#it's like they went 'what if i Rory refused to be interesting? what if Rory chose to be boring?'
canonicallyginger · 7 months
Been watching doctor who with a friend. 12th doctor is quickly becoming my favorite despite there having been an episode we skipped bc it was specifically about the doctor being annoying and weird about clara's boyfriend
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itsaspectrumcomic · 10 months
Hey so I saw on one of your comics that you had a special interest about books and I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind talking more about that
bc I think I’m autistic but whenever I’ve brought this up to my mom one of the things she argues back is that autistic people have special interests that they research and devour, and to her I was never like that as a child
meanwhile I’m over here like …🧍‍♀️…mom did you not witness the 2-year period where I only consumed the Warrior Cats series and only got out of it bc you took away my books because you thought my obsession was dangerous and then I had a meltdown where I screamed “don’t take my friends away! Those books are my only friends! Don’t take them away from me!”?
I just haven’t seen/heard of anyone else whose special interest was books and so it’s made it really hard to validate whether I’m autistic or not, so I’d appreciate anything you’re willing to share about it!!
Sure! The first book special interest I can remember having was The Magic Key books. I absolutely refused to read anything else and cried (read: had a meltdown) when I discovered I'd read all the ones available at school and I had to choose a different book (shock, horror).
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These guys were my besties :)
After realising other books could also be good I started collecting series - I really liked having every book in a series and having them in order on my bookshelf. I ended up with two full bookshelves in my room of just my books, and then I read all my parents books as well. I read my favourite ones over and over, especially Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer and the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett (I started reading those when I was 11 and I have a whole shelf dedicated to them :)).
I did the Summer Reading Challenge (which is an annual event in UK libraries) every year from the age of 4, and when I aged out of that worked at the library as a volunteer and listened to kids tell me about books they'd read. Like a smaller Rory Gilmore I brought a book with me wherever I went even if I wouldn't be able to read it. They were like comfort blankets to me.
No one ever picked it up as a special interest though, probably because liking books is a more 'normal' hobby compared to what a lot of people think of when they imagine an autistic person's special interest. And it's not like I know every single fact about books or trivia about characters. I just really like reading stories.
I'm sorry your mum took your Warrior Cats books away! That sounds very upsetting - I hope you've been able to continue your love of reading despite it <3
(sidenote: although it's common for autistic people to have special interests, it's not a requirement! Not every autistic person has one.)
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bi-bard · 2 years
You Don't Have to Sing it Nice, But, Honey, Sing It Strong - Eleventh Doctor Imagine [Doctor Who]
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Title: You Don't Have to Sing it Nice, But, Honey, Sing It Strong
Pairing: Eleventh Doctor X Reader
Based On: To Noise Making [Sing]
Word Count: 1.305 words
Warning(s): grief, mention of major character death
Summary: [Season 7] The Doctor suddenly stopped when he lost Amy and Rory. (Y/n) makes it their goal to get him to move forward and continue the good that he had done.
Author's Note: I talk about this plotline so fucking much and I am so sorry. I just... I have so many thoughts about it and when it came out, I was either not writing yet or my writing was shit, so I'm making up for lost time.
I took for granted how easy it had been for the Doctor to walk into trouble.
I never realized how hard it could be to search for something that he would think was interesting. Especially when I was confined to one time period on one planet.
After losing Amy and Rory, I did everything in my power to take care of the Doctor.
He cried at first.
I could still vividly see the time spent holding him as tight as I could as he sobbed into my shoulder. There were a few times where his crying would soften but his nails would dig into my back or sides. I thought it was a way for him to remind himself that I was still there. I was real.
There were times when I was convinced the dull marks were still there. A reminder of how long I held him.
I don't remember exactly when the crying stopped.
It felt more sudden than it probably was. All of the sudden, he just stopped. A switch was flipped.
He parked the TARDIS in the skies above London and completely stopped. No helping, no adventures, no running. His curiosity suddenly ended.
I started to split my time.
I would spend half of my time in the TARDIS. I would stay with The Doctor and talk or read or merely rest my head on his shoulder and try to enjoy the admittedly tense company. Granted, it never felt tense on his end. Only mine. It must be my longing for escape.
The other half of my time was spent walking the streets of London, searching for something interesting. Not for me. For the Doctor. I needed something that would spark enough curiosity to get him to just... investigate. I guess.
I needed the Doctor back, and this felt like the best way to do it.
"Wasting your night again?"
I jumped at the sound of a voice behind me. "Vastra. I'm not one of your suspects. You don't need to sneak up on me."
"I'll be sure to make a note of that. Now, would you care to answer my question?"
"I'm not wasting my night. I'm helping the Doctor."
"You and I both know that he has no desire to be helped now. How many times will you break your own heart?"
I closed my eyes and turned away from her, continuing on my way.
She had a point. That was what annoyed me the most. There were too many occasions where I stood in front of the Doctor and told him of something I found only to be dismissed. It had gotten to the point where those conversations didn't consist of any substance. They were just me begging for him to listen to me. To do something.
I just wanted him back. I didn't care if we went back to our normal routine. Just some sign that he was still there would've been enough for me.
"Forgive me if I feel no need to sit and talk about this anymore," I snapped. "I... I have to help him. I can't just sit and watch him wither away in that stupid box. I can't. I... I am going to help him. You can either assist me in that or leave me be."
I was never one to be confrontational. Especially not with her. But anger and fear and grief all mixing together can lead to many people doing things that they never thought were possible.
"If you have no interest in helping, then stay out of my way."
I refused to believe that this was hopeless. I refused to believe that this was going to be my existence for the rest of time.
I just needed to find something to help fix it.
And then, there was the snow. Alien and new.
And there was Clara. A young woman who stumbled into the same alley as the Doctor and me.
The more I look back at this time, the more tragic the story looks.
She had been that thing I had been looking for. She caught the Doctor's attention. She got him to come down from his blue box in the cloud and help when the world needed it. I remember the countless moments that I made a mental note to thank her later. To thank her for helping him, even if didn't even know that he needed help.
But that hope had a price.
We met the Great Intelligence. A name that still burdened my heart with so much dread that it felt heavier than stone.
Worse than that was the fate of Clara.
Even after defeating the Great Intelligence, for the time being, Clara was still dying. And we couldn't save her.
I knelt next to her as she rested under the device that was meant to be keeping her alive. I grinned at her.
"I wanted to thank you," I said. "I... I thought I'd have more time."
"For what," she asked.
"Doing what I couldn't," I whispered.
A small, amused smile crossed her lips. "The Doctor and his cloud."
I nodded. "Thank you."
I pulled her hand up and pressed a kiss to the back of it.
I stepped back so the Doctor could have a chance to speak with her. They whispered back and forth until her voice stopped.
I saw something change in the Doctor when he heard the last words fall from her lips.
I didn't hear what she said.
All I knew was that the moment she was gone, the Doctor jumped up with this shocked look on his face. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into the TARDIS, which had been conveniently parked in the very room all of us had gathered in.
"What's going on," I asked as he dropped my arm and took off around the console.
"She said something!"
I furrowed my eyebrows. That didn't help much.
"Do you remember the girl from the Dalek asylum?"
I nodded. Another heartbreaking story. We were just too late. She deserved more.
"When I found her, she... she said something. 'Run. Run, you clever boy, and remember.' I didn't think much of it, but then Clara- this Clara said the exact same thing! They're the same girl! Both named Clara, both saying the same words!"
"So, now?"
"I'm going to find her. And figure out exactly why she's jumping around my timeline."
I nodded, still stuck in my spot.
I couldn't help it.
I stopped and watched him as he ran around the console again. It was like seeing a ghost. It had been so long since I got to see the Doctor with a mission. Something had finally caught his attention. That idea brought me a lot of comfort.
"What," he asked, stopping for a moment when he saw me staring.
I shook my head. "Nothing."
I let out a breath. "It's just... It's nice to see you like this. With something to run for."
The Doctor walked over and cupped the sides of my face. "I'm sorry that it took so long."
I didn't say anything. I had no interest in waving off his apology like it didn't mean anything to me. That wouldn't be fair to him. Instead, I reached up and pressed my hands to his as I smiled at him. A soft grin traced his lips. The silence was enough to show that forgiveness had been offered and accepted.
He wiped away tears that I had no memory of shedding. My brain and heart were a jumble of emotions. Grief and relief. Heavy yet suddenly weightless.
He leaned in and pressed a kiss to my forehead.
Through that confusing mess of my feelings and thoughts, one thing stuck out to me as clear as day: it was nice to have him back.
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frazzledsoul · 1 year
So I find it interesting that in the last few years of the show we know almost nothing about how Rory processes the break-up with all three boyfriends.
After Dean dumps Rory for the third time because he realizes they have nothing in common anymore, I don't think we hear anything about him from her side other than telling her therapist that the affair was a bad idea (obviously). The last time we see Dean he's angry at Rory for wanting to move on from Stars Hollow and insisting to Luke that Lorelai will do the same for him and we... essentially never hear anything about him in the OS ever again. In AYITL, he's married, has a gazillion kids, seems emotionally stable for a change, and doesn't seem to resent Rory or idealize their relationship as much as she does. They've obviously run into each other from time to time and they're not bitter. What does Rory think about how all of that ended? I guess we'll never know, because ASP bizarrely thinks Dean was perfect. Whatever! Moving on.
Logan is even more of a question mark. Rory doesn't seem to take their breakup particularly hard, even though he blindsided her with a proposal and refused to accept any sort of compromise. Maybe she figured that their breakup was in some way inevitable as they went through this milestone and moved into adulthood? Who the fuck knows, because in AYITL she seems to be a complete commitmentphobe in every sense of the word (not just romantically) and they're having an affair that definitely looks like a relationship at times but invites no self-reflection from either of them. They don't talk about their relationship and both seem to have accepted they'll never have a real one again or move onto anything deeper and....lol, no one knows why? Do they love each other? Do they regret how things turned out? Would Logan be willing to leave his life behind and give it a go? Does Rory want a relationship with anyone, period? Does Rory even care about him as a person, since she seems to know absolutely nothing about his life and I'm not sure she....wants to? (Seriously. Compare how she interacts with Dean and Jess and seems genuinely interested in what's going on with them). I guess we'll never know any of this either.
Jess is a different scenario because Rory meets him again during the OS and we have an entire year and a half in which her demeanor towards him drastically changes. He leaves town and she's hurt, but claims to have moved on: during their two brief interactions in season 4, he avoids her, confesses his love for her on two separate occasions with zero context, and she's still so pissed at him she could spit nails in his direction and wants nothing to do with him...and runs into the arms of married Dean because she sees him as genuine and safe.
When Rory meets Jess in season 6, she's clearly not angry at him anymore: she's nervous, genuinely interested in his life, proud of his accomplishments, wants to spend time with him, gushes about how she always knew he could do something great because he was so smart and had so much potential. He gets into a fight with her boyfriend and her sympathies are absolutely towards him, not Logan.
Obviously it would be weird if she were still angry, but what changed, specifically? Is it because after her dalliance with Dean she's less inclined to judge him for how he hurt her? Did moving on with Logan (I don't think she ever really loved Dean again) help her finally process all that hurt and anger? Did Jess just obliterate all of her hurt feelings with his charm, maturity, and artfully arranged coiffure?
I guess it was a combination of all these things, but this is the first time in a long time that Rory shows him a lot of respect as a *person* as opposed to someone who frustrates her one minute and delights her the next. She doesn't have to spend her time defending him, because he doesn't need to be defended anymore. And not only is he the person to drag her out of that hole she's sinking in, she lets him.
Then we move onto the open house at Truncheon, where Rory....behaves badly, to put it mildly. I don't think she went there with malicious intentions. She was genuinely proud of Jess and wanted to see him and spend time with him. Still, it's got to be one hell of a blow, for her to show up on a night that was important to him, let him believe he still has a chance with her romantically and that she was single, and then to confess that she's still in love with the other guy and he's only a distraction. What stands out to me about that scene is that Jess flat out tells her that he doesn't deserve to be treated like that while Rory is in the middle of apologizing. While I think that romantically the door was closed for the time being after that incident, Jess doesn't appear to resent her or lash out, and Rory knows that SHE'S done wrong, that SHE hurt him, and she's sorry. She might not love him again like he wanted her to, but she cares about him, she respects him as a person, and she doesn't want to see him hurt. I don't think we have seen her have that attitude towards Jess for years and years.
Does she respect Logan as a person at this exact point in time? I would have to say no. She seems to feel zero guilt about running around on Logan, even if she can't bring herself to go further. She flat out says she's in love with him but he deserves to be hurt (ouch). She only grows tender towards him after he nearly dies. She might love him, but this relationship is not exactly bringing out the best in her.
Season 7 is a different story (I definitely think Rory respects that version of Logan) but since this is ASP's story, we have to return to her fatalism and her belief that Logan can never, ever change, because then he won't be able to ruin Rory's life and effectively crush all her hopes and dreams with his super sperm. Meanwhile, she clearly still respects Jess: not only is his advice the only advice she is willing to take, but she's clearly still involved with him on this writing project afterwards and as a member of her extended family. And shouldn't you, in the end, seek a partner you actually respect as a person, as well as love? Shouldn't you actually....like them?
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saltygilmores · 10 months
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Luke and Lorelai both have "unique" approaches to conducting business, I'll give them that. This chapter was rough for me to write for some reason and then I LOST my draft partway through and had to rewrite everything! Some things that are happening:
-Lane attempts to initiate a conversation with Mrs Kim about her new band. She loses her courage before Mrs. Kim presents her with applications to strict Christian colleges. -Michel suggests that the honor of being named a Successful Person in Business is a low bar to clear when Lorelai's only business competitor in Stars Hollow is a presumably homeless and/or mentally ill fellow who scours the streets for change with a metal detector. I mean, yeah, he has more ambition and a better work ethic than Lorelai does.
-Luke is reluctant about the speaking gig and Lorelai threatens to embarrass him by singing badly in public if he does not comply. He may as well refuse since she's going to embarrass him on a daily basis no matter what he does anyway? -Luke says he went to Stars Hollow High for three years. Huh? I thought he's lived in The Hollow his entire life? High school is four years long. Did he move, drop out or graduate early? No explanation was given at this point in time.
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-Luke has "no good memories" of high school. Join the club. -Luke asks Lorelai if she's ever been diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder. No, the answer you're looking for is no. She is unmedicated and dangerous.
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My beloved Tomatos Sign is missing! You'd think it was because after 3 years the prop department noticed the spelling error and took it down to fix it. You would be wrong. It'll return shortly to be Tomatos for several more years. Should I ask that Valerie Campbell lady (as "key set designer" is her title, I believe) why it took 5+ years for someone to notice one of the most visible props for the entire run of the series had a spelling error?
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Lane is interesting. Yes, she is naive in many ways, that's a given with her upbringing. But she is also painfully self aware and highly intelligent. She is definitely not stupid. She fully realizes how desperately boxed in she is by her neurotic mother. She makes the effort and takes risks to live life on her own terms even though it usually seems futile and AmyShermanPalladino is always lurking around a corner waiting to shatter all her hopes and dreams. Rory on the other hand is such a pathetic people pleaser and so desperate to keep her mother happy that I think she's blind to the fact that she's actually in a similar situation, Lorelai just masks it under the veneer of being a "cool young mom" and Rory is content to remain more stagnant. I have more thoughts on this subject but let's not make this into a rambly mess. On with the ShitCircus.
I can't believe it looks there's another fucking festival going on in the background. I am grateful some of these seasonal events exist because it helps me keep track of where we are in the year. There's pumpkins, it's fall, the Thanksgiving episode is still a ways away so I can assume it’s early October and Rory would have just had her 18th birthday.
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Lane and Rory on their way to harrass Queen Shane at her place of employment. Minimum wage in 2002 was $5.15, by the way. Look at that Rory, someone your age has a JOB that makes MONEY.
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Stars Hollow, the land where nobody has seen a tv show produced after 1975 but the references to modern pop and rock music flow like wine.
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Alexis really does have some spectacular defeated/fed up with everything facial expressions in her acting playbook.
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Sure her customer service skills aren't the greatest, but if Lorelai Gilmore is allowed to leave work in the middle of the day to shop for coffins then Shane should be allowed to read a Seventeen behind the counter and ignore Rory. Her manager, Cynthia, is pretty chill and will look the other way if Shane slacks off. Reminder that while Rory knows who Shane is, Rory has barely been a glint in the corner of Shane's eye. Any time that Shane and Rory have shared the same space, it's been when Shane runs into the diner, makes out with Jess, and doesn't look back. Because she is a god damn superhero.
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It's unlikely Jess and Shane ever use their tongue for talking either so I doubt Jess has told her who Rory is. So to Shane Rory is just some random customer who is staring at her weirdly like she's trying to melt her with her eye-beams.
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Look at that exemplary customer service. Better crown her Employee of the Month now, before Jess offs her and throws her in the lake next month.
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Dirty white aprons with tomato can accessories are the newest sensation on the 2002 Paris Runways. Luke Danes, fashion icon. Time to go to class. Lorelai is there to play Fashion Fairy Godmother. Upstairs we go to get him out of that sweaty flannell.
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That's so filthy. L&L barge into the apartment without knocking to find Jess in the middle of pulling up his pants. Walking into any room that a teenage boy might occupy is a risky game, but Interruption seems to be Lorelai's biggest kink.
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I know Jess is just a poor little street urchin but can we get him some clothes that fit for once? In 2002 Milo was so smol a stiff breeze could have blown him away. He's wearing a belt and it's not working. Those pants are so baggy they could fit 3 Milos in them. Not that I would mind if his pants fell down. Looks we're on Gilmore Girls Time today, where down is up and right is left as Luke and Lorelai are about to give speeches at Stars Hollow High in the middle of the school day but Shane, Lane, Rory and Jess are not in school and no one cares, so it's Who The Fuck Knows O'Clock.
Stars Hollow High: Jess is not graduating because he never went to class. Luke: How could I possibly know that? Jess settles into a chair with a chemistry textbook. Our Child Labor Kingpin here Luke Danes tells him to go help Cesar downstairs. Jess says his education is more important than Luke's desire to use his nephew for cheap child labor. Luke disagrees. Luke goes to change in his bedroom leaving Lorelai, Jess, and a cloud of awkard silence to mingle in the other room. Luke has a book on his shelf called "Forty Days" but i can't find anything with that title. It sounds kinda erotic, tbh. Lorelai says she's gone swimming with Luke and has seen him shirtless before. Que? Jess: Have you seen him with his shirt off lately? He's really let himself go. Lorelai: *Sneers and ignores him. (to Luke): And lose the baseball hat! Jess: I think his head will fall off without it. Lorelai (snarkily): I think he'll be okay. You wanted Jess to talk, right? You're going to continue bitching to everyone you know that Jess Mariano only speaks in grunts like a caveman unlike your little fucking English scholar there Dean Forrester, right? He just lobbed you two funny quips in a row (and you love funny quips!) but now you're silent and giving him a dirty look and a nasty attitude. WHAT DO YOU EVEN WANT, WOMAN? MAKE UP YOUR MIND! WHY SO SILENT QUIPPY! WHAT DID THIS CHILD EVER DO TO YOU!
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I'm just gonna sit here and read my little Chemistry book, and one day I'm gonna make 40 kajillion dollars when my books are made into blockbuster movies, and I will own you, Aunt Lorelai. I will own you.
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Lorelai doing the Fry squint at Jess when he asked if something was wrong, because she refused to make conversation with him.
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Speaking of Gilmore Girls Time. Let's stop the clock for a minute here. Moments ago, Shane was at work. She rang up Rory and Lane, and they left immediately. The scene then cuts to Lorelai entering the diner and then after he gets a brief lecture about his clothing choices, Lorelai and Luke start to head upstairs so he can change. In order for Closet Girl to be Shane, her shift would have ended seconds after she finished with Rory and Lane, and then she would have to immediately run down the street, sneak upstairs to Luke's apartment without him noticing and would only be seconds into servicing Jess as Luke and Lorelai are about to walk in PLUS he would need time to hide her in the closet and pull up his pants and appear cool calm and collected. I know Shane is a slutty superhero but could she really put that off in just a few minutes? Conclusion? It wasn't actually Shane in that closet and Jess has a rotation of girls who skip school with him to service him in his uncle's closet.
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hmm... by any chance how would you imagine MC met each of the MinecraftHybrid! boys? Like was Joseph violent at first like how wardens normally are in the Ancient City and chilled as he got to see they were harmless? I think I saw you mention how they met Shaun and he probably helped them meet Jack and Rory soon too if I'm guessing, but I am just interested in learning how MC got to know each of the boys.
Ok, so you actually meet Ian first! You two meet in the cherry grove where he lives. He didn't talk to you for the longest time, simply watching you as you did your thing. The first time you catch more than a glimpse of him is when you save him from a zombie hoard
After a while Ian tells you about this wolf that will not leave him alone so you go out to deal with it. Bo doesn't trust you for anything until you pull a few bones from your bag. The bones worked a bit too well because now he keeps calling you master and refuses to leave your side
Bo kept asking you for a leash for his collar so you found a mangrove swamp to get some slime. What you didn't expect to find was a whole ass man just out in the woods. You could tell he was trying to play down his own excitement at seeing you so when he offered for you to come over some time you couldn't say no
During one your hang outs with Shaun Nick stopped by for his medicine. He loves water but it burns his skin if he touches it so Shaun makes him water res potions so he can take a bath every now and again, and not die in rain storms I guess. He's not very talkative but he gives you a poppy by the end of it so you think it went well
Seeing as you wanted to beat the enderdragon at some point you need to go to the Nether for blaze rods but Shaun stops you before you go. He says there might be a different way to get blaze powder that doesn't involve you getting in danger. He has a portal that leads right to a fortress and a very friendly man. Jack thinks you're great, doubly so when you and Rory get along, but he doesn't know about you taking his blaze rods. You two strike a deal that if you help him color-ify the fortress he'll get you those blaze rods
While stocking up for your battle with the enderdragon Shaun asks you to come with him while he gets more dark oak wood. He says there's ghosts in there but you're skeptical. That is until you meet the guy Shaun is so scared of. He looks like an allay but once you start to trust him he tries to stab you, so not the best first impretion
After finally killing the enderdragon you meet Jean, or Jean Jr seeing as his now dead mother was also named Jean...Wait what? "Yeah, that was my mom, thanks by the way, she was real bitch" Jean's kind of a hot mess in the overworld having never seen anything outside of the End but he's pretty cute
And, finally. You knew it was stupid, you knew it was a bad idea but you just had to. You had to find an ancient city. Once you get there you get a bit reckless and summon a warden. It's terrifying, your vision goes dark and all you can hear is your heart racing in your ears as you try and hold your breath. As he comes into view you see this warden looks more...person like than what you were expecting. In a last ditch attempt at saving your own skin you whisper a small apology. After that Joseph calms down, he didn't know you were a person, he doesn't think he could live with killing a person
And that all of them!
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ghost-qwq · 2 months
Hii hello!!! I really love your character, (cowboys and not only them), and I wanna know about them more!!! So uuum,,, I have some questions about them, only 3 questions and no more today!! a question about Celia! I'd like to read more about Her, especially her interaction with the 'Miss in the purple' that appeared in one of the artworks with Celia, and also Her interaction with Owen Rivera, it would be interesting to know the reason why They broke up! Overall Celia and 'miss in purple' caught my eye and it would be interesting to know more about Them!! :D Also a quick question about Rori Morris!!! In one of the art (or doodles, I just call everything art), we can see him addressing someone called 'Lass', and He's a little disturbed, who is Lass? Do we will know about His interaction with Rori later on? I tried to figure out who this could be from the already known characters, but in the end not figurate it. I apologize if this has been mentioned already! And also a final question about Ernest! In his Toyhouse there is mention of an 'The Barn Incident' which involved Him being locked up with an unfriendly dog and also, I assume, somehow leading to a fire in the end. What was the reason He was locked in barn in the first place, and how exactly did everything lead to the fire? I don't think it was just because He didn't have a good relationship with His Father that he was locked up there. Did Ernest do something wrong when He was a kid and this was some sort of punishment? Or is this a part of the story that will be told in the future? I'm sorry for SUCH LONG ask!! I just really interested with your character and when I like something, I'm very verbose And also thanks for answer in advance!! ':] (And also sorry for not the best English, I hope the gist of the questions is still clear)
I will try my best to answer all of them 🫡🫡🫡🫡 (Organized below because... woah)
yap alerttt !!!
I have a lot more to say about Scarlet and Rivera than I do her and her unnamed girlfriend </3
Scarlet and Rivera broke up because, honestly, Rivera was NOT a good person and was in no state to be in a relationship… She should have broken up with him WAY before she did, tbh There were a lot of reasons to break up with him, but the final straw was when he went behind her back and sold her locket that her parents gave her… it was all she had left of them. They had a fight, and the end result was that she left both Rivera and the gang. (Rattlesnake offered to help get her locket back, but she denied his help)
I NEED a name for her girlfriend but I DO know that her girlfriend is married... and Scarlet is the "other man." they are actually good for each other!! A far healthier relationship than Scarlet and Rivera ever were <3
2. Rory
That's just what he called Scarlet lmao,, she refused to give her name for a while and he just called her "lass" until it stuck...
Scarlet has NO patience for Rory's nonsense and WILL hit him LMAO
3. The... Barn incident
this reminded me to draw something about this so... art sometime !! yaayyyyy fkdhashdf
I'll drop the exact details someday but the point was Rattlesnakes father wanted to "toughen him up"! and yeah, the fire... That was an accident, Rattlesnake knocked a lantern onto some hay while trying to get away from the dog and it caught on fire
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variousqueerthings · 10 months
welp I watched half of s5 in a day... so like
that went faster than expected
second half tomorrow
overall though takeaways are
I enjoy Matt Smith more than I remembered, but I don't think he reaches some of the epic emotional highs of Eccleston or Tennant. He's good, I'm not hating his performance, but Victory of the Daleks showed a lot of his limitations and I personally don't buy him as an Old Old Alien Being
this Doctor yells a lot -- thinking about it as a Choice
I'm sorry I just think that Karen Gillen feels like what Elizabeth Olsen was railing against with Marvel, which is that she's never allowed to be ugly, so there's not a lot of range happening there. there's Moments, all the more noticeable, because they're not often, but on the whole she doesn't do a whole lot
Amy is emotionally immature, which makes sense, considering she wanted this adventure when she was a kid and has been waiting for it since then. that is her main tragedy, and the show does know that (the girl who waited) -- I'm coming around a bit on that idea, particularly the "girl" part of it, despite haaaating how often M*ffat uses "girl" in titles, because in many ways Amy is refusing to grow up
that growing up being exemplified by marriage is... sure, whatever. works better in some places than in others. still not seeing Amy/Rory as together4ever couple, but there's a lot more narrative to go
Oh Alex Kingston. I wish you had better writing for you
the episodes (except for Victory Of The Daleks) have been serviceable, with good moments and some fun concepts. I did enjoy s5 back in the day, and I enjoy it now
interested by the fact that Amy hasn't proooperly been back home this season, except for the brief moment at end of Flesh and Stone. there's no connection to it
the criteria are holding up as a form of measurement, although occasionally do a teeeensy bit of smudging the edges. that's fine, it's for fun
this is a good way to watch M*ffat's era I think, and will be moreso in seasons to come that I perhaps remember less fondly...
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twojamie-o-clock · 4 months
Hi!! Here’s an introduction post
(yes I remade the whole thing)
He/him - EST - don’t be freaky (unless)
I’m really bad at math but I try my best
I like to draw and write! Obsessed with twojamie, if that wasn’t clear
I’m just here to post and view two & Jamie art until my vision blurs!! Will probably primarily post art. (#myart or for specifically twojamie #twojamieoclock)
Ramblings/reactions to media will be under #i yap a lot classic who is #i watch classic who and can’t shut up. Dr who Audios are #i listen to doccy. Similarly books are #i read doccy. Fics are under #my writing
Here’s my fic masterlist
I love drawing if you couldn’t tell, especially twojamie. Once I figured out the asks thing I was like. Hey what if. Requests?!?! So basically if you have any drawing requests etc feel free to send them! I can’t promise I’ll actually draw it, but if I get around to it I’ll for sure post, and tag you if you’d like. I’d love all the inspiration I can get, but obviously this blog is twojamie centric.
I love doing collabs (I’ve only done a few) and if you are interested in a trade or collab for writing, art, etc anything Doctor who or twojamie don’t hesitate to ask me!! :D or if you just wanna talk about Doctor who that’s cool too.
If u want a twojamie art collab OR want me to draw for one of ur fics/in exchange for a fic etc just message. Please do not spam like.
Doctor Who
I just recently started watching actually. Nuwho in September and classic in November. Went down the gomens->dt->Dw pipeline, currently obsessed with 12 & two’s era. Big Thoschei enjoyer btw 😻 and obviously my latest obsession since March has been Twojamie. My favorite companions are probably Rory, Steven, & Jamie? But I love Bill, Dan, etc I don’t think I dislike anybody. As of now I am up to date with modern who, and going through two’s era of classic while watching strictly chronologically bc I refuse not to ☹️ also I’ve been listening to a lot of audios lately and would love to chat about those.
Ok that’s all I can think of for now, have a nice day.
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ashthehermit · 2 years
Legends of Tomorrow: A Retrospective 1.11
Finally, we're going back earlier than 1950.  Jonah Hex and the Wild Wild West is one of the few things from season one that Legends decides to keep in the future.  They use it sparingly, but effectively.  The highlight of the series - the Good, the Bad, and The Cuddly (the season three finale) - takes place in this location.  I don't remember much of what it was like when we first visited it, but I hope for at least one slow motion shot of the gang in silly outfits.
Here we are, in 1871.  Rip says it's been a long time since he jumped far enough to experience the side effects, but wasn't jumping to 2166 pretty far too?  Let's not dwell on that.
Rip tries to explain the existence of temporal blindspots.  That doesn't make a lick of sense to me, but I'm willing to go with this one.  We see the fabrication room, where Gideon is kitting the team out.  Stein identifies that Rip has a Wild West aesthetic to him, so why isn't he coming?  I don't care.  The slo-mo shot is here.  The outfits are far from perfect, but at last everyone is wearing a silly hat.  Finally, the real legends are coming along.
'I look just like Wyatt Earp.'
Kendra bumps into a woman who gives her flashbacks.  Sara asks how long Rory was Kronos.  It was years, but we will never find out how long.  His character has changed in a blink for us.  It's not even interesting.  Ugh.  Rory bonds with Sara a little, so we're finally getting some more character for Rory.  In a cool moment, Snart kills a guy who was about to draw on Stein.  Snart makes a very good cowboy.  We get into a good old-fashioned saloon brawl.  I'll allow this punch up.  It's good fun because it's in the Wild West.  And look!  Jonah Hex!
Jonah Hex is badass and well-designed.  This isn't true for every character in the show.  He knows Rip already, which is neat.  Ray decides to go full Wild West and stop the local gang from terrorising the town.  Frankly, I care more about this than I do about Savage.  This is perhaps the first monster of the week moment we get from Legends, in a formula that will suit them well in the future.
'Quite a posse of saints you're riding along with nowadays.'
Kendra decides to go after that lady that gave her those visions.  That's a normal thing for Kendra to do at this point.  She also perhaps has the worst cowboy outfit.  Poor Kendra.  She wants to find Carter.  Poor Ray.  The Kendra/Carter storyline still has no meat to it to my eyes.  Any affection that Kendra apparently had for Carter has only occurred off screen.
The sheriff wants out, so he makes Ray the sheriff, in a moment that can only be described as comedic.  Then Ray claims that he can fix Jonah's burn, which is pretty rude of him.  Stein meets a pretty lady crying alone in a bar.  Her son is dying from consumption, and by gum!  The good doctor wants to help her.  He even tells her his first name.  How intimate.  Anyway, cowboy nonsense is occurring.
'John Wayne, Salvation's new sheriff.'
Snart shoots a gang member's gun right out of his hand, again proving that he's the best cowboy this team has to offer.  The guy should just stay in Salvation.  Rip is filling his now usual position of standing in the doorway of his parlour and telling everyone that they're doing something wrong.  He can never do anything right either, so this is getting a little tiring.  
There is at least one funny moment when Ray imitates the way that Rip stands, with his hands on his hips, in order to admonish the professor.  It turns out that Rip has some secret with Jonah Hex.  Tragically it's not a failed romance.  It's just another bullet point to add to Rip's tragic, but rather bland, backstory.  A town Rip was on a mission in was destroyed by a gang the day after he left it.  He experienced that same time drift thingy he talked about before.  He went on to name his son after Jonah.  This is all delivered in about two seconds and it doesn't have much of an impact.
'I refuse to live with the regret I see on your face right now.'
The lady Kendra is after turns out to be a version of Kendra from the past.  They learn of a bracelet that can be used to kill Savage.  Somehow.  That doesn't make any sense to me, but Kendra, Carter and Savage were hit with a meteor with the power of plot contrivance.  There is an older Kendra here, played by a younger actress, but the script treats her as if she is the younger Kendra.  Again, the story is never quite sure of how much Kendra actually remembers.  It feeds her moments at times convenient to the plot, but the script still claims that she has four thousand years of memories.
The other Kendra warns our Kendra that loving anyone but Carter will only lead to heartbreak.  I don't know why this is, but it boils down to Kendra being solely defined by her relationships to men.  Ugh.
Stein heals the kid, learns the first name of his mother, has a tender moment, and leaves.  This is presented as the first moment that the legends are really dabbling with history just to help people, but that is sort of what they have been doing this entire time.  Rip claims they can't change the timeline, and yet that is what he is trying to do.  Once again, there isn't much consistency to the whole thing.  The time travel rules in this series are screwy.
On a side note, Snart spends this entire episode with some rather dramatic bruises on his face.  They didn't let Ray keep his bruises from the gulag for long.  The bruises, plus Snart's all black get up, make him into a dramatic wee cowboy.
'Raymond, now is not the time to indulge your cowboy fantasies.'
Rip claims that leaving the Wild West was one of the hardest things he had to do.  He 'felt the pull of heroism' and had to leave to be a proper little time boy.  It's unclear why he even wanted to be a Time Master at this point.  This whole backstory is just a little frustrating.  It's fairly divorced from everything else we've learned about Rip.  If only it could be tied in to his backstory with his family somehow.  If only we learned anything substantial about his family.  Rip decides to do a quick draw to save Jax and the town.  He had better put on a hat for it. He did!  He wears a proper cowboy outfit.  It's a cool moment, for all that it is just classic Western stuff with Arthur Darvill in it.  This has not been a particularly strong arc for Rip, and it's a shame because it could have been.  We knew we were going to go to the Wild West from Rip's aesthetic alone.  It's got something to do with Rip wanting to be a hero, an idea he hasn't even been particularly averse to.  He's a law abiding type.  He likes to save people.  He might claim not to want to interfere, but he interferes all the time.
On another note, I enjoyed Jonah crossing himself when he saw Firestorm.  His attitude towards these weird outsiders is the best part of this episode.  The legends beat the hunters very easily for how much they were built up at the beginning of the episode.  Rory even says 'well, that was easy', as if to prove my point. 
Turns out that the kid Stein saved is actually H.G. Wells.  This is another, rarely seen, instance of early Legends referencing historical figures.  It's a trend that's really built up later on, so this is a bit of a blink and you'll miss it moment.  As such, it's rather odd.  It's just an Easter Egg, and no more.
Now there's another shady Time Master assassin after them.  She's going after their past selves.  There's a good stinger of what is clearly a young Rory watching his house burn down, while the Pilgrim waits behind him.  The episode was fine overall.  Not the worst of season one.  I associate the Wild West in Legends with far better stories, however, and this just isn't one of them. 
0 notes
spunkpunx · 4 years
Are Friends Electric? (Alex Turner)
Multi Part Series
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Part 1: Dreamy Days
Sheffield 2002
"Is that a fookin' United shirt?"
"Yeah, so what? It's not mine, you know I support Owls."
"Am honestly disappointed in you, consortin' with the enemy an' that," Alex shook his head, refusing to look at the offending football shirt that I'd been forced into wearing.
"It was in lost property, an' you know what the PE teachers are like, they threatened to suspend me, Mam would kill me if they did," I replied, rubbing her legs in an attempt to warm them.
"Only 'cause you've been suspended before."
"Yeah well I don't want to do it again, she'd have me bloody guts for garters," I told him. He rolled his eyes. We were sat on an old bench around the back of the school, dressed in PE kits and smoking B&H cigarettes I had stolen off my mother. My football shorts were no match for the harsh January weather, but I was wearing a parka, hence why Alex had only just noticed the Sheffield United t-shirt. We couldn't leave school grounds yet, because in order to get out from behind we'd would have to go past the French classroom, and as the bell hadn't yet gone, there would still be Miss Kelly and a class of year 7s ready to catch us out.
"I'm fookin' freezing," Alex whined, putting out his fag on the wall and dropping it onto the floor. "At least you've got that bloody big coat."
I sighed and flicked my cigarette butt onto the floor, stomping it out with the toe of my trainer. "If we go over the wall you know you have to give me a leg up," I explained bluntly. He nodded along almost eagerly, likely desperate to get out the cold and home as soon as possible.
"I don't mind Jack, I just wanna leave."
"Right then," I replied, standing up, picking up my bag and putting a foot into a crack in the stone, grabbing the top edge where my fingers could just about catch grip on the rough stone. Alex came up behind me and put his hands on my shin, and using his hands to push against, I pulled herself up. Unfortunately, my foot slipped, and I began to fall back down, but my fall was stopped by the feeling of hands holding me up. Alex's hands, on my bum.
I felt my ears burning red, but not willing to have to try again, I pulled herself up using my arms and jumped down the other side. As soon as my feet touched the ground I climbed on top of the large wheelie bin that sat against the wall and grabbed Alex's arm as he clambered over as well. He was a lot taller than me now, he'd grown in a way only 15 year old boys do, all long limbs and clumsiness. I'd barely even noticed him shoot up. I helped him over and we jumped into the street below.
"Um... I'm sorry that I touched your..." Alex stuttered slightly, his cheeks going uncharacteristically red. I cut him off.
"Al, it's fine."
"I mean I-"
"It's fine," I repeated, more firmly. He shrugged and pushed his hands into his pockets, beginning to walk down the alley toward the road. I followed him, jogging slightly to catch up with his long strides.
"Am gonna join a band you know," he told me as we turned the corner onto the street. I looked at him in surprise.
"A band? Who wiv?" I questioned, confused.
"Matt Helders or Matt Sheppard?"
"Matt Helders of course! Av'e never even spoke to Matt Sheppard why on earth would I be talking about 'im?"
"Well I dunno do I? I didn't even know Matt Helders played an instrument, he's not singing is he?" I queried, scuffing my shoes along the floor.
Alex shook his head slightly. "He plays drums, I'm the singer."
"But you play guitar?" I could sense my brain was really struggling to keep up.
"I can do both, like Bowie."
"Don't compare yourself t'Bowie unless you go to your gigs dressed in a catsuit an' heels an' bat away crowds of lads and lasses who want to sleep with ya."
"I'm not against the crowds of lasses, but I don't think I could commit to the rest," he laughed cheekily. I gave him a playful punch in the shoulder.
"You're full of shit, you are," I grinned, as he rubbed his arm over-dramatically. Cars whizzed past as we reached the main road. Cars that caused slight rushes of air as the pair of us continued to walk, that's how close they drove past the pavement.  "Mine or yours?" I asked him.
"Yours, yer mam won't be back from work yet."
A silence lulled in the conversation as we continued to walk down the street, Alex was scuffing his trainers along the floor. It was annoying as fuck but I didn't say owt.
"Did you hear what Rory Pike did today at lunch?"
"He got his cock out on the school field," Alex divulged me, a laugh spread across his face. I couldn't help but join in the joke.
"Rory Pike is a world class minger," I told him, and soon we were both in stitches, adding extra gross details to the story to the amusement of each other.
"Did Cook finally ask tha' girl out then?" I changed the subject, catching my breath back from my laughing fit.
"'Course not, he jibbed again, then Simmo asked her instead," Alex explained.
"Simmo? Did she say yes?"
"Why would she? She clearly fancies Jamie."
"He needs to get his act together and ask her."
Alex nodded, momentarily in thought. He then very suddenly turned around and gave me a playful shove.
"First one to yours!" he exclaimed, quickly speeding off around the corner.
"Bastard," I muttered, beginning to run after him. I sprinted to catch up, but the awkward coat prevented me from getting anywhere near the speed his long limbs could get him. He legged it off and I was forced to slow my pace back down to a walk. The boy was clearly going to win and I had the house key so he'd have to wait outside for me anyway. I decided to take me time knowing I'd probably bump into Alex around the corner when he came back to see where I was. He'd probably be a bit moody about it, telling me off for being a fun sponge, and I'd apologise insincerely and then he'd give me an awkward side hug and tell me he couldn't stay angry at me, there's no way I'd let him. Then we would probably walk back to mine and be done with the matter.
This wasn't the case. I got round the corner, then the one after that, and didn't see any sign of Alex. There was no way he would still be running, he was too lazy and he would look like an idiot, racing against no one. He was a dafty but not that much of one. I began to get confused after I rounded the third corner and there was still not a sign of him.
"Oi Jackie!" Alex exclaimed, grabbing my shoulders from behind. I yelped in surprise and he burst out laughing.
"Fook you Alex Turner," I scolded him. "How did ya even get behind me?" He said nothing, and just tapped his nose conspiratorially.
Sheffield 2003
He knew everything there was to know about Jackie. He knew her favourite colour (red),her middle name (Arabella), her handwriting and everything else in between. Alex had known this for ages, but it had never weighed on his mind as much as it had recently.
It was the way he'd seen her the other night. There was a small gaff at someone or another's and Alex had gone with the boys. Jackie had showed up a bit later, dressed very differently to how he normally saw her. She had a leopard print mini skirt on and a tight, cropped t-shirt, along with her trainers and Adidas jacket. Of course he noticed her, lighting one of her L&B blues and trying to smoke it subtly; she was the only one smoking.
He had gone over and said hello, and she'd grinned when she saw him, glad of some company, he expected. Some 90s rave hit was playing, and cheesy lights flashed across the room. Trying too hard, he thought. She picked a beer off the counter she was leaning on and gave it to him. A Corona, lukewarm but still alcohol.
"D'ya wanna come for a spliff?" she asked him, patting her pocket, and he said yes. Her top was very tight, although he tried not to look, but he saw her bra, visible through the fabric. They went outside onto some kind of shitty balcony. She got what looked to be a large gram of weed and some Rizlas out, making an L and then ripping open a cigarette to get the tobacco out, she carefully sprinkled in some of the spliff and rolled. Alex didn't say anything, he just watched as she deftly rolled the joint. She lit the end and took her time, sitting down on a breeze block. He found himself a seat on the step.
"So how's t'band going, Arctic Monkeys i'nt it?"
"There's a gig coming up, at The Grapes," Alex told her, proudly. In fact, he puffed up slightly with pride. Jackie had never really got involved with the band, she said it weren't her business, but Alex still felt remarkably pleased whenever she showed an interest, especially if they were doing well.
"D'ya want me to come?"
"'Course! I thought you already were."
"Yeah I just... weren't sure, that's all," Jackie responded, unusually quiet. She was acting off with him.
"Is summit up?" Alex asked. She shrugged, taking another drag on her spliff and then handing it to him. "Jack?" he prompted further.
"It's nothing Al, jus' summit stupid," she replied. Her fingers fiddled with the edge of her sleeve. He decided to leave it, pushing her wouldn't make her tell him, it would just annoy her. He took a toke of the joint and they sat in silence for a moment.
"Wanna find some White Lightning and get hammered?" she asked and Alex grinned.
"Are you sure? That stuffs pretty lethal."
"Well fook it all we're not going home tonight," she replied, laughing slightly. Alex nodded, smiling, then passed her the spliff back. It was a still and cold night. Jackie let the smoke seep out her mouth and inhaled it through her nose.
They finished the spliff and went back inside. Alex found the rest of his mates and together they all got steaming. Simmo was acting strangely all night. Then Jackie started acting strange too. She was all quiet and snappy.
"Why were you being such a mardy bum yesterday," he asked her the next day. They were lounging about on the sofa at his, nursing two horrible headaches. She rolled her eyes at him.
"Not now Alex, I'm too hungover for this," she answered, misery clear in her voice.
"Just tell me and I'll stop naggin'" he told her, shuffling a bit closer so she couldn't turn over and ignore him.
"Your mate Simmo," she replied simply.
"What'dya mean? Look, I know the joke was a bit insensitive but tha's just what 'e's like," Alex began to explain, for some reason unknown to him, in Simmo's defence.
"It's not tha' you bloody great nit, he kissed me."
Alex couldn't explain why that came like a twist in the gut, but it did nonetheless. It made him stumble for his words for a moment.
"Oh," was all he managed to get out. "Did you kiss him back?"
"Of course not, he's funny, but a bit gross," Jackie replied, pulling a face, and Alex laughed. A strange sense of relief was felt somewhere in his system, although nowhere near enough to dull the queasy thud of his hangover. "'Sides, Chris asked me out the other day."
"Who the fook is Chris?"
"Chris Maher, from the garage."
"Him? You've lost your mind Jackie, he works at fookin' MotorWorld."
"He's funny! And he knows loads about cars, plus he can drive," she said stubbornly, crossing her arms.
"Why does it matter 'e can drive?"
"So I can get places, obviously," she responded dryly.
"I've almost passed me test!"
"Al, you're not even close to passing, I spoke to yer Dad an' he says you drive like you're drunk. 'Sides, I wouldn't want to get on your nerves, always cadgin' a lift." she explained, to Alex's disappointment.
"I didn't expect your type to be a guy who walks around in trackies, how desperate are ya?" Alex jabbed, a little cruelly. Jackie shot him a scathing look.
"Alexander, what is up with you? You were fine last night, an' now you're acting like I'm makin' you suck bloody lemons," she reprimanded him. She was trying to draw him into an argument, he could tell. He wasn't about to start a fight.
"Oh, it duen't matter," he said offhandedly, hoping to diffuse the issue, which seemed to work.
"He's actually a really lovely guy," Jackie added after a long pause.
"Ay, I'm sure he is," Alex replied halfheartedly.
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anxiouspotatorants · 3 years
HOLD UP!!! You immediately had me at the "Twilight AU but Rory is the vampire" here 👀👀👀👀. Color me intrigued AND inspired.
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Ok so first off, the 'reveal' conversation. The COMEDY potential!! Just Jess being overall nervous but also pretty curious to know about what Rory as a vampire is like, whereas Rory is trying pretty hard to make him be more afraid and to hopefully get him to run away screaming so she can have some reason to tackle him, but this guy just isn't budging!
The shiny skin reveal! Like first off, THIS CAN'T BE THE SAME WITH EDWARD BECAUSE RORY'S NOT PLANNING ON STRIPPING IN FRONT OF JESS HERE (no matter how much she might like him despite her better judgement). Imagine the complete lack of suspense when she just uncovers her arm and shows Jess how it sparkles into the sunlight.
Rory: This is the skin of a killer, Jess!!
Jess: Wow, didn't know murderers had a continuous discount at Claire's for silvery glitter.
Rory: 😒
JESS WITH THE ICONIC GOOGLE SEARCH. THE DREAMS ABOUT RORY COMING IN WITH THE FULL DRACULA GETUP, MENACINGLY LEANING IN TO BITE HIM AS HE TAKES HIS "Paint me like one of your french girls" pose. Jess waking up from it not knowing whether he's scared or has just figured out a new kink for himself.
Jess dodging all of Rory's attempts to get him to stop wanting to see her by just coming in and asking her all of these questions while they're in the middle of the recess crowd in school. Rory giving up after the fourth attempt and answering all of his questions in a hushed tone.
Jess: So you can read people's minds?
Rory: Yes, except for yours. I still haven't figured out why though.
Jess: Huh, maybe Liz's all-round smoking diet during her pregnancy had its benefits after all.
Rory: Jess!!
I'm not sure whether I'd want Rory to be an older vampire like Edward or a more newly-made one, and in this case Lorelai is potentially still human but knows about Rory's condition despite Rory trying to keep her in the dark about it when she first turned. They still haven't found a way to break it to Richard and Emily though, despite their various brainstorming sessions over it.
Lorelai: We could get them drunk and just announce it to them!
Rory: Wonderful, and they'll accept their formerly estranged granddaughter as an undead creature.
Lorelai: Hey, you only asked how we should tell them, you never asked about how they'd handle it.
Jess just straight-up asking if she would eat the bullies in the high-school. Rory vehemently replying that no, she doesn't eat people, she just drinks the blood, but if he must know,......yes she drank from Chuck Presby once because she was angry and hungry and his blood almost tasted like Gatorade, so she's refrained from trying out the other bullies' blood. No, Chuck doesn't know what happened, he just thinks some girl went a bit too far with her hickey.
Jess and Rory talking to each other late at night and organizing a "studying" session where they just end up watching various B-movies, and sometimes Jess ends up falling asleep on the other side of the couch while Rory looks on at him and look, she's not being creepy here, she's just sitting on her side admiring this insane boy who still hasn't woken up one morning and decided that being friends with a vampire girl isn't in fact one of the smartest choices he could make in his life, and she can't help but like him because of that, ok? Also she really needs to hear more of his thoughts on some of the other American classics, it's imperative.
Rory ending up protecting Jess from an ongoing car that almost hits him instead of the whole "other vampire craves his blood" storyline but Jess ends up spraining his arm when he fell to the ground and Rory just feels guilty that she couldn't have saved him in a better way and tries to avoid him after that. Unfortunately she can't because this dumbass is walking along her trail in the nearby woods with his arm in a sling and goddamn it Jess, you're scaring away the deer!!
Yes. A thousand times yes. To all of this. The comedy. The pining. The Google search idea and elder Gilmore announcement. Yes to it all. But may I raise you some alternatives/more ideas:
In the books the sparkling looks more like the vampires are on fire. So when Rory reveals some skin in the sunlight, Jess is like «Shit, stop doing that do you have a death wish?!» and Rory just gives him a shit eating grin and waves her arm in and out of the sunlight. Also what if she doesn’t strip but takes of her sweater to reveal a t-shirt and Jess has a momentary heart attack thinking a vampire was about to flash him? All this being said the Claire’s silvery glitter scene is too good to replace ;-;
There just has to be a point while they’re close friends that Rory tries to impress/scare Jess by pulling him over her shoulders and carrying him while she speed runs. But when she tries to say something badass or seductive she has a brain fart and the only thing that comes out is: «Hold on tight... spidermonkey.» Jess doesn’t get to react before she runs, and when she’s finished the first thing he does is puke (apparently it’s hard to get used to that running according to SMeyer). Rory: «Oh no I’m so sorry I shouldn’t have done it, it was stupid and now you’re hurt and-»
Jess: «Spidermonkey???»
Rory: «oh, you’re fine.»
Rory: «I’ll just leave you here for the bears,» and walks away.
I’m not sure what her vampire origin story should be. It could be all the Gilmores are vampires and they bite each other at a certain age after procreating (and the eldest Lorelai decided to be an asshole and bite Rory early) or it could just be Rory like you said. In that case maybe Christopher became one and bit Rory because he wants her and Lorelai and him to be one big happy family of the night? But Lorelai refused and Rory protected her? Or maybe it was a stranger who passed by Stars Hollow?
Jess questions Rory’s humanity not after being saved by a car crash (pre friendship that is, I still think your idea should come in afterwards) but because he consistently skips school and on a sunny day («How can I lock myself in a stuffy dusty dark room on a day like this, uncle Luke?») he comes upon Rory hunting and eating a dear. That and/or she saves him from the swan. And because it’s Rory and she’s a clumsy new-born she saves him by speeding over and suckerpunching the swan so hard it does an action movie sweep miles into the forest.
Rory’s cover for sunny days in Stars Hollow is that she’s staying at Chilton longer for an assignment, or in the case of her still going to ST High it’s visiting their library for resources. Because she hates missing school, that cover is usually true, and she just refuses to go into any spot with sunlight:
Rory: «I have this skin condition, I have sun allergy»
Madeleine or Louise: «That’s not a thing is it»
Paris: «It is [starts infodumping]»
She usually locks herself in the darkest corner of the library and speeding away in a flash at closing time before anyone can spot her.
Rory has lost count of the amount of times Jess has dared her to drink from him. She refuses because she’s scared if hurting a friend:«What if I taste your blood and it’s so good I can’t stop? Like it tastes like heroin or ecstasy or coffee?» Jess usually counters with either «If you could resist Chuck Presby you can resist me» or «What makes you think I’d taste so good, huh?» Rory always ends up thinking she would have a blush right now if she was still human.
Jess wants to be a vampire too because hey what else does he have a chance at doing in life? But Rory refuses because she sees the potential in him and what he can be, and doesn’t want to take his chance at a good and normal life away from him. But at some point they get into a dangerous situation where Jess’ only options are death or vampyrism and Rory finally gives in. Also this is our AU and we get to decide which Twilight vampire-rules apply and in this AU vampires age mentally (it’s a bullshit excuse SMeyer and you know it).
This one depends on the origin but hey it’s an idea: While Rory was still a new new-born, her and Lorelai locked themselves up in the crap shack for a full week watching all the vampire movies they could in search of information that could help them. Rory decided to do empirical experiments too, and had garlic food, got a cross close to her, wore silver and stabbed her arm a wooden stake. The garlic food (like all food now sadly) tasted crap but didn’t kill her, nor did any of the rest. The wooden stake hurt but it healed fast.
Rory gets both Lorelai and Jess to order insane amounts of food just to watch them eat it because she misses the taste and needs to live vicariously through their tastebuds. In the AU where both Gilmore girls are vampires, they order so much food because they have no idea what the normal amount is (chaotic vampire Gilmores for the win).
Also I did not realize how well Bella and Edward’s powers fit Rory and Jess? Like of course Rory would be a mind reader and of course Jess’ thing would be an all-encompassing shield. Sometime when he’s still human and «bugging» Rory she poses the theory that maybe his head is just empty and doesn’t have any interesting ideas. Jess pretends to be hurt (okay he’s a little hurt but he’d never tell her that) and Rory immediately falls into apologetic mode.
Rory wants to go to prom because it’s a human teenage activity she refuses to miss before starts figuring out what to make out of her vampire life. Jess isn’t hyped for it but promises to get tickets. They end up both going as vampires because that altercation happens a week or so before. Jess struggles with not eating everyone in sight but he sticks close to Rory and they leave without a single drop of blood on their hands.
Also Luke as Charlie! Paying attention to the beat attacks and being the only one who noticed that Rory doesn’t actually eat the food on her plate anymore (her mom eats her own plate then switches it with Rory’s) and when Rory and Jess reveal the secret he momentarily closes down and has to take a fishing trip to process everything. But he comes back a ride or die wanting to protect the poor kids.
I also feel like there should be multiple moments where one is insanely attracted to the other and questions this attraction strongly. Like Rory crushing on Jess and wondering if it’s bloodthirst or just the last remains of her human teenage hormones. And Jess being full on into Rory while still acknowledging the fact that it could be some vampire seduction powers, but what the hell does he care? There’s a cute undead bookworm right there and if he has to go he doesn’t mind dying to be a pretty girl’s lunch meal.
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frazzledsoul · 1 year
I know I wrote a long post about it a few days ago (that got no traction at all) but it was definitely not in Milo (or Jess's) best interest to participate in S7 if the Palladinos were still in charge. The closer they got to the end, the more adamant they were on having the ending be what ASP envisioned, which is ruining all of Rory's dreams and plans and having her be tethered by an unplanned pregnancy to a perpetually unavailable man while Jess, the perfect man, waits on the sidelines. This is clearly being set up in S6 with Jess being one of the few men in to escape with his dignity intact, while Rory is stuck in a toxic cycle with Logan.
If ASP remained in charge, Logan would likely have cheated while in London, Rory would have tried the start things up with Jess as a result of it (bear in mind she never seems to feel guilty for attempting to run around on Logan, only for hurting Jess) it would have been awful and messy for all three people involved...just no to all of it. I do think you see echoes of whatever that plot was in AYITL: Rory and Jess, now quasi-related, seem to have avoided each other's company for several years, and Rory and Logan clearly think an actual relationship between them is such an impossibility they refuse to discuss getting beyond an affair. Clearly something was intended that had long-lasting repercussions, and what we're watching is that mythical eighth season, not ASP's S7. Some other shit went down in her S7.
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seasonsofeverlark · 4 years
Worth the Wait
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Author: @ameliaodair​ 
Prompt: Modern AU: Peeta and Katniss were on vacation in Argentina. Their days are up now and they’re on their way back to the US, however, a tornado alert gets them stranded in Lima, Peru. It’s Halloween and they were supposed to go trick or treating with Finnick and Annie and now here they are. What they didn’t know, is that in Peru they celebrate something called Día de la Canción Criolla, and they get swept into the joyous atmosphere. Dressing up as the locals, Everlark celebrate Halloween in a different way. [submitted by @evestedic​]
Rating: T
Author’s Note: I tweaked the prompt a little, hope you still like it :)  This is my first time writing for one of these, so I hope I did it right, and I hope I did the prompt justice.  Enjoy :)
I always want to say thanks to my wonderful beta @eiramrelyat​.
Part 1
Katniss tosses her suitcase into the trunk of her car, irritated that her flight was cancelled.  She promised her sister she would be home tomorrow, in time to see her niece and nephews’ costumes for their very first Halloween.  If there was one thing in this world that Katniss despised, it was disappointing her baby sister.
“A tornado?  Seriously, a freaking tornado in Peru!  Just wonderful!”  She mumbles to herself, securing her seatbelt in place.  Before leaving the parking lot she reaches for her phone, browsing for somewhere to stay for a night or two; at least until she can catch the next flight home.  “Great, no service.”  Could anything else go wrong today?  She thinks to herself, tossing her phone back into her purse.
After being stuck in traffic for nearly an hour, only going at a speed of ten miles per hour, she tries to summon the courage to call her sister.  Gripping her hands firmly around the wheel and tapping her fingers nervously, she finally speaks to the car’s navigation system. “Call Prim.” 
“Calling Prim” The car responds.  Prim answers on the second ring, the excitement laced in her voice.
“Oh my gosh Katniss, I am so excited for you to see the twins’ costumes!  Are you in the states yet?  What time is your flight?  Do you have an estimated arrival time?  I can come and get you, or…or—" 
Katniss cringes at her sister’s questions before deciding to interrupt her. “Prim, I um…there was a problem- no, there is a problem.”  Katniss looks out the window, noticing how crowded the streets are, and the people seem to be dressed rather…vivaciously.  ‘I wonder what that’s all about?’ She thinks to herself.
“What’s wrong, are you okay?”
“Yeah, of course, I’m fine.  It’s just that…my flight…well, it got cancelled.  I mean…not ‘cancelled,’ cancelled, but more like…delayed.  There’s like…a severe tornado warning or something and they’ve grounded all flights until further notice.”
‘Are they…dancing?’ Katniss thinks to herself, seeing a woman be twirled around in an immaculate dress, the dress fanning out to reveal the beautiful colors.
“Seriously?  Katniiisss….”  Prim whines like a toddler, elongating Katniss’s name.
“Give me a break, Prim, you’ll take a zillion pictures, we’ll facetime, and you can dress them up when I get home.  They’re babies, they won’t even know the difference.”
“But I will.” Katniss despises it when Prim does this.  Looking out the window again, Katniss sees a group of small kids dressed up in costumes.
‘How adorable.’  She thinks to herself, smiling.
“Come on Prim…This is totally out of my control.  You know I would be there if I could.  Plus, don’t you have a wonderful husband to keep you busy?”
“Yeah…I do—” Katniss can hear the smile in Prim’s voice and that always makes her happy.  Even after being together for five years, Prim and Rory are still so sickening in love with each other; it would make Katniss sick if she didn’t love her sister so much. “But he’s not you.  No one can replace you, big sister.”
“I know Prim—” Katniss cranes her neck out the open window to see what all the commotion is about.  “Prim, I need to go…there is something…I don’t know what it is, but I’ll call you later.  Take lots of pictures for me!”  She says just before ending the call, not giving Prim the opportunity to make her feel any worse.  As if that is even possible.
A month ago the company Katniss works for asked someone to take an impromptu trip to Argentina, just before the holiday’s no less. To have the opportunity arise to be the mediator in an attempt to merge their company with one of the hotshot rivalry companies nearby, Katniss was the first to volunteer. 
With no life other than her sister and her sister’s family, Katniss had no obligations which left her the perfect candidate to leave the country.  Everyone else had families they didn’t want to leave, not knowing how long it would take to do the negotiations, they did not want to risk being in another country for the holidays.
It had been almost ten years since she lost the love of her life and she had accepted the fact that you only get one of those per lifetime.  She was secretly hoping for better luck in her next one.  He was beautiful and he was perfect, and she thought their love transcended time and space.  So what if they were only teenagers, and so what if she had not seen him in almost ten years.  It did not seem to matter how many times she tried to find love, it just never felt right. 
At seventeen years old, she and her sister became orphans.  Social Services came to her house early one morning and loaded her and Prim into a car, refusing to allow them to say goodbye to anyone.
Katniss no longer cries from the anguish of losing him, but the agony from missing him is still as fresh as that first night.  When she turned eighteen, she could have gone back to Panem, but she was too scared.  What if she went back and he had moved on?  Found someone else to love, got married, and…no, not knowing was better.  Rejection would be worse.   
Katniss hoped this trip would give her some insight as to what she might do with the rest of her life.  She cannot continue to lean on Prim forever; she has her own family now.
Katniss finally makes out what the commotion is ahead of her and a smile forms on her lips when she catches sight of the herds of people dancing in the street, causing her to remember their dance competition.  With him.  “Dammit Katniss, stop it.  Why do you keep thinking about him today?”  She scolds herself before spotting a hotel across the street.  She pulls into a parking space, crossing her fingers they have a vacancy, but by the looks of the massive hoards of people crowding the streets, she is not very confident.
She reaches up to her neck where her collar bone dips in, and with her thumb and forefinger, she pinches the pearl that hangs from her necklace.  From him.  It is the necklace he gave her on her sixteenth birthday.  ‘As long as you wear this necklace, you will know how much I love you. Always.’ 
‘Always.’  It was their ‘thing.’  Some people made promises of forever, but not them.  No, they promised for always.  She remembers his exact words, and for some reason, he feels closer than ever.  Close enough to touch.  Something in the back of her mind says.
Shaking her head to rid her mind of the penetrating thoughts, Katniss decides to make her way into the hotel to see if there is a room available before unloading her suitcase.  She locks the rental car and pushes her way through the crowded streets and into the entrance of The Holiday Inn.
Upon entering the building, Katniss is greeted by a beautiful woman with perfectly golden hair and a smile bright enough to light up the entire building.  She says something in Spanish that Katniss cannot understand, confusion written all over her face.
“Crap, I left my translator in my car” Katniss mumbles under her breath after reaching over and checking her purse.
Realizing that Katniss does not understand her, the woman speaks again, this time in English, laced with a heavy accent.  “Welcome to The Holiday Inn, can I interest you in a room?”
“Oh, you speak English!” Katniss says, more excited than she should be.
“Effie does not allow any of her employees to man the front desk unless they are fluent in English.  We get a lot of tourists.”  Madge says, explaining to her.
“Effie?”  Katniss asks, finding the name strange.  Like she’s one to talk.
“Effie is the boss.  This is her hotel.  She’s more of a designer if you ask me, but she’s famous for dressing people up for the Dia de la Canción Criolla!  She will be knocking on your door within the next hour!”
“Dia day what?”  Katniss asks, not hearing what Madge said due to how fast the words seemed to escape her mouth.
“Dia De La Canción Criolla.  It is a celebration of Criolla music.  There will be dancing, lots of dancing!  And music, yes…beautiful music!  You should come, it’s so much fun!”  Madge tells her with stars in her eyes, as if she is remembering a heartfelt moment.
“Oh, well…I’ll think about it.”  Katniss says timidly, giving Madge a smile.
Katniss is thrilled the hotel has a vacancy and hands Madge her credit card to confirm her room for the night.  While she waits for the transaction to process, she and Madge make small talk.  Madge returns her credit card and ID along with the plastic key card with the numbers ‘12-13’ displayed on the front, as well as a brochure.
“If you take these elevators up to the twelfth floor and make a quick right, room thirteen will be on your left.  Here is a list of amenities as well as numbers if there is anything you need.  And Katniss?”
“You should come out for the night.  You only live once.”
With a polite smile, Katniss nods her head, turning her back to Madge to retrieve her suitcase from her car.
Nearly half an hour later, she returns to the hotel with her suitcase in tow and steps onto the elevator.  Just as the doors begin to close, she spots a man running, trying to catch the elevator before the doors close.  Katniss presses the button to keep the elevator open, but she is just a moment too late.  With a mind of its own, the doors seal themselves shut, rising her up to the twelfth floor.
‘Why do I keep thinking about him today?  Why does he feel so close to me?  I’m in Peru for Heavensbee’s sake!’  Katniss says smiling to herself, reaching for the pearl again.  ‘Heavensbee’s sake’ was one of ‘their’ inside jokes.  “Perhaps this ‘Dia De La…whatchamacallit is just the thing I need to distract my mind from him.  And who knows what’ll happen.”  She mumbles to herself, entering her hotel room. 
When the door slams shut behind her, she hears the distinct ‘ding’ from the elevator.  ‘Whoever that man was must have made it up.’  She thinks to herself, recalling the flash of blonde hair, with those bouncing blonde waves, just like him.  ‘No, stop it.  He is not here Katniss.  It has been ten years.  Ten years.  You should be over him by now.  So, just…Get over it.’
But she’s not, and she can’t.
Freshly out of the shower, with one towel wrapped around her body and another one on the top of her head, she reaches for the phone and proceeds to call the number Madge had given her.  She needs to do something to distract her mind.  She is going to celebrate Dia De La Canción Criolla like a Peruvian.
“Give me a break Dad.  It’s Halloween, it’s not even really a holiday.  The bakery will survive if I’m gone for another few days.”
“I know kid, I know.  I’m sorry…I just…you know…I miss you.  You’ve been gone for like—”
“Two weeks.  I have been gone for two weeks.  And I will be home in a few more days.  Control over the weather is not a power I have homed in on as of yet.”  Peeta’s dad chuckles at his words but is still disappointed.  “Listen dad, as soon as they open the flights back up, the airline promised to call me, and I’ll be on the first flight back to the states.  Now look, I’ve gotta go, the streets here are insane and I need to find a place to crash for the night.  I’ll let you know when to pick me up.”
“Okay, son.  Oh, and Peet?”
“Yeah, dad?”
“Try to have some fun.”
“Yeah, okay, I’ll try.  I’ve gotta go, bye dad.”  Peeta ended the call before giving his father any more fuel to drag the call on longer.
Peeta woke up that morning with an uncanny feeling that something was wrong.  When he got to school that morning and she wasn’t there, that feeling in his stomach intensified.  They talked to each other every day before and after school.  She was his best friend, and he was hers.  They told each other everything, so when he still had not heard from her by dinner that night, he knew deep in his gut something was wrong.  Really wrong.
The next day, Magnolia, one of her sister’s friends, came to him asking if he had heard anything from either of the girls.  For two days now, both girls have been missing from school.  Magnolia did not know it, but she had just confirmed the gut-wrenching fear in the pit of his stomach. 
For days, Peeta hounded the adults to no avail, questioning anyone he could as to her whereabouts.  She would never just up and leave without telling him, at least not without saying goodbye.
After two weeks, Peeta’s father realized that Peeta needed answers, that he would not be able to rest until he knew what happened to her, so using his connections he was able to obtain some information.  Peeta cried in his father’s arms as he told him what happened.  Social services came that morning, came before the sun was even up, and basically kidnapped the girls.  Both of their parents died in a car accident and at sixteen and a half years old, she took over the role of mom and dad to her little sister.  Apparently, someone placed an anonymous call, claiming to be “worried,” about the girls, hence social service ripping them from their lives.
For years, Peeta tried to find her.  But when his father lost his job, they had to relocate to another state.  Peeta did not want to leave if by some chance she came back looking for him, but he was only a kid himself, so he didn’t have a choice. 
At one point, he hired a private investigator, but so far; nothing has come up.  All his friends and family keep insisting he “move on,”  But he just couldn’t, he can’t.  “You don’t just move on from your soulmate, from your one true love” he told them all.  There is no one else, only her.  If I am not with her, then I will just be alone.  One day, he will find her, he is certain of it. 
“I know I’m probably asking the impossible, but would you happen to have a room for one?”  Peeta asks once he reaches the desk, giving the beautiful girl his most charming smile.
“Oh, don’t let the streets fool you, sir.  It’s Día De La Canción Criolla, the Peruvian festival of Music.  And to answer your question, yes, in fact we do.”  The receptionist, Madge, proceeded to tell him with her heavy accent and dazzling smile, staring at the computer screen in front of her, typing away.
A few minutes later, Madge hands him his plastic key card to his room in the penthouse along with a brochure filled with amenities, phone numbers, and information about this “Dia De La Canción Criolla.”
“Since you are already here sir, you should come out tonight and check it out.  Have some fun.”  Have some fun, those were his father’s exact words.
But dancing…especially that kind of dancing brought him back to memories of her.  She was the captain of the dance club in high school and she convinced him to enter a couple’s dance competition with her.  Never able to tell her no, he agreed.  He was never as good as her, but where he lacked, she excelled.  It was like that with everything they did.  They picked up each other’s slack.  When one was weak, the other was strong.  Always.
As he is scribbling his signature on the consent form to bill him at checkout, for just a split microsecond he thinks he sees her.  Heading onto the elevator is a woman with the same shade of hair, in that same over the shoulder braid she would wear, and the same olive complexion.  It had been almost ten years since the last time he saw her face, ten years since the last time his lips touched hers, but he is certain that one-hundred years could go by…no, a thousand years could pass, and he would always know her. Always.
Once his ‘T’s’ are crossed, he politely excuses himself from the receptionist, and runs to the elevator.  He can’t make her face out as the doors slide shut, but he can tell she tried to hold the door for him, but it was too late.  The elevator has a mind of its own and she slipped through his fingers.
“It’s not her, it couldn’t possibly be.”  He tells himself, his head hanging down as he presses the button and waits for the elevator.  He rides up to the twelfth floor and as soon as the doors open, he hears a door slamming from around the corner.  He finds his room, walks into it, and plops down on the bed.
Lying back on the bed, something in Peeta’s pocket begins poking his thigh.  He reaches into his pocket and grips firmly onto the pocket watch that he always keeps with him.  From her.  
At fifteen years old, he began saving his earnings from working at the bakery for eight months in order to buy her that necklace.  When he first saw it hanging in the shop, he knew he just had to have it.  He knew it was made just for her. It had been sitting in his underwear drawer for almost two weeks before he gave it to her on her sixteenth birthday.  His gift brought tears to her eyes because of what it meant.
She wanted to give him something too, but he insisted that it doesn’t work that way.  You do not give a gift to someone because they gave you something.  That was the first time she said those three magical little words.  She told him, “I’m not giving this to you because you gave me this necklace, I’m giving this to you…I want you to have this because I love you.”  It was her father’s, a gift from her mother.  It meant the world to her, so he knew what she was saying before she even said the words.
“Dammit Peeta!  Get a grip.  It isn’t her, I’m in Peru for Heavensbee’s sake!  An entire country away!”  Peeta yells at himself, confused as to why she is on his mind so hard today.
Peeta jumps into the shower, having decided that maybe he will join the festivities, if for nothing else, then to distract his mind from her.  He picks up the brochure and places a call to one of the names Madge had recommended.  If he is going to a Peruvian festival…(or is it a party?), he is going to need something to wear.
 Part 2
“Hi Katniss, my name is Cinna and I’ll be your stylist.”  Katniss lets the man in that Effie had recommended helping her find something to wear for tonight.
“Come in, it’s nice to meet you Cinna, I’m Katniss.”  Katniss sticks her hand out to Cinna, but he ignores it and wraps his arms around her, pulling her into his embrace.  He then pulls back and circles around her, inspecting her from all angles.
“You’re not from around here, are you?”  Cinna asks after he finishes orbiting her once.
“What gave it away?  My accent? Or the constant look of confusion permanently embedded on my face?”  Cinna chuckles at her, deciding that he is going to like this girl.  She is something special.
“I’ve met everyone who comes through here, and I am certain I would remember a face as radiant as yours,”  Cinna says, noticing the rosy hue filling Katniss’s cheeks.  There is a knock on the door, startling Katniss.  Cinna reaches for the doorknob and opens the door, and three strange-looking people come bouncing in.  Their hair is quite flamboyant, they wear some rather vivid and strange colors, but they look at Cinna as if he were the sun.  But most importantly, they seem truly happy to be here, to help her.
“Katniss, these are my assistants, and they will be helping me in getting you ready for tonight.”
“Okay.  But, you do realize that I’m dressing up for this Dia de la Festival thing and not my wedding, right?”
“Dia de la Canción Criolla.”  Octavia, one of Cinna’s assistants says so fast, Katniss only heard gibberish.
“How do you guys say that so fast?”
‘I wonder if they do this often?’  Katniss thinks to herself when Flavius, another of Cinna’s assistants rolls in this cart filled with the most immaculate, dazzling dresses, shoes, and so many other accessories Katniss would never dream of wearing.
They get right down to business, no dilly-dallying.  Katniss tries on dress after dress for what felt like hours, only to have them settle on the first dress, much to Katniss’s irritation.  Each dress takes all four of them to help her into, which Katniss could not begin to fathom why it was so difficult. 
The dress they decide on is more beautiful than she is able to put into words.  The upper half clings to her form, accentuating each of her womanly curves.  It is a modest dress, for when she looks in the mirror, she feels beautiful, but not provocative.  It shows just enough cleavage, but not too much.  The skirt of the dress is loose and free-flowing, if anyone happens to twirl her around tonight, it will fan out in immaculate precession.
“Oh, Miss Katniss, just you wait till someone spins you around in this baby.”  Katniss looks startled as she scowls at Flavius.
“Wh-what’ll happen?”
“I can’t give away all the secrets, now can I?”  Flavius looks at her conspiratorially.
“Don’t worry Katniss, nothing bad will happen.”  Cinna places a hand on her shoulder reassuringly.  But it isn’t his touch that calms her, but the gentle tone of his voice.  She cannot help but notice that Cinna has this natural air about him, he makes her feel calm just by entering the room.
Once they finish adding the final touches to her dress, they chain her to a chair, (figuratively speaking) and get to work on her hair.
“So, is there a special someone we’re fixing you up for the night?”  Just as Cinna asks the question, Effie walks into the room.
“Oh, hello guys, don’t mind me.  I just wanted to observe the divine Cinna at work!”  Effie pulls up a chair, making sure she isn’t in the way, and watches as their experienced fingers intricately style Katniss’ hair.
Katniss is hypnotized as she watches four sets of hands intricately brush, comb, part, separate, and braid her hair.
Remembering Cinna’s question, Katniss blushes before saying, “Oh no.  There is no one, I just…I just…Well, since I’m already here, I figured I should get the full Peruvian experience.”
“Oh, you have a man back at home, do you?”  Octavia blurts out.
“No.  No, there isn’t anyone.  Well, once…No, never mind.”
“Awe, come on! Tell us!”  Flavius pleads with her.
“PLEEEEASE!!”  All three assistants beg at the same time in a sing-song voice.
Katniss hesitates for a moment, realizing there is no harm in confiding in these complete strangers, she starts.  “Well, there was this one guy, once.  When I was younger.”
“Ooooh, was he handsome?”
“What color were his eyes?”
They each spit out their own questions, curious to the man who once held her heart, forcing the image of his perfect face into the forefront of her mind.
“No, he was not handsome…. He was…he was beautiful.  He had the bluest eyes, bluer than the ocean and the sky mixed together.  And his hair…it was this sandy blonde, with just the right amount of waves, you know…not too curly but definitely not straight.  He was my best friend, my soul mate.  He was everything to me.”
“So, what happened?”  Flavius blurts out.
“You speak of him as if you’re still in love with him,”  Vennia says, giving Katniss a forlorn look.
“I got…I got ripped away from him.  And I haven’t been able to find him since.  But someone as amazing as him, surely he’s married with a few kids by now.”  Katniss omits how she is actually too chicken to even look for him as she hangs her head down, the pain of him with someone else cut like razors.
Effie’s eyes go wide as she recognizes this story, without excusing herself, she gets up and storms out of the room in a dash.
“What was that about?”  Katniss asks inquisitively.
Flavius does a motion with his hands and rolls his eyes.  “Who knows?  That woman is a bit cuckoo.”  However, Katniss notices the knowing look being shared between Cinna and his assistants.
“Perfecto!”  Vennia says once her hair is complete.
“Now, one last thing,”  Octavia says, reaching for the clasp around Katniss’ neck.
Katniss spins around to face Octavia, “Wh-What are you doing?”
“I have a better one for you to wear tonight.”
“No, the necklace does not come off.”  The firm tone in Katniss’s voice tells everyone not to argue.
And they don’t.
 Effie storms back into Peeta’s room- the busy body she is- and pulls up a chair next to Peeta as Portia and her team get him ready for the night.
“Peeta?  Will you tell me about your girl again?  The one from your childhood.”  Peeta raises an eyebrow, making sure to hold his head still as Portia does whatever she is doing to his hair.  He isn’t sure why it is taking so long, but he doesn’t question her.
Peeta’s eyes light up at the thought of his girl.  “Oh Effie, she was…she was perfect.  She was the sun and the moon and the stars, all in one.”  Effie notices the sparkle in Peeta’s eyes as he speaks of the girl.  “She was so beautiful, and her eyes…I’ve never seen the same shade on another human being’s face, silver as the moonlight, intense as the night sky.  Her hair, well back then it was long, nearly to the middle of her back.  But she always wore it in this braid over her shoulder—” Effie’s eyes go wide as she listens to Peeta, realizing he is describing the girl in the next room.
‘Could it be?’  Effie thinks to herself.  “Peeta, I think you should meet your neighbor.  Maybe you could share a dance with her…Spend a night on the town—”
Peeta chuckles before interrupting her.  “That’s okay Effie.  I’m going home as soon as the airlines call me anyway.  I just wanted to experience Dia De La Canción Criolla Peruvian style.”
Effie shrugs her shoulders, getting up to leave as an idea comes to mind.  If her plan is to succeed, she will need help.  “Okay, Peeta.  Your loss.”
Effie waits in her office until she sees Miss Everdeen exit the hotel.  Once she knows Cinna is free, she immediately goes to him and shares her suspicions.
“Cinna, we must, we absolutely must bring those two together!”
“Effie, what are the chances that the true love they lost and speak of just happens to be in the next room?  An entire country away?”  Cinna asks, exasperated by Effie’s infatuation with true love.
“Okay, so maybe I’m wrong…But what would it hurt?”  Cinna thinks about it for a moment, deciding no harm could come of it, he listens to Effie’s plan.
x – x – x
“Thank you for coming with me Portia, I felt a little strange coming out here by myself.”  Peeta gives Portia a smile as they leave the hotel and join the crowded streets.  There are people dancing everywhere, children carousing the streets alongside their parents dressed up in their costumes. 
“Would you like to dance Portia?” Portia scans the area, looking for any sign of Cinna, and then nods her head.  She will dance them closer to where Cinna is with his girl.
“Where did you learn to dance Peeta?  You’re quite good.”  Peeta blushes at Portia’s compliment.
“Katniss?  Was that her name?  Your sweetheart back home?”
Peeta nods, just as a handkerchief flies into his face.  He reaches for it, holding it in front of him with a confused look.  “What the—”
“It means there is a lovely lady who wishes to dance with you.”  Portia maneuvers Peeta’s body, turning him around and pushing him toward the woman standing next to Cinna.  The darkness of the night, in addition to the lack of streetlights, prevents Peeta from clearly seeing her face.  All he can make out is the silhouette of her face, yet the moment their fingers brush against each other, he instantly feels that familiarity…he feels at home.
But Peeta would know her anywhere; at least he thinks it is her.  No, no.  His mind is just playing tricks on him.  Either way, he extends his arm to her, and she accepts graciously just as The Marinera begins to play.
It is their dance.  Katniss and Peeta’s dance from high school.  Peeta circles her once, and then again.  She smiles at him flirtatiously, swinging her hips as she sways to the music.  They tease each other back and forth throughout the night.  It is as if they had spent their entire lives perfecting their moves, as if their bodies are meant to be as one.
The familiarity that overtakes them when Peeta places his hands on Katniss’ hips sends shock waves surging through their bodies.  ‘Why does this feel so familiar?  Why does this feel so right?’  Peeta thinks to himself after their second dance.
They dance the night away with each other, oblivious to the identity of their dance partner.  The chemistry surges through Peeta’s body, and he knows she feels it too.  There is something familiar about this woman, but Peeta cannot quite put his finger on it. It isn’t until the light of the moon casts its glow, causing the pendant on her necklace to shimmer in the moonlight, which is when Peeta freezes.
It can’t be, no, this girl just happens to have the same necklace.  But then he sees the tiny inscription of the word “Always” in elegant script at the base of the pearl.  That is when he knows.
It is her.
His Katniss.
  Part 3 
Turning away from the familiar stranger, Katniss hikes her dress up and runs back to the hotel. She rushes onto the elevator and presses the button for the twelfth story. When the doors open to her floor, she takes off in a sprint again, toward her room, then slams the door behind her once she’s inside.
“Get a grip, Katniss, wake up.  It’s not him. You are just dreaming!”  She yells at herself, lightly banging the back of her head against the door.  ‘How does he know my name?’  she asks herself.
Less than a minute later, there is a knock at the door.  “Katniss? Katniss, are you okay?  Please open the door. I know it’s you.  It’s me, Peeta.  I’m sorry if I scared you; it’s just…can you please open the door so that I can see your face?”
Can it be him?  Is it truly him?  So many times, Katniss thought she saw him, only to be disappointed when it turned out to be someone else.  Her heart cannot take another beating.
With her hand on the door handle, Katniss closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, preparing herself for the inevitable.  Slowly, she opens the door just a crack, peeking through the small space.
“Peeta?  Is it…is it really you?”  She asks, slowly nudging the door open.
They stand there with their eyes locked, staring at each other while time stands still.  A loose strand of hair blows in Katniss’s eyes, interrupting their trance.  It is enough to reel her back into the present, and Peeta extends his arm, stroking Katniss’s cheek.
“Katniss,”  Peeta says, staring longingly into her eyes.  He slowly lowers his hand, pinching the tiny pearl hanging from Katniss’s neck.  “You still…I can’t believe you still have it.”
Katniss glances at his left hand that grasps her pearl, and her heart speeds up at the absence of a ring.  Peeta reaches up and places his hands on either side of Katniss’s face, bringing his face closer to inspect that it is really her.
“I never…I never take it off,”  Katniss says, licking her lips.  “Do you want to…come in?”  Katniss asks him.  
Peeta gives her a nod and walks past her and into the room.  Katniss closes the door behind him, and when she turns around to face Peeta, he pulls her close, slamming his lips onto hers.
The kiss is deep, sensual, and passionate, everything they have craved over the years.  Peeta takes Katniss to the bed in the center of the room, removing his jacket and slinging it behind him.
Katniss allows Peeta to take control.  He lays her back against the sheets, then follows after her until he’s, hovering above her.  “My God, I have missed you.”  His voice reverberates between their connected lips.
There is no denying it. It is her.  The only thing that matters is Katniss.  His Katniss.  Right here, right now, she stands in front of him after all this time.  He cannot take it anymore and closes the short distance between them, slamming his lips against hers. Peeta plunges his tongue deep into her mouth, devouring her. Tasting her.  Reveling in her.
The moment their lips connect, they knew they had finally found each other.  And yes, it was definitely worth the wait.
  5 Years Later
“I can’t believe you are getting married in Peru on Halloween!”  Prim squeals, zipping the back of Katniss’ wedding gown up.
“It’s not Halloween in Peru, Prim. It’s Día de la Canción Criolla.  And it’s when Peeta and I found each other again.”
“I know, sissy. I still can’t believe you guys found each other in Peru of all places!  I mean, I don’t remember a whole lot from…from before, but I remember how happy you guys were when we were kids.  And then I remember how sad you were when we had to leave, and…and I’m just so glad you found him!”  Prim says, turning Katniss around and adding the finishing touches to her hair.
“I’m just glad that you, Rory, and the kids were able to come.  Have you seen Peeta?  Is he okay?”
“No, you are not seeing him until the wedding. No exceptions!”  Prim tells Katniss, pointing a sassy finger in her face.
When Peeta catches sight of Katniss walking down the aisle to marry him, in the captivating dress with pearl accents, his heart stops in his chest at how beautiful she is.  When he finally found her after so many years, he thought he had died and was living in his dreams.
He finally found her, and she was now his to love.  Always.
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lunaslashsea · 4 years
Crossover Fanfic Recs
The Addams Family/Harry Potter
'Family Values' by Ishtar Petunia Dursley discovers that taking care of two small boys is too much for her, so she passes the guardianship of Harry Potter over to a distant relative — Morticia Addams. With Harry growing up in a very different type of Family, Dumbledore desperately tries to get him back. But the Harry Potter who finally arrives at Hogwarts, along with his "cousins" Pugsley and Wednesday, will be nothing like what Dumbledore expects.
The Addams Family/Rise of the Guardians
'Nightmares for Christmas' by Neyiea Not all children are happy that their nightmares have disappeared, and as such North finds himself receiving a very unexpected letter several days before Christmas.
Big Hero 6/The Martian
'Big Hero Martian' by althor42 There would have been no rescue for Mark, if NASA had not noticed he was still alive. Unless of course, a certain Big Hero noticed instead.
Big Hero 6/Marvel
'Magnets for Trouble' by PitViperOfDoom Months after Callaghan's downfall, Hiro receives a surprise in the mail: a special invitation to this year's Stark Expo. With Fred for company, he leaves the protection of the city temporarily in the hands of the rest of the team and flies across the country to meet the man with twice the brains and bank account of Alistair Krei and several times the infamy.
But of course, it can't be that simple, can it? Really, after how his last expo went, he should have seen this coming.
Bleach/Free! Iwatobi Swim Club
'Teamwork for Hire' by junko After the defeat of Aizen, Ichigo has lost his superpowers but not his skills so he's been hiring himself out to any sports team looking for a strong player. When Nagisa Hazuki approaches Ichigo to join the Iwatobi High School Swimming Club, something piques Ichigo's interest…
Bleach/Harry Potter
'Crazy=Genius' series by blackkat Minerva McGonagall isn't about to let Harry go back to the Dursleys after his first year. She finds an alternative, and along the way, Bazzard Black finds that he might have more family left than he'd ever thought.
'Lost Boys' by glacis After the Triwizard fiasco, Harry leaves Britain behind for a new life. Uryuu befriends Ichigo at a much younger age. Sirius escapes. Points converge and lost boys find a family. Isshin fails. So does Ryuuken. Kisuke finds a friend. Ukitake covers and cleans up. Fate changes.
'There May Be Some Collateral Damage' by metisket Ichigo's been ordered to go undercover at a magic school to bodyguard a kid named Harry Potter, and this would be fine, except that he's about as good at bodyguarding as he is at magic. And he considers it a good day, magic‐wise, if he hasn't set anything on fire.
Bleach/Hunger Games
'Storm the World with Reckless Abandon' by SSAerial So due to one of Urahara's failed experiments that Ichigo unluckily got a full blast of (because life hates him and trouble is attracted to him like a clingy fangirl he could do without), Ichigo ends up in a dystopian universe where people take perverse pleasure in watching kids fight to the death. Which just, no. So Panem now has to deal with a pissed of Ichigo who's determined to stop the Hunger Games and pummel Snow to the ground. And Panem doesn't have a snowball chance in hell in stopping him.
Bleach/Lord of the Rings
'Behold the Flowing Years' by Straight‐Outta‐Hobbiton Ichigo escapes his dimension to start anew, away from the memories of death and friendships past that he can't seem to put to rest. Rohan is a beautiful country, and Théoden is a good king, but evil only grows stronger within the borders of Mordor, and Ichigo finds himself once more forced to protect those whom he has grown to love.
'Foreign Recruit' by SSAerial Ichigo doesn't know where to start. He has no friends, no family, no personal attachments to the world he got dumped into. The Soul King never specified what he was supposed to do in a world where technology is ahead of its time and aliens and secret governments exist. As for the people he has to deal with… Well, it isn't like he hasn't dealt with colorful personalities before.
'All My Ghosts are at Rest' series by Zakad An older Ichigo and Uryu leave Soul Society and all its problems behind to search for the near-mythical homeland of a particular Shiba ancestor. They find the Elemental Countries and one little boy who is desperate need of a family.
'Bite' by blackkat Orochimaru and his sons crash‐land in Karakura. Soul Society is most definitely not prepared for what's coming.
'A New Home' by Rain1701 In an effort to save her life and freedom, Hitsugaya Toshiro winds up landing head‐first in the Naruto universe two months before the start of canon. Not much stays the same after that.
'Soul of Fire' by Zeionia aka Disturbed After being betrayed by Soul Society, Ichigo and his sisters leave Karakura behind to find shelter with the remains of their grandfather's clan in the Land of Fire. Instead of the peaceful life they were hoping for, they reach Konoha just as a new danger appears to threaten the Uzumaki. Heart‐broken and tired of fighting, will Ichigo be able to protect his sisters and his new home?
'Stardust' by Vathara What if some Alterans found another way to survive the Wraith? Five thousand years before the Stargate opens, contact with creatures of energy changes the way of life for an Alteran colony…
Card Captor Sakura/Harry Potter
'Cardcaptor Harry' by LunaStorm In which both Albus Dumbledore and Clow Reed would have done well to remember that there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in any philosophy… or predicted by the most imprecise branch of magic…
Doctor Who/Marvel
'Alien Taskforce' by TheSovereigntyofReality Just because S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers didn't listen to Tony after the Battle of New York, it doesn't mean no one did.
Downton Abbey/Marvel
'Tony Stark Meets an Extremely Unimpressed Time Traveler, or, Thomas Barrow Makes a Surprisingly Good 21st Century Butler' by Alex51324 In which Tony Stark ditches a boring party, makes an addition to the household staff, throws a much better party, and tries not to sexually harass his new butler.
Or, In which Thomas Barrow has a little trouble getting home from the pub, is generally unimpressed with many aspects of the 21st century, never thought of himself as a conservative dresser before, and may or may not be falling in lust with his new employer.
Gilmore Girls/Stargate
'Physics of the Spin' by Mhalachai Rory Gilmore always thought she was Christopher Hayden's daughter, but things are a little more complicated than that…
Good Omens/Supernatural
'Misfire' by VivatRex Crowley finds himself in another universe; Aziraphale goes to fetch him. In the meantime, Team Free Will has to figure out what to do with the 6,000 year old demon that won't stay in a devil's trap and keeps rooting through Dean's vinyl collection. Shenanigans ensue.
Gundam Wing/Naruto
'Worlds Apart' by Mieren Something went horribly wrong and Duo and Naruto are in the wrong worlds. Ninja vs technology. How could this possibly go wrong?
Harry Potter/Marvel
'Behind the Shield' by GeeEs It was a good thing the new scientist, Dr. Harry Evans, was working out so well. Because nothing else was going Fury's way. And that was before Loki made off with the Tesseract and some of his people. Maybe AU to Mortem Cantor by Kyandua.
'How Harry Failed to Conquer New York' by Impossible_Insanity
'I See The Moon' by hctiB‐notsoB While on the run, Bruce meets a young man who speaks to the moon. He's probably not quite the sanest friend Bruce could have made, but, well… beggars can't be choosers.
'Mischief's Heir' series by mad_fairy Mostly Harry Potter with the addition of Loki in the first parts
'Mortem Cantor' by Kyandua After losing everything he holds dear, Harry Potter is thrust into a new world; one with Superheroes and evil Villains that make Voldemort look like a kitten. Struggling to survive in this new world - and, meanwhile, gaining the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D. - he attempts to live a NORMAL life. But, he is Harry Potter after all... what could possibly go wrong?
'On Punching Gods and Absentee Dads' by Enigmaris Harry finds out that his dad is alive, has been the whole time. Instead of being overjoyed, Harry's disgusted. His dad left earth and abandoned his friends. Every painful thing he's ever gone through can be traced back to one man. Now Harry's got super strength he can't control and an almost unnecessary amount of magical power. His dad might be living it up with the Avengers now but not for long. With the help of his friends, Harry comes up with a plan for revenge. Get ready Avengers, Harry's out to punch a god.
'Safeguard' by esama The Chitauri invasion launches a whole new age – for everyone.
Inuyasha/Yu Yu Hakusho
'Devoted' by Ookami‐chan Loving someone means seeing to it that they receive nothing but the very best of care. In all things.
'Healing Soul' by Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf Canon, IY slightly alternate ending, BG blend but more manga than anime; YYH boys' last year of school but otherwise through series, anime only.
'By Any Other Name' by Deviant Nature Kagome's return after an unexplained, prolonged absence leaves her family with questions she refuses to answer except to assure that it's over. While she attempts to readapt to the present, Kurama is feeling the pressures of human society's expectations. But the solutions to his troubles aren't as straight‐forward as he had hoped. Note: Unrated version is on MediaMiner.net as 'Par Tout Autre Nom'
Harry Potter/Ranma 1/2
'Harry Hibiki and the Philosopher's Stone' by USA_Tiger On the night Voldemort attacks the Potter's home, a completely different person finds Harry before Sirius Black or Hagrid. Harry is found and adopted by Nerima's very own eternal lost boy Ryoga Hibiki! Soon Harry will be joining his classmates at Hogwarts but how will Hogwarts handle this kind of Harry? And how does it affect the prophecy, what is the 'power he knows not?
Harry Potter/Sherlock
'The Avalon Seven' by sifshadowheart Major Non‐Canon A/U, Harry is treated for abuse and massive injuries by John Watson as a John Doe. To help solve the mystery of the battered boy John calls in his partner Sherlock — whose father has much more information about his patient than John ever thought possible. Turning to an old acquaintance, Siger Holmes contacts the Lord of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Wallace…Harry's rightful guardian.
First several chapters will be covering Pre‐Hogwarts years, story starts with Harry at age four so it'll be a while before any sort of slash or real conflict happens. Very political fic with lots of twists and turns. Because the plot‐bunnies won't leave me alone!
'Magnificent' by esama The birth of the Ministry of Magic and his relationship with the British Government.
'Whispers in Corners' by esama Everything started with a stumble — his new life in a new world as well as his surprisingly successful career as a medium.
Harry Potter/Sherlock/Star Trek
'Harder Choices' by sifshadowheart Post‐Avalon Seven A/U…a.k.a. This is what happens when plot‐bunnies start mating and multiplying.
Hadrian saves Earth…at a cost
'An Englishman in Konoha' by pupeez4eva Itachi Uchiha is a strange child, who regularly converses with things no one else can see, drinks far too much tea, and has a strong and unyielding obsession with being the best big brother ever (or, in a world where England is reborn into the Naruto universe, Itachi ends up a little…different).
The Hobbit/Sherlock
'All Things Old and New' by teacup_of_doom All around the world, people are remembering past lives. Bilbo Baggins discovers that Tookish streaks can span lifetimes — and can have unintended, hilarious, consequences.
Katekyou Hitman Reborn!/Naruto
'Force of Nature' by Ramabear (RyMagnatar) He had died— honorably, he'd like to think, despite living as a villain and an assassin for over half a century— and that, as far as Xanxus had ever figured, would be the end of that. No heaven. No hell. Just life when you were breathing and nothingness when you stopped.
Except that it didn't, quite, turn out that way. Except he came back as the son of the kindest, sometimes saddest father in the world. In both worlds. A father that he knew, without a doubt, to be his flesh and blood. All at once, Xanxus had everything he'd wanted as a child. A home. A family. Stability. And he was going to fight like hell and beat down anyone who tried to take it from him, no matter what his age.
(In which Sakumo raises a son who speaks multiple languages from birth, all of them gibberish to the poor single father jounin, spits vulgarity with the same ease as he does his praise and burns with an unshakable determination to build himself a family that will not fall, no matter who or what is thrown against it.)
'Uchiha Kyōya' by Tsume_Yuki In a world where Fugaku has three sons, he wishes he'd stopped at the one. There's nothing wrong with the youngest, it's just…
The middle child.
'In Which Neither Coulson nor Sherlock are Dead' by TheDullYellowEye … and John sort of joins the Avengers. While Coulson's recovering from being stabbed in the chest by a magical spear, Fury is rapidly running out of Agents willing to play babysitter for the newly founded Avengers. So he calls in Captain John Watson, late of the British Royal Army, and blogger and best friend to the infamously antisocial presumably deceased Sherlock Holmes.
Naruto/One Piece
'Lost Uzumaki' by Silver Dragonfly (lillikira) Shanks was used to strange meetings on the various islands of the Grand Line. However, this one was unusual even for the Grand Line. A Lost Uzumaki is found and Naruto has no plans of not becoming part of his family. (A Series of Snapshots about the finding of lost family.)
'One World's Tragedy is Another World's ...Gain?' by Foodmoon Pern goes to hell in a handbasket. Ir'ca tries to rescue the future of dragonkind by being a thief and somehow ends up in the Land of Fire. It's probably a good thing Kakashi handed over the Hat a while back...
'Deduction in Shadows' by GremlinSR Shikaku just wanted to finish his paperwork before lunch so he could squeeze in an afternoon nap. His plans are derailed by a six year old orphan when she sneaks into his office with proof that somebody has been kidnapping the children of Konoha and covering it up.
He never does end up getting that nap.
Or: A Holmes is reborn into the ninja village Konoha. Chaos ensues
Rise of the Guardians/Marvel
'Constellations of Old' by kuroi_atropos When the Man in the Moon recognizes Thor as a representative of Asgard, he decides to send the Guardians of Childhood to ask for help vanquishing the last of shadows, as well as a few other things he could use some help with.
'Winter Gods' by avearia The Guardians discover that, outside of Earth, many races actually worship Jack as a God. Meanwhile, the Avengers deal with the implications that come with an almighty spirit, otherworldly religions, and the revelation that Santa is real.
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ackerfics · 3 years
hello! guess who's back? jk but yes i am ur mL pLAyEr aNon AgaiN. sooo i have this story again where i played classic and encounter a good player. when we first played classic, he used aldous and he is the core (mambubuhat samin dldmj). my teammates heroes are strong so i picked rafaela where i can heal and support them. since i am the support, i supported the core first since he needed to be strong in our team. ofc we r the winner. he invited me to play classic again and i accepted it. this time the other player used aldous and he's the core so he used franco. i think the other player used gusion and chou (???) so i just support them again since i know that they can handle it ( and ofc iwas b0b0 hahahshd) and we won again. i am lowbat that time so i charged my phone. when i opened my ml, i saw a message and he's the one who messaged me. he said "can i ask?" "go lang". wtf he asked me why am i beautiful and if i have boyfriend. i really laughed so hard bcs i know the he stalk me and saw my avatar. my avatar is soojin and we all know that she's so georgous ( i miss her :(( ) so i told him i am not the one whos in my avatar and he replied " scam lang pala " he even asked what's my fb acc and just like the other one i told him sEcreT and he said that i dont need to worry bcs hes just going to stAlK Me bUt doNt add Me lMao fuck u. but i still refused it ( y would i give my fb lol) he just said oKay FInE and our conversation ended. someone followed me that time with a username 'bebe (his name) since i know him, i followed the acc. the acc messaged me saying hai, i replied shanghai ( i am hungry :(() all this time i thought that acc was his, more like his 2nd acc but what surprised is that the user of the acc is his gf (lmaoooo) so the conversation went like this
- hai
- haha
- jowa po ako ni (his name) skl po
- okay ( like y would i care )
- opo naglalaro po kayo
so i want reply hahahahahha but i think she will be offended that i dont take it seriously so i just said
- oo
- opo ayos lang yan basta hanggang dun lang
i rlly want to laugh but xgsisbsynwhnshahahhahdyxuHhahahahHhahahhahdhsy
i said that she's echosera (sorry i cant stop myself to say it 😅) and told her that i dont have any interest to him and i added that we arent close. ofc i invited her to play with us. she just said that " pero pAnAy lArO" hsjsbsuzbua wtf i dont reply to it bcs we only played 2 times lol. she added " kayo nalang" so i said "gege"
LMAO PLS I JUST WANT TO PLAY SO THAT MY RANK WILL GO TO EPIC 4 AND DONT GO BACK TO GM 😭😭😭😭 y do in need 2 suffer this /j. so yeah i just want share this hduxhxhehhehrhe hope you have a great day rory!
oh wow 😳 this sounds like a wild ride, ml anon. all i can say is: fuck that guy, he wears a red flag like a second skin and i think you did a great job brushing off his advances. i don't play ml so following the number of characters you just mentioned tickles my memory because one of my closest friends and roommate played it back in high school. i kinda remember them saying those names fheidjrkkr buuuut THIS, everything in this ask is the reason why i don't play ml — there's too much drama coming from that game or worse, i might fucking kill someone bc i'm the most impatient person when it comes to playing video games. ml anon, don't mind those small dick energy guys (pardon my french but i had to say it) in ml trying to follow and message you. they can rot in hell 😤 however, have an amazing day, love !! i hope you have a calm weekend coming for you, mwah 😘💖
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