#it’s so different to be like wow good for him!! bc I can only imagine getting bodyshamed publicly by your fans
feelslikegold · 2 months
no see what we’re not going to keep doing is still think it’s okay to comment on jake’s weight?????
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shekeepsmeworms · 1 year
Had some wine feeling good made a really shitty bowl in ceramics class this morning that I’m really worried has a bunch of air holes in it and had a really crappy therapy session where I didn’t talk too much but was honest about some other stuff which is good overall I guess but now I’m doing drunk crochet and watching the Duggar family documentary and probably going to stop watching soon once they start talking about the awful stuff but yeah day in the life of a woman doing her best I guess
#like both sides of my family are either Irish catholic. converted assimilation catholic. or part Jewish but raised catholic.#but my mom read the Boston glob report so I wasn’t baptized or anything and despite her born again phase I’ve never really been religious#so the thought of growing up in that environment is like I can’t imagine the pressure oh my god#like I’ve had Mormon friends and have some friends who were raised homeschool Christian married young and all and like#i don’t know it’s just wild how different our lives are like I’ve got a problems and def inherited the guilt complex thing for sure but like#I also never got told to submit to anyone or that god was watching#or to be modest or any of the purity stuff beyond normal patriarchy stuff#like I’m not saying my life is better but I didn’t do church after age 5 and only go to funeral masses so I like the comfort of like#doing sign of cross and saying Hail Mary and all bc it provides structure for grief but beyond that I can’t imagine living with all of that#these are very long tags with no real point beyond wow. that’s literally bananas to me. but did I mention I’m a little drunk#and even then my family isn’t like hardcore catholic. my grandma and her siblings skipped church to get donuts bc no farm work on Sunday#and my dad grew up like doing fasted mass and everything but heard the 2000s Harvey milk speech and realized gay ppl are okay#and then rest of extended dads side is like catholic but vote blue and think human rights are good and all#my mom has a student who’s like very traditional catholic like she was trying to teach him math and whatever#and the live coverage of waiting for pope confirmation was on tv the whole time#and he fights with her about evolution and learning about the existence of other religions and everything#so I guess even in my own family like. everyone’s down with basic science and civil liberties which is even weirder for me I guess#like not even among fundamentalists like just regular Catholics I’ve had a pretty liberal upbringing re faith. it’s just wild to me#to see the differences of worldview#and even non religion stuff was pretty liberal overall despite living in pretty red area. idk it’s just wild how different life can be
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Ok so tmi (on the tmi blog lol) but the first day of my Cycle I had a dream that I had just given birth and I was holding my baby and I was goddamn euphoric even though the logical part of me was like “???? I am 22 and broke i CANNOT have a baby rn” and I woke up crying and called my friends like I WANNA HAVE A BAAAAAABYYYYY I WANT A BAAAAAAABYYYYYYYY so basically. Imagine. Miguel catches you in a moment of weakness. And he NEVER. FUCKING. FORGETS IT.
Oh wow girlie those period hormones grabbed you by the uterus and absolutely REFUSED to let go
NO BUT FOR REAL don't look at me but I've been thinking of a concerning number of ideas where it's like, "Reader suddenly realizes they may want a baby and is actually putting serious thought into it and Miguel finds out (bet your ass Peter B tells him, i can see him as a "well intentioned" platonic guardian/mentor figure who sells you out to Miguel the second he thinks you're doing something risky or he thinks it's for your own good) and Miguel starts making all these plans and preparations behind your back to have a baby with you" and obviously I like the extra juicy option of "he found out you got extremely depressed and tied your tubes or something because you either see no point in you having a kid/think it's too late, OR, Miguel was the only person you were looking at as a potential father and you either decide it wouldn't work out or he does something to hurt you and you lose trust in him" so like, the double whammy combo of him being hit with the news you basically walled off your fertility that he's kinda fantasizing about AND you blame him for it
You see him chokeslam Miles on the train and having all these serious anger and stress issues and you're like "hmmmm don't like that" and basically make the tubal ligation appointment that week (but, you know, he'll either interfere before you can actually get it or even reverse it later on)
Like. Ugh I'm not sure if I should go super into detail bc I feel like I want to put this scene in the YouTwo fic or in a different idea i have thats more centered around motherhood, but, picture he catches you in his monitor room one day after you've lost your home dimension, you're having a little more than just a small identity crisis, and he catches you having Lyla show you the model for your life, or what the algorithm had predicted your life was supposed to be like before your universe just magically poofed away. You're just staring at these holograms with tears running down your face and he occasionally catches you starting to reach out like you want to touch what you see. He comes to stop you because he already knows all too well where this could lead, you can't become tempted to break canon and go somewhere else, but you beg him to let you watch just a little longer
"I was supposed to get MARRIED! I was supposed to have a BABY! I was supposed to have a family!! It's not fair!!"
And he's in total agreement with you because, who even fucking knows why your universe suddenly destabilized and vanished. He sees you as this person who has so much promise and potential who had their destiny and future literally snatched away from them and now you're lost and confused on what you're supposed to do, like really he totally understands why you feel so aimless. But watching these holograms is like torturing yourself, and he goes to stop you when you just keep crying because this is basically sending you into a critical mental health episode
"Someone was supposed to fall in love with me... we were supposed to have a baby... would I have been a good mom? Would I have had a boy or a girl? Cant you at least let me find out what my daughter's name would have been?"
And it's like NOOOO you can't hit him with the daughter card, don't you see what you've DONE!!! Gets him right in the heart. Now he's got this massive soft spot for you, bigger than it already was anyways, and he can tell over time you're just really starting to, grieve the future you were supposed to have, falling into a depression. Peter B is hanging around with Mayday like he usually does as both men can tell you're really staring at his baby today and he offers to teach you how to hold her. you're standing there misty eyed twirling one of her little curls around your finger as her dad starts volunteering information to you, "you know she's about XYZ months old now, they aren't really talking yet at this age but they're really curious about their surroundings and--"
Miguel watches as you start talking about children and suddenly get this really really tortured expression and just say "it's not meant to happen" and or some combination of "it's too late for me" and gives him his baby back a little too quickly in typical "I am clearly leaving the room to go cry" fashion. Meanwhile Peter B is like 38 wondering why you think you're out of time or it's not supposed to happen
Miguel's working one day and Peter is trying to shove his phone in his face, "you know I think this is one of the BEST photos of Mayday I've ever taken, she's looking so cute here, you just GOTTA see it" and Pete just won't let up and Miguel finally looks just to humor him because the man is being unusually annoying and, it's a photo of Mayday, duh, but being held by you, and you're clearly looking down at her with watering eyes and the smallest little smile that says "I'll die for you" and Peter is just all 😏 as Miguel is 'suddenly' interested in the photo. "That's a really good photo of MAYDAY, right? 😏 I figured you would like it, that photo of MAYDAY 😏" and Miguel is just grumbling and grouchy bc he sees what this guy is tryna do, but he's still like ".... send it to me later, I'm trying to work right now"
It's even worse if you're a member of his strike force because you're constantly around him, Peter B, and Jess. Miguel just, idly wondering where you are and deciding to walk around a little bit and eventually finds that you're having some sort of conversation with Peter B and Jess and he can tell you look really weepy as the other woman invites you to feel her baby kicking, like, you could not more obviously be developing baby fever, and you ARE around that age, and ESPECIALLY if you live in Nueva York because it's like, YEAH you're still a Spider and YEAH you help the Society with stuff but. Your home universe is gone, your canon is gone, you're kind of. Free as a bird really? But you're also scared because, if someone was destined to love you, does that mean it technically isn't meant to be to fall for anyone else? You can't exactly hook up with people at the Spider Society because of canon or them already having relationships, and you don't exactly have identifying documents if you wanted to try and adopt
I think it'd really reach a stressful breaking point if you and the strike force go to another universe to fight an anomaly and Miguel catches you staring out into the crowd of people you just saved and he sees what youre looking at instantly and his heart sinks. Another you, another normal you, never bitten by a Spider, is standing there with her husband and her little sputtering baby, and he has to all but drag you away as you cry "it's not fair, it's not fair, why does SHE get a normal life!!"
Sidebar for a moment, I think that's probably also one thing that would be so INFURIATING about the doppelganger stealing your life story because THEY have a home universe and YOU don't. They take your life, they take literally everything you have left, your friends, your sense of community, your literal purpose. I've already decided on YTs motivations but could you imagine you finding out YouTwo actually has a decent life and maybe even a husband and kid of their own and you're just furious because they're basically abandoning their duties back home not only as a Spider but as a parent/spouse to steal what YOU have? You can't kill them because it would break their canon and kill like countless people but Miguel and the others would def let you beat the shit out of your evil double and get some of your anger out. Like. Jesus could you imagine Miguel kicks you out thinking you're the fake and after you're gone, YouTwo breaks canon and that's what exposes them, or theyre exposed when they eventually take a trip back home and get caught. The Society's regret, the guilt, the anger, just marinate me with the drama
But anyways back to Being Sad and Babycrazy, you go missing one day and Miguel has to decide what to do when he finally tracks your bracelet and you're back in THAT dimension again. He has to physically track you down using your bracelet's signal because you refuse to answer his messages and you're, in the home of the other you while she takes a brief nap, in the nursery, holding her baby. Miguel quietly climbs through the window and you're in a rocking chair and you've got her hugged to your chest and your eyes are closed and you sense him and, obviously cry because you know you have to leave. Unlike with the holograms he doesn't give you any leeway on this, putting his foot down that this has to end here, this cant go on, this is already so dangerous. And, you're good for him and understand, leaving the baby back in its crib as you and Miguel warp away. You're heartbroken but ultimately understanding when he has to disable your watch's ability to visit that specific dimension again, and you're obviously extremely depressed for a while, having multiple Spiders coming to check in on you as word spreads around that you aren't doing well
I can just see Reader becoming kind of desperate because the only options for a baby you really have left is to either 1. get a serious relationship, which you're scared of because you have to trust that person and who can you even pick, you're nervous about breaking canon or something, or 2. Get some random person to impregnate you so you can run off with the baby
Miguel gets a call from Peter B that you went to a bar and you're EXTREMELY wasted as you try to pick someone, ANYONE up and like, you have admirers for sure but there's enough decent people around to keep the creeps in line, clearly you are in a vulnerable state of mind right now, and Miguel gets to tote your drunken ass back home as you drunkenly word vomit all your feelings to him because, unfortunately for you, he has your trust, and you need comfort right now, and you even ask him about what being a parent was like for him. You encouragingly tell him he shouldn't give up if he still wants kids, you trying to be genuinely nice and not trying to imply anything, blubbering about how he deserves to still be happy and he's still got time, and here's Miguel who's practically tracking your cycles at this point, TOTALLY not going to use anything you say to him while you're piss-drunk against you
Especially if you add ABO into the mix and you have a Miguel who's either Alpha/Omega and is already babycrazy af and he sees you literally fucking YEARNING for it, like. You've got a 6'9" Alpha basically looking at you, his poor lil Omega crush, with the big yandere goo goo eyes and how you need all this love and support and stability and how you're in need of a proper husband and of course he's all too willing to volunteer himself for the job. Even if he's too awkward to come right out to you and say it, he'll be thinking in his head and planning behind your back ways to take care of you, keep you away from any drugs/alcohol (no more smoking weed with metro boomin Spiderman, you've gotta detox your body to have a baby! Also, different concept but, Miguel basically keeping you in a bubble to control all your meals and recreational activities and all of that so he can make sure you're perfectly healthy for a baby)
Don't let this man catch you slipping up! Throw you to the Spider Society and you'll come back pregnant 😭 he sees you so depressed and wanting a baby and it's like well, if your life needs new meaning, he can help literally make one for you 😏 he's been feeling protective and nurturing of you anyways, so, it's an extra benefit for him to think of getting to have both you AND a little baby of your very own ❤️
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
About language brainrot. Imagine writer creator reader who finally learns how to write in Teyvat's weird symbols and they want to publish their book. They decided to do it anonymously to avoid the "aaaaaah our creator wrote the holy scripture" sort of situation. Except it didn't work. The reader's style is too different from the rest of the world, so even if they tried to simulate the flowery speech it wasn't effective.
Another thing. Reader who decided to read some local books to practice their reading. They asked for something simple and similar to their speech. But the only books merely similar to it are 2000 and more years old. It's funny how the older text is the more you can understand it. On this note. If reader write something i feel like it would be hard to understand for Teyvat's people.
Imagine a reader who is autistic or has any other NDs imparing their communication skills. They practically trained themselves to say sertain phrases in sertain situation. But it doesn't work in Teyvat. And everything just stacks at each other. Difference in speech, being a God (so people react weirdly to you), bad communication skills, not understanding nonverbal cues and so on. There's gonna be a lot of misunderstanding. I imagine how followers would walk on the eggshells not to upset and angry their God and reader who does the same not to say something people will get wrong. Again.
Reader who regained all their memories of creating Teyvat, they're super powerful and stuff. But they still struggle with the modern language. Because all the memories are like millions years old.
GIF Akashi (black hair) is all the people who read the Sagau/Isekai Genshin tag and Bokuto (silver) is STILL ME RANTING ABOUT LANGUAGE IN TEYVAT LMAO
They cant escape me, sorry people who just wanted to read SAGAU normal things, im filling up the tag💀
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(^ lol biblically accurate deadaquarius)
Also, its getting kinda old now, so here is the blunt language v. Teyvat's flowery language post for reference! :)
Like,, imagine right now if i told you to write me 4 pages of an essay in entirely early 18th century vernacular.
(For reference: when the story Pride & Prejudice takes place)
... like??
Bitch aint no way u can do that and actually show that to a historian or an actual living person from that time period
and them actually say "wow! An excellently worded 18th century essay!"
So tying into that whole, "the only simple texts are like literal cunnieform clay tablets or sm shit"
Your writing to them just sounds like if a scribe just copied off what one of those tablets said just onto paper HAHA
And like, if u try and dress it up, it just ends up sounding like its from a slightly later time period
Like if ur casual writing sounds like 1 million years ago, u being flowery sounds like 8-7 thousand years ago u cant win LMAO
Omg ur trying to go to that-
wait whats it called,,fuck i dont know Sumeru good enough yet
Yeah so ur thinking "Oh what better way to learn a dialect?/vernacular than reading books by them!"
And u basically snatch Alhaitham at the soonest possible chance to take you there
(Bc when i went in, it was just random lore books everywhere so)
Needless to say you have no clue how this place is organized, so u convince him to direct you to books u can easily read first
Like as close to your speech as possible!! U tell him :)
It literally takes like 3 hours to get something readable LMAO
Bc when the poor feeble scribe initially brought you smth he thought was pretty old and close to ur speech, like just first thought,
... It sounded like it was from the middle of the 18th century to you lol
So, with a "hmm" and a squint at the dusty book you'd already given up on
Alhaitham slowly went around the library making a stack of books, dropped them off in front of you... not a single sentence.
...then he made a stack of scrolls...
...a stack of stone tablets...
.....getting closer?? it was really weird seeing Shakespearean language carved into stone....
...and then, with a conversation to a second library secretary deeper in the library, past a caged area of shelves to protect them...
...he escorts you behind the restricted section towards the back filled with glass display cases.
(Several of which contain the most ancient looking sets of artifacts you've ever seen)
...Finally, u arrive at a long glass case of several clay tablets.
Half of which sound like they're from the 1910s-20s, and the other, even older half, sounding straight out of the 2000s..
...Good god.
These crazy speaking bastard-previously-video-game-characters were right.
You are suddenly, viscerally hit with the image of Zhongli's idle, "Osmanthus wine tastes the same as I remember, but where are those who share the memory?" 💀
Alhaitham side eyes you,, (he looks,, very interested, yet also kinda concerned??? HIM, CONCERNED????!!!)
"Ahem, the texts before thy Greatest Lord art the eldest- well, perhaps, more appropriately, the eldest and most intact, pieces of written language known to our humankind."
....aYOO MAN 😭😭
...Ur just staring at these half cracked, baked clay tablet thingys, full of slang from like 2003-
Alhaitham coughs.
"Uh, thanks. ...Sorry about all the.. trouble with this..."
"This task assigned to mine own person was of no trouble to my mind or spirit, Greatest Lord, fret not about it any longer."
And with a sort of shell-shocked atmosphere surrounding both of you, Alhaitham walks off to check out some other restricted books, hovering nearby yet also trying to give u space LOL
Top 10 cursed images: Seeing "Chillax, bro, dude, and weeb" carved into ancient clay tablets that look like they would be part of the Egyptian exhibit back in ur world 💀
You eventually just kind of end up writing a couple pages after studying the writings, going younger and younger (nothing has ever made u feel more powerful...yet also more old..)
You stretch, just as Alhaitham finally has made his own little stack of creaky old books
He seems very curious to read what u wrote, peaking a glance over the top of his book every so often (lol nerd, cute nerd... but NERDDD)
You just offer the academic lunatic what he wants 🙄
"Haha, wanna take a look? Some drafts are... closer than others..."
The scribe immediately puts his book down, not even saving his page,
"I would be honored, Greatest Lord."
Is he excited?? 💀 omfg
U very slowly hand ur most recent practice pages over, he curls his hand under his chin "hmm" ing
...Alhaitham shakes his head
"My..deepest apologizes My Creator, but this still seems, at the earliest, from when papyrus was invented, and not yet even into scrolls..."
U let ur head plop on ur pile of papers, srry babe youll never be as fancy as Mr. Darcy 😕
And as ur resting there, contemplating just walking out and finding smth to eat instead- same
Alhaitham picks up another draft.
Except it's your first attempt.
As in, you didn't even try, first attempt.
You just made some bullet point notes or some Bs, in ur regular. modern. language.
Alhaitham knocks his chair over standing up so fast-
(HE GETS SHUSHED BY THE RESTRICTED LIBRARIAN LOL, also another person unafraid to scold God lol)
...he says its a perfect example of the oldest records they've found of writing on the continent, most of which they haven't even translated yet
He asks u to teach him how to read this/speak like this lol
(^^^not my best work but hope yall got smth outta it💀)
???¿¿?????!!! <- THEM ALL THE TIME
(ok ill tone it down before i also get shushed)
U used to be a player!!
Which would maybe mean u got rlly comfy playing Genshin all the time!
...like i know im kinda stimming when im gaming (and my natural stim is rocking so yeah no way they wouldnt notice that 💀)
So, since u may be still yknow unconsciously wanting to be comfy (esp around ur mains/team/favs)
U probably have stimmed a little around them, which, not that neurotypicals dont stim, but like
They would notice after awhile
And esp people like Alhaitham, Zhongli, Ningguang, Xiao, Ei, Aether/Lumine, Kaeya, Diluc, Kazuha, Heizou, Shenhe, Kokomi, Sara, Albedo, Dainsleif- !! GASP- !! <- my bbygirl omg i forgot abt u before now im so sorry </3
(once again i have not checked a character list, forgive my sins my readers)
^^^ Are like pretty focused on you/observant, so they'd eventually pick up on it first probably
....which allsssooo means they're like, collecting all ur neurodivergent thingys lol to compile as EVIDENCE AGAINST YOU AS TO WHY THEY KNOW UR THE CREATOR LMAO
Honestly the biggest factor against u is definitely social interaction,, srry love :/
(if it helps, its bc i know itd be my downfall too thats why thats there ^ 😔)
Mostly bc i have this idea/theory? obervation? that when I especially met Adepti for the first time
Esp ones that werent as close to human society for as long as some others (like think Xiao vs. Ganyu)
And for literally every other non-human people we've met so far in Genshin-
They kinda- they kinda, radiate neurodivergent energy??
Like, they're not adherring to social norms, and not in like a bad way,
But its still rlly obvious (i mean also its probably exaggerated for us as an audience) that theyre not human pretty quickly
oh geez wow excuse me, cold weather must be gettin to me- ahem hem-
Anyway, like what Nexy said in the ask,
...Yall are all just tiptoing around each other 😭😭
Bc these ppl arent from Earth countries,
All their behavior is weird to you 😭
U dont know how to mask with them yet 😭😭
Bc they cant even understand ur phrasing bc its so simple 😭😭😭
Tldr: "Being Neurodivergent means ur a god, confirmed." - says all of Teyvat's denizens
*rubs my little rat gremlin hands together*
"hmHmHMMMM BuT wHaT iF mAYbE yOU reMeMbeREd cReATinG TeyVAT, hmHMHMMMMM"
(one of my favs, if u cant tell)
I would (platonically) kiss you right now dude.
Instead I give this:
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♡ ily
PSPSPSPSsppspspspssss Last Time! CLOSES TOMORROW @1pm CST: VOTE on my 100+ followers celebration POLL :)
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♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza lol ur own ask im a menace sorry
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millswaffle · 5 months
its levis birthday and you want to take him out. So your searching on the internet, until you stumble across a cute tea shop. The shop is here you can create your own tea for a reasonable, and chill in the cafe area. The shop was small but had a very calming environment, with plants being set everywhere, walls painted dark colors, and warm yellow lights brighting the room. The best part about it was the amount of tea selection! You were so excited to take you most amazing husband there for his birthday. Days passed quickly, and soon it was his birthday. “Happy birthday baby!” you said as you hugged and kissed all over Levi’s face. He chuckled and kissed your nose. “ Thank you my love,” he said.
You smiled and said to him, “I have a place I wanna take you too for your birthday.” “Where?” he said looking at you confused. “Mmmm its a surprise!” you giggled and pulled Levi out of yalls apartment and into the car. You drove 20 minutes before arriving at the tea shop. “What is this place?” he says while taking off his seatbelt, curiously looking at the shop. “You surprise! Now come on before we freeze in here!” You walked out of the car and waited for him to get out. He got out and linked his hand with yours. You both walk hand and hand to the shop. Levi opens the for you and immediately you both are hit with the smell of warm deliciously inviting tea. Levi’s eyes immediately light as he scans around the cafe. Vintage porcelain teacups wonderfully and neatly lined in chocolate wooden shelves. Rows of different teas herbs nicely kept in glass jars. And the section to brew your tea and buy pastries. You smiled at how cute his face lit up, like a little kid looking around in a candy shop.
You took his hand in yours and led him more inside. “Isnt it cool? You can brew your own tea here and lounge around the seating area,” you smiled at him brightly. “W-where did you find this place?” he says. “On the internet, but come on lets make tea!” You both grab a teacup and began looking through all the different verity’s of tea herbs. Levi of course makes himself his famous black tea, and he helps you make a blend of pomegranate mint green tea (yes theres fruit too!!). You pay for pastries and the tea, then yall go find a place to sit. Levi chose the sofa next to the large window. The good thing was it wasn’t crowded, so you and Levi could sit in peace. Levi sat down first, then you sat down sideways and put your legs over his thighs. He held you legs close and took a sip of his tea. You then took a sip of your tea and immediately was surprised at how AMAZING it tasted.
“Wow baby ! you make amazing tea!” He chuckles and looks at you with his loving blue grey eyes. “Thank you pretty girl, only the best for you.” He gently takes your hand and place a soft kiss on top. You blush a bit and lean in to place a soft kiss on his lips. He smiles and gently kisses you back. Yall lean away and enjoy the silence around you two, while enjoying the teas that warmly sit in your hands. You enjoy moments like these with your husband, silently sitting in each other’s comfort, him admiring you and you admiring him. Your free hand finds its way to play with his hair, and his eyes lovingly looking into yours. “Happy birthday Levi, i love you.” He smiles and says, “i love you too and thank you my love.”
(hi guys its miliii. soooooo im getting back into writing as to why this imagine is kinda bad BUT i had to write it bc its been in my head for SO long it had to be written. dw i wll be practicing more so eventually the short stories will get better. you should def listen to laufey while reading this! anyway love yall!)
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aqours · 7 months
anyways if i'm going this deep in lemme share this teen mom Ashley fic idea i had i'd love feedback on the idea
this is completely unrelated to my other idea regarding this this is an entirely different can of worms i'm putting this under a readmore just bc it's a bit long and also filled with dead doves so only open and eat it at your own discretion
so basically the idea goes like this- when they were teenagers (her 14 and him 16) Andrew and Ashley got into some kind of big fight (still working on it) most likely due to him having a girlfriend in hs at the time. during this period, in an effort to make a point and piss him off, Ashley gets a boyfriend of her own (who just so happens to have messy black hair and green eyes wow what a coincidence) who was in a class with Andrew. some incident happens where Ashley "accidentally" leaves her phone with explicit texts on view (but also tis like the 90s so maybe i'll redo that) and Andrew talked with his classmate and then uh there was another second missing person, and after an intense argument Ashley and Andrew "slept in the same bed" and anyways a month later Ashley announces she's pregnant casually at the dinner table putting the pregnancy test she put right on it.
"Huh. Not the reaction I was hoping for."
"Forgive me for not being particularly fucking thrilled at the idea of being a grandmother at 32, Ashley."
"You know, if my kid has a kid at 15 and their kid ALSO has a kid at 15 you could be a great-great-grandma at only 75."
"Please shut the fuck up, Ashley."
and Andrew is in complete denial it is. it's been 6 years and every single person except Julia refuses to believe it isn't. at one point when Alexis "Alex" Graves is a baby she makes a comment she has her father's (green) eyes with a wink and grin at Andrew. during the Burial Route when Mrs. Graves is trying to plead with Andrew she finally says "... If you won't do it for yourself, do it for your ------------------" and it's like his brain physically blocks out any insinuation with he's the father with white noise. so he's been living as the kid's uncle officially and has no idea how to act around this kid most of the time.
Ashley is not a good mom by any means and has had CPS called on her more than once but incompetence won't remove the child entirely and she does like. actually love this kid but her obsession with Andrew is clearly more important to her, the fact this kid keeps him tethered to her even if he won't admit, and also because she spoils the kid however she can to try to prove she's a better mother just because her daughter is happier than she was, when learning Alex hit another kid to get their candy she was outright like fuck YEAH if you want something take it!!! girlboss gatekeep gaslight to this four year old and Andrew at least tried to teach the kid right from wrong in response. during her first birthday Mrs. Graves asked Ashley if she was gonna do anything and Ashley didn't see a point the kid is 1 they won't remember the birthday there's nothing they'd want and she doesn't seem to process the point of a birthday for a baby isn't about toys and fun but to celebrate their life. when Ashley suggests they can get by on mugging people Alex says she can pose as a homeless sad kid and for the first time in a while at her Ashley lights up and says THAT'S why you're mama's favorite <3333
babies don't make everything better the co-dependent toxic satanic demonic summoning cannibal incest game's plot now also includes a 6 year old that has also eaten people now with two of the most awful parents imaginable around her and if anything Ashley might get colder once her mom is dead because now there's no way
thoughts? i really want to write this but i'd love feedback
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baby-xemnas · 1 month
Even tho Bepo does make a few comments about female bears, i wonder if it is more of an automatic response than anything, maybe something like compulsive speciism like you mentioned. Like it’s not something at the forefront of Bepo’s mind but that’s what is expected, that a mink will be with another mink, so that informs what he says out loud. I can’t help but think about how Bepo left Zou at such a very young age too, bc as far as we know, Bepo has been around humans far longer than minks at this point, so i wonder how that would’ve impacted or shaped his development and outlook on such things? In other areas too, I wonder if Bepo felt odd coming back to Zou, seeing the differences between himself and other minks who grew up and stayed in Zou or stayed in closer contact to minks even if they weren’t living in Zou. All this in relation to LawBepo and Bepo’s immediate intense strong attachment to Law, it’s interesting to think about!
its a single crumb of Bepo's presense on Zou during that arc but i did appreciate when it was noted that "Even though he is from here, he is still an outsider" like thats GREAT thats a bit of worldbuilding i really appreciate making characters behavior more believable - ye no shit...not only did this guy not live with them, disappearing as a kid - he brought humans with him too - he is a complete stranger to the island. imagine moving to a very different country in elementary school - all your formative years would be shaped in accordance to the new place. I love that they treated him like the stranger he is
and GOOD POINT ABOUT HIS INSTANT ATTACHMENT TO LAW like yes of course its logical that he would be appreciative of a person who saved him - but Bepo had ZERO apprehension towards Law and following Law to a strangers house.. ofc u can say that he is too naive and easily trusting but it mustve been so crazy to him to be like wow! not only humans exist (when they met bepo have gotten over that initial surprise and probably hid from adults til pensha found him and beat his ass) but there are nice ones too! yay!!!!!!!!! :D!!
its absolutely compulsive species attraction like "i'm supposed to find a bear mink" and he just thought that way the whole time growing up and didnt even consider humans - and that was fine because he was very busy loving and supporting law - thought didnt cross his mind...if he felt horny he just thought "oh well i cant do nothing about this! idk where bear women are at!"
i love thinking about how weird it felt to come back home (and like i talked abt before i love that bepo didnt go home because he wanted to fullfill his initial wishes to 1) find zunesha on his own - reason he learned navigation 2) find out where his brother go - no he went to zou because (as he himself probably suggested as it was a safest place) law ordered them to lay low somewhere....i love that so much, that law going off on his personal vendetta mission caused bepo to fullfil his personal dream - the one that he put away for so long BECAUSE what law became way more important.
There is a sense of shame and wrong priorities there - imagine that instead of being a sort of triumphant/celebratory visit home where you can boast look at me i'm a pirate like my big brother! No instead he comes home asking for help, for a place to hide, not only for himself but strangers to the island - and he himself is as much a stranger as the humans. oof.
Its hard to imagine he felt that comfortable around minks at first, it was a wishful thinking like here i am among my people - but they look at him (and rightfully so) like an alien - and bepo is too worried about law to care....he is not there to integrate back into society....these people are not his people anymore, his crew and law are his family now
its super interesting and i really am sour forever that we didnt get more about this aside from "he is still a stranger even if he is from here" line about bepo and others being quarantined to a single area - and that one moment where bepo says "even if im a stranger this is my island too" when they are about to help defend zou against beast pirates along with locals
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rosesocietyy · 9 months
Brilliant people have said everything that needs to be said about this much much better and I don't got anything substantial to add but I just have to get this off my chest cause y'all I'm still in disbelief
like this is a grown ass person btw oh I simply have to laugh😭
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this perfectly exemplifies literally everything cringe af and wrong with these "assigned welcomers". this is just my scapegoat but there are way worse I've seen
First of all, get a job. how, at your fossil age, do you have time to spend all day scrolling through every single iwtv related post and arguing with people who say anything even slightly damning about lestat (which mind you, is literally just objective facts about things he did). I'll dm you a McDonald's application hell I'll even put in a referral for you out of the goodness of my heart.
Second, Lestat is not a real person. he's fake, a made up character, the figment of someone's imagine, non-existent, people hating him will not affect your life in anyway shape or form. He didn't assign you as his PR agent I promise you'll live. "They'll never accept him" ok and?!?
Question, and I'm genuinely asking, is this their first time in a fandom? why is someone having a different opinion about a character they love enough to send them into hysterics like?? 13 year olds on anime twitter have a better grasp on reality that y'all do get a grip!
And like the above posts have talked extensively about, I most definitely noticed whose posts a specific bunch of them love to go under to share their dog shit "explanation" that nobody asked for. When a black person sees Louis being brutalized by his white lover what do you expect their reaction to be? oaur wow this white french slut is so pussy cunt slay period queen? "but louis is flawed too" do you hear yourself? do you listen to yourself when you speak? can you activate the barest hint of brain activity to understand why we would react differently to what we're watching than you would and that knowledge of the source material has nothing to do with it? Just because you read those shitty books and posses no empathy for black people in media doesn't mean you gain some higher understanding of "gothic romance ".
"No but the thing is you don't understand this is a gothic romance and they're supposed to be monsters and lestat has suffered saur much and he's also the real main character so you must love him" so now how exactly does that negate their point about him being an abuser? quickly! sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up when black people are sharing their thoughts on the show cause who the fuck are you fr and what convinced you that you have the right to argue with them about THEIR experiences. that tweet that said white people act like God left them in charge, yeah.
Funny enough, half the people that are so gung ho about him now didn't even fw him at all when they only read the first book. wow it's almost like you were allowed to sort out your feelings about him on your own without insects disguised as people in your mentions calling you slow for not licking his feet.
I despise so much in this fandom. From the bottom of my heart I really truly do. I don't know what I was expecting, I guess more common sense and maturity because the average age in the fandom is quite high compared to other fandoms I've been in but nah, just mfs screaming and crying bc ppl don't jump up and down and scream yipee! everytime their white fav commits abhorrent, disgusting crimes.
I was so caught up in the euphoria of an anne rice property finally being given to skilled creators who'll pick it apart and say something poignant with it that for a moment, I forgot I lived in a world where majority of its audience would sadly be the anne rice crowd.
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xiaosonlybeloved · 1 year
~when they take you on a date~
featuring- Xiao, Diluc, Heizou, Aether warnings- romantic relationship (obviously) a/n- im SO sorry guys ik i have an absolutely terrible posting schedule im soooo sorryyyy
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-probably an indoor date -although he's just content to spend some quality time with you, he's still gonna go for advice to some of his trusted confidants so that he can make it a nice experience for you -since he's fairly new to the mortal concept of dates, he does his best to make it memorable for you -he cooks his special Almond Tofu for you, a sign that he really cares for you -he actually spends a whole day preparing for this, and he's very nervous about whether you'll like it -so he's very relieved when he sees your excitement and happiness -if he takes you on an outdoor date, he'll take you to some pretty but secret place bc he'd know many of those, like that one spring in a cave near the harbor (?)
-restaurant date 10/10 -except that it wouldn't be a normal restaurant, it'd be one of those elite, high level, super classy ones that only the incredibly rich people could afford -if it's an indoor one, then he'd pick a secluded table with warm yellow lighting and a lot of other rich ppl stuff -if it's open air, he'd definitely choose a candlelit table at night, with minimal lighting apart from the candles and sky -he'd spoil you a lot that day, as if he doesn't every day already -he'd let you buy absolutely whatever you wanted on the menu, no matter how expensive, all on him -oh and he'd probably shyly feed you a bit himself, and whenever you weren't sitting, he'd hold your hand firmly
-he's a detective what do you expect? -he'd probably give you the time and place beforehand -turns out it was an escape room he made, and you find yourself locked out with a bouquet saying "Solve this escape room and find me, and I promise you'll find a wonderful surprise waiting. Good luck~" -when you do escape, you'll find him waiting for you in a handsome suit (i imagined it a shiny grey) and another bouquet of your favorite flowers -he'd smile and wink at you charmingly or flirtatiously and say, "Wow [N/N], I'm impressed, that was faster than I expected. C'mon now, don't be upset if you are, because I have a load of amazing stuff prepared for you" -or he'd just go with you to an escape room or haunted house
-since he's an adventurer who's been to 4 different nations, he'd definitely know all the best and most beautiful spots for a date -so he'd take you on an outdoor date for sure -it would be a picnic or something tbh -he wouldn't directly take you to the spot, but he'd show you a LOT of places on the way -in the end, he'd take you to this cozy, hidden spot somewhere where there'd be a soft chequered blanket, a lot of food and some books and games -he'd make sure you enjoyed and had fun -overall the date would be just as sweet as he is, which is a lot
as usual. thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed! likes, comments and reblogs are all very appreciated
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syrupsyche · 9 months
Went to stalk Facebook for pics of me watching Les Mis when it came to my country and thank GOD for 15 y.o. me taking a pic with the cast list (though it was mainly bc an actor had the same name as me lol) so now I can look back at my very blurry memories and attach faces to the characters.
For starters, it mostly comprised of the cast from the Australian production back in 2016, with the exception of Earl Carpenter as Javert:
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and opposite him starred Simon Gleeson as Valjean:
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Alas I do not remember much of their performances but I do remember liking Valjean's Soliloquy and Javert's Suicide alot as well as crying at both of their death scenes so pretty sure they did something right lol.
Fantine was played by Patrice Tipoki:
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I also do not remember much but I did find her death scene to be extremely haunting. The production I watched had the stage feel really bare so the coldness of it all really seeped in.
Marius and Cosette were played by Paul Wilkins and Emily Langridge:
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Again I don't remember much LMAO but looking at Cosette's outfit here, it's extremely pretty! Alas I think by this production, Every Day (Marius and Cosette) had been cut out (or extremely cut down) so I didn't get to hear their rendition of it :(
Éponine at the back was played by Kerrie Anne Greenland:
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I was an Éponine girlie at this age so I was really focusing on her parts lmao. She was good from what I can remember! Her On My Own was brilliant and I did cry at her death scene :')
Enjolras was played by Chris Durling:
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Slight side track but WOW looking back at these pics, he is quite the quintessential Enjolras. Though Les Amis didn't catch my attention in the movie the first time I watched it, the images that burned into my mind the most from this production were of Enjolras and Les Amis. I know fans aren't too happy with the revolving barricade switch-off (and now that I know of it, I definitely agree the new scene doesn't hold a candle to it) but imagine 15 year old me seeing the guy I've been rooting for unceremoniously dumped in the wheelbarrow alone under a spotlight? It was still chilling, especially when compared to the colours and noise of the movie version. Another scene that haunted me was Empty Chairs at Empty Tables, when the ghosts of Les Amis picked up the candles left behind. THAT was good, I really loved it.
The Thénardiers were played by Cameron Blakely and Helen Walsh:
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Hilarious duo lol. My favourite memory comes from Master of the House, when a young girl sitting in front of me asked her father what Mme. Thénardier was doing with the baguette during "...but there's not much there" and what the joke meant. Her father just said she was too young to understand 😭😭
Overall, this production of Les Mis was a changing point in my life. It was my first ever live musical and it expanded my interest for musicals and Les Mis ever since. I had only watched the movie previously just so I could be caught up with the plot, but iirc, this production got me to buy and read The Brick shortly after. And 7 years later, here I am still screaming about it :')
Also I found a rendition of One Day More by the 2015 Australian Cast so y'all can hear roughly what I had experienced back in 2016! Only difference is that Javert is played by Hayden Tee, Marius is played by Euan Doidge, and the Thénardiers were played by Trevor Ashley and Lara Mulcahy. Enjoy!
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reitheist · 3 months
bucchigiri ep 9 thoughts:
taken over huh... is that also what senya is doing to arajin maybe? like with the magic trampstamp (words i never expected to write...)
shindo is a bitch and pathetic but i enjoy his character unfortunately (in my defense, my interpretation of him threatening to do That to mahoro was just to make arajin pissed and get him to reveal senya. i think it was kind of narrative low-hanging fruit honestly.)
'is that a yes or no' take a wild fucking guess buddy
zabuuuuuu you are such a good friend
senya hitting people as a show of affection lol
matakara gathering money, presumably he was saving to get an apartment with his brother. what's he planning to use it for?
oh my godddd the cat boy drama 💀 this side gag is so stupid but so funny i love it. i imagine jasmine as as a pure white long hair cat and pu'er as a classic brown tabby. also cat boy getting way too invested in his personal life is *chefs kiss*
arajin is trying his absolute best to convince himself he doesn't care about matakara
the dynamic between komao, zabu, and ara is really funny. i think in other shows they might just sideline the friend characters but they really have an awkward 'friend of a friend' dynamic i like. komao isn't really socially aware enough to be mean to ara despite being him being mean to matakara, and zabu is more hostile but puts most of that aside for matakara's sake. it's like your friends scoping out your awful crush lmao
THE LIFE SIZED NAKED MARITO DOLL? EXCUSE ME??? there is so much wrong with mahoro oml
wait is the life sized naked marito doll marito's? that's somehow weirder.
mahoro, is that concern for a person who isn't your brother? wow
matakara :(
so is the 'monster' literal or metaphorical? interesting
ichiya you're hot as hell but stop telling matakara to draw away from his friends you bitch
'one person would've wanted it' stopppppp 😭 arajin is realizing he liked having matakara around while matakara is being turned against his friends by ichiya. the dramatic irony is killing me
the fact that this 'love forever stone' is a lake blue stone wrapped specifically in a blue cloth as well... that thing is definitely going to be given to matakara by the end, right? pretty gay if you ask me.
ohhhh my god mahoro character growth. plus her relating to him specifically through their shared brother idolization is a good touch. very sweet
mahoro's basically saying like "dude how are you only focused on yourself and me right now. how have you not noticed your childhood friend is depressed and crazy in love with you. like seriously he has not been subtle. at all." lmao i love herrrrrrr
mahoro deserves her own show
also relieved to have ara's interpretation of matakara and mahoro's relationship as romantic to be kind of trivialized again in this scene. i think their dynamic is more interesting as two very different personalities which share just enough to relate with each other. she only wants ara to get his shit together for matakara's sake. i want them to be besties please
arajin is The Worst with emotions huh. he can't read other's feelings and he's somehow worse at reading his own. he needs to stop being relatable right this second
yknow at this point i think i can say i truly and properly enjoy arajin as a character. he's mostly an asshole and deeply emotionally unintelligent but i like him regardless and because of it
ah senya ichiya and arajin matakara parallels as i expected
so does senya=matakara and ichiya=arajin kind of?
i really wasn't joking about them being exes huh
stoppppp ichiya gave him his name? senya was and continues to be so ridiculously down bad
'he meant absolutely everything to me.' dude.
senya is trying to get ara and matakara together bc he couldn't do that for him and ichiya
i am so gd curious what happened to drive them apart
matakara losing sight why he wanted to become a honki person in the first place (ara) and trying to destroy it
'what senya wants is your body' context needed.
i'm thinking maybe ichiya is willing to fully take over bodies and senya isn't, thus why he hasn't done it to arajin already. that or he was planning to in the beginning but got too attached
ohhh this is gonna make for a good dramatic fight
ughhhh another really good episode. i think the story's finally full found its stride. very hyped for the last 3 episodes. i think next episode will probably deal with betrayal between senya and ara, leading senya to explain exactly what happened between him and ichiya. matakara will trying to fight ara and ara will have to run away, frustrating matakara even more. mahoro might focus on trying to help matakara
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fantomette22 · 2 months
(For Bloodborne)
10, 16, and 18?? 💀
I answered 10 here ! As for the rest it is quite long so putting it under there. Hope you ready 😅
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Hm... wait I need to remember all the things I don't appreciate... and try not to make ennemies 😓 (it's really not my goal it's just personal preference mostly. Seriously depending how things are explained and presented there's lot a thing I can actually enjoy! While I would dislike when it's just throw and spam without context.)
Hm well you know as for characterisations when it's reduced to like 2 traits or extreme good / extreme bad it's hm... yeah. I mean I know I ain't a good exemple but I barely share dark headcanons 😓 but they do exist hehe.
Of course absolutely don't mind and love silly shenanigans (when you're hanging with your friends and having fun it's not always very serious) and also more dark and matures ideas. When people share it doesn't mean it's all they think to the characters! Gotta take the all picture!
But it does bother me when people believe in almost caricatural interprets like it's canon and talk down on others with different views. Somehow like they are the worst thing...like wtf.
Also well typical extreme talk about Gehrman, Maria and mostly Laurence I suppose (maybe a bit Lulu aka the holy blade but it bother me a bit less because people are generally not spamming to or being annoying as much as the others. Oh Micolash too). When people reduced them to just 2 things or an extreme. I feel it really doesn't fit with the infos within the game. I'm not a fan at all. They are all morally grey and humans. They are not clearly all black or all white. they are morally gray, they are humans!
In more details now. Well for Gehrman you know my stance already. Clearly yeah he had some issues in his life and did bad things but clearly I don't think he was a misogynistic asshole and all the stuff. Like it just don't make sense to me. I don't even wanna vent about it today XD
As for Maria well. Look I don't have a problem with the headcanon of her being a butch lesbian. I mean it's even one of my AU actually. (to put it really really simply. Bc I like having several interprets disconnect to each other in their own settings). It can be very interesting in an overall big story I think. The problem I have is when it's apparently her only unique traits and if you think or headcanon otherwise for any reasons you are apparently the worst shit to exist and getting block. Being labelled as sexist, homophobic etc. Well idk but that kind of reaction kinda tell me who the real -phobic one is 😕 really that is sad like wow who hurt you people?! to have this much anger to people just trying to have fun. Thankfully it's clearly just a minority of people who are agressive like this. And I hope they will grow, gain maturity and realise there's really no need to be that mean about such a thing. But it's been a while saw smt like this so I prefer to put this behind me there's hope.
As for Laurence I'm not really a fan of him being the ultimate bitch devil (or angel but nobody has that take almost. That would be a change. the tragic vicar who only had good intention but accidentally fucked up and try his best until the end😔 I mean I don't agree with that either but that's a change). I mean by this, that I think he did both. Good and bad things. That he had honorable intentions at first but overcome by a bit of ego and pride he fucked up really bad. And then realised his mistake but it was too late to correct it... his theme inspire great strength but who end in tragedy and pity. So overall tragic these too. Him being depicted as just a smug unlikable bitch is something I have a hard time with. I mean yes I like to imagine him being a smug bitch too at times for sure! it's fun but not like all the time and making it his entire personality. If that make sense. I don't see how he could be an important religious figure, doctor and having so much support by just being a manipulative ass all the time. Especially if he start from ground 0.
And hm... i have nothing again it and people so that we're clear but hm EXCEPT in certains very specific context* I am not personally a fan of Laurence being drawn with horns on his head. It just isn't my cup of tea. I'm not sure to understand what's the interest don't make sense to have Laurence looking normally human + just horns but it's just me.
*EXCEPT WHEN : symbolism and symbolic art (no prob I like those actually. Horns + when he's burning in human form for exemple onlooking like religious symbolism) ; "decoration" like lil detached horns, like you would put flowers or sparkles or little emoji next to a portrait of a characters ; before he transformed but with other signs of beasthood (actually him human with horns can be nice but I prefer when it's like mini horns not full cleric beast ones + idk a giant arm with claws and fur growing, eyes looking weird, teeth growing, his hair being longer and messy etc).
Now last I will stop after...
I think a whole fic or interprets on a really dark and realistic Bloodborne universe like our world can be super interesting! But I don't enjoy when people seem to think Bloodborne is 100% our 19th century with just a couple of eldritch things in it? Ok it's closer to us compared to medieval fantasy like DS or elden ring. But I feel it's fantasy too. if we had a map I won't be surprise if that's not Europe or a map that existed in real life. Lot of things don't fit to be actual victorian era. It's just inspire by it : invention and technology aren't on the same lvl. Either they are missing important inventions or are too advanced. (Molotovs appeared during spain war and were named like this during WWII) people don't seem to have 10 children working in factories or mines as well. Women are doctors, academic, hunters etc No steam machine or electric bulb but who knows. I could make an entire things... Looking at all the real life inspirations for the game is great! Create a very realistic story is very cool! But I would personally be more on the side that's it's more of a victorian fantasy. Like Sekiro can't be in our world or how Dark souls is a medieval fantasy as well and isn't medieval age accurate.
Oh boi i forgot about victorian london. Jokes are fine but bloodborne is more inspired on Prague and eastern europe i feel. You and Katy developed it more anyway
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
Ok I don't know how to answer this so have a list (of ideas in my head I need to share /write one day lmao) :
Maria backstory (no seriously I want stories on her childhood, her family, what happened, how she felt toward them. Conflicted? Good terms but separate ways? Actually work for them for a while? Disowned? I wanna know! If she's actually close to Annalise ? More important in royal family that we know? Or really a random noble related to them?) Is her pyromancer real?! why she dislike blood blades?
How she got her Rakuyo
How she met Gehrman? her training? WHAT HAPPEN I NEED TO KNOW uxkcblkDOLFMBOEAMl: (sorry XD) work for Laurence & co too
Important lore Charcacters backstory before this whole mess (Laurence, Gehrman, Ludwig, Willem etc yeah basically everyone lol I won't do the entire list XD but how did they meet each other what bound them what happen.)
Stories how the healing church + blood transfusion actually came to be?
Byrgenwerth era (yeah sorry I love it XD)
So yeah overall timeline before the hunter arrive (help)
Cainhurst, Annalise, vilebloods, potential KING of Cainhurst
So yeah Logarius too
Loran, Isz and pthumerians lore??
Dores and Gatekeeper my beloved
Caryll (yeah just Caryll)
Izzy and bestial hunters. How the bestial rune was forbidden, why Laurence had it etc
Ok is everyone except 5 persons gonna ignore the fact freaking Gehrman can make more than just weapons?! well wood stuff are oblivious but how did bro can make such refined clothes hello?!?!
Religion practise how it works in Yharnam, how citizens and clerics actually practise it.
What's their history, their legend, how the geopolitic within the country is and others XD (it's more a critic about the game in itself than fandom really) In truth I'm a bit sad we know lot of countries and regions within Dark Souls but almost none with Bloodborne! Like many people are from foreign countries and we have 0 names compared to the dozens in DS. we just have like vaguely Yamamura asiatic country, Eileen's one, Valtr's city, Loran and Isz. As for Gascoigne Gilbert Brador and all the others we don't know anything. In Dark Souls we have names and we know where people came from : Catarina, Astora, Forossa, Mirrah, Carim, Vinheim, Lordran etc)
Event being seen by random citizens or young characters growing up could be interesting!
I mean many characters again
I might stop here or it will never be over sorry... I'm not even sure it's really slept one but I wish we have more. There's just so many possibilities and things that can be created!
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liquidstar · 9 months
Ok so, I have only ever watched one episode of Adventure Time, and it was on a hotel room TV, in terrible hindi dub, and I barely remember it on account of being 10(?) but it horrified me.
I remember the MCs trying to get Ice King a girlfriend or something, but he keeps being a gross asshole so they take him to a lake and point at some swans to try and explain love to him. They point to two swans kissing like ':D' and he's like 'ewww' and then the male swan suCKS IN AND EATS THE FEMALE and IK's like ':)))' while the boys stare in horror.
IDR how the episode ended or how much I watched, but I remember thinking 'wow american cartoons are hardcore. I'm sticking to pirated pokemon from now on.'
And you are telling me that show had lesbians in it leter????
oh my god im so sorry but imagining you watching that swan scene as a 10 year old is so fucking funny, i can understand why you stuck with pirated pokemon LOL
adventure time is absolutely very fucked up in a lot of different ways. the early seasons leaned into that type of absurd shit you just described a lot more especially. while the later ones actually started getting more existential and building on the worlds lore.
there wasnt exactly a focused plot, per say. i mean, there was, but it wasnt something methodical and planned out, it was played by ear. and i think it really worked. the way they did it turned out a really cool magic system (based on the idea that reality is just collective perception, and magic users are aware of this and can manipulate perception ergo reality. but the more cosmic knowledge you have the more insane or depressed you become etc especially if youre mortal), and also cool world building (it takes place in a post apocalypse after a nuclear war, now far into the future the face of the earth has completely changed but the horrors unleashed still impact it today), and also a lot of really amazing themes (the world is always changing and nothing is ever permanent, but no matter how things change things also stay the same, in a different way. especially where bonds and love are concerned. everything stays.)
and YEAH there are lesbians (i mean i always hc marcy as bi but still). and they also come from the shows improvisational nature. theres a lot of genuinely really amazing relationships and plotpoints born out of that to me. like, as the show starts to get a lot more thematically dense later on it can seem like a weird shift. some ppl say it got pretentious over time bc its not as goofy (its still pretty goofy lol), but i think it worked... like... perfectly.
because its a coming of age story where the main character actually ages, it actually feels so right that the world around him begins to seem different too. it makes sense that when he was 12 we were doing stupid goofy adventures, when he was 15 we were watching him deal with a lot of really fucked up trauma, and when he was 17 we watched him learn to grow as a person who thinks beyond simple terms of good and evil.
i know im tottaaallly rambling at this point but theres really an insane amount to talk about with adventure time. the timeline alone is ridiculous. but mostly i think my passion comes down to the fact that i was also growing up with the story, always around the same age as the mc going through similar stuff... even now, the story is focusing on a depressed 20-something trying to find whimsy in her life again. and technically the last episode timeline-wise is about accepting death lol
so like idk how exactly id recommend it to a new viewer, its really possible that a lot of ppl wont be able to really tolerate the early seasons as adults (i mean, i think theyre charming, but i have nostalgia goggles lol). that being said i think that its a series totally worth a shot for everyone... eventually. if it sounds interesting you just gotta accept the goofiness at first and trust that youre in for something wild in a totally different way later on. and totally unique and cool and special in a way nothing else has really been able to capture for me since.
TL;DR: no yeah the show was incredibly fucked up and that swan did eat that other swan. but it does have themes and also lesbians.
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alitgblog · 3 months
volume V thoughts bc once again fusebox has got me intrigued
first of all omg wtf
I usually end up reading a few spoilers before I play bc I'm bored at work but don't wanna play the volume until I get back but I had such a busy day at work I didn't do that and wow ok I gotta avoid spoilers more often I was shook
so excess baggage was okay. like yeah makes sense we want the couples to be tense again before voting the couple superlatives thing, but also such a throwaway. (and also I talked about this in my post about last volume, but we have so many challenges in a row!! why)
since my MC did initially flirt with Oakley a lot more than Jin, I do think it's funny Oakley talks about how cool MC's secret is (like it's annoying fs but also something I've seen happen on love island to create small drama but then ultimately it's just talk so it's nice to have that happen here).
Also i was worried Oakley was gonna turn on us or flirt with us and abandon Emel, so I'm very glad he was just asking for advice. (I'm a big Oakley and Emel fan, what can I say?) I'd be okay if that led into a different storyline where you could pursue Oakley later, but with how fusebox has been making the seasons lately, once you pick you've made your choice and I do miss in for example s2 where even if you don't pick Lurik when they first become available you have a chance the next recoupling and it feels like it changes your route.
Jack is still mad at MC??
Couples game was fun. I wish fusebox formatted it so you discuss with your partner and then make a choice before everyone revealed their answers instead of people talking and explaining before the player picks their answer. Like we know the characters already, just let me pick and we can see who agrees.
Oakley's evening wear outfit 😍 best dressed boy fs
I of course could never bear to see Oakley and Emel go, but I surprisingly actually missed Sophie and Jack as soon as they left but like in a me missing Allegra and Miles/Jasper when they left. Like yeah they were irritating but they brought drama and I understand where Allegra/Sophie is coming from (and I support women's wrongs lol)
Jin going through his main character of S6 arc??? No but fr I can't imagine why the public would vote him out so he's either hiding something that's gonna come out when he gets back or he was voted most popular and is gonna come back soon. I hope it's not casa because (1) that already happened in s6 and (2) I want the chance to flirt around with new characters in casa lol. I've seen a few theories around and I have no idea which is true but if I could throw in another idea which is post casa, MC is finally with a bombshell, Claudia/Theo, or a casa boy and things seem good but Jin and Luna show up together as returning islanders and MC has to choose between Jin and her current LI.
It's so interesting for drama, like ik I'm here for it. But a lot of people like loyal routes so I hope yall are doing okay
I was like half hoping we could walk out with him even though of course fusebox isn't giving us that option but like I wish he said something like hey you just got here, enjoy your time at the Villa and I'll wait out there for you no matter what happens. just to explain why MC wouldn't leave. that being said, their goodbye was so sweet.
One thing that's different in the game than the show is the number of islanders present at once, which makes sense its hard to keep track of all of them (though they've done it before in s2), and it just is weird bc now the people in the Villa are MC (single), Claudia and Theo (who don't like each other), and Emel and Oakley (only one couple).
despite my complaint about the challenge thing this is great pacing/timing for a new islander. it's just a shame the screwed over Tyler coming in so soon after MC. I can't remember if I already wrote this in my last post but I almost wish he came in with MC and got a better chance.
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I don’t really know how to explain this without sounding rude again this TK dude but like… I always said I had basically the same taste in men as Taylor, like even YB with the limited info I had on him when they started dating I could see the appeal. She had a type very aligned to mine. So I have been completely shocked about her dating this NFL dude because there isn’t a universe where I could find him attractive, at all. He’s so not my type that I rather not see him, i don’t think he’s a bad guy but he kind of makes me think of one bc he looks like the stereotypical american dude that is a douche. And Like I get that’s maybe his appeal, the different type, but… wow. What a change in taste. Bc this guy is not only unattractive… personality wise? What i’ve seen so far seems very… attention grabbing but not in a good way. He seems to never shut up… and after years of not hearing anything about her rs this constant stream of news being like: TK said this, TK said that… is giving me whiplash. Like I get she doesn’t want to be again with a guy who won’t speak about her… but this completely the other extreme, and i doubted she wanted that either…
I just can’t get what she sees in him
Oh my goodness, Anon, YES. To virtually all of this.
I have never before had to work this hard to wrap my head around what Blondie sees in a partner. I can imagine it, sure. (Our views do not align. At all. But I can imagine what she sees.) But in the past? All the other times? I immediately understood. I didn’t always like the guys—JM creeped me out at one of his concerts I attended pre-Blondie, early on CH seemed unfaithful and kind of petty, and MH is a giant, privileged child—but it wasn’t hard for me to identify the reasons why she did.
Prior to this, these men seemed to be: handsome, lanky guys who were either kind and charismatic charmers (sometimes love bombers, which was a problem), were polite and articulate British men, or BOTH. The intersection of those two is my personal preference. Here are some of my celebrity crushes over the years (a few I discovered while watching things years after they debuted).
Charismatic charmers:
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Articulate British men (some also charmers):
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So her attraction to JJ or JG, or to Harry/TH/YB, and even her childhood crush on Justin T, who I loathe, made sense. (Was always a JC C girl myself, lol. And justice for Janet and Britney!)
This seems like whiplash; you are not alone in thinking that.
I am trying to view this as I do with my friends when they date partners I do not like: I am there for them. I love them (which does not shift even if I do not care for their partners). And yeah - my husband gets an earful. But I show up for them. I can do both things at once.
Hear that, Anons I have had to block? I am fine with this duality: being a Blondie fan while not being a fan of her partner. Both of these can be true.
But I haaaate that I am being forcefed TK content simply because I am a Blondie fan. I like HER. Don’t punish me by sending me content I am actively trying to avoid (men who look like him, and anything to do with the problematic NFL).
And Anon - thank you for this detailed ask.
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honeydew-sillies · 1 year
Hello there, hope your having a great day. Would it be okay if you were to write headcanons of Mari and Hero tickling their respective little brother’s, I think that’d be really adorable. (By that, I mean Hero tickling Sunny and Mari tickling Kel, I think the latter’s friendship is very underrated.)
Wahhh thank you!! I hope you're having an awesome day too!! And YES YES this prompt is so cute !! I agree I hardly see anyone talk about Mari and Kel as a pair. I took inspiration for some of these ideas from a similar one that @kanene-yaaay wrote abt Mari and Hero swapping brothers :D
Also erm. I kindddd of got carried away,,,, this is like 2k words HSJDBDJSH
-Ok so. The idea of Mari tickling Kel while Hero tickles Sunny next to her is SO SO cute because like. Both of their little brothers will be giggling in their laps, and as much as Kel wants to protest he really isn't fully trying to get away so he's definitely having fun (Sunny couldn't try to get away if he wants his body like shuts down when he's being tickled and all he can do is sorta squirm around and curl into himself but they know he’s def having fun too)
-And ofc the two of them have different tickling styles and know exactly how to get their younger siblings bc. Siblings things
-Some more context hcs, I imagine Sunny's worst spots are (in order): neck/collar bones and BEHIND HIS EARS DUDE, the place where his lower ribs meet his back, and knee/underneath his knee
-For Kel it goes armpits, hips (he shares this with Hero teehee), and then specifically the pads of his feet
-Mari is naturally a pretty gentle but merciless tickler
-Like. First of all her fingernails aren't super long but they're very well taken care of bc piano and she likes painting them
-Second, her fingers are NIMBLE like she literally plays the piano on ur body it's actually so weird bc it's unpredictable to the lee but she's following her own little pattern
-Also her fingers are actually somewhat calloused from over-practicing which makes gentle tickles a bit more effective (bc I said so)
-Also x2 she is an expert in gentle tickling and squeezing, which makes her the perfect ler for Sunny
-Don't get me started on her teasing. Shivering in my boots rn.
-As for Hero!! He is definitely not as elegant or nimble, a bit more sloppy
-Also bc he's Hero his fingers are actually not calloused at all… stupid pretty boy /aff
-He's def better at slightly rougher tickles, mainly bc he grew up tickling Kel and that kid has far too much stamina like u gotta work hard to tire him out
-Dw he can also be gentle and teasy Sunny is in good hands
-Mari has a different teasing style for Sunny vs Kel, and Hero kind of does too
-For Sunny she's still playful but like. A little gentler, like she doesn't make fun of him it's more so "What's wrong, does it tickle little brother? Hehe!" stuff and "I forgot how much you love this spot! So cute!"
-For Kel however, she's def a little more "teasy" in a poking fun sense, saying stuff like "If you're not ticklish, then why are you laughing so much! Did I say something funny, hm?" and "Keep squirming so much and the Tickle Monster's gonna get angry~"
-As for Hero, he's not much of a teaser tbh he likes laughing w his lee and it just makes him smile tickling some1 he is SO silly
-Kel is like the only exception he can be so mean and teasy w Kel he loves to build anticipation with him and use those silly nursery rhymes and stuff that embarrass Kel so much but successfully make him gigglier so
-W Sunny he's how he normally is tho, he's def the most gentle w Sunny since the boys have known Mari and Sunny the longest and Hero sorta sees him as another little brother
-While Hero doesn't tease, he does like praising
-He'll say stuff like "Wow Sunny, you're doing so good! You're hardly squirming." or "It's okay, you can hide your face if you need." w his warm smile and he is so !!!! I love this man.
-SO. Brother exchange time
-This game usually happens when Kel and Sunny end up getting into some shenanigans (Sunny is usually dragged along but it's okay bc he has fun)
-For example: Kel convinces Sunny to help him mess with Hero while Sunny and Mari are over
-So Kel starts taking things from Hero's side of the room when he's downstairs with Mari, like pens, a cookbook, his pillow, etc.
-And he hides em somewhere like under his bed
-When Hero comes upstairs to get them and notices half his shit is missing he's like. "KEL!! Where are you!!" And he searches around but can't find him or Sunny
-(They are hiding in Kel's parents room behind the bed and Kel is trying not to giggle which in turn causes Sunny to bite back small snickers)
-Mari hears the commotion and comes upstairs, Hero explaining what happened, and now Mari is feeling playful which is rubbing off on Hero
-She goes "Boyyyyys! We know you're around here!" bc they would've seen them go downstairs so
-The older two search the upstairs, calling out the younger two's names in teasy sing-song voices
-Until they make it to the parents room. And they know they've gotta be in there somewhere, plus there's not many places to hide
-So Hero slowwwwly opens the door, him and Mari walking in quietly
-He gets down to check under the bed, and sees the legs of the other two who are hiding behind the other side of the bed, and he silently motions there to Mari and she nods her head, grinning
-Mari goes "Awww man Hero, we can't find them anywhere! Where could they have gone?" all dramatic, causing the younger boys to muffle more tittering because she's being silly!!!
-Hero goes "Gosh, I don't know Mari! And they have a friend here to visit them too!"
-The two hiding perk up, and Mari catches on, going "Oh, and who might this friend be? I wonder if I know him!"
-"You definitely do! He's Kel and Sunny's favorite friend. His name is the Tickle Monster!"
-The trap has been set. Without thinking, Kel shouts "The tickle monster is NOT my favorite friend!!" Before slapping his hands over his mouth and making eye contact with a wide-eyed Sunny
-But it's too late, and Kel peeks over the bed to see the two older siblings shooting them menacing grins
-However the door behind them is still open, and Kel is pretty fast so...
-He grabs Sunny's hand and tugs him up with him, shouting "Run for it Sunny!!" And attempting to bolt out the door with him
-Except they were expecting this, and Mari catches Kel around the waist and scoops him up making him let go of Sunny's hand
-Sunny def can't run as fast, and he shrinks back when he drops Kels hand and looks up to see Hero playfully smiling down at him, wiggling his fingers like "claws"
-All Sunny can do it let out a quiet "Ah-! as Hero reaches forward and picks him up around the waist too
-Mari giggles as Kel tries to thrash around in her arms, going "Put me down put me down put me dowwwwn!! I don't WANNA see the tickle monster!!" (<- lying he literally provoked them bc he was bored)
-She goes "Aww, but he wants to see you, Kel!" and squeezes one of his ribs slightly to get a snicker out of him
-They are carried to Hero and Kel's room, the older two sitting on the floor with each other's brother in their lap
-Sunny is already sorta curling in on himself w Hero's hands around his waist, and Kel is once again squirming up a storm as Mari has a firm grasp on him (she is stronger than she looks)
-Now shenanigans begin MWAHAHAHA
-Mari looks at Hero and goes "Hmmm, your brother is looking a little different today. Are you sure you've got the right one?" In a silly acting voice
-Hero replies "Of course I do! I would know my ticklish brother anywhere!" (Kel is giggling from the antics and he goes "HERO!! Shut up!!" While Sunny is smiling softly but excitedly)
-Mari goes "If you say so!" And starts wiggling the tips of her fingers into Kel's ribs, using a tad more force than she would with Sunny
-Kel yelps and falls into his high pitched boyish laughter. It's all giggly and filled with empty protests as he squirms around, kicking his feet and throwing his head back onto Mari's chest as he laughs
-Meanwhile Hero sneaks his hands under Sunny's t shirt and starts dragging his fingers around his lower ribs, causing the younger boy to gasp and puff out his cheeks like he usually does, curling in and squirming side to side while his shoulders bounce lightly from the giddy laughter that won't quite come out
-Mari moves to Kel's stomach, squeezing the little bit of pudge that's there and above his hips, sending ticklish shocks that cause his laughter to transition into louder cackles and snorting
-She goes "Now wait a minute, I don't remember Sunny's stomach being this ticklish…"
-That actually draws a few giggles out of Sunny, and Kel goes "Mahari!! I'm Kehel!!"
-(They are being ignored)
-Hero plays along, going "Hmmm, I don't remember Kel's neck being so ticklish either..." as he skitters his nails lightly around Sunny's neck, making him scrunch up and let out a proper "haHA-!" Laugh b4 falling into silent giggling again
-"And look! Sunny's armpits weren't this ticklish either!" Mari says, and she has to raise her voice slightly bc Kel's laughter turns into louder cackles as she massages her thumbs into the spots right below his armpits which is so bad for him, like he literally just throws his head back and babbles out nonsense as his arms glue to his sides and he kicks his legs frantically
-Meanwhile again, Hero has moved to flipping Sunny around so his face is buried in his chest, Hero gently tickling the spot where Sunny's lower ribs and sides meet his back, making him snort quietly and fall into soft, hiccupy silent laughter
-"But if that's not Sunny, then who could it be!?" Hero says dramatically, watching as Mari gives Kel a break to catch his breath
-Kel is still in a fit of giggling, but he goes "Ihihi'm Kel!!"
-Mari gasps dramatically, and Hero continues "If you're Kel, then where is Sunny!?"
-Sunny snorts into Hero's chest again, gripping into his shirt as he mumbles "Hehero, Ihi'm right here!"
-Hero moves back to tickling around the back of Sunny's neck now and behind his ears after giving him a small break too, while Mari starts squeezing Kel's ribs again but softer this time
-Mari goes "Oh man! It looks like we accidentally exchanged brothers... how silly of us!"
-Hero nods and goes "Let's switch back!" and the two stop their tickling while the younger ones relax and let out the last of their giggling
-Mari and Hero gently swap the boys in their laps, and both rub soothing shapes into their brother's backs, watching their breathing slow as the adrenaline wears off and the sleepiness hits them
-The older two glance at each other and smile softly, standing up and carrying the two to Kel's bed, laying them down next to each other and pulling the sheets over them as Hero ruffles both of their hair gently
-The boys are quick to fall asleep from all that tickling and Mari quickly runs downstairs to get two little apple juice boxes to leave at the bedside table for them
-Hero and Mari then walk over and sit on Hero's bed, Hero pausing before smacking his forehead and going "I forgot to ask where he hid my stuff!"
-Mari starts laughing, before interlacing their fingers (which causes Hero's heart to skip a beat... or two) and going "Don't worry, we can ask when they wake up."
-Hero's cheeks are still pink as he reaches over and grabs one of the things from his desk Kel didn't hide, that being one of the Captain Spaceboy comics he had lying around.
-The two start reading through it together for fun, pointing things out and laughing quietly and talking about anything while their younger siblings sleep soundly in the bed across the room
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