#it's everywhere I'm looking it's cool but holy fuck
snackugaki · 8 months
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[ Michael Jackson's Thriller in the distance ]
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oneforthemunny · 1 month
oooh could we get some hockey!eddie, visiting/surprising him at practice, flufffffff 💕💕
for the sweetest most polite anon lol! hockey player!eddie who's birthday happens to fall during the training season.
"He's gonna be so stoked." Chris, the team manager grinned, pushing the heavy stadium door open for you.
"I hope so." You smiled gently, ducking under his arm, following him down the long, cinderblock stadium.
It was still so cold, despite the heat cranked high everywhere. Boston in the winter was brutal, winter time worse than Indiana's ever could imagine. It was a miracle you'd even made it, didn't get snowed in and grounded at the airport with all the snow.
"No, he's gonna love it, trust me." Chris grinned. "I got some of the guys in on it too, hope you don't mind. Just his coach and his agent. I told them he had an interview after practice."
"An interview?" You lifted a brow.
Chris snickered. "Yeah, he thinks you're with ESPN so just go with it." He shrugged. "I knew if I just told him to stay, he'd get suspect. Plus, this is gonna be fucking priceless."
You giggled lightly, following Chris around the hallway. A few players lingering around, most cleared out for the evening, but no sign of your curly headed love.
"Hey, Franco. Munson's in the conference room, right?" Chris nodded towards the closed door, the other man grunting in response. "Cool, hey, stay right here, ok? I'm gonna make sure he's ready and set up."
You nodded, standing to the side, a knuckled grip on your purse strap. Your tummy flipped with excitement, maybe nerves. It had been a few weeks since you'd seen Eddie, since he'd left for training season. You didn't want to be a distraction, but with his birthday this weekend, you couldn't let him celebrate alone. Especially not after he sounded so sad, so disheartened on the phone- he missed you, told you every single day, every time he called.
"...Perfect, one sec. I'll tell her you're ready." Chris opened the door, pulling you from your thoughts. He waved at you, stepping out with door still half opened. "I'll leave you two alone, but if you need me, I'm right out here."
Your heart fluttered, flipped and skipped with nerves, pushing the door open, sliding into view. You caught a glimpse at Eddie before he fully saw you, finger drumming on the desk, in sweatpants and a sweatshirt with the team's logo proudly on the front, hair still a little damp from his shower.
Your breath hitched, watching his face fall in shock once he saw you. A pause filled the space between you two, the door clicking with a shut behind you.
"Oh, no way." Eddie gawked, blinking hard, like he might be hallucinating. "N-No way. Is this real? Holy shit, you-you're- Baby, what are you doing here?" He stood from the table, tripping over it, the metal legs screeching when he shoved it.
"Surprise." You squeaked, opening your arms to hug him.
Eddie nearly tackled you in a hug, squeezing you tightly to him. "Holy shit, I can't believe you're here. You're actually here, I-I thought I was getting interviewed-"
"-No." You giggled, pulling back lightly to look at him. "Just me. I wanted to surprise you for your birthday."
Eddie's face lit up, lips curling in an even brighter smile. His hands cupped either side of your face, lips on yours, pulling you into a head spinning kiss that screamed I missed you I missed you I missed you.
"I can't believe you're here." Eddie muttered, lips vibrating against yours.
"Happy birthday, baby." You muttered back, fingers raking through his hair. You'd missed him, missed him much more than you realized now that he was standing here in front of you.
Eddie pulled back, looking up at the door. "Chris knew about this?"
You giggled, nodding. "He helped me get my flight and stuff. Picked me up from the airport."
Eddie shook his head, grin still wide on his face. "Chris! You fuckin' liar!" He yelled playfully, the men behind the door howling in laughter. "I thought I was about to get my cover story!"
You laughed, pressing your face to his chest, rocking with him slowly. "This is better though." Eddie added, hugging you tighter to him. "Just for the record, this is way fuckin' better."
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it's steddiemas!! i am so excited for these prompts!!! i'm sure i'm not going to make something for each day, but there are a good few that i'm excited about; my plan is to make all the ones i do write be one story, but we'll see how that goes 😅
@steddiemas Day 1 - Deck the Halls
pairing: steddie | word count: 1,793 | rated: G
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Eddie wakes up too early on November 1st. But hey, when nature calls, you answer.
He takes care of business and is turning back to the guest room he’d crashed in last night when a movement catches his eye.
Someone is awake already, and is weaving a string of artificial greenery along the bottom of the rail where the second floor is open into the living room.
Eddie takes another step forward and sees Steve's face peeking up over the floor, perfectly and completely content. The seemingly always furrowed brow he has is gone, his eyes are soft, and his lips set into a just barely there smile as he hums quietly to himself.
“Steve?” He immediately regrets interrupting Steve’s peace, as he startles at the sound of Eddie’s voice.
He looks up at Eddie briefly, then immediately relaxes back into his task. “Oh, you’re awake! Listen, I love you man,” Eddie’s stomach swoops at the words. “But I'm kinda in a groove right now, so once a couple of the others are up I’ll start making breakfast, ‘kay?”
Eddie nods in agreement despite Steve already looking away back to the garland in his hands. He really wants to ask why in the actual hell he’s hanging Christmas decorations the literal day after Halloween, but what comes out is “How are you not dying right now?”
Steve’s hands pause, and he blinks up at Eddie in confusion so he continues, “You had just as much to drink as I did last night…?”
Understanding floods the other man’s face. “Oh! I have a splitting headache right now.” Steve says, getting back to the task at hand and weaving the end of a string of lights through a gap between the banisters.
“Yet you’re awake. And putting up Christmas decorations.”
The crease re-appears between Steve's brows, though not nearly as deep as usual. 
“Cool. Cool. Follow up question: why are you putting up Christmas decorations?? It’s only the day after Halloween!”
Steve stiffens at that, his brow furrowed fully now.
‘Shit, take it back asshole!’ Eddie chides himself.
“Exactly. It’s time for Christmas.” Steve sniffs, pausing before he continues in a soft voice, “I like Christmas..”
He doesn’t look back up at Eddie, and is now shoving the garland and lights through each gap in the railing, rather than slowly guiding them through.
Eddie watches him for a couple moments then says, “Alright big guy, what can I do to help?”
Steve is immediately relieved, looking back up at Eddie with a big smile (and no crease between his brows, thank you very much), “Wanna put the decorations on the mantle?”
“Sure thing Stevie,” Eddie smiles back at him, turning on his heel to trot down the steps and hang a left into the living room.
He freezes, taking in everything around him he couldn’t see from his spot in the hall upstairs.
There’s red and green tubs, boxes stacked upon boxes, loose strings of cranberries and shedded artificial pine needles absolutely everywhere.
There’s also a complete lack of any Halloween decorations left in the giant room. 
So, in the last however long Steve's been awake, he has: cleaned up from their party the night before, put away all the spooky decorations, pulled out a department store’s worth of Christmas decor, and is currently hanging garlands from atop a—holy shit!
“Steve! Why the fuck are you up so high??”
Steve twists back at Eddie's outburst, looking confused as all hell. “What do you mean, ‘Why?’? You just saw me upstairs, how else am I supposed to hang this?” he says, shaking his arm full of un-placed pine and the ladder in the process.
“You could’ve put them in from upstairs! On stable ground!” Eddie stresses, scrambling between and over boxes of holiday cheer to get to the other end of the room.
“I’m fine Eddie, I’ve been on a ladder before.” Steve snorts, going back to his lights. 
“Steve, sweetheart, you cannot be up that high on a ladder without someone holding onto the bottom!” Eddie says, finally getting over to him and grabbing onto it with both hands, leaning his weight onto it. “What if you fell? No one was awake! What if no one heard you!”
“Please.” Eddie could hear the eye roll in Steve’s voice, “I was perfectly fine.”
“Yeah, well, Wayne would kill me if I let you commit an OSHA violation.”
“What’s an OSHA?”
“Nevermind, keep working Stevie.”
He continues to work steadily, weaving and pruning the fake greenery to his liking and bunching up the end to stuff between two posts when he decides to come down.
He comes down the ladder and makes to move it when Eddie stops him.
“Oh no you don’t, you’re not going back up there.” he states, quickly letting the ladder fall together back from its extended length.
“I’m not done!”
“Didn’t say you were.” he says, leaning the ladder against the wall instead, out of the way, “You’re just going to do this from up there instead.”
For a moment, it looks like Steve is going to argue, but he gives up before he even starts, huffing petulantly and grumbling up the stairs. “And they call me ‘Mom’.”
“Thanks, Stevie!” Eddie calls after him.
“Yeah, yeah.."
Eddie snorts a quiet laugh, but goes back to his original task. He starts examining the boxes strewn out in front of him, the one labeled ‘GARLAND’ is already open, another boasts the title ‘LIGHTS’, another just says ‘KITCHEN’; after three huge tubs labeled ‘TREE’, he finds a smaller cardboard box with ‘MANTLE’ scrawled onto the side with marker.
You can’t say Steve isn’t organized.
He pulls open the top and starts to pull out the decorations. Everything in this box is colored in the few same shades of red, muted green, a handful more in bright silver. From the bottom, he pulls out a much shorter string of garland than the one Steve’s still fluffing to perfection upstairs, this one wound with a thick red, white, and green plaid ribbon.
“What?” Steve calls down after Eddie starts to laugh.
“More plaid, Steven?” Eddie grins, turning to show the garland in his hands.
This time, Steve snorts out a laugh, “Shut up, man.”
Eddie digs a little farther and comes back out with a small plastic box of thumbtacks and gets to work on the mantle. Using the ribbon to pin the length to the wood above the fireplace, he sets it in place along the edge, glancing up to fluff the fake branches out how Steve’s got the ones upstairs.
He gets into his own groove in no time, going back and forth from box to fireplace and placing the various baubles and tchotchkes how he thinks they should be. The clunky and gaudy seeming holiday themed frames at the bottom of the box throw him off for a moment, but soon there are years of awkward pictures of the shitheads leaning along the mantle.
A little red frame holds one of Max and El laughing brightly in just as brightly colored make-up and clothes, a framed polaroid of Robin and Steve in their Scoops uniforms, one of Will dressed up for Halloween; The pictures all must only be a few years old, Steve didn’t really get to know the kids until ‘84, but this little Dustin in the frame with the 3D train on it, and this one with a very disgruntled-looking Mike with his hair slicked flat in an over-the-top tree frame go right in the front.
“Nancy gave me that one of Mike, if you can believe it. He’s gonna hate that it’s up here.” Steve says from behind him now, a smile in his voice “Claudia gave me this one of Henderson. It’s actually from before their Snow Ball back in Middle school, I did his hair.”
Oh fuck, that’s adorable. Eddie’s heart squeezes in his chest. “You never told me that,” he says, accepting the last frame from Steve. A bright blue one with a Teddy Bear in each of the bottom two corners. This one has a JC Penney professional-looking shot of Erica and Lucas in matching holiday sweaters. Definitely a Mrs. Sinclair specialty.
“Erica gave me that one last Christmas, after everything happened at Starcourt.” he smiles, “They’re gonna hate that they’re all up like this.”
“Good.” Eddie grins, turning to face the other man, “What’s next, Stevie?”
They spend the next couple hours decorating; Steve tackles the tree next, working on it while he directs Eddie what to put up next, and making sure to call him back for any more ladder use at Eddie’s insistence.
At one point, Robin shuffles out from the first floor guest room she shared with Nancy, but she takes one look around and shuffles back down the hall.
Sooner than he thought, Eddie finds himself standing in the middle of a Sears catalog. The tree is huge, a fake one to fit the Harringtons’ high ceilings, covered in multicolored lights, red, green, and silver baubles, stringy silver tinsel, a sparkling star on top. 
The stair railings are lit up along both the top and bottom, the kitchen towels and utensils swapped out for holiday themed ones, even the front doormat is switched out for a Christmas themed one.
Steve is wandering around the place, vacuuming up stray glitter and pine needles, poking and prodding things until he’s satisfied, and Eddie is packing up anything unused and carting the tubs and boxes back to the garage.
After his last trip, Eddie swings back through the door to the living room under the steps at the same time Steve is coming back through the other way, both his arms filled with the last of the unused lights.
They collide, of course, and Eddie bends forward on instinct to catch any falling strings
“OOf–shit sorry, Stevie, I–” he glances up at Steve’s face for just a moment, but looks back up immediately, standing straight and keeping his eyes trained on something past Steve’s face, taped haphazardly to the underside of the doorframe.
“It’s okay, Eds, you oka–what’s wrong—?” Steve looks up as well.
“Mistletoe? How’d that–? Eddie, I didn’t– You–we don’t have to—”
Eddie’s lips find themselves brushing against the warm, soft skin of Steve’s cheek before the younger man can collect his thoughts.
He lingers there for a moment, pulling back with the lights in his arms instead. “I’ve got these, sweetheart, wanna get started on breakfast?”
Steve looks completely floored, his face flushed red and mouth agape; Eddie gives him a quick wink, then turns back toward the garage just before his own face starts to burn hot. “Holy shit,” he whispers to himself, smiling wide, “Jesus H. Christ.”
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it was 100% robin that taped up the mistletoe in case you were wondering lmao
i looked up to make sure OSHA was around in '86 and it was established in 1970, enacted in 1971. if you assume wayne is a union man like i do, he would've definitely known all about proper OSHA compliance
also, i looked up old pictures of 80s era christmas trees and when abouts fake trees came into popularity (which was in the 80s :o) ) to get the descriptions right, and you just know the harringtons would've been on top of all the trends (though i think steve would prefer stringy strips of tinsel over long garlands of the stuff).
other parts! Pt. 1 (Day 1) [YOU ARE HERE] | Pt. 2 (Day 2) | Pt. 3 (Day 5) | Pt. 4 (Day 6) | Pt. 5 (Day 7) | Pt. 6 (Day 11) | Pt. 7 (Day 13) | Pt. 8 (Day 18) | Pt. 9 (Day 21) | Pt. 10 (Day 25) also on AO3! this year
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Ok hear me out, what if the yv listeners were single parents? Man, can you image the drama and more fluffy family time!!🥺
Holy shit thats a kid-
Bc there's so many listeners I'm doing Sugarboo, Casper, and Sunflower. If you want a pt2 just ask!
100% made Seth think Alphonse moved on quickly bc he got someone pregnant.
When Seth first showed up he didn't know and it hurt even more. But when him and Boo met up at the woods they cleared it up.
"I'm going to tell you this once. Alphonse loves you, but I have a kid to protect and ill fuck you up if you do something."
Seth nodded along didn't really know what to say since yeah what parent wouldn't want to protect their kid?
Alphonse is the fun parent to the kid. But will make sure they brush their teeth! After giving them a couple of treats from the shop first tho!
The kid who ima nickname Bun is a really loving kid. Like they saw Seth and was like your cool! And asked a thousand questions at once.
The breakfast was more awkward, bc Bun never say Al yell before and it kinda made then sad. Bc everyone else was getting sad then started crying.
This made Boo snap at Al, Seth too bc he didn't want the kid to listen to all this. So after making up Alphonse apologized to Boo and Bun.
When Seth came back Bun cried seeing him hurt and lied next to him. They dragged him everywhere when he was getting use to being with Boo and Al.
The pillow fort ep was even more sweet bc Bun showed the trio a lil drawing they made. Seth damn near cried.
But oh loorrd the one where Jessie's hair was gifted to Seth? That made it thousands times worse bc the note even hinted at Bun. Seth felt even more ashamed of himself bc he put a kid in danger.
The want of Boo staying in town was even more now bc of Bun. But Boo knew they needed to be there and was stubborn about it.
We can say that Bun stayed in town with some old lady Boo trusted but...who would want their kid away from them?
The car ride there was even more tense when everyone said they're in it. Bun hugged the trio to try and make everyone feel better.
Bun and Boo stayed in the car with Bun being hidden well so if something happens Boo can hide them. Charlie saw the end of the barrel when looking at Boo.
When meeting Jessie Bun tried eating a cookie and did a lil kid cough. Then whined about not getting anything to eat, so Boo whipped something up rq.
Bun was there hugging Seth when he cried. People forget kids are emotionally intelligent sometimes so when Bun figured out Jessie made Bun's favorite uncle/dad figure? They sticker their young out and blew a raspberry.
Charlie being in the room to talk to them was more tense bc Boo was ready to grab him. Even standing in front of the bed glaring hard at him.
Boo's decision going with Derek was even more drastically more needed. Bc he said something about "such a cute lil kid ya got there. Sugar." Boo almost shot him right there.
Everyone was desperate and distraught when Boo left. Bun was crying and Alphonse was trying to calm them. Bun stayed with Jessie and the boys left.
Boo pointing the gun was leaning a bit more twords a parent needing to protect their kids. Also when Al sees Finn he tells the blonde he better make everything right bc he has a kid to protect.
I can see so many cute thing sharpening with Bun and the boys. Seth and Alphonse spoil them so Boo gotta be the bad cop between them all.
Seth shows Bun how to hike and make things he learned when younger. Even telling him stories too!
Alphonse loves having his lil candy taste tester around. He also helps sneak some baked goods to them if Boo let's Al have some.
Them having a kid would actually break Charlie. Bc he lost his chance of course they found someone that loved them and gave them a kid.
But blah blah other parent gone so when Charlie does meet the lil ghoul their eyes sparkle asking about his skateboard and his hat.
Charlie kinda has a hard time connecting with he kid. Since he did sell shit to kids when younger.
"Charlie, it's okay. I trust you with ghoul. Your my friend stupid."
Charlie smiled at the words and did try to connect with the kid. He actually really connected with them bc he's a kid at heart.
The sleepover ep was different when Casper slashed Charlie's tires bc ghoul cheered when they did.
Also with truth and dare they played a kiddy version with ghoul before they knocked out. Then the confession happened.
The mall date was cute bc everyone thought they were a small family and ghoul just said how his parents were cool bc they rode skateboards.
With dancing at the abandon school ghoul had a babysitter at the house. Casper and ghoul tried to convince Chalrie to stay but he left </3 but then returned with another child! A fur baby :o
Ghoul loves lil guy and helps take care of them. They are basically siblings even fighting over a pizza slice once. Since the eye was hurt on lil guy ghoul gave them one of their pirate eye patches.
Sweet Pete loves the kid and makes sure to give them a pizza when they come over. Off of Charlie's pay check of course.
Going to the skate part is a MUST with this lil family. Ghoul learns trucks that Casper and Charlie did when younger. It's so cute when they got so excited when they landed their first kick flip!
If Charlie ever does introduce the kid and Casper (again) to his parents they love the two. His mom spoils the kid and his dad bonds a but with them.
Charlie really wants to better himself even more with Casper and ghoul bc he wants to be someone their gonna be proud of.
When first going into Talk Floral Finn was suprised seeing the lil hands of seed touching the counter showing off some change to get a lil rose for their parent.
Seed loves Finn's rambling and saw him staring at their parent and giggled.
When coming back again Seed asks if they can learn more from him. Which gives Sunflower the opportunity to ask as well.
So Seed and Sunflower get to have classes and stuff. Finn really connects with the kid even calling them seedling jokenly. But it really stuck with them.
When they went to the cafe and the drink spilled Sunflower made sure nothing got on Seed. Finn was panicking and almost cried but got embarrassed like in the og bc he was wiping too close to Sunflowers personal space.
Sadly Seed wasn't there when Sunflower asked him out but demanded to be om the date.
But we know Finn got distracted and such so Seed gave him a glare when coming in. But apologized when Sunflower noticed it and scolded them.
With the Yule ep all three made lists of snow angels and snowmen! Seed was cozy in a big thick coat while being on their parents lap listening to Finn. They even fell asleep first.
Seed prefers to be om their parents back when sleeping so during the cuddling ep Seed agreed with Finn saying that their parent should stay. They fell asleep again and when they woke up they were babysat by Finn.
Seed goes to parks a lot so they get flowers to Finn. Like those ones you see all the time and says it's to add to his collection. Finn keeps them all, even pressing them so he can put them on a bookmark.
Finn is clumsy but makes sure the kid is safe at all times. Like he tried to carry them once and fell but made sure to lean as hard as he can to protect them.
Finn is the best at calming Seed down and getting them to say what they want. It's okay use your big words Seedling. And Seed tells him what they need or what happened.
Finn also kinda feels like he's not the best example for a kid but Sunflower shuts that down saying how he handles Seed perfectly bc even Sunflower had to admit that their a hand full sometimes.
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namedr · 2 months
What are your art inspirations?
Disclaimer: A LOT of RAMBLING
Honestly hard to answer, nowadays I don't really look at a lot of art anymore but mostly just movies.
Biggest inspiration over the years (from 2020 to 2022) would have to be Kan Liu. His painting style with mostly just the round brush and hard edges really spoke to me, especially when it came to lineart I was a massive fucking copycat lmao.
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Around 2022 I also began falling in love with Sungmoo Heo. The perspectives and overall style just fucks so hard.
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The most obvious inspo would have to be Seonhyeok Jeon though, who I still rip off blatantly.
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In general I began taking art seriously around 2020, when I found Kan Liu, because I began training to compete in bodybuilding, which I did the next year. I began getting super interested in how the body and muscles work so I just drew those a fuck ton, and those anatomy studies ended up really helping my art skills in general.
Anyway! For animation... Hiroto Nagata and Q Kawa are big inspos.
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This shit is so fucking RAW and HOLY SHIT when I look at how the perspective gets just in your face I always just think "what am I even doing man I have to PRACTICE". It's like watching a Zyzz or Ronny Coleman clip before doing a lift at the gym but for art, shit's motivational.
This cut in Ghost In the Shell as well is WOW, I think what speaks a lot to me is when an animation doesn't conform to what's standard in the medium and tries to push boundaries/be unique. Be it in this case through insane details, in the case of Mushoku Tensei through bg animation mixed with extreme foreshortening or just a crazy perspective and punchy movements in the Madoka clip.
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Overall it's hard to say what else my inspirations are though. When it comes to manga and comics I can think of Batman Year One, The Climber by Shin-ichi Sakamoto, Ultra Heaven by Keichi Koike, Solo Leveling (big inspo in 2021) and Homunculus.
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Also, even though everyone assumes it, I haven't played Cyberpunk 2077 or am that big a fan of the Blame! manga, I guess I just have a fairly similar artistic vision to both of those.
For animated fiction it'd be Spiderverse recently, Millennium Actress, Silent Voice and a million other anime I've forgotten the name of. Naoko Yamada's directing for Silent Voice or other anime like Hibike Euphonium and the Liz movie has always been amazing to me because she is able to express characters personalities through their body language, like they way they walk or stand, in a way I have never seen done before. Extremely recognizable and iconic style imo. A long time ago I used to be really into watching anime, but I don't care much for it anymore.
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Other inspo would be this guy on twitter, his stuff is insanely cool https://twitter.com/be_myvu/status/1725069515107533178?s=46
It's like that Ralph Waldo Emerson quote - “I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.” I think throughout the years I've been so obsessed with all kinds of artists that I've taken in inspiration from everywhere. I cannot recall them all anymore, but they have made me the artist I am today.
Currently, like I said, I would consider movies to be my biggest inspiration because I find it interesting how cinematographers are able to stylize real life, which I'm trying to get closer to. If I could direct a movie, I would probably stop making art right then and there, but I'm not really working towards that goal anyway lmao. One day, being able to make a short film in animation would be something I would like to do though.
I'm not deep enough into the movie scene to get the street cred of being called an expert but I love them a lot. Fallen Angels made me fall in love with fisheye back then for example. Fight Club and The Batman have a grit to them visually that I find inspiring, and movies like Persona and Heat also come to mind when I think of movies I just love. I could look up my letterboxd for a more thorough answer but I feel I've already been writing way too long.
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For video games, I guess you can imagine that I would say Signalis lmao. Besides that I can think of Subahibi (vn), Muramasa (vn), and Va-11 Hall-a for inspirations
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Lastly, I guess huge inspirations are also a fuck ton of music. I mostly listen to either metal or hard techno, but I think I'll refrain from any more yapping.
I feel that this isn't really a great answer to the question, but it's the one I consider the most correct, because it's never as simple as just mentioning one artist. With a lot of these you wouldn't see a visual resemblence to my art, but in all of these I recognize a feeling that I also find in my own art.
Thank you for the question!
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svltzmans · 11 months
waves - r.b.
surfer!reader x lifeguard!robin
robin moves as far away from hawkins as she can - to california. to afford her rent she picks up a lifeguard gig at the local beach, and meets someone she could have only dreamed about in hawkins.
warnings: implied smut, injury, (almost) drowning, unproofread writing Lol
a/n: HI GAY PEOPLE OMG!!! i truly was not expecting so many people to see my last post and all of your likes made my day omg <3 i've been on vacation and thinking about this robin au for days so i knew i had to write it. i hope you like it <3 my request box is always open if you have any ideas of something you want to see me write!!
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robin wasn't quite sure what the breaking point was that forced her out of hawkins, but considering her trauma related to the starcourt mall (and the events that followed) and the constant homophobia, she wasn't surprised.
california seemed ideal. everyone there looked eccentric and cool. robin was hopeful that she would be able to make new friends, even though she had promised steve she would stay in touch.
she packed everything she had into the trunk of her old convertible and drove across the country, feeling terrified to be leaving everything she knew, while simultaneously feeling a sense of freedom that nothing could damper.
she had managed to afford a one-bedroom apartment off the coast that she spent all of her savings on, although it was completely worth it. she was free. like, really free.
despite her sense of freedom, robin needed a job. her savings from scoops ahoy and family video could only get her so far, leading her to start applying everywhere she could find. record shops, libraries, cafés. anywhere that had a bright "we're hiring!" sign in the window.
but no luck.
robin was feeling exasperated trying to find a job. the stress was getting to her quite a bit, and the thought of having to move back home came to mind.
she had the same coping mechanism ever since she was in middle school, and nothing had changed with her big move.
"fuck it," she thought. "i'm going on a walk."
she threw on her converse and a light hoodie (it got cool at night, she remembered), and stepped outside the apartment.
as dusk fell over california, robin's walk led her to the most beautiful beach she had ever seen, albeit one of the only ones. she was from indiana, after all.
the waves were crashing quietly yet so loudly at the same time, and robin found herself mesmerized by the sound.
she scanned the beach, realizing she was one of the few individuals left. a young couple and their dog and an older gentleman walking by himself were the only other inhabitants of the beach at that hour.
she quickly forgot about her solitude when her eyes landed on a "lifeguards wanted" sign hanging on the back of one of the many lifeguard chairs.
lifeguard training was much easier than robin had anticipated. she found out through her week long excursion that she was a much better swimmer than she'd imagined, and that it seemed like the town she was living in would hire just about anyone as a lifeguard. it was truly lucky.
admittedly, she was nervous. she didn't know if she'd actually be capable of saving someone's life in any capacity. at the same time, however, she was ready to try.
the first several days of being a lifeguard went off without a hitch, albeit a bit of boredom. it wasn't exactly the most fun job, getting nasty sunburns and staring off into the ocean while listening to screaming little kids.
that was, until, she noticed a young woman running towards the water with a surfboard, her salty waves blowing in the wind.
"holy shit," robin thought.
robin was absolutely fixated. she couldn't keep her eyes off the mysterious surfer, watching in awe as she caught countless waves and rode them back to the surface of the sand.
robin took note of the way the surfer's bodysuit hugged her curves in all the right places. she had to keep herself from drooling and focus on the fact that she had to potentially keep a beach full of people alive.
but every day, the surfer was there. the same time every afternoon with her surfboard. robin couldn't avoid her. so she stared, and stared, and stared...
robin quickly started looking forward to heading to work, knowing she would get to see the hottest girl she had ever seen, in a skin-tight body suit, no less.
although many days came and went without robin having to make any saves, she knew she would eventually have to put her training to use, and she was right.
the beach was practically completely empty, with the local news warning of the roughness of the tide and the danger of swimming in the ocean.
nonetheless, the mysterious surfer was still effortlessly catching each wave as she did every day.
robin watched closely, seeing the ways the surfer climbed up onto her board and balanced herself so perfectly.
she had never wanted to learn to surf so badly.
while robin continued to gawk, she noticed that the surfer was losing her footing as the waves got rougher. she struggled to get back onto her board and stand up without wiping out.
robin knew in her heart that this was bad. really bad.
as she continued to watch, she witnessed the wavy haired surfer get hit with a wave, knocking her below the surface of the water. her board emerged, floating without the beautiful girl on top of it.
without thinking, robin sprung into action. grabbing her gear, she dove headfirst into the ocean and swam as fast as humanly possible. she was pumped full of enough adrenaline to not feel tired, despite this being the most intense workout of her life.
reaching the spot the young woman had fallen, robin finally sees her emerge from underneath the water, struggling to catch her breath. robin instinctively grabs her and lifts her up, holding her high above the surface.
"hey, hey, it's okay. i got you. you're safe," robin coos, watching as the surfer's face starts to gain color again.
the surfer coughs, trying to regain her strength.
"well, that fuckin' hurt," the surfer mutters, letting out a dry laugh. her accent is so undoubtedly californian.
"holy shit. i'm glad you're okay. you had me scared there," robin utters, suddenly becoming very nervous with the beautiful sight in front of her.
"isn't it, like, your job to see this stuff happen?"
"well, yeah, but it never has actually happened before."
"so i'm your first save, huh?"
"i guess you could say that, although you kinda saved yourself."
the still unknown surfer laughs quietly.
"i'm y/n."
"robin. we should probably get out of this water now."
"yeah, i think so. although i can't believe it calmed down enough for us to swim after i almost died."
the pair both chuckle at that.
robin and y/n finally swim to shore, robin quickly grabbing a towel and throwing it to y/n, who is still shivering.
in a moment of bravery, robin decides to try to get closer to y/n's freezing frame.
"do you want to go back to my apartment to warm up? it's like, a block from here," she asks, taking in y/n's face up close. it's covered in freckles and a light tan from the sun.
"that would be great, actually," y/n responds. "i think i might have hypothermia."
"okay, let's not be dramatic here," robin laughs, beckoning the girl to follow her.
as the two women enter the apartment, y/n sighs with relief, feeling the warm air of robin's new home.
"it's so nice in here," she compliments.
robin simply smiles, taking in the sight in front of her. y/n's wet hair is thrown into a bun, and her cheeks are newly rosy after being blue for quite some time after being in the water.
"let's get you something warm to wear, okay? i don't want you to actually get hypothermia," robin flirts.
"yeah, that would suck a lot," y/n responds, gently chuckling at robin's jest.
robin leads y/n to her bedroom where she lends her some warm clothes to change into. she begins to leave the room, but as she does, y/n rips off her bodysuit, revealing a matching pink bra and underwear set.
robin knows she shouldn't stare, but she can't help herself. she's in a trance, staring at y/n from the doorway.
before she can leave, y/n turns around.
"like what you see, huh robbie?"
did she just... call her robbie?
completely in shock, robin just nods. she can't manage to respond verbally.
y/n doesn't feel cold anymore. her body is full of heat now that she had caught the lifeguard watching her change.
she approaches robin, her hands quickly finding her waist and pulling her closer.
before either of them know it, their lips are clashing, and they collapse on the bed.
"you saving my life today was pretty cool," y/n mutters. "but you being so fucking hot is a huge bonus."
a/n: should i do a part 2 to this this was so fun to write
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marilynthornhilllover · 8 months
S.O.S she's in disguise, S.O.S she's in disguise
Ghostface!marilyn x fem!reader
Warning: knife play, stalker, talk of murder, cunniligus,fingering, slight!softdom marilyn, slight teasing,neck biting, indecent language, fear, mommy kink, degradation kink, praise kink,body praise, and lots more!
A/n: this fic needs holy water honestly, posting this and logging out ( jk)🤣 please enjoy.🙌😌it's long I'm aware🥲 #kinktoberismychanceofmakingsinfulsmutfics 😌🙌
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Let's just say your new neighbor marilyn was one of a kind. She was beyond weird. Since the day she first moved in and you tried being nice to her, she was shy and introverted. You didn't take it to heart at first - couple times you tried being nice and she completely ignored you. after all not knowing what she went through or maybe she's just not used to new environments and people you let her actions slide but as time passed her shyness became rudeness.
She started to give off a vibe you didn't like at all, hence the reason everytime you saw her you'd pass her straight or turn a different direction.
At first it was a coincidence - seeing her in the same grocery store, hardware store, coffee shops, the mall but soon everywhere you went, every place, every corner you took you would see marilyn. And she would just stand there and stare at you, blankly. Sometimes she'd smile but on other occasions it was just straight up creepy.
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It was Halloween night and you had gotten off work early. As you walked home you saw brightly colored Halloween decorations, some were very terrifying while others were just creatively scary in a cool way. You smiled as you saw children rush pass you laughing and giggling with their baskets filled to the brim with snacks - mostly chocolate and small candy sticks. While others had chips and soda.
You saw your other neighbor's daughter, Ella who was just around the age of eight running up to you with the brightest smile on her face.
" hi y/n! Want some candy!" She asked smiling.
You chuckled as you brushed her frizzy hair back into its ponytail.
" hi baby! Thank you, but just one, you know all this sugar is bad for your teeth especially for kids your age" you spoke as she handed you a snickers chocolate, she hummed as she waved you a googbye and ran off. You watched her as she jumped along with some other kids her age before continuing your walk home.
As you got closer to your apartment you saw that the lights of your bedroom was on. Seeing this you froze dead in your tracks.
You had turned it off before you left for work early in the afternoon.
What was it doing on?
Before your mind was able to race and think of everything bad possible reason why your light was on and play tricks on you, your cell phone began to ring.
You took your phone out of your bag to see "unknown caller ID"
You considered picking it up before declining the call.
You sighed as the tiredness of the day and the walk started to kick in.
The night was still quite young but it was pretty spooky.
You walked up to your front porch and stared taking out your keys, when your phone rang again.
You groaned as you saw the the caller ID was still "unknown" you sighed and picked it up.
" Yes? What is it?" You answered harshly hoping to get the person to hear your annoyance and stop bothering you.There was along pause before you heard shallow breathing. Your eyebrow twitched as you tried to listen carefully.
" what the fuck?" You whispered.
" look if this is some sick game, you better back off! And stop calling my damn phone!" You shouted as you threw your phone down on the coffee table you had outside and turned towards your door to unlock it.
You turned back around to pick up your phone and it was gone.
" WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!?" You shouted as you looked around to see if you saw anyone running away, but there was no one, no a single soul - Just cold air hitting your face and spooky ghost balloons staring at you from your other neighbors house across the street.
Your heartbeat picked up as you started to feel light headed. You backed up inside too scared to turn your back - afraid you'd be the one to disappear next if you do. You slammed your door shut and locked it, bolting the blots and placing the broom under the door nob.
You jumped as your house phone started to ring.
You never gaved anyone that number....
You breathe got caught in your lungs as you started coughing. Your eyes filled with tears as you slowly walked up to the phone hanging from the wall. You picked it up and placed it at your ear.
There was nothing.
No sound.
No voice.
" please whoever you are this isn't funny!" You whispered-shouted as tears rolled down your cheek.
" that slik purple shirt looks good on you, my love" you heard the voice say. It was discord, distant. You couldn't pick up who's voice it was or even the gender it sounded almost like a robot.
You looked down to see that you were indeed wearing a silk purple shirt. But you were at alot of places today, anyone could have seen you in the shirt.
"this isn't fucking funny asshole! You don't scare me! " You spoke, voice trembling as you wrapped you other around around your torso to clam yourself.
" you lost something, it's been found" the voice said again before they hand up. You jumped again, as your door bell rang. You placed your hand over your heart and exhaled through your mouth to calm your nerves, but nothing you did was working. Your palms were sweating, your hands were shaking, your anxiety was through the roof.
You ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. You carefully walked towards the door and opened the spy hole, you looked around and saw no one, when you looked down you saw your phone. On the ground. You opened the door and quickly grabbed it before slaming the door shut again and locking it up once more.
Your phone was now in a clear - ish purple case with Polaroid pictures of you from when you were at the coffee shops, grocery store etc. Behind each picture had the initial, M.T. a message popped up as you walked back towards the kitchen. It was from your contacts.
M.T sent a video - tap to open.
This person took your phone and added their number into your contacts and now your fearing for what's about to happen next or worse - what this video contains.
With shaking hands you tapped the banner.
It was a video of a person in a white ghost face mask with a black cloak, they tilted their head to the side then brought up their hand to the camera waving a long slender knife. Once again tears formed in your eyes.
They turned the Phone in a direction and that's when you realized that they were standing in your back yard and the door was wide open. Your eyes widened as you rang into your living room and closed the door, but you realized that the lock was broken from three months ago and it automatically slides open from the wind at times.
At this point your heart was pounding out of your chest. You walked around the living room talking shallow breaths as you held your phone tightly in your hand, knife in the other.
You looked down to see another notification from M.T
" don't you think it's a little too late to be closing doors sweetheart? What's already in side can't be locked out." The message read.
You quickly went on 'phone' and dialed 911, but before you could place the call your phone randomly shut down, it wasn't dead, it can't be... it was just at 97%. You started to break down in tears as you slowly walked back into the kitchen. Stopping dead in yours tracks when you came face to face with 'the ghost face'.
" please! P-please, I'm begging you... please don't kill me" you muttered, your vision becoming clouded with tears.
They chuckled as they took a step closer to you at which you took a step back.
Rage builded up in you as you threw the fruit bowl at them to which they dodged with zero effort.
" this isn't funny!" You screamed. They gripped the knife tighter as they took slow steps towards you, you instantly regretted your actions. How stupid can you be.
" who said I was making a joke princess" they chuckled before pushing you hard against the walk behind you. You whimpered as you didn't even get enough time to react as they already had their knife prodding at your throat. They took off their mask and you swore you almost had a heart attack. Standing in front of you was no other than...
Marilyn Thornhill
Your creepy new neighbor.
She took off the cloak as she revealed her navy blue suit.
" didn't really think I'd hurt a pretty princess like you right?! Silly girl, mommy really made her baby scared didn't she?" She cooed as she caressed your face.
You were scared, happy, confused and flustered at the same time. The pet name and the way she addressed herself made something in you go off.
Your lack of answer had her chuckle, she examined your face and smirked. She reminded you of the sharp cold metal knife at your neck before she slipped her knee in between your thighs, hitching your your skirt more around your thighs and allowing her access to press her knee directly onto your clit.
Your head fell back against the wall with a soft thud as a soft moan escaped your lips.
" mhmh such a slut for mommy already? Whoring out yourself to me like this, I could have killed you darling" she spoke confidently, as she dropped the knife and started rolling her knee against your clit erecting a whimper from you.
" but you didn't" you spoke looking at her, eyes flicking from her lips to her eyes.
" but I could have" she whispered, coming dangerously close to your face. You gulped and looked into her deep brown eyes. They were filled with meaning, she may have held a knife to your neck but she truly meant no harm. Her pupils were delated, making them more brown. They were filled with lust, desire, need, want.
You don't know what came over you but suddenly your lips were on hers. How did you not notice how beautiful marilyn was. You were more focused on her being creepy and not your raging mommy issues. She was perfect. Her hair smelt like lavender, her perfume smelt like old spiced cinnamon, she also smelt like burn smoke, she was intoxicating. She was driving you off this clif you didn't even know was possible or even existed.
She roughly pulled down your underwear, ripping them in the process causing your to moan, giving her the perfect entrance for her tongue to slip in. You both fought for dominance but she obviously won.
She tapped your leg and you jumped up, wrapping both your legs around her waist she took you to the bedroom - how did she know where it was? You had no idea but you didn't care either. You both did your best not to break the kiss as she closed the door shut with her foot. She threw you on the bed and began taking off her suit.
You did the same, taking off your shirt then unclasping your bra before taking off your skirt, your panties were gone a long time ago. Marilyn took off her clothes, the both of you naked as the day you were born. You were enchanted by her. She had such great breast, perfect abs.She simply looked perfect when she was naked.
She smirked at your spaced out look, you ran your hands up her abs before she took them and kissed them breaking you from your trance.
You bite your lips and looked up at her with pure lust and need. Suddenly your pussy had a heartbeat for this woman, you needed her badly.
" What's the matter baby? Thinking of how well mommy's gonna stretch you out?" She asked and you swore your core became a pool. You were wet as fuck. You whined as you slightly arched your back.
Marilyn smirked as she leaned down towards you.
" patience tiger" she mumbled before she started kissing your neck. Sucking and biting the tender flesh, definitely leaving marks. Marilyn was driving you crazy and she knew it, and she loved it.
You moaned softly as her cold hands roamed your body, scratching and caressing areas, making you shiver.
She sucked on your pulse joint lightly.
Marilyn leaved hickeys all over your neck leading down to your chest, making butterfly hickeys. Your skin was her art book at this point.
" fuck marilyn I need you so bad" you whispered grabbing her hair and pulling her closer to your face. Making her moan. She smirked at your desperate exertion and kissed you passionately, she was making you feel hot and bothered.
" don't worry princess I'll fuck you so good that no other man or woman can ever make you feel as good as I do ever again" she muttered into the kiss before trailing down your body, leaving love bites on your skin. She sucked, bit and nibbled her way down your chest and stomach making you squirm.
She gently pushed your thighs apart and looked at your glistening cunt, smirking she looked back up at you.
" all this for me, my love?" She started running her fingers through your slit collecting your arousal as she began kissing in between your thighs, you moaned as you arched your back.
" fuck marilyn just fuck me already!" You shouted plopping yourself up on your elbows, marilyn looked up and you and smacked your clit making your jolt. You moaned as you layed back down, eyes rolling back as you felt a new pool of wettenes form from her actions. Your cunt was aching for her touch.
She came up and slapped you. She took your jaw in her hand and forced you to look at her.
" look to me you slut, this pussy is mine and I'll take how much ever time I want get that in your head, and i'm in control" she husked before ghosting your lips with a kiss, chuckling as you thought she was going to kiss you before going back down.
Marilyn opened your legs wider for her and licked up your arousal that was dripping everywhere making you let out a pornographic moan. She smirked as her tongue got to work. She sucked on your clit before releasing it with a pop and moving down to your hole, dipping her tongue inside making your grab the sheets and pull them tightly, your knuckles turning white.
" you taste so fucking good y/n, should given me this pussy a long time ago sweetheart" she mumbled as she ate like there was no longer any food left in the world, she was addicted already. Your eyes rolled back as you moaned again, you've never had your pussy eaten this good before and it was driving you absolutely crazy. She was taking you into oblivion already. You could feel the knot starting to form in your tummy.
She opened her mouth the widest she can and sucked in your cunt, sucking on your clit and flicking her tongue in and out your hole and teasing your clit now and then. Your legs Bagan to shake as your hips began to buck upwards. She was fucking you so good, it was unbelievable.
" Oh fuck mar! Shit! Mhmm" you were seeing stars, marilyn looked up at your disheveled state, hair flatten out on the pillow, chest falling and rising heavily, eyes rolled back, hands grabbing the sheets so tight she swore you'd rip them. The sight of you took her pride and self esteem leavels through the roof. She started sucking faster.
Your thighs began to close around her head but she she held them open wider with her hands, pushing them up a little towards your chest. Marilyn was eating you out like you were ice cream.
You grabbed her hair and tried to pull her off you but she was too deep in it, she was losing herself, and the pleasure was becoming a tad bit too much for you.
" shit! I'm gonna cum! Marilyn I'm gonna cu-" you couldn't even finish your sentence before your orgasm hit your like a wrecking ball. Your eyes were rolled into your head as your back was arched so much you wonder how it's not breaking in half.
She came up licking her lips as your arousal was still on her chin. She smiled at you as she kissed you passionately.
You moaned as you tasted yourself on her lips. She pulled away and looked at you deeply, it was so pure and filled with love.
" look at you, such a slut baby for mommy... mhm your a masterpiece honey." She whispered kissing your cheek before moving down your chest again. She sucked on your nipple making you sigh in pleasure. You didn't even know who you were or where you were. You felt as if you were on cloud nine. Your orgasm hasn't even waver off yet.
She was taking such good care of your body it was magical.
She squeezed your breast as she sucked on it like a baby. She released it with a pop and swirled her tongue around it before pulling as it with her lips them teeth making you let out a gasp before she did the same to the other one. She trailed kisses back down to your pussy as she reopened your legs again, your legs were trembling but she still managed to force them open.
She kissed your clit softly " such perfect pussy" she whispered blowing air on your puffy bud making you whimper as you turned your head into the pillow. She kissed it again, this time sliding her tongue down to your entrance and back up, your hips twitched and you moaned softly. " suck pretty moans, from a pretty princess"
Your body was on fire, never once did you or anyone make you feel this good sexual or in bed.
She came up once more and kissed you, she forced her tongue into your mouth as she kissed you deeply, this was she easily slipped two fingers into you, you moaned into her mouth, your hips bucking up off the bed. She pushed her fingers deeper into you, knuckles deep. She curled them making you moan loudly, the overstiumlation was kicking in. She slowly began moving her fingers in you, not pulling them in and out but flexing them.
She was massaging your spongy walls so good.
You turned to face her, opening your eyes slightly, as the dimly lit room made everything more erratic. You looked at her and she looked at you she was so proud of the way she was making you feel. You opened your mouth to tell her something but a loud pornographic moan slipped out inside as she began thrusting her fingers in and out of you deep and slow, not rushing anything.
" fuck... mhpm marilyn?.." You moaned her name like a question but it came out more prayer like.
She chuckled as she kissed your forehead. The way she was fucking you now was sending you insane. You were losing your dignity for this woman. She was so rough when she was eating you out now she's soft as ever with her fingers.
" Yes my love?" she asked going a bit faster now, hitting your g-spot with every curl of her fingers in you.
" fuck! You fuck me so fucking good" you moaned biting your lips as your eyes rolled back, the room was filled with her fingers working in and out of you and your moans. She kissed every inch of your face as she picked up her pace. Her curled fingers were now making wave movements causing your hands to fight to pull the bed sheets but she was faster grabbing them and holding them tight as your orgasm pushed you off the edge more and more.
She kissed your ear and whispered.
" squeezing my fingers so good baby, go ahead and cum for me" with that being said you did just that. She waited for you to ride out your high before removing her fingers and licking them off. She gently choked you as she kissed you deeply.
After you both calmed down you turned to look at her.
" how the fuck are you so skilled with both your mouth and fingers" you asked cupping her face and kissing her.
" What can I say, I'm a perfestional" she muttered lazily before pulling away smirking at you, before biting her bottom lip.
" Well I'm addicted" you mumbled, rolling your eyes playfully, before moving closer to her, cuddling into her warm body, she held you tight and kissed your forehead. You both were extremely exhausted.
" Oh yeah, well your my drug" she whispered before you both fell asleep.
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hils79 · 10 months
Hils Watches Mysterious Lotus Casebook - Ep 13
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Well, them having a fight to the point where Shan Gudao quit the sect, and then got killed before they reconciled explains a lot about why Li Lianhua was so desperate to find his body
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Aww Fang Duobing has been abandoned again. The poor puppy
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You can't die until you're well enough for...ahem...our swords to come together again
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Uh...that doesn't look like it's helping him
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Oh no not more snakes
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I'm not sure letting a magical snake feed on him is helping him get better either
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Maybe Di Feisheng should have mentioned that before getting the Medicine Demon to try all these cures
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There's a plant that will restore his martial arts powers but he'll die in agony a few days later
Di Feisheng: Yeah, I'm cool with that so long as he fights me first
Come on, my dude. I know you don't actually want him to die
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I mean he has a point
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Wait, what son?
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What's that thing called when you're thinking about something and suddenly you see it everywhere? Frequency Illusion? Yeah, that's what's happening to poor Fang Duobing (IF THAT'S EVEN HIS ACTUAL NAME)
That last part was a joke but actually none of the main three are going by their actual names? Li Xiangui is Li Lianhua, Di Feisheng is A-Fei, Fang Duobing is...well, maybe that's the name his mother gave him before she died we don't know.
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I hate him and it's his fault my life is so miserable but oh no he's in danger I must save him!
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I'm sure you'll care about him too eventually you just need to get over the whole wanting to kill him to get to Li Lianhua thing
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FANG XIAOBAO!!! Isn't that what his aunt said they called him when he was little? But again here we are back with everyone using different names again
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He has very long eyelashes
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Abandoned twice in one episode. This poor boy needs a hug
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Plot twist! Not abandoned this time!
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He's trying to see Shan Gudao in Fang Duobing. This poor traumatised boy
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I thought that was going to get dragged out for longer. Yep, congrats Fang Duobing, you threw Di Feisheng into a pond full of corpses
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This boy and his self-worth issues
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Aww he really is Li Xiangyi's disciple now
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I love them
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aaeya · 8 months
supreme skz hairstyles please join me at this table
chan: long and curly (PEAK: overgrown and mullet-y)
era: miroh
im not sayin anything anyone disagrees with. even chan is with me on this one. god bless his hair hes beautiful always. he looks so sexy w some volume RAAAAHHH
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(go under the readmore if you want to see me go into unnecessary and unasked for detail about stray kids hair styles that gets progressively more biased as i lose my mind slowly)
lee know: long and dark (peak: BLACK)
era: pre-5star
god he’s just gorgeous and sexy and long black hair is gorgeous and sexy. he has yet to have long and black hair simultaneously but i can keep praying. also hes kind of had the same haircut for forever (its okay because hes sexy) BUT he has had a LOT of hair colors and my favorite is gods menu era orange [ERIKA JAYNE MOAN]. 5star maroon can get an honorable mention. holy fuck he looked so good in gods menu
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changbin: two block or, if you’re feeling spicy, undercut
era: A) this photo is god damn everywhere but have no idea the source im a toddler stay B) he always has this hair
the most stable member hairstyle wise but im not complaining cuz he’s sexy. dark, weight on top, bangs, side part, baby you’re perfect just the way you are
changbins hair has been dark forever except for like two times (varying shades of brown and then back door) and he looked good but dark hair is just iconic and sexy for him
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hyunjin: black wolf cut UUUUUGGGGHHHHHH
era: RIGHT NOW. also he had the same cut in maxident but brown
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han: LONG. SIDE PART. (peak: wavy)
era: my pace, 5 star
ive never had so many things to say about a complete strangers hair you have no idea how much i'm holding back for the sake of fairness and the length of this post. the longer and messier the better. peak is my pace but not the color. he looks the best in COOL COLORS. guys am i showing signs of being obsessed with han jisung or do you think im playing it off well be honest
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felix: BACK DOOR!!!!!!!!!
era: BACK DOOR!!!!!!!! also kingdom kind of
mullet!!! the MULLET. felixs supreme peak look is the MULLET. im not a blonde felix supremecist in the slightest. its this CUT. i think he looks best in black hair but he has never had the two (mullet and dark hair) simultaneously. i love black hair on him (can you tell i have a thing for black hair)
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kim seungmin: you know what im gonna say. side part maxident streak. (peak: PINK) (peak: FOREHEAD [ERIKA JAYNE MOAN])
era: maxident
but wait i'm not done. because 5 star coral/orange seungmin (and all its phases) is ALSO peak. and you know what else. his curly blonde hair in that one christmas performance was ALSO peak. jype is making a wise decision by only releasing his forehead periodically because its so powerful every time hes styled with it its like a gust of wind blasts through my village and shakes the foundations of my home.
vv i know the pink streak and brown hair+forehead pic are essentially the same but he looked so good in skzfamily 3 that i had to include it.
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i.n: listen to me when i tell you black straight hair jeongin is my favorite. he is the love of my life. i am NOT giving him a boring answer and if you accuse me of that i will hunt you. he has these sharp gorgeous features and when his hair is stark black it just kills me. LISTEN TO ME.
era: many but most recently 5 star (NOT kingdom/thunderous era black mullet)
vvv he is so sexy and he is my boyfriend and i am not delusional.
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^remember when my goal was 1 hairstyle and 2 pics per member? what happened to han and seungmin? when did we lose the plot
do you think you can guess my biases from this
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genericpuff · 1 year
What’s your opinion on the titans designs in lo
i swear to christ i was watching attack on titan when i read this question and did a double take like holy shit am i gonna get to gush about AOT????
okay but to answer the ACTUAL question, I actually have um... some interesting takes on them.
First off, for starters. Helios. Pretty neat. I know he's just yellow Zeus but he's big and he's sassy and I wish we could see more of him.
Kronos was cool until RS turned him into an MCU villain.
Gaia I'm sort of indifferent on... she really doesn't have any sort of real role in the story beyond being some Avatar McGuffin. Her original design was badass but then ofc, as all things go in LO, RS dumbed her design down and now she looks just like another Persephone clone.
Rhea was great when she first appeared but, again, Persephone clone. I don't like the recent retcon/establishment that the fertility goddesses need to experience love to have their powers used because it casts some fucked up implications (beyond the obvious) when she begged Zeus to find Metis and "use her powers no matter the cost". If I had known at the time that was gonna turn into "Zeus had a relationship with Metis" I would have been a bit more like... yikes, Rhea.
And then there's Metis... oh boy, do I have some takes about Metis. Very personal ones.
So here's the thing. Metis is the name of the Greek god, yes. But it's... it's not what comes up when you search "Metis" on its own. Because there ALSO exists an Indigenous group of people in Canada called 'Métis'. And LO Metis' design is-
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sigh yeah.
Now I know I'm gonna get people who are saying I'm "reading too much into it" but y'all. I'm Mi'kmaq. The Métis people come from the same regions my own ancestors do, my own family pretty much shares blood and land with them. I promise you, I'm not pulling any of this out of my ass, Metis' design stood out to me as soon as I saw it because her outfit really resembles the fringe that you find EVERYWHERE in Indigenous clothing, like we fucking LOVE FRINGE LOL (I've got a cape/poncho thing with loads of fringe that I whip out for special occasions) And the wings resemble a lot of the 'finger feathers' you see in Mi'kmaq, Maliseet, Cree, and yes, Métis art.
phew sorry I know Hephaestus is also drawn with a similar skin tone and Metis starts to veer off into flanderized colors with the bright orange like every other character in this comic, but it's just like... not a great combination.)
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(*edit because I forgot to add: it also REALLY REALLY REALLY DOESN'T HELP that Metis is the ONLY TITAN designed with non-neon colors. Like, she's been explicitly drawn with darker orange/reddish tones that are OFTEN AFFILIATED WITH INDIGENOUS PEOPLE. THE SLUR 'REDSKIN' EXISTS FOR A REASON-
phew sorry I know Hephaestus is also drawn with a similar skin tone and Metis starts to veer off into flanderized colors with the bright orange like every other character in this comic, but it's just like... not a great combination. The more human-like skin tone is sorta just the cherry on top.)
So... yeah. Take that with what you will. I'm not necessarily accusing RS of anything (because Metis being drawn like a Métis woman is like, the least of LO's problems) but at BEST she's just got some REAL shit Googling skills or like... didn't think anyone would notice? 😂
Either way that's... that's my (*probably biased) take on Metis. At the very least it does result in her having a way more interesting design than the others (who are basically just big color-swapped versions of Hades and Persephone) but IDK if that's a good thing when that design is in the hands of RS. She ruined Metis in the most recent episodes which is kinda lowkey even more insulting LMAO
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moonluringfrost · 10 months
Writeblr Battle Royale - Mary vs Ametrine (Ametrine's POV)
Hello, everyone! I'm taking part in a very cool event arranged by @your-absent-father. I've been paired up with the cool and very talented @myancientmars to write about two of our characters fighting to the death :D You can read Mary's point of view for this fight here. For those of you who are unfamiliar, Ametrine is the antagonist of my choose your own adventure Scorpion Grass. You can check out the rest of the tournament at @writeblrbattleroyale. (you should everyone's stories are so cool!)
Without further ado, here's Ametine's point of view: (warnings for violence, blood, and death)
You wake up. 
You aren’t supposed to be waking up. 
You’re supposed to be hunting down a ghost and saving someone’s life. 
Something is wrong here. 
You note that you’re still wearing your dress and sunglasses. The shade might be playing tricks on you, again. 
You won’t let it stay you from your task. 
Standing, you see this is not the bedroom you were last in. 
It’s an alcove of some sort. Gray walls, ceiling, floor. Nothing familiar. 
There is a door there on the far wall. 
Through it you can hear… something. It’s indistinct, despite its volume. 
You turn the handle and open it into an expanse of white, bright even through tinted lenses. 
The sound is clearer now. The roar of an expectant crowd. 
You step out into the light, ready to face whatever may come next. 
The floor is firm under your boots, like stone. Smooth, but not slippery. 
Far off into the distance ahead of you there appears to be a person. Or, perhaps a ghost. It’s impossible to tell at this range. 
A voice booms out like thunder, seeming to come from everywhere and nowhere. 
“Welcome to the battle, my dear audience,” the voice says. The walla of the crowd shutters to a hush. 
“Welcome to the bloodshed. I am M, your humble game master. In front of me are our contenders. Their weapons are in front of them. Their enemy on their opposite. Their only way out is either killing their opponent or dying. These two are a very interesting duo. I just can’t wait for the show,” the game master explains. 
“I’m sorry, what the fuck do you mean, ‘killing or dying’?”, your apparent opponent cries out. As if it isn't simple.
You’re already moving towards her. You don’t plan on dying now, there’s too much at stake. 
So killing will have to be your path for the time being. 
The woman seems confused, unsure of what she’s doing there. 
You are quite sure of what you’re doing, however. You’re getting this over with so you can return to your calling. 
As you draw closer, you see that the woman is all in black. She is wearing sunglasses just as you are.
The woman doesn’t attack when you come within striking distance. She looks as though she might be about to speak, but you’re already trying to sweep her legs from under her.
The woman appears to be a fighter, though she lacks initiative, and manages to dodge the blow. 
You try again, circling around. Your opponent is frustratingly agile, managing to evade you for at least a minute. 
Finally, you manage to catch her by the shoulders and bring the heel of your boot down on her ankle. 
She stays standing. 
You don’t have time to play around like this. 
Allowing the woman to push you away, you call upon the cleansing flames. 
If she’s alive, they’ll not harm her, but may distract her. If she’s dead, well. The fight will be over very soon. 
“Holy shit,” the woman says, unburned. 
Not a ghost then. That’s a shame. You prefer to avoid killing the living. 
“Are you also a Bane, do you know how we got here?” the woman asks. 
You aren’t sure what a Bane is. It sounds ghostly… but you’re quite sure you know all the kinds of ghosts there are. 
Ah, you shouldn’t let yourself get distracted by thinking. 
The woman has removed her knife from its holster on her thigh. 
The clock is ever ticking, you are always running out of time. 
You spring back into action, attacking the woman with renewed vigor. The knife complicates things, but you have bigger fears than death to face. 
She manages to knick you once, twice, three times in the scuffle. You briefly wonder if you’ll have a scar on your cheek to match Patience’s. 
Then you elbow the woman in the face, catching her nose and sending her sunglasses flying. 
The woman’s eyes are as white as the ‘room’ you are in. Endless, vast. 
“If you’re not a Bane, how are you doing that?” the woman asks, voice pinched as she tries to staunch her bleeding nose. The blood has a grayish tinge to it. 
Shadows form into moths and swarm towards you. They aren’t shades of any sort, nor tricks of the light. They sting at your skin wherever they land. 
You’re certain this is your opponent’s doing. 
“What… are you?” you can’t help but ask. 
The woman swipes at her nose with the back of her hand. “That’s what I’ve been trying to figure out about you… since you’re not a bane like me.” 
“I’m an exorcist,” you say. It’s easy enough to figure out once it’s been said, you’re sure. “What’s a bane?” 
The woman seems thoroughly stumped by your question, gaping like a fish for a moment. “I genuinely don’t think I have enough time to explain that to you,” she finally says. 
“Not a ghost, then?” You confirm. Well then… “Hm, I agree, we shouldn’t waste time,”  you say, cutting your sharpest grin. 
This time the woman catches you mid-attack, taking your wrists in her hands. She drops her dagger on the floor in the process. 
She uses her sharp fingernails just as easily as she did the knife, so it doesn’t make much difference. Not at first. 
Your opponent is getting tired. Her breathing is a little harsher. Her movements a little less precise. 
You are used to fighting long fights. The possessed rarely go down easy, even with the cleansing flame. 
Shadows warp and weave, attempting to cover your opponent. But there’s not quite enough of them. Whatever the goal was, it is not achieved, and your opponent struggles. 
While she’s distracted, you bend to pick up the dropped dagger. It’s a beautiful weapon, made of white stone. It’s heavy in your grasp. 
The woman seems to finally accept that whatever she was attempting was futile. 
Just in time for her to have her own knife buried in her neck. 
You catch the woman as she falls, the fight leaving her alongside her blood. 
You lower her to the ground gently. 
“I’m sorry, this had to be done,” you apologize. “May you find peace.” You hope she won’t come back to haunt. 
Though you are the victor of the battle, your own oblivion in the form of blindingly bright light consumes you. You return to unconsciousness. For now.
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howlingday · 1 year
Ruby: Okay, so... two two eight point zero zero eight. Alright, cool!
Blake: Hey, bitch! What's up?
???: Who the fuck are you?!
???: Holy shit, you're Blake! Oh my gosh! You're so awesome! You're so hot!
Blake: Some people call me that...
Ilia: (Takes off mask)
Ren: Thanks, brah.
Ilia: So what's up?
Blake: I need you to advance the plot!
Ilia: Done aaaaaand done.
Blake: Thanks, baby.
Ilia: Need anymore sexual tension?
Blake: Nah, I'm good!
Blake: (Door opens) Whoa, cool!
Blake: (Shredded by lasers)
Ruby: What the fuck?! Nobody told me there were lasers there!
Ilia: Hey, Blake, there are lasers there.
Blake: (Pile of dust, Angrily ashes)
Blake: (Revives) OKAY! I guess I'll use my cigarettes I hid in my STOMACH!
Blake: (Lights up, Coughs horribly)
Blake: (Passing through lasers) OH GOD, IT'S KILLING ME! I CAN'T TAKE THESE THINGS!
Blake: (Door opens, Runs) OH GO-
Blake: (Blown up by bombs) BWAFF! BOH! BAGH! BARGH!
Ilia: Hey, Blake, there are bombs there.
Blake: (Singed, Ashy) OH, THANKS, BITCH!
Blake: (Hatch opens, Blasted by tank shells)
Ilia: Hey, Blake! A tank is gonna come out of nowhere and-
Blake: SHUT UP!
Hazel: Cryptic metaphor!
Blake: Do you seriously think this is fucking fair?
Hazel: ...Just throw grenades at me.
Blake: Oh. (Throws grenade)
Blake: Awesome! (Flies off)
Hazel: Hahahahaha! I gave her more than a scorpion hunts for in the night!
Watts: ...What?
Hazel: The cat prowls fiercely, but cannot brush their teeth, for as the ancient Egyptians are aware of, cats have no toothbrush to brush their teeth!
Watts: ...Shut up.
Hazel: The scorpion on my back thirsts for her blood!
Pyrrha: Blake, you can't use weapons on that floor.
Blake: The fuck are you?!
Pyrrha: Actually, I just made it impossible for you to use weapons anyway.
Pyrrha: That floor holds dust weapons which are very-
Blake: FUCK! I CAN'T USE WEAPONS! GOD- (Shot to death)
Pyrrha: (Winces) I guess that was kinda stupid...
Blake: (Sniffs) Argh! Did somebody fart in here?!
???: Yo, yo, yo, Gee-Girl, Cat's Eye Bee.
Blake: What?
???: Yee-Yeah, aight. Launch a mothafuckin missile to blat blat that power majigah, kitty-cat muthahfuckah.
Blake: How does everyone know my scroll number?! GOD!
???: Yee-Yeah, aight. Just call me... Black Ring.
Blake: Gross!
Blake: (Launches missile)
Goons: (Dead and dying)
Thug: Ooh, that looks kinda nice- (Pinned to the wall) AAAAGH!
Blake: What the hell?!
Jaune: Yeah, yeah, follow me, Blake!
Blake: ...You know, that doesn't exactly sound like a good idea.
Jaune: Just do it, motherfucker!
Blake: FINE, GEEZ!
Oscar: Oh my god, I'm so scared! UAUAUAH! (Pisses everywhere)
Jaune: Aw, shit, dude, this is disgustin'!
Blake: Hey, guys, I just- AGH! WHAT THE FUCK?! SON OF OUM! ARGH!
Ren: Hey, man. You called- Oh god! OH GOD!
Oscar: Okay! (Stops peeing)
Jaune: So, Blake, I see you've arrived.
Blake: Argh, I got fucking piss ALL over me!
Blake: What?
Blake: Dude... Holy shit...
Jaune: I'M JUST SO FOCKING CRAZY! BLBLBL! (Bounces off walls) BLBLBLBLBL! (Wangs head angainst the floor)
Blake: ...
Blake: Hey, stupid bitch, whatever your name is, I don't know, that's THE RUSTED KNIGHT!
Pyrrha: Yeah, I know. I forgot to tell you.
Blake: You know, you're a bitch!
Pyrrha: He was experiment.
Blake: In what?! S&M or something?!
Pyrrha: Shut up, Blake! You're hurting my feelings inadvertently!
Blake: Fine! Go be all fucking mysterious! See if I care!
Blake: (Eats entire supercomputer console) God, what did you fucking drink?!
Oscar: You're not one of them?
Blake: Dude, you literally pissed like a million gallons of pee all over the place!
Oscar: (Sobs)
Blake: Okay, look, the relics are these new glodgy things, and I, like, need you to become a main character or whatever.
Oscar: The relics control dust weapons? No... It can't be...
Oscar: Look, I'm about to say a lot of shit and explain, like, a billion things that don't make ANY sense so you might as well skip this part.
Ruby: Alright, at least you had the decency to tell me.
Ruby: ...Fucking bombs. (Skips)
Oscar: (Pushing against advancing Blake) ARE YOU COMING ONTO ME?!
Blake: (Drops Oscar, Blushing) WHOA! WH- WHY'D YOU STOP ON THIS PART?!
Ruby: Oh shit! Sorry! (Skips)
Oscar: Remember when Ilia totally wiggled her ass right in your face?
Blake: Oh yeah! I remember that! ...Wait, that was important? I had no idea, I was just staring at her ass.
Oscar: Yeah, it was important! Dumbass...
Blake: SHUT UP! (Shoots)
Blake: So?
Oscar: (Whimpers, Sobs)
Blake: OKAY! Time to find Ilia!
Blake: Okay, now to stare at people's asses for a while.
Port: (Ass-crack in view)
Blake: (Shudders) This would be a lot cooler without the whole NOT Ilia's ass thing!
Blake: Fuck!
Blake: (Finds half-naked Ilia) WHOA! DAMN! AWESOME! HOLY SHIT!
Ilia: Blake... I... really need someone to talk t-
Blake: Shut up, unless it's your ass talking!
Ilia: Blake, please! This is really important to-
Blake: What?! I can't hear you! I'm too busy looking at your ass! Plus your nipples are bleeding through your tanktop.
Ilia: (Puts on pants)
Blake: Oh. Okay, let's go.
Ilia: Blake, whenever I lost my parents, I-
Blake: (Punches Ilia, Knocks her out) AMAZING! LET'S GO!
Blake: Dude!
Emerald: You're supposed to hit her!
Blake: Damn right, I'm gonna hit that!
Emerald: Ugh, dammit! (Knocks out Ilia)
Emerald: So, I see you're a fan of Gen:Lock, huh?
Ruby: Whoa- Whoa- Gh- Whoa! WHAT?!
Blake: Um, okay!
SOLID_BLAKE_AWESOME_2.JIF has performed an illegal operation and will now shut down permanently.
Ruby: ...
Ruby: OH! WHAT?! ARGH!
Emerald: (Slapping Blake's ass to the ground) OWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOWN!
5 Days Later...
Ruby: Yeah, I don't know what the fuck to do.
Yang: You gotta flip your scroll upside-down, dude.
Ruby: Oh. How the fuck was I supposed to figure that out?
Yang: General Ironwood tells you.
Ruby: Gah- You know, that's really cool and all, but, like, seriously! What the hell?!
Yang: Yeah, I know what you mean.
Ruby: Ah, well, whatever.
Yang: Hey, guess what?
Ruby: What?
Yang: (Pops out of the scroll, Punches Ruby)
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paperandhis-paper · 1 year
Arc-V Month Day 8: The Regular- ah, Standard Show and Day 9:Light Across the Aether
Combining two prompts, as I'll be gushing about (among other parts) about the Standard arc. Hope that's fine, @arcvmonth
Anyway, Arc-V has a lot of positives (that tend to get washed by the hatejerk), but what I want all of us to appreciate is that this silly show...exists. Not only that, but the awesome way the staff managed to hype all of us up?
What do I mean by this? Let me put it this way. This is a show about a multidimensional war where each dimension is based on a previous Yugioh series, featuring Returning Characters, and every Summoning Type is used.
Now go back to the original trailer for Arc-V. Notice how there're some things missing. Namely? ALL OF THE ABOVE. We knew about Pendulum Summoning, we knew Yuya rode a hippo...and that's about it.
Marketing-wise maybe this wasn't the brightest move, but it's an example of something I love about early Arc-V. In the year of our lord, 2023, where crossovers are everywhere and meta-commentary is so overdone people do meta-commentary about meta-commentary, it's bewildering how Arc-V kept its cards close to its chest and drip-fed information about its plot to keep the audience interested.
All of Season 1 is like this. At first we only really see Pendulum Summoning. But as early as Episode 3, we get hints about the other Summoning Types, since LDS has courses on each one. But whatever, you may think. It's only an Easter Egg, right?
Then this little fella shows up.
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Casually, this kid activates Polymerization like it's nothing. And it's not like Jack randomly Fusing in early 5D's, Sora's deck is clearly Fusion-focused. But if that's not enough, we then meet the LDS trio, who use Xyz, Fusion, and Synchro. AND THEN Reiji tops them all by using all three at once. And Pendulum.
It's easy to take it for granted now, but this was legit just such a "holy shit" moment back then. 5D's featured Fusion a few times, but it was mostly a Synchro Spam. And Zexal pretended Synchros didn't exist. So it was so exciting to know Arc-V would be different.
That would be cool enough, but then they went ahead and made it so that each Summoning Type was tied to a specific Dimension. And again, the war plot was dropped slowly but surely. We get introduced to Yuto, who not only looks like Yuya, but he mentions something about some "Academia". But hey, a GX reference, whatever. And then it keeps going. We learn about Shun, about Ruri. And it all culminates in Shun vs Sora, which... ok, everyone knows this duel is amazing, but it's not just about the duel itself being spectacular. It's about the confirmation that, yes, we really are doing this. That Action Field IS Heartland, Shun and Yuto are from there, and the Academia Sora belongs to is based on GX.
The most ambitious crossover in history is here. And all they told us at first is that Tomato-boy rides a hippo. What the fuck.
Speaking of hippo-ridah. Arc-V always gets the somewhat-backhanded compliment of being the most ambitious Yugioh series, a statement I agree with. However, this is generally just refers to the overall scope of the plot. Today, one aspect that can sometimes get neglected that I want to highlight is how daring their choice of protagonist is.
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Yuya, my beloved. I don't wanna spend too much time about how much I love him, because I'm sure I'll do so in the future, but I want everyone to appreciate the writers' choice in creating him.
I'm gonna be blunt: Shonen fans can be dumb. They are not the kind to be receptive to protagonists who're not hyper-macho, badass types and who are prone to show weakness. Just look at the response characters like Shinji Ikari or Natsuki Subaru get. Now, I'm not saying Yuya is as well-written as those, but it shows that even if the writers had written him perfectly there was always going to be a crowd of people who were going to hate him.
So I gotta give a shout-out for creating what's easily the most complex Yugioh protag by a long shot. Other protags could be slotted into one of two categories: "Serious" (Yugi, Yusei), or "Upbeat" (Judai, Yuma). Meanwhile, from Episode 1, Yuya defies categorization. He plays the clown, making one think he'll fit right in with Judai and Yuma, before the show makes it clear that it's just a facade... but also it's not. He truly strives to be the fun-loving, charming Entertainer he projects, but his own struggles and feelings prevent him from succeeding. It's a fascinating struggle, and I'm impressed that a franchise like Yu-gi-oh would even attempt this. And then you throw in the demon inside of him, and the waters get even muddier.
Speaking of which...
Something Cool about the Zarc Duel
(Yeah, that's as good of a segue as you're getting. I just wanna talk about something cool I noticed.)
So. The Zarc-duel. It's a mixed bag. I'm of the opinion most of it is meh (not helped by it taking over a month to air), but that the first and final episodes of it are amazing. And I wanna talk about something cool about said last episode that doesn't get talked about enough.
So, as we know, Zarc, alongside Yuya, created Pendulum to get revenge. And yet he gets defeated the exact-same way, by Ray activating the En Cards...or does he? If you pay attention, you'll notice that the En Cards destroy monsters, negate their effects, and deal 600 damage for each Monster sent to the graveyard (very particular wording these uber-powerful cards). Zarc has 2800 LP, and five monsters affected. 600x5 means his Life Points naturally drop to... 1000?
Of course, that's because Odd Eyes and Zarc are Pendulum monsters, so they're sent to the Extra Deck. If they weren't, he'd have lost right there and then. And not only did Zarc's scheme prevent his defeat, it basically got him the duel: he still had Scales set, and Reira's field was empty, so nothing stops him from Pendulum Summoning Zarc and/or Odd Eyes, and attack for game. Thankfully, the Lancers' efforts managed to reach Yuya, and he regained control and basically Shining Drew Smile Universe. In a hint of irony, they even play Swing, Pendulum of Souls, a song usually reserved for Zarc possessing Yuya.
Speaking of which, Smile Universe's effect is really similar to that of the En Cards. I guess it's the Unofficial 5th one and Smiles are the 5th beauty of Nature.
On that note, one last thing.
The Title: Arc-V
Arc-V is a very peculiar name for a show. And what I love is that it has many meanings. Most straight-forwardly, it's the name of the machine Leo builds to fuse the Dimensions. And obviously, it refers to it being the fifth Yugioh series. But it also refers to both the arc of a Pendulum, as well as the shape of a smile (there's an ED literally called "ARC OF SMILE", in case you think I'm reading too deep into things). I love how well-crafted this show's symbolism and visual language is.
Anyway, this turned into a massive ramble. I'm just happy to talk about this silly show that's burned itself into my mind. Thanks for reading if you somehow made it this far.
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riddlerosehearts · 11 months
okay so, long list of fall out boy concert thoughts mostly for myself and also for anyone who cares:
-i've been pretty excited about getting to see bring me the horizon open for them, and they were soooooo fucking good and got me so hyped. oli got off the stage and walked through the crowd at one point which was pretty cool. wish he had come close to me.
-love from the other side is SO hype and so amazing to see live.
-songs like uma thurman and save rock and roll that aren't normally favorites of mine are also hype just because of everyone singing and dancing and having fun and all the awesome fun stage effects! i was in the vip box area and had a great view of said stage effects. i hadn't watched many tourdust videos before so most of them were a surprise to me. loved the underwater background and bubbles some songs had and the spooky forest looking background, loved all the colorful fireworks, fucking loved when they had a giant doberman and it lip sycned during this ain't a scene it's an arms race and pete made it look like he was putting his head in its mouth. wish i got a photo of that.
-i got chicago is so two years ago in the TTTYG slot and i'm happy with that!
-i am still reeling from getting to hear calm before the storm and disloyal order of water buffaloes. it's 2023 and those two songs are permanent fixtures on the setlist. what the fuck.
-have to be honest that i got disappointed for a second when the opening chords to bang the doldrums played for the IOH slot just because like i don't get to go to multiple shows in one tour and don't know when i'll ever get to go to another show where i have a chance to hear hum hallelujah. so yeah i wanted to hear it because it's probably my favorite FOB song.
-BUT after that second of disappointment i was still fucking hyped and dancing and singing wholeheartedly to bang the doldrums because it's a banger, it's something they only started playing live on this very tour, and it's the one that was almost a shrek song, so can i really complain?
-got headfirst slide in the folie slot, it would've been super cool if they switched it for 27 again but i love headfirst slide too so no complaints there!!
-i'm so glad we got one of the best MANIA songs for the tour, last of the real ones was so fun.
-umm okay so oli sykes may not have walked close to me but FUCKING. PETE WENTZ. GOT OFF THE STAGE DURING DANCE DANCE AND WALKED RIGHT BEHIND MY SEAT!?!?! i think my brain broke and i like almost died for a minute. i did not think to record a video of him walking by 😭 i panicked and snapped a blurry photo.
-look, the only reason i didn't put from now on we are enemies on my 8 ball wishlist was i didn't think they would even consider it. i thought it was just too delusional of a pick. i recorded a video of it and i'm pretty sure it starts with me shouting "HOLY SHIT" right at the opening chords and continues with patrick being inaudible because i'm screaming the lyrics
-made me sad that not many people seemed to know the song though :( like i GET IT because a song that was only ever released NOT EVEN as a b-side but on their 2009 greatest hits album and then never ever played live is a pretty big deep cut. but i wish there had been more energy for it. it does help that pete said "that went better than i expected!" afterward, and hey, i bet some people at that show heard it for the first time ever and loved it.
-the flame effects during my songs know what you did in the dark were sooo cool and fun and so were the big sparkly fireworks during thnks fr the mmrs and the confetti everywhere at the end.
-i saw someone say they should take saturday off the setlist. that is the most wrong opinion i've ever heard. fall out boy shows closing with saturday is a 20-year tradition still going strong and i'm so glad i finally got to experience it.
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slasheru · 9 months
how would the romancables react to mc wanting kids with them (biological or adopted doesnt matter)
Oh my god how have I never thought about this?!?!?!?1
HEX: Holy SHIT Hex would be the best dad ever. EVER EVER EVER. He's out there giving horsie rides (no offense to Headless Horsemike), swinging the kids around, letting them ride on his shoulders, playing pretend, letting them dress him up, taking them to the park, I'm actually getting weirdly emotional thinking about how wonderful of a dad Hex would be. So warm and compassionate and understanding and loving :'))) and he'd be an AMAZING stay-at-home dad, too. Downside is he'd want like, 7 fucking kids. GOOD LUCK.
TATE: Tate never, ever wants kids, or so he says. The reason should be obvious (he never wants to end up like his dad or mom), but if he accidentally knocked the Player up OR somehow found himself in the position of having to look after a kid, he'd step up to the plate HARD. Tate might not be the most mentally well dad, and he might not know how to even, like, INTERACT with a kid ("uh.... is Saw appropriate for a 6 year old? No? Okay, I can do this. PeeWee's Playhouse was directed by Burton, right??") but he WILL show up to all their events and sports games and plays and graduation. He will try SO FUCKING HARD to be the best dad because he never had one, even if he doesn't know how. I love you Tate :'((((
LAILA: Takes this shit SO SERIOUSLY it's not even funny, lmao. Laila treats having kids (probably wisely??) like it's arranging a contract between feudal kingdoms. Are we financially stable? What will happen if we break up? What religion are we raising the kid?? (Laila doesn't follow a religion but she'd freak out about this sort of thing, for sure). That said, if she was in love with the Player and was ready to take the next step?? Get ready for 2.5 kids (the national average), AND starting to pick out what kindergarten they're going to when you're just STARTING to adopt/try for kids. GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR ALPHA MOM (Laila)
SAWYER: Okay, Sawyer has never said this and it's never come up, but he would secretly ABSOLUTELY LOVE TO HAVE KIDS. Like, a LOT. It's something he's always dreamed about - finding someone to settle down with, maybe having a family, having his own law practice or just being a good criminal justice lawyer helping people everywhere, it's SO wholesome. (Unlike Sawyer's sex life and murder career, which is holesome). Sawyer would probably prefer to adopt cause he's the kind of guy who thinks there are plenty of kids out there who need help (plus, he'd kind of rather teach a toddler how to communicate with the world than look after a straight-up newborn baby, but if you DID have bio-kids, you bet that baby would be SPOILED ROTTEN (positive, ofc)!
JUNO: Nope nope nope nope nope. Nope nope nope. No no no no. Oh, Player, c'mon. Why did you have to ruin this? It's a wonder that Juno even made it out alive (dead???) being the [ACT 1 JUNO SPOILERS] offspring of a dead guy and a live woman, but who KNOWS what would happen if you guys had a kid?? Plus, Juno is MAD dysphoric about getting knocked up. Maybe they'd be more okay with it if the kid was adopted, but Juno was meant to be the cool aunt/uncle and DEFFO not a parent. At least, that's what they say. (:
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septiccoffeefreak · 6 months
One of my neighbors has a car.
A classic one. From what I can tell, a ranchero or el camino. Blue.
It has had a "For Sale" sign on it for two years now.
Every single fucking time I see it in their driveway, which i reiterate is everytime I go by their house because it's just out there for sale (unless it's raining and they put a tarp over it), I stop dead.
I look at it. I tell anyone with me who can listen that it's a pretty car. I say this like six times, shake my head in awe, and keep walking.
Can I drive? No. Do I have the money to buy any car ever? No. But every fucking time. Every. Single. Time.
I'm obsessed with this car, you don't understand. If I had the money I would buy it right now, just to have it and keep it safe in my garage where I can stare at it and go "wow holy shit oh my god jesus christ in heaven this is a gorgeous car it's so fucking cool oh my god" and squeal like a little boy.
Maybe I'd even do repairs, if necessary. Again not to drive it. Just to take care of it. Just to have it and know it's in good shape.
And If I COULD drive? I would drive it everywhere. No other cars. I don't care if it's impractical and replacement parts are expensive this would be my go to vehicle. I fucking love this car.
And that's the end of the post!!! I have literally nothing to add here I just really really really like this person's car and I think about it too much to be normal. Certified Carpost.
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