#it'll eventually go into the big post im planning on making eventually
lifesliced · 2 years
for as much as i very much acknowledge and discuss yagami’s negatives, i’d like to briefly touch on characteristics that are more positive. being human, he is full of character flaws, but also with character strengths, which i highlight the latter below: [ repost from my archived blog ]
tenacious. this should be obvious by how dedicated he is to his goals and his ability to achieve almost anything he sets his mind to ( within human reason ) . in that vein he’s also very devoted, very passionate, and very focused.
confident. this goes hand in hand with narcissism, but on a whole yagami is very confident. he knows who he is to a certain extent, and feels good putting himself out there without little fear of being embarrassed. he is in control of himself and his actions and tends to not get himself into hot water.
a sense of humor. it might be a little dry, but it’s based on more perceptive humor than anything. he’s a little flat when telling a joke, but he can still be humorous or playful. he also will acknowledge humor in others. we see this with sayu at the end of the intermission, as well as in the yotsuba arc specifically.
intelligent. this goes without saying. he checks out in a 9/10 for intelligence; his intelligence isn’t what got him killed, it was every other inherently human attribute. on intelligence alone, yagami is a winner.
honorable. this might sound strange, but hear me out. yagami is still an honorable citizen, has a high moral code, and will assert himself fully for his beliefs. he stands firm in what he deems right and wrong.
masculine. there is nothing wrong with admitting that yagami is inherently masculine. he doesn’t appear anything other than a normal boy. he enjoys his masculinity and feels very comfortable in it.
pursuit of justice. yagami is born into a family of justice and into a very black and white world socially. from micro to macro, his community has a clear line of what is considered right and wrong, plus culminated with his age, his entire outlook really makes sense when applied to the character developed up to that point. yagami is inherently only interested in what is right or wrong, but ego comes to play and tends to disintegrate the inherent good associated with this desire. he wants to do the right thing, and that right thing becomes threatened by ideological input that gets him off track, into thinking it’s a game. at the end of the day, yagami is a man of personal honor, whatever that means to him.
social. yagami is social, and he has no problem fitting in. he able to make friends, and seems to be able to keep them. he can revive old friendships and romances without making it too awkward and comes off as rather genial when he’s in neutral mode. he sees the world as rotten, but it’s a world he has to live in if he wants to change it. despite this, he does self-isolate, but still pursues an actively social life.
helpful. no matter what, yagami wants to do what he considers the right thing. even if it is inconvenient, or he just doesn’t want to, he will always be available for those that need him. he never gets tired of helping the elderly woman cross the road, or helping a man with his groceries. it feels good to be useful, even in a world he finds himself unable to truly belong to.
forgiveness. weird, right? not really. yagami as kira / og kira lays down clear guidelines that people can change if they want to, and he’s going after the worst. there is arguably his side that directly states he will remove all burdens to the world, but taken on a smaller scale, yagami forgives personal trespasses against himself ( sans L ) as nothing more than fleeting things he can overlook. they really aren’t that important to hold onto.
family-oriented. for all the yagami drama in that family, he still is sayu’s older brother, and he is the son of a father and mother that love him. in his own way, he cares about them. he will go to the lengths to not have them die, but accepts it could happen. his own soul is a small price to pay … but he still tutors sayu, pushes her to be better, protects her as the older sibling, and overall has a relationship with her that continues into pt 2. he meets every goal his parents have set for him. he is the perfect son; the prodigal son.
on this note, i’m not an idealistic person, nor do i aim to portray yagami as this true savior. but he is human, and all humans have facets to them beyond ‘good’ and ‘bad’. all of these attributes have their negatives as yagami very much is a multifaceted character.
for every positive, the negative is right there in line; so much so that it can be hard to separate the two and thus only see the negative. in saying he is masculine positively, he also bleeds toxic masculinity. he cannot have one good thing without the direct consequence of the bad that comes with it. that’s what makes him so much of a person constantly balancing two personalities without any real collection of a true self.
the closest we arguably see is his yotsuba arc, but even i would argue that’s bordering into fanservice, a reason to slow the plot down to keep L alive, and to give us a what-if for the idea that L and yagami are very compatible in the sense that they align a lot, and where they differ seems to give them the ability to lash out on someone entirely on their level. we only see yagami become physically violent with L, though he is aggressive with misa later. his physical expression is quite complicated.  
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erinwantstowrite · 2 months
Hi!!!! I Love love love your fic, and I have a question! An inquiry if you must lol. I was reading the tags again, and I noticed the skip Westcott tag. Are you going to approach the topic? Like, other than Peter suffering that trauma, when he eventually opens up to the bat family, will he talk about it?? Will dick talk about his own experience with Tarantula? I'm so excited to see your take since you put some hints that skip was maybe his caretaker at some point? Like foster dad or maybe I'm genuinely just tripping and mixing with other fics.
ALSO incredibly excited to see what happened to him with the experiments!!! It's extremely vague but im so needing that angst!!!! I really want to see more of Peter's life before coming to Gotham, before even meeting Tony!
hiii!! ty for the love!! :)
i spent ages looking for an ask i got a while ago about this topic but i can't find it for some reason? so if anyone is able to find it for me, i'd like to link it to this post and i'd appreciate the help!!
EDIT: perpetuallypanicky found the post!
(warning for under the tag: talking about Skip Westcott and Tarantula, which covers the topic of SA. please take care of yourself)
Peter will eventually talk about Skip Westcott. I can't say how much he says because I haven't actually written the conversation yet, but at the moment, it's more alluded to that it is talked about. It's a conversation for way later in another part of the series I have planned for LoF, which actually has an entire plotline about Peter's past and how it connects to his future. But he will open up and talk about it at some point. I think in the road trip arc (chapter 15 I think?) I have it planned for Peter to talk about Skip in some context with Dick (mainly, he tells Dick the most he's ever told anyone about the day he was bit by the spider), but not fully.
(And if that changes, it will 100% be warned in the beginning with the other trigger warnings I put in beginning chapter notes.)
That's mostly because Peter still hasn't processed that yet. He hasn't even told his therapist (I briefly mentioned a few times in Peter's POV's that he has gone to therapy, but I should probably make sure it's known that he doesn't go so often that he's gotten through the biggest parts of his past).
As for Tarantula... I talked about this in the Lost Post (this thing disappeared???) so I should probably mention it again. But Tarantula did NOT happen in this au.
There's a huge reason for it, and that's because I hate Devin Grayson, the writer who put that shit in there. I don't want her attached to LoF in any form, even if I'm writing to bash it.
That's not saying that Dick isn't still a survivor of SA. He's still going to have that be a part of his past as well, with some of the other instances. (There's another instance with Catwoman that's just... no.) So I'm not erasing that part of his history. I just hate Devin Grayson.
Which means that when Dick does find out (and he will), there's gonna be a big reaction. For the most part, when it comes to What Happened, I won't be going into details, nor flashbacks, stuff like that. It'll be about the impact of those times, and how Peter and Dick are recovering, though they do talk about it.
Also, Skip was Peter's last foster parent before Tony, you're right. He's probably just a little older than Dick, I'd say, around mid thirties? He was responsible for Peter for a little while but Peter ended up running away that day he got bit, and Skip hasn't fostered since.
And as for the experiments: I'm excited to write about it more. Peter and Dick also talk about this, and in some more detail than the Westcott talk. It's about time that Dick learned how Tony got Peter's complete trust,,,, a little sneak peak into that,,,, :)
There's actually so much about Peter's backstory that I sometimes wonder if there's things that I wouldn't be able to get to in LoF... It just means that I've been considering writing a prequel one day
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hey! i saw ur latest post, and i love ur writing! pls tell me if im doing this wrong, but is it alright if i request either jin or yin for the falling prompt? ty!!
Oh gosh, thank you, that's so wonderful to hear!! You're doing it 100% right, and I'll go with Yin!
Falling Prompt
"Through one method or another, the reader ends up falling in the presence of a character who's secretly crushing hard, who catches them and feelings ensue."
Yin x Reader
"While helping our beloved but mischievous demon duo scope out a new base of operations, the reader steps along some less than secure scaffolding, and the Silver Demon must jump in quite heroically to save them."
Tumblr media
The warehouse was absolutely massive, easily wide and tall enough to store a small aircraft inside with room to spare, were it not for the mess of abandoned wreckage and equipment scattered and piled about...
Standing on a scaffold that gave you a better view of it all, you couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed by the work ahead. You'd done plenty of work with Jin and Yin, and were happy to help them get a fresh start, but this seemed like a massive undertaking. Looking down to the floor below, you saw the two demons working dutifully. Jin was off near the main doorway coordinating supplies, while Yin was sorting through what the old owners had left behind. An hour of tireless work hadn't even put a dent in the mess.
"Uhh... Yin?" you spoke up, knowing you'd feel remiss for not saying something. The Silver Demon perked up straight away, as he always seemed to do when he saw you. Stopping what he was doing, he looked up to you with a wave.
Unable to resist waving back, you leaned against the railing to see him more clearly. Gesturing to the mountains of mess, you tried to broach the topic gently. "I'm... Are you guys sure about this place?"
"Sure? It's everythin' we need!" Yin replied quickly and earnestly. He'd been especially delighted to share their plans with you, and had thoroughly enjoyed seeing your shared excitement, so you couldn't help but be a little swayed by his enthusiasm. "Lot's of space, excellent ventilation, a real fresh start!"
Smiling down at him and earning yourself what almost looked like a blush on his cheeks, you pointed to the light streaming through the ceiling high overhead. A perfectly timed bird flew in to make your point even clearer. "Yeah, but... Maybe you want something with a more solid roof over your head?"
"Mmmm... We ain't really got the budget for that..." Yin replied after a brief look of concentration, shrugging his shoulders before looking back up to you with obvious excitement. You could almost see a light in his eyes. "Besides, Y/N, once Jin and I call in a few favors, it'll be good as new!"
"If you say so..." you conceded, unable to resist his boundless optimism. Keeping one hand on the railing, you looked about the structure as a whole. It was big enough for just about any kind of scheme these two could cook up... "What's the plan for this place, anyway?"
"Right! Glad you asked..." Yin replied, snapping to an upright and boastful posture as he approached the scaffolding to explain. You smiled at his obvious desire to please. "We've tried our hands at almost everythin', except for-"
As eager as you were to hear him out, your worries about the structure came true far too quickly for you to react. There was only a single crack and a small shift in the wood below your feet before the whole structure lurched, sending you pitching forward towards the concrete below. You had only a moment to flinch and try to cover your face.
"Hold on!" you heard a familiar voice call out just before you hit the ground. A rush of wind seemed to overtake you just in time, righting your course in a dizzying rush that ended with you securely bridal style in a very protective pair of arms. Blinking in absolute confusion, your mind eventually caught up with your body, registering that Yin had managed to catch you and was still cradling your frozen form. There was softness in his eyes when you finally met his gaze, as well as relief. "I've got ya..."
You smiled, pretending not to notice his heart pounding against your side. "Thanks-"
All but crashing through the mountains of debris, Jin interrupted your thanks, having heard the sound of crashing and looking thoroughly worried.."Everyone alri-?!"
Worry turned to shock as he beheld the two of you, only to morph into an ear to ear grin of absolute delight. You felt Yin flush before his golden counterpart even opened his mouth. "Wot's this then?"
"Nothin'!" Yin cried, setting you form so quickly you almost seemed to teleport. As Jin began to make delighted proclamations of how "he just KNEW it!", his silver counterpart charged, blushing all the while. "Why... Why don't you go back to bein' over there!"
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lloydfrontera · 11 months
i wanna start tged but i always want to know about if og lloyd and kim suho's soul the same where the soul transmigrate to korea but went back to the original world or is it like in the fantasy world and in korea the same time like soul exchange still two different people? or something like other villainess manhwa where they died in korea and went to possess a fantasy character while the original owner of the body is gone?
it's a bit complicated and a bit of a paradox if you think about it too long and also a Very Big Spoiler but yeah sure i'll try to make it as short as possible!
oh! also! @procuder made a post explaining this very thing a bit ago actually so i recommend you check it out!
anyway long story short:
og lloyd's soul got kicked out of his body when kim suho got isekai'd, then he went on to cross the reincarnation gate and was reborn as kim suho, who presumably then grew up and eventually got isekai'd into og lloyd's body and later on [SPOILERS] also crossed the reincarnation gate, waking up in his own body back in korea.
did that make sense.
basically og lloyd was reborn as kim suho who then got isekai'd as lloyd frontera who then crossed the gate and returned to his kim suho body
they're the same soul
but. neither of them knows this. presumably neither does anyone else. for all intents and purposes they're completely different people as everyone forgets all of the memories of their previous life and starts again as a blank slate.
so. yeah asdjlkafsd
there is. a weird paradox thing going on with the chain of events concerning lloyd and suho and it's. maddening.
how does any of this work. this is some doctor who bullshit.
og lloyd crosses the reincarnation gate and is reborn as kim suho because suho accidentally kicked him out of his body.
so is this a predestined loop?? where suho kicking og lloyd out of his body ensures he's reborn as suho so he can then grow up and get isekai'd to kick him out of his body so he can be reborn??
im not certain bk moon bothered to think about any of this beyond 'it'll be poignant' and he was right It Is but it's also completely nuts and just creates more questions than it answers which is infuriating because he didn't reveal this until the very last second so there's no way for us to get any answers.
unless the sequel will explain this in the future which. i hope??? because i have so many questions?? sir please why did you introduce a form of transdimensional time travel with fixed predestined loops into your isekai novel. what was your plan.
but uh,, yeah!
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jortsman · 1 year
as someone who has been reading that big fic still- literally any ending you could give us would be amazing. that's not like a "to make you feel better thing"- i 100% trust you to handle the last chapter with such utter skill and grace that i know I'm going to love it already. it's been a long fuckin' journey and you've doing so good!!! i will be sad when i don't get to have the new chapter email anymore for it, but it'll be worth it bc then i can reread it All.
im so excited to see what you will do!! thank u for sharing it at all n thank you a bunch for writing it. it is fucking amazing. -ise
Aaaah my goodness, thank you so much! Even once I do finish this, I plan on adding to it for as long as I have ideas. There are so many chapters that I had to force myself to wrap up, just so that I could continue forward without utterly exhausting myself. I would really love for it to eventually be something that spends equal time with each character and has more space to fully explore each world. Once the email notifs stop, I'll do my best to post here whenever I've made a significant chunk of changes to it. Thank you so much for the kind words, the encouragement, and of course for reading! ❤️
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grasslandgirl · 1 year
What’s your plan when you finish noble pining au? Is it going to be like a chapter a week situation? Are you even a no wips published person or is noble pining getting special treatment? Is it even going to be called noble pining or are you going to come up with a different title?👀
so genuinely anon, getting asks about noble pining makes my day SO bright it brings me joy unlike anything else <33 so thank you thank you thank you
What’s your plan when you finish noble pining au? Is it going to be like a chapter a week situation?
yes! currently the plan for when i finish writing noble pining is to try and post a chapter a week! which will take. a very long time lmao bc im currently at 18 chapters with at least a few more to go after the one im writing rn jskfbvkfb but yeah you'll definitely hear about it when i finish and start posting because the plan is to post a chap every week !!
Are you even a no wips published person or is noble pining getting special treatment?
i actually do try to finish wips before posting as a general rule- there are a couple exceptions ive posted as i've written, but more often than not when i post chaps on a wip before ive finished the whole thing i tend not to finish writing or posting it at all, which i don't love bc then i have unfinished wips hanging out on my ao3 </3 having the promise of getting to post my work and getting to share it and get feedback about it is a big motivator for me, so even when i know a wip is gonna be a multichap, i usually wait until the whole thing is done before posting
and especially with noble pining, because it's so long and involved, a large part of my process especially when i'm blocked is to go back and edit and read back through old chapters- updating and changing things that warrant it and getting inspo for later chapters, and i like having the freedom of being able to do that without having to worry about updating already posted chapters!
Is it even going to be called noble pining or are you going to come up with a different title?👀
the plan was always for "noble pining" to be a working title for the fic lmao, it was something i came up with ages ago when i was first talking about the idea with casey and got tired of typing out "the princess adaine guards fabian and gorgug fic" and came up with noble pining as a stopgap working title until i came up with something more formal lmao, and that's still the plan- i'm considering between a couple formal titles right now, but when i eventually do post it ill probably still call it noble pining as well as the actual title i decide on, because i recognize it'll probably be a little confusing to refer to it solely by another name when ive been blogging about it as noble pining for so long (honestly i never expected to get back so much interest and so many asks about noble pining! i always thought of it as my silly little niche passion project, and so to receive so much interest and excitement about it is truly so lovely and heartening to hear!)
anon again thank you so much for sending in this ask !!!!!!! it's so exciting and lovely and heartwarming to know that there is interest about noble pining out there from people other than y handful of friends i've bullied into letting me talk about it, and i'm thrilled to answer any asks or questions you guys have about it while i work on it !!!
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qsphyxias · 3 years
hi i havent stopped thinking about the trans!shuichi and trans!reader post i requested a while back so im here for more
you mentioned that after shuichi finds out his s/o is also trans they’re able to get a bit closer and i was wondering if you’d be able to expand on that a bit? maybe a pre relationship coming out thing. friends to lovers, perhaps.
have a good day :]
if you fetishize t4t relationships, get the fuck out of here!
synopsis ; ^^ read the request, and maybe the head canons if you want
warnings ; trans reader (no specified gender or pronouns the entire story), i feel like there are some empty pockets but i don't think it'll really impact the story at all, friends to lovers, kinda long, shuichi is trans too, implied dysphoria, emotional barriers, kaito is still a dumb himbo with good intentions but still ignorant, misgendering, coming out, guilt, i hope it's not too all-over-the-place because i really like how it came out (no pun intended)
note ; [please read!!!] initially my headcanon was kinda implying that shuichi basically can't make an emotional, romantic connection with someone, himself being trans and all; not saying that he can't, but it's tough. and when you came out to him, it kinda clicked? it wasn't like he suddenly liked you just because you came out as trans, but he always did feel like there was chemistry. he just didn't know what to do with it and how to act on it, especially because yk... he's trans, and he doesn't know who to trust yk? or if people would even be open to the idea of dating him. and to be honest, he doesn't think he's very loveable either... anyway here's the prequel thingy that you asked for, anon! i hope it's up to your standards! /gen
words ; 1.5k +
⊱ ───── {⋅moment - vierre cloud⋅} ───── ⊰
"th- that movie was kinda scary... wasn't it, kaito?" truthfully, shuichi hadn't been scared at all by the movie, having seen gruesome scenes like that on the job —albeit a little less exaggerated— but he just wanted kaito to feel more comfortable about being absolutely 'shitting-his-pants' terrified.
the three of you walked alongside each other, exiting the theatre and approaching the cobblestone front of the huge cinema.
"psh, shuichi, you should man-up! s- stuff like that doesn't scare us guys at all!" shuichi frowned at the mention of 'manning-up', feeling a ball of uncomfortable thoughts settle on his heart. 'what did he mean by 'us'? was he including me? did he just misgender me? whatever, don't ask about it; no reason to make a big deal.'
he supposed it was stupid to take it the wrong way, or to even feel bad about it, but even if he did want to hide it and not admit it to himself, the look on his face said it all. fortunately, kaito didn't notice, as he was too busy glancing around to see if there were any ghost serial killers hiding behind the cinema's blue trashcans— now, kaito may have not noticed, but you did.
"AAh!" kaito squealed, wincing from the vibration in his pocket from a message. "Ah, shit." kaito's face dropped, and he looked at the two of you apologetically, "guys, I gotta go, someone pissed off maki-roll again!" And just like that, you both watched as he ran backwards, facing you two as he tried to wave goodbye— also managing to catch the moment where he bumped into someone and apologized profusely.
eventually it was too painful to watch, and you both just looked away, focusing on each other for a change.
i say that as if you guys aren't constantly 'secretly' exchanging glances at each other.
"hey, are you okay? i-i noticed you look a little- ...down. was it... what kaito said?" You shoved your hands in your pockets, walking alongside shuichi who kept his eyes down to his feet that moved step-by-step. he swallowed, intending to say something, but it seemed like his consciousness had other plans.
right step... left step.... right... left... pause.
you placed your hand on his shoulder, snapping him out of it. "hey."
"o- oh. right, i... no, it's nothing. i- i know what you're going to say; kaito was just being kaito, he didn't mean that, I'm sure he just forgot— which is okay! h- he's a good person, i'm just too sensitive-" shuichi stammered, eyes darting down to your hands on his shoulders.
"i wasn't going to say, uh, any of that." you looked at him with a saddened, but also concerned expression. "i, uh, just wanted to let you know that, i'm h- here for you. a- and uh, what I'm about to say might... help you believe me when I say that I am truly here for you. and i- i get it." your hands dropped to your sides.
shuichi could already feel a grimace settling in. when one of his cis friends did this type of thing, it was extremely invalidating, because truthfully, no; they don't get it. they will never get it. but even so, their intentions are always positive, so he had to be too.
but this time, he was just a tad bit annoyed. with what kaito said, and now you, it just seemed like the day was going more and more downhill. "s/o, you may think that you get it, but-"
you cut him off, on accident; you hadn't heard a word of what he said because you were too busy trying to finish your sentence. “because- shuichi, I-I’m trans.”
he was very wrong.
'woah...' he thought. you’re… literally so brave. much braver than he is. in a way, that saddened him a bit, but he knew he shouldn't be feeling that way. He knows how hard it is, coming out, actually mustering the courage to get yourself to do it is harder than performing the actual action. for weeks, he prepared himself for multiple people to reject him and hate him, but he still did it with that in mind.
he imagined it was hard, coming out to him like that. god, he's so proud. and just genuinely excited.
with his eyes wide like saucers, he gasped, hands clasping over his mouth. and his face dropped to the floor, god why does he say anything ever!? he felt guilt wash over him as he realized just what he was about to say. 'so stupid!'
"oh- i'm so sorry, s/o, i was just- i didn't know, i thought you were- wait, that isn't even important; s- s/o, you'll know i'll support you no matter what-" god, he felt multiple emotions hitting him at once. pride, envy, sadness, happiness, guilt and relief all at the same time.
he scrambled his brain trying to remember what he wanted them to say and do when he came out. it was a pain reliving that experience but the least he can do is make yours the best one, if he hasn't already ruined it.
'r- right!'
shuichi did the first thing he thought of, and hugged you, tight.
"oh... oh no, maybe i shouldn't have assumed you wanted a h-"
"no, it's fine. i-i think i needed this."
and just like that, you forgot why you were ever nervous in the first place.
you're definitely glad you chose shuichi to be the first person to come out to. you suppose you decided on shuichi first because, now knowing that you were trans all along, he seemed like the one who would get it and understand it the most, the one to be the most genuine. and honestly, you picked him because... well, because he was personally the closest friend you've out of all. you didn't know if he felt the same way; as you sensed some barriers between him and, well, everyone.
"i- i'm glad you told me first, s/o. u- unless you didn't, then that's fine t- too!" shuichi said softly.
"no, you were the first." you grinned, not knowing what you were feeling was not relief, you dumbass; but literal butterflies.
couple weeks after your coming out, your relationship with shuichi had been stronger than ever. well, that's what you thought, at least. you weren't sure if he felt the same, about it.
fortunately for you, he had been thinking the exact same thing.
it was so much easier for him to talk to you then everyone else, not negatively per se, but every waking moment he had with you just felt like a fresh breath of air,
now shuichi wasn't known to be big on change, but you were the one exception.
It was nice, to finally be able to have someone who understands his own troubles because they reciprocate them. No more excuses, or lies to replace explaining things people won’t understand, because you already knew and understood. He could be himself around you, and isn’t that all you need from a partner?
but none of that was any excuse as to why he was right there, knocking frantically on your door in the middle of the night, glasses sitting above his frenzied eyes instead of his usual eye contacts.
it was clear, he was a mess, and he hadn't prepared to come here unannounced— i mean, why would he? that would just be rude.
anyway, back to the story.
maybe it was the 13 ounces of espresso shots he had consumed in the last couple of hours, maybe it was because he truly never had anyone understand him quite as well as you did, and he felt it was the same for you.
maybe it was because he felt like you were perfect for each other. maybe, okay, maybe he was overthinking- no, no not this time, brain!
maybe all that, is why he did this, and is doing it right now because—here you come!
"s- shuichi? it's literally the butt crack of dawn, what the-"
"wait- l- let me go first." shuichi interrupted, hands grasping the frame of your door.
you'd be lying if it didn't take you by surprise when shuichi took initiative in a case that isn't about crime.
"e- even before you came out to me, i always felt like you understood me more than anyone. you always felt the most real, and genuine as a person, to me. it's hard, being trans and even developing feelings for anyone in the first place..! because, who knows where it'll go?"
"but you made it so, s- so easy."
at this point, tears were streaking his red cheeks, emotions too strong for shuichi to feel, or even confront. "i'm just so grateful, that i- i had and have you, and i hope you know that you have me, for as long as you'll want me. and even putting that aside, i think i started to develop feelings for you the moment i even laid eyes on you, the moment you... — anyway- a- and i'm sorry it took this long, and your coming out to me to finally s- say that..."
"i think i... i'm in love with you."
⊱───── ❝ 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗸 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴! ❞ ─────⊰
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transsexualhamlet · 2 years
HII uh for ask the game the ask game i mean um 13! 15! 2! also could u dm me the post gjijmgk thanks - not neon if anyone sees this and knows me yes im dead dw about it ITS MAKING ME VERIFY IM NOT A ROBOT TWICE DIE TUMBLR IVE SEEN UR PORN BOTS IN ASKS THERE IS REALLY 0 REASON FOR ME TO DO THIS
hi neon ily neon
ask game
2. Thoughts on veganism?
Oh god, alright hisodhdgwfe I mean I don't personally care if anyone is vegetarian or vegan like that's a personal choice and theres literally nothing wrong with it as long as people aren't getting a weird superiority complex about it or like, shaming other people for being omnivores
13. First thing you're doing in the purge?
Umm forgive me I've never watched the movie (it's a movie right?) but like. That's the one where like. All crime is just legalized right? In that case I would probably plan ahead of time so that it might be possible but I'm fucking killing jeff bezos
wait no tbh there's literally so many people who want him dead and could probably execute it better than me ok so there's probably a pretty big team coming to get bezos already so in that case I'll probably go for my best friend's father. Cutely pulls a will graham I'm going to cut off his dick and mount his corpse on a flagpole
15. Rank the methods of death: Freezing, burning, drowning
Oh god, none of these are my personal favorite way to die. I would much rather get shot or stabbed especially by a close friend and barring that poisoning but only if it's fast acting
Freezing is the #1 choice, because eventually you just get warm and irrational and it's also really nice and soft in the snow, it'll go pretty fast especially if it's really cold (although it's also worse the colder it is i hate it when it hurts to breathe in)
Drowning second, because idk, there's just. A lot of panic involved there and usually the water is also pretty gross, but if you can manage not to try to fight it it'll be ok after a little bit and then you will be. in the river. which is nice
Fire hard last. Sure it's a badass way to die. It's fucking terrifying and drawn out and excruciating
anyway thank you for that i bet No one wanted to hear that
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dolokhoded · 4 years
me starting to actually write this even though it still very obviously has some plot wholes
that ralbert au where race commits war crimes
i think it's really cute
so pulitzer is the big bad guy here for i'm basic reasons
has created some,, weird ass dumb ass evil empire
destroyed a couple towns
caused some battles
divided the world
y'know. stuff like that.
starting off with some spicy unfinished plot 🤩 but lbh it doesn't really matter anyways we're all just here for ralbert
anyways, race and al's families? pretty big part of that.
they're both supposed to take over their fathers' jobs when they grow up
said jobs basically being,, in charge of,,, unleashing people to raid entire towns and burn them to the ground
they grew up side by side, have always been best friends, never seen without each other
but understandably when they started growing up and understanding what was going on around them it,,,,,,, troubled them
and they dealed with it Very Differently
albert did Not like it
he was angry, and he was sad that this was what he was supposed to become and he was already never close with his family so it wasn't really hard for him to decide he didn't want anything to do with them anymore
race,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, okay look
deep inside him race knew what was going on was,,, s o wrong
but race was also from a big tight family, it was so much easier for him to just,,,,,, shut all of that out and pretend he was just doing what was better for them
it was hard for him, it was his family
still you can understand how well it went for them when albert left and race refused to go with him
they were 17 at the time
people against pulitzer's whole thing were obviously not very,,,,,,,,, well appreciated?
the moment albert ran away he was art of the defiance. he was a traitor.
but he was also still dasilva's son and they wanted them on their side, so they wouldn't seriously hurt him
doesn't mean they stopped looking for him
he shared an apartment with romeo and finch for a while, it was in a pretty lowkey neighborhood and they covered for him
and through them he met the rest of the newsies :) who actively helped in trying to help people who's homes were destroyed by pulitzer
there were people actively fighting him too but the newsies were mostly in charge of that
well, until albert and his non-existent impulse control arrived anyways
cause look,,,,, race was being trained for a reason, and eventually he took over
so when you see this ur ex-best friend who you're in love with but have a lot of repressed feelings for, both good and bad, that you decide to dump in the 'im angry' pile and just pretend you hate him and no longer care about him,,,,, fighting occurs
and there was a bit of controversy about albert joining them because "it's the dasilva boy romeo he was specifically trained to kick our asses" but that slowly turns into "yea ok he's very legit but for the love of god someone s t o p him the next time he tries to kiLL SOMEONE-"
that's a hyperbole, of course. even as rivals, albert wouldn't kill race. he barely even hurts him.
if anything, he even kind of looks out for him
he knows he's not supposed to but somehow he still can't bring himself to let race get hurt
besides let's be honest, most of their encounters are just an excuse to bitch at each other, they'd never do anything they know would seriously hurt the other
they know each other pretty well, they grew up together, they know each other's strengths and weaknesses
which is a pretty big advantage for them, honestly
enter,,,, albert dasilva's galaxy brain and the newsies' favorite game
Is Albert A Strategic Genius Or Is He Just In Love With Race
"no i've got this i know race!! i can use that against him!!!! i can guess his every move!!!! that's how well i know him!!!! i can recognize him in a room of like a billion people!!!!! it's my ultra strategic mind!!!! i can tell the sound of his voice from miles away!!!! it's because im so invested!!!!"
specs is like "in the mission or in race"
"you're chronically dumb"
"S T R A T E G I C M I N D."
albert really came in like well race's plan's gonna be ruined cause IM IN LOVE WITH HIM >:) what a fuckin loser
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all this aside,,,,,,, albert never stops trying to get race on their side .
now RACETRACK,,,,,,,,,
we have a WHOLE LOT of being an asshole as a defense mechanism from this boy
in race's eyes, albert abandoned him
in race's eyes, he was given up on. he just wasn't enough to keep him there.
he can't see anything but that and never in a million years would he bring himself to believe albert still cares about him
he'd be getting his hopes too high and letting down his guard, and he can't afford to do that.
race doesn't notice albert trying to help him, he doesn't notice albert very carefully avoiding injuring him, he doesn't notice how albert will never say anything that would hurt him
albert's always protective of race, regardless of if he's beside or against him
which leads us to how once race eventually does get hurt, seriously hurt, literally no one bats an eye when albert returns with race unconscious, demanding they get him help
which they do, cause albert has not shut up about race for like one second, the newsies might as well know as much about him as albert did
naturally when race woke up he,,, had questions
and then he saw albert
he was sat on a chair next to him, sleeping
and this is the first time he's seen him like this in ages
and he gets a little chocked up because holy shit he almost forgot albert was,,,,,like,,, a person
and it wasn't necessary to only see him when fighting
he still had a life and friends and people he loved and he wasn't just this dude who left them because he didn't give a shit about anyone
he could genuinely care for people and he could love people and race just remembered how much he wished he could be one of those people
and how much he wished he could be albert's favorite person again and just sit and talk and laugh with him like they used to
cause that's a part of albert he'd forced himself to just forget about
and then al wakes up and he sees him looking up at him and he's like
"how're you feeling"
and then he's sad cause it's much harder to know albert is a good person with real feelings and he's capable of loving so much and race thinks he's just one of the people who will never get that side of him and he just
"fuck off"
they fight
because of course they do
they're not really sure on what terms they are at this point, and there's so much they need to get out there
at first race is just,,,, stubborn
he won't listen, he demands they let him go back
"we can just let you go, idiot, i shouldn't have ever brought you here in the first place!"
"then why did you?"
and al just shrugs it away as if he hasn't been in love with him for years and would never forgive himself if he left him there to bleed
they just go yelling at each other back and forth for a while until inevitably albert's non-existent impulse control makes his return
and he,,,,, very angrily tells him he loves him
and everything just stops cause that's the one thing race though he'd never hear him say again
and race is literally holding his breath cause he's scared he'll ruin it if he moves in the slightest and it'll all turn out to be in his head but it's not cause when he tells albert he loves him back he's still there and he just,,
takes race's face in his hands and kisses him so softly it's like they weren't just screaming at each other's faces
romeo just fuckin pokes his head in like "i heard yelling but i also heard i love you so i'll assume some of those unresolved feelings were let out and we're all ready to have a nice long healthy chat, yeah? :D"
so they do
they talk. for,,,,,,,,, a long time.
needless to say, race stays
he loves his family and maybe he'll be back for them, maybe he'll help them but he recognizes what's the priority here
plus it's a little clearer now that he doesn't have all those feelings to worry about, and it's been a while since he was actually accepted and loved, which the newsies did instantly. it's pretty obvious where he belongs now.
this au still has,,,,, SO much to unpack, holy shit, but i decided to leave this post here cause,,,,, i can't do all of that now. i might at some point though, if people actually are interested, there's a lot of hurt/comfort from this point. there's the nightmares part which is v soft and i adore it, THERE'S JUST A LOT TO UNPACK. so yeah, i'm finally posting this, ralbert stans, come get y'all's juice.
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quirkdotcom · 4 years
The Arrangement //
Shoto Todoroki x Fem! Reader
Part One: The Mall Incident
Part Two
Summary: Your father is a particularly strong pro hero, and owns his own agency, however, he seemingly has picked an opportunity for you to be the tie between his agency, and pro hero Endeavor's agency.
Authors Note:
One; I'm planning this to be a three part fic, my next update hopefully on Friday May 15th ! Let me know if you'd like to be on this specific taglist, or even a taglist for anything I post !
Two; I wanted to have a little fun in this, so I added in an OC of mine! I made the reader attend an unnamed school, where her friends wouldn't be main characters from MHA, and decided to throw in Maiko (my OC) anyways, I hope you enjoy !
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"A student from UA? Is father okay? I thought he hated that school?" You had to stop yourself, had you really heard your mother right?
She sighed heavily, shaking her head slightly, "He does, however, your father is willing to look past the fact as long as everything goes according to plan" 
This time, it was your turn to sigh.
This 'plan' was one of you meeting some student, your parents meeting, and at the end of the day, agreeing to a marriage after graduation.
You knew that you really had no choice in the matter, which is why you had never put up a fight about it, but it didn't mean that you were particularly happy about it.
Quietly, you stood up, excusing yourself from the table and your mother, leaving the dainty tea cup where it sat.
"Well, since the meeting with this student will be this weekend, I'm going to go out and buy an outfit for it." You bowed your head slightly before turning and leaving the room.
Now out of sight of your mother, you stretched, stifling a yawn as you made your way to your room, grabbing your phone from your pocket, sending a quick message to your closest friend, asking if she'd accompany you to the mall.
The two of you attended a private academy focused on teaching it's students to not only strengthen their quirks, or accelerate their academics, but also in etiquette and manners. Everything was about being proper and elite.
It was the very same school that your father had transferred to after his time at UA.
You personally didn't quite like it there, at times some students tried to pick on you, or the teachers would reprimand you for even the slightest mistake.
But, just like the marriage arrangement, you had no choice in what school you attended, your father was hellbent on you following his steps, and staying the hell away from UA.
Regardless, you had eventually made some friends, and for the first few years, you scored in the top of your class.
"Oh, (Y/n) while you're out, would you mind picking up a few things for me?" Your mother's voice rang out from behind your door, breaking your train of thoughts.
"Just make me a list, and leave it on the counter!" 
It didn't take long for you to change out of your uniform and into something comfier, or for you to grab your messenger style purse, or to find the list from your mother. With your father gone, there were no distractions or unnecessary lectures.
What took the most time was getting to the mall. You could have driven, but it was nice out, the sky was clear of clouds, and there was a light breeze that flowed through the leaves in the trees.
So, you took to walking. Though, when you got to the mall, your best friend was standing with her arms crossed and a bored look on her face.
"(Y/N)! There you are! I've been waiting for hours!" She gave a dramatic sigh as you walked over.
"Calm down Maiko ! " you chuckled, she was almost always over dramatic, something that had drawn you to her in the first place.
She gave you a playful wink, and nodded her head to the doors, starting to walk inside, "Whatever, we both know that I can't calm down," she paused, giving small jazz hands, "I've got constant anxiety" 
"Ah, the curse of having a third eye quirk," You followed behind, then moved to the side of her. 
"Oh! What's the occasion for today's trip?" Maiko tucked a piece of light brown hair behind her ear, eyeing you as she waited for a response.
You hesitated, she still didn't know about the whole arranged marriage, and it had been about a month since you had found out.
"Oh...my family and I are meeting another family for some business thing, so I needed to get a new outfit in case they have a son or daughter our age, " You spouted off a lie, knowing that she'd fall for it, only because she trusted you.
"Ooooh another potential merger for your dad's hero agency?" 
You nodded, pausing as your stomach gave a quiet rumble. 
Despite the lunch you were having with your mother earlier, you didn't really eat. 
"Hey, let's get something to eat first," You point to the nearest food outlet.
Before you know it, Maiko and you are each tossing fries to the other, both failing to catch most in your mouth, but you are having a good time regardless.
Once out of fries, you and her are left with your milkshakes, hers chocolate, and your's strawberry. Something kind of impulsive as you haven't had one strawberry flavored in a few years.
"Hey, I think we could probably take these with us to go look for an outfit," Maiko picks hers up, already a third of it gone.
With a nod, you stand up, grabbing your shake and bag, waiting for Maiko before heading off to your favorite store.
"Hey what about this?" She held up a pleated, light blue skirt, it would stop just above your knees, and complimented you very well, "It even has real pockets!"
"And I could wear it with this shirt...and maybe the jean jacket we found earlier?" You smiled happily, holding up a plain white t-shirt, a small v neck cut, nothing too extreme but not too plain.
Your friend placed the skirt into your basket, and you followed suit with the shirt. All that was needed now, would be to grab the jean jacket from earlier.
However, as you turned, you ran into a...hard surface and along with you, came your half finished milkshake.
You stumbled back, eyes wide as you realized what had just happened.
"Oh my gosh, I am so-"
But the male cut you off, his voice monotone as he did, "Save it, just move out of the way, I need to clean my shirt," 
You quietly moved to the side, watching as the moody stranger walked away, leaving you and Maiko to recover.
He had red hair...well only half of his hair was red, and the other half was white, leaving you to wonder how much hair dye it had taken to get it to look so perfect. 
"Well...I wish I could've helped you see that coming...but uh..I got the jacket?" She smiled sheepishly, causing you to let out a nervous laugh, releasing the tension you didn't know you had.
"Okay, cmon lets go pay!" You turned, still reeling from the encounter with that guy..but hey, at least you wouldn't be seeing him again! 
So, with that thought in mind, Maiko and yourself brought your chosen outfit to the front counters, paid and left the store.
"Hey, are you doing anything tonight?" You turned to Maiko after some five minutes, a thought in the back of your mind, nagging at you since you had left the house to meet her. 
"I don't think so! Why, is your mom cooking tonight? Anything she makes is always better than your dads...or yours," she poked her tongue out at you.
"Wha?! Hey! Im not that bad of a cook!" You pouted and crossed your arms, turning away from her, "Well I did have something to tell you but now its not happening," 
She immediately moved in front of you, "Wait no! Your cooking is good! Just tell me the news!" 
"It'll have to wait for my house, it's kind of big news…"
And with that, the two of you set off for your house, Maiko calling her mom and letting her know where she'd be for the night. 
The walk was spent talking about anything and everything, and at one point Maiko tripping and you having to catch her, but hey, that's what friends are for. 
As you approached your house, you spotted your fathers car in the driveway, causing you to screw your face up in dread. 
Hopefully he didn't have a lecture for you, especially if Maiko was here. You had always hated how he seemed to pick on you whenever your friends were over.
And much to your dismay, when you walked inside he met you with a sour look, "(Y/n), where have you been? Don't forget about this weekend's meeting, not to mention the exams coming up," 
You bit back a response about how the exams were two months away, and instead just nodded your head, busying yourself with slipping your shoes off, "I was buying a new outfit for our meeting. I told mother before I left."
He paused, now eyeing you and Maiko, "And came home with...Fujino was it?" 
She nodded, even though she practically lived at your house for a week at a time due to the amount of sleep overs you had, your father had barely bothered to remember her name. 
"Im sorry for not telling you ahead of time, Sir." She bowed her head slightly, only really apologizing because she knew that if she didn't, it would come down on you. 
"Make your way to (Y/n)'s room, I still need to have a few words with her," he commanded, waiting for her to go up the stairs before he continued.
"And (Y/n), do not forget how important this marriage arrangement is. The Todoroki family is powerful, Endeavor is rising in his ranks as a hero, and his son will follow suit. You have to make sure that you are seen as exemplary, no mistakes can be made. Do you understand?" 
You paused, heart hanging heavy, "Yes father…" 
Once he let you go, you made your way to the top of the stairs, seeing that Maiko was waiting for you, a worried look in her eyes, "So...a marriage proposal?" 
"Welcome to the news I had for you…" 
You two moved into your room, the bag of clothes dropped onto the floor, and you climbed onto your bed, grabbing an orange bunny plush, hugging it to your chest.
"Okay so I wanted to tell you about the arrangement but...I dunno, its hard. I'm having my choice taken away from me and for what? So my father and this other hero to have a more powerful agency?" 
"(Y/n)...im so sorry that you've been going through this alone. I'm here for you, whatever you need!" She moved to a swinging chair you had, sitting in it carefully as she thought for a moment, "So, you've never met this guy or his family?" 
"At most I know his family name. But Im too busy focusing on school work to pay attention to how his father is "So high up the ranks" or whatever. Its like my father thinks that this 'Endeavor' guy is the number two pro hero or something…" You puffed out a breath of air, pursing your lips as you thought quietly. 
Maiko stared at you for a few minutes, blinking a few times as she tried to break the news to you. 
"Uhh..Endeavor...as in Enji Todoroki?" 
You looked up, nodding quietly at her puzzled look. 
"(Y/n) he is the number two hero...or wait..if All Might retired a few years back... then number one actually!" She hummed as she herself started to think but eventually shook her head, eyes widening. 
Maiko quickly pulled out her phone, typing hurriedly into it and gasping, "(Y/n) wait! His son goes to UA! His son is reportedly one of the Big Three of his class!" She stopped, scrolling, "uh oh…" 
At this, you scrambled from your spot to her, pulling the phone from her hand to look at what the cause of this 'uh oh' was. 
It was a picture.  A picture of Endeavour's son. He had red and white hair, and a glare so deadly it probably would kill someone on sight. 
But what got you more was the fact that this was the guy from the mall earlier.  You had totally spilled a strawberry shake all over the number one hero's son, and the guy who you would be marrying after graduation. 
"This is...this is fucked. Im so screwed! Not only did I embarrass myself but now I've probably made it seem like im a clumsy girl who likes to shop all the time and now this...Todoroki guy is going to tell his father about me and then it'll ruin the arrangement and my father will kill me." You spouted off more worries until Maiko grabbed your shoulders, shaking you lightly.
"Hey! We aren't planning your funeral yet! Maybe we can meet up with him before you have to meet with his dad! I think I know one of the students at UA!" 
You looked to her, your breathing returning to normal as you nodded along, maybe that could work after all.
"Okay so, we ask whoever you know to get his number and text him about how it was me who spilled the drink and I wanted to apologize...and that Im also the girl he's meeting this weekend!" 
Maiko punched her fist into the palm of her hand, "Okay, lets set this plan into action! I'll text Kirishima!" 
You eyed her, realizing that you had never questioned how she knew anyone at UA, "While you do that, mind explaining to me about whoever this Kirishima is?" 
She only smiled for a moment, putting her phone down after sending him a message about Todoroki, "Oh! He and I work in the same coffee shop! Not everyone is super rich you know, but he's pretty nice guy, kinda cute too. But, you know how my mom is. Im surprised that she let me be friends with you, I swear, she's scared of anyone!" 
You gave a 'Mhhm' to her, knowing full and well that this was the coworker who she tended to talk about but never named, knowing that you'd probably show up to her work to try and get more information.  But hey, you'd leave it at that for now. 
"Well...I guess that now we wait for Kirishima to hopefully send us Todoroki's number?' 
"Now we wait! And with our good luck, by Wednesday we can smoothen out what happened at the mall…" 
You nodded once, as much as this plan seemed rickety, you were willing to take the chance. While you hated the idea of a marriage to whoever this young hero may be, you know that if you messed it up, your father would never let you live it down. 
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rosies-pastimes · 3 years
I'm assuming you're talking about vanitas no carte there? if so, enjoy ~ (and yeah why would you just share spoilers like that ;-;)
I have! :D
shiny fishy ✨
ooh luckyy hopefully it'll work for his banner too *hands you a four-leaf clover* hehe well I'll ask you now: did you work on your teapot?
yeah I'm planning too! got to save up on primogems for the next few weeks :P (also looking forward to the liyue event coming up!)
ooh venti! he was a fun trial character! is childe fun to play with? :o qiqi is so cute ~ I'm working on building her after I've gotten kaeya leveled up more! yoimiya was so fun with the trial and her story quest!! I didn't manage to reach pity on her banner whyy
noé is a country bumpkin after all... (yes she is!! wait I just realised I haven't actually seen her in colour yet I'm going to be blown away)
have fun watching the last few episodes ~ that other half of the season is coming out in january ahhh
I see I see! well take your time :) I will too! enjoy it at your own pace ~ (I've seen one too many time-skip spoilers but am still very excited to actually get to that point in the manga!!)
anyways, I hope it's been alright for you these few weeks rosie! remember to take breaks from studying and keep hydrated ^-^
- 🎮
i meant for obey me kNsia i thankfully havent seen as much spoilers for vanitas save the hot edits or whateva THANKFULLY but my social media has magical powers that tell them what fandoms i am obsessed with rn so im expecting the spoilers to start rolling in eventually-
BESTAY IT SAYS ID CANT BE FOUND WHEN I TRIED SEARCHING IT 😭😭 maybe try mine? it's 936925096 with the asmo chibi icon and username rosie jzjanaj
*gives you a four-leaf clover too* tohma pls you have one job ಥ‿ಥ two actually, and the second one is to be real but we cant do anything about that djsbhaba
no i didnt (◕ᴗ◕✿), BUT i was just gonna go play genshin rn 👁️👄👁️
i always feel strangely overwhelmed when a big event or updates happen in the game. IDK WHY, MY GUT JUST FEELS BUTTERFLIES AONJANA I CANT WAIT FOR IT EITHERRRR, just 2 more days!
venti makes me float literally, he's amazing.
CHILDE IS FUN TO PLAY WITH THERE ARE SO MANY NUMBERS WHEN HE WHACKS PEOPLE WITH HIS WATER SWORDS :)) i only recently put him on my main team, it's pretty dope, im working on levelling him up already.
QIQI IS ADORABLE 😭 MY SWEET CHILD 😭 GIVE HER THE COCOGOAT MILK PLS 😭 i might also start building her properly to form my secondary team so i can do the spiral abyss.
yoimiya is such a sunshine child 🥲 protecc at all costs-
noe wouldnt know what love is if it slapped him across the face- *cough* vanitas *cough cough* domi *cough* I SWEAR THERE ARE NOE - VANITAS SCENES THAT HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO HETERO EXPLANATION POSSIBLE- why yes, i do casually ship people until i forget that i was casually shipping them-
pretty sure i had to pause and get a hold of myself when she walked in 😌 she is s t u n n i n g
yup, if its still gonna be january, ill be reading it soon, please dont haunt my nightmares vanitas, my dreams are wonky as they are-
my brother uses his knowledge of the end of haikyuu against me 🥲 to be fair i do ask him about the jobs but thats about it, everyrhing else, i have learned to warningless social media posts, but oh well 🤷‍♀️ yes, i am upset about it *stomps foot and light up shoes start lighting up* like i know how the next match ends, and i think i know how the final highschool match ends and it wont be the same reading it anymore cuz i know what happens :(
i have been holding down the fort, thank you 🥺
i hope all is well with you too! if someone fights you, tell me and we can poke them with sticks together 😌
*frantically drinks water because my lips are chapped*
0 notes
saiharas-world-blog · 5 years
Okay, so I have to post something.
Uh, uhm.
(By Mod Kiibo!)
Gonta Gokuhara
- "hey gonta can i put these on you?"
- this is sweet boy
- so when you walk up to him with alot of tiny ribbons
- and ask if you can place them on his hair
- he'd instantly go with it
- "gonta don't understand why s/o wants to put ribbons in gonta's hair"
- "its okay you dont need to"
- you guys just enjoy some silence for a while, you're probably humming too
- "gonta feels like a christmas tree"
- uh
- okay he didn't have to put it that way
- but by the time you're done he's super happy
- they look so cute! Gonta likes it!
- 50% because you took the liberty to make the ribbons look like butterflies but okay
- overall happy Gonta though💕💕
- by the end of the day your hair could practically be a mess like his
- plus some (fav. color) ribbons strung onto your hair
- he's pretty gentle, im not gonna lie
- but there are just those times
- you may or may not have yelled at him
- yeah maybe next time you should teach him how to do it properly
- "wait what"
- he doesn't understand, he'll be reluctant
- "come on, it'll be fun!"
- "but aren't ribbons for girls??"
- he'll probably google boys with ribbons on their hair while you're talking
- soon enough he agrees
- okay so once you start caressing his hair you're just like
- what kind of f_cking conditioner do you use?
- like, holy hell his hair feels like the things you'd see on a L'Oréal commercial.
- he's confused with your reactions because
- what are you talking about?? its just his hair??
- when he tells you it's synthetic you're like OH
- you keep quiet after that, just enjoying the way his hair feels so ugjkhwNKfhlKlwhIHoGj
- he doesn't ask to put ribbons on your hair when you're done, since he's calculated a 78.6% chance of failure
- he actually loves the way it looks though, little electric blue ribbon delicately strung onto his hair.
- oh, then you show him a surprise
- basically you turn off the lights and the ribbons glow
Kaito Momota
- okay you wanna know what you did?
- yeah?
- okay, so you didn't tell him that you were going to put ribbons in his hair
- instead, you went something along the lines of;
- "hey kaito can i put stars in your hair?"
- he's hesitant because where the hell are you going to get stars to put in his hair
- also because it probably isn't masculine
- but i mean
- they're stARS HOW COULD HE NOT--
- so he says yes
- okay his hair is weird and you'd probably have a hard time working with this
- but the end result is worth it
- you practically made his hair a canvas and your ribbons the paint
- you stuck to your word though
- in his hair, laid a freaking galaxy
- kaito's hair color was perfect
- purple, yellow, and white glittery ribbons adorned the man
- and they were shaped into stars
- you have no idea how much this boy's love for you has grown
- "hey maybe i can add some to your goatee too"
- that was a joke
- obviously
- but when he went "Go ahead!"
- you just hAD TO
- so now he's walking around with stars on his hair and one glittery purple star on his goatee
Kokichi Ouma
- let me show you something
- its just ouma with ribbons
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- i edited that, i know
- he looks like a girl but don't mind that
- ngl, you probably did this while he was asleep
- so he'd wake up in the morning like he usually does
- then he looks into the mirror and--
- immediately runs to you
- you'd be making coffee or something
- then you'd look at him and burst out laughing
- "y'know, that look suits you"
- pouty boy
- "as the ultimate supreme leader i demand you rid of these immediately!!"
- nah, man
- he tried removing the ribbons
- he failed miserably
- you may or may not have made a bet that he can't survive 24 hours normally with those on
- you may or may not have said you wouldn't remove it if you won
- he may or may not have said he'll style your hair and you'll have to go with it for 24 hours if he won
- at the end of the day he just walks into your room
- with that huge smirk on his face
- and oh sh_t he won the bet
- you just slowly remove the ribbons as it dawns upon you that your supreme overlord boyfriend is going to mess up your hair
- haha good luck
Korekiyo Shinguji
- why bother put ribbons in his hair
- if you can make his hair into a ribbon
- initially, you were just running your fingers through his hair
- the thought of how his hairstyle is so feminine sparked into a conversation
- eventually leading you to suggest styling his hair
- "no"
- "but--"
- "no"
- don't worry though
- he'll reluctantly agree
- that is after you promise not to cut or color his hair
- he tells you stories while you do your thing
- you know tsuyu asui from bnha?
- imagine kork with that hairstyle
- +lucky clover shaped ribbons
- "you're a walking good luck charm now!"
- "no wonder you're here with me"
- SMOOTH 100
- he styles your hair to (somehow) match his
- he doesn't know how to do the clover ribbon thing
- so he just turns them into extensions of sorts
- you and kork should do this more often!
Rantaro Amami
- "okay"
- avocado boi is just so chill and open
- like you don't even have to ask
- slight hassle because his hair is short
- you ended up adding clips too
- so he basically has this one medium sized ribbon on the right side of his head
- and a sh_ton baby ribbons just scattered everywhere
- you just start joking around
- "oh no! Ribbons seem to have invaded your scalp!"
- he goes with it
- "oh no! Am i going to die??"
- "if you can get to the cure, then you won't have to suffer anymore"
- "and the cure is?"
- "hidden after hours of cuddles"
- im sure you can tell where this is going
- so you guys cuddle
- you remove the ribbons from his hair
- and the day goes on like usual
- then tomorrow comes
- and avocado boi sees you with a bunch of ribbons in your hair
- its too early for this
- before he can even speak you look at him and exclaim
- "the wHAT??"
- a few minutes later and you're just laughing
- "okay so maybe i wasn't infected. do you like my new hairstyle?"
- "sure, it suits you"
- avocado boi is amused
- yay to s/o!
Ryoma Hoshi
- i
- i just
- im not sure how this'll work
- his hair is super short???
- that doesn't stop you from trying though!
- he goes with it
- he plans on covering them with his hat anyway if ever you insist he keeps them on
- you did a thing
- where uh
- you weaved the ribbons and stuck them to a bunch of clips
- those in which you placed onto his hair
- like amami, ryoma has this "surperior ribbon" on one side of his head
- when you're finished he probably looks like a 2 year old kid with an extra (personality wise) woman for a mom
- ngl he doesn't like how it looks
- of course he won't tell you that
- he won't try to decorate your hair, mostly because he can't reach but--
- he'll ask nicely if he can remove the ribbons
- as nicely as he can at least--
- its a whole different story when you compliment him though
- "maybe i'll keep them on a little longer"
- nice work s/o!
Shuichi Saihara
- "o-oh?"
- he'll give you a minute to wait before he says yes
- atua knows why he took a minute but alright
- in your mind its just;
- "i'm going to make sweetchi look sweeter after this"
- you decided to get some goth ribbons beforehand!
- like those little clips with those tiny glittery skulls
- okay maybe you went with pastel goth
- moving on,
- his hair is so smooth
- it feels like he uses Patene or Treseme even!
- "even hairstylists are impressed"
- "what"
- "nothing, i just thought of mimicking a shampoo commercial"
- you had some fun combing his hair
- so much fun that he had to remind you that you were supposed to put ribbons
- oops, haha
- you start squealing halfway through
- "are you okay?"
- "yes im just imagining how cute you'd look after this"
- you were practically going to die once you finished
- one look at him and you knew
- Mission: Success
- and he just has this rosy blush and the way his eyelashes flutter--
- rip in peace s/o
- (rest in peace in peace???)
- he decorates your hair as a thanks
- he did amAZINGLY
- oh yeah he also used the pastel goth ribbons
- so now you two match!
- happy sweetchi and happy s/o!
Side note: I'd love to see sprite edits/fanart of these!
-Mod Kiibo
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