#because it is a lonely experience for sure
nekodere07 · 1 day
Grian being a naturally born half Watcher and Grianpop HC AU
This was my take on Shadverse’s Grianpop AU, which is basically Grian’s dad who’s the first Watcher
This is also accessible on AO3 already!
Grian has always been an awkward boy. He distances himself from the kids his age and watch them from afar, enjoying themselves while they run around the park looking dirty but the huge smiles on their faces tells him everything that they’re happy. But he’s not jealous. Not fully. One time, his mother asked how he was at school and he could only shrug casually like it didn’t concern him. School was weird, the classrooms were weird, the teachers were weird, and most of all, the kids were weird. Especially the kid that brought that stinky fish with him the whole time and the lanky one with bunny ears kept on hiding behind fish boy.
They talked to him, sure, but it didn’t mean they were friends. His mother kissed him by the forehead and leans forward to how warm and soft the touch is, listening to her gentle voice as she tells her about making friends and how they will accompany him when he’s lonely and help him grow to become a better person in the future. At first, he’s reluctant to do it but goes to follow wherever those two kids go and as time goes by, he kind of like the company.
There are times when Grian wakes up to two muffled voices yelling at each other from downstairs but drowns them with his pillow and goes back to sleep (at least try to), like it doesn’t concern him. Hopefully his two siblings aren’t awake from the room across (he knows they are but if he tries to go and comfort them, their parents will notice that he’s awake and mother might say mean things to him again—worse, she might hurt them this time). Hopefully Taurtis has a new fun story to tell him tomorrow to keep him awake and not fall asleep on class again.
The arguing gets worse as well as their mother’s attitude towards him. At least she’s still loving towards his two younger siblings. He ignores it and tries to convince himself that she’s just stressful from work. It’s nothing to be worried about. It’s not like his mother meant what she told him about being… It wasn’t true, right?
One day, his father called him to the living room and asks Grian to sit with him on the sofa. All of a sudden, his father’s heavy hand lands on his blonde hair and ruffles it gently as he smiles and tells him about meeting someone who will truly care for him and he should cherish them—be with those people and never betray them. He’s quite confused but he nods as he mirrors his father’s kind smile that for some reason, doesn’t quite reach his ears like it usually did. His father then stands and turn to walk towards the kitchen to cook for dinner.
Is it just him or father’s eyes glowed purple for a second or was it lighting messing up with him?
Grian should have said something about it. He should’ve said something about why his father’s signature cheeky grin didn’t feel quite right. He should’ve said something, anything!
That talk is the last time he would ever get to see his father again.
His mother sends him to Tokyo Soul a few weeks after his father apparently left and reunites with her boyfriend, which is his siblings’ biological father, since she’s apparently unable to support his financial needs and has to earn it himself. At least all he needs to pay was his living expenses and she still pays for his school so there wasn’t much of a problem.
Then Tokyo Soul, which is the name of the town he’s staying for the rest of his high school years, happened.
Because of his horrifying experience there, Grian learns how to survive like a soldier in the middle of enemy territory and pull the trigger without batting an eye. He’s not sure which is worse, almost dying from a car crash and getting shot by various people or being threatened with a knife multiple times by your own best friend. He’s not sure if he even wants to survive this long after that hellscape, to be honest. Does it even matter? Everything in his life is a lie. He followed every advice that his parents gave him, yet all he receives are pain and suffering.
Even after meeting new people from different worlds and co-founded one of the most famous fantasy worlds in the universe, he still feels empty inside. So, he says his goodbyes to his co-founders and friends, leaving that world behind and goes to a new one.
That’s when he meets the Evolutionists.
It’s like a big slap to the face but in a positive way.
Instead of expecting the same outcome with them, they destroyed his world and proves it to him that there is still hope in humanity. Even after isolating himself away from civilization and build his own empire, people still go out of their way to visit his base and pay their regards. They even compliment his build even though it’s not even that impressive. He’s always been told by his mother that his love of building was a waste of time and resources and should focus on something more practical.
When he accidentally told Martyn about it one time, suddenly he exploded and started an hour-long rant about how amazing Grian was. For some reason, his heart flutters and cheeks hurt, even now that he’s only reminiscing it, only to realize he’s smiling so much. Ever since then, every Evolutionist will come and compliment him. Some like Netty will bring him a present like a pot filled with a delicious meal.
At first, when he stumbled upon his siblings who are living with the rest of the Evolutionists, he was reluctant whether to interact with them since they might hate him for leaving them and not writing even a single letter, but they easily jumped to his arms and cried how much they missed him. That’s when he decided that he will hang out with them more and take care of them like a good brother this time.
Living with the Evolutionists is the happiest time he has ever been his whole life.
Until mysterious structures with bedrock and the Watchers appear, that is.
Everything crumbles right before his eyes, both literally and metaphorically, after he defeats the dragon and is taken from his friends—his real family. He can only watch in dread and cry his heart out as the world slowly deteriorates from the inside, leaving everyone to die but not him.
Why? They don’t deserve it. Everyone has been so kind of him and all he did was take, never giving the same kindness in return. He should be the one to sacrifice his life for them so they can live a happy life without him. This always happen. Whenever Grian is around, he destroys everything he touches—everything he ever cares about.
When the Watchers do their worst to him, he didn’t resist even once. It’s weird when all he did in his whole life was exactly that. They gave him wings, too many eyes for a human being, and knowledge regarding magic that he doesn’t even care about. Can he even call himself that after all the things he did? He quietly obeyed when they ordered him to watch over worlds he’s unfamiliar with, those specifically that are reeking with blood and smoke due to unending wars that they were manipulating from behind the scenes.
He quietly followed the orders of taking out any individuals or organizations that might get in their way with the help of his years of experience back in high school. He did everything like a dog awaiting its master’s orders. It feels like it doesn’t even matter anymore. It’s like the strings that keep him moving all this time have finally been cut off, leaving his husk for a body to drop lifelessly to the cold, hard ground, available for anyone to use however they please.
Just when Grian thought all hope is lost, a peculiar Watcher keeps on appearing right before him wherever he goes, casually making a one-sided conversation with his porcelain teeth expose through a cheeky grin. Even if he never responds to their obvious bait of making him talk, they still went out of their way to hang out with him everyday without fail, even if it's only a few minutes or seconds before Grian is summoned by the higher ups.
What is this guy plotting? Because he’s not buying it. Not anymore.
He does everything in his power to avoid meeting up with them at all cost, causing them to chase him all around the base the second they spotted him. Of course, he won’t let them do as they please and he hides at the places someone will least expect it, using his magic to avoid any detection even with their eyes. But for some reason, they always found him like it’s nothing. At one point to another, their weird chase has turned into a weird hide-and-seek of some sort and surprisingly, he kind of likes it. He enjoys how the breeze brushes against his cheeks and how fast his heart beats from the thrill.
Grian finally decides to give in to their peculiar Watcher and let them “find” him, sitting on the edge of one of the many floating islands as they laugh and catch their breath. It’s been a while since his face and stomach hurt from having so much fun. He thinks it’s a great thing every once in a while, for him to take a break from everything… but not too much. He doesn’t want to expect something like last time.
He turns to his side to watch how his companion is doing so far, only to exclaim as he sees a grinning face being too close for comfort. As he places a hand to his drumming heart, they burst into a fitful laughter and he doesn’t hesitate to punch them by the shoulder, stopping their laughter and whines about painful their shoulder apparently is. Grian huffs at how childish this creature acts, staring at their bright expression. Their eyes are a beautiful shade of purple, glinting like the twinkling stars all around them and his raven fringe slightly covers them, acting like a black backdrop as it highlights them more.
The Watcher’s teasing comment snaps him out his thoughts before they point out that they didn’t quite catch his name. With a whisper, he tells them he’s Xelqua, like he’s ashamed of it. He is. They shake their head and reiterate that they want to know his real name. He jolts at this, realizing that this individual approaches him like he’s one of them even after knowing about his reputation. Isn’t he disgusted of his existence for being an artificial Watcher?
With a gulp, his jaw hangs as he contemplates whether he wants to reveal his true—past name or not. After a shaky breath, he utters the name that he hasn’t used in a very long time. He pronounces it awkwardly like it’s a foreign word and not his name. He can feel a heavy hand patting his back gently, rising his head to meet this peculiar Watcher’s eyes, only to see a smile so tender that he’s afraid he might cry. No one has ever looked at him that way since… that day.
Before Grian realizes, he feels warmth wrapping around him and sees them through a blurry vision that they’re hugging him. The one thing Watchers never do in their entire existence is to show what is similar to humanity. In fact, they would rather die a million times over than show kindness and empathy towards their fellow Watchers or other creatures. But this Watcher in front of him did the impossible. Suddenly, his chest constricts as the tears won’t stop flowing and he can’t contain his sobs any longer, so he can only grasp at their robe like a lifeline as he cries his heart out.
After his embarrassing crying session, they let go of each other and stare at the black horizon beyond them in comfortable silence. Then, they introduce themself and says that their name is currently Charlie and uses he/him pronouns. Grian wonders why he never heard of their—his name despite being in the same division. Charlie replies that it’s his human name and it’s his most favorite one, muttering “she gave it to me” whilst his smile falters ever so slightly before going back into a cheeky grin. Grian is a bit confused about that whole thing but decides to shrug it off.
Since then, the two of them are hanging out more, telling stories about their lives with humans. As it turns out, Charlie really likes humans despite being a Watcher. “Like” as in not the same as the ones the Watchers use to justify their horrible actions, but “like” as in actually how Grian used to feel towards his friends. Apart from hearing him from time to time about how he missed his previous life with humans, Charlie rarely tells any stories about his personal life. Sure, he has a lot to talk about other planets, adventures, new discoveries, and more, but they were rarely about him. Even if he was, he only acted as a spectator of some sort. Wow, he really is a Watcher (compared to majority of them).
Unfortunately, Grian doesn’t miss the fact that they’ve been hanging out less and less, always being summoned by the higher ups the second they thought they finally have time for themselves. He knows and certainly Charlie knows as well that they’re purposely preventing them from seeing each other. The missions are getting harder and harder to fulfill and worse, becoming crueler. The image of an innocent crying baby’s life being snuffed so soon with his own hands keeps looping inside his mind, lurking and pouncing at every second he lets his guard down.
He can’t do it. Not anymore. He’s meant to keep this a secret from Charlie but after one of the missions, Grian slips up and starts breaking down the second he sees him, beginning to apologize profusely about how he can never make it up to that child.
And that’s when everything changes.
(Inspired from “7 Years” by Lukas Graham and Nanatsu no Taizai scene about Meliodas given a future illusion by Chaos about everyone dying except him due to immortality)
(I made this idea during early March last year, but I got bored from finishing this, so I’ll leave this idea here)
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lyrefromthesea · 3 days
Giyuu Tomioka - NSFW Alphabet
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
truthfully, he's feeling tired after sex. he works a lot and just wants to sink into bed. on the other hand, he really loves and cares for you. he can't sleep without making sure you're fine. if you really need it, he'll make a bath for the both of you, otherwise he'll fall asleep with you in his arms.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
his hands. it's not even his favourite body part because he's so fond of them, it's because you like them. it didn't take him long to realize that you loved his hands, even though they're rough from all the years of swordsmanship. he can make you feel good with them, so he loves them.
your eyes. he loves your eyes. it doesn't matter whether they're brown, blue, green or grey. he loves the way you look at him and how your gaze can reassure him silently. he'll often stare into your eyes while you're having a passionate session.
and every plush part of your body. your breasts? he loves squeezing them. he likes resting his head on them and peppering them in kisses. your hips or thighs? he loves holding them, following the curve of your body. it's perfectly shaped and he can't help but look at them when you're wearing something pretty. your ass? it's when he puts you on his lap when he loves holding it, squeezing it and maybe even give you a little spank - just to hear you let out a cute gasp or whine.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
he wants to cum inside. he swears it just feels better. your greedy insides are trying to milk him, basically begging for another creampie. he loves the squelching sounds that are created with each thrust after he filled you up.
he likes cumming on your chest and thighs too. it looks so lewd, something about the sight just gets him going.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
you were away for two weeks once and he felt so lonely. while doing the chores, he found a pair of your underwear, wide eyes staring at the article in his hand. he had soiled it with his cum before he knew it, nearly tripping as he hurriedly brought it back into the bathroom. he could never tell you that he used your panties to masturbate.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
he doesn't have much experience. he didn't have family while he grew up, nor did he have friends. there was basically no one to tell him anything about intimacy. neither did he meet anyone he had romantic interest in. his first real experience came with meeting you. nevertheless, he'll know some of the basics, just from overhearing people on his missions (even though he might have not wanted that).
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
missionary. if he feels especially romantic, he wants to see your face while he works you to ecstacy. he wants to hold your hands and see your lips part to let out moans and whimpers.
doggy style. he just prefers it when you're having rough sex. he can hold onto your hips and see your ass shake with each thrust. he'll be able to pull on your hair and whisper in your ear, maybe bite your shoulder. it gives him a feeling of control. at the same time, he knows you trust him with your body, he'll surely make the best of it.
cow girl. sometimes he doesn't want to think or work. he wants to escape the world and seek comfort in someone else - you. he trusts you with his pleasure, just like you do when he's in control. he loves watching you bounce on his cock, it doesn't matter which way. either he gets to touch and suck on your breasts or he can see your ass jiggle each time you take him in.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
he's serious. intimacy is an act of trust for him, doesn't matter if it's rough or soft. however, he'll quietly laugh with you when something embarassing happens or when one of you says something a bit too cheesy.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
he's not going to shave it completely. the thought of cutting himself down there terrifies him, haha. i do think he's going to trim it though, he doesn't like when his hair grows too long. he also figured it wouldn't be nice for you when you go down on him. he wants you to be comfortable, one more reason to make sure it stays short and well-kept.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment?)
he'll definitely be romantic. he'll hold your hands and whisper sweet nothings into your ear. how could he not? you make him feel so loved, so good - he needs to make you feel loved.
sometimes you'll engage in more rough sex, that will be when he's not that romantic. it's not like he loves you less, he's just occupied grunting into your ear and marking your skin. he'll still make sure you're well taken care of.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
he seldom jacked off before you entered his life, there was just too much on his mind. he still needed to do it sometimes, because his dick would literally start hurting after neglecting it for too long.
the first real pleasure he got while masturbating was when he imagined you while doing so. honestly, he felt guilty at first, but slowly learned it wouldn't hurt you to be a part of his fantasies.
after you got together, he doesn't masturbate on his own anymore. why would he? you're there to help him. however, he certainly wouldn't say no to mutual masturbation and he'll do it when he's out for a long mission.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
hair pulling. a harsh kiss while feeling his hair being pulled at? he's hard as a rock. you're probably needy and your actions show it.
praise. he can't help it, his body automatically reacts to your words. you're so sweet, he can only feel his cock twitch in response.
overstimulation. he makes sure to draw a line when it gets painful, but seeing you cry and writhe in pleasure just makes him cum two times harder. naturally, he loves getting overstimulated by you as well.
creampies. it's wet, sloppy and tight after he came inside. even if he wanted to, he couldn't stop after one round. you must feel the same, right? he can tell by the way you're clenching so much around him.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
preferably the bed. it's a safe place for him and it's genuinely great if you want to try something new or bask in the old. your bed is soft, big and you can fall asleep right after.
he would still do it anywhere else in the house, it's your private place after all. no one is there to watch you and he gets shamefully turned on when he's taking you on the kitchen counter or in the shower.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
hair pulling. he doesn't like it when you actually hurt him doing so, but he enjoys the softer version of it. when you two kiss and make out, he immediately gets hard after feeling you softly tug at his hair. it feels like you need him as much as he needs you. logically, he enjoys pulling your hair as well, the same way you do it to him.
skin. it sounds weird at first, but he loves seeing and especially feeling your skin. it looks soft and every imperfection somehow makes it even more perfect. he loves touching your skin, gently rubbing it while holding you close. if you have scars, he'll gladly trace over them and tell you how how beautiful you are in his eyes. he enjoys when you touch his skin as well, if you sweetly talk about his scars, it really gets him going.
nice words and compliments. he had been alone for most of his life, he didn't receive anything nice. now his body and mind easily react to compliments. it's especially hard when he genuinely trusts the person he receives such words from.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
pain. he is not willing to truly hurt you. knifes and other dangerous objects will not come near your bed. he could never forgive himself after doing such things to your body.
if you're okay with it, he won't have a problem with spanking though. your ass jiggles so nicely under the force of his hand. but he'll make sure not to spank you too hard. he'll probably massage your skin after rough sex as well, knowing that the red marks of his hand sting a bit.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
he has no preference. he'll end up receiving more than he's giving though. he enjoys going down on you, but he has a problem stopping once his head is buried between your legs. he loves the sounds you make when his tongue laps against you.
however, you need to signal him when it's enough. your legs will often feel numb or tremble after he's finished. he didn't even push his cock in yet, you weren't sure if you could take more.
he'll definitely hold onto your head when you give him a blowjob. he needs to hold onto something when you suck him off, your warm mouth is just too much for him. his hips end up bucking into your mouth more often than not.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
he can and will do both. slow and sensual sex is definitely something he uses to prove his love to you. he's not so good with words so he uses his body to show his affection.
fast and rough sex works like a stress relief for him. fighting demons and saving inexperienced slayers will take it's toll on him, he needs something to get it out of his system.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
he doesn't hate them, but he would rather spend the night making real love to you. he's still ready to indulge in quickies every now and then. they're mostly going to consist of pressing you against a wall and going down on you. he likes your taste and has no problem working you to ecstasy like this. just expect him to have a real sex session once he has the time for it. he gets unbelievably hard from seeing you get off.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
he's not that risky himself, not because he doesn't want to initiate something, but because he's happy with your sex life. nevertheless, he's up for experiments, if you want to try.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
he's a hashira, he definitely has more stamina than you and he'll use it too. one round has to last at least 30 minutes, otherwise he'll not be satisfied.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
he doesn't own any. he didn't have the time to inform himself about toys either. if you have toys, he's willing to try them on you.
if you buy toys for him, he needs a bit encouragement from you. he had never used them before after all and the pretty cocking you brought home one day made him nervous.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he's not teasing you often. he enjoys introducing you to real pleasure. stopping before you could orgasms just didn't feel right to him.
he'll tease you during foreplay though. he knows it makes you more needy when he takes his time and that's exactly how he likes it.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
sometimes he's really quiet, especially at the start of your relationship. he's insecure about the sounds he makes. are they not manly enough? will you laugh if a whimper escapes him? it resulted in quiet panting and grunting until he's really close.
on the other hand, he can get really loud. the quiet pants won't go away, but are now accompanied by breathy moans and sometimes even whines or whimpers. he'll feel shy about it at first, but when you tell him how much they turn you on, he gets more relaxed about them.
he'll always be more vocal when he's reaching his climax. it's because his brain literally short-circuits when he's feeling so close. "c- cumming.. 'm gonna cum. gonna cum..!" or chants of your name are the most common things he'll say.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
he uses total concentration breathing when he tops you. however, when he suddenly used a form of water breathing on you and you instantly came, he couldn't hide his surprise nor the new wave of lust washing over him. luckily, there were a few more forms he needed to try out.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
hear me out, i often read about him being packing, but i think he's just a bit above the average male. he probably has a decent girth and i would think he's 6,4, but that certainly doesn't ruin the experience. he definitely knows just how to make use of it and how he has to move to make is especially good for you.
furthermore, he has a pretty tip. it has the prettiest shade of pink and often leaks precum. it's your fault, he just feels so needy when you're there.
there is a vein popping out on the side of his shaft. it's long and you can feel it when he's plunged deep inside you. another one is located on the back of his dick, it's smaller than the other vein.
his cock has a slight curve upwards, which he honestly didn't even noticed until you told him during a blowjob once. now he can't unsee it and gets red every time he thinks about it a bit too much.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
i imagine him to have a pretty modest sex drive. from a scale of 1 to 10 it would probably be a 7. however, since he is portrayed as a rather lonely person, he fully neglected that aspect of his life for a long time. as a result, his sex drive basically feels non-existent to him, though it still is there.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It really depends on how he's feeling right now. if he's rather affectionate, he'll stay up and either talk with you or watch you sleep. if he's had a long day and his eyes threaten to fall shut any moment, he'll fall asleep as soon as he's sure you're going to be fine.
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gale-in-space · 2 months
Alright, I'm feeling open and uninhibited for no particular reason, so I'm gonna go for it. What the hell.
I highly suspect that I have npd, or narcissistic personality disorder to the uninitiated. Or at the very least, I feel like I definitely have traits of it.
I think a lot of people don't really understand what npd is. I didn't, for sure. I think initial gut reactions to npd tend to be ones of disgust and fear mainly, which are often colored by people's impressions that npd is nothing more than the following: 1) excessive self-absorption 2) a massive superiority complex and 3) utter disregard for others.
It's really a lot more complex than that. A lot of this stuff, at least in my experience, stems from trauma. In my case, it's maladaptive thought patterns and behaviors that maybe served me as a kid trying to survive in an abusive household, but no longer benefit me as an adult. These tendencies have even sabotaged a lot of relationships I've tried to build over the years. It's a very isolating experience.
Let me break it down a bit:
Anecdotally speaking, the excessive need for praise and admiration often seen in typical npd profiles appears to be related to a significant lack of such things in the formative years of one's life. Feeling like you're fated for something greater, like you deserve better than these idiots around you, that you're special somehow and if only other people could see that - that's a trauma response. It's like a form of escapism. As a kid, I fervently wished I could be swept off to a magical land where I was the "chosen one" destined to save its denizens. I used fantasy as an avenue for finding meaning for myself. Really, I just wanted to know that I mattered, especially when my family and classmates and teachers made me feel like I didn't.
Npd, at least to me, also comes with tendencies towards debilitating perfectionism. This can manifest in a few ways. Avoiding situations in which failure feels like a certainty is one such example. For me, this would involve dropping out of anything that I wasn't immediately good at, or was awkward in, or made somewhat of a minor embarrassment of myself (by virtue of being new and also, you know, a human who messes up sometimes. Which is what we humans do).
Directly dovetailing from that: A lot of us narcissists deeply fear being perceived or exposed as a failure. It's like our horrible secret, that we're actually worthless creatures that are only ever capable of ruining things, and that we don't actually deserve anyone's precious time. Or at least, that's how it feels for me. And in some way, I feel like that is my unconscious brain's way of being like "hey, if I shrink my self-esteem down a bunch so that I appear very humble and modest, I'll get more affection and praise and compliments insisting that I'm better than I say I am."
And I eat that shit up. It's like fuel for me. The problem is, it's not sustainable.
It's a really tricky thing to balance, and as of yet, I've not come up with a great solution for dealing with it. My self-esteem is devastatingly low, despite my embarrassingly entitled attitude towards receiving compliments. I think another thing that throws a wrench into the works a bit is (if my theory is correct) the fact that growing up with trauma makes happy memories a bit more slippery to hold onto. So any kind of genuine praise I get is almost immediately forgotten, disappearing into a black hole that is desperate to be filled.
I think something that might help is keeping a record of compliments that people give me. Writing them in a journal, keeping them in a document of some sort, etc, etc. People can't always give all-positive feedback all the time. That's just not how feedback works. But for the days when I'm feeling low and like I don't know who I am or why I'm even here, I can refer to my records. I can use this as evidence. And hopefully, this will provide a foundation for me to build a more robust sense of self.
Anyway, I've rambled on long enough. If you've read this far, thanks! And if you haven't, well, you haven't.
Yeah. Anyway. Later!
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pinkd3mon · 10 months
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I can respect the hater mentality
#kirby#kots#kirby of the stars#hoshi no kirby#kirby meme#it's honestly hilarious that half the cast of star allies are just people that tried to kill us and most of them aren't even sorry#Taranza at the time was the only redeemed villain in the cast#like yeah magolor went through redemption but we didn't know that he just built a theme park and hoped everything was fine#marx is just not hungry and his text just hints at him still being up to no good#susie is still racist and im not even sure she learn something from her experience#apart from trauma#daroach is here to steal stuff#im still not sure what dark meta knight wanted but nothing good I'm sure#i may be giving Taranza too much credit because he's my favorite he did have ulterior motives#but at most he just wanted to pray for Sectonia's revival he wasn't gonna do anything bad#he is going through stuff of course he's vulnerable to be converted by a cult#he's even like 'probably won't work and it working would honestly be a bad thing but im going to try anyway'#do you think Taranza gets lonely up there#Galacta dying the second we receive the first bit of solid lore about them was straight up evil#and then kumazaki confirmed they killed them because it was funny i was enraged /pos#i know people were tired of Galacta Knight at that point#i mean i wasn't bur i kind of understand why some people may have been#even they were tired they kiled themselves before having to fight us again#do you ever think about how none of the Galacta Knight encounters are canon to the kirby cast but are canon to Galacta#and then their death isn't canon so oops here they come in Kirby clash#retire that is old guy#but actually don't i like them and i want them to appear until they drop dead (again)#the post was meant to be about Galacta never forgiving the ancients but honestly they're probably angry just in general
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autisticlee · 1 year
it kind of sucks when all your friends and family, everyone you know, are all pairing off and getting married and havinf families, except you. you're the only one that doesn't have a partner and probably can/will never get one. especially if one around you has time for you anymore, they never reach out, never get back to you, because they're only focused on their partners and families. you're stuck alone and drift away from everyone through no fault of your own. you have no hope of finding your own partner or no motivation to look for one for whatever reason. the lack of connections while seeing everyone around you having their own can get overwhelmingly lonely at times....
#autism#autistic#asexual#aromantic#these are probably the two factors that put me in this position#im undateable because im too autistic to form any connections with people and cant even make or keep friends around for long#so how would i ever try to date anyone????#and also asexual which makes it harder. and aromantic (not sure what kind if its like demi and i just need to meet ��the one”#and form a connection first to actually have any feelimgs for anyone or not sure if I simply cannot experience romantic attraction#either way its a lonely existence in a world where 99% of people pair off or obsessed with trying to partner up#and theres less value/time/effort put on friendships#ON TOP OF being autistic and forming any connections at ALL is an extremely difficult task that seems to always fail on me!#lee rants#lee rambles#im actually visiting a friend and her gf (who is also friend but we are less close) so i know not everyone partners and shuns friends#but they live in another country and i cant visit all the time so it doesnt help this lonely shit feeling all the time D: to have ~1 friend#would be nice to have all the close benefits and of a dating partnership without the physical stuff and pressure of “dating”#if thar makes sense. best friends but life patners. the person is obligated to help me and bw there for me at all times#someone who chooses me first instead of others. someone that doesnt make me their last choice all the time#their very comfortable to be around and we relate and get along perfectly and make up for each others weaknesses#my favorite person and im their favorite person#they usually always say yes to me and include me and im their first choice for eveything#they respect my needs and boundaries and work with me if we have a misunderstanding or disagreement.#its so hard to find people like this. someone who matches me well enough to fit all these picky things i want#someone who would like me enough to be like this. someone im comfortable with and like who fits the energy i want#even if someone liked ME enough and was these thjngs if they arent comfortable or match my energy then i dont want them#im not desperate enough to take Anyone ans im extremely picky about it#being aroace makes any kind of datimg very hard because theres ~less fish in the sea~#but being autistic makes it EVEN HARDER becuase i cant even make and keep FRIENDS so how would i have a /partner/ ?????#sighs. i think im meant to live a lonely life and need to learn to accept it
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prettyboykatsuki · 4 months
arthur morgan is so eldest daughter coded GOD
#aristotle.txt#i think dutch and arthur mirror the relationship between a mother and daughter in many aspects#dutchs victimization of himself and his continuous denial and the anger he experiences and emotional guilting#the MINUTE arthur gains autonomy enough to betray his wants is just so peak mother and oldest daughter#the way arthur is HELL BENT on saving dutch is so representative of that#john has a much easier time questioning dutch and it is wholly because john is younger. he is the younger child#he has arthurs protection and he BELIEVES in that. so fully. in the way he carries himself#arthur lingers in johns life and his choices. john has the autonomy and freedom of a second child#ON TOP OF THIS. i think dutch loves both john and arthur. i dont think that is untrue#dutch is pathetic and he experiences major decline in sanity#the impact of arthurs death.... the abysmal reality that it was by dutchs hand that he died... dutchs sin is pride#he is hysterical in his attempt to prove what i can only assume is his worth as a father figure#he is so deep in denial and truly has lost his mind. that many has so much wrong with him#but he is well written and nuanced and so often feels motherly in his platitudes and preaching#a prideful mother and a daughter hellbent on making sure she is never lonely ohhhh theyre so#aough this game. this game is cooking me.#also the lengths that arthur goes to keep all of his tenderness wrapped in the pages of his journal and safe from everyone.....oh we're#really in it now arthur morgan#a.rdr2
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bittersweetresilience · 7 months
aspec characters on my character list: 73/96 arospec characters on my character list: 46/96 aroaspec characters on my character list if i wasn't repressed about it: 96/96
#🌃#the last one is a joke but also it's not i do think i interact with characters and their relationships in a fundamentally aroace way#HOWEVER#i hate headcanoning characters to be different than they are stated to be in canon i think it's incompatible and personally disrespectful#but with gender and aroace headcanons it's different because#the good thing is aroace spectrums cover such a broad range of experiences that it can be reconciled with just about any relationship type#aro people can date ace people can have sex aro people can have unrequited feelings#sometimes being aroace is that fundamental feeling of isolation and not quite understanding how#other people do it like they're getting love right and you don't know what it is or how to get there#sometimes being aroace is not being interested in all of that sometimes it's desperately wanting it and then realizing#what you want isn't exactly the same as what other people do#sometimes it's nonhuman coding sometimes it's neurodivergence coding sometimes it's a drive for knowledge or truth in place of Romance™#sometimes it's connection a bit to the left sometimes it's disconnection sometimes it's hunger sometimes it's looking through a window#reaching or wanting to reach or feeling like you should be wanting and not sure how to deal with the fact that you don't#for me always it's lonely#but it doesn't have to be#i can make these characters happy... like sisyphus and camus...#i don't know what i'm even going on about anymore 😂#THE POINT IS#if you are my favorite character you cannot escape the aroaceification 😘 love you queerplatonically
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thebleedingeffect · 2 months
#okay I'm talking in the tags of this post cause shit is happening in my life and I gotta talk about it somewhere#one part of it is my step brother crashing and burning before my very eyes and there's nothing I can do to stop his own destructive actions#so it's just me watching this poor kid ruin his relationships and blame everything and everyone around him as he does so#despite the fact that he's undeniably been treated horribly at times- he's just turned that anger back onto others and himself#and I have no idea what to feel as I watch him get arrested. have drug problems. because I'm just waiting for the inevitable spiral#it doesn't help that my mom has been comparing us and saying that I'm the much better child and she wishes he was like me#not understanding that I could’ve been him if I was just more angry at the world at that age instead of being so sad and scared#and that leads me to my fucking mom cause like- I love her. we've been through alot of bad shit with her#I've almost done some really bad shit for her and I know that she loves me more than anything else#but it feels like its been getting more and more suffocating cause I'm not sure she's able to start seeing me as an adult#and start loosening her grip around me and let me breathe. to have my own experiences without her by my side#to be able to go places and imagine a future without her constantly by my side#she talks and it's like she doesn't even think to wonder that perhaps I want to form my own experiences#and experience the world on my own terms because I feel like I've spent my whole life having so little damn control#religious family. shit and neglectful father who turned into the exact opposite and nearly killed me. family who refuses to listen and talk#having to move and run immediately. put survival above all else. go to school. get out. and god I just wanna breathe#she loves me so much and I love her too. but I feel like I'll be sooner crushed if I stick here for long enough#I'm just mad that my life has been nothing but absolutely no love. sudden waves of intense love. absolutely nothing. sudden spike#and I feel like I'm just finally starting to form good. healthy relationships on my own terms and actually make friends#because I had no idea what I was doing when I was a kid cause I was so fucking lonely and hurting#now I just. gotta figure out how to tell my mom that I can't carry this expectation that I'll continue to stay forever by her side#it just feels like I'm her child first and a person second. and it sucks. it really sucks.#ough. spins and spins and spins and spins-
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viktortittiforov · 3 months
the 2010s sure were a time in my life
#there's just....... there's just something about that time#it might have something to do with 2011 being the year i started high school and 2019 being the year i finished my BA#and also the last year before the pandemic#I DON'T KNOW I JUST. THINKING BACK ON IT THERE IS THIS MYSTIQUE TO THAT TIME. THIS STRANGE EXCITEMENT#which is most likely a result of me finally beginning to feel like i can shape my own life and who i am and daydreaming abt a better future#and like exploring myself. in 2010 i turned 14 and fully realised i'm bi and throughout the decade#i experimented with a variety of different like...... identifications and imaginations of who i am#some of those were quite consumer identities (e.g. i strove to be and was a very hipster teen) but nevertheless#i don't know dudes like. the pandemic took a lot from me in terms of ability to be excited about what's to come i think#even though my life is pretty good i'd say#but also maybe that's just what it's like to grow into adulthood and get a job etc. SIGH why am i writing an entire fucking essay#abt my 2010s teenagehood nostalgia#like majority of those years also SUCKED because i had zero real irl friends and was really lonely lmfao#it felt like life didn't really start for me yet#and i was constantly waiting to burst into it. maybe that's the mystique. constantly hoping i am on the precipice of smth extraordinary#is nostalgia for one's teenage yrs inevitable? even if you feel like you missed out on most experiences considered quintessentially teenage?#i only started having Teenage Experiences™ when i went to uni lmfao (i.e. early 20s)#but idk it's such a loaded period psychologically and it's horrible and frustrating when you're living it but then you think back on it#and you're like man..... sure was a time huh. wow#but idk my experience could also be influenced by so many other variables#e.g. smartphones and social networks becoming widespread and common#that was also a pretty significant thing that happened#anyway i think i'm abt to run out of tags so. that's it#sry this shoulda gone into my diary probably but i inflicted it on you instead#neptalks
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2-kamikou-1 · 4 months
can nobody see how agonizing this fucking feels
#i get to see everyone around me do things.#i get to see them have friends and be part of things like show choir and theatre and anime club and music extracurriculars#i get to hear stories about hanging out with your friends after school#knowing I get to do none of that.#''oh after school before my dad got off work i went to my friend's house and we got food and played xbox!!“#cool. I'm not allowed to walk further than the dollar store. I'm not allowed to get a job except at the place where my mom works.#I'm not even allowed friends.#i have one friend that i only see on the weekends.#i have a couple other people sure like the kid i met in kindergarten but he hasn't seen me in years.#how am i ever supposed to make friends if i can't go to school or do /anything/#because i have to stay in this online program which has enough of its issues in and of itself#because my parents feel like they have a monopoly on my time now that i don't go to school in person anymore.#I'm tired#i want it to stop#i want to stop feeling lonely.#i want to have other friends that i can introduce to my friends and i want to hang out after school and get food and play video games#and do harmless things I'm not supposed to#i wanna go to bed and feel like i lived the day to its fullest instead of feeling like it was just another day wasted#like time is moving forward and I'm not#i know there's no fucking. “highschool experience” like you see in movies. i know that.#but i know damn well it's not supposed to feel like this either.
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katyspersonal · 2 years
Tbh from my experience, many straight men should really raise their standards from what they want from love/relationship.
Guys - the girl being ‘cute, kind and accepting of your flaws’ is not a mark of her being THE one, honestly. These are like... very basic things. In fact, healthy relationship is not even possible without ‘being nice and accepting’, a partner that would not even allow you to be vulnerable and imperfect and weird isn’t a good one! But shooting for the bare minimum will cause problems, sooner or later.
It is kind of exactly what my toxic EX “loved” me for. Because I was accepting of his ‘weird’ traits and tastes, because I was willing to listen ‘when other just shut him down’ and because I gave him enough space ‘instead of just demanding things’? But yes, within “loving” me not for ME, but for what I could give to him - while being convinced no other person could do the same (bare minimum, I remind you!) - he failed to notice he liked exactly nothing about me as a person. He hated my tastes, my temperament, my lack of experience in “obvious social things”, my own vulnerability, all MY needs and boundaries appeared ‘selfish’ or ‘irrational’ for him, he hated my walls of text, he hated my intensity...
Like, you see the problem? I could not even truly blame him for turning out extremely toxic - when he was convinced that he was ‘stuck’ with a person he could not vibe less with, only because I was ‘the only one to ACCEPT him’, permanently feeling like ‘he never deserved better’... all this bitterness and disappointment in life coulda turned even a decent person into a very toxic one? Even very level-headed ones could turn out such if every day of their life they feel trapped with a person they hate, because it is either this or complete loneliness.
Naturally he resisted breaking up every way he could and I had to leave, and naturally his new partner that he actually likes and connects with he treats way better. Except I did not deserve to suffer because of his ‘desperation’ and lowered standards. Nobody with a similar experience (and there are many) deserved this.
But this is what CAN happen when you guys convince yourself that you are so spectacularly unlikeable and don’t deserve a person you would LIKE (not just ‘find safety with’) and that you should hold onto anyone who gives you BASIC human decency. Maybe I am just extremely rusty on what male gender socialisation does to a mf and there IS, in fact, widespread issue that makes ya’ll believe that a girl ‘just being nice and accepting’ is already a blessing but I felt like I needed to share my piece of the perspective, what I concluded from my experiences and those I was close with. Despair and low self-esteem is not some romantic tender trait. It is a ready recipe to both trap YOURSELF with a person you don’t even truly love and to hurt THIS person.
So honestly, aim for something besides bare minimum of human decency. Check if you feel supportive of her interests and hobbies, check if you are okay with her emotions and the way to look at the world, check if you love to listen to her, whether there are things you love in her that aren’t just “useful”. Being romantically close can’t last on only you finding someone to ‘tolerate’ you.
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i-like-gay-books · 2 years
as someone who’s dealt with acid reflux for a just few years shy of half my life now and who has also always had various stomach issues stemming from anxiety and a middle class midwestern diet for even longer, i really wish i’d known sooner about peppermint tea
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musical-chick-13 · 2 months
Once again wishing I liked the books more.
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aquarian-airhead · 3 months
I mean personally I think it's grimly hilarious that one of the animes I watched (and rewatched) at age 12 was Loveless
#Wouldn't wish this upon any other 12 year old because woww that was not suitable for children that stuff right there.#Though I would've been the same wild weirdo kid I ended up becoming even if I hadn't seen it anyway#pretty sure I know myself well enough to say so with my chest#it's just. In the 2000s access to age appropriately curated anime experience was not a thing lmao.#SO I just went ahead and found online the wildest shit I could based on what I was curious about#And I was curious about the Homo. There was no reasonable information on this enigmatic Homo thing back then locally I can assure you.#I was also curious about the Love & Sex in General™#It's kind of horrible how many other animes that I feel nostalgia for were in fact made for the consumption of grown men#(yuri or harem anime made for men)#As messed up as the fiction I consumed got... I don't think it made anything worse for me. Any bad shit that followed was more of a direct-#-result of being an ostracized and undiagnosed neurodivergent trying to navigate the absolute minefield that was...actual predators-#-looking for vulnerable targets. And like I said. Love and sexuality in general. That shit gets doubly hard if you're a lonely youth-#-with this gaping need at your core. Quadruply so if you're even more impulsive and reactive than the average teen already is.#Yup. Still think censorship is not the answer.#Censorship would not have protected me.#Education and safer authority figures would've.#Still stands that I find it morbidly humorous that I get nostalgia for all kinds of weirdo media#Baby self looked at Loveless and Elfen Lied and read secy goth manga and was like 'hmm yes this is very DEEP *pushes glasses*'
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snapbackslide · 7 months
ranting bc life is annoying me rn lol
#a combination of multiple things going wrong and testing me#nothing feels real tbh.. got home from the concert last night and i immediately missed being out#i really can't be left alone these days as soon as my friends and i say goodbye i get back into depression mode#texting is not it. i'm so sick of texting. i'm so sick of online relationships#i really was not cut out to live in this kind of society#it never works out for me i always argue with the people i love and it ends.. the only ppl i argue with irl are family#this whole online thing is a persona and i got trust issues i need everything to be all or nothing i can't live like this#all i've ever wanted was one forever man and one forever best friend#i'm not sure i'll ever have either i'm starting to think that i might be unlovable#i'm just really emotional this week and my job is making me so miserable maybe i shouldn't be introspecting rn#maybe i should just let time pass and indulge in the things i want for now#i think if my almost-relationship wasn't long-distance i'd also be much happier#it gets so lonely sometimes and it's a physically heavy burden#i wanted to hear from him last night when i got home but i guess he was asleep#so for once i kept my phone away so i could actually sleep in because usually i just let his texts wake me up#and when he messaged me he asked about the concert and we're talking about it#and he's sharing the songs he loves and asking what they played and it's just...#it's so nice to have someone to talk to about my experiences. so nice to have someone ask me about them#i only have one friend who does that with everyone else i have to bring up my stories on my own#and when i do it always turns to being all about the other person and i just end up not talking about myself again#i miss that friend so much right now she's travelling for a few weeks and i'm so upset that we didn't hang out before she left#but i'm grateful he makes me feel important and i'm trying not to get attached to that#because if i do and it doesn't work out i'll be even more crushed#i'm scared i'm going to make him an irreplaceable presence in my life#he's filling shoes that my friends haven't filled for so long and i'm not talking about the romantic part#and i don't think i have much of a post-concert depression anymore but i am feeling all sorts of things in the aftermath#mostly about how it was a full circle moment and re-remembering history and connections and nostalgia#if nothing else got me i know music got me#**#brunch anecdotes w the girlies
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freeasfishes · 7 months
My experience music fans on the internet is that Taylor Swift fans don't give a shit if you compare them to My Chemical Romance fans but if you compare My Chemical Romance fans to Taylor Swift fans the My Chemical Romance fans flip out which is annoying. For this reason I'd rather spend time with Taylor Swift fans even though when my mom told me my sister wanted "a Taylor Swift scarf" for Christmas and then sent me this picture I didn't really question it.
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I just figured the 16 year old girls were all wearing license plates around their necks for Taylor Swift and was ready to roll with it because no offense Swifties but you are all Bonkers.
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