#apologies if this format has been done. but if you’ve made this then let’s be friends
alien-from-planet-zog · 11 months
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or…is she, you know…
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futurewdclandonorris · 11 months
Silver Springs | Lando Norris⁴
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Pairings: Lando Norris x ex!fem!reader
Requested: yes
Warnings: angsty with a hopeful ending
A/N: This is my first request ever and I hope I managed to fulfill the expectations. I took a little liberty and played with the style and format and just listening and studying the song made me want to write it this way. I'm sorry if this isn't what anon had in mind when requesting this so with that make sure to leave as much details as possible when requesting things if you want something specific. Feedback on this would be very much appreciated. 🥺🧡
You’ve found yourself thinking about Lando more regularly as of late. It has been ten months since your break up and you don’t remember feeling like this at the time. You guess you were in a state of denial, trying to convince yourself that the relationship was worth saving despite knowing that it wasn’t.
Of course, in the beginning everything was like a fairy tale. At first it was so wonderful that every ounce of you was convinced that it couldn't possibly get any better. And then, slowly, inevitably, the house of cards collapsed. Maybe that should've been your first clue, but every time you would stick your rose colored glasses further up your nose and focus harder on all those positive aspects of the relationship.
Time spent with Lando was the best time of your life. He always gave you the best he could offer. Taking you out on dates, vacations, accompanying him to races across the world... He truly gave you that only-girl-in-the-world experience. He was always there, present. Until he wasn't.
You knew what you were getting yourself into when you started dating Lando Norris. But there was no way you could've prepared yourself for how it would all end up.
He was a Formula One driver and his life was always going to be busy. The paparazzi, the rumors, the constant pressure of being in the public eye. It all took a toll on your relationship.
But what you didn't anticipate was how much time he would start spending away from you. It started off with a few missed calls and texts, but soon he was gone for days at a time without a word.
You tried to be understanding, knowing how demanding his job was, but it was hard not to feel neglected and unimportant. You tried to talk to him about it, but he always seemed to have an excuse or an apology that would temporarily ease your worry.
As the months went on, you began to realize that the relationship was becoming more and more one-sided. You were always the one making compromises, always the one putting in the effort to make things work.
One night, as Lando was getting ready to leave for yet another race, you finally confronted him about it. You told him how you felt and how you needed more from him. But instead of trying to work things out, he simply brushed you off and left without a second thought.
For the first time, you began to wonder if maybe it was time to let go. Maybe it was time to walk away from a relationship that was causing you more pain than happiness.
It wasn't an easy call. You were still in love with him and a part of you wanted to believed that he loved you too. But you couldn't keep living like that when you knew you deserved more. So, after a lot of tears and internal conflict, you made the decision to end things with him.
He took it calmly. “Maybe it’s for the best. We’re at different stages in life-”
But you weren’t interested in reasoning. You were done.
Few days later as you sat alone in your room thinking about him, you couldn't help but wonder if it could all be different. Maybe if you had just tried harder, fought for the relationship a little more, things could've ended up differently. Maybe you could've been the one he came home to every night, instead of just another girl in his life. But relationships were a two way street and you couldn’t do it just on your own.
Months went by and slowly but surely, you started to heal. You threw yourself into work and hobbies, spending time with friends and family. You had to reduce your social media and tv time, fearing you’d accidentally see something about him, or maybe even search up his name on your own that would ruin all the progress you just made. Mutual friends had to be cut off too. Everything that even had a slightest relation to him had to be eliminated from your life so you wouldn't crumble back into old habits.
Finally, you were ready to try dating again. It felt strange to be putting yourself out there again, going out on dates here and there. And although nothing ever really clicked, it was working to distract and make you forget. Up until now.
He just crept into your thoughts on a random Tuesday. You scoffed, shaking them away. Then little (in)significant things started to happen. Like seeing number 4 everywhere in various combinations. You would turn on the radio and first thing you’d hear would be the song you two proclaimed to be yours one drunk night in a bar.
“Are you kidding me?!” you spat, turning the radio off. It wasn’t even a love song.
Dreams began next and they were so life-like that it was almost as if you had gone back in time. They would be so vivid, reminding you of his touch and sound of his voice. In one of them, you would be back together and he would be holding you in his arms. You’d feel safe and loved, just like you used to. One of those nights you woke up to the sound of his laughter echoing in your ears, but when you turned over it was just you and the void of the bedside he used to fill. Your eyes shifted to a digital clock on the nightstand. In hauntingly bold red it read 04:44 am.
And you really should’ve known better than to turn the tv on on weekends. Not every weekend, you reminded yourself, but really, what were the odds that you would catch him racing that Sunday?
You tried your best to ignore it all. Tried to push Lando back to the farthest corners of your mind. But every time you tried, he came back stronger, like a boomerang you couldn't escape from. It was like he was haunting you, his memory a ghost that refused to be exorcised.
It was frustrating. It was maddening. You didn't want to think about him anymore. You didn't want to care. You didn't want to love him.
When it all became too much, you decided to go for a walk to clear your head. You grabbed your coat and headed out the door, the cold afternoon air hitting you as you stepped outside. As you walked down the street, you realized that you were headed in the direction of the park where you and Lando used to go on picnics and take walks together. There was no point in avoiding going there now. Every part of the town was marked with the two of you in one way or the other.
As you walked through the park, you couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over you. You remembered how happy you used to be with Lando by your side, how the two of you laughed and talked for hours on end. You wondered if he ever thought about those moments, if he ever missed you. If he ever thought about you just in general. Your heart felt heavy as you thought about how things could have been different if only he had been willing to put in more effort into your relationship.
A sudden movement caught your eye and you turned to see a man walking towards you, his eyes locked onto yours. Your heart leaped out of your chest and you found yourself frozen in place. But the man who passed you wasn’t him. He might’ve had his hair or his eyes, but it wasn’t him. You closed your eyes and sighed a sigh of relief.
I’m starting to see things now, you thought to yourself, shaking the image away. You weren’t sure if you were ready for that type of encounter just yet anyway.
After a few minutes, you continued on your way and eventually found yourself in front of a cozy cafe. You looked up at the simple yet inviting storefront and decided this was as good a place as any to take a break. You opened the door and stepped inside, the warm atmosphere immediately embracing you like an old friend.
The cafe was quite busy with customers, but despite the crowd it still had an intimate feel to it. The smell of fresh coffee accompanied by the sound of jazz music created a relaxed atmosphere that made you forget all about your worries for a while. You walked up to the counter and ordered a cup of your favorite coffee blend before sitting down at one of the tables in the far corner.
He had thought about you a lot that summer. It wasn't just the memory of you that lingered in his mind; it was the way you made him feel. He missed the way your hand fit perfectly in his, and the sound of your laughter that could light up a room. He missed the long conversations you used to have over the phone when he was away, and the way your eyes sparkled when you talked about something you were passionate about.
He had missed you, more than he was willing to admit to himself. He had tried to ignore his feelings, to push them down and pretend that he was perfectly okay without you. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake the memories of your time together.
Sometimes the air would smell like your hair, the wind would caress his cheeks like you used to. He remembered the picnics in the park, the late night conversations, the lazy Sunday mornings spent cuddled up in bed on his weekends off before he would have to pack for another race week. He remembered how happy he used to be with you by his side, and he cursed himself for not realizing how much he needed you until it was too late.
Being without you on tracks was the worst. He didn’t know it would be like that when he had you calling before and after every session, giving him a false sense of security. He was racing for himself, building his career, but  he couldn't focus on anything else. The roar of the engines and the adrenaline rush of it all losing their appeal without you there to share it with him. He had to force himself to keep going, to keep racing, but every achievement felt hollow without you to celebrate with him.
But he never reached out to you. He never tried to make things right, even when he knew he was wrong. He was too prideful, too scared of rejection, too afraid of admitting that he had made a mistake. So he stayed away, hoping that time and distance would heal the wounds.
It was late autumn now and after yet another decent weekend, he decided to fly home for his week off and recharge. Maybe time spent with family and friends would help and stop you from creeping in his thoughts.
As he settled into his seat on the plane, he couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness. His career progressed drastically since your split, but what did it matter? He only had himself to share his success with.
The flight was uneventful, and before he knew it, he was back in his hometown. He stepped off the plane and was greeted by the familiar faces of his family. Their hugs and laughter made him realize he was making yet another mistake. He missed you more than ever, and being home without you will only make it worse.
Lando tried to keep busy by spending time with his loved ones and focusing on his training. But it was like trying to hold back the tide with a broom, he couldn't escape the memories of you. The sound of your voice, the touch of your hand, the warmth of your embrace. It was all too vivid in his mind, haunting him day and night.
When he couldn’t take it anymore, he drove out in his car, desperate to find a way to move on. He had no destination in mind, and maybe driving to clear his head wasn’t ideal, but it was the only other thing he loved that he had left. And it was like universe was having a laugh at him, when he turned on the radio it was your song that was playing. He thought of changing the station, but his fingers lingered too long in the air over the button that he ended up listening to the whole thing.
As the last notes of the song faded away, Lando let out a heavy sigh and pulled over to the side of the road. He found himself parked in front of a cozy cafe that he had never noticed before. It looked warm and inviting, the smell of coffee wafting out to greet him. He found himself drawn to it, like a moth to a flame.
Without much thought, he opened the door and stepped inside. The sound of jazz music greeted him, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of calm wash over him as he took in the warm atmosphere. He walked up to the counter and ordered a cup of coffee before finding a seat at one of the tables.
Looking around, he spotted you purely accidentally, sipping coffee and reading a book. His heart skipped a beat as he watched you sit alone in the far corner. You looked beautiful, just as he remembered, with your hair falling in loose waves around your face. He couldn't believe it was you. The one person he had been thinking about for months was sitting just a few tables away from him.
He couldn't take his eyes off you, his heart racing with emotions he thought he had buried deep within. He tried to catch your eye, but you didn't look up from the book. He felt his heart sink as he realized that you didn't even know he was there.
Lando hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do next. Part of him wanted to approach you and try to start a conversation, while the other part of him couldn't bear the thought of seeing you again after all this time. He had hurt you deeply, and he wasn't sure if he was ready to face the consequences of his actions.
But as he sat there, lost in thought, he suddenly realized that he couldn't just sit idly by and watch you from a distance. He had to do something, even if it meant facing his fears head-on. It was now or never.
He got up from his seat and slowly walked over to your table, his heart beating faster with every step. You finally looked up from your book as he approached, your eyes widening in surprise as you saw who was standing in front of you.
“What are you doing here?” you blurted out before you could stop yourself. Quickly you made a mental check on what day it was. Early Friday evening.
Lando sighed, nerves getting the best of him as he stood before you. “I’m… I came home for my week off.” he said, his voice sounding small and unsure.
“You have a week off,” you weren’t sure if you were asking him, accusing him, laughing at your own stupidity or a secret fourth thing.
He shifted awkwardly on his feet, his eyes unable to meet yours. “You’re saying it like it’s a crime,” he replied, his voice barely above a whisper.
“I just didn’t expect to see you here on a weekend.” you defended, realizing you were setting yourself for a trap. Not every weekend.
“Were you hoping I was out of the country?” he asked, his tone laced with sarcasm. He knew he was being defensive, but he couldn't help it. Being around you made him feel vulnerable, exposed.
Lando's question hung heavily in the air, his eyes still fixed on you. You felt a pang of guilt, knowing full well that you had been hoping to avoid him for a little while longer. But now that he was standing in front of you, you couldn't deny the pull you still felt towards him.
"I don't know what I was hoping for," you admitted, your eyes finally meeting his. "I just know I didn't expect to see you here."
"Neither did I," he said softly, taking a step closer to you. "But now that I am, can we talk?"
You looked at him for a moment, taking in the sight of him. He looked good, but different somehow. He seemed more vulnerable, more open than you remembered. It made your heart ache for him, but you tried to push the feeling away.
"Okay," you said, nodding your head. "Let's talk."
Lando let out a sigh of relief, his tense shoulders relaxing as he took a seat opposite of you.
“So, how have you been?” he asked, shuffling his feet slightly.
“I’ve been okay,” you replied, trying to keep your voice steady. “Just trying to keep busy.”
There was a moment of awkward silence between you as you both tried to gather your thoughts. You couldn't help but notice how much he had changed since the last time you saw him. His hair was shorter, and he looked like he had put on some muscle. But it was his eyes that caught your attention the most. They looked tired and distant, like he had been carrying a heavy burden for a long time.
“How are-How are things with you?” you choked out.
Lando let out a small laugh, but it sounded hollow to your ears. "Things have been good, I guess," he said, his eyes flickering towards yours for a moment before darting away. "Work has been keeping me busy."
You nodded, not sure what to say. You couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy at the thought of him thriving without you. It didn't seem fair that he could move on so easily while you were still struggling in a way.
"I'm sorry," he said suddenly, his voice breaking the silence. "For everything. For how I treated you, for how I acted. I was a fool, and I should have never let you go."
“It’s okay-”
“It’s not.” he cut you off harshly. “I should’ve been there. I should’ve set my priorities straight.”
“But you did.” you smiled to hide the pain as you said that, tears stinging the corners of your eyes.
“I was wrong. I was so wrong.” he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
Lando could see the confusion and hurt written all over your face, and he knew that he had a lot to answer for. He took a deep breath, trying to gather his thoughts before he spoke again.
“I know I hurt you, and I'm sorry.” he said. “I should have fought for you, instead of letting my pride get in the way. I missed you more than I could ever say, and being away from you only made me realize how much I need you in my life.”
You looked at him skeptically, unsure if you could believe him after all the pain he had caused you. But as you looked into his eyes, you could see the sincerity and regret that shone through.
“I don't know if you're ready to forgive me, and I don't expect you to right away,” he continued. “But I had to come and tell you how I feel and to try to make things right. If you’ll let me.”
He looked down as he finished his speech. You sat a few moments in silence, letting it all sink in before leaning over and reaching for his hand.
As soon as your fingers interlocked with his, you felt a jolt of electricity run through your body. It had been so long since you had touched him, and it felt like coming home.
“Lando,” you called, wanting him to look at you. You only continued when he did. “I already forgave you. But as for the rest… I will need some time.” you said softly, not wanting to give him false hope. “But I appreciate your apology.”
"I understand," he said, squeezing your hand gently. "I'll give you all the time you need. Just know that I'm here whenever you're ready."
You nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over you. It wasn't a complete resolution, but it was a start. You sat in silence for a few more minutes, just holding each other's hands, before you finally pulled away.
"I should get going," you said, grabbing your book and standing up.
“Let me drive you home.” Lando said, standing up as well.
You hesitated for a moment, unsure if you were ready to spend more time alone with him. But as you looked into his earnest and apologetic gaze, you couldn't help but nod in agreement.
"Okay," you said, a small smile creeping onto your face. "Let's go."
Lando walked you to his car, opening the door for you and then walking around to the driver's side. As he started the engine, you couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over you. This was the same car he had driven you around in when you were together, and it felt strange to be sitting in it again.
The ride was mostly silent, with both of you lost in your own thoughts. But as you pulled up in front of your apartment building, Lando turned to you with a serious expression on his face.
"I know I have a lot to make up for," he said, his voice low and intense. “But I promise you, I'll do whatever it takes to prove to you that I'm serious about this. I want us to be together again, if you'll have me."
You took a deep breath, feeling a mixture of emotions swirling inside you. It was true that you still had feelings for Lando, but you weren't sure if it was enough to give him another chance. You needed time to think, to process everything that had happened between you two.
"I appreciate your sincerity, Lando," you said finally, meeting his gaze. "But I need some time alone to figure things out. Can you give me that?"
"Of course," he said, nodding his head. "I'll respect your wishes. Just let me know if you need anything, okay?"
You nodded, feeling a sense of relief and gratitude towards him. Despite everything that had happened between you two, he still cared about your well-being. It was a comforting thought, and it made you realize that maybe, just maybe, there was hope for the two of you.
"Thank you, Lando," you said, giving him a small smile. "I'll talk to you soon."
With that, you got out of the car and walked towards your building, feeling a strange mixture of emotions. Part of you was relieved to have some space to think, while another part of you was still hopeful for a future with Lando.
As you walked up the stairs to your apartment, you couldn't help but wonder what the future held. Would you be able to start anew, or would you remain apart forever? Only time would tell, but for now, all you could do was take things one day at a time.
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sen-no-kotowari · 1 year
PGR S Bianca Alter Character Profile
Good day! Here's the 3rd update of Chara Profiles I promised to post. It's Bianca's Physical S-Class Version! Voyage among Dregs update is a roller coaster ride of emotion for Bianca as a Character and the amount of shivers it sent me whether it was how KuroGe made it eerie or how the patch was released perfectly in time for the 2.5 Anniversary of the JP Server is just chef's kiss. I'll be working on Qu's and hopefully get it done beore Spiral of Chronos update hits in along with one new project listing which is the Birthday Mails you get in game this year. You can read more about Bianca in her A-Class Version's Interlude Story here or on the cut down below!(*‘ω‘ *)
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Voice Line Data
Motion Voice Lines
Lobby Voice 1
Bianca: Even if I can't be the "light" that guides everyone, I believe in taking pride in the role of grasping what the true nature of "darkness" is.
Lobby Voice 2
Bianca: If only, if only our paths had crossed earlier... Oh. I apologize, that was unseemly... Please overlook that slip of the tongue just now. I do not wish for other people to know of this weakness besides you.
Lobby Voice 3
Bianca: Conviction may become a force to move forward, but only one's heart decides what it is at the culmination of their journey. ...My answer is reflected in my eyes right now... Do you understand?
Lobby Voice 4 (B.Alter "Firn Bond" Skin Exclusive Line)
Bianca: For me, this place is where my dream ends. The shining light and blooming flowers now gave me a new memory to remember. Whenever you stand beside me, I... wish that time would just stop at this very moment. The person I care for is right here, at this moment in time.
Raise Affection Level
Bianca: I wonder what kind of present would Commander... Ah, oh. It's nothing. I'm just thinking about what should I gift you. Thinking about what kind of things you might fancy is surprisingly fun.
Repetitive Taps
Bianca: Wha-!? ...That's clearly childish of you to draw my attention like that, Commander.
Log-In Voice 1
Bianca: Oh, (Commander)― ...Ah ...(clears throat) my apologies, Commander. I didn't notice you were here... Please excuse me...!
Log-In Voice 2 (B.Alter "Firn Bond" Skin Exclusive Line)
Bianca: I saw a dream inside one residual data during the time you weren't here, and the ending of that dream has slightly changed. However, what remained the same... was crossing paths with you each time. This no longer is a dream, it is my desire. [4] Audio: I saw a dream inside one residual data during the time you weren't here, and the ending of that dream has slightly changed. However, what remained the same... was crossing paths with you each time. Perhaps this is no longer a dream but a desire of mine.
Online for a Long Time
Bianca: You've done more than enough today. Please, get some rest. ...I'm offering a word of advice, but I could order you to take one if needed.
Bianca: A fatal outcome could be fostered simply because one momentarily loses focus in an unfamiliar situation. I'm sure you're quite fed up with all these scoldings. It's fine to play truant if it's just a while, I'll keep it a secret for you.
Bianca: Wha-!? No, look out! Commander, this way, hurry― ...Huh, oh... ...That's enough...
Offline for a Long Time
Bianca: So you've decided to come then. How long have I been waiting, you ask? I didn't mind waiting for a long time, because I have faith that you'd come back without fail.
Introduction and Formation
Structure Acquired
Bianca: It's been a while, Commander. This isn't something surprising. I simply have undergone a model update. Then, I, Bianca, Captain of the Purification Squad, will be working alongside you from here on.
Level Up
Bianca: We're still ways further from our goals. Let's keep going, Commander.
Bianca: Glory or recognition from others isn't essential for me. But, I'm glad that I've gained your approval.
Model Improvement
Bianca: The model's performance substantially improved. Don't fret, Commander. I'm confident that I'll be able to gain mastery in the strength I yield.
Skill Upgrade
Bianca: I wonder how far will my swordsmanship skills grow... Let's find out the answer together, Commander.
Bianca: A new weapon? Thank you, Commander. I'll show you that I'd meet your expectations with this.
Add in Team
Bianca: It is time to purify our foes. Commander, please give the orders.
Assign as Captain
Bianca: Teamwork with these members? Allow me to take the lead then.
Mission Accomplished
Bianca: We've completed the mission. Let us receive the rewards immediately. It's the fruit of our efforts.
Daily Small Talks
Voice Line 1
Bianca: Did you call for me, Commander?
Voice Line 2
Bianca: Are you unnecessarily pressured when I'm around?
Voice Line 3
Bianca: The other members of the Purification Squad? I could introduce them to you if you're interested. However, there are also several unique people among them so it'd be best if you prepare yourself for anything surprising, just in case.
Voice Line 4
Bianca: "Indecisive," hmm... I believe that there's value in everything you save. We must uphold this principle in its entirety because we are in a position that takes away life.
Voice Line 5
Bianca: A "witch"... While people certainly call me that, this is the path I chose myself. I've never once regretted choosing it.
Voice Line 6
Bianca: Even if I can't be the "light" that guides everyone, I believe in taking pride in the role of grasping what the true nature of "darkness" is.
Voice Line 7
Bianca: Although I've mostly familiarized myself with using a sword, it feels different when I wield the bow... it's an inexplicable feeling fighting side by side with you.
Voice Line 8
Bianca: Seems like the people drawn together around you are slowly increasing. Though their trust and expectations can become your strength, there are times when you'll lose sight of yourself. But I also believe in your resilient mental fortitude, just as you've always placed your faith in me.
Voice Line 9
Bianca: How do I spend my free time? I watch movies, read a book, and sometimes spend some time with Sen... Sounds dull from your perspective. And you? How do you usually spend yours, Commander?
Voice Line 10
Bianca: If, one day, I truly become a "witch" you must defeat, please strike me down. I don't wish for your pity. If you have hesitations about it... you'd only betray me.
Voice Line 11
Bianca: I don't desire in indulging myself in the thought of ending this world's tragedies with my own two hands. As long as you wish for it, I simply wish to continue protecting you with my sword.
Voice Line 12
Bianca: If only, if only our paths had crossed earlier... Oh. I apologize, that was unseemly... Please overlook that slip of the tongue just now. I do not wish for other people to know of this weakness besides you.
Voice Line 13
Bianca: I had spent my childhood in a tundra when I was still on Earth. The snow falling silently was the most beautiful scene in my childhood memories... Commander, once all of this is over, would you like to watch the snow with me if there's a chance?
Voice Line 14
Bianca: Conviction may become a force to move forward, but only one's heart decides what it is at the culmination of their journey. ...My answer is reflected in my eyes right now... Do you understand?
Voice Line 15
Bianca: The Gray Raven Unit is the symbol of hope. Yet hope isn't the only thing born with the light. Can I be the shadow that supports you every step of the way, Commander?
Voice Line 16 (B.Alter "Firn Bond" Skin Exclusive Line)
Bianca: For me, this place is where my dream ends. The shining light and blooming flowers now gave me a new memory to remember. Whenever you stand beside me, I... wish that time would just stop at this very moment. The person I care for is right here, at this moment in time.
Raise Affection Level
Voice Line 1
Bianca: We should refrain from any private interactions. At least until our work is done, Commander.
Voice Line 2
Bianca: Here's a request form for changing my private schedule. I believe we must deepen our relations with one another to make our bonds stronger.
Voice Line 3
Bianca: Our relationship seems to grow with each passing day. Maybe this is something you wish to happen.
Voice Line 4
Bianca: Do you look forward to the time when we're together? I'm glad to hear you say so.
Voice Line 5
Bianca: We must become strong ourselves to face everything that lies ahead of us. Though it used to be my goal, that's no longer the case now. Facing the difficulties that lie ahead of us together with the people I care for, that is what I've gained—true strength.
Voice Line 6
Bianca: I'm talking too formally? My apologies, it's been an old habit... That said, maybe it is a bit too formal when it's just us together. If it's alright with you, can I invite— ...I mean, if you're okay with it... can I ask you to hang out next time?
Voice Line 7
Bianca: If it's just the two of us next time, we can spend more private time together. There are still plenty of things I wish to try with you, Commander.
Voice Line 8
Bianca: If you ever are at a loss and reached a turning point on your path, let me dispel that hesitance you feel. I ask that you'd do the same for me. Of course, you have my word. This is a steadfast oath between us.
Voice Line 9
Bianca: Thank you for your concern, Commander.
Voice Line 10
Bianca: I'm honored to be the recipient of your present filled with sincerity.
Voice Line 11
Bianca: Are you inviting me for an afternoon tea? Okay, I'll get ready so please wait for a couple of minutes.
Voice Line 12
Bianca: Though I've read it in a specialized book, the relationship between people can ostensibly deepen through give and take. And so this time, it's my turn to give back to you, Commander.
Voice Line 13
Bianca: I wonder what kind of present would Commander... Ah, oh. It's nothing. I'm just thinking about what should I gift you. Thinking about what kind of things you might fancy is surprisingly fun.
Voice Line 14
Bianca: Do my feelings properly get across to you, Commander?
Voice Line 15
Bianca: Each and every moment we spend together may have become the reassurance that drives our hearts, Commander.
Voice Line 16
Bianca: I offer you my sword, Commander. This is something precious and invaluable I can give in return.
Voice Line 1
Bianca: Don't relax just yet, Commander. There are missions we still need to accomplish.
Voice Line 2
Bianca: I've heard from Karenina about a way to quickly boost one's ability to focus, but it requires them to repeatedly hammer one spot on their head with something blunt regularly... Hmm, it seems like you've recovered already. That's good.
Voice Line 3
Bianca: It appears your head's up in the clouds. Why not try going out? Of course, I'll always be with you if that's what you want.
Voice Line 4
Bianca: A fatal outcome could be fostered simply because one momentarily loses focus in an unfamiliar situation. I'm sure you're quite fed up with all these scoldings. It's fine to play truant if it's just a while, I'll keep it a secret for you.
Voice Line 5
Bianca: What are you thinking about? Commander. Yes, no need to say it. I immediately understand it just from looking at your eyes.
Online for a Long Time
Voice Line 1
Bianca: Overstraining yourself isn't good for your health, Commander.
Voice Line 2
Bianca: You've done more than enough today. Please, get some rest. ...I'm offering a word of advice, but I could order you to take one if needed.
Voice Line 3
Bianca: If you were to collapse, the people around you would be distressed. But, please don't worry. I won't allow that to happen so long as I'm here.
Voice Line 4
Bianca: There's no need for you to desperately work that hard. I've long known what kind of person you are.
Voice Line 5
Bianca: It's almost time to take a breather. It's all right. Whether it'd be tomorrow, the day after, or even in the distant future, I will always be waiting for you here.
Voice Line 1
Bianca: Strict time adherence is a good habit to have, Commander.
Voice Line 2
Bianca: Good day, Commander. What is this about? As I've said, I'm currently evaluating your conduct. Please don't fret about it. For now, I haven't found any undesirable conduct you've done so far.
Voice Line 3
Bianca: It seems to be that it's necessary to have allies you can trust. Allow me to accompany you, Commander.
Voice Line 4
Bianca: Did you sleep well last night, Commander? I wonder if you've dreamt- ...Rather, I wonder what kind of dream did you have. If you have time, please let me hear all about it.
Voice Line 5
Bianca: You have a good look in your eyes, Commander. I look forward to what kind of endeavors you'll accomplish today as well.
Voice Line 6
Bianca: Oh, (Commander)― ...Ah ...(clears throat) my apologies, Commander. I didn't notice you were here... Please excuse me...!
Voice Line 7
Bianca: Until the day you bring forth a new dawn in this world, please allow me to accompany you on this long, dark night.
Voice Line 8
Bianca: Even if it heralds farewells, even if there comes a day we'd have to part ways with each other, I pray that you'll keep me close to your heart, Commander. No matter how far we're apart from one another, we'll imminently cross paths one day.
Voice Line 9 (B.Alter "Firn Bond" Skin Exclusive Line)
Bianca: I saw a dream inside one residual data during the time you weren't here, and the ending of that dream has slightly changed. However, what remained the same... was crossing paths with you each time. This no longer is a dream, it is my desire. [4] Audio: I saw a dream inside one residual data during the time you weren't here, and the ending of that dream has slightly changed. However, what remained the same... was crossing paths with you each time. Perhaps this is no longer a dream but a desire of mine.
Offline for a Long Time
Bianca: So you've decided to come then. How long have I been waiting, you ask? I didn't mind waiting for a long time, because I have faith that you'd come back without fail.
Voice Line 1
Bianca: A meaningless endeavor, Commander.
Voice Line 2
Bianca: ...If you thought this would make me unnerved then you're quite mistaken, Commander.
Voice Line 3
Bianca: Wha-!? No, look out! Commander, this way, hurry― ...Huh, oh... ...That's enough...
Repetitive Taps
Voice Line 1
Bianca: Wha-!? ...That's clearly childish of you to draw my attention like that, Commander.
Voice Line 2
Bianca: Commander, have you ever heard of a game called the "knife game?"[1]
Voice Line 3
Bianca: ...Commander, sir, would you like to see how angry I could get?
Activity Task Full
Bianca: What a fulfilling day. You've done your best today, Commander.
Battle Dialogues
Battle Start/Character Switch Voice 1
Bianca: Revise, comprehend, evaluate... Commencing purification!
Battle Start/Character Switch Voice 2 (B.Alter "Firn Bond" Skin Exclusive Line)
Bianca: This I pledge to my sword. I will purify these sins.
Voice Line 1
Bianca: Immorality? Unforgivable!
Voice Line 2
Bianca: Consign to your grave!
Voice Line 3
Bianca: Repentance? Too late for it!
Voice Line 4
Bianca: I shall bestow upon you judgment!
Voice Line 5
Bianca: Still wish to resist? It's futile!
Voice Line 6
Bianca: I shall enforce your punishment!
Ultimate Skill 1
Bianca: Now, I shall grant you the light of your demise.
Ultimate Skill 2
Bianca: Here I decree this nightmare will end here!
Light Damage
Bianca: I have to end this swiftly...!
Heavy Damage
Bianca: What a fierce opponent.
Bianca: My conviction... will never die down.
Friend Support
Bianca: I shall stand firm in my volition.
Bianca: I'll create an opening for you.
Battle End Voice 1
Bianca: It's the end... Come, sleep for all eternity.
Battle End Voice 2 (B.Alter "Firn Bond" Skin Exclusive Line)
Bianca: Someday, the blooming flowers will cover these snowy fields.
Structure Documentation
Document Detail 1
A model created based on Eden's collective research results on Specialized Model up to the present time. It was officially used on the exploration mission at the Copperfield Aquatic Museum. The current model was adjusted so that it would be possible for Bianca, who wasn't the first choice, to be compatible with this Specialized Model.
Document Detail 2
In order to contain the shifts in Bianca's Sea of Consciousness from using the Origination Device, it is necessary for her to do Deep Dive Links with a Commander that has a strong Mind Beacon. When they asked Bianca for her opinion, she apparently brought up the Gray Raven's Commander without hesitation.
Document Detail 3
The Club Sword she utilizes operates as a set with the Origination Device, producing an extraordinary energy output. It's a weapon exclusively designed for the Abystigma model, having a unique quality that can't be absolutely used by other Omniframes.
Document Detail 4
Although it's equipped with ultra-light armor that allows easy movement, its sturdiness measures up to even Armored-type Structures as a result of Kurono's cutting-edge technology. In addition, Bianca herself included some adjustments and can now adapt to operations in all extreme environments.
Document Detail 5
Because a base fragment of the Origination Device was installed, Kurono wanted to observe if it'd take a few months for Bianca's Sea of Consciousness to stabilize in her new model. But she completely adapted to the model in just a few days. According to the person in question, this type of "nonstandard" model is something she's familiar with.
Document Detail 6
"Witch"―that is what the people who feared Bianca called her before she became a Structure. But she never thought of it as an insult, because she believes that there are hurdles in this world that only "witches" can settle.
Rumors and Secrets
Secret 1 In an attempt to have a significant difference between the new model's exterior and the specifications of the Zero model, some of the members of the Purification Squad didn't seem to notice that it was their leader the moment Bianca appeared in her Abystigma model for the first time.
Secret 2 Most members of the Purification Squad were displeased when she was appointed as their captain. However, ever since Bianca "politely" invited all the members to spend one whole day in the training room with her, it died down as though nobody complained about her being the leader after that.
Secret 3 She's fond of reading and literary works. She once tried to write a movie script herself, but she ran into an unspeakably massive problem when she was deciding the title so that project is currently put to a halt until today.
Secret 4 According to Sen, Bianca seems to be "hiding her intense hostile behavior." Although Bianca has no idea about it, Sen didn't say why no matter what you ask her in regards to that.
Secret 5 The headgear-type Inverse Device is a special type developed to be used in conjunction with the Origination Device and can assimilate the residual Punishing in her surrounding with utmost precision. Even though the joint part appears rotatable, it can't be rotated.
Secret 6 The Origination Device is equipped with a light function to try and achieve reconciliation by making it feel like a "lamp." However, the base fragment inside the device also emits light alongside the light function, so Bianca has never used this function since she's quite anxious about unforeseen situations.
Secret 7 Her hobby is movie appreciation―she leaves a collection of classic movie titles on a shelf at the dorm and pours most of her paycheck into her hobby. She seemed to start showing interest in fantasy-genre movies from the Golden Age that revolves around knights after she changed into her Abystigma model.
Secret 8 Before the name of her club sword was named "Hecate,"[2] its designated name written on the weapon designer's private file was "Sacred Sword Black Caliburn[3]." It seemed that it wasn't up to Bianca's taste that it was immediately rejected for being an infamous cringe name.
Secret 9 She genuinely got along quite well with Sen. They once went out on their day off together to see a movie. However, they had heated arguments as to whether they should watch romance movies or spy thriller movies.
Secret 10 Sen did everything she could behind the scenes as a means for Bianca, who was ridiculed as a "weak-willed person, to lead the Purification Squad. It seemed that both of them never broached the subject matter.
Secret 11 In fear that the Origination Device would cause irreversible damage to Bianca's Sea of Consciousness, Karenina kept on vehemently demanding Kurono for a thorough investigation regarding the device's stability and configuration. It seems that it took Bianca quite a long time to persuade Karenina.
Secret 12 Both the Purification Squad and Elite Corps work in different fields so for the most part, the times Bianca connects with the Gray Raven's Commander are far and few in between. The Commander felt apprehensive about the Origination Device's stability when they did a Deep Dive Link for the first time, but looking at the results, their synchronization rate with her is exceedingly high and stable each time.
Knife game (also known by other names like pinfinger, stab between the fingers game, and many more) is a game where one places the palm of their hand atop the table with fingers apart and using a sharp object, the player attempts to try not hit one's fingers while stabbing back and forth in between the fingers.
Hecate is a goddess in ancient Greek religion and mythology. She's associated with crossroads, boundaries, transitions, ghosts, necromancy, the New Moon, and magic.
Caliburn is another name for Excalibur.
Spoken dialogue is different from what's written in-game.
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future-oscarwinner · 2 years
I am back to bringing you your daily correspondence. I had to write this down somewhere separate cuz I had to write it in small parts and I really hope the formatting isn’t to fucked. I won’t apologize for how long it is this time though :)
For some drivers I find it hard to separate the two (looking at you Perez I will never like you for what you’ve done). Lando does have a good personality he’s fun to watch in the McLaren videos. Though I liked his dynamic with Carlos more than the one he has with Danny. I used to really like him back in 2020 but now I’m kind of over that. The excitement of the opening race that season really got to me I think. Watching him drive like crazy to get within 5 sec of Hamilton and succeeding was really good. Yea I don’t think lando is going to win a championship in that car anytime soon :/ not like Charles chances are any better right now. I just gave up with the championship and started focusing more on the smaller battles the mid teams were having.
Yea the whole Max thing here is terrible in my opinion. As soon as you say you like/watch f1 here everyone always assumes you love him. And a lot of Dutch people only know him and no one else. I remember once I was talking to this guy and he got so offended when I told him I didn’t like Max and that I liked Seb more.
Yea no I’m more of a Vettel fan actually.
-.. A GERMAN!?
It was kind of funny, he didn’t talk to me anymore after that.
I think that the same obsession people have with max will most likely also happen with Nick. Last I heard they were already calling him our Nick like he is some kind of object to own. Anyway a lot of this just boils down to my dislike for chauvinism and my own country lol. It doesn’t have that much to do with the drivers themselves.
It’s always sweet when people share something they love with you, and it’s also sweet when you share something you love with someone and they also like it <3 but that’s amazing, it doesn’t matter that you only just got into it and she has been watching longer, you have to start somewhere right?
Oh Singapore all I remember from that race is watching George slide around on the slicks and like 5 people retiring. So it was kind of an exciting first race to watch.
Japan was just one big shit show. The FIA really failed on that one. I was so angry when I was watching it. Like you put those cranes on the track in the rain while no one can see shit, are you trying to make history repeat itself. And then their half assed apologize. Though there has been an improvement made with the announcement of the cranes entering the track. That whole debacle shouldn’t have happened in the first place.
The whole wag life just seems so intense to me, like all those eyes on you and the stress of watching a loved one do some crazy shit. Though the FIA isn’t always to blame sometimes they (the drivers) just do stupid shit on their own.
My love for Seb mostly comes from little me just being so in awe of this guy who was winning everything and just refusing to let go.
THEY ANNOUNCED IT TODAY!! He’s officially mercs reserve driver now and I’m so happy <3 the pictures are so cute as well. Yea Felipe is definitely right I think the older drivers still hold Ferrari on this pedestal while the younger ones know it’s just a bunch of clowns. Maybe with Binotto gone and Vasseur there to replace him it’ll get better.
I have a love hate relationship with Gunther, I love him cuz he’s an idiot without a filter which makes for great entertainment but I hate him for what he did to Mick. Horner on the other hand I just hate for a lot of different reasons.
That’s nice :) I didn’t realize how long the whole thing actually was until I saw it on my phone. Reading your answer and writing this kind of makes me feel like a woman from the 1800s who writes these long letters to someone far away.
I also had a good day kind of busy because I had to travel back to my parents house but that just gives me time to read. I think we might be close to the same time zone so I’m gonna take a wild guess and say I hope you have a good evening (if I’m wrong just ignore this you didn’t see anything) <3
Sorry, I fell into one of my "have no energy to respond to anyone" episodes again and no one knows how long this one is going to take, but I'm back now sorry to keep you waiting <3
Oh this is a big one, I like it
Ooh I don't know what Perez did, but he does look shady. I am so sorry I didn't get here sooner to experience Carlando 😩 and I only got here 2 months before the season ending and already had to suffer through two divorces 🥲 Lando is an excellent driver and deserves a better car, but not red bull. I swear when I see people wanting him to go to red bull I'm like if you want only the best for Lando you DON'T want him going over to red bull, at least not with Max still there. But he deserves a seat in one of the top teams and I wouldn't mind him going to Mercedes (I like mclaren but I've always been a Mercedes girlie at heart even before f1 pls). Hopefully next year will be Charles' or at least we'll get an entertaining fight till Abu Dhabi
Oh gosh I was with friends at a pub a few nights ago and we somehow ended up talking about f1 and one guy asked me which team I support and I really have a hard time answering that question 😂 but ended up saying Ferrari because Charles is my no. 1 driver and he goes like you should support Verstappen he is the best and I'm like yeah maybe but no and he goes when I tell you, you should listen to me yeah thanks but no thanks
If he knew better he'd be Seb's fan as well 😌 Good, the trash took itself out.
Yeah and she was so supportive and willing to teach me everything, she even made a small quizzes she randomly sent me and I was so eager to learn. I still am since I have a lot of things to catch up on still
Oof yeah I don't remember a lot of the others during the race because I had myself fixated on Charles 🤣 but remember a lot of dnfs, will definitely have to rewatch it
Ugh Japan sends shivers down my spine when I think I could've lost Pierre and potentially Carlos. FIA is a joke and had it for Pierre ever since because he didn't hold back from calling them out and they somehow made it all his fault???? Get a grip
My whole life I wanted to be a footballer's wife, but now I added f1 driver to my wag list 🤣
Oh that's so sweet you got to grow up watching Seb just like my cousin 🥺
Yes I'm so happy for Mick he deserves it so much!!! Here's to the better things in the future 🥂
I can't wait for the next season for Ferrari to see who this change will play out.
Yes, I totally agree with you about Gunther and I can't yet pinpoint why I dislike Horner but I just do, he gives off those vibes yk
Hahaha I love the 1800s though!!
Yes, I had a great evening and I hope you did as well. Since it's the nighttime now I wish you a good night <3
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ofallthingsnasty · 2 years
Pairing: Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic x F!Reader x Aizawa Shota | Eraserhead Tags:  hard noncon, dead dove: do not eat, double vaginal penetration, yandere, established relationship (not the nice kind), double creampie, pwp Word count: 2.3k Summary: There are still things left to explore for them.
Note: Some time ago, the wonderful @akicore​ wrote this amazing fic - and it really got me thinking. So here it is, another pwp with my favorite (disgusting) duo! I’m not posting from my usual setup, so any formatting issues will have to wait another week for me to fix and I apologize for that. Requests/thirsts are open!
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They’ve done everything, it seems. You’ve been pissed on, endured painfully underprepared anal sex, took hits and beatings with a smile when Hizashi wanted to play out his sadistic little fantasies, uttered every degrading little sentence you could ever think of, played dog and pet and whatnot. And by now, you know that protests are useless, that you’ll never get out of here. Between the unrelenting wall of muscle that is Shouta and the eerie ministrations of his husband, Hizashi, there is very little you can do, really. They’re stronger than you, two pro-heroes who have more wit than they let on, more experience with capturing than you could gain in your lifetime. Even if you did somehow manage to leave, if you were to go to the police, who would believe you? It’d be a ridiculous notion to anyone - two pros, two teachers at the ridiculously established UA, kidnapping a random woman, a nobody, to desecrate her, to turn her into their disgusting little sex toy? The concept alone could make anyone laugh. You’re too old to be blue-eyed and naive about how you’d be perceived and you’re too aware of your soft body to even try to fight back, to run. So you stay. And let them do whatever they want. They don’t see you as something to use - or at least that’s what they say. They still do it, only  with lovesick eyes and gentle words. In fact, they consider you some ghoulish version of a wife. You’re gifted jewelry, given trinkets here and there - gentle kisses on the crown of your head when they leave for work, arms around you when you wake up in the mornings, coffee made just how you like it, your favorite food… It could be nice, you sometimes think, to be here out of your own volition. But you feel so little nowadays. Very few things incite shame within you now, make tears prick at your eyes. You’ve been used too often, have been made to do unspeakable things so that you don’t even bat an eye at most requests now. They don’t seem to mind, they prefer you complacent and demure. They don’t care about your pleasure, either. The elusive orgasm you’re allowed is forced out of you by rough fingers and eager tongues, but it’s a luxury, not the norm. Not that they’re particularly enjoyable, either. You have no delusion about coming today, either. You’re on your back, with Shouta buried deep inside underneath you. He reaches deep like this, and lazily fucks up into you as he holds you. If he’s in the mood, he’ll press two calloused fingers to your clit, but he mainly likes to lock your throat in with his left arm, just like now. Hizashi lingers over you, just as naked as you. His hair is down, still damp from the shower he took an odd hour ago. He smells nice, a familiar scent that wafts up your nose as he crawls just a little closer to you, his usual grin on his face. He thinks himself suave and charming every time he does it, when in reality it’s just your countdown for the real torture to start. You’re almost comfortable as you are right now, with Shouta only slightly moving and your cunt already adjusted to him. Whatever the other man has planned for you can only make things painful now. He’s usually the driving force behind the more degenerate acts you’re forced into, always the one to kickstart foul little obsessions between the two of them. His blond hair tickles your cheek as he leans down, so close you can feel his body heat. The world is only him for a moment, those vivid green eyes so close to your own, the smell of his breath on your lips. He says nothing as he stares you down, that wicked grin shrinking into something softer. You think he might kiss you but then he breaks away, nimble hands landing on your waist, abruptly stopping the motions of the man beneath you. There is a wordless conversation held between the two men, one you're not privy to. It’s nothing new to you, but it makes a shiver run down your spine. Who knows what’s in store for you today - you just hope they’ll go easy on you this time. But then Hizashi smiles. Shouta’s dick twitches in your cunt as he holds you just a little tighter, snug against his sweaty chest. His nose bumps against your head from beneath and he murmurs something you can’t quite decipher. “Come on”, Hizashi cooes at you, his hands sliding down to your already split open cunt, just grazing your clit as they move. “We’ll have to prepare you a little, hm?” One settles on the underside of your right thigh, the other one gets dangerously close to where you and Shouta are already joined. You clench at the contact - your inner lips are sensitive from being stretched and chafed, just enough that his gentle touch burns a little. He doesn’t waste any time, doesn’t hesitate even as your eyes go comically wide - he slips a finger in alongside Shouta’s cock and you hiss at the sensation. It’s not enough to be too much just yet, but you can still feel it, every single bump and dent of it. You don’t know why he would do this, though - is it the thrill of touching both you and Shouta? Does he want to make you more loose? But what for, really? Another finger slips in and Hizashi croons above you, something about how well you’re doing for them. You stare at him with a furrowed brow, both trying to figure out what his goal is and to ignore the ever-growing burn as he tries to scissor you open with something already inside. He’s painfully hard as he works you even more open and something tickles the back of your mind as you stare at his cock, twitching with anticipation. The realization hits you like a freight train - they’re trying to fuck you in the same hole. They never outright discuss their desires with you, you’re never a part of those conversations because if you were, you would get to say no. Your breath is knocked out of your lungs as you go limp against Shouta, the motion awarded with praise and another finger. You can’t take it- you won’t- it won’t fit. Your thoughts run wild in your head, a never ending circle of no, no, no, you’ll break me- you’ll hurt me. And for the first time in months, you break your silent compliance, your obedience. “No, no, please-”, you grunt out, strained and meek. Words are spilling out of your mouth like water, words you don’t even register. Tiny pleas, earnest words of worry all fall on deaf ears. “Baby”, Hizashi brows draw upwards with fake concern as he stops his motions for a precious second. “Don’t be like that, now.” But you don’t care for his acting right now, nor do you care for the punishment that looms at your disobedience - you desperately want to get out of this, happy to take him in your ass, your throat, anywhere else, anywhere but your cunt. You can’t even imagine the both of them straining against the thin walls of your cunt. The arm around your neck tightens as you try to pry it away with clammy fingers and Hizashi looks at you with so much fake pity in his eyes you actually start to cry. “Please”, you sob in earnest, genuinely afraid of being hurt. “Not this. Anything but this, please.” He actually grins. And doesn’t say anything. You’re left to quietly sob and flail about as best as you can against Shouta, the man beneath you keeping you in a vice grip now. Hizashi watches your teary eyes for another couple of seconds, slipping his disgustingly wet hand out of you, watches his husband mutter words of encouragement into your ear. They don’t reach you. You’re beside yourself, panicked to the point that even Shouta’s cock feels wrong now, your pelvic floor so tight he almost slips out of you. You don’t know left from right for a terribly long moment, lost in the sea of fear. Slap. A sharp sting to your already sensitive cunt makes you still, forces your attention back to the blond man in front of you. 
 “No can do”, he says, light tone barely hiding the malice behind his words. He's enjoying this, you can tell. 
You watch in desperation as he reaches for the little bottle of lube on the nightstand, as he generously spreads it all over his cock. Shouta is twitching inside of you, clearly enjoying the way you tighten with every breath of fear, with every sob that manages to slip out. Your eyes are wide as you track Hizashi’s every motion above you, not relaxing like you should but clinging onto Shouta’s arm as though your life depends on it. Your nails are digging into his skin but he lets you, probably too eager for what’s to come to care. One more breath, then he prods at your stinging cunt, your eyes roll back and- He’s splitting you open. It’s worse than him forcing himself into your ass without much preparation, worse than that time Shouta had developed a habit of choking you until you passed out- it burns and burns and burns, pain so hot you can’t help but pull a grimace - anything to distract yourself from the feeling. It’s like an almost dry stab into you, even with him using lube beforehand. You can’t help but clench around them both in sheer distress, making the sensation even worse. Hizashi above you looks positively stupefied with every single inch he’s slipping into you. His eyes are looking at the ceiling, unfocused and nearly closed, his jaw is slack with the sensation of fucking both you and Shouta. He looks almost like he’s drooling while you twitch and cry under him, the polar opposite to his blissed out state. “Oh- fuck-”, he grunts as he bottoms out, his mean charade melting away with one single thrust, reduced to nothing but whines and the hard grip of his hands on your shoulders now. You’re only given a few, precious seconds to get used to both of them so deep within you, then he already starts to fuck you.
 You’re so full. Only Hizashi is moving and god, you’re almost grateful for it. His pace is still slow but the burn is so dull that every in- and outward motion makes you gawk with discomfort. “It hurts, please, please-”, you writhe against the solid muscle of Shouta’s abdomen, even though it’s hopeless. Even if you were able to get free, they’d simply hold you down in a different position, they’re too worked up to stop now..
“Fuck, baby-”, Hizashi almost stutters, brows furrowed in concentration. “You feel amazing.”
There is a breathless moan from beneath you, something so soft and stunned it feels garish. It does very little to take your mind off the intense burning pain, no matter how uncharacteristic it is for Shouta. You can’t see his face, but he groans and grunts into your ear, clearly enjoying this just as much as his husband. The arm around your neck goes a little slack but you’re already too impaled by them to be able to scramble away, to even try to fight them off. You feel like a stuck pig, doomed to this torture. “Good girl”, he grits out, rough and right against your ear. You can tell how close he is by his tone alone, his restraint getting thinner by the second. “So good for us-” He gets cut off as Hizashi quickens his pace, properly fucking the two of you now. Your cunt only gradually adjusts to him, but it’s all more tolerable than before. You’re still not comfortable, but you can tell that you’re getting looser. Another thrust and you can feel something warm blossoming within you, your body giving in to the sensation. You’re basically dripping with sweat, lube and your own fluids, and the noises are so obscene you’ll never forget them. Hizashi is the first to cum, his hands tight on your shoulders as he tries to fuck you even harder - it’s not easy with him and Shouta sharing one hole but he doesn’t give up until he finds an angle where it works just so. It catches something deep inside you and you can only grunt in protest at the weird, sweetly stinging sensation, a pull that’s almost too much for you. In a second, his lips are on your neck, sucking and kissing as he whines and bucks into you, the pain of his sharp teeth almost covering up the strain on your cunt. He empties himself into you a few, sharp thrusts later, with a high-pitched moan and enough force behind it that it leaves you breathless. His cum is hot and wet deep within you, the unusual sensation making Shouta audibly moan beneath you - and as Hizashi slows, the other starts to rut up into you again, still so high-strung it doesn’t take him long to make a complete mess of you now; shooting his load just as deep. Your vision blurs with the sensation. The world around you grows just a little more quiet as Hizashi rests his full weight on you, slowly getting soft. You feel absolutely defiled - you can barely clench from how numb your cunt has gotten and from how much you’ve been stretched, their mixed seed dripping out of you. There is a hum just beneath your jaw as Hizashi lifts his hips just enough to slip out of you, dragging an obscene amount of cum with him that splatters onto the bed beneath, a thoroughly satisfied sound. His voice is dripping with sweetness as he kisses your sweat-soaked skin, right on top of the bites he left. “There you go, good girl.” 
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streamafterlaughter · 2 years
a/n: this is my first time posting a fic please be kind! and please please please let me know ur thoughts! also apologies for any formatting issues i am posting from my phone. 🦇🎸
Still Loving You
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gif: here
summary: You’ve been teaching yourself a new song on guitar to show Eddie once he graduates. You usually tutor him after Hellfire Club, but today Eddie’s back early, catching you with his guitar, and thereby soiling your plans for dramatic confession.
pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader, friends to lovers, gn!reader
warnings/tags: there will be smut in part ii, but this one is rated pg13! lots of cute fluff here<3 mutual pining. no spoilers just normal human stuff. reader has graduated Hawkins in 84, making them over 18
i do not consent to having my work copied and reposted on other sites. all rights reserved to me, the sole writer. please inform me if you see my writings posted anywhere but my blog
word count: 4.12k
Part I: Caught In The Act
The sticky heat of Hawkins clings tightly onto you as you pedal your way to Eddie’s, just like you’d done every Thursday, since the beginning of the year. Eddie had informally hired you as his personal tutor, finally getting sick of repeating senior year. He made promises of free joints and rides around town for the rest of your lives, and made a big dramatic show of getting on his knees to beg you to help him. Anything to convince you to take him on as your student.
Of course you agreed, but you didn’t tell him you would have done it for a can of soda and a singular movie night, maybe even less. Though you and Eddie have been friends since middle school, you still haven’t gotten around to telling him the whole truth: that you had fully fallen in love with him.
Unbeknownst to Eddie, you’d started crushing on him in freshman year, just like every kid falls in love with their best friend the second they both hit puberty. You had never gained your footing, though, fearing his rejection any time you pondered maybe flirting with him. Instead, you remained the best of friends, and you believed that was enough for you.
Throughout high school you both dated other people, and by the time you graduated in ‘84, you had convinced yourself the schoolhouse crush had passed. So, of course, you’d said, you’ll tutor him.
However, spending all this time with Eddie, both tutoring him and just existing near him, you realize you can’t keep this shit under wraps for much longer.
Eddie always left the door unlocked for you on Thursdays, knowing you’d be out of work before Hellfire ended, and probably wouldn’t feel like biking home just to bike another 20 minutes back to his place. You preferred studying at Eddie’s to your own house, a quiet refuge contrasting your own noisy, tense household. You also secretly loved that his room always smelled like weed, mixed with whatever cheap cologne he was using.
You let yourself in, and help yourself to a Red Stripe in the fridge. You can’t help but wonder how many others have done this before you, and how many of them intended on becoming more than study partners with Eddie. You let yourself feel jealous for a second, before remembering that, whatever he was doing before, and whoever he’d done it with, it had absolutely nothing to do with you. You were the one waiting for him now, and you let yourself find comfort in that.
You walk to his room and kick your shoes off, desperately needing to let your socked feet breathe. The air is still stiflingly hot, so you remove your t-shirt, leaving on a black tank top to stick to your sweaty skin. You figure you have a good hour or two of practice time before Eddie’s home from Hellfire, so you begin your slow approach to the far wall, where his instrument rests in front of Eddie’s only mirror.
“Hey, pretty,” you greet the guitar, admiring her gently with your fingertips. Eddie doesn’t let anyone touch his guitar, let alone play it, let alone an amateur like you: someone only really able to play acoustic songs for your family on camping trips. You know you’re going against every instinct in your body telling you it’s a horrible idea. You make a whispered promise to her, “I’m not going to hurt you.”
You only plan to play it once, get as much practice in as you can, then put it exactly where it was, and he would never know! Or, he would definitely know, but he wouldn’t have any proof, and would be completely unable to pin the blame on you.
You are as careful with the instrument as you would be with a newborn baby, one hand gripped tightly enough around the neck while the other caresses the body, you walk slowly so as not to bump her into any surrounding knick knacks. You take your place at the foot of Eddie’s bed, your back facing the bedroom door. The amp buzzes as you plug the guitar in, and you reach for your walkman to analyze the song you’ve been practicing.
Eddie is sprinting to his van, in a blind fury to get back home as soon as the bell rings. He’s just been given his grade back for the English final, and he’s finally passed, and with an impressive C-! He could only think about getting back to his house, coming home to you waiting for him on the couch, and shoving the graded paper at you with a feral excitement. He wanted so badly to thank you, for saving his stupid ass from another year of Hawkins Hell.
“MUNSON!” Dustin Henderson is running toward Eddie’s car, a dumbfounded look on his face that says, “Where the fuck do your think you’re going?”
“I passed! Henderson, I PASSED! I have to postpone, I have places to be, and a beautiful knight to thank for rescuing me!” He’s talking with his arms, flailing his crown jewel of a grade in his hand.
“Can’t you thank them after we kick your sorry ass?” Dustin was a dedicated member of Hellfire, seeing each meeting as a chance to humble his newest best friend.
“Sorry, dude, this isn’t something I can just wait to do.” What Eddie wasn’t telling Dustin, was that he finally planned to tell you how he felt. He didn’t want to risk losing his tutor to an awkward rejection, so to save both of you the trouble he’d decided to wait until he was positive he’d never have to be tutored again.
Dustin, despite his annoyance, gives Eddie a knowing smile. He’d seen the way Eddie acted around you, on the rare occasion you’d come to ride home with them.
“Right. Well, tell your pretty knight I’m pissed.” Dustin snaps, turning on his heel to stomp off to inform the party their Dungeon Master was too love drunk to play tonight.
Eddie jokingly salutes to Dustin’s turned back, and eagerly climbs into his driver’s seat, barely pausing to turn the radio on before peeling out of the school parking lot.
You’re making decent progress, finally figuring out how to sing while playing, without pausing between chords. It’s not perfect, but it’s better, and you’ve gotten yourself in the zone. You look at the clock, which reads 3. Hellfire isn’t out until 5 tonight. You can afford a little more time, you tell yourself.
As you play through the chorus again, you drown out the background noise of Forest Hills. What you can’t hear over the noises of your clumsy strumming, is the gravel under Eddie’s van as he pulls up to his home a mere thirty minutes later. He whips himself out of the car, getting his foot caught on the pedals on his way out. After almost eating shit, his good mood still can’t be ruined. That is, until he reaches the top step of his trailer and pauses.
Leaning his ear to the screen door, he makes out the hum of his amp. His amp, plugged into his guitar.
“No fucking way.” He whispers, letting himself into the front room as quietly as he can manage. All his previous chaos has left his body, as he tiptoes his way toward the sound of what he can tell is barely acceptable guitar playing.
He reaches his room, stopping abruptly to take in the view in front of him: Your back turned to him, hunched over his most prized possession. He sees the headphones resting on your ears, your neck tilted in concentration trying to figure out the next set of chords, sweat dripping down the side of your face, slowly melting from the early June heat.
Eddie leans himself on the door frame, crossing his arms over his chest, just to take you in. By now, he usually would have sent the culprit flying through the window, exilling them for all eternity. But he couldn’t bring himself to do that to you, he had no desire to distract from your concentration.
You stop once you finish the song, and immediately freeze. The air in Eddie’s room has shifted. No, you think, there is no way he’s already home.
You look at the clock next to Eddie’s bed that now reads 3:45.
You slowly rotate your body towards the bedroom door, catching the figure there in the corner of your eye before the pieces click into place.
Finally, you bring your eyes up to meet his, and the motherfucker is smirking at you.
He cuts you off with a dramatic wave of his arm, exclaiming, “You come into my home, you sit on my throne, you play my instrument, and you don’t even try to hide it? You know, honey, that usually calls for banishment.” He’s approaching you now, slowly planting one foot in front of the other, as if to build suspense.
“Shit, Eddie, no, you don’t understand. It was a one time thing-“ you’re preparing to beg for his forgiveness, unable to imagine the anger he must be feeling towards you. Why the fuck is he home so early?
“Sh sh sh,” He kneels on the floor next to your spot on the bed. “Instead, I will make you earn your honor back. You must play his instrument for the master himself.” His smirk shifts into a toothy grin, knowing how shy you get in the face of performing, speaking, or really doing anything in front of other people. He has no idea that fear only applies to him.
Your eyes widen with fear, “It isn’t ready, that's not fair!” you falter, suddenly unsure if you were ever really going to play the song for him. Who were you kidding anyway, someone that didn’t even own their own guitar trying to play for Eddie, of all people.
Eddie raises an eyebrow, his eyes not leaving yours. “All fairness went out the window when you played with my baby before asking, sweetheart.” He grips your thigh tightly, his intention clear: You’re not going anywhere until you play for him.
You take the deepest breath you’ve ever taken, and it does nothing to calm your nerves. This isn’t how you wanted to play this song for him. Your plan was to play it after he graduated, when he finally threw his cap to the sky and said good riddance to the worst six years of his life. Selfishly, you wanted to wait for him to graduate just in case he felt the same way you did. You didn’t want to cause him distraction from his work, just in case you might prove yourself to be one. Maybe it was slightly delusional, but you liked to daydream.
The other reason for waiting was in case he denied you. You didn’t want to think about it, but you always knew there’d be a chance of rejection, something you weren’t sure you could handle. He didn’t exactly go for people like you, people with their noses in big books, or scribbling in a journal during lunch, their headphones blocking everyone and everything else out. You keep to yourself, and Eddie is known as the life of every nerd friendly party, every lunchtime discussion, and every drive in his van. It’s the strongest reason you’d found yourself infatuated: his ability to exist purely as himself.
Your fingers move towards the first chord of the song, and you close your eyes as if to trick yourself into thinking none of this is happening. You’re not really about to make the biggest fool of yourself in front of the one person whose opinions matter most to you. As long as you don’t look at him, none of this is real.
You make it through the intro with little error, and your breath catches in your throat as you start to sing:
It needs time
To win back your love again
I will be there
I will be there
You don’t dare to open your eyes, but you feel Eddie’s big, brown ones boring into your face and soul as you play.
Only love
Can bring back your love someday.
I will be there,
I will be there.
You pause, as if to silently beg to stop. Eddie only squeezes your leg again, a nudge to keep going. You still can’t look at him.
I’ll fight, babe, I’ll fight
To win back your love again
I will be there, I will be there.
Love, only love
Can break down the wall someday
I will be there, I will be there.
You pause again, opening your eyes to reposition your fingers for the chorus. Eddie doesn’t interrupt as you do, but you can feel his eyes on your hand.
As you sing the chorus, still far too quietly to be any good, he starts to hum along, his voice a whisper above your own.
If we’d go again
All the way from the start
I would try to change
The things that killed our love
Your pride has built a wall, so strong
That I can’t get through
Is there really no chance
To start once again
I’m still loving you…
You both continue like that, you not looking at him while his eyes are trained on you. By the end of the song, your throat aches and your fingers are cramped. You brace for the impact of Eddie’s teasing, or worse, his anger and immediate removal of you from his life.
Neither comes. You dare to open one eye, trying to gauge his reaction by the bewildered look on his face. A third, unexpected reaction: a gaping look at you, only broken by a couple bats of his eyelids.
“I… did not see that coming.”
“I did tell you it wasn’t ready,” You try to change the subject, terrified of the way you strangle back a sob. This is not the way you planned to be rejected. You weren’t mentally ready for that destruction yet.
“No, that’s not-“ He falters, visibly searching for the right thing to say. He pushes himself to his feet, pacing in front of you, still sitting cross legged on his bed.
“Why that one?” He asks, innocently.
You search for your words on the floor, Because I fell madly in love with you. Because I wanted to impress you. Because I couldn’t think of a better way to tell you this with my own words. Because ever since freshman year I would fantasize about pulling you into the teacher’s lounge.
“Well,” you start finally, talking to the chipped polish of your nails, “I found the tape in your van, and the case looked really, um, well used, I guess. So I wanted to see what made you like it so much. This song reminded me of… well you. Us… whatever.” You try to brush it off, but the truth is you’d been planning this gift for him since you started tutoring him. Usually, you’d use your roommate’s guitar to practice, but she’d gone home for the summer, and you couldn’t afford your own instrument.
“I never wanted you to find out this way,” your words were rushing out now, desperate to bandage the trust you were sure you’d broken, “But I can’t stop fucking thinking about you. I think about you all the fucking time. Why do you think I said yes to helping you? WhyI’m always here, regardless of whether we end up studying? It’s all been for you, Eddie.” You finally blurt. It hangs in the air, like an unwelcome ghost. “I will accept my banishment with grace and honor.” you proclaim, defeated, still refusing to look at him.
Eddie waits a beat, digesting your response before saying, “Why would I banish you?” he sounds wounded, taking offense that you’d dare speak such a thing.
Your head snaps up then, searching for a give away that he’s being sarcastic. Because of course you would, you think, because you don’t feel the same way.
“You’ve done worse. I saw the way you iced Dustin for a week because he stole your Dungeon Master’s journal.”
“That was under different circumstances.” Eddie returns matter-of-factly, like it’s the most logical argument in the world. “Why would you put all this time into learning a song before you could even know if I’d graduate?” He’s challenging you now, trying to get you to admit something. And you’re so close to admitting something.
You puff your cheeks full of air before letting go a heavy sigh. “I believed in you. And maybe, selfishly, I believed you’d want me, too.” You shrug, then retort, “Well, what makes me different from Dustin? We both touched things we knew we weren’t allowed to touch, things that belong to you.” You wonder if your feelings should be hurt. Maybe he doesn’t value you enough to hold you to the same rules as his closest friends.
“You make you different, silly. Whatever, it doesn’t matter.” He waves his hand dismissively, as if your hands on his guitar were just a normal, every day occurrence. “And it’s more fun to freak you out.” He pivots toward you, pointing to the instrument. “Can I help you?” He asks, suddenly enthusiastic.
“What?” Not only is he not pissed, or even indifferent, but he's offering to help you? To teach you the very thing that attracted you to him in the first place?
You weigh your options: One, you say no, and hurt Eddie’s feelings enough to actually “banish” you, whatever that may mean to him; or two, you agree and he tries to help you, only to grow impatient with your struggling and give up. You don’t like either choice, so you stall.
“Why are you home so early?” You dodge. In all your embarrassment, you’d forgotten to ask what was so important for him to call Hellfire off for the night. Anyone that knew Eddie knew almost nothing came between him and his DnD campaigns.
“If I tell you, would you please let me help you with this?” He circles his hand around your being as you sit awkwardly, his guitar still in your grasp. “Your fingering could use some work. I happen to be an expert, I could give you a few tips.” He wiggles the fingers of his left hand, his rings glittering when they hit the light. The thought of his hands has kept you up before, but there was something way too real about them now.
“Fine.” You huff, ignoring the double entendre, and therefore the heat rushing to your cheeks.
“Great!” Eddie claps his hands together, and bends to pick up his graded assignment he’d let fall to the ground only minutes earlier. He pinches the paper between his thumb and pointer, flicking the back of the page as he does so. “C-, baby!” he beams, shoving the paper closer to your face. “I couldn’t wait to tell you, so I told the kids to kick rocks today. Henderson’s not letting me hear the end of it anytime soon.” He shakes his head jokingly, like a shamed puppy caught ripping the good pillows apart.
“You canceled Hellfire, the one thing I have ever seen you care about, to come tell your tutor that you passed?” You’re dumbfounded.
Eddie only shrugs, “Yeah, obviously, I wanted to make my teach proud. Now let me help you with this mess.” He doesn’t mean any harm by his comment, only that he wants to help you learn. You go to scoot over, making room for Eddie to sit next to you on the mattress.
Eddie, however, completely ignores this gesture, leaving you with the guitar in your lap. Instead, he kicks a leg behind you, leaving the other resting against yours. You are now sitting between his legs, and he places his chin to rest on your shoulder.
You forget to breathe. You and Eddie, though close friends since middle school, have never been so physical before. Sure, you’d held hands, skipping to classes together as the Hawkins Nuisances, and you had played enough footsie in math class to pass the time. But you’d never sat like this, so close to feel his heart beating on your back.
Ignoring your obviously tense body language, Eddie places his hand over yours, gently moving it to the first position of the song. “Press this string down a little harder.” He mumbles into your neck, sending a chill down your spine as he demonstrates, pressing his middle finger into the fret. You move your own hand to where his sits, and repeat his movements. You feel him smile into the dip of your shoulder, proud of your tiny improvement.
You work through the first verse this way, with Eddie only speaking to give you instructions on positioning your fingers, or which strings to strum. You wouldn’t mind if you spent the rest of your night like this, in a comfortable silence only broken by the clumsy melody of a Scorpions ballad.
Eddie pauses, though, just as you’ve finished the first chorus. In one swift motion, he drags the guitar off of you, placing it beside him at the end of the bed. The loss of contact saddens you, as you realize this may be the last time Eddie ever lets you touch the guitar. To stifle your sadness, you go to get yourself off of him, trying to hide how much you don’t want to move. You’re caught off guard, though, when Eddie shoves his arms out and grabs you by the waist, pulling you back into his lap and lacing his fingers across your middle, keeping you there.
He cups his hand under your chin, forcing you to twist to face him, and you can barely look at him. You think you catch his eyes dart to your lips, but you can’t be sure. Your brain is too fuzzy, being so close to Eddie’s face, feeling his breath on yours to think clearly. You never thought you’d get even this far with him.
Before you gather enough courage to speak, Eddie’s asking, “You mean all that?”
You raise your eyebrow at him, because how dare he question your sincerity. “Of course I mean it. Eddie, I know you have a little trouble with critical thinking, but did you really have absolutely no clue?” You’re laughing now, dumbfounded at your best friend’s ignorance. “I thought I was rather readable.”
“To be fair, it’s not like you knew either.” Eddie isn’t laughing, not a hint of sarcasm in his tone. “You’d think an English tutor would be able to see the evidence laid out in front of them.”
You play stupid, refusing to believe any of what he’s claiming. “What do you mean?”
Instead of answering, he glances down at your mouth again, and this time you’re sure of it. You have no time to react before he’s pulling your face in, his hand still holding your chin. His lips meet yours, tenderly at first, and your face catches fire as you kiss him back. The kiss ends as suddenly as it started, and Eddie pulls his face back to look at you again.
“That’s what I mean.” and he’s kissing you again. you don’t let yourself hold back this time. You break the kiss briefly, only to turn your body around to face him, now straddling his lap. You hold his face in your hands to kiss him again, coaxing his mouth open with your tongue. He pushes back eagerly, his hands gripping tightly onto your waist to hold you in place. Your head starts swimming, unable to fully grasp what you've gotten yourself into. He tastes like cigarettes and mint, and you never want to forget the way his tongue feels against your own.
One of Eddie’s hands moves from your waist, up your back, and cups your neck, as if he’s trying to pull you even closer. Your fingers lace through his hair easily, your nights spent dreaming about it having finally paid off. You feel Eddie smile into your kiss, his arms now wrapped around you tightly. You can’t help but smile too, trying to show him exactly how you’d been feeling this last seemingly endless year.
“Was it worth postponing?” you ask, breaking the kiss for air.
“I would rather never return to Hellfire again if it meant I could spend all of my time doing this instead.” he looks at you longingly, and you truly believe him. “No one’s ever done that for me before.”
You can’t help but roll your eyes before connecting your lips to his for a third time.
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fayesrossua · 3 years
Minors and ageless blogs DO NOT INTERACT
Prompt: MODERN AU. Porco X F!READER. It’s Friday, your roommate is out of town for the weekend and right as you’re about to relax, your college flings texts you. Porco hasn’t done the homework yet and needs to copy off you. You won’t let him get it without trying.
Warning: NSFW, 18+ CONTENT. Use of terms: bitch, slut.
Tags/keywords: college relationship, mention of past encounters, FEMALE ORAL SEX MAINLY. handjob, fingering, finding the clit. Porco being a cocky bitch until he’s face to face with a woman who wants to get fucked for real. Making out. Mild degrading. Cum tasting.
Notes: I formatted the texting part on my laptop so I know it’s kind of fucked up on the phone so apologies in advance
Word count: 3.1K
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Your roommate was going to be gone for the weekend. Thank god, you think to yourself. You opened the door, mentally cheering to yourself to see her bed was made, her stuff was put away, and you would have an entire 48 hours of peace and quiet.
You slump your bag against the wall, and flop down on your bed. You close your eyes and let your mind wander. I miss Porco. It had been about two weeks since you last saw him. You two met in the library, in the hopes of studying but ended up shooting the shit for 3 hours instead. You recall the 45 minute segment of him showing you his camera roll, and your heated makeout session in the empty quiet zone of the library. The rings building around his eyes as midnight approached and tiredness blinded you two, making you incoherent and giggly.
You sigh deeply, stretching on your bed and enjoying the aching feeling of your lower back. You roll onto your front, and kick off your shoes, letting them fall on the floor. I should text him. Why not? You had one more midterm to study for and that wasn’t until Wednesday. As soon as you picked up your phone, a notification popped up on your screen.
Porco G
Can you send the psych homework ? I have plans tn
The seductive, hot image of Porco in your head dissipated as you read his message. You click your tongue, making a ‘tsk’ sound. Trying to think of something witty to respond with.
Sounds like a you problem dude
Not your best but it’ll suffice
Porco G
You’ve never had a problem giving me the homework before lmao
You rolled off your bed, deciding to leave him hanging for a few minutes. It was a lab, and your results couldn’t be copied. You didn’t want to get flagged for plagiarism. You went to use the washroom and wash your hands, coming back to your phone lighting up over and over again.
Porco G
I didn’t have time to make it into the lab
That fucking prof has it out for me, he didn’t include me in the email of the lab details this week
Are you really leaving me on delivered right now?
You laugh at his outburst. You can picture him right now, computer tab open, looking at his blank lab report. You think of a response, watching as he goes to type, a small bubble appearing, and then quickly disappearing. An idea bubbles to the surface to your mind, and you go to type.
If you want it so bad, then come get it.
You hesitate for a second, and send. If he wants to cheat so bad, he’ll have to earn it. You’ve had a hard week, working so hard to maintain your grades, keep on top of your club activities and a part-time job — you’re not going to let some guy use that to his advantage without cost. Fearful of his response, you set your phone down, pacing around your room.
Bzz. You breath, and brace yourself as you look at his response.
Porco G
What am I supposed to fuck you for it?
I’m busy, come get my homework and take a picture of it if you’re so desperate
Porco G
K i get it
You turn off your phone, shaking the situation off. I mean I wouldn’t complain, you think. A eruption of butterflies bloom in your lower stomach and your mind replays the library. His craning head, aching to kiss you deeper. The way he groped at your waist, pulling you closer against a shelf of books, feeling just the imprint of his dick against your inner thigh.
It took all your strength to not let curiosity win. Instead you changed into something more comfortable, prepping yourself for a little bit of studying before unwinding completely. You chose silky pyjama shorts and an oversized hoodie. You grab your laptop out of your bag and start editing one of your essays in bed. Minutes pass and the words begin to blur on your screen, your eyes growing heavy and mind sinking into your pillow. You want to fall asleep. Letting your eyes shut, you feel warmth in your body stir, sleep blanketing you.
All too soon there’s a furious knock at your door. You jolt awake, and stare at the door, hearing Porco’s voice on the other side. You go to open the door, smoothing down your hair.
“Yes?” You say, feigning ignorance to what you just discussed over text. Porco shuffles himself into your room, closing the door behind himself. You sit back on your bed, criss-crossing your legs together.
“Did you die? Why weren’t you responding to me?” He asked, a hand on his hip and his other hand waving around his phone.
“I was doing homework.” You say simply. Porco raised his eyebrows at you, looking at you doubtfully. “What? I just got back-“
“Do you have the psych homework?” He cut you off, looking at you very intensely, but before your eyes you saw the cogs in his mind spin, and his face softened. “I’m really depending on you here.”
“I would give it to you but I still need to finish it.” You reply.
His fiery annoyance returns, he lifts his hands up, stuttering and feigning confusion “uhhh, uhhh- then why did you tell me to come here?” He says in a mocking tone. Porco steps forward until he’s almost towering over you. You look up to him, meeting his steely gaze with a meek expression. Porco was always short tempered but whatever anger or annoyance he had toward you was usually run short.
“If you wanted it, I said you could come and get it. I didn’t say I was finished it.” You say. He exhales an annoyed scoff, being silent for a few seconds. He ran his fingers through his hair, looking down in contemplation. Then he reaches down to grab the side of your face. His fingers are cold.
“If I ate you out would you give me the homework?” He asked, tipping your head to look at him. Your lips turn into a smile, and you start laughing.
“Is Professor Zoe’s psych lab really why you’re offering to eat me out?” You say. Porco’s expression was filled with both anger, infatuation and passion. He bit his lip before bending down to whisper in your ear.
“Take it or leave it, Princess. I’m only asking once.” He whispers, planting a small kiss on the lobe of your ear. Your breath hitches slightly, and you nod slightly, turning to face him.
“I accept. Hopefully I didn’t ruin your plans for tonight.” You say, watching as his eyes watched your lips.
“I’m used to that from you.” He said. You hum in response, pulling him to sit next to you. Porco lays his hand on your shoulder, and lays you down. He propped himself slightly on his elbow, using his knee to separate your legs, allowing him to swing one of his legs in between. Arousal builds and your lips can’t meet his fast enough.
Porco kisses you with such intense hunger, grunting slightly as his warm lips slid with yours, biting your lip and holding it in his teeth for a brief second. He was a sloppy kisser, and you loved it. It turned you on so much to feel his tongue in your mouth, to feel his horniness build as you swirl your warm, wet tongue against his. Porco likes to move around no matter what, so while kissing you, his hands roam all along your body. He lingers at your thighs, gliding his cool fingers on the sides, then tracing your inner thigh, brushing against your outer V as he explores up your stomach. You moan breathily into his mouth in between kisses, grinding your hips against his and kissing him with as much fervour as he is. He circled his hips, pressing his growing cock into you. The pressure felt so good, and slowly all the stresses you had about life took a back seat. “I didn’t know you were so hellbent on getting that assignment done.” You whispered against his lips.
“Oh yeah,” He said in between kisses, “I take school” he kissed you, “very seriously.” You laughed, straddling him with your legs and continuing to kiss him.
The two of you are all or nothing, and you’re only as aroused as the other person. So it’s always a competition to see who can turn on the other the most. The needier you are, the more turned on he is, and so you are both loud kissers, loud and passionate love makers.
Porco pulls away from your lips, sitting up and taking off his t-shirt. “Your shirt,” he grabs your hoodie by the shoulders and you raise your arms, letting him pull it off of you. Porco’s eyes perked up at your bare chest. Placing both of his hands at the base of your waist, he slid his hands up, cupping your breasts and giving each of your nipples a gentle suck. He kissed all around your chest, inching further down. Finally, he reached below your waist, and he took your shorts off. He began smirking, drawing a finger down the center of your soaking underwear. “You’re already wet? Were you thinking of me before I got here?”
Anything clever you had to say died on the tip of your tongue as he massaged your clothed pussy, and you squirmed at his touch. He pressed into you, slowly stroking the length of you. You close your eyes, choked moans coming out of your mouth as you feel Porco get a handle on you, seeing concentration build on your face. “You like that?” He says
“Hmm yeah,” you reply, reaching to pull of your underwear. He grabs your hand, stopping you.
“Don’t be so eager. I’m getting there.” Porco delayed taking off your underwear, instead just tracing the outline of your V and going up to leave a couple hickeys on your neck. To really get him annoyed, you reached down, and began touching yourself. He pulled away from your neck, forcefully grabbing your wrists. “Do I need to restrain you or something? You’re such a horny slut.” He says, and you just nod. The wetness pooling in your underwear is making you uncomfortable and you want nothing more than for him to take care of it. “Keep your hands to yourself.” He whispers in your ear, finally reaching down and twisting the sides of your panties in his fingers. He leans back, settling on his knees and slides your underwear down, revealing your already dripping pussy. Porco makes a noise in the back of his throat, and that made you look up at him, only to see him gaze down at you in wonder and awe. All the confidence he had previously seemed to be extinguished by the sight of you — legs spread open, your core soft and wet just for him, your lips glossy and swollen from his kisses, and your doey eyes looking back at him lovingly, and so full of lust. He didn’t really know what he was doing, but he would never let you know that. He wasn’t letting your pent up energy go to waste. He was going to do this and he was going to be fucking good.
Porco settled himself down, laying on his stomach and wrapped his hands around your thighs. He first placed a gentle kiss on your pubic area, letting the knuckle of his hand graze your centre. You squirm at his first touch, before closing your eyes. He keeps kissing you, reaching down to the top of your clitoral hood, and kissing down your lips. Slowly, his tongue pressed against your labia, making little licks along each ridge, tasting the tangyness of your fluids. He breathed in through his noise and he looked up at you — seeing your face scrunched up in concentration as he put his tongue to work. Porco felt his already hard cock twitch against your hard mattress and a wave of lust fell over him, and he wanted to keep going.
“Feels good, Porco,” you breath out, you kept your hands latched to your chest, holding your tits and running your fingers over your nipples. Porco grunted, his tongue flat against your pussy, flicking it against you. His warm, soft tongue was making you feel so good. He took his lips away for a moment, using his fingers to run through your soaking folds, reaching up and accidentally finding your clit. Your head jolted up, and you almost made a choking sound at the unexpected pleasure of what he just hit. “Do that again,” Porco rubbed over that spot again, gently, before bringing his mouth back down and sucking it. He listened to your whiny moans, revelling in his feat of finding the clitorus. He was so hard, and wanted to touch himself so bad. Porco could cum just like this. He kept sucking on your clit, bringing his hand up and fingering you gently. His thick, calloused fingers teased your viscous, slippery entrance and he slowly stuck two fingers in. “Porco — oh my god,”
Your pussy clamped down around his fingers and Porco slowly started making a C shape with his fingers inside of you, pumping in and out of you. “You’re so tight around me, fuck-“ He moved down to continue licking you, “You like that? You like how I’m making you feel?”
“Yes — yes, please keep going-“ you whimper.
“I’m so fucking hard,” he says, before quickening the pace of his tongue against you.
You hiss at his rapid change in pace, “Then .. touch yourself-“ you try to say, he’s bringing you close and your thighs clamp down on his ears. Everything he says falls unheard as your brain becomes solely focused on how he’s making you feel. The hot, wetness that is seeping out of you is rendering your whole body weak. The little waves of pleasure each time his tongue lands on you, pressing into you sends shivers up your spine. Porco keeps tongue fucking you, while he slowly adds a third finger into you.
Porco shifts his hips against your bed, moaning at the pressure he dick felt, and craning his head further into you. He feels your feet move to on top of his back. Porco moans against you, the vibration and hot air only making you more aroused. “Cmon baby, come for me, come for me.” He says, pumping his fingers in and out of you with increasing speed. His tongue finds it way back to your clitorus and he begins sucking and licking it. Feeling your thighs clamp down on his again and your hips buck against his fingers, he moans, over and over again, egging you on to cum. “Cum baby, cum. Fuck, you’re such a good slut for me.”
“Por-co— I’m, I’m” Your eyes roll to the back of your head — and Porco’s voice, his low groans and grunts wash over you as a tingling sensation prickles down your spine, down to your core, and an earth shattering amount of pleasure and ecstasy stuns you, your hips convulse and you feel Porco’s fingers shove themselves deeper into you, fluid leaking all over him and all over your bed, “Oh my god-“ He’s continues sucking on your clit, letting you ride out every inch of the pleasure you’re feeling.
“Good girl, good girl. Keep coming for me.” He comes up to say. It feels like 20 seconds pass before the tsunami of pleasure passes, leaving you with shocked nerves and wetness everywhere. Your feet slide off Porco’s back and your legs collapse, splaying outward as Porco slowly works his fingers out of you. One at a time, he pumps into you, then pulls out one finger, then another, until he is hands free. “You’re so fucking sexy.” He whispers against you. “I can’t believe you came this much.” He pulls up his hand, his fingers pruney and covered in a stringy fluid that is all because of him. Him, and his irresponsibility. Porco plants one more kiss on your clit, which made you lurch away from overstimulation, and he sat up, his dick was creating a tent in his pants.
You gestured him to come near you, and he did. Laying down beside you, he swung his leg around yours and began kissing you. You could taste yourself on his lips and you were reaching down to unzip his fly, “Can I take care of that for you?” You asked in between kisses, a tiny flutter of excitement rolling in your stomach. Porco looked down at himself, and then looked at you, his face slack and relaxed. You loved seeing him like this, you knew he didn’t have the energy or the desire to be such a bitch.
“Please,” he said, almost pleafully. You nod, and unzip his pants. He quickly pulled his pants and underwear down, leaving you now both naked. You sat up, and pushed him to lay down. Your started stroking his swollen, pink dick, watching how it twitched in your hand and how precum was leaking down his shaft already. Porco hissed at your touch, “yeah, yeah, just like that.” He put his fingers in your mouth, and you began sucking them, savouring the taste of your cum and warm it still was. Porco took his fingers out of your mouth and grabbed the back of your head, bringing you in for a kiss. His breath was quickly becoming stifled and heavy as you pumped his dick in your fist faster and faster. You greedily swallowed each one of his breathes, loving how hot and vulnerable he was. Porco felt he was coming close, he held out as long as he could before it became too much and he broke away from your lips, “Oh god. I’m cumming,” He groaned loudly, his eyes closed as you continue jerking him off until he cums, a stream of fluid spurting from his tip, before dribbling all over your hand. His breathing slows, and you become more gentle with your strokes, kissing him on the mouth before stopping completely and putting your cum covered fingers in his mouth.
“Little payback.” You giggle, as he spits out your fingers, wiping his mouth in disgust.
“Gross, I don’t want to taste my own cum.” He said.
“You seemed to have fun doing it to me.” You whisper, rubbing the excess on your thigh.
Porco just sighs, a little laugh coming out as he pulls you down to lay next to him. You wrap your arms and legs around each other, and hold each other in silence for a few minutes. You close your eyes, allowing yourself to completely relax.
“That was really good.” He said.
“It was.” You say, a yawn coming on. “You did a really good job.”
Porco’s hand grazed up and down your back, “Thank you. I had no idea what I was doing to be honest. I watched a porno on the way here in prep.”
“Of course you did.”
“I had to be prepared”
You hold each other in silence before you got up to pee. “My psych homework is in the pink binder.” You say getting up.
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seriouslysnape · 3 years
Miscommunication (pt.2)
James Potter x Remus Lupin x Sirius Black x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Language. Poly! relationship. 
A/N: Part 1 is here!
Word Count: 3,376
“But that doesn’t mean I don’t care about you.”
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It had been three weeks since you had stormed out of the boys’ dorm in a scurry of anger. It had also been three weeks since you had touched, talked to, or even spared Sirius a passing glance. As far as you were concerned, he didn’t even exist. Despite your dramatic exit, Sirius was confident that you’d crack soon enough and come running back to him, begging for forgiveness. But the more time that passed, the more that he was beginning to realize that might not be the case.
In a general sense, life continued on as it always had. You walked through the Hogwarts’ corridors with the three Gryffindors, laughing at James’ jokes and blushing red under Remus’ kisses. You gave all your love and time to James and Remus, not offering Sirius a drop of your attention. 
He tried to ignore it. He tried to brush it off like it didn’t bother him and like it didn’t make a difference whether you were with him or not. His attempts to drown you out the way you had been drowning him out were successful at first, but it only took about a week for him to realize how much this was killing him.
In the mornings, you woke James or Remus up (depending on whose bed you slept in the night before) with bubbly kisses and sweet giggles, something that you had always done for all three of the boys’ wake up calls. Sirius had gone almost 23 days (but not like he was COUNTING or anything) since he had any kind of interaction with you.
No cuddles.
No hugs.
No kisses.
The whole situation put James and Remus into a bit of an awkward position. You were on great terms with the two of them, considering they hadn’t insulted you and invalidated your feelings right in your face. This was a difficult challenge to tackle, because they felt guilty for continuing to love up on you when Sirius wasn’t getting his usual share. This was a rather particular arrangement that had taken lots of trial and error to make the right adjustments. Now that the balance had been thrown off, the whole thing didn’t feel right.
James and Remus had both tried to convince you to talk things out with Sirius. They knew that deep down this wasn’t what you wanted, and things couldn’t go on like this forever. James and Remus knew Sirius better than anybody. They were fully aware that Sirius was regretting what he had done and was kicking himself for it...even if Sirius wouldn’t show it or admit to it. 
Sirius was beginning to lose precious sleep over this. He tossed and turned in his bed that had grown so lonely without you. His arms felt so empty not being wrapped around you, holding you snugly to his body. Suddenly, he didn’t have anyone to help him with his Potions homework or someone to remind him about his Transfiguration exam coming up. He didn’t have the girl that completed the complex puzzle that was Sirius Black. He felt so unfinished without you.
He missed you.
But his pride was winning out.
“How’s the brat today?” Sirius questioned dryly, not even looking up from his Herbology textbook in his lap.
“Sirius.” Remus and James echoed, clearly displeased at Sirius’ cold name for you.
Over the last three weeks, Sirius would ask about you when you weren’t around and he was alone with the boys. He would ask how you were doing, but what he really wanted to know was if you had said anything about him or given any indications that you were close to giving in. James and Remus were growing impatient with Sirius. They had tried to step back, allowing both yourself and Sirius to have time to allow your fog of frustration to air out. They had hoped that Sirius would come around to realize that he had been wrong in all kinds of ways, and you both could work it out on your own.
Between stepping all over your feelings like they were a sidewalk and calling you a bitch for being rightfully upset, Sirius had one too many strikeouts on his record.
“What? If she’s going to act like a child, then I’ll treat her like one.” Sirius growled.
James crossed his arms over his chest, leaning back in the chair that he was sitting in by the common room’s fireplace. Remus watched the two of them from over the rim of his cup that contained his favorite hot tea. 
“She’s hurt, Sirius. You hurt her,” James snarled, eyebrows furrowed in agitation, “I don’t blame her for not wanting to talk to you.”
“Did you not hear the things she said to me? She was totally out of line.” Sirius argued, his demeanor going rigid and his defensive mode kicking into high gear.
“Because you pushed her too hard,” Remus cut in, “She has every right to be upset.”
Sirius was shocked that they were taking your side over his. You were never allowed to speak to any of them the way you had talked to Sirius that day. You weren’t allowed to talk back, get an attitude, touch yourself without permission, as well as other rules that had been established early on in the relationship. They all took the rules very seriously, and the fact that James and Remus were brushing it off was mind boggling to Sirius.
“I didn’t push her at all. She caught an attitude with me.” Sirius remarked tossing his textbook aside.
“Because you don’t always treat her the way you should,” Remus snapped, “All she wanted was for you to listen and talk to her.” 
“Do I not already do enough for her? I walk her to class, I let her sleep with me, not to mention that I fuck her pretty much whenever she wants,” Sirius pointed out, “And now I’m still not doing enough?”
James shook his head, sighing harshly. He was disappointed that he still wasn’t getting it. 
“She’s our girl, Padfoot. She responds so well to Moony and me because she knows how much we love her,” James explained, “You’ve got to start treating her like you love her.”
Sirius’ hardened features went light at what James was saying. He looked between his two best friends, who were sharing matching expressions of urgency. Sirius felt a sickening feeling creeping into his stomach that he could feel all the way up into his throat. Had you gone this whole time thinking that he didn’t love you like the other two did?
“But...I do love her.” Sirius spoke, almost in a whisper.
James and Remus looked at one another briefly, a bit relieved that he was maybe starting to see clearly now.
“She doesn’t know that. You’re going to lose her for good if you don’t change some things, Pads.” Remus added once he saw that Sirius was beginning to have a serious breakthrough moment.
That surely got Sirius’ attention. That wasn’t something he wanted at all. It made his heart hurt even to think about possibly never being with you again. He had to fix this, no matter what he had to do or say.
He just hoped that it wasn’t too late.
The remorse and the contrition that he was feeling that had been building up in him over the last three weeks was finally seeping through the cracks of the surface. It was like a fire that just kept spreading and spreading until the only thing he could see were the hot, orange flames and black smoke that would suffocate him if he breathed in too hard. It was like a switch had flipped. He couldn’t stand it anymore. He didn’t care about his pride or his image or his dignity. 
He just wanted you back.
So, the boys began to devise a plan. Sirius admitted that he didn’t know how to even begin apologizing to you. He wasn’t great with apologies, considering that even the word ‘sorry’ probably had only fallen from his mouth only a couple of times in his life. This was going to take some calculation and planning to get it right. 
You had been doing a bang up job of ensuring that you weren’t ever alone with Sirius. You made sure that either James or Remus was by your side whenever you were in Sirius’ presence, to avoid being forced to speak to him. Remus and James were confident that they could get you two in a room alone together. That was the easy part. The hard part would fall to Sirius, which came down to the actual apology.
James and Remus knew you’d be suspicious if Sirius apologized first. You’d likely only think he was apologizing because he was touch starved and wanted sex, not because he cared about you and was terrified of losing you. In their eyes though, as long as he was honest and didn’t lose his cool, you’d be able to see his real intentions.
Remus had told you to meet him in their dorm, and that no one would be there until later in the day. That seemed pretty normal to you, so you didn’t even give it a second thought. The dorm was empty when you arrived, prompting you to slip out of your uniform and into one of Remus’ sweaters all while getting comfortable on his bed. Shortly after you were settled, the three boys congregated just outside the door, whispering in their semi-circle formation.
“You got this, mate. Just be normal and be honest,” James instructed, “I guarantee you that she’s missing you just as much.”
Sirius was nervous. Not because he didn’t know what to say or what to do, but because he had half convinced himself that you had already decided he wasn’t worth your time anymore. He couldn’t live with himself if he was the reason you had left him.
“We’ll be out here just in case you need us,” Remus piped up, “It’s gonna be fine, Pads.”
James and Remus gave Sirius reassuring grins as Sirius took a deep breath before turning the knob of the door. He entered the small dorm room, his heart fluttering when he saw you sitting on Remus’ mattress. Your head snapped up, your face full of delightful expectation for Remus, but it faded just as fast as it came when you saw it was Sirius. He definitely noticed, but tried not to take it to heart. Your eyes were locked in with his, and you could already tell something was up.
“Hey.” Sirius said plainly, and in a bit of a squeak.
“Hi.” You replied.
He was honestly surprised that you actually gave him an answer. He thought you might’ve ignored him completely. The joyous relief that he felt from you actually talking to him was almost enough to send him to his knees, pleading for you to give him another chance. 
His gaze did shift to the book that was placed next to you. It was your Herbology textbook, the same one that Sirius had been studying from earlier that day.
“Studying for Herbology?” Sirius asked, but obviously that wasn’t what he wanted to talk about.
“Yeah,” You answered, unsure of what exactly was happening, “I was just waiting for Remus.”
Sirius nodded, avoiding the sting that burned in his chest at the reminder that he hadn’t truly seen you in almost a month. You looked so comfortable in the large sweater and the blanket that was draped over your lap. Your hair was slightly messy from the breeze outside that you had walked through to get here. Your skin was glowing from the warmth of their room and the sudden interaction you were having with Sirius.
You looked perfect to him.
He knew he needed to say something now. He needed to kick start this conversation before things got awkward and weird. Although, he never minded silence as long as he had you to occupy his every thought. All the things that he had planned to say were abruptly wiped from his mind. He was going out on a limb here, totally about to wing this. He just had to go for it.
“Can I sit?” He questioned, referring to the slight open space next to you.
You nodded hesitantly, shifting over so he could have a little more room. He sat down just about a foot in front of you, both of you turning to face each other. James and Remus were just outside the door, their ears pressed up against the door to be sure they didn’t miss anything.
Sirius looked at you for a few moments, taking in your curious, attentive behavior. He took a breath, and spoke again, but it came out as more of a ramble.
“Baby, I know I’ve hurt your feelings. I didn’t want or mean to hurt your feelings, but sometimes I just say stupid shit and then I’m too proud to admit that I said something stupid and...” He trailed off when he realized that so far he wasn’t saying anything that you didn’t already know. 
This was yet another reminder that Sirius wasn’t a great talker. But he wanted to let you know the things that you didn’t already know. He wanted you to know that he was truly sorry. He was sorry for ever making you feel like you weren’t worth anything to him. 
He wanted you to know that you were his world.
“I miss you,” He began again, preparing for any possible reaction from you,  “I’m sorry for everything I said. I’m sorry that I hurt you...I never, ever wanted to do that.”
Your silence wasn’t because you weren’t believing what he was saying or because you didn’t want to listen. You were silent because you were floored that this was happening. Never in a million years did you think that you’d be sitting here listening to a real, heartfelt apology from Sirius Black. The thought of you leaving him had really scared him, and you could see it.
“I know I’m different from Moony and Prongs. They’re a bit better at this than I am,” He admitted, “But that doesn’t mean I don’t care about you.”
Truth be told, you weren’t really mad at Sirius anymore. You could never stay angry at him. Your whole avoid-Sirius-at-all-costs routine hadn’t exactly been a walk in the park for you either. There were several times where you were tempted to just let it go and forget about it. But now you were glad that you hadn’t done that, because you would’ve lost this opportunity to understand one another a little better.
“All I had wanted that day was to talk to you. I like talking to you,” You explained, “I just get frustrated when you don’t want to listen and the only thing you can think about is fucking me.”
Sirius sighed, his eyes diverting to his hands that were fiddling with the edge of the blanket in your lap. He had known that the other two boys were right, but hearing it come from you made him feel even more guilty.
“I know. I guess I’m just not good at talking. It’s not that I didn’t want to, it’s just...not what I’m good at. I’m sorry that I made you feel like you weren’t important,” Sirius confessed, “But I do love you. And I don’t want to go another day without you.”
Another silence filled the room, one that had Sirius’ heart pounding in his chest. He felt like his entire life was on the line. Like, his entire fate was resting on whatever you were going to say or do next. You had every right to get up and walk out and never speak to him again. He knew he had crossed so many lines so many times that it was a wonder you were still here. He just hoped that you’d give him another chance. He hoped that he deserved another chance.
You were starstruck. You were completely touched and moved by what he had said. Maybe it wasn’t the most flawless apology ever. Maybe it was a little rough around the edges with a couple of hiccups. But deep down it was true, honest, and pure. 
Just like the Sirius Black that you had come to love.
He didn’t have anything else to say, and he hoped that what he had said was enough. Your warm hand came to his face, his head lulling into your palm when you brought his worried eyes to look at you once more. 
“I love you. I promise you don’t have to go without me anymore.” You smiled, accepting his apology and offering your forgiveness.
All color returned to Sirius’ face, his shoulders relaxing and his chest releasing a bated breath. You captured his lips into a needy kiss, one that was nothing short of long awaited. Sirius’ hands came to the side of your neck, his blood pumping in his ears. He had missed this. 
He had missed you.
He was even more thrilled when you crawled over into his lap, his hands guiding your legs around him as he refused to let you go from his lips. Although, when the other two boys came bursting in, your hot make out session was forced to a halt. They came in as if they had no idea what was going on, fake surprised expressions plastered on their faces.
“Well, hello there.” James chided with a smirk.
“Did we miss something?” Remus asked.
You and Sirius only laughed, as the four of you crammed together on Remus’ bed. Sirius continued to pepper kisses wherever he could while you craned your head to look at James as he spoke.
“So, I guess the two of you got things worked out?” James acquired. 
“We sure did.” You smiled, giggling when Sirius’ kisses brushed against a particularly sensitive spot on your neck.
Your lips found his again, Sirius leaning you back onto the mattress and keeping secured there. When your breathing began to get heavy and your noises became a little hungrier, James and Remus announced their exit.
“Well, I suppose Prongs and I will leave you to it.” Remus winked.
Sirius broke the kiss only to respond, but that didn’t stop you from leaning upwards to suck on his pulse point, not even phased by what Remus had said.
“You two aren’t going to stick around?” Sirius wondered, groaning as your hips rolled into his quickly hardening dick through his pants.
James shrugged.
“We’ll let it slide this time,” He said triumphantly, ushering Remus out the door, “Besides, the two of you have some catching up to do.”
Sirius let out a guttural laugh as he took a moment to look down at you. You looked so beautiful sprawled out underneath him; your lips swollen from the kissing and your eyes blown with lustful expectation. He knew he’d never be able to take you for granted again.
“My pretty girl...” He mewled, “I love you. A million times over I’ll tell you that I love you.”
“I love you, Siri,” You hummed, swiping a loose piece of hair from his forehead, “Now make me cum the way I know you know how to.”
Sirius chuckled lowly at your boldness, his pupils dilating at the flush of arousal that sent through him. You knew better than to tell him how to run his show, but he knew this was a special occasion, so he didn’t mind taking an order or two. 
“Well, now, what happened to ‘sex doesn’t fix everything’?” Sirius joked.
“It doesn’t, but we already fixed what needed to be fixed by talking,” You smiled, “Now we just both get something we want.”
Sirius laughed out loud, continuing his shower of kisses and swiping your skirt off in one swift move, your body squirming with anticipation. He felt confident that things would be better now. He was more than thankful that he had another shot at this. He was happy he had you back, and the four of you could go back to normal.
And now things would be even better than before.
Tags: @justadreamyhufflepuff​ @satellitespidey​ @blackpinkdolan​ @gubleryum​ @gxtitobxby​ @risingtripletaurus​​
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renjiokumura · 3 years
Poor, Unfortunate Me:
Chapter 3
Summary: What if Ben didn’t fall in love with Mal? Find out the answer in Poor, Unfortunate Me. A story about the lesser known and evil second daughter of Ursula and how she gets the love she has been searching for her whole life.
A/N: I'm doing this off my phone so if the formatting is funky, it's because I'm not on my laptop. Also I didn't add a collage this time, and I might not in the future, because I think y'all understand the look I was going for and have a great imagination for these things.
Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 (You're Here) / 4 (Coming Soon)
As soon as you got back to your dorm and Evan saw you crying, she asked what was wrong and tried to calm you down. You told her what happened while twisting the truth to protect the others. She just held you and told you everything would be better. To make you feel more relaxed, she broke out some hidden treats and some self spa tools, saying she was going to pamper you.
15 minutes into the mini spa, you already felt 100 times better.
“Thanks Evan. This is the first time I've ever done a spa.” you say with an avocado mask on your face, laying on your bed with Evan right next to you.
With the same avocado mask on her face and 2 cucumber slices on her eyes, Evan says, “I can't believe you’ve never done this before. Not even with your sister?”
You sit up and look at your lap, taking a moment before you answer her question.
“No, she can't stand me, because I'm too soft. Family is not the same on the Isle as it is here. Just cause we're related doesn't mean you have to love or care for each other. You got to look out for yourself.” Your voice is heavy with years of loneliness. When you don't hear anything from Evan but a sniffle, you look to the side to see what's wrong.
Evan, with her adorable self, has tears running down her face full of avocado while she sticks a cucumber in her mouth. She sits up and while chewing the cucumber slice, she says, “That's so sad! I'll be your new sister!” you don't want to laugh, but the scene in front of you makes it hard.
“Why are you laughing? I mean it. I want to be your sister!” She says with the other slice of cucumber in her mouth. It makes you laugh harder, which results in her pouting like a little child.
After a minute you finally calm down enough to talk to her. “I'm sorry. I've never seen something so funny,” she gives you a look, “And sweet. I want to be your sister too. Come here.” you open up your arms for a hug and she takes it.
When you guys pull apart from the hug you both look each other up and down then bust out laughing. During the hug, you guys got avocado all over each other. It was all on both of your clothes. “I trust that you won't freak out when I do this.” Before she can question what you mean, you say a little spell, flick your wrist, and all the avocado is gone.
“OMG, you have magic!?” she excitedly said. You nodded ‘yes’, which resulted in a squeal from her. Her excitement was infectious and made you giddy too.
The rest of the night you guys played around with magic, until you guys fell asleep. But during your good time, the others were making a love potion cookies among other things.
After Lonnie left the kitchen, Mal put the cookies in the oven. In the silence of the kitchen the tension between the group was almost palpable, but Carlos soon broke it.
“Mal, what you said back there to Y/N was very uncalled for. Just because you and her sister have beef doesn't mean you can take it out on her.” Evie and Jay nodded to what Carlos said.
Mal is trying to hold her ground by staring Carlos down, but the guilt is too much. She huffs defeated and looks to her feet. “I know! I know… It’s just we have a mission to complete and if we don't,” she pauses looking up at the others equally frightened faces, then continues, “I don't want to think about if we don't.” The air is heavy with emotions.
The same thoughts all go through their minds in the silence of the room. They all started liking Auradon, but they wouldn’t say it out loud to each other. Here they could do and be whoever and whatever they wanted to be without worry of judgment or consequences. But when they thought about it they don't belong here. They had to remind themselves they were evil and belong to the Isle. Though, in reality, none of that was true.
They had been so lost in their thoughts, that when the timer broke the deafening silence, they all collectively jumped in surprise. They all shared a look before they all walked over to see how the cookies came out.
Mal takes out the cookies and places them on the prep table. “I think these are ready. So do we all know what the plan is for tomorrow?” They all nodded in unison.
After cleaning up, they make their way back to their dorm rooms. Jay and Carlos get to their room first, which leaves Evie and Mal to still get back to their room. When they finally get back, Evie stops Mal before she enters the room.
“You are going to apologize to Y/N, right? Just because we are evil doesn't mean we don't have manners.” Evie can understand where Y/N is coming from and hopefully Mal can too.
“Yeah, Yeah. Only so we can make her our ally again.” Evie knew Mal was actually doing it because Isle kids stick together, but if it helped Mal sleep at night she wasn't going to say anything.
When morning rolled around you felt like something good was going to happen, but it was going to have bad consequences. Letting that thought linger in the back of your mind, you thought about how first period would go after what went down. At least you knew that if Mal came after you again, Evan was coming after her. Yup, reassuring.
Evan was nice enough to walk you to your first period class, since you usually went with the others. When you got there, everyone looked at you, with sorry written all over their faces. Evie put her hand on Mal's shoulder, which prompted Mal to get out of her seat and walk over to you.
When she was finally standing in front of you, Evan stepped forward eyeing up Mal like she wasn't Maleficent’s daughter. “If you hurt my sister,” she points her thumb over her shoulder at you, “I’ll hurt you.” Your surprised by the protective nature of Evan, but let her do her thing.
Mal’s surprised too, but also impressed, so she tells Evan she understands. With that Evan hugs you goodbye and walks to her class. Once Mal has you alone, she says something you'd never expect from her. An apology.
“I want to say sorry about yesterday. What I said was not cool. Can you forgive me?” she asks, looking at you expectantly.
“Water under the bridge. Now let's get to learning.” She smirks at you, and you guys walk to your seats.
During break the group tells you about the love potion plan and you agree to help as much as possible. It hurts you to help destroy any and all chances of getting Ben, but you still feel obligated to help them and something is telling you to do so too. They tell you the plan is going to happen after school at Mal’s locker, so you just wait till then.
When the bell rings ending school, you shoot up out of your seat and run out of class since Mal’s locker is on the other side of school. This causes Evan to follow you, though. You guys always walk from 5th period back to your dorm, so she thought something had to be wrong
By running, you made it just in time. Ben had just taken a bite out of the cookie, when something roughly bumps into you, sending you into Ben’s arms.
Ben is looking down into your eyes and is holding you against his body to keep you from falling.
“Y/N, are you okay?” You nodded too speechless and dazed to verbally answer. The next thing Ben ask you truly knocks you out more than the mystery object that got you the first time.
“But did it hurt?” his slight pause gives you a chance to be confused, then he finishes. “When you fell from heaven?” At that cheesy pick-up line, everyone's jaw dropped, especially yours. You honestly couldn't believe your ears.
“Ben, Are you okay?” You ask ,being able to finally stand on your own legs, but Ben still has his arms wrapped around your thick waist.
“I'm fine, but not as fine as you, sweet thang.” he says with a love struck smile on his face which you promptly covered with your hands so he would stop flirting.
“Jay can you pull him off me, please?” Jay comes to your rescue and gently pries him off of you. Once Jay has him, he asks Ben, “Has your world been worked?”
The answer to Jay's question comes in the form of a song lyric. Looking you in the eyes, Ben sings, “You know you do.” (quoting one of Michael Jackson’s songs). At that you become flustered and turn around, not wanting to drag out your embarrassment.
When you turn around to see what pushed you into Ben, you see Evan.“Evan, what are you doing here?” she opened her mouth to answer, but you interrupted her. “Wait, were you the reason I fell into Ben?” When you said that, she became a little sheepish as she answered.
“Yes,” she whispered, “But I was only running in behind you to see if you were Ok because you left class so suddenly...sorry.” Hearing her explanation only made you smile. You could never be mad at her.
“There's no need to be sorry. You were concerned about me and I appreciate that you care enough to check up on me.” With that said you hugged her. During your talk with Evan, the boys left to get ready for their game.
Once you pull out of your hug, you look towards Mal and Evie and see they both have an urgent look on their faces. “Uh, you want to go to the field and save us some seats in the bleachers?” you ask Evan nervously. She nods ‘yes’ and runs off to the game.
“What was that?!” Mal asked incredulously.
“I’m so sorry guys. It was an accident. I tripped,” you said apologetically, “But you can fix this right?”
“No, there is no time. You’ll just have to become his girlfriend.” She said nonchalantly.
“Wait, what?!” your jaw was practically hitting the floor.
You guess this was the good thing that you felt coming, but unfortunately you knew it was going to end badly.
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accioprozac · 4 years
Jealous : Fred Weasley x Reader
Summary: You’d known the Weasley twins since 1st year and had been pining after Fred nearly as long. You knew it wasn’t requited, Fred treated you like he treated Ginny, like a little sister. Your crush on him was painfully obvious, almost everyone knew except Fred. Still, you were holding out hope. Then Fred asked Angelina to the Yule Ball and you felt your heart spilt in two. But despite Fred’s apparent disinterest in you romantically, he still attempts to sabatoge all your dates and you’re getting sick of it.
Warnings: Swearing
Author’s note: Please interact! Also, I wrote this on my phone so sorry if the spelling and format is a bit wonky.
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“The Yule Ball is coming up,” you mention, trying to keep your voice light, “Are you going to ask anyone?”
George gives you a knowing look and you glare at him. He knew about your not-so-secret crush on Fred. Hell, almost everyone did, except Fred. You weren’t exactly good at hiding your feelings.
“I have someone in mind,” he grins slyly.
“Really? Who?” You ask, a bit too excitedly, and he gives you an amused look. “Come on Fred, tell me!” You wheedle but he puts a finger to his lips, zipping them shut.
“I’ll give you a hint,” he starts, “She’s in Gryffindor.”
Well obviously,” George snorts. Fred gives him a look that says what’s that supposed to mean? “You barely talk to any Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws are too smart to put up with your shit and Slytherins? I’m pretty sure that whole house hates you after the prank we pulled last year.”
Fred’s eyes light up at the mention of the prank and he enthusiastically starts to recount Snape’s reaction to his House’s robes being turned red and gold.
“He didn’t say much, but do you think he could be talking about me?” you ask Hermione anxiously as you both get ready for bed.
“Well it would make sense. You are the girl he spends the most time with.”
“I hope he asks me,” you say wistfully, “Night Hermione.”
“Goodnight Y/N.”
The next morning, Hermione’s forehead is wrinkled in thought when you sit down for breakfast, “Y/N,” she starts, “I heard from Lavender Brown who heard from Katie Bell that Fred asked Angelina to the Yule Ball.” Her lips are pursed as she anxiously studies your face for some type of reaction.
“Oh,” you say dejectedly, “Good for him.”
“I’m sorry Y/N,” Ginny says sympathetically, “My brother is an idiot.”
You give her a weak smile back.
A few days later, Ernie Macmillan comes up to you and nervously asks you to Hogsmead. He’s sweating profusely but you secretly admire his bravery. You accept and the date is fairly uneventful, mostly consisting of playful banter, and he walks you back to the Gryffindor common room, kissing your cheek chastely before departing.
Fred and George caught sight of the kiss and Fred snorts, “A Hufflepuff?”
“What’s wrong with Hufflepuff?” You demand, crossing your arms.
“Nothing. Nothing at all,” he mutters before angrily storming off. George mouths “sorry, I’ll talk to him,” before following Fred.
Ernie doesn’t talk to you again after that date. Every time you approach him, he finds some reason to leave quickly. You couldn’t lie, it was hurtful, was the date that bad? He seemed almost scared to be around you.
A boy from Durmstang ends up asking you to the Yule Ball. His name is Ansen. He’s tall and has nice eyes, so you accept. Maybe you aren’t in love with him, but he’s a nice distraction from Fred. You get along with him well enough, you both like quidditch and chocolate frogs. He’s not a bad dancer either, he twirls you around and that combined with your F/C dress makes you feel like a princess.
When the Yule Ball ends, he walks you back to the Gryffindor tower and wishes you a good night.
When you enter the common room, George and Fred are talking in harsh whispers, heads bowed. Both of them are still in their Yule Ball suit. Fred looks up and seems a bit annoyed, “Who’s that bloke you went to the ball with?”
“His name is Asen, he goes to Durmstang,” you say, shrinking a bit under Fred’s glare. “He’s really nice,” you added, just because you could.
“You went with him??” Fred huffed, sounding a bit disbelieving. “He’s Bulgarian, how do you guys even talk?”
George grinned, “I bet there’s not much talking involved when they get together.” You shoot him a look, not helping George.
Ginny glares at them from a armchair by the fireplace, the splitting image of her mother, and they shrunk under her angry gaze. “Stop being gits,” she grabs my hand and pulls me to the girls dormitory, “Tell me everything.”
Once you’re done recounting the date, she smiles, “He sounds nice.”
“He is.”
“You don’t sound too happy,” Ginny notes innocently.
“I know,” you sigh. “I just wish I that Fred had asked me.”
Ginny winces, “I know the feeling.” Harry, right.
“I’m sorry Gin.”
“Boys are stupid, who needs them?”
“Here, here,” Hermione agrees from her bed, her voice is thick with tears and muffled slightly by her pillow.
“I’m going to kill Ron.”
The next day, Ansen’s hair is bright blue. When you try to talk to him, he seems disgruntled and brushes you aside, muttering something about “stupid Weasley twins” and “she’s not worth the trouble.” You narrow your eyes and put two and two together. Fred and George.
You storm up to them and Fred gives you an annoyed look as you cut of his conversation with Angelina.
“You two are unbelievable! You can’t just prank everyone I try to date,” your voice raises a bit and you know you’re making a scene, but you’re to mad to care. You can feel onlookers burning holes into your back with their curious stares.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Fred drawls and George quickly removes himself from the situation, putting his hands up like don’t get me involved.
“You dyed Ansen’s hair blue and now he won’t speak to me,” you shoot a glare at him, “Not to mention whatever you did to poor Ernie.”
“We prank everyone,” he says defensively.
“You scared them away,” your voice is accusatory.
“Well if they’re that easily scared away, they’re not worth your time,” he replies breezily.
“You don’t get to do this,” you repeat. Your voice is quiet but shakes with anger and hurt.
“Why not?” Fred asks, looking a bit sullen.
“Because you don’t get to do this. You don’t get to ruin all my chances of love after you broke my heart,” your eyes widen at your thoughtless confession.
He gaped silently for a moment, “When I broke your heart?”
“You took Angelina to the Yule Ball.” At his blank look, you felt your face grow hot with anger, “You know what? Forget it. Fuck you Fred Weasley. Stay out of my life”
“Wait, Y/N!” He scrabbles up and grabs your wrist. You jerk it away from him, feeling like he burned you, before running into the girls dormitory.
Hermione, who had been silently watching the exchange, set her book down, “Fred Weasley, you are a compete arse,” she hissed before running after you.
She finds you lying face flat on your bed, “Y/N? I’m sorry about Fred, boys are idiots.”
You let out a watery laugh, “I hate him,” you pause, “but I also love him and he doesn’t love me back and it’s hurts, Mione.”
“I know,” she sighed, wrapping you in a hug. You allow yourself to cry on her shoulder and she glares at the wall behind you, thinking of all the things she wanted to do to Fred Weasley for hurting you.
You avoid the Fred for a whole week and you’re absolutely miserable. You’ve been spending more time with Hermione which is fun and all, but you missed George(and maybe Fred too). It’s not that you were mad at George, but if you spoke to him, Fred would probably be there. You made sure to continue to smile at George in hallways but your face would turn icy at the arrival of Fred.
The next week, you’re walking to potions and Fred grabs you and pulls you into an empty classroom. “I need to talk to you,” he says.
You sigh wearily and avoid his gaze, “What do you want Fred? Can’t you just leave me alone?”
“I want you.” His voice is so earnest and when you look up to meet his eyes, he’s smiling nervously, hands wrung together.
You look away, “No, you don’t. You’re just saying that because you can’t stand seeing me with another boy and no longer fawning over you like a lovesick little girl.” Your tone is venomous and you take a step back, preparing to leave but his voice stops you.
“That’s not true,” he says defensively, “I fancy you, I think I always have. It just took seeing you with another bloke for me to realize.”
“What about Angelina?”
“I don’t love her, I love you,” his frank declaration stuns you into silence.
“You love me?” your voice is a hoarse whisper.
His face flushes and you hate that you still find him endearing after everything he’s done, he nods solemnly, “I do. I know I’ve been awful to you these past weeks and I don’t blame you if you don’t want to see me.”
You feel your resolve crumbling, “I’m still mad at you but I do miss being friends.” You don’t address the love confession, you were still too mad and hurt for that.
“I’ll make it up to you Y/N, I promise.”
He stays true to his word. He walks you to every class and even apologizes to Ernie, who is no longer avoiding you. He doesn’t try to demand anything from you or push you, leaving everything up to you. Slowly, you begin to trust him again and can feel your relationship shifting from friends to something else.
Your first kiss is at the end of the school year. You say goodbye to George and turn to Fred, nervously aware of his family standing a few steps away. “Write to me?” you ask and he nods. You stand on your tip toes and peck him on the lips, quickly. He stares at you in shock for a moment before gently grabbing your waist and pulling you in for another a kiss that leaves you both breathless. You can hear his brothers hollering in the distance and Molly scolds them.
When you pull apart, Fred’s face is almost as red as his hair, “Bye Y/N, I’ll uh- see you next year,” he pauses, “Or maybe you could come to the Burrow sometime during the summer? You don’t have to but I reckon Mum would love to have you, and I would too of course-“
You cut off his rambling with a laugh, “I’d love to Freddie.”
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kojinnie · 3 years
The Impossible Request | Levi Ackerman
Based on the request by a lovely anon here. As always, I apologize for putting a little bit of angst into what was supposed to be a full-on fluff :(
levi ackerman x reader; fluff/angst; 2032 words
Captain Levi Ackerman left you with an impossible request during your last ride to the forest with him.
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Throughout the whole journey Levi kept looking at you, throwing worried glances frequently at the strange way you rode your horse through the forest. A moment ago, you were about to ride yourself and your horse to a certain death offered by a cliff by the side of the trail. If it wasn’t for your horse’s trained instinct, you’d be a tragic story of a silly death by now.
Admittedly, your focus was not on the trail of the forest hill, nor was it on the hurdles of vines and fallen branches splayed all over your pathway. Levi had to keep screaming at you to keep you from bringing your horse to an accident. Your focus was somewhere else, a distant place that a soldier must not dwell within too long. The unfamiliarity of this place caught you off-guard and as evident by the harrowing way you ride the horse, it has come to ensnare you.
As the thickness of the forest started to dissipate to an open field that overlooked the castle where Survey Corps was stationed at, Levi abruptly changed his direction and stopped your way. Your horse squealed in shock and reared up in effect, almost throwing you to the ground.
The Captain immediately jumped off the horse and darted a piercing stare at you, “Get off. Now.” The way he commanded you sent a shiver down your spine, that tone – his battlefield sternness returned, something far different than the somewhat casual Levi that you have grown to be close with during your off-duty season in the castle with him and the Corps.
It was a scarce occurrence to hear him used that tone far from the warfare. You knew he was enraged. You whimpered almost inaudibly, trying to calm your own racing heartbeat as well as to calm your horse down by patting her cheek, before climbing off of her. The Captain immediately yanked your arms and brought you to the side, under the aid of a huge willow tree whose leaves were yellowing with the arrival of Autumn.
The anger was palpable on his pale face, “Are you—” he was immediately dismayed by the surprising hike in his own tone, something that was almost unprecedented of him. The captain knew that he couldn’t let his rage overcome him. He sighed out of annoyance as he came to maintain his composure, “Are you trying to kill yourself?”
“I’m sorry, Captain.”
“You were riding like you’ve got a stick up your ass.”
“I know. Sorry—I—”
“If you want to die, then just tell me. Hange can use you up for experiments.”
“Captain, I—”
There was a momentary silence looming over the two of you. Levi waited for your response but he scoffed and walked away to the edge of the hill when another second passed with your inability to bring any form of coherence in your words. Your heart sunk in disappointment.
Levi squatted and looked afar to the castle. You could see his torso heaved; it was obvious that he was trying to pace his breath from the suppressed anger. You couldn’t bring yourself to admit of what made you so distraught. The idea that a mere emotional disappointment had led you, a trained soldier, to almost kill yourself for not being able to ride your horse right, is of something preposterous. You were ashamed and girded by guilt. As a soldier, you had let emotion distraught your aptitude.
“Tell me or don’t tell me – whatever,” Levi finally broke the silence without looking at you. Your only view of him was his heaving back, “I already knew.”
You knew of it already, but his reiteration shriveled the last hope you had that the Deployment Letter you received this morning was still bound to change, “You can’t do anything to change it?”
“No. I’m a soldier, and it’s my duty to obey,” Levi spoke. You wished you could feel even the tiniest bit of an upset in his words, but there was little to none, “you have been asked for the Garrison. Effective tomorrow. You shall no longer be here when Eren Jaeger arrives. Erwin’s decision, signed by Commander Pyxis.”
It had been three years since you were assigned to the elite Levi Squad by his own choice. Within those years as well, you had seen yourself grown seasoned by the battles alongside your entrusted Captain, as you fought the mouth of deaths countless times together. Naturally, parting apart alive would be hard for you.
People of the Walls knew him as the humanity’s strongest soldier, would they gape in knowing that humanity’s hope needed to stay humane in order to be their beacon of strength? And that was your duty for him – keeping him humane. Even if it was just to learn his meticulous way of brewing his own tea, so when he was injured and bed-ridden, he would still be aided with the warmth of his favorite drink. Even if it was just helping him tying his cravat when his hand was occupied with paper works. Even if it’s just a sleepless night with him at the library as he learned the offense strategy for the upcoming expedition. You’d done all that with no words spoken of how fond you were of him. Even when your smile arose when he finally let you massaged his strained back, or when your fingers touched the bare skin on his back when you were tending his battle scars, you were adamant to let the feelings simmer in painful silence.
In keeping him humane, you must set aside what you want of him. Your childish imagination and desire to settle with him. After all, Levi was a man unbounded, and in certain liberty shall he thrive for humanity. So, you never spoke how much your heart fluttered when he rode in full-speed to save you from the monstrous titan holding you in their grasp. The way he stayed awake, sitting by your bedside all night after a near-death incident that left you barely conscious for a week. You had sworn to bring this truth to death, but you were conscious when, out of desperation, he ran his calloused fingers through the mess of your hair, stroking your temple soft with the coarseness of his fingers as he whispered in prayer, “Please stay alive, please stay alive…” and then Levi spoke of your name, calling out to what was left of you after a bloody expedition. He called for you, not in the stern command the Captain would utter in the battlefield, but with tenderness of a man bound by grievance.
Had you grown a space in your heart to love me? Was the question that hung in your throat when you finally gained consciousness after the injury, where Petra shrieked in relief and happiness, calling out for the others, and then she said, “Welcome back. We miss you terribly. The Captain has been gaunt without you.”
The question throbbed again with simple little things he did. When he shoved more mashed potato to your empty plate, “Eat more,” he would say with more of a grunt rather than a warm suggestion; The tender pat on the back when you successfully cleared your final task; The palpable look of agitation when you returned from an impromptu hunting trip with Eld in the forest that led him wary of your whereabout for two nights – in all those moments, you wished you had the courage to ask him the question: Had you grown a space in your heart to love me? Or were you just being a good leader to your comrades?
The sun was beginning to set on the horizon. The wind breezed through the forest, blowing the yellowed leaves off of its branches, drenching the two of you in the solemn noise of Autumn. Couple of hours ago, Levi had taken you to ride to the forest to collect firewood for supplies, but even then you knew that wasn’t what you rode here for. Levi sat on the dirty ground and sighed, “Come here.” He looked at you, and softly pat the ground by his side.
Levi knew that he assumed a great deal of obligation. He wasn’t daft, he’d grown aware of the murmurs that people left on his path, ‘Look, it’s the humanity’s strongest soldier – Captain Levi Ackerman!’ then when he wasn’t so well-guarded, he’d catch the way those children look up to him with earnest amazement. Those wondrous eyes. The innocence of faultless children is the thing he had sworn to protect when he braced another expedition beyond the wall, at the expense of everything that made him humane – delicacy, tenderness, warmth, and love. But then Levi met you, and since then he began to wonder: ‘What if? What if? What if?’
Levi knew the feeling he had grown to have for you was starting to cloud his judgment when he almost broke the formation to save you from the mouth of a titan. He remembered the awful feeling of riding back to the camp, with your bloodied form on his lap, to be greeted by the discerning look of disappointment from his own comrades. Later that night, as much as the expedition was a success with minimum casualty, Erwin sat him down and bludgeoned him with the fact that negated every virtue Levi had ever stood for, “You compromised the whole formation with your rash action.”
Compromised. Rash action.
The words that had brought Levi to a prolonged regret. Who he was with you, was not the person Levi devoted his heart for. Levi knew he needed to stop. His allegiance was to humanity, to Commander Erwin Smith – and not to you.
As you sat down by his side, he finally looked at you, and smiled. So scarce of the captain, but when he did, you could feel it was genuine.
“I am going to ask you a question,” Levi said, his grey eyes darkened underneath the warm dusk, “and you don’t have to answer it right now.”
You nodded obediently.
“Do you think all this will end? To live in constant fear of death, and,” there was a momentary pause in his sentence. Uncharacteristic of him, as if he was trying to fight his own fright that was starting to nestle deep in his mind, “have ourselves carrying the last bits of humanity’s hope?”
You remained silent as he carried on, “If no, then understand that your re-assignment is a necessity. For the greater good. But if yes, that you believe that this monstrosity will all end eventually, then, I hope…”
“Yes, Captain?”
Levi looked down at the soil where your hands and his were laying side by side. There was a somber smile beginning to rise from his face. He dragged his finger to tangle with yours rather cautiously. You greeted the awkward gesture with open heart, as you slithered your fingers into his grip.
“I hope, you will have the heart to welcome me home…”
“…to you.”
The words drowned you into a deafening silence, no matter that the Autumn breeze was starting to grow stronger as the sun succumbed into the night, no matter that your heart was thumping in all kinds of inexplicable agony – all you could hear was the void of nothingness, in which no matter how close you were to him, you could feel Levi drifting away from you.
Deep down, you knew that none of this walking nightmare they called life was ever going to end. You knew that each one of you was cursed to live the life in wretched reality. You always thought that he had known of it all along, out of so many people, you thought Levi would be the one to never look forward to a future of peace, for peace was an absurd concept as long as humanity was still trapped within the Walls.
And it broke your heart to gain understanding that Levi still had hopes for it. For the unattainable peace. With you.
He had believed in a future that you thought was impossible, and with it you realized that so would be your future with him.
As the sun finally slid to its resting peace, you brought your body closer to his embrace. He brought your face closer to him, he smiled before landing a kiss on your forehead. The genuine kind, of innocence that was so strange in the world of horrors. The kind of warmth he had longed for so many nights with the thought of you. And finally, you smiled at his words, “Yes, I will.” nodding at the impossible request.
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starlightrows · 3 years
4 — The New King
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The Queen of Tatooine Masterlist
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Pairing: Boba Fett x reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: Discussion of losing parents, mention of disordered eating, bed sharing
Summary: Saved from an untimely death by starvation and exposure, Boba offers you a place in his palace
*This chapter contains an Easter Egg for an upcoming series that severely deviates from canon*
When you wake up your head is throbbing and you feel sick to your stomach, you’re so hungry. But the one thing you don’t feel, is cold. In fact you’re actually quite warm and comfortable at the moment. You crack your eyes open and are confused to find yourself wrapped in a worn blue blanket, laying in what looks like a large storage closet with a mattress on the floor.
You peer out the open door and see you’re on a ship. How did this happen? Who’s ship is this? Suddenly your stomach growls loudly… you smell something… something good. It doesn’t matter who’s ship this is, you have to eat whatever it is that smells that good.
You clamber out of the sleeping closet and see Boba turning off a hot plate and sealing a bag that surely must contain dehydrated food. He turns when he hears you.
You stare at him, at the food. You’re confused and starving. Having no idea what to stay you just stand there.
He offers you a hand, a gesture to approach “It’s not the most flavorful or healthy dining option” he says “but it’s hot, and will be ready in just a few minutes”
You step closer cautiously and look up at his face “How did you find me?” You ask in an unsteady voice
“I went back to the inn and saw what happened to it. And the town. Followed the road, I figured you’d take the shorter path with water even though it would be uphill and colder” he explains, handing you the sealed bag and a long handled spoon. You open the bag and dig in, not even caring what it is. “Eat slowly Princess, you’ll make yourself sick”
He’s right. You’ve seen it before. Travelers who haven’t eaten in days… weeks even… come to the inn and eat a lot of food in a short period of time… they land up retching in the woods behind the inn. So you slow down and actually taste the food as you eat it.
You make it about half way through the meal before you feel a little sick. You don’t normally eat this much food to begin with. So you set aside the bag of food and let your stomach settle. Boba is eating from a similar bag of food. You study your current meal companion and apparent savior.
“Why did you come back? Why did you come after me?” You ask
“I told you I would” he says “I came back to extend you an invitation, to come to Tatooine”
“You want me to go to Tatooine with you?” You're surprised by that. Sure he’s said it the last time you’d met, but you didn’t think he’d meant it. Men who pass through little towns like yours generally don’t keep promises to return.
“You don’t have to by any means” he says “But the offer is on the table”
“I can’t exactly refuse, can I? My home and businesses are gone…” This is coming out all wrong. This man just saves your life and you’re treating him like he planned this all out “I’m sorry… that was rude and ungrateful”
“You are not wrong” he points out “Put it another way. As you have said, you can’t go back. So I’ll offer you a choice, Princess. Come with me to Tatooine, or tell me anywhere you’d like to go and I will take you there”
“You would really do that? Just ferry me anywhere in the galaxy or take me back with you to Tatooine? That is a kindness I can’t repay”
“You already have. You saved my life that night in the storm. And I did promise you I would come back for you”
“Why?” You ask in a whisper “why would you come all the way back here? You owe me nothing… even if I did let you come in that night”
“Because you made an impression, little one. I found myself thinking about the sweet innkeeper at the edge of the universe often. Even before you saved my life. I always planned on coming back for you, I only wish I had done so sooner”
You let his words sink in. I always planned on coming back for you. You can feel your heart beating in your chest and your cheeks flushing with heat. “I’ll go with you” you say softly “back to Tatooine… Let me work in the kitchens or something to be useful in your household”
“We can talk about that later” He chuckles. “I know it isn’t flavorful, but I want you to eat and get more rest. Replenish your strength”
Your stomach is full, given that you usually don’t eat heavily on a regular basis. But he’s right, you know you need to eat more. Not just right now to recover from hypothermic exposure, but in general. That’s always been a struggle for you. But you do try. The food is right there, and he has been kind enough to offer it you freely.
Boba returns to the cockpit to manually fly his ship, you force yourself to eat at least a few more bites of the rehydrated food he prepared for you. You take the blanket from the cot where you woke up with you, and climb up into the cockpit to sit with him.
He doesn’t turn when you slide into the seat next to him but he does when he notices you wrapping the blanket over your shoulders.
“Apologies Princess” he says “This ship was not built for comfort”
“It’s alright. Just a little cold” you run the edge of the blanket between your finger tips
“You won’t be cold when we reach Tatooine” he chuckles
“No, I suppose not. I’ve heard Tatooine’s binary suns make it so that nothing grows” you can’t imagine it. A world where nothing grows. You grew up in the greenery of a forested planet, at the base of a mountain with rich soil for growing vegetables.
“Tatooine is rather desolate” he admits “Most of the palace is actually built underground to keep cool”
“The palace” you muse “And how does being king suit you so far?”
“The Hutt’s left that place a mess. The palace and their business affairs. It’s all been a nightmare cleaning it up” he admits “My partner Fennec and I have only been able to clear out a few rooms, the business affairs take precedent”
The word partner pulls you up short. Your heart sinks. Partner… your mind immediately jumps to significant other. If that’s the case, then why is he inviting you into their space? Does this person know Boba has made this journey to see you? Do they know he’s bringing you back with him? Your mind races, and you feel a bit measure of panic setting in. What if this partner has no idea, and gets angry? What if this situation turns sour and you have to figure out somewhere else to go?
“You’re awfully quiet” Boba observes “Have I said something to offend you?”
You figure you may as well ask… better to know what you’re walking into rather than go in blind. “Your partner” you swallow the waver in your voice “What are they like?”
“She’s a former bounty hunter like me” he says
Oh no… now you’re really in trouble…
“Hmm… and she’s just fine with you flying off to the edge of the galaxy to visit an innkeeper?” you try not to make the question sound like an accusation.
He turns to look at you with the ghost of a smile on his lips “You misunderstand little one. Fennec is my business and hunting partner. She has no influence or opinion over my personal affairs”
Relief floods your heart, followed instantly by embarrassment. “Oh, that’s… that’s good I suppose. I just didn’t want… I didn’t mean… I just don’t want to cause problems”
“You’re not causing problems. I offered this to you, and to be honest I am glad you accepted,” he admits
That makes you feel better, a little more at ease. In that moment, you realize why you’d reacted so suddenly and severely in your mind. You like him.
You haven’t had many crushes in your life, not a ton of opportunity for it. When you were young there were a few other kids your age in the settlement, maybe one or two of them caught your interest, a few secret kisses in the barn or behind the one roomed school building, but it never lasted, and for good reason. The people who passed through your inn were never really the type you had interest in either. Until now…
Hours pass sitting in the cockpit next to him, chatting about your life in the settlement and his traveling on his own since the age of ten.
You don’t want to pry, but you do make a comment on it “Ten is quite young to be on your own”
“You said yourself you were young when your parents passed and left you with the inn” he points out
“Suppose loss like that makes a person independent” you sigh
“Would have been nice if we didn’t have to be independent so early in life” he said curtly
“I would have liked to have brothers or sisters” you say wistfully “At least things seemed to turn out well enough”
“I think if my father had lived longer, I would have had a younger sibling” Boba says “I think my mother wanted a another son or daughter”
“Your mother never found love again?” You ask sympathetically
“No idea, I haven’t seen her since the beginning of The Clone Wars” he says, starting the command sequence to drop out of hyperspace
Since the beginning of The Clone War… over thirty years ago… “That’s very sad” you say quietly
“It’s better this way. I don’t think she would be proud of some of the things I’ve done” he says “But maybe someday I’ll find out what happened to her” You take that as a queue to drop the subject.
The ship drops out of hyperspace, and Boba starts the landing approach sequence. Tatooine is a massive planet. Even from space you can see it’s yellow sand and rock formation topography. It’s a wonder how any species manages to live there, given the prominent lack of water or greenery.
As the ship flys down closer to the surface you find that the chill of space dissipates, and heat radiating off the planet's surface permeates through the reinforced walls of the ship. You shed the blanket that had been keeping you warm before even touching down.
The palace is massive. The biggest structure you’ve ever seen. Three cylindrical towers built into the cliffs overlooking The Great Dune Sea.
Boba engages the ground security protocols, and lowers the ramp and escorts you to the intimidating durasteel door. There are no guards, no one patrolling to prevent entry. Boba opens the door with no indication of announcing his entry. The entryway is a short sandy strip of a room leading to a descending staircase.
He offers his arm to you “Careful Princess, these shifting sands make these steps more slippery than you’d expect”
You accept his offer, and place your hand in the crook of his arm and start down the staircase. He’s not wrong, loose sand on stone is slippery and you are glad to have his arm for stability.
The staircase ends and leads into a large space clearly meant to entertain groups. The room is in disarray. It is clear, based on the drag marks and blood splatter in the sand, Bib Fortuna and whoever else of Jabba’s entourage remained died at the hands of Boba and his partner. Outcropping in the stone walls lined with low couches, pillows, tables and chairs. Many of which are broken or knocked over. A large grate in the center of the floor sits at the foot of an elevated platform. A throne.
Boba lets your arm go, freeing you to move about the space and explore. He ascends the shorter staircase to reach the throne and sits, quietly observing you. After a moment you turn to him, and take in his regality. He’s intimidating with his emotionless helmet and solid stanced posture. A king in every right.
You smile at him and give a small curtsy “My lord”
He chuckles behind his mask, so very contrary to the stoic picture he paints with his armored silhouette. “Come, allow me to show you the rest” He rises from his seat, and extends a hand for you to take.
He shows you down a hallway lined with doors, explaining they’re private rooms previously used for guests. “Most of them haven’t been cleaned in decades”
“You would think with all the credits the Hutt’s had, they’d pay for cleaning services” you shake your head
“Unfortunately I haven’t had the time to clear out many of the private quarters. Just the Master’s chambers and a single guest room Fennec uses” he tells you, turning down a hallway with an ornate door at the end. Clearly the Master’s chambers he was referring to.
The room is bigger than the footprint of your inn. High ceilings to let hot air rise, an en-suite fresher with a deep soaking tub, a massive bed is the only furniture left in the room. It’s beautiful despite not being decorated or well maintained. But you could imagine it was much worse if this is what Boba describes as “cleaned out”.
“If you are comfortable, I would like to invite you to stay with me in the Master’s chambers” he says from behind you “At least until a room can be cleared out for you, if you so choose”
You whip around to look at him. An offer to share a bed with a king. He must see the touch of fear in your eye because he quickly speaks again.
“I have no intention of asking favor of you. I only wish to make sure you’re comfortable here. You have my word.”
You soften at his promise, and give a silent nod before thinking better of his hospitality. “Thank you”
Later that day you finally meet Boba’s infamous partner, Fennec Shand. She’s got a sharp eye, quick wit and a taste for good spotchka. It’s an interesting tale to hear how they came to meet and land up in each other’s company.
As there are not yet staff or guards in Fett’s employ, dinner is some kind of hunted desert beast Fennec killed yesterday. It’s actually not too bad, but not like the game hunted on your homeworld.
“In time we will get this sorry excuse for a capital back up and running” Boba says when the meal is finished “Full staff and guard and reopen trade”
“I can help begin clearing out the palace” you offer “Make suitable accommodations for your staff and guard, and any allies that may come to stay”
Boba looks to you “You are not obligated to do so little one, but your help is appreciated”
“I enjoy having projects” you admit with a smile “Things to work on and keep me busy”
“Then you make take the task, for so long as you choose” he smiles at you.
Despite his haggard appearance, Boba has a nice smile. It softens him, brings out the light in his eyes. You find yourself returning the smile, and unable to wipe it from your face.
The evening comes to an end. Fennec excuses herself to return to her own bed chambers. Not without casting a sidelong glance between you and Boba, still chatting away. Eventually Boba leads you back to his own chambers. True to his word, he takes his robes into the fresher to allow you the privacy to change into borrowed sleeping clothing.
“I’ll buy you new clothes tomorrow” he promises, climbing into the oversized bed beside you.
Your impulse is to thank him politely and decline the offer, but given that you are his guest and no longer have property of any kind, it’s a kindness you have to accept.
“Thank you” your cheeks burn with heat, a little embarrassed to be needing so much from him at the moment. Borrowed clothing, a place in his palace and in his bed.
You get down under the blanket on the bed. Night time in the desert is quite cold, and sandstone walls that keep the palace cool during the day turn the air chilly when the binary suns set.
Boba turns towards you, laying on his side, he looks as if he wants to say something. Ask you something. But instead he just stares, with his dark soulful eyes and seemingly perfect hint of a smile
“Goodnight Princess”
Tag List: @cannedsoupsucks @otterly-fey @paige6768 @littledragonlady @star-hoes @aeryntheofficial @xx-small-town-witch-xx
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jockpoetry · 4 years
supernatural sees women as a tool for development and strengthening of narratives/motivation and dean sees his body as a tool. is that anything?
When I saw this ask I really made the 🥴in real life. So, yeah anon, I do think there’s something to this.
Quick Disclaimer before I actually launch into my thoughts™: A lot of my read of Dean stems from my experience as both an oldest daughter and a transman. Being the oldest daughter was an experience I lived for many years, but I am also a man. I wasn’t raised as a man, I wasn’t socialized as a man, and even though once I came out upon reflection my masculinity was obviously there. Like I was a man™ before I knew I was a man. Even when I actively tied my identity to femininity for a long time! A lot of my prideful moments were based around statements like: “I was the only girl who (fill in the blank).” 
So I am just putting that out there before I launch into my spiel about Dean/Gender/Tool because they all interlock for me. 
I am also going to apologize in advance because I know this has fully gone off the rails and I’m not even done writing it yet. If this is incomprehensible ! Well, happens to the best of us.
First off, most importantly I guess before we discuss womanhood and Dean and the way both are utilized on the show I need to say that I personally don’t subscribe the whole Dean is female coded thing. 
It’s a read I can absolutely understand. But for me..he’s not. 
He’s a hypermasculine man to the point that when (and because he is written as a punchline, as the stupid™ brother, as the whore™, as the mother/father™, as daddy’s blunt instrument™, etc) Dean deviates from the pre-accepted definition of hypermasculine it’s Wrong. 
It’s Instantly Feminine. 
I think the internet has made the world very black and white, or blue and pink maybe. This point, I think, colors a lot of these discussions. Dean cooks, he cleans and so therefor he’s female coded. When that really just feeds back into the whole toxic masculinity loop. You can’t be masculine and cook and clean and cry. That’s for feminine people only. 
I get the argument! I do, I just think that Dean’s actions are not inherently feminine, it’s just in the vacuum of Female and in the Absence of Traditional Masculinity it makes sense to assign him female coded and move on.
IN FACT the way that Dean is the action hero of the show, the Masculine™ one on the show - but he cries, and he rages, and he cooks (Again and Again) and cleans (Again and Again). The fact he’s macho and confident but he has so little self esteem. Is frankly insane to me. You have this blaze of glory character who is so depressed that they have him kill himself. Twice. In explicitly “I hate myself, I hate hearing all the things I hate about myself, I want to destroy myself” ways. 
On just a regular ol’ network show that is just ungodly bad at times. They let their Male Hero cry - all the time (if I linked every example of this the essay would be...longer than it already is, but just take my word for it). Dean tears up and grieves and shows more than just Angry Horny Violent™ (he shows plenty of that, don’t get me wrong) but he’s Emotional (Again and Again and Again). In many different ways!
I mean, beyond even just tearing up, they make their Male Hero™ face sexual violence in pretty, uniquely horrifying - and queer! - ways.
Let’s make it clear, they did a lot of this unintentionally. 
Or they do it as a joke. 
Off of dean for a moment to say women are plot devices in this show. I could probably count on one hand female characters who have sincere depth to them that have roles outside of progressing plot, filling a filler episode, and who are still alive. Like even characters such as Charlie who are wholly developed, and interesting, are only remembered/mentioned/utilized to progress plots or fill an episode out - and then she dies. For pain™ for plot™ for no other reason than to traumatize a character. 
Which let’s also make it clear Dean’s trauma is also only used as a plot device (as is Sam’s but in a different way, and Cas’ trauma is a whole other barrel of fish we’re not gonna dive into right now). Like wholesale full stop they don’t actually care about what happened to him. Unless it’s relevant in an episode. 
Oh that boys home he was left at when he was 16 for months? Sure we’ll sprinkle that in in the back half of the series. Oh he was covered in bruises and said it was from a hunt (when it’s clear contextually they were from his father but saying the fantastical but true is easier than saying the uncomfortable but true). As Dean says though the story became the story, he was sixteen. He just went along with what John said.
We only see Dean ever truly rage at John, by the way, when either Dean is dead (when he’s between life and death and he rages at John, right before John “apologizes” for traumatizing him, for putting too much on Dean’s shoulders, and fucking dying) or John is dead (the Djinn episode where Dean is straight™ and John is dead™ and he goes to his grave and just yells and rages like he should have to his father in the real world).
Dean’s trauma from being both tortured and torturer in hell? Yeah, we don’t talk about that after it’s Relevant™. Even though it’s clear - especially in the demon!dean, mark of cain era, all those years later - Alastair still has his hooks inside of Dean. I stopped watching originally after s8 ended. I was fed up with the show, and with this whole renaissance I’ve been doing a rewatch and I’m into season twelve now and it really has never come up again. 
Even when he had the mark of cain and he was tasked with questioning and accused of torturing it was “the mark has changed you” and not “you were victim and victimizer in hell for forty years, which is longer than you’ve been alive on earth” (and, was about as long as he wound up living. Which is desperately sad.
Because we talk about Sam’s desire for a “normal” life but, Dean wanted out too. He was tired in the first few seasons of this show, he never had a chance to taste freedom (we don’t count the boys home, because that was a different kind of regimented life, and it was a false freedom) the way that Sam did in Flagstaff with Bones or at Stanford with Jessica. Love for Dean is sacrificing, it’s putting himself/his happiness/his well-being last.
Because Dean only knows love in the context of violence (like all of these fun examples, for starters) is a phrase that I’ve said a lot both in private chats and on here, and I absolutely think it goes to him being a tool (a blunt instrument, a plot device, so both textually and metatextually) instead of a person. Which Cas sees Dean’s shame/guilt and sees that side of Dean because he touched his soul, and saw more than just the Righteous™ man, more than just the tool, he saw A good man, not a machine. 
On the other side though you have how “bad guys” view Dean: Desperate, Sloppy, Needy, Dean’s hole (Again), which is again so wildly counterintuitive to the story of a Macho Man Hero™. You’re using vocabulary that is both queering him and feminizing (and I know this a meme format, but sincerely it is done in a derogatory way it is feminizing. It’s breaking him down to bare parts, to a sloppy hole). 
My whole rewatch I have been absolutely fascinated by how identity and free will is utilized/conceptualized on this show. Castiel has been my main focus, but Dean and how he is framed by himself and others is...fascinating - and frustrating. The writers inconsistency lends itself not only to this unintentionally queer character, but also one that again is incredibly easily read as a non-traditionally masculine character.
As a feminine character.
This show has so few female characters that of course it had to foist the roles/behaviors/plots that a female character might have onto a male character. Which I think is part of why reading Dean as trans (either transmasc, or transfemme) is so easily done like.   
Half of these are shit posts, but you can find trans allegories/textual evidence in this show again, again, again, again, and again. And this is unintentional, they don’t want you to look at Dean and see woman, former future or present. Like a lot of these I’m sure are punchlines for them, because women/queer folk are punchlines to them. 
Sometimes the only women in an episode are random witnesses who get two sentences of dialogue, and then the main guest character is a man. Who flirts with Dean, and Dean is receptive to it. 
They paint themselves into a corner, there are female Rabbi. So easily could Aaron have been a woman instead of a man, but they made the choice to play up the HaHa Dean & Men card. 
Because, again, Dean has filled the slot of Woman™ of Female Lead™ and the flirting would’ve been straight if Dean was a woman. It’s a plot device, they needed to have the guest character be disarming, be cute, make the main character flustered. 
It’s just the main character is a man, because they’re allergic to women. But they still need those female plots, tools of femininity, to move their show forward. I mean I am a big subscriber to transmasc Jo (no idea if anyone else is with me on this one, but let me explain). Jo is in love with Dean (concept) not Dean (actuality). Which, we’ve all had our eggs cracked by someone like that. We were in love with them until we realized we just wanted to be them.
He loved her like a little sister, she loved him like a lost idol. He’s a golden calf and she dies for him, because she believed in him, she was the original character dashed at the altar of the Winchesters. 
I fully believe if she had lived and if this show had a crumb of actual good writing Jo could have been a deeply compelling transmasc character. But I also think she’s a fascinating inversion of Dean. Dean is a Masculine Character who subverts Toxic Masculinity, Jo is a Tomboy™ she’s not your (if you take it straight, literally and metaphorically) average female love interest. She’s angry, she’s not soft at all, all edges and corners and thorns. She isn’t helpless, she’s stubborn but not in a “you’re going to get punished for this” way. She’s right when she’s stubborn. She’s helpful, she’s a martyr. 
I could do a whole other essay just on Jo (and Ellen, and Ash, what a fucking trio!) but needless to say Jo was one of the first...plot device feminine tools sacrificed to this show. She was a regular, she was unique, she was an engaging character, and she still died (to progress the plot? no. for man pain? yeah, for like three episodes maybe, and then it’s forgotten just like the rest of Dean’s trauma, as we mentioned above). 
Dean and Women and Love is a very interesting tool used too because. Boy they sure try to make Dean love women and it fails in small ways, and in big, meaningless, failed het domesticity (again) ways. Not to mention whatever Lust (in the form of a woman) having no effect upon him, when they could have used that moment to assert his Masculinity and Heterosexuality. He behaved normally? And...also...whatever the fuck the Adios thing was!
Like they have these opportunities to make him Traditionally (toxically) Masculine, but make the choice to...not? To soften him. Because it’s a tool. He’s their female lead, textually he had to take on the role of mother(/father) to Sam, but...I mean this is a million miles long already. I know, but we absolutely can’t not talk about his Paternal/Maternal behaviors. (Which appear again and again again and again, outside of his relationship with Sam even/especially). He’s the mother hen, sage, safety net, beacon, home to so many side characters they meet.
I mean in many ways Jody is also a Dean comparison. Lost her family. Found a new family. She is non-traditionally feminine, but easily flustered and Silly™ (let’s just drop the entire sex talk over family dinner scene with Alex and the boys and looking to them for help, even though she was already a mother, and she’s a cop, and a hunter and this confident no nonsense individual.... She’s not). We are meant to see her as this hard ass, but she makes extra food for the boys to take back to the bunker. She’s deadly in a fight, but also still easily overwhelmed and put into damsel mode, and she cares so much even in the face of adversity.
It’s also fun to see how Jo | Jody are reflections of Dean at different points of his life. Younger, cocky | Older, settled.
Even when the text tries to tell us that he’s not.
When it reminds us that he’s violent. That he is his father, even if he says that Sam is more like John (which was reflexive, which was angry because of Adam and how Sam was behaving like Dean in that episode, and yes there are parallels to be drawn between Sam and John, the show barely dives into them). Instead we’re told that Dean is John (Again and  Again and Again and Again). 
So intensely that a fanfictionalized version of the Winchester Gospels makes it an entire fucking musical number. 
And yet, despite the texts insistence to make Dean Macho Man Father Reborn™ We get this Dean who is silly (and directly compared/contrasted to the female character in this scene), soft, in heels, nagging, and... Sully (you know Sam’s imaginary friend who has the same Haircut Dean has, who is a softer, shorter, friendlier, campier, version of Dean who was a replacement For Dean until the real one let Sam back in? That? Sully?) it’s hard to take them seriously. 
Hell, even when he was A DEMON? What did they do? They had him sing off-key drunken karaoke, they had him doing this ! Like that’s your hero, unhinged, free to be as bad as he could be, and you put him in a cowboy hat in a romance with the king of hell. 
The Female Lead, everyone. Who’s biggest betrayal(s) comes at the hands of his love interest (again, a man even though it was an angel who could’ve taken any vessel! who could’ve been recast, who canonically dies admitting his love to Dean - that one), who he tries so hard to be loyal to. 
The contradictions of his character are laughable. He is so emotional, but if he is engaged about his emotions? He shuts down, or he’s exasperated about being asked about them. It really is Female Lead/Only Here For The Plot disease, because everything is more important than him. How’s he doing? Doesn’t matter outside of the context of how x character is doing or that y character is dead. Or his emotions only matter if they’re done in penance. 
They also really do frame him as Pretty Boy™ in a violent way, or in a derogatory manner. They’ll give us homoerotic shots like this or these and never really acknowledge how these are gay shots. Sorry the gun scene is a a straight up sex scene, the beer sip spilling out over his mouth is oral, the scene where Cas fills up Dean’s glass with whisky is also a sex scene, they do this shit on purpose but accidentally queer it up. If Dean was a woman these scenes wouldn’t even matter. They’d be passing moments, but because he is not just a man but A Man™ they’re insane to see.
Not to mention all of these scenes and all the ones I haven’t linked where Dean dresses up. He performs masculinity, but he performs femininity too. He’s a plot device that is slotted in to whatever role they need. He’s Super Straight Butch Man™ but coaches the lesbian on how to successfully flirt with a man. He’s Action Hero™ who sits through a montage with the same lesbian and yays and nays her outfits, and enjoys himself.
Fuck he loves dressing up, he feels better in these costumes because performing a character is easier than being himself. Because who is Dean? He’s a tool, both textually and metatextually. It is exactly how the women and because of the women on the show that Dean is the way that he is. If there was a more steady female presence Dean would not be half as much of a plot device or half as camp/gay/feminine/non-traditionally masculine/queer coded as he is. 
In conclusion....
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talonwings · 3 years
Who We Are - Empires SMP writing
a gift for you, empiresblr, courtesy of my now 5 hours of fWhip headcanons. feel free to kill me when you're done. (also sorry i don't yet have an AO3 i can link to, i've been on the wait list foreeevvveerrr).
CW for slight body horror, angst, and i guess suffocation kind of?
“fWhip? Hello? Are you in here?”
He heard the call--how could he not have, when the voice was hers? Still, he did not move, remaining where he slumped against the wall of the underground room. One of the redstone crystals blooming from the stone was jammed against his shoulder blade, but even the pain could not entice him to rise.
“fWhip, come out!” Gem’s voice was a mixture of frustration and concern, a tone he rarely heard from her--well, the frustration he had heard before, but the worry was new. Gem almost never fretted about anything; it was how she had kept him and Sausage so well in line up until now.
“I’m going to come down there!” The threat echoed down the passageway that separated the secret room from the unassuming shopfront above it. “I know where your lair is, it isn’t a secret! Don’t make me come down there!”
“Don’t,” fWhip rasped. “Please.”
Gem either couldn’t or didn’t hear him. “I’m giving you one minute, and then I’m coming down there whether you like it or not!”
“Please,” he tried again, but his voice would not obey him. It petered out almost as soon as it passed his lips. He licked them, swallowed, coughed, tried a third time. “Gem, please, go away.”
This time, it seemed, she did hear, for she answered, “I will not go away! Nobody’s seen you in two weeks, fWhip! We’re worried sick!”
“I’m fine,” he croaked--a lie.
“You don’t sound fine,” she retorted. “I’m coming down.”
He opened his mouth to warn her off again, but the tell-tale sound of the painting door sliding back masked whatever he might have tried to say. Seconds later, her footsteps started up, the familiar click of those heeled purple boots getting ever louder as she marched along the passageway toward his laboratory.
fWhip’s gaze darted around in a panic, searching out anyplace that would be suitable to hide. He hadn’t moved from his current spot in over twelve hours, and his limbs protested as he shoved himself violently to his feet, teetering off-balance from the unfamiliar motion. Finally, he settled on a small cranny near the back of the chamber, and limped over to it, cramming himself inside just as Gem’s footfalls indicated that she had reached the door to the lab itself. He heard her swing it open, and then her voice, much clearer now, softly called, “fWhip? Where are you?”
“Go away,” he replied, hating the stony rasp that he couldn’t seem to get rid of now. “Don’t want to see you.”
“Well, that’s just rude,” she replied. He could imagine the look on her face, and fought against the lump it brought to his throat. He wanted to apologize, to beg for her forgiveness, to throw himself into her arms.
“Didn’t ask you to come,” he croaked instead.
“No, actually, Jimmy did,” Gem replied waspishly. “Your enemy. You remember him? The one you stole his most precious possession from? He sent me a message three days ago to tell me he hadn’t seen or heard from you in over a week. Mind you, this was after I’d been questioned by Sausage, Pearl, and Shrub as to why you’ve missed the last two alliance meetings. fWhip, even your enemies are worried about you. Where have you been?”
Oh, if only you knew. His mouth twisted with a hateful, bitter little smile. “Busy.”
Gem audibly scoffed. “Right.”
“Leave, Gem.” The order tasted strange in his mouth, when he desperately wanted her to stay.
“Not until I see you.” He heard her start moving around the room, picking things up and nudging them with her feet, rearranging boxes and sliding barrels aside as she searched.
“Leave.” The cranny was small, but he squashed himself further inside anyway, stone scraping against all the places where his skin was exposed.
“Are you back there?” His stomach squeezed with terror as he heard her move toward him, squeezing between two of the suspension tubes where he had once stored specimens he was researching. “I can’t see you.”
“Please, leave, please.” If he couldn’t order her, he could at least beg her. “Gem, please, if you care about me at all, go away.”
“fWhip, I do care about you,” she said gently. “That’s why I’m here in the first place. Please come out. I just want to know you’re safe.”
He could feel his heart ripping itself in half--desperation to hide warring violently with the desire to finally be seen, even if it would cost him everything. It felt like it might burn a hole in his chest, and his hands tightened reflexively into fists as he battled himself for what seemed an eternity.
“Please, little brother,” Gem whispered.
It was as if she had caved his chest in. A sob dragged itself from his throat before he could stop it, but he finally let himself unfurl from the cranny to drape limply across the floor, gazing up at his sister’s blue-violet eyes as they widened in shock, which turned to horror, which turned to sorrow.
“Oh, fWhip…” Gem reached out a hand toward him, but hesitated, drawing her fingers back before she could reach him. “What happened?”
“You really want to know?” He had to shove back another sob with a monumental effort, watching the way her fingers trembled as she gazed at him. “Or do you want to leave, like I told you to before?”
“No, I would never,” she gasped. “Not now. Not like this.” She sat down on the floor, her violet cloak flowing behind her like a pool of silky water, and slid closer to him, although not quite close enough for their hands to touch. “Tell me what happened.”
He let his eyes drift away from hers, toward the ceiling and the red crystals dripping from its shadowy recesses. “Well, it began two weeks ago.”
Two weeks earlier…
fWhip was not a stranger to surprises, but he liked receiving them far less than he liked planning them.
It had been a long elytra flight from the undisclosed location of the Wither Rose headquarters back to his home in the Grimlands, and the multiple hours in the air were wearing on his body--even though he had been wearing his scarlet goggles for the duration, his eyeballs still ached as if the wind had been hammering them, as did his shoulder blades from the yank and drift of the elytra against his own muscles.
“Maybe next time I take a horse,” he muttered to himself as he angled in for the landing. The deepslate roofs of the Grimlands were beginning to glide by beneath him now, and he made for the circular patch of dirt at the back of the manor that was his customary landing site, his eyes trained on it until something else caught his attention.
“I am positive that was not there before…” One hand came up to tap his chin as his gaze caught on the massive outcrop of deepslate that had bloomed at the front corner of the manor gardens, studded with glinting redstone crystals. A darker shadow within the ring-shaped formation suggested there might possibly be a hole there, though how deep was indiscernible from this far above.
“If somebody has been trying to steal from me again--wait.” fWhip narrowed his eyes at the spot, investigating it more closely now, for it seemed more familiar the closer he drew. He could vaguely recall setting a circle of rocks within the closed hedges, and in their center, a red container, filled with--
“Damn! Xornoth again!” His breath huffed out harshly as he realized what had happened. First the explosion, and now this…
Veering off-course from his typical spot, he carefully glided down until he was low enough to snap the elytra closed and drop gracefully to the ground between the wide hedge rows. From down here, the deepslate ring seemed much larger than it had from the air, its jagged edges stabbing into the blue sky. He could tell now that there was, indeed, a hole at the center, exactly where he had placed the shulker-box filled with Xornoth’s corruption.
“Damn,” he whispered again. He edged closer, peering carefully at the hole as he neared in an attempt to see what might be at the bottom. It appeared to be deeper than he was tall, however, and he was forced to maneuver up to the very lip of the hole to get a good look at the bottom. Thankfully, there did seem to be a bottom, lurking maybe ten feet below the surface; the depths of the hole were quite dark, though, only dimly illuminated by patches of glimmering red crystals, and he was unable to determine much more than that.
fWhip wondered, briefly, if he ought to just ignore the hole. Common sense would seem to suggest that it was involved with Xornoth in some way, and therefore worthy of at least being avoided for the time being until he could request the help of his allies. fWhip, however, whether fortunately or not, had always been availed of a strong sense of curiosity--it was how he had developed so many of his gadgets and tools. Besides that, there was something about the depths of the small hole that seemed to call to him, and him specifically.
He glanced around, taking stock of who might be nearby in case he needed to call for help, and saw no one in the immediate vicinity. There was a groundskeeper’s cottage just on the other side of the hedge row, but he had no way of knowing whether anyone might be inside.
“Well, I suppose I’ll just have to take a chance,” he murmured. “Here goes.”
Gingerly, he sat down at the edge of the hole, dangling his legs off the side and exploring for possible footholds. It took him a minute, but his toes finally caught on a ledge, and he was able to hoist himself down and into the vertical shaft. Thankfully, the same jagged-edged property of deepslate that made it look menacing also made it excellent for climbing, and he had relatively little difficulty lowering himself the full ten or eleven feet to the bottom, where his feet landed on solid stone. Looking up, he was surprised how dim the sky seemed to be after such a short descent.
Now what? he thought to himself as he gazed around at the narrow walls on all sides. Surely I didn’t make an ass of myself climbing down here for no reason.
He had but a few seconds to wonder, as a strange hiss caught his attention, echoing from the rock walls. He couldn’t tell where it was coming from, but the small hole began rapidly to fill with a reddish mist, which, when he inhaled it, made the inside of his nose and throat burn as if he had inhaled fire. He coughed, accidentally inhaled again, and coughed more violently, and still the stuff spewed into the cavern, and he began to wonder whether this was a trap, and whether he had been an idiot for climbing down here, and whether his allies--his friends, his sister--would find his corpse rotting down here. His hands scrabbled for handholds to lever himself back up, but the mist had filled his eyes now, and it stung, forcing him blindly to his knees. He couldn’t see, couldn’t breathe, could barely think. Lights danced behind his eyelids, and his throat was a tunnel of fire, and then he was unconscious, and knew no more.
Present day…
“And the next thing I knew, I woke up. And...this.” fWhip gestured down to himself, unable to keep his mouth from curling like he had tasted something sour. “Or, well, part of it.”
“Part of it?” Gem cocked her head. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, it was just the wings at first.” He tugged at the grey-black appendages, hating that he could feel it when his fingers brushed the leathery flesh. “And to be honest, I thought they were awesome. Who hasn’t dreamed of having wings? Sure, they looked a little gargoyle-ish, but it seemed like a small price to pay for not having to use elytra anymore. And it felt like the redstone magic was helping me, maybe giving me a gift to fight against Xornoth. I thought it might be something good.”
“And then…” Gem prompted when he trailed off.
“And then...the rest started,” he whispered. “I tried to ignore it at first. I thought maybe I was hallucinating, or getting sick, because it started with just my eyes, and I felt like maybe it would go away if I just, I don’t know, pretended not to notice. But then it was my skin, and then my hands, and then...and then my face.” He turned away from her as a visible shudder made its way through him. “I look disgusting.”
“Why didn’t you call us for help?” Gem murmured.
“Because it was my fault it happened!” he growled, shaking his head. “Because I was an idiot and went down that hole and breathed in that gas, and now I’m a monster, and I have no one to blame but myself. Because I couldn’t wait for you.”
“fWhip, no!” He could see the glimmer of moisture in her eyes, and he hated himself even more for it, for making her upset. “It isn’t your fault. You didn’t know what would happen, and you’ve always been an investigator. And now you’ve had to suffer alone, and I had no idea, and…” Her voice caught. “I was so worried. I thought maybe the demon…and especially after those dreams...”
He swallowed. “I...I’m sorry. I just...I didn’t know how to face everyone like this.”
They sat in silence for a long moment, simply listening to their own breaths. Finally, Gem said, “It doesn’t look that bad, you know.”
fWhip eyed her dubiously. “Gem, I look like a gargoyle. Like some kind of…” The word demon couldn’t force itself out, but he could see she understood, for she vigorously shook her head.
“No, you don’t look anything like that,” she said. After a long pause, she quietly added, “You look like my little brother.”
He tried, but couldn’t stop the tears from sliding down his cheeks. “Thanks,” he whispered.
She reached over and finally took his hand, and he almost shouted with joy at the touch of another person; her skin was warm and soft, her delicate tiny fingers gentle as they closed around his rough, clawed ones.
“We’ll figure this out,” she promised. “Together.”
He nodded, and squeezed her hand. “Together.”
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outivv · 4 years
I feel greedy making two requests in the span of 2 days but hurt/comfort is one of my favorite tropes sooo..
Toxic trait Kaeya's reaction to a reader that had been pushed around so much they're so hurt/insecure. They just actively avoid him or clearly walk on eggshells around him, cause maybe all his confusing behavior means he wants to drop them later on? And he can't do that if he never sees them, right?
If it's too repetitive, feel free to just skip <3
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Warnings: mentions of a toxic relationship
Game/fandom: genshin impact
Pronouns for reader: gender neutral/ not mentioned
A/n: hello again! Don’t feel greedy I honestly really like taking requests from others cause I don’t Sheba very consistent creative flow so it honestly helps me with ideas! I really hope you enjoy and have a great day :)
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I feel like depending on wether or not you kept your past relationships a secret or not can change how kaeya acts. Especially with his toxic trait (for anyone who doesn’t know it’s basically he sees how you’ll react to something he does wether it be he brings you flowers or he doesn’t come home for a few days due to “work”)
If he doesn’t know he’ll act however he wants with almost no regard to how he’s making you feel.
Now that kinda slaps him in the face when he realizes you’ve been avoiding him. He’s sitting in a meeting one day, bored out of his mind because they’ve been over the same thing every week since he became a cavalry captain, when suddenly he remembered that he didn’t see you yesterday... or the day before, how that he thinks of it he hasn’t seen you for about a week?
He starts to think about what could’ve happened taht set you off, but then he remembered he came home obnoxiously late because he wanted to take a casual stroll all the way out to the dawn winery and back. Late at night before coming home. Only to come back past midnight and act like nothing happened. Like he didn’t leave you waiting at the kitchen table for him with your cold food and teary eyes threatening to overflow.
His unusual and unpredictable behavior rightfully set you off, and you weren’t feeling very confident in your relationship. You don’t want to break up with him so the best option is to just... avoid him until you collect yourself again. Because that’ll work. Right?
Kaeya doesn’t want to hurt you in a way that damages your mental, and or physical state, so he tries to confront you about your current relationship issue.
Let’s just say that however you got to the point of you telling him that you’ve been in awful relationships in the past where your partner has done similar things to what kaeya has been doing, he’s pissed.
Not at you, no no no no. At himself. Because whyd he do that in the first place? He cares deeply about you and again he doesn’t want to mentally, or physically harm you. But the fact that he’s made you feel this way, made his heart ache and make him feel as in he was gonna throw up.
He’d try to comfort you as best as he can but truth be told he wants to cry into your shoulder because he feels that guilty.
Now, if he does know that you’ve had toxic relationships in the past he’ll stay far away from doing anything remotely tixic to get a reaction out of you. He knows that that would be painful to almost rewatch past relationships play out in the same awful way, so he doesn’t want to put you through that.
A/n: Hope these weren’t to short, and that the headcanon format was what you wanted, also it may have been a bit out of character if so I apologize.
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hopelesshawks · 4 years
Official Accounts Part 13- Confession
Summary: (y/n) was perfectly happy remaining anonymous, even if her best friends were all pro heroes and she worked under THE Hawks. Handling the technical aspects of hero work from the background suited her just fine, thank you very much. That goes out the window when suddenly her twitter blows up thanks Denki and the famed no. 2 hero is asking her to run his own official twitter as a result
If you don’t want to see Official Accounts content blacklist #hopelessoa
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Hawks was not prepared for you to walk out of the employee bathrooms looking as good as you did when he finally returned to the agency to hand the reigns over to Endeavor for the night. He had really been hoping to wait to call in the favor Endeavor owed him for covering his patrols, but the more time Hawks spent with you the more he needed answers. It was growing harder and harder to deny the way looking at you made his heart race. The way part of him wanted nothing more than to make you laugh even when he was trying to ascertain what you were up to. And the way his heart stopped when you walked out of that employee bathroom, Mina quickly rushing out behind you and giving you a thumbs up and a wink before departing, only further confirmed that he desperately needed to know what your intentions were.
“Ready to go, Kid?” he asks as he extends an arm to you. “Ready,” you said as you exhaled shakily in hopes of clearing your nerves. You linked your arm in his and with all the charm you had come to expect from the number two hero he guided you out of the office and onto the busy streets of the city. You would die before admitting it, but looking at Hawks under the glow of the city lights made him look ethereal. So much so you could hardly pull your eyes away. The two of you were talking of that you were sure, and you assume you were giving intelligible responses, but in all honesty if asked to recount the conversation you wouldn’t be able to. You were too caught up in the wonder that Hawks had chosen you of all people.
Eventually the smell of food brings you back to Earth as you realize Hawks has brought you to a tiny hole in the wall restaurant on the other side of town. Hardly anyone else is inside, all the big crowds are deeper into the city, but something about the quiet atmosphere is refreshing after the noise of all the bustling crowds. “Hawks!” The owner calls out cheerfully as he makes his way around to the two of you. “Glad you finally made it. I’ve got a special table reserved for you out back,” the owner grins. “Ah you really do spoil me. Lead the way,” Hawks laughs as the owner does just that.
You’re guided to the back and out the door only to find an entirely separate seating area, deserted. Fairy lights provide the main source of light, giving the whole thing a dream-like quality. When the owner departs after seating the two of you, you and Hawks are left alone in the romantic atmosphere and you can’t help but feel nervous. Yet one look across the table at your date for the evening, especially when he flashes That Grin(tm) at you, eases your mind almost immediately.
The night feels nothing short of magical as the two of you laugh over drinks and the best ramen you’ve ever had in your life but as the food and alcohol settle in your stomach the conversation turns to deeper topics. “Can I ask you a potentially personal question?” Hawks asks. “Sure,” you shrug as you take another sip of your drink. “Is it weird having all your friends be pro heroes? You didn’t ever think about joining in yourself?” he asks. “You’re asking ‘cause of how I reacted to Chargebolt after that one patrol right?” you ask. He’s not. He asking to determine your possible motives. But he can’t say that, so instead he shoots you a sheepish grin and rubs the back of his neck as he lies “that obvious, huh?” “It’s a fair question and you’re not the first to ask,” you laugh. “It’s kind of a heavy story though, I don’t wanna bring down the mood,” you admit, looking away from the gorgeous, curious man across from you.
Suddenly you feel a gentle hand on your chin turning your head to make you look him in his eyes again. “You could never, Kid,” he assures you with as much faux sincerity as his brain can muster even if his heart is pleading with him to be genuine. You gulp and in that moment Hawks thinks he’s finally caught you.
“My mom was a pro hero. She didn’t break top 10 or anything but growing up she was Denki and I’s idol. I’m pretty sure she’s the reason he wanted to become a pro hero so bad in the first place. For a little while I wanted to be one too,” you begin. This was it. Hawks was sure of it. Any moment now you’d confirm your resentment that you never lived up to your mother and it would explain your rage and the training and your fascination with him and- “She uhm, she died in a villain attack when I was in middle school. Things just weren’t the same after that so I abandoned the idea of being a pro hero,” you confessed.
Oh that was not what Hawks was expecting at all.
“When I found out Denki still wanted to be one I stopped talking to him for like a month. I forgave him eventually, obviously, but uh I refused to get back on the hero path. I knew too well the constant stress and pressure my mom was under and in the end all it did was encourage her to push too far and get herself killed. I know UA’s general studies course has a reputation of being for the hero course rejects but I only went to UA to keep an eye on Denki. If I couldn’t stop him from becoming a hero then at least I could make sure he didn’t push himself too far, y’know? Then I re-did the computer system and administration insisted I swap over to hero support. Eventually I realized that if it weren’t for my mom a lot more people would’ve died and while it sucks she had to make that sacrifice I know she’d do it again in a heartbeat. Even scarier Denki and Katsuki and Mina and Hitoshi and Eiji would all do it too. So while I can’t bring myself to become a pro hero myself, at the very least I can do my best to make sure the heroes get home safe.”
You’re not sure when exactly during your story you had begun crying but you swipe at your eyes to wipe the tears away now. You bring your gaze back to Hawks’ and open your mouth to apologize for ruining the mood but are instead surprised by the feeling of his lips on yours. There’s a split second of shock where you do nothing, but the moment it passes you return his kiss eagerly.
You are perfect. Every fiber of Hawks’ being screams that you are perfect. If anyone could possibly hope to understand him, his heart and his gut and now finally his head tell him it’s you. And with that realization comes an overwhelming amount of guilt. He had treated you like a villain when all you had done was be good to him and all those around you. He wants to apologize. God, how he wants to apologize. But that would require admitting he’d treated you with suspicion, that this “date” had been a ruse. So he says nothing, and he kisses you with passion and heartache and guilt and understanding and something that feels suspiciously like love. He kisses you with every single emotion that is coursing through him and hopes that will be enough.
Author’s Note: I feel like Hawks is the type who falls fast and hard once he lets himself fall. Writing this chapter was ROUGH. Hawks and (y/n) are in such wildly different places emotionally from start to finish. I’ve been trying to minimize the amount of written portions because it feels a bit like a betrayal of the smau format (and I like the challenge of restricting it) but there’s some stuff coming up down the line that just wouldn’t be discussed over text so there will probably be more soon. This was another monster chapter but we’re really getting into the thick of the story now so I’m not shocked
Taglist [open]: @cathy8taffy @katzurras @grumpyfroggies @captaincyberqueen @itskindofafairything @420-uwu
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