#it's a society where he gets to stab people though so I don't see what the deal is
alifetimeofgames · 2 years
Baldur's Gate + Tales of the Sword Coast
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I thought Xzar was hilarious as a kid, so why not a meme redraw with the guy.
This game was important to me as a kid. I went through phases of being completely obsessed with it and trying out different characters for it. There's one I still kind of make in other games that originated from here. That said, I only finished it once - this game was damn hard. But yeah, I can see why this is considered one of the cornerstones of Western RPGs.
I enjoy the characters in it, but honestly there's just way too many of them. The fact that you still find characters to recruit in the final sections of the game is kind of crazy - and honestly, who even remembers them? It would probably have worked better if they'd worked on fleshing out the first couple of people you meet, since people tend to stick with them anyway.
I played the expansion pack so closely to the core game that I'm including it as part of this. I absolutely loved the wolfwere section. I had some false memories about it, though, as I remembered there being a whole romance with the wolfwere that helps you out of the village. They barely even spoke, now that I rewatch it. Other than that, I really enjoyed the dopplegangers in the basement of Candlekeep. Nothing like some good angst, even if it was all in my head. And I remember having a soft spot for Xan - after seeing sovonight's fan art for the romance mod with him, I might even have to go back and revisit it.
The art this time is not great, but I've been going through some weird art block lately and my self-imposed demands on what I wanted to draw for this might have had something to do with it. I wanted to make something huge and epic, but low-effort Joker Xzar is what we're ending up with today. Enjoy.
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zalrb · 5 months
for your recent ask on how to build relationships in movies where you used willabeth as an example i was just thinking of them as i read ur post lmao! what do u think are some underrated aspects of their relationship in the films ? and if you had to pick a favorite film of the potc trilogy based on just willabeth, which would you pick?
Oh, yay! A Willabeth ask!
AWE automatically wins on "At Wit's End" (aka "Will and Elizabeth's love theme") alone. That is the soundtrack to a cosmic, epic, transcendental, soul-moving, earth-shattering love story, that is the epitome of a romantic composition, it is everything. Like just listen.
But I mean, the scenes that they have in this movie?
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I'm not sure that there's anything that shippers find underrated about them, it would just be in response to Sparrabeth shippers or people who are anti-Willabeth, which I just don't find merits a response but something I do quite enjoy about the Willabeth love story is the role Jack plays in it and how his respective bonds with Will and Elizabeth actually reinforce that love story:
Like, Jack helps Will come to terms with his parentage and history
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and therefore who he is and Will, in turn, saves Jack from the gallows.
Elizabeth has faith in Jack, tells him he’s a good man, helps him see the morality of situations
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and Jack does prove her right in Dead Man’s Chest by coming back to help the crew but I think the most significant way he proves her right is by going against a desire he wanted for all of At World’s End so he can do right by Will (and it actually goes further than his desire throughout At World’s End but to a fundamental passion like he sold his soul to Davy Jones to get the Pearl, that’s how much he loves the sea)
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and then you had Jack speaking to Elizabeth’s desire for freedom
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and encourages her obtainment of that freedom, of that agency, of that power
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which ultimately leads back to her choosing to love and be with Will
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which, despite what antis say, isn't a regression. The trilogy begins with seeing her discomfort in "polite society" and feeling pressured into doing what's expected i.e. an engagement to Norrington
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which includes hiding her fascination with pirates as well as her feelings for Will
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the two things are interconnected. In fact, when we see her being chastised for not behaving the way she should, it's when she's too intimate with Will
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Her interest in pirates is signified with her keeping Will's medallion
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her choosing Will is also her choosing her own freedom
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Will even teaches her how to fight
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and throughout the trilogy, it's them discovering more facets of themselves i.e. Will reunites with his father, Elizabeth actually gets to be a pirate but what even got them on those journeys was trying to find/help the other so they can be together
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and those layers just bring them back together stronger. This has always been the point
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This also isn't exactly underrated but I find when I go into the tag, there's a lot of emphasis on what Will does for Elizabeth, how he supports her, how in love with her he is, how devoted to her he is and I completely understand why but also Elizabeth's devotion to Will deserves a spotlight as well.
Going to fight undead pirates alone to save Will
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Being both surprised and upset at Will even considering that she could be in love with Jack
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Giving away the entire plan because she couldn't feign disinterest when Sao Feng acted as though he'd stab Will
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Having to literally be carried away by Jack when Will was stabbed
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Even the smaller, in between things like Will shouting at Elizabeth to shoot at the barrels of rum but her refusing because he was still caught in the net.
I just love them so much.
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lord-squiggletits · 7 months
Actually re: the last post about IDW Optimus and politics and moral grayness, if anyone here has read The Wheel of Time series, I actually compare IDW OP to Rand al'Thor in my head a lot. They have sort of the same background of "normal guy gets singled out by a person of Great Authority and put on a path to saving people" followed by a path to leadership hinging on "I became the Chosen One so even though I just wanted to save people, now I have to get involved in these bullshit politics where people are more concerned about securing their own power or spiting their enemies instead of uniting against evil."
Then there's a part of WOT where Rand becomes way darker and edgier, where basically as a result of a severe incident of betrayal and trauma, he goes "You know what, fuck you people, I tried to be nice and you just stabbed me in the back and tried to literally use me as a tool for your own ends" and he basically became a major hardass. To the point where I think there was at least one point (if not multiple) where after Rand extended some sort of diplomatic solution and got rejected, he was basically like "fuck you," fought an entire city on his own and won, then made himself the ruler and went "your armies belong to me and you're going to prepare to fight the Dark One like you SHOULD BE DOING." That phase is sort of comparable to Orion working under Zeta (OP flashbacks, Autocracy trilogy), in which OP's ideals are buried under disappointment and he's seeing these complicated, shitty political realities playing out where it seems like nothing is getting better and his attempts to work with the Decepticons only end in (from his perspective) being blatantly lied to and having his goodwill taken advantage of.
That's really what my ideal phase 2/3 story for Optimus would've been lmao. Still with the same idea of "gee you ARE fighting for the greater good but aren't you going a little far," but balanced out with a rightful dose of "I tried to be diplomatic and nice but no one listened, what else can I do but use force/politics/manipulation to make people see reason if they won't stop backstabbing and betraying each other in time to fight the Actual Evil Force who's going to kill us all."
WOT Rand even had a part of his character arc where he went so far into "humanity sucks, they would literally rather get slaughtered by the ultimate evil than set aside their petty bullshit long enough to work together" where he almost committed murder-suicide in a fit of despair that maybe humanity wasn't even worth saving at all. Only for him to be saved from the edge of despair by realizing "Wait, the world SHOULD be saved, because even though humanity sucks and so many people are evil, good still exists in the world and we can still fight to make the world a better place than it is."
LIKE IN A WAY RAND AL THOR IS BASICALLY IDW OPTIMUS in terms of the general shape of his character arc. Just the difference is that Rand got written as just a character with flaws and virtues coping the best he can under immense pressure and trauma. Whereas IDW OP got written more as "God the world fucking sucks and Cybertronians might just deserve to die bc we colonized people" and also everyone is constantly calling him a fascist and even the titles of his story are comparing him to an actual genocidal tyrant who killed 100 billion+ people. No joy or humanity just a scapegoat for evil living in a shitty world where everyone is miserable and "maybe our entire race IS doomed and we DO deserve to die" is like, a repeated motif of the entire story all the way to Unicron. As opposed to being treated as an obviously shitty worldview that the characters grapple with and go "no actually the world can be a good place and our society can recover from war and we don't deserve oblivion because of the cycle of violence we're trying to escape."
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francis-writes · 5 months
Modern!Ramsay Bolton x transmasc!reader
Because I have a lot of feelings about him and my transition, especially that I spend a lot of time recently in forcemasc community and literally every second post uses a dog metaphor, and uhhh... comparing helping a man in transition to training a dog makes me think about Ramsay even more.
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okay, so i write this post for modern!Ramsay because there are more possibilities for trans people today and there is more knowledge about them but to be honest? I think Ramsay would be accepting and supportive of trans partner, no matter the century. He is rather an open-minded person, and he certainly doesn't care about society opinion. He just looks for a good time so if he enjoys being with you, being trans won't change anything. He may even be more interested in you or admire you for going against bigots and world's expectations.
I think it's clear but he's gonna deal with any transphobes that bother you. In modern times, his actions have more consequences, so he won't torture them but it's likely that he will beat them (maybe stab a bit), especially if you're out at night or at more secluded place. Or, you know, you can always find them later.
also, he doesn't just passively observe your transition (and also he isn't one of these guys who "support you" but only when you still look feminine or when you are pre-t. fuck them. Ramsay isn't afraid to date a man. I will tell more, he is excited, if he could, he would sew a dick onto you himself. Okay, maybe I went too far but you get the point), he actively helps you in it. He shaves your head, takes you to the gym and even if he doesn't work out with you, he loves to watch as you excercise, admire as you lift weights, breathing heavily and covered in sweat (also it turns him on). He licks off your sweat and desires your hairy ass.
if you have problems with money, he will eagerly support you financially, though the level of the support depends on his own situation. If we assume the version where he gets money from his father - who is a bussinessman or a politician - there is really no limits. If he doesn't get family money, he still wants to support you (binder, packer, doctor, hormones - it all costs too fucking much) so he will try to get more money, though rather in not very legal nor moral way.
if you're on t, he's eager to do your injections, and this time you can trust him with a needle. He isn't especially well-educated, but he has some knowledge about human anatomy (from where? that's a good question) and has no problem with finding the right spot and inserting the needle the first time.
also, when you finally get facial hair, he will buy you a razor set and teach you how to shave, holding your hand as you gently drags the blade over your skin. having him controlling the sharp blade and pressing it to your throat is both stressing and exciting. but you trust him.
i know it's not a case for everyone but i know that many trans people feel the pressure to turn into a skinny twink; anyway, as somebody wrote, hrt weight gain is an angel and Ramsay makes sure that you eat enough. and that you don't worry about gaining weight after testosterone cravings. He wants you to be strong, healthy and happy. Also book Ramsay is chubby as well and tbh it kinda made me feel better about my body bc he reminds me what kind of wild lust i feel whenever i see a soft tummy
i'll continue this one day, i just wanna do every forcemasc post with him, i am sorry but i can't focus on coherent thoughts. Testosterone and Ramsay make me so excited i can pass out
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weirdcat1213 · 2 years
Conventional weapons and queer acceptance
I'm going through it rn so here's a really long post on a queer interpretation of Conventional Weapons.
-Yes, I will talk about every song. No song is safe from me.
-No, I don't think it is the only/correct interpretation but its one that I've been thinking about for ages so leave me alone :D
-I know these songs were recorded separately and they don't have a linear story (like revenge or tbp) but for the sake of angst, I will treat the whole album as a queer journey where the speaker is the main character, also I will use they/them for them because the album itself talks a lot about gender.
-"Some of these are more about the system and protests rather than queerness" guess what? those go hand in hand even though it's 2023, life sucks.
-I will use "queer" instead of LGBTQ+. That debate does not belong here but I'm just giving a heads up.
TW: homophobia, transphobia, conversion therapy, unhealthy coping mechanisms (?), aids crisis, society just being shitty in general
Let's start :3
Album context: CW is not a concept album (sadly). The band had ideas for these songs since their TBP tour and didn't think it was fit for Danger Days so they only released them because Frank thought they were cool (bless his soul he was so right). Therefore, these songs' messages/perspectives/feelings may vary.
Boy Division:
*The first two songs have a handgun on the cover. This weapon is a small and distant weapon, portraying the distance the speaker wants to have with queerness since they're still in the closet*
From a queer perspective, this song is about the speaker's closeted life as a queer person. The song asks people close to him how would they react if they were to find out about they are queer. The speaker already knows the answer, people would be disgusted and reject them entirely, making the speaker mad. It can be assumed the speaker is at their last straw here and leave their home behind to live their truth.
"If all my enemies
Threw a party, would you light the candles?
Would you drink the wine while watchin' television?
Watch the animals and all the tragedies
And sell your arteries to buy my casket gown"
Enemies in this context are homophobic/transphobic people. If the speaker admitted to being queer, would their loved ones pretend the speaker is "dead"? Would they side with the homophobic/transphobic people?
"Well, it better be black and it better be tight
And it better be just my size
I'm stalkin' these metro malls and airport halls
And all these schoolgirls"
This may be a reference to the kind of stereotypes the speaker's loved ones believe about queer people. About how they stalk people in public and "try to convert minors"
"I'm not askin', you're not tellin'
He's not dead, he only looks that way"
The speaker not asking anymore if the people they know support queer people/if they would support them. The part about "him" not being dead could be how their relatives see the situation from the outside. The speaker is apathetic because of their situation but no one knows.
"Out nowhere, take me out there
Far away and save me from my
Self-destruction, hopeless for you
Sing a song for California"
They're in the middle of nowhere, and they wish to be in a more accepted place, putting California as an example (is this true? idk I don't live there)
"I bought my enemies
Rope to hang me and the knives to gang me
You can watch them stab me on your television
Stomp the halls, because the bathroom walls
Would have a lot to say
About the lines you're puttin' down"
This is the speaker's way to say he is one of the queers their loved ones hate so much. The speaker "bought" the rope by admitting their queerness and they might as well be the ones on the TV getting ganged up on because of their identity. When they mention the bathroom it could be a reference to how there are worst things happening that transphobic gatekeeping bathrooms, such as people doing drugs.
"Well, it better be white and better be cut
And better be just my size
Until my capillaries burst of boredom
I'll be waitin"
Instead of funeral attire, now they want to use wedding attire because they feel alive by coming out, hence the white. If we assume they were rejected by their loved ones, the speaker will wait for them to come around until they get bored. The speaker's capillaries are a symbol of their patience.
"I'm not laughin', you're not jokin'
I'm not dead, I only dress that way"
The speaker dresses as if they're dead not only because they could be at any time due to harassment but also because they feel dead being in a place they can't be themselves. It could also be a reference to gender expression and the speaker experimenting for the first time.
"'Cause we got the bomb, we got the bomb, let's go!
We got the bomb, we got the bomb, let's go!"
This could mean queer people (we) are fighting back society (the bomb) and the speaker feels inspired.
"Say a prayer for California"
A prayer for California so it can stay as a place the speaker can run to and be free.
Tomorrows Money:
This one is about the speaker's views about capitalism and taking a stand as an activist against corporations and rainbow capitalism. The speaker knows queer people aren't welcome and yet they're still used for profit, however, we could say the song's pov is from the speaker and the corporations. The song also makes an argument about how capitalism actively makes queer people's lives even more difficult.
"You fell in love with a vampire
Do you wanna get it for free
In this song, vampires are associated with queer people and their experiences (just like many movies about vampires and other monsters have done in history). Getting one for free would be to get to live the experience of a queer person instead of seeing it externally (in a movie, show, book, etc)
"Then say hello to the brush fire, baby
You gotta take it from me, I’m gonna take it from you
Say hello to the good times
And burning up in the sun"
According to corporations, the speaker can live out as a queer person, but they will have to face conflict against capitalism, a model that is mostly known for taking things away from people.
They’re sitting back on an empire
While the world lays back, puts a kid behind that gun
This is the speaker's view about capitalism and the world. Corporations and their owners are living comfortably while they leave the most vulnerable minorities to deal with the dirty work.
"If we crash this time
They got machines to keep us alive
When the mixtape plays
Choke down the words with no meaning"
This refers to how queer people can't seem to escape capitalism. If they get hurt while protesting or get sick, they will still need to get (most of the time in most places at least) private health insurance to get good medical attention. When talking about the mixtape, it can also be referring to the multiple products corporations do for queer people (see the "pride merch" on june). But when you analyze the final products, it is clear that it lacks meaning and it was only made for profit.
"I stopped bleeding three years ago
While you keep screaming for revolution
Me and my surgeons and my street-walking friends
We got no heroes, 'cause our heroes are dead"
Here the speaker is personally calling out corporations for their meaningless support. While they and other people have been protesting and taking care of themselves within their community, corporations keep shouting out their outdated "love is love" slogan and keep repeating their empty promises about equality. The speaker, the "surgeons" (people who focus and live to take care of the queer community as volunteers/nonprofit organizations), and more activists keep protesting for a better future but also for the people who came before them and died for the cause (for example multiple people during the aids crisis)
"Say hello to the program
We’re gonna give it for free
Hook up the veins to the antibodies
Got it with the disease, we’re gonna give it to you"
This verse could be considered queer representation in media and how it helps queer people even if it ends up being queerbating. Corporations give queer people the content and even if there are no official queer people in it, subtext and further readings into the media help people to see themselves in the story and/or characters, they work as antibodies against society.
"Say goodbye to the good times
You’re loaded up with the fame
You’re dressing up like a virus
But the words get lost when we all look the same"
The most popular and famous logo (and stand) corporations take in pride month is the rainbow. They don't specify anything and just keep it open to appeal to most people as possible. Although queer people have taken the rainbow as a general symbol for everyone when corporations use it is because there is no interest in other people who aren't the "classic" cisgender white gay male, there's no meaning on their rainbow. All the rainbow logos in June end up looking like a virus taking over for a month rather than support.
"You fell in love with a vampire, torch up for the empire
Say hello to the brush fire, the microphone's got a tap wire
You fell in love with a vampire, torch up for the empire
Say hello to the brush fire, the microphone's got a tap wire!"
In this verse, the speaker is possibly talking to a multitude. They make a reference to the vampire analogy but also says that if they want to live free queer people need to get rid of the corporations. No matter how many problems they face they have to be careful since they're still under capitalism and being watched.
"Because rebellion's not a T-shirt you sell
You keep your money, and I’ll see you in hell"
Many queer people have that reaction when companies don't support queer people's rights but sell queer products on pride month. The speaker rejects rainbow capitalism and will see the company in hell since, according to religious fanatics, that's where queer people are going.
*I find this topic (capitalism vs the queers) really interesting but I honestly don't know much about it but this is a cool video I recommend: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xQVFYWvd3o&t=1449s)
*The second disc has a picture of a small knife, a weapon of short range that requires the user to get really closer to the opponent. This represents the speaker's change from their involvement with the queer community; they went from keeping their distance to putting themselves out there as an activist*
Ambulance, under a queer context, is about the queer community and the love the speaker has for them since they have helped after they cut ties with their family in "Boy Division."
You don’t know a thing about this life, and we are up for
Everything it takes to prove we’re not the same as them
The speaker could be talking to someone new when it comes to activism. They want to motivate the new recruit but also be honest about what is like to constantly be on the line. The queer community will never be like the people who can easily thrive in a heteronormative society because the queer community looks out for every minority (let's ignore dumb organizations like lgb for this, they suck)
"And we will wear our masks again, out after dark
'Cause we are up for everything it takes
and we are not the same
'Cause we are not afraid
And we are not ashamed"
This part is about how they protect themselves while defending themselves and how they are not ashamed of fighting for what's right publicly.
"And if you save my life, I’ll be the one who drives
You home tonight
And if I ever let you down, I’ll be the one who drives
You home tonight"
One of the things that the speaker appreciates most about the queer community is how they take care of each other. If one of them gets hurt, they will help each other. No matter what happens everyone looks out for everyone.
"Remember once, you walked this kind of life quietly, I’ll sleep
Behind the wheel, and passing every face you see the first time
Singing every piece as you walk by proving that with
All of my mistakes, that we are not the same"
The speaker is comparing themselves to other people in their group who have been in their position but also have had a completely different experience. Other people may have cope in healthier ways than the speaker, which makes them feel kind of guilty.
"'Cause we are not the same
And we are all to blame"
When it comes to protesting or activism is it always is the activists' fault if something bad happens. According to conservatives if anything goes south (police brutality, hate crimes, etc) is the queer people's fault for not being closeted, for "indoctrinating people".
"'Cause you don’t know a thing about me
, you don’t know a thing"
This is from the speaker to the people who have helped them in their life. They don't know who they were before but the community still took them in as family.
Honestly, there's not much that this brilliant thread hasn't already said. La (the twitter user) suggests that "the song's main theme is obviously a young person entering the military, which is known for having a strict structure and very precise rules to follow and roles to fill. in this case, I believe the military could represent the cis, heteronormative society"
See the rest of the thread here :D
Please read it and send @/zhongmcr some love for it.
The World is Ugly:
*The machine guns reflect more intensity as an attack. The speaker is going deeper in being vocal about the queer community on this disc.*
The world is ugly is, of course, a romantic song. When analyzing it through queer lenses, however, it can be about the speaker getting strong feelings for someone but still being afraid of confessing their feelings, even if the other person is also queer, because are traumatized by past experiences while in the closet.
"These are the eyes and the lies of the taken These are their hearts But their hearts don't beat like ours They burn 'cause they are all afraid"
The speaker usually gets that feeling of "them against the world", but it is different with the person they are interested in. The speaker feels they have a connection and they are together while being against the world.
"For every one of us There's an army of them But you'll never fight alone 'Cause I wanted you to know"
Conservative people are "afraid" of queer people and it has made their lives difficult but when they're together it doesn't matter.
"That the world is ugly But you’re beautiful to me Well are you thinking of me now?"
The heteronormative society is a pain for the speaker and the love interest but the speaker wants to make clear that their love interest is beautiful no matter what society says.
"These are the nights And the lights that we fade in These are the words But the words aren't coming out
They burn 'cause they are hard to say"
This part is more personal for the speaker. They reminisce on all the nights they have spent with their love interest and how on those they have tried to tell how they feel, but the speaker cannot say it out loud.
"For every failing sun, there's a morning after Though, I'm empty when you go I just wanted you to know"
The speaker comforts themselves with the fact that they can try the next day, but at the same time, they keep living with the pain of their love interest not knowing.
"That the world is ugly But you're beautiful to me Are you thinking of me Like I'm thinking of you?"
The speaker wonders if their love interest thinks about them the same way or if they have another kind of relationship.
"I would say I'm sorry, though Though, I really need to go I just wanted you to know
I wanted you to know I wanted you to know I'm thinking of you Every night, every day"
In this verse, the speaker implies they usually focus on activism and things that will help their community rather than their own feelings. They have to go and keep helping others but still wants to let their feelings come across.
"These are the lies And the lives of the taken These are their hearts But their hearts don't beat like ours They burn 'cause they are all afraid But mine beats twice as hard"
Because the speaker is really focused on others but also wants to be with their love interest, they are passionate about 2 things.
"Stop your crying, helpless feeling Dry your eyes and start believing There's one thing They’ll never take from you"
The speaker goes back to their "mentor mode" and inspires their love interest to believe in a better future. However, they also reference how the world can never take their love interest's beauty away.
"One day, like this We'll never be the same Never, forever Like ghosts in the snow Like ghosts in the sun"
This is the speaker dreaming of what their life could be only with their love interest. They would just be people exploring the world.
The Light Behind Your Eyes:
This song is about a guide saying goodbye to people or a person whom they have helped in the past. Under a queer interpretation, it could be from the point of view of an elder queer passing away who was really important to the speaker.
"So long to all my friends Every one of them met tragic ends With every passing day I'd be lying if I didn't say That I miss them all tonight"
The elder queer is possibly passing away and is thinking about the friends they got to make within the community. By saying their friends met tragic ends it could refer to the aids crisis or hate crimes.
"And if they only knew what I would say If I could be with you tonight I would sing you to sleep Never let them take the light behind your eyes"
Just like the elder queer, their friends used to help people in the community, and they would approve the last reassuring words of the elder. The elder wishes they would be alive and well to see a better future but for now, they can only hope people stop harming queer people.
"As we fade in the dark Just remember you will always burn as bright"
The older queer people may have passed away but they want the younger generations to have a good life.
"Be strong and hold my hand Time, it comes for us, you'll understand We'll say goodbye today And I'm sorry how it ends this way If you promise not to cry Then I'll tell you just what I would say"
This shows the elder was really appreciated in the community since they have people with them in their final moments. They wish they would not be leaving that way (probable aids) but they still think younger generations need to learn about the problem and be strong enough to face it.
"I'll fail and lose this fight"
The elder already knows their own fate.
"Sometimes we must grow stronger And you can't be stronger when I'm gone When I'm here, no longer You must be stronger and"
The elder knows it will be hard for future generations who still feel like they need guidance to survive, but they hope the people they leave behind get stronger.
"I failed and lost this fight"
The elder queer couldn't avoid their future, as if from the beginning, it was meant to happen.
When the outro keeps repeating it could reflect how those are actually the last words (or at least sentiment) of the elder, and it will stay present in the community for a long time.
Kiss the Ring:
*This disc has two axes on the cover. Additionally, from here on out there are 2 weapons on the covers, which means the speaker is not alone anymore, but with someone who shares their "them against the world" feeling.*
Kiss the Ring is another song about the speaker's feelings against the system. However, this one and the next song in the disc have more rage on them. The speaker starts to lash out at authority and politicians who keep failing queer people.
"We kill the girls to get paid And put the whole damn room on the edge of the blade You'll get far, stay clean"
The speaker is mocking society's standards for people. They set dangerous beauty stereotypes only to get women to buy their products, reject measures that could help queer people (hormone treatment, counseling, etc) even if they know people could die because of the lack of it, and attribute failure to substances such as alcohol and drugs. Some queer people will turn to those substances because of the lack of support because society keeps making it hard to live, but big institutions don't care.
"And if the world stops believing, I'll keep believing
That the world could make a change (All I know is I won't stop believing) And put the suicide dolls as the last ones to mate (All I know is I won't stop believing)"
Although the speaker still has faith in a better future, they are angry about society putting queer people in a complicated position. Queer people create their own communities because they are pushed by the people who refuse to let them live. They insult and make everything more complicated up to the point of giving queer people trauma and mental health issues. The queer people affected by this are the only ones left to help themselves and others. Queer people are left at the back where they find each other.
"Come hard, stay clean (You're the next if you don't stop your creeping) And singing songs for the damned now (You're the next if you)"
The line on the back "You're the next if you don't stop your creeping" could be the authority's opinion about queer people: you will get in trouble if you are out/"explicit". Additionally, the songs for the damned could be a metaphor for people who think praying/conversion therapy will work as a "cure" for queerness.
"Hail! Hail! 'Cause the king is gone And if you don't stop believing, we'll keep believing"
This part could mean how conservatives celebrate when something bad happens to a politician or anyone famous who is in favor of queer rights. They tend to believe that there is a leader (like the people who believe there is an ANTIFA leader), but queer people will keep protesting and believing in a better life for everyone.
"You put the record on And live the life that you're making, shots that you're taking"
"So grab the cash and run And let the suits watch each other kill one another"
This is the speaker starts to get reckless. For them, it has become a matter of taking back at society. They want to live their life the best as they can, so they let themselves enjoy music, drink, and commit crimes since they will end up in trouble anyway for being queer. They steal money because they need it but also to get a sense of power over their life. The "suits" in this case would be politicians, the ones who say they want to help queer people against the ones who want them dead. Even if someone is fighting the good fight the speaker doesn't care for them anymore.
It doesn't matter if the words don't mean a thing You gotta kiss that ring"
The words could be the empty promises some politicians do to queer people. Many of them beg them to vote to protect their rights only to back off when it really matters. Kissing the ring means the absurdity of respecting people, authority figures, and institutions (the government) who don't want to be held accountable for queer people's rights.
"Move like the wolves, keep the faith There ain't a dry eye left in the back of the place Is it hard to stay clean?"
The speaker warns their community about the government since politicians don't have empathy for them (dry eyes)
"And if you all keep believing, I'll keep believing That the world drives the saints (All I know is I won't stop believing) And put the shotgun shells in the hills it makes (All I know is I won't stop believing)"
In this verse, the speaker mocks how authority loves to praise "pacific protests" but will still kill them. Most of the time when queer people organize a pacific gathering, they are met with violent repression.
"So come hard, stay clean (You're the next if you don't stop your creeping) Because they don't give a damn, now (You're the next if you)"
The speaker believes after so many failures that no politician cares for queer people.
"You got your leather on And live the life that you're making, shots that you're taking"
This could be referring to what kind of clothing queer people "tend" to wear. The idea is to just wear whatever you want and live your life.
"Hail, hail 'cause the king is gone Hail, hail 'cause the king is gone Hail, hail 'cause the king is gone Hail, hail 'cause the king is, the king is gone
Hail! Hail! Hail! Hail! Hail!"
Queer people celebrate a supposed leader that never existed because it is not about leaders, but the community.
"Fist up, head down Hail, hail to the king"
In this verse since the king is not "gone" it could mean the community is celebrating itself. They will keep fighting even if there's the risk of something bad happening, which is why they put their head down as a sign of being prepared for the worst.
Make Room:
Make Room is mainly the speaker setting the people who do not accept queer people or pretend to be allies as zombies. Queer people are most of the time used for gossip, instead of being treated as real people. The people who only care about gossip and getting to know who came out just to be disrespectful about it are people who do not have reasoning skills, making them zombies.
"Make room! Make room! Down on the coffin,​ there's a coffin or two Dead chic, so cool The cannibals are starving when they're looking at you"
This verse is about how dead queer people are seen just as numbers. The cisgender straight people's main concern most of the time is the funeral (what will people say, how to present the dead queer person etc), reflected on the line about the coffins. The dead girl represents dead queer people who attracted attention, making the zombies (society) wild to get the news and learn about everything that went wrong. They just want the gossip.
"Tank tops, jet stream Karate lessons with a killing machine White lines, nose bleeds I know you get excited when the cameras go Ra-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta"
The speaker refers here to the kind of people who talk and treat queer people as means for gossip. They can be relaxed in their summer clothes with their private jets and do questionable things (drugs as mentioned with "white lines"), people with privilege. They get excited when a famous person reveals themselves to be queer and are able to get every single detail, however, they don't know (or don't care) that the spotlight can be stressful and harmful for famous queer people who come out. This is reflected by the "ratatata" the cameras make.
"Me and you, and all of this living dead Burning up in the sun, where the bodies add Sitting here with you, in misery Anybody gonna come and rescue me? La la la"
Here the speaker is talking with another queer person about how stressful people can be. They have to endure their questions and actions but even if they are miserable, they are together. The speaker's petition for someone to rescue them is mocking how some people "became" queer because the community pressured them into being queer.
"Make room! Make room! One day, you're gonna have explaining to do
Drag star, so cool There's only room for one man and the one is you, you, you"
This verse is just multiple wrong arguments that people make about queer people. A popular argument that homophobic/transphobic people use against queer people is how are they "going to explain" their identity or sexuality to others such as kids, elders, etc. Those kinds of people also have problems with drag artists. They may say they are letting drag artists live their lives, but they pressure them and their gender expression, reminding drag artists they are men and have to act like it. This argument is not only wrong because not all drag queens identify as men, but also does not consider drag kings.
"Got a taste for the cash and androgyny Anybody wanna come and rescue me?"
Androgyny is considered the combination of man and woman. This combination seems fashionable for multiple people and companies have decided to adopt it for profit. If it looks pretty it will sell. Multiple companies will present an androgynous person/model and show it off as their "queer representation".
"Well alright, well alright She's alright Everybody in the room is alright"
This could be a reference to the dead girl first mentioned in the song. Most people just want to pretend nothing bad is happening and that queer people are okay if comparing these times to years ago.
"Everybody wants to change the world Everybody wants to change the world But no one, no one wants to die!"
"We are never gonna change the world We are never gonna change the world 'Cause we are never gonna die!"
I see this as what the speaker thinks about activism after being vocal about queer issues during the whole album. They know protesting and being an activist is important for the queer community, and if they want society to change there will be sacrifices that no one wants to do. However, they also want to be happy and have a life of their own with the person they like. Maybe the change will be delayed and they will keep fighting for it, but not to the point of putting their happiness on the line anymore.
Surrender the Night:
*These last two songs have grenades on the cover because these ones are the tipping point for the speaker. They are done hiding their emotions and will explode at any second. It's a more aggressive weapon than the rest. The songs still talk about how society sucks for queer people, but the main focus for the speaker is the person they like and showing their feelings.*
Surrender the Night is a continuation (kind of) of The World is Ugly. If on The World is Ugly the speaker was afraid of confessing their feelings, on Surrender the Night they decide to be selfish and take control of the situation, take control of what makes them happy for once.
Everyone's a passenger, tonight Just another accidental on the freeway of this life
This night is important for the speaker, anything else doesn't matter.
We'll drive on and on and on and on We'll drive on and on And I'll remember this night when you're gone
The speaker and the love interest will leave everything behind, and the speaker wants their love interest to remember that night forever.
You surrender your heart I surrender every dream
Every weapon you've got Every secret that I keep
This is a deal the speaker proposes as a way to confess their feelings. If their love interest accepts being with them, nothing else will matter to the speaker. They will protect the love interest and will be completely honest with them.
You can fight this, all you want But tonight belongs to...
The love interest can fairly reject the speaker, but just for that one night, they will have to listen to what the speaker has to say.
Just another surgery, tonight Well, if you amputate the loneliness Anesthesia dims the lights
This is the speaker's opinion about their love interest. They are a complicated person who ignores their own problems by distracting themselves as if they wanted to disassociate from life and the pain. The speaker tells them they can do that, they can ignore their problems but by rejecting their emotions, they will also miss the good moments.
So dream on and on and on and on So dream on and on And I'll remember your eyes when you're gone
In this verse, the speaker encourages their love interest to follow their dreams instead of disassociating from life, and even if they don't end up together the speaker will remember them.
And I'll watch you in your sleep 'Cause tonight belongs to me You can fight this, all you want But tonight belongs to
The speaker will watch the other person sleep as a way to protect them and make sure they don't run away.
Sparks against the railing Distant phantoms wailing Through the windshield, sailing With these airbags failing
Here, the speaker is honest about how their lives will be if they're together. There will be chaos, people will talk, and they won't be able to control some situations.
But tonight belongs to me But tonight belongs to me But tonight belongs to me
The speaker reassures this to their love interest, expecting an answer.
Burn Bright:
And finally, we get to talk about my baby, the creme of the gays. This song in general is about finally accepting who you are, living as you want, and loving whoever you want; even if you know people are against it. If following the story from the previous song, this song is where they get together with their love interest and start a relationship. The speaker knows it won't be easy but they don't care.
So give me all you've got
I can take it
We walked alone in your city lights
Did you make it?
We lit the fire and it's burning bright
Did you take it?
Kissed all the boys in your city lights
Did you make it?
Left all the stars in your city nights
Can you fake it?
I lost my way in your city lights
Glad you made it
We stole the fire
And it's burning bright
Fire/stars/light is represented as strength the queer person has found in their identity, and it burns so brightly at the end of the album that they won't hide it anymore. Now that they have met another queer person and they are both out, the speaker trusts that it is possible to live as who you truly are, and they are not willing to hide anymore.
Not ashamed of what I am
I took the pills
For these empty nights
'Cause it makes me who I am
The speaker is not ashamed anymore of being queer but they still remember how it felt. How they had to cope with unhealthy copy because of the suffering of being against the world.
"They always told me that
"You never get to heaven"
With a love like yours
Well if you're lost little boy
The cameras pull you right back down, yeah"
Social/ expectations opinions are a heavy theme in the album, and it continues in the last song. It is not uncommon that society to treat queer people as little kids who don't know what they want or at least "should" want. Society will tell queer people that the way they want to love and/or exist is wrong. If a person dares to do something not straight or gender not conforming, society is there, like cameras, to judge that vulnerable moment and show it as a mistake. The speaker reflects on religion telling others "you won't get to heaven based on the things that you do" because people still use religion to discriminate against queer people.
"It's like a chemical burn
I'm peeling off your skin, yeah
And when you see your face
Well you'll never be the same again, yeah"
Queer people have to hear bad news, insults, misinformation, etc. every day. It takes a great toll mentally that can make people and that can be manifested physically, to the point that it hurts and/or to the point that people start noticing. Sadly, it's a kind of pain queer people have to live with for now until who knows when.
"Cause if you just stop breathing
I'll stop, stop my heart
I'll stop breathing too
Not ashamed of what I am
I'd trade the world for your city nights
'Cause it makes me who I am"
Queer people rely on each other, and the speaker relies on their significant other. The speaker would give up everything for the experiences they will get to share together.
"And though I missed the chance for this
I confess that I can't wait
Until it's gone
No I mean this every single day
Don't go if you got more to say
'Cause the world don't need
Another hopeless cause"
The speaker makes a small confession here. They are tired of society, of hiding, of fighting. They want the whole world to disappear just so they can be happy. They don't want to be part of "the fight" to make things better but they don't have any other choice. For them, the world cannot afford people doing nothing.
"Though it makes me who I am
'Cause it makes me who I am
And you made me who I am
And you made me who I am
Be afraid of what I am"
Although the speaker is done with people who don't do anything to fight against a society that doesn't accept them, they recognize that's who they were for so long. But now their significant other gives them the strength to leave all doubts and fear behind. The speaker is warning the world to be afraid of them because they are done being afraid of the world.
"We walked around in your city lights
'Cause it makes me who I am
I burned it all but im doing fine
'Cause I'll never fade away
If I steal the fire from your city nights
'Cause it makes me who I am
Who I am"
The speaker borrows strength from their significant other to go against the world, and in doing so they burn (jeje) relationships with other people, but they are okay with it. They will survive now that they are strong enough to stand up for themselves.
Conventional weapons sets someone in multiple stages of queer life and use weapons to portray life as a war with oneself, expectations, and society.
tldr: cw is gay af argue with the wall
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lansplaining · 2 years
idk, but I feel just because JGY needed to do what he had to survive doesn't mean that he's right persay? Like, Wei Wuxian could have easily just survived if he'd just hung around with the Jiangs and left the Wen remnants to die. He however was willing to die for what was right, and s I'm not sure if he'd sympathise with JGY.
I was gonna do this whole bit like ‘Mingjue, thank you so much for writing in,’ but then I realised that doesn't work because Mingjue doesn't think Wei Wuxian was right to fight for the Wen remnants.
Let's break this down backwards: would/does Wei Wuxian sympathise with JGY for doing what he needs to do to survive? In canon, he doesn't really-- though it's worth pointing out that in the novel he repeatedly draws parallels between himself and JGY as the whole Lotus Pier discussion with Sisi and Bicao is happening, and even in the show I'd argue doesn't seem horribly enthused by this rising tide of mob justice.
But would Wei Wuxian actually do what JGY did, in similar circumstances? Well, yeah. He killed and tortured hundreds of Wen soldiers as revenge. He used the corpses of Wen soldiers and their families to kill more Wen soldiers. He invented demonic cultivation to survive (alongside whatever else he did in the Burial Mounds the first time), and whatever you think about whether we're supposed to think demonic cultivation is actually bad or not, he used it to kill people.
If, one of the multiple times from the end of Sunshot onwards that NMJ physically attacked JGY, JGY whipped out a knife and somehow stabbed him, would we be saying that JGY was not justified? If NMJ locked JGY up to teach him a lesson, and from his cell, JGY invented the evil music and slowly destabilised NMJ in hopes of being freed, would that be justified? Or is the point that he, for some reason, doesn't have the right to defend his life? Or he doesn't have the right to defend it like that-- but if not, why not?
The question of WWX and the Wen is completely separate from the question of survival, in my mind. But if the point is that it was okay for WWX to act extremely, to kill a bunch of cultivators, because he was doing it in pursuit of the greater good... well, I think JGY saw himself as doing the same thing. He wanted to survive because he had goals and dreams and plans. He built watchtowers, he kicked the demonic cultivators out of the Jin, he helped rebuild Cloud Recesses, he helped raise Jin Ling. From the sounds of it, the watchtower project was almost as controversial and radical as what WWX did, to the point where a child was killed over it-- but JGY was operating within a different system. And, of course, we don't see it play out as a narrative, just as a passing anecdote, so we don't get the full impact.
The moral system of MDZS's society is inseparable from an extremely personal sense of justice, equality, and revenge. It's a world that says everyone has the right to kill to protect themselves... as long as they manage to persuade everyone else after the fact that it was a good idea. As long as the person they killed doesn't have more power and resources than them. As long as they get away with it.
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recurring-polynya · 2 years
If you could pick just six Bleach characters for the story to focus on, who would they be?
Not sure how anyone could ask me this and think the answer was not going to be the Six Hearts crew, but the answer is, in fact, the Six Hearts crew.
For the most part, I really like Bleach the way it is. I am not a beefer with canon. At least for the first half to two-thirds of it, I find that Bleach has just about an optimal mix of main character focus to interesting side character ratio. I like that it sprawls. I like that a lot of side characters have really rich and interesting back stories that the main narrative gives you little bites of, but leaves the rest to the imagination and/or filler materials. I like stories that give you a lot of space to write fanfiction.
Now, the back half of the Winter War and nearly all of the TYBW did, in my opinion, sprawl too much. The Fake Karakura Town arc used up all my patience with the pillar fights and I spent the rest of it going "get back to Hueco Mundo, already." I definitely would have liked the TYBW to focus more on the core group of characters.
On the whole, though, I like that core the way it is. To be honest, it wouldn't be Bleach in any other way.
Ichigo is the heart of Bleach. His struggles are the themes of the narrative. He is not an everyman character. He is someone who cares so much about the world that he wants to save everyone, but at the same time, he understands and fears the weight of that obligation. His ability to empathize with his enemies-- his inability not to-- is what sets him apart from every other shounen protagonist.
Sometimes I see fanfic where someone else gets stabbed and given shinigami powers other than Ichigo and it's always worse. The only character I accept being swapped in for him is Orihime, and, frankly, that only works in a fanfiction, meta-narrative context, primarily because you need a much better depth of character to be a really good love interest, and I don't think Ichigo has what it takes. Orihime does, though! All of the forces in Bleach pull Ichigo toward the path of battle, but Orihime's stalwart pacifism and unwavering belief in him are the strings that tie him to the world, that keep him human.
I suppose you could swap out one of Ichigo's other school friends for some other member of the Six Hearts crew and probably have it still be okay, but I wouldn't, because their existing dynamic is perfect to me. Uryuu is Ichigo's Classic Shounen foil, but he legitimately challenges him constantly and forces him to think critically about what he's doing. Chad is so full of love and heart and birds land on him like a Disney princess. He is there to balance everyone else's manic energy, except that he's only marginally more thoughtful than the rest of them, so he does not interfere with the general air of stupidity. A lot of people wish Tatsuki had gotten powers. While I don't love the way she is sort of left hanging, I am not sure that she would improve the dynamic. Perhaps it's because she isn't given powers, but she always seems to represent fear to me, the sort of bad-side of attachments that prevents the sorts of leaps of faith the other characters are so inclined towards. The Six Hearts crew being made up of objectively smart people who make absolutely idiotic decisions based on their hearts is the crux of Bleach, and I think Tatsuki brings sort of a rational energy that really dampens the mood.
Rukia is Rukia. Rukia is The Character of All Time. Rukia is the catalyst that sets all else in motion. The other reason that I don't really like Bleach main character swaps is because the decision to illegally give all her powers to some kid she just met, using a maneuver that she probably read in the appendix of a textbook somewhere and involves stabbing him is not a thing most people would do. It is a thing Rukia would do. The way Rukia trains Ichigo and the things she expects from him and the things she expects from herself and from Soul Society are fundamental to the narrative. Rukia stays.
There are many people that would argue for swapping Renji out of the core cast, but I think, for the sake of Rukia's character, it is absolutely essential that there's another shinigami character along for the ride. Rukia is friends with the Karakura kids, but she is not one of them. She is not a teen. She is an undead adult who has deep ties to Soul Society and the Gotei. The culmination of her character arc all ties to Soul Society: becoming vice-captain and then captain, making bankai, earning her brother's acceptance, reconciling with her childhood friend/love interest. Several of the anime filler arcs have her living in Ichigo's closet again and hanging out with the kids, and I think her character suffers for that.
Anyway, thinking over other shinigami characters, there's no one I would pick over Renji. He fits right into the rest of the crew, both powers and personality-wise. He's cool and strong and good-looking, but he's also a simp for Rukia, and Rukia deserves that. Also, he's a high-ranking Gotei officer, which is often convenient for plot purposes. Most importantly, he is my chief blorbo and I love him, the end.
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stitching-in-time · 3 months
Voyager rewatch s3 ep3: The Chute
I hadn't watched this one since it originally aired. It's not one I disliked, per se, it's just one I didn't enjoy, since it's not any fun to watch your favorite space bros get put through horrors. Looking at it through a more critical lens as an adult, though, I can at least appreciate it more than I could as a 9 year old kid, who was experiencing it more viscerally as something bad happening to characters I liked.
This was a pretty big episode for Harry, since most of the focus was on him for the first time since season 1. Less so for Tom, because he was basically dying from a stab wound for most of it, but their friendship was the main theme of the episode.
I didn't like the cold open starting right in the prison setting, since it felt like playing catch up to figure out the context of what was happening. I'm sure they were going for shock value for the audience, presumably because they thought it would mirror the characters disorientation, but the characters would have had some context for where they were from the events that preceded being sent there. I would have liked to have had a scene on the planet, so we get the sense of surprise and dread as one minute everything is fine, then the next minute they're hauled away. (And it really should have been an actual away mission- are they kidding us that it was shore leave?! Seriously?! The Captain just let the crew beam down to some unknown planet without knowing anything of their society or their laws?? Did everyone simply forget that time on the Enterprise when they did that, and a bunch of half-naked blonde people tried to kill Wesley Crusher for stepping on a plant?? Really?!)
But we just get exposition dialog instead, and find out about the implants in ther heads that make everyone more violent, and we find out that Tom apparently just carries a knife around when he goes on shore leave?? What?? Maybe he's meant to have stolen it from another inmate, idk, but that probably should have been explained, since that's very much not a Starfleet thing. (I mean, sure, he's been in prison before, but Federation prison seems more like a nice vacation than a gritty dog eat dog hellscape like this one lol.)
We finally get a little respite from gritty prison hell with some scenes on the ship with Captain Janeway and crew trying to find Tom and Harry (with bonus concerned B'Elanna- I love that she's become bffs with Harry and Tom now, aww).
Anyway, Tom saves Harry from becoming some other prisoner's bitch, I guess?? It's never actually clear what exactly the other guy wants Harry for, but in the context of actual prisons, one can imagine what they'd want the young pretty boy for, ew. But Tom makes it very clear that Harry is his bitch belongs to him (nope, still sounds pretty gay, lol die mad about it Berman!) and they plot an escape. Harry tries to rewire the chute they came in through, but Tom gets stabbed defending him, and 100s of whump fics on Ao3 were born now Harry is the one who has to take care of Tom.
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They make an alliance with the resident crazy manifesto guy so he'll let them share his shelter (though why any of them need a shelter when they're indoors is a bit of mystery- y'all are all under one roof dudes, just pick any corner, you don't need a tent over you, it's not gonna rain inside a room!! The ceiling doesn't have weather patterns!! Lol wtf??) and he tries to convince Harry to give up on Tom and let him die to save himself, which Tom, who loves risking his life to save other people every other episode, does too. But of course, even starving and beaten and with an agression chip in his head, Harry would never do that to his bff. One of the things I feel worked in this episode was seeing Harry get put in this truly awful situation, and never break. For all he's the inexperienced baby marshmallow of the Voyager crew, we see him really grit his teeth and fight through it all with his Starfleet ideals held firm. There's a rather nice shot that follows him walking around the prison, and stays on his face as he goes through all the emotions of anger and frustration and doubt as he struggles to ignore manifesto guy's defeatism and stick to his course of saving himself and Tom. It's a really nice moment where we get to see that sweet little Harry actually has an iron will underneath it all.
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And of course, the scene where he takes care of Tom while he's sitting there dying is just heartbreakingly tender. When Tom gets so sick that he stops being self-sacrificing and tells Harry not to leave him, it's hurts, for Harry and for us. Of course it spurs Harry on to take on an entire prison to protect him, but luckily, their mom comes to pick them up in the nick of time- Captain Janeway has been working to track them down, and when diplomacy fails, she opts for a prison break. She jumps right in there with a rifle to get her boys home- and it's honestly glorious. Prudently, she did bring back up, but tbh, you believe this one tiny woman could terrify a horde of violent men singlehandedly. All hail our badass space mom!
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In the last scene back home on Voyager, Harry is visibly still shaken, as anyone would be. Tom is chatting away normally, as if he hadn't just been on death's door, because he knew he had Harry to get him through it. Which is very sweet, but honestly it felt a little too shallow, given the circumstances. Tom was mind controlled, starved, stabbed, and almost died, that's some pretty traumatic stuff he should be processing, it shouldn't be cutesy time at that point yet. If they wanted the cute ending, why do this story? Why did they have to go through hell just to say 'hey, I appreciate you being my friend and looking out for me'?? And if they really wanted to do this story- at least have the characters process the trauma, and like, give each other a hug, for crying out loud!
I couldn't get away from the feeling that this whole story was kind of predicated on an underlying toxic masculine sensibility that men can only express love and devotion to another man if one or both of them are dying. It reminded me of that art piece I've seen around, the one that says something to the effect of 'you construct elaborate rituals to touch the skin of other men'. Which also reminds me thematically of another Voyager ep that's coming up later, where Captain Janeway goes through this elaborate ritual and puts herself through trials she didn't really need to because she thinks you're supposed to suffer to gain the prize or knowledge you need. This episode felt like that, on a meta level- while I appreciated highlighting the unshakeable bond between Harry and Tom, why did we have to put them through hell, and mind control, starve, beat and almost kill them, to do it? It's not pleasant to watch, and I never have rewatched in all these years till now, because whatever good there was here- and there was some good- it didn't feel justified, in a way. I knew Tom and Harry loved each other and would do anything for each other already, without having to torture them to get them to show it. And I have to believe that by the 24th century, we'll have a better society, where men can tell other men how much they love them without having to suffer to justify it.
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thessalian · 5 months
Thess vs Multi-Layer Problems
I mean, obviously I love hunting unfeasibly big robot creatures. But a lot of what I love about this game is the little things, and how even a "we're going on a hunt" side quest has ... layers. Not that I started out on hitting a side quest, but ... you know. Limited time, given that I have work in a bit.
Alrighty. Lemme just travel down this coastline hunting up gulls. I need gull feathers.
Well. Lemme get the Clawstriders out of my way first.
And the Snapmaws.
This has been a pretty successful little hunt. I bet that settlement has a workbench.
Tide's Reach, huh? I bet-- Ah, yeah, there's the green exclamation point. But they do have a workbench.
And a hunter kit trader. I can dump some vendor trash!
Oooooooh, Utaru Gravesinger armour. Even if I don't necessarily use it, I love the look of it.
(I might use it anyway, though).
Aha! Upgrade 4 for my current armour! And now I just neeeeed ... a ... Frostclaw circulator. Still going to have to hunt one of those little buggers. And Stormclaw bits. Well, at least I know where a few of those hang out.
Okay, now we see about quest. Hey, guys; s'up?
.........Ooooh. Yeah, I have a feeling I know what's up with Garokkah, but a) I doubt Aloy knows and b) that's probably bad in a society that kills the disabled.
Right. I actually set up a shelter near where he was last seen. Good. Saves me the walk.
Okay, Garokkah, where'd you go? ...Oh. Wow. That ... is a lot of traps.
That ... do sod all damage. Why did you use acid traps on Acid Clawstriders?!?
Oh well. Let's save this poor dude. POONK.
You're trying to save ... your squad? From ... an ambush. And ... you don't recognise the term "rebels". And ... you brushed off having stabbed your daughter. And ... yeah, okay, I do know what this is.
...Oh. Ouch. I want to hug this poor dude.
Yes, we will definitely put your memorial back together. I would bet--
Right. Please don't tell me that you're going to kill yourself to avoid being a burden to your clan (or to do it yourself rather than forcing them to) if I leave you here...
Okay, no. Good. And ... they know about this. And have things in place to deal with it.
See, this is the sort of thing that really makes one think. Because, like they said, in the Tenakth, before Hekkaro and the clans uniting and the Carja raids, life expectancy was minimal. They noticed Alzheimer's in Chaplains because they didn't tend to die in battle, so they thought it was only for Chaplains, and now they're learning different.
Also ... killing the mentally ill ... I guess it depends on the illness. People like Boomer probably not so much, but ... consider. Everything wants you dead - machines, other tribes, the Carja... And then you have someone who's been training for war all their lives, so they're strong and have access to weapons, and if they start getting violent in their own settlements and squads... It's a horrible solution, but without mental health care facilities, what choice do they have? At least now that things are at least slightly more peaceful, they seem to have the leisure to explore more options.
Right. That's settled. Lemme take down a Frostclaw.
Ooh. Rumour. ...Rebel bases. Yeah, I hear you.
Gliiiiiiding down to get that shelter...
Okay, off I go. Huh. What's this?
That ... is a drone. No time now, but I know what I'm doing later.
Right. Hi, Frostclaw! ...Bye, Frostclaw. POONK.
Okay, got my circulator. Gotta hunt some Stormbird at some point. But now I gotta log off for work.
Really looking forward to very long weekend. Mostly because I'm having that "feel like I'm being stabbed" feeling in my left shoulder blade. This is going to be a hard day.
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aita-blorbos · 5 months
AITA for loving my son? I, (Immortal M) used to work as a doctor at an orphanage. I didn't like or understand humans, but I started to actually like the kids there. One of them, I helped become a scientist. While I don't see a point in getting attached to a species that will eventually die, I grew attached to him. And then he killed everyone in the research facility. I think it's my fault for making him think he was an invincible person. Humans were confusing to me. And I would talk about my confusion with the children. Rules like "it's bad to kill others" didn't make sense. They only exist to prevent chaos in society, even though it's natural for one creature to kill another for survival. It's a creatures right and instinct to want a prosperous life, and a human's desire for pleasure tends to be particularly strong. I don't know where this translated into my son becoming a villain. He never liked hurting people before. But now that he's a notorious villain being hunted by everyone, I wanted to try and save him. So I threatened someone to help me by saying I would stab myself if he didn't. I find him in a cage later, and I asked him about the crimes. I thought maybe he was taking the blame for someone else. I found out he would be killed if he got caught and I got scared and helped him escape, begging him to run away and stop committing crimes, but he stabbed me and took me hostage to release the other members of his organization. I didn't care though. My feelings are so confusing to me. Everyone is angry at me over them. I've caused them a lot of trouble trying to help my son, and they punished me for it by executing him in front of me so I can never love what I used to again. Did I deserve this? I'm sorry. AITA?
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thegeminisage · 7 months
time for a star trek update. sunday we watched ds9's "dax" and tng's "tapestry," and last night* we watched ds9's "the passenger"
*times changed as always i am actually typing this up at 1am and scheduling it to go up later
dax (ds9):
i feel like we sorely needed this episode bc we havent gotten much out of dax yet, except for how she (he? to refer to the old one right) and sisko fucked twins together or something (and good for them)
i like the ethical questions it presents. IS jadzia responsible for crimes curzon committed? she both is and isn't the same person, but who she is can't be split down the middle, so how can you be fair to both halves?
WWWILD that people fight for the honor of being possessed by a worm. i think that sounds horrible. not everyone has to agree with me, of course
i like whatever sisko and dax have going on. "you used to be way older than me and my father figure and we fucked twins one time but now you're a SUPER hot young woman who i both know very well and also don't know at all and one time you touched my face oh So gently." like, what the hell was that, firstly, and secondly, he can't even decide if he's attracted to her or not. the upshot of it all being that if jadzia was only jadzia she would, hilariously, be way too young for him
kira didn't have much screentime in this episode but i like when she and sisko instantly and nonverbally worked out that she was gonna be a shit about bureaucracy simply to get dax's ass out of the frying pan. and she smiled the whole time she did it!! i love i love i LOVE that she smiles when she's angry. one hundo percent my fav thing about her
they didn't exactly answer any of the questions they set up in this episode bc dax got off on a technicality (didn't do the murder) but i kind of like it better that way. like, you really CAN'T answer where dax ends and jadzia begins, that's the point of it. if i was ranking ds9 characters from most to least favorite (adn trust me i WILL get to that), dax would probably be near be near the bottom, not bc i don't like her but because usually she's very closed off and not interesting, but this was fascinating af. good for her
tapestry (tng):
this episode fucking sucked ass
firstly, q didn't add anything to this episode. like he didn't save picard from danger, or affect change in any way whatsoever. picard coded but lived. that's the exact same thing that would have happened had q not interfered. so what did he even do that for? normally he gives a reason even if it is a bad one but this time it's ???
way too few moments of q wanting desperately to fuck picard while picard wants desperately to be away from him bc he a wretched little man. i bet he watched picard fuck that girl though
which by the way is sooo weird. she's too young to be kissing sir patrick stewart, love and light
the story picard told about getting stabbed to wesley was actually one of the cooler moments of that episode, but seeing it acted out, especially by the actor who played young picard, made it...less cool. sir patrick stewart did a better job because he's sir patrick stewart, but i was so done with the episode by the time we got there that i didn't care
what was the message of this episode exactly? it's dumb to have regrets? you should always get into bar brawls that can kill you and you're a bad friend if you don't do it? don't attempt to initiate a romantic relationship with a girl you've been crushing on who has stated that she likes you back? picard's like "hey maybe we shouldn't provoke these guys who can kill us over a fucking game" and suddenly everyone in his life thinks he's a bad person?? like he was afraid for his life and his friend was just bulldozing over all his concerns THAT GUY is a bad person. not picard?? for once??
johnny nickname stupid. actually picard's whole younger self persona sucks. it's like what society thinks captain kirk was, because of KIRK DRIFT. he's a caricature. and old present day picard is a pussy who never leaves the ship and told worf to kill himself?? is there no middle ground???
oh yeah and isn't it a little insulting to be like...my god, this LOSER who carries around papers all day and does nothing else, this life is a fate worse than death! it's better to be DEAD than in a body of a low ranking science officer. If You Don't Get Stabbed In Bar Fights No One Will Ever Notice You You Will Never Be Offered Opportunities
like sorry who did they think watched star trek...surely not people with day jobs which involved carrying papers to superiors
at least we have dom jot. it look sooooo fun i was utterly captivated by it i wanna play it in REAL LIFE
anyway. bad episodes when we not only don't have the side characters doing nothing but they straight up arent even here. SIGH. i want tng to be good so bad please please please let the next ones be good
the passenger (ds9):
HELLOOOOOO this one served SOOO much cunt. like, first of all, i want that twink obliterated
it's increasingly funny to be watching julian get shot down by dax. it's like the vibe q and picard have but more grounded and less horrible. and you can tell she really likes him but not Like That, more like a "aww this is my pet twink who keeps hitting on me hes so funny" kind of way. she thinks he's adorable but wouldn't fuck him.
I HOPE. i'll be crushed if he has any romantic entanglements because i want to exclusively imagine him with garak but also because whatever he has going on with jadzia is really funny
also, whatever speech he was making to kira in the shuttle about how fucking great he is when this is his first field assignment. he is so unwell and also funny. her giving up in sheer incredulity and playing along for the bit because he's so stupid you can't even be insulted was like. really good.
odo my beloved...he was really autistic in this episode. he was like, i need to know exactly what my duties are and who's in charge and know that i won't be undermined here. considering the xenophobia he's dealt with i absolutely get it. AND!!! he gave that annoying yellowshirt guy full credit where it was due even though he was being annoying and a big meanie earlier. i loved also that sisko was straight with him, said he liked him, AND!!! stood up for him behind his back. picard never supports his people like this he's too busy telling worf to kill himself ro whatever it is that he does
i also like, of course, all that he has going on with quark. "i'm always watching him" or whatever he said. so true. not to be space racist, but if you'd told me before i watched ds9 i'd have so much fun with the ferengi i'd have thought you were out of your fucking mind
anyway, i haven't decided if anyone in ds9 is my specialest little princess yet but odo, sisko, and kira are currently my top contenders.
oh, speaking of that annoying yellowshirt guy, i was SOOO sure the bad guy had jumped in him bc of his personality transplant but he really did just get his act together and the bad guy was in bashir instead. LOVED that twist bc star trek so rarely manages to trick me, but also i solved it ahead of time because of Clues so i got to feel tricked AND feel smart
the guy who plays julian certainly did act. in those scenes. he opened his mouth so wide to enunciate. he spoke so slowly. it was so fucking hilarious
i like when he got back and he was like it's me, don't shoot! they shot his ass anyway. i literally want that twink obliterated
anyway 9/10 great episode the only thing i missed was o'brien
NEXT TIME: tng's "birthright," parts i & ii, hopefully at the same time lol
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spike-dearheart · 8 months
Hello! I am very I retested in hearing your thought on characterization for the Dearhearts, especially pertaining to your „meeting the parents“ fic. What personalities do they have? How do they like Moist?
YO I'm sorry this is kind of a late answer, anon! I had things happening all last week SO HERE WE ARE
The thing about this question is... well, frankly, I'm also still deciding all these things for myself lmao, I'm the sort to kind of start with vibes and then organize them better as I write
Right now a lot of it comes down to grief, and the ways it manifests itself for this family. Adora turned all her grief into action, she turned it into fighting for other people who got fucked over by society (to an even more extreme degree than the Dearhearts), because she knew what it felt like to be overlooked and ignored. (She also turned it into a lot of chainsmoking and a hard outer shell so thick you'd be lucky to get through it with an axe, but that's besides the point.)
For the Dearhearts themselves, the only things we really know for sure in canon are that Robert Dearheart founded the clacks, was better with engineering than he was with money, and that he fell into a huge slump when John died. As for Mrs. Unnamed Woman Dearheart, meanwhile, we know that she has a sister who lives in the Dolly Sisters district (who let the family move in when they went bankrupt) and we know she was VERY excited about Moist and Adora getting married.
So far the Vibes that I want to go for, at least in my writing of the Dearhearts, is like...
Robert Dearheart is a perpetual tinkerer. I think the only thing that stopped him from tinkering EVER was John's death, and even then it couldn't stop him long term. He's an inventor, the drive to create is in his bones. I think, though, after everything that's happened, he's lost his confidence. He makes things, invents them, tinkers with them, but he's not convinced any of them are any good. The clacks was his baby, his ultimate brainchild, and having it taken away is one thing, but watching it crumble? Watching it get worse? That's painful. Even after the Dearheart family gets it back in their name, I think he quietly lets Adora take over as CEO (though she insists he have a seat at the table to represent the engineering interests, but he never wants to deal with the finances, and Adora does him proud). Robert Dearheart is a brilliant man who doesn't think he is, who carries around the weight of losing his son to the clacks towers that he invented. The main emotions I want him to embody are like... exhaustion but also he is where Adora got that "I won't believe it's impossible until I've tried it" trait she carries.
And Mrs. Dearheart is like... she's inventive, too, and she's tenacious. She managed to keep the family on their feet when they lost everything to bankruptcy and that requires grit. She's excited about Adora getting married (even starts planning the wedding), and I take that as a sort of relief, right? She's so relieved that Adora's found happiness and some sort of slice of "normalcy", despite the fact that "normal" for Adora looks very different than other people's "normal", and so finding a partner who looks at all that and goes "yeah of course I want that" has to be like... a Big Deal. I sort of landed on this idea that Mrs. Dearheart is where Adora gets that... edge. Like, the eyes that see straight through you, the sheer willpower, except in Mrs. Dearheart it's been tempered out by fewer early-life tragedies. And a love of birds (because I decided she likes birds, but since there tend to only be pigeons in Ankh-Morpork, she has specific pigeons that she likes and knows). And the fact that Mrs. Dearheart doesn't wear all black and shoes that can stab a man through the foot. All the same, the main emotions I want her to embody are (like I said) tenacity but also this deeper sense of...
I don't know how to explain it unless you meet someone like this, but there's people who've been through really awful shit and sometimes you scrape some paint off the surface and you go "oh my god this is really tragic" and they nod and they smile and they go "but I painted it yellow... like sunflowers, you know?" and it's not that they're hiding it, they know it's sad but they've managed, somehow, to keep hold of the sadness but still re-contextualize parts of it?? AM I MAKING SENSE??
Anyway lmao they do like Moist, but he's exTREMELY emotions about it all because I don't think they know? about what he did? Adora knows and she's decided (for better or worse) not to tell them! And this makes Moist Definitely Feel A Way at first, but once he gets told off for putting up a front partway through the first meeting with them, he relaxes bit by bit. I do think they see how good he is for Adora (and how good Adora is for him), although they're maybe a little bewildered at first because despite his pretty eccentric public image, Moist is... very nearly normal when you sit him down and talk to him at a dinner. A bit odd, maybe, and sometimes he's got funny ideas about what's common knowledge or not, but otherwise? Normal.
LMAO anyway thank you for the ask and I hope you enjoy my extreme rambling! And I hope that actually answered it for you, I know it's kinda VAGUE but... I'm still cooking
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mysticstarlightduck · 11 months
Trick or Treat!
Thank you for the Ask, @avoidingcertaindoom!
This is from my victorian fantasy WIP, Enchanted Illusions!
(Context: In this scene, Harriet Sharppe, the main character, confronts Liam Arloway, a snobby noble who had been working with the villains, and who had attempted to kill her cousin, Vincent, days before. Luckily, she counts on a little help from the story's resident dark mage, Augustus Grimmure to even the odds)
Liam circled around her, a faux-friendly demeanor to him as he attempted to convince her that his words were reasonable. At this point, Harriet had resigned herself to waiting until he was done rambling - though she was getting far more worried with every step this wannabe noble took toward her. His condescending tone and practiced smile had a way of getting on her nerves, Harriet knew Liam was counting on it.
"Listen, Harriet" Liam had started "Augustus Grimmure is a dangerous opportunist, known for stabbing people in the back once he gets what he wants. His kind doesn't listen to reason, especially when it comes to the Dark Arts. You can't trust him, if you come with me, we can pretend none of this ever happened."
He reached out a gloved hand towards her, expectantly. This offer came with a hidden demand - that she and Vincent would be quiet about what they had discovered. That she would let the Hemlock Society continue their crooked work without facing the consequences for what they'd done. Not a chance.
Harriet pushed his hand away.
"It is funny that you of all people would say this, Liam" She took a step closer of her own this time, squaring up to him. "So far, he has given me far more reasons to trust him than you ever have. Augustus may be many things, but he is not a fool. And he is not a traitor. We have a mutual understanding, and as long as one of us is winning, so is the other - he won't betray a good investment, and I won't lose the only clue I have. I know him. I don't know you."
She continued, tapping his tie with a finger, emphasizing her comment. Liam scoffed, but before he could continue, Harriet pulled a letter from her pocket. A letter addressed to him, from his superiors at the Hemlock Society - detailing how he was to kill her cousin, Vincent. She'd read it all.
"All I know about you is that I saw you, not Augustus, talking to Sir Garissen's spy after the assembly. Curiously enough, that's the same night an attempt on Vincent's life took place. The same night my friends found this letter." Harriet sidestepped him, walking out of the corner he'd backed her into moments prior, holding the accusing letter for the fraud to see.
"Tell me, 'Liam', if you have nothing to do with the events that took place, why is it you looked so surprised when my cousin showed up - alive and well - to the masquerade the next day? Because you're the one who would've murdered him the night before and now, your credibility was on the line. So you came after me."
There was a knowing moment of silence, as Harriet stood her ground, glaring, waiting for the befuddled Liam to pick up the courage to answer.
"... Fair point," Liam said with a fatalistic sigh, pulling out his rapier and pointing the blade at her. He looked almost apologetic - if it wasn't for the crooked smile on his lips. "Look, I really wanted to do this the easy way, Harriet. Tsk, tsk. It's a pity such a beauty as you went about poking her nose where she doesn't belong. You should've taken my offer."
With that, he moved to strike, a manic glint to his eye, as the blade lifted high. And stopped, just before he could do so. Behind him, an arm was hooked around his chest, keeping him in place.
"No. You're the one who should've stayed in our lane, pup" A new voice whispered into Liam's ear, a dangerous smile on sharp lips as a pocket knife pressed itself against the gentleman's exposed neck. Liam froze. "Drop the sword."
The bejeweled rapier fell to the ground with a clatter.
"Oh, Augustus, old pal! We - we were just talking about y-you!" Liam scrambled to come up with an excuse, going silent as Augustus pressed the knife harder against his untarnished skin, drawing a line of blood. The noble's confident facade crashed and burned, as his eyes searched around desperately for a out, voice shrill, as Liam attemped to sound casual.
"Quiet," Augustus told Liam, nails digging where he held the man's shoulder. He looked up, ignoring the noble and turning towards Harriet."What do you say, darling?" Augustus asked, voice soft, almost playful, no longer the venomous whisper he'd directed at the cowardly nobleman before him. "Should I dispose of him? Pretty please - this scoundrel is a waste of good fortune."
Liam went pale, torn between struggling and freezing in place - it was clear he was regretting his previous treasonous intent, now that the tables had turned. As if, only moments before, Liam's intentions hadn't been even more murderous - he would have killed her without a second thought, despite all his advances to court her at the royal ball. And he would have killed Vincent even more thoughtlessly.
Even so, Harriet shook her head, arms still crossed over her chest, ignoring Liam's presence for the moment.
"No, dear. But thank you. I think there's no need for that specific solution just yet." She answered, "Do you still have that contact in the constabulary?"
Augustus nodded, curious, still holding Liam in place with a vice grip. "Yes, I do. Whatever do you mean?"
Harriet pondered her options for a moment, before speaking up, placing the letter at a nearby table behind her. Liam dared not try to move, though his eyes glared murderously at her. If this man was not arrested, he would surely follow them, to finish the job. She suppressed a shiver, mentally reminding herself to get someone to replace the mansion's locks soon.
"We'll leave an anonymous lead, on their doorstep then. As for him -" She continued, eager to get out of this warehouse as soon as possible. "I'm sure he'll be fine waiting for the police to arrive. The gossipmongers will love to learn the truth about what their beloved nobility is up to, once this fraud is exposed."
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2, 3, 6, 11, 23, 25 for Rades pwease?
Oh some of these are very surprising questions, but let's see!
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Hmmmm... I guess I like his tenacity. As in, Rades is one of those characters that just refuse, absolutely refuse, to just roll over and quit. Sure, he seems to be the type to do first and ask questions second, but at least he takes action (like at the very end of the elf arc, where the EOTMNSs' henchmen's redemption arc kinda begins). I can admire his determination.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
Rades... I get that you have... issues, but boasting to a toddler about how you're going to destroy the kingdom really is NOT the way to go...
6. What’s something you have in common with this character?
Now, this, this is a difficult question. But... I suppose if I had to find something, I, too, feel betrayed by the society, the feelings of inadequacy and (though not me, but my family) being essentially being stabbed in the back by the very system that's supposed to be there for the people.
11. Would you date this character?
...No Unfortunately. I just don't see appeal in him as a romantic partner. As in, sure he's strong willed and driven, but ... those individual pieces don't real count for much if I'm not particularly fond of the bigger picture, the pieces of which they are. Could I write a dating fic for him? Sure. I'm pretty sure I could, but I'm just not drawn to him.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
Maybe one of these?
Tumblr media Tumblr media
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
I think my first thoughts, when we were shown just the panels outside of the city, so not the attack itself yet, I was intrigued, because the conversation between Rades and Valtos was obviously going somewhere. And, then, when he was boasting to the little girl about destroying everything she loves, I think my exact thoughts were "wow, you're so screwed up in the head". Also, the words of how Clover and the MKs stabbed him in the back earned no pity points from me at that point. Which... well, I still don't think that I'd grant him pity points from what he did/how he was in the very very beginning of the manga, but he has been growing since then. Granted that he doesn't seem the most eager to atone for his crimes (which I think would be, the most eager to atone for their crimes during the Elf arc, Valtos). But I think that I understand him better. Plus... he was... what, 21? In the beginning of the manga, and by then the events that lead to the attack had been under construction for some years already, most likely, so Rades had been under 20 when he was recruited. My guess would be somewhere between 16-19, because he would have needed to be in the MKs for at least some time before being dismissed. And a 16-19 year old (hell, they wouldn't even need to be a teen, even an... adulty-adult) that is basically kicked out of the society, who is fuelled by anger, can be easily controlled by a cult. His anger was fed and ... justified isn't the right word, because his anger is and was justified, but... encouraged further? So, there definitely are a lot of themes and reasons at play.
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screamsviakeyboard · 8 months
I watched Joker today. I enjoyed it quite a lot! The cinematography and Joaquin Phoenix's performances were a real treat. The subject matter was very dark, but I thought it did a remarkable job of not getting bogged down in itself. A problem I run into sometimes is that when a movie or show has so many bad things happen to its lead I begin to sort of roll my eyes, like, "we get it, could you please move on already?" but that didn't happen here. The bad things were interesting on their own, they didn't overstay their welcome, and they all fed directly into the development of the plot.
Spoilers to follow if you haven't watched it yet. Personally I'd recommend it with the caveat that it is still very dark and I think lots of folks will find it heavier to bear than I did.
What struck me the most, though, and I think what got me the most engaged was the lack of wanton cruelty on the Joker's part. The movie's atmosphere and music often presents him as more dangerous than he actually is. The scenes with Sophie are a perfect example of this, where the tension is ratcheted up as Arthur stalks her or invades her apartment. The audience is led to think he's about to do something, but then he just... doesn't. He realizes that all the time he spent with her was just a delusion and he leaves on his own. This is repeated when he kills Randall but lets Gary go, even apparently genuinely apologizing for using a lock too high for Gary to reach. And when he kills Murray, he doesn't do anything to the guests or the audience, or even resist arrest after that point.
I think it allows for him to feel much more sympathetic, which creates that much more engagement with his politics, or lack thereof. Arthur is excellent because he doesn't conceive of his own rage as political, even as he directs it towards seemingly political targets and revels in the political effects. Everyone he kills he does so for personal reasons: the three stock brokers in self-defense, his mother for abusing him and misleading him due to her own delusions, Randall for throwing him under the bus to their boss and quite likely preparing to do so again with the police, and finally Murray for making fun of him and then bringing him on to do so again. This is all outwardly misconstrued as political actions, because the public only knows about the first and the last.
Then there's his speech to Murray, which is so excellent. They talk past each other perfectly. Murray keeps insisting that Arthur's trying to make excuses for killing the stock brokers, but Arthur never even mentions that it was in self-defense.
Arthur rants about the state of things, how cruel people are to each other and the disregard the wealthy show for the poor and "people like him." It all sounds political, and to be clear, any serious analysis of Arthur's situation shows that politics are to blame, but it isn't to Arthur. It's just all the bad things that happened to him that made him mad. And now he's not an advocate for societal change, he's just personally hitting back at the world that's been beating him for too long. When he watches the protest go by laughing and smiling, he's just happy to see chaos, he's happy to see the world hurting because of him. It's an act of revenge just as personal as stabbing Randall with scissors or shooting Murray, writ large because the target is not a man that can be killed, it's the society he inhabits.
This, I think, is the most interesting thing the film has to say. Arthur genuinely isn't political, but the causes and the effects of his actions are. The one time he actually speaks at length, all the words he uses are political. The news parading all around him is political. It is almost absurd that someone who dresses up like a literal clown and performs for children is so deeply steeped in politics that he doesn't need to actually care about them at all--we don't even need to talk about who the president is, or who the senator of whatever state Gotham's in is--the clown is still political. Because he's poor, because he has a mental illness, and then because he's angry, and because he lashes out, his whole existence, inaction and action alike, is politics.
0 notes
gildedmuse · 3 years
Hey, everyone.
So recently I've (predictably) very not well. Actually, whenever I don't post for long periods, just assume my body is trying to kill me. But I've gotten messages from three people asking if I. Okay, which is super sweet. I am actually trying to work on the next All Hearts, a really long ZoLaw post and two request fics, but mixing chronic kidney pain and capitalist society's mandate to work 40+ hours is not recommended.
But to prove I'm okay and still me, here is some Shanks antics with him being a total slut while Mihawk and Beckman just roll their eyes and go along with it. [Shout out to @jhaernyl who not only listens to me ramble about this stuff, but actively encourages it]. I also have many thoughts on the latest episodes and so many screenshots it's embarrassing. Hopefully, when I'm in less pain, I'll get around to actually posting those. Otherwise I just look like an insane person who literally takes by the second frame shots every time Zoro is on screen.
.... What is that? I look like that anyway? Fair.
Shanks Is A Bad Influence
It feels like Buggy and Shanks split up after Roger's death (the crew was told to, and they are the only ones who went to his execution) and I find it impossible to think Shanks didn't immediately set out and find a crew; like, pirating is the only thing this kid knows in life. This means two things:
He set out from East Blue. Also, he seemed at ease and familiar with the East so it's possible he spent like a year there getting everything together. Maybe he even played around in the other blues for a while before heading back to the Grand Line. I say this because his crew is from all over so either he found and recruited them in the Grand Line or visited various blues. Either way, I'm gonna say it took him about two years before getting a 'proper' start. In that case, he would have started out properly at the age of 17 and we know One Piece likes it's parallels.
That still puts Shanks at 17 to Benn Beckmen's 28. How the fuck did Shanks manage that? I'd call it grave robbing, but let's face it, the little tyke probably got up to some actual robbing of graves as well.
My point being everytime Shanks teases Mihawk about keeping this 19 year old kid on his personal island, mostly shirtless, Benn Beckmen just lifts an eyebrow.
Excuse me, captain, who had prefected the 'opps still don't have my sea legs' trip-and-fall into their first mates lap by the age of 17?
Shanks: Beckmen, you caught me! *Shamelessly nuzzles up* Thank goodness! I could be a devil's fruit user after all and - Ahh!
Benn: *Drops Shanks straight over the side of the ship into the water*
Shanks: *Sputtering* What what that!?
Benn: Checking to see if you had eaten a devil's fruit on us, Capatin.
Benn: You didn't.
Smart ass. But he can't resist Shanks forever. Shanks will wear him down eventually.
Next time Mihawk tracks him down for another match - because you know he gets bored way quicker than he'll ever admit and Shanks is at least amusing a challenge - Shanks makes a big deal out of how Mihawk follows him around, "accidentally" revealing they slept together, sighing about how it's so hard to resist him.
Benn Beckmen is just leaning against the side of the ship, sipping his booze.
Shanks: -and I can't stay for hours like last time!!
Mihawk: Are you quite done?
Shanks: *whispering* Does Benn look jealous?
Mihawk: He looks bored. Much like I am. Is this some strange attempt to get out of my challenge, Akagami?
Shanks: What? No, come on I told you I was game. But, hey, could you do me a favor? Maybe like try and kiss me or something? Like take a swing like your going to hit me but then stop shot and grab me by the waist instead.
Mihawk: .... Trickery is beneath you. Besides, you're absolute rubbish at it.
Shanks: Oh, come on, I would totally help you get laid if you asked!
Mihawk: .... *Sigh* I want a proper match afterwards.
Mihawk: *In a forced, monotone voice* After this I will take you to my lair and have my way with you, Akagami.
Mihawk: ... My lair? Really?
Shanks: *Holding up cue card with quickly scribbled line* What? That is how you talk.
Mihawk: I can't believe I wasted precious hours of light tracking you to this atrociously rural port.
Shanks: See? Now, read the next one.
Benn: Captain? If this is going to take all night, I am going to go join the rest of the men in the tavern.
Shanks: Huh? Wait! Benn! What if Miha really stabs me this time!?
Benn: *Salutes Shanks with his bottle* Sounds like that is his plan captain. Have a good 'challenge'.
Shanks: What? No... *Reaching out hand, like he might die if Benn leaves, looking completely devastated* Not even a little jealous...
Mihawk: You couldn't have thought that pantomime would actually work.
Shanks: Benny, don't leave me.... *Turns to Mihawk, immediately brightening* Oh, well, there's always tomorrow. Hey, Miha, guess whose free all night and horny as a pirate in the calm belt?
Mihawk: .... *Sigh* Very well.
Mihawk might as well get something for the trip he made. Although, he's reconsidering if the sex was actually worth the trouble after he ends up listening to Shanks worry half the night that Benn is shacking up with someone else (after a couple hours of rough and raw fucking, admittedly).
Is it the hat? He likes his captain's hat. Miha, you think his captain's hat is sexy, don't you?
Mihawk: It's utterly ridiculous.
Shanks: ....
Shanks: ....
Shanks: *Smile* Ahh, Miha, I knew you liked the hat!
Shanks: What do you old Northerns find sexy?
Mihawk: I am only four years older than you.
Mihawk: And silence.
Trying to convince Mihawk to go spy on Beckman for him. Shanks doesn't actually care if he does sleep with someone else, it's more that Beckman didn't immediately turn angry and jealous like Buggy would have that has him paranoid.
Mihawk is going to fuck this annoying red head again just to shut him up.
Mihawk: Maybe he doesn't like red haired boys who don't know when to be quiet?
The next morning Shanks is pacing among his poor crew that's gotten stuck listening to Shanks obsess about Beckman again. IS IT REALLY THE HAIR!?
It's not even a matter of Shanks's age (or obvious immaturity). I mean, Beckman got on board and stayed, didn't he? Beckman just enjoys watching Shanks try so hard to get his attention. Like Benn's attention isn't constantly on Shanks. He had to when his captain is always one step away from disaster.
He only left him with Mihawk because it was clear Dracule is not a real danger to Beckman's captain.
Except maybe insulting him to death. But Beckman is pretty sure Shanks can handle it. He's met Buggy. He's suspects Shanks LIKES it if anything.
It gets to the point where when they dock somewhere and see Mihawk waiting, or come back to the ship and spot his familiar silhouette, most of the crew goes off somewhere for another drink (sometimes the newer kids will stay to watch such an awesome fight, everyone else is like... Look, you'll have plenty of opportunities later. This is not a one off.)
Benn just takes a look around, nods to Mihawk (a silent signal for, "he's all yours, do with him as you please, if anything happens to him I will track you down and make sure your last few hours on this blue world are as painful as humanly possible") and heads off.
Oh, it's just the Hawk boy.
That's fine then.
Benn use to be a sailor on a trade ship between the North, East, West and Grand Line. He's seen it all.
They called him The Gun Slinger BEFORE he joined Shanks's crew and became a pirate.
So this young, broke ass kid from the streets of some near artic northern island trying to pass himself off as a Lower North rich type has a thing for his captain? Not really enough to keep Beckman up at night, no matter how good at swords he's supposed to be
Besides, he's pretty sure for the kid to keep tracking down Shanks, he must be bored out of his skull. He's not going to do anything to endanger their captain.
Not if Shanks is the only thing he can find to keep him entertained.
One day, Mihawk is going to be waiting on the dock when a bunch of Red Haired pirates are stumbling home, laughing and chattering amongst themselves (Shanks's crew always seems to be in a good mood). One of them will catch sight if Mihawk and walk by with a smile, patting him on the shoulder.
The captain's occupied. Seems likely he'll be 'occupied' for a good while, too.
Mihawk won't smile, but he will think "So you finally warmed him up to you, Akagami?" and snort lightly.
Poor Benn, though. Mihawk could never imagine being with someone so much younger than him. Shanks is only four years his junior and already it strains Mihawk to put up with his occasional moments of "youthful whimsy" (aka being an annoying, immature child)
"A young, cocky pirate with strangely colored bright hair"
Mihawk just putting that on his Not To Do List.
That lasted until Roronoa.
(Mihawk just looking at Zoro knowing this is bad news.)
Mihawk: *Takes list from Benn*
*Cross out, scribbles*
*Hands back to Benn*
Do Not Do:
- A young, cocky pirate with strangely colored bright hair a silly hat, who is overly dramatic and in any way, shape or form related to Gol D Rogers.
Ace: Hey what's up?
Mihawk: *Takes list from Benn*
Go ahead, Benn, laugh it up. Mihawk is aware he has a type. Young, pretty, and utterly insane.
After that night where Shanks was otherwise 'occupied', it's over six months before Mihawk sees his friend his rival again. He is, as expected, far too smug and proud looking.
Shanks: Oh, Miha, so sorry you came all this way, I'm-
Benn: Well, I'm off, captain.
Shanks: What!? But we, you, I... Benn, hessoeexyarentyouworriedforyourcaptain?
Benn: *patting Mihawk on the shoulder* Have fun with him. Don't forget to return him by noon tomorrow, we have a schedule. Oh, but if you can babysit him for at least four hours? That would be great.
Shanks: BABYSIT!?
Mihawk: I suppose I can be troubled to do so.
Shanks: TROUBLED!?
Benn: Thanks, Hawkeyes. I owe you.
Shanks: *Fake tears clinging to his lashes* You two are so mean!
No, don't feel bad for him. Shanks is just trying to guilt the two of them into bed at the same time, and they both know it.
Thanks no thanks, they're not into that. But Shanks can be pretty cute when he's trying so hard (Benn) and at least he's not as boring as everything else in this world (Mihawk) so they allow him to keep up the act
Shanks: *looking at Zoro's wanted poster over Mihawk's shoulder* But I feel like you'd gladly go to bed with him and his captain if he asked. That doesn't seem fair to me. You'd never go that far with me and Benn.
Mihawk: *Eyes Benn*
Mihawk: *DEAD. ONLY.*
Mihawk: I have my reasons.
They can and do agree on plenty of things, including reciprocally not being that attracted to each other.
Shanks: Sounds fake to me
Shanks: But guys!
Shanks: This isn't about you
He's gonna need you guys to drop the egos and focus on what HE wants. I.E., being in the middle of two sexy Northern men.
Honestly, so mean to poor Shanks!
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