#it’s so brutal over here nowadays :c
bunicate · 10 months
Oh my gosh Mimi!!! I have missed you soooooOOOOOO MUCH T^T
I’m glad you’re back and that you’re doing good! I have so many updates since last we talked and life has been topsy turvy! For me everything has been okie =w= I took my fourth asl 1 test and did really well! The teacher said if I continued learning I’d probably be really good at it so that’s super encouraging ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
The weather hasn’t gotten as cold as I’d like it to which is sad since I don’t get to try my outfits T^T. Again it’s so great to see you on my dash I’ve missed seeing you and your post ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ sending many hugs and smooches
hai my lovely ! ! im srsly back 4 reals cuz i missed u sm 💗💗💗💗 pls continue to share your updates wif me , nd i rlly hope life is going gud even if things get a litl cwazy! im also SOOO glad to hear tht ur doing well on your test ! ! jus not having the burden of grades tht aren’t up 2 par can be stressful so it must feel great to not have the anxiety !!! congrats 2u babes !!
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introvert--weeb · 3 years
Hello! Hooe your having a nice day! So please hear me out! Can i request for Mikey, draken, mitsuya,nahoya, ran,rindou,hanma,and baji with a sweet s/o but have a brutal threat to someone with sweet smile and said " were enjoying our day... Can you please kindly fuck off before i lose my cool and chop your dick/rip your ovary? " when someone interrupt them in date by flirting with either of you
Gotta get some jealous vibes on this blog one way! I love this idea! I hope you don't mind that I edited the line a little for each scenario so I don't end up writing the exact same dialogue over and over again
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy it!!
Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya, Nahoya, Ran, Rindo, Hanma, Baji on a date that gets interrupted
TW: mentions of threats, language, jealousy, cringe-y insults that authour has made up based around the prompt :)
It had all started off as a normal date between the two of you. Mikey had insisted that you both visit this new dessert cafe that had opened up not that long ago in Shibuya. He had been saving it as a date idea and resisted the urge to demand Draken to take him. It was torture for the sweet-tooth but it would be worth it when you both could experience it together.
You were as equally as excited as your boyfriend. It had been months since you were both able to just go on a date alone. After all, every other time someone who always show up and it would quickly devolve into a hang out session. Today though, Mikey had made sure to express how this time was just between you and anyone who dared interrupt will be dealt with. Sounds threatening but it mainly meant they would have to make it up to the two of you by buying bag loads of desserts for a week. Childish but effective.
It wasn't long until you were both seated at a table, one that was directly by the window. You couldn't believe how perfect this place was! The tables held a menu that was shaped as a crepe and even the napkins that were available had desserts printed along the surface. It was just so cute!
Nothing could do anything to ruin this date for you. You both ordered your favourite desserts (Mikey had to order something other than dorayaki and so simply ordered ice cream) and were now just waiting for the order to be brought over. All was well in the cafe.
That was until a girl around your age had approached the table. At first, you thought she might know Mikey or was maybe one of Emma's friends who simply wanted to say hi. However, that was quickly thrown out when she began to flirt with your boyfriend, twirling a strand of light brown hair around her finger. You simply watched, anger bubbling dangerously in your chest and you had to keep yourself from beating her ass. She must know you were there, after all, you were right beside her.
"Can you please stop flirting with my boyfriend?" You forced a dangerously sweet smile on your face. "We are enjoying our date. So please kindly fuck off before I rip your ovaries from your body," your tone didn't match your words. Every word was dripping in honey yet your eyes screamed 'murder'.
Mikey couldn't hold back his grin from how you threatened the girl. He knew you could be intimidating but this threat was something that amused him immensely. Rip her ovaries out? Over simply trying to flirt with him? Well, he sure couldn't get any more smug. You loved him that much, huh?
"Wow Y/N, never knew you could be so intimidating," the blond joked, amusement glinting in his dark irises. You simply blushed, feeling a little embarrassed but mainly proud of yourself.
The two of you continued on with your date as the waiter brought your desserts to the table. You couldn't have asked for a better day with your Mikey.
Draken had suggested that you both go to the beach for the day since the weather was so warm. You had packed a picnic for the two of you, wearing cute swimwear underneath a f/c t-shirt and shorts. Slipping on a pair of sandals, Ken had arrived not too long after and you were both off on your way to your destination.
You had both found the perfect spot and set up the towels. Draken simply threw his shirt off as he was already wearing his swim shorts, while you began to strip yourself of the outerwear. Your boyfriend couldn't stop staring once he realised how good you looked in the swimwear.
However, he wasn't the only one to notice and in fact, a group of boys had taken notice and were ogling at your now exposed figure. Draken nor yourself noticed and continued to enjoy your time together. After all, this was quite rare nowadays since Mikey would take up a lot of the blond's time. You didn't mind, it just made days like this extra special and much more enjoyable.
Ken had offered to grab the two of you drinks from the beach stall not too far from where you were situated. You were appreciative for the offer and asked your boyfriend to grab you your favourite cold beverage. He agreed before placing a soft kiss to your forehead, standing up to complete the errand.
It hadn't even been two minutes since the tall blond had left your side before one of the boys had approached you. If it wasn't for the cocky attitude that practically oozed out of him, you would have waved him off with a smile and an apology. In fact, you had tried. He just seemed to be incapable of taking no as an answer or accepting that you were with Draken and that's who you were going to remain with.
Speaking of Draken, he was beginning his way back to where you were, cold beverages in his hands. Everything seemed fine until he noticed the boy trying his hardest to flirt with his partner. No. He wasn't going to have that. And so your boyfriend began his march over to the towel, ready to smash his fists into this idiot's face once he had handed you your drink. However, as he got close enough, his anger and jealousy dissolved into pure amusement.
"Right, this obviously isn't getting through your stupidly thick skull," a heavy sigh indicated how annoyed you had become. "I am enjoying my date with my boyfriend and I really don't need you ruining it. Now, kindly fuck off back to wherever you crawled out from before I chop your dick off and ram it down your throat!" The smile that accompanied your words was too sweet for the threat. It was as if two personalities were clashing together in this one moment.
The boy, now scared for his own safety, was quick to scurry back to his friends. Draken watched before taking his rightful place at your side once again. Cold beverage now handed to you, he opened his own before taking a large mouthful. It cooled him down instantly and a breath of relief was released.
"So... About you threatening that boy..." Draken couldn't stop the smirk that tugged at his lips as your face instantly burned a bright pink. He was going to enjoy teasing you about this.
The two of you were hanging out at the park with Luna and Mana. Takashi had invited you with him since the girls were asking about playing with you again. Ever since you both started dating, you had grown close to the two small girls, almost acting like an older sibling in some ways.
Luna and Mana were playing on the play equipment while you and Takashi were relaxing on a nearby bench, keeping an eye on the two young children. An arm around your shoulder as the two of you conversed about your weeks. You had a simple week so far; school and homework, while Mitsuya spoke about his Home Ec Club and the basics of his Toman life.
The date couldn't have been going any better, in your opinion. You were spending much needed time to unwind and be around the sweetest boy you knew. There was very little that could ruin this date, right? Well, Takashi had left the bench to make sure his sisters were entertained and safe. You had told the boy that you would watch over his jacket and bag, a soft smile directed in his direction before he went onto the playground.
Moments later and Takashi looked over towards where he had left you with his belongings. He was expecting to see you maybe scrolling through your phone or even looking over to watch the siblings. However, the sight that greeted him caused his blood to boil slightly and his jaw to clench. Some random boy had decided to begin flirting with you and it looked like you were quickly getting fed up with the advances. Telling Luna and Mana that he was going to check on you, he began to make his way back to you.
"C'mon beautiful! Just give me a chance!" Even his voice was starting to grate on Mitsuya's nerves. If he carried on, Takashi would not hesitate to teach him a lesson, even if it went against his more peaceful ways.
"Listen. For one, I don't know you nor do I wish to get to know you. Another thing, I have a boyfriend and we are currently on a date so he should be back soon. Finally, please fuck off before I rip off your nuts and use them to feed the damn squirrels!" You smiled softly at the boy, your eyes glinting with actual intent on carrying through with the threat. That was enough to scare the boy and for Mitsuya to chuckle to himself.
He understood how vicious you could get when you used your words. It was what had first got him to notice you after all. Internally, he was still seething at how the boy had tried to take what was his, but outwardly, the lilac-haired male gave you a soft smile and sat back down next to you.
Of course the two of you would be hanging out at the arcade. After all, you were both competitive and would settle disagreements with games. The current disagreement had came to be settled with a game of House of the Dead, a zombie shooting game. You would both take a turn and then whoever had gotten the furthest into the game would win this argument. Sure it was costing you more than if you were playing casually but this was your pride on the line here.
Currently, you were winning and Nahoya was refusing to back down. It got to the point where Smiley had dragged you away from the House of the Dead machine and decided this disagreement would be decided through the basketball hoop games. After all, he was much better at this than the shooting games. You just agreed, now enjoying the time you both were spending together as well as how desperate your boyfriend was becoming.
This had quickly evolved into a date, no matter how much Nahoya was insisting it was to settle the disagreement. In fact, he was enjoying himself and kept dragging you from one game to another. At this point, neither of you could remember the initial disagreement that started your trip to the arcade.
Collecting armfuls of tickets, your boyfriend had suggested you both head over to the prize counter to cash them in for a prize that you both could enjoy. And so you made your way to the counter where a girl a little older than you was stationed, looking bored out of her mind. That was until she had caught sight of Smiley. In an instant, she had gone from bored to cheerful and more than happy to help.
Nahoya had allowed you to choose the prize since, although he hated to admit it, the majority of the tickets were yours. However, your answer on what prize you wanted had fallen on deaf ears. In fact, this girl seemed too busy ogling at your boyfriend and trying to appear as appealing as she could. Not that Nahoya noticed.
You tried one more time only to be met with the same result. Part of you wanted to beat this girl's face yet the other part found yourself proud that you had been the one to get someone as desirable as Smiley. However, this was quickly dissolving into jealous anger as she reached across and 'accidentally' brushed against Nahoya's hand as she took the tickets he held. "Oops, sorry~!" Her voice was getting on your nerves along with those flirtatious giggles and glances.
"If you wish to keep your arms and ovaries where they belong, I recommend you stop flirting with my boyfriend and get the damn prize I have asked for twice. Please and thank you!"
Smiley was surprised at your actions. You never usually get so jealous. He noticed how you smiled at the girl, almost gritting your teeth behind the barrier of your closed lips. Nahoya couldn't help but find it so cute and savoured the moment. He was definitely going to be bragging to the boys later on about how badass you seemed right then.
The girl clicked her tongue before going off to collect what you had asked for. She must have been salty over the fact she couldn't continue to flaunt off her assets to Nahoya. What she didn't know though was that she was simply saving herself from your wrath. After all, you were not past dragging her outside to defend what was rightfully yours if she kept testing her luck.
"Remind me to never get on your bad side, babe!" Smiley joked, his usual grin growing. You simply rolled your eyes while agreeing with the peach-haired Kawata.
It wasn't long until you had your prize choice in your possession and the two of you continued what had quickly become a date. That meant a bike ride around Shibuya, heading to the local ramen shop that Smiley loved, and then back to either his or your house to watch a movie.
You would follow your boyfriend anywhere when you could spare the time. Currently, you were clinging to the taller Haitani's arm while Rindo was talking to his elder brother about some gang business. Although you were always around, you never did get involved in their conversation. After all, Ran had told you were too innocent and sweet to get involved in such a violent life. He did everything he could to protect you from his lifestyle.
Due to how intimidating Ran could look and act, you really didn't have to worry about girls trying to flirt with him, and guys knew who he was so there was no way they would risk it. And so you had no reason to be jealous. Ran however, he was constantly on edge in case someone decided to try and steal you away from him. But then he would remember that no-one would dare mess with the Haitani brothers and everything would be fine again.
"Babe? I just need to nip into the convenience store real quick." You pointed over to where the closest one was situated, remembering how you needed some odd bits of things. Your boyfriend simply nodded in acknowledgement, placed a quick peck on the top of your head before continuing his conversation with Rindo. Smiling over the affection, you quickly made your way to your destination. The quicker you got there, the sooner you could be back with Ran after all.
It was a pretty normal trip for you. You had collected all the items you needed, paid for them and started your way back to where your boyfriend and his brother were probably still waiting. Maybe they had finished the gang discussions and you could join in with whatever the next topic was! You sure hoped so since it was starting to get you down not being able to contribute to the conversation. It was as you stepped back onto the street that a boy had stopped you, a nervous yet confident look in his eyes.
Ran would occasionally shift his gaze from his younger brother towards the store you had entered. It was his way of making sure you were safe. After all, there were a lot of people in Roppongi that disliked the Haitani brothers due to their position. Anyone could decide to take out their grudge against him on you and he would not be having that.
It was one of the times when he glanced up that he had noticed the boy talking to you. Your facial expression was telling him that you were quickly losing patience and that something must be happening. Ran interrupted Rindo mid-sentence before trying to casually make his way over. After all, it could be nothing and he wasn't the one to jump to conclusions about a situation. However, he had a hard time keeping his anger in check once he heard the boy's flirting. It was just too bad the rod was left at home.
"You're either deaf or really stupid. I have said that I need to get back to my boyfriend. Now please, fuck off before I chop your dick off and turn your balls into fuckin' earrings," your expression was really sweet when you had uttered the threat. Your lips were curled into a soft smile while your eyes had shut to hide the murderous aura that would surely be seen within them. Maybe Ran was rubbing off on you too much. After all, you used to be such a sweet person who was unable to say boo to a goose. Now you were making threats that even had your boyfriend nervous.
The boy was quick to follow your advice, walking as fast as he could away from the area. You let out a deep sigh before moving your gaze to where Ran and Rindo would be situated. Instead, you were surprised to find the taller Haitani frozen in place not far from you.
"Hey baby! I got my things!" The hand carrying the bag lifted to display the items. Ran snapped out of this daze before giving you a soft smile. He would have to tell Rindo to not piss you off.
Nobody would believe you but Rindo loved taking you to cafes that he would come across when he and his brother wandered the streets of Roppongi. It was more to make you happy but he really enjoyed these outings. He could spoil you with your favourite drink and dessert while it was a quiet space for you both to talk about your days. It was one of the only places where Rindo could get away from all the gang business. Here he was just Rindo Haitani, your boyfriend.
You both arrived at one of your favourite cafes, ready to start the first half of your date. Rindo had planned the day so you were unsure on what would occur but that just made it more exciting! Taking your usual table at the back, Rindo couldn't help but chuckle as he watched you scan the menu. He knew you would pick the same thing every time you visited and yet it was almost a ritual you had developed. Sit at the table, scan the menu, decide to have the same thing. He found this adorable and enjoyed the predictability of the situation. Made him feel like a normal middle-schooler for once.
It wasn't long until the waitress had come over to take your orders. You noticed how she must have been new since you had never seen her working here before. At least she wouldn't judge that you ordered the same thing, you thought. The exchange was starting well, she had taken your order with very little hassle which you appreciated. However, it turned sour when she turned her attention to your boyfriend. It was as if a switch was flicked within the waitress as she began to get a little too comfortable around the blond.
Small arm touches when pointing at something on the menu, leaning over so her cleavage was more pronounced, the flirty heart eyes and giggles. All of it was beginning to irk you. Surely she could discern for herself that this was a date. You really couldn't believe the nerve the girl had in doing what she was doing while you sat across from the scene. Thankfully, she had finally taken the order and went to grab the drinks and desserts.
"You OK babe?" Rindo noticed how your usual smile was tense and more forced in its appearance. It was concerning him since you were fine a moment ago. This poor boy didn't realise how much the waitress was flirting, if he even registered that there was flirting. It's not his fault really. He just hardly gets attention when they could simply flirt with his brother.
You didn't answer, just relaxed a little bit. You couldn't get mad at the blond in front of you. After all, he was clueless when it came to girls liking him. Really, you should have kept that in mind considering how long it took for you both to get together due to his obliviousness to that. Slowly your usual smile was reappearing and Rindo felt like he could relax again himself. That was until the waitress came back over.
"Here's your order, handsome! And a little something extra~!" The girl winked as she placed your boyfriend's drink and dessert in front of him. You had caught sight of a slip of paper and what appeared to be a lipstick kiss staining the surface. Oh hell no. This was not on. It was hurting your face by trying to maintain the sweet expression.
"Excuse me but can you not flirt with my boyfriend while I am sat right here?" Keep up the smile Y/N. "After all, we are on a date and before you decided to act like a desperate hooker, we were actually enjoying ourselves. So now that we have our order, can you please fuck off before I decide to rearrange your face and make it so you can't have children?"
Rindo's eyes were as wide as the plates that held the desserts. He didn't really know what to think at that moment. What had happened to his sweet Y/N? Where did you learn to threaten someone? What he wasn't realising was that he was rubbing off on you after all this time you spent together.
The waitress simply glared at you before storming off back to the counter. She must have seen just how serious you were being even though your face had remained as sweet as sugar throughout it. You were proud of yourself and turned your attention from the girl towards your dessert and drink. In excitement, you grabbed at the spoon and scooped some of the sweet dessert into your mouth like a small child would with ice cream. A happy hum left your body as you enjoyed your treat.
"You're scary, you know that right babe?"
"I'm just protecting what's mine, Rin."
Hanma enjoyed having you around him most of the time. He loved how you made his days more fun, especially when it came to how jealous you would get. In fact, he thought it was probably one of the most amusing sights he had been blessed with. You were so sweet usually that it was a huge surprise to others when you got jealous.
That day, the lanky male had decided to take you to the amusement park, thinking it was the best way to spend his time away from Kisaki. It was also a good way to get you to cling to him as you were always nervous when it came to certain rides like the Ferris Wheel. You could handle rollercoasters and other rides, but once you were sat on the rickety bench of the Ferris Wheel, you would have to cling onto your boyfriend's arm in fear of falling out.
Just like most of the others, it was rare for you to get some alone time with Shuji anymore. After all, if he wasn't busy with Kisaki, he was busy with something else. But you knew he would show up at your bedroom window most nights to just say hi and get a kiss before he left again. It wasn't an ideal relationship but it worked for you two.
So when Hanma had text you about the date, you were quick to get yourself ready. You made sure that your outfit was super cute and dolled yourself up a little. Hanma would no doubt tease you about how much effort you put in for him but you knew he secretly loved it. You were his girl after all and he was a lucky man to have you on his arm.
The journey from your house to the amusement park was a pretty uneventful one. Hanma had picked you up on his bike but had decided he would follow the rules of the road. As unpredictable as ever. He parked up his bike and you both went to buy your tickets to start the date properly.
The day was spent like any other amusement park date people went on. You rode the rollercoasters and ate your fair share of snacks that you knew weren't good for you. Everything was perfect. Well, if you excluded having to hold Hanma back from beating up a boy that had tried flirting with you. That took some doing since an angry Hanma is a strong Hanma.
It was as the sun was starting to set that the incident occurred. A girl with long blond hair had decided that she would try her luck in getting THE Shuji Hanma. All while you were standing there, cuddling into his arm. At first, you tried being polite by making your presence known. If she knew he was already taken then she should lose interest and move on with her day. What wishful thinking, eh? Instead, it seemed to spur her on more, even commenting on how Shuji deserved a 'real woman' not a 'child'. That was the last straw.
"I don't know whether you are blind, stupid or have a fuckin death wish at this point." You let go of Hanma's arm and stepped towards the annoyance. "But as you could clearly see, Hanma is taken. Now, unless you want me to put you six feet under, I suggest you fuck off and leave my boyfriend alone."
Maybe it was the sweet smile that accompanied the threat but the girl was scared. You were obviously crazy, she thought as she rushed back over to her group of friends. She was probably lucky to only get off with the verbal threat. If she hadn't have left, you would have caused a lot of injuries to her. After all, you had to be strong enough to do that when Hanma was your boyfriend.
Speaking of Hanma, he had watched the whole exchange with an amused smirk on his face. This threat was tame compared to the others he had heard leave your mouth before. However, he was disappointed that the other girl ran off. He was hoping to see you make that threat a reality until he would have to stop you. However, he still got to see that cute angry pout that would always show up when you had calmed down.
"If only she had stuck around. Could have had some fun."
"Shut up beanpole."
Baji was the one who would mainly get jealous. After all, you were gorgeous and he felt he didn't deserve you. So when anyone paid a little too much attention to you than what he felt comfortable with, he would get annoyed and have to stop himself from getting violent.
You both had decided to hang out just the two of you for once. Chifuyu was busy working at the pet store after all so you could count that day as a date. Baji had his arm wrapped around your shoulders as you wandered the streets of Shibuya, entering stores that caught your attention.
The date was going well. Considering you both would usually have Chifuyu, and more recently Takemichi, joining you, it was nice to just have some time to be a couple without worrying about making the younger blonds feel like third and fourth wheels. That meant you couldn't really enjoy innocent physical contact like this without feeling guilty. So this was rare and you were enjoying it a lot.
"Hey sweetie, you want to go get some Peyoung Yakisoba?" Baji asked, starting to direct you towards the usual spot you would get the delicious dish. You weren't sure why he asked considering he knew the answer would be yes. So with a giggle, you snuggled into the boy's side with a grin.
Baji felt his heart skip about 10 beats at the sight. You were honestly too cute for him and moments like this proved it.
The walk was only a few minutes but you remained glued to the boy's side the entire way. It was your favourite spot to be. Baji had offered to go and order the noodles while you wait outside, something that you reluctantly agreed to. You only agreed since the noodle shop was so small that you couldn't realistically stick by your boyfriend. And so you sat on the bench not too far from the door.
Baji wanted to be quick, not entirely comfortable with you sitting alone. Usually Chifuyu would keep you company and that kept the boy calm but since he wasn't here, you were forced to be alone. And that didn't sit right with the 1st Division Captain.
You kept yourself entertained by scrolling through your phone but that was short-lived as a boy a little older than you turned up. Placing a smile on your face, you decided to hear out what the boy might want. After all, it could be as innocent of a request as asking for directions. However, you were a bit too naive in that regard.
Your boyfriend exited the building, the noodles in hand, when he saw the boy flirting with you. Anger bubbled almost instantly within his chest and he was about to march over and pummel this idiot into the ground. It was only what you said next that had him stop in his war path.
"As I have said about 14 times now, I have a loving boyfriend and if you think I'm going to leaving him for a limp dick like you, you're delusional. Now, fuck off before I chop your shrimp dick off and offer it to the restaurant to use in one of their dishes. Although there wouldn't be enough to use in even a kiddie's portion." You delivered the threat with your usual smile yet Baji could see that your eyes were sending daggers the boy's way.
Baji couldn't be more proud of you for how you threatened that idiot. It amused him so much that he couldn't prevent the laughter that erupted from him. The boy who had previously seemed filled with confidence, was now running off in fear that you would follow through with the threat. You just glanced over at your amazing boyfriend with a grin on your features.
"C'mon babe, we're heading home. I'm so proud of how you handled that though." Baji calmed his laughter before placing a kiss to your forehead. Arm wrapped around you, the two of you headed towards the apartment building Baji lived in.
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pikaflute · 4 years
hi, sudafed cleared my sinuses long enough to think so here’s a giant post about most of my charles headcanons
OH btw here’s my 4 hour and 23 minute playlist for Charles. Enjoy. Yes I know I’m insane: https://open.spotify.com/user/pikaflute24/playlist/4DBxaaxbqsmJt9Fvl8AgwZ?si=OcXlYCdFRzOhuKa4p_HdUQ
General Headcanons
He was born November 24 1965. He’s currently 56, but I usually write him in his late 40s in most fanfic and content I make. So there’s this middle aged man....
He has hazel eyes. Sometimes they look green, sometimes brown. Sometimes they’ll be white but that’s when he’s using his magic so mind your business
Gear brand over his heart >:)c
:) i think he has piercings and tattoos, a skull (dead man teehee) on his upper arm, a tattoo of a date (the date pickles and him first met TEEHEE) on his left arm also has a tattoo on his arm of the day he “died” on his right. had his ears pierced when he was a teen.
Has a sweet tooth so hard. Smuggles in treats into the drawers of his desk just to snack on during the day and has a mini fridge just filled with ice cream and also sorts of other goodies. He loves brownies and cookies the most
Likes to work out and keep himself in shape. it takes his mind off of stressful things like work and the boys, and just take his morning practice sparring and doing various exercises in the mordhaus gym. 
he’s uh also very flexible so he does yoga a lot when he exercises. don’t. look too deep into that
cannot cook to save his life. he almost burned mordhaus down trying to make himself a sandwich
he can play guitar! he used to play it more often when he was younger but he rarely has the time to play it nowadays. when he does get to play it, it’s usually in private (and mainly songs by dethklok), or it’s to show off to a certain lead guitarist that yes he is playing that solo wrong
he’s ambidextrous but prefers using his right hand. he’ll use his left hand to spar in order to go easy on his opponents because hes a smug cunt
he’s 5′7 but intimidation factor adds a couple inches doesn’t it
has a scorpion named princess as a pet. he lets her sit on his desk sometimes and it scares the shit out of dethklok which makes charles laugh on the inside
hes also a cat person. one time toki brought a cat home and it settled on charles’ lap and he almost cried
loves to be a smug asshole and relishes in it. will not take shit from anyone, especially from some asshole who is trying to pull one over on him
he has no idea how social media works at all. will print memes out to show to dethklok, he’s very fond of cat memes specifically (i can has cheeseburger type beat)
he has no idea what any internet memes means he isn’t going to start learning. he is going to misuse internet phrases. are you boys, ah, finding the imposter? [cue five groans from dethklok]
knows a lot of languages. not a comprehensive list but: french, swedish, norwegian, spanish, italian, japanese, chinese, german, russian and korean
is very competitive. scarily competitive. once he starts losing in smash or mario kart all hell will break lose
very bad at showing emotions or affection, when he gets compliments he gets all red and quiet and mumbles a thank you. 
weird about being touched as well and will usually avoid it unless it’s with someone he trusts
speaking of, his love language is acts of service :)c
hates being called charlie or chuck, unless the right person calls him it ;)
he’s autistic. was nonverbal for most of his life and only talked to certain people, or anyone at all. he stims with his hands and uses his pens to fidget.
has a collection of novelty socks. he likes the ones that have polka dots or stripes
sleeps with a garfield plushie he had since he was younger. it helps him with the nightmares
when any of the boys need help sleeping (usually toki or pickles), he’ll sleep with them in his bed. after dying he had trouble sleeping some nights, so dethklok returned the favor and all piled up in his bed and helped him sleep. he didnt have nightmares after that night
hes nearsighted, and prefers to wear glasses over contacts
lactose intolerant, hes still eating mac n cheese and paying the price
metalhead but pretends to not be just to mess with his boys
crippling addiction to match 3 games. also loves to play minecraft.
overly self sacrificial. puts ones he love needs before his own, results in himself being very isolated and distant from those he cares about because he’s afraid of hurting them
his favorite colors are black and purple
coffee kinda guy. black coffee or bust
has a lot of cute novelty mugs to put his coffee in. he ones from places where dethklok tours, dethklok official ones (the only two that aren’t adorned with spikes), some cat themed ones, a couple that have ties and math references, and one from his boys that says “most brutal manager”. he drinks out of that last one the most
he has a couple of grey hairs and wrinkles, but he keeps them because they remind him that he’s human. also pickles said old men were hot but you didnt hear that from me
likes to play chess but he can never find a good opponent. all the klokateers are too scared if they win and dethklok is too distracted to ever play with him or they end up losing to quickly if charles plays against them
really wants kids. he babies his sister’s sons and daughters a TON (uncle charles always brings the best gifts :) ) and also treats toki like his own son in a way. toki doesnt mind, he really appreciates the love
speaking of, toki does call charles dad once and it makes charles cry for like. a week and a half
his favorite dethklok song is the gears :)
he likes to collect knives as a side hobby, his favorite of his collection is a sleek black one with skulls on the handle
he has a motorcycle and likes to drive it around sometimes to just be alone with himself. it’s all black with a red gear on it
lightweight but only if he drinks the amount dethklok drinks. can hold his alcohol fairly well if he drinks like a sensible human, prefers brandy and wine
he can smoke cigars to be sexy for me and me ONLY
likes to read in his spare time. he likes mystery novels and science fiction
he has soft spot for cheesy sitcoms, they’re his guilty pleasure
his favorite youtuber is lockpickinglawyer. yours should be too
usually sleeps in only his boxers but will wear a shirt if its’s cold. he tends to sleep on his side (also wants to be the little spoon when cuddled but he will never admit that)
takes vacations sometimes away from the boys despite his worry that something will go wrong (it will!). many of his vacations are usually going to visit his family and going to the shore with them, or travelling to somewhere new for a change (cue charles being a yakuza substory on his one vacation per year)
he can sew pretty well. learned from his mom and used to sew the whole his sister use to put through her soccer uniform.
can also do makeup, and usually does it for one of the boys of there’s no one else around to help
bites his lip when he’s nervous. which is a lot
likes chococat and gudetama. he’s a man of tastes
laughs really loud if you catch him off guard. he snorts sometimes too. he’s embarrassed by it, but i think its’ cute
loves law and order obviously 
he likes men
has a lot of pent up rage. very good at compressing it. sometimes
as high priest, he stays up very late trying to decipher the ancient prophecies that dethklok needed to fulfill. he doesnt sleep very much when he starts out because he misses home, so the band makes him come back (or else)
also as high priest he becomes more intune with magic granted to him after he died and he mainly uses his magic to protect his boys when they go back to being a band. also to fuck with them
the band he managed before dethklok was a band named savior who said they were a metal band with a unique sound, but that unique sound was actually just being a christian metal band that were bad at playing music. they also treated charles like shit and blamed him for them doing so poorly with sales and shows. had an unfortunate “accident” with a tour bus after charles had enough of their attitude towards him.  he denies he had anything to do with it (he did.)
He’s the baby of the family. Spoiled rotten to the max. He doesn’t admit it though but whenever he comes home you know he abuses the “:)c im the favorite” card
He has 4 older sisters: Caroline who is a high school civics teacher, Cynthia who is a librarian, Callie who is a coach for a soccer team, and Charlotte who is a lawyer/manager who manages Ladyklok, which gets awkward (and funny) when Abigail starts dating the lead singer Natalie
charles is actually one of the tallest in his family. his dad is 6’1 and his older sister Callie is 5’11. cynthia is 5’6, caroline is 5’6, and his mom and charlotte are 5’5.
his mom is a doctor and his dad is an accountant. his mom’s name is giovanna and his dad’s name is elijah
caroline is the oldest sister, followed by cynthia, callie, charlotte then charles.
Charlotte and Charles are sworn enemies since they were born on the same day a year apart and basically have the same job. They do love each other though
His father calls him Charles. Caroline and Cynthia call him Charlie. Callie calls him Chuck. Charlotte calls him Charles (derogatory). His mom calls him a whole slew of nicknames that she made up when he was young (she calls him cheese ball and he turns red)
caroline has a wife (lauren who is a chef) and two kids (evan and shelby)
cynthia is dating a coworker (viola)
callie has a husband (john who is a stay at home dad) and they have three kids (brenda, melissa, and jeff)
charlotte is dating ladyklok (and abigail). this is a weird flex on charles i think.
He had a race car bed when he was like 5
He also was also one of those kids at family game night. He almost killed Cynthia over a game of monopoly
Always got to lick the spoon first after his mom baked brownies
He grew up in North Jersey (derogatory) (also yes im projecting state shot)
He’s also Italian (derogatory)
He got bullied in middle school for a little bit but once his older sisters found out, oh boy did all hell break loose
Was in band in high school. He played flute (DONT TALK TO ME I LIKE PROJECTING), he was of course a soloist and incredibly smug about it
Took gymnastics as a kid. Can do a backflip on command. Also very flexible.
First manager gig was helping his sisters sell girl scout cookies. They raked in a lot of profits when baby bro was behind the scenes. His cut was eating thin mints for free
Loved Star Trek when he was a kid
Was incredibly gifted, and taught himself to read at a young age. didn’t talk that much though
was always sick when he was little. he would always get sinus infections and colds if someone even sneezed weird
was in mock trial in high school. one guy on his team was a jerk to him so charles made it a point to be this poor kid’s nemesis
was on the student council, treasurer of course.
was also in nhs, and he was treasurer there too
was that kid who insisted on doing the group project by himself because he didn’t want to wait on anyone to finish their part
was super rowdy as a kid, always got into trouble but his mom was a little lenient of punishment (hes a mommas boy)
when he was like super young he bit people cause he was just a little monster (charles' sisters: mom charles is biting again. charles, biting one of them: im not :/ sheesh)
wanted to be a lawyer since he was 7
put his own siblings and parents on trial and would win every trial and would always get the last cookie or a higher allowance
he shared his room with his sister Charlotte and they would set up a pillow fort on one of the beds and stay up late reading together 
loved going to the beach as a kid, his mom still has his collection of shells from the beach
on the boardwalk, he would dominate at claw machines anad carnival games. he won a bunch of plushies from himself (and his sisters obviously)
his dad and him have a super close bond. they watched star trek together and also like to watch how the stock market would do. his dad was also sometimes the judge in charles’ mock trials at home
they were very supportive when he came out as gay, he was also the first of his sibilings to come out of the closet
Got his masters in business management at rutgers and a JD (law degree) from seton hall law.
Started college when he was 18 (1983) and ended college when he was 26 (1991)
Wasn’t a party guy. Never got invited to many, but he never went unless a certain redhead was in town
Sustained himself off of ramen, coffee, and SSRIs to get his masters (hey man i feel ya)
Did weed like three times. Three of those times were because of, you guessed it, a certain redhead
Speaking of, his first time having sex was in his dorm with Pickles. Pickles also kicked him off of the bed (those beds are fucking tiny) while they slept, and almost burned Charles’ dorm down trying to make toast the next morning
Absolute did not do essays until the night before. Bad habit that made it’s way into Dethklok managing when he’s forced to write a legal brief before 12 am.
Loved calculus 2 for some reason. Nerd
Had a mullet. Pickles thought it was hot (still is) while Charles would rather die than remember anything about that horrid hairdo
Also went through his goth/emo phase while in Law School. He stuck out amongst the sea of sweater vests and polo shirts
Was in a band with his fellow college bandmates. The band was called Habeas Corpses and he was the lead singer who also played guitar. Their sound was kind of similar to TWRP’s first two EPs (The Device and 2nite). they had a grunge aesthetic, and yes charles dyed his mullet black (with a purple streak), for the band.
his bandmates were all fellow law students. dillan was on drums, margaret was their bass guitar, and nick was their keyboardist. all three of them also got tutored by charles while in law school. they are still best friends and write to each other sometimes
Was on the debate team, but uh kicked off due to be very competitive (he threatened to punch the opposing debater)
Was also in the chess club, also kicked off for being too competitive (lunged at a kid for cheating)
After being kicked from the two previous clubs, he joined fencing, his very competitive nature made him the best in the state
nick (the guy in charles’ band) was charles’ roommate the whole time they were in college. they may or may not have had a brief relationship before they realized they would be better as friends
nick also has a nes and charles loved to played zelda and wrote an entire guide for himself because he’s was that into the game (nerd)
occasionally would be found sleeping in the library on campus
wanted to be an RA but the resident association at his schools thought he was a little much. charles took this as a compliment
worked out a lot between studying and classes. a lot of jocks underestimated him because of his size but charles was just :) [casually lifts something heavy]
a lot of fellow classmates thought he was super cool cause of the leather he wore, and how cool and quiet he was, too bad they didnt know he was a huge nerd
tried skateboarding. once.
had a cadillac that barely started and drove like a piece of shit but that was charles’ baby
pickles tried to have sex with charles in said car btw, charles almost killed him for even daring to suggest to tarnish his beautiful baby
has damaged his back permanently because of all the books he used to carry around in his crappy back pack
did some modelling for one of his friends in college. he was very attractive and got some other modelling job through it. he tries to hide that from the boys in the future because he thinks it’s embarrassing
Relationship with Dethklok
Pickles - he’s known the drummer the longest out of any other member, and if you couldn’t tell by now, he had a brief relationship with the drummer back in the 80s (and maybe also still has a crush on him :)). charles respects and admires pickles’ talent as a musician and sometimes they play together when they have time alone. he tries to be there when pickles has a relapse in either emotions with his family or something else, but still tries to maintain a distance because he thinks that pickles doesn’t feel the same as he did in the 80s. (he does btw). nothing could break the bond these two share. not even death
Nathan - understands nathan’s quiet nature (nonverbal kings!) and strive for perfection in everything dethklok creates because he is the same way. their similarities allow them to connect on a level that allows nathan to open up about his feelings that he likes to lock away. nathan also gets charles to open his feelings up and actually care for himself for once in his damn life. charles also helps nathan with the depression he develops after charles dies and how to deal with it despite it being not brutal. nathan wants to give back and he does by becoming one of charles’ closest friends (and maybe even lovers hehehe)
Toki - charles has taken it upon himself to be toki’s father figure after seeing the way toki’s family has left him for essentially dead. ever since toki joined the band, charles has made it a point to be there for him whenever he needed it. even if it meant spending late nights reading to toki or sleeping over in toki’s room to help him sleep, he’ll do it. he blames himself for toki’s disappearance but toki assures him that he did the best he could. toki calls him dad a lot after doomstar. it makes charles cry.
Skwisgaar - unstoppable asshole meets immovable object. skwisgaar sees himself above everyone else like he does with the other dethklok members but with charles, skwisgaar knows that charles isn’t intimidated by him nor will he bow to the guitar god in anyway. this develops a game of cat and mouse between the two, with skwisgaar trying to no subtly push charles’ buttons and to see what makes him ticks, while charles resist him at every turn with a smug ‘:) is that all you got’ and it delights him to finally see the guitarist squirm under pressure.
Murderface - at first the two are very. distant to say the least. murderface used to see charles as unemotional robot and charles was fine with that and accepted the distance. overtime however, and especially after charles died, murderface warmed up to charles confiding in him things he hasn’t told the band, mainly things about his insecurities because charles is ‘fucking smart with crap like this’. and charles helps him and is happy to see him work out his problems and not bottle them anymore like the rest of his bandmates. charles also enjoys murderface’s company as a friend as well. and….he’s gonna help murderface the most with the whole traitor stuff too.
Abigail - mlm and wlw hostility. but seriously they’re good buds. he sympathizes with having to deal the moronic actions of dethklok on a daily basis and also thinks she’s really intelligent and overall fun to hang out with. they take lunch breaks frequently together and like to make fun of people at dethklok dinners together as a fun activity together. abigail will bully his ass once she finds out she’s dating charles’ sister and WILL bring up those baby pictures to get a higher raise thank you very much
Knubbler - can you say coworker besties! like abigail, he gets along because they both have to deal with dethklok being, well dethklok, but with knubbler, charles can relax a little more. the two cause problems on purpose just because they can. the two are also close friends and knubbler tries to get charles to relax for once in his life, and despite charles protests and objections, he sometimes caves and hands out with his friend (maybe boyfriend OOOOO who knows)
Sex Headcanons (IM SORRY)
um maybe he can have a giant dick (10 inches for me), it do be swinging though
daddy kink (everyone stay on this side, ill take care of him….come to daddy ;)c)
likes to do roleplay. he has a lot of costumes prepared for when his partner wants to do a scene with him
likes to bite and be bitten during sex. after a very long night, he’ll be covered in bite marks, it’s kinda hot
no gag reflex ;) he likes to deepthroat but good luck trying to get him to go down on you without him teasing
remember how i said he was flexible like eight times? yeah he uh, uses that a lot to his advantage. likes being fucked in weird positions because of it
the suit stays on during sex
he likes topping because he likes to be in control of everything he does all the time, but really wants to be told what to do sometimes and will let those he trusts do that for him
he has a dick piercing i know it
he's a very busy man, so he relies on his huge collection of toys he keeps in his bedroom and office
really good with his hands. as soon as those hands are on you, its game over
he loves to do it on his desk, makes him feel powerful. when he gets blown under his desk, it really takes all of his willpower to not cum immediately
really sensitive in weird places, specifically his ears
he likes to cuddle after sex, hes the little spoon :)
likes to be tied up, sometimes he’ll get tied up under his suit
mating press and riding are his favorite positions, giving and receiving
size queen, likes large toys and well ;)
has a private room that he sometimes goes to relieve stress, it has a fucking machine that he likes to use often when his job gets too stressful
he’s sucking people off at the klokateer glory hole, he’s uh, very good at what he does
likes to be spanked and like to spank
uses collars and leashes
maybe the klokateers can fuck him, if they’re good ;)
likes cum on his face but doesn't seem to realize that means he’ll get cum on his glasses and will need to clean them
he can wear a chastity belt :) for me
likes being came in but will still complain about being gross after
pretty much up for anything, he’s not picky, he just wants to be in control and get off
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averagesmw · 4 years
Penny Haywood x MC- Come with me (1/4)
Game: Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery
The time for the holidays was approaching Hogwarts. The colorful lights and gentle snowfall made paved the way for the most peaceful time of the year
A time when there was no such thing as an enemy and tensions were indeed at an all-time low
This would be an ideal time to celebrate and surround yourself with loved ones, but after a brutal sixth year, festive wouldn't be a way to describe how Y/N was feeling
It was so hard to believe that it was over, that after... everything, they were free. However, it didn't feel like a victory
In fact, it didn't feel like anything. Even Beatrice wasn't as gloom
This behavior did not go unnoticed, however. Across the Great Hall, while the Curse-Breaker was staring at their giant sandwich, their friends were plotting
Well, at least the ones who hadn't left for Christmas yet
Tulip, Liz, Tonks, and Penny were waiting on Chiara, who was holding a plate with barely eaten food
"They didn't even eat. They just took a bite to not make me feel bad..."
The silver-haired girl sighed, earning sympathy from the girls, except for Penny, who was looking back at them
Not many students were left, but Y/N was so lost in thought that they didn't notice the girls
"This isn't good. Y/N has been as lonely as Talbot"
"...Who?" Tonks asked
"The point is, there has to be something we can do to help them"
"I tried cheering them up with Puffskeins, but Y/N just ended up falling asleep..." Liz sighed in defeat
"Have you tried taking them to Hogsmeade?" Tulip suggested to Penny
"Yes, but they didn't want to go. Said there were too many memories"
There was silence after that, at least until more ideas brewed
Y/N went through unimaginable lengths to protect their friends and even ensure their happiness. After everything that happened with Rakepick and the Vaults, it was only fair that they got some of that as well
The girls were devastated to know that wasn't the case, and they made it their mission to correct it immediately
Unfortunately, every attempt at improving their friend's mood had failed, and with Christmas approaching, time was running out
"Wait, you said Hogsmeade brought Y/N bad memories?"
Penny nodded at the question, curious to see what Tonks had come up with
"Why not take Y/N somewhere else? Maybe a change of scenery would help them"
"Brilliant idea, Tonks! It could do wonders for their health if the environment is right"
Chiara's comment earned a proud smile from the methamorphmagus, at least until Liz came in with another question
"But where would it be ideal for that?"
With her hand on her chin, looking around for an answer. Her blue eyes eventually landed on the Christmas tree that was decorating the place
That's when she got a fragment of what could be an idea. She just needed a bit more intimation
"Where are you going on Christmas?"
The girls seemed to pick up on this idea, but their reactions didn't help much
"Y/N L/N is one of my best friends, I wouldn't let them anywhere near my parents"
With Tulip's parents working for the Ministry and Y/N being...well, Y/N, it only made sense
" I'm staying to help Hagrid look after the creatures"
Liz's statement made Chiara look at her with surprise
"And I will learn from Madam Pomfrey. Maybe we can get together for lunch!"
The silver-haired girl smiled at the idea as soon as she heard it
"I'd love that!"
The girls' excitement only made Penny worry, seeing as her options were running out. But that's when she thought about what she'd be doing in the holidays
Visiting the countryside, away from conflict and just near family and friends from a nearby village
"Then I'll ask Y/N to come with me for the holidays!" She thought out loud, gaining the attention of her friends
"You sure your parents would let you?"
"I'll send them an owl to ask them. Hopefully, they'll say yes"
Shortly after that, her gaze shifted to the student at the table
"But first, the guest of honor"
Without further due she approached Y/N and sat in front of them, her presence making then snap out of it
"Oh. Hey, Penny"
She returned the greeting with a smile
"Hi, Y/N. How are you today?"
"I'm holding up. I thought you'd be going with your family for Christmas"
This provided Penny the opportunity she was looking for, and she wouldn't waste it
"Actually, that's what I came here to talk about"
The suspense that accompanied that statement made Y/N look at her with concerned eyes
"Is everything alright?"
The Hufflepuff picked up on this and gently smiled at them
"Oh yes, don't worry about it. See, I was thinking..."
A sigh left her soft lips before she finally allowed herself to be as honest as she could with Y/N, or at least enough to proceed
"You've done far too much for us, especially this year, and while it has been difficult, it's been even worse for you"
"That's...a way to describe it, yes"
"But you deserve to enjoy this breath of fresh air, Y/N, and I was wondering if you..."
If she had their attention, now she also counted with their curiosity
Her blue eyes met their e/c eyes as she finally asked what she came there to know
"If you'd like to come to the countryside with me for the holidays"
Penny waited for Y/N to politely decline the invitation as they would probably do given their mood
However, something that the young lady didn't account for was that talking to her would always help to cheer them up, even now
So rather than declining such an offer, Y/N showed surprise
"Really? You want me to go with you?"
Their reaction was as if they had forgotten just how much they meant to Penny, but seeing this change in behavior gave her the boost she needed to continue
"Of course! There's nobody else I'd rather spend them with"
She could tell that the curse-breaker was moved by her words, but also that they were seriously considering her offer. It was only a minute, but it felt like an eternity to the blonde witch
"Well, I could use the scenery change"
There she was, the confirmation she needed to get started. Penny got up and flashed one of the brightest smiles Y/N had ever seen
Not literally of course, but he had to be dead for it not to be heartwarming
"Brilliant! I'll send an owl to my parents to tell them about it. I'll tell you when we're leaving and...Y/N?"
"Thank you for giving me this opportunity"
Without further due, she left the Great Hall and headed straight to her Common Room so she could write a letter asking her parents if Y/N could indeed tag along
Penny would explain that they were responsible for saving Hogwarts on multiple occasions, including the Haywood sisters themselves and also the fact that they didn't quite deserve to spend such a gloomy Christmas by themselves
The owl left as soon as she delivered the letter. Fortunately, the weather was calm enough for it to fly normally and there weren't as many letters going around
It took a day for Penny to receive an answer, and what she saw made her squeal with overwhelming joy. Y/N would spend the holidays with them
For Y/N it might be just a change of scenery, but for her? It was all she wanted
To spend the best time of her year surrounded by the people she loved the most, no exceptions
And so, she went to find Y/N and tell them that the time to leave was near...after eating breakfast, of course
They all ate together and wished Y/N a pleasant trip. One could tell that more than saddened by their departure, they were glad they were taking their time
Except for Alanza, she wouldn't let go, literally. Even if she wouldn't admit it, that made Penny a bit jealous
Regardless, the Haywood sisters and Y/N found themselves walking into the Hogsmeade train station, with their baggage included
The plan was to take the train, get to a specific location where they'd meet Penny's parents, and from there continue with the holidays
Nothing Penny hadn't done many times before, so it wasn't all that complicated to follow
"I'm so glad you agreed to come with us, Y/N!"
"I think you'll find the countryside rather charming. Even I still enjoy it" Beatrice added
"Then I guess I really have to see it for myself"
"You'll love nature in there, it's so relaxing. There, let's find a seat!"
Penny grabbed Y/N's hand out of instinct as she guided them through the station, with Beatrice not far behind, chuckling at the sight of it
Plenty of things had taken place during their sixth year at Hogwarts, most of them dreadful, but one exception was Beatrice's relationship with both Penny and Y/N themselves
While still adjusting to her new self, she found comfort in the curse-breaker's company and help. Now she was ready to move on
And it showed, while they were all waiting for the train, the chatter was not gloomy or resentful, but rather charming instead
It even brought some semblance of normality
Something that seemed like such a rare commodity nowadays
Fortunately, they didn't have to wait long for the train to arrive. They had timed their arrival perfectly, which was a relief considering that the station's clock cannot be relied on
It didn't take long for them to find a place to sit while the journey began, Penny and Beatrice sat on one side and Y/N on the other. Regardless, the window provided a breathtaking view of the landscape
As if the mountains and fields weren't beautiful enough, the snow gave them a refreshing new look. That was perhaps the best thing about winter, it made everything look brand new, even if it was older than you
An hour and a half went by with nothing to report. A hint of orange had taken over the scene, reminiscing the colors of the past season in a gentle way
Beatrice fell asleep in no time, practically leaning on her sister, who was reviewing potion materials when she noticed this
"Hey Y/N? Do you mind if I sit with you?"
The curse-breaker, on the other hand, was reading a book that Madam Villanelle recommended for the long trip. They lowered the book to look at the blonde and immediately understood what she meant
And so, Y/N moved so that there was enough space for Penny. She wanted to give her sister more space to get some rest...and it was also the perfect excuse to scoot a bit closer
In a swift motion, the blonde gently laid her sister to rest and got up, switching seats so that she was now beside her other companion
Said companion found themselves unable to return to their book, as the light that made it through the window highlighted Penny's delicate features
From the way her braids were done, to the softness and color of her lips, and more importantly, her joyful attitude
Y/N found themselves lucky just to be witness to this, but it also came to them that so far, they hadn't said anything to the girl, they had just tagged along
Perhaps now would be the right time to correct that
The delicate way her name left Y/N's lips got her attention in seconds, and when she saw them put away their book, Penny was genuinely intrigued
They scratched the back of their neck as words failed to come out at first, but after a sigh, that was no longer a problem
"Thank you for taking me with you. I mean it"
She gave them a sympathetic smile, she knew why she was doing this and didn't feel like she was owed anything
"There's no need to thank me, I didn't want you to stay alone in the castle"
"I'm not precisely alone, but I get what you mean"
"You didn't have to do it"
This time, both of them shook off the nervousness
"But I wanted to. You saved Hogwarts, Y/N, but you also saved my word. I want to share it with you"
The curse-breaker didn't know how to answer that. Although their surprised expression and later smile said everything
Penny spared them of the silence and chose to continue, with a softer approach this time, and one closer to the truth as well
Her truth, of course
"Besides, I like spending time with you outside the school. Like that time we went to the dragon reserve"
Y/N chuckled at the memory of that "field trip", choosing to focus on the less lethal parts of it, but also going with the flow of the conversation
"That time when we roasted marshmallows together and slept in an oversized tent?"
"Exactly! But...less dangerous"
They laughed at this comment, taking the opportunity to go over the events of the last year together
Not only the dragon reserve but also getting to welcome Alanza to the school, the times they had snuck out together to investigate or just talk in the Courtyard
It wasn't a Celestial Ball or a tournament, but there was no denying those small moments
Of course, it had been a dark year, but it wasn't one without its lighter moments, and even if Y/N couldn't find enough of them, Penny would provide light, for both of them
This chatter lasted for at least another hour, soon, both of them returned to their respective books, smiling tiredly after making the journey much sweeter
But then, after a few minutes of reading, the Hufflepuff felt a gentle weight on her shoulder. Glancing over, she discovered the familiar h/c hair so close to her
Did...did Y/N just fall asleep on her shoulder?
Yes, yes they did
And they looked so peaceful as well
Penny found herself smiling fondly at this
" I could use a little rest..." She thought
Penny didn't think it twice before she closed her book, putting it to the side
Then, she got comfortable and snuggled closer to Y/N, allowing herself to cuddle up and just...close her eyes too
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punkandsnacks · 4 years
Between Wolves & Doves, Chapter Two; Outsider.
Tumblr media
Author: @punk-in-docs​ & @adamsnackdriver​
Also on AO3-
Trigger Warnings: Implied violence, sexual thoughts and some emotional abuse.
Synopsis: Vampire!Kylo x OC love story. Inspired by BBC’s Dracula. Also inspired by Austen’s Pride & Prejudice.
He’s been stalking this earth long since civilizations can possibly fathom. Before records even began. He sneers at the fact that this pitiful young world has only just begun to see his reign of it. 
He’s dined with moguls, emperors, princes. He’s consorted with bloodthirsty ruthless Queens in their courts, and whispered into the ears of powerful King’s, whose names still echo through millennia. 
In his myriad of centuries gifted to his immortal self he’s been many many things. He’s been a lowly pauper. A crusading knight. An assassin. A sell sword. A soldier. A wanderer. A simpering suitor and a voracious unyielding lover. Aimlessly lost in time- besieging this earth. Ripping it apart and drinking what’s left. 
He was made in the hinterland between snow and dirt and pine trees. Crusted with ash and blood and gouged from battle. Born anew. Sired from the hell-mouth of war. He was made in 789 AD.
He’ll come undone, one bitter winter night, in England, in 1816.
~ ~  🥀 ~ ~ 
 Night falls dark and still over the landscape brushed with snow. Westwell’s gardens seemed crushed under the icy weight.
 It seemed the heavy blanketing of it muffled and blotted out all sound. But it’s a peaceful intrusion.
 The huge square windows of Westwell Manor are flaked with frost and each square of glass glimmers gold with the tall candle holder placed in each one. A stick of fire and gold warding off that indigo night that shrouded heavy and deep in the sky above. Trying to spill into the window.
 Iris is sat in her small bedroom. A tomb or a cell, really, was how it felt to her some days. Wall to wall draped in pretty Morris flowered wallpaper of white sprawling flowers with navy and blue birds and country vines.
 Her double bed with twisting pillars of dark mahogany twine up to the wheat thick canopy that is draped over it. The mattress is layered in a fluffy champagne coloured eiderdown and white embroidered scalloped-lace pillows. The floors are dark walnut wood, and they creak wildly. Groaning. Cold and heat seeps easily through the cracks between them in winter. Chilling her toes. And in summer the warmth of the creaking cracking house bleeds upwards.
 The walls of her bedroom are sparse but some have photo frames of embroidery or pressed flowers she’s collected over the years held neatly in small wooden frames. She has a small stool by her bed with the tapered candle lit on a brass holder. Apricot flame coming off the long drip of the Chantilly candle. Casting pools of orange up the warm-ivory-bone of the walls. A jug of dried wildflowers sat on that little stool spices up the air. Dried lavender and clary sage, wild shasta daisies and a green-pink hydrangea bulb. Her little stack of modestly worn books lay piled neatly on the floor next to her bed.
 Iris is sat at her dresser, pulled near the window. With the roaring fireplace just to her left. Above the mantel hung a gilded mirror on the chain. Candlesticks alight, set on the dresser and on the alcove of the sash window. Two candles flank the oval of the mirror she’s sat looking into.
 Mother is behind her, dressed and ready in her purple muslin gown and her white fichu. Stabbing pins into her daughters hair. Every time she sticks in another pin, Iris winces. Blinks through the stinging pain of it. She was attempting a more fashionable colonial coiffure. Easier to produce.
 “Your hair is much too thick to curl properly.” Her mother addresses her idly. Snappily. Tugging back a section back behind her ear.
 “Posy and Flora have much finer hair.” She offers.
 As ever. Iris doesn’t know what to say to that. Should she offer an apology? Should she agree? Disagree? She fails to know how to be.
 So she remains silent and watches her mother’s reflection in the looking glass as she almost crossly dresses her hair.
 Caroline Ashton was maturely beautiful woman. With skin as clear as fine porcelain - like smooth cream. Even if sporting wrinkles by her mouth and eyes belying her later age. She had hair exactly the same as Iris’s. Except her mother’s was such an opulent shade of cinnamon-black. Stroked with streaks of silver like lightning bolts had struck through. Her eyes were clear silver. Two discs of shining moonstone. Very mysterious eyes, Iris had always thought.
 Lately those eyes seemed permanently hardened over like rainstorms. Clouded over with disappointment at her eldest.
 Always wishing she could do more to see more of the love that used to linger there. Nowadays it seemed like Caroline could only look at her and see the blemishes. Only see the wrongs.
 The frown lines seemed deeper. The cutting remarks appeared more frequent. She was always telling her to sit up straighter, correcting her posture. Smoothing out the wrinkles in her dresses. Always picking. Forever finding something lacking.
 Iris likes to think she was doing it out of an abundance of love. But it’s becoming clearer and clearer to her that it’s really about the opposite. It’s not about her wanting to provide for Posy or Flora or Father.
 It’s purely selfish. It’s all about her ensuring they don’t lose any respect in the ever omnipotent eyes of society.
 If her mother thought less about their image; perhaps Iris could love her more.
 As it is. Coldness and distance lay weighty between them. Thicker and frostier than the snow outside. The ground between their geniality and affection lay strewn and twined with thick vines of barbed thorns. No way to tread such hallowed ground without drawing blood.
 “Posy and Flora have had their hair in bows all day.” She points out. She shuts her eyes and grits her teeth as another pin slams into her skull. Yanking her hair right at the roots.
 “And they’ve taken all week to fret over choosing their dresses.” Iris adds.
 She looks up to see those steel swords of mama’s eyes cutting into her in the reflection. Mouth was a grim line.
 “You should know by know what’s expected of you, Iris. And not take the matter so lightheartedly.” She warns.
 “They can take balls seriously, as real chances of finding matrimony. Why can’t you?” She asks with a cruel tone.
 “Mama. Flora and Posy haven’t taken anything seriously since they day they were born.” Iris insults plainly. Speaking truth.
 “You know they only delight in attending ball’s and assemblies because they wish to make greater spectacles of themselves in front of soldiers from the militia, and get flirted with, by any creature sporting breeches.” She adds.
 “Atleast they try.” Caroline cuts in.
 “And I do not?” Iris asks. Flatly exasperated. She huffs.
 “You only danced with three men at last months assembly. It’s simply not good enough. You must try harder. Your sisters may have prettiness and confidence in unholy abundance. And they apply it. You wither away and that will never gain you a husband. For heavens sake- What upstanding man wants to marry the silent wallflower?” She declares gruffly.
 She fiddles with her new satin gloves sloped in her lap. Her dress was ivory silk printed with frail gold flowers and embroidered scalloping on the hem.
 There’s Van Dyke pointed lacing around her neckline and the same embroidered trim on the three-quarter sleeves. White helped ‘lift’ her ash eyes apparantly. It was fresh out it’s box from the dressmakers, Madame Larousse, on Pembleton high street. Indian printed silk and Italian lace. The most expensive fabric in stock.
 Their maid, Julia, had earlier laced her stays so tightly over her cotton chemise, Iris worried she broke several ribs. Her nails stung into the wood of her bed post.
 Mother was stood getting her gown ready on the other side of the room. Watching her eldest have the breath thumped right out of her lungs. “Tighter.” She ordered. Iris clutched a hand at her stomach.
 “A man could go a long way without seeing a bust like yours Iris. We must take advantage of it.” She comments wryly. Julia tugs tighter on the strings. Iris’s jaw clenched all the more.
 By the time she’s finished her waist is tucked right in and her breasts clasped high on her chest, almost so high they hit her chin and there’s scant space between her cleavage and her areole tumbling free, this gown is so low cut.
 She tugs it up higher when mother isn’t looking. Spectacles of her fertility not quite on such prominent display now.
 She fancied this silk of it was so fine and thin - and clung so tight to her body, one breath of wind would closely reveal her wide hips. And doubtless her chemise and garters could be glimpsed through the thin sheer sheen of it.
 And here she was now, submitting to her mothers inspection and brutal torture. Laced up in her silken gown. With her best stockings, and slippers. Earlobes dropping pearls, and a head full of silver decorative pins and an ivory comb.
 Speaking of which, the latter is just being wrestled into the weave of her coiffured braided bun, at the back.
 “There...” Her mother says. Fussing with a few strays. Tucking them in where they should belong. As she picks at Iris’s mud hued hair. She idly asks her questions.
 “Will you be dancing with Armitage tonight?” She asks. Insinuated, more likely.
 Iris averts her eyes and pats the back of her hair. Checking it in the glass.
 “Will he be in attendance?” She asks offhand. As if she had no clue.
 “Of course he will. Brendol knows the Hearst’s very intimately.” Her mother shrilled.
 “You will dance the first minuet with him and I’ll hear no more fuss about the matter.” She orders. Cold eyes finding her daughters in the mirror.
 Armitage Hux was the son of a strict local army colonel. Tall, dashing, hair as brilliant as copper and eyes as cool as teal sea-foam in contrast. He was lean and willowy in stature. Always bedecked finely in his uniform. Buttons gleaming, blushing blood of a red coat brushed and pressed to within an inch of it’s life.
 He’s not a bad man - he doesn’t drink or laugh at her. Or try and fondle her in a darkened corner.
 He just strikes Iris as being incredibly vain and undeniably haughty. He thinks all the world should be owed to him. 
 He only wanted to talk medals and glory and rank. How he was a model soldier. And so admired the bravery of gunfire and glory in battle. He’d never even seen battle - his father bought him a conscription and shook hands and pulled favours to get him a high rank in the military. Sergeant Hux, he now was.
 He didn’t seem to be able to equate soldiers and uniforms and weapons with actual war or combat. But liked to boast about how deadly he was. His sharp reflexes. His skill as a swordsman and marksman. Iris felt like stuffing cotton in her ears - or sticking her eyes with pins all night - anything but listen to Armitage spew out his toy soldier reveries.
 “He is a very agreeable man. You would do well to land him, Iris. He would make a most affable husband and a good match.”
 “I barely know him, Mama.” Iris pointed out.
 “You don’t need to know him. That is no hindrance to a proposal of marriage.” She says crossly. “You need not know your husband. You merely have to do your wifely duties by him.” She reminds.
 My duty of keeping my mouth shut and my legs and womb wide open, Iris thinks.
 “I thought I heard he was courting Mary Simpson?” Iris pipes up. Uncurling two tendrils of delicate hair from in front of her ears.
 “She has barely a thousand pounds a year. Brendol would never stand for him marrying such a girl.” Caroline declares mightily. Speaking in derision of the girl who was beneath them in every sense.
 “Besides. Lord Hearst says there will apparently be a very rich gentleman from the continent in attendance tonight too. A Lord Ren, from Bavaria. It would do well to seek him out.”
 “Every matronly mama worth her salt will be throwing their daughters in his path. I do hope he doesn’t trip on the sheer number of them crushed underfoot.” Iris says lightly. Pulling on her gloves.
 “And if he is a Lord, why has he deigned in all his lofty power to grace us with his presence, and to come to a small county rather than go to vastly over stocked marriage mart in London?” Iris questions.
 “Don’t be so blockish, Iris. Maybe he has business here to attend. Mrs Wilson told me this morning that he’s bought Hellford Park out in its entirety. Now that takes an extraordinary fortune.” She corrects.
 Iris looks directly at her mother. She spies the gleam of want in her eyes. The hunger that such a sum she could snatch up in her hands.
 “Lord’s marry Heiresses to sugar mills who are poised for ten thousand pounds, or widowed old Duchesses with vast crumbling estates. Why would he in his lofty state and means, lower himself to wed a girl of simple country gentry, with a barely three thousand pound dowry?” Iris sarks.
 Mama gives her a pointed look. Like a ream of needles pressing in her skin.
 “Then you will make a even better spectacle in front of him. And show him how elegant and courteous country girls can be and see if you can’t win him over that way.” She insists direly. As if she were plotting a serious military offensive.
 “If he is a Lord, he will be titled. Titled means landed money and dignity.” Her hair is yanked yet again. “He could well be the answer to all our prayers.”
 Your prayers, Iris points out rudely inside her head.
 “He could be a hideous old letch.” Iris says, rightly.
 Mother stabs one final pin into her head. As if in revenge. “Looks aren’t everything- Money. Station, and respect? That is forever enduring.”
 So are things like love, intimacy, friendship and happiness. Those things endure too. But Iris can’t imagine her acerbic mother has ever felt happy or loved a day in her life; she likes to think her marriage, when it comes, shall be different.
 She ends the conversation on that dazzling note. Iris’s scalp is on sore-fire by now.
 The door opposite them creaks as it’s burst open. Impending footsteps barrelling down the creaking floorboards of the corridor shortly before signalled their arrival. Flora and Posy.
 Fully gowned and gloved and perfumed to high heaven, with their hair pulled in elaborate coiffures on their heads. They had perfect curls. Perfect flounces and ruffles on their dresses. Cheeks a healthy pink. Eyes wild bright with excitement.
 They look like blooming silk roses in a summer garden. Iris feels more and more like a singed daisy in her own gown.
 Flora was dressed in a cobalt muslin, with a roller print of dandelions laid in pinstripes down the fabric. Posy was in a demure blush pink cotton. With lace trim tumbling over the neckline. And Iris sees she wins the honour of wearing the rose silk slippers. Flora is in some ivory ones that have seen more mends and fixes than is earthly possible. For silk slippers didn’t come cheap.
 Both her sisters have much lighter colouring; they both still have the chowder grey Ashton eyes.
 Flora’s hair however, is darkly mousy brown. Golden like toffee leaves that come off the trees in autumn. Posy is far more chestnut red. Blazing bonfires and russet red embers. Overall more enchanting than that of Iris twigs and sticky-mud hued locks.
 They are a barrage of noise and silliness as they barge into Iris’s room. Flora flops onto the end of the well made bed and Posy nosily inspects herself in the looking glass over the fireplace. Preening. Voices overlapping.
 “Mama! Did I tell you what Fleur told me earlier today?” Posy insists. Flora speaks louder over her, in order to be heard.
 “Mama....Have you seen my pink silk shawl for I’m sure I left it in the drawing room.”
 “I haven’t seen your shawl, Flora. You should take better care. And what did Fleur say, my dear?” Caroline asks in a soft voice.
 Whilst fixing strayed hairs at Iris’s nape. Pulling and pinching. She had no softness reserved in store for Iris. She rather wants to roll her eyes at that.
 “There will be a gentleman of certain lordly magnificence at the ball tonight.” Posy sing-songs. Aiming her teasing words at Iris. Who gives her a cutting look at her bubbly behaviour. Steel daggers made of her grey eyes.
 “He’s said to be most handsome, sable haired, and devilishly tall. And he’s single. And Lord Hearst says he’s a recluse who barely leaves his castle, so we’re very honoured he’s coming and he has eighty-thousand a year.” She awards with great enthusiasm. Flora giggles.
 “Maybe you should set your cap at him, Iris.” Flora jabs teasingly. “We could all be vastly improved by such a match you know. I could finally stop wearing these hideous thin old slippers.”
 Iris wished to point out that she wasn’t being induced into matrimony merely to vastly improve the quality and state of her siblings footwear.
 And quite wondered if he sister knew all that she’d have to undertake in making such a match - all she’d have to give up to be some man’s wife. All she’d have to do-
 “She won’t. For she’s already got a suitor whose madly in love with her.” Posy insists.
 “Hux is not in love with me, Posy. Don’t be ridiculous.” Iris says. For starters she wasn’t his red uniform or his army commission. Those were the things he was resolutely enamoured with.
 Standing from the dresser as she speaks, and going to where her new slippers were laid out by the maid on the bed. Flora eyes the silk things with jealous disdain. Iris fixes her satin gloves up over her elbows. Disappearing under her sleeves. Mother is too busy fussing with Posy’s neckline - tugging it up to cover more of her second youngest’s chest. She protested so at the action.
 Iris took the opportunity to slide a small pearl hair comb into Flora’s hand. Her favourite one. The one with coral flowers and paste amber gems on it.
 Iris flickers a look over the mother and a silent understanding passes between the sisters. ‘Put it in, in the coach in the dark. So she doesn’t see.’
 Flora smiles awfully wide up at her sister. Grateful that she shared out her pretty things. Flora was the youngest - the youngest daughter deserved nice trinkets too.
 “If you’re all ready we’d best be off soon. The roads are icy. It will take an age. I won’t have us be late.” Mama orders out to all her girls.
 She turns her head to Iris “Fetch your things and the velvet cloak. And for heavens sake don’t be long. We don’t have all night.” She frets.
 Marching out the room after rearranging some of Posy’s curls. Barking at Flora as she passed to fix the wrinkle in her gloves. The door grated and whines as she shuts it, lock rattling in the frame.
 Iris savours the silence - the crackling of the fire. The owl hooting off in the tree tops outside her window. She lets it soothe her. Let’s out the deepest sigh as they’re now left alone.
 She crosses to her wooden wardrobe cabinet by the door, and opens the door to search for her blue velvet cloak. She throws it around her shoulders and ties it up. Posy hands her sister her cream silk reticule.
 “She just wants you to marry well.” Posy says with some attempt at comforting.
 Iris nods, glumly stroking her sisters hand in thanks. Looking into her earnest young face. Still so full of innocence and hope.
 Her heart shaped little face so full of impish naivety.
 “She might do not to make me feel exclusively like a breeding mare to be sold to the highest bidder for marriage at every conceivable turn.” Iris says wryly.
 Angrily shoving a meagre few possessions into her reticule from her dresser. She looks down at her empty dance card that mother would see absolutely filled with names by the end of the night.
 She wipes away an angry tear from the corner of her eye with a handkerchief that Flora gives her. Her anger crowded and crackled the room. These two didn’t deserve her ire, after all.
 She sighs yet again. Letting the churning anger eating at her bleed out. Frustration filtering away. She plasters on a smile. Posy steps forwards to her exasperated sister.
 “Can I borrow your diamond droplet earrings? They’d go very well with my dress...” She asks coyly. With her hands behind her back.
 Iris rolls her eyes. Maybe they did deserve just a little bit of ire after all-
 “You are both enormous pests.” She says. Guiding them out her room.
 “Come on. Lest we hold mother up and I don’t much fancy our chances then.”
 She corrals her pests of sisters downstairs. Makes sure they too are cloaked and ready. They have their gloves and she does uncurl Posy’s palm as they’re heading out the door, dropping the diamond and earrings into them. They sparkle in the moonlight.
 “Lose them and mother will have your head.” She whispers to her in caution as they alight the warmth of the house into the cold sting of the night air.
 Snow crushed under their slippers as they make for the coach. Slipping to step up inside the cold wooden enclave of it. Rubbing their cold hands together to create some heat.
 It was just the Ashton ladies in attendance tonight. Father cared little for balls. Something mother sniped at him for regularly. Ernest Ashton would far rather stay home of a night with his ledgers and his books and his brandy than subject himself to the silly gossip and frivolity of idiotic society people present at balls.
 Her father was a tall, quiet man. Sturdy and aged as an old oak. Strong and strapping figure even in his later years. He quietly took interest in the world where her mothers inclination was to devour it.
 He had an open broad face. With tame blue eyes and thick greying hair. He was a studious man. Often kept to his study or the gardens. He enjoyed his ornithology and his Entomology books. He collected butterflies. All pinned out in cases in his study. Lining the walls.
 It was a place she found infinite comfort in. Wandering into her fathers study. His entomology collection like dots of silken colour in their cases. Old leather books and volumes and manuscripts. Edifying proud in their papery silence. The old wood of his desk worn by years and years. The smell of the study. Of old leather and pipe tobacco. And peppermints from the little jar he kept on his desk.
 He didn’t press Iris in the same way her mother always prevails to do. But then she sees the frayed gems and worn and mended holes in his clothes. The faded material in his waistcoat. How he hasn’t bought himself new shoes in two years.
 That’s how she can put up with every snipe and every cross word that spits out her mothers mouth.
 Iris sometimes quite wondered how her parents ever stood each other for any length of time to bear any children. They were entirely separate people whose interests did not align. They agreed on very little. And settled for that.
 It’s so cold in the coach they can see their breath as they bump and shift along the icy roads. Trees make terrible dark shapes in the near distance, beyond the frosted glass of the coach door window. Iris sits, peering out. Watching the full bowl of the moon slither white off the silver and black landscape. Off the snowy fields and perched on the roofs of the hamlet of houses they pass by.
 The carriage crawls slow up the winding drive of the Hearst’s three acre estate. Horses hooves hitting the hard paved path. Clopping in the night air. Skipping over the frost. They’re but mere minutes from exiting the coach, when mother decides to speak up and issue a few last desperate words of strict orders upon her eldest;
 “Take every opportunity Iris. I won’t have it said in the gossip sheets tomorrow that you didn’t even try.” Caroline insists. Fussing with her own thick muslin cloak draped over her lap.
 Iris looked at her mother then. Across the dark carriage as she tuts at the specks of lint sullying Flora’s cloak where she’s sat next to her. Picking it away.
 She strongly suspected Caroline Ashton could have the whole world in her palm or on a string; and even then she’d find fault in it. Pluck displeasing bits of it out like loose threads.
 She has that irate frown darkening her features. Cloudy set in her eyes. Posy’s little gloved hand reached across and held her sisters tight. Squeezing it in comfort sat there in the dark. Iris turns and looks to see Posy’s heart shaped face beaming up at her.
 “You should let us introduce you to Captain Clifford’s friends Iris. They really are the most splendid fun. I’ve heard many of them say they quite fancy you, you know.” Posy grins. Whispering hushed to her sister to keep her spirits buoyant.
 Iris strokes her hand and she can’t help smiling. More at her always sunny hopes. How bright her outlook on life was. She saw ball’s for the fun they were meant to be.
 A dance, a party, a celebration.
 Posy wasn’t yet tarnished by the knowledge that her hopes for future happiness depended on her behaving well and taking things seriously. It stopped being fun and became a chore. Iris lost her starry eyed wonder about ball’s years ago.
 She hoped she could help Posy keep her gleaming eyed wonder and fun for just that bit longer. She would suffer every second of misery to keep it that way if she must.
 She squeezes her hand back. “Thankyou. That’s very sweet. But I fear I shall be otherwise engaged in dances.” She excuses.
 Besides, most of the young Militia men she met were very wet behind the ears. And all madly enamoured with exhausting dances and infatuated with every beautiful young lady in attendance. Declaring they fell head over heels with every girl they so much as walk past. She finds their overeagerness and exuberance a little trying.
 Before long, they draw up the grand old stone columns abutting the front of the huge house.
 An immense hulking beast of a thing. Lit with autumn-blaze torches in the night. The coach lurches to a creaking uneven stop. Jolting. And a helpful gold liveried footman in a powdered wig steps to and opens the door to help the ladies out.
 Caroline doesn’t even glance at the man. Looks right through him. Flora flutters a flirty smile. Posy and Iris offer a polite snippet of thanks.
 The Ashton ladies make their way up the torch lit steps and into the greatly heaving bustling foyer of the Hearst’s grand house.
 Renford Manor was one of the finest houses in the county. The gardens were splendid. There was a maze and a famed marble garden gazebo.
 A great split imperial staircase opens into the large cool foyer. All ivory marble. Hues of Eggshell and ice. Imposing, echoing and cold. Footsteps rattle like claps up to the ceiling. Distant notes of the small orchestra float through the air like zipping flapping insects.
 Everything glimmers. The chandeliers that drip with gold and crystal. The old pearl and sharp onyx pointed tiles on the floor look like they’ve been scrubbed raw. They gleam almost too brightly.
 They hand over their cloaks to more footmen to be put away. Letting their ball gown splendour come forth. Iris is almost crushed by the amount of people there are in attendance here tonight. Lady Hearst was known to stuff her parties to the seams. The whole county, and all of the two neighbouring ones, had most likely been invited.
 Mama encourages them all up the staircase. Idly smiling greetings in passing to her matrons of her acquaintance. Iris skims one hand along the smooth cold of the marble banister. Holding her skirts up as her slippered feet hit each step. Steps firm and steady.
 They come to one of the big main ballrooms. Looking through the scope of many double doors, leading onto another room and the next and the next furniture pushed aside. There was such a crush of so many ladies and numerous gentlemen packed in. Coats of all colours on the men. The spectrum of silks and cotton dresses so vast, it quite made her head spin.
 Flora excitedly giggles and slips away. A flurry of laughter erupts and she joins hands with a little gaggle of her more intimate friends.
 Iris raises a brow at her behaviour, not surprised to see that she caught a glimpse of a fair few red coated members of the militia in that particular direction. Mother huffs and gruffly tells Flora, through gritted teeth, not to linger too long.
 Iris and Posy linger by mother as they chat to an elderly companion. Mrs Bishop. An ever worrying woman, Who ventured the world was going to end if there was slightly too much rain. She was practically apoplectic about the snow. Iris shares a look of pain with Posy. Who excuses herself with a bob of a curtesy to go find Flora.
 “Pest.” Iris smiles at her as she slips away from conversing will dull matrons about the impending end of civilisation and the earth as they knew it. Anymore and Iris will be forced to rush for  a vinaigrette of smelling salts to revive the poor dear when she swoons.
 Iris stands with her hands folded demurely in front of her. Her eyes wandering over the party in full swing behind her.
 The crush of noise, music and heat and bodies. Candies flicker doomed shapes copper and black up the light walls. The tall windows are guarded with heavy emerald draperies. Cascading waterfalls of apple green. Spilling and tumbling like grassy hills.
 The windows glimmer like yellow square gemstones from the candles in their stands dotted everywhere. The dark floorboards glow with it too. Patches of orange inbetween the shadows.
 The ballrooms, of which there were three, all adjoined by French pocket doors, are kept fairly dark. Lit only by the honey slither of candles reaching apricot slithers of light at every corner. People chatter and laugh to the din of a faint violin chorus of Mozart.
 Laughter, Baritone gruff and the sparkling light of ladies chuckling delight flutters up to the ceiling. The room seems to burst at the seams with it all. Like a room full of butterflies. The heat, the noise, the voices and music. It was almost too much. Everything is palpable and it stings and rips at her eyes and ears.
 They eventually depart from the hysterical Mrs Bishop. Leaving her fanning herself on a settee. Trying not to succumb to a fit of the vapours.
 They make their way through the ballroom. Chatting and conversing and being mangled in the almost too heaving crowds. She loses count of the amount of times her toes get stepped on. Or elbows sharply prodded into the soft of her back as people pass.
 Eventually; much to her mother’s delight, Iris is propositioned by a young gentleman from the militia, into a dance. There seemed to be no sight of Hux yet. Much to Mama’s chagrin.
 He’s very polite and puppyish, delivers her safely back to her mothers side when the polka dance is through. Kisses her hand, declares her daughter a fine dancer, then is off onto the next partner.
 They are lingering on the far side of the dance floor, just idly watching. In full view of the doors and the adjacent ballroom. Through the two sets of double doors either side of a great roaring stone fireplace. It’s light casting copper over every dancer.
 “We won’t waste our time on him.” Mother harrumphed when he leaves. Looking with disdain as they watched him ask Primrose Charleston to dance the next.
 “Mama. It was merely a dance.” Iris points out with a futile smile. “Don’t tell me you were picking out wedding attire and embroidered initial pillowcases.” Iris mocks.
 That earns her a sharp look. She smiles in forbearance right back at her mother.
 Her cheeks now pinkened and her eyes bright from the exercise. She likes dancing. When her partner isn’t a clumsy one, or reeks of port or body odour, or wine, or has wandering letching hands. It’s actually rather enjoyable.
 “We should be setting our sights rather more higher than some penniless officer.” She insists. Watching the couples twirl and sway in front of them.
 “Heaven forfend I dance with a man sheerly for the joy of it.” Iris concludes.
 Caroline tuts in exasperation. Mumbles under her breath. “You do so vex me greatly sometimes, Iris. Even worse than your sisters.” She grumps.
 Deep down inside, Iris is a little proud of that accomplishment.
 A flurry of footsteps and squeaking squeals and suddenly Flora and Posy burst into view where Iris and her mother are stood.
 Their voices are high pitched and they’re panting with excitement. Flora slings her hands into Iris’s and twirls her around with elation. Iris stumbles in the circle Flora leads her in. Posy is stood by Caroline grinning up a storm.
 “Mama, Iris. He’s here! He’s here and he’s coming this way!” Posy giggles. Iris and her mother remain perplexed.
 “Who is, my dear?” Caroline seeks. Frowning a little.
 “He is surely the most handsome man I ever seen. And so tall. Did you see him Flora? That chest...” Posy flatters.
 “Taller than any man I’ve ever met. And so well built. Such stature.” Flora says back.
 “And he has dark eyes, Did you notice?” Posy asks.
 “Of course I noticed! Very dark eyes. They are positively enchanting.”
 “Bewitching.” Posy giggles.
 “And his shoulders in his coat. So large.”
 “For goodness sake, lower your voice-“ Iris chides at the both of them, glancing around the ballroom. Trying to decipher who they were so flustered and flapping about.
 Her eyes don’t make it past the door-
 The room seems to have slowed. The dancers are distracted. People around the fringes of the ballroom chatter louder. Deafening din rising. Gossip flourishing.
 For Lord Hearst is at the entrance of one of the double doors, conversing with someone, and that someone walking by his side, is one of the broadest and most strapping men Iris has ever seen in her whole life.
 He wasn’t just a man.
 He was entirely too much, man.
 “That’s Lord Ren. The handsomely rich one all the way from Bavaria.” Flora hisses to them all. “I’ve never seen a gentleman more strongly built, or beautiful.” She giggles loudly.
 “I beg of you, lower your voice.” Iris chides. Pearl earrings jitter as she moves her head. Ash eyes governed by lintels of her brows creased up in a light frown.
 Everyone’s eyes in this small stale society, is fixed solid upon the sight of this newcomer. Hungrily devouring this unfamiliar brooding man.
 Obsidian jacket. Snowy shirt. Scarlet cravat like a bloodied noose around his neck, with a seers eye of a winking diamond pin studded in the knot. He radiates charm and magnificence. And masculine appeal.
 “He’s in mourning to be wearing such dark colours.” Mother presumes. “How unusual for a man.”
 “Don’t fret, Mama. Lady Hearst assures me he’s most certainly single. Now, Iris might have her chance at him after all...” Posy cackles.
 Iris rams an elbow into the bony cradle of her sisters petite hip.
 “Do try and endeavour to behave.” She chides to Posy. Whispering harshly.
 This mysterious Lord is unfashionably attired in all black. Perhaps he is in a state of mourning? Ink black breeches cling tight to his strong thighs and wide wide hips and shining boots come to his knees - the wrong sort of footwear for a ball but he doesn’t appear to notice. Or even care.
 He had an air about him that couldn’t be ignored. The dark clothes. Sable hair. It was long too. Far too long by societal standards. It curled at his neck. Swept in tumbling waves back from his face.
 He’s scanning the room like he hates everything and everyone in it. A soured scowl on his face. The softness of his full lips are pursed and there’s a predatory quality to the way his eyes flicker around the crowds. He seems above it all. Distant. Untouchable. He was a Lord - he held himself superior as one as if a different species.
 “Fleur told me he’s quite the scandalous man....” Flora begins.
 “I heard he was married. Once before, but she turned mad and killed several servants. So he locked her in the dungeons and she’s still here raking her fingers to the bone at the stone walls to get out.”
 Iris wants to roll her eyes. Now it’s Posy’s turn for interjection;
  “And I heard that his castle is haunted and full of ghosts. And he seduces young noble women and then sacrifices and feeds them to the devil. Maybe he’s prowling for next victim?” She gasps frenziedly.
 “You two need to stay clear away from anymore novels.” Iris scoffs.
 She lets her eyes slip back over this Lord’s frightening exterior. She focuses on the dark pits that were his eyes. They seemed oddly familiar. As if she’s glimpsed them before. In a fanciful daydream, maybe- or maybe it was a dreadful nightmare.
 They’re too far away to make out their true colour. But it must be a truly dark for the way they eat up all the light and glitter like rough cut gemstones lost to shadow.
 His arms folded behind his back pulls his coat right across his chest. Exposes the musculature of him: he is big and beastly. There was no denying; his figure is redoubtably masculine. Intimidating and strong- meaty arms, no tapering away at his waist. He was entirely built of great slabs of muscles.
 A warriors figure through and through.
 Iris thought that such a body frame belonged in a previous age. A more ravening one. A cutthroat one. That stature was suited to a gigantic rampaging viking or a crusading knight in steel armour.
 Quite why she thought so she can’t fathom. That big shape of his seemed unsuited to the setting of a dainty English ballroom. It seemed more natural for him to be on a battlefield slicked up and splattered in the blood of his enemy’s.
 She watches as he boredly sizes up the room before him. An arcing sweep of his eyes and he’s done with it. Thrown aside all interest. Devouring all pitiful excuses for life. As if he’s looking or searching for something...
 Then he looks right at her-
 His eyes spear directly into her. See’s her. Meets her grey gaze and keeps it. Steals it away beyond her reckoning.
 One side of his lip curls up. His eyes churn to look nearly honey gold in the light. Trick of the mind. All in her head. It was surely just the candles malforming the shade-
 But it seemed more than him just seeing her. It was as if he could gaze right through her. Pierce her skin. Puncturing her very soul - she’s sure.
 Her whole body feels his looking at her. She thrashes and aches.
 If she has one. Some flimsy scrap of quivering human spirit in her, it is quaking and trembling now, and very much intoxicated by this man.
 Her cheeks flush and she feels that betraying annoying heat slither down her neck and flourish at her breast. She swallows and blinks and tears her eyes away. She looks at her shoes cause she’s suddenly got a spinning head and her mouth is woolly.
 That look and those savage eyes had set a flame blazing right down to her bones. There’s something she feels deep down that almost seems strange. Uncertain yet resolute. A tug on her stomach. An unknown yearning.
 She realises quickly that this was the same pair of eyes that stole her breath this very afternoon. The gentleman from the imposing black carriage. Twice now she’s locked eyes with him and stared.
 He must think her either a raving simpleton or a gawping lunatic.
 “Iris. I do believe he’s staring at you.” Posy hisses with a wide impressed smile.
 “Oh he is! He’s definitely staring.” Flora squeals. Tugging and shaking her sisters hand.
 “Iris. Stand straight. Stop stooping. Chin up for heavens sake- look decent.“ Mother shrills through a gritted smile. Smiling demurely in the intended direction of Lord Ren. Preening herself like a flustered hen.
 Iris dares another look up. Clasping her hands together delicately in front of her. At the front of her skirts. Him and Lord Hearst are mere feet away now.
 “He’s coming this way! Mama! He’s coming over...” Posy grins. Flora laughs with her.
 By now, Iris’s heart resembles a mad creature clawing at its cage, desperate to be free. Thumping and thudding her neck. Quivering nervous breaths leave her lips. Heartbeat hammering and pulsing in her ears.
 He’s looking at Posy or Flora, she thinks. He must be. They always draw men like magnets. He’s not looking at me- he’s not. Really. He’s not-
 They are closer now. Lord Hearst and Lord Ren are mere metres away. The entire room seems to be holding its breath. Another dance starts up and she’s glad for that distraction.
 Her cheeks remained flushed and she raises her eyes when the air shifts around them. She can scent the brandy and violet water coming off Lord Hearst. There is his stout waistcoat and his perfumed wig. Lord Ren appears unscented. But a fusion of aromas simply pour off his vast body.
 Sandalwood oil. Probably used on that thick rakish mane of his. There’s something else too, something earthy darkly rich, that mingles with the musky new wool of his coat. Peppermint or spices. She can’t tell. It’s damnably distracting.
 “Praise the lord in heaven. We are saved.” Her mother mumbles gladly under her breath. Smile wide and gentle. Artificial and superficial to hide her truer nature.
 Lord Hearst and Lord Ren are right before them now. Right in front of them. “Mrs Ashton.” Lord Hearst begins in greeting. Iris watches her Mama curtesy politely to the old lord.
 “Might I have the pleasure of introducing you to Lord Ren. An old acquaintance of mine...”
 Iris looks from the doddery old form of the red faced Lord Hearst, up and up up, into the face of the dark stranger. The top of her head would barely come to brush at his collarbones. His eyes are still fixed on her face. A shock jolts through her like she’s been burned.
 “Lord Ren, this is Mrs Caroline Ashton. And her daughters. Miss Posy Ashton. And Miss Flora Ashton...” Lord Hearst introduces. Flora and Posy bob demure little curtseys at him. Bowing their heads and smiling prettily like fools.
 He barely glances toward them. His eyes were fixed on Iris.
 “And this is her eldest daughter, Miss Iris Ashton.” Lord Hearst beckons to her. Stood back behind her two sisters, and almost guarded by her mother.
 She curtseys. Chin to her chest and she bows her neck in a manner she hopes comes across as graceful.
 Lord Ren smiles. It’s terrifying in its power and beauty.
 It moves the corners of his lips. And he comes in a step closer. Advancing.
 Posy and Flora flatten back a little. When one hand comes around from his back, Iris could see he had thick leather gloves on. As if entranced she reached out where his hand beckoned to hold hers.
 She slipped her satin gloved hand into his big offered dark palm. It sits right in the middle of the wide thing. So dainty in comparison.
 He brings her silken hand up. Bows down and lays a kind kiss to the back of it. His eyes hadn’t left her since he entered the room - they didn’t start shying away now.
 This is a man who is not shy. Not any bit of him.
 He draws her hand down, very slightly. Freeing his lips.
 “Enchanting to meet you, Miss Ashton.” He says.
 Iris never knew a voice could be so deep. His voice sunk right to the core of her. Right through flesh and bone. Sinking deep. She’d expected a Bavarian accent. Or a continental lilt. But his accent is precise, crystal-cut English.
 She blinks. Remembering she had a verbose vocabulary to make use of.
 “It’s an honour to make your acquaintance, Lord Ren.” She gasps out with some hint of strength in her voice. When she lets her hand slips from his, her body feels strange. Her whole arm is left tingling.
 She finds herself sighing as she pulls her hand back. He straightens his back with ease. She knows her mothers eyes are looking sharply at her so she remembers her politesse.
 She feels like the whole world is watching them converse.
 “Are you, enjoying... your time in England?” She seeks. “I understand you are recently arrived.”
 “Very much.” He looks amused. “I haven’t been on these shores in- quite an age.” He says. She can’t help but feel there is something cryptic to his meaning.
 “Do you mean to stay long, in Hampshire, your lordship?” Flora asks. Batting her long lashes up at him so much she could fan out a chandelier of candles if she’s not careful.
 His eyes calmly flick across to the smallest Ashton sister. But linger back on Iris.
 “Not long. But after tonight I think I’ve found sufficient reason to extend my stay.” His smile twitches smoothly once again.
 “Are you enjoying Hellford Park, your lordship? Surely it is the finest house in the county, is it not?” Posy enquires.
 Another flicker of those charcoal eyes to the other little Ashton. Really, there were too deuced many of them, Kylo thinks.
 “It is an immaculate house. The snowy woods are very pleasant this time of year.” He agrees.
 “Of course. The climates in Bavaria are surely similar. I imagine there is much snow on your own estate, your lordship?” Iris asks.
 He seems pleased with her interjection. As if she were the only soul whose voice he wished to hear.
 When he looked at her, it was like they were the only two people in this room. The only two that mattered. It’s just them, in the candlelight, cast by flame. As if no pairs of eyes are watching - when in reality there are hundreds looking in. 
 “Indeed. The summers are short, and the winters are long and frigid. I am somewhat familiar with the clime of snow. It falls more gently here than in Bavaria.” His eyes glare warmly across at her. Increasing her blush.
 Caroline steps in with a saccharine smile that showed far too much teeth. A leer it could rightly be called.
 “You must come and dine with us at Westwell, Lord Ren. We would be honoured to receive you. We can promise you an elegant dinner service, and cards. Why we dine with six and twenty great and fine families around the county. We would be very much favoured with your visit. I wager you won’t get finer, prettier companions or better conversation elsewhere...” Mother boasts.
 He smiles right at Iris and it spears into her hot chest like an iron poker stoked too long in the fire. Red hot.
 “Indeed. I Thankyou greatly for the invitation. Madam.” Then his eyes grow blacker. “You have very fine daughters. God has blessed you three times over.”
 Flora giggles a beaming smile. Posy bats her lashes and grins. Iris fiddles with her hands and examines the floorboards, reddening at his charm.
 “I often think so, myself.” Mother preens.
 “Of course all my girls are immensely beautiful. But, it is my Iris who is revered around these parts as a local beauty.” She lies.
 “Mama.” Iris blushes crimson. Averting her eyes.
 “A rumour well circulated indeed.” Kylo’s looking at her. And to her amazement. She bravely looks back.
 “And she deserves every such compliment I can bestow.” Kylo adds.
 “You are too kind, Lord Ren.” Iris smiles slightly at him. It makes his chest pound harder. Watching her bosom heave at the neckline of her dress.
 His mouth waters. That same scent from this afternoon hits him square in the jaw like a rounded fist. He all but moans at the erotic pleasure of it. Of her sweet scent drifting up his nose. Stoking at his eager hunger.
 He will tear something apart tonight, rip it limb from limb, and glut himself on that sweet penny-metal flush of blood spilling down his parched throat. And as he does- as he feasts and drinks and crimson drips from his maw, he will think of this moment; of her aroused scent tangled in his nose. Stirring his own lust to boiling point.
 He bids the Misses and Mrs Ashton’s a goodnight.
 Lord Hearst had more introductions for him to make. More simpering sickening people to meet. All the same. Savagely polite and viciously boring. Their superficial kindness and flattery turns his stomach.
 A bevy of swans the lot of them. Preening and pathetic. He could barely hide his disgust at the stench of rotten perfume that beat off each one of their hot pulsing throats. All the vapid girls that desperate Mother’s shoved in his chest to make introductions.
 It was like the sheep throwing their own sweet little lambs out into the slobbering wolves.
If this were a less guarded age he might have already slipped away under guise of a romantic tryst in the garden, to drink a few of them dry.
 Posy and Flora squeak and shake Iris’s arm after he passes. He is led around the ballroom, that great vast man. Introduced to all the good and the great. They gabble and squawk at their sister about how she’ll be the next Lady of Hellford Park.
 She shushes them and sees it makes Lord Ren lock eyes with her from over where he towered loftily across the ballroom crowds.
 Her heart starts beating wild again. A demure smile and she takes her eyes away elsewhere. And that heartbeat calls out to him like the pound of a war drum. A bell summoning him to worship.
 Oh yes. He thinks. She is the one.
  And she’ll do splendidly.
 ~ ~ 🥀 ~ ~
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fatesdeepdive · 3 years
Entry 14: Groans of Increasing Discomfort
Heading back to the castle, it seems I’ve accumulated a ton of new buildings to buy. I can buy a statue of Mozu which probably costed more than her entire village, a ballista and shuriken launcher to use in castle battles, a bunch of puppets to give me nightmares (they fight for you in castle battles too I guess), a shop to buy new units (both generics and clones of the soldiers I already have), and a hot spring. Because fanservice. You can run into other units in there, everyone is in their underwear and blushing, half of the decisions that were made in this game’s development were solely for the sake of horniness, yada yada yada. I actually tried to leave and the game stopped me, because Sakura was showing up and it’s necessary to get that bath time with the teenage girl. The hot springs does have a use, admittedly, but it won’t become apparent for a few chapters.
Support: Lady Corrin/Reina
C: Corrin sees Reina talking to an old man and asks her about it. Reina explains that he reminds her of her parents, who cut her out of their life when she became a soldier. And also, apparently, don’t give a shit about her being the personal retainer to the goddamn Queen. Actually, wait, hold on. Where the hell was Reina when Mikoto got blown up? You know what? Her parents should be ashamed of her, she’s a terrible bodyguard.
B: Corrin tells Reina she should visit her parents. Which makes sense; Corrin points out that she’s an orphan and wishes for any relationship with a parent, no matter how strained. Reina tells Corrin that she became a soldier because she really, really, really likes killing people. Corrin volunteers to find out how Reina’s parents are doing.
A: Corrin tells Reina that her parents are doing fine. Reina retcons the last conversation by revealing that she became a soldier to protect her family’s peasants. Nowadays, though, it’s all about that murder.
Review: This one was fine. Corrin wanting to help Reina is a nice bit of characterization, but there isn’t much more to say about this one.
Now, you may be wondering why I referred to Corrin as Lady Corrin in the last bit. Reina actually has completely different supports depending on Corrin’s sex. Most characters have identical supports with Corrin, or if not that just minor dialogue changes (For example, Camilla and Laslow, off the top of my head). But characters like Reina, who can only support Corrin, get two conversations. I suppose it’s for the best, considering those characters would otherwise be incredibly out of focus as opposed to merely extremely out of focus.
Support: Lord Corrin/Reina
C: Corrin sees Reina carrying an apron, which weirds him out, because of the whole murder hobo thing.
B: Reina reveals her sheltered noblewoman housewife in training turned soldier backstory and says that the apron was a gift from her parents before they cut her out.
A: Reina says that her parents cried when she became a knight and that she keeps the apron out of gratitude for them.
S: Corrin, off screen, goes back to Hoshido to talk to Reina’s parents. Apparently they’re proud of her. And he asked to marry her, which she accepts, because she cannot imagine life without him. Apparently.
Review: So, these are kinda the same support? I mean, the actual words are different, but they cover the same information. It’s weird that they were split into two conversations. Whatever. The second one is better, because it gives this really fun characterization of Reina being a friendly team mom when she isn’t stabbing people so she can hear them gasp their last breaths. Also, it resolves the plotline. On the other hand, the S-Rank is really mediocre. Reina saying she relies on Corrin daily is ridiculous, given what we’ve seen. Overall, the problem with Reina is that she just has these two conversations. And one with Kanna, I guess, but that one is recycled from other characters. If Reina was a more fleshed out character that interacted with other characters, she might work as a character. But, as it stands, all she has is her recruitment and two mediocre supports.
Support: Hinata/Takumi
C: Hinata kicks down the door to Takumi’s room so he can tell him that he’s going to start a fighting tournament so he can beat people up.
B: Hinata beats people up.
A: Hinata reveals that he’s beating people up to cheer up Takumi, because Takumi looks happy when he cheers him on. I feel like he could have, I don’t know, asked Takumi how to cheer him up in advance instead of just assuming and doing something he said he didn’t want, but whatever. The two bond over Hinata beating people up.
Review: I think this one helped me hone in on why a lot of Fire Emblem supports don’t work. Supports are, by their very nature, just dialogue. So, when you get a support like this, that relies heavily on something happening, it ends up as telling not showing. That’s why the best supports rely on dialogue rather than explain something that happened off screen.
Support: Kagero/Saizo
C: Kagero and Saizo get into an argument over how to train royal guards, with Kagero pointing out that Saizo’s hard as nails “be ready to die for the monarchy” speech just stressed people out. Saizo blames the new recruits for being inexperienced.
B: Saizo endangers the life of his men to succeed on a mission and Kagero calls him out on it. Saizo points out that victory requires sacrifice and war is unforgiving. The two of them point out that they’ve had this exact argument again and again, and it’s the reason they broke up when they were dating.
A: Kagero and Saizo win a big battle together and admit that they work well together.
S: Saizo points out that their relationship failed because they kept trying to change each other and forgot that they loved each other. The two of them decide to give it another shot.
Review: This one has a much more solemn and reserved tone than most supports, which helps it stand out. It isn’t great, but it has a good tone and I actually don’t dislike Saizo and Kagero as a couple. Them being a flawed couple that broke up over their differences, then trying it again after maturing and becoming more rounded people is a lot more realistic than most relationships in this game.
Birthright Chapter 12: Dark Reunion
The gang arrives in Cyrkensia, a city in Nestra, a country that I forgot existed because this is the only part of the game where it is mentioned. Cyrkensia is a popular vacation spot with a big opera house that appeared in the intro.
A kitsune named Kaden goes up to the party and explains that he’s in town to repay a favor to someone. This introduction feels like when you introduce a new player halfway through a D&D campaign and they quickly explain their deal after walking up to the party.
Kaden introduces his friend Layla, who explains that she’s a singer at the opera house, but can’t perform tonight because her mother is dying. Also she’s singing for King Garon, the evil king who is on vacation a week after starting a brutal war. Azura volunteers to perform in Layla’s steed so the party can do some patricide. Now, you may be thinking, did the game do the stupid trope of having Azura and Layla look identical? Surprisingly, no, they didn’t. Everything else about this chapter is so cliche I assumed they would, but they actually remembered Zola has illusion magic that the party never uses. Also, because we helped the person Kaden has to help, he now owes us a favor, and will totally kill dozens of soldiers in a war he doesn’t give a shit about if we ask him to.
Kaden is a Kitsune, this game’s equivalent of Laguz or Taguel from past games. He wields a special weapon called a Beast Stone that allows him to fight by turning into a big ass fox. His personal skill heals units who heal him. He’s a glass canon who does extra damage to cavalry, giving him an interesting niche. His human design is fine, but not remarkable. His fox design is cool, especially regarding the blue fire that floats around him; that said, the spikes on the legs are weird. Personality wise, he seems to be a go lucky idiot who stumbled into joining us.
When the party arrives at the opera house, Corrin notices Elise, who looks sad. Azura, who doesn’t look like Layla for the player, goes on stage. Azura sings the only song she knows, the magic one that breaks mind control, which makes Garon...groan in increasing discomfort, which makes me also feel discomforted. Also Azura does a bunch of crazy water magic, which is a bit extra.
Garon orders his troops to capture us, because Zola betrayed us. Gasp. Shocking. Zola does admittedly beg Garon to spare us. Garon kills him for even suggesting it, right in front of his young daughter, because Garon is a cartoon supervillain. Zola dies begging Corrin to forgive him and Garon calls Corrin weak for having sympathy. Takumi threatens to kill Garon, but Corrin points out that they need to leave if they want to live. Which is smart; Garon has ridiculously high stats.
This battle sees our units fighting on boats floating in the opera house, which is a cool setting for a battle. On turn three, some reinforcements arrive. Xander, who’s still pissed about the whole traitor thing. With him are Peri, a cavalier with cotton candy hair, and...is that Inigo? That’s Inigo, from Awakening. That’s fucking Inigo! What is Inigo doing here, and more importantly, why is he working for the very obviously evil bad guys?
There’s a Dragon Vein you can use to freeze all the water, which would make this level easier, if it wasn’t already a broken easy level. To beat this level, you need to get Corrin to a specific spot. Corrin can’t walk on water, so you need to fight through an onslaught of tough enemies. There’s just one problem: Hinoka or Subaki can carry Corrin directly to the end. I fought the enemies, because why not, but I didn’t have to.
I ignored Garon because he’s able to one shot literally every unit in my army, but I did decide to take on team Xander. Side note, I looked up Garon’s battle quote after the fact, and he says this to Corrin: “I may not be your father, but I will slap you down like a child.” I take back everything bad I ever said about Garon.
Peri, as it turns out, is a sadistic sociopath, because Nohr. Inigo...excuse me, Laslow, blushes when we stab him. And Xander steals Inigo’s famous crit quote from the Princess Bride.
Peri and Laslow went down easy, but Xander was almost as bad as Garon. Even with his bonus against cavalry, Kaden only did one point of damage per hit. I had to resort to the classic strategy of throwing disposable soldiers at him until he was weak enough for Corrin to Dragonstone.
This was a great map, with a creative setting, multiple ways to approach it, tough bosses, and an exploit that makes it completely skippable. Still, it’s the only Birthright chapter with a creative goal, so it deserves a little credit.
After escaping the opera house, Xander chases after us, despite being defeated ten seconds earlier. Elise gets in his way, telling him that if he’s going to fight someone, he should fight her. As Corrin runs, Xander warns that it is her destiny to fight him.
After escaping Xander again, Corrin finds Azura collapsed on the ground, exhausted. She’s going to die at the end of the game, isn’t she?
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vostara · 4 years
Hypnophobia - 05
Tumblr media
fünf — and there’s no escape
pairing: ares x original female character (beatrix)
blurb: “Loyalty can be rather expensive.”
word count: 2.1k+
title inspiration: game of survival - ruelle
apologies for the incredibly long wait. in mid-july, i moved across the country and immediately got sick due to 3-4 weeks of nearly continuous heatwaves (uncommon for the area i’m living in). my apartment does not have a/c, so all i had was one fan and an unbearable amount of humidity. my apartment was in the high 90s nearly every day, with the low end being.... the low 90s.....
just to note: i am starting graduate studies this monday. i am working on getting an mfa in creative writing, so all of my school-related writing projects will take priority over fanfics.
This work is cross-posted on Ao3.
… | 04 | 05 | [discontinued notice] … series masterlist
In theory, Santino’s new task is easy.
“You want me to meet with your seller?” Beatrix asks, a request for confirmation that she had not misheard the man.
“You will be accompanying Ares,” Santino clarifies. “She is the one meeting the buyer.”
“You’re not going to meet him yourself?”
The Camorra boss frowns, leaning back into his armchair. “I’ve been asked to return to Naples and I can’t push it back any longer than I already have. I’m entrusting Ares with closing the deal and I want you there for support.”
“Why send me?” The woman says. “Why not send one of your men?”
Santino shrugs. “You know sign language,” he replies.
A simple assignment, really: be the translator.
As the driver eases the car into a stop, Beatrix glances out of the window. Her eyes scan their surroundings, noting the clusters of people showing off their overpriced designer jewelry and the borderline scandalous hemlines of their clothing. The New Yorkers loiter the space outside of a ritzy expensive nightclub, Das Schwein, a club that is embedded into the bottom three levels of the high-rise building.
To get the woman’s attention, Ares reaches out towards Beatrix, brushing her fingertips against the top of her hand. And when Beatrix turns to look at her, Ares pulls her hand away, signing, We are here.
The assassin nods, before opening the door and stepping out of the vehicle. She smooths the sides of her burgundy dress and takes a moment to straighten the plunging neckline. Though the winter chill encourages a splattering of goosebumps to form along her bare arms, it, for the moment, lacks the biting cold that had permeated the Chicago air.
Ares, dressed in a matching suit, takes the lead and approaches the building. Do not speak unprompted, she commands. Do not leave my side.
Falling into step behind the woman, Beatrix nods. “I understand,” she says.
When the bouncer sees the pair approach, he steps aside before waving them through the entrance. Without even acknowledging the man, Ares steps between the doors. She scrutinizes the first floor of the club, scanning over the patrons boozed up with fine liquor, the grinding bodies on the dance floor, and the sloppy touches exchanged between indiscrete temporary lovers in the booths. Her eyes land on a private elevator tucked away in the corner of the room, protected by a couple of guards.
Ares and Beatrix approach them and the guard on the left greets them with a nod of his head. “Mr. Brecher is on the top floor,” he says, pressing a button to open the doors.
Beatrix tenses at his words.
No, it couldn’t be.
He wouldn’t be here, not in New York. Not right now.
Ares enters the elevator and Beatrix steps in beside her. She clicks on the button for the top floor and takes a small step back when the doors slide shut. They ride in silence, undisturbed by the subtle hum of the ascending machine.
But for Beatrix uneasiness fills the silence, floods her senses with a flight response that’s impossible to act upon in this enclosed space. Threads are tugged in the pit of her stomach, snapping as they attempt to suppress the building worry, anxiety, dread.
It could be a coincidence; a different man with a shared surname.
A button dings, signaling their arrival.
When the doors open, Beatrix realizes that this easy job, this simple task of being the translator, is a far more complicated situation. Her eyes land on the silhouette of a person she had hoped to avoid for as long as she could. And her gaze drifts to the left side of his face, confirming his identity with a familiar scar etched into the skin. One that begins just beneath his eye, before curving to slice into the side of his lips.
Matthias Brecher.
Her last thread breaks, drowning Beatrix with a renewed realization that she has spent too much time dancing next to the growing flames. That frequently tempting fate would encourage it to retaliate with the most severe consequences.
The man notices the Camorra woman first. “Ares,” he greets.
She exits the elevator, stepping into the private room.
Matthias shifts his gaze to Beatrix. His eyes flicker with surprise, before an amused grin weaves itself into his features. “Well,” he says, “I wasn’t prepared for quite the surprise.”
“Matthias,” Beatrix acknowledges.
Ares’ footsteps come to a halt and she turns her head to glance back at the other woman. She watches her, studying the assassin’s face for any subtle twitches that would give away her thoughts, betray her motives.
“I didn’t think we would meet again so soon,” the man says.
Beatrix smiles, but the false joy never reaches her eyes. “Perhaps we meet again too soon,” she forces the joke between her lips.
And the words deepen the frown that’s already forming in the corners of Ares’ mouth.
Matthias slides his hands into the pockets of his dress slacks and takes a step closer to Beatrix. He chuckles, “I thought I was having a meeting with Camorra’s people, not Lilith.”
The woman straights her back, lifting her chin just a tad higher off of the ground. “You are having a meeting with Camorra,” she states. “I am here to translate on Ares’ behalf.”
The man hums, pondering over the woman’s response. “But Lilith would never loan you away for something this trivial.” He nudges his head towards Ares, “especially when it involves one party in particular.”
“I wanted a change of pace.”
“Or,” the man leans down, “perhaps the rumors are true. Perhaps Lilith’s favored rosebud has fluttered away with the wind. I’ve found that loyalty is a tough commodity to find,” he whispers, “nowadays.”
“Loyalty can be rather expensive,” Beatrix says.
Matthias takes a step away from the woman, turning to face Ares. “Would you mind if we postpone our meeting, for a just a few minutes?”
Ares narrows her eyes.
“Miss Amsler and I are old acquittances,” he continues. “Conversations with her are always a treat. And I do enjoy splurging on a bit of pleasure before getting into business.” Matthias chuckles, “You never know which job is going to be your last.”
Ares shifts her gaze to meet Beatrix. When the other woman gives her a slight nod of assurance, her eyes dart back to Matthias. She gives him a nonchalant shrug and then retreats to the small bar on the left. She sits down on one of the stools, before gluing her eyes back onto the pair.
“Come, Süsse,” Matthias places the palm of his hand against the small of the woman’s back, directing Beatrix towards the open balcony on the other side of the room. “We have much to discuss.”
When they are just far enough away that Ares is unable to listen to their conversation, Beatrix pulls herself away from Matthias. “You said there are rumors that I’ve been disloyal,” she says. “Did you know that I was working with Santino?”
“It wasn’t my first guess,” he admits. “But I knew you wouldn’t stay with Lilith forever.”
Beatrix frowns.
“I am surprised,” Matthias continues. “The last person I expected you to align yourself with would be such a prominent figure for the Camorra.”
“People have stooped to less for a few extra dollars in their pocket.”
“I’m almost offended,” the man says. “You would choose his company, before committing yourself to someone like Tarasov, or to someone like me?”
“At the time,” Beatrix leans towards the man, “I found this to be a more favorable business opportunity.”
“Must be quite the pay,” Matthias says. “Perhaps I should consider dropping my lifestyle as the boss, huh? Work as one of D’Antonio’s lackeys. After all, you must be swimming in riches. The pay must be good, good enough to convince you to work for the man who told his people to brutally torture and murder your best friend.”
The woman tenses, nails digging themselves into the palms of her hands.
“Tell me how you sleep at night,” he continues, “knowing that you’ve chosen to snuggle up to the devil himself. Do you still think of Evie? Do you hear her screams? Her pleading cries for help?”
Beatrix takes a small step away, increasing the distance between them.
But Matthias inches closer. “Or do you hear the wails of your baby?”
“Fuck you,” Beatrix shoves the man away from her. “Don’t you dare—”
“—No wonder you look so tired.”
The woman scoffs. “Is there a reason why we’re discussing this?”
“Süsse, we’re just having a conversation,” he says. “But if you want a change of topic, let’s talk about Ares.” Matthias smiles, briefly shifting his gaze to the Camorra woman. “She’s your type, no? Deadly, powerful, commands the room, when she wants to. And stuffed full with information that you could sell for quite the pretty penny.”
The man chuckles. “I know you, more than you’d care to admit. You’d never work for Santino, but you would target him, hurt him, cripple him. So, are you going to seduce his right-hand woman? Manipulate her? Convince her to confess all of those valuable secrets?”
“Targeting her would be pointless,” Beatrix says.
“Why? Because she understands the concept of sworn, unfaltering loyalty?”
“Because it would take too long,” she says. “I have no interest in wasting my time with a pointless task.”
Matthias smirks and pulls a phone out of his pocket. His fingers press against the screen, tapping on the buttons, before angling the item towards the woman. “Is that why poor Luca got chopped up into itty bitty pieces?” He taunts. “Because he wouldn’t spill any of Camorra’s dirty secrets? Was he a waste of time?”
Beatrix glances down at the phone, swallowing the nerves brewing in the bottom of her throat. Filling the screen is the image of a body, blood spilling out of appendages that had been sliced into manageable pieces. The body had been placed inside of bathtub, one that Beatrix recognized.
“Izzy may be your friend, but she is still under my employment,” Matthias explains.
“Does she give you documentation on every job she takes?”
“Just for the handful of people I care to keep tabs on,” the man shrugs. “Is your contract for intel or disposal?”
“I think it’s best that I keep that information to myself,” Beatrix says.
“I disagree.” Matthias puts the phone away, before reaching inside of the pocket concealed beneath the jacket of his suit. He pulls out a small circular object, which he holds up, displaying it for Beatrix.
It’s a Marker.
Her Marker.
Beatrix can feel the intensity of Ares’ stare, can feel her processing and examining the situation as it unfolds. And though she wants to look at her, wants to tell Ares that she wants, no, that she needs this conversation to end, she chooses to ignore the Camorra woman. She maintains eye contact with Matthias, determined to not shudder, to not buckle, beneath his gaze.
“You owe me,” he says. “We’ve made an oath, you and I, a blood contract. I’ve completed my end of the bargain, but I still need to cash in on your side.”
Beatrix remains silent.
“Tell me the truth,” Matthias continues. “Which of your many skills have you been hired to perform?”
“What would you do with that information?” She says, “If you sell it to the right buyer, I’ll end up killed, regardless of my answer.”
The man frowns. He raises a hand towards Beatrix and weaves her loose curls between his fingers. “You think so little of me,” he says. His fingers tighten around the hair, and he pulls Beatrix towards him, before shoving her towards the railing at the edge of the balcony.
The assassin gasps when the metal slams against the bottom of her ribcage. Instinct kicks in and her fingers latch onto the rails.
“If I wanted to kill you,” Matthias growls, “there are much more convenient ways for me to do so.” He releases his grip on her hair and takes a step closer. With his chest pressed against her back, he traps her between himself and the metal that is preventing her from tumbling to her death. “I have every intention of using the task you owe me. Ratting you out would be a waste of time and resources. You owe me, Beatrix,” he hisses, “not the other around.”
“Boss,” a man calls.
“What?” Matthias answers, ever so slightly relaxing his stance.
“Do I shoot?”
The man pulls away from the woman, turning towards his henchmen.
When Beatrix turns to see what the man was referring to, her eyes widen at the sight of Ares. All thirteen of Matthias’ men have their weapons trained on the woman, whom has a gun pointed directly at the their leader’s head.
“How fascinating,” Matthias says.
a/n: thank you so much for reading. if you liked what you read, please considering reblogging this chapter. every reblog truly does help a small author like me! but any likes, comments, or other indications that you enjoy this story is also appreciated!
this chapter was meant to be much longer, but i didn’t to split it into two pieces in order to prevent even further delays in getting an update out. the next chapter’s rough draft is over halfway done. if all goes well it will be published before the end of next month.
if you’re interested, you can also follow me for more updates on twitter @ VostaraFics
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                                                                             - by Jim ち
“ Mortals. They never learn, do they? “
“ I can never quite get the eyes right. It’s difficult to create a window to the soul when you don’t have one. “
“ You’re a mortal, aren’t you? “
“ I assume you were trying to download a popular dating app. Yes, but you downloaded CINDER, with a ‘C’. It’s a dating app specifically for the damned. “
“ Well, it can’t be my mistake - I don’t make mistakes, I just make them happen. “
“ Excuse me, you’re not actually supposed to smoke in here. “
“ Actually, I take offense to that term ‘daemon’ - typically, people don’t even really know how to spell it. I prefer the term ‘fallen’, if that’s alright. “
“ I mean - we’re not all bad. You have to believe me. “
“ Well, you know what I am but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a good time, does it? “
“ I must say that you are presenting exceptionally well today. “
“ I’ve never particularly described myself as evil, more... mischievous. “
“ Personally, I just fell in with the wrong crowd. “
“ The collection of souls? I was worried this date would turn to business but I think we get along just fine, so there’s no need for any transactions at this point... unless I can tempt you. “
“ Your eyes are perfect. “
“ Nah, it’s fine, it’s fine... it happens every now and again. It’s a mistake, obviously. “
“ I’m in sales. Specifically, the sale of defective goods. Turns out that people getting infuriated with purchases actually can turn to quite evil deeds. “
“ It’s really interesting being on the end of the phone when someone calls up to complain about a product that was damaged in transit, or, simply doesn’t work in the first place, only to be told: No. Refunds. “
“ Choosing a side is a big decision. “
“ I must compliment you on your choice of location for this date. “
“ Yes, temptation is part of the game. Tempting mortals to do things that they perhaps wouldn’t ordinarily do and to bring them over to our team. “
“ Bugger off! “
“ I mean, I was looking forward to a date with a psychopath but I suppose a off-the-shelf human will have to do instead. “
“ It’s my job to tempt you. Can I tempt you to another drink? “
“ What’s your line of work? Actually, don’t answer that. I shouldn’t have asked. Simply not interested. “
“ Tricks? I think it’s a bit belittling to call what I do ‘tricks’. “
“ If we convert someone of faith to our team from the other, we get a car. “
“ I invented cereal. I know that sounds ridiculous but it’s true: You don’t need breakfast, it’s conspiracy theory to sell cereal. I know it sounds silly but that was my big achievement - well, that and the plague, but it’s very old-school. “
“ The fact that I don’t breathe makes smoking very difficult. “
“ If you keep going... well, let’s just say that’s a mistake. “
“ We don’t really talk about those things anymore because they were a little bit brutal and we’re much more subtle nowadays, much more. “
“ You don’t bet for the other side, do you? “
“ I can tell by the way you look, by the way you act, by the way you’re conversing with me, that you’d do very well on either side. “
“ Let me have a look at your phone - thank you. There we go... “
“ I’m not here today to try and persuade you to join my side or their side, we’re just two friends enjoying a date together. “
“ I can’t make up your mind for you. Nobody can. “
“ Even if you know you’re going to lose you don’t back down. “
“ I tell you what, though: I think we would make a good team. “
“ Let’s say a dog bites you. Your initial thought might be to kick the dog or to, in some way, harm it back. That thought could be as evil or good as you like. What counts is the second thought: Do you carry out what your knee-jerk reaction was or do you make your own decision to do something else? “
“ That’s who you really are. That’s what makes you good or bad. “
“ Ultimately, you’re already playing the game. “
“ That’s why you have free will. Our jobs would be significantly easier if you didn’t - believe me, we tried. “
“ Some of the most evil people we’ve ever taken across to our side have made decisions based on tiny events, tiny little insecurities, tiny little mistakes or very small bumps on the road - and that little mishap changed their life forever. “
“ I suppose the best bit of advice I could give is to listen when you hear yourself talking. “
“ I hope that whichever path you choose, you choose the right one for you. “
“ It can change you from the friendly neighbor to the murderer next door. It can change you from hero to genocidal maniac. You have to be careful how the little things change you. “
“ If you did decide to join our side I’d hang out with you. ”
“ Look at the time! I really must dash. But it was a genuine pleasure meeting you, mortal. Maybe we’ll see one another again very soon. ”
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ghostheadcanons · 6 years
The Papas and Copia: Vampires
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Anonymous said:
The papas and copia as vampires. How do they approach, love and definitely how do they feed ♡
Hee hee hee! You’re in luck, Anon! On my other blog, I actually had a Sims save file with all of them as vampires, so you’re definitely not the only one who’s intrigued by the idea! 8}c
I am a huge vampire nerd, so this is going to be a very long post complete with Lore woven in....bear with me, now! 
+18 Below!
Quick vocabulary lesson before we get started! A scion is a term for a vampire brought into vampirism by another vampire--their sire. The process is an ugly one--the scion spends a day or two in a fevered, nightmare-plagued sleep as their body changes, and they’re going to be very hungry for blood when they wake up. They require the blood of their sire--almost like mother’s milk--in order to grow as a vampire and develop their abilities. In time, they’ll be able to handle others’ blood just fine. The sire drinks from their scion’s neck as a sign of ownership, while the scion drinks from the sire’s wrist as a sign of their submission and devotion. To allow your scion to drink from your neck shows that you see them as an equal and fully-grown, and that they’re ready to head out on their own if they want.  
Also, vampires have super sensitive necks, and getting fed off of is incredibly pleasurable for them. 
Papa Nihil
The head/master vampire of the surrounding territory. All other vampires living there must answer to him, or be cast out. As old as time itself...and yet, he’s still active and has childish sense of humor. That’s led to almost everyone who’s gone after him underestimating him. 
It’s a mistake they can only make once.
He has a great number of abilities--turning into mist, hypnotizing others, commanding animals, turning mortals to Ghouls (animalistic vampiric servants)....and he can fight. 
How they approach: Actually, others come to him! It’s not every day that he goes out and about anymore. But he still does. He uses his elderly appearance and infirmity to prey on your sense of weakness as he knocks on your door in the middle of a snowy night in order to use your phone. Surely you wouldn’t leave an old man out in the cold, would you?
How they feed: His hypnosis is strong enough that he can compel mortals to do just about anything for him. Come here, dear.. And he has them smiling and offering them their necks before they even have the chance to understand what’s happening to them. When he was a young man, he was more cruel to his ‘food’, draining them and leaving them practically husks on the ground. But now he’s much more considerate--he knows just how much he can take from you before it’ll hurt you, and leaves you somewhere nice and soft, like on your couch or bed. 
How they love: He’ll spoil you rotten! Showering you with gifts and trinkets. He’s had many loves in his time, and eventually they all pass. His children are still here because they were born into vampirism. Honestly, he wouldn’t want to Turn you if he’s in love with you--he would rather spend time doting on you than actually teaching you how to be a vampire. 
If you become his scion: You have to convince him to Turn you. Has Sister Imperator (his longtime human assistant) help look after you through your Turning, and holds your hand through the nightmares. He has a lot of lessons to teach, being so old and wise, and getting blood from such a powerful vampire means that you’ll be very powerful in your own right. Be ready to work hard!
Fun fact: Copia is actually another one of Papa Nihil’s scions--back from when Nihil was young. The two of you probably won’t see a lot of eachother; Copia’s a fully grown vampire, and keeping an eye on the surrounding territories is a full-time job for him.
Papa I
Nihil’s firstborn. A very old and very powerful vampire. He isn’t one for socializing and only attends vampire social events out of obligation for his rank. Rather, he’s used his immortality to spend his time in solitude; reading, reflecting, and writing, in the eternal pursuit of knowledge. 
He also has quite a few abilities, but he almost never uses them unless he needs to. His stomach is withered away, so he can’t really process human food anymore. 
How they approach: He doesn’t approach. The man lives in a castle and never leaves it. Should travelers come asking for sanctuary, he’s more than happy to let you stay a night. Don’t mind the masked servants, they prefer to keep their appearance secret. If you’re an intellectual sort, you can engage him in conversation, and he’ll be pleasantly surprised. Don’t be surprised if he invites you to stay another night...
How they feed: Actually doesn’t do the neck-biting thing. He has an arrangement with the local bloodbank and sips from the pouches as he reads the latest tome or writes down his latest thoughts. If you want him to feed from you, though, he would. He’d be very gentle with you, always asking if you’re alright, and letting you tap his shoulder to stop him if he’s taking too much. 
How they love: If you catch his eye, he would want to court you properly. He’s a gentleman--getting you books, offering to paint your portrait, and telling you everything you want to know about any subject in particular. You have a veritable fountain of wisdom at your beck and call! 
If you become his scion: He would bring up the idea of turning you, to be honest. You’re very important to him, and he doesn’t want to lose you, because he knows how fleeting mortal life is. Would coddle you through your Turning and have his wrist ready for you when you wake up. I hope you like being in school, because once you’re ready to start your lessons, that’s exactly what it turns into, with lectures on proper vampire history, techniques, and science. Have fun! 
Papa II
Nihil’s second son. A cruel, domineering vampire, powerful and merciless. He’s a lot like how Nihil used to be, back when Nihil was a younger vampire. Lives in a truly terrifying castle overlooking a little town that he’s broken into fearing him and giving him tribute. His is the castle they warn you not to go to after dark.
He can use hypnosis, transform into mist, turn people into ghouls, and he has a massive amount of vampiric strength and agility. 
How they approach: If you catch his eye, he’s most likely going to attempt to seduce you, with silken words and meaningful glances. He’s gotten quite a few humans this way--he even has a few human ‘toys’ living with him, solely for the bedroom. All consensual, of course. He keeps them well-fed, and they don’t have to do anything other than please him. What’s not to like? 
How they feed: Generally he feeds from his ‘toys’. It’s a privilege he enjoys making them compete for, depending on who can pleasure him the most that night. He has a very low opinion of humanity, and he’s not shy about expressing it. 
How they love: Against all odds, if you as a human manage to charm him to the point where he has feelings for you? He’s honestly unsure how to proceed. It was probably your strong will that won him over, and the way you never break eye contact with him instead of dropping your eyes to the floor like most other humans. He’ll make his feelings and intentions on the matter well-known to you. “Humanity does not suit you, child. Join me in the darkness, that we may be one forever.”
If you become his scion: Good luck. Papa II isn’t going to pull any punches when he Turns you. Will sit back and watch to see if you survive the Turning, and he’ll make you say ‘please, master’ before he lets you drink from his wrist for the very first time. He enforces the master and servant dynamic; after all, that’s what a scion is to a sire. His training is brutal; he’ll push you to your very limits. But that’s because he knows you can go above and beyond. And when your training is complete, you’ll be one of the strongest vampires around. 
Papa III
The youngest of Nihil’s children, and the most charismatic. They based the Bela Lugosi Dracula after him. Charming and witty, elegant and sensual, he’s not one for secluded living. He loves to attend parties, whether for vampires or humans or even a mix of the two! He’s pretty open-minded about humanity, and thinks they’re more adorable than pitiful (unlike his grumpy brother). 
His abilities include vampiric charisma, transforming into a bat (or bats), slight hypnosis, turning people into ghouls, and actually knowing how to talk to humans. 
How they approach: He’ll hit you up in a bar or at a party, and put all that charm to good use. He prefers humans to other vampires because they’re easier to impress. But play cat and mouse, and he’ll definitely be intrigued--more than if you were just a one night stand.
How they feed: He likes to drink from his dates. And he always makes it pleasurable for them, too, usually doing it in the bedroom. 
How they love: If you’ve charmed the youngest Emeritus, he’ll take you out with him when he goes places. Buy you presents, take you to dinners...he’ll show you little nooks and crannies in the city that aren’t well-known to humans, strange and interesting things you don’t see in your normal day-to-day. Sweet little experiences, just between the two of you. 
If you become his scion: Gets very worried about you if he Turns you. He calls on his older brothers for their expertise, which they’ll give him, helping him cool your fevered sleep and soothe your nightmares. Honestly? He’ll let you drink from his neck a lot sooner than any of the others would, tradition be damned. Of course you two are equals...except maybe in the bedroom. You know damn well he’s going to play up the dom/sub nature of the relationship between a sire and their scion when he’s bedding you. It’s just more fun that way. 
Cardinal Copia
A man from 14th century Italy. He used to be a mortal man, but when the plague hit, he was terrified for his life. So he went to Papa Nihil and pledged his service in exchange for immortality. Nowadays, he keeps an eye on Nihil’s affairs and the state of the surrounding territories, scheduling this and keeping track of that. Unlike many of the others, he has a much easier time going out during the day, so he gets sent on a lot of errands and does a lot of travelling. Instead of his canines, his fangs are his two front teeth, sharp and pointy, making him look more like a rat than ever. 
His vampiric abilities include transforming into a rat, command over rats (though he prefers to think of them as friends), turning people into ghouls, and great accounting skills. 
How they approach: You’ll probably be the one to approach him first, let’s be real. After all these years and learning the consequences of being immortal, he doesn’t like interacting much with humans unless he wants a quick fuck. Why bother, when they’re going to be dead the next time you blink? But you can win his heart, with time and persistence! 
How they feed: He bags his own blood, so to speak--he likes to pick a target and research them to make sure they’re a loner or a felon (he doesn’t kill them if they’ve got family or an actual good person, he’s not a complete monster), then kill them and drain them dry. The first drink he takes from their neck, the rest he saves in bags for later in a portable freezer. 
How they love: Would straight up court you. Flowers, dates, dinners.....he’s an old-fashioned gentleman about it. Is terribly frightened of letting you in on his secret...so it’s only when he’s sure you’re The One that he tells you what he is. And that he doesn’t want to ever be without you. Topolino...will you forsake the light and join me in the dark, so we may be together for an eternity?
If you become his scion: You thought Papa III was worried? Hold Copia’s wine. The Cardinal knows what you’re going through, and it’s terrifying for him--because he almost didn’t survive his Turning. What if you die?? He’s there by your side the whole time, putting rags dipped in cool water across your fevered forehead, whispering comfortingly to you as you toss and turn in your nightmares. 
It’s a little strange for him, having someone he could boss around if he wanted, but he’s relatively nice about it. You don’t have to call him ‘Sir’ or anything like that, but if you did, it would make him feel very good. One of the perks about being Copia’s scion is that the man is always on the go--so you’ll have plenty of time to learn the tricks of the trade and watch from his example! 
Oh, and he’d probably start feeding from you instead of just his own supply. And he’ll have you writhing in his arms as he takes his time with your sweet, supple neck.
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purplesurveys · 5 years
You hate these 'Are we alike?' surveys, but you still can't resist them. I don’t hate them, I just don’t like just bolding stuff. I get talkative when it comes to surveys so I like explaining myself, like right now haha. I definitely answer these types much less often, though. You are female. Indeed I am. You are eighteen years of age. I’m three years older than that. Your hair is an unnatural (but tasteful) shade of red. It’s black, and I’ve never dyed it red either. You have brown eyes. It’s either black or very dark brown, because I’m not sure if black eyes are actually a thing.
You are single. Nah and haven’t been in a while. You have one older brother. Nope, I’m the eldest in the immediate family and I’m a sister to two siblings. You are third generation Russian and Polish. I’m quite sure there is zero tinge of both bloods in me. You live in Florida. And I also live way too far from Florida. I don’t think we’re much alike, man lol. ^And it is just way too fucking hot for you. Not at the moment. Christmas weather is approaching fast, so I can actually go nights without turning on the aircon now. You are currently waiting to get a piercing. Nope. Terrified of them. You have lots of tattoos already planned out. I don’t have any design ideas other than my dog’s pawprint and a plate of nachos. You write, but don't really consider yourself a 'writer'. If I did, it would probably be an insult to writers. I’m not always confident about my writing, even though I love to do it. You love photography (and not because it's 'popular' these days). I respect the skill and the profession, but I don’t do it myself. I used to try out my hand in it though precisely because it was popular, but that was like nine years ago; I quickly realized I wasn’t any good at holding a camera. You drink tea and coffee on a regular basis. I don’t drink tea and I probably drink coffee 1-2 times a week only.
Gore generally makes you laugh. I try not to laugh at it because I know artists spend a fuckton of time working on making it look legitimate (not related to gore but I felt bad when a bunch of fans called out Bryan Cranston’s bald cap in the El Camino movie, especially knowing that Greg Nicotero, AKA dude who works on the makeup in The Walking Dead, was in the team who made the cap. They did what they could and it highkey looks pretty good, but some fans are just brutal); but if the gore was intentionally corny or bad, then I might laugh.
You basically write down everything because you're afraid you'll forget. Yep, that’s why my Notes app is a list of the most random shit. You're a 'highschool drop-out'. No, I graduated. ^And you're currently working towards your GED. We don’t have that here; I don’t actually know what that means. Am open to anyone explaining it to me! Hahaha You don't really care what anyone thinks about you. Of course I care. But it only matters most when the opinions come from the people close to me. You Tweet excessively and shamelessly. I was definitely more obsessed before (I would probably do 150-200 tweets a day and the website would usually kick me out for an hour for tweeting too much). But I mellowed down over the years when I realized making Twitter my life was a horrible habit and that I needed to get off my laptop lol. I still have the app open all day long, but I do more lurking than posting tweets.
It bothers you that almost every statement on this thing begins with 'you'. It’s supposed to be an are-we-alike survey so I don’t see why that trend should be a problem. Winter is your favorite season. Which is weird because I’ve never experienced it. But based on everyone’s stories about how winter is in their area, it sounds beautiful. You know every word to Badlands by Bruce Springsteen. I have never heard a single note of that song. ^And you're not ashamed to admit it. c: You're afraid to go to sleep most nights. Nah. I’m RELIEVED to sleep every night, especially after a long day lmao You have a blog and you're not afraid to use it. :D This is my blog. I’m not afraid to use it but I definitely am cautious about anyone in real life finding out about it. 'Cheesy', 'dorky', 'weird' and 'freaky' are all terms that apply to you. I’m sure everyone identifies with at least one of these words. You are not religious. That I am not. There was a very VERY brief moment when I was ~17 that I went back to my Catholic roots but that fizzled out quickly once I got to college. ^You are spiritual. No. You can't resist making your mom jokes. They’re old, cheap, and unfunny. Except for the White Chick ones HAHAHA ^Or 'that's what she said' jokes. These are even worse. You have a minor obsession with travel-sized objects. Not really. Hades is a BAMF. <3 Like, Percy Jackson-Hades? Idk, I’ve never seen the movie. ^You actually know who Hades is. (Lawlz.) ^ That’s the only Hades I know. You plan on getting two kittens and naming them Hades and Apollo. I don’t plan on getting kittens, and boy these statements are starting to get real specific that no one else is most likely to relate to them lmao. Serial killers never cease to both amaze and fascinate you. I mean I don’t glorify them in the way you just worded it, but I am interested in reading about them. You have a thing for anything vintage or gothic. Before, I guess. Not so much nowadays. You don't have a lot of patience for stupid people. For stupid drivers, mainly. You tell your fair share of racist jokes. ??? This is one of your are-we-alikes????????? You think neck tattoos are sexyy. I find them neither sexy nor unsexy, but I do inwardly cringe because I always imagine just how much it would have hurt to have had it made, especially tattoos on the throat. You want a mosh pit at your wedding. :D Hell no. 14 year old, punk rocking, headbanging Robyn may have wanted that, but I’m so glad she grew up over the years. The Black Cat by Edgar Allen Poe made you cry. I don’t think I’ve ever read it. You get showtunes stuck in your head on a daily basis. I don’t like that kind of music. You eat emo kids for breakfast. Ok now this is just awful. ^And then follow up with a helping of scene kids for lunch. What the hell does eating emo and scene kids even supposed to mean? You secretly want to become a zombie-human hybrid. I’ve seen enough The Walking Dead to not want this scenario for myself. You strongly believe in peace through superior firepower. No.  You hate hippies. Also no. You actually take the time to look up words you don't know the meanings to. Sure. Googling literally takes five seconds, sometimes fewer. You have a habit of calling everything 'ridiculous'. I like using it as an adverb but I wouldn’t call it a habit.
You love Skwisgaar from Metalocalypse. :D Never heard of both of those things. You wish to invest in a pair of plaid pants. Not my style. You love scaring people--literally and figuratively. Not really. You hate the Fourth of July. I don’t celebrate it so I don’t have reason to hate it. You get excited over new pens and notebooks. That’s being a college student for ya.
^And basically any other kind of art supplies. I guess, but pens and notebooks excite me most. You have a thing for Mustangs. (The car, not the horse.) No. In the Philippines, Mustangs are the most basic of luxury cars so I’ve stopped being impressed when I see them around hahaha. You shamelessly jam to 'Don't Stop Believing' every chance you get. No. You think boundaries are overrated. :D No, they’re necessary. You rarely drink soda. I hate the feeling when it goes down my throat. You always procrastinate until the very last possible minute. For certain work that I particularly don’t like doing. Your favorite font on Microsoft Word is 'calibri'. It’s far from my favorite. You enjoy talking in various fake accents. I can’t do accents. The only time you ever thought Brad Pitt was sexy was when he was in 'Troy' I haven’t seen much of his stuff but I find him very attractive in general. You can make the fuck out of some brownies. c: I don’t bake. You don't do well with change. Sometimes. You always listen to music before going to sleep. I don’t; I find it too loud. You thought this was gay. Ugh, this is awful. ^And you now want to lodge a battle axe into my brain. I’m not THAT violent.
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Goku Black x Reader: Forbidden Fruit (Chapter 6: Chained Freedom)
Black finally let you out of the room on the eighth day. Well, not exactly. He just let you explore the upstairs with the ever-present chi bands on your ankles and wrists while he followed behind you a good 25ft. You walked around slowly, peering at everything, searching for clues on how to defeat them, but you had to make it subtle, so he wouldn’t suspect anything. You had been ecstatic when Black had walked in and announced that he would let you out for a while, but still wary of what might happen. He was rougher than Zamasu and sometimes his grip would leave colorful bruises all along your body when you set him off. One day he could be short-tempered, and his mood could change as easily as flicking a switch, and others he could be more tolerant and polite and even go as far as complimenting you.
Black probably should have alerted Zamasu about your new freedom beforehand though. The moment he saw you going to a place other than the bathroom even with Black trailing behind you he immediately seized you by your throat and forced your feet off the ground. His brutal fingers left dark bruises on your throat and you could feel your bones creaking, on the verge of splintering. You were almost completely immobile and unable to do anything but gasp for breath, your e/c eyes wild.
“Where the Hell do you think you’re going?!” Zamasu snarled in your face, but you could only let out a gargled response as your fingers groped uselessly at his arm.
“Zamasu no! I let her out!” Black surged forward to try to get him to release you, which he did. Unfortunately, a couple of feet above the ground. You never realized how tall the green God actually was. He just looked short standing next to Black. A sharp pain shot up your ankle as you landed feet first, and then you crumpled like a house of cards. Son of a bitch!
You scurried backwards away from both of them, mood dampened from Zamasus’ assault. When neither of them did anything to stop you from backing up, you scrambled to your feet and took off in the opposite direction weaving through the halls. Black’s voiced carried through the cabin, he sounded incensed but thankfully it wasn’t at you for running away. Chances were it wouldn’t be hard for him to find you, so he probably didn’t care much anyways. Trunks had been planning to teach you how to hide your chi but sadly never got the chance, and now probably never will. Your heart ached as you thought about him, and then Mai and the rest of the survivors. What would they do without you? They had Trunks and Mai but Trunks had left to go to the past, and as strong as Mai was, she was nothing compared to you and Trunks.
Tears blurred your vision as everything hit you again and again in waves of anguish. Hurriedly you burst through the first door you could and slammed it shut, locking it and pushing a chair under the doorknob, knowing fully that it wouldn’t stop Black from entering if he wanted to. You didn’t want to be caught by either of them in the hallway bawling your eyes out.
Your entire body trembled as your chest contracted with sobs, and at that moment you didn’t care anymore. You didn’t care if Black heard you or what he was planning to do to you. The world faded and became nothing. Nothing but the hot rivers flowing down your cheeks and the pressure in your chest as your lungs struggled to pull in air. You collapsed on the bed, hands fisting the sheets underneath you so hard your knuckles turned white, nearly tearing them but you didn’t care. Black could do whatever the fuck he wanted to you. It’s not like you could even do anything to stop him anyways. Maybe that’s what they were doing, to make you feel as small and insignificant and as helpless as you possibly could, but why? You were no threat to their plan except for the fact that they couldn’t kill you, making the zero human idea impossible.
A soft knock interrupted your thoughts, and you involuntary cringed away from the noise. You felt completely bare and weak, and the last thing you wanted was for your captor to see you. Another knock echoed through the still room, a little bit harder this time.
“Y/N open the door.” You heard his muffled voice through the door. You made no movement towards it and shrunk back a little more, now pressed against the wall. Black let out a sigh on the other side and the only warning you got as he materialized inside the room was a soft whooshing sound. You let out a yelp and accidentally rammed your head into the wall so hard that the blow dented it.
Black tilted his head, looking curiously at you, and you were suddenly reminded of a cute dog that you once had, except with black hair and dark eyes. The light shone favorably across his tan features and in that moment, you couldn’t possibly comprehend how he could have done the things he did. He just looked so…. innocent, for lack of a better word. How could he have killed billions? And why the Hell am I thinking like this? He’s killing everyone!
“What are you doing in my room?” He asked softly, as if you were a broken, frightened animal that didn’t know what to do.
Wait, his room?  The tears had stopped flowing for the time being, and now that they did all the shapes seemed much sharper and clearer. Honestly, you had not expected his room to be so clean and organized. It wasn’t dark or messy as you originally thought it would be, but it wasn’t overcrowded either. There was a large bed and some windows, and some large bookcases choking with books and everything you would find in a normal room, just a little bit fancier. Wow, the genocidal murderer does interior decorating, you almost laughed at the thought of it. Something so trivial as the ordinary contents of the room had been blotted out by the absurdity of it all. But he was no ordinary man, was he? Hell, he wasn’t even a man. A couple centuries ago you would never have thought you would end up here, being kidnapped by two psychopaths and then even growing to admire their living quarters. I’m completely losing it.
You were drawn back to reality by a cough as Black kept staring at you. It was getting just a little bit creepy, and rightly so. This was the God or Saiyan or whatever the fuck he was, who had pillaged and massacred everyone you had given up so much to protect, and you were just sitting there. Doing absolutely nothing. What type of hero were you? The thought of the look on everyone’s face if they knew what you were doing flooded your entire body with shame, and suddenly you were overwhelmed by fury, burning, red-hot, righteous fury that made your lungs burn. It fought for dominance against the rising tide of hopelessness and despair, and everything else you had kept bottled up for over a week, and it all came spilling over into a single question.
“Why are you doing this?!” You shouted and half cried in his face, and he seemed taken aback a bit before his eyes hardened like frigid chips of ice.
“Learn your place, you ungrateful human!” He snarled. “I don’t have to justify anything to you!”
The blow hit you before you even saw the movement, and your head snapped to the right. The pain took a couple seconds to set in, but when it did you wished it hadn’t. It felt like someone had decided to hit you with heavy sledgehammer. You hadn’t even noticed you’d been crying again, and God you hated it. You hadn’t cried in so long up until today, but there hadn’t been a need to.
He hadn’t meant to strike you that hard really, sometimes he just forgot Son Goku's strength and how fragile humans could be. At the sight of your weeping Black was unsure what to do. Usually if his victims cried or begged he would just rip their heads off or snap their necks. It was pitiful how the weak sniveled before their death, as if that would make it any better. But for some reason when you cried, as he had often heard you outside the basement, he just wanted to make you stop, whatever it took, whether it was to slash out your throat or cuddle you against his chest. To his bewilderment, he preferred the latter. It would be a terrible shame to deprive the universe of such a powerful fighter, he argued with himself.
If he was really honest with himself, he had absolutely no idea what he was going to do with you. Whatever it was, it would have to be done soon. Trunks would most definitely come snooping for you, wherever the fuck that half-breed was. Maybe Black would even let you live to see his paradise, but he doubted Zamasu would allow that. He wasn’t even sure whether or not he wanted you there, his heart quarreled constantly with his brain.
Fuck, I’m being torn apart.
The God pressed the heels of his hands against his eyelids, shaking his mop of unruly hair. He really couldn’t take the noise of your sobbing anymore, and it seemed to intensify the ever-present headache he got whenever he was around you.
“SHUT UP!” He roared, “JUST SHUT UP!”
Without warning, his hair flared pink and the sudden transformation managed to quiet you down, and you stared in awe and trepidation. You had never seen that happen before. Trunks had made a similar transformation, but this seemed different, more regal and imposing, yet enchanting at the same time. Black huffed and turned away from you, desperately trying to gather his thoughts and calm his body.
“That’s beautiful,” he heard you whisper faintly.
You had no idea why you said it, but it seemed like you didn’t have much control over your body nowadays anyways.
“Can you please turn around so I can see you?” You asked timidly.
He did as you asked and watched you surprised but proud as you hesitantly stepped closer to him, leaning up on the tips of your toes to look more closely at his hair. The spiky strands were a lighter shade of the cuffs on your limbs, but to you they were gorgeous. It was such a raw and gentle color, so new yet pleasant on his features. You were standing so close to him that he could smell the tantalizing scent of your shampoo, despite being kept down below the cabin for eight days, andhe feel your warm breath on his cheek. Every little detail of your face was bare to him, and it was perfect. For once in his entire life he felt as if he was in paradise, and Black didn’t want more. You were there, and that was good enough.
But like all good things that have to go, so did that moment. Your fingertips were an inch away from one of his bangs and he was leaning into the crook of your neck, nose so close to your skin…. Until Zamasu strolled in.
“Black,” he stated as if nothing was happening. “The monkey’s back.”
His lip curled upwards. “And it looks like he brought some friends.”
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scripttorture · 6 years
If an imprisoned character starts refusing food, and the prison has medical staff insert a semi-permanent feeding tube to give them nutrition through, would that fall under torture because it's against the prisoner's will? Or care, because the prisoner need it to remain healthy, and it's being done medically?
Generally forced feeding isn’tclassed as torture though forced feeding can certainly be used to cause someonepain.
 I would point out that this isn’thow forced feeding is performed anymore though. So unless your setting ishistorical the method I think you’re suggesting doesn’t really ‘fit’ the setting.I think that it’s possible someone nowadayscould bring in an abuse case for being fed with a tube in their throat whenless invasive methods are available.
 Now it generally seems to be done via IV lines. I imagine it’s actuallydone in much the same way that re-feeding of starving patients via IV is done.
 However it’s done forced feeding isn’t generally as….healthy as justeating. Every method I’m aware of comes with an infection risk and the longerforced feeding continues the more likely it is that the patient would get aserious infection.
 Iactually covered historical forced feeding (using a tube inserted in the noseor mouth) in a post here.
 That post contains pretty much everything I know about forced feedingand pretty much the entirety of Sylvia Pankhurst’s account of the experience.
 Part of the reason forced feeding isn’t generally done by inserting atube anymore is because it’s very dangerous. I still can’t find hard figuresbut a number of suffragists and suffragettes died due to complications fromforced feeding. Infections of the throat, nose and mouth, suffocation via avariety of roots, drowning if the liquid diet went into the lungs by mistake.
 So far as I know the debate you’re interested in hasn’t taken place inreal life.
 That doesn’t mean it shouldn’t have a place in your story.
 With the caveat that I’m not a lawyer lets look back over theinternational legal definitions of torture. These are the main points you’dhave to argue the case meets:
The experience was painful
It was done intentionally     (ie they knew it would cause pain)
It was done by a government     employee or representative of a group that controls territory (in some     countries this is being extended to include some types of international     criminal gangs)
It was done for a reason, to     intimidate, punish, force confessions or in an attempt to get information.
 Those bullet points make it sound a lot easier to prosecute a torturecase then it is in practice.
 At the time Rejali was writing specialists told him that it took an averageof ten years for torture survivors toreach them and get the care they needed. Torture cases don’t generally happensoon after the event. Physical evidence is often no longer present by the timeinvestigators arrive on the scene.
 The result is that a lot of the burden of proof comes down to witnesstestimony; what people say.
 And- you uh may recall the memory problems that are so common as asymptom of torture? A lot of individual torture survivors simply can’t give thelevel of detail that a prosecution case demands.
 And the way lawyers work around this is by building cases around multiple victims. Rather than trying toprove that one individual person went through a particular ordeal they getlarge groups of people with identical orextremely similar experiences.
 That means a large group of unconnected people all reporting the sameexperience at the hands of the same group of people.
 Trying to put through a torture case based around one individual wouldbe unusual in and of itself. And regardless of whether it ‘counts’ or notforced feeding is traumatic. Your character might have similar memory issuesand mental health problems to a lot of other trauma survivors.
 And unfortunately with the system set up the way it is that makesprosecution difficult.
 I don’t think the first two bullet points would be in dispute. Forcedfeeding via a tube is painful. This was done knowing it would cause thecharacter pain.
 I think in a prison the third point is a given: these people areultimately answerable to the head of state.
 The stickler is the last point and proving it.
 It could perhaps be argued that forced feeding was performed in this wayas punishment or to try and intimidate the character into compliance. But solong as the prison and medical staff can convincingly argue that the procedurewas a) medically necessary, b) performed in the most practical and painless waypossible and c) would have been performed in basically the same way on anotherwell behaved prisoner- Then I don’t think this would fly.
 Because they can’t prove it was a punishment or intended to instil fear.
 Honestly? Whether you’d want to touch any of the legal stuff in yourstory or not I think having the debate in the story is a good idea.
 You don’t need to feel like you have The Definitive Answer in order tolet your characters argue about it. You just need a firm idea of the sorts ofpeople your characters are and a degree of compassion for the prisoner.
 Who decided this was the best course? Do they have any direct contactwith the prisoner? How does the prisoner feel? What about the medical staffthemselves? And the guards? They’re not all going to agree.
 One of the things Pankhurst highlights in her account was how miserableshe felt when she realised that most of the people physically involved inforcibly feeding her didn’t agree with what they were doing. They might nothave agreed with her but she seemedto think they saw forced feeding as brutal and horrible. They were afraid they’dlose their jobs if they refused.
 Let the characters argue, no one has to win. It will tell the readers alot about the characters and the world. It could also add a lot of emotionaldepth to what’s happening.
 I hope that helps. :)
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tatjanbe · 4 years
Swept Away
The sky is grey, as always at that time of the year. It is cold outside and the everblowing wind gently touches Lenny’s body. „Vienna… You’re a slow city. You're too tied to the past. [1]“, he thinks as he walks down the street. The buildings around him let him reminisce about the former glory of the city. „The glam is gone. Something is missing here nowadays. It’s O-P-U-L-E-N-C-E: Opulence! [2]“ He turns around the corner and stops. This is the house. Lenny was waiting so long for this moment. An invitation to this kind of ball was not something usual, especially not for a former pope. The high-rise next to him leaves him in its shadow. Behind a wall one could see the contour of the building. It is clean, it is rational, it doesn’t talk to its surroundings. Metaphorically, it symbolizes force, male fertility, masculine violence. [3] Lenny stares at the white geometrical facade. „Within modern, functionally differentiated society such unilateral control has become untenable. [4]“, Lenny whispers, „What a strange location for this kind of event.“ Moreover, it should seem strange that in a play performed in this same location, [5] all the many male roles remain subordinate, supporting rather than controlling the play’s action. [6]
Now there is only the wall that separates him from his final destination. In a sense, there are two systems coexisting, [7] one outside and one inside. He orbits the building while searching for the entry. „It is here that the possible, the dreamt, […] is staged. [8]“ Lenny hesitates but something drags him inside. While passing the threshold, the outside, unreal world was evolving toward its apocalypse. [9] Suddenly it was dark around him. He was waiting in the shadow of a tunnel and there would scarcely be a trace of Outside. [10]. Blackness swept back over him in an instant and a moment later the lighting system in the tunnel turned on. [11] Lenny walks toward the end where a doorman awaits him. „Well, Holy father first of all, a small piece of information of a practical and picturesque nature... Under the desk, on the right, you will find a button.“ [12], he says. „The house is already waiting for you.“
„I’m living in the space
I'm following your trace
Tell me what's going on
I'm gonna make you great
Girl are you air to see
Movin' it, come to me
Baby just come to me
Be what you want to be
Using your fantasy“ [15]
[1] The Young Pope
[2] Paris is Burning
[3] Hays, Architecture Theory since 1968
[4] Schumacher, The Autopoiesis of Architecture Vol 2
[5] Senseney, The Art of Building in the Classical World Vision
[6] Shakespeare, Richard III
[7] Vee, Coding Literacy
[8] Buehlmann, Mathematics and Information in the Philosophy of Michel Serres
[9] Castells, The Power of Identity
[10] Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology 
[11] Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology
[12] The Young Pope
Strike a Pose
After entering Lenny was dazzled from the sudden bright light. A three sided entrance staircase welcomed him […], that led visitors to the entrance platform [1] Lenny goes up and looks around. He is standing at the very end of a big plaza like room, a room without a roof. When Lenny looks up the grey sky had vanished and there was only a bright blue and shining light. The space reminded him of a greek agora. The plaza is formed in an additive way, with the side arcades tipped up to form the space. [2] Young and old came streaming into it from the corners that configured it as an open place where people could congregate informally on the spur of the moment. [3] The forum was disposed with a view to its purpose and uses so that if there were many people the square would not be too small, but if there were only a few people it would not appear empty. [4] 
The inside of the house in no way resembled what Lenny has seen at his arrival. Contrary to the masculine and introverted appearance, the inside was open and light, opulent and beautiful. Viewed in isolation, the ornamentation of the Courts seems bizarre and extravagant. [5] Brilliant, clear and with deep toned shadows, it makes up the equilibrium of the whole by contrasting its variety with the pulpy softness of the female figure, glowing with all the charms of colour, bright, gleaming, mellow, full of all the voluptuous luxury of female charms rich and swelling. [6]  The orders are at once emblems of people of different gender and age, and the measure by which the building is laid out. [7]
Inside all kinds of creatures were tumbling, walking and crawling around. The inhabitants of the unknown worlds […], brutes with six fingers on each hand; fauns born from the worms that develop between the bark and the pulp of trees; sirens with scaly tails who seduce seamen; […] ass-centaurs, men to the navel and asses below; Cyclopes, each with a single eye the size of a shield; Scylla, with a girl’s head and bosom, a she-wolf’s belly, and a dolphin’s tail […] the cynocephali, who cannot say a word without barking; sciopods, who run swiftly on their single leg and when they want to take shelter from the sun stretch out and hold up their great foot like an umbrella; […] human bodies with heads of the most diverse animals … [8] The space in between the columns was occupied by artists of this theatre, arranged in six groups, which will process in the following order [9]: REALNESS, BEAUTY, RUNWAY, FASHION, SEX SIREN, VOGUE
„The category is: Royalty!“ [10]
The Plaza emptied itself and the crowd was cheering from the side. Only one body was left amidst, starting to perform a most intriguing show. Behind Lenny somme other figures were chatting:
„Welcome to the ball, Miquela!“
Miquela is singing:
„I miss what we used to be
Out every night in the streets
You hanging all over me
Acting like we royalty“ [11]
Octavia St. Laurent: 
„Come on now, it is a known fact that a woman do carry an evening bag at dinner time. There's no getting around that!“ [12]
„What exactly is a ball?“
Octavia St. Laurent: 
„Balls are a gathering of people who are not welcome to gather anywhere else.“ [13]
„Brutality, intensity, great gentleness, extreme delicacy, extreme strength. [14] You are turning it on the runway!“
One of the Cyclopes turns to Lenny and asks: „Are you homosexual, Your Eminence?“ [15] Then he asks the house whether it actually considers itself to be a transgender person. [16] 
„I am. Am I? Here the feminine is not just the yawning void of a non subjective body but signifies an inter/trans subjectivizing structure/encounter/space where potentially human subjects co emerge and co transform within a space of minimal difference. [17] I am belonging to neither of the binary categories, yet traversing both. [18]
[1] Leatherbarrow Eisenschmidt, Twentieth Century Architecture
[2] Eisenman, Written into the Void
[3] Casey, The World on Edge
[4] Williams, Daniele Barbaros Vitruvius of 1567
[5] Bergdoll Oechslin, Fragments Architecture and the Unfinished
[6] Harrison Wood Gaiger, Art in Theory 1648 1815
[7] Macarthur, The Picturesque
[8] Eco, The Name of the Rose
[9] Harrison Wood Gaiger, Art in Theory 1648 1815
[10] POSE
[11] Miquela, Hard Feelings
[12] Paris is Burning
[13] POSE
[14] Le Corbusier, Toward an Architecture
[15] The Young Pope
[16] Hovestadt Buehlmann, Quantum City
[17] Zajko, Laughing with Medusa
[18] Braidotti Hlavajova, Posthuman Glossary
Becoming Eve
Estranged by this conversation Lenny leaves the plaza. He walks onto a gallery that connects several chambers. The architectural decoration became increasingly extravagant to attract continued attention. [1] Dimensions stereotypically condemned as feminine, weak, or frivolous—pink, chintz, boudoir chairs—received validation. [2] Curious what’s behind, Lenny opens one of the doors and glances inside. It was a long rectangular room. [3] It was bright with sunshine, the walls were alive with decoration, the table was set, and the odor of the food was enticing. [4] In between closets clothes out of the most interesting fabrics were lying around and two women were getting dressed. Makeup and female smells combine to generate a softness that bewitches and exhausts. [5] Lenny spots one of the Sirens, whose alluring beauty already seduced him at the Plaza.
„“You think I just woke up one day and poof, I look like this? No. It takes work, drive, sacrifice to be a woman.” [6]
Lady Gaga:
„Generations of women have been told by advertisements, films, and parents that the natural female body requires enhancement and adornment to be truly feminine. [7] I portray myself in a very androgynous way and I love androgyny.“ [8]
The Siren turns around and looks Lenny in the eyes. Out of excitement she bursts out of the room and starts to run outside of the building. Lenny follows her. A garden more inviting than Eden would then meet the eye, and springs of joy murmur on every side. [9] He has never seen something so beautiful. It remembers the Garden of Eden, the sufficient paradise, land of milk and honey, and the desert where manna fell from heaven, and the hut where pitchers, as though they were springs, poured forth their contents. [10] There are trees not similar to any we know, but trees of life, of immortality, of knowledge, of apprehension, of understanding, and of the conception of good and evil. [11] Lenny starts looking for the Siren. He has a feeling inside of him, one that he had never had before, one that he could not fight anymore. He cultivates only flowers that are real but seem artificial, has abnormal love affairs, inflames his imagination with drugs, prefers imaginary journeys to real ones, enjoys late medieval texts written in effete and sonorous Latin, and composes symphonies of liquors and perfumes, transferring the sensations of hearing to those of taste and smell; in other words he constructs a life made up of artificial sensations, in an equally artificial environment in which nature, rather than being recreated, as happens in works of art, is at once imitated and negated, re elaborated, languid, disquieting, sick... [12] Suddenly he spots her behind one of the trees. For him she is sex, absolute sex, no less. [13] Lenny runs to her and they fall into their arms. Such pleasure took he to behold this flowery plat, the sweet recess of Eve thus early, thus alone; her heavenly form angelic, but more soft, and feminine, her graceful innocence, her every air of gesture or least action overawed; his malice, and with rapine sweet bereaved; his fierceness of the fierce intent it brought: That space the evil one abstracted stood from his own evil, and for the time remained stupidly good, of enmity disarmed, of guile, of hate, of envy, of revenge; but the hot hell that always in him burns. [14] Such sex could be cosmic, or Dionysian, or unquestionably weird. [15] 
„Laymen always think we priests are scandalized by even the slightest things, whereas the truth is the exact opposite. We are never scandalized, no profession has to deal with sin on such a continual basis as ours. The confessional is our operating room. Just as surgeons have no fear of blood so we priests are no longer afraid of scandal and sin.“ [16]
„If Adam and Eve never left the Garden of Eden they would have not become human beings.“ [17]
[1] Bonnemaison Macy, Festival Architecture
[2] Hays, Architecture Theory since 1968
[3] Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology
[4] Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology
[5] Calasso, The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony 
[6] POSE
[7] Zimring, Encyclopedia of Consumption and Waste
[8] Braidotti Hlavajova, Posthuman Glossary
[9] Wollstonecraft, Complete Works
[10] Serres, The Five Senses
[11] Voegelin, Order and History 4
[12] Eco, On Beauty A History of a Western Idea
[13] Rendell Penner Borden, Gender Space Architecture
[14] Milton, Paradise Lost
[15] Davis, High Weirdness
[16] The Young Pope
[17] Buehlmann Hovestadt, Coding as Literacy
Having a Ball
Lenny and the Siren enter the house again. Suddenly it was very quiet and they wondered where all the other beings had disappeared. A gentle wind blows through the window, it has become night. Through a majestic door they enter into the main hall, the ballroom, located underneath the Plaza. The stellar pattern of the floor recalls a type of medieval cosmological patterns. [1] The floral theme alluded to the association with the women of the house. [2] We here move to a space in which what matters is a process of subtle becoming other: of gradually dissolving traits of being standardly male as these give way to certain accustomed ways of being female, and vice versa; the same ambiguity obtains for the dyad of human/animal. [3] Useless luxury; ostentatious luxury; wastefully excessive luxury. [4] Observe that part of a beautiful woman where she is perhaps the most beautiful, about the neck and breasts; the smoothness; the softness; the easy and insensible swell; the variety of the surface, which is never for the smallest space the same; the deceitful maze, through which the unsteady eye slides giddily, without knowing where to fix, or whither it is carried. [5] Such was the appearance of the ballroom.
„And now for the next category: Bizarre!“
Everybody gathered in the hall to view the continuance of the spectacle. Perhaps it is a riot, a party, a free space, an invisible space, a non space, a commonplace. [6] Possessing ‘realness’   being able to pass for something you are not was the highest form of praise amongst competitors at the balls, yet the scene also explicitly signals that identities involve performative acts, and little more than that, and therefore might be thought to be hardly real at all. [7] 
„Thank you, but that’s a chop!“
Lenny seemed at ease with the mix of men who have sex with men and a few women—transgender and those assigned female at birth. [8] Gesticulating bodies form a chain with clothes as a second skin, regulated by the gestures of fashion which play a role in the marking and disguising of sex differences. [9] While the performance was ongoing, the house started speaking to Lenny.
„In Rome, boys played the role of women on stage in a context read as witty, poetic and intellectually playful; the descent of the players into the audience for general dancing as the performance finished brought the literary figure of polymorphous sexuality into the social orbit.“ [10]
„ In ancient Greece, everyday situations and encounters with the gods offered many such occasions. [11] But we have forgotten. We have forgotten to masturbate to use contraceptive to get abortions to celebrate gay marriages to allow priests to love each other, and even to get married. We've forgotten that we can decide to die if you detest living, we've forgotten to have sexual relations for purposes other than procreation without feeling guilty! To divorce, to let nuns say mass to make babies in all the ways science has discovered and will continue to discover. In short my dear, dear children not only have we forgotten to play we have forgotten to be happy.“ [12]
Lenny is aroused, he puts down his robe and goes onto the stage. The dance with unfolding matter takes place inside of him. [13]
„May you, once a day, in order to cool it down, forget your culture, your language, your nation, your dwelling place, your village’s soccer team, even your sex and your religion, in short, the thickness of your enclosures.“ [14]
[1] Costelloe, The Sublime
[2] Blackwell, Nineteenth Century Architecture
[3] Casey, The World on Edge
[4] Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology
[5] Grillner, Ramble Linger and Gaze
[6] Braidotti Hlavajova, Posthuman Glossary
[7] Burrows, Fictioning
[8] Allen, Ivenceremos the Erotics of Black Selfmaking in Cuba
[9] Hays, Architecture Theory since 1968
[10] Gillgren, Performativity and Performance in Baroque Rome
[11] Kittler, The Truth of the Technological World
[12] The Young Pope
[13] Braidotti Hlavajova, Posthuman Glossary
[14] Buehlmann, Mathematics and Information in the Philosophy of Michel Serres
0 notes
xtremedespair3d · 4 years
HajiKo Anime: Summer 2020
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Previously I made a post where I talked about my first impressions of the Summer anime I’ve watched, now that the Fall season is getting closer, now it’s finally the time to give my final impressions of everything I watched this season.
(I wanted to make a custom thumbnail for this post like I did with the previous one but I gave up with the idea afterwards)
(Also, I had some of this post in draft for a while but on September 29th, I spent HOURS and I WROTE a lot of good shit before and for some god forsaken reason Firefox decided to crash. Everything I had written before is gone and I have not even saved at all since, I’m so god damn salty. Now you will never experience what have I written before and all I wrote now are just bare remains from what I last remember writing, I was so god damn salty but in the end the rewrite worked out well, I did the best I could to rewrite some of the same things I said before and I did some little changes and added new things so I was satisfied, I hope you can still enjoy the post.)
As usual, here’s the tier of everything I watched this season:
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(Higher resolution)
By the way, as of 2021 I think I might make only ONE tier for every anime I’m gonna watch that entire year, as I publish my first tier of the Winter season, I’ll be adding more visuals of the Spring anime and so on, even if I might get lost in finding the visuals as I edit my template, this is because I’ve been constantly making way too many standalone tiers for a single season FOR A YEAR, I bet I’ve must have been taking a lot of the website’s space for something very small and irrelevant.
TierMaker should have better options on whether the tiers your making are public or not, and I read the terms of services conditions, I’m kind of scared on what to do next with using TierMaker for doing these kinds of tiers, I can’t just find a random blank template and use GIMP.
Uzaki-chan: Aside from simply saying “This was a very good show, I had plenty of laughs” or something, the main thing I want to talk about isn’t so much in the show itself, but rather how Uzaki-chan herself, Hana Uzaki, has become a target of SJWs in one of the worst anime controversies ever, even worse than Goblin Slayer.
As for the series itself, I really liked it, I had plenty of good laughs and it was just fun to watch, and I’m really happy that season 2 is happening now too.
Fire Force: There is something about the feel of the show, these awkward long slow moments and stuff and everything else kinda drives me insane, but until the second half of the first season with the Adolla Burst and stuff, that’s where now I’m getting very intrigued in the plot, the worldbuilding, everything, and this season continues to expand the story and it gets even more interesting, and the animation can be really nice too.
Re:Zero season 2: Echidna is best girl, that’s it, that’s the review.
All jokes aside, I’m liking this season so far, it gets somewhat confusing but I’ll figure that out, and it’s strange that we’re only having the first half of the season this Summer and we will have to wait all the way to Winter 2021 for the series to continue, it’s a very Ufotable thing to do and hell, even Magia Record is still in production as of now.
Oregairu season 3: Let me give you a little bit of a retrospect: I honestly vaguely remember what even happened in the first two seasons, as I started watching this season, I started to remember at least one key moment from season 2 and even the characters, which I kinda feel like I like most characters, except Irohas is my least favorite, maybe Komachi too when she constantly says “kimochiwarui” but she’s not extremely annoying like Irohas. I still think how these last two seasons are visually impressive in contrast to the first season, that one’s painful to watch, the voice acting is particularly interesting too.
Now that the series is over, let me give my overall thoughts on the Oregairu series as a whole. The series overall isn’t a series I wouldn’t consider be a huge part of my life, I’m not hugely impressed with it but there are things I liked and I would still talk that I had seen the series, it’s kinda something.
Donkyuu Hentai HxEROS: This one’s the most conflicting ecchi series I’ve ever watched in my life. On the first episode, I was into it at first, but then I started to feel lukewarm about it, but then episode 5 was the one episode I got genuinely the most impressed, and the next few episodes have started to degrade on me, it was a complete 50/50 of a series to watch.
My biggest problem of the series is Kirara, her writing and just her overal existence, she’s the most painfully unlikeable main ecchi heroines I’ve ever seen in my entire life. On one hand, she looks cute, but boy, I fucking hate her so much, I can’t stand for how she is at all, I absolutely prefer her young lowkey pervert self from the flashbacks, she might even be the worst girl ever. If there’s any best girl in this series, it’d probably be the other HxERO girls like the Saitama branch teammates, the girls from the Toyko branch and even Chacha (And the shota (?) from the Toyko branch is best boy). The flashbacks are especially sad, it really hurts me how Enjo and Kirara’s happiness got taken away so god damn bad.
As someone who’s completely spoiled with full blown hentai instead of ecchi nowadays, I usually prefer girls written as perverts or something, someone who can be okay with what the MC does and what not, anyway, the other HxERO girls seem to be absolutely fine with doing the H-Energy and stuff, but Kirara is so intolerable to watch. Even Chacha and Dark Kirara (A hallucination reflecting Kirara’s young self dressed in a iliy outfit) encourage Kirara to be more honest with her feelings about Retto and try to bring her to her old self.
(I really hope this doesn’t sound sexist)
The animation was decent, the visuals looked nice but there are times the animation can be a little off, especially episode 11 which was awful, then there’s also the annoying censorship even the AT-X broadcast didn’t help, and by the way, the “H-Energy” version that comes out a week after the original episode premiere was not worth it at all, it only decensors some irrelevant parts, the steam and such, it doesn’t even decensor the boobs, thankfully the Blu-Rays are here to save the day.
I judge Kirara a lot which is my deal breaker with the series, but what about the story or the concept even? The concept of the story, the themes and everything seems okay, nothing really special about it that kinda makes up for the series being decent.
This isn’t the worst ecchi series I’ve seen in my life, but certainly the most mediocre, one that I felt it was truly frustrating to watch and I’m not even sure if I should make rank this as C or even D which I ended up on the former for the pros being the visuals and the concept being okay. Take me back to Winter 2020 with Ishuzoku Reviewers. Maybe I should have watched Peter Grill this season instead.
Honorable mentions:
BanG Dream Garupa Pico Ohmori: I gotta be real about the Garupa Pico series overall now, not just with Ohmori but with the first season as well.
To be brutally honest, I don’t really find humor in this series as much, though in some cases there are episodes that did make me laugh, I mean, the series is still entertaining to watch as it is but at the same time I’m not really impressed, it isn’t much of a constant laughing stock series as I wanted it to be, and never has been even with the first season to begin with.
Before the series came out, I had an argument with someone who hates the main Bandori anime series because of the “forced drama” and they called the Garupa Pico series “the good series,” it seriously frustrated me because the third season from this Winter was so good, it’s probably the best Bandori season yet because of the character interactions and it made me become a fan of RAS. I don’t hate the Garupa Pico series, it still has its charm, I like the visuals (I’m surprised that the Garupa Pico series are animated by Sanzigen as well) and I admire how the series is watchable on YouTube via the official Bandori channels, but in my opinion, this is probably like a 7/10 B rank series at best, it isn’t something that’s gonna stick and be a huge part of my life like the main series.
With that being said, I would probably like to go back to the Spring 2020 tier I made and would put Garupa Pico Ohmori on B in retrospect, but I’m still gonna keep it as it is because at the time I was really surprised for its sudden existence.
General overview and critiques of the overall Garupa Pico series aside, let’s talk about Ohmori for once, if there’s one thing I have to give huge thumbs up for is introducing RAISE A SUILEN and Morfonica and the series continuing to last for two-cours, one-cour for a short series can be such a waste, even better comedies like Girls’ Frontline Healing Chapter (I have something special to tell you about it below), I really like that the series is very long so I can watch all the misadventures for every band, but at the same time, even if RAS and Morfonica have finally been introduced, they’re still somewhat irrelevant and underused which makes me sad since Bandori 3 really made me a huge fan of RAS and I want to see more of them, and oddly enough, they probably can’t even bother trying to update the ending theme by including RAS and Morfonica, both in the visual and the song itself, if there’s gonna be a new Garupa Pico season in the next two years, hopefully RAS and Morfonica will become regular cast members. As for Morfonica, I have no idea and I don’t really know them much, I seriously need Bandori 4 to happen so it can introduce Morfonica and make me understand them.
As Joaquin Phoenix Joker said: “Comedy is subjective, Murray.”
Welcome to the Japari Park season 2: If there’s some things I have to complain about this second season is that I wish the series would continue to do these secret mystery Kako recordings during the credits like the first season had, and I wish they would stop doing these Friend trivia segments with non-existent Friends, the first season always did these segments with Friends who are actually featured in one episode or something, now that the series has been doing these segments with Friends that don’t even appear in the series, it makes these segments absolutely pointless.
Speaking of Kemono Friends, after the Welcome to the Japari Park series, who knows if the franchise’s anime future will live on given on how widely panned Kemono Friends 2 was. SEGA’s Chocotto Anime Kemono Friends 3 shorts have pretty much ended, I was actually eager on watching these shorts but they haven’t made any new short for a long time. What about 2021? Should we expect a Kemono Friends 3 anime? Probably not, and with the existence of the game with the same name, it’s gonna be extremely confusing whether this Kemono Friends 3 anime should be the third season of the main series or might be an adaptation of the game, whatever it turns out, I’d still watch it anyways because I want to continue to observe the Kemono Friends anime adaptations unfold, and I’d still be confident it would still be nowhere near as good as the first season with Tatsuki.
By the way, since September 16th, SEGA finally released not one, but FOUR new Chocotto Anime Kemono Friends 3 shorts after so long! (1, 2, 3, 4), I just happened to find that out as of the (re)writing of this, September 29th. My question is, what did it even take so long to make new shorts? One would assume is most likely COVID because that affected quite a lot of anime, but at least we finally got not one but four new videos of the Kemono Friends 3 shorts.
My Hero Academia: Make It! Do-or-Die Survival. Pretty strange for a new My Hero Academia OVA to come out this time.
Aggretsuko season 3. If there’s one thing I’d like to say about this season, or at least the last few episodes, it’s that this season has quite the darkest season finales for Aggretsuko I’ve ever seen.
Plans for Fall:
This was the weakest season of the year despite Uzaki-chan and Fire Force (Fruits Basket, Garupa Pico and Japari Park too but I don’t count leftovers), it’s a shame considering how this decade had started strong with quite some good shows and Summer has always been my favorite anime season, but the line-up isn’t as great as before, if Akudama Drive and Danmachi season 3 wouldn’t have been delayed if it weren’t for COVID, they would have made this season slightly better, but now that I think about it, it was for the best for them to get delayed because this Fall line-up is looking a million times better, hell, it’s looking to be the best season of the year!
Now, whenever I talk about the Fall anime season, we can’t forget the most important thing ever: My birthday! If you have no idea, I’ll probably remind you a billion times my birthday is coming soon, October 4th, and one of the things I always look forward the most is watching day 1 anime that come out in my birthday, but alas, I started to feel like I’m not looking forward to my birthday this year AT ALL, mainly because Venom Let There Be Carnage got delayed until June of 2021, and that really sucks so bad because THAT WAS MY ONLY CHANCE TO SEE A VENOM MOVIE IN MY BIRTHDAY, SOMETHING THE FIRST FILM SHOULD HAVE BEEN BECAUSE IT CAME OUT A DAY LATE! IT WOULD HAVE ABSOLUTELY TOPPED JOKER AS MY #1 BEST BIRTHDAY FILM EVER! My birthday gets even more depressing when there’s literally not a single anime that remotely interests me coming out in my birthday and most of the anime I’m the most excited for are coming out before and long after my birthday, the only choice I have is Talentless Nana, or Munou na Nana if you’d like to call the series but I like using the former, I watched the trailer of it and it was okay, not really impressed but might as well give it a shot in my birthday, if I didn’t like it, might as well rewatch the anime that came before it.
Anyways, enough talk about my birthday, let’s talk about my most anticipated Fall shows:
Akudama Drive - October 8th: Since the foundation of Tookyo Games, a new studio by Kazutaka Kodaka,and Kotaro Uchikoshi with artists like Rui Komatsuzaki and Shimadoriru, this anime by Pierrot was the #1 thing that got my most attention, and I can’t believe that we’re so close to the release! Though I SERIOUSLY wish this would come out on my birthday.
Danganronpa may be over but as long as there’s new projects with Kodaka and Komatsuzaki onboard, such as Akudama Drive and the upcoming Tribe Nine. Oh, and speaking of Danganronpa, guess what?... THERE’S GONNA BE AN AKUDAMA DRIVE AND DANGANRONPA COLLABORATION!!! (News provided by the official Akudama Drive Twitter account) Not only there’s gonna be illustrations by Rui Komatsuzaki but if the translations are correct, there’s gonna be more projects along the way! A Danganronpa and Akudama Drive collab is something I just never knew I needed in my life!
I’m absolutely calling it, this is definitely gonna be my AOTY, it may be based due to the fact that I love the Danganronpa franchise to death, but I’ve always had my eyes on this and I want to see it now!
By the way, I just realized something, there’s this project with visuals by Rui Komatsuzaki and Shimadoriru that I have yet to see some news of!
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It’s not Tribe Nine, that game looks like a completely different beast on its own and it’s in collaboration with another project.
Then there’s also this other game that’s, quote:
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Collaboration of the development team of Danganronpa and Spike Chunsoft. Kodaka actually started this project before his retirement of Spike Chunsoft. We imagine a kind of cyberpunk world from this art. Komatsuzaki designs the characters, Shimadoriru designs background, and Takada directs the sounds.
Okay, that sounds really cool, but I’m more interested in the one project with the Rui Komatsuzaki and Shimadoriru visuals, I want to know more about them!
Sure, the concept art may not represent what the final product might end up looking, but World’s End Club (Originally called Death March Club) and Akudama Drive live up to their concept art, so that’s something!
Speaking of Danganronpa, the 10th anniversary stuff was ABSOLUTELY LACKLUSTER, I legit expected there might have been surprise announcements or anything that said there’s a new Danganronpa installment, but nothing absolutely relevant came from it, the Danganronpa x Akudama Drive collab was the only good thing from it. This is what I get for setting my expectations way too high, well, maybe not too high, but still, come on.
(But at the same time, do I REALLY want a new Danganronpa without the staple creators on board?)
Girls’ Frontline Healing Chapter season 2 - October 7th: Girls’ Frontline isn’t my most played gacha game, a black sheep, probably the most blackest sheep since Granblue Fantasy, one I don’t heavily get invested to play like Fate/Grand Order, Azur Lane and even Arknights, though while I started playing Arknights at launch, I stopped around March because the game was very difficult and I lacked the resources, but I returned to the game in May after seeing my older sister starting to play Arknights. I returned to Girls’ Frontline because my Filipino friend started playing Girls’ Frontline around early May and he’s made quite a lot of insane progress in just 5 months, even I wouldn’t ever do that, but since September 28th, I uninstalled the game because I wanted to have some space to install Genshin Impact but at the same time I ended up giving on it too because it ran pretty slow for my phone even on the lowest settings and I almost had no storage left, I even tried installing the game on PC and I don’t know why but the game gave me last minute errors for some reason, so sacrifices had to be made for both Girls’ Frontline and Genshin Impact.
Anyway, enough talk with the gacha game side of things because I made quite a long un-spaced (?) paragraph, let’s talk about the GFL short anime series itself, even as a non-GFL player, I LOVED this series to death, hell, I was even lowkey sad when Healing Chapter ended, Madness Chapter, however... Not so much, we don’t talk about Madness Chapter. The biggest surprise I had when the series came out was that it came out in BiliBili with Chinese dub, hearing anime in Chinese dub is unheard of, I thought the series would be automatically in Japanese because the first trailer had an all-Japanese voice-over, but the Chinese dub was quite good, but then the Japanese dub finally came out--ON MY BIRTHDAY! on Japanese television (and BiliBili too). Well, that’s quite a lovely surprise, I managed to watch the JP dubbed premiere of Healing Chapter long before I went out with my family to have lunch and then go see Joker, it was the second 神映画 (Kami eiga - God film, I made that up) of the year, and my #1 was of course Avengers: Endgame. The JP dub of both Healing and Madness Chapter were very good too overall, it did some things better than CN and vice versa, even casting Persica’s JP voice which I really hope her seiyuu can be used again at some point, the JP broadcast of Healing Chapter also had these weird live-action segments of some dudes’ hands playing with the main character plushies doing random things... I don’t even know what they are or why they are, all I can say that they’re just pretty much fillers to fit the Japanese TV broadcast time limit.
I’m wasting quite a lot of time writing nonsense history of my experience with the Girls’ Frontline short anime series and let me get straight to the point of season 2, when the interview video was released, one of the animators said that they were working on season 2 and then the designs for AK-12 and AN-94 were shown, I’m of course hyped as hell for season 2! (Poggers) and, I don’t want to say this but because of COVID-19, I thought season 2 wouldn’t ever happen now, but it’s still alive and kicking and ready to be released! But there’s one MAJOR problem, apparently BiliBili is going to region lock the series! At first I wasn’t concerned about it for some reason, I had some misguided optimism that someone’s gotta have a VPN or do anything to try to upload the series on more accessible websites, but now the concern is growing bigger and bigger, but still let’s hope someone can still upload season 2 somewhere, I don’t want to see spoilers going around, even if I don’t follow a lot of Girls’ Frontline accounts which I should because sometimes I wouldn’t have ever found out about season 2.
Now I’m just seeing mostly stuff about Healing Chapter season 2, there’s one major question, should I expect Madness Chapter season 2 as well? As far as I know, there really hasn’t been any trailer for a potential season 2 or if it’s actually getting one at all, doesn’t seem like the series did well and I didn’t even care about it sometimes, which is great because Healing Chapter is far superior. But now that Madness Chapter may not get a second season, there’s also the question of what does M16′s Chinese VA mean by making the series “longer,” longer as in be a couple of minutes longer? Although 3-4 minutes is already a decent runtime, it’s not insanely short but I’m down if they’d make it at least a couple of minutes longer. Maybe making the series longer means that we can have a two-cour second season worth of Girls’ Frontline: Healing Chapter only? I would love for that to happen, but we’ll have to find out and see.
There are somethings I forgot to mention about Girls’ Frontline season 2, it’s aimed to be released on October 7th, which is surprisingly earlier than the first season’s release where it was late July. And October 7th being on Wednesday and I wish Girls’ Frontline season 2 would come out on my birthday, but oh well. I wonder if it’ll take about the same timeframe for the Japanese dub’s release, it came out on my birthday last year when the original Chinese dub came out in late July, so I might expect the Japanese dub of season 2 to come out in probably like Winter 2021 at best, we’ll see about that.
Even if I don’t religiously play Girls’ Frontline like I wanted to because I’m a big fan of guns, I wouldn’t mind playing Code Name Bakery, though. I may not fully understand the story in order but my Filipino friend would occasionally tell me spoilers and I don’t really mind that.
By the way, last year I made a shitpost video of Girls’ Frontline Healing Chapter but with Team Fortress 2 audio, now I finally made a new audio parody video but with a twist(ed metal)!
Osomatsu-san season 3 - October 12th: Just when I thought the future of the Osomatsu-san series would be over with the movie, but I’m glad my boys are still up and running! This is definitely gonna top Uzaki-chan as the better comedy of the year because Osomatsu-san has consitently given me a lot of laughs and delivers some really hilarious and bizarre moments.
Knowing that this is Osomatsu-san, wil it dare to even touch upon the topic of COVID-19 or something? There might be some scenes where the cast are doing a Zoom meeting, but they probably wouldn’t flat out say the name of the virus out loud, it’s very unlikely as I kinda find COVID-19 a somewhat sensitive topic and other media hasn’t or probably wouldn’t even try doing something about it.
Burn the Witch - October 2nd: I never really grew up nor care about Bleach, but I read the one-shot of Burn the Witch and I was intrigued by it, when the serialization was announced, I was excited because this series has potential, but there was a catch, this would be a short limited series for 4 chapters, so when I read the last chapter of the manga series, I was sad because the series has potential and it got wasted, but wait, it’s not entirely over yet, as this was only the “first season” and the manga series is getting a “second season.” Yeah, I have no idea how a manga having seasons even works, that doesn’t make sense.
Now here comes the film (or three-part episode series) and upon seeing the first trailer, I thought it would adapt the one-shot because that came out first, but as later trailers came out... It’s adapting the serialized series?! How long was this in the making?! How did the animators even get to read the four chapters of the serialized manga series before they were even released yet?!
Speaking of Bleach, there’s an upcoming new anime that’s adapting an arc, but like I said, I never grew up nor I care about Bleach, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Golden Kamuy season 3 - October 5th: Information on season 3 has been quite scarce for a while and hell, I have barely even watched the trailers, but at last it’s finally coming. As of the (re)writing of this post, September 29th, I finally managed to watch the OVAs and I forgot how hilarious and weird it can be and I love it.
Danmachi season 3 - October 2nd: Like Akudama Drive, this one was also originally gonna be released on Summer but was delayed because of COVID, I haven’t really talked about it more than I have with Akudama Drive because I’m the most excited for it.
Like Golden Kamuy, I happened to watch the recent OVA when season 2 ended and I haven’t seen the trailers at all. Man, I rarely watch OVAs nowadays. Also, speaking of the OVA, what did I just watch?!
D4DJ First Mix - October 30th: That’s right, this is ANOTHER Sanzigen produced anime of the year, Sanzigen has done it again, they’re absolutely killing this year. Anyways, I wanted to watch this for obvious reasons, but apparently I found out that this D4DJ franchise is a new property by Bushiroad, the publisher of the BanG Dream series, seems like Bushiroad has a soft spot for Sanzigen and I really can’t blame them.
Higurashi remake - October 1st: Starting the month off with a remake adaptation of Higurashi, lovely. I never grew up watching the original Higurashi anime, however, I do remember certain moments from the series... For the absolute worse. (1, 2). Yeah, that’s all I can remember. I really wish I could have binged the original series months ago, at least the first season because upon checking the Wikipedia, there’s a lot of other series and they’re just as long as the first one, there’s no way I would have survived all that binge-watching considering I have other things I’m heavily compromised such as my gacha gaming addiction, and yeah that was silly but I have nothing else to do in my spare time, with that being said about the binge-watching and consuming a lot of material, it would have been the time I binged all of Ikki Tousen for a week all over again.
I don’t know anything about the Higurashi visual novel, I don’t know if the original anime series was a good adaptation or not, I’ll probably let some VN royaltists tell me on this one, the 2000s were probably the time where VN adaptations were absolutely mediocre (which I can’t really say for sure because I don’t play VNs to even care to agree that the Tsukihime and Umineko anime are garbage), but I digress. If you couldn’t tell, the original Higurashi anime is that old, which I don’t understand why the need for an anime remake like at this time and what will it even do as an adaptation.
Watching the series is gonna be totally new to me, this isn’t like a Fruits Basket situation where I refused to watch the original anime series in favor of the remake, and by seeing some comparison videos, the remake is a million times far superior than the remake.
Guraburu! - October 8th: I don’t want to consider my older sister as my personal go-to Granblue Fantasy/Shadowverse/Bahamut source since whatever she says are her opinions and whatever which I wouldn’t always end up agreeing, even if she ends up saying that she hates the main Granblue Fantasy anime series. As for me, I found the first season decent, I liked the animation, but then the second season came and the animation is totally different and that gave me a huge sour taste in my mouth, just the visuals were enough to make me sick from the painful animation and I couldn’t care any single bit of it, and the fact that season 2 came out around the same time where other gacha game-based anime like Fate/Grand Order Babylonia and Azur Lane The Animation came out didn’t do any favors.
I don’t know if Girls’ Frontline or Granblue Fantasy are my blackest gacha game sheeps, I did have some decent experience with the game, I played the Christmas, the Persona 5 and the Detective Conan events (Though I didn’t finish the Conan event), I mostly opened the game for log ins but I occasionally went to do free rolls whenever those happened, lastly I played the campaign for a little bit but I stopped because the one chapter where I last played, I forgot what it was, but it required having a party with higher level and I couldn’t even beat a map once, so I gave up. I haven’t opened the game for a long time and I feel like I have pretty much retired from Granblue Fantasy. I wouldn’t like to try to follow my older sister in the shadows when it comes to Granblue Fantasy, Shadowverse or Rage of Bahamut any longer, so they’re totally out of my league.
My older sister seems rather optimistic about this series as it’s an adaptation of the game’s 4koma, going so far to say this would be “a million times better than the main anime series.”
Honestly I’m not feeling quite fond of these Cygames adaptations as a whole, they can be very hit or miss but the most important thing is whether they resonate with me or not, so I still end up watching everything anyways.
Also, we do not talk about the current Shadowverse anime because that is NOT the Shadowverse I know at all and I can’t believe it’s still going.
Attack on Titan: The Final Season - December 7th: Okay, I definitely did not expect quite a release date for the final season of Attack on Titan at all, it’s so weird that I even thought about whether or not I would classify this as a “Fall” anime and more like closer to the “Winter” season. I haven’t been following the news but my biggest question is, has the manga already ended? This wouldn’t be the final season if it wouldn’t adapt the entirety of the series finale as soon as the source material ended, kind of like Tokyo Ghoul:re.
Talentless Nana - October 4th: I already mentioned above that this is my only decent choice of day 1 anime to watch on my birthday, I’m just putting it here again for the sake of having the list complete.
Toji no Miko - Tomoshibi - October 25th, November 29th: Back when I first watched Toji no Miko back in 2018 (Wow, I already feel old), I found the series okay, they also released a mobile game at the time which I was like “Okay.” But for some reason as time went on I kind of grow to develop a negative aftertaste for the series, like it’s not very appealing or whatever. Then the Mini Toji series came out last year and it added fuel to the fire on my uninterest on the Toji no Miko franchise as a whole with Mini Toji leaving me a huge sour taste in my mouth, it wasn’t even funny, sometimes it was but most of it wasn’t.
I don’t want to associate Yoshinori Shizuma’s art heavily with Kancolle, but I even went so far thinking that Toji no Miko would be the Kancolle of swords or even a female Touken Ranbu of sorts but not exactly like Touken Ranbu, but it does nothing to help to gain interest.
I don’t know why I kind of feel that way towards the franchise, and after the mobile game’s release, I later thought Toji no Miko would become a failed franchise, so where we at now? Well, Toji no Miko is getting an OVA, but it’s not just a single OVA, it’s actually a two-part OVA, lovely. There’s just something about the series that makes me think it’s bland, it’s nothing special and whatever. I do think Yoshinori Shizuma’s character designs are nice, not great or rule 34 worthy but they’re okay at best, and that’s about it.
Mini Toji introduced the characters from the mobile game into the anime scene, and now the new OVAs are heavily based on the mobile game, but honestly, I prefer the characters from the anime series a million times better than the ones from the game, they’re rather forgettable.
You probably want to tell me that if I feel somewhat pessimistic about Toji no Miko, I should boycott the OVA, I’d like to but part of me tells me that maybe I shouldn’t blindly be a dick about it, so I guess I should give Toji no Miko one last chance. I wrote the release date just in case, I’ll probably forget about it anyways except there will be something that’ll make me remind the Toji no Miko OVA parts 1 and 2 will come out soon or have come out depending on the time.
(Speaking of Touken Ranbu, when the hell are we gonna get the new Touken Ranbu Hanamaru project? I recently read the news of the new Hanamaru project being in the works again to refresh my memory the last time I saw the news and it was from THIS JANUARY?! Holy crap, that was a really long time ago! I really hope this would resurface in 2021 and it might bring some interest in Touken Ranbu again, although this is Touken Ranbu and the fanbase are hardcore fujos so they’re still keeping the game alive in some way. I always thought the Touken Ranbu anime would now become dormant for some reason, especially when Ufotable is never gonna release the Katsugeki Touken Ranbu movie, they definitely must have ditched it in favor of more Fate and even Kimetsu no Yaiba. The Katsugeki Touken Ranbu film now is sitting next to Girls’ Work as Ufotable’s most infamous vaporware works.)
I guess that’s it for this post, I talked way too much about some of my most anticipated shows than others but it’s clear I do give a lot of thought into some of these things.
Anyways, I’ll see you later and don’t forget about my birthday!
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Hajime Komaeda/XtremeDespair3D - Carrd.
If you want to do birthday donations: Here.
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logs-blogs-reviews · 4 years
The Black Parade - Short & Very, Very Sweet
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1. The End 
2. Dead!
3. This is How I Disappear
4. The Sharpest Lives
5. Welcome to The Black Parade
6. I Don’t Love You
7. House of Wolves
8. Cancer
9. Mama
10. Sleep
12. Disenchanted
13. Famous Last Words
       Okay, let’s try this out. Hmm, The End > Dead! is a classic duo, and shapes our narrative. “This is How I Disappear” is where the drums get to begin to boom, the guitars get mean and strict on their counts, and your head is banging like a motherfucker before you know it. I actually would say this song is in the top 4 for me off this album. A true highlight, but we’re still just getting started
 “without you is how i disappear and live my life alone, forever.....
/So I can’t hurt you anymore....” The final harmonies from Gerard are just....... <3 
The Sharpest Lives one of the most unique songs I’ve ever heard. I heard it at a young age, I think this album came out in 2006, so I was in middle school, only having access to the downloads I could find, and this song was available. So..... no matter WHEN and how often I listen to this album, I’ll be reminded of driving around in the car with my dad. That’s when I listened to it the most. And I like that sediment in which its held. 
The poetry in this album is not to go unnoticed. My Chemical Romance has always has a knack for getting the lyrics perfect.
.....And there it is. That FUCKING NOTE. Yes, this is the heart of the album. This is worth the first 30 minutes. You know, while this song plays, I’ll say, I find it hard now days to visit this album in doses as such “single songs”. This is such a short enough album, it’s too hard not to admit you might have ten minutes under the hour to yourself, why not? It’s 50 minutes long (the original release) 
I love that it’s short and sweet, and too the point. ......And then we hear, “Sometimes I get the feeling she’s watching over me” 
The guitars in welcome to the black parade are BRUTAL. These songs are just so, unlike anything other band. 
“I’m not ashamed, I’m going to show my scars” 
The guitar in this song is unreal. These guys play very fast and I am inlove with it. 
Track #6 is “I don’t Love You” which is a good come down from all of the energy the first act has punched at us. God, Gerard’s voice..... <3 
While this song plays, let me just set the mood. I kind of had a shit workday and decided to just put this album on. I plan on listening to tons and tons of more music tonight, and maybe watching some more “VH1′s behind the music” I don’t know if a single person will ever read these posts. but I like this idea, and I like the idea of another fan discussing an album that, just resonates so deeply with them. The band created all of this - I did not, I had nothing to do with any of it. But, God damn, if we can’t relate to feeling scared, feeling hurt, and feeling empty and sad inside. 
I Don’t Love you is still playing. and I am getting chills. <3
House of Wolves is a good change of beat. The drums in this one are my favorite treat of the entire song. 
“Tell me I’m a bad man, kick me like a stray!!” 
Dude, I totally forgot, that SLIDE GUITAR. This song has helped me out a lot in my life. This one has stuck out while in some of my deepest trips. 
I am a total bitch for piano. And I have always loved this song because I enjoyed singing a lot when I was getting antiquated with this band back in my earlier years. And, I just made the lyrics in my head a LOT. As I grew older, I stoppepd singing outloud and I let the music play and I HEARD what they wrote down. This song reminds me of my uncle who is currently going to chemo and not feelign too great. I love him a lot. I want him to get better. I know he will. 
On a different note, the lyric, “Know that I WILL NEVER MARRY!!” is performed with the most angelic sounding voice, in the world. 
“The hardest part of this is leaving you.” Again, the poetry is the real star of this band.  
Mama is always stuck in my head. I love this song. It’s simple and it’s a groove. So, I am a total bitch for it. lol :P 
“stop asking! Me questions!!! I HATE TO SEE YOU CRY” 
“You should have been - I could have been a better son” 
Now, I can’t quite conduct a good wrap up for this album. Music is what we get out of it. I love it. It’s a good album after a rotten day of work. It’s a good break up album. I find music like this, it’s almost a little hard to put on when you’re just at home relaxing. When I was a kid, yes, I listened to this all the time without a second thought, but now these lyrics these stories and characters the songs share with us, I have to be in the mood for it. (nowadays at least) That’s not to say, I don’t enjoy it when I’m in a good mood, but it’s just hard to revisit music that has truly helped you shaped out your personality on some of your worst days. These musicians help so many people, I think that is so cool. 
Sleep reminds me of a green day song, bang bang and I have no idea why. It’s a chill-ass song. Can’t really come up with much more for this one. Not necessarily one that sticks out for me. But I love the intro. Bang bang is more fast but idk they go together good on a playlist. After all of the hype the first 30 minutes gives you, this song is a necessary cool-down. “Just sleep....” 
The guitar into for Disenchanted hasnt started yet but I know its coming <3 
TEENAGERS!! What a great surprise!! I forgot this song was on here!!!
(blistering guitar solo) FUCK YES god, i never really had a love affair with this song either but idk, its working for me right now. I cant stop thinking of the music video lol will probably watch it later tonight!! 
Shit I’m just remembering MCR was suppose to play in MA before C-19 ruined it. </3 
Ahh, yes, “Well I was there, on the day.... They sold the cause for the queen””
I always loved this one. Maybe top 3 off the album. 
Shit, I have to do my top 5 now. 
5. The End
4. This is How I Disappear 
3. Disenchanted 
2. Mama/Cancer - both a tie for #2
1. Welcome to the Black Parade / Famous Last Words - Yes fuck you, its a TIE
Here’s another shot because, I had kind of a CRAP DAY AND I know all the station password ;P lol jk jk BUt I am getting more drunk by the minute, cheers. 
Okay, I knew it was coming. I’m just gonna headbang the last 5 minutes, again, cheers.
Enjoy California sweetie.
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drewsdailydose · 7 years
Top 5 Diabetes Myths Debunked
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Let's face it, there are a lot of stigmas associated with diabetes. So, in this short article, I’m going to debunk some common myths and misconceptions. 
1. All People with Type 2 Diabetes are Overweight or Obese
Our understanding of diabetes has changed drastically over the past few decades. We now know that diabetes doesn’t discriminate. It affects people of all shapes and sizes. Type 1 diabetes used to be known as a disease that you get as a juvenile, and type 2 diabetes was a disease that you get as an older adult (usually 40 and over). But nowadays, masses of people are getting diagnosed with both types of diabetes at opposite ends of the spectrum. There are fifteen-year-olds getting diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and sixty-year-olds getting diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. This goes against all previous knowledge of the disease and how it manifests. 
Perhaps the most bewildering part of all is that type 2 diabetes is no longer seen as a disease that only affects people who are overweight and obese. In fact, there are young professional athletes getting diagnosed with the condition. For example, there have been cases of professional triathletes and marathon runners who eat diets high in saturated fat and highly processed foods, who end up developing the condition.
Regardless of your shape and size, if you consume huge amounts of saturated fat which builds up in muscle and liver cells (called intramyocellular and intrahepatic lipids, respectively), you’re inducing a state of insulin resistance which can ultimately increase the likelihood of developing insulin resistance, pre-diabetes or even type 2 diabetes. 
2. Type 1 Diabetes is Caused by Eating Too Much Sugar
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease. In other words, the immune system attacks and destroys the cells of our own body. In the case of type 1 diabetes, the immune system mistakes our own insulin-producing pancreatic Beta cells for invaders and elicits a killer immune response. As a result of this brutal attack, people with type 1 diabetes can no longer produce insulin and are required to administer it themselves. 
Sure, eating too much sugar probably doesn’t help the situation, but it certainly doesn’t play a role in the pathogenesis or manifestation of the disease. There are a number of lifestyle factors in the literature that have been shown to trigger the autoimmune response, but sugar has not been shown to be one of them.
In a nutshell, type 1 diabetes manifests by a process called ‘The Perfect Storm’. It’s basically a number of variables have to happen all at once which leads to the onset of the disease. Here are some examples of variables that have been reported in the scientific literature: genetic predisposition, C-section birth, non-breast fed babies, viruses, dietary triggers such as gluten and dairy, antibiotic use, rapid and drastic change to your microbiome (gut bacteria), and leaky gut syndrome.

3. Diabetes Cannot be Prevented or Reversed
Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes have been proven to have a genetic element to them, but that does not mean that you are destined to get it. In fact, we have more control over our genetics than you think. It’s called ‘Epigenetics’. In other words, we have the ability to control which genes are expressed and which genes are suppressed simply by our lifestyle choices. 

Just because you have a genetic predisposition to developing diabetes - does not mean that it is your fate. 
Type 2 diabetes, for the most part, can be prevented by living a healthy lifestyle. Things like exercising every day, eating a high fibre plant-based diet, eating healthy fats, avoiding saturated and trans fats, eating probiotic-rich foods, avoiding refined carbohydrates and sugars, getting some sunlight, and sleeping adequately. A balanced holistic approach to healthy living is your safest bet for preventing, managing and even reversing diabetes!

There is even evidence to suggest that type 1 diabetes can be potentially prevented. Animal studies have shown that certain gut bacteria are protective against the autoimmune attack that causes type 1 diabetes. There is also evidence in the literature to show that avoiding potential dietary triggers such as gluten and a1 beta casein found in cow’s milk may reduce your chance of developing diabetes. Most fascinating of all is the case of a 6-year-old boy with type 1 diabetes who went into remission after adopting a strict gluten-free diet.
The point here is, if you do have a family history of diabetes, there is evidence to show that eliminating potential lifestyle triggers may improve your chances of avoiding it.
4. Exercise is Dangerous for People With Type 1 Diabetes
This has to be the most gear-grinding myth of all. People with type 1 diabetes are often afraid of exercise because they aren’t on an appropriate insulin therapy protocol. If you are on the correct amount of insulin for your activity levels, not only is exercise perfectly safe - it is vital for optimal health!
As someone thriving with type 1 diabetes, exercise is my fundamental management strategy to control my insulin and blood sugar levels. I like to say:
“Exercise is a form of medicine that we can freely and happily administer to ourselves”
My philosophy is: “In order to thrive with diabetes, I need to take 2 types of medicine daily: Insulin and exercise - with exercise being at the core”.

In other words, my daily dose of insulin is dependant upon my daily dose of exercise - NOT the other way around. So on days when I don’t exercise - I require more insulin. It is quite simply a balancing act between two medications for optimal insulin and blood sugar control. 

As an Accredited Exercise Physiologist, a big problem that I see in clinical practice is that people with type 1 diabetes are afraid to exercise (and even afraid to partake in activities of daily living) in case their blood sugar level drops too low. 
The result: a sedentary individual surviving on large amounts of insulin, rather than an active individual thriving on minimal amounts of insulin. 

5. Diabetes Always Leads to Long-Term Health Complications
It’s true, diabetes can lead to some pretty scary long-term complications. But just because it can, doesn’t mean it will. When I was first diagnosed, I was horrified when I learned about them. The big 3 are known as the ‘opathies’. Nephropathy, Retinopathy, and Neuropathy. In layman’s terms: kidney disease, eye disease/blindness, and nerve disease.
We’ve all heard of the worst case scenario of an elderly diabetic who ends up on kidney dialysis, who suffers from blindness and has had their feet amputated. I’m not denying it, very poorly managed long-term diabetes can lead to those things, but it certainly isn’t that fate for all people with diabetes.
Controlling your blood sugar levels in the normal range can help to avoid all of the scary things that come with living with diabetes. In fact, there are thousands of people who have had diabetes for over fifty years and don’t show any signs of chronic complications.
Diabetes is not a death sentence. It may even prove to be the push you need to get into the best shape of your life. In my personal case, I am fitter and overall healthier today than I was before being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. The fact is, if you properly manage your diabetes through lifestyle factors, being fit and healthy is within your control, regardless of your disease state. 
- “Dear Diabetes...” - A letter to my diabetes 
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