#it’s so unimportant anyway. she’s just amazing
alien-from-planet-zog · 11 months
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or…is she, you know…
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adriswrld · 1 year
Jealousy » Will Ospreay ⁰²
plot: reader gets into an argument backstage at wrestlekingdom with will and the next night he gets protective when david finlay attempts to flirt with her
trope: ex lovers to enemies to lovers
pairings: kenny's adopted sister reader x will ospreay/ reader x slight david finlay/ and jay white
warnings: slightly hints at smut! violence, blood, angst, alcohol usage
a/n: part two! next part is the last part, it ends at forbidden door. jay white is not married in here btw.
italics r once again representing japanese bc im too lazy to actually type in translations
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A heavy puff of air escaped Y/N's lips as she plopped down on her bed, she was absolutely breathless. "That was good, like surprisingly perfect" she mumbled. Jay smiled as he laid back down next to her, pulling Y/N's body closer to his. "Why the sudden interest in me anyways? I mean yeah, we stayed friends after you rejected me but it's still a little odd," Jay said as Y/N tugged the covers over them, regretting to turn on the AC.
"First off, I apologized a million times about that, you gotta let that go. Second all, can't a girl just call up a guy to have sex without making it a big deal?" Y/N glanced up at him and he surprisingly nodded in agreement with her. "I suppose you make a good point. And it was very worth it. You're very good at it by the way," Jay complimented, rubbing her back.
"Why thank you," Y/N smiled. As Jay leaned down to kiss her, he paused hearing the doorbell ring, "You expecting someone?" He asked. Y/N furrowed her brows in thought, then came to the realization of who it probably was. "Okay, either it's Mercedes, or there's a slight chance it's Kenny who shouldn't even be here till another three hours." Y/N quickly stood up and pulled on the nearest shirt which just so happened to be Jay's and she slipped on her pajama shorts.
More knocking was heard from her door until it stopped when she headed down the stairs. The door opened and Kenny entered, tucking his key back into his pocket. "Y/N?!" He turned to look up the stairs and spotted Y/N, immediately smiling. "Kenny? What are you doing here?" She happily ran into his open arms, extremely happy to see her brother after months of being away from him.
"My flight got here early, I tried calling you but your phone must've been off or something," he explained, pulling away he furrowed his brows at the shirt she wore. "Who's shirt is that? It looks way too big for you," he walked past her and headed to the bar she had and grabbed himself a water. "Uhm, no it's mine. I have a lot of these." Y/N lied, leaning against her couch. "Really? Never seen you were those before," Kenny shrugged, deciding to drop the unimportant subject.
"So did you wanna grab lunch or something?" Y/N asked, trying to think of a way to get Kenny out of the penthouse without him seeing Jay. If he seen Jay, he'd probably kill him. "I think I'm gonna take a quick nap and then if you're still up to it we could go for dinner," Kenny smiled. Though it quickly dropped when a shirtless Jay White ascended down the stairs, "Dinner sounds amazing actually." Jay smiled, throwing an arm around Y/N who practically froze.
Kenny squinted his eyes, "Y/N, why is Jay White in your living room," he gestured to the shirtless man, "and shirtless too, might I add." Y/N cleared her throat and removed Jay's arm from her shoulder in which he only wrapped it around her waist in response. "Right uhm, he was just visiting. You know, catchin' up, reminiscing of the old times," Y/N faked a smile, patting Jay's back and he raised a brow.
"Mhm, and that's why you're wearing his shirt? Just reminiscing?" Kenny raised his brows, a small smirk etched at the corner of his lips.
"If that's what you call reminiscing then sign me up every day," Jay added with a grin. Y/N elbowed his ribs with an eye roll, "Shut up."
"Oh no, please, don't stop on my account. I'm gonna go take that nap. Just keep it down." Kenny headed up the stairs, walking past a genuinely shocked Y/N and Jay. "Wait, you're not mad?" Y/N spoke up, causing Kenny to pause in his steps and turn to look at her. "Nope. As long as this keeps your mind off of Will, then please, keep going. I welcome it. Besides, it's not really my business who you choose to be with," Kenny said before continuing to his room.
"That went surprisingly well," Jay commented.
"This doesn't mean we're gonna be a thing by the way," Y/N said, walking towards the kitchen. "Never said I wanted that anyways," Jay shrugged, seeing no problem with that. He didn't want a relationship either. He was still trying to get his ex back anyways.
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《
"I'm excited. What about you?" Y/N walked beside Kenny, her duffle bag on her shoulder as Kenny pulled his and hers suitcases. "Honesty, I just can't wait to kick Ospreay's ass," Kenny shrugged. Y/N cracked a small chuckle and sighed, "Yeah, he's one of the very few reasons I thought about not resigning with New Japan to be honest. I can't stand being around him." Y/N opened the door, letting Kenny in first as he was pulling the luggage.
"What changed your mind?" Kenny asked, looking at the map to locate his locker room that was gonna be put right next to Y/N's. "Honesty? I had a talk with Kota and he helped me realize that I shouldn't let Will get in the way of what I'm truly happy doing. I wanted this before I was with Will and he shouldn't have an impact on my decisions anymore." Y/N followed Kenny down the halls, not seeing many wrestlers around, mainly just the crew that helped put everything together.
"Wow, you should ask Kota for advice more often then. You don't make the brightest decisions when it comes to your love life." Kenny unlocked the door to her room first, figuring she would take more time to get ready for her press conference. "Oh shut up, that's so not true," Y/N denied, setting her duffle bag on the metal black chair.
"Oh yeah? Fine, then name one of your exes that actually turned out to not be a piece of shit," he compromised, knowing Y/N couldn't argue with that. "Uhhh...wait no, I dated uhm, actually you make a good point. Fuck. It's not my fault though. I get very attached." Y/N frowned, sitting down on the sofa. "And that's okay, it's not your fault. You just need to be careful with these guys, especially wrestlers. Most of these guys aren't interested in relationships." He did make a good point. Most wrestlers just wanted sex. And she couldn't blame them much, nobody had time for a serious relationship.
"Noted. Now, I'm gonna get dressed. I'll see you soon." Y/N gave a quick side hug to Kenny before he left.
A few hours later, Y/N was called to do the press conference for her upcoming match at WrestleKingdom that was less than ten hours away. Y/N sat down at the table, setting down her title on the table, she crossed her legs and looked to her right where Kairi was supposed to be.
Y/N took this a chance to start without her as she then picked up the mic, "Are you kidding me? You expect this person to be able to dethrone me and she can't even show up on time? I'm supposed to feel threatened by her? I'm supposed to feel scared?" Y/N chuckled sarcastically.
Kairi walked over to the table, rushing a bit and Y/N gestured to her, "Look who decided to join the party. Did wasting my time feel good darling?" She sarcastically asked.
A minute in, Kairi was answering a question on what she would do if she won the title, in which Y/N felt the need to interrupt. "This is absolutely ridiculous! Let's get something completely straight, Kairi." Y/N stood up and took her championship off the display, "You will never win this belt as long as I hold it and let me tell you something, it is not leaving me anytime soon because there is nobody capable of beating me. And after I retain tonight, I will continue to run through each and every division there is until nobody is left. Because, I am the greatest wrestler ever."
Y/N raised her championship proudly, glaring down at her opponent. "This conference is over. Enjoy the show." Y/N set down the mic and walked out, not even bothering to second glance at Kairi.
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《
It was a gruesome battle in the Tokyo Dome between Kairi Sane and Y/N Kingley for the IWGP Women's Championship. It was sometimes even hard to watch. They were beating the crap out of each other like no other. It was hard to predict who would even win. They were both so close.
Y/N screamed in frustration as Kairi managed to kick out of her blue thunder powerbomb off the top rope. She hit the mat in frustration, sitting up with desperate eyes. "Give up!" Kairi breathed heavily, shaking her head 'no', she exchanged strikes with her. Kairi performed another devastating knee before making her way to the top turnbuckle.
Y/N took a deep breath, trying to get a breath in as she just did a german suplex to Kairi off the top rope and immediately performed a shooting star press after. The match was almost over and it was obviously one hell of a match. Kairi was killing it and some even thought she might actually just pull a win over the champion. But, Y/N wasn't gonna let that happen.
Y/N crawled over to Kairi, attempting a cover but Kairi kicked out at two. "Fuck! Just give up!" Y/N leaned against the ropes, running a hand over her hair in frustration.
Kairi stood up tiredly and immediately ran and knee'd Y/N before she could block it. She dragged Y/N to the turnbuckles and began to climb up the rope. The crowd automatically assumed it was over for Y/N the minute Kairi hit the insane elbow. But, as Kairi performed it, Y/N got her knees up at the last second. Kairi groaned and Y/N stood up and jumped onto the top rope, performing her finisher, the Royalty Deathdrop. Again, it was basically a backflip off the top rope into a DDT.
She hit it perfectly. "ONE..TWO..THREE!" Y/N grinned and tiredly crawled to the bottom rope, attempting to pull herself up as they announced her name as the winner. The official handed her the title and raised her hand before she immediately collapsed back onto the mat, barely able to hold herself up. Her body was battered and bruised so it was surprising that she wasn't even unconscious.
Kairi stood up and immediately went towards Y/N, extending her hand in respect towards her competitor. The crowd watched in anticipation, waiting to see if Y/N would accept her hand. Y/N hesitantly took Kairi's hand and the crowd applaused. Kairi pulled the taller woman up and raised her hand, showing a sign of respect for the retaining champion.
All until Y/N's hand dropped, the music hit. The music of Mercedes Moné, FKA Sasha Banks.
The crowd cheered, obviously most knowing who she was. Y/N sat down on the middle turnbuckle, watching as Mercedes ascended down the entrance ramp. Kairi stood near Y/N as they watched Mercedes enter the ring. A whole new look on her, she was almost unrecognizable if you seen her as Sasha Banks in WWE. This was an entirely different woman and she wasn't here to play games. She was here to make history, money and win championships.
Kairi looked at Y/N silently asking if she wanted her to stay. Y/N shook her head, waving her off and Kairi stepped out of the ring, letting Y/N handle her business.
Y/N stepped up, not liking the disrespect of Mercedes. She didn't have to say anything, she just raised her IWGP Women's Championship right in the face of Mercedes, not backing down to her.
Mercedes stuck her hand out, Y/N looking at it in suspicion. She took it hesitantly and Mercedes smiled as they shook hands. A show of respect. Y/N went to pull her hand away but Mercedes held it tightly so she couldn't let go. She pulled Y/N in, making her drop the title and performed what looked to be a gory bomb only it was straight into a DDT. Y/N groaned as she hit the mat, selling it perfectly so it made Mercedes look like a huge threat.
Mercedes walked over to the title and slowly picked it up, then dropped it onto Y/N's barely conscious body. "Give me a mic," Mercedes stuck her hand out, leaning between the ropes, they quickly handed her a microphone and she slowly made her way back to Y/N.
"Y/N, awee, congratulations on making history tonight, once again. I also know a thing or two about making history," Mercedes grinned, the crowd cheering for her. "I am here, in New Japan and Stardom to make some more. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm the standard. The conversation. The blueprint, and the CEO of this women's division."
Mercedes kneeled down next to Y/N's body, the champion not even attempting to get up or open her eyes. "So Y/N-San, enjoy your IWGP Women's Championship while you can. Because at Battle in the Valley at San José. Imma leave you bankrupt bitch. And you can bank on Moné." Mercedes took the championship and lifted it up, throwing the mic to the side as her music played.
Y/N rolled out of the ring once Mercedes made her way out. She grabbed her championship and let one of the officials help her walk to the back, holding an ice pack to her neck. "Take me to my dressing room please," she requested.
They helped her to her dressing room, bringing several packs of ice as well before leaving her by herself. Y/N groaned in pain as she pulled off her tank top and pressed the ice onto her bruised shoulder. There was a knock on her door in which she casually assumed it was either Kenny, Mercedes, or Jay, so she granted permission for them to come in. But, unfortunately, it was just Will.
"What do you want, Will? Don't you have a match with my brother coming up?" Y/N muttered, wincing as she attempted to untie her boots. "I just wanted to come check up on you. That was one hell of a match." Will sat on the table and carefully took her leg, and to his surprise, she let him. "Good, cause I feel like crap." She let out another wince as he pulled off both of her boots, "How's your ankle feel? I noticed you sprained it early on in the match."
"It's just sore, luckily it's not a big deal. I don't think I'll need boot or anything. I just kinda tweaked it," she explained, setting some ice atop of her hurt ankle. The chime on her phone caused both of them to glance down at it, Will's expression morphing into a scowl when he seen it was Jay White texting her. Will cleared his throat as she picked up the phone to reply to Jay's text. "Uh, so I overheard your brother and Jay White talking and I was just wondering if-"
"If we're dating?" Y/N finished for him, setting her phone down to look at him. Will sighed and Y/N pursed her lips, not surprised he was being nosy about her private life, "whether we are or not, that is none of your business. I made myself clear that we have to let each other go and I'm sticking to that."
"What about friends? Can't we at least be friends?" Will asked, but it seemed almost like begging.
Y/N blankly stared, "Will, look back at the last time we tried that. I ended up in your bed. I will not let myself fall back into your traps. It is over. There is no more us." Will shook his head, standing up and running a hand over his blonde hair, "No, no this isn't you, this isn't us. What's this really about? Jay? Cause, what does he have that I don't?! Tell me."
Y/N stood up, barely able to stand on her ankle but she was becoming irritated of the conversation, "What do you want to hear, Will? That he doesn't compare to you? That he can't please me like you? Cause frankly if I said that, I would be lying to you and myself."
Will simply grinned, cracking a small chuckle, he stepped closer to Y/N, "now we both know nobody could please you like me and Jay certainly isn't changing that fact." Y/N rolled her eyes, "and how would you know?"
"Oh come on, we both know lying isn't your strong suit. Even after all these years, you still can't tell the truth." Glaring at him, she shoved his shoulder, "you are the last person to talk about truth! You cheating son of a bitch!"
Will clenched his jaw, growing tired of her bringing up the past. "How many times do I have to apologize?! I'm fucking sorry! That was three years ago! Let it go, Y/N!" He exclaimed at her.
Y/N scoffs quietly under her breath, "Get the fuck out of my room, Will."
Will shakes his head in disbelief, "Congratulations Y/N. Have a nice life. I won't be there when you come crawling back after Jay leaves you in the dust."
Y/N simply rolls her eyes as he walks out, slamming the door on his way out. "Fuckin' child."
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《
The show ended with Kenny taking the IWGP United States Championship from Ospreay. It was one of the best matches Y/N's ever witnessed, even if it caused her so much stress to see. Every bump Will and Kenny took was nerve-wracking to say the least. But, they both pulled through and successfully finished the match. She found out from Kyle that Will lost a pint of blood and injured his shoulder though he would pull through and be fine.
As of now, Y/N was heading to do a little promo in response of Mercedes's debut. With the help of a crew member, she sat down at the table and set her drink down. She adjusted the mic and glanced around at all the reporters and such. "Today I will not be answering any of your questions because of Mercedes Moné," she spoke in Japanese.
"I had the most exhausting match of my career and she just shows up out of the blue to steal my spotlight?! Do I have to remind you who I am Mercedes? I am Y/N fucking Kingley and you will not disrespect me! You think because you came from WWE that you're all big shit now? Well let me educate you love. This isn't WWE, this isn't slow paced, this isn't a playground. When you step in the ring with me you won't be the same. You made a mistake coming here. And now I'm gonna send you back where you belong."
Y/N stands up, looking directly into the camera. "I accept your challenge. Let's see if you can keep up."
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《
"I don't think I'm up to this," Y/N states as she glances at Mercedes and back to the road. "Girl, yes you are. You're the one who brought up this whole party. You can't back out now," Mercedes replies, fixing up her makeup in the mirror. "That was before I fucked up my ankle and got into a fight with my ex. Who, mind you is going to be there." Mercedes chuckles at her over exaggerating, "Which gives you the perfect chance to get back at him."
"With who?" Y/N questions, parking the car in front of the bar.
"Him." Cedes smiles as she points at Jay who was currently walking towards the building. Y/N purses her lips, finding it to be a good idea, "That could work."
They both walk into the bar together and Mercedes follows Y/N, who obviously knew the majority of people there. Y/N finds Kenny talking with some friends and go over there, immediately hugging him. Kenny smiles realizing it's her, "I thought you weren't gonna show," he said.
"Someone changed my mind," Y/N says, and Mercedes gestures to herself. Kenny chuckles and embraces Mercedes. "Thanks for getting her out. Y/N usually hates parties." Mercedes laughs, "It's my pleasure. Do you know where Jay is?" Y/N raises a brow at Mercedes question.
"Uh yeah, he's just over there." Kenny pointed across the bar and Mercedes nods and smiles gratefully. "Great. Thank you. We will catch up later. I'm gonna steal Y/N." Mercedes takes Y/N's hand and drags her across the bar towards Jay. "I don't think this is a great idea-"
"Hi Jay!" Mercedes waves, dragging Y/N over meanwhile Y/N kept trying to slow down because of her ankle. "Mercedes, right? We met at the show yesterday." Jay sticks his hand out and she happily accepts it, "Yes. That's right." Y/N smiles meekly at him, but tries to avoid eye contact. "So what can I do for you ladies?"
"We are having some car trouble and Y/N here is gonna need a ride home later so I was wondering if you could take her home for me. I'm sure you know where it is. It's not too far from here." Mercedes lies and Y/N looks at her with a mini glare. Jay chuckles, nodding with a grin, "Of course, it's no trouble."
"Awesome. I'll catch you later Y/N. Have fun." Mercedes waves and walks over to talk to some of the joshi wrestlers.
Jay takes Y/N's hand and helps her onto the stool carefully, "You don't actually have any car trouble do you?" He questions in amusement. Y/N chuckles lightly and nods, "you are correct. But she's definitely gonna leave me here despite that."
"She sounds great," Jay joked.
"If you'll excuse me, I need to use the ladies room. I will be right back," Y/N excused herself swiftly. Honestly, she just wanted to fix up her hair as it was flowing everywhere courtesy of the wind from outside. She finished up quickly, washing her hands and walking out, going to find Jay again. Though, a hand blocked her, causing her to look up at the man, known as David Finlay. She didn't necessarily have a problem with him. She just didn't like him. But then again, not a lot of people did.
"Uhm, what can I do for you?" Y/N looked at him, slightly confused. He smiles, "I just came to tell you, I watched your match, and you did amazing, it was a great match. One of the best I've ever watched." He says. Y/N smiles for a second, "Oh, well thank you, I appreciate it. But if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to my friend." She goes to move past him until he blocks her way again. "Come on, stick around a bit. Give me a chance. We can get to know each other beautiful."
Y/N cleared her throat, clearly uncomfortable with him. "I'm sorry, but I'm not interested." David raised a brow, "and yet you're sluttin' it around with Jay? Come on, you can do so much better." Y/N scoffed, "Excuse me? What did you just call me?" Y/N goes to push pass him when he grabbed her arms, keeping her in place. "Oi, get your hands off her." Next thing she knew, Will had pushed David against the wall, she glanced down at her arms, seeing red handprints on them from how tightly David help her.
"She's not interested bruv. Move on." Will pushed him away, David walking off with a scoff, making a small inappropriate comment about her.
Will turned to Y/N, seeing her in a trance, not moving or speaking. He set a hand on her shoulder, "You alright love?" Y/N snapped out of her thoughts, glancing at his hand on her shoulder. She blinked, "Leave me alone." Y/N walked away, wincing at the pain in her ankle, she reached Jay, standing by him on the stool. "Do you think it's possible for you to take me home? I need to get out of here."
Jay nodded immediately, paying for the drinks and helping Y/N out of the bar, he had seen Will watching in the corner and assumed it must've been about him. Jay helped her into the car before driving them off, heading to her place, obviously knowing where it was. "What happened back there?" He asks, breaking the silence.
Y/N didn't glance at him, texting Mercedes and Kenny on her phone, telling them that she was leaving early. "Nothing important. My ankle has just been killing me." He knew she was partially lying but chose not to push on it. "I'm sorry to drag you away, you could go back if you want. You don't need to stay with me or anything." Y/N said, setting her phone down.
"It's alright. I'll stay. I want to."
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suckerforcate · 2 years
Hii, I love your oneshots are so f goods😩
I have a request that is Brienne and reader been in a relationship for time. But they don't do the next step. Brienne say she is prepared and reader is so soft. R want Brienne have the best and intenses orgasm.
I'm ready
Pairing: Brienne of Tarth x Reader
Word Count: 1207
Warning: NSFW, 18+, eating out, scissoring, cunnilingus, edging
A/n: hope you like it!! <3
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"(Y/n), I think I'm ready." You stopped taking off her armour to look Brienne in the eyes. Gently you cupped her face.
"Are you sure?" She nodded, nervously smiling and kissed you.
Brienne and you had been together for nearly eight months now. But you had been in love with her for over a year. It had taken some time to get enough courage to actually ask her out and tell her how you feel. And it had taken even longer, to make her believe and understand how much you actually loved you. Sometimes you felt like she still doubted it.
You tried to show her, every day, how beautiful you thought she was. How amazing you find her, how much you love all the thing she was always mocked for. Her height, her strength, her body, her abilities.
With time, you felt her become more and more comfortable with you. Kissing turned into heavy make out sessions. She leaned more and more into your touch, allowed your hands in places that made her freeze at the beginning. Yet they never went to her most private parts, just as hers never wandered to yours.
She wasn't ready, and you were fine with that. For her, you would wait forever. And you had told her that.
It surprised you a little, that she told you she was ready in a moment like this.
It wasn't a make out session, you weren't kissing you weren't even cuddling. Brienne had just come back, and you helped her take off her armour. When she suddenly said it.
"(Y/n), I think I'm ready." You stopped taking off her armour to look Brienne in the eyes. Gently you cupped her face.
"Are you sure?" She nodded, nervously smiling and kissed you.
"Oh, my love. I'm so happy that you trust me with this. Let me finish taking of the armour." You finished, not trying to rush too much. You couldn't deny that you longed to touch her, longed to hear her and give her pleasure. You felt that with every second you were filled with more and more lust. It wasn't even about wanting to be pleasured. You just loved Brienne so incredibly, that you wanted to give her the stars and more. Preferably an amazing orgasm.
"I want you to tell me if I do anything that you don't like, ok? I would never want to make you feel bad, this is all about pleasuring you." She nodded and slowly moved to the bed, you could see in her eyes that she was hungry for you. She wanted this just as much as you. Just because she hadn't slept with anyone before, didn't mean she hadn't wanted to.
She had just always pushed those wants and needs back, deeming them unimportant. Thinking she wasn't worthy of receiving something like that, and no one would have wanted to sleep with her, anyway. You were the first person to ever make her feel like she was important, like she was deserving of love and tenderness and now even the pleasures of sex.
Slowly you started to take of Brienne's shirt, admiring what was underneath. You crawled onto her lap and started sucking on her neck, clearly going to leave marks. You hand moved to her chest, kneading first her left and then her right breast. The light moans coming out of Brienne made you smile. You gently pushed her to lay down and sucked at her breast, while roaming her body with your hands.
"(Y/n)..." your name came out breathy, sounding like heaven out of her lips. Never had you liked your own name this much. Soft kisses on her stomach, made her shiver. You kissed your way down to her pants and with her help they were off in less than a second.
You stroked her inner thighs, gently pushing her legs open. She was very wet, ready for you to dig into her. You licked your lips and got closer to her centre, merely brushing over it, you heard her suck in her breath. You couldn't believe that this would really be the first time she'd feel this, the first time she'd be touched.
As your lips made contact with her throbbing clit, a growl escaped her. Blushing and hiding her face in the crook of her arm, she apologised.
"Darling, don't apologise. You're meant to make sounds, and I want to hear them all. Please just relax and let go." Your voice was deeper than usual, she didn't miss that. It dripped with lust.
You went back to work, with the goal to make gift her the best and most intense orgasm. So, you started, slowly at first, to lick her clit. But fast you increased your pace, hearing her moan above you showed you that she was nearing the edge. Right before she could stumble over, you stopped. Her protesting groans made you smirk, so after a few seconds of lightly kissing her body you resumed. This time with your fingers.
Running through her folds and rubbing over her pulsating centre. Her moans grew impatient and louder. You felt yourself getting wet, the sounds being the most erotic thing you'd ever heard. Again right before she would have come, you stopped.
"(Y/n), please. You said, you wanted to pleasure me." You had stood up, taking of your clothes as well.
"Oh, and I will. Just be a little patient, we're nearly there." Naked as the day you were born, you crawled on top of her not missing the way she stared at your breasts. Chuckling, you took her hand and placed it on your breast. She instinctively started to stroke and squeeze it. Her strong hands completely enveloping it. You could help but moan, while you placed yourself on her centre, lowering until you felt her juice all over you.
You took her leg and lifted it, resting on your hip. Her cunt was even more accessible for you like that. Slowly you moved your hips, thrusting against her. In mere seconds, Brienne was a screaming mess under you.
This felt different, then the two times before. She felt the pleasure more intensely, it built up stronger.
"Oh, Brienne. Please...move your hips, I need-" She did, also thrusting her middle against you. Trying to get as much friction as possible. You saw Brienne's forehead glistening with sweat.
She threw her hand onto your hip, supporting your movement. The two of you moaned in unity, and with one last look at her, you came. Panting and moaning. You didn't stop your movement though, wanting Brienne to also come, even though you felt how sensitive you were.
"(Y/n), please. This feels so good." Laying your hand on top of hers, still on your breast you encouraged her to let go.
"Come for me, let go. You're such a good girl for me, aren't you?" With one last scream she came, legs twitching and breathing raged. You climbed off of her and passionately kissed her.
"You're really hot, when you let go and scream like that. You know that?" You looked at her, knowing how she'd react. Blushing and pulling you in, to hide her face in your shoulder.
"Just the truth."
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cancerian-woman · 2 months
What do you think about Enzo? I find him Boring 😭
In short: I don't like him that much. None of that is MM's fault lol.
Long Answer: To me the writers never knew what to do with Enzo really which is why he has that long phase of disliking Stefan, Lily problems, Caroline/KC.20 and then being placed with Bonnie. He's different characters all wrapped up into one. Sometimes he's Damon other times he's Klaus. When Damon and Klaus are already very similar to their cores.
Ian vouched for Michael M. which is why he stayed longer than season 5. BE is more about what Enzo needs than Bonnie. They were together for years, yet Damon is so centered in their relationship because he screwed them both over. I probably would have supported them if the relationship if it was done because the writers cared for Bonnie romantically but that isn't how it is presented. Bonnie's "epic" romance is told all in one episode and then the rest is half of a season with the remaining episodes of her fawning over a ghost. Never mind the stockholm syndrome that forced them together anyway. Even in fan edits Enzo is given more reasons to like Bonnie than she is of him. They were never granted a "sex scene" but even that one moment has Bonnie doing the work. Kat Graham is 5ft2 you mean to tell me Michael couldn't carry her to a bed or something?
It's just annoying when other women were fawned over: Elena, Caroline, Cami, and Hayley were giving one or multiple interests those relationships were done with intent due to having some compassion towards those women. Those relationships center so much of those women. Bonnie gets a half-assed romance with a non-fleshed out character as a "here damn" ship.
You asked about Enzo, and this turned into anti Enzo/Bonenzo rant. Sorry, but BE is the only time his character had some consistency which was adding onto the many ways the series doesn't value Bonnie. Yes, it's nice that Bonnie got some happiness but in the end it just aided into her suffering. Enzo could be lined up with Bonnie's other romances and I swear outside of him lasting 3 seasons you wouldn't see much a difference: Luka M, Ben and Jeremy. All side characters or unimportant because the series doesn't see Bonnie as such.
Kat amazing acting in Enzo's death, and the fact that a future with Enzo was dangled over Bonnie's head like a toy is part of the reason people mourn them so much to me. The show wrapped and we never hear about Bonnie's life for the rest of the franchise.
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etirabys · 2 years
The first episode of The Americans is one of the most perfect episodes of TV I've ever watched from a my-kinks perspective. CW: rape, and brief sexual harassment of a minor.
Non spoilery burbling followed by spoilery burbling (again, just for the first episode, which is 40m long)
The main characters are a married couple of KGB spies who have been in deep cover as normal Americans for almost two decades. They have two preteen kids who have no idea.
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They are both phenomenally competent – a lot of my pleasure lies in just watching them work.
He's acclimated to his life and feels the pull of the life he's playacting – he's a goofball dad, more naturally affectionate with his kids, more drawn to American prosperity. A new mall opens up and he mentions to his wife, on the way there with his kids, that it has "fountains and skylights". I love that line – so unimportant, but she'd never say it.
She's the fanatic. She idealizes the Soviet way and despises Americans for their weakness in comparison, but it's also been decades since she was in the country. It seems that, even before she left, she was so immersed in her harsh training program during her formative years that she lost touch with what normal Soviets were like.
He's in love with her but not so much the other way around, and watching him try to love her is like watching someone trying to grab a knife by the sharp end.
They can only be mostly open with each other. A cult of two. And even then – because they were told not to share their pre-spy lives with each other, to make it easier to keep their cover stories straight – they don't even know each other's birth names until the end of episode 1.
Oh my gosh. So. I'm really into how he's in love with her and how emotionally unsafe she is to love because of who she is.
He listens to a tape of her seducing a CIA guy and the unhappy microexpressions rippling on his face as he listens to it – amazing! You just know she's never been expressive with him during sex, because it wasn't necessary for the job.
At another point he comes home and starts kissing the back of her neck in the kitchen, and her expression tightens as he ignores her stop words, and she whirls on him with a knife. He says, "You're my wife." She replies, "Is that right," and her eyes say: that means nothing to me.
And of course –
The guy they're keeping in their trunk, a Soviet defector they kidnapped, is a colonel who raped her in her cadet days. She's cracking under her desire for revenge, arguing for killing him immediately (rather than waiting out the American scrutiny on every train station / port, and shipping him back to the motherland), and not saying a word about her personal reasons. When it comes out – because the colonel, tired and expressionless, apologizes after she beats the shit out of him – her husband veers on a dime from planning to return the colonel to American hands and defecting himself, to choking the colonel to death in the garage.
They dispose of the corpse together and fuck in the car. I find this unbearably romantic. Especially because... (1) the intimacy is genuine, her loyalties really do shift closer to him (she lies to her superior about his loyalty for the first time), but (2) sleeping with him at this junction is also the strategically optimal for her to be doing to manage him. She cares about him, unlike the other men she manages with sex, but he is in fact in that category for her.
There's no way he doesn't know that, but he loves her anyway, and maybe even admires her for it. He's so fucked.
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ellaenchanting · 1 year
Prompt: Accidentally Successful Self-Hypnosis
The guy with the beard raised his hand. "So, what does pacing and leading look like?"
"Good question," she responded. She looked around the room for inspiration.
She found it when the ceiling light caught her attention.
She began: "So, for example, I'm looking at the light on the ceiling, and I'm noticing it's bright, so that's probably going to make my eyes automatically blink from the light, right?"
"Yeah.." he said, agreeing.
"So, as I blink, I'm going to tell myself that is happening because my eyes are getting tired. There's a bit of strain to looking up like this, too, so I can state and reinforce those feelings of strain as well." She stared up, tuning into her own responses to better demonstrate the technique. "Mmm...you probably notice now that my eyes are blinking more now, " she reported.
"Ok," he said.
"I'm not doing that consciously," she continued, focusing on the explanation, "I'm just responding. And now I can start to tell myself that my eyelids are getting really relaxed. Heavy. Tired."
She blinked more.
She observed it out loud to the class. "And I can tell that I'm blinking more and more, slower and slower. So that means my eyelids are getting heavier and heavier. It's a nice little loop-more blinking means heavier and heavier means more blinking..."
She vaguely noticed her words was slowing down. She decided to go with the feeling.
"Uhm?..." from somewhere in the room
"And from there, it's easy to transfer that relaxation of my eyes to a relaxation in my body. Mmmm," she sighed as she felt her muscles respond, going loose and limp. She hadn't realized how tense she was. The anxiety of the presentation, the stress of the convention- everything started to slowly fade away. It felt amazing.
"Ella?" her co-presenter gently asked.
"Oh,that feels good." she reported. "And I can focus in on those good feelings since my eyes just closed- oh nice- and that can mean a wave of comfort goes down my body and gosh I haven't felt this way for a while.."
"Hey, Ella?" the voice repeated, seemingly from far away.
Unimportant. She just ignored it. Her voice continued slowly.
"And then I can REALLY let go, letting my words flow as my thoughts go quiet as my mind relaxes more and more and more..."
She felt a familiar, welcoming void in the middle of her thoughts. Gently, she let herself fall into it.
"And eventually there's just...silence."
A quick tap on her shoulder, trying to get her attention. Some words about needing to finish the class.
She ignored them all. She was feeling too good to divide her attention.
She heard a sigh.
Some quick instructions from the voice she trusted, telling her that if she insisted, they would handle the class for a bit. This time.
Gentle hands guided and assisted her to sit down in a nearby chair. Rest, the voice said.
She floated there, drifting and dreaming for the rest of class.
It was ok.
She already knew all of the material anyway.
Thanks @hypno-potion for the prompt!
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manicpixieyandere · 7 days
FNaF DBD Chapter Speculation
Characters and Cosmetics
As we're sure you've heard, FNaF is coming to DBD after YEARS of being requested! We thought it'd be fun to look at who the potential characters coming to the game could be, and their cosmetics as well (that's the real fun part).
First, who do we think is gonna be added to the game?
Considering this crossover didn't get green lit until the success of the movie, we're gonna say it's all movie based.
Safest bet is:
Killer- The Yellow Rabbit
Survivors- Mike and Vanessa
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They make the most sense, they're the main antagonist and protagonists of the movie respectively. Obviously excluding Abby, but we doubt they'd ever add her. There are no little kid survivors in DBD.
Now onto potential cosmetics!
This is mainly just stuff we'd like to see based on previous games as there isn't much cosmetic options present in the movie. Mixing the games and the movie is a smart idea to entice and excite fans of the franchise anyway!
The Yellow Rabbit:
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Alright this one was obvious. Of course they're gonna do this. How could they not?
Freddy Fazbear
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It is an interesting dilemma that the name sake of the franchise is so unimportant. So it wouldn't be surprising if Freddy got a skin. The skins are still canon to the Entity's realm as well, so fret not.
Clown Springtrap
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Probably his most iconic costume from the AR game! But maybe we are biased, clown characters are always the best.
Mike Schmidt:
Game accurate purple shirt
You know the look, look at that pelvic thrust!
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In the same vein we got the iconic guy who is purple but isn't actually purple guy.
Foxy Bully
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The event that started it all. Maybe? Probably not actually. But it certainly was a messy event! Both for the lore and William's business!
Vanessa Afton Shelly:
Ok just gonna put in now that we are extremely biased for Vanessa. Besides the DCA, she is our favorite character from the games and movie! Security Breach was an amazing concept that was unfortunately executed poorly. It's a shame Vanessa and Vanny never really got their chance to shine.
Game Accurate Security Guard
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Game Vanessa, what more is there to say? White girl jumpscare!
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Now it'd be hard to give her the full suit, players would think she's a killer. But maybe they could give her a mask, similar to Cassie's in Ruin. This mask would just be a head only accessory. Mainly meant to go on the game accurate outfit.
Rainbow Hair And Pronouns
In the AR game when Vanessa was going by "Ness" she was described as having rainbow hair streaks. It is a shame this was never in the game. Please girl, come slay. Kill that old man William with your pronouns, hair dye, and definitely lesbianism.
Charlie Emily:
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Another separate character costume. Charlie was the very first female protagonist in the FNaF franchise and really the first in depth fleshed out character we ever got. So fuck of course she deserves a spot! The original novel trilogy is what led to so much of the lore we have today. Sure the novels had their weird moments, but Charlie was a stand out amazing character. We miss novel Charlie, this would be a great way to bring her back!
That's all we've got for character and cosmetic ideas! We assume the map(s) will just be an indoor pizzeria layout of some kind. But as someone who fucking hates indoor DBD maps it'll be a pipe dream they add an outdoor Fall Fest map to tease The Secret Of the Mimic. That'll never happen though so ignore that and chug salt.
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chronotsr · 5 months
No. 3 - G3, Hall of the Fire Giant King (July 1978)
Author(s): Gary Gygax Artist(s): Erol Otus, Dave C. Sutherland III (cover), David A. Trampier Level range: Average of 9, preferably 5+ players Theme: Standard Swords and Sorcery Major re-releases: G1-3 Against the Giants, GDQ1-7 Queen of the Spiders, Against the Giants: The Liberation of Geoff, Dungeon #200, Tales from the Yawning Portal
So that was a little disappointing. But maybe it just middles in the middle? C'mon Gary, let's see that special skill I've heard so much about.
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G3 begins how G2 ended: teleporting conveniently on the outskirts of the fortress in such a way as to skip a trek without surprising the players. Meh. Our big bad this time is King Snurre -- I haven't mentioned the Chieftains yet because they're all just midbosses compared to the this guy. And, he's kind of famous isn't he?
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For a guy who is functionally a one-off NPC that the party presumably kills, he ends up in a lot of paintings. Not that I'm complaining, that 4e art is amazing. In fact, broadly, 4e's art is a little underrated, it benefits from being less restrained than 5e. I don't think that's a knock on 5e's artists, more like…the art direction seems to be intentionally tamer. Anyway, thank you 4e art, I never realized there was a dog in the background of the 5e PHB until now. Neat.
Yada yada yada the setup is exactly the same as before, but now it's got ~mordor vibes~. As far as changes change, these fire giants (even the children) expressly do not do morale checks because apparently Snurre is such a motherfucker. Scary!
Anyway, we're already in the room-by-room, so let's begin the juicy part:
There's a scooby doo trap with a tapestry in the doorway having holes for eyes so a giant guard can alert the entire building if the players don't catch it. That's evil! But not unfair, which is a good balance. Naturally, there is a ballista tripwire on revisit that does some nasty damage, so this hallway is just The Troll Zone
Snurre has two pet hellhounds leashed to his throne, but also he's wearing a white dragonskin as a cloak at all times, which overcomes his natural aversion to cold with MAGIC. What an asshole! Also, as you look at that picture from the 5e cover, there's a bevy of (unimportant) changes from the original, like Snurre is no longer in his signature pitch-black platemail, but I think special mention should go to the fact that in the original he has literally 60k worth of precious stones on his person and scattered throughout the architecture of the throne room. This room should be GLEAMING.
A Gygaxism: Queen Frupy is a 'haradin', which roughly means 'scold', which. Ok. So, so much attention is given to how uggo she is (to Gary). Actually, I think the description of her armor is kinda cool, she wears black dragonskin, studded with iron (so by Runescape logic I guess she's good with a bow?). Reaper Minis did a character that sort-of resembles the description, but their Vanja has a spear where Frupy uses a scepter:
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You can actually negotiate with her, the implication of the text is that she's unreasonable but…just ignore that. Lol.
She also has a magic mirror (implied to be a furniture mirror, not a hand mirror) that reveals invisible creatures in the reflection, which is kind of awesome. Good way to catch assassins! Somehow the drow are using a gifted necklace to spy on them, but I feel like the mirror probably should've revealed in some way (maybe the mirror was also a drow gift?) She's more astute than she lets on, because she has a huge stash of mind control crap in her dresser drawers for emergencies.
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Keeping with the "giant leader's treasure sucks" tradition, Snurre's treasure is genuinely crazy. It occupies a FULL PAGE, and each INDIVIDUAL TRUNK has a listing and an explicit mention of the traps. Traps range from a standard scything trap to secret snakes to the treasure being invisible to contact poison. How the hell does Snurre use this room? You're telling me he never fucked up remembering which of the 13 chests were trapped in which way? Oh, also, they're pick-proof, because fuck you thief. Naturally, the loot itself is also a fucking trap, because while there is some truly amazing stuff in there (20 randomized magic items, a decent amount of valuables, a +3 ring of protection, and a ring of 3 wishes), there is also lots of troll items (statues with a stacking curse of -1 to all tests, ring of contrariness, ring of delusion). On the whole, a big fuck you to the party. Oh, and while the locks are unpickable, you can shoot them off with magic missile, which is…why?
Snurre's dwarf-slave-advisor is bizarrely well equipped and loyal, and given the opportunity to escape he will…backstab the party. As much as people complain about how early DND has too many save or die traps, I genuinely think the regularity with which rescued npcs betray the party is a waaaaaay dumber and more ridiculous trend. I simply cannot fathom why someone as smart as Obmi would choose to keep being a slave to Snurre when adventurers showed up with the ability to free him. Honestly? Take his big lie and make it true. The lie makes sense because it makes more sense than the canon character.
The scroll that finally tips at the motivation of the giants is, no kidding, scroll #68 of almost 450 paper items, none of which are mentioned. The weird need for a number baffles me.
The kitchen is doing some lateral thinking and using one of the gas vents as a gas stove, which is hilarious.
Oh, we're only now to level 2?
All of the former kings are entombed in a Giant Tomb, which, that is entirely too cool of a visual for them to have not included a visual. In a fucking grave mistake, this room is cut from the 4e remake, so there is no incredible art of it. There is no justice.
If you somehow didn't kill the hill giant chieftain AND you didn't get him in G2, he's here in G3. And he brought the pet bears!
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Gary, you're such an asshole. No one would ever think to throw their cool mace into the lava pit mid combat. This is just trolling.
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🤷 Guess I'll die
"The were-rats, if losing, will turn into rats and flee down the drain" That is, actually an incredible escape plan, except that we have pre-established that this Hall is founded upon LAVA AND COOKING-HOT GAS.
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Fuck the party I guess
You often hear people who got into ADND in the late 1e/2e era talk about how people speculated that Hommlet must lead to Temple of Elemental Evil because of hints about the Elemental Eye and, honestly it just kind of feels like Gary defaults to the Eye. It has come up in every scenario he has written so far (which admittedly is 2 so far), but with the power of Knowing What Comes Next I can assure you that this is going to keep happening. Anyway, there is a temple to the Eye here, complete with human sacrifice, and the allusion to tentacles eating people is already starting to signpost what we now know is true: It's Tharizdun. The Eye is Tharizdun. It always comes back to Cthulhus!
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A lot of early players clearly enjoyed Poking Random Shit because if you decide to touch the Elemental Eye's altar and also play every musical instrument in the room, you get to make every person in the room roll on this table, AND also execute whichever player is nearest to the altar (no save). But, hey, you will suddenly get whatever you want most on the altar. If you are somehow dumb enough to do it again, there's a 1 in 12 chance you get a +1 in all stats, a 2 in 12 chance of something extremely bad happening, and a 9 in 12 chance nothing happens.
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Would genuinely like to know how many GMs bothered following this instruction. It does teleport you towards the final encounter, so that's something.
An entire page is dedicated to disarming the tentacle wall magic trap, which to be honest looks like it'd repel a significant percentage of players because you either need an evil cleric or some good magic to dispel the wall, and the wall punishes the shit out of you for trying to disarm it. To be a mild devil's advocate, the tentacle wall IS super suspiciously placed (the shape of the room implies it's going somewhere), so at least it's not also super esoteric. If you DO bypass it, you are now the proud winner of the "discover the drow" award! Woah, elves but they're ontologically evil??????????????????????????????????? Truly novel! Eclavdra, head of the drow here, hangs out doing nothing in particular, and you may unceremoniously execute her if you want to bring her storyline to an unceremonious end.
The frost giants are here from last module, if they survived. They really want you to kill these kings!
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No really why did they used to draw trolls like that
This adventure just won't end. There's a surprising amount to say about this module given that it's only 22 pages of monster murder and motherfucker traps. Anyway, welcome to level 3!
There are fake dragons here to troll you into getting excited for loot
The fire giants also have a panic room? Every giant has a panic room. Why are panic rooms so normal in the G series?
A SECOND fake dragon that is actually a gorgon, which is almost funny
Finally, a REAL red dragon, which is frankly cruelty to fool me three times
After many, many drow are fought, you eventually run into a magic-fighter drow noble who has a wand of "viscid globs", which despite the suggestive name, is actually a superglue gun? You can literally rip yourself apart trying to separate yourself from a glued object. It's a really, really bizarre item. And it has a LOT of charges -- 79.
Mercifully, finally, something that could be potentially interesting: Eclavdra's rival is hanging out in the basement and can be sweetalked into helping the party screw over Eclavdra, which. FINALLY. However, if you displease her, it's demon time.
For reasons I cannot fathom, there are mind flayers here observing the drow, and the drow are not super bothered by that.
And that's basically it! at the very end they find a tube with a map and a wish leading to the D series, and a quick explainer on the then-new Drow. Well, not that quick, it's a page and a half, but the conceptualization of the drow is basically unchanged between then and now. Evil elves, forced underground, adapted to living there, dark skin, magic spidersilk clothes and adamantine weapons, sunlight sensitivity, drow spell list.
On the whole, G3 is, an adventure. While yes the Drow twist is kind of neat (but not special, since Drow are functionally Melniboneans and Elric was already decades old at this point), mostly this module lacks the fun of G1 and substitutes lots of murder traps for any genuine creativity with the scenario. On the whole, I consider it…crowd pleasingly boring? Your treasure goblins will love it for how much nice stuff they can find, if they survive.
We will end today with the back cover, which features some hippogriff mounts. People just don't give parties flying mounts anymore, it's honestly strange the tradition died. See you in the D series later. And if you're waiting for more obscure modules…I can only promise one in 1978.
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blonde-and-cat-suc · 10 months
choose violence ask game: 3, 12 and 22?
p.s. love your blog, please keep spreading the truth!
And I love blogging <3!!! I do it for the girls and the gays.
Answers under the cut . . . This is gonna be a long one.
3) Screenshot or description of the worse take you've seen on tumblr?
Okay, so, the only problem with this one is that I've literally seen too many to count. But the one that I'd often seen and had the most visceral reaction to were definitely the longer, well articulated analysis posts from stans that did SO MUCH bending and twisting to claim Adora being equally toxic/(and or abusive) to Catra. Which, obviously, I also spent time analyzing. Trying my best to understand what was going on. And you know what? I get it. I don't agree. But I get it. Adora and Catra grew up under the same circumstances, so yeah, they wouldn't be entirely innocent of picking up bad habits from their childhood. Realistically. Fine.
But implying that Adora is worse? Worse than Catra?
Anyway, I've suffered from my own self-inflicted torture in the past. I wish I hadn't spent so much time reading stan analysis the way I did, but... Here we are.
And that's just on Tumblr. I don't believe that other social media/forum sites are better or worse about c//a and SPOP, but I have seen worse in The Wilds. (At least on Tumblr there's the filtering options. Everywhere else, good luck).
12) The unpopular character that you actually like, and why more people should like them?
First of all, yes, yes, yes, Swift Wind is horrendous wasted potential (surprise, surprise), and yes, of course, I'm still pissed over it. Those scenes where he's so loyal and kind to Adora, and she, having no other point of reference for a friend, much less a resourceful friend... Like, awwhh. Plus, he makes it very clear that he has his own will and isn't just mindlessly following Adora around like a god-honest horse would. He has his own agenda. He doesn't have to go into battle with Adora, and doesn't gain too much from risking his life to help her and her friends in the short term, but Swift Wind does it anyway. He's interested and invested in Adora, personally, anyway. He wants to be there for her and support her growth as a person.
And Adora deserves all of those amazing, raw, sappy, fairytale friendships!
22) Favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores?
In my experience, this is the type of fandom that cultivates, um, extreme niches, for lack of a better term. As in, literally what my blog is compared to a "stan's" blog. They're like. Different SPOP fans everywhere, so I don't truly believe that there's a portion of this show that is genuinely ignored... There's someone out there that liked even the tiniest, unimportant fraction of this show. Just got to go find them. (Hell, I know people that love, like, Tall Star specifically, out of all the other characters. Nothing has gone totally unnoticed, which is something I really love about the fanbase as a whole, despite everything).
Anyway, to keep it short, my favorite "underappreciated" parts are hm... Maybe the parts where Adora gets to explore the world around her? And not in a super plot related way. I know that the BFS goofing off so much isn't totally ignored. But I like to see that Adora especially was still learning new things everyday in canon, just like, randomly. Nothing to do with the Horde or the Rebellion. Just. She should be excited for the new world around her, dude. Those are pretty rare moments in the show, actually. Wish there were more.
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sparksinsirius · 1 year
Lusher frowns walking through the halls. There's barely anyone here. She scowls coming to a realization that the popular crew must be of doing one of their petty dumb pranks again.
Almost all the doors to the classrooms are locked. Lusher is becoming a little irritated. Maybe going home is the better option here. Of course, the front of the school is locked.
Lusher takes a deep breath. This better not go on for the entire day and night. She has a race around 7 p.m. The gym isn't locked. She narrows her eyes while standing in front of the gym, there's a chance there are more petty tricks.
Amateurs. Lusher saw the bucket right away. She's honestly surprised that some of the popular girls set it up correctly. Lusher has been racing since she was 13. She knows how to dodge certain areas and be on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary.
Meanwhile, Soweon is walking through the academy to her secret spot. It's not so secret anymore. The whole place is thrashed and all the mic stands look like they've been kicked down. She walks faster to make sure no lyric sheets got ripped up.
Only 2 got ripped up but they're unimportant. Soweon doesn't know why she kept those 2 specific lyric sheets. They're from her horrid mother and they just remind Soweon of the daughter she was built to be. She's so glad she's not that girl.
Suddenly the broadcast system is turned on. Soweon sighs not fully fazed by the fact that some popular girls tricked her into coming into school when today is actually a break day. Soweon hears the plural form of outcast.
That means there's more than just her at this school. She doesn't plan to socialize anytime soon. She puts on the instrumental version of parents ft. Chloe Noone and starts to sing Chole's part. She always gets lost in the singing and this time is no different.
Bada is so done with the bullshit all these popular crazy girls are trying to pull. She could be napping right now. She frowns for a moment because she hears music that's not coming from her phone and she can hear it even with earbuds in.
Her jaw goes slack. The girl singing is incredible. Bada smiles and leaves a note before softly closing the door to the room she stumbled into. She starts to wonder if it would be worth it to dance to the girl's beautiful singing voice.
The elevators open to the 3rd floor which is where the canteen is. Bada smells something amazing and her feet move on her own. Someone with faded ginger hair is bringing dishes out on one of those carts. She grins. "Good thing I know how to cook. Those popular girls should've thought this through."
Kyma hums. "I guess it's a good thing they didn't." She puts out her joint and stands up to throw it away. She tilts her head at the tall girl in glasses when she walks back to the table. "There's something about you that's familiar."
The said tall girl is about to answer but Kyma takes notice that the tall girl is looking past. Kyma becomes curious when she sees the way the tall girl is looking at the girl with blue and orange hair. The blue and orange haired girl is looking at the tall girl in the same way but there's something shy in her expression.
Kyma's attention soon turns to a girl with slight chubby cheeks and glasses resting on her head. She grins. "You smoke? It's something she asks most people she meets for the first time. The girl with chubby cheeks hums. "You can make many designs with weed." Kyma is a little dumbfounded.
a/n: disclaimer!! i do not perceive any of the bebe girls this way in real life. This is an AU for a reason. Anyways i hope you enjoyed pt.1 and this is only just the beginning. The popular girls might be some other crews from SWF2... stay tuned for me! <3
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thebibliomancer · 4 months
Essential Avengers: Avengers #317: BUSINESS AS USUAL
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May, 1990
Guest-starring the Amazing Spider-Man -- -- But not for long!
Okay. That almost makes all the "Guest-starring the Amazing Spider-Man" cover captions worth it.
Can't believe Peter Parker, Spider-Man is going to die in an Avengers book.
Well, it is the 90s. He's better off dead in space.
Last times in Avengers: Nebula accidentally broke the universe in an attempt to gain unfathomable power. The Avengers and special-guest Spider-Man fix the universe. Then, chase her to her spaceship but find that her prisoner Starfox has already freed himself and zonked out Nebula and her crew.
And then the Stranger bursts through the wall, very mad at Nebula.
Perhaps because her media footprint is unfathomably bigger than his in modern times. Or maybe because she stole a thing from him.
Both equally likely.
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The Stranger really did just OH YEAH through the hull of the spaceship like the Kool-Aid Man.
Good thing for vague sci-fi technology that keeps all the air from rushing out.
Then again, all the heroes that need to breath have air buckets on their head.
Show of hands: who would be broken up if Gunthar the Rigellian died of no air?
Actually, the best part of this being the start of the issue is that Nebula is STILL zonked out by Starfox's pleasure power so she's smiling and not treating any of this seriously.
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Spider-Man tries to tell the Stranger about the pleasure power zonking. But he first pulls continuity receipts and reminds the Stranger that they met in Marvel Team-Up #55.
The Stranger remembers but doesn't care. So he fucks off with Nebula someplace where there's less interruption.
The Avengers and special guest Spider-Man all take a moment to reflect on how little a shit the Stranger gave about them. Like they were nothing to him, what with his cosmic might.
Which is definitely the exact case.
Thor: "Mayhap, to a being of such enormous powers, our presence was unimportant." Sersi: "It was almost... demeaning." Spider-Man: "Well, I get de-meaning of it. We're good enough for him!" Captain America: "Be that as it may, troops -- we've got a job to do!" Spider-Man: "innocuously slinking back home, maybe?" Captain America: "We have to find out why the Stranger was so intent on getting Nebula!"
... Do you though?
You saved the universe. You were nearby when Starfox saved himself. Nebula will be less of a problem in the Stranger's custody. That's space justice. What more do you have to do here?
That aside, love this exchange.
Having Spider-Man around certainly does add something to the banter.
Cap asks Sersi to try to psychically scan the Stranger but she puts her foot down.
She's still exhausted from scanning the world and also holding that communications room together and Cap wants her to poke around the brain of a cosmic being?
Captain America: "All right then, I understand -- but if you are going to be an Avenger, we'll soon have to gauge the extents and limits of your abilities!"
Well one limit is not poking around the brain of a cosmic being.
He has a point though.
Sersi's powers are less straightforward than a lot of Avengers.
She's psychic: but how psychic?
She can transform matter but what are the limitations on that? Can she just transform anyone the Avengers fight into pigs? Could she polymorph Thanos? Or does it only work on mooks?
Anyway, the Avengers rush toward trouble and...
Hey, you remember last issue how the space Quinjet was dwarfed by Nebula's spaceship?
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Well, Nebula's ship is dwarfed by the Stranger's.
He's a big cosmic man and he needs a big cosmic ship.
(Big in this case is estimated by Spider-Man to mean the size of Argentina.)
Spider-Man: "Uhm... Listen, guys, much as I'd like to invade a ship roughly the size of Argentina... shouldn't we reconsider, or plan a comprehensive strategy... or run and hide somewhere?" Captain America: "This is all in a day's work, son. If you're going to be an Avenger, you'll have to learn to deal with the unexpected!"
To which Spider-Man thinks "Okay, the unexpected I can deal with... as long as I'm expecting it, that is..."
Cap makes plans for the Avengers and special new recruit Spider-Man to be ferried across by the fliers, while Iron Man stays behind and makes sure all of Nebula's henchmen are secured.
But before they even leave, they're interrupted by the Stranger not taking kindly to them even thinking about barging into his house/spaceship.
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He sends over a robot called Blockade. Who has his one and only appearance in this issue.
Like his name suggests, he's here to put up a stern hand and tell the Avengers to stop getting involved.
And on top of the robot telling them to kindly fuck off, the Stranger even astral projects and doubles down on the message.
Avengers, kindly fuck off. The Stranger has this handled.
Captain America tells the Stranger that they can't leave until they find out what the Stranger wants with Nebula.
The Stranger really does just want the Avengers to kindly fuck off because instead of pulling the 'nunya bizness' card, he exposits.
That or he's a comic book character who secretly loves any excuse to spill the tea.
The Stranger reveals that Nebula stole from him. Which we knew but the Avengers didn't. Not that Cap is surprised. This is the most in-character crime he could have heard Nebula was accused of.
But she specifically stole from his homeworld, while he was gone doing whatever the Stranger does. And his homeworld is so well-hidden and so well-guarded that nobody had ever heisted him before.
Nebula is like Space Black Cat. Was like. I think modern Nebula, because of the movies, has a skillset more tailored towards assassination.
But back in the day, Nebula ran with a crew of pirates and was a super-duper space thief.
It was thanks to her best minion Gunthar, who is a Rigellian and not a penguin, that she was able to strike while the Stranger was gone. Rigellian tracking tech, yo.
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Although, despite him being essential to this heist, Nebula isn't afraid to claim credit for herself for this bit.
And what Nebula stole was "the most powerful weapon in the multiverse."
Which I'd guess was the Ultimate Nullifier or the Infinity G- oh wait, we haven't revealed how powerful the gems are yet.
But Infinity is still the word to throw around to make things sound important.
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Because she steals the Infinity Union!
Which is three devices mooshed together which combined can channel "all forms of ambient energy into the user!"
Hey, the Stranger, why do you have this? Why does it even exist?
Like, the Ultimate Nullifier and the Infinity Gems have gotten explanations for why they're even a thing. But why build three devices and then smoosh them together to control all ambient energy and then just leave it in a storage room somewhere? Why?
And this Infinity Union really didn't have any staying power or maybe it got overshadowed by the Infinity Gauntlet in a couple years but the Union doesn't even have it's own page on marvel wiki.
(I do like that the Stranger's homeworld is so unfathomably huge that it takes Nebula and Gunthar two hours just to cross the room to get to the Infinity Union.)
Also, while Spider-Man's silly jokes were appreciated last time, he's apparently running thin his welcome.
Jokingly comparing an Infinity Union to the teamsters causes the Stranger to call Spider-Man an idiot. And when Spider-Man jokes that it sounds like a rerun that they're saving the universe right after saving the universe, Thor tells him, hey bud, this is serious time.
Meanwhile, Iron Man and Starfox have finished interrogating the zonked out Gunthar, who has given them basically the same exposition about the Infinity Union.
Iron Man: "But what does Nebula want with such a weapon, Gunthar?" Gunthar: "What she has always wanted, Earthling -- ultimate power -- and the attainment of her goal, the chance to create ultimate entropy -- the death of all there is!" Iron Man: "That's insane! It would wipe her out, too!" Gunthar: "That is not my concern -- I only serve my mistress in being the sole player in this deadly gambit! If any other than Nebula touches the device, it will annihilate this entire sector of space!"
Hang on. Nebula's goal is to wipe out all life?
I call bullshit.
For one thing: Why would she want that? Thanos wanted something like that at various points. Because he thought it would make Death want to smooch him. He had personal reasons for doing what he did.
Nebula is going around telling everyone she's the granddaughter of Thanos. Later, it will turn out, that she's lying for clout.
But every Nebula appearance (discounting the Kang Nebula, since we've reached retcon territory on that) has had her want power for the sake of power. She wants conquest.
When she accidentally broke the universe, instead of being thrilled, she was annoyed that she was close to achieving infinite power and now had nothing to use it on.
Is this a swerve? Byrne deciding in his last issue to just change directions? Or did Fabian Nicieza add this in when he finished up this issue? Is Gunthar an idiot?
Let's assume Gunthar is an idiot.
Stupid, dumb Gunthar.
Anyway, Iron Man leaves Starfox to watch the stupid, dumb prisoners and flies off to go warn the Avengers not to touch the thing.
Do you not have radios? Communicators in some fashion? You're wearing a computer and Vision is a computer. And you can't just ring him up?
Get your shit together, Stark.
In the medical-science section of the Stranger's "continent-sized spaceship" (so Spider-Man was way off when he thought it was only the size of Argentina), the Stranger continues to be annoyed that Nebula's brain is still zonked.
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Medical crystals! What, is this Kryptonian tech?
Because of the zonk (the pleasure zonk) from Starfox, the Stranger can't probe Nebula's brain for where she hid the Infinity Union.
And he knows her intentions for it are bad.
Also, weirdly, the turning off the universe plot is relevant here. All the energies gathered by the compressor have been absorbed by the Infinity Union. So if Nebula uses it, she'll become even more infinitely powerful than she already would have.
I guess that links the stories together.
Considering all the build-up was for the compressor, this part of the plot feels rickety. It feels almost like we're in a post-script season. We had this story about Spider-Man helping the Avengers when the universe goes all photo-negative and now we're in a different but linked plot.
Him joking about going from the universe being at stake to the universe being at stake, feels a little self-aware in that light.
The Stranger tries a stronger PSYCHIC PROBE on Nebula's ship but all he accomplishes is causing agony to the Avengers. Even Vision. And his brain is a computer.
This is apparently a bridge too far for Captain America.
Captain America: "Enough is ENOUGH! Anything that is wanted that badly by people like Nebula and the Stranger shouldn't be had by either of them! It's our responsibility to find this Infinity Union before they do -- and once we find it -- destroy it forever!"
I'm not sure it IS the Avengers' responsibility. The thing is the Stranger's and he did have it pretty well under lock and key. Well, before Nebula stole it.
Hm. Maybe do destroy it.
Iron Man shows up to back up Cap and explain that the Union is booby-trapped to blow if anyone other than Nebula touches it.
So Cap tells the Avengers to split up to cover more ground that way. But if you find the Infinity Union, don't touch it!
... Hey. Do they even know what it looks like?
They're going to search an entire huge spaceship and not even know what the thing they're looking for is?
Great plan, Cap.
Spider-Man is getting a little nervous about what he signed up for.
Spider-Man: "Sure is one heckuva way to spend my first hour as an Avenger! The really scary thing is that these guys play for keeps each and every day! Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is a little more used to your common type of thugs. Like Doc Ock or Hobgoblin, or geez, even Leap Frog! Saving the planet as an appetizer, then the universe as a main course is a little out of my league! Well, they say the cream rises to the top so maybe it's time to curdle up and hide!"
Quite a bait and switch this story is pulling. Insisting Spider-Man would be a perfect Avenger in one issue and then having him second-guess it the next.
I did dimly realize that obviously Spider-Man didn't become an Avenger in this era. But one can't be faulted for hoping.
Now, that's a What If? I'd like to see. What Ifs Spider-Man joined the Avengers for this story and for the one where Monica Rambeau joined.
But despite Spider-Man not wanting to be involved, he turns out to be the best guy to find the Infinity Union. It's so dangerous that it's setting off his spider-sense and by playing hot and cold with the headache it gives him, he's able to find where the thinger is hidden.
He can't figure out how to open the door so he just rips it open.
Despite Cap telling him not to touch, Spider-Man worries that the Stranger or Nebula might stumble in and find it before he can get the others so he tries to snag it with a web-line so he can drag it without touching it buuuuut
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I guess he activated Gunthar's trap card.
Looks like Spider-Man is super dead now. We'll have to bring in Ben Reilly early.
Meanwhile, back on Earth in Manhattan, Quasar arrives at the Avengers Construction Site.
I legit forgot that he was sorta one of the core members right now.
Even Quasar comments on the fact that he's been so busy in his own book that he hasn't done a lot of Avengersing.
Quasar sees that not as much construction has happened as he's expected and weirdly the Avengers Sub-Basement is pretty abandoned. John Jameson and whoever else apparently ditched between issues.
But Jarvis is in the communications room... a communications room? That one communications room is still hanging off the PolyDyne building.
Anyway, Quasar goes to see Jarvis in a communications room, where Jarvis explains in brief where the Avengers are. Before the monitors explode in their faces.
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Since it makes the same SHEEKAK noise, this is probably Spider-Man's fault.
Looks like Jameson was right. Spidey is a threat AND a menace.
This extended Spider-Man story guest starring Avengers ends next time. But our next time is back over to Avengers West Coast for a weird fill-in which is also technically part of the arc Byrne was setting up before he left.
Follow @essential-avengers for more fun times. Fun not guaranteed. Offer void where prohibited. Like, comment, reblog, and whatever else. But only if you want.
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ticklygiggles · 10 months
Profile Tag Game
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Hello - Hi! I was tagged by the cutest @otomiyaa! Oh, you saw that? Eh? You want us to get to know each other better? Well, you can call me Mia for starters! It's nice to become your acquaintance!
Chat: Tickling - A-Ah, you really had to bring that topic up, huh? Anyways... yes, how to explain? Tickling is just nice, I guess. It feels nice and it's something fun to do with your friends and the ones you love, isn't it? A- A tickle fight? Maybe later. Now, let's talk about something else.
Chat: Reading - You think these are a lot of books? I wish my collection was even bigger! Do you enjoy reading? I could lend you some books, if you want!
When It Rains - Ugh, I hate it when it rains. Such a bummer. Good thing I always carry an umbrella, although it's a tiny one, but if we squeeze together we'll be fine!
When It Snows - Snow? I've never seen it and I'm glad, I don't think I'd handle the cold!
When the Sun Is Out - So bright and warm! Doesn't it feel so nice on the skin? Don't forget to put enough sunscreen, though!
Good morning - I must admit I'm not a morning person, I wish I could come back to sleep.
Good night - Go to bed if you are sleepy; a good night rest is necessary. I still want to stay up for a little while longer!
About me: Writing - Ah, yes I write from time to time, nothing too amazing, really.
Something to Share: Drawing - From where did you get-?! Y-Yes, I sometimes draw, but I'm really not that good at it, but hey... I really like your eyes... would you mind if I just- don't move, please.
My Hobbies: Scrapbooking - I don't do this activity as much as I would like to, but I do have a scrapbook where I put memories about trips and places I visit! We should take a picture together so I can put it on my scrapbook! Do you have you kamera with you?
My Troubles - Oh, I don't want to bother you with those, but tell me, do you have any troubles yourself?
Favorite Food: Are you going to make food for me?! Well, can I ask for some sushi? Or maybe something with shrimps? Pasta is also so good!
Least Favorite Food: Hmm, I'm not really picky when it comes to food, but I usually try to avoid beans, although sometimes they taste good enough for me to eat!
About @otomiyaa - You see us together often? Why of course! She's my best friend after all! I'm glad I reached out to her first, I wonder how life would be if I hadn't sent that message- unimportant, we now talk every single day and look out for each other! Such a lovely person she is! I truly love her!
About @lovelynim - Hehe, you saw our collaboration? That was so much fun! We've recently become friends, you see! To be honest I was a little bit intimitated by her. She's so talented and smart, so I only admired her from afar as a loyal follower. I'm happy we're getting the chance to know each other better!
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Hehe this was fun, I hope I was not too cringey jdfsnfj everyone I talk to has been tagged already, so you're gonna get tagged again, I'm sorry! @wertzunge @eliankrios @xsezzie @ticklystuff @chibimochii
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Adding a read more for TMI/BDSM dynamics again
The guy who I talked about in my last post is exceeding all of my fucking expectations.
Not everything we talk about is even sexual. He's started taking control of little unimportant aspects of my day, one of them being he gets to choose pretty/sexy outfits for me to wear to work. (Lipstick, dresses, jewelry, panties, the whole 9 yards.) I like this way more than I realized because its one less thing I have to worry about as an overworked virgo with a martyr complex and a big ol' perfectionist streak.
He's being super fucking attentive, I never have to ask, he's just ON IT and always three steps ahead etc etc. Anyway, I have to go to a gala event tomorrow for charity. It is being put on by my old job and I have to go as a representative of my new job. I gave him a bunch of options and he picked everything out, dress, heels, stockings, garters, everything.
For obvious reasons, I'm so fucking nervous. I'm dreading it. Everyone who wronged me back in Jan/Feb will be there (and for those who dont know it was a whole thing involving our dog who bit me during a seizure, put me in the ER, and our personal vet approved her euth and a vet who I had turned into HR demanded she be tested for rabies.)
He asked me why I was nervous. I told him it was a long story and he said "I have time."
I told him everything about the end of my time at the shelter, our sweet dog, the vet who I turned into HR and then the veterinary board, everything. He asked for pictures of my leg in the hospital and one now that it is healed because I told him I was torn between loving the scar because I miss her so much and being self conscious about how it looked because it is huge, but I sent him the pictures.
Then all of a sudden in the middle of our conversation he calls me and says, "I'm changing your outfit for tomorrow. No stockings or garters."
I said, "What why??"
He said, "If anyone that did you wrong is there I want them to see how hot you look, how incredible you are doing without them, how amazing you are. I want them to see your scar/leg and know you haven't fucking forgotten what they did...and neither will I."
LIKE EXCUSE ME??? WHAT KINDLE UNLIMITED SMUT BOOK DID YOU PULL THAT OUT OF?? But he doesn't have time to read a lot so I know that's just HIM.
THATS THE HOTTEST FUCKING SHIT I HAVE EVER HEARD. WHO SAYS THAT??? WHOMST comes up with that shit right on the spot?? He INSTANTLY called after I typed everything out so that's just how he thinks????
I need to touch grass. I need to just walk around the block and box breathe.
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
Thank you for recommending more amazing blogs!
I'll be sure to check them out!
and oh my god I know right the costumes?
and listen,okay,they aren't even a little accurate for any kind of time period they are supposedly represting but on top of all that they are also so boring and bland?
Like okay for peasants sure,they have better things to do that worry about fashion but this is royalty come on!
Especially if it is supposed to be a statement!
Don't get me started on wigs,the one that offends the most other than the entire Velarayion family is Daemon's!
Like look what they did to my boy?
Matt Smith is a very attractive man with very unique features and from what I saw short hair suits him best.
And yeah I know he has long hair in the books but if you can some many liberties with everything else surely it wouldn't bee asking too much right?
I think I love him when returns from the stepstones the best other than the ugly ass crown.
that hairstyle suits him.keep that.
Aemond's actor has a face that is suited for the long wig keep that
Heleana is actually invisible most of the time so I don't mind the wig
I guess we can forgive the Aegon one too,looks a little too fake sometimes tho,the man is pretty so he looks good anyway I guess
while on subject of hair and wigs, Rhaenyra's when I read the book I kinda imagined Lucretia from the Borgias or something?The elaborate hairstyles and all?
Meanwhile what is up with Rhaenys,didn't she have darker hair in the books?
I swear to God these writers put everyone in the wig and made absolutely everyone not distinctive so that whole Rhaenyra has bastards more obvious.
Kinda reminds me of that whole Cersei and her kids debacle when hair was used as distinctive trait because apparently all of Robert's bastards had dark hair and that therefore mean she is cheating and like?
Ok I know she is but that is most flimsy excuse for some cucking someone ever?
Like did Robert have a Lannister bastard somewhere?How do you know that Lannister genes just aren't stronger huh?
But yeah feudal society and all that jazz.
But seriously when I saw that they cast mostly black actors as Velarayion's I was kinda confused?
I don't particularly care either way but like they weren't in the books were they?
Kinda felt to me like they were leaning really hard into that Rhaenyra's kids are bastards obviously because look they are all white as hell or something?
Like I hope it's not something like that but that casting makes no sense and of course everyone was amazing in the miniscule roles they had but if this is supposed to be some sort of representation for anyone,they really dropped the ball?
They seemed to be kinda portray as greedy and bitter or just not important at all?
Rhaenys is old and bitter and overall a moron in Aegon's coronation scene, doesn't seem to have any connection to any of her family despite growing up with them?
Corlys just seems to be there to be disseagred by Viserys and Otto both for being too greedy.
Laenor is just a witless gay love interest.
Laena is crazy and delusional and completely unimportant and apparently content being Daemon's doormat despite having the biggest fuck off dragon there?
I saw people saying her death was epic?it was stupid,what it was,was stupid.
Traumatic for her kids and Daemon, horrifying for herself and it manages to make everyone in that keep look like an absolute moron how exactly did that heavily pregnant woman manage to escape all of you?
Like it comes off as surface level cool her and Rhaenys both but then you consider it and it's actually a dumb,like remember the time Daenerys burned all the food vagons or whatever in season 6/7?
This is worse.
And that's this whole family,Baela and Rhaena don't even have a character other than to show that Daemon sucks as a dad despite the fact Laena would have kicked his ass for it and aslo why would he a terrible father?I don't understand this take?
And of course the one scene that involves the Velarayion's is when Daemon the crazy white guy inbred supremacist went and killed the innocent completely in the right random brother of Corlys that spoke the truth about Rhaenyra and her kids despite the fact that every normal ruler would have them killed too,all so the mainstream audience can yell afoul about racism and white privilege and crazy Targaryens and Daemon the psycho?They literally recreated Ned's execution here but with racial implication,with Daemon being Joffrey and the executioner here and this is somehow respectful and we'll handled to anyone?
Not saying that black actors can't be villians or be killed by white villians but I am just saying that an obvious social justice racial implication was tried here.
Everyone here comes across as one dimensional and bland expect Daemon and they keep giving the Greens more and more poor baby traits but it clashes so badly with their established characters that it gives a whiplash?
Like I am not sure if I should be concerned or not,I go to ao3 and Aemond is one of the most popular characters,tho this is usually common when a character is unbelievably bland,blank and boring and a conventionaly attractive actor plays them,so what does that say about this character?
People rewrite him to suit their needs I guess.
No but seriously,they gave the Green characters sad backstories but no character to speak off and agency,not to mention on top of all that because they changed so much characters come across as idiots.
Especially with all this fantasy bullshit too.
Heleana sees the future, doesn't do shit with it other exposition because they established it so poorly that they need to remind you somehow that this story ended in a bloody dynastic dispute.
Because really what does Rhaenyra and Aegon have with each other?They haven't spoken to each other once!
Why is Aegon convinced that Rhaenyra is good for the throne when he's been raised by anti black team and doesn't know her personally?
Why doesn't she want the throne is he that aware and concerned about his short comings and yet he doesn't absolutely anything to change it and the people in the Green team just apparently love miserable people who apparently the entire world is against that refuse to shit for themselves and expect pity from you?
Seriously the coronation is a out to happen and this guy is in a brothel?Okay that should tell us he doesn't respect the position,terrible spoiled,privileged etc but no apparently that was him trying to not get crowned or something?
Seriously the plot is trying really hard to make you sympathize with him but like okay of he was supposed the spoiled privileged son of the king and he doesn't want the throne and yet he is still here enjoying privileges?Is he insane or an idiot?is everyone here just insane?
Mf ffss you have a whole ass dragon you could have been in Naath by now!
Done,no conflict, expect maybe if they put Aemond or something but neither he or Aegon are the rightful rulers here.
I wouldn't trust this guy with a bowl of cereal much less the kingdom?
This is supposed be the guy that dismissed Otto and put Aemond the psycho as his hand?
But this again has been put here so the green team could look innocent in comparison because look Aegon didn't want the throne and mean Rhaenyra started all this
Listen being complacent and not doing anything is just as bad as doing something.
There was plenty of time for this guy to dip but no because the actual character isn't like this.
Aemond is a straight up psycho.They legit gave him psycho killer he was bullied as a kid backstory.And that apparently justified everything else.The fuck?
This idiot that openly talks about treason on someone's funeral and openly admits that he would steals his brother's wife and that he deserves the crown because he is obviously so much better than his weak incompetent brother?like anyone who likes this character,I am not judging I am just saying you made a bold choice.he comes across as a parody of what the writers think they wrote Daemon as and Daemon is still better because grrm didn't give Aemond depth at all and you can just see who's the better writer
And then this fucker is arguing about rights and the rightful heir and calling people whores and bastards, don't these people realize how insane they come off across?you are defending this maniac killing someone who in his standards is collateral damage because he has better blood or because your mother and father are actually married?insanity.try and justify this to anyone who isn't a crazy blood supremacist
Like the show itself stated that Rhaenyra tried and failed which means uncomfortable lay back and think of England already with a gay person but wouldn't that also means that Leanor is probably just infertile considering bit obviously isn't Rhaenyra
But obviously Rhaenyra is at fault for everything and Daemon too probably
Not to mention Aemond and his siblings are all half breeds too so even by his own crazy blood supremacy logic this doesn't work but he is a man so of course he is better and they call him a feminist
Man was blind and deluded when he had both eyes now he's just insane too girl bye
Honestly for heaven's sake if this was a murder mystery Aemond is that one idiot who bragged about how much he hates the victim and that he learned this really cool slashing trick with his new cool sword.idiot.
Why isn't Aegon afraid of him or something?He bullied him with the others too or does Aemond just see people who aren't family as okay to belittle and trample? Isn't this something they usually accuse of Daemon too?Also Alicent is shown being okay with this too.You may cuff him about at home as much as you want but outside we are united.Or something.
Also not a fan of this whole dragons don't listen to their riders thing either,like bye.Iy just so happens that the one time the dragon goes crazy is the one horrible act that Aemond pulled on his own volition?
I can't even blame the dragon here,you chased the child with it what was Vhagar supposed to do here?
Alicent is a straight up delusional doormat too.Under the impression that if she married Rhaenyra's father they could still somehow be friends,wanting Rhaenyra to respect the rules and be as miserable as she is because she lacks a spine and the show wants me to believe that they are still somehow friends?
And the show frames Alicent as helping her and being sad as if she is in the right here too!!
At least Aegon and Alicent both parallel the absolute lack of spine here that's something. Ah but Otto forced them both and yet they accepted.
And the show tells me Otto is a good father and wants the best for the kingdom or something and Daemon is insane ahah sure Jan.
Alicent know what the fuck she was doing what exactly prevented her from asking Viserys how Rhaenyra is on their nightly talks?She could have went to Rhaenyra too!
It is a miracle that no one saw any of it and ruined someone's reputation and made a scandal.
Viserys annoys so much too.How does someone compare your brother,your heir,to like the worst person in your whole family tree and you just go yeah but he's still my blood so I am stuck with him.
Imagine your siblings being compared to like Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer and you not decking whoever just told you that shit right there.Especially as the king.
Meanwhile the one time Corlys says anything even slightly iffy about Viserys,Daemon immediately cuts that out.
Like seriously Viserys how does Otto know this much about your daughter and brother,he is spying this is a red flag what normal monarch just waves this off?
Sword prophecy is stupid too.
And Daemon murdering his wife just didn't happen full stop,there is a difference between adapting and cheery picking to suit your biased needs.
Tldr;the show is wildly inconsistent,thank God for the cast and the brand because otherwise?doom.
Damn, this was much.
I like Matt Smith in every wig except for the ones starting from episode 8. the short one was my favorite, with the episode 3 one my second favorite.
Childhood Helaena's wig w/o braids was atrocious.
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"while on subject of hair and wigs, Rhaenyra's when I read the book I kinda imagined Lucretia from the Borgias or something?The elaborate hairstyles and all?"
I imagined Rhaenyra's hair to mostly be loose before marriage and both loose, up, and in updos after marriage. Lucrezia from the Borgias is a great reference, loved her hairstyles. Her style in general, female aristocratic Italian Renaissance style in general really. Yes, Rhaenyra would be decked out like her.
"Meanwhile what is up with Rhaenys,didn't she have darker hair in the books?"
Yes, she inherited black/dark brown hair from her Baratheon mother, Jocelyn. The daughter of Alyssa Velaryon (Jaehaerys I's mother) and Rogar Baratheon. As she gets older, Rhaenys gets white strips in her dark hair.
"Kinda reminds me of that whole Cersei and her kids debacle when hair was used as distinctive trait because apparently all of Robert's bastards had dark hair and that therefore mean she is cheating and like?"
This is in canon as well, that all of Cersei's kids are blond, which later inspires Ned to look through the Baratheon family notes. He finds out that Baratheons, even when having bastards with Lannisters, have dark-haired scions. So in the case of the Baratheons, the probability that the kid of a Baratheon and any other house will turn out to have dark hair is very high. High enough that it's justifiably expected.
"But seriously when I saw that they cast mostly black actors as Velarayion's I was kinda confused? I don't particularly care either way but like they weren't in the books were they? Kinda felt to me like they were leaning really hard into that Rhaenyra's kids are bastards obviously because look they are all white as hell or something? Like I hope it's not something like that but that casting makes no sense and of course everyone was amazing in the miniscule roles they had but if this is supposed to be some sort of representation for anyone,they really dropped the ball?"
In the original lore, no the Velaryons had pale skin. I conclude so because Westerosi makes it a point to note that the person they are looking at is dark-skinned (Daella's, Saera, and Cersei's reactions to Summer Islanders), and all the descriptions we have of Corlys, any Velaryon, and Laena and Laenor never describe skin color. Europeans and white people and their fictional analouges tend to not mention skin color in anything written about people when their skin is as pale as theirs.
A problem with making it a point of "making it obvious that they are bastards" through skin color and race is that in the original lore, the boys' dark hair could have been argued in-world as coming from Laenor through Rhaenys and that Baratheon dark-hair gene. (I don't believe these boys came from Laenor because that guy was very unwilling to have sex with a woman and barely spent time with Rhaenyra before their sons were threatened).
There was some sort of tension with how one can detect adultery, adultery, and parentage in the character's environment. Once you realized this one element of the hair is enough to throw these blood purist aristocrats who wish to usurp Rhaenyra to take advantage of her socially-demonized sexual activities for their own political goals. Once again, they had no way of telling the parentage, and to bring up that the boys might have inherited Rhaenys' hair would throw off doubters not for "truth's" sake (at least about parentage), but to protect those boys and Rhaenyra from ridiculous blood purism, misogyny, and greed. It's meant to signal to the audience this game of thrones/royals, that such things as what parentage and fidelity mean is really just too slippery and unreal themselves, subject to human will and cleverness.
However, the show making the Velaryons black primarily bc the writers and producers saw these actors as useful to just show how those boys are bastards reinforces the blood purity. We're just superficially using race and colorism to reinforce how Rhaenyra slept with someone outside of marriage and that's all, folks. She's more open to condemnation instead of us looking critically at the game being played. Why is it so important to make it "obvious", what point are the writer and producers making here? Why should we care that it's "obvious"? If you read the original lore well and consider who these people are, if you have even basic critical thinking skills, it's clear that these aren't Laenor's kids.
That was never the issue. The issue was that Rhaenyra's castigated and humiliated for finding sexual autonomy, safety, and intimacy when she was forced to marry a gay man for her father and Corlys' political goals and had to have kids or risk losing her position as heir and future Queen--since no one wants either a barren woman nor a ruler who can't produce heirs.
This story is about how a woman was destroyed, not how she was worth destroying!
The other thing is that it is disparaging to the black actors and Velaryons. The actors are basically used primarily as tools to criticize and demean one white women's adultery. It doesn't take their acting chops into consideration, and their race, rather than being about representation in fantasy media, is the primary casting requirement simply to again highlight other white actors and their character's conflicts.
Again, this is if that was the producer's primary reason for casting black people to play just the Velaryons. But there is heavy misogynoir, espe with Laena Velaryon dying a gruesome death that realistically no one would want or seek unless they were severely mentally unstable. And yes, in canon, she dies surrounded by family, including Rhaenyra. She tried to go to Vhagar, but to fly one last time with her, not to get flamed out of existence. Laena's death was unnecessarily more brutal than it was. There is also a known link to the practice of self-immolation being gendered, as some cultures have widows burn themselves after their husbands die, which implies that she has no purpose without him alive.
Also, it's not fair we didn't get to see her claim/ride Vhagar independently and thus be a dragonrider apart from any shared scene with Daemon. finally, we don't see how she processed being arranged to marry what looked like a 50-yr old man at 12.
"They [the Velaryons] seemed to be kinda portray as greedy and bitter or just not important at all? Rhaenys is old and bitter and overall a moron in Aegon's coronation scene, doesn't seem to have any connection to any of her family despite growing up with them?Corlys just seems to be there to be disseagred by Viserys and Otto both for being too greedy. Laenor is just a witless gay love interest. Laena is crazy and delusional and completely unimportant and apparently content being Daemon's doormat despite having the biggest fuck off dragon there?"
Corlys in the book was very eager to have a Velaryon marry into the Targ house to have grandkids/great-grandkids who are Velaryon for the prestige and influence. That was just accurate. As for Otto and Viserys's reactions to Corlys, I saw those scenes of them dismissing Corlys as negative on their part, not Corlys. I was on Corlys' side. continuously pushing him off regarding other stuff, like the St But they could have shown the Velaryons in their environment, amongst themselves, and how they interact, their dynamic as a family apart from the Targs. Corlys didn't need to be this simple guy that maester's notes couldn't expound on due to time difference and distance. Also, lack of care or imagination on the part of the writers.
Laenor was never a love interest precisely because he was gay. And he already had a lover in Joffrey. He filled a role that both acknowledged in their agreement, and for his show! witlessness, yes it's annoying considering that in the canon he stayed with her more often once their son Luke and the tensions got higher b/t Alicent and Rhaenyra:
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I already talked about Laena.
"Like the show itself stated that Rhaenyra tried and failed which means uncomfortable lay back and think of England already with a gay person but wouldn't that also means that Leanor is probably just infertile considering bit obviously isn't Rhaenyra"
I don't think Laenor was infertile so much as he really couldn't bring himself to stay and commit to the sex repeatedly to inseminate Rhaenyra. I imagine they tried twice or three times and that's all Laenor could handle. And it's actually not a predictable or controlled thing, insemination. Sometimes it takes 5 tries for conception, sometimes once.
"And of course the one scene that involves the Velarayion's is when Daemon the crazy white guy inbred supremacist went and killed the innocent completely in the right random brother of Corlys that spoke the truth about Rhaenyra and her kids despite the fact that every normal ruler would have them killed too,all so the mainstream audience can yell afoul about racism and white privilege and crazy Targaryens and Daemon the psycho? They literally recreated Ned's execution here but with racial implication,with Daemon being Joffrey and the executioner here and this is somehow respectful and we'll handled to anyone?"
Never heard of this thought. I think the audience is just upset that a black man got got by a white man, but considering how the Velaryons are not black in canon and this is about a class dispute rather than a racial one, I think people should throw this idea out. Daemon kills Vaemond in the book, and by Rhaenyra's express order, too. It wasn't a race thing.
"This idiot [Aemond] that openly talks about treason on someone's funeral and openly admits that he would steals his brother's wife and that he deserves the crown because he is obviously so much better than his weak incompetent brother?like anyone who likes this character,I am not judging I am just saying you made a bold choice.he comes across as a parody of what the writers think they wrote Daemon as and Daemon is still better because grrm didn't give Aemond depth at all and you can just see who's the better writer"
Aemond wasn't saying he would "steal" Aegon's soon-to-be sister-wife, quite the opposite. He meant that if Alicent allowed it and if it was useful for their Ussurp-Rhaenyra cause (doing his "duty"), then he's gladly legally married Helaena. To castigate Aegon for not being willing. Aemond is very unserious, though, for putting it out there that he'd love to be the king over Aegon and not keeping that shit to himself, both in book or show.
"Also not a fan of this whole dragons don't listen to their riders thing either,like bye.Iy just so happens that the one time the dragon goes crazy is the one horrible act that Aemond pulled on his own volition? I can't even blame the dragon here,you chased the child with it what was Vhagar supposed to do here?"
"Viserys annoys so much too. How does someone compare your brother,your heir,to like the worst person in your whole family tree and you just go yeah but he's still my blood so I am stuck with him. Imagine your siblings being compared to like Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer and you not decking whoever just told you that shit right there. Especially as the king. Meanwhile the one time Corlys says anything even slightly iffy about Viserys,Daemon immediately cuts that out. Like seriously Viserys how does Otto know this much about your daughter and brother, he is spying this is a red flag what normal monarch just waves this off?"
This made me laugh. Yes, there is a discrepancy, huh, bt how Viserys regards his brother and vice versa?
Viserys seems to want to over-placate and make the more powerful/least under his control (or so he thinks) person be willing to do his bidding after the example of the conciliatory Jaehaerys I. Problem is that Viserys' position and circumstances are different enough from Jaehaerys' that he needed to apply his might more.
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“Whenever Z stans, Tomdaya’s/whatever run out of arguments, they pull the racism card. It’s old news. 🤡”
First of all, I’m not a Tom stan, he is boring and not talented.
Second one, so you really think racism is an old new?
Wow. So amazing. Thanks for roasting yourself! Good to know you don’t care at all about black lives.
And to the other black people who also support this account, open your eyes, this blog is fucking harmful.
Again, tumblrina, if you wanna come for someone for being in a PR relationship, go for Kim K and Pete. I’m pretty sure that will be more fun than hating on a black woman.
And yes, it is a big deal, with this blog you are allowing many people to hate freely on a woc… which is disgusting and awful.
If you really care about black people, stop doing this, stop hating on a black woman just because she is dating the dude who you want to fuck. It’s very immature.
Anyways, I guess black lives don’t matter anymore…
„Zendaya is talentless“ = Black lives don’t matter?
If I were black, I would be ashamed that someone pulls the racism card on something so unimportant and trivial. People die because of racism every single day, but Zendaya ain’t gonna drop dead because I call her a bad actress. Please consider your words before you actually use them.
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blorbologist · 2 years
first of all! congratulations on completing one for sorrow, that's an amazing accomplishment! second of all! I wanted to ask, which chapter or moment in particular was your favorite over all and which one was the hardest to write?
(also...sneak peek on what you have planned for the sequel 👀👀👀🥺)
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Favorite I think... hmmm, I'd say the Ripley fight + aftermath of Percy's first death - I had a lot of fun with the scenery (desert sand made glass at SUNSET!), how fast-paced it was, Vex's wings, and then that horrible twist to how Percy dies and all the emotional turmoil after. Tons of my favorite things together!
Hardest were the argument Vex and Percy had on the ship and that fight between Percy and the party at the end. For the first one, Vex initially did NOT want to admit to him why she had been avoiding him (given what Cass had said), but Percy was smart enough to notice she wasn't being forthright and felt hurt and frustrated as a result. @soul-of-sin (<333) suggested I reframe it to be more about Vex struggling with having someone really important to her being dead (Grog was only dead briefly) for the first time in a while and confronting that loss and fear. Then Vex blurted out the truth a lil later in the conversation anyways, so! It worked out <3
For the final fight... @rightpastnowhere helped me with this one <333 I had so much to juggle
Percy and Scanlan initially kept getting very pissed far too quickly. Trying to steadily ramp up to the point of shitty things being said was hard.
I wanted to minimize how much each twin was speaking - Vax because he's trying not to intervene and just ease the process, Vex because she’s in shock and every time she DID speak I wanted Percy to react immediately...
Which lead to Percy needing to carry a lot of this convo on justifying himself, which he keeps using as a shield that the twins could usually dart around more easily, but Keyleth and Grog struggle to.
Underlining how this was different to what Pike does on the regular was hard for Percy to spit out and thus me vjvjvjvj
It might be hard to tell, because Scanlan, but managing him was also testy because he *knows* what Percy's feeling, because he was considering leaving too. But he wanted to leave both for his daughter and because VM always sidelined his needs, when they mended that issue in this AU and have consistently always dropped everything for Percy and Whitestone. Percy making it about Whitestone and not the young woman that needs him had him very angry (But that doesn't solve the Kaylie/Cass side of things - Scanlan still wants to be there for her and respects Percy for being there for Cass... even if now there's no chance in hell Scanlan can do the same for a bit bc Percy fucked it up so bad).
Keyleth's first reaction was to want to help him, and then she's really floundering and hurt because her best friend is dismissing her responsibilities as unimportant.
Finding a way to lead into the relationship convo at the end from all this was tough too.
It was a lot! But I think I pulled it off well enough, if perhaps lacking the punch Bard's Lament did. Not bad for a Gunslinger’s Lament, though ;p
Now... a sneak peek after all that;
“You there!”
Vex pauses, hand on the doorknob to the Debt’s Respite. It whines when she removes pressure to glance at the source of the voice. 
There’s a humanoid being, of metal and cold hard edges and scuffmarks and a placid sort of face, clutching a book. 
Her first thought is oh, Percy would be besotted by this thing, and she stomps its head beneath her heel to glare at the armored man minding the machine. Gold gold gold, wearing his wealth on his sleeve quite literally. 
Vex hates him on sight.
She spies everyone (bar her brother and the boy) catching up from the corner of her eye. “Oy?” Scanlan says, near her hip, and the glowing buffoon downright beams at the cast now assembled before him. 
“You lot! Hello! Wow! Who are you all?” He gestures them up in down while his mouth keeps moving, eyes keep stomping all over them. “Look at this! Magical items from head to toe. Why, I've never seen anything quite like it.”
Bombastic and rehearsed, the mustachioed stranger describes the events to his construct before directing his attention back to Vox Machina. 
“My friends just call me Tary-” 
“We’re not your friends,” Keyleth points out lightly.
“- and I'm a bit of an adventurer. I've been traveling around this continent for a while, trying to tick off things off of my list, and I've had a few scraps and scrapes. And I'm looking for-”
He pauses.
“What do you mean, little elf girl? You are denying the opportunity of a -”
“No.” Vex is in his face now, pointed chin a dagger to his throat. “We have things to do, and whatever fucking errand you’ll have us run isn’t worth it.”
He blusters. “I simply wish to accompany - to join you on the adventure that surely awaits! I - I can assure you, I have coin to spare to pay a retainer fee-”
“Don’t care.” Vex sees Keyleth’s jaw drop. “Vox Machina has a limit of one stupid boy to babysit at a time. Find someone with fucks to give.”
(There WILL be Tary, I love him my golden genius my mustachioed moron, but he doesn't join the party in Ank’Harel! Given he's so Sam a character - Scanlan dips later, when tensions have cooled, and then they run into Tary again. Vex, not being pissed as hell and missing *her* tinkerer, will actually give him a shot, then.)
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