#it's all serious and then... little ani loves flying 💕
of-naboo · 1 year
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A paragraph above about the intense battle occurring on Naboo... meanwhile,
Anakin Skywalker liked flying.
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Back to an intense battle from the other characters' perspective and then...
Anakin Skywalker really liked flying.
Star Wars Queen's Peril, E.K Johnston
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a-hazbin-reader · 7 months
HII I just wanted to say I simply adore your Alastor headcannons.. ❤️
I unsure if you’re accepting request but if you aren’t you can ignore this one 😅
I was thinking of a pining Alastor with a fem reader who never sings. Like she has always hated musicals, and ever since she’s been in hell she noticed it’s just one big musical. And the moment they finally actually open up and sing.. it’s not with Alastor. But probably Angel to make him feel better.. So he’s all jealous that the reader hasn’t sung with him.
And at the end they share a lil love duet and slow dance .. like, singing at last by Etta James..
I don’t know..I just love how you write Alastor. Your writing is absolutely phenomenal. 💕
I've been avoiding this one because it makes me think of Nix- 😭
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Alastor being a MENACE, Grumpy!Reader, Mentions of Drunk!Reader
Description: 👆⬆️
You don't sing, you're not the kind of person who's just going to break out into song like everyone else around you
You sang along to music, sometimes sure, or maybe even sang to yourself, but you didn't live life like you're in a musical
You had better things to do with your time than dancing around to mysterious music and making up words on the fly
It was something that annoyed Alastor because no matter how hard he tried to get you to join him in his little song and dance, you just walked away
And left him feeling ridiculous for even trying to make music with you
Your serious demeanor and closed off nature only served to make him want to win you over even more
He doesn't like people being a mystery to him, he wants to know what you're thinking and how you're feeling all the time
For the sake of knowledge, of course, not out of any romantic desire or anything as ridiculous as that
After several failed attempts to get you to sing, Alastor just assumes you've got a bad singing voice and gives up
Only to be PISSED when he's proven wrong because WHY WON'T YOU SING WITH HIM
He finds you holding Angel to your chest and singing to him, the poor spider holding back tears as he relaxes into your arms
Alastor just hides and listens to the sound of your voice more confused than ever as to why you don't sing
It reignites his desire to get you to sing with him and he becomes more of a pest than ever for you
He tries to trick you into humming or singing, turning on the radio when you two are alone in hopes that you'll take a liking to a song
"Do you have a particular music preference, my dear?"
"Can't say I do, whatever you pick is fine."
You only roll your eyes and continue looking at your book, the only sign that you like the music is your leg bouncing to the beat
He later catches you humming a little tune with Niffty as the two of you clean up together, the happy look on your face is the most precious thing he's seen
Alastor tries to invite you out to a concert/musical, waving two tickets in front of your face
"What do you say, my dear~? You and I listening to the most wonderful music in hell together?"
Only to watch your face scrunch up at the idea and realize that he's about to be rejected
"That's not really my thing, maybe you can get Charlie to go with you."
He ends up giving the tickets to Charlie and Vaggie, letting the two of them have a date night
You're smiling and singing a little song with Husk later that night, cooking a late night dish with him
He sulks the entire night and glares at you whenever your paths cross because HOW DARE YOU
He even tries taking everyone to a karaoke bar and pulling you up on stage, hoping you're drunk enough that you'll sing
Only to be the victim of your drunken rage and get body slammed into a table instead because he startled you
"Alastor!! Are you okay!? Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I will pay for the table!"
Charlie is panicking because everyone is STARING, but you just glare down at him, cheeks flushed from the booze
"Don't... sneak up on me like that..."
He'd be lying if he said it didn't turn him on a little, laying there still in shock over what happened
Later, he hears you singing along to a song someone else is singing to. You're so drunk by that point that he doubts you even realize you're doing it
But you still sound so good even when your words are slurred and you're not even singing the right song
It gets to the point where Alastor's mood sours whenever you sing because he wants to sing with you but you always turn him down
You're trying to open up more but it's difficult to open up to someone like Alastor because it's impossible to know if he can be trusted
Your better judgment tells you no, but your heart whispers that you should give him a chance
Alastor just wants a duet with you so badly
You two would kill it, and he knows it
He's playing at the piano one day, singing to himself for entertainment more than anything
It's a song from his childhood, bringing up memories of happier times with his mother
When you suddenly saddle up next to him and begin to play as well, adding another layer to his song
His tail wagging and the way his eyes light up are the only indication he gives that he's excited by your presence
He keeps singing, feeling renewed by your musical accompaniment and really enjoying the music
Only to be graced with the sound of your own voice joining him, your hands briefly crossing over each others to play the right notes
The simple graze is electric for both of you, but neither would admit for years to come
He was right, you two sound better than anything he's ever heard before and he can't help but look at you because surely you feel it too??
Only to be flustered by the blush on your face and the small smile you give him, obviously pushed beyond your comfort zone but trying hard
It's all he can do to swallow the lump in his throat and focus on the song instead of how good you look or how beautiful you sound
Only when the song is over do you two realize how close your faces have gotten, gazing into each other's eyes like lovesick teenagers
You both are leaning in closer, gazes drifting down to lips-
When Alastor suddenly jerks away and walks across the room from you, his face burning from the realization of what almost happened
You deflate a bit and worry that you read him wrong, standing up so you can leave with your pride still intact
"Alastor, I'm so-"
Suddenly, the radio comes to life, Alastor picking a station with a slow romantic song playing before holding his hand out to you
"Care to dance, my dear? It'd be a shame to let such a good song go to waste..!"
You're both blushing and avoiding looking each other in the eye but you take his hand anyways, being pulled flush against him
If anyone were to peek in and see you two, it would certainly look like you two were a couple dancing to a romantic song and having a moment
Alastor has one hand on your hip while the other gently holds your hand, your head resting against him in an attempt to hide how embarrassed you are
His ears are folded back, and the smile on his face is wobbly and awkward, your other hand on his shoulder suddenly seemingly very interesting
Good thing nobody is peeking in on you two, except everyone is peeking in and passing around cash
"Pay up Angel, Husk, Charlie won fair and square."
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I hope you guys like it 💓
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laismoura-art · 1 month
I need your umgadi girls college au headcanons with lisa! I'll Try to gone up with the order of light headcanons hatsune!
Hey Dragon!!💕
It took me longer than expected to gather my ideas, but here we go!!
Harumi and Tanya studied together in high school!
They were both cheerleaders and Tanya was team captain!
Harumi is extremely sociable and friendly, so she befriended Tanya on their first day of training. They've been best friends ever since!
Tanya was very popular in high school, she was an unusual "good mean girl" meaning she targeted bullies instead of the bullied.
She used to pick up some serious fights till the school boarding warned her it could affect her chances of getting a scholarship. Even though she was an extremely dedicated student.
Tanya doesn't come from a wealthy home, so she couldn't afford missing any chance to get her scholarship!
Harumi didn't think it was fair that Tanya was getting in trouble for defending other kids, so she started to cover up for her.
Being liked by everyone had it's perks, Harumi could get anyone to help back us her stories.
Tanya stopped picking up actual fights and started to do some little pranks instead.
The bullies always knew it was her, but with Harumi getting more than half of the school promptly siding with her and Tanya, it was hard for them to get her in any trouble!
To get extra points, Tanya also joined the gardening club at their school, which Harumi was part of!
Tanya wasn't that great at gardening, but of course Harumi helped her out (which made her very happy cause usually it was Tanya who helped her with her studies, so it was nice to be the one helping for a change)!
Tanya graduated with flying colours as one of the best students. Which granted her a 100% scholarship!
She got to attend the best gymnastics program in the country!
She was hoping after graduation she would open her own program for low income children like herself!
Harumi also got herself a scholarship to the same college as Tanya, though she was majoring in nursing instead.
They both opened her acceptance letters together and spend an entire weekend celebrating!
It was at college that they met the rest of the girls!
Jade has lived in South America most of her life as her family had business in the region.
It was in Peru that she met her best friend, Kotal. It seems his family had direct descendant to Incan royalty!
Through her parents many trips and long friendship with Kotal, Jade learned to love history, ancient history specifically!
She decided to major in history then (to her parents distaste, as they'd rather have her study business to continue working at her family's company)
Despite her choices going against her family's preferences, they didn't object much. They come from a very wealthy family so she could indulge.
Her parents were very busy businesspeople, and their hyperfocus on their jobs make them rather neglectful towards Jade. Though they bought the tickets to her trip, as they promised they would, they ended messing up the dates and scheduling her flight a WEEK after the classes had already started!
Not wanting to miss another day, Jade went to class as soon as she arrived, which caused her to be jetlagged and extremely exhausted!
It didn't help that she didn't know the college and, in a hurry, she ended up barging into the wrong class! The nursing class, where she met Harumi.
Harumi, always the friendly type, offered to help get Jade settled! She showed her around and they talked a lot in the process, Harumi could tell she and Jade were going to be good friends!
At lunch time, Harumi invited Jade to join her, and there she met Tanya!
Suchin only joined the group a couple weeks later.
She is the perfect example of an antisocial and always had very few friends, and unfortunately, none of them made it to the same college as her.
She was terrified with the idea of having to make friends all over again, but the luck was on her side this time!
Thanks to her majoring in archeology, she has history class with Jade, and was quite fascinated by Jade's knowledge on Mesoamerican culture. She didn't say anything, but Jade could tell she was paying attention and, to Suchin's relief, was the one who started a conversation!
Jade also invited Suchin to join her and her friends at lunch! Before Suchin knew, she already had three new friends!
A month later Lisa Liang would be joining their group!
She and Kuai Liang, came all the way from China for their majors! (They choose this college because their older brother, Bi-Han was already studying there).
Lisa used to have serious anger problems, and they only improved once she started doing martial arts.
She wanted to help other people the same way she was helped, so she decided to major in business, she would be able to open her own martial arts school! She will call it the Lin Kuei Dojo!
Meanwhile, Kuai, always wanted to be a therapist, as therapy had always helped him handle his insecurities, and much like Lisa, he wanted other people to receive the same help and support he had!
Lisa wasn’t great at making friends, but she knew she would've to get past that if she wanted to be able to work with people in the future!
She was jogging around campus one morning and coincidentally, so was Tanya. They were going the same direction and Lisa took it as her opportunity to be social.
Tanya was very nice to her and Lisa didn't want to ruin things with her, so she admitted she was not used to talk to people and requested Tanya not to think she was weird (while also mentally smacking herself for being so blunt with a girl she had just met)
Tanya inly laughed and said Lisa wasn’t the first socially awkward friend she had, and invited Lisa to join her at lunch. She was sure meeting Harumi was all Lisa needed to relax and feel more welcomed!
Little did she know she would be bringing together what would soon become the most amazing power couple!
Now, speaking of amazing powers couples, here's some shipping focused headcanons:
Tanya met Mileena in the gymnastics program. Li Mei, their teacher, paired them up together for an exercise and they got along very nicely!
Mileena realised her feelings for Tanya after messing up a sequence, a couple girls were mean to her for that and Tanya stood up for her!
Suchin met Kenshi in history class. Their first conversation happened because she corrected him on a fact.
She expected him to be mad, but he found it amusing instead, and also requested her help on some fact checking! She accepted-- or rather, Jade accepted for her!
Jade and Tomas met by chance. Jade ended up accidentally 3rd wheeling for Harumi and Lisa (Tanya and Suchin had both decided to call it a night and Jade missed the cue to do the same, so she just remained awkwardly with the couple)
Lisa took them both home and there they met Tomas (he wouldn't start college till the next semester, hence why they never met in class)
Tomas was relieved to see Jade cause then he wouldn't be stuck 3rd wheeling in his own house!
Bonus couple:
Hanzo came all the way from Japan to study Pedagogy, but unlike the Sub-Zero siblings, his english wasn't the best, so he took a mentoring class to improve. Kuai was his tutor!
They bonded over their want to help people, as Hanzo wants to do Pedagogy to give a better education to orphanage children!
Aaaaand that's what I have for now! Hope you enjoy it!!💕
@madamealtruist @mikka-minns @orbitinytheworld
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Hey love💕If you’re not too busy I’d like to request a Tangerine fic because I think you write him so well!! I was thinking maybe the reader and him sharing a cigarette together after an intense mission and the reader needing a distraction from the chaos so she makes a move on him?🥹thank u so much darling
hii lovely!! stop, you think I write him well?? that means sm, thank you🥹 I absolutely LOVE ones like this. thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
after mission breather
tangerine x f reader
wc || 1.1k
warnings || none? nothing serious
masterlist + rules
You’ve done many missions in your time but they’d never get any easier, they’d be so mentally and physically demanding that it often left you with blinding migraines afterwards. It wasn’t the blood or the noise of the guns, it would be because of the whirlwind of intense emotions that came along with the job.
Despite the headaches, gore and danger of the occupation, you loved it. You liked the freedom it gave you, and even more so, you loved your partners.
The assignment you had been working on this week had been a complete shit show, an utter disaster from the get-go. You and the twins were in Madrid taking down numerous gang bases in and around the city. It was a little different to the usual jobs you do but money is money and the amount you were getting paid, left you no room to complain.
Today you were finishing up on a well-known gang based just along the outskirts of the city. It was meant to be the easiest task of all until you ran into unexpected members of the gang. They were meant to be at a meeting with the leaders of rival gangs to discuss the matters that had been happening over the city this past week. This meant that the three of you were able to collect the money and information that was needed, unfortunately, that was not the case.
The gang that was being targeted today, were already on such high alert that they left a majority of their men behind to keep the base safe. Ultimately, this meant a lot more work for you and the twins. Luckily, you were always prepared for the worst, always ready for any unexpected changes that may come your way.
Within minutes, you and the boys had infiltrated the location and wiped out the bulk of the men on site. Tangerine and Lemon were sniping the stragglers from above while you went on to collect the stolen bags of money from the boss’ office.
Slinging the full duffle bags over your shoulder, gun in hand as you stalk through the dingy hallways to make your way back to the car out front. Clambering down the metal steps, running over to the car that the twins were waiting patiently in.
“Chop chop.” Lemon calls out, revving the engine.
Immediately hopping into the backseat, throwing the bags beside you, he speeds off.
“Get everything?” Tangerine asks, turning around in the passenger seat to look over you.
Panting, clutching your chest. “Think so… I don’t know.”
“What do you mean you don’t know?” Lemon asks looking back at you through the rearview.
“I just need a sec.” You sigh, rubbing over the bridge of your nose. “Can we pull over in minute? I need some air.”
“You alright?” Tan asks, his face full of concern.
Nodding in response.
“Lem pull over.”
“I can’t, we’re still too close.” Lemon snaps, swerving in between cars.
“Then go that way.” Tan points off to an alley. “I’ve been here before, go up then take a left.”
“Guys it’s fine, seriously. I’m okay.”
“You look like shit, you need some air.” He finalises, gripping the steering wheel to urge Lemon to turn off sooner.
Truthfully, the aftermath of missions really affected you, you’d often desperately need a moment to wind down after all the chaos. And that was something you urgently needed right now.
“Lem hurry up.”
“Bruv, I’m going as fast as I can. There’s people everywhere— get out the fuckin way.” Interrupting himself with the honk of the horn.
“Christ. Watch it, she’s gonna fly through the fuckin windscreen.” Tan grits out, occasionally looking back at you.
“Guys, I’m really fine.”
A sheepish grin tugs the corners of his lips. “Nah, I need a cig break anyway.”
“Fuckin hell… there we go, bunch of babies. Got five minutes or I’m leaving.”
“Was that so hard?” Tangerine snarks, opening the car door, and stepping aside to open your door. “You alright?” He asks again, his eyes searching yours.
“Yeah— yeah.” You nod, closing the door behind you.
“Five. You got five minutes.” Lemon calls out, watching you both walk away.
You and Tangerine climb up onto a little ledge, both sighing as you take a seat on the half-brick wall beside one another. He pulls out a pack of cigarettes, extending a hand in which you take one. You place it between your lips and he cups his hand around the end as he lit it, staring into your eyes as he did so.
Taking a slow drag, exhaling steadily as you close your eyes, already feeling a moment of calm. He snatches it from your lips so he could have a couple puffs himself, before eventually passing it back to you. “Been a long fuckin week.” He sighs, spreading his legs as he rakes his fingers through his hair.
“Yeah.” You softly laugh, crossing your legs as you take a couple more drags before passing it back to Tangerine.
“You did good today.” His eyes soften slightly as he exhales, looking over you with an expression you haven’t yet seen before.
“Thanks.” You nod, gazing at him. “So did you.”
If truth be told, you’ve always had a thing for Tan, you knew you could never act on it, but right now after the chaos of this week, you couldn’t think of a reason to stop you.
Your eyes flicker between his lips and soft blue eyes, gazing between the two as you slowly lean in. He catches on and does the same. Flicking the cigarette to the ground, he cups your face and gently pulls you towards him. Softly brushing his lips over yours, working over them with such care and precision.
Breathlessly parting, staring at each other with a sight twinkle in the eye. You pull him back in for a couple more long tender kisses until you were interrupted by an impatient partner, pounding on the horn.
“Fuckin Christ, man.” Tangerine sighs, brushing a few loose strands of hair behind your ears. “That has not been five minutes.” Softly chuckling.
“Nah, that’s just Lem being Lem.” Grinning wide, standing up. “Come on.” Flashing him a sweet smile as you pull him up.
“Don’t make it obvious.” You lightly smack his chest, pointing to his face. “Hide it.”
“That’s rich.” Smirking as he points to yours. “Like a Cheshire cat over there.”
Stepping into the car, trying to act as inconspicuous as possible.
“What’s up with your faces?” Lemon questions, looking between the two of you.
“Tan tripped over.”
“Cherry tripped over.” You both respond in sync like you were thinking the same thing.
“You kissed.” Lemon replies flatly, pulling away from the curb.
“A little bit.”
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@tangerinesgf @kpopgirlbtssvt @ch3rries-n-cream @earth-elemental18 @ashlynhasmanyhyperfixations @idontknowwhattohaveasmyuser @thewinterv @navs-bhat @ilovetangerinewithallmyheart @theredvelvetbitch @randomawesomeperson102 @lov3lypeaches7 @princess-pebbles-things
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blisss777 · 4 months
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Anakin skywalker x fem best friend reader
Warnings:angst, mentions of death, manipulation, heavily pregnant reader. Obi-Wan loses the fight against anakin, sorry to all the Obi-Wan lovers, this hurts me as much as it hurts you🙏🏽
There is a time jump, sorry 🙏🏽 ps, listen to any lana song as you read, or if you'd like Taylor swift. Anyone your little heart desires💕
Her heart sinks to her stomach as 3P0 informs her of how the attack on the Jedi temple, her worry centred around anakin skywalker. She shallows a lump in her throat, fidgeting with her silk robe anakin has brought her as a gift. And she knows she won't be able to sleep tonight, not a wink until anakin is in her arms once more.
So she waits, a painstakingly long wait. She can't stay in one place for to long, but she tries, she truly tries. For her, for her unborn child. She's broken from her dark thoughts once more by 3P0. "Master anakin has returned." A sense of relief floods her, she runs as best as she could while being heavily pregnant.
Seeing Anakin getting of off his ship, his eyes conect with hers and he rushes towards her. Wrapping her up in his strong arms, he takes in her familiar sweet scent. It soothes him greatly. "Oh ani, I was so worried. I heard there was an attack on the Jedi temple you can see the smoke from here"
"I know, I'm sorry I'm alright, see. I came to see if you and the baby are safe." He takes her face in his hands. "What's happening ani?" A now serious look taking over his features. "The jedi have tried to overthrow the Republic." Her eyebrows furrowed in a look of disbelief. "What, why would they do that?" She thought the jedi were the good guys, why would they do that. What purpose would it serve.
"I saw master windu attempt to assassinate the chancellor myself." Anakin says it with such certainty that she believes him, she always would. "Ani, what are you gonna do?" She looks into his eyes, fear filling hers. His eyes narrow in anger but not at her, he turns and faces away from her. "I will not betray the Republic. My loyalties lie with the chancellor."
"And with the senate, and with you." He walks towards her, placing a hand on her bump and rubbing. "What about you're master, obi-wan?" She wondered about his supposed master, someone she hasn't met or even seen with her own two eyes. But anakin has always mentioned him in a good light, as a father to him. "I don't know, Many jedi have been killed, We can only hope that he's remained loyal to the chancellor."
"Ani, I'm afraid." She looks up at him with furrowed brows, anakin tilts his head slightly and caresses her face. "Have faith my love, everything will soon be set right." His eyes softened in adoration. "The chancellor has given me a very important mission, the separatists have gathered on the mustafar system. I'm going there to end this war."
His voice rises slightly before again softening. "Wait for me until I return, things will be different I promise." She nods slightly at anakin's words, he leans in and she closes her eyes. They're lips meeting in a sweet kiss. "Please wait for me." He begs before turning to leave, immediately jumping back in his ship and flying away.
3P0 walks back up the steps and stops in front of y/n. "Well then my lady, is there anything I might do?" She shakes her head slowly, trying to wrap her head around everything that gas happened in a span of minutes. "No thank you 3P0." He muttered something about feeling helpless as he walks away.
Leaving her to her thoughts once more.
Landing the ship on mustafar, she cradles her head in her hands. A horrid feeling in her stomach as she thinks of what obi-wan has told her of anakin's turn to the darkside. Looking in the distance she sees a familiar figure, anakin. She quickly opens the ships ramp and runs down it to then meet him half way in an embrace.
"I saw your ship." He moves his head back to gaze at her worriedly. "What are you doing out here?" Anakin asks as he rubs the side of her arms, up and down gently. "I was so worried about you, obi-wan told me terrible things." She shakes her head, thinking about her anakin doing those things. She couldn't even fathom it.
"What things." Anakin's voice is aggressive, anger flowing through him like the hot molten lava on mustafar. "He said you've turned to the darkside, that you killed younglings."
"Obi-wan is trying to turn you against me." He whispers as he tries to quell his quickly building anger. "He cares about you, about us." His face drops at her words. "Us?" She grabs his shoulders and squeezes softly, before moving up to his neck and playing with the hairs there.
"He knows, he wants to help you." Anakin just looks down and smiles a sinister smile, and she shivers at that. "Ani, all I want is your love. Please, I need you, we need you." She grabs his hand and places it on her rounded stomach. "Love won't save you y/n, only my mew powers can."
"Ani please, don't do this." She pleads, reaching up to hold his face in both her hands. Pushing his hair out of his face. "I won't lose you, I am becoming more powerful than any jedi has dreamed of." Her arms drop down slowly as he says that, her hope that there is still good in him slowly dwindling. "And I'm doing it for you, to protect you."
"Come away with me, let's leave this all behind. We can raise the baby together in a little house on naboo, like we talked about. Remember?" She smiles but it's covering her sadness, as she tries to believe that he'd listen. That they'd leave like they always talked about.
"Don't you see, we don't have to run anymore. I have brought peace to the Republic, I am more powerful than the chancellor I can overthrow him." She slowly backs away, her eyes tearing up as obi-wan's words prove to be true. And it breaks her heart. "And together you and I can rule the galaxy, make things the way we want them to be."
The smile on his face is alarming, her heart beats furiously against her chest. Making it hard for her to breath. "I don't believe what I'm hearing. Obi-Wan was right, you've changed." Anakin's eyes narrowed and he looks away quickly before looking back at her, his glare sends a shiver down her spine.
"I don't wanna hear anymore about obi-wan. The jedi turned against me, I won't let them turn you against me." His voice is frightening, and he senses the fear in her. She holds a protective hand on her stomach, thinking of making a run for it. "Don't, don't you dare." His words are ominous, and he takes a menacing step towards her. Making her take two back in response.
But he stops suddenly, his icy glare is directed behind her. Making her brows furrow in confusion and she turns to see what has caught his attention, she gasps as she spots obi-wan standing at the top of the ramp. "Ani, no no ani please." She cried out as she sees the deathly look on his face, as he raised his arm. Force chocking her.
He says nothing as she begs, chocking on her words and gasping desperately for air. "Let her go anakin." It's obi-wan's voice, but everything starts to blur and fade around her. And her eyes plead with him to let her go, to listen as tears roll down her cheeks. Her heart shattering into pieces.
"Let her go." At obi-wan's words he does, but it's to late, she falls to the ground on her side. She isn't responding anymore, and obi-wan stares at her form worried. But he senses through the force that she is alive. "You turned her against me!" Anakin shouts out, wanting to end him where he stands.
"You have done that yourself." Obi-wan's words are firm, as Anakin starts to pace. "You will not take her from me!" It's obvious that he's to far gone, the darkside has already sunken it's claws into him. "Your anger and your lust for power have already done that." Obi-wan thows his robe to the ground, as Anakin has done.
"You have allowed this dark lord to twist your mind, until now. Until now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy." They circle each other as obi-wan reaches y/n, laying perfectly still. "Don't lecture me obi-wan, I see through the lies of the jedi. I do not fear the darkside as you do."
Obi-wan kneels and lays a hand on her face, feeling her warmth. The life still seeping through her. "I have brought peace, freedom, justice and security to my new empire." Anakin shouts with his back to obi-wan. "Your new empire?" Obi-wan is shocked at what he says, his thick brows furrowed.
"Don't make me kill you." Anakin's voice is threatening, the darkside of the force flows through him. Goading and prodding at him to attack. To kill. "Anakin my allegiance is to the Republic, to democracy!" Obi-wan sounds almost desperate, trying and failing to get anakin to understand. To stop this nonsense while he can.
"If you're not with me, then you're my enemy." It's silent between them both for a moment, obi-wan breaks the silence. "Only a sith deals in absolutes." He reaches down and grabs his lightsaber. "I will do what I must."
"You will try."
Anakin walks stiffly to y/n, still unconscious, but alive nonetheless. He reaches down and picks her up in his arms almost effortlessly, taking her inside of the huge and looming building that resides on mustafar. Laying her gently on a medical bed as droids move around her, checking her and the baby's condition. Finding them thankfully healthy and safe, anakin shooed them away and sits on a chair besides the bed.
He leans down and placed a kiss on her forehead, caressing her cheek with his flesh hand. Gazing at her with an almost sickly in love look on his face. "I promised to keep you safe by my side, and I will. No matter what my love." The darkside hums around him, loving and feeding of off his obsession. And he'll never let her leave him, never.
Notes:wow I finally finished this lol, anyways leave a request if you'd like😭🙏🏽
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cozyqueerchaos · 1 year
Protective Sonic Sonadow edition hc’s?👀💕✨
EEEEE ANON U ARE SPEAKING MY LANGUAGE <3 - sonic often fusses over shadow's injuries (which shadow is v unused to since he heals)!! shadow will come home with a gaping wound and sonic will freak out and force him to sit down and let him bandage it lol - on that note, he's very gentle with shadow outside of fights (which often leads to more fights haha) - sonic hates all government bullshit but he tries extra hard to be a dick to GUN agents, on shadow's behalf. shadow says it's unnecessary but GUN doesn't know they're dating so there's no real need to put a stop to it :> - sonic will drape himself over shadow when he feels like shadow's in danger. shadow will be talking to some asshole and/or villain and sonic will walk over, rest his chin on shadow's shoulder from behind, and give them the most threatening smile you've ever seen in ur life - they definitely argue about who gets to give who their jacket when it rains
BONUS,, excerpt from a fic i may or may not ever finish:
The edges of Shadow’s lips quirk, annoyance falling away to reveal Sonic’s fucking amazing boyfriend who worries way more than is really necessary. “Sounds like a good way to kill an afternoon,” Shadow says, then looks very much like he regrets that word choice. 
His face falls, not back into anger but definitely not amused, either. Something sad and quiet. Something Sonic sees more often than the rest of the world ever gets to; the traumatized mess of a person Sonic has fallen terribly, blessedly in love with.
“Hey,” Sonic says, and Shadow raises his eyes from the floor to refocus on him. His arms are crossed, as they always are the second Shadow begins feeling unsafe, but if anything it makes him appear more vulnerable. “I’m okay, yeah? I’m not leaving you anytime soon.”
At least, he hopes not. But who can say, really? They live strange lives.
Shadow makes a pained noise, hands flying up to his quills. He glares at the ceiling like it’s personally wronged him, and it takes Sonic far too long to realize he’s trying not to cry. “That’s not- you know that’s not what I’m upset about.”
“I do?” Sonic asks, because he really fucking doesn’t.
Shadow stops, lowering his hands. He blinks, once, eyes wide and a little bit glassy. “...seriously?”
Sonic shrugs helplessly. He sort of wants to stand up and pull Shadow into his arms until that look is nothing but a bad memory, but he gets the feeling a hug may not be welcomed at this precise moment.
“Oh my god,” Shadow says disbelievingly. He doesn’t sound angry, just… bewildered. “Sonic. You jumped in front of a bullet for me.”
Sonic pauses, thinks back to earlier that day. Huh, yeah, that might’ve happened, but- “I didn’t get shot, though?”
“That’s not the point. There’s a difference between living dangerously and actively throwing yourself in harm’s way.”
“I was protecting you!” Sonic protests, but Shadow’s already waving him off.
“I’ve told you, I heal, you should always allow me to take hits-”
“I’m not gonna let you get hurt,” Sonic snarls, rage surprising even him. Shadow pauses in his rant, eyeing Sonic warily. “And you can’t heal if you’re dead.”
Shadow stands there for a long moment. He stares at Sonic with those steady crimson irises, all unearthly calm, and then says, completely serious, “I would always choose you over me.”
Sonic’s rage dies in his throat, and then it’s back twice as strong. “Well, that makes two of us, faker. Of course I’d die for you.”
It’s the wrong thing to say, and Sonic realizes it a millisecond too late. If Shadow was trying not to cry before, now he’s failing at it. “I don’t need more people dying for me, you idiot!” Shadow yells, rubbing at his eyes before they can get any glassier.
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juggaloautist · 1 year
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Of coooourse‼️ I’m no gossip~!😋💕💅‼️
oh yeah btw, Every bug you click on at the website, all those videos are in Wally’s perspective. He’s always there, but his name is never mentioned until the end of the video. It is distorted and lowered because of course they don’t want you to find out. Under these videos are subtitles
All videos say Wally’s name at the end. Which shows that everyone knows Wally is there, they just don’t say his name and usually refer to themselves, someone else (if they’re there) and Wally in a pronouns sense instead of names (if Wally was ever hinted to be there. They’ll say each other’s names, just not Wally’s)
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Here are some subtitles
FRANK: …So they just won’t leave my tomatoes alone- And who am I to shoo them away? Isn’t a beetle just as permitted to partake of my plants as I am, Julie?
JULIE: Posilutely absotively, Frank!
FRANK: But I’ve taken such good care of them- I read to them every day, I water them the perfect amount-
JULIE: [She playfully accentuates his words, trying to mimic his annoyed tone] Oh you do! You pour a whole book on them and read them a water on their little heads and everything!
FRANK: [Exasperated] Julie! I’m serious!
JULIE: [Laughs] Oh, I’m sorry, Frank, I’m only teasing- You know, if this is bothering you so much, you should have a little sign just for those bugs! It can say, [Said with a lower pitched voice] ‘Terrific Tomatoes! Look but don’t touch!’
FRANK: [Sound of amusement.] What makes you think they’re going to be able to read all that?
JULIE: Well they’ve got big beautiful eyes, don’t they? Like big ol’... Saucer plates!
FRANK: Oh Julie! Don’t be so rude! You wouldn’t like it if they said that about you!
JULIE: Said what about me? How lovely my hair is? That I put just the right amount of polish on my horns?
FRANK: No, more like, ‘that Julie Joyful with her nose like an orange!’
JULIE: Oh? [Laughs] If they said that, they’d also probably say, ‘Oh! That Frank Frankly with that banana on his face!’
FRANK: Banana?! [Laughs] Well if they’re going to be so rude in my garden, maybe it’s best they don’t get to partake of any more tomatoes then!
JULIE: That’s right! [Thoughtful hum] Well… How are we going to keep them out? Maybe Howdy’s got something in his shop!
FRANK: Howdy is more inclined to sell us canned laughter than he is to sell us something actually useful! Besides… I don’t think he liked my rendition of A Flea and a Fly.
JULIE: Oh don’t you fret! I’m sure we can come up with a wonderful joke between the three of us! Isn’t that right, Wally?
POPPY: --pleased as poppyseed punch you asked me to make this cake for you, really, I-I-I-- well-- it’s such an honor!
SALLY: Oh, I’m sure it is, darling! Now, let’s get down to brass tacks.
POPPY: Oh, ah, well, I don’t think I have any of those - I don’t like to keep anything too sharp around here, you know–
SALLY: Details, Poppy dear, details.
POPPY: Ah! Of course. Of course! N-now then, what do you think you’d like?
SALLY: What would I like? Poppy, this is going to be on stage. It’s hardly a like, it’s a need. And it NEEDS to be BIG! BOLD!!
POPPY: Ah, b-big, big, yes… maybe, three tiers, then?
SALLY: Only three? Hah!! Dream bigger, Poppy!!
POPPY: O-o-oh, ah, um-- y-yes, yes, suppose it is a big neighborhood, better to play it safe-- [little chuckle] and you, ah, you do know I love to play it safe, dear!
SALLY: Ah, ah, ah, but not too safe! After all, this needs to be a showstopper! It needs to have beauty! Pizzazz! DANGER!
POPPY: D-danger? Oh, oh, oh my feathers, I don’t know how I feel about making a dangerous cake…
SALLY: Ahh, tut-tut-tut, my feathered friend! You’ll do great, I’m certain of it. There’s no one else in the neighborhood I would trust with this! [under breath] And not just because you’re the only one here who can make something that doesn’t come out of a gelatin mold.
POPPY: Oh-!! A-a-ah, well, goodness me-- you’re going to make me blush!
SALLY: [Satisfied chuckle] So! I take it you have everything you need?
POPPY: Oh-- um-- w-well, er, not quite-- see, when I asked what you’d like, I thought, maybe, you would have a flavor in mind…?
SALLY: A what?
POPPY: W-well, a flavor. You know, ah, we could do chocolate, or vanilla, or sprinkles, buttercream, butterbell, butterscotch…
SALLY: Oh. Hm. To be honest with you, I didn’t think that far.
POPPY: …you didn’t think about the flavor?
SALLY: [Lightly defensive] Well the audience can’t taste it from their seats, now can they?? Ohh. What do you think, Wally?
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ryuichirou · 1 year
Hey there, Ryuichi! 👋🏻
i hope you do not mind asking me this, but you're one of my favourite Artists 💕 and i noticed how frequently you post your art and it makes me wonder how much your drawing in your free time...?
I used to be an artist myself just like you, but unfortunately, i lost my passion for it specifically because of lack of time to do so, and i lost motivation 💔 (another reason might also be that i tend to compare my art to other talented artist which makes me insecure) i haven't drawn in years. I want to get back to it! but i just can't find the motivation like i mentioned earlier, which is why i wanted to ask you: How do you find the Time/Motivation to draw? and if you have any tips?
I'm also staying anonymous cuz I'm shy 👉🏻👈🏻
Hi Anon!
Thank you for such a sweet ask, I am very happy and honoured to hear that I’m one of your favourite artists.
To answer your question, I spend pretty much every free moment drawing, but that’s just because I am so used to drawing all the time. This has been my main activity for almost my entire life lol so I don’t really get art blocks or dips in motivation. But I still understand what you’re talking about.
To be honest, despite drawing pretty much all day, these days I have ~3 hours of free time drawing for myself (except weekends), because I spend the rest of the time working, which is also drawing… Although ~3 hours probably doesn’t sound like “having no time to draw”, it’s usually not enough for me, I guess? So I have to prioritize certain ideas and simplify sketches sometimes, with the idea that I’ll get back to them and fix/add to them later. So if you can get an hour or even 30 minutes of free time to just sit down and draw just a little bit, even if it’s just doodling some ideas for the future (remember that you can always come back to them later) or studies, it would be great, because it’ll get your brain working in that direction again. Don’t stress it too much; once again, even if it’s just a little sketch of a flying head, it’s something. Which means it’s good! Some days you’ll have more time and energy and you’ll draw more. Some days you’ll barely draw anything, but this repetition is still very important. I guess the first tip I’m trying to give you is that it’s important to have discipline and create a timeslot for your drawing, preferably every day or every other day. Just to kick things off.
When it comes to comparing yourself to others, yeah it can be a serious issue that kills your motivation. And it’s easy to say “just don’t do that”, but I’ll still say it in a bit of a different way: try to keep in mind that if this artist was able to do that, it’s not unachievable for you. I usually try to either get inspired by other artists or to analyze them, trying to look for what exactly there is that I love about their art and would like to do myself. But also, you don’t have to draw like them. It’s cheesy, but no one can do what you do other than you.
When it comes to the likes, because it can be upsetting sometimes when you look at the numbers that other people make despite you having similar content, try to either ignore it altogether (another “easy to say” advice, I know) or keep in mind that there are other reasons behind the number of likes and not just the art itself.
We usually look at the artists whose skill is so stupidly high that it doesn’t feel like a competition anymore lol So we can only look at them in awe…and think about how to recreate some of the effects from their work.
Another very important thing that I love to talk about is that you should remember how fun it feels to draw. Try to think what made you fall in love with drawing and what your favourite thing to draw was. Indulge in it, draw it as many times as you want. Draw any idea you have an inkling for, even if it feels weird or stupid; I genuinely think that it makes the creative part of your brain work better and makes you enjoy the process of drawing more. Art is hard, it requires discipline, but it shouldn’t feel as a chore.
Overall, I hope you’ll find both time and motivation to draw and to have fun with it. Good luck and thank you again!
Have a great day.
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kiwiana-writes · 1 year
3, 8, and 18 for the meta writer asks! And I hope the rest of your day goes better than the too-early morning. 💕
[Fun meta asks for writers]
Ugh, sadly it did not. Zooms that could have been emails, and all of that. ❤️
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
Ooooh this is an interesting question because I write so much short slice of life stuff that I do often just throw that stuff out there as little, like, mini ficlets! I have been sitting on a great joke my spouse made while watching the film where I was like "god I need to write that into a fic" but I just recently figured out what I was doing with that one, so now it's in the WIPs.
8. Is what you like to write the same as what you like to read?
Yes, but there's also stuff I like to read that I don't like to write (looking at you, anything that requires serious world-building.)
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
At some point after it's finished publishing we should talk about the outline @ships-to-sail wrote for the Actor AU, because it was really good and when I decided the structure of the fic needed to match Much Ado About Nothing I ended up gutting a ton of it. Luckily she loves me (allegedly)
But for now let's talk about something totally unrelated: the Schitt's Creek 50 First Dates AU and the plotline I lowkey accidentally abandoned (that shit had no outline and no plan other than, like, the film and the show) and always meant to come back to in one of the alternate POV one-shots but never quite got around to. Totally set it up and then ditched it, whoops. But basically, Ronnie was part of the volunteer rescue team that found David and Alexis after the car accident, so she was WILDLY protective of David and deeply fucking suspicious of Patrick.
I went and looked because I was sure I'd scribbled a bit of this down and I'd actually written like 500 words of Alexis' POV! So have those below the cut:
Alexis’ head hurts.
That, in and of itself, isn’t weird. Between hangovers and jet lag and being knocked on the back of the head while being kidnapped — a totally amateur move, and a sign that her kidnappers really weren’t investing properly in their henchmen — she’s more than used to waking up with a throbbing pain in her temple. What is weird is that those days are behind her. No more taking the jet to Europe because she’s bored, no more trips to the embassy to pick up a new passport and a disguise so she can get across the border. So she doesn’t know—
The voice is vaguely familiar, but she doesn’t want to open her eyes yet, sure that when she does the full ache is going to turn into something much more immediately uncomfortable. 
There’s a sharp rapping sound, far too close to her ear, and she winces. 
“Shit, I think she’s waking up. Alexis? Come on, open those eyes for me. You can do it.”
In the distant background, she can hear sirens, and her eyes fly open in shock. 
“There you are, princess.” Despite the usual sarcastic drawl, when Alexis turns to face the window, Ronnie’s expression is full of concern. “Ambulance is nearly here. Think if we get this door open, you’re up for getting out, or do you want to wait for them?”
“David.” It’s all coming back now — the trip to Elmdale, fighting over the music, the cow. “Where’s David?” She turns to the passenger seat, ignoring the way it makes her ears ring, ignoring the pain radiating up her left arm. Her brother is slumped motionless in his seat, the window on his side of the car shattered and half the door crumpled in. There’s a huge gash across his forehead and wildly, irrationally, Alexis’ first thought is: He’s going to be so mad he can’t do his skincare routine. 
“Alexis, listen to me.” She doesn’t realise until Ronnie’s voice cuts through the fog that she’s sobbing his name, and she sucks in a shuddering breath. “We don’t wanna move him until the ambulance gets here, in case he’s injured his neck or his spine. What about you? What hurts?”
“Um.” She closes her eyes, trying to concentrate on anything other than the panic clawing its way up her throat. David is so still. “Just my wrist, I think. And a headache.”
“I think you might have whacked it on the steering wheel.” Ronnie’s eyes flick up to her forehead for a moment. “You’ve got a bit of a shiner, but I think we’re okay to get you out.”
It takes Ronnie and a man she doesn’t recognise — Elm County volunteer firefighters, they tell her cheerfully — to get the driver side door of the Lincoln open. By the time Alexis is standing on the side of the road, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders and her now throbbing wrist tucked carefully against her body, she can see the ambulance tearing down the road towards them. 
She won’t let any of them look at her until David is safely out of the car. Ronnie stands next to her the first hole time, her hand on Alexis’ shoulder far more gentle than Alexis could have guessed it would be, while they cut open the car door and strap up his neck before manoeuvring him onto a stretcher. 
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madeupoflowers · 3 years
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Buongiorno(Hello) you all!! I want to give a clarifier that tarot is never set in stone since free will I very much a power of ours as humanity. If you don’t like or want something that you read then say you won’t accept this energy and release it. Also, remember to nurture and protect your energy since it plays a HUGE part in what comes into our lives. Below this heart line is every pile so make sure to meditate and choose whichever picture(s) call out to you. Sometimes it feels like a pull, an ache in the heart, feeling of nostalgia, excitement, sparks a memory, etc. however this is just a handful if techniques and remember that everyone’s are unique in there own way. Don’t overthink okay hon? Let the picture(s) call to you. I hope you find what to desire and/or need in this PAC. Also, linked two songs that reminded me of each pile! Now, most importantly, enjoy angels!!
Pile 1
  Immediately I felt confused by this pile so maybe you have been dealing with confusion regarding love very recently. I feel in January 2022 something new and exciting is coming your way. It seems like a passionate partnership particularly with an older man/woman. However, I feel this may be a bit of what I feel is a “brat” and “dom/domme” vibe here. Like there is a passionate form of power play. I saw someone talking back playfully to their love interest(lol). I really feel like youre gonna see this person with rose colored glasses and will want to be there for them emotionally since too be honest, I feel like this person isn’t very good with emotions in fact if they are a male, he may be labeled as a bit “macho”. I think you may have some fun with this person or the idea of them but eventually will be asking yourself, “Is this person the one for me in my current energy?” Like I feel those who chose this pile are out to have some fun. You may even be on the younger side(like 20 and below). I feel you enjoy the power play and sexual tension with this person but I feel you’ll feel it’s a bit too much not after too long and will want something much more light and not so serious. I feel this person coming in is looking for someone to get serious with and “tame” if you will. However, Pile 1, I don’t feel you are ready to be “tamed” so to speak any time soon! I feel after you walk away or bore of this powerful person, you’re gonna have others coming in after you and offering you their affections/flirtations. Though I think unlike the last person who was more dominant in the chase/fling/relationship, I then feel tables will flip and suddenly you’ll be the one on top. I really feel you being desired in January, Pile 1. 
Channeled words/messages that came through: 
Blue, star, ocean waves, sea foam, boss, bondage, Capricorn, drinking, club, 21, feeling like prey, suddenly the hunted become the hunters, fireworks, Aries, Virgo(especially Rising & Mars), Sweden, veiny hands.
Pile 2
OKAY OKAY PILE 2!! I got so excited when I saw your first couple of cards and y’all’s energy is making me so giddy and hyper. Like the cards were FLYING out after each other! Okay so here is what I see for you guys/gals! Immediately something or someone that you have been wishing for and manifesting is FINALLY coming into fruition. I just heard the line from Ariana Grande’s song “Pete Davidson” the line is “Fell from the sky into my lap”. I see a shooting comet landing behind a mountainscape at sunset in a desert like environment. Totally random but felt so significant I had to tell you. I feel you won’t really expect this person. This is like a little tap on your shoulder and you are kind of surprised and you turn around and it’s literally love and first sight. You know those cute scenes in the movies? That’s the vibe I’m getting sooo strongly here. The attraction is gonna be FAST and INTENSE. Things could very well move fast with you and this person. I see this going to long mile, I’m seeing moving in with each other, a woman throwing her bouquet right as she steps outside with her groom, and a couple standing on the back porch looking at their kids running around. Ugh so much cute shit y’all are gonna make me hurl(I MEAN THAT AS A JOKE LMAOOO). You will fight for this person from the moment you set eyes on them to the end of time. This is your person and you won’t let anyone take them or lay a finger on them. I feel y’all will be very protective of each other and sooo in love. I also want to share you could meet this person at a family event, or a wedding. Now, if you are already in a relationship, this message also came through. You and your partner could be getting something that you’ve been wishing for so long. I saw a baby, also a diamond ring with a shiny silver band. Someone here wants twins. Someone is moving with their partner to another home. I see this as a newlywed couple moving into their first home as a married bunch and where they may plan to have kids or fur babies, etc. I really love your energy and I low key envy this love, it seems so rare and beautiful. Soulmate type shit. I wish you the best of luck, Pile 2. <3  
 Channeled words/messages: Diamond ring, silver band, twins, store, trench-coat, slicked back auburn hair, cologne, Cancer, white flowered bouquet, Italy, brown/brunette hair, nose kiss, light facial hair, intense eyes, Turkey(the country). 
Pile 3
  Y’all got some complicated energy at the moment if I’m being honest. My deck was being “energetically sticky” and you are the only pile so far that got an extra card. I feel a little down reading this. It’s hard to read for this pile since there are so many messages but they only show up randomly and don’t seem to be organized so I will try my best to read out all of the messages for you. If it gets a little messy then please bare with me sweetie. Okay, so the first message I see here is someone who has a sweet heart, generous and loyal personality has been giving too much to someone else. But I feel like this other person was doing something not so nice behind your back. You saw this person as your love, an angel even maybe they bought you flowers or I feel for some reason you bought them flowers or gifts constantly. You always thought of them. Though I feel there was an intense and “cut the rope” ending. You can’t see this person for who they used to be now. Here’s a vision I see, you’re walking through a room full of a pinkish fog and you can’t see what’s around you or in front of you but suddenly the pink fog clears in front of you is an extremely high cliff and if you hadn’t snapped out of the daze, you would’ve lost yourself. I know that seems intense but that’s what I saw so vividly. God my heart aches for you. I see this person coming back or at least really trying to come back but you aren’t having any of it. Not answering calls, not answering the door, ignoring them whenever they try to approach you, etc. Something tells me you aren’t exactly able to ignore this person entirely though, perhaps you work with them or share a responsibility of some kind?? I know this sounds random but maybe you both have a beloved pet(specifically a dog) that you both cared for. Before I wrap up this Pile, I need to give a small warning, something is yet to be revealed to you so pay attention to all around you. I was far too curious and had to know what this hidden truth/secret was about and got the Lovers. I feel there is another person that you or the affair person don’t know about. This other individual may be in your acquaintance circle, could work with you or work under you. Too be honest I can’t read any other positive messages here, I’m sorry if this reading isn’t what you expected. But chin up sweetie/hottie/fine ass, don’t let this shit bring you all the way down because you know what, I feel there is tons of hope bubbling in my chest. Y’all aren’t gonna take this shit for too long. I know you are gonna do what’s best for YOU. Prioritize yourself. Don;t be afraid to be “selfish”. I love you lots and take care. 
Channeled words/messages: White lily flowers, black Sedan, cigarette smoke, smirk, self-love, epiphany, computer keyboard(like one of those blocky ones from the early 2000s), gray, beige, leather shoes. 
Pile 4
  Ahhhh my lucky 4s. I wanna say that my mind kept wandering off while I tried to shuffle the cards which didn’t happen in the last other piles so you may got a lot on your mind right now. I just wanna share this, y’all got the Empress and Emperor right next to each other….. This is the ultimate counterpart, soulmates, mom & dad, spouse energy, etc. I think you manifested this partnership, your literal “other half”. Y’all are a hot couple I’m just gonna say. People will STARE at both of you like damnnnnn shawtyyy. Maybe there are some well accomplished or publicly well known individuals who chose this pile but I feel there is exposure here. Fame elements here. If not famous or well known yet then y’all very much may become that with each other! POWER COUPLE shouted itself in my head! I feel many people will want to base their relationships after you two since you guys will appear as an “ideal” of what they desire and what’s desirable. Though I think there will be a little bump in the road possibly due to all this attention from both sides and pressures that will test your connection. But don’t fear, I feel this is gonna make y’all come out of the other side stronger and far more stable. I see you guys building a whole ass empire together!! I know this is a “Love forecast in Jan. 2022” reading but Spirit/God/Guides clearly want you to know much more about this significant connection. Get prepared because I feel a majority of you don’t have this connection in your life yet but will so very soon! If you already are familiar with this love energy then you are your partner are gonna be building an empire/or adding onto an existing one this January. You two are meant to be together. I wish you so much luck!
Channeled words/messages: King & Queen, I heard Kings & Queens by Ava Max, spotlight, arms around another’s, 26, thick biceps, heels, cat eye, Leo(especially Leo Moon), Alexa Demie, rainbow logo, citylights, smell of wine, 31, Gemini.
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the-widow-sisters · 3 years
Here’s an idea! Can you please write a fic that’s kind of a part two to “On my knees”. Maybe Natasha is teasing Yelena but it goes too far and Yelena gets mad and yells at Natasha for the first time ever. Later, Yelena feels bad about what she did and goes to her big sister to apologize. Thanks!
A/N: Thank you so, so much for this request! I absolutely loved the idea of doing a flip-side for “On My Knees” 🥰💖 
I hope you enjoy this one! I combined it with a few other requests, and I hope it turned out well! 😊💕
Thank you to @natasharomanofftheposer for helping me out with this one! I couldn’t have done it without you, girl! 💗
Word Count: 2447
  It had been a horrible, no good, bad day for Yelena all because of the meeting that they had earlier that day. Steve and Tony had gotten into an argument that was worse than usual, and Natasha’s attempts to make them stop were not quite as effective as they would have been normally.
  She had managed to get them to quiet down enough to make them at least break up the meeting peacefully, but all of the arguing had given Yelena a headache. Not to mention the fact that Peter had been sitting on the side of her that Natasha had not been sitting on, and his stupid bony knee kept poking into her leg as he moved his legs.
  Yelena had been in a bad mood ever since, and Natasha had been desperately trying to cheer her up in any manner that she could.
  Which was why they were heading to their house now, and Natasha had been discussing which movies to pick for their little movie marathon that they were going to have to cheer Yelena up. She had even consented to watching Frozen and Encanto for the thousandth time, so Yelena knew she was definitely serious about trying to make her feel better. Natasha had also promised Yelena a slushie on their way home, even knowing that Yelena was going to force her to take a sip of it.
  It made Yelena’s heart warm a little, but a large part of her was already aggravated and wished that Natasha would just keep quiet and quit trying so hard. It was taking everything within her to hold her tongue and keep from saying something she should not, her head already hurting with every noise around her and Natasha’s voice somehow amplifying that feeling.
  “Almost home, my sunshine,” Natasha told her softly, growing quieter as they stood there at a crosswalk, waiting for the light to change and allow them to cross. Yelena sighed lightly, thankful for her gentler volume as she stood there next to her and waited for the light to change.
  However, she was quickly interrupted from this contentment as she suddenly noticed the small, flying bug that was rapidly approaching her. Yelena froze up a little, Natasha keeping her eyes on the crosswalk as she patiently awaited its inevitable changing.
  Yelena swallowed a little, keeping her eyes on it for a moment. It kept moving closer and farther, and she was not quite sure how to react to it as the fear rose in her chest.
  Yelena had always been afraid of bees. Even when she was a little girl, she had been terrified of them, and it was a fear that she had never gotten over and that thankfully the Red Room had never found out about. If they would have found out, they would have endlessly subjected her to them.
  The thing grew nearer to her again, and she resisted the urge to jump away in response to its closeness.
  Yelena tried her best to remain still, barely shifting her gaze in the direction of the bee that insistently kept flying around her. She continually stiffened as the creature grew closer to her, and she would loosen as it grew further away.
  However, inevitably, the thing kept coming back to torture and terrify her.
  The thing was that Yelena was not scared of anything. She was not scared of creepy clowns, death, or even the mental image of Tony Stark in speedos.
  Although the mere idea of that last one did make her shudder.
  But no. Her fear was bees, which according to logic would be quite the moronic thing to be afraid of considering the fact that they are so much smaller than her and that they only cause a relatively small sting in comparison to something like poison exposure.
  “I don’t get why this light won’t change already,” Natasha huffed a little, impatiently looking between the crosswalk sign and the traffic light.
  “Y’know, poser, you don’t have to be a total hero. Jaywalking is okay as long as you don’t get caught,” Yelena pointed out somewhat grumpily, trying her best to keep her voice level, and Natasha just huffed slightly, rolling her eyes affectionately. Yelena stiffened once again as the bee swooped in for round two.
  “Well, it needs to know that we’ve got a date with Disney. Maybe it’ll change then,” Natasha commented with a slight grin, glancing barely in Yelena’s direction but mostly keeping her attention on the road.
  It kept hovering around her, and Yelena felt her heart rate picking up just a little as the thing grew closer to her, looking her right in the face. She stiffened increasingly violently until the thing grew so close that she was sure she was about to get stung.
  At that moment, she jumped and waved her hands helplessly in its direction, trying to shoo it away as she leapt over into Natasha’s space. Natasha let out a soft grunt as Yelena nearly ran her over. Natasha’s hands came up to Yelena’s arms to steady the blonde as Yelena’s back collided into her front.
  “Sweet girl, what are you doing?” Natasha questioned worriedly, and Yelena quickly turned in her grasp, ducking underneath one of her arms as she jumped around her and hid behind the redhead.
  She almost screeched when she realized that the bee followed her back there. Natasha raised an eyebrow as she tried to turn to face Yelena. Her eyes locked onto the bee as she glanced between the bug and Yelena.
  Yelena immediately grabbed the bottom of Natasha’s shirt, pulling it out from her as Yelena dove underneath it. She pulled the shirt down over her and hid her face between Natasha’s shoulder blades. She could hear it buzzing just outside of her shirt cocoon, and she pushed her nose harder against Natasha’s skin, brushing her sports bra in the process as she tried to move even closer. She shut her eyes tightly.
  She could feel Natasha’s chuckles, and Yelena felt a flood of embarrassment coming over her as she realized how ridiculous that she must look to the redhead. Her head was also pounding hard at this point, and the skin-to-skin contact she was receiving was somehow helping and hurting it at the same time.
  Natasha shooed the bee away, her shoulder muscles flexing a little with the movement of her arm, and Yelena swallowed a little, trying to resist the overwhelming humiliation that was threatening to overtake her.
  “I didn’t know you were still afraid of bees, detka,” Natasha spoke up, and Yelena could hear the grin in her voice. Yelena narrowed her eyes a little, hesitantly coming out from Natasha’s shirt. Immediately, she was somewhere between missing the direct contact and being relieved at the fact that nothing was touching her head.
  Once she was out from under Natasha’s shirt, she could see Natasha’s playful, loving smirk. Yelena just sighed deeply, rolling her eyes as she looked at the crosswalk to see if it had changed yet.
  It had not. Yelena was beginning to think that fate must just hate her today.
  “I’m not afraid. I’m watchful,” Yelena argued in reply to Natasha’s comment, and Natasha just wrapped an arm around Yelena’s neck, tugging her closer against her.
  While Yelena ordinarily would have been melting at the affection, she was just so frustrated, embarrassed, and tired right now. She could feel a pressure building within her, and Natasha was just adding to it with her lighthearted cheeriness.
  “Watchful. Sure… You’re adorable is what you are,” Natasha told her gently, playfully blowing a gentle raspberry against Yelena’s cheek.
  Yelena felt frustration building even more hotly within her, and Natasha nuzzled her nose against Yelena’s head. Yelena felt her headache moving to the place where Natasha was touching her, and she woefully realized it was definitely one of those really bad headaches. That, of course, only served to further build her irritation, and Yelena gritted her teeth.
  “My squishy baby,” Natasha teased softly, and Yelena felt her frustration hit tilt as Natasha finally struck her last nerve and erased all patience she had left. Squishy was the most humiliating nickname that Natasha had for her. Especially after the huge incident with Kate figuring out about it.
  Yelena immediately pushed away from Natasha, red, hot aggravation filling her. Natasha stumbled back just a little with surprise, and Yelena huffed in irritation.
  “Stop, okay! Honestly, Natasha, you’re so irritating sometimes,” Yelena growled, and as soon as she uttered the words, an intense regret filled her. Natasha looked as if she had been slapped as she watched Yelena, her jaw slackened just a little and her normally so tall and put together stance crumpling a little.
  Natasha then clenched her jaw just a little, swallowing hard and nodding a bit.
  “I’m sorry,” Natasha whispered softly, her eyes shifting away from Yelena’s guiltily. She redirected her attention to the road as she turned away from Yelena. Yelena felt her stomach twist with pain, and the crosswalk finally changed before Yelena could say anything to even remotely try to remedy the situation.
  She had hurt Natasha’s feelings and made her feel bad when Natasha had just been trying to cheer her up and joke around with her. And the fact that she had used Natasha’s actual name with that tone of voice had the same effect on Natasha as it did on Yelena when Natasha used Yelena’s actual name. Yelena felt a pit growing in her stomach as they got closer to home.
  They finally were approaching the convenience store where Yelena’s favorite slushies were. However, Yelena did not really expect the both of them to stop now that Yelena had hurt Natasha’s feelings.
  However, to her pure shock, Natasha turned to go to the store. Yelena immediately felt her heart squeeze painfully at the sight of the redhead actually going through with getting Yelena something after she had been so ugly to her.
  They went into the store, and Natasha stopped for a moment, not meeting her eyes.
  “Go get the one you want, and I’ll get it for you,” Natasha told her softly, and Yelena felt as if she had been punched in the gut at the fact that Natasha did not even sound mad at her for her comment earlier. She just sounded heartbreaking sad and guilty.
  Yelena trudged over to prepare her slushie. She picked a blueberry blast, and she headed over to the counter where Natasha was waiting. Natasha paid for it with minimal talking before heading out of the store with Yelena very hesitantly creeping along behind her.
  Before too long, they were finally home, and Natasha entered the house wordlessly, heading over to the television and turning it on Disney+ to let Yelena pick the movie that she wanted to watch. Yelena stood not too far from her, trying to muster the courage to speak to her and apologize for her words that she currently felt absolutely horrible for saying in such a tone.
  Once she finished setting up the TV, she headed to the kitchen, getting out some popcorn. Yelena tentatively followed her, and once Natasha had prepared the bag, she put it in the microwave, watching the appliance as it cooked the food.
  Yelena let out a small breath, taking the opportunity to hesitantly approach her big sister. Natasha barely glanced in her direction before clenching her jaw just a little and keeping her attentions on the microwave.
  Yelena stepped a little closer, grasping the slushie in her hand as she looked down at it tentatively. She smiled just a little bit despite the fact that her head was hurting even now. She held it out toward Natasha.
  “You going to take your obligatory sip? I wouldn’t feel right about it if you didn’t,” Yelena expressed somewhat nervously, worried that Natasha might finally get mad at her. Natasha looked up at her, her face unreadable. However, she gently placed her hand over Yelena’s and guided the slushie so that she could take a sip from the straw.
  Natasha immediately made a slight face, wrinkling her nose with the taste of the drink. Yelena felt the corners of her lips quirking just a bit, but she quickly turned solemn at the seriousness on Natasha’s face as she looked away from Yelena again.
  “Natashka, I’m sorry,” Yelena apologized gently, feeling the guilt overflowing within her. Natasha glanced at her barely, and Yelena sat her slushie down on the counter nearby them. Natasha let out a small sigh, guilt evident in the way that her shoulders slumped a little.
  “I’m sorry for pushing you, lapochka. I didn’t mean to aggravate you,” Natasha expressed gently, and Yelena shook her head, moving nearer.
  “I shouldn’t have snapped like that. You were just trying to make me feel better, and I just got irritated when I shouldn’t have.”
  “It’s okay… I shouldn’t have called you squishy. I knew you were in a bad mood, and I pushed too far with that one,” Natasha apologized again, and Yelena could hear the self-hatred and degradation in the words.
  Yelena just let out a sigh, moving nearer and outstretching her hand over to the side of Natasha’s neck, grasping it softly as she moved her head forward and pressed her forehead to the side of Natasha’s head. Natasha turned her head slightly so that Yelena’s forehead was pressed just a bit more to the center of Natasha’s forehead.
  “Poser, I’m the one in the wrong, okay? Let me apologize,” Yelena expressed with a slight huff, and Natasha shook her head, her nose brushing Yelena’s softly as she chuckled under her breath.
  “Don’t apologize for being frustrated,” Natasha expressed to her gently. Yelena stared her big sister in the eyes, those light greens filled with so much love and guilt.
  “Then don’t apologize for trying to cheer me up,” Yelena countered. Natasha let out a deep sigh, but finally nodded, moving her head up to press a gentle, lingering kiss to Yelena’s nose.
  However, they both jumped as the microwave suddenly started beeping to let them know that it had finished cooking the popcorn. They shared a glance and they both chuckled with slight grins.
  “I might be scared of bees, but at least I’m not scared of a microwave,” Yelena finally said, and Natasha narrowed her eyes playfully.
  “You jumped, too!” Natasha shot back, and Yelena grinned, grabbing her sister and moving her face into her neck as she hugged her. Natasha immediately reciprocated the embrace.
  “I love you,” Yelena breathed out, and she could hear Natasha’s smile as she replied to her.
  “I love you, too.”
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indiaalphawhiskey · 3 years
Hi India
I wondered if you might have any update on your GAPT AU or your Ugly Betty AU because I am obsessed with them both x
Hello, love 💕
This message is so sweet, thank you! Unfortunately, I haven’t written much over the past month because I’m spending time with my family for the holidays (and the hubbub isn’t the best for getting in the zone), but here’s the most recent but I wrote for GAPT AU. 😉 I hope you like it!
🌩 Snippet.
“Anyway, they have one flight out scheduled early morning next Sunday, for everyone who’s stranded here. And it’s perfect,” he said, eyes alight, “‘cause like, we’d already have been here a week, so people would have seen us together, playing up the whole anniversary thing. And then, an ‘emergency’ could suddenly come up.” He made air quotes with his fingers. “Something that I’d need to fly back for, and.” Louis’ smile was so big at this point that it was hard for Harry not to take it even a little personally. “You could have your holiday entirely to yourself, no one the wiser.”
He said that last bit with such a flourish it was almost as though he was pausing for applause, so confident that it took nearly four beats of Harry’s restrained silence for Louis’ beaming grin to finally falter, just a little. He chuckled, slightly awkwardly, “Now, now. Don’t rush to extoll my brilliance all at once.”
“Hm,” Harry tried to smile, though it felt both forced and fleeting. “It’s… certainly…” He paused, inhaling, his eyes darting quickly around the room as he tried to find an end to that sentence. He pasted another placating smile on his face, as he looked back at Louis. “A… plan,” he settled on, rather kindly, if he did say so himself.
Louis clearly didn’t share that sentiment, his expression clouding over instantly. “But?” He prompted flatly.
Oh, where to begin? Harry thought to himself, trying his best to rein in his exasperation. Taking a deep breath, he decided to stick to practicalities.
“Well…” he started, treading lightly. “Okay, what kind of emergency were you thinking? ‘Cause, I mean, wouldn’t every emergency require your husband to fly back with you? Like, if one of our kids was sick or something, or if the basement was flooding…”
“Okay, well, nothing to do with health or the kids,” Louis said, rolling his eyes. He better not say— “Obviously.”
Tongue already caught between his teeth, Harry took the extra precaution of pressing his lips together as he willed his irritation not to spike.
Oblivious to Harry’s annoyance, Louis continued, “But something like the basement thing would work, no?”
Harry stared back at him, incredulous that his question seemed one hundred percent serious. “What? No. You’re not my housekeeper, Louis. You’re supposed to be my husband,” he said, narrowing his eyes as his head recoiled on his neck. “Why would I send you back to deal with that alone while I lounged on a beach for two weeks?”
“I don’t know,” Louis said, quick and defensive. “Maybe we discussed it. Like, I didn’t want both of us to have to waste our holiday when it was something I could deal with alone, so I told you to stay,” he explained away easily. With a light shrug and a smile, he added, “Maybe you just married someone that thoughtful.”
“And maybe you married a fucking dick,” Harry deadpanned without missing a beat. “I mean, what the hell kind of trophy husband arsehole,” he continued, distantly aware that his earlier determination to hide his mounting vexation had failed. Alarmingly quickly. “Would continue on a romantic anniversary holiday when his partner was knee deep in floodwater on the other side of the Mediterranean?”
“Okay, I really doubt anyone’s going to think about it like that.”
“Like what, logically?”
❤️‍🩹 More from the GAPT AU.
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saezurufeels · 4 years
Chapter 43 THOUGHTS (whew 🥵)
So hey. I came out of hiding to give my thoughts on the chapter 43 summary by @domeyashiro and oh boyyyyyyy
Like I said I haven't seen or read any official translations, this is purely based off of @domeyashiro’s summary and a few snippets of the chapter that I saw online. This ended up being longer than I expected...because this chapter delivered and I had items. to. unpack. 😏🥴👀👅💦💕
Ok so where to start oh boy ok first of all, let’s state the obvious, Doumeki did not have to be inside the bathroom, while Yashiro was getting naked, in order to render his hospitality services to “his” guest, whom he has not seen in 4 years, and has no working relationship with. In any normal situation he would be rudely intruding on someone’s private moment, but since this isn’t just a guest to him, he’s ok with it, and he knows that Yashiro would not have a problem with it. And Yashiro is not stupid; he knows exactly what’s going on... he’s choosing to let it happen.
Then, Doumeki stays to guard the door. SIR, that is the weakest excuse you could have thought up....but, honestly, I love it. It shows that he’s changed somehow. In the past he stood by doors to actually protect Yashiro from possible danger while he was meeting people (even Misumi, remember that lol..ridiculous...whipped boy). So Now, 4 years later he’s like, I’m not gonna leave the bathroom while Yashiro is bathing, but I also don’t have the energy to come up with a valid excuse as to why, cause all my energy is being used up to keep from being hard as a rock rnnnn. And, like, I understand that Nanahara is in the next room, but I’m pretty sure Y and N have established boundaries and a practice that works for them in the literal years they’ve been working together lol. But I shall entertain, says Yashiro, so here we are.
Yashiro then stumbles and even surprises himself with his own middle-school behaviour, but I think that shows the impact the new Doumeki is having on him. If we thought Yashiro was into sweet, little, naive and innocent Doumeki, who let everything fly over his head, then we honestly don’t know what’s coming our way imho. All that happened is Doumeki made a joke and Yashiro lost hand-eye coordination (don’t tell me he’s blind, pls. let me have this)
Since running into Yashiro, Doumeki has been very in control of his demeanour, he unabashedly does what he wants to by remaining in the bathroom while Yashiro is bathing, and then he makes a joke during an intimate moment (which he shouldn’t even be witnessing..why is he in the bathroom riddle me that). Also, let’s talk about the joke. But before I do, I’m gonna clarify that I’m not 100% sure it was meant to be a joke or if it was a serious question until I see the official translation in context, but I’m going to assume it was a joke for now. The joke was “You won’t need me to wash your back?” which is witty af and im dying. I know we all love Doumeki, but our mans was not a funny guy on purpose 4 years ago. He was the kind of funny that kids are when they say “I have to go poopey” or something. Like, they’re not lying, but why did they have to say it like that, y’know? You gotta laugh cause it’s ridiculous. I think that’s why Yashiro was always saying/thinking “He’s so cute”. But now, Doumeki has demonstrated that he can crack a grown-up joke, and Yashiro might faint.
Then we have them exchanging some wisdom to each other. First Yashiro tells Doumeki that his current boss, Tsunakawa, does in fact like D. Then Doumeki tells Yashiro that Ryuuzaki is only gay for Y, which Yashiro refutes. From this I see two men, on the same level, both with their insecurities and denials, having a real and honest conversation. Both are interested in the other’s life, and neither is afraid to say what they truly think. I also believe Yashiro knows Ryuuzaki is in love with him, so to hear Doumeki say it is another confirmation of Doumeki’s growth in character for Yashiro. This exchange was so important and just sooooo 💕😍🤒
Personally, at first even I was surprised at Doumeki’s anger when Yashiro got a call from Inami. I wasn’t expecting Doumkei to lash out at Yashiro, considering that he knows of Yashiro’s childhood trauma, and Doumeki was always very, I don’t want to say supportive, but at least concerned for him. But, because of his continuing concern and protectiveness for Yashiro, Doumeki lashed out, which shows 1) he is not afraid to be honest, 2) he is comfortable enough in his own skin to show his true feelings, thoughts and emotions without the fear of rejection, 3) considering that he does not want to be rejected by Yashiro (as we will soon find out hehehe), he is also confident enough that he won’t be rejected despite his behaviour. He knows he can win Yashiro over just by being who he is. 2021 will be Doumeki’s hot girl summer. The confidence 🤌🏿...who is she
So let’s sum up what we have so far. Considering that 4 years ago Doumeki would basically clean the bottom of Yashiro’s shoes with his tongue, because master so beautiful, he’s come pretty far. Instead of metaphorically writing love poems about Yashiro and hiding them in his locker, Doumeki is standing in the bathroom literally sneaking glances at Yashiro in the nude. He’s telling Yashiro what he really thinks, without sugarcoating it, and he’s saying things that are going to upset him, because Doumeki knows Yashiro has to hear it. Then the fight scene 🥵🥵💦 they know exactly what to say.. And Yashiro’s little “not that I care though” ppfff.. (don’t you love when someone’s true feelings come out inadvertently during an argument, while they think they’re making a good point). Anyways. First it was Doumeki, and now Yashiro gets mad. He tries to hurt Doumeki with his words, but really he’s admitting that HE’S mad that D joined the yakuza. If Doumeki was soooo upset about what Yashiro said, he would have stormed off in a rage, the way Yashiro is trying to do, but instead Doumeki does the opposite. He approaches Yashiro. And then,...I’m sorry.,....,..I’m still processing Doumeki’s proposition to Yashiro. I know it happened, but it hasn’t settled in yet. If you’re not convinced yet that Doumeki still has feelings for Yashiro, then you’ll definitely be convinced that he was horny for him from the start. It’s almost as if he instigated the fight so they can have make-up-sex after 4 years 😭 if I die before I get that scene my empty soul will be wandering the earth for eternity.
I think Yashiro finally got what he wanted, which I will explain in a moment. Previously, Yashiro had to let Doumeki go of his position because he was unsure of Doumeki’s true feelings for him. Yashiro didn’t know if Doumeki was with him of his own free will, or if he was fulfilling a role that he believes he had an obligation to (stemming from his desire to be a better underling to Yashiro, than the brother he was to his abused sister). Yashiro didn’t want to take advantage of this poor, young man in his care, who has his whole life ahead of him. He sent Doumeki on his way, hoping that without his terrible influence, Doumeki will get to his senses and build an honest life for himself, as he believed that Doumeki is not the yakuza-type.
But Doumeki didn’t want to live in the non-yakuza world, because he wanted to stay connected to Yashiro somehow. Everyone else always said he was the yakuza type, which I have to agree with. Chasing people down, getting into shootouts, car chases, beating people up, breaking bones, etc... hello? But because Doumeki didn’t understand sarcasm and had the outward emotional maturity of a teenager at the time, Yashiro thought he wasn’t made for this world. Now, Doumeki can analyze, introspect, retrospect, crack a joke, you name it. He’s shown he can voice his own opinion, I mean he even said to Yashiro “Was that an order? Because if yes, I won’t listen. I’m not your underling anymore.” I swear, Doumeki was waiting for this moment. He wanted to show Yashiro that this is who he is... it’s not a show, or a lie, or a duty. Standing in front of Yashiro as an independent, adult, Doumeki is challenging Yashiro head-on to confront his past conception of Doumeki. It’s so hot honestly🥵🥵🥵
Closing statement: Yashiro👏🏽 always 👏🏽 wanted 👏🏽 a 👏🏽 tough👏🏽 bad 👏🏽 boy. Wasn’t he leaving class since high school to hang out with criminals..ummm Mister, you have a type, and he’s missing a finger, has a scar on the cheek, and wears gloves. What’s Yashiro gonna doooo
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perfectdisastr · 6 years
Thoughts on spoilers
I'm cautiously optimistic about these new spoilers, because I feel like once you remove the bias and look at it from other perspectives they set up most theorys I would like to see quite well.
Context and tone of these scenes, once again, is going to be key, most scenes can literally be interpreted in opposite ways:
Jon/Sansa talk: what seems to be the scene is Sansa asking Jon whether he bent the knee because of being into D or to save the North and Jon doesnt immediately answer. One interpretation is obvi that Jon is deeply offended about this, Dany is the best, Targ Restoration, bla bla bla... But what if it literally ends with Jon contemplating this question, looking broody as per usual. It would set Pol! Jon up so well, on a watsonian level the audience is being asked about Jons real reasons behind bending the knee and the GA will think back to season 7 and jonerys-weirdness and be like:"yeeeah, that was kinda odd wasnt it, tell me more Jon!"
Arya/Jon scene: Arya and Jon have a cute reunion and then Dany has to come up (😒) and Jon asks Arya to talk to Sansa about Dany because we need to get along and what not.                                                             We'll if Jon is saying these things with this face:" 😍" it could be that Jon needs Arya, the human lie detector,who has obviously figured this out already, to assure Sansa that Dany is the best and everything will be fine now that she is here  or  Arya the human lie detector reads Jons deeper intentions towards Dany/bending the knee and considering the Pol! Jon theory is built on the assumption that Jon never planned to let the cat out of the bag, it is vital in Jons mind for the success of his plan, that Dany keeps being coddled and praised to keep her happy and he is telling Arya, 'please explain my betrayal to Sansa, because I suck at articulating my plans and convince her to play along.' Which would mean he's pulling a face kind of like this:🤨🤫🙏🏼
Jon learns of the Tarly-murder: so we know that Sam seems at least a little upset about this and Jon says she is Queen, which anyway you put that is a stupid, heartless answer, Sams answer should be that if Jon had balls he would have just said:'and? Get over it!', anyway I guess you could see it as Jon being unbothered and defending Dany, but he needs to be giving some serious heart eyes to sell that->♥️😍🤗😘<3💗💖💕❣️💝💘, also even if he just is unbothered by it he is being a real asshole about his BEST FRIEND telling him about something he is sad about, that ain't how to be a good friend, Jon! another way this could  be interpreted is that Jon kind of sighs and says she's queen in his normal voice. And it is supposed to tell what she is like as queen. I mean if someone says about a person: 'she murdered my father and little brother' and then the halforphans best friend goes:"she's queen". That usually doesn't mean anything good in any context, murder usually isn't something most people want associated with their queen. So Jon is bothered by it, but there is nothing he can say, which still won't earn him friend of the yeary but at least it isn't as cold as option a...
Dany teaches Jon to ride Rhaegal: is basically supposed to be a bad fanfiction moment of Dany and Jon being so in love and Targ Restoration being the only possible endgame, Dany teaches Jon to ride Rhaegal because it will help with the Nightking and they fly around and they passionately kiss. I mean it could go like this or it is
foreshadowing for the Dragons not being useful in the fight against the Nightking at all
Jon is a Targaryen/the rightful heir and what Dany had over him was Dragons, but now she has given him access to that as well and now she has literally nothing that he doesn't and he has a lot she doesn't and this will be Danys last hurray and everything will go downwards from there.
foreshadowing for the Dance of Dragons 2.0 being between Jon and Dany and not Dany and the Night King. (side note: I am aware that it could be Jonerys vs the Nightking with Dany pregnant and its the ultimate power couple saving the world, but I fear that the asthetic will be kind of off, because it isn't even and the biggest Dragon fights against a smaller dragon with another smaller Dragon, that would look stupid and if I am sure of anything it is that GoT will at least look appealing even if the story is shit) anyway so DoD 2.0 foreshadowing, it also makes kind of sense that he gets a dragon riding lesson, because it wouldn't be satisfying if it took Dany years to learn how to ride Dragons and Jon just jumps on one and is immediately ready to go into battle, no he has learned and this skill will come in handy, but not in the way it was supposed to.
All of the above
Jon and Dany kiss passionately: I mean maybe, but we have all seen them have sex, which was described as 'epic' and if that is what passionate means, I am at my most passionate when I am lying in bed contemplating how the world is a place without happiness and nothing is worth doing and everything sucks.
I for one know which interpretations would make a more exciting story, if you go with those, it is in my opinion a pretty good first episode, and there will be a lot of suspense from the get go and many people will probably start to be kind of confused about what they really know. The Nightking and the aotd is coming and another shit storm is brewing, how exciting!
Other thoughts I have:
I hope there is a Jon/Sam interaction pre-'your girlfriend killed my baby-bro', because I am a sucker for Jonwell
I didn't think Dany would be the one telling Sam about killing his father and brother, because her stans see it as such a non-issue and I projected this on her.
I am glad that we are proven right in that aspect, because of course it matters somehow who she is making an example out of, no matter how you are supposed to perceive it. I am sad though, that people are mad at Sam, because he is all I care about and has never done anything wrong. Ever.
Gendrya is the best
Tyrion believing in Cersei seems fishy to me
I'm sad we wont get to see elephants
I'm glad the Jon/Arya reunion has potential to be at least not totally disappointing
Lyanna Mormon being one to oppose Dany, doesn't foretell great things about her (D), because Lyanna Mormon is probably the oy Northern Lord everyone likes and are therefore inclined to be on her side or at the very least not brush her concerns off as misogyny and entitlement.
Dany gets pushback and if Jonerys really was the romance to end all romances he would defend her with something other than :'she is queen, we need allies'. It's gonna be really hard to get me to read this as very positive towards them, especially because them being a couple is supposedly quite obvious, while it wouldn't be hard at all to read it as:'I know she kind of sucks, but we're already fucked and she is all I could find in the very short time I had' Again they are doing the romance thing kind of wrong!
In conclusion I am starting to get excited about the new season, because it seems like it might be ending well for us!
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uhohwitchcraft · 3 years
helloo again XD i would love it if you could tell how my next 6 months will go in terms of uni life. thank you so muchh
Throughout January you will be nervous and anxious about your classes. One class however you will love above all else. Your teacher will be amazing.
February will be rocky. There is a social class that will bring you trouble.
March someone around you will start rumors that dont even make any sense but they still spread and just piss you off. Dont try to get back at this person as they already have it coming.
April will fly by. Lots of studying to insue. You will also meet a new friend!
May will bring you so much happiness as you and your new friend will spend lots of time together and make plans for the summer.
June has something in store that will shake your happiness a little and make you uneasy. But nothing to serious. It will just kinda knock you off your positive flow you had had for the previous couple months.
Goodluck with your next year💕 And please be sure to tell me how I have done
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