#it’s okay he’s hot I’ll allow it I guess
kimbappykidding · 3 months
How Seventeen react when they like the outfit you’re wearing
Scoups - Can’t stop looking/touching you
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Scoups was pretty physically affectionate anyway in your relationship. He always liked to have some form of contact with you whether that was a hand on your shoulder or an arm around your waist but tonight he was being especially close and touchy. You smiled as Scoups ran his hand down your waist for what felt like the millionth time. You grabbed his hand and leaned closer to him "are you trying to torture me or something?". Scoups paused "what? Why?". "You keep tickling my waist". Scoups blushed "ow that...no I just erm really like your dress. It feels amazing and you just look so good in it". You grinned "so that's why you haven't let go of me all night?". Scoups nodded "sorry. Was I being too full on?". You shook your head "no at all I like it, especially now I know why you're doing it". Scoups smiled "then I guess I'll keep torturing you" and you smiled "fine by me as long as you make up for it later". "Promise" he nodded and when Scoups made a promise he always kept it.
Jeonghan - Knows you did it on purpose
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Your relationship with Jeonghan was quite playful and he loved nothing more than to tease you...but when the shoe was on the other foot that's when he'd lose it. Your group had recently had a comeback and so were performing on stage tonight. Jeonghan was aware of that, what he didn't know was how hot your outfit was. When the song started and the lights came on Jeonghwan was clapping along with the audience when he spotted you. You were in a gorgeous light purple outfit that made your skin tone look so deep and beautiful. Your long hair hung down your back and you looked like you knew exactly how good your outfit was based on the smug smile on your face. Jeonghan took in a deep breath and Scoups next to him glanced at him "you okay?". He nodded eyes still glued to you "yeah just Y/n never told me what she was wearing tonight". Scoups smirked now recognising the look on Jeonghan's face. His eyes never left you and the 5 minutes you were performing felt like torture. He kept beating his hand against the inside of his leg and could barely sit still. "Calm down you can see her after the show" Scoups whispered and Jeonghan shook his head "I can't though. She leaves right after this to fly to Japan for her tour. She's totally done this on purpose". As if in confirmation you located Jeonghan in the crowd and smiled. "She thinks I'll forget by the time she comes back but she's wrong. So wrong" Jeonghan said. There was no way he was ever forgetting this performance and he'd be waiting for you after the tour to prove it.
Joshua - Suddenly gets a lot more affectionate
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Joshua wasn't too clingy in public or at events. He was always focused in work settings and nothing could make him lose his composure...that's why you were surprised when he wrapped his arms around you from behind and rested his head next to yours. "Having a good night?" he asked kissing your cheek. You giggled as it tickled and nodded "yes I am thank you. Are you?". "Yes" he told you "you look absolutely stunning by the way". "Ahhh so that's why you're more handsy" you said breaking out of his embrace to see his guilty face. Joshua blushed but didn't deny it "I couldn't help myself you just look so good...sorry I'm just gawking" finally tearing his eyes away from you. You let him sweat for a few seconds before smiling. You gently lifted his chin back down and stroked his cheek "you're the only person allowed to stare at me plus I find the way you're looking at me very hot". Joshua's eyes widened slightly before he got a darker look in his eye and smirked "really huh?". You nodded "yeah but you already know I find your eyes sexy". Joshua nodded "i did but I still love hearing you say it" and his hand curled around your waist again. You played with his tie acting as if you were fixing it "what time does the thing finish again?". "12 but I bet I can slip out whenever". You nodded and flattened his tie "we'll have to stay for a while but when the moment comes we're out of here. Wait for my signal" and without another word you walked away. Joshua watched you go and sighed. He could already tell his night was going to be long but atleast he had something excellent on the other side of it.
Jun - Stares at you
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You and your boyfriend Jun were out for a meal to celebrate your recent success at work but he seemed off. He couldn't concentrate and kept staring at you without hearing a word. You let it happen a few times but when it got too ridiculous you raised it. "I'm sorry what?" Jun asked not hearing what you'd said and you groaned. "Jun!" you cried "that's the third time in an hour I've asked you a question and you've not been listening! Am I keeping you from something? Is there somewhere else you'd really rather be?". Jun shook his head "no not at all just I...keep getting distracted". "What by?" you asked "is work bothering you?". "No you are...not bothering me but you are distracting me! Because you look really great in that outfit and I'm not sure if I've ever seen you in a style like this but it really really suits you". "Really?" you asked but the look in Jun's eye told you he was being truthful. "Wow I had no idea...I'll have to wear it more often. Or not if it makes you speechless". Jun laughed "don't worry I'll work on it I promise". You smiled "Okay then, so if I promise will you promise to stop gawking at me and actually be present?". Jun nodded "I promise!" and shot you a smile "now tell me how your day was".  
Hoshi - Hype man #1
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If you wear an outfit Hoshi likes everyone is hearing about it. You're his favourite person in the world so he makes it his mission to make you feel special. The minute you saw Hoshi's eyes fall on you, you knew it was going to be one of those days. He grinned and started jumping up and down as you made your way down the street towards him. You tried to tell him to tone it down but Hoshi just grinned and cheered rushing towards you. "My girlfriend looks amazing!" he cried loudly and picked you up swinging you around. "Hoshi stop it!" you cried blushing but he shook his head "no way, you do not get to look this good and have nobody say anything about it!". "But people are staring..." you said nervously. "Because they're admiring you too! Look, excuse me miss. What do you think of my girlfriend's outfit"? Hoshi called and you nearly died as he approached two girls. "See I think my girlfriend is the most beautiful person in the world but she says I'm exaggerating" he smiled. The girls laughed at how in love Hoshi clearly was and smiled taking in your outfit. "He's right you look really pretty" one girl said and the other nodded "yeah you look amazing!". "See!" Hoshi cried snaking an arm around your waist "thank you ladies have a great night" and he tugged you with him towards the restaurant. "Do you believe me now?" he asked. "If I say yes will you promise to not ask any more strangers?". Hoshi nodded "I promise". "Okay then yes" you said blushing but you meant it. Hoshi always made you feel like the most beautiful person in the world and you felt like the luckiest girl in the world to have a boyfriend like him.
Wonwoo - His eyes never leave you
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Wonwoo knew you'd be at the award show tonight but he had no idea what you'd be wearing and he reminded himself to give your stylist a huge tip this Christmas. As a taller idol you were often put in ill-fitting clothes or weren't utilised properly but that hadn't happened tonight. Your outfit perfectly accentuated your lovely long limbs and he could tell how comfortable you were which made him happy. You were sat with your members in his eye line and when Wonwoo saw you he sat up straighter his eyes widening. Joshua who was beside him noticed and smirked at Wonwoo's expression. Even when the host began to speak Wonwoo was fixed on you and Joshua pointed this out to the other members. "Something caught your eye over there Wonwoo?' Joshua asked but he didn't even look at him "no why?". "Because you're staring at Y/n like you've never seen her before". Wonwoo shrugged "I haven't seen her since yesterday" as if that was the same thing. He only looked back down when the cameras started filming the audience. Even then his mind was on you and he sneakily pulled out his phone and sent you a text telling you how beautiful you looked. He snook a glance over at you and saw your smile when you read the message. You met his eye and shot him a warm thank you with your eyes. Wonwoo felt his heart flutter and heard his members around him smirk at his reaction but he didn't care. As far as he was concerned the only person in this whole stadium was you and him.
Woozi - Gets really bashful at the realisation he's dating you
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The crowd cheered as your group appeared on stage and he saw many people taking photos of you with their phones. A lot of attention was on you as you'd been away for a while on a mental health break and many idols were whispering about how good you looked. Woozi couldn't be prouder of how healthy you looked and you looked like the most beautiful person in the world to him. "Wow Y/n looks great" The8 commented and Woozi nodded "she does, doesn't she". He watched you joke along with your members and then give your thank you speech. You told the fans you loved them but made eye contact with Woozi and he went bright red. He was grateful every single day he was dating you knew you were beautiful inside and out. The fans cheered as you ended the speech and Woozi stood up with many people in the room to applaud you. You waved at them all beaming and Woozi grinned seeing you so happy. "That's my girl" he muttered to himself and clapped even louder.
Dk - Hype man #2
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One of the things you loved the most about Dk was he was always genuine. He never complimented you for the sake of it and you could tell he meant every word. So when Dk told you for the fifth time in an hour that you looked beautiful you just smiled "thanks but so do you. You're very handsome in that suit". Dk blushed and shook his head "this is nothing compared to you. Honestly I think you take my breath away every time I see you". "I do not" you laughed and he shook his head "you do! The members have started calling it the Y/n effect because every time you enter a room I stop working for 5 seconds". You paused "really? Dk that's so sweet". He shrugged "I can't control it, I just think you're the most beautiful woman in the world". "In the whole world?" you asked "out of all the models and actresses in the world you pick me?". Dk nodded his face deadly serious "of course". "I won't be mad if you say you prefer Gigi Hadid or someone, it's literally her job to be beautiful". "Well then it's a crime you're not being paid for how stunning you are too" Dk replied "I'd always pick you Y/n because a single pretty face can't even compare to your beauty. Inside and out". You blushed at Dk's sincerity and he paused "sorry was I coming on too strong?". You shook your head "no not at all just...I'm really glad I met you". Dk smiled "I'm really glad I met you too" blushing slightly and his shyness was too much. You kissed him softly and Dk melted into you.
Mingyu - Has that smug smile on his face
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You were performing your latest song and Mingyu thought you looked absolutely stunning. This concept suited you excellently and he couldn't even hide how much he loved it. "Why does your face look like that?" Woozi asked and Mingyu paused "huh?". "Your face you look like you farted and got away with it" Dk explained and the others rolled their eyes that a fart was Dk's go-to. "I have no idea what you mean" Mingyu shrugged but they all noticed that the second he looked up and saw you it was back. Scoups nodded "ahhh I get it, he's smug because his girlfriend looks like a goddess up there". Mingyu blushed "no I'm not" making all the members laugh. "You are!" Jeonghan cried "your smiling like that because you like Y/n's outfit don't you?". Mingyu shrugged "I mean she looks amazing! Who would date her and not be ecstatic?". The members all chuckled and The8 smirked "wait do you want us to agree with you? Isn't that a bit weird". Mingyu smiled "well see that's the best part, all of you and this whole stadium can be admiring her and notice how great she looks but out of all those people who's the one who gets to go home with her after this?". The others all laughed nodding along "I mean he's got a point" Dino admitted and Mingyu nodded "yep, so I just get to sit back and wait until home time". He checked his watch and then looked back up at you "only 3 more hours to go! I can't wait".
The8 - Silently appreciates everything you're wearing
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You and The8 had a fight. It wasn't anything serious just you were both being stubborn and refused to appease the other person. So you figured this would be an excellent way to tease him. Of course The8 loved fashion and he'd picked you out enough pieces for you to understand what he liked on you. So you'd chosen your outfit very carefully and made sure to come late so he'd have to stare at you. You made your entrance, your hair curled just as he liked it and wore your big smile as he loved. You walked straight past him with your friends and didn't even glance in his direction. It didn't take long for your plan to come into effect. When you went to grab a drink not 10 minutes later you were joined by your boyfriend. "I know what you're doing" he said quietly and you smiled "I'm sorry I have no idea what you mean". The8 rolled his eyes "you think by wearing something like that you'll make me crumple but you won't. I'm stronger than that Y/n". "Are you?" you asked turning to face him "because the way you're looking at me says otherwise. Your pupils are huge and your lips are slightly parted like when you're trying to act unimpressed. I know you The8 and I know you like this on me...so just admit you were wrong and you can see it up close". The8 was tempted and he had a good look at you before he sighed and shot you a sweet smile "nope because I was right and I won't lie even if you are hot". You shrugged "be that way. You know where to find me when you come to your senses" and you walked away leaving The8 very frustrated.
Seungkwan - Hype man #3
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You had chosen your outfit carefully this morning aware you were meeting Seungkwan after work, but you'd had 8 hours of gruelling shoots, choreo and recording so were no longer feeling as confident or fresh in the outfit. Seungkwan did not agree. The second he saw you walking down the street towards him he smiled and started snapping photos. "What are you doing?" you asked laughing and he shrugged "documenting how beautiful you look, I can't believe I'm dating a model". "I'm not a model!" you protested and Seungkwan laughed "well you should be! You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen, stand by that tree so I can take a photo. The lighting is nice". You indulged your boyfriend and smiled for the camera as he took several of you before he was content. As you were walking away hand in hand you asked to borrow Seungkwan's phone and paused in surprise. "I'm already your lock screen?" you asked spotting yourself in today's outfit and Seungkwan nodded "of course! I set it as soon as I took the photo". You laughed blushing "you're so kind to me" and Seungkwan shook his head "not at all. You're my girlfriend and that means you deserve to be treated well and have me point out each and every way you're amazing" he smiled. "Wow I love you" you replied and kissed him softly. Seungkwan melted into you and after the kiss he pressed a quick one to your nose "I love you too, now let's get out of this cold".
Vernon - Gets nervous so stays away from you
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Vernon had invited you to come to see one of his concerts. He thought it'd be a nice comfort having you there cheering him on but when he saw you his heart sped up. You looked good....really good and now all his lines and the choreo had gone straight out of his mind. He quickly ducked out of the room and figured if he was going to get through this concert up he'd have to avoid you. That worked pretty well until the interval where you found him. "Hey" you said hugging him and Vernon froze. "Hey" he smiled hugging you back and you laughed "I didn't see you earlier, the guys said you snook out when I got here. Have you been avoiding me?". You were joking but Vernon's reaction made you pause. "Of course not!" he cried "I just didn't see you". You nodded "okay. The performance was really good! You look amazing!". You carried on telling Vernon how good he was but could tell he wasn't listening. He wasn't even looking you in the eye, he was just staring at the ground.   "Vernon why won't you look at me?" you asked him and Vernon glanced at you "what? I am looking at you". "No you're not, even just then it was less than 5 seconds". Vernon looked down unsure what to say and you frowned "Is something wrong? Have I upset you?". "No of course not!" Vernon replied and you frowned "so what's up. Do I look bad or something?". That was so in the wrong direction that Vernon's gaze shot up to yours. "No not at all! It's actually the opposite" he stuttered and you frowned "the opposite? So you really like how I look?". Vernon nodded "a little too much and I was worried something might happen so I was trying not to look at you". You paused "wow really? I had no idea you liked me in these sorts of clothes?". Vernon shrugged "usually I don't have a favourite, I like everything you wear but you just look so good without even trying". You were thawing more and more with each word and now had a big smile on your face. "Well I'm sorry for accidentally distracting you. I'm here to support you so I can go if you want?". Vernon shook his head "not at all. I'll just learn to deal with my girlfriend being insanely hot. I mean I'll have to do it eventually won't I?". You chuckled "I hope so". Vernon nodded looking at you one more time and then pointedly looked away with a heavy breath "then why are you making it so difficult?". You laughed "I'm not trying to" and Vernon smiled "I know I know...so after this do you want to head over to mine?". You nodded "I'd love to" and with a kiss to his cheek you walked away "knock them dead, I'll be watching". If that didn't inspire Vernon he didn't know what could.  
Dino - Whispers it in your ear
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Finally the award show was over and Dino was relieved for one main reason. You. You looked absolutely stunning and he'd had to restrain himself all night from just going over and kissing you. He hadn't seen you in over a week due to your busy schedules and tonight he'd been blown away by how his girlfriend looked. He'd missed you so much and all night his eyes were drawn to you but he couldn't do anything to tell you how he felt. That’s why when he saw the groups all lining up for awards he got an idea. Instead of following Jeonghan, he followed Jun in the opposite direction which just so happened to take him past your group. As he got closer Dino stopped behind you and whispered "you look really beautiful tonight Y/n" before rushing away. The interaction was barely 5 seconds but it made you blush intensely and stare after your boyfriend your heart fluttering. You smiled touching the hem of your dress and felt so excited and appreciated. That was when you realised you were in love with Dino. That exact moment and it was perfect. 
Booseoksoon are the ultimate hype men, I mean just look how they interact with other idols! 
This was so fun to write! Any other groups you’d like to see this for? 
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clockwayswrites · 5 months
Minx Part 2
Minx is a placeholder name, maybe Part 1, Masterpost CW: references to drug use, allusions to past torture, grabbing
Jason had to suck in several careful breaths as he took in the wound splashed across Danny’s ribs. “No fucking John did that to you and if they did—” if they took some sort of hot poker to Danny’s side— “I’ll kill them if they did.”
Danny blinked up at the ceiling, avoiding Jason’s gaze. “So the John thing may be a cover story?”
“Fuck’n—” Jason clenched and unclenched his hands, trying to work out the urge to punch someone. It wouldn’t do any good with no target to punch. Jason had kept an eye on Danny, best as he could without being invasive, and the other seemed clean of Gotham’s shit. “What are you messed up in Danny? Is it someone’s business? Did you see something you shouldn’t on the job? Hear something?”
“No— I mean, yeah I’ve heard things, but nothing to do with this. This is,” Danny’s hand moved to cover up the mark, as if hiding it would make the problem go away. “This is just some shit from my past catching up with me. It’s nothing you need to worry about, Boss, it’s not Gotham business.”
Jason held back a growl, pushed it back into his chest. “Did it happen in Gotham?”
“No, it happened down in sunny Florida— of course it happened in Gotham.”
“Then it’s fucking Gotham business.”
“Yeah, fuck it is, you stay away from it,” Danny snapped with a smile like a bear trap. He got up and grabbed his shirt with a waver. “Dealt with it anyway. It’s done and—”
Danny froze as Jason reached out to grab his arm.
“You let go of me, Hood. I don’t care who the fuck you are, you do not grab me like this. No one grabs me like this.”
Jason slowly, carefully, lowered his hand. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want you to fall over but I shouldn’t have stopped you like that.”
“You fuck’n shouldn’t have.”
“I shouldn’t have,” Jason soothed. He wasn’t good at soothing, not any more, but he would try if it would stop Danny walking out of there injured like that. “Just sit back down and let me treat the wound. I’ll stop asking questions.”
Danny sized him up, eyes sharp with the perfect winged liner. Then he sighed and sat back down.
“Thank you,” Jason murmured as he rummaged around in the well stocked first aid kit for something to treat burn wounds. “How bad is the pain.”
Danny shrugged. He had his chin on his hand and was purposefully not looking at Jason.
Guess he was still in the dog house then.
“This will help the topical pain, but I know burns hurt deep. I’d like to give you something. Have you been drinking tonight?”
“You found me outside a pub,” Danny answered dryly.
“Doesn’t mean you were drinking, Danny, I know you know how to fake it.”
Danny sighed and tilted his head to glance up at Jason. He looked tired now, like the glamor had finally worn off with the stroke of midnight.
“Yeah, I was drinking. Helps with the pain and I knew I could take those shits drunk off my fake tits.”
“Bet you could,” Jason said, allowing himself a little smirk behind his helmet. He’s seen Danny play pool before and it was a thing of wounder. “Okay, we’ll do an IV then, rehydrate you and get some pain medication in your system in one go.”
“IV?” Danny repeated, his voice small.
“It won’t hurt, I can put them in smoothly,” Jason said as he started to work on treating the wound.
“Yeah, I’m sure you’re real gently like,” there was a wobble under Danny’s bravado and twang, “but I’m not much fond of needles.”
“I’ll be here. I won’t leave you alone with it in.”
Danny snorted. “Yeah, gonna hold me the whole night so I don’t panic?”
“If that’s what will help,” Jason answered without hesitation. He could feel Danny watching him, judging him for that statement, but Jason just kept carefully working on the wound.
“Don’t be stupid, you can’t wear your helmet the whole night,” Danny said as if that would be the catch.
“Then I’ll take it off before I hold you the whole night so that you don’t panic.”
“Will you?”
“Said I would, didn’t I?”
Jason smoothed on the last of the gel.
“Yeah… okay,” Danny said with a tired sigh. “Okay, let’s try the IV.”
Jason sat with his back against the arm of the couch and the pillow propped there. One leg was against the back cushion and the other on the ground still. Danny, make-up washed off and dressed in a set Tim sized sweats, was tucked back against Jason’s chest.
It was easier to sit that way than take Danny staring at his face covered only in a domino and black hair spray on the white streak.
Jason gently ran an alcohol wipe over the inside of Danny’s arm.
And froze.
“Not what you think.” Danny’s voice sounded small and far away. “Hood, breathe.”
Jason sucked an unsteady breath. “What?”
“I said it’s not what you think. I’m not using. I was… sickly, when I was a teen. It’s— that’s why I don’t like IVs and needles and stuff.”
“And cross my heart,” Danny said, going through the motion. “Girl Scout’s honor.”
Jason barked out a laugh that was still a little too sharp. “Yeah and I was a Boy Scout.”
“I don’t you, you do a lot of community service,” Danny said, draping his head back over Jason’s shoulder.
“Yeah, well, I work with different birds than eagles.”
Danny’s nose scrunched up.
Jason liked it better when he could see Danny’s pale freckles.
“Eagle Scouts are the highest level of Boy Scouts,” Jason explained.
“Why the fuck do you even know that?”
“I know a lot of shit,” Jason said.
Danny flinched at the pinch of the needle, but Jason had a good grip on Danny’s arm and was able to get the IV in fully. Jason soothed his thumb over it after he taped the IV down.
“There you are.”
“Don’t leave.”
“I won’t,” Jason promised. “I’m right here.”
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luveline · 5 months
Missing my zombie!steve husband 🫶🏻
quiet day at the camp… hope something bad isn’t brewing… zombie apocalypse au <3 fem, 2k
Steve loves the sound of the river, but he only allows himself a moment to lay down on the riverbank during laundry hours. 
You stand knee deep in the water with your pants and sleeves rolled up, the corrugated metal of an old shed roof that’s been repurposed into a washing board held to your chest. It was pointless to roll your sleeves up, you’re soaked to the bone, even your hair, but the summer sun keeps you warm. 
“Don’t get too hot!” you call. 
“I’m fine,” he says, unwilling to shout. 
“He’s fine!” Robin shouts from beside him. “Numbskull.” 
Steve stares at you, locking you in, so to speak, the nice shape of your hip and stomach, the mess of your wet hair. Tonight, he’ll help you fix it, but there’s no rush and no hurry to dry off while the sun is out, and the fences are up. He turns onto his stomach. Grass tickles his cheeks. 
“You sure you’re okay?” Robin asks quietly. 
“Fine. Can you tell me if she needs help?” 
“Sure.” He listens to the sounds of her moving, likely pulling the slim lengths of her legs against her chest to hug herself, the tan leaves of a book spread out just in front of her. 
Steve could really go for a cigarette. You swapped the last box you found for toothpaste, isn’t that how it always goes? You and Robin found a cheat code in the apocalypse, nicotine with a capital ‘N’. You swap Arctic chewable for socks without holes and boxes of Marlboro’s for the bathroom essentials. Everybody wants them, and you’re great at finding them. Steve never thought he’d crave a cigarette again considering he wasn’t addicted, having smoked for a couple of months in high school to feel cool with his friends, stopping when his mom asked him to. He doesn’t remember why. She’d asked, and he’d listened, as he used to do. Swim team, cross country, basketball, lifeguard training, mowing the lawn, not upsetting his father, taking out the trash, vacuuming, no drinking and driving; task after task after task. Some of it was easy. He liked doing the dishes, and he loved taking care of his mom even if she didn’t feel the same. 
Not that it matters now. Does it matter now? He’s never gonna see her again. She’s a memory. She’s a bad memory, most of the time. 
The more he reflects on it, he decides. She was a bit shitty, but she’s his mom, and she’s likely gone, so he’ll try to remember the cookies they made together and the way she’d smile at him after she tied his shoelaces before school. And also the mean fucking bitch she’d turn into when she drank two glasses of wine. 
“What are you thinking about?” Robin asks.
“That’s the wrong soap,” you say from the river. Your voice floats over the breeze. 
“Fuck off, soap is soap,” Eddie says, your not-so-new friend, Steve’s sworn enemy. 
“I’m just saying,” you laugh. “Look, I’ll wash, you rinse.” 
“I’m thinking about that time,” Steve begins, holding his hand out toward her, open but not expectant, “when my mom and dad came home early from his business trip in Missouri and found us sleeping together.” 
“I’d never heard your dad laugh before,” Robin says. 
“My mom really didn’t like you after that.” He smiles as she takes his hand. They were a lot more touchy, pre-apocalypse. He misses that sometimes. 
“I don’t even think she thought we were dating.” 
“She was disgusted.” 
“She said we were being weird teenagers.”
“I guess we were. I never had a friend like you before so maybe I can’t blame her,” he says. He has something special with you, you’re a best friend because you’re half of his heart, but Robin was his first proper best friend, and remains it. “I missed you a lot when we were stuck in Indiana. There were a ton of times where shit would go wrong and I would get mad at you because I knew you’d know how to fix it, but you weren’t there.” 
“You’d get mad at me?” Robin asks, squeezing his hand. “You jerk. Be mad at yourself.” 
“Can you wait for me next time?” he asks.
Robin’s quiet, then she laughs, “I’m nodding but you can’t see.” 
He wonders how she’s feeling. He admits to not doing that much in the past. Not that he didn’t think about how he made others feel, he was always worrying about that after Nancy, but he can’t say he thought of it in the moment. Steve forces himself to sit up and offer his arms for a hug, which Robin gladly accepts, her frazzled laugh on his neck as he pats her back. 
“Are you okay?” she asks. 
“You know Y/N says I’m possessive?” 
Robin leans away, fingers curled around his elbow. “You’re fighting?” 
“No, just. She says I’m possessive, that I get mad about, you know, my people.” 
“Right. Isn’t everybody?” 
“I never thought I did. I’m not, like, too proud most of the time.” 
“Steve, this is super introspective,” she says, frowning, smiling, a weird expression somewhere melding in the middle of happy and concerned. “Are you sure you’re okay? It’s fine if you’re not.” She laughs shrilly. “I woke up the other day and cried and then ten minutes later I felt fine. I’m far from okay.” 
Steve glances past Robin’s head to watch you in the river. You’re sitting down amongst the stones. It really isn’t too deep, water to your ribcage washing suds down to Munson, who’s smiling at you kindly, not smarmy or flirting, just smiling. 
“Why did you cry?” he asks quietly. 
“I missed my cousin, I think.” 
Steve curls his arm behind her head and encourages her in for a fiercer hug. 
“Think we should probably go help them,” she mumbles. 
He takes it for the brush off that it is; sincerity is too much to take, sometimes. If she wants to be evasive about it that’s okay, she already took the leap and admitted to getting upset. 
“I cried thinking about Y/N’s hands the other day,” he says. 
“Steve.” Robin rubs her eye with the heel of her hand. “I don’t even know what to tell you.” 
“What? I’m trying to show you I’m pathetic so you don’t feel bad.” 
“I know you’re pathetic, and I don’t feel bad.” She climbs off of the ground and brushes broken grass off of her legs. Steve climbs up next to her, nudging her with his elbow. “You’re mucho pathetic. It’s kind of crazy.” 
“I think I might try and drown him,” he says conversationally. 
“Why now?” 
“Why do you think?” Steve asks, toeing off his shoes and peeling off his socks, nearly pitching forward on the wet bank closer to the river.
You and Eddie look up as they approach from different spots of the water. Your smile at seeing him winds him for the thousandth time, just so happy to see him, so in love with you he doesn’t even know what to do for a few seconds. “Hey, honey,” he says, “can I help?” 
“Now you wanna help?” you ask, gesturing to your soaked front. 
You’re messing with him, and he doesn’t care anyways, you can talk to him like crap if you want to. He shuffles down from the mud of the riverbank and into the water, cold and wet like a shock against his ankles, softer as it climbs to his knees. You’re sitting where it’s more shallow, opposed to Eddie on his knees and almost drowning further down. He puts his hand on your wet shoulder and kneels down in the water beside you. “Wanna hug?” you tease. 
Steve hugs you. Doesn’t care that you’re soaking or that the water is freezing against his crown jewels, though he shivers by your ear, prompting your laugh like bubbles in his own. “It’s cold,” he says. 
Not to be a freak, but he can feel your chest pressed to him, and he knows you get achy in the cold. He wraps his arms doubly behind your back and rubs at your sides. “How much laundry’s left?” he asks. “We’re gonna get hypothermia. Again.” 
“You didn’t get hypothermia,” you remind him, folding into his space. “Steve… is everything okay?” 
“Do I look mopey today? Robin just asked me the same thing.” 
“You don’t look mopey, but you’re being touchy. You’re cuddling.” 
“How am I not supposed to cuddle you, dummy? I’m keeping you warm enough to function right now. Without me you’d be an ice cube floating down the river.” He leans back to hold your face in one hand, your cheek under his thumb, water racing down his wrists and your neck. 
You push against his hand gently with your cheek. 
“Sorry,” he says. 
“What for?” 
For lots of things. “I didn’t realise how cold the water was. I would’ve come to help you.” 
“It’s fine. I scrub everything and then Eddie catches it. We’ve only lost one pair of underwear,” you say. “The river’s like a long washing machine.” 
“How much do you have left?” he asks. 
“Nothing. I was just about to get out.” 
“Couldn’t have told me that before I came to get you?” 
“No,” you say, lifting your chin. Not challenging, but close. It’s an offer, Steve decides, kiss me or don’t kiss me. You don’t seem to realise he doesn’t decide, he needs you. If you always wanted to kiss him, you’d always be kissing, all the time, everywhere. 
Steve gives you a quick peck. “Come on, let’s go set up the line.” 
You somehow, together, make your way back to the tents without freezing to death after throwing your clothes on a drying line between trees. It’s warm enough that stripping down to your skivvies is mildly pleasant (away from the eyes of the other campers). You get dressed in the softest clothes you own upon Steve’s insistence, sweatpants and a dark hoodie, three pairs of socks and the tent door left open, before he lays you down on the sleeping bag, and settles between your legs, his full weight bearing down on you, his face nestled in the damp crook of your neck. 
“I couldn’t kiss you the right way,” he confesses. 
“Why?” You pull mildly at the ends of his hair. 
“‘Cos I always want more than one kiss.” 
“That’s a strangely romantic way to say you wanted to make out with me,” you whisper. 
“It’s not like that,” he insists, even though he does want to, and he did in the river, and he does all the time.
“You’re getting kinda heavy, Steve,” you mumble. 
“It’s a good thing.” 
“How dare you.” 
“We got sorta frail for a bit.” You wrap an arm around his head, tip of your nose to his forehead. 
“Yeah. Lucky we’re in camp Eddie now,” Steve says. 
“I never thought I’d hear you say that,” you murmur, so close to sleeping Steve can tell. You just need a feeling of security to nudge you over the edge. 
“Lucky we’re together.” He climbs off of you slowly so as not to rouse you too much, kissing your slack cheek as he settles on your shoulder. “You and me. I don’t care where we are.”
He ends up falling asleep not long after you, lulled by the rhythm of your light snore. 
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iluvzaddies · 1 year
imma need some tommy shelby w equestrian!reader omg like anything
(i’m a sucker for this man)
pairing: thomas shelby x equestrian!reader
warnings: none, just tommy fanboying over reader
summary: you are the first woman to ever join and win a horse-racing competition. thomas shelby, who loves horses, deeply admires you and your skills. you meet him in a pub called the garrison and there, you witness his admiration.
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“well, i’ll be… win after win. victory after victory. all in different places. proud to say this woman’s a birmingham resident.” arthur shelby said as he held up a newspaper, a cigar in his mouth.
“i’m guessing it’s about that (y/n) (l/n) girl, eh?” polly gray or aunt poll as the shelbys liked to call her, asked as she downed a glass of whiskey. “she’s become quite the hot topic.”
“oh, she’s hot, alright.” john shelby smirked, fiddling with the cigarette in between his two fingers. “still a turn on despite wearing fucking trousers all the damn time.”
“john.” thomas shelby warned, not wanting to hear sexual remarks about you, especially from his own brother.
thomas admired you. how could he not? you were the one who raced his beloved horse, monaghan boy, and brought victory to his name.
he hadn’t gotten the chance to meet you yet. unfortunately. he wondered when you would be done with your little world tour and back in birmingham.
but lo and behold, you stood there at the entrance of the pub, wearing a loose blouse and a pair of trousers as you always do.
“what can i get for you?” grace, the new irish barmaid, noticed your presence and asked.
“you choose. i’m fine with anything.”
“you look worn out.” grace pointed out.
you did look worn out, like you hadn’t had a wink of sleep in ages, but you were beautiful nonetheless. actually, more beautiful than thomas imagined. he stared at you, mouth slightly agape, captivated by the mere sight of you.
“been rough for the past couple of months.” you sighed. “traveling, competing, attending social events. haven’t gotten much sleep.”
“i see.” grace nodded, pouring whiskey into a glass and handing it to you.
thomas couldn’t believe it.
you were here.
in the garrison.
in the flesh.
“well, aren’t you gonna talk to her?” aunt poll raised her brow at thomas, who couldn’t get his eyes off you.
“if you aren’t then i will.” john volunteered.
thomas quickly snapped out of his daze, whipping his head to john. “no.” he pushed his seat back and stood up.
“i never thought i’d see the day tommy boy falls in love.” arthur chuckled.
“i thought he was in love with the new barmaid.” john scoffed, taking a long drag from his cigarette. he was upset that his older brother wouldn’t allow him to talk to you let alone talk about you.
“apparently not.” aunt poll shook her head as thomas eagerly made his way towards you.
“how much for the drink?” you questioned.
“it’s–“ grace was cut off by a deep voice, belonging to the one and only thomas shelby.
“–it’s on the house, ms (l/n).”
“mr shelby.” you shot him a look of surprise. you had forgotten the shelbys practically owned the place.
“leave us be, grace.” he ordered the barmaid and she followed, resuming back to her duties and leaving you two alone.
“here. take a seat.” he pulled out a chair.
you did as told and he pulled out another chair, sitting across from you.
you took a sip out of your glass. “you’ve some fine whiskey, mr shelby.” then looked around the dimly lit pub. “nice looking place as well.”
“please, call me thomas.”
“okay… thomas. call me (y/n) then.” it felt weird to call him by his actual name. you had only just met and he already wanted to be on a first name basis.
“so, what brings you here, (y/n)?”
“felt a little homesick.” you shrugged.
“no, i mean, in the garrison.”
“oh, it’s been a while since i drank. i wanted a drink, so i went to the nearest pub. why?”
“nothing. just curious.”
“is that all you have to say to me, mr sh– thomas?”
“do you enjoy racing horses?”
you hesitated. “the fame can be overwhelming. i love racing horses, it’s my passion, it’s what i do… but i want to be away from people… just for a little while.”
“fame can be overwhelming, yes. i know a thing or two about that feeling. only difference is i’m not famous for being a horse jockey, i’m famous for being a gangster.” he joked. the thomas shelby, the man who always had a straight face, made a joke.
you let out a laugh. a sincere one.
god, your laughter sounded like music to his ears.
“i can’t believe i’m having a decent conversation with one.”
“we gangsters are capable of having decent conversations only with the ones who deserve it.”
you let out another laugh. “goodness. if that’s the case, i’m glad you approve of me.”
“you raced my horse, after all.” he reminded.
“monaghan boy.“ you remembered the beautiful, black horse that you were assigned to race. the horse that led you to fame. “he’s a good boy.”
“aye, that he is.” he agreed.
“you know, thomas, you’re not half-bad.”
he found himself gleaming, enjoying every bit of the conversation, whilst the two shelby siblings and their aunt watched the scene unfold from afar.
you took another sip of the whiskey, humming at the taste, while thomas lit up a cigarette.
then, came silence.
none of you spoke a word, but you enjoyed each other’s company. it was evident in the way you looked at each other. you looked at each other as if you were the only people in the room.
“i’d like to take you somewhere tomorrow.” he suddenly said, breaking the silence.
“oh.” you perked up. “where?”
“the stables. let’s race, you and i. no audience. it’ll be just the two of us.” he proposed.
“is that a date?” when he didn’t deny it, you couldn’t fight off the smile that was making its way to your lips. “you’re rather bold, aren’t you, thomas?”
“what’s your answer?”
“i’ll have to check my schedule first…” you trailed off, but then you decided, why not? it sounded like a good offer. “you know what. fuck it. sure.”
thomas grinned at your rebellious behavior.
“what do you think about two in the afternoon?”
“fine with me.”
uncharacteristically, thomas’ heart fluttered. it had never done that before. it was an odd sensation yet it felt good at the same time.
you informed him your address, so he knew where to pick you up. “need me to write it down or you got it?”
“i got it.” he reassured.
you finished your drink and got up. “it was lovely talking to you. thank you for the drink.” you began walking towards the exit, but before stepping outside, you turned to look at him and uttered. “see you at my doorstep tomorrow, thomas.”
“see you tomorrow, (y/n).”
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arc-misadventures · 3 months
Blonde Perversions
Saphron: Yang, what are you doing in my closet?
Yang: Ahh! Oh?! H-Hi, Saphron, how… How’s it going…?
Saphron: Better if you explained why you are going through my closet?
Yang: Okay, imma level with you… So, Jaune, and I are… well… were friends with benefits.
Saphron: Really?! Damn~! My little bro is getting some!
Yang: Y-Yeah… Well, anyway I was going through your stuff because I… wanted to borrow some of your clothes for… for…
Spahron: For sexy times?
Yang: Yeah…
Spahron: What did you want to do?
Yang: Y-You really want to know…?
Spahron: I asked, didn’t I?
Yang: True. Okay… I wanted to… play with my… Onii-chan…
Saphron: R-Really…
Yang: Its just, Ruby sometimes refers to, Jaune as the older brother we never had. And, well that got me thinking about, Jaune as the older brother I never had. Which then lead me to think about… about…
Saphron: How hot it would be if you did play with your onii-chan~?
Yang: Y-Yeah…
Saphron: And… do you think it will be hot to play with your onii-chan~?
Yang: Oh gods I do! Just fantasying about it gets my motor going something fierce!
Saphron: Okay… I understand.
Yang: So… can I borrow some of your clothes then…?
Saphron:Sure. Jaune looks like he needs to let off some steam. If this is how you two do it then by all means go ahead. However, I don’t think most of my shirts won’t fit you. You are much bigger than me in the chest department.
Yang: Really, thanks! And, don’t work about that, I can work with the, tight skimpy shirt look. I’m sure, Onii-chan will like what I come up with~!
Saphron: But, I’ll only allow you to do this for a favour!
Yang: A favour; what kind of favour?
Saphron: Well, its not fun that only you get to play with your Onii-chan all to your by yourself. What about his Onee-sans? Shouldn’t we get to play with him too~?
Terra: That is true, why don’t we get to play with our little brother too?
Yang: Wait… Terra?! Y-You want in on this too? And, wait! You want to play with your younger brother?!
Saphron: Yep~!
Terra: Oh most definitively~!
Yang: Well… I-I don’t entirely mind if you do… sounds… pretty hot honestly… B-But, do you think, Jaune will go for it? I mean, I’m just being kinky, but you two are his sister, and his sister-in-law. He might not like that.
Saphron: Oh he’ll go for it, after all, who do you think took his first time~?
Yang: W-Wait… what?!
Terra: I’ll give you three guesses as to who, Adrian’s father is~!
Yang: Wait… Y-You’re kidding me… right…?
Saphron: So, what do you say, Yang; Ready for some fun with your, Onii-chan~?
Yang: …
Yang: I’m ready when you are… O-Onee-san…
Terra: That’s the spirit little sister~!
Saphron: Oh, we are going to behave so much fun~!
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wandascosmic · 1 month
standing by (6)
wanda maximoff x fem!reader
part six of 'you belong with me' series
summary: basically a wanda series inspired by jim and pam from the office
word count: 4292
tags: best friends to lovers, very very special and cute friendship, reader pining after wanda, oblivious wanda it's almost laughable, believed to be unrequited love, toxic vision (unsurprisingly), honestly might be my favorite part i've written so far, also maybe perhaps some jealous wanda >: ), and the pranks are back!!
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7
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“Tony,” Wanda knocks on Tony’s office door. “There’s a girl outside who wants to sell handbags.” 
“Kick her out,” Tony responds, barely looking up from his magazine. “No vendors in the office.” 
“Okay, but I told her you’d talk to her at least–” 
“No, Wanda. I’m busy,” Tony cuts her off, putting his feet up on his desk. “Just tell her to go away.” 
Wanda nods, starting to head out the door. 
Once Wanda exits the room, curiosity gets the better of Tony, and he decides to try and see what the person looks like through the window. His mouth parts once he sees that she’s actually rather beautiful. 
“Why didn’t she tell me she was hot,” Tony mutters as he gets up to go and talk to the vendor girl. 
You watch in suspicion as Tony smooths his hair back, accompanied by the noticeable bright grin on his face. You follow his gaze all the way to the new girl who came in a few minutes ago, and your mouth forms an ‘o’ shape in realization. 
“Hi, there,” Tony says, making the purse girl turn around and face him. “I’m Tony.” He holds out his hand for her to shake. 
“Valkyrie,” she introduces herself back with a smile. 
“Wow, look at you,” Tony guffaws, clearly checking her out. “You’re, uh, you’re like the new and improved Wanda.” 
Your eyes widen in shock as you and Wanda make eye contact with each other. 
“Um, thank you?” Valkyrie questions. 
“You’re welcome.” Tony grins. “So listen, I usually don’t allow solicitors in the office, but for you, I think we’ll make an exception.” 
Tony was awful at flirting, you quickly realized. 
“Well, thank you very much.” Valkyrie nods politely. 
“Don’t worry about it. But hey, maybe you can make it up to me later with dinner and a movie maybe?” he suggests with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
You snort at his forwardness. 
“Anyways, think about it.” He pats her on the shoulder. “So, Valkyrie, you can use the conference room for the day.” He points in the direction of the aforementioned room. “And, I’ll check up on you in an hour or so to make sure you’re settling in. Sound good?” 
“Yes, that would be great, thank you,” Valkyrie responds. 
“Alright, let’s get you settled in then.” He grins, leading her in the right direction. 
Once they’re both out of sight, you go up to talk to Wanda. 
“Ten bucks he ignores all his work for the day to go and flirt with her,” you bet the receptionist, popping a candy from the dish on her desk into your mouth and leaning onto your elbows. 
“Ten bucks he moves the HR staff who are supposed to have a meeting in there into the hallway,” she responds with a smile. 
“Oh, you’re so on, Maximoff.” 
“So, if you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask,” Tony tells Valkyrie, helping her put her bags in place. 
“Well, I guess a cup of coffee would be nice,” Valkyrie answers back politely. 
“Oh! I knew it! I knew I should’ve spotted another addict.” Tony laughs. 
Valkyrie’s brows furrow in confusion. “I’m sorry?” 
“You know, those Dunkin’ Donuts coffee addicts? Man, gotta love it,” he sighs. 
“Regular coffee is fine, honestly,” Valkyrie assures, feeling awkward.
No, no, it’s not,” Tony shakes his head. “Damn it, too bad we don’t have the good stuff here.” 
“No, really, it is,” Valkyrie says. 
“Are you sure?” Tony asks. “‘Cause, you know I could go out to get some for you it’s only like a 30-minute drive–” 
“Really, it’s alright,” Valkyrie cuts off with a small laugh.
“Alright, great!” Tony says, about to head out the door. “I’ll just head on over to the coffee machine in the kitchen, then. Hey, do you want high test or unleaded?” 
“Um, high test?”  
“All right!” Tony says with a grin as he leaves her alone. 
Valkyrie sighs in relief once Tony’s gone. 
“So, are you jealous ‘cause there’s another girl around?” Thor asks Wanda as he staples his documents together behind her. 
“No, not really,” Wanda responds absentmindedly, typing on her computer. 
“Are you sure?” ‘Cause she’s prettier than you,” Thor replies with a shrug. 
Wanda pauses. “That’s a very rude thing to say, Thor,” she says slowly. 
You almost laugh at the idea that anyone could ever come near Wanda’s beauty. 
Thor purses his lips and nods, leaving Wanda alone. 
You figure that now is a good time to give Wanda the banana bread you had gotten her this morning after Thor’s comment. Grabbing the dessert from your bag, you walk up to her desk with a small smile on your face.  
“So, what did Thor want?” you ask, knowing the answer already since Thor was anything but soft-spoken. Plus, your desk was only a couple of feet away from hers. 
Wanda scoffs. “Apparently I should be jealous of the purse girl because she spices up the office more than I do.” 
“And are you jealous?” 
“What? No! Of course not.” 
You laugh. “Yeah right, Maximoff. I can see the crinkle you get when you’re upset about something.” 
“I do not have a crinkle.” Wanda leans back and crosses her arms with a pout. 
Your eyes soften at how cute she looks. 
“Fine,” you back down. “But anyways, if you are upset, I did get you something.”
Wanda’s head perks up in curiosity. “What did you get me?” 
You place the white paper bag on her desk. “I may have stopped by that cafe you like this morning and gotten you your favorite dessert.” 
Wanda sits up slightly, peeking into the bag. Once she sees the delectable banana bread she loves so much, a wide smile breaks out on her face. 
“Thank you,” she says softly. 
“Anytime,” you respond, giving her a small wink as you turn around to walk back to your desk. “And by the way.” You stop to look back at her. “No one could ever match how beautiful you are.” You give her a comforting smile before heading back. 
Wanda bites her lip slightly as she watches you get back to work. 
“Hey, I’ve got an idea.” Tony knocks on the conference room door to get Valkyrie’s attention. 
“What’s that?” Valkyrie asks, reorganizing the purses slightly on the table. 
“Why don’t I introduce you around? You know, you can kind of get your foot in the door, meet potential clients, stuff like that? Come on.” Tony grabs Valkyrie’s hand as he starts to lead her out of the room. 
“Um, I would love to, but I really shouldn’t leave my purses alone-” 
“Oh! No problem, we can get Peter to watch them. Peter!” Tony calls for the intern. 
“Yes, Mr. Stark?” Peter calls back from the kitchen. 
“Will you watch the purses in the conference room please?” Tony says. 
“Oh, yeah, yeah, of course, no problem!” Peter replies, already sprinting out of the kitchen to go watch the purses. 
“Good kid,” Tony says to Valkyrie who nods in response. “You know, you should sell a lot here.” He says as he leads her through the various areas of the office. “This branch actually made over a million dollars last year.” 
“Wow, that’s impressive,” Valkyrie answers, waving at the people the two of them pass by. 
“Yeah, I know,” Tony brags. “Not that we’re all millionaires though, you know. I’m probably the closest so.” He chuckles.  
“Oh, cool,” Valkyrie replies, feeling slightly uncomfortable. 
“Yup, that’s what we do here at Shield Industries. Oh, here’s Bruce!” Tony introduces a brown-haired man who’s on a call in the break room. “What’s up, Bruce?” Tony punches Bruce’s arm playfully. 
“Tony, I’m on a phone call,” Bruce replies, putting the phone to his shoulder. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever, man,” Tony responds, leading Valkyrie to another section of the office. 
“So, Y/N, what do you think of the purse girl?” Vision asks you, chewing a bit of his pizza. 
Wanda had invited you to eat lunch with her and Vision, and while you would rather do anything other than have a meal with the girl you were in love with and her fiance, you couldn’t say no to her no matter how hard you tried. 
“Cute, sure, yeah,” you responded, taking a bite of your sandwich. You had told Wanda about your sexuality two years after you had met her, and you assume that the word got out to Vision somehow. 
Little did you know it was because Tony overheard your confession in the break room and despite his lackluster demeanor 90% of the time, he was awful at keeping secrets. 
“Why don’t you get on that?” Vision suggests. 
“Mm, she’s not really my type,” you say, shaking your head and taking a sip of your water. 
“What, you’re not gay anymore?” 
“Vision!” Wanda slaps his arm in shock. “Sorry, Y/N,” she apologizes to you on his behalf. 
“It’s fine, Wanda,” you assure. “I don’t think so, no,” you respond to Vision’s question. 
“Well, what is your type then?” Thor asks from behind you, who had come in to grab his lunch from the fridge. 
You ponder for a moment. “Uh, moms…primarily. Soccer moms, single moms, NASCAR moms. Any type of mom, really.” 
“That’s disgusting,” Vision scoffs. 
“Stay away from my mom,” Thor says as he starts to leave the kitchen.
“Too late, Thor,” you respond, taking another sip of your water. 
Suddenly, you all hear the clack of heels approach, and the three of you turn your head to see Valkyrie walk past you all. 
Vision’s mouth parts slightly as he watches her exit the room. “Man, I would be all over that if I wasn’t dating Wanda,” he tells you, pointing at the doorway where Valkyrie just left. 
Wanda’s stomach drops. 
“Vision,” she states angrily, making him glance down at her. “We’re not dating, we’re engaged.” 
“Engaged, yeah,” he replies nonchalantly with a shrug. 
Wanda scoffs as she drops her fork into her food and storms out of the kitchen, slamming the door shut with a thud. 
Vision rolls his eyes as he takes another bite of his pizza. 
“She’d be perfect for you,” you tell Sam, the two of you observing Valkyrie through the conference room window. Truthfully, you didn’t believe an ounce of what you were feeding him. Wanda was still upset after what Vision had said earlier, so you were setting up a prank against Sam in hopes of making her feel better. 
“Mm, she’s been talking to Tony a lot,” Sam says bitterly as he crosses his arms together. 
“So what?” you say as you face him. “You’re assistant regional manager.” 
“Assistant to the regional manager,” Sam corrects you with a frown. 
“Well, you know what, Sam? Sometimes, you’ve just got to go for it. And by the way, Tony’s just your work boss, ok? He is not your relationship boss.” 
“That’s true,” Sam nods. 
“Plus, you have so much more in common with this girl than Tony does. You’re both, um, salesmen,” you point out. “I mean that’s something to talk about right there.” 
“True,” Sam’s eyes widen in realization. “Plus, I could talk to her about the origins of my last name!”
“It’s all gold,” you say, emphasizing your point with a wave of your hand. “But here’s the thing.” You beckon Sam closer with a finger. “Even if it goes horribly wrong, you just keep talking to her, alright? If you hit a stall, you have a perfect fallback.” 
“What’s that?” he asks. 
“You buy a purse,” you instruct. 
“I don’t want a purse, purses are for girls,” Sam says, recoiling slightly. 
“Sam, that’s not necessarily true.” You shake your head. 
Sam scoffs. 
“Do you read GQ?” you ask. 
“No,” he mutters, looking away. 
“That’s fine, I do. They’re like mini briefcases, alright? Lots of guys have ‘em.” 
“Really?” he asks incredulously. “Like those?” He points to the purses through the window. 
“Yes!” you confirm. 
“I don’t know..” 
“Listen,” you get his attention. “You are spending way too much time talking to me when you could be talking to her.” You point to Valkyrie over your shoulder. 
“Okay, fine,” Sam agrees, starting to stand up. “I’m just gonna use the bathroom then-” 
“No, you don’t need the bathroom, alright?” you cut him off, standing up as well. “You’ve got this, Sam. Go for it.” You shove him gently in the direction of the conference room. 
You watch him go in until he can no longer see you, and you smile as you run in the direction of Wanda’s desk. 
“Okay, shh, stop.” You run around Wanda’s desk, gently pulling the phone away from her ear and hanging up the call she’s on. Wanda looks up at you curiously. “Stop whatever you’re doing ‘cause this is gonna be good,” you say as you stand behind Wanda’s chair and swivel it around so she has a clear view of the conference room. 
“What did you do?” Wanda asks suspiciously, a smile starting to appear on her face. 
“You’ll see,” you whisper. 
Once you see Sam start to talk, you begin your imitation. “Hi, my name is Sam Wilson and I would like to buy a purse from you,” you mock in a high-pitched voice. “Good Lord, look at these purses! This is something special.” Wanda giggles. “Oh my God, is this Salvatore Daccini Pa….sta,” you say as you see Sam pick up a random purse. 
“Oh, definitely, definitely step in and out of it like that,” Wanda imitates Valkyrie as you both see Sam step in and out of the purse’s strap. 
“Yes, well I want to stress test it,” you continue your impression. “You know, in case anything happens.” 
Wanda smiles widely as she looks at you. 
“Oh!” you both remark, the two of you struggling to hold in your laughter as you see Sam smack the purse against the table. 
“That was really- this is necessary to do to really give it a good workout,” you say in your high-pitched voice. “This is the– ooh. This is the prettiest one of them all,” you mimic as you see Sam pick up another purse. “I’m gonna be the prettiest girl in the ball. Oh, how much?” you break as you finally start to laugh. 
“Oh, god, it’s sad, it’s so sad,” Wanda remarks with a shake of her head. 
“Yeah,” you say through your laughter. “Oh, here he comes,” you inform her as you see Sam slowly start to walk out of the conference room. 
He turns to give you a thumbs up and you give him one in response as well as mouthe some encouraging words. Sam smirks confidently as he struts back to his desk, the strap of his brand-new hung nicely over his shoulder. 
“He did pick a good one,” you tell Wanda with a smile as you look over to observe Sam’s new handbag. 
“You’re horrible,” Wanda giggles as she looks up at you. 
“So, how was that coffee from earlier?” Tony asks Valkyrie as he enters the conference room once more. 
“It was good,” she responds with a small smile. 
“Ah, I knew it,” Tony smirks. “I make the best coffee. Hey, can I show you something?” 
Valkyrie nods. 
“Great, I know you are gonna like this.” He starts to lead her towards his office. “Picked it up today for 1000 big ones.” 
He opens the door for her to enter. 
Valkyrie’s eyes widen as she sees the huge coffee machine set on Tony’s desk. “Um, Tony, you spent 1000 dollars on a new coffee machine just today?” 
“Yep,” he brags with a large grin. “They call it a Digital Barista. It’s the absolute best of the best of the espresso maker variety.” 
Valkyrie laughs awkwardly. “Wow, is that for the office?” 
“Oh, I know what you’re thinking.” Tony points a finger at her. “You’re not prying this out of my hands,” he jokes. “But hey, give it a shot and maybe I’ll give it to you.” 
“Oh, I wouldn’t dream of it,” Valkyrie answers with a shake of her head. Suddenly, she feels her phone buzz with a new message. Opening it, her brows furrow as she sees the content of the message that was sent. 
“Hey, what’s going on?” Tony asks, seeing her expression. 
Valkyrie looks up. “Oh, nothing, just, my ride bailed on me,” she says. 
“Oh, god! I’m so sorry,” Tony says rather passionately. “That sucks. Um, where you going? Nearby? Because I could give you a ride, you know?” 
“No, no, that’s ok, I don’t wanna inconvenience you and I can just take a Taxi–” 
“No, no, no, it’s not an inconvenience at all!” Tony cuts Valkyrie off. “I mean, I’m out of here at 5:00 sharp, and plus, I am the boss,” he says with his hand at the side of his mouth as if he were telling a secret. “I can go even earlier! Like, whatever, out of here…slaves.” He laughs. 
“Well, I guess that would be ok,” Valkyrie accepts unsurely. 
“Really?” Tony grins. “Well, awesome! 5:00 sharp, I will give you and your purses a ride home, sound good?” 
“Yeah, sounds great,” Valkyrie says as she leaves Tony’s office, grimacing slightly on her way out. 
“So did we get any mail?” Tony asks Wanda who sits across from him at his desk. 
“Yeah, I gave it to you,” she responds with a nod of her head. 
“Right, just checking. Just double checking,” Tony says. 
“So can I–” Wanda points to the door over her shoulder. 
“Oh, yeah,” Tony responds, letting her go. “Oh, wait, Wanda, one more thing,” he says as Wanda starts to get up out of her chair. 
Wanda pauses to hear his question. 
“How do girls your age feel about futons?” 
“A futon?” you ask Wanda who laughs as she leans against your desk. “Oh my god, he’s a grown man.” 
“That’s what he said,” she says, trying to stifle her laughter.
“That’s sad. That’s so sad,” you say, shaking your head and Wanda giggles. “Or it’s innovative. You know, the futon is a bed and couch all rolled into one.” You twirl your index fingers around each other to imitate a rolling motion. 
Unfortunately, your moment with the receptionist is soon interrupted as you look up to see Vision on his way to talk to Wanda. You sit up sharply, starting to type on your computer as you get back to work. 
“What’s up?” he greets her with his hands in his jacket pockets. 
“Hi,” she replies, keeping her eyes on the ground. 
“Are you still mad at me?” he asks wearily. 
“Vision…” she sighs. 
“Come on,” he says as he starts to tickle her abdomen. 
You bite the inside of your cheek.  
Wanda turns her upper body away slightly. “Cut it out,” she says. 
“Come on, are you mad at me?” he continues, starting to make Wanda jerk in various directions. 
“Stop it,” she responds, but giving in slightly as her voice becomes less stern. 
“Are you still mad at me?” he says in a loving voice. 
“Cut it out,” she replies, though a smile is beginning to appear on her face. 
“Are you mad at me now?” he teases, grinning as she starts to laugh fully. 
“Stop!” she says through her laughs. 
“Huh? Come on,” he continues, tickling her harder and making her giggle even more. “Come on, Wands,” he prompts playfully as she keeps laughing uncontrollably. 
“Stop, I can’t breathe!” Wanda musters out, still jerking around. 
You sigh as you get up from your chair, deciding it’s probably best to leave the couple alone. 
“I was just kidding! You know I didn’t mean it,” you hear him say with a smile. 
You put your hands in your pockets as Wanda continues to laugh with her fiance. 
You tap your foot anxiously on the floor, bored out of your mind since Wanda went out with Vision on her break. Swiveling around in your chair, you pause as you see Valkyrie on her own in the conference room. 
Maybe you should go and talk to her? 
You bite your lip slightly, deciding maybe it was time for you to make a new friend in the office. 
But no one could ever beat Wanda. 
Against your better judgement, you decide it might be fun to go and talk to her. Taking a deep breath, you stand up from your chair and head in her direction. 
You knock on the door, making Valkyrie look up at you. 
“Hi,” you say, entering the room with a smile. 
“Hi,” Valkyrie responds, matching your tone. 
“I’m Y/N, by the way,” you hold out your hand for her to shake. 
“I’m Valkyrie,” she nods, shaking your outstretched hand. 
“Hi, Valkyrie, nice to meet you,” you say in a friendly manner. 
“Yeah, you too. You sit out there don’t you?” Valkyrie points to your desk through the window. 
“Yes, I do. That’s what I’m best known for,” you joke slightly, making her let out a small laugh. “Alright, let’s talk about purses then.” You drum your fingers on the table in front of you. 
“Okay, um..” She starts to point at the purses on the table. 
“Oh, wait, Valkyrie, but you know what?” you interrupt, causing her to look up at you. “Don’t try to sell me one. Okay, seriously? ‘Cause I’m just here to learn,” you say earnestly before a small smirk breaks out on your face.
“Okay,” Valkyrie nods with a laugh. 
“So, I know about most of these, but..” 
“What’s up?” you ask Wanda who leans against your desk. 
“I’m bored,” Wanda responds, giving you a grin. 
“Thank you for choosing me,” you reply amusingly as she laughs. 
“No, I’m kidding,” Wanda says. “So, have you got any plans this weekend?” 
“Uh, well, I think I’m gonna see Valkyrie,” you respond, shrugging your shoulders. 
Wanda’s smile falters slightly. 
“Really?” she asks. 
“Yeah,” you confirm. 
“What are you guys gonna do?” 
“Oh, man, I don’t know,” you sigh. “Uh, dinner, drinks, movie, matching tattoos…” you say the last one with a cheeky smile. 
Wanda chuckles at your joke. 
“Well, that’s great,” she nods, unsure of what the uncomfortable feeling in her chest might be. 
“Yeah, big stuff,” you agree, swiveling around slightly in your chair and pausing for a moment. “What are you up to this weekend?” 
“Oh, um,” Wanda ponders a bit. “I think we’re gonna help Vis’ cousin move.” 
“Okay,” you nod. 
“‘Cause Vis has a truck,” she finishes. 
“That’s cool, that’s really cool, Wanda,” you tell her. 
“Uh-huh. Yes,” Wanda says, suddenly feeling very awkward. 
“But I’ll see you Monday, though, right?” you ask, drumming your fingers at your side. 
“Yeah, uh, you know what? I think I’m gonna head back now,” Wanda says as she stands up, pointing to her desk over her shoulder. 
“Oh, okay. No problem,” you respond with a small smile. 
Wanda nods, turning around and heading back to her workplace. 
Sitting back down, she sighs as she tries to decipher what the uneasy feeling within her might be. 
 “Good night, Y/N,” Tony says as he walks next to you and Valkyrie in the parking lot. 
“Good night Tony,” you reply, tossing your car keys up and down. 
“Where you headed?” he asks you. 
“I don’t know, probably grab a drink, I think,” you answer, pointing towards you and Valkyrie. 
“With us?” Tony inquires, stopping in his place as his brows furrow in confusion. 
“Oh shoot, I, um, I probably should have told you. But I don’t need a ride now ‘cause Y/N can take me home after,” Valkyrie tells Tony with an apologetic look.  
“Oh, okay, great,” Tony replies, but you can tell that he feels a bit dejected. 
“Yeah, um, I’m sorry, Tony,” you apologize. 
“No, no worries.” He shakes his head. “Hope you have fun, you two,” he says trying to hide his disappointment. 
Tony starts to turn away, and you frown as you watch his dejected posture. 
“Have a good night, Tony!” you call out, checking to make sure he’s ok. 
“Yeah, you too!” he calls back, though you hear a hint of frustration in his voice.  
“Do you think he’ll be alright?” Valkyrie asks at your side. 
“Yeah, I hope so. If he’s still sad by Monday, I’ll bake him some cupcakes or something,” you respond, grabbing her bags and nodding your head in the direction of your car. 
You start to lead the two of you to your vehicle. “Wow, a baker, huh?” Valkyrie inquires with a smile as she follows your step. 
“Well, I got a lot of free time on my hands,” you respond, opening up your trunk and placing her bags in after moving a couple of your things. 
You don’t notice Vision’s car pull up behind you with Wanda in the passenger seat, immediately sitting up straight as she watches you curiously through the window. 
“All right, I’m gonna warn you. Don’t freak out, okay?” you say to the girl next to you as you shut the trunk. 
“Why?” Valkyrie inquires with a tilt of her head. 
“Well, this is a really nice car,” you say as you walk backward, leading Valkyrie toward the passenger side of your sedan. “In case you haven’t noticed, this is a Corolla, okay?” 
“It’s a very nice car,” Valkyrie compliments with a small laugh. 
Wanda’s sure she wants to slap Valkyrie across the face. 
“So you’re not gonna freak out?” you ask, opening the door for Valkyrie to enter. 
Valkyrie shakes her head with a smile as she sits down in your red vehicle. 
Vision starts to drive away, and Wanda continues to watch the two of you until you disappear from her sight. 
part 7
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satorusugurugurl · 4 months
Pairing: Nude Model!Geto Suguru x Model!FAB!Reader
Word Count: 1,977
Warnings: Nudity, flirting, suggestiveness, fluffy goodness
A/N: This fluffy Friday idea had me giggling and kicking my legs. So intimate and sweet!! Nemsmkekdkdk!!
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Nude life modeling.
It was easy, paid pretty well, and it helped you get money for essentials when your shitty part-time job didn't schedule you. All you were required to do was strip down to your birthday suit and pose for a bunch of art students to draw you. The sessions lasted between two to five hours, with breaks. Sitting around naked while posing was an easy way to make twenty dollars an hour.
After a rough week of hardly any tips at the coffee shop, you desperately needed to pick up a modeling gig for the weekend. You needed groceries, and you had been dying to buy the newest book of your favorite series that just came out. Luckily, an evening art class needed a female model. You jumped at the opportunity, not wanting to eat instant Ramen for the third time this week.
Trotting into the art studio, you found it empty, allowing you to change into a plain white robe before the students arrived. Just as you tied the sash around your waist, the door to the classroom opened. You turned around expecting to find the teacher, only to find the sexiest man you’ve ever seen in your life.
He had dark eyes and raven hair tied up into a bun. You could hear the music blaring through his headphones as he tossed his backpack onto the ground before pulling his shirt over his head. With a squeak, you covered your eyes as if you weren’t already in the nude yourself.
“E-excuse me!!” you screamed at the top of your lungs, “Excuse me!! I-I’m in here!!” when you heard the familiar sound of a belt unbuckling, you grabbed a sketchbook off one of the desks, chucking it to the ground in front of his feet.
The man before you jolted, quickly pulling his headphones out. His dark eyes met you for the first time since he entered. “Oh shit!” He hid behind one of the canvases in the classroom. “Fuck! Sorry! Sorry!” You felt like your whole face was on fire.
“N-No, it’s okay! Maybe I have the wrong classroom!”
“Are you here to model for Yaga’s class?” the stranger asked tentatively.
“Uhm, yeah.”
“You're in the right place.”
Slowly blinking, you watched as the stranger peeked his head out from behind the canvas. “I am?” Your eyes wander toward the shirt and belt on the ground before him. “Then why are you—?”
The stranger stepped out in all his shirtless glory. Fuck he was hot, he had muscles for days. While you undressed the rest of him with your eyes, he stepped towards you. His fingers nervously played with his gauges as he stood in front of you, giving you a better view of his body. His muscles and the curves of his body would be perfect for any art student to sketch. If you were good with a pencil, you would have sketched a picture of him because it would be rude to pull your phone out and snap a photo of the insanely hot man in front of you.
“Yaga is going over body movement between two individuals. Like couples and stuff.” He gestured between the two of you. “That’s why I'm here. I guess Yaga failed to mention that in his ad today.” The strange brushed strands of his black hair out of his face. “The other model who was supposed to be doing this with me got food poisoning, so he was on a bit of a time crunch trying to find somebody to take her place.”
“Oh—” your fingers scratch your cheek, “right, okay, so I've always done solo work.”
The dark-haired man hummed in understanding. “Right, sorry he didn’t specify that in the ad. If you’re uncomfortable with it, I can let him know. If we have to cancel the class, that’s fine..” that was probably the best thing to do. But your stomach growled, hungry for something other than instant noodles.
“Ugh, no, it's fine, I’ll do it.” Why you agreed to do it was beyond you. Posing with a stranger, a hot one at that, was one of the craziest things you'd done. “Is it like back-to-back poses? Or are we talking cringe-worthy 90s family picture poses?”
The man before you chuckled as he shook his head, a dusty shade of rose spread over his cheeks. “That has to be one of the funniest things I've ever heard while modeling.” he glanced at the small wooden stage in the vented room. “It shouldn't be too crazy. Probably just us laying down or something.”
“Ah, very cool mystery man.”
“Oh right, sorry.” He held his hand out to you. “I’m Geto Suguru.”
“Well, it's nice to meet you.” You introduced yourself before leaving the room to allow him to change. “Just come get me when you’re done.”
Once standing in the hall, you run your finger through your hair, tugging it gently. How did your simple modeling evening turn into an evening of modeling with the super hot guy? The more important question was how you were going to get through this entire evening being next to said hot stranger in the nude?!
Keep it together. You got this! You told yourself and attempted to ease your nerves. The following 3 to 4 hours would fly by fast, and then you would never see each other again. If you were lying on the floor next to each other? Naked. It wasn’t a super big deal. Just you and a stranger lying on the ground!
Two hours into the session, you stared directly into Geto’s eyes. “Geto,” you spoke softly, attempting not to distract the students around you.
“What’s up? Do you need a break?”
“No, I was just going to say I wish we were doing a 90s family photo pose. You know those kinds where you would sit on a stool, and I would awkwardly place my hands on one of your shoulders while we stare off into the distance?” Geto’s shoulders shook as he tried to contain his laughter.
You had to make fun of a situation like this. Where you were naked, straddling the hips of a nude man you didn't know, only having a thin cloth separating you from each other. It wasn't as awkward as you thought it would be. Thanks to Geto; he made it extremely comfortable for you. Asking for your consent before touching you, he often checked in to see how you were feeling. He was the perfect gentleman.
Geto also happens to be just your type. He was handsome, sweet, and had a killer body; you felt drunk off of his smell and touch. But would it be wrong to ask him out after doing a job together? You wanted to keep things strictly professional. Your stomach, unfortunately, didn’t get the same memo.
It grumbled helplessly, begging you to feed it something with value instead of instant noodles, protein bars, or candy. God, it was so loud you prayed Geto didn't hear it, that he was too focused on posing to notice your stomach’s begging pleas. You thought you might have been in the clear until Geto gently squeezed your hips, drawing your eyes towards him.
“Hungry?” he asked with a slight smirk.
“Huh, because it sounds to me like you are.” You shift slightly as if moving would cause your stomach to growl at a softer volume. “W-Wait don—nngh.” Something thick and hard pressed firmly against your ass, making you squeak.
Geto groans, his fingers digging deeper into your hips, stopping you from moving any further. All you can do is stare at him. His eyes remain shut tight. Was he hard? Was he, this god-built man, popping a boner with you on top?
“Geto.” You whisper, a smile tugging at your mouth.
“Please don’t.”
“Oh, so you can bring up my stomach growling, but I can’t bring up you hard co-“
Eyes snap open as he shushes you. “I’m sorry, I just think you’re cute and funny. I tried thinking about my grandma naked, but my brain would rather think of how good you feel in my lap.” He breathes out a minty sigh.
His candor had you blushing as you gripped his shoulder. You remain still like that until your stomach grows louder this time. Geto sputters out a laugh as you push yourself back an inch, rolling against his cock, causing a moan to break in through his laughter.
“Fuck, please stop doing that, or I’m gonna cum.”
“Already? Didn’t see you as a pre-mature ejaculator.”
“I’m not—-normally.”
“Says the guy who just said he was gonna cum.”
Geto cocks a pierced brow at you. “I’m like the energizer bunny; I can go all night.” The room feels hot, and it’s not from the lights on you, and it’s not from constricting clothing. The classroom is unbearably hot because of the building tension between you two.
“I doubt that.” You confess in a whisper, rolling your eyes. “How long do you last? Two minutes tops?”
He scoffed gently, kneading your hips. “Is that a challenge?” The urge to kiss and take him up on his challenge eats at you like acid. You inch closer, lips nearly touching, when someone clears their throat behind you.
The sound of them clearing their throat reminds you that you are not alone. The both of you are in the middle of a classroom modeling for a bunch of students. Students that can clearly see and possibly hear the conversation you two are having.
That single word puts a pin in your whole conversation. Geto’s erection goes down while your stomach continues to growl, winning the softest of chuckles from the man you're still straddling. Somehow, by the grace of the gods, you manage to make it through the entire class without your stomach eating itself or grinding down on Geto, much to your amazement.
With the class over, Geto lets you change in the main room while he uses the supply closet. You finish before him, grabbing your things, eyes darting towards the closet. How does one ask out a fellow nude model? Was it just the heat of the moment that had you hungry for his touch? Or was there something truly there between you?
The never-ending questions stopped as Geto stepped out, pushing his hair back, eyes scanning the room. The instant they find you, he’s crossing the floor faster, his backpack slung over his shoulder. There was something in his smile that made you weak in the knees.
“Do you like soba noodles?”
“Yeah, I do.” Your stomach growls in agreement.
A smile so smooth it gives the butter a run for its money graces Suguru’s face. “Let me take you out for dinner and a drink,” he starts heading for the door, “before that stomach gremlin decides to eat me instead of food.” Heart racing, you grab your things, joining his side, hands clasped behind your back.
“I hate to be the one to tell you this, Geto, but the chances of me eating you after dinner are high.”
“Is that so?”
“Oh yes, I'd say there is a ninety-five percent chance you’re on the menu for dessert if you want to come back to my apartment.”
“Funny, I was going to say there’s a ninety-eight percent chance I was going to eat you for dessert~”
Glancing up, you nearly stumble as Geto sticks his pierced tongue out. “Then maybe I’ll accept your challenge and prove I can last longer than two minutes.”
You smirk, licking your lips with a starved expression. “Show me what you got from the energizer bunny.”
Forever Tag List:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe @chilichopsticks
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multifandomfanficss · 6 months
Never Listen To Venkman
Egon Spengler x Reader
(With platonic!Peter Venkman)
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Prompt: When you and Peter are left alone to experiment with a suspicious, blue, viscous slime, things go south and Egon comes home to you having a paranormal induced panic attack.
Warnings: panic attacks, autistic meltdowns, sensory issues, detailed descriptions of sensory issues, feeling uncomfortable in one’s own skin.
A/N: Back in my Ghostbusters era. It is contractually obligated that I must re-obsess every time a new movie comes out. I’ve loved Egon since I was a little kid. I can’t believe I’ve never written for him. The italics are flashbacks. This is crossposted on my AO3 adriansglasses.
The reader is intended to be autistic, but can be read any way you’d like. Anyone is allowed to relate and see themselves in the reader wether they’re autistic or not!
You were sitting at your desk with in your small shared lab with Egon in the firehouse when you heard footsteps. You thought you had been home alone until Peter walked in.
“What are you doing here? I thought you were going on a double date with Winston while Ray and Egon were at the movie.” You questioned him, putting down your pen. You had been taking notes on a new kind of slime the boys had found. It was different from the other slime they’d found last month when Vigo was trying to take over. While Vigo’s slime was pink in color, this slime was blue and had a more viscous consistency.
“Oscar had a fever, so Dana and I decided to cancel. She thinks he’s getting his first tooth.” Peter smiles. Despite the jokes he’s made and the amount of times he’s said he was nowhere near ready to be a father, he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t happy being back with Dana again and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t love Oscar just as much as he loved her.
“Did Winston still go?” You ask.
“Oh, yeah. He’s probably back in her apartment with the bed rocking as we speak. No way he’s coming home tonight.” Peter laughed at his own joke as you cringe.
“You’re disgusting.” You roll your eyes.
“What are you up to tonight? Got a hot date with a slime? Not too different from your usual dating life.” He chuckles.
“You’re such a dick, Venkman. I figured while everybody was out tonight I’d try to find out SOMETHING about this new slime. Egon and I have been studying it for two days and we have literally nothing.” You gesture to the blue goo on your desk.
“Do you need help?” He asks.
“Are you offering to help me on your night off?” You ask, shocked.
“I’ve got nothing better to do.” Peter shrugs.
“Are you gonna take it seriously?” You hesitate.
“I’m always serious!” Peter bluffs. Peter was never serious. Egon was always serious. His bluntness and black and white thinking had always been a comfort to you. He wasn’t some puzzle you had to figure out. He just was. Being with him wasn’t a guessing game the same way it was with Peter.
“Somehow that’s hard to believe, but I could really use your expertise in parapsychology, so I’ll say yes.” You sigh. You know this probably isn’t the best idea, but Peter knows more about this topic than you do. You’d be stupid to reject his help.
“If you’ll be the subject, I’ll run the experiment.” He says, taking out the helmet with wires.
“Okay.” You agree. Once the helmet is on you should be connected to a series of machines able to read the energy of your emotions, as well as the slime itself, giving you a more direct connection without touching. Peter starts asking you a series of questions, trying to draw different emotional responses.
“Think of a time when you were happy, really happy.” He prompts. Your mind, wandered around the room, trying to think of something, when your eyes landed on Egon’s book sitting on his desk.
It made you think of the first time you realized you had deep feelings for him. While you’d always thought he was attractive, you realized your feelings were deeper than you thought, far beyond a harmless little crush, one day when he let you borrow his book. As you read his notes in the margins you were able to analyze things like him, see the world through his eyes. You saw how his brain connected and processed things. You always liked the person he’d shown you, but writing in the margins is different. When you take notes in a book, you’re not putting on a mask for people to see. Notes in the margins are just for you. There’re your unfiltered thoughts. Seeing who Egon was when nobody was watching was different. He was funny, smart, deep, curious, not as confident as he pretended to be; he didn’t censor himself in his books. He wasn’t quiet in his books. Reading his margins felt intimate.
“You’re thinking about Spengler, aren’t you?” Venkman teases.
“Why would you say that?” You look at him, embarrassed.
“Because you’re in loooooove!” Peter mocks.
“Can we change the subject?” You practically beg.
“Think of a moment where you were uncomfortable.” Peter prompts.
“This conversation.” You fiddle with your fingers.
“No, really. I wanna see how it reacts to discomfort.”
“Fine.” You sigh. You think back to one of your many lab accidents. Working in a lab with sensory issues is never easy and that was something you and Egon both struggled with.
You think back to the day when you superglued your fingers shut by accident. You got them apart, but you couldn’t get the the residue off. You started to hyperventilate, on the verge of tears. You wanted to hit your hands on things, but you knew that wouldn’t help. You couldn’t peel off the glue without peeling off your skin.
“What’s wrong?” Egon looked at you puzzled, and a bit worried.
“Superglue! I- I- I can’t get it off!” You shake your hands, violently, your whole body is tensed up.
Egon quickly takes a bottle out from his desk drawer and runs over to you. He grabs your hands.
“Look at me, (Y/N). It’s okay. I’ll take off all the residue.” He promises, giving you a soft smile. Despite not liking seeing you in such discomfort, he forces the smile to help calm you down. He begins to massage the liquid from the bottle onto your fingers with a rag.
“See, it’s okay. It’s coming off.” He continues to speak softly, calming you.
“What is that stuff?” You ask.
“I wish I could say it’s some sort of fancy, scientific, protective disinfectant, but as it so happens it’s only nail polish remover.” You both chuckle quietly. “Janine gave it to me the last time I got superglue on something and couldn’t get it off.” He smiles down at your hands, still focused on getting the last little bit off.
“This slime is so different from the mood slime. I thought I saw it let go of a bubble, but it’s mostly doing nothing. I think it might be dead. I think it might be time to bury it in the backyard.” Peter begins to fake sob.
“Knock it off.” You laugh. “What backyard? This is Manhattan!”
“You should try touching it.” Peter suggests.
“Egon, said I should under no circumstances touch it directly, especially while he’s not here.” You inform him.
“Well Egon, is being overprotective. Nothing bad happened when everyone else touched the pink slime and I accidentally ate green slime once.” Venkman says.
“What do you mean accidentally?” You ask.
“It was our first mission. Slimer ran through me. It was a whole thing. I think you should touch it… You might be able to figure out what it is before Spengler gets back…” He tries to change your mind.
“You’re sure there were no serious side effects from touching the other slimes?” You ask, hesitantly. Egon would be annoyed if he found out you went against his pleas to keep your hands away from the plasma, but you wanted to impress him.
“Nothing serious. I grew an extra pinky, but they cut it off.” He jokes.
“Haha, very funny, Venkman.” You roll your eyes.
“Fine.” You sigh, taking a deep breath before plunging your hand into the blue viscous goo. “Oh…This is literally fine.” You feel no effect, but when your heart rate picks up you realize you spoke too soon. You fall onto the floor, knocking over the slime. You feel like your heart is racing, like it could beat out of your chest and you can’t suck enough air into your lungs. You’re terrified.
“(Y/N)!” Peter yells, rushing to the floor to help you. He tries to touch the the hand not covered in blue slime, but you push him away, sobbing. You don’t want him anywhere near you. You’re slipping away from reality into a deep state of panic and paranoia.
“Please! No!” You sob. It’s the only thing you can manage to get out. You barley recognize Peter anymore. He doesn’t feel like a friend. He feels like a threat.
“Honestly, the movie was quite terrible. Ray stopped for a 99 cent pizza on the corner. What did you- (Y/N)?!” Egon speaks as he enters the room, cutting himself off when he notices you’re in distress.
“Pete, what happened?!” Egon questions once he sees Venkman.
“We were doing an experiment and they touched the goo and they just started freaking out. They won’t let me near them.” Peter tells him, obviously shaken. You hear the two men, but you don’t process them. It’s like you’re underwater.
“This is different from their usual sensory issues. I think they’re having a panic attack.” Egon kneels in front of you. “(Y/N), you’re okay. You’re safe. You’re in the firehouse. I’m here.” He tells you slowly.
“I- I can’t breathe!” You gasp for air.
“Your lungs are expanding and contracting at a rate too fast for your body to intake oxygen. I need you to try to breathe slow and deep with me. In…and out. Nice and slow.” He prompts. “Peter, I need latex gloves and towels.” Venkman could have made multiple jokes about Egon’s command, but looking at you this way made him uneasy. It wasn’t the right time. After being handed the gloves, Egon slipped them on and got to work cleaning off your slime covered arm. You begin to sob, overwhelmed by the feeling of the slime, the latex gloves, and the towel. It was difficult to handle on top of your panic attack. “Peter, we need to get them into the decontamination shower.”
“No!” You gasp between sobs.
“Come, on. I’ll go with you. We can get all the plasma off of you.” Egon speaks softly, but with a gentle urgency, as he tries to coax you to the shower. You shake your head no. “Are you against touch right now?” He asks.
“They did not like when I touched them.” Venkman warns.
“Only you-“ You break out in a sob. It doesn’t even cross your mind that you may be offending Peter by only wanting Egon. Luckily he’s not offended. Egon begins to take off his glove to provide skin to skin contact on the arm not drenched in slime in an effort to comfort you.
“Aren’t you worried about getting that stuff on you?” Venkman questions, worried Egon will shutdown like you.
“I’m getting in the decontamination shower anyway.” Egon shrugs, turning to you. He takes your hand in his, softly rubbing the top with his thumb.
“But- but your clothes will get all wet!” You sob. You knew Egon had his own sensory issues. You’d often have to help him when his long sleeves would get wet during experiments. It would drive him crazy. He avoided puddles like the plague and always had an umbrella nearby.
“Try not to worry about me right now. I just want you to focus on your breathing. I can always change my clothes.” He smiles. While it hurts him to see you so distressed, he was happy to know you cared about his comfort. “Let’s go shower. You can’t leave all that slime on you. I believe it’s worsening your mental state.” You nod, still crying.
“I’ll get them under the shower, I’ll need you to turn it on. Make sure not to touch the slime. I got a minuscule amount on my finger and it’s making me rather anxious. I can only imagine what this amount is doing to them.” Egon tells Peter. He helps you to stand, walking your trembling form over to the shower. “There we go. Just a few more steps. You’re doing wonderfully, (Y/N).” Egon softly attempts to comfort you.
Once you’re under the shower head, Venkman turns it on. Both you and Egon jolt at the sudden water pressure. He tightens both his jaw and his grip on you, holding his eyes shut tight. He can’t stand the feeling of his wet clothes against his body, but he’s brave for you. Once adjusted to the water, Egon begins to wash the slime off your body with care. Peter leaves to go upstairs and get you some towels. You feel the panic and paranoia start to leave your body. Despite still being incredibly anxious, you were starting to phase out of your slime induced panic attack. You lean against Egon, struggling to hold your own body weight. Maybe you’ll be more embarrassed tomorrow, but right now you just needed to be held. You were craving pressure on your body. You felt as if you would float off the ground if you weren’t held down. Egon wraps his arms around you, bringing you closer. He places a kiss on your forehead before placing his chin on top of your head. You snuggled into his chest, finding his pulse. You didn’t have the time or the bandwidth in your brain to think about what the kiss meant. You just wanted to be close to him.
“You’re okay, (Y/N). You’re safe.” Egon tells you. You’re not sure if it’s for your benefit or his. It’s for both, really.
You’re quiet for most of the night, unable to bring yourself to speak. Egon doesn’t mind. He thinks a verbal shutdown is more than understandable after the night you’ve had. After the shower, you follow Egon around the fire station. You don’t want to be alone right now. He doesn’t mind. He puts out some of his clothes for you to wear; pajama pants and one of his soft sweaters. He goes to leave the room for you to change, but you stop him.
“Can- can we just like? Turn around?” You ask. “I’m sorry. If you’re uncomfortable, that’s okay. I just really don’t wanna be alone right now.” You voice is hoarse from crying.
“Of course.” He smiles, turning around.
“I’m decent.” He informs you after a minute of rustling.
“Me too.” You tell him and you both turn around.
“I’m sorry.” You tell him, near tears again. You feel awful for how tonight went. This was supposed to be the boys’ day off. Egon gives you a sad look.
“You have nothing to be sorry for. You were just trying to help. Venkman told me he put you up to it anyway.” Egon sighs.
“I probably shouldn’t have listened to him.” You let out a sad chuckle, one tear slipping past you, down your cheek. You wipe it quickly.
“Never listen to Venkman.” Egon gives a sad laugh.
“At least we figured out what the slime does… Egon, can I ask you a question?” You hesitate.
“Well, you just did, but yes.” He smiles, joking to lighten the mood. You smile at him.
“Why did you do all that? You took off your gloves, putting yourself at risk and then you put yourself through sensory hell just to get me cleaned up.” You question him.
“Isn’t it obvious? (Y/N), I care about you.” You look at him, thinking about the tone in his words. You can’t quite decipher it, but there’s something else there. Is it possible he could feel the same way about you that you feel about him? “You should get some sleep.” He interrupts your thoughts. “If you’d rather not be alone, you may sleep in my room tonight. I would find it beneficial to monitor you overnight to watch for long lasting effects, anyway.” He adds.
“Only if that’s okay with you.” You hesitate.
“Of course it’s okay with me. I just suggested it.” He smiles.
Once you’re settled into bed, Egon turns off the lights and climbs in next to you.
“Egon, I’m still anxious.” You blurt out into the dark.
“Do you need pressure?” He asks.
“Yes.” You say, hoping he doesn’t mind. He doesn’t seem to mind, as he scoops you into his arms. You cuddle into his chest, surrounded by him, surrounded by safety. You know this should be weird, but it doesn’t feel weird. As Egon kisses the top of your forehead again, bidding you goodnight, you wonder what this all means. You wonder what you are to each other. You feel you’ve crossed the line as friends, but you’re too tired and too awkward and too anxious to talk about labels. You and Egon never quite fit into boxes as people anyway. Your relationship didn’t need to either. Whatever this was between you was comforting. It was safe and it was going to help you sleep tonight.
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samandcolbyownme · 29 days
so, i was thinking a fluff one. so Colby and reader are dating. the reader always dies her hair and one day she decided to die her hair some other color. she does it at home and Colby helps her.
something like that if u could ♡ thank u
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Warnings: nothing but fluff, some swearing, kissing
Word Count: 1.4k | unedited
You hum along to the song playing off your phone as you mix up the hair color in the mixing bowl with the brush.
“Y/n?” Colby calls out and you keep mixing as you answer, “Bathroom.”
“Whatcha-“ he stops, smiling as he steps into the doorway, “Oh, hair we go again.” He laughs at his own joke and you turn, laughing, “Yes, hair we go again.”
“What color are you doing this time?” He leans against the door frame and you purse your lips, “Can it be a surprise?”
“It looks like a purple-y, blue.” He leans in, “Are you doing blue?”
You shrug, smirking as you set the bowl down to part the first section of your hair, “Maybe. Maybe not.”
“You’re killing me.” He laughs, “But I know you’ll look hot either way.” He pecks your cheek, “Need any help?”
“If you want. I know it’s kind of boring.”
He scoffs, “Please. Nothing ever boring when you’re around.” He smile at you in the mirror, “Tell me what I gotta do and I’ll do it.”
“Section the hair and make sure you coat all of it.” You watch as he goes to grab the brush and you turn, “Don’t you want gloves? Your hand will be stained.”
He thinks for a second and shrugs, “I’ll be alright.”
You laugh and lean forward, tilting your head back so he can part or down the middle.
As he’s applying the color, you both sing to songs that come on, Colby whips the brush up, acting like it’s a microphone, and you laugh, pointing to the splotch of color that he flung on the wall.
“Oh shit, sorry.” He laughs and grabs a towel to wipe it off, “That’s..” he laughs, “That’s going to stain.”
“I’ll get it later.” You laugh, shaking your head, “You should put some in your hair.”
“If there’s any left over I will.” He winks at you in the mirror and you feel your cheeks heat up, “I’m holding you to that, you’d look good with this color.”
“My hair is kind of dark..” he says as he paints your hair, “Don’t you think?”
You shrug, “Won’t hurt to try it.”
“I like your thinkin’, babe.” He smiles, dancing around to the song that’s playing.
You smile, watching him behind you in the mirror and he smiles, getting all shy, “Whaaat?”
You smile, looking down, “Nothing, nothing.” You look back up, “I just really love you.” He pushes his lips, fighting back a huge smile, “I really love you, too, baby.”
Once the color was on your hair fully, you turn around, “Bend down here.”
He dries his hands and bends sown, allowing you to part his hair and add some of the color into his hair. You bite your lip as you massage it in, “There only enough for the front, is that okay?”
He nods, looking up at you, “Yes.”
He stands back up and looks in the mirror, “We are going to look soo good.” He looks down at his hands, “I should have worn gloves.”
You laugh, “I told you.”
He points to your hands, “I guess yours aren’t as bad at mine.” He laughs and you sigh, “Guess I wanted to match with this, too.”
He shakes his head, pecking your forehead before turning the water on, “Here.”
You put your hands under the water and scrub them together, “Blue is going to look so good on you.”
He smiles, “I knew that’s the color you were going with.” He laughs, “How long do we let this sit?” You check your phone, “Probably another twenty minutes or so.”
He nods, sliding his hands to yours, “Come on, we can go watch some of our show.”
“Hey.” You tap Colby’s leg, “can you help me rinse this out?”
He nods, “Yeah, baby.” He stands up, walking with you to the bathroom, “How do you want to do this?”
“I’ll tilt my head back over the tub and just rise as good as you can.” You sit down, resting your head back, “I’ll get the rest out tomorrow or something.”
He nods, grabbing a small towel and rolling it up, “Lift your head.”
You lift it up and he places it under your neck, “Here, that should be more comfortable.”
“It is, thank you.” You smile up at him, closing your eyes as he turns the water on. He brings down the shower head, “is this warm enough?” He runs the water over your hair and you nod, “That’s perfect.”
You let out a small sigh as Colby starts scrubbing your hair with his hand, massaging your scalp.
You open your eyes, watching him as he’s focused on getting the color out. You smile, closing your eyes right as he looks at you.
You can tell he’s smiling by the tone in his voice, “What are you looking at?”
You smirk, “Nothing. My eyes are closed.”
“Mhm.” He shut off the water, grabbing the shampoo and lathering it in your hair, “Your hair is so pretty.”
You open your eyes, smiling up at him, “you’re so pretty.”
He smiles, tilting his head, “Why do you do that?”
“Do what?” You laugh and he laughs, “Make me blush.”
You shrug, “I think you’re cute when your cheeks are a little red.”
“Stop it.” He laughs before starting to rinse out your hair, “I think you’re cute in general.”
Now you were blushing and he was teasing you about it.
“Okay, okay.” You laugh, looking up at him, “Well played.”
He smiles, “Uh huh. Don’t mess with the master.”
You roll your eyes, “Uh huh.”
Once the shampoo is out, he does conditioner and then you sit up. You take the towel from him and wrap your hair in it, “Your turn.”
He sits down where you were, resting his head back on the towel and you step over his legs, leaning forward to start washing out the color.
You glance down at him and he smiles up at you. You lose track of the water and end up spraying him in the face and he yells, laughing as he wipes the water from his face.
“I’m so sorry!” You turn off the water and reach to grab a towel, “I didn’t mean- that was your fault.” You bend down, sitting in his lap as you dab off his face, “Distracting me and what not.”
He scoffs, “I was distracting you? Okay.”
You laugh, standing up to reach for the shower head again, “Yeah. You were.” You smile down at him and shake your head, “You make me nervous.”
“Why do I make you nervous?” He asks, tilting his head back more and you shrug, “I don’t want to mess it up.”
“You won’t mess it up, baby.” He rests his hands on your hips as you grab the shampoo. You scrub his hair, making sure to massage his head just like he did for you.
He sighs, “Those hands are magical.”
You laugh slightly, “Oh are they?” You smile down at him and he raises his brows. You laugh and start to rinse out the shampoo before moving on to conditioner.
“I can’t wait to see what it looks like.” Colby squeezes your hips, “I just know we did a good job.”
You nod, “Once it dry it’ll really show.” You shut off the water and lay a towel over his hand. He laughs as he sits up, moving to stand up.
You take the towel off of your head and grab the hair dryer.
As you’re drying your hair, Colby watches you from behind, shaking his head with a smile, “It looks good already.”
You smile, nodding your head, “It’s subtle, but when the light hits it, it really shows.”
“I like it. A lot.” Colby walks up behind you, closing his eyes as your hair blows in his face. You laugh, turning around to blow dry his hair.
He closes them again and lets you do your thing. You run your fingers through his hair, making sure it’s all dry before turning off the hair dryer.
“Alright. Take a look.” You move aside and Colby brushes his hair, nodding as he smiles, “Oh hell yeah.”
He looks at you, brushing his hand through your hair, “I love it.”
“I love you.” You smile and pull him in for a kiss, “Thanks for helping me.”
He kisses your head, pulling you in for a hug, “I love you, and of course. I’m always happy to help.”
Hope you liked this! Thank you so much for reading! I love you tons! 🖤 see you in the next one!
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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soxcietyy · 8 months
i have a requesttttt
we take a shower with yuta or while we are taking a shower, he comes in after this it's not just a shower you know what i mean
I'll be very happy if you do thank you from now
Yuta x reader nsfw
Keeping it short and sweet :p
When you were about to shower all you could think about is how relaxing it is, feeling the water running down your body and cleaning it. It’s something you looked forward to doing everytime you got home from a long day out. You absolutely loved the water and couldn’t quite decide to shower or bathe but you had plans tonight. You make your way into your room and pick up your towel. It was still warm from you taking it out of the dryer not too long ago. Your couldn’t help but putting your face on it to feel the warmth of it.
When making your way to the bathroom you hear the doorbell ring. You sigh wondering who would be visiting you at this time? Walking to the door you open it to see Yuta standing there.
"Hey are you ready for our movie night?" Yuta asks as you let him inside.
You give him a firm nod before you kiss him on the lips. You had invited your boyfriend over for a movie night and told him to come around eight but he decided to show up early. An hour early.
Grabbing your towel from the couch you walk towards the bathroom once again.
"Your going to shower?! Without me?" Yuta frowns.
"You didn’t bring a change of clothes so I guess I am, unless you want to wear my clothes though I doubt it’ll fit." You smirk at him.
"I’ll just take them off and I’ll throw them in the washer while we shower. Then I’ll just relax with you until there completely dry." He hugs you.
"Okay but is it really just a shower? Everytime we shower together it turns into something else." You rest your hand on your hip.
He ignores your last question and strides towards you pushing you into the restroom with him. Luckily you had spare towels in the bathroom. Yuta would always help you take your clothes off. It was his favorite thing to do other than well you know… He made sure to peel every layer off of you as if he was unwrapping a gift. Full of anticipation every time he removed an article of clothes. When he came to his clothes he quickly took them off as you turned the water on to the right temperature. When he took them off he walked out the bathroom and to the laundry room to have clean clothes. He didn’t mind walking around naked but then how would he get home?
While the water warmed up he came and kiss you. Wrapping his arms around you and kissing your shoulders and anywhere else you allowed him to.
You were the first one to step in but when he saw the steaming water his face was full of concern.
"Are you sure it’s even safe to shower in boiling point temperatures." He sticks his hand in the water as you are getting yourself wet in it.
"You don’t have to come in if you don’t want to." You say as you proceed to run your hands through your hair to get it soaked.
He sighs before getting in right behind you. You laugh as he switches spot with you and squeezes his eyes from how hot the water is.
"Temperatures like these should be illegal to shower in." He continues to complain.
"I like it hot and steamy." You shrug as him.
"If that’s the case then let me show you another way to get hot and steamy." He then proceeded to turn the knobs and change it to a reasonable temperature.
You wack his arm to get him to change it back but he ignores you. Turning his attention back to you he pins you against the wall and kisses you. Shoving his tongue deep inside your mouth as he fonddles with your breast. You groan as you started to feel the hot part he mentioned.
Turning you around he smudges you against the glass making your Brest press firmly on the cold surface. In one quick motioned he slipped inside of you. He squeezes you nipples and pulls on them to get a reaction out of you. You moan as he pulls on them harder.
"Yuta, Im supposed to be getting clean, this is the opposite of that!" You moan as he pulls out and shoved himself back in.
"Don’t worry I’ll clean you right after I use you." He said as both of your wet skins began to slap each other repeatedly. His long member slid out of you so easily from how soaked you were. Your knees buckled as he ruined you. You could feel how his arms held you up so you wouldn’t fall.
He was gentle with you but at the same time he made sure to bury himself deep inside of you. You try to get a grip on anything but the humidity of the room made it quite impossible. Grabbing both of your arms he pulled you back and put you under the water. You gasp at the sudden displacement letting out a cry.
"Are you trying to drowned me?" You say.
"I’m just making sure your cleanse, now relax so we can both finish soon." He laughs.
Taking you back out the water he continued to use you. Moving your body up and down his shaft for his pleasure. You knew this wasn’t going to be a normal shower the second he asked to join. Still you let him in and now you were paying the price. He somehow had a way of convincing you to do things.
Not that you hated this but it was supposed to be a short shower after all. Knowing your boyfriend you were going to get busy after the movie. There isn’t just one round when it came to him.
By the time you were on the edge you were biting your lips and rolling your eyes. Your legs shook as you orgasmed all over him.
"Fuck, why do you have to make the sexiest faces." He said as he slowly dropped you carefully on the ground and began to jerk himself off.
With a few pumps of him member he came all over your face. You moan as you decided to clean his member for him with your mouth. He wiped a bit off of your cheek before kissing your head. He could tell your mind was cloudy right now so he took the advantage to shower. After he was done he turned it back up to your scorching hot temperature and began to clean you up. He loved seeing how he fucked you so dumb that at the end that needed help with the most simplest tasks.
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lunarsturniolo · 10 months
No Strings Attached | FBW!Matt
Matt lets out a groan, “You can’t do that and expect me to not want to kiss you.”
“Do what?” 
“Lick your lips,” he leans in again, this time slowly, “This okay?”
I close my eyes, parting my lips, “Yeah, more than okay.”
Established Friends With Benefits with Matt
Warnings: Heavy make-out session, gabbing and spanking readers ass, tits are out lol
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“Can you turn the fan on? It’s hot in here,” I ask Matt. 
I’m sitting on his floor as he puts a movie on his TV. He’s sitting in a chair directly behind me, his right hand reaching down and lightly massaging my scalp and his left hand navigating to Netflix. 
“You wanna take your hoodie off?” He asks a slight smirk on his face. 
I smile and roll my eyes, “I guess,” I sigh. I move forward, creating some room to move. I tug at my hoodie, pulling it off in a swift motion, revealing a loose tank top. 
I can hear Matt let out a slight groan of appreciation- he remembers my top. It’s his favorite. 
The loose, pink tank hits right above my stomach and often has trouble staying up above my tits. It shifts easily and results in a couple of unintentional flashes. Naturally, I wear it braless when I go over to Matt’s. 
Matt lets out a loud breath, “I’m gonna get in bed.” 
“Okay,” I reply, not moving, “Sounds like a plan.” 
He looks at me with an amused look on his face, “Okay. You comin’?”
Finally, I roll my eyes and look up at him. He’s standing directly in front of me now; a hand reached out to help me up, “Yeah, I’ll come.” 
I put my hand in his, and he tugs me up to my full height. I smile at him and briefly look down at his lips. He smiles at me and leans in for a peck, “You’re cute,” he compliments. 
Matt’s hand reaches around me. It traces my spine before settling before my ass. I can feel him hesitating to move his hand any lower, “You can grab my ass,” I remind him. 
He blushes slightly, dropping his hand and kneading at the top of my ass before spinning the both of us towards his bed, “Can’t get distracted this time,” he reminds me, “Gotta be locked in. This movie’s kinda confusing.” 
“No way Inception is that confusing,” I say, giving Matt a bored look. 
He shrugs before lying down, his arm outstretched. I follow suit, lying down, cushioning my head with his arm. His other hand reaches around my body, meeting my hand and intertwining our fingers. 
We settle in a comfortable silence, the movie playing softly in the background, but all I can focus on is the calming feeling of Matt’s chest rising against my back. His hand squeezes mine every so often to remind me that he’s still there, and that’s enough to distract me from the plot of the film. 
I wiggle my hand out of his and readjust my body so his outstretched arm is wrapped around my front, entangling me in a hug, “I couldn’t see,” I complain. 
Matt lets out a giggle, “You’re smooth.” 
I laugh lightly in response, only to feel Matt’s hand come out from around me. He tugs on my shoulder, flipping me onto my back before straddling my hips, “I’m pretty smooth, too,” he says before leaning in to leave a chaste kiss on my lips. 
I lick my lips in a feat of nervousness, “Yeah,” I agree. 
Matt lets out a groan, “You can’t do that and expect me to not want to kiss you.”
“Do what?” 
“Lick your lips,” he leans in again, this time slowly, “This okay?”
I close my eyes, parting my lips, “Yeah, more than okay.”
Matt smiles before finally connecting his lips with mine. His tongue pokes feverishly at my slightly parted lips, gently prying them open. I allow him to press his weight onto me, slowly grinding my hips into his. 
Matt lets out a groan of appreciation before flipping us over, “Your turn,” he smirks. 
I smile, flipping my hair to my shoulder, “Already getting lazy?” 
“I like being on the bottom.” 
“Liar,” I say, “Don’t think I forgot about last week.”
“That was last week; this week, I want you on top,” Matt retorts, pulling me towards his lips. I hum in approval before giving him a series of slow, sloppy kisses. 
Grinding down on his cock, I can feel him start to get hard, the friction having the same effect on me. Simply put, I was horny. I let out a soft moan into his mouth before detaching my lips from his.
My lips trail a slow, sensual line from the bottom of his ear, across his jawline, and down his neck, stopping just before his collarbone, “You wanna take it off?” I ask.
Matt lets out a grunt, silently asking me to sit back on his lap so he can take his shirt off. He regains height as he sits up and peels his shirt off. My hands wander his torso, making a line from his collarbone down to the waistband of his pants, then back up. 
My mouth finds its way back to his collarbone, sucking and nipping at the tender skin. “Don’t go too harsh,” Matt says, making me back away from the spot. I smile at the sight of his now-red skin. 
Matt takes a look at me before pulling me up to his lips. He bucks his hips into mine, a satisfied groan coming out as his hands wander down to my ass. With a smile growing on his lips, I feel his hand pull back and smack my ass lightly, testing the waters. 
I push my body closer to his, my tits falling out of my top and pressing against his bare chest. One hand keeps a firm grip on my ass as the other trails up my spine into my hair, grabbing onto my head for a bit of control. 
“You need to get on top,” I beg, my breath shallow in anticipation. 
Matt smiles lightly, “I knew you wouldn’t last.” 
“I’m not built for the top.”
Matt hums, “It’s okay I’ll take care of you.” 
I move off him to create some room to move around. He lets me lie down and get comfortable before getting on top of me. He looks deep into my eyes, silently checking in, before he starts leaving open-mouthed kisses down my neck.
His mouth makes its way down my body, spending more time near the top of my breasts. “Can I-” he begins.
“Yeah, go for it,” I reply. 
Matt gently peels my tank lower, letting it rest under my tit, giving my nipple special attention. His hand reaches toward my other nipple, rolling it between his fingers as he sucks at the other one. 
“Matt,” I start. 
“We’re gonna have to restart this movie.” 
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mysaintkitten · 10 months
Cabin Fever | Neil Lewis x fem!reader
prompt: your best friends brother is a bit hot .. and a bit creepy (NSFW, MINORS DNI!!!)
WARNINGS: pervy/pushy neil, DUBCON/NONCON (not sure which, but be warned), forced proximity, implied age gap (just by a few years everyone is legal), oral and fingering (f receiving), unprotected sex (p in v), gaslighting (? lol?)
*not proofread*
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your best friends older brother is quite .. interesting. he’s never been bad towards you, but he’s always been a little weird. throughout the entirety of your friendship, you’ve never had to be alone with neil for more than a few minutes, until now.
your best friend invited you to come along to her family’s cabin with her for the weekend. obviously, you accepted, and eagerly packed your things and headed on your way. the trip was going well, you and her discussed weekend plans until abruptly her parents came in and told her they had forgotten some vital things.
it was all sort of a blur, for some reason your best friend had to leave you behind with her brother as she and her parents go to retrieve whatever they’ve forgotten. great.
so, you sit on the couch and read a magazine. the cabins in a very secluded area so there’s no service and thus no point in using your phone. as you read, neil leaves you alone. at least for a little while. until eventually, you see him begin to approach you in your peripheral.
he sits on the opposite side of the couch, sighing as he lounged back against the soft material. you try to ignore him, loudly flipping the page on the magazine. you can feel him staring at you, his gaze burning into you. impulsively, you glance up at him and meet his gaze. the moment you make eye contact, neil takes it as a sign to start talking.
“so they left you here with me, huh?”
“yeah, guess so.” you respond politely before bringing your eyes back down to the magazine.
a few moments of silence pass before neil speaks up again, “you’re over 18 now, right?”
you pause, why does he care? why is your age crossing his mind?
“yeah .. i’ve been legal for quite some time now.” you murmur flatly, knowing that he’s still staring you down.
“where’s all the time gone?” he laughs, “i remember when you and my sister were little, playing with dolls and pretending to be mermaids. but you’re not doing that anymore, you’re a big girl now.”
jesus, could this get any more awkward?
“uh .. heh .. yup .. all grown up.” you chuckle, anxiously flipping through the pages. you’re not even reading the magazine at this point, you’re just keeping your gaze on it and hoping that neil will inevitably stand up and leave you alone.
“all grown up ..” neil repeats quietly, inching closer to you. “whatcha reading?”
“it’s .. uh .. just some magazine i found ..” you mumble, trying to get back into the flow of reading. it’s difficult, your brain isn’t absorbing any of the material since you’re too fixated on neil being so up close and personal.
“ah ..” he hums with a slight nod, scooting closer again. at this point, he’s not touching you, but you can feel his body heat radiating off of him. “i was kind of in the mood to bake some cookies .. and i was thinking maybe you could be my little helper.”
you bring your gaze back up to him with a bit of a confused look on your face. “you packed ingredients for cookies?”
neil chuckles, “we planned to make them as a family, but why not make them now? it could be a nice surprise, don’t you think?”
“yeah .. i guess so ..” you reply meekly, shutting the magazine slowly.
“and your help would be appreciated.” neil leans in to add, “you’re the guest, it would be the polite thing to do.”
he’s right. it would be a nice gesture to her parents, a little ‘thank you’ for allowing you to come along. so, against your better judgment, you comply.
“okay, i’ll help out.” you sigh as you place the magazine on the coffee table in front of you, looking over at neil beside you. he’s smiling, “good girl, let’s get a move on then.”
you try your hardest to ignore his usage of ‘good girl.’ if you were being honest, neil isn’t ugly. not in the slightest. and the fact that he’s praising you? you couldn’t help but get a little bit excited. but his behaviour mixed with the fact that he’s your best friends brother made it difficult for you to come to terms with the attraction.
so, without acknowledging his words, you stand up and follow him to the kitchen. neil asks for your assistance in grabbing some ingredients and utensils and you politely oblige. as you place the utensils down onto the counter, you drop a couple in the process.
you lean down to grab it but neil stops you, “i got it.”
as neil crouches down to pick the utensil up, he peaks under your skirt, where he gets a glimpse of some lacy panties that leave little to the imagination.
“who are you wearing these for?” neil chuckles as he lifts the back of your skirt, exposing your ass and panties to him. you quickly swat his arm away and turn to face him. “no one!” you defend, feeling your cheeks burn as you hold down the back of your skirt. neil rises to his feet with a cheeky grin on his face.
“you sure? cause ..” neil pries as he lifts up the front of your skirt, smirking at the new view he’s getting. you smack his hand away again and force your skirt down again, “stop!” you squeak, feeling your heart race faster.
“what’s the harm in getting a little peak?” neil questions, as if he’s actually confused as to why you don’t want him to look under your skirt.
“because .. i .. because ..” you stutter as your cheeks flush harder, “i shouldn’t have to explain this to you!”
neil just chuckles and creeps closer. you attempt to walk away, but you feel the edge of the countertop meet the small of your back. you feel your heart begin to pound as he essentially corners you.
“you can’t wear panties like that and expect me to not get a little curious, baby.” he purrs as his body becomes flush against yours while he places his face into your neck, “come on, let me see what’s underneath.”
“n-no, neil, stop-“ you whine as you weakly attempt to push him away. your mind is put off by his inability to take no for an answer, but your body is becoming hot and bothered. “let’s get back to the cookies, okay?”
neil tuts and shakes his head, letting out a small pathetic whine from within your neck. “oh, but i don’t want the cookies anymore, i’m hungry for something else now ..” he groans as he runs his hand up your exposed thigh, giving you chills.
“neil ..” you whimper as his hand sneaks higher and higher up your thigh, the pads of his fingers are dangerously close to your clothed cunt. they dance around your upper inner thighs as he taunts you. “please don’t.”
“just let me see then we can go back to baking.” neil pulls his head out to respond, that same stupid smirk plastered on his face. you really don’t want to, but if showing him will end this, you might as well do it.
you gulp before responding, “okay, fine, i’ll show you.”
neil licks his lips and steps back. he doesn’t give you enough room to run away, but he gives you enough space to show him your cunt. as you begin to lift the hem of your skirt, he stops you.
“wait, wait ..”
for a moment, your heart begins to relax, maybe he’s come back to his senses.
“get up on the counter, i want a good look.”
oh, never mind.
the anxiety sets back in since it never truly left and you hesitantly sit up on the counter, thighs pressed together as you attempt to muster up the courage to spread them for neil.
neil’s patience quickly wears thin as he loudly sighs while rolling his eyes. “do i have to do it for you?”
before you can respond, neil forces your thighs a part and pulls your panties to the side, immediately exposing yourself to him. you gasp at the cold air and abrupt exposure and attempt to shut your legs, but neil doesn’t give in.
“oh, baby ..” neil nearly moans at the sight as he spreads your lips apart with his index and middle finger. you gasp loudly, he never asked to touch, he only wanted to see- or so you thought.
“neil, stop! y-you didn’t ask to touch-“ you beg as you attempt to close your legs again, neil still won’t budge. your face is burning with embarrassment, the last thing you wanted was for him to see that his perverted little comments were getting you worked up.
“you expected me to see this wet little cunt of yours and you thought i wouldn’t touch it? that’s just stupid, sweet girl.” neil chuckles as he toys with your folds, spreading your slick around in awe. you attempt to push neil away, but he just retaliates by diving between your legs, his tongue eagerly lapping you up before suckling on your clit.
you moan involuntarily and quickly snap your hand up to cover your mouth. the gesture felt good, but you repeatedly said no and pushed him away. the logical side of you still wanted him to stop, but the other half wanted him to give you more.
“aw, feels so good, huh?” neil teases from between your legs, placing sloppy kisses against your sensitive clit. you shake your head, yes it feels good, but this is wrong, this is so fucking wrong.
“no, n-no neil, stop.” your voice cracks as you beg, the pleasure clearly taking its toll on you. he just hums, resuming his licking and sucking. you’re shocked at how good he is at this, neil sort of gave off incel vibes, where’d he learn how to eat pussy?
neil pulls back and huffs, spreading your lips apart again. then, almost as if on cue, you feel a string of your arousal slowly spill out from your opening and drip onto the counter.
“look at that ..” neil purrs, “your cunts drooling for me, pretty girl.”
“no, it’s not ..” you attempt to deny despite feeling the arousal burning between your legs, you just want this to be over. neil shakes his head while smirking.
“yes, it is, baby. i bet it’s all loose for me now too, isn’t it?” neil decides as he easily slides his middle finger inside you, groaning in approval at the sensation. you whine and grip the counter top, wondering how far is this truly going to go. what if your best friend walks in right now and sees this? what if her parents see this?
“god .. you need some cock, baby ..” neil claims as he lazily fucks you with the digit, you bite down on your bottom lip in attempt to silence yourself. neil notices this and clicks his tongue, “i know how much you like it, no point in trying to pretend anymore.”
“i don’t like it!” you plead, despite it being partially untrue, you still try to stand your ground.
“if you don’t like it ..” neil questions as he slowly inserts a second digit, “then why is your pussy basically begging for me to fill it up?”
the slight stretch makes your breathing more ragged, “it’s .. it’s the body’s natural response ..”
neil just scoffs as he watches you drench his fingers in your arousal, “right, was it your ‘body’s natural response’ to wear slutty panties, too?”
“n-no! i just-“ you start before he pulls his fingers out, leaving you feeling hollow. the peace doesn’t last for long, neil almost immediately begins to unzip his pants and pull them down. as he tugs down his boxers, his flushed cock springs free. you immediately look away, everything suddenly becoming all too real.
as you look away, you suddenly feel neil’s raw tip against your entrance. your eyes go wide and your mouth goes dry, “wait, neil, wait wait!” you plead as neil thrusts into you with no resistance. you whine as he bottoms out, he groans in response.
“look how easy that was, sweet girl. your cunt needed this.” neil coos sweetly as he rolls his hips back out, just to quickly thrust them back in. with each thrust you feel the air being punched out of your lungs. you don’t want to, but you physically can’t help but moan.
“that’s it .. good girl ..” neil praises as he grips your hip with one of his hands. you lean back against your palms as he fucks into you, your clothed tits recoiling each time his hips meet with yours.
“who knew you’d grow up to be such a whore.” neil groans as he brings his free hand up to your chest, running his thumb along your hardening nipple through your shirt. your legs twitch in response. you wanted to shout, kick him away, but you couldn’t. it felt too good. too disgustingly good.
“‘m .. ngh .. ‘m not a whore ..” you defend, although your breathy and fucked out tone is rather unconvincing. neil removes his hand from your hip and hooks it under your knee, keeping his other hand on your chest as he fucks into you rougher.
“n-neil, please-“ you moan, you want to say ‘please stop’, but neil’s cock is unexpectedly hitting all the right places. neil chuckles as his jaw hangs slack, “moan my name again, baby. god your pussy feels like fucking heaven.”
“s-stop-“ you mumble as he harshly grips your tit, smacking it soon after. the smack causes you to wince and involuntarily clench around him, making neil purr.
“stop?” he chuckles breathily, “how am i supposed to stop when your cunts so warm, wet, ‘n inviting?”
your body shivers at neil’s crude words, at this point you’ve accepted that he won’t stop, so you just hope this will end as soon as possible. as you screw your eyes shut and attempt to distract yourself from what’s happening, you feel his thumb press up against your clit.
you whimper as your eyes open back up, glancing between your legs to see neil rubbing your sensitive nub as he continues to thrust into you. all that can be heard through the kitchen is skin slapping against skin, your opening squelching lewdly around neil’s cock, and heavy breathing.
you hate how good it feels. you hate how close you are, you hate how neil knows how much he’s impacting you.
“you’re so much easier to manage when you’ve got a cock in you.” neil let’s out a shaky laugh, you can tell he’s getting close too. “how long has it been since someone’s fucked you this good?”
you don’t respond, the last thing you want to do is give him even more satisfaction. however, neil interrupts your silence in another way.
“don’t tell me no one’s ever given you a good fucking before. do you not give it up easy? you treat your pretty little pussy like a prize?” neil panted, loving the idea of being one of few that has gotten to feel your heavenly silk walls.
you still try not to respond, only whimpering as neil’s thrusts abuse that sensitive spot within you again. your arousal has continued to spill onto the counter and onto neil’s balls, you feel filthy. in any other circumstance you would love how wet you’re getting, but right now you hate how your body is feeding into neil’s ego.
“smart girl.” neil praises as he brings his gaze down, watching his drenched cock slide in and out of you, “don’t let other people in .. yet you give it up to me so easily .. am i special, baby?”
you mewl at him saying that you gave it up to him ‘easily’, you didn’t, you just stopped fighting him.
“d-didn’t give it up .. mh!” you whine as you’re cut off by your own moan, the combination of neil’s thrusts and his quick thumb movements have your mind reeling.
“sh sh, pretty baby, succumb to the pleasure. quit trying to fight it.” neil purrs as he leans his body forward, placing wet kisses onto your neck. you’re painfully close to tipping over the edge, you’re trying your absolute hardest to not come for him, let alone on his cock.
“i .. shit .. neil- fuck-“ your voice breaks towards the end as your body twitches, physically incapable of holding back your orgasm at this point. suddenly, it hits. your vision goes white and for a brief moment in time, you forget where you are and what’s happening, and all you feel is that warm euphoric sensation coursing throughout your body.
“good fucking girl. creamed all over my fucking cock.” neil praises through gritted teeth as his thrusts speed up, chasing after his own orgasm. after a few more harsh pumps, neil shakily pulls himself out and begins stroking himself between your legs, shooting his load onto your abused cunt and panties.
you take deep breaths, attempting to regain your composure. without the pleasure flooding your system, you’re able to look at the situation a bit clearer now. the anxiety and guilt over what just unfolded begins to simmer within you.
“that was good, wasn’t it?” neil huffs with a smile on his face, how can he smile after all this?
“come on.” he pries, “you came all over my cock, you know it was good.”
you almost feel sick, it did feel good, but it was all so so wrong. your mind was racing with conflicting thoughts, finding it hard to respond to neil regardless of what the topic is.
“i’ll get you a wet rag and you can clean yourself up, then we can get back to those cookies, yeah?” neil hums as he cups your face sweetly, running his thumb along your cheek.
his gentle touches felt nice, although still unprompted. you decide that maybe it’s best to deal with this newly formed baggage later and attempt to focus on the new situation at hand- cookie baking.
last night before i went to sleep forced proximity neil popped into my brain and i just had to spill it all out of you guys. hope you like! (also, i’m making a longer version of that tommy drabble, thank you for the support!)
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chaosandmarigolds · 3 months
me, laying in bed after my 12hr shift:
my gf: remember that ask you got
me: ..
me: aside from wondering how you accessed my Tumblr I’ve gotten a lot of asks which one. gf: the sad one. me: 99% of them are sad
gf: The REALLY sad one
ANYWAY here we go and bc I am horrible with titles imma go after a song-
Tourner Dans Le Vide
It was a stupid question, one someone would find on a ‘get to know about me’ section of a questionnaire, a small talkish question. But it stung like he didn’t expect it to, so as he stood in the gala, glass in hand, he cleared his throat, “Sorry, one more time mate?”
“Your spouse.” The poor person motioned to the finger that comfortably sat on his ring finger, the gold glimmering in the sunset light, “Are they here?”
You should’ve been here. You had the outfit planned for months. You knew you wanted to get your hair done the day before, insisting that you ought to look nice to represent your family name.
“No, got caught up at home unfortunately.”
“Ah, kids?”
“Two.” Not a lie, you had two young girls you had both adopted, just now he was just the only person within the household, adding more weight to their shoulders.
with a huff he gets into the car and then takes off the face mask, scrunching his nose as he adjusted to the cold air, and he starts the car. After a moment he pulls out his phone, expecting a notification from your name above Macey’s, the eldest, yet he was surprised to see none.
so with a hum he makes sure the phone is conntected to the car and begins to call you, shifting the car to drive, it rings….and rings until he is met with-
“hey! It’s me, sorry I’m not at the phone right now, leave me a message and I’ll get back to ya!”
the short automated message follows and he begins to drive home on the darkened roads, until it was his turn to speak, “Luv, it’s Simon, baby I know I was out really late yesterday but I brought the girls some pizza, Macey had her rugby game this mornin- she did amazin. Taylor got an A on her spelling test, so I got her ice cream after school today. What else..mm, the girls send you love. I love you. Call me when you can.”
“Papa,” Taylor chirps from her car seat, happily looking out the window, “Papa, when is mama coming home?”
He furrows his eyebrows to the questions and then shrugs, “I’m not sure, princess, I hope soon.”
“did you and mama have fight? Is tha’ why she go way?”
“No no, princess, mama and I didn’t fight- she’s okay, she’s just,” the words died in his throat, because maybe he knew them to be a lie but he would never admit such, “busy. You know how mama works real long hours.”
“How’s ya dad?” Johnny stood in the doorway of the ordinary home, peering in from where he stood as Macey stood in front of him- the young girl still in her gear.
to that she shrugs, allowing the man she had learned to be her uncle enter, “fine I guess.”
upon entering the home Johnny noticed your coat still hanging on the rack, even though it was the middle of summer so it mismatched from the girls pink pool towels, he noticed how your mug sat beside the coffee maker, hot water steaming inside- indicating it was just filled. He noticed how your spot on the dining table still had your notebook, pen still tucked where you had left off writing.
he then saw Simon walking down the stairs, and he gave him a grin, “Haven’t been answerin my calls, mate,” with a quick side hug he nudged the man, “Got worried bout ya.”
Simon shrugs it off with a brief laugh, “Got caught up here, with her off at work- got a lil busy.” his heart dropped, and Johnny clears his throat, “Mm? At work she is?”
“Yeah, more like fuckin deployed, never see her.”
it had been close to nine months since a car accident had taken your life, suddenly and harsh, and Simon chose to completely leave his position within the force to stay with the girls. Something Johnny could respect, losing a spouse was a horrid thing but until that moment he had assumed his friend had been taking it in stride. He fell quiet and followed Simon as he said he needed to grab something from the laundry room, so he followed.
His eye caught sight of the master bedroom, lit up by the summer sun (Simon had never been a fan of natural light, unless he was outside) one side of the room messy, clothes tossed about and looking like a proper grieving man’s room, and the other just how would have left it, a glass of water sitting atop a floral coaster, bed still made with the pillows creased just how you do them. The small bottle of perfume still tossed atop of it- as you put it on that morning and threw it on the bed as you ran out the door.
oh…this was not good. This was not good at all.
(um…yeah!! Based off an amazing ask! Comments mean the world to me, toodles!!)
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lovingseventeen · 1 year
How would svt react to you skipping your meals because you're too engrossed in the thing you're doing? 🤔
svt reacts to you accidentally skipping meals
a/n: thank you thank you all for 900! so glad our community on this blog is gradually getting larger! paragraph format for this post bc some of these scenarios got a bit longer than i anticipated.
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oh he is not happy, but he’s far more concerned than he is mad. he sent you a text around noon asking what you were up to and you told him: just a paper. when he comes over you greet him quickly at your door, but your hug is far too short when you’re already hurrying back to your seat.
“i’ll make food or something after, let me just finish this one paragraph!” you tell him, voice already getting father and farther away from him. he follows you back to your room, plopping onto your bed as you type away at your laptop. he’s scrolling on his phone in the quiet room when your stomach grumbles loudly.
he looks over the first time, easing his head to see that you were still working. then, not even five minutes later it happens again.
“hey, when was the last time you ate today?”
you pause, “i don’t know? i had a bagel from breakfast?” then you return back to your paragraph
he’s focused on you now, propping himself up on his elbows. “wait, so you didn’t eat lunch?”
“i guess not…” you reply, half paying attention to him as you reread your words
he’s shifting from your bed and you see him leave your room from your peripheral. maybe thirty minutes later he’s coming back into your room to gently grab a hold of your wrist.
“cmon, you need to eat, i just ordered food so you don’t have to do anything.”
“wait but this part needs-”
“baby,” he says gently, his other hand turning your chin to look at him, “is this due tonight?”
“then can you please take a break? it’s not good for you to skip meals you know.”
he looks so concerned and he has brought to your attention that you actually are hungry. your stomach feels like it's shrinking into itself, making you feel quite empty.
“okay cheol, you’re hungry too, aren’t you?” you say, getting up to walk to your kitchen with him.
“i am, but you’re the priority right now, y/n.”
you can't escape his light scolding whines.
“ayy,” he says, eyebrows furrowed when he sees the remnants of your iced coffee, your supposed “breakfast”, which only consists of melted iced now, “this is all you’ve had today?”
“you know this isn’t good for you…” he trails on.
before you know it, he’s tapping away on his phone and browsing for where to order from immediately. he doesn’t need to ask you because he knows you so well already.
when the food comes in, he’s opening the containers and setting them in the table near you, allowing the smell of the hot food to finally make you notice the growl in your belly
to speed up the process he’ll literally grab the takeout menu that comes with the food and fan the smell towards you. or better yet, he’ll set up an actual fan to waft the smell of food at you at a higher velocity. “jeonghan turn that off! the food is gonna get cold!”
“so you’ll eat,” he determines proudly.
eyes got so wide at the realization that you haven’t eaten all day. he immediately tries to find the quickest snack to get something into your stomach.
i’m a believer in him cutting up fruits for you. then when he notices that you haven’t touched the fruits next to you, he’ll go so far as to feed you.
“c’mon, eat this, babe” he coaxes, gently prodding at your lips with the cubed melon on the fork. will tap your cheek with a finger to signal you to open your mouth if his voice isn’t enough to grab your attention
he’s still cheeky though so at some point he’ll give you your little tap only for you to open your mouth to nothing.
“hey! i thought you were feeding me” you pouted.
he rubs the top of your head, giving in immediately.
“looks like i’m spoiling someone here a little too much” (he can’t help it anyway).
it’s already 7pm and he returns to your apartment to see you in the same position he left you in. you were hunched over on your desk, still hyper focused on this little lego set you were building.
“junnie! look i’m almost done!” you exclaim, beckoning him to walk over to see your work.
“hey,” he says in his deep “extra manly voice”, “have you not eaten yet.” his arms are crossed but he softens when you proudly show him your bouquet of lego flowers.
“i only have one more flower left, but isn’t this so cute?” you gush, holding the vase up to him.
“they’re pretty,” he agrees, tucking your hair behind your ear, “i’ll be right back as you finish up.”
“okay” you hum, gathering the pieces for the last flower
he walks away and within 15 minutes, you can smell something cooking in the kitchen. he comes back to set a bowl of (quick but delicious) fried rice next to you.
“here, c’mon, eat up babe”
“there’s still some more..” you begin, but he pushes a spoonful of rice into your mouth (he blew on it first, don't worry).
“you can finish it after you eat though, right? you haven’t eaten all day.. you should eat while it’s warm” he encourages.
“true, you did make it really good today,”you decide. “i’m very lucky to have you.”
he smiles at your words but returns to his “ver stern man voice”, “you are. so to keep me you better make sure you don’t skip your meals again.” 😤
he pulls a very dramatic romeo and juliet move.
he facetimed you while he was getting driven home since he wouldn’t be able to see you in person that week.
“did you see the food we ordered for the staff today! we should go there when i’m finally free, i want you to try their noodles” he rambled.
“sure let’s do that,” you smiled, happy to see his excitement.
“did you eat dinner yet, baby?” he asked.
“dinner? oh wait, i didn’t have lunch” you thought out loud.
“you didn’t!” he exclaimed, head dropping back in his seat dramatically, “baby you shouldn’t do that!”
“i didn’t realize!” you laughed, rolling your eyes as his head was still tilted back, hand covering his face.
“how could my love forget to feed themselves?” he whined.
“soonyoung, i just got so invested in my paper!” you explained, “i wasn’t even hungry!”
“baby,” he says, now holding his phone very close to his face, “if you don’t eat i won’t eat.”
“what are you talking about!” you chuckled.
“it’s not fair to eat if you’re starving.”
“soonyoung, light of my life, my love, i didn’t purposefully skip lunch. please, you need to eat too, with all your dancing and horanghae-ing.” at the end of your sentence he can't help but give you his signature tiger paw hand gesture.
“promise you won’t forget again?”
“i will do my best,” you agree, lifting your own hand to horanghae back at him and he takes this promise very seriously.
let out a soft, but audible gasp when he texted you at 4pm asking what you ate only to find out that it was nothing.
:0 that's not good he sent
i didn't even realize that lunch passed wonu
he left you on read, and you wondered if this was actually going to be an argument between the two of you even if it wasn't that big of a deal. at least, not that big of a deal to you.
you wait to see if he's just taking a moment to text you back. then thirty minutes later, two of your co-workers are bringing in cups of coffee and a bag full of sandwiches.
your phone buzzes in your back pocket soon after. your heart warms when you see that it's a message from wonwoo.
they told me it arrived, did you get it yet?
you're about to type your reply when he continues.
i know your team is probably busy so you can't fully sit and eat a bento lunch box, right? so i ordered sandwiches so you guys could eat and work if you had to
your co-workers are setting the food on your shared table and you can see the slight confusion on everyone's faces. "oh it's from wonwoo," you explain, "he sent food because i told him we skipped lunch today." you get a chorus of excitement from everyone and various responses of "tell him we said thanks!"
this is very sweet of you wonwoo, thank you <3 you made me (and my team) very happy :) you sent
i'm just glad you get to eat :) but try not to skip meals from now on please
i will try, love u (i'm going to devour a sandwich now)
jihoon himself skips meals a little too regularly. he gets caught up in his studio and before he knows it, the sun has set and he hasn't eaten all day.
ohoho, but when he finds out that you haven't eaten all day he finds himself in a bit more of a panic than he ever would for himself. you called him after work, "do you want to get food when you get out? it was so busy at my job that i didn't even realize that i missed lunch."
"what? you didn't eat?" he asked, suddenly alert even though he was just starting to feel tired.
"yeah, i didn't even realize what time it was until all of our customers cleared out," you replied, "so do you wanna go out? i feel like i could eat a horse."
"yeah, let's go eat, you need to eat," he agreed, immediately getting ready to pick you up.
at the restaurant he encourages you to get whatever you want. even when you're just skimming the menu and you mutter, "huh, this looks interesting," he's telling you, "you want to get that? order it."
"i was just looking at it babe," you chuckle.
"you can get it if you want, you can get all of it if you want, i just want you to get full."
he's very attentive, further asking you what drink you want and if you want to get dessert after too.
you're in the kitchen reading a book one day and he asks you, "do you want some ramen too? i'm hungry and i think this is all we have."
"i think i'll eat a little later, my book is starting to get interesting so i might read a couple more chapters," you reply.
"you sure?" he checks, walking over to you, "because it'd be bad if i took care of myself and let you starve, i'd be a bad boyfriend then."
he ran a hand through your hair as you chuckled, "you could never be a bad boyfriend, not when you're so sweet." he hums in response before walking back to the stove to check his boiling water.
eventually he finishes making his ramen and he goes into the living room to watch something while he eats. (he'd eat in the kitchen but he doesn't want to be loud when you're reading). the warm soup makes him feel so cozy after and he really just passes out on the couch while his show keeps playing.
dokyeom wakes up about two hours later, much past lunch time. he wanders back into the kitchen a little groggy to see if you're still there. he notices that not much has changed since he fell asleep other than that fact that you're sitting cross-legged on the chair.
"did you eat yet, baby?" he asks.
you momentarily pause your reading, "hm? oh, i guess not."
"huh?" he gasps, glancing at the clock. "baby.."
"i'm in the middle of a really good chapter!" you explain.
"but baby you gotta eat," he pouts. "how 'bout this, if i run out to buy a couple things and i cook it, will you put your book down?"
"you don't have to go through all that," you tell him, "i could just have ramen-"
"no, no, you can't eat that when you're been starving all day," he disagrees, "i'm going to give you some nutrition." he's already walking out of the kitchen to get dressed to go out.
you fully put your book down by now, "i'll come with you to the store. i feel bad if i make you do that all by yourself."
"you can keep reading if you want," he tells you genuinely, "i don't mind, i just want you to eat something good." this is one of those moments where you realize how sweet your boyfriend really is.
"i'll come with you," you confirm, "and let's cook together too, hm?"
he can never say no to you. plus, he loves your company. "i guess we do make a good team, yeah," he smiles.
immediately gets to cooking in the kitchen. he isn’t preparing just one dish either but a spread of food, from various side dishes of veggies to braised meat that goes so well with rice.
“you better eat all of this to make up for your lack of nutrients today” he huffed, sitting across from you after setting everything around you. he stands up again and he'll take the bookmark in your hand and put it into your book for you too.
“gyu you know i can’t eat all of this by myself,” you laughed, “but thank you for cooking, you know.”
"i know, just eat as much as you can, you shouldn't be on an empty stomach," he tells you, further pushing the dishes for you. when you try to offer him a bite, he won't open his mouth, pushing you spoon back towards you.
so you were painting and you got so deep into groove that you didn't realize that three hours have passed and that your stomach is currently running on a cup of coffee.
"hi baby, i'm home," he announced as he entered your door.
he finds his way to you first to place a kiss on top of your head. "hi, hao," you hummed back, careful to keep your hand steady as you dragged your brush across your canvas. for a moment, the two of you stayed in silence to avoid disrupting your movement.
though what actually ended up interrupting the quiet was your stomach letting out a very loud growl.
"are you hungry?" he asked.
"i guess i am," you murmured, rinsing your paintbrush in water. "wait, now that i think about it, i don't think i ate lunch?"
"you didn't?" immediately his eyebrows are furrowed and you realize he probably has an incoming lecture already forming in his head. "you know you shouldn't skip your meals..."
"i know!" you explained, "but i just got so into this, i mean, i think this is in the running to become my favorite painting yet." when you wiped your cheek, you accidentally left a stroke of blue paint.
minghao, as caring as he is, crouches down and wipes off that paint with one of hi thumbs. "you know i love your creativity, and this painting looks great so far, it really does, but we can't have you passing out before you finish it, right?"
you smile at his comments as he continues, "can you take a break? eat something? it doesn't even have to be big meal but you should have something."
he was appalled when he saw the breakfast he bought you still on the counter, untouched.
he walks into your room where you're working on a project for the nth hour. "what's this?" he asks, holding up the plastic bag of food.
"it's what you brought home this morning?" you replied, before immediately going back to you little diorama.
"and why is it not in your stomach?" he huffs, arms now crossed.
"uhh, i lost track of time?"
"unacceptable," is decides, but he walks over to you and breaks off bite-sized pieces of bread the bread he bought to personally feed you anyway.
"thankf-you" you mumbled back as he fed you.
"tsk, what you you do without me? starve?" he tutted (but the way he feeds you is still so gentle). he wipes off the crumbs from the corners of your mouth and asks you if you want anything else when you do finish the bread <3
vernon drops his jaw in the most cartoonish way when he finds out.
"you haven't eaten yet?"
his (perfect) eyebrows knit together as he contemplates what to do, as you don't usually skip your meals. this wasn't exactly on his boyfriend-responsibilities bingo card.
"this isn't something you do regularly, right? or have i been missing this for a long time because that would be bad," he thinks out loud.
"vern, it's just today. i didn't even realize how much time passed," you explain.
"mm good to know it wasn't on purpose but i'll order something for you now," he decides, head quirking to the side as he scans his phone for nearby restaurants.
precious boy ends up ordering from two very different restaurants because he doesn't know which you'd prefer but he was a little panicked and figured: better safe than sorry. it's very weird when one bag of food comes to your house with burgers and fries and the other arrives with noodles and soup.
dino jokingly picks a fight with you when he finds out. you both wind up being a little loud, but not actually fully yelling.
you're surprised by him sitting a little ominously on your kitchen table despite the bags of freshly delivered food on it.
"is everything alright?" you ask.
"you!" he points, "you always take a cute picture of your lunch, so why didn't you have lunch today!"
"wow someone here is a detective, huh?" you chuckle, "you figured out i missed lunch from that?"
"this is serious y/n," he says, tone proving otherwise and fist coming down on the table with no actual force. "it's bad for you to miss lunch."
"okay, okay, yessir i understand i won't do it again," you joked, even putting your hand over your heart as a promise.
"you're not taking this seriously!" he whined.
"i am," you assured.
"no you're not!"
"chan! i thought you knew i missed lunch! i'm hungry and this food is getting cold!" it was your turn to whine now. immediately, he gave in, getting up to open the bags of food. he got a little too invested in his "scolding" and momentarily forgot that you actually had to eat.
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berberriescorner · 4 months
“Loud and Wrong”
Characters: Kevin Atwater x Black!Reader.
Summary: Kevin and wifey have a minor disagreement.
Warnings: Fluff and a dash of spicy talk.
Word Count: 2,000+.
A/N: Well, lovelies. I've been having sleepless nights lately. Dealing with some ish. Life be life-inggg and it's keepin' my ass up at night *le sigh*. Tired of my mind racing. So to cut off intrusive thoughts I gave it a go and worked on some of my WIPS. My head quieted down enough for me to finish one. I've got some other things I've been working on as well. Fingers crossed I can finish some other works🤞🏾. This isn't heavily edited, but I hope you still enjoy it my loves🫶🏾. Here's to hoping I haven't lost my spark as a writer 😩😆🤷🏾‍♀️.
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“The disrespect in this household is at an all-time high. Just going to sit there and eat in my face like that.”
Your husband called you earlier as he was leaving the precinct. He informed you that Halstead, Ruzek, and Voight wanted to watch the game tonight. Kevin called to see if it’d be okay for them to watch it at the house. Once he had confirmation that it was cool with you, he mentioned they’d be stopping for food. He offered to pick you up something as well, but you declined. You weren’t feeling well, so you didn’t have a taste for anything. Kevin asked if you were sure. After confirming, the call ended with “I love you.” Going against his better judgment, he found himself in the hot seat.
“What are you talking about, baby? How did I disrespect you?” Kevin’s senses prickled, and he braced himself for a lecture.
“So, you didn’t bring me any food? Give me some of your wings, babe,” you plead.
Not thinking it through, he let his temper get the best of him. Kevin fussed, “Did you, or did you not say you weren’t hungry? No, baby, you do this every time. You should’ve told me to get you some food. Why do you do that?”
Your eyebrows raised, “Am I not allowed to change my mind?”
“Don’t answer that,” Adam fake coughed, “loaded question.”
Ignoring his best friend, you smirked as Voight’s hand met the back of Ruzek’s head, and he whispered an apology.
“I’m not even that hungry. I just want a couple of wings and some fries.”
“Which means you want all my flats and the crispy fries. That’s the best part of the meal. If you changed your mind, there was plenty of time to call me back and ask for something. Why not do that? Am I right, or am I missing something here,” he directed the last question at the guys. They had been sitting in uncomfortable silence, trying to remain neutral. Neither Ruzek nor Halstead wanted any part of the exchange.
“Kev, give that beautiful woman some food. Always keep your wife happy,” Voight replied.
“I’m not in it, Bro,” Jay replied, while Adam held his hands up, wanting no part of the conversation.
“You should listen to Voight. Besides, I did text you.”
“No, you didn't. I had my phone on me the entire time, love.”
“Oh, so now I’m a liar? Okay, bet,” you responded, tone clipped. You sat beside Kevin with your arms crossed, giving him the silent treatment.
It had only been a few minutes when it started driving him crazy. “Here, ma. Just take some. I guess I can order some more food.”
“I’m good. Liars don’t get rewarded. Right?”
“Man, whatever,” he responded, kissing his teeth as he shook his head. “I’ll gladly enjoy my food.”
His phone signaled a text from Halstead. The men made eye contact as Jay’s facial expression signaled for Kevin to read it.
“Bro, are you crazy? Don’t argue with a pregnant woman. She’s growing your child. The least you could do is just go with it, even if she’s acting a little dramatic. It’s not her, it’s the hormones, brother 😏.”
Kevin sighed, knowing Jay was right. Not even bothering to respond, he backed out of the message. His movements halted as he noticed an unread message. Turns out you had texted him an order.
Feeling like a jerk, he locked his phone, sliding it back into his pocket. Not saying a word, he grabbed his to-go box, gently placing it in yours. His lips left a juicy kiss on your cheek, trailing up to the left temple before he spoke, “You're right, baby. I should’ve ordered extra food, just in case. Eat this, and I’ll just order some more.”
“Mm, am I right? Or did you finally see my text message? Jackass.”
He couldn’t even be mad because you were right. The doorbell sounded, leaving a confused look on your husband's face. Dumping the box back onto his lap, you turned to Voight.
“Could you help me up? Please,” you asked, voice soft and angelic.
Kevin quickly placed his food on the coffee table. “Stop playing, mama. I can get the door.” You rolled your eyes, “I’ll get it,” you snapped. Kevin stood there tilting his head to the side, burning with attitude. Voight inserted himself, “You two play nice and put this to rest. I’ll get the door.”
“Nonsense, you’re our guest,” you responded, but Voight was already up, halfway to the door.
Hank was only gone a few minutes. He returned to the family room, smiling and chuckling to himself. “Mrs. Atwater. I never want to be on your bad side. Kevin–Bro. I don't know how you'll pull yourself out of this one.”
Kevin looked at Voight quizzically. He watched as his boss laid a fatherly kiss on his wife's temple. It fully registered for him as he witnessed the man hand her an Uber Eats bag. The same logo they had all gotten their dinner from was written in big, bold letters on the receipt attached. The two of you glared at one another as you dug in and devoured a handful of fries.
The room erupted in laughter as Kevin rolled his eyes. Unlike the other men in the room, he found nothing funny.
“When did you order food?”
“The minute you called me a liar.”
Kevin pinched the bridge of his nose.
I love the hell out of this woman, but she gon’ drive me crazy.
“You cannot be serious. Let's not pretend you didn't know I’d give in and share my food. Why must you be so damn petty, woman?”
“Just hush. It’s over. Sit down, eat your food, and enjoy the game. I know I will,” you responded with a devious smirk.
Kevin groaned in irritation as he reclaimed the spot next to you. You felt his pillowy, soft lips press against your cheek, moving to that spot behind your ear. He smiled at the shiver his actions pulled from you. Fighting back a grin, you playfully rolled your eyes. With a mouthful of chicken, you responded, “Still not forgiven. You'll have to do more groveling than that, boo.”
He leaned close, whispering in your ear, “That's cute. Trust me, love. I have my ways. Daddy knows how to make it up to you. Wait until I get you alone.”
“Bro! We can hear you,” Adam complained.
“I’m beginning to wonder how this isn’t your second or third baby, Kev,” Voight teased.
Hank joked as the other two sat there, blushing like crazy. Covering your face, you awkwardly laughed with embarrassment.
“I’d get up and leave you to fend for yourself, but I can’t exactly make a run for it these days,” you ribbed Kevin.
As you were about to shrink into yourself sheepishly, the doorbell went off, and you left Kevin to deal with taunts and teases from his work family. With a firm grasp of his forearm and shoulder, you lifted off the couch. Looks of admiration rained upon you as each man watched the cute waddle you made toward the entrance.
Damn near breathless from the short distance, you took a moment to catch your breath. “Baby? Are you good?” You waved him off, telling him to calm down, and pulled open the door. Burgess and Upton’s eyes shone with excitement as they started to make a fuss over your growing baby bump. You chuckled as they questioned why you’d been the one to answer. The minute the three of you entered the living room, Burgess crossed the room, bopping Adam and Kevin upside the head as Upton chastised Halstead and Voight.
“Ladies, please. Don’t be too hard on the fellas. They all offered, but I refused,” you waved your hands. “You guys know I’m stubborn.
“As hell,” Kevin interjected.
“You want static with me so bad,” you sassed.
Kevin threw his hands up in surrender and bit his lip, slightly turned on by your attitude. Behind that sexy smirk was playfulness and something else you couldn’t quite figure out. Adam cleared his throat, “Ladies, not to be disrespectful, but can you stop giving us a hard time? We promise to behave if you just let us watch the game.”
Kim rolled her eyes, mumbling, “You’re making it very hard to like you right now. The couch is calling your name.”
Before Adam could dig himself into a deeper hole, you directed the women toward the kitchen where your peace and sanctuary awaited you.
“I’ll take this,” you said, snatching your wings from Kevin’s grasp. “I’m not sharing either,” you mocked. He nodded his head, sucking his bottom lip in. “Alright, ma. Keep it up. I’m keeping a tally.” You chuckled, turning to head further into the kitchen. You had to have the last word.
“When will you stop with these hollow, empty threats, dear sweet husband?”
Kevin’s head pushed back into the couch cushion behind him as he watched you walk away. He groaned to himself, or so he thought.
“Leave that poor woman alone, bro,” Adam joked.
“I can’t help it. That woman knows how to keep me on my toes, and I live for it.”
Every man in the living room had been hyper-focused on the game except for the man of the house. The sassiness you had given him earlier had heat simmering inside him. Your attitude always sparked a desire in him. His hands vibrated with a need to grab a handful of you. Kevin wanted nothing more than to have a moment alone with you.
Pulling himself from his lustful thoughts, he cleared his throat, “I’m going to go grab another beer. Anybody want one?”
The crew nodded “yes” in unison, eyes still fixated on the television screen. Kevin leaned against the kitchen archway, listening to the animated conversation among the women. You could feel his eyes on you, and a smile pulled at the corners of your lips.
“Is there something that you need, Mr. Atwater,” you questioned with a playful edge.
Your eyes connected with his before slowly trailing down to his bottom lip, tucked between his teeth. Hidden behind the lip bite was a sinful smirk that screamed trouble. Kim and Hailey’s stares bounced between the two of you. Clearing her throat, Kim stuttered, “You know think I hear Adam calling? Hailey, you want to join me? We’ll meet you two in the living room, yeah,” she questioned, both women not giving you time to respond.
“Traitorous heifers,” you mumbled under your breath.
You stood behind the kitchen island, arms crossed, watching Kevin make slow, calculated strides toward you. He stepped behind you, gently grabbing your waist and turning you to face him. The giant man towered over you, licking his soft, plump lips. The action alone caused you to bite back a moan. He bent lower as his mouth ghosted over your own.
“You still mad at me, baby?”
“Mad? No. Irritated, yes,” you finished, neck rolling a bit.
Kevin chuckled lightly, and in a flash, he grasped your hips, lifting you and depositing you onto the counter. Standing between your parted thighs, he leaned in and trailed his lips from your chest to the side of your neck. It slipped your mind that the house wasn’t empty, and a moan escaped your lips.
“Shhh, mamas. Don’t forget we have company.”
“Then let me down,” you gasped as his lips gently suckled your flesh.
“Not a chance in hell. Got you right where I want you now.”
“K-Kevin, seriously. You're getting me all wound up. The baby finally settled and stopped kicking me every five minutes. Don't get her started up again. Down. I want too get down,” you whined like a toddler.
“Tell me you're no longer irritated. I don't want to beef with you anymore, love. If you promise we’re good, I'll let you down,” he smirked.
“You're so irritating,” you responded playfully, rolling your eyes. “Fine, we're good!”
His hand cupped your chin as he pecked your lips continuously. It sent you into a fit of giggles. Your hand daringly wrapped around his throat to the best of its ability. Kevin groaned, pulling his plump lip between his teeth.
“I know that look. What you tryna do with a house full of guests, Mr. Atwater?”
Before your husband could reply, Voight’s voice boomed from the living room, “You two aren't as discreet as you believe yourselves to be. Atwater, halftime is over. Leave that sweet woman alone.”
“Yes sir!”
His lips landed a kiss on your forehead as he promised, “I'm taking your fine ass on a date tomorrow night.”
Kevin swept you off the counter, helping you find your footing as your swollen feet met the hardwood floors. He leaned in giving you one last sensual kiss, promising to ravish you once the two of you were alone.
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Hope you all enjoyed it! Feel free to love, reblog, and leave a comment, lovelies🩵.
@darqchilddaydreamz @4everbrookemarie @starrynite7114 @nightlywords7 @amorestevens @sunshine-flower @boomclapxox @astoldbychae @percosim
@skyesthebomb @tbugger01 @thatbrowngruul
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hiddenlife-manager · 1 year
could you write something with voyeurism kink with jude? something of them making in public but trying to hide
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Jude Bellingham x Fem Reader
cw... slight choking, voyeurism, shower sex, doggy style, hair pulling, moaning, slight corruption, mediocre smut, smut, nsfw
notepad... Not gonna lie world lit is kicking my ass, and my other english class is killing me. I spent hours looking for my textbook because my professor didn't have it anywhere and now I need to buy a 100 or so dollar textbook after the class has started. Anyway I have been busy and all but please reccomend more smut and sorry for how rushed it is.
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You felt your hands push against the shower walls, feeling his cock go in and out of your pussy, small moans leaving your lips, and low groans leaving his plump and soft lips. Jude loved fucking you in the most inconvenient of places. Currently, he's fucking you in the locker room showers right after winning a match. Jude felt the passion of his game playing for his country, and when he saw you in the stands looking all innocent, it turned on a switch for Jude. 
Jude could feel how close you were—your velvet walls clenching onto his cock, practically begging for his cock to cum into your pussy. He loved having you as his fuck toy; you were the only woman he stayed in contact with long-term.
"Hey Jude!" A man called out, which caused Jude to place his large hands over your mouth, smirking as he continued to thrust at a slow pace. Causing your desprate self to try to fuck yourself faster by moving your hips, yet Jude used his other hand and tightly held onto your hips.
"What is it, Declan?" He asked nonchalantly, as if he didn’t have his cock currently buried in your perfect pussy. He held you in place and made sure that you wouldn’t move your hips, which would allow a groan to leave his lips.
"We are heading out to go celebrate the win; you should join us." He offered, his accent being calmer than the other England players. Right in that moment, you moved your hips, and his one hand couldn’t stop you from erupting a low groan from him. "Are you okay, Jude?" Delcan was concerned for his friend as it was a back-and-forth match.
"The shower is running hot, and it was a hard match. It just feels nice on the muscles." Jude spewed out a lie, tightening his hand around your mouth and making sure your nose could still do the breathing. "I’ll join you later; I need to finish showering and say hello to an old friend." It was no secret; everyone knew that you and Jude had a sexual relationship—no romance at all. It was soccer; no questions were asked, and as Jude was in his prime, he had to enjoy it.
"Tell her I said hi when you see her." That was it. The last person in the locker room left, and you were so desperate to cum. You tried to wiggle your hips, and right then and there, Jude let go of your mouth, grabbing your neck from behind and pulling you up to his lips.
"Guess I have to rush this baby. But I want to punish you for moving and causing me to groan." With that, Jude grabbed your wet hair and bent you over, as if you were a fuck doll. He pulled at your hair and began fucking your pussy with vigor. Low groans and grunts leave him filling the shower and locker room with sounds of your pussy squelching as he thrusts in and out of you.
"Fuck Jude!" You called out loudly, and Jude shushed you. His left hand was pulling at your hair, and his right hand was caressing your ass. 
"Shut it for once." He groaned in annoyance. "Be loud all you want, but the moment we get caught, it’ll be on your slutty body." He tells you, which caused you to cover your mouth while you spewed out moans and profanities. 
You felt so good. Your pussy was perfect for Jude, which is why he always comes back to you. No one could fuck him like you do. Jude suddenly slapped your ass with the hand he was caressing it with and couldn’t help but chuckle at the muffled yelp you let out. 
"So close, baby, you're okay with my cum right, baby, you want it right?" He asked, and all you could do was moan into your hand, nodding desperately. Jude knew you two were making so much noise that it was best to finish things and pack things up.
In only a few thrusts, Jude felt himself come undone as he filled your pretty pussy up with hot white ropes of his cum. The feeling of fullness overcame you, your legs shaking while you fell to the ground and slipped his cock out of your pussy. 
Jude stood above you, the shower hitting him just right, his abs glistening.
"I need to shower; baby, sit tight." He bent down, kissed your lips deeply, and chuckled, pulling away from you. "Took me so well, baby." He commented.
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