#it's postapocalyptic y'all
ormspryde · 16 days
Okay so I have a dilemma. I want to clear out some of the longfic outlines from my wip pile until I can start outlining the sequel to Echoes. These will probably focus pretty heavily on Raven and Yeager, as per usual for me. Here's the options:
Raven corruption AU - exactly what it says. Me exploring what it might take for Raven to turn evil. This one probably isn't going to have a happy ending, but finding out's half the fun!
Historical fantasy AU - Probably will focus on vampire Yeager and Schwann. Thinking of setting this one in 15-1600s Austria or France, I haven't hammered it out yet. Yeager is visiting another country ostensibly to smooth relations between that land and his own, but it turns out he has another agenda...
Those who survive the dust - Postapocalyptic AU where the party is trapped out of time with the adephagos while the world withers almost to lifelessness around them. Then, a thousand years into the future, they all wake to find everything drastically changed.
Under distant skies - Cyberpunk AU that's also kinda sorta set after the end of the world, though still in a cyberpunk dystopia. I've written a few shorts in this setting and I've had the outline for it forever, I've just never started on it. In this one, the party will discover the terrible secret of the power plants that keep the dome cities lit and filled with breathable air.
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discipleofmothra · 1 year
I need to tell y'all about my favorite obscure independent wargame that you need to play.
Spire Seas
The post-apocalyptic skirmish game where survivors scavenge the ruins of crumbling skyscrapers in a drowned earth
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Why it's rad:
It's dynamic! - you'll battle from ship to ship, scale crumbling buildings, get sniped at from roof top, and desperately dog paddle in the drip, all while fighting the whims of the weather
It's compact - built to be played on a 2 foot by 2 foot map. It has 3d printed terian that doubles as storage and makes building unique battle fields with multiple levels a snap! Perfect if you live in a shoe box apartment like me.
It doesn't take a lot to get started - The rules are free short and easy to digest. The game miniature agnostic (28mm) , and uses standard playing cards in place of dice and rulers, and there are free 3d printed miniatures and terain by the developer available.
It's in active development- The writer is active on discord and YouTube, creating new content, rules and collaborating with the small community to come up with new rules and content for the game and the universe
It is creator focused - the writer has released videos documenting their whole process of creating the game, complete with tutorials on how to make 3d printed miniatures using free tools
The terain and weather means you'll never play the same game twice- the weather is randomly generated, and if you are using the 3d printed terrain you can put together unique multilevel maps together in seconds.
If you are interested check out the YouTube channel and the game itself
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houseofdoodles · 3 years
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Yar. I'm back with more OC posting! Next is chaotic grandpa. Jules! Fun fact before the fun facts: Jules is one of my oldest OC's. Not just age. Creation wise too. This dude and his redesigns have seen some stuff. Anyways! Fun fact time. 👌
⚓ Jules is the captain of Kyler and Blink's pirate crew. A mysterious man that's always on the run with his crew. He can be a little up tight and a tad forgetful, but he means well. To put it simply, he's a very spirited guy!
⚓ Jules has a father-daughter relationship with Kyler. The two have been original members of their crew first banded together. A lot of Kyler's personality is actually Jules and his actions rubbing off on her.
⚓ On top of being crew captain, Jules is also the designated chef! No one else around this joint can apparently cook. He's always trying new recipes with Blink as his taste tester!
⚓ Jules has too much energy for his old age. Seriously, somebody stop this geezer. As responsible as he is, he never refuses a challenge and never says die. He needs to be stopped by his crew more times than he likes to admit.
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painted-crow · 4 years
Hi hi!
About this blog...
I seem to be incapable of writing *short* posts about the @sortinghatchats system. It's literary analysis and philosophy, but like in a lowkey, chill kinda way, and I love it.
So, I'm gonna separate this stuff onto its own sideblog for organizational purposes. That way I can stop spamming the ppl who are following me for cute animals and memes and stuff with giant text posts, and those of y'all who are actually here for my nerdy-ass monologues don't have to wade through reblog noise. You know, the usual.
Also, I'm not super consistent with tagging, and I don't want to lose track of the stuff I'm writing. It's easier if it just goes here.
About me
You can call me Paint, and I'm a Ravenclaw!
In full, I'm a Ravenclaw primary with a loud Hufflepuff primary model, and a Ravenclaw secondary with an even louder Hufflepuff secondary model. I burn my secondary a lot though. Sometimes my secondary model instead. It's a Depression Thing(tm).
It can be hard to get me to talk in person, but if you hand me a keyboard, I never shut up. I'm very introspective and I like to ramble about myself and my writing (I have 2 novels actively in the works, a fantasy hacker one and a fantasy postapocalyptic kudzu world one), and I also really like to read other people's introspection and rambling about their writing! Send me both of those things. We can be buddies.
@sortinghatchats uses the Hogwarts house names for their Houses, as reclamation. Other people prefer @wisteria-lodge's animal names (Lion, Bird, Badger, Snake in place of Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin, respectively); here's why.
I'm cool with using either! The more we use the House names for our own purposes, the more they become ours, I think. But it's totally valid to want to opt out of using JKR's words, and I also like the animal names.
So, if I'm replying/adding to someone else's post, I'll use whatever terms they're using, for the sake of consistency and the OP's comfort. For my own, I'll probably stick to the original names? Might depend on what kind of mood I'm in.
Stuff I'll do here
Sort characters from media I like!
Ask you questions to help you Sort yourself, based on introspection you send in!
Read stuff you send about your OCs! Wanna talk about their Houses? I wanna hear about them!
Talk shop about writing!
Discuss interesting questions about philosophy and the SHC system!
Ramble way too much about my own writing!
Probably some random chaos!
Stuff I won't be doing here
There are people who like starting arguments for fun. I'm not one of them.
This blog will probably get lightly philosophical pretty frequently. It's definitely okay to disagree with me, but don't start flame wars. If you're continually loud and rude/aggressive, or intentionally bring up hot-button topics in order to get a reaction out of people, I will block you. We're not here to discuss politics or disparage religion, and we're not here to gatekeep.
On the issue of whether it's ethical to consume or enjoy media produced by people who are objectively assholes: this is one of those dilemmas where you have to draw the line for yourself on what you're willing to consume, based on how it will affect you personally. I don't want to hear people scream at each other because they draw their lines in different places. I have enough faith in you guys to trust that you're reading critically, so I probably won't be getting deep into this kind of discussion.
Also, I'm not a therapist. That might seem like an odd thing to say, but this blog is about a tool that can be used for self discovery, and I tend to give off therapist vibes for a lot of people. I'll try to help you understand yourself, but my energy does have limits. Like, please don't send me stuff about wanting to hurt yourself. Text 741741 instead (or Google around for a similar line if you're not in the US), there are people who are on call and trained to help.
Thanks for reading!
I can't wait to hear from you :D
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ckret2 · 5 years
what are ichi, ni, and san attracted to individually?
Oh man I found my draft of this buried way deep in my docs, I meant to finish answering this ask weeks ago. How long have I been not working on this? Dang.
I've made some posts about who each of them are individually attracted to, but I haven't done one yet on what each of them individually finds attractive, so sure! A lot of the below will also discuss the love interests each of them has expressed attraction to, to the extent that each of their individual love interests reflect their individual tastes.
This post is 2700 words, buckle up.
Let's start off with what they've got in common—because what they've got in common vastly overwhelms their differences. All of their personal tastes have been heavily shaped by the trauma they went through, so both their collective tastes and individual tastes reflect that. Most prominently: they're all attracted to skilled/strong warriors, because 1) under the Xilien military they had it beaten into their heads that the only thing of worth about them is their ability to destroy, 2) at this point nearly all their hobbies and interests besides fighting have atrophied to nothing so fighting is the only couple bonding activity left to them, and 3) they live under constant terror that if they care about something, it will be destroyed/killed, because they ARE an instrument of destruction/death and that's the framework through which they see the universe—so a partner who can defend themself against anything that might try to destroy them is very appealing.
So you get a powerful warrior, that's gonna put a check mark on all three of their "ideal partner" wish lists.
They're also going to be collectively more attracted to people with dorat-esque physical traits. Scales, coloration in the yellow range, long flexible bodies, articulated wings, a one-head-and-four-limbs symmetrical body layout, snoutlike face with one mouth and two eyes... (When you've been around enough aliens, things like "symmetrical bodies with four limbs" and "one mouth and two eyes" are no longer a given.) Not that EVERYTHING is necessary for them to be attracted, of course, but little things add up. For example, if they were forced to choose and if he wasn't their Hated Nemesis, they'd find Godzilla more attractive than Kong on the basis of the fact that he's reptilian, he's got a tail, and he's got a row of spines down his back, and therefore he's more doratlike than Kong. However, Godzilla loses out to Manda, who's snakey, has horns, and is close to a color that dorats actually come in.
This isn't a conscious thing on their part—they don't, like, mentally tally up dorat-like traits. But if you went up to them and asked "hey, what traits do you consider hot?" and for some reason they decided to answer instead of incinerate you, the list of features they'd provide would end up pretty well describing a very handsome dorat. They don't REALIZE they're looking for dorat traits, but if you pointed it out to them they'd be like "Oh, huh. Well, yeah, basically. But a good looking dorat."
Plus some variations based on their original Dorat Sexualities; like, Ichi and Ni are both more attracted to smaller wings and longer/spiny tails, while San is the opposite. (Not that this is necessary. San looked at Gigan's itty mainly-for-decoration wings and went "yeah these are fine" and Ichi looked at Rodan's little nubby tail and went "sure, still cute.")
Other traits they've got a shared interest in: positivity, optimism, upbeat attitudes, all that, because they've got none themselves; self-confidence, courage, bravery; people who understand the war machine life—they don't feel wholly relaxed around people who don't have a kill count that can be measured in planets, they feel like they've got to keep up an artificially harmless façade not to be cast out by people who Don't Get It; someone they can see more as a "beast" than as a "person" because they feel like "people" are out of their league but "beasts" are their equals (which is an artificial divide that they absorbed from Xiliens, based on arbitrary measures of personhood like "does their culture wear clothes" or "did they invent their own technology or inherit someone else's").
Okay, so, on to their individual preferences. In order!!
Starting with Ichi! A.K.A. The Only One That Actually Has A Crush On Rodan. Most of the reasons he likes Rodan are because he hits a lot of the traits that all of them find attractive: great warrior;  he's pretty upbeat; he's brave; he gives them "oh this is definitely A Fellow Animal and not a Person" vibes; they think that he's totally down with destroying the world (because they don't realize that he didn't understand that that was what they were up to); and he makes them go "oh, he's like, 60% dorat? 65%?"—because of his appearance, because he (like them) survived the oxygen destroyer unscathed, and because he could break out of their siren song mind control. So those are all reasons for Ghidorah to like Rodan.
But it doesn't explain why Ichi likes him so much more than the other two.
And deep down... deep, deep down... I think Ichi just wants to get dicked down and Rodan looks like he can do the job.
But seriously though—Ghidorah, as a whole, has been suppressing a broad swath of their emotions for an extremely long time, ESPECIALLY their capacity to form emotional connections with anyone else. Ni and San have both cracked on that front—Ni's got an ongoing crush that he deals with by burying it alive, and San's got a star-crossed love half a galaxy away that he left behind kicking and screaming—but Ichi's never cracked. He's never let himself fall for anyone. Ni and San see "keep Ghidorah isolated, independent, self-contained" as an obligation; Ichi sees it as a duty—his duty to his other two parts.
None of the three is officially the leader/in charge, but Ichi ended up the de facto leader because back when they were even worse of a psychological wreck than they are now he was the one who just barely held it together enough to corral them and keep them going. He's the team Mom Friend, assuming that the mom in question is also a hardened drill sergeant without an ounce of natural maternal instinct, and the friends the drill sergeant mom friend is mothering are two traumatized soldiers trying to escape a postapocalyptic hellscape so they can forage for food. He's done a better job of not getting attached than the other two because he's felt most strongly that that's absolutely not an option.
But then they're on Earth, one of the worlds they've struggled the hardest to try to conquer, one of the most frustrating experiences of their post-Xilien-escape life; and they've just woken up from several millennia in ice, pissed the fuck off but also disoriented as hell and keenly aware of the fact that they lost a HELL of a fight in order to have been frozen; and mentally, they're somewhat rattled apart, they're still rebooting their usual emotional shields and defenses, they're still trying to get the mental pieces put back together, and Godzilla attacks them like a minute after they wake up and their brains are definitely not put back together—
There are holes in Ichi's mental defenses that have never been there before. He's vulnerable in a way he hasn't been before. It's not that something about Rodan is more attractive to him than it is to the other two—it's that the other two keep a good solid inch of iron around their capacity for affection, but Ichi keeps a nice fat five-foot-thick steel wall around his; and right now that wall is missing. He is completely exposed to the possibility of someone swooping in and seizing his heart—and Rodan went right for his chest with talons extended. And because just that one time, that one day, he's already shaken up, he's already vulnerable, Rodan gets through when the next day he might not.
And so even though the other two can also look at Rodan and agree, yes, the things Ichi is attracted to him for are indeed attractive, Ichi falls hard and fast when the other two don't.
Or, the tl;dr version:
Ichi has been suppressing his sexuality for several times longer than the human race has existed. For a moment—just a moment—all that suppression is gone; and so he's at risk of latching on to anyone that struck him as attractive. On this day, at this moment, he wants to get dicked down, and by god, Rodan looks like he can do the job.
And with all that written... because everything we've seen that Ichi is attracted to so far fits in with what Ghidorah-as-a-whole is into, I'm not sure that I've got anything specific to list that sets his tastes apart from the collective's. I might come up with some later, but since thus far they haven't been relevant in what I've been writing, I haven't come up with any in particular. Maybe it's just the case that all the things he's attracted to also happen to be things that The Whole is attracted to. Y'all wanna suggest specifics, I'll see if I like any that I can work in?
Ni's romantic tastes are best covered here, with the explanation of why he's into San:
And honestly... that's it. That's his taste. San is his taste. His taste is San. He had a babycrush on San since back when they were three individual dorats that barely knew each other, long before they were picked up for Highly Unethical Animal Experimentation, mutated, combined, and turned into Ghidorah; and realizing that one of the two people he was stitched together to and sharing brainspace with was the dude he had a crush on was one of the primary things that galvanized him to, like, survive. And since then having a secret limerent obsession with one of the two dudes he's fused to has determined almost everything about his romantic preferences, sexuality, and entire mental/emotional landscape.
What he liked San for originally can basically be boiled down to:
1) He was less "hivemindy" than other dorats, particularly dorats of his sex—San's sex is the one that's got less control over their empathic abilities, and so it's easy for a bunch of them to get together and catch the same emotion from each other like a fast-moving contagion. San had a tendency to go less "tunnel vision" on whatever The Group was thinking about and notice things going on outside their current activity—often with such great interest and attention that it broke The Group out of the zone as well, to their consternation—but Ni, who was uncomfortable in hiveminds, appreciated that about him.
2) Ni's of the dorat sex that's got stronger empathic abilities, but also a better ability to dim the degree to which they're active—and Ni liked to not just dim his ambient empathic field but also turn it off completely, because he didn't like others reading his feelings at all times. This is uncommon enough in dorats that it actually drove their owner to take him to the vet to make sure his head was okay. (And it was okay; he was just Extremely, Extremely Introverted by dorat standards.) Most dorats thought that this made Ni super weird/uncomfortable/off-putting. San thought it made him interesting, a unique novelty worth investigating. Ni appreciated that San didn't radiate Wild Discomfort in his presence.
3) San was, like, pretty hot. For a dorat. To other dorats. Adolescent dorats. Basically he was the cutest preteen snake in the room because he looked like a 14-year-old snake instead of a 12-year-old snake.
But that... was an extremely long time ago. And basically none of it applies anymore. What's being hivemindy or not matter when there's only three of you and you're always in and out of each other's heads? What's it matter that once upon a time long long ago San thought Ni was okay for shutting off access to his emotions when now there are only two people who CAN feel Ni's emotions/thoughts and both of them are equally chill & used to him keeping his mind closed/filtered to them? What's it matter that San was a cute baby snake when they're now three terrifyingly ancient monster snakes that were mutated to look almost identical?
So, by this point? What he's attracted to is, legitimately, "whatever San is like." His preferences shift so that they're always San-centric. San is the emotional rock Ni is clinging to.
... It's honestly kind of terribly unhealthy.
So if you asked him what he's attracted to, he'd say, like, "Oh, you know... someone who's observant, attentive... someone who's curious about his environment, likes learning... someone who appreciates the little things... uhh...... someone who's closer to the left shoulder than the right shoulder........." and then he'd peter out of traits to list because at this point Ichi, Ni, and San's identities are like 75% overlapped and there's not much room left in them for their individual differences.
But he wouldn't be interested in any of those listed traits if they were in somebody other than San.
(Ni is capable of being "interested" in other people—but it's 50% "I'm interested in you as a friend" and 50% "We, Ghidorah, currently in a mood to feel like an individual instead of like three people, are together interested in you romantically." Ghidorah slides back and forth between being "three-in-one" and being "one-from-three."
San's tastes are covered pretty thoroughly in the post about why he (and the rest of Ghidorah) is into Gigan:
Beyond all the reasons San likes Gigan that Ichi & Ni share—his skill in & passion for violence, his familiarity with what it's like to be an unwilling war weapon—he also likes his sense of humor, his ability to appreciate and revel in little details the way San does... and, probably more importantly than anything else, Gigan represented a way out.
All this time, Ghidorah has kept together and remained... if not "stable" in the sense of "emotionally healthy," then "stable" in the sense of "maintaining a mental balance well enough not to fall over"—but they're stable like a tightrope walker who's gotten really good at maintaining that balance on their tightrope, not like somebody who's standing on solid ground. And they maintain that balance through isolating themselves, never letting themselves get attached to any place or any thing or any one, never letting themselves linger in one spot for long, always moving on, on, on, on, back into space. They're that meme "If I keep my body moving and my mind occupied at all times, I will avoid falling into a bottomless pit of despair."
Which is all well and good, except "avoiding connecting with anything" does not adequately keep San's mind occupied, and the only reason he hasn't fallen into a bottomless pit of despair is because he's got two other people in his head just barely tugging him back from toppling in. But he's desperate for... a sense of continuity, a sense that he can invest something in life that won't vanish in three days, a sense that anything matters. He wants desperately to connect to something else—or someone else.
Gigan offers that connection—Gigan is someone safe they can connect to, because he has the same lifestyle as them. He's someone that San can let in... without them having to change their life at all.
So, that's what he's attracted to that sets him apart from the other two: he's attracted to escape routes. He falls for someone who can anchor them so they don't keep tumbling off into space, from world to world and apocalypse to apocalypse. He wants someone who can be an excuse for them to stop and hold still. Someone who's compatible with them, someone who's just like them, someone who burns worlds the same way they do, but is capable of wrapping their arms (wings? tails? whatever) around Ghidorah and holding them in one place—whether that's "one place" physically or emotionally.
He's just tired of floating through outer space in asteroids.
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Here's one of many edits flooding in from this weekend's shoot. I'll spread them out in between other stuff so y'all don't get sick of it Group @texas.shooters 📸 @khouse.studios Hair @lina.in.sugarland Makeup @dollfacestudiotx and @bettiegloryrose Location @thesilohouston #apocalypse #postapocalyptic #postapocalypto #madmax #makeupartist #muah #muahouston #sniper #wastelands #endoftheworld #endoftheworldasweknowit #survival #houstoncosplayer #houston_photographers #houstontexas #houstonmodel #htown #htx #cosplayersofinsta #cosplaygirls #projectwasteland #projectrunway (at The Silo) https://www.instagram.com/christinamcdanielofficial/p/Bv2zZOZjXie/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jlddmr9gfz8m
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brettrileywrites · 3 years
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Y'all. Follow the link below to watch the book trailer for LORD OF ORDER, courtesy of the fine folks at @imbrifexbooks #fiction #dystopian #fictionbooks #postapocalyptic #neworleans #writingcommunity #writersofinstagram #writers #author #authorsofinstagram https://www.facebook.com/imbrifex/videos/502856877506812/ https://www.instagram.com/p/COb8dG8BBpo/?igshid=x3qle1b5ft6k
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oldrowx · 4 years
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Crusader - did some original stuff for a change . She's disguising as a beggar to see if strangers she meets are worth helping 🙂 . Took a few days off posting to look on my general direction I'll be working on and try out some wild stuff but I'll try to get more stuff on . Hope y'all are doing good ♥️ . . . #oc #crusader #modern #postapocalyptic #digitalart #digitalpainting #painting #drawing #digitalartist #conceptart #conceptartist #illustration #portraitpainting #painting #artstation #deviantart #cintiq #wacom #photoshop (at Athens, Greece) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIgyc78gC7F/?igshid=1r9l8m2z5h5a2
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coldslutsonfire · 7 years
Currently #slapping some new videos into shape! But in the mean time see my #bouview #reviewvideo of @bouletbrothersdragula episode 7 with @kendraonixxx and @missgiaferrari if you haven't already! Also, check out my recent #interview with @jakeyoncetv and there's another one coming with him on New Years Day! Hey, and thanks everyone who preordered my TSHIRT! I sold out of my 45 shirt order so I added 5 more! Y'all rock! #disasterina #modernprimitive #madmax #postapocalyptic #dragulaseason2 #dragula #dragmakeup #trashqueen
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eswynn · 5 years
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Reading alongside some fantastic LGBTQ+ authors at Time Tested Books in Sacramento tonight! Readings start at 7 and go until 8:30! Hope to see y'all there! @timetestedbooks #timetestedbooks #lgbtq #prose #author #authorsofinstagram #books #bookstagram #scifi #poetry #postapocalyptic https://www.instagram.com/p/ByZBlKSnYkU/?igshid=kofqfo4twpli
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missmonstermel · 7 years
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Been working on some knee armor for my Wasteland costume - y'all want me to make blanks available? #missmonster #missmonstermel #armor #wasteland #postapocalyptic
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Reviews are in y'all. . Oh god yes ma'am. . . This is where it's at! So who's getting this game y'all O. . .#redlynxstudio .#trialsrising #ubisoft . #farcrynewdawn #ubisoft #xboxone #ps4 #pcgaming #farcry5 #postapocalyptic #gaming https://www.instagram.com/p/BuU_2IiFG7a/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1d40scjuciz3h
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copperdachshund · 7 years
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Y'all, I seriously need this in my life. Seriously. 😍💚💛💜🖤 @Regrann from @steampunk.daily - Image by @musatjahjono ------ One of the cool little Micro Bus I got involve in 🙏🏼✍🏻| Steampunk Mode #tophats #steampunkstyle #postapocalypse #skeletons #oddities #postapocalypticfashion #postapocalyptic #steampunkart #steampunkaccessories #oddity - #regrann (at Fort Worth, Texas)
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arwenstarsong · 7 years
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Been hit with so much inspiration this year already. I'd like to introduce my new aesthetic. It is a combo of both Witch clothing and Postapocalyptic fashion. :). I am hoping to create a better personality this year. As far as the name of the band I wish to create, I want to call it Aasimarian. After the aasimar race of dungeons and dragons. Lol just a thought. But I am in the middle of thinking of ideas for my first little acoustic show. It is gonna be a picnic or a night at a venue. Hopefully a picnic cause those are nice and it'd be comfortable for me as well as those who attend. Plus y'all can bring food. Anyways... more stuffs coming soon. So I'll keep ya posted. #music #musician #youtube #indie #indierock #symphonicmetal #ladiesofsymphonicmetal #metal #indierock #music #singer #arwenstarsong #musicscene #snapchat #musicianlife #musiccareer #singing #music #singer #arwenstarsong #musicianlife #metalqueeninthemaking #bandmates #indiemusic #debutcoming #debut
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requiem-guy · 7 years
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Howdy y'all... Long time, no see... Should have posted this a while back... #drawings #drawing #sketches #sketching #quicksketch #traditionalart #postapocalyptic #cyberpunk #mechanical #wasteland #futuristic #scifi #scavenger #characterdesign #costumedesign #armor #cyborg #android #robot #strongerthanever #longlost #howdy http://ift.tt/2ybMXBH
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newpioneers · 7 years
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@errefarias killing it. This is just a very small part of a huge spread. Can't wait for y'all to see it. ##cyberpunk #romance #scifi #coffee #cocktails #comics #comicbooks #newcomics #comix #webcomics #creatorowned #imagecomics #artistsoninstagram #comicart #comicwriting #postapocalypse #postapocalyptic #illustration #comixology
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