#it's only been like 45 minutes since i woke up
calypsocolada · 3 months
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(this is part two! click here for part one)
synopsis: you left without saying goodbye, giyu needs to know why... author's note: hellllooooo. the reaction to part one of this story was incredible. i cannot thank any of you enough for your kind words seriously. this one is for all of you <3 (psst... to all the swifites, if you can point out two other song references besides rwylm you get a gold star) cw: ANGST (lol like there wasn't enough in the first part), blood, gore, spoilers about rengoku, HAPPY ENDING, not proofread wc: 4.2k
click here for my masterlist
There was nothing more frustrating than lack of communication. As much as he wished he could read your mind, as much as he begged and pleaded to deaf ears you were just one hard shell to fully crack open. Though Giyu supposed he was probably the same. But at least he was making an effort. He thought you’d make one too. 
But as Giyu sat cross legged at a Hashira meeting he could meet all their eyes but yours. You didn’t spare him a glance like you spared him your time those few weeks ago. Almost a month and a half now and for some reason Giyu couldn’t stop counting the days, the hours and minutes. 
45 days since you knocked at his door. 
1,080 hours since you grabbed him, your cheeks wet as you pressed your lips to his. 
64,800 minutes since Giyu woke up in the morning to an empty bed. 
It never got easier. Each day was like this stabbing pain in his chest. A persistent feeling of desertion. He’d thought things had changed since that night. The night you cried and cried and kissed and kissed. 
He wrote you letter after letter but no response. Now here you were in the same room, in a room filled with others but Giyu only felt your presence. Like a heightened sense that haunted him so stunningly that he wondered if your lack of attention would actually kill him. As if he overdosed on it once and now he’d never be able to wean himself off you.  
You were so close, only maybe three feet from him but you felt worlds away. Could he have done something wrong? Showed too many of his cards too soon? Scared you off? Sure you reciprocated his kisses, in fact you were the initiator. But when it came to a verbal confession there was nothing for Giyu to latch onto. No words, just your actions. But your actions betrayed you. You treated him as if that night never even happened. For 45 days. It was like torture. To want something so badly, to have it for a fleeting moment then lose it. Giyu was losing it.  
“Mr. Tomioka?” Your voice was like a shot of ice through his veins. Giyu blinked the fogginess from his brain and cleared his throat. Your attention was on him. The room is empty. Giyu hadn’t noticed the meeting had ended. Didn’t notice everyone leaving. 
“Hmm?” He forced out, his eyes sliding to yours. Mr. Tomioka? Even before everything you called him Giyu. But now… you addressed him as though he was some stranger. A room alone, a room with you. He could say what was on his mind finally. 
“Did you pay attention in the meeting?” You asked. Giyu stared at you. You were looking at him. After 45 days of starving for your attention he found himself unable to act normally with it on him now. 
“Hmm…? Oh! Uh— yes…” Giyu stuttered out, feeling hopelessly useless. Feeling utterly ridiculous. 
“Then I’ll see you tomorrow.” You said coldly, turning to leave. 
“Wait-“ Giyu stepped forwards. Tomorrow? What was tomorrow? A talk? An explanation for your icy treatment? You turned, threw him a look over your shoulder. It was like you read his confusion. As if you knew he paid zero attention in the meeting. 
“The training grounds near your house. We’ll meet at sunrise.” You said and then your eyes lingered a second before you turned and left. Giyu found himself stuck still even a couple minutes after you left. Like his legs had forgotten their purpose. In fact, those 45 days he’d been right where you left him. A hopeless, nearly broken man. Stuck back in the time he had you. Haunting his house and his training grounds and everywhere he stood. You seemed to have moved on, seemed to maybe have even forgotten about the fleeting moment. Was that all it was to you? A fleeting moment? Maybe even a severe lapse of judgment? Something like that couldn’t have been a declaration of love. Giyu could and had been thinking himself in circles. He wished he said more. Wished he said less. Ran through everything over and over. Replayed it so often the record was starting to skip.    
Giyu tossed and turned all night. He didn’t sleep even a wink. You wanted to talk. Maybe explain things. Giyu knew whatever it was that kept you so far from him he was willing to work through to find a solution. He was willing to crumble your walls. Or wait. If you’d just verbally ask him to wait he’d pause his life forever for you. He’d become a ghost. Time could come and go on for everybody else but he’d wait diligently for you. He’d wait like the moon and chase after you like the sun. If only you’d just give him a damn reason. 
Giyu turned, the moon shining through a crack in his curtains. His eyes drifted to the empty spaces beside him. The same space he’d left empty since you vacated it. With splayed fingers he touched the spot of his bed and willed himself to remember that night. As if he’d ever forget it in the first place. He was restless so he moved out of bed and to his desk. He pulled out a few letters. Some from Rengoku and some from Kagaya. Both with the same topic. Giyus favorite topic. You. 
Giyu carefully slid open the first letter he ever received from Rengoku. He felt a pang just merely looking at the older man’s handwriting. All jagged and loud. He smiled as he reread its contents. 
Good morning Mr. Tomioka!
I was shocked to see you had written to me but pleasantly surprised! I am doing well, how’re you? I heard you are well on your way to becoming the next water hashira! How exciting! I know we’ve only met a few times but you have the demeanor of a water hashira. You seem cool and collected! You have a calm voice and although it’s hard to hear you sometimes I still appreciated our talks! About your interest in my tsuguko; she is doing well. She is very fiery. I could see her becoming the next fire Hashira. She sort of reminds me of you in the way she speaks. Though sometimes I can get her to raise her voice and it’s quite adorable. It would be lovely if you visited her. I’m sure she’d love to see you again after you saved her life. But if you’re too busy that is fine, I can always just write you with updates about her. Maybe I can even try and get her to write you a letter sometime! Anyways, Mr. Tomioka, hope this letter finds you well! 
With regards, Kyojuro Rengoku
Giyu laughed at the ink splotch on the paper next to Rengoku’s name. It was a common theme in his letters. Probably wrote sort of hard. Giyu carefully closed the letter and opened the last letter Rengoku ever wrote. 
Good morning Mr. Tomioka! 
Congratulations on becoming the water Hashira! The other hashira’s seemed sort of bummed you weren’t able to make it to the little celebration but I knew that kind of thing just isn’t your style so I decided to write you this letter instead. I knew you had a fiery streak somewhere in you! We all do! I have a mission coming up and saw that you have one too! I would like for you to let my tsuguko accompany you on your mission! I think she could use a bit of quiet in her life. She’s always go go go! Just like me! But I think you two could get along very very well, Mr. Tomioka! I think she thinks of you fondly. I once asked her about the boy who saved her and I am pretty sure she blushed! Ha-ha! Don’t be disheartened by her cold attitude, as long as she doesn’t verbally attack you that means you might be in her good graces! She’s come a long way, I see sparks of softness in her that I hope you’ll appreciate. She loves miso soup and sweet potatoes, she gets it from me! She loves to read and can’t get enough of the ocean so be sure after your mission to take her swimming. It could be a date! You think I don’t know why you often write asking me about her, right? I’ll pretend I don’t! She’s not much of a talker like you but she listens and remembers everything you say. That mind’s like a steel trap! Please take care of her and I’ll tell her to play nice though I’m not sure she knows how to! Ha-ha! Only kidding. Be safe, Mr. Tomioka and good luck on your first mission as a Hashira! 
With regards, Kyojuro Rengoku
Giyu still blushes as he reads the letter. Rengoku knew Giyu’s intentions even though he was sure he was being discreet. He carefully folded the letter back up and as he did a hint of the rising sun peaked its way through his curtains. He sprung up from his seat. He couldn’t be late in meeting with you so he hurriedly got dressed and tumbled his way out of his home. He rounded the corner to the training field and stopped dead in his tracks. 
You were there. 
You were actually there. 
Your sword clutched tightly in your hand as you swung it to and fro, practicing against a ghostly opponent. Giyu watched you. He blinked for a moment and saw Rengoku, in the way you swung your sword, the way you moved, the way your haori flew behind you, like flames licking the air. Rengoku taught you everything you knew and you applied his fighting style with grace and ease. Giyu honestly had never seen you in a battle. And his breath halted as he watched the confidence in your demeanor. Watched the sure way you’d swing, the velocity and speed. The preciseness. You were definitely Rengoku’s tsuguko. In fact, maybe you were even more than that. Almost like his shadow, his predecessor. And you held that title with grace. Giyu almost felt choked up knowing damn well Rengoku was more than proud of you. 
“Just gonna stand there all day?” You asked, your swing coming through to slice clean through a practice dummy. One half falling to the dirt, kicking up dust. Giyu found himself unable to speak once again as you turned. That attention too much to bear. You hiked up your brow and pointed your sword in his direction. “Well, are you ready to spar?”
“Spar?” Giyu echoed as you nodded your head, walking like a predator towards him.
“Where’s your sword?”
“That’s why you’re here?”
“Why else would I be?” You asked, eyes daring him to mention things you clearly wanted to forget. Giyu blinked through the breaking of his heart. He’d never felt pain like this. Never knew someone could ignite such warmth then douse it in icy cold water. He never thought you of all people would stab him clean through. Giyu turned just as his emotions were too much to hide. He walked and grabbed his sword, waited a moment to try and gather his composure before returning back a few feet from you. 
There was something in your eyes. He knew this sight was probably the last thing every single demon that had crossed you had seen for themselves. Eyes like fire, you morphed in front of his eyes into the flames that danced with your techniques. 
You took the first swing, your movement like the flickering. Your strikes felt hot, as if his skin would sear completely off. Giyu controlled his feelings, he pushed them to the side and met your violence of fire with the calmness of water. Metal clanged, and although you’d killed him moments ago with your words you brought him straight back to life with the way you fought. You’d found yet another thing for him to fall in love with. 
Damn you. 
After several minutes passed and one final swing you both stepped back. It was clear it was a draw. Not a single time did someone pull ahead and leave the other in the dust. Each strike was met with an equal block. You two were an equal match. For a moment you two just stared at each other, dripping in sweat, the sun and heat finally rising. You reached up and wiped your forehead with the back of your arm and sighed.
“So it’s a draw.” You said and Giyu nodded his head. A silent moment passed before you pulled your eyes from his and walked to your stuff. Giyu watched. Watched you pack up your things and give a halfhearted wave to him as you walked back towards the road.
“That’s it?” Giyu called out suddenly. He swore he saw you flinch.
“Either Obanai or Shinazugawa will be here tomorrow for the same match.” You called over your shoulder. The cold shoulder you’d given him for so long. 46 days now. 
“That’s not what I meant.” Giyu took a step but you resumed walking. “What did I do?”
“Have a good day, Mr. Tomioka.” You said and the moment you were out of sight Giyu tore off after you. 
46 days ago you’d been laying next to Giyu Tomioka. You’d woke up early and in the morning light you could see his face again. He looked at peace as he slept beside you, his arms around you, his breathing light. You reached across the small expanse between you two and tucked his raven black hair out of his face. Giyu moved barely in his sleep and you yanked your hand away, shy as though he’d catch you admiring him. As though you hadn’t just spent the night together. Once he settled you gazed at him. Something, you knew what it was now, bloomed in your chest. Was this something you could truly have? To kill demons and go home to someone like him at the end of the day? Home… what would that even be like? What would that even look like for you? Slowly you sat up in his bed, covers falling from your shoulders, pooling at your torso. 
Everyone you had ever loved died horribly. You felt as though a curse was placed upon you. Penance for the deaths of your family.
Ever since Rengoku had died there was this thought that haunted you. A sort of prophecy you felt had cursed your very being. No matter how many times you thought about leaving Rengoku there was no way to ever go back and board that train with him. No way to deny his request and maybe even save his life. Would you have been useful or would you have been a hindrance? Would your presence have even changed a thing or were you just destined to love and lose? Your eyes flicked to Giyu, face barely illuminated by the sun rising. 
If you stayed in this bed would you watch him die as well? Just the thought made you physically sick to the stomach. You felt like a kid stuffed into a hiding place all over again. A helpless, useless kid.
If you let yourself love him and be with him, the pain of losing him might actually do you in for good. And if you left right now… would that save his life from the curse placed upon you? 
Turns out you're quite self sabotaging after all. And by morning you slipped out of his house, tearing back towards the inn, running with your tail between your legs.
“Do I not deserve an explanation?” Giyu called out to you, you'd almost made it to the end of his house. You paused, turning.
“Leave it.” You answered lethargically. 
“Did you even read my letters?”
“What letters?” You asked and when your eyes found his face the utter pain on it made your stomach drop. 
“I wrote to you… many times. Your crow should’ve delivered it to you.” Giyu explained, his face utterly disheartened. You glanced at your crow, who’d been curiously pecking at some bugs in the distance.
“I never received them.” You answered and clenched your jaw. You deserved to see him hurt. The pain you caused him was something you wouldn’t let yourself look away from this time. Giyu haori swayed slightly in the wind, he couldn’t meet your eyes. 
“Tell me what to do.” Giyu says and you blink at him, your brows furrowing. 
“I’ll wait. I’ll let dust collect over my life until you wish to have me back.” 
“I don't want that.” You said with a start. You clench your jaw, forcing yourself back into some composure. “I want you… to… go on ahead.” Slowly Giyu raises his eyes to meet yours. 
“What do you mean?”
“I could never feel the same way you feel for me. So I want you to move on.” You said and kept your eyes glued to him as you said it. You didn’t let one smallest ounce of pain show on your face.
 “Because I’m not worth dying over.”
“I’m not worth dying over, Master!” You screamed, pain coursing through you. You watched Rengoku surpass his limits, a demon pushing him far past them. The same demon that had gotten the jump on you moments ago. The man couldn’t hear you. You stumbled forwards, blood dripping from a wound somewhere on your head, the blood getting in your eyes. You stumbled, losing your footing, your sword clattering against the stones out of your grip. “Rengoku, please! Run while you still can!” You screamed, coughing up blood as you crawled towards the fight. Your breathing labored, black ink splotched in your vision. Take me! You thought hopelessly, take me and not him! 
“Y/n? Come on, kid, wake up.” You blinked awake. Your entire body ached, drowsiness threatening to take hold of you. Where were you just now? You must’ve passed out from the pain. “Ah, there she is.” A blurry redness kneeled beside you as you blinked until you could see properly. “You’re awake.”
“Master?” You coughed as Rengoku smiled down at you. 
“Tough battle, huh? You did great out there kid.” Rengoku said proudly. “You mastered a few of those moves I taught you, it was incredible.” He recounts.
“I-- lost.”
“Hush now. That demon was even tough for me to kill. You did the best you could.” He says reaching for you, ruffling your hair.
“Y-you almost died,” You choked out, Rengoku’s hand paused on your head. “I-- Master I don’t ever want to be a burden to you.”
“You are no such thing.” Rengoku admonishes, giving your cheek a sharp and playfully pinch. You gasp in surprise, rubbing your cheek. “You think too dark sometimes, kid.”
“But-- Master… I’m not worth dying over.” You say, looking down. Rengoku grabs you by the chin.
“You don’t get to decide that. I do. And I decided that you’re worth saving.” He looks at you intensely to get his point across. You part your lips to argue but slowly close them. “Now enough of this, we won, let’s celebrate!”
“What do you mean?” Giyu walks closer to you, his voice has an edge to it. A worried and sharp edge. “Are you unsafe?”
“That’s not…” You trail off, unsure how to put your thoughts into words. “I’m giving you an out.”
“I don’t want it.”
“Mr. Tomioka-”
“Don’t. Please don’t call me that.” Giyu lamented, his expression pained. 
“You’d be wise to just move on.”
“I can’t. I won’t”
“You can, you should.” You growled. This reminded you so heavily of the night you stormed out of his house and you two fought in the road. You were pretty sure this was almost the exact same place. You gave an inch that night but you were trying desperately to take it back. No matter how much this hurt it would hurt even more if your curse killed him. You had to remind yourself of that. Of the thing that possessed your life. 
“Give me a reason.”
“My past should be reason enough for you.”
“What do you mean? Speak it plainly for me.”
“It’s obvious. I’m fucking cursed, Giyu!” You hadn’t expected it but ever since that night you cried you couldn’t stop. Every little thing made you cry now it was annoying. You cried when you left Giyu in the morning. Cried in your inn. Cried when you arrived back at your empty house, the taste of miso soup and potatoes wrecking your senses. Years and years of it being stored up and the dam broke. You felt like a little kid but there was no way around it. Maybe if you tried being truthful Giyu would leave. “I hid while my family died and because of it I’m cursed. I thought I could move on. Rengoku was like family to me. I let him in. I trusted him. I loved him. I let my guard down and my curse took him. And I-- I won’t let it take you okay so just do me this favor and let whatever you feel for me die.” You forced your eyes to his. Angrily wiped the tears from off  your face and looked at him intensely. “I am begging you.” Giyu looked at you, his eyes scanning your face. He walked and walked forwards until he was directly in front of you. His hands reached out, ever so gently sliding over either side of your jaw, his thumbs wiping the tears from your face. Deja vu gripped you so intensely. He’d done this same thing before. He leaned close, so close your breath hitched in anticipation of a kiss. But he stopped, mere centimeters away.
“You are not cursed.” He lets his words sink in. His eyes staring ardently into yours. Your breathing stopped, like you’d forgotten how. That dangerous beat of your heart started up again. There’s something to be said about someone that will tear themselves apart just to keep away from the one thing that could make them happy. You were the biggest component of that. It was like you craved hurting yourself. Craved punishment for crimes you never committed. Giyu pressed a kiss to your forehead. “You didn’t kill your parents and you have to stop blaming yourself for it.” His whispers as you pull back slightly, looking as though you’d been slapped. He knew it. Giyu knew you. You looked away but he forced your attention back to him. “They saved you because they loved you. You were a child. There’s no sin in that.” He presses another kiss to your face. You should back up. You needed to back up. You… you couldn’t. Giyu’s arms slide around you and you're pulled against his chest in a tight hug. “Rengoku didn’t die because he loved you, he died saving a world that had you in it.” There were the damn tears again. You closed your eyes as they sting you. “You don’t get to choose who loves you and it’s unfair to make decisions for them.” 
Rengoku’s words rang in your head.
You don’t get to decide that.
“I… I won’t make it if I lose you.” 
“Don’t say that. I’m not going anywhere and neither are you, look at me.” Giyu pulls back, you tilt your face up, eyes meeting his. “If you don’t want to lose me then fight for me, stop running, I’m begging you.” You looked up at him. There was no point in trying to build walls, not when Giyu always knew a way around them. You spent a long time in your own head. For once… you decided to let someone else make the calls. If even your most self destructive ways didn’t scare him off then it’s obvious that no matter what you did you couldn’t scare him off. 
“Alright.” You intoned softly. The utter hope on Giyu’s face was quick to show. “I’ll stop running.” 
“Promise me this time. Promise I won’t wake up and you're gone.”
“I���m sorry. You deserved better.” You breathed out, guilty.
“It’s okay. I forgive you.” He says fondly. You shake your head, eyes rolling.
“You forgive too easily.” Giyu kissed you then. No warning. Just pure want. It was the kiss of someone who’d been counting the seconds you’d been gone. Sickly sweet. Of course he’d forgive you quickly. When he pulled back he pressed his forehead to yours. “Give me your word. That you’ll give us a try.”
“I promise.” You say without hesitation. 
Giyu kissed you again, this time slowly, passionately. He tangled his hands in your hair and you melted. He was going to be the death of you. Though you supposed you shouldn’t think that way. You could settle on him being your near death experience then.
When the morning dawned and Giyu opened his eyes for a moment his bed felt empty. He rolled his head to the side and when his eyes fell upon you there was nothing in this world that could’ve been a better sight. He reached and softly tucked your hair out of your face. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head and let his eyes fall back closed, knowing damn well when he woke up again you’d be beside him.
bonus: giyu's letters
Dear Y/n,
I hope this letter finds you well. I write to only beg for a moment of your time. If you regret what happened days ago then don't spare me your kindness. I long to know what you think. What you really think.
Please meet me at the training yard in two days time.
Dear Y/n,
How're you today? I do not wish to bother you, I just need you to know that I care. We can forget whatever you want. I will pretend away the feelings I have if you want. Whatever you want it is yours. Just please write me back.
Dear Y/n,
I would like to speak plainly for once. I love you. You don't ever have to say it back, I just want you to know. That's all. I will stop bugging you because you do not owe me a thing. I hope you are well. If you need anything don't hesitate to reach out. I can be a friend. I can be whatever you want. Please take care of yourself.
With love, Giyu
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anonymousicecream · 2 months
Rivals at School? More like on Bed (Karina x M Reader)
Warning: TONS of mature language, lots of cursing, definitely doesn't represent what they really say IRL, just for the story
Jung. A Jung. That's who you are. A Jung. Jung Y/n. Around the world, you might be just one of the 8 billion people, but in Hannam-Dong, Seoul, you are the king of highschools in Hannam-Dong, which effectively means the king in the whole country. The role however didn't come by choice. It came by exposure from your family as business owners, owning multi-billion corporations. You do enjoy all the benefits, but one thing you dislike is the attention. You're someone who's very reserved and only talk to four different people: your parents, your "annoying" twin sister Jung Ahyeon, as well as Nishimura Riki, or Ni-Ki, your best friend since you were 5.
You woke up later than you expected today, but still early enough to allow you to do your daily pull-ups before taking a shower and eating breakfast. After you ate your breakfast, you were about to walk before you heard your mom shout something. "Y/N! Your sister's car broke down. Take her with you." She shouted. You groaned before heading to the garage, grabbing an extra helmet and giving it to your sister.
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"What the fuck is this for?" "So you don't die, you dumb fuck." She groaned, before grabbing the helmet and pulling it over her head, wearing it. You walked out to the front yard, walking towards your various options of cars and motorcycles before deciding to select your BMW RNine-T in order to make sure your sister is safe and comfortable.
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The two of you got on the bike, riding off not long after. It took you just 15 minutes to get from your estate to the school, and once you arrived at school, you felt everyone's eyes on you. You dropped your sister off at the front gate, before riding off to park your bike at your usual spot. You parked the bike there, before turning off the engine and getting off the bike. As you started walking to school, you heard someone called you.
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"Seems like someone decided to not be a bitch and finally starts to care about their sister." Your rival, enemy, whatever that is, Yu Jimin, or better known as Karina, insulted you. The two of you knew that you'll be very hard to break but she still does it to have fun with you and make herself feel better about it. You shrugged off her words, deciding to walk towards school.
Your history with Karina has been like a roller coaster to say the least. The two of you are basically family friends, with your parents being very close to each other. Unlike other family friends however, the two of you despised each other, wanting to achieve more just so "they could suck it in their face". However, as time goes by, the two of you became acquainted and close, as well as even to the point that the two of you go everywhere together. Sadly, all good things comes to an end. It was 5 months ago when she decided that you're "no good" for her and she just starts ignoring you and hating you for whatever it is you did.
(Timeskip to after school)
As school ended in 3:45, you walked to the gym, where you met with the track coach. You discussed the plans for this academic year, which will be your last. Since you plan on getting a scholarship, he suggested you to join some competitions to prepare yourself better as well as have better exposure.
The meeting took around an hour before you parted ways with him at 5, walking back towards the parking lot, towards your bike. However, as you reached your bike, you saw a certain Yu Jimin crouching down, looking down and sad.
"What now?" You asked her. "My car. People flattened my tire." She said, trying to act as if it's nothing. "Change it." You replied in the coldest way possible, trying to make sure that she doesn't think that you want something. "I can't. They flattened two, I only have 1 spare." She said. You contemplated on this. On one side, you can help her change the tires, while on the other hand, you can ask her to leave with you while your "team" handles her car.
You then got to your bike, grabbing your sister's helmet before walking up to Karina, giving it to her. "What?" She asks, staring at the helmet AND at you. "Wear it. I'll take you home." You told her sternly. "Ain't no way. I'm not riding you." She told you. "Too late. You already did." You replied, which made her clench her fists before suddenly started blushing, looking away as she remembered how you took her virginity.
She decided to accept your offer, grabbing the helmet before putting it on. You made a call to your "team", explaining the condition of Karina's car as well as how you'd want the car to be fixed. After ending the call, you hopped on the bike, followed by Karina behind you, before the two of you ride off.
As the ride progresses, you started feeling her hands move, from your bag, towards your shoulders, and now, on your hips, holding it quite tightly. You don't know if she expects you to drop her off immediately, but you decided that you don't wanna miss this opportunity to talk to her again after a while, so you decided to bring her around the district. You ride around the district for a bit before reaching your favorite Ice Cream spot.
"Really? Ice cream?" Karina asks, obviously annoyed. "Yes." You replied shortly, before walking towards the stand. You ordered two cones: one for yourself which consists of ferrero rocher and dark chocolate, and another one for Karina, which only consists of mint chocolate. You got the order before walking back towards her, giving her ice cream to her. "Thanks." She said, before munching into her ice cream. You followed soon, also enjoying your ice cream as the two of you watched the sunset.
At times, you would complain that the silence is very awkward, but with HER, you knew that it was never awkward, but always calm and just how things go around. You then looked around, before finally resting your looks on her face, as she enjoys her ice cream. You noticed that her lips are getting a bit dirty from eating ice cream, so you grabbed one of your tissues and tapped on the dirty bits of her lips, cleaning her from the ice cream. This caused her to blush, trying to not make eye contact with you as you continued this. After a few moments, you realized what you were doing and how it may have a different meaning.
"Ah, sorry." You told her, before continuing to eat your ice cream. "It's okay." She replied, continuing to eat her ice cream. After the two of you finished eating ice cream, the two of you resumed your journey from the park to her condo. It surprised you because you didn't know that she actually owns this condo, but now you know.
"Thanks, for the ride." Karina told you. "Of course Jimin-ah." You replied. She gave you her helmet that she borrowed. You put it at the back, and as you looked forward, Karina leaned onto you, reaching for your lips as she kisses you. You returned the kiss immediately, reaching for her cheeks, caressing it as she wrapped her hands around your neck. Eventually, the two of you pulled away due to lack of air.
"Sorry." Karina told you. "Not, it's.... I'm sorry. I should've not gave in." You told her. "No, no, just, I should've not started it." She told you, and you nodded, agreeing to her statement. "Well, it's getting late, I'll get going now." You told her, and she nodded, agreeing. "See you tomorrow." She told you, before you ride off, heading for your estate.
Once you arrived home, you went to shower immediately, before crashing onto your bed, sleeping off to dreamland.
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avaf00rd · 8 months
Australian kinda Christmas
Leah Williamson x Arnold!Reader
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ava what is that shitty header photo job…
tumblr fucked up its quality
anyways I’ve been thinking about writing this one for ages now
enjoy <3
“c’mon love” you groaned at your 10th attempt to get your girlfriend up from your Power Nap. You pair were already late as it is “don’t you wanna shower before you can’t for a whole 24 hours?” You asked, her head still buried in the pillows. She stayed like that, contemplating for another second before getting up and heading to the bathroom “don’t be long” you said before tapping her ass just as she opened the bathroom door.
You got a text from your sister Mackenzie telling you that she was already at her lay over flight and would be boarding again in an hour. This year you pair didn’t get the same flight over for the Christmas break. But it was the first year you would both be bringing your girlfriends with you.
You and leah had been together 4 years now. The second year you spent Christmas with Leah’s family, last year you and mac both went with your parents overseas for Christmas. And this year you would both be bring Leah and Kirsty.
Some how an hour and a half later you were just passing security only just and were going to get some small snacks for the plane. Leah, with the food palate of a 6 year old. Got some watermelon gummies “they help with feeling sick on the plane” she tried to convince you as you glanced over the packet she said was holding.
“4 years and not once have you been sick on a flight” you said
“The headaches” she shrugged and smiled at you. Of course you were gonna grab them off her and buy them for her. You grabbed some random chip snack you found at the front counter and shorty paid before handing the bag to Leah to put in her carry on. You were both absolutely beyond excited. This would be her 5th time in Australia, so she’s been heaps. But you would be staying at your family’s new place on the Gold Coast, QLD. You both sat in the lounge near your gate as you took a photo of Leah as she threw a Lolly into her mouth while smiling. Quickly adding it to your instagram captioning ‘see you soon 🇦🇺’
After 26 hours of travel. And your sleepy girlfriend who was currently clinging to your bicep as she slept. It was asked to put on your seatbelts as you went for landing. You slowly woke Leah up slightly so she would be ready for it.
You held hands as Leah started giggling about her funny dream. You looked out the window and squeezed your girlfriend’s hand extra tight as you saw the coastline of Australia.You squealed like a little girl due to your excitement as Leah pressed a kiss to your lips. “Welcome home love” she said before laying back in her seat. You took photos and sent them to your dad and brother to let them know you would be at GC airport in about 45 minutes so they could you pick you both up. You also texted your mum just out of excitement before putting your phone away.
Once you and Leah had gotten off the plane, you walked your tired asses over to the baggage collection. Before you felt someone tap your shoulder. You turned to find your smiling dad and brother. You quickly clung on to them both in a huge hug “oh how i missed you oh my gosh” you said into your brothers neck with a sigh of relief. You also felt small hands tug your sweat shorts, you didn’t realise one of your nieces would be here too.
“Hello beautiful girl!” You squealed pulling away from your brother as you picked up your niece and spun the giggling girl around.
“I missed you so much!” She said before quickly clinging to your neck.
“I missed you so much more” you smiled back. You hadn’t seen the small girl since the World Cup back in August.
You held her on your hip as you turned around to see your girlfriend finally hugging your dad and brother Sam with a big smile. After struggling to get both of your large suitcases off the conveyor belt while you had your mini family reunion.
“Aunty Lee!” You niece squirmed in your arms as you put her down so she could run to Leah.
“Hello you!” Your girlfriend smiled and she knelt down to give her a big hug. It melted your heart the way she was with your nieces.
Leah handed you your suitcase as you pecked her cheek before you rolled it out the airport with your smiling niece riding on top.
“Hello” you yelled out once your dad unlocked the front door to your parents home. You were met with your mum, 2 nieces, Mackenzie and Kirsty all rushing around the corner at the sound of the front door.
You and Leah gave all of them bone crushing hugs and chatted for a little while, had some of the left overs that was left from their dinner since you told them not to wait. It was already 10pm. It was convenient for your girlfriend and you so you could just get yourselves straight to bed.
After multiple days of walks down on the beach, family dinners, more surfing lessons for Leah, lots of jet lag, swimming pools and relaxation for you and your girlfriend. It was officially Christmas Eve night and you couldn’t have been more excited if you had tried.
You, leah, Macca and Kirsty were all on the living room floor carpet wrapping presents. Everyone else was in bed. But the four girls in their twenties were not as prepared as everyone else and still had to do all their wrapping.
The holiday played on the TV in front as you had about 40 gifts to wrap for people. For everyone in your family besides the people in the room with you currently. “Stupid wrapping paper argh!” You groaned knocking your head back in frustration as the huge cut of wrapping paper you cut wasn’t large enough by a few centimetres.
“See you didn’t even need to get that gift in the first place” Leah laughed. As you were wrapping your 20th gift for your parents, you comepletely spoil them every year.
You dragged Leah around the large shopping centre to get more gifts for people. “Baby you bought your mum the same scent candle last year i remember you showed me” she grinned as you looked at the box before putting it in your trolley. “Yeah but it probs ran out. That’s the thing with candles lee” you debated back as she shook her head with laughter.
“Sorry I’m just so nice to the People i love” you said to her.
“And you absolutely are, beautiful. But I don’t think we will be able to get return flights anymore once we leave here” Leah said.
“I make alright money Leah Williamson. Plus if you think this is a lot wait till you open your presents.” You smiled at her
“There’s only just a few things I want” she grinned at you as you both walked to the car
“What would those be baby” you smirked back.
“You…and that pop corn machine thing I showed you”
“You showed me that just yersterday! How am I supposed to get that” You panicked. When it came to gifts you were amazing at giving them. Everyone knew that and got excited to receive one from you. If they weren’t perfect for them you would always worry.
“I’m only joking…” she laughed as she kissed your head “at the second one”.
Once you were finished you cuddled up next to Leah on the floor against the couch to watch the end of the movie. Before heading upstairs to your room “night love you” you yelled out softly to mac and Kirsty “goodnight!” They replied before shutting their door. Leah changed out of her normal clothes that she strangely got into after her shower earlier in the night.
“Please match baby” you pouted, sitting on the edge of the bed holding up the Christmas Pajamas that matched yours.
Leah laughed as she saw them, “when did you get those” she said before cupping your face and kissing the tip of your nose.
“Back in London. I forgot I had packed them. Anyways here” you shoved them into her chest with the wide smile of a toddler.
“Of course I will” Leah skipped away to her dresser to change quickly. You giggled getting under the sheets before Leah jumped on top of you just as you were leaning over to plug your phone in. You laughed as she wrapped her long arms around you and placed kisses all over you shoulder.
“I’m so excited to for tomorrow” you smiled looking down on her.
“Me too” the English girl replied as she rolled over so you could cuddle into her side. That’s how you slept every night. It was just the best way that your bodies melted into each other. “Love you baby” she whispered.
“Night beautiful” you smiled before drifting off to sleep.
Christmas morning started with slow cuddles in bed with Leah before very hyper toddlers came running down the bedroom door. They had forced you to come downstairs because they weren’t allowed to “open presents until everyone is awake”.
Leah gave multiple gifts to everyone in your family. Even though she hadn’t met some of them heaps. You gifted Leah a new designer tote bag, some belt she wanted, 2 new Apple Watch bands, YSL perfume, and Tiffany earrings along with other small gifts. She spoiled you loads as well. You two spent a long phone call with her mum before lunch started.
The afternoon was still hot. As the rain cleared, you dragged Leah, your sister and everyone down to the beach.
You were putting on sunscreen in the long mirror in your room. Leah had just done up her bikini before coming up behind you “let me help” she grinned as you were reaching for your back for the sunscreen. You gladly let her as she took the bottle from you. She rubbed gentle circles into your back with the cream, you groaned when her hands made their way up to you shoulders.
“That’s nice” you breathed out as she massaged your back. She sent a grin to the mirror.
“Let’s go” she said before tapping your butt and heading out the door, sunnies on her head. You laughed to yourself as you followed her out. You carried two of your nieces the whole Walk down while talking with Leah and Kirsty. Talking about Kristy mewis’s new transfer to their club.
“I don’t want to jinx anything. But I had a dream last night I did my ACL” you blurted.
“What-“ Kirsty laughed as you said so
“That’s not funny” Leah said
“And then…I died from it. Is that possible?”
“No it’s not. And you’re not going to do your ACL alright?” Leah reassured
“Shit who’s done their ACL?” Mackenzie said catching up to all of you with your third niece on her shoulders.
“Maybe me”
“No!” Leah said putting her towel down in a mess on the beach. You jumped on macca’s back as she ran down to the water. Leah and Kirsty slowly following down after.
“Come here!” You yelled, arms wide open for your niece to jump into them as you took her to the deep end. Leah laughed taking a photo of you and the small girl. “Get in Lee!” You yelled out to her
“Yep soon hang on” she said typing something on her phone. You rose out of the water, putting the child in your arms down near Mackenzie as you ran up to your girlfriend. “No no no” she said backing away.
You somehow, caught up to her and threw her over her shoulder
“No no I have my phone y/n!” She yelled. You muzzled it out of her hand and slowly put in down on the sand next to you.
“Down we go” you sung. As you carried the laughing girl into the water. Before completely dumping her in fully.
“Your done” she huffed as she pushed the wet hair out of her face. You swam and hid behind your taller sister as she just grabbed you by the shoulders and placed you in front of her, right in target for Leah.
“Thanks” your girlfriend said before pushing your shoulders under. The water was actually cold for the humid weather outside.
It was late at Christmas night. Technically very early Boxing Day. And even though at 1am, there was light Christmas tunes playing on the radio tv.
Everyone including Leah was asleep in the house. You came down for a midnight snack. You had been for the past few nights here.
“Shockers” a soft voice was heard a long with footsteps. The presence of your older sister brought a smile to your lips. You stuffed the last bit of pavlova in your mouth. “Anymore of that?” She pointed to the dessert.
You just giggled implying you at the last bit. “Again shockers”
“I feel like I haven’t seen you in a year”
“You never got back to me about meeting back in London. And you missed last camp” you implied
“I know sorry. Promise to try more”
“Stop you do try. You were just injured” you said softly as you poured both of you a water. “Are you planning on going with Kirsty to her family next year?” You asked curious.
“Yeah most likely I haven’t been there for Christmas before. What about you?”
“Yeah I’ll probs stay in London with Leah. I told you Caitlin brought Katie and Jordan here?”
“Yes. I’m shocked about Jordan. Not Katie. Oh I love her” she said sipping her water then refilling it
“They’re just really close as a three. Caitlin said today Sam is heading back to America in 2 days to go back with Kristie”
“Damn maybe she’ll finally feel jet lag for once. And did Caitlin call you?”
“Yeah. Just to say merry Christmas and all that”
“She didn’t call me” Mackenzie said joking in a sour way. You poked your tongue out at her as she yawned.
“Ok I’ll go back to bed. I’ve been up since 5”
“Yeah. The girls woke us up first. Proof I’m the favourite?”
“Maybe I’m the favourite and they just respect my beauty sleep more”
“Keep dreaming. Night. Get to sleep so your not cranky” you sister said, back to her bossy self. You heard more footsteps coming back down 1 minute later.
“Love come back to bed” said your love in a croaky voice. You turned to find Leah in her short Pyjama set and her hair everywhere.
“Hello. Looks like you slept well” you said pointing to the sheet marks left from her pillow on her check las you quickly pecked her all over her face.
“Yes I did. And I would like to get back to it. With you” she tugged you slightly back up the stairs.
“I think I’m still a bit jet lagged” you said as your body stayed leaning against the bench. Eating the strawberry punnet you grabbed out of the fridge earlier before.
“Ya think” she giggled now pulling out a kitchen stool to sit with you. The faint sound of The Christmas song by Nat King Cole was played over the radio.
“C’mon dance with me, then bed I promise” you put both your hands out the help her get up and slow dance with you.
“Only cause I get to sleep” she smiled taking your hands. You slowly started dancing with her as she put her head in the crook of her neck. The dance slowed into a long hug with each other’s embrace in the middle of the kitchen.
“I love you” you mumbled slowly into her hair
“Love you most. And again thanks for bringing me” she pecked your shoulder
“Wouldn’t miss the opportunity for the world”
So this was supposed to come out ages ago. And it’s shorter than I hoped. But hope it was alright. Luv u all❤️🎄
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mayababes19 · 4 months
☆ Characters: Gojo, Nanami, Geto, Sukuna, Toji, Choso
☆ AFAB!Reader!
☆ Summary: A late Mother's Day special that I turned into a two-parter
Gojo - Gojo is such a dork. Forget fancy things. For Mother's Day, you'll be at an arcade or a sweets café. The only fancy thing you'll get is Disneyland. In Gojo's words, "Nothing fancy can show my love for you. I asked you to be my girlfriend for a reason".
Gojo would make you ride the "It's a Small World" ride because he knows it'll annoy you. From Splash Mountain to the mad tea party, your night is filled with affection and fun. He made an effort to put a smile on your face all day just to see you're beautiful face light up at the end of the night as you both watch the fireworks show at night with amazement. He's mainly looking at you though
Nanami - Now y'all know damn well Nanami is husband material. No debate. Lucky for you, you and Nanami were expecting a healthy baby girl.
It's been a few hours since the birth of your baby girl "Nana". Nanami did everything to make sure you were comfortable. Prepared your food, helped you to the bathroom, took care of Nana as you slept, and even declined every phone call Gojo made to annoy him.
Nanami personally learned how to knit days beforehand and made you and Nana matching hats, he was going to do was support his girls.
Nanami went the extra mile for his mother's day gift because in 3 months, you're going on a cruise with your family
Geto - One thing Geto is going to do is stay classy. No bullshit and no interruptions. He'd purposely pretended to be oblivious of what day it is. Geto would blindfold you and drive you to a fancy restaurant with a good view of the skyline. Once unblinded and in the middle of dinner, Geto casually grabbed a ring box and proposed to you in front of the whole restaurant.
Even though he would be calling the onlookers monkeys by now, his main focus was on you.
Sukuna - You're the only exception. He doesn't care about anyone or anything else on Mother's Day besides you. Ever since he got you pregnant, he's been clingy and more loving even if he doesn't want to admit it. You woke up to roses and your favorite snacks in a giant basket.
"Mornin' brat. Move over"
And just like that, the king of curses is cuddling with you in bed watching your favorite shows and movies. He hates them but he's also secretly intrigued by the dramas
Toji - Toji would send little gifts to your job the days leading up to mother's day. After staying up all night, Toji's plan was finally put together.
After surprising you in bed, Toji dragged you outside to a beautiful sign with your favorite flower(s) and led lights on it and big black letters spelling out,
"Will you marry me?"
Toji would wait till the last minute to buy you an actual gift (He's broke okay 😔) because he went all out on the proposal. Toji saved up some money to take you out to a high-class restaurant and a suit in your favorite color.
After your restaurant date, it was now around 12:45 am. Toji took you out on a late-night drive, he secretly admired how your eyes shined as you looked out the window excitedly looking out at the sky.
Before heading home, Toji bought you ice cream but once you two arrived home he couldn't care less about the ice cream. Like a caveman, Toji scooped you up into his arms while loosening his tie, heading to the bedroom.
"How about I make you a mother?"
"Toji, wait!"
Choso - You and Choso would have a lovely daughter together. Forget her looking like you, she’s a mini Choso just with your eye color.
Choso would purposely turn off your alarm on your phone so you would sleep in and give him time to prepare for your beautiful day. Choso would prepare a bath with roses and candles, breakfast in bed, and coffee. As he’s preparing, he also woke up your daughter, getting her dressed and fed.
By the time you woke up, your bedroom was covered in rose petals, a bouquet, and balloons on your bedside table. No sooner than later, your daughter and Choso walked through the door showering you with love and handing you your breakfast.
After breakfast, Choso gave you and your daughter matching outfits and took you two out to eat.
Choso would ride the carasoul with your daughter, giving quick glances as you recorded the pair. Choso on the other hand, just wants to get off this stupid ride already.
As the day went on, you three went to multiple stores, restaurants/cafés, and did special activities. For the last stop, Choso would take you two to the spot where he proposed to have a picnic together as you the sunset.
But... this Mother's Day wasn't the same.
Once a beautiful family of three, soon turned into a family of two.
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chaotic-toasters · 5 months
It's Different With You
Frida Maanum x Reader
"Y/NNNN," Frida whined quietly. "Y/NNN- Y/NNN—"
"What, Maanum?" You groaned, rolling over to face your girlfriend as she poked at your sides. "It's too early."
"Morning, elskling," she smiled, wiping the frown off your face with a kiss to your jaw. "It's 10:30, and I missed you. I've been up since eight."
You rubbed your eyes. "But I'm right next to you?"
"I wanted to talk to you," the Norwegian blushed as you reached over and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Besides, we have to get ready for training."
You pulled her into you, wrapping your arms around her and burying your head i to her neck. "No. Sleep."
"What time is training?" you murmured.
"At 11:45, w—"
"What time is it now?"
"Ten thi—"
You grunted. "I only need twenty minutes."
"But babe—"
Your girlfriend's protest fell on deaf ears. You were already asleep, snoring into her neck like a baby.
"Hey, Katie, hey, Stina," you smiled at your's and Frida's best friends as you walked into the changing room, hand in hand. "How's it going?"
"Good, thanks," Katie raised her eyebrows. "Had some fun last night, Frida? Ye' look tired."
"N-no!" Frida stammered, hiding her face into your shoulder. "I just—"
"She woke up early instead of sleeping in like a sensible person," you snickered, setting your stuff down in your cubby. "Now she's tired."
"Be quiet," Frida complained, smacking you on the back of the head. "I needed time to get ready."
You looked at her strangely. "Why? You look pretty as it is."
Kyra fake gagged. "Get a room."
"You're sweet, Y/N," Steph smiled approvingly, side-eyeing Kyra. "Ignore this little pest, her single ass wouldn't know what love looks like."
"Elskling! Elskling!"
You jolted at the sudden yelling, head whipping around to where your girlfriend was charging straight at you. "Frida? What's the matter?"
"Be my partner!"
You were a sucker for that face. Her eyes wide and innocent, dimples on full display as she grinned.
"Okay, okay," you agreed, kissing the top of her head. "Come on, my love. Don't keep the gaffer waiting."
As the two of you passed the ball back and forth, working on first touches, Frida started talking about what she and Stina had been up to over the weekend.
You totally zoned out, half-focusing on the ball and tunnel visioning at Frida. Some of her blonde hair had fallen out of its ponytail, perfectly framing her face and making her look even better than usual. She used her hands as she talked, muscles flexing in her training top as you shamelessly ogled her.
"-abe? Babe?" Frida snapped her fingers in front of your face. "Are you listening?"
"What? Yeah," you shook your head, blinking rapidly as you realized everyone was taking a water break. "I was just thinking about something."
The Norwegian squeezed your hand. "You know you can talk to me about anything, right?"
You practically melted, hand shaking as you grabbed your water bottle from the cooler. "Y-yup."
"Oi! Lovebirds! Kyra's right, get a room!" Katie shouted. "Disgustin'!"
"As if you don't do worse with Caitlin!" You fired back. "She asked you a question the other day and you almost fainted."
Katie tackled you to the floor. "This is slander!"
You wrestled about, pulling her into a headlock. "It's only slander if it's not true. But it is."
She growled, trying to wriggle free. "Yer' a little shite, Y/L/N."
"No I'm not!" You scoffed. "Frida, tell her I'm not!"
Frida said nothing, averting her eyes.
"You're so mean to me, Frida," you whined, sitting down in your cubby. "I compliment you all the time and then you don't back me up."
"I'm sorry," she pressed a kiss to your lips. "I still love you."
You grunted. "Hmph."
"I love you," she kissed you again, pulling you closer. "I love you."
"Y/N, what have you done to Frida?" Stina joked. "Frida hates PDA. She didn't even want to hug her exes in public when they dated."
"I don't know," you smirked. "Frida, what's with the sudden change?"
Frida blushed, mumbling, "It's different with you."
Your shit-eating grin grew impossibly bigger. "Want to share with the class?"
Frida's face turned even redder. "No."
"Are you su- OW!"
Frida glared at you, hand dropping from the back of your head. "Just because I love you doesn't mean I won't smack you for being stupid."
You sulked. "Awww."
Does this make sense? I think not
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jji-lee · 5 months
HI!! i’m doing great, sorry for the late reply i am on vacation! kinda inspired by jim and pam’s valentine’s day fight from the office (if you’ve seen it) it’s not so much an argument because i’m bad at dialogue but it’s a little couples spat. hope you enjoy anyways! ☺
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it had been tense since jeno woke up that morning. it was valentines day and you wanted to make it special for him since the last one he had been on tour. you woke up early to make him his favorite breakfast, taking the time to cut out little hearts from all of the fruits. but of course your exhausted boyfriend had slept through breakfast, having had practice till late the night before. he had taken off from practice today to "spend time with you" but he had only been spending time with his bed. you cleaned up breakfast deciding that it wasn’t that big of a deal, you had the rest of the day planned anyways. when jeno had finally woken up you were getting ready to go on a bike ride with him, your go to date activity, but you were met with a groggy smile telling you, “not today baby hm? just a little tired, but i made us dinner plans at 7 today okay?” so you complied taking off your biking gear and heading to the living room to watch some tv. jeno came out lazily and laid on the couch next to you resting his head on your thighs. as 6 rolled around you decided to get ready for dinner looking through your closet for your new dress. you heard rustling in the bathroom assuming jeno was also getting ready. by 6:45 you were finished, stepping out of your room to show jeno your outfit. as you stepped out you were met with a very laid back boyfriend, wearing jogging pants and a hoodie, he looked up at you eyes widening when he saw your appearance, “shit baby is it 7 already? i totally blanked on dinner, i can get ready real quick and tell them we hit some traffic so they don’t charge us for being late.” he stood up quickly going to your shared room to get dressed, you stopped him. “forget it jen, i’m not even hungry, let’s stay home and do nothing like we’ve been doing all day” jeno stared at you, confused by your sudden attitude, “what do you mean ‘do nothing,’ i took the day off to be with you?” you let out a deep breath, “you didn’t take a day off to be with me you took a day off to catch up on your sleep jeno, don’t act like today’s been ALL about me” he tilted his head to the side staring at you bewildered, “is this about the biking? baby we bike every chance we get, we’ll do it next time i have free.” you pushed past him leaning on the couch for support as you took your heels off, “yes jeno, this is about the biking and breakfast and this stupid dinner that you planned and forgot about, i tried to make everything special for us today and you just slept through it all, i look like an idiot running around planning stuff for my boyfriend who doesn’t even care” he walked towards you grabbing your chin, “you think i don’t care? you think getting a last minute spot at your favorite restaurant is easy? you think being away from you everyday is easy?” your eyes began to water as he let go of your chin walking towards the door “i’m sorry for being tired today, it’s my first day off in months, you think i didn’t want today to be special too? i’m sorry okay? i feel like shit cause i ruined your valentine’s day.” you heard jeno's voice crack as he spoke, back turned towards you, “i just, i can’t keep going back and forth, not today, if we’re gonna keep fighting then i’ll just meet the guys at practice, tell them our plans got cancelled,” he slipped some shoes on, grabbing his coat to leave, you stopped him, hand grasping his shirt. “don’t leave please, stay, stay with me and fight, we’ll yell all night if we have to.” he stopped and turned to face you, “you really wanna fight on valentine’s day?” you gave him a soft smile, “yes, stay with me and fight, just, don’t go.” jeno wasn’t gonna leave, not even if you begged him.
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mysticsublimeperson · 7 months
<< Part 3
Merlin always has slept quietly. He didn't move much or snore, he tended to move when he was settling in, but once he found a good spot he slept like a corpse. Arthur always found that a bit funny, that he was so full of movement and life during the day and so still while sleeping.
He also found it a bit infuriating, he never really wanted to be the clingy one, it was a bit embarrassing to him at first, but Merlin never denied him, not even asleep. Arthur gravitated towards Merlin, not always a full on cuddle, sometimes that could be a bit overwhelming to Merlin, who had his spot perfectly climatized, but he always ended up having a point of contact.
Merlin found it "cute" and Arthur found that comment offensive. Merlin said that he didn't mind cuddling but that if he wanted to cuddle he needed to do it from the start, apparently Arthur was like a furnace (Arthur also found that comment offensive) and if Arthur suddenly hugged him in the middle of the night it made think there was a fire somewhere or he had developed a fever, Arthur promptly threw a boot a him.
Merlin also woke up slowly. Arthur found this really surprising. Merlin had a flexible schedule, which actually meant that he was practically enslaved. He could say anything about his job, but would never complain of the hours, he had to be there at 9 and out at 5 (not that he actually did it, but that's not the point). Merlin had the lab at the university, he had to be there at least 4 times a week, but the hours depend on the experiment, and then there was his non-profit which took most of his time. So even tho that pretty much from the moment that he woke up he was needed somewhere, Merlin always took his time to wake up.
Another shocking thing is, he never used alarm clock. Merlin woke up on time always, without help. Then he went back to sleep a couple of minutes more, or spent too much time preparing for the day, or didn't know what to do for breakfast so he froze up at the kitchen table thinking for 10 minutes... the thing is, Merlin woke up on time, but was always late.
That being said, one Arthur's favorite moments where those rare mornings he woke up first, and there was no rush, and he could see Merlin fight the wakefulness, rub his face to the pillow trying to find a cool spot, watch stretch and reach out for him. Merlin would open his eyes slowly and look for him, at him. And the way that he looked, like he was still dreaming, like Arthur was his dream. Nothing made him feel more loved, and full of love than that. It was so unrestrained, so pure.
He wanted that.
He wanted to be like that.
They didn't sleep together much, their schedule was sometimes incompatible, but when he could afford it, he stayed with Merlin, even tho it meant he had to bring a spare suit, and wake terribly early, and catch a cab, and be init for 45 minutes because of the morning traffic... just for the tiny possibility of watching Merlin wake up.
It's been almost three months since the chance of waking up next to Merlin became zero.
Arthur woke up sad, dreaming of Merlin by his side just to wake up alone in his flat, was increasingly difficult each day.
When they broke up, when Arthur accepted this, he couldn't actually imagine how ingrained Merlin was in his life. He had been there for him since (Merlin's) first day. He should have known.
Merlin was the biggest, best, and only choice Arthur had made. But he never actually committed, Merlin was his, but he could never be fully in Arthur's life. No matter that the life without Merlin was a life that he hated, he still was living it.
"I told you that yesterday was important, you knew that. And you choose him" Merlin had said.
Arthur had never seen that like a choice, never seen he actually had one. When his father talked he didn't expect an answer, so he never thought he could give one regardless. That day his father had entered his office and said that he had to a attend to a very important meeting that afternoon, Arthur tried to give options, suggested Leon as replacement, tried to tell his father that maybe he will arrive late or maybe leave early...
"Don't be difficult Arthur" Uther spoke dismissing his arguments "I don't care whatever plans you have, you have a responsibility to this company, to each and every employee and towards me. You are going to step up to the position of CEO sooner or later, you need to maintain your image, or it will reflect poorly on everyone"
Thinking back, he could not help but cringe to the condescending tone of his father. At that moment in his mind, it had seemed like a sound point, it had made sense, now all he could hear was the selfishness of it. In the end it hadn't even been a meeting, it was a fucking cocktail, a very exclusive cocktail for a gallery opening that Uther was looking to collaborate with (to put expensive artwork in his expensive buildings). Coincidentally a lot of his friends and colleagues were there, and their daughters.
Every time he thought about it he had to fight the urge to hit his head on a wall, repeatedly. He really thought that his father had his, and his employees best interests at heart.
He regrets a lot.
He hated that he hurt Merlin, he hated that it had ended up in this situation. But at the same time, he didn't hurt Merlin only that time, he had been hurting him, always without noticing, always without caring to notice.
Merlin never slept at his flat, even tho it was much more comfortable and spacious, and it was more or less the same distance to his lab. But Arthur hadn't wanted Merlin to be seen leaving his flat in case de doorman told his father or worse, that his father showed up unprompted one day and watched Merlin in his flat. So Merlin never slept there, no matter how late it was Merlin always went home, and told his doorman that he was his PA, not to rise suspicion.
He was an asshole.
And Merlin didn't deserve that.
So they needed this, yeah.
He needed time to fix it, to make himself worthy.
But he didn't know how to do that, and he was starting to feel hopeless.
It had been three months, and although in the moment he had offered Merlin to cut off Uther from his life for good in that moment, he was thankful that Merlin did not take it.
He didn't really want to leave his job.
He liked his job.
Well, he liked part of his job. It was just the expectation, and the need to make connections...
And well his father was tough, and definitely not perfect, in fact very much flawed, but it was his father. He loved him, and cut him off seemed like too much.
What could he do? He had been stuck in this point since the break up.
He needed help.
But the person who was always for him in this situations was Merlin, strangely wise occasionally.
He pulled out his phone. His friend were good and true, but the topic of Uther was complicated, most people couldn't understand why he would want to keep that relationship alive. It was also a really vulnerable topic, and he wasn't known for his heart to heart. Arthur wasn't good with feelings.
He keeps scrolling.
Gwen might understand but she was Merlin's best friend, he didn't want her to feel like she was switching sides or something, Merlin also needed someone.
The he stopped at a name at his contact page.
He didn't really know if it was a good idea. It most probably wasn't but he didn't really have any other options.
What does he have to lose?
He needed to find a solution to this, he missed Merlin, and he wanted his friend back.
He tapped the call button and waited.
Worst case scenario, he kept going like that and slowly died while Merlin tried to redo his life. Unacceptable.
"Hello?" the confusion was evident as well as the weariness, but, well, she still answered "Arthur?"
"Hello, Morgana"
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neptunesopening · 9 months
next to you
summary: you and bakugou are in a long distance relationship and he just wants to be close to you
a/n: new theme less gooo & n/n means nickname
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“babyyyy how long do we have to be long distance?” he whined on the other side of the phone. “school is almost over just 4 more months baby i promise.” you reply to him while doing some homework.
“4 months is too long. i cant wait any longer.” you hear shuffling on the other side of the phone. “i know suki, but absence makes the heart grow fonder.” you close your textbook and put it away.
“alright kats i’m gonna get off the phone i need to shower and go to sleep.” he scoffs on the other side “go to sleep? it’s only 7:00. i thought i was the old one.” you laugh and tell him you love him and hang up the phone.
you take a shower because you have to get up at 4 am because your flight is at 5:15 am. you were flying home because you had a whole week off of school. you didn’t let katsuki know because you wanted it to be a surprise.
you took a shower and did your skincare and then went to sleep. your alarm went off at 4 am and you groaned. you brushed your teeth and packed your bag. you put on a hoodie and some leggings and put on some uggs.
you left your house at 4:45 and got to the airport at 5:00. you didn’t need 20 years at the airport, but just enough time so you weren’t rushing around. you sat down on one of the seats by where you would be boarding.
after a long 15 minutes, they called you to board and you were one of the first on. you knew it was going to be a long flight. 14 hours to japan from california. you sighed as you put in your headphones and put on princess and the frog.
you got through about 45 minutes and fell asleep. you woke up and there was still 7 long hours of the flight. you groaned and started the movie from where you fell asleep from. you finished that movie and then put on good girls. you got through 1 season and you finally landed.
you stretched your legs and grabbed your stuff and got off of the plane. it was 7 pm in japan and you were jet lagged real bad. you just decided katsuki was more important and got your rental and drive to his house. you called him and the phone rung about 3 times.
“hello?” he says. “hey suki. how are you doing?” you replied and he hesitated, but answered. “fine. how about you?” you got out of your car and shut the door. “i’m doing pretty good. man this homework has had me swamped lately.” you started walking toward his door. “yeah i get it, hero work hasn’t been any better here. it feels like since i became like a real pro the crime rate has just shot up.”
you knocked on his door and you could hear him getting up to get it. “sorry n/n, someone’s knocking.” you were so excited to see him after so long. he finally opened the door and paused. “hey suki.” you said as he stood there shocked.
he picked you up and swung you around. “what?! i thought it was gonna be 4 more months until graduation? and why wasn’t i invited?” he asked angrily. you kissed him and started laughing, “i have 1 week off of school, so no i didn’t graduate yet and no you didn’t miss it.”
he sighed and sigh of relief and went to grab your bag from the car. “bro i’m so jet lagged this is horrible.” you we’re holding your head because you were starting to get headaches. he kissed your temple and brought you in.
“i hate surprises.” he states and you laugh. “i know”
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a/n - if you didn’t know this was based off of next to you by bryson, he’s so bryson coded (canon)
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AITA for not saying goodbye to my husband’s friends from childhood?
I (24F) am a white American, my husband (25M) is a black immigrant from a country in the Caribbean. Where we live, there aren’t many people from his country and he has few opportunities to speak his native language. But a family friend from his childhood came here recently and he invited the friend over for dinner. The friend and his wife said they’d come over a few days in advance and I was excited and made plans for dinner, but the day of, they canceled. I was a little annoyed because I already had all the food and everything but I was like “ok whatever.”
Well the following Saturday, I was stressed about work and stuff and in a bad mood, and was looking forward to catching up on a show I liked. When I finally sat down to watch, my husband said his friends who canceled the week before were going to be here in an hour and asked me to clean up. I was annoyed bc they canceled when I was planning on them and rescheduled last min when I wasn’t planning on hosting or spending the evening with anyone, but I helped clean up and prepare. They got here, and I tried to be a good host, but I admit while I wasn’t rude, my attitude wasn’t super warm and friendly. They didn’t want dinner so we offered juice and stuff. I tried to be present in the conversations but 1) I’m very shy and 2) they were talking about 60-40 their native language to English, so I didn’t know what was going on more than half the time. (I do love that language and am trying to learn on DuoLingo but it’s hard. I’m also glad he has people to talk it with, it just leaves me unable to participate much). Also, tbh most of the conversation was suggestive jokes and joking about each other’s sex lives and as an ace person I don’t really feel comfortable with that kind of conversation particularly with people I don’t know very well. So I kinda just zoned out, and I kind of have an RBF so I guess I looked not happy to be there. Anyway, we watched a James Bond movie I wasn’t interested in so I was on my phone a lot, then I went upstairs to get ready for bed because it was almost midnight and I was tired.
After I was ready for bed, I wanted to say goodnight to the friends, however one of them had to record a video for an online class and send it in before the deadline in like an hour. So he got on the computer and went into the stairwell and his wife got on her phone and went to the kitchen so they could record the conversation and submit it. Which meant I was stuck upstairs (unless I wanted to pass the guy in the stairwell and show up on his video) and I’d have to wait for them to finish recording the call before I could go to bed. Well, I was tired so I just lay in bed and ended up falling asleep. Around the 12:45, my husband woke me up by coming into the room and turning on the light to give the friends a tour of the house and I grumpily growled “I’m asleep! Turn off the light!”
The next morning, my husband was livid at me. He said the way I treated them was horrible and rude, I wasn’t paying attention during the movie, I didn’t even say goodbye (which greetings and goodbyes are a big deal in his culture), I growled at them when they came into the room for the tour, I was “acting like a bitch” to them the whole night, and he felt like he invited them to his house only for me to act racist and like I’m better than them. I feel terrible that my actions could be perceived that way when in reality I was just tired, shy, a little grouchy because these plans were sprung on me last minute, and out of the loop (because I didn’t understand a majority of the conversation). But I think the whole cancelation and then last minute rescheduling and expecting me to be a good, present host late into the night wasn’t cool. If it had been last week, I would’ve been prepared with dinner and also mentally, since I’d be planning on hosting people. Also would’ve been nice to be made aware beforehand that we would be entertaining guests until 1 AM, so I could be planning on it.
What are these acronyms?
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kpop---scenarios · 6 months
Hidden Lies (1)
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Pairing: Unknown x Reader
Warning: Violence, Crime, Almost Assault
Word Count: 4.9k
A/N: This is a remake of Poisonous Lies. Some parts may be familiar, and that would be why. I hope you enjoy!! Let me know who you think she'll connect more with!
This morning you woke up, listening to the sounds of birds chirping, the sun shining through your window, and feeling like it was going to be a great day. 
“YN.” Your mom yells. It was too early and you were trying to wake up peacefully. “Y/N!” She calls out again, but this time it's more of a screech. 
You groan loudly, folding your pillow over your ears, wanting to enjoy a little bit of time without her yelling at you. The sound of her shrieking voice was coming closer every second, until it was practically right in your ear. 
Your eyes are still closed as you feel your blanket being ripped off your body, your mom cursing at you. 
“Wake the fuck up!” She yells. “Don't you hear me yelling for you? I have shit to do, I cannot keep waking you up in the mornings! damn, you're going to make us both late” 
You were 22 years old and you still live with your mother. This life you had was sad, although it was your fault. This technically was your choice. You had decided to drop out of school and go home to help your mom out after your dad was sentenced to 10 years in prison for a lengthy list of crimes, although well it wasn't his fault, it also was at the same time. 
Your father had lost his job, and instead of telling your mother and them trying to figure it out, he went and got a loan from some people involved in crime that he most definitely should have not gone to. He didn't think about the fact that he would have had to pay that money back, plus interest. And when the time came for them to collect he didn't have it. So he was recruited for odd jobs until he had paid everything back, he didn't get very far though. His last job ended up being a sting operation and he was charged with trafficking drugs, intent to sell, attempted kidnapping, attempted human trafficking and a few other things. He wouldn't tell them why he did it, he didn't want things to get any worse, even though you weren't sure if they could or not. It wasn't his finest moment, he was trying to help his family even if it was the worst way possible. He was a good man and a good dad. Your father was a man who would do anything for his family, especially to protect them, and that’s exactly why he did what he did and now he was suffering the consequences of his own actions. 
“I swear to god, YN.” Your mom yells as she grabs your arm, trying to pull you out of bed. “If you don't get your ass up in the next 30 seconds, I'm going to lose my mind! Your train leaves in 45 minutes and if you dont get ready and leave in 10 minutes then you're not going to be able to see your dad.” She sighs. “It’s his birthday, remember.”
Shit. You quickly bolt up in bed, scrambling to get out of your bed. You were rushing around your room grabbing whatever looked the cleanest on your floor before heading to your bathroom, slamming the door in the process. 
Your mom sighs loudly before she leaves your room so you can rush around and get ready. You knew it was hard for her, not having your dad around, and you were sometimes difficult but you were trying. You felt guilty, especially since she wasn't able to go on the visit today, her shitty boss wouldn't let her have the time off. It had only been a year since he’d been locked up and you, mom and your brother had faced some very hard times. The three of you have been barely surviving paying the bills, mortgage, car, gas, groceries as well as trying to pay back your dad's loan in cash, rather than jobs similar to what your dad did.
Your mom was working 2 jobs, you and your brother both working full time, and all your money went towards everything needing to be paid, rarely leaving you much of anything left over but the three of you made it work, you always figured it out. You would do whatever you needed to do. 
You're running down the stairs, trying to put your hair into a semi decent bun and forfeiting any makeup. 
“You ready?” Your mom asks, car keys in her hand. 
“Yeah, just let me grab my bag.” you breathe. You run into the kitchen, snatching your purse from the counter before you head back to the front door that's left wide open. You roll your eyes heading out the door, closing it behind you before sliding into the passenger seat of the car the three of you shared. 
Your mom doesn't say a word to you on the ride to the train station. You hold your train ticket in your hand as she pulls in front of the station. “Please tell him happy birthday from me and that I love him.” she whispers as you're getting out of the car. 
You give her a half smile. “I will mom.” You say, getting out of the car and closing the door. It doesn't take you long to navigate your way through the station, you’ve been making this trip a few times a month. You tried to see him as much as you could but between work, work and work, you never had a ton of time. You picked a seat on the train, setting your bag down in the seat beside you. You just made it on time, seconds later you were on your way and you couldn't wait to see your dad. 
You stood in line, waiting to have your bag checked and to go through the x-ray machine. When that was all clear you headed to the front desk, showing your ID and filling out paperwork before you could even go into the room and wait for him. You sit down, your stomach is twisting with nerves. You weren't sure why, this was like any other visit you had been on. 
“LN, YN.” You hear. “You can head in now.” the guard finishes, pointing towards a visitation room. The door buzzes open and you see your dad immediately, sitting in the back, in the middle of the room. His fingers were locked together with his head down. It felt like it had been forever since you had last seen him. “Dad.” you sniffle and his head shoots up, a smile spreads across his face so quickly as he stands up from his chair. You walk towards him, his arms are wide open, waiting to embrace you. You crash into his chest, wrapping your arms around him as he does you, holding you tightly. You missed his hugs, and the safeness you felt from him. You couldn't remember the last time you had felt safe.
You both let go, tears brimming in your eyes as you both sit down across from each other. 
“Happy birthday dad.” you smile. He reaches out to grab your hand, whispering a small thank you while his head hangs low. “Mom also wishes you a happy birthday, and she says that she loves you.” You tell him, but you knew he already knew that. 
“I know,” he smiles. “I'm assuming that she had to work today?” he asks. 
You nod your head. 
“She tried to get the time off but you know Dave, he’s a dick and wouldn't even let her have the morning off.” you tell him.
But again, you knew he already knew that. Dave and your dad had been friends for years, but after your dad was sentenced the man acted as if he never knew him and was never friends with him. Your eyes wander around the room, as if anything would be different since the last time you were here. Your dad begins telling you a story, something funny that had happened the other day. You were listening, but you couldn't help but let your eyes wander.
You looked out into the common room, as you were scanning the room, your eyes landed on someone. A man, a very handsome dark haired, angry looking man staring directly at you. You tried to look away from him, but it's like you were locked in with him. He was so captivating you honestly didn't even want to look away, but you do, not before he smiles at you slightly, giving you a small wink. 
You’re brought out of your trance by your dad clearing his throat before continuing on with his story. You catch the end of it, laughing along with him even though you didn't really hear the rest of it. “Tell me about everything. What’s going on with you? How is your brother?” he asks. Before you can answer the lights of the prison flicker, the alarm blares as the red siren lights up the room on beat with the alarms. 
“What’s happening?” you yell over the loud sounds. You were feeling a little panicked but before your dad could say anything you both hear yelling. You looked at the commotion in the common room, which was only separated from the visiting room by one large metal door. You glanced around, seeing the other visitors watching what was happening but no one was reacting to anything. 
“I'm sure the guards will get it sorted, fights break out all the time. No need to worry.” Your dad tells you, trying to reassure you. 
You couldn't help but worry. You watched as more and more fights were beginning to break out between prisoners, prisoners and guards. You watched in horror, as the prisoners seemingly took the guards down more easily then they should have been able too. Your eyes were darting to every window that you could see and watched guard after guard collapse, inmates grabbing the guns or batons, a cluster of inmates slamming guards into the windows, shaking what is supposed to be bullet proof glass. 
Seconds later a fight in the visiting room breaks out after an inmate bashes a guard's head against the table. You're panicking now, other visitors are screaming, leaving their tables trying to escape, some pounding on the door, begging the guards to let them out.
The inmates from the common room begin trying to shoot the windows, or trying to pry open the doors into the visiting room. 
The doors were buzzed open letting the guards from the front now rush in from one side to try and calm the situation but instead they let the inmates rush through the other doors into the room where you and your dad were. He had taken you to the corner of the room, standing in front of you to protect you. You peek out from behind him, the two of you watching in horror as blood and tears are spilled, the cries and pleas from visitors are yelled out as the inmates attack anyone in their way, including those who were just trying to visit their loved ones. 
Your heart is pounding so loud, you can hear it in your ears. You feel weak, light headed. Your adrenaline hasn't kicked in yet. Your stomach is churning at all of the blood. Your father grabs your hand pulling you with him through another open door, and hopefully to safety. As soon as the two of you make it into another room, you're confronted by three large men. 
“Look.” Your dad begins. “We don't want any trouble. I'm just trying to keep my daughter safe.”
The man in front smiles, but even his smile is terrifying. 
“What a good dad you are. But don't worry.” He says. “We'll take her from here. I'll personally keep her safe.” He finishes, licking his lips. 
“No thank you.” your dad says. “We're just going to go.” You grip onto your dads orange jumpsuit. 
“Dad.” You whisper. He can hear the fear in your voice. 
He runs forward, punching the man, pushing him into the two men behind him. “Run YN! Run!” He screams as the men grab him, taking him elsewhere. You try to run for the door but you're grabbed, pulled back and pushed against the wall. The man who had been talking to your father stood inches from your face. You could see the evil in his eyes as he eyed you up. You can feel his breath on your neck as he moves closer towards you.
You look both ways, trying to find your way to escape. There's only one other door besides the one you came through and you're pretty sure it's locked. Fear jolts through your body as you try and think of anything you could possibly say or do to get yourself out of this situation but you know that there is nothing you can do, except try and fight. 
“Get away from me!” you yell, putting your hands on his chest and pushing as hard as you can. 
"Don't fucking do that.” He snaps, shoving you against the wall. He raises his hand as he gets closer to you, his finger tracing your face. You squeeze your eyes shut, tears rolling down your cheeks and you let out a scream, as loud as you could. You switched between yelling "help me." And screaming, hoping someone would come for you. 
The man slaps his hand over your mouth, angrily. "Why would you do that, don't you like me?" He asks. "It's been a long fucking time since we've been this close to a woman." He chuckles. You can feel his body pressing against you. You try to focus on anything else, but all you can hear is the sound of him breathing and the screams and cries of the ones caught in the riot. 
Just as you were about to give up, you feel a release. You can no longer feel his body pressing against you, you can hear yelling much closer. You open your eyes and see a dark haired man, and a familiar other dark haired man pulling the men away from you. Within seconds the man who wanted to attack you was down on the floor, and the two men who saved you grabbed your hands, pulling you out of the room and away from the chaos. 
Where was your dad? Was he okay? 
The three of you ran down a hallway, the alarms are still blaring, you can just barely hear police sirens from outside. 
The two men had no idea where to go, everywhere you looked there was violence, inmates with weapons and minimal guards that were alive. 
"Hey!" You hear from down the hall. You all turn around and see the man that had you pinned against the wall. Anger suddenly fuels you, wondering where your dad was. 
“What did you do to my dad!?” You scream. The man stops walking, a grin spreads across his face. “Don't worry, he's just fine. Now you two.” He says, pointing to the two men who were still holding onto you. “You don't get to take what's not yours.” He frowns. “I want her back.” He yells down the hall. The two men who had taken your father appear behind him. 
“Fuck.” One says. they turn around, pulling you in a different direction. You were turning corner after corner until one of them found an unlocked door. He opens it, quickly pulling you inside before slamming it shut. Your body is shaking, you can't help but sob. You never in a million years expected today to turn out how it has. 
Both the men quickly jump into action, grabbing whatever heavy pieces of furniture they can find to shove against the door. You watch them, still feeling just pure shock. 
"I'm sorry." You whisper. You weren't even entirely sure what you were sorry about but it felt appropriate in the moment. 
They both stop covering the door, staring at you. “Sorry for what?” One asks. 
“I.. I'm not sure. But you're in this mess now because of me.” You sigh. 
“We're in this because we didn't want to see an innocent woman get taken advantage of by some fucked up men. You didn't start it.” He says. 
“What's your name?” The other asks. 
"Y/N." You sniffle. 
“I’m Wooyoung, and this is San.” 
“Nice to meet you both. And thank you. I truly don't know what would have happened if you guys didn't save me.” 
“It's nothing.” San says, giving you a half smile. He could not stop staring at you, just like when you were in the visiting room with your dad and he had caught your eye. 
Before you could say anything back, the knob to the door started to shake. There's pounding at the door, and that's when you hear it. 
“Y/N.” your dad calls. “Y/N please let me in. They're coming.” He cries. “Please.” 
You run to the door, trying your best to move everything they had put against the door. 
“Y/N stop.” Wooyoung yells, trying to pull you away. 
“Please!” You cry. “Please help me. That's my dad, we need to let him in.” 
San and Wooyoung loom at each other. They both know this is a bad idea but knew that there would be no chance of you letting up. 
“Whatever happens?” San says. Wooyoung nods his head. 
“Whatever happens.” 
The two men help you pull the large filing cabinet, desk and other heavy things away from the door. You unlock the deadbolt, ripping the door open, the smile on your face falling immediately. 
“I'm sorry Y/N. I'm so sorry.” He cries. He's pushed inside the room by the three men from before. He trips, falling to the floor with a thud. You wanted to go to him but the man has a gun now and it's pointed directly at you. 
“You two aren't very good at hiding.” He chuckles. 
“Eric, you don't have to do this.” Wooyoung says, his hands up as he inches towards you. 
“Fuck you, Woo. You'd be the fucking same if you were locked in the hole for months at a time.” Eric snaps. “And now I have a chance for something real and you two are trying to ruin it for me.” 
“I'm telling you not to fucking do this.” San snaps. He can see Eric eyeing you up, your dad laying on the floor, one of Eric's men's feet pinning him down. 
“You think I'm gonna listen to you?” Eric laughs. “Just enjoy the show.” He says, grabbing onto Your wrists. Wooyoung and San try to lurch forward but they're stopped by the other two, flashing their knives. Eric pushes you against the wall, pulling you back towards him. He pulls you to the ground, climbing on top of you, straddling you. The gun is still shoved in your face. You say nothing, tears just stream down your face. Your eyes dart in-between San and Wooyoung as you silently plead for one of them to do something. To help you. 
Eric rips open your shirt, exposing your bra. You look away, seeing Wooyoung and San nod towards each other. They both lunge for the men, knocking them down. Your dad scrambles to his feet taking over for San, as he runs for Eric, who was too in his own world with you to hear anything else. San tackles him, causing Eric to let go of the gun, it slides across the floor. Eric scrambles beneath San as he delivers hit after hit. 
“Everybody get on the fucking ground.” You hear. Smoke bombs thrown into the room. Guards in full tactical gear flood inside, guns at the ready. San gets off of Eric, all of them men laying on the floor. “Hands on your head.” They yell. 
You do as you're told. “We have a hostage located.” They go to you first, helping you up. You're coughing loudly as they guide you out of the room, into another one to be treated. They'd finally gotten everything settled down and started getting inmates back into their cells, or medical treatment. 
“You took a fucking hostage, the warden is deciding your punishment.” A guard snaps at Wooyoung and San as they escort them past the room you're in. You push the nurse away, running out of the room. 
“Wait!” You yell. “They didn't take me hostage. They saved me from him.” You say, pointing to Eric. “He tried to.. he tried to...” You cry. “They protected me from him and I'll forever be grateful.” you finish. You walk over to the two handcuffed men, wrapping your arms around both of them, until they're both escorted off. Both of them looking over their shoulders, giving you a smile and a wink. 
Once you were checked out by the nurse and cleared to go, you were led out to the front where your mom was waiting for you. You sobbed into her shoulder as she hugged you tightly, apologizing to you profusely. She grabbed your hand, pulling you out to the car. you look back at the prison as she drives away, silently thanking Wooyoung and San for saving you. You'd have to find some way to properly thank them sometime. 
“Do you want to tell me what happened?” Your mom asks. 
“Dad and I were talking when fights broke out. Inmates were attacking guards and other inmates.” You sigh. “They opened the doors to the visitation room to let guards in but inmates rushed in.. one gut I guess had his sights set on me.” 
“Dad protected you right?” Your mom asks. 
“He tried. But there were 3 of them and one of him.. they took him away. And I was alone.” You look over at your mom, she has tears in her eyes as she listens to you. “But then two men rushed in and grabbed me, helped me escape. Took me to a room and barricaded the door.” 
“They didn't hurt you did they?” She whispers. 
“No mom, they didn't. Dad started banging on the door.. they helped me move everything and open the door but the bad guy was there with him, they pushed him in.. the guy tried to.. r..” you pause. Your mom looks horrified. “He didn't. Wooyoung and San tackled him and then the guards came in.” 
“That was extremely lucky that they were there for you.” She sighs. “I'm so sorry baby.” 
“It's not your fault mom. You didn't know that was going to happen.” You say. “No one could have predicted that would happen.” 
The rest of the way you drive home in silence. You really want to just go to bed. Luckily you didn't have to work today so you could do just that. As you walked in the house, your brother Jaehyun rushed to you, hugging you tightly. “I'm so glad you're okay.” He says, squeezes you even harder. 
“I won't be if you squeeze me anymore, you're gonna suffocate me.” You half chuckle, half panic. He lets you go, patting your back before heading back to the living room. 
“Do you want some lunch?” Your mom asks. You raise an eyebrow. You had assumed she would have had to go back to work. 
“Don't you have to go back to work?” You ask. She looks at the ground. 
“Uh, well.. Dave said if I left to go to you, I wouldn't have a job. It's not worth it if he won't let me go to my child who was in the middle of a prison riot. Don't worry, I'll find something else.” She smiles. 
Fuck Dave. You went up to your room, crawled in your bed and quickly fell asleep. The day was exhausting and you were still shook a week later. It was the week after the riot, and you had been answering everyone's questions about what happened, what it was like the guys who saved you. It was the talk of the town still but you were tired of talking about it. You were ready to forget about it now, which is why you agreed so fast when your friend Hwasa asked you to go out that night. There was a newish club that was apparently very exclusive and the two of you wanted in. You got ready in a hurry, doing your makeup and your hair the best you could. You slipped on your favorite club dress as well as shoes and headed for the front door. 
“I'm going out, bye!” You yell, slamming the door behind you. You run down the driveway heading to Hwasa's car. 
The drive to the club is long. When you finally see it, you're mesmerized. It's bigger than you imagined, the bright sign outside reads Ateez. You were so excited. The line was extremely long, and as you walked up to the bouncer he shooed you to the back of the line. It seemed like you were never going to get in. 
After about twenty minutes, you noticed a man staring at you that was walking the line, he walked past you, before backing up to look at you again. 
“L/N Y/N?” He asks, eyeing you up and down. 
“Yes?” You respond, staring at the handsome man. 
“Come with me.” He says, motioning for you and Hwasa to follow him. You and Hwasa look at each other, she shrugs her shoulders, following the man and dragging you along behind. He stops at the bouncer, pointing to you. “L/N Y/N. Add her to the list. VIP.” He finishes, bringing you both inside. What the hell did you do to get this sort of treatment? 
The two of you walk behind the man, following him really without any questions. You pass what looks like the main bar, the dance floor and head up some stairs. The rope is removed from the hook, letting the three of you into the VIP area. 
“You can stay here if you'd like. Your drinks are all on the house, whatever you'd like. If you need anything, my name is Mingi, don't hesitate to ask.” He says. 
“Um, I do have a question.” You say, slightly raising your hand. “How? Um, why? And um what?” You say. 
Mingi chuckles. “You helped my brothers out, by not adding time to their sentences. They both could have gotten a lot more time after that riot. But they didn't, because of you. So from now on, if you are in trouble or need anything, you have 8 men who will happily help you out.” He says. “Well 6 for now, until San and Woo get out.” 
“All I did was tell the truth.” You say.
“There's a lot of women out there who would have lied, knowing who those two are.” He says. 
 “Also, You're related to them?” You ask, ignoring what he said before. You were too busy trying to stop your mouth from hanging down. 
“Well.. in a sense.” He laughs. “Enjoy your night.” He finishes before leaving the room. 
“What the hell!” Hwasa shouts, heading over to your private bar. She orders multiple drinks and shots for each of you to be brought to your table. As you two sit there, listening to the music the DJ is playing, drinking and just having a good time you see five men walk into the room. They stop, staring at you. As they walk over they introduce themselves. 
“Y/N.” One smiles. “I'm Seonghwa, this is Yeosang, Yunho, Jongho and Hongjoong.” He says pointing to each extremely handsome man. 
“Nice to meet you.” You smile back, waving at them all while hiccuping in the process. 
“Thank you for what you did for Woo and San.” Seonghwa says. 
“Like I said to Mingi, I was just telling the truth. I didn't want them to get into trouble for saving me.” You explain. 
“If you need anything, and I mean anything, don't hesitate to call.” He says, sliding you a piece of paper. Written down are 8 phone numbers for you. This was honestly fucking surreal. Who knew this could happen for simply telling the truth? 
The men walk away and Hwasa stares at you in disbelief. “I almost wish it was me that day.” She laughs. “Let's go dance!” She says, trying to pull you up. 
“Let me just tidy these glasses.” You slur, stacking all the cups and shot glasses to bring back to the bartender. He laughs as you place them on the bar, and thanks you through his chuckles. 
You let Hwasa drag you down the stairs to the dance floor, immediately sliding her hands all over your body as you dance closely. The two of you always preferred to dance together, but sometimes if you were into it you'd dance with men.  This time you were too into dancing with Hwasa, you didn't want any men to disturb you. You turned around, grinding your ass into her as you looked around the club. You glanced up at the balcony and saw six men leaning on the railing, all their eyes staring directly at you. Why did you feel like your life was going to get a lot more interesting? 
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WIP Wednesday
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
FANON FanFic: Buddie Multi-Chapter - Hiatus Reading: “I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
Chapter 32 will be posted soon!
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Currently 31 chapters completed: 1.384M Words; Rated: Mature
{Previous Snippet}
It's been a minute and I apologize for the delay but I wanted to complete my "Their Firsts At Last" series. Now that it's done, I've returned to working on my multi-chapter fic and currently, Chapter 32 is in progress.
Reminder, there are only 9 chapters left and they're going to be good. 😜😉🤗🙃😊😁
Don't forget, Buck and Eddie are still waiting to hear about the house in San Gimignano.
I'm excited to finish writing Chapter 32 because at the end of Chapter 31, Buck was trying to process everything that happened to him and Chris Friday evening while they were inside of Super Target. After his heart stopped and he had to be revived by a cardiologist who just so happened to be shopping on the next aisle, he spent time after he was revived but unconscious seeing glimpses of his future life with Eddie over the next 20 years.
More than three hours later, after he woke up, he was so exhausted he spent hours sleeping as his body recuperated with Eddie by his bedside. The 118 was there in full force to support Buck, Eddie and Chris and after Eddie made the connection to Lucy and Jonah's other victims, Buck gave Athena and Detective Romero a statement the next day. Early Saturday morning, they were eventually captured but the aftermath of the things they did are affecting Buck and Chris in a major way and all Eddie wants to do is take his husband and son back to Italy so they can keep healing. Will they get the final word on the house they bid on that's located in San Gimignano, Italy in this chapter? 🤷🏽‍♀️
Here’s another snippet from Chapter 32 of Buck trying to have a conversation with someone who's being belligerent and rude towards him.
It’s been more than 63 hours since everything happened Friday night and Buck’s home alone since Eddie and Chris left about 45 minutes ago headed to Durand.  Before Eddie exited their bedroom, he kissed his husband’s cheek and whispered into his ear, “Amore mio, I love you and I’ll be back soon.”  He didn’t wake Buck because he's finally sleeping. He hadn’t slept since Friday night; therefore he needs the rest especially since he’s been awake for more than two days.
He’s in a deep sleep and it’s so deep that he’s almost in comatose state and he hasn’t slept like this since last summer when he was depressed.  It’s different this time though because he’s suffering from PTSD and it’s a direct consequence of the things that happened while him and Chris were inside of Super Target Friday night.
He’s already had an emergency session with Dr. Copeland about it and he has three more individual sessions scheduled for later this week, one with Frank and two with Dr. Holcomb.  Additionally, they have a family session scheduled with Dr. Holcomb so they can discuss everything that happened, minus the part where someone tried to kill him because Chris still doesn’t know about that and they’re not going to tell him.
While he’s in a state that resembles unconsciousness, he keeps hearing a ringing noise but he’s not sure what it is.  It rings multiple times then it stops and a few seconds later, it starts up again.
Once he realizes it’s not a dream, he slowly wakes up and after his eyes open, he feels so sluggish and exhausted that it takes him a minute to lift his head.  He listens and when it stops, he wonders if it’ll start again.  When it does, he realizes it’s their home telephone.
He attempts to move but it takes several seconds for him to do it.  He notices his husband isn’t here so he touches his side of the bed and after he glances at the clock, he sees it’s 8:17AM then realization sets in.  He knows Eddie left to take their son to school.
After deeply inhaling, he removes the covers, swings his legs so they’re on the side of the bed, he sluggishly stands and tries to swiftly walk to the living room because he figures whoever it is that keeps calling must be doing so because it’s an emergency.
The thought that something might be wrong with Eddie and Chris makes his heart drop in his chest especially since their family was being stalked.  He tries to run but his feet feel like weights are holding them down.
When he finally makes it to the side table, he picks up the receiver and answers, “Hello?”
The caller gasps but they don’t say anything.
It causes him to be on edge because he’s not sure why someone would be calling at 8:19AM and not respond when he answers.  Instantly, he wonders if it’s one of the people Jonah said that still has his back.
After he catches his breath, he repeats, “Hello?” But when the person doesn’t respond, he asks, “Is anyone there?”
“Yes, I’m here.  Is Edmundo available?”  The caller dryly asks.
He exhales and rubs his free hand across his forehead because he recognizes her voice.  She sounds angry and he’s really not in the mood to deal with this shit but he steadies his nerves and responds in a low voice, “Good morning, Mrs. Diaz.  Eddie’s not here but I can uh… take a message and ask him to call you when he returns.”
Instead of answering kindly, she asks, “Where’s my grandson?  Hopefully, he’s not there with you.”
He ignores the last part of her statement because he knows she’s intentionally being rude.  He sighs and replies, “No ma’am, he’s on his way to school but is there anything I can help you with?”
She huffs.  “Actually, you can.  You can tell me why you collapsed in the middle of Target and scared my grandson half to death.”
His breath hitches in his throat because her words are sharp and they’re stabbing at his heart like Ginsu knives.  They trigger the memories from Friday night that he’s spent hours trying to forget.  He’s already had two nightmares about it but he hasn’t told Eddie because he’s been through enough.  He woke up in a cold sweat at 2:00AM but he just stayed in bed and tightened his arms around his husband.
Immediately, his eyes fill with tears and everything sounds like white noise and he thinks he might be entering a state of shock because he never would have put Chris in harm’s way.  When Jonah threatened him, all he cared about was making sure their son was protected.  Chris was on his mind the entire time and for her to say the things she’s spouting, he knows she’s being spiteful, vindictive and hurtful.
He pulls the phone away from his ear because Helena’s loudly talking into the receiver.
“You left my grandson unattended.  My sister in law told my husband that you were unconscious and unresponsive when she saw my grandson standing there looking at you.  He was in shock.  When you lost him in the Tsunami I knew you weren’t capable of taking care of him and I don’t want you around him anymore.”
His knees buckle, his chest starts hurting and his Holter monitor is loudly beeping and it’s a warning to alert him that his heart is beating too fast.  He wobbles and thinks he’s about to pass out but he feels his husband’s arms wrap around his waist and he moves him to the couch.  He removes the phone from his hand and drops it on the floor.
While looking into those ocean blue eyes he loves so much, he asks him in Italian, “Amore mio, puoi sentirmi?”  [My love, can you hear me?”]
He slowly nods but his head feels like sparking water is rolling around inside of his skull.  After a few seconds, he replies, “Sì.”  [“Yes.”]
After Eddie takes care of his husband, what is he going to say to Helena? 👀
Why is Eddie speaking to Buck in Italian? 🙃
Is it so his mother won't know what they're saying? 😉
Fic Summary: Months after Buck and Eddie were hit by the same lightning strike; they’re still struggling with the aftermath of it.  But before they make their love confessions, they’ll spend time getting to know themselves as individuals first. Eddie learns to enjoy the simple things in life as he participates in activities on his own and with new friends while Buck learns the rest of the 31-year-old deep dark family secret about his conception and birth. Their journey to forever is still a work in progress but once they finally admit they’re in love with each other, everything that follows their love confessions will be cataclysmic.
Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1 - Eddie makes a new friend while Buck receives devastating news regarding the sperm donation he made for Connor and Kameron.
Chapter 2 - Buck does a lot of research to learn more about the abnormalities found in his red blood cells and Eddie starts a new therapy journey that’s all about him and not the traumas he’s experienced.
Chapter 3 - After more than a month, Buck and Eddie finally spend time together outside of work but it doesn’t end well and they part with a lot of uncertainty regarding their places in each other’s lives.
Chapter 4 - Eddie has a few realizations about his life which causes him to consider moving back to El Paso, TX while Buck continues to be reminded of his past which causes him to take an impromptu road trip across America.
Chapter 5 - Both Buck and Eddie have difficult conversations with their parents and Buck finally learns the truth behind the reason why his mother despised him while Eddie finally tells his mother about the way she tries to control him.
Chapter 6 - More than two weeks after Buck pushed Eddie away after suggesting they needed a break; Eddie decides to try again. Eddie’s there for Buck when he’s at his worst just like Buck was there for him when he was at his worst and he won’t let Buck give up.
Chapter 7 - After Buck’s mental breakdown, Eddie has his back the same way Buck had his when he had his own breakdown more than a year ago.  They share several vulnerable and emotionally intimate moments with one another and they begin to realize their small, sweet and caring gestures matter just as much if not more than any grand gesture ever could because these are the foundations of a long-lasting love relationship.
Chapter 8 - Buck, Eddie and Chris all have their own therapists and during their sessions, they reflect on their pasts while they’re in the present so they can prepare for their future together as a family.
Chapter 9 - Buck and Eddie are there for each other when Buck has to testify as a witness during the trial.  But by the end of it, they’ll both realize their individual and shared traumas are going to keep resurfacing until they talk about them, deal with the fact that they’re in love with one another and face the fact that they can’t live without each other.
Chapter 10 - As Buck and Eddie finally begin to confront their past traumas, they realize how much they need each other to fill in the gaps of their memories.  Additionally, the universe screams at them for what appears to be the one hundredth time so Buck can realize he doesn’t have to ‘find it’ because he already ‘made it’ and Eddie’s reminded tomorrow isn’t promised and he doesn’t have to die alone if he doesn’t want to.
Chapter 11 - A “virga” or dry thunderstorm is in the forecast but once the rain starts, the thunderstorm happening outside won’t be able to match the storm brewing inside between Buck and Eddie.  It’s the universe’s final scream and when the tumultuous winds begin to blow, they’ll have one last chance to hold onto everything they’ve built over the last six years or they’ll lose it all forever.
Chapter 12 - Buck and Eddie have always shared a deep physical attraction and an emotional intimacy that’s unmatched but now that they’re in a relationship, they’re learning how to navigate the romantic intimacy they’ve been waiting for six years to explore. The love they have for each other is a once in a lifetime, soulmate, love of their lives type of love that transcends space and time.
Chapter 13 - While navigating the newness of their romantic relationship, Buck and Eddie take advantage of every moment they spend together. As their individual lives, people from their pasts, time constraints and the possibility of losing each other again make attempts to interrupt and interfere with their journey to forever, they love, care for, support and hold onto each other even tighter to withstand it all.
Chapter 14 - Buck and Eddie can see the lights at the end of the tunnels regarding the results of Buck’s Cancer Screening along with everything else they’re dealing with. But are the lights they see exits to the tunnels or are they headlights on different runaway trains that are speeding towards them in an effort to interrupt their forever?
Chapter 15 - Buck and Eddie have known they were exactly who the other one wanted in a partner since they met six years ago when they agreed to have each other’s backs. They’re in a romantic relationship, they’re both preparing to ask the other one to spend forever with them and by the end of the seventh week into their relationship, together they will plan their most important and greatest adventure for their future.
Chapter 16 - As Buck and Eddie begin to prepare for their marriage ceremony that will take place in Rome, Italy in December 2023, they start planning their first international adventure as a romantic couple. Even though Chris is still the only person they’ve told about their relationship, several people who know them have already witnessed the love they share and as the days continue, others will witness it too.
Chapter 17 - As Buck and Eddie get closer to departing Los Angeles for their international adventure, a moment in time will remind them; life is fragile, tomorrow isn’t promised and every second of everyday should be cherished because everything can change in an instant. The result of that realization will cause them to hold onto each other even more.
Chapter 18 - As Buck, Eddie and Chris prepare for family gatherings before and during the Thanksgiving holiday, the “Santa Ana Winds” start to blow and all sorts of expected and unexpected familial drama ensues.
Chapter 19 - As Buck and Eddie get closer to their wedding day, the universe begins to align everything so that some of their parent and children's relationships are strengthened while others come to an abrupt end.
Chapter 20 - With only 14 days remaining until Buck, Eddie and Chris depart Los Angeles, CA traveling to Rome, Italy, for their first family adventure, an early morning conversation about “tying up loose ends” helps Buck and Eddie realize there are still several things left unfinished on their ‘To Do’ lists. The question is will there be enough time to complete all of them?
Chapter 21 - Buck, Eddie and Chris are finalizing their ‘To Do’ Lists, double checking their itineraries and packing their suitcases in preparation for their trip to Europe so they can board their flight that departs Los Angeles, CA on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 3:25PM.
Chapter 22 - While Buck, Eddie and Chris spend the first 8 days of their European family adventure in Italy, their primary reason for going will be fulfilled as well as several others they hadn’t considered or anticipated.
Chapter 23 - As the Diaz Family continues their Italian family adventure, they’ll say, “Ciao” or hello and goodbye to a lot of things almost immediately after they become an official and legal family.
Chapter 24 - After Buck, Eddie and Chris arrive in London, England on December 24th; the Diazes immediately start preparing to spend their first family Christmas together. During their stay, each of them will hear a few choice words that will be the life raft to get them home to complete their searches to be seen and to be found.
Chapter 25 - After spending more than two weeks in Europe, Eddie, Buck and Chris are back in Los Angeles and they’re getting ready to attend Maddie and Chimney’s New Year’s Eve party. During the event, they have plans to make two surprise announcements but the question is, who’s really going to be surprised, the Diaz family or their found family at the 118?
Chapter 26 - Buck and Eddie are once again faced with their greatest fear of losing each other but this time it could be permanent and if it is, then they won’t be able to spend the rest of their lives together.
Chapter 27 - After Buck resumes therapy, he’ll continue to face the fact that he “DIED” in March 2023 and during those sessions, he’ll learn about the 7 stages of grief. As he continues his healing journey, Eddie will be right by his side just like he promised and the Diaz family will start to deal with their three minutes and seventeen seconds loss as a family.
Chapter 28 - Two years ago, Eddie was asked, “What are you afraid of?”; twice, once by Frank and once by Buck but he only answered one of them without deflecting. Since that time, he’s been to therapy and him and Buck got married but the question resurfaces when Frank asks Buck the same question and Buck asks it of Eddie for the second time. However, when Buck asks, his reasoning will be about something else entirely.
Chapter 29 - After Buck and Eddie have an emotionally intimate conversation regarding their dreams, they make several decisions that will affect their future. When everything falls into place, they’ll realize one of those decisions will result in them no longer being work partners.
Chapter 30 - In 2018, Buck and Eddie met at the 118 and after some initial apprehensions on Buck’s part, they became work partners and they agreed to have each other’s backs. It’s been more than 6 ½ years, a lot’s happened, they got married in December 2023 and they have the family they both chose. With Eddie leaving the 118 in 3 months and Buck getting closer to moving past his grief, what will him losing his work partner mean for him?
Chapter 31 - As Buck’s life hangs in the balance from what’s suspected to be another bradycardia event, Eddie’s by his bedside, their son is being cared for by relatives and their found family is in the waiting room. During this time, many questions will surface that could possibly lead to the truth but will everything be revealed before it’s too late?
Chapter 32 - Will be posted soon.
Read chapters 1-31 are available on AO3.
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dwntwn-strnlo · 8 months
FRISKY - sunburn two
-------------- "when you're gone like sunburn or you're here like rain."
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A/N ; this is the farthest ive gone into the deep end when it comes to writing so 🤷‍♀️
SYPNOPSIS ; so much effort
PAIRING ; toxic!matthew sturniolo x toxic!reader
CONTENT WARNING ; angst, drinking from both parties (ik sorry sorry but i had too for it to fit the song), profanity, toxic!matt AND toxic!reader, verbal arguing, multiple mentions of sex, mentions of a fwb relationship, unresolved ending
toast your dilemma baby,
it's mid december, and matt looks like his head might blow off. the orange light overhead gently accentuated his undeniably upset, but still soft, kind features. you watched him as he carelessly tilted his head back, downing the rest of his drink.
you picked at the food on your plate, pushing it around with your fork as you zoned out over matts shoulder. you wanted to go out tonight, give yourselves a break from work and the internet-but you both sat there like lumps of coal. having nothing to talk about, not even the boreless small talk about television, or recent family drama.
the two of you were already bickering on the drive over, but even the red roses and the suited waiters couldn't distract you guys from the storm cloud hanging over you. you didn't want the cloud to spill, but there wasn't much that you could do to fight back.
matt sets his wine glass down, watching you sit there. “sorry,” he mumbles. a dry apology escaping his lips. snapping you back to reality. when you don’t respond he continues, “for what happened in the car.” you’ve been in the restaurant for 45 minutes and its the first sentence he spoke to you since you sat down.
shrugging, you set your fork down on the table, meeting his crystalized eyes. “don't apologize, I wasn't listening to you.” you were listening to him, but you knew he wouldn't drop it if you didn't take part of the blame.
it's only temporary,
it would be crazy for you to not know that matt doesn't care about all the sappy shit, he's only in the relationship for one thing. and that one thing definitely isn't your mental well being. he didn't really care if you accepted his apology, he just wanted to make sure you were still in his bed when he woke up in the morning.
he kept his eyes on you as he picked up his pasta, and put it in his mouth. his stare had a death grip on you and you were too intimidated to look away. “you gonna eat that?” he queried, pointing at your barely touched spaghetti. “that’s going to cost me a lot of money.”
holding back a scoff, you sat forward, twirling the pasta onto your fork and eating it. “better?” you mumbled, it felt snarky leaving your lips, but you didn't care. you were still pissed about the car ride.
“don't be a brat, y/n.” he shot back, furrowing his brows at you. “you’re such a fucking mess.” he huffed.
don’t be so messy headed.
it took everything in you not to frown at his words. “god, ill pay you back.” you muttered, leaning back against your chair again. your appetite still not coming back to you;
he looked away from you, eyeing his fettuccine. “why dont you ever listen?” he groaned. now too, picking at his food. 
you stared at him, his words pissing you off entirely.
you grabbed the bottle of wine, pouring it into your glass before shooting it down. “i'm going home.” you said, standing up, “ill call an uber.” you were insanely frustrated, and you weren't going to let matt keep shoving you around.
we’re drunk in these fancy places,
“woah- hey, baby-” his eyes were wide as he stood up too, reaching out too you. “you can barely walk, you drank too much-”
the sound of him dropping his fork made a harsh CLANK! and several people looked up from their dinner, now paying attention to the both of you. a wave of embarrassment washing over you as more and more eyes began to pile onto you.
i help you navigate ‘cause nobody ‘round you makes an effort-
you narrowed your eyes at him, he was right, you had way too much wine, but you weren't going to let him know that. “ill be fine,” i muttered, unhooking my purse from the chair.
“yeah if you want to get yourself killed,” he sighs, calling the waiter over and quickly paying for your meals and walking after you. throwing his jacket over his shoulder in a hurry. “i can take you home.”
-and i wanna make an effort.
you huff, running your hands down your face as you walk out of the restaurant. suddenly realizing your jacket is in matt's car. hugging yourself to combat the december weather, you stand outside the front door.
“darling c’mon,” matt walked out of the restaurant after you. “ill take you home, you don't have to go to my place.” he assuringly reached out, stepping in front of you. the look in his eyes told you that he actually wanted to bring you back to your house, not wanting to overstep you while you had alcohol pounding through your veins.
step outside but not to brawl,
you shrug him off, pushing his hand away and attempt to walk back inside where it was still warm. the half bottle of wine and your four inch heels weren't a good mix, and they left you stumbling above the pavement.
“y/n-” matt called out again, reaching forward. grabbing your hands when you completely stumble, almost fully hitting the ground. 
and, watch your feet try not to fall,
but it wasn't enough and you still scraped your knee on the concrete. “oh my fucking god,” you mumbled to yourself. letting matt pull you back up to your feet. you could feel the tears begin to ambush you, but you refused to let them fall right now.
or we’ll make it to the moon all scraped and bruised up.
matt met your eyes with a small frown. “are you alright?” he mumbled, grazing his thumb over your cheek.
“i’m fine,” you whispered. keeping your eyes entangled with his. you wanted to cry, in all honesty. your knee hurt, and you were embarrassed and frustrated.
he slightly nods, really not believing you. he clears his throat, gently tossing your arm over his shoulder so he can help you to the car. “c’mon, baby.” he mumbles, more to himself then to you.
. . . it's complicated, but it's temporary.
@thetriplets3 @stxrniqlo @ifilwtmfc @iha8you @oneirophobic @20nugs @gracietaylorsversions @fenoy7 @mlimmm @prettysturniolo @ssturniolo @gabbylovesreading @oh-toseewithoutmy-eyes @matthewmurdockswife @jellybeanbby @slaysturniolo @iheartshifting @mxqdii @luvsturniolo @lvrsparadise @partoftoofuckinmanyfandoms
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starkstruck27 · 3 months
Day 3 of @harringrove-flip-reverse-it . This is the one that was hardest for me, especially because I kept bouncing around ideas, starting them and then changing my mind. This is the final product and I hope everyone likes it, because it's another short and sweet one. Prompt: Angst - Scars Title: I Start to Sing and Cry and then it Makes me Laugh, Man Word Count: 936 words TWs: Scars, talking about scars, but nothing too graphic or relating to abuse
“So, what’s this one from?” Steve asked, pointing at a line of whitish, kind of puffy skin on Billy’s upper arm. It was a sunny morning in April, and Billy had spent last night at Steve’s house. They hadn’t been awake for long, even though it was almost 10:45, and since it was just them in the house, they decided to laze around in bed for as long as they pleased. But apparently, Steve was chatty when he first woke up, and now he was talking Billy’s ear off about anything he saw. For the past ten minutes, he’d asked Billy about the scars that littered his body, and despite kind of wanting to just go back to sleep, Billy told him about each one.
“That one I think I got when I was…” he yawned, “Maybe six? I was cooking with my mom, and she always had a stool for me to stand on so I could reach the counter and stuff, and then one day I lost my balance and fell into the stove. Burned my arm pretty bad.”
Steve smiled sympathetically before leaning down and kissing the scar, just like he’d done for all the ones before it. It sent a shiver down Billy’s spine, and he couldn’t help but smile contently as Steve laid his head back down on his chest.
“How ‘bout you, pretty boy?” Billy said before Steve could find something else to ask about, “You got any scars?”
“A few,” Steve replied, shifting a little so he could show them. He lifted his right leg up and out of the blankets and pointed at his kneecap. “I was probably like eight, and I was riding my bike with Tommy, and there was a pretty big stick in the path we were on. Tommy saw it in time, but I didn’t, and I fell off my bike, hitting one of the pedals on the way down. Tommy ran and got his mom, and next thing I know, I’m at the hospital, getting my knee sewn back together.”
Billy sat up a little and kissed Steve’s knee, right on the scar, just like he’d done for him all morning. He smiled after and leaned over Steve, finding his hand and dragging him into an upright position as well, despite their heads almost bonking together.
“Okay, lightning round,” he said, “Anything we see we can ask about, and we have to go as quick as we can and see who ends up laughing too hard to keep going first.”
“Sounds fair,” Steve said, then pointed at Billy’s eyebrow, “What about that one?”
“A fight in seventh grade,” he answered. “That one?” He pointed at Steve’s collarbone.
“My grandma’s cat scratched me.” He tapped Billy’s left shoulder.
“Max threw a shoe at me.” He suppressed a giggle at Steve’s face, and instead pointed at Steve’s ankle.
“Dustin’s bike had a loose spoke and it cut me.” He said, pointing to Billy’s thigh once he got his face back under control.
“I fell backwards off a swing set,” Billy said, pointing to Steve’s upper lip.
“I was learning to walk and I fell headfirst into a glass coffee table,” Steve couldn’t help but chuckle, and Billy must’ve been imagining it playing out, because he erupted into a laughing fit that only ended when he leaned forward and kissed Steve, though his smile was still there.
“I’m glad my being in pain as an infant amuses you,” Steve mumbled as they parted, their foreheads resting against each other.
“It’s not that, it’s just that you told me before that the coffee table in your living room has been there since you were born, and how your big ass head managed to fall into it and not shatter it is beyond me,” Billy continued to laugh, and Steve shoved him back a little.
“You’re so mean to me,” he grumbled, but Billy wasn’t having it.
“Oh, I’m just playing with you,” he said, then took Steve’s hand and placed it on his lower back, just above his ass. “If it makes you feel any better, I got this one by jumping on a bed at my aunt’s house, which I then broke.”
“How did you break a bed?” Steve smiled, despite his best effort to try and stay pouty.
“I was a chubby kid, and the beams that were supposed to hold the mattress up snapped after I jumped on ‘em too long,” Billy grinned. “And even after that, I didn’t learn my lesson, I did it again with the other bed in the room. My aunt and my cousins were pissed.”
Steve just stared for a second, but as soon as Billy started to laugh, he couldn’t keep his own giggles contained. They laughed so hard their sides hurt, and they fell back down on the bed until the fit was over. Steve turned his head and looked at Billy, and with the sunshine dancing through his hair, he looked so young and cute and playful, he became overcome with fondness for him. 
“What’re you thinkin’ about?” Billy asked, his smile still shining.
“I’m thinking that I don’t care if you’re a little mean to me sometimes, I love having you around, and I’d like to keep you here as long as I can. As long as you promise not to break my bed, that is,” Steve smiled, caressing the side of Billy’s face.
“The best I can do is to promise not to break it by myself,” Billy said, “But if you’re with me, all bets are off.”
“Okay,” Steve chuckled, “That’s fair.”
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Just a Cold
Lady Lesso x Sick! Teacher! F!Reader
A/N: School has been keeping me very busy and I've wanted to finsih this fic for some time now but my finals are in like 4ish weeks so we shall see if I post anything before that!
Warnings: mentions of vomiting, fainting and just being sick in general
Words: 1147
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You woke up in a cold sweat, your throat sore and the ache in your stomach growing. Laying in your bed looking up at the canopy above it. You had classes to teach and papers to grade, you couldn’t afford to be sick. Glancing out the window the moon was still high in the sky, thinking you could sleep it off. You turned onto your side to face the door. 
You shut your eyes and you didn’t get much sleep before you were running towards the bathroom and throwing up in the toilet. You turned the sink on and rinsed out your mouth. When you looked into the mirror you saw what you looked like. You were paler than usual and the bags under your eyes had grown. 
Walking out of the bathroom, you walked back over towards your bed holding your stomach. You threw yourself onto it and managed to fall asleep. 
You woke again when the sun was just barely coming up. You rolled out of bed not feeling any different than the night before. You sat up and immediately the room started to spin and you suddenly became all too aware of how sick you felt. You stumbled out of bed unsure of how you were going to make it through the day. 
You made your way to the bathroom, the room still slightly spinning. When you reached the bathroom, you leaned on the sink and tried to steady your breathing. You turned the sink on with shaky hands and splashed your face with cold water. You took a deep breath and looked at yourself in the mirror. 
You're okay (Y/N). You’ll be fine.
You pushed off the sink and went to get ready for the day. While walking over to your wardrobe you stumbled and barely managed to catch yourself on one of the bedposts. You did manage to get dressed albeit with some difficulty.
You only taught classes in the afternoon, so you had plenty of time to make your way to your classroom and try to get some work done. You sat on your bed for a minute before gathering yourself. 
You felt somewhat better, or that’s what you kept telling yourself. You walked past a few groups of students on your way to your classroom. It seemed like no one noticed anything, so you were relieved. You had a few hours to yourself before lunch which made you relax a little bit. 
You reached your classroom and when you closed the door behind you and leaned against the door reaching your hand up to your forehead feeling the sweat that had accumulated on the short walk to your classroom. 
You took a few deep breaths and pushed off the door walking over to your desk at the front of the room. You looked up at the clock you kept above the door, 6:54. You had plenty of time to grade some papers and plan a lesson for your classes that afternoon. 
You sat at your desk going through the papers sighing at some of the answers that were given. You turned over the last paper and put it in the pile of papers you would pass back at the beginning of class. You put your hands up to your face feeling a headache coming on. 
You pushed yourself back letting the wooden chair roll back with you. You stretched your arms up and looked up at the clock. 7:45 breakfast would be in about 15 minutes. You stood from the chair and felt the room spin. You gripped the edge of your desk, trying to steady yourself. 
Once the room had stopped spinning, you started for the door of your classroom but the world around you started to grow hazy and you had barely reached the center of the room before everything went black. 
The teachers were slowly filling into the dinning hall with the students. Lesso sat down next to Clarissa, her eyes looking over the crowd trying to spot you, but you never came into the dining hall.
The Evil Dean had started to grow fond of you since the schools combined. Maybe she just overslept. Lesso furrowed her eyebrows, you never overslept. You always stick to your schedule.  
Everytime someone entered the dining hall, Lesso’s eye’s shot up, but it was never you. She started to grow impatient with how long breakfast was taking. She stood from the table abruptly, startling Clarissa and the other teachers around her. 
Lesso left the dining hall and made her way to your sleeping quarters. 
She knocked on the door and waited for a few moments before she walked in. She checked your room but you were nowhere to be seen. The only place you could be was in your classroom. 
Lesso stood at your classroom door, she was nervous and she didn’t know why. She knocked on the wooden door, but no answer came. Lesso opened the door, her eyes immediately falling on your unconscious body. 
She rushed over to your side taking you into her arms. She was frantic, she ran her fingers through your hair moving it off your face in a panic. 
She brushed your cheek and automatically pulled her hand away, you were burning up. You were sick and you still tried to come do your job. You stirred and when you opened your eyes you were met with the Evil Deans worried eyes. 
“You’re sick. Care to tell me why you even bothered to get out of bed?” Lesso gently sat you letting you lean against her. 
“No, No I’m not sick. It’s just a cold.” You said, your voice coming out tired. 
“No, it’s not ‘just a cold’,” Lesso mocked you, concern lacing her voice. “ You are burning up and I found you unconscious on your classroom floor. You need rest.” She put her hand up to your cheek finally realizing how hot you were.
“Come on Princess,” Lesso put one of her arms under your legs and the other on your lower back lifting you up. “I’m taking you back to your room. I’ll talk to Clarissa about finding someone to cover our classes.” 
“Our classes?” You questioned the woman now carrying you to your room as you rested your head on her shoulder. 
“I’m going to take care of you until you get better.” Lesso said, as she glanced down the hall. She wanted to save you the embarrassment of being seen by students. 
“Thank you, -” You glance up at her, you only knew her as Lesso. 
“Leonora. My name is Leonora.” You barely hear her whisper it out. 
“Thank you Nora,” You said, letting your eyes close.
Lesso smiled at the nickname you had just given her. She was fond of someone once, what could be the harm of being fond of someone who was good.
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arealphrooblem · 2 years
Kidnapped by the Boss
synopsis: Civilian is a secretary to the Prime Minster. But when the political summit between the city states goes awry, she finds herself kidnapped by the very boss she tried to protect and nothing is what it seems.
Civilian woke up that morning before the sun rose, with a to-do list a mile long, and a nervous pit in her stomach that she tried desperately to ignore. Of course she was nervous --the Summit between the  city-state leaders was happening that evening. It only occurred once every five years and this was the first time for Civilian ever since she became the Prime Minister's secretary. 
Or maybe it was because of the hushed rumor spreading like wildfire that Hidden City would send agents sabotage the Summit. Ever since the Empire split off a hundred years ago, their borders stayed closed, they refused any trade agreements or offers of allyship, and they routinely executed anyone who dared to cross over the Wall that lined their city. 
That was just a rumor, she told herself,  and a ridiculous one at that. The Hidden City made it perfectly clear they were content to ignore the rest of the continent. Why would they start caring now?
But still the pit remained. The last time she felt like this, an earthquake shook the city and leveled part of the harbor. The time before that, she'd been in a serious car accident. The pit throbbed deep in her gut like an omen and it was never wrong. 
Civilian pulled her hair up in a sleek, professional pony tail, dressed in her professional best, grabbed her tablet and clipboard, and started the day anyway. 
"Sir, we have to do your final fitting with your stylist at nine, brunch with Senator at 10:30, a meeting with the chief of security at 11:45 and a million other things and you're still eating breakfast?"
She leveled an exasperated glare at the Prime Minister, who sat at the little dining table with a cup of tea and the morning paper, still in his house slippers and undershirt. 
He gave her a warm, sunny smile and raised his tea cup in salute. 
"Never rush life's simple pleasures, Civilian," he says. "You should join me. There's still some tea left."
"I had coffee, sir. Two hours ago."
He made a face, adorably disgusted, and Civilian tried hard to hang onto her resolve in the face of it. Here lately she'd been getting pinpricks of affection and fondness that went way beyond their standard professional relationship and it was all very distracting. And wildly inappropriate. 
Civilian waltzed over and plucked the paper out of his hand. "Can we save the savoring of life's simple pleasures on a day that isn't the Summit?"
"Would you relax?" He pouted as she folded the newspaper back up. "They've had this day planned out to the minute for the last six months. There's hardly anything left to do except wait around til five o'clock."
"Sir," she said, pained. "There is a lot to do before five o'clock."
He sighed, dramatically melancholic. "Alright, alright. I will finish getting dressed. If only to save you from the ulcer that is undoubtedly churning in your stomach. You should stop drinking so much coffee."
"Sir, with respect, you are the cause of it, more so than coffee ever could be."
His laugh followed him down the hallway. 
The chaos of the day, herding her boss around as he sighed and pouted and groaned about giving a speech on one of the most important days of his political careers, almost made her forget the pit growing in her stomach. 
Civilian ticked the boxes of her to-do list in a smooth, orderly fashion right up until the chief of security came to escort her and Prime Minister to the Summit. His creased brow stayed furrowed, looking for threats in every corner, but tonight his gaze was unusually sharp and stormy. He stepped into her hotel room and shut the door behind him. 
"Keep your eyes peeled and your guard up," he told her quietly, leaning close in her space. As if afraid of someone listening. "We've arrested two people trying to break into the Summit Hall already. They were armed."
"Are they from the Hidden City?" she asked, swallowing down the flare of panic. 
"They refuse to say but I have no doubt."
Her stomach twisted. "So the rumors are true. What do you think their goal is?"
"Nothing good," he said grimly. "But beyond that, it's impossible to tell. They've kept themselves so cut off, we have on idea what their goals are anymore. Just . . .be careful. I'll be around. If you see anything suspicious, let me know."
He handed her an earpiece and she slipped it in, allowing her freshly curled hair to cover it.
They met the Prime Minister in the hotel lobby.  
"See! I can get dressed on time without your nagging," he said, beaming 
She managed a wan smile in return. "That's because your stylist is  more terrifying than even I am."
He gave her a curious stare before the chief of security thankfully took his attention away. Though the hotel was within walking distance from the Summit, the chief of security insisted they drive. The entire ride she felt the weight of her boss's stare prickle the back of her neck. 
When they pulled into the valet parking, the prime minister stepped out first and graciously held his hand out for her. She tried not to dwell on how soft and firm his fingers felt in hers.
"You look like you're going to puke," he said, an eyebrow raised.
"What a coincidence -- I feel like I'm going to puke."
He looked down at her, gaze full of concern. "You really should relax. I don't know what you're expecting, but these events will usually bore you to tears."
Civilian opened her mouth to tell him, to come clean and explain, but something stopped her. Either he would become just as nervous as her and possibly ruin his speech or he would just laugh the rumors off regardless and tell her she worries too much. Nothing productive would come either way. 
"You're right. I'm just nervous over the . . .formality of it all. I'll get over it when you start to bore me with your speech."
He smiled, slow and warm. "That's my girl."
He chucked her under the chin and her gaze dipped down, trying to hide her sudden blush. When he turned away, her hand shot out and grabbed his. 
"Wait! You're bowtie's crooked," she said. 
Without thinking, she reached up and straightened it and then smoothed her hands down the satin lapels. 
"What would I do without you," he said with a soft solemnity that made her chest flutter. 
"Probably walking around, looking stupid," she retorted, trying to control the riot of butterflies that had erupted in her chest. 
Her boss was right -- the Summit was dreadfully boring but Civilian took a weird sort of comfort in the predictability of it. In fact, they had finally started to relax as their boss intended when he leaned over and whispered, "Darling, I think I left my cue cards at the hotel."
Civilian rolled her eyes. "This is why I scanned them into my tablet." 
She reached down under her seat -- and froze. The tablet was gone. Civilian felt around under the seat as inconspicuous as she could, but the space was empty. 
"It's not here," she whispered, horrified. 
He raised his eyebrows and said, mildly, "Well . . .that is unfortunate."
"I swear to god I brought it with me. I never go anywhere without it!"
"I didn't remember seeing it. Are you sure it's not back at the hotel?"
"How are you so calm about this?" she hissed. 
"Well, darling, it has to be somewhere. I suggested you start walking -- and preferably before I have to give my speech."
As discreetly as she could, Civilian slipped out of the assembly room before making a mad dash down the hallway the second she was out of view. Her mind raced, trying to remember what she did with her tablet. She had taken it with her -- she had. She'd stake her life on it! She had to have left it in the car. Pivoting away from the front doors, she made her way instead to the parking garage. 
Just before she reached the doors to the parking garage, the power shut off, plunging the hallway in total darkness. 
"Where are you?"
The Chief of security's voice crackled in her ear. 
"What's going on?" she asked, heart pounding. In the background of his transmission she could hear yelling. 
"Where are you?"
"By the parking garage!"
"Hidden City's Agents have flooded the assembly room. Get out now. I'll take care of Prime Minster."
A gunshot cut off the transmission. Civilian stood by the door for one paralyzing moment before survival kicked in. She took off her heels and sprinted out into the cavern of the parking garage. The late evening sun gave her enough light to see by. The screams and thundering sounds of footsteps started filtering from outside, followed by the echo of bullets. She kept to the wall, inching as fast as she could between it and the cars, hoping for cover. 
Turning the corner, she saw a familiar figure standing off to the side in an empty parking space. Her knees went weak in relief to see Prime Minster unharmed. A car screeched up the other side -- their car. Through the windshield, however, was an unfamiliar face --
The car jerked to a stop and the Prime Minster reached out for the back door --
"Sir!" she yelled, waving her arm. "Sir! Thank God I found you!"
He froze at the sound of her voice, a strange, twisted expression flickering across his face so fast she almost missed it. She dodged between cars and ran down the open space to him.  
"What are you doing here?" he said, looking bewildered. "I thought you left for the hotel!"
"You can't get into that car -- that's not our driver," she hissed, grabbing his hand. 
He yanked himself out of her grasp. "What?"
"That's not the same person who took us here!"
"How do you kn--"
The echo of gunshots interrupted him. 
"Get in the car," he said -- demanded. 
"But the driv--"
"Get. In. The. Car."
He flipped the door open and shoved her in, climbing in behind her.  They had barely shut the door before the car screeched forward, tires squealing.  Civilian was thrown painfully against the door. 
The pit in her stomach ached --danger danger danger.  
"What the fuck is she doing here?" shouted the driver. 
"Slight change of plan," said the prime minister through gritted teeth. 
The driver said something rapid-fire in another language and the prime minister responded, his tone sharp and angry and nothing like she's heard before. 
Civilian stared between them with growing horror. 
"What's happening?" she demanded.  "Do you know him?"
Prime Minister sighed, sounding like his old theatrical self, but it gave her no comfort. 
"What is happening, my darling secretary, is that due to your failure to follow basic instructions, you are getting kidnapped. Congratulations.
Part 2 Here
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kingdaddydaichi · 2 years
ft. daichi. osamu. bokuto. suga. asahi.
‎♡‧₊˚ DAICHI
“daichi, baby, you can’t go to work! you work with the public. what if you get people sick? what kind of police officer gets people sick? your job is to serve and protect and you can’t even protect people from your own germs? no, you shouldn’t go!”
but he’ll try to go in any damn way😤
“nah, i’m fine!” he’ll say before going into a coughing fit.
stubborn man
he’ll get ready for work looking and feeling like shit, but he’s determined - he’s Going To Work™️
it would take an army to stand between him and his sense of duty
mans won’t listen to reason
so after he leaves, you send a text to his sergeant: “i tried! i tried to get him to stay home but he wouldn’t listen.”
sarge is like: “damn workhorse.”
gets yelled at by his boss at the station then comes back home
his sergeant’s all “what the fuck are you doing here? go the fuck home. that’s an order, sawamura! i’ll take your fucking badge!”
45 mins later he comes walking back IN the door
and you’re just there like “mmhmm” as he hangs his tired head and mopes back to the bedroom to change out of his uniform and back into his pajamas
daichi: you texted him, didn’t you?
you: how far did you make it in before he turned you away?
daichi: he was waiting outside. wouldn’t even let me in the door.
“i told you. you work too hard, baby," you say, following behind him with the cooling strip you just grabbed from the fridge. you’d put it in there to start getting cold as soon as you realized he wasn’t feeling well.
he was on his back when you woke up next to him that morning, his t-shirt slightly damp in the front and back. he’d been sniffling and congested since he got home from work yesterday afternoon.
will still try to do everything himself
you’ll come through the living room to check on him and find that your sick husband is missing from the couch.
so you finally get him settled down on the couch only to return after leaving the room for a few minutes and…your husband is missing from the couch! AGAIN!
“are you serious?” you go looking for him, exasperated. “daichi?!” 
“‘m in here,” he croaks from the kitchen.
“what are you doing?” you ask impatiently.
“i wanted more tea.”
“i told you if you needed anything, let me know, i’ll get it for you!”
you have to shoo him back to the couch while insisting that you’re going to take care of him.
he’ll take medicine. he’s stubborn, not stupid. he’s Enneagram Type 1.
“if you get sick, you take medicine. why? ‘cause that’s what you’re supposed to do.”
won’t go unless he’s been sick for a few days and isn’t getting better. and even then you have to make the appt for him sometimes. 🙄
stubborn, stubborn man. 😮‍💨 but you love him more than the sun loves the moon.
‎♡‧₊˚ OSAMU
he wouldn’t go to work; it wouldn’t be difficult to get him to stay home bc he knows he works in the food business and he doesn’t want to contaminate any food or run the risk of spreading anything around.
he’s got customers AND employees to think about!
once he feels better tho and he’s not contagious anymore, even if his symptoms aren’t completely gone yet, he’ll go to work and wear a mask which is pretty standard if you're sick in Japan anyway.
he’s just so chill
he’s been calling the shop every 2 hours. “how’s everything going? did so-and-so show up? did you clean out the rice cooker?”
he doesn’t mean to micromanage, he just misses his business. and he’s hands on. he works the front of the house ffs.
maybe he just calls a couple of times a day tho.
“how’s everything going? hm…okay. if you need anything, call. you know how to get in touch with me. please call me."
employee: "what?"
osamu: "what?"
used to be anti-medicine UNTIL he became a business owner
“i don’t need no stinkin’ medicine.”
he’s a tough guy
but nowadays, he wants to hurry up and feel better so he can get back to work.
‎♡‧₊˚ BOKUTO
he would be bummed bc he couldn’t practice or play with the jackals. he doesn’t even get to sit on the bench bc he has to stay home. the team is like “stay. the. hell. away. from. us.”
he got the whole team sick once so now he sneezes during practice and everybody just stops and turns around and looks at him like “istg bokuto! are you sick? if you sneeze again, you’re outta here, we are NOT going through that again!”
the whole team once got a stomach bug on his account. he tried to power through it and went to practice and they had a big match the next day, but everybody was fucking SHITTING, PUKING and the whole fucking team was down. they had to forfeit the game and chalk it up as a loss. they were so pissed at bo.
bo rolled his ankle during a game once and had to be benched. he was so bummed that he couldn’t play as you walked with him and the assistant coach to the infirmary to have it checked out. once there, his foot was propped and iced. you told him you’d be right back and he looked up at you with limp hair and sad owl eyes, but you assured him you’d be right back.
you ran to the away campus’s gift store and managed to find an owl plushie. you held it up, beaming at it. perfect! you rushed to the cashier to pay for it before running back to the infirmary.
holding the plushie behind your back, you opened the door and walked inside, bo’s hair and facial expression just as you’d left it. but his eyebrows arched in curiosity as you smiled at him before presenting him with the owl. his hair perked back up as a pouty smile covered his face, his big, round golden eyes filling with unshed tears.
“for me?”
“for you,” you nodded, proffering it with outstretched arms.
“y/nnnnn!” he cried, grabbing your arms and pulling you into his lap to hug both you and the plushie.
you kissed his cheek with a sweet smile. “i hope this helps you feel better, baby.”
he clung to that owl plushie for the rest of the game, like a mother owl protecting her owlet.
to this day, whenever he gets sick, he asks for the owl plushie. it’s his comfort lovey, his security plushie.
he’s so adorable…like an overgrown toddler, basically.
i luz he.
he’s SUCH a baby about it the whole damn time
omg you will just hear him groaning from the other room
just “ohh ughhh ohmygod uhhh…i feel so awful…oh god i can’t breathe through my nose…ohhh i’m so hungry but i don’t wanna get up and get anything to eat…babyyyyy can i have a grilled cheese sandwich?”
he’s so sweet about it but he’s a baby
he’s such a hypochondriac, y’all.
Virgo much?
he’s all up on webmd using the symptom checker
“i don’t know, baby. what if it’s not just a cold? what if it’s this rare disease that’s only found in Antarctica?”
“bo, you don’t have that. only penguins get that. stop.” 
you finally have to just take his phone away so he’ll stop googling stuff and trying to diagnose himself with a brain tumor
“bo, you not being good at math is NOT a brain tumor symptom!”
he gets so much as a sniffle and he’s down for the count
he can barely get out of bed
“baby, come check my head. am i hot? am i running fever? where’s the thermometer?”
“no, baby, you don’t feel warm.”
“are you sure? you better get the thermometer and check just in case.”
will take ALL the medicines
he’ll be looking for the cough suppressant and you’re like “bo! you don’t even have a cough.”
“i don’t care! i need all the things!”
you have to keep the medicine cabinet under lock and key, otherwise you might find him hallucinating and drunk on a cocktail of NyQuil, DayQuil, Benadryl, eyedrops, heartburn medicine, and Orajel. 
calls a neurologist and tries to schedule a CT scan.
‎♡‧₊˚ SUGA
finally, someone with enough sense to stay home from work when he’s sick. you won’t have to tell him twice bc he cares about all the crotch goblins at school and doesn’t want to get all those kids sick.
suga…he’s clever
and mischievous
getting him to stay home from work is a piece of cake, but good luck getting him to stay down
he takes care of others, not the other way around
you catch him doing stuff too
unlike with daichi, it’s not that he doesn’t want to be a burden, it’s that he can’t NOT be a caretaker?
you try to take care of him but he ends up taking care of you…and you’re not even sick?
like, not only does he not let you take care of him, he does stuff for you
he doesn’t go out of his way to do stuff for you, he’s just thinking like finally! i’ve got a day off during the week so i can get some things done around here. stuck at home, can’t go anywhere else so it’s a perfect opportunity to get caught up with housework!
you try to stay home too to take care of him but he INSISTS that you leave
“i will kick you out of the house if you don’t leave!”
so you leave - you go to work but before you walk out the door you point at him and you’re like “okay…but you better rest! i know you! you’ll take this opportunity to get a bunch of shit done around the house. don’t you do it! you better rest and take it easy!”
and he’s all “yes, okay, yeah yeah yeah. fine. go. bye.”
and sure enough you come home after work later and this motherfucker has done laundry, he’s probably prepped dinner, graded homework - and he’s laid up on the couch just GROANING bc of how terrible he feels. and you just look at him with your hand on your hip like “mmhmm! mmhmm! look at you now. see! i told you!”
he told you “sure! sure i won’t do any work…” liar
you come home and he can barely hold his head up.
poor guy.
“i don’t feel sorry for you. you did this to yourself.” 
but you take care of him anyway. “suga? why do you do this to yourself, baby? next time you get sick i’m getting horse tranquilizer to make sure you get rest. i’ll put you down sir!”
so when you get home and he’s remodeled the house, having forgotten to take any medicine so now not only is he exhausted from overworking himself when he should’ve been fucking resting, but also his symptoms have gotten out of hand. 
“well,” you put your hand on your hip and raise your eyebrows at him as he lies groaning on the living room floor. “i hope you’re satisfied. because now you’re staying home tomorrow too. on the bright side, you’ve gotten all the work done around here so I guess tomorrow you might actually rest." cute dumbass sometimes.
‎♡‧₊˚ ASAHI
he’s so easy?
“asahi, you’re sick, baby. you need to stay home from work.”
“okay.” he’s not gonna argue.
he might try to say “well i’ve got such and such show coming up. i’ve gotta have this and that done…”
and you’re just “asa. that’s why you have people there to back you up. you’re not a one man team. your colleagues will help. you’ll more than make up for it bc you’re such an amazing designer! now go lay down.” and he will. 🥲
he’s not gonna fight you on anything bc he doesn’t fight at all
he’s a lover, not a fighter
model patient
avoids conflict at all costs
“yes, darling. yes, dear. okay. okay.”
doesn’t complain
so easy to take care of
except he won’t ask for shit
will either try to get stuff himself or just go without bc he can’t decide what’s worse - burdening you, or getting in trouble for being up walking around again bc you told him to let you know if he needed something
so he just kinda tries to do without shit? and you have to come check on him.
“asahi? when’s the last time you had a drink of water?”
“uhh…two hours ago?”
“it doesn’t matter what I do, i feel bad! i can’t win for losing!” 
finally you get through to him and he’ll ask for shit, but he’ll apologize first. like “um, babe? uhh…”
“hm? what ya need, asa?”
“umm, i’m so sorry to bother you but would you…could you…possibly…maybe…potentially…”
“oh my god, spit it out. and don’t apologize.”
“oh,” he says, averting his eyes in shame. “s-sorry.”
he will take it bc you told him to and he doesn’t want to fight
‎♡‧₊˚ hq mlist ‎˚₊‧♡
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