#it's just annoying at this point. like above absolutely everything else i am just burnt out in annoyance.
ozlices · 11 months
our friend gifted us balder's gate, but we can't play it bc our computer can't handle it why is our suffering sincerely never fucking ending bruh
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frankiekatt · 3 years
Wowy hii, saw that you're writing for slasher, so here I am!
Can I plz have some hcs about any slashers with s/o, but their s/o is a literal gremlin, like they're not serious at all, always joking and annoying people around, but sometimes might be quite soft and quiet.
Thank you and have a nice day! ❤️
This was fun to write lmao
Warnings: Sexual harassment, NSFW, murder, blood, canabilism
Characters: Thomas Hewitt, Bo Sinclair, Lester Sinclair, Billy Lenz, Stu Macher, Michal Myers
Slashers With An S/O That Never Takes Anything Seriously:
Thomas Hewitt:
Thomas is a little overwhelmed by your personality at first.
He’s a quiet and reserved man who’s never had any kind of friends, so goofiness and jokes can make him feel uneasy at first.
But!! He gets used to everything very quickly!!!
Thomas loves everything about you and he finds you to be incredibly charming.
He can get a little anxious when he sees you annoying Hoyt because he doesn’t want his uncle to do anything bad to you in irritation/retaliation.
Your jokes are always a stress reliever for him, since he spends most of his days in a dark basement, surrounded by blood and gore. Your humor just shines a little bit of light on his day, and he loves you for that!
While Luda Mae and Hoyt might not like the fact that you never take anything seriously, Thomas finds it relieving. At the beginning of your relationship, Thomas was terrified of losing you because he thought you would be terrified of all screams, murder, and cannabilism, but he was pleasantly surprised to see that you didn’t pay much mind to it.
Thomas’ family mostly saw you as a clown, but Thomas could only ever look at you as the brightest ray of sunshine that has ever graced his life.
After all, he was the only one that saw your softer side.
Your soft and quiet side mostly shone through during the evening. Something about the sunset and cicada chirping calmed your heart.
You would often take Thomas by the hand and lead him outside to sit on the front porch with you, so the two of you could cuddle and watch the sunset together.
Thomas was always so used to your voice, because you loved to talk about anything and everything, so your temporary quiet nature was new, yet comforting.
During these moments, there didn’t need to be any talking between the two of you. You deep emotional bond allowed you both to communicate through actions.
You would lay your head on Thomas shoulder, stroking his chest, and Thomas would wrap his big arms around your smaller frame, resting his masked cheek against the top of your head.
This was Thomas’ way of saying, “I love you, you’re the best thing in my life,” and your way of saying “I could never live without you.”
Bo Sinclair:
You’re gonna annoy the fuck out of this boy
Sometimes you both wonder how the two of you even got together, but the nights you and Bo spent pleasuring each other, going round after round, reminded you both how. (Your both just sexy okay its that simple)
Bo was a serious guy, so he was a little miffed that he was always the one having to take the lead in everything since you just couldn’t stop making a joke out of everything.
Sometimes you would actually make him really irritated due to your tendency to irk people endlessly, so he would have to step away to cool off and blow off some steam.
Sometimes he would yell at you in anger, which always made him feel like shit after, so he tended to stalk off to his shop to calm down before speaking to you.
You would have to go see him a couple hours later to wrap your arms around him from behind and shyly apologize to him.
He favored these moments the most.
Your voice quieter than usual, focusing on just him, touching him gently.
He would always accept your apologies, of course, and would let you know by kissing your lips softly.
Bo liked to take advantage of your softer side by lifting you up by your waist and setting you on the hood of whatever car he had been working on and kissing down your neck.
As revenge, Bo liked to draw out his teasing as long as possible. Kissing down your neck, chest, stomach, massaging your pussy through your skirt, palming your breast roughly.
It gets to a point where you just have to tell him, “Bo, I need you to fuck me.”
And he would oblige.
He would take you right then and there, on the hood of the car.
The metal beneath you was always shockingly cold, making you shiver against Bo’s chest.
“You cold, Darlin,” Bo would ask teasingly as he pulled your panties off. “Don’t worry, I’ll warm you right up.”
He would spend hours licking your pretty pink pussy if he could. He licks and sucks and kisses your most intimate part until you're shaking and crying above him, begging him to fuck you sensless.
After he’s satisfied with your helplessness, he’ll lean back up and ram himself inside of you. There have been many nights where he has taken you gently and slowly in his garage, holding your hand with every thrust, kissing your sweet lips to quiet your whimpers, but tonight was different. There was a primal need shared between you two. Bo wanted to let his frustrations on through loving you, and you wanted to be taken hard and fast.
When the two of you are done, you lounge around inside the car to catch your breath, holding hands. Everything seems so perfect.
“Hey, Bo? What did the toaster say to the slice of bread?”
“I want you inside me! Eh ha ha..”
Lester Sinclair:
You like constantly joking and never taking things seriously? He does too!!
Lester would find you absolutely hilarious. Every joke you cracked would have him doubling over in laughter. Which would make you double over in laughter. Which would make Lester laugh harder, because now you both have the giggles and both of your laughs are just too infectious.
Everytime the two of you would go to Ambrose to visit his brothers, you guys would annoy the hell out of Bo and Vincent. Bo just wants to be left alone to work in his shop but instead he’s stuck listening to you tell a 40 minutes story about how you burnt dinner last night.
And Vincent just wants to be left alone to paint and sculpt but instead he’s here listening to Lester crack jokes that are a.) not funny and b.) don’t make any sense. -_-
Your and Lester’s trailer is always filled with so much love and laughter and the two of you could not be any happier.
You both have your own soft and quiet moments that hit at random times.
Sometimes it happens when the two of you are play fighting in the living room, howling with laughter. You both fall to the floor, wrestling and giggling until the both of you run out of breath and just gaze at each other as you lay on the carpet.
“You look so cute,” he giggles.
“No, YOU look so cute!”
“W-well!!! I love you!!”
“Uhm...well...I love you MORE.”
And it just turns into an argument about who adores the other more.
Billy Lenz (1974):
The perfect couple.
The two of you are always joking around, cackling and goofing about every little thing.
Billy has finally found his soulmate and he could not be happier.
He two of you prank the sorority girls together, making sex sounds in unison to sound even more vulgar.
Everytime you crack a joke, you get worried Billy is joking because of how hard he’s laughing.
“Umm Billy you okay? It wasn’t even that funny.”
“HA haha...piggy makes me laugh...Billy loves your jokes.”
Needless to say, your relationship is filled with smiles, laughter, and praise.
Billy will tell you you’re the funniest person he’s ever met and he wants to keep you forever.
You tell Billy you love how much he laughs at your antics and that you can’t live without him.
It’s impossible to annoy Billy. It’s just not feasible.
Any time you try, he’ll just giggle and pat your head, telling you you’re his ‘favorite piggy ever.’
He LOVES when you annoy the sorority girls thoug!
Hearing you moan and squeal and speak so sexily vulgarly to Barb and Jess makes Billy so proud. And horny.
Almost all of your sexual encounters are filled with complete silliness.
Sometimes, however, the joking and cackling subside. The two of you will just be chilling, nothing else to do, and you just feel the need to profess your love for your boyfriend.
“I love you so much Billy.”
Billy will look startled at your sudden outburst, before he breaks out in a huge grin, launching across the room to tackle you into a hug.
“Billy loves you too! Billy loves you more than anything!!!”
Now the rest of your day will be spent in Billy’s arms, whispering sweet nothings to each other.
Stu Macher:
Match made in Heaven!
Stu loves to joke around.
He hardly ever takes anything seriously.
He annoys everyone.
And once he meets you? It's love at first sight.
The two of you are always in detention because you guys just cannot shut up in class. You are always disrupting something.
But you know what that means!
Detention dates <3
As long as the two of you together, Stu couldn't care less about where he was.
He and Billy appreciate your habit of not taking anything seriously because once the murders start occuring, you don't think too much about it, never asking questions or arousing suspicion around your boyfriend and his bestie.
When Billy had told Stu his plan to kill Sydney, and asked him if he was going to kill you as well, Stu’s heart sank.
He remembers when he was dating Tatum, just a few months ago, before he broke up with her for you, he had no qualms about killing her,
But you?
He loved you. You were his other half. The one person who understood him, who accepted him. He could never hurt you.
“Nah dude. I’m leaving her out of this.”
That night, he sneaks through your bedroom window to see you.
“Stu! (where the hell have you been loca) What’re you doing here?”
The sparkling smile you flash at him and the love swimming in your big, beautiful eyes makes him feel even guitler.
He feels bad that you’re dating a serial killer. He thinks you deserve better, but he would never let you go.
“Hey babe! I just missed you!”
You rushed over to him, dressed in kitty cat pajamas, and hugged him tight. He had only snuck through your bedroom window a couple of times before, and they had all been planned. Seeing him in your room as a surprise made your heart burst with happiness.
Stu led you to your bed and pulled you up onto his chest to cuddle you. It was late, and the both of you were tired. Stu just wanted to lay with you in silence, appreciating your presence.
You didn’t feel like releasing your usual high energy at the moment. Right now, you just wanted to fall asleep on your boyfriend’s chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat.
Michael Myers:
Michael does not appreciate your antics.
Annoying him is easy, but you would never know that.
He keeps his emotions very private, so when he is annoyed he’ll just stalk away from you.
He does not think you’re funny :(
He does enjoy your quiet moments. He likes to come home when your energy is low.
He’s usually covered in blood when this happens, so you clean him up without cracking a joke which he appreciates.
You’ll turn on a movie for the both of you, and Michael lets you cuddle up with him.
He does like you, he just doesn’t want you to know that...
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pepperonyspizza · 4 years
soulmate au where you touch your soulmate for the first time it leaves a handprint that's how you know they are your soulmate
well, this went kinda out of hand and ended up way longer than I wanted it to be lmao also this didn’t give me any specific ship so I went with pepperony :) I hope that’s what you wanted! ~*~ There is this rule that Tony has: Do not touch Pepper. Ever.  He’s not sure how it started but something about their ‘professional’ relationship has put that barrier over the years - but that doesn’t stop Tony from testing just how solid said wall is every now and then. The media isn’t calling him a sleazy asshole for nothing and it’s not like he’s being too obnoxious about it. 
A nudge of his shoulder against hers, his hand a fleeting pressure on the small of her back, always with a securing layer of clothing between them. That’s it. Nothing more. 
Tony tells himself that he doesn’t push it any further because, deep down, there is something that resembles a gentleman, not because he’s scared to drive them to a point from which there is no going back. 
But that fear (not that it’s actually that) isn’t enough to keep Tony from wishing that things could be different, especially during a moment like this one when Pepper is tearing into him about yet another board meeting he’s missed and he wants nothing more than to shut her up. 
It would be so easy. Tony can imagine it in his head perfectly. He would reach for her, wrap his fingers around her slender wrist and she would stop talking in an instant to stare at him in shock.  
More would happen after that, at least according to his fantasy. They’d kiss and stumble out of the messy workshop to continue what they had started upstairs in his bedroom. His real bedroom, the one only he gets to see. Well, and Pepper of course when she interrupts his peaceful sleep with her nagging—
He blinks out of his daydream, realizing that he’s been staring at a bland wall for the last minute. The woman he’s been ignoring is looking everything but amused and not even the charming grin he shoots her way can calm her down.
“Yes, dear?” 
“Have you listened to anything I just said?” 
“...something about a board meeting that is scheduled for today?” 
“Was,” Pepper corrects, sighing deeply. “It was scheduled for today, Tony. 3 hours ago. I told you about it this morning.”
“Oops?!” He gets up from his chair but she’s close on his heels even as he moves further into the large space of his workshop. “That’s all you have to say after I spent the past thirty minutes cleaning up your mess?” 
It must have been something important for Pepper to be this angry at him. He must have missed at least four other meetings this week alone and she’s barely done so much as lecture him about those. 
Tony whirls around with his hands up, “Woah, easy now. It’s not that big of a deal, right?” His grin is all teeth as Pepper’s nostrils flare. “Okay, that was the wrong thing to say. Let me try again. I’m really sorry. I forgot.” 
She crosses her arms and huffs but she isn’t yelling anymore. 
“Let me make it up to you,” he continues with a smile, “How about dinner? Just the two of us and some fancy food.” 
And just like that, he’s back to square one The fire in Pepper’s eyes is back, brighter and more deadly than before. Tony can’t believe that he’s said the wrong thing again. 
“Dinner? Are you serious?” She throws her arms up, looking both annoyed and exhausted, which makes Tony feel like he’s getting scolded by a teacher. “Thanks to your little stunt, I’ll most likely be dealing with this all night. I won’t have time to indulge any of your antics.” 
“If you are so desperate for a nice dinner, how about you show up for the one you have scheduled for tomorrow evening?” 
“Because, and I swear to god, Tony, if you miss anything else this week, I’ll—”
Tony barks at least, too tired to continue this argument any longer. He absentmindedly reaches for her, settling one of his hands on her forearm before he can think twice about it. 
It takes less than a heartbeat for Pepper to react. She goes silent, not because he told her to but because he’s literally holding onto her, which has never happened before. 
Her skin is all smooth and soft, such a strong contrast to his own. Tony wants to slap himself for only finding out now when he could have been touching her for all those years. 
But then Pepper’s eyes go wide and she jerks back like he’s burnt her. Tony lets go without comment, although the five steps she takes back aren’t necessary. He won’t jump her. They are friends, aren’t they? Friends touch each other casually. 
“Come on, Pep. I promise that I’m not infectious.” He does his best to grin as he shows her the palms of his rough hands. “And no oil or grease stains either. See?”
She doesn’t look down. In fact, it doesn’t seem like she’s looking at him at all but rather straight through him. Tony frowns, a little concerned and very much confused. His gaze drops down to where Pepper is clutching her arm and his eyebrows almost shoot into his hairline when he sees what her small hands are trying to cover up. 
Tony takes a step towards her, waiting for her to take one back and keep them apart. She doesn’t. Pepper only snaps out of her frozen like state when he’s already close enough to pull her arm out of the way. 
There, covering a good part of her forearm is a crimson handprint. Not any handprint but Tony’s. He puts his hand right on top of it to check, to make sure that it hasn’t been there before even though he already knows so. 
His hand fits perfectly on top of it. His eyes snap back up to Pepper’s face when she fails to respond to… well, anything. Frankly, the woman looks like she’s seen a ghost. Any other time, Tony would have been insulted but given the current circumstances, he kind of understands. 
“Are you going to say something?” “Mr. Stark, I—” 
Mr. Stark. She’s just found out that he’s her soulmate and she’s trying to go with formal titles? Hell no. That’s not how they are going to play. 
Tony cuts her off for the second time that day but instead of snapping, he kisses her. It’s not his proudest moment and he’ll blame his poor impulse control for it later. Pepper lets out a surprised squeak that’s muffled by his mouth pressing against hers but otherwise makes no move to stop him. 
It will happen eventually, Tony is absolutely sure of it - but until that happens, he’s going to take full advantage of her hesitation. Kissing Pepper has been his number one fantasy for so long and now that the knowledge of him being her soulmate hangs above them, the fire inside him has only grown hotter. 
Her hand comes in contact with his body just like he’s expected but not to push him away but to fist her hand into the fabric of his tank top and pull him closer. Tony realizes with a start that he’s kissing back. 
Pepper is kissing him. With quite a lot of enthusiasm, he might add. 
Tony doesn’t know how long the kiss lasts or at what point Pepper’s free hand has moved to his neck. He does notice the sudden and unnatural warmth that spreads over his skin where she’s touching him. It’s much warmer than the heat radiating from her hand should be, so much that he breaks the kiss with a startled yelp. 
The woman in front of him pulls her hand away quickly as her eyes snap open. If Tony wasn’t so scared about what the hell was going on, he would have been smug about the dazed look on Pepper’s face and the state of her lips. She opens her mouth to say something but then her gaze drops down to his neck. Whatever she sees there is enough to keep her quiet. 
“What?! What is it? What is happening?” Pepper only stares. “Potts!” 
“I am sorry,” she says, already in the process of reaching out again before she thinks better of it and drops her arm back down to her side. “I am so sorry, Tony. I didn’t think about...”
She trails off and Tony panics. What the hell has she done to him? His skin is no longer burning but the part she’s touched is still warm. It’s a calming heat but with how nervous Pepper looks, even that is not enough to keep him from freaking out. 
He dashes across the workshop and towards the full-length mirror in one of the corners, expecting the worst. The handprint he finds on his neck is completely logical and yet baffles him. He’d been so distracted by the mark he’s left on her that he’d forgotten about this part. 
Not only is he her soulmate but she’s his soulmate as well. 
Tony turns around, the biggest grin plastered across his face as he watches Pepper approach him, “Potts.”
“This is a disaster!” His heart drops. Isn’t she happy about this? It’s everyone’s dream to find their soulmate… or maybe it’s not that she’s finally found hers but rather who it has turned out to be. 
“There is no way we can cover that up unless you’re wearing a turtleneck to every single one of your meetings from now on.” 
He frowns. “What?” “This will be a P.R nightmare.” 
“Are you seriously thinking about the stupid company right now?” Tony asks with annoyance and the slightest bit of hurt in his voice. “We’re soulmates, Pepper. You kissed me!”
“Actually, you kissed me.” “And you kissed back!” He points at the handprint on his neck and yeah, its location will make it impossible to hide. Not that Tony minds that. “Look how you claimed me. Everyone will see this and know that you did it.” The speed at which she turns red has to be some sort of record.
“I didn’t mean to! Besides, no one will know that it’s my hand.”
“Nope, at least not until I tell them. And I will.” 
“I’ll tell everyone, Potts. And you better tell any schmuck that tries to flirt with you that you already found your soulmate.” She’s quiet as she observes him. Tony doubts that she’s aware of the fact that she’s biting her lip but that doesn’t stop his lizard brain from wanting to kiss her again. The mark on his neck tingles, sending a shiver down his spine. 
“We have to talk about this. We can’t just… this will get complicated.” 
“We’ll figure it out,” Tony promises as he settles his hands on her hips. “I’m a genius. You’re smart. We got this.” He leans forward, his breath ghosting over her face. “We’ll have all the time in the world to talk. Later.” 
Before Pepper has the chance to object, he kisses her. This time, it takes not nearly as long before she’s returning the kiss, both her hands buried in his hair. It feels amazing. Like it is destined to be. 
In some way, Tony thinks that it is. 
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barbika1508 · 4 years
Hiwaga (Vampire! Jeongguk x Reader)
Part 4
Words: 9,6k
Genre: Soulmate AU, Reincarnation AU, Enemies to Lovers, Action, Romance, Smut
Pairing: Vampire! Jeongguk x Reader
Warnings: Sexy times – Biting kink, Handjob, Creampie, Cowgirl, Missionary
Summary: Life was good, playing out better than it has been ever before. My future was bright and full of promises and wishes coming to realization. All up until she showed up. She stormed though the front doors ruining everything along the way by her mere presence derailing my goals and purpose in life. A puny mortal, a child, a complete nuisance, and yet…The key to an unimaginable life, to the truth all along.
Author's note: Hiwaga – mystery; full of wonder Agápi mou /Greek/ - My love Daimones - The word is derived from Proto-Indo-European *daimon "provider, divider (of fortunes or destinies)," from the root *da- "to divide". Daimons were possibly seen as the souls of men of the golden age acting as tutelary deities.
Ta - Daaaaaa 🥳 🎉 🎉 🎉
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Jeongguk’s POV:
If looks could kill, Yoongi hyung would definitely be dead by now.
Poor hyung. He’s doing his best I mean what else can he do in this case? None of us know.
I recognize that voice. It’s not mine but I easily recognize it. I’m slightly annoyed that it’s filling my own thoughts so wholesomely in the abyss that surrounds me. As if that was some sort of key or password to log in the sudden images that flood my mind catch me completely off guard – a memory begins to play behind my eyelids.
‘’Hi I’m Y/N L/N!’’ the girl introduces herself a tad bit too loud, looking bright eyed with a wide grin, naivety just pungent from the first look of her. Pfff a mouse, she’s a mouse. A cute one, to play with. Those are Jimin’s first thoughts of her. Everyone underestimated the human, thinking lesser of her from the get go.
It’s hard seeing the image shift and see her in a completely new light. If I was conscious, I’d redirect the thoughts elsewhere to the important parts. But for a fact I’m aware that I am stuck in sort of a weird limbo where I have no recollection or control of my body nor mind. It all just seems to be floating around. Maybe I should consider this to be lucky to have been drawn to Jimin hyungs thoughts in the first place.
And yet the image of her before me is foreign. Not realistic. The scene is right out of a movie. A movie I’d prefer she didn’t star in.
Her once beautiful gown has been reduced into scarps the drapery thrown off. There’s a cut running up the fabric of the now skirt up till the belt line that holds the top part together; its not hard to spot the wound a proper gash that’s running from the above of her left knee and runs all the way up over her thigh, disappearing underneath the dress, most likely continuing along to her mid-belly.
Her sword which she labelled a few times to be as her pride and joy still remains in her grasp, pointing finger curled above the hilt properly meaning she’s still in combat mode. It once glinted bronze-gold – but right now the blade has been covered by splatters of dark red across the edges and mid-section, blood dripping from the upper end. Most of the blade’s intricated engraved detailing has been masked by the red liquid that remains dripping to the ground from the tip.
As our gazes raise I can feel and easily understands hyung’s hesitation. I can feel others too, but watch as only Yoongi at the far right of is moving and approaching her.
Her chest is heaving, the only sound louder in the room is her pounding heartbeat. Her expression rivals the scariest pissed of look that Yoongi could offer anyone. She looks absolutely terrifying, and that is saying something as Jimin and any of my brothers rarely feel scared for their lives, or scared in general. It’s not even the expression or stance that she’s making – authors always talk about eyes, right? Even in movies they do closeups of characters.
It’s the same instance here too. Her eyes still glowing molten gold, are fixated onto the pile of ashes in the middle of the room. They seem to portray an array or emotions – rage, terror, but the most particular one which Jimin hyung recognizes all so well is the heart brokenness.
Even though she stands tall and clearly otherworldly from our own kin, some part of her has been shattered. The memory I’m watching is fuzzy, as if I’m watching it over an old tape recorder with bad quality to it. The scene speeds up, and mutes at random. I stare as Yoongi approaches her, her hand shooting to him grabbing him by his neck.
Tears of gold spill down her beautiful pinkish cheeks. Gold. She truly is out of this world, isn’t she?
She doesn’t speak, not really. I can see Yoongi’s mouth opening hand raised towards us the signal simple having everyone stop in their tracks. Her face twists into anger, prompting more tears to spill. But she doesn’t hurt hyung, she lets him go all of the sudden turning again to glare at the spot she did before.
With a heavy heart Jimin’s eyes track down to the ground watching as one tear escapes and drips down from her chin, and falls to the ground splattering. To his and my own surprise the gold withers losing its glint and shine to it as it dispels into thin air.
I can feel how Jimin’s eyebrows furrow, heaviness settling in his chest at seeing the burnt stone ground. Y/N is standing right in the circle of it, as the burnt patterns look like an explosion went off. Cautiously he glances back up at her, watching intently while holding his breath as she falls on her knees, sword chattering loudly to the ground, making me flinch.
Amongst the pile of ashes that have remained, a few partially intact bodies lie here and there. Having a missing limb doesn’t mean death, just an inconvenience. But most of the bodies do have their heads decapacitated, leaving them in the stage in between. Their hearts have been left intact.
Wait…am I…did I get my head cut off too?
Hyungs eyes fall onto the body, which I weirdly recognize as being my own. I can see blood has soaked into the white of the shirt I’m wearing, almost completely changing the colour white into red, with additional spatters here and there.
Delicate hands, dusted in ash and blood pick up my head with such gentleness as if dealing with the thinnest shaped and intricate glass. Sighing in relief I come to a quick realization that my head is still attached to my body. So why am I not moving?
Gaining a feeling of Jimin’s mind, how it’s working I diverted my own eyes up to the human…ah. She isn’t a human, is she? It’s a habit to classify her as one, more than anything else. While hyung preoccupies himself with worrying about me, I take the chance to look at Y/N.
Heavenly is the only word that comes to my mind to describe her. Divine with a touch of sin, brings out a smile to my lips even if imaginative ones. That godly aspect has me imagining with ease a pair of black angel wings that would spring out from her back, looming over us absolutely terrifying in the power they represent but also safety and protection. Even if her tears that start to take a tool on me, tug at the torn-up soul that lingers to me I can’t help but to admire her. And love her.
It sorts of hits me weirdly, the simple word that is love. Another remote feeling and outlandish thought and association to find myself in the clutches of it.
Why is she acting like this? So lifeless so…void?
Through the same eyes the imagine shifts to the what appears to be present time. I frown upon seeing what hyung is seeing. The fact that she is wearing the hoodie I gave her that one time in the library would make my heart soar, it is sparkling a tinge of something – but it’s the sight of her paler skin that makes the bad feeling resurface.
She doesn’t look all that much human anymore. She resembles us in a way excluding her beating heart and breathing which do manage to bring some sort of peace to mind. Unlike to hyung that’s nervous, the pit in his stomach churning painfully. He is a very sympathetic being.
Come on Jeongguk-ah, what’s taking you so long?
I’m surprised that he’s addressing me. For a moment I freeze in thoughts eagerly listening to the quiet voices that ring out as he talks to himself while his eyes lower to my lifeless body that’s been placed on a mattress that has been laid on the ground. Wait I recognize this place. It’s the library, same place where I’ve first seen how vulnerable she was from waking her up.
It’s where she unknowingly dropped the biggest hint with her connection to me. She called me ‘my love’ in Korean and that even though sparked something subconsciously in me, went straight over my head at the time. Right now, I only half understand the heaviness she was carrying all this time. The weight of the world placed upon her shoulders – something I think she told me, not in this lifetime. I can’t be sure. My mind in regards of my own memories remain hazy.
Except for this place that we are in.
‘’You should eat.’’ Jimin says gently keeping his voice silent and gentle, pouting as he stares at her. Only now as he shifts his hand, I can feel that he’s holding something, a sandwich on a plate. She doesn’t move an inch, simply breathing and blinking as she stares down at my seemingly sleeping form.
They’ve changed me into, a pair of black sweats and a simple oversized long-sleeved shirt. For some reason my body is covered by a blanket which I know for sure is her gesture. Even my head is propped up by pillows. I won’t even bother going into the details of how weird and terrifying it feels to see myself like that.
‘’Not hungry.’’ A reply comes surprising me with the lack of scratchiness to it. The cold emotionless tone has me frowning and sort of taking a step back in a sense. This isn’t her. She’s…she’s not…
‘’Y/N-nim…’’ Jimin starts the change in addressing her clear, but her piercing eyes that shift to meet his own cause him to take a step back, literally. The gold hasn’t left her irises, circulating around lingering, and threatening.
They don’t speak, they don’t need to as the message lays heavily in between them. Faintly we pick up on talking coming from somewhere in the too silent house.
Staring at Y/N she averts her eyes from the orange haired man. Looking back lost and absent she takes a hold of my still hand with the utmost care and tenderness. While hyung takes a step back towards the edge of the balcony, closer to the stairs my eyes zero in on the wound that’s newly adoring Y/N hand, glaring angrily red and pink at me. There are golden specks along the cut that stretches from her pinkie finger diagonally to her wrist.
‘’Go.’’ She says emotionless. Hyung doesn’t say anything, keeping his eyes fixated on her, watching as she caresses my hand absent minded, her focus completely on me, while a storm continues to rage inside her. She’s in that similar or very same state after I woke her up from that nightmare. The exception is that that one was mild compared to the tornadoes and hurricanes that must be raging in her.
Silently Jimin places the plate as close as he dares to, on a pair of forgotten books that are sturdily stacked. He bows his head down in respect and also a tinge of fear and silently makes his way downstairs, not sparing her or myself a glance.
Jeongguk-ah wherever you are, you better hurry up. Y/N is hurting bad, and I don’t think she’ll survive for long if you don’t get up. Get up Jeonggukie. We need you. Y/N needs you.
  I can feel a faint but unmoving hold on my right hand the warmth contrasted to my own coolness. Its surprisingly silent all around me, no thoughts no talking breaking the serenity. The steady heart beat is like a lullaby to my ears, breathing a reassurance. Having been submerged into the darkness for gods know how long, I eagerly open my eyes, my muscles automatically tense up on their own accord as instincts take over my mind and body for a split of a second. But nothing goes out of place as I remain still, only letting my eyelids flutter open.
My gaze falls oddly enough to the sandwich that’s was left behind. The bread has been covered by mold that’s been growing since it was left there. Jimin. Quickly noting the blanket covering me, I glance upwards caught off guard at the even inhales and exhales, noticing her wild hair at first as it falls down over her features masking them.
Blinking a few times, I stare at her closed eyes. Sitting with her legs crossed, her left arm is outstretched, holding my own over her bent knee. Her right arm has been bent and is settle over her other knee forearm risen up hand propping her fallen head to the side, posture hunched as she sleeps serenely.
Not daring to move an inch I remain completely still, making sure I don’t automatically intake air. Her hair has grown. The front that’s cascading down her face moves gently with every exhale she makes. In between the strands, a blush stretches over her supple cheeks. Her eyebrows are casted downwards, lips pouting as the small frown graces her sleeping figure.
I want to reach up and cup her cheek, caress the uneasiness away chase it completely out of her life. Is she having another nightmare?! Is she reliving what had happened? This is one of the times that I desperately wish of knowing why I cannot read her mind – and of course one of the times that I desperately wish that I could read it like I can others.
As if she senses my thoughts, like those few times before her eyes snap open. Gone is the tint of gold and divinity as we stare at one another for a moment like mere mortals. Her breathing comes to a stop, heart picking up speed steadily like a racing steed. Even air itself comes at a standstill nothing changing except our eyes shifting taking each other in, in a difference sense of trying to engrave each other’s features as lovers do. It’s her hand that tightens in my own that sparks the world to start spinning again.
She’s instantaneously moves forward smoothly like a feline, knees gently hitting the mattress besides my ribs while she raises up and above me, her hair fanning around my face her own finally revealed to me. With my right hand I eagerly reach up, fingers gently touching her soft strands pushing them away a moment after, tucking them behind her ear as I admire the still left imperfections on her features. Human or not she’s still the most gorgeous being I have ever met in my entire life.
Her hand fits perfectly as it cups my cheek, the closeness has me overwhelmed and closing my eyes for a moment as I gulp down a lump in my throat trying to regain my chaotic mind and emotions that are raging. She shifts next to me, her breath fanning over my face her sweet scent filling my nose with sweetness brining a smile to my lips.
Reopening my eyes, I urge her with my hand to get closer, her legs falling in place on each side of my waist once she climbs over me. Her left-hand hasn’t let go of my own still holding onto it tightly, while with her right she’s touching me all over almost greedily. With fascination I watch as the gold reappears, the glow and an aura of power entering her system in a manner of speaking.
It’s still hard to wrap it around my brain, that she’s something more than human.
‘’Agápi mou.’’ I find myself saying her eyes shifting from my lips to meet my own. The imagine of wings return to my head this time seeing them right before me. Sunlight is pouring from the windows from underneath the what are supposed to be blackout curtains – a mistake has been made because the curtains are simply too short to cover the windows completely up.
They are letting enough sunlight in to enable my imagination to run even more wild as I picture a halo resting above her head, glimmering like a crown. The image of wings, gold this time around, represent security. Safe heaven. Knowing what she is, the word on the tip of my tongue tastes foresight even if I don’t speak it. She is something far from an angel.
‘’Do you remember?’’ her voice rivals any of my kin’s - my own included. Smooth like satin, filled with more confidently unlike before. She sounds enchanting like a siren.
I bring her hand up to rest over my chest where my un-beating heart lays, and fulfil my wish from before first by cupping her cheek, letting her accommodate herself by resting her weight on my chest more. Offering a small smile, I shake my head ‘’I don’t think it works like in the movies.’’
A breathy half chuckle leaves past her lips, as she tilts her head eyes still unmoving from my own ‘’I wasn’t implying it like that.’’ She muses, left hand playfully taping my nose before pulling it back ‘’The first time you remembered everything. Just making sure not to overwhelm you.’’
She’s hesitant waiting for my reaction as indeed a million questions flood my mind. But the melancholy that seems to be deeply rooted in her, has me easily pushing back down my own vivid curiosity in favour of focusing on her at the present ‘’I can connect bits and pieces but not much.’’ I admit to which she nods in understanding, taking my hand away from her cheek. To my delight she presses a kiss to the top of my knuckles, intertwining our fingers together with familiarity. My gaze remains on her hand noticing now up close the newly forming scar over her hand, running my thumb gently over it.
‘’It doesn’t hurt if that’s what you are wondering.’’ She murmurs tightening her hold in reassurance. Of course she knows where my mind was going, the churning in my tummy now spinning in worry, as not thinking it thought I pull my right hand back, and reach for her thigh, running my fingers gently over. I cannot see the scar as she’s wearing pants but I know it’s there and it must have definitely hurt ‘’You’re worrying for nothing jagi.’’ I feel as if my eyes sparkle just from the nickname, she uses to address me.
I watch with parted lips as she gently pushes my hands away, and starts shifting backwards. I raise up wanting to follow her, ready to bolt if I need to but she simply sits down and makes quick work of tugging her pants off. That leaves her in a pair of white lace panties, the sight of her underwear and her wearing my hoodie…
Like many times before I’ve said this; if I were still a human, I’d be blushing all over. Same goes for the twitching that happens in my lower regions, a tingle ringing up my spine from the mere sigh alone. She chuckles at my probably startled expression cooing loudly ‘’I’m not going anywhere Koo.’’ the nickname is ridiculous bringing another wave of unfamiliar shyness to wash over me.
She takes my hands into hers that I’ve braced against the mattress and brings them upwards body moving along climbing back onto my lap again, clearly not minding that she’s showing her skin to me so freely ‘’See?’’ she points out, guiding my tattooed hand along her thigh, tugging the hoodie upwards enough for me to really see the fading red that’s still tinting her skin ‘’Nothing bad.’’
But the slash the – the wound is way too long and I know it was way to widely opened her muscle damaged to a degree ‘’This is my fault.’’ I start ready to submerge myself into an endless pool of shame and regret and guilt. She’s two steps ahead of me thought – ducking down she captures my eyes, as well as my lips as in what feels like a flash. The kiss is sort of clumsy as I don’t even seem to register it in the beginning. Only after does it turn greedy teeth clashing against one another, as my chest grumbles with a growl at the extremely familiar feeling of having her in my arms like this, and her lips crashing with my own.
Warmth encloses my whole being as she forces me to straighten up, hovering above me inches away upon breaking the kiss. Slightly breathless she stares at me with hooded eyes, hands not inching away, as my own aren’t having found their home on her hips, taking her while at the same time being conscious of not causing her any more pain.
‘’It wasn’t your fault.’’ She starts my mood dwindling. Her grip is firm not letting me turn away ‘’Do you…’’ her change in tone rises curiosity, hesitance so unlike her that it has my heart weighting down ‘’…do you…’’ she sits back down again, getting eyelevel with me vulnerability just oozing from her. Besides the simmering gold in her irises she looks so human all of the sudden. She looks like the Y/N that I know. The one that at first agitated me to no end, her over the top behaviour making me want to tear my hair out at first. The Y/N that didn’t care in particular if her makeup was done perfectly, her concern laying in her sword more than on herself. The Y/N that softened my heart, sneaking her way inside it making me favour her flaws, her childlike behaviour as well as her strength, her courage and to a degree reckless boldness.
‘’You know I used to hate you. Genuinely I despised everything about you.’’ I take the lead hearing how her heart picks up, and can see how her eyes seem to glow brighter at my words ‘’Everything about you frustrated me to no ends.’’ I end up groaning tiredly her reaction being a chuckle as she stares at me incredulously almost offended. I don’t miss the vulnerability and hurt my words bring ‘’But…you know I’ve fallen in love with you. You must know that.’’
I wrap my arms around her waist making sure she isn’t going to slip through my fingers. She firmly shakes her head, hands pushing at my chest ‘’You’ve said it yourself that you hated me. That wasn’t you getting influenced by your past selves. Those are your genuine feelings. The moment you started to like me is when…’’
This time I lean in to kiss her, wanting to shut her up and stop her from falling into her own abys of pity and hurt ‘’Don’t.’’ I warn in between kissing her ‘’I’m in love with you.’’ I state firmly, holding her close seeing red in her eyes, the reflection coming from my own.
‘’Don’t…’’ She breathes starting to squirm looking away ‘’Don’t give me hope…’’ the whisper is barely audible but I hear it. She’s shaking her head as if she’s trying to deny my words, trying to convince herself that this isn’t real.
‘’L/N Y/N-ah.’’ I call her name her eyes automatically landing on me ‘’I Jeon Jeongguk am in love with you.’’ I state firmly ‘’Past lives or not, this is me admitting my true feelings to you! This is me telling you that I am in love with you. I fell in love with you!’’ her eyes are brimming with tears as she blinks and lets out a sob, shaky hand coming up to cover half of her face weakly ‘’I love you, Y/N-ah you pesky human. Yah!’’ I half shout in anger and perplexity as I end up smiling bringing her shaking form close into my embrace ‘’Don’t be so stubborn.’’ I whisper running my right hand up and down her back feeling how her heart thuds against her chest. Being so close I can only imagine that my own would be doing the same.
She lets out a shuddering breath, head shifting as she buries her face into the side of my neck making me almost hiss instincts brief to almost take over my actions. The proximity is unfamiliar, as baring our neck to anyone is considered intimate. (Yes, it doesn’t only extend to werewolves, vampires can have this dynamic too without the alpha beta and omega dynamics)
‘’I’m in love with you.’’ I repeat myself and am willing to do so for the rest of my life if needed. It does dawn on me to ask what…what exactly happened to my past selves. Was I of supernatural kin before? Or have my decision lead to a shift in the universe? Damn. It dawns on me how selfish I’m being, and full of myself by thinking that the universe cares about me whatsoever in the first place. I am but a dust speckle in the wind.
But the question does linger in the back of my mind – will I be allowed to stay with her this time? Given she’s been through this. Will this time be different?
Content to just hold her in my arms, feeling her hands resting between us one over my heart still I start to caress her back, following the curve of her body knowing that with the friction – gentle and slow – I’m keeping her warmed up against me. Although come to think of it she never had any particular problems with touching any of us.
My body tenses up, eyes shooting wide open as I feel the press of her lips against my neck, near my jugular vein. Breath hitching involuntarily, she continues on, soft lips leaving behind pecks and tingles in her wake. It’s easy to relax and as cheesy as it is, yes, it because it’s her.
She grows bold, right hand dipping under my arm, behind my torso fingers spreading over my back holding me close whilst her left hand, rests in between us only the pads of her fingers touching and resting just under my bellybutton. As her hands come to a still her mouth changes tactics teeth now and then nipping at my skin, the feeling making me feel high at the implication of her leaving her mark behind. Even if regretfully they will disappear quicker than I’d like.
A moan makes its way past her lips, hips simultaneously twitching forward. Loosening my hold around her I drop my hands to rest over her tights, looking down in between us as she shifts forward eagerly, bringing her core closer to my growing erection ‘’Jeongguk-ah…’’ she breathes sensually into my ear, probably already feeling me growing against her exposed thigh. Her tongue has me shuddering, as it runs over the outer part of my earlobe which she proceeds to gently bite at, the action new but exciting.
I moan shamelessly as her bites turn harsher. This new kink; I think I’m discovering it just now – and the fact that she’s the cause of it is all the more exiting. Before I start panting, she puts momentary distance in between us forcing me to open my eyes. She’s already staring at me with a dreamy expression, hands still roaming over my chest. They slide over my shoulders slipping behind me, fingers gripping the hair at the back of the head tightly.
I can see the hunger pooling in her orbs the want and greed presenting themselves. Pushing my emotions to the side not wanting to get overwhelmed I bet I’m portraying the same emotions. I feel as if I’m going to die if I’m not close enough to her.
Mimicking her hold on my hair I cup the back of her head, and force our mouths together, teeth clashing and tongues battling bring a smile to my lips. She doesn’t relent from the challenge and neither do I, my intention on wining overtaking my driver easily. She can’t be good at everything.
I growl in delight as she starts to relent and ends up whining needy-ly, following my lead as I circle my tongue against her own. Triumph enters my system making me feel normal again, but at the same time sort of elevated. I’m not the same man as I was before waking from this unconsciousness I’ve been forcefully put into – and yet I’m still me.
Sneaking my right hand around her body I greedily take a hold of her firm yet soft ass, squeezing her ass cheeks in delight. Chuckles arise from her chest, as she twitches breaking away eyes remaining closed as her body for a moment shudders in my hold. Smirking at the mere sigh before me I guide her hips starting up a rhythm for her to keep at, grinding her pelvis against my own.
I can fucking feel her heat so close, and can smell the tanginess that reaches my nose. Ducking my head down in between us, I take in as much of the scent as I can feeling almost light headed. My mouth waters as I take a look at her unmarked neck.
A growl arises like thunder from the depts of my chest the material that holds barely any of my scent on her is offending me ‘’Off.’’
I watch as she leans back, hips settling to a still in such a way that her core is above my own hardening cock. I want to burry myself so badly into her - I bet every inch of her is perfect. Made just for me.
‘’Impatient there, ah Jeonggukie?’’ she muses but grabs the ends of the hoodie and tugs it up over her head in one smooth movement. I growl louder at the next layer of clothing which I’m ready to tear of her body my patience indeed sizzling into nothingness. The fact that the white shirt she has on is also one of my own, my scent being more prominent. The possessive side of me is screaming ‘Mine’ in my head and is practically howling with delight. I start sniffing promptly taking in the combined smell we’ve both created.
A litany of sweetness my first thoughts are of milk, honey and that all familiar strawberry scent come to my mind. The tanginess comes from me the heady smell of vanilla and blooming gardenia tangling itself softly around.
‘’Because of you? Always absolutely famished.’’ I growl sparing her a look, as she pulls the shirt off which leaves her pleasantly bare to my eyes, and for my hands and mouth to explore. My hands are quick to move, gentler than I’ve ever been before with anyone, to take her in, fingers roaming over the many scars that litter her warm skin. Some raise hesitation as I trace them longer taking my time, the one on her hip a ghostly reminder of something that I can’t put my finger one, and another one that is near her left collarbone has me looking up into her eyes that are watching me with curiosity as she holds herself back, clearly letting me take her in.
She doesn’t say anything even as our eyes lock together. My usual frustration and admittedly fear when it comes to her for the first time, I don’t get that urge that, that need and want to read her mind. Because I understand perfectly, what’s she’s thinking about my hands pulling away starting to tug my own shirt off. It leaves me equally bare as she is.
As I fumble with the fabric getting the sleeves stuck around my hands, her own are quick to touch and brush near my lower regions more, leaving me breathless the sensation otherworldly almost. I free my left hand from the wretched fabric that I’m not tearing apart just because I somehow know that she’s going to fuss about it after.
Glancing down, I watch how her hands trace the outlines of the low riding sweats. I bet goose bumps would be running all over my skin if I was more warm blooded. As my chest stills, her fingers remain rising, spreading and coming together as she takes in my abs. Getting rid of the shirt finally, I prop myself backwards onto my left arm whilst my right falls to her knee where I start to run my thumb in circles over it while watching in amusement as a deep flush tints her cheeks, and upper chest gaze hungry.
A hiss rises chest inflating as her hands reach my perk nipples. She isn’t surprised in the slightest as she gingerly starts to play with them – the tingle in my spine rouses my cock twitching specially when I see how she licks her lower lip her pupils dilating further eyes greedily taking me in – her hips move on their own accord, moving with ease and purpose.
Growing restless, at the proximity but the still held distance I straighten forward forcing her to a stop. Pushing the hair away from her left shoulder I eagerly dive in, going straight to biting her skin with blunt teeth making sure to mark her up while keeping my fangs away and hunger for blood at bay. I’m not even all that hungry to be honest – I feel fed. I’m hungry for something else.
Mewls fill the air, breathy moans indicating my actions are overtaking her senses. Her hands remain pressed over my pecks, fingers moving once or twice, but the more I bite and lick and kiss the more her heady scent fills my nose.
Moving to her collarbones, I rest my own hands over her supple breasts eager to feel them. It’s just as I remember them in a strange sense. They fit in my palms to a T. At this point she gives up on teasing me further, dropping her hand down completely. Not stopping I eagerly take one nipple into my mouth sucking in delight, focusing extra hard not to bite once her fingers make way past the elastic band of my pants.
At this point as wet as she feels and smells, I’ve ruined the undergarment equally if not more with precum, my cock fully hard and starting to get painful with negligence.
Licking a bold stripe over her pebbled soft nipple I move to the next one making sure to pinch the one I was just suckling on. She keeps on making these delicious and cutesy but so fucking arousing noises, even as her fingers brush against my base her actions growing bolder. But due to the awkward angle she doesn’t do as much as I think she intended to, her hand getting stuck halfway her knuckles still sticking out the elastic tight against her hand.
Her moans, and squeaks are quick to turn into whines as I mark the top of her breasts for good measure. But I do understand her whines fluently in a sense with regret putting my selfish needs and wants to the side as I raise upwards cupping her cheek, and reach for her writs to stop her squirming hand and fingers.
‘’Fuck baby, you’re so good to me.’’ I curse watching how her expression falls eyebrows furrowing desperation finally making its way to the front, her body fidgeting ready for more.
She immediately nods at my words guiding my hand over to her core. I groan at the wetness that’s seeping from her panties completely ruining them as well as the fabric of my own sweats that actually are drenched in her juices and my own precum.
‘’I want you…’’ she whines ‘’Want you so bad.’’ Her eyes gloss over as she tries to demonstrate her need, by rising onto her knees and turns my hand around so that my bent fingers can brush against her clit once she thrusts her hips. She lets out this delirious sounding whine, eyes shutting for a moment.
‘’You have me baby.’’ I mumble in return fingers working over the damp piece of cloth grazing over her aching nub, her hips twitching in half thrusts ‘’Hmmm…’’ groaning into the kiss she bites onto my lower lip, her speed starting to increase.
‘’Mine.’’ Her words send a spike of arousal all over me, signals ringing out in my brain and heart too because, she sounds so fucking possessive and determined. Her grip on the back of my hair tightens almost to a painful degree – but it hurts oh so fucking good.
I pant at the display of dominance simply staring at her unblinking in a trance ‘’Yours.’’ I breathe out accepting her lips, giving her the lead at first to do whatever she likes. One of her hands returns to my nipple pinching it harder than I’ve done to her while her other hand remains tugging at my hair – she knows my body so well, that this should be scary and terrifying and yet I’m blinded and high on the reassurance she gives off.
Once she runs breathless, I have to put distance between us ignoring her own human sounding growl that brings a grin to my lips ‘’Cute.’’ I mumble, letting her rest her forehead against my own.
‘’Jeongguk-ah…’’ staring up at her she looks out of it for a moment, emotions seemingly catching up to her ‘’I need you in me. Now.’’ She grinds through her teeth instead gold bleeding into her irises. The reflection of my eyes didn’t disappear this whole time, but it gets more prominent I notice when she lets go of her own control it seems – the redness of my own eyes contrasts hers harmoniously.
‘’I need to taste you first…’’ a plan forms quickly in my mind, hands hocking into her white panties. With a tug the stiches tear apart seamlessly, the fabric quick to give in and fall apart. Her lips are bruised, but are unrelentingly back on mine. They are more controlled, giving me full reign as I guide her and making sure to kiss her more sloppily.
‘’Next time…ne…’’ she gasps in between lips not leaving my own, while her hands grab the edges of my sweats. Her first attempt would in normal circumstances have me smiling, and teasing her relentlessly as she does absolutely nothing, maybe even tugging them higher up. But the mood for teasing is over, my intention on helping her full hearted. But the noise of fabric being pulled apart stops me in my tracks and stare in disbelief as she ruins the sweatpants and boxers I’m wearing. Or well I was wearing.
Not even following along because she’s quick, quicker than a regular human, she raises she raises the fabric up enough to be able to throw away the scraps and leave me as bare to the world as she is. Within the blink of an eye she’s rightly wound around me once more, the growl that raises past her lips sounds deeper and animalistic.
‘’Fuck.’’ She curses her hand taking a hold of my cock that had spring up over my belly, precum smearing against my stomach ‘’How are you so fucking gorgeous. Even your dick is…’’ she whines desperately. I gape like a fish staring as her hand reaches for her own exposed cunt, running her fingers together under herself. The slick glints if that makes any sense, and I watch speechless as her hand wraps itself around my length.
My body goes stiff briefly the initial contact, the warmth, the immediately ideal pressure have me all losing my godsdamn mind for a moment. Can we even blank out? Is that I thing? Because once I open my eyes, I think I just did that. Lost contact with reality.
I stare - probably looking like a blabbering idiot - as she rises onto her knees hand still running up and down my length the sight before me magnificent. As if she hears me and there is a possibility that I said that out loud judging by the smirk on her face, her hand comes to a stop. Golden eyes met my own once more as she inches closer with her body, fingers guiding the top of my dick against her folds, up and down. Simultaneously moans draw themselves from our chests the sensation electrifying, making every hair on my body stand up, as well as tingles to run over my skin. Her own mouth opens in a silent ‘0’ the flush on her cheeks darkening.
And then she stops all together, gaze unmoving and unfaltering, breathing slowing down, eyes portraying nothing else but admiration and love – which is baffling me. This feels like a dream a fantasy. It feels unrealistic and like a figment of my imagination. If it is true about any of that – I never want to wake up from this.
Her plump lips part wider no sound leaving them, as the pressure on the head of my cock makes itself present as she starts to lower herself down. Gasping for not needed air, my eyes want to roll to the back of my head but I keep my focus trained on her and at the way her eyes seem to glow brighter. She’s taking her time lowering herself down inch by inch leaving my mind blank as I feel her and nothing else. I can feel her tightness enveloping all around me, the warmth the wetness making me sincerely start to lose my sanity. Hissing, I grind my teeth together as my balls start to pull back out of shook in a sense. She’s only half way down – so I grab for her hips harshly forcing her to slow her descent for her sake. Looking up she’s at her ends rope to it seems like.
Breathing out harshly through her nose I lead her the rest of the way, letting her sit down and adjust herself. It’s not only for her benefit but my own – she’s divine, absolutely divine.
So, blazing hot, so warm, so wet so fucking perfect – I can’t even think straight.
‘’Ah jagiya…’’ she breathes slumping against me, hands wrapped around my shoulders. I smile once more to the modern nickname knowing deep down that her nicknames for me have varied greatly. And to have my own kind in the present is heart-warming.
‘’I love you.’’ I whisper realization of my feelings having hit me at full force that faithful night. Her eyes widen despite my confession earlier. There’s still doubt and hesitation in her ‘’I love you with my whole heart, my being and with whatever is left of my soul.’’
The glossiness reappears her reaction not exactly what I wanted. But she cuts off any of my ideas and reactions as she raises up and kisses me to stop me most likely from reacting. She whines into the kiss high pitched, hips falling back down. To my surprise she’s quick to pick up a pace, and rhythm steadily riding me walls now and then clamming around me.
Remaining speechless at her actions I start to mimic her breathing pattern somewhere along the way, admiring her features how they twist and change head at first raising up then falling forward sweet breath fanning over my face as she concentrates. Her heart is battering against her chest full of life ringing out a melody in my mind, the indication making me feel as if I’m alive too.
Whilst my body remains completely functioning, receiving all the onslaughts of pleasure my brain reaches that hazy-like state of weightlessness, balls tightening as my spine tingles, my nerves starting to sing unanimously. I’m so close so fucking close, the words on the tip of my tongue to warn her, when she suddenly comes to a full stop, everything feeling so overwhelming all of the sudden as she clenches impossibly tight around me, edging me on making it almost impossible to hold back – but somehow I do, noticing the strain from her body still having a hold of her.
Opening my eyes her ass rests against my thighs, cock still sheathed in her. I notice with new found thirst that she’s covered in her own juices, lower lips parted and looking delicious whilst my cock stretches her out rightfully so. She’s breathing hard, heart still hammering in her chest which is quickly rising and falling. As she gathers herself, her upper body is leaning backwards, head thrown back which leaves her neck fully exposed to me. I admire the unmarked column of her neck on her right side which is just calling out to me.
‘’You okay, human?’’ I speak up musing letting my fangs out, my control gradually slipping even at a standstill. She completely has me enamoured and entranced.
She nods curtly eyes still closed but she does let her head fall forward hands shifting from my knees to my thighs while her body remains half resting and half folded before me, pussy clenching at certain movements.
‘’Never been…better…’’ she breathes and reopens her eyes. Her skin is covered in a fine layer of sweat, hair pushed back messily making it seem as if she has a mane, while her body switches between relaxed to tense, muscles getting tired due to her position ‘’Guk-ah…’’ I snort at the shortening of my name, and straighten up cooing at her brief hiss of protests as I shift us. Grabbing her firmer by her hips, I hold her close groaning as I shift inside her whilst moving rolling us to the side, making sure not to dislodge her to much. Her head comfily rests on the edge as I raise onto my knees, switching my hold to under her thighs to keep us connected and close.
‘’Y/N-ah…’’ I breathe out ignoring the shiver that runs up my back, making me want to just take her as she is ‘’You feel so good…’’ I lean forward watching as she looks at me through half-lidded eyes, the whining returning, her hands eager to bring me closer. For the first time tonight the kiss that befalls between us changes into a gentle and serene one. Readjusting my hold on her once more so that it remains secure and gentle, I pull my hips back, and thrust back inside trying out the waters so to speak.
She moans straight into my mouth, letting me run my tongue over her lower lip before giving her a peck and focus on her needs. I prop an arm next to her head to hold myself up effortlessly as no strain is being put on me as it would to a human. I stare down watching my cock pull out and slide back into her, the wet noises probably the cause of the extra pink tint of her cheeks. I’m more shallow than that finding it incredibly hot the sight and the sound. I still want to taste her. And next time I will make sure to take my sweet time, if she likes it or not.
Having lowered myself down I gladly take her perked up nipple into my mouth, teasing it between my fangs, her body wanting to curl in on itself, but I keep her in place keeping up a relatively slow rhythm, that is enjoyable but not nearly enough to do anything more. The slow burn as fun as it can be – right now it’s maddening. But her pleasure comes first.
‘’Jeon-ghhhhhhh…’’ she ends up groaning suddenly sounding frustrated angry almost, my chuckles not helping as I let go of her breast with a pop and raise forward to look at her smirking cockily.
‘’Are you not enjoying yourself, jagiya?’’ I test out the new nickname feeling as if flowers start to bloom on my tattered soul feeling fulfilled for the first time in my human and vampire life. And its her being connected in such way. Emotionally and physically. We are one.
‘’I would appreciate if…’’ she whines loudly as I lick up her skin on the unmarked side of her neck, letting a fang briefly graze the column of her neck ‘’…fuck.’’ She curses walls tightening, pulling away my cocky attitude as my own orgasm is crawling up on me. That’s not even the issue, as sensitivity is start to kill me. The balance between not enough and too much, shifty almost painfully ‘’Just fuck me! I’m not made of glass; you won’t break me you silly vampire.’’ He frustration has me chuckling brokenly as this time she intentionally tightens her heat making my eyes roll.
I grind my teeth together at first, gathering the small bit of sanity that I’m left with trying not to cum, as she has almost pushed me over the edge with this little stunt. It’s not that I don’t have stamina I’ve got plenty of it, my vampire genes giving a helping hand with this – it’s all on her. The new sensations, the thoughts flooding my mind, the what feels like newfound spirituality that resides above or around me.
‘’You can do better than that Y/N-ah.’’ I grumble amusedly, kissing up her jaw as she squirms in my hold, hips trying to move on their own. Readjusting my stance by spreading my legs further apart I steady her lower body, reaching a new angle that has her lips trembling her white cut short.
‘’Agápi mou.’’ She whispers looking sort of lost as I lean over to look at her, eyes aflame. Not human anymore indeed, she is something far from it. Pressing a soft almost shy kiss to her lips I brace her under her ass, straightening up and pull almost all the way out before slamming myself in.
A scream tares its way from her lungs, switching into a delirious sounding cry as I repeat the motion. Again, and again, and again. I can’t do nothing else but to pant at first, sort of catching my breath unnecessarily, as she wiggles into the mattress not knowing exactly if she wants to get closer or away from me. Her arms twists into the sheet, surprisingly not ruining them yet as she lets those beautiful sounds to surface, clearly not holding back.
The tingles only intensify across my whole body, the snapping of skin against skin pushing me onwards, her juices dripping down the inside of my right thigh. Its fucking delicious how filthy this is. My muscles gradually tense up, her name leaving the tip of my tongue in a chant, as everything about her overwhelms me, makes me buzz with life, makes my head wander into the depts of passion-fuelled hurricanes that grow in power and pleasure.
The spasm of her pussy are tight, alluring and cruel her own thighs starting to shake, body once more twisting, hands ruining the fabric underneath as she calls out my name ‘’I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m…’’ her breath gets cut short as she convulses from pleasure and what looks like pure bliss judging by her far gone expression eyes closing after.
I didn’t even have to touch her, to bring her to completion my touches before and my cock enough to have her sent over the edge. It feels right feels fitting, it gives me strength gives me the satisfaction and again triumph as before, which all spurs me on to reach my high, a few moments later with a growl of half of her name, leaving my lips.
Everything makes complete sense for a split second. Despite my eyes having shut tightly, I feel as if I can see things clearly for the very first time in my life. The emotions that hit me would have any being fall to their knees, the ones with beating hearts reaching close to something akin to a heart attack. But its bliss, its utter bliss that takes control of every part of my mind and body.
Getting back the feeling of myself the intensity starting to die down as quickly as it rose, I sort of almost crash onto her catching myself on an elbow next to her, my other hand still remains holding onto her thigh making sure she’s pressed against me, as my balls empty cum still filling her up. For a moment, I let myself enjoy the way she clenches and unclenches around me body still riddled with twitches. Wanting to get her more comfortable I roll us once again, so that she can lie on to of me securely. Surprisingly she moans but doesn’t protest, eager to drop her head over my chest, while her hands faintly grip onto my biceps. She remains breathing shallowly, heart still ongoing strongly, thudding against my own chest thanks to our proximity.
But the feel of her around me, and mere thought of us being one as we are joined together turns slightly sour, as oversensitivity digs its grasps into both of us. Humming in apology at her hisses, I shift her upwards, closer as my softening member twitches in faint interest’s - arousal still pumping through my veins – but ends up limply resting against my thigh. I smile imagining myself blush, as I can feel how my cum drizzles out of her used folds.
Opening my eyes, I spare her a glance looing all blissed out rested completely comfortable on me, finger absentmindedly running up and down my right arm. Raising my head, I glance around taking in our surroundings, finding out that not much changed since the last time I was here. Looking to the side, I grab for two pillows sliding one under my head the other next to meant for her. Dragging the blanket over is more of a struggle, and has her whining in protest at my shifting. But she quiets down once I cover her up mostly, making sure she’s underneath it. I settle my hands over her back to run them up and down, my attempt at warming her up probably not useful. What catches my eye randomly is her sword resting where she was sitting previously. It’s still propped up and has been cleaned obviously. Maybe even sharpened.
Silence settles around us like a sheet being draped around our surroundings. Its pleasant, the way nothing moves making me feel as if time has slowed down just for us. Pulling my eyes away from the notes and scrolls that were taped to the wall before us, I turn to take her in staring at her with sort of old but new eyes feeling completely enamoured with her lines and curves, features simply perfect.
She’s so gorgeous, I don’t understand how I ever found her to be ugly in the first place. The flush and colour of her skin, so lively unlike ours just wants to make me devour and taste every part of her body. Hmm, the paleness from before sort of disappeared that’s not hard to miss despite the flush that’s still obviously lingering.
‘’If you keep staring like that, I’m going to start to think things.’’ She replies words slightly slurred and spoken slower, a sleepy tint to them.
My smile only widens at her mischief poking through ‘’Oh? What kind of things?’’ I watch as her eyes slowly flutter open, finding my own the glow having dimed down her natural eye colour peeking through more so than the golden that only circles around her pupils.
‘’Things like the fact that I love you.’’ My eyes instantly widen as I stare at her, a bit warily watching as she lazily yawns and raises up propping her head on her right arm, her left tapping and running over my collarbones, as she watches me calmly ‘’I’ve been looking for you for a while you know.’’
She’s not saying much as she should be, not revealing something that’s hidden in her words, or behind her eyes, and steady beating heart ‘’So I’ve heard.’’ I reply gently feeling guilt as I remember the Prince’s words wanting to push him and those events away from my mind ‘’Do you regret it?’’ I can’t hold my words back watching her intently. But her face doesn’t switch or indicate anything ‘’Regret finding me like this?’’
She takes a moment to think about my question leaving me thankful for my non beating heart, because that would give my inner turmoil instantly away. She brings her hand upwards, fingers gently brushing strands of my hair away from my eyes and forehead as she hums in question at first ‘’No, never.’’ She sounds very sure her actions ringing genuine ‘’When it comes to you, I never regret anything.’’
‘’Not even my previous actions? Or that I left you even though I promised never to do that?’’
I don’t exactly know where the words come from. They aren’t necessarily my own, neither are the feelings of fear that sort of restrict my throat choking me up as I look at her eyes, her own trailing over my lips fingers gently tracing them. Darting upwards the gold flares for a moment, like living fire spurring from the depts of herself. But they disappear altogether hand coming to a stop as she leans in closer.
‘’I love you.’’ She says merely lips ghosting over my own ‘’Faith or destiny won’t ever keep me away from you for too long. You didn’t break your promise agápi mou.’’ She furrows her eyebrows lips pecking me softly without a rush ‘’I’m never letting go of you. Specially now, Jeongguk-ah. I love you so much.’’
I stare at her feeling for a moment completely helpless – compared to her, her strength her pain I’ve done nothing remotely remarkable in my life, or anything remotely towards her to ease her sorrows or appease her. Her forgiveness does set me at ease temporarily but also with my own promise to the universe.
It’s time to give back and return all the love we’ve missed out. Time to mend her heart, mend the scars that litter her body, mend the memories and replace them with better ones. I’ll gladly devote my life solemnly to her. She already holds my heart.
‘’Love you so much more, Y/N-ah. My divine Daimones.’’
Part 3 / Part 4 (Finale)
Copyright 2020© by barbika1508. All rights reserved.
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knb-matchups · 4 years
gasp hello it’s miko from q and i’d like to request a matchup please!! uhh a lil rundown on me from my own perspective;; for starters, i’m bisexual, though i lean more towards guys, and i’m a libra! i’m also a full-blown enfp-t. and as for appearance;; i’m 5'2", with shoulder-length black hair and brown eyes! people comment on my big nose a lot too i’m admittedly a lil self conscious about it sksjdjdj
i’m really extroverted, and pretty loud in person. i can say i’ve got a lot of acquaintances in real life, but i rarely consider those people friends and i’m more of a social floater. online though, i absolutely love making friends and i tend to ramble a lot when speaking! i like healthy debate over things and love really deep and meaningful conversations as much as i love small talk. i hate real conflict though, i avoid it like the plague, and would much rather keep things under wraps than voice out my actual concerns.
since i do a lot of stuff — like interschool contests, school paper, clubs, and student council, among others — i’ve gotten a rep for being an overachiever and all. i’ve graduated valedictorian,, but i really am scared of getting burnt out. despite all the things i handle, i admit i’m a procrastinator — i put things off at the last minute because i convince myself i work well under pressure then have a breakdown at 3am fhsksjsj i’m also pretty impulsive, tbh, and while i don’t get mad easily i do tend to get annoyed when someone doesn’t do things ‘my way’ and such. i’m still trying to become more patient as a person and hope to improve on these things.
as for what i look for in a partner, tbh i’d like someone who can tolerate my clinginess? i’m a clingy lover, and i love physical affection and validation. the meganes and the asshole types too we can’t forget that. but honestly i fall for people really easily unless i’m in a committed relationship so anyone who can tolerate me is already a huge, huge turn on. and also someone who supports me during my 3am breakdowns. 100% i will cling to them for life.
thanks for doing these, lily! i’m really sorry for rambling so much aahdjdhd but i hope you have a lovely day! ♡
hey miko ! don’t worry about rambling; i’m so ready to match you up. besides, i have a tendency to ramble, too, ahh! hope you like this & have a great day!! 
i match you up with …  𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐈 𝐒𝐄𝐈𝐉𝐔𝐑𝐎 !!
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so… i got akashi vibes the moment i read your description ! like, i was thinking of others, of course… but then it just hit me that you’re literally the empress to akashi’s emperor. excuse my trite phrasing but it’s true–
plus a libra & a sagittarius are a good match !
to begin this matchup, i definitely remember the fact you’re an overachiever & you probably overwork yourself too much. with that, i think that’s something akashi would notice immediately.
it’s actually one of the traits he admires the most about you.
but at the same time, a part of him wants you to take care of yourself first & foremost. i can imagine him giving you that look if he sees you doing too much. and you probably sheepishly stare him down because hello, you have work to do & him judging you isn’t gonna change that–
he’s a captain okay- his motherly instincts take over.
to put it out there, akashi seijuro is an impressive student-athlete; he seems like he’s got it all under control, from his impressive academics to his athletic prowess. 
he’s got a list of noteworthy accomplishments: a first year captain at rakuzan, captain of the generation of miracles, highly intelligent student, a talented pianist & violinist … there’s not much he can’t do.
which is why i feel he’s drawn to the go-getters like you- the kind of people who work incredibly hard to broaden their horizons and improve themselves. 
you’re smart & very capable– you may not see it, however, you have an air of elegance & respect about you (it wouldn’t surprise akashi that people envy you)… but at the same time, you’re also so friendly & outgoing. how is it possible that you can be so intelligent from both academic & social standpoints?
you’ve achieved the status of being both a respected peer and individual who people could go up to and chat with ease. despite your impressive co-curriculars & accomplishments, you don’t act as if you’re above anyone & that’s something akashi truly admires as well. your personality is literally golden.
basically, you’re an amazing human bean. and akashi has so much respect for you, like you don’t even know.
that’s saying something, too !  because akashi strikes to me as the valedictorian type, too!
but like you, akashi isn’t without flaws or insecurities. he knows the pressure that comes with the responsibilities of assuming a multitude of roles, from leadership positions to pivotal positions in school activities. and honestly, he can relate with you. you bond over this fact.
i can definitely see you guys ending up being vulnerable with each other, showing one another the side that your peers don’t see. the side where you’re breaking down at three in the morning and the sheer panic you may get due to procrastinating. 
but in the end, you’re there for each other through those high and low points. there’s something about those late nights that turn to early mornings that just hit different. 
you’re both awake, and there’s a shared comfort in being together at this time. you guys get along swimmingly in spite of the ungodly hours.
you find yourselves (after the work is done & over with) delving into deep conversations; the kind that are the meaningful & deeply personal ones which leave an imprint in your mind. it’s in these moments where you guys share lasting memories because while it’s not much, the conversations where you bare your soul to one another really is something else.
on a different note, i can see you guys making it a habit to have academic debates with one another. it’s kind of like an intellectually stimulating exercise you do together. and while most probably don’t understand why you guys would do such a thing, it’s one of the things you enjoy the most when you’re together. because the fact stands that both of your minds are so sharp & i can imagine you both enjoy the repartee.
it’s your way of flirting-
if you guys ever clash for real, though, it’s most likely due to you both wanting to address a problem or event in a different manner. or you both have strong opposing opinions on a certain topic that you stubbornly don’t want to change.
essentially, you both are pretty headstrong, and the type to do things your own way. you, however, try to avoid voicing your grievances though.
your patient levels may be a little different (i see akashi as more the patient type than impulsive), but either way, strong personalities end up having a fight here and there. and honestly, there may be a bit of conflict in that.
not everything can be picture perfect; you and akashi acknowledge this fact. 
i stand for the fact akashi will definitely notice the way you may be avoiding this conflict, and he’ll probably be the one who tries to resolve the matter with a compromise. that is if his pride allows it.
change of topic- i think it may take some time for akashi to warm up with your clinginess, but once he does… you better believe he’ll want daily affection (from hugs to even just cuddles!). he prefers that behind closed doors though.
akashi surprises himself by how much he desires this display of affection from you & only you- 
also, he definitely finds it cathartic & soothing to have you in his arms, with your comforting scent of perhaps your perfume around him.
you guys privately cuddling & just hugging is probably the best way for you two to de-stress, okay? okay.
once he gets used to this kind of affection, he honestly will be displeased to let go. and also– in these soft moments, akashi will be quick to compliment & validate you; it’s in these moments where he feels he can tell you the kind of things that’s been running through his mind.
that itself is a testament of how close he feels to you & he just wants you to be his already-
possible runner-ups: 
imayoshi shoichi
midorima shintarou
 — lily ! ♡
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all-might-blog · 4 years
The middle of nowhere
Emily Thompson, aged nine, goes to visit one of her siblings at U.A with her sister. Things go downhill when she ends up the same room as All Might, Eraserhead, Momo, Inko (who's gone to see her son), Todoroki, Izuku, Tsuyu and Eri. Emily's quirk suddenly manifests. Turns out she has a teletransportation quirk.
First of all, I would like to say that my life is DESTROYED. I got up to chapter 277 of MHA and now I have to wait for the NEXT CHAPTER *screams into the void* I AM DEVASTATED *sobbing* WHICH IS WHY I AM WRITING THIS. AS YOU WILL NOTICE IT'S DEPRESSING AND ANGST-I. *wailing* pls give me a moment to compose myself (Now I need to watch the MHA anime, but since it isn't on Netflix, it's gonna be hard). This fanfic was inspired by the following fanarts: It was a really well done drawing of All Might, in his weak form but dressed in a jumpsuit not unlike his hero costume, sitting on snow. Behind him, lying on the snow, was a yellow sack. I am sure that it was Eraserhead, because there was a ZZZZ onomatopia thing just above it. I took a photo of it because I was originally planning of trying to draw something like that, but in the end I decided to use it for this. This is the really annoying part: I tried finding the original fanart. I spent about fifteen minutes going through my MHA board on pinterest... and I didn’t have it there! LUCKILY I still had the copy on my camera, which meant that I hadn’t absolutely lost it! The picture below this is actually the version I downloaded from my camera. I takefull responsabilities for what happened, and apologies to the artist who drew this for having to use another copy TMT
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this fanfic! Um... just a warning... it has angst, involves a near-death situation and it's kind of depressing.
THIS is the fanart I got inspired by: 
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(I mean... do you get the hopeless kind of vibe?)
Emily was nine, but her quirk hadn't manifested yet. She knew it would soon enough, because the doctor had told them that she was just a really late bloomer and that it would come soon enough. Her hand was grasped in her sister's as the security guard checked their permission cards. "You came here to see a student?" he grunted. "Yes. He's my brother son." she replied. "Well, your names are on the visit list, so you may come in. You have a limited time of two hours. You need to ask the headmaster if you wish for an extension." he replied. "Thanks," she replied, "Come, Emily." the small girl cheerfully waved to the guard, who waved back as the gates closed behind them. "Rebecca?" Emily asked as they made their way to the school. "Yes?" "Do you think I will ever be able to come here when I get my quirk?" "Of course. Jacob was also a late bloomer, and so was Hannah." Rebecca replied. Emily nodded, satisfied with the reply she had gotten.
"Izuku!" Inko stood up as her son entered the waiting area. She had been speaking with Todoroki, who apparently was waiting for his siblings' arrival, and Momo and Tsuyu, both of whom had just seen their families. "Hey, Mo-" the air was squeezed out of him as she wrapped him in a tight hug. "Mom, I can't-" "Sorry! It's just... it's been a week and a half since I last saw you!" she said, pulling back. "Security measures have gotten really serious ever since you came to live here." "At least they are letting family memebers in," Izuku laughed. "And I took the opportunity to see you since I am having a parent-teacher meeting with your mentors," she said. Then she spotted Eraserhead standing just outside the door, with Eri by his side and All Might standing just a bit far off. "Speaking of which…" "Mr. Deku!" Eri said, entering the room with that cute smile of hers. "Aizawa said he was gonna to have a meeting with your mom so I thought you would also be here!" "And you thought right!" Izuku said. "Mornin', miss Midoriya." Eraserhead said from the entrance with a small wave. She nodded her acknowledgement back to him. "Well, Izuku, I will see you when I finish." she said. He replied with a nod. But before she could follow his teachers out-
Emily stumbled down the hall, clutching at her head with trembling hands. "Ow. Owwwwww." she muttered. Stabs of pain and dizziness were giving her a terrible head ache. Rebecca, who had been about to enter the guest's waiting room, turned around. "Emily?" she asked, walking to her. "Are you okay?" "My head hurts," Emily muttered. "Awe. I will ask for some tea when we get to the waiting room. Come on," she said, stretching out her hand for her to take. Emily bowed her head, her dark, golden brown curls falling over her face. "Emily…?" Emily's head suddenly snapped up. Her eyes glowed blue, whites included, and her hands were trembling harder than ever. She fell to her knees with a scream. "Emily!" Rebecca shouted, dropping onto her knees in front of her younger sister. "Hey, what's going-"
There was a blinding flash of light. It filled up the corridor. Rebecca felt a spinning sensation, and the feeling that her eyes would be blown off if she didn't close them. She did, clutching Emily in her arms. It was as if she were flying. No ground beneath her. Nothing. Then she suddenly fell, yelping at how cold everything was. Emily was still clutched in her arms. She took a pair of steading breath, but the air she breathed in was freezing cold, as if she were breathing in small shards of ice. She was suddenly glad that she had chosen to wear a jumper and trousers despite the fact that it hadn't been cold. She slowly got to her knees, clutching her sister close to her as she looked out to the white wonderland surrounding her. "You will get frostbite if you don't put something warm on, miss." she looked up to see a girl standing in front of her, holding out coats for the two of them. Rebecca took them. "Thank you so much. Wh- what happened?" she asked, putting hers on. She then realized that Emily was unconcious. "Emily!" "Help me get her into that coat." the girl said as she magically produced another coat for herself. "I think she took us here." "Wha- what?" Rebecca said as she shakily helped the girl put Emily into a coat. "Do you think you will be able to carry her? She's small, so I suppose that if we take turns it will be fine. Let me just make some boots, gloves and scarfs."
"What just happened?" Todoroki coughed, getting onto his hands and knees. He looked down to find that his hands were sinking under snow. He got to his feet, looking around him. Miles and miles of snow on each side. Then he spotted something lying not too far away from him, half buried in the snow. He recognized Tsuyu's face, instantly remembering her weakness. "Tsuyu!" he called, running toward her. His feet kept sinking into the snow and, along with the strong wind, it was hard to walk in. He used his flames to melt a path over to Tsuyu. She was curled up, barely breathing. Her skin was terribly pale and she looked sick. Todoroki quickly set to using his flames to warm her body. "Are you okay?" he asked her. "Better," she murmured, shivering. "I am going to melt the snow around us and see if I can find ground. Give me a second." Todoroki quickly made massive flames, melting the snow on instants. He found frozen grass underneath it. The wind blowing his hair into his face, he helped Tsuyu down, using his ice to make an igloo-like roof over them, blocking the wind outside. He then lit a fire, holding his flaming hand close to Tsuyu. "I am sorry for having you waste your energy on me," she said feebly. "It's okay. We just need to find out what happened and get the hell outta here." he replied.
"How the hell did this even happen?" Eraserhead asked, standing up. "I have no idea. But the others could have gotten dragged alone as well." All Might replied grimly. Truth was that he felt like he would be getting frostbite any moment soon, but he knew he was tougher than that. "I think that might be Izuku," Eraserhead said suddenly. And it was, his green hair standing out in the white snow. The wind blew harder, nearly knocking them down. "Let's get to him!" All Might said. The two of them moved as quickly as possible, their feet sinking into the snow with each step they took. "All Might!" Izuku shouted, catching sight of them. Soon the three of them were together. "Is there anyone else with you?" Eraserhead asked him. "No. But I know that Mom and Eri were with me before this happened." Izuku said. "Let's go." Eraserhead growled, setting off. "Wait! We don't actually know where they are- or if they are even here!" Izuku shouted. "We might loose each other!" All Might said. "We need to wait until the wind dies down!" Eraserhead looked tortured as he said that they should dig a hole in the snow to shield themselves from the wind and cold. It pained him to know that Eri, or anyone else, could be anywhere but they had to wait the storm out. They quickly dug a large hole with a wall to protect themselves from the wind. Eraserhead had somehow brought along his sleeping sack and used it as a mantle, turning inside out so the warm part was exposed to their freezing bodies. They huddled there, hoping that the storm would die out soon enough.
"Eri, is it?" Inko wheezed. "Yeah. Are you okay?" Eri asked weakly. The two of them walked side by side, Inko using herself as a wall for Eri against the wind. She had choosen to wear warm clothes, but the snow beneath her feet was freezing cold and her hands felt numb. "I am perfectly fine. Hopefully-" she coughed, doubling over. "Sorry." "Look!" Eri suddenly said, pointing. The faint outline of a igloo could be seen through the snow-loaded wind. "Come on," Inko said, gripping Eri's hand tight in her own. As they got closer, she could see movement coming fr om inside it. She pounded on the icy surface. Before she knew it, a hole had been melted through the ice and Todoroki was helping them in. "Miss Midoriya! Eri! Are you two okay?" he asked, sealing the hole shut. A small fire burnt in the center of the space that he had made, Tsuyu sitting in front of it. The other three joined her, Todoroki making it a bit bigger. "Do you two know what happened?" Todoroki asked them. "No." Inko said quietly. "But I hope no one else had to suffer the same problem."
"Are you two okay?" Momo asked. "Yes. Emily is still unconscious, but she's not freezing to death thanks to your help." Rebecca said. Momo had set up a small tent, complete with a tiny ice melter, blankets and equipment. "Thank you." Momo said. "I am sorry my quirk couldn't be of much help. Memory is not the best in these kinds of situations…" Rebecca said. "You remembered a great deal of things about how to survive a snow storm," Momo pointed out. "Yeah... but it didn't help as much as you did." Rebecca said. "I am glad that you found us. I think we would be… if you hadn't found us." "It's fine. But when the storm settles, we need to see if there are any others."
"How long is this stupid storm going to last?" Izuku whined. "Patience, my boy. It will soon enough." All Might said. "I hope that the universe listens to you for once," Eraserhead said, covering his face with his hands. "She will be fine," Izuku said gently. "She's a strong girl." Eraserhead didn't reply, choosing to remain silent. He knew that Eri was a strong girl... but he didn't know until what point. And it was killing him. "The wind is dying down," All Might said. He stood, peering out. "I think it's safe to go out now." Eraserhead got to his feet, folding up his sack and getting out of their makeshift shelter. The other two were quick to follow his long, determined strides. They walk for a long time. Izuku's hands felt numb and he tried to warm them by stuffing them into his pickets. It didn't help much, but it was something. Net to him, All Might looked incredibly worn out, his breath coming out in clouds of vapour. "Are you-?" "Yes." All Might replied gruffly. Izuku saw right through the lie, they both knew that, but he decided not to press until it looked necessary. "Hey... what's that thing over there?" Izuku asked, smotting a small, different hill from the rest. It seemed to sparkle in the dim light. Todoroki's doing, probably. Eraserhead wasted no time as he strode forward, All Might and Izuku struggling to keep up. All Might suddenly caught his foot on something and fell over, the air getting punched right out of him. "All Might!" Izuku said, rushing back to help him up. All Might coughed, spitting blood onto the white snow. "Here," Eraserhead had nticed their falling behind and had ran back to them, noticing their positions. He gave Izuku the sack, who opened it and quickly tried wrapping it around himself and All Might, putting All Might's arm around his shoulders and helping him up. This time Eraserhead was slower as they made their way to the hill. It was like an igloo, and Izuku could just make out a flickering flame inside it. Eraserhead wasted no time in slamming his hand twice on it. Soon Todoroki was melting through the ice and helping Izuku get All Might inside. Eraserhead hopped in and Todoroki sealed it shut once more. "Eri!" Eraserhead said, noticing the small girl by the fire. She stoof up and barreled into him, hugging his knees tightly. "What- what happened to him?" Inko said in a hoarse voice when she saw All Might's state. She sat by Tsuyu, her arm around the girl's shoulder and offering extra warmth. She stood up and hurried over to help Izuku lower All Might into a comfortable position. Blood smudged his chin and his eyes were a little unfocused. He looked even weaker than before. "Todoroki! We need a little fire over here!" Tsuyu croaked. Todoroki, who had been warming up Eraserhead's cold clothes by holding his flaming hands in front of him, hurried over to them. "What's wrong with him?" he asked, holding out his flames. "Old injuries," All Might wheezed. He coughed again, blood leaking from his mouth. Izuku suddenly remembered about his missing lung. "Try not to speak," Inko whispered, patting his hand. He gave her a feeble nod. Todoroki tried to dry up as much as he could, making him feel a bit better. "What are we going to do?" Eri asked, sitting next to Eraserhead. "For now, wait until the storm is completely out. Then we need to find out if there's any-" a sudden, slamming noise came from outside, as if someone were slapping their hands on the ice. They all looked up to find three figures standing on one side of the igloo's ceiling. Todoroki quickly melted a hole through the ice. "I thought it had been you," Momo said as she jumped down. "Rebecca, pass me Emily!" a young girl was slowly lowered into her outstretched arms as a third woman jumped down, her dark brown curls dirty with snow and face wide with fear. "it worked?" she asked. "We tracked you guys down," Momo said, holding up her phone. "Only Todoroki's phone was working, so..." "Smart," Tsuyu said. "Now we just have to get Emily to wake up so that she can take us all back." Momo said, gesturing to the young girl that she had given back to Rebecca. "I'll do it," Todoroki said. He made his flames bigger and hotter, holding them close to Emily. A minute or so passed before her eyes flickered open. By then, Momo had already made blankets for all of them and specially warm jackets for Tsuyu and All Might, both of whom were the ones most affected. "Wh-what happened?" Emily asked. "Your quirk manifested," Rebecca said, gently setting her down. She crouched in front of her. "I need you to take us back. Do you think you can do that?" "I don't know." Emily whispered. She looked around at all of them, seeing how worn out they all looked. Her eyes suddenly sparkled with tears. "Did I do this?" "It was an accident." Rebecca said. Emily sniffled, hands trembling as she wiped at her tears. "I a-am so s-sorry," she sobbed. Rebecca hugged her, patting her back. "It's all right, Em." she said. "It was a small mistake. It can be fixed." "B-but I d-did t-this," Emily sobbed. "Emily, right?" Izuku crouched next to them. "When my quirk manifested I ended up breaking my entire body. We all make mistakes." "See?" Rebecca said. "We've all done mistakes. You have the chance to fix yours. I know you will be able to take us back." The little girl wiped at her tears fiercely. "Okay." she said, "I will try."
They all gave her space as she closed her eyes, squeezing them tightly. She went deep within herself, to where her power had been hiding until then. She imagined herself standing in front of a big, blue bird-like thing. Well, the image came into her head. She stretched out her hands as they begun to tremble. Everyone watched, holding their breath as she opened her eyes and lifted her head. Her eyes glowed blue. A flash filled the small space. And as quick as it had started, it was done. They all found themselves in the spots they had been at before Emily's quirk had manifested. The young girl remained on her feet this time, but she looked out of balance. Rebecca, who found herself in front of her sister, hugged her tightly. "It worked!" Izuku cried. "Ah, so warm..." Tsuyu was saying, sinking onto one of the chairs. "You don't look too good," Inko was saying, helping All Might to his feet. "Just a bit off balnce and tired. Nothing a good night's sleep can't fix." he replied. "Rebecca! Emily!" they all turned to see a student enter the room. "It's been an hour! Where have you been?!" They all shared nervous laughs or looks. "It's... a very long story."
The end! I hope you enjoyed the read (because my eyes are begging me to close)!!!
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hirakdesherrani · 5 years
EBSS 24-28 June:
Okay, first off, I just have to hand it to the writers for covering so much ground in a span of 5 episodes. Was it rushed? Yes, for sure. But it was so, so good. Not on a single count of writing, did I feel dissatisfied. Star Plus has been ruthless, ordering a revamp so soon (ram jaane what trp they expected on this slot, esp. during the WC), but writers did an incredible job under so much pressure.👏 Its been a while I’ve been so impressed with the writing of a show, and I’m not going to stop gushing about it so soon. 
Anyways, here are some scattered thoughts:
What a longgggg, and exhausting day it has been for Kabir, from parting with his wife and son, to finding out that his Dad is a shitty human being, to saving his Dad from burning to ashes, to finding himself and his family homeless, boy has been having a tough time, all within 24 hours. 😓
Initially, I was mighty annoyed that instead of giving us Kabir v/s Jahnvi, they started with the good bahu v/s bad bahu crap. Though happy about the revamp, I was curious about how will the writers manage to bring Kabir into the picture? And they did it quite smoothly. So, obviously good bahu Kavya has to poke her nose everywhere, but of course, Jahnvi can’t have that. So, she gets her out of the way, without doing anything really, because Kavya, like an idiot, has to stalk Jahnvi. Toh ab bhugto. I ain’t feeling bad for that girl. 😈
A lot of people felt it was wrong on Jahnvi’s part to frame Kavya, esp. considering she has been shown so concerned for Aarush. But the thing is, Jahnvi prizes her revenge above everything else, so it was obvious from the start, that Aarush would get hurt somewhere down the line. Will Jahnvi regret it in future? That remains to be seen. 
Coming back, by framing Kavya, the writers managed to involve Kabir as well as, provide a dignified exit for Kavya. I loved the parting scene of Kabir-Kavya, surprisingly really, that by the time I like them, its too late. What I liked most, was Kabir insisting on leaving the house with Kavya, with their heads held high. Kavya already has the reassurance that Kabir trusts her, but Kabir didn’t want Kavya’s departure from the house under a cloud of accusation. He was so concerned for her respect. And that has made Kabir my most favorite male lead in the last five years, right after Asad. I just love male leads who can take a stand for females. Especially, in this case, because Kabir isn’t in love with Kavya, but he knows his duties as a husband, and friend. 😍
Kavya’s departure also seemed sensible. Even without Jahnvi framing her, PK didn’t lose an opportunity to humiliate her. The kind of asshole he is, I don’t ever see PK accepting Kavya. I’m glad she actually moved away from the shitty Mittal household, more so for Aarush, at least bachcha bach gaya. But I’ll miss baby Aarush. 😔
Now that his wife and friend was framed, obviously Kabir has to investigate, and it was the most natural transition from Kavya to Kabir as the protagonist (like it should have been from the start). I just loved how Kabir proceeded with it. The investigation, esp. the scene where he fools Amma with the microchip, was so sleek. The writers remembered that he’s a special agent, and I do assure you, its a rarity by ITV standards. 
Another thing I’d like to highlight is that Kabir doesn’t lose his head through allllllll the shit that’s been happening. Why? Obviously, because he is an army man, and they are trained to deal with pressurized situations. The writers underlined this fact very subtly, I don’t even know if viewers caught on. After all that has transpired, Kabir was still being patient and  composed when he was talking to Pooja. 
Which brings me to Jahnvi/Pooja.....I love her so much. I think the best thing about Jahnvi is that she is so unforgiving. YAS! We need more female characters, esp. female leads who are unforgiving. Tellywood has innumerable times reinforced this idea of a kind and forgiving, farmabaddar, female lead. After Maya (of Beyhadh), thankfully this trend is changing. I am so, so glad that Jahnvi tried to immolate PK, and even gladder of the fact, that not just the perpetrators, but she punished junior Mittals too, in a way. It might seem unfair, but c’mon, they are grown up, educated adults who had a good childhood, and they can fend for themselves, unlike Pooja and Rani who lost their father, their childhood, and would have suffered a worse fate if Amma had not adopted them. Bless Amma, one of the best parental figures in ITV rn. 🤧
Was Jahnvi’s plan rushed? Hella yes. But there are two things here, first with Manohar, and then Kavya/Kabir, Pooja has had two close shaves. Even if she framed Kavya, Kabir was sure to find the truth. So, obviously she had to expedite her plan. Secondly, Jahnvi has been working on her plan for at least two years, I’m presuming, entering PK’s company as an employee, gaining his favor and trust on her skills over even his own son, then marrying into the family and gaining their trust. For the audience, the show is only two months old, but from the point where the show started, Jahnvi has already spent quite a few years reaching up till this stage, so she can’t delay anymore, especially with the chances of her cover being blown increasing. 
The plan seemed too simple, but the thing is, PK was going to read the papers. For Jahnvi to avoid that, she needed two things, his unflinching trust, which she had gained over the years, and second, a pressure situation, where he can be distracted easily. I’d say finding out about a supposed arch enemy, threatening your rebellious son, and your Dad being paralyzed post a heart attack, can be pretty stressful.
Obviously Jahnvi could have lured him to a shady place and burnt him long ago, but she needed to ruin him and his family completely. So, getting the papers signed was a priority. 
I think this is where the best part comes. OUFFFF Shrenu was so good in the scene burning down that house. The transition from pain and hurt, to resolve and anger, and deathly calm after she did the act. Terrific! 🔥 In the same episode, Zain and Ayub were great too.
Kabir’s motivations are so clear. He is the good cop, upholding what is right and just. Obviously he saved his Dad, because he is a son after all, but right next moment he threatened his father, in a non-negotiable tone, that he better surrender himself to the law. 
And here we have the clash of values. While Pooja follows her own law, i.e. Hammurabi’s code of eye for an eye, Kabir staunchly believes in law and justice. I really liked that he restrained Dhruv, when Pooja ridiculed him, because he understood Pooja’s motivations and maybe even sympathized with her on some level. 
It was a little thick of PK to shout at Dhruv and blame him for marrying Jahnvi, when he was the one who trusted Jahnvi the most in the family, and even ridiculed his son, and thanked the stars that his son was lucky enough to marry someone like Jahnvi. Hmpf.
About Dhruv’s actions, I’ve already mentioned in another post, so moving on to Pooja. I am so glad that she broke off the relationship. Why was it surprising to anyone that she had never married him for real? I thought it was obvious. I mean, she wasn’t going to really marry a guy, in the legal sense, for the sake of revenge. That too, the son of her enemy. I was so glad when she said, “Mere kareeb aane ki koshish mat karna”. Throughout the two months of the show, they’ve shown us Jahnvi’s discomfort when Dhruv comes near, even though she did feel guilty sometimes about using him. Imagine her relief to be finally rid of him. Agreed, she should not have ridiculed him like that, but there is no polite way of telling a person that “you are a dumbfuck and I used you for my revenge.” What annoyed me were the reactions on Twitter condemning Pooja for humiliating Dhruv, and insisting that JanRuv should be endgame, because ‘Dhruv loves her so much’. I mean, what sort of shitty male entitlement is this? More so, because it is propagated by female stans. 
Anyways, coming back to the climax of this drama, SHRENU WAS PHENOMENAL. The transition from rage to mockery to a business-like voice telling the shitty Mitals to gtfo was so well done.👏 Esp. the moment, when she drills into their heads that ‘folks, that car ain’t yours, leave it’, I cackled so bad! 😂
I absolutely loved this week’s episodes. Only thing is, Imma gonna miss my shady Jahnvi Mittal. Shrenu was at her best with her micro-expressions and transitions, and I’ve never seen a more perfect casting on Star Plus in the past few years. No one else, and I mean it, no other actress on ITV rn can play Jahnvi Mittal, cuz no one has the calibre of micro-expressions that Shrenu does. 💜
But I’m ready for the open fight. Zain was so good this week, this show finally giving him what he’s capable of. Bring it on! 
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fasa-umich · 5 years
AJ Espinoza, 2019-2020 FASA Co-President
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Hello FASA! As you read this, I hope all of you are safe indoors with the people you love. If not, I hope you’ll be with them soon. I’m writing to all of you from the solitude of my place in Ann Arbor, and it definitely isn’t the same around here with all of you. I miss every single one of you very dearly, but I don’t want to use this time to lament what could have been. We’ve been through a lot together, so don’t consider this mourning the last months of this semester and consider this as more than a reflection – this is a celebration of our time together and a celebration of everything I’ve learned from every single one of you!
The Journey
It may surprise some of you to learn that I had no intentions of running for this position. This was for several reasons: Feeling burnt out after dedicating so much of my time as External Chair, my desire to be a good example of an active general member (and perhaps be a choreographer for PCN, lol 😉) etc. However, chief among my reasons was my self-doubt. I didn’t believe that I had what it took to be the mature and reliable leader that the position of Co-President deserves, and I didn’t believe that I was worthy to succeed Jean and EJ. 
I remember other board members asking me, some even pestering me (read: Matt), to consider running, and it wasn’t until Battle of the Bamboo 2019 that I decided to listen. Long story short, with all of us there to watch, I had a great time talking to the now-sophomores about Battle and my love for the Filipinx American community. Despite how much I didn’t feel ready, at that moment I at least knew that a Co-President should be someone who cared about shaping the experiences of FASA’s members in this little Fil Am community we share like I did, and that I could learn to be a better leader while in the job alongside people who supported me.
So what does the job entail? Well, the job is certainly unique to others on E-Board. With this job, you’re not required to put together many things aside from Lineages, the Intern Program, and the day-to-day functioning of E-Board. Most of the time, you really are trying to steer the board in the right direction, offering advice and structure wherever it’s needed. The job certainly entails being one of the first if not the first E-Board member to offer support to other E-Board members when they need it, and there’s definitely a balance that needs to be achieved between allowing E-Board members to be independent while trusting them to do their job and simply micromanaging. Trust is key in this job, not just to your fellow E-board members and Co, but to yourself! There will be difficult calls to make and difficult conversations to be held, and you can often find yourself and your Co as the people best-suited to make the final call. Every decision should be made with the intention of doing what’s best for FASA, and if you come from there, then you’ll be happy to find a team that is willing to stand right there with you. 
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My other tips include:
Professional before personal. I can’t emphasize this rule enough. As an elected member of FASA’s Executive Board, it is your responsibility to deliver a good experience to FASA’s members, and to fulfill your responsibilities to the very end. As for your fellow Executive Board members, my philosophy was this: Not everyone has to be good friends, but to serve the greater purpose of FASA and its members, you do have to be good co-workers. Trust, respect, patience, and honesty are critical in all professional settings, however they can also be ingredients for good friendships down the line!
Board member first, chair position second. As an External Chair, I made it a point to emphasize that it was up to everyone, not just myself, to represent the best of FASA at external events. Similarly, no matter who the event’s main organizer was, Matt and I emphasized that every FASA event was an E-Board event. This meant that all hands needed to be on-deck to support every step of every event, and that we would stick together like this from the very first event to the very last event. 
Surround yourself with people who believe in you, and in turn believe in them. This job often entails confronting impostor syndrome, and there will be no shortage of moments in which you are unsure of your qualifications for the task at hand. Remember: You were elected for a reason! You owe it not only to FASA’s members but also to yourself to have faith in your and each other’s abilities! And if, like me, you struggle to believe in yourself sometimes, then trust the people who believe in you.
Win together, lose together. Matt and I happily gave this year’s Executive Board the freedom to grow and understand themselves as leaders through their respective positions. No one on this board was perfect – we each had our fair share of imperfections, and with those mistakes came criticism, both for Boardies and the Executive Board overall. It was very important to us all that we defended and uplifted one another in the face of criticism, and I believe this created a board that functioned stronger than any team I’ve ever worked with.
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From Gambles to Gratitude
This year had no shortage of challenges, but with those challenges came great accomplishments. Speaking for FASA and myself, this couldn’t have been possible without this year’s Executive Board. I say it wholeheartedly and without exhaustion every time: This was and will always be a spectacular group of people to work with. Without echoing the sentiments of everyone else’s testimonials too closely, I will miss every single part of serving with these people. Two-hour board meetings every week from 8-11 (not a typo), the immediate homework hangouts for many more hours after, lugging around event equipment with Mango and Hannah, Reggie dodging my hugs with hi-fives, saying “lamp” for our checkouts and for annoying the interns, I’m grateful to every single person for giving me the greatest experience of my college career. This was a board that fought some hard fights, but we fought hand-in-hand at every minute, and there was nothing but love for each other at every second. The role of Co-President may not have many tangible products or events to claim success to, so I argue that my greatest success as Co-President is this board. I know I said that it’s important to treat each other as co-workers first and foremost, but I am beyond grateful that I found my best friends along the way. :’)
Nowhere does this gratitude extend more than it does to my Co-President. Matt, my teammate and my brother, the second half of #TheCollectiveKuya, from the bottom of my heart, thanks for everything. Thank you for holding me up at my lowest, for putting up with my need to take everything too seriously, and for teaching me what it means to be a truly mature leader. I’m proud to have watched us both grow into the leaders we are now thanks to one another. We fought together, we laughed together, we triumphed together, and above all else we respected each other. You were the first person to believe in me, and even though I will endlessly jab at you for putting me in this position to begin with, I am so glad that you did. I wouldn’t have had it any other way. 
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The End of the Beginning
With my time on board coming to an end, you can bet that I’m celebrating the eventual return of my free time, and I’m happy to say that being a general member again won’t be too much of a struggle. I’ve had the privilege this year of being not just Co-President, not just an E-Board member, but also an active general member. From PCN Modern Tinik practices (shoutout to Angela and Bea, thank you for keeping me fed every week lmao) to New Member Dinner and my Kaibigan Korners, I will always cherish these moments as the ones that still made me feel like a new member all over again. I feared that I wouldn’t get to know a lot of you by way of being older or being Co-President, but I still got to meet and get to know so many of you as simply a friend and fellow member. I’m happy to say that I’m still a lovable goof at best and a roastable meme at worst. In a way, I’ve come full circle, but I also never really stopped being what I am at heart: Just another regular member embracing the culture, and I still have a year left to do it! Every moment spent getting to know all of you has been an absolute joy – you’ve made this upperclassmen’s year in FASA one for the books. I encourage all of you who are considering running for E-Board to please reach out to me, I would love to sit and chat. 😊 
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As I write this, we now find ourselves in the precarious position of being scattered from one another, both across the country and around the world, much sooner than we were expecting. There are feelings of discouragement, frustration, and betrayal for not getting the sign-off we feel we deserve – I am no stranger to this, and I am willing to bet that many of you feel the same way. It’s okay to feel this way. It is OKAY to feel this way. We’ve faced many goodbyes in the last week-and-a-half, and it’s easy to mourn and grieve for the time together that we can no longer have. If it means helping any of you find closure, I’d like to share some thoughts. 
I’m happy to say that I still got to be your Co-President, despite not thinking that I deserved it. For many of us, it’s safe to say that this is not the ending to the year that we deserved. I think that, for better or for worse, rarely in life do we get what we think we deserve. For that matter, I try to focus on being grateful for what’s in front of me in the face of whatever I may deserve. This year was swiftly and cruelly closed on us, however I try to take stock in being endlessly grateful for everything that you’ve given me up to now. I am so unapologetically grateful for everything that FASA has given me this year, so much so that I am prepared to return it doubly when we soon see each other again. To me, this is truly just the end of the beginning of the best that is yet to come. No matter where life takes us, nothing can break us apart, I just wanna be with you I encourage every single one of you who is reading this to look forward into the future with the best of your time in FASA on your backs. The memories we have made together will never leave us, they will never weaken us, and they will never fail us. 
My final request as your Co-President is a simple one: Look up at night. Look up at the stars in the sky. Look up at the vast expanse of the air and remember that we are all doing the same: Sharing the same sky, looking up at the same stars. With the sun and stars in the sky, on our flag, and in our blood, know that we are never truly apart. No matter how far away, we will always be right there with you, and no matter how much time may pass until we meet again, just know that the best is yet to come. Because that’s all this is, the end of the beginning – our tale still has yet to be written.
Your Co-President,
Aber John Ibarreta Espinoza
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orionsangel86 · 7 years
Death is never the end... Not on this show anyway.
well. that was... um... yeah.
I’m not quite done processing.
The thing is, we have been speculating for so long now about Cas dying in the finale that it was almost expected for me. When he died I didn’t even react (certainly not in the way that Misha probably wanted when he asked for reaction vids) I just kinda went ‘Oh’ and that was it. 
I got up, took a walk to Sainsbury’s because I had to get some food, and spent the entire walk there and back pondering this new turn of events. 
I need to sort out my thoughts properly, but this post will more likely be me screaming into a void because I just need to type right now.
Cas is not dead.
Lets just get that one out there. No matter how real that whole stabbing, flashy light, burnt wings thing looked. It didn’t happen. Not the way we think it happened. Absolutely not. Cas’s story is unfinished. This is Andrew Dabb we are talking about after all, the master of Cas’s story arc in Carver era and into season 12. Cas hasn’t answered any of the questions they have been throwing at him since season 8. He hasn’t found his place, accepted who he is, learned to love himself... 
My biggest issue with the finale (aside from Lucifer’s mere presence) was that Cas wasn’t Cas. He was off, he wasn’t himself, he was kinda cold. Just like in 12x19. I have so many questions and there is no fucking way that this is the end for him. We still don’t even really know what happened to him in heaven, let alone what the Nephilim did to him. What was with the golden glow when he healed Dean? That was all wrong. 
I don’t know whether the alternate universe thing means we will get au versions of Cas now, or whether the Cas that was killed WAS an au version himself and real Cas is trapped somewhere? Or maybe Nephilim Jack will bring Cas back on the spot? 
Other than being great emotional fodder for shippers, and a chance to see Dean at his absolute best when he is an emotional wreck (just like my fave scene in 12x22 with Mary - WOW), it just seemed kinda flat. I’m upset about it, but probably not in the way Andrew Dabb wants me to be. 
One thing is for sure, when Cas comes back (and he WILL come back) he better still be HIM, OUR CAS and not some au version. Cas still has so far to go with his own story and Dabb hasn’t finished telling it. I don’t doubt that we WILL get OUR Cas back eventually, but I am sure that we will get more than a few episodes of Dean suffering serious man pain before we do. 
Crowley is Dead
As a great compare and contrast to Cas’s shock death, Crowley’s was perfect. It was exactly how I have always wanted Crowley to go out. He finished up his story arc. He admitted he was done with hell, he wanted more, or something different, and then he gave his life to save and protect the family he loves. It was beautifully done, and I was happy about it, and also sad because I will miss Crowley. He was a fantastic character, but I am glad to see him go.
Also, it works as proof that the writers DO know what they are doing with the characters. The fact that they were able to round off Crowley’s story and give him a decent send off means they DO know how to write a decent death scene and CAN do it well. They KNOW they have unfinished business with Cas, hence Cas WILL RETURN as the Cas we all know and love. Crowley’s story however, is now finished.
HOWEVER - with Earth 2 looming and a character born who can open up alternate worlds, it is entirely possible that they will bring back Mark Sheppard to play an au version of Crowley from now on. Perhaps we will actually get a truly evil demon Crowley again just like in season 6? Perhaps they will start his story over again? it is entirely possible that we may see a whole bunch of versions of Crowley. Just because the REAL Crowley’s story is now over, doesn’t mean we couldn’t have different Crowley’s come back into the story just like how they brought Bobby back.
Rowena’s death pissed me off
Yeah this one hurt the most actually. Because unlike Cas’s flat shock value/shipper fodder death that did him no justice, and Crowley’s perfect send off, this was just utter bullshit. It was Bucklemming levels of bad. Damn Dabb are they getting to your head or what?
The fact that they didn’t even give Ruth Connell the chance to come back and send off our Queen with pride and a decent fight has royally upset me (and again, not in the way Dabb probably wants me to be upset). The burnt corpse on the floor was just cheap and crappy and have I mentioned that I am so over Lucifer already?
I am hopeful that she will also come back, but that it will be an au version of her as I think they made it pretty clear that the real Rowena is dead. Since her story ties in closely with real Crowley (I’m gonna have to start referring to the original characters as Real!Character from now on arn’t I?) it makes sense that the original Rowena is gone for good. Though au evil witch Rowena coming back to bother the Winchesters? Badass fighter witch Rowena from Earth 2? Hell yeah I am all for that. Bring it on. Still doesn’t make real!Rowena’s death right though.
Alternate Realities are an anything goes area
Seriously though. How many fanfics do we read that start ‘au this’ and ‘au that’. practically everything we write is an au. Imagine where they could take this?
(I’m thinking about that beautiful fanfic called The Mirror right now and OMG IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES?!?)
I would like to see an au version of Cas. BAMF Cas in a black trench who doesn’t know or care about Dean at all. Just to see Dean’s reaction. OR an au where destiel is REAL?
Imagine if they get fem!Cas back? An au where Cas never left his original vessel? Dean may actually get to meet fem!Cas! 
(Once again I am thinking about The Mirror because suddenly this is something that we could actually get on the show and I may be freaking out about this... Dean goes to an au and meets himself and fem!cas and they are married and she is carrying his child?!?! IMAGINE how much THAT would hurt NOW with Dean believing that HIS CAS IS DEAD?!?!?)
Okay the more my mind wonders into AUs the more excited I get. This is the big pull for me next season. This is what I want. That and Cas back. Obviously. Which, as I said above, we WILL get. 
OMG just be dead already I don’t fucking care I just want your stupid face off my TV screen just fucking DIE.
Mary Winchester
Again, won’t die. They only brought her back last season. I reckon AU Bobby will save her (along with real!Cas maybe?!?) and they’ll kill Lucifer (PLEASE) and find a way to escape. 
To be honest, other than that amazing scene in 12x22 in Mary’s head I didn’t really engage with her all that much. I don’t think she’ll die at all, she may be trapped, but she won’t be trapped for long. I am interested to see how she deals with Lucifer now. 
Oh Dean, you poor sweetheart. Everything he said and did in 12x22 just broke me. He was so open and honest and he actually talked about his feelings. He has come so far, and I am sure we will be picking apart that scene with Mary all summer. 
Then, in 12x23, Cas’s death. I said it was all for shock value and for shipping fodder. I mean this, but not entirely negatively, not on Dean’s side anyway. The way Sam had to pull Dean back through the portal when Cas stormed up to Lucifer, the way he screamed when Cas was stabbed, the way he just fell to his knees in front of Cas’s body, the way he looked up to the sky in disbelief, in prayer to a God he doesn’t believe will ever help him...just... wow. THAT was where the emotion was. Dean is well and truly back in his place as the emotional heart of this show and I couldn’t be happier with that.
I full expect season 13 to become a sort of season 7 for him. I can predict that Dean will believe Cas is well and truly dead for a good few episodes, even if it revealed to the audience far sooner that Cas is fine, or brought back, or however else he manages to survive that. I expect Dean to be truly mourning Cas, and I hope that this time around it won’t be hidden under other layers like guilt for killing your brothers monster friend for example. They have been nearly completely candid about Dean’s feeling towards Cas all season (and last season) so there would be no reason NOT to show him completely in mourning and non functioning because of it. I wanna see the pain, and I wanna see just how much that pain differs from Sam’s pain over loosing Cas.
Sam and the Nephilim
Yep, this is Sam’s problem now. His brother will be useless I guarantee it. Sam will be all business and logic and be all about dealing with the Nephilim, as well as getting Mary free, whereas I fully expect Dean to become withdrawn and broken.
We will see Sam take control, take the lead on everything they do in the first few episodes until they can rescue Mary, take out Lucifer, and reunite with real!cas however that pans out. It will be interesting to see.
The Nephilim was weird. I didn’t like it. I knew we weren’t gonna get a baby because a baby is useless, but it just becoming a creepy guy like that? I dunno. Found it weird. Not sure how I feel about it. I reckon he will be all about alternate worlds... I dunno if he will be traditional bad guy either. I kinda hope he is at least kinda good because otherwise the whole deal with Cas makes even LESS sense. I am so annoyed we didn’t find out what the deal was with Cas? Urgh.
I hope that they pick up all the plot points they dropped next season. I don’t want the Nephilim to become just another big bad, because it truly does just make the whole thing with Cas just seem ludicrous. I NEED TO KNOW WHAT THE HELL THAT NEPHILIM DID TO HIM DAMMIT!!
Anyway. Thats as much as I can type down right now. I’m all a buzz of speculation and thoughts so feel free to send me an ask about the episodes and I’ll hopefully be blogging about them over the weekend.
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Newt x male!reader :: Home - Part 1
Requests/Notes: @tyrelmocs Gave me a really detailed plot to work with! Thanks for being patient and explaining all your ideas to me! Also thanks to @vincentvangoghtthefuckaway who originally requested a Newt x male!reader story. I hope you enjoy this one--let me know what you think. :) It’s going to have multiple parts.
WC: 2,244
! Warning: Mentions of blood and violence
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You were tired. Beyond tired. The lactic acid in your tensed muscles burned more like battery acid and your teeth were clenched to the point that you thought they may shatter in your mouth like shards of glass. When you managed to pry your eyes open momentarily the edge of your vision was blindingly white.
 “Is he, well--?”
 “We won’t know until the morning, his cells need time to rearrange.”
 “And you think this rearrangement can get rid of his...his…”
“His curse. Because it appears to also manifest itself physically, this should help manage the symptoms that psychiatric care could not.”
 “He just, well, he looks like he’s in so much pain.”
“The process isn’t easy, sir. These moments of struggle, however, are worth a lifetime of normalcy, or at least as normal as someone like him can be. Where’s his mother?”
“His mother won’t see him.”
“I see.”
“She’s...well, she’s a bit disturbed as well.”
   “Mmm, I see. Well, nonetheless, he needs to rest tonight. Enough current has gone through his brain to light a 500 watt incandescent lamp. The nurses will be checking on him overnight to make sure no more convulsions occur. Let him rest for now, though. He should be exhausted enough to sleep through the night.”
   Footsteps against a hard floor and the closing of a door and then silence. It took you a moment to remember where you were and why you were even here. Your “electroshock therapy,” or whatever the doctors called it, must be over. Your legs burned as if you had run miles uphill and were at odds with your brain which felt like it was coming out of the darkest slumber. You tried to take a deep breath but realized a leather strap ran across it tightly. You felt the familiar adrenaline rush of panic. Usually, this feeling would be accompanied by some strange event that no one could explain. You unlocked impossible locks to escape rooms, you broke a shelf of dishes a room away, or, if it was a particularly strong reaction, spontaneously set things ablaze. Now, though, you were too tired, far too tired. You let the muscles in your entire body relax in an orgasmic sort of release and fell back into the comfort of unconsciousness.
   The next morning, you were woken by a nurse throwing open the curtains surrounding your bed. Light sliced through your eyes and immediately the knot of a headache began to form in your skull.
   “Rise and shine, love.”    You still felt tired, but the absolute blackness of dreamless sleep seemed a bit clarifying. You also had a small seed of hope in your heart. Maybe, just maybe now you could be normal. Maybe people, even your parents, wouldn’t be scared of you.
   “Let’s get up, the sooner you get your muscles moving again the better!” You looked at the clock. The nurse was far too cheerful for 7 a.m.
   You slipped on your pants and sweater and noticed that your skin was red and shiny and looked almost burnt where the straps had been across your body. You stood up and wobbled for a minute, but with the nurses’ help you gained your legs enough to walk down the hall to meet your father. He was as unreadable as ever and looked you up and down with curiosity as you approached like he was already trying to determine if you had been fixed.
“Mum, I’m home,” you said softly at the bedroom door. Your father, still not speaking to you, urged with a nod to try again.
“Mum?” you knocked with your knuckles, “I’m back from the doctor.”
A low, ghastly groan came from the other side of the door. It sounded inhuman, or demonic, as people liked to say.
“Alright, you go in,” you father finally said.
You pushed open the heavy wooden door, leaning into it with all your weight. In the center of a huge room lay an iron bed. There was no other furniture in the room besides a small table which held an oil lamp. The walls were bare but for a wooden cross directly above the bed and one dirty window with the curtains drawn shut.
“Mum…” you stepped in slowly. Your father immediately slammed the door and locked it with a key, nearly catching your arm. The sound seemed only to annoy the figure lying in the bed which again moaned loudly.
“Mum..I...I think the treatment may have worked,” you inched across the worn wooden floor trying to mask your terror with a cautious smile, “And the nurse said that, well, if you want to that is, that possibly...if it’s successful on me, they may be able to help you too.”
You felt something grab you by the collar, though all that was there seemed to be air. Your mother reached a withered, bony hand from under the blankets and was holding out a fountain pen like some sort of wand.
“W-where did you get that…?” you said nervously. She wasn’t supposed to have any sort of sharp objects at all, or anything that resembled a stick or rod.
She flicked the fountain pen, sending a spray of ink like black blood across the floor and you flew towards her as if someone had pushed you in the back. She flicked it again and you fell to your knees, legs locked together. This time the ink had splattered across your face.
“Mum, you’re not s-supposed to…”
“You’re not normal,” she said with a sandpapery voice.
“You’ll never be normal. You’ll never be like they want you to be. You’re like me,” her voice was small but loaded with hatred, “They’ll want to change you, but they never will. They never will!”
She flicked the pen again and you crashed into the opposite wall. She had never been this strong before. She’d never had someone to channel her power.
“Mother...stop…” you pleaded, trying to remain calm. You didn’t want to feed her with your own fear.
“You’re better off dead than living in this world,” she spat.
“No...you’re wrong. I’m going to get better.”
“You’ll never be like them.”
“Maybe I don’t have to be.”
“What’s going on in there!?” your father asked through the door.
“Nothing--” you tried to reply, but were cut off by another invisible blow, this time to the center of your stomach. You tried to stand up, your instinct was to run, to get away from this as soon as possible. Before you could pull yourself to your feet, your mother had begun to speak again. It sounded like some ancient language, like Latin.
In a moment you were sure that you were once again getting electroshock therapy, this time fully conscious. Every nerve ending in your body felt like it was being filed away. Your bowels and stomach emptied their contents as you screamed the most primal sound you could make. The door slammed open, you heard your father scream and felt the floor rumble like an earthquake. Suddenly, the room was on fire and you weren’t sure if you couldn’t breathe because of the smoke or because of the pain.
The next time you awake it’s in an alley, with a trash bin blocking the bitterly cold wind with colorful figures standing over you. They seemed to be two people in full-length jewel toned cloaks trimmed decoratively. Once again, you found yourself an observer of a conversation about you.
“But how’d it get this bad, Gertie? He’s half-dead!”
“We can’t track every single obscurial in the entire world.”
“Yeah, but really, now what? ‘is parents is dead. No orphanage is going to take ‘im at this age, and now the bleedin’ Ministry is gonna be on our arses for not catchin’ this sooner!”
“Calm down, Tim.”
“Calm down? I just had to risk me flippin’ life draggin’ this kid outta a burnin’ building! An’ now I’ll be facin’ an inquiry!”
“You weren’t going to die. I was there as well.”
“Ohh, my hero!”
“Just shut up for a minute. We need to figure out what to do with this boy. His life is the priority right now.”
“I saw we leave ‘em. Leave it up to nature.”
“That’s a horrible idea.”
“He don’t ‘ave any other family?”
“They’re not going to take him. The entire neighborhood is already starting rumors that it’s arson.”
“What about another wizardin’ family lookin’ to adopt?”
“It’s not that simple. But…”
“But what?”
“He’s school-aged, right?”
“Yer not thinkin’ of sending ‘im to Hogwarts?”
“I think it might be his only chance at a normal life. No way can he go back to the Muggle world now, and if we could find a family for him to stay with during the summers…”
“He’d be so behind everyone else!”
“Better than developing a full blown obscurus.”
They both went silent for a moment.
“ ‘Is mum was real powerful…”
“Which is exactly why we can’t risk the development of an obscurus. Then it won’t just be an inquiry, but our heads.” “Blimey…”
“Let’s just get him to the Leaky Cauldron and make sure he stays alive long enough.”
You felt two hands grab each of your arms and, still pretending you were asleep, felt them pick you up slightly. There was immediately a great whooshing sound and you felt your entire being stretched like a rubber-band. Your eyes flew open and before you could blink you were standing in a completely different place.    You were in some kind of pub. Everything was cast with the golden glow of a giant hearth and a huge pile of metal steins shined from behind the bar.
“ ‘Es awake!”
The two robed figures turned to face you. The tall, pale on grabbed you by the shoulders, “My boy, are you alright?”
“Erm,” was all you could manage.
“Thank goodness you are conscious. Do you feel nauseous? Sick in any way?”
“Just...just tired. But, where am I?”
“The Leaky Cauldron, my boy. We’ll explain later. Right now you need to rest. You’re safe now.”
“Yer in good ‘ands!” the shorter wizard added with the warmest smile you had ever received.
“Who’s this?” a young, auburn-haired witch turned to face you from the bar. She had large, sparkling hazel eyes. She wore a maroon cloak with a twisting golden dragon embroidered around the hem.
“Ah, Madam Scamander.”
“That’s Miss to you, Gertie.”
“Miss Scamander, this ‘ere’s an Obscurial! Well, almost one. ‘Is whole family’s dead.”
Gertie elbowed Tim hard in the gut, causing Tim to fold forward and let out a steady stream of expletives like a punctured balloon lets out air.
“Is that so?” Miss Scamander’s eyes darkened and her friendly smile was gone, “I’m so, so sorry.” She looked you directly in the eye, something many throughout your life had been too terrified to do.
“What Tim means is that yes, he was close to developing an Obscurus, but it seems we found him in time. The rest is just noise for now as we need to find him a place to stay for a few days.”
“He can stay with me,” Miss Scamander offered immediately.
“What? That would be asking too much, Madam. Far too much of anyone. He needs constant supervision.”
“I’m home all the time, and now that Theseus’ graduated we have a spare room.”
Gertie and Tim looked at each other nervously and then to you.
“This is dangerous magic, Miss. We don’ even know if he’ll be fit for school. He don’ even know ‘imself the extent of ‘is powers.”
“My powers?” you cut in.
“Yes, your magic,” said Gertie softly.
“Oh, you didn’t even explain things to him,” Miss Scamander gave a reprimanding glare to the two men aside you.
“Aw, come on! We jus’ picked ‘im up!”
“We just rescued him from a burning house, ma’am. We can straight here. Not really much time to--”
“Well, you’re a wizard,” Miss Scamander said to you, once again meeting your eyes.
“You don’t have to be so frank…” Gertie said, the wind blown from his sails. It was as if she’d ruined some big surprise.
“The pup might as well know,” Miss Scamander tucked a few strands of her bobbed hair behind her ear, “It’s good to know there are others like you.”
“Others...like me?” you dared.
Miss Scamander’s smile returned triumphantly as she nodded.
“Well, we still need to work out loding--”
“I told you, he can stay with me until the Ministry figures something out. If he was really that close to developing an Obscurus he certainly needs attention. Plus, Newt’s about the same age. He can teach him a little about our world.”
“Madam Scamander--”
“I insist. I can’t leave someone in need just like that. Especially not when I have plenty of room and food.”
“C’mon, Gert! This could work out perfect!”
“I suppose…”
“That way we can say the boy is with, er, family. No inquiry today, mate!”
“Oh, fine,” Gertie conceded.
Miss Scamander clapped her hands together and stood up. Her skin was tanned and sun-spotted giving her a rather radiant glow.
“Alright, pup, let's get you home and washed up. You’re going to be just alright. More than alright, in fact.”
She reached a hand out to you and you clasped it with your own shaking one. Thoroughly confused, but attracted to her motherly disposition, you decided to trust her.
tags: @ladytevans07 @frankthethunderbird @allnewtsbeasts @danisaurus-rexx @hardcore-ravenclaw @storyofmemory@needlesinacandybox @confused17yold @astronomicaldun @orangepumpkinpen @meka-meow @prodigal-books @see-the-thestrals @newton-scamander-lover @legit-trash-bro @kawaiiusagichansan @cutedictionary  @itsleviosa14
Special thanks to the lovely @i-am-elsa-defying-gravity
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ecotone99 · 4 years
[SF] The Switch - Part 1
My first short story ever written. Please comment, honesty will be appreciated the most. The part 2 is almost done.
In 2042, the first commercial brain-to-text interface was created using the OpenAI's GPT-6 natural language building blocks. This module uses neural networks to interpret the brain's thought as a simple text. Ten years ago, the military developed the first aircraft piloting interface using virtual reality, predicting sequences of images and video footage from a camera.
It was an extensive interface that would allow the pilot to fly any type of aircraft, drone or missile, without experiencing any signal delays.
In addition, we wanted to apply this technology to remotely explore the solar system in a real time. More recently, we also started using this technology to help people who were immobile or unable to communicate with the world around them. The implanted microchip contains hundreds of gigabytes of brain-signal data that can be interpreted into intelligible text. The chip is usually located inside the skull bone and behind the socket of the right eye. The main goal is to strengthen the conscience of the signals. Each thought recorded will be recorded and transmitted to the research center in order to improve this technology and get a better interpretation of the data.
Last year, we found a woman's skull near the research center with a chip in which some thoughts were recorded. The skull was missing the upper half, which had been deliberately cut off. In addition, the ground around the skull indicated that the woman had been burned in the fire. We confirmed that the microchip belonged to the skull and there was no tampering. However, the serial numbers did not match the serial numbers of our products, although they were produced in one of our factories. Our microchips do not record direct observations, only direct thoughts. Furthermore, none of our micro-chip recordings are auto-biographical.
According to DNA analysis, the woman's origins were Western European, with no known relatives, while her journal was not linked to any known events. Analysis of the skull, as well as the burnt remains, showed 50 years of decay, while our hardware did not exist 50 years ago. In addition, the serial number of the microchip can also indicate such a time-lapse. The available evidence suggests that it was manufactured in the future, but we cannot state this with any certainty. The log contains a large chunk of corrupted data, including the corrupted headers containing time stamp indices. Raw data will be exposed to a public in order to help us understand and analyze it with the further research. It is possible that this woman simply had irregular brain patterns and that our current methods cannot translate them correctly.
Timestamps, headers, and a huge chunk of data are missing here
I'm not very good at anything in particular, and everything I've ever done ... all my efforts have always been average. The only thing I'm good at is disagreeing with the Fat Bellanda, also known as Bella of the Belland family. She is a singer, artist and favorite image of an ideal dictator. An entire summer festival is dedicated to this nonsense, where everyone gathers on the beach to dance to her monotonous music with annoying Latin rhythms. In my mind, I hold countless putative debates against the Fat Bellanda, although in reality, I can never express them because either I am unable, no one will listen, and the switch would be activated against me if I did.
Bellanda was young, attractive, beautiful, and today she is just an old fat and ugly woman who used to be a whore. However, I'm not sure if the correct word is slut or whore, as one is more socially acceptable than the other. At least that's what her stories tell, although we know that her inquisition to acquire wealth began with the "Frosted Veggie" album, titled "A Bellanda Song", which first appeared in the Frosted Potato commercials. She certainly didn't start in brothels where her talent was recognized by a mysterious investor. When she speaks, she does not know how to properly make the hand gestures, but she knows how to stick out her tongue with impunity to satisfy her desires. She is now an old woman who does not have a bright and exciting future, although she had accumulated her wealth and built an empire.
Since I always try to take part in this world, Bellanda has no place at all in the real life. The only way to express myself is to make noise, to scream the anger at these - these rich and famous people. Because they are the ones who have problems with people like me, believing that I am just a piece of meat, and this anger is the only way to say something about it. They are the ones who exploit, abuse and invade my existence wherever I go. I don’t want them, but anyway, they are always here to interfere with the conversation about the ideal image of a man or woman. Their fans are people who don't believe that someone else who has different views is a human. They always hope that we will be harmed in order to justify their authority and rules. In fact, we are people who are unable to show that we have any human qualities at all, even if it means becoming violent. For them, we are always an evil crowd, animals, and this is not because of injustice. They cannot see or understand their injustice. They only believe and know violence; our violence. In fact, some of the influential people who dominate this world are people who care more about controlling our minds and feelings than offering solutions. All these rich people do is manipulate truth and reality by applying a switch.
One day, when I watched people sing along while purchasing their portions of food, I began to suffer headaches with a feeling of loneliness and disgust for everything and everyone. This started to happen more often and on different occasions. The music was the trigger, however, it started to happen even if there were no music. The only thing that calmed me down and eased the tension was to browse the archives of the ancient database to find old music. It was a time when music was equated with human qualities, and it was not about wealth and identity issues. I became interested in reading ancient texts, finding historical revolutions quite attractive to read. The world felt more exciting and my existence mattered more. However, even if I liked such a taboo, I always felt that I could never fully understand it, because I simply did not have the right mental abilities ... and yet I always felt half the ladder above those who never enjoyed it. The stories of revolutions always had a lot to teach. My mistake was trying to learn more than I could understand. I believed that I could become someone... someone else and something more than I am. Even though I became a more confident person, while my true self was something completely different. It was not just what I thought or understood; I was someone who, for some reason, felt a sense of pride. I was the most important character in this new life that I built in my mind. I felt like I was the "most talented" and "most influential" of my peers, but at the same time, I was not absolutely sure about this. I could not hide from anyone, but I had a sense of superiority over them. I knew there was something special about me, although when I looked beyond that feeling, I felt like I was standing alone in the whole world ... that alone was enough for pride and superiority.
No missing data, it looks like recording was paused and then resumed
The evening was unusually dark and quiet. I could hear my heart beating and neurons firing. I remember falling asleep almost immediately ... Suddenly these flashes of light fell from the ceiling. They may have used one of the satellites again! However, I heard a buzzing sound that woke me up. I've heard millions of neurons firing and making this awful noise. I realized that I was still sleeping, although I was forcing myself to wake up. Finally I woke up and everything was gone. Insomnia followed a few days after this event. There was no information on these dreams in the databases. Lucid dreaming was the best explanation I could get. However, I did a correlation analysis and all the details point to a switch being activated. I'm not sure why, since all I have retained are all imaginary thoughts of revolution and feelings of superiority towards myself. I have done nothing or said nothing.
Data is missing here
I visited the church as nothing more than a tourist attracted by the architecture in a place that I had never visited before. For no reason at all, I took someone's blown up candle and lit it again against another candle. Although I remember that I had no thoughts, no reason, no purpose, I would not have remembered it if it were not for this kind of soothing texture and candle-like smell of melting wax that constantly comes to my mind under the stress.
One day I felt immense pressure and stress, and then the calmness of a burning candle occurred to me. After about 30 minutes of thinking about the burning candle, feeling a little calmer and feeling that everything had a better purpose, I went outside. For the first time in my life, I felt completely calm and awake. The Sun was overhead and the world was motionless. What I didn't know, what I still don't understand, is what happened to me.
When the sun went down, it looked like fire. It hurt my eyes and face, and I caught a cold. The next feeling was anger with a pounding heart-ache. The first 4-5 minutes, I was angry and afraid a switch. Then, I felt a stomach-ache. In my head, there was an image of a burning candle, still hot and sticky with wax, and so it burned just like me.
Then, I started to cry ... My body was screaming, and I had no control. My skin was still hot when the next memory hit my head: the smell of the dripping oil. The whole thing still was very confusing, and I felt a new kind of pain in my legs and stomach. It took about 2 hours for my body to adjust to the heat. This is when I realized I was high on the fumes and didn't feel good ... I couldn't control myself during the night but felt horrible every time I woke up. I don't remember anything else from that night.
After a couple of days, the pain subsided. I could see myself in the mirror and my body was very pale. I hated thinking about pain. Then I started to feel very warm inside and started to feel better. I felt very, very happy ... When I fell asleep again, I had another memory. I was in my bedroom and looked up at my ceiling. Then in my sleep I felt great, so good that my whole body went numb. I didn’t know about it because of how much pressure I felt in my head, but I felt great, very happy.
Data is missing here
On my next trip to the clinic, I was told that my brain was not working properly. My body was still very weak, so the neurosurgeon gave me a CT scan. He didn't think I had any brain switch. After the MRI was done, he said they would send me the results.
I didn’t feel so good during the scan, and I didn’t know if it was because my doctor gave false information about the scan, or because I was under the influence of a severe hallucination. I was told that I must be careful with my thoughts. A month later, they had MRI and X-rays. I felt relieved and was able to return to my activities. I still had a bad feeling that something was wrong with me. However, I was so surprised, so happy, because I was told that I had no switch. For some people, the switch causes paralysis, but for other people it makes them sick for life.
I really thought about what it all meant and that I was going to die. I had several waking dreams in which I saw people I knew, even people who never existed. After that, I could feel the world around me, and yet I felt that there was nothing there. Sometimes I felt the memory of the forest, and sometimes the beautiful city emerging from it. However, it was always a memory of the same place. There were forests, beautiful buildings, but no animals ... no people ... nothing to move other than the grass and trees with the breeze.
It would seem that this whole place was a monument or sanctuary that should never be disturbed, but I could observe it with vivid images coming into my head. Sometimes I was so struck by the feeling that I feel like an alien on Earth, saddened by tall, square buildings when I compare them to the memories of this newly discovered distant place.
I was perfectly aware of the fact that there were no people in this world, but I was not completely sure if any animal existed. I have often read posts written from time to time about mysterious but imaginary entities appearing in the human realm. I realized that perhaps this was the explanation and the reason why my mind was such a mess, with all its parts torn apart by all kinds of thoughts and feelings. I was so overwhelmed by this feeling that I could not even think about reality. I didn't want to leave the dream world, I wanted to continue living it. My mind began to go crazy with thoughts. Everything in every cell and every part of me became illuminated. As my mind went a little crazy, I began to realize that beyond the nothingness of reality there had to be the world I am experiencing. I knew that I have to go there and visit it.
Then dreams of catastrophic events would follow, and the next day I would completely lose the feeling of this new world that I have discovered. Only the empty images and glimpses would remain. It stopped when I tried to ask myself to remember if there were any rooms in buildings of this new world, since the rooms would suggest some kind of purpose behind the architecture. I also asked myself if there are any footprints in the forests, insect trails on the trees. As soon as I tried to explore the place that I remembered, I felt that I was removed from it and may never return. I also felt a strange sense of anxiety or fear. There, in this world of emptiness, I was looking for my own sense of reality. I could not understand what this meant, and it did not allow me to see the meaning of my own existence. The more the world around me became darker, deeper and lonely, the more I tried to understand it, more I would get on the path of a destruction.
A few days later, I encountered a very strange and a terrible phenomenon. Something was interfering with my dream. I was afraid to go to my room because a great evil was about to appear, although I knew it was not human. I decided to find the source of my problem, but all I saw in my waking dream was an evil creature dressed in a black cloak with something like a crown at the end. It was wrong that I had to watch some terrible monster or that something evil was lurking in my dreams. It was time for me to start talking to the monster, but I didn't know what to say to it. I was not sure which question would be appropriate. Then, I realized that I was not ready for this.
Instead, I wanted to return to this beautiful and calm world, where only forests and architecture existed. The only thing I could do was relate my mind to the ancient databases of existing literature and art, in the hope of finding it. I only collected pieces of this unknown place in hope that I could save it. I knew that I would let something beautiful be forgotten if I did not find what someone had mentioned before me.
No matter what I did, there would be a new wave of memories. My childhood memories came to me. These first memories were strange and dark. They felt like they were ripped out of all the books in the database. My memories became somewhat vivid. They weren't exactly the same as mine, at least not yet, but their liveliness made them almost as beautiful as any paintings I came across in the art database. The images were of the past and all the people were there, but now their voices were very rich and alive. I was going to the forest. There was a large old tree in the forest with many branches. It had a nice hue, allowing a little sunlight, although in my mind it was mostly covered in darkness.
I was losing my memory and feeling of the new world that I had discovered as my past began to invade. The results I got from the database always pointed to some ancient dictionary in which the word would be replaced with an aphorism that would be replaced with the meaning of that word. CIGARETTIST, DOGMA, CONSERVATIVE, COMMITTEE, ... none of this makes any sense. I wanted information to be a part of the new world and to have something to build.
I wanted to know more about the place with the forests and beautiful cities. I wanted to know why there is nobody on that planet, what is the whole purpose of it, and why is there a cataclysmic event always following it... why does the cataclysmic event involve the space-ships attacking this world from its orbit? Since the cataclysmic events involved people, I wasn't sure which world was attacked.
This was all more than just an intellectual curiosity... I looked closer at the ancient database and found a suggestion that I was inside a virtual world. It suggested that cataclysmic event was really just another dream, a way to get back to reality from the virtual world of my own imagination. The fact that I found myself with full freedom to see the world from a certain distance in the virtual world of my imagination should imply that the cataclysmic event is also a simulation. However, the cataclysmic event were a dream and not a simulation. There is a new universe beyond the horizon of this one, and not only outside of the Earth's sphere. I need to understand how the new world works to find what is true and real, and what is neither true or real. As the ancient database suggested, truth and reality are not the same thing. While the reality is the opposite of the dream world, there is some truth in dreams. However, I will never give into delusions of such kind. I know that finding the truth means accepting the reality while rejecting everything else.
To think of things that never happened or things that are not relevant to one's life would be impossible, like forgetting something you should have remembered... However, I believe that my consciousness is completely independent to change the way I see things; that the true world is there for its own sake. In other words, as long as I am free to imagine whatever I want, then I should have the freedom to change my dreams however I want. The problem is, I don't have such a freedom, and therefore my consciousness is not completely independent of any of the worlds I experience, and therefore, I cannot completely change the way I see things. Next thing I ask myself is whether the meaning exists, and if it does, how is it all relevant and meaningful to me?
The price of being misunderstood was always too great for me to afford, and I would not have accomplished anything in my life if I dared to enjoy those finer things found in the ancient database. Thanks to the switch, I am neither a writer, a story-teller, or anyone in particular. I knew I had the switch although the MRI and X-Ray results said there weren't one. I knew that doctors were lying. The switch has degenerated my ability to write, speak,... while the taste for the finer things is only a distant memory now. Bellanda would make more sense under such circumstances. There must be countless people in this world experiencing exactly the same thing.
End of Part 1
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