#it's like yes these two characters go hand in hand sold in a pair do not separate
franeridan · 5 months
came to the conclusion that the reason why aventio has such a strong hold on me these days is that they're the highest purest greatest dumbest form of "I have feelings for you" (that feeling was friendship, but neither had ever experienced it before) and I find that stupidly compelling atm
#i like that you can really start from scratch with them despite them already acting like they've been in a committed relationship for years#it's like yes these two characters go hand in hand sold in a pair do not separate#they're the only two people who have a high regard of each other and understand each other without words needed#the only ones who can stand spending prolonged periods of time in each others company and still seek each other out after#they're also still completely unaware that they have a positive opinion of each other#that they aren't a burden or an annoyance for each other#that the reason why they find so much ease in working with each other is that they're on the exact same wavelength#in ratio's about aven he talks about how he doubts aven will ever fail bc it's not all luck as aven plays it to be#in aven's about ratio he talks about how he believes the only reason why ratio sticks around is that everyone else is more annoying than him#aven's aware ratio doesn't even look people in the eyes when he can't stand them but he still hasn't noticed that ratio is always looking#straight at him with no barriers#they're so dumb#if you want to write them in a romantic relationship you have the whole road already paved for you but you DO have#to walk it from the very beginning#they built all the bridges needed to reach each other and refused to take even a single step on them#and the only reason is that they've always been so alone and disliked#that now that they have someone who genuinely likes them they can't even tell#it's such a new type of relationship for me I've never been into any characters like this#I'm putting them under a microscope and studying them so attentively fr#the biggest hurdle for them is really gonna be accepting that they're friends that's such a Dynamic™️
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dilly-dahlia · 2 months
The Guard at the Window
pairing: fem!reader x Laurance
content: tangled au, variation of Stockholm syndrome, emotional abuse, kind of slow burn for this being a one shot, they actually don't get together, the world of MCD but not canon compliant, not-so-meet-cute, enemies to lovers (?), vague allusions to a difficult past concerning the mother, use of y/n
summary: Being locked in a tower your whole life can put a damper on your mood. But when your knight in shining armor comes to rescue you, do you really want to go with him?
word count: 5.4k (i'm sorry everyone i got carried away)
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It was not a pleasant thing to be locked up in your tower.
Yes, you enjoyed the solitude it provided. You had read numerous history books about the horrible things people did beyond the walls, and your mother had told you in great detail the terrible things that had happened to her before she was blessed with you. She wanted to protect you from the troubles she had endured at your age, and you were content with that.
But you had read other stories. The fictional ones your mother brought you as a reward for taking such wonderful care of your tower while she was away were filled with magic. You were transported to another world when you opened the crisp pages, and you could devour those stories in hours.
Those were the stories that told you about love and its different forms. You had read about brave heroines creating everlasting bonds with the people they led or the animals they befriended. You read about relationships of unconditional trust in terrifying situations, and you had read about families that found each other in their darkest times.
But your favorites, as cliche as it may be, were the ones where two people fell in love.
You loved reading about the feelings that developed and the stolen kisses and the romantic outings. They always had you smiling uncontrollably and kicking your feet when you daydreamed about experiencing the same thing later.
You longed to know what it felt like to fall in love the same way the characters in your stories did. You yearned to feel that same flap of butterfly wings in your stomach and have your knees weak at the small action of a kiss. You found yourself fantasizing about it more often than you liked to admit, imagining how it would go.
Perhaps your mother would find a suitor for you. She would bring him up into your tower when she visited and introduce the two of you. She would tell you that he was a lord of high standing and nobility and he would sweep you off your feet.
Or maybe he would find himself at the base of your tower, where the two of you would raise your voices just to communicate with each other. He would catch you when you jumped out to join him and create a life together.
Or, since your birthday was coming up, it might be possible to ask your mother to take you out. You were no longer a little girl or a teenager and you could defend yourself. Surely she would see no problem and allow you to accompany her on her next trip. You would travel to a village that sold the finest silks and paints and meet him on the street corner.
Your mother had other plans.
"Leave the tower?" She didn't even look at you as she cleaned the apples in her basket, rubbing them with a rag until they reflected the candlelight. "And how would we get back up?"
You softly exhaled through your nose, beginning to run your fingers through your hair and ignoring the subtle throbbing in your head. "We can use the same way you used when you originally brought me here."
Your mother scoffed, turning her head to look at you. Her gaze followed your hands for a moment before you got the hint to stop. She didn't like when you played with your hair. She always said it would cause stress and make you lose it.
"Darling," she began, her voice honeyed, "the way I used to get you up here is now so overgrown it's hardly usable anymore. Besides, I don't even remember where the door is."
When she turned her attention back to the apples and began cutting them up, you rolled your eyes. You opened your mouth to say something, but your mother kept talking, drowning the thoughts you were going to voice.
"It's a dangerous world out there, darling. You wouldn't like it. This meadow around the tower is the only safe haven I've found to protect you, and I refuse to put your safety in jeopardy just because you want to see beyond the walls."
This time, you didn't hide your discontent. You groaned and came up behind your mother, wrapping your arms around her body and resting your chin on her shoulder. She was a bit taller than you, so it was uncomfortable and you had to stand on your tiptoes.
"Please, mother. It's for my birthday."
"Yes, yes, darling. Your twenty-fourth, if I recall correctly." It was your twenty-third. "Quite a large number to celebrate. Oh, my baby's getting old."
She hummed as she reached up and pinched your cheek, her focus hardly faltering as she continued to cut up the fruit in her basket. The action left remnants of the sugared juice on your cheek, and you pulled away to wipe it off with the back of your hand.
"Mother, I'm not a little girl anymore. I can protect myself now."
"My answer is no, Y/n," she snapped. She turned her head once again to face you, and her gaze was so burning it made you feel like the small child you had just claimed you weren't. "Why do you want to go outside anyway? Aren't you happy with the luxuries I bring you every year?"
You didn't answer. Of course you were grateful for the gifts she brought you, you just wanted more. You wanted to experience what everyone else did.
"Y/n," your mother said after you had been quiet for a moment too long. "You're a young lady. You have the capability to respond when someone asks you a question."
You only nodded. Your mother let out an exasperated breath at the lack of an answer.
"See? You can barely answer a simple question. What makes you think you'll be able to survive out there?" She vaguely motioned to the open window before she walked past you, attempting to put an end to the conversation by stepping up the stairs that led to her private bedroom.
But you weren't going to let it stop there. You quickly caught up to her and grabbed her wrist with a gentle hold before she reached the curtain to the room, making her stop in her tracks and turn to you.
"It would just be one day, Mother. I'll stay by you the whole time, I-"
"I said no." Her tone was stern, and when she pulled her hand from your grasp it felt as though an arrow had gone through your heart. "I'm not changing my mind. Now, by the time I come out to make dinner, you attitude will be gone, is that understood?"
She raised her brows. Her stare was piercing, searching your eyes for every secret you had.
You pressed your lips together for a moment before nodding.
Your mother didn't say anything else, only pulling the dark curtains to her room back enough for her to walk in. You waited until the thick fabric to stop swaying to lift your hand and push against the curtain, seeing if she would let you in.
Your hand met a barrier. Clearly she didn't want you with her at the moment. You weren't allowed in her room unless she had given you explicit permission.
You sighed, going down the stairs and sitting on your own bed. The wisteria flowers you had placed around the columns had started wilting. Maybe, if she wouldn't let you outside, your mother could at least get you new blooms.
Attitude. What attitude was she talking about?
You had laid down in your bed, twisting some of the wisteria leaves from your bed together to form a flower crown while you waited until your mother came back down. When she did, your "attitude" had disappeared, but neither of you spoke. Not even when the two of you sat at the table and ate the potato soup she had made.
Neither of you spoke again until the next morning. You wouldn't have at all if your mother hadn't told you she was leaving again. This time, the trip would be longer and you'd be alone.
You had only nodded in response. You waited by the window, watching as your mother gathered what she would need from the pantries and drawers before tossing your hair out the window. You groaned when she took hold of it, closing your hands around the strands near your scalp in an attempt to lessen the pull.
When she finally gave your hair one last tug, you nearly stumbled. You righted yourself before you fell, though, and stood at the window until your mother disappeared behind the veil of leaves that kept you hidden.
She was gone now, leaving you with absolutely nothing to do for hours on end.
Yes, you enjoyed the solitude your tower provided, but sometimes you wished there was someone to keep you company.
You heard the harsh grinding of stone against iron while you were seated at the table, mending a pair of slippers that had recently torn along the seams. The sound made you pause. You waited a moment to make sure you weren't going crazy.
When you heard it again, you immediately dropped the material in your hands and lunged for the cupboard. You grabbed a knife and darted across the room, throwing open the door to your wardrobe and pushing your blouses and skirts aside to hide among them. You spent longer than you wanted trying to stuff your hair in the spaces beside you, and you're sure a small amount of it got stuck beneath the doors. You left it open just a crack so you could see out of it.
He grunted as he lifted himself onto the windowsill, muttering a curse when he kicked his leg over the edge and stumbled into the room without grace. He stood up and looked around, his gaze faltering when he caught sight of the wardrobe. He started at it for a moment—a long moment where you thought he would stride right up to you and open the door, but he didn't.
When he turned his head away, you looked at him. His disheveled hair was light brown, parted down the middle. He was wearing gray pants and a blue overcoat. A leather bag wrapped tightly around his body, and a scabbard was secured around his waist, his hand never leaving the hilt of his sword.
The only thought that crossed your mind was that you would have to be sneaky to gain any kind of advantage over him, and when he took tentative steps past the wardrobe, further into the tower, you slowly pushed open the door and stepped out.
Your footsteps were quiet. You approached him slowly, making sure you didn't make any sound. You held the knife in front of you, both hands on the hilt, and aimed it at him.
Go fast and just get it over with, you told yourself, but something was making you hesitate. This was wrong. This was wrong, but he was trespassing. If something happened to you because you couldn't protect yourself . . . Dear, your mother would be enraged. She would never let you leave.
This was your one chance to prove you could protect yourself.
You stepped closer. Closer and closer until you were in such close proximity that you felt the need to hold your breath.
Just as you reached the point where you could jab out your arm and stab him, you paused. You tried to keep your breaths light and unheard, but your heart was pounding. You could feel it fighting against your rib cage, burning to jump out of your chest.
Your hesitance made you the victim. In one swift move, the man in front of you drew his sword and lunged back. In the same movement, he had successfully disarmed you, your kitchen knife now thrown across the room.
You froze, your hands lifted by your side in what you think is meant to be a defensive pose. Or the beginnings of running away. You aren't sure, since you couldn't think clearly because of the sword pointed at you.
The man looked you up and down, raising his eyebrows when he noticed your bare feet and the bandages wrapped around your fingertips (the result of accidentally stabbing yourself with a needle one too many times). His stance relaxed, but he kept his sword aimed at you.
"Who are you?" he asked. His voice was smooth, and if the circumstances were different you might have swooned from the sound alone.
You were silent, opening and closing your mouth like a fish as you fought to articulate the words you wanted to say. You must have looked like an idiot, wearing an untucked blouse and skirt that had clearly seen better days.
"I- Who are you?" you asked instead. Your voice was quieter than you would have liked. You tried clearing your throat discreetly before saying it louder, but it came out as a cough instead.
You decided not to repeat your question. You didn't want to embarrass yourself more than you already had.
The man was quiet. His gaze traveled over you again, this time lingering on the copious amounts of hair that trailed behind you. His eyes followed it for a moment before snapping back to your face.
He sheathed his sword and stood straighter, though that did nothing to quell your fears of being sliced to pieces.
"My name is Laurance Zvahl." He bowed, which surprised you. You knew that bowing was the typical show of gratitude or courtesy for someone of high standing, but you were just a girl in a tower. "I'm second in command of the guard in Phoenix Drop."
Your brows furrowed as he straightened. Phoenix Drop? It was a town your mother had visited years ago. The only thing she said when she returned from her stay was, "It was nothing special. Just a small, underdeveloped town run by a pacifist."
But . . . Phoenix Drop was so far. What was their second in command doing here?
"May I ask what your name is?" he asked when you had been silent for too long. He crossed your arms, and you figured he must not have pinned you as a threat if he was being this nonchalant about everything.
Which, you weren't a threat, but his comfort in your home unnerved you.
"Y/n," you replied.
Laurance smiled kindly. "A beautiful name for a beautiful woman."
Your eyes slightly widened. You can't say for sure if you blushed, but you knew from the way his smile widened that you weren't doing a very good job of hiding how flustered the single compliment made you.
You cleared your throat again. "Why are you here?"
"Ah." Laurance glanced around as he spoke. "Well, a few guards and I were accompanying our Lord on a trip. Unfortunately, we got separated in the forest and I ended up here. I assumed this tower was vacant since there was so much overgrowth outside, but"—he motions to you—"it clearly wasn't."
You nodded. People got lost in the forest surrounding your tower all the time, but none had ever entered the small circle of rocks that surrounded you. They had tried, but a barrier your mother had set up around it prevented them from getting father.
So how did he get in?
You knew that sometimes your mother's magic faltered, especially if she was far away, but she had redone the spells surrounding you just last week. They should have been stronger, if anything.
Laurance, taking note of your silence, continued talking. "I saw the tip over the rocks and assumed it was hollow. I suppose my guess was rewarded, since I now get to spend a few moments with someone as pretty as you."
He smiled again, and you found yourself relaxing ever so slightly. He hadn't moved to draw his sword again or make any physical advances on you, and you found your mind easing in your presence.
Your mother had always warned you of people like him—of people that seemed easy to trust and talk to. They were the most deceptive. They were the ones that would shatter your entire being with one lie.
You put her warnings in the back of your mind. It couldn't have been possible for someone with such sincere eyes to be a cheat, right?
"There's magicks around this tower," you said. You tried keeping your voice flat. "You shouldn't have been able to see anything, let alone get in."
Laurance's brows furrowed. "Really? Well, it must not be very strong. I didn't pick up on any traces of magic when I came in."
You huffed, any earlier ease you had felt now gone. "There is a barrier surrounding this tower and the rocks around it. My mother is the best witch in Ru'aun. Her magic essence comes from a line of witches so potent and known that armies have fallen at the feeling of it. Her magic doesn't falter for deities, much less a non-magicks user like you."
Your mother had told you stories about your ancestors. She often spoke about how they fought by Lady Irene's side and protected her from Shad the Destroyer. You knew your mother had powerful magicks. She had shown you the extent of her abilities herself.
Laurance's eyebrows raised again. He showed a lot of facial expressions, you noticed.
"Right. Well, I'm here, so maybe your mother's magic just ran out." He shrugged, the charming smile that painted his lips widening.
"Magic doesn't just run out-"
"Then it wore off, or something. Listen, I don't know a lot about magic or witches or . . . anything else like that." Laurance shrugged. You huffed, crossing your arms.
Incompetent little b-
"So, you just stay up here?" Laurance's stare was on your hair again, following the long locks until he reached the pile of hidden strands still in your wardrobe. He walked up to you and you stiffened, but he walked past you to trail your hair instead.
"Obviously," you snapped, as if it were common knowledge that you did. Your mother's words rang in your head. "There would be no way back up if I left."
Laurance hummed. You started running your hands through your hair as he approached the wardrobe, opening the door wider and allowing the pile of hair inside to slide out. "You got a lot of hair," he stated.
You tugged your hair closer to your body, though the action did nothing to move it further from Laurance. "How else is my mother supposed to get up here?"
Laurance lifted his head to face you, his brows raised. "Your mother climbs your hair to get up here?" You nodded. "That doesn't . . . It doesn't hurt?"
"Well, yeah. But I've gotten used to it. It doesn't hurt now as much as it did when I was little."
"People climbing your hair is a regular occurrence?"
You let out an exasperated breath. Who was this guy in thinking he could ask so many questions. "My mother's the only one."
"And you've never left this tower?"
You shook your head.
Laurance let out a low whistle.
You pressed your lips together. You knew he was judging not only your mother, but your lifestyle. Sure, it might not have been the most accepted method of protection, but up until today it had worked. You had been content to be alone in your tower your entire life. You had to be. Who was he to think he could just climb the walls and criticize the way you lived?
Laurance was looking out the window he had come in from. You opened your mouth to snap back, but Laurance started talking before you could.
"Ever consider leaving?"
His question caught you off guard. You started at him gobsmacked for a moment—as if he had just admitted a heinous secret to you—before your mind cleared enough for you to formulate an answer.
"I-I do. Yes." You paused, choosing your words. "But I'm content up here."
Laurance's lips curved into another charming smile. It practically lit up the room, and you found yourself easing once again at the sight of it.
"So you do? Do you even get fresh air up here? Have you ever felt the sun on your skin?"
You huffed. "Of course I have. That window allows me to receive what nature provides."
"But you've never really experienced any of it, have you? You've never laid out in the sun or ran in a field or-or talked to someone that isn't your mother, have you?"
You crossed your arms and looked away. "I'm talking to you right now, aren't I?"
Laurance exhaled. "That's not what I mean. I mean you don't have any friends, or acquaintances, or anyone to talk to at all. You don't get lonely up here?"
You rolled his words over in your head but didn't say anything. You refused to admit he was right. You did get lonely, and you did want to leave your tower even if it was for one day. But your mother wouldn't allow it.
Laurance's expression softened as he realized how sheltered you actually were. He looked around the tower again, taking in the hand painted details and the homemade candles and the stacks of books against the walls. He couldn't imagine living like this—stuck in an inescapable tower with nothing to do for days, years on end. No socialization, no friends, not even an animal of some kind for you to interact with.
"Alright, so clearly your mom's got a little something going on in her head." The words had you snapping your head in his direction as Laurance pointed his finger and moved it in a small circle. Your nose scrunched and you uncrossed your arms, moving to hit him, shove him, something, while you said a few choice words, but Laurance stuck his hand out and held onto your shoulder, keeping you an arm's length away. "But this is genuinely insane." He vaguely motioned to the room. "No one keeps their kid locked in a place like this. Not if they truly love them."
You huffed again, trying to push yourself forward to smack him, but his grip on your shoulder only tightened. It was clear he wasn't going to let you move.
"You don't know what you're talking about!" you yelled. "You don't know what my mother's been through or what she's trying to protect me from."
"Do you even know what she's protecting you from? Because the defenses you claim are surrounding this tower sound like battle tactics. Nothing poses that much of a threat to a place like this."
“People like you do,” you bit back. “My mother’s always warning me about you. The handsome, charming ones that can obviously get girls to smile with every word they say. She says people like you will turn their backs on those they claim to love without a second thought.”
Laurance exhaled. “Okay, so your mother met one bad person that broke her trust and ruined her life. That’s no reason to lock your daughter up forever. Not everyone is like that.”
“Well the good ones are so sparse and hard to find that there isn’t even a point in trying.”
“How would you even know that? You-” Laurance groaned, cutting himself off and taking a moment to gather his thoughts. “Listen, this is insane.” Laurance threw his arms out, motioning to the tower. “No one locks people up like this to protect them. You can’t tell me you seriously want to stay up here for the rest of your life, can you?”
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms again. “Obviously I don’t, but my mother knows best. If she says that staying up here will keep me safe and away from the people she seems unworthy, then I will stay up here.”
Laurance blew out a breath. He ran a hand through his hair and began pacing for a moment.
“Alright, listen. I know this is crazy, but you clearly don’t. And I now know that you don’t want to stay here forever. So how about this—I get you out of here. You can experience the world for just a little bit, see how people interact, see how life is supposed to be, and then you can decide if your mother truly knows what’s best for you.”
You pursed your lips. His offer was enticing. You had just spoken to your mother about this and refused you. You knew you shouldn’t go with him. Laurance was a stranger you just met. He could be a serial killer for all you knew.
But there was something in his eyes. His gorgeous blue eyes that resembled celestite held something akin to worry. He wanted you to leave, and you realized it wasn’t so he could fulfill whatever sick fantasy he might have had.
He was kind, you could tell that much. He couldn’t seem to handle the thought of anyone stuck in the same situation as you, and he wanted to help you. He needed to help you get out of this tower, even if it was only for a couple days.
You huffed. “How do you propose both of us get out of here?”
Despite himself, a faint smile graced Laurance’s features. “We could get out the way I came in.”
Laurance reached into his bag and pulled out four arrows. You found it odd, since he had no bow on him. He must have found them somewhere.
You looked down at the arrows, your gaze flicking between them and Laurance’s eyes.
“I’m not using those,” you plainly stated.
“Then use your hair. I’m sure you can double it up or something and slide down it. I’ll catch you when you reach the bottom.”
You rolled your eyes, biting your lip to hide a smile.
Nothing else was said. You watched as Laurance sauntered back to the window and kicked his legs over the edge. You stayed standing in your spot, wondering if you should really do this.
Your mother would be gone for weeks. You could afford to spend some time out. But what if something happened to you? You could be kidnapped or killed or worse.
When the top of Laurance’s head disappeared, you took that as your sign to stay behind. If he was out of sight then the whole thing was out of mind. You would never have to tell your mother about this, and maybe one day she would take you out herself.
You were just about to turn and continue mending your slipper’s when you heard his voice.
“You comin’?” he called out. You paused again. Against your better judgment, you walked to the window and peered over the edge.
Laurance wasn’t that far down the tower. He was looking down at where he placed his feet so he didn’t slip.
You looked past him, to the grassy field of flowers below him. You watched a rabbit scurry across your line of vision before it disappeared into a hole beneath a tree before taking a deep breath.
Okay, so maybe out of sight out of mind wasn’t going to work for you. That was alright. It would be just fine if you left with this man you just met, right?
Oh Divines.
You took another deep breath before tossing your hair out the window and winding it around the hook. How does this work? Do you just grab it and then scale down the tower? Do you slide down the hair? What if you got stuck?
You reached out and grabbed ahold on your hair. You tugged on it experimentally, knowing it would hurt your head more than usual since you wouldn’t be able to tug it back toward your scalp.
You slowly inhaled and exhaled again before doing the same as Laurance and kicking your feet over the windowsill.
One deep breath at a time, you gathered the courage to let yourself fall ever so slightly, yelping when you moved farther down than you intended. Your heart jumped to your throat, and it took you another moment to gather yourself and continue.
Laurance had already made it to the bottom. He now stared up at you, poised to move if your slipped and fell. He would catch you, you trusted that much.
It didn’t quell your nerves. It took another minute of deep breaths and closing your eyes before you readjusted yourself and your foot met the warm stone of your tower. You slowly moved down, grunting with the effort of quite literally holding yourself up by the head.
Laurance’s voice talked you through it as you reached closer and closer to the bottom. Your arms felt as though they would give out and your head was pounding. You thought you had good footing on the tower, but the stone was loose. It crumbled beneath your foot as you loosened your hold on your hair to move down and you went tumbling with it.
You let out a scream as you fell, though it was short lived. Laurance was beneath you in an instant, catching you in a mess of bundled fabric and tangled hair. The placement of his hands wasn’t the most appropriate, with one hand just a hair away from groping your chest and the other holding a firm grip on your hip, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to chastise him as you took a second to gather yourself again.
You gently pushed him away when your mind cleared. He set you onto your feet without complaint and waited until your breathing evened out to say anything.
When you finally looked up at him, he smiled.
“Look behind you,” he said. You did so, craning your neck up to see the window of your tower left wide open. It was much taller than you expected, and you had to turn your whole body and take a few steps back to take it all in. “You’re free. For a couple days at least.”
You didn’t let thoughts of how your mother would punish you if she found out plague you. Nor did you let yourself think about the impossible task of getting back up into the tower. You refused to fathom every terrible thing that could happen to you because you were free, albeit for a short period of time.
Your face broke into a wide smile. You tore your gaze from your tower and looked around. You had only ever seen the meadow from an aerial view. You never would have thought that it looked so beautiful seeing everything from where you stood now.
You let out a breath of disbelief, laughing as you knelt in the grass and ran your hands through the soft blades.
How did you live your entire life without this?
You didn’t comment at the sound of Laurance’s footsteps behind you. You just relished in the sound his boots made against the gravel and dirt, an odd sound to love but one you never think you’ll tire of hearing.
You look up at him, bright smile and all.
“What?” you asked, noticing his expression. It seemed content. There was the faintest of smiles on his lips and his eyes were sparkling like the water in the creek across the field.
Laurance shook his head. “Nothing. Just glad I could help.”
If it was possible, your smile would have widened. You pushed yourself back to your feet, rubbing your scalp to loosen the tension as you looked around again.
“So where are we going?” you asked.
“Well, I need to find my lord and the other guards I accompanied,” Laurance said. You turned to him, still running your hands through your hair. “You’re free to join me, if you’d like, or we can go our separate ways. The choice is yours, beautiful.”
That time, you allowed yourself to soften your smile as you gazed at him. “I think I will.”
Looking at him now, with the sun shining against his hair and reflecting off his eyes like they were the rarest crystals, you thought he was handsome. Unbearably so. The corners of his eyes turned up and his face looked as though it would fit in your hands perfectly. His nose had a prominent bump on the bridge that he might have been conscious of at one point, but it now suited him.
You shook yourself of those thoughts, but as you trailed behind him, following him out of the solitude you had known your whole life, you couldn’t help but think that this was the start of your love story.
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was this accurate to his character? maybe. i’m not sure since i’m still getting back into the fandom but I hope y’all enjoyed 💙
will this have a part 2? maybe. if y’all want one then let me know. either way i’m probably gonna write a part two but for now it will remain a one shot
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hopepaigeturner · 3 months
Hope's Review of S3: Polin
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Right...let the main show begin!
Note: These are my opinions, that does not make them right, nor am I posturing that they are the only opinion. Very up for discussion with y’all as long as it’s respectful.
Note: I do not stand for hate against any actors/actresses or writers. Please, please, do not send hate to them.
As I said in my past post:
I loved moments, far more than the writing.
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Nicola Coughlan did so well this season as the lead. 10/10 acting from her. A great female lead who carried a lot of scenes. Also the representation of a plus size girl in the sex scenes was so good.
Penelope’s looks beautifully represented her journey—e.g. her hair, the colours of her dresses.
Penelope’s character arc and growth were the best part of the season hands down. The journey of her confidence so she could face her past, expose herself, step into the light was probs the best writing.
Portia and Penelope storyline. I liked that Portia came to understand her neglect and Penelope understood the similarities between them. I was worried in pt1 that they wouldn’t be able to do this, but thankfully they did.
Penelope and Eloise. Oooh, I loved the slow burn. I liked that it was obvious the longing between the pair of them, so I had no doubt that Eloise would reunite with Pen. I liked the parallel that Colin reconciled with Pen through reading her letters, and Eloise reconciled after reading Old Whistledowns. I also liked that Eloise did apologise to Pen. But whether Pen truly apologised back…a little murkier.
Penelope and Whistledown. I’m a bit mixed about this. I was glad that Pen took some accountability and received some heat from her actions. I am glad that we were shown that Penelope was starting to use her pen to ‘give voice to the voiceless’. I’m not sure a couple speeches really showed true remorse, I've had chats with others and rewatching the scenes she apologises but then counterargues it/justifies it. And the writers definitely shied away from some of the more pricklier parts of Whistledown. But I knew they were going to do that so 🤷🏻‍♀️
The whole Whistledown has always been a bit dodgy for me. Yes, in a patriarchal system, it is a woman making a successful business. But it is also profiting off the misfortune of others, and Penelope has not been kind. It’s not exactly #feminism. @dollypopup has a really good post here about Whistledown being all of Pen's worst qualities and she also has a really good resolution to this.
The decision to have Pen, not Colin, make the plan/decision to reveal Whistledown was a change I welcomed. It allowed Pen to have her moment and take control of her actions.
The decision to keep Whistledown…I’m wondering where the writers will take this going forward for there will be a lot more complications now. Will they show hostility? Will they brush it under the carpet? Will people be ‘fake friends’ to Pen?
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Same thing again, I loved moments but I was less impressed with the couple’s general arc.
The softness and giggles, and laughter between the two was so sweet to see. I was quite sold on the friendship aspect.
The mirror scene!! Need I say more?
I liked that amongst the Whistledown drama there was never the question about whether the two loved each other. It was never used to heighten stakes. However, the fact that Penelope literally just shouted ‘I love you’ in the face of Colin’s accusations on the street—and that was able to quell the ire in the moment didn’t do it for me.
The violin covers we got? Yellow, You Belong With Me, pov?? LOVED IT.
The wedding scene. Pen’s initial hesitation before Colin nods and encourages her. How they shot the vows. Penelope’s wedding dress. The holding hands. I found it really sweet and romantic.
All their dances? The fact that they love dancing together--swoon
But the writing…
I did like the progression of their friendship to lovers in part 1. I liked the lessons part, as it was basically Colin hyping Pen up, rather than Colin tutoring Pen as I first feared.
But in Part 2, Polin were a little sidelined? I felt that even though Whistledown was hanging over them in the latter part of the season, that the pair spent a lot of time apart. I think it didn't help that the subplots meant we literally had to wait long periods of time before we returned to them.
I’ve been hearing rumours about a lot of scenes, especially steamy scenes, being cut which makes sense because from the amount Nicola and Luke were talking about it I was expecting more. Then again, the ones we got were definitely…spicy. But also, in all honesty, if a production is running short for time and needs to make cuts, the first thing to go will be steamy scenes over dialogue/character scenes. Even if this is Boinkerton.
I cannot believe they cut out Colin's love speech from the book. Like, the classic Bridgerton love speech? His Bridgerton love speech? While I did like the one in the show, they could have easily added the other speech as the sentiment is exactly the same.
But I think the biggest problem with Polin was…
Colin’s lack of character exploration.
So, on we go to the equally most important character this season, even if he felt like the fourth or fifth.
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This is my biggest annoyance. We get all this complexity from Penelope, the journey of self-love and confidence, coming to terms with the past (although not as much as I would have liked). And also, all the development/healing with her family and Eloise. But we barely get anything from Colin.
And yes, this is a romance show that is geared towards women and a wish for complex female characters. But gosh darn it, you need your male romantic lead to be interesting too!!! He’s the main plot of the season!!
We had all this talk about him putting on a mask and needing to just be himself, we had Pen talking about his sensitivity, we had this interesting concept of jealousy around his writing. And yeah, we got a bit of exploration, (more talk rather than showing), but he did not get nearly enough screentime to explore these things in depth. And that’s so annoying. Just because he’s the guy doesn’t mean he shouldn't get a meaningful arc. I also think that is why Polin flagged for me in the second half, because you had a really developed individual and a half-baked one.
When Colin gets to the conclusion about his purpose being Penelope, we only got one prior scene of him on his own to show that he came to that conclusion. Only one?!?!? Why didn't we have a full scene of Penelope exploring with Colin why he was jealous? Or why he felt the need to put up a front? Or why he feels that he must prove himself to be worthy of her?
He's one of the main leads!!!
However, once again I did love moments:
I liked that Colin didn’t beat around the bush. Once he realised he loved Penelope he went straight for it and didn’t dawdle unlike other Bridgerton boys.
I liked that Colin cried at the Whistledown reveal. Also, the whole thing about him being sensitive. I really like that in a show that has a lot of classic masculine tropes they went with that direction. (Even if they didn’t execute it well).
I LOVED Colin putting Portia in her place. YAAAAS.
I really liked that Colin didn’t have to do a big act of love to be worthy of Pen’s love. A lot of traditional male love interests (I’m looking at you Disney Princes) must slay the dragon or swoop in with a grand gesture to be ‘worthy’ of love. I liked that Colin just needed to be himself. I found that refreshing for a male character. Although again, this could have been explored better.
I liked that through reading letters, Colin found a way to reconcile with Penelope, just as Eloise found reconciliation with Penelope through reading Old Whistledowns.
Alas, the ghost of my English lit degree comes to haunt my brain once again.
Let me know what you guys think!
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prolestariwrites · 10 months
Fandom: Love Between Fairy and Devil
Tags: Romance, Comedy, Fate, Soul mates
Pairings: Dongfang Qingcang/Orchid (main), Shangque/Jieli
Characters: Dongfang Qingcang, Orchid/Xiyun, Shangque, Jieli, Changheng, Xunfeng
Rating: T: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: None
Summary: After Dongfang receives a warning for changing fate, he doesn't think much of it until he finds himself in a world where the Cangyan Sea and Shuiyutian are ruled by Xishan. Here, hellfire is just a long-forgotten legend, and as a royal Dongfang must submit to harsh treatment. His beloved Orchid is the goddess Xiyun, a ruler who is cold and unforgiving towards the Moon people.
Meanwhile, the Moon Supreme has changed into a Dongfang his family and friends do not recognize. Now timid and soft-spoken, Orchid and Shangque work together to find out what is behind the sudden change in his personality. It soon becomes clear he is Dongfang—but not their Dongfang.
As Orchid and Shangque attempt to find a way to bring their Dongfang back, they also need to keep the switch a secret: which also means passing off the gentle version as their bold and decisive king. At the same time, Dongfang wrestles with the drive to free his people and put Xishan in its place. But he also needs the goddess to get back home, something that may be impossible to get if he returns to his old self.
Note: Here is my submission for the LBFAD Mini-Bang! This story has gone through multiple versions and I must thank my partner @crisdrawsandcries for being so patient through the rewrites. Please go check out the amazing artwork that they did for this fic! I'm so grateful for all your hard work!
Below is the first chapter, and I'll be posting a new one every day through the mini-bang. You can also find the story over on AO3. Please enjoy!
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓞𝓷𝓮
Hundreds of people mill about on the palace grounds, the doors open to celebrate the Harvest Moon festival. It is a holiday in the autumn on the night the moon appears largest and brightest in the sky, a week full of parties and fun for the tribe. Children run around with sparklers and treats sold from carts that line the square, while the adults share a drink or several of warm spice wine and buy trinkets for their special someone. Flags hang in decoration while the orange glow from the lamps give a warm feeling to the atmosphere. It is one of the best times of the year, the festival having a resurgence now that the clan is whole and the Moon Supreme has returned to his throne. He has vowed to return the old traditions to the clan, and worked to make this year’s festival the largest in history.
The Moon Supreme walks through the first day of the festival with his queen, happily watching Orchid exclaim over the decorations and costumes as she pulls him from vendor to vendor to sample everything. People call out their greetings to the royal couple as they walk by, and Dongfang nods in response, keeping his expression cool to hide his own excitement.
“Look!” Orchid lets go of his arm to stand in front of a stall selling mooncakes, fresh from the oven and glistening with sweet butter. 
“Good evening, Your Grace,” the vendor says with a bow. “How many would you like?”
“I’ll take two. No, three. How many do you want?” she asks, turning to Dongfang.
His mouth curls into a half smile. “We’ll just take all of them.”
“Oh! Yes! Right away!” 
The vendor busies himself packing up the four dozen or so cakes that are ready, and Orchid takes his hand. “What will we do with so much?” she laughs.
Dongfang shrugs. “Give them away, I suppose.” He signals one of the four guardsmen that are with them and instructs him to pay. “Have these given to whoever is on duty tonight,” he says.
Orchid picks one for herself and the rest go into several boxes that are taken back to the palace. “Do you want to try?” she asks through the first bite.
“No,” he replies. “I'd rather watch you.”
Orchid makes a pout and he chuckles in response. They continue their walk through the square to look at more tables of goods. A short while later they stop so Orchid can play a ring toss game, and Dongfang looks on with a smile, his arms folded.
Contentment settles on him like a warm blanket. After all the trials they had been through, the danger of war and pain of losing each other not once but twice, it is times like these that he feels most at peace: simple moments in which Orchid is happy, when they can be just a couple and not one of their many roles.
She is pouting again when she rejoins his side. “That game is nearly impossible,” she complains. “It's a wonder that anyone has won a prize.”
“Is he cheating?” Dongfang frowns. “If so, he must meet justice.”
“No! Nothing like that,” she quickly says, grabbing his arm. “I'm just not very good at it, that's all.”
“Well what is the prize? I can just buy you one,” he huffs.
Orchid rolls her eyes. ”That's not the point, blockhead. Let's keep going.“
The next stall that makes them pause is selling jewelry of different kinds. ”I should get you a new chain,“ Orchid murmurs as she starts peering through the selection.
Dongfang presses two fingers to the pendant shaped like an orchid that hangs around his neck. It is imbued with the goddess' magic, and similar to the way the Bone Orchid protects her with his power, the pendant protects him in turn. ”Why?“ he asks. ”It's perfectly fine.“
”I think a thinner chain would look nice.“ She takes one and holds it up, modeling it against his chest. ”See?“
”But that means I'd have to take it off.“
”Just for a minute,“ she replies.
”Even that is too long,“ Dongfang frowns. ”In the years since you've given it to me, I've never taken it off, not once.“
Orchid grins up at him. ”Even more reason to make sure it has a proper chain.“ She turns back to the vendor and says, ”We'll take this one.“
Dongfang laughs to himself as the man exclaims over the queen's excellent taste, turning around to observe the crowd. Some are watching them curiously but most are busy enjoying the festivities, the atmosphere warm and merry. He suddenly feels eyes watching him, so he quickly scans until his gaze falls on an old woman off to the side, sitting at a small booth that has seen better days.
With a glance to confirm Orchid is still shopping, he walks over to the woman with some interest. There are no wares on her cart, and she sits on a cushion on the ground covered in several shawls. Her face lifts as he approaches and Dongfang realizes she is blind in one eye. “Were you watching me, madam?” he asks.
“My lord,” she replies. “You and the queen are so happy, I could not help myself.”
“Thank you.” Dongfang gives another glance towards Orchid before continuing, “Do you have anything for sale that I could give the queen as a gift?”
“Nothing like that. I sell fortunes.”
He raises a brow. “Fortunes?”
“I can read the fates. Shall I read yours, my lord?”
In truth, Dongfang has had enough of fate for one lifetime, but he pities the old woman so he takes a seat on an opposite cushion. “Go on,” he says. 
She tilts her head before pulling a small bag from her cloak. It makes a clattering sound when she shakes it, and he learns that it contains coins when she dumps it out on the blanket between them. “Fortune and long life,” she says.
He examines their strange markings before chuckling. “I wouldn’t expect any less.” He reaches into his own robes for his purse, shaking out a few of his own coins. “How much do I owe you?”
“No need,” she says. She puts her hand out, and he slips three gold into her palm; but the second they make contact she jerks back. “My lord!” she hisses. “What have you done?”
“Please, take the money—”
“Your life line. It’s been altered.” Her eyes narrow as she drags her fingers along his palm. “You have changed fate, haven’t you?”
Dongfang swallows thickly. “My business is my own.”
“Those who change fate must pay a price,” she warns. “You cannot know the ripple effect such acts will have on the universe. It will come for you in the end.”
Her words leave him unnerved, but he hides it with a harsh laugh. “Your fortunes may scare the young lovers, madam, but I think I will sleep easy tonight if it’s all the same to you.” He gives her another coin before standing and heading back to find Orchid at the stall.
“Are you alright?” she laughs when he returns to her side. She reaches up and presses her fingers to his chin. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“It’s nothing,” he assures her, and together they continue through the festival.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Dongfang has strange dreams that night, and when he wakes he reaches for Orchid, wanting her warm presence next to him to chase the last of it away. But when he reaches out, she is gone, and he opens his eyes blearily to see how far away she is on the bed.
Only the bed is not the bed—not his bed, anyway, and Dongfang bolts upright. He looks around in alarm: instead of the large four poster with rich fabrics and thick pillows, luxurious drapes, intricate carpet, and the window open for the sunrise, the room is dim and small, its simple decor more that of a poor villager. The bed is made of straw instead of down and the blanket is thin and threadbare. No lanterns hang from the ceiling and no light washes in from the balcony. It is a simple hut with one window and door, and it is that door that bursts open a moment later.
“Brother!” His younger brother Xunfeng hurries inside. “Quick. The queen has sent the black dragon.”
“Hurry! We need to stop him.” Xunfeng flings open a chest and pulls out a crude-looking sword, one that Dongfang knows he would not be caught dead using. “They are here to steal more people to work at the palace, I know it. Together we can make a stand.”
Dongfang frowns as he watches Xunfeng slip on the scabbard. “What do you mean? Where is Orchid? Where am I?”
Xunfeng shoots him a withered look. “Don't talk nonsense. Shake off whatever dream you were having and hurry! The dragon will be here soon!”
“What dragon—?” But his question goes unanswered as Xunfeng hurries out of the hut again, the door banging against the wall.
Quickly Dongfang slides from the bed and heads outside. He winces at the sudden sunlight, and when he gets a chill he looks down. Instead of his royal robes he is wearing a simple tunic and trousers, not even a cloak to keep off the morning dampness. “What is happening?” he asks out loud.
“Brother! This way!”
More huts sit nearly on top of each other, and the villagers hurry to run inside and hide. Women clutch their children tight as the men grab pitchforks and knives to stand guard at the door. Several yards away, Xunfeng is organizing a small group into a defensive stance. Wanting answers, Dongfang pushes through the panicking crowd until he reaches his brother.
“You will answer me,” he growls, grabbing Xunfeng's shoulder. He turns him, ignoring his protest, but before he can answer there is a familiar roar above them that shakes the trees.
Dongfang looks up to see Shangque in his dragon form flying above them. The people around them scream in fright as they run, and Dongfang frowns in confusion. Shangque was never someone the Moon tribe feared, and they had all seen this form many times before. Unless that isn't Shangque, but who else would it be?
“Shangque!” Dongfang shouts. He waves an arm to get his attention, and sure enough the dragon rears back, its eyes focusing on him. “Enough! You're scaring them!”
“What are you doing?” Xunfeng hisses. He grabs his arm to yank it down and pull him away. “You'll be taken!”
“Taken where? Where is this? Why is everyone afraid?” Xunfeng isn't paying attention, so Dongfang does something very un-royal-like: he stomps his foot. “I demand answers!”
“What is wrong with you?“ Xunfeng snaps. ”You know the Black Dragon is dangerous. He's come to take away more of the Moon tribe.“
”Take them where?“
Just then the dragon lands, two huts going over with the force of the wind that escapes below him. There is more screaming as the last of the people run. Then a flash of light has Dongfang seeing spots for a moment as Shangque transitions back into human form.
”What is the meaning of this?“ he demands, stalking over to Shangque. ”You only take that form when commanded! Why would—”
Shangque grabs his arm and twists, forcing Dongfang to one knee with his wrist trapped against his back. “Unhand me!” he shouts. “You dare touch the Moon Supreme!”
“Moon Supreme?” Shangque asks curiously.
Xunfeng hurries forward. “Pardon my brother, he's not of sound mind. Please let me take him home—”
“Anyone who claims that title must be brought before the queen,” Shangque says. “No exceptions.”
The queen? “You mean Orchid? Where is she?” Dongfang demands.
“Keep quiet. You are under arrest.”
“Wait!” Dongfang strains to look at Xunfeng. “Where is Orchid?”
“Who's Orchid?” Xunfeng replies.
Something turns in his stomach as Shangque yanks him to hi feet. Anger suddenly boils and he reaches into his strength to find his Glazed Fire, deciding to teach his lieutenant a much-needed lesson. But there is no magic there, just the faintest trace, and as he flexes his fingers to make anything appear, even Hellfire, nothing happens.
“The goddess will decide your fate,” Shangque says.
“The goddess Xiyun?” Dongfang growls. “That is my wife, Orchid, the queen of the Moon Kingdom.”
Shangque gives a huff. “You speak very familiar about the goddess for a disgusting member of the Moon tribe. She'll want a word with you for sure.“
”Good,“ he says. ”I need a word with her as well.“ He turns to Xunfeng, who is watching with a panicked expression. ”I'll be back shortly once I get this sorted out. I think there is something wrong with Shangque. Make sure no one's been injured.“
”What?“ Xunfeng asks in a shaking voice. ”What's happened to you?“
”What do you mean?“
”Let's go, little Moon Supreme,“ Shangque says. He gives a laugh before there is another flash of light and the dragon returns. He picks up Dongfang to set him on his neck and takes off into the air, ignoring Dongfang's shouts as he tries not to fall off.
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disfrutalakia · 1 year
Biter anon back! For the last time of the week! Yes, it is Sunday, it is the curse of ao3 authors and I didn't even post shit.
Anyway, I bring today not dark 4halo, but 4ever stonkcraft trivia and themes because I somehow watched all the two seasons between the kia post about it and now! And gods... now I understand him more somehow??? Even if his character isn't directly tied to that one but still make my brain worms wiggle.
Because! 4ever themes in both seasons is fucking, rats. He literally picked the focus on the rat mod in the second one lmao, but also funny thing, he calls it rat, but he had a pet Tasmanian devil!(can you imagine him saying that he already dealt with demons before to bad and he gets his rackles raised because what the hell no you deal only with mE-) he also tried to make it the mayor. It did not work but it was funny to watch.
He did at one time sell everything he owned including the love pairing shirt which fuck God he has a historic with messy breakups. Including bribing the guy, brumin didn't accept of course but like... God's the precedent setting.
Surprisingly for me, but forever is as much as bird coded as grian in the first stonkcraft! With the flying around, nesting, attracting macaws and whatnot, makes my brain wiggles and think about griffs and whatnot kk.
Talking about hermitcraft. My dude really gone to doc build with cyborg mods, which I'm now headcannoing that he covered the scars of that adventure with tattoos on his arm and should and belly and gut, what is the themes of the tattoos? I'll get to you if my brain isn't mush.
Also fun fact, he also had an history of fucking hidden warpstones in loved one bases, brummin is suffering the first season with that and the motorcycle kkkk
Also fucking, head in HANDS both seasons 4ever involved himself so much with elections and who is in charge, he also made a voting system in first season... it didn't cause one discord and you could walk back the votes you got, how this is better than that time in qsmp. HOW-
And it is in season two that he goes deeper into character things, and God's the choice of making his character have so many anger issues is mwau! Adore it I want more more more, my guy literally sold his body and blood to brummin to get stronger for a fight over stealing things kkkkkkkkk
And his fucking determination and Lazer focus to get stronger, to get back, to bite back onto the hand that hits, adore it adore it, he is such a fucking fucked up guy, his home was destroyed and he decided to never be normal about anything again.
Also the fucking kidnapping is much more fucked up than I thought???? 4ever pretended to be afk for a whole irl day, can you imagine that in minecraft realism terms. 4ever playing statue as a revolution mocked him and brummin biting him until agony was what his blood was, and doing all of that knowing he was "standing sleeping"? Sooooo fucked my cubito must have the most twisted sense of boundaries ever kkk.
Also yeah, 4ever planted bombs all over the server and made it a bit to threaten people with nuclear fallout, no biggy and all, and his ending did show him going to the moon to save his first pet rat, I choose to believe he did activate all of them in canon and taking that qsmp is mostly directly after stonkscraft that is part his whole complex of seeing himself as a monster and better be shot down and binded than be let rampage free <3333
Thanks for hearing my 4ever ramblings, goodnight until the next week!
Biter Anon!!!
If I tell you that to this day I haven't watched stonkscraft would you believe me? Would I be a fake Forever fan lmao
But also, I'm almost sure he confirmed that his character backstory is tied to both stonkscraft and Forever mapa. So you can get so so much stuff to analyze his character from there.
God maybe that's what I should do on this one month he will be away, binge watch stonks craft so I can truly study him with a microscope.
I love all the trivia you got from it, and yeah his past experiece in there with politics, revolution and violence defintely explains A LOT of his qsmp character.
Biter anon you remain the best one out of all of us. Have a goodnight see you next week <3
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hoshi-y · 2 years
Genre : Lime
Character : Yugi Amane
Reader Pronouns : She/Her
TW : Heated Content
A/N : This was actually requested by @under-the-cherrytree but my dumbass accidentally posted it undone and panicked and deleted it
I'm still new to writing Lime so please bear with me lol, Anyways I hope you enjoy
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You taste sweet..
You and Amane have been together for amonth and a half now
and him being your boyfriend was just the best thing that had happened to you
He spoils you ROTTEN
Not only that, when you introduced him to your parents they immediately SOLD YOU TO HIM
jk they approved as long as both of you do good in your studies
You haven't met his parents yet as they were really busy with work
Eh, You haven't gotten the chance to talk to his younger twin too, just like Amane he participated in a sports team
But he has told them about you!
Afterschool today, Amane asked if you would want to go his house afterschool
Flustered, you said yes, thinking you will finally get to meet his parents
But he has other plans
He knows his Parents and Tsukasa were away to go to a Sports competition his brother joined
So he knows he brought you over no one was home, It was just You and Him
but of course there is no such thing as premium alone time, His parents and Tsukasa came in the last second
"WAAHHH AMANE AMANE LOOK AT THE TROPHY I WON" Tsukasa shouted happily as he waved it around "Dear don't wave it around you might drop it" His Mom, Ayumi said as she took of her shoes
Tsukino, Amane's dad also took off his shoes and was about to put it on the rack but noticed another pair "Oh? Amane has company over" He sat down on the couch
Ayumi took of her earrings and placed it on a jewelry plate "He does?" Right on time, Amane went downstairs to greet his parents "Amane do you have company over?"
"Ooooo~ Is it a girl?~" Tsukasa Teased "It is a girl actually, Mom, Dad, Remember.. my girlfriend I keep telling you about?"
"WHAT Your girlfriend is here?! do you have no shame the house is in complete chaos and I think I saw your bed not done!!" Tsukasa scolded his older Brother as their parents laugh
You on the other hand were at just standing at the stair case listening to their conversation "Well is she here? I would love to meet her!" Ayumi said as she clasps her hands together, Amane went over to you and held your hand "Well.. You heard them, They want to meet you.." You nodded as you followed him downstairs
Your heart was beating like crazy
Like Flash crazy
They invited you to stay over for their celebratory dinner for Tsukasa's win
and of course you happily accepted it
You helped out with cooking and preparing the table
Surprisingly, They loved you and approved of you aswell!
You even got along with Tsukasa as well
Spent most of your time baking or talking with his parents or playing video games with Tsukasa
Amane sulked aa he watched you have your full attention on his parents and younger twin brother
he thought that maybe you know, you guys could do something much more
After what seemed like hours he finally excused you from his parents and led you upstairs to his room
Tsukasa heard the two of you go up the stairs "Don't get too wonky up there you two" He snickered as his eyes were glued to the TV playing video games, The tips of Amanes ears went red and closed his door
You on the other hand was looking around his room, He had alot of cool stuff in there, Your surprised he didn't have any magazines laying around—
You felt a pair of arms hug you from behind "[F/N]..." he sulked as he placed his chin on your shoulder, You turn your head the tip your noses slightly touching "What is it, Amane?" You asked
He doesn't answer as he dug his face on your back "Is it because I didn't pay much attention to you earlier?" You giggled a little "I'm sorry... Your parents must really like me then"
"They really do.. you went from calling tem by their last names to Mom and Dad.." He smiled to himself as your relationship was finally approved by both of your parents
"I want to be spoiled.." You ask shyly, he chuckled and dragged you to his bed "Aren't you adorable.." He kissed your cheek making you blush "I'll be doing something more than just spoiling you.." He said as he leaned closer to you ear "A-amane wait I'm sensitive there.." You put your hands on his chest
"Before I do anything.. I want your consent of course.. If you want me to stop I'll stop, Okay? I love you too much, I'd hate to do something you don't want me to.. " You were in awe, you really loved this boy, he would go out of his way to ask your consent first before doing anything
Kissing his cheek and nodding your head, He gently captured your lips into a kiss, He laid you down as he hovered ontop of you deepening it
You ran your hands thru his choppy hair as he held you tenderly, The sounds of kissing was the only thing the two of you hear in his quiet and cozy bedroom, He pulled away and made his way down your neck and started giving small pecks
You were trying not to make a sound as his parents and younger brother were downstairs, and might hear you, You accidentally mewled when he found your sweet spot and you immediately slap your hand on your mouth
"My~ Aren't you vocal My love..~" He chuckled as he sucked and bit your sweet spot, You were panting heavily not wanting to make a single sound, but your voice failed you and started releasing shy and innocent moans which only encouraged him to do more
"A-amane.." He continued to bite and suck your neck leaving hickeys behind, He went down to your collarbone and made even more hickeys, He pulled away and admired his work, your neck and collarbone was full of hickeys
Leaning down he kissed you again not getting tired of your soft lips, He licked your bottom lip for permission and you obliged, you two were fighting for dominance but of course he won, He explored every area of that pretty mouth of yours not leaving anything untouched
"Amane.. D-dont stop.." You said in between, He obeyed and deepened the kiss ".. as you wish.."
Your mewls and how you called his name just made him ecstatic, Because he knows you only make these sounds because of him and only him, The two of you pulled away from each otheres lips breathing heavily, a string of saliva connected to each others tongues
He sat you on his lap as he slowly placed his hand on your thigh giving it a ligth squeeze, holding your cheek with his free hand to bring you back in for a kiss
"I love you.. [F/N].." He breathed out
"I love you too Amane, to the moon and back.."
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when he asks for consent >>>>>
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damonjuicyscock · 2 years
Playlist-Chapter 3- How Soon is Now ?(90's Noel Gallagher X Reader)
Pairing: 90's Noel Gallagher X Reader (YES IT IS)
Warnings: language, domestic violence ( Abusive words, Y/N being beaten by a new character popping in the story, if you are a victim, if ever suspect someone being a victim or witnesses a domestic violent scene, call the number dedicated to the topic in your country, it's really important to help each other guys), maybe a few spelling mistakes.
Words: 1759
Summary: This is 1991. Noel comes back from the Inspiral Carpets tour, everything has changed, especially your life and your relationship...
A/N: Hey I'm back ! Hope you're all doing well ! This chapter and the next one will be important because it's talking about something I'm fighting against which are the domestic violences. Yeah, I'm myself a woman, I'm a feminist, and I'm someone who wants love for everyone. So don't forget my friends like I precised in the warnings to call the number If you are a victim, if you suspect someone of being a victim or if you suspect a scene, call your country's number because no, this kind of things aren't normal and no, you don't deserve it. What you deserve is peace, happiness and love. I hope you'll like it though.
Enjoy !
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“There's a club if you'd like to go You could meet somebody who really loves you So you go and you stand on your own And you leave on your own And you go home and you cry And you want to die
When you say it's gonna happen now When exactly do you mean? See I've already waited too long And all my hope is gone”
In 1988, Noel and I had been dating for 4 years. We were happy and we had an apartment together. At first, Noel had been living in different bedsits across Manchester before earning enough money so we could live together.
Noel had a dream, that I hoped I could share with him. He wanted to live from his music and I hoped he could. Mine was simple, I just wanted to live a happy life with the man I loved. But I had an important role to play in the company I was working for.
I was working for a publishing house, being in charge of promoting the books.
We had adopted a black cat we had called Ringo, for Ringo Starr but I think you understood.
But the day he met the Inspiral carpets in person, I knew we were doomed. And I didn’t want to admit it.
When he left to be a roadie, we still were together.
He called every evening, then the times when we started arguing came and he stopped calling. And he never called back.
That’s how the story ends.
Just joking.
He never called back, but our story didn’t end like that. I gave his stuff back to Peggy. I was broken-hearted. But Liam cheered me up a bit during a few months. Then I met Kenneth. He was a funny and charming guy, lovely. At least, in the beginning.
I sold mine and Noel’s apartment and went living with my new boyfriend when the time came.
And in 1991, he came back like nothing, knocking at our door.
When I opened, I was stunned.
August 1991:
Hey darling!
Deep down, I was happy to see him, so I ran in his arms, holding him tight. I missed him so much. And I still loved him so much. But all of this was over. I was with Kenneth now.
How did you know where I live?
Liam told me. Apparently, ye two became buddies.
Yeah we did!
Y/N, love, who’s this?
I gulped loudly, and my boyfriend appeared behind me.
Kenny, this is Noel, my long-time friend.
Hi man, nice to meet ye! He said, holding out his hand to him
Noel, this is Kenneth, my…
Boyfriend. Yes I know. He interrupted me, looking at me, hurt
Come on, get in, I’ll make us a brew! I added
Noel entered and sat on a chair in the kitchen while I was preparing tea.
How are ye Y/N? He asked
I’m fine, I still have my good job. And I’m happy! What about you? How was tour?
I had fun! But fer them I was just a roadie ye know?
Sad to hear that. But at least you have gained some experience !
Yeah. Now I know what it’s like to be on tour.
And so… do you have someone in your life?
No. Not since ye.
Shh, Kenneth mustn’t know. I whispered
Why? He said approaching his face from mine
He just mustn’t. That’s all.
Suddenly, we heard meowing.
Oh, look who’s there!
Noel took the cat in his arms. He might have recognized him. He started petting the purring creature, who was closing in eyes and falling asleep in his arms.
Kenneth joined us in the kitchen.
Well well, Ringo is not normally so familiar with strangers! He said
Oh but Noel knows Ringo and Ringo knows him. He likes Noel a lot.
It’s been a few months ye’ve been here with him and I still can’t approach him. He said, irritated
He will eventually Kenny, give him some time! I answered
Yeah. He answered throwing me a dark look
Oh Y/N, ye know what? Noel asked
No, tell me!
Liam is in a band!
I already know that. We’re buddies, remember? I’ve been going to rehearsals.
Oh yeah?
Yeah, and they’re good!
When did ye have time to go to the rehearsals? Kenneth asked
During lunch time and sometimes after work.
Instead of eating with me or coming back home ?
Kenny, you’re a 45 minute walk from my work, I have no time, I would be late.
And they’re giving a gig in a few days! Noel pursued
I know that as well Noely and I’m going!
Yer going? Kenneth asked
W-We… We’re going. I answered stammering
Strange… I didn’t know about this gig. Thanks for letting me know Y/N. He answered
Oh fuck, I knew what would happen right after Noel would be gone. I sent him a “help me” look that he didn’t get and instead, smiled awkwardly.
He stood with us like an hour before leaving, not even doubting what would happen right after.
August 14th 1991- The Boardwalk
I had put an entire punk look except for my haircut. It reminded me of my teenage years that weren’t so far, with Noel. And I also wanted to look good for him. To hear him say one more time that I was beautiful.
I covered my clothes with a long leather trench coat so my boyfriend wouldn’t say anything. He seemed to have doubts when on the road to the club, but no words were exchanged about that.
Hr stopped me in front of the club before going to park his car.
When I arrived, I gave my jacket to the person in charge of the changing rooms.
I looked for Noel in the room and finally spotted him, after 5 minutes looking for him. He was at the bar, ordering beers.
Hi handsome! I said
Hi Y/N ! You’re… You’re stunning, as always.
Thank you Noely.
Where is Kenneth?
Oh, he’s parking the car.
Okay. Beer?
He ordered another beer for me, and Kenneth arrived.
I knew it. He said
Knew what?
I was sure ye were hiding something Y/N.
I whitened.
You like it? I said trying, so no one would guess I was going to have a hard time
Yeah, quite. He answered dryly
Beer Kenny? Noel asked
Kenneth, and no thank ye. Gonna find meself a seat. I’ll be waiting fer ye Y/N.
I maybe should have listened to him when he said this. Or not. Well, maybe it would have least saved me the rest.
I spent the evening dancing, laughing, have a chat spending time with Noel and encouraging Oasis.
I’m definitely becoming a part of Oasis. Noel shouted so I could hear him
I’m glad you like what they do! I helped them a little bit for the lyrics.
Maybe ye have some song writing skills after all!
Oh don’t be fucking ridiculous! I laughed, squeezing his arm
Kenneth lost his temper. He came towards us with a quick pace.
Y/N, may I have a word ?
I looked at Noel, desperately looking for help, and I think he got it this time, but had doubts, just like I did in the past.
But I followed Kenneth to the loo, and I shouldn’t have.
What do ye think yer doing?
I’m having fun! Come on, I’m sure that if you stood up you would too!
Is that what yer up to? This music for savaged and dressing like a filthy whore ?
I was stunned.
Yeah, I used to listen  to this kind of music and you’re unfair.  I said, starting to leave
Kenneth grabbed my arm tightly, squeezing it to the point of hurting me.
Hey, where do ye think yer going? We’re not done!
Well I am! Let go of me you’re hurting me!
Ye stay here! So yer a whore then? He yelled at me
Let go of me! I’m not a whore!
Yes ye are! he shouted
You’re fucking hurting me Kenneth!
Ye like this music for savages.
That’s who I am! I yelled at him
He slapped me with his full hand, and I screamed when he did it.
Don’t ye fucking answer to me like that ! Ye are whatever I say ye are. Understood? Now go say goodbye to Noel. We’re going home. Ye had too much fun, the party’s over.
I had no other choice. I wasn’t free of my own movements.
I headed out the loo and went towards Noel with tears threatening to spill from my eyes.
Ah, here ye are, come on, we’ll have another beer!
I can’t I… I gotta go Noel. I said, my voice trembling
Hey, are ye okay?
Y-Yeah, I’m fine, just tired that’s all. We’ll see each other another time, we… we’ll go out for a brew or summat.
Kenneth was watching me, waiting. And I couldn’t let him wait or it would get worse once we would be home.
Ye sure ye okay love?
Damn, he hadn’t called me like that for ages.
Yes I swear! I’m just tired.
Okay then, rest well.
Yes, Kenneth was beating me. I was his thing. His toy to play with. And I was so fucking scared of him. He threatened me that if one day I would try to leave him he would kill me without hesitation. And I was scared he would do it.
He was always there. He was accompanying me to work in the morning and came to pick me up in the evening. I couldn’t escape. I didn’t know how to act, what to do or say. I was his hostage. And I was a fucking idiot for not clearly telling Noel “Hey, this bastard is beating me, help me please”. I hoped someone would finally see it. I hoped someone would help me. I hoped Noel would help me. I hoped Noel would save me.
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sparklyfaerie · 1 year
So I finally finished The Burning Shores. I liked the plotline, the villain was great, and there were some genuine high points.
I do have some thoughts though.
Spoilers under the cut.
The main plot was fantastic! A great exploration of how sick and twisted these egomaniacal psychopaths could become given enough time and resources. Londra genuinely made my skin crawl when I realised what he was after, and watching all those poor Quen he manipulated into his little cult was disturbing.
Seyka is a fantastic character. To me, she feels like what Aloy would have been if she'd been raised by the Nora tribe; headstrong, clever, compassionate, and proud of her tribe. There are parallels between the Quen and the Nora, even: Seyka's "I am of the Chosen People" line made me think of the Nora and their insular nature.
For me, the biggest problem with the DLC was the romantic subplot. It genuinely made me stop playing for a few days because of how much I didn't like it.
Aloy and Sekya have genuine chemistry. Unfortunately I'd been spoiled going in about the romance option at the end, so my perception of their relationship throughout the plot was coloured by that.
But they have a great dynamic... when the game isn't trying to force the romance.
Which is ultimately my main point of contention? The romance feels forced. Aloy has been Too Busy For This Shit™ since... well, her whole life. She was busy training for the Proving, then busy hunting down the Eclipse, then busy dealing with Hades, then Regalla, then the Zeniths...
She hasn't had time to sit and just... be, without some kind of life-or-death threat looming on the horizon. So to see her all her fretting over someone she just met feels off. Especially while dealing with a threat like Londra, while still being aware that Nemesis is coming...? Idk, I just rolled my eyes every time Aloy had one of her little monologues.
Not that I'm against the pairing. Like I said, they have chemistry! I think, given more time and some actual development between the two, and possibly placing the climax of a romantic subplot either just before or just after the final battle with Nemesis, it could have been really good. But with what we were given? I felt like I could only tell her that Aloy wasn't ready at the end; especially because it's not likely we'll see Seyka in Horizon 3, being a DLC character and all.
I've seen all the endings, and both the "not ready" and "too much" options feel like they could be canon. I'm not sold on the "yes" option.
I'm not disputing that Aloy has feelings for her, mind. They're very much there and it's very obvious. I just feel like it was a bit heavy-handed, and a bit of subtlty and a longer period of time for those feelings to grow naturally would have suited better.
Fighting the Horus was great though. 10/10 I hope we fight a Horus again.
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Fotfictober Prompt: 24 - Festival
Summery: Imladris' autumn festival
Pairing: Glorfindel x Lindir, Gildor x Erestor, Elladan x Haldir, Elrohir x Legolas, Past Elrond x Celebrián x Gil-Galad.
Characters: Elves of Imladris
Warnings: Non
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Elrond sighed as Lindir set more paperwork on his desk from Erestor, most of it was for stalls or decorations around Imladris, the lord rubbed his forehead, he could tell he had a head ache coming, normally his wife would be dealing with festival planning but this was the first moon festival without her, Lindir could tell it was taking a toll on his lord both with loss and sadness but also with the sudden incline of paperwork.
Lindir felt sad for his Lord Celebrián helped Elrond through so much after Gil-Galad's death in the last alliance even now Elrond still found it hard with the amount of things he had from Gil and to add to that his wifes death, Elrond needed a hug.
"My Lord, I am sure Lady Galadriel or even Lord Glorfindel would not mind taking over the Festival, I am aware that Lady Galadriel and Lord Glorfindel both used to help" Lindir said Elrond looked at Lindir and nodded the Ellon took the paperwork to do with the festival and walked to his husbands office, he pushed the door open with his back.
"Lindir, this is a pleasant Surprise you don't normally visit me Meleth-nin" Glorfindel said Lindir was slightly glad Galadriel was here so he didn't have to go find her
"My Lord Elrond has put you both in charge of the festival due to personal reasons" Lindir said setting the papers down on his husbands desk.
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The Festive turned out a success, the paths were lined with different stalls some sold wine, other food, even weapons at one store, for an autumn night it was oddly warm, Lanterns hung between buildings and the house was also lit up, the Anduin had floating lanterns, the trees also had lights in them.
Game stalls had even been set up some were throwing balls at cans other hitting a bullseye with a bow one even tested strength.
"You and Lady Galadriel did a fantastic job" Lindir said as Glorfindel intertwined their fingers and they began to look through the stalls, Legolas on the other hand was questioning Elrohir on everything, he didn't have festivals like this back in Mirkwood, nor did he have some of this food or drink back there, even though some of the vendors insisted to let Legolas try their food for free as he had never tried it before but Legolas did insist on paying after all it was King Thranduil's money not his.
"Maybe you should stop spending your father's money so recklessly" Elrohir suggested, the two soon ran into Elladan and Haldir.
"I am Questioning if our boyfriends like eachother but they didn't get eachother because of us" Haldir said
"I highly doubt that, they are just good friends" Erestor said jumping the two making Glorfindel laugh
"Were are your lovers" Elrohir questioned
"Lindir left to help Elrond and Gildor has yet to come back from patrol" Erestor said
"So what, your just going to babysit us" Haldir questioned
"That is more likely than you would think" Elrohir said
"Yes yes we are" Glorfindel said getting elbowed by Erestor
"Ignore him, we are not" Erestor said
"Hmmmm I doubt you both" Elrohir said
"You shouldn't" Glorfindel said
"You should highly doubt Glorfindel to do anything" Erestor said
"Hey i made this" Glorfindel said
"Hmmm and who did most of the work, Galadriel you just did the heavy lifting" Erestor said
"You are so mean" Glorfindel huffed
"Yes, you are, stop being so mean Meleth" Gildor said
"Go change" Erestor said stopping the guardain in his tracks
"What, you don't want a kiss" Gildor said
"You stink of orc and sweat" Erestor said
"Still" Gildor said
"You are also injured" Erestor said putting a hand to the small cut across Gildor's brow
"It is but a scratch" Gildor said, Erestor took Gildor to the healing wards
"By an Orc, the blade could be poisoned" Erestor muttered shaking his head
"I'm fine I promise" Gildor said Glorfindel laughed as he watched gildor get dragged away by Erestor
"How is my father, he has been acting strange ever since festival planning started" Elrohir questioned Glorfindel
"He will be fine, he's just having trouble dealing with loss" Glorfindel said.
Elvish Translation:
Meleth nin - My love
Meleth - Love
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crazyk-imagine · 2 years
We Used to Be
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Pairings: Benedict Bridgerton/ Female reader
Characters: Reader (last name Whittaker), reader’s mama, Bo (reader’s horse), Benedict Bridgerton, Daphne Basset neé Bridgerton , Eloise Bridgerton, Francesca Bridgerton, Gregory Bridgerton, Hyacinth Bridgerton, Anthony Bridgerton, Colin Bridgerton, Violet Bridgerton, Kate Bridgerton neé Sharma, Simon Basset, reader’s deceased papa (mentioned), Archibald (Bridgerton’s butler), Nigel (reader’s head servant), Maggie (reader’s maid), Lord Albert Ruttiledge (Rut-til-ledge), Lord Fauwix (Foe [like doe]-wick-sss)
Warnings: Fluff, angst, drama (I can’t help it), certain Bridgerton’s plus spouses are salty bitches, they care about you too much to let anything happen to you :), Benedict denies the truth about what he did, reader and Benedict are love blind idiots, Reader is a bit stubborn, cute nicknames (my dear, my muse, Ben, Benny)
Word Count: 11,573
Answers to WUTB
I'm a sucker for making my Bridgerton imagines dramatic [Lady Whistledown ain't got nothing on me XD jk, it's the other way around ;)]
Another season, another ball, another Lady Whistledown paper sold. 
Only this time, you and your family seem to be the talk of the ton. 
Why? One would ask, it could have something to do with the fact that you had left years ago and only returned just recently, something many have different ideas on (naturally). 
You and your mama have returned to the home, town, and ton you love so much… at least, you did but that was a while ago. 
Times have changed, as have the people. 
After settling into your childhood home and preparing your room for the evening, you relax and enjoy your slumber before you begin your adventure. 
The first (and only) destination you have in mind is the most obvious (to your mama and staff) the Bridgerton home, or more specifically, Aubrey Hall. 
Before you begin with your adventure, you let your mama know that it’s alright if she takes the carriage for the day while you ride your most prized pet, your horse Bo. 
You’ve done your very best to take care of the beautiful creature seeing as he was the first thing your papa had given you when were just ten and three, with you now being twenty and three it seems as though time is passing by so fast, too fast for your comfort. 
Bo reminds you of your father every time you see him, and you wish for nothing to happen to him. 
It’s hard enough to not see and hear your papa around your home but, if anything happened to Bo… you wouldn’t be able to bare it. 
The servants in charge of taking care of the two other horses your family owns have stopped trying to persuade you into allowing them to do their job; it became a hassle to ask you after a while and they don’t want to cause anyone any trouble. 
“Are you sure you’re going to be okay with Bo, today? I can take-” But still they try, and it warms your semi-warm heart so. 
You place your hand on top of your mama’s, drawing her attention back onto you, “Mama, you know I love you but, please, stop talking such nonsense. I’ll be fine. Bo and I can go for a ride without anything happening. We’ll be fine. The Bridgerton’s aren’t that far from here. It’s a delightful sunny afternoon and you should enjoy yourself and rekindle your friendship with a few of the ladies in town.” 
Your mama knows how stubborn you can be seeing as you got it from your papa (and herself, although she would never admit it). “We both know the only ones willing to talk to us were and always will be the Bridgerton’s.” 
“Yes, yes and it will be fine. You take the carriage. It’s time for me and Bo to go out and stretch our legs. This is going to be a good morning for the both of us.” 
Your mama sighs, “fine, fine. Promise me one thing.” 
“You’ll be careful.” 
“Of course.” 
“I love you,” she lets out a tearful chuckle, reaching for your cheek. “My beautiful girl has grown into someone I am most proud to call my child.” 
You smile and roll your eyes, “mama!” 
“Alright, off you go. But be back before it gets dark! And if you decide to stay, send a letter!” 
“I don’t see the reason for you to raise your voice, I’m still nearby,” you say, barely exiting the hallway. 
“Oh. I thought you had run off, child.” 
“I am now. Bye mama!” You wave, taking off. 
“Have fun my dear.”
You gallop into the front of Aubrey Hall, hoping that you don’t have to search for the family you’ve been wanting to visit for the past four months. 
You had talked your parents about coming down for Anthony and Kate’s wedding but then yours and your mamas’ lives took a turn; a few weeks before the wedding, your papa died.
“Does no one else hear that?” Eloise lowers her book from her eyesight, glancing around the room, studying everyone’s expressions. 
“What?” Benedict looks up from his sketch book. 
“The horse. Outside. Can someone go to the window and see who it is?” 
“Why can’t you do it?” Francesca asks. 
“Because I have more interesting things to do,” replies Eloise. 
“I’ll see who it is,” Daphne pushes herself off the piano stool, walking towards the window. She stares for a moment, focusing on the familiar horse and his rider. 
As soon as you lower your hood, checking out the home, she runs out of the room, speeding down the halls, and out of the house before the others can ask a thing.
You turn around, ready to go to the nearest town when a door opens and heels clacking against the stairs outside alert you of a female’s presence. 
You jump down off Bo, as soon as your heels touch the ground, Daphne latches onto you. “Daph! Daph! Daphne! You need to let go! I must breathe!” You giggle, holding her by her forearms. 
“You truly cannot expect me to remain calm when my dearest friend has come to visit.” 
“I was hoping you would be slightly calmer than you are now,” you joke. 
The smile never falls from her face as she continues, “come in, come in. We can have tea until the ball- the ball! Are you going to the Cowper’s ball this evening?” 
“Well, I suppose I am now.” 
“Good. Now, follow me. I’ll see to it that one of the servants can take care of Bo and then we can-” 
Daphne jumps, not expecting you to shout. “Is something wrong?” 
“I would- I would,” you take a deep breath. ‘Breath.’ “I would feel more comfortable if I were the one to bring Bo to the stable’s or at least see him make his way there… if that’s alright.” 
“Of course, it is. Give me one moment, I’ll be right back.”
The few siblings in the room Daphne had disappeared from, find themselves looking out the window to see what’s caused their sister to run out of the house like a mad man. 
“Oh, she’s returned home?” Eloise comments. 
“Who is that?” Gregory asks. 
“Daphne’s friend and Benedict’s not so secret crush.” 
“Yeah- what? No, Eloise, that’s not funny,” Benedict says. 
“It’s cute, you think I’m joking. We’ve all seen the way you look at her, brother. “The same way I look at a muse” or however Anthony phrased it.” 
“When did you and Anthony talk? No, better question. Why did you and Anthony talk about me and Lady Whittaker?” 
“Oh, it wasn’t exactly about you two. We were merely talking about how you should be finding yourself a wife soon since he and Daphne are married. They don’t want you to die alone.” 
“Anthony didn’t say that.” 
“How would you know?” 
“While you two continue to fight, Gregory, Hyacinth, and I are going to join Daphne and her friend,” Francesca interrupts. 
The two don’t pay much attention to the three leaving the room. 
“Why were you two talking about us?” 
“Mama and Anthony got a letter from Lady Whittaker and of course, I walked by at the right time…” 
Benedict raises a brow. 
“Alright, I was in here reading, hiding from Gregory and Hyacinth before they walked in here and started talking about the letter. Then mama went on about how she always wished for you and Lady Whittaker to wed ever since you were children or something. The conversation started to get boring, so I left the room.” 
Benedict sighs, exiting the room. 
“Was it something I said?” Eloise shouts. She smirks, already knowing that something will happen between the two of you (with or without her assistance- to which she would deny ever helping, if she’s ever asked). 
“I thought you didn’t like meddling with people’s love lives?” Violet asks. 
“I don’t.” 
Violet’s smile drops from her face giving her daughter a pointed look. 
“It’s not meddling if I’m helping my dear brother.” 
“You were going to do the same thing as I did.” 
“Maybe, but I would have been more subtle.” 
“I can be subtle.” 
“No, my dearest, you cannot.”
“Francesca, Gregory, and Hyacinth, hello all,” you greet the three with a smile. 
The eldest girl out of the three runs towards you, hugging the life out of you. “I have missed you.” 
“And I you, little Frannie.” 
She groans, “I told you to stop calling me that.” 
“It’s a cute nickname.” 
“It’s embarrassing.” 
“I disagree.” 
“Me too,” Gregory and Hyacinth add. 
“I leave for a mere few seconds, and you’ve already found a new group of people to talk to,” Daphne teases. 
“Of course, I am the favorite around here. I am to share my social skills with you all. Who else would stick around long enough to talk to me?” 
“He would,” Eloise chimes in, pointing to Benedict. 
You look up and find… him, standing there, watching you with that same so-called innocent expression he always has whenever you’ve looked at him. You blink owlishly, unable to comprehend that he’s here, standing a distance away. This time it’s not a figment of your imagination. 
“I… we can…” 
You turn to focus on Daphne and really listen to what she has to say, this time. “I’m sorry?” 
“As I was saying, we can take Bo to the stable ourselves. There should be someone there since Anthony and his bride Kate, went riding before you arrived,” Daphne explains to you once more. 
You nod, unable to say anything at this time, the words seem to be lodged in your throat and you decide it’s best to say nothing; save yourself from any further embarrassment. 
“Follow me,” Daphne intertwines her arm with yours, leading you away from the chaos that is sure to happen soon. She wishes to be ahead of it while she can.
“Are you alright?” The eldest daughter asks you. 
“I’m,” you hesitate, unable to find the right word. “Fine.” 
“You don’t sound so sure.” 
You sigh, “I know.” 
“May I ask why you’ve returned home?” 
“It seems as though you already have. One part of me wishes to say it was time and the other part of me wants to reveal the truth to you.” 
“Is something wrong?” 
“My papa’s funeral is to be sometime this week.” 
She stiffens, unable to reply. 
“I know, it came as much of a shock to us as it does to you now. You don’t have to say anything, I understand. I do.” 
The two of you are quiet as you continue your journey towards the stables, until… 
“Don’t forget about us!” cries out Gregory, Hyacinth and Francesca close behind him. 
“I beat you! HA!” 
“Don’t be mean Gregory,” you say. 
“But I did. I was the first one here.” 
“Don’t whine,” Hyacinth chastises. 
“You are lucky you don’t have to live with them anymore,” you whisper to Daphne. You had forgotten how easily the youngest would begin an argument over the silliest or simplest things. 
“I am, aren’t I.” 
“We are still here,” Eloise interrupts. 
“You weren’t with these three,” you point to the youngest siblings. 
“When they ran over, you somehow snuck away from,” you gulp. “Benedict and followed us.” 
“I… cannot deny what you know.” 
“Eloise Bridgerton has no rebuttal, I must say I am surprised,” Daphne teases. 
“Let’s not make a big deal out of this. Ah, look. Here we are,” Eloise extends her arm, dramatically showing the stable door. 
One of the few stable boys working, exits and takes Bo form you, promising to take care of him. 
You thank the kind employee before the siblings take you away, guiding you to their home.
“What if we play a game?” Hyacinth suggests. 
“A game?” asks Francesca. 
“I don’t know,” Daphne says, a bit apprehensive. 
“Why?” Hyacinth asks. 
“We are to get ready for the Cowper ball soon. Mama would not like to see us with grass stains on our clothes,” Daphne adds. 
“I suppose you are right but, what if we don’t play whatever game Hyacinth wants to play-” 
“And instead, we play a quick round of pall mall?” Eloise finishes. 
“When have you ever finished pall mall game before the day is over?” You ask. 
“When we played, we would still be on the round after dinner.” 
“Your mama wouldn’t send for you until the next day,” Daphne adds. “
Yes, only because she wanted to have lunch and go for our daily walk.” 
“The dreaded walk, you make it seem so boring. It was hardly as bad as you make it seem,” Daphne says. 
“Oh, like you were any better. I swear it was like our first-time sneaking,” you glance over your shoulder, observing the four little “ducklings” following you. “A bottle of juice into the library when we were younger.” 
“Yes, juice as if we don’t know what you actually mean,” Eloise adds with her normal level of sarcasm. “And look, pall mall is already set up. Let’s play.” 
“Did you all plan this in advance?” You ask. 
“I didn’t,” says Daphne. 
The three youngest siblings give you the same answer as their oldest sister. 
You wonder who requested to set up your favorite game.
“Are the newlywed couple going to join us?” You ask. 
“Look, who it is.” 
‘Guess that answers my question.’ “Anthony, so good to see you,” you bow, adding onto your inside joke with the eldest sibling. 
“None of that, we’ve known each other long enough to call each other family,” Anthony wraps an arm around your shoulders, giving you a side hug. 
You return the hug, gesturing to Kate when the two of you part. “And you must be the one who managed to capture this rake’s heart.” 
“I am not a rake.” 
“Not anymore.” 
Kate smirks, “why have you never told me about your friend? I quite like her.” 
“I take it you will be joining us?” You ask. 
“In pall mall?” Anthony clarifies. 
“Of course,” you answer him. 
“I would be honored, as long as we can talk,” Kate says. 
“About Anthony?” 
“Who else?” 
You two share a smile only the eldest Bridgerton would describe as “evil”. 
“Perhaps we should play with partners?” You suggest. 
Anthony and Daphne shake their heads. 
“Absolutely not,” the former objects. 
“For the first time in a long time, I agree with my brother.” 
“Is everyone out to get me today?” 
“Yes,” you and Kate answer him. 
“May I ask you something?” You turn to Kate. 
“Of course,” replies Kate. 
“Now that the rake is married, does he let you use the “death mallet”?” 
“Not usually, I have to get to it first.” 
“Of course.” 
“I take it, you tried to use it?” 
“I did, years ago. I was a child, and do you know what your husband did? He tripped me.” 
“You are joking.” 
“I most certainly am not.” 
“Yes?” He turns, facing the two of you. 
“How could you trip an innocent girl?” 
Anthony’s eyes widen, “you told her?” 
“Of course, I told you her. Your wife has a right to know who she lays in bed with.” 
“Can we play pall mall now?” Eloise interrupts, sounding bored. 
“Is everyone here?” Daphne asks. 
“I think so- oh, Benedict! Benedict, do you want to join us?” Hyacinth runs up to the house, tugging on her brother’s arm. 
He briefly glances over at you, “I don’t think I should.” 
“He’s joining us,” Hyacinth skips back towards you all, tugging on Benedict’s arm, forcing him to come closer. 
“I really shouldn’t-” 
“You’re playing.” 
“Alright, now that everyone’s here, grab your mallet,” Daphne orders. 
“When did you get so bossy?” You and Benedict ask. You don’t look at him, but you can feel him staring. ‘Look away.’ 
“I’m not bossy,” Daphne defends herself. 
“That tone suggests otherwise, sister,” Anthony teases. 
The duchess rolls her eyes, “on three?” 
Everyone agrees. 
“One. Two. Three.” 
You all reach for a mallet. 
Eloise got yellow, Hyacinth got blue, Gregory got white, Francesca got green, Anthony and Kate fought for the “death mallet” (your new bestie won) leaving Anthony with pink (again hehe), Daphne got gray, Benedict got purple, and you got red. 
“Look, your mallets match,” Francesca points out. 
Everyone of Benedict’s siblings plus Kate and Simon are rooting for the two of you to get married and start a family. 
“How so?” You ask, but you already know the answer. 
“Benedict’s mallet matches your dress and yours match his vest,” Eloise clarifies. 
“It’s merely a coincidence,” you walk away from the group, Kate and Daphne follow. 
The former gives the eldest Bridgerton daughter a “what am I missing?” look. 
“Who’s going first?” Kate asks, deciding not to put any pressure on you. 
“I will.” 
“No, me.” 
“Why not me?” The young trio begin to bicker. 
“Eloise will go first, then Gregory, Hyacinth, and myself; followed by Kate, Francesca, and Anthony, leaving our dear friend and brother to finish,” Daphne offers. 
The bickering ends. 
“That works,” Eloise lines up her mallet with the ball, successfully hitting it through the first iron hoop. “I’d like to see anyone else make this shot.” 
Daphne, Francesca, Kate, and Anthony make it through the first hoop, now it’s your turn. 
“She’s not going to make it,” Eloise whispers, attempting to throw you off your game. 
“We do not cheat,” Daphne scolds her sister. 
Eloise scoffs, “I am not cheating. I am merely making an observation.” 
“That is what you call an observation? Whispering while she prepares to take her shot?” 
“Yes, is there a problem with that?” 
“No, no.” 
You straighten your posture, hip jutted out, “are you two done?” 
“Of course,” Daphne and Eloise smile. 
You squint your eyes at the two, ‘troublesome duo,’ you think. You adjust your stance, pulling the mallet back and swing. 
The ball rolls through the first iron hoop without any issues. 
“My turn,” Benedict whispers, making you realize how close the two of you are. 
Your head snaps up, looking into his eyes, his beautiful… rich… enticing… blue eyes. 
His hand slowly inches closer to you, “I need-” 
You step away, walking over to the side, observing the few who passed the first hoop begin playing on the next hoop.
Kate leans closer to Daphne, “am I missing something?” 
“Mind explaining?” 
“It’s not my place to say.” 
“I may have just met her, but I can already tell how much you all care for her. I wish to know more about the one who has captured the hearts of the infamous Bridgerton family. I also believe she has more to tell me about my dear husband.” 
“You only wish to find out more about Anthony, have you no shame?” Daphne says with a teasing smile. 
“I want to get to know her and if she happens to tell me things about Anthony then I shall listen. Were her and Benedict-” 
“They both have feelings for one another but were never able to confess…” 
“Did something happen?” 
“I’m not sure.” 
“What do you know?” 
“She and Benedict were fine and then they weren’t.” 
“You don’t know what happened?” 
“Neither would talk about it.” 
“I don’t like that look.” 
“What look?” Kate feigns innocence. 
“Please, don’t do try to help them. I tried and it didn’t end well.” 
“That’s where we differ.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I’ve looked out for Edwina in the past and she managed to find herself- find who she’s meant to be. Maybe I can help them realize what’s right in front of them.” 
“Do you need a partner?” 
“Now, you want to help?” 
“All I want is for my brother and friend to be happy.” 
“Then we’re in agreement.” 
“It seems we are.”
“I’m winning,” Eloise gloats. 
“Not for long,” Francesca tells her. 
“This isn’t fair.” 
“What? The fact that everyone is slowly catching up to you,” you point out. 
She scoffs, “no.” 
“Yes,” you, Gregory, Francesca, Hyacinth, and Anthony reply. 
“There’s no need to add on.” “But it’s more fun to tease you,” you smile at Eloise.
“Shall we use our turns to take out two specific players?” Kate asks her sister-in-law. 
“That sounds like a good idea.” 
“I know, that’s why I thought about it.” 
“Now, you’re being cocky.”
“It looks as though we’ve slowly begun to break off into pairs,” he whispers in your ear. 
You brush him off, not in the mood to talk to him. “I’d say it was on purpose.” 
“You do speak. Here I was beginning to think maybe you didn’t want to talk to me, but that’s not true, right?” 
“I have hardly anything to say to you.” 
“Why don’t you tell me what’s on your mind?” 
“I no longer wish to speak with you.” 
Kate and Daphne briskly walk towards the two of you. “I’m sorry! It appears you both will have to search through the bushes and play from there,” Daphne informs you. 
Kate nods with pursed lips. 
You shake your head while turning around, “of course, we do.” 
“I’ll just-” Benedict cuts himself off before walking in the same direction as you.
You can’t stand to be here any longer as you rush to find your ball before you lose more sunlight and have less time to prepare for the ball. 
“I don’t think you’re going to find your ball there.” 
“Where do you think I’m going to find it then, Ben?” You squeeze your eyes shut at the use of his old nickname. 
“I feel as though I’ve done something wrong.” 
You spin around, angrily pointing your finger at him, “you feel as though you’ve done something wrong?” 
“I still don’t quite understand why you’re using that tone.” 
You close your eyes, raising your hands up, admitting defeat. “I can’t do this right now.” 
“Do what? You’ve barely said a word to me since you’ve arrived, and you act as if I am the very vermin that runs around certain streets. Please,” he reaches for you, cradling your hand in his. “Explain to me how I can fix this- fix us. We used to be so close, I always thought…” 
You gulp, “thought what, Benedict?” 
“Nothing,” he shakes his head. “Never mind.” 
Your vision blurs as tears pool in your waterline, threatening to fall. You sniff, his head snaps up, his expression falls; unable to see you in such a depressive state, he brings his hand up to wipe away your tears but, you pull away. 
You pace in front of him, arms wrapped around your waist to protect yourself. “I truly can’t believe you could be so- so- so,” you grit your teeth, attempting to figure out the right word to use but find that this works too. “Idiotic. How could you be so idiotic Benedict?!” 
“Yes, you. I don’t see another Benedict running around, running amuck in my life.” 
“Running- how could I be running when I have no idea as to what you’re talking about?! Please, tell me.” 
“You honestly don’t remember how you humiliated me in front of your family?” 
“I humiliated you?” He asks with a softer tone. 
“What happened?” 
“You broke my trust and eliminated whatever bond we used to have.” 
“I would have never done that,” he argues. 
“I’m sure you didn’t, seeing as you were never that kind of person, but you did, and it almost ruined a business deal for my papa.” 
“Is this about-” 
“Yes! Yes! It’s about the fact that you purposefully ruined a potential future engagement for me. It appears you do remember after all.” 
Benedict’s eyes rise in surprise, and he had the audacity to laugh… in your face. Now, he wasn’t laughing at you, not even close; he found the whole situation very amusing. 
“I’m glad to see that you still find this funny,” you stomp away, tripping over something hard, it could have been a rock or an old, rotted tree branch that fell on the ground; you didn’t know. You were lucky to catch yourself on the nearest tree. You hiss as you push yourself up and away from the tree. 
Benedict takes your hand in his, checking over you before you could do so yourself (how he got to you so fast, you’ll never know). 
“Are you alright?” His eyes are on you; you can feel it. 
A blush creeps upon your cheeks before you know it and perhaps, out of embarrassment, you attempt to snatch your hand away from him. And, of course, you’re unsuccessful. 
“Stop wiggling.” 
“I am not wiggling,” you argue. 
“Well, you’re not helping yourself right now.” 
“Rude.” You stare up at him with a pout. 
The corner of his mouth tugs upward, “I don’t know if I’ve said this before but, I will now and I must admit that I’ve missed this.” 
“Missed what?” You hiss, your arm jerks. 
“Shh, I’m sorry, that was on me.” 
“All of this is on you,” you mutter under your breath. 
“What did you say?” 
“Still can’t seem to avoid trouble?” 
You scoff, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
You huff, rolling your eyes, “can you let go and hit your ball so we can get out of here?” 
“Where’s the fun in that?” 
“I am tired of your games and the way you brush off certain subjects. If you are here to joke and point fingers, please, at least have the decency to find someone else because I. Am. Done.” You manage to escape his grasp and hit your ball, watching it roll, creating a path in the dirt. 
“Are you two done? You must make haste!” Eloise shouts. 
“Wait- wait,” his hand clamps around your wrist. “Don’t leave.” 
“We have played long enough and are losing sunlight as we speak. If we do not hurry back to the others, we will make everyone late for the Cowper’s ball.” 
“Since when did you care about going to such events? You never were the kind of girl to do so before.” 
“I was a naive girl who thought she had found a good friend and lost a potential-” 
“Future suitor, yes, I know. But I don’t understand why it’s such a big deal now.” 
“I have lost my papa recently and sooner or later the ton- or whoever else is going to come knocking on our door and kick us out because we don’t have the sufficient funds, we need in order to survive.” 
“Yes, oh. I am going to be a part of this season and I would like to be on time so, I may discuss such things with my mama.” 
“Season?” He whispers to himself. 
You’re too far away to hear his heart break, like the way yours had that night.
“Finally,” Eloise fakes a sigh of relief and worry. 
“As charming as ever Ellie,” you smile. 
She loses whatever happiness was on her face, “I told you not to call me that.” 
“You have but, I enjoy the nickname and I happen to think it’s cute, as I’m sure your family does.” 
“Good for them, I don’t. I like my name, please use it.” 
You exaggerate your sigh for dramatic effect, “okay, I won’t call you by your nickname if you don’t want me to.” 
“Thank you.” 
“Children,” Violet calls out. 
“It’s time to get ready.” 
“Coming, mama,” said a few of the Bridgerton’s. 
“Yes, mama,” the others reply. 
Daphne and Kate interlock their arms with yours, “you can get ready with us.” 
“Oh. Okay, I wasn’t expecting this.” 
“We ladies must stick together, don’t we? I mean you are practically family,” Kate says. 
“I suppose so?” 
“I have a hunch you’ll become a member of the family before the end of the season.” 
“What do you mean?” 
She and Daphne smile. 
“You’ll see,” Daphne adds.
“Are we all ready?” Violet asks, glancing over everyone, making sure everyone looks proper. Some nod, others answer her with a yes. She turns to you, “you can ride with-” 
“Us!” Benedict interrupts his mother. 
“She couldn’t ride with all you boys.” 
“Why not?” 
“I can switch with Colin,” chimes in Eloise. 
“Why me?” Asks Colin. 
“She clearly needs someone she can talk to about,” she pauses to think of a good enough excuse to make him quiet. “How hard it is being a woman in this world- cruel world.” Her plan worked well in her favor. 
“Lady Whittaker and Benedict can ride with us, if they prefer of course,” Kate suggests, slightly elbowing Anthony’s ribs to get him to agree. 
“Yes, let’s do that.” Anthony gives his wife a curious side eye glance and she smiles. 
“Of course, how could I forget you two would be traveling there on your own,” Violet mutters to herself. “Alright then, you four will ride together,” she points to Anthony, Kate, Benedict, and you. “The youngest and I will be together while Daphne and Eloise ride with Colin.” 
“Why do I have to be with Colin?” Eloise whines. 
“Come along Eloise before Daphne decides to leave you here,” Colin teases her.
The lot of you finally arrive to the Cowper estate. Your “group” was the last one to arrive with Violet and the youngest being the first then Daphne and her siblings. 
Your eyes wander around the room, taking in the decorations and musicians. Although a part of you doesn’t want to admit it, you slightly missed coming to these events but, you didn’t enjoy being asked to dance by pompous, arrogant men (very few did). And yet, being here brings back something you’ve been missing. 
You notice that Eloise has disappeared after finding her dear friend Penelope Featherington. 
“It seems as though we are alone now,” Benedict comments, hands behind his back as he observes the few lords asking ladies for a dance, signing their dance cards first, of course. 
“Not so alone, people are dancing and enjoying themselves.” 
“Aren’t we in a fun mood?” 
“No, just trying to pass the time until I can get away from you.” 
“You wound me,” he places a hand over his heart, feigning hurt. 
“I’m only returning the emotional pain you’ve done to me.” 
“I didn’t do it on purpose, and you know it,” he says with a serious tone, no longer in a joking mood. 
“How could I?” 
“Please don’t focus on something that happened in the past. We’re different people than we were then.” 
“I think it shows who you really are.” 
“You don’t mean that,” his brows draw closer together in hurt. 
“Who knows? I mean we’re different people than we were then, right?” You walk away from him unable to stay near him any longer. 
Being around him is not good for your health, perhaps a dance or a drink will help… you choose the later.
You find Daphne standing beside one of the few tables containing food and drinks. 
After grabbing the glass of champagne, you immediately throw your head back, swallowing the liquid in one gulp. 
“It seems as though we are enjoying ourselves tonight,” Daphne comments. She took notice of the brief interaction with her brother and understands- or at least, has some idea on how hard it is for the two of you to talk. 
“Yes, enjoying ourselves very much so. Do you think there is a number as to how many glasses you may have before you are kicked out?” 
“I don’t know, and I feel like I am going to have to stop you now. I would hate to see you thrown out; you’re wearing such a pretty dress.” 
“I’m sure all the lords will want to dance then?” 
“Did you and my brother have another conversation?” She asks, knowing full well the two of you did and knows she should stop you before you have too much to drink while you feel upset. 
“Is it obvious?” You hope no one asks about your attitude towards her brother. 
“To me, yes. To everyone else here, I’m not so sure.” 
“At least I can remain unseen by few.” 
“Do you plan on dancing with anyone?” 
“I didn’t come here for dancing.” 
“You can’t attend a ball and not dance.” 
“There is no rule that says so and I wish to be my own woman.” 
“You’re starting to sound like Eloise.” 
“Perhaps she has the right idea about becoming a spinster.” 
“What are you two ladies talking about?” Anthony asks, reaching for two glasses, handing one to his wife. 
“Nothing,” you quickly respond. 
“Seems as though we arrived just in time,” Kate smirks. “Anthony?” 
The man in question turns. 
“Would you be so kind as to dance with our friend?” 
He stutters for an answer. 
“There’s really no need,” you tell him. 
“You should dance at least once,” Daphne points out. 
“I wouldn’t want to give Lady Whistledown any ammunition for her next paper.” 
“You wouldn’t,” answers Kate. 
“The two of you don’t know that. We also wouldn’t want there to be such a fake scandal being brought to light do we?” 
“There would be no scandal. The guests here can clearly see us talking and will see me give you an encouraging nod,” explains Kate. 
You take a deep inhale before sighing, “fine. Let’s go.” 
Anthony looks slightly uncomfortable. 
But, when you think about it, he’s never looked normal or happy to be at these events so, his facial expression is normal. 
“One dance,” you add. 
“One dance,” the three confirm.  
Another song begins to play. “After this you may return to your wife,” you say. 
“What if I’m having a good time, dancing with you,” he teases, feeling a little better. It’s not as strange to dance with you, he remembers when you and his sisters would bug him and Benedict to help you with your dancing skills. 
“I’m not,” you say with a deadpan expression. 
“That’s not something your dance partner wants to hear.” 
“Words hurt, don’t they?”
“Benedict, so nice of you to join us,” says Daphne, sipping her drink. 
“Tired from your many dances with the eligible young ladies?” Kate asks. 
He huffs, “something like that?” 
“Or is it that the one person you truly wish to dance with is-” 
“Unavailable?” Kate finishes for her. 
“I was thinking more along the lines of the person who continues to push him away,” says Daphne. 
Benedict hums, a light bulb went off in his head. He thins his lips, the corners tugging upwards into a smile as he stares into the glass filled with a now unappetizing liquid. “You two should try to be more discrete with your gossip.” 
“We don’t gossip,” Daphne defends both her and Kate. 
“Lying is not a good look on you sister,” he throws his head back and downs the champagne, in a very similar manner to your previous actions.
“You need to stop being so harsh to my brother.” 
“Which one?” You’re desperate to end this conversation. 
“Don’t play games.” 
“I am doing anything but.” 
“He didn’t tell us what he did because he thought it would be funny. He did it because-”
“It looks as though he is going to dance with her,” Daphne observes. 
“I hope so,” Kate adds.
“Mind if I cut in?” Asks Benedict. 
“She’s all yours, brother.” 
“Hello, my dear,” he greets you. 
The faint scent of champagne is on his breath, oddly enough, you slightly enjoy it… this could be because you’ve also had a glass (or two). “Benedict.” 
“Are you still upset with me?” 
You scoff, rolling your eyes to make sure you get your point across, “how could I not be?” 
The song ends. 
You bow, “thank you for the dance but I think it is time that I take my leave.” 
Another song begins, and you use the crowd to your advantage. 
After the dancer’s spin around a couple times, Benedict finds himself standing roughly in the same spot he had last seen you. He tries to search for you, but it was hard and the few doors he could enter were very limited. 
There wasn’t much else he could do besides wallow in self-pity and temporarily drown himself in alcohol.
You wouldn’t see the family for a few days, taking the time necessary to calm yourself and help your mother prepare things for the funeral and your future (your mama has yet to come to terms with you marrying someone you don’t love). 
“Please don’t ask,” you plead with your mama. 
“I wasn’t,” she denies. 
“You were, and no, I am not currently being courted nor will there be anyone coming to do so anytime soon.” 
“I wouldn’t be so sure.” 
“What makes you say that?” 
“That Benedict boy-” 
“No! No. Absolutely not.” 
“Sweetheart, he cares for you, and you know it.” 
“He only cares about himself,” you hiss. 
“If you cannot see what is and has been in front of you this whole time, I’m afraid you may never see it. What makes you so scared about love?” 
“Now, I know that’s a lie. You have always been transparent when it comes to the topic of these matters but…” 
“But nothing. I don’t like him, and he most certainly does not like me.” 
Your mama sighs, “fine. Are you going to visit them today?” 
“I’m debating on if I should or not.” 
‘This may be the last time she sees them before her marriage.’ “I think you should. It would be good for you.” 
“How would it be good for me?” 
“You would be visiting friends, getting out of this stuffy old house. It could be the last time you see them,” she adds. It appears she’s finally accepted your fate. 
You nod, understanding her hidden meaning.  
You arrive to find, what you believe is an empty house. 
“The others are outside,” Archibald informs you. 
You jump, placing a hand over your heart, “oh! Archie, it’s so good to see you. How have you been?” 
His expression doesn’t change, he continues to give you a bored look. “They are outside.” 
“Don’t you think I wish to speak with you. I miss our talks.” 
“By the looks of your dress, you seem to be in a rush to find them. I don’t want to keep you from having a good time.” 
You offer him a genuine smile, “you were always so sweet. I wish to speak with you soon!” You run down the hallway, aiming for the back doors of the home.
“Isn’t this a surprise,” says Kate as she walks closer to you. 
“Hello,” you rush to say before you take a deep breath so you can catch your breath. 
“In a rush, were we?” 
“I have no reply.” 
“I take it that’s the first time this has happened?” 
“Perhaps, you’ll never know.” 
"The others and I are playing another game of pall mall; would you care to join us?” 
“Another time.” 
“Alright, Daphne’s the only one not playing today. You can sit with her.” 
“Really? She doesn’t want to try and beat her streak?” 
“I suppose not.”
“Look who I found,” Kate taps Daphne’s shoulder. 
She turns, “isn’t this a surprise. We weren’t expecting to see you here.” 
You avert your gaze, “I know, I know.” 
“We’re just happy you’re here. You can sit with me while we watch the others.” 
“Okay, where is your mama?” 
“I recall her saying she was going to see your mama.” 
“I see,” you sit in the empty chair on the other side of the table from where Daphne sits. “You didn’t want to beat or add onto your winning streak?” 
“I thought it be best to give the others a chance to catch up.” 
“How kind of you.” 
Neither of you say anything further; you both enjoy the sounds of the children (none of them are acting their age so, they’re all children to you) as you sip the cup full of freshly poured tea. 
You observe the game, watching as Eloise and Collin would brag if their ball made it through the hoop, your eyes shift onto another player. 
"I see the way you look at my brother," Daphne lifts her cup, sipping her tea. 
You look away from... "I don't know what you mean. You must be mistaken." 
"I am anything but." 
"Well, then, you must get your eyes checked. I was curious to see who was winning. Nothing else." 
"If that's what you wish to believe." 
"I don't believe anything; I want to see who is winning so I may prepare my celebratory speech for young Eloise!" You shout the last part, catching the player’s attention. 
"I thank you for the support, but it is unnecessary at the moment," Eloise says. 
“You’ll be grateful for it when you win.” 
“Keep cheering me on them.” You smirk, shaking your head at the overly cocky girl. 
“Nothing, nothing,” Daphne says. 
“I mean it’s only…” 
“I don’t want to speak about this anymore.” 
“Alright. I promise I won’t bring it up again.” (That promise didn’t last long). “I only mean to say that you and Benedict have had eyes for each other a long time now and I wish to see you two happy.” 
“I know, I know but, surely you realize the feelings there.” 
“And what if I don’t?” 
“I only wish for you two to be happy.” 
“And I sincerely appreciate that but,” you sigh, returning your gaze to the- game. “Sometimes things just aren’t meant to be.” 
“What do you mean? Why does it sound like you’re saying goodbye?” Daphne places her cup onto the table. 
“I suppose I am.” 
“Are you leaving?” 
“Soon. I am to marry this season.” 
“I didn’t- I didn’t realize you were also joining the season.” 
“I didn’t plan on doing so for a while but, things change, and you understand that you have to do what is necessary in order for you and your family to survive in this world. It was planned, there is nothing I can do to change it.” 
“If there is anything I can help you with, please tell me.” She reaches for you. 
You beat her and grab her hand, pushing her hand onto her lap, squeezing her hand in reassurance, “I am fine.” 
“I will help you no matter what, you mean too much to me and my family.” 
A smile stretches across your lips and the warm feeling of (temporary) happiness tugs at your heart. “I know and I feel the same for you and your family.” 
“Even the stupid ones?” 
You laugh, knowing exactly who she’s talking about. “Yes, even them.” 
Benedict turns around and sees you glowing, looking radiant as ever. 
But there’s something about the way you two look that makes him feel as though his life is about to change for better or for worse and fate has yet to decide. 
He would later find out, he was right, and a little wrong.
Benedict turns, looking back over his shoulder like the other faceless guests do. 
He watches as the bride walks by; her face covered by a thick veil. He can’t tell who it is. He stands and sits when he’s supposed to. 
“I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride,” says the priest. 
The unknown groom, lifts her veil and sets it down, letting it fall onto her shoulders. 
He can see her face; his smile falls once he realizes that it’s you. 
He stands up, trying to reach for you but, he can’t, he’s stuck. 
The faceless and nameless man moves closer to you, leaning down to finish the process and make you, his bride.
Benedict wakes, scared out of his mind that he was going to lose you. 
He sits in his bed, thinking back to before when things were good between you two. He can’t be in his room anymore, perhaps a cigarette, a walk, or something else would help. 
He puts on the shirt he tossed off to the side before he got ready for bed. 
He ventures down the hallway, down the stairs, and eventually made his way to the swing set, he and Eloise use for their chats. He sighs, thinking back to the dream. 
The thought of you getting married to someone else- seeing you with another is not ideal. He can’t come to terms with it, he didn’t before, and it seems his feelings about the matter will never change.
Getting out of his head, he sees you sitting on one of the swings. 
He sighs, staring at you in all your glory, taking a mental picture so that he can draw this beautiful moment as soon as he finds a sketchbook. 
The way the moonlight illuminates around you, your hand placement is perfect, not to mention the fact that you’re in your nightgown (not that he’s thought about you in a nightgown or had dreams about you… wearing such an outfit… only for him). 
For as long as he shall live, he will never forget the way you look tonight- or any other day. He takes careful steps, to not frighten you but, still does so. 
You jump, placing a hand over your heart, “Benedict. I wasn’t expecting to see you here.” 
“I couldn’t sleep.” 
“I assumed so.” 
“Why are you out here?” 
“I don’t believe it would be wise to tell you.” 
“What makes you say that?” 
“Who knows who you would tell.” 
“I didn’t ruin your chance to be with- whoever he was for us to have a broken friendship.” 
You’re still hurt by the things he said and don’t hear his minor confession. 
He doesn’t realize he’s done the same either. 
“You ruined my chance to help out my family.” 
“I didn’t.” 
“You did.” 
“So, what if I did? Is it so bad to say that I didn’t want to lose you, that I didn’t want to see my- my best friend married off to some rake?” 
“He wasn’t a rake,” you argue. 
“He certainly couldn’t keep his hands to himself.” 
“I am a young woman, born into a world where a woman is to marry in order to survive. If a woman is not married by a certain age, then they are named a spinster and are seen as unfit to marry. You do not know and will possibly never understand-” 
“I stand by my actions, and I will not take back what I said.” 
“So, you admit that you did do something.” 
He says nothing. 
“Exactly and-” 
“Marry me.” 
You turn, eyes widen in surprise and shock, “what did you say?” 
“What if,” he gulps. “What if you marry me? You know I would take care of you. I would love and support you no matter what, even if it isn’t up to society standards. I would- I would,” he pushes himself off the swing, to kneel before you, holding onto your hands. 
Your breath ever so lightly quickens, your heart is about to drop down to your stomach; all you can do is blink owlishly at what, you can only assume a pity proposal and not a confession. ‘If only he meant it.’ “Benedict,” your voice barely above a whisper. 
He continues to ramble on about how well of a husband he could be. 
“Benedict… Benedict… Benny?” You reach for him, cupping his cheek, bringing his attention onto you. “I am sorry, but I cannot accept your proposal.” 
His face falls, he looks so sad, and it does hurt you but, you can’t do this to yourself. “Why? You know I would be a good husband.” Your vision slowly becomes cloudy, tears pool in your waterline; you do your hardest to not let them fall as your lips tug upwards into a sad smile. “I know you would, and I have no doubt that you would but, we cannot marry.” 
“I ask again, why?” 
“I am already to be courting another before the end of the season, perhaps even before tomorrow evening.” 
“When did this happen?” He whispers. 
“Before I returned to visit you and your family earlier today, my mama informed me of the promise my papa made before he passed. I am to marry Lord Ruttiledge by the end of this season. I’m sorry.” You lean closer to him, pecking his cheek before removing his hands from you. 
You force yourself off the swing as fast as you can before you break down and cry. It takes everything in you not to cry too loudly; you wipe your cheeks and run back to the Bridgerton home.
You close the door lightly so you don’t wake anyone else, leaning your back against the door with your hand over your mouth to hide any sounds that may escape you. 
There was hardly any way for you to stay in the house any longer. 
You quickly change into the dress you wore a few hours ago along with your hooded cape, careful not to forget your shoes. 
You made your way to the stables, luckily it was still dark out and none of the servants were around. Sneaking Bo into his rightful spot and sneaking into your family home was easy. 
The hard part was calming yourself down and trying to get some sleep. 
After tucking yourself into bed, you close your eyes and wait for sleep to come. 
It doesn’t for some time, all you can think of is the conversation you had with your mama earlier.
“You know your father was a good man, right?” 
“Yes, why are we speaking of him?” You ask, not wanting to see her cry. 
“He made a promise before his passing and- oh dear, I don’t know how to tell you.” She doesn’t want to tell you because she knows who your heart truly belongs to. 
“Tell me what?” 
“He- he- do you remember Lord Ruttiledge?” 
“Papa’s business friend?” 
“Yes! Yes, he would often come over when you were a child.” 
“Him and papa would drink and go into papa’s study to discuss some things, I don’t know what since they always told me to go play with my friends. It was a little rude if you ask me but, I wasn’t going to question papa.” 
“I remember, defiant little thing you were,” your mama smiles. 
“During one of Lord Ruttiledge’s visits he and your father made a promise to one another. If you and his son weren’t married by the time you both were twenty and four, you would marry him.” 
“What about when I was younger?” 
“That was the time before you entered your first season.” 
“Papa wasn’t trying to marry me off then?” 
“Oh heavens no. He wanted his one and only child to stay young and unmarried for as long as he could, that was the reason why he made the promise. We both hoped you were going to be married by now.” 
“Why did papa tell me he was talking to lord Fauwix due to business reasons?” 
“He thought you were talking about the Ruttiledge family. He had just finished discussing with young Albert’s father.” 
She reaches for your hand. “Please know that I don’t want this to happen but I’m afraid it’s out of my hands. The Ruttiledge’s have been planning on this marriage for a long time now. I have already tried all that I can to help.” 
You sniff, realizing that being so rude to Benedict all this time was pointless. “I know. I don’t blame you- either of you.”
You wipe your cheeks. The life you’ve dreamed of having… is gone.
Eloise manages to sneak up on her brother who slouches in his chair in his art room, “Benedict, how long were you out there for? And, why do you have stains on your clothes?” 
She wanted to go outside and sit on the swings but when she saw her brother and you talking, she didn’t want to disturb either of you. She returns to her room, until it was time to wake up. 
Benedict says nothing. 
He looks up at her, tears trickle down his cheek. 
She’s shocked, she’s hardly ever seen him cry. “What’s-” 
“She is marrying another.” 
“Oh…” She doesn’t have to ask who. “When did you find out?” 
“Last night… I proposed.” 
Her eyes widen, surprised that he would do such a serious thing so soon (even though he’s been in love with you for years). He sits up, leaning forward with his elbows on his thighs, the heels of his palms cover his eyes. “I didn’t plan on proposing, I said it before I realized what I said, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t mean it, because I do. I- I tried to confess to her.” 
“You did?” 
He runs a hand through his hair before resting his chin in his hand, “I did but, she told declined the proposal and informed me of the potential suitor she is to have before the end of the season. She walked away before I could say anything else.” 
“What would you have said?” 
“Did you think that telling her she’s better suited for you was going to change anything?” 
“I don’t-” 
“Do you think that it was hard for her to say no to you?” 
“It didn’t seem like it,” he mumbles. 
“I planned on going to our secret place so we could talk but when I saw you two, I went back to bed, and do you know what I heard?” 
He glances over at his sister before staring at the wall once more. 
“I heard a young woman in love, with you of all people-” 
Benedict frowns at that even though he knows his sister is joking. 
“Crying her heart out because she cannot be with who she loves.” 
“You all say she cares for me but, I don’t believe it to be true.” 
“Maybe if you looked harder, you would see it.”
“We’re going to be having dinner with Albert Ruttiledge this evening,” your mother informs you. 
Maggie finishes up with your hair. 
“I’ll be sure, I’m ready by then.” 
“Are you going to visit the Bridgerton’s today?” 
“Are you going out today?” 
“Has something happened?” 
“Are you upset with me?” 
“No, mama. I… I didn’t sleep well. That’s all.” 
“Are sure? I’m sure we can-” 
“No, we’re having a dinner with the Ruttiledge’s this evening. I’ll be fine.” You turn, placing a hand on Maggie’s wrist, “thank you, Maggie.” 
“Of course, my lady,” she bows and takes her leave. 
“I’ll be going out today. Will you be alright here? By yourself?” 
“I will, have fun,” you peck your mother’s cheek before exiting your room, preferring to hide out in the library. 
You didn’t know it but, your mama went to visit the Bridgerton home and discuss a few things with Violet.
“Hello, Lord Ruttiledge,” you greet your soon-to-be fiancé. 
“Lady Whittacker.” 
“We should all sit down now, I suppose?” Your mother chimes in. 
“Yes, of course.” He sits in the chair besides yours. 
You and your mama share a “isn’t he charming” look. 
Before you can sit down or anyone could say anything else, there’s a knock on the door. 
“Who could that be?” You ask out loud. 
Your mother places her hands on the arm of the chair, prepared to stand up but stops when the sound of multiple footsteps and chatter echoes in the hallway soon entering the dining room. 
It seems as though everyone besides your mama is shocked by the group of guests. “Bridgerton’s! Bassets! Hello, hello. Come in, come in.” 
Your mama turns towards the head servant, Nigel. “I’m already on it, Miss.” 
“You are a saint, my dear.” 
“I wasn’t expecting more guests,” Lord Ruttiledge mutters. 
“Neither did I,” you add. 
Daphne and Kate make their way towards you. 
“We missed you yesterday morning for breakfast. Is everything alright?” Daphne asks. 
“Of course,” you answer. 
“And who is this?” Asks Kate, gesturing to the now uncomfortable man, who is still sitting. 
“A friend,” you answer stiffly.  
“A friend?” She repeats. 
“You must be good friends, if you’re here on your own.” 
“Please stop,” you mumble. 
“I’m only talking to him. I want to get to know him.” 
“Okay, I understand.” 
“Everyone, please sit,” your mama announces. 
“I’ve got it,” Benedict pulls out the chair from your grasp. He pushes it in once you sit down. “Thank you,” you whisper once he sits down. 
“At least some of us have manners.” 
“Benedict,” you sternly say. 
“I know. I know.” 
“How are well this evening?” Violet asks, attempting to make things slightly less awkward. 
Few answered with good, others with a longer reply. 
The youngest trio broke into a conversation of their own. 
The eldest brother and eldest sister along with their spouses kept an eye on the three of you, clearly waiting for something to happen. 
Eloise would chime with her commentary whenever one of her siblings would say something that catches her interest. 
A few moments later, dinner was served and hardly anyone spoke a word, but when they finished their meals that’s when things took a turn. 
“Are you going to discuss your interest in courting Lady Whittaker tonight?” Asks Kate. 
Daphne and her sister-in-law gave the lord their full attention. 
You close your eyes, deeply exhaling. ‘Why?’ “Must we do this now, ladies?” You ask, clenching your jaw so you don’t start an argument with your friends. 
“I want to know what the rake’s intentions are,” Kate answers. 
Lord Ruttiledge chokes on the drink, using the napkin to cover his mouth as he coughs. He clears his throat, “what?” 
She looks at him, “did you think none of us knew?” 
“Knew what?” 
“Of your secret lover.” 
“Don’t forget secret child,” Anthony adds. 
“I think you mean children,” Kate informs her husband. 
“I don’t- I don’t know what you two are talking about.” 
The two glance at one another and hum, returning their focus back onto him. 
“We think you do,” answers Simon, “innocently” sipping his wine.
“Is this why you invited us over?” Violet asks her friend. 
“Heavens no. I did not know this is what was going to happen. Although I can’t say I’m upset.” 
“You’re not?” 
“No, I want her to marry who she wants, marry for love. I think after this we’re going to be closer than ever.” 
Violet chuckles, she has the same feeling. “Should we stop them? Your daughter doesn’t seem to be very happy with her friends.” 
“It’ll pass, let them get it all out now.” 
“How many sips have you had?” 
“I think you mean cups.” 
“You see,” Kate begins. “He has at least three children, two girls and a boy with another on the way. Isn’t that right, my lord?” 
“His eldest is ten and one, the second child is seven, the third is said to be three, and his beloved has been with child since the middle of winter,” Anthony adds, raising his brows at you as he reaches for his cup. 
“How did you find out?” 
“We didn’t know for sure but now, you’ve confirmed it all,” Kate smirks. 
“You can take your leave at any time this evening,” Daphne tells him. 
Simon nods, agreeing with his wife. 
“You four are the rudest people I have ever known,” you hiss. “I thank you for “looking out” for me but this,” you point in a circular motion. “Is completely inappropriate. And you,” you turn to the lord. “Can leave. None of us will tell anyone about what has happened. I apologize if you felt as though you had to come here, you certainly didn’t. Our fathers made a joking promise years ago but, then they wanted it to be true and here we are. You may leave. I’ll walk you out.” 
The both of you get up, out of your chairs and head for the door. 
You grab his forearm. 
He turns around. 
“Find the mother of your children and marry. Do not wait any longer. It’s clear the two of you care deeply for each other. The children should be with their father more. You won’t regret doing so, I know it.” 
He lets out a sigh of relief and lunges at you, hugging you. “Thank you.�� 
“You have no reason to thank me.” 
“I am sorry for putting you through this.” 
You offer a small smile, “go to your family.” 
“This means more to me than you know.” 
“Which is why you must go now,” you laugh, pushing him out the door. 
“Thank you!”
You take notice that it’s Maggie who’s closing the door. “Maggie-” 
“Don’t abandon the party.” 
You huff, turning to see Benedict leaning against the doorway that’s the hallway for the dining room. “Not now, Benedict.” You walk away, aiming for the stairs so, you can go to your room. 
“You can’t abandon your guests.” He follows you. 
“I have no guests to entertain. I only see a room full of traitors- protective and kind traitors.” 
Maggie shakes her, wondering when the two of you will get together. 
“At least it wasn’t me this time.” 
You stop, doing a one-eighty turn, standing before him. You poke his chest, “so, you admit you did something?” 
He nervously chuckles, staring at you, “no.” 
“Really?” The corners of your mouth tugs upwards, you don’t realize it until Benedict says something. 
“It seems as though now, since you don’t have to worry about marrying that rake-” 
Your smile disappears as you take a step back, “he is not a rake. He was doing what he felt he had to for his family.” 
“And which family is that? His mother and father or the one he created with some woman?” 
You scoff, briskly walking away from him. He’s persistent tonight, you’ll give him that. 
“I’m not done talking to you.” 
“You’re not. I am,” the door slams shut. You rub your face, keeping your face covered. 
“I’m not done talking to you,” he leans against the door, slowly closing it so no one disturbs the two of you or sees you, a young woman in the presence of a single man (who only has eyes for you) and gossip with others so you’re forced to marry… he does plan on asking for your hand but, Benedict would prefer if the both of you weren’t so much “forced” into marrying one another because of such a situation. 
“Please get out. I need some time to myself.” 
“I’m afraid I cannot do that.” 
Your hands fall to your sides, “why? What is so important that you must tell me right this instant? All you’ve done is mess up everything and I can’t take anymore.” 
“You…” He stops, unable to say another word. If he admits what’s in his heart, things may never be the same again, for better or for worse. He is tempted to mess with fate but, he’s downright terrified. 
“I- what?” You snap, your emotions begin to get the better of you. 
Benedict gulps. It’s now or never. He takes a step towards you, reaching out for you almost. He's in front of you, cradling your hands in his like he did the previous night. “You, make it ten times more difficult for me to be able to express myself… I can’t- I can’t tell you- begin to tell you how much you mean to me. I am a man of many talents but, when I look at you, I’m helpless. I can’t tell you everything I feel whenever I see you- think of you. I can hardly put into words how you are my… everything,” he whispers. 
He reaches for your delicate face, dragging his index finger across your cheek, tucking it under your chin, bringing you closer. He leans in ever so slightly, his nose brushes against yours as he continues to stare into your beautiful eyes while finishes his confession. “I will admit to you now that I ruined any future relationship you may have had with that lord from our youth.” 
You close your eyes, “why?” 
“He would have taken away the one thing that keeps my heart beating and my art alive.” 
“What?” You open your eyes, seeing his soft and kind eyes. A sight you haven’t seen for quite some time now. 
“My darling,” he breathes out. “You are my muse. I may sound selfish but, I would do anything to keep you near me. The thought of you being with another hurts me more than I care to admit.” He brings his hand up to cradle your cheek, “I cannot even begin to think of how terrible life would be without you.” 
“Why couldn’t you confess your love for me sooner and spare us this pain?” You sniffle, pulling your head away from him to lightly smacking his chest. He chuckles, reaching for your hand. You follow his lead as the two of you sway back and forth. You pause, “what are we to tell your family and my mama?” 
“That we are getting married?” He gives you a sheepish smile. 
“Really? I don’t recall anyone asking me.” Benedict kneels, reaching in his pocket. 
You laugh, shaking your head with your eyes closed. “Will you-” 
“Ben, you don’t need to-” you open your eyes and find him holding a ring. “Where did that come from?” 
“Have you had this the whole time? Did you plan on proposing before your family interrupted?” 
“Technically, our family but, yes? N- I won’t lie to you, my dear. The main reason I came here was to propose to you and tell you of my feelings.” 
“You’ve been planning on proposing?” 
“I tried once and was unsuccessful.” 
“And you wanted to try again?” 
“If it meant I got to see you, yes.” 
You slowly place your hand in front of him. 
“Does this mean you accept?” He asks, his heart beating much faster now… at the thought of you becoming his wife… among other things. 
“I wouldn’t offer my hand, if I was going to reject the man I love.” 
He practically jumps up, gingerly putting the ring on your finger, holding your hand. He looks at you, “did you tell me you love me?” 
Your free hand comes up to the back of his neck; your thumb rubbing gentle and comforting circles, “I’m going to have my hands full with you, aren’t I?” 
“I need to hear you say it again.” 
You hum, “no.” You walk away, aiming for the door when you feel a pair of hands on your waist turn you around. 
Benedict traps you against the door. “I’m afraid you can’t leave the room until you confess your feelings.” 
“I,” you pause to study his face. “Find your facial features very interesting.” 
“I don’t believe that is a confession.” 
You dramatically sigh, “Ben, I… love you. I could not stop thinking about while I was away even though every time I thought of you, I usually became upset. I couldn’t stop my heart from beating faster when I thought of your smile, watching you sketch whatever it was that caught your interest, anything that had to do with you.” 
“Even now your heart races?” 
“Even now.” 
“Do you want to tell them now?” 
“I have a feeling they already know.” 
“I have no doubt that you are right, my darling.”
One season later (summer)
The sunlight shining through the window begins to bug you. 
You roll over, hoping to cuddle with your husband for a few moments. You open your eyes to find him sketching… shirtless. It’s an enjoyable sight to see when you first wake up that’s for sure. “How long have you been awake for?” 
“Some time,” he vaguely answers you. You slightly crawl closer to him, leaning on your elbows, hoping to get a peek at what he’s working on today. “And what are we sketching this morning?” 
He leans away from you, “no looking.” 
You pout, “why?” 
“It’s a surprise. I’m- I’ almost done.” 
“If you think it’s bad, I can tell you without a doubt that it is amazing.” 
He blushes, “thank you, my muse but-” It’s one of those mornings, if he calls you his muse then he’s drawing you. 
“But nothing,” you push yourself off your elbows and sit up with one knee bent and the other leg tucked underneath. “You are an amazing artist. I love watching you work on your art and find myself lucky to see the finished work. Let me see it, please?” 
He hesitantly hands you his latest sketchbook. 
You don’t know what to say so, you smile. “You were drawing me while I slept?” 
He hums. 
“I must say, I never thought I would look so good in a drawing but when you’re married to the best artist in town, I guess that’s to be expected.” 
You return the sketchbook back to him. 
“How many times have we redrawn me this morning?” 
“Don’t sound so shocked, when I have an amazingly, wonderful, and beautiful muse lying at my side.” 
“Oh? Confident, are we?” 
He sets the book on the nightstand and wipes his hand on his charcoal pencil rag before spreading his arms, “come here,” he says. 
You cuddle into him, enjoying the warmth he’s emanating. “I wish we could enjoy moments like this more often,” you whisper. 
“Who says we can’t?” 
A thump, followed by Hyacinth and Gregory’s shouting outside the door. 
“Don’t answer my question.” 
“I wasn’t,” you tease.
604 notes · View notes
Changes Pt.3
Word Count: 1,458
Characters: Derek Hale, Peter Hale, Kate Argent, Allison Argent (brief), Scott McCall (brief)
Pairings: Derek Hale x Platonic!Reader; Peter Hale x Platonic!Reader
Warnings: angst, death
A/N: holy shit i dont remember the last time I wrote like this oml
Masterlist Series Masterlist
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Your vision was blurry, head pounding as you scrunched your eyes, making out someone standing in front of you, shining a light in your eyes.
Your hands were tied above your head, your arms were pinned to something cool and metal.
You fully opened your eyes, seeing Kate in front of you as you jumped slightly.
“Good of you to join us,” she said softly.
You tugged on your chains, your heart rate jumping as you looked around, seeing Derek chained up next to you.
It had been only two days since you last spoke to him, you weren't looking forward to seeing him.
You turned away from him, looking back at Kate, breathing heavily.
You didn't know what to say.
“You know they’re human, they don’t know anything!” Derek yelled.
“(Y/N) was your best friend, were they not? They’ve lived in Beacon Hills forever, known you forever. They know who the alpha is. One of you is going to speak,” you felt a shock throughout your body as you let out a small cry, while Derek tensed.
“You can save them by just telling me who the alpha is,” Kate teased.
You looked at Derek, who opened his mouth to speak before you shook your head no, stopping him.
“Wrong decision,” she shook her head.
You flinched as she neared you, letting out a shaky breath before she froze.
You heard a door opening before she smiled softly.
“I’ll be back,” she walked away from you as you let out a deep breath.
“I-I’m gonna get you out of here, okay?” you heard Derek's voice as you avoided looking at him.
“I promise you, you’ll be okay.”
The door opened once more, and this time you saw Kate and another girl walking into the room, the other girl looked frightened and confused, looking at Kate for answers.
“Just watch and learn, Allison.”
There were slight tears in your eyes while you sat, tied down on the chair. You stared blankly at the ground, trying to avoid Derek’s words.
He wouldn't stop talking whenever he had the chance. You even wanted Kate to come back, she was the only one who could get him to shut up.
“I’m going to make everything up to you, I promise,” you wiped your eyes, before tensing as you heard the door open, Derek going silent.
“Scott is the other Beta, isn’t he? It’s not Jackson,” you clenched your jaw.
How did she know?
Kate walked around the two of you, circling back to you.
“He is, isn't he?” you let out a shaky breath as she stood behind you, holding a knife to your collarbone.
You stayed silent before she pressed onto your neck while you shut your eyes tightly.
You're okay
You’re okay
It’s okay
“Stop!” Derek yelled.
“Yes, he is. Now stop,” Derek said.
That idiot
She released her grip on you, while you exhaled shakily.
“So happy you decided to cooperate,” you didn’t need to see her face to imagine her smirk.
It’s haunted you since you first met her.
You and Derek got in a fight about her. You could never forget that it was less than a week later when the Hale House caught fire.
“Why did you tell her?!” you exclaimed, waiting for Kate to leave.
“What do you mean-”
“You sold out Scott? He’s a child!” you yelled.
“She was hurting you, (Y/N). She already guessed most of it,” Derek said softly.
“I was fine,” you shook your head.
“(Y/N), you need to know I’m really sorry-”
“I heard you the first time, I heard you the last time,” you muttered.
“So then tell me what I can do to make this up to you,” Derek replied.
“You can finally leave me alone,” you spat.
You saw Derek tense slightly from the corner of your eye before you turned to look at him.
“When we get out of here, I want you to just leave me alone. Forever.”
“Please,” your eyes watered slightly.
“O-Okay, I promise,” he nodded softly.
You turned back, putting your hand on your wound before you winced.
You saw the blood on your fingers, closing your eyes.
It’ll be okay
It’ll be okay
You zoned in and out of consciousness, you made out a figure of a man standing in front of you, he put his hand on a dial.
You knew it was hooked up to Derek, you knew it would shock him.
You didn't have enough energy to call out.
What just happened?
Your ears were ringing as the man fell unconscious. Scott stood in front of you, rushing to Derek.
We’re saved
You could feel blood dripping from your wounds while Scott helped Derek take off his chains.
Their speech was muffled as Derek ran to you, putting his hands on your shoulders.
“(Y/N)? H-Hey, can you hear me? (Y/N)?” he took the chains off of you as your body shook.
He wrapped his arms around you, helping you up.
You groaned softly as he took a deep breath.
“You’re in a lot of pain,” he said.
“Let's get out of here.”
You tried to keep your eyes open, everything was moving too fast for you to keep up.
The three of you were outside, you could feel the cold air on your skin.
“Something’s wrong,” you said softly.
Derek paused, before shaking his head.
“Get down!” you groaned as he pushed you down, before you gasped, seeing an arrow fly into his stomach.
“Derek,” you cried out.
You tried to crawl towards him, before feeling someone pull you back.
“Kate,” you gasped softly.
“You know, I never got to thank you,” she lifted you harshly.
“Keeping me out of the police’s radar,” she said softly.
“Let go of me,” you tried to push her away as she shook her head.
“You got my friends arrested, they’re still rotting away in a jail cell,” her grip on your arm tightened as you tried to pull away from her.
“You burned their family,” you clenched your jaw.
She pressed on your wounds as you winced, scrunching your eyes shut in pain.
You cried out in pain softly before you heard the sound of her gun cocking.
“No-” you felt the bullet go through your leg as you collapsed onto the floor.
She tried to hold you, before getting pushed aside.
You saw the alpha grab Kate, running into the Hale House.
Everything was moving too fast for you to keep up, your head was spinning, hey everything moved slowly. You saw a bright light as you scrunched your eyes, seeing Peter’s face flash in front of you.
You remembered seeing the same look on him after the fire, his entire body was scorched.
“Derek-” your voice broke as you tried to pull yourself to Peter, seeing Derek’s claws in the air.
“Don’t-” your voice was barely above a whisper as sharp tears filled your eyes, watching Peter’s body collapse on the floor.
He can't be
You pulled yourself to Peter’s body, pulling him into your arms.
More and more tears fell from your face, his body was limp, there was no heartbeat.
You wrapped your arms around him tightly, sobbing quietly.
“I got you some water,” your face was turned away from Derek’s, you kept your eyes on the wall beside you.
“How do you feel?” you couldn't bring yourself to yell at him, you were tired.
“Have you taken your meds yet? They’re right here,” he placed a smaller cup next to the cup of water.
“I’m the alpha now,” flashes of Peter’s body came to your mind as you closed your eyes, wincing as a tear slipped down.
“I didn't mean to upset you-”
“Please just leave,” your voice broke slightly.
“(Y/N), I need to… all these things-” 
“Just leave, Derek. Please.” 
There was a moment of silence as you wiped your tears away.
“I’m not leaving you again, I’m sorry,” you shook his head.
You let out a shaky breath, wiping your face before slowly laying back in the hospital bed.
You wanted it all to drift away, you wish you could forget all about the events from the past weeks. You wanted to forget about the Hales completely, forget about meeting Derek, forget about Peter dying, but you knew you couldn't. At the end of the day, you would be dead without them, if you still lived at home.
This isn't fair
You closed your eyes, letting a tear slip down. You couldn't sleep, but you couldn't stand to see Derek any longer. You unshelled deeply, burying yourself under the blanket while Derek took a seat next to your bed, watching over you.
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cjsinkythoughts · 3 years
In Need of a Breath
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader
Word Count: 4007
Warnings: !FATWS SPOILERS!, Cursing, Zemo, Feelings, Another PTSD Flashback
A/N: So…Part 4 is going to have a couple parts to it. Maybe even three. I didn’t even make it half way through the episode on this one, mainly because I really wanted to fit in the Reader’s backstory and I wanted her and Sam to have a heart-to-heart again. I’m suuuuper tired, so I probably won’t be posting the next part for another few hours (it’s 5 am right now and I haven’t slept), BUT it’s my day off work and I won’t be doing anything I planned because my grandmother had a stroke a couple days ago so plans have changed and I’m staying in to help her, meaning I’ll mostly be writing all day. 
This Part is kind of a mix between off-screen and shot-by-shots, but it’s mostly off screen/what’s going on inside Reader’s head.
I’m really excited about future parts and the characters that are being introduced! I will say that after these parts, I will be doing one shots of previous MCU movies with the Reader, due to the information that is being given about the Reader now. You kind of see more of how she was affected/how she affected the previous MCU movies and what she was doing during that time.
Like always, this hasn’t been beta’d, again it’s SUPER early in the morning, and I’m really tired, so please excuse any mistakes! I hope you guys enjoy this part! Stay tuned for more to come later today!
cjsinkythoughts MASTERLIST
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“You know…I’m really starting to regret saying yes to this.” You huffed out, craning your neck and squinting your eyes against the sun as you stare at the facility in front of you, hating the skin-crawling feeling of being back.
“Would you relax? Whenever you’re nervous, I get nervous, and I don’t wanna be nervous about this.” Sam shifted his weight from one foot to the other.
“Do either of you have a better plan?” Bucky grumbled, crossing his arms.
Gnawing on your lips, you finally take the lead and breathe out, “alright. Let’s go then.” You could feel the hesitance from your - what were they? Partners? Coworkers? Teammates? - the fellas before they started after you.
There was a sick twist in your gut as you entered the building, going through the lobby and security.
You had been there.
You had been there when Zemo impersonated Bucky. You had been there when Zemo unleashed the Winter Soldier at the Joint Counter Terrorist Centre Building in Berlin. You had been there during the battle at the airport. You had been there when Zemo turned Tony and Steve against each other in Siberia. You had been there when Zemo tore the Avengers from the inside out. Your family. The only family you’d ever known.
But you’d always been good about pushing your personal feelings aside for the sake of the mission. It’s what you’d been born to do. All you ever knew.
“Hey. Doll. You hear me?”
“Hmm. What?” You looked up from the ground to look into those enchanting blue oceans Bucky had for eyes, staring worriedly down at you, eyebrows pinched and forehead creased.
“I’m going in alone.” You frowned, opening your mouth to argue, but he shook his head. “Sam already agreed-”
“I didn’t necessarily agree-”
“You’re an Avenger, sweetheart.” Bucky tilted his head, speaking softly, those eyes of his worried. Worried for you. It made your stomach flip. “And you were there in Siberia, and that almost makes it worse. Especially considering you went after him. Just…just let me do this, okay?”
You cracked your knuckles nervously as you thought. It was a terrible idea. But it was an idea. And it was all they had. “Okay.” You finally relented, shrugging as your hands hit your thighs and slid up to your hips. “But don’t do anything stupid.”
“Steve took all that with him.”
Knowing about their little inside joke, you scoffed. “Sure he did. Go before I change my mind.”
You watched him walk down the hallway, hands fidgeting with excess nerves. “I think you’re the only one he actually seeks approval from.”
“Good thing I’m so lenient then, huh?” You joked, turning to Sam with a strained smile. Your smile slipped at the curious expression on Sam’s face, his eyes darting to each of your features. “What?”
“Are you doing okay?”
You groaned, throwing your head back. You thought you got out of talking about your feelings back in Baltimore. “Oh my God, Sam-”
“I’m serious. You…you just don’t seem like yourself.”
You shook your head, looking down the hall to where Bucky disappeared before turning back to him. It was weird to have a self that people recognized. Your whole life you’d been searching for it and when you finally found it…everything went to shit. “Honestly, Sammy, the only time I’ve ever felt like myself was with the team. Zemo took that away from me and now we’re here, practically begging him for help.”
Sam hummed, leaning against the wall. “Have you thought of taking a break?”
“A break.” At your bewildered look, he rolled his eyes. “Cher, this time last year most of us were dead. This time a few months ago you found out about Wanda. This time last week you were out looking for her. Maybe you should just stop and take a breather.”
Shoving your hands in your pocket and looking at the floor, you couldn’t help but snort at his advice. “I haven’t taken a breather since I was eighteen.”
He clicked his tongue. “That’s my point. FBI academy as soon as you graduated. SHIELD recruit by 21, undercover operations leader by 24? Slow down. You’re in your thirties. Next thing you know, you’re gonna be ninety something, lying on your deathbed, wishing you had stopped to smell the roses.”
“If I live to be ninety, shoot me.” He chuckled in amusement. “I’m so fucking serious, Sam. I will not be put in an old folks home to play Bingo and be pushed around in a wheelchair. It ain’t happening.”
“I’ll see what I can do.” There was that infectious smile, which you unconsciously grinned back at. “Y/N…I’m serious. You’ve been in and out of missions since you were a teenager. What’s the shortest undercover operation you’ve done?”
“I dunno.”
He gave you an unimpressed look. “Yeah you do.”
Licking your lips, you turned away and shrugged. “A couple months. Seven weeks and three days, to be precise. September to October in 2012.”
“And the longest?”
“August 2007 to May 2009. Twenty one months.” 
Letting out a puff of air through his nose, Sam pushed himself off the wall and caught your chin between his fingers to make you look at him. “That’s nearly two years under cover. And I’m sure you went right back under after-”
“I was sitting at a desk for four months doing paperwork on it.” You defended yourself.
He shook his head, brows knitting together, lips drawn down. “You say that as if four months is enough time.”
“It doesn’t matter anymore, Sammy. I’m out. I’ve been out since Ultron and Sokovia. I haven’t been under in almost a decade-”
“A decade half the world was dead for half of-”
“I wasn’t!”
“I never said you were.” Sam sighed, closing his eyes for a moment. You were always amazed at his ability to keep his emotions in check. To stay cool under pressure. Sometimes you forgot how experienced he was with dealing with other people’s trauma. It was no wonder why Steve thought he’d be good for Bucky. “Listen. All I’m saying is once this is done…don’t go diving back into searching for Wanda. Don’t go running to the kid every time he calls - and I know you’ve been doing that-”
“It’s just been homework and stuff-”
“Y/N.” You stopped, biting your lip at the stern look he gave you. “Go home. Order take out. Binge watch TV. Go for a jog through the park. Actually meet your neighbors. Go grocery shopping. Just…live. If only for a couple weeks. Don’t worry about anyone else. Don’t pick up the phone, don’t drop everything because someone needs you. You need you.”
“I-I…” You shook your head, looking at him, sincerely apologetic. “I can’t. I wish I could. But I can’t. I’ve never had one normal day in my life. I’ve never had someone to care for, never had someone to care for me. I can’t let people I’ve come to…I can’t let them think I don’t care. I don’t even know where I’d go.”
“Whaddya mean?”
You winced, not thrilled for his reaction to your next statement. “I, uh, I sold my apartment in D.C.”
He gaped at you in complete disbelief. “You got it in December!”
“I know, I know. I liked it. I really did, but…I dunno. Nomadic life has always suited me better. It’s what I grew up with.”
He took a breath, making you cringe again. You don’t think you’ve ever legitimately gotten on his nerves like this before. “Have you ever thought that, instead of going with the flow and jumping place to place, putting down roots might actually help?” He cut you off before you could say anything, holding up a finger to stop you from talking. “I can’t imagine going from foster home to foster home like you did. I can’t imagine not having a home for as long as you can remember. Louisiana’s my home. Always has, always will be. But I understand your life has been anything but stable. And maybe, just maybe, that’s why you need some stability.”
You clenched your jaw, crossing your arms. “The Avengers were my stability. Steve was my stability.”
“Because you loved him.”
“I’m not doing this with you again.” You turned to walk down to the lobby to wait for Bucky there, but Sam caught your arm.
“You were in love with him! It’s okay! You two were super close! No one would blame you! Why won’t you just admit it? I’m trying to understand! Why won’t you-”
You tugged your arm away, finally snapping at him. “Because he could never be mine, Wilson! Is that what you wanna hear?!” Sam took a step back at your exclamation. You closed your eyes, swallowing the lump in your throat and pushing down the tears. “He could preach all he wanted about moving forwards, Sammy, but we all knew he was stuck in the past. He visited the museum every Thursday because her interview showed in his exhibit on Thursdays. He carried around that broken compass because her picture was in it.” You looked back up at him sadly, shrugging. “And I get it; it’s hard to move past your first love. I get it because…that’s what he was to me.”
There was a silence that blanketed the hallway, before he spoke up hesitantly. “What about Bucky?”
“I thought - I thought I was projecting my feelings for Steve onto him because I knew Steve couldn’t ever…”
Sam raised an eyebrow. “You thought? What do you think now?”
You cleared your throat. “I’m still figuring that one out.”
“If you ever need to talk, I’ll be here.”
You chuckled, nodding slightly towards him. “Back atcha. Don’t think I haven’t noticed you not being yourself lately, either.”
“It’s…a tough topic.”
You nodded in understanding. “Just know that I’ll support every decision you make as long as you think it’s the right one. Because I trust you. Steve trusted you. It’s all we can do to try to do what’s right. That’s what makes you a good man, Sammy. He gave you that shield for a reason, and if you think what you did was right…I’ll stand by it.”
The two of you stared at each other for a moment, calming down in each other’s presences and taking comfort knowing you’d be there for each other through thick and thin. “Thank you, cher.”
“Of course, Sammy. Now let’s go see what’s taking the old grump so long.”
He laughed at that, nodding in agreement, taking your offered hand and squeezing it as you made your way down the hall.
Bucky eyed you as you spluttered, coughing on the water you were drinking. “Please don’t choke, doll.”
“Break him out of jail?!” You repeated his words and blinked at him, absolutely baffled by his plan. “Oh my God.” You groaned as Bucky and Sam started arguing, moving your flashlight around the room. “Where the hell are we?” There was no response as they kept going back and forth.
“Zemo’s gonna mess with our minds! Especially yours! No offense.”
“Heelllloooo!” You tried again. “Where the hell are we?!”
Bucky turned on the lights, giving Sam a look. “Offense.” Glancing at you he quirked an eyebrow. “Stop worrying your pretty lil’ head, sweetheart. You trust me, dontcha?” Your breath hitched at his words. You quickly recovered, huffing and pouting - although you’d deny ever pouting - and crossing your arms. You stood between the guys like that, eyes darting to whoever was speaking, waiting for them to stop so you could actually think.
“Look. Let me just walk you through a hypothetical. Can I walk you through a hypothetical?”
You and Sam exchanged glances. “What did you do?”
“I…didn’t do…anything.” Bucky shrugged.
“How is it that you, one of the most deadliest assassins basically ever, are one of the worst liars I know.” You tilted your head at him, an eyebrow quirking up in confusion.
“Shush it you. Just, okay. The weakest point in any system isn’t the software, the hardware, it’s the meatware. The human element.”
The more you listened to Bucky’s “hypothetical”, the stronger the gut feeling telling you this was a terrible terrible idea got. You brought your hands up to your head, eyes wide as he spoke.
“I don’t like how casual you’re bein’ about this. This is unnatural.”
You couldn’t help but agree with Sam’s words, your head falling back and your eyes closing. “Sweet Jesus. Listen, God, I know we don’t talk much these days, but please, please don’t let this not be a hypothetical. I’m fucking begging you.”
A noise to your right made your head snap over. “Oh hell to the fucking no!” You shook your head as Zemo himself walked in, wearing a prison guards uniform. “Uh-uh! No way! Bucky, this was not part of the plan!”
“What did you do?!”
“We need him!”
“You’re going back to prison.”
“If I may-”
All three of you faced him, simultaneously shouting, “no!”
You held your face in your hands as your head dropped, shaking back and forth, your eyes squeezing shut, tuning them out for just a minute to think. Bucky had a point. The enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that, and the Avengers were technically disbanded, which was Zemo’s whole objective in the first place, but…God. You were good at compartmentalizing, but not that much. You were willing to put your feelings aside for the mission so Bucky could talk to him. Not for you to work with him. But he had connections, you knew he did, and he had information…
“Doll?” You looked up, Bucky anxiously licking his lips as he met your gaze. “I need you to say something.”
You looked to Sam, who shrugged, gesturing to Zemo. “What do you think?”
What did you think? What did you think?! You thought that it was the worst idea in the history of ideas and you should turn back and find another way! But…you knew this was the fastest, probably most reliable way to get information that you needed.
Dammit, since when were you the deciding factor?
You sucked in a breath, looking over Sam’s shoulder at Zemo, who lifted his hand in greeting. You raised your eyes to the ceiling, pointing your finger accusingly. “This is why we stopped talking.” Gaze dropping to the still waiting fellas, you gnawed on your lip, before hissing out, “ffffine…” Running a hand through your hair, you threw your hands up as you shrugged. “Fine. Okay. Fine.”
“Okay.” Sam nodded, taking charge again.
You couldn’t believe this was happening. Except, that was a lie. You could. You’d seen weirder. You’d experienced the impossible. Lived through the unbelievable. This…this was completely imaginable.
Which is why, with a lot of hesitation and very little confidence in this plan, you followed Zemo through the auto shop you were in until you reached a large room with a ton of different old cars.
Bucky’s hand found yours as Zemo explained what the plan was, rather vaguely, in your opinion, but at least he was explaining. Point for him. Not that it would make up for the level of distrust you held for him, but it was something.
You looked up at him, giving him a puzzling frown. He usually only grabbed your hand in front of other people when he was feeling anxious. Which, yeah, he had a right to be anxious right now, but it wasn’t the right kind. The type of anxiety caused by large crowds and loud noises, ones that startled him and threw him into a defensive mode.
But the look on his face made you squeeze his hand in reassurance. He was pouting, staring at you although he did something wrong - a puppy that tore up a pillow - and all you wanted to do was give him a hug.
“You’re mad at me.” He mumbled as the four of you headed out with Zemo in the lead.
“No I’m not.”
“Yeah you are. 
“Bucky, I’m not mad.”
“Listen, if I had a better idea I wouldn’t-”
You brought your linked hands up to your lips, pressing a gentle kiss to his gloved knuckles. “I’m not mad.” You repeated more firmly. “It’s just…a lot for me, right now.”
“Why? What’s going on?”
“Nothing’s going on, Buck, I-I just…” You thought about your and Sam’s earlier conversation and suddenly understood what he meant. “I need to breathe for a second.”
His features twisted into ones of uncertainty, eyes squinting as you stepped outside. “Do you…do you wanna leave?”
You shook your head, tugging his arm to stop him and grabbing the sunglasses on his collar, slipping them over his eyes. “No. I just need some time to think. Hopefully the plane ride to wherever the hell we’re going will give me that.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, James. I’m sure.”
He lowered the glasses on his nose to scan you over the frames, before nodding and sliding them back up. “Okay. You ready for this, then?”
“No.” You breathed, turning back to where Zemo and Sam were still walking. “Let’s do this.”
Climbing onto the private jet, you raised an eyebrow at Sam, who shrugged, giving you a bemused expression. A Baron…huh…who knew? You feel like you should’ve, yet there you were.
You sat besides Bucky, across from Zemo, crossing your legs and leaning back while staring at him through narrowed eyes.
His butler seemed nice, which made you even more suspicious. You obviously didn’t know as much about Zemo as you wanted to. It was a habit you picked up after years of undercover work; once the mission was complete, that was that. There was no looking back on it. No sitting on it. It was over and you moved onto the next one. It was a bad habit in cases like this.
The moment you spotted the notebook over Zemo’s book you knew something was going to happen, yet you still flinched when Bucky lunged at him, grabbing his throat. You leaned back in your seat again, steadying your now racing heartbeat. You decided you were too tense, trying to relax your muscles as Bucky sat back down in his seat.
“I’ve seen that book. It was Steve’s when he came out of the ice. I told him about Trouble Man. He wrote it in that book.” Sam seemed so proud of himself that something he recommended was written in Steve’s little book and it made you smile.
You remembered that; Steve and you were supposed to meet up for coffee after his run, but Fury called him in so you rescheduled it for when he got back. He asked you about Marvin Gaye. For your opinion. You told him to check it out and make his own.
You remembered asking him about that little notebook of his, and he just shrugged you off telling you about his list. He would read items off to you, but he never let you read the book yourself. You never found out why, and you supposed you never would now. The thought made an ache behind your ribs that you’d come to familiarize yourself with appear.
You smiled a little more as Zemo and Sam told Bucky how awesome Marvin Gaye was. “C’mon, baby. Back me up.”
Chuckling, you looked at Bucky. “They’re not wrong. But,” you quickly added before Bucky could whine at you, facing Sam again. “Neither is Buck. I mean, c’mon. You can’t find music like the 40’s anymore. Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, Benny Goodman, Fred Astaire. Ol’ Blue Eyes himself.”
“Thank you.” Bucky grinned at Sam, who rolled his eyes.
“Okay, okay. But, I mean, c’mon! Everybody loves Marvin Gaye.”
“I like Marvin Gaye.”
“Steve adored Marvin Gaye.”
Your face fell as Zemo started talking about Steve and icons and Red Skull, your mind once again slipping away from reality.
“Kids love you.” You giggled as you finally made it out of his exhibit. You’d wanted to show it to him since he moved to D.C., and you’d finally got an opportunity after coming back from being undercover for ten weeks. “You’re their hero, you know.”
“Yeah, well, I’m just trying to do what’s right.”
You nudged him, scoffing at his answer. “You’re too humble. You’re a national icon, you know.”
Steve shrugged, looking around the museum at the planes surrounding them. “I never wanted to be.”
“Why not? Everyone loves you.”
“I’m sure not everyone loves me.” He rolled his eyes. “And…I just wanted to help. To fight. Protect my country and the people I cared about. I-I didn’t ask for…all that.” He waved behind his shoulder where his exhibit was getting smaller with each step they took away. “People were dying. Bullies were winning.”
You shook your head, spinning and walking backwards besides him to face him. “Sure, but you did that. And you became someone people could look up to in the process.”
He narrowed his eyes at you before asking, “why do you do what you do?”
“...because I’m good at it?”
“Honey.” He gave you a look. “Answer the question.”
You hummed in thought. “Because I couldn’t stand by, knowing there would be orphaned kids if I didn’t help any way I could.”
“Alright. Why do you do it in the dark?”
“Whaddya mean?”
He shrugged. “Why don’t you come out and take credit for all the lives you’ve saved?”
“Because that’s not why I do it. I don’t want that attention. I just want to know I’ve helped people. I’ve kept them safe.”
He gave you a soft smile. “I just wanted to beat the bully. I never wanted to be a dancing monkey, too.” You looked at him in a new light then, understanding where he was coming from. “Watch out, honey!” He grabbed you and pulled you aside before you could crash into a wall, arms wrapped firmly around your waist. He gave you that charming smile of his. “Wouldn’t want you hurting that pretty lil’ head of yours, now would we?”
You snapped back into the conversation, moving your eyes from the window to Bucky, who tilted his head, eyebrows pinched and eyes narrowed. “Sorry. So, Madripoor. That’s a fun place.”
You ignored the side eyed glances Bucky and Sam exchanged, Sam turning to you curiously. “You’ve been?”
“Once. Back in 2010 for a few months”
Zemo raised his eyebrows. “You’re lucky to have gotten out.”
You shrugged nonchalantly. “Lucky, maybe. Skills were a part of it, too, though.”
“Good.” Zemo nodded. “Because we’re going undercover…and if we blow it. We’re dead.”
You breathed out, shaking your memory away and getting your head back into the game. Because like the man you were severely wary of in front of you said, if you blew this, you were dead. And, sure, you didn’t want to live until ninety, but you weren’t even half way there yet. So dammit if you were going to die soon.
“Hey.” You looked over at Bucky’s murmur, his head tilting as he grabbed your hand and pulled you from your seat closer to him. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I’m fine. Are you okay? You know you’re going to have to be-”
“I know.” He nodded. You watched his Adam’s Apple bob as he swallowed thickly. “I’ll be fine. Just…tell me right now if you need to step out for this one.”
You gave him a smile that you knew he didn’t buy, just by the slight narrowing of his eye, his lips pressing together. “No. No, I’m good for this. If you think I’m gonna let you two idiots go into Madripoor with him - alone - oil that cyborg brain of yours, because there’s no way.”
He squeezed your hand, eyes still filled with uncertainty. “Are you sure?”
“If there’s even a slight possibility that I can protect you, then yeah. I’m sure, Buckaroo.”
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chickenparm · 3 years
Reader convinces Happenstance!Silco to allow her a shopping trip. He's super grumpy and unsure about it but she makes it worth his while by buying lingerie to wear in front of him that night. Positive reinforcement and all that. Our psycho boy needs to be trained.
sure! this'll have a female reader per request, but i wanna remind newcomers that the original reader character in Happenstance is canonically gender-neutral without gendered descriptions, body parts, or pronouns.
also, this only got one readthrough for an edit So excuse any grammar mistakes.
Silco/F!Reader NSFW - Smut
"Don't leave my side."
"Got it."
"I'm serious. If you walk away from me we're turning right back around."
"I got it, Silco," You curled your hand around his elbow as you approached little strip of stores that you'd begged him to take you to for days now. Even now, he seemed on edge as his eyes flicked around the two of you, examining every every person that came too close with a scrutinizing gaze.
Your wants were simple, and though he complained nearly the entire time, you dragged him to each of the little shops in turn. One that sold household gadgets that you didn't particularly need but were fun to look at. One that only held paintings and drawings made by the shopkeeper's daughter - this one was one of your favorites, and Silco had immediately bought one of the large paintings you were drooling over with a word to the shopkeep that he'd have men come by the pick it up later in the day.
Silco was a bit more interested in the final store, which held various styles of Piltover fashion. This was the only time he let you wander from his side as he perused the clothing on his own. You wandered through the racks, fingertips grazing over the hangers before your hands paused.
With a slowly spreading grin, you grabbed the hanger and checked the sizing to ensure it would match your measurements - slightly off, but not enough to make a difference. You had a feeling you wouldn't be wearing it for very long, anyway.
You purchased the articles before Silco even realized you'd done it, and his eyes were suspicious when he saw the tightly-closed back in your hand.
"A surprise!"
You teased him with it on the walk back to the bar, and he was a good enough sport to play along and not get frustrated with your antics - especially when you told him it was also close to a thank-you gift for humoring you with this trip outside.
A lingering kiss was his goodbye as he returned to his piling work, and the moment the door to the bedroom shut, you set to work. A shower, taking care of bodily hygiene, smoothing lotion over your skin to give you a subtle glow.
Initially, you were going to wait for the end of the night to spring this on him, but the thought of him at his desk when he laid eyes on you like this was too tempting to pass up - especially when he couldn't afford to get to you yet. He'd be straining at the seams for hours.
You set wasn't too ostentatious, but you knew the deep burgundy color would draw Silco's eyes to the exact places you wanted them to be. Paired with the stockings and garters, your confidence soared as you checked yourself over one more time in the bathroom mirror.
Impeccable, you decided.
Just to make sure he was alone, you pressed an ear to the office and listened for anything other than the sound of his pen scratching across paper and the subtle inhale and exhale of his cigar habit. When you were confident that there wasn't an unexpected guest, you swung the door open and leaned against the doorframe.
"Working hard?"
"Yes. Singed has made a brea-"
Your grin widened when his words caught in his throat the moment his eyes lifted to you. You laid a hand across your hip to accentuate the curve, and he followed the movement in the midst of a dry swallow.
"What did Singed do, Silco?"
"You're being unnecessarily cruel, darling."
You hummed and turned away to re-enter the bedroom, making sure he got a good look at your ass as you did, "Just helping you get your work done more quickly."
He did not last long. In fact, the door didn't even get the chance to close behind you before he shoved his way through and scooped you up over his shoulder to throw on the bed. The door slammed behind him with a kick of his foot, just in time for him to throw you on the bed and crawl over your form.
Silco broke through your giggles with a series of hard kisses to the side of your neck, undoubtedly leaving marks in his wake. Your back arched into his hold as his hand traveled up your stomach and to your breasts, squeezing and kneading in time with your breathless moans.
"Tell me, what was your end goal with this? To torture me?"
"Isn't it obvious," Your hand wrapped around the back of his head to bring him closer, your lips brushing the shell of his ear, "I want you to fuck me."
At your words, Silco broke away to sit upright, his hands working at the buttons of his pants. You stretched out before him, watching with hungry eyes as he freed his cock and wrapped his hand around it to stroke along the shaft.
Your fingers hooked around the sides of your bottoms, but Silco pushed your hands away to hook a finger around the crotch and pull it to the side, "Leave it all on."
Gladly, you spread your legs for him to settle between your thighs with a pleased hum. His cock nudged through your folds, pressing up and rocking against your clit rhythmically. Your breath caught with each pass, and you reached for him to steady yourself against the sudden sparks of pleasure.
Silco obliged, leaning closer just as he adjusted his position and pressed the head of his cock against your hole - giving pressure but no breaching your walls. You tugged him to your lips with your hands on his cheeks, sighing against him as he finally pushed forward and gave you that stretch you'd been craving.
Silco's own quiet moans brushed against your cheek as he moved his head to rest alongside yours, his hair brushing your cheek and sticking to the sweat that had started to bead there in your anticipation.
"Does it feel good?" You sighed, and your fingers dug into his back at his immediate answer - a hard thrust that rocked his entire body against you. Silco's cock was perfect, long and thick enough to hit every nerve inside. You knew you were clenching around him, tightening the grip on his cock as he made that same motion again and again, changing his angle just enough to rub along your most sensitive spots.
"Does it feel good?" Silco's voice was ragged as he playfully mocked you, lifting his head to look you in the eye and take in the wrecked expression on your face that tensed with every thrust of his hips.
Unlike him, you weren't above begging and praising, and your words were strained as you managed to stutter out, "Y-Yes! So good, Silco - Just like... that!"
"Little whore, dressing like this to get my attention?" Silco's thrust grew inconsistent, and you knew he was getting close - Desperately, you wanted to cum on his cock before he finished, and you urged one of his hands to the juncture of your thighs. Catching onto your needs, Silco's fingers started to rub circles against your clit in time with his thrusts, "This is what you want? To cum on my cock? Do it then, if you want it so badly."
The moan he tore from you was rough and harsh, rolling your clit between his fingers quicker to push you over that edge. Your back bowed almost painfully, sweat-slicked chest pressing against the fabric of his vest as he rocked against you, frantically chasing his own release.
At the last moment, he pulled out to spill across your lower stomach with an unsteady groan, his hand working along the shaft to prolong the feeling just a few seconds longer. You watched with half-lidded eyes as his cock flexed with each pump of cum that hit your skin, rapidly cooling in the air and leaving you feeling sticky and oddly complete.
Silco pressed his sweaty forehead to your collarbone, taking gasping breaths to steady himself in the wake of your lovemaking. With a weak hand, you reached to run your fingers along his scalp and nearly made him purr with the contact.
You didn't want to let him go, but he got to his feet after a long few minutes to retrieve something to clean you with from the bathroom, unwilling to let you do it yourself. You let him wipe you clean and settle back next to you, one arm slung over your midsection as he pressed his face to your hair.
The feeling of his breath along your scalp gave you goosebumps as he spoke, "If you think we're finished here, you're wrong. As long as you're still wearing that, I'm not going anywhere."
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jenomark · 3 years
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➔Pairing: Jaehyun x Reader (Female) ➔Other Members/ Characters: -.- ➔Genre: Smut ➔Warnings: Oral (F+M) + Penetration (F) + Cursing ➔Word count: 3,659
➔Summary: Two realtors who play together, stay together. Whenever you and Jaehyun work together, you make a little bit of a mess in the homes you're trying to sell for your clients. After all, no one ever said you couldn't have a little fun on the job.
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“Your boyfriend is so charming.”
You were showing a married couple around a brand new house, built in a neighborhood they most likely could not afford. While the husband was checking out how the door handles jiggled on every door in the place, his wife leaned in close to your ear, her voice deeper than the fake customer service voice she had in the beginning of the tour.
You could hear the accusatory tone, her words felt through every layer of your reserve, “How did you get a man like that?”
If she could have circled around you, like a huntress ready to take her prey out, she would have taken the chance. You held your ground, so used to the way women acted around Jaehyun. But there was a certain amount of fun to be had when you were bored and waiting, your day's work blemished by couples who believed they were hot shit.
“Just between me and you,” you purred, leaning in closer to her and stroking her arm with your finger. “He’s not my boyfriend. We just like to fuck each other at work."
You never blamed any of the women for looking at Jaehyun like he was a prized hog in a show. He was handsome on the outside, his face so valentine sweet, his smile disarming even the most hardened of ladies. He wore a tailored suit nicely, too, which made the effect that much cavity-inducing. On the inside, though, he was a filthy, filthy man, and he would never go for someone like the wife, as much as she wanted him to.
No, Jaehyun wasn’t your boyfriend. Jaehyun wasn’t even your partner. He came to the house dressed up in the part of a wholesome realtor, his eyes following the wife across the room, forcing eye contact that would make her feel warm underneath her collared blouse. He did it because it was fun for him. He did it because he could.
It was a game. Jaehyun eye-fucked the wife to tease you. He liked when you wore jealousy like a proud bib. He waited for you to take possession of him, which you always did in the subtlest of ways. Watching the wife back away from you after claiming that you and Jaehyun fucked- a tale met with disbelief- was a way to piss all over your territory.
That's mine.
Of course, you could have pushed Jaehyun harder. In doing so, the husband of the pair was a viable conquest. He looked at you with his dumb look when you ran your hand up your stockinged thigh, his jaw slack as you hiked up your skirt inappropriately and unprofessionally high.
However, it wasn’t very fun for you. You could tell the husband was too in love with his wife to ever flirt with you. You gave up quickly, your annoyance waving like a red flag whenever the wife breathed in your direction.
“Are you almost done, sweetie?” you called out to Jaehyun.
“Yes, sweetheart.” Jaehyun said, sticking his head out of a doorway.
You shot a look at the wife, her full attention on Jaehyun as he walked towards you both. She might as well have started taking off her clothes where she stood. She was fanning herself with her hand and wiping sweat from between her cleavage, the telling signs of someone who really wanted to know Jaehyun's cock felt like.
“Your husband is insisting on checking every nook and cranny of this place.” Jaehyun said, a brilliant smile stretched across his face. “I keep telling him there is no need. You won't find a place like this in the city.”
“I’m sorry for his behavior.” the wife said. “He does this all of the time. Nothing is ever good enough for him.”
“I can’t blame him.” Jaehyun said, his eyes roaming down the legs of the wife. “We men love being thorough.”
You slapped a hand against Jaehyun’s chest and tugged on his tie, hoping it would tighten against his throat. “We should get going soon, don’t you think, Jaehyun?”
“Oh, I think we can spare a few minutes, baby.”
The wife was completely ignoring the fact that you were in the room. She took a step towards Jaehyun, batting her eyelashes and pushing out her sweaty breasts. Jaehyun ate up the attention, his eyes practically fucking her right in front of you.
“You are absolutely shameless.” you said, walking away.
You walked through the fully furnished and staged home, finding the husband in the downstairs bathroom (one of three in the house). He wasn’t ugly, but he wasn’t really your type. Still, he gave you the attention that made it easy for you to ignore all of that. It wasn't much, but it was enough.
“Like what you see?” you asked, moving one leg out in front of you so that your skirt rode up. “With the house, I mean.”
“Yeah.” he said. “Might be out of our price range. I'll have to check.”
You walked further into the bathroom, your heels click-clacking on the tile. It took only a few seconds for Jaehyun to find you, like it was a mating call, appearing in the bathroom doorway looking relaxed and ready to fuck. You knew the wife was soon to follow, a look of disappointment on her face that Jaehyun didn’t stick around to flirt with her.
You often wondered what women were thinking when caught with alone time involving Jaehyun. Were they imagining him bending them over the kitchen sink and fucking them? Did they think they were special, that he would sneak away from his dull job for an illicit affair with them? You could be sure that they were mentally undressing him, that they were not at all in tune to the fact that Jaehyun, in the end, only had eyes for you.
“If my girl here hasn’t sold you on the house, we would be delighted to show you to others on another date and time.” Jaehyun suggested.
Jaehyun’s words were final. He wanted them to leave immediately, to take their shit and go. You could hear the sour puss in his voice, the slight quiver in sound. He threw his arm around the wife and brought her closer to him. He let a smile consume him, one that made you grit your teeth. The four of you walked out of the bathroom quarters together, back to the open plan living room to discuss things further.
“You smell wonderful.” Jaehyun murmured to the wife of the pair. He let her go. “Anyway, the price isn't negotiable, but we’ll see what we can do if it’s what you really want. You may have to extend your budget further. If not, there are always others, like I said.”
The wife and husband agreed that the house would never be in their budget before leaving. The husband checked out your tits, and the wife cast one last longing look at Jaehyun over her shoulder, her pink tongue sensually gliding along her lower lip. With a serene smile, Jaehyun shut the door behind them, shutting the world out from you and him.
“You could have charmed the panties off of her.” you said, crossing your arms against your chest.” Pretty sure she would have blown you in front of the fridge if you had stood in the kitchen any longer.”
“Is that why you walked away?” Jaehyun said. “Scared of the competition?”
“Please.” you said. “I just really wanted to get fingerbanged by the husband over the toilet.”
“I can make that a reality.” Jaehyun smirked.
You walked into the kitchen and sat on a stool, smiling to yourself when Jaehyun followed you like a dog. “It’s not fair what you do to them.”
Jaehyun held on to either side of the stool and kept his face inches from yours. “You’re just angry because I win every time.”
“The husband always loves his wife too much.”
“And the wife is always ready to get fucked raw.” Jaehyun said. "By yours truly, of course."
“Maybe I should just start fucking the wife.” you said, peeling Jaehyun’s fingers from the stool.
“I would very much like that.”
“I know you would.” you said, pushing him away.
Jaehyun was pushed back feet from you. He yanked at his tie until it was loosely hanging around his neck. He ran a hand through his sandy brown hair, the ends sticking straight up in some places. You watched him, knowing it was what he wanted. You could see his chest hair peeking out from between the now unbuttoned portion of his dress shirt. The heat began to cover your body like a warm blanket of sin, as you thought about tangling your tongue up in those hairs.
“I can feel you on my skin, even though you haven’t touched me yet.” he whispered.
Jaehyun rolled his neck around, cracking it in some places. When his eyes met yours, the shade of brown appeared somewhat darker. You could feel that look rolling all the way down your stomach until it settled in its depths, curling up in itself. Your nerves felt shot, your confidence gone.
“Doesn’t it just feel so good to give in to me?” Jaehyun asked, his voice a little rough. “Don’t you want to play with me in this big, bad house?”
He came to you, only stopping by the length of your knees. He tucked his fingers underneath your chin and brought your eyesight up to his. He caressed your cheek with the back of his hand. He let his palm run smoothly down your throat, giving it a little squeeze. Your body was unmoving underneath his touch. Sometimes, you would absolutely vibrate with pleasure when Jaehyun touched you. Other times, you would become still like a steel fortress in the wind, wanting him to work a little for your affection, to open up your doors to him like an open house.
The house was empty, but so full at the same time. Jaehyun got down on his knees in a moment of submission, his head down like he was praying. He hugged you, his arms resting on your thighs, his whole being in your lap. It lasted less than a minute until he was back on his feet, a rare sweetness in his eyes as the rest of his body became unfamiliar and rigid.
“Stand up.” he said, his voice cold, the sound of it rattling through the bones of the house. Though there was a faint grin on his lips and a playful eyebrow raised, Jaehyun wasn’t allowing himself to be played with anymore.
You were not quick enough. He took you by the sides of your shoulders and pulled you from the stool. Your knees buckled but Jaehyun caught you in time, the move making your nipples harden. He could see the reaction through your work shirt, your two little buds staring him in the face. All you wanted was for him to touch you, but he wouldn't.
It was fun playing the game with him, since you two were so alike. There were times when you dominated Jaehyun, making him eat you out and cum before the new couples would arrive at the house. If he failed, he would be punished and have to do something embarrassing for him. If he passed, you would both be in a great mood and would usually get a house sold. Then, like now, there were times when Jaehyun took control, which would usually be followed by a lack of sales disappointment. You could always feel those times coming, the excitement unable to be contained.
Jaehyun took your hand and whisked you off through parts of the house where he knew prying eyes wouldn’t find you. He ran up the stairs eagerly, tugging you along behind him, not bothering to see if you were tripping up.
“The master suite.” Jaehyun said, stopping in front of a door. “Wait here.”
He left you standing in front of the closed door for over five minutes. You kept checking the time on your phone, your eyes roaming up and down every detail of the white, wooden door. If he was trying to tantalize you, it was working. You were very impatient, trying your best not to bust through the door and hop right on his dick.
“Come in.” Jaehyun said.
You held onto the handle, the image of the husband jiggling that very handle less than an hour ago fresh on your mind.
“I won’t tell you twice.” Jaehyun said.
You opened the door and saw Jaehyun sitting on the edge of a model bed. He had stripped it of the crisp sheets and fluffy pillows that were adorning it. He was shirtless and his dress pants were unbuttoned, his brown leather belt hanging by his sides.You drank him in like that, the impatience waning away.
“Come closer.” he said.
“So bossy.” you smiled.
You walked closer. Since you knew that you affected him as much as he affected you, every step felt delicious. You stood in front of him, ready to rip your business skirt off if he just said the magic words.
“Good girl.” he said, standing up.
He was looming over you, the heat from his body making you hot. You wanted to press your hands to his sweaty chest and push him down onto the bed. You wanted to bite his shoulder so hard that it made him cry out. You wanted to sit on that strong jaw, rocking your body over him until he was suffocating.
“Look me in the eyes,” he said. “Don’t look at my body, like I’m a piece of meat.”
“A little bit of disobedience never hurt anyone.” you said, meeting his eyes.
It was difficult to keep your eyes trained on his when you could hear him unzipping his pants. Each click of the teeth made your clit throb, like his tongue was already gliding over it. You could hear his pants falling down to his ankles, and from the corner of your eye, could see him shift slightly to step out of them until he was naked. With your imagination, you thought of him stroking his cock, pumping his fist up and down his shaft.
“Are you with me?” Jaehyun breathed. “Be with me right now.”
You nodded as the sounds of him masturbating heightened. Jaehyun moaned and let his eyes disconnect from yours. Though he was looking down at his cock, you were looking at the top of his pretty head. There were thousands of hairs you could tug and pull to get him to comply, to have him give you his cock. You could feel the tip of him and his fist rubbing against you as he made it upwards, each stroke nearly punching you, because he was so close.
You looked down, the top of your head skimming his. He was going at it slowly, moving his body like he was fucking his own fist. It was so sexy that you could feel all the nerves in your body tingling. Though his pleasure didn't happen to you, you could feel every grain of it. You breathed heavily with him, your body going through the build up with Jaehyun.
Your eyes met him again. Yours were, no doubt, asking him why he was being so cruel. It took a minute for him to stop, for Jaehyun to set his mouth in a grim line, and to cock his head and look lost in thought.
“This isn’t about you.” he said. “This isn’t about your pleasure. On your knees and put my cock in your mouth. Don’t stop sucking until I say.”
As you got slowly to your knees, your lips slid down his stomach, your kisses rushed before he could decline them. You grabbed hold of his cock, the tip of him resting on your bottom lip before you looked up at him. He held your side of the neck before moving to the back of your head and forcing his cock down your throat until your eyes watered.
Fucking in a place that didn’t belong to you was thrilling. The owners could come back any second and catch you in the act. There could be cameras installed, or nosy neighbors coming to check up on the people who owned the lone car that sat in the driveway.
“Is it good?” Jaehyun asked, his voice velvety smooth. "How do I taste?"
You sucked his cock without stopping, testing him with both lips, tongue, and fingers. You brought him back so far into your throat that you choked and took him out with a string of saliva. You swallowed that, too, so grateful to have him in any of your holes.
Jaehyun pulled his cock out and teased himself back inside of your mouth slowly. You let your jaw hang open and laid your tongue flat while he fucked your face. You gripped his thighs and let your fingernails dig into him before he came on your tongue, grabbing a handful of your hair at release.
When he ordered you to stand up, he was still leaking. He wasn’t stopping for anyone, not even when you made a show of wiping his cum off of your chin with your finger and slipping it into your mouth.
"It tastes yummy." you said.
“Clothes off,” Jaehyun said, ignoring you. “Kneel on the bed.”
He wasn’t losing his erection. He treated his cock like it was delicate, holding it in his hands and stroking it gently. You watched him as you stripped, taking a little too long with the stockings. Jaehyun ended up ripping them from your legs and tossing them aside. Without saying another word, he grabbed your ankles and pulled you down to the edge of the bed, nearly making you faceplant on the mattress.
“Fuck.” you whispered, your body jerking in surprise as Jaehyun started eating you out from behind.
He wasn’t shy about it either. He was licking you, moving his head side to side and up and down, just to get every bit of you. His lips were so warm and you were so wet, that you had to sink your upper half onto the bed and place your forehead against your arm. Jaehyun squeezed your ass cheeks and pushed you forward, his tongue lapping up all of your wetness.
You didn’t want to break, to crumble. You wanted to be strong and not moan or give in completely. You didn’t want to let him know that he could bring you down with just a lick, but it was hard not to.
“Beg me.” Jaehyun said, coming up for air.
He smacked your ass and you turned around until you were on your back. It was rough and forceful, and it turned you on. Jaehyun kissed your ankle before moving his lips down your thigh.
“Beg me.” he repeated. “Fucking do it now.”
The hotness on your inner thigh as his mouth got higher was enough to make you call his name. “Please, Jaehyun.” you said. “Don’t stop.”
Jaehyun ate you out, slipping his fingers inside of you. He would occasionally stop and kiss his way up your body to leave hickeys on your neck, and catch glimpses of your face to see if you were enjoying it.
“Not about my pleasure, huh?” you asked, nearly laughing.
Jaehyun groaned. “Don’t ruin it.”
“Too late.” you said, moaning as he fingered you. “You smell like her.”
You kissed his neck and got the bite you wanted from his shoulder. You held him against you, making sure your scent was all over him. His mouth tasted like you, though. You kept kissing him and grabbing at his hands to make sure they didn’t stop fucking you. You were a tangle of bare limbs, holding him against you, and fighting for dominance.
Jaehyun lifted his fingers from your pussy and held himself up over you. He looked you in your eyes, his gaze falling to your lips before he kissed them. He moved his body and slipped his cock inside of you, knocking the air from your mouth.
Missionary position was not your favorite. It was too romantic, not as wild. You wanted him to break your back, to bend you into positions that made your legs wobble the next day. You wanted risk. You wanted it rough. But having Jaehyun’s weight on top of you in that way felt different. You let him move over you, holding your hips as he drilled himself inside of you.
It didn’t last long until you were wanting to flip him over, until you could be on top and ride him. Jaehyun smirked when he realized what you were doing and said, “I don’t think so.”
He leaned up until his sweaty body wasn’t clinging to yours anymore. He spread your thighs apart after pulling you closer to him. He let you get a good view of his cock disappearing inside of you.
“This pussy is mine.” he said, touching his fingers to your clit. “Say it’s mine.”
“It’s mine.” you said.
Jaehyun fucked you faster, his cock hitting your cervix a little rougher. You winced at the discomfort you quite liked, immediately wanting him to keep fucking you deeper.
“Say it.” he said, moaning with each thrust.
“Or what?” you challenged, breathlessly trying to hold yourself together.
Jaehyun gripped your wrists and brought them above your head. He got close to you again, his body smothering yours, and his cock fucking you in a way that was too good to stop.
“I’m yours.” you said. “It’s yours. All of it is yours.”
He smiled when he got what he wanted, the same charming smile that seemed to have most women on tenterhooks, wondering if they would give them something else of his. Jaehyun never would, though, because everything of his was also yours.
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absolutebl · 2 years
Star in My Mind
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quick pitch 
Star & Sky: Star in My Mind 
April-May 2022 on GMMTV’s YouTube) 
Main Tropes: university set, high school crush, jock/nerd, long term pining, secret crush, reunion 
Adapted from a y-novel by Peachhplease, starring Joong (2 Moons 2, formerly one half of a VERY popular BL pair J9*) + fresh face Dunk, and directed by New in his usual blatant and somewhat mechanical style. The very first episode I said “I think I’m confused by the directing on this show. WAIT A SEC. Is this New phoning it in? (Runs to check.) Why YES yes it is.” So yeah... called it! 
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Back to Joon. 
While it was awful nice to see our beautiful golden boy again, I think he was ill served by this role, or maybe he just doesn’t shine as brightly without Nine? Or maybe he needs a stronger directing hand than New’s? Yes I think GMMTV intends for Joong to be their next Singto but from this performance I’m not sold. I thought Dunk out acted him, making Dao a likable and complex character against which Kluen felt rather flat. Although that said at first I really didn’t like Dao.
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This is (sort of) a lost love reunion arc (GMMTV bringing back the blue shorts, hello old friends) + freshy hotness contest giving it a 2 Moons vibes. It was fun to see some Wabi Sabi stable playing around at GMMTV, and while it sounds like I’m being harsh I actually did enjoy this show. 
I like how honestly they treated all the faen fatals for a change. 
I like how directly they approached the pain of rejection contrasted to loyalty and holding out hope. 
I also liked that Kluen was set up to lose if he couldn’t get it together and actually communicate his feelings. It’s a good life lesson. 
It was frustrating how long it took though. There was a lot of me yelling at the screen:
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I don’t like shows that function on this “plot.” Miscommunication for the sake of it (or for the lack of it) is always frustrating for viewers or readers. We feel manipulated. 
Also, ultimately, these two were a bit too sappy and Dao was a bit too blushing maiden for such an aggressive uke, but that’s par for the course with GMMTV and Director New. (After all, he’s rumored to be the reason Pharm is that way in UWMA, apparently he’s wasn’t written like that.) 
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Look, this is one of those shows that I shouldn’t really like after 400 BLs. It’s not at all unique, just some classic Thai uni folderol driven by miscommunication (or just non-communication) and yet... I COULD NOT STOP WATCHING. 
Also good kiss. Honestly, 2022 is the year of the BL kiss.
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It was interesting to see Thailand tackle a love triangle, but let’s be fair, it really isn’t their forte. Phoon was a plot devise to drive Kluen into confession. Thailand should leave love triangles to Korea, Korea pretty much owns it after all this time. They’ve put a lot of work into it, Thailand, ceed this one to the north, please? 
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All that said, in the end, the show itself worked for me, fitting solidly into GMMTV’s pantheon and it’s... how do I put this... central lane? 
It feels like the Thai pulps are noodling along in in the slow lane, and the outliers like Mame’s shows and Cutie Pie and KinnPorsche are in the fast line. Sometimes we don’t know where they are going but they are going there QUICKLY. (With shows like SCOY just drunk driving all over the darn place.) 
Oh I like this metaphor. 
I guess what I am saying is GMMTV is like reliable soccer daddy of BL, a well maintained station wagon, clipping along but safely. And we all know what we are in for. 
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Star supplied exactly that. 
It didn’t excel, like Bad Buddy, it didn’t disappoint, like My Gear and Your Gown, and it didn’t fly off the tracks like Not Me. It was exactly what I want from GMMTV. 
Does that mean I am a touch disappointed? 
Sure, because I had my expectations met and I kinda always want them to be exceeded, especially with us all knowing GMMTV can actually do better. 
In short, everyone involved with this show seems to have mostly phoned it in, but it was a REALLY nice phone call. 
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That said? 
MORE OF THE SAME PLEASE. I didn’t get into BL for the goddamn novelty of it.
It’s basic BL. But honestly, don’t we all need that plain white t-shirt to wear under our engineering smock... in the end? 
* Note: I did think GMMTV was gonna make a play for J9 but I guess they just picked up Joong. And apparently Nine is now a Cpop idol. Bummer he could have done very well in GMMTv’s stable. 
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crazycookiecrumbles · 3 years
Scream For Me (8)
A/N: After Scream For Me (7)
comments and reblogs appreciated! so I know if I should keep writing this
Pairings/ Characters: Shang-Chi x Avenger!Reader , Avengers x Reader
Warnings: swears, it’s a party, really. lots of booze
Summary:  With some “normal” downtime, it seemed like the right time to celebrate your engagement. Besides, it offers a break from your constant research.
WC: 2,920
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Being back at work was nice. You were singing again, your boss was delighted to have you back, and even more excited about your nuptials. So much so, he was offering the club to host an engagement party. Naturally, you took advantage of this. You were never 100 percent sure that you’d actually get this far in life. The chance to, kind of, celebrate, party, pretend things were back to normal? You had to do it.
“Please come,” you had sighed in your video message. “And please, please, do not embarrass me or harass him to the point of leaving and starting a new identity. Again.”
You had to cover your bases with these guys.
On the night of the party you were in your apartment putting on the final touches of your outfit. Shangqi was in your apartment as well, having arrived early to get ready with you while Katy covered the remainder of their shift together. You spun around in front of the mirror and beamed at the dress before turning and seeing your boyfriend sitting on the sofa with a big grin on his face.
“You look amazing,” he beamed, arms reaching out to you to coax you to him. Chuckling, you made your way over to him quickly and sat down on his lap, casually draping an arm around his shoulders while his wound their way around your waist. “Also, super nice of your boss to throw you an engagement party. Should I be jealous?”
“Nah,” you waved your hand dismissively. “Lucifer has it bad for his detective friend. But, yeah, he’s actually a really nice guy. Also, he loves a good party.”
“Well, given that his club is probably the hottest in town, yeah, I can see that,” Shangqi chuckled and rested his head against you. “We are missing something, though.”
“Like what?”
Shangqi reached back into the pocket of his jeans and asked you to wait a moment. After a slight struggle with his too-tight pants, he pulled out a black velvet box. He flipped the box open and unveiled a beautiful amethyst ring.
“It’s not huge or anything,” he explained quickly. “Honestly, I got it at a pawn shop. For all we know, it could’ve belonged to a murder victim. Hell, maybe even a serial killer. And I know it’s not huge, but —“
“I love it,” you cooed and admired the ring in the box. “It’s beautiful! You really picked this out yourself?”
He shrugged a shoulder, “Katy may have helped. She said she caught you eying a purple necklace one time when you guys were hanging out. I tried to get that, but the store sold it.”
You smiled and leaned down to kiss him, “I love it. Thank you. You’re the greatest. Now, if you’d please…”
You stuck out your hand. Grinning, Shangqi took the ring out of the box and slid it on your finger. You both smiled happily at each other before sharing a long kiss that was veering into territory that would make you two both terribly late for your own party. Pulling away, you wiped your lipstick from his lips and stood up, “Okay. Time to go.”
“We could ditch the party and —“
“No. We’re going!”
He whined as he stood up and let you drag him to the elevator, “But your friends aren’t even coming. They’re all busy doing things.”
You shrugged, “But your friends and family are here. You want to ditch them?”
“To have sex with you in this really sick apartment? Yes.”
You rolled your eyes and swatted his chest, “Come on, perv.”
“Fine…” He mumbled as he leaned against the back wall of the elevator. “But can we come back up here and do really, really dirty things?”
“Yes, yes we can,” you laughed.
When you two exited the elevator, everyone noticed you. You entered to a round of applause as Shangqi stepped to the side and fanned his arms out to show you off. Laughing, you ran forward and grabbed one of his arms down to yank him back and keep him by your side as you two went to join the party. 
Something caught you by the corner of your eye, prompting you to turn and gasp, “Hey! You came!”
Shangqi turned and saw that you were looking at your fellow Avenger friends. He smiled as you dragged him over to the group before letting go and throwing your arms around everyone to greet them. From his point of view, you almost looked like the little sister of the group. He especially felt that way when he saw Sam and Bucky glaring at him.
“Stop it,” You chastised the both of them. “Why can’t you be nice and smile, like Scott?”
“My mom always said I had a nice smile,” Scott said proudly. “I brought Cassie. Hope you don’t mind.”
“Not at all,” you shook your head. “Bar’s stocked with sodas and juices too, she’ll be fine. Thanks for coming.”
“We wouldn’t miss it. It’s nice to have good news to celebrate for once,” Bruce chimed in and nodded to Shangqi. “Nice to see you again, Shangqi.”
“You too, Dr. Banner,” He nodded. “Arm’s out the sling. Feeling better?”
“It’s getting there,” Bruce nodded and glanced over to the quiet super soldier and his friend. “Have you met —“
“Oh, we met,” Bucky said, arms crossed over his chest. “So you —“
“Hey, Clint’s here!” You spoke over  Bucky’s attempt at scaring Shangqi, shoved him out of the way, and pulled Clint into a hug. “Hey, Laura! Glad you guys could make it.”
“I had to see it for myself,” Laura said. “I was so shocked when Clint told me. I didn’t know you were seeing anyone.”
“Yeah, I told her it was the video game kid,” Clint said. “It’s the video game guy, right?”
Shangqi cleared his throat from behind you and raised his hand, “That’s me, video game guy.”
Laura’s eyebrows went up, “Oh, he’s very cute.”
Clint rolled his eyes, “He’s not that cute. Nice to meet you, SlayerKing69.”
Laura cringed at the name, just like Shangqi did. You laughed at Clint’s teasing and stepped aside for them to shake hands, “His name’s Shangqi. This is Clint, PizzaSupreme69, and his lovely, lovely wife, Laura.”
Laura looked at Clint and shook her head, “You said you changed it.”
“I have no idea why it’s still that name, honey, honestly. So weird,” Clint laughed and cleared his throat. “Good to meet you, man.”
“You too, Mr. and Mrs. Barton.”
“Clint’s fine, man,” Clint said. “Take care of her, all right?” He turned his attention to you and gestured with his chin, “Open bar?”
Clint sighed in satisfaction, “Good kid. Come on, honey. We’ll get you one of those martinis you like.”
“Actually,” Laura said as Clint led her away. “I was thinking margaritas.”
“Oh, we’re bold tonight, are we?” Clint teased as they disappeared into the crowd.
Shangqi looked down at you and smiled, “Well, they’re nice.”
You nodded, “Yeah. Clint showed me the ropes along with that woman I told you about, Natasha, and our old handler, Coulson. Actually, I got to spend the holidays with them after awhile. Laura found out there was a kid in SHIELD working with him with no family. She yelled at Clint, and then they invited me. I even have a stocking.”
“A stocking? Well, color me impressed,” Shangqi smiled and glanced around. “Okay. Oh, look — is your boss flirting with my sister?”
“He’s literally saying hello, calm down.”
“But he’s staring at her — “
“Everyone stares at her. Your sister is stunning. Get over it.”
Shangqi rolled his eyes. Still, he wanted to go say hi to his sister. You both went over to Xialing who had Katy by her side. Everyone greeted each other with hugs, and you were seeing even more people join the party: Ying Nan, who was talking to Wong, and Katy’s family, who had taken a liking to Bucky because he could speak Chinese with them.
The party was in full swing. Your boss gave a rather comical, but charming, toast in your honor before making a remark about orgies, booze, and everyone fulfilling their deepest desires that night. You shook your head and thanked him, and joined your peers. Scott had somehow conjured up a crowd with his magic tricks, which actually led to Shangqi sitting front and center because now he could enjoy the tricks without worrying about you.
Bruce found himself in quiet conversation, naturally, with a few people he had met and fell into talking about his travel experience, minus when he’d Hulk out. Sam was chatting with Xialing, getting all the dirt on her big brother so he had something to use against Shangqi and torment him for the rest of his life. In the meantime, Bucky and Katy were several drinks deep, only one of them being affected by it, and trying to set up a karaoke machine that Katy had purchased (or possibly ‘borrowed’) on a whim. 
As the night went on, you heard a loud boom outside. You groaned and stood up from your seat beside Laura and Cassie to see what was going on. Before anyone had a chance to go outside and assess a possible threat, the doors swung open and you were shocked at what you saw.
“Our Lady Siren is betrothed? What a glorious welcome to Earth!” Thor’s voice boomed as he laughed, two giant bottles in his hands as he looked around. “I have no idea who most of you are, but I’m eager to celebrate.”
“Holy shit,” Bruce blurted out seeing Thor.
“Ah! My good friend,” Thor walked over and hugged Bruce tightly, arms wrapping around him, bottles clinking together. “It is so good to see you again. You are looking well. Grey, but well. A good grey, actually.”
“Holy shit,” Katy blurted out. “I think I just creamed my pants.”
Bucky sighed, “Great.”
Every woman, and some men, seemed to shamelessly rake their eyes over Thor as he hugged Bruce and greeted him. After pulling away, Thor stood up tall and looked around, “Where is our little screaming beast of a woman?”
You had snuck up on him, of course. You tapped Thor on the shoulder which prompted him to turn around. He grinned and shoved the bottles into Shangqi’s chest before he lifted you up clear off the ground. His arms wound around you so very tightly as he laughed and hugged you.
“Ah, it is so good to see you well, Y/N! I heard from Captain Danvers you were betrothed. She could not be here but she sends her regards, and a gift. Which I’ve forgotten. I’ll ship it, or something. However that works.”
You laughed, “I’m so surprised to see you! I can’t believe you’re here.”
“Ah, yes, well, you know me. Tricks up my sleeve and all. Even though I’m not wearing sleeves. And tricks were more my brother’s thing — doesn’t matter. Anyway, who has been deemed worthy of your love?”
“Hi,” Shangqi said flatly. The man was trying to process the fact that his fiancé was wrapped up in Thor’s arms and not even touching the ground at the moment. He didn’t enjoy it. He was jealous. 
Sam and Bucky could see his pain and found it to be beyond hysterical.
“Ah,” Thor set you down and turned to face him. He took the bottles from him, set them on the ground, and assessed him from head to toe. “Hmm. Yes, you two would breed strong children.”
You pursed your lips and smacked Thor on the arm, “Remember how I said you shouldn’t always say things like that?”
“I am assessing your future partner. What is the purpose of having one for life if he cannot properly breed with you?”
“Holy shit, Thor —“
“A good partner should love you, support you, and, very importantly and seldom talked about on Midgard for some reason, properly bed you. All the realms should be able to hear the cries of passion. It’s an indicator of true chemistry.”
“Yeah, Y/N. Does Shangqi properly bed you?” Sam called out. “Feel free to share that in front of his friends and family.”
You were impossibly red.
“Yes, I do, thank you!” Shangqi said quickly, ignoring the hooting and hollering from everyone in the club.
“I think Y/N has to say it, man, otherwise we think you’re lying,” Clint called out.
Laura nudged her husband, “You’re embarrassing her.”
“Oh, please,” Clint waved his hand. “She’s fine.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose. You loved Thor. You did. He was great. He was fun, and he was like a golden retriever. But wow, did you wish you could shove him back into space right now.
“Well? I cannot bestow my blessing upon this marriage. It is tradition for a blessing to be bestowed upon the betrothed to ensure a marriage that lasts through eternity.”
“And you need to know if the sex is good for that?” You snapped.
“Well, I am the god of fertility as well,” he replied.
You chewed on your lip and stared at him. You could tell he was enjoying this. The public humiliation? Thor loved to mess with people like that. He enjoyed it far too much, and it made you absolutely want to fight him in that moment.
“Fine! Yes! It’s fantastic, okay! I hindered my recovery time when my throat was slit because of it. Happy?!”
“Very, thank you,” Thor nodded while Katy could be heard screaming that she didn’t need to know that but how that also ‘explained so much.’ Thor placed his hand on both of his hands on yours and Shangqi’s shoulders, “I, Thor, Son of Odin, bestow upon you my blessing.”
You smiled softly and squeezed his hand, “Thanks Thor. You bastard.”
He winked, “Anytime, scream queen. Congratulations, Shangqi. She is an admirable, terrifying warrior, and a dear friend. You are very lucky.”
“I know,” Shangqi nodded as he saw Thor lean down to give him a hug. “What —“
“Hurt this one and I will find the nastiest bilgesnipe of all the realms and feed it your body while you tremble with fear,” Thor pulled away from Shangqi, smiled, and grabbed the two bottles to hold in the air and announce the party was truly just beginning.
Shangqi stepped towards you and wrapped his arm around you, “So…Thor.”
“Anything happen there?”
You shook your head, “Nope. Thor’s just a puppy.”
“…You sure? He’s so —“
“Friendly? Yeah, told you. Puppy,” You nodded. “Come on. I can see the trauma on your face. Let’s go see what Katy and Bucky are up to.”
The rest of your party was a smash. Thanks to Thor, everyone was more drunk than usual. At least Wong was there acting as a dimensional Uber to send people home. You were grateful for that.
You realized Thor was leaving after he said goodbye to you, and thats when you finally had an idea. You excused yourself from your fiancé and quickly ran outside. Just as Thor was going to fly off to who knows where, you grabbed his arm and startled him.
“Oh, what can I do for you, Lady Y/N?”
You pursed your lips, “Remember when we first met. I asked you if I was Asgardian because of the screaming thing I can do?”
“Ah, yes. I remember that conversation well. Why do you ask?”
“I know I’m not Asgardian,” you nodded. “But I just recently learned I’m not Inhuman. Apparently, I’m from another realm. A pocket realm? Something called a God Realm, maybe. I —“
It clicked. Thor grabbed your shoulders and stared at you, “Of course. I can’t believe I had never considered it before. It is clear your gifts are from the sirens of history.”
You inhaled sharply and nodded, “Okay,” you squeaked. “Is there really a place called Olympus?”
“Duh,” He nodded. “Where else would these Midgardians get their stories from?”
“Oh my god,” you muttered. “Okay. Thor, how would I get there?”
“Oh, I don’t know. I haven’t taken a doorway there in centuries. I don’t recall how it’s opened.”
Your face fell as you remembered waking up in the middle of trying to reach the doorway to Ta Lo, and you dreaded what awaited you to get to Olympus. Thor could see the frown you had quickly developed. He stared down at you before using his finger to lift your chin.
“Don’t give up now, little one. You’ve been searching for yourself since long before I met you. If anyone can get to Olympus from Midgard, it is you. I would suggest you visit this land yourself. Perhaps the answers you seek towards a doorway will find you.”
“Right, I’ll just casually fly out to Greece. Okay. cool. Thanks, Thor.”
“Of course,” he nodded. “And congratulations on your impending marriage. I hope to see many, many children from you both.”
“I’ll let him know,” you laughed, “Bye, Thor. It was good seeing you again. You look good.”
“As do you, little one. Until we meet again,” He winked at you and took off. You sighed and spun around to head back into the club. 
Okay. This was fine. Thor confirmed that Olympus was real. It sounded like he had been there. All you had to do was find some magical doorway that you didn’t know how it looked or anything related to it. Fun. Sounded easy enough, right?
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