#it's a very scary thing to admit tbh
gale-in-space · 2 months
Alright, I'm feeling open and uninhibited for no particular reason, so I'm gonna go for it. What the hell.
I highly suspect that I have npd, or narcissistic personality disorder to the uninitiated. Or at the very least, I feel like I definitely have traits of it.
I think a lot of people don't really understand what npd is. I didn't, for sure. I think initial gut reactions to npd tend to be ones of disgust and fear mainly, which are often colored by people's impressions that npd is nothing more than the following: 1) excessive self-absorption 2) a massive superiority complex and 3) utter disregard for others.
It's really a lot more complex than that. A lot of this stuff, at least in my experience, stems from trauma. In my case, it's maladaptive thought patterns and behaviors that maybe served me as a kid trying to survive in an abusive household, but no longer benefit me as an adult. These tendencies have even sabotaged a lot of relationships I've tried to build over the years. It's a very isolating experience.
Let me break it down a bit:
Anecdotally speaking, the excessive need for praise and admiration often seen in typical npd profiles appears to be related to a significant lack of such things in the formative years of one's life. Feeling like you're fated for something greater, like you deserve better than these idiots around you, that you're special somehow and if only other people could see that - that's a trauma response. It's like a form of escapism. As a kid, I fervently wished I could be swept off to a magical land where I was the "chosen one" destined to save its denizens. I used fantasy as an avenue for finding meaning for myself. Really, I just wanted to know that I mattered, especially when my family and classmates and teachers made me feel like I didn't.
Npd, at least to me, also comes with tendencies towards debilitating perfectionism. This can manifest in a few ways. Avoiding situations in which failure feels like a certainty is one such example. For me, this would involve dropping out of anything that I wasn't immediately good at, or was awkward in, or made somewhat of a minor embarrassment of myself (by virtue of being new and also, you know, a human who messes up sometimes. Which is what we humans do).
Directly dovetailing from that: A lot of us narcissists deeply fear being perceived or exposed as a failure. It's like our horrible secret, that we're actually worthless creatures that are only ever capable of ruining things, and that we don't actually deserve anyone's precious time. Or at least, that's how it feels for me. And in some way, I feel like that is my unconscious brain's way of being like "hey, if I shrink my self-esteem down a bunch so that I appear very humble and modest, I'll get more affection and praise and compliments insisting that I'm better than I say I am."
And I eat that shit up. It's like fuel for me. The problem is, it's not sustainable.
It's a really tricky thing to balance, and as of yet, I've not come up with a great solution for dealing with it. My self-esteem is devastatingly low, despite my embarrassingly entitled attitude towards receiving compliments. I think another thing that throws a wrench into the works a bit is (if my theory is correct) the fact that growing up with trauma makes happy memories a bit more slippery to hold onto. So any kind of genuine praise I get is almost immediately forgotten, disappearing into a black hole that is desperate to be filled.
I think something that might help is keeping a record of compliments that people give me. Writing them in a journal, keeping them in a document of some sort, etc, etc. People can't always give all-positive feedback all the time. That's just not how feedback works. But for the days when I'm feeling low and like I don't know who I am or why I'm even here, I can refer to my records. I can use this as evidence. And hopefully, this will provide a foundation for me to build a more robust sense of self.
Anyway, I've rambled on long enough. If you've read this far, thanks! And if you haven't, well, you haven't.
Yeah. Anyway. Later!
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seasicksilver · 14 days
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so much chaeya on the tl, felt the urge to design fem!chaeya
#chaeya#genshin impact#genshin impact fanart#kaeya alberich#tartaglia#artists on tumblr#digital art#fan art#my art#i think genderbends are interesting on a narrative level#like how would a character present in their world if they were a different sex#fem kaeya post april 30th would present more masc as opposed to canon kaeya who lets admit it is very fem in his dressage#so i think fem kaeya would go the opposite way#it would be a complete piviot to what kaeya ragnvindr wouldve been#a shy girl in a noble family traditionally and socially would be expected to BE feminine#but as a calvry captain removed from the ragnvindr name would not#its a different type of peacocking i guess#fem ​childe honestly wouldnt be so different imo#since childe is a much more candid person#’im sort of a bad guy’ over here doesnt really have much to lie about with appearances (childe just avoids what he doesnt want to say)#but i think fem childe would have different relationships than canon childe#esp with her family#she would be seen as more of an anamoly to them#sweet little ajax is now a scary bloodthirsty woman#also shes not opposed to being in more fem clothing (tbh i was considering putting her in a skirt —#mainly bc childe would not care if she flashed ppl during battle LMFAO)#she probably has alt outfit that she would try n wear around family? to appease them and keep up appearances with teucer#also asymmetrical hair bc one side got chopped during a fight#never noticed how childes model has that side of his face covered with hair … and thats the side of beta childes eyepatch..#things to think about ig
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allisonlol · 11 months
chuuya dazai and fyodor when reader tries to remove the hickies they gave reader the next day OHKYIGOAHSS
a/n: hiii everyone i have crawled out of my void to offer you this post !! ty to the anon who came up with this wonderful idea. i've missed posting omg and we somehow are so close to 3k despite my inactivity??? slay. shall open reqs again once we get there mwehehe
warnings: slight nsfw
(Chuuya, Dazai, Fyodor) When You Try to Remove Hickeys
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he's gonna be the most chill about this tbh
it's your body and if you don't want ppl seeing that on you then that's ur choice!!
hiding them is one thing, but that doesn't mean he wants to see you removing them
so yknow that hack where you take a whisk and like,,,twist it over the mark to get rid of it?
yeah so you tried that...and it was actually working until chuuya barged into the room and demanded to know what you were doing
bro is not happy to see the hickies he'd proudly left on you last night being somehow removed by a WHISK
grabs that mf thing and throws it across the room
chuuya's not angry at you, more so frustrated and insecure?? cuz like why would u wanna get rid of them
he's lowkey gonna start pouting tbh. won't say anything else but will glare & give u silent treatment
won't stop until you admit the only reason u removed them is because it was too visible with your work uniform and u didn't want everyone staring smh
insist that he should give you more in areas that people won't see and there's no guarantee y'all won't be late to work <3
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oh lord
so dazai really loves to mark you up
and last night was no different. your neck was black and blue with hickies
deadass to the point where you nearly had a heart attack when you saw it in the morning
"how am i gonna go to work like this?!" you practically sob to him while he LAUGHS
his only advice is "then don't go" as if both of y'all don't need to have ur asses at the agency in 20 minutes
you check ur phone for the time and when u see this you panic and sprint to your shared bedroom
you try everything you can think of to cover them
first you hastily layer concealer on your neck, to no avail as the marks were too dark
then digging through ur closet for clothes with a high enough neckline to hide it, to which you found none
whole time dazai is leaning against the doorframe, watching ur meltdown with an amused expression
he approaches and helps u up from the floor where u had collapsed with all the clothes strewn around you ☹️
"allow me to pick out something for you to wear" ….oh god
u guys are beyond late at this point so you sigh and accept defeat, to which dazai picks a shirt that of course displays all the marks on your neck
you got lots of stares that day to say the least
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surprisingly fyodor doesn't usually leave too many marks on you to begin with
he's got that old fashioned take where it's like "other people don't need to see that and be in our business" if u know what i mean
however, he is also a very possessive man
^so when he gets worked up and does leave hickeys on you, the last thing he wants to see is you trying to hide or remove them
which is exactly what he walked in on u doing today
you were trying the good old "rub an ice cube on it" hack before u had to work
now this mf thinks you have some hidden agenda as to why you wanted them gone
"are you seeing someone else" 💀💀
PLS u didn't realize he had been watching from the doorway and this scares u so bad u drop the ice cube down ur shirt
u start frantically trying to get it out of ur shirt while yelling at him like "i have to work, wtf are u talking about???"
u immediately stop tho when he storms up to u and grabs your face to make you look at him
his face is so cold and unreadable omg it's scary
his eyes shift to the marks on your neck as he traces over them with his fingers
"leave these alone" he says lowly, then adjusts the collar of your shirt so they are partially covered
neither of u will say anything more about it after that, but fyodor sends sigma to secretly follow u to work to make sure that's where ur really going 😓
taglist: @deadmitochondria @miycutie @chuuyasboots @shy-socially-awkward-intovert @beandaifuku @stygianoir @sonder-paradise @irethepotato @serenareiss @ashthemadwriter @mrsdostoevsky @creamygojo @mianqo
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sl0t4matt · 2 months
could you do a fic w hector fort where him and the reader get a matching tattoo please? like something little or whatever you want hehe
h. fort | girl with the tattoo
thank you sm for requesting, i love this request! i only know very few things from friends abt tattoos so i hope i got everything right.
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“hi baby how was training?�� you ask hector as he slumps down the couch next to you, immediately snuggling up on you.
“it was fine. i would’ve rather stayed with you though.” he admits, laying his head on top of your lap.
you move your hands to his curls playing with them. you absolutely loved playing with his hair, since it was always perfectly curled and done. “don’t let xavi hear that.” you chuckle.
he starts grinning a little too suspicious.
“oh god, what have you done again you idiot.” with that look he must’ve done something, you thought. he smirks. “what do you mean?”
“do not play with me right now, hector. tell me!” you roll your eyes at his annoyingness.
“you know i love when you’re demanding, ma.” he winks liking his lips. you stand up not being able to deal with him right now. he knows exactly how impatient you are. he just loves pushing your buttons.
he won’t tell you. fine! he takes ahold of your wrist, immediately pulling you back.
“okay, okay i’ll tell you.” you sigh sitting back down. he smiles. “hector i swear-.”
“chill, i’m sure you’re gonna like it.” he interrupts you quickly. you furrow at him. what the hell could he mean? “okay so i got an appointment at the tattoo studio.”
“nice. what are you gonna get?” he smirks. “you mean what are we gonna get.”
“what?!” you’ve always wanted to get a tattoo but because of your school schedule you never got to doing it . you honestly also kept forgetting tbh but obviously hector didn’t.
“well i wanted to get your eyes tatted because you know how much i love them, but then i thought ‘oh y/n always wanted to get a tattoo’ so i thought why not just take you with me and we’ll get a matching one.” this boy is something else.
you grin so hard, it hurts. hector has always been affectionate moments like these remind you how much he truly is your soulmate. you jump on top of him shooting him with kisses. “i literally love you, you know that right.” he nods, laughing. “i love you too.”
“when is the appointment?” you ask. “7pm.” he shrugs. “are you serious! i don’t even know what we’re gonna get!!” you sigh, shaking your head at how your boyfriend can be so slow at times.
“we’ll get angel numbers of course. you’re a big astro girl.” hector says, referring to the time you first met him. (your first question being what his star sign is.) “wait, that’s actually a good idea.” he smiles smugly. “i know.”
“is it gonna hurt?” you ask hector as you enter the studio. “you don’t want me to be honest, ma.” you sigh. hector takes your hand. “i’ll go first if you want.” he says. you nod. you never had a big fear of needles. you yourself having a belly button piercing but a tattoo is different the pain is there for a while whereas when you get pierced it’s more like a poke.
you get in walking to the woman behind the counter.
“hi, we got an appointment for 7pm.” i smile at her. “of course. come with me.” she smiles back, bringing the both of you to the guy that does hector’s tattoos.
a bigger man with a beard greets us which you assume is the tattoo artist. he doesn’t quiet look scary though rather like a big teddy bear with lots of tattoos.
“the girl who’s eyes you’re getting tatted on?” he grins at hector. “yeah.” he smiles turning to look at you. hector isn’t very social with people he isn’t extremely close with, so he tries to keep his conversation as short as possible. you think it’s quiet ironic since you never seem to shut up, no matter who you’re talking to. they say opposites attract though!
he pulls out a picture handing it to him. the man nods, giving you a quick smile then takes his stuff out.
you follow hector as he sits down on a chair, extending his arm. he shows the guy where he wants it and how big it should be. the man doesn’t waste time and directly goes on tattooing him.
you sit beside him, squeezing his other hand, you being more scared of the pain he must be going through than hector himself is.
“you’re fine.” you stroke his hand, looking at him seriously concerned. “stop it you’re gonna make me laugh.” he mumbles. he’s so unserious.
it must not bother him much since he grimaces and curses on a few spots but keeps cool most of the time.
after him also getting the angel number tatto that is supposed to match with you, it’s finally your turn.
you’re pretty sure you’re gonna piss your pants as you wait in the room alone with hector because you’re so nervous. you don’t know how you’re gonna live to see see the next day after this. “you’ll be fine. it’s bad at first but you’ll get used to it. also i’m here for you, ma.” he tries cheering you up. “fucking hell.” you mutter. you’re probably going to experience the worst pain in your life here.
“are you ready?” the guy asks. with nodding your head, you go to sit on the same place hector sat when he got the tattoo.
you grip hector’s hand tightly, breaking it almost.
hector kisses the side of your face, whispering sweet words in your ear, trying to distract you from the needle that currently goes in and out of you.
“fuck.” you mutter through gritted teeth. “you’re doing so good, baby.” hector whispers. you bite your lip so hard you start tasting blood. “you wanna take a break?” the tattooer you now know as chris says. you shake your head, wanting it to end as soon as possible.
hector hates to see you like this: in pain. he hopes for it to end as soon as possible, the only thing he’s been wanting to do while you got tattooed being showering you with loving kisses, but he didn’t for the sake of chris since he’s sure he wouldn’t want to see a whole teen kissing session.
“it hurts so bad, hector.” you cry out. he moves stands of hair out of your face then cupping your face gently. “i know, baby but you got this.” he nods. the thing is you weren’t even being dramatic for once. this had the be the most hurting feeling you’ve ever experienced.
“we’re done!” chris pats your arm after he was done. your eyes meet with hectors, smiling lightly. you definitely knew you’re going to thank him at home for how he was there for you in this entire process.
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jals-stuff · 2 months
dudeeee orter is SOOO overworked it's crazy. man just looks like a stick and he can probably sleep while standing it's almost scary 💀 love him tho!
IKR man can probably sleep with his eyes open too, just imagine laying in bed and he's sitting in an armchair in the corner of the room with his eyes wide open but he's sleeping LMAO best sleep paralysis demon tbh. your ask did inspire me tho thank you anon ♥ just a very short one!
word count: 900 ish
Train ride.
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"Are we there yeeet?"
Your voice took him out of his intense focus as he looked up from his book, golden eyes narrowing in annoyance at your childish whine. You had been Orter's teammate for about a year and a half, so he was pretty much used to it now.
"Will you stop asking? The train left less than an hour ago."
A deep sigh escapes your lips and you rest your head against the table in sheer boredom. It was your idea, after all, not to bring any distractions because what's a few hours long train trip anyway? Nothing you can't handle, or so you thought.
The two of you were on your way back to the Bureau after a long, exhausting mission that should've been mainly investigation, but had somehow escalated into a wild goose chase after the main suspect had ran away.
Your eyes shot up to look at him but his attention was already back on his book. Out of curiosity, you switched your seat and plopped down next to him to read a few lines of it— which was dumb, he was already midway through the book.
His eyes travelled to your form for a few seconds before he resumed his reading, not minding your closeness as long as you wouldn't disturb him. "Why didn't you bring a book? Or... whatever things you allow yourself to be entertained by."
You shrugged dismissively as your eyes kept carefully following the lines. How interesting is it that the human brain can make something this boring look so enticing whenever there are no other distractions around?
"It's fine... I can read your book, too."
He decided not to respond and flipped the page to keep reading. What was interesting, however, was to know what kind of books Orter likes to read, even though you couldn't really guess what the story was about right now.
"Aren't you tired?"
He adjusted his glasses on his nose and quietly cleared his throat.
"What gave you this impression?"
Answering him that "oh, your reading speed is slower than usual, your hair is just a little messy and you blink very slowly" would be admitting that you've been staring a little too long at his handsome features.
"...call it a hunch." You chuckled softly at your own thoughts and he raised an eyebrow but didn't dig any deeper.
He flipped yet another page after a while, but it was just a little too quick for you.
"Hey, hey, I wasn't done! ..let me hold the book on this side." He sighed deeply but knew very well that if he didn't abide to your tantrum, you would probably be more annoying.
So here you were, holding half of a book while he held the other part of it. Your thumb was holding the page a little deeper than necessary to make sure the book wouldn't escape your grasp or that he wouldn't try to turn a page without asking.
Another page flipped, and you found yourself quite relaxed, your shoulder resting against his, reading peacefully... until he was done with the page you were holding— or almost.
You see, your thumb was covering a small part of it, and instead of asking out loud, his hand made his way to yours and he gently brushed your thumb aside so he could keep reading.
Needless to say, you were really agitated now. You decided to let him turn the page, unable to focus on the story any further and trying to control this embarrassing blush that had crept on your face.
No questions were asked, and he flipped the page again. You tried to read the first few words again, but it now felt like you were fully aware of his shoulder against yours, of his leg against your own on the train's sofa, and of his soft sighs as he kept on reading.
You really did try to keep reading for a long time, and you realised Orter hadn't flipped the page in a while now. Was he... waiting for you? You were about to apologise for taking so long when you felt his head against your shoulder.
He hadn't let go of the book, but he was now peacefully asleep, looking very relaxed against your shoulder.
His warm, soft breathing against your neck only made you more flustered, but it was somehow extremely soothing. You carefully removed his glasses and folded them on the table.
You slowly pushed the bookmark inbetween the pages and closed the book, sliding it on the table as he let his hand fall back to his lap.
Now, to see which of you would be more embarrassed when he would wake up...
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After three or so hours, his eyes fluttered open, only to be greeted with an unusually blurry vision... where were his glasses?
As he was about to reach for them, he felt some kind of weight against him and, upon further inspection, it seemed to be your limp figure, sleeping with your head on top of his.
One movement too quickly made and your head fell from his, landing on his shoulder and visibly not disturbing your sleep enough for you to wake up. You only gave a quiet groan as you softly nuzzled him.
He gave a deep sigh as he looked at you and your messy hair, eyes closed and looking so peaceful...
He mindlessly brushed a few strands of hair away from your face, gently placing them behind your ear, his thumb lingering a little against your cheek as he chuckled quietly.
He rested his head on top of yours and closed his eyes again. The ride wasn't over yet, surely he could indulge in a bit more of this temporary peace, right..?
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atelierlili · 3 months
In-Panem/Not Reaped Everlark AUs
Got asked to give some fanfic recommendations for In-Panem/Not Reaped Everlark AUs so here we are. Most of them (if not all of them) are gonna be fluffy and happy tbh because i can't take my pookies being hurt ):
A New Path (138k words) by Endlessnightlock
The day after aging out of the Reaping, Katniss crosses paths with Peeta. She thanks him for the bread and to her surprise, a tentative friendship begins.
One of my favourites. I love the direction the author took with this story. Always made me want more!
Go Slow, Peeta (20k words) by Oakfarmer
The era of the Hunger Games has come to an end. How Everlark slowly happened anyway.
This was the one that started it all for me. Short, simple and to the point! A classic in my opinion.
Nothing Owed for a Gift (10k words) by orphaned account
Lately, Merchants have taken to flirting with unwitting Seam folk as a joke, sometimes going so far as to ask them out on a date. I've even heard of a couple instances of a Merchant asking someone from the Seam to marry them, and then laughing hysterically when the poor recipient says 'yes'. So, when Peeta Mellark approaches me after the reaping, red with nerves and pushing his lips together as if he's trying very hard not to do something like laugh, I'm immediately wary. Peeta can't possibly be asking me to marry him for real. ... right?
Urgh. Literally one of my favourite one-shots.
Inevitability (44k words) by Xerxia
What if? What if Peeta and Prim hadn't been reaped?
Definitely not the fluffiest fics in the list, but Katniss absolutely SHINES here. And Peeta stays very true to his character as well. Absolutely worth the read.
It Takes A District (55k words) by MTK4FUN
Thinking her mother is dying, Katniss Everdeen marries Peeta Mellark to keep her sister out of the Community Home.
I love this fic. I don't know what it is, but there's something about it that makes it standout on its own.
Katniss Everdeen Is Not A Stalker (241k words) by MegaAuLover
Katniss as a little problem, she can't stop looking through Peeta's window, trying to find a way to pay her boy with the bread back but as time goes on she realizes she wants more. But there is a problem the District is flooded with Peacekeepers and everyone faces danger as the Capitol tightens its reigns on the district. Can love bloom in the middle of adversity? Or will it shrivel in the face of surmounting danger?
This is the one. Easily one of the bestest AUs imo. Very long read- but I will be naming my first born after the squirrel. The Everlark relationship here is A+++.
( I know its weird to recommend incomplete fics, some these ones are legitimately my favourite fics and think are still worth the read.)
Cavedweller (79k words) by Jennajuicebox (last update: 2021-01-25)
Her mother once told her she was brave. A word Katniss wouldn't have chosen for herself. Brave implies that you run headlong into the scary unknown. Brave implies you face the things that want you dead. It dredges up thoughts of conquering armies and swords raised over head. Katniss isn't brave. As much as she would never admit it to herself she is scared out of her wits. She is staring into a gaping chasm, waiting for it to swallow her whole.
I love AUs that explore Katniss otherside of the family so much. As always, the Everlark development here is absolutely heartwarming and delicious. 10/10
On the Threshold ( 97k words) by ghtlovesthg (last update: 2020-06-26)
Nineteen and free from the Reapings forever, Katniss finds a token on her doorstep commemorating her passage over the threshold of adulthood. Discovering the identity of the sender will start Katniss on a road that leads toward life's other milestones.
This is exactly how I envisioned Everlark would get together had it not been for the Reapings. So so so so good. There is just enough here to be satisfied that the fic is unfinished ; w;
hope you find something you like! I always have more if you want more to sink your teeth into <3 Happy readings!
@heartforeyes @the-tiny-fangirl
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worriedvision · 3 months
Not sure how to title this tbh, poly relationship with Wriothesley and Neuvillette. The relationship was initially Wriothesley and Neuvillette, and when he asks if you can join the relationship Neuvillette is jealous. This leads to an awkward dynamic, happy ending though.
When he introduced you to Neuvillette, Wriothesley didn't quite expect his boyfriend to scowl at you. Usually, Neuvillette wasn't the kind of man to show much in his expressions, he even got a bit of a fright when seeing the change in his face when he met you as the new person.
You immediately feel guilty for accepting Wriothesley's confession, him reassuring you beforehand his boyfriend had been asked about the decision and agreed. Immediately, you felt a great deal of distance from Neuvillette, more so than the average person. People knew about him and Wriothesley dating, and you knew you'd be known for being a homewrecker if you showed your love for Wriothesley publicly.
So, Wriothesley shared his time between you and Neuvillette. It felt very awkward, feeling like he was trying to juggle two partners. At least with Neuvillette, he was able to go on actual dates whereas you could only spend time behind closed doors. It felt like you were going to lose him, like you were some forbidden secret that he couldn't admit to.
Neuvillette and Wriothesley land up having arguments about how scary Neuvillette was with you - Neuvillette stating you'd need to have a backbone to date the two of them and Wriothesley stating that wasn't an excuse to be so intimidating. It results in Wriothesley asking if Neuvillette wanted you to not be part of the relationship.
When he nods affirmatively, Wriothesley isn't happy but he knew he didn't tell Neuvillette nearly enough about you. When he breaks things off with you, it hurts but you knew it was coming.
A while after the break-up, you feel a pair of eyes constantly following you. Upon looking around, you didn't see Wriothesley. Assuming it was just you being hopeful that he wanted you back, you close your eyes before continuing on with your day. At the end of the day, you're walking home until a familiar voice cuts through.
"Are you available tonight?" Neuvillette asks, you turning around in shock. "I would like to take you for a meal."
Wriothesley had been sorting through paperwork when someone runs up the stairs, immediately leading to the fear that something awful had happened. They pull out their kamera, a picture being the topic of interest.
"I hate to break your heart with this information, but your partner is cheating on you with that gold digger." They pout. "i can comfort you if you'd like, I only want you to be happy. I can be anything you want."
"...Nice." Wriothesley smirks, looking at the picture of both of his love interests finally realising how compatible they are. "I can finally love them both publicly."
"Uhh...did you not hear what I said? They are-"
"What I do in my personal life is not your business, is that clear?" Wriothesley looks through his eyelashes. "Now, I must make an... emergency visit."
The date went so well that Neuvillette invited you to go to his office afterwards, to 'have a meeting'. You agree, and upon getting there you both walk to his desk. Feeling his hands lightly guide you to sit on the desk, you gladly give in before pulling him in for a kiss.
"Now this is a sight for sore eyes," Wriothesley chuckles, both you and Neuvillette gasping before hearing the door lock behind him. "Mind if I join?"
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azulsluver · 1 year
I just want to ramble a little bit but- My personal scenario/headcanon for Bully au (which by the way, I love your writing) is that maybe one day reader decides to disappear, even if for a little while, maybe they just hide in some place for a long period of time (or hilariously and sneakily find a way to avoid their bullies throughout an entire day, or even crazier a whole week!!). They're so emotionally destroyed that they start to actually believe their insults and awful treatment they endured, and so they decide to just isolate themselves further somewhere no one can "be burdened by me"- Which in turn causes everyone else to at first get pissed off and then more and more (slightly, very slightly) worried that their punching bag is missing.... Perhaps, even have escaped them? 👀 I would love to see who loses their composure first, even if they don't admit their obsession at all lmao
Anon you don’t know what you’re doing to me //0//
tw. Bully!characters, no one takes you seriously kinda, yandere, stalking, baby tantrums.
This was more crack than anything serious…idk what happened but rants bellow!
They genuinely start tweakin:
Riddle, Deuce, Kalim, Malleus, Jack, Silver, Ruggie, Idia, Vil
They’re the ones that usually have their eyes on you, to find out that you’re missing and not at a place they SPECIFICALLY told you to be/stay flares their attention. Sure they can last a couple of days without you but a week? Nuh uh, they think they’re responsible for whatever you do, once they find you you’re getting a whole lecture. Telling you they’d get in trouble if they hadn’t found you sooner but let’s be real here.
But if you hid in a place far far away from them (which is impressive and impossible tbh) they’re already having a meltdown. Biting fingernails, aggressively running their fingers through their hair. All of that, and the ones who usually stay composed in situations like these (Ruggie/Riddle/Malleus) start to overthink so bad that they look beyond stress. It’s the thought that maybe you ran away from them or worse got kidnapped or lost. Which makes them have more of a reason to keep a tighter leash on you.
Ok but Kalim, Idia and Deuce cry like babies and throw tantrums.
Let the imagination work so think of Vil sitting on the kitchen table with his hair tied up and a face mask on while wearing a robe, a cup of coffee in his hands as he stares off into the distance that looks like he’s about to stab someone. He deadass thinks he’s growing grey hairs and has eyebags because his favorite punching bag is missing after two weeks. Who is he gonna step on now..
Gets pissed off:
Leona, Ace, Azul, Sebek, Epel, Jamil
“But why?” Is what they said when they perfectly understand the problem. Do they feel bad? No. In fact people like Leona and Azul can go through days without you because they’re always busy with something rather than terrorizing you. BUT you have to understand that as much as they pretend to not care they aren’t willing to clean up the mess after your pity party.
Jamil and Sebek are only mad about you disappearing is because of Malleus and Kalim’s whining. Please save them.
Ace and Epel are the ones who are mega mad as in a corny way. “How dare my punching bag run away from me and disappear for days!!” Typa stuff. Unbeknownst to them they double the insults and it makes you even more depressed lmaoo.
Ehhh Jamil may actually panic as well, because when Kalim isn’t happy no one is. And he does misses you personally, worries when he finds you (which is really scary to [Name’s] pov bc why is he so caring??) he’s all over you to make sure you aren’t injured or anything. Still pissed so he might slap the back of your head a couple of times and lecture you + same thing goes when Sebek finds you except he doesn’t comfort you.
Thinks it’s amusing:
Rook, Jade, Floyd, Trey, Cater, Lilia,
“Ohoho did I go overboard?” Yea you did. Anyways little shits don’t feel bad in fact they think it’s funny and cute that you disappeared because you couldn’t handle the insults and took it for granted. Lilia and Jade giving you false comfort just to do it all over again when you make a mistake. They probably already know your hiding spots and camp there to experiment how long it’ll take for you to come crawling back.
Maybe, just a little bit that Trey feels bad. He coddles you for a while then goes right back to gaslighting because he’s always right and when he says these things to you it’s because you’re wrong!! The type to restrict his affections if you decide to go into another episode of running away and crying. Cater knows where ya at bc you have location on.
At first Floyd was pissed because his resting place is missing, like bae where you go? But eventually he understands where you went because for some reason he’s bullying everyone around him and stalking your location to see where ya at. Mocks you once he finds you, really mean but it wasn’t “entirely” intentional. Like he knows he’s at fault and is trying to cheer you up by mocking your “problems”. Ok but don’t do that again or he’s going on the genuinely tweakin box.
We all saw Rook being in this section no surprise. Knows every little place you could be right now, has his eyes on you 24/7. “My love I didn’t mean to say your lips are chapped and you can use some Vaseline but the whole thing would be gone isa joke :(“ it’s not. Purposely picks out your insecurities so you can do another runaway.
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ilylovelyz · 11 months
kenma fatherly headcannons
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i thought it would be interesting to think about what kenma would be like as a father 🤔
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look, im not even gonna be nice with it, i definitely dont see kenma being excited at the idea of having a kid 😭
definitely was like "are you being fr 😟?" when you told him
he obviously wasnt an asshole about it, but he couldn't help his feeling and indifference about the whole thing
the two of you had a long talk about it
the whole time he was more or less "are you sure about this"
hes not a horrible person/partner, he wasnt about to force you to do an abortion
he just wanted to make sure this was actually what you wanted to do and if you were actually serious about it
after you were stern about keeping the baby, he was fine with it
he was more worried about how he would be like as a father because he's very much scared of little kids and struggles to bond with just anyone
also a little peeved at the thought of his alone/free time being taken away
doesnt like the idea of his alone time with you having a literal permanent third wheeler but wont admit that to anyone but kuroo 🌚
during ur pregnancy, he was actually really okay with it
he would check up on you various times of the day, asking how you feel
yeah, he wasnt really excited for it, but that doesn't mean he wont try for it
would pause his games and go to wherever part of the house you were in, eyeing your baby bump with those wary cat eyes of his, all "..how are you feeling..?"
tbh i see you getting pregnant before marrying him because the two of you were kinda lazy with being careful 😅
he kinda facepalms because now hes like "why didnt i think of the possibility of pregnancy🤦🏽‍♀️"
while it doesn't speed up the whole process, he'll now begin taking the thought of marriage seriously
he'll bring up the idea of eloping, or a small wedding because he doesn't like the idea of a big and elaborate wedding ceremony/party
he didnt really care about gender, but he did care about baby names because he didnt want the baby to have a stupid name
now i see him being very curious tho
so he'll ask you a bunch of questions about how it feels to be pregnant, eyes wide when you tell him all the gruesome parts 😭
will also spend some time looking up more information about pregnancy and childbirth
now i do think he'd be aware about how he should change himself for the better
he grew up kinda isolated, and he 100% didnt want that for his kid, especially considering the fact that his child will most likely be an only child too
aw sleeping in kenma's arms while he plays video games cuz hormones made you sad
he'll like announce ur pregnancy to his followers/fans, it was so random he was like "yeah guys im having a kid 😪 kinda scary ngl" during one of his livestreams
really appreciates and is totally surprised when he's gifted money and baby supplies by his fans
maybe posts short little clips of you sleeping in an odd position or doing random things because he thinks its funny how you now do things differently because your bump prevents you from doing things in a certain way
i think it would interest him in the way your baby bump grows
he would be a little mortified at the way he would poke your bump's skin and watch his indent stay there long after he pulled his finger away
would be kinda "??? 🤔🤨" when he first feels the baby's kick/movements
he would "begrudgingly" walk to the store for you late at night if you were craving something
acts all annoyed but lets bffr kenma we know ur a softie 🤣
okay for the birth tho he's so mortified
definitely doesnt want to watch but obviously will be there for you because he knows better
the whole time he feels secondhand discomfort for you and feels your cries in his deep in his core cuz ur in pain and he doesn't like that 😕
this might sound weird, but i see him bringing his portable gaming system to the hospital so you can play with him and get ur mind off things
not saying his feeling towards the baby will change after the birth, but he'll definitely be like "oh wow 😳" when the baby is first born
have u ever seen that clip of steve irwin first looking at bindi when shes born and hes all amazed and awestruck by her?
its like that but its less noticeable and its more like "this is my child?"
a little scared to hold the baby at first because he's afraid to drop her
but once he does he'll look down at it and be like "ur not so bad afterall 😪"
DEFINITELY doesn't get any sleep during the first few months because he'll for some reason take late night feedings/crying upon himself
hes all "ur such a pain bro 😒" while rocking the baby back and forth to soothe it, all cuddly and gentle with it
tbh i cant decide whether it be a girl or boy so its up to reader to decide
omg hes mortified after the first belch spit hes gone afterwards
literally condemns the baby to hell
hates changing diapers but does it for the sake of the baby's comfort and health
when he's alone with the baby, he'd be like "ur kinda ugly 🤔" while playing around with it
tbh i see him getting random bouts of urges to play with the baby and speaking to it in a baby voice secretly
gets really embarrassed if hes caught and acts like it never happened
when ur not there to watch the baby while he's gaming he'll actually be okay with the baby sitting in his lap while he games
if he wins he'll be all "lets goooo 😝" all up in the babies face 😭 lifting it up into the air and just being such a gamer dad
also starts teaching the baby how to play games real early on, making them hold a controller or something and teaching them game logistics
the baby is like 5 months old and doesn't know about taxes but knows about dnd 🤣🤦🏽‍♀️
i see him like announcing the birth of his kid to his followers/fans a couple weeks after the birth
only shows what the baby looks like when its like 6 months old and crawling all in the background, he'll turn around and be like "wanna see my baby?", lift up the baby and put it's face all up close into the camera 😭
does 0.5 and only 0.5 photos on the thing 😅
does a couple more streams afterwards when he "games" with the baby and blame loosing on the poor thing 😅
aw i can see him and the baby having matching outfits when he goes out with it
he's not the best dad, but he'll try his hardest
on a sweet note, if kenma feels lonely when ur away, he'll allow the baby to sleep in the bed he shares with you as a "substitution" and cuddle with it
yk that tiktok audio that goes "leave me alone baby 😒" and then goes "ur my baby i love you ☹️☹️🥰😘" yeah that hes that
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littledollll · 8 months
Hi!!! I was wondering if I could request a cgMortica x age reg reader?
where reader was super freaked out about Mortica (their gf) finding out they regress but Tish ends up being super loving and offers to be their cg?
I absolutely adore your writing !!
I hope you are well !!
Safe & sound
Morticia Addams x little!reader
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A/n: I hope you like it! Tbh I struggle to write outside of my usual same characters but it’s always very fun to do. Thanks for your request!
Warnings: just a bunch of fluff, small mentions of anxiety
Telling Morticia about your regression was always something evident in the back of your mind. You had to do it eventually, it’s not something that can be kept a secret forever. Nor did you want to. But her just finding out was never in your plans.
“Darling?” Morticia’s smooth voice called out to you as she rounded the corner to join you in the living room. “Ah, there you are.” She smiled and sat beside you. Seemingly itching to start a conversation.
You hummed in question as you turned to her and smiled as well. “You have a question?” You deduced, it was quite obvious in her tone, which you’ve learned to read quite well.
“I do.. it’s a bit of a serious topic. So, know I just want to sit and chat with you, this is no type of confrontation or any of the sort.” Her serious tone wasn’t helping in making it seem anything but confrontational. You were already worried.
“That doesn’t sound scary at all..” you half joked. But She knew you well enough to understand your mind was already scouring for anything you could’ve possibly done wrong. “Maybe it is, a little. But I promise, you’ve nothing to be anxious about with me.”
Her reassurance helped a bit, so you held your breath and nodded.
“Okay.. I think I found some things of yours that perhaps you’ve been trying to hide from me for a while. Now, I’m not upset, I’d just like us to talk about it.. well- mostly me. I have a few questions.”
You immediately knew where this was headed. There’s nothing other than your regression gear that you’d ever hide from her. And you could see how careful she was about the topic. It was crystal clear.
Panic set in almost instantly after you realized, but Morticia was quick to once again reassure you.
“Breathe. Just like I said, this isn’t something you have to be anxious about with me..”
It took you a second to realize she actually knew. Not just found your things but knew about regression. She wouldn’t reassure you like this otherwise. You breathed, and just kinda looked at her, unsure of what to say.
She didn’t look upset, and it was always clear to tell when she was. And she wasn’t confused, seeming knowing of the topic. “You’re an age regressor..?” She stated it as a fact and then turned it into a question.
Slowly, you nodded. “Okay. That’s- that’s okay. I know a little about it, I’m pretty sure I understand it well enough…”
“You’re being too normal about it and it’s kinda scary..” you admitted quietly, making Morticia chuckle. “I feel pretty normal about it, my love. I’m just unsure as to why this was kept a secret from me. Specially since you seem to regress very young.”
“I- well-“ suddenly you felt choked up again. But for a wildly different reason. It was clear now she wasn’t upset at all, and her casualness about the topic actually reassured you quite a bit. But how were you supposed to explain to her why you hid it? There was no reason not to trust her with it, you were just too afraid to tell her.
“You trust me.. don’t you?” She asked genuinely. And it made your heart hurt. Of course you did. How could you ever create that doubt in her mind?
You felt shy under her gaze, and small as every emotion of this conversation hit you at once. Quickly you hid into her arms. Knowing it was okay, seeking her comfort. “i trust you.. i didn want you to think different of me…” you barely mumbled against her skin.
“Nothing in this world could ever stop me from loving you. You know that. Don’t you, darling?” Morticia murmured as she wrapped her gentle arms around you. Letting you hide and nuzzle against her chest. Her warmth was more than welcome, and she was happy to hear your tone slip as you hid.
“Oh my... how adorable you are, little one. I can’t believe you’ve kept this adorable little part of yourself from me!” She says playfully, like it’s an insult to her that you dare do such a thing.
“it’s scary!!” You reason, looking up at her with a pout and she smiles down at you, gently cupping your face. “I can only imagine, my dear. Thank you for letting me comfort you with this.. even if it took you a little.”
Morticia made your fears feel so validated. Some of your friends would’ve called you a fool for thinking it was unwelcome, or something they’d reject. But Morticia knew this was a big thing, not just for you but to every regressor. It was a valid fear to have, and she made sure to reassure you that it was all okay, specifically with her. To her, it was just about this. About you allowing her to see this side of you, and letting her be there for you. That’s all she cared about.
“I have a question for you, darling.. and I’m not expecting you to have an answer for me right away, okay? Or even agree.” Nodding, you sat up and started listening intently, since it was so important to her.
“Good.. well, I was thinking maybe I could take care of you when you’re like this, so you don’t have to do it all alone. Maybe you’d like me to be your official caregiver, you could call me momma and everything. How does that sound?”
She paused for a moment, but she couldn’t help but try to convince you a little more. “I promise to take care of you with all my love. I’ll make sure you’re happy and comfortable, safe and sound.”
It was rare to hear a tone of unsureness from Morticia. A woman who practically bathed in power and confidence was speaking to you so gently, almost trying to convince you.
Obviously you were overjoyed by the mere suggestion of it. She wanted to be your caregiver? Loving, gentle, Morticia. Your love. She wanted to care for you. She found you adorable.
Immediately you crashed into her with another hug, leaving her surprise with the force of it from your little self. “Oh!” Chuckling, she kissed the top of your head before gently caressing your hair. “I’ll assume that’s a yes, my dear?”
“my momma.” You confirmed quietly, and Morticia's heart leaped. “Yes darling.. your momma.”
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idyllic-affections · 10 months
Hello! I saw your works of what Kaveh and Cyno would be like as parents... That leaves me thinking of Al-haitham as a father. Would him take his child to his grandmother? Would he read them advanced physics books? (⁠´⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠ω⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠`⁠)
scholarly lineage.
summary. what would alhaitham be like as a father?
trigger & content warnings. brief hypothetical mentions of assault in general, can be interpreted as s/a, but is not explicitly stated to be that way. sensory overload mentions. spoilers for alhaitham's character stories.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. fluff. dad!alhaitham & reader. 0.7k words. they/them pronouns for reader. in this fic, alhaitham and the reader are both written as neurodivergent in some way; interpret it however you please!
author's thoughts. OUGDHSJGSJSG wait this is so cute. dad alhaitham..... it is such a cool thought, because with alhaitham, i don't think there's any obvious or "correct" way to write him as a dad. he could be overprotective. he could be very casual, the "cool dad" if you will. also i know i haven't been posting as much recently! it's literally only because i've been hyperfixating on hsr... whoops. /lh
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alhaitham as a father is a very interesting concept to me. now, believe it or not, i feel like he is a less strict father than cyno. he's actually relatively laid-back.
alhaitham is the kind of guy who raises his child to be smart. he raises them to play the game, not to be played by it, you know? therefore, he believes in his child's judgement and their ability to make wise decisions. he feels no need to be protective over them.
(however... that does not mean someone could do something harmful to them and get away with it. if anyone does anything to hurt them? abuses them? verbally, physically, or worse? good lord, he does not take well to that. he is a man with power, and by the gods, he'll use it if he has to in their defense.)
if his child has sensory issues, alhaitham is very attentive to those things and will get them any and all needed accommodations. if they struggle with auditory sensory issues where they get easily overwhelmed? they'll have ear pieces that match his. <3
when people point it out, depending on who they are, they will get one of two responses; either him very blatantly admitting that yes, their headset matches his, or him getting a little embarrassed and claiming it was all he had on hand at the moment. liar. /lh
it's kaveh that gets the latter response, of course.
if they ever happen to get annoyed with their father in their moments of overwhelm, he doesn't take it personally at all. sensory overload will do that to a person. he gets it, tbh.
i think alhaitham would definitely want his kid to attend the akademiya. ideally, haravatat, but he supposes he'd be okay if they enrolled in a different darshan. he'll recover...
UNLESS they enroll in kshahrewar. alhaitham would NEVER recover from a betrayal of that magnitude!! however, his grandmother herself was from kshahrewar, so... well. he'd get over it, he guesses. he'd still prefer if they enrolled in haravatat.
whatever darshan they enroll in honestly doesn't matter, though, because if anyone gives them trouble for any reason? all alhaitham has to do is give the problematic person a single look and suddenly the issue is resolved! apparently people think he's scary. not that he minds. he likes it that way; it keeps trouble away from both him and his child.
of course, he won't intervene unless they specifically seek out his help, because he knows his kid can handle themselves. still, he pulls a few strings behind the scenes every now and then. he doesn't really want to see his kid struggle. he knows they're intelligent, and he also knows he doesn't have to worry about them not wanting to work for themselves. therefore, he sees no reason to let them struggle needlessly.
he'd also understand if they weren't too big a fan of being surrounded by so many people. he isn't fond of it, either, so he'd let them stay in his office whenever needed. he'll even invite them to do their classwork in there rather than anywhere else in the akademiya, simply so that they don't have to be around a bunch of random people they couldn't possibly be less interested in.
alhaitham definitely read his kid very difficult books when they were little, which would totally lead to them being ahead of their peers. that really wouldn't be unexpected, i think. they probably enrolled in the akademiya a little early.
you know that "i know you don't know any astronomical pretentious voluminous colossal words" audio? yeah, that was alhaitham's kid when they were small.
also, yes, alhaitham would absolutely take them to his grandmother!! i think she would see their father in them, just like how she saw alhaitham's parents in him. of course, this is before her death.
i think alhaitham would ultimately be content that his child got to meet the woman who raised him.
to think that she saw himself in them...
it brings him an odd sense of pride and comfort.
and as a little treat:
kaveh is kind of like another dad (or like a wine uncle LMAO) for them. do what you will with this information.
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
alright, so i completely understand if you don't wanna do this since you have been getting a lot of tadc requests, so feel free to leave this in your inbox for a while but its worth a shot i guess.
tadc x angel reader? but im not talking about the cute and adoring ones, moresore the bibical angel type. kind of like principalities angels if you know what that is. scary stuff.
thanks for all that you do btw, i love your writing and as a fanfiction writer myself im amazed at how quickly your able to pump out requests
thanks for reading
TADC cast x angel!reader !
took me a hot minute to find it but someone asked for the same/very similar request for zooble so!! that post is going to be linked in place of their segment! yahoo! uhuhuhuh!! admin must admit, he does not know much about actual angel lore so hes gonna be real loose with this </3 aaaand to the last part!! its the silliness... i cant contain it... sobs...
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now i dont know what kind of personality the reader has, but imagine your wings stick out and fluff up when he decides hes bold enough to compliment, or even flirt with you... has probably led to him getting smacked by your wings and being sent flying... the price of being small, sadly... though he did kind of have it coming for standing where he was/j
sometimes, you guys fly together, since caine very rarely walks around on the ground and kind of just glides around... its nice having someone who can accompany him around... doesnt think your intimidating, if anything he thinks you look interesting... hes probably unphased by most of the forms circus members may take, though its rare you get someone who does look unsettling... shrugs
honestly probably a little intimidated, and perhaps even unnerved in the beginning. like not in the "im deeply uncomfortable" way but more like "oh. so thats a thing" if that makes sense? does try to be nice and kind to you, though, since she does understand that this isnt what you really look like and you cant really... control it... probably has sneezed from the feathers of your wings, if you have any.. in fact you might have accidentally smacked her with them, since shes so small.. you didnt mean to..! honest! caine and pomni just got cursed with the shortness... no thoughts, only angel reader protectively shielding someone with their wings, this can apply to any of the characters... probably one of my favorite tropes for characters with large wings tbh
if you can swap out your clothes or have clothes that are detachable (since clothes are canonically stuck to the bodies) shes definitely going to make you some clothing that you can easily slip over your wings, and still have them out! plus spending time with you making the measurements and trying out patterns and fabric is nice! thinks your wings are soft... probably a little put off by your appearance and vibe at first, but ragatha being ragatha shes not going to let it bother her for long, and she makes sure youre welcomed to the circus with open arms... i mean its not like you have a choice to leave... may as well be as inviting as possible..!
drum roll please! its the admins favorite jax headcannon that always rears its head in whenever the admin writes a reader who has some extra body part or fluff or accessories or a combination! the fidget/fiddle headcannon! this man is likely going to stroke and mess with your wings, a lot. congrats, youre his new fidget toy/j. has probably accidentally, or perhaps no so accidentally, pulled a feather out. granted im not sure how much it would hurt, i think it would be akin to plucking hair with a tweezer, but the point still stands..! has probably asked you to fly him up somewhere... totally not so he can do some mischief... probably doesnt know much about angels (like the admin LMAO) and probably labels you as like. sterotypical cartoon angel personality (forgiving, kind, good, ect. basically everything that isnt jax/j) but whether or not thats true its up to you... though it would be a little funny for the person who looks like an angel being a trickster... shrugs
FEAR!!! okay... well i think thats a given when theres a new circus member around, since kinger is a little... eh... you know? probably takes some time to warm up to you, but given how he speaks to pomni in the pilot within the first few minutes of her being there, i dont think it would take long for him to approach you. definitely polite, probably even more so thanks to your angelic appearance. mmngh.. soft feathers... shares the jax fidget headcannon with the silly chess piece... bonus if you actually are really kind and protective, this man would be hovering around you since you kind of represent comfort to him... thinks...
right here!
while most of the others are a little intimidated i think gangle actually likes the aesthetics of angels. maybe thats just the artist in her; like every artist ive met either has a soft spot for angel or demon characters... sometimes both.. admins no exception, its like. mandatory artist trait/j
i had a winged reader request somewhere, where gangle puts the readers fallen feathers into art work and gifts it to them. kind of like how people used to put the hair of their loved ones in jewelry... i think that would also apply to an angel reader! similar to kinger, if youre protective shes going to gravitate towards you... given that shes made of ribbon and fragile... and because of SOOOOOMEONE (glares at jax)... very nice dynamic/relationship material here, me thinks
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lumiinix · 1 year
hi, how are you doing? hope you’re doing well! i have a request :: tsukki , suna and ushijima with a rather energetic s/o (basically their polar opposite, kind of?) but when they watch their s/o play their sport/martial art, their s/o is suddenly quiet and focused. it can be any sport or martial art, although i would prefer if it’s Kyūdō (it doesn’t have to be Kyūdō though)
gn!reader , and you can write it in any form (oneshots, headcanons or anything else is fine! write whatever you’re comfortable with!)
also please take your time on doing this request, i dont mind waiting <3 thank you!
Haikyuu boys with a s/o that only get serious in sports.
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Pairing(s): Tsukishima, Suna, Ushijima x gn!reader (separate)
Warning(s): none.
A/N: HELLO NONNY, I’m doing great thx for asking! And I love the request you choose, it’s actually one of my favorite thing to write! So I hope you enjoy <3
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Sorry but, how did you two even got together again?
Like he knows you two were childhood friends but like…you know what I mean?
But somehow, you two are now dating, and although everyone around you is kinda weird out, people that are more closer to you guys will admit that your relationship with eachother is a good one and that he cares for you very much.
In terms of sport, he definitely know you do Kyudo and have came to see your tournaments often even though he said no when you asked him. He is secretly your number one supporter, and only Yamaguchi know this.
And no matter how much he has seen it, he’s always at awe at how different you are when you’re in a match and tbh, he’s kinda scared of you but he’ll never admit it, ever.
He does like it when your opponents who had underestimated you before because of your cheery nature before suddenly realize you screwed they are after seeing you changed drastically. Guy will smirks everytime that happens.
He loves your energetic and bubbly nature, to him you’re a baby that he needs to protect and spoil.
So when he heard that you do Kyudo, his first immediate thought is that you’re gonna get hurt, but he doesn’t show you that bc he doesn’t want you to think he thinks you’re weak.
So imagine his total shock when he went to a match that you invited him to, only to see his bubbly s/o turns into a cold and serious person as they absolutely demolish their opponent. And then turn back into a sweet and cheery person when they saw him.
God is he shocked and impressed. Maybe even turned on.
Now he records your matches everytime he went to them and threatens the Miya twin with them, saying that if they don’t behave, he’ll call you to personally deal with them.
Ushijima and you contrast eachother so much, but he doesn’t mind that. But he defines think of you as a more vulnerable person and that he has to protect.
That’s until the incident happens. Basically he and Tendou saw you got cornered by some bullies but before he and Tendou had a chance to jump in, you took matters into your own hand.
That day, Ushijma sees a new side to you as you turn serious and even scary as you fend of the bullies with your Kyudo skills, he’s so shock that he didn’t even realize the bullies have ran away and you had gone up to him asking him if he’s ok because he’s been zoning out with your bubbly personality again.
After that, Tendou dubbed you two the power couple. Ushijma also went to see your matches and is very impressed by your skill and how serious your attitude are to kyudo, it’s a similarity between you two that he adores!
He also stops seeing you as vulnerable after that, but that doesn’t mean that he won’t step in when you’re in trouble.
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allmilfswelcome · 2 years
Robin Arellano X Reader HC's
Request: Being finney's sister and having a major crush on Robin.
I decided to make this a headcanon list, but if any of you want a actual story with this request I'll happily make one!
Warnings: spelling mistakes, and one swear word.
I feel like when (or if he ever did) Finney would find out about your crush on his best friend he would tease you a lot about it, he would honestly be really happy about it tho he just wouldn't tell you.
Following up on Finn teasing you he might also get a little (a lot) of blackmail opportunities. Like you don't wanna go somewhere with him, Okay!! He will gladly hang out with Robin, I mean he has some important things to tell him right? Don't wanna get him snacks?? Suddenly he's calling Robin to get some and come over for a sleepover. (He would never actually do it just a lot of threats)
Now with Robin he would definitely know about your "secret" crush on him. I mean come on your one of his best friends you really think he won't realize you acting different?
At first he would just think that you had something going on personally so he would pay more attention to you and how you act to certain things hoping he can find something to get your mind off of it. He would pick up on your crush pretty soon after that tbh.
If Robin was to like you back he would probably wait about a month or two to make a move mentally scared that maybe he's wrong about you liking him (he would start to doubt himself a lot:(( )
Now if Robin doesn't like you back he would go out of his way to distance himself from you so you can hopefully get over this "little" crush of yours. If that doesn't end up working he would give you hints that he doesn't feel the same, like pointing out people that he thinks you would be cute with, or people who like you saying you should give them a shot.
Going back to if he does like you back, when he finds out he would be a little (VERY) nervous to be around you scared that he will mess something up and you wouldn't feel the same anymore. He would definitely start to give you more subtle touchs, like punching your arm more (more lightly now tho) at some point you would definitely feel his hand brush against yours he will always play it off as a accident though.
He would now invite you to do more things with him scared that if not you will stop liking him. You going with him and Finn to the drive in is now a must, you don't like horror movies? Don't worry he will cover your eyes at the scary parts :) (at least he trys sometimes he's too far into the movie to realize). Now if you like/love horror movies expect to go to the drive in like 2 or 4 times a week with or without Finn, he's just happy to finally have someone to watch all his favorite horror movies with <3
Robin will end up accidentally admiting his feelings about you too Finn in some sort of way, and after that expect Finn to be more "busy" now when you are supposed to go to the drive in (he always has to get someone else to hang out with because you know he doesn't have anything important to do). Finn is you and Robins biggest shippers Gwen is a close second though.
Speaking of Gwen you are now forced to tell her Everything that happens with you a Robin, she was definitely the first person to ever know and when you admit your feelings to him (if he doesn't do it before you) she is the one who convinced you too.
At last of confessions, if you were to be the first one to confess you would end up putting a note in his locker (Gwen came up with the idea), the thing that makes his heart swoon his when he sees the letter is in Spanish knowing that you definitely worked hard to study it for him (if you don't know Spanish). At first he's ranting to Finn about you not know what to do, Finn and Gwen just know you got him wrapped around your finger (if only Finn knew how in love you were with Robin though<3). Robins head and heart would be racing just thinking about that fact that you<3 wrote him this letter.
Now if Robin were too confess it would be after you guys went to see a movie at the drive in (Finn cancelled again knowing what was about to happen). Robin would ask if you wanted to go get slushies from the grab n go before you guys walked back to your place. Instead of getting slushies you guys end up getting ice cream and sat on the swings for awhile. After awhile your ice cream long gone you would finally start to notice how quiet Robin had got. Idc you guys would definitely try to talk at the same time and end up laughing your asses off about it, when you guys finally calm down you tell Robin to go first. After just looking at the ground for about 2 minutes he would finally look up at you and all of his plans just went out of his mind and he just blurted out a absolutely ton of nonsense. You would stare at him for about 30 seconds before he would restart blushing like crazy noticing you hear literally nothing he said (pls this boy would be so nervous). When he finally gets his words out his face is a shade of red you didn't even think was possible, when you end up telling him that you feel that same he can't help but let out a giant sigh of relief (this poor boy was so scared).
After the confessing get ready for a lot of questions from Finn and Gwen, you guys won't get time alone for about another 5 hours I'd say.
This was my first time ever writing Hc's so hopefully it's okay. Be ready for a lot more Robin fics though guys! Have a good ret of your day or night<3!
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jellyfishandry · 6 months
W/ a s/o who's taller than them
Characters: Katsuki Bakugo, Izuku Midoriya
CW: Established and unestablished relationship, reader is described as tall, gn reader, Katsuki has a grudge against you at the start, reader is mentioned to be pretty strong (?), mention of injury, mention of readers chest (not gendered),
A/N: Izuku is 5'5 ¼ (166 cm), and Katsuki is 5'7 ½ (172 cm). I'm 5'8 (172.7 cm), but this is written so you're noticeably taller than them (I'm talking like 5+ inches)
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Katsuki Bakugo
Tbh, this man felt threatened when he first saw you
He's been around plenty of tall people, but for some reason, you just stick out to him
He also just doesn't like when people physically look down at him, it makes him feel like a small child
The first time you try to talk to him, he yells at you and tells you to go away (in a less friendly way)
He didn't like the fact that he felt the need to be near you, even though he found you annoying
When you both start dating, he starts to care less about your height
He likes your hugs too
They're really warm
But he doesn't like asking you to grab things off high shelves for him
"It makes him feel unmanly" as Kirishima would put it
He just doesn't like asking for help in general
Depending on how tall you are, he'll yank you down by your shirt or tie to kiss you
And he'll never admit it, but he likes having to look up to kiss you
It comforts him in a way he can't explain
He doesn't like the cold (Because of his quirk, and cause it's just cold) so he'll stay close to you
He really likes holding your hand when it's cold
It's both comforting and it warms up his hands
If you ever pick him up, he is very embarrassed, and he's squirming and moving so much
He'll yell at you until you put him down
It's funnier than it is scary
Does not like being picked up
He'll just barely tolerate it if he's injured, and he can't walk
He'll claim he's fine, then nearly fall on his face
So he'll hesitantly agree to being carried, but only if it's by you
If anyone insults your height, he is on their ass like a feral cat
They would for sure go home with a few burns
I just imagine him scaling you like a tree, idk why
Izuku Midoriya
He's a little surprised at first, if not a little scared
He's around All Might all the time, and he's 7'3
But it's because you're his age that scares him so much
He immediately wants to be on your good side for several reasons
1. Casue he wants to get along with all his classmates
And 2. Because he thinks you could literally fold him half like some laundry
Once y'all start dating he mellows out a bit
He really likes being the little spoon, it really makes him feel safe
But he'll be the big spoon if you ask
He'll ask for your help with things occasionally if they're up high
But if it's past the time he's discovered his float quirk, he's less likely to ask you
If you pick him up, he'll get really embarrassed
He won't move much, but he'll certainly mutter things out like, "Y- you don't have to do this"
But if he's injured, he'll be incredibly thankful, but he'll feel a little bad
I think he runs warm, but that doesn't mean he doesn't like hugging and cuddling with you
He's not huge on PDA, but he'll hold your hand or something
He has big hands, but the fact that yours are bigger, and can easily hold his, is comforting to him
Really likes cuddling with you
He'll sleep on your chest or stomach no problem
(I went a little overboard on Bakugos part, sorry 😭)
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|| Intro || Masterlist ||
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starry-nights-garden · 10 months
NCT Dream as the Demon hiding under your bed
✧ NCT Dream all members x gn!reader ✧ genre: humor, crack, fluff ✧ warnings: none
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the confused demon
does not know why he is here
one day wakes up under your bed, hits his head, crawls out and startles the shit out of you
he’s as clueless as you are as to what he’s doing here
laughs awkwardly, attempts to introduce himself and keeps switching back and forth between english and korean
maybe the awkwardness is the reason why you’re not scared of him when he explains that he’s a demon
“So I guess I’m supposed to take your soul?” - he figures someday
you just shrug it off and agree because ever since he suddenly moved in with you you two have become pretty good friends
also he’s very cute and seems clueless as to how a demon is supposed to behave, so you secretly don’t think he’d ever be able to take your soul
plus, you know he’s taken a liking to you and his soft spot for you won’t allow him to harm you
really you kinda just chill in your room all day and watch series or play games??
he’s more like a brother you get along with super well than a demon trying to kill you
however, when other demons find out that he’s not doing his job, they decide to do it for him
you can trust him to always hide you well and keep the other demons at a distance
he will do everything he can to protect you from them
the annoyed demon
has been living as a demon for so long that he’s kinda getting tired of it tbh
especially if he ends up choosing a person who doesn’t give up their soul so easily
unfortunately, you are one of those people
so when he realizes this, he just begins to dread the whole thing aksdjfölka
however, he takes his duties as a demon very seriously, and his pride won’t just let him ditch you - he has to see this through until the end
when he finally reveals himself to you, because you just will not give him any kind of opening to steal your soul otherwise, you are understandably scared at first
however, when he offers to grant you your biggest wish, you start to wonder if it’s worth making a deal with him, because surely he must want something in return?
you stay suspicious and start asking questions to figure out what exactly he is
and in the end this discussion is being dragged out so much that he simply lets out a deep sigh and admits everything lol
but since he already promised to grant you a wish, you decide to trick him and wish for him to be your loyal servant until the end of time
which, in your dictionary means he shouldn’t be able to take your soul in the first place, and in his eyes it means that he might still have a chance
so here he is, your own personal servant, who you also just made a pact with
you make him do stuff like bringing you snacks or doing your work for you at first, receiving death glares in exchange
however, at some point a weird tom-and-jerry like friendship starts between you two, and you actually start enjoying spending time with each other
he keeps joking about how he will simply murder you and take your soul while you’re sleeping at night whenever you annoy him in the slightest
but he says that with such an adoring smile on his face ???? 
technically he shouldn’t be able to do that, as it goes against what you wished for - he’s still Renjun tho, so you can never be too sure…
and no matter how well you get along in the end, he will still end up taking your soul one day
the soft-hearted demon
one night you wake up to him, looking all scary and threatening, on top of you, pinning you down to your bed so you can’t escape
you’re obviously scared and don’t know what’s going on
you try to scream, but no sound will come out when he covers your mouth with one hand
and then suddenly you see his features become very soft and the tension leaving his body
has a mental breakdown in the corner of your room because your eyes were wide with fear and you looked so scared and he just isn’t cut out for this whole demon lifestyle
disappears after that but realizes he’ll get in trouble if you reveal his identity, now that you know his face
so he returns one day, politely knocking on your window pane until you let him in :’)
you’re obviously suspicious and scared at first, but then he starts incoherently rambling about his worries
you understand nothing
he panics and eventually leaves again?????
he really is NOT cut out for this…
eventually he HAS to return to you though, because he’s in danger, and you’re also now in danger of being found by other demons
explains himself a bit more coherently this time and out of guilt he offers to protect you???
wasn’t he supposed to take your soul instead???
you’re not sure how this bundle of soft feelings and internal panic is supposed to protect you, but he also refuses to leave with a huge pout on his lips so you decide to let him stay for now
when other demons start swarming your home a bit after that, he makes sure to ward off every single one of them
you grow closer and you come to trust him eventually, feeling reassured that he can protect you
the troublesome demon
technically pretty smart, because he takes the time to observe and get to know about you first
however, when you can’t sleep and keep rolling around in bed and getting up and lying down again several times the very night he was planning on surprising you in your sleep to take your soul, he loses all patience
lets out a huge groan eventually and crawls out from under your bed, wordlessly goes to the kitchen to get chips while mumbling something about needing snacks to calm down, and then sits next to you to watch you fall asleep
obviously NOW you can’t fall asleep because there’s a stranger in your bedroom??? eating your snacks???
he does not explain anything, he just sits there grinning to himself while snacking away
only when you scream in terror that you’re going to call the police, he gets up
“Whoa there, no need to go that far.”
explains that he’s just some apparition and you’re actually already sleeping and you’re just having this hyperrealistic dream to process some kind of hidden worry??
decides that he could just have a bit of fun with you before doing his work, so he crawls out from his hideaway every other night to chat with you
eventually he also convinces you to play games with him and to cook midnight snacks together
he originally made this all a part of his plan to get you to trust him but actually?? spending time with you??? is a lot of fun??
also maybe he’s developing a little crush on you and he can’t decide if that makes it more dreadful or more fun to take your soul later on
he ends up getting really attached to you and clings to you all the time
that is until one night, another demon comes to take your soul and he protects you, ending up explaining everything to you
becomes your personal guardian and gaming buddy after that
the responsible demon
one day he simply appears and starts telling you what to do??
nags you to do your homework and teaches you how to do taxes
gets really annoying when you don’t do your chores
“I cannot have you live like this.”
lists 74385723 reasons why you should keep your house clean and take care of yourself (literally who askeddddd???)
threatens you to take your soul on the spot if you don’t do what he says aksjdflka
actually very caring and means well, but just cannot watch you procrastinate on stuff that needs to be done eventually
at this point he doesn’t feel like an intruder anymore, so you just accept that there’s this supernatural being somehow supporting you in getting your life together
he also doesn’t really give you the time to figure out that maybe keeping him around could potentially be dangerous to you
either way, you actually come to appreciate his efforts in motivating you, and as he too gets more used to you and takes a liking to you, his words become more gentle
that doesn’t mean he will let you slack off and procrastinate on things that are just stressing you out unnecessarily because you keep not doing them
also has weirdly specific household tips and tricks for you??
if you attempt to cut into your sleep time by staying up too late, he will literally pull you to your bed and not let you get up again until morning kjsdflkas
forces you into taking good care of yourself, and he’s somehow both the nicest and the most annoying being you know
but as a responsible demon, he still has to do his job of taking your soul eventually
however, there’s still some time until then; after all he has to make sure you’re eating three healthy meals a day and that your tax return is filled out correctly
the melancholic demon
tells you in detail about how life on earth was 800 years ago
you think you’re having a fever dream when someone suddenly emerges from under your bed and starts off a conversation with “You know, back in my days…”
dude, you’re like 20, what are you talking about???
really, he’s been wandering this world for hundreds of years, not aging physically due to him being a demon
and now he’s here to take your soul - he doesn’t literally tell you that though
instead, he starts openly explaining how he’s taken the souls of many other people and how you can’t escape him anyway, due to his experience and knowledge of the human mind
basically he’s explaining to you in the most chill and unfazed way possible that he’s about to kill you, while throwing in some memories here and there, feeling nostalgic
you’re in for a very long night, because this guy just won’t stop talking and sharing his wisdom, and at times it seems like he doesn’t even care if you’re listening or not
at some point asks if you happen to have a good bottle of wine at home??? kind of like a last supper he wants to have with you??
what is wrong with him
eventually you join in on the conversation and he finds what you’re saying so interesting that he takes an instant interest in you
maybe he won’t take your soul right away?
you somehow end up talking until sunrise, and to your surprise he simply crawls back under your bed and disappears? you feel even more like you just had a very long fever dream now
however, the following night he returns to talk to you again, claiming that he had so much fun and for as long as you manage to entertain him he will spare you
obviously you feel very pressured now, maybe even so pressured that you fail to find something to talk about at all
rest assured though, he’s been in this for long enough to not let any chance to enjoy the small things in life slip away, so he always helps you out in finding a topic for a conversation
the awkward demon
has no clue what he’s doing
like that villain who always explains his grand plan of evil to you before actually executing it, except make it very awkward and also there is no actual execution of the plan that follows
he’s a shy bean and who even ever thought he’d do well as an entity designed entirely to take people’s souls???
and it’s his first time taking someone’s soul too, so he’s just very anxious, and what if he embarrasses himself??? (like that’s the part he should be most worried about???)
anyway, he has a super-foolproof plan (at least he thinks it’s foolproof), which already fails at step one
so one night you’re lying in your bed, about to fall asleep, when you hear something rustling under your bed
you don’t think much of it, but when you hear the noise again you decide to get up and take a look
you turn on the lights and find a person hiding there in plain sight, eyes squinting because it’s too bright and holding a huge bag of sweets in his arms
he’s very dumbfounded
eventually he holds out the sweets to you and goes “Let me take your soul in exchange for these treats!”
you start screaming, because there is a complete stranger under your bed and how did he even get there??? so he finally jumps out, slamming his hand over your mouth
“Shh!! What if someone hears us or finds out I’m here?”
eventually changes his bribe into you shutting up about him in exchange for the sweets, and also slips up somewhere in between, revealing that he is - in fact - a demon
now he feels so guilty for inconveniencing you that he’s unable to take your soul
therefore he simply surprises you every night with a new supply of sweets
he still has a lot to learn, sigh…
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