talented,” he continued.
“Award winners,” you nodded in agreement, your soft smile never leaving your lips.
“Just like their mom,” he grinned proudly.
“Just like their dad,” you reminded him in response.
He pushed himself up as he hovered above you, looking you in your eyes before he leaned closer. “I love you,” he told you again before his lips brushed yours.
“I love you,” you responded, feeling like the luckiest soul in the world. You met his lips again with a kiss of your own that had him smiling into you.
He moved himself down and over to lay beside you as he tugged you closer to him. He let his hand smooth over your curves as you laid on your side against him, rounding the shape of your ass before tickling down your thick thigh and back up again before he eventually rounded your hip and gently ran his fingers over your soft tummy. He kept at it, tickling you as his hands wandering all over - like he wanted to feel every inch of your skin under his light, careful touch while he admired your soft breathing and contented sighs and fluttering lashes as you melted into him. His arm wrapped around you as you cuddled into one another and eventually both of you fell asleep with peaceful smiles on your faces, dreams of your future together playing through your minds.
Only good things were on their way and you knew you had so much to look forward to with Sebastian by your side.
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ruex2 · 1 month
Daryl Dixon knows how to pleasure a woman 
just a short idea I came up with when trying to do my work.
Warnings: f receiving oral, bodily fluids, spit, age gap, semi public.
The first time I met Daryl Dixon, I thought he was an asshole. And I was right, he was. He was an arrogant shit head who followed his older brother around like some little puppy bitch. But even at twenty I could appreciate that there was a certain air to him that had the spot between my legs growing damp. I wanted to fuck him — though I would never admit it aloud. 
Even now, two years later, where he’s a little less arrogant, a little less of a shit head and a little less of a puppy bitch, but a whole lot more reserved, can I admit that I’d still fuck him. It’s a certain kind of ball wrapped in my stomach and it grows tighter the longer it’s there. It’s an itch that is driving me mindless, a lot like the walkers who starve for our flesh – yet I starve for the archer's cock, and that’s humiliating. 
I look up from my corner in the little gas station, which we found on the edge of a road twenty miles west of base, and glare over at said man who rummages through the back room. He grunts as he lifts something off the top shelf, prying open the lid and then shoving the contents inside his bag. I’m surprised this place hasn’t already been fully ransacked, though I suppose it is quite far from any of the main roads; shoved in the middle of a narrow road that veers off another quiet, back road. 
“I’m gonna go check the cars I saw down the road,” Glenn says, hiking a thumb over his shoulder. “See if I can syphon some gas.”
I startle and turn to him, feeling like a child with their hand caught in a cookie jar. Did he see me watching Daryl? It wasn’t anything sinister or erotic, but it was curious and maybe lingering a little too long. My lips thin and I offer him a nod.
“Call if you need us,” I tell him and turn back to the cans I found on the bottom shelf. 
“You too,” he says, then chances a look over my shoulder. “Doubt you need me to tell you to be careful.” 
I pause momentarily and look up at him from beneath narrowed brows. Does he know something? 
Shut up, I mentally snap.
I hum, “We’ll be fine.”
Glenn offers up a parting smile as he steps back out through the door, closing it behind him with a soft thud, and disappears from sight. The silence in the gas station becomes thick, hot, and I shrug off my jacket in hopes of keeping my cool. 
“Found anythin’?” Daryl steps out of the back room, hair far longer and darker now than it was when this all started, and hanging in his face.
My mouth grows dry. “Yep. Cans of beans, not loads though. Have you managed to find any medicine?”
He dips his chin, walking to the shelf behind me and picking up a pack of pens and then flicking them back down. A fine layer of sweat gathers across my skin and I wonder if I’m going to explode. 
I shake my head and rise, shutting my bag and slinging it onto my shoulder. I turn, only to find him still behind me, his eyes dark despite them usually being so blue.
He's intimidating, and rightfully so. Despite that, I can feel the need crawling up my spine, like a beast hunting its prey. I step away and run a hand across my forehead before I do something I know I will regret. 
“Yer alrigh’?” Comes his voice, gruff and rumbling from lack of use. 
I nod once, my lips pressed tight together, in case I spill what’s sat on my tongue. I try to side step him, clutching my bag tightly.
A hand reaches out and grabs me by the elbow. Daryl glares down at me with narrowed eyes. “Yer red n’ hazy eyed. Yer been bit?” 
I scoff. “I’ve been by you and Glenn the entire time, think you’d know if I’d been bit.”
“Wha’s’ wrong?” He doesn’t relent. 
I try to shrug him off with a snap, “Why do you care?” 
He blinks at me like I’m an extraterrestrial creature that snuck its way onto earth. “Cuz if yer infected then we’re all fuck’d.”
“I’ve told you already, I’m not. Let the fuck go.”
His eyes narrow even further and his jaw ticks. “Yer a right ol’ bitch today, ain’t ya.”
My nostrils flare. “Fuck off, Daryl.” 
He steps closer, a small tweak at the ends of his lips that gives way into a subtle smirk. What’s his deal? 
“Or wha’?”
I can’t speak, can hardly breathe, or think or comprehend anything. I want to both slap him and fuck him — neither which I can do. 
It would be wrong. He’s the caretaker of the group, so much older than me, he’s rugged and obviously experienced. And I’m young enough to be his fucking child. But despite this, I grab him by the back or the neck and slam my lips against his. 
He stays immobile, hand on my arm and the other clutching his bag. I’m an idiot. God what have I done. There’s no way I can go back with him and Glenn to the others, I’ll never be able to show my fucking face – i’m mortified. Maybe I'll just go and sacrifice myself to the walkers.
I go to pull back, my face red and neck hot, when the bag at his side clatters onto the tiled floor and his hand grabs me by the waist, fingers digging into my skin.
“This’s wrong,” he grumbles against my lips, pressing his harder against mine. 
“Don’t care,” I breathe. 
He grumbles and pushes me back into the shelves, cans clatter and a box of dried apricots falling to the ground with a smack. His lips are slightly dry and plump and he kisses me like he's been starving to do so, and when he swipes his tongue over my lip and nips at the corner, do I welcome him into me, the taste of smoke and something I can't quite place but so uniquely Daryl fills my mouth. 
His hand slips past my breasts, stopping momentarily to tweak a nipple, before moving south where he kicks apart my feet and slots his thigh in between. 
“Yer think yer slick, huh?” he pants against my lips, grinding his thigh up into my clit. I pant, muffling a moan between lips pressed so tightly together that I'm half afraid they will stay that way forever. “Pantin’ like a bitch in heat. I see yer watchin’ me, heard yer rubbin’ yer pretty little pussy to mer name. Should’a come to me, baby.” 
My eyes squeeze closed as my head tips back. This can't be real, can it? But when his lips trail down the side of my neck and his fingers undo the button on my jeans and slips in to stroke my cunt, do i realise this isn't a sick little fantasy.
Its my sick little reality, and im fucking loving it. 
I swallow thickly, grappling at his shirt, only for him to grab my hands and pull them to the base of my back, where he holds them there. His other hand dips lower into my panties, finger dipping to circle around my clit before dropping down and tapping my entrance. I gasp and press down, hoping to get him to touch me how I want to be touched, but he doesn't. He avoids everything I want. 
What if he doesn't even know how to pleasure a woman?
What if he only cares about his own? 
“hm, so fuckin’ wet,” he murmurs, finally dipping a finger into my cunt and circiling my clit with his thumb, pressing down lightly. “Shouldn’t botha with water, jus’ drink from you.”
Didn't think it was possible to get wetter. Guess I've just proved myself wrong.
Daryl drops to his knees in front of me, pulling my trousers down to my ankles and pulling my legs apart to stare at my cunt. His eyes glint up at me, a smirk pulling at his lip, and then he's diving in, licking a fat line from my entrance to my clit, which he then sucks in. 
He's greedy in the way he eats me, trying to drink it all, licking deep into me, sucking my bud into his mouth and nibbling softly at its face, digging his fingers hungrily into my thighs and pulling me closer.
I grip the edge of the metal shelf behind me, crying out when a thick wave of pleasure rolls towards me. Fucking hell I needed this. 
And fuck I was wrong. Daryl Dixon knows how to pleasure a woman. 
A moan, loud and full of sex, escapes me and Daryl rips himself away from my cunt to glare up at me, his fingers quickly replacing his tongue and sliding deep. 
“As much’s I wanna hear ma name on yer lips, gotta be quiet, ‘nless we wanna let all the walkers know where we ‘re.” 
I gulp, whimpering when he goes back to stroking my clit with his thumb. He looks away from me momentarily to spit on my mound and it takes everything I have to not cum at just the sight of a glob of spit slipping between my lips. From the corner of my eye, I watch as he undoes his bottoms and pull out his cock. He dips his other hand up to my cunt and covers it in my juices and then rubs himself off, groaning as he continues to work me up. 
The wave is coming and any second I'm going to crash. 
I reach down, tangling my fingers in his hair and pulling him closer, wanting to touch him. And then I explode without even intending to, my orgasm crashing through me and swallowing me whole. My entire body shakes and I'm panting, unable to breathe, moaning his name but trying desperately not to. 
Daryl drinks from me, groaning as he does. He stands up, lifting my leg and grunting as he cums, painting the outside of my cunt.
The door to the gas station chimes and there stands Glenn, his face pale and eyes impossibly wide. 
“I–i’ll b–be out he–here!” he slams the door behind him. 
“Oh god.” 
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symbiotic-slime · 2 months
Excuse me, did you say Venom TMA AU????
yes!!! it’s been rattling around in my head for a couple of months now, so if u want more in depth lore I’m more than happy to indulge but I’ll give a basic run down! there’s two separate ideas for this. I’ve categorized Eddie (a mixture of the movies and comics versions of him) and Flash based on what they’d be an avatar of and what they’d be a victim of so—
Avatar AU:
Eddie is an avatar of the Corruption, and the Venom symbiote is a manifestation of the Corruption! it starts out as a mould growing in Eddie’s apartment, but eventually its influence gets him and he bonds with them and becomes an avatar! there’s a lot of body horror in it, I basically went ham with adding anything and everything I thought would be cool. he’s basically a Flesh Hive, but instead of worms coming out of the holes in his skin it’s Venom’s goop! also since the corruption deals with obsessive and toxic love, the body horror element of that is Venom ripping Eddie’s ribcage open to curl around his heart >:3 I have a playlist for this AU, so check it out if u want to!
Flash is an avatar of the Slaughter (I know, making the soldier an avatar of the Slaughter how original)! his is a lot more tragic than Eddie’s, since his arc starts with the abuse he suffered as a kid and the fear of his dad’s unexpected violence marking him for the slaughter! then it kind of goes through his life being an avatar (think kind of what Elias pulled from Daisy’s life if you’ve listened to that part — where she’s not fully an avatar but definitely influenced by it). the timeline is a bit warped, I wanted for him to join the army pre- making up with Peter in this AU since war is such a big part of the Slaughter. it ends with him getting his legs amputated like in canon and since he’s unable to continue feeding the slaughter, its influence on him starts to wain. he basically becomes an avatar in recovery, growing weaker but refusing to give into the urges again. him and Peter become friends and he gets a “happy” ending (well, as happy of an ending is anyone in a tma au can hope for)!
Victim AU:
this one does not have as much substance to it, I just thought about what their greatest fear would be and like. I haven’t actually come up with any interesting supernatural ideas for this yet lmao
Eddie would be a victim of the Lonely (he goes off the deep end literally every time the symbiote leaves him or when he thinks they’ve died)
the Venom symbiote would be a victim of the Desolation (literally everyone they love either is “dead” or has died at some point — I’d ignore Flash’s resurrection and the whole Eddie and Dylan being able to come back I think from the current run)
Flash would be a victim of the Web (especially with the addiction themes from s5)
I’ve also thought about what domain they’d be placed in following the eyepocalypse. literally the definition of putting them in situations because I’ve basically assigned them their own personal hell
Eddie would be placed in the Fog House domain or Martin’s domain
the Venom symbiote would be placed in the Furnace domain
Flash would be put in the Theatre domain. this one is literally a perfect fit for him since what we see of it is a guy being forced into his alcohol addiction over and over again.
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colesabi · 3 months
20 Questions for Fic Authors
Thank you @silvercap for the tag!! :))
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What is your AO3 wordcount?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Resident Evil exclusively but do have a couple for Pokemon.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I don’t have a whole bunch and most of mine are relatively new (posted within the last year)
I. When Time Runs Out with 155
II. Fragment with 70
III. I’d Remember You Fondly If You Hadn’t Betrayed Me with 34
IV. The After with 25
V. Under The Skin with 25
5. Do you respond to comments?
Absolutely! I love and cherish each comment I receive.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Haha umm okay probably, ‘I Will Haunt You Forever’ - MC straight up is sacrificed so… I’d put Fragment here if I had posted it with the alternate ending…. 👀
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I’m an angst queen so happiness is a relative term lol but I guess ‘When Time Runs Out’
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I hope I don’t ever. Haven’t gotten any yet.
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
Yep. Not a whole heck of a lot. I try to keep it plot relevant except for my prompt based one-shots, those just are self indulgent. lol.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
God I hope not…
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
So my very first is Serennedy but Chreon has overtaken that. I also enjoy Metaltango and Nivennedy. ClaireJill is awesome too. I’ll also scope out OT3’s in the form of Nivennedyfield and whatever the ship name is for Leon/Luis/Ada.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don’t have too many WIPs because it stresses me out to be working on so many things at once but probably the Leon one-shot I have where he wakes up in a morgue. I keep thinking I’ll get back to it and will write a little every now and then but then lose interest.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've gotten the most compliments/comments that my characterizations are good. I think my dialogue is pretty passable. Lol.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Probably just going for it and not fully fleshing the plot out. Sometimes I’ll find myself re-reading something after I’ve posted and think I should have done more there.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I’m mildly familiar with Spanish and can pass with French but I am too chicken to even attempt it in writing which is why I won’t write Luis… even though I would love to do a Serennedy fic. Also, his is more Castilian so that’s different than the Spanish I’m used too.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Very very first, probably Yu-Gi-Oh but I have no idea where those are on the internet. That was SO long ago.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Fragment, no question. I put my heart and soul and a piece of me in that one.
Tagging- anyone else who wants to participate!
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Too Damned Big - A Bishop Losa/Reader Smut Short.
So, to counteract the sad update earlier, I thought I’d go for some heat and humour! You, Bish, and his unnervingly big cock? Here you go!
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Words - 852
Warning - Smut below the cut, minors DNI!
“Oh my god... ohhh! Ohhhh!”
Half an hour previous to these emblissed screams, you were screaming for an entirely different reason, one that almost meant that this current moment didn’t happen at all.  
“Yeah, look at you now, huh? Look how fucking well you take me, sweetheart.”
You didn’t think you’d be able to take him at all. The words ‘physical impossibility’ ran through you mind, when you first encountered, the absolutely humongous cock belonging to Bishop Losa.  
Average height guy, average length cock. That’s all you’d ever known before, expecting six, seven inches. What you got? Christ...  
“Mother Mary! No, oh hell no, nope, no. That’s too big!” That’s how you’d reacted at first catching a glimpse at it, Bishop raising an eyebrow, a slight smirk tilting his lips. It wasn’t the first time he’d gotten such a reaction. Or the first time a woman had flown off his bed and almost left a female shaped hole in the bedroom door.  
“It isn’t even fully hard yet.”
Your jaw nearly crashed through the floor. “It gets bigger than that?”  
“Hmm,” he pondered, looking down at the monster between his legs. “Not much longer, but it’ll thicken more.”  
“How much more?” you demanded, moving back to sit before him on the bed.  
“Well, if you stick around, you’ll find out.” He winked then, while you just sat there, breathing heavily, unable for the first time in your life to look a man right in the dick. It was just... too... big.  
“I’m not sure it’ll fit... all that... in... oh fucking hell! Obispo, it’s like a third leg!”  
He chuckled, leaning forward and kissing you. “It won’t feel like one, though. Trust me, I know exactly what I’m doing with it. I’m well aware I have a weapon that needs to be wielded... carefully, to begin with.” You couldn’t help but snort with laughter. “You should at least give it a go. I’m worth it.”  
Eventually, you relented, being lain back at his mouth had begun gliding over you, tongue swirling slowly, kisses descending, trailing down until he reached your apex, laying the wet heat of his tongue over your clit until you were an absolute dripping mess for him, panting, trembling, flushes of pleasure swirling through you like a summer tempest. Quite simply, no man had ever, ever gotten you so wet, the prickle of his stubble adding to it as he ate you with absolute ruinous greed.  
By the time he was pushing against you for entrance, spreading you slowly, you were ablaze for him and the gigantic cock parting your walls, feeling almost paralysed by the incredible pleasure, the tingling pressure that hard wall of flesh evoked as he bottomed out and drew back.  
“How’s that, querida?” You didn’t reply with words, but the whimper you’d made, your mouth dropped wide open, eyes almost out on stalks, was all the incentive he’d needed to push back into you again.  
It all brings you to now, receiving him so rapidly, his hips driving against you like a piston, you know that he’s ruined any other cock out there for you, fucked so masterfully, with the kind of skill that had the thick head of him nudging and rubbing your sweet spots, eliciting screams from you borne of the lightning darting up your spine, pleasure skittering through you, his hands gripping your waist, moving to stroke your thighs.  
He turns to kiss your ankle, your legs thrown over his shoulders, glad he’s holding them to him, for if he wasn’t, you’d have no idea what on earth to do with them. God, he’s too good. He has you wailing incoherently, slowing down as he leans forward, grasping your tits, sucking each nipple in turn as he ruts against your summit with a gentle press, a slight rotation of his hips making you see stars.  
His mouth descends yours, tongue invading your mouth, groaning deeply, his hands running through your hair before he wraps his arms around you and hauls you up, sitting back on his heels, beginning to bounce you on what you estimate to be eleven inches of pure, thick heaven, one arm locked around you, the other spanking your ass as you groan against his tongue.  
Your shrill cries let him know you’re getting close, the tight clutch of your cunt around him making him hiss and groan, his moans all smoke and salt as he kisses and sucks at your neck. “Come on, baby girl. Come apart all over me.” he encourages. And you do. And it’s fucking wildfire, ecstasy fizzing right down to your very bones as you pant hard, trying to catch your breath while looking at him quizzically.
“You didn’t cum yet?”
He shakes his head, kissing the tip of your nose. “No, mamacita. It takes a while longer than that.”
You grin, giggling with disbelief. “Well, you’re just too good to be true.”
He nods, raising his eyebrows, kissing you again. “Oh yeah, I am.”  
He is, too, but what you first considered to be too damn big, turns out to be perfect. Every last inch of him.  
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azk0re · 7 months
…and they were roommates!
☆ meet the main cast
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roommate!abby anderson x black!femme!reader
☆ synopsis: your sophomore year of college is starting in a few weeks, and you’re in dire need of a roommate. abby just so happens to be in a similar situation…
[series masterlist]
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☆ author’s note: hello everybody! this is my first time genuinely using tumblr to post something, and I’m very nervy about it, so please bear with me as this series progresses because i’m still learning. this series will basically just follow the reader, her friends, and her new roommie, abby, as she tries to ignore her blatant attraction to abby. it’s gonna be a bit chaotic because i don’t plan to do any serious plotting for this. i just wanna have fun with it.
this idea started out as a random thought i had while washing some dishes. it wouldn’t stop bugging me, so i decided to make a story out of it. i want to make it very clear that this whole series is not to be taken seriously. it’s just a little fun. i’m working on something that’s a lot more serious and well-developed than this, which will be coming soon, hopefully! :)
this series is very self-indulgent, so the reader is a black, femme lesbian. i’d also like to mention that abby is not a lesbian in this series. she’s bisexual, and she has had male partners in the past, and that’ll probably be mentioned at some point. i’m sorry if you don’t like that, but i have always pictured abby as a bisexual woman.
i haven't fully fleshed out this series yet, so there may be a few more main cast members added, but, for now, it’s just these four. it will probably remain this way for a while, if not for the entirety of the series. again, this series is just for fun. i need a way to decompress from all the stress i’m currently under because of school and other personal stuff, and i plan to use this series as a way to do that.
i really hope you all enjoy it, and if you like it, let me know!
- with love, ellie ♡
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alrightbuckaroo · 8 months
5. A fic I haven't read yet from you, but want to:
The Old West fic. I know that could be silly to say, considering that you haven't posted it to Ao3 yet, but my god all your snippets? Honestly, it's 1/2 the reason I started reading tarlos fanfic, and maybe 1/3 the reason I started writing it. I legit can't wait to sink my teeth into it. It's going to be a whole feast, I know it!
Oh wow, thanks so much! I had no idea it played somewhat of a part in you writing Tarlos, but I'm so glad it did because now we get to enjoy your talent in this space!
I won't lie, I think of all the snippets from all the stories I've shared (and trust me, it's been many of them); the Old West AU is the one I'm most excited to fully flesh out and share with everyone.
Chapter one is almost 5k and TK and Carlos haven't even yet so that tells how you how much world building is going into this story hahah. I'm really having fun writing Carlos' time in Steadfast, so how about I share a little snippet, just for fun?
“Mrs. Baker, what a delight it is to see your pretty face again,” Price greets Ruth Baker as he and Carlos walk through the door. Price's saccharine smile is more genuine than his words, and Ruth knows it.  “I’d say you know how to make a gal feel special Price,” Ruth reaches up and pulls her cigarette out of her mouth, releasing a stream of smoke. “But how special can a gal feel when you use that line on all of them?”  “God, I’ve missed that bite,” Price smiles to himself, and even Ruth can’t help but smile too. “Nice to have you back Ruth; maybe you can get this place back into shape. We’ve been a mess without you.”  Ruth is the desk clerk for the sheriff’s office; and was probably more intimidating than the rest of the officers in the building combined.  “Color me not surprised,” Ruth mutters to herself as she messes with the ribbon of her typewriter. As she looks up at Carlos, she smiles. “Officer Reyes, I can’t thank you enough. That recipe you recommended did the trick. Though,” She takes another drag of her cigarette. “Frank did say that it taste like the dishwasher down at Llewellyn’s.”  Carlos shrugs, modest about even the most minute show of gratitude. “My uncle knew a lot of things; medicine was one, cooking was not.” 
In my head, Ruth is played by Frances McDormand
send me a fanfic ask (for the askers)
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dulcewrites · 11 months
List of OCs
I was recently asked to list out all the ocs that I have so far. Some of them have been flesh out to written pieces, others are just ideas that I’ve mentioned briefly (and hope to maybe write fics about but that is up in the air). I will try to link to the pieces, as well as the asks tags. I will add to this as things go along.
I like doing little oc games with them so be on the look out for when I reblog the prompts. It’s the best way I can expland on these ocs, especially the ones I haven’t fully written for.
First I want to start with the ocs that I get asked the most about bc there is just more material on them or I plan on writing full length things for their character in the recent future:
Myrah Everlane: main of Finding Common Cause. Lower nobleborn woman from the Vale. Set in an au where Aegon becomes king and everyone lives. Myrah and Aemond do eventually get married and have children. Use tags: oc inspo: myrah, and fcc asks for her. I also have answered asks about a modern fcc universe. Use tags: modern fcc asks, oc inspo: modern Myrah, and modern fcc inspo
Cassandra Devereux: based off my finished fool me once fic (an Aemond x reader fic). This is an au where their family lives after the dance, making Aemond king, and Cassandra queen with their kids as princesses and princes. It’s their journey post losing everyone, and navigating running the realm. I write mainly short blurbs and such for them. Use tags: fmo k&q au, and oc inspo: Cassandra
Next are ocs that I have written one part for or they are just eventual ideas that I would like to expand on
Elysa: she is from Drowned in Love. My alys x oc x Aemond fic. She is a bastard born Tully. This happens towards the end of the dance. Both alys and Elysa have Aemond’s children. It is has three parts already but is paused at the moment. There is a drowned in love inspo tag and a dil asks tag
Edith: She is from Acquired Taste. An Aegon centric fic. I don’t have much on her, other than these fashion post I like making for my ocs. I planned on making a part 2 for this story but as of now, it is paused. There is a few posts that can be found in the acquired taste asks tag
Nina: my modern Royal oc. This is more an idea that would like to flesh out eventually. Also an oc with little info bc I haven’t said much about her. All I have is that she is an Epidemiologist that meets Aemond when he is visiting labs (post pandemic) for funding. Very much ‘commoner’ becomes a princess type of story. I also have a modern royalty inspo tag
Clarisse: greek life au. This was an idea I had for an oc x Aemond x daeron idea. Basically daeron likes clarisse who Aemond. Greek life au and inspo tag is where you can find stuff but is it sparse
Now this character technically isn’t an oc yet. She if my first Aegon x reader fic, set in the modern universe - one step forward two steps back. It is also paused, much like my other Aegon fic but if I ever were to continue it, I’d want to make her an oc named Ivy. You can look through osftsf asks
I’m gonna group Jocelyn Velaryon (formerly known as Laenora) and Wylla in the same one. These are two ocs I had around the same time. Jocelyn is the youngest daughter of corlys and rhaenys. Wylla is a northerner/warg. I really want to write a northerner oc eventually.
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bohemian-nights · 2 years
So true! GRRM even mentioned recently that he would love to write a book about N so no way are they cutting her or replacing her with Rhaena.
I feel like because this show is focused on the Targ family it attracted the worst type of fans who think Targs are really gods and believe in the blood purity BS so I’m not surprised they’re into Daemyra who’re the poster child for that(no offends to those who just ship them and don’t buy into that crap but the amount of people I’ve seen on twitter making those arguments is ugh)but like exploring the relationship between D who’s a literal Targ supremacist and N a low born bastard girl and how things like class and race(I know ASOIAF doesn’t have the same construct of race as we do but N’s treatment as well as the Dornish shows pretty clearly there’s racism in their society even if the author didn’t intend did that to be the case)affect them,etc. I mean we see hints(maybe foreshadowing even?)of that conflict on the show when everyone’s scandalised over D saying he will marry Mysaria and that she’s pregnant. It also pushes her to break things off with D because she knows the consequences it would have on her while pointing out D’s privilege. Btw,I feel sorry for Matt Smith you can tell he wants D to be more dimensional and maybe the writers wanted that as well but they had no idea how to write a character like him(possibly because he doesn’t really start his character arc before he meets Nettles?)so they ended up cutting a bunch of scenes of him being more affectionate/emotional which led to Targ stans believing they have vendetta against him imo. But he was def one of the characters that suffered the most due to these time jumps the last time we see him before the first big one is him killing his wife and intending to reclaim her land but then later on he self exiles himself like why? If they wanted him to have a complicated relationship with his daughters fine we don’t really know what kind of a father he was in F&B but then make the effort of having him interact with them instead of tearing them like extras who just smile and stand around. And don’t get me started with how they treated Laena seriously WTH was that ?! You make her a black woman on the show and then proceed to have her be a second choice for her husband (with one of their daughters being ignored by him)and dying the most awful way possible away from her family while trying to make it look “empowering”.Sorry for the rant but the way the POC have been treated so far makes me very nervous about Nettles like FFS don’t treat her like a plot device and while we’re at it have her be friends with Baela and Rhaena this show needs more well developed female characters and friendships as well!
I would so love to read a book on Nettles. She(and Daemon) is/they are my favorite characters in the ASOIF universe. Her story does not end/begin with the Dance so I’d like to see more about her. Replacing her with Rhaena will not cut it.
Some Targ/Daemyra stans are willing to miss out on a fully fleshed out story in favor of Targ supremacy. There are parallels between our world racism and racism in ASOIF universe as well as classism. Writers can’t really escape their biases. I hope season 2 fleshes things out a bit because the story can be much more than it actually is.
I’m actually a Daemon stan so I think the HOTD writers do have a vendetta against Daemon. Daemon is described as less jerky to those he loves. In the show it seems like Daemon is really only there for Daemon. The only one he actually seems/seemed to love was King Dumb Dumb(Viserys), but now he’s dead so he’s got nothing.
Daemon leaves Rhaenyra alone to fend for herself multiple times. He even abandons her in a sex dungeon in the sketchy part of town. And yet she is supposed to be the love of his life? 🫠 Well I guess so since he literally murders his first wife and bangs his niece at his second wife’s funeral. At least Rhaenyra only got choked out by her man!
If I was Matt I’d be shaking my head cause the writing is just 🫠 Daemon has recieved essentially 0 character development since episode 3. Thank God Matt is charismatic because otherwise Daemon would be the least likable character on the show.
Rhaena and Baela do seem like extras/window dressing. It irked my soul when Rhaena kept calling Rhaenyra “my queen.” I understand she’s the queen, but she’s also her cousin/stepmom. It makes it look like Rhaena is the help. Some of Baela’s lines were cut which is also irritating considering the lack of screen time for both her and her sister.
The Laena situation is just 🙃 I could do a whole essay on that. The fact that you have delusional racist stans arguing that it’s somehow empowering to watch a Blackish woman light herself on fire is just🙃 I have no words. Like please go read a book on misogynoir then come back to me on it(it probably wouldn’t help, but can’t hurt to try).
That was one of the most traumatizing things I have ever watched. I am not joking when I say this. That hurt. Her book death was a 1000x more “empowering” than that crap.
What’s “empowering” for Black women is not the same for other women especially white women. Black women are rarely seen as soft, being taken care of, and loved in media.
Laena is supposed to be mixed(and the actress’s that played her were mixed as well), but the casting seemed deliberate. They picked a brown skinned mixed woman to light on fire(literally) and be someone’s unloved second choice(again not book canon, but people will gloss over this and try to claim that is somehow is). While the white woman is somehow the first choice and Daemon’s one and only love.
Having Daemon literally ignoring his Blackish kids(who by the way should look white/whiter than they do since they are at least 75% white, but the HOTD writers don’t know how genetics work🫠) is also a choice. Someone said that you could start watching HOTD at episode 7 and you wouldn’t know that Rhaena and Baela are Daemon’s daughter’s. Which isn’t far off from the truth.
You can’t make this ish up and yet people will deny it all the damn day long 🫠 They don’t have a problem with it cause if anything, it helps to solidify their wack ship. I’m going to leave it there cause I will literally start ranting all day long.
Bottom line is I hope season 2 is better and the HOTD writers see fans complaints and try to develop a more fleshed out story. I am kinda dreading what they might try with Nettles, but I’m cautiously optimistic(I love to disappoint myself). Limiting her characterization will limit Daemon’s as well since she’s his final arc, but as I stated, the writers seem like they hate him so 🤷🏽‍♀️
A friendship between Rhaena, Baela, and Nettles would be nice, but they are all supposed to be in different places during the war. Who knows what they will do.
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depreshroom · 2 years
Hey!! I had some dialogue bouncing in my head for a Rayllum s4 (the dragon prince) harsher fight scene, so I sort of just scribbled it out. This occurs when they find out that Soren hadn’t come back. Anything that doesn’t sound like canon has been shamelessly ignored for my idea, my apologies. It’s not fully fleshed and mostly dialogue focus but here it is :))
“A desperate silence hangs between them. Desperate for understanding, for each other. “I’m sorry Callum, okay? I didn’t know.”
Callum scoffs, smirking sarcastically. “You didn’t know?”
Rayla stares into his eyes. Is he serious right now? She furrows her eyebrows. “No, Callum. I didn’t know the Crown Guard wouldn’t be able to find his way through a bit of greenery.”
“It was dark out, Rayla!”
“He had a lamp!” Rayla lifts her arms defensively and it only takes a single look at Callum’s face to know she’d hit a minefield. In an attempt to pull this mess together, she starts, “I messed up, Callum, I’m-“
But he finishes. “What, Rayla? What, you’re sorry? You didn’t know what you know now? You’re going to fix it?” He adds the last bit in air quotes, turning around and pacing as his voice gets angrier. “Here’s the thing with you Rayla: you don’t know anything. But instead of waiting and learning and observing and paying attention to anything other than your own opinions—“
“‘Anything other than my own opinions’, are you kidding—“
—the great non-assassin just has to act instead!” And Callum is furious, and he’s more alive than she’s seen since two years ago. Maybe even since she’s known him. “You couldn’t even kill Viren if you saw him, Rayla.” His chest heaves back and forth, and he’s only a few feet away. “You left just to what? Get a sighting?”
Quietly, Rayla strides towards Callum and closes the gap. He softens a bit—-no less angry, but a little more hurt. She begins to open her mouth, yet becomes cut off again.
“And you know what, Rayla?” he asks, voice raspy.
She doesn’t want to take this. He has no idea. He has no idea why she does what she does, he didn’t bother to remember the full picture. Only the successful parts. The ones where everybody makes it out alive. She hates the fact that she’s about to be silent; about to let him finish off stabbing her with a knife of anger and pain. But the smallest voice inside her says to listen. Don’t be what he insists she is.
Gritting her teeth, she inhaled deeply as she asks, “What, Callum?”
“For all the so-called ‘protecting’ you did-“ He uses air quotes during protecting, as if he wasn’t standing here right now with two working legs. “I got hurt, anyways.”
Rayla chuckles dryly, hot air covering Callum’s face. “Nice speech, Callum. You know, I’m really glad you were able to say it. Unlike oh…what’s his name?” She snaps, mimicking effort to think of her fallen father. Of the endless, imaginative scenarios where he suffers mercilessly in each one. Of Ezran’s dad and Callum’s basically-dad. Who she indirectly killed by not acting fast enough. She tilts her head downward, returning Callum’s glare. “Oh, I know!” she says with faux enthusiasm. “Unlike Runaan. Or your dad. Or anyone who died because I waited, Callum. You know, me and all my great non-assassinating”
A lump forms in his throat, his eyes displaying a sudden unreadable pain. Taking a few steps back, he begins to speak. Though now it’s he who remains unheard as Rayla cuts him off.
“You’ve spent all this time being mad at me, Callum.” Her voice softens as she blinks back a few unexpected tears. “But I’d be—I am, ecstatic to have a choice between you being angry or alive. Everyday, I’d choose saving you over saving us.”
They stare at each other from a distance. Tears run down her face. Silence hangs between them.
Silence is all they have left to say.
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no1frogfan · 1 year
Your Miyuki/Nutritionist!Reader story sounds like a lot of fun!! (I’m totally rooting for Mariner!Miyuki, too 🤭 do it do it do it do it!!!)
You mentioned another Daiya WIP— might I know the details on that one, too? 👀
IX! You’re really enabling me here. Mariner Miyuki is just…my dream I want him so bad.
I would LOVE to share my other Daiya WIP with you. Thank you for sending an ask!!
My other idea is a first meeting with hopefully all the fun exciting beginnings of a friendship and potential romance. Coach Kataoka has volunteered himself and the team to help with the first planting for the new community garden near Seidou. A lot of work has already been done (cleared up the debris and garbage from the lot, figured out layout, built the shed and greenhouse, etc.), but there’s still a lot of work to do finish the raised beds and mix and prep the soil before the seedlings can go in, and that’s where the team comes in. Coach thinks this is a good way to warm them up and let loose a bit before spring training (I’d have to double check on the timing of the training/game schedule though to be sure of when it would be.)
This idea is less fleshed out, probably a one-shot. I just think it would be so much fun to be able to write teammate banter & dirt shenanigans! I also personally love vegetable gardening and it’s the beginning of planting season so it just feels very indulgent hehe. I haven’t fully decided who to center it on yet, but I’ve narrowed it down to Chris, Eijun, or Kuramochi. They all have very different energies, but I’m leaning toward Kuramochi because he’s kind of a dweeb and that’s endearing.
Don’t know how well it fits with his personality, but for you, I’ve conjured up some lines below!
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“Watch out for th—!”
He lets go of Eijun and the ground falls out from under his feet, like one of those old old cartoons, he thinks wryly, as he pitches forward into thin air and hangs suspended for what feels like minutes. His hands automatically reach out, trying to grasp anything within reach to keep himself upright. His fingers close around the first thing they touch. He’s dimly aware of a shriek, then he lands flat on his back, something landing on his chest right after and knocking the wind out of him.
Shouts, heavy footsteps, muffled voices. “Everyone take a step back.” He recognizes the deep tenor of the coach’s voice.
Kuramochi cracks opens his eyes, everything’s a haze. It feels like there’s a weight on his chest keeping him from taking anything more than a shallow breath. Something itches his nose, and— The weight lifts (with a groan?), the dots clouding his vision clears, and he gasps, coughing and sputtering as he gulps a lungful of air. He props himself up, about to look around when—
“What the hell was that?!”
He leaps to his feet, spinning around (a bit wobbly still) to confront the person yelling at him. But the words die on his tongue when he sees you. Beside him, Eijun is apologizing profusely, Miyuki is egging you on, but Kuramochi just stands there dumbly while you scold them. (“Seriously? You’re supposed to be here helping prepare the community garden and the two of you are just dicking around instead. Both of you could’ve gotten really hurt! I could’ve gotten really hurt!”)
You stop to brush some of the dirt off your face and overalls.
“Sorry,” he mumbles, so uncharacteristically timid that even Eijun and Miyuki pause their antics.
You glare, not at all intimidated by him or any of the dozen other athletes crowding around you, and maybe that’s what makes his mouth run dry.
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sinigangsta-ao3 · 9 months
Seriously after obsessing with eremika for years Asaden fell from the sky and now I LOVE THEM! Warsaw is more than the capital of Poland 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Any chances for an Asaden fic? If not, do you have any ideas, hcs about them? Please I love your fics so much I’d love your take on them
NOT THE CAPITAL OF POLAND 💀💀💀 so clever, anon
But forreal: asaden screams soulmate energy in a neurodivergent way (/affectionate) and I’m here for it.
Oooooh as for an asaden fic, I wouldn’t say never! For csm ships, they’re definitely my top after akimeno. I wouldn’t say I have any fully fleshed out hcs for them yet though; I still feel like I’m kinda enjoying the ride on how their dynamic is playing out (especially in the recent chapters when **SPOILERS** they’re being publicly positioned at odds but internally their feelings for one another aren’t fully fleshed out)?
I guess one hc that I have is that their first kiss would be horribly gross and messy. Like Denji would use way too much tongue and Asa wouldn’t know what to do with her hands. Plus Yoru would be in Asa’s ear simultaneously disgusted and aroused?! All kinds of a mess. In a funny yet erotic and endearing kinda way 😂
Awww and thanks! I appreciate all the fic love. And I’m sorry it’s taken so long for me to update/post anything. Life is life-ing right now so everything is verrrrrry slow on the writing front 💕
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