#don’t worry I still love y’all more ❤️
bananatheartist · 1 year
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deantfwinchester · 4 months
Late Nights
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Pairing: No-Outbreak!AU, back on my Joel x Teacher!Reader shit (though her work hardly plays a role in this), established relationship
Summary: Getting home late is an unfortunately common occurrence in Joel’s line of work. When you both have busy days, it can be hard to find time to share, but you make do.
Warnings: extreme fluff, just utterly fucking saccharine at this point, is fluff without plot a tag?
It’s Wednesday night. Joel’s night to cook dinner.
You get home earlier every day, no question. But since you like to take most every night during the summer months, he insisted on a 60/40 split during the school year. Sundays, Mondays and Wednesdays are his. You had Tuesdays and Thursdays. Friday & Saturday are mainly for pizza, take out, or date-nights.
When he’d grill on Sunday afternoons, you liked to try and help him with prep, but he’d just pour you a glass of wine or mix you a drink and try to usher you out of the kitchen. You’d always sit and talk with him while he worked anyway. Sarah too, when she wasn’t working on homework or out with friends. It’s one of his favorite parts of the week.
On the nights he’d come home late, though, he always worried about leaving you to it. He was meant to be home cooking for the three of you while you relaxed, tried to let the stress of the school day roll off your back. He loved giving you that time.
This particular night, when six o’clock rolled around and he realized he still had a good hour or more on the site, he knew he needed to let you know he wouldn’t be timely with his return. Didn’t want you to worry.
You’re on the couch, grading. By this time of night, Joel’s normally taken the work from your hands and pulled your attention toward anything else. Noticing the room darkening, you wonder where he is, just as your phone dings:
Wednesday, October 7, 6:03 PM:
Sorry baby, gonna be later than I hoped tonight. Y’all don’t wait on me, okay?
Supposed to be my night too, dammit. I apologize, sweetheart.
You’d told him till you were blue in the face he didn’t need to apologize to you when he was the one having to work until long after dark. It never took.
You responded quickly, knowing his phone would be back in his pocket and forgotten again soon when his attention turned again to the work and his team.
Wednesday, October 7, 6:04 PM: (Outgoing)
Dont worry about it, sweetie. i promise i can handle dinner, just don’t work too hard and get home when you can ❤️
And take a break and drink some water, will ya? if that bottle ain’t empty yet, you haven’t had enough! see you soon, love.
He’d be dead on his feet when he walked through the door, that much you knew. And he’d have no business rifling around in the kitchen for something random he’d throw together, not substantial enough by far for a day of working like he’d been. You hopped up and started to the kitchen, determined to make a hearty meal for you and Sarah to share now, and to ensure Joel had a real meal when he finally made it home for the night.
A couple of hours had passed by the time Joel finally walked through the door. You’re back on the couch, this time reading a book while the lights from the tv danced softly in the dimly lit room, with a bare haze of sound playing at low volume.
It was nearly 8:30 when you heard the key turning in the door. Sarah had retired to her room for the night after dinner. She’d tried to help you clean the dishes, but you’d ushered her off to relax after spending most of the afternoon doing homework.
Joel trudges wearily through the door, shoulders slouched and eyes heavy-lidded when he thinks you can’t see him. The second he lays eyes on you, though, his posture straightens and his expression brightens, eyes opening a bit more as he lifts into a smile. Your expression mirrors his, and you sit up, closing your book and rising to meet him halfway. You practically speak over each other in greeting:
“Hi darlin’, how was your day?” he says.
“Hey honey, how’d it go today?” you ask.
You laugh a bit when you realize you’re asking the same question on top of each other, and he pulls you close, arms resting heavily around your waist. You drape yours around his neck as he leans down to kiss you. When you pull away to look at his face, you see past the tired smile he wears to the exhaustion etched in his face, settled in his drooping eyes.
You move one hand up, fiddling gently with the strands of hair at the back of his head. You smile and put light pressure on the base of his neck with your other hand, moving his head down to rest on your shoulder. He catches on instantly, and settles comfortably where you direct him. He nuzzles into the nape of your neck and you feel his eyes close against your collarbone, his warm fatigued breaths rhythmically grazing your chest.
You continue playing with his hair with one hand, while the other remains resting on the back of his neck. You turn your head to place a soft kiss to his temple and, after a moment of restful silence, quietly speak:
“You’re tired, huh? I missed you today.”
“Missed you too, baby,” he murmurs against your neck, tightening his grip around your waist, and snuggling closer.
“You gotta be hungry. Got a plate waitin’ for ya in the fridge. Want me to warm it up?” you ask him, moving your hand down his neck to rub gently against his back. He breathes deeply in contentment at your comforting touch.
“No, I’m never leaving this spot. I live here now,” he says, and you feel the rumble of his voice against your chest. You chuckle lightly and speed up your ministrations, applying a bit more pressure as you discover the tightness of the muscles in his back.
“Mhm. And when was the last time you ate? Or drank anything for that matter?” you ask knowingly.
“Uhhhh, i guess it was, arou-“ he cuts himself off with a yawn, “around lunch time? Maybe one? Did finish that bottle like you asked, though,” and he smacks his lips lazily, somehow nuzzling further into your shoulder.
“Good, thank you. But lunch was seven hours ago now, so you need to eat something. Wanna start there? Or shower first?” you ask, chuckling a bit.
He raises his head a bit and squints at you, frowning playfully. “You sayin’ I smell, darlin’?” he mumbles, laughing into your shoulder.
You giggle in response before elaborating: “I’m saying you’re sweaty and would feel better if you rinsed the day off before crawling into bed.”
He sighs and rasps into your neck, “you changed the sheets didn’t you?” you feel a smile form against your chest.
“Sure did. So it’s food, shower, and bedtime. You can pick the order. Which first? Want me to grab your dinner?” you ask.
He sighs deeper this time, “What’s that thing about objects in motion and objects at rest or somethin’? Gonna keep doing whatever they already got goin’ on?”
You rumble a little laugh in return before responding. “I see. C’mon Newton, let’s keep ya moving. Go hop in the shower while I get your dinner ready.” You say, patting his cheek as he raises his head with a little groan.
You catch his eyes with your own and let your hand rest on his cheek. You move a thumb beneath his chin and pull him to you, giving him one last peck before ushering him down the hall. You pull his plate from the fridge and get to work on reheating his meal.
He emerges less than ten minutes later smelling fresh and dressed in a clean t-shirt and a pair of plaid pajama pants, padding into the kitchen just as you’re filling a glass of water to place next to his warmed plate. He rubs a fist into one eye, yawning again, and plops into a chair at the kitchen table.
You approach behind him, placing the glass on the table with one hand and rubbing his shoulder with the other. He lifts a hand to grab yours and squeeze as he takes a sip. His eyes reach up to meet your own.
“Thank you. You didn’t have to do this, sweetheart. It was my night anyway, and now you’ve cooked and even put the damn plate in front of me,” he huffs.
“You don’t need to thank me, love” you respond, leaning down to kiss him again before taking the seat next to him with the glass of wine you’d poured to sip while you sat with him. You reach for his left hand where it rests on the table, and gently squeeze. He wraps his fingers around yours before you can retreat. Your fingers remain intertwined for the duration of the meal.
The two of you discussed the highlights of your respective days - roses and thorns, both too sleepy to bother with buds. When Joel finishes, you grab his plate to wash, but he takes it from you.
“No way are you washing my dishes too, honey. You’ve done enough already tonight,” he tries to insist. You’re not having it.
“Will you just let me take care of you, dummy? You’re bone tired, I can see it in those beautiful brown eyes. Here. How about this?” you rinse the plate and utensils, shove them quickly in the dishwasher, close it emphatically, and raise your empty hands.
He rolls his eyes, but relents with an exasperated sigh. “Whatever you say, darlin’,” he responds smiling, a bit bashful from the care and compliment.
“Good. Now c’mon, bedtime.” you say, taking his hand in yours once again and leading him to the bedroom.
“Whatever you want, baby” he grins, raising his eyebrows suggestively. You can’t help bellow a hearty laugh at that one.
“Jesus, like you could keep your eyes open, Miller,” you respond, as you pull the covers back and lead him onto the bed next to you. You settle back against the headboard and open your arms up, beckoning him into your lap. He shuffles closer and leans into your embrace.
“It was-“ he pauses, only to finish through a yawn “- worth a shot.” You chuckle quietly as he rests his head in your lap, eyes instantly slipping closed.
You turn on the tv, keeping the volume low. It’s only a little after 9, so still early for you to fall asleep. You would read, but you’d rather turn off the light, hoping the dimness in the room helps him get some good rest.
You lay one hand on his back and the other in his hair, both softly rubbing in comforting circles, and you feel him melt further into you. A familiar warmth fills your chest at the sight of him there, resting peacefully in your lap. You lean down and press one last kiss to his head before whispering to him.
“Good night, sweetheart.”
“G’night, darlin’” he rumbles, muffled into your lap. You smile, one hand still on his back as the other reaches up, flicking off the lamp, before returning it to his hair. Your fingers gently massage his scalp, and within minutes, you hear his soft snores.
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halsteadlover · 8 months
𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞
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*Gif and pic not mine credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader.
• Requested: no.
• Summary: your life is amazing. You have everything you wished for, a caring and beautiful husband, a satisfying job, an amazing house. What if in a matter of seconds, your incredible fairy tale is about to take a tragic twist?
• Warnings: angst, mention of car crash, blood, wounds, curse words, death.
• Word count: 7580.
• A/N: Please don’t kill me. Y’ALL BETTER EAT THIS FIC UP BECAUSE I PUT MY BLOOD AND SWEAT AND TEARS (always pretty please). I hope you’ll like this piece I know I was heartbroken writing it. Drop a like, a comment and reblog if you want, it’d be amazing and so helpful. I apologize for any mistake or grammar error. Thank you so much as always for your support, looking forward for your opinion. ❤️
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“You hear me? Please answer me”.
“Please hold on, everything will be okay I promise. Please… Don't leave me.”
What was going on?
Why did you feel so weak?
Where was Spencer?
Your breathing was heavy, cold shivers ran through your body but despite this you couldn't move a single muscle even if you could feel your body waving to an unknown motion, like you were floating.
Am I moving?
You felt your eyelids fighting not to stay closed even if you tried with every fiber of your body to fight against that tiredness that wanted so badly to suck you into the darkness.
You were so afraid.
You managed to slightly open your eyes, only for a fraction of a second, and all you saw was a blinding white light that forced you to close your eyes right after. It was so strong you couldn't open them again.
What it was?
Was it heaven?
Were you dead?
“Please baby hold on, if you hear me please fight, I know you’re so strong. I’m begging you… Stay with me…”
Yes, there was no doubt that it was him even if his voice carried in the distance, each word fading further and further. You wanted so badly to answer him, to shout you were okay, that you could hear him, that you were there with him.
But were you really okay?
No, I’m not.
And the more you fought against the darkness, the more it sucked you into its heavy vortex.
You fought, you really tried, but you didn't have the strength. You were too weak, too tired.
You just wanted to rest for a bit.
God please let me okay.
You eventually gave up, stopped fighting and let yourself be lulled by that darkness.
It was so peaceful.
There wasn’t any more pain. Any suffering.
Maybe it wasn’t so bad.
Five hours earlier
“I really don't feel like going to work this morning,” your husband kept complaining. You were both still in your bedroom, you were sitting while Spencer was lying next to you, his arm around your hips and his head on your lap.
“Hotch will kill you if you take a day off without warning,” you giggled, running your fingers through his fluffy hair. “I also wish you could stay here love, I feel so lonely here without you. But unfortunately you can’t.”
Spencer huffed, holding you even tighter. “I know I'm so sorry baby, I hate leaving you alone. I'm always so worried.”
“Oh yeah I know, the three thousand texts you send me always asking me if I'm okay prove it.” You teased him and even though you couldn't see him you knew full well he rolled his eyes.
“Ah, ah, keep making fun of me,” he retorted. “Is it really weird I want to keep you safe?”.
“No baby, I was joking. You know very well I love you're so protective of me and besides, I’m okay, you don’t have to worry about me.”
He kept caressing your side, leaving a kiss on it at the level of your scar, a gesture that made your heart melt. He looked up at you and smiled before propping himself up on his elbows, resting his free hand on your face and pressing his lips on yours. A flock of butterflies exploded in your stomach.
It didn't matter how long you two were together, you felt the same butterflies, the same feeling as in the early days, he still managed to make your heart skip a beat with just a kiss.
God I love this man so much.
“What will I do without you?” Spencer pouted, already missing you before he even got out of bed and got dressed. “I just hope we won’t have any case.”
Spencer had left for work, but not before recommending you to call and text him if you needed anything. You reassured him, telling him not to worry, that everything would be fine and of course you wouldn't hesitate to call him.
You settled on the couch and spent the morning watching episodes of your favorite TV show which, although you loved it, was getting tiresome.
Three weeks earlier you had been injured on duty while chasing a serial killer who had shot you as he tried to escape.
You were fine but Spencer, being his overprotective self, refused to let you do anything that involved physical effort and prevented you in any way from returning back to work before the five weeks of rest recommended by the doctor. And it didn't help that Hotch agreed with him.
Spencer did nothing but text you all morning when he could, asking how you were as if you were in a hospital bed. You reassured him, sending him selfies of you lying on the couch, asking him how things were going at the unit.
You loved Spencer so much, you loved the way he always protected you, the way he was so thoughtful of you, the way he always put you first in any moment and situation.
The morning was rather boring so you decided to keep yourself busy with cooking something for lunch, that you wanted to bring to Spencer too since you missed him and didn't want to wait until the evening to see him again. But you also wanted to see the rest of the team again. You hated to say it, but you missed those assholes.
As you packed your and Spencer's lunch, your phone vibrated on the table.
From: Spence 💍, 12.47 AM Is it weird I miss you so terribly? I'll never get used to not seeing you here.
You smiled like an idiot, knowing how much Spencer wasn't a fan of technology but despite this being committed to use it since you couldn't live without it.
To: Spence 💍, 12:50 AM Have I ever told you I’m so madly in love with you Doctor Reid? I miss you so much more xx
You placed your phone on the table and continued putting away your lunch. When you finished, you grabbed some clean cutlery and paper napkins and then looked at your phone, noticing he didn’t answer your text yet.
You left the house after making sure you locked the door, you went to your car, pulling your phone out of your purse to send an audio message to Spencer.
“Baby don’t eat anything because I'm coming with your favorite food. It's a little burnt I have to admit, but in my defense I was distracted watching TV,” you let out a small laugh. “If you know what's best for you, you'll better say it's delicious or you'll sleep on the couch tonight. I love you so much, see you soon!”.
You got into your car and placed the two lunch boxes on the passenger seat. While driving, you were careful not to brake suddenly to avoid all the food spilling into your car.
You stopped at a red light and you took you phone to see if Spencer had texted you back but he didn’t.
The light turned green after almost thirty seconds and you placed your phone in your purse again before starting to drive again. You were at an intersection and you just drove few meters before your saw out of the corner of your eye a car speeding towards you.
You turned your head towards it and tried to brake but you weren't very fast.
Everything happened quickly.
A sudden, deafening thud made your ears ring and time seemed to stop for an instant.
You didn't have time to react, to even let out a scream or do anything else before that car hit you full force on the side.
If someone had asked you to describe what had happened in that moment, you wouldn’t have been able to do it because you didn’t even know what had happened in the first place, having lost consciousness before you could realize you had just been involved in a car crash.
Spencer was unaware in the meantime his whole life was about to undergo something he’d never, ever want to face, something he continually lived in fear of happening.
He and the rest of the team were in the meeting room, investigating on a case of a serial killer that the police in a nearby town had asked for help with. It was a simple case, so it wasn't even necessary for the whole team to go there.
“Reid focus.” Hotch had warned him several times when during the morning he caught him on his cell phone, the small smile shadowed his lips making it obvious who he was talking to. So he had put his cell phone in his pocket although his mind always went towards you.
He wondered what you were doing although knowing you, you were probably watching some TV show and the thought of you lying on the sofa, curled up under the blanket made him smile, earning you a small pat on the back of the head from Morgan.
“Focus pretty boy, I know you miss your beautiful wife but we have a case to solve.”
This had started a series of jokes and teasing towards Reid who in response would gave everyone the middle finger.
The truth was that he missed you deeply, he missed looking up and seeing you sitting at your desk filling out some case report with your pen between your lips and the wedding ring shining on your finger, he missed flirting with you in a not-so-subtle way and being made fun of by the whole team, even Hotch. He missed traveling from city to city and working with you to catch ruthless killers, he missed seeing you sitting in your chair around the meeting room table.
He couldn't wait for those two more weeks to pass, although the worry you still hadn't fully recovered didn't leave his mind.
His phone suddenly started ringing and he muttered an 'excuse me' before taking it out of his pocket and reading your name on the screen.
He moved away from the others so he could answer the call.
“Hi baby! What...-” He started but stopped immediately after when a voice that didn't belong to you interrupted him, making the smile he had on his lips instantly disappear.
“Do you happen to know Y/n Y/Ln? We found this number among the emergency contacts.”
Spencer frowned, his heart already eating wildly and anxiety twisting his guts. “Y-yes. She’s my wife… What's going on? Who am I talking to? Where’s she? Is she okay?”.
“I'm sorry to inform you that your wife was involved in a car accident, she’s in serious conditions…”
Spencer froze in place, the man's words echoing in his head while he couldn't process them.
What the fuck?
“C-can you repeat that?” He stammered, hoping it was just a misunderstanding, that the man had gotten the wrong person. “There must be a mistake m-my wife… She’s… She’s at home…”
“I’m very sorry sir…”
Spencer Reid, who had always been a quiet, calm and collected person, completely lost his mind.
After getting the address of the car crash site he ran at lightning speed out of the unit, ignoring the voices of Derek and the rest of the team who called him worriedly.
His mind wasn't focused on anyone else but you and as he sped through the streets he couldn't help but think about what the hell had happened.
You were supposed to be home, on the couch watching TV. Why did you went out? Why didn't you text him?
His stomach clenched with anxiety, an emotion he wasn't familiar with but since he'd met you he often seemed to feel because of the constant and devastating fear something bad might happen to you.
He wasn't good with feelings, everyone knew it, but thanks to you he had learned to give voice to what he felt, he had learned to embrace those sensations and emotions he struggled to show from an early age and that for so long he wanted to suppress.
A lump kept pressing on his throat, almost suffocating him. He continued to murmur and hope you were okay but when he arrived at the scene his heart almost stopped again.
The car crash scene was a disaster.
Various passers-by had gathered in shock from a distance to watch curiously as the fire fighters and paramedics worked on those piles of scrap metal that were the cars.
They were completely destroyed and no one believed the two drivers had made it given the catastrophic impact.
Various emotions had passed through Reid, emotions that he could group into one word: dying. That’s how he felt, dying.
He pushed through the crowd of people, pushing them aside and ignoring those who complained in response. After identifying himself with the cops he ran towards the wreckage where the rescuers and firefighters had just pulled you out of the destroyed car.
“Let me go! That's my wife right there!” He continued to exclaim loudly while two cops struggled to restrain him. His gaze was fixed on you, on your unconscious body while the rescuers carried you on the stretcher.
“Sir you need to let the paramedics do their job! I know it's a horrible situation but this will only hinder them!”.
Spencer was a guy who didn't like conflicts but at that precise moment he was willing to kill those cops with his bare hands.
He snorted loudly, pulling out his badge. “I'm an FBI agent and if you don't let me go to my wife right now I will make your life a living hell and have your badges on my desk before tomorrow.”
It only happened very few times he’d threatened someone, and most of them were to extort information or to make a killer to confess, but the way his wild and desperate eyes were glaring at the two cops, made them understand he wasn't bluffing at all.
They eventually let him pass and he ran towards you.
You lay unconscious on the stretcher, your body covered in your own blood. You had an oxygen mask on your face, a collar around your neck to stabilize it and Spencer had to rely on all the strength he had in his body not to collapse there in front of everyone.
He couldn't believe it, he couldn't believe it was true.
He grabbed your hand with his, the diamond of your ring pressing against his palm. He tried to swallow the lump in his throat, not wanting to let his emotions overwhelm him. He couldn't be weak, not now, not when you needed him.
He called your name, desperation clear in his voice. His eyes scanned your face, always beautiful as the sun even if dotted with scratches and bruises.
He called your name again, with even more urgency and desperation, hoping that hearing his voice would wake you up.
“You hear me? Please answer me.”
“Sir we have to go to the hospital immediately. We have no time to waste.” The paramedic's voice brought him back to reality and Spencer nodded, never taking his eyes off you.
“Please hold on, everything will be okay I promise. Please… Don’t leave me,” he whispered to you before turning to the paramedics. “I’m coming with you.”
The journey to the hospital was the longest and most painful ride Reid had ever made in his entire life.
He never let go of your hand, occasionally kissing your knuckles as he carefully watched every little movement the paramedics made.
At a certain point his heart rekindled with hope when he saw your eyelids move and open slightly.
“Y/n baby! Can you hear me? Y/n!” He exclaimed but his hope faded when he saw your eyelids close a second later and you lose consciousness again.
“Please baby hold on, if you hear me please fight,” His eyes filled with tears but he tried to fight them back, this wasn’t the time to cry. “I know you’re so strong, I’m begging you… Stay with me… I'm here, I'm here, and I’m not leaving you. Everything will be fine, you’ll be okay.”
You had a cardiac arrest on the way to the hospital but they managed to revive you and needless to say, this freaked out Spencer even more than he already was.
You died in front of him.
For a few moments your heart had stopped beating and the terror Spencer felt was a sensation he had never felt before. Maybe only when something happened to you during the job. He had always told you that you’d give him a heart attack sooner or later.
When the ambulance arrived at the hospital, Spencer barely had time to say anything before the doctors rushed you to the OR, leaving him helpless.
He passed his hands on his face, then fingers in his hair as he tried to figure out what the fuck was going on.
He had heard the police say the driver that hit you had lost control of his car after feeling dizzy, failing to stop at the red light and hitting you while you had just started driving again after the green light.
You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
It had all been a stupid twist of fate and now you had to fight to live.
Spencer didn't believe in fate, he didn't believe there was some superior being or entity, he believed in science, in empirical data, in theories proven by hypotheses and theses, but then why did this happen? Why was the love of his life fighting between life and death?
Why did it seem like someone or something wanted to snatch his happiness away when he was finally happy?
He walked back and forth across the floor of the waiting room for what seemed an infinite amount of time, almost digging a ditch in the wake of his footsteps.
He had called Hotch, told him about the car crash and that you were in surgery and he reassured him the whole team would be there in no time.
It wasn't until after you ended the call with Hotch that Spencer saw your last messages, including the audio text you'd sent him.
His fingers were shaking and he sat down, fearing his knees would give out sooner or later.
His eyes filled with tears again as they read the message and the chasm inside his heart opened even more. But it was when he listened to your audio message the air was completely sucked out of his lungs and it became difficult to continue breathing.
“Baby don’t eat anything because I'm coming with your favorite food. It's a little burnt I have to admit, but in my defense I was distracted watching TV,” He heard you giggle while in the background he heard the car door open and close shortly after, a sign that you had just gotten into the car. “If you know what's best for you, you'll better say it's delicious or you'll sleep on the couch tonight. I love you so much, see you soon!”.
Your audio cut out and Spencer only realized he was crying when tears fell from his eyes onto his phone screen.
He was completely devastated.
It was his fault.
You went out because you were going to bring him food.
He couldn't process what was happening, he couldn't conceive it.
How did you go from hugging in bed that morning to you in the OR? For what kind of fucked up reason did this happen to you? Among the many people who could’ve been at that damned intersection, why did it have to be you?
Spencer knew it wasn't right to hope it happened to someone else but he didn’t care, fuck, he wished it’d happened to himself.
For the first time in his whole life Spencer prayed.
He prayed with every fiber of his being to whoever was up there to make you survive, he prayed to be able to see you again, hug you, kiss you again. He prayed to hear your laugh again, your awful jokes, to see your smile and your eyes shining when you saw him, he prayed to be able to sleep with you again, to wake up in the morning and smell the scent of your skin and hair, of feeling your fingers run through his messy hair while you were watching a movie and he had his head resting on your lap.
He prayed to still have time with you. He prayed to start a family with you even though the thought of it terrified him because he had no idea how to be a parent, but at the same time knowing there was no other person he’d want to do it if not you. He begged to tease you when the first wrinkles would appear on your beautiful face but to console you at the same time saying you were still the most beautiful and breathtaking woman he had ever met in his life.
He prayed to see your hair turn white, to see your children have kids of their own, he prayed to hold your hand until the end of your days.
He couldn't imagine a place on the planet where you didn't exist, where you weren't with him.
You two just got married, you had just started your life together, it couldn't all just vanish like that, in the blink of an eye, it just couldn't end.
You were strong. This was one of the many qualities Spencer admired about you, you were much stronger than you wanted to show and if there was anyone who could overcome that obstacle it was you.
The rest of the BAU had arrived after about fifteen minutes, both with worried and heartbroken expressions on their faces except Penelope, who was crying almost as many tears as she had.
JJ's voice made Spencer snap his head up from his phone, not realizing he had been mesmerized by looking at the picture he had as his background. It was a photo of you he took during a picnic during one of your first dates after you got together, Spencer had told a horrible joke and you had burst out laughing.
Spencer was so hypnotized by you, by the sound of your laugh, by your smile, by the small wrinkles at the corners of your eyes that he couldn't resist taking a photo and since then it had become his wallpaper and one of his favorite photos of you ever.
Everyone could notice the swelling of Spencer's eyes, evidence of the crying.
“Come here pretty boy.”
Morgan was the first to approach Spencer, pulling him in a brotherly hug, squeezing him with all the strength he had in his body, as if wanting to convey to him some of that strength he knew he tremendously needed.
“She's gonna make it okay? We know Y/n, that woman is a force of nature. She’ll make it.” He whispered in his ear, trying to hold back his emotions.
Everyone tried to appear as strong as possible but the truth was they too felt a boulder pressing on their stomach. Before being Spencer's wife, his partner, you were a colleague, a friend to all of them.
Nobody said anything else.
There were no need for words, everyone knew it’d be of no use.
They all tried to comfort each other, Emily was holding Garcia's hand the entire time, JJ and Morgan were sitting next to Spencer while Hotch and Rossi were standing not far from the others, all silently praying for you wellbeing.
Reid's body was sitting in the waiting room, surrounded by his friends and colleagues, yet his mind was completely elsewhere. His thoughts ran and ran, without stopping, so fast he didn't know which ones to listen to first.
Spencer and the team spent hours sitting in the waiting room, waiting for some doctor to come and update them on your health. He hoped the longer they took it meant there was a better chance of you getting through the surgery.
When he saw a doctor approaching where they were sitting, it was as if a vision manifested in front of him. His heart was beating wildly, so loudly he thought everyone around him could hear it while anxiety twisted his stomach so much he feared he’d throw up on the doctor's feet.
“Are you Y/n Y/Ln's family?” the doctor asked.
“I'm her husband. How is she? Please tell me she's okay. When can I see her?” Spencer blathered once he jumped up and approached doctor - he read the card - Miller.
He looked skeptically at the rest of the team, and then Spencer spoke. “It’s okay, we’re all colleagues, a family. How is Y/n? She made it right?”.
Spencer observed the micro-expressions on Dr. Miller's face. He noticed how his eyebrows furrowed slightly, how his chest rose slightly and fell, how his lips pressed together, how his neck stiffened and his posture tensed.
He knew that expression, unfortunately he knew it too well because of the job he did. It was the same expression with which he looked at the victims’ families when he was about to give them the worst and most devastating news of their lives.
Spencer saw that but decided to ignore it, he decided not to listen to his guts.
“The patient suffered much more serious damage than we imagined…”
“And what are you doing here? Go help her!” Spencer exclaimed, abruptly interrupting the doctor.
“Due to the violent trauma and along with broken bones, the ruptured spleen, the liver damage as well as the amount of blood she lost, she had also suffered a dissection of the ascending aorta.”
Spencer's heart stopped.
“W-what? What does that mean doctor?” It was Penelope who asked.
“It’s the tearing of the aorta’s wall, the largest vessel in our body. It has weakened due to the trauma and it’s no longer able to pump blood towards the other blood vessels and consequently the entire body can’t receive enough blood. Trying to repair it’s practically impossible, as her heart has already stopped once, she’s too weak to face a surgery, and the dissection further aggravates the situation. She would die on the OR table before we can even get to the aorta,” Dr. Miller explained, trying to be as clear as possible.
“Dissection of the ascending aorta is unfortunately one of the most serious vascular conditions and… There is no easy way to say it, we have done everything we can but she does't have much time left. It's a matter of hours…”
A deafening silence fell in the waiting room.
Almost everyone put their hands to their mouths to try to cover the gasps and sobs, Hotch stared at his shoes while shaking his head in disbelief. No one could believe what they had just heard.
Spencer couldn't hear a word Dr. Miller said. His brain refused to process them, because it couldn't be true, there must have been some misunderstanding.
Maybe he had confused patient, maybe he had talked to the wrong family.
“No, no, no!” Spencer exclaimed loudly. Morgan put a hand on his shoulder but he shook it violently. “Don’t touch me!” Then he went on to point a finger at Dr. Miller.
“Say it again.”
“Reid…” Rossi whispered.
“Say it again!” He shouted, his voice shaking. “Say it! Because there is no way on earth I just heard my wife is fucking dying! Say it again!”.
Spencer's voice cracked at the end and he burst into tears, bending to the ground as he felt his legs gave out.
Dr. Miller looked at Spencer with sadness while he was in the throes of disbelief and despair. Nobody dared to say anything, they too had to process that mourning, but they all knew that Spencer needed time more than anyone.
How do you react calmly when someone tells you that your partner, the love of your life, is about to die?
And it wasn't just any person, someone he just met, but you. You were dying.
Doctor Miller knelt in front of Spencer, placing a hand on his shoulder as he continued to cry all the tears he had in his body. “I'm so sorry, if there had been anything, anything we could’ve done to save her we would’ve done please trust me. I can't even imagine what you're going through right now but she's in the ICU now and she's awake, we gave her morphine so she doesn't feel any pain. Go and say goodbye to her, okay?”.
The world was collapsing on him, everything was disintegrating around him and he couldn't do anything to stop it.
How the fuck did this happen? How the fuck was that possible?
He couldn't believe it, he couldn't process what was happening.
It shouldn't have happened, not to you, you didn't deserve it.
He was terrified, more than he had ever been in his entire life, not even when he had been kidnapped and tortured by a ruthless killer.
Images after images of moments with you continued to flood his mind while a sense of anguish gripped his stomach, so strong he couldn't stop crying.
He cried.
Everyone cried with him in that waiting room, hugging each other.
All his dreams had been shattered, they had all vanished in the blink of an eye, flown away like a grain of sand in the sea.
Where did his ‘forever’ go?
His forever was in the ICU and was about to die. The only person he had ever loved, the only person who had ever understood him without trying to fix him, the only person who had ever made him happy, who had made him understand the meaning of the word love, who had made him believe that even if he came from a dysfunctional family that didn't mean the same fate would happen to him, the only person for whom he lived, breathed, for whom he committed himself every single day to fight his demons and ghosts was about to walk away forever.
How do you survive something like that?
What would he have done without you?
Spencer couldn't live without you.
He couldn't even imagine waking up in the morning and not finding you. He couldn't imagine coming home at night and knowing you’d be dead. He couldn’t imagine going in the kitchen and not smelling your food. He couldn’t imagine watch a romantic movie and not seeing you cry your eyes out.
No, no, no, fuck, that couldn't be true.
One by one they all came to you to say goodbye but no one spoke to each other. Spencer didn’t have the strength to walk into that room, he hoped till the last minute it was just a nightmare and he’d soon wake up.
There was only desperation and so many, many tears. Even Hotchner, always so serious and impeccable, couldn't stop the tears when he left your room, moving away from the others so as not to be seen.
The last one was him.
When it was Spencer's turn he was terrified.
His fingers trembled as they were about to open the door. He didn't have the courage to enter that room, look you in the eyes, say goodbye to his love.
With what strength would he have hugged you knowing it would be the last time? How would he be able to say goodbye? How would he be able to tell you he loved you knowing it was the last time? How could he let you go?
Every step he took was heavy, leaving a piece of his tormented soul behind each one.
Seeing you was like a punch in the stomach, like every time his eyes rested on you but that time what he felt wasn't happiness but only sadness, desperation, anguish and helplessness.
Oh my everlasting love. You didn't deserve all of this.
You lay in bed, a nasal cannula supplying you with oxygen, electrodes connecting your body to monitors that marked a low blood pressure and a below-normal heart rate.
He swallowed the lump in his throat, trying to rely on what little strength he had to not collapse to the floor and burst into desperate tears again. But the shine of his eyes, their swelling and redness showed how intensely he had cried in the last few hours.
You looked at him and he felt breathless.
How will I live without those eyes?
“Hi baby.”
His voice trembled, smiling slightly as he moved closer to you. He couldn't conceive the idea that the last time he had seen you was that same morning and you were fine, while at that moment you were on a hospital bed dying.
He pulled up a chair and sat next to you. He took one of your hands in his, intertwining your fingers and leaving a kiss on the back of it. All it took was for your skin to come in contact with his for him to burst into inconsolable and suffocating tears again.
He wrapped his arms around your hips, his head resting on your abdomen as you stroked his hair. It was a projection from that same morning but the difference was that this time would be the last.
He would no longer hug you, he would no longer be lulled by the warmth of your arms, feel your fingers run through his messy and tangled hair.
Silence reigned in the room, interrupted only by Spencer's sobs as he continued to cry desperately. He held you like he had never done before, as if in that way he hoped you would stay.
“It's okay…” you barely whispered, weakened and groggy from the morphine.
You felt… Apathetic.
You couldn't describe the emotions you felt at that moment, ever since the doctor told you didn’t have much time you felt anesthetized.
It was as if you were seeing everything from an external perspective, as if it wasn't really you lying on the bed, as if it wasn't you who was going to die in a few hours.
Not a tear had rolled down yours, not even when the rest of your team had come to say their final goodbyes.
You didn't want to feel like this, you didn't want to be apathetic, so numb. You wanted to feel anger, pain, helplessness, anguish, anxiety, anything, you wanted to cry, scream, but the more you tried, the more you couldn't.
“Don’t leave me please…” Spencer's sobs interrupted him. He continued to cling to you, to hold onto you as if his life depended on it.
“Baby, look at me.” Your voice was hoarse, thick with sleep and tiredness.
“No, no, no, I know what you want to tell me… No…” He held you even tighter than before. “You can't leave me…”
He turned his head towards you, his vision completely blurred with tears, his face wet. He brought his hands to your face, caressed your cheeks, your hair and tried as much as possible to imprint every detail of your skin in his memory.
“You're so beautiful baby,” he whispered, “It's not fair…”
“I know,” you whispered back weakly, “I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. But it's so unpredictable, isn't it?”.
“No, life sucks.”
You placed a hand on his still on your face, closing your eyes for a moment and enjoying the feeling of warmth that only he could give you.
“I know everything seems bad right now, I know you'll think this long after I'm gone but it's not like that love, life doesn't suck. It’s the most beautiful gift we could ever have...” you murmured with no small effort, your breathing heavy and difficult.
He shook his head. “Bullshit. You are my life, baby...” He cried. “I can't live without you. I can't... I can't go home and not find you there, I can't sleep without you next to me, I can't go to work and look up and not find you sitting there at your desk… I can’t…”
“Of course you can you’re the strongest person I know baby, even if you don't recognize it. You’ll be happy again...” You placed a hand on his cheek, drying with your fingers his tears that never stopped coming out. “Promise me one thing.”
“No, no, no, I can't, don't do this to me please… Don't make me promise something I can't keep baby…”
“Spencer, please. I can't leave knowing you won't be happy, please, I need to know you’ll at least try... Promise me...”
A solitary tear rolled down your face, even though you didn't even realize it at the time.
He shook his head, looking down as he continued to cry. He sat down on the bed next to you, pulling you into a hug you tried to return with the little strength you had left.
He left a long kiss on your head, inhaling deeply that beautiful scent he’d never be able to smell again in his life. He rested his cheek on you, letting your hair tickle his skin.
“I can't… I can't…” he repeated, feeling the air disappear more and more from his lungs. “You’re the first person who made me understand what it means to be happy baby… I don’t how to do it without you… D-don't… You can't ask me… I’m begging you…”
You slightly pulled away from him, cupping your hands on his face and smiling slightly through the tears you hadn't even realized you were shedding.
You were crying.
“I wouldn't ask you if I knew you couldn't Spence. I know it’ll be hard but life is beautiful baby, so damn beautiful and deserves to be lived to the full. Plus, I'm not really leaving okay? My body may no longer be here but my soul will always be with you, I’ll always be here when you need me, I will never leave you.” You spoke softly, your breathing heavy with each word. You placed a hand at his heart level which was beating wildly at that moment.
He shook his head again, still crying as desperation enveloped him more and more. “But I-I want you here…”
“Shh, listen to me love, please…” You stopped due to a cough. Spencer rushed to get you a glass of water from the bedside table, helping you drink and stroking your back in the meantime. “Thanks baby.”
Despite the morphine you still felt a weight on your chest, your lungs couldn't expand and everything hurt.
But it wasn't physical pain.
It was your soul that was hurting.
“Listen to me…” You started speaking feebly again, looking Spencer in his eyes, losing yourself in those two beautiful wells. “I need to know you’ll move on baby, that you’ll find someone you’ll love again and who will love you so deeply like I did, with whom you’ll build a beautiful family, with whom you’ll have children, a beautiful house and a dog if you want. This doesn’t mean you’ll forget about me, I’ll always be by your side at every step you take, I promise you, I’ll watch over you and if you need anything you just have to talk to me... Maybe not in front of other people or they’ll think you’re crazy.”
He chuckled through his tears and your heart skipped a beat. “That’s it. That’s the beautiful smile I always want to see, God you make me so happy.”
“There will be no one after you baby.”
“Spence please…-”
“No, no, you can't ask me that,” he murmured, his tone of voice so melancholy and sorrowful it made your gut wrench. “When I married you I never thought for a second there could be an ‘after you’, never, even though I knew the risks we both ran because of our jobs. There will never be anyone after you Y/n, there will never be anyone who can ever make me happy like you do, there will never be anyone I will ever love as much as I love you. It… It wouldn't be right...” He let out a deep sigh “It wouldn't be right for her, for... For the children because I wouldn't love them as much as I love you, because I would look at them and only think I could’ve had all that with you and I don't want that…”
He stroked your hair, looking at you with so much love it made your heart melt.
You didn’t want your time to end. You wanted to be with him, forever.
“Spencer… I-I'm terrified…” You managed to murmur before bursting into desperate, heartbreaking tears. Spencer hugged you while you sobbed into his sweater.
“I know… I know…”
Terrified didn't even come close to describing how you felt at that moment.
I'm dying.
Soon I won't be here anymore.
You couldn't conceive it, realize it, you couldn't accept it. But then again, how could you? Who would ever accept a death sentence?
You weren't ready.
You didn't want to leave Spencer, God, you had so many dreams to achieve together and it wasn't fucking right, it wasn't.
You just wanted to bring lunch and eat with your beloved husband, spend some time with him, why did this have to happen to you? What did you do wrong? You hadn't died from a bullet three weeks earlier but you were about to die for wanting to see your husband.
Why didn't you just stay home? If you had done it you would’ve been fine, you would’ve just had to wait for Spencer to come home that evening so you could hug him again. If you had done it you would’ve slept in the same bed, together that night, perhaps after making love, the next morning you would’ve woken up with his scent and his warmth, you would’ve had breakfast together.
You both cried until you couldn't breathe, holding on to each other as if you were both each other's lifelines.
You felt weak, every moment that passed breathing was like a punch in the stomach even though the oxygen flow had been turned up to maximum.
Hours passed and every minute that passed the fear paralyzed you more and more.
Spencer stayed next to you the entire time, hugging you and tightly holding your hand. You’d think he had shed all the tears he had in his body but instead he had never stopped, he continued to cling to you, to hold you in the hope that a miracle would happen.
He didn't believe in miracles, he thought there was a reason for everything, but in that moment he prayed for one to happen with every fiber of his being.
Your eyelids felt heavy and you struggled to keep your eyes open.
You were tired, so fucking tired, just wanting to rest for a bit but knowing if you definitely close your eyes you wouldn’t be able to open them again.
“Do you think heaven exists?” You whispered in a small, thin voice. Spencer kissed your forehead, continuing to stroke your hair as his salty tears kept running down his cheeks.
“Of course it exists, all the angels are just waiting for you. I'm pretty sure you’ll be the most beautiful angel of all, dressed in white and with the light surrounding you.”
You giggled, only to be interrupted by yet another cough. You were so grateful to have Spencer, that even though he didn't believe in an afterlife, in heaven, in angels, still tried to make you feel better.
“I'm so tired baby…” you murmured, closing your eyes for a few seconds before opening them again.
He held you tighter, feeling more tears streak down his face. “I know my love, but you can rest, I’ll always be here I promise, I’ll never leave you.”
“Spencer, you are the greatest and most beautiful love I have ever had in life, you made me the happiest I've ever been and I want to thank you for everything, for everything you have done for me, for teaching me the truth meaning of love…” You took a deep breath. “I will love you forever, I hope you know that, in this world and wherever else I’ll go. I know we’ll meet again, even if not in this life, we’ll meet in next one.”
He shook his head in despair as he continued to sob and cry. He wasn't ready to say goodbye, he wasn't ready to let you go, but who he was kidding, he never would be.
“I love you so much my darling, I will always love you until my last breath.”
He kissed your forehead softly again, pressing his lips to your skin longer than expected as he tried to make the most of those last moments with you.
“You’re the best and most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me. I love you, always and forever,” he kept whispered, hugging you. But you couldn't hug him back.
You had closed your eyes and fallen asleep, in the arms of the person you loved most in the world where you always wished your last moments would be.
The room was filled with sounds from the monitor connected to your heart, which had started to slow down.
Your heartbeat had slowed.
More and more.
Until it stopped and all that was left was a flat line.
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fantasyandshit · 5 months
The light and the dark
Other parts here
Pairing: Azriel x Archeron sister reader
Summary: Yn is recovering from her…incident. Az offers his help.
(Hey a/n here. I just want to take a moment to say thank you guys so much for all the support, past accounts I’ve had have had zero contact so this means so much to me and every time I see I’ve gotten a notification from you guys a smile comes to my face. I love y’all so much and I’m glad you enjoy my work. Please comment if you want to be added to the tag list or just want to tell me something, I love them so much! And remember I need ideas so please send me some! Love y’all enjoy reading!❤️❤️)
Pain. That’s the first thing I feel, agonizing pain throughout my body. Next, I feel a weight in my left hand, something bumped yet smooth. I’m on something soft, and there’s a weight on each side of me, starting just at my shoulder blades. What is that what- I shoot up, adrenaline causing me to not struggle with the added weight but my pain increases and I let out a yelp.
“Hey, hey! Calm down, calm down. You’re ok. You need to lay down.” Hands grapple at me and I struggle as I’m forced back into the bed. I let out groans and small screams as pain continues to flare in the unknown appendages-wings- my fucking wings. I have wings. I fucking.have.wings. And they hurt like hell. Ariel’s face comes in to view and I finally calm down.
“Yeah, yeah it’s me. You’re ok. Relax.”
“Hurts.” I whimper, tears coming to my eyes. “Really hurts Az.” That’s the first time Ive called him that and it comes out in a sob.
“I know love. I know. We’re gonna fix it ok. We’re gonna make it better yeah?” I barely register what he called me as I nod my head meekly.
“Hello Yn. I’m madja, I’m a healer. Can you tell me what hurts the most?”
“Wings.” My breath comes out a bit ragged as exhaustion hits me like a brick.
“Shit, some of the wounds reopened, Azriel keep her talking and awake.”
As my eyes flutter I feel two hands on my face, “hey, hey look at me. There she is.” My eyes lock on Ariel’s as shadows dance around me. I look over to his hands, grabbing one in my hand and he tenses as I bring it in front of my face and inspect it.
“Beautiful.” I mumble as my finger traces his scars, “they’re beautiful Az, you’re beautiful.” My eyes flutter again before fire bursts in my wings and I scream loud enough I’m sure the house shook, bucking away and writhing.
“Hold her down shadowsinger.” Az grabs me and holds me as the pain continues.
“No no Az please. It hurts it hurts please. Let me go.”
“Hold her still!”
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” The male looks away, tears of his own surfacing before Rhysand and Feyre appear, immediately understanding the situation and helping Az.
Feyre look to my eyes, “Feyre. Please it hurts. It hurts so bad.”
I watch her heart shatter in her eyes, “I know sis. I know.” Her hand whipped my sweaty face, “it’ll be over soon. I promise, it’ll all get better.”
Finally the pain leaves, now a dull ache as the fae let me go, Feyres hand now going through my hair, I lean into the comfort, eyes fluttering as I relax and finally fall asleep.
“She should be awake by now, it’s been two weeks since she last woke up.”
“Relax Az. She needs time, you forget she hasn’t been an Illyrian more than a month and a half and her wings were severely injured not minutes after she was made one.”
A groan leaves my lips and I speak without opening my eyes, my voice horse from lack of use, “please shut up. You’re so loud.”
“Yn?” I crack my eye open to see Az, his hand holding mine as he faces me, Feyre, Rhysand, Cassian, and a blond femal I do not recognize take different positions around the room.
“Hey Az.” A smile forms on my lips, “you were worried about me. That’s sweet.” I laugh at the blush that forms on his cheeks, Cassian and Rhysand doing the same. “I don’t mean to be rude but who are you?” I turn to the beautiful blond female.
“I’m Morrigan. It’s nice to finally officially meet you. I’ve heard A lot about you.”
“All good things I hope.”
A graceful chuckle leaves her lips, “of course.”
“Where is Nesta and Elain? Are they ok?” The thought rushes to me and I almost sit up but Azriel stops me.
“They’re perfectly fine, Elain is processing and has chosen to do so alone in her room, she didn’t wish to come today, she’s been a few times during your recovery, Nest-“ there’s a tense pause, “Nesta did not wish to visit.” I nod slowly, hurt that the sisters I saved didn’t wish to see me but put it off as them healing mentally. I decide to lighten the mood, taking out minds from the solemn topic.
“Now can someone get me some water, some food, and a wing scratcher. Those exist right? Cause if not you guys will have to play eni meni minie moe to decide who does it for me.” Cassian bellows in laughter, the rest joining as i look at them with raised eyebrows, “I’m serious, these things itch like I’ve bathed them in poison ivy.”
Az squeezes my hand, my attention returning to him as the others arrange for food and water..and figure out how to find a back scratcher. “That’s the ointments love, I’ll help take care of your wings. If you’re ok with that? Wings are precious to our kind, sensitive, sacred.”
“I’d really appreciate that sweetheart.”
Shocks spreads on the males face. “Huh?”
“I said I’d appreciate that. That you’re being a sweetheart.” I try to play it off and he chuckles.
“Ok love, whatever you say.”
“I like that.”
“What?” His brows scrunch as he turns his head a little.
“When you call me love.” Blush creeps up both of our faces as we stare at each other, only broken out my Cassian clearing his throat loudly.
“I have your soup and water. Mor will send in some clothes later for you to bath and change.”
“Thank you, I take the tray from his hands and Az helps me situate myself. “You can go you know. I know you probably have better things to do than baby tend me all day.”
“I’m not baby tending you, I’m helping you recover, and there’s nothing more important to me than helping you.” I look to my soup, praying he doesn’t notice the way my blush deepens further.
“Ok, how do you want to do this? I’m sat on a stool in the bathroom, still finding it hard to walk with the weird weight in my back.
“Could you-could you help me, I can’t undress myself.” For the millionth time today a blush spreads in our faces before he answers softly.
“Yeah, yeah I can do that.” His hands brush my back as he undoes the strings of my tunic, careful of my healing wings before he stands me up, leaning me on his arm as he slides my pants off, then helping peal of my undergarments and supporting me as I step into the warm bath water. I sink down as Azriel grabs the soaps needed. “Ok, I’ll start with your hair. Ok?”
“Ok.” I moan at the feeling of his hand massaging my scalp. Eyes falling shut as he leans my head back, carefully poring water over it and repeating that with conditioner.
“Ok um-wings are very intimate, and sensitive. Yours may be more so because they are so new and still healing. Is it ok if I touch them, I will clean them off and make sure to exfoliate and apply a lotion madja gave me to help with your itching and soreness?”
“Yes, yeah you can-you can do what you need to.”
“Ok. Az helps softly pull my wings out so they are flared seeing as I don’t know how to control the muscles yet. He softly scrubs a soap around them, when he hits a larger membrane at the top a gasp and whine leave me-fuck that feels good. “Are you ok?” He drops his movements.
“Yes I’m fine it feels really good.”
“Ok.” He nods before continuing softer than before.
That’s when it happens, his shadows are dancing around us and as I relax I spot them, tendrils of light twirling with his shadows. We both freeze as we watch, one of the lights dashes to me, rubbing my cheek before going to my ear and whispering to me. “Woah.”
“What, what’s going on.” Azriel is no longer calm
“Relax. It’s ok, they-they say I’m like you but I speak to light rather than dark. These are-these are my lights.” I chuckle, a smile gracing my lips as shadows and light twist in my hair and around me and Az’s bodies.
“Thats amazing love.” Az finishes getting the soap off my wings before helping me out and drying me off, slipping the night gown Mor gave me on and applying lotion to my wings. “We’ll tell Rhys about your powers in the morning. For now, get some rest ok love?”
“Ok.” As he turns to leave I catch his wrist, “please stay.”
After a moment, Azriel nods hesitantly, slipping his boots off and sliding into bed with me, tucking himself behind me. I grab his hands, wrapping them around me as I turn so my face is to his chest, our wings overlapping and enveloping us and themselves before we both drift off to sleep.
There we go! Part four! I hope you enjoy, I tried to make it really sweet and fluffy. I know it’s moving fast but I can’t hold back with Azzy baby ok.
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multifariousqueer · 1 year
Miles cheating fic pt.2
Request: Ok here’s my request and it’s not smut so don’t worry lol.
What if like Yn tried sneaking into Mike’s room with some good news or smth and she catches him doing the deed with another girl so she decides to leave and then he’s blowing up her phone but she cuts him off. Idk just angst angst and more angst lol
A/n: AHHHH ENJOY Y’ALL. I wanted to make this story a bit different so lmk if you like it❤️
Warnings: cheating, toxicity, mentions of alcohol and knives, Miles being annoying, lmk if I missed one
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“no” you said simply, running to the kitchen to grab a knife to get Thomas down and to defend yourself against Miles
“Listen, I’m so sorry and I know that doesn’t change anything” he started
“no it doesn’t. Listen, I’m giving you three minutes to get the hell out of my home. What is wrong with you, seriously? Have you been stalking me?” you asked rhetorically because you knew Miles had been
Miles would stalk you all the time, mostly for safety and to make sure you were happy but ever since the breakup, he had been stalking you to see where you would be and to see when he could quietly slip into your life again. When he realized you were 1000% done with him and had a new boyfriend, he realized it was now or never and he was already out on patrol. You had been packing stuff up and getting ready to leave and Miles would quietly watch you through your window and sometimes, when you weren’t home, he would come into your apartment and walk around taking in the very essence of you that he missed so dearly.
You had consumed Miles’ thoughts and dreams and he knew he couldn’t just let you leave without saying goodbye, right? Even though he got into your dream school and had every intention of going so he could stalk you more and make sure you were still safe(and available). 
“Hermosa, I love you way more than this guy and I mean, he couldn’t even fight back so what does that tell you about him?” Miles chuckled dryly 
“I DON’T CARE! GET OUT BEFORE I CALL THE POLICE” you shouted, waving your knife at Miles as he walked over to you
“Call them, I’d love to say hi to my dad. And stalking is a bit of a stretch, more like watching you from afar” he said
“that’s stalking cabròn”you said
“I never thought you’d call me that. I gotta say, it hurts” he said, putting a hand on his chest
“What do you want?” you asked, already knowing
“you, mami. I miss you so much and I haven’t been the same since you” Miles confessed
“Where’s your blanca? I thought you were happier with her” you said, tears in your eyes and Miles was hovering above your face
“She wasn’t you and she’ll never be you, y/n. I love you and only you and if I could go back in time and fix it, I would in a heartbeat.” he said
“hm. Well I’ve moved on and I have a boyfriend and I got into (your dream school) so I guess we won’t see each other anyways” you said
“Oh wow! This is a wonderful time to mention that I got in there too!” he smiled brightly, disregarding the boyfriend thing
You wanted to sob right there. Miles was a bit of a better student than you and he could get into your dream school without even trying and that’s what pissed you off. You had to struggle while Miles got off Scott free and still got to be Spider-Man. On top of that, the feeling that you would never get rid of Miles, no matter how much you tried ate away at you in that moment.
“You’re lying” you said, knowing it was true
Miles pulled out the letter and smirked at you
“see you there mami. And as for your cabron, that isn’t going away for another 6 hours, that’s your formula” Miles said, walking past you to your window
You had designed some web fluid for Miles and you weren’t shocked he was still using it, I mean you are a fantastic engineer when it comes to Spider-Man stuff.
You walked over to Thomas and he made a joke:
“I should’ve just went home” you both chuckled
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You had hugged your parents goodbye as they left you alone in your dorm. You had dreamed of this moment since you were eleven and now that it was happening, it brought tears to your eyes. You met your roommate and went to greet some of your classmates. 
When Monday came, you sat next to a cool girl and made conversation:
“I love your bag, Marc Jacobs?” you asked
“yeah, your shoes are so cute.” she said
“Thanks. I’m Y/n” you said, holding out your hand
“I’m Mia” she said shaking your hand
You two spoke a bit more before someone interrupted your conversation:
“Is this seat taken?” you immediately recognized the voice and placed it as Miles’
“oh no!” Mia spoke
He put his books down and gave you a smug look. You scoffed and class had started. 
The class was relatively easy since it was one most people were required to take, its just nothing was ever easy when Miles was there. He kept proposing study dates or just hangouts and you always declined but he asked in front of your new friends this time so you couldn’t just say no without them thinking something was wrong. So, you accepted and offered for your other friends to come which they happily accepted. Miles let out a bit of a sigh and gave you an expressionless look but you could tell he wasn’t thrilled
Eventually, he became apart of your group because he was nerdy and cute so people really liked him. He kept trying to get you alone with you to talk but you never allowed it, instead you surrounded yourself with people and made sure to lock your windows. Whenever your roommate questioned it, you would say:
“I don’t want any spiders to get in” 
She would always agree and y’all would go back to doing what you were previously doing
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Y’all got invited to a party and you all met up at your dorm. Most of y’all crowding around your sink and doing your makeup while the guys sat on your bed and read some of your books and looked at their phones.
When you emerged from the bathroom in your dress and makeup, Miles gave you a slacked jawed look and his eyes lit up. You walked over to him in your heels and closed his mouth for him before walking out the door
The rest of the girls got ready and y’all left your dorm and took some alcohol with incase it wasn’t good at the party
All eyes appeared on you when you walked in, your girls leading you to the dancefloor where they danced on you and you danced back. You felt a sense of Euphoria and ecstasy as you swayed to the music with a red solo cup in your hand as you smiled. Most of your group split up and it was just you and Mia dancing together. You went to fill your cup when you saw Miles already there
“hey, y/n” he said
“oh hey” you smiled, being friendly and a bit jaded
“you enjoying this?” giving you a “really?” look
“mmm yeah. Well I gotta go, I hear my song” you said, rushing back to the dance floor and twerking on your friend
Miles had a bit of a somber expression until a girl started talking to him and asked him to dance with her. At first, he was gonna reject but he saw how happy you were and he decided to try to make you jealous.
She twerked on Miles and he didn’t know what to do at first until he got in his groove. He still watched you intently until the girl came up and grabbed him before turning around and trying to kiss him. She kissed him and he reciprocated, pretending it was you. 
You saw this from across the room and you decided to have some fun. You walked over to them and whispered in the girl’s ear:
“careful, he might cheat on you” 
Miles decided he had enough and grabbed you by the arm, dragging you outside, you remembered how strong he was and you knew this was gonna leave a bruise
“just tryna make sure she dodges a bullet” you smirked, almost laughing
“Are you drunk?” he asked
“no, im just done with your shit” you said before trying to walk away but he cursed at you
“Ven aqui, mami” 
“I’m not your mami, i’m not your hermosa, i’m not yours, miles.” you said, sternly
“Haven’t I apologized enough? Can we just kiss or fuck and make up? I’m sorry, I still love you and I’m willing to do anything to fix us” he pleaded, sensing your sudden sobriety
“There is no more us Miles. I told you from jump that cheating was the one thing I couldn’t forgive. Let me go before someone sees us.” you said
He let you go as you strutted back in the party and went back to dancing, knowing you weren’t going back.
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wroteclassicaly · 2 years
A/N: Idk what this is, but my jumbled brain attempted to write something. Trying to get through this, but this helped channel some bad energies. I’m sorry for not writing, but I hope y’all like this and I’ll stop rambling now… ❤️❤️
Warnings: Language, NSFW, smut, creampie, squirting, soft fluff, mentions of anxiety/depression/panic attacks, & vaginal sex.
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“Look at me, princess. Come on, I know you can do it.” A calloused thumb swipes a tear off your salt-bitten cheek, lingering on damp lashes, making you blink into a flutter, sclera briefly clearing.
All you see is him. Those worried orbs, lust blown and clinging to a fragmented fraction of enriching maple. “Eddie?” You find your voice once more, his fingers held in your relentless grasp, palms bitten with fingernail imprints.
“I’m here, sweetheart. You still with me?” He startles you by letting one of your interlocked hands go, his own dropping, grasping himself around the base, your gaze flickering between your legs, watching his chain link bracelet slide down his wrist from the action.
You shake your head and purposely clench yourself around his cock, hips tilting into a lift, ankles locking around his waist, pinching his remaining set of digits. “Keep going. Please. All I need to feel is you.” There’s a puff of air that teeters off your lips, ones that are parched and starved for attention. You’d let yourself fade in and out into the anxiety, and Eddie hadn’t been able to reach your mouth, that gnawing settling into his stomach.
You find his eyes again as he whimpers into the stimulation of your wet cunt. “Baby, you’re hurting…”
“You’re the only one who can make it go away, Eds. Don’t stop, I have to—“ You start to fall off the precipice and into the jagged pieces of uncertainty, fear that abandonment brings around like an unwelcome friend posing as the ultimate enemy. “I have—“ You falter, Eddie’s thumb pad grazing your lip.
“Shh, shh. Okay, baby. This what you need? Just like this?” He gives that dip into your body, fingers holding firmly onto his cock until he’s got himself flush to your body, his knuckles soaked in your creamy shine.
You start to come back to yourself, to him. Home. There’s no worry, no panic, no oncoming anxiety. Just you, just Eddie.
His forehead finds yours, chain dangling in your face, smacking your breasts. He finds your hands and slides his fingers through, bending them beside your head, your forearms dragging along the bedsheets as he pushes your interlocked limbs up on either side of the pillow you rest on. His mouth nips at your chin, smacking noises colliding with the overpowering wet ones. You’re whispering as he maps your jawline with lingering kisses.
“Yeah, just like that for me. So good, Eddie. Fucking my pussy because you own me.”
He noses into your neck, nuzzling there, teeth scraping your earlobe, and he’s panting, whimpering into your mouth, skin pressing, barely, just… there. You’re nodding with a silent sob and he’s kissing you with everything he has him, as he’d kiss you with his last breath. You fall apart without the extra stimulation to your clit, surprising you both with the gush of fluid that pools around his cock and slicks down those curls around the base of his shaft. He’s burrowing deeper into your body, needing you impossibly closer. You give everything you have, letting him take you, squeezing his hands, mouths mingling in barely there touches as he cries out through his impending orgasm.
“Sweetheart, m’ gonna…”
“Do it inside me. Cum for me, Eddie. Want you to.”
You lock eyes with widened stares, finding that solace and diving headfirst into it. He comes with a steady thrust that holds him flush against you, trembling so badly that his hands fall away, pushing down your spine to smash you into him. When he slows into his climax, you cradle him to your perspiration stained breast, kissing his forehead, holding him through it. His voice is raspy, sex smashed. “I love you so much. Are you okay?”
He shifts on weak attempts to raise up. You run another knuckle deep toss through his frizzy mane. “I love you with everything in me, Eddie Munson. And yes, I’m fine now.”
“The bad shit sneaking up on you again?”
You can merely nod. His hand finds yours, never able to stray too far. Touches are lifelines.
“I won’t let it get you.” You lean into him, foreheads resting, bodies fizzling out to craving slumber, yet so much more.
It’s calm, nothing more needs to be said. His cock has softened inside of you, and when Eddie can sense your shift, he smirks and slides out, the mess very apparent now. You glance away sheepishly.
“So, are we gonna talk about the fact that you squirted on my dick?”
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honeybeefae · 1 year
Forgotten Ties (Eris Vanserra x Reader)
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Summary// Years trying to forget him. Years forming a new life, a new home, to try and rebuild what he had so carelessly thrown away. Only for it to all come crumbling down with a single meeting.
(Okay I totally wrote this all at once. It’s just an idea I had, I’d love to write more parts if y’all want! It’s a bit different from what I usually write so I hope you like it!❤️)
Part Two / Part Three / Part Four
Playlist for Story
WARNINGS: Slight angst
You lived with your daughter Helena in the Rainbow district of Velaris, having moved here shortly after giving birth thanks to a friend who opened up her home to you.
Being from the Autumn Court you had never known the beauty of the Night Court, especially Velaris, and even now you were still blown away.
When you had moved here you offered to create some gowns for your friend to display, to try and gather some money for rent and your child, and were surprised at how fast they were snatched up. It was so successful that you eventually had the money to open up your own store.
The shop you owned was small, squished between a pottery shop and an artists den. You were a seamstress just as your father was. You loved the intricate patterns you could create with your fingertips, how the different fabrics mixed and felt. It was something you had grown up doing and had also seen you through the trials under the mountain.
The nights were tireless, the days long as you took care of your daughter while also running your business. However you never let Helena see your worries. She was your entire world, the light of your life, and you did not want her to fuss over you.
She was a spitting image of her father with her auburn locks and amber eyes. You never regretted having Helena but you wish you hadn’t been so naive when you had met that man, hadn’t believed his lies and sweet words.
He still haunted your dreams to this day. The nightmares were of him leaving you the day you were all freed, passing you by as if you didn’t exist. The dreams were of the nights you spent together, the promises you had made and the comfort of his arms.
You kept a napkin next to your bedside table so you could wipe away the tears before Helena ran into your room in the mornings.
“Mama! Mama! Can I have this one? Pleaseeee?” She whined, breaking you from your thoughts as you turned to the window full of dolls.
The two of you were strolling through the shops on your way home. It had been a rare day off and you took her out to go see the ships sailing away with a picnic by the sea.
“Helena, don’t you already have that one?” You smiled lovingly, brushing the hair out of her eyes as she pouted. “Your entire room is filled to the top with dolls.”
“But not this one!” She argued, crossing her arms.
Your shoulders shook with a chuckle as you shook your head, placing a hand on her back and ushering her forward.
“Perhaps another time, love, maybe we can-“ You stopped in the middle of your sentence when you looked down the street, seeing someone you had never thought you would have to see again.
He was the same as you remembered, though he seemed to have more frown lines. People were whispering as he walked beside the High Lord and Lady, his hands behind his back as he took in the city.
“Mama?” Helena tugged on your arm, a worried look on her face. You took a deep breath and gathered yourself together, bending down to Helena’s height.
“I’m alright, darling. I just need you to hold mama’s hand tight, okay? We need to get home now.” You tried to say softly though even you could hear the urgency in your tone.
“What’s wrong?” She asked, observant as always. You kissed her cheek and stood up straight, grabbing her hand.
“Nothing, I just forgot that I left the stove on! I need to go turn it off.” You lied through your teeth, not waiting to see if she bought it as you started speed-walking through the crowd.
You had to go the way the trio was coming in order to get home so you did your best to lay low, weaving through the crowd like a snake. The sign of your shop started to peek through and just as you made into the clearing, you heard your name.
“Y/N!” Feyre called, waving her arm. You winced, closing your eyes. “Y/N! I need a favor from you, from Nesta!”
If you pretended you didn’t hear her you could be home within minutes. However, you knew she knew you had heard her. You pushed Helena behind your skirts and turned to your High Lady, bowing.
“What can I help you with, my lady?” You asked, giving her a small smile.
Feyre rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Please, there is no need to be so formal. Nesta was wanting a dress tailored for her for Solstice.”
“I can certainly do that…though it is short notice.” You point out, smirking. Feyre nodded and apologized on behalf of her sister but you assured it was fine. Nesta had become somewhat of a friend to you as you were apparently the only person who could get her outfits “right.”
“I appreciate it, Y/N.” She smiled, noticing Helena peering out behind you. “And how has this little princess been?”
“She’s been good. We just-“ You were cut off by Rhysand’s sudden appearance, his violet eyes warm as he gazed at Feyre. However you didn’t have time to dwell over the love between them as their visitor also appeared, his eyes widening when they connected with yours.
Tension was heavy in the air as you felt your heart stop. You felt warm and cold at the same time, your stomach twisted in so many knots that you were afraid you would vomit up your lunch. It felt like time stood still until he whispered, “Y/N?”
You took a step back, your heart breaking at hearing your name off his lips. It was too much. And Helena…
She was looking up at you innocently, red curls framing her face perfectly. You looked down at her, your lips parted, before back up at him.
“Do you know her, Eris?” Rhysand asked, his tone confused as he sensed something between the two of you.
However Eris was paying him no mind nor you. His gaze was entirely fixated on your daughter who was now clinging to your dress. You could see him studying her, working through dates in his mind, and watched as his face changed from confusion to shock.
“Goodbye.” You croaked, barely giving your High Lord and Lady a glance as you picked up Helena and tore through the crowds at breakneck speed. She was holding onto you tightly, mouthing of questions about the man with the red hair, but you couldn’t hear her over the roaring of your ears.
Eris stood there, watching you disappear with a child…a daughter.
His daughter.
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bisexualiteaa · 2 months
Hi honey, I just discovered your Cooper fics today and oh my gods. They're incredible, I love the way you write him ❤️. I was wondering, if you're still taking requests that is (no pressure like), if you could do a sub! Cooper x reader? Preferably male!reader or with male genitalia, but fem is totally okay if you're not comfortable with that 😁. I just think Coop with a taller, more muscular partner is neat.
I'm thinking the reader was secretly married to Coop and Barb beforehand, but lost part of their memories after they became a ghoul and one of the best bounty hunters around, wearing a mask. And all they remember about Coop is how beautiful his eyes were (Walton Goggins has the most gorgeous eyes ever, I swear 😫) So the reader wants the head too and tags along with the gang, eventually getting closer to Cooper. During a fight, reader gets hurt and Coop comes over to help them, but reader is finally close enough to properly see his eyes and realises it's him. Coop takes off the mask, reader remembers, there's tears, kisses, and eventually super soft, subby sex.
So, really just really angsty, then fluffy when they find each other after 200 years. Reader taking care of our baby girl Coop, and him just accepting the love and being a pillow princess. Maybe a little overstim and edging if we're feeling spicy 😉.
I'm so sick for this man, it's unhealthy. Thanks again for your amazing work, love. I absolutely made my day better! (Sorry for how long this ask is 🙃).
It’s Been a Long, Long Time
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Cooper Howard x Ghoul Fem Reader (angst-fluff!)
CW: pre-ghoul Cooper, established relationship, reader and Cooper were married and had a child together, character death, cursing, angst!! But don’t worry, it’s a happy ending, slight OOC Cooper, slight deviation from the TV series
AN: not me posting this at 3am before I leave for a trip for the weekend, I feel like I’ve depraved y’all! 😂 I wanted to post this to give y’all some good Cooper Content ™️ before I go on a three day hiatus for vacation! 🥺 Thank you all to the people who have submitted asks, I promise I am still working on them/towards getting to them! ❤️ In the meantime, I hope you all enjoy this one! @kinatanhi I hope I did your request justice! I know it’s a little tweaked from what you sent in and forgive me, I wrote this literally an hour ago at 2am because it finally came to me what I wanted to write, but seeing as it was written at 2am, y’all please forgive me if it isn’t my best work, I tried my best lol. 😭❤️
You smiled happily as you danced with your husband in your shared, quaint little kitchen, his hands coming to rest at your waist as they always did, and your arms looped around his neck. You were thankful that the producers on set of his movie, as well as his agent, allowed him to come home early in order to celebrate your birthday with you. You stood smiling up at him as you two danced- well, more like swayed, to the slow music playing from the radio. You lay your head against his chest, smiling as your eyes set on the gorgeous flowers that were lying on the kitchen counter that he brought home just for you. You smiled up at him when you caught him staring down at you with nothing but love and adoration in his gaze. “What’s that look for, hmm?” You asked with a playful smile, making him chuckle and flash that gorgeous smile of his that you loved so much, almost as much as his eyes that you swore you could be lost in forever. “Nothin’, just that I’m lucky enough to have married the most beautiful woman on this earth” he said, making you hum appreciatively at his cute answer. “Oh stop it, you charmer you” you replied, making him scoff in fake offense, making you giggle at his dramatics. “I’ll have you know I don’t go throwin’ that ‘round willy-nilly, little lady” he assured, making you smile wider at him as you laughed. “I know, I’m a lucky woman to call you my husband” you replied sweetly, getting up on your tip toes to kiss him as you looped your arms around his neck once more.
Those were better days, days when things were so simple, times where all you had to worry about was nothing more than how long the pie was in the oven, or how your baby was doing. It was a pleasant memory, one you’d never forget as the last time you’d seen your husband since the war. That night flooded your memories each time you’d lay down to close your sunken in eyes, they were the only thing about you now that remained as human as they were back before you became a ghoul. You swore to yourself that you’d find him one day, swore that you would kill the bastards that started all this, that took your baby girl away from you before she had a chance at a good life and separated you from your husband. You prayed each and every night that he was still out there, still alive somewhere, roaming the wastelands like you were. You knew it was doubtful at best, maybe it was better if he wasn’t alive to live through the shit you have, to see the way you look, but one could only hope for the better things. You no longer looked the same way you used to back then. Your soft, nearly perfect skin was now marred and leathery, your teeth yellowed from radiation exposure, poor diet and lack of ability to actually care for them, and your nose was now missing completely from your face, a deep hole sitting where the cartilaginous appendage once did. You wondered if he would even love you still in this state, if he’d even recognize you. You couldn’t blame him if he didn’t, you weren’t that same woman anymore physically or emotionally. Anger and vengeance had a hold on your heart like a vice death grip, you were kind to those who deserved it sure, but to those who crossed you? Those who hurt you? Let’s just say there’s a reason you’re a feared bounty hunter out here in the wastelands and not in a vault somewhere.
You were walking into Filly one late morning, coming to pay a visit with Ma June to see if there was anything she needed, any bounty she may have had for you for some extra caps. Your supply of chems to keep you from going feral was running low, you were down to your last bottle in your inhaler, and in desperate need of more. As you strode into town, you pulled your bandana up over your nose, effectively covering your face below your eyes, your large hat casting a shadow on the rest. You weaved your way through the vendors as they were trying to shove goods at you and anyone who was behind or around you. As you waded though, your ears caught the sound of a deep, southern accent that sounded awfully familiar to you. “I ain’t interested unless you got RadAway” he spoke harshly to the vendor haggling him, and you had to do a double take. He sounded just like your husband. You turned in the hopes to place a body to the voice but by the time you could, he was already lost into the crowd, impossible to find amongst the sea of people now that he wasn’t speaking to anyone anymore.
You huffed to yourself, wondering if maybe you were just hearing things, or maybe you were just plain out delusional at this rate. It wouldn’t shock you, between the years of radiation exposure, radiation sickness, and everything in between, you wouldn’t be shocked to find out you’d gone mad. However you wanted ever so badly for it to have been him that was speaking. To run up to him, arms outstretched, tears down your face but a happy smile as you called his name. But you couldn’t, you couldn’t even find the man attached to the voice anymore so why make a fool and draw attention to yourself. No one took kindly to ghouls. So with a heavy heart, you pushed on, making it to the doorstep of Ma June’s shop when you heard him again. “50 caps? That’s just plain ridiculous. 30, take it or leave it” he bartered, making you turn around again, only this time you caught him. You spotted a man that was tall, around the same height as your husband, clad in a wild western style cowboy outfit. You thought it was familiar, from the hat all the way down to the boots, it reminded you of him but a lot of people out here in the wastes wore Wild West themed clothes, deeming themselves cowboys and cowgirls of the wild wastelands. You wished he would turn around, you needed to see his face, hell just his eyes would be enough to sate the curiosity that was eating away at you. You’d forever recognize those eyes, they were so unique, so him. So beneath the shade you stood, observing him from a distance to be safe. That was until Ma June saw you standing there through the window of her shop, and she had a job for you that was important so she couldn’t wait for you to be done with whatever it was your were doing before she drug you inside. “What are you standin’ around out here for? I got a job for you!” She exclaimed, grabbing you and pulling you inside right as the man turned to walk away. You groaned in frustration as your only chance at an answer was stolen from you, but little did you know that your commotion made him stop to watch curiously as you went inside. Something about that dress you were wearing looked awful familiar to him but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it, so he just kept walking.
As the next couple of days passed by, the curiosity was absolutely eating away at your mind. You wondered if you were on the brink of going feral with how your thoughts were screaming that it could have been him. You wished she would have waited until you could have gotten a better look at him than just his back and his clothes, though they felt familiar, akin to something he would have worn on the set to his movies, you just couldn’t be sure. So you continued on, traveling with a random person’s head in your bag, wrapped up in an old T-shirt that was soaked through with blood now as you were on your way back from your bounty for Ma June. It was a particularly hot day outside, one of those days where no matter how much water drank, you just couldn’t keep the heat away or the dehydration at bay. So as you sucked down the last of your water in your canteen, you did your best to stave off the coughing fit that was bubbling in the back of your throat like a horrible itch you just could never scratch. Unfortunately for you, it wasn’t enough, and seeing as you hit your inhaler for the last of your supply yesterday, you were shit out of luck. Damn it, you were so close too, you felt it. You couldn’t go like this, not without finding him, not without avenging your child and going after those Vault-Tec bastards that stole her and your husband from you. “Damn it!” You choked out as you clutched your chest, your coughing fit sending you to your knees in the sand where you laid in the hopes that it would let up sometime soon and you could continue moving. This couldn’t be the end for you, it just couldn’t be. You wouldn’t let it.
As you laid there, throat burning as you were hacking up your lungs, you saw a figure walking along the horizon in the distance. You wondered if maybe this was what they spoke of when people said their loved ones come and take them away right before they pass, or maybe it was just another hallucination, all you knew is that they were coming closer and closer to you. You reached for your gun with all the strength you could offer through your coughing fit and weakened state, unsure of whether they were a raider or someone with just plain ill intention. As they drew closer, you looked up to see another ghoul stabbing before you, his cowboy hat casting a slight shade over his face but even through the tears in your vision you could see his eyes. They were gorgeous, they looked just like how you remember your husband’s looked the last time you had a chance to look into them, making you look him over but it was so hard to tell. He was a man who had succumbed to the same fate you did, leathery skin, no nose, ruined ears, but his eyes…god they were so familiar. You saw him cock his head while looking at you, investigating your features, you could tell there was something about you that he was intrigued with.
“I feel your pain there, sister” he said, that southern drawl coming out sounding just like him, and god how it made your heart ache. He bent down to see you better, taking a better look at you. “I’ll be damned if somethin’ ‘bout you ain’t familiar though” he said, making you look up at him, and in that moment as he looked into your eyes, he could have sworn it was you, his long lost wife. He held hope it his heart, but it was a cruel world out here, he couldn’t be sure. “Your eyes, they look a lot like my wife’s did” he said, and you took that as your chance to see if it was really him. “C-Coo…per…?” You rasped out the best you could, needing to know if it was really him, needing to know if he was alive or if you were just going crazy. His eyes went wide for a moment before reaching for his gun, making your heart jump in your chest with anxiety. “How do you know my name?” He asked coldly, his eyes looking angrily upon you and it made your heart wrench in your chest but beat fast all the same to know it was him. “Tell me! How do you know my name?” He said angrily, making you raise your hands up to show you weren’t dangerous, you cursed your inability to speak properly or else you’d have answered his question already. “Be..cause…we were…Mar…ried” you rasped out once more, showing him your wedding ring that he bought you that rested on your ring finger, making him soften up for just a moment. “After two hundred years… could it really be?” he asked softly to himself in disbelief, but once again, he reminded himself that this world was a cruel place where people stoop to things lower than they ever did before. To him, you could have been anyone, maybe no more than a random stranger who pick pocketed that precious ring off of his wife, a total stranger playing as his beloved to get to his weakness. He pointed his gun at you once more, making tears come to your eyes even more now, had you said something wrong? Why was he mad at you? You hadn’t left on bad terms last you remember, but then again it’s hard to remember as far back as two centuries. “How do I know, huh?” He asked aggressively, and you figured it was a valid worry, you knew how awful this world was now, you couldn’t blame him for needing the reassurance. He needed to be sure it was truly you. “How do I know it’s really you?” He asked, waiting for you to stop coughing long enough to give him an answer. “What’s…that look…for?” You asked, something you always asked him when he stared at you in awe, or when he looked at you right before you two went to bed, it was like your signature phrase. You weakly removed the bandana covering your face, trying your best to show him any bit of your features left that you could use to show him it was really you. “It’s me…Coop. Y/N…” you rasped as saliva began to well in your mouth at the sight of him, slowly losing control over yourself as time passed. He’d never dropped his gun so fast, or fell to his knees so quick in his entire life than in that moment, the only other time was the moment he found out you were pregnant with his child, dropping to his knees to kiss your belly and place his hands on it excitedly. “Oh my god…Y/N” he said in utter shock and disbelief that you were here, you were alive. You were a ghoul now which hurt him to know you suffered the same pain as him, but you were alive and that’s what mattered most to him, finally having found you after all the years spent hoping you were still alive out here.
“Here baby, here, hold on. I gotchya” he said, quickly grabbing his inhaler with a vial of the chems you’d run out of last night, never needing it more than in this moment to keep you from turning feral on him. He pressed it to your lips, pushing the plunger on it to get the chems in your system. You inhaled it like a breath of fresh cool air, sending you coughing once more but that itch was slowly fading away, you could breathe again. You looked up at him as you laid there weakly, your head in his lap. “My hero” you said weakly, trying to be funny but he was too caught up in looking into your eyes, getting himself to believe what was right in front of him. “Two centuries I’ve spent looking for you…” you said, your eyes scanning him and his features to assure yourself too that this was real, that he really was sitting here before you, alive and well. Or as well as one could be as a ghoul in the wastelands. You smiled as you teared up, seeing the tears in his eyes as he looked down at you, pulling you up and into a hug. “Oh god…I can’t believe you’re alive” he said, hugging you tight and you did the same, burying your face into his shoulder. “I could say the same to you. I always knew you were stubborn, too stubborn to go out the way the rest of the world did” you said, making him chuckle as stray tears ran down your marred cheeks. “I’ve been dreaming of this day…dreaming of the day I’d get to see you and B/N again…” he said, making you grip his duster as the tears flooded down your face even more when he said your baby girl’s name. “Cooper…” you said, making him pull away from you but you weren’t far, he made sure of it. “She…she didn’t make it, honey…I’m so sorry. I tried everything, believe me I did, but it was too late…” you said, making his heart absolutely break in his chest knowing his baby was gone and that he would never have the chance to see her again.
“What was she like? She was so young when it all happened” He asked, holding your hands in his as you two shared in this moment together. You smiled as your hand cupped his cheek softly, your thumb rubbing along his skin that shared the same texture as your own. “Just like her daddy. She had your gorgeous eyes, your beautiful smile and that same stubborn attitude” you said through a laugh, making him chuckle with you as his hand came to hold the back of yours as it touched him. He missed your loving touch, and that beautiful smile that he swore could light up even the darkest rooms. He could hardly believe that you’d still even touch or speak to him now, with the way he looked. He knew you likely held a sympathy for it, knowing all too well yourself what it was like but the fact that you weren’t scared or hateful like others were towards him for it. “She was smart, funny, kind…she was daddy’s baby girl. You’d have loved that about her. It was like a little slice of you was there in her, keeping me going. She gave me hope when it felt like there wasn’t any left in this world to hold onto” you said, seeing a few stray tears stream down his cheeks as you spoke of her. His stomach was in knots, his heart filled with anger and pain to know the wastelands claimed one of his own. “I wish I coulda been there, for both of you. Maybe she’d be here if I was” he said somberly, guilt lacing his tone as he leaned his forehead against yours, not caring if your hats would come off. He needed this, he needed you. “Hey, don’t blame yourself for what happened, you had nothing to do with it. It’s those vile people at Vault-Tec who did this. They took our baby, not you. Don’t you ever think this is your fault” you assured him, holding him close to you as he expressed the most emotion he’s felt in nigh on two centuries.
“We made it pretty good all things considered, held our own well for ten years. I taught her how to use a gun when she turned eight to keep her safe should anything happen to me, did everything in my power to keep her safe, fed and hydrated even on the hard days where supplies were sparse” you explained. “The radiation just became too much for her little body to handle. She was ten years old, I could hardly believe it. It was like I woke up one day and she wasn’t a baby anymore, our little girl had just grown up so fast” you said, remembering those days as tears clouded your vision, streaming down your cheeks like small rivers, watching the droplets fall into the sand beneath you. “I’m sorry Cooper, I’m so sorry…” you apologized, making him hold you tight and hush you as you did. “I shoulda been better…if I was better maybe she’d still be here now” you said, taking the blame for something you knew you had no control over, but it left you guilty all the same. “Shh, don’t go thinkin’ like that. I’d say from the sounds of it, ya did a damn fine job managin’ that long out in this shit hole just the two of you. You always were a great mom, and an equally great wife” he said, making you sniffle as you smiled at him at that reassurance. “I did all I could, there was hell to pay for anyone who stood in my way, that’s for sure” you said, making him chuckle because that was exactly how you were before the war too. You always wanted what was best for your family, and you were willing to go great lengths to keep your husband and child happy. “I know you said you been lookin’ for me for a long time…but I ain’t the same man I was back then” he started. “But I got a feelin’ you ain’t exactly the same woman anymore either, so maybe we can still work this out, you and me” he said, making you chuckle. “No, I’m not. And if that means you don’t love me anymore I-“ you spoke but you were cut off by the feel of his lips against your own. They were thinner now, dry and marred by radiation just like yours were, but you could still feel the passion behind it, the love in it. No amount of radiation could ever take that away. “You lettin’ all the radiation get to that brain of yours? Of course I still love you. I lost ya once, I ain’t losin’ you again, that’s for damn sure” he said, making you laugh as more tears fell, only these ones were happier ones now. You squeezed his hand that was in your own as your heart raced in your chest. “You have no idea how happy that makes me to hear, Coop” you replied, kissing him once more with all the passion two hundred years of separation could hold behind it. “I love you, and I’ve missed you so damn much” you said, pressing your foreheads together once more as you fought the tears that began to turn into a sob. “I love you too darlin’, missed you like crazy. The world ain’t been the same without you” he said, making you sniffle as you felt the same way. “And if you’ll still have me, I’d like to make that a world of the past” he added, making you chuckle tearfully. “Of course I will” you said, allowing his heart to rest assured that you were still his girl, making him smile as he looked down at you, his thumb rubbing along your cheek to wipe away your tears.
You smiled back up at him, your hand coming to the back of his as you remembered the moment from your birthday again all those years ago, slow dancing in the kitchen with him. “What’s that look for, hmm?”You asked, just like you did that day, making him grin as he thought of the right words to say. “Nothin’ just that I’m lucky enough to have married the most beautiful person on this earth” he replied, making you chuckle. It was just what you’d been needing to hear all this time. “And how lucky I am to have her back in my arms where she belongs” he added, making you giggle before kissing you once more. Desert be damned, Cooper had his wife back after so long spent searching for her, and he was going to make damn sure she knew how much he missed her all these years.
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jeankluv · 11 days
Birdie - Satoru Gojo | Chapter 13
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words: 4,3k
summary: While everyone adored him, you stood apart in your feelings. It wouldn't be accurate to say you hated him, as “hate” was a strong word, rather, you harbored a profound dislike towards him. The problem was he knew that and his irritating presence seemed to persistently cling to you whenever he crossed your paths.
Now, you found yourself paired with him for your semester project, and the thought made you wish to hurl yourself out of the third-floor window. Three months of working alongside him loomed ahead. Adding to the discomfort, you were currently under the scrutiny of hundreds of eyes, each gaze feeling like a murder attempt. It seemed everyone coveted the opportunity to collaborate with Gojo Satoru, except for you.
ac: _3aem
tags: modern au, college au, fem!reader, academic rivals, he fell first, fluff, old money Gojo Satoru, abusive parents, slight slow burn, Satoru is a softy, secondary couple (Geto Suguru x oc), a bit of angst, no use of y/n, hurt/comfort, eventual smut, Gojo plays basketball, Gojo needs a hug
notes: I wrote down all the events that I want Birdie to have and the fic might end up being 35-40 chapters long. At first I really thought it was going to be just 20 but as I kept writing chapters, more ideas came and we still have a lot unresolved things, so definitely Birdie will take a bit longer. But thank you to everyone who always comments here or ao3, y’all really make me want to keep writing, but also those who leave likes they also help and make me really happy. Also we are over 400 followers what? 😭 thank you so much ❤️
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“In love?” You questioned still resting your head on her legs.
Kyoto nodded with a smile. “Yes. The way you talked about him, it’s not a simple crush, you realize that right?” She asked.
Did you? Your heart accelerated in your chest, what you felt for Satoru was not a crush or that you simply liked him, were you in love with him? You sat on the bed, feeling a little dizzy from the sudden movement. And you took a deep breath.
“I need to talk with him and apologize for my reaction.��� You tried to grab your phone but Kyoko took it from you. 
“The fact that you’re in love with him, doesn’t mean what he did was right.” You nodded. “So don’t apologize for reacting the way you did, you were hurt and that’s okay. What you both need to do is talk things out and leave your boundaries cleare, that way things can work out.” 
“Oh god Kyoko.” You throw yourself at her. “I have never been in love or even in a serious relationship, this is scary.” 
She stroked your hair gently. “Don’t worry, I’m sure you will know what to do. But remember, don't apologize, you didn’t do anything wrong.” You slightly laughed. “And tell him, that if I find you once again crying I will kill him.” 
“My best protector.” You hugged her.
“You know I am.” She hugged you back. “You were there for me when I was at my lowest and I also want to be always with you and take care of you, because you are my best friend.” 
You felt your tears falling down your cheeks. There were not enough words to describe what Kyoko was to you and what it had meant to you that she came into your life. You have changed a lot since you met her and your world has also changed thanks to her. It really was one of the few good things you'd had for a long time, but now, that world of good things was slowly opening up and you just hoped it would keep opening up even more.
You felt your eyes closing little by little and how sleep subtly enveloped you, while you were still hugging Kyoko. 
That night you dreamed. You were able to immerse yourself in a clear world, so much so that you could feel it as real. In this landscape, you found yourself on the shores of a calm lake, whose surface shone under the soft caress of the sunlight. A familiar warmth hugged you, it was the comforting embrace of your mother's smile, a beacon of love and security, that you had long lost. And in the midst of this environment, your attention was focused on a figure kneeling near you, holding with tender care a wounded bird in their hands. The scene unfolded with such clarity and emotion that it seemed more than just a dream, as if it were a memory that your mind had wanted to eliminate from your head.
As the morning light filtered through the curtains, you woke up. Doubt lingered in your mind, questioning the difference between reality and a dream. Was it really a product of the dreams or a forgotten fragment of your mind? Although the images in the dream had felt real, you had not been able to see that other person's face clearly. But what was that feeling of anguish that had settled in your chest? Why did you feel so extremely agitated?
“You up?” You heard Kyoko’s sleepy voice talking, she was stretching herself next to you.
“Yeah…” You smiled softly at her. “Thanks.” You whispered.
“Don’t say it.” She sat next to you. “I’m always here for you.” She gave you a small squish in the hand.
You nodded. “And I’m always here for you too.”  You carefully rose from the comfort of your bed, feeling the stiffness in your muscles dissipate as you stretched your back. "I should start getting ready, I have class at 10." You commented.
Kyoko curled up under the covers and made a moan of reluctance. "Ugh, I just want to stay home all day." She wailed, burying her face in the pillows. “How about we skip class today?”
But you shook your head resolutely, dismissing the idea. "I have to go. I want to talk to Satoru, and if I don't show up, he might get the wrong idea. Communication is key if we want this relationship to work."
A soft smile appeared on Kyoko's lips as she looked at you in admiration. "I'm proud of you." She murmured, her voice filled with affection. “Let's go have breakfast.” With a sudden burst of energy, she jumped out of bed and took your hand, leading you into the kitchen to start the day with a shared meal.
While Kyoko busied herself preparing breakfast, you grabbed your cell phone and checked your latest notifications. There were no messages from Satoru and you understood that he was giving you the space and time you had requested. You felt grateful for his understanding.
Opening his chat, you took a look at the name you had assigned him and couldn't help but smile at how your relationship had taken a 180 degree turn in such a short time. You didn't want to lose what had just started by simply avoiding a small conversation that could clarify everything.
You to Satoru ✨
Can we talk before class today?
Placing your phone on the table, you welcomed the breakfast Kyoko had prepared for the both of you, feeling a mix of anticipation and nerves at the prospect of the impending conversation with Satoru.
Kyoko, noticing the thoughtful expression on your face, asked softly. "Is everything okay?"
You nodded, offering a small smile. "Yeah, I was just thinking about talking to Satoru before class."
"Oh I see." Kyoko's eyes shone with understanding. "I'm sure everything will be fine."
You nodded again, appreciating Kyoko's supportive words. With every bite of breakfast, you found yourself mentally preparing for the conversation that awaited you. The need for clarity and openness with Satoru felt more pressing than ever.
After finishing breakfast, you organized the dishes together with Kyoko. Turning your head you noticed how the screen of your phone lit up. You nervously picked it up and checked what it was.
Satoru ✨
Alright, if you want I can pick you up.
You bite your thumb, hesitant about what to do, but finally decided to follow what your heart told you.
You to Satoru ✨
Sure, I still need to get ready but see you in 40 minutes?
Satoru ✨
Sure see you
With your heart pinching in your chest you locked the phone and walked back to the room. You leaned against your door and sighed deeply, trying to calm your agitated heart. 
You wanted Satoru to get there as soon as possible, you wanted to see him and clarify everything. Your heart was shaking hard thinking about Kyoko's words. It wasn't a simple crush, you were fucking in love with Satoru Gojo and that overwhelmed you in too many ways. 
First of all, the idea terrified you, the stories you knew about love never had a happy ending. Your father abandoned your mother when she was pregnant after swearing eternal love, your grandmother was also abandoned by your grandfather after he found another family. 
You didn't want to have to suffer that abandonment yourself, you had already been alone too many times, you had lost too many people you loved. You didn't want Satoru to take your heart and somehow break it. 
But on the other hand, it was exciting and it filled your heart with complete warmth. And was able to put a smile on your face.
Feeling the weight of fatigue pressing down on your limbs, you backed away from the door and headed towards your closet. As you moved around the room, the warmth of Tokyo spring filtered through the windows. Jackets and long pants gradually were becoming unnecessary as the temperature was starting to rise. 
Looking at your reflection in the mirror, a thought crossed your mind, a memory of the time you wore Kyoko's dress and how Satoru had noticed despite your limited interactions. It was a small, seemingly insignificant moment, but it remained in your memory as a testament to Satoru's care. Smiling at the memory, you finished getting ready and waited for Satoru's call to light up your cell phone, now with a black screen.
Sitting on the edge of your bed, your heart raced with anticipation and nerves tightened in your chest. Time seemed to stretch on endlessly until the familiar melody of his phone's ringtone broke the silence, lighting up the room with Satoru's name displayed on the screen: "Satoru ✨.”
“Satoru…” You greeted, your voice betraying a hint of nerves.
"Birdie..." His normally calm and confident voice wavered slightly. "I'm outside. If you're not ready, I can..."
"No." You interrupted. "I am. I'll be there in ten seconds."
"Alright." He murmured softly, the tension was palpable even through the phone.
With a quick exhale, you ended the call and got out of bed, a rush of adrenaline spurring you to get moving. Grabbing your bag, you briefly said goodbye to Kyoko before stepping out into the sunlight. As you walked out the door, your eyes met Satoru's figure leaning casually against his sleek black car, his signature dark sunglasses hiding his gaze.
With each step towards Satoru, something tightened in your chest, making it difficult to swallow the saliva that was building up in your mouth. When he heard your footsteps, Satoru looked up, and at that moment, your eyes met his.
A surge of electricity seemed to run through your entire being as his piercing blue eyes, the ones you loved so much, met yours. It was as if time slowed down, the world around you fading into insignificance as you drowned in the intensity of that shared gaze.
In that fleeting moment, everything else faded away: the sounds of the bustling city, the warmth of the sun on your skin, leaving you alone with Satoru.
When his eyes held yours, you felt a sense of calm wash over you, as if his gaze alone had the power to anchor you in the tumultuous sea of ​​emotions swirling inside you.
“Hey.” He greeted you softly.
“Hi…” You tried to greet him in the same softly way, but somehow your voice came out shaky.
For a moment, silence enveloped them both, interrupted only by the sound of the city of Tokyo getting into motion that spring morning.
Breaking the silence, Satoru pointed towards his car with a subtle nod. "We should …?"
Nodding, you got into the familiar car. As I sat in the car next to him, the engine whirred to life. You pressed your hands against your knees and let out the air accumulated in your lungs.
“Satoru…” You began but your voice was left hanging in the air when Satoru talked.
“I’m sorry…” He began, you saw how he held the wheel stronger than before. “I’m really sorry and I don’t know how to begin this. And I don’t want to make excuses because what I did was unacceptable, I crossed some boundaries that I shouldn’t have crossed and all because I thought I was doing it to help you but the truth is that I only hurt you and invaded your personal space.” He took a small break. “I would understand if you don’t want to talk or even see me again, I’m an asshole and I fucked up badly.”
The car fell silent, his eyes were fixed on the road and yours on his face. “Can you pull over?” You said.
Satoru simply nodded and in silence he pulled over, parking the car in a free space. His eyes were still looking to the front, not looking at you.
“Satoru… could you look at me.” And with puppy eyes he looked at you. “Yeah, what you did wasn’t okay and it hurt me. And I’m glad you know it was wrong and hopefully you don’t make that mistake again.” Satoru nodded in silence. “But…” You paused and looked at him, carefully and feeling the nervousness and shyness take over your body, you held his face. “I don’t want to lose this, I don't want to lose us.” You shyly smiled. “I’m glad you acknowledge what you did wrong but I don’t want this to break up.” His eyes were fixed on you, carefully watching you.
“Are you sure?” He swallowed. “It’s okay if you don’t want to see me again, I can… bare with it.” You smiled seeing his poor intent of lying.
“Could you?” You smiled.
And he shook his head. “I wouldn’t.” He got closer to you and rested his forehead on your shoulder. “Thank you…” He whispered. “I know I’m an asswhole and that I’m annoying and all that.”
“You are my all that.” You smiled, caressing his white hair. 
“Let’s skip classes.” He said against your skin. “Let’s go to 
“Can I kiss you?” He said looking at your lips and then up at your eyes. 
“Yes…” You whispered before feeling the warmth of his lips on yours.
The kiss was a tender hug, soft and delicate, as if Satoru was afraid of breaking you or hurting you. His lips meeting yours with a soft caress, transmitting a silent promise of protection and tenderness. Yet despite the gentle touch, you felt a surge of warmth radiate from within you, filling you with a feeling of fullness you had never known before.
In that moment, you found yourself craving more of his touch, hungry for the warmth of his lips against yours. His hesitation only fueled your desire, igniting a fire within you.
As the kiss deepened, you surrendered to the sensation, losing yourself in the tender embrace of his lips. Every brush of skin against skin sent a jolt of electricity coursing through your veins, igniting a passion that burned hotter with each passing moment.
You felt alive, consumed by the intoxicating allure of his presence. It was a moment of pure happiness, where time seemed to stop and the world faded away, where it was just the two of you.
You felt an avalanche of emotions cascading through you, a mix of desire, and vulnerability.
When the kiss finally broke, a breathless moment remained between you, your labored breaths mixing together to form one. Satoru's gaze, now softened but full of intensity, reflected the whirlwind of emotions swirling within you.
With a calming breath, your voice was a mere whisper against the growing sound of your racing heart. "Satoru..."
He met your gaze intently, his eyes searching yours for the words that threatened to leave your lips.
"I want to meet you." You confessed, your voice shaking slightly with vulnerability. "Everything about you."
A slight smile appeared at the corners of Satoru's lips. "And I want to show you." He responded, raising his hand to gently caress your face.
Under his soft touch you closed your eyes and let yourself be caressed, you let yourself be loved for the first time in a long time. He left a small kiss on your lips before turning back to the wheel.
“Let’s go to the beach the day after tomorrow.” Satoru smiled at you and you smiled back at him. 
“Why then?” You wondered looking at him.
“Oh I heard the weather will be good then.” He shrugged his shoulders.
“Okay…” You smiled. “It’s a date then?” 
“Yeah…” He softly whispered. “Thank you birdie.” 
You shook your head and your shoulders. “You need to stop thanking me Satoru. Now let’s go to class.” 
Satoru nodded and started the car. With a smile on your lips, you felt your heart beating steadily again, and the cloud that had been lingering in your head disappeared completely. The road became familiar, and soon Satoru parked the car in front of your college.
You hesitated for a second as you got out of the car and walked next to him, but Satoru grabbed your hand with a reassuring smile. You felt everyone's eyes on you and heard the whispers as they commented on the scene unfolding before them. Satoru walked proudly, holding your hand, and didn't let go until you reached your class. That day you weren’t sharing any classes so that was your goodbye spot.
As you approached the classroom door, he gave your hand a gentle squeeze. "I'll see you after class, okay?"
You nodded, feeling a surge of confidence from his support. "Okay."
He leaned in, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek. "Good luck in class, birdie."
You watched as he walked away. Turning to enter the classroom, you noticed a few lingering glances and whispers from your classmates, but the warmth of Satoru's presence lingered with you, making it easier to ignore them.
Taking your seat, you focused on the lecture. As you left your first class, you were greeted by the smiling face of Kyoko, who was waiting for you leaning against one of the walls outside your classroom. With a grin, she approached you.
"And well? Have you already spoken?" She asked eagerly, falling into step beside you. "C'mon, tell me!"
You nodded, a smile playing on your lips as you recounted the recent events. "We fixed everything, and in two days, we're going to the beach.” You announced, unable to contain your excitement. "As a date."
Kyoko's eyes widened in excitement, and she let out a delighted squeal, clapping her hands together enthusiastically. "Oh my gosh, that's amazing!" She exclaimed, unable to contain her joy. "I'm so happy for you!"
You couldn't help but laugh at her reaction, feeling grateful to have such a supportive friend by your side. Kyoko kept on jumping around winning the curious eyes of everyone surrounding both of you.
“You know what it means right?” She smirked.
“What?” You said with a funny tone on your voice.
“Double dates!” She made a small dance. “Oh what could we do? We could go to Kyoto or Okinawa during the summer break!” 
“A girl works you know?” 
“And that girl deserves some vacations you know?” She replied back. “C’mon imagine expending some days in Okinawa, the four of us, on the beach.” She started daydreaming and you rolled your eyes. “I’m sure you want to see your man shirtless and more.” 
“Geez Kyoko.” You rolled your eyes. 
She laughed and followed your steps. “Sorry, sorry but you know?” You looked at her. “Suguru has his whole arm tattooed, ugh when I tell you that is so sexy, when he is without...” 
“Please Kyoko, I don't want any more information about your private relationship with Suguru.” 
“Okay, I will stop.” She laughed. “But hey!” You looked at her from over your shoulder. “I’m so happy for you.”
“And I’m happy for you.” You smiled back at her. 
“Can’t believe we used to think they were dating.” Kyoko recalled the time when you both thought Satoru and Suguru were dating and you chuckled at it.
Satoru Gojo POV
“Did you fix it?” Shoko raised her eyebrow.
“I did, we are good okay?” He sighed. “I won’t fuck things up like that again.”
“Well done man.” Suguru raised his thumb nodding his head. “So what now?” He raised his eyebrows while taking a sip of his tea.
“We are going on a date in two days.” Satoru smiled with confidence.
“Are you planning on asking her to be your girlfriend?” Shoko questioned.
“I… I guess so.” He shrugged.
Shoko looked at Satoru and then at Suguru. “What’s up with him?” 
Suguru shook his head with a smile. “He has never done that before.” 
“What?” Shoko gasped surprised. “But I have seen you dating before.” 
“Yeah, but it was different. We hung around, had fun and I guess we assumed we were in a relationship.” Satoru moved his hands around, trying to explain himself. “But I never sat down and asked anyone to date.” 
“And you are nervous.” Shoko mischievously smiled. “Oh my god!” She laughed. “The great Satoru Gojo is nervous.” 
“Shoko shut up.” He said embarrassed. 
“No, no, I really like this.” She laughed. “Oh god I’m so happy to see this side of you.” 
“Shoko enough.” Suguru laughed. 
“Suguru admit it, you are also loving it.” She smirked.
“Don’t Suguru.” He warned him. 
“I have to say it, I like seeing this side of you.” Suguru laughed alongside his friend.
“You know, I hate both of you.” Satoru stood up. “You.” He pointed at Suguru. “We have practice so get your ass up if you don’t want to get scolded.”
Suguru chuckled and stood up. “See you Shoko.”
“See ya!” Shoko waved her hand at her two friends.
Satoru and Suguru walked side by side. With their training backpacks slung over their shoulders, Satoru and Suguru took giant steps towards the basketball court. The familiar, slightly musty smell of the gym greeted them as they entered, a nostalgic reminder of the countless hours they spent training there. The freshmen were already working hard, performing exercises as Coach Yaga's booming voice echoed through the space, urging them to try harder.
Satoru and Suguru exchanged amused glances, their eyes reflecting shared memories of their own experiences as freshmen. They remembered well the intense sessions and the coach's unwavering expectations. 
"It seems like yesterday we were the ones who were yelled at." Satoru reflected, with a smile on his lips.
"Yeah." Suguru agreed, chuckling. “Coach Yaga hasn’t changed in the slightest. He's still as intense as ever."
As they walked towards the court, Yuji greeted them, putting aside his training, earning a shout from the coach. 
Coach Yaga turned his head and saw them. "Gojo, Geto, stop standing there and get to work! Warm up with the others!"
Satoru waved playfully, earning a quizzical look from the trainer, and joined the exercises with Suguru at his side.
“Captain Gojo!” A voice resounded in the distance.
Satoru looked up to see Haibara's figure running towards him, followed closely by Nanami. Upon reaching them, Haibara knelt before Satoru, his expression serious and apologetic.
"I'm so sorry if by not keeping my mouth shut I've ruined your relationship, Captain Gojo!" Haibara blurred, his voice filled with remorse.
Satoru looked embarrassed to the side of him, looking at Suguru, who was trying to suppress a laugh. "Haibara, please get up." Satoru said, his tone soft but firm.
Haibara did as Satoru asked, slowly getting up but still looking worried. 
"Nothing has happened." He tried to calm him down, Satoru. "And in any case, it would be my fault if the relationship had gone sour. Birdie and I worked it out." I gave Haibara a reassuring pat on the shoulder. “The truth is, you did well Haibara. I'm sorry for putting you in that situation.” This time it was Satoru who bowed slightly.
Haibara smiled at Satoru. “It’s okay captain, I’m glad you two fixed everything.” 
“So you and the girl you were with the other day at the club are finally dating?” Yuji exclaimed. “Oh she was really nice and funny.” 
Satoru caught a bit trying to keep himself calm. “Not yet.” Satoru murmured.
“Oh but they were really nicely kissing and holding hands after getting out of the car.” A voice spoke. 
Satoru rolled his eyes upon recognizing the voice and looked at him indifferently. “Sukuna, why do you care about what I do?” 
Sukuna laughed as he approached the group. “Excuse me Gojo, it's hard not to see you.” 
Satoru sighed and rested his hand on his hip. "What are you doing here? "It's been more than a year since he expelled you from the club." 
“Can't I come see my favorite nephew?” He tilted his head, directing his gaze to Yuji.
Yuji rolled his eyes. “I didn’t want to see you here.” 
“Neither did I want to come here brat, but your father called me and told me to hang you this.” He said throwing him a bag. “Anyways Gojo is good to see you.” He smirked leaving the group.
“Sometimes I wonder how you two are family.” Yuta mumbled. 
“Don’t remind me.” Yuji protested. “He is my uncle but we are so close in age that sometimes he is like an annoying older brother.”
"Yuji, do you know if Sukuna has played on any team again?" Satoru asked, still staring at the door where he had left. 
Yuji shook his shoulders. “I think so, but I'm not sure. He never tells me anything.” 
“Captain, are you worried that Sukuna has been signed to another team?” Megumi asked. 
“A little, little he cared about the sanction they gave him last year when he broke Kamo’s fingers from Kyoto college.” Satoru sighed and looked at Suguru. “I'm afraid he won't care again and this time he'll do something to one of the team.” 
“He probably still has a lot of resentment from last year.” Suguru remembered this time and Satoru nodded heavily.
“Well…” Satoru stretched himself. “We will handle it once it comes, right?” He smiled. “Besides, we are the best. There is nothing to worry about.” 
Suguru chuckled and shook his head. "You're right. Now let's train guys." He said he and everyone got moving. 
But Satoru stayed in his place still feeling a little anguish in his stomach. Shaking his head, he walked onto the basketball court and began training with the rest of his teammates.
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Final notes: Birdie and Satoru fixing everything, bc communication is the key. It always frustrates me when I read in a book or a series how things get complicated between the characters due to lack of communication, that's why I didn't want to prolong the small conflict between them and have them fix things like adults, talking.
— comment if you want to be tagged
🏷️: @lavender-hvze , @crybabytoru , @sanriosatoru , @norvacaine , @sadmonke , @faetoraa , @hexipessimistic , @gojoful , @kitzusune , @sh0jun , @manyno , @ropickle , @lolsasuke , @milk3evee , crunchypotatoooooooooo , @catobsessedlady , @zoeyflower , @starlostwish , @tinydonkeysforlife , @mimisq11341 , @n1vi
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lunargrapejuice · 4 months
happy monday luna!! i hope your doing well love ♥️♥️ i NEED to hear more of your thoughts on sephiroth omg please ramble away about anything and everything
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thank you for even wanting to listen to me ramble about him 😭🩵🩷 it means so much to still get to have fun with y’all even when im going mad over someone most of my followers don’t know lol i adore you to pieces ♥️❤️ & i hope you’re having an amazing day 🩷 here is my insane word vomit
these are all pre bad boy sephiroth thoughts so timeline is more like crisis core & before
i can only see this man in a romance of the slowest burn. not only is he rather intimidating, aloof, & busy but i also think he hasn’t considered a relationship before, he’s never felt for any body in that way & never had time or the desire to, until his feelings start to develop for you but even then, the action he takes towards those feelings are.. almost non existent for a while
but it’s not his fault - he doesn’t know how to express what you bring out in him. he’s only known war & shinra. he hasn’t known a world where love dared to show itself so when he starts to realize what he feels is more than just the attachment of friendship he’s cultivated with few others, he takes his time carefully mulling over it & considering all the possibilities before he realizes he is in fact in love with you
oh but for those that know him well, like angeal & genesis, ooooo they can totally see their boy has a crush probably even before he knows🤭
it may start out as something small like always finding his way to your side when you’re around, trying to have more conversations with you, showing you his dry humor & smiling back at you when you gift him a giggle in return, reaching his hand out to the small of your back when you walk side by side even if his touch never connects even though he does desperately want to touch you (he’s touched starved as fuck i just know it)
he’s an absolute gentleman despite the fact he doesn’t actually know how to properly court you lmao but he will always make sure you’re heard & safe & that if you need anything, you know you can ask him
but one day he will give in, when he least expects it but can’t be held back any longer, he’ll grabs your hand or pull you into him & can hardly let go & then kiss you for the first time only to realize just how intense his love for you is & that he doesn’t want to be without you by his side
from then on he’s yours forever more, if you’ll have him
you’re his first kiss too<3
im sorry did i mention how touched starved he is?? it’s pretty bad & even after you become his it’s still something he struggles with. a part of him worries he’ll hurt you, which he would never ever want to do, that he can’t be as loving & gentle as you deserve so he’ll need patience while he learns & adjusts to both receiving & giving such comforts & displays of affections
but don’t get him wrong, there is nothing else in this world that is more comforting to him than your touch. with the softest of touches you make him feel so.. vulnerable & human. for a moment when you touch him so lovingly, he isn’t the poster child to solider & battle hasn’t been lashed into his bones & the mako within him means nothing, he is just a man who wants to hold, protect & love the person that means the most to him
as he gets used to it though, he finds he loves to cuddle you. will always have you curled into his large frame in bed or on the couch as he reads, a protective arm draped over you & keeping you as close to him as possible. he can get this way in public if he feels like there might be any kind of danger, just immediately having you pressed into his large body so no harm can come to you
he’s incredibly protective over all those he cares for, without hesitation would do anything for them & with you those feelings are only tenfold
he also really really loves to kiss you & good god kissing him would be amazing. he lacks experience but he’s still amazing at it & can so easily draw little murmurs from your lips between sweet kisses he gives you
the duality of a man too - could kiss you in the most chaste of ways, fleeting & soft & leaving you aching for more or the kind that devour you & steal your every breath & make you forget about anything other than him
could melt into a literal puddle when you play with or brush his hair. you can see his broad shoulders relax & his pretty lips part ever so slightly when you do & djdkdkdld he looks like heaven
i don’t think he’d be very comfortable with pda, especially not at first, but when the time calls for it, he doesn’t care who watches as he places a kiss to your forehead or the back of your hand before being pulled away for his duties & work. no one would really dare to say anything about it anyways besides maybe angeal & genesis who i think tease him plenty about you hehe
some nsfw thoughts so minors just ignore this part if you’re here to listen to me be crazy lol
strongest solider or not, this man is a virgin, his first & only being you<3
virgin or no though, he has stamina for daysssss. could go multiple rounds every time but is very attentive to your well being & if you can’t, that’s more than alright with him
doesn’t ‘fuck’ but instead makes love. i think it would take some serious trust for him to be open to having sex with you & i think he would only even have the urges with someone he shares a close bond with so no, he doesn’t go around just fucking anybody even though he easily could, im sure the girls in his fan club are just dying to. but his body & the sexual feelings brought out it in are reserved for only the person he loves
imagine the first time he gets rock fucking hard over you fjdkfkfkfk literally never felt that way forwards anyone before & it’s probably not the best time or place to be sporting a boner but he can’t help himself with you, not when how he feels is burning itself into his chest & consuming him in the best of ways
having sex with him though.. oh my. like the man himself, it’s serious & i think can be really overwhelming but in the best of ways. he wants to show you in this way what you mean to him, what you do to him & share in something that only you do with each other, that he can only imagine with you
he loves to feel you tug at his hair when he’s making you feel good too, whether he’s eating you out or thrusting deep into you or just fingering you while he kisses your neck, give his gorgeous hair a little yank & you’ll undoubtedly feel him get harder, more intense in his touches & movements
the man is huge & his dick is the same <3 no one could tell me otherwise. not overly so but above average for sure both in thickness & length & he’s 100% a man that doesn’t even know he’s packing
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gingerjunhan · 8 months
xdinary heroes and the texts you wake up to
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☆彡 Could this have been an smau? Yes. Do smau’s frustrate me to no end? Also yes. Oops. There needs to be an easier way to make those I swear
word count: 745 | pronouns used: none | genre: fluff, established relationship | cws: mentions of food (Heyongjun), lmk if I missed something
goo gunil
hello my love ❤️
I hope you had a good day today
I can’t wait to talk to you tomorrow :)
he won’t text too much because he knows you deserve your rest 🫶🏻
no matter how late it is you KNOW Gunil is checking in on you to make sure you had a good day
he doesn’t care if you’re asleep and you won’t see the message until the next day, he just wants to check in
he also has it worked down to a science that if you’re still awake when he messages you, you probably had a bad day
no matter how late it is he is always willing to help you through a bad day, or just talk to you about your normal day
even if nothing exciting happened, he wants to hear all about it
good night sunshine:) dream of me
I’m sorry I needed to picture that I’m blushing rn
kim jungsu
hi honey :) we just got done at the studio. today was so looooong!!
one simple text
a mini debrief, if I may
if he feels clingy I think he would send you multiple shorter messages
hi baby :)
I miss you
how was your day today?
I can’t wait to hear all about it
I love you
definitely makes your phone vibrate too much and then he feels bad for waking you
I also feel like if Jungsu is feeling clingy he will call you the second he sees you typing a reply
he just loves you so much and he wants to hear your voice :(
kwak jiseok
missed you today!
we just got home from work and I’m SO TIREDDD
call me in the morning!!
love you!! ❤️
so excited that he finally gets the chance to message you
if you text him back get ready for a play-by-play of his entire day
but don’t worry he will be just as attentive to your day as you are to his
if you feel too tired to text about your day he’ll offer to call you and stay on the phone until you fall asleep
he will tell you he loves you so. many. times. over the course of this conversation
work = time away from you = sad Jiseok
oh seungmin
hello baby
how was your day?
sorry if you’re asleep rn haha
simple, to the point
he totally sends you ootds every day, so you might also wake up to an ootd
he won’t get mad if you don’t respond because nine times out of ten if you respond he misses it because he’s asleep 💀
if he does catch a response he’s so excited!
did you have a good day? tell me all about it!
I can’t wait to see you baby
I missed you so much
I feel like Seungmin might not text much because he definitely prefers calling
he can’t rizz you up with texts as well as he can with his voice 😼
han hyeongjun
hi hi hiii
did you have a good day?
look what we had for lunch today
(attachment: 1 image)
if you don’t think you’d get a food haul from Hyeongjun every day you’re wrong
his sleep schedule is honestly so horrible that he would probably sleep through half of your texts the next morning/afternoon so he doesn’t mind when you do it to him
much like Jungsu, I can see him getting clingy over text?
his bubble messages from the other day inspired this whole fic, I just need y’all to know that
you can tell he really missed you if he pulls out the nicknames
I missed you today <3
I’m going to go practice some more
sleep well baby
lee jooyeon
hi :)
are you awake?
I missed you today
can you call?
Jooyeon also prefers calling in my opinion
he just wants to hear your voice :(
if you’re too tired to call but you respond to his text, he will literally stay on the phone with you until he’s too tired to keep typing
guess what happened at work today!
what did you do today?
did you do anything fun today?
are you busy tomorrow? I want to see you :(
a million questions
if it was up to Jooyeon you would come to work with him every single day so you didn’t have to leave his side
I am a firm believer that this man wants to spend every second of every day with you and he would never get bored of you ever
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xaharadesert · 7 months
Over-Apologizing MC - Headcanon
Arcana Characters (Julian, Portia, Asra) x MC
A/N: here’s #7, the winner of the poll! The person who sent in the request was anonymous, so I feel slightly less bad about writing it 6 months after it was submitted hehe :) (side note: I’m Canadian, so my definition of over-apologizing may be vastly different than yours) please let me know if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes! (End note: y’all need to be grateful that I have learned self-control, because every time I write for Asra the opportunity and temptation for angst is incredibly powerful)
He’s a somewhat clumsy man himself, so he can relate to constantly apologizing
He always quickly dispels any guilt he senses you’re feeling, often saying not to worry, or that it’s no issue when you apologize
To be honest, at first he doesn’t even realize that you say you’re sorry even when you’re not in the wrong
If he hears you apologizing when you’re in a different room, he assumes you’ve knocked something over and he just didn’t hear— he’ll shout a quick “no worries, my love, you’re fine” and then go back to whatever he was doing before
He only catches on when someone bumps into you in the market while you were standing still, and you decided to apologize while stranger glared at you
Now that just wouldn’t stand
He was quick to correct the situation— much to the chagrin of the stranger— since he assumed you had apologized on reflex
But when you began insisting it was your fault, even though it clearly wasn’t, he made a note to himself to keep an eye on what he was beginning to think was perhaps a bad habit
And lo-and-behold, this was definitely a pattern of behaviour that he immediately knew he would have to help correct
There is a difference between being polite and being a doormat, as he would gently try to inform you
Fortunately for you, if you ever backpedaled and started apologizing more than you should again, Julian would be more than happy to step in and correct the situation
Of course, that doesn’t change the fact that he’s a self-deprecating hypocrite who also apologizes much more than he should
So standing up for each other becomes the new habit— even if you both apologize far too often for yourselves, you both keep an eye out for when your partner is doing the same
And slowly, you work your way out of it
Unfortunately for you, Portia is the kind of woman to get sick of constant apologizing pretty quickly
She lived through it for years with Julian, and she’s not willing to go through it again
She notices the pattern within a few weeks of living together; at first she thought you were just nervous about the next step in your relationship, but she quickly realized that there was an underlying problem
Not wanting to be insensitive, she tries correcting it from a couple different angles
Her first guess is anxiety, so she tries to reassure you that you’re fine, even in small situations where there would be no indication otherwise
The next is a lack of confidence, so she starts standing up for you whenever she thinks you need backup
This one can come in a few different forms:
There’s the classic “THAT’S MY SPOUSE!” punch in the face whenever someone disrespects you
But there’s also moments where she starts threatening the vegetables that rolled off the cutting board when you were cooking
At least she’s consistent
When she can’t figure out some deeper meaning behind your apologizing, Portia ends up sticking with the same tactic that worked with Julian
“Stop.” “No.” “Literally don’t.”
As time goes by, those three phrases become more exasperated, but also more effective
She adds to this method by giving you a kiss every time you catch yourself and don’t apologize for something that isn’t your fault
Portia has never read about Pavlov, but she’s still a dedicated student to his methods
He’s lived with your habits the longest, and doesn’t really think he can change them at this point
It’s not like they bother him though; the apologies don’t hurt anyone, and as long as there aren’t any underlying issues of anxiety or a lack of confidence, he sees no reason not to let you continue
And although he would never admit it out loud, it provides him the opportunity to ask “for what?”, which he thinks is hilarious even if you don’t
The funniest part, in his opinion, is that you usually don’t have an answer
If there were cameras in Vesuvia, he would take a picture every time you started staring off into space, looking for an answer that doesn’t exist
He’s not mean though; he would never do this in any kind of situation where someone else was in the wrong
If that were the case, he would step in immediately
He can’t stand to see you take the blame for something you didn’t do
Most people are kind enough to admit their own fault, and they’ll apologize to you in turn
But occasionally someone will be a complete dick, and in that case Asra takes the opportunity to verbally destroy them
It usually only takes one oddly specific insult for them to change their mind and apologize
And if you dare to then apologize to Asra for the hassle of defending you?
That’s probably the only situation where he will actually tell you to stop
Defending you and taking care of you will never be a burden to him; it will always be a gift to stay by your side
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cupidl0vesy0u · 3 months
I know my following is small, and everything was already said, but I just wanted to say something.
Just so y’all know, this is probably gonna a be long post ->
I as a lot of people love qsmp for it’s magic of getting people from around the world speaking and forming friendship together. And learning each other’s cultures in such a different ways.
I know I’m probably not the only one, but I’m not someone who’s from English speaking countries (America and such), I been always ‘forced’ to use English if I needed to buy or talk to someone in online spaces. And even if my culture is not that massive as others i know the pain of being made fun for my language or even country.
It’s been a lot of times I been called Russian, and getting sexualized for my looks and our countries history with them. Or people not wanting to learn and forgetting my own countries existence.
When Quackity started to stream more in Spanish I felt happiness and even if I didn’t understand him, I still tried to look for translation but only found angry comments how he should talk in English, and stopped talking Taco Bell. (I will never forgot these ‘jokes’ I know it’s hard for people who don’t know the struggle, but it still feels really disrespectful…)
But seeing this project showing people the magic of others culture, even if mine wasn’t there… I felt loved.
When Chayanne showed Germans traditions that was really similar to mine, I felt happiness at the way everyone loved it.
When new people showed up and everyone tried to learn how to say hello in their language or didn’t spoke English and used the translation instead.
I love seeing how all of their English got better or the ability to try to learn different languages even if there’s translation available.
I love this community and as someone who loved dsmp I really know how much this hurts.
But don’t worry! We still have each other, we made art and expressed what made it all even greater then it already was. I really appreciate you writers, artists, people who do cosplay and even people who didn’t had the courage to interact publicly in the fandom like me until now.
And the most important the Admins! I really appreciate you and what you did, even if its only giving life to ‘characters’ you played. You helped me with sadness I been feeling for while, and i think I’m not only one who said this but I wish you the best of luck on future projects, even if you decided to never interact with qsmp again.
I loved and still love this community we made, even if it had it’s downs and ups.
I will not leave, but I will try focusing on my own mental health and everyone who needs it.
I’m not comfortable with venting but if anyone just wants to talk about fanart or just have their mind on something else, feel free to dm me! I’m really bad at this, but I know it’s hard if your someone who didn’t interact online or doesn’t have irl friends or someone to talk this through with.
I know there’s probably a lot of grammar mistakes but I just wanted to share my love to everyone who was really feeling down with all this stuff happening.
I love you qsmp and even if this is the end or the new start. ❤️
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leiasfanaccount648 · 2 years
Pick Up the Phone
Pairings: Keisuke Baji, Takashi Mitsuya, Shuji Hanma x Fem!Reader (Separate)
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Request: First of all, english isn't my first language so if i make any mistakes i apologize! and I hope you understand what I mean hahaha. So i was wondering if you could Please write something about the TR boys being scared that something might have happened to you. For example they're having beef with another Gang and they haven't heard anything from you in a few hours and you don't pick up your phone and answer their messages so they start to panic and go to your home to see if you're there. You're home and completely fine, nothing has happened to you. And after they explain what's wrong you comfort them and tell them everything is okay and they don't have to worry. Uh, I hope i didn't make too many mistakes Hahaha. I hope you like this request! I really love your Account and your work soo so much!! Much Love ❤️ - Anonymous
Warnings/Contains: angst, fluff, cursing, each of the guys are worried for you in their own way, Kei cares about you, Mitsuya finds you precious, Hanma might be a bit OC towards the end but I think the ending is sweet regardless.
wc: 4.2k
a/n: Don’t worry anon! Your English was great :3 thank you so much for your request! I only had ideas for these three but I hope you enjoy!
a(nother)/a/n: I finally got around to finishing this request yayyy. College is rough y’all but I love the outlet that writing these headcanons gives me. I hope you all enjoy and feel free to send more they just might take awhile ahaha
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Keisuke baji
“C’mon, pick up, dammit.” Keisuke murmured under his breath. He was still a little out of breath from fighting a couple guys in an alleyway while on his way to your school to pick you up. He promised to grab food with you after your activities were done, but instead got caught up in a fight with some delinquents younger than him.
When he saw the time when he was done, he knew that you were most likely mad at him for ditching you, even though that wasn’t the case, and went home. That’s why now he was calling you while making his way over to your apartment.
“y/n, I swear to fucking god,” Keisuke sighed, having received your voicemail for the 5th time in a row. He knew that you were upset with him, but he didn’t think that it deserved you ignoring this many of his calls. Then again, what did he know? He always knew girls to be dramatic like that; at least the ones at his school were.
Reaching the red light of a crosswalk on a busy street, he groaned and cursed himself for not bringing his bike and parking it close to the school grounds today so that he could have picked you up quicker. Part of him regretted the fight, but at the same time was glad he got that energy out of his system so that it wouldn’t show when he eventually apologized to you.
As the crosswalk changed, signaling Keisuke that he could cross the street, he continued to run and thought back on the younger delinquents he had fought not 20 minutes ago. Why did they try to intentionally fight him anyway? And why were they heading in the same direction as he was as he walked to your school?
Using what little memory he had of the fight, despite it being not too long ago, he recalled that one of the guys called him by name. It didn’t shock him at the time, as he was well known for being a division captain of Toman, but the fact that they were also walking in the direction of your school made him warry.
You weren’t affiliated with Toman yourself, but you had met the guys before, and have even hung out with Emma on occasion; but, what if those delinquents he fought were making their way to your school to hurt you? He would never forgive himself if anything happened to you because of what he was involved with.
Eventually he made his way up the stairs of your apartment complex, knocking on your front door with a fervor that made you jump when you heard it from inside. Regardless, you hesitantly went to the door, looking through the peephole before sighing in relief at the sight of your boyfriend.
“Don’t girls always keep their phones on them?” Keisuke said as you opened the door, practically panting from how out of breath he was. “I’ve called you like 10 times.”
Your eyes widened at his ushered and hurried tone. “What’s wrong? Did something happen?” You asked, confused as to why he was in such dire need for you anyway. You then took in the scrapes and dirt he had on his face and school uniform. “Wait, did you get into a fight again?”
Keisuke stared at you for a second, wondering if you were deciding to play the long game with him as punishment for him not showing up to see you after school. “Are you serious?”
“Are you?” You asked, growing more confused as you pulled him inside your apartment and closed the door. “C’mon, let me at least clean you up.” Keisuke let you drag him to the bathroom before he finally spoke up again, his brain finally catching up with what was happening.
“Are you really pulling this bullshit with me right now?!” He snapped, making you freeze as you were grabbing the first aid kit from underneath the sink. “I know I forgot to pick you up after your club, but ignoring my calls, pretending like it never happened, and remaining pissy with me to make me feel worse while I was already worried about you when you weren’t there is even worse!”
You took in his words, hands going to your mouth as your eyes widened in realization. “I forgot..” You whispered.
“I forgot that we were hanging out after school today.” You said, dropping your hands so he could better understand you. “And my phone died during my club meeting.”
Keisuke’s gaze on you still depicted him as pissed off, but you were hoping that the gears of reality were turning in his head.
“I went straight home after my club. Oh my god, I’m so sorry.” You continued. “Were you waiting for me all this time?”
Your boyfriend sighed again, shaking his head. “No, I got caught in a fight on my way to your school and it lasted longer than intended cause those little shits didn’t know when they had lost.” He paused. “Then I was worried that they were on their way to hurt you since you’re affiliated with me.” His tone was soft, but it got louder again as though he had caught you in the act of doing something you weren’t supposed to.
“But you’re telling me that you forgot the plans that you made after whining to me about I don’t spend enough time with you?”
“...I love you-”
“You’re lucky I reciprocate.”
Takashi Mitsuya
Takashi frowned as he scrolled through all of the texts he had sent you in the last couple hours. It wasn’t like you to purposefully not reply to him, but to his knowledge you weren’t doing anything to keep yourself busy today.
Your club was tomorrow, you were running errands with your mom the day after, and your younger sister’s dance class was yesterday so you didn’t have to pick her up. To his knowledge you should be at home or with one of your other friends since the school day was over and he was busy doing things with Toman.
The more he thought about it, the more he got distracted and ended up being nudged in the back by Draken, making him nearly stumble and fall to the ground. “Hey, wake your ass up, Mitsuya. It’s not like you to be zoning out like that.”
“Right,” Takashi sighed. “Sorry, I’m just worried about y/n is all. She usually responds to me before the meeting starts so that I know she’s made it home or where to meet with her afterwards.”
“Yeah, yeah, we get it,” Baji cut in, clearly annoyed. “You’re happy. You don’t have to bore us about every single detail about your girlfriend.” He walked past Takashi, hitting his shoulder against his own. “We have a meeting to start and would appreciate it if you actually paid any attention rather than staring at your phone.”
“Shut up, Baji.” Mikey sighed, sounding exhausted from where he laid on his back at the top platform of the shrine. “If you keep annoying me and the others over meaningless crap then I might ban you from meetings.”
Takashi  shook his head at their bickering, looking back at his phone to see if he had any new messages from you; nothing.
He knew that he should have no reason to worry, but he knew it wasn’t like you to not message him like this. Maybe you needed some time for yourself, maybe you were doing homework, or even taking a nap after a long, tiring day; you were probably fine, he kept telling himself. He just wanted to be certain.
“C’mon, Mitsuya. Meeting’s starting.” Peh said, getting Takashi to stop zoning out. With a sigh, the man pocketed his phone to focus on his other focus in life: Toman.
Throughout the meeting, Takashi listened in on most of it, thinking back to you when hearing something that he was already aware of. One thing, however, that made him rethink it was Mikey’s reminder of a new gang on the east side of the city that had been making claims about beating Toman into the ground; in the part of town that your school happened to be in.
Takashi wasn’t sure if you were aware of this, as he didn’t want you to know too much about Toman and what happened within the group, but what if the new rival gang happened to have guys that went to your school? What if one of them saw you as you were heading home and decided to make a pass at you, or knew that you were dating Takashi and wanted to hurt you as a sign that they were serious about taking down Toman.
Multiple thoughts and outcomes continued to rack at his head, and as soon as the meeting ended, he made sure not to seem too rushed as he headed down the stairs of the shrine and to his bike. The moment he got on and started it, he made way to your apartment first in an attempt to put his mind at ease.
He felt his heart lift in relief as he saw the light in your bedroom window was on. Of course, that didn’t guarantee that you were home; he had to be certain.
It only took a few seconds for you to answer the door, but it felt like an eternity for Takashi. The moment he saw you, he pulled you in for a hug before you had the chance to say anything.
“Whoa,” you chuckled, hugging him back. “Good to see you too, babe.” You sounded calm and happy, so that was a good sign to Takashi. “You alright? You seem tense.” Takashi sighed at your words, pulling away so that he could take in your appearance.
It was clear that you had showered due to your pj’s, but hadn’t washed your hair tonight; that meant that you would most likely wear a hat or style it in a way that you typically didn’t if it didn’t look nice for you when you woke up. You could use your dry hair shampoo, but he knew that you were running low and couldn’t get a new bottle until next week. By your expression, he could tell that you were worried for him, but couldn’t figure out what could cause his own to make him look so relieved to see you. He figured that maybe you were thinking that the Toman meeting didn’t go well, and needed a break from it all. However, as he stared at you, rather than voice his relief, he first voiced his concern and worry due to your lack of communication throughout the afternoon and evening.
“I hadn’t heard from you since school ended.” He sighed, not wanting to make a big deal out of the situation. “I just wanted to make sure you were alright.”
Your expression fell out of shock and realization. “Did my messages not go through?” You sighed, now upset about the situation as well. “This is what I get for shopping with Emma last minute in a marketplace with terrible signal.”
“You went shopping with Emma?” Takashi repeated, following you as you retreated back into your apartment and grabbed your phone. “How come Mikey or Draken didn’t tell me then?”
“It was a spur of the moment decision.” You said, going to your messages with Takashi on your phone. “She heard about this place and wanted me to go with her since Draken was busy tonight.” You shook your head at the situation. “And most likely figured that she’d be back home before dark and not worry them about where she was.”
Takashi thought the situation over, understanding most of it. “Then why didn’t you tell me when you got home?”
“I was about to when I got back an hour ago, but my phone was dead by the time Emma and I got off the train.” You crossed your arms, leaning against the wall as you remembered. “I let my phone charge while I showered, and was going to text you when I got out, but I got distracted by a little someone begging me for a late night snack.”
The culprit you were referring to made themself noticed as Takashi heard a small meow coming from your living room. A moment later, your cat came prancing down the hall to greet your boyfriend.
“I’m sorry,” you sighed with a frown, picking up your cat so that they didn’t bother him. “I didn’t mean to worry you. I just couldn’t get signal, then of course my phone just had to die on me like that.” You sighed again, scratching the top of your cat’s head. “I-”
Your rant was cut short by Takashi as he gently pulled you into his arms. “I’m not mad that you didn’t message me, nor am I ever angry at you for not letting me know of your whereabouts and plans every second of the day.”
“What?” You asked, confused about his words. “What do you-”
“Don’t worry yourself over this,” he said. “I just got worked up because of Toman issues. I always know that if you don’t respond to me that you have a valid reason.” He kissed the top of your head. “As long as you let me know when you get home safe every night.” He chuckled softly.
“You know I always do that.” You couldn’t help but giggle along with him. “But you better do the same.”
“I promise, baby.” He said, pressing his forehead against yours. “I promise.”
Hanma Shuji
“You’ve got to be fucking with me.”
“Well, all you have to do is ask.”
“Hanma, I swear to god.”
Your boyfriend laughed at your reaction, slinging an arm around your shoulders. “You know I’m just joking, princess.” He went on to continue his teasing antics towards you, but he noticed your serious expression as you looked at your phone. “What’s going on? Need me to beat someone up for you?”
“No, not today.” You sighed, shaking your head. “Just this damn group project I have to do for my English course.”
“Why do we have to take other language courses anyway?” Hanma sighed, having hated the class himself. “Like, I’m not working outside Japan right now. I can always learn the language later.”
“Because you never know who you might come across.” You pointed out. “What if someone who wants your gang ends up being from England?”
“Then I’ll tell them to go eat some damn scones and tea before kicking their ass for thinking they’re better than us.”
“You,” you cut yourself off with a sigh, shaking your head at his words. “Never mind, I have to get going.” You shrugged his arm off your shoulders, picking up your school bag as you texted your classmate back letting them know you were on your way.
“What? I thought we were gonna hang out today.” Hanma complained as he watched you get ready to leave.
“By hang out do you mean watch you beat up people in rival gangs while I sip on the boba you get me just like every Wednesday?” You teased, pocketing your phone before cupping Hanma’s cheeks and making him look at you at eye level. “While I do love that lil ‘tradition’, as you keep calling it, I need to make sure the grade I get on this assignment is at least decent.”
“I’ve told you,” Hanma said, grabbing onto your wrists and pulling your hands off his face. “You don’t have to try hard in school. Once my gang becomes the most feared in Japan, we’ll be living off of luxury by graduation and you won’t have to worry your pretty little head about anything but me.”
You paused at his words, trying to understand what exactly he was getting at. “Is that really how you see me?” You asked, genuinely upset as you pulled your hands out of his grip. “Nothing but a future housewife for you? An investment for when you’re older so that you don’t have to work as hard?”
“Not an investment, really. But it’d be convenient if you end up with me for a long time-”
“Convenient?” You raised your voice, growing more annoyed with each word your boyfriend was saying. “You know what, Shuji, I’m going to make this convenient for myself rather than you.” You sighed, leaving without another word to your classmate’s house. At this point, you’d rather write a 10 page paper for your English class rather than stay around Hanma another second.
“What, y/n get back here!” Hanma called out, shocked at your reaction and the way you called him by his last name rather than his first. “What the fuck is her problem? I didn’t say anything wrong.”
That whole afternoon, Hanma decided to take his annoyance and confusion out on random delinquents he encountered on the street as he made his way to attend yet another Valhalla meeting. He was so close to getting Keisuke Baji to join, he just had to pull a few more strings. However, his mind was still off thinking about how mad you were with him. He had seen you annoyed, or sometimes pretend to be as he would see that cute, small smile on your face that proved that you weren’t actually annoyed and rather amused with his antics.
Today, of course, was different. He just didn’t know why he felt this weight in his chest. It only took getting punched in the stomach for him to realize that the weight wasn’t pain; it was guilt.
Hanma was feeling guilty about what he said, even if he didn’t fully admit it to himself; and as much as he hated the action more than Toman itself, he had to apologize to you for what he said and how it came across.
He was telling the truth when he said that he hoped that you would be with him for a long time, but while having a bunch of girls at his beck and call as a huge gang leader sounded amazing, he would much rather prefer you by his side than some random girl, or five, he was potentially paying to serve him and his every need.
The Valhalla meeting was typically a fun time, knowing that he only created the gang for Kisaki and his plan, but with his mind elsewhere with you and where you would be after the meeting was over so that he could go meet you wherever that may be. And if you couldn’t forgive him yet, maybe he could help you with your project. He wasn’t the best at English, but he at least knew most of the alphabet and a few words. Who cares if they’re swears, they’re still in English!
As he was thinking of ways he could help you, he wondered who it was that you were working on the assignment with. He was a year above you, so he didn’t know many people in your grade, but he knew a fair amount of the guys by their face, having most likely beaten them up before for being too cocky and thinking that they could take him in a fight.
He’d be damned if one of those punks tried to make a pass at you.
It wasn’t a secret that you were dating Hanma, but you didn’t go flaunting the information off to everyone in your class; granted, neither did he, but that didn’t stop him from bragging about how great you are to the people in his gangs whenever they were complaining about being single. Hell, for all he knew, one of the newbies in Valhalla could be the guy you were doing that project with. The mere thought of someone trying to get as close as he is with you made his blood boil.
Not caring that the meeting was over, he passed off responsibility to one of the higher ups in Valhalla before leaving without seeming to hastily. If he was seen caring about a girl and putting her before either one of his gangs, his reputation as a leader would be ruined.
The moment he got to his bike, he rode to your school not bothering to stop at any of the red lights unless he absolutely had to, like avoiding getting into a major wreck on a busy road. That would only make you more mad to see him in a hospital even though he was trying to go and apologize for what he said to you earlier.
He held back a sigh of relief as he saw you walking out of your school gate, pulling right up to you.
“I thought I made it clear that I didn’t want to see you.” You said, glaring at him.
“And I thought that I was supposed to get you boba today.” Hanma said. “Guess we both had incorrect assumptions.”
You couldn’t help but sigh, shaking your head. “If you think boba will suddenly make up for what you said to me, then you’re wrong.” You moved to leave, only for Hanma to rev his bike and move as well to somewhat block your path and make you stop in your tracks.
“Is it that hard to believe that I want to apologize while I get you boba?” Hanma said, making you pause. You had known Hanma for a good while, and dating him for a few months now; maybe he meant what he was saying.
“If you think I’m paying you’re crazy.” You said, climbing onto his bike.
“Already planned on it.” Hanma said, waiting until you were holding onto his waist before heading in the direction of the boba place the two of you frequented. In the back of his mind he couldn’t help but be grateful for taking some newbie’s after school money during the Valhalla meeting.
After a much deserved quiet exchange, the two of you reached the cafe that you typically frequented every week. You got off his bike and went in without him, making Hanma sigh as he called out for you to wait up.
“If I’m paying then you need to wait for me to get to the register with you.”
“Then you better catch up. You have long legs don’t you?”
Hanma couldn’t help but smile at your quip, as though it reminded him how much he really liked you. Yes, he had fantasized about having multiple women at his beck and call 24/7, but maybe having just you around wouldn’t be as bad as he first made it out to be.
Once you had ordered, and made sure that Hanma paid with his (well, it wasn’t his originally but you didn’t know that) own money rather than the tip jar money, as you have seen him do that before, you made your way to wait by the counter where your finished drink would be. “You have until my boba’s ready to explain yourself.”
“What? That’s it?” Hanma knew you wouldn’t give him much time to apologize, but he didn’t think it’d be that small of a time frame.
“What you said really hurt me, Hanma. Do you even realize how it came across when you practically said that I didn’t have to amount to anything other than being your pretty thing to come home to when we’re older.”
Hanma opened his mouth to explain, only to pause as he replayed your words in his head. “Wait, so you pictured a future for the two of us then?” Your silence was a give away in itself. “Tell me, what was it like?”
“Why do you want to know? You clearly don’t want it.”
“Says who?” He gently turned you to face him so he could meet your gaze. “Tell me what you thought about for us.”
You were brought back to your senses when you heard your name called by the barista and went to grab your drink. You effortlessly put the straw through the top as you made your way back over to Hanma. “You still haven’t explained yourself.”
“Then, will you let me take you home so that I can?”
You stared at him for a moment, part of you saying how he wouldn’t change due to his commitments and behavior that you weren’t always one hundred percent supportive of; however, as you noted how his gaze on you seemed hopeful that you would say yes, the other part of you said to give him this one chance to talk things through with you. “Sure, but we’re walking.”
“And leave my bike here?” He gasped, not liking the idea one bit as the idea of a rival gang finding and destroying it came across his mind.
“Would you rather leave me?”
Hanma paused, knowing what you were getting at. He shook his head, taking your hand and walking you out of the shop. “Absolutely not.”
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© copyright leiasfanaccount648 2022
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wroteclassicaly · 1 year
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Summary: Two years. You never drive far anymore, you don’t linger outside of your new city limits. Because how can you drive into the desolate life you once had? Then again, Hawkins and its story book tragedies have a way of bringing you back for more. A mangled marriage, an abandoned two story, and a loved one in turmoil, it finally brings you back home.
Parings: Eddie Munson x Female Reader
Warnings: Language, shitloads of angst, mentions of major health trauma (it’s heart related, so be warned before reading, as I don’t want to trigger anyone), that angsty angst, but with a happy ending, & obvious smut/nsfw content that will appear later in the story!
A/N: Sneak peek/teaser into my new series, and the first one I’m publishing for this fandom — That House In Indiana (inspired by Ethel Cain’s ‘A House In Nebraska’. Lyrics below that I obviously don’t own) There will be a happy ending, so don’t worry! I’ve also drawn off myself for the situation with Wayne, based off what happened to my own dad. It’s pretty rough, but Wayne will be okay — I promise! He has a health crisis in this that might trigger some people, so please DON’T read if you know it’ll upset you! And let me know what y’all think if you do read, please and thank you? ❤️💘❤️💘
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February 1st, 1990
Labored breaths and bed sores, sing it to me all day long
When the aching sound of silence used to be our favorite song
You and me against the world, you were my man and I your girl
We had nothing except each other, you were my whole world
Then the day came and you were up and gone
And I still call home that house in Nebraska
Where we found each other on a dirty mattress on the second floor
Where the world was empty, save you and I
Where you came and I laughed, and you left and I cried
Where you told me even if we died tonight, that I'd die yours
Shaking hands with chipped polish of a once fresh manicure, now worried down from alternating chewed grinds between chattering teeth and trembling lips, stained with overflowing salt — switch to a tight grip around a faded leather steering wheel, the cracking leather mingling with that of rustling denim. Scattered neon pink chips spray nail beds, making you twitch with the need to placate that urgency in your guts that pummels the muscles, seizing those in your eyes to force you to glance at where the gold band used to sit, used to distract you so perfectly. You were sure that you’d gotten over that. Funny what delusions the mind can bank on to get you through destruction and pain. You sniffle upon a jagged exhale, breath coming out choppy and overused.
Your body feels stuck to the seats, melted into a frozen statue. You really don’t want to be you, to think. Hell, your thoughts border on everything they shouldn’t, all the what-ifs, the blames, past tragedies, and your wishes that if this was the end result — maybe it would’ve been better if you died that night in the Spring of 1986. Long drives that aren’t in line with the simplicity of five minutes, you’d avoided for the last two years. Four hours from your one bedroom townhouse in Illinois to a hotel room in your hometown of Hawkins, Indiana — you’re a prisoner to your psyche.
You’ll see your crumbling dream in the form of white plaster, broken wood planks, and rotten rose bushes, frosted across shattered glass windows — ones you had stewed over for days on what color would look the best for curb appeal, and a large for sale sign in the front yard that was once littered with the cars of friends and loved ones. That very same home, the one you had shaped with your partner, that curly haired, doe eyed boy that you first met when he gave you money to pay for the groceries you couldn’t quite afford when you were fifteen, unbeknownst to you that it was his last five dollars, but he gave it to you because he knew you needed it more. He’d be fine as long as you were. You don’t have to try to embrace every whisper his hands had gifted your skin with. Your walls are gone, body ripped open and bare for the entire town you’d left behind two years ago.
The scenery is starting to fill in, barren trees near bloom. Maybe an early Spring, you can’t be sure? Your tires click against wet asphalt when you turn, splashing water on the chrome body of your car as you head into the embankment of treetops that glow, entwined into an arch that blankets the road in charcoal shadows. You manage to raise your hand to hit your windshield wipers, crystal clearing in a thick smear. Your sclera, however, floods over, lashes sticking to raw under eyes, puffy and exerted. You swallow harshly around a raw and wet throat, foot accelerating the gas pedal. You have to get there.
You haven’t slept since you heard his voice, your ears floating into a familiar peak, a swell of overwhelming longing stealing every ounce of breath from your lungs, trapping your diaphragm beneath whimpers not cried. You knew right away that something wasn’t okay. He called for the first time in years, he was in the place of his uncle, your confusion palpable as you hadn’t expected the youth for the familiarity of your weekly calls with his own family. You could hear his deep voice, raspy and shrouded in painful storms unmatched. Your body was like a dead weight, fingers struggling to hold onto the receiver, tone a mere whisper, one that felt like broken glass being dragged out through your windpipes.
“What’s wrong, Eds?”
“He… I, Y/N—“ Like a plea that was too silent to fully find its vessel, his voice became caked with an ocean of tears, thick like the swamps of isolating despair.
You’d almost resorted to begging, but you had known, even then, Eddie always took his own path to processing grief. Resisting an instinctual soothe towards him was like rejecting the air that earth offered you.
Your fingers prickled in an uncomfortable heat, numb and dulled, tongue heavy and choking you. The same as that night you awaited to hear whatever horror Hawkins had dropped into your lives once more.
“It’s Wayne.” There was an eerie quietness as Eddie had caught up with himself and moved forward enough to inform you. You couldn’t have stopped the gasping cry that left your mouth if you’d taped it shut.
He’d wanted nothing more than to reach through the phone and take you into his arms, needing to remember what the heartbeat of another human felt like, more specifically — his human. But you weren’t, you hadn’t been, and he wasn’t calling you to tell you that. You loved his uncle like a father. Having to break this news, to lay a layer of pavement over your spirit and let it dry, driving over it to forget, Eddie guiding your heart into another turmoil — it made him want to attempt to dislocate his own jaw.
“What about Wayne? Please tell me what’s going on?” You lost every piece you’d mangled together, helpless to their violent disappearance.
Eddie had trembled as he sighed, shaky and worn. “He had a heart attack a few hours ago.”
Your organ had begun to lose traction, beating sporadically that you were sure some of your bones had been reduced to ash beneath the forceful erratic rhythm. Leaving behind everything but your shoes, coat, keys, and purse, you were already at your front door, phone cord stretching with you. “I’m coming home. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
“Yeah. Kay. I’ll be here.” Eddie sounded lost, that light he’d accumulated in his lifetime, part of it was dimming. He couldn’t lose the one person that had been with him his whole life. You were already gone. This would devour him whole.
You sit up straight in your seat, the action causing your back to crack. You take a few deep breaths, engrossed in the glossy branches in your sky view, thunder roaring in the distance, your vehicle approaching the clearing and ready to hit that final road that will take you home.
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Taking a bath with the Gotham Bois 🛁🧼 | Part 1
A/N: Excluding Bruce because, where I’m at in Gotham, he’s still a child.
Warnings: Implied nudity, baths (obviously), Jerome, teensy bit of nsfw content, fluffy things
Jerome Valeska
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“I don’t need a bath!” “You are literally covered in blood.” “NO!” “I’ll get in with you ~”
Boi took his clothes off right there, no shame whatsoever, he absolutely did not care that the blinds were open either
But before you both actually get in the tub he stops in his tracks and just starts rummaging through your cabinets and/or the bathroom closet
Finally he emerges, buck ass naked with a triumphant grin on his face and holding bath bombs, some bath oil, salts and a rubber ducky for each of you because obviously it’s not a proper bath until there’s a rubber ducky, c’mon Y/n get with the program
Congratulations, you have successfully gotten Jerome in the bathtub 🛁
But now you have to actually get him to wash himself and not constantly try to grope whatever parts of you he can get his hands on…Good luck and Godspeed, partner.
Eventually you get him to allow you to wash him if he gets to wash you
And lemme tell you, he is having the time of his life not just because he’s being washed by you, but also because of the bubbles and brightly colored bath bombs
It wouldn’t surprise me if Jerome didn’t get to have fun little bath toys and such growing up so this is lowkey therapeutic for him 🥺🥺🥺
Baths are now a regular occurrence in your household, so just be prepared to repeat this entire process at least once a week
Jervis Tetch
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Nervous Boi ™
You asked if he wanted to bathe with you while you were both discussing your plans for that night, assuming he would successfully pull off a heist he had arranged that day.
The kicker? It’s the first time you’ll have been intimate with each other, aside from maybe changing into a disguise in the same room after needing to get the cops of y’all’s trail
The poor man nearly choked
He tried to regain his composure and act all charismatic but he was failing. So. Freaking. Hard.
So spoiler: the heist was successful! Now he just has to calm his nerves before going home to his wonderful Alice!
And there you are when he walks in the door: wearing a fluffy blue bathrobe and you look so cute he has to pretend to clear his throat so you don’t hear the little squeal he let out when he saw you 🥺
So, finally it’s bath time: Bath is setup with some nice oils and some green tea bubble bath (because ya know…tea ☕️) and now you actually get to partake in the lovely bath you’ve drawn! Yay!
However Jervis has suddenly developed some stage fright
“Jervis, is something wrong?” “Oh no, nothing at all dear! I just…um…well-“ “Aw, darling, are you nervous? Here.”
Boom. Robe is gone and so is his stage fright, you have his full attention, and his admiration.
Oh, he can’t believe how beautiful his Alice is. And he’s very vocal about it.
“My darling Alice, I do so wish we had done this sooner, all the flowers in all of Wonderland aren’t nearly as beautiful as you ~”
Cuddles while bathing 🥺
Can and will whisper sweet nothings in your ear while he washes you
He loves the feeling of you washing his hair
He practically purrs when you do it but don’t tell anyone
Loves bathing with you and usually is the one to propose bathing together from then on ❤️
Jonathan Crane
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So it’s pretty normal for Jon to be in a constant state of…not dirty but not clean either
He’s more of a quick shower kinda guy and he will usually wash with literally just a bar of soap. Shampoo? Conditioner? Sorry we don’t know her.
Usually you’re okay with it, as long as he doesn’t smell of sweat and fear toxin, but one day you just lose it.
“Let go of me, I’m not finished wi-“ He rambles woefully about his work as you drag him to the bathroom.
He lays eyes on the bathtub and there’s panic in his eyes as he realizes you are now undressing him the way a mother would do her toddler who played in the mud outside. (Don’t worry he’s fine with it he’s just shook atm)
“No! Hey-“ he groaned and ran his fingers frustratedly through his hair “I took a shower yesterday I don’t need anotherAH-“
You pushed him into the bathtub because face it, honey, he wasn’t going to go peacefully
He’s so busy pouting and muttering about how he’s “wasting precious time that could be spent perfecting his toxin” and “Doesn’t even need a bath” that he didn’t even register you undressing until you got in with him
At which point, he fell silent and wasn’t sure what to do when you started washing him, he almost leaned away from your touch but stopped himself
It might take a few minutes for him to stop being so nervous, he’s shy 🥺 What?! No he’s not scared, he’s the Master Of Fear!
He’ll ask if it’s okay for him to wash you before making a move and when you say yes, he suddenly gets this look on his face like he’s this 👌🏼 close to figuring out the answer to a question on jeopardy
And then he immediately shifts from determination and being methodical to a soft gentle boi as he goes to wash your hair 
Btw Wash his hair and then just watch as he becomes completely and utterly relaxed, he’ll literally start purring like a cat
Okay so maybe taking time to bathe isn’t that bad
He’s going to still be a little apprehensive towards baths, just because he’s a workaholic but once you’ve got him on board, he’s happy to get in the tub with you
Edward Nygma (Post-Riddler)
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So unlike the other men on this list, it was actually his idea to bathe with you!
In a rare moment of Ed wanting to have a simple, and not an exceedingly extravagant, date with you, he opted for a date night in.
However, that doesn’t mean he hasn’t made the bath itself exceedingly extravagant. 😅
You come home from work, drop your things by the door, too tired to carry anything but yourself to your shared bedroom and gracefully plop onto the bed.
Then, from the bathroom, you hear Ed’s voice: “I hold water, but I have no hands, I run but have no legs, and I am…pretty much required in every house and home…what am I?”
You raise your head exhaustedly, “A bath…or…” you try to not bring down his mood but you’re also so tired. So you walk into the bathroom and there’s your adorable nerd standing next to a bath with rose petals, plenty of bubbles and floofy towels for the both of you 🥺
“It was actually a bathtub, but you were close enough, I suppose.” He is already undressed so the only thing left to do is for you to get undressed and get in the bath together 🥰
Lots of kissing and cuddling ❤️❤️❤️
Also playing with bubbles (it’s you more than Ed, but he’s not complaining)
And of course: facts about bathing and showering 🤓
“So…wait…people in the Middle Ages only bathed four times a year?!” “Yup, after Christmas, on Easter, at the end of June, and the end of September!”
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