#it's not even gonna be a month it's gonna be four weeks
I Forget Where We Were
1.4/ joel miller x f!reader / MINORS DNI 
summary: life with Joel from the start. Be kind please- this is my first piece and has taken 6 months of courage🤍
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Chapter Nine: Conrad
Oh, I loved you with the good and the careless in me. 
what to expect: Sunday dinner for the Millers with an unexpected guest. One is human and one is tabby with four paws. 
warnings: bad language i guess idk?😂fluff, dad!joel,lover boy joel, no specific physical description of reader, female reader (please let me know if there is anything I’m missing, I will elaborate as the series goes on) no outbreak, age gap (reader is mid 20s and Joel is mid 40s), boyfriend!joel? i repeat boyfriend!joel, wholesome Sundays, toothache inducing sweetness, cute baby kittens
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‘I think it’s going to rain today’ Sarah sipped her orange juice and ate her pancakes, with a sudden air of concern and adult-like observation.
‘Nope baby, it’s a hot forecast, Uncle Tommy and his new girlfriend are round today, dinner outside again’ Joel clapped his hands as he made the obligatory dad remark of being 100% certain what the weather is like.
You woke up feeling slightly worse for wear, with the tight squeeze in the bath tub, the new prospect of moving in with Joel and Sarah, the excitement of a kitten and the bottles of red wine haunting you.
‘I’m gonna head home and grab my stuff for the week. I’ll be back soon, I love you both.’ Before you left, Joel handed you 100 dollars and you grabbed the cat collar before Sarah noticed it.
‘Daddy what is that for? She has money you know?’ Joel rolled his eyes, realising the torture that came with a daughter who was always a step ahead and way too observant.
‘How do you know what kinda money she has, now then little lady?’ Joel rested his hesd on his fist and leant over the breakfast bar, ready to be amused by Sarah’s answer, which was bount to encapsulate your entire personality.
‘No one needs that many claw clips, and she doesn’t let her handbags go anywhere near the floor.’ Sarah was deadly serious, but Joel belly laughed, so excited about building your vanity here and having your handbags on display.
‘Well, maybe I felt like being nice.’ Joel shut the conversation down. He was not ready to try and give child answers to adult questions.
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Joel was right. A hot Sunday it was. You wore a cream linen co-ord, shorts with a long sleeved button up shirt. Paired with your iconic matching bow, oversized tote and Birkenstocks.
We’re gonna make great pawrents.
I should break up with you for that.
You have no right. 
I’ll put a real baby in you instead.
Jesus. Not even 10am yet. At least let me have my second coffee.
You pulled up to the pet store and got all you needed for the new Miller addition. You laughed when you saw Joel had drawn a pawprint on one of the bills.
Next door was a rescue store, and you went in on the hunt for the perfect kitten. 
The volunteers were so helpful and sweet. They asked if you had children, who was home during the day and took address details and asked how the neighbourhood was. They took you through to the cats- you were in heaven. 
You were matched with a tiny 11 month old tabby. Her name was Nova, and she was perfect with children with bags of energy, but with a docile, gentle side which made her a lapcat of an evening.
They did the final checks and paperwork, and you were able to take Nova home. She mewed in her carrier for the entirety of the journey, and her tiny paws poked through the gaps in the carrier, followed by a teeny pink nose and angry kitten teeth.
You called Joel and told him you were 5 minutes from home, and to get Sarah ready.
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You let yourself in, and carried Nova through. She ran laps around the pen you set up in the living room, and then eventually fell asleep on her blanket.
You went out the back to find Joel and Sarah tidying up the plants, and taking off the leaves that had gone yellow, and repotting the dahlias. 
Joel leapt up so quickly he saw stars, and Sarah bounded down the garden to cuddle you,the usual greeting you were given.
‘What would make your Sunday better?’ Joel asked
‘No school tomorrow?’ Sarah blushed knowing she was hilarious.
‘Okay what else?’ Joel rolled his eyes.
‘Ice cream?’ Sarah laughed again.
‘Okay I’m impatient. Follow me and Daddy’ you skipped through the kitchen and turned and made Sarah jump by shushing her.
She went giddy and Joel instantly fell in love with the pint sized baby that laid asleep in the sun beam on the floor.
Sarah squealed with excitement as she tiptoed over to Nova. Nova woke up and she rolled on her back and did a big stretch. Sarah delicately tickled Nova’s belly and Nova jumped to all fours and ran round Sarah, picking up a mouse toy in her mouth and dropping it by her lap.
‘She’s so fluffy, I love her so much. Thank you’ Sarah started to cry, unable to process the emotions that came with your first pet at a young age.
You and Joel were emotional wrecks, watching what was possiby the most wholesome moment in your lives. Joel wrapped his arm round you and you leaned into him. 
‘You did good baby’ he whispered as his lips touched the top of your head.‘Everything I’ve ever wanted in one room’ 
The wholesomeness was soon interrupted by Tommy, bursting his way through to the front room. 
‘I bought company, hope you don’t mind one more’ Tommy lead the new love interest in by her wrist and made her do a twirl. Your jaw dropped. You both squealed in unison and ran to eachother.
‘Laura, you dirty dog’ you pretended to gasp and be disgusted, but your bestfriend and basically brother-in-law, it was a blessing.
‘He dropped me home Friday night and I couldn’t get him to leave’ Laura giggled as Tommy playfully smacked her ass.
‘Uncle Tommy, meet Nova. Hi you’re pretty’ Sarah couldn’t stop to answer questions about the furry addition, too distracted by trying to wrap your best friend around her little finger too. 
Tommy played with Nova, and she clamped her paws round his wrist and they wrestled.
‘Right, let’s go grab a drink’ Joel attempted to restore some order. Kittens, friendly reunions, two smart ass independent women. The Millers were in deep.
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You all caught up and debriefed on the events of Friday night, the proposal Joel had and Laura and Tommy’s newly found spark.
After plates and plates of chicken Caesar, steak, fries and homemade cookies, mixed with sangria and beers, you all collapsed in the living room on the sofa. You and Laura did Sarah’s bedtime routine before school tomorrow and then joined the boys downstairs after you all kissed her goodnight.
Nova snuggled up next to Sarah on her pillow, and Laura took a polaroid and propped it next to Sarah’s nightlight. How did you all get so lucky to find eachother? Sarah would never come up short in her life, you all loved her fiercely.
You and Laura shared the armchair, with the type of friendship where you had very little boundaries, but also due to the fact you couldn’t finish a conversation without Joel and Tommy moaning you were shouting across the room to eachother whilst they tried to watch the big game.
Laura shotgunned all the pieces of clothing that you were talking about decluttering, seeing as you would have to find a way to fit a 2 bed apartment, overrun with your belongings, around Joel and Sarah’s life, without intruding.
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Joel and Tommy finally made it through the game with no interruptions, as you and Laura were banished to the armchair and inevitably fell asleep holding wine glasses. You were both lightweights and prone to exhaustion following high levels of excitement.
In true manly, criminal fashion, they turned the big light on and you both jumped up, grouchy and rudely awakened.Tommy was going to drive Laura home, and you planned your schedules to line up tomorrow whilst hugging goodbye.
‘Look after her’ you warned Tommy, lightheartedly of course.
‘I wouldn’t dare hurt my girls’ Tommy winked playfully and Joel stood behind you with his forearm coming over your shoulder and draping over your chest.
Joel wrapped the lengths of your hair round his hand, as you shut the front door, and held it firmly as he kissed you.
‘What a weekend baby, I’m exhausted, and far too drunk for a Sunday’ he slurred his words ever so slightly, and his eyes were heavy. 
‘Let’s be asleep by 10pm and then it doesn’t count’ you scrunched your nose and kissed him.
‘Come on then baby. We’ve got a busy week coming up.’
Previous Chapter
Final Chapter
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beatrixstonehill2 · 11 hours
"Holy crap, I feel incredible! Only one month into the Stealth Detrans Challenge and I'm having a blast! Soooo happy my boyfriend convinced me to do this! For those who aren't keeping up, I met Darren about three months ago on Tinder and even on our first date he was gushing about this challenge and how he'd love to see me try it. I only giggled and nodded along, telling him I'll think about it..... sure enough only a couple months later I actually decided to give in! Seeing the other girls do it definitely helped, watching them gradually change and try, but fail to hide their masculinization. It seemed simple enough.... Stop my hormones, start taking testosterone instead, and see how long I can go before I can't hide that I'm detransitioning and becoming a guy. Most girls only last a few months before it's way too obvious....
I'm not sure if I'm even gonna last that long! My body knows what it wants and now that it's finally tasted T, it's like I'm being fast-tracked through male puberty! It's totally wild to watch. Since I started blockers and hormones so young I've never had, like, any T in my system. My hips grew big, my ass got nice and fat, and of course my breasts became huge and perfect for guys to play with. My cock never got bigger than an inch, but after a month on testosterone it's already six inches fully erect! I can finally jerk off! I could only rub it before. Not only that, but my balls are getting really big. They used to be tiny and useless, now they're as big as eggs, full of glorious cum! I ejaculate these huge, thick, milky ropes of cum, sometimes a dozen per orgasm, especially right when I wake up and relieve my morning wood, which can take three or four orgasms before my erections finally stop.
I'm already failing to hide my cock. I can hardly wear jeans or shorts because I get erections constantly. It's humiliating having to run to the women's room, make sure nobody's around, put some porn on my phone and jerk off in a stall really fast. I usually just watch something that gets me going fast, like pregnant college girls giving birth as they suck cock and get ass fucked. I've almost gotten caught a few times.... Now I even pee standing up so it's even more obvious that a guy is using the ladies' room. If the noise of me beating my cock wasn't obvious enough, watching porn like some hopeless gooner with zero impulse control.
I never used to watch porn, and I only masturbated a couple times a week. Now I jerk off over a dozen times a day, sometimes in my car when I'm out driving, or I'll even hide behind bushes or trees at the park and rub one out if my erections ache enough. How can other guys stand this? And to think my cock is only just starting its growth, most 'girls' who do this challenge wind up with cocks somewhere between ten and fifteen inches. I...... kind of love the idea of having a massive cock, showing everyone I'm a man no matter how much I doll myself up and train my voice..... speaking of which. Yes, my voice is just starting to crack! I am SO hyped! Pretty soon I'm going to need to voice train if I'm going to convince anyone I'm supposedly a girl. Already my friends and coworkers are looking at me funny when I talk. Some of them smirk when I open my mouth, as they go from eyeing the bulge in my shorts to my newly cracking voice. They can tell deep down what I'm secretly doing.
My bf is really happy I decided to do this challenge, but even more so that I'm detransitioning in general. He told me on our first date he's bi but prefers men. I shrugged and joked that if he's sure I could always be a guy if he really wants me to be. He definitely took me up on that offer! Pretty soon my facial hair will come in. My body hair is already getting thicker and coming in faster. I'm getting new hair up my belly and it's starting to grow on my breasts! It's looking like I'm meant to be a really hairy guy. Always knew I took more after my dad.... And speaking of my breasts, I've started telling my friends I'm thinking of getting a reduction. I'm asking them how they feel about me going really small, that I'm self-conscious of being so big breasted. They seem to love the idea. A couple of them even straight up said I'd look amazing totally flat-chested. I just smiled big and said, "Oh! You think so, too?"
Now it's only a matter of time until my passing days are numbered.... Once my beard really comes in and my voice gets way deeper I'm gonna get top surgery. You know, I'd get it now but I'd hate to spoil the challenge so early! Half the fun is watching people wonder if I'm detransing or not. I'm having so much fun I already convinced two trans girls at my university to do the challenge, too! We're hoping many more will follow. There's nothing naughtier than having the perfect body as a trans girl, going through all the work of going on blockers and never missing your hrt, developing your dream body. Perfect hips, perfect ass, perfect tits and a beautiful face/voice to match, only to throw it all away because the thought of becoming a guy makes your cock super hard.... Guess that shows how male I really am. All I can think with is my dick!"
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it's ferburary
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badolmen · 2 years
RIP to all of the British people who have to deal with the BBC/national officials shutting the country down the next few weeks that’s gonna be rough.
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doodleodds · 2 years
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royalty & fairy tale au’s are meant to be mixed and u can’t change my mind
Late shuake week 2022 day 3 - Royalty AU
#shuakeweek2022#akechi goro#kurusu akira#I JUST REALLY LOVE SLEEPING BEAUTY OK#or well. i love the idea of 'sleeping curses.' idk why! they've always fascinated me#i used to be obsessed with aurora and snow white for that reason#and so here i am! as always! projecting this interest of mine onto my favorite characters :)#also for reference because i just realized how weird it reads: goro's gonna be in the tallest tower when he's cursed#that's why akira's got a reason to climb it. so. yeah#also in case you were wondering why i said 'see you tomorrow with more art' and then proceeded not to post for.....four days:#1) work decided that i'm going to be doing more hours so i now have very little free time;#2) i decided to actually try my hand at coloring again like an IDIOT and now here we are. sigh. coloring is hard#i was trying to hard not to just overdose on comic dots again lol & it resulted in this nonsense. me and my one very textured stone wall#ANYWAY lmao even though i missed like. every single day of akeshu week so far i'm still gonna be doing the prompts#just at my own pace! so. hopefully expect more art. soon. ish. hopefully not with another uhhh 2 month gap like last year lol#also quick fun fact since you made it this far in my tags! that second page originally wasn't supposed to be there!#i drew sleeping goro just cause i could and i was just gonna stick him under a read more but then i got attached lmao#and now he's in the main post! :D yayyyyyy goro#ANYWAY that was super long. thanks for reading & i hope u have a lovely day!!!!
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Okay so there's this offer for younger kids at my school that they're being watched the afternoon too and can do their homework and stuff, and the three women running that are actual gems and also you bet your ass they know you whether you're way too old for that or not, right?
Well, one of them approached me today randomly, like completely out of the blue. She just. had a favourite jacket that doesn't fit her anymore and since it's a favourite, she wanted someone she knows to have it and apparently thought of me. Now, the jacket is a tiny bit too big and it's ver, sturdy and kiiiinda military style and looks sick as fuck and that's amazing and in conclusion i love that woman.
But also, my brain apparently saw the jacket and went "that's soooo marquis de carabas", and you know what, my brain's right, it does look a bit similar to how i always picture his coat. Therefore I'll be adding a shitton of pockets inside :D
in conclusion, i got a fantastic jacket today, kinda-but-not-really? teachers are the most amazing people on earth and i need to learn how to properly sew with a machine and all RIGHT THIS SECOND
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blissfulstatic · 6 months
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i started all of these games at wildly different times, took varying levels of breaks partway through each of them, and then finished all of their achievements in the same two days
i don't know what to do with myself now
#buenos dias short people#tunic was like. i played to maybe halfway. took a months long break#when i picked it back up i didnt remember what i was doing so i started a new file and played like a third#months long break. but this time i resumed the second file and played through to the end#the game is very cryptic but starting over gave me a handle on the mechanics and what was important#outer wilds took like four tries even though i knew it would be good i just wasnt hooked#the game is about knowledge even more than tunic like knowledge is the whole deal and it comes slowly at first#but when it hit it really hit. god damn#please play outer wilds#spyro? um. it was good#i don't know that i took any big breaks from it? there were some but a couple weeks at most#spyro levels are not particularly complex. or content rich. and i really felt that 60 hours#playing the whole trilogy all back to back can really burn you out#its a collectathon you're bound to spend a good while just wandering around to find that one last thing you missed#and i didn't know i could left stick for sparx to point out the nearest gems until like halfway through 2 so that was a time waster#im not saying it wasn't a good game but spyros moveset is like. glide fire charge and you do this for three games#until they throw in random nonspyro playable characters in 3 and they all control really bad and weird. but its still mostly spyro#i could have taken big breaks between each game and it would've been better probably but its a collection im gonna roll to the next one
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me, every night for the past three weeks: oh im feelin good rn! and i had a good day today!! im definitely not gonna lie awake filled with anxiety and dread over my future tonight :D
me, lying in bed 20 minutes later looping famous last words: by talos this cant be happening
#its like im fine literally all day qnd then i start to get ready for bed and the Dread sets in#like its an actual physical feeling in my stomach and i just suddenly out of nowhere have to hold myself back from crying#i literally go from perfectly happy to on the verge of tears in an INSTANT and idk whats causing uty#it#like i know broadly ehat the causes are but idk whats causing the specific switch at night#am i tired?? is it just bc im tired??? bc its not consistently at the same time and most of the time i dont *feel* tired#or is it just like. i knoe im going to bed so i know im gonna be alone with my thoughts and so they all come and hit me at once???#idk idk idk i just know i hate it and i want it to stop i want everything to fucking stop#id say i need a minute to breathe but really ive been using the past four months as my minute to breathe & thats part of the fucking problem#because ive been putting this all off for so long bc its so overwhelming but now theres so much igotta do and theres real tangible deadlines#so i cant keep putting it off but i DO and its just making it all even more overwhelming and my parents arent fucking helping#but its not even their fault because im chosing not to talk to them about this bc talking to them about it makes it all real#and i dont want it to be real yet im not fucking ready for it to be real yet i just need a goddamn minute TO FUCKING BREATHE#i wish i could freeze time and just give myself a day where none of this matters#actually a days not long enough i think i need like. two weeks. two weeks for me to get my shit together where none of this bullshit exists#and i can just do whatever i want and not have to think about deadlines and decisions and the fact that this is all ive wanted since the#7th fucking grade and now that its actually here i cant fucking stomach the thought of it being real because im a goddamn coward who cant#fucking commit to anything or get themself to DO anything and i know its not really my fault bc i probably have adhd and i get#knocked off my ass with a migraine every ither fucking day but i still feel like i should be more prepared for this than i am#and im not prepared and im not ready and i cant get myself ready because i cant do things like this myself because i dont really want to be#doing them at all#like sure! the bitch can write a 400+ page fanfiction no fucking problem!! they can find time for that but a college essay?? even finding#schools to apply too???? dont be fucking ridiculous they cant even get half an app done in the time it takes them to write a two 6k chapters#delete later
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braceletofteeth · 7 months
tag someone you want to know and/or some of your besties.
I was tagged by @fourth-quartet 😊 Thank you!!
favourite colour: Gray but I'm currently in a brown phase
last song: I've got recently reacquainted with Beginner by AKB48 😄
last series: The Kidnapping Day. It was a lot more wholesome than the name suggests.
last movie: Saw X (surprisingly also a lot more wholesome than you'd expect????)
sweet/savoury/spicy: Sweet :3
currently watching:
Koisenu Futari
Chains of Heart
The Golden Girls (season 1)
Love in the Air (2nd rewatch)
other stuff I watched this year: Not listing all of it here (I've never watched so much stuff as I did in 2023), but I'll mention the ones that I enjoyed watching the most from each month so far (*not including rewatches):
JAN: Wednesday
MAR: Not Me
APR: Tick, Tick... Boom!
MAY: Utsukushii Kare
JUN: Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938
JUL: Takin' Over The Asylum
AUG: Marry My Dead Body
SEP: Utsukushii Kare: Eternal
OCT: The Sandman
shows I dropped this year/didn't finish: I barely remember the ones I watched till the very end 🤡 But ok, let me see...
Eve (dropped after one episode; Rich People and their Rich People Problems™, I think was the reason)
A few straight GMMTV shows that I didn't really catch the name (I. Well. I just. I just couldn't make myself give a fuck, ok 😔)
+ Currently deliberating whether or not I should drop Chains of Heart. All the subtitles I've found are lacking in terms of coherence, and the story itself is already not the most straightforward, so I can only hope I'm understanding what's going on at all? 😀 And I'm also not feeling the main couple from either the present nor the past (? I suspect they are the same (but I may never know))... HOWEVER, I like the acting of the main, and the Thai scenario that is not Bangkok for once. That's always refreshing. And sometimes the cinematography is pretty too... Decisions, decisions...
currently listening to: Back for More by TXT & Anitta (I went after the link for it and distractedly searched for "banger" instead of the title 😆)
currently reading: Codename Villanelle (it's a small book but I'm. ..struggle)
current obsession: I'm not obsessing over anything at the moment 😟☹😫 Have been too busy with mundane adult life problems (therefore, as you can imagine, I'm just about going up the walls here :))
tagging: @eatprayworm @thisautistic @hyp-no-tic @visualtaehyun hi 👋
#tag game#it's one of those weeks when I feel like my old acquaintances might be sick of me already#SO I tagged some people I think might be really cool but haven't directly approached yet#you know. for maximum anxiety#I've lost many songs over the years (it's never safe to have only one copy of them; thankfully I can afford more now)#the first time I found Beginner (as a pre-teen) I just downloaded it randomly listened to it and liked it so much I decided to keep it??#oh to be young and not care about stuff like viruses or managing your time#at some point while writing this post I finished watching Ko¡senu Fut@ri#10/10 no notes#(lies. there are notes. dozens and dozens of reblogs just waiting for me to spread them all over your dashboards in the near future)#tick tick boom was quite nice... for a musical#(not a fan of musicals so to have one on my list is. wild)#already four months since the Lee brothers left me 😪#and I haven't heard a word about LDW's new drama in MONTHS. actively gnawing the bars of my cage rn#OH OH WAIT I ALMOST FORGOT#SPECIAL MENTION TO <SUMMER STRIKE> IN MAY#if my other option wasn't Utsukush¡i fricking K@re I wouldn't even hesitate. but. it was#and everyone knows I'm not normal about this one 😀🙂#if anyone wants to advocate in favor of Ch@ins of Heart. please. I'm all ears. is it worth it?#uhh. I'm not gonna disclose much but it's true I'm under a lot of stress lately. there is a lot going on right now.#I might not be able to watch new shows/be around tumblr while I (try to) sort my shit out#just a quick heads up 👍
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orionis13 · 6 months
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My new hell,,,
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lovelyisadora · 4 months
it isn’t the end of the semester but i’m already having my end of the semester breakdown oh my GOD I am going to have a heart attack. sprite save me
#nothing is done!! not my applications not my interviews etc#I am running out of time to graduate in June and I could just graduate in august but then I have to admit to my family that I fucked up bad#it takes 3-6 weeks to get IRB approval I need to step on it#it’ll take at least 4 for my paid leave forms for work to go through and I don’t know if it’ll get approved#and if it does when do my benefits start#I feel like an idiot where those forms are concerned because it needs an occupation code and I don’t know if it’s specific#or if I can just select the one that best matches my job description and I can’t find that info anywhere#my body is literally shutting down I have two golf ball sized tumors and I can’t get out of bed but I can’t sleep#my car is kaputt and I have to call several different shops to get it seen because the one I took it to couldn’t fix it#and is any of it worth it!! is any of it!!#I cried for like three hours today bc I tried to talk to my mom about it and. well. she was very much a mom about it and not helpful#like yeah! obviously I want to graduate in June! but my research isn’t even approved because I haven’t been able to get myself#to complete the application for the last six months! Jesus Christ!#I can’t sleep and I’m so tired I’m so so tired my brain just straight up isn’t working!#I swear to god if I finally meet with my advisor and he does his well you don’t seem to need my help bullshit again#I’m gonna actually snap and kill him#anyway. need to do three things by end of Wednesday. just three things#clean. irb. and paid leave. that’s it that’s all.#it’s what I’ve tried to do the last four days and I’ve accomplished none of it but. Jesus Christ it’s gotta get done#FOUR THINGS I have to call the shop to get an estimate for a car I’m not even going to bother to fix#ok vent session over#delete later#fkdjdjshhaa im a MESS#sprite save me 😭#save me sprite. save me
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maddy-ferguson · 4 months
i'm no longer in my blonde woman era
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hella1975 · 2 years
okay so im staying the night at my friend's in my Uni City on sunday bc my maths exam is monday morning and i dont have any accommodation there anymore (which is really stupid on the uni i feel? like they expect kids to be paying the train and accommodation fares AND navigate the current rail strikes AND revise during heatwaves when they could just very easily in this post-covid world put the exams online? baffling) and this is my one coursemate that's super super good for me in that she's VERY disciplined and WILL yell at me if im not working like i should be. she's also the econ student who asked me in the corruption lecture if tax evasion is legal but that's neither here nor there. anyway my point is she lives locally hence why im staying with her and i cannot stress enough how much she singlehandedly holds my academic life together. like i am going to show up on her doorstep with all my notes and just burst into tears im sure of it
#guarantee she'll teach me more for my resit the night before than i managed to do in 4 weeks alone#the only thing is her parents are SUPER fucking nice and keep offering me shit#and im so so miserable during exam season like i need to just stay in a room all day revising and not talking to people#otherwise the stress will just eat me alive#so even though it's a pain im then gonna come HOME on monday after the exam just to stay at hers again#on the 3rd for my macro exam next thursday#nightmare#BUT her parents keep insisting i stay the entire time like keep in mind they've met me ONCE#and tbf parents always love me like it's just one of my charms <3 but inviting someone for FOUR DAYS when i wont even be leaving#the house the entire time is mad#like mad in a good way bc they genuinely are just being stupidly generous#BUT STILL#and they always offer me a shit ton of food and im a nightmare for refusing free food#like one time the uni converted part of the SU into a langar and i went with this exact friend actually#when i tell you it was the worst combination in the best way my god i have never eaten so much in my life#she was like 'just say no when they offer' i was like bestie i CANT you dont understand#and it's like that with her parents too im in heaven and hell simultaneously every time#so im just gonna be teary and stressed out my mind on the floor surrounded by notes as far as the eye can see#and my poor friend and her parents are gonna be TOO NICE and it's going to break me like i have been holding on by a thread all month#watch me on the verge of a breakdown and the thing that tips me being the absolute angel that is my friend mum#once again asking if i want anything#her: are you okay in here can i get you anyth-#me: *immediately starts sobbing*#AND IM ON MY PERIOD ARE YOU INSANEEE#hella goes to uni#anyway im feeling normal about this resit how are you
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goldensunset · 1 year
Happy one month until tears of the kingdom 🎉
#time is passing soso quickly…#june 2019 feels like it was only yesterday#we’ve really been waiting for this game for almost four years huh#now suddenly it’s like that’s way too soon oh man just a month#can’t believe it’s even happening feels like this was never supposed to be a real game just a myth#i’m gonna be out of school in less than a month… probably working in less than a month…#funny my brother has been saying for years now ‘once botw2 comes out i’m gonna request an entire week off of work’ LOL#imagine if i did that lol. hey i know i’ve been here for two days but it’s really important i need to play this game right now#man this summer is about to be lit… a real and interesting job… a game i’ve been waiting for for years…#i’ll be in class for the final trailer tomorrow AUGH#maybe i just shouldn’t watch it anyway. like just to avoid spoilers#i wanna go in as blind as possible actually#me from a year or so ago would’ve NEVER passed up the chance to get more info on totk but that’s bc i needed crumbs to sustain me#but now it’s like. hey it’ll be here in a month anyway and i’ve got other stuff to do in that time#same with the gameplay showcase i haven’t seen that#i’ve had all the relevant tags filtered on here for like a month ever since the art book leaked#just gonna leave ‘em on#once we get closer to the date itself i might eventually log off indefinitely#actually that’s probably gonna happen anyway#if it’s anything like last summer having a job and a game to play over the summer means i don’t need tumblr to fill my time#anyway this has been a ramble sorry#asks#rosie-kairi
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mirsvintagesonytv · 1 year
I haven’t read untold origins so idk how accurate the anime is so far HOWEVER. YOUNG ODA !!! YOUNG RANPO !!! PRE-RANPO FUKUZAWA AAAAA also the greyscale Was a nice touch I actually liked it. If they weren’t hinging on use of gold light in Dark Era the greyscale would’ve worked there too. I’m so excited bsd season four is the only thing keeping me going so bones!!! If u fuck this up !!! 😀😀😀😀😀my therapist will be hearing about you 😀😀😀
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agayconcept · 11 months
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