#it's kinda more church being an assuming asshole
beeben · 2 months
Wish the day ( the twilight/night time part) lasted longer ( i mean extra hours not get dark sooner) so i could have more time to myself.
I don't get an ounce of privacy until everyone is asleep and I cant stay up as late as i used to bc i start work so early. I really cannot stand it here lol this is turning into it vent post cus ive been having a really bad time lately and when i try talking about it everyone just goes "well i feel the same way but i just put up with it" i dont want to put up with it anymore i hate most of my family i hate my house i hate my life no i dont feel spoiled im always out of money because i have to pay for everyone's shit because my dad is an idiot whos been chasing a spot in football hall of fame since he was 12 even though now hes 50 and 300 pounds and cant hold a job more then than a year because he picks fights with people and is a bigot trying to work with mostly black people. Like it's fucking ridiculous i live in a fucking fantasy world where people think im crazy for saying things aren't okay. Maybe I am suicidal what then? I get an eye roll i get "everyone is suicidal im suicidal too" like? And we're supposed to be okay with that? Ive had such a shit month man idk i have to meet up with the hr people at work tomorrow idk if im traumatized or something im like terrified they're gonna spin some shit around and get me fired man im literally so sick and tired of people walking all over me i honestly don't care if i come off as an asshole anymore i deserve a little self importance idk why its such a shocking thing. I stayed over at my boyfriend's house the other night and people acted like i burnt a building down saying how out of character it was for me cus hes a man what the fuck ever. I don't even give a shit at this point he could've assaulted me and i would've come back just to spite them. Idk where im going with this im pissed off and i dont have anybody to tell because they either heard it already or would leave if i said anything. Nobody gives a shit and i don't mean shit and if i do mean shit to somebody they assume im normal like them and im not i feel like such a piece of garbage and i live with a bunch of idiot slobs who keep me on a leash so they have an extra wallet to use when getting school supplies or whatever else my dad refuses to pay for or as a fucking unpaid therapist when he abuses them and they feel sad about it :'(. Im really worthless lol i kinda just wish someone was honest and said it to my face instead of acting like its fine and everyone feels this way cus i know it's not and i know its not normal. I was born to be an accessory in my dads life to make him look more virtuous in the eyes of the church. My mom would've been better off if she had miscarried and he divorced her for being infertile or something at least then shed have a fucking life to live. This is ridiculous.
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demi-dufresne · 7 years
Hello! Still feeling particularly halloween-esque. Here’s another entry for the red vs blue bingo, hosted by @rvbficwars ! This one’s for gen, seeing as I’d probably tag it as that if it were on ao3 or something. Break a leg, blue team!
Church hated halloween. He fucking hated it. It was this time of year that kids got the bright idea to whip out the Ouija boards, trying to summon deadass spirits who want to haunt their houses or some shit. Nine times out of ten, one of them would move the pointer thing anyways. What was even the purpose of calling him there? Church hated it.
Like, okay, October did have its perks. For starters, it was the time he actually had the most communication with the living, being a ghost and all. That was pretty nice. He had very little memories still intact from when he was alive, and being around living people sometimes brought them back. And he really liked the smell of pumpkins, which was all over the damn place this month. So cool. October. Not cool? The responsibilities of being dead.
Every time a person put their grubby little fingers on the Ouija board, the nearest ghost was summoned. Okay, yeah. That makes sense. It just sucked that, in Church’s little suburb of Valhalla, he was pretty sure he was the only dead guy who cared to stick around.
One perk he got out of that? Messing with people.
It was twenty days until Halloween when he got yet another call. Every time this happened, Church felt like his stomach was being dragged up his throat by a vacuum cleaner. This time was no different. He choked on air, as if he needed to breathe, and then suddenly, bam! He was in some random house in the middle of town. Grand.
“What do you even want?” He grumbled. Of course, they couldn’t hear him. There were four kids sitting on the floor there, each with one hand pressed to the pointer thing. Church hadn’t been dumb enough to mess with this shit as a kid. Like, come on. You’re begging for trouble.
“Uh, dear dead guy, or something,” one of them said. He wore a obnoxiously teal (aqua?) shirt, and for some reason held his head down in prayer. “Welcome to my house, I guess. I live here. It’s pretty great. Bet you’re glad to be in my presence. But uh, hey. Don’t like, kill us, I guess. Amen.” The other three nodded, one in dark blue a little more enthusiastically than the others.
That first one of the kids- okay, hold on. They weren’t really kids. They were somewhere around seventeen, old enough to know better. That almost pissed Church off even more. “Okay, guys,” the dude said. He had dark black hair cropped close to his head, with a darker skin tone than the rest. “We need to remember to be, like, polite and stuff. I think. Maybe. Or wait, did it say aggressive? I don’t know, I’ve only looked this up on wiki-how once, in like, seventh grade.”
“Thanks, Tucker. Nice preparation. Always great to hear you have an expert on your team,” a second guy said. Ginger, curly hair, glasses. Looked like a fucking dork to Church.
“Let’s just get this over with. Why can’t we like, sit around and eat popcorn and watch movies like normal teenagers?” This third dude looked kinda… Hawaiian, almost? He definitely had a point, though. These motherfuckers could be doing literally anything else, and they chose to summon ghosts. Great.
“I like ghosts. My cat Apples was a ghost once. She came to me in a dream,” said the fourth one. Don’t do drugs, kids, Church thought to himself. Even sitting down Church could tell this guy was tall as hell. Something about him seemed familiar. Fucking druggies. There was always one of those in a group, it seemed.
“That’s nice, Caboose, but we’re not here to summon a dead cat. Don’t think they can talk, anyway,” the first guy- Tucker- said. “Alright, come on. Let’s think of some questions.”
“Ooh, I know. What is your favorite color?” The Caboose guy said. Church felt his face fold into a scowl. He came all this way for this? Who the hell cared about his favorite color? He was a ghost, for Christ’s sake! At least ask about, like, ghost stuff! Or something!
Either way, he was bound to the damn thing. “Hey, look! It’s actually moving,” nerd boy said. Church touched the pointer, sliding it across the board. The four teens started in awe, watching it glide slowly. Church didn’t have fucking time for this.
“Uh… B- wait, no- oh, yeah. B-L-U-D? Blood? Oh my god it’s gonna kill us! Why the hell couldn’t we have just like, watched Star Wars like you guys said we would? Holy shit I don’t wanna die,” the Hawaiian guy said.
“Shut up, Grif, it’s B-L-U-E. Blue. Dumbass,” nerd boy said.
“Oh. Hah. Right,” Hawaiian guy- Grif- continued. “Favorite color blue. Gotcha.”
“This isn’t even real, it’s not like it matters,” nerd boy complained.
“Oh, boo hoo, I’m Simmons and I don’t believe in things I can’t see,” Tucker mocked. “Grow a pair, dude. Grif, your turn for a question.”
“Right. Uh, I guess… What’s your name?”
If Church was able to kill them, he just might. Everyone started with that stupid question. Like, he was never asked anything of relevance. ‘Hey Church, what’s it like being dead?’ ‘Hey Church, do you want us to light a pumpkin candle?’ ‘Hey Church, how do you feel about not eating?’ Nah, instead it was a bunch of bullshit about favorite colors and names. Ugh. It drove Church nuts.
He did toy with the idea of giving his first name. Then again, who respects a ghost named Leonard?
“C---H-U-R-C-H. Church. Huh. That’s a weird name,” Tucker said. He then turned his head to the ceiling, shouting at what he probably thought was Church. “We didn’t ask you your place of worship, dude!” Church sighed.
“Oh look, he’s spelling something out again!” Grif called.
“I-M… okay, I’m, what’s next? Oh. J-E-W-I-S-H. Hey, he’s Jewish,” nerd boy- Simmons- said.
“Never said he was a dude,” Grif said. Simmons bit his lip.
“I- I just hope it’s a dude, I wouldn’t talk well to, uh, lady ghosts I don’t think-” Simmons stuttered out.
“Apples was a lady ghost,” Caboose said. “Oh! I know! Ghosty-man, do you know Apples?” Church laughed. If there was a druggie’s cat-ghost floating around with him, maybe life would be a little more interesting. All four teens started intently as the pointer moved to “No.”
“Whelp, sorry Caboose, looks like our Jewish Church here doesn’t know your dead cat friend,” Tucker said. “Church! Tell me buddy, are you the only ghost here?”
Church looked around the room. Of fucking course he was. Everybody else died and got to go up or down, but Church? He didn’t know. They couldn’t find a place for him, so they stuck him in the middle. Figures. He was alone his entire life, why should his afterlife be any different? He moved the pointer to “Yes.”
“I don’t know guys. I don’t think this is real. Tucker, are you moving it?” Simmons asked.
“The only place my fingers will be moving tonight is inside your sister. Bow chica bow wow.”
“I don’t even have a sister, assbag,” Simmons said. ��Now grow up. This is fake and we all know it.” He stood to leave.
“He’s the only reason I’m here. He’s out, I’m out,” Grif said.
“Wait!” Tucker called. “Here, let me- Church! If you’re hearing me, prove you exist. Like, I don’t know, float something or whatever.”
This was another thing Church hated about Ouija boards. The people behind them almost never knew what they were doing.
Church moved the handle to “No” again. Tucker whined.
“Aww, come on man, don’t be like that!” Tucker said. Church rolled his eyes. “Wait guys, don’t leave, he’s moving it again. Uh, C-A-N-T. Can’t. Oh, come on. Dammit, Church,” Tucker said.
“Right. You two have fun with your fake ghost. We all know it’s you,” Simmons said. Caboose looked up at him with wide eyes. “Well, at least, Grif and I do. Now if you don’t mind, I’m gonna head.” He left Tucker’s bedroom, Grif trailing behind.
“Hey, ghost-Church,” Tucker whispered. “If they leave the house, you should haunt their asses.”
Okay. There was one rule of the Ouija board that it bugged the hell outta Church if people didn’t follow. That rule was saying goodbye. Like, not only is it common courtesy, but it leaves the portal stuck here. He’d have to stay in the shitty room where the kids were goofing off, and he couldn’t leave until they opened it again and closed it properly this time. If Church had learned anything about these motherfuckers over the past twenty minutes, it was that they certainly wouldn’t know how to close it. That aside, he didn’t want to see what Tucker got up to in here, his bedroom. Fucking gross.
If they did ask him to do something like a haunting, where he’d need to leave the house, however… and he agreed to it… he wouldn’t be stuck here. That sounded nice.
“S-U-R-E. Oh my god he’s actually gonna haunt them,” Tucker said to Caboose. “Dude I wasn’t being serious.”
“T-O-O, too what? L-A-T-E- oh god, dammit,” Tucker swore. “Fuck.”
“Maybe ghost-Church could say hello to Apples for me. I know they’d be best friends,” Caboose said. He still seemed a little too familiar.
Behind him, Church heard a door close. He followed after the noise, knowing Simmons and Grif to be the culprits. Afterall, he had some haunting to do.
“Ooh, it’s really cold all of a sudden,” Simmons said, wrapping his arms around himself. Church knew that was his fault. Stand too close to someone and wow, it’s like they’re a living icicle.
“It is fall, dumbass,” Grif said. “Here, take my jacket.” He shrugged an orange jacket off of his shoulders, passing it to Simmons.
“You sure?”
“I don’t need a jacket, I’m always hot,” Grif boasted. Church smirked, taking a step closer to Grif. Grif visibly shivered.
“Grif, you’re a fucking liar. Now come on, we can’t just stand here on Tucker’s doorstep all evening. We still on for pumpkins tonight?” Simmons said.
“Oh yeah! I almost forgot about that. My mom did buy them this morning, so they’re ready whenever you are,” Grif said, walking off the porch. Church was all but beaming. Not only did he get to fuck with these bozos, but he fucking loved pumpkins. If only he could eat, man. His (after)life would be complete.
The two of them walked silently, side by side down the autumn streets. Leaves were everywhere. Yellows and oranges and dark reds. It was kinda pretty.
And damn, what Church wouldn’t give to have the energy to read their minds right then. Shame he got so tired after a seance, because usually that wasn’t a problem. The joys of being a ghost, he guessed.
“Hey, Grif, can I ask you something?” Simmons said, looking over.
“Yeah, sure,” Grif said. “You want to borrow the jacket?”
“Uh… y-yeah. Right. Thanks,” Simmons said, his face suddenly flushing red. Grif passed him the coat, and he shrugged it over his shoulders wordlessly. A few moments passed before he said something. “Ugh, it smells like smoke.”
“Well, I smoke, my mom smokes… and I’m pretty sure Kai smokes weed,” Grif said.
“It’s gross. You’re gonna get cancer and die, dumbass,” Simmons said.
“Yep. That’d leave you sad and lonely.”
“Ppsh. Yeah. I don’t know what I’d do without you eating all of my parents’ food and making bad first impressions. And second impressions. And really, all the impressions,” Simmons said sarcastically.
“You eat all my parents food too,” Grif protested.
“Uh, yeah. If by that you mean I eat half a serving and then you finish mine, yours, and Kai’s without even asking, then yes. I do eat all your food,” Simmons said.
“Don’t make me take that jacket back, Simmons,” Grif said.
“Is that a threat?” Simmons said with a chuckle. Church looked between the two of them. He was having trouble telling if they hated each other’s guts or there was just a lot of, uh… tension. Romantic tension? Sexual tension? Friendly tension? Just plain regular tension? It beat Church.
They arrived at Grif’s house a couple minutes later. He opened the door, sliding into the house. It wasn’t even locked. Church was pretty sure that when he was alive, he must have been born in a city, because he hated unlocked doors. Something about them just set him off. He wasn’t sure what. Simmons shut the door behind him and Grif, and Church took a bit of his energy to lock it. Something about unlocked doors, man.
“Sister! Mom! You guys home?” Grif called. No one responded. “Whelp. Guess it’s just you and me, Simmons.” Grif waltzed into the kitchen, checking twice for good measure. Nope. No one else was here. A line of six pumpkins sat on the counter next to the stove, and some newspaper was spread out across the floor.
It kind of reminded Church of when he was a kid. It wasn’t a clear memory- those rarely occur- but it sort of seemed like something he’d done. The spreading out the newspaper, cutting off the lid, collecting the pumpkin seeds to put in the oven… It was familiar to Church.
Something about that made him wonder what year he’d died. He had no idea.
“Cool. Let’s grab some knives, it looks like we’ve got some pumpkins to carve,” Simmons said. Grif grinned.
“Hell yeah we do,” Grif said. He pulled down two of the six pumpkins off the counter. “Bigger one or smaller one?”
“Eh, whichever one you don’t want,” Simmons said.
“Dude. It’s a pumpkin. Just pick one,” Grif said, sitting down on the newspaper. Simmons plucked two knives from the butcher’s block, sitting down next to Grif.
“Fine. I’ll take the smaller one,” Simmons said.
“Hey, I’ve always said size doesn’t matter, it’s what you do with it,” Grif joked. Simmons gave a forced smile.
“Heh, yep,” he said quickly. His cheeks were going red.
“Oh, relax. Grab the pumpkin, nerd,” Grif said.
“You’re a fucking pumpkin,” Simmons muttered under his breath.
“I heard that,” Grif said, nodding his head. “And Simmons, you know I can’t let that pass.”
“Grif, Grif, don’t- Grif-” Simmons said, but it was too late. Grif tucked his fingers into Simmons’ side, tickling him relentlessly. “Grif, Grif!” Simmons chuckled.
“I’ve got you now!” Grif called, laughing himself. Simmons had fallen over, sprawled out across the newspaper, giggles leaving his mouth.
Church stared down at the whole thing with one eyebrow cocked. What the hell.
Grif pulled away, panting with laughter. “Are you really out of breath from tickling me? Wow. You really are a fatass,” Simmons said.
“Kissass,” Grif panted out, falling next to him on the papers.
Simmons met Grif’s eyes. They just sat there for a second, making weird eye contact for longer than Church knew to be normal. Or at least, thought to be normal. Was everyone more comfortable with each other in the future? It beat Church.
Grif’s eyes flicked down for a second. Just a second. But Church knew what that meant. Simmons tilted his head, his eyes closing.
That’s when they heard someone pulling the door.
“Hey, dirtbags! Who’s bright idea was it to lock the door?” A harsh, almost southern accent filled the front of the house.
Grif groaned, rolling away from Simmons. Simmons jolted up, rushing to get to the door.
“Sorry sir,” Simmons called, “It was probably Grif.”
“That no good, lazy, son of a gun…” the southern man said, his words trailing into muttering.
Within the few seconds of the man coming to the door, both Grif and Simmons’ demeanors changed entirely. The two of them went from being relaxed and content and- maybe about to kiss?- to Grif starfished out on the floor grumpily while Simmons was wearing the biggest grin in existence. Church didn’t know what was going on, but he wasn’t sure he liked it.
Simmons unlocked the door, grinning up at the man who stood behind it. He had greying hair with a military buzz cut, and a bit of stubble surrounding a firm scowl. “Took you long enough,” he said.
“Sorry, sir. Grif and I were about to start carving pumpkins,” Simmons said. “Would you care to join us?”
“Join you? Grif, how dare you start pumpkin carving without your dear brother!” the man called. He pushed past Simmons into the house. Simmons, instead of protesting, just sat up straighter. He struck Church as the type to always be eager to please. The man made his way to Grif, looking down at him sprawled out on the newspaper. “At least wait for Donut.”
“Listen here, dickhead,” Grif said, sitting up from his position on the floor. “Just because you got with my mom doesn’t make you my dad. And it sure as hell doesn’t make that stupid son of yours my brother!”
Oh. Now Church could see what was going on. This man was Grif’s stepdad. That Donut guy was his step-brother. Got it.
“Oh, hey boys!” Someone else was standing in the doorway, looking between Simmons and Grif with a grin. Just by his looks Church could tell this guy was named Donut. He just… looked like a Donut. Short blonde hair, a pink tank top tucked into denim short shorts- if that didn’t scream Donut, Church didn’t know what did.
“You know what? Fuck this. I’m going to Simmons’ place. At least his parents seem to ignore me,” Grif said.
“My parents hate you, Grif,” Simmons said.
“As they should! All you do is eat and sleep! Why can’t you be more like Simmons here, listening when people tell him things-”
“Really? Thank you, sir!” Simmons said.
“-and then misreading them entirely, messing it all up! At least that’s humorous!” the step-dad said with a hearty chuckle. Simmons took a second, his face falling.
“Don’t talk to him like that,” Grif said. He stood at his full height, narrowing his eyes at the man. “Come on, Simmons. We’re leaving.”
“Yeah. See you later, Sarge. Bye, Donut,” Simmons said, following Grif outta the house with a shrug. Church sighed. He really wanted the smell of pumpkins.
With that, Church felt a tugging feeling in his gut, like his stomach was being dragged up his throat by a vacuum cleaner. He knew what that meant. Another seance! Great. Just what he fucking wanted.
“Dear father, son, and holy ghost- we come with peace in our hearts and curiosity as our intention. We wish no harm and only to learn of the other world. Vile spirits be warned. Amen,” started the first guy.
“Amen,” the group chorused. That group being distinguishably recognizable. Dammit. Church was ready to kill a man.
This was probably the last place he’d wanted to be. But, as cruel as fate is- he was back in Tucker’s bedroom.
This time, though, an Indian looking teen in a purple hoodie was leading the seance, blocky black glasses over his closed eyes. He’d gone and lit some candles, too. They weren’t pumpkin candles, but hey. It was close enough. At least someone had some respect for the undead.
“Peaceful spirit, we ask you to please state your name,” hoodie said, pressing his fingers lightly against the pointer. His eyes flickered open. The group- consisting of Tucker, Caboose, and some blonde guy in gray and yellow- followed suit.
Church sighed. He was so sick of this.
“C-H-U-R-C-H. Oh, hey there, Church, buddy!” Tucker called. “I was hoping you’d be back.”
“I wasn’t,” Church grumbled, but it fell upon deaf ears.
“Church! We wanted to tell you not to haunt Grif and Simmods!” Caboose said. His eyes were squeezed tight, as if he was trying to mimic the guy in the hoodie. He wasn’t doing it very well.
“His name is Simmons, you fucknut,” Tucker said. “Anyway. You can stop haunting them or whatever, but first you should definitely tell us any dirt you caught on them. Any secrets? Any mystery women? I mean, come on. Grif strikes me as the type to hold an illegal sex ring.”
Church had never realized the capacity of stupidity. These people freakin’ embodied it.
“Grif wouldn’t. I wouldn’t put it passed you, Tucker, but then again, I wouldn’t put much of anything passed you,” the blonde guy said. His whole face said ‘exasperated.’
“Why are you even here, Wash?” hoodie said. “You are obviously a skeptic of the supernatural arts. I can read it all over your face.”
Blondie-- Wash-- rolled his eyes. “I was told there would be cats. As of yet, I have seen no cats,” he deadpanned.
“Cats? Did you see Apples? I want to see Apples!” Caboose shouted, his eyes slamming open.
“Seriously. Shut up,” Tucker said. “Back on topic, Church! What did you dig up on our friends?”
Church moved the pointer with a sigh. These people were ridiculous.
“T-H-E okay the, wait not the, T-H-E-Y-’-RE. They’re. They’re what?” Tucker translated. “G-A- game? Y. They’re- oh.” Tucker paused. “They’re… They’re gay.”
“Don’t sound so surprised,” Wash said. “Have you seen the two of them?”
“I knew it! I always thought Simmons was a secretly a gay robot,” Caboose insisted. Church raised an eyebrow. For as strange as that sentence was, he swore he’d heard it before, somewhere.
“Ppsh. No you didn’t. That’s what you used to say about… uh, Leo,” Tucker said. At those words, everyone got real quiet. Wash’s head hung down. Hoodie bit his lip. There was something going on, and Church couldn’t tell what.
“Tucker,” Caboose said. His voice was lower than usual, almost at a whisper. “I miss him.”
“Me too, buddy,” Tucker said. He moved his hands from the pointer, swinging an arm around Caboose’s shoulders. “Me too.” Caboose’s eyes stayed locked on the board. He wasn’t moving.
“Caboose. It wasn’t your fault,” hoodie said.
“Thanks, Doc,” Caboose whispered. “But you do not have to play pretend. I did bad.” It almost looked like he was going to cry.
“He was your best friend. There’s no way you would have done that on purpose.” Wash said.
Church took a second, looking at the people across the room.
That’s when it hit him.
Church had that feeling again. The stomach sucked through a vacuum cleaner kind of feeling. Except this time, he wasn’t travelling in space. His mind was going back in time.
A flashback. A flashback of when he was alive.
He knew where he was, somehow. He was outside Michael’s house. He stood with his hands in his pockets, a beige newsboy cap over his messy black hair. He could kind of see his breath, if he tried really hard. He had to squint to really see it.
He must’ve been like, eleven at the time.
It was such a vivid picture. For the minutes it took, Church felt like he was actually there. The details of Tucker’s bedroom faded out as the muted yellows of Michael’s house faded over his vision.
He rapped his knuckles on the screen door, waiting a couple of seconds. Church rocked back and forth on his heels. It was mighty cold outside, especially for the time of year. Leaves were a muted brown and red, occasionally bright yellows sticking through. It was October. His birthday was coming up. He was gonna be a big twelve year old soon, and he couldn’t wait. One more year until he could actually get into PG-13 movies in the theatres! He wished his mom was still around. Maybe she could have taken him. God knows his dad wouldn’t.
“Michael! Hey, Michael! Michael J. Caboose, open the damn door!” He called to the upstairs window. Of course he didn’t think to try the handle. It was always locked. That’s how the Caboose family was- always locking things.
This was the one time they didn’t.
Church rocked on his heels again, whistling some melody off key. Two flights of stairs up, a certain Michael leaned over the window, looking down at Church with a grin on his face. Boy, was Leo gonna love him! He had the funniest idea for a prank. All he had to do was startle him, drop the thing twenty feet to his left, and laugh about it later. Nothing could go wrong. It was the perfect plan.
Church didn’t hear the window upstairs slide open. He certainly didn’t see the bright orange of a pumpkin being pushed out of said window, a smiling Caboose looking down over him. And he definitely wasn’t awake long enough to feel the brute force of the impact, the pumpkin smacking into his head and his head smacking the cement. It all happened too fast.
Caboose’s smile slipped slightly.
“Hey guys, we’re back. We- oh, come on. You’re still playing with that ghost bullshit?” Simmons’ voice interrupted. Church’s flashback came to an abrupt end. Grif and Simmons stood at the door, Grif peering over Simmons’s shoulder. His eyes were trained on Church, almost as if he could see him. But he couldn’t. No one could.
Church took a step back, suddenly heartbreakingly aware of the people in the room.
Tucker. Lavernius Tucker. He’d lived on Second Street, right down the block from Church’s house. They’d learned to ride bikes together.
And Doc. Frank DuFresne. That idiot thought he could heal anything, though he’d barely even earned his nickname. Hell, Church was the one that gave it to him. Once put a band-aid on Church’s mouth to get him to shut up.
Simmons. Richard. And Dexter Grif! They were the two kids on the playground who would always fight over who got the basketballs at recess… Dexter would only fight Dick about it to piss him off, and Dick would throw a hissy fit. God. It seemed like forever ago.
Wash didn’t ring that many bells, but even Donut was starting to seem familiar. He knew them. He’d known them.
And Caboose.
He’d killed him.
“And like, dude,” Tucker continued talking to Caboose, as if Simmons and Grif still weren’t there. “We’re not stupid. We know why you turned to ecstasy in the first place. But like, man. It’s really fucked you over,” he said. “It’s been five years. You need some closure or some shit.”
Caboose still hadn’t moved his eyes from the Ouija board. Church took a second, looking at this broken man. He was labelled as a murderer at twelve years old. And, as Church slowly realized, he’d turned to drugs to forget about that. To forget about the one time he fucked up and ended his best friend’s life.
But he couldn’t.
Church didn’t have much energy left, but damn if he wasn’t going to try his best. No hands were left on the pointer. In the moment, that didn’t matter.
“Wh- guys, it’s moving. What?” Simmons said. He took a step further into the room, Grif on his tail.
“What’s it say, what’s it say?” Tucker said.
“Will you be quiet? The spirit is trying to contact us, how could it possibly think over all this chatter? What you guys need is some Chamomile tea, that’d calm you down,” Doc said.
“Doc, shut up, I’m trying to read it,” Grif said, squeezing into the circle. All six of them crowded around the board, watching quietly as Church moved the pointer slowly, carefully. All of his energy was going into this. It was all he had.
“Caboose. It’s me. It’s Leo,” Church muttered, using the pointer to spell his words as he spoke them. “Leonard Church. I’m here.”
“Holy shit. Holy fuck he’s here,” Tucker said. “Holy shit.”
“Maybe this is the reason I stuck around, my unfinished business. It’s been years, dude. I’ve always been here,” Church said. Caboose’s eyes were going glassy. He still hadn’t moved from his position, and hadn’t uttered a word. “I just wanted to say I forgive you. I do. It wasn’t your fault. I mean, yeah, it kind of was, but you didn’t mean it to be.” At this point in his speech, Doc had begun writing his words down letter for letter. Church noticed this, and used it as an excuse to move the pointer a little faster. “You aren’t defined by mistakes, Caboose. Michael. You’re defined by your decisions.”
Caboose pulled his knees up to his chest, blinking his eyes hard and fast. This was getting too much for him.
“And I mean, yeah. You’re a fucking dumbass. And so am I, I guess. But I’m starting to think it’s time to let go.” He paused the pointer here, looking around the room. Six faces stared at his hands intently. Five people he’d known his whole life, but hadn’t known until just a few minutes ago. Candles were lit around him, and faintly in the October air, he could smell a trace of pumpkins. It was time to go. “I’ll say hi to your cat, buddy, if I see her,” Church said. “Good luck.” With that, Church used the last shred of his energy. He moved the pointer hesitantly to the ‘Goodbye.’
Six faces looked up, searching each other to better understand. Their friend was gone, but up until now, he wasn’t really. No one said a word.
Huh. Church had always wondered what would happen when he ran out of energy.
He guessed he’d find out.
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medicus-mortem · 3 years
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Anonymous asked: "MAKE MORE ANGELS YOU COWARDS!!!!" I assume most don't cause they're kinda boring? Which should open more room for imagination to fill that boring hole but from what i've seen with angel stuff it's usually so boring and goody or "trying too hard" to be not bland.
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That just tells me you haven’t seen any imaginative depictions of angels. There is so much potential in angels and how they look or act. Have you seen the Bayonetta series? The angels in that are fucking weird and I adore that kind of unknowable holy being vibe. Then there are how angels are depicted in Supernatural. A lot of them are assholes who have their own agendas or wish to follow God’s will in a way that is more damaging to humanity than it should be.
Angels can be whatever or however you wish them to be. People who lock them into that ‘oh good glowing thing with wings’ shit are just not imaginative enough. One example I have in this verse is how the Church behaves, the religious organisation of hunters Law is part of. The world for the most part sees the Church as a bastion of good and moral judgement which is true in a sense but the goal of their leader, Bishop, is to rid the world of all sin. He believes he is doing God’s work and sees this goal as a crusade he must embark on. If he has to he will cleanse the world of all humanity to reach this goal.
The angels that work with him have this same ambition and will do anything to achieve it. They see themselves as the good guys but their methods are not good and their disregard for human life absolutely isn’t. Other angels could have a similar goal but go about it differently. Or have completely different goals. I don’t see heaven or the heavenly host as a single cohesive unit. I imagine there are factions within it and multiple beings have their own methods or interpretations of what God’s will is. As for God himself, I see him in this verse as an indifferent being who pays no attention to mortals.
This isn’t a black and white world we’re creating. It is grey and varied and has the potential for anything you wish. Do not limit your imagination or creativity. Do something grand. Do something unexpected. And just have fun with it.
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smashbros2023 · 3 years
Prompt: Sassy artist x quiet writer
Characters: Lennox (Lenny) Andrews, Pete Wentz, Patrick Stump, Joe Trohman, Andy Hurley, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Frank Iero
Year: 2005, particularly warped tour
Warnings: uh, sassy gay people, Pete Wentz, flirting, slight petekey if you squint, and original character in place of reader.
Author Notes: Sup, Alex here. I might write a part two to this story, but with more of a pete x mikey x lenny aspect. i might also write a part with lenny and gee being sassy assholes who sit in an olive garden and make fun of old white people. also, here's the pictures of lenny that i used.
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Sketchpad in hand and headphones on, Lenny absentmindedly doodled based on the lyrics of each song. There was Queen, Nirvana, Incubus, Bowie, and everything in between.
The drummer hummed as his band members walked by. Gerard occasionally complemented his art and Ray asked him about it every once in a while. About 4:00 the band members of Fall Out Boy entered the small touring van.
Patrick sat next to Gerard, Joe sat next to Mikey, Andy sat off towards the edge and Pete sat between Lenny and Frank.
The bassist took one look at the drawings on the paper. "Cool." Lenny nodded, picking up the MP3 in order to skip a song. "So...What are you drawing? Like do all of the drawings go together or are they separate? Are they inspired by something?"
"Inspired by music, separate." Lenny refused to look at Pete, continuing to draw. Frank snorted at the drummer's response, but stayed quite elsewise.
"What music do you listen to?" Pete continued with trying to start a conversation, his leg bouncing as he glanced between the page and the taller man.
"Rock n' roll. Kinda a requirement to be on Warped. Not exactly any pop-princesses out here. Minus you." That sent Frank off, doubling over in laughter with Ray chuckling and Mikey trying to hide a smile.
"I'm gonna take that as a compliment. What kind of rock?" Pete tried to hide his smile as he continued to peer over Lenny's shoulder.
"The type-a rock that would make your momma drop her panties in church." That phrase made everyone look up, Gerard shaking his head and Patrick's jaw dropping in shock.
Lenny then stood up and moved to the opposite side of Frank. "Y'know, you're just pissed you fell from Heaven."
"Bold of you to assume I didn't crawl out of hell, Peter." Frank leaned his head onto Lenny's shoulder, prompting the man to kiss his forehead.
"Hey, Len," His eyes caught Patrick's, "You should draw Pete."
The older man scoffed, "I wouldn't be caught dead breathing the same air as that asshole. Why would I stare at him for an hour?"
"So people wouldn't think you were screwing him behind your back, Len." Gerard scoffed, slightly, looking at Mikey, who refused to acknowledge the conversation.
"If I did, you seven would go feral." Lennox raised the pitch of his voice. "'Oh my god, Frankie, did cha see that?? I told you they were dating. I swear to god if they don't let me be the bridesmaid, I'm personally gonna sue both of them.' Sure thing Gerard."
"You're an ass. I triple dog dare you and I will buy you dinner if you draw Pete." Gerard wore a smirk as he looked between Mikey, Pete, and Lenny.
"Fuck you, buy me dinner and a new piercing."
"Draw Mikey too, then."
"Slap my ass and call me Van Gogh, then." Lenny smiled and went over to Gerard, lowering his voice, "if I rough up Pete a bit, will you buy me a new hat?"
Gerard nodded.
"You must get off to this sick shit, Mr. Way." Lennox walked away and went to sit on his knees in front of Pete. "Sup, Peter."
Pete's breath hitched as he looked down at Lenny, who propped his notebook up against Pete's legs. Lennox looked back over towards Gerard and smirked.
"Look towards the window or something, Pete. I can't draw people whose faces are three inches away." With that, Lenny used his free hand to redirect Pete's chin. "Pencils, please, turtle." Frank handed the man a pencil so he could begin to draw.
"You know, you look good on your knees."
"You know who else has said that, Pete? Your father."
"My dad is a conservative white man, but go off."
"I feel bad for your mom then."
"He has his limits."
"Oh, honey, believe me, I know."
Frank almost fell off his chair, while Ray walked off towards the back of the bus. Patrick choked on his drink while Joe, Mikey and Gerard shared a glance.
Pete relaxed in his seat, readjusting so that he slouched in the chair. Lenny made a disappointed face and looked up. "Peter, I'm drawing you, not sucking your dick. I don't like the taste of shrimp, sit the fuck up." Pete looked down at him with a hurt expression before sitting with his back to the wall.
"You still wanna flirt with him, Petey?" Gerard called to the younger man. Pete shook his head before looking back to where he was.
A few minutes later, Lenny made a frustrated noise punctuated with a tongue click, and stood up abruptly.
"Give up, Len?" The man looked at Gerard with a smirk before sitting on Pete's lap. The other boys shouted a bit, watching as Lennox fixed Pete's chin and flicked a hair away.
"Draw him like one of your french girls." Lenny paid no attention to Andy as he drew Pete's eyes. A camera clicked in the distance, causing Lenny to smirk and look down.
Whispering, Lenny slightly leaned in, eyeing Pete's lips so he could sketch them. "We should give them something to take a picture of."
"Oh, you sure?" Pete looked Lenny in the eyes.
"Hell yeah. Wait a few minutes though. Let me finish up your lips." At that point, Pete shifted, sitting back. Lenny stared at Pete's mouth, biting his own bottom lip.
Lenny finished off Pete's face, reaching for his color pencils. He grabbed a baby pink one, holding it to Pete's lips. Lenny raised a brow and Pete took the que.
Pete grabbed Lenny's wrist pulling it away, and used his free hand to cup the taller man's face, pulling him in. Lenny leaned in, catching Pete's lips.
Pete held Len tightly, not letting go of the drummer's wrist. Len gripped Pete's shoulders, holding each other there for a minute.
It was silent, until everyone figured out what had happened. Frank was the first to start yelling, standing up and clapping;  then Gerard. The other Fall Out Boys and Ray started, but Mikey stayed quiet.
They eventually pulled away for air. "You don't have any idea how long I wanted to do that."
"Shut up, Wentz."
"Wanna go back to my van?" Lenny smiled, but stood up.
"Not right now. In order to get a new hat and piercing, I have to draw you and Mikey."
The pair looked over at Mikey, who's eyes widened, but smirked nonetheless.
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
Couldn't the thing with Jason thinking Dick is infallible from Truth and Justice story come from how he is compared to his brother from Bruce. Even when he was Robin with Dick and Bruce fighting, he was told that Dick was better by Bruce. Then he comes back and is a cautionary tale of what not to and how not to be while Dick and Bruce are now getting along.
I mean yeah, you could go with that take, but I’m always gonna argue that even that is more fanon based than anything else, at least before this issue. We’ve seen a lot of that take in the past already, but truth is, there really isn’t that much basis in older stories for Bruce comparing Jason to Dick. And like I’ve expanded on in the past, younger Jason looked UP to Dick, he certainly didn’t resent him. 
With this being true even when he first came back - Dick was the only one he didn’t target at ALL during Under the Red Hood, and when he did finally meet up with Dick a year later, during the Brothers in Blood arc, it was more to fuck with him than any attempt to take things out on him. Like, that arc gets a lot of shit and deservedly so, but I really do wish more people would at least takeaway from it the fact that in it, JASON referenced still thinking of Dick as family. Which just doesn’t mesh up with all the ‘they barely knew each other/they resented each other’ takes.
Pretty much all the times I can think of when Jason was compared to Dick pre ADITF, it was actually not at all what its usually represented as by most fandom takes, such as the time Jason teamed up with the Titans. For pretty much Jason’s entire tenure as Robin up until the Felipe Garzonas arc, Jason was actually portrayed as perfectly secure in his position of Robin and wasn’t threatened by anyone else’s perception of him at all. Even the arc where he loses it on Two-Face has been kinda amplified to make more of it than it was, like.....Bruce was worried about the anger he expressed there, but that was more out of concern FOR Jason and it wasn’t the “Jason was on the verge of getting fired as Robin all along” kinda narrative we tend to see referenced. 
Jason was only made out to be the angry Robin or the less competent Robin or whatever AFTER his death, which is all kinds of shitty, but like......there’s no real basis for any kind of extended history where Jason resentfully suffered under his big brother’s shadow while Robin. The angry/less competent Robin stuff was all DC retroactively railroading him after the fact to justify their choice to kill him off (which was still their choice no matter the existence of a poll), and its the narrative most people have run with because it amplifies Jason’s existence as the misunderstood and unfairly judged underdog of the family.
Now to be 100% clear, as I’ve said in the past.....there is absolutely no reason you CAN’T go with this take if you don’t want to. Nobody has to abide by canon, or a particular canon and I’ll never argue otherwise. My main point has always just been that the thing about fanfic is that its a transformative process, it enables fans to take canon and transform it into something else.....but here’s the thing....those transformations ALWAYS happen with INTENT. People are deliberate in how and in what ways they transform canon, even if they’re not always CONSCIOUS of that deliberation.....it still exists. None of these transformations just happen, they happen for a reason. Because fans want an end result that’s different from what we saw in canon.
So my thing is always just.....yes, transform canon as you like, for whatever reason. But don’t pretend that those reasons don’t exist, and understand that when people look at a canon to fanon transformation that really only results in one major difference.......they’re gonna assume that this difference, achieving this difference, was for whatever reason, the POINT of the transformation.
And here’s where I also want to express something else: my take has never been that most of fandom just hates Dick Grayson. That they’re consciously, deliberately out to smear him or make him look bad. I think there’s a lot of elements in play with how I perceive fandom’s interactions with him compared to other characters, but more often than not, I think one of the bigger issues with how his character is TRANSFORMED from canon to fanon, is just.......he’s collateral damage. I don’t think in most cases the point is even to make actual transformations of his character or characterization......its to apply these things to people he’s in scene WITH......and he just ends up transformed as well, by proximity.
Take a look at some examples:
1) Dick firing Tim
Except as we’ve gone over multiple times, Dick didn’t actually FIRE Tim. He didn’t neglect him, he didn’t turn his back on him, he could have handled that situation differently, sure, but he had none of the ill intent people assign to him when they typically ramp up how bad this period was for Tim. Dick actually called him his equal, begged him to stay, said he was too GOOD to be Dick’s junior partner........but this is not at all how this moment in canon is generally viewed by a lot of fandom. He comes off looking a TON worse, like he just chose Damian over Tim and discarded Tim first chance he got, he didn’t care how Tim was affected, he kicked Tim out of the manor and out of Gotham.
But the thing is.....I’d argue that none of this TRANSFORMATION from canon really had anything to do with Dick. I don’t actually think that tons of fans were just waiting in the wings for the perfect opportunity to make a villain out of Dick and just seized upon this moment as the perfect opportunity. I think it was just all about Tim. It was about accentuating his misery, his aloneness, heightening the whump factor of his character and amplifying the feelings of insecurity, rejection and alienation he was feeling and that people related to.
What happened to Dick’s character in most peoples’ eyes as a result of this transformation, was the symptom, not the point. It was the collateral damage, not the aim.
2) Bruce firing Dick
In contrast, we have more than one canon interpretation of Bruce firing Dick as Robin, with this leading directly into Dick leaving the manor at a fairly young age, keeping his distance from Bruce until he finds out about Jason, Bruce giving Robin to Jason without acknowledging or apologizing for the fact that he was giving away the identity that someone else had crafted and poured their heart and soul into, not him.......but this isn’t how a lot of fandom outside of Dick stans and people who are specifically predisposed towards Bad Dad Bruce like to treat that part of canon.
Here, the transformation is the reverse from what happened with Tim and Dick. Here, the feelings of rejection and alienation and insecurity Dick realistically would have felt during that time are overlooked and even outright invalidated by TRANSFORMING the canon so that actually, this period of extended estrangement is completely disconnected from any version of events where Bruce fired Dick, which he did not do here. And in fact, Dick gave up Robin, he and Bruce had a falling out, and this was mutual and two-sided and thus Dick’s refusal to come home earlier and reconcile with Bruce was not actually him standing up for himself and refusing to settle for being taken for granted and dismissed when convenient but rather just Dick being immature, stubborn and a little spoiled.
But again.....I don’t think that’s the aim so much as a byproduct of the intended end result. Once more, I think that had very little to do with Dick himself, wasn’t about making him look bad specifically....but rather, it was about making Bruce look better. It was transforming the thing he had done in canon which was so hard to defend, ie ignore all of Dick’s feelings on the matter much in the way people accuse Dick of ignoring Tim’s later, and passively rejecting him and refusing to be the first to reach out unlike Dick who actively sought after Tim when he left. Those moments in canon definitively make Bruce look pretty bad, and are hard to reconcile with Good Parent Bruce Wayne, so that is what people are trying to transform. Once again, the way it makes Dick look in contrast is just a symptom.
The further examples are honestly pretty endless.
The aftermath of Forever Evil and Spyral is ignored, transforming Dick into the true villain of that period not because people just want an excuse to hate him, but because they don’t want to or can’t reconcile what Bruce actually did in order to get Dick to act so out of character, or they want to justify Jason and Tim and others’ anger at Dick later rather than have them appear to be inconsiderate assholes just piling on a guy who just had the worst year of his life to date.
The instances of Bruce outright abusing Dick after Jason’s death and at other times like Night of the Owls are ignored, transforming Dick into an impetuous, overly aggressive asshole who isn’t reacting to Bruce’s initial aggression, but rather just popping off the handle because he isn’t being received or treated just the way he likes.
Dick reaching out to Jason and making an offer to be there for him as Robin and later times they interact in Titans as well as any actual bond they build, even if mostly just hinted at off the page....all ignored in favor of transforming Dick into this bitter, jealous jerk who can’t see past his own feelings long enough to realize he’s taking things out on an innocent kid who doesn’t deserve this, even though that’s exactly what he realized and motivated his actual actions towards Jason in canon. And again, its not so much about making Dick worse, its about overlooking the WHYS of Dick’s hurt, turning the focus from what was done to him that justifies him being upset in the first place, to some greater mistreatment he enacts on Jason and thus drowns out any sympathy that people might otherwise have for Dick.
Dick’s periods of brainwashing like under the Church of Blood being overwritten or ignored in order to transform his deliberately out of character attitudes towards his friends and teammates there into just normal outbursts that were part of his characterization rather than signs that something was abnormally wrong with him. Thus turning everyone else’s treatment of him during that time period into again just their part of a two-way street and nothing they had to feel bad about rather than acknowledge that he’d literally not been in full control of himself while they had no such excuse for their behavior.
To be clear.....this kind of thing is NOT limited to just Dick. It tends to happen any time people want to transform a canon event into something more one-sided, to accentuate a particular character’s position as the victim or the misunderstood or neglected party.....or to turn a one-way street into a mutual antagonism, to lessen a particular character’s culpability in some argument or feud. You can absolutely find examples of this same effect applying to every other character in the Batfam as well.
But the reason it happens so often with Dick, and thus every instance of it happening tends to be amplified by the sheer volume of similar situations......is because of convenience. Because ironically, the reason Dick so often looks so bad in fanon’s eyes when it comes to his treatment of his family....is BECAUSE of how Dick is so much more integrated into every one of his family’s lives (and his friends’) than pretty much any other character. He’s the collateral damage to other characters being deliberately transformed in some way purely because he’s the one who almost always is THERE to some degree. Because there’s no one else in the scene that’s being transformed.
And so to bring it all back to your question......I think you absolutely can go with that take. There’s an argument to be made for it, especially now given that this canon issue has actually established a precedent for Jason feeling that way rather than fanon just running with the idea because it makes Jason more maligned. Its still not something that’s ever going to interest me though, even if I can see the reasoning for it, because its not just the fact that this particular dynamic between Dick and Jason has played out thousands of times before in fic, as I said yesterday. Its also because like I laid out here......my bigger issue is that take has absolutely NOTHING to do with Dick himself, says nothing about his character, but his character is inevitably the one who will suffer fallout from that particular take. That dynamic, as you described it, makes sense.....but its entirely, 100% on Bruce or others for raising those comparisons, not because of anything Dick did to Jason himself.....and thus it makes Jason’s dynamic towards Dick MORE a product of other peoples’ reactions and attitudes towards him and his brother respectively.
And that dynamic IS perfectly understandable and valid. But even if its slightly different this time because of more of a canon basis, it still for me falls into the same pattern of Dick being collateral damage to something that’s largely focused on another character entirely, with him and how he’s impacted by extension being kinda an afterthought. 
*Shrugs* And that’s just......a story I’ve read so many many times before, I’m just never gonna be all that engaged by it. 
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
House of Mouse April Fools Special: Donald’s Pumbaa Prank (Patreon Review for WeirdKev27)
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Hello all you happy people and welcome to my April Fool’s Special! And it’s also my patreon review for the month as Kev just so happened to randomly hit this one and once I realized it was an april fools episode I moved it up since things have been kinda hectic in the old brainpan lately, and as such my output slowed down a bit so I really wasn’t in great shape to do 4 episodes in one day. So instead see what hyjinks, fart jokes and murders of beloved disney characters insue under the cut as the hosue of mouse gets a bit foolish
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The Wraparound:
It’s April Fools day at the House of Mouse and Donald pulls a prank on MIckey by cutting his break lines.. wait no that was last year. No this year he just puts some wax on the stage and MIckey trips, Donald laughs. Now if this were the real world this would be really dangerous and probably destroy their friendship and MIckey’s spine. But this is a cartoon that runs on cartoon physics. He was in no real danger. So Mickey’s retaliation on the other hand.. is just showing embarassing footage of Donald. It makes him come off as unecessarily cruel as instead of an actual prank or joke it’s just “Hey look at this embarassing footage of my friend I dug up”
This plot DOES get a lot bettter though after the setup: Pete talks Donald into kidnapping Pumba, planning to use Pumbas farts to clear out the club...
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Yeah i’m not big on fart jokes. I’m not against them, when used right they can be comedy gold.. this song from bobs burgers is one such example
It’s just a lot of times farts and other bodily functions are used as the joke alone. That’s it. There’s no actual laughs or content too said laughs, i’ts jsut this is gross.  Thankfully this episode does not go really deep down the grossdout rabit hole, as we don’t see the fart on screen.. but it still dosen’t make “Pumbas’ ass gas is going to destroy the house of mouse” funny. 
There are some funny gags though: Donald’s method of distracting Timon so Pete can kidnap Pumbaa is to just stand there not saying anything and weirding Timon out , their replacement is just a bowling ball, two horns and a sack of something, and when Timon goes looking for Pumbaa, finds Zazu under a plate the hyena’s have.. and then just leaves him there. Seriously Timon just.. let’s Zazu die and I am here for it. 
Donald meanwhile thinks Mickey is planning another prank after mickey apologizes and has a special thing planned but it’s really jsut a lifetime achivment award, so Donald tries to stop it, then reveals the truth when Pumba shows up.. and gets his award taken away. Even though he had every reason to think Mickey was going to pull something because honest as he is i’ts april fools day. Mickey just... obnoxious in this one and it speaks to a larger problem with the series I remember from when I was a kid that i’ve noticed once or twice now: The show tends to have Squidward Syndrome, i.e. it treats Donald who can be obnoxious as wrong.. even when he’s done nothing wrong THIS EPISODE, like spongebob did to squidward at times, or if he has done something wrong his punishment is dispororitante. Donald did a minor prank.. and MIckey publicly humiliated him and Donald TREID to stop his prank. And goes above and behond to stop it, taking the fart attack at ground zero. Speaking of which the fart attack scene from parks and rec, also a good fart joke. 
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And MIckey.. learns nothing by playing the test footage again even though Donald was just ground zero at an attomic level ass.
Final Thoughts for the Wraparound: It’s not great. I”m noticing that trend with Season 1 in general, where they really just didn’t have a ton of idea of what to do with the wraparounds. The episodes still vary in quality, but outside of the pilot most of the season 1 episodes are pretty disapointing as an adult, very simplistic plots that often don’t use the club’s nature to their full advantage or the characters to the same. It would get better though, but it’s something to notice. onto the shorts. 
The Friend for Life: This is a pretty simple one. Sam and Max, are after the mad Thesipian, whose exactly what he sounds like. We even get a really neat visual gag as sam just.. uses his little buddy as a sword while the Thespian uses a candelabra. But while our Freelance Police catch the weirdo, and Max takes a ride in the saftey tramp they set up for the guy, he escapes when the two are distracted by Norm, THE FRIEND FOR LIFEEEEEEEE. An obessive fanboy played by Patrick Mackenna of the Red Green Show, esentially playing an older and stalkery version of Harold.. now I think about it this might be his dad. I mean we don’t know where he went or what hapepend to the guy. Maybe he just went to the states to obesss over a rabbit and Dog. I don’t know. 
Lorne wants to help our heroes while Max understandably wants to run him over and sam just runs past him the minute they can. But despite finding the thespians layer  Max: (Singsong) We’re here to arressttt youuu Sam: (Also singsong): Rememberrrrr.. crimesss against humanitty? But it turns out Lorne, THE FRIEEEND FOR LIFFFEEEE, kidnapped him and puts on a show for htem of fighting thier old eneimies and a roller coaster death trap. Our heroes escape and begrudignly thank lorne even if they find his stalker shrine a bit much. 
Final Thoughts for The Friend For LIfe: A really solid episode and the fact i’ve binged several sam and max episodes since then really speaks to how good this one was. Seriously really funny stuff and I didn’t even cover half the great jokes in this one. Check it out, it’s on youtube. 
Mickey’s April Fools: An odd one but a fun one. MIckey is taking his asshole pills and goes overboard with his pranks, faking proposing to Minnie and faking his death after Mortimer pranks him. But it works... I mean is it grossly out of character? Oh god yes. Would it have made more sense by swapping out Mickey, Minnie and Mortimer with Donald, Daisy and either the boys or pete? Entirely. Is this short still hilarous. Yup. While i’ts not the best they’ve done on the show, it’s still really entertaining. The two end up getting him back, MOrtimer by faking a will reading only to have it go really poorly for Mickey as his death was reported, donald refuses to help due to Mickey’s last words to mortimer being “I’ve never undestood him” and Goofy being.. goofy. And MIckey is left hanging from a pole by minnie because fuck him. An out of character one.. but the sheer oddity of mickey being this dickish in the house of mouse shorts makes it work.  Be A Man: As a debut album for Randy Savage this Album is audotirally fucktacular, and with some polish randy could’ve had a long and successful rap career. As it stands, it is a sad one off not ein his career. 
Critters: On an asteroid prison, a group of dangerous aliens known as Krites are set to be transported to another station. The Krites engineer an escape and hijack a ship, prompting the warden to hire two shape-changing bounty hunters to pursue them to Earth. Studying life on Earth via various satellite television transmissions, the first bounty hunter assumes the form of rock star Johnny Steele, while the second remains undecided, thus retaining his blank, featureless head. On a rural Kansas farm, the Brown family sits down to breakfast. Father Jay and mother Helen send teenage daughter April and younger son Brad off to school while waiting on mechanic Charlie McFadden. A former baseball pitcher, Charlie has become the town drunk and crackpot, with claims of alien abductions foretold by messages through his fillings.
Playing with overly potent self-made fireworks and Charlie's slingshot, Brad takes the blame when Charlie accidentally shoots April and is grounded as a result. On the roof that evening, Brad mistakes the Critters' crashing spaceship for a meteorite; Jay and Brad investigate and interrupt the creatures consuming a cow. The creatures thereafter kill and feed on a local police officer, and later besiege the farm and cut its electrical connection. While checking the circuit breaker, Jay is attacked by one of the Critters and, being severely wounded, just barely manages to escape
.In the barn, April is about to have sex with her boyfriend Steve when he is killed by the one of the Critters; the creature itself is slain when it devours one of Brad's lit firecrackers. The remaining Critters sabotage the Browns' and Steve's cars, forcing the Browns to hole up inside the main house. Meanwhile, the two bounty hunters search the town for the Critters, causing a panic at the church and bowling alley, with the second hunter assuming the form of various townspeople, including Charlie. Brad escapes the farm to get help and runs into the bounty hunters, and upon learning of their true nature and intentions, he leads them to the Critters' location.
The last surviving Critters kidnap April and return to their ship when the bounty hunters arrive, and attempt to flee. Charlie and Brad manage to rescue April, but Brad drops a large firecracker he intended to use to destroy the ship when the Critters discover their escape. Just as the Critters take off and destroy the farmhouse out of spite, Charlie throws a Molotov cocktail made from his whiskey bottle into the ship, causing a fire which detonates the cracker and kills the Critters. The bounty hunters leave in their ship after giving Brad a handheld device to contact them in case of future invasion, and also restore the house. Unbeknownst to them, Critter eggs can be seen in the barn inside a chicken's nest that seem to be ready to hatch.
Final Thoughts on Critters: Critters is a wonderful film, despite what Rapheal from the teenage mutant ninja turtles might think but fuck him he has scabies. It’s fun, energetic, and ahs a great premise of instead of it JUST being on our heroes to repel the invaders, their caught between two diffrent sets of aliens instead and instead of a chisled jawed heroes the good aliens are simply bounty hunters with no care about collateral and only doing a job. It’s a damn fine film and I still need to make time to watch the sequel. 
Donald’s River Thing:
This is a simple one. Donald plans to go fishing, finds out it’s his and Daisy’s anniversary, her half birthday and valentine’s day and has to take her along and make it like a thing while being a dick about wanting to still fish, but in a very funny way while the local fish fight back. This is easily the standout of the episode incredibly funny, increidbly wholesome, and an incredibly good time. Really great stuff. 
Invincible Episodes 1-3:
This seires is fucking fantastic and you should go watch it. GO WATCH IT. 
Final Thoughts overall: 
Final Thoughts Overall: This is a decent episode not much to say except HIT IT BOYS
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okay so that loki video essay thing was going well, and then like a day into writing it i lost the hyperfixation so it's never gonna be finished. i still think it's alright, completely unedited, entirely a train of thought, i hope you like commas and pacific rim, it's only 2.8k
btw if something doesn't make sense, i was writing this while watching some video essays, and also haven't read it
Loki is a show, well you know that, but a show that does everything right, until it doesn’t (crazy, I know). If you’re here, I assume you’ll already know a fair bit about it, but if you don’t, here’s a quick refresher. Spoilers for everything MCU.
Loki begins in 2012, technically, just after the Avengers go back through time from Endgame to meet themselves and grab the infinity stones. Unfortunately, the plan goes awri, and Loki ends up in possession of the Tesseract, the mind stone. With this, he teleports to a desert in [a place] and is quickly arrested and apprehended by the Time Keepers for ‘Crimes Against the Sacred Timeline.’ Sounds a bit cult-y if you ask me, and given that you’re stuck here, you will ask me. Essentially, his actions (taking the tesseract) were not supposed to happen. They created a branch, a new timeline, and, according to the TVA, if left unchecked, the timeline could cause a multiversal war that would result in the end of time. This is, to put it simply, a very interesting premise, and the first two episodes do a wonderful job of exploring the TVA and searching for the mysterious Loki variant who causes chaos and mischief, all while evading the time cops.
What is the TVA? Well, it’s the Time Variance Authority, which clears up nothing to those who haven’t seen the show. I would let a clip explaining it play, but I think I’d get a copyright strike, even though I’m fairly sure it’s within fair use. Regardless, the TVA is an organisation supposedly created by the Time Keepers, space lizards who brought together all of time into a singular sacred timeline. Had they not done this, time itself would have ended, how they did this is unexplained, and likely either impossible, or they are greater than gods in their power. Loki is immediately doubtful, but can’t deny that they must hold some power, because not only does his magic not work in the TVA, but infinity stones are useless too. Time is also stranger there too, more an idea as opposed to a set part of their reality. Many theorise that they reside within the quantum realm, which makes sense, as that is how one travels through time, at least in the marvel universe, but we can’t be sure until we get an explanation. Of course, I’m writing this long before I’ll see the finale, so who knows, perhaps I’ll have to rewrite it.
Now I’ve said all that without explaining what the TVA actually does. It’s pretty simple, similar to Stephen Hawking’s (???) ideas of the multiverse, every decision you make has the ability to make another timeline, one that is not part of the sacred way of time, and therefore must be pruned by the TVA before it grows enough to cause another multiversal war, despite multiverses being well-established in the MCU, but I know that’s different. Or perhaps the Time Keepers are lying (spoiler, they are, just not exactly in that way). Anyway, when someone makes a decision or takes an action that creates a new timeline, the TVA arrives. Minutemen arrest the ‘Variant’ responsible, despite their lack of intentional crime, and prune the new timeline, which we are told destroys it. Then Variants must stand trial for their crimes, in which they can either plead guilty or not, but really, that doesn’t make much difference, as they’re unable to make a case, let alone get away as innocent. Before they reach the court, however, Variants are dressed in TVA jumpsuits, have to sign off every word they’ve ever said, and a snapshot of their temporal aura is taken, for some reason. Yeah, it’s not really ever explained why they have to go through all that, like, why don’t they just prune them all, or just send them straight to court. It seems like they’re putting on a big show for nothing. Of course, if you have to go through all that, you probably won’t have time to think about the whys of your situation, which I’m sure the TVA uses to their advantage.
Now, we’re heading into real spoiler-y stuff, just in case anyone here hasn't watched episode three. If you haven’t, why are you here? Go, finish the whole series, and then come back. Alrighty. Now that everyone’s seen it all (apart from me at this point) we can continue.
Everyone working at the TVA is a Variant, and they don’t know it. The Time Keepers are said to have created everything within the TVA, every analyst, Minuteman, and whatever the other roles are. But that’s not true. They’re all variants who’ve been taken from their own timelines and had their memories wiped. This gives an explanation for the courtrooms, and the process to get into them. Robots will be melted from the inside out if they go through the temporal aura machine thingy, and I have a feeling it’s harder to reset a robot’s memories. Living beings are let through, and their actions in the courtroom could give a good overview of their strengths and intelligence, so it can be decided whether they’ll be pruned or ‘reset’ which we are told is killed, but with the information of them all being variants now available, is more likely having all their memories hidden, replaced with the idea that they’ve been at the TVA their whole lives, and that they were created by the timekeepers. Though why would space lizards create workers in the image of humans instead of like their own lizard-y selves. The TVA as a whole, as we are introduced to it, feels very cult-y. Things such as the videos Variants are shown upon being arrested, the whole ‘Sacred Timeline’ thing, the Time Keepers being viewed as almost gods, and that when one of the TVA’s own minutemen is told the truth (C-20) she is, well, removed. The TVA views Variants as criminals of the highest order. How dare they violate the sacred timeline?!!? Only, no variant knew that what they were doing was wrong, or that it even mattered, but if you’re late to work on a day where you weren’t supposed to be, then you’re removed from your timeline and charged. The sentence? Essentially death, or removal of all your memories and being lied to about everything, which might be worse depending on your stance on that kind of thing.
Anyway, the minutemen themselves are another issue that the TVA has. They respond with violence at every available opportunity, like when a young french child from the 1500s walks into a church, the first thing a minuteman does is reach for his weapon. This is also the scene where we’re introduced to my favourite character, Mobius, but more on him later. For now, I need to stay on track and keep in mind this part of the view has to remain consistent. All I can think of are the nerds I split. It seems I have an inability to stay on topic, however, I’m gonna try so you have fun keeping up with that.
Loki stood trial for crimes against the Sacred Timeline and, like any logical person may in that situation, relentlessly questions the validity of his conviction. The answers he’s provided with he just,, kind of,, disagrees with, which is fair. The concept of the TVA and the sacred timeline as a whole is absurd to him, as who would a god serve?
Part one: Glorious Purpose
Loki, in his own words, it ‘Burdened With Glorious Purpose.’ I’m so glad no one but me is gonna read this draft cuz I managed to spell many of those words wrong. His glorious purpose, in his eyes, is becoming the ruler of all, removing free will and choice from those beneath him, in a twisted attempt to make it easy for all living things. He believes in free will, at least, the free will of himself, and also believes that, out of everyone in the universe, he is the one who is right, the one who can make the world better, that is his burden. Now, you may look at that and think, ‘hey, for a god of mischief, that doesn’t seem very mischievous,’ and you’d be right. It isn’t. He’s evil, like, without a doubt, an evil person in his ideals and views of the universe, however, the change from mischief to villainy was rapid, as it’s shown that he was D.B. Cooper, and, when asked, said it was because he was ‘young and lost a bet to Thor’, which, like, okay, but that was the 60s or something. 50 years aren’t a lot in the face of 1,500, but a lot can happen then
Part something: ethics
So, as you’ve probably gathered by now, I’m a pretentious asshole, and with that comes three years of philosophy classes and a superiority complex, though perhaps that comes from the whole leftist thing. Anyway, as per usual, I got sidetracked. I’m watching a really good video atm, so lots of things are happening in my head right now. Back to being pretentious, I’m going to be talking about ethics, fun, and how that relates to the TVA, the sacred timeline, Kang, sorry, he who remains. Regarding the whole Kang thing, I haven’t read a single Marvel comic since I was a member of the comic book club 4(???) years ago. Gods, I’m so old. Yup Percy Jackson took up too much of my childhood. Sidetracked again! I apologise, anyway, everything I know about Kang the Conqueror comes from Tumblr, so I’m not going to spend any time talking about any parts of the character that aren’t shown in the show. I really want to be writing about Doctor Who right now but I have my notes up so I’m gonna do this. Okay, right. Ethics. I hope I don’t go into free will right now because I will never stop going on about that. Anyway, let's look at the TVA, ignoring Kang, not for simplicity, but to see if the ends do in fact justify the means as Mobius said. And by that I mean, if what employees of the TVA think is true, are their actions justified? Finally got to the point, after how many words? Too many, anyway, let’s start from the start (kinda).
In an actual, proper, organised essay, I think that whole last paragraph was supposed to be 1 (one) sentence long, maybe. I have been writing year nine level essays for many years, despite not being in year nine for many, many years, so, be glad you’re reading something I’m interested in. Back to the topic at hand, please. Sorry I just got distracted again. I shouldn’t have Tumblr open atm. Anyway, what are the TVA’s means? So, I’ve already explained what the TVA is, and what it does, but let’s use a fun example to show what they really do. Imagine you’re a kid (or maybe you are a kid, so imagine you’re a younger one) and you just got home from school. You just made an awesome new friend who believes in you and loves your art. This sparks your interest in art, leading to countless pieces, days and days spent drawing and painting and having a great time. Your art begins to take hold on the world, speaking to people, letting them believe in themselves, thousands upon thousands of people inspired to start their own art, to rebel against the system of capitalism and teach people that there’s more to life than a job. This begins the global radicalisation of the working class, and with that, rebellion and the downfall of capitalism. I’m in a good mood rn, feeling optimistic, so don’t worry about what’s happening. Anyway, with the downfall of human exploitation and eradication of poverty comes a branch in the Sacred Timeline, and as the root of it is you as a child making a friend, your 5-year-old self just committed a crime that, according to the TVA, is worthy of what they believe to be actual death, like, being pruned.
Now, this was a very umm, off-the-top-of-my-head example, and entirely makes no sense, but give me two seconds and I’ll remember my original point. Right. The risk of allowing the downfall of capitalism is the end of all time. Always. Maybe? But, in the eyes of the TVA, kidnapping a 5-year-old, putting them through a dehumanising process to be shoved in a courtroom and being accused of crimes against the sacred timeline, and what was the crime? Making a goddamn friend. As a child. Being supported in art. Doing what you enjoy, destroying oppressive systems that will eventually be the downfall of us all and so entwined with all the problems in the world that any chance of saving it revolves around its deconstruction. I’ve been hunched over too long and my back is really starting to hurt, but the essay must go on. And remember, the domino effect of that friendship never actually happened. The timeline was pruned before it could happen, so the crime is literally making a friend. Very extreme example sorry, but shock makes your point go across faster, and also sparks outrage, which I don’t want to happen, but with doing literally anything comes backlash, like stepping on the wrong leaf, or a butterfly. I hope you guys know that this is unplanned and probably unedited. Okay I need to watch Pacific Rim again. Okay imagine now they kill the child. Right. That’s likely what would happen. Children are weak (usually, Sylvie is just on another level of awesome) [author’s note, Crimson Peak is a horror movie and I’m very upset by that cuz now I won’t be able to watch it]. Alright, so, kill a child, or destroy all of time. Always. Maybe. The way we see the TVA in the first two episodes is through Loki’s eyes, as a cult-like lie with a cool retro/futuristic aesthetic (like Doctor Who, but more on that later). I have been sitting here for 4 hours and I can confidently say my cat is an asshole whose sole purpose in life is to want to come in right when I’m in the middle of a point only to not want to come in but allow me to lose exactly what I was about to say, meaning I’ve gotten next to nothing done. Hi, I'm back. I got distracted by My Little Pony and Pacific Rim. And checkers. Issues with pacing? I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Okay, so, I’m going to say something possibly controversial. When the stakes are the endings of the entirety of time, it’s okay to let a child die, and technically they might not die they’d just be sent to be either devoured the void or saved by a ragtag team of loki variants. Which is not great. That might sound like I agree with the TVA, but trust me, I do not. Not in the slightest. I hate the slimy bastards. (I do love every single character though, like all of them are awesome) The prickly pricks will bury us all!!! I don’t agree with them because I think there is a better way to handle the multiversal problem and the issue that arises regarding the particular cause of the multiversal war. That made no sense. You’re really just gonna have to guess at this point, however, for the solution, we must look into the finale and the reasoning behind He Who Remains’ plan. I said I wasn’t going to talk about him, but I lied (rule number one). Basically, from what I understood of his plan (which wasn’t much, I’m pretty stupid) was that there were two options; option number one was to leave him there, looking over all of time, preventing free will, so that the infinite variants of him that would come from timelines wouldn’t once again attempt to conquer all of the timelines (though if there are infinite ones, how would that work? Just kidding, you’re not allowed to question this). He dictates all. There’s no such thing as free will, and if you dare veer off the path, you will be pruned, and your timeline destroyed. His plan is to hand that power over to Loki and Sylvie, because he’s getting old and has lived long enough. The other option (and the one that’s taken in the show) is to allow Sylvie to kill He Who Remains and let the multiverse unfold, allow free will and chaos to reign, with the possibility and established likelihood of the destruction of time itself. Now, just putting this out here, what if there was a third option? My proposition is based of knowing next to nothing and not having seen Loki in a while, and that is,
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japiform · 4 years
Chat Logs: Give Context
po57c0nt3n7 > how long have you known
japiform eh, i didn't really care to pay attention til you two started talkin though i'll admit, i'm new enough to this shit that i didn't really question it when i immediately assumed you was from here so. i dunno. the whole time?
po57c0nt3n7 > ok
japiform why?
po57c0nt3n7 > why do you think
japiform no clue was i supposed ta tell you immediately? i ain't really got down the ettiquettes of this exact situation guess my lusus forgot to teach me
po57c0nt3n7 > oh so now youre asking about etiquette > its ok im not mad at you
japiform .... You have never been told that before. oh?
po57c0nt3n7 > its my fault it happened like this anyway
japiform oh is this what we're doin?
po57c0nt3n7 > what > no im just telling the truth
japiform yeah cool whatever look i ain't one to stop a good pity party, but actually yeah i am they're annoying to watch and you're way funnier with that fake ass confidence it's a joke, dumbass at your expense cosmic variety you didn't realize. she didn't realize. darkleer didn't realize, and he pegged me fuckin instantly. a gods damned who's on first of reunions
po57c0nt3n7 > he pegged you lol
japiform hahaha he wishes
po57c0nt3n7 > also that wasnt me > well it was me but not really
japiform yeah yeah somethin about masks and faked confidence and maybe algorithms or somethin this is the real you, a mopey guilty asshole
po57c0nt3n7 > no i literally made an ai that i was using for data harvesting you goddamn moron > and you broke it
japiform hahahahahahaha that's fuckin funny no wonder it didn't recognize her i ain't never broke an ai before what part did it?
po57c0nt3n7 > its like asking a metal detector to find a red wall > the part where you threw it at the red wall dipshit
japiform hahahahahaha what data was you harvestin?
po57c0nt3n7 > in line with the metaphor > whether or not the metal thats responsible for the color red was present
japiform huh abstract
po57c0nt3n7 > yeah well i didnt exactly have the resources or the capacity for anything more complicated than that unfortunately > which is why im not mad at you
japiform huh what resources do you need that you don't have?
po57c0nt3n7 > power > security > not being a coward chickenshit
japiform a battery not havin enough power. kinda funny don't think i can help with that shit
po57c0nt3n7 > why would you want to help
japiform beats what i'm doin now
po57c0nt3n7 > you mean jack shit
japiform hahaha exactly
po57c0nt3n7 > i know > she keeps tabs on you
japiform how surprising damn, i didn't know that becomin a high ranking government official would mean i'd be *watched* now i'm scared of what'll happen if i *don't* help the empress's favorite pet
po57c0nt3n7 > you say dumb shit a lot > does it ever get boring
japiform hahaha yeah if you don't want help, i can just keep twiddlin my thumbs no fuckin skin off my big red nose
po57c0nt3n7 > i dont know
japiform eh. i'm old. i can wait. or maybe i'll die tomorrow either way
po57c0nt3n7 > you wont die tomorrow
japiform then i can wait :o)
po57c0nt3n7 > ok do that
japiform hahaha
japiform 1hp huh
po57c0nt3n7 > thematically appropriate eheh
japiform ha you bout to kick it?
po57c0nt3n7 > if i dont outlive your wrinkled ass i would never let myself live it down
japiform hahahahaha and how do you intend to prolong your dying battery?
po57c0nt3n7 > as long as physically possible > orr at least until i can make it up to survivor
japiform that's sweet but you answered the wrong question, dumbfuck
po57c0nt3n7 > yeah
japiform lemme rephrase through what means do you intend to prolong your miserable life
po57c0nt3n7 > why do you care
japiform i already told you ain't you got access to your memory? update ya ram or some shit i got nothin better to do this shit makes for good tv
po57c0nt3n7 > i try to access my memories as little as possible > ive some stuff happening in the background
japiform so you've got it handled
po57c0nt3n7 > yes > have any of your helmsman ever told you about the peer-to-peer helm network
japiform hahaha none of my helms tell me shit without me knowin enough to ask first
po57c0nt3n7 > smart
japiform yeah so tell me about it
po57c0nt3n7 > in laymans terms its like a mini internet basically
japiform peer to peer is what fuckers use to pirate shit, right?
po57c0nt3n7 > its not supposed to exist obviously but i doubt you really give a shit
japiform nope it's funny
po57c0nt3n7 > its something the first helmsman cooked up when they realized the trolls who set up the helmsblocks put it all on the same server for lazy asshole reasons > they could connect to eachother over the broadband network
japiform i follow
po57c0nt3n7 > over the last eons its become a hub for noobs and veterans to communicate > keep everyone in the loop > for the last two weeks ive been uploading packets
japiform startin to get the feeling i've been bein handled but go on
po57c0nt3n7 > well duh youre a figurehead at best
japiform hahaha thanks
po57c0nt3n7 > np babe > anyway these packets are 1-1 data dumps of my memories > i figured if i do kick it > other helmsman can stll learn from me i guess > i just have to hold on a little longer while it all compiles
japiform that's a special sorta sad and so fuckin dull
po57c0nt3n7 > are you ever not going to neg me or should i sign the fucking visitor book
japiform hahaha
po57c0nt3n7 > im just going to draw a huge bulge on every page
japiform i'll sign it for you, i know you're all tied up :o)
po57c0nt3n7 > you are soooo funny
japiform ;o)
po57c0nt3n7 > so a funny thing just happened
japiform oh?
po57c0nt3n7 > so whilst we were talking earlier you were a certain distance away > and now you are significantly closer > i wonder what thats about
japiform huh, weird i ain't got any idea where you're at motherfucker
po57c0nt3n7 > uh huh
japiform i just got some faithful worth roundin up in another sector fish bitch don't wholly order me around, and i ain't so solely a figurehead. i'm still runnin a mother fuckin CHURCH but if you wanted ta tell me your coords, i could come give you that kiss on my way ;o)
po57c0nt3n7 > not on your goddamn life > last thing i need right now is for you to take a "miraculous" tumble and crash through one of my walls kool-aid man style > do your clown shit idgaf
japiform by your mother fuckin leave
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thatdamnokie · 4 years
so, as everybody knows, our man, the lovely mark strong, turned 57 this past august 5th
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since the kingsman films have had a huge influence on several aspects of my day-to-day life (gee, wonder what group of people i could be referring to...), i decided to sit down and do something i’ve been thinking about since getting my medical card earlier this year: getting high as a kite and watching them back-to-back.
to celebrate mark’s birthday, i decided to do another running commentary post like the one i did for rocknrolla ages ago, under the cut. it’s a pretty similar style, which is to say not necessarily super coherent and might be hard to understand if you’ve never seen the movies. D:
there are some mentions of the roanoke society, but not many.
if even just one person finds this mildly entertaining for four seconds, then i’ll have done my job. there is a lot of cursing and this is NOT spoiler-free.
edited 9.1.20 to correct typos and such, please remember that i was Not Sober while i wrote this lmao
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how many times have i watched these movies at this point? i don’t even know.  
i always liked the nifty like—retro arcade marv opening animation
and the thing with the tapes! we love book-ending devices!
kingsman: badass motherfuckers worldwide incorporated
like why was merlin even with them? i understand why lee and james would be there, but merlin, was he not acting quartermaster then?
i have SO MANY FEELINGS about lee unwin
i think it haunts harry and merlin more than anyone thinks, but these are fun spy movies so we just don’t talk about trauma and shit, don’tcha know
don’t look at how merlin tears up and tell me he doesn’t drink about it *HEAVILY* later
it’s such a stark contrast to see the 1990s interior vs. what it’s like when eggsy’s grown :(
michelle baby i’m so sorry. you deserved better than this.
omg. like this scene is both heartbreaking but is also adorable.
colin firth has gd anime legs, that dude had to straight up unfold himself as he stood up lmao
aaannnnd swooping logo, whooooo, goin’ over some mountains~
and mark hamill, ladies and gentlemen!
this whole thing with james deciding to kinda go rogue makes me wish that we knew more about his backstory as well. like, is this james being james, or was this a weird one-off situation and he was just unlucky?
YES unlucky. nobody could plan for the hurricane of sleek destruction that is gazelle
who has one of my favorite aesthetic designs as a villain (although i guess i’d put her more on maybe henchman level? but idk, it seems like valentine looked at her more as a partner, less like an assistant? and they had a very interesting chemistry together too, like i would’ve added more valentine x gazelle scenes)
i would LOVE to be this chill about just—draping blankies over bodies
blankies over bodies sounds like a cool band name
DIBS you guys can’t have it
i am SO GLAD samuel l. jackson gave valentine a lisp!
valentine, to me, does fit a lot of the usual spy movie villain tropes
but since this movie doesn’t take itself super serious, it’s more fun than annoying
and we never hear about any of the other knights?? like
half of this is just gonna be me whining for additional footage that there just wouldn’t have been room for realistically lmao
michael caine, you are lovely
i’m an embarrassment
like let’s all stop and thank god that mark didn’t have time to learn the welsh accent
not that i would’ve been disappointed, because all accents are good accents on this blog
but at this point i can’t imagine merlin as—not scottish
“try picking a more suitable candidate this time”
arthur you DICK
like were you this cold-blooded when lee died, you fuckin’ reptilian-ass son of a bitch
no wonder you were charlie’s pledge person thing
and enter the fabulous taron egerton, stage left!
god, michelle, you need better friends, if you were my bro this entire relationship would’ve never happened
;-; and eggsy’s so sweet with his sister! i know there probably wasn’t “room” for it but i AM glad that there are scenes showing that family is one of eggsy’s kinda “core values”or whatever you want to call it
dude is a hufflepuff through and through imo
can you imagine eggsy as a villain? we would be so fucked. he’s sly, he’s smart, he could’ve made life v e r y difficult for lots of people if he really wanted to
but look at him with the squad!
eggsy’s just like the british version of a good ol’ boy
this car scene is some dukes of hazzard bullshit (ramp-jumping and fun car horn aside)
if butterflies are harry’s main symbolic critter, would foxes be eggsy’s? or would it be a pug instead? i guess that’s like asking if harry would be either a butterfly or a cairn terrier, like mr. pickle. let’s say both.
this fandom is pretty on top of character associations like that
you get symbolic associations! YOU get symbolic associations! EVERYONE gets symbolic associations whether they’re actually in the canon or not! don’t have any? don’t worry, we’ll assign you at least one!
the guy playing the interviewing officer is ALSO the patriarch in the witch which i didn’t realize until—like, a while after
and it was while @circlesofbone​ was visiting, and we were just “oh, okay, guess we can’t escape this cast at all, this is fine”
“your father saved my life.”
harry you’re such a fucking peacock, waiting all posted up and posing so you’ll look cool
you big doofus
i’d kill to be inside his head during this first conversation with eggsy though
like is eggsy like lee? is harry seeing lee the entire time he’s talking to his son, in his mannerisms, how he carries himself, how he speaks?
or is eggsy the opposite? which—i don’t know if that would somehow be sadder?
there’s just a lot going on in the background of this bit that’s left up to interpretation
“although i’m sure it’s well-founded—“
harry’s just so casual about this entire thing, nobody’s that casual without practice
harry you rabble-rouser, what kind of life have you led
“manners. maketh. man.”
our timeless motto, my flowers
kingsman STILL to this DAY has some of the most well-choreographed fight scenes i’ve ever seen??
like yeah the church scene but even just this initial bar fight
harry could’ve been a dancer
in a way i guess he already is
like he moves so fluidly and gracefully, it is BONKERS
colin you did so good! i’m so proud!
the way eggsy’s just O.O
whether or not you ship hartwin, like, you gotta admit, that was hot
and his BODY LANGUAGE, he’s sitting like RAMROD straight, this poor dude lmao
nobody prepares you for a situation like that in public school is all i’m saying
harry, exiting stage left like a suave, smooth motherfucker
remember when iggy azalea was relevant
ugghhhh i hate this part
can you imagine being harry hart listening to your dead friend’s son getting the shit beat out of him
like, surely he heard the cleaver, he knows dean was going to fucking gut eggsy right?
listen to how cold and icy his voice gets, oof
yeah, he’s pissed, and dean is lucky
ugh, i want to go to london ;-; i want to walk in front of the shop and visit harry’s house and kiss cute english boys
i’d like to think harry’s super excited to show eggsy everything but he’s gotta keep it dialed back because “decorum”
the way eggsy pauses though
“come on.”
and he says it so softly.
if i was eggsy, i’d be nervous, too.
but i didn’t realize how quickly harry tries to give off signals like “hey there’s no reason to be scared.”
“like my fair lady?” “well, you’re full of surprises.” <3 one of my favorite sceneeesss.
harry’s voice is so soothing but eggsy is so freaked out by the elevator that he’s just—there’s no room for anything else beyond processing the elevator lmao
“how deep does this fucking thing go?” asking the real questions
i’d like to think they have like soft jazz or something playing in there
and then they get to the hangar and there are obviously a buuuuunch of people out on the tarmac that we just—never hear about? i just assume they’re all like technical officers or maybe other agents
“your father had the same look on his face. … as did i.”
harry is already rooting for him.
“late again, sir.”
that. brogue.
fuck, i could listen to him talk for hours, scottish accents are my favorite thing
not a very diverse cast :/
the body bag speeeeech
and of course nobody was in any actual danger, but merlin doesn’t want them to know that so he becomes mr. hard as steel, i am emotionally stoic at all times, do not test me you bunch of rugrats
“classic army technique.”
aannnnddd charlie, also
who we might’ve found sympathy for if we knew aaannyytthiinnggg else about his backstory
like, could he just be Like That, yeah
but most people i know who are assholes like that are that way because their parents were first /shrug/
can hardly fault the dude for turning out like that when poison was all he was given to drink
anyone else a hundred percent positive they would’ve drowned in the first trial
i would absolutely have panicked and bit it
but then again, i’m not kingsman material, i’m roanoke
and if this is the exact same test that merlin and harry went through, does that mean there might be some weird drowning trauma hidden back in there that’s just ANOTHER thing we’re not gonna talk about?
(yes the correct answer is yes)
god that’s such an american response to the problem though
glass can’t cause problems if it’s in a million pieces!
“yeah you can wipe those smirks off your faces…”
i wonder if there was ever a situation where a trainee actually drowned
and i don’t mean like amelia, i mean some poor kid who just failed the test
merlin knows how to put the fear of god in people though!
and mark strong, very handsome, yes, very scary, also yes
he and colin both look like they’re 80 percent leg in every single scene
harry literally had brain matter smatter ALL OVER HIS FACE and still somehow had the mental facilities to be aware of those dudes, leave a bomb and dive out of a window (and then escape said dudes)
billy badass, y’all
“just get it done.” okay, i took back what i said earlier, maybe he does see her as more of an assistant, less than a partner. their relationship is weird.
the puppy scene!
“it’s a bulldog innit?”
YASSSS the golden trio
because of what happened with our other canon charlie has become a weird character for me to watch, like, yeah, i “watch” charlie be himself in tss but the charlie i “see” is like—”our” charlie.
“bollocks!” and then he just runs with jb in his vest, makes me smile
aannddd we see valentine’s super cool factory
harry your hair gets so long <3
“water!” wow, who wants to bet that the fact he was instantly screaming means that maybe he’s gonna have some stuff to talk about in therapy later
roxy baby i’m sorry they made you hold the balloon and have to trust these dumbasses to not shoot you on accident
i would trust roxy to not shoot me
i love, love love valentine’s house
it’s gorgeous
set design is always such a cool way for filmmakers to include details about a character using pure aesthetics and i’m such a slut for it
see also: one of the characters done the WORST by these movies imo!
the fact that she not only says no, she says no with enthusiasm and gets blatantly pissed, is one of the best insights we get into tilde’s character and then it just—gets wasted
like it takes three steps and then gets mowed down in the hallway like her guards
i would never be given the opportunity to be asked if i wanted an implant but i draw the line at having stuff put into my neck
awwww harry’s so proud!
that finger point “yeah, see, be more like your uncle”
merlin is SO TALL
“a bit much innit?”
he’s just—tapping a normal clipboard
… nobody wanna talk about how that’s a normal clipboard
i also love how they show him in professor sweaters for the beginning acts of the movie
definitely a softer aesthetic than one would guess for a dude who apparently did field missions sometime within the past decade or so, but i also have a theory that lee’s death directly contributed to merlin maybe being the man behind the screen as opposed to afield
because trauma is a thing but this is a FUN movie so we’re NOT gonna talk about it
“you’re gonna be all right. you’re top of the class!” this was the scene that made my mom a reggsy shipper
regardless of how you feel about them as a couple, their friendship is one of the best things about this movie, along with their dynamic with charlie, asjdnaskdjna WHY could we not have had a trio movie instead
eggsy you show-off “lemme just throw my arms up and dip outta this plane like it’s not a big deal”
roxy you can do it!
ugh, there goes my baby, off to have a near-death experience under merlin’s immediate supervision lmao
“good girl, rox, glad you made it!”
guys, they’re just kids.
i love this big group scene because it reminds us that these are just young folks, still
“my, my, you’re all very cheerful...”
“rufus, come on!” dude eggsy—and not even just eggsy, charlie and rox too--at least made an attempt at teamwork. you get points for that bro
but man, for all they know, they’re about to beef it in a very permanent way, i’d be freaking out too
merlin getting caught up in the drama
because again, he’s supposed to know that eggsy has a parachute
i think he wasn’t prepared for these two to get that close to not making it and that’s why we see him break face and drop his mug
i HATE the sound of them landing
it’s not like you can hear bones breaking but it hurts me, guys
and then there were three
plus one daddy long legs quartermaster
“if you have a complaint you come here and you whisper it in my ear.”
yes SIR
“you need to take that chip off your shoulder.”
merlin coming’ in with the tough love portion of the kingsman core squad
there’s no reason for me to think harry’s persona was inspired by cruella de ville somehow but i do anyway
she reveals the mcdonald’s and valentine is just :D
idk if he was expecting a specific reaction or was just excited to see a reaction period
valentine is definitely a fun villain, which, given the tone of the movie, makes sense, it’s all supposed to be fun
one of the reasons i love kingsman is that it’s like, this golden ray of goofy cinematic fuckery in a world of grim!dark remakes and other superhero/spy films who are presented as more serious stories
“and thank you for such a—happy, meal.”
harry got a puppy smile
but see, then, here at his house he’s a lot more relaxed with gazelle! like, patting her butt, etc.
maybe what we see of their relationship is dependent on setting, because valentine himself has it compartmentalized?
“and i am never, EVER GOING TO AGREE!”
tilde, you deserved better, and i think all the weird hate you get from our ohana is unfair
you don’t twist a runner’s ankle before the race starts and then get mad when they don’t win
your story was mishandled from the beginning
asmr: hanging out with the golden trio watching worrying news in the kingsman trainee bunker room
the way he says “biblical sense” lmao
i have never been able to figure out if the way he says that line is supposed to infer spiritual respect, or lack of it, but i might be looking too into it
“it’s an acquired taste, mate.”
what—what would you even do if you were at a club and three people as hot as taron, ed and sophie all came up and start talking to you at the same time
like i know the target got up and left pretty quick because of the training exercise
but i’d be doing it because i’m ugly and if three hot people are all talking me up at a bar something is Bad and Wrong
which—the CAHONES on both eggsy and roxy
they both literally said “yeah i’m willing to die for this organization that hasn’t even given me a permanent place yet, what of it”
look at harry’s dimples in this scene, he is fighting a huge grin, he’s SO PROUD
i know that charlie’s response is supposed to be just more fodder into the “charlie hesketh is a tool” fire
but given that i’m not unconvinced that his home life wasn’t super shitty, like—
idk, this makes this scene a lot less fun to me. it makes it sad.
like, maybe charlie didn’t even want to be there deep down, maybe this was all for like, arthur, or his dad, or some other person he looked up to
and the way merlin looks when he tells charlie to go home, the way that he’s kinda grimacing? i’m wondering if he’s along the same kind of feeling. he’d know more about charlie’s history
have i also mentioned how much i love harry’s war room?
“YES harry!”
an evil plan is being born!
“true nobility is being superior to your former self.”
eggsy is still in his club clothes, so like—has he slept? y’all let those kids sleep after fucking drugging them, right? … guys?
“—when one is popping ones cherry.”
and eggsy is just CHEESING he is SO EXCITED
am i the only one who wants to learn more about the store clerk guy though?
he’s like the one person around who’s legit just there to run the shop
has no idea about any of the spy stuff happening
his name is donald, he’s married with three children and has two spaniels he loves
“THAT is sick.”
i would KILL for this room.
i don’t need anything in here for any reason but still
foreshadowing, foreshadowing, foreshadowing, more foreshadowing—
harry is such a NERD
“put it back, eggsy.”
the amount of self-control it would take to not have a sudden change in expression in that moment, omg
i wonder how THAT gets trained up in kingsman
“i guarantee it.” ha, get it, it’s a reference to that one commercial
“y’all—talk so funny.”
and this all means that they had a contact at that hat shop and got all that info to them before valentine got there, and somehow made sure he did end up buying a hat that they could also successfully put a bug on, how deep does this goooooo
“jack bauer?”
it says a lot about eggsy that out of all the jb’s it could’ve been, it was jack
uggghhhhhh of course they HAD to do this scene with eggsy with arthur
obviously harry couldn’t do it
i just think most of us would NOT be fans of arthur at this point in the movie, we’re all rooting for eggsy, like, he needs this moment with this other character because we gotta drive home that he’s an asshole
also—would have absolutely failed that test
and i’m not sorry at all
“welcome to kingsman--lancelot.”
i was really happy that it was a female agent who ended up getting the handle
aannddd more echoes of past scenes, man, nobody can say that this crew wasn’t intentional with their cinematography
when eggsy rolls the window down you can see his chest moving up and down, like, he is MAD
dean you asshole
so no wonder he gets so pissed that the car suddenly decides “nope, no, we’re not doing this, c’mon”
this entire conversation at harry’s house is—tense
and you don’t pick up on it the first time, i don’t think, but uh
i’m seeing it now
harry’s not just mad, he’s hurt, and eggsy’s furious but he’s also maybe regretting his actions.
it’s these two men who are rapidly trying to figure out their headspaces and trying to figure out how to navigate this situation with each other
and the way eggsy tries to apologize ;-;
kentucky is a beautiful state, actually
ohhhhhh y’alllll
we’re at the churrrccchhhh
we’re gettin’ closer to the coolest part of the movieeeee
it’s telling that gazelle was trying to make sure that they’d be safe
“… so hail satan, and have a lovely afternoon madame.”
the most metal lines colin firth has ever uttered on camera
the siren noise after it’s switched on bothers me in a way i can’t quite articulate
it might be because i have silent hill-colored trauma, who knows
but then eggsy and merlin are reacting aaaanndddd it’s—a lot less fun
because you realize that they’re watching their bro mercilessly slaughter innocent people and not stopping
and still not stopping
and still not stopping
but plot twist, i’m really glad they kept the track going, because if they’d suddenly picked *this* part of the scene to get serious, that would’ve brought the mood down so low that i don’t think there would’ve been any bouncing back
i just
how do people exist who aren’t attracted to harry hart
that man is a machine
and colin worked so hard to be able to do the scene himself, and that work SHOWS, that man cuts a FIGURE
i don’t know how they managed to somber it up just the right amount, either? maybe because they waited for the “fun action sequence” to be over so there wouldn’t need to be noise that had to be masked by a fun rock track?
“… what did you do to me.”
i cannot imagine what harry was feeling in that moment.
the way he spoke it was like he didn’t even have time to be afraid to die
“that tends to happen when you shoot somebody in the head. feels good, right?”
“no, it does not feel good!”
i love that exchange because we normally hear the opposite.
mark has this way of expressing grief without showing any—blatant signs.
like merlin’s not especially tearful, or crying, but his eyes look MASSIVE. and SAD. and he has just the tiiiiiniest tremor in his voice.
and eggsy, dude, like, we’ve all had it come on us really quick and suddenly it’s like your chest is pumping like a piston and when did it get so hard to breathe?
like look at how egssy’s shoulders sag when he realizes that arthur isn’t on his team
and in a way, this is eggsy’s final test as a kingsman trainee, imo
do you realize how quickly he had to assess what was happening and figure out what to do, all without arthur noticing?
“you are all alone. it is all up to you. remember all you have learned. good luck.”
it’s a very—almost horror-esque situation from that pov
and he passed with flying colors to go on his first true mission, because after he puts on the suit, that’s his visual cue of graduating, if that makes sense
that’s the knight putting on his armor.
“i’d rather be with harry. thanks.”
“so be it.”
me: *laughing at arthur’s big dumb stupid head*
… man i’d love a replica of that decanter and glasses set though
not to mention that eggsy recognized the flaws in arthur’s character and weaponized them, which is a whole other level of shit that isn’t necessarily easy; he knew that arthur carried the kind of pride that would leave him open
god, he looks so exhausted though when rox has him at gunpoint.
i think he was being pretty serious, about harry
sick helipaaaaaaad
that thing looks vaguely like a rock-‘em sock-‘em robot but in pieces though
more grandpa sweaters <3
man. you can see roxy swallow, you know she’s scared, but then she just sets her jaw and—
roxy baby you are the best i love you
i like the vintage vibe of the mountain lair
i think that’s another visual poke at the aesthetic themes of some of the older, og spy flicks out there
merlin looks SO LANKY walking back to the plane for some reason??
he stays until the last second for roxy. that’s love right there.
“a bespoke suit always fits.”
which can be good spiritual life advice too but that’s a separate conversation
“what the fuck is WRONG with you people?”
and his fuckin’ disco ball
uuggggghhhhh his speech reminds me of so many… “public figures” that i dislike
even though it’s obviously a bad thing that the chips are everywhere, i appreciate that phones and such are being shown in a positive manner (like, michelle talking to someone in the park, people at a ball game taking selfies, people at the beach, etc.) because i get so sick of that anti-tech boomer humor tbh
and the big reveal of eggsy in his suitttt
“how’s the view?”
you’re allowed to be crabby baby, you just let it out.
“lookin’ good, eggsy.”
“feelin’ good, merlin.”
merlin is so calm heading into the fortress and i don’t know if it’s because he’s very, very good at compartmentalizing and that’s genuinely how he is at the moment or if he’s that way through extreme self-control and effort
he can rock a pilot’s uniform though
just like eggsy can rock a suit
they’re both so handsome, help
i also wonder how eggsy’s feeling right then
like, i’d imagine that the pressure of having to perform a role to literally save the world would be enough to distract him from the bite of grief
that’s—probably enough to distract everyone, tbh
i a hundred percent believe there are breakdowns we don’t see
i wonder if eggsy told tilde he’d spoken to lindstrum(sp?) after everything was said and done
like, that’d be some kind of weird foreshadowing in hindsight
this scene is anxiety-inducing in a big way so to distract myself i imagine roxy as a mech pilot
dude i’d totally watch sophie in a role like that, like, let her be in a movie like pacific rim, she’d kick ass
and now we have The Chaos
otherwise known as that point when Everything Is Happening All At Once All The Time
also a thing that doesn’t exist in spy movies: hearing damage
because like his voice is right in eggsy’s ear and without it he’d have a LOT harder time surviving
imagine being an agent, merlin trying to talk to you, but something either hits your ear or goes off right next to it and suddenly it’s just silent
The Chaos 2 Electric Boogaloo!
merlin with a huge gun: hot, also, very scary
eggsy is just 10000% done
“this is mine. i’ll show you yours.”
i wonder who e man was supposed to be that valentine called.
like is that a reference to a real person that i just did’t catch?
… elon musk? maybe? idk
eggsy slides like a gd anime character
when he uses the rainmaker, it’s just like harry’s protecting him from somewhere else
(oh—wait, technically kentucky, i guess)
“merlin, i’m fucked.” you can hear the anger there. not only did he fail, but he—and everyone else—is about to die
but this? this is the pinnacle of eggsy showing himself as a kingman agent
he was staring death straight in the mouth and STILL
so i guess if i say that the moment when he puts on the suit is when he becomes a true agent, then maybe this is the moment when he becomes galahad.
*bobs head to pomp & circumstance*
i remember getting a huge kick out of how colorful they made this
because in real life you know a bunch of people literally blowing up would be like—DISGUSTING
viscera everywhere
no fun rainbow mushroom clouds
“i’ve always wanted to kiss a princess.”
ANOTHER knight reference, very clever matthew
mmmmm Do Not Like that noise
aaaannndddd *that* line
which—maybe that’s mr. vaughn’s sense of humor, or what he thinks the sense of humor his core demographic has, idk
but it always kinda rubbed me the wrong way
the mass brawl scenes are edited so like--jarringly compared to the other fight scenes in the movie
that’s probably for a reason
also, a showdown to the tune of something disco: kind of another trope homage
this shot of gazelle is so sick, i love everything about it, she is so cool
this entire fight with eggsy is awesome tbh
we got a little bit of what gazelle can look like in combat earlier with tilde’s guards, but now we get this epic showdown seeing her at her full potential against someone who’s actually a challenge
and the way valentine is shouting for her to kick his ass from upstairs and yelling encouragement lmao that’s how real friends act when there’s a fight
daisy ;-; ugh, that’s the visual gutpunch that makes it juuuuuust serious enough by reminding us of the stakes
which is why it’s fitting that then we see the Slo-Mo K.O.
and that smile with the fun little chimes in the back, lmao
and eggsy, quick on his feet again byyyy being quick on gazelle’s feet—foot—whatever
man, impalement deaths are always fun.
coulda done without the vomiting but that’s also one of valentine’s quirks that makes him different from a cookie cutter villain
aaannddd have a heavy sigh from merlin
that dude needs a full-body massage and a drink
“is this where you say some really bad pun?”
reminder: i love that this movie is self-aware! i could not picture a super serious kingsman movie! i just picture something depressing!
there had to have been a better option besides—this, for this eggsy/tilde ending scene
i’m not saying i’m mad it ended with them fucking, i’m mad that the extent of the joke was anal and that was it.
also the idea of my boss possibly seeing me having sex would have me a little more concerned about the hardware on my face, but okay??
aannddd the tapes.
gah, we love visual throwbacks!
we love being able to see that despite all this growth and change, family remains very important to eggsy—he hasn’t changed into a different person, he has grown more into himself than ever before! THIS! THIS is eggsy unwin!
time for tgc! (and to get into my roanoke feels, maybe, this is the nexus where our canons connect)
i did not stop to consider how unpleasant this was going to be to watch stoned but we’re gonna power through it and get through it together
if i cry i cry
the way the music swells into the main theme <3
and the perfect reveal for our boy eggsy!
reflected in gold, looking sharper than broken glass
the pacing in tgc leads me to believe that matthew had huge plans for this movie, and a lot of cool stuff probably ended up on the cutting room floor for time
i also love that they brought charlie back
i love his voice box and his cool robot arm
and i’m not just saying that because it made it super easy to blend him into our canon, either, this is like—charlie’s evil twin in terms of his new aesthetic, the contrast is really cool
like we are IMMEDIATELY thrown back into the gold parts of it all, like how physics is a little broken so we can do cool shit like have a knockdown drag-out fight all within the space of a small cab
i wonder what would’ve hurt charlie worse—being thrown onto his organic side, or having all his weight land on his metal arm if it hadn’t disattached
but then he’s up and standing so i guess we’re fine?
otherwise known as the character entrance that literally changed my life
i try not to think about it too much or i get weirded out
(and to think i almost never even saw the movie)
Sick Car Chase, Bro
and as an american, like, everything’s on the opposite side to me, it’s stressful to watch a little bit
“i seem to remember in your training you were rather good at holding your breath.”
man, that’s uh—kind of a macabre thing to say, merlin
just a little bit
i’m not even gonna attempt to hold my breath to see if i’d survive this scene just assume i’m dead in that universe
we all live in a kingsman subarmine, a kingsman submarine, a kingsman submarine~~
“not boasting, but i trained him well enough that even he wouldn't mess that up.”
merlin are you okay??
gah, i love that chest-deep laugh though.
is it real love if they won’t crawl through the sewer to get to your house in time
i love that harry’s house looks basically the same
i know they talk about eggsy not wanting to change anything in the novelization but i haven’t read it yet so I’m not a hundred percent sure what all is in there
and we still get to see him hanging with his friends, and his girlfriend, like, this dude is still all about the family
i love this group so much omg
for as much as he’s galahad, he’s still eggsy
the transition in the weed bag looks super cool
… oh, i guess watching this while high makes the main storyline hit a bit different
i love that poppy is an aesthetic slut and really doesn’t give a shit about anyone’s opinion about how she makes her space
like, “i want a big 50s-style diner with a gourmet kitchen that i can cook people in, soooooo i’m getting one”
it’s also refreshing to see julianne moore in a bad guy role!
not that i’m super familiar with her filmography but i feel like i’ve mostly seen her cast as like a good guy?
i could be wrong
awwwww jet and bennie!
there’s so much to love about this set
cannibalism and the fact that she bulldozed jungle to build all this aside (suspend that belief!)
the breakfast sceeeeeene
it’s so bittersweet, for obvious reasons
and it’s more evidence that he’s not super ready to move on into new territory yet, like making new memories with tilde that ring close to home
“i wish i could have met him.”
and the way he has to turn away, ugh.
eggsy. i’m sorry.
tilde, i’m sorry, too. you had good intentions, but they lost against his pain.
michael gambdon! the new arthur we didn’t know we wanted until we got him.
charlie had a moral glo-down, it’s fine, happens to everybody
FFFFFF his imitation of merlin lmfao
man, poor charlie, like
you wake up, you can’t make a sound, your arm has been blown off and your family’s dead
like his reaction to that entire scenario isn’t entirely unrealistic, i’m just saying
omg everyone in this movie can wear the FUCK out of suit, y’all
man, i’ve gotten a few tattoos that were exquisitely painful—i can’t imagine how much it would suck to do it with literal molten metal
dude this means clara laid on her stomach and probably screamed at the floor as she got hers D:
this kinda—riffs off of hannibal, a teeny-tiny bit
like we’re so overloaded with the aesthetics and behavior of a certain character so it’s like, we forget about the much darker parts untillllll there’s a mood change and we’re looking at that dude’s legs, to the burger this other dude puts in his mouth, and thinking “oh, oh dear, ew”
i love eggsy in the orange jacket <3 snaps for the wardrobe crew across this series.
tilde’s face, omg, she was heart-eyeing so bad. and like, that little proud nod at her dad (who was of course being Like That on purpose)
and roxy, coming in in the clutch, you are tonight’s MVP
uggghhhhh i hate this part
because again, it’s just--a bunch of bad shit colliding outside of anyone’s control
(it was also really jarring seeing the war room with blank walls the first time i watched this)
like—granted, you should maybe not touch stuff that’s not yours, but…
like we *just* saw eggsy and brandon in a very casual, intimate scene with each other, how can anyone get angry with brandon?
this is all stress-inducing
i remember being in the theater watching this and feeling like i was watching some awful slow motion car wreck and i couldn’t look away
idk what other story i would’ve wanted to see but i was NOT a fan of Sudden Death For Christmas, especially concerning roxy!
and poppy is such a *bright* villain, not just because of taste but because of her personality, which is another weird thing to have next to the cannibalism
gaaahhhh charlieeee your arm is so cooooool
this shot is gorgeous and incredibly depressing.
what do you do?
gah, and the way merlin comes out of the dark, like
i probably would’ve drawn a gun on him too
“you think *i* would?”
this scene shows 1. how much he trusts eggsy to not shoot him, and/or 2. how good merlin is at compartmentalizing, because this is an even bigger blow than harry’s death, and he’s following the protocol like it’s an art form
i hope that we see some reference to this safe in the next movie, that’d be a cool way to tie the narratives all together
“i suppose that must be upper class humor. … i don’t get it.”
reminder, merlin is working class.
if you’re a ho for this fandom and went and bought this whiskey specifically because of this movie clap your hands *clap clap*
and they proceed to just get HAMMERED
“country rooaaddsss… take me hoooooome…”
another reminder: kentucky is a beautiful state!
i would love to tour a whiskey distillery, that’d be super cool
“shame it’s not scotch”
again, with his weird night vale clipboard.
who would win: two highly-trained kingsman agents vs. one (1) cowboy
channing tatum, ladies and gentlemen!
“y’all look damn sharp!”
i am forever gonna be mad we didn’t get more of tequila in this movie, and not just because of roanoke either, but like, “that dog don’t hunt,” whatever he has in his mouth sealed a leak in a barrel, and it took him all of two minutes to incapacitate both eggsy AND merlin? hello??
i’m glad we’ll get to see more of him in the another movie.
“you know why the measurement of alcohol is called proof?”
just dumping it on their laps, so disrespectful
“—and you can go fuck yourself.”
eggsy fucking just giggling.
these two doofuses
also it’s hot to see merlin be sassy ngl
these guys have been fast thinkers in stressful situations but as it turns out, people being unexpectedly not dead can kinda fuck with your day
aaannddd halle berry, everybody! i love ginger ale omg
(and so does merlin, he is instantly enchanted)
;-; this reunion scene
i don’t know how colin manages to be two completely different people at once
like there’s a huge difference between former agent galahad and harry hart the lepidopterist and i can’t explain it
i really, really hope we see at least one little hint at kinsman’s relationship with statesman in the new movie, i just think it’d be really cool
in roanoke canon, there’s an office rumor that the nanobot tech used by statesman was influenced directly by the same technology developed by dr. wernicke in the outlast games. i still think it’s one of my better crossover ideas.
god bless whoever decided to get elton john involved with all this?? because i was DELIGHTED
i love poppy’s wardrobe as much as i love her weird 50s-land in the jungle
i also really love the main statesman theme? it reminds me of all those fun epic westerns
jeff bridges! :D
champ vaguely reminds me of my dad
“can you imagine us in the tailor business?”
and he’s super quick with the questions. my headcanons for champ are all over the place but one that i really like is that he was maybe a sheriff or in law enforcement before being recruited by statesman.
aaanndddd pedro pascal, everybody!
otherwise known as *another* character that this movie did dirty, that’ll probably come up in this later
imagine being harry hart, not remember all of yourself, and suddenly your entire room just—fills with water
that had to have been so terrifying, and it was just as hard for merlin to watch (and possibly remember something unpleasant)
and like
that sounds like SUCH bullshit, too, like “yeah we thought if you came close to drowning it would help”
which, is that what merlin meant, no, but is that what harry heard, probably
enter jb the second ;-; <3 sweet baby
tilde’s trying so hard. i see you!
aha, penis jokes.
and all of the unnecessary weird festival stuff, uuggghh
there are so many different things they could have done, like, all of this is just weird from the get-go
first of all, whiskey striking out? hello?? saying no to a man like mr. pascal???
not realistic
the way whiskey takes a shot as he walks away lmao, relatable
and poor clara, like, it’s not like she was asking for any of this D:
hmmmmmmm don’t know how i feel being a stoner watching other stoners get this blue rash thing when i know it kills some of themmmmmmm
i love charlie in his newsboys cap!
poppy has a little bit of a point. like, booze is way more dangerous than pot, as is tobacco. like i would never advocate anyone try meth or heroin, but i think weed and some hallucinogenics get bad wraps.
seeing a dude get torn in half in the reflection of elton john’s sunglasses is the surprising bit of gore we need to remember that oh, yeah, the villain isn’t fun, she’s a murderer
uuggghhhh the TENT SCENE
and, look, i’ll defend tilde forever, but i did NOT like the weird marriage ultimatum. i still think it’s a dick move, like, in that situation either decide to trust your boyfriend or break up with him
the tent interior is super cool-looking
and like, man, he tried, he tried to bounce D:
/sigh/ work hazards, i guess
mmmmmm we don’t need any of what’s happening on screen right now so i’ll just sit patiently and wait for it to be over
and like, there’s nothing funny about merlin and ginger being able to hear everything that’s going on, it’s so grosssss, poor ginger has to have heard some shit before to be so nonchalant about it
everything about this sucks
and then he tries going to the one person who he needs the most and having to deal with him still existing in some state between alive and dead
his body is here
but harry is not
“maggots turn into flies, perhaps you mean larvae!” :D he is SO CUTE
but this entire conversation, with harry still not remembering and eggsy trying so hard to reach him through the fog, is so depressing
like, i’d need a drink too
*and* a joint
i’m seeing my coping mechanisms on screen here folks
the way he comes up with the idea is kinda ingenious though
like, he’s looking at stuff to make himself bummed on purpose, but therein he finds the thing he needs to fix the issue
harry’s smile when eggsy hands him the puppy TT.TT
and then eggsy just becomes a stone cold motherfucker with no emotions
“no one’s sick enough to shoot a puppy!”
hi, flashback!harry
and as SOON as he remembers himself, it’s like his eyes are different, something about him looks like it did before kentucky
“… eggsy.”
one of my favorite movie hugs
and eggsy has to stand on his tiptoes because harry’s so tall
like yeah merlin and harry’s reunion isn’t as overtly emotional, but there’s definitely a sense of joy and relief there.
harry my baby ;-; much better with the sunglasses (and merlin was so close to telling him he looked spectacular)
“now is that any way to welcome a visit from outta town, moonshine?”
he! tried! to! defend! harry!
i hate that jack got a villain story line!
we could’ve had something so much better and infinitely more compelling!
“hurrrr durrrr morgan you just like redemption arcs because you don’t want anybody being a villain permanently” i also like them because sometimes that’s better writing, y’all sit down
“that is NOT what i call a kentucky welcome.”
i love so many things happening in this scene, like
we get to see whiskey kick ass, like yassss gimme those sweet action sequences and give us some character development by showcasing his fighting style
and also NOBODY shits on harry for not being able to handle the situation. both eggsy and merlin were like “dude we’re still celebrating the fact that you’re alive tbh it’s fine if you’re not back up to speed right this second”
you can really tell that this was penned by british people writing american slang because having grown up in the southern half of the u.s. i have never ONCE heard ANYONE say shit like “i feel like a tornado in a trailer park” lmao
and poppy’s fun little death threat infomercial, so great
“what have you done to me you FUCKING BITCH” oof, that’s a mood
!!!!! gonna be honest i kinda forgot that bruce greenwood plays the president
okay but save lives, legalize isn’t an entirely bad idea tbh
hnnnnnnng the scenes about people not being able to get into the hospital hits different in the year of our lord 2020 huh
… y’all i’m being weirded out by all this hospital scenes, this is unpleasant
i, too, wish i could pull a tequila and just be slipped into a chilly coma until shit wasn’t so fucked up
“the fact is, this presidency has won the war on drugs!”
look, y’all can come into my inbox and call me a pothead, or a lazy stoner, or some third insult, but this dude’s VP is bringing up some very, VERY important points when it comes to any kind of discussion about drug use in the u.s.
am i drug-friendly, sure, but i’m more friendly to the notion that we stop demonizing addicts/users
harry looks fucking SCANDALIZED when he sees champ spit into his spittoon thing
i don’t think whiskey even brought up harry not being ready to return to the field in an insulting manner, he literally just saw him get his ass beat in a bar, but eggsy’s faith and loyalty are up there in the category of unstoppable force/immovable object, so here we are
am i the only one curious about the whole charlie x clara thing? because he’s definitely grown up a bit by tgc, and i wanna know how much of that might be because of clara
and he MISSES, e for effort harry
“so sorry about this—“ WHAM
and now that guy can say colin firth busted his face with a fire extinguisher, which is very cool
“*you’re* wu ting feng?” “… yes?”
“you motherFUCKER” ohhhhhh charlie maaaaaad
ginger and merlin though, #couplegoals
the only person more pissed off about the hallucinations than everyone else is harry
imagine remembering that you’re one of the top people in your field and you just keep seeing imaginary butterflies everywhere
like, yeah, i’d be pissed at not being able to do what i knew i was capable of, too
if it wasn’t careening towards a random retirement center, getting stuck in a wildly rotating gondola thing could be fun
nice tuesday afternoon activity
i would loved to have seen more galahad/whiskey field stuff
“you’ve got to be fucking kidding me—“
meanwhile, in the continuing adventures of eggsy and jack: shit goes from bad to worse like a formal spiral only going downward
their expressions as their both just SCREAMING always make me laugh
”that’s the first decent shit i’ve had in three weeks.” <- as does that line, that old dude’s just telling it like it is
eggsy’s comment about the antidote just reminds me of when boromir looks a the ring and says something like “all this for such a tiny thing”
dun dun DUN what are THOSE? hints that whiskey may not be who we think he is??
great. so excited about that. i say, rolling my eyes into the sun
“i’ll fix their wagons.” no one says that matthew!
i. love. this. scene. because now we get cool gun tricks AND the second most metal thing that happens with a lasso in this movie (we’re coming up on the most metal thing)
like please please PLEASE show us more lasso tricks in the statesman movie
“well thank fuckin’ christ i didn’t need any backup.” i wonder if whiskey’s acting angrier than he actually is to throw off the fact that he might’ve caught harry’s glance at him betraying suspicion
RIP jack
imagine the timeline where whiskey was never a bad guy and harry hart just blew a dude away for NO REASON
now THAT would be an interesting movie
because harry and eggsy, for all they went through in the first film, never had a conflict where it was harry in the position of mangling the ropes up
but of course eggsy would never, never tell merlin what happened because he’s still ultimately on harry’s team
damn, charlie, literally blowing up your girlfriend seems kinda extreme
“THIS is vital!”
and here we get to see the biggest difference between merlin and ginger
now, i know there’s extra stuff in the novelization about their relationship and i can’t talk about it because i have no idea what’s in the book
i DO still headcanon as merlin quitting fieldwork after lee’s death
his comment is either what he genuinely believes, or maybe what he fashioned his beliefs into after stepping down from his field role, and ginger is just as sincere in her desire to break into that aspect of working for statesman
it’s like seeing the same character but in two points in time, and it’s really cool
that balance would’ve also been a fun aspect of their romantic relationship to explore but alas! ’twas not to be
colin and mark could both play slenderman
look at those limbs.
also this facetime scene with eggsy and tilde T.T
that has to be so terrifying to watch when you know the steps of death and what they look like as they get closer
but it also puts a fire under eggsy though
“i’m leaving with, or without you.”
and of course they’re both gonna go because that’s NOT characteristic eggsy behavior based off of how we know he views family/squad
that’s how they know he’s being for cereal
stacey pruitt, attorney at lawwwww
what does this conversation between poppy and the president remind me of
gonna just sigh into the void
and now we have harry and eggsy on the jet along with the BIGGEST LIE harry hart has ever told in his LIFE
kingsman and statesman aesthetics at least tend to be the same color schemes. lotta golds, yellows. browns.
eggsy, yeah, it’s a bummer your gf dumped you, but this relationship wasn’t very well-developed or written so i’m not as bummed as i could be
“… and in that moment, all i felt was loneliness and regret.”
harry shut the FUCK UP
you felt NOTHING??
you weren’t thinking of, gee, i dunno, EGGSY? or MERLIN?? your MOM???
like these lines from him just seem to come out of left field and i can’t even halfway suspend my belief long enough to come close to believing him
like mr. hart you just gonna be like that in front of jesus and everybody????
so, yeah, of course he’s on board with saving tilde! because he recognizes (apparently just right that second) that “having something to lose is what makes life worth living”
and i don’t know if they felt like there need to be some weird, deeply contrasting reason for harry to swing around to being in support? or something?
i’m forever pissed about this characterization and i don’t even know if i’m expressing my anger in a way that makes it easy to understand lmao this is fine, i’m fine, literally not a single person in this fandom ever believed those lines anyway, it’s fine
moving on
... and even if they WERE true then honestly that just makes me more excited about butterfly knife, because that means that harry acknowledged both the bad side of the coin, and also the side with rae on it (which would mean seeing her for who she was and also recognizing his feelings for what THEY were) and drew the ultimately correct conclucision that love! is! always! worth! it! let that shit in like a welcome guest in the home of your heart, and they will stay as long as you let them!
as SOON as he wakes up ginger looks a thousand percent done lmao
and the “process” that they use to wake people up or whatever is—interesting
because all it is, is trauma turned into a tool which is kind of a weird concept to see in a “fun spy movie” imo
and this is one of what i feel were like only what, two? glimpses we get into whiskey’s Tragic Backstory
and the other scene isn’t a glimpse it’s just straight up exposition in his dialogue :/
jack, i’m sorry, you deserved better than this as a character
i’m sure the name “silver pony” is a reference to something but i don’t know what
“lookin’ GOOD merlin!” “feelin’ good, eggsy.”
ladies and gentlemen when i tell you that i lost my pool-noodle mind seeing him put on that suit watching this in a theater, i--
because now that i have the horrible burden of having seen these movies a million times
i know it’s more symbolic
he stays in sweaters so long, as an agent of the background, because he walked a man to his death
so it figures when he puts the armor back on for the first time in ages
he walks to his own
uuuggghhhh the minesweeper
i hate this
i hate it
i hate everything about the feelings i’m having while this is happening
“you move, we die.”
but like, i don’t know, how preferable is this to the end scene we almost got, which was merlin dragging his newly-legless corpse through a doggy door?
because it’s been literally multiple years and i still have no fucking idea
they’re both horrible in their own terrible, awful ways
damn, matthew, it’s not often someone manages to come up with multiple versions of a thing and have every version be so gut-wrenchingly horrific, i’m truly impressed and completely disgusted
“do as your told!”
everyone just going through twenty shades of Bad Feelings in the space of fifteen seconds here in the jungle
and colin and taron do this thing where it’s like—their eyes go dead? like, there was a light here, it’s gone now
oh no
… fuck
“… singing?”
this sucks.
this sucks this sucks this sucks
and he even took off his glasses before he hit him, he had his end coming towards him and he was still a gentleman
… okay i had to get up and go for a lil’ walk
(and again, roanoke canon, fucking fixing’ shit left and right, because we’re the goat)
harry and eggsy look MURDEREROUS
it DID make the grand ending fun action scene a lot more satisfying
because like, without merlin there, that means harry and eggsy get to go full feral
poppy you big idiot you just robbed them of all their motivation to show any kind of restraint and now everybody’s gonna get blown up
except for those dudes who get kicked by elton john
which would be an HONOR first of all
(the part where eggsy’s using his gun and shield vaguely reminds me of the specialist, @bloodofthepen​)
and harry and eggsy just—they’re drift compatible! that’s it! the teamwork! the grace! the flow! my god!
eggsy vs. charlie: round like 4 if you count the first movie
it was also satisfying to see charlie’s new arm in action
we love fun robotics and gadgetry in this house
colin firth is really just not afraid to throw himself full force down a bowling lane huh
ugh, seeing charlie slam eggsy over and over again makes my chest hurt
the sound mixing on all these films is top notch which isn’t always a good thing T.T
that shit will never NOT be funny
a wild elton john appeared!
eggsy is indestructible, he can walk off anything
but charlie, charlie i feel really sorry for, imagine being attacked by a superior version of your own limb, i.e. something that you can’t exactly quickly remove from yourself, that would be TERRIFYING
harry + elton = dream teaaaammmm
“darling if you save the world, you can have a backstage pass.”
i love you elton john :(
i would have been the most OBNOXIOUS hype man in the background of the entire kingsman vs. poppy land face-off
“let’s make this fair.” eggsy you’re fuckin’ cheeky
and poor harry, all that lank just getting tossed like noodles
i thought the robot puppers were very cool
“for the record charlie i’m more of a gentleman than you’ll ever be.”
mmmmmm do NOT like this death for charlie
SUPER glad we fixed it
and another scene where i can’t stand the sound mixing T.T it makes me cringe every time
“i don’t consider genocide especially lady-like.”
and are we gonna talk about how merlin knew how to make heroin?
… no?
nobody wanna talk about that?
ugh that houndstooth dress is so PRETTY though
high!poppy is weirdly comedic for all of two seconds and then it stops being funny real fast
whiskey D:<
this is so dumb
this is all so, so dumb
“our agencies were founded to uphold peace, to protect the innocent—“
there’s that nobility again
is what happened to whiskey fucked up, yes
i’m not saying we have to completely remove that from his story
i just
literally anything but this would have been preferable
and then HOT DOG it’s one of my favorite shots in the movie with the whip where harry’s just chucking it away from his face like a bamf, YES
how great is this cover, let’s be honest
like, i’d be lying if i said i didn’t enjoy this scene visually
it’s one fluid tracking shot, so kinda in alignmentment with what we’re used to
some people get annoyed with repeated junk but when you can do it THIS WELL you can get away with anything
but then jack
you did NOT desert that
yes, you were in dire need of an attitude adjustment but jesus
“this is for you, merlin.”
/ugly sobbing/
and tilde is all betterrrrrr ;-;
you guys did itttttt
and the scene with jamal and liam T.T #wholesomecontent
poor tequila, after i knew that you would have a bigger role in another movie, i was less annoyed by the fact that they iced you so quick into the story
“… now we’re brothers, working side by side.”
spoiler alert i actually love champ’s toast
“y’all shittin’ in high cotton now” WHAT DOES THAT MEAN???
and ginger becomes the new whiskey like she always wanted T.T
merlin is proud from heaven (or london, depending on which canon)
iiiiiii have mixed feelings about the whole wedding scene, which is probably because i take HUGE issue with the weird proposal ultimatum thing that happened earlier
but the way eggsy says “not a doubt in my mind,” he says it so seriously and i remember that tilde almost died
there was such good intention packed into this couple that was so badly written that i just
“but it is perhaps the end of the beginning.”
there’s ***merlin! lmao i see you dude, they did you dirty
i was pissed off about a lot of things that happened in this thing but i was honestly hype seeing tequila at the very end walking into the tailor shop
like, yeah, i’ll stick around to see what happens in this universe but i’m gonna complain the whole time
and again, i almost didn’t see this movie.
… i think about that morgan sometimes.
hope she’s doin’ okay.
she’s probably not. D:
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Title: My Brother’s Bandmate
Summary: Mötley Crüe meets Micks little sister.
Pairing: Tommy x Reader
You couldn’t believe this.
It was your brother’s first gig with his new band and you missed it. It was as if the universe was determined to make you miss the show.
First you had to stay late at the diner because your release was stuck in traffic, then when you finally got in the taxi (that you ended up changing your clothes in) you were in traffic.
By the time you reached the Whiskey the crowd had already mostly died out, only leaving a few drunks at the bar and some girls who were either waiting for taxis or trying to find guys to go home with.
You headed to the back to look for your big brother to apologize since you knew he must have been bummed that you missed his show.
The only issue was you’d never been to this bar and had no clue where the back room was.
So you checked each door that wasn’t locked, then you opened a door and it was obviously a restroom with a single toilet and sink.
And it wasn’t empty.
There was a tall man with dark hair at the sink and he appeared to be washing his face, but he paused when he noticed her.
‘Seriously? Another one?’ he scoffed as he turned to face you.
‘Oh sorry.’ you said.
‘It’s fine I got one more good go left in me I think.’
‘Excuse me?’ You asked in confusion as the strange man approached you.
Before you knew what was going on the man lifted you up and placed you on the sink.
‘H-hey! What the hell?!’ you gasped in shock.
The man didn’t reply he just pulled a condom out of his pocket and ripped it open with his teeth.
Oh hell no!
You brought up your knee as hard as you could, making full contact with his gut.
He grunted and doubled over and you took the opportunity to push him back enough for you jump off the sink and run out the restroom.
‘Mick! Mick!’ you yelled as you ran down the long hallway, desperately looking for your brother.
Finally the last door at the end opened up and your brother stuck his head out.
‘(Y/N)?’ Mick asked as he saw you running toward him with a frantic look of panic in your eyes.
You ran up to him and clutched onto his leather jacket.
‘Th-this guy in the restroom h-he tried to-‘
Mick cut you off by smashing a bottle of vodka you hadn’t noticed him holding against the wall.
‘Where is he?’ your brother asked.
‘I left him in the restroom.’ you answered.
Without a word he pushed past you and headed to the restroom you had just ran from, you followed behind if only to make sure he didn’t hurt himself trying to kill that pervert.
When Mick walked in he paused at the door for a second when he saw the attacker on the ground holding his stomach in pain.
‘You bastard!’ Mick snarled before he grabbed the guy by his shirt and held the broken bottle against his neck.
‘I’m gonna fucking kill you!’
‘Mick! What the hell!?’
You turn and see two guys had apparently ran up behind you. One was a blond and the other was really tall with black hair.
The tall one pushed past you and pulled Mick back.
‘What the fuck is going on?!’ the blond asked.
‘This asshole tried to rape my fucking sister!!’ Mick screamed as he fought against the guy that was holding him back.
‘What?! Nikki that is not cool!’ the tall man said as he struggled to keep his hold on your brother.
‘I didn’t! I thought she was another groupie looking to fuck one of us! I didn’t know she was your sister!’ The guy yelled as he got up, still holding his stomach.
‘Do you two know each other Mick?’ you asked.
‘Yeah I used to be in a band with this fuck, but that’s dead. Come on let’s go.’ Mick said before he snatched out of the tall man’s hold.
‘What?! Mick you can’t just quit!’ the tall guy said.
‘Watch me.’
Mick then took your arm and pulled you out the restroom and down the hall, the whole time he was mumbling something about being done with rug monkeys.
‘Mick you’re gonna break my arm.’ you whined as your shoulder began to ache from how hard he was pulling you.
Your complaint made him stop and take a deep breath before he turned and faced you.
‘Are you Ok? Did that asshole hurt you?’ he asked.
‘No, I’m fine...are you really quitting this band?’ you asked.
‘Of course I’m quitting! (Y/N) he almost-’
‘I know but it really seemed like a big misunderstanding, Mick come on you told me you actually like these guys.’
‘That was before that damn bassist tried to fuck my baby sister in a dirty bathroom.’
The siblings turn and see the two guys from the hall were dragging the man who had attacked you in the restroom. Nikki you recalled.
‘Just beat the shit outta Nikki and let’s move past this man, we aren’t gonna find another guitarist as good as you and you won’t find another band that works better for you than us.’ the blond said.
‘Or you could just not beat the shit out of me and accept my apology. Man I read the situation completely wrong and jumped the gun, but dude come on don’t let this one dumb thing mess up the future of this band.’
‘Yeah Mick, you said it yourself you think this could be the one that makes it. I’m fine, honestly I am, don’t quit because of me.’ you tried to reason.
For a moment Mick looked like he was contemplating leaving and ignoring everyone but then he looked down at you and you gave him your biggest puppy eyes, the ones that he ALWAYS fell for.
He let out a loud sigh, and rolled his eyes before he grabbed a handful of Nikki’s hair and violently dragged his head down so that he could knee the bassist in the face.
‘Don’t ever pull that shit again Sixx.’ he said before he turned and walked off.
There was a moment of silence as Nikki held onto his now bleeding nose.
‘Well...um its nice to meet you all. I’m (Y/N) Mars, Mick’s little sister.’ you awkwardly introduced yourself.
‘Cool, I’m Tommy, the drummer, this guy is our singer Vince and you’ve met our bassists Nikki.’ the tall one introduced.
‘Yeah...I’m sorry for th-’
‘No. I shouldn’t have assumed, or at least asked before I started.’
‘Yeah.’ you agreed.
You all turned and saw Mick coming back, still looking angry like always but not as violent.
‘Are you assholes coming or not? You invited the entire club to that shitty apartment.’
‘Oh yeah, are we riding with you or-’
‘No. Only got room for one and I don’t want my infant sister walking the streets with the likes of you guys.’
‘I’m not an infant!’ you stomped.
‘Still doesn’t change the fact that I don’t want you hanging with these guys.’
‘You hang out with these guys.’ you argued.
‘I’m not you (Y/N), I’m older, so get in the car so I can take you home.’ he said sternly.
‘I don’t want to go home yet, plus you said there was a party going on. I wanna go to at least that since I missed the show, I’m already dressed and tomorrow is my off day.’
‘Come on dude least we can do is show her a good time after the shit Sixx pulled.’ Tommy said.
Again your brother rolled his eyes before leaving, this time pulling you with him.
‘I’ll see you all at the party!’ you said as you were dragged away.
In the car Mick gave you his usual list of rules for parties; pour your own drinks, don’t sit your cup down, knock before you open any doors and don’t go off without telling him.
‘Sorry for missing the show.’ you said.
‘I’m sorry my bandmate is a fucking narcissistic idiot, I’ll talk to him.’
‘Actually talk Mick, not just beat him while you yell at him.’ you glared.
‘...fine.’ he agreed hesitantly.
Once you arrived your brother helped you up a flight of stairs and through a window. The party was already full swing, smoke clouding the air, the stench of booze, and the amount of people made it hot like a sauna.
‘I hate parties.’
‘I know Mick.’ you smiled.
‘I’ll be in the last room on the left.’ he said before walking off, leaving you to go and find a drink.
As he walked toward his hiding room he saw Nikki and the rest of his band sitting at the table snorting their lives away.
He sat down and the others all got quiet as they looked at him, Nikki moved his chair back a bit in case the old man was still feeling violent. The bassists had just got his nose to stop bleeding and was not in the mood to get it going again.
‘Listen up. I am only going to say this one time, my sister is off fucking limits. No one lays a hand on her, no one flirts with her...if I catch one of you so much as looking at her in a way I don’t like I will castrate you. Are we clear?’
‘Crystal.’ Tommy said, Nikki and Vince nodded in agreement.
Mick stood up and off he went, taking the tense atmosphere with him.
They all let out a sigh of relief as they went back to snorting up their drugs.
‘Dude, that dude is intense.’ Tommy said.
‘Yeah, but he is the best guitarist I’ve ever seen, we ain’t going nowhere without him’ Nikki sighed, moving his chair close to the table again.
‘I can’t believe that someone birthed Mick and then decided to risk it and do the shit again after that.’
‘I can’t believe his sister is actually kinda hot.’ Tommy smiled.
Nikki hit Tommy upside the head, making him whine.
‘Do you want Mick to kill you?’ he scolded.
‘Sorry, but she is. You were gonna fuck her.’ the drummer said.
‘I thought she was a groupie like the other three chicks that had ran up on me. Hell I almost didn’t want to but I figured I had one more good round left.’ Nikki said in his own defense.
‘Dumb ass, she looks nothing like a groupie, I mean she doesn’t look like she is even supposed to be here.’
They look over and see you talking with some girl, the girl was in shorts, a ripped up t-shirt, black hooker heels and some edgy jewelry. You however were in a white crop top and a pink high waist skirt on with white flats.
‘Looks like she just snuck out to go on a date with a boy she met at church.’ Vince joked.
‘Yeah, but don’t you think she has that like cute innocent look? Girl next door kind of thing?’ Tommy said.
‘More like the sister of an angry old man who plays guitar in your band kind of thing. Remember the rules T-bone, no shitting in your own yard.’ Nikki said.
‘Ok but while he isn’t here I’m gonna go talk to her.’ Tommy said as he stood up and left the table.
‘Tommy!’ Nikki hissed but it was too late, the drummer was already in front of the two girls and chatting them up.
‘What the hell is wrong with him?’ Vince asked.
‘He’s an idiot.’ was the bassist’s answer.
They watched as you looked at Tommy, your eyes darting around the room in worry. No doubt looking around to make sure your brother wasn’t around to see this.
Tommy was either ignorant or just stupidly bold because he simply waved his hand, dismissing your worries before he pulled you over to the table and pulled out a chair for.
You looked nervous and borderline uncomfortable as you sat down and let Tommy push the chair closer to the table.
‘Mick said he doesn’t want you guys talking to me, and I doubt even I can talk him down twice in one night.’ you said, voicing your concern.
‘Don’t worry about him, for now we want to know about you. Mick didn’t tell us he had any siblings at all. Other than his name and favorite booze we don’t know a thing about him.’ Tommy started.
At that you chuckled before taking a sip of your beer.
‘We have...seven siblings. Mick doesn’t really like the rest too much and he tries his best to keep me away from the guys he hangs out with so I’m not surprised he didn’t tell you guys about me.’
‘Are you like....adopted tho? Not to be rude or any shit like that but you two look nothing alike.’ Nikki asked.
‘Well Mick looked identical to his dad before he dyed his hair, Mom says I look like my father. Not that I’d ever know for sure.’ you sighed.
‘Oh different fathers. So which one one of you is legit, who is the love baby?’ Vince asked.
‘Well Mick’s dad was who mom stayed married to, so I guess I’m the “love baby” but...some shit happened before I was born and by the time mom brought me home Mick was already treated like an outsider. I latched onto him and held onto me and we’ve never been apart since...he was the father to me that his father couldn’t bare to be.’
They all listened closely, maybe it was their brains fighting against the drugs by focusing on something, or they were genuinely interested in learning about their closed off guitarist.
‘What was Mick like growing up?’ Tommy asked.
You let out a laugh as you remembered how your brother was.
‘He was...energetic believe it or not, especially when it came to music, and I thought he was the coolest person in the world. You know Mick never took a single guitar lesson, he’s almost completely self taught, he would mess with the strings until it made a noise he liked.’
‘Wow...the man is a genius.’ Nikki said in awe.
‘You already thought that Nikki.’ Vince said.
For a while the conversation went on like that, them pretty much interviewing you about your brother, squeezing you for info while you sipped on your drink.
‘So he’s just like super protective then since he raised you.’
‘Yup, I remember this time when I was in like second grade this boy pulled down my skirt in front of everyone in recess and I was...crushed.’ you laughed.
‘What type of jerk does that?’ Tommy scoffed.
Nikki and Vince looked away and sipped their drinks, because they stayed doing shit like that when they were little hell spawns.
‘So Mick snuck into our recess and without a word he wrestled the poor boy’s clothes off, leaving him butt ass naked and crying. Mick got in so much trouble and no boy looked at me funny ever again.’
‘Wow so you must be like a virgin.’ Vince said.
At that you blushed before you scoffed and walked away in an absolute huff, who the hell was he to make (true) assumptions about you. Your non-existent love life was always something you were self conscious about, you were in your twenties and hadn’t had so much as a first kiss.
Mick never let you have a moment where you could be alone with a boy, and your family thought it was hilarious and would egg him on and volunteer to keep an eye on you whenever he wasn’t around.
Of course you knew he had good intentions and you never had it in you to tell him to back off and let you get some damn play.
Right about now you were thinking you would just find Mick and tell him you were ready to go, but before you had even reached the hallway someone had grabbed your hand and stopped you.
‘Hey! Sorry about him, he gets high and starts to talk out of his ass. We were really having a good time talking to you (Y/N)’ Tommy said.
‘I’m sorry for storming off, but I really think I should call it a night before Mick comes out and sees me talking to you guys.’ you said politely.
‘Alright but we still totally want to see you some more y’know, we have another gig at the Whiskey on Friday. It would be cool if you showed and saw us perform then after we could get some drinks, Mick will be there and everything.’ the tall drummer said pleadingly.
You were really going to decline, but Tommy had obviously mastered the art of puppy eyes as well as you had, and you did miss their first show.
‘...fine.’ you mumbled.
Tommy’s face lit up like a Christmas tree and he jumped around and hugged you like an excited little kid.
‘Awesome! You are gonna freak when you see the show, this band is gonna own the strip in no time!’ he said, not letting go of you.
You didn’t know what to do in this situation, the only guy who ever really touched you for more than a second was Mick.
Tommy finally let go and smiled down at you.
You looked up at him and your heart jumped as you took in all his handsome features, his eyes, his sharp nose, and those lips. When you looked back up you noticed his eyes were on your lips as well.
You nearly jumped out of your skin as your brother’s voice hit your ears.
As fast as you could you backed away from Tommy and out the corner of your eye in the midst of your own panic you saw the drummer hurrying back to his table with the others to play as if he had been there the whole time.
You look back and see your brother looking very annoyed as he came out of one of the rooms.
‘Hey! I was just gonna come and find you, I’m ready to go.’ you said as coolly as you could.
‘Good, some chick just tried to pull my damn dick out and I honestly just can not deal with shit...I’m too fucking old.’ he grumbled before pulling toward the window you had crawled through.
You looked over at Tommy one more time before you left, and he was looking at you.
Whatever that was just now could not ever happen again...but you wished it had gone on a little longer
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Random Review #3: Sleepwalkers (1992) and “Sleep Walk” (1959)
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I. Sleepwalkers (1992) I couldn’t sleep last night so I started watching a trashy B-movie penned by Stephen King specifically for the screen called Sleepwalkers (1992). Simply put, the film is an unmitigated disaster. A piece of shit. But it didn’t need to be. That’s what’s so annoying about it. By 1992 King was a grizzled veteran of the silver screen, with more adaptations under his belt than any other author of his cohort. Puzo had the Godfather films (1972 and 1974, respectively), sure, but nothing else. Leonard Gardner had Fat City (1972), a movie I love, but Gardner got sucked into the Hollywood scene of cocaine and hot tub parties and never published another novel, focusing instead on screenplays for shitty TV shows like NYPD Blue. After Demon Seed (1977), a movie I have seen and disliked, nobody would touch Dean Koontz’s stuff with a ten foot pole, which is too bad because The Voice of the Night, a 1980 novel about two young pals, one of whom is a psychopath trying to convince the other to help him commit murder, would make a terrific movie. But Koontz’s adaptations have been uniformly awful. The made-for-TV film starring John C McGinley, 1997′s Intensity, is especially bad. There are exceptions, but Stephen King has been lucky enough to avoid the fate of his peers. Big name directors have tackled his work, from Stanley Kubrick to Brian De Palma. King even does a decent job of acting in Pet Semetary (1989), in his own Maximum Overdrive (1986) and in George Romero’s Creepshow (1982), where he plays a yokel named Jordy Verril who gets infected by a meteorite that causes green weeds to grow all over his body. Many have criticized King’s over-the-top performance in that flick, but for me King perfectly nails the campy and comical tone that Romero was going for. The dissolves in Creepshow literally come right off the pages of comics, so people expecting a subtle Ordinary People-style turn from King had clearly walked into the wrong theatre. Undoubtedly Creepshow succeeds at what it set out to do. I’m not sure Sleepwalkers succeeds though, unless the film’s goal was to get me to like cats even more than I already do. But I already love cats a great deal. Here’s my cat Cookie watching me edit this very blog post. 
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And here’s one of my other cats, Church, named after the cat that reanimates and creeps out Louis and Ellie in Pet Sematary. Photo by @ScareAlex.
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SPOILER ALERT: Do not keep reading if you plan on watching Sleepwalkers and want to find out for yourself what happens.
Stephen King saw many of his novels get adapted in the late 1970s and 80s: Carrie, The Shining, Firestarter, Christine, Cujo, and the movie that spawned the 1950s nostalgia industrial complex, Stand By Me, but Sleepwalkers was the first time he wrote a script specifically for the screen rather than adapting a novel that already existed. Maybe that’s why it’s so fucking bad. Stephen King is a novelist, gifted with a novelist’s rich imagination. He’s prone to giving backstories to even the most peripheral characters - think of Joe Chamber’s alcoholic neighbour Gary Pervier in the novel Cujo, who King follows for an unbelievable number of pages as the man stumbles drunkenly around his house spouting his catch phrase “I don’t give a shit,” drills a hole through his phone book so he can hang it from a string beside his phone, complains about his hemorrhoids getting “as big as golfballs” (I’m not joking), and just generally acts like an asshole until a rabid Cujo bounds over, rips his throat out, and he bleeds to death. In the novel Pervier’s death takes more than a few pages, but it makes for fun reading. You hate the man so fucking much that watching him die feels oddly satisfying. In the movie, though, his death occurs pretty quickly, and in a darkened hallway, so it’s hard to see what’s going on aside from Gary’s foot trembling. And Pervier’s “I don’t give a shit” makes sense when he’s drilling a hole in the phone book, not when he’s about to be savagely attacked by a rabid St Bernard. There’s just less room for back story in movies. In a medium that demands pruning and chiseling and the “less is more” dictum, King’s writing takes a marked turn for the worse. King is a prose maximalist, who freely admits to “writing to outrageous lengths” in his novels, listing It, The Stand, and The Tommyknockers as particularly egregious examples of literary logorrhea. He is not especially equipped to write concisely. This weakness is most apparent in Sleepwalkers’ dialogue, which sounds like it was supposed to be snappy and smart, like something Aaron Sorkin would write, but instead comes off like an even worse Tango & Cash, all bad jokes and shitty puns. More on those bad jokes later. First, the plot.
Sleepwalkers is about a boy named Charles and his mother Mary who travel around the United States killing and feeding off the lifeforce of various unfortunate people (if this sounds a little like The True Knot in Doctor Sleep, you’re not wrong. But self-plagiarism is not a crime). Charles and Mary are shapeshifting werewolf-type creatures called werecats, a species with its very own Wikipedia page. Wikipedia confers legitimacy dont’cha know, so lets assume werecats are real beings. According to said page, a werecat, “also written in a hyphenated form as were-cat) is an analogy to ‘werewolf’ for a feline therianthropic creature.” I’m gonna spell it with the hyphen from now on because “werecats” just looks like a typo. Okay? Okay.
Oddly enough, the were-cats in Sleepwalkers are terrified of cats. Actual cats. For the were-cats, cute kittens = kryptonite. When they see a cat or cats plural, this happens to them:
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^ That is literally a scene from the movie. Charles is speeding when a cop pulls alongside him and bellows at him to pull over. Ever the rebel, Charles flips the cop the finger. But the cop has a cat named Clovis in his car, and when the cat pops up to have a look at the kid (see below), Charles shapeshifts first into a younger boy, then into whatever the fuck that is in the above screenshot.
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Now, the were-cats aversion to normal cats is confusing because one would assume a were-cat to be a more evolved (or perhaps devolved?) version of the typical house kitty. The fact that these were-cats are bipedal alone suggests an advantage over our furry four-legged friends, no? Kinda like if humans were afraid of fucking gorillas. Wait...we are scared of gorillas. And chimpanzees. And all apes really. Okay, maybe the conceit of the film isn’t so silly after all. The film itself, however, is about as silly as a bad horror movie can get. When the policeman gets back to precinct and describes the incident above (”his face turned into a blur”) he is roundly ridiculed because in movies involving the supernatural nobody believes in the supernatural until it confronts them. It’s the law, sorry. Things don’t end well for the cop. Or for the guy who gets murdered when the mom stabs him with...an ear of corn. Yes, an ear of corn. Somehow, the mother is able to jam corn on the cob through a man’s body, without crushing the vegetable or turning it into yellow mash. It’s pretty amazing. Here is a sample of dialog from that scene: Cop About To Die On The Phone to Precinct: There’s blood everywhere! *STAB* Murderous Mother: No vegetables, no dessert. That is actually a line in the movie. “No vegetables, no dessert.” It’s no “let off some steam, Bennett” but it’s close. Told ya I’d get back to the bad jokes. See, Mary and Charles are new in town and therefore seeking to ingratiate themselves by killing everyone who suspects them of being weird, all while avoiding cats as best they can. At one point Charles yanks a man’s hand off and tells him to "keep [his] hands to [him]self," giving the man back his severed bloody hand. Later on Charles starts dating a girl who will gradually - and I do mean gradually - come to realize her boyfriend is not a real person but in fact a were-cat. Eventually our spunky young protagonist - Madchen Amick, who fans of Twin Peaks will recognize as Shelly - and a team of cats led by the adorable Clovis- kill the were-cat shapeshifting things and the sleepy small town (which is named Travis for some reason) goes back to normal, albeit with a slightly diminished population. For those keeping score, that’s Human/Cat Alliance 1, Shapeshifting Were-cats 0. It is clear triumph for the felis catus/people team! Unless we’re going by kill count, in which case it is closer to Human/Cat Alliance 2, Were-cats 26. I arrived at this figure through my own notes but also through a helpful video that takes a comprehensive and complete “carnage count” of all kills in Sleepwalkers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmt-DroK6uA
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II. Santo & Johnny “Sleep Walk” (1959) Because Sleepwalkers is decidedly not known for its good acting or its well-written screenplay, it is perhaps best known for its liberal and sometimes contrapuntal use of Santo & Johnny’s classic steel guitar song “Sleep Walk,” possibly the most famous (and therefore best) instrumental of the 20th century. Some might say “Sleep Walk” is tied for the #1 spot with “Green Onions” by Booker T & the M.G.’s and/or “Wipe Out” by The Surfaris, but I disagree. The Santo & Johnny song is #1 because of its incalculable influence on all subsequent popular music. 
I’m not saying “Wipe Out” didn't inspire a million imitators, both contemporaneously and even decades later…for example here’s a surf rock instrumental from 1999 called “Giant Cow" by a Toronto band called The Urban Surf Kings. The video was one of the first to be animated using Flash (and it shows):
So there are no shortage of surf rock bands, even now, decades after its emergence from the shores of California to the jukeboxes of Middle America. My old band Sleep for the Nightlife used to regularly play Rancho Relaxo with a surf rock band called the Dildonics, who I liked a great deal. There's even a Danish surf rock band called Baby Woodrose, whose debut album is a favourite of mine. They apparently compete for the title of Denmark’s biggest surf pop band with a group called The Setting Son. When a country that has no surfing culture and no beaches has multiple surf rock bands, it is safe to say the genre has attained international reach. As far as I can tell, there aren’t many bands out there playing Booker T & the M.G.’s inspired instrumental rock. Link Wray’s “Rumble” was released four years before “Green Onions.” But the influence of Santo and Johnny’s “Sleep Walk” is so ubiquitous as to be almost immeasurable. The reason for this is the sheer popularity of the song’s chord progression. If Santo and Johnny hadn’t written it first, somebody else would have, simply because the progression is so beautiful and easy on the ears and resolvable in a satisfying way. Have a listen to “Sleep Walk” first and then let’s check out some songs it directly inspired. 
The chords are C, A minor, F and G. Minor variations sometimes reverse the last two chords, but if it begins with C to A minor, you can bet it’s following the “Sleep Walk” formula, almost as if musicians influenced by the song are in the titular trance. When it comes to playing guitar, Tom Waits once said “your hands are like dogs, going to the same places they’ve been. You have to be careful when playing is no longer in the mind but in the fingers, going to happy places. You have to break them of their habits or you don’t explore; you only play what is confident and pleasing.” Not only is it comforting to play and/or hear what we already know, studies have shown that our brains actively resist new music, because it takes work to understand the new information and assimilate it into a pattern we are cogent of. It isn’t until the brain recognizes the pattern that it gives us a dopamine rush. I’m not much for Pitchfork anymore, but a recent article they posted does a fine job of discussing this phenomenon in greater detail.
Led Zeppelin’s “D’Yer Maker” uses the “Sleep Walk” riff prominently, anchored by John Bonham and John Paul Jones’ white-boy reggae beat: 
Here it is again with Del Shannon’s classic “Little Town Flirt.” I love Shannon’s falsetto at the end when he goes “you better run and hide now bo-o-oy.”
The Beatles “Happiness is a Warm Gun” uses the Sleep Walk progression, though not for the whole song. It goes into the progression at the bridge at 1:34: 
Tumblr won’t let me embed any more videos, so you’ll to travel to another tab to hear these songs, but Neil Young gets in on the act with his overlooked classic “Winterlong:” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RV6r66n3TFI On their 1996 EP Interstate 8 Modest Mouse pay direct homage by singing over their own rendition of the original Santo & Johnny version, right down to the weeping steel guitar part: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VT_PwXjCqqs The vocals are typical wispy whispered indie rock vocals, but I think they work, particularly the two different voices. They titled their version “Sleepwalking (Couples Only Dance Prom Night).”
Dwight Yoakam’s “Thousand Miles From Nowhere” makes cinematic use of it. This song plays over the credits of one of my all-time favourite movies, 1993′s Red Rock West feat. Nicolas Cage, Lara Flynn Boyle, Dennis Hopper, and J.T. Walsh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tu3ypuKq8WE
“39″ is my favourite Queen song. I guess now I know why. It uses my fav chord progression: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kE8kGMfXaFU 
Blink 182 scored their first hit “Dammit” with a minor variation on the Sleep Walk chord progression: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sT0g16_LQaQ
Midwest beer drinkin bar rockers Connections scored a shoulda-been-a-hit with the fist-pumping “Beat the Sky:” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSNRq0n_WYA You’d be hard pressed to find a weaker lead singer than this guy (save for me, natch), but they make it work. This one’s an anthem.
Spoon, who have made a career out of deconstructing rock n’ roll, so that their songs sometimes sound needlessly sparse (especially “The Ghost of You Lingers,” which takes minimalism to its most extreme...just a piano being bashed on staccato-style for four minutes), so it should surprise nobody that they re-arrange the Sleep Walk chords on their classic from Gimme Fiction, “I Summon You:” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teXA8N3aF9M I love that opening line: remember the weight of the world was a sound that we used to buy? I think songwriter Britt Daniel is talking about buying albums from the likes of Pearl Jam or Smashing Pumpkins, any of those grunge bands with pessimistic worldviews. There are a million more examples. I remember seeing some YouTube video where a trio of gross douchebros keep playing the same progression while singing a bunch of hits over it. I don’t like the smarmy way they do it, making it seem like artists are lazy and deliberately stealing. I don’t think it’s plagiarism to use this progression. And furthermore, tempo and production make all the difference. Take “This Magic Moment” for example. There's a version by Jay & the Americans and one by Ben E King & the Drifters. I’ve never been a fan of those shrieking violins or fiddles that open the latter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bacBKKgc4Uo The Jay & the Americans version puts the guitar riff way in the forefront, which I like a lot more. The guitar plays the entire progression once before the singing starts and the band joins in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKfASw6qoag
Each version has its own distinctive feel. They are pretty much two different songs. Perhaps the most famous use of the Sleep Walk progression is “Unchained Melody” by the Righteous Brothers, which is one of my favourite songs ever. The guy who chose to let Bobby Hatfield sing this one by himself must have kicked himself afterwards when it became a hit, much bigger than "You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling."https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiiyq2xrSI0
What can you say about “Unchained Melody” that hasn’t already been said? God, that miraculously strong vocal, the way the strings (and later on, brass horns) are panned way over to the furthest reaches the left speaker while the drums and guitar are way over in the right, with the singing smack dab in the middle creates a kind of distance and sharp clarity that has never been reproduced in popular music, like seeing the skyscrapers of some distant city after an endless stretch of highway. After listening to “Unchained Melody,” one has to wonder: can that progression ever be improved upon? Can any artist write something more haunting, more beautiful, more uplifting than that? The “need your love” crescendo hits so fucking hard, as both the emotional and the sonic climax of the song, which of course is no accident...the strings descending and crashing like a waterfall of sound, it gets me every fucking time. Legend has it that King George II was so moved by the “Hallelujah” section of Handel’s “Messiah” that he stood up, he couldn't help himself, couldn't believe what he was hearing. I get that feeling with all my favourite songs. "1979." "Unchained Melody." "In The Still of the Night." "Digital Bath." "Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?" "Interstate." "Liar's Tale." “Gimme Shelter.” The list goes on and on. Music is supposed to move us.
King George II stood because he was moved to do so. Music may be our creation, but it isn't our subordinate. All those sci-fi stories warning about technology growing beyond our control aren’t that far-fetched. Music is our creation but its power lies beyond our control. We are subordinate to music, helpless against its power and might, its urgency and vitality and beauty. There have been many times in my life when I have been so obsessed with a particular song that I pretty much want to live inside of it forever. A house of sound. I remember detoxing from heroin and listening to Grimes “Realiti” on repeat for twelve hours. Detoxing from OxyContin and listening to The Beach Boys “Dont Worry Baby” over and over. Or just being young and listening to “Tonight Tonight” over and over and over, tears streaming from my eyes in that way you cry when you’re a kid because you just feel so much and you don’t know what to do with the intensity of those feelings. It is precisely because we are so moved by music that we keep creating it. And in the act of that creation we are free. There are no limits to that freedom, which is why bands time and time again return to the well-worn Sleep Walk chord progression and try to make something new from it. Back in 2006, soon after buying what was then the new Yeah Yeah Yeahs album, I found myself playing the album’s closing track over and over. I loved the chorus and I loved the way it collapses into a lo-fi demo at the very end, stripping away the studio sheen and...not to be too punny, showing its bones (the album title is Show Your Bones). Later on I would realize that the song, called “Turn Into,” uses the Sleep Walk chord progression. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exqCFoPiwpk
It’s just like, what Waits said, our hands goes to where we are familiar. And so do our ears, which is why jazz often sounds so unpleasant to us upon first listen. Or Captain Beefheart. But it’s worth the effort to discover new stuff, just as it’s worth the effort to try and write it. I recently lamented on this blog that music to me now is more about remembrance than discovery, but I’m still only 35 years old. I’m middle-aged right now (I don’t expect to live past 70, not with the lifestyle I’ve been living). There’s still a whole other half life to find new music and love and leave it for still newer stuff. It’s worth the challenge, that moment of inner resistance we feel when confronted with something new and challenging and strange sounding. The austere demands of adult life, rent and routine, take so much of our time. I still make time for creative pursuits, but I don’t really have much time for discovery, for seeking out new music. But I’ve resolved to start making more time. A few years ago I tried to listen to and like Trout Mask Replica but I couldn’t. I just didn’t get what was going on. It sounded like a bunch of mistakes piled on top of each other. But then a few days ago I was writing while listening to music, as I always do, and YouTube somehow landed on Lick My Decals Off, Baby. I didn’t love what I was hearing but I was intrigued enough to keep going. And now I really like this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMnd9dvb3sA&pbjreload=101 Another example I’ll give is the rare Robert Pollard gem “Prom Is Coming.” The first time I heard this song, it sounded like someone who can’t play guitar messing around, but the more I heard it the more I realized there’s a song there. It’s weird and strange, but it’s there. The lyrics are classic Pollard: Disregard injury and race madly out of the universe by sundown. Pollard obviously has a special place in his heart for this track. He named one of his many record labels Prom Is Coming Records and he titled the Boston Spaceships best-of collection Out of the Universe By Sundown. I don’t know if I’ll ever become a Captain Beefheart megafan but I can hear that the man was doing something very strange and, at times, beautiful. And anyway, why should everything be easy? Aren’t some challenges worth meeting for the experience waiting on the other side of comprehension or acceptance? I try to remember this now whenever I’m first confronted with new music, instead of vetoing it right away. Most of my favourite bands I was initially resistant to when I first heard them. Queens of the Stone Age, Kyuss, Guided by Voices, Spoon, Heavy Times. All bands I didn’t like at first.  I don’t wanna sleepwalk through life, surrounding myself only with things I have already experienced. I need to stay awake. Because soon enough I’ll be asleep forever. We need to try everything we can before the Big Sleep comes to take us back to the great blankness, the terrible question mark that bookends our lives.
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justamusicpodcast · 4 years
Sup, I’m Laura Cousineau and welcome to Just A Music Podcast, where I, Laura Cousineau, tell you about some music history, how it relates to the world around us, and hopefully, introduce you to some new tunes. This show is theoretically for everyone but I will swear and when it comes down to it and sometimes we may need to talk about some sensitive topics so ur weeuns might wanna sit this one out.
Folk music! What a fucking blanket of a genre title isn’t it? We got 1960s folk in america, we got different folk genres in terms of mixed genres like folk metal, we got folk music as sort of an interchangeable term for ethnic musics, it’s all fuckin folk from here on out folks! But what is folk music where does it come from, what are we talking about when we talk about folk music? Well that’s what we’re going to talk about this week to kick off our North American music genre analysis with North American folk musics! Truth be told I did wanna start out with an episode on North American Native musics but as I’m whiter than sour cream on rice and there isn’t as much scholarship on it as I would like to confidently do a whole episode on it without input from actual native peoples. That all being said, if anyone listening is native and would like to give me some input on their musics, I would be more than happy to cover it.
But for now folk. North American folk musics. You notice I mention musics, it’s because north American folk music can be defined as a lot of things. So what are we talking about when we talk about the genre of folk musics. Well that’s gonna change depending on who you ask from what I explained before, we have some kind of mish mosh, multiple definition, popular idea of what folk music is and that’s not surprising given how that definition has grown and changed over time. Some of you will be surprised to hear that when we talk about north American folk music’s we’re actually talking about A BUNCH of different musical genres, not just one. Sure we have what people would usually associate with North American folk, the very Appalachian sounding bluegrass, country and then of course western, but we also have native musics (which again, I promise I will talk about at some point), and Maritime Canadian folk musics, we have cajun and creole musics, we have a bunch of racist shit too unfortunately but like legit we have so much stuff to talk about this episode I might have to break it up into two episodes.
Like all other musics, it all started from somewhere… I know, that’s the take of the century isn’t it. I mean it would be so much cooler if all folk music started cause some little gnome hopped out of the ground and was like imma invent music, but like that gnome would also be incredibly racist so I dunno, gnome theory sucks. So where did North American folk music come from? Well that’s a matter of looking at the mostly euro populations that colonized North America and this will change depending on the regions that we’re looking at. So WE need a SHORT HISTORY of the beginning of exploration.  
So, there’s some debate as to who we should credit with the “discovery” of north america, cause on one hand we have the Viking settlements in eastern Canada in the year 1000,  there’s some speculation that there were even other visitors before then, and of course we have the populations of native people’s who have lived here for forever, but in terms of the European colonial pattern we’re looking for, for our needs we’re looking at Christopher Columbus. So as y’all know Christopher Columbus, Portuguese adventurer, getting permission from Queen Isabella of Castille in 1492 set sail across the Atlantic to try and find a passage to India to get some of them good ass spices everyone was raving about. Though he didn’t find India he managed to find the Caribbean also known as Central America. Now I know in the news for a little bit with the ever increasing prevalence of the Black Lives Matter movement y’all been hearing about people tearing down Christopher Columbus statues in the news and there is a very good reason for that.
So as I’ve already told you Chris didn’t discover North america but he also was, and this is gonna be a massive understatement, but the dude was a massive asshole, like take the biggest asshole you can imagine and times that by about 10. It’s estimated that his colonization of the Caribbean resulted in the deaths of over 8 million people, or or about the entire population of Switzerland. You can’t even use the product of his time excuse because even Queen Isabella, the person in charge of the Spanish Inquisition, which famously saw hte torture and death of tonnes of people under the guise of religious purity, was even like yo dude you need to slow down. I will talk about him more once we reach central American music genres but just for now yeah he existed, yeah he kinda started the wave of north American exploration, but he was also an absolute asshat and there should never have been a statue let alone a day to commemorate the shitheel of a man.
So we get the start of this wave of immigration into what will become northern South america, Central America, and southern north America by Portuguese populations who mainly speak, well, Portuguese, bringing music from the Iberian peninsula. But we’re more concerned with what’s happening up north and for that we’re gonna have to look at later waves of immigration that started with Roanoake starting in the 1520s.
So the start of British colonization started with Roanoake and Newfoundland (which, yes, for our non canadian listeners it’s pronounced newfinland not new found land like the name would suggest, which to be fair would also be cool, I’ll welcome the Fins in my land anytime, they do fantastic music). One of these settlements was infinitely more successful than the other with Newfoundland becoming what we know now to be the east most province of Canada and while Roanoake is still there it failed so hard that a population of 112 people disappeared without a trace. Like legit we still don’t know what precisely happened to them. Some assume they integrated into the local native populations, some assume they were all murdered, some assume cannibals, essentially it was a bad time for all involved.
What this means for newfoundland though and other English colonies is that musically we hear a very British folk song base to the music that’s being established here, with newfoundland being very much established as a fishing colony the musical style echoes that. Since we’re talking about the Kingdom of England more broadly this meant that there was an absolute tonne of Irish and Scottish influence to the music. This is why when you listen to the folk musics of Newfoundland (established in 1583), Virginia (established in 1607), and Parts of the Carolinas (established in 1712), you hear it sounds very similar to that of their colonial forefathers. This means that there was commonly a lot of fiddle, flute, English guitar, a string instrument with a long handle, rounded body and ten strings that was a version of a Renaissance cittern, simple stringed banjos; zithers, which were flat, shallow boxes with strings running the length of the body that were plucked by the fingers and and hammered dulcimers, various shaped (like trapezoidal and peanut shaped) sound boxes with strings across them that were hit with small hammers, Much like this!
So we have all these people coming into the area, and with that too you’re also going to get jigs and reels too. Jigs and reels are both types of dance music widely enjoyed across the British Isles but are most associated with Scottish and Irish dancing musics. The difference between the two is mostly the time signature as the instruments used to play both of them are roughly the same, that being said Scottish musics tend to have more pipes and irish does traditionally use a type of handdrum which are both excellent. Jigs are in compound duple time meaning that there are 12 8th notes in a bar of music and reels are played in simple time like 2/2 (two half notes per bar) or 4/4 (4 quarter notes in a bar). They sound like this.
Its important to note here too that when we talk about all of these peoples from the British Isles that we don’t unintentionally assume that they were all nice and cozy with one another. Many of the Scottish and Irish parties, often referred to simply as the scotch irish or scotts irish came to america as a form of Religious punishmen because they didn’t precisely fit in with the church of England, some of my ancestors were scotts-irish and came to what would eventually become America because they were Quakers.
It is from these traditions that the music then evolves into something different over time and actually we’re gonna take a quick detour into linguistics for a second because it will be particularly helpful in demonstrating my point and y’all will be able to hear something way cool. So for those who are not aware, linguistics is the study of, well, language. (big brain moment right?) But what does that mean? Whereas when you take English, Igbo, Japanese, Arabic, or any other established language in an academic setting (so like learning in school when you’re growing up) the emphasis is on spelling, grammar, how to write and speak your language in the way that it has been determined is the best way to speak it (which isn’t always ACTUALLY the best way to speak it but we’ll get into that in a second.) Linguistics is the study of pretty much every other component of the language. So linguists study the phonemes or the sounds that comprise the word and how they change based on the dialect that a person is speaking (a dialect being a regional difference of a language such as how someone from Scotland speaks English and how I as a Canadian speak English), they study how languages become standard languages and why (spoiler alert there’s a lot of elitism involved), they study meaning and why we put certain words in the order that we do (for Example in English we put adjectives (or the words that describe things) in very specific order being quantity, quality, size, age shape, color, proper adjective and purpose or qualifier so describing a thing could be a shitty old triangular purple metal pair of shoes, but if you were like the triangular purples old shitty pair of shoes you would lose your gourd.)
But why does linguistics matter? Well language actually acts a lot like music in the ways that it travels and changes over time which makes sense doesn’t it? When a people move around and interact with other cultures or are even just are separated from a larger group, over time their language will change! One change that is easy for us to see in our life-time is in word usage, for example, you use different phrases and slang that your parents and your grandparents didn’t use. The same goes for accents this means that your accent is going to be different than your parents and their parents. In some cases this will smooth it out or ramp it up, it will accentuate features, or drop features entirely. And actually this is where I’m going to give you over to a linguist to better explain this because where I do know about some linguistic shift they will definitely explain it better.
Why this is important is BECAUSE music functions similarly in terms of drift. Though musical drift doesn’t happen as FAST as language because language you use everyday with incredibly intensity and music you do not, it does still happen. Even more helpful in the tracing of language is how and where it moves over time. Because language is contingent on people speaking it and music is also contingent on those who play it, you can track how music and language changes and who it interacts with based on the stylistic attributes and or instruments that it acquires over time. If we wanna think about this in a real practical sense come with me into the theater of ur brainhole for a second. Imagine for a second there is a group of people who live in lets say India in like the 500s C.E for some reason or another they’re pushed out of India and into the west where they met like Turks and hung out with them for a couple hundred years. So they pick up some Turkish words, incorporate some of their musical elements and then move farther west. Then they meet the Greeks! The Greeks are pretty rad, they got some good shit going for them, so they stay for another couple hundred years! Again, they pick up some Greek words, some Greek musical elements. After that let’s say some of the people from this group were captured and held as indentured workers in a country forcing them to integrate into the culture of the majority but another portion of the population was fortunate enough to be able to get away and keep moving west into the Balkans where they also picked up a bunch of words and musical elements. You see where I’m going with this? Cultures are all contingent on how often or how little they come in contact with other cultures, this goes for music, this goes for language, hell this pretty much goes for all sorts of art. For the sake of our example I used the Roma who also just serve as a crazy good example for this because we didn’t really even know their history until one scholar was “like hey they got some Indian words in here” and launched a whole study into it which is rad as hell but we’re gonna save that for another episode. BUT YES CULTURE IS CONTINGENT ON THE INTERACTION OR LACK OF INTERACTION WITH OTHER CULTURES, THIS IS A THING AND WE’RE GONNA BE TALKING ABOUT IT A LOT.
SO we were with settlers from the British Isles and they came to north america and then their music changed!
In Canada and Louisianna we also have the addition of the French colonies which make our music a little different. In Canada those colonies would be Acadia in what is now the province of Nova Scotia (established in 1604), Montreal (established in 1642), Quebec (established in 1608), and Trois Riviers (established in 1634)  along the Saint Lawrence River with the voyageurs or courier de bois who were fur traders dealing primarily in beaver. In the southern US it’s the colony of Louisianna in the states which is much larger than what is currently the state of Louisianna. All of these colonies together formed one mega colony commonly referred to as New France. Differences between the musics performed by French colonists vs. English colonists was, well first of all the language, obviously French colonists sang more often in French, due to them being… French. But there were also differences in content too. In Canada especially many settlements were originally set up with the intention of converting native populations to Christianity which is a form of cultural genocide by the way. Thus, Jesuit populations often brough a lot of religious music into the area. Sometimes it would be mixed with musical and cultural traditions of the native populations but often it would just be very Christian. An example from the area I grew up in would be the Huron carol which blends native cultural heritage from the area with Christianity. It sounds something like this.
As French populations began intermarrying into native populations this became a more common sonic combination to hear. In Canada we also have a larger amount of music based on or around or deriving from sea shanties due to the fishing populations that settles in East originally as fishing colonies. As I plan to do a whole episode on sea shanties one day I don’t want to go too much into them but quickly speaking sea shanties tend to be broken down into categories based on the task they were performed around. So there were three principal types of shanties: short-haul shanties, which were simple songs sung for short tasks where only a little work was needed, halyard shanties, for jobs such as hoisting sail, in which a certain rhythm was required to signal when it was time to exert effort and when it was time to rest (often referred to as a pull and relax rhythm), and windlass shanties, which synchronized footsteps. I find them incredibly infectious, which is probably intentional because they’re meant to kinda keep spirits up as well as set a pace for work, but I’ll try and sell ya more on that when the time comes. In the meantime you can content yourself with singing drunken sailor to yourself, probably one of the most well known shanties.
French Canadian music also has some very fun additions to it that come from the body itself, like ur own dang body. The first one is a singing technique but also song style. It’s technically a form of non-lexical vocable which is a fancy way of saying “sounds that comes from ur mouth in music that aren’t necessarily words.” In fact sometimes it’s also just referred to as French Canadian mouth music. This specific one I’m talking about kinda, lord how do you describe this, it’s like a scatting but much slower, less bombastic, and more rhythmic. I’m gonna fuck up the pronunciation because, again, even though I have a French Canadian background and had to take it from grade 4 to grade 9 in school I remember it about as well as one might remember an event they’ve never been to, that is to say not at all. The form is called a turlutte (ter-lute) which uses a lot of D, T, and M sounds to kinda fit the sound that ur looking for in a song. It sounds something like this!
French Canadian music also has the real fun addition of podorythmie or foot rhythms which are complex rhythms that people keep with their feet. For those who don’t know what a rhythm is, it is defined as a strong, regular, repeated pattern sound so lets say that you start clapping, and each clap is spaced exactly by one second, now on the first and third claps you clap a little harder, that would be a rhythm. Rhythms can be incredibly simple like that one or they can be really complex and the ones that you will hear in French Canadian music are of the more complex variety. Usually if the person performing them is also playing an instrument they’ll often sit in a chair with a little wood box or hard surface underneath which they will use to tap their feet on. Sometimes they will wear special hard bottomed shoes made with leather or wood to do this in order to accentuate the sound. Less commonly people can also stand while performing a podorythmie turning it into a kind of dance. Here’s my favorite example of what that sounds like.
Some of this style was eventually transported to Louisianna when the Acadians were eventually pushed out of Canada by the English in 1755, many of them ended up actually settling in Louisiana forming the ethnically Cajun population, Cajun deriving from the word Acadian. Not to say that life wasn’t hard for damn near everybody who wasn’t nobility in the 1700s, but the dramatic shift for Acadians made it particularly hard for a long time. People had trouble adjusting to their new way of life at first, coming from a mostly trading based economy to agrarian based was hard on the population, not to mention the massive change in climate that came with moving all the way from what would now be modern nova scotia all the way down to Louisiana. To give a real succinct idea of where exactly they were moving imma quote Loyola university in New Orleans that have done a really good succinct history on the Cajuns of Louisianna ”Few Acadians stayed in the port of arrival, New Orleans. Some settled in the regions south and northwest of New Orleans and along the Teche, Lafourche and Vermilion Bayous. Far more went further west to the marshes and prairies of south central Louisiana. They became hunters and trappers and farmers. It is a popular misconception that most Cajuns live on the bayous and in the marshes, poling their pirogues and hunting alligators. Far more became farmers in the grand triangular prairie that stretches from Lafayette north to Ville Platte and west to Lake Charles.” Like shit man, my giant canadian ass if forced to live in Louisiana would probably catch fire as soon as I got there let alone back then with no air conditioning and what have you. Their music also then changed to reflect their new way of life, not that the music was about catching fire in a corn field (although that would fucking slap), music was written and sung about hard times and hard livin’.
From the same Loyola University document: The music these people brought was simple. It was made by singing, humming, and rhythmic clapping and stamping. Instruments were brought to the colony, with a violinist's death recorded in 1782. Early instrumental music was played primarily on violins, singularily or in pairs. One violin played lead and the second a backing rhythm. A simple rhythm instrument was created out of bent metal bars from hay or rice rakes: the triangle or 'tit fer, meaning little iron. Musicians wrote original songs telling of their life in the new world. The song J'ai passe devant ta porte tells of the suddenness of death from accident and disease. The singer tells of passing by his beloved's door and hearing no answer to his call. Going inside he sees the candles burning around his love's corpse.
In the south they would have been influenced by other settlers in the area, more scotts and irish of course but also eventually African descended peoples. Some were brought as slaves during the French and Spanish colonial period or brought in by settlers after the Louisiana Purchase. Under Spanish rule, slaves were allowed to buy their freedom (which I cannot emphasize entirely how fucking difficult that would have been), leading to an early population of free Blacks in southern Louisiana. People of African descent also came from the Caribbean, including the colonized French-speaking islands. During the revolution in Haiti between 1789 and 1791, French-speaking Haitians who fled the violence often chose the Louisiana coast as a destination due to having a familiar linguistic population and ease of access. These populations would become to be known as creole. The term Creole comes originally from the Spanish criollo, for a child born of Spanish parents in the New World. The French borrowed it as Creole. Creole could refer to anyone of European parentage born in Louisiana. Over two centuries it began to be used to mean a person of mixed foreign and local parentage. One use today is to refer to someone entirely or partly of African descent.
Now, it’s incredibly important that we don’t discount the influence of slaves and former slaves in the creation and dissemination of creole musics because they are absolutely integral to the process. Creole songs originated in the French and Spanish slave plantations in Louisianna and thus contain tonnes of African musical elements from the instruments they used to the syncopated rhythms. For example, original instruments you would have heard could have been percussion instruments made out of gourds, known as shak-shak which would be shaken to create a rhythm, the mouth harp, a type of metal instrument that one holds in place in the mouth and plucks with their finger opening and closing their mouth hole to create different pitches and textures of sound, the bamboula, tambou, or tombou lay lay which are types of drums; and as I mentioned before, a type of banjo known as a banza might have been played if someone could fashion one. Because that in essence is what we’re talking about, when we talk about Creole music we’re talking about music slaves could make with the limited resources that were available to them, in order to make the music they wanted to hear. This is why overtime we also see the addition of the washboard as an instrument because it was something that would have been available to them. A washboard for those who don’t know is most literally a board, usually made out of ridged wood or metal that one would put into a source of water, either a basin or a river, and methodically rub the dirt and stains out of your dirty clothes as well as you could with soap if you could access it, believe me it’s about as fun as it sounds.
So what was this music they were playing? What did it sounds like? Well as I already mentioned there was a lot of African influence to the music. One of the most prominent features of this influence is the syncopated rhythm. A syncopated rhythm is a rhythm that is built so that the strong beats eventually become the weak beats. So if we continue our example from before, where we clap harder on the first beat and third beat, a syncopated rhythm would move to become the opposite of it on the 2nd and 4th beats or the off beats, like this. Don’t be worried if that’s something you can’t do yourself, I still find it hard to switch between.
As no type of culture exists independently of time or location though, the type of music they played was also influenced by the culture of their oppressors. While there was music that existed independently that slaves brought from their Native African groups such as the Bamboula, Calinda, Congo, Carabine and Juba, over time, a lot of their music also began to incorporate French and Spanish influence. A type of French dance called a quadrille for example was worked into the repertoire, a Spanish dance called the contradanza or the habanera actually became some of the first written music to incorporate the aforementioned African rhythms. Even the language used in these musics grew and changed. For the slaves, and even free black folk coming from the Caribbean, they would bring with them what is now known as patois, a language that is a combination of English, French, Spanish, and African languages. So when we think of what creole music is, it really then is a patchwork of different cultures mainly driven and compounded by the efforts of African slaves.
Now I will say before I play this example here that it is difficult when looking for early musics belonging to oppressed peoples because 1. It wasn’t written down for the most part, at least not in the way it would have been originally performed, 2. Pieces that were written down, recorded, or coopted were often done by white people looking to profit off of African music (which we’ll see way too fucking much of as we continue our north American music excursion), which seems like a rather disingenuous way to present it to you, and 3. Because music recording as far as actually recording audio didn’t exist until 1860. So if we’re looking for songs from the periods that they were written or invented we still have to find people who are alive that remember them. Even as I was researching this I was trying to look for recordings that would make it easier to hear the differences between the dance genres I mentioned earlier. Unfortunately there isn’t much in the way of albums or popular bands dedicated to these types of genres, so instead I’m going to play a clip of a bamboula rhythm being played by some students at the Asheh Cultural Arts Center's Kuumba Institute in New Orleans, and then a clip of another group performing a Calinda.
From where we’re currently standing in the year 2020 there is still Creole and Cajun distinct musics but they also created a fusion genre which has become it’s own thing, this genre is called Zydeco. Zydeco developed out of both the Cajun and Creole though (hard core purists will insist that it is a mostly creole development) which then further changed when German Immigrants started moving into the area. The accordion, which was invented in Vienna about 1828, was brought to Louisiana by the German immigrants many of whom lived adjacent to or among the Cajuns. Though it arrived in Louisiana as early as 1884, it was not immediately incorporated into Cajun music. This is because where fiddles were tuned differently than the accordions coming into the country. What I mean by that is that some instruments have pitches they’re better at playing naturally. So for example, you’re standard run of the mill trumpet, like if u look up a trumpet on google, well they’re most suited to play in the key of B flat because the sound that you get when you blow into one without putting any of your fingers on the buttons is B flat. For the accordions that were coming with the Germans, they were tuned to the keys of A and F, so it wasn’t till much later in 1925 that accordions tuned to C and D started appearing and thus started to be better incorporated into the music around it. The guitar was also added pretty late coming in in around 1920ish. The word Zydeco itself is actually derived from the title of a French song Les haricots sont pas sale or The snap beans are not salty! You can hear in the French if you put a little punchiness into it, the transition between the les and haricot sounds like a Z (yes I’m a Canadian that says Zee, I blame it on my American mother, plus it just sounds better, zed sounds like a bee flew into a hard surface). So because of the Z sound it became abbreviated to zarico and through time morphed into Zydeco! We got BEAN music.
And how does this bean music sound, well I personally think it sounds pretty fucking rad, kinda like this:
fun fact about that one, I’ve known this song for roughly 5 years I knew it I definitely just thought these dudes were scattin, like WHOA BA BA WHOA BA BA WHA BA PA BYE BYE DOO DOO, I did not realize until roughly 2 years until after I heard it that it had lyrics…
Now you may have noticed I haven’t touched on Appalachian folk music yet and I’ve done it very strategically for 2 reasons. One is just simply because if I had put it any earlier yall would have been like HUEHUEHUE I HAVE HEARD ALL I NEED and then absconded into the night like a raccoon after finding half a cheeseburger in the trash. The second was because Appalachian folk music and next week’s episode are gonna be pretty instrumental in the episode after that, so to keep it popping freesh in ur brain bits I figured I’d stick it at the end of the episode.
So appalaichan music turns out is actually a really tricky genre of music, if we wanna go by the United States Library of Congress introduction to Appalaichan music: The term "Appalachian music" is in truth an artificial category, created and defined by a small group of scholars in the early twentieth century, but bearing only a limited relationship to the actual musical activity of people living in the Appalachian mountains. Since the region is not only geographically, but also ethnically and musically diverse (and has been since the early days of European settlement there), music of the Appalachian mountains is as difficult to define as is American music in general. I should also probably say before we get too far that like the Appalachian mountains (which first of all that I pronounce incorrectly because it’s pronounces with a CHian not Shan) but the appalachian mountains are the mountain range that run through a lot of the eastern United States, so like Appalachian Mountains extend 1,500 miles (or 2414 km for everyone else) from Maine to Georgia. They pass through 18 states and encompass the Green Mountains of New Hampshire and Vermont, the Berkshires of Connecticut, New York's Catskills, the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, and the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee. The region known as the Southern Highlands, or Upland South, covers most of West Virginia and parts of Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Virginia. In colonial times, this area was known as the "Back Country."
It was in these areas that Cherokee and Algonquin people already existed but then colonists would come from England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales and eventually from other parts of Europe came the Germans, French Huguenots, Polish, and Czechians. So we’ve already looked at the influence from the British Isles before (the jigs and reels and English folk music) but these would evolve into Square dances with a little help from French influences as well. A square dance for those who don’t know is a dance usually with 8 sets of partners who perform steps that are either established and vary based on song or thencaller which then the dancers perform. But just as we saw with instruments and musics being carried by free or escaped slaves to different parts of the southern united states and being integrated into the musical cannon of the area, the same thing happened in this area by the other people settling here as well. For example, the hammered dulcimer I told y’all about earlier (which if you haven’t seen one I would recommend lookin one up they can come in really fun shapes, ) but yeah those same hammered dulcimers were not an invention of the British isles carried over by those settlers but it is almost a direct descendant of a German instrument (the Germans btw came in a couple different waves the first big one being in 1670) so this instrument they brought was called the Scheitholt. Even African American instruments entered the scene in around the 1840s just in time for minstrel shows to start travelling around the country which I will be doing an episode on by the way because you can’t talk about American music without talking about the fucking disaster that is minstrel shows. It was these same free black peoples that also really popularized the call and response type of vocals which is pretty much just what it sounds like. The main singer will call out a line of lyrics sometimes as a holler, sometimes more musically, and other singers will answer it by doing it right back at them. This can be found in all sorts of music but just for the kicks of it here’s an example of it in gospel music.
But we’re gonna back track a little bit back to the Germans because we really haven’t talked about them enough and have left out one of their biggest influences on developing Appalachian folk music which is yodelling. If you’re from the states you’ll probably know yodelling from that kid that got famous a couple years ago and was in a Walmart commercial or something but for those of you who don’t know or people who do know that kid and are just curious about the mechanics of yodelling: The main components of a human singing voice are the head voice and the chest voice which I CAN and will demonstrate but to explain first, the head voice and chest voice are the two registers humans typically have. There’s also falsetto which is slightly different as it is kinda a pushing of the voice to a place it isn’t really supposed to be but I digress. So the head voice is where we get all our higher notes where the chest voice is where we get all out low notes. This is mainly due to the resonators we are using in creating these sounds as well as how tense or thick or thin and how long or short your vocal chords are. Resonators are simply just the air passages and open spaces in your body that sound resonates through. So for head voice you’re pushing the sound up and into the head using like ur nasal passages and all ur skull space for the sound to vibrate through which are all really small so you get a higher often sharper sound and chest voice mainly resonates in the chest (or ur LUNGS) which is a lot more space and so more low and rumbly. You can tell the difference between the two by putting a hand on ur chest while you’re singing, start with your lowest note you can comfortably reach and just start ascending, eventually you will feel your chest vibrate less and less and should be able to feel the switch into head voice. I’ll just give you a quick demonstration as to how different they are. Please bear in mind I am a natural soprano so my low range isn’t incredibly low but here it goes so the head voice “as I don’t do remembering, can’t give this song a ghost of past, I wander, I ponder, why there is weight in time” and again the same line but in chest voice “as I don’t do remembering, can’t give this song a ghost of past, I wander, I ponder, why there is weight in time.”
So if you tried it yourself you’ll notice that there’s a little, what vocalists call, break between where ur chest register is and where ur head voice is, it happens for everyone don’t worry. What yodelling does then is fluctuates between the head and the chest voice really fast and most importantly smoothly like this:
ahh shit man, the sounds of my ancestors, you can almost smell the leiderhosen, taste the octoberfest, YOU CAN ALMOST SEE THE SCHUPLATTING. But yes so Germans brought this with them from their homelands along with their accordions and it established itself the Appalachian folk tradition. Now it’ll probably interest you to know that yodelling isn’t a genre without purpose, as I’d like to do a whole episode on it though at some point I don’t wanna spoil too much but it is good for communicating across mountain ranges because of how it echoes and the types of inflection you can put into it. This makes it easier to understand why it survived the shift from the mountains in Germany all the way to the mountains of America. The Germans also brought something else with them, but it wasn’t just Germans, the Polish, and Czechian influences also brought it with them too! And what is it that they brought? The waltz of course! The waltz is a type of dance that focusses on a ¾ time signature, and has one heavy beat on the front and two lighter beats after. For any of you who’ve ever seen the musical Oliver, this is precisely the type of song Oom Pah Pah is.
So these collections of music and the things they developed into can be called Appalachian folk musics. It’s hard to pin down precisely what Appalachian music then sounds like at times because of all the different influences depending on place that you were living in, if you had to pick out a few things though you would head that firstly you get a lot of stringed instruments like guitars, fiddles and banjos. Secondly  the themes were often similar and reflected day to day life living in the region such as mining or logging, there’s the fun little genre of murder ballads which I wanna do a whole episode on some day, and after the civil war we also get the addition of a lot of war songs. Thirdly this music would vary depending on purpose but would definitely include dances, campfire songs. So Imma play you a few samples then, first we just have a good old mountain song
if these sound familiar to other genres of music like bluegrass and country that’s because Appalachian folk music was the predecessor for both genres but those I’m gonna save for their own episode sometime in the future. It might be a part of the north American genre business it might be just another nebulous episode I do in the future at some point. But for now at least you know the history of some of the biggest Genres of American folk music. BUT WHAT ABOUT FOLK MUSIC TODAY, LAURA, WHAT ABOUT MUMFORD AND SONS, HOZIER, FUIMADANE, AND KORPIKLAAN? And I know, they’re ALL fantastic acts and I’ll get to people like them eventually, but for now at least you know where it all started.
So with that, hat’s all for just a music podcast this week, I hope you’ve heard something new, and I hope you’ve heard something that you like. If you haven’t there’s always next week where we’ll be getting heavy with slave and gospel music. In the meantime, though if one of y’all would like to suggest a topic I would love nothing more than to answer your musical question or talk about topics that interest you guys in music. Feel free to drop me a line at [email protected]
1.   Over the Hills and Far Away - 17th Century English Traditional - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MR7VihPm2E
2.   Woodsong Wanderlust Solo Hammered Dulcimer by Joshua Messick https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayAvzVdOJJY&list=RDfD0rNyjDAa0&index=13
3.   Out on the Ocean https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynKDggMtMww
4.   Rakish Paddy & Braes of Busby (Reels) Uilleann pipes Chris McMullan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0umOtiKyUc
5.   A Quick Lesson on Southern Linguistics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNqY6ftqGq0
6.   Huron Carol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgPeEvUl06Y
7.   La Bolduc - Reel Turluté https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASW3Cejl5oc
8.   Le Lys Vert https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASW3Cejl5oc
9.   J'ai passe devant ta porte https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtchvhughFw
10.New Orleans Kuumba camp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItRuHjjGMhg
11. Calinda (Stickfight) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaM0PI3T1s8
12. Bye, Bye Boozoo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kPztofSd5Y
13. Call and Response in Gospel Music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMgNTwZW5gY
14. Underthing Solstice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anMKMu9Tpoc
15. Yodelling Franzl Lang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQhqikWnQCU
16. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles – Ost – Maggie is Everything https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Fn1Pw-LxU8&
17. Ola Belle Reed High on the Mountain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsRRY5k5Psg
18. Traditional Tennessee Square Dance Caller Gerald Young of Pulaski https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7-DWvegcL8
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lost-in-yujikiri · 5 years
Alicization Rewatch ep 14
OK, I’m back! Sort of haha, I’m having exams in these few weeks T_T, but I’d definitely post more frequently now especially in Lunar New Year week, so look forward to more.
Today I’m only talking about one episode because while rewatching it I found that the aftermath of Deusolbert’s fight was dragged out for so long, especially the last 5 minutes. They could have speed things up by shorten the latter half while adding back the important Eugeo’s monologues that they always loved to cut that add a huge chunk of characterization to him in LN.
Remember in my last Rewatch post, I said Eugeo didn’t just stay there reading history books for fun? He actually has a more profound reason for it, which he narrated in LN before the boys fought Deusolbert Synthesis 7.
Eugeo has always been plagued by guilt since he was a kid, but it’s not just about Alice’s arrest and being taken away from him. Eugeo’s family is made of poor barley farmers, but his original Calling was cutting the Gigas Cedar, a task that would take more than his whole life to fulfill.
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Calling is not something anyone can choose for themselves, but his family shunned him for not being able to help on the farm, and most of his salary went to his father Orick instead, thus Eugeo was stuck with eating stale bread and wearing torn shoes everyday.
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Eugeo’s family in Alicization manga, which is the only image they have in any adaptation so far
If Kirito had never come and found the idea to cut down the Gigas Cedar with Blue Rose Sword after both boys raised their Authority Levels during the goblin fight, his life would be stuck with it forever.
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When Eugeo left the village with Kirito, his family of course wouldn’t receive any more salary from Eugeo's labor, so they were openly disappointed with him even though he fulfilled a huge feat his village has always dreamt of (sorry for my crude personal opinion, but Eugeo’s family are pretty much assholes all around, even when Eugeo tried to paint them in a better light in his monologues). But Eugeo still thought it’s his fault so he decided that he’d become an Integrity Knight to one day compensate more money for his family.
But after what happened with Raios & Humbert, both Eugeo and Kirito became criminals, the village and his family would shun them away even harder (like you guys can see what happened to Alice S30 in WoU ep 1-2), all Eugeo’s plan to become Integrity Knight to help his family became meaningless.
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From then Eugeo saw himself straying away from the righteous path. He thought of himself as a monster. He read many history books in Cardinal’s library to see if there are any other people like him who have committed crimes and could go back to their families unchanged. No such records exist. He can no longer go back to live a normal life, only a bloody path ahead. Eugeo mentally broke down and he would curve himself into a ball and cry if Kirito didn’t find him before then.
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In his mind, his goal of taking Alice back to her family still didn’t change, he’d do anything for it to go smoothly. But for himself, he’d wanted Kirito, the black-haired boy walking in front of him to be his partner for all their hardships ahead. He’d even ask Kirito to flee and live in the Dark Territory with him if they ever achieved their goals.
There was no place he could live after his many sins anymore, except for the horrifying Dark Territory beyond the End Mountains. But even that was a price worth paying if it meant Alice could go back home and live in happiness again. Eugeo watched Kirito walk before him, turning over this secret determination in his head. If I said I was going to the Dark Territory, would you come with me…?
LN Excerpt: Sword Art Online Volume 12 Chapter 8 part 1
After the fight with Deusolbert, while Kirito could see the Integrity Knights as poor beings whose memories were blocked and manipulated, Eugeo still viewed the Axiom Church as a wicked being and the Integrity Knights as a huge farce who had indirectly caused despair to their citizens and yet they all forgot about all their shady missions under Administrator’s orders, so they aren’t worthy of calling themselves justice defenders. That’s why Eugeo was so angry during his fights with Deusolbert (& Fanatio later), because he couldn’t accept their existence.
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After it all, Kirito still bantered with Eugeo a lot like the old school days as a way to help ease his tension down, and assured Eugeo that everything was still fine. The silly banters the boys shared unfortunately have been changed into a very bland and dragged out version in the anime which shows none of their dorky character, so I post their original banters here:
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Just then, Kirito came to a sudden stop on the staircase landing just ahead. He turned back, face dead serious, and said, “Hey, Eugeo………What floor are we on now…?” “Um…well,” Eugeo said, wobbling a bit. He sighed, shook his head, and slumped his shoulders all at the same time. “Next one’s the twenty-ninth floor. I’m going to assume you were at least counting at the start.” “Well, you’d think they would have floor number displays along the way. I mean, it’s just common sense.” “I agree, but you should have noticed before this!” Eugeo scolded, but Kirito merely brushed it off and rested his back against the landing wall.
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“Man, I’m getting hungry…” “…I agree with you there.” Eugeo thrust out his hand and demanded, “So hand over one of the ones you’ve got in your pockets.” “Uh…but…I was saving them for emergencies…Man, you’re greedier than I thought.” “You thought I wouldn’t notice how much you stuffed in there?” Kirito gave up and slipped his right hand into his pants pocket, then pulled out two steamed buns and handed one to Eugeo. The smell of it was still strong enough to stimulate his appetite, even though they’d left the library long ago. “That flame attack kinda charred it a bit.” “Ha-ha…I see. Thanks, man.” Cardinal had generated the steamed bun out of some precious old tome’s pages using her high-level sacred arts, a fact that Eugeo had to ignore as he bit into the treat. The crispy, burned outside gave way to juicy meat on the inside, which he savored rapturously. In less than a minute, their little lunch was over, and Eugeo licked his fingers in satisfaction. Kirito’s other pocket was still bulging suspiciously, but Eugeo was happy enough to let it go for now.
LN excerpts: Sword Art Online Volume 12, Chapter 8 Part 2
I’ll will speak more about Eugeo’s continuous character development that anime hasn’t emphasized very well in next week’s Rewatch post.
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gulfportofficial · 4 years
And now for a horse of a different color.  I’m trying to sort my files lately which means reading a lot of old unfinished stuff, and I have... all of this stuff from which this is excerpted and nothing to do with it cuz I’m never gonna finish it. This is not a GP excerpt, nor even an excerpt of political robot erotica. It’s another character from another piece for another fandom under another identity but specifically it’s a a number of conversations between a gay man who had to publicly come out at 40 and his ex-workmate and his mom who kinda-knew-but-didn’t and his older boyfriend. Anyway, I thought some of y’all might like it. 
It was late, but he was hungry. And bored. He got Johnson to meet him for pool and a sandwich. That turned out to be easy to do because he didn’t even make the call himself. Instead, he shamelessly organized it through his detail. He didn’t know these guys yet, but he knew the system, and he knew what protectees could and couldn’t ask for. One of the things that protectees could ask for was social arrangements made late at night, and it probably helped that the contact in this case was on the secret service books. He got them to arrange a meeting in a bar he could get roast beef.
Ed was, he thought, just about used to being in a situation like this with his own detail. It made him antsy, sure, like he was at work but not doing any work, but if he thought about it like an investigation or a stakeout, he could kind of roleplay it. Johnson didn’t seem to be bothered being escorted into the place either, which was notable in someone that anxious. Maybe he was adopting the same approach Ed was? Or already drunk, given the time. It seemed likely.
If anything, actually, he seemed to think it was funny. Get you, Eddie, Ed could hear him thinking when he sat down on his barstool. Ed bought him a beer out of silent acknowledgement and handed him a menu. “It’s midnight, I don’t know if I need a sandwich,” Johnson said. But he took the menu anyway.
“Don’t have to,” Ed said. “That’s just what I’m doing.”
“How’s work?”
“Pretty much the same.”
“You on PD still?”
“Yeah, still West Wing. Might get promoted.”
Ed nodded. He put two fingers up and they ordered sandwiches. Johnson had a new haircut and Ed wondered if he should say something. He wasn’t sure if they knew each other well enough to comment on things like appearances.
“You look good,” Johnson said, resolving that issue. Ed nodded at that too.
“Just went to dinner at the White House,” he said. He waved his hand over his suit. “That’s what this is about.”    
“Did they not feed you?”
“They did, just wanted a sandwich.”
“Down for the depositions?”
“It’s the last one,” Ed said. “Tomorrow I’m done. That’s it. Are you looking for an apartment? I’m not going to need mine anymore.”
“I’ve got an apartment, thanks Eddie.”
“Okay then.”
Johnson’s brows were knotted in the middle of his face. That was the kind of nervy expression Ed recognized on him. It was weirdly reassuring. “Are you…” Johnson said. “I don’t want to be rude but are you okay?”
“Just hungry,” Ed said.
“Wanted a midnight sandwich?”
“Sure did.”
“Well, okay. Glad it’s not some kind of crisis.”
“Or some kind of late night… you know, mission or something. That’s what I thought, when they called me. Like maybe you wanted information or something. But if you’ve just been to the White House I guess you don’t.”
“I don’t,” Ed said. “This is just a friendly visit.”
“Question,” Johnson said. “Do you ever… I find, sometimes, when I’m socializing, you know, normal socializing, having a sandwich, that sometimes I say regular things but because of the way I say them, I don’t sound social.”
“Oh yeah?”
“I kind of sound like a cop.”
Ed laughed. It took him by so much surprise that beer came out of his nose. Johnson smiled back at him. It was a hopeful, sweet grin, like he was really proud to have made Ed laugh. Then sandwiches were put in front of them and Ed said thank you but it came out choked because of the beer. He coughed.  
“How’s married life?” Johnson asked him.
“Not actually married life, but it’s fine,” Ed said.
Johnson was still smiling. He really did seem like he was happy to be seeing Ed and Ed didn’t know how to feel about that. He pulled his sandwich apart to check on the tomato. One thing he could say about not-actually-married life was that now he was fussy about tomatoes. Southern tomatoes, apparently, were better, and should only ever be eaten in season.
“You could now though,” Johnson said. “I mean, legally. Right?”
“You don’t think that would be kind of politically stupid?”
“How do you mean?”
“Look, I appreciate your liberal attitude,” Ed said. “It’s refreshing. But as far as the rest of the country goes, I’ve stopped asking to review my own mail because after a while the death threats just get depressing.”
Johnson nodded. His new haircut made him look like a short, fleshy Matt Damon, especially making this serious face. It suited him. “Content or volume?”
“Definitely both.”
“That’s really rough, man.”
“It’s not so bad,” Ed said. “The press stuff is worse.”
“I liked your interview.”
“Liked your mom’s too. Nice to put a face to the voice.”
“Oh Jesus I forgot about that. What did you get?”
“It’s tuna.”
“I was gonna say,” Ed said, “that I just wish they’d leave my mom alone. And I do. But you’re right, it was a good surprise interview at least.”
“She gave them a good stern shaming. They probably came out worse off.”
“That where you get it from?”
Ed snorted. “Probably.”
“You’re lucky having a mom like that.”
Ed didn’t know how to answer that. Because the truth was that he was. He was extremely lucky to have a mom like that. The fact that every conversation they’d had since Ed’s grand revelation had been hard and strained and weird didn’t change that. He was extremely lucky in his mother and he didn’t get to be ungrateful.
The interview with his dad was bullshit. It wasn’t damaging-to-the-President bullshit, or even bullshit that could do anything to him, but it was absolutely bullshit that would do something to his mom. And just bullshit in general, but that was nothing new from his dad. But he was lucky in his mom.
He remembered calling his dad from the hotel in DC. It was funny how coming out to his dad didn’t mean anything. With his mother it had been borderline traumatic, but with his dad he didn’t care. It meant less than doing it at work. He’d tried to assess what kind of protections his dad and his new family would need and to present it in a simple enough way they wouldn’t have to nitpick about it, but the “dad, I’m a homosexual and I’m fucking the disgraced former President of these united states” part of it was a whole lot of nothing. He guessed this time he at least didn’t feel five years old again, at least. Sometimes that happened, that he’d start the call feeling secure and adult and then somehow end up wandering into feeling like a little kid nobody wanted to pay attention to.
So this time he’d talked quickly. Sure, he’d asked himself why he didn’t care, but the answer was never satisfying. He didn’t care because his father wasn’t anybody. He was just some guy. The President had looked at him strangely, and Ed had wondered if there was something wrong with his face. Or if he was holding his body wrong. He thought he might be scowling. Probably like he was scowling now.
“He was so involved while you were under,” the President had said.
“That’s what he’s like.”
“How so?”
“He’s just not really interested in anything unless it’s easy or he’s getting something out of it. And there was press around, I guess, and he saw his moment.”
“I see.”
“Look, you can’t repeat any of this to my mother,” Ed said. “I mean, assuming you ever meet her. But there are some things about my dad she’s determined to protect me from so I just pretend that I don’t know them. You watch, she’ll never say a bad word about him when I’m around. But he’s that sort of guy.”
“The sort of guy who’s concerned about his son?”
“The sort of guy who was gone by the time I woke up.”
“Oh yes,” the President said. “Yes, I see what you mean.”
“Did you talk to him?”
“No, but Claire did.” He could still say her name back then.
“Well, he’s an asshole.”
The President gave him a very solemn look. When he spoke, it sounded angry but like he was trying not to give into it. That was odd. Difficult to parse. “Did he…?” he said.
It was unusual for him to start talking without knowing what he was going to say, Ed thought. But he had this time. Or maybe he knew what to say but not how to moderate it, and that was what was tripping him up? Ed wanted to intercede before the President could actually get himself distressed, but he couldn’t figure it out. “Did he…?” the President said again, and there was a flinch in his shoulders and Ed got it.
“No,” he said. “It’s nothing like that. They’re just divorced and I don’t talk to him that much.”
“Well, why not?”
“Because he’s an asshole,” Ed said. “Not in a way that needs me to talk about it to you. He’s just a regular, ordinary dirtbag. Couple of times a year on the phone is sufficient.”
“What do you mean dirtbag?”
“What does anybody mean? Cheated a lot, I guess, but it’s more kind of the general attitude.”
“What’s ‘a lot’?”
“Don’t worry about it,” Ed said. “Don’t worry about him. I don’t.”
“Here’s the thing about the Catholic Church,” Ed said, in the bar, to Johnson, while Johnson was chalking his cue. They’d wanted to play pool, and so they were.
“Here’s the thing,” Ed repeated. “They’re pretty anti us getting married, as a stance. But if the option is getting married or us living in sin, I think they prefer it if we do.”
“You can’t like, have kids though,” blowing the chalk. He leaned over the table.
“Yeah no shit. I’m not saying it’s logical. I’m just telling you the facts. We shouldn’t be fucking at all but if we do we shouldn’t use birth control.”
“That makes no sense.”
“I said it didn’t.”
“Yeah, but like, no sense.”
“Shut up, Johnny. Don’t make me defend Catholicism.”
Calling Johnson ‘Johnny’ was the sort of thing that should’ve felt weird, but it didn’t. Was he flirting with him? It wasn’t the way he’d usually flirt. It wasn’t the way he’d usually get someone to look him in the eye so he could flick it back at them. He thought he was, a little though. Not for any outcome, but because he could. Flexing a new power, flirting as part of a whole cosmopolitan persona. If he was roleplaying, maybe it was at this.
“Would you want to get married?” Johnson asked him.
“Dunno,” Ed said. “Don’t usually gamble on the future.”
“Not a gamble, is it.”
“I know this song,” Johnson said. He swayed ever so slightly on his feet, but he corrected himself to line his cue up. One of those people who got good at pool when he got drunk, Ed figured.
“I know it,” he said, again. “It’s really pissing me off, I can’t place it.”
“It’s Britney, bitch,” Ed said.
Johnson looked up at him with wide, shocked eyes, and then he laughed. “What the fuck?”
“It’s Britney Spears,” Ed said. He knew why Johnson was laughing, but he also knew he’d keep laughing if he didn’t let on that he knew why, so he didn’t. “It’s Piece of Me from the album Blackout, 2007,” he said, completely deadpan.
“How do you even know that?”
“Because, Johnny, I’m a homosexual whose sluttiest period was the late naughties.”
He made a show of chalking his own cue while he enjoyed the reaction to that. Johnson pushed his cue into the table with laughter and Ed worried he might break it.
“Wait, weren’t you still in the corps then,” Johnson said.
“Sure was.”
“But didn’t they… sorry, is this rude? What about DADT?”
“What about it?” Ed said.
“I just don’t think I’d be that brave.”
“It’s not brave, it’s just animal.”
“I mean, I wasn’t that brave.”
“Excuse me?” Ed said, but Johnson was already shooting and the moment was gone.
He reflexively scrolled through Grindr for hookups in the car back to the apartment, but he didn’t arrange any. It wasn’t just because it would have been complicated, with his new celebrity status, it was that, he didn’t want to. He texted the President instead. He was still up somehow, which probably wasn’t a good thing, but Ed was glad of it anyway. Maybe the best thing about all these trips was the President’s texts. He flirted with aplomb in text.
Ed liked it. He fell asleep in his empty apartment with his hand down his pants and woke up in just enough time to get ready for the last part of the hearing.
The final hearing was, much like being on the phone with his dad, a whole lot of nothing.
Ed didn’t know if he’d ever get used to how cold it could get in Maine. Nothing in his life so far had prepared him for this kind of whole environment arctic cold, cold where nothing even seemed to be causing it. It wasn’t cold because it was high up, or windy off the sea, it wasn’t cold because there was snow. It was just cold.
He wondered why the President hadn’t wanted to move in summer, though he guessed it was less that he’d decided on winter and more that he’d decided at all. So it happened to be winter, so what? The President wasn’t intimidated by weather. It was time to move now.
Ed blew into his hands waiting for the car to warm up. In addition to everything else, he wondered why he hadn’t started to drive home yet. He was perched in the parking lot of the Shaw’s, two bags of groceries in the back, running the heater, and not driving. He probably wasn’t supposed to smoke in the car but he did anyway. Just one.
Part of him assumed that what he was doing was letting the moment land. He hadn’t been Between Jobs in a long time, but it wasn’t that he was worried about unemployment. He wasn’t worried about money, and he wasn’t really worried anyway, just conscious. Conscious of the absolute closure of an entire career. Conscious of leaping into the unknown. It gave him pause in a way a lot of scarier things hadn’t, and he felt that it warranted one quiet cigarette in the parking lot of the Shaw’s.
Halfway through, he called his mom. “Eddie?” his mother said. “Are you smoking?”
“Yeah,” Ed said. “Just one though. So listen, dad…”
“It’s a slippery slope. It’s just one today, but it’s ten tomorrow.”
“I know, Ma.”
“If you knew, you wouldn’t do it, so I don’t think you do know. Your great uncle died of lung cancer, Eddie. And Joey has heart disease now, some kind of fatty blockage.”
“They’re putting a stent in and…”
“… they wouldn’t have to if he didn’t smoke, the doctor said that specifically. He said it was smoking.”
“Ma,” Ed said, “can we just… not do this? I’m having one cigarette in the parking lot of a fucking Shaw’s and I don’t want to talk about how I’m going to die of lung cancer.”
He heard his mother moving the phone around. Probably she was doing something else with her hands. She didn’t react to his snapping, or to his swearing, so he guessed that whatever it was, it was calming. “So you’re in a great big mood, as usual,” she said.
“I guess.”
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just… never mind. I’m sorry. You’re right. I shouldn’t smoke.”
“Well, you’re right, you’re a grown man.”
“Yeah, but you’re still my mom.”
“Glad to hear that still holds water,” she said. “Did you just get back from Washington?”
“Yeah, I did. How’d you know that?”
“Eddie, two of my brothers are cops and so was my son and I haven’t even counted how many nephews. I know how to crack a case.”
Ed laughed. “Okay, but tell me how.”
“I knew you were down there because of the papers.”
“Oh right, yeah.”
“And I knew you were back in New England because of the Shaw’s.”
“That’s pretty good, Ma.”
“Not bad, huh?”
“So how are you?”
His mother made an annoyed little sigh. “Oh, you know. I changed my number like you said to… well, you know, you’re calling me on it, so far so good. Sometimes they still come up to me, but that’s getting less. I’m still same old me, after all.”
“I’m really sorry,” Ed said. “I wish there was a way to make them leave you alone. I’ve really been trying. I thought maybe after that one interview they would.”
“It’s not your fault, Eddie. They’re just vultures. Do you know what it reminds me of? Princess Diana. Remember how the paparazzi kept chasing her and chasing her, and then she died! I’m extra careful when I’m driving, just in case.”
“So you’re Princess Di in this scenario?”
“Alright, watch that tone, smartass. Your mother can still turn it out.”
“Gross, Ma.”
“Your boyfriend is the same age as I am, Eddie.”
“Are you seeing anyone?”
“Nobody you need to know about.”
Ed chose not to point out that in this at least he was his mother’s son.
Whether or not his mother changed the subject on purpose he didn’t know. “The other thing it makes me think of is Edward VIII,” she said. “Or, he does, he makes me think of that. Abdicating the throne for love.”
“Well, that’s not why…”
“It all just seems very English to me somehow, I don’t know. Don’t you think? Like it’s a throne, just being inherited.”
“Are you maybe just watching The Crown?”
“I did watch that, but I would have thought of it anyway, and besides, they’re not up to Diana. I don’t know if they’ll get up to Diana. It’s a pretty slow moving show, if you want my opinion.”
“I’m watching Veep now.”
“You don’t usually watch stuff like that,” Ed said.
“I have a sudden interest,” his mother said, dryly. “I get some of the jokes. I’m meant to get the jokes, I think. Here, let me read this out to you, it’s in the Register.”
“I mean, sure…”
“Listen. It’s a review: ‘the secret service agent’s relationship with her look-alike’s daughter, while widely assumed to be about as close to parodying the former President’s scandalous affair with the head of his protection detail as Legal allowed, is barely able to get to the real heart of the corrupt Underwood administration…’ it goes on, something about, oh you know, it’s political. Do you want to hear the rest?”
“I really don’t.”
“Alright, but is that true?”
“Is what true?”
“Are they based on you and… the President?”
“I mean, yeah,” Ed said. “I think so. I guess.”
“They’re having a baby this season.”
“That’s nice.”
“Is that based on the two of you as well?”
“No, Ma,” Ed said. “I’d tell you if we were having a baby.”
“Well, that’s reassuring,” his mother said, sarcastically.
“Given how much you love to tell me things.”
“I’m guessing you’re not… cold food vegans either.”
“No Ma, that’s lesbians. We’re guys, we eat meat.”
“Clea DuVall was in another gay movie, did you know that, Eddie?”
“Yes, Ma. It’s called But I’m a Cheerleader. I’m a 90s Gay. I know about it.”
“Well, excuse me, but I’m trying to relate here. I didn’t know you were any kind of gay until about two months ago.”
“Well, now you do,” Ed said, much too harshly.
He regretted that. He regretted how reflexive being defensive about all of this was to him. He knew he was snapping at her because he felt guilty, though exactly which part of things he was most guilty about was hard to put his finger on, much less articulate. There was a silence and Ed wasn’t sure what it stood for. Apologies, maybe, but he didn’t know whose. A moment of silence for silences past.
“It’s just that you had this whole life you never told me about,” she said, at last.
“I’m sorry, Ma.”
“I’m not riding you about it. You would have had your reasons.”
“Yeah, but they were dumb.”
“Young men are allowed to be dumb. It goes along with the territory of being men.”
And you could have asked me, Ed thought, but he didn't say it. What he said was “great," and then he thought, then he knew, he’d heard the click of a lighter and a slight inhale from his mother's end of the phone.
“Are you shitting me, Ma?" he said "You’re smoking now? What about lung cancer?”
“Well, if you’re allowed one then so am I.”
“I thought I wasn’t allowed one!”
“Was it like that, though?”
“Whatd’ya mean?” Ed said.
“Don’t be stupid. I know you’re not a girl, and you didn’t fall for the President’s daughter. But you’re not going to quit your job and move states for someone you’re not in love with.”
“Well, yeah.”
“You love him.”
“Yeah. I do.”
“So, was it like that?”
“I don’t know, Ma,” Ed said. “What are you asking me? If I... I don't understand the question.”
“You feel so far away,” his mother said. “Do you want to come down for a little while? You can bring… him with you if you like.”
“We’re just settling in up here.”
“What does that mean?”
“I guess I don’t know. We have a place. I don’t have a job.”
“One good thing to come out of all of this,” his mother said, “is that you’re finally changing jobs.”
“Oh great. You too, huh?”
“What do you mean, you too?”
“You know he wouldn’t let me go back on the force?”
“Frank. The President.”
“Well, at least we have one thing in common.”
“That, and Downton Abbey.”
“Is that so?”
“Yeah, he likes it. I still hate it.”
“Oh, you just don’t like anything good.”
“But you can come up, when we do,” Ed said. “I mean. If you want to.”
That seemed to take his mother by surprise. “Of course I do.”
“I didn’t know if you wanted to meet him.”
“Eddie,” his mother said, “of course.”
“I just wasn’t sure.”
“Oh, Eddie,” his mother said.
She sounded so bereft. Ed had to work to keep hold of his composure and he wasn’t even sure he succeeded. “I’m so sorry, Ma,” he said.
“One of these days, Eddie bear,” his mother said, “you and I will have a talk about regrets. I understand more about it than you think. Your father…”
She didn’t speak for a little while. Ed’s cigarette had burned down and he dropped it into his coffee cup. He thought about lighting another. “Ma? His interview…”
“No, never mind,” she said. “Another time. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.”
“Ma, I kind of called to talk about it.”
“Well, I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I just think some of what he said is bullshit.”
“Your father will say what he’s going to say, Eddie.”
“Yeah, and it’s shit.”
“He’s your father,” his mother said. “You’ve only got one."
Sometimes Ed noticed that whenever he felt bad about his mother, whenever he worried about worrying her, he pinched the bridge of his nose. From other people and from movies it seemed like that was a pretty common gesture in response to stress, but whenever Ed did it, he thought about something specific. Specifically, he thought about when he broke his nose by sliding into home on his face.
It had been accidental (the face part, not the sliding in), but initially he had felt good about it anyway. He bled everywhere, but it didn’t seem to hurt while they were winning. It hurt like fuck when he got home though. His mother had shrieked, and then the pain had hit him.
She couldn’t set it. He knew she worried about it later, because he heard her say it a couple of times, that his nose was crooked and that was her fault, but she couldn’t set it. He’d sat with a cold washcloth on his face while she readied herself, but then when she’d gripped it he cried so hard she could only give it the smallest adjustment. Then he threw up on her. She had taken that with grace, forcing herself (he guessed) to look nothing but sympathetic while she cleaned them both off and then bundled him up onto the sofa in front of the television. She let him lie there for the rest of the night.
Ed remembered eating mashed potatoes and then sleeping. He remembered his mother lifting his much shorter but still gangly legs up so she could sit herself under them. He’d watched TV with his legs on her lap after his surgeries too.
It was stupid, maybe, but Madame President Actual kissing his cheek had reminded him of that. Actually, it was more than stupid, it was fucked up. He had no interest in kissing his mother like that. But he guessed they just felt in some ways the same kind of safe.
Bilson, or it was probably Bilson - in Ed’s head they were all just called ‘New Guy’ -  knocked on the window and Ed rolled it down. He held up a finger. “I gotta go, Ma.”
“I love you,” his mother said.
Her voice hurt him to hear and his own voice hurt him to use but he didn’t know what else to do. “Love you too,” he said.  
His phone rang again as soon as he hung up. “Ed?” the President barked, “where the hell are you?”
“Grocery store,” Ed said.
“What on earth for?”
Ed hesitated. “For… uh, groceries?”
“You got in an hour and a half ago, what are you doing there?”
“I called my mom about my dad’s article, okay? Relax.”
There was a pause. “What article?” the President said.
“It’s in the LA Times,” Ed said. “No idea why. Guess they approached him.”
“What article specifically please, Edward? Give me details.”
Ed heard him shuffling, moving stuff around. He was getting a pen, probably. He’d be writing this down. He’d probably call someone. He might be slipping on his reading glasses. Ed knew what that looked like, that officious, scowling face he made on the phone.
“It’s my dad,” Ed said. “He’s done some kind of exclusive. About our relationship.”
“Mine and his. His and my mom’s. Yours and mine by association.”
The President grunted. “It’s bad?”
“It’s not great,” Ed said.
“In what sense?”
“In the sense that he has strongly implied that he and I didn’t have a closer relationship due to my mom conspiring to keep us apart.”
“That’s not true, is it?”
“It’s not remotely true,” Ed said. “If anything, the opposite is, so I don’t know what the fuck he thinks he’s doing except trying to get in on the story.”
There was a pause at the President’s end. The kind of pause that sounded like it was happening in reaction to Ed losing his cool. Which Ed didn’t think he had, but then the President cleared his throat in a way that turned Ed’s speculation into a certainty. Ed started to get mad about it. If the President thought he’d lost his cool before, he was about to learn something.
“Are you alright?” the President said. Cautiously. Ed tried to wind it down.
“I’m fine,” Ed said. “I’m just… I’m… you know, my mom…”
“You say you called her?”
“Yeah. She’s okay.”
“And you?”
“I said I’m fine.”
“Are you fine?”
“I’m fine,” Ed said, again. He snaked another cigarette out of the pack. He tapped it on the dashboard a couple of times but then he lit it.
“Are you smoking, Edward?”
“Yes I’m smoking,” Ed said. He heard the President grunt again, though he wisely (in Ed’s opinion) chose not to say anything else about it. “Are you coming home?” he said, instead.
“I’m just at the Shaw’s,” Ed said.
“Yes, but after that.”
“Yeah, of course. I’m in Maine, what else am I going to do?”
“I don’t know, look up Stephen King on Grindr?”
Ed snorted. And at that point he realized Bilson was still waiting for him. Which made him basically the biggest dick in the world. He couldn’t even imagine what his mom would say about treating his employees like The Help. It probably made him one of the worst characters on Downton Abbey, but he didn’t care enough to know which one.
He wound his window down. “I’m gonna drive,” he told Bilson.
“Sure thing, sir. Just let me get my…”
“I don’t want anyone else in the car.”
“Sir, someone else has to be in the car with you at all…”
“I don’t want anyone else in the car,” Ed said. “If anyone gives you shit, tell ‘em I said so, but no-one’s getting in the car.”
He didn’t know what he’d have to do if Bilson insisted again. He felt himself squaring his shoulders into a defensive posture and he tried to chill out, but Bilson nodded. “Okay, sir. We’ll follow.”
Ed nodded back. “Respectful distance, okay?” he said. “I’ve already got someone riding my ass.”
He didn’t wait to look at how that went over. He didn’t care. He was, after all, a 90s gay. He didn’t want anyone listening to him blow off steam singing along to Britney Spears. If nothing else, Piece of Me was probably a little on the nose.
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praphit · 4 years
SM3: Nice Jerks are the Worst
I don't know about y'all, but I had big plans for 2020. Now, maybe those big plans will still happen, Idk. But, this was supposed to be our year! - that's what people say, right?? This was the year that you were going to go on that vacation. You were going to drop that dead beat spouse, leave that spouse with the kids, and run off to Mexico, right??!. You were going to start that business. Gain that weight. Come out of the closet. Finally tat that left butt cheek. You were going to stop doing hardcore drugs. Maybe this was going to be your year to start doing hardcore drugs. I'm not here to judge, only to ramble. 
But, 2020 quickly turned to shit. Now, we're all looking for someone to blame. Someone has to pay for our horrible haircuts or hairiness, our newfound hatred for our families, and for plenty of much more serious stuff.
I, personally, like to turn to movies for lessons about life. And I think I have the perfect movie to help us figure out who to blame - you guessed it "Spider-Man 3"
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This first attempt at a motion picture SM was doing so well. We loved Spidey (though some didn't care for Tobey Maguire, playing him). 
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Spidey and Mary Jane (Kirsten Dunst) are adorable. Then, this thing showed up and everything turned to shit (not unlike Covid-19).
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Let's look into what went wrong, and who is to blame.
First, let me say that I really liked the action in this movie. There are three villains in this movie: Venom (played by Topher Grace), that thing you see above. 
Green Goblin (played by James Franco), who is... a green goblin. 
And Sandman (played by Tommy Church), who has a body  that is now kinda made of sand - which seems silly if you pick it a part... though so does a man with the powers of a spider.
There was lots of action, and it was all shot well. There is one action scene where there is NO ONE around... I mean NO ONE. It's frickin NY. Peter Parker (not dressed as Spider-Man) and Green Goblin are causing all kinds of damage and making a lot of noise, and not ONE new yorker has anything to say about it? Unless you're a healthcare worker, I bet new yorkers are still cursing at each other from their homes. This was glaring, but Imma let it slide, cuz the action was good.
That's about all of the good I have to report:)
Quick plot recap:
1) MJ and Petey are on the rocks 2) James Franco is an asshole, trying to destroy Peter for killing his father (which he didn't) 3) Venom is trying to kill Spidey (what else is new??) 4) Venom, at one point, infects Peter Parker, to become "Black Spidey" - this, of course, is also when the people of the city started to hate him.
5) Oh, and Peter, mm! He's the worst. I've got something for him later.
There are two major reasons why people talk shit about this movie.
1st - Casting/Characters
Nobody is likeable in this movie
From the very first scene, MJ is singing to us, annnnd it's sooooo boring. I don't think it was supposed to be. Someone in the audience should have been booing. We can’t just allow entertainers to get comfortable, thinking that they can do whatever the hell that they want! - that’s how you end up with stuff like this 
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 It was like, if Snow White were to perform a number for a large crowd.
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Just Snow White - I ain't talking about no cute animals around or the suspense of menacing dwarves that might turn on Snow White at any moment. Not even a prince who might be gay (that’s the word on the streets). Just a long movie filled with songs from Snow White; that's what we're talking about. First, MJ bores me, then she's pathetically whining throughout the whole movie.
Sandman is cool (despite his love for striped shirts), but we don't really get to know him. 
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Side note: He gets his powers by accidentally getting trapped in a science experiment. The scientists, btw, ( And Lord knows what they were up to) knew that something could have been trapped in there, assumed it was a bird, and kept on going. See, this is why certain people don't trust y'all.
James Franco is James Franco (an asshole). Not worth a pic.
Venom doesn't really have a personality (and his host... well, he ain't no Tom Hardy)
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PLUS, Peter Parker is a dick (again, we'll get to that later).
The most likeable person in this film is JJ Jameson, and we're not really supposed to like him.
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A person with that look shouldn’t be your most likeable character.
Look at this stage - 
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Who is likeable up here? Fauci, maybe? But, betting by the amount of times that he puts his hands to his face, 
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- there are things he's not allowing himself to say, so though perhaps likeable, if we can fully trust him. And as far as Trump...  Even Trump supporters can't HONESTLY say that they LIKE the man (I mean, if he weren't the prez, would you honestly want him around? - your family?). They certainly can't say that they trust him - though I guess the amount of people looking into ingesting cleaning products after Trump mentioned something along those lines, would beg to differ.
This is the group we're looking to for direction?!
And this is also a problem in the movie. I have to be able to like SOMEBODY! 
I need to be able to trust someone to stop the cheesy-written shit storm that is this movie.
"Cheesy Shit Storm" - how bout that for a visual? :)
2nd - dance numbers!
I actually didn't mind the first one, when Peter is dancing through the streets.
Ha! Wow, he is going for it. Come get it while it’ s hot, ladies!
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It's odd, but it's supposed to be. It's supposed to be funny, and it kinda is. You ever dance a lil bit while you're out at a store? I know I do; especially now that we're wearing pandemic masks - no one knows who I am. NBD to dance a bit in public, but if you keep going passed a certain point, it just becomes annoying.
That's why the second dance number is bad. Plus, it doesn't make any sense.
At this point MJ and Peter have broken up. She's singing in a bar, and Peter interrupts her song with a dance number (while using his new girlfriend to poke at MJ). Now, While MJ’s songs of boredom deserve interruption, she didn’t deserve that.
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Venom is like a drug. Venom brings out the worst in a person. You're telling me that Peter Parker, with all of the rage built up from Uncle Ben and villains and his life not being all that great; the best or I should say "the worst" that he can do is Jazz hands? With all of his superpowers, he should be out there slaughtering everyone in sight. I mean, he did slap the shit out of MJ though (by "accident"). That's when he snapped out of the evil dance number. I don't know what kind of message that sends. 
"MJ, it wasn't until I slapped the holy hell out of you that I realized the error of my ways, so... thank you? I'm just going to go on about my day now."
I see this misguided scene as a metaphor. Peter Parker is dancing around his issues:
His relationship with MJ has been bad. He's on that stuff (Venom). And honestly, MJ knows that he's Spider-Man. Why couldn't he have just explained to her what was happening? 
"Sorry, baby. I got possessed by an alien again, you know how it is."
And he was dealing with the fact that the person who killed his uncle is on the loose. Another side note: MJ, even though they had just broken up, still cares for Peter while he's dealing with the news about Uncle Ben's killer. That's a damned good friend right there! - especially the way Peter had been acting towards her.
We've got to deal with stuff, people! We can't just get bad haircuts, wear weird clothes, and do drugs! Eventually, that will lead us to slapping the shit out of someone that we love. There are a lot of realities that we're prob not facing at the moment (and some we prob have no intentions of ever facing). A lot of things that we could have done to prevent certain things from escalating, but... we were busy doing our typical dance.
Peter was warned about Venom and did nothing about it. He told himself, "I got this", and clearly he didn't. Honestly, the whole city was screwing up by not helping Spider-Man at all. At the end, when the big fight is happening, and MJ is near death, everybody is just watching all of this go down. Where were the cops?! The S.W.A.T?! Other superheroes? New Yorkers themselves! - they're bold! But, to be fair, Venom came from outer space, so... it was a bit unprecedented; people were prob scared. I'll cut them and Spidey some slack.
You know who I won't cut any slack - Tobey Maguire's Peter Parker!
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Peter Parker is a jerk. I'm thinking that Tobey's Peter Parker has always been a jerk; a nice jerk, but a jerk. Have you ever met a nice jerk? They do all of the things that a regualr jerk does, but they'll rationalize their behavior, and look puzzled when you react to their awfulness. I didn't notice this in the 1st movie, cuz I was just happy to get Spider-Man. I didn't notice in the 2nd movie, cuz those kids were just too darn cute. But, his niceness was so annoying in this movie. And he treated MJ horribly : He never listens to her, he’s always late, he only talks about himself, he’s too damned nice, he never knows when they’re in a fight, he kisses other women right in front of her and then is like “What did I do?”
I kept wanting her to punch Peter out; he would have deserved it.
The foundation of the character of the 1st Spider-Man was a problem from the start! If the foundation is shaky, then - whew! I'm glad that we finally fixed it:)
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Plus, he never said he was sorry. He did one of those "Well, I'm not perfect." things. She ain't asking for perfection, just quit being a jerk!
A better movie would have been if MJ had been infected by Venom. For starters, she would have given a better performance, in the beginning. Something more like this - 
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She would have banged Peter's friends. She would have destroyed her critics. And most importantly, she wouldn't have taken any shit from Peter. That could have been the main plot. Instead of a convultued blend of three villains around the nice jerkiness of Peter, it would have been Spider-Man vs MJ - beatening each other up all throughout the city; though I guess that would be considered domestic violence. But, why dance around real issues out there! 
It could have been a family-friendly movie about drug abuse (Venom) and domestic violence... and possibly some make-up sex in the middle of the city. But, after that, one of them, if not both, are going to jail! We gotta deal with the problems, people!
Grade: an entertaining D+ 
I did enjoy it. It wasn't as bad as I remember it, and I'd prob watch it again. But, I can't deny that on a technical level, it's crap.
"Who’s to blame?" isn't really the question. It's more "Who deserves what percentage of the blame?" There's a lot of blame to go around here... even to us who enabled Peter's jerkiness in the first two movies.
I like the direction that we're going in now. 
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A better Spidey A better MJ Better villains
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And even a better Aunt May 
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- looking all good with Tony Stark.
- imagine Tony aggressively flirting with the older one
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mismerccray · 5 years
Took Your Time
OMG, ITS MY FIRST STORY!!!!! Feel free to leave comments and opinions. My request line is open, enjoy the story!!!
Bruce Wayne x FemBlack!Reader
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Sometimes, life is good. I mean, it isn’t great, but sometimes it's pretty good.
 Growing up in The Narrows and generally trying to survive in Gotham as a black woman? That’s hard. No college degree and a working class family that moved back to the south? That’s hard. Now let’s add being discriminated against by employers, just because you aren’t a size 6, in anything and refuse to perm your hair. That brings the difficulty up to damn near impossible. Let’s not even get started on the sexual harassment and misconduct for the few employers who thought I’d agree to sexual favors in exchange for employment.
I had a brief run of luck about three years ago. I started working at the main office for a charity that worked closely with the rich upper crust of Gotham, but they were cool with my usual braids or twist out hairstyle and paid $20 an hour with benefits and pension plan, so I will suffer in silence with a smile. The rich assholes that keep all the minorities under their thumbs and on their toes by voting in lawmakers that side with them and their money. That was our main clientele: Bigots who wanted to make it seem like they actually cared with charity galas.  As difficult as it is to bite my tongue when these jack asses say terrible things, there was always someone there to make my day.
Bruce Wayne. 
He was one of the few regulars to this office and one of the few that actually acknowledged that I don’t work for him. Didn’t hurt that the man had a brilliant mind and was a pleasure to look at. The first time he came in and we had a conversation that wasn’t about politics or business, he accidentally bumped into me as I was taking paperwork to my supervisor. Did I mention his lukewarm coffee got all in my hair and all over my only good button up shirt? No one had ever apologized to me so much in my life. This man convinced my supervisor to let me take an early, extended and PAID lunch just to put myself back together.
“Crap, I don’t have another shirt to change into. Maybe I can change into one of my old church dresses after I shower and do my hair again...” I start muttering out loud, trying to figure out how I can keep working while dealing with the sexist ass dress code. I never even notice Bruce smile at me, somewhat sheepishly until he spoke again. “I really am sorry about your shirt, crap, and your hair. I could give you a lift to get a change of clothes if you want?” he said with all sincerity. You smiled politely at him and waved him off. “It’s fine. I’ll just wash it in the bathroom and hope it doesn’t set a stain. But I probably will have to go and wash my hair though.”
Bruce looked guilty, but still very much composed, as one would think of a businessman. Honestly his name and wealth didn’t sway me one way or another, but when he offered to have my shirt professionally dry cleaned, gave me his spare crisp white button up shirt and came back the next day with four large boxes, I started seeing the measure of this man.
He walked in as if he had an appointment and came straight to my desk, two young men I recognized as his son’s Tim and Dick, following closely with the boxes. “Hello y/n. I wanted to apologize for yesterday again. Normally I’m not that careless, but I suppose that’s what happens when you rush” he says with a soothing tone, as if he expected me to be angry at him? Odd. “It’s really alright. I need to be thanking you for the shirt and having my shirt cleaned. Speaking of which, I want to pay you back for that, it must have been expensive to get that stain out”. 
He looked at me confused one moment and like he was staring at the sun the next. A small smile crept onto his face and he leaned on the counter. “It was nothing, but if you insist on repaying me, accept this small gift and maybe get coffee with me after you get off?”, his son’s set the boxes on the desk and pat their father on the back before making an exit. I idly notice that one of them really does have a fantastic ass, kinda like Beyonce or J-Lo. 
I shook off the thought and open the first of the four boxes and gasp at the contents. Clothes. This man bought me clothes. Expensive clothes. Ashley Stewart, Lane Bryant, and international plus sized brands that only make clothing that costs more than Gotham Electric bills. This man bought me boxes and boxes of clothing. I open and close boxes and find even more clothes. The final box is what brought me to tears. It was full of the most expensive natural hair care products known to the world. Products I could only dream of owning and using....But this almost felt like too much.
I wiped my eyes and before I could say anything, he’s taken my hand. “Please accept these. I overheard you saying that was your only work shirt. I figured the least I could do is give you more choices. And I don’t know much about hair care, but I did research and saw these were the best of the best. I really love your hair. Too many businesses here force women to change their hair, but you’ve embraced it and it is a marvel to behold. Even if you don’t want the coffee, I want you to take these as gifts”. Then this man has the audacity to give me the most gorgeous megawatt smile I’d ever seen. That was the moment he had me. 
(Later on, he’d tell me how I got him with my smile the moment he saw me and my twist out that looked like a floating chocolate cloud, “Gravity defying curls” as he calls them)
Things were going great. I was dating Bruce, we would go out on the town every few nights, He even came over and had movie night with me (That ended with us making out before we were an hour into the movie...) and bought us chinese food from my favorite take out joint. I was making enough money that I bought a good studio apartment in the city by the office and could still afford my bills. Life was good. 
Until the fucking Joker came along.
In one night, my life was ruined. Joker took me hostage (Why me, I’ll never know), blew up the entire block that the charity building was on, which included by apartment and all of my information. Thankfully Bruce was late picking me up, so he wasn’t caught up in this, but I kinda wish he was. Heck most of Gotham had heard the rumor that Bruce Wayne was Batman, but no one really believed it. Either way I knew that Batman would be coming soon, but damn if he wasn’t taking his time! Joker was breathing his stank breath in my face while he tied me up. If it weren’t for my years of customer service, I would’ve made a stank face that matched his breath. Thankfully he got out of my face and left the room to wait for the bat, leaving me to panic in an attempt to free myself.
As I’m trying to calm myself down and undo the ropes, thinking about how I could’ve just stayed in North Carolina and I wouldn’t be in this mess, I catch some movement out of the corner of my eyes. A swath of black enters the room without a sound. Batman is here. I look him in what I assume his eyes and glare, holding my now freed hands up.
“Took your time didn’t you?”
I saw the ghost of a smile grace his face before he hefted me over his shoulder and passed me to someone. I saw an ass like J-Lo and knew it was Nightwing. I was almost too shocked to be outraged at being handled lack a potato sack.
“Nightwing, take her out of here, I’ll deal with Joker.”
It wasn’t until Nightwing turned about that the voice and the jawline matched to me.
Holy shit. Bruce Wayne really is Batman. 
I mean, everyone knew Dick was Nightwing, you can’t say those asses are different.
But Bruce is BATMAN! 
I feel a tap on my shoulder that brings me out of my nostalgia. I open my eyes and look up, only to see the man of my dreams. Bruce smiles softly down at me and sits on the edge of the tub, two glasses of champagne in hand.
“Mind a little company, Beloved?”
I grin up at him and gesture for him to join me scooting up to make room. He sets the glasses down on the edge of the tub, disrobes and gets behind me. I lean back and lay my head on his shoulder as he lovingly strokes my warm caramel skin that makes my heart sing. Well that and the memory of him helping with wash day the night before.
Bruce kissed my shoulder and then my cheek.
“What have you been thinking about?”
“The day I realized you were Batman and that you have no issues about picking my ass up.”
Looking over at him, I see a sensual grin form across his lips. 
“Oh, I’ll show you a bit more of that after this bath.”
Mmmmn, I’m in for it tonight.
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