#it's not at all uncommon for me to hear their plans for one or the other's game and/or help pick choices for a dungeon design or the like
regallibellbright · 2 years
Both my brother and father are frequent GMs for the ttrpgers in our social circle. They also each play in the other’s game.
This leads to fun situations like a week or two ago when my brother brought up giant undersea scorpions being a thing that exists in casual conversation.
Dad: That’s coming up in a game.
Bro: (His girlfriend, who plays in Bro’s) already forbade them.
Mom: *laughing* I love that you both went straight there. You and she just knew he’d do that.
Me: Who do you think he learned from? And who plays in his games and therefore KNOWS exactly what he’d do?
Bro is, I believe, the one who suggested to Dad back when we were still kids the phrase “carnivorous crickets,” before realizing he was giving the GM ideas. Horrifying arthropods are in fact part of his GMing style.
So anyway, Dad’s the GM tonight, Bro’s visiting his girlfriend, so I just heard the alarm go off and Dad go “time to go kill some adventurers.”
I told him to have fun.
#family shenanigans#ttrpg#arthropods#insects#carnivorous insects#just feels like something I should tag for#with the virtual campaigns it's very amusing because you can hear one of them say something from one room#and then the other respond not-infrequently#at least if you're on the main level (as one is upstairs and the other downstairs) or if you are me and can hear through floors#... usually not distinctly but I can occasionally make things out if respective doors are still open#walls as a given though I have to wear headphones whenever someone's in therapy#as a total bystander in BOTH games (and any others one or both of them may be running) who relies on them for transport#it's not at all uncommon for me to hear their plans for one or the other's game and/or help pick choices for a dungeon design or the like#(because yes of course my game designer little brother has both a massive homebrew setting and often designs dungeons off his own ideas)#he also does magical items himself he has fun with that#winner has to be the Sack O' Daggers - an unassuming porch containing infinitely respawning magic daggers#(capable of having whatever property you as GM would like added to them by making the sack a sack o' +whatever daggers; magical by default)#you cannot sell them; only one is active at a time; but if you're going to be checked before entering somewhere hey!#You just have an unassuming empty pouch. Totally empty. SURPRISE! Daggers.#(and of course my dad who has been involved in this hobby since the 70s when he was a teenager is pretty experienced as a GM)#the real monster of mythic proportions in the household is actually frogs that nearly wrecked his party in like the 70s/80s#leading them all to ask 'what? do they have vorpal tongues or something?'#the vorpal frogs have come up at least once since with INTENTIONAL death in their eyes#but yeah of course I gleefully enable them both in trying to kill each other's characters this is bonding time for them#and all their friends. Hey there's a third GM in that group don't feel TOO sorry for everyone.
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brainmuncher · 3 months
A mis-text-derstanding
After a long night of patrolling around Amity, Danny damn near collapsed onto his bed. His back ached from a stray ectoblast and his eyes felt heavier than a mountain. Technus had done something to the technology around the town. At random a piece of technology would suddenly go rogue with a virus the ghost implemented. The virus would make the item try to capture anyone in the vicinity using any means necessary. So Danny had been doing regular patrols around town to catch anyone who needed help.
That also means that his sleeping time had been radically reduced. Without even the energy to lift his head, Danny patted around for his phone. Once he finally found the device he hefted himself on his side with a groan. It was a new phone since he was the first casualty in Technus’ plan. Thankfully, Sam had given him another so his parents wouldn’t try to make him one. (Who knows what kind of ‘anti-ghost’ protection they would’ve put on it.)
Tucker had promised that he was working on fixing the virus going around. Hopefully, he had some kind of good news to share. As soon as Danny went to message him he realized he hadn’t downloaded their chat app to the new phone. With a sigh he knew that he would just have to use normal texting but with careful codewords.
Putting in Tucker's number with a yawn, Danny sent the first message.
‘It’s your undead bro. The night out tonight was killer. Any news on the techie progress?’
Danny smashed his face into his bed with a sigh after hitting send. Knowing Tucker he was probably face first in his laptop and won’t notice the message for a bit. He could probably just close his eyes and…
Before he could even consider taking a nap there was a generic jingle from the phone. He should really get to fixing that. Tuck deserves a much better ringtone than some bells.
‘Nothing noteworthy yet. It's harder to crack than normal but nothing I can't handle. Do you need me to take over for tomorrow?’
‘Also why aren't you using our chat?’
Danny squinted at the screen with a slight frown. It had been a while since Sam or Tucker tried to go out in his place. They learned pretty quickly that it made Danny way too anxious to have them out there without him. Something about not being there to protect them if they got over their heads made Danny’s chest ache. 
And of course, Tucker noticed that he wasn’t using the app he made. It was a bit glitchy at times, but what tech wasn’t when it came to Danny? Not only was it secure, but it became an easier way for them to establish a timeline for filing. Jazz had been the one who realized that they didn’t have steady information on not just the rouges but the events of the fights. It became a staple to write out what happened and what went wrong after hearing her lecture about it.
‘Don’t have it on this phone yet. And you know how I feel about you being out there.’
Danny watched the screen for a bit, waiting to see if Tucker would reply immediately again. His mom probably caught him on his computer all day and was forcing him to separate himself from it for a while. It wasn’t an uncommon thing for Ms. Foley to do.
‘Yeah yeah, Mr. Possessive. Do you need me to walk you through how to get it again?’
Snorting at the pun, Danny easily replied. If Tucker was feeling sassy enough to joke about that, then he would push some buttons back. It was a simple banter that they sometimes fell into.
‘You know how I get with technology. I’m more likely to break something. Especially since this phone is so new. Whatever happened to flip phones?’
Danny snickered to himself at the message. Tucker had an ongoing war between new and old technology. While he loved his PDA he also admired some of the top-of-the-line devices. It was like the past and the future mixed in his friend's room. He would gush about the new devices but also gush about the older ones that still had functions that the newer ones lost. But flip phones? That was the only technology he knew that Tucker hated. It was the worst of both worlds for him. He’d been so excited when Danny’s flip phone was bricked by Technus’ virus.
‘I’m going to ignore that you said that.’
‘Also there’s going to be trouble in the park near you tomorrow. I’m already planning on going. Do you want in?’
Scooting up from his lounged position, Danny started to write back his reply.
‘Of course, I’ll be there. Don’t need you to go in alone and join the dead. Unusual for him to leave his plans there though. That’ll be fun to write in the report.’
The image of Jazz reading about that brought a smile to Danny’s face. She always found it interesting when one of the ghosts would change a long-time behavior. The fact that Technus was able to keep this rather on the down low would guarantee her interest. He was always one to blatantly announce his plans to the world to hear. Even though it’s a bit of a pain that he’s learning to keep things to himself it would peak Jazz’s curiosity, which made it bearable.
‘It is weird. And don’t remind me about the report. I still have the one from last week to write and I don’t want to do it.’
That made Danny laugh to himself a little. Last week the lunch lady tried to embrace the Ultra-Recyclo Vegetarian life. In the overflow of food, Tucker had gotten trapped in veggies. He was visibly green from having to eat some to escape. Sam had been excited about it at first before she saw how much food was being wasted. She ended up getting attacked for trying to explain the damage overconsumption and food waste could bring.
‘You looked like you wanted to vomit afterward. Well, at least we are prepared this time. We don’t always get that chance.’
Danny stretched out his stubborn limbs, feeling himself try to sink into the darkness. He’d have to end the conversation sooner rather than later. At this rate, he wouldn’t have a choice on whether he was taking a nap or not. At the familiar sound of bells, he looked back down at the conversation.
‘Unfortunately. Well, I’ll be finished by the time we meet at the park. I know you usually like to sleep after a long night.’
The reply made Danny’s core feel fuzzy with happiness. Tucker always knows him so well. He doesn’t know what he did to get such a fantastic best friend. It was at times like these that Danny knew he was so glad that they were in this together. With two of his best friends at his side, it made being a vigilante so much easier to bear. 
‘Thanks. Remember that not just the dead get to sleep. Don’t push yourself. Goodnight.’
With that, Danny felt comfortable with setting his phone down to get changed into pajamas. It ached on his back to take off his shirt, but Jazz would be disappointed in the morning if he didn’t. She always got that pinched look on her face when he didn’t take care of himself to her standards. Her standards weren’t exactly high up either so it made him feel extra upset when he missed the mark.
Being careful to not lie on his back, Danny got back into his bed. He curled himself into the blankets with a small smile. One last chime of bells rang out in the room, probably from Tucker saying goodnight back. Picking up his phone, he opened up the lock screen and looked at his messages.
Instead of a goodnight, his stomach dropped as he realized a different number messaged him. A very familiar number.
‘Hey dude! I know you had to get a new phone so this is me. Not only did I figure out how it’s spreading, I think I finally found a way to get rid of the virus.’
Practically throwing himself off the bed, Danny got to his feet. Both his back and his mind screamed at him as he looked over the message. He tapped back to the one he’d just been replying to, finding his heart stopping at the string of numbers. One of the area code numbers was a six instead of a nine. He’d been messaging a stranger this entire time.
Looking back at the messages he convinced himself that it was fine. He was vague enough to not be recognized. It wasn’t like this person was from Amity. They won’t recognize the correlation between him and Phantom. Surely the other person wouldn’t take his words at face value. 
Worst comes to worst he can have Tucker take over his phone for a bit and make sure the other person can’t find out who he is. He hadn’t bought the phone or had it under his name in any way, so they could only find out from the conversation alone.
Breathing out a breath of air he kissed his night of sleep goodbye.
‘I’ll be over in a sec Tuck. I think I just made a mistake.’
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candylix · 5 months
one little lie | hyung line (part 1)
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Pairing • FWB!Minho x Fem!Reader x Hyung Line A/N • This is part 1 of the fic! You can see the series masterlist here.
Summary • The boys have one rule in their shared apartment. Don't bring girls over for sex. So when Chan, Hyunjin, and Changbin walk in on Minho fucking the living daylights out of you in the living room, he has to lie to save his own skin. His excuse? That's not a girl under him... you're a sex robot. And now they all want to try you out.
Genre • smut, sci-fi ish? (sex robots are a thing in this world that people know about and use)
WC • 3.6k
Content • reader pretends to be a sex robot, free use, dubcon, piv penetration, clit stimulation, groping, orgasm denial, creampie, unprotected sex
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"You like that?" Minho says, pounding his cock into your pussy over and over until you see stars. You're too fucked out to respond. You're lying naked on top of the coffee table in his apartment, feeling nothing but the cold wood on your back and his throbbing hot shaft inside you. The lewd noises of his dick slipping in and out of your sopping wet cunt fill the room, along with heavy panting and moans that escape your lips. He thrashes against you, hitting your g-spot again and again until you're a twitching mess under him.
You've known him for about a year, through your mutual friend Jisung, but Minho suggested this friends with benefits situation only recently. Normally, you went to your place for sex, knowing the rules his roommates had about bringing people over for it. He told you about a one night stand gone extremely wrong, so it made sense why they would ban it altogether. But, you found out, Minho liked a little bit of danger, so he brought you over when all the guys would be away.
His pace is uncoordinated and relentless, but your mind is too clouded to care. You just want to feel him go deeper and faster against your sweet spot. You moan his name, and his bucking gets stronger until he's almost ramming his entire body into you. You can feel your orgasm coming, and your walls clench around his cock as he keeps slamming into you.
And then you hear the door unlock. You both freeze. His dick is fully inside you, frantically throbbing and twitching, but the man it belongs to is still as a statue. He looks you in the eyes, and mouths the words 'stay still'.
Three men you don't know walk in, chatting amongst themselves, until they see your naked body on their table and Minho with his pants down on the other side.
"Minho, what the fuck," one of them says, and slams the door shut. He's shorter than the others, but way more muscular, and you think you recognize him from the photos Minho showed you of his roommates. You think that must be Changbin.
"Guys, it's not what it looks like," Minho says.
He quickly pulls out of you, and you resist the moan that threatens to escape. He scrambles to pull up his pants and look presentable. You can't say the same for yourself. You're entirely exposed in front of these four men, and now that your only heat source has left, you're very cold as well.
"Ok, well, it looks like you brought a girl home and were fucking her on the table," another man responds. He has long hair and a pretty face, and you assume that must be Hyunjin. Minho didn't let you look at his pictures for very long, for fear that you'd swoon over him instead of Minho (not that he'd admit that, of course).
"N-no," he stammers, "let me explain." Changbin folds his arms, but they let him continue. "This is actually... a sex robot. Yeah."
A sex robot. That's why he wanted you to stay still. He wanted you to pretend to be a sex robot.
It's not like sex robots don't exist, or are even uncommon. In fact, you saw a viral tweet about a guy who 'married' a sex robot just the other day. The technology is getting better and better every year, so it's certainly plausible.
That didn't mean you thought this was a good plan, though.
The third guy, who you assumed was Chan, cocked an eyebrow.
"You bought a sex robot?" he asked, and walked over to inspect you. You kept your eyes straight ahead, and tried to control your breathing.
"No, uh, I'm just borrowing her. From a friend. I have to return her later," Minho says. He's clearly flustered in his lie, but he plays it off as embarrassment for being caught in the act.
The other two walk over to inspect you as well, and you do your best to lie still and emotionless. Your heart feels like it's beating out of your chest.
"What friend? What kind of person would let you just... borrow a sex robot?" Changbin asks.
"Jisung," Minho answers, and they look oddly satisfied with that answer.
"That makes sense," Changbin says, and you wonder what kind of relationship they have with Jisung that makes this believable. You've known him for a long time, and he's a normal guy. What has he done to make them think that?
You can't wonder for long, because Hyunjin grabs your boob and pulls on the flesh. You almost yelp in surprise, but you bite your tongue to stop yourself.
"It's surprisingly realistic for a sex doll," he says, and gropes your breast some more, admiring how 'real' you felt.
"Ew, don't touch that," Chan says. He smacks Hyunjin's hand away from your chest. "Minho was just fucking it, you don't know where that's been."
Hyunjin quickly yanks his hand back to his own body and wipes his hand on his pants.
"She's a sex robot, not a sex doll," Minho corrects, "I have some class."
Hyunjin rolls his eyes. You're not looking at anyone directly, but from the corner of your eye you can see Changbin scanning your body, exploring every inch of you by sight alone.
You tried not to think about how exposed you were to these men, who talked about you and touched you and looked at you like an object. Minho managed to get out of trouble, but now you had to lie here and just take all this to protect him. You don't know why you did. By all means, you should've gotten up, put your clothes back on, and left Minho forever. That's the normal thing to do.
But as they talk about the sex robot in their room, Minho gives your thigh a reassuring squeeze and his guilty expression bores into your soul. His pleading eyes say sorry in a thousand unspoken words, and you resign yourself back to lying there and being pretty.
"Well," Minho says, patting your thigh, "I should probably bring her back to Jisung now. I'm sure he misses her dearly."
At least it would be over soon. It was smart to bring up Jisung; now he has an excuse why you can't stay here. Good thinking, Minho.
"Wait," Changbin says. All eyes go to him, and he coughs awkwardly before finishing his sentence. "I've never seen a sex robot this realistic."
Your heart almost stops. You were almost home free, and he managed to figure it out. It would be super embarrassing if you had to just get up and leave after all this.
Changbin scratches the back of his head, and looks away from the boys.
"Jisung can just pick her up later, right? She looks... really real."
The other two men look back at you, and their eyes look over every curve of your body.
"What are you trying to say..." Minho gulps, and you dread the words that come next.
"Don't make me say it, man."
"You want to use Jisung's sex robot?" Chan says in shock.
"I kind of want to try it out too," Hyunjin says, sheepishly.
Chan's face turns bright red, and he looks back and forth between the two of them.
"Are you guys serious!?"
"Come on Chan, what's the harm," Changbin says, slightly more confident now that he knows he's not the only one that wants to take you for a spin. "When life presents you with an opportunity, you take it."
"When life gives you a sex robot, you fuck it," Hyunjin adds.
Minho is unforgivably silent. He's sweating bullets, racking his brain for some sort of solution to get you out of there. Under normal circumstances, he'd be able to solve any problem on the fly. But these are not normal circumstances, and he appears to be short-circuiting.
"You guys are crazy," Chan says, but his eyes travel down your body to the sticky mess that is your pussy. "You should, uh, clean her up before we- THEY use her."
Hyunjin laughs at his slip of the tongue.
"Yeah, I'll go do that now," Minho says, desperate to end this conversation.
He lifts you up off the table, and your back is stiff from lying flat on it for way too long. Fortunately, it helps sell the robot look. With one hand under your arm, he pretends to hold you up, and he walks you over to the bathroom.
Changbin whistles in amazement.
"Wow, it can kind of walk. Technology is amazing."
You enter the bathroom, and Minho sets you down on the closed toilet seat. He quickly shuts the door and locks it. He turns around and leans his back on the door, out of breath from nerves.
"What the hell was that!?" you whisper-yell. You had every right to be angry in this moment.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know what to do!"
"You could've just told them the truth! A sex robot!?"
"I know. That was the only thing I could think of. But I can fix this. I'll call Jisung and tell him what happened, and he'll come pick you up."
"No. You can't tell him any of this."
"I have to. I can't risk him saying something like 'Hi, I'm here to pick up my friend that I've known for years and is definitely a real person and not a robot.' I have to tell him."
"Fine," you say, and your heartbeat finally calms down. Minho can stall in here until Jisung arrives. Everything is going to be alright.
Minho takes out his phone to call Jisung. The phone rings... and rings... and rings... and you finally hear a voice on the other end.
"Jisung, I really need your help-"
"I'm really busy right now, probably hanging out with some babes at the beach. Leave a message at the tone and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Or not, who knows."
A long beep plays out over the speaker.
Of course it went to voicemail. It's a weekday. He's at work, like a normal person on a Wednesday afternoon.
"Jisung, call me back ASAP. It's an emergency," Minho says, and hangs up the phone.
"Why did he have to be a functioning member of society today," you complain.
"Do you know when he gets off work?"
"Around 5, I think."
Minho looks at his phone clock.
"It's 1:07."
"God damn it," you whisper, and bury your face in your hands.
"Look at the bright side," he says, and you turn your head to squint your eyes at him. "You came here to get fucked, right?"
You don't say anything, hoping the silence and the irritation on your face spoke for you.
It clearly didn't, because he continues.
"Even I can tell they're good looking guys. Well, they're not me, but still good looking."
"Minho, I came here to be fucked by you. I know who you are, it's different."
He gets down on his knees and begs.
"Please please please do this for me. I'll literally do anything. I'll fuck you whenever and however you want for the rest of your life."
"That's all?"
He hesitates, searching for an answer that will convince you to get fucked by his roommates. There's not a lot that would convince anyone, but thankfully, this time he has an answer.
"I'll pay your rent this month."
"You'll pay my rent this year."
"I don't think I make enough for that..." You tsk at him, and he gives you a better answer. "What about every other month for a year?"
You shake hands.
Finally done talking, he cleans you up with a wet towel. You stand up, take a deep breath, and when you're ready, Minho opens the door and pretends to walk you back to the living room.
"That took a while," Hyunjin said.
"Yeah, I had to, uh, refill the liquid."
"The what?" Chan asks.
"She's self lubricating and has the ability to orgasm, but I used up all the liquid when I was... you know. So she had to be refilled." It's funny how quick he thought of that lie, but he couldn't think of something earlier to get you out of this mess. And by funny, you mean not funny at all.
"Whoa," Changbin says, "what other functionality does she have?"
Minho doesn't miss a beat. "She has realistic moans. You've got to hit her sweet spots to hear them, though."
"She's got a speaker?" Chan asks. He's starting to get interested in the idea of fucking a sex robot, much to your dismay. "Can she say other stuff? Like..." he pauses, flustered at what he wants to say next. "Can she say your name?"
"Yup! She has this really cool recognition software." You want to elbow him in the ribs. He has too much free reign with your 'features', and he makes it worse the more he talks.
"So what you do is, insert your dick in her and say your name. She'll recognize your unique dick patterns and remember the name you set. Any time you use her in the future, she'll know it's you."
What the hell is he talking about.
He's clearly having fun with this. Hopefully, that's all you can do.
"That's... actually really cool," Chan admits.
"Ok, I need to try that out. What else can she do?" Hyunjin asks excitedly.
"Oh, she can-" Minho starts, but you kick the back of his foot to stop him from saying anything else. "Actually, I'll let you find out for yourself. All the stuff she has is very realistic."
"I call dibs," Changbin says. Hyunjin whines, but Changbin is already lifting your body, throwing you over his shoulder to take you to his room. He drops you on his bed, and you do your best to stiffen your body against the impact, but you bounce on his springy mattress. His eyes are glued to your chest as your back hits the bed, and watches as your boobs bounce a second time.
He spreads open your legs, and you realize this is really happening. You're going to get fucked by multiple men who think you're an advanced fleshlight. Just the thought of that makes your core pulse, but you don't know why. His fingers trace a line down your pussy from top to bottom, and you shiver under his touch. "He said you're self lubricating, but you're not wet yet..." he starts, before realizing what else Minho told him. "Oh right, you're supposed to be realistic. Maybe this will do the trick."
He draws rough circles around your clit, and your eyes flutter closed at the feeling. After everything that happened, you forgot you were seconds away from an orgasm. Your body is still hungry for someones touch, and it doesn't care who gives it to you.
The more he rubs, the deeper the feeling in your core gets. It doesn't take long for you to start rocking against his hand, and he admires how your body reacts to him. He's already getting hard just watching you writhing under his fingers. "I can't believe I get this pretty thing all to myself," he says, and those words only strengthen the orgasm starting to build. His fingers slide more easily around your clit, and he realizes you're wet enough to stop.
You whimper at the loss of contact when he takes his hand away. He pulls down his pants, then his boxers, and he can finally start using you the way he intended. He drags his fingers down your sensitive core, collecting your juices. He rubs it over his cock, pumping it a few times, and you can feel him stretching you open with his fingers.
"Let's test out this name recognition thing," he says, and you feel his dick prodding at your entrance.
He slides it in, and you're overwhelmed by how thick he is. He puts it in slowly, and you can feel him stretch you out. Your walls clench around his girth, and he fills you up inch by inch as he pushes deeper inside. You can't help but moan as he reaches the end, his tip pressing against a sensitive spot when he bottoms you out.
"Changbin," he says, and it takes a moment for you to remember what he's doing. "Changbin," you repeat, slightly moaning his name. His dick throbs inside you, increasing the pressure against your walls. "Oh, fuck. That's hot." He pulls most of his cock out of you, and you feel it drag along your walls. He pushes it back in, slightly faster. He pumps in and out of you, and the bed creaks as he pushes his way back in. You're tight around his massive girth, and with each roll of his hips he stretches you out more.
He rocks into you with a steady rhythm, feeling every inch of you around him. They way he can barely fit inside you turns him on more. Your wet cunt wraps around his dick perfectly, and the slight pressure makes him groan as he feels his orgasm building. His rocking gets slightly more frenzied when you moan his name, and each time he buries his cock in you, it hits you with more force.
He speeds up his pace, and he can't control the rhythm anymore. He's panting over you, holding on to your waist while his cock pounds into you over and over. His can feel his climax coming, and he bucks into you harder to chase the feeling. Every time he slams into your g-spot, you moan his name louder, and his head rolls back as each moan takes him closer to the edge. The pleasure takes over your mind completely, and you don't care that you're shouting his name every time his massive dick rams itself deep inside you. He hits your sensitive spot one last time, and you moan loudly as you gush around his cock. You spasm under him as your orgasm washes over you, and your erratic movements are what finishes him off. He gasps, and hot liquid spurts out inside you. He slows down his rocking, and you lay in exhaustion as he rides out his high. When he finally pulls out, his semen drips out of you, overflowing down your pussy and onto his bed.
He collapses onto the bed next to you, and you hear his ragged breaths in your ear as his heartbeat slows down. You come back to reality, realizing what just happened. A part of you can't believe you let this happen, let a stranger fuck you until you came all over him, all because you covered for Minho.
The other part of you can't believe how thick Changbin was, and how good he felt when he was inside you. You almost want to beg him for more, beg him to fuck you again and again until you can't move the next day, but you can't. You're a sex robot, and you can't break the illusion. You wish you met him under different circumstances. "Fuck... I need to steal this thing from Jisung," he says, finally catching his breath. That's an idea. If Minho brings you back here, Changbin can use you as much as he likes. Suddenly, your rationality comes back. You can't seriously be thinking of doing this again, right?
When Changbin is finally able to stand, he leaves you dripping on his bed and goes to the door. "Hey Minho?" he yells, loud enough for the guys to hear it in any room of the apartment. "You might want to come refill her." He leave you in the room by yourself, and a moment later Minho comes in. Seeing you splayed out on another mans bed with his cum leaking out of you... it does something to him. He resists the urge to rub his crotch, fearing it might make his growing erection more visible. Changbin comes back with a wet towel, ready to wipe you down, but Minho gets to him first. "I'll take care of that, don't worry," he says, and grabs the towel from Changbin's hands. "You sure? I can just do it myself." "She has specific care instructions. And I have to check how much fluid she has left anyway. I got it." Changbin shrugs, and watches as Minho lifts you up and walks you back to the bathroom. You take your seat back on the closed toilet, and Minho locks the door again. You're still breathing heavily after that interaction. "You ok?" he asks. You're not sure how to say yes, it was amazing and I hope he does it again without embarrassing yourself. "I'm good," is what you finally settle on. "I'm just-" you start, but Minho brings the cold towel to your core, and you twitch at the sudden contact. "Still sensitive?" he asks, and you nod. "I'll let Hyunjin know to be gentle with you." "Is he next?" "Yeah, he wouldn't stop grumbling about how it wasn't fair that Changbin got to go first." He wipes Changbin's fluids off you, pressing the towel softly against your body so you're not overstimulated.
"I'll give you a more thorough wash when Jisung picks you up." Your eyes light up at Jisungs name. "Did he call back?" "Yup. And he found the whole situation extremely funny." You groan. You're never going to live this down. "But he'll come as soon as he can," Minho continues, and you breathe a sigh of relief. A knock on the door makes you jump. "Are you done in there?" you hear a voice ask, and Minho's eye twitches. "Give me a sec, Hyunjin. Just wait in your room." When you hear his footsteps getting farther away, Minho's face relaxes. "Guess you better get going before Mr. Impatient has an aneurysm."
read part 2 here!
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imagineshere-forall · 7 months
- staying with mom ✰ e. diaz
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Summary: the first time Christoper calls you mom 
Genre: mostly fluff but smidge of angst/tension
warnings: none
Pairing: eddie diaz x fem!reader
word count: 1.3k
Notes: hi hi i tried to use american terms like mall and mom, but i am not american and i say mum, so if you notice any slip ups pls let me know and i will change it. I feel like it would be weird to picture chris saying mum in an american accent so i tried to only used mom   Also i have started watched the walking dead and am obsessed so pls feel free to request some fics for the walking dead (i’m halfway through s7)
When you and Eddie started dating, you waited quite a while before meeting Chris as you wanted to be sure in your relationship so as not to unsettle Chris. After about 8 months, you were pretty sure Eddie was it for you, and you eventually met Chris. Within 6 months of meeting Christopher you had pretty much moved in with the boys, and when the lease on your apartment was up for renewal Chris was the one who suggested you move in. That was over a year ago and since then the three of you had been living life as a happy little family. 
Today, you had a day off from work but Eddie did not, so you had decided to take Chris out for the day. For weeks, Chris had been saying his shoes were starting to get tight so you had decided you would take him to buy some new shoes and buy him a couple extra treats. It wasn’t often you and Eddie weren’t both at work at the same time, even if you didn’t have the same shift, you often overlapped so Chris would spend time with Carla.
Eddie was at work before you even woke up, so you and Chris had a slow morning before heading to the mall. The car journey was filled with music and laughs, you loved spending time with Chris and you guys always had an amazing time. 
Once you got to the mall you found yourself chasing Christoper, the shoe shop was all the way on the other side of the mall so you had decided to do fun shopping first. The first stop was at the ice cream parlor, and then the two of you made your way quickly over to the lego shop. You both bought a lego set, as you planned to watch a movie and build lego together in the afternoon. Once the pair of you had gone to all the shops you wanted to, you slowly walked back to the car, trying to agree on a movie to watch while you were building your legos. 
You were nearly at the car, when the ground started to rumble. Small tremors weren;t uncommon living in LA, but this was not that. The slight rumble turned to full blown shaking and the lights in the parking garage started to come loose and smash to the floor. You quickly dropped your bags and grabbed Christopher and headed for the car, it might not have been the smartest idea but in your panic it seemed like the safest option if the garage was to crumble. 
Somehow, you managed to get to the car in record time as you were opening the door, you noticed a piece of debris falling and you quickly pushed Chris into the car. Within seconds of you getting Chris safely into the car, the debris had come down, knocking you down in the process. You hit your head on the concrete and briefly lost consciousness, but you quickly came around to the sounds of Chris’s cries. 
“I’m here Chris, I’m okay,” you mumbled as you tried to wriggle free. Although, your right leg was trapped under the piece of the parking garage that had knocked you to the floor.
Not long after you regained consciousness, sirens were all you could hear and it became nearly impossible to keep your eyes open, and you were soon consumed by the darkness.
“Cap, get Eddie over here!” You heard being yelled from close by. Squinting at the bright light you started to blink your eyes back open and were met with Buck’s face looking down at you. 
“Chris, is Chris okay?” you forced out, your throat was hoarse and felt as though you had woken from a deep sleep. You could feel yourself being rolled onto a stretcher, presumably to move you to an ambulance, or at least a safer area. 
“Chris was with you?” Buck panicked. 
“I think I got him in the car,” you coughed, “Check him first.”
A couple minutes later you heard a car door be forced open, and then Buck’s shouts. 
“Chris!” Eddie’s shouts were so loud. He had arrived onto the scene and saw Buck carrying Chris over some rubble away from the car. You turned your head slowly and saw Eddie embrace his son tightly. 
“Where’s Y/N?” Eddie suddenly asked. The panic in his voice was palpable.
“Over here,” You heard Buck’s voice get louder as he led Eddie to you. Eddie placed Chris down next to your stretcher and cradled your face.
“Baby, are you okay?” he questioned, whilst scanning your body for any obvious injuries. 
“My leg got crushed but I’m fine. How is Chris? Is Chris okay?” you spoke so fast. 
“I’m fine,” you heard Chris speak. You could have cried with relief upon hearing his voice. You had seen Eddie carry him, but hearing him speak and confirming he was okay made you so happy.
“Now, let get you taken to hospital, Buck can you take Chris to Athena and get her to call Carla please,” Eddie said as he began to wheel you out of the area. You saw Buck begin to usher Chris towards Athena who you could see a while away directing people. 
You and Eddie both stopped and looked at Chris who was avoiding Buck and walking towards the two of you. 
“Chris, bud, y/n is okay. Your dad is just making sure she gets her leg checked out,” Buck tried to convince Chris.
“No,” Chris shook off Buck’s arms and carried on walking in your direction. Eddie sighed, letting go of your stretcher and turning to Chris before squatting down to his level while holding onto him. 
“Chris, I need to take y/n to get checked out. Can you please go with Buck?” Eddie begged.
“No.” Chris was being stubborn. 
“Chris please,” Eddie was starting to get desperate.
“I want to stay with mom.” Chris yelled. 
You, Buck and Eddie all went still. Suddenly, the atmosphere had changed. Chris had never called you mom before. The three of you all looked at each other in shock unsure what to say or do next.
“Come here Chris,” you beckoned the boy, before helping him to sit on one side of the stretcher after you had collapsed the arms, “You can stay with me.”
Eddie was still looking at you in shock, starting to feel love swell in his chest. The idea that Chris saw you as a mother figure made him so happy. 
“Chris, it looks like your dad is frozen,” you laughed whilst looping one of your arms around the boy. You had managed to get him in a place where he wasn’t near your leg which was causing excruciating pain. 
This brought Eddie out of his shock and he walked over to the two of you.
“I love you both so much,” he breathed as he leant to kiss both of your foreheads, “Let’s go get mom all checked out.” 
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unitedhamilton · 3 months
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Summary: flowers in the trash are the result of hurt.
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: this is my first fic I’ve published and written so go easy on me!! There will be a part 2.
Everyone said the honeymoon phase wouldn’t last. You ignored them, too wrapped up in the love shown by Lewis. He was a man who knew how to race, but also how to love. From the start of your relationship to now, your heart knew nothing but love. A hand on your waist, pinky fingers interlocked, or legs intertwined on the sofa, Lewis was always touching you. He was all-consuming. It was everything you could have asked for.
A long holiday in Las Vegas was the perfect rejuvenation for you and Lewis after a busy season. Hours spent together with no distractions but each other. One night, he surprised you with a beautiful bouquet of roses, carnations, and orchids. You made sure to display them proudly on the little desk in your hotel suite.
Your vacation came to an end and you found yourself back home in Colorado. Although a short flight, it was still an exhausting experience.
You dropped your luggage by the front door, Lewis doing the same. Lewis got close and said, “Go on up to bed. I’ll be up in a minute,” not waiting for an answer before kissing your cheek and heading into the kitchen to check the state of the house.
You looked at the suitcases on the floor, shrugged, went to bed, and fell asleep before he came up.
Waking up, Lewis was gone with no text or note left on the kitchen counter. You didn’t see Roscoe puttering around the house so you figured Lewis went to get him. Early afternoon, you got a text from Lewis saying that he was “getting back on track with work” and wasn’t sure when he was going to be home. Your text back went unanswered.
Thus, you spent the day getting your life back in order. You dragged your (and Lewis’) suitcase to the laundry room where you sorted through days of laundry. You started a load and began meal prepping for the week. The flower bouquet that you carefully wrapped in tissues to dry out, sat in the middle of the kitchen island as you pulled out pots and pans from the sleek kitchen drawers.
While in the middle of putting broccoli in Tupperware containers, the doorbell rang. Opening the door you were pounced on by a panting Roscoe. Expecting Lewis at the end of the leash you were surprised to see your sitter, Ally, grinning at you. After a quick conversation, you closed the front door after thanking Ally and unhooking Roscoe’s collar so he could run freely.
You texted Lewis a brief, “Roscoe is home,” because you weren’t sure if he knew that was on the plan for today.
When Lewis texted you that he’d be seeing to things, you didn’t think you’d be going to bed alone. This wasn’t uncommon as Lewis was a man that was dedicated to his work. However, his late endeavors were usually accompanied by numerous texts, calls, and apologies for not being home to go to bed together.
You woke up alone again. No note. No car. No Roscoe. Instead of a text this time, you got a phone call.
Before you could say hello, Lewis said “I have Roscoe and we’ll be home later.”
Then he disconnected. You had to look at your phone to make sure he just hung up on you. To say you were ready to throw a fit was an understatement.
You grabbed the flowers that were drying on the kitchen counter and threw them in the trash. The lid echoed as you stomped up the steps to get ready for the day. If Lewis was going to leave you to your own devices then you’d be productive.
So, you put on the cutest farmers market outfit you could find, grabbed your tote bag, and left the house. Spite was coursing through your veins holding you back from letting Lewis know you were leaving the house. You debated turning off Find My Friends, but you were irritated, not stupid.
Lewis twisted the key, hearing the lock click, and he pushed open the door with a panting Roscoe scurrying through the small gap. He could only see the light shining from the kitchen, everything else was dark in the house.
Toeing off his shoes, Lewis makes his way into the kitchen stopping by the staircase to look up to the bedroom. He can see the light from your shared office. Some tension released from his shoulders knowing that you were home.
In the kitchen, he immediately notices the dried flowers are missing. While only being home for minutes at a time the last few days, he never missed a glance at the flowers.
Lewis looked around the kitchen to see if you hung the flowers or put them someplace else. With no luck, he opens the garbage bin and sees the flowers. Something you spent so much time trying to preserve from Las Vegas to New York was found in the garbage bin.
He closed the lid and flicked off the kitchen light. Upstairs he went, giving a pat to Roscoe who was resting on his bed after a busy day.
Lewis climbs up the steps, ringed fingers gliding against the railing. He moved to the office door and quietly turned the handle. You had headphones on so you weren’t aware of his presence. Your blue pajama shorts weren’t accompanied by a usual shirt stolen from his closet. And that was when Lewis knew that you, who could shine brighter than the sun, had shut out the light.
You swiveled in your chair, catching sight of Lewis, your body doing a slight jerk then your hand coming up and pulling off your headphones.
“Hi,” you said.
“Hey honey.”
You turned back to your computer, hand on mouse still clicking at whatever was on the screen. Lewis couldn’t see and didn’t care to be honest.
“I went to the farmers market today,” you told the computer screen. “The fruit and veggies you usually get are in the fridge.”
Lewis didn’t respond. Instead, he sat on the couch tucked into the corner of the room and watched you.
“What are you doing on the computer?” Lewis asked.
“Stuff,” you answered. “Is there something you need, Lewis?”
Lewis didn’t answer.
He didn’t respond because he knew he fucked up. He didn’t know how to fix it. He always had an answer, but not this time.
“Honey—“ he started but you quickly pushed the desk chair back and stood up.
“I forgot to give Roscoe water. I have to go do that.”
Then you were out the office door and didn’t even spare him a glance as you slammed the door behind you.
Lewis stared at the throw blanket on the couch. He moved to follow you down to the kitchen, but he heard you stomping back up the steps.
That’s when Lewis moved. He opened the office door and followed you into the bedroom.
“Bab—“ he started but you didn’t even let him finish.
“Roscoe has water and I filled his dry food bowl,” you said without looking at him, heading towards the en suite.
“Can you listen and look at me for a minute!” Lewis snapped back, stopping you dead in your tracks.
You locked eyes and there it was. Or actually, there it wasn’t. There was nothing there.
He needed to fix this. Now. “I’ve been an asshole the last few days. I have a lot on my mind but what I did wasn’t cool.”
“It’s fine Lewis,” you replied immediately. You went back to the bathroom and began washing your hands.
“I should have communicated with you more,” he said to you.
“Don’t worry about it. All good.”
He made a move to get closer to you when suddenly you slapped your hands on the counter, whirled towards him, lifting a finger and pointing at him.
“Don’t come near me” you snapped. “You don’t get a right to come in here after two fucking days of not speaking to me. We had a fantastic time in Vegas and then we came home and you turned into a different person. You may be dealing with shit but I’m your fucking partner. We deal together,” you jabbed a finger towards his chest, “and don’t you try to show up and think you can fix your mistakes with a few words Lewis. You hurt me and my feelings. I’m going for a drive and don’t follow me.”
Then you turned and walked out the bedroom door slamming it behind you.
Lewis stared at the space where he last saw you and did it until the burn in his throat and heart faded.
He didn’t have to look at the clock to know this took a while.
Then he opened the bedroom door and made his way back downstairs where this all started.
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mianexil · 4 months
◇ Things that make his heart melt ◇
◇ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ◇ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ◇
⭕️ Warning: Spoilers ⭕️
💫 [ It wasn't in my plans before, but I really want to comfort these boys ]
💫 [ Cuties, I see your requests and don't forget about them. I'm going through a little stressful period right now, so it may take a little longer than I wanted, but I'm already working on it ]
◇ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ◇ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ◇
ㅡ Suo, Sakura, Umemiya
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Sincere care for him
Everyone knows that Suo is strong in every sense. He is also smart, restrained, independent and confident.
It is not uncommon for people to admit such thoughts in his direction as 《 He is strong/smart/hardy, he will cope 》, waving away unnecessary worries.
But not you. You've never neglected it and it came from the heart. You knew that Suo was far from weak and admitted it, but it never affected the level of your concern for him. Yes, he is, but this does not mean that you can take less care of him, referring to the fact that he can do it himself.
Strong people can take care of the difficulties outside and also take care of themselves. But if they can, it doesn't mean that it's easy for them.
You always paid attention to his comfort in one situation or another, did some small and inconspicuous things that actually made a big difference.
Starting from the way you imperceptibly put a cooling compress in his furin jacket pocket before patrolling on a hot day or a a small pocket warmer in winter, and ending with silent hugs at the right moment to maintain peace in his soul.
It wasn't just a superficial concern, it was about his feelings.
At first, he somehow automatically shielded himself from it, it was his defense mechanism. He didn't want to admit that he needed it in any way, he didn't want you to think that he had at least some weaknesses to know the truth.
However, time and your perseverance have done their job. Over time, Suo began to accept your truly deep concern, letting it into his heart and passing through it.
And believe me, it made his heart blossom.
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Listening and hearing
Sakura, as a person who has spent his whole life alone, is not used to conducting dialogues and generally having any long-term relationships with people.
That's why, when he first caught himself telling you about some hobby of his with a desire, and at that time you were really listening attentively to him, he felt this terribly strong and strange feeling in his chest.
Of course, at the same moment he fell into a stupor, and then he got angry because he was confused. You still don't understand why he abruptly stopped talking, flushed red in annoyance, and then abruptly said goodbye and ran away.
Poor boy, for him, these feelings seem especially strong. Because it was the first time for him.
You knew it was very difficult for Sakura to open up to people. That's why, when he started sharing his thoughts with you or telling you something, you immediately put all the worries in your head aside and focused on Sakura.
You wanted him to feel heard so that he would understand that you want to hear and listen to him
And it was at such moments that the young man's heart seemed to melt like ice under the warm rays of the spring sun.
God, you really make this boy happy.
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Special intimate moments between you
When you are alone, he's lying on your lap, and you're stroking his head.
It is this moment that permeates Hajime's heart and soul with sparkling threads that touch his most sensitive and vulnerable points.
At this moment, he feels as if he is transported back to childhood, when he was still a carefree, happy, beloved little boy, surrounded by family love and a sense of childish lightness.
Once he had lost this happiness, these incredible sensations, but now he had found them again. In a different form, but the same happiness.
He is lying on your lap, and your fingers are tangled in his white hair while you stroke him and at this moment Umemiya feels this warmth again, he is sincerely loved again, he is again childishly carefree and happy, he is home again.
◇ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ◇ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ◇
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blarshwritezz · 5 months
Yandere jock x male reader forced boyfriend. Jock forced you to be his boyfriend and tried everything he could to have sex with you, you refused, leaving him needy and horny. So he drugs the food with aphrodisiac when he gives you a snack
Yandere Jock x Reader
M yan x M reader
TW - general yandere behavior, NSFW, drugging, dubcon, semi-public sex
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You had to be the unluckiest guy in the world. Things were supposed to be fine. Your plan was to just fly under the radar until graduation, and you almost made it.
Until he came along.
People envied you, getting to date the hot, popular jock despite not being not very popular yourself. But none of them realize how hellish it is! You never even liked him in the first place! The only reason you two were dating was because of some stupid blackmail he had.
The two of you couldn't even have one conversation without him practically begging to fuck you. But there was no way you'd ever let him! You'd rather let him spill your secrets!
Other than that (and the jealousy issues, and the possessiveness, and the threats, and everything else awful about him) he was sometimes kind of nice. It wasn't uncommon for him to bring you snacks or drinks.
So one morning when he came to you with a bottle of water a granola bar, you didn't think much of it. You didn't have breakfast that day anyway.
But you quickly realized something was wrong. Very wrong.
The whole morning after eating that stupid little granola bar your mind has been fuzzy, your body needy. The only thing you could seem to think of was how much your cock needed attention.
You couldn't even make it to lunch. While everyone else enjoyed their break and ate the world's worst food, you were hiding in a bathroom stall jerking off. It was pathetic. One hand covered your mouth as the other desperately fisted your cock.
You didn't even stop when you heard someone coming in. You just bit your hand and tried harder to hold back your pathetic moans.
Until you heard his voice.
"I know you're in there, darling. Let me in so I can help you out."
How did he know?! This finally made you stop your actions, pre-cum making your hand sticky.
"If you don't let me in, I'll just crawl under the stall door. I'm not afraid to get a little dirty. I've waited too damn long for you to finally be ready for me."
He pounded on the door, making it rattle. What were you supposed to do? You didn't want him...but you probably needed some help with this, and if he's going to come in anyway, you might as well not struggle too much...
Barely pulling your pants back up, you shakily unlocked and opened the stall door. He barged in and closed the door again, making sure to lock it. He didn't waste a second in connecting his lips with yours harshly as he pushed you against the cold wall and pulled your pants down, making sure they dropped to your ankles.
"Look who's needy now..." He lowered his own pants just enough for his erection to spring free, and it was larger than you had anticipated. As if the world would end if he didn't penetrate you fast enough, he turned you around so your back was facing him and forced his way into your ass.
He let out a loud moan as your warmth enveloped him. "Now you listen here. Don't you dare let me miss out on hearing your moans, got it? Be loud. I want everyone to know who you belong to."
With that, he thrust into you at a brutal pace. One of his hands found its way around your body to hold you by the neck, just tight enough so you could really feel it without choking.
His free hand caressed your ass cheeks gently, then slapped them hard enough to leave a mark. Even if it weren't for him demanding you not muffle yourself, you weren't sure if you could. It was impossible not to moan and scream with pleasure and he caressed and used your sensitive body.
If you could think straight, you'd be more concerned about all the noise. Surely anyone would hear if they simply walked past. But it was impossible to think of anything except how his cock was rearranging your guts.
"Fuck, you look so damn good like this...! You have no clue how long I've been waiting for this moment..." He leaned in and gently nibbled your earlobe, moving down to bite and kiss your shoulders.
His hand, previously on your ass, moved around to your twitching cock. He fisted you, his pace very slow compared to the intense and desperate way he was demolishing your hole.
"Cum for me, I know you want to."
And oh lord did you. You swear you've never shot such a large load. Maybe it was the aphrodisiac?
Feeling your hot cum coat his hand, he soon filled you with his own seed, the grip he had on your neck tightening.
How you wished you could say that was the end...
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Okay, this one I think is probably good!
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sugawarassoulmate · 2 years
someone else tries to get with them
feat: bully!osamu, best friend!iwa, and rich bf!sakusa inspired by
part 2
cw: fem!reader
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you wanted to be anywhere but here right now, listening to this girl act as if she was your friend. you'd much rather be home, or at work, or at the library—quite literally anywhere but in front of this person you barely knew.
"i just think that osamu is a bit more extroverted and you might be too shy for him!" she said in a shrill, condescending voice. "he's always going to all these parties and i always see him talking to people...maybe he should date someone that's a more like him, you know?"
she must not know osamu all that well. he only goes to those parties because his brother or one of his friends drags him there and he spends the entire night blowing up your phone. as for talking to people, osamu can barely remember the name of his own lab partner, so it wouldn't surprise you if he got into meaningless conversations with people just to pass the time.
but on the surface, it looks as if one of the most popular guys on campus decided to date his weird, quiet childhood best friend and some people appeared to have a problem with that.
you tried to walk away from the conversation but the girl was persistent, not letting you leave until you vowed to leave osamu alone.
"don't you think it's selfish to stay with him when the two of you are so different?"
before you could respond—what you were going to say, you still had no idea—you were yanked into a solid figure, one you immediately recognized as your boyfriend already huffing in annoyance.
"been lookin' everywhere fer ya, jesus christ," he chastises, planting a quick kiss on the side of your head. "c'mon, let's go home—"
"samu! hiiii, i was actually just talking about y—"
osamu doesn't pay the girl any mind, rolling his eyes as he continues talking to you. "who the fuck is that? this is why i can't leave ya alone, babe. yer always talkin' to weirdos, let's go."
osamu pulls you away to talk about plans for dinner, leaving the strange girl dumbfounded by what she just witnessed.
best friend!iwa
"do you know if iwaizumi is seeing anyone?" the girl asked as she approached you on campus. it wasn't uncommon for random girls to come out of the woodwork to ask you about your best friend—he's a sweet, respectful, incredibly handsome man.
most of these girls figured that if they could get on your sweet side, they could get closer to their dream man. little did they know you were judging them every second they spoke to you.
when was the last time she even bothered washing her hair? or ew, her voice is annoying, haji would hate that. you let them get through their whole spiel, how they've liked iwa for ages but didn't know how to approach him and how they have a whole date planned, only for you to throw down the proverbial hammer.
"i'm sorry, haji isn't actually interested in dating anyone right now. he's really focused on his studies," you said confidently, watching the light in their eyes die.
"oh, but—"
"yeah, i would really give up if i were you," you shrugged, walking away before she could get another word in.
if anything, you were doing iwa a favor. there was no way he'd be interested in a girl like that. besides, if he got into a relationship now, he'd be too distracted to spend time with you.
"who were you talking you?" iwaizumi asks a bit later, noticing the weird interaction you had with a girl he didn't recognize.
"ugh, just another bimbo asking me about oikawa again," you lied so easily, throwing your legs over iwaizumi's lap as the two of you sat in the campus lounge. "you'd think they'd give it a break already."
iwaizumi doesn't question it. why would he? as far as he knew, you had nothing to gain by lying to him.
rich bf!sakusa
sakusa told you he had to take an important phone call and stepped away, leaving you in the shop. though, you weren't left alone for long. a few moments later you could hear incessant giggling behind you and after a while, you got the feeling it was about you.
turning around, you see a face that you're sure you've seen before but couldn't exactly place where. she must have known you, though, as she had no issue judging you with her eyes. "so kiyoomi does leave his little pet unattended. it's hard to recognize you when you're not in his shadow."
she was flanked on either side by one of her equally pompous, identical-looking friends, who both laughed at her cruel joke.
"excuse me?" fully turning around, you finally got a good look at the woman and realized that she was the daughter of a colleague that sakusa's father knew. you vaguely remembered your boyfriend complaining about having to entertain his father's guests during a boring gala a few weeks ago.
it wasn't uncommon for women to flaunt themselves at sakusa. he was the son of a prominent ceo, the heir to a successful company, and is absolutely breathtaking when he bothers to put his face mask down.
"it's just cute that kiyoomi still bothers to keep you around but he's always loved doing charity work." you weren't sure what was worse, her pathetic attempts to get a rise out of you or the shrill laughter of her air-headed friends. "our fathers are very close so don't be surprised when i'm the one on his arm whenever he gets tired of you."
"i'll be sure to remember that," you shrug your shoulders, turning your attention back to the rack of stupid clothes sakusa wanted you to try on. another day, another stupid business dinner with more spoiled brats of his father's stupid colleagues.
you tried to ignore the constant snicker, how they loudly wondered if you could even afford the clothes you were looking at—of course, you couldn't but sakusa loved to spoil you despite your attempts to dissuade him.
the teasing gets the better of you and you're about to snap back at them when the noises finally stop. you weren't sure when sakusa walked back into the store but he's by your side, staring daggers at the girl and her clique.
"and you shouldn't be surprised if my father never does business with yours again," he says curtly. his features soften the second he locks eyes with you. "here, babe. this gown will look perfect on you. go try it on for me."
the other girl tries to get a word in but she's stopped dead in her tracks by sakusa's harsh gaze returning to her. "you can go. i don't associate with trash."
the trio of mean girls drop the pieces they were looking at and scurry out of the store before they could embarrass themselves yet again. "do we still have to do this dumb business dinner?"
sakusa snorts, pushing you towards the dressing room. "of course, love, don't be foolish. you're going to be the most beautiful woman there.”
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©sugawarassoulmate 2023 all rights reserved - please do not repost/translate my work on other platforms!
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morimemichael · 4 months
Pretty Boy
Brahms x reader
Brahms gets hurt badly after fighting your ex, and in the middle his mask flew off somewhere. Unconscious on the floor, you try to help him and clean the wounds
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wg: Besides mentions of blood and open wounds, just fluff and Brahms being Brahms <3
It was a nasty fight, shattered glass flew over everywhere. Brahms got your ex to run away tho. For him, the fight and all the wounds were worth it. He’ll do anything for you. Due to the uncommon amount of effort he did and wounds he gain, he pass out right then and there. His mask was out, somewhere on the floor.
“Brahms…” You whispered. He didn’t respond. Your eyes went through every wound he had, until they reached his uncovered face. You could tell that at least a %50 of his face was burnt. Not that you cared tho, you still wouldn’t leave him for that.
With much, much effort you lift him to the bed, so you could treat his wounds better. His chest rising up slowly, a sign he was still breathing. You gathered everything you could reach to disinfect the bloody cuts. You were lucky enough the Heelshires had everything you could need in case something like this happens. You managed to get some pads, bandages and alcohol. You wet the little pads with alcohol and brush them against the fresh wounds, sounds of pain and visible discomfort could be heard from Brahms. You felt terrible, but you needed to disinfect.
“I know…I know Brahms.” You reassured. Whenever you brush the pads against his wounds you would move your hand in a certain way so the could blow some air in attempt to lessen the sting.
A few minutes later you managed to bandage all of his wounds. He was still asleep. He seemed so peacefully you didn’t wanna disturb him. You sat down on the bed next to him and caressed his messy brown hair, admiring his features. You took your right hand and placed it on his burnt side.
Who cares if he’s burnt? You thought to yourself.
You didn’t know how ir when you stared whispering things to his sleeping form.
“You know, I like your hair Brahms.” You didn’t know if he could hear you or not, but honestly, you didn’t care.
“And your eyes…your eyes are special.” You continued. You kept complimenting his body and face, and all the things he did for you, and keeping you safe.
“Thanks…for what you did for me today. But I don’t want you to do it again, it’s far too dangerous. And I love you too much for you to bleed out on me.” This was the first time you tell him you love him. Eventually you fell asleep on his side, you being the big spoon. You liked the body difference, but with this guy, being the big spoon was a little bit uncomfortable. Suddenly you woke up when your arms reached to hug him but didn’t find a body to hug.
“Brahms?…” You called for him. You didn’t found him next to you on the bed, instead his was sitting on the edge of it. “Brahms?”
“You know, I didn’t want you to see my face…eventually i would take my mask off. Once there was enough trust between us. That was the original plan…” He explained.
“Oh…Brahms…I really don’t mi-” You were interrupted by him.
“I-I didn’t want to show you my face, I don’t want to scare you away…please, your everything I have left.” You notice his voice cracking and sobbing when he told you this.
“I wasn’t going to leave you Brahms…I would have never…” Now, you sitting next to him, you give him little palms on his back.
“Thanks…for patching me up.”
“You’re welcome, Brahmsy.” You said smiling. “Hey…look at me, look at me.” With one hand you tilted his head so he was facing you.
“I love you. You heard me?” You looked at him straight into his eyes.
“I love you too.” He replied.
You whipped the tears from his cheeks with your sweater’s sleeve and then proceeded to kiss his burnt cheek. You’re melted when you saw he blushed.
“Aww…that’s so sweet.” You remarked.
“I swear to god if you tell any-” This time you interrupted.
“I-i, if-…okay, you win.” He said at last.
Once you were at the room, he caressed the exactly part of your lips that touched his cheek, and blushed again.
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Well, this short fic was due that people voted for a Brahms fic 😊 hope you liked it, and again sorry for any misspelling mistakes, English it’s not my mother language.
See you around!
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hannieehaee · 4 months
sorry to hear you’ve been feeling unwell, I hope you’re starting to feel much better and congrats on the milestone!!
I’d love to request a fic where both junhui and oc are on separate work trips, missing eachother not being able to talk much, arrive home separately on the same day and have the most super intense and passionate fucking EVER bc they missed each other ever so much :’))))
thank you thank you for your beautiful writing!!
18+ / mdi
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content: bf!jun, softdom!jun, afab reader, smut, reunion sex, penetrative sex, dry humping, etc.
wc: 1734
a/n: thank u so much for ur concern im feeling way better now c: and thanks for requesting!! i hope u enjoy<3
"okay, so you're getting home at 5, right? please tell me there's been no change of plans, fuck, i'll go crazy if-"
"jun! yes! i'm getting home at 5. nothing has changed. i'll see you today at 5, okay, babe? stop overthinking it," you reassured your boyfriend before he could go on yet another rant about how badly he missed you.
throughout the past three weeks, you and your boyfriend had had a bit of trouble aligning your schedules. he had left on a work trip about twenty days ago all while you left on your own trip two weeks after that. having returned home a few days ago, he was bummed to realize that he'd be coming back to an empty home as you finished up your own work.
finally, after far too many days away from one another, your schedules aligned. after three grueling weeks in separation, your return was set for today, with a ride already booked to bring you home at around five in the afternoon. jun had only been home alone for two days, but he had been itching to see you for far too long already.
it was uncommon for the two of you to spend so much time away from each other. work trips were not usual for either of your work schedules, so such a sudden and prolonged separation had thrown you completely off guard.
jun had taken the brunt of it, constantly spamming you with texts and calls detailing how much he missed you – and which parts of you he missed the most.
your boyfriend was not shy to express his desire for you even through the distance. although he missed the softer and less explicit parts of your presence, he was a little extra vocal about the carnal ways in which he yearned for you these past few weeks. calling you for phone sex became a common occurrence only a few days into your separation, as jun would call you every other day with his dick already in hand.
every single one of these calls would be accompanied by hints at all the things he would do to you the moment you were back together, leading you to becoming just as pent up as jun clearly was.
unsure, yet excited for what was to come when you finally arrived home, you prepared yourself the best you could to finally be dicked down by your boyfriend. you were practically vibrating with anticipation by now.
"okay, fuck, sorry," he apologized, "i'm just so excited to see you."
"i know, baby. me too," you reassured.
"don't even knock when you get here. i'll leave the door open. just run to the bedroom. i don't think i'll be able to waste even one second without touching you," he rambled on, completely serious too.
you chuckled, "okay, junnie. i'll be ready for you to tackle me with your dick."
"you think it's a joke, but i will!"
"baby? are you in the room? i'm hom- hmph!"
despite the lighthearted discussion you'd had about your return, you assumed jun had been exaggerating a bit. you expected a soft welcome accompanied by a hug and maybe a kiss before being ultimately led to bed to get the dick you'd been thirsting after for weeks. jun had different plans, though.
the moment you walked in, jun jumped you, running out of the room and meeting you as you'd barely crossed the door to your apartment. interrupting your inquiries for his location, he locked your lips in a kiss, forcing your bag off your shoulder with rushed hands and walking back into your room as he held onto your hips for guidance.
there were no thoughts in your head as you followed along, kissing him back just as passionately as he did you, putting everything in the kiss; everything you'd been holding back these past weeks. in a similar fashion, jun moaned and groaned into your lips, gaining pleasure from the mere contact with you.
clearly pent up and with a heightened sense of need for you, he continued to whimper and moan as he felt you up, hands liberal in their touches of your ass and tits.
"missed you so much, fuck. feel so soft ... so pretty and good for me," he breathed out as his lips trailed down your neck.
his hands went straight to your clothing, attempting to rip it off after a mere five minutes of kissing, quickly becoming frustrated by the lack of skin to skin contact.
"need to get this shit off you. been thinking about your body for weeks," he huffed, throwing off your shirt and clipping off your bra, "seeing it through a screen isnt enough."
he was a mess as he took off your clothes, but eventually got the job done, pushing you lightly onto the bee before doing quick work of his own clothes as he stared down at your bare body with a look in his eyes that could only be described as immense desire.
"junnie, hurry the fuck up!", you rushed him despite how accelerated he already was. you couldnt help yourself when he looked so good as he stripped down for you. his eyes only gave you indication of how good you were about to be fucked – how could you resist in riling him up a bit more?
huffing again, he basically toppled you over, making you lay flat against the bed as he climbed over you. immediately reconnecting your lips, he began to aggressively make out with you once more, hands groping at every inch they could reach. both your hips were uncontrollable, messily humping into each other in search of some sort of friction.
"baby, need you so fucking bad," he breathed against your lips, "gonna fuck you so good. been thinking about it every night," he mumbled into your skin as his lips trailed down your neck, leaving a trail of red marks and saliva behind.
"then fuck me already," you whined with grabby hands digging into his back, pulling his hips against your own by your legs.
with a rush, he reached into the bedside table, hands bumping into the table a few times before finally making it to the drawer and pulling out a long line of condoms.
"oh? you have a big night planned?", you snickered at the sight.
"shut up," he rolled his eyes with a laugh, getting up to rip off the condom and put it on.
in the meantime, you flipped yourself over, getting on all fours and arching your back for him with the knowledge of how pent up and desperate he was. the sight was usually able to flip a switch in his mind, making him lose all composure and fuck you senseless. today was no different.
upon realizing your change in position, he groaned deep in his chest, rushing to press himself up against you and grabbing harshly onto your hips to push them up into his cock. with no further warning, he eased his way into you, slow in his entrance but accelerating the moment you nodded back at him to give him the green light to begin moving.
with an inhuman speed, jun fucked into you almost animalistically, completely losing sight of himself and babbling nonsensical praise to your cunt while embedding himself into the pleasure. his fingers dug deep into your hips, surely leaving marks that he'd have to kiss later.
forcing your back into an even deeper arch, jun began dragging your hips back and forth into his cock, coordinating the rhythm of his own rocking of his hips. despite the mindless way in which he harshly fucked into you, he let out the most pathetic whimpers at the feeling of your cunt wrapping around him. faring no better than him, your own cries accompanied his own in filling up the otherwise silent room.
"missed this cunt so badly ... you have no idea how much," he grunted breathlessly, "t-tell me you've missed me too," he practically pleaded afterwards.
"missed you, junhui, so much ..."
"tell me how much," he demanded, hips never ceased in slapping against your ass.
"s-so much. missed you so fucking much, junhui," you cried out when his hips accelerated even more, making your eyes roll back at the aggressive yet finessed manner he fucked into you.
"missed you more," he let out in a huff, "gonna show you all night. gonna make you cum again and again til you're begging me to stop," he reassured in slurred words, clearly almost at the point of losing himself to his high.
"'m gonna cum, junie, please ... cum with me," you begged, needing to make him delirious with pleasure in the same way he did you.
with tears in your eyes, your orgasm reached you, making you hiccup moans and cries of jun's name while he continued to fuck into you.
"so fucking good for me, shit. got so t-tight, oh fuck- g-gonna cum, shit."
his orgasm was not far from yours, catching him off guard due to the pulsing of your cunt during your own high. somehow he managed to become even more desperate in the canting of his hips, making you cry out in sensitivity but prevail throughout it as the impact was too pleasurable for you to actually want to push him away.
almost falling against you, he leaned into you as he caught his breath. meanwhile, you were a shell of your former self, completely spent under him and attempting to regain your own breath.
in just a few moments, jun began silently kissing up and down your back before pulling out and ridding himself of the condom, immediately going back to loving on you with his lips and massaging at your hips tenderly with his hands.
wordlessly, he helped you lay down on your stomach as he wrapped around you, continuing to kiss and rub at your sore form before finally speaking up.
"i really missed you," he began with a murmur, "was that too much?"
"no, junnie. i missed you too much to not let you fuck me like an animal," you chuckled after recovering your ability to speak.
"good, cause i'm planning on using that whole pack of condoms," he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
your body might not make it til the next day, but reuniting with your boyfriend and his endless stamina made it worth it.
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dreamywriter143 · 1 year
Scorching Heat
Paring: Neteyam x Y/n (Reader)
Status/Type: Oneshot
Summary: Y/n usually insures she is away from home for ‘training’ whenever her heat cycle starts. She hates feeling needy, and never wants to burden her mate, Neteyam. What will happen when Ewya decides to bring her heat early this time. How will Y/n react?
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: NSFW, MDNI (Minors STAY AWAY!!), Public/Exhibition (Someone sees Y/n during her heat), Dirty talk, Breeding (mentioned once), Fingering (f-receiving), dumbification, tiny bit of possessiveness and Ao’nung being a pervert. All characters are AGED-UP (19-20’s years).
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“Neteyam” Y/n whines, nuzzling her face into the mat she slept upon, she clutches her lower abdomen in pain. It felt hot, way to hot for what it should have been.
Ever since Neteyam had left their shared Marui for a his regular morning hunt with his Jake and Lo’ak, Y/n has been in agony. Her stomach lurched with butterflies as a unfamiliar heat took over her entire being.
She was sweating profusely, her breaths coming out in pants as she curled up in a fetal position. She couldn’t seem to figure out what had lead to her feeling this…sick?
Was it the clams she shared with Tsireya last night? Was it the yovo fruit she ate immediately after? Did those two different type of food not complainant each other like she had thought it’s had?
Y/n lets out a groan, feeling her stomach flutter, her eyes squeezed shut as she didn’t bother wiping the sweat off her face, she even couldn’t think straight. Her thoughts were muddled together and all she would focus on was the biting heat between her legs.
“Y/n?” A tiny voice calls peeking into the Marui.
Y/n almost missed it, it sounded so distant to her. As if her head were to be submerged under water. She opens her eyes slowly, her vision blurry with tears. She tries to respond back but a another pained whine escapes her lips as she claws at her stomach.
Tsireya gasps, seeing her best friend in this state. She rushes to her side looking her over, her cool hand laying on top of Y/n’s forehead, as she hisses at the cool temperature.
“Y/n , can you hear me? You’re burning up!” She says alarmed again, feeling the heat radiate off her.
Assessing her sweaty skin and pants that racked her friends body she realizes this was severe. Y/n was shivering as if she were cold, but she was sweating from how hot she felt internally. Y/n groans in response unable to form words.
“Dear Eywa” Tsireya whispers realizing what this had to be.
It was her heat.
Tsireya counts the days mentally to the last time Y/N had excused herself for a couple days worth of ‘training’. The time Y/n would spend far away from the safety of the village to wait out her heat. Training was the excuse she used to hide herself away from everyone, even her mate during her heat cycles. It wasn’t an uncommon practice, many other Na’vi females who didn’t want to burden their mates did the same.
Y/n loved her independence. Spending her heats alone was something she had argued with Neteyam over plenty of times. She just didn’t see the appeal of sucking her mate dry for her cycles, every month. Neteyam only allowed it because he would do the same, going far and wide to wait out his ruts in fear of hurting Y/n.
Thus leading to Y/n meticulously tracking all of her heats, planning for her excursions to the T. Planning and prepping ahead of time so she wouldn’t have to rush anything as she slotted enough time alone, out in the wilderness.
But this heat, it came unexpectedly. According to Tsireya’s calculations, Y/n was one week early. Which has never happened before.
“I-I’ll call mother!” She says standing up. Y/n gasps, she didn’t need the Tsahik, she didn’t need her friend. She just wanted Neteyam, she needed her mate.
“Ne-t-” she whispers, her voice shaky. Tsireya pauses, her shoulders tense.
“But Y/n-”
“Neteyam!!!!” She hisses loudly, sounding like a struggled moan.
She didn’t have time to feel embarrassed. She felt a deep itch with him her, an itch she knew her mate could fix. Tsireya flushes red at her friends state nodding.
She quickly leaves Y/n’s Marui heading to her own. She had a device that Lo’ak had given both her and Y/n in case of emergencies. She intended on calling Neteyam using her device.
Ao’nung, who was walking towards Y/n’s Marui to pull her out for a swim stops the moment a scent fills his nostrils. He feels his irises dilate as he deeply inhaled the scent greedily.
He realized the scent was too delicious to ignore, he had to find out where it was coming from. He needed a taste. Coincidentally the scent leads him to Y/n’s Marui. The very girl he was looking for.
He walks in, holding back the growl that threatens to break through. The scent was so thick in the marui it drove him insane.
“Y/-Y/n?” he croaks, clutching the tiny bit of sanity he had in him. He looks her over, his best friend who he loved so dearly. He saw how she was face first into her mat, her bottom in the air as her back arches. She whines loudly hearing a voice, a voice that made her believe it was her mate.
“Neteyam” she breaths out lowly. The burning sensation seemed to intensify with arousal as she realized Neteyam had arrived to help her with her heat. Gasping she slowly rubs herself whist humping into the mat, moans leaving her mouth shamelessly.
She was beyond herself, she had lost herself to her heat. All she wanted now was a release, and to be taken care of. Ao’nung covers his nose, effectively muffling his whines of excitement. The position itself along with her grinding seem to send her scent off in waves, each wave getting stronger and stronger.
He felt his own erection painfully press against his loincloth. He wouldn’t be surprised if he came right then and there watching his friend hump herself to a climax she couldn’t reach. His other free hand reaches down to grab his thick hard cock through his loincloth, squeezing his member in attempt to relief himself of the pain.
“It’s Ao’nung” he says, loudly, still palming his cock to her moans. Each time her voice reaches a high note, he felt himself get that much closer to his own climax. He groans at the sight.
Y/N pants wildly, a part of her wondering why her mate hadn’t mounted her yet. She was in the perfect position to be taken advantage of, she presented herself in such way so Neteyam could fuck her to oblivion. She gently reaches behind in her hunched state, tugging her already soaked loincloth to the side. Exposing her treasure to the cool, but humid air.
The sight of her soaked pussy sent Ao’nung for a loop. His eyes roll back, his breathing is laboured as all he can see is how wet she is. How ready her pussy is for a cock. He saw how it glistened, how it twitched around nothing. Ao’nung groans loudly, biting his lips to contain his growls.
Hearing him say something she is again clouded. She couldn’t seem to grasp Ao’nungs desperate attempt to tell her he was not Neteyam. Feeling his limit come closer and closer Ao’nung finally uncovers his nose. He begins to walk deeper into the marui, towards Y/n when he hears yells in the distance.
His ears twitch at the sound of Neteyam’s voice, which seem to snap him out of his trance. Taking one last deep inhale of her scent, Ao’nung takes a careful step back to create some distance. He lets go of his cock just as Neteyam bursts in through the entrance.
His eyes immediately land on his mate, who was still face first into the mat, revealing her glistening folds between her legs. Her essence ran down her legs, adding more delicious aroma into the air. Neteyam feels her need, smells her need. He was able to smell it a good few feet from the marui. His pupils dilated, his nose inhaling deeply to memorize the scent.
Realizing he’s not alone he turns to Ao’nung, his glare deadly. He bares his fangs and hisses harshly. Neteyam takes a step forward, pure rage overcoming his body. Ao’nung looks down, his ears flattening against his head.
“Ao’nung. Out, NOW!!” he says sternly, his chest rumbling with a threatening growl.
He tried his best to stay composed, for his sake as well as his mate. He was also aware that his father and Lo’ak were close behind him when he had rushed home. He didn’t want to create a bigger scene.
Y/n on the other hand, let out an unintentional mewl at the rough sound of his voice, still not being able to figure out who stood by the entrance.
Her tears of frustration clouded her vision, but she was able to pick up Neteyam’s scent. Her mates scent, which only caused her to moan pathetically. Desperately trying to gain his attention.
Ao’nung didn’t need to be told twice, he quickly ducks out of the Marui, his hands covering his still prominent bulge. He would have to deal with that privately, as he marches towards his marui. As soon as he is out, Neteyam rushes to Y/n’s side.
Her scent alone drove him insane, he felt his inner self want to drill into her at that very moment as his eyes lingered over her sopping pussy. Waiting to be filled. She looked to be so wet that he could have easily mounted her right away if her wanted to. But the logical part of him took over, at least for now.
“Yawne, shhhh, shhhhh. Are you alright? Should I fetch you some water?” He whispers, couching down beside her.
He gently brushes the hair from her face which caused her body to jolt wildly upon contact. The entire time Y/n had been edging herself, the mere touch of Neteyam’s fingers on her body sent over over the edge as her body trembled under his touch.
“Fu- I’m-“ Y/n couldn’t finish her sentence as her whole body convulsed under her much needed orgasm. Neteyam’s eyes widen, admiring the way her pussy twitched and clenched with the delicious aftershocks of the orgasm. Neteyam pulls her into his arms cooing softly, he cups her face into his palm.
“Oh babygirl, do you want me to help you with your heat baby? It must feel so painful….”
After the initial orgasm, Y/n had a few moments of clarity, registering Neteyam’s face. She noticed how dilated his irises were, how his breaths hitched and how his fingers danced around her hips enticingly. As if waiting for her to give him permission.
“Neteyam” Y/n whispers, her eyes still watery from the many tears she had already shed.
“I never want to bother you with my heat-“ Neteyam visibly frowns “-which is why I disappear from time to time…..but now-“ Y/n starts feeling the itch deep within her flare up again. More intense than before.
“-It’s….so painful……I need you to fuck me.” Y/n gasps. Neteyam smirks, his free hand trailing down. His fingers working on untying the soaked, useless lioncloth and tossing it aside. Neteyam leans his face closer to her, relishing the look of pure lust clouding her eyes.
“Oh baby girl, I’ll fuck you alright. I’ll make you feel so good you won’t forget the shape of my cock deep in your pussy” Neteyam growls, his fangs grazing over her neck sending shivers down her spine. His fingers spread her swollen wet folds, growling at the feeling of her slickness.
“So wet baby, all for me?” He murmurs quietly, taking in her scent.
Y/n’s eyes roll back, feeling two digits enter her pussy gently. The sting and stretch of the two fingers caused her body to twitch out of pleasure. It felt so good, so right.
“You let Ao’nung see this. See the pussy that belongs to me” Neteyam growls, his fingers pumping out of her slowly, but forcefully. Y/n moans in response. She hadn’t known if Ao’nung was here, she also didn’t know what Neteyam was talking about. But she opted to agree with him, to ensure he didn’t stop his movements by any means.
“I’ll fuck you just right baby, I’ll fuck you so hard you’ll be filled with my cum. I want Ao’nung to watch as MY cum drips down your legs” Neteyam whispers, curling his fingers just right.
Y/n whimpers at the sensation.
“Then do it—“ she chokes out.
“-Breed me until I’m plump with your child” Y/n mumbles deliriously.
She tries catching her breath, her heart beating wildly at the thought. Neteyam smirks wide at her plea. Feeling whatever logical part of him shatter at her words, he allowed her heat to fully engulf all of his senses. He was ready to give it his all, no holding back. He was going to fuck her till she forgot her name, he’d make sure of that.
“Anything for my baby girl”
Note: This is my first ever smut! I’ve always wanted to write smut but I’m worried I’ll be horrible at it! This was a request from my friend so please let me know how you guys think! Was it good? Bad? Should I continue writing smut? Let me know!!
Also while I’m working on my main series: Nga Yawne Lu Oer , I’ll also be doing Prompts, Incorrect Quotes and Oneshots in between. Let me know if you have an requests!
Ps: Pt.2 is OUT. Please check it out!!
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mysunshinetemptress · 8 months
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As long as you need
Leah Williamson x reader
Warnings: talks of periods, blood, endometriosis, just fluff, sorry it’s short. Got my period today and have been dying and so this was born
Periods where a natural occurrence for women globally, with each woman experiencing different things throughout their cycles, some suffered from hormone imbalances which caused them to gain acne or moody, some girls bloated during their cycle, some girls felt depressed, some got cramps and some girls had no symptoms but some girls also got all symptoms together or suffered really really bad cramps.
Leah suffered with cramps, not an uncommon symptom of periods but she suffered with them terribly even long before you both had met, she had opened up to you about them two months into your relationship talking to you about how one cycle she could be fine the next slight cramping but when she had a flare up boy did she crumble with pain and discomfort, you had thanked her for trusting you enough with this information before telling her you would be there for her no matter what and you had been there for whenever she needed. You had also been there in the doctors office holding her hand when they finally told her she had endometriosis, when the doctors had finally listened to her and told her that what she was going through wasn’t just her being dramatic like she so feared. You had sat reminding her how strong she was and how you would be there to support her through it all any flare up that came her way.
And today was a a bad flare up today was your four year anniversary and you had been excitingly planning a trip to a local castle to stay for a few nights basking in each other’s presence for a few nights before heading home to The Williamson’s weekly dinner. You had woken up in your excitement texting Leah happily wishing her a happy anniversary and that you would see her just before lunch when you planned to pick her up and drive to the castle. Getting ready for the day you waltzed around your apartment busting yourself with packing the last of the things you needed.
You checked your phone frowning when you noticed Leah had never texted you back earlier before deciding to call her to tell her you were on your way to get her. You began to worry as the phone kept ringing before panic began to seep in when it went to voicemail. You hung up the phone grabbing your things racing to the car to get to Leah’s unsure of what you where about to witness but the overwhelming feeling of wanting to make sure your girlfriend was ok pushed all the bad thoughts to the side.
You jumped out of the car before racing to her door and knocking not wanting to just barge in but after five minutes you pulled the key from your pocket and opened the door shouting into the house “Leah.” You didn’t hear anything as you placed the keys on the counter and began looking for her “Darling you here.” As you made your way down the hall you heard a hum coming from the en-suite in her bedroom “my lovely you ok.” You tried the door to find it locked “Le open the door.” You didn’t hear anything but the lock click bride opening the door to see Leah sitting on the bathroom floor spots of blood covered her pyjama bottoms and the floor before looking at your offaly pale girlfriend who was looking at you her eyes brimming with tears “hey pretty girl it’s ok.” Leah shook her head “I’m so sorry Y/n.” You shook your head as you looked around the bathroom “you have nothing to be sorry for my girl.” You crouched down grabbing her face “what do you need.” Leah looked at you as a tear raced down her cheek “you.” You smiled sadly at her “you have me, I’m here, I’m not going anywhere but do you need anything else.” Leah shook her head as you sat on the ground “I’m so sorry, I thought it was tomorrow and I didn’t think it was going to be bad but I just I woke up and it wouldn’t stop.” You pulled her into your chest “you don’t have to explain anything to me it’s ok, I don’t mind sitting here with you ok don’t be sorry you’re ok.” You continued to talk soothingly to the girl for hours often breaking when she had to puke from the pain but yet she still wouldn’t let you leave. An hour after the last wave you of sickness you could tell Leah was getting sleepy “let’s move you to the bed humm.” Leah didn’t put up a fight as you stood slowly pulling her up before placing her on the edge of the bath before leaving to get new PJs “you want to have a shower now or later.” Leah shook her head “shower later please.” You nodded kissing her head before asking for permission to lift her top “ok arms up.” You kissed her neck softly as you undressed her before pulling her into clean pjs and picking her up to head to the bed constantly reassuring her, Leah whined as you moved away “I’m just going to clean the bathroom and throw your pjs in the wash ok, I’ll be back.” Kissing her forehead again you began cleaning up before getting a hot water bottle and tablets for her and heading back into her room before climbing into the bed not caring about changing out of your leggings and jumper. Leah moved to lie on top of you resting her head in your neck kissing it softly “I love you.” You hummed playing with her hair “ I know, I love you too.” Leah snuggled closer “thank you for looking after me.” You sighed turning to kiss her forehead “I’ll happily look after you for the rest of forever.” You pulled her impossibly closer before closing your eyes smiling softly as Leah kissed you neck once more.
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luxaofhesperides · 6 months
I'm not sure if you're still taking Ghostlights requests, but if you are: Dick asking Duke to take Haley to the dog park for him in order to set up a meet-cute for him with the guy with the weird green rottweiler
And if you aren't, just know that you're doing great and I appreciate the hell out of you
“Oh, shoot!” 
Hearing Dick rush around as a frantic mess is not uncommon while he’s in Gotham. There’s too many people wanting to spend time with him that he ends up pulled in a bunch of different directions. Dick’s always in a rush, always busy, always making time for people because he has more love than Duke has ever seen in a person.
Dick’s also got pretty good time management skills after years of doing this. He’s only cutting out a few minutes early for their designated three hour catch-up session. 
That doesn’t mean he’s going to do it gracefully, though.
“Almost lost track of the time!” he says, moving to the couch to pick up his jacket. “Hey, Duke, can do you me a favor while I’m out?”
“Sure, what is it?”
“Can you take Haley to the dog park? I usually take her twice a week around this time, but I totally forgot to include that in my calendar this week so I’ve got plans with the Titans just outside the city, and no time to take her out.”
“Yeah, man, of course I can take her to the dog park. The one attached to Robinson Park, right?”
Dick nods, shoving his shoes onto his feet. “That’s the one! Her treats are also in the bag hanging next to her leash. Oh, and she has a friend at the dog park! Don’t be scared when you see him, he’s just green.”
“Great, thanks! Bye, Duke, I’ll see you later!”
And with that, Dick is gone, closing the door to his safehouse as he dashes into the hall. 
Duke is left alone in Dick’s Gotham safehouse, blinking dazedly at the empty space where he once was. He’s certainly a whirlwind of activity when he realizes he’s going to be late. He’s also skilled in just saying things and leaving before any questions can be answered.
Haly jumps up onto the couch next to Duke. They share a look, then Duke shakes his head. “You have to deal with that every day, huh?”
Haly, the good girl that she is, doesn’t say anything bad against her owner and just puts a paw on Duke’s thigh, her tail wagging. 
“I hear ya, girl. Let’s go to the dog park to meet your green friend,  I guess.”
He has no idea what that means, honestly. Is Dick just talking about a dog that got its fur dyed green? Or is Haly’s friend like… a mutant dog? 
Well, he’s not going to find out by stalling. 
Duke pets Haly, then stands up and walks to the door. Her head perks up as soon as she hears the jangle of her leash being moved, and then she’s running to the door, looking up at him expectantly. Smiling, Duke slips the harness onto her, then attached it to the leash. He gives her another quick pet before shoving on his shoes and grabbing her bag of treats and waste disposal bags. 
He double checks that he has his phone, then takes hold of Dick’s spare safehouse key and steps out into the hallway with Haly. She waits patiently as he locks the door, checks that the lock holds, then runs down the hallway, ripping the leash right out of his hands.
“Haly! Wait! Stop, girl!”
She happily ignores him and goes straight for the elevator, leaving him to run after her and quickly scoop up the leash as soon as he’s close enough.
“Of course you’re a little escape artists,” he says to her, “Just like your owner.”
Haly woofs softly, then stands up and scratches at the doors of the elevator. Shaking his head, amused, Duke pushes the button to call the elevator and wonders if Dick has to deal with this every time they go to the dog park. 
On one hand, it wouldn’t surprise him since Dick is absolutely the kind of guy to give in to his dog’s every whims and spoil her rotten. On the other hand, Duke fully believes that Haly is smart enough and cute enough to misbehave only when Dick isn’t around so he never believes people when they try to tell him about all the mischief she’s caused. 
Dogs and their owners really do reflect one another. The internet was right about that.
Duke makes sure to keep a tight grip on Haly’s leash once they leave the apartment building. The streets are busy, as they tend to be on weekends, and the sight of Haly straining against her leash, ready to run, brings a smile to more than one face. 
He plots the route to the dog park in his mind, then starts up a light jog, tugging lightly on the leash to prompt Haly to follow him. 
It’s nice to run just for the sake of it. Haly makes a good running partner as well. 
How long has it been since Duke had time to relax and not be prepared for the worst? All the running he usually does these days is to catch up with criminals or run for his life. Being out during the day, moving through the city, without any lives in danger? Genuinely nice and relaxing. 
Maybe he can offer to take Haly to the dog park from now on. Join Dick whenever he goes. Create a set few hours where he doesn’t do anything but enjoy being outside in one of the few places where the smog of pollution and chemical toxins isn’t so thick in the air. 
He’ll just have to make sure Dick doesn’t agree to something else during those days. It’s still strange to think that Dick could forget to do something involving Haly when he’s such a good dog owner and a pro at juggling various responsibilities and a busy schedule. 
Well, they all have off days. This must be one of Dick’s.
The sidewalks get wider once they reach the street that leads to the park. Families fill up the space, walking with strollers in front of them or lined up at a food cart. The vivid green of spring fills the grassy fields that lead to the large patches of trees, marking the edge of Poison Ivy’s territory. Clovers decorate the ground, bees moving from flower to flower. 
There are other dogs on walks as well, making circuits around the park or running after toys. Duke spots a cat in a walking harness as well and wonders if he can convince Damian to get one for Alfred the cat. 
The dog park is on the other end of the park, as far away from Ivy’s territory as possible. The fenced off areas are separated into big dogs and small dogs, with a helpful guide as to which dogs go where posted at the entrance. 
Duke slows to a walk, breathing deeply to help settle his heart rate back down to something normal. Haly walks by his side, tail wagging, as she watches the other dogs run back and forth behind the fence. 
She’s still small, just growing out of puppy size, so Duke leads her into the small dog area, carefully making sure the gate doesn’t open enough for any quick dogs to make a break for it. He walks over to a bench and sits down before undoing the harness on her, setting her loose. 
Haly licks his hand once, then darts away, barking lightly as she joins the other dogs tumbling around each other. 
Amused, Duke leans back at watches as the other dogs sniff her, then do their funny little bowing stomps, moving back and forth before running off so she can give chase. 
He figures staying for an hour will be good enough. That should get the most of her energy out, and then they can make the long trek back to Dick’s safehouse so he can pick her up before he heads back to Bludhaven. Pulling out his phone, Duke settles in to wait, keeping half his attention on Haly just in case any of the other dogs decide to get a little too rough.
The first twenty minutes pass peacefully. Haly runs around and the owners of the other dogs give her pets when she runs up to them. One even went over to Duke to offer him a pack of fruit gummies. 
Then a loud bark fills the air and Duke jerks upright, watching with wide eyes as a colossally large dog, green and glowing and slightly transparent, comes barrelling down the street, headed right towards them. 
He doesn’t have time to yell Haly’s name before the dog is in the fence. None of the other dog owners look alarmed, though, so he watches carefully, prepared to jump up and save Haly at a moment’s notice.
“Cujo!” someone yells from down the street. A guy with dark hair comes running up and smoothly jumps over the fence. “Cujo, how many times do I have to tell you not to run off like that?”
The green dog, apparently Cujo, barks happily.
“And you’re too big for this park right now, buddy. Shrink, boy. It’s time to be small.”
And then Cujo… obeys? The dog shrinks, and instead of being the size of a bus, it’s now small enough to be carried in someone’s arms. 
Green dog is not enough warning for all of that. Dick owes him so much for this.
Actually, he’s kind of shocked that Dick never mentioned this to anyone. Surely a giant green dog would get people’s attention. Why is this the first time he’s heard about it?
“You new around here?” someone asks, and Duke turns to see the person who gave him the fruit gummies.
“Kinda? It’s my first time coming to the dog park. I’m looking after Haly, that one right over there.” He points out Haly, who is running in circles around Cujo.
“Ah, I see. Dick mentioned someone new would be coming today.”
Duke narrows his eyes. He’s starting to get the feeling that he’s been set up for something, but he’s not sure what. 
“I’ll give you the spiel we tell all newcomers, in that case,” they continue. “Cujo is a ghost dog. Poor thing died during some animal testing, far as we know. Danny looks after him, since Cujo got attached to the kid years ago before he moved to Gotham. He’s a kind one, but very nervous, and we’ve all got an agreement to keep quiet about him and Cujo round this parts. You better be holding your tongue, as well, ya hear me?”
“Sure thing,” Duke nods. “My lips are sealed.”
He’ll just ask Dick about the ghost dog situation and do his own investigation if needed. But Cujo is just a dog, and his owner is just a guy. Nothing threatening, nothing requiring a Bat’s attention.
“Good,” they nod. “I’ll get out of your hair now.” They’re gone before Duke can reply, adjusting the hat on their head as they head back to their group in the back left corner of the dog park. 
Satisfied that things are under control, Duke relaxes back into the bench, watching Haly and Cujo tumble around with the other dogs, barking happily. Haly’s still growing into her paws, so she trips and falls often, but gets up without a moments pause, ready to keep playing.
From the corner of his eyes, Duke catches sight of someone walking towards him. 
He looks over and finds Cujo’s owner—Danny, wasn’t it?—approaching. Their eyes meet, and Danny offers him a sheepish smile and a wave. His eyes are a dark blue that seem to glow with some otherworldly light, and Duke can swear he sees something shifting around him, as if the air has turned visible and twists around his body like wisps of smoke. 
“Mind if I sit with you?” Danny asks, and Duke moves to the side a bit.
“Go ahead,” he says.
“You’re Duke, right? Dick told me about you last week.”
It’s looking more and more like Dick is up to something, and Duke will need to get his revenge. “Did he? All good things, I hope.”
“Aha, yeah, all good things. Um, actually I think I should apologize? I maybe said you sounded like my type so Dick promised that he’d get you here somehow. Sorry if this is messing up your plans for the day.”
Oh. Oh! 
Well. That’s interesting. 
Duke quietly shelves his plans for revenge against Dick and takes a proper look at Danny. He’s shy, but with a bright smile, glowing eyes and strange smoke curling around him still, and messy black hair windswept from chasing after Cujo. There’s a flush in his cheeks and his long fingers fiddle with the string of his dark red hoodie. 
“Don’t worry, I didn’t have any plans today. This is way better than just sleeping all day.”
“Well, I don’t know about that,” Danny laughs, “There’s nothing I like more than being able to sleep all day. That would fix me for sure.”
There’s a loud bark, and Danny’s eyes snap back to Cujo, who is growing bigger. “Cujo!” Danny yells, voice sharp. “Shrink down, or we go home.”
Cujo grumbles, whines, then goes back to being little. The green dog only has a moment to look sad before Haly is tackling him, sending them back into another chase around the park. 
“Sorry about that,” Danny says, slouching against the bench. 
“It’s all good,” Duke replies. “So. I’m your type, huh?”
Danny’s cheeks turn a deep, charming red. He looks away, then nods and ducks his head down. 
“And that hasn’t changed after meeting me?”
Danny shakes his head, then peeks over at Duke, gaze slowly moving up his body until he meets Duke’s eyes. “Definitely hasn’t changed,” he says.
Now it’s Duke’s turn to feel his cheeks burn, flustered and pleasantly surprised by Danny’s boldness. It doesn’t help that Danny is cute, someone he can see himself falling for. 
“Good,” he says, then knocks his knee against Danny’s. “I wouldn’t mind getting to know you more. On one condition.”
“Oh? And what would that be?”
“Tell me what Dick told you about me. I wanna make sure he wasn’t sharing an embarrassing stories about me. If I’m gonna make a fool of myself, then I’ll do it myself with no outside help.”
Danny’s laugh is bright and warm and sends butterflies dancing in Duke’s stomach. “Fair enough!” he says. “And you know what? I’ll trade you for embarrassing stories. Trust me, I have so many. Nothing you’ve done can be worse that the dumb shit I do on a regular basis.”
“Woah, woah, woah, confident, aren’t we? Don’t say that until you’ve heard about some of the stupid situation I choose to throw myself into.”
“Please, I’m an younger brother. If anyone knows how to be stupid, it’s me.”
“I’m part of the disaster that is the Wayne family. I think that has you beat.”
“My parents are mad scientists and my dog is a ghost. Try again.” The teasing smile on Danny’s lips makes him want to be reckless, to keep pushing, to go down this path as far as he can.  Duke can’t remember the last time he clicked with someone so instantly, to be so comfortable with them so soon. 
Damn. He’s gonna have to thank Dick for this, isn’t he?
As if on cue, his phone buzzes in his pocket. Duke pulls it out with an apologetic smile to Danny, who leans back a bit to give him some privacy.
The text that pops up is from Dick. It’s a photo of him and Danny from the side, heads bent close together as they talk with bright smiles. He can just make out the wild red curls of Kori’s hair. 
“I’m gonna put jello in his socks,” Duke says cheerfully, already looking around to find where Dick is hiding. 
He probably already moved locations, the ass. 
“What’s up?” 
He holds out his phone so Danny can see the screen. Danny stares at it, then looks around, then stares at the screen again. 
“...Is he watching us?”
“...Should we do something about it?”
Duke shrugs. “I mean, I’m up for hunting him down and tackling him if you are.”
“I can do you one better,” Danny says with a sharp grin. He whistles, and Cujo comes running over, Haly at his heels, and he skids to a stop to sit before Danny. “Cujo. You remember Dick?” Cujo barks, as if answering. “Fetch! Go fetch Dick!”
Cujo jumps to his feet, grows from the size of a pug to a bear, and takes off for the art instillation farther into Robinson Park. Moments later, they hear a yell followed by loud laughter, and Cujo and running back, Dick hanging from his mouth, with Kori, Donna, and Roy following after him at a leisurely stroll. 
“I think we’re gonna get along great,” Duke says. “He’s gonna wish he never set us up.”
“That’s the way to do it,” Danny agrees.
“Say, wanna grab lunch together tomorrow?”
Danny blinks, then blushes again. “What, like a date?”
“Yeah, as a date. You up for it?”
“How could I say no? I was promised embarrassing stories.”
He watches as Cujo drops a rumpled looking Dick to the ground, half his shirt soaked with saliva. He dramatically mimes being shot in the heart when he sees them both looking at him, and goes limp when Kori picks him up and tries to set him on his feet. 
Then he tries to act very calm and cool as Danny leans against him. “Think he’s gonna follow up on our date?” Danny asks in a low voice.
Duke closes his eyes and tries not to despair. He didn’t even think of that. “Worse. He’s going to tell everyone else, then we’ll have every available Wayne kid stalking us on our date.”
“Guess I’ll have to rely on you to chase them off, huh?”
“Or we can sic Cujo on them again.”
“Or that,” Danny nods. “It’s always effective.”
He’s really going to have to bring his best to the date tomorrow, just to stay a step ahead of everyone else. Maybe he’ll ask Barbara for a favor and get her to lead them off? And if Bruce gets involved, then Duke is fully prepared to flashbang him, grab Danny, and run. 
It’s going to be a disaster.
It’s going to be fun.
He’s already looking forward to it, and from the mischievous smile on Danny’s face, he’s not the only one.
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letters-to-lgbt-kids · 3 months
My dear lgbt+ kids,
It's difficult to write anything about the safety of Pride events without either greatly downplaying or exaggerating the potential risks of attending.
This is, at least partly, an online issue: the internet is international but there’s no international standard of safety for lgbt+ people. Someone reading this blog may be from a country where Pride events are generally safe and counterprotests are uncommon (or at least stay small and nonviolent) - but it'd be grossly negligent of me to pretend that this is true for everyone everywhere.
On top of those differences by country or location, there’s also individual safety concerns. Some things may pose a potential risk to certain groups or individuals while other people are unlikely to be negatively affected by them. This includes factors like crowds, loud music, exposure to alcohol or drugs etc. but also factors like the risk of being seen by someone who knows you or the risk of racist or antisemitic attacks etc.
All this is to say: I will happily share some general advice on safety with you – but if you’re trying to make a personal decision regarding the safety of attending Pride (regardless of whether that is “Is it safe for me to attend an event at all?” or just “How can I prepare for an event, so it’s as comfortable and fun as possible for me?”), don’t rely solely on me… or on any one voice you hear online. They may be in a totally different situation than you and inadvertently give you a totally wrong picture of it!
Tip Number One actually ties in with everything I said above: do you have friends (or other trusted people) who have attended Pride in your area before? If so, they may be a more reliable source of advice than a stranger online! Maybe you could even ask them to come along? Having an experienced Pride-goer with you is one of the best ways to ensure a safe and comfortable experience.
Other tips and pieces of advice that may be helpful:
Look the location up before you arrive: Which public transport stations are nearby? Where would you go if you need to buy a quick snack? Are there public toilets available? Where’s the nearest hospital or emergency room? Also note your surroundings when you arrive: Where are the exits? Are there any easily recognizable spots you could look for if you get lost? Where will you meet up with your friends or group if you accidentally get separated from them? 
Make a plan beforehand and share it with at least one trusted person. Let them know where you are going, who you are going with, how you plan to get there and back home (public transit, your own car, your friend’s car etc.) and when you intend to be back home. Make sure to keep them updated on any changes in your plans and ask them to check in regularly. Also agree on what they should do if they haven’t heard from you at the agreed time.
If you go with a friend or a group, agree beforehand how you’ll handle potential scenarios: what if one person wants to go home and the other(s) want to stay? What if one of you gets separated from the other(s)? (Don’t rely solely on texting/calling each other in such cases (phones can unexpectedly die, get lost, get stolen, have no cell service etc.))
Pride events often take place in summer, so make sure to keep sun/heat safety in mind! Wear sunscreen, stay hydrated, don't overexhaust yourself in hot weather and read up on the symptoms of (and first aid for) heat exhaustion.
If you want to stay safe and alert, your best bet is to stay sober. Don’t drink alcohol or take drugs. (If you do plan to do either of these things, then please keep basic harm reduction measures in mind: don’t drink on an empty stomach, don’t mix alcohol and meds, have at least one person in your group who stays sober, don’t drink & drive etc.) 
Make sure to take everything with you that you may need, such as a water bottle, snacks, any necessary medications, face masks, first aid supplies, a portable charger for your phone, emergency contact info (written down in case your phone dies), sunscreen etc.
Learn your rights when it comes to getting stopped by police (Make sure that what you read up on is actually true for your country and is up to date).
Read up on safety precautions for chemical irritation if the use of pepper spray/tear gas is a concern in your area. Same goes for active shooter situations. It may be a worst case scenario but it’s better to read up beforehand if it’s something you worry about.
Don’t engage with counterprotesters. Even if they seem nonviolent, keep in mind that they may just be waiting for you to provoke them, so they can “justify” escalating to violence. Just keep your distance, don’t talk to them, don’t let them bait you into conversation. 
Lastly, you want to keep everyone else safe too, so: make sure you don’t accidentally out anyone. Pride is supposed to be a safe space. Don’t take pictures of strangers, don’t upload anything on social media that shows anyone’s face or name if you didn’t get explicit permission to do so. 
With all my love,
Your Tumblr Dad
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sports-on-sundays · 1 year
serious / LN4
Summary: Lando Norris x girlfriend!reader - The problem is worse than Lando expected. And Lando is worse at comforting than you expected. Takes place after the Singapore 2023 Grand Prix.
Warnings: GIF is not mine!!!, me possibley being super inaccurate abotut how stuff actually works but it's okay because I was just having fun writing and it's fine, censored cussing, crying/sobbing pushing for intimate things when reader doesn't want to - NO SMUT, screaming, the shock of learning of the death of a loved one, a bit of angst
Requested?: Nope.
Author's Note: I'm currently feeling very affectionate feelings towards Lando. Which means I'm gonna have a lot of desire to write Lando brainrot.
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Just as your mother hangs up, you hear your boyfriend's voice practically squeal behind you, "Y/n! There you are! I've been looking for you everywhere. Why'd you leave early?"
"Lando, I-" you start, but are interrupted by Lando's arms wrapping around you from behind and him exclaiming, "P2, pumpkin! P2!"
That nickname sprouts from a few different factors. One is that it's not an uncommon pet name. Another is that when you first met, your hair had been dyed orange, and you were decked out in papaya from head to toe. And, of course, the fact that anything pumpkin flavoured is just about your favourite food ever is another good reason for the nickname.
But right now, you're not in the mood for pet names. "Lando, that's grea-"
He hugs your middle tighter, resting his chin on your shoulder, muttering, "I'm so disappointed you weren't there to see me... It was so fun..."
Suddenly, you feel guilty. And suddenly, you feel like if you were to start going on about your problems, right now, when Lando is so happy... That would just be wrong. So you, somehow, allow yourself to not even process the news you just got on the phone with your mother, and say softly to Lando, "Oh, that's great...! I... I'm so sorry I didn't see. I would have... I would have loved to." It takes all you have to not let your voice crack. You just have to hope that in the darker lighting, Lando won't be able to notice your tear-stained cheeks.
"It's okay... It was amazing. Carlos got P1, and Lewis P3."
You find a smile, turning around to face him, looking up at him in his eyes, which appear to be a greyish blue in this lighting. They shine in the dimly lit night. You hope yours don't shine as much as his are. Because if yours were shining that much, you know it'd be because of tears.
He strokes your cheek. His defined curls are a little messy, and his hand soft on your skin. He grips your waist gently then, slowly swaying back and forth.
It's a strange feeling. With Lando being so happy at getting P2 in the Singapore Grand Prix alongside his friend Carlos, the joy is just radiating off of him towards you. But you can't accept it. The pain you feel right now is like a shield against letting his good mood rub off on you.
Don't cry.
You should've been there to hug and kiss him as soon as he exited the car. You should've been there to watch him step on that podium and spray that champagne. You should've. You should've. You should've.
You would have loved too. Along with the pain of the news you just received, the regret of not being there to see Lando is too much, crashing down on you.
You start walking, arms linked, to the car. Once you're in and Lando has started driving, you mutter, "We're just going back to the hotel, right?"
"Oh, uh, sure! As long as that's what you want," you boyfriend responds. You feel a sinking feeling. You feel so bad.
"Why? What else did you have in mind?"
"Oh, nothing really," he shrugs. "It wasn't any real cemented plans. And regardless, you're probably right. It's been a long night. Fun, but exhausting. I'm definitely tired." And, as if just to prove it, he gives a big yawn. You nod, staring ahead at all the streetlights in the lit up night. Because of everyone trying to leave all at once, and the huge amounts of people, unsurprisingly, you're stopped up, and moving pretty slow. You sigh. You just want to get to the hotel to sleep and snuggle your boyfriend as soon as possible. You're not sure how soon as soon as possible could be now, looking at this traffic.
"So, why did you have to leave your seat, anyway?"
You swallow. You honestly were hoping he would've just forgotten about that, in the excitement of his podium. But nope. Of course he didn't. He only remembers things when it shouldn't matter to remember them. But forgets everything important.
"Well, I just had a long... phone call," you respond, surprised that's technically not even a lie. "We were talking about some really complicated stuff. I needed to leave to... talk about it."
"Oh, alright," he nods, completely trusting you. It's sweet how much trust he puts in you.
"Hey, pumpkin, really?" Lando asks, shaking you awake. "Are you alright?"
"Hmmm?" you grunt softly, your eyes fluttering open.
"We're at the hotel. You fell asleep while I was driving there." He helps your tired body out of the car, and you make your way to the hotel room together.
The moment the door clicks behind you and you're inside the hotel room with your boyfriend, he pushes you against the door, making out with you, his hand cupping the nape of your neck.
You feel sick.
He runs his hands in your hair, on your neck, and down your body.
Finally you're the one to pull away, but before you have a change to say a word, Lando leans in and starts speaking. He has such a big mouth- he's always been this way, since you met. He's never able to shut up. "Pumpkin, I can tell you haven't had as much of a good day as I have. Can I share some of my happiness with you?"
He kisses you all down your neck, but it doesn't feel good.
His nickname for you has always been pumpkin. And yours for him has always been 'sunshine' or 'my sunshine'. Whenever you're feeling bad, he always manages to make you feel better. He's like the sunshine to your cloudy day; the light to your darkness.
But now you don't feel it.
"Lando," you breathe. "Can we go to bed now?"
"Hmmm, whyyy?" he whines. "Are you sleepy? Has it been a long day? Do you need your beauty rest?" This lighthearted teasing right now honestly just feeling like insulting. Most of the time it would make you laugh and loosen up. Right now, it doesn't seem to be working.
"Lando," you sigh, shaking your head and stepping away. You stare into his eyes for a few seconds, before turning and slipping into bed. Not facing him.
You feel him standing across the room in silence for a few seconds, before he sighs and murmurs, "M'kay, Y/n. Well, sleep tight. Love you."
You sigh. Ever since the relationship started, he used that word. Love. The first time he said he loved you was on your first date. So because of that, sometimes you wonder when he means it, and when they're just sweet words he uses to try to make you feel better.
Right now, you're not sure which it is.
You sigh, knowing that you have to pretend to be going to sleep, despite the raging of your thoughts that's keeping your body from slumber.
You wake up in the middle of the night, and you feel Lando's arms around you and his body against your back. He just doesn't understand. You sigh again. Even when you turn away from him, he just clings on from behind. He's fast asleep- you can tell by his soft, deep breath on your neck. All cuddled in. With not a care in the world. You sigh again, pressing your cheek against the pillow, clamping your eyes shut tightly, wishing the pain would go away. Wishing you could be happy with Lando's podium. Wishing you could be sleeping just as contently as him.
Your thoughts rage again. It's so strange. The world, so peaceful, but your head, in turmoil. But the sounds outside of your head- Lando's breathing, the heating vent, cars going by outside... You imagine all the happy people. Partying... Whatever they do. You forget.
You suppose there have got to be other people laying awake right now, too, though. Maybe other people with their partner sleeping next to them, but not sleeping next to their partner. You swallow.
Lando, I need you. I need you to help me. Why won't you help me?
"Are you feeling better?" Lando asks as soon as your eyes are fluttering awake the next morning.
You sigh, turning to face him. Him and his beautiful shining eyes in the morning light. "No, I'm not..." you breathe, deciding now that the night is over, it's okay to talk with him now, explain your distress, and be honest. "I'm still not feeling great. Last-"
But he interrupts you.
"Oh, Y/n, then I want to make you feel great..." he says it in a soft, seductive voice that makes you feel just a little sick. He strokes your cheek, before leaning in and slowly caressing your neck with his tongue.
But suddenly, an indescribable rage fills up in you, pushing out the pleasure that was sneaking in, and you push him away. You throw off the white sheets and quickly slip on a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt from your open suitcase on the floor. Lando is about to say something, but you grab the closest thing to your hand- the television remote- and throw it at him as hard as you can. It's on target, but because of his cursed reflexes he dodges it.
But it's your turn to interrupt him. "Lando, stop!" you practically scream, tears starting to fill your eyes. "You don't even care! You don't care! You just want to enjoy my body and celebrate all in the name of 'comforting me'! You're not even asking what the f*cking problem is! You're terrible! Terrible! You're a terrible boyfriend!" Now the tears are coming down in steady streams, and words that you don't even mean- venom- escapes from your mouth:
"Lando, I hate you!"
He looks shocked, and slips out of the bed, holding a hand out to you. He takes a step closer, but you flip him, slip on your slides, and leave the hotel room, slamming the door as hard as you can behind you.
You run away from him, crying the whole time. You go to the completely different side of Singapore. You find a spot to sit and cry, burying your wet eyes in your arms. Soon enough, you call your mother with shaky fingers. She picks up after three rings, saying softly, "Hey, Y/n..."
"Hi, Mum..." you trail off. "So... I'll head back to L- London... As soon as I can..." You're sure that your mother can tell by your voice that you've been crying. Ugly crying. She just sounds tired. Empty. That's kind of how you feel.
"Oh, sweetie," she says softly. "Thank you... I appreciate it... So, so much..."
"I know, Mum," you sigh deeply.
"I forgot to ask this last night just from the shock of it all but... On a slightly brighter note, Lando got second place, right?"
This comment makes you feel mixed. Good because your mother loves you and Lando enough to still look up the results of the Singapore Grand Prix after all the terrible tragedy that was just dropped on their family last night, especially since she doesn't even like Formula One. But anger at the mention of Lando himself.
You almost forget to respond. "Oh, right, yeah. He did... He's... happy about that. U-hm, so yeah, we'll leave Singapore as soon as possible and get back to London... And... yeah. We can deal with... everything."
"Yes..." your mother sniffs. "Right. Thank you... I should let you go now... Bye, I love you..."
"I love you too, Mum," you murmur, and then she hangs up. Your phone goes back to your contacts, and your eyes rest upon your brother's contacts. A slight desire to see what your last text conversation was raises up in you, but you fight it, shaking your head. You can't. You feel your eyes sprout tears again. And then your eyes linger on Lando's contact. He's sent messages to you, but you've ignored them. He tried calling once, but maybe didn't try again because he figured it was a long cause.
I need you, Lando. I'm broken. Your eyes linger again on your brother's contact. He's gone. How can he be gone that fast? You swallow, your world spinning around you, as if at any moment it will all just crumble down. Lando, I need to feel your strong arms. I need you. I need to tell you. Please. I need to feel your arms, because I'll never feel his arms around me ever again... You let out a soft sob, pulling at your tangled hair, shaking your head. Your whole body is shaking. Lando, I need you. So why don't you care? Why?
Why are you so selfish?
You're not sure how much time passes. Seconds? Minutes? Hours? Either way, it's too much to be basking in this agony...
Suddenly, your phone rings.
You're relieved to see it's not Lando, but instead it's...
You only got his number because you needed to text him about something a couple months ago- you honestly don't even remember what it was, it was so unimportant. You have a policy generally of not texting other guys, since you're in a relationship. But in confusion, you answer it, and speak softly, not wanting it to sound like you've been crying. "Oscar?"
"Y/n," he says.
"What's up?"
"Where are you? W-"
"Did Lando tell you to call me?"
He sighs, and after a few seconds of hesitation, says, "Listen, Y/n. Lando's worried sick. He's practically pulling out his hair. If you'd've heard all the stuff he's rambling about..."
"What's he rambling about?"
"He's sorry, he didn't know, he needs you back. You know. He's nervous. He's getting way too nervous, though, talking about you breaking up. He still hasn't told me what happened, though."
"So he told you to call me?"
"No. I called you because I and everyone else is sick of Lando's stressing. So if you would kindly come back and comfort your boyfr-"
You know there's a teasing aspect in Oscar's voice, and you know it's just because he doesn't understand, but you still feel anger raise up within you because of it. "He should be the one comforting me!" you snap, your voice cracking.
There's a few seconds of silence, before Oscar says much gentler and softer, "Are you okay, Y/n?"
"No, I'm not okay! And Lando doesn't f*cking care, either!" Deep down, you know you shouldn't talk to Oscar like this, considering you don't even know each other that well, but it just feels like you can't hold your painful words back.
"Uh... One moment, please..." You wait a few seconds in confusion, before Oscar says, "Lando wants to talk to you."
"Oscar n-"
"Y/n," Lando's voice says over the phone.
Just the sound of him saying your name like that hits you in the heart like an arrow and causes you to start to bleed.
Just the sound of his voice saying your name.
"Lando..." you say, not even sure what to feel.
"Y/n, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Just please come back. Where are you? Are you okay? Are you safe?"
You hesitate. "I'm just sitting on a street corner..."
"Y/n, it's been hours!" he exclaims.
"Really?" you ask, genuinely numb and unaware.
"Yes! Please, come back to the hotel! I'm here waiting for you... We just... We need to talk. Obviously, we need to talk."
You swallow, a pit rising in your stomach. Your voice cracks as you say, "Lando, you..."
"I what?" he asks softly.
"Are you okay? Would you rather me come and get you?"
"No... I'll just come back to the hotel myself... And tell Oscar thank you."
"For what?"
"I don't know..." you shake your head, standing up. "Just tell him thank you."
"O... Okay. Um, well, see you soon, pumpkin. Bye."
"Bye, I..." Your voice trails off. You're so used to finishing that sentence in a certain way, but now...?
But now Lando finishes it for you. "...love you." And he hangs up.
You run to the bus stop.
The moment Lando sees you, he runs to you and envelopes you in a tight hug. You bury your face in his soft shoulder, and can no longer keep yourself from bursting into tears.
"Y/n, Y/n..." he breathes, stroking your hair. He leads you into the building and you step into the family bathroom for a little bit of privacy.
Quickly, you pull yourself together, taking a step back from him, looking up into his eyes. He looks back at you, and the twos words come from his lips: "I'm sorry."
You swallow. "For what?"
"I don't know what's wrong, but clearly it's worse than I thought... I was just so happy, and I figured if I could just make you feel better... But I went about it in the whole wrong way... I... I'm sorry, Y/n." He gently takes both your hands.
"Lando, I'm sorry, too..." you sigh. "Something... something terrible happened, and I just couldn't control my emotions, so I screamed at you and said... I said things that aren't even true. Lando, I... I don't hate you. I love you."
He seems slightly relieved, and gently rubs his thumb over your knuckles. "Why haven't you told me what's wrong?"
"Last night, I didn't want to, because I didn't want to ruin your moment of getting P2. Then this morning when I was about to tell you, you wouldn't let me..."
"Y/n," he breathes. "I know and I'm... I'm so sorry. I'll try harder. I'm so, so sorry. Can you... Can you tell me what's wrong now? I'm ready to comfort you now. I'm ready to quit being selfish now."
You look into his eyes for a few moment, before looking down, wiping the tears at your eyes before they even come. A part of you always wonders which of his words are fabricated and which ones are from the heart. "Last night, I left because my mother was speaking with me about something very serious on the phone..."
He looks at you with concerned eyes, patiently waiting for you to speak, only understanding now how serious this is.
You hesitate, before uttering, "Last night my older brother passed away."
Lando looks stricken, with wide, shocked eyes. His hands in yours start to tremble. It's like he's paralyzed.
Kind of like how you felt last night. In total shock.
Lando knew your brother. Not well, but he had met him. Your brother had teased him about McLaren, because he was just about the biggest RedBull fan around. He had teased him and treated him like a younger brother. And not only that, but you've talked about your brother a lot. Different, funny things he's always done, or a foolish story about him that you knew would make Lando laugh. Just nice things. You never spoke bad about your brother. But you spoke about him a lot.
Because you loved him.
It's terrible to think that now you're going to be speaking about him with 'was' and 'did' instead of 'is' and 'does'.
And then, Lando hugs you. It's warm. After a few moments, he slips his hands down under your thighs and picks you up. And he just holds you. Your tears are coming back, but you let them come.
"Now we have to plan the funeral and it's going to be so hard... Lando, I can't do this, but my mother needs help... As soon as we get back to London, I'm going to see her," you breathe, clinging to him.
He nods. "Would you like me to come with you, or would you prefer to go to see her alone?"
You shrug, shaking. "I don't know, Lando... Just... Just hold me..." You're holding the back of his shirt so tight. "You're all I need right now."
He kisses your cheek very gently, and does just that. But then he starts whispering. He whispers about random things, like the picnic we had the other day, or about how your favorite football team is doing. It's like he's reminding you- no matter what, the world is still spinning, and somehow, we're both still living humans who are going to be alright. "Y/n, I'm going to do everything for you, okay? Everything you need. I'm going to be there and help you when you need it. Because we're here for each other. We always will be. It's going to be okay, alright? I know it feels like your world is falling apart right now, but I've got you, and it's going to be okay in the end. Okay? Because I love you too much, and I'm going to help you through this."
I sniff. "Why couldn't you be like this right off the bat...?" I murmur.
"Be like what?" he asks in concern.
You sigh. "Why couldn't you comfort me like this right off the bat."
"Y/n, I'm sorry... I didn't know-"
"I didn't know you were able of comforting! I just thought it was something you couldn't do or something!"
You can see Lando swallow. "Y/n, I'm sorry. I didn't know... I'll try harder to-"
"It's fine," you breathe, shaking your head, although you're not sure how fine it really is, before leaning your head on his shoulder, sniffling.
He sighs big, obviously burdened. He kisses your cheek again. "Are you ready to head, then...? Or do you need more time...?"
"We have a long flight," you sigh. "We should get going now..."
Lando gently, slowly, slips you back down onto your feet. He strokes your hair, his face close to yours, looking into your eyes. "I'm here for you, okay?"
You nod, mopping up your wet, salty eyes with a paper towel. It's your turn to kiss his cheek now. "I understand, Lando. And I... forgive you. And I love that you forgive me, too."
"Of course I do," he says, exiting the bathroom, grabbing your hand. He puts his hood up and his sunglasses on. "I love you, pumpkin, okay?"
You sigh shakily, giving his hand a squeeze. "I... I love you, too... my sunshine."
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minniesmutt · 3 months
☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐛𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞
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     Minho was already forming a plan in his mind. He knew what they had talked about trying but he still wanted to talk through it. That was his main plan when he got home. 
    Y/n was busy getting dinner started when he got home. The dancer set his bag down and slipped his shoes off before joining her in the kitchen. Wrapping his arms around her and kissing her neck.
     “Hi kitten,” Minho greeted as he laid his head on her shoulder 
     “Hi handsome,” Y/n replied, setting her knife down to turn and kiss him, “how was work?”
     “Good, busy as always. Didn’t miss me too much today?” 
     “You never ask me that,” Y/n pointed out
     “It’s not every day you ask me to dress like a serial killer and fuck you.”
     “Thought you wanted me to forget?”
     “You can forget after we talk about boundaries,” Minho told her 
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     Minho ordered the mask right after they finished talking about boundaries. He was lucky he was home instead of her when the package arrived. Now he just had to set it in motion. Y/n was out grabbing things for the apartment and would be back soon. He texted her a simple word— one they talked about for them to get consent before starting. 
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     Minho smiled as she sent the same word back. He did the little prep he needed in the bedroom, then grabbed the mask and hid as she pulled up. 
     Y/n finished bringing her bags into the apartment. Putting away the groceries she had bought before heading to her bedroom. Dropping onto her bed and turning on the TV to find something to watch. Falling into a quick trance of her show. Only pulled out of it when she heard a weird noise. 
     She looked down the hall through the open door but figured it could just be the building. It was on the older side so it wasn’t uncommon to hear a weird noise occasionally. She shrugged it off and turned back to her show. 
     Another noise came again a couple of minutes later. She peeked again before getting up and shutting the bedroom door, just trying to ignore it. 
     She returned to the bed, hearing the door slowly open behind her. She whipped her head around just to get pinned to her bed and a hand grabbed her neck. She grabbed the wrists of the intruder to get the hand off her neck but it did nothing. 
     Her hands were pinned above her head and she was face to face with a white elongated mask. The eyes and mouth were completely dark. Y/n’s eyes widened in fear, as she tried pulling her legs together and to her chest. Just to find his body blocking her attempt.
     “Trying to get me closer?” He teased, pressing his bulge against her.
     Y/n shook her head, trying to get out of his grip.
     “It’s not nice to lie.” His free hand moved to unbutton her pants.
     Y/n thrashed under his hold to the best of her ability but any attempts were useless. Soon he was pulling the fabric off her legs and eyeing her panties.
     “Cute,” he chuckled before he tore the fabric off, “soaking wet too,” he stated as his thumb ran over her clit. Y/n bit her tongue, trying not to let any noises out. The hand on her neck moved up and grabbed her jaw, thumb pressing against her lips trying to get in. 
     “Open your mouth,” He growled. 
     Y/n shook her head and the masked man sighed. His thumb stopped working her clit and all but ripped the fabric off her body. He pushed her shirt up over her chest as she tried to push it down. 
     He grabbed her hands and pinned them against her as he leaned over her. Bulge pressed against her wet core. “I’d start behaving if I were you or this is going to get worse. Got it?” 
     Y/n felt the tears starting and sniffled, nodding her head. His hand gently tapped her cheek a few times, “Open.”
     Y/n opened her mouth and his thumb slipped inside. Pressing down on her tongue as she wrapped her lips around the digit. “What a whore,” he chuckled. 
     His hips gently rolled into hers, Y/n moaning in protest. “A needy whore apparently,” he added
     Y/n shook her head as he let go of her hands. Immediately, she tried pushing away from him. With a heavy sigh, he pulled his thumb from her mouth and pinned her wrists above her head with one hand. He reached behind his back and pulled some rope out from behind him, setting it next to her on the bed. Y/n squirmed away from him as he pulled her against him. 
     She fought against him as he pulled her top and bra off her before he reached down and undid his pants. “Let me go!” Y/n cried as she tried moving back
     “Just don’t know how to shut up, do you?” He asked as he pushed the tip of his dick into her.
     Quickly sheathing himself inside her. The stretch silenced her protest, jaw hanging open as a moan left her throat. He used the opportunity to fold her legs towards her chest. He moved her arms behind her knees and tied her in place. “There we go. Nice and open,” He commented, harshly slapping the back of her thigh. 
     He didn’t waste a second thrusting into her. Picking a quick pace; Y/n dug her head into the mattress under her. Wrists turning in the ropes, not caring if it left a rope burn later. 
     “Gonna see how much this little hole can take,” he hummed, thumb returning to her clit. Rubbing circles into the bud as she involuntarily clamped down on him
     Y/n shook her head but the masked man didn't notice. Continuing to fuck into her, only looking up to see her body react to his touch. The hard thrusts made her skin jiggle with each one. 
     “Pull out please,” Y/n whined 
     “But you're taking me so well,” he laughed
     Y/n kept twisting her wrist in an attempt to get out of her binds but faltered as he hit her G-spot
     “There it is.”
     The masked man adjusted himself to abuse the spot. Hearing all her protests die and get replaced with more moans. His thumb moved faster on her sensitive clit, feeling her pulse around him from the stimulation. Soon she was squeezing around him as warmth covered his cock.
     The man pulled his thumb away from her clit and bullied himself into her tight cunt as she rode her orgasm out. Her pulsing walls helped him get closer and closer till he was shooting his hot seed deep into her womb. Y/n squirmed under him as he buried himself deep inside her.
     “Nononono,” Y/n whined
     “Don’t worry, bunny, I’ll make sure it sticks.”
     He pulled his softening cock out of her and watched his cum slowly drip out of her. Collecting the leaking cum on his fingers and pushing it back into her. Thrusting the two digits in and out of her as his thumb came back to her clit. Y/n tensed around his fingers as a moan left her.
     “What happened to all that fighting back?” He asked, playing with the rope around her wrists with his free hand. 
     He could feel her walls clench around his fingers. Abusing her sensitive cunt till she was coming on his fingers this time. High-pitched moans left her mouth as he pulled his fingers out of her. He untied her arms and let her arms fall limp and turned her onto her stomach. Tying her wrists together before turning her back onto her back but turning her around; head hanging off the edge of the bed, face to face with his half-hard dick. 
     Y/n opened her mouth on instinct; the masked man smiled as he guided his cock into her mouth. Feeling her throat contract as she swallowed him.
    “That’s a good whore,” He chuckled, using her throat as he desired, “You just wanted someone to fuck you dumb, didn’t you?”
     There was a hum from her throat that made him shudder as he thrusted in and out of her mouth. His balls hit her nose every time he buried himself in her. He leaned forward and spread her thighs apart, being met with a little resistance.
     “Obviously not dumb enough,” He grumbled as brought his hand down on the inside of her thighs. Y/n tried closing her legs with each hit on the skin. Landing a final hit on her clit before his fingers were stuffing her again. Moaning as his fingers curled up into her walls. 
     Y/n whined around his dick before he pulled out of her throat. Y/n coughed as she caught her breath, lifting her head to stop the blood rushing to her head. The intruder spun her around again, pinning her legs onto the bed as he pushed back into her sensitive cunt.
     Y/n whined at the sensation but couldn’t get the words out to plead with him. She couldn’t use any limb to push him away, just lay there and let him use her. Her whines turned into moans as his cock bullied her. Leaning over her more, pushing her legs into a mating press, and picking up his pace. Slamming into her as he watched more tears roll down her cheeks.
     He pulled out for a moment and flipped her onto her stomach again, tucking her knees under her before pushing back into her. Hands gripping her ass as his hips slammed into her from behind. All her whines were muffled by the sheets as he landed a hard spank on her as before he grabbed her hips. She could feel his dick twitching inside her as he used her like a fleshlight.
     “Gonna leave you full of me,” he groaned as he grabbed her hips, fucking her back onto him.
     Y/n clenched around him as he grabbed the back of her head and pulled up to his chest. His hand gripped her throat as the cool plastic of the mask pressed against her face. Her jaw fell open as he felt deeper inside her after being pulled to his chest. She could feel him abusing her cervix. His other hand moved back between her legs, rubbing figure eights on her clit.
     “No… more, please,” Y/n cried, legs starting to shake 
     “Not done till- fuck- I fill up that womb.”
     “‘S too much.”
     Y/n squeezed him as another orgasm blindsided her. Wanting to fall limp on the bed if it weren’t for the hands keeping her up. He grunted in her ear as he slammed into her one more time. Hot cum filling her again. Y/n clenched around him, milking him before letting her go and letting her fall onto the bed. 
     Minho sighed and took off the costume mask. Tossing it to the end of the bed and untied his girlfriend’s wrists. “Kitten,” he gently called, moving her hair to kiss the back of her neck
     Y/n turned her head and he placed another kiss on her cheek, “Feel okay?”
     “Fuzzy,” Y/n managed to reply
     “I’m gonna pull out, okay?” Minho waited for her little nod before he slowly pulled his hips back. Y/n whined as his dick popped out of her before he slowly turned her over. 
     “Can you put your arms around me kitten?”
     “Tired,” Y/n grumbled 
     “I know sweetie. We gotta get cleaned up though. We can cuddle after, okay?”
     “Okay,” Y/n agreed, wrapping her arms around his neck. 
     Minho grabbed her thighs and picked her up. Bring her into the bathroom and set her on the toilet. Turning on the shower and letting the water warm up.
     “I’m gonna get you some clothes kitten. I’ll be right back,” Minho kissed her forehead and went to their room and grabbed them both some lounge clothes. Coming back in the bathroom a moment later
     He stripped himself of his clothes and helped his girlfriend up and into the shower. Keeping her in front and washing her body before himself.
     “I’m hungry Min,” Y/n complained after he had gotten them both dressed.
     “I’ll make you something to eat,” Minho helped her into the living room and sat her on the couch, throwing a blanket over her legs and turning on her favorite show while he stepped into the kitchen to make her something to eat
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