#it's my grandma's nickname for me and it brings me back to me you know?
madamescarlette · 9 months
Hey, did you guys know? I am a sweetheart.
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daisyblog · 26 days
The Show
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Our Story Masterlist Summary: Harry, YN and Grace go to Niall’s show in Manchester.
Based on this request.
Like Niall had surprised them at Harry’s show, YN had suggested that they do the same to him. So sneakily YN has managed to organise everything with the help of Amelia.
With Grace safely secure as she sat in her carrier on Harry’s chest, they walked hand in hand through the corridors of the arena, Anne and Darren behind, keeping them company.
“Do you think he’ll be surprised?”. Harry asked as he lead his family towards the backstage area.
“I bloody hope so…I’ve planned this for months”. YN reached across to place Grace’s dummy back in.
As they rounded the corner Amelia was quick to spot them. Greeting them both with a hug, saying how nice it was to them again.
“Hello little cutie…are you going to have a little dance tonight?”. Amelia made a fuss of the smaller Styles who only gave a gummy smile back. “You are just too cute!”.
“Amelia? Babe?”. Niall’s voice called, startling them. Before they knew it the main man appeared, shock written all over his face as he noticed who Amelia was talking to.
“Surprise!”. YN shouted, impressed with how surprised Niall looked. His mouth opening and closing as he processed it.
Niall opened his arms ready to give them all a cuddle. “You sly little fucker!”. YN laughed into Niall’s shoulder as she had text him a little white lie earlier on about how she was in London.
“You should have known we would never miss your show”. YN squeezed him tight as she hadn’t seen him in a while due to his tour.
“Hello darling!”. Niall’s attention was soon taken by Grace. “Have you come to see me be silly on stage?”.
“Aaahhh!”. Grace cooed, bringing her fist up to her mouth to attempt to chew on.
“Have you got a request? Or are you just like your Mummy and anything One Direction will keep you happy?”. Niall teased.
YN playfully rolled her eyes, but secretly she hoped he hadn’t changed his setlist.
“Didn’t realise you brought the whole family Harry”. Niall noticed Anne further up the hallway. “Anne!”.
Harry glanced at his Mum behind him. “She’s on Grandma duty!”.
“Ah Niall…my love…so good to see you”. She wrapped her motherly arms around the Irish lad.
“Thank you for coming!”. Niall was taken back at his much love he was surrounded with. “They’ve got you on Granny duty have they?”.
“Wouldn’t have it any other way”. Anne smiled at her Granddaughter who was looking around at all the new faces that walked by.
“Niall…you’re on in ten”. A voice interrupted them, telling them all that they needed to move to their seats.
“Have fun out there…so proud of you man!”. Harry gave Niall a brotherly hug, both of them trying not to squish Grace in the process.
Niall quickly gave Anne a quickly hug and thanked her again for coming to the show.
But in typical YN style, she managed to hear Niall’s infectious laugh as she pulled away from his cuddle. “I’m only here for the One Direction songs”.
Niall knew YN was teasing, it was what he loved the most about her was her cheeky and mischievous personality. “Tomlinson…I’ll sing them just for you tonight”. He used her old nickname as he called back down the hallway.
As the Styles family settled into their seats in the box, fans were quick to notice their attendance at Niall’s show. Taking photos and videoing them wanting to share with fans around the world that Harry was supporting Niall.
Grace was cuddled into Anne’s arms as her tired eyes grew heavy and her ears covered with her defenders. The lights dimming and the sound of the Nice To Meet You began.
“I like the way you talk, I like the things you wear…I want your number tattooed on my arm in ink, I swear…'Cause when the morning comes…I know you won't be there…Every time I turn around, you disappear”.
With Grace fully asleep and in the safe hands of Anne, YN and Harry enjoyed the start if the show. Singing along and both wearing proud smiles as they watched Niall appear on stage.
“Nice to meet ya…Where ya been?…Let me treat ya…To a drink…Nice to meet ya”.
YN sang along loudly to the lyrics, feeling her inner fangirl appear.
YN knew Niall’s song lyrics word for word, so the minute she heard the beginning she would get excited. Harry was honest, he’d a few but each one was like hearing them for the first time.
“Tell me what you want, because you know I want it too…Let's skip all the small talk and go straight up to your room…I've been thinking what I'd do when I'm alone with you…Just say nothing, small talk only gets in the way”.
YN sang the lyrics into Harry’s ear, which only caused him to pull her closer to him, his hands now resting on her waist.
“Just remember my Mum is behind us…I know how carried away you get”. Harry spoke into her ear as the loud arena sang along.
YN only glanced up at him with a cheeky smirk. “No small talk”.
“Yeah, she loves when everybody's watching…She knows the way her body moves…She loves…the way they all crawl back when she says…She loves nobody else but you”.
YN danced along to Niall signing, swaying her hips as she playfully sang the lyrics to Harry, who nodded his head to the catchy beat.
“Hold tight, get ready for the ride”.
YN and Harry both waited for the beat to drop, something they do in the privacy of their own home.
“If everythin' was easy, nothing ever broke…If everythin' was simple, how would we know?…How to fix your tears, how to fake a show…How to paint a smile, yeah, how would we know?…How good we have it though?”.
The husband and wife, held eachother as they belted out the lyrics, knowing the meaning behind them.
“Oh, my, my, you just took me by surprise…And I can't believe my eyes…Oh, I must be seeing blind…Oh, no I, you're too good to be all mine…Now I'm looking in your eyes…Oh, I must be seeing blind”.
Harry couldn’t hide his blushed face as YN loudly sang the words to him, but fans were quick to capture him placing a kiss to her lips.
Black and White was definitely one of the couples favourites, and that was down the lyrics and purpose of the song. There would never be another love for either of them, and they had promised each other they would love the other for the rest of their life.
“Yeah, I see us in black and white…Crystal clear on a starlit night…In all your gorgeous colors…I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life…See you standin' in your dress…Swear in front of all our friends…There'll never be another…I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life”.
With Harry’s arm wrapped around YN’s shoulder and hers around his waist, they bounced along singing as loud as they could, feeling the lyrics deep.
“Baby, you could start a cult, you see…Anywhere you go, I'll be…You are so much more than beautiful to me”.
YN now stood in front of Harry, his arms now wrapped around her body as they swayed gently to Niall’s acoustic voice and the sound of the guitar strumming.
“Oh, I'll follow you 'til there's no tomorrow…I'll follow you 'til there's no tomorrow…I'll follow you 'til there's no tomorrow…I'll follow you”.
“God only knows where this could go…and even if our love starts to grow outta control…And you and me go up in flames…Heaven won't be the same”.
Joining in with the fans, YN and Harry waved their arms back and forth in rhythm before clapping along to the chorus.
As Niall was singing If You Leave Me, Grace began to stir and as much as she loved her Grandma Anne, cuddles with her Mummy was just what she wanted.
“If you leave me…Oh, I think that I just might lose it completely, yeah…If you leave me…Hope you know that you're sentencing me to a life on my knees…Don't know who I would be”.
Still wearing her ear defenders, Grace looked at the stage from her mother’s arms. The bright lights catching her attention as YN danced gently with Grace in her arms.
Grace was now watching the show from Harry’s arms, cooing and awwing at the change of lights, and smiling at her Daddy as he danced silly with her.
“Who's that shadow holding me hostage?”.
The all too familiar song began, and Harry had never seen YN’s eyes light up so much. “You woke up just in time Gracie”. Harry placed a loving kiss to her cheek. “Daddy wrote this one!”.
“I've been here for days…Who's this whisper telling me that I'm never gonna get away?…I know they'll be coming to find me soon…But I fear I'm getting used to being held by you”.
The inner 1D fan girl was rushing out of YN as she and Anne sang the lyrics proudly, dancing together.
“Oh, baby, look what you've done to me…Oh, baby, look what you've done now…Oh, baby, I'll never leave you if you keep holding me this way…Oh-oh-oh-oh”.
Harry couldn’t help but notice the full circle moment. He had gone from writing this song in a studio one day, to performing it on stage with his four brothers, to singing it on his own at his own shows, to dancing and singing it with his wife and daughter.
And in the words of Niall Horan “No, it doesn't get, doesn't get better than this!”.
Tag List:
@pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @harrys-flower @platinumbarbie143 @frickin-bats@harrysbbyh0ney @chronicallybubbly @goldensunflowe-r  @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite@kaverichauhan @peterholland04 @panicattheuc @or-was-it-just-a-dream @hittiesontour@bunnyharold @fanfictioncafe @lilfreakjez @iamahallucinationnn @theekyliepage @indierockgirrl@buckybarnessimpp @ashleighsss @jerseygirlinca @fake-coolbeans @itsmytimetoodream@treehouse-mouse @mrs-anna-styles211994 @macy-tpwk
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tiredfox64 · 4 months
Hello, good afternoon, it's my first time doing this XD could you make a gn!lector x trio lin kuei? the brothers showing affection to the reader in their different love languages
Love is Many Things
Prior notes: I did headcanon type of way cause that was just simpler for me to do :P. Hope this is okay for you!
Pairings: Lin Kuei Bros x Gn reader
Warnings ‼️: None now stop contacting me about financial aid!
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Hear me out ladies, gents, and non binaries.
Physical affection!
If he loves you he will be touchy and you better be touchy as well.
He is a touch starved fella you need to at least hold his face.
He will hold you but that is also out of possession.
Sit on his lap, go ahead, don’t be shy.
Fine he’ll drag you on. Don’t tell him you are too heavy he doesn’t want to hear it.
Hugging you from behind while he rest his head on your shoulders, classic move.
He pinches. Yeah…what do you mean what do I mean?
If there is any part of you that is squishy (cheeks, thigh, arm) he pinches it but not on purpose. It’s in the manner like a grandma coming to squeeze your face but she does it too harshly.
Cuddles in bed, no you may not leave. Unless you are bleeding or need to use the bathroom then you can leave.
If he is holding your hand he will start to lightly rub his thumb over your hand.
He’s a man of action not words so take his lovin in physical form.
Kuai Liang
Words of affirmation!
I have a feeling sometimes he is poetic with his words.
Whispers in your ear as you fall asleep. Tell you how fantastic you are and how lucky he is to have you in his life.
“Death can never separate us. You are mine and I am yours. We are eternally together. It is our destiny.”
If he is far from you he will send letters.
I just know he has decent cursive. Not good just decent.
Compliments you on everything.
He will always find a way to compliment your looks. It could be something simple like your hair is glorious to your eyebrows are well kept.
If you have any skills he will compliment that to.
He encourages anything and everything you do. Go into a hobby that may seem strange to him but if it makes you happy go right ahead.
He is always willing to talk to you whether it be an issue in the relationship or just something you want to say that seems important.
Communication is key he makes that a big point. Tell him if there is anything wrong. He will tell you if something is wrong.
You will have a personalized nickname that fits you. You feisty? Fire lily! You happy? Sunflower! You angry? Ember! He will always add ‘his’ before it.
Gift Giving!
We don’t know where he gets the money to purchase everything for you, he might be stealing.
It starts off simple with giving you a smooth rock like a penguin does.
It elevates to bouquets, crystals, food, etc.
The max is when he is buying you everything you love or even take a glance at.
Oh so you like Hello Kitty? BAM! Hawaiian Hello Kitty plushie the size of your bed. A Lego fan huh? BOOM! Millennium falcon set.
It’s easier to accept it because if you don’t he gives you that sad face that crushes your soul.
He will bring you something back from whatever mission he is on. Again that could be a smooth stone or a vintage watch. Whatever he can scavenge for.
He always has this wide grin on his face when he hands you a gift or when he tries to hide it behind his back.
Sorry not sorry you’re gaining relationship weight because he keeps buying you food.
He likes buying you clothes. Some of his choice seems to be more for him than you wink wink nudge nudge.
He’ll be asking you nonstop if you need something so he can buy it for you.
“I saw it and thought of you.” That’s the best thing to hear.
All of em
I’m not done yet.
Ooo someone stop me I never stop with having all of them.
As a combined effort they do acts of service.
Of course they are going to protect their precious partner. If someone even scratched you they would be in a ditch.
Heaven forbid you get sick, they gonna take care of you in every way they can. You need some Vic’s vaporub?
You tired after the long day? Let them draw you a bath and get you some nice clothes before putting you to bed.
They’ll cook for you. Well, Kuai Liang and Tomas will. Bi-Han got agitated one time cause he burned his finger on the handle and ended up throwing the pan out the window. Never again.
Surprise dates! Yippie!
Sigh I’m involving children again.
They are all helping out with the kids. It’s okay to take a shower they will watch over them.
I’m counting a group cuddle as an act of service. It would be service to me.
After notes: I think I might post my oc real soon. I know I’ve done it before and I end up deleting it but I’ll try to keep it up next time. Now I need to shower. Adiós!
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kissitbttr · 10 months
hello! i read you miss having asks and i don't know if you maybe miss having some requests (in case you aren't taking any you can ignore this and i hope you'll have a good day <3)
but what about some domestic Miguel and spending your first Christmas together? just imagine sitting on the couch in front of the TV, with a blanket covering both of you, watching some way too romantic soap opera, while drinking some hot chocolate and just enjoy the moment <3
(i know this is so early and we are still in November, but I swear, I can already feel the nostalgic feeling of Christmas </3)
xmas with miggy? say no more baby!!
it is absolutely one of your favorite holiday, ever. the music, the decorations, the presents for your loved ones, the cooking and baking. everything about christmas just screams fairytale,
miguel has never been the one who’s fond of this specific holiday, or any holiday for that matter. he would drown himself in work to avoid any invitations from friends. sad but anything to get away from interacting with strangers.
now ever since you stepped into his life, he can’t help but see how this year’s christmas would be different. having you with him to celebrate together just changes his perspectives. now he has someone to hold and love, this christmas would bring joy into his life.
you and him had been pretty busy with the decorations and stuff. buying a Christmas tree, getting pretty ornaments, looking for presents etc.
“need a hand, baby?” miguel steps into the kitchen, seeing you take out fresh cookies from the oven. you look so… comfy. dressed in his old t-shirt with your hair tied up in a bun—his clothing is basically a dress so there’s no need to be putting on some pants other than underwear—
you nod, looking up at him before setting the cookies on the counter. “can you put those hot chocolates on the table, my love?” you ask with a smile,
his heart soars at the nickname before grabbing the two cups of hot cocoa with tiny pink marshmallows in them. “you pick or i pick the movie?”
you’re quick to raise your hand in a child-like manner, causing him to laugh. “me, duh!” you answer as if it’s the most obvious thing. “we’re tuning in The Mafia Dolls and La Reina Del Sur”
miguel groans at the choice, shaking his head as he put the tray down on the table before grabbing a blanket. “you just want to watch Kate Del Castillo because you have a crush on her” he points out,
shrugging you showcase an expression of no shame. “she’s hot. you know i would leave your ass for her”
miguel jaw drops open, hand over his heart as he watches you stifle a giggle. “i’ve had enough time dealing with men trying to hit on you on a daily basis and now i have to compete with Kate Del Castillo too?!”
“her and Eva Mendes” you nod, arms crossed, smiling to yourself as he rolls his eyes before throwing you a playful glare and sit on the couch. “you’re going to pay for that comment”
you give him a cheeky smile. grabbing two cookies as you stride towards him, his large arm coming to wrap itself around your waist. he gently pulls you down on the couch, letting your head rest against his chest as you feed him a cookie.
“mhmm” he hums in approval. “new recipe?”
“yeah. you like? grandma sent the recipe to me. said that i have to treat my man something nice every once in a while” you giggle to yourself as he put his arm behind you. his lips plants a kiss on top of your head.
“tell her i said thank you” he mumbles as he turns on the tv. “i like this you know?”
a hum rumbles from you as you lay your back comfortably against him, taking another bite of the cookie. “what is?”
then he smiles, eyes landing on you. his fingers move to stroke your soft hair gently, catching that sweet scent of your strawberry mint shampoo that he finds obsessed over.
miguel can’t exactly remember when he had something like this. probably in his childhood? not quite sure. even if it was true, he doubts that it’s actually memorable. he remembers there were a lot of screaming match and broken plates though. maybe that’s why he avoids christmas like a plague. it was never magical.
but you… oh god, you.
you changed it for the better. the decorating christmas tree, wrapping up presents for each other, counting fails at an attempt to create gingerbread house, cooking up delicious traditional food instead of unseasoned dish that he sees people are making. and it might not be a big christmas party like in movies or how his co-workers do it, but that’s okay really. that’s just how he prefers it.
you, him and christmas.
“being with you” he responds, not minding the chatters coming from the tv. “estoy agradecido por ti, princesa”
“so, so grateful” he mumbles, pressing another quick kiss on your temple.
his words cause your gaze to soften. you slowly turn your head to look up to him from the tv, who’s eyes glued into the screen. your heart warms at the sight of miguel being comfortable with you, a small smile attached to his face.
leaning forward, you give him a soft kiss on the corner of his lips. he sighs out of contentment at the gesture, hand around your waist tighten.
“i’m grateful for you too.”
aaa this feels like it’s rushed but i hope u like it anon! I’m sorry it took too long:(
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talkfastlibrary · 1 year
Choices--Jake Seresin (An Arrangement Series)
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An Arrangement Masterlist
Follow here for all updates as I do not have a taglist
word count: 4.1k
warnings: small mention of blood, hospital, angst
Feedback, asks, comments/reblogs mean the world to me!
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“Move in with me.”
The wine sloshes down your chin and onto the black tabletop. You stare at him unblinking while he stares back completely relaxed. Your mouth is opening and closing truly at a loss for words.
“You, you, you–” is all you can splutter out when your phone starts to ring.
You fumble it out of your purse and see it’s the hospital. Your heart stops. 
“Who is it?” Jake leans forward.
“The hospital,” you murmur, concentrating on the vibration in your hand. 
“Do you want me to answer it?”
You shake your head, take a deep breath and answer it. “Hello?’
“Hi y/n we found blood in Betty’s urine and her hemoglobin levels are low.”
“Okay, so what does that mean?”
“We’re going to try and find the source by doing a procedure in her bladder in an emergency surgery–”
“I’m on my way. Thank you.”
“What’s happened?” Jake asks, concern etched on his face..
“They found more blood…she needs surgery. I have to…I have to go.”
“Let’s go,” he nods, then tosses some bills on the table. 
“Clearly I’m taking you, how else would you get there?” He stands up from his chair pocketing his wallet.
“No, I’m taking you,” he holds out his hand, “Come on, Sugar.”
As soon as your hand slips in his he pulls you from your chair and out the door. He opens the passenger side of his truck, practically swings you inside and jogs to his side of the vehicle. 
“Buckled?” he asks and you fumble with the seatbelt. Once he’s satisfied you’re secure, he peels out of the lot then gets onto the highway. 
You’re about to tell him which way to go but he takes the proper exit and turns perfectly, then you remember he paid for her stay so he must know where the hospital is. That realization spurs another thought, how much does he actually know about you?
No, you can’t think about that now. You have to focus on your grandma, but even as you stare out the window at passing houses, you can’t help but replay his request of moving in with him.
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When you arrive at the hospital he follows you to your grandma’s room and she’s fast asleep while nurses check her monitors. They let you know her surgery will be in an hour, the doctor is on his way. As they leave, your grandma stirs awake and you’re quick to sit by her side taking her hand. 
“Hi Grandma. You’re going to be taken in for surgery pretty soon, they found blood in your urine again,” you remind her gently. “How’s your pain?”
“Okay,” she responds softly then notices Jake behind you. “Are you the doctor?”
“No, ma’am,” he smiles, approaching the other side of her bed. 
“This is Jake, he’s…helping me.”
“At the flower shop?”
“Yes,” you agree. That seems the easiest way. No way were you going to try and explain the arrangement proposal to her in this state.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, ma’am,” Jake continues to smile using his Southern charm. “I’ll be waiting here with your granddaughter until you’re all better.”
“He’s mighty handsome, Dolly,” she tells you using the nickname she’s used since you were born. 
Your cheeks warm and you don’t dare look at Jake, but you can probably guess he’s looking pretty smug right now. She goes in and out of sleep until it’s time for the surgery to start. You kiss her soft cheek telling her you’ll see her as soon as she’s out.
Then it’s you and Jake alone. 
“Thanks for bringing me here, you can go home now.”
“And how will you get home?”
“I’ll call Reynolds.”
“No, I’ll stay.”
“I’m not leaving you here by yourself, Sugar.”
“You don’t have to stay–”
“When are  you going to realize I’m here for you no matter what?”
“But why? I haven’t done anything to you to deserve this…treatment of financial compensation.”
“I like your company, that’s all I need. Like tonight, I enjoyed spending time with you and I’m going to continue being that person that takes care of you.”
“No,” you rub at your temples. 
“No, we are not discussing the parameters of this arrangement right here, right now in the hospital and no one knows why she keeps bleeding or is concerned enough to try and stop it! Just go home, Jake.”
“Nope,” he responds smoothly and removes his suit jacket. He places it on the back of the hospital chair. “I’m staying right here, Sugar.”
“You drive me crazy!” you groan in frustration.
“That’s okay,” he smiles. 
“Don’t be so smug. It’s aggravating,” you begin to pace. “I don’t get you. You take me out to nice restaurants, pay for things like my grandma’s medical bills and all for my company? It doesn’t make sense.”
“I thought we weren’t talking about this?” his smile turns to a smirk.
“Ugh!” you throw your hands up in the air and move to the windows watching cars drive by down on the street. 
“While we are sort of on the subject anyway…” he moves closer to you, his reflection coming closer in the window and you feel his body heat against your shoulder. “It really is as simple as me wanting to be around you. You make me feel…at ease. Which is something I haven’t felt in a very long time. Don’t be afraid to ask me for help, whether it be money, someone to talk to, a shoulder to cry on…I’m here for you. Whatever you need.”
“I still don’t understand why. Why me? We’ve only known each other for a couple weeks.”
“Yes…” he purses his lips then ducks his head closer to yours. He stares until you turn to look at him. “But I feel like I’ve known you longer.”
“You’re a woman full of questions, aren’t you?” he says but it’s not in a way that’s condescending. His tone reflects something of…reverence. 
“And you’re a man withholding answers.”
“See?” he chuckles, “that’s why I enjoy your company. You keep me on my toes, you call me out and are always surprising me.”
“Did someone tell you about me or something and said I needed help?”
“Before I answer…we are talking about this, right?”
“Yes,” you sigh with an eye roll, “I suppose we are.”
“You won’t blow up at me?”
“No promises.”
“Fair enough,” he leans on the windowsill with one arm. “Penny told me about you actually. Said you planted the flowers around The Hard Deck and picked up waitressing shifts after you took on the flower shop. She said you’re always so willing to help out anyone who needs it, even if it’s a perfect stranger. She also said you run yourself to burnout almost always.”
You shift uncomfortably.
“That, right there, is also why I want to take care of you. You’re very humble and you don’t do nice things to get noticed or the praise for it, it’s just who you are. But you’re special, Sugar, and I want to be the one who shows you that.”
“But why set up paperwork?”
“That’s more for your benefit than for me, just to show you how serious I am and that I won’t leave you high and dry like some might believe,” he smirks as if he remembers a joke.
“Have you done this with other women before?”
“Yes…” he answers slowly.
Your heart falls at that and you’re not sure why exactly. Of course he’s done this before, a guy as good looking as him has probably had many relationships with women. You must not be that special as he says.
“I know what you’re thinking, but you’re very different from them. They were all too quick to agree and ask me for money but they didn’t reciprocate their end of being my companion. You’re the first one I’ve wanted to have paperwork with and I’m glad you’re giving me pushback. It’s exciting.” 
“You’re an interesting man, Jake Seresin. This all still seems too good to be true.”
“What will it take for you to see it’s not?”
“How long will this arrangement last?”
“As long as you want it to.” 
You stare into his emerald green eyes waiting for a punchline but his gaze is steady and intense. You’re very aware of how close you are now, while discussing the situation he moved closer and closer to you. Then you noticed you mirrored his stance with your arm resting on the sill too; did you move closer to him without even realizing it?
“Then you’d move onto the next one?”
“No, there’s no moving on from you, Sugar.”
You inhale deeply, there he goes again saying things that leaves your stomach in flips. It only confuses you more, because he seems to really mean them but considering the arrangement…
“Why do you say things like that?”
“Like what?”
“Sweet things. That’s what someone would say to someone they’re interested in.”
“I am interested in you.”
“Isn’t that a…conflict of interest? Considering the situation?”
“Not really,” he shakes his head leaning ever closer. “I’ll never deny my attraction to you. Whether you want me to do something about it is entirely up to you, Sugar. You’re in charge, remember?”
You stare at him a moment longer then step back suddenly remembering where you are. It’s so easy to get caught up in his eyes and his words. You have to be careful. 
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore, but thank you for answering some of my questions.”
“You still have to answer mine. About moving in with me.” 
“We’ll discuss that one later,” you sit down on the couch. 
“I’m open to discussion. Mind if I join you?” he gestures to the spot next to you. You shake your head. He sits down at an appropriate distance from you. 
You sit in silence and you have this nagging feeling he was still holding something back. Forty-five minutes went by and a nurse came in and told you they’d found a mass on your grandmother’s bladder and that surgery was going to take longer than they thought. 
You thanked them then sat forward with your head in your hands. It’s been a long day. Was it really the same day you went shopping with Jake? It seems like forever ago.
Suddenly, you jump at the touch of Jake’s hand on your back.
“Sorry, I know it’s been a long day. I thought this would help,” he says then starts to rub at your back. 
“Just surprised me, that’s all,” you shake your head. 
His hand moves up to your neck, his fingers rubbing and squeezing at the tight muscles. You roll your head in certain ways then groan when he’s at a certain spot that feels like heaven. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to,” you apologize awkwardly.
“It’s fine. You know, if you want to sleep for a bit my shoulder is pretty comfy,” he gives you a wink and a smug grin. He pats his shoulder for added effect.
“I’m not sleepy,” you shake your head. 
You soon ate your words as the clock on the wall lulled you to sleep with its rhythmic ticking. You shifted on the couch by resting your cheek in the crook of your forearm on the back of the couch, swearing you were only going to rest your eyes. 
An alarm from down the hall yanks you out of your soft slumber, you blink your eyes slowly and sigh loudly. Something soft is under your cheek and after such a long day you nestled in closer to the soft object. A nurse must have brought in a pillow for you. Then something cold and sharp-edged poked the back of your head and you flashed your eyes open.
You were completely horizontal on the couch, you turned your head still blinking awake and when you’re staring at the ceiling you see Jake gazing down at you. 
“Hey sleepyhead,” he teases softly.
“Huh?” then you gasp because you realize you’re lying on his lap and shoot straight up. Another gasp comes out as you connect with Jake’s chin, a hard clunk from your bones colliding. “Ow!”
“Gah!” he grunts but rests his hand underneath your head holding you above his lap. “I didn’t  mean to scare you. You okay?”
“Are you okay?” you ask quickly.
“I’m fine,” he laughs rubbing at his chin, his eyes glancing above you. “Your grandma’s back but she’ll be asleep for a little while longer. Everything went well.”
“Good. Um,” you sit up all the way and situate yourself back into a sitting position with both feet on the floor. “Sorry for falling asleep on you, I didn’t think I was that tired.”
“Not a problem, you’re cute when you sleep. Your nose scrunches and you purse your lips…very kissable.”
“Shush,” you shake your head at him but he’s relentless.
“I know I said my shoulder was comfy, that’s where you started but I guess my lap is the better option, huh?”
“I’m ignoring you,” you mutter, then stand up to get closer to your grandma. At least she’ll have a nice sleep thanks to the anesthesia. You touch her hand giving her a light squeeze before adjusting the blankets around her, she’s always cold.
“I didn’t want to wake you but the nurse said as soon as you woke up, we do have to go since we’re well past visiting hours. I tried to convince her to let us stay but it didn’t work,” Jake says.
“Okay, that’s fine,” you nod. “She knows to call me tomorrow when she’s awake.” You bend down to kiss her cheek. “Night, Grandma. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Ready?” Jake asks, draping his jacket over your shoulders. You nod and let him lead you out of the room, into the hall and in the elevator.  
The day has finally caught up with you and you tried as hard as you could to keep your eyes open but as soon as his truck began to move, your eyes closed and you were out.
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The next time you open your eyes is when you’re staring into a lavender pillow that is most definitely not yours. Heart hammering in your chest, you lift your head up slowly in case a naked and sleeping Jake is next to you but you’re alone. Rising on your elbows, you take in the room. You’re shocked to see a tree next to you and you think you might still be dreaming. 
Turning over you see a nightstand with a plant on it and a Hydro flask with a note tucked underneath it. 
Where in the world are you?
Not wanting to leave the comfy confines of the bed and heavy comforter, you slide to the edge of the bed and pull away the note. 
‘Here’s some cold water for when you wake up. Don’t be mad, you are at my house but I’m closer to the hospital. I thought that would be best. Take a left and follow the hall all the way down until you see the stairs, you’ll find me in the kitchen. Spare clothes are in the closet, feel free to use them.
See you soon, Sugar,
“Of course,” you groan, then grab the bottle of water. As soon as the cold water touches your throat you realize how thirsty you are so you drink and drink until you’re gasping for air. 
Your phone is charging on the other side of the plant so you snatch that up as well. Ignoring social media notifications you go to the Messages ones and see a quick text from your grandma. She says she’s fine and will be sleeping on and off. She’ll call you later in the day. 
You type a quick reply then remember you were supposed to be at the shop! Another text message is from one of your employees, and good friend, Serena that wrote: ‘some guy named Jake called and let me know about Betty. We’re all good in the shop, babes, call me if you need anything else!’
The whir of a smoothie machine echoes from the cracked door and you decide to get out of bed–but it’s very difficult because the bed is probably the best thing you’ve ever slept in. The closet has double doors and there are tons of clothes on shelves and hangers and drawers. You decide on some soft gray shorts and a thin crewneck.
When you step out you see a bathroom to the left so you head in there. It’s glamorous and spacious of course with a huge claw foot tub in front of a half-circle window. A large shower is in the corner and has one of those waterfall type shower heads. 
After using the toilet you see other little notes scattered on the cabinets of the vanity listing off towels, wash clothes, makeup wipes, toothpaste, toothbrushes, combs, hair products, facial cleansers, q-tips. 
“Well, guess the Navy really teaches organization,” you mumble, then go to the desired drawers.
You spend a decent amount of time washing your face and brushing your teeth. There’s a very fancy dry shampoo that you’ve only seen on TikTok and Instagram, something you’d never be able to afford and decided to try it out. Your hair looks fabulous of course and you feel very refreshed.
The claw tub stares at you in the mirror and you wander over to it, fingertips skimming the gold faucet handles. It really is deep and you’ve always wanted to take a bath in a claw-foot tub. Maybe you could someday soon. 
The gurgle of your stomach prompts you back out to the bedroom and you follow Jake’s instructions, pocketing your phone in the pocket of the hoodie. Along the hall are professionally done photos of fighter jets, and a bunch of family members on the opposite wall until you get to the stairs. The house is massive and the carpet feels like a cloud as you descend the stairs. 
Finding the kitchen easily enough, you’re taken aback to see Jake at the stove with a towel over his shoulder. There’s a huge spread on the long island with a pitcher of orange juice and a small vase of pink peonies. Bagels pop up behind Jake and he spins around to grab them then catches your eye. 
“Morning Sleeping Beauty,” he smiles, plopping the bagels on a plate. “Glad you found everything okay. I’ve got bagels, pancakes, and some ham and eggs that are just about done. Help yourself.”
“You did all of this?” you step into the kitchen lightly, surprised at how warm the floors are. Of course he’d have heated floors.
“Rhea helped make the muffins, they’re her specialty,” he indicates to a basket of cranberry orange muffins. “But yeah, I love making breakfast.”
“That wasn’t in your paperwork,” you say slyly. 
“Gotta leave some things as surprises,” he smirks. “It’s pretty warm out if you want to eat on the patio. Take as much as you want, then I figured we could go to the hospital for a bit before going out?”
“Um, going out?” you’re distracted by the yummy food choices as he prattles on. 
“Yeah, there’s an event I help sponsor and donate to on the pier. There’s food, games, and vendors with fun trinkets I thought you might like.”
“That sounds like fun. Could we stop at my place so I can change?”
“Change?” his brows are furrowed as he slides the ham and eggs on another platter. “There’s clothes here you can use.”
“I don’t feel like wearing clothes you’ve bought for other women.”
“Other…no, Sugar, those are all new for you. I’ve donated the others. Everything in that room is new and catered to you.”
You stare at him as he builds his own plate. How much money does he actually have to just buy a bunch of clothes and a whole new bedroom set?
“Do you not like it?” he asks, realizing you’re staring. 
 “I–that’s all for me?”
“Of course it is, that’s your room if you’ll take me up on my offer.”
Your lips form a thin line as he reminds you of that, the events of last night all rushing back. 
“And you think a breakfast spread, a comfy bed and a closet full of clothes will convince me?”
“No, that’s me being generous. Although, I have the best security system and live in a gated community. I’m closer to the hospital, and–” he scoops some grapes onto his plate but pops one in his mouth, eyes on you, “--there’s a great coffeeshop ten minutes out of the subdivision. I’ll be on the patio.”
He leaves you stunned at the counter, your hand still holding one of the cranberry orange muffins. Jake leaves the sliding doors open to the patio so you quickly pile on some more food and pour a glass of orange juice. Some of it sloshes onto the counter but you’re too heated to clean it up and follow him outside. 
He’s sitting at a long dining table lined with white wicker chairs. To the left is another seating area with chairs and a couch, all of it is overlooking a pool complete with chaise lounges. Jake is already happily eating his breakfast. Part of you wants to be petty and go sit by the couch but you also don’t want to be rude so you take the seat across from him. 
“So, what do you think?” he asks.
“I think you’re crazy.”
“I meant about the food,” he clears his throat.
“Oh, um…” you fork up some ham and eggs. They’re amazing. “Wow, those are good.”
You eat some more but can sense he’s a little stung about your comment.
“I’m sorry, I don’t think you’re crazy. You drive me crazy, that’s for sure, but I shouldn’t have said that anyway. This is all so much at once, I’m trying to wrap my head around it and I just can’t,” you shrug weakly. 
“I know it’s a lot. I’m probably coming on a little too strong but it…the look you get when you realize I’m doing all of this for you…” he shakes his head, “it makes me want to keep doing it. I’d give you the world if I could.” 
“But why?”
“Why do you always ask that? Did someone tell you you have to do something nice first in order to be treated well in return? That’s not how this works.”
“I’m sorry,” you drop your fork to the plate, pressing your palms to your temples. “It’s…hard for me to accept help and nice things. I’m doing this all wrong, I’m not being appreciative. I don’t deserve all you’re doing for me.”
“y/n look at me,” his voice is tender.
You look at him with your hands over your cheeks, squishing your face together.
“I’m sorry if someone made you think this is how you should be. You don’t owe anyone anything to be treated with respect or for an exchange of help. I can help you with one simple step.”
“What’s that?”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” your response is automatic. He smiles warmly at you.
“No, Sugar. You say, ‘thank you’ and I say ‘you’re welcome’ and we finish our breakfast and have a nice conversation. Can you do that?”
You remove your hands from your cheeks and take a hearty swallow of orange juice. Mustering up the courage, you fiddle with a little plant decoration on the table, your leg bouncing underneath and then you look at him. He’s waiting patiently.
“Thank you,” you whisper.
“You’re welcome. Should we pick up some flowers for Betty before we go visit?” 
“She’d like that,” you smile. 
While you finish your breakfast, you think of the choices you have to make. Signing the papers and moving in with him. Would it really be so bad? He said there’s room for your grandma once she’s able to leave, and living in a gated community does seem a lot safer than where you live now with your busted door. 
You know you should say yes, you want to say yes, but something inside you is keeping you at bay. When Jake makes eye contact with you as he drinks his coffee, and you get a little lost in his green eyes, you realize that’s what it is. You could easily fall for him but would it really be real? 
Feelings definitely aren’t part of the arrangement. 
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equallyshaw · 9 months
little lion au! | luke hughes au! ↠ luke's nickname for liona, blurb! ↠ au masterlist!
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↠ warnings: none! ↠ word count: 873. ↠ at this point, they have been dating about 6 months. its may 2024. ↠ italicized is russian.
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liona and luke had spent the previous evening together, after an impromptu and last minute dinner in east village. after a win against the NY islanders, luke reached out to liona to go grab some food. she brought him to her favorite russian place, and absolutely adored that luke decided to show off the russian he'd been picking up from her (and duolingo). it made her heart swell, that he had taken the time to learn on his own and how much he paid attention to her 'little lion lessons' from time to time, and ofcourse the conversations she had with her dad over the phone. it meant the world to her that he cared enough.
the next morning to the two were cuddling with each other at her west village apartment that she shared with her two best friends from highschool. her phone had been blaring for a few minutes, but she ignored it - trying to savor this morning. "kai..." luke mumbled, her middle name- that he called her by. she groaned, pushing a hand to his face to shut him up. "kai..." he mumbled a bit more, opening his eyes and took in her morning hair. it was a bad bed head morning he thought, and he pushed some hair out of her face. "kai, you're phone." he whispered before pressing a kiss to her forehead. she pushed him away a bit too hard, because she ended up falling on the wood floor. he quickly looked over and relaxed, once she saw her sitting up and rubbing her eyes. "morning kai." he said with a cheeky grin, and she flipped him off as she heard her phone ring for the 5th time. "what dad?!" she demanded, as she picked up. luke watched as she and her dad conversed with each other in russian, and the annoyance that dripped from every word. "wait what?" she spoke aloud in english, and luke looked up at her from where he was ndext to her. "wait what?" she repeated, hopping out of bed and jogging over towards her front door. "oh dad....you didn't have to." she gushed, bending down to grab the marble glass vase that held her favorite flowers, chamomiles. "i love you dad, thankyou. ill call you tomorrow." she said before hanging up. luke walked into the kitchen where she was, and he leaned onto the counter next to her. "chamomiles!" she said giving him a wide smile, before turning back to them and looking on with marvel. "i cant believe he got them for me." she mused, sending a picture to her uncle malkin who knew how much she loved this flower.
"are they daisies?" he questioned, and she shook her head with a giggle. "no, they're russian chamomile's. russia's national flower, and somehow he got some to me. he knows they are my absolute favorite!" she said bringing her hands to her cheeks. "i thought tiger lily's were? hence his one nickname?" luke questioned, and liona shook her head. "well yes and now. while i do love tiger lily, i love chamomile's. the first time i went to russia, apparently i just flocked to the flower garden my babushka (grandma) had in her backyard, and these are what i began to pull out to smell. and ever since then, they've been kinda my thing." she said leaning into luke, as he pulled her into his side. "they used to say back in russia, 'liona's or lion's flowers.' and my dedushka (grandpa) put a sign next to them, and yeah. my dad gets them every year for my birthday, or whenever i need a pick me up." she said with a small smile. "how do you say it in russian?" he questioned, "romashka. and it means joy, calmness, poise, and its resilient i like to say, because they have the ability to bloom amidst times of stress, and adversity. and they still blooming, no matter what." she said leaning her head on his shoulder. luke's heart warmed because she just described herself. described herself through her childhood.
"y'know that you are just that?" he began, looking down at her. she looked up at him with creased eyebrows. "you bloomed when the world believed that you shouldn't have. it would have been expected for you to hate or curse the world. but you still held and hold deep love for it. you bloomed when you were going through the hardest times of you life with your parents. you've stayed blooming despite it all. despite your rocky relationships with your parents, despite you shutting out your dad last year, despite whatever the world throws at you." he said as his hazel eyes found her brown.
"my romashka." he repeated, and she nodded. "you are my joy and my calm in the storm. you are my chamomille- despite that being the cheesiest thing I've ever said out loud before, but its true. you are my chamomile, my cammie." he said with a smile on his face. tears pricked her eyes, and she leaned up with kiss him. her arms wrapped around his neck, as he pulled her in closer by the waist. "my romashka." he whispered once more, before the two headed back into her bedroom.
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sturniololoco · 8 months
Big Game pt 4
Sturniolo Little Sister (SLS) x Nathan Doe
Warnings: Smuttttttttt, language, etc.
Nate's POV
SLS/N was lying under me, looking up with her big, beautiful eyes. A half-smirk still plays at her lips as I lean down to kiss her.
She grabs the back of my neck intensifying the kiss. I let out a breathy moan into her mouth, my hard coming back.
We pull apart and I fiddle with the bottom of her shirt. Her breathing becomes uneven as I pull the fabric up, revealing her bra. Who's the one smirking now?
Once her shirt is all the way off her body, her shorts come next, until she's just lying there in her underwear and bra.
I slowly reach my arms behind her unclasp her bra and chuck it across the room, not breaking eye contact once. Her underwear comes next as I pat the side of her thigh, signaling for her to lift her hips up. She obays, arching her back which only makes me even harder if that is possible.
I walk myself on all fours down her body. taking my middle finger, I slowly push into her, making her gasp and shutter. I begin to pick u my pace, pumping in and out. I add another digit, scissoring my fingers and stretching her out.
She's barely breathing at this point, her mouth open, eyes closed, head back.
"such a good girl I have here in my bed tonight, taking it so well baby," I grunt out, my dick pushing painfully against my pants.
I feel her begin to clench, so I pull out, earning a moan from her. I shush her then lean back and take my shirt and sweatpants off.
After lining up with her entrance, I give her only my tip. She moans my name, begging me to give her what she wants. I resent, taking my time and enjoying the girl I've been waiting so, so long to have.
after much more teasing, to which she says, "Nate...not...uh, fair..." between breathy moans. Finally giving her what she wants, I lower myself into her. She presses her face into my shoulder, letting a loud moan fall out of her pretty lips, slightly biting into my shoulder.
"N-Nate, gonna cum...please..." She's begging for it now, completely undone in less than two minutes.
"go ahead baby-"As soon as those words leave my mouth, she releases, clenching tight around me. Then it was my turn. I pull out of her and cum all over her lower stomach.
As she struggles to catch her breath, I kiss her head and neck, then all the way down her body, tasting the liquid spread across her beautiful body.
I pull my sweats back on, leaving my shirt off, as she sits up.
"is it okay if I get in the shower?' She asks, her voice sounding small and timid.
I puller to me, sitting her in my lap. She has her lip between her teeth, her cheeks red.
"Hey, talk to me sweetheart, whats wrong?" I say, bring my hand up to gently caress her cheek.
The nickname makes her blush, but she looks up at me all the same.
"I just don't know, I feel like I messed up.' She says struggling to get her words out.
I smile as I lean in and give her a gentle kiss. he melts, sighing into the kiss.
"you don't need to worry about anything. You were so perfect." I say to her, speaking the utmost truth.
She smiles and nods her head, getting up from me and heading to the shower.
"Nate, can I have a hoodie?" SLS/N asks when she gets out of the shower, wearing a pair of my boxers and towel drying her hair.
I walk to my closet, pulling out a dark blue hoodie, and help her pull it over her head. We then climb into bed and she snuggles up into my side, taking my hoodies and making her little sweater paws.
I can't help but feel the little butterflies go wild in my stomach at how adorable she is.
"has anyone ever told you how fucking cute you are?" I say, pulling her close to me, her head resting on my chest.
"Only my grandma, but I don't think that really counts." she jokes. I laugh, a smile reaches all the way to my eyes, and I can't help thinking,
What did I do to deserve this girl?
pt 5 tomorrow!
@idkwhosnyla @babypat08 @eyelessdemon00 @christopherowensturniolo @sturnsxx @freshloveforthefit @matty443355 @sleepysturnss @emeraldgreenbeautiesstu @sunsetsturniolos @hoesturniolo @x4nd3rsukz @chr1sgirl4life @sstvrnioloo @sturns-posts @chrisstopherfilmed @kylasrealityx @zoeysturnioloooooo @comet235 @islaasblog @sturnioloblogs @defnotayonna @mattsleftnipple03 @thematthewlover @mattsaq
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liaarxse · 1 year
Mornings with you are my favorite pt.1
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Summary: Just a morning with your boyfriend
Characters: Nahoya Kawata
Warnings: a teenie weenie bit of angst, fluff
A/n: I love calling people "sunshine" its just my go-to nickname. Also, I've been learning a lullaby to sing to my baby sister, and I thought about this
Yes, I adore the twins shut up <3
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Okay, let me chill out on the crack
Nahoya is, well, reckless
Constantly getting into fights
Nerves through the roof
But at the end of the day, he's just a teenage boy, you know?
All these battles have brought him constant nightmares. Will it be a dream about himself getting hurt, Toman, Souya
But he had never dreamt about you in that perspective
And it was terrifying
He swore he just collapsed in your arms, exhausted from the long night, and now you're laying there on the side with a busted skull?
Luckily, you were still awake then, scrolling on your phone when he started slightly moving in his sleep
Then you noticed his expression had changed
His eyebrows were furrowed, grimacing
You realized he was probably having a nightmare and took matters into your own hands
You left your phone on the nightstand and gently brought him closer, placing an arm around his shoulders. Your hand found its way to his curls. He once told you that he liked it when you played with his hair since it calmed him down. You placed your free hand on his back, gliding your fingers up and down it.
You saw that nothing was working, and he was just tensing up more. He had more of a pissed off face than a sad one.
You thought for a moment before coming up with an idea.
You started singing a lullaby your grandma used to sing to you when you were little
Very gently rocking both of you left and right, you continued singing in a quiet voice.
I swear it took you only 15 seconds to see a change
Was it your touch? Your voice? Or just your presence?
It doesn't matter
There was no longer a frown on your boyfriends face, just a small smile.
He pulled you a bit closer in his sleep, which made him even calmer
You don't know what he had a dream about and you didn't plan to ask him in fear you'll trigger something
Nahoya wasn't one to show signs of weakness, nor sadness, so it must've been a really bad experience
You noticed him grimacing again
You sang your lullaby to him and it was all gone
And that repeated
5 times that night
You were drained. You loved him to bits and would go to the end for that boy, but you really needed sleep
You just couldn't bring yourself to do so. What if he had another unpleasant moment while sleeping? What if it was worse than the rest? What if it causes him trauma?
That obviously wouldn't happen
But you were worried
So you just stayed up until dusk
That's when he woke up
You didn't notice at first since your eyes were literally at the back of your head at this point, trying to block all light while staying awake
"...babe?" You didn't hear him but felt something move, so you looked down and met with your boyfriends happy little face. There was still a hint of sleepiness in his features, as well as his raspy voice. You were frankly quite started, swearing that 10 seconds ago, he was dead asleep. Not anymore, apparently.
You just gave him a gentle smile. Not that you didn't want to do more. You just didn't have the power. It was like someone grabbed and squeezed you like a sponge.
"You okay?" He looked at you, chuckling. "You look horrible." You almost threw him out of the bed. Not only was he the reason for your current state, but now he has the audacity to claim you look bad?
Apparently, he has some superpowers since he instantly laughed and apologized as if you really said your thoughts out loud. "I'm kiddin', babe. I'm kiddin'!"
You flicked his forehead.
Nahoya just saw how you were barely staying awake and quickly switched the positions you were both in. You weren't going to lie. This felt way better.
You didn't even ask. He just started to tell you about his dream. Apparently, you got mixed with a member from Toman in a battle and got seriously injured by the opposing gang and passed out, but miraculously woke up on your own. Then they took you to the hospital, where they got you into the emergency room. A doctor came out and told them that there were some kind of problems and it would be a difficult procedure. Again, not too long after that, the same doctor had returned with a smile on his face, claiming it was just a minor inconvenience, and you could be taken home.
You kept in a chuckle. It was such a cliché trope. He noticed your little smirk and pinched your shoulder before smiling to himself and continuing the story.
In the end, it turns out he had 3 bad moments in his sleep, the last being you falling on your face in front of him.
Finally, it was quiet. His body warmth was quickly sending you to sleep when you felt his chest vibrate. He was humming. You smiled to yourself, listening to his little song.
You didn't pay much attention to his words, nor the humming. Sleep was overcoming you when the realization hit.
The words...
"The last one was you just faceplanting on the pavement..! That makes like what... three bad moments? Hahaha!
The song... your lullaby...
Oh that cheeky motherfucker. He had been awake for half of the time you spent calming him down. He was pretending!
You raised yourself a bit to look at him in the eyes. A dumbfounded expression was plastered on your face.
He probably realized he got caught and started laughing when he met with your face. You were too tired to deal with his bullshit, so you purposely dropped on his chest, earning a groan from him and a snicker from you.
"I deserved that, didn't I?" He let out a quiet laugh.
"Yeah, you did."
Nahoya was annoying, to say the least. He has his serious downs, and we just can't ignore them, even if we want to.
But everyone has them, right?
His pros overpower his cons, though. All the things he does are to protect you. Maybe he's annoying, maybe sometimes he gets seriously on your nerves and you feel like you have a friend instead of a lover, but that's just how he shows his love and appreciation.
Don't tell him you feel that way. He'll break into pieces. He tries. He really does. Maybe he's not as affectionate as his brother. He's not as gentle or quiet. But he means no harm, not to you. Never.
All the teasing and jokes, the mocking and laughing, all of the rougher touches, which linger on your skin for a bit too long.
It's love. Nothing but pure love towards his girl.
Nahoya is aware of everything. I'd be lying to you if I say he's never had a second thought about your relationship. Not that he doesn't love you, no. He adores you. But because he feels like he isn't acting properly, like a boyfriend should. Like he doesn't deserve the title. The number of times he's tried to talk about it with you is uncountable. But when your expression instantly turns into a soft one, a smile quickly appearing just for him. How could he?
Your boyfriend is selfish when it comes to you. He doesn't want you looking at anyone besides him like that.
Maybe he doesn't deserve your kindness, your patience, your gentleness, your smile, your looks, your personality, your... everything. But nobody does. And it's better him than some "lowlife punk."
You felt his embrace get a little tighter, continuing to hum your sweet little lullaby.
It was just for him. Nobody else. You were just for him, nobody else.
Lifting your head a bit from its place, giving him a quick closed-eye kiss on the jawline, you dropped back, instantly going to sleep.
The morning sunlight entered the room through the blinds, lighting it up, turning it a warm golden color.
Nahoya doesn't pray, but at that moment, he just laid his head back, stopped his humming, and with one of his wide grins, he just thanked whoever was listening above for the gift. You.
You slightly started squirming, making him giggle as he continued the lullaby. It was only fair after a long night you to have a rest too. He was wide awake, so if it meant staying in this position for hours, he'll gladly take on the challenge.
He noticed you smile in your sleep, making his smile even wider before it turned into a small, genuine one. He slightly opened his eyes, moving a strand of hair from your face and closing them back again.
It was life you felt that, since your smile just grew a bit wider.
"Heyyy, are you awake?" He very gently shaked you. Not enough to wake you up (if you were really sleeping), but enough to grab your attention if you were awake. You weren't.
Nahoya just laid there, admiring everything about you. He remembered how you call him "sunshine" as a nickname from time to time.
"Sunshine, bring me a pen, please."
"Sunshine, your meeting is in 15 minutes!"
"You're an ass, sunshine."
"Hah... you're something else, aren't ya', peaches?"
He doesn't even know why he chose "peaches" as your nickname. It just came to him like that, but he liked it.
This morning was a rare occasion for both of you. Your parents wouldn't let you sleep over at your boyfriend's house, since... you're teenagers, and teenagers are horny. No matter how many times you've told them, you'll never do it before 18 they just don't listen. This week, they had to travel to a distant relative, and since you don't even know them, you were allowed to stay home.
So you took the opportunity to spend at least one night and morning with your boyfriend.
Let's say you'll be pleading to your parents to let you spend a night at his. If needed, he'll come to your house! You barely convinced them that he was a good person since his alias was all over Tokyo, a bad reputation behind his back. But the amount of times he's shown that he doesn't have any bad intentions towards you made them a bit less skeptical.
That's how mornings with Nahoya go. Nothing more, nothing less. And it's perfect for both of you.
After you wake up, things will go back to normal. Nahoya will be Nahoya, you will be you, sending all kinds of bullshit towards each other, but all filled with an obscene amount of love. Every asshole, bitch, scum, insult, every punch, every tease, as I said earlier doesn't have a pinch of hate in it. Just jokes.
He'll be forever grateful you never take his words or hits to heart and return them with a silly grin and some half-ass reply.
At the end of the day, all moments with him are special, so treasure them. But maybe treasure the mornings a bit more.
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astrxlfinale · 4 months
🌿 Author portrait. Get to know the author behind the blog! repost, do not reblog.
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Name/nickname: Jace. (Has been my net handle for forever.) The Grumpy Ass.
Age: 32! I am indeed made of all bones and walking canes now.
Pronouns: He/Him.
Years of writing: Since my mid-teens. It really started around the time I first got a computer at my grandma's old place. Was able to watch overseas shows then one thing led to another.
Why did you pick up writing?: For me if was to answer one simple thing. 'What if', and that itself could be tied to countless scenarios that wouldn't be shared in canon continuity. Initially it was what do the characters do off the screen, then it edged to getting more detailed, to what new journeys or shared moments could they have? It led to a hell of a fun snowball effect. Coming onto different platforms and seeing it was shared or that other folks were ahead of the curved served as some fun motivation. In all the good, bad and deadass kinds of wild. It led to another 'what if' to answer, and still is being answered to this day with the RP hobby.
Do you have any writing routines?: My methods for knocking out replies are to always actively read the post. (no duh Jace), BUT, this comes with the idea on how to blend and extend. How can I give the post offered to me its due diligence and reactions, but how can I equally build off that by ensuring there's enough content to be responsive to for my RP partner? I let my character perceive to find their voice in terms of response and actions during this process.
Afterwards once I got the framework in my head, I kick on some tunes I genuinely enjoy getting it all doled out with the metaphorical meat and potatoes.
That said when it comes to scrounging up not muse per say, but that certain line of writing that I'm satisfied with? I just hop back to old works (fan made and official) that really worked those writing wrinkles in my head. There's some content that vividly let my fingers flow to 'paint a picture', in either emotion or literal presence in scene setting.
What's your favorite part about writing?: For me it'd just be bringing feeling to a scene. To give a very easy ground for anyone, experienced or new in this kind of thing to just feel the said scene. Not as some realistic one for one, but as a means to let their imagination comfortably sit in the drivers seat and have these elements expand before it. Tied with that is being able to find neat/cool ways to highlight my own muse's emotions through writing, letting it so volatile in it's creativity and their said emotions in said scenario.
Three things you like about your writing.
One. I really enjoy how shameless my writing can be. Honestly speaking, my personal taste never really clashed well with 'refinement'. It's blunt and broad, it holds energy and isn't ashamed to really let that be. I feel like that essence of 'voice' within writing is an important fundamental for me enjoying it. In hand with this, it's also why I never could actively write like other authors, and trying to say write similar to how a series does would never great great results from me. I want to carry that particular voice that varies with my muses, and have it flourish with what they also bring to the table.
Two. One thing I've also become proud of is details. Coming from a point where text based dialogue writing was my main bread and butter, watching the change in how it actually expanded has been like night and day for me. In particular, being able to describe a scene in these warm, cold or chaotic ways, adding that touch of whimsical flare to my posts as well. It's primarily why I get my kick from always having some fantasy in my settings, old age, modern or futuristic all the same. I love when I can get to use all the extra detail as extensions.
Three. This isn't tied into the act of writing in itself. Now days however I have to say I really improved on the aspect of proper plotting. My main issue was that I used to make it sound either too much like a script, or I got so creativity locked that it actually sucked the fun out the process for me. Taking some new approaches to the RP hobby has actually ironed out this detail, and I've come to see the incredible amounts of fun that can be held with it too. I intend taking the utmost advantage as well.
A question for the next person.
Write a question for the next person to answer. Once you've answered it, leave a new question for someone else to answer.
When life throws you lemons, and gets you down, does writing become something that you're drawn to as to get you through it, or do you feel like it does the opposite?
For me it'd be the absolute opposite. My creativity first and foremost is tied to me having a good mood. Being in more negative headspaces generally makes me harder to approach, so normally I wouldn't frequent any social angles for a prolonged period while I get that ironed out. It becomes a case of contrasting gears that are heavily rusted.
This is why I often put emphasis on this being a hobby for me. To me, it's similar as to booting up a video game for example and giving it a good spin. A more downtrodden me is moreso being a slough and not really wanting to move, outside of just watching tv while being a bump on a log. Stuff like that needs genuine time for me or a key situation involving said scenario to really iron out those kinks.
It leaves a bad taste for my type of character let that touch of escaping get involved.
New question: What are your favorite details that you enjoy to highlight about your muse through writing? Is a physical element? A measure of character that holds the most flare? This can have multiple answers or a solitary one.
Tagged by: @araneitela Look at you dive bombing me with this. Thank you kindly homegirl.
Tagging: Any and all can proceed to take part! What's your writing lore, let the fine details fly out.
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needcake · 1 year
So today is the birthday of one of my favorite persons in this fandom and this life:
✨✨@oumaheroes / @rainbowfruitpastilles✨✨
(lovingly nicknamed Rains by yours truly back when we first starting talking because of eurovision, but who also goes by Ouma, Heroes and Fandom Grandma✨)
And to honor her and her incredible work I wanted to do something a little different this year! I've selected some of my favorite passages from her beautiful beautiful fics and I hope this makes you go insane and absolutely feral the way I know you like it 😌😚
From Earthbound, chapter 4:
Peter dreams that his legs reach down deep into the ocean, right to the sea bottom, and he watches the years pass silently by. Cast in metal and garbed in rust he falls, piece by piece, into an unforgiving sea. He dreams of rain, of smoking guns and angry curses, of abandonment and loneliness as he's left behind. He tosses and turns, unable to get comfortable, as wisps of memory lap gently against his consciousness. He dreams of a gruff voice mumbling soothing words after a nightmare, handmade toys and a warm calloused hand carding through his hair. Hot tea and biscuits in front of a fire. Bedtime stories and scratchy kisses. Of a man who loves him but who just doesn't know how to do it the way Peter needs. He wakes with dried tear tracks on his face and the ghost of a name on the tip of his tongue.
This fic is so incredibly beautiful, every character, every story. It brings you to this new and remade world that is fatally flawed, and as the characters slowly go back to their original Earth, their memories of their past lives and past selves come back like a punch, and the force of it just leaves us gasping. It's so powerful, so beautiful!! I absolutely adore it!!
From Lavender's Blue:
New officers are the worst, in Arthur’s personal opinion. They have this hopeful gleam about them that Arthur, world-weary as he is, cannot stand. Butter and milk fed children chasing honour and glory into hell itself, so blinded by it that they cannot see the dangers that litter the ground around them. They’re terribly young: nineteen, twenty, twenty-two. This and this alone causes Arthur to soften enough to answer them and he shakes himself back to the present where he doesn’t want to be, ‘Yes?’ ‘Come and play cards with us. We’ll deal you in.’ One of them breaks the deck expertly, a flick of his wrist and fingers sending the cards from one hand to another. Arthur can’t help but think of Gilbert doing the same thing sprawled across a sofa in Arthur’s parlour merely a few years ago, sleeve damp with rum where he’d spilt it. Too drunk to bloody well hold a glass of Arthur’s finest alcohol but hands always sharp enough for pretty tricks. Eyes clear despite it all, watching Arthur mischievously over Francis draped loose limbed in his lap. ‘No, thank you.’ Arthur straightens up and rolls his shoulders, feeling the knots and tension there under his coat. He’d been sitting too long. He’s due out on patrol soon and he checks his watch to assess the time.
I don't think I've told you enough how much I love this fic, the grittiness of it, the desperation, the idleness. You can almost see the men in the trenches, see the young officers playing cards to pass the time while they wait and Arthur's restlessness and anxiety. Absolutely flawless! ---
From Gold Filigree and Chainmail:
‘I’m not entirely vain.’ ‘We could have been doing many things today but instead we are here, admiring you.’ ‘We are not admiring me,’ France told him, coming up alongside, ‘Just my people and history. Which you can argue is me, but it is not really.’ England gestured at the painting with his head, ‘That’s you.’ The diner in question was in profile but it was easy enough to tell, from those who knew him well, that it was France himself. A habitual way of draping himself on a chair and the same loose, wavy hair as today. Half grin unchanged, a connection through time via the almost direct look at the painter through the fourth wall. He looked so much younger. France smiled fondly, ‘Ah, so it is.’
No one writes such delicious Fruk like you do!! You have such a hand handling these two together, you can take them from having a fight to talking about philosophy and love and it'll always be absolutely delicious and banter-y and iconic, and I'll always want to jump into the page and grab France by the hair and give him a good shake and kick England in the shin for good measure (but also lock them in a closet and throw away the key).
From Seen From The Other Side, chapter 1:
Their captain died last year. He died at their feet and now he turns and grins. Sees them staring, sees them know. Watches as they take him in, the horrifying, unholy miracle of it. Strong arms and broad shoulders, sharp white teeth in tanned skin. Blood in his heart and no hole near his neck. Ancient eyes that hold them there.
This entire series just makes me want to go ballistic!! I want to eat a hole in the concrete every time I read it because it's so good!! LOOK AT IT THAT'S SO GOOD!!!!!
From It's All About The Delivery, chapter 8:
‘Mr Williams, I did not and you are stepping way outta line here.’ ‘If you just look-‘ ‘No!’ his voice was far too loud- it rang out clear across the marble floors but the PM couldn’t help himself, an uncomfortable churning feeling inside his chest clouding all reason and logic, ‘I will not, Mr Williams. I’m doing so much already; I’m here in a manor in the middle of nowhere with a posh boy Lord who believes he’s the embodiment of dirt and I’m quite willing to go along with that to keep things smooth, but please, for the love of God, stop pushing me.’ ‘I do beg your pardon.’
The embodiment of dirt!!!!!!!! I laugh so hard every time I read that!! This entire fic makes me both want to give Matt little kisses and tuck him in at night and throw my laptop into the sun because Stephen is so STUBBORN (I adore Leigh though, we can keep her). It's the perfect mix of politics, family affairs, work relationships, interpersonal relationships, PMs that are too dumb to be alive, glorious jokes and little genuine heartfelt moments that just make me weep with joy!! Absolutely perfect!!!
From Reset, chapter 8:
They fell silent, remaining pressed together tightly until England had stopped shaking. 'I was supposed to have Reset.' He said, voice distant and quiet as if he were speaking more to himself than to anyone in particular.  France was almost about to fall back asleep again, but became alert instantly, 'What?'  'I'm due one, it seems.'  France racked his brain, struggling to try and think of the last time England had had his stint at being human. 1800s? No wait, before that... it couldn't have been anywhere around the 1600s, he'd been too busy starting to pillage and conquer to allow himself to enjoy a mortal existence. Late in the 1700s then, perhaps?  'We're all probably due one,' England continued, 'so much has changed even in the last hundred years that we're all a bit out of touch- Francis' lifespan being one example.'  'How could you tell that you...' France floundered, 'why do you think that?'  France felt England give a small shrug, 'I know it was time; it was very hard to stay, I guess. You're dead but still there, but this time I had to actually think about staying.' He ran out of words, language not really enough to describe what he intrinsically knew. 'I knew it wouldn't be a good idea though, not right now.'  France huffed. 'Well no. I, for one, would have to deal with your government and also reintroducing myself to mine, whilst at the same time being embroiled in a murder inquiry.'  'Don't forget that someone is still trying to kill you.'  'Oh yes, that too. How could I have let that slip my mind.' England chuckled and then coughed, lungs not quite ready.  France helped him sit up a bit higher and rubbed his back, 'This isn't something we need right now. One more hit on you and it'll be even harder to fix this mess if you actually stay dead.' England continued to cough and try to wrangle his breathing back under control, but shook his head.  France tutted in annoyance. 'I doubt that you'll be able to put it off for long, it's not something that you can simply avoid.' He sighed and leant back against the tree. The gap between them had filled very quickly with cold air, and once he stopped struggling to breathe France pulled England back down again and covered them both back up. 'This is going to make things a whole lot more difficult, you know.'  'Dreadfully sorry.' England did not sound in any way sorry. 'Next time I'll just die better, shall I?'  France gave him a smiling kiss to the temple, 'You could always learn to die better, you are never very pretty when you do.'  England elbowed him in the gut and leant hard against him on purpose. 'I cannot wait to not have to see your face again after this.'  France huffed at him. 'You would miss my shining example of poise, culture and beauty before too long.'  'Would not.'  'Oh! Think of how boring your life would be without me to enhance it, for example, consider that nice long holiday we'll go on after all of this blows over. Southern France, by the beach and in the sun...'  'You can sod off, I'm going home.'  'Back to your rainy lump in the sea, of course my dear. I shall not join you.'  'Thank fuck for that.'
DO YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN WHEN I SAY YOU ARE A MASTERMIND WRITING WITH THEM??? I love to see it!!!! I read this with the biggest grin because every dialogue just jumps out of the page and they are both so alive!!! I absolutely love it!! I love the plot, I love the idea of Reset for them, I love the execution, the humor, the romance, the love!!!! I love it!!!!!!!
--- And to close this humble offering on this very special day, I hope you have the most wonderful day today, my dear, and that we can share many many birthdays and eurovisions and stories together for many many years to come!! I love you and I hope you all the best in this entire world!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖
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onskepa · 1 year
Unlitsa ch 2
Alright here is chapter 2! If some of yall are just seeing this one first! here is the previous chapers! Uniltsa series . Enjoy!
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[first pov]
Apparently I am a smartass in this world. Since I was the one who made the inhaling implants on the humans here. So why do I feel like a dumbass at the moment. I have no idea what each foods are, and scared they would taste something I might not like. "here uniltsa! got your favorites!" tuk says to me as she brings a leaf full of some fruits and other things. "ah...thanks tuktuk" the kids eyes light up with that nickname. So that's good.
Tuk is so cute up front! but from what I remember, she was still short but almost as tall as spider. So why is she a little more shorter? I could never ask what year this is. I would look rather dumb. Last thing I need is people questioning me. But so far, not many noticed my odd behavior.
So far so good.
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[third pov]
Uniltsa took her time in eating eat item carefully. While the taste was something familiar, but was still a bit skeptic one some things. Lo'ak saw her eating her food slowly. "you sure you're ok?" he looks at her concerned. "Usually you're eating as quick as you can".
Uniltsa blinked a few times before respond, "sorry, I just have a lot in my mind right now". Lo'ak scooted closer, their shoulders touching. Feeling concerned he looks into her eyes, scanning for something. Knowing her since birth, he can basically read her mind. This time however. Whatever she is thinking about. He cant detect.
"you alright? if you're sick I can take you to grandma to fix you up" he suggests. Uniltsa just shook her head. "no no, I am fine really" she smiles up at him, but it looks more of a nervous smile.
Lo'ak wasn't ready to drop it but stopped asking. Every since this morning his friend sure has been acting odd.
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Later on lo'ak took uniltsa out to do their stuff when every time they pass a flower, a pretty rock or a water stream, uniltsa has to stop to look at it. "I swear, you look at all of this its your first time" lo'ak says while crossing his arms.
Uniltsa once again stopped to look at some pretty large flowers. Admiring their beauty.
"w-well yeah! Sometimes when you do things over and over you forget to notice some details" she replies quickly. Lo'ak merely shrugs. "Well are you done? I want to get there while we still have daylight". Uniltsa sighs silently and continues on their path.
Trying to play it cool, she asks "I forgot, where are we going again?". Lo'ak answers, "weird of you to forget but we're going to the long river to collect some beads. Tuk's birthday is in a few days so as we gotta find the best of the best stone for her".
Tuk's birthday? From what uniltsa, tuk was 8 at the start of the second movie. And she is smaller when looking face to face....so how far back did she go?
"right right. Ummmm....I honestly don't know what to give her" she says, literally not knowing what to give her. Lo'ak huffs a bit with a smirk. "Come oooon, you always give her the best stuff, tch, I remember you gave her a empty shell of a bead and she still has it! I swear tuk loves you more than her own siblings".
"jealous?" Uniltsa smirks teasingly. She noticed lo'ak's tail swish in a certain way. But looking at his face, seems she is sort of right.
puffing his cheeks a bit, looking slightly annoyed.
"no" his ears gave away.
Smiling more, she points at lo'ak, "you so are! Cant help it if tuk loooooooves me!!" she giggles out. Lo'ak smiles a bit too. Seeing his friend go back to how she usually acts. "whatever! lets just go!" he stomps the way further.
Grinning to herself she follows him. She takes her time in the path was because while mentally she doesn't know any parts of the forest, her body does. It is very familiar with the forest and its like by instinct to know where to go. Perhaps that is something she can rely on while still figuring out in what year she is in.
But during the mean time, hanging out with lo'ak, her fictional crush, is turning out to be a lot of fun.
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And that is it for this chapter! Hope you all liked it! until next time! see ya!
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Taglist: @deathislame , @mochacoffeeumai26 , @shit-i-say-shit-i-think , @tojisleftarm
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neteyamsilly · 2 years
Hi!! It’s Ramble Anon!!
I must begin with saying that this chapter was amazing, I was holding my breath until the very end!! I woke up earlier than usual for some reason (maybe subconsciously I knew you posted the chapter AHAHA) and I’m so glad I did!! I got all the time to read it slowly and savoring every word 😌
I KNEW you would hit us with the most grueling, beautiful, teary flashback ever, but MAN, even if I knew what was written I couldn’t have been possibly prepared 😭
It was so refreshing seeing Jake being an amazing dad, so cute that all of the kids (and Neytiri) teased him, BUT Y/N, she loves those beads, could be the ugliests in the whole world, she’d think they were the prettiest thing her eyes laid on 🥺 (him finding out she wear them in her hair after she dies ☹️)
I loved the bantering between Jake and Neytiri!! The whole movie was them stressing out for their children, it’s so nice seeing them as a couple, gently teasing each other 🥰
May I say that little Y/N is the most adorable child? So cute!! Her being able to sneak on Jake and her siblings observing if she succeeds or fails!! Why am I so entertained by the fact that during all the flashback Y/N was the mastermind of the attacks to Jake, lmao, always keeping him on his toes
And the innocent cussing!! 😭 and the siblings copying Y/N 🥺 (I’m curious, who do you think between the kids curses the most? I think most people would answer Lo’ak, but I’d put Kiri there too, she just looks like the type to curse her brother out if he aggravates her enough lmao (she is grace’s daughter, too after all), but Y/N, she sounds like the person who curses when she is excited!!)
Jake using mighty hunter as a entertaining nickname for Y/N, then he used it to mock and ridicule her.. why must u hurt me like this. 😞
And then the painting with the mud and the promise of painting her face for Iknimaya 😭 (“it’s what family does” pls-)
Y/N dying was so heartbreaking, everyone was panicking, Neteyam and Lo’ak coming to see what happened must have been terrifying, Jake and Neytiri desperately hugging their daughter..
Y/N died in front of Neteyam, they were the each other’s closest sibling and Y/N died IN FRONT OF HIM -pls I can’t-
Lo’ak just staring and being unable to understand, him bringing his grandma and Kiri, and Tuk!! Poor baby.. Everyone consoling each other was so nice in all of this heartbreak
Lo’ak going back where Y/N died, he just wanted to fly with his sister 😞
And her Ikran trying to gently nudge her awake 😭. He needs a name!! (I’m still so mad they didn’t give us names of the sibling’s ikrans ☹️)
Her Ikran being Toruk’s colors!!! 😭
I know he is beautiful
baby was mutilated and kept going for her, I can’t stop imagining Y/N begging her dad to not put him down like PLEASE, I have tears in my eyes
(I read in one of the comments that Y/N is Hiccup coded, I couldn’t agree more 😭)
I literally am writing this between my classes, I’m so blinded by your absolute talent ✨
I’m so glad Hake got some sense knocked into him, FINALLY
Ik it hurt to hear what Neytiri said, but I enjoyed it 😭 (But all the children listening 😕)
And this Stxel’eveng?? I can’t wait to find out what will happen!! What will happen at the Tree of Souls??? I’m so excited!!
Such a beautiful chapter!! Thank you!!
I hope I’m not bothering you with all of this asks lmao (I sent one after chapter 3, I hope it got sent!! (Not trying to rush you or anything!! I just know my phone sucks and it keeps disappointing me lmao) I just can’t stop commenting on how beautifully you wrote this story 😭)
RAMBLE ANON HI!!!! I think tumblr didnt send a notification to you, I've answered your ask today here!!!! DW I GOT UR BACK
I'm telepathically connected to the readers of this fic through daddy issues frequency channel, we're ascending together 🧘🏽‍♀️ the fic dropped and it was that audio going "something just happened" LMAOOOO
Half the ask being about the flashback and the cute moments and the details melted me, omg!
Jake and Neytiri having a back-and-forth was so entertaining, i loved her calling him "baby" the most bc she did that a lot in the first movie!!!
Also omg IM HAPPY YOU PICKED UP ON THE "MIGHTY HUNTER" DETAIL AHHHH THAT HURTS MY SOUL! Something they lovingly joked around together used by Jake to hurt her where it's vulnerable:(
ALSO LIKE UR SO RIGHT Sister!reader cussing at moments of excitement and happiness, and Kiri being the wildcard you wouldn't expect to have a potty mouth! AHH I LOVE THIS
Lowkey I referred to the ikran as "Jack" in my head because i had a gag going that sister!reader would name him that so it's funny as he listens when she orders him to do something and it's supposed to get on jake's nerves 💀 also like, funny when all the other family members having poetic na'vi names and you and your father having "bob" and "jack"
BUT I LOVE HIM YOUR HONOR!!! he has so much personality despite being in the background most of the time i dont know how i managed to do this HSHDHSBDHS
I'm so happy (as always) to see you looking forward to the next chapter AAAAAA THANK YOU FOR THE ASK<3333
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claireelle18 · 1 year
Chef It Up
A/N: This came from an episode of the Bolts show, where Tony and Brayden were cooking together. It has me in fits of giggles so I decided to see what came if it was the two of them creating a meal for Brayden's crush.
The original plan was for the three of them to go out for the evening, but that changed when a beg to let the boys cook for you started early that morning. It had started in their group chat, ‘Can we please cook for you?’ The antics these boys had previously gotten you into were enough to write a book. ‘And by letting us cook - he means me.’ Tony replied.
‘I told you I’d help!’
‘She’s not responding….’
*Facetime from Rigi-Tony*
Accepting the call, his face popped into frame, with a connecting Brayden splitting the screen. “Dearest shortie - we’re bored and the weather is supposed to be bad,” a pleading look came from Brayden.
Side eyeing the two over the virtual call, "Seriously? It's barely eight am, and I haven't even had a cup of coffee yet!"
"But ducky!" The way that nickname rang out, the one that only got used when one of them really wanted their way. "Please! You know that life is tough, and Tony has really been working with me on my cooking skills," the star forward begged.
With a groan, and cheering from the two players, the quiet agreement happened for the change of plans. What wasn't known was the reasoning behind the sudden change.
Tony sent Brayden to the grocery store down the block with specific instructions for what items he needed for the chicken parmesan. The plan to use Tony's grandma's recipe to impress the girl his friend crushed on had been set into motion.
Brayden had denied every attraction to her, but finally admitted it to Tony one night after a few drinks. Tony then took on being his wingman, his job to be the two's personal cupid.
The three of them had met by accident. She had taken the summer job working as a waitress working the morning/brunch shift. A few of the guys and their friends had met up one warm summer morning. Brandi called out, so her boss switched the schedule up, which meant she now had the morning shift on her day off.
Just around brunch, the group showed up. She had heard through the grapevine that some players were regulars, especially during summer. It didn't bother her that they were basically local celebrities, treating them like any other customer. One of them dared another to buy her a shot or a drink, but got denied as she couldn't drink on the job. "Damn! Can we at least buy you a meal or something?!" It became the running joke anytime they would be there. She dropped her number off on the back of a receipt to them with the deal of letting them buy her a drink after work.
New chat from Ducky: 'I'm at least bringing the dessert since y'all insisted on cooking dinner tonight.' *Tony liked a message; Brayden liked a message.* Mind flooded with the memory of how she earned that nickname.
It wasn't long after the trio started to hang out, when they went out to a local bar. Tony handed her three shots that he dared her to take that after taking that final shot she had a minor coughing fit. "Are you okay?" Tony questioned, concerned he hurt her.
"Yep, yep, yep!" She breathed out.
Brayden laughed out, "Gods, you sound just like Ducky from the Land Before Time series! Sorry loves but you're never living that down."
The two boys started chanting, "Ducky." She just blushed like a mad woman and playfully shoved both guys.
His basket filled with the required items and two bottles of wine, one that matched dinner and the other being a backup for if she didn't like the one picked out.
The two men labored over the dinner, Tony mainly instructing Brayden with the steps, so that he could take the credit for making dinner.
She arrived a few hours later, Brayden, flour smeared across his cheek, answered the door. She brushed pass him, giving him time to collect his jaw from the floor. Her bag carried her movie night clothes, prepared to stay the night if too much alcohol became involved.
A small hum emitted from her in appreciation of a home cooked meal. "I'll admit it boys, you did a great job."
"You should be telling Brayden that, he's the one who did it," Tony comments.
"To Brayden then...for making a delicious meal for us tonight. The Chef of this wonderful meal," she smiled, sending a small wink towards him. Tony excused himself not long after finishing his meal to get the dessert she had brought. This was the time Brayden needs to tell her the way he felt towards her. "I meant what I said Bray, this meal is wonderful. You definitely have learned to cook a bit. Be proud about it."
He smiled, looked at her, trying to gather the right way to tell her his feelings. "Thank you Ducky. I really appreciate that." He chickened out. He did not tell her those harbored feelings. Movie night went on as normal for them.
Groaning, she woke up from the sun in her eyes and the smell of coffee filling her nostrils. She noticed a rhythmic breathing, felt a hum come from under her, and an arm wrapped around her waist.
"Rise and shine buttercups!" Tony called out. "Coffee is brewed and bagels are on the counter." She jumped off of the couch, away from the man under her. He groaned, rubbing his eyes.
"Dude why the early wakeup call?"
"Man we have morning skate in an hour. Better be functioning by then." The notice of two empty bottles of wine on the counter brought back the hazy memory of the night before. Dinner, dessert, wine, movie and popcorn. She must have fallen asleep on Brayden during the movie. Tony shooed him out. "Go get ready." Brayden left the room, leaving the two friends. "You know it is obvious that you like him."
"What? No, I don't like him," she stated. Tony gave her a pointed look. "Okay, okay," she held up her hands. "It's that obvious?" He nodded at her, cracking a half grin. "He won't go for me. He can have any woman he wants. Besides I'm y'all's best friend. He won't want to risk it."
At practice, he told Tony how he chickened out about telling her how he felt. “We were sitting there, all the feelings bubbles up to properly tell her, and I couldn’t say it to her! I felt like a fish with no air, ya know?”
New message from Rigi-Tony: *Just tell him already.* She rolled her eyes. “He’s right boo. You better tell that fine ass man how you feel already. You two look like lovestruck puppies when the other isn’t fully focused,” Jamie admitted to her. She rolled her eyes at the comment. New message from Rigi-Tony: *And by telling him, I mean like tonight.*
Tonight. The big game against the Toronto Maple Leafs. She promised both men she’d attend the playoff game. Late into the first period, anyone tuning into the game watched what happened to the star forward player. Slamming into the boards, his right leg taking the majority of the impact. Her heart jumped to her throat and then plummeted into her stomach. He was seriously injured. Avoiding putting any weight onto that leg, he skated off and down the tunnel. She knew she wouldn’t be able to talk to him until the end of the game, sitting on the edge of her seat until she saw him reappear on the bench, still in loads of pain.
He stuck out the remaining game time after trying a shift on the ice. She rushed from her seat and down to the side entrance into the tunnel as fast as she could get down there. Pounding on the locker room door, Pat opened it up. Without even thinking, she barged past him, planning to apologize later.
Frantically her eyes scanned the room for her favorite Canadian. He was propped up between his locker seat and a make shift footrest. The pain written all over his face, no masking it. Her figure dashed to him, his lips parted in an empty attempt to say anything. Her fingers dance across his face and tangle into his hair, pulling him towards her. Lips colliding, he tasted of mint and salt, she tasted of lemonade and faint vanilla.
Cheering ensued all around them. Shouts of ‘fucking finally!’ and ‘about damn time!” Breaking the kiss, she shoved him, eyes watering. “Don’t do that! God B! You had me worried sick!” He was too stunned to answer her.
“You kissed me…” a barely audible whisper. He repeated himself. A grin broke out across the player’s face. He repeated himself for a second time. She just nodded, pulling him into a light hug, being careful not to hurt him further.
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dellalyra · 1 year
Family Reunions 𓇬 Sanemi Shinazugawa
Request from @cyber-traaash that gave me brainrot.
Sanemi and you take your little family to meet the Shinazugawa’s.
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Sanemi grumbles one night about taking a day trip with the kids. You listen intently, because if Sanemi wants something - he usually just takes it, so this almost shy behaviour is worrying
You lay down beside him and tug his hand to rest on your cheek.
When he says it, finally, it takes lots of effort for you to not burst into tears.
“I thought - I don’t know, ‘s fuckin’ dumb - we could bring the twins to see my family but they’re all fuckin’ dead. Not like they could see ‘em anyway.”
“I think the twins would love to meet their grandma and aunts and uncles. It’s just like when we take them to see their Uncle Genya and our friends - isn’t it?”
You referring to the trips you take monthly to where all your old friends and comrades are buried - the hashira. You tell the twins all the stories you know of them all, Tengen and his gaggle of kids often meet you there and you drag Giyuu too.
Sanemi drinks in your words, silently contemplating before nodding with a clenched jaw.
“We’ll go tomorrow then.”
When you wake up, you make breakfast for you all while Sanemi helps the twins, 4 year old Izumi and Mizuki into their clothes for the day as you pack a picnic.
Sanemi is mostly silent throughout the journey, you can tell he’s on edge, worried. You’ve been with him before, just before you got married when you promised the graves you’d care for Sanemi for his lifetime and after. You’d never brought the kids though.
The walk is warm, and the twins are running around playing as you amble along - the heat from the sun feeling nice on your skin as Sanemi protectively walks with a hand on your lower back.
Sanemi falter a little as you approach the stone with ‘Shinazugawa’ inscribed.
‘Papa! That’s my name too, look! It’s like where Uncle Gena sleeps!’ You smile as Izumi recognises the letters of his name, but can’t quite say Genya just yet. Mizuki is picking some Sakura blossoms of the ground and insisting you put them in her hair.
‘Yeah, kid. That’s our family name.’ Sanemi nods, staring at the stone before him. You figure this is where you take the lead.
‘Babies, C’mere.’ They toddle over to you and sit beside you and their father, as you clutch Sanemi’s hand in yours.
‘So you guys know how your Uncle Genya and all the Hashira were so brave that they made the world safe for all of us and you guys? And because they fought so hard, and defeated the monsters - that they died? So when we go to see Uncle Genya, we leave him gifts to say thank you and we love him? And all mama and papa’s friends?’ You nod, explaining your post to your kids is necessary, but never easy.
‘Yeah! I always share my mochi with Mitsi!’ Izumi beams, he’s getting there with names - slowly but surely.
‘And I brought Obi the stick that looked like a snake!’ Mizuki adds, equally excited. You knew that Obanai would complain that you’d let your kids call him a nickname, but he’d secretly love it.
‘Yeah babies, just like that. So this stone, where you saw your name. This is where all your other Aunties and Uncles and your Grandma are resting. This is where your Papa and Uncle Genya’s family is. Why don’t we say hi?’
You glance to Sanemi who walks towards the stone, kneeling before it.
‘Ma - you remember Y/N, my wife? Sorry it’s been so long but, we’ve been a bit busy. Izumi, Mizuki, c’mere. Ma, Sumi, Teiko, Hiroshi, Koto, Shuya - this is Izumi and Mizuki. My kids.’
‘You had loads of brothers and sisters papa!’ Mizuki adds.
‘I did, yeah.’ He smirks, huffing.
‘Why don’t you guys say hi, hm?’ You say, nudging the kids.
‘Hello Grandma, and aunties and uncles. I’m Izumi and this is my little sister Mizuki -’
‘I’m older than you! By 5 minutes!’ Mizuki adds. You regret telling her that.
‘Yeah but you’re shorter. Like mom. I’m tall like dad and uncle Gena.’
‘Oi, no fighting. See, as I said, been real fuckin’ busy.’ He rolls his eyes and you flick him for swearing in front of the kids.
But you can’t help the giggle that escapes you and the smirk on your husbands face brightens your day.
‘Papa! Did gandma like flowers?’ Mizuki asks, poking her dads cheek.
‘Yeah kid, she kid. Why?’ He says, ruffling her shiny white hair.
‘I’ll pick some for her, and we can put them on the stone for a present for her like mama and you do for Miss Kanae.’ Your heart melts, your baby girl is so sweet sometimes she reminds you a little of Nezuko, who’s now a married woman herself.
Izumi decides to find some cool rocks and pebbles for his aunts and uncles, thinking that maybe if there’s water where they are they could skim them like he loves doing with his papa.
As the two of them wander looking for their respective gifts, never more than 20ft away from you two, you turn to the stone.
‘We will be back sooner this time, we’re sorry it took so long - but the twins are little whirlwinds. We think even though they both have Sanemi’s hair colour, and Mizuki has my eyes - we think Izumi has Genya’s eyes. Izumi is gonna be tall too, like all you Shinazugawa boys. Mizuki is a sweet girl, so brave too.’
‘She’s like you that way, Ma. A bit like me too though, she punched a boy in the village for pulling her hair.’ He added, pride on his face.
‘I wonder which one of you this one will take after?’ You say, looking at the stone but laying your hand and Sanemi’s on your still flat tummy.
He takes a second to think over what you said before spinning around to you, clutching your bumpless belly.
‘Y/N - are you -? Really? You’re pregnant?’ He asks, eyes wide and feral grin back on his face.
‘We’re about to be outnumbered, ‘Nemi.’ You nod as you giggle.
He pulls you in and mashes his lips against yours, holding you close to him.
‘You’re fuckin’ amazin’, ya know that? I’m one lucky bastard. Another baby, holy shit.’ He presses a messy kiss to your belly.
‘I love you, ‘nemi. I can’t wait to bring another Shinazugawa into the fold.’ You say.
‘How’s another grandkid sound, ma?’ He smiles, leaning back and pulling you to sit on his lap, as the twins run over with their gifts for their family, a small bouquet of wildflowers and handfuls of colourful pebbles laid on the stone as 7 faces smile down at the scene.
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fixfoxnox · 2 years
please please please PLEASE tell us more about Jackson!! Since he's close to his grandma, did he pick up knitting from her? They sound like they hung out together a lot.
Paul Jackson HC's Because He:
Absolutely picked up knitting from his grandma!!
He used to hold the yarn for her while they would sit on the porch together. She let him talk to her about his old like while she was knitting
Eventually he asked to learn and she started teaching him
He's, admittedly, not that great at it, but he can make a mean ass pair of gloves
She also taught him embroidery/sewing which he picked up a lot better
I like to imagine that when he and Roach were on their squad together, someone would rip something or get a tear in their clothes and they would immediately bring it to Jackson for fixing
He'd do this big huffing and puffing thing about it and make them give him their desert at dinner for payment, but secretly he liked having something to do with his hands
Roach is the only person to ever call him out on it
Struggles with sudden/loud noises because of the nuke from his first life. Usually has headphones in or earplugs in to help with the noises
Absolutely had a Barrack Bunny phase in his first life. He'd slept with nearly everyone on his squad at one point or another
Didn't in his new life, primarily because the only team member he thought was hot when he first joined was Griggs and, unfortunately, he knew the man was straight
Had his sights on Roach the moment he was put on the team. Like literally was introduced to him and went "Friend shaped :)" and that was that
Notorious for fucking up homophobic members of the squads during training
Like genuinely got to a point where Griggs was literally vetting people coming onto the squad because if he didn't and they said one thing off Jackson would be sending them on leave with an "accidental" broken arm or nose
Never got in trouble for it because none of the other members of the squad were gonna say shit when he was doing it for a good reason
Freaks out anytime he hears Roach call him Paul because, even though its his name, he's gotten so used to just being called Jackson by the man
Jokingly gave Roach his nickname, only meant it as a one time joke when he said it, but he saw the way that Roach's face lit up at the nickname so he kept using it
Terrified of bugs/worms, Roach knows this and used to pick up worms to show him
Anytime there was a bug in the barracks Jackson was on his bed yelling for Roach to get the thing
Literally forgets that he was in the military half of the time, especially now that he's back home
"Yeah this guy was talking about how he was military and about how he used to get sent on solo missions. It didn't sound right to me, but what do I know"
"Jackson...literally of course it didn't sound right you were in the military dipshit that shit would never happen"
"Oh yeah, I was wasn't I"
Sleeper Build. Man looks kinda skinny and lanky, but could probably bench press Ghost.
Used to use it to his advantage and literally sling Roach over his shoulder as a joke.
"Well man, I gotta get to training"
"You gonna bring Sanderson with you"
*literally picks him up and slings him over his shoulder to carry him to training.*
Roach struggled the first few times but eventually just accepted it
He owns his own small gym and works as a personal trainer there now that he isn't in the military. It caters to new people in the gym specifically (but allows anyone in)
His gym has a large population of moms because they all come to some of the classes that he offers cause they think he's hot
He has no idea thats why, he just thinks he's a good teacher
I'm gonna stop for now, but you guys will be getting more Jackson later because HE
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elegantmusicdragon · 2 years
Goat Blocked
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Part 5 of Love, Animals, and The Stolen Goat
Pairing: Dieter Bravo x AnimalHandler!Reader (f!Reader; nicknamed Panda)
Rating: M for now due to *language* and implied spiciness; may become E in the future. Either way, no youngins here please!
He couldn’t believe he’d been cock blocked by a goat. 
Margie was supposed to be his guide, his rock, his energy-entwined snuggle buddy. 
What the actual fuck, Margie?!?
Dieter sighs and then he knocks back his second whiskey neat. Margie scampers up to him and headbutts him, demanding all the love he has to give. He had wanted to give some of that love to you, but stinkin’ cute goats who are attention whores tend to get in the way apparently. 
Dieter wants to get up, find his phone and call you. Bring you back. You’d left in such a hurry, he doubts you even heard him calling out for you to stay as you bent down to say goodbye to Margie. Ugh, he wants more whiskey. Is he having too much whiskey? No, no such thing. Especially in times of sorrow. 
Did Dieter even have your number? He remembers meeting you on the set of Cliff Beasts 6: The Eternal Nightmare of Actors Needing Money (the moniker Dieter made up in his mind STILL made him chuckle...god that movie was a piece of shit, but at least it paid well). But the phone number? Did he ask Bob for it? You definitely didn’t give it to him despite you coming over for the past couple months. That’s what communicating only with an assistant (with the name Alec, yuck) for an a-list actors free time gets you. A lonely heart and NO FUCKING PHONE NUMBER OF A HOT CHICK WHO LOVES ANIMALS. Dieter was just lucky that he had been smitten with both you and Margie from the moment you walked onto that set and into his heart. Easy on the eyes, easy on the heart. 
Speaking of his phone - where the hell is it??
Fucking iPhones, always disappearing. Like menaces in the night. 
Dieter stands and winces at the ache in his legs from where Margie lovingly smashed into them over and over. He flips over the throw pillows on the couch and, finding his phone nowhere in sight, scours the rest of the room in a semi-drunk frenzy. Oof, he had too much whiskey. When did he become such a lightweight? He used to do cocaine for fucks sake. 
Flinging himself back down onto the couch in defeat, he finds Margie sitting on her princess pillow staring at him in intense concentration. 
“Yes, my angel?”
Margie huffs out a sigh. Dieter stares at her, eyes widening in abject horror. 
“Margie-kins, you didn’t eat my phone did you?”
He sighs in relief. 
“Oh thank god. Your mother would have killed me.”
SHIT. YOU. How the fuck was he supposed to get in touch with you? 
Oh, yucky Alec! His assistant. The one who, you know, CONTACTED YOU WEEKLY TO SCHEDULE MARGIE VISITS. Wow, he needs to lay off the whiskey. 
And so, Dieter journeys forth to find his assistant who he apparently finds disgusting (he REALLY has to get back into therapy). He glances at the third filled glass of whiskey (when had he poured that???) decides against grabbing it and leaves. 
He comes back in immediately after for that third glass, he’s not wasting it. It’s a good fucking whiskey. He’ll deal with his possible alcohol addiction in the morning. 
His Panda is more important. 
Part 6: Rocky Road for Two
A/N: It has been a hot minute since I’ve posted. Between having covid and my grandma dying, my depression and anxiety have NOT been great. Life has been really hard but it’s been such a joy to write this series. I know I promised this would be out on Sunday but I just didn’t have the energy to finish writing it and sending it out into the universe. I have so much stuff going on in my personal life and it’s just a lot. But it’s FINALLY here! Two days late but better late than never. Thank you all so much for your patience. I’m so appreciative of the love this series has gotten and your patience as it’s taken me 8 million years to finish this chapter. Hopefully, the subsequent ones don’t take too long. 
PS: I realized during my bout with covid that Part 4 has a section in it where I mention blushing - I will be fixing that! I’m a new writer and unfortunately, I will be making rookie mistakes like that at the beginning of this new journey. But I’m trying to be aware (especially since this fic is a Reader insert) as I write to be inclusive. I want everyone to be able to enjoy, not just a few. 
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