#it's all about the development
elle-p · 1 year
P3 Club Book pages 9-10 transcription.
Don't seem to be any spoilers, still in japanese.
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イ   ここで小休止を兼ねまして、裏設に関する質問にもお答えしましょう。ひと口にデザインと言われましても、今作で副島成記氏が新しくデザインされたものと、シリーズ通しておなじみの金子一馬氏デザインのものがありますが······。
エ   それでは、まず副島氏デザインの新規ペルソナからどうぞ。
イ   副島ペルソナの特徴は、まず無機的なロボットのようなデザインに尽きますな。これは、心の鎧であるというペルソナの一側面が、大きく反映したものだと言えましょう。まに、副島氏デザインのペルソナのおべてが、仮面を着けた姿を取っているというのも興味深い。
エ   仮面というと、確かシャドウもアルカナに応じた仮面をつけておりましたが、何か関係が?
イ   さあ、それは永遠の謎と言うほかありますまい。もしかすると、いずれ明かされる謎かもしれませんが。
エ   普段は心の底に秘められた存在ですから、実は単なる恥ずかしがり屋でした、というオチでないことを心から祈るばかりでございます。
イ   また、これは気づいている方も多いでしょうが、主人公以外の皆さんが持つペルソナの覚醒前と覚醒後のデザインは、同じパーツが含まれているものが多いのですよ。良く見比べてみるとよろしい。
エ   ポリデュークスとカエサルのように、原型が跡形も残っていないものもございますが。
イ   沈黙は金ですよ、エリザベス。
エ   ところで余談ではありますが、副島氏の絵の原点をお聞きしたところ、専門的な絵の勉強をなさったというこではなく、昔読んだマンガの影響が大きハとのことです。
イ   ほう、それは興味深い。
エ   とくにコミックNORA (学習研究社から発行されていた月チリ誌。1986年創刊、1998年に休刊) がお好きだったようです。
イ   それはまた······かなりマイナーな漫画雑誌ではないですか。
エ   しかし、同じアトラスの名作RPG『グローランサー』で、原画とキャラクターデザインを担当する、うるし原智志氏も描かれていた雑誌です。意外なところで、意外な縁があるものでございますね。
イ   これはもう、涙なくては語れないほどの、担当ス夕ッフの方の努力の賜物と言えるでしょうな。
エ   イゴール様、それは少々大げさなのでは······?
イ   いやいや。これが決して大げさではないのですよ。まず、苦労の原因となるのが、メガテンシリーズ名物の合体システムといえましょう。この合体法則をまとめた合体表ですが、機械的に適当にアルカナを割り振っているのではないのです。このアルカナとこのアルカナを合体させたら、こんなアルカナになるんじゃないか、といったイン一ジを合致させることに加え、合体前後のペルソナのレべルや強さも考慮に入れる必要がありますから、それはそれは根気のいる試行錯誤が要求されるのでありますよ。
エ   それは、確かに大変そうです。
イ   その上で、各ペルソナを相応しいアルカナに振り分けるのですから、相当な作業量となりますな。時おり、複数の作品にまたがって登場する悪魔やペルソナの場合、作品ごとにアルカナ (種族) や能力が変わっていることがありますが、それも作品ごとのバランスを緻密に考えている結果といえるでしょう。
エ   『葛葉ライドウ』で銀氷属だったオクニヌシが、今作で火炎が得意なペルソナになっているのも、文句を言ってはいけませんね。
イ   禁句です。
エ   しかし、簡単にイメージに合わせると言っても難しそうです。例えば別作品では悪霊として知られるレギオンが、どうしてフールに属おるのか不思議に思えるのですが?
イ   それは担当ス夕ッフの方が仰ってましたが、フールがさまざまな可能性、多面性を示すアルカナですから、たくさんの顔を持つレギオンが相応しいと考えれたのだとか。
エ   なるほど。納得いたしました。
イ   また、本当にいきなりのご質問でございますね。
エ   私は私、単なるエリザベスでございます。
イ   元ネ夕ということでしたら、多少はお教えすることができますが、それで宜しいかな?
エ   元ネ夕が存在するのですか?
イ   それがあるのですよ。シリーズ第一作目の『女神異聞録ペルソナ』の開発中、ほぼ同時に『真・女神転生デビルサマナー』の開発も行なわれていました。このときに、過去作品で「邪教の館」として和られる合体場所に、新たに合体を担うキャラク夕ーを作ろうということになったのだとか。そして、そこでヒントとなったのが、人造モンス夕ーを化学のカで作り出す古典ホラー『フランケンシュ夕イン』でした。
エ   確かに、合体システムに通じるものがございますね。
イ   その結果、『デビルサマナー』の方には、フランケンシュ夕イン博士のフルネーム、ヴィクトル・フランクンシュ夕インから「ヴィクトル」というキャラク夕ーが生まれ、『ペルソナ』の方には、そのフランケンシュ夕イン博士の召使として働く男の名を取って、私「イゴール」が生まれたという次第ですな。
エ   私は今作で初登場ですが、何か用来があるのですか?
イ   先ほどの『フランケンシュ夕イン』の続編である『フランケンシュ夕インの在嫁』で、人造モンス夕ーの花嫁として造られる美女の名が、ズバリ、エリザベスと言うのですよ。
エ   まあ、それは光栄ですわ。
イ   まあ······映画の中では、造られてからあっという間に殺されてしまうのですがね。
エ   ······。メギドラ······。
イ   お願いですから、私に当たらないでいただきたい。
イ   今作の固有ペルソナは、初期ペルソナはギリシャ神話から、そして覚醒後はそれ以外の神話から、というルールで設定されているようですな。これは、覚醒によって各人の可能性が広がることを、システム的にも表現するためなのですよ。
エ   では、ここから各ペルソナの由来解説は、それぞれの装着者の方にお願いいたしましょう。
主人公   ······。
イ   あー、少々無口な方のようですので、ここは私が解説いたしましょう。オルフェウスはギリシャ神話の登場人物で、黄泉の国に行った恋人エウリディケを追っていったことで有名ですな。また太陽神アポロンの息子でもあります。背中の堅琴は、このオルフェウスが堅琴の名手として知られた逸話から来たもので、ゲーム中でもミックスレイドのカデンシァ (独奏即興曲という意味) に、その音楽的才能の片鱗が見受けられます。黄泉の国の逸話でも、その堅琴の音色で冥府の門番ケルべロスを眠らせるなど、さまざまな活躍を見せているようです。ちなみにこと座は、このオルフェウスの堅琴をゼウスが星座にしたと伝えられております。
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gaymaramada · 1 year
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First encounter with Death / Last encounter with Death
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Vanny has a FNAF game question for Michael..
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egophiliac · 2 months
What do you like about the Diasomnia boys if I may ask?
I always love hearing about the different reasons people enjoy characters.
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I mean, c'mon. he has split custody over Sebek okay
also, Lilia in particular has maybe the best timeskip character development of all time
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#art#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 chapter 4 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 chapter 4 spoilers#stage in playful land#i hope this is legible whoops#anon i am sorry but you made the fatal mistake of asking me to talk about diasomnia#insert 'i just think they're neat' jpg#i do like the other characters a lot but they are definitely my favorites#they just hit a lot of my favorite things in characters i guess!#yes even you sebek even though you keep shrieking NINGEN at me#(it's okay he gets Character Development™ later)#and their dynamic! it's great! these guys frikking love each other SO much and they WILL have terrible terrible angst about it#ohoho delicious#give me all your emotional hangups baybeeeee#also somewhere in there i went from 'i like them all equally (but lilia is the most fun to draw)'#to 'lilia is absolutely my favorite (and still the most fun to draw) (EVEN MORE fun now thank you swishy ponytail!)'#(it was probably when his candy coating got a little scratched and whoops all the tragedy fell out)#(where's that 'get loved loser' post because i need to staple it to lilia's forehead)#i am extremely bad at putting things into words so please don't ask me to explain it any further#just know that the diafam is everything to me and if we don't get more episode 7 soon i'm going to crumble into dust and blow away#we'll be getting the crowleytimes on monday and maybe there will be. idk. some foreshadowing or something in his groovy#probably not but LOOK i'm desperate
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obsob · 4 months
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once more around the sun!! :3
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tshortik · 8 months
I love you messy artstyle i love you visible brush strokes I love you textures and rough edges I love you imperfections I love you roughness and colour blobs I love you scratchy sketches and bold stylisation and dirt and imperfections I love you ugly and raw emotion!!!!! ❤️
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nelkcats · 10 months
Time crisis
Clockwork looked sick, this was the first time Danny had witnessed something like this so he couldn't help but feel concerned for his mentor. However, no matter how many times he asked what was going on, the Ancient refused to answer.
The halfa was taking care of him and finally Clockwork revealed that he was under attack. Danny raised an eyebrow in confusion, he saw no one in Clock Tower and the Observants were not around, seeing his confusion the Master of Time explained himself more clearly.
Clockwork had multiple bodies, distributed in different dimensions. And while they didn't follow the same rules, their job was the same, "preserve the timelines". One of his other bodies must have sensed his timeline being altered multiple times and awoke from its rest to repair the error.
Someone must not have been happy about that, if the damage Clockwork was receiving was anything to go by. The Ancient had no doubt that if they kept attacking him they would cause him further damage, which would be a big problem for the timelines.
The reason he didn't want to tell the halfa that was because he knew Danny would want to help, but not all of his "parts" were good, nor did they have the same methods to "repair" and he didn't want to show the boy a bad part of himself. Although he doubted his other "self" would attack young Daniel, seeing how fond he was of him.
Danny of course, offered to solve the problem. Knowing the boy was stubborn, Clockwork sighed in resignation and opened a portal to the DC Universe, where the Justice League was facing Kronos, Danny stepped through the portal immediately and started running to the battlefield.
Wonder Woman was gritting her teeth in fury as she faced Kronos, who was scowling in annoyance, his gaze seemed to be fixed on the speedster for some reason; half of the League were injured but holding their ground, and John Constantine had almost finished preparing a spell to destroy the titan once and for all. He opened his mouth to tell the Titan it was his end when a teenage boy ran past him.
Danny, who had no idea what was going on, stood in front of Kronos not knowing what to say. He didn't quite know how to fix the situation. Kronos looked at him in confusion as John choked as he noticed the boy in the path of his spell.
"Fate is not inevitable" the halfa told the Titan decisively. While he had been a hero and understood why the people around him would want to "stop" the other Clocky, he didn't want to see his mentor die (even if this was some sort of clone? Danny didn't quite understand), he was selfish, and he knew the other Clocky had his reasons. He looked at the wounded on the battlefield and took a deep breath before looking at the Titan again.
"Come home with me and we'll find another way to solve it" Danny offered, ignoring the heroes glaring at him. Kronos was still silent, he knew he could kill the boy in seconds but something in him protested at the idea.
Danny wondered if he could lock the being in front of him in a Fenton thermos.
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forgettable-au · 4 months
Does Flowey exist in this au?
Yes, he does.
Everything's pretty much the same when it comes to the regular story in this AU. It's just the past, especifically Papyrus' past (wich we don't know much about to begin with) that changes
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Actually Flowey is one of the main characters in the story! (the main story of this au is divided between the past before the game and a post-pacifist timeline:D)
He and Papyrus will have a fun dynamic
-some thought I had in tags behind the keep reading
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Srry for the spelling mistakes in here but I can't go and fix tags because I would end up erasing everything😭tumblr struggles
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high-voltage-rat · 29 days
I think it's fascinating that the quotes:
"Have you forgotten sir, we were at war? A fight with an alien race for the very survival of our species. I feel I must remind you that it is an undeniable, and may I say fundamental quality of man, that when faced with extinction, every alternative is preferable."
"When you spend every day fighting a war, you to demonize your attackers. To you, they're evil, they're subhuman. Because if they weren't, what would that make you? What I'm trying to say... is I've been afraid to see you for what you really are. You're our brothers. Our sisters. And the things we've done to one another are unforgivable."
"These guys want to use us, take us away from our families, and send us all over the dad-gum galaxy just to test if their agents are ready for the big fight? Well... guess I'm interested in showin' em exactly what a big fight is all about! So I'm not ordering you to go. I ain't even asking. You do what you gotta do, Private."
came from the same series whose standard fare is lines like:
"What in the hell are you two doing?" / "We're being executed by our own men, sir." / "Cut it out."
"I only drink the blood of my enemies, and the occasional strawberry yoohoo."
"You always said I could sleep when I’m dead, Sarge, and guess what? I am dead. This purgatory is about to become purga-snore-y, yawn!"
...and both categories manage to be a poignant statement about the nature of war and what it does to the people in it.
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segernatural · 6 months
sure it was a perfect storm of a pressure cooker but i promise destiel was about destiel
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theabigailthorn · 3 days
I just read a pilot for a TV show that two incredible people are trying to get made and HOO HOO! OH HOH! I can't tell you who either of them are or what the show is about but DAMN! I hope this gets made! I hope I get to be in it! HAHA, EXCITING! SICK, EVEN!
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kaiserouo · 2 months
Tired Ghost
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doodlesforfics · 2 years
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Who’s Old Now? by @lirabuswavi​ (um i hope i tagged the right person, cause like im 80% sure you are same ao3 lirabuswavi, if not im sorry <;D)
ok this one-shot literally opened my eyes to sheer chaos possibility of Adult!Fenton adopting kid Billy B. while Teenager!Phantom being mistaken as Shazam’s ward and just ladskjsdk??? superhero/magic/ghost community would not be prepared. amazing fic. such fun.
and some doodles inspired by the fic
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let lil Billy have retired ghost superhero possibly eldritch overpowered being Phantom as protective Dad.
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shakingparadigm · 2 months
modern college au where model ivan comes home late after photoshoots and listens to till's demos for hours on repeat to wallow in his agony (the songs are always for mizi)
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skeletoninthemelonland · 10 months
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a glimpse of what their early dynamic looks like
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cemeterything · 2 months
i don't think i'm remotely a "good" person by any definition but it really does infuriate me when i remember how i let myself be convinced that i was uniquely evil and deserved everything that was done to me for being no worse than the average human being on planet earth
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