#it's my fault for putting faith in them
In the trenches right now because i chose to watch the sport of filthy rich (mostly) white men who do and say stupid shit
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nientedal · 7 months
What progress at home has biden enacted? What policies of his show that he is making progress that prove he is actually different than trump?
I like to pretend I have faith in humanity, so I'll answer as if you're asking this in good faith.
Biden's DEA has lifted restrictions on telehealth prescriptions to make appointments and assistance more accessible.
He put a funding package into place to help unhoused people get access to mental and physical healthcare, as well as short-term and long-term housing.
He has attempted and is still attempting to get student debt relief through - this was blocked by Republican judges appointed by Trump, but he's still working on it.
Infrastructure repair - his administration has budgeted funds to actually fix some severely-damaged and frequently-traveled bridges.
Trying to expand access to healthcare to include undocumented immigrants who came to the USA as children (Dreamers) under the Affordable Care Act. Support for Navigator programs and outreach has also been increased.
He has vetoed Republican-led bills that were attempting to overturn environmental protections - one that would have forbidden investment fund managers to consider climate change in their portfolios (I have two degrees in accounting and this is actually huge), and another that would have overturned restrictions on agricultural runoff into our waterways.
He and his administration worked for ages to get rail workers paid sick days.
This is just some of what he's been doing. Meanwhile, Trump and other Republicans want to criminalize the lives of LGBT people like you and me. They want to eliminate no-fault divorce and force births that will kill parents or devastate them financially. They have stated flat out that they want to install a military dictatorship in the USA. They attempted to put that in motion on January 6th, 2021. They failed once. They will do better next time.
One party wants to house the homeless and expand social safety nets, while the other one wants to criminalize homelessness. One of them wants a future in which I might be able to vote to change how much of a war machine my country is, while the other one wants to eliminate my ability to vote entirely. Those are not the same. Those literally are opposites.
At the end of the day, all you and I can do is choose to do the least amount of harm possible. You and I cannot choose to do no harm. This is the USA, we sell war, you and I cannot choose to do no harm. I wish we could, my god do I wish we could, but that is not an option. So we grieve for the harm we couldn't eliminate and work to minimize the harm that is done. Despite all the crap they support, Democrats are the minimum amount of harm right now. Acting like they aren't is exactly what brought us to an election where our options are a future where we are either wading in blood or drowning in it.
Not voting for Biden will not help Palestine. Not voting for Biden will guarantee a Republican president who will make the situation in Palestine WORSE. AND it'll hurt a lot of other places as well, both at home and abroad, because Republicans are about business and the USA is in the business of war! And I would very much like that to change someday! I would very much like to someday be able to choose to do no harm! And I know what I have to do to try for that future, so what are YOU going to do? There is no standing off to the side in this. If you aren't helping pull, you're the dead weight we're pulling. Are you going to dig your feet into the mud and blood and drown us there? Or are you going to get the fuck off your ass, grit your teeth, and help us pull free?
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olderthannetfic · 4 months
Tonight, I went looking for more articles to add to my collection of anti essays, and I found one from Elliott Dunstan called Behind the Curtain: Anti-Shipping is a Bad Faith Position.
He managed to put into words what bothers me about the line, "it's just fandom drama and I'm above it", which many people use to dismiss the anti movement. He does this by positing that the anti movement is an entry point for radical feminism, and for mobilizing people against PornHub, OnlyFans, etc. One quote I particularly liked was:
"Much like how Gamergate and the alt-right used videogames and 4chan to get to young men, TERFs and radfems have happily used Tumblr and Twitter to disguise their talking points in 'low-stakes' affairs like ships. This serves several purposes. One, nobody’s really going to think about it too hard. It’s fandom. It’s not that serious. Two, nobody outside of fandom will take you seriously. If you’re harassed or lose your job because of dumb fandom drama, it’s at least partially your own fault for engaging in 'silly fandom stuff for children' – at least in many people’s eyes. And three, it gives them direct access to a receptive audience; marginalized people in fandom who feel shut out for other reasons."
I felt it was pretty well written and makes some very good points.
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jwonsite · 7 months
“happy birthday, pretty boy” - sim jaeyun
part 2 of e(nnn)- (a nnn series)
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pairing: switch!jake x switch!fem!reader
warnings: oral (f&m receiving), making out, 69 position, lingerie mentioned, idk what else to put help me
synopsis: while your boyfriend is trying his hardest to win a bet made by his best friends to not have sex for a month, you couldn’t help but give him a little show on his birthday
"jake i'm telling you right now there's no way you're winning that ps5"
"you really have that little faith in me?!"
"have you met yourself? last week you begged me to let you eat me out because you were 'pussy deprived' while i was on my period. it had been 3 days."
your boyfriend sighed in defeat, knowing you were right. but was it really his fault? you were just so perfect, he could never get enough of you!
"well i'm going to prove you wrong, just watch. on december 1st when i'm collecting my ps5 from sunghoon i'll remind you of this very moment," jake said, crossing his arms as he dramatically turned away from you
you laughed to yourself, rolling your eyes at his dramatics. you knew your boyfriend, and you knew there was absolutely no way that he was lasting this entire month, especially with his birthday being a few weeks away. he can tell himself whatever he wants, but you both know in the end, he's not getting that ps5.
it had been two weeks and he was honestly doing way better than anybody expected. everyday the boys waited for a text message saying he lost, some even placing further bets on how many hours days he could last before he lost
"can you believe them?! i was on the phone with hoon earlier and i heard heeseung give jungwon money after saying i lasted longer than he thought! i can't believe theyre making bets on me, like, am i really that horny?" he complained to you as you were eating dinner together
"in their defense, you are a pretty big man whore. i mean, have you seen the videos of yourself from the concerts? licking your lips, showing your abs, grinding the air, they definitely aren't wrong for thinking that. plus i am 100 percent sure they have heard us have sex in the dorms multiple times", you said back to him. everybody knows that jake practically lives off of sex. not in a weird way, but you just energize him so much. with so much stress of being an idol, getting to come home and fuck his frustrations out, or eat you out for hours until you're overstimulated, it's an instant destresser
"well, yeah but, they could at least have a little more confidence in me", he said with a pout, continuing to eat the food you had made for him earlier
"okay you big baby", you said with a laugh, getting up to take your empty plate to the sink to wash
your boyfriend followed soon behind with his empty plate, slightly pushing you out of the way and taking the sponge out of your hand to wash the dishes for you. you smiled at him fondly as you moved to sit on the counter directly next to the sink. you sat and admired your boyfriend, looking so domestic as he washed the dishes in your apartment. you looked forward to the day that he could finally move in with you full-time, after the pressures of being an idol aren't so heavy
"you're staring, pretty girl", he said with a smirk, not moving his attention from the plates in front of him
"yeah cause you're just so handsome", you said not being able to hold back your smile
he giggled a bit at your statement before refocusing on the task in front of him
"so!" you said, clapping your hands together, "what are we doing tomorrow, birthday boy?"
"i didn't really have any plans in mind, probably hang with the boys for a bit, get dinner or whatever then come back and chill here with you. nothing too crazy", he said nonchalantly, turning of the sink and drying his hands as he finished washing everything
"are you serious? its your 21st birthday jakey, you have to do something!" you said, wrapping your arms around his neck as he stood between your legs. because you were sitting on the counter you were eye level with him. he put his hands on your thighs as he looked at you with a smile
"yeah yeah i know but... i dont know. not really in the going out mood, id rather just chill and spend it here with you", he said moving his face close to yours, noses rubbing together. you hummed as you closed the gap between you both, lips molding together as your hands played with the hair at the nape of his neck. he pulled away, rubbing your noses together once more before standing back to look at you
"you sure you don't wanna go out somewhere tomorrow? nothing at all you can think of?" you asked once more, intertwining your hands together
"nothing, i promise. we can go out to eat with the boys and then come back and have a movie night or something. just wanna be with you", he said with a smile. you flushed at his words. even after dating for so long he never failed to make you flustered
"okay, now come on pretty boy let's go to bed, i'm tired", you said, wrapping your arms and legs around your boyfriend to signal him to carry you to your bedroom. he laughed and shook his head before putting his hands under your thighs and picking you up, walking to your room
the next day was filled with multiple surprises for your boyfriend, waking him up to breakfast in bed, giving him a beautiful white gold bracelet you had found for him a few weeks ago, the boys showing up early to your house to give him the gifts they had bought him before all going out to dinner together that night.
you all had a great time, talking and laughing loudly for hours, probably annoying the rest of the patrons in the restaurant. your boyfriend thanked his friends, as well as you for making his birthday such a fun day, but what he didn't know was that you had one more surprise for him.
you had been planning this for a while, being very glad he opted to staying in for his birthday as it helped your plan go smoother. you knew he had that bet with his friends but, we all knew he was gonna lose at one point or another, so why not have it be on his birthday? he wasn't even a big gamer anyways, it wasn't like he would be super disappointed if he didnt get the gaming console.
you were gonna make some excuse to get him back to your place, changing into your brand new black lingerie set you got specifically for this occasion. you knew he loved when you wore black, since it was one of his favorite colors. you hoped the lingerie set would get him to break, giving up on his bet with his friends
after dinner was paid for (thank you jay🙏🏼), your boyfriend bid goodbye to his friends, walking back to your car with you
you drove home in a comfortable silence, his hand on your thigh as you looked out the window, music lowly playing in the background. you were getting excited for your plans, feeling the heat in your core grow as you slightly shifted in your seat
"you okay babe?" jake asked, looking at you slightly
"yeah, i'm fine" you said with a smile, grabbing his hand off your thigh to intertwine it with yours, as the close proximity to your core was getting you more worked up than you already were
you thought you were being slick, but your boyfriend knew about this whole ordeal. he had accidentally seen the lingerie in your dresser, and when he didnt recognize it he figured you had bought it for this reason. and after seeing the way you tried to hide yourself getting worked up during dinner, snd in the car next to him just now, confirmed his suspicions. he smiled to himself before focusing back on the road, feeling your stare on the side of his face. usually he would tease you, but right now he wanted nothing more than to get you home and fuck you til you can't walk
the ride back to your apartment felt longer than usual, your arousal continuing to pool in your panties the more you thought about the night to come. you finally arrived, and jake got out the car quickly to open the door for you, helping you out of the car. he grabbed your hand as he led you inside. he unlocked the door to your apartment, letting you go in first, following behind closely
before you knew it, you were pushed up against your front door, your boyfriends lips clashing with yours passionately as his hands roamed over your body
your eyes widened in surprise, not expecting him to be the one to initiate the intimacy. you soon melted into your boyfriends arms, wrapping your arms around his neck to tangle in his hair as your tongues clashed in each others mouths. he picked you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist, not breaking the kiss as he walked to your bedroom, placing you down on the bed, leaning back to take of his shirt, throwing it across the room before coming back down to kiss you again
"fuck, jakey, what about your bet?" you moaned out as he moved his lips down your neck and chest
"first of all, fuck the bet. second of all, you think i didn't know all about your little plan for tonight? that pretty little lingerie set that you bought just for me. lucky for you, i'm gonna let you save that for another day, right now i just wanna feel you around me" he said as he continued to leave open mouthed kisses down your neck and chest, putting his hands up your shirt to massage your breasts over your bra
you moaned as you moved your hands to take off your shirt, sitting up for a second to lift it over your head, discarding it somewhere in your room
jake moved further down your chest now that he had more access, taking one of his hands to unbuckle your bra skillfully, like he had done it a billion times
after your bra was off, he moved his mouth down to suck your nipples, licking and kissing then as he used one of his hands to roll your other nipple between his fingertips. your hands were in his hair, pulling and tugging on it slightly, making him moan into your breasts, sending vibrations all through your body
"baby please, i need you so bad" you moaned out, becoming impatient
"so needy, my baby. can't believe i was gonna make you wait a whole month without my dick" he said, kissing down your body as he made his way to where you were craving him most
"wait", you said, putting your hand on his head to stop his motions. you put your hand under his chin to pull him back up to your face, before pushing him over so he was under you
he gasped at the sudden movement before smirking at you, immediately putting his hands behind his head
"wanna take care of my pretty boy" you said as you moved down to his dick, kissing and lick his defined abs on the way down. you unbuttoned his pants, pulling them down off his legs before cupping his clothed dick in your hands
he moaned out at the feeling as you palmed him through the thin fabric of his underwear, cursing lowly under his breath
"please don't tease princess, it's been way too long i need to feel your mouth around me already" he said with a whine
"whatever my birthday boy wants" you said, slipping your fingers into the sides of his boxers, sliding them down his thighs. his dick sprung up from the fabric, stand so tall and prettily. you swear his dick was the prettiest one in the world, the veins going up the side were just so perfect, he wasn't bigger than average, but he was so thick, and his tip was so red and pretty, already leaking precum
he groaned as he was finally released from the constraints of any fabrics, moving his hands down to tangle in your hair
you took his dick in your hands as you slowly licked all the way from the base to the tip, your boyfriend moaning out loudly as you did so. you began to suck his tip gently, licking his slit and tasting his precum on your tongue
"fuck, baby, you said anything i want right? i want you to sit on my face please. you take my dick so well in your mouth but i want to taste you too. please baby", he whined out as you continued to suck only the tip. you smiled up at him before standing up to remove your pants and underwear
"of course pretty boy, it's your night" you said as you climbed onto the bed seductively, moving your legs over your boyfriends head so you were hovering above his mouth. you could feel his warm breath on your pussy, and his nose rubbing against your clit. you moaned slightly as you leaned forward to take his dick into your moth again
you began sucking on it harshly, before feeling jake pull your hips down harshly, suffocating himself with your pussy. he was licking and sucking on your clit so well, you could barely concentrate on what you were doing. you continued to bob your head up and down over his cock as he keep eating you out, your moans being muffled by his dick. the vibrations of your moans over his dick made him approach his orgasm faster than usual, already feeling his stomach tighten and his dick twitching in your mouth. he didn't want to cum before you, so he started to speed up his actions, hands tightly gripping your thighs, probably leaving a mark tomorrow
he heard your moans get higher in pitch, and your hips began to grind onto his face slightly, signaling you were close. you continued moving up and down on his dick, hands massaging his balls as you felt his dick twitch in your mouth. your orgasm hit you hard, hips bucking onto your boyfriends face as you tried to continue sucking on his dick, becoming too distracted on by your own orgasm hitting you. jake didn't stop his ministrations, riding you through your orgasm, making sure to lick up every last drop of your juices. your hand continued to move up and down his dick, and you moved your head back down to his dick so he could come too. not long after he was cumming in your mouth, moaning into your pussy sending vibrations and overstimulating you
you gathered all his cum into your mouth, sitting up and turning around so he could see your face as you swallowed it. that was one of his favorite parts when you sucked his dick, getting to see you swallow his load
his hands moved to your waist as you sat over his abs, feeling your juices spread over his stomach. you leaned down to kiss him, and he practically got hard again tasting himself on your lips. you smiled into the kiss as you pulled away, biting his lip before you pulled away and let go
"happy birthday, pretty boy"
you rolled off his stomach to lay next to him, turning your head to look at him with a smile. he looked back at you, returning the smile fondly. he rolled to the side to cuddle into you, but you put a hand on his chest to stop him before he could
"you thought we were done baby? oh no, were just getting started"
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a/n: GUYS FINALLY I KNOW ITS OUT AHHHHH. i wrote this all in one sitting cuz i was determined to finally get it out for you guys after weeks of not being able to😭 i hope you guys enjoy, and sorry it’s a little short🥲🥲🥲
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lua-magic · 3 months
Venus and nature of your spouse ( D9 chart analysis).
Position of Venus in D9 chart has to be analysed to find out the nature of your partner.
Venus in Aries.
Partner could be impulse in nature, can have insecurities, anxiety, and could be agressive.
Partner could make decisions quickly and will be quick to take actions. partner could also be short tempered.
Partner love to involve in sports and adventures, and work on their body alot.
Venus in Taurus
Partner could be foody and attached to the family. Both you and your partner seeks for financial security in relationship. Communication would play important role in relationship.
Venus in Gemini
Partner would be having dual personality or nature, partner could be confused about commitment. Both verbal and non verbal communication plays an important role in relationship. Touch is the love language you and your partner always seeks.
Partner could be fun loving, poet, writer, and has good sense of humour.
Both native and partner has to put efforts in relationship for it to survive.
Venus in cancer
You and your partner are more emotionaly attached then just physically attached.
Mother could Play and important role in relationship.
Partner could be comfort loving and love to spend time at home and attached to home and motherland as well.
Venus in Leo
Partner loves to take responsibilities in relationship, and take the lead in every task, and would be dominating in nature.
Partner could be self conscious and their self image matters to them alot
Partner could be egoistic and demand respect and total surrender from their partner.
Partner could be attached from kids and love to read books ..
Venus in virgo.
Partner could be analytical and calculative in nature and can suffer from self doubt alot.
Partner could be skillful and intelligent, but love to criticize and nitpicking the faults of others. Partner could be extremely picky and choosy in nature. Partner could be clean freak and organised
Native could be more like "my way or highway" in nature hence, suffers heart breaks.
Venus in Libra
Partner could be well balanced in nature, but give preference to outer beuty alot. Partner would be having lot of expectations and would be extrovert and good in dealing with public.
Native could take long time in making decisions and wants everything to be perfect before getting into commitment.
Venus in Scorpio.
Partner could be devoted but also secretive in nature, Scorpio is sign of past life, hence, partner could be from past life and you and your partner would have telepathic connection.
Partner could be interested in occult and spirituality and could be detached in nature.
Native could have issues with overthinking, anxiety and could doubt alot.
Venus in Sagittarius
Partner could be matured in nature and love to take the initiative in relationship and do all the work by themselves.
Native could search father like figure or a mentor in their partner.
Partner could be devoted, religious and love to travel and goal orientated.
Venus in Capricorn.
Partner could be workholic, non emotional, and can have serious attitude towards Life.
Partner could be cold hearted and non romantic and not outgoing personality.
However, partner would be faithful and fulfill all the desires and wishes of their partners.
Native serve their partner and work for them alot
Venus in Aquarius.
Partner loves to help and serve community or their family and friends.
Partner could be extremely friendly in nature and wants to help everyone around them. They have problem in saying "NO" .
They help their partner alot, and has friendly relationship with their partner.
Native could be obsessive about the relationship and trust people easily.
Venus in Pisces 🐟 🏠.
Venus is exalted in twelfth house, hence, partner would be devoted and attached.
Partner loves to spend on luxury and beuty and also would be spiritual in nature.
Native love to do alot for their partner, but sometimes that becomes issue because they won't get same love in return which gives them dissatisfaction.
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mcflymemes · 9 months
OOPS! ALL ANGST! PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
when were you going to tell me the truth?
so you're telling me everything has been a lie.
i never should have trusted you.
you've done nothing but lie.
i had to make you believe me in order to get you to come.
there's nothing you can do for me now.
go! i'll fight them off! get to safety!
i'm done with this place.
we were never meant to be together.
there's nothing you can say to convince me otherwise.
i put my faith in you, and this is how you repay me?
you should have known better than to trust me.
is that all this is? a ploy? a game? is that what i am to you?
you've been playing with my heart this whole time.
was any of it real?
i'm never coming back here again.
i have a message from your father.
you were a waste of my time.
so that's it then? you're leaving?
we always knew this was a one way trip.
it's been an honor serving with you.
how long have you known?
did you ever love me? i mean really love me?
they made me a better offer.
it's not my fault you fell in love.
i need you to promise me you'll do everything in your power to fight.
what are you talking about? i'm not leaving you here!
there's nothing we can do now.
it's useless to try and fight.
i always thought there was more to you. turns out i was wrong.
you betrayed me for nothing.
you made me a promise.
it's no use. i've tried everything.
i can't believe you fell for that.
everything you've ever known is a lie.
do you want to hear what really happened?
i should have told you this a long time ago.
you're going to want to sit down for this.
i'm not sure you're ready for the honest truth.
i have a message from your mother.
get out of my house!
i'm never speaking to you again.
i'm not going to repeat myself.
i told you to never contact me again.
i warned you this would happen.
you're really good at fucking things up.
don't worry. you'll never hear from me again.
you were wrong about everything.
you already missed your chance.
i never asked for much.
i've loved you since the day we met.
i don't want you to be here when it happens.
you're such a disappointment.
i can't go on without you.
you have ruined my life!
we should run.
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cosmicbucky · 7 months
A chubby reader who's super self conscious of her belly and bust? Like she's strong and stuff, comes with the higher weight, but just....
Cant really wear anything unless it's sweats and a sweater, or a t-shirt. Almost never goes out.
And one day Bucky comes to the compound. Reader immediately gets a crush, and has major anxiety over it, like "leaving the room when he comes near" anxiety. Bucky thinks it's his fault, that he's done something wrong and talks to you about it.
He decides to talk to you about it, crying ensues because insecurities, and then the fluff.
Sorry this ask is so long, I'm kinda scrambled XP
hi, lovely! 💫
first of all, don't apologize for bringing this beautiful request into my world! i was beyond excited to have the chance to bring this idea to life, and i hope the direction i took with it does justice to what you had in mind!
second of all, i am so sorry this took me so long to put out, this request is so lovely and i really wanted to make it the best i could.
i hope you enjoy!
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pairing: bucky barnes x midsize!reader
word count: 3974
warnings: insecurities and self consciousness, mild body image issues, brief self depreciating thoughts, angst, mutual pining, fluff, swearing, allusions to mature themes, let me know if i missed anything!
please do not read this if you're not comfortable with any of the above topics. while they are not heavily focused on, they are the main theme of this fic
a/n: big thanks to @buckylattes for reading this and catching some of the dumb ass mistakes i made lmao
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Being part of the Rescue and Reconnaissance division of Stark Industries wasn't the most glamorous job, but you loved it. You got to work nearly hand in hand with field agents every day, formulating plans for raids, rescues, infiltrations, or general takedown missions to make sure all those involved worked as safely and efficiently as possible. 
You were the one they turned to when a new plan was needed; when they were at risk. There were a few agents who refused to listen to anyone other than you when it came to these times - specifically asking for you to help them through. 
Agent Barnes was one of these people, and though you could never voice it, he was your favourite to deal with. He was always kind and courteous, understanding in the fact that despite not being in the same rankings as him, you damn well knew what you were doing. And, well, it didn't hurt that he always found a moment to be a charming little flirt. 
You have no idea why he had such faith in you. Maybe it was because you always took what he suggested into consideration when calculating next steps. Maybe it was because your ideas were as crazy as his sometimes. Maybe it was simply because he liked the sound of your voice. 
You never knew. 
You never actually met him.
All your dealings with field agents were done from the safety of your control room. You never minded it, though. It was nice, in a way. You absolutely loved doing what you do, but you would never be able to handle being around field agents all the time. Not when they look the way they do, and you…. well, you're you. 
Your thighs touch when you walk, your belly shakes when you laugh, your arms jiggle when you move. You have to painstakingly pick out the right kinds of shirts, otherwise your chest will make it seem like you're three times as big as you really are. 
You were the chubby girl who always hid in the shadows, too afraid to let the world see how bright you truly shine - you were a flame ready to ignite, but no one around you ever offered you a match. 
You were used to it. You made peace with it a long time ago, finding solace in your own company instead of relying on other people to enjoy your time with. It still bothered you from time to time, and you let yourself have days where you wallowed in it, wishing things were different, wishing you looked different. Though, for the most part, it stopped bothering you so much the older you got. 
Until the day you finally met Bucky. 
It was a strange day, being sent to the compound. You've never been sent anywhere before, always planted in your seat while talking to field agents across the world. Yet here you were, being requested by Tony Stark himself. 
You must have spent hours trying to find the right outfit. One that showed off your curves without accentuating the extra pudge around your middle. One that complimented your chest without highlighting the size. One that showed off your ass without making it look massive. One that carefully hid your arms. One that you felt comfortable in. 
It felt like your heart was in your throat the whole time. The butterflies in your stomach turned into a full on frenzy, and you had to take deep breaths every few seconds to stay calm; and to not throw up. 
You barely heard it when Tony said he wanted you working under him. You could hardly process it when he said he created a job just for you. You didn't quite understand it when he told you there was space for you at the compound, and he wanted you here full time. 
All you could do was dumbly nod your head, trying to focus on what he was saying instead of the fact that Bucky Barnes was just outside the conference room. 
By the time the meeting was over, you felt lightheaded. You clutched the contract you were given against your chest and took a final deep breath before leaving the room, hoping to get by unnoticed. It's not like he even knew who you really were, right? 
A gentle calling of your name told you that you were very, very wrong. 
Your feet became rooted in place as you squeezed your eyes shut, focusing all you could on calming your nerves before turning around. And jesus christ, nothing could have prepared you for how beautiful this man actually was in person. 
"Hi," you breathed out, a tiny shy smile gracing your lips. 
"Hi," he said, unintentionally mimicking you. 
His eyes travelled over your face before taking their time roaming your body; you shifted uncomfortably and clutched the contract a little tighter as he stayed fixed on you. A smirk graced his lips, but it was gone before you could really focus on it. 
"It's, uh-... it's nice to finally meet you, Agent Barnes," you muttered sheepishly, hesitantly offering him your hand. 
"You can call me Bucky," he said, smiling warmly as he took your hand in his, sending fire throughout your whole body. "I'd like to say thank you for saving my ass as often as you do, but thank you doesn't seem like enough."
You chuckled, feeling your face flush under his gaze. "'Thank you' suffices just fine, Bucky. I've only been doing my job."
"Speaking of," he started, tilting his head a little as he eyed the contract you held. "You gonna take it?" he asked curiously, his eyes snapping back to yours. 
"What?" you asked, caught off guard by his question.
"The job," he said, gesturing between the contract in your hands and the conference room you just occupied. "You gonna say yes?" 
"How do you know about that?" you asked curiously.
"I know things," he said passively, shrugging his shoulders. "How 'bout I show you around? You can see the place before you decide anything."
You wanted to say no. You wanted to run away and retreat into yourself once more. Though something about the way he was looking at you made it hard to do so. 
So, you agreed. 
And that's how everything started. 
You took the job, moving into the compound a few days after that. You quickly made friends with the girls, and they became your support group; they would help you when it came to shopping for clothes or finding the right outfit for events. They offered to go for walks with you or do yoga - anything you felt like doing, really. You still felt inferior to them from time to time, but not because they made you feel that way; no one at the compound did. 
Only yourself. 
When it came to the boys, it was more or less the same thing. You felt comfortable around them, and you never minded close contact or them seeing you in tighter fitting clothes. 
Everyone was family, and it never felt awkward or uncomfortable around them. 
Except for when it came to Bucky. 
You still grew closer to him over the months of you living at the compound so far, but it hasn't been easy. It was a constant challenge, and it grew harder for you day after day.
When it came to you working alongside him on his missions, everything was great. Nothing with him changed, aside from him throwing out a few more flirty comments. And, since you still had the safety net of being behind comms, you threw some right back at him. 
Once the missions were over, though, it was hard to be around him. You wanted to be around him, but it was nearly impossible. Your feelings for him grew, and the stronger your feelings were, the more distant you became. 
You were careful to only wear sweaters or loose tees paired with sweatpants around him, making sure he would never catch sight of the extra weight you carried around. You quit eating around him; it's not like you had bad eating habits, but you couldn't shake the panic that he would somehow be disgusted, that he would think the reason you're so chubby was because of your diet. You stopped sitting near him during movie nights, and you never hugged him. No matter how much you itched to wrap your arms around him when he came home safe from missions, you couldn't risk him feeling the rolls your body carried, or how soft and pudgy you were. 
It was driving Bucky crazy.
From the minute he finally set his eyes on you, he couldn't get you out of his head. He was beyond thrilled when you agreed to Stark's offer, and he couldn't wait to take the opportunity to get to know you - which was a massive step for him. Yet he couldn't shake the feeling he did something to upset you. 
He grew more confused every day. When it came to conversing over the comms during missions, you two were like a well oiled machine; giggles and flirting and jokes of previous missions. No one would ever know something was amiss. 
Yet when everyone would return home, it was like a switch was flipped. You greeted everyone with hugs and smiles and affection, and Bucky always waited patiently for his turn: but it never came. Instead, you turned to him with an awkward smile and shining eyes and gave him the traditional "welcome home, soldier" that, despite everything, always pulled a smile from his lips. 
He racked his brain every night trying to figure out if he did something, if he said something, but he could never come up with anything. He could never find a reason for the way you would some days leave the room as soon as he entered, for why you always hid away from him when he would catch you off guard in workout clothes or formal attire. He could never come up with an explanation and it was eating him alive. 
The final straw came for him on the night of Pepper’s birthday party. 
He didn’t want to go, he never wanted to go to these things, but ever since you came around he found himself more willing to at least make an appearance; if only to see you. However, he wasn’t even positive if you were going to show up this time, given the way you’ve been so distant lately - and that made him not want to go at all. So he was biding his time, sitting in the kitchen and emptying a bottle of whiskey, trying to not make it obvious that he was waiting to see if you’d wander out of your room before he slipped away to the party.
You stood in front of your mirror for what felt like hours, never before feeling more diffident as you assessed your reflection. You’ve been to some of Tony’s parties before, but this was for Pepper - it was the most grandiose one you’ve attended to date. You weren’t left much choice but to dress your fanciest, and you felt so unfamiliar with your own body as your hands trailed down the fabric of your dress. It was form fitting, hugging every curve you had and accentuating your figure in a way you weren’t used to seeing. The straps were small and the cut was low, it travelled midcalf and had a small slit up the side, showing way more of your leg than you wanted. You had a burning desire to change, but Nat insisted you looked incredible, and Wanda already applied a touch of makeup to match the dress - not to mention you were already running late as it was. 
With one last heavy sigh, you steeled yourself before slipping on your heels and marching out of your room. You thought of anything and everything you could as you marched down the hall, doing your best to pay no mind to the way you felt the fabric clinging to your body with every move you made. God, you really should have put on shapewear. 
Bucky heard you before he saw you, your footfalls echoing through the floor in the same pattern he came to memorize in the months you’ve been here. He took a deep breath, prepared for the fact that you would most likely brush him off once more. He was not prepared, though, for the sight of you as you rounded the corner. 
You were not prepared to see him sitting there, clad in a pressed suit, or for him to quite literally choke on the drink he was nursing as he took in your presence. 
“Jesus, Bucky. Are you alright?” you inquired, conflicted between staying where you stood and approaching him. 
A dismissive wave of his hand had you staying in place, your arms wrapping around your middle as you began to feel exposed to him. 
“I’m fine, I’m good,” he coughed out, refilling his glass as if nothing happened. 
You stood there quietly, completely unsure of what to do next. The silence was becoming louder and louder but you didn’t want to draw his attention to you. Not when you were looking like this. Not when he’d be able to see every curve and divot of your body, the protrusion of your stomach, the ample raise of your chest. You were really starting to regret not changing. 
“Are you gonna stand there and stare all night or head to the party?” he asked, keeping his eyes on the glass before him. His tone was playful, but his voice had a rasp to it that sent a shiver down your spine. 
“Oh, uh - sorry,” you muttered, clearing your throat as you slowly advanced in his direction. “Are, um-… are you gonna join the party?” 
He huffed a small laugh, his eyes finally raising to meet yours only to find that you were looking almost everywhere but at him, effectively wiping the small smile from his face. 
“I’m not so sure,” he said lowly, downing the contents of his glass as he kept his eyes on you. 
You hummed, looking down at your hands before chancing a glance at him; his gaze on you so intense that you immediately looked away again. 
“Well, I- I hope to see you there,” you said sincerely, wringing your fingers together. “You look really nice, Buck” you added quietly, looking up at him just long enough to flash him a warm smile before continuing through the kitchen. 
“Did I do something wrong?” he called after you, the hurt in his voice impossible to miss. 
“What?” you asked in confusion, turning to glance in his direction. 
“Did I do something wrong?” he repeated, leaning back in his chair. “Because ever since you moved in here, it’s like you can’t stand the sight of me.” 
You couldn’t help the nervous chuckle that left you, shaking your head in disbelief. “That’s not true.” 
“No?” he asked, his tone taking on a new edge. “Are you sure? ‘Cause you can’t even fucking look at me right now. You practically run from me when I enter the same room, you do everything you can to avoid me, and let’s not forget the fact that I’m the only one around here who you don’t hug after getting back from missions.”
“Bucky-” you tried to explain, but the lump forming in your throat stopped you short. 
“I just wanna know what I did,” he carried on, voice softer this time. “I don’t know if you’re angry with me or- or if you’re scared of me-” 
“I am not scared of you,” you interrupted, finally meeting his gaze. “Please don’t think that.”
“What else am I supposed to think?” he asked quietly. “Everything is fine when I’m out on the field, we- I get along with you better than anyone. But then I come home, and it’s not the same.”
“It’s not-... it’s not like that, Bucky,” you whispered sadly, unintentionally looking away from him again. 
“Yeah, if you say so,” he said curtly, sighing in defeat as he filled his glass again. “Just enjoy the party, okay?”
“You’re not coming?” you asked, unable to keep the disappointment from your voice. 
“Well, you’re just gonna avoid me anyway. Might as well make it easier for you and stay here,” he replied, keeping his eyes on the twirling glass in his hands. 
“I don’t want you to think like that,” you admitted softly. “I- I don’t mean to do the things I do.”
“Then why do they happen?” he inquired, his eyes meeting yours and displaying a painful mix of hurt and confusion. 
“Because,” you started, feeling your bottom lip quiver. “I mean, look at me, Buck,” you finished, as if that was explanation enough. 
“Believe me, I’m looking,” he said gently. “And you look-... well, I wanna say you look beautiful, but that implies you don’t always look beautiful, so, I- I don’t know what I’m supposed to say,” he added, his voice so low he may as well have been speaking to himself, but you heard every word he muttered. 
“...What?” you breathed out, staring over at him. 
“What?” he questioned, glancing up to catch your eye.
You tried to swallow the lump in your throat but it just kept on growing, forcing you to choke on your words. 
“Hey, wait, don’t-... okay, now I really said something wrong, right?” he asked quickly, starting to panic as he watched your eyes fill with tears. 
Shaking your head vehemently, you delicately wiped your eyes, hoping not to smudge the work that Wanda did for you. “No, you- I just didn’t expect you to say that. I-... I'm not used to hearing that." 
"You're not?" he asked, genuinely surprised. 
You almost laughed, and you probably would have if it wasn't such an embarrassing thing to admit. "No. I'm… guys don't really call girls who look like me beautiful." 
He fell silent for a minute, eyeing you carefully before shifting in his seat, resting his arms on the table.
"You know, I've been alive for a pretty long time now," he said conversationally, as if you weren't on the cusp of a breakdown. "And I've also been quite literally around the whole world in that time. Some of it I remember, some of it… not so much. But even so, do you know what the one thing I can say with complete certainty is?" 
You waited for him to go on for a moment before realizing he was actually looking for an answer. "No, what?" you manage to croak out. 
He smiled softly, relaxing in his seat again. "I have, quite literally, never met anyone as beautiful as you. And I mean in both appearance and personality." 
"But I- I'm not… I don't have the kind of body like the other women around here," you murmured, casting your gaze downwards as if you were ashamed of your words. 
"So?" he asked incredulously. "Do you seriously think that you're automatically not beautiful just because you aren't the same size as them?" 
"No, it- you can't- I'm not-" you tried to argue, but all you could get out were a few utterances before you had to choke back a sob, completely lost on how to express yourself. 
"Is this why you've been avoiding me? Have I done something to make you uncomfortable?" he asked anxiously, fighting the urge to approach you. 
"Yes. I mean no, I-" you cut yourself off with a sigh, taking a moment to consider your answer. "I've been too embarrassed to be around you. I-... I was afraid you'd be repulsed by me and that I'd lose you." 
"Repulsed by you? A woman who puts fucking goddesses to shame?" he asked in disbelief. "Did me choking on my drink earlier not prove how taken by you I am?" 
"Is that what that was?" you wondered, letting out a watery laugh. 
"Yeah, that's what that was," he confirmed with a soft chuckle. "A guy does a real life spit take when he sees the girl of his dreams looking like the focus of a goddamn renaissance painting and she doesn't even realize it," he mumbled in exasperation, yet his eyes carried a playful sparkle. 
"The girl of your dreams?" you repeated in shock, your voice a nervous whisper. 
"Was that too cliché?" he questioned, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. 
"Maybe a little," you said playfully, sniffling quietly. 
"I know how it feels, you know," he said softly. "To feel uncomfortable in your own body. But if you'd let me, I'll spend every day proving to you that I see you as nothing short of perfect." 
You could only nod, giving him a weak smile as you fought back a wave of tears. "Yeah, I-... I could do that, too," you agreed quietly. 
He grinned softly, greedily taking in your appearance once more before tearing his eyes away. "Come on," he urged, downing his drink before standing up. "You owe me about seven dances." 
"Where does that number come from?" you asked with a laugh, watching as he approached you. 
"For how many parties you snubbed me at so far," he replied casually, stopping as he stood before you. 
"I never snubbed you," you grumbled, peering up at him. 
"Sure you didn't," he teased, carefully wiping the tears from your face. 
"Do I still look okay?" you asked nervously, fidgiting slightly under his touch. 
"Gorgeous as ever," he replied sincerely. 
You couldn't help but grin, laughing a little anxiously. "Okay. Come on, or else we won't have enough time for all those dances." 
Bucky laughed happily, taking your hand and rushing to join the party, having you giggling in his wake as you did your best to keep up. 
You let him whisk you away for the rest of the night, leading you through all the dances you owed him; and a few more, for good measure, as Bucky put it. 
He stayed true to his word, and there wasn't a second that you spent with him where you didn't feel like the most ravishing woman to walk the earth.
Especially when he took his precious time in the dark of the night to memorize and worship every inch of your body over and over again.
So as you sat here now, watching from across the room as he danced with the crowd, you couldn't help but feel foolish. Foolish for letting your thoughts take away the extra time you could have had with him, foolish for ever thinking this incredible man would ever judge you for something so trivial. Foolish, foolish, foolish. 
"Penny for your thoughts?" you heard from beside you, ripping you from your reverie.  
You turned your head, grinning as you saw the very man himself had taken up the seat to your left. "What, get tired of dancing already, old man?" 
He gasped, feigning offense as he took in your words. "I'd watch who you're calling old, sweetheart," he warned playfully. 
"I'd watch who you're calling sweetheart. I happen to be a married woman now, you know," you replied jovially.
"Married, huh? Should've known I didn't stand a chance," he lamented, shaking his head. "How about a pity dance?" he suggested with a grin, holding his hand out to you. 
You giggled softly, taking his hand with a grin of your own. "Lead the way, Mr. Barnes." 
"Anything for you, Mrs. Barnes," he replied with a wink, leading you to the dance floor. 
And just like he did three years ago, he whisked you away and led you through a whole seven dances; and a few more, for good measure. 
You were a flame, finally ignited, and Bucky was your match.
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thrumbolt · 8 months
Top 5 most annoying Tamlin scene misinterpretations
1. ''There is no such thing as a high lady'' I hate this one, because it is always taken as some sort of proof that Tamlin is a raging misogynist who doesn't want an equal woman by his side or some similar type of nonsense. I don't know where this is coming from. Tamlin never wanted to be a high lord. He would probably welcome for someone to take over most of the work so he could just keep running through the woods. He also has absolutely no issues with taking advice from women in power (Ianthe? Hello??). His first reaction to the high lady question is literally this:
“Is everyone just going to call me ‘Tamlin’s wife’? Do I get a … title?” He lifted his head long enough to look at me. “Do you want a title?”
And let's not forget that Feyre's first reply is ''No, I don’t know if I can handle them calling me High Lady”. To which he then answers that she doesn't have to worry about that, since ''there is no such thing as a high lady'' because the magic choses the title and it keeps chosing males. Also this whole scene happens while he eats her out. Not that it's relevant or anything, just saying...
2. ''Tamlin killed Rhys' family'' No. Tamlin's dad killed Rhys' family. I have no idea how Tamlin doing it is ever the takeaway from that whole story. Let's just quote the actual scene:
“Tamlin’s father, brothers, and Tamlin himself set out into the Illyrian wilderness, having heard from Tamlin—from me—where my mother and sister would be, that I had plans to see them. I was supposed to be there. I wasn’t. And they slaughtered my mother and sister anyway.”
Yeah okay, Tamlin gave the information (supposedly) and was there (supposedly) sure, but it's highly unlikely that he was so willingly. Let's not forget that it's established that Tamlin was afraid of his father, that Tamlin's father is worse than Beron (who, I might remind you, tortures his sons) and that Tamlin was friends with Rhys at the time - which neither family approved of. Even Rhys doesn't actually believe Tamlin did anything besides being spineless:
''I didn’t care that Tamlin had been there, had allowed them to kill my mother and sister, that he’d come to kill me because he didn’t want to risk standing against them.''
In the end we don't know the details. Tamlin could've been tortured and tied up or whatever. Making him watch could've been a cruel form of punishment for being friends with Rhys. We don't really know until SJM graces us with Tamlin's side of the story.
3. ''It's really Tamlin's own fault that the spring court fell'' Alternatively also phrased as: 'Feyre just opened everyone's eyes to Tamlin's incompetence' and....honestly? This low key makes me question the reading comprehension of people.
Yes, Tamlin made a deal with Hybern, which was extremely risky, but the war was coming regardless (as we learn from Rhys in the first half of ACOMAF) and the spring court would be the main target because of its location next to the wall. Inviting Hybern into his lands in a trade is actually a pretty smart way to avoid a lot of death on Tamlin's part - plus he needed help to rescue Feyre and get her out of the deal she had with Rhysand (people forget that Tamlin didn't know Feyre didn't actually need rescuing from the guy that was abusing her in front of him in ACOTAR).
So yeah anyway, Feyre did several things to make the spring court fall: 1. She manipulated the solstice ceremony to make herself seem cauldron-blessed in the eyes of the people, 2. She made a sentry accuse Ianthe (who WAS doing sneaky shit) which essentially did nothing except putting Tamlin on the spot in front of Hybern, so he was kind of forced to throw the sentry under the bus. Good job Feyre, you got a poor sod whipped! But it also built resentment within the soldiers, which was her plan all along and 3. before leaving, she did this (let's just quote the whole thing):
''I had a people who had lost faith in their High Priestess. I had sentries who were beginning to rebel against their High Lord. And as a result of those things, I had Hybern royals doubting the strength of their allies here. I’d primed this court to fall. Not from outside forces—but its own internal warring. And I had to be clear of it before it happened. Before the last sliver of my plan fell into place. The party would return without me. And to maintain that illusion of strength, Tamlin and Ianthe would lie about it—where I’d gone. And perhaps a day or two after that, one of these sentries would reveal the news, a carefully sprung trap that I’d coiled into his mind like one of my snares. I’d fled for my life—after being nearly killed by the Hybern prince and princess. I’d planted images in his head of my brutalized body, the markings consistent with what Dagdan and Brannagh had already revealed to be their style. He’d describe them in detail—describe how he helped me get away before it was too late. How I ran for my life when Tamlin and Ianthe refused to intervene, to risk their alliance with Hybern. And when the sentry revealed the truth, no longer able to stomach keeping quiet when he saw how my sorry fate was concealed by Tamlin and Ianthe, just as Tamlin had sided with Ianthe the day he’d flogged that sentry …When he described what Hybern had done to me, their Cursebreaker, their newly anointed Cauldron-blessed, before I’d fled for my life … There would be no further alliance. For there would be no sentry or denizen of this court who would stand with Tamlin or Ianthe after this. After me.''
So, the sentries left Tamlin because of a lie. A fake story. Without sentries, Hybern decided to take over rather than just be guests and had a prime spot to attack the summer court in turn. Which is also why Tarquin is extremely pissed at Feyre - not Tamlin. So no, Tamlin wasn't a bad high lord. His only real mistake was ever trusting Feyre.
Sure, some argue that Feyre thought Tamlin genuinely sided with Hybern and might be a threat to the rest of Prythian, so taking him down would make sense for her even outside of petty revenge. But there's just one problem with that: Feyre is a mind reader. She could have just.....checked. lol
4. ''Tamlin didn't do anything Under the Mountain'' This one really gets my goat because it's not really true? Things Tamlin did to help Feyre: 1. He sent her away to the human realm. (People forget this, but he basically doomed his court to protect her ass - it's not his fault she came back!) 2. He made Lucien check up on her. (Yes Lucien was Feyre's friend but he still acted under Tamlin's orders!) 3. He ignored Feyre as to not rile Amarantha up even more (Come on, have you seen Amarantha? It totally makes sense) 4. He tries to get to Feyre, begging Amarantha to stop even as he is tied up, bleeding out from a stab wound to his chest that he can't heal because he has no powers - like what do you want him to do??? 4. He literally kills Amarantha the second he is able to
Also personal conspiracy detour: That music that Rhysand supposedly sent to Feyre was SO originally supposed to be Tamlin, you can't convince me otherwise. I will never not believe that this wasn't just a lazily done quick change when SJM rewrote book 1 and 2 to account for the boyfriend switcheroo. Attributing the music to Rhys makes absolutely zero sense. He's not a musical boy at all, come on! Music themes never come up with him again either! Meanwhile Tamlin played for Feyre before, is generally a musical guy COME ON! /conspiracy detour over
5. ''It's Tamlin's fault that Nesta and Elaine got turned to fae'' No. No it's not. He knew nothing about this. Ianthe did this on her own accord because Feyre told her where her sister's lived. Tamlin actually attacks (!) the King of Hybern over it (to no avail, but still).
Some people blame Tamlin for keeping Ianthe around afterwards, despite of what she did. Those people I want to refer to point number 3 in this list. Ianthe was working with Hybern. Tamlin tried to be buddies with Hybern for reasons. No, he can't just throw out Ianthe.
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psychotrenny · 1 month
Pretending like any communist country had no faults is just as bad as Europeans acting like their country has no faults, you can only battle corruption by calling it out and I have a feeling that if Israel was somehow communist you'd be defending them and somehow excusing what they're doing to the Palestinians much like how you're excusing what China is doing to the Uyghurs
Thank you for providing an example of exactly what I was talking about. Now China isn't perfect (and I never claimed it was) and if you want to criticise it's mistakes and wrongdoings there's plenty to talk about both past and present. Just off the top of my head you could talk about the reflexive anti-Sovietism leading to attacks on fellow revolutionaries (i.e. Vietnam) and support for misguided or even counter-revolutionary movements (CPK in Cambodia, UNITA in Angola) or the excessive concessions to foreign capitalists (i.e. Foxconn) in the name of economic development that allowed these firms to exploit and abuse Chinese citizens. But what you can't talk about is the "Uyghur Genocide" because it's not a fucking thing that's happening. It's completely fucking made up by reactionary dipshits as a part of the USA's strategic "pivot to Asia". Like it's not as though China has perfectly handled the issue of Islamic Fundamentalist violence in the territory (i.e. forbidding certain items of clothing is clearly an unnecessarily oppressive and likely counter-productive tactic) but their focus on countering terrorism by changing the material conditions that led to radicalisation in the first place put the Chinese above any part of "The West" in this regard. And whatever you want to say about China's policy towards Xinjiang it's sure as fuck not "genocide"
Anyway plenty of people do in fact claim that Israel is some sort of communist and on this blog I have always expressed the view that this position is complete bullshit; "Labour Zionism" is a fucking joke of an ideology that only functions as a tool for class collaborations with the Settler Bourgeoisie granting their Proletariat concessions in exchange for support in the super-exploitation of the Indigenous working class. Like you can't just say "Oh I'd bet you'd fall for this" when I very clearly haven't
My point isn't that "any communist country has no faults". My point is that Left Anti-Communists don't want a good faith discussion of these faults as is proven by their obsession with faults that aren't even fucking real. Just like you are doing right now in fact. If you want to criticise people for being too soft on communist regimes then please do so over things that are actually happening and not completely fabricated by the most rabidly reactionary US propagandists. Thanks 👍
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heartfullofleeches · 8 months
Anti christ darling is a MUST not a need
Alrighty then-
Amab Anti-Christ Darling masquerading as a innocent nun. Pretty boy Reader certainly looks the part of a kind, caring sister of the church. Very few would think the ender of time to be a sweet nun, but even those curious of their new identity fail to act on their suspensions when they gaze into darling's eyes - or Darling them has them pinned in a vacant room. They're only offering relief from the troubles of the world as any loving idol would do. It isn't their fault if someone accepts their generosity or catches them slipping free of their robes. It's only human nature to give in - and those around them do everytime..
Demon: Child... you have done the impossible and lured the humans from their faith... how?
Anti-Christ Darling: Put on a dress and stuck my dick in a bunch of lonely people. Worked a little too well if you ask me-
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tadc-ragatha · 8 months
You Abstracting in Front of Them
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TW: Abstraction/death (basically)/going insane, self-blame, bullying, mental health, angst no comfort, pleading/screaming, abstraction body mutation stuff
Type: Headcanons; ambiguous.
A/N: "Circus crew react to finding the reader in the process of abstracting." Spoilers. Use of Y/N. As of posting, only the pilot episode has come out.
If you're just a human he's not close with, he just chucks you in the cellar. Never before has someone come back from abstraction, so he's just putting you down there before things get any worse and you start attacking people. This means you're still semi-aware of what's going on, which makes it so much worse and makes the abstraction quicker. He'll send you down there with you kicking and screaming and pleading if he has to.
If he is close with you, he is pretty upset. He considered the two of you friends (or more, up to you), and seeing you half-abstracted is pretty bad. You probably hid your abstracted parts of your body as best you could, but it was no use. He had almost complete control over the world and wasn't about to let a risk get loose in the digital circus. So, off to the cellar you go.
"[Y/N]'s abstracting?! Where?!"
"Well, off to the cellar you go!"
Bubble usually hangs out with Caine when it's not being popped and sent to wherever it goes then. So, either it'd alert Caine to the situation by being there close to him or it'd just go to find him. Bubble's an AI programmed to be able to deal with abstracted people. So, no matter how much you try and plead with it to not tell him and to get someone like Ragatha to help you calm down, it'll just go an get Caine anyway.
"Boss, [Y/N] abstracted!"
Pomni freaking loses it. She had just sort of adjusted to living in the digital world being the newest member, and you were her rock. You kept her sane while also sharing her need to find the exit and searching for it with her. So, when you disappeared to search around for the exit somewhere else, she didn't think much of it. She assumed that since you never showed signs of slipping like Ragatha or Kinger, you certainly wouldn't be having trouble now, right?
Little did she know--and soon was she to find out--you had left to try and calm down somewhere. Your thoughts were getting to you due to all this exit-searching, and by the time you had found somewhere private to try and cool it, it was too late. Pomni found you almost completely abstracted hiding behind a curtain.
She immediately freaked out, and while she wanted to stay with you and help you, she was also scared of ending up like Ragatha did after Kaufmo abstracted. So, she decided to go off an search for help instead. Only, when she finally found someone, she found Caine dropping you into the cellar anyway.
Pomni instantly blames herself the moment she sees you. She knows it was the exit talk that was sending you over the edge. She starts scream-crying and pleads with Caine to try and fix you. Caine, of course, knows this is out of his control--as does everyone else--and has to explain to her that you're not coming back. This only makes her worse.
"Ragatha! [Y/N]'s abstracting!"
"Oh my God, this is all my fault. Oh my f-%$@!#-ing God, this is all my fault!"
You had been there about as long as Ragatha had. Your arrivals were only weeks apart, and through that time you kept each other sane. Growing used to the new world beside each other, you got to share the same experiences together. But you also had to watch the other members abstract and how that affected everyone else. So, it was no surprise it took a toll on you.
Ragatha knew her own mind was slipping, but she had faith in you. You never seemed too bothered with it all. Not to say you weren't having crises either, but you made do. You even managed to stick through Kaufmo's abstraction--though it was only for a short while.
Ragatha had noticed the signs of you going downhill and had tried to talk to you about it. But you always pushed her away, insisting you were fine. But deep down, she knew what was coming, even if she tried to ignore it. So, when you did what all the others had done and didn't show up for the morning performance, her heart dropped.
She booked it to your room as fast as she could. Ringing your doorbell nearly a thousand times, she could feel herself getting more and more anxious. So focused was she on you that she didn't notice Jax walk up behind her and shove your bedroom key into the lock. Opening the door, you were found lying in your bed facing away from everyone. Ragatha walked towards you hesitantly and slowly she turned you over to find the front of your body covered in darkness and eyes.
Ragatha blames herself heavily for your abstraction. She saw the signs, and although she did what she could, she still blames herself. Maybe if she just checked up on your more--or maybe if she was just a better listener--you'd still be here. No matter what, she'll always find a way to blame herself.
"[Y/N]! [Y/N], listen to me! Please, listen to me!"
"Is everything alright? You seem really different lately."
Jax is smart. How do you think he pulls off all those complicated pranks? But he's also bad with emotions, and has trouble recognising them properly sometimes. He knew something was wrong, but he also didn't know how to talk to you about it. So, he just put it off. Never did he think it'd get this bad.
He sauntered over to your room one day when you hadn't shown up for a while. Having stolen your key long ago, he shoved it into the lock and opened the door. Only, while he expected to find you moping in your bed or at your desk, he instead found you sitting in the middle of the room drawing scribbles on paper, nearly a hundred already stacked up on the side.
Jax was properly freaked out, to say the least. He knew you were reaching some point in your downfall that was critical, but he didn't want to consider what he was seeing what that. Yet, when he called out to you, you didn't answer. So, mustering up all his courage, he walked over to look you in the eye--only to find your face gone.
He freaked the hell out. Nobody was around for him to put up a front for, so he just panicked. He doesn't know what to do. He tried to slap you out of it, but when he does his hand gets glitched. Unlucky for him, though, Caine appears to check up on you, only to find you in your current state. He immediately sends you off to the cellar while Jax can only watch.
After you're gone, he's a lot more of a jerk. Poor Gangle gets it the worst, being the easiest target. She might just abstract herself. He's also just a lot quieter, not making the usual snappy comebacks, instead choosing to just give an "mhm" and roll his eyes. He doesn't blame himself per se (because I bet he struggles with accepting the blame for anything), but he's still depressed you're gone. No more making jokes with or teasing you, or having somebody to confide in. No more of anything.
"[Y/N]! Hey! Snap out of it! HEY!"
"Yeah, whatever you say."
Hoo boy. How do I start.
Well, Kinger knows all too well what abstraction looks like. Hell, his closest person (and possible lover) abstracted. He knows the signs better than anyone else. If anyone should be able to stop someone from abstracting, it would be him.
But you were just too good, weren't you? You were too good at hiding it. You knew what was going on, but you were better than everyone at keeping your cool on the outside. Even better than Zooble, and you had been there way longer than them! He honestly thought you were doing alright. Better than him, at least.
But he was wrong. After the morning's intro performance, you walked off without talking to anybody. You were clutching your wrist with your hand. Following you, Kinger found you curled up backstage looking down at the wrist you had covered with your hand. Where your usual skin colour was was instead an ink-black splotch. And it was quickly spreading.
Kinger freaked out, but tried to keep his cool. The last thing he wanted to do was alert Caine to the situation. He'd always been too late before, but maybe if he just tried this time he'd be able to help you. He tried talking you through your emotions, letting you vent, and distracting you with silly nonsense, but nothing worked. The abstraction was showing up on more parts of your body and spreading.
Kinger does not bother running away once you're fully abstracted. He just stands there and tries to plead with you. He's having flashbacks to his experience with Queener and all the other abstracted people he knew, and it's horrible. Once you're caught by Caine, he pleads and pleads for you to not be kept in the cellar. Even if you're kept in an impenetrable fortress made of glass above ground just so he could see and talk to you, that would be enough. But he never got it.
Once you're gone, Kinger blames himself for your "death" of sorts. He becomes genuinely extremely paranoid (because I know there are theories where he's faking it), and also very depressed. He spends most of his time in his pillow fort moping. If anything was going to drive him over the edge himself, it'd be that.
"Caine, please, you need to listen to me, please!"
Gangle's a very lonely person. All throughout her time in the real world, she assumed people didn't like her and pushed them away. She was never really popular in general, either, being into "cringe" interests like anime. So, having you as a friend meant a lot to her. Never did she expect to see you abstracted.
Gangle didn't know what an abstracted person looked like before Kaufmo, so it's still pretty new to her. When she sees you take your food away from the dining table after the day's activity, she's scared to follow you. She doesn't want to intrude on your privacy after all. But after some worried words from Ragatha and Pomni, she decides to investigate.
Turning the corner to the bedroom hallway, she expects to see it empty. However, instead she sees you crouched over yourself on the ground outside your door. The food has been dropped, and your holding your head in your hands and scream-crying. Gangle sees almost all of your body is abstract black lumps covered in eyes. She runs over to try and help you, but is barely holding it together herself--or not at all. You're her best friend is this digital hellhole, and she doesn't know what to do without you.
Gangle tries to calm you down herself, but it's no use. You just keep abstracting, which sends her into a panic attack. It's likely she doesn't run when you're fully abstracted, instead too deep in her anxiety to move. So, she gets bashed about the hallway and thrown aside in favour of finding over people or things to attack. Gangle wants to run after you and stop you, but she can't get herself to move.
Gangle's very quiet about the whole situation after. She's in a state of shock. Watching you disappear into the cellar is traumatising on its own. It's like watching you get an unceremonious burial. She, of course, blames herself for it. She thinks it's her fault for not "trusting her gut" and going to look for you. There's a chance she'll abandon fixing her comedy mask once Jax breaks it next. She's just given up.
"[Y/N]! No!"
"Why did they have to go?"
Zooble's shocked, that's for sure. They expected you out of all people to have a grip on reality. You always seemed so hopeful; no matter how many times you were tortured with trauma or bullied, you always got back up on your feet. It was exhausting work, of course, and no dainty task, so it was bound to drag you down. He just didn't expect it to be so soon.
You and Zooble had been hanging out in her room. You'd been talking about random things when the topic turned to Pomni and the exit. Zooble said they thought she should just give up, but you suddenly startled rambling about what if there was an exit and how to get out. Quickly, it turned to you having shortened, quicker breaths and rambling fast and faster. Zooble tried to calm you down with reason and logic, but it was no use. You were just snowballing downhill.
If he wasn't already freaked out and worried by this, he was when you started mutating. Your body shifted to be larger and lumpier with sharp corners. Everything was turning pitch black, and eyes were opening all over your new skin. She kept trying to calm you down, but by the time you were almost fully abstracted they knew they had to run.
Watching you get put in the cellar was hard. You were Zooble's closest friend and confidant (possibly more). It was weird without you there anymore. Zooble knows they did everything she could, but it's still difficult not to blame himself. If only you were still here; you'd know what to say.
"[Y/N]! Hey! Look at me, alright? Look at me! I need you to focus!"
"This feels...Weird."
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patricia-taxxon · 8 months
So, I watched that response stream that DeadwingDork made about my furry boinking video, here it is if you're curious.
By some accounts, this gentleman seems like he means well, with regards to pronouns he pulls the "when in doubt, they/them" gambit, which is partway there. If he finds this, I'll politely let him know I don't use they, just she & it. Thanks!
I have good reason to believe he began this journey in good faith, but over the course of the video he slowly gives up being charitable, and it's very frustrating to watch. There's a few key moments of miscommunication I noticed that I'd like to clear up.
DeadwingDork and I got off on the wrong foot very early on, and part of that's my fault. I start the video openly lusting after Garth Alphandomega, and this put him on edge. This might be an ideological difference we can't get past, he says that Garth is "Just a wolf" when I personally think he's quite different from a wolf. After that, I do the joke where I say "If the opportunity presented itself I would fuck my-" and cut to The Flowers of Robert Mapplethorpe, but he didn't have the context to understand what I'm saying by cutting to that album in particular, so he thought I was jokingly saying I would fuck my dog. He spends the rest of the stream with that initial impression of me lusting after what he perceives as literal animals, it's kinda the initial rock that starts the avalanche and closes him off from understanding basically anything that I'm saying, until the end, where he's convinced I've just spent 43 minutes coming out as a zoophile.
This might just be a difference in artistic philosophy, like he interprets Alpha & Omega to be about wolves whereas I interpret it as being about people through the aesthetic lens of wolves. Metaphor isn't just for abstract art movies, after all. Garth walks on 4 legs, but he has enough obvious persistent human-like traits both visually and behaviorally for me to understand him as a person delivered via wolf. For the same reason, he is disturbed by my lusting for Shoukichi Pompoko, because he interprets that movie as literally being about tanuki. I think this the main reason the concept of a character being "simultaneously human and inhuman" completely whiffed on him. He skimmed over my segment on how Leo can be both a wolf and hispanic & didn't understand the relevance, because I don't think that contradiction can be resolved in his head.
The most frustrating part of this stream is the way he clearly picks up on a lot of the overarching subtext that I'm putting down, but by that point in the video he doesn't have enough faith in me to interpret it as being put there intentionally. He treats the connection between my special-ed dog training and my current animal identity as an unintentional self-report, when it isn't. There's this *maddening* segment where I talk about Pom Poko for the first time, and he... honestly quite accurately picks apart the picture I'm illustrating about alienation, but he handwaves it away in favor of his horrible mangling of the exact literal sentence I am saying at that moment.
He says:
"There's clearly a story here, but it's being buried. There's a lot of stuff that's leading towards... 'oh, you watched this movie and this movie and your parents did this and your fuckin' teachers did this, and that's why this is happening.' That's like the fuckin' undertones of this video, [but] the main takeaway is supposed to be that this movie... I dunno, makes you f.. is supposed to feel like how fuckin' animal people feel like they're... whatever, I don't, I don't... whatever."
He grabs at the subtext, the story I'm obviously telling with the surface level anecdote of my experience seeing Pom Poko when I was young. I say obviously, because he and his chat both understood it. But then he discards that, assumes it was unintended, and importantly, he doesn't have a good answer for what I'm actually saying divorced from that. Because... what's even left after you remove the subtextual story I'm telling with this anecdote? The anecdote itself? Of course he's empty handed.
Other notes:
He can't decide whether I'm an over zealous recruiter trying to call everything furry, or that I'm a gatekeeper trying to force robust definitions of 'furry' into the general lexicon. This isn't very important, it's just kind of funny.
He is dismissive of me saying I won't report news if my only source is Kiwifarms, but he doesn't really give a good reason for it. I am having trouble summarizing his argument for why I should have referenced a website whose users doxxed me. He hilariously suggests that I should negotiate with them to have my address taken down, as long as I'm not a "lolcow" about it. I'll be charitable and say that I don't think he's thought this through very much.
He hates that I "compare autistic people to animals," when that really just doesn't mean anything on its own. A comparison is a comparison, a follower of mine pointed out to me they could say that trans people are like cockroaches & it could either mean they are doggedly resilient in the face of harsh circumstances or that they are pests that need to be exterminated. I meant something specific by using an animal metaphor to describe my autistic identity, and it transcends the literal reading of "calling autistic people animals."
He derisively calls Echo a "gay furry sex game" when it simply is not. I'll forgive him for this because he hasn't played it, but Echo isn't porn, it's a horror game. There's sex in it, and it has the framework of a dating game, but it is far from the main appeal. I'm not saying this to elevate Echo above the degrading label of "porn," because Adastra is definitely porn and it's almost as good, just not as easily recommendable to outsiders.
He thinks its commendable that Sean Booth bought my album, which is nice.
Overall, I don't think DeadwingDork is outwardly hateful, but he is quite gullible. He accepts hate speech at face value and buys into narratives useful for hate movements. There's echos of trans groomer panic, that old "you're the reason people are transphobic" chestnut, and of course, using Kiwifarms as a news source. He said he came into the video knowing nothing about me and had no reason to be approaching me in bad faith, but he clearly doesn't trust me enough to think the main rhetorical thrust of the video was intentional.
bad stream lol
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Conversations to have with yourself at four in the morning
I ask the god living inside of me why they're here, seeing how I never had faith in anything but humanity and of course they say that's all there is to it. Swallowed sunlight stored for the winter. The way when you see the most horrible thing humans have done and think the world would be better without us the voice in the back of your head tells you no, no. You love better than that. And all there is to hope is knowing ten years from now it will be just another morning and you'll eat breakfast and watch the sunrise and smile because it's almost summer, and the you from now will still be writing poems on the walls of your mouth. And I tell the god I hope I look like a tranny, I hope I look like I redefined the shape the world decided I should be in some violently frivolous freedom. I hope some of the words I said too earnestly to strangers land right. I hope a kid ten worlds away reads a poem and puts down the knife, gives life a chance to be more than terrible. Doesn't have to be my poem, or even a good one. I hope we rebuild all the cities and mourn all the loss. I hope we dance every dance to songs in languages half-butchered with faux unity. I hope we make more benches for sitting and sleeping and people watching and I hope we're kinder to pigeons, after all, it's not their fault. We said we wanted them here first.
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Hello, I just got into Grey's Anatomy and found your blog, and I love the stories you write!
I was wondering if you could write a small story about Doctor Bailey calming down a new intern (because she is my biggest comfort character). If possible, could the story end with a hug?
Thank you!
“your my favorite” (Miranda Bailey)
Greys MasterList
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The woman that was once called the nazi show unexpected tenderness one faithful day.
Dr. L/n was assigned to the resident called the Nazi, dude to the name she was terrified to screw things up in the residents presents.
When she met the 'Nazi' she was surprised to she a short woman. Her name was Dr. Bailey and she held a scowl the said she ment business.
She told them not to suck up because she already hated them. Y/n looked down at that and hid behind Alex Karev.
Through out the month Dr. Y/n did her best to show she deserved to be there but everyone seemed to walk all over her... Dr. Bailey took notice to this quickly.
Dr. Bailey soon grew a soft spot for Dr. L/n as she reminded Bailey of herself when she was an intern.
Dr. Bailey reminded stern but also had her back. She knew Dr. L/n was there to learn, but she could help but feel her heart break everytime she saw how anxious the intern got.
One day it was particularly hard. L/n had been picked by Dr. Bailey herself to scrub in on a kidney surgery. It was her first surgery and I couldn't have gotten any worse.
Tears ran down the interns face as she heard the heart monitor flat line.
“call it Dr. L/n” Dr. Webber said.
She shook her head and didn't dare look anywhere but the floor. Dr. Bailey sighed softly. “time of death, 20:14”
After that Dr. L/n rushed out of the OR and quickly cleaned up before anyone could catch her.
“That was unprofessional, I understand she's learning but-” before Dr. Webber could continue Bailey snapped.
“she's doing her best!” she pointed at Webber with anger. “ever since she's got here she's done nothing but put 110% into her work. She works hard dispite being step on and mocked... You will not speak to or about my intern like that”
“Yes ma'am” he mumbled right before she's stormed out of the OR starting her hunt for the intern.
After about 10 minutes she found Dr. L/n curled up in ball in an empty examination room. She looked up at Bailey but quietly looked down at the scrub cap she was holding. “I'm sorry” she said tearing up again.
Bailey gave her a sympathetic looked and quickly rushed to her side. “it happens... Even though we try our best for a patients they just don't make it”
The intern's tears fell hard as Bailey pulled her into her arms. “it's my fault... It was a simple surgery”
She shushed her and hugged her tighter. “it's not your fault, you did everything you could”
“don't let this cloud your strive to help people... Your gifted and you'll make an amazing doctor” Bailey told her.
“why are you being so nice? My first day you said you hated me and the other interns.” she asked Bailey.
She's playfully scoffed. “well I do... Hate the other surgery hungry heathens” she stopped for a moment and smiled. “don't tell anyone, but your my favorite”
Bailey smiled big and pulled the intern in for one more bear hug.
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delicatereader · 7 months
blind faith
Anakin x reader
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warnings: angry couple, smut
a/n: I need requests guys! (btw I didn't fully finish this bc I lost motivation at the end but oh well)
Your in the kitchen pouring some wine for yourself and Anakin. You grab the glasses and make your way to the window where Anakin's sat frowning.
"I got some wine for you..." you say
He doesn't look back or even acknowledge you
"Oh stop being a fucking child!" you mutter annoyed
There were lies, truths and secrets. It was both of your fault. You thought every obstacle of your relationship was easy, done with. You just have to have faith in it. Oh but you were wrong. This is something else. This time it's different, it feels like there's an ocean between you.
He staring out the glass window like a fucking child put in time out or whatever. He refuses to talk it out.
"I can't talk to you when you're like this" you say taking a step towards him
He turns his head to look at you, revealing his gorgeous side profile. He's always been the good looking one of the relationship.
"What? do you want me to go or something?" he speaks up
"You're acting like you want me to leave!" he snaps
"I never said that! You're the one acting like it! I got you some wine and your saying I want you leave?!" you raise your voice stepping closer
He's always been like this, everytime you fight he thinks it's the end of the world. Like you're going to leave him or you're with someone else. So you try not to argue too much, but it is unavoidable.
He gets up from his fixed position after a long pause. This time his expressions completely changed. His eyes are not angry but desperate (for you).
He towers over you, breathing heavily. His lips trembled a bit, and started searching your eyes with his own beautiful ones
You roll your eyes and turn away from him, trying to leave the scend. As you turn you feel him pulling on your waist, slamming his your body against his.
"Hey..." he whispers softly
You've never been so confused. You tilt your head lost. Before you could pick up your thoughts, he kisses you.
He runs his hands over your back before landing it on your ass. He grabs your thighs and wraps them around his hips effortlessly. You let out a slight moan as he slides his tongue in your mouth. He carries you over to the edge of the bed.
"Lay back" he commands
You crawl backwards till your head meets the headboard. He's still stood at the edge of the bed, he takes his shirt off revealing his perfect abs. He crawls to you, with a look on his face. Something that said "you have no idea what's about to come".
Anakin's on top of you now. Slipping his hands under your shorts and feeling every inch of your skin.
He pulls his hands back out and covers your cheeks with it, kissing you passionately.
"Have faith, my love" he says kissing your forehead.
What a way to end a fight! you think
He moves his kisses leave a trail your shorts. He slides two fingers inside the strap of your shorts and pulls it down.
"Oh my-" he moans against your thighs
You had no underwear, giving him a clear view of your pussy. He rubs his tongue against your clit getting a gasp out of you. His hands on you were overwhelming enough, but this felt like heaven.
"Oh Ani!" you yell
As he slips two fingers inside you, your legs numbed and tried to get tangled in the sheets for control. Every movement, every thrust, every kiss drew out a loud moan from you.
"Calm down baby" he says pulling your levitating hips back to the bed, keeping a firm hold on them
He was worshipping you with kisses and his pretty tongue. The only faith you need are his lips, for him yours.
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celaenaeiln · 9 months
so my friend, at 12 am, called me just to say that dick grayson is the only one in his family that bruce truly views as an equal and then hung up. what. what do i do.
well, call them back and tell 'em they're right 😂😂😂
I started cackling so hard I began wheezinggg oh my god that's hilarious!!!
But maybe for a more reasonable time to talk about this concept after you wake/have woken up from your dick grayson cameo dreams, I'll drop some comic panels
Dick is privy to all of Bruce because of the way Bruce treats him like an equal
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He lets Dick in on secrets that he doesn't tell any of the others
I've made a post before on how Clark views Dick as his equal just as Bruce views Dick as his equal.
I'm going to drop the Bruce segment here:
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When Bruce was gone the only person he entrusted any information to was Dick. He left a personalized - voice activated - message for Dick and only him that lists his worries, faults, and regrets.
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"The girl, Cassandra Cain... I told her to give this file to you should I fall tonight."
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"She's my greatest sin, Dick. My deepest regret. Stay alive, and please. Try to forgive me--"
He lists his insecurities to Dick as friend, as an equal.
Of everyone Bruce left behind, the only person Bruce left a message for was Dick. He relies on him unconditionally to take over because Bruce doesn't seem him as a kid like he does with the other - don't get me wrong, he still values and knows just how brilliant the rest of his children are - but he sees Dick as an equal in terms of intelligence, abilities, and leadership. Actually -
Bruce puts Dick on a pedestal.
He views Dick as the golden standard of everything he's working toward.
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The reason I think Bruce is so harsh on Dick in regards to training is he doesn't see him as a kid that needs protection, he seems him equal to himself.
Time and time again he sends Dick on solo missions because of the faith he has in Dick's abilities and intelligence
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In another comic there's an Arkham breakout and Bruce just. He just sends sends Dick on a solo mission to contain the entirety of Arkham and the villains inside by himself.
And Dick does. Effortlessly.
The fight for Spyral
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"I know the other heroes. I know them all. I'd have them do it, but they can't. They'd fight, but eventually they'd give up, they'd give in."
We all know that Bruce despises himself when he fails at something. He thinks he's the best in the world and struggles to cope with the idea that he failed. As such, Bruce views Dick as an extension of himself. Unlike with the kids where he acknowledges their differences and treats them like children, Dick and Bruce are so intertwined that Bruce considers Dick as the "good part" of himself while Bruce is the "bad part".
He gets the angriest at Dick during times where Dick disagrees with him because he believes that Dick should understood what he's going through and what he believes in. For his part, Dick is always on Bruce's side and acts like Bruce's leash. He'll let Bruce do anything he wants as long as it's within the limits of acceptable behavior. Once Batman crosses those limits, Dick fights with him to bring him back.
As such, Bruce doesn't differentiate himself with Dick. He is the best and as a result so is Dick. Except in his mind Dick is better than him in every way possible and he took the steps to ensure it through training.
One of the reasons people in the comics call Dick the Golden Child is because he's the living embodiment of everything Bruce strived to create. It's not because he follows his orders religiously or anything. No, Dick just gives Bruce a longer leash than most.
In the Spyral fight I think he hits Dick because he is in part frustrated with himself. Imagine seeing someone you have unconditional faith in because you know they're capable of the very same things as you and can even surpass you fall to a threat. Doesn't that mean you would've fallen too? Is their failure just as much yours if you see yourself as a god? But how can a god-like being fall?
Their relationship is complicated because while Bruce sees Dick as his own person, he also sees him as the reflection of his success.
That's why Bruce is harsher on Dick than the rest of the kids. That's why Bruce makes Dick his right hand man. That's why Bruce shares his sorrows, fears, and vulnerabilities to Dick.
The way they interact, they view each other as father and son but with all the roles and responsibilities as partners.
Dick's compartmentalization and the way he mothers Bruce and Bruce allows it? He doesn't let anyone do that. I feel like on some level he subconsciously expects Dick to take care of him. As someone he can turn to with his worst and darkest sides and still be loved and appreciated and told everything will be alright. It's not a burden he places on the rest of his kids. Which is why Dick's relationship with Bruce straddles the line between son and guardian with him playing both roles and Bruce reacting/ forcing him to react that way.
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"Robin fuctions as support."
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"Robin wasn't your idea, Bruce! It was mine! I sat in your cave and I watched you and I learned-- and when you needed my help I was there!"
"I'm not your employee, I'm not your son. I'm your partner."
One thing that differentiates Dick's robin from the other robins is that while the other Robins were worried about meeting Bruce's expectation, Dick was more worried about Bruce not seeing him as an equal. He ran away from home because he was mad that Bruce was becoming more controlling and not at all like how they used to be - partners.
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There's a reason Dick is the only one Bruce views as his equal. It's because the experiences they've shared have woven them so tightly together that Bruce considers Dick his better half and pillar of strength. If he falls back, he can rely on Dick to take over. Emotionally and physically.
Still laughing at your friend lol. Wild
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