#it's going to be my version of a happy ending
yuujispinkhair · 13 hours
CollegeBoy!Sukuna accidentally knocking you up – Part 2 A
-> Option A: "I'm not ready to be a mom"
You can read Part 1 here
I decided to write two different versions of Part 2 (both are comforting). Option A: Reader has an abortion Option B: Reader decides to have the baby(s). (coming soon)
Modern!Sukuna x Reader (female). Fluff. Light angst with a happy end. 2K words. Unplanned pregnancy, Reader has a surgical abortion. Everything goes well. Sukuna takes good care of Reader. All characters are of age. Minors don't interact. Divider@/plutism + dollsciples + benkeibear
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Finding out that you accidentally got knocked up by your college sweetheart was definitely a shock. And it didn't end there because now you are faced with having to make a decision that has the potential to change your life forever.
You sleep a night over it and spend the next day going on a long walk with Sukuna, hoping the fresh air will help you clear your mind. It's when you sit down on a park bench and lean against Sukuna's biceps when you ask softly,
"So what are we going to do, Kuna?"
And Sukuna wraps his arm around you and pulls you against his side,
"It's your choice, princess. I will be there for you no matter what. I'm man enough to handle both. And ultimately, it's your body, so you should be the one who makes the decision."
It makes you love him even more.
Sukuna is usually a very dominant person, someone who likes to be in control. Seeing him hold back and give you the reins fills you with deep affection.
You have contemplated both options, glad that Sukuna made it clear that he won't run even if you want to have the baby. But in the end, there is one option that feels more right for you at this point in your life.
When you tell Sukuna that you want to terminate the pregnancy, he doesn't comment on whether this is what he would have decided or not but just pulls you into his strong arms and hugs you, tells you again that he will drive you to the hospital and be there for you all the way.
You practically melt into the comfort of his strong arms as you add softly,
"It's not that I don't want a baby with you, Kuna. You know that, right? It has nothing to do with you. I just think we are too young. I am too young. I don't want the stress of having to be a mom while I still go to college and have to study for exams and try to find a good job, etc. It already seems so much, and when I imagine also having to take care of a little baby, I don't think I can manage all of it, even with you by my side."
Sukuna smiles at you, not one of his smug smirks or flirty boyish grins, but a genuine smile, soft and tender, a smile that is only reserved for you.
"I know, princess. Don't worry your pretty head about this."
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Sukuna is with you throughout the whole journey. He drives you to your doctor and insists on going up to the waiting room with you because he knows how nervous you are. He sits next to you, holds your hand, caresses your fingers soothingly, and grins reassuringly at you. He makes a flirty comment and winks at you when your name gets called, trying his best to make you laugh and feel less nervous.
But you know that he is nervous too. When you get back twenty minutes later, you can see that Sukuna is still on the same page of the book he started to read when you left. His mind obviously occupied with other things, just as affected by the situation as you are.
It makes you reach out and hug him tightly, comforting him just like he comforts you, even though he would never admit openly that this makes him anxious just as much as you.
"My doctor already made an appointment at the clinic for me to have another examination and to sign all the documents and stuff. But it's when you have training, so you really don't have to come with me."
But Sukuna rolls his eyes and shakes his head,
"What are you saying? Stop it, baby. Of course, I am coming with you. If I can put my dick in you, I can also accompany you to your appointment. After all, it's my apparently super-fertile sperm that got you into that situation in the first place! I'll skip training. It's not important. Nothing is as important as you are to me."
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The next four days feel weird. You go to the examination at the clinic. You listen to the doctor explaining the procedure to you. You nod, you smile politely, and you sign several documents before you get sent halfway through the hospital to meet an anesthetic and sign more papers. They send you home with a sheet full of instructions on what to do before and after the surgery.
You spend the days until the surgery in a daze. Everything feels unreal.
But you aren't alone. Sukuna doesn't leave your side. It's almost funny how he follows you around like a puppy. The big bad boy, all sweet and doting.
On the day of the abortion Sukuna drives you to the hospital. He walks with you to the unit where the surgery will take place, and his large hand squeezes your smaller one so tightly it almost hurts.
You can see and feel how reluctant he is to let go of you and how worried he is about you, even though he tries to hide it and play it cool so as not to make you more anxious than you already are. But his hug is even tighter than usual, almost bone-crushing the way his strong arms tighten around you, and he pulls you against his tall, muscular body.
He kisses you, too deep and with too much tongue for the location, but you tilt your head to let him push his tongue even deeper into your mouth, craving his kiss and his love and the reassurance he gives you that way.
You leave towards the room where you are supposed to change, looking back over your shoulder one last time and Sukuna is still standing there in the hallway, his hands shoved into the pockets of his grey sweatpants, looking so cool with his tattoos and the pink hair. But you can see the tenseness in his broad shoulders and the worry on his tattooed face.
It makes your chest feel warm, and you can't help but mouth "I love you" in his direction, smiling when you see him say the words too.
Your surgery goes by without any complications, and the moment you wake up, a nurse is already by your side, bringing you tea and something to eat, and some painkillers. But you are impatient, wanting nothing more than to leave and be in Sukuna's comforting embrace, feel the warmth of his body and inhale his scent and hear his velvety low voice murmuring sweet nothings in your ear.
You're glad when you are finally allowed to get up and get dressed again, promising the nurse that you have someone who will stay with you for the next 24 hours.
When you leave the changing room, you see Sukuna leaning against the wall right next to the reception. His tattooed face is a bit pale, and he is playing nervously with his tongue piercing once again.
His maroon eyes meet yours, and he is by your side in a second, a strong arm wrapping around your waist and carefully pulling you against his side, steadying you, holding you securely, making sure you won't fall. His lips press against your temple, lingering there for a long moment, warm and soft,
"Fuck. I'm glad you're finally out of there."
You can hear the strain in his low voice, can hear every ounce of worry and anxiety he felt during the last hours when he was sitting in his room, waiting for the hospital to call him and tell him, you are ok.
You lean gratefully against him, feeling a bit dizzy from the anesthetics, glad that you have your strong boyfriend to hold you.
"I'm so glad you're here, Sukuna."
"How are you, princess?"
"I'm good. Just a bit wobbly on my feet. And I need something to eat. I'm starving!"
And Sukuna laughs softly, sounding so relieved,
"Well, how lucky you are that your boyfriend spent the last few hours in the kitchen to distract himself and prepare your favorite dishes for you."
And suddenly, your sight becomes blurry as tears well up in your eyes and run down your cheeks without you even knowing why you suddenly start crying now that it's over when, in the days leading up to the abortion, you didn't shed a single tear!
But maybe all the stress and anxiety of the last few days finally caught up with you. The contradictory emotions of feeling a bit wistful about letting go of that fantasy of Sukuna and you having your own little family versus the relief you feel that it's over and that you can live your life the way you planned.
But you suspect that, most of all, it is the overwhelming love you feel for Sukuna right at that moment. You are so touched by how caring he is. How mature he was in this situation. That he didn't run, that he didn't leave you to deal with all of this on your own. He is so worried about you and does so much to make you feel okay. He is so strong all the time, so you have someone to lean on.
A sniffle escapes your trembling lips, and Sukuna's eyes widen. He pulls you against him, burying his face in your hair and murmuring soothingly to you,
"Hey, baby, it's ok. Everything's going to be ok. Don't cry."
Your hands are on Sukuna's broad chest, and you feel the warmth of his skin and the beat of his heart through the soft hoodie he is wearing, comforting and reassuring.
"I'm ok, Kuna, I swear. It's just... I love you so much."
"I love you too."
His voice sounds tender when he says the words, and you snuggle closer to him, lifting your head to look at his beautiful tattooed face. And Sukuna leans down a bit, enough so he can brush his lips over yours.
That's how you end up standing in the middle of the hospital hallway, hugging your boyfriend and kissing him slowly as if the two of you are the only people in this world.
But you make it to the parking lot a few minutes later, walking there with the help of Sukuna's strong arm wrapped around you.
Sukuna is so gentle, so caring. He helps you into the car and puts on your seat belt for you as if you can't do it yourself. He stops at a convenience store to get some pads for you, jogging back to the car as if he is running from a crime scene because he is worried about letting you out of his sight even for a few minutes.
He helps you out of the car again, once you have reached your apartment, picks you up princess-style and carries you up the stairs. He sits you down on the couch, wraps you in a warm blanket and glares at you when you try to get up.
"Don't be a brat! Just stay right here and rest and let me bring you the meal I cooked for you with all my fucking love!"
He brings you the food and plops down next to you, checking if you really eat something, like some super stern nurse, and you can't help but feel warm, knowing that your bad boy is so amazingly sweet and caring when it comes to you.
The moment your face twists in pain, Sukuna is on his knees in front of you, fear in his maroon eyes, his large hands on your thighs, looking up at you with worry written all over his tattooed face.
"What's wrong?"
You grit your teeth and smile shakily at him, reaching out to cup his cheek and caress it tenderly, touched by how worried he is for you.
"It's nothing bad, Kuna. They told me I would get cramps after the surgery. It's perfectly normal! But it feels like really bad period cramps. They gave me some painkillers for that. Can you..."
You can't even finish the sentence before Sukuna is on his feet again, already walking over to your bag,
"I'll get them for you!"
You thank him, and he sits down next to you again, watching you the whole time with narrowed maroon eyes until you chuckle and reach over to ruffle his pink hair,
"I won't drop dead if you stop looking at me for one second, you know, baby? Eat something, too, I know you are hungry!"
"Don't joke about stuff like that, princess. I am just taking my job as your personal nurse seriously."
And he really does. For the next few days, Sukuna barely leaves your side. And even a week later, he is still acting differently around you, and you begin to realize that this is probably how he will always be now. Even more protective. Even more caring.
The unplanned pregnancy and the abortion didn't drive a wedge between the two of you. Instead, it made the two of you grow even closer. You shared a life-altering experience. Because even though you decided not to have the baby, it still will be something you will always carry with you. And you will never forget how Sukuna reacted. How he was there for you. How he respected your decision and how he cared for you.
You learned that Sukuna is more than just the sexy bad boy you can have fun with. He showed you that you can always count on him, that he won't run when real problems occur. You learned that if one day in the future you actually want to have a baby, you have a wonderful man by your side who would be a loving partner and a damn good dad.
You sigh happily as you lie in your bed with Sukuna behind you. He has become more cuddly since accidentally knocking you up. He wants to spend every night at your apartment or asks you to stay at his. As if he needs to hold you every night, keeping you safe and sound, wrapped in his strong arms, his buff body pressing against your back, and his lips trailing lazy kisses over your neck.
The two of you are living your regular lives again, going to classes, studying, going to training, to parties. No one else knows what happened to you. It's a secret between you and Sukuna because you both want it that way. No one else has to know. This is just something the two of you share.
A commercial for baby food starts playing in between two episodes of the crime show you are watching. A young family, mom and dad, and a tiny baby. And even though it's been weeks, it still makes you feel a bit weird to see it.
Sukuna's arm tightens around you. Maybe he felt you tense up, or maybe he had the same thoughts as you when seeing the commercial. Either way, his hand slips down to your belly, caressing it gently, and there's a smile in his low voice when he says,
"You know, it's not the end of it, princess, right? We can still have one.... when we are older. If we want."
You smile and snuggle against Sukuna's warm, muscular body. Your hand lands on top of his larger one, which is resting on your belly now, and you interlace your fingers with his, feeling the weird tension leave your body again.
"If I ever want to have a baby, it will definitely be with you, Sukuna."
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Thank you so much for all the love on Part 1!! The story wouldn't leave my mind anymore, and after I got several comments and asks where people asked about a possible Part 2, I wanted to continue the story about College sweetheart Sukuna knocking us up and show how Reader and Sukuna deal with both options, so I decided to write two different versions.
I hope you liked Option A and that it could give you comfort.
Option B will be the version where Reader decides to have the baby (or rather babies lol). I plan to post it next week!
Comments and reblogs would be very sweet 💗
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humansofnewyork · 1 day
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“People see it as a fake sport. Whenever you tell someone you play Ultimate, it’s like: oh, is that where you throw a frisbee in a basket? Or is that the one where you throw it to a dog? Whenever I’m talking to someone about it, I just hope they’ll ask me enough questions so that I can talk about UNC Ultimate. That was probably the most special experience I'm ever going to have in my whole life. I was on the team for five years, then I came back and coached. My freshman year we were really, really bad. But at the moment UNC Chapel Hill is triple back-to-back-to-back national champions. And I got to be part of that trajectory. But even though the team kept getting better and better, I kinda stayed at the same level. I never became the elite player that I wanted to be. I have a lot of ‘stick-to-it-ive-ness.’ I’m capable of working really, really hard. And part of me always believed that would be enough, which is the part that burned me out. Because after working so hard, for so long, I reached a plateau. It was physical stuff. I'm just not quick enough. When I play defense I can’t keep up with the fastest offensive handlers. They're going to score, and that's a problem. I ended up getting cut from the elite women’s club team I was on. I switched over to mixed, but ended up tearing my ACL a couple years ago. It’s been my life for ten years, but now I’m at a place where I don't know if I'm ever going to play again. I just don’t know if my body can handle it. I don't want to have another, like massive orthopedic surgery. And frisbee takes up so much bandwidth; there’s so many other things I want to explore. The list is infinitely long. I’m asking myself: could I be happy playing on a mid-level team where the commitment wouldn't be quite as high? Or will I only feel satisfied if I'm exceptional? That’s an unhealthy connection I have in my head, I think. That love is something you need to earn. And being exceptional will make me worthy of having connections with people. It would be great to become a version of myself where I no longer feel that way. And maybe we'll get there someday. We’re working on it. In the meantime, at least I got to talk about UNC Ultimate.”
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mxtantrights · 20 hours
this has been in my mind for DAYS
dick grayson falling head over heels for a detective that HATES him as dick but likes him as nightwing
and idk maybe the reveal would be funny asf that theyre the same guy 😭😭😭
a/n: this is a bit bigger than a blurb and honestly this could be like a whole thing but I've had fun with blurbs to this point so let's keep it going. if you want a second part / resolution defo come into my inbox and I'll bang one out because this was really fun thank you so much anon!! <333 (hope your pillow is cold on both sides for this<333)
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Dick Grayson thinks certain things in life are just coincidental. His lucky number happened to be part of the winning lotto numbers last night. The older woman he let cut in front of him on the expressway ended up giving up her parking to him at the grocery store. And the love of his life hates him.
You started working at the precinct six months ago? Yeah, six months ago. Dick was a normal guy working at his job six months ago. Then you walked in and suddenly he's falling head over heels for you and everything has meaning.
Six months ago he started acting like an idiot.
He knows you hate him. You avoid him when you don't have to see him. You don't even politely wave or smile at him anymore. You used to, in the beginning. But something changed, he doesn't know what.
At first he thought someone said something to you about him. Tried to put you off him. But he asked around and no one admitted to doing anything like that. They even admitted that they don't talk to you about him. Which hurt, ow.
So it's strikes him as odd when he sees you while in costume, and you actually smile at him. He's just finished up taking down a robbery gang targeting small business. And you're there, with you're badge and your smile. A smile!
He doesn't have time to talk. Or- he realizes he shouldn't talk because his voice would sound the familiar to you. Maybe. Maybe if you even remember what his voice sounds like.
He doesn't have time to talk because you start talking. Gushing, raving actually. About him. Well not him, per say, about nightwing. Which is him, but you don't know that. You can never know that.
You tell him how you happy you are to have someone like him protecting Bludhaven. About how people here aren't always looking out for the interests of others. And how he's been doing such a good job recently.
And then you're off. You wave to him goodbye, like actually wave to him with you hand. Something you've never done to him, him being Dick, and you wish him a goodnight.
He obviously goes home from patrol that night and tries to compute what just happened.
It's about week seventeen. Dick is standing with you on a rooftop. He has only talked to you five times. Bruce gave him a voice modulator but he still didn't want you to find out who he really was.
He should. His heart is telling him to tell you. You like this version of him. And maybe if you know the nightwing and Dick are the same person then you won't hate Dick as much.
But his brain is telling him he's an idiot. And that you'd probably hate him even more for keeping a secret like this, and letting you gush about him knowing full well that in 'real life' you don't like Dick.
You're ranting about something that happened today. A perp or something that got away from you. He can't really focus when his heart is telling him to end this facade tonight.
So he takes off his domino mask. And as you pace back and forth you don't notice. You don't notice as you keep talking, and talking. And then you turn to get his input, and find him maskless.
"What the fuck." you say.
"You totally hate me don't you?" he asks.
"Dick?" you ask
"Yeah, it's me." he answers you.
But you don't answer him, he realizes. Yeah you probably hate him more than you did before. Bad idea. Great thinking Grayson. He beats himself up internally.
"That's not-It can't be you! You're a detective!" you almost shout.
"This is my night hobby." he jokes a bit.
"Not the time for jokes, Detective Grayson." you answer him.
He sighs, "Do we really have to go back to the way we are at work?"
Your head tilts to the side a bit, "What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about you hating me. I mean, we don't talk. You try not to get partnered with me. You barely say hello." he explains.
Your eyes go wide.
"You noticed that?" you ask.
"Yes! How could I not notice that the love of my-" he cuts himself off.
You walk over to him slowly, crossing your arms over your chest. Your eyes squint as you get in his face. Seeing you like this, he can see why you were a bit menacing to the perps. They didn't play around with you.
"Did you just accidentally confess your love for me?" you ask, in a judgmental tone.
"I'm stressed out!" he answers back with his hands in the air.
You take a step back and place your hands in your back pockets, "You don't have to be. I don't hate you."
"You don't?" Dick asks.
"No. I don't. You just, pester me."
"So you think of me as a gnat? Or a fly to swat?" Dick questions you.
His hands falls to his sides.
"You're better at your job than you let yourself believe. I've seen your desk and the pile of cold cases you keep on top of it. Why do you do that?" you speak.
Dick looks taken back by that. He crosses his arms over his chest. He sees your eyes dart to his arms and then back up to his face. Struggle. You're struggling to not see Dick as nightwing. Maybe he did make the right decision...
"I don't get lost in the wins. It's easy to do that and get lax. The people of this city deserve someone who's gonna fight for them." Dick confesses to you.
You nod your head.
"What do you say we do the friend thing?" Dick asks.
He holds out his hand for you. You look down at it and then back at him. He smiles. And he swears he can feel the static in the air grow. He survived being 'hated' by you, he could survive being your friend.
You take his hand into yours. It feels warm, and like a shared understanding. Even though you never really explained why you hated him (he doesn't need to know what it really was, not yet) and he never explained why that bothered him so much (he'll tell you the first chance you ask about it)
"Consider the friend thing started." You say.
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spooky-pop · 2 days
have you ever considered that ur version of broppy feels very heteronormative 😕 ….
I'm...sorry it comes off that way? This is the first time I've heard this about my work.
But listen. My take on Broppy is MY TAKE on them. Everyone has their own versions of them and I simply draw them in the way that makes me happy. My Broppy art is not only based on harmless media tropes I enjoy but mostly I base them a lot off of my own marriage and pull a lot of influence from my husband and OUR experiences, relationship and style. That's the fun part about interpreting characters in your own way, you can do it in the way that you want to. And if you don't like my portrayal of them, I promise you there are many other Broppy artists out there who interpret them in other ways. But I'm not going to stop making the art that I enjoy because at the end of the day, I started posting Trolls art for me and only me.
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violetthekiller · 9 hours
R&J review/scattered thoughts
both of us loved it! i sort of assumed i would due to me liking Jamie’s style and Romeo and Juliet as a play. my friend was slightly more sceptical going in but left having really enjoyed it
first thing i noticed and really liked was how they highlighted the days of the week on the screens. it really showed the audience just how fast the play moves and the fact that it’s literally over 4 days, something that often gets lost and forgotten in many adaptations but is such a key part of the dynamic and questions on whether it’s a story of lust or love
Tom’s version of Romeo was amazing. he played up to the patheticness of Romeo, how he’s a bit of a try hard and his desperation really well. saying all the right things, his slightly pushy body language with Juliet etc.
Fran as Juliet was beautiful. she brought an incredible vulnerableness to the character which is frequently left behind. it was a great contrast between her almost stillness and Romeo’s contradictory often chaotic character
Freema as the Nurse was my favourite surprise of a character. it’s an amazing version of the Nurse which is a large amount of the light relief in the first act but by the end of the second the facade had cracked and the close up of her crying talking to Juliet was (to me) the most emotional part of the play
I truly love how they played into the comedic elements of the play. despite it being Shakespeare’s most famous tragedy it has so many hilariously comedic moments (and in the words of my bestie ‘unhinged’) which are so frequently forgotten and not played into with modern adaptations, particularly darker versions like this one
the end of the play was an intriguing take. it’s normally depicted as hugely chaotic and dramatic with the double suicide however this version was extremely calm, particularly with Juliet whose often shown waking up screaming and killing herself very brashly and violently. however, the stillness worked. to me, from the scenes leading up to it and the final scene itself, it implied that this depiction of Juliet had already accepted her death. she wanted to die, so it wasn’t a tragic and brash choice for her to kill herself. one thing i think could’ve been interesting would’ve been to call back to the scene of them after the wedding night when they were lying on the floor. i thought it could’ve been cool to have them die in that position as a call back/foreshadowing from that scene (and it was a beautiful shot so would’ve loved to see it again lol)
now the couple of things that i felt weren’t quite amazing. firstly the pacing of the second act compared to the first felt very slow especially at the beginning. its bound to happen due to the latter half of the play having much longer dialog scenes with much less action however combining that with Jamie’s style of having large amounts of stillness and minimal movement made some of it feel rather long. secondly, both my friend and i have studied this play in detail however we both felt that if people didn’t know the play well or hadn’t ever seen a version of it it may had been hard to follow at points. add the lack of plot summary in the program exacerbates this slightly. both very minor things but something we both noticed
we both loved it and i’m so happy i was able to get tickets to see it myself. anyone else whose going during the run you’re in for a treat :)
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factual-fantasy · 1 day
29 asks! Thank you!! :)) 🦝
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@abaroo @ditzyclown (Referencing this post)
XDD I'm not sure! Evil Grim seems too hot headed and mean to have any real bond with a trainer.. though Evil Sylvester belonging to some pompous rich butthead that treats him like gold seems likely <XDD
As for their good sides,, I haven't really decided if they have one at all. They are supposed to be "evil" versions of Grim and V after all..😅
And I'm also not entirely sure they'd even be friends.. since Evil Sylvester thinks that Gengars as gross, and the two of them have no respect for each other.. it seems pretty unlikely that a friendship would bloom.. 😔
...However.... 👀 That's not to say they couldn't go through some kind of character development and some kind of bond would form..
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XDD Kermit you're so chaotic
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That sounds like a ton of fun actually! :DD Now I just gotta find some of those wheels and challenges- <XDD
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(In response to this post)
Aw man... poor little cookie.. <:(
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I've been thinking a lot about making a master post for my Pokémon stuff, Undertale stuff, Octonauts stuff, etc.. But I just haven't gotten around to it. 💀💀 But I'll keep thinking about it thanks to your ask :00
As for evil Grim and V, I'd love to draw more of them! Maybe even evil/opposite versions of the others.. I just don't have any more ideas for them.. 😔😔😔
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@khoiazo (Referencing this post)
XDDD couldn't have described their vibes better myself!
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It just makes me really uncomfortable <:/ I prefer comments instead :}
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Such a cute littol puppo!! 😭😭💞💞💞
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I'm not familiar with many dog breeds.. but I can say that they both have the dumb and happy golden retriever energy <XDD
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I haven't really thought about what other eeveeloutions he might encounter.. but I imagine a potential encounter with an Umbreon would be very similar to the Espeon encounter.
Maybe he saw the glowing eyes of an Umbreon peeking out of a bush a few feet away.. He froze in shock, recognizing the scent to be an eeveeloution. He looked away for just a second and when he turned back, it was gone..
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I'm thinking that over years and years of being together they just naturally built this rock solid friendship and trust. They've had multiple experiences where their friendship was tested but it never broke.
I'm also thinking that a key factor in their friendship is them having the exact came sense of humor XDD They're both idiots
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@minnesotamedic186 (Referencing this post)
XDD I see what you mean!
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I've seen fanart of it floating around, the game with the.. cat.. slug.? Critters right? :00
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I haven't actually beaten all the gyms yet- <XDD I've been spending most of my time drawing instead of playing Violet.😅
As for struggling with the gyms, I haven't struggled with any so far! AND THATS NOT ME TRYING TO SOUND COCKY- Most of the fun I have with Pokémon is the collecting part. So for the gyms I just use a type advantage and over level my Pokémon by like 10 levels and plow through the battle.. <XDD
I will say however, the water type gym challenge totally stumped me. <XDD For some reason I just couldn't figure it out and googled the answer in the end.. 😔😔😔
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A looooooot of patience and re-drawing <XDD (Also thank you!! :}}} )
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I have seen some of it, :0 but I don't know all the new characters they added.. <:0
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Not at the moment no.. I'm still on break from the fandom 😵‍💫
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<XD I'm not the first person to think of Tweak dying her hair, so go right ahead! :))
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XDD I see the resemblance!
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XDD No they're not infinite- But I was thinking that they can stretch shockingly far thanks to his mystical fairy typing XD How far that is exactly? I haven't really decided.. 🤔
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I'm glad you love them! And while I wouldn't usually agree to this,, I'll give you the go ahead to cross stitch the lads XDD
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@mimiocto (Sent after this post)
Aww! Sylvester needs a positive interaction after that frighting Espeon encounter <XDD
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Ooo! :DD How fun! I should look into getting one too.. 🤔
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(Refencing this post)
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naturesapphic · 1 day
hii can you write a fic based on billies recent interview for lunch where she talks about taking a break from writing the song to “experience” some stuff? like the reader is the first woman she’s ever been with and she’s just cute and nervous🤞 soft!dom bil pleasee :)
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Lunch interview
Billie eilish x fem!reader
Warnings: Billie being a sweetheart, fluff
You were in German Berlin with your girlfriend of one year Billie eilish, but before that you and Billie have been friends for years. Billie was doing a interview with all of the fans and one of them asked what song she could talk about for hours and she immediately replied with “lunch”. You felt your cheeks heat up at the song Billie wrote for you and you were on the side of the stage watching her.
“It took a while like, I didn’t get back to it for maybe a year. I was like I need to go live some life for a minute.” She said and smiled and looked over at you to give you a wink but everyone saw and started clapping and screaming. By now you were a blushing mess and Billie noticed and decided to tease you more. “I gotta go do some stuff…” she said while making a funny face and looking over at you again.
“And when I mean stuff I mean I’m talking about my amazing and beautiful girlfriend y/n. Come out here babe!” She said into the mic and ushered you over. You shyly walked over to her and she patted her lap for you to sit on. You fixed your skirt and climbed into her lap as she wraps her arm around you while still holding onto the mic with her other hand. “Y/n is my first girlfriend ever. I’ve never been in a sapphic relationship before her. Sure I had some crushes but either they were straight or I didn’t want to ruin to the friendship so I didn’t say anything.” Billie explained to everyone while a blush was appearing on her face.
You cooed and leaned down to kiss her cheeks a few times which made her go redder. “Babyyyyyy not in front of everyone!” She pouted and you heard everyone awe which made you smile. “But yeah with y/n I felt so safe and loved way before we started dating and I think that’s when I starting falling for her. I just didn’t realize that I was in love with her but when I did I started crying and I was so scared but yet so happy. So I got the courage to ask her out and she said yes and the rest is history. So yeah the song is about her but I won’t be going into details about it.” Billie said shyly at first but at the end she winked at everyone when she decided teased them.
While Billie kept gushing over you and y’all’s relationship she still had her arm wrapped around you. Her hand rubbing your soft thighs that made you squirm and she took notice to that. She decided that she’ll tease you later, right now she wanted to enjoy this moment with her and with her babies. “Buttttt….yeah that’s the fast version of explaining the song.” She laughed out and squeezed you gently making you giggle. Soon the interview was over and you were heading outside with billie’s arm around your waist, walking out to the car. She opened the door for you and you bent over trying to get in while Billie had the perfect opportunity given to her. While you were bent over with your ass in front of her face she smacked it which caused you to yelp out.
“Billie!” You exclaimed with a smile on your face while a playful smirk was on hers. “What?” She said innocently and you rolled your eyes playfully as you got in the backseat with Billie following behind you. She sat beside you and as you laid your head on her shoulder. She smiled down at you and cuddled closer to you as she gave the top of your head a gentle kiss. She’s so grateful for you and for the beautiful relationship you two have together.
A/n: I took a small break from posting but I should be getting back into the flow now so I thought I would come back with a Billie fic! I hope y’all enjoy! Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y’all! :)
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the-ellia-west · 2 days
I did a lot of creative stuff today and... I think I'm gonna go to bed early tonight
Drawing update:
I used a lot of sites, tips, and tricks from artist friends and moots and then I decided to try some real art stuffs for the last one
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(I know I put an extra e there,)
And then I wanted to refine that last one a bit. I'm not an expert, but I swear I tried
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Say Hi to the I-can't-draw version of Marril everybody!!!! (it's bad, I admit, but I will get better!)
Writing Update!
I finished Editing Chapters 10 & 11
And I planned out the full plot for J&R and the new timeline.
My creativity has returned for the most part and I'm finding myself with high hopes for the future and the present
My stories are living and my brain is running with the ideas.
Progress is up.
God is good
Have a good day! I love you! <33
@aesthetic-writer18 @illarian-rambling @i-do-anything-but-write @themortalityofundyingstars @thisisntrocket
@urnumber1star @thecoolerlucky @supercimi @caffeinated-and-annoying-bard @pastellbg
@thepeculiarbird @beloveddawn-blog @vyuntspakhkite-l-darling @rivenantiqnerd @i-hate-happy-endings
@thecrazyalchemist @agirlandherquill @wendeltm @lunaeuphternal @paeliae-occasionally
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dontyoufeelitangel · 5 hours
Hello Ghesties, Ghouls & Ghoulettes! Welcome to Angels run-down show-down, where I (Angel) do a run down of the Ghovie for all you lovely folk!!
Didn’t get the chance to see the Ghovie aka Rite Here Rite Now? Fear not for I am here! This post will contain a run-down of what happened during the Ghovie.
So this is your warning:
I will be breaking this down into separate parts:
Lore: contains all lore that was mentioned
Songs: songs that were played
And Theatrics: stage play and other attributes that happened.
Another fair warning: there is a possibility that not everything that happened in the movie is noted here, I may have forgotten some things!! But I will do my best to include everything🤍
Story: the plot of the ghovie is a showcase of their Kia forum concert mixed with short lore scenes. Between every 2-3 songs there would be a scene of Copia running behind stage and talking with imperator and nihil OR getting dressed and ready for his next performance.
When he talked with imperator and nihil, he mostly talked to them about what would happen after the concert. Nihil and imperator told him numerous times that he was “focusing to much on the past and future instead of living in the moment, living right here, right now.”
Copia realizes this before he does his encore, so he goes out and does a great encore knowing he’ll soon die. After the encore and when the concert is finished, unfortunately imperator dies and gives a note to Copia.
The note states that he will not die, but rather be gifted a new higher status in the clergy. In which he’ll further be known as Brother imperator. And because there is no head for the ghost project they will bring in a new front man. The movie ends before the front man is revealed and we are left on a cliffhanger.
The lore for the ghovie is very similar and the same to what we already know! Not to much was revealed but here were the key points of what was mentioned:
⭐️the other brothers were not directly mentioned or shown on camera. The only references to the other emeritus brothers was the backdrop for the stage (stained glass windows portraying the previous brothers & nihil)
⭐️it was confirmed that Nihil was copias father and that during the kiss the go-goat music video sister imperator was pregnant with Copia.
⭐️Copia even acknowledges nihil as his dad, in one scene where he says “thanks dad”
⭐️sister imperator ends up passing at the end of the movie but becomes a spirit and is seen with the rest of the spirits (nihil and the twins, yes, the twins seem in the YouTube episodes apparently have died)
⭐️the ghouls were not to involved with the lore except for the fact they all surrounded imperators dead body when she passed. (Idk if this counts as lore but) the ghouls also talked in the movie, only for a small scene though.
Songs that where played included:
⚡️imperium (pre - opener)
⚡️Kaisarion (opener/curtain pull)
⚡️Cirice (he ciriced the camera making it look like he Ciriced us)
⚡️call me little sunshine
⚡️con clavi con dio
⚡️ watcher in the sky
⚡️ if you have ghosts (acoustic version with cello, violin & harp ghoulettes. Also gives a speech about how “everyone is important and that their presence at that concert was inspiring”)
⚡️ Twenties (body painted skeleton dancers came out and performed on stage, they did cartwheels, threw eachother around and even picked up cardi)
⚡️year zero
⚡️he is (I cried)
⚡️miasma (nihil told Copia that he didn’t want to die, but even when he did he was still happy because he got to perform and bring joy to people temporarily when they revived him. Nihil also told Copia to focus on the good in life)
⚡️Mary on a cross (animated in a scooby-doo style, where nihil chases around imperator as she fights him and runs away)
⚡️ mummy dust
⚡️respite on the spitalfields
⚡️ kiss the go-goat
⚡️dance macabre (skeleton dancers come out for a second time with silk fans)
⚡️square hammer
Some silly theatrics that happened include:
💙Copia huffing the gas from a whip-cream can before performing.
💙jumped in a storage transfer crate and had a whole convo with nihil.
💙has a the tour manager (Ashley) come out on stage and change his shoes for him.
💙only Copia can see the spirits of his family, so when he would talk to nihil or imperator, spectators around him would think he’s crazy and talking to himself.
💙many of the behind the scenes crew of the band were included in the movie such as : Ashley(tour manager), and many of the security guards & jesus( you know who lol)
💙remember when everyone was freaking out about the fact there’d be a blowjob reference? Yeah well there was no actual blow job scene, the warning for the blow job was for when Kyle aka Jesus came out and blew away the confetti.
If I forgot to add anything or got info wrong please feel free to leave a comment and I will correct myself as fast as possible!!
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the-peak-tmnt · 9 hours
I want to say that I like that your fic is mostly Raph centric because those fics are rare and he deserves more love and pain lol
Raph: Mom says it's my turn with the trauma
Thank you so much! I'm seriously so grateful for people who are willing to give a Raph-centric fic a shot!
I knew writing Raph-centric fic that's also a Mutant Mayhem fic was gonna turn a lot of people off from giving it a try, which I totally understand because I usually go for Leo-centric fics myself lol. It also doesn't help that Mutant Mayhem still isn't super popular.
But Mutant Mayhem Raph is an exciting new version of Raph that's been SO fun to explore, and I'm gonna go on a little rant about why I'm enjoying writing (and torturing) him so much!
[Initiating Raph Rant] So, almost all Raphs are tough guys who also wear their hearts on their sleeves, which is what makes him such a fun character. He's "the angry one", but usually also super emotional in other ways:
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Because MM feels more like an actual teenager than most other iterations, his moments of emotional vulnerability feel particularly raw and relatable. I might be old as dirt now, but I do still remember what it was like to be a teenager still trying to figure out who they were and what they wanted in life.
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Mutant Mayhem does such an amazing job of hitting on those teenage insecurities and desires. The turtles whole goal in the movie is to be accepted. All teenagers feel like outsiders and want acceptance at some point. That teenage desire for acceptance is amplified for the turtles because they're not just teenagers, but mutants as well. The moment where Raph's voice sort of wavers as he says "we're never gonna be normal" breaks my heart every time, because they're so sure acceptance is completely out of reach for them 😭
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...but the MM boys do get acceptance by the human world by the end of the film. Raph even seems to find his place own at Eastman on the wrestling team in the post-credit scene.
I think this is what has turned a lot of fans off MM, though, because the turtles' need for secrecy and using their ninja skills to remain hidden has always been an integral part of the TMNT franchise. Personally, I actually love that departure from the typical TMNT format and talked about it once before.
But there are some traditional TMNT elements that I did miss in MM, one of those being the fact that in most iterations, Raph is an outsider even amongst outsiders. His anger is what alienates him from his brothers at times, and it often gets him into trouble. It’s also what almost always leads to his friendship with Casey (another outsider).
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Tales of the TMNT isn't out yet, and we don't how this series will give Raph that traditional outsider treatment, or if it will at all. They could save it for Mutant Mayhem 2, but that's still years away. And even then they might decide not to go that route because so far, MM Raph's rage has mostly just manifested in a propensity for fighting & violence rather than interpersonal issues with his brothers & other people. His rage is even framed as useful in the final fight against Superfly.
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So anyway...as canon stands right now pre-tottmnt/MM 2, Raph is an "insider". He and his brothers can have a life on the surface, and Raph even seems to have found his own place at Eastman on the wrestling team. Again, I'm all for this happy ending and a brand new experience for the turtles, but I was also missing my personal favorite flavor of Raph...which is angry and alienated lol.
After I saw MM in theaters, I started looking at a lot of the concept art and other production material floating around on the internet and I came across this concept art by Garrett Lee:
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And it was like "oh shit, there he is! Outsider Raph!"
He looks so lonely and separate from everyone else here, and I was obsessed with this idea of Raph somehow still being an outsider even after the mutants were accepted by humans. But again, we're still waiting for tottmnt and MM 2, and even then there's no guarantee we'll get an Angry & Sad Outsider Raph out of either of those.
So I asked myself "how can I ruin MM Raph's life so that he's as lonely and miserable as he looks in this concept art???"
...and Reciprocity was born 😅
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punkshort · 2 days
What would a pregnancy scare look like between ikwya Joel and Reader? What do you think Joel’s reaction would be? Love your work ❤️‍🔥
Hi! I'm sorry I know you sent this in a month ago. I have a stockpile of asks/requests that I've been working through and I wanted to give this one some thought because I think both their reactions would be different pre and post accident.
I Know Who You Are Masterlist
Pre-accident Joel would absolutely panic. I think he would immediately think of Sarah and how he failed her, then Ellie and how he almost failed her, and he would get too in his head about failing a third child. He would probably say something he would end up regretting in the heat of the moment and I think pre-accident reader would give it right back to him. She wouldn't stand for his shit, she would call him out and remind him it takes two to tango and it wasn't something she expected, either, but there's no point in being an asshole about it because what's done is done.
They would probably get into a fight about it and Joel would grab the bottle of whiskey and take a shot. Then, without really thinking, while Joel was rambling on and on about how dangerous it is to have a baby, reader would reach for the bottle and Joel would slap her hand away, asking her 'Are you fuckin' crazy? You might be pregnant!' And reader, feeling embarrassed that she almost made a mistake, would yell back, 'It's your fault! You got me all worked up, I can't think straight! What do you even care, anyway?' And Joel would throw the bottle back into the cupboard and shout, ''Course I care! Kid'll already be stubborn as shit with her mama's smart mouth, we don't need to be addin' to it!'
Then reader's eyes will soften a bit when she says, 'You think it's a girl?' And Joel, still working through all his anger and adrenaline, will flare his nostrils and slam his fist on the counter and say, ''Course it'll be a girl! Look 'round. I'm surrounded by girls who talk back to me and drive me fuckin' crazy all damn day. Why would this be any different?' Reader would step a little closer and wrap her arms around his midsection, resting her chin on his chest while she bats her eyes up at him and says, 'Maybe it'll be a boy.' And Joel's resolve would begin to crack. The corner of his mouth would twitch and his hands would slowly find their place on reader's hips as he thought about the idea of having a little boy. All his anxiety and anger would melt away when he asks, 'Think we can name him after my Pops?'
Now post-accident Joel and reader are different.
They've been through hell and back. Joel thought he would lose the love of his life. After everything they went through, I think both of them have a new lease on life. Initially, Joel would be shocked, then scared, then happy. It would be a rollercoaster of emotions. Reader would be terrified, telling him she has no idea what she's going to do, she doesn't know anything about babies, she's not going to be a good mom and she would begin to cry. Joel would chuckle softly and pull her close, then murmur in her hair she was wrong, that she would make a wonderful mom and she wouldn't go through it alone. He would tell her all the reasons why she would be a good mom: how patient and strong she is, how smart and headstrong she is, and how he hopes if she is pregnant, that it would be a little girl so it would be a mini version of reader.
They would spend the rest of the night thinking about it and wondering what life would be like. Joel would be in the middle of dinner, quietly eating, and suddenly suggest that he could make a crib from the birch tree in the backyard. They would go to bed and each of them would be reading and reader would break the silence and mention Maria and Tommy probably have stuff they don't need anymore and they could use. The next morning, reader would wake up with Joel's face nuzzled against the side of her neck with his big hand splayed wide over her belly.
And if it was just a scare, the idea would be planted in both their heads and after a few months, maybe they would be walking home together from the Tipsy Bison, hand in hand, content and happy until reader suddenly asks, 'Do you want to try for a baby?' And Joel, without missing a beat, would say, 'Absolutely,' and practically drag her down the street towards home so they could start that night.
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Vampire Wedding Premium
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
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When the ceremony ended, we returned to the ship, and I immediately pushed Mitsuki onto the bed.
Mitsuki: "Drake, I..."
As Mitsuki, still in her disheveled wedding dress, reached out to me, a drop of blood trickled from the bite mark on her ring finger.
Drake: "Haah..."
I couldn't resist the sweet temptation before my eyes and grasped her outstretched hand, running my tongue over it.
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(More, I want more.)
My head was consumed by the pleasure I had longed for, so I pressed my fangs against the bite mark in search of more blood.
I barely managed to restrain my desire and tightly embraced Mitsuki's body to endure it.
Drake: "Damn it. I feel dizzy."
Mitsuki: "Drake..."
Her face, looking up at me with concern, overlapped with the image of her losing consciousness in the past.
It was from a time when I had lost myself and ravaged her impulsively.
(I never want that to happen again.)
Drake: "Don't make that face. I'm calming down now."
I tried to steady my breathing and reassure her by kissing her temple.
She bit her lip tightly and, with determination, spoke up.
Mitsuki: "Hey, why did you go so far as to form a blood oath with me?"
(Why indeed?)
Comte: "Congratulations. I'm happy to hear the good news."
Drake: "Well, you're sort of like Mitsuki's guardian, so..."
Drake: "I thought it would make sense to inform you before proposing to her."
That day, without telling Mitsuki, I visited the mansion to inform the master of the house about my intention to propose to her.
As Comte sipped his tea, he suddenly remembered something and spoke up.
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Comte: "Speaking of marriage, Drake, do you know about the blood oath?"
Drake: "Yeah. I've heard of it. It's a wedding ritual passed down among vampires."
Drake: "So, what about it?"
Comte: "I was just curious if you were planning to perform a blood oath with Mitsuki."
I couldn't help but give Comte a somewhat exasperated look at his gentle inquiry.
Drake: "You must be joking. If I drink Mitsuki's blood on a full moon night, I'll end up devouring her on instinct."
Drake: "Being half-vampire is such a damn hassle."
Comte quietly listened to my self-deprecating mutterings and then spoke.
Comte: "But the vampire blood is also a part of you, isn't it?"
Drake: "…….."
Comte's words slowly sank into the depths of my heart, spreading ripples.
As those ripples faded, Mitsuki's face came to mind.
(She faces me head-on, no matter what kind of person I am.)
(What can I give back to someone like her?)
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Comte: "Well then, I wish you success with your proposal."
Drake: "Yeah."
I stopped my hand from opening the front door and turned to look at Comte, who was standing to see me off.
Drake: "I've decided to form a blood oath with Mitsuki."
Comte's eyes widened in surprise at my casual words.
Comte: "May I ask why?"
Drake: "Just as you said earlier, half of me is human, but the other half is a vampire."
Drake: "Mitsuki accepts and loves me for who I am, so I think it's a good opportunity to face this blood that flows within me once again."
(Because I'm both human and vampire.)
(I want to pledge my eternal love to her as both.)
Without voicing my final thoughts, I waved my hand lightly and turned on my heel.
Drake: "Pray that my sanity holds out and I can get through this."
Comte: "Drake."
When I looked back, Comte was gazing at me with a gentle expression.
Comte: "Make her happy."
Drake: "Yeah, leave it to me."
---------Flashback Ends--------
Drake: "The blood oath is like a way to show my resolve."
Mitsuki: "Resolve?"
Drake: "Yeah. In my own way, as a dhampir."
It was my human self who chose the night of the new moon to propose to Mitsuki.
And it was my vampire self who decided to swear my love through a blood oath.
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Drake: "I wanted to tell you that I love you, no matter which version of me it is."
Saying this, I kissed the finger marked by the bite wound.
Drake: "I'm a human, a pirate, and a vampire. That's who I am."
Drake: "And I know you can accept me, no matter who I am."
I peered into her eyes with a hopeful heart.
Mitsuki: "Of course."
She nodded firmly and gently took my hand, placing it against her warm cheek.
Mitsuki: "I love the human you, the pirate Drake, and, of course, the dhampir you too."
Mitsuki: "I'll accept you, no matter who you are."
Her unwavering resolve was evident in her gaze.
Drake: "Hahaha!"
Drake: "You really are like the sea—wide, deep, and capable of embracing all of me."
Drake: "You truly are my destined woman."
When I kissed her tenderly, Mitsuki closed her eyes and accepted it.
I unconsciously traced her neck as I felt the urge that had settled down rising again.
Drake: "You're too irresistible. It looks like the Blanc's effect wore off."
Drake: "I can't hold it any longer. Can I bite you?" 
When I whispered this, she arched her neck willingly.
Mitsuki: "Do as you wish. Don't hold back."
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Drake: "You really are something else."
Drake: "How much more do you plan to make me fall for you?"
As I sank my fangs into her neck, the sweet taste filled my mouth, burning through my brain.
I stripped off the wedding dress I had dressed her in and kissed her now-flushed skin.
Drake: "Mitsuki, don't hold back. Tell me what you want me to do."
I whispered in her ear, and she looked up at me with eyes already melting with desire.
Mitsuki: "I want you to fill me up completely."
Drake: "My bride sure knows how to ask for what she wants."
I held Mitsuki tightly as she let out sweet sounds, my fingers delving deeper, seeking more heat within her.
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Part 1 ╎ Part 2 ╎ Premium ╎ Epilogue
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My exams exhausted me sm so if u wouldn't mind, can i req a fluff where male reader teach Tom how to draw, but, he just sucks at it. Like, really suck bro couldn't even draw a symmetrical eyes 😂
Artist - T. R. x male!Reader
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A/N: I hope this is what you were wanting. I know it’s short, but I really wanted to get it out soon. I hope that’s okay. It’s unedited with no use of Y/N 💛
Also, I hope your exams went well! 💛
CW: fluff, Tom does NOT know how to draw, smidge of feeling down on Tom’s part, Reader is Tom’s boyfriend, kissing
458 words
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“…and then you draw the eyes, like this.”
Tom nods and follows along, his quill moving along his parchment.
You’re teaching him how to draw. You’re rather good at art, and ever since the two of you started dating, Tom’s been fascinated with your work.
So you decided to try and teach him.
Which leads you to now.
Tom puts down his quill and stares at what he’s drawn. He looks back up at your version, a cute and simple drawing of a cat. Then back down to his.
“Do you, um, wanna take a break?” You ask hesitantly. You can’t tell what the expression on her face is, but it’s certainly not pride or happiness.
He just turns his parchment around, showing you his work.
And you barely manage not to laugh.
It’s… not even recognizable. A vague lump with too big eyes and a beater bat for a tail.
You take a deep breath and squash the hint of a smile that creeps upon your lips. “Okay. Okay. I see now. Um, there’s definitely room for improvement—“
“Don’t lie to me,” Tom says despondently. “I’m horrible at it.”
You bite your lip. “Well, look. It just— It just takes some practice is all. Maybe we could try again?”
Tom just gives you a look. And when looking back up at your version, it’d be easy to admit…
No. You won’t think that way. Tom is excellent at everything.
Drawing… Drawing just takes practice.
And you’re gonna make him practice.
For the next week, you and Tom sacrifice study sessions for the sake of drawing. You try to teach him over and over; how to draw his lines, how to make his circles look good, even how to do proportions.
And at the end of it all?
You end up with more blobs.
As you gaze down at the parchment filled with Tom’s drawing attempts, you finally admit. Maybe drawing just isn’t for him.
He certainly seems defeated enough to accept it.
“Look, Tom…”
“Just tell me the truth,” he says wearily. “I can take it.”
You sigh and lift up his chin. “You’re an artist to me, at the very least.”
He doesn’t look amused. “The harsh truth, then.”
“You… need a lot more practice.”
“Well, I’m not doing it.” Tom scowls. “I’ve changed my mind. I care much more about something else than about drawing.”
You blink. “Huh? And what’s that?”
He stands up and cups your face in his hands, pulling you closer to him. “Kissing my boyfriend.”
You want to protest, to say something witty about not giving up on your dreams. But then his lips meet yours.
And you forget everything you were going to say.
You’re only a boy, after all.
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6/20/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Samson Kayo's Birthday!; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Vico Ortiz; Anapela Polataivao, Samba Schutte; MoonglowingWithPride; FanSpotlight: Cast Cards; OFMPride Colouring Pages; Pride Month; ErosTheArtist;AnaCrowley; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika;
== Samson Kayo ==
Today is Samson's birthday! So much love for our wonderful Oluwande-- Happy Birthday Samson!!!
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Source: Samson Kayo's Instagram
== Rhys Darby ==
New Cryptid Factor! This time it's The Magic Bank issue! Check it out on Spotify for the podcast version-- the video will be released on The Cryptid Factor podcast in the next few days!
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Source: The Cryptid Factor Spotify
== Taika Waititi ==
Can I just say how nice it is that Taika is posting on Instagram again? It really warms my heart seeing he's feeling more comfortable again <3 Also it's great to see his sense of humor hasn't changed.
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Source: Taika Waititi's Instagram
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Source: Rita Ora's Instagram
== Vico Ortiz ==
Vico has so much going on right now! Today they were on with Nikki from "Don't Tell My Mother" and talking more about the upcoming show on the June 25th! Wanna watch? Check it out here! You can get more info on the live show/livestream on the Don't Tell My Mother website!
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Source: Dont Tell My Mother's Instagram
There's also a new episode of Date My Abuelita First! out! Listen to the newest episode on your favorite Podcast platform!
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Source: Date My Abuelita First!'s Instagram
Are you on Vico's Patreon? If so, there's new BTS! If not-- for $10 for a month you can have access to all the Exclusive BTS! There are quite a few of the crew jamming out going on in these... from quite a lot of the crew, including a certain Captain.
= Anapela Polataivao =
A new article on Auntie and all the amazing work she's doing! Check it out! Anapela Polataivao on Stepping Up To The Work
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Source: The Spinoff Article
= Samba Schutte =
Samba sending love to Samson on his birthday, and wishing us all a Happy Summer Solstice!
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Source: Samba Schutte's Instagram
== MoonglowingWithPride ==
Reminder! Today is the start of #MoonGlowingWithPride! Happy Solstice everyone! Thank you @xray-vex for organizing this!
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Source: Xray_Vex's Twitter
== Fan Spotlight ==
== Cast Cards ==
Tonight's Cast Card by @melvisik is Karl L! He's listed as a British soldier, as well as an 'Action Extra'!
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Source: @melvisik's twitter
== OFMD Colouring Pages ==
More Our Flag Means Pride colouring pages from our dear crewmate @patchworkpiratebear and released by @adoptourcrew!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew Twitter
== Pride Month ==
= Eros The Artist =
Some gorgeous Pride Month art from our friend @erostheartist! They're keeping busy and have lots of new work coming along!
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Source: Eros The Artist Tumblr
= AnaCrowley =
Another one of our lovely crewmates, @anacrowley has released some beautiful Pride Month artwork as well!
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Source: AnaCrowley's Tumblr
== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies! Happy Solstice and Happy Friday! It's finally the end of the work week coming up for some of us, and it's time to get some rest if you can. Have things been changing for you lately? Are there parts of your life you weren't expecting to go in the direction they did? Maybe it's moving you in a positive direction, maybe not so much. I try to remember, that just like the seasons, sometimes we're not ready for changes, but they do need to happen. They keep life interesting, new, and they provide new perspectives, and new opportunities. Today the sun has set in your part of the world, and tomorrow, it will rise again, and so will you lovelies. You will get up tomorrow, and no matter what you're up against, you will make it through-- I whole heartedly believe in that. Believe in yourself, you are wonderful, and capable, and you've got this <3 So much love coming your way friends, change is hard, but it's so very lovely too in the long run. It'll be okay one day.
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Just a reminder of the most ridiculous things these two do. Special guest star-- Stu! Gifs courtesy of the most talented, astonishing, superb folks @celluloidbroomcloset and @meluli!
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blacclotusss · 6 hours
Like the Light by Which God Made the World Before Light
I mainly want to talk about three main things that I gravitated towards in this episode: Claudia & Madeleine, Armand & the Coven, and The Trial. 
Claudia & Madeleine
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I didn't expect to be all for this companionship the way that I am, but this relationship is so sweet and as pure as it can get between a human and a vampire turned immortal love. I think their connection and their relationship represent what all these immortal relationships could be. They seem to understand one another and learned how to work with what the other was offering and I think that's the sweetest thing. I knew they would get along and probably form some sort of bond from their first interaction (absolutely loved Claudia in this scene and how she moved). I'm glad Claudia found someone who is all for her without their being any weird animosity, like with the coven, or feeling as if the most important person in her life is choosing everyone else but her. The description of the little scene of Claudia in daylight with her beautiful yellow dress being from Madeleine's mind was so, so beautiful and nearly moved me to tears. Finally, even if it was just a vision, we see Claudia happy and cheerful as she deserves to have been all her life. This woman has been through enough and it stinks that things end for her the way the way they do, at least in other versions of this story. I'm glad she was able to find a companion, even if it were just for a short period of time. Oh how I wish they would have stayed traveling the world...
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Armand & The Coven
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Let's start with Armand by himself and everything he has going on. Armand is a powerful, yet insecure guy that needs some structure in his life and will fall apart if he doesn't have it. My personal belief is that's the reason why he doesn't let that coven go not does he really get too physical with them, I mean he's got the whole mind thing going on so he doesn't really have to. But, as much as he is insecure and powerful, he's also manipulative. Manipulation is literally this man's day job and it was hilarious when he said "Are you asking me, Maitre?" when he and Louis was like "...okay girl we ain't doing this today." But, he knows how to work a crowd and a room, which we've seen with the dinner and in San Francisco and even in Dubai with the whole "you asked for it" thing. He likes to spin things like he's a DJ playing a set and even I had to come to the realization of just how bad he is. Again, he is a beautifully tragic individual (the third tragic beauty I have attached myself to) but that's a sneaky little thing. 
Now, in regards to him and the coven, Armand was never going to fight that coven on matters regarding Claudia. Louis? Probably. But he has the same goal of getting Claudia out of the way that Louis' previous man did. Not only does he feels she's in the way of their relationship, but she is the living embodiment of a broken immortal law. I think he probably wanted her out from the moment he figured them out, which was day one. I was also trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, but there was absolutely no way he didn't hear them plotting. Maybe that's why he told Louis they should leave...O don't know! My question is if he will actually interfere with them, and I'm assuming, trying to kill Louis? Like, that's supposed to be his love, I'm hoping he does something. And, I need to know what Louis' reasoning was for staying with him after that, unless it's some more memory stuff. Did he know Lestat would be there? Also, cannot wait to see how Daniel will aid in unfolding all of this. 
The Trial
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This whole thing is really a damn headache and I hope every coven member gets burned down to a crisp, especially that bleach blonde heifer parading around like he's the best actor to walk the earth. I'm glad Armand AND Louis yoked him up! Buffoon! I always knew there was something with that man, he gave too many mysterious looks for me as if he was trying to pick them apart from the inside. He even goes on to try and get close to Claudia just to put her on trial for killing her abuser. Guillotine! Go meet you maker, thesp! And speaking of abuser...it's so funny how they bring Lestat into this whole thing when he's definitely a part of the problem. Aside from all of the nonsense and abuse he's put Louis and Claudia through, he also broke one of the rules by turning Claudia at 14 years old all because his miserable self couldn't bear to be alone or without Louis. Are they going to try and kill him, too? Or is he their God just like Armand once was? This is sarcasm if you didn't catch it. It's just...very questionable that they overlook everyone else's faults to get rid of her. And why is Madeleine on trial? That girl ain't do a thing to them people. Will they torture Armand as well by making him watch? I'm just rambling my thoughts at this moment, but I can't help but notice...something about the way these people move. 
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zombeebunnie · 2 days
Trembling Essence:💙Ending progress + poll results💙
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Hi again and welcome new followers, here's another progress update about the game! >;]
But before I write that out I just want to say a very big thank you to everyone that participated in the poll I did so far, The results and responses have been helping me for the final version. :,] If you still want to give your vote/opinion on the start of the game here's the poll from my tumblr! There's less than 24 hours to vote!
I took a small break to gather my thoughts before continuing from where I left off. I was brainstorming a lot about this because I didn't want the beginning of the game to be too long when it comes to figuring out how to get to Noah, but I do want the explorative side to give some lore.
Suddenly, an idea came to mind that'll help me solve this issue I've been having. :,]
Last week I mentioned the two endings you could get that are from the [Extended Demo]. I don't count this as spoilers but these endings will have their own separate choice to go down instead of it being in the same path. This replaces a section from the [Extended Demo] and lowers the amount of time it takes to figure out how to get to Noah, especially for those that are new to the game. Consider this a healthy quality of life change, only one ending has been put on the shelf that I didn't have a connection with so far! :] This also gave me a chance to go through both endings individually and give a deeper exploration into these areas as they do play a part in the game. I added a few choices to show the differences in the terrain and how the player(Y/N) reacts to it. You can get an alternate situation but it will still end the same. I also fixed up some errors I found through the alternate choices that I almost missed too. For right now I'd say this ending will be finished once my play testers look through them! They've given me pointers on the CG's and dialog but not everything else yet. x] Speaking of quality changes I also went back and adjusted some of the new CG's I've drawn. I had a habit of drawing the landscape too low so you couldn't see anything unless you toggled the text box away. :,,,] Luckily this was a quick and easy fix.
Here's the results:
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I'm very happy with how far I've come when I draw backgrounds now! It's been a interesting journey but overall I enjoy knowing everything is coming together no matter how long it might take. There was another one I wanted to share but this the second CG I tried posting gave me an error. Luckily I had everything saved so I don't have to rewrite anything! :,,]
It took some time but I went back and fixed one of the effects that happen when you lose HP. The old version lights up the edges of your screen but sometimes it can be hard to see if there's another effect happening. I went back and gave a small hue effect every time you lose HP instead.
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Lastly in other news, I finally started work on Noah's reference sheets! >:]
There will be a total of three(?) which will have specific details for each one! It's took some time to create since I'm still learning how to do angled faces/poses but I've gotten time to practice so I'm ready. >:] I also want to state that Noah's sprites/side sprites in the [Extended Demo] are accurate to how he's suppose to look too. Since I've improved my style certain specifics of his appearance might be slightly different! :]
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Almost there to the cabin section, yay! I just have a few more things to fix up. >:]
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If you like what I create, please consider supporting what I do on kofi! All donations and tips help tremendously while I work on the game. Also a very huge thank you to those that have optionally bought the [Extended Demo] and the March 2023 demo on itch.io too, it really means a lot. :,]
Q&A / Ask box is open:
If you have any questions about Trembling Essence/Noah feel free to ask here or on itch.io please. This makes it easier for me to see and answer accordingly! I would really like to hear from you guys!
There were some other things I wanted to discuss but this post is getting too long so I'll save it for next week, thank you guys for all of the support, I appreciate it! :,,]
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