#it's fucking depressing man
fratboykate · 1 year
I was reading your response to the "middle america" piece. I one million percent agree. The writing has been on the wall for years. These minority middle America folks aren’t going to the theme parks, seeing films, & paying for streaming. It’s the majority of the diverse demographic of the nation. As for the statistics the data is there! Yellow Stone is literally John Wayne crap with Costner as the lead. 1923 IMO was the show I could watch cause it shows how religious white folks were demons to Native Americans.
The “middle America” pockets are not deep. Also as for Mario…..🙄….literally parents are taking their kids to see that movie twice even three times and unfortunately gamers do have deep pockets and they will watch that nonsense.
I’m thinking Comic Book films took over one decade but video game series/films could take over the next. 🤷‍♀️
Yeah, superhero/comic book/marvel bullshit fatigue FINALLY seems like it might be a real thing but unfortunately you just guaranteed that it's simply going to be replaced by something equally as damaging to the health of the industry. Comic Books/Superheroes and Video Games are two sides of the same destructive coin. Also, y'all loveeeeeeeee to type on twitter about how "Hollywood is out of ideas" because all that's happening are reboots so why do you keep showing up to watch them??? Scream 6 was just the most successful of all of the franchises. Get ready to get Scream until they hit like Scream 37. It's a self fulfilling prophecy.
There isn't one studio or streamer right now whose bulk of the development slate isn't IP/reboots/remakes. Literally. This week alone we've heard of reboots for HP, Baywatch, Barbershop, Squid Game, The Big Bang Theory, Robocop, Poltergeist, Peep Show, Pink Panther, Fame, Legally Blonde (both tv and films - WHY?!), and that's not even the full list. FFS the ENTIRE business model for HBO Max moving forward is remakes and reboots. Then you have shit like Barbie which y'all are going to make A Thing. It's why studios have no desire to go out and find the people writing new content. Y'all are going to give Barbie a billion dollars and next thing you know we're going to see shows/movies for Barney, Hot Wheels, and American Girl. It's how this industry works.
The contraction in the industry is real. There's been a contraction in film for a decade now but the idea always was "well, at least TV is still producing quality, original things". TV peaked at about 600 shows a year a couple years ago. We're already down 1/3 to about 400 and that number is going to keep going WAY down over the next few years. That means, less risk, less representation, less quality. It's ALL going to be The Same Shit For The Same People and knowing you...you're simply going to keep watching. You'll have no one to complain to when all you can watch is the 162nd season of Property Brothers, MEGAN 12, and Throne Of Games: The Story Of The Lannisters's Third Cousin.
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nando161mando · 2 months
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Man this shit is depressing.
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bitseventimes · 1 year
I caved in and ordered some stuff on Shein. I feel real shitty about it but the local thrift stores and all the ethical stores that don't make the super cheap trendy stuff have nothing that works for me. I tried looking online but it's all wayy too expensive for me like i cannot afford to spend more than 50 dollars on a singular piece of clothing that I'm not even sure is gonna fit me
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literarymerritt · 1 month
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Knee deep in the Void Odyssey and you're bleeding me out, is it casual now?
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dawnbreakersgaze · 7 months
The fact that Dr Zayne is saving people who want to live
And Dawnbreaker Zayne is mercy killing people who want to die
And both are obsessed/disturbed with each other across space and time
Really has me fucked up in a lot of ways and I'm not okay about any of this
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m-aximumjoy · 2 years
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Some interesting similarities between the forms of Falling Devil and Darkness Devil.
There’s the use of multiple bodies to create a singular form, the angular shapes, the mantis-leg-like appendages, the sheer height.
These two also share very strong hand motifs, which makes sense for both of them: when it’s dark, you have to feel your way around, usually with your hands; when you’re falling, you try to grab onto something with your hands.
I’m curious to see if the other Primals look anything like these two.
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littlebreadrolls · 6 months
The backstory for this pic is that I actually only started drawing again after a few years bc I'm trying to be less depressed, and I was super depressed last night and stayed up drawing a catfe for hours rather than doing work that I should've gotten done, but fuck it I'm so burned out.
So yeah, here's this ... thing?:
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dendroaspis-viridis · 2 months
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I'm begging you, BioWare... Learn from the mistakes of Baldur's Gates past...
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yardsards · 1 year
hot take but you all NEED to stop telling people to kill themselves.
yes, even *those* people. i don't care if you're talking to some monster who puts live puppies into a wood chipper for fun, don't say that shit.
because mx. puppychipper isn't gonna be affected by your words.
but you know who might be affected? some innocent third party reading the words you said on a public website.
because telling people to kill themselves says "suicide is a punishment for being a bad person. bad people, upon realizing they're bad, should simply commit suicide instead of working to atone for their actions."
and that is NOT a message you wanna be normalizing to anyone, but ESPECIALLY people with depression (who, let's be real, make up a higher than average chunk of this site's userbase). whose mental illness is already telling them that 1: they're an inherently terrible worthless person no matter what they do 2: death is an appealing option.
is reading "kill yourself" once or twice gonna make them do it? nah, probably not. but reading it multiple times a day every day is gonna make their mental health worse. it's probably not good for your mental health to be saying that kind of thing, either.
just knock that shit off. the world is already so hostile to people with mental illness, and managing mental illness and unlearning unhealthy thought patterns is already so difficult. you don't need to be out here making it worse.
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bedupolker · 1 year
unpopular opinion??? But Radiohead should NOT be considered incel music, their most incel-y song is creep and they've famously hated that song since before even recording it, they are more like existential dread music.
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jevilowo · 3 months
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Good morning internet, I've decided to be annoyed about this again
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yuripira4e · 17 days
trying to explain to other otasune fans that snake is NOT the one with internalized homophobia in their coupling
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thedickgraysons · 6 months
tamlin doesn’t need a redemption arc. tamlin needs a rocking chair and a 12 gauge laid across his lap so he can take pot shots at rhysand the next time he next breaks onto his property
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regarding tv Geronimo Stilton with utter disgust in my eyes and tears on my face
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minothtime · 9 months
The tragedy that is the Barnes family, who had to watch their only son and his best friend both leave marching towards a war that would eventually claim them, who died without ever knowing they would be alive and reunited in the far future, who died believing they would meet Bucky again yet never did...
And also the tragedy of Bucky and Steve never getting to see their family again, who have to live with the knowledge that they're still alive while Winifred or George or Becca aren't, whose last memory of them is a painful goodbye and broken promises...
Not to mention how Sarah Rogers never was more than a footnote in Captain America's story, when she probably worked so hard just to keep Steve alive and happy, who is only remembered by two (broken, lonely, sad) people, who never got to see the good her son would do...
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yandere-daydreams · 21 days
but see geto has the aura of a man who fucks
girl i think that's just the cult leader aura. your confusion is valid though they're practically identical.
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