#it’s utter horror
stargirl-and-potts · 8 months
Ed called himself the devil, and the crew his kids, like he was making them into some absurd legend of the high seas. And he kept up a hell of a theater. Everything the crew had asked Stede for at the start, everything they’d seemed to revere in Ed — he produced it tenfold. He looked just like the myth, the monster, the terror, and he made them the same. He did everything to show the world that caricature Izzy demanded. And Edward watched his step, and cried behind closed doors, and didn’t speak. Edward wasn’t seen on deck once after Izzy told him to put him away.
And then after they “talk it through,” and Ed knows decisively he’s failed even this — even his best performance — then he washes his face, and puts his hair up, and shows up smiling and soft-faced to steer them straight into the storm. I think that was Edward on deck, giving up at last on watching his step. Not the Kraken — Edward in despair, because his best bravura performance of the theater of fear couldn’t save or satisfy anyone. And he knew it never would — if they went on like that they’d all die anyway, on someone’s sword, or on the end of the noose.
When he asked Izzy to enlighten him on where he’d gone wrong I do think he wanted to offer Izzy one last chance to admit he didn’t want what he’d demanded from him. But I don’t think he had any real hope that Izzy did regret that. He believed Izzy was going to continue to believe in brutality, to require his performance of Blackbeard until they all mutinied or died, and that no one would stop him; that no one wanted just Ed.
And Izzy then says again to his face that it’s love that ruined everything, not the monstrous performance overtaking their humanity, and that’s what puts Ed over the edge.
He wants the crew to kill Izzy for saying love has ruined them, since he can’t. And when they don’t, he wants Izzy to kill him. (Izzy seems to love that he wants that from him; he beams, and he seems flustered to find he can’t quite do it. He adores that Ed wouldn’t ask anyone else — one final intimacy of shared despair, the death of both their humanity, and he can’t pull it out of himself. He pretends it’s Ed that’s the coward, still.)
And since Izzy won’t end him, Ed steers into the storm, puts on his brightest, bravest performance of Ed the madman, but for once it’s a performance he believes in. He wants the crew to despair of him, the way he has. He wants them to fear him the way he does. He wants their horror, their hatred, as well as his own, if he can’t have anyone’s heart.
I think he wants Jim to fight him instead of Archie — to prove to him that love means something to someone on this ship. And maybe he thinks Jim and the rest deserve to die with him if they won’t put him down and save their loves and spare the world from him. But his euphoric “Finally” makes me think he trusts they will — that they’ll see he shouldn’t live and spare him the decision. That anyone can see he’s earned his end.
It’s horrible, but it’s all he believes is real any more — that there isn’t a place for him on this earth, that the albatross can never land, and that the only peace he’ll get is to be sent under the waves like his father before him, like Hornigold and Jack and the rest — to go down to where the monsters sink when the world is done with them. And when Izzy decides Ed’s request for death is justified, and returns shot for shot, instead of saying he was wrong — Ed is glad. When the rest of the crew finishes what Izzy can’t, Ed welcomes their despair of him. He can’t keep tallying the days on his wall. He can’t bear any more hope.
Which is why I love that we saw in the end, in the in-between, he wasn’t really ready to go. In the quiet of his own soul, without any eyes on him, he was still trying to kill the Hornigold in him who said this is all he was, that he would never be good for anything else, that dying was all he could hope for.
And it’s why I love that Stede didn’t meet him at the surface, in the open air— he dove down into the depths with him. He brought the light with him; he changed the waters from a nightmare into a dream. Ed went from sinking to weightless, just because he realized that there in the depths one person still wanted Edward — one person believed in his love.
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 170
Once again on my Ras & Danny being training rivals thanks to time travel bullshit. 
Look, Danny knows about the league of Assassins, but he almost dies of laughter when he realizes it’s the modern name of the league of Shadows. He’s an adult now, has been for a while, he’s allowed to find the situation he’s found himself in amusing. Hell, his sparring buddy who is somehow still alive is laughing too. 
And no one else knows what’s going on, okay? This random man walked into their secret base, completely ignored the many assassins trying to stop him, and called their illustrious leader a “Little Bitch Man” and they are now fighting?
The fighting is familiar, but why the fuck is Ras cackling and saying things like “Ayreh Feek” back. Practically saying “Fuck you,” while laughing and oh Pit, they’re Bantering this is terrifying, why has Ras not won yet, why has this man not died yet and- bodies aren’t supposed to bend like that what the fuck- 
Ras on the other hand, has One friend, who is immortal like him, actually remembers the shit he complains about, is also down for saving endangered animals, and actually knows how to spar! It’s not a proper spar unless someone loses at least a hand that has to be reattached! And honestly, people nowadays should know that the proper greeting to an old friend is to instantly try to kill the other. 
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haha just kidding, nothing is free!
100 bucks. fork it over.
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nyazaii · 6 months
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Something I’ve noticed
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beechaotic · 9 months
So, I was thinking. Yknow Earth, right? You live on it (presumably) and you know what it’s like. At least, you think you do. But you only know the basics of the planet. Some people don’t even know that! Imagine in space that aliens all know just about everything about their planets, and we show up and are like “It’s blue and has a lot of water”.
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shih-coulda-had-it · 1 month
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a ko-fi commission for @aimportantdragoncollector! is it a little spoiler? perhaps. but c2 was already giving us a happy ending, so here's a sneak peek of the scene in advance. >:3c
read the fic here!
*edit: below the keep reading are outfit references and pose sketches!
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chalkrub · 10 months
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(probably) final batch of doodles! and they're actually doodles this time
garrot for @celestriakle
panny for @falling-hand-in-unlovable-hand
celeste for @grox-empire
teo for @boymosss
margolia for @shanghai-ohmy
sage for microchipt who tumblr will not let me tag!
funney aminals in hats for @pookabagi @nixie-noo and @babayanska
had to do a lot of headshots towards the end but I hope you all enjoy nonetheless :^)
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I've got a half-formed idea I can't quite squish into shape where Corroded Coffin finally has an opportunity to play where someone with useful influence - a talent scout, a music journalist - will hear them. Maybe it's a Battle of the Bands or something like that. They're keen as mustard but very, very nervous. Steve has come along to help them move their equipment and set up on stage and Eddie takes him to one side.
"Stevie," he says, pressing his hands together prayer-like, "I'm going to ask you to do something a little bit unethical."
"What, like sabotage the other bands' equipment?"
"God no. I said a little bit. You see that chick with the red hair in the white leather jacket talking to the organiser? Her opinion matters. Like, a lot. So what I want you to do is, when we're playing, you get close to her and turn on the charm."
"Am I trying to distract her?" Steve asks, looking puzzled.
"No! No, you're just going to be this big cute guy who gives her some flattering attention. That way, she remembers while Coffin was playing, she was having a good time. It's subtle, see? Psychological. You get it, right?"
"Obviously I get it," Steve says, "but what if she really wants to hear you and I'm just annoying?"
"Why would she think you're annoying?" Eddie asks, honestly baffled. "What girl would not be excited to have you paying attention to her?"
"A lesbian," Steve says immediately.
"Okay, but -"
"A happily taken one."
"Sure, but -"
"A professional who wants to concentrate on the performance and form an unbiased opinion."
"You're killing me, Stevie."
"Not to mention, you're asking me to focus on someone else when you're playing? Be realistic. I have my work cut out not to throw my underwear on the stage," Steve says, smiling.
(Here my idea kind of fizzles out. I don't know whether Eddie's encouraged by this or just exasperated that his boyfriend is no good as a henchman.)
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moominpopzz · 3 months
I wonder if Marks ever hit Ashe with the “Your mother would be so disappointed”…. How horrible do you think that’d fuck her up…
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bananatheartist · 1 year
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emptyinkvials · 8 months
horror: literally just trying to survive in horrortale by any means possible, including manipulating people and carefully plotting his every move. is very well-spoken and very reclusive
the fandom: Haha silly serial murderer man who does fucked up shit on impulse and has issues speaking and he lives with other serial murderers because its fun!!!!
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gutz-radio · 9 months
the more izzy antis say izzy hands isn't some sweet babygirl or whatever the more i'm gonna treat him like one yeah so what if he's mean. he's my sweet innocent babygirl it's just him being quirky and funny. grow up.
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thechills · 10 months
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(just like your father, just like his before)
hesiod's theogeny · peter paul rubens · francisco goya · dead letter by jude d rosso · giovanni francesco · giuila lama · saturn by sharon olds
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inkyray · 1 month
Idcccc!!! Crack them knuckles and get to writing i want to see FILTHY SMUT RELEASE FROM THEM FINGERS OR ELSE ILL STARVE YOU N YO HOMEBOYS!!!!
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pls god let the whole gang eat tonight 🙏
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walking in the rain save me. walking in the rain. save me walking in the rain
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good-beansdraws · 1 year
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Still going crazy over those lines from the anniversary stream !!!
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